#yandere! thorfinn
shinjisdone · 9 months
Yandere Thorfinn And The Things He Does (For You)
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In which you have joined Askeladd’s band…and grow closer to the Son of Thors. However, it seems like this was a mistake...for your bond might get twisted.
[Headcanons of how it would be like to crawl your way into Yandere Thorfinn’s heart (based on season 1;]
@luopenis , @jinsecho , @mitsureigen @theknightssecrets
This t h I n g has been rotting in my drafts since JUNE
This is honestly just a uh Yandere version of the 5.1 and 5.2 HTSAWH posts 😬 the insane potential Thorfinn as a Yandere has in S1 and S2 got me in a chokehold.
I started it, got writer's block and then wanted to finish the S1 HTSAWH series first cause this one just goes at it. It devours.
Remember when I started with 'Thorfinn won't ever admit anything?' That still rings true.
However, this time it seems like he knows what he is feeling. It feels like an aching softness he feels whenever he sees you, a warmth that almost burns him and spreads out from his heart. Longing that twists and turns like a mad snake.
These butterflies and the beating of his heart are as clear the shine of the sun and the cold of snow. He can feel it, physically feel it pumping through his body at the mere thought of you.
He cannot explain it nor knows when it started but he doesn't mind either way. Far from it.
He is young and stubborn. A side of him doesn't want to accept such mushy emotions but he has no strength nor will power to even attempt at fighting it all back. He is still boyish, still inexperienced and it all feels so good. He wants to let his heart give in.
The blonde is good at masking it though. Mostly because his life is so hectic that he never really gets the chance to indulge in anything, lest his feelings and inclinations.
I can still imagine him acting non-affectionate with you. Dragging, pushing and pulling. Though his touch is akin to velvet gloves and he tends to touch you far, far, far too much and a whole lot more.
The pushes are there but brief with his hand on your back - and once he gently shoves you, his hand is right back where it orginally was. Broad and warm palm pressed against your skin for support.
Dragging you because you talked too long to someone else? Of course. Taking you elsewhere since your eyes seem to wander to something else? Sure. Simply wanting you to be somewhere else with no one but Thorfinn? Why, yes.
While doing so he often gets the urge to have his hold slip down from your wrist to your hand and firmly hold it. He wants your fingers to clasp around his hand and hold it. Hold his hand. He bets yours is warm.
Though he is too embarrased to do so...and he won't have an answer or comeback if you question him on the sudden change of behaviour.
Pulling? What he pulls he wants to pull on your heart strings like you do his is usually you closer to him for safety or warmth. Wrapping an arm around you and pressing you to his side, either for others to get the message that you are NOT to be attacked or to keep warm in the cold mornings. He doesn't mind either way and it is one of the many things he likes to do most. It's warm and comfortable, makes his heart sing to have you this close, it makes him feel like a protector and that you belong together. Neither of you need anyone else. It's you and Thorfinn against the world.
He is scarce with his words when he initiates any kind of physical contact but his touch is gentler than a mother's.
He still likes to pull on your hair, briefly though and just to annoy you.
Thorfinn likes your hair...he pulls on it to annoy you but also to just feel it for a second at least.
Signs of affection or intimacy coming from you is different however.
The one thing that makes Thorfinn spiral down into his lovesickness and hits him with a tsunami of realization of his feelings for you is when you smile.
Your lives aren't easy being part of Askeladd's band. The fighting, the killing, the surviving, the cruelty and mockery of Askeladd and his men - it gives no one a reason to be even joyful for a moment, really. He knows he doesn't. The only reason he can find himself smiling for is you.
So it almost is akin to a miracle when your eyes crinkle and the corners of your mouth go up so naturally because it is so rare. When your grin already rivals the sun and you accompany it with laughter? It's like Thorfinn is transported to a different life entirely.
A life where you two share joy. Where it is only you two.
99% of the time you are smiling because of him since the young man is the only one you really have, at least as a source of companionship, kindness and comfort.
And 99% of the time when you smile you are looking straight at him.
He caught his breath and right there is the realization of his feelings. Of the fact that the cold and brooding viking boy has normal feelings, feelings for someone, and they are this deep and sweet too.
His heart is trying to rip out his chest and the sight of you makes him feel so special. He can make you feel this way, can make you happy even if it is for a moment. No one but him should see it.
At the same time he is blown away by your smile's beauty. He can't remember the last time he ever saw someone smile (it was a long time ago, 11 years) and he never knew a smile could look this stunning. But then, he comes to realize, it is only stunning because it belongs to you.
He freezes up as if you had stabbed him. You grow concerned, asking what's wrong before he avoids your gaze and turns away a few moments later. The young man still needs to digest your words, laughter and smile before a small one appears on his face. It was nice...
But when he turns around, your smile is gone already. Of course you won't be standing there grinning like an idiot, especially after Thorfinn weirdly zoned out there. It deflates him a bit and only makes him more determined to make you smile each time he sees you like that.
You're beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
And when you say or do something affectionate? Thorfinn dies.
Again, he freezes up like a cat before really getting used to it. Even when your touches have a logical reason behind them (fingers grazing over his skin while checking for injuries), the blonde melts anyway. Its...foreign and different and so, so soothing. He likes it quite a bit but won't ever admit so.
In fact, once gets really used to it and your soft touch becomes a routine, Thorfinn really leans into it. Closing his eyes and letting out such a tired sigh as if he had been holding it for months. It's therapeutic for him, really, almost like a release of all tensions. Nothing but you wander his mind and soul right now in moments like these.
When you usher him to wake up by tapping his face he sometimes pretends to be still asleep just so you'd touch him more. When you come closer to his face and speak louder with your breath fawning over his lips...his heart picks up and before an excited smile overcomes him, the lad 'wakes up' (and annoyingly tells you to be quiet. Partly not to blow his cover but also to joke).
The moment your fingers glide over his palm as he leads you elsewhere OMG OMG OMG. As if you want to hold his hand...while Thorfinn gazes ahead with stern eyes he is waiting with bated breath on your next move only to feel the disappointment grow when you aren't reaching out to hold his hand. He blushes profusely at the realization, feeling embarassed.
When out camping, you can be sure Thorfinn will not let you out of his sight ONCE. Especially after Askeladd's attempt at killing you, the thought of leaving you alone would not cross his mind once (even if Askeladd's stunt didn't happen).
Sitting on opposite ends makes more sense to watch you but he quickly finds out that he much rather prefers to be as close to you as possible (what a great opportunity to wrap his arm around you to keep you warm at the fire place). Nevertheless his stare seems stern and dark as he watches and listens like a guard dog. What matters most is your safety, that's something he knew from the very start, whether he was lovesick before or not.
Might end up staying up all night keeping you safe. Watches you often just to see the rise of your chest as you sleep peacefully. It makes him calm and slightly proud as he's doing a good job so far.
During the night he keeps checking if you are sweating, too hot/too cold. Will take off his own cloak and wrap it around you/off you when needed.
There are nights where he just stares at you with an unreadable gaze. His body is moving on his own, it's as if there are no thoughts in his head and he's just following instincts. His fingers graze your cheek and brush your hair out of your face. It's fascinating to watch you like this.
You aren't glaring, frowning or smiling. All of your muscles are relaxed as you sleep peacefully as if nothing in this world could hurt you (Thorfinn couldn't and wouldn't let that happen). The blonde leans further down to get a closer look and will just...stay like this, watching. Watching your chest rise, how your breath leaves your parted lips, how the light of the fire engulfs your form.
It's...enchanting. That's the only word he can find that fits what he's feeling.
Whatever you two decide to do, Thorfinn will wordlessly be deciding to be joined at the hip even if you don't need him or suggest to split up. "No." He bluntly tells you as he glares but his eyes are soft as he does. His tone is not, however.
It's simply out of the question. He can be as loving as he wants to be but the viking will NEVER EVER leave you alone, or leave you entirely. No, you are far too important, far too precious.
He doesn't let you leave either. When he trains, he doesn't let you stray far. When he eats, sleeps and kills, you are to be close. Even in his many duels with Askeladd does he want you to be in the first row to watch him, watch him win (he never does but is stubborn enough to delude himself into believing it).
Whenever you decide that you are not needed in this situation/activity and attempt to leave, Thorfinn will call out and stop you. "Where are you going? Stay here." He's blunt and gives no explanation on why except by broadly mentioning possible dangers and that there is nothing out there to go to anyway. Where are you going in this dense, lonely forest? If anything, you're just gonna get attacked by a boar. Stay here with him or let him come with you. These are always your only two options.
Bathing is a necessetiy but usually not for Thorfinn. He'll gladly drop everything if you want to go bathe so that he can keep watch for you and your belongings. However, the young man usually ends up bathing too once you convince him.
Take all the time that you need, Thorfinn is ready to keep guard until dusk if necessary. He'd stay still like a statue with the eyes of a hawk for any potential dangers. Your belongings are right there at his feet.
Now, this can be easy to misunderstand hence why Thorfinn never lets himself be caught...but he takes glimpses of you while you bathe. Not for perverted reasons but because he...simply wants to. A lot of the rather quiet things he does for you and to you are most of the time always something akin to instincts. Thorfinn is fond of you, very much so, which is why his hand is reaching for yours on its own. It's the reason why he shoves you behind him during battle, why he seems to want to caress your hair, why he almost automatically always sits near you and why he wants to watch you bathe. He doesn't even really know what this is and if they can really be called 'instincts'...but he doesn't mind it and doesn't question it. It feels right.
Your face is beautiful. Your smile is beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful. Your form is beautiful. So he wants to see your nude body because he is certain it is beautiful, too.
And he's right. You're beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
This is never going to happen since he prioritizes your safety above all else and will always keep watch, but Thorfinn would like to bathe with you. Just once.
Again, not for any perverted reasons but because the intimacy would make it so special. Both of you don't trust anyone but each other so only you two could see each other like this. No one else.
No one else could wash your and his back, no one else would be able to see your beauty like Thorfinn can.
It's wish thinking, really, really wish thinking but he would love to embrace your nude body flush against his. The warmth of your naked skins against each other in the water with the sun shining down...the closeness, the intimacy, the warmth. It's a dream he is longing for even if he does so secretly.
The bond the two of you have is just this special. Nothing and no one could sever or replicate it. He really likes the feeling of the world being your enemy and you two being the other's only companion. Just you and him. You and him. You and him.
Grooming is done together as well.
Brushing his hair is...embarassing but it feels so good. His heart is pumping feeling you so close, your hands running through his hair, maybe you even hum or just talk...
It's embarassing...but it's so nice. Nice enough that he'll let you brush his hair more often, as well as cut it if you want.
Thorfinn would only do it when necessary though. Your touch is nice but goodness, it's not the only way he can melt and revel at your kindness. Brushing and cutting hair is just a way to enjoy your touch in a different way.
Will close his eyes, flush a bright red and usually ends up leaning against you in his sitting position. It's nice. Do continue and do whatever else you want, too. It just adds to the experience.
Though the blonde is a bit too flustered to talk back if you converse with him.
He'll gladly cut and brush your hair. Uses the opportunity to run his fingers through your hair again and again and again and again. The urge to do this just overtakes him and even if he looks very concentrated with his usual scowl, believe him that he is thoroughly enjoying this.
Tries bis best to cut your hair the way you want it to...but he's still not good at it. He learns with each session so give him time. Additionally, he very much likes to cut your hair with his dagger. It gives him a little boost, a sense of purpose that the weapon that already protects you now grooms your hair. Thorfinn's dagger, which belonged to his father, is protecting, helping and grooming you, doing everything for you - and in a way, Thorfinn is doing all of this since he is wielding the blade. Whenever he wields the dagger for you no matter for what reason, it gives him a boost of self-confidence as your protector - which he heavily sees himself as.
Yes, Thorfinn very much so sees himself as your protector, even if you don't agree. In fact, he won't care what you or others think, Thorfinn IS your protector. There is no doubt about in his mind.
When fighting, there are only three important things: Survival, holding up a deal to get a duel with Askeladd and your safety. You are the priority.
So the blonde won't care what he has to do, what he must endure or who has to die to keep you safe. Thorfinn utterly despises the fact that you are often on the battlefield and that Askeladd out of all people are ordering you to fight vexes him even more. You shouldn't be fighting. You shouldn't be any where near danger, you are supposed to be away in a safe place waiting for him. Waiting for your protector, your Thorfinn. (In his mind he belongs to you).
So he gets extra pissy and aggressive on the battlefield, shoving you behind him, shushing you when you disagree and yelling at you to stay away! No more fighting for you! He doesn't care what he has to do or how he has to convince Askeladd but you are not. Going. To fight. Anymore.
Due to the sudden aggessiveness and adrenaline, Thorfinn becomes a beast during fights. There is no mercy in his eyes nor heart as he slaughters one enemy after another, as if they were twigs he pushes away while running through a forest.
Anything can be a danger to you. You could die and that's a thought he cannot actually bear!
No. No, no, no, no, no. It won't happen. It won't happen. It won't happen.
Screaming like a banshee as these words are repeating in his head. He stabs and stabs and stabs and seems lost and drowning in his anger, in his fear and squashes it all down with sheer determination. As long as he can take a breath, there will not be a single hair on your head harmed.
In the aftermath, after making sure every single enemy is dead on the ground will Thorfinn run back to you. He is covered in blood and his hands are desperately tight on his two daggers just in case anything might happen. His eyes are wide as blood runs down his face, panting. Once he found you he has to abruptly stop before he might run into you.
The first thing he does is mumble your name as he slowly awakens from his bloodied trance and his eyes that seemed so glazed over now narrow. He screams at you that you weren't supposed to fight, that you shouldn't do it again. Don't ever get involved in a battle again, no matter what that bastard Askeladd tells you!
Thorfinn is not really angry at you but rather still emotional ober the possibility that you could have died. That's not something he can allow and still lost in his rather emotional state - in fact, the viking boy always follows his emotions and guts as if they were a guidepost - he yells at you. He needs some time to calm down again.
However, you are calling him out as well that he just charged in there and that you had to fight! You cannot just turn your back especially when Askeladd is the one who brought you into this situation! Screaming at you won't change anything!
The young man is stumped for a bit and calms gradually down. Finally the daggers are put away and he keeps on interrupting himself as he struggles to voice out his feelings. "You could've died." He bluntly lets out before adjusting his stance. His hands reach out to your arms. "Let me look at your wounds".
He's trying to avoid his own emotions - he's too overwhelmed and doesn't know how to express himself. First he was scared for your life, then screams at you, can only see red...but he should be paying attention to you. You are what matters.
But once you shake your head and tell him you have none because he charged into battle like a boar...he goes silent again. His hands get ahold of your arms finally and he's looking you up and down, from head to toe.
An eerie grin appears on his face.
"...Good. Good." He absent-mindedly nods and rubs your arm.
Good. This is very good.
Thorfinn protected you. You are unharmed because he suceeded in protecting you, just like how it should be. This is how it always should be.
You snap him out of his trance when pointing all the blood on him. Thorfinn is the one wounded, why is he not looking after himself?
Because you matter first - that is his very first thought but he doesn't say it. He can't...not yet.
Ushering him to let you look at his injuries, the blonde complies with that eerie grin again. He lets you do anything you deem necessary to him while staring either into space or at you with that eerie smile. He basks in your concern especially if you dote on him.
He likes this. This is how it always should be. Thorfinn won't let anything go near you, he will fight for you, kill those that have the gall and arrogance to do you harm (because they deserve it. Anyone who thinks they can do anything to you deserves to be killed by him and only him) and return to you, into your arms, as your protector. He doesn't mind the blood that taints his face, hands and soul nor the stabs and broken bones in his body so long you are safe. And not just 'safe'...but safe with Thorfinn, because of Thorfinn. He wants to be your sole protection and he already is. You don't need anyone else.
And now here he is lying down and gazing at your beautiful, worried face as you tend and dote on him. He'd rather be nowhere else but here.
And if you do somehow get injured? The perpatrator will be met with a beast.
If you got hurt there is a high chance Thorfinn will just see red. Screams like a banshee and goes for the perperator to finish them off again and again and again. He'll pant like a dog after the deed is done and would need to collect himself before his thought process goes from "getting rid of the threat" to "you are hurt".
His clothes heavy, dripping with blood he hurries to you and in moments of panic, tend to your injuries as fast as possible.
In his mind, the faster you are tended to, the better.
However, his movements are hectic. Thorfinn cannot stand the sight of you hurt and he just believes he must fix it. Fast.
It is akin to a fight-or-flight response. Your injured body is something that brings stress and panic, so he acts accordingly to it. As hectic as he is, it is just as painful to be treated by him but the blonde always manages to tend you right.
Only after your are treated can Thorfinn let out a sigh of relieve. He'll sit next to you, glancing every other second to make sure you are okay. He keeps an keen eye on you until you are better.
If the injury is severe, expect him to embrace and press you close to him. Eyes blown wide as he pressed your head close, not believing how close to death you were. He says nothing but attmepts to collect his thoughts, breathing heavily.
At the least, he will sit close and hold your hand. At most, he'll have you sit on his lap as his arms are protectively wrapped around you (or he shifts his legs so you'll sit on the ground). He...must have a grip on you after all this. He must.
Once the day slowly ends, and you two are fortunate enough to find a stable or any other shelter, you might find Thorfinn to be quite...clingy.
It's strange. There are instances where he is exhausted and just falls on a hill of hay with a thump. Though as he lays there and turns to your direction, he reaches out his arm.
It's an invitation that slowly turned into a demand for you to come close. Sit or lay down, it doesn't matter to him. What does matter is that you are close. Close enough for Thorfinn.
If there are other balls or hills of hay where you'd like to sleep, Thorfinn will "prohibit" it grumpily and tells you to come closer. Close enough that if something were to happen, he can easily reach out to you. Without getting up but by simply leaning and stretching his body.
It stems from his overprotectiveness but also for his need of comfort (which he'd never admit). Nightmares are his familiars and if - rather when - they plague him again and he awakens with a start - you'll be there. You, beautiful, beautiful you and he can easily reach out for you. Grab your wrist or hand, anything, and have your touch as comfort to fall back asleep again.
After all, when he wakes up, either through another nightmare or by the rays of the sun, he'll still have you in his grasp and you'll still be there. It comforts him. Makes him believe everything is going to be okay.
However, there is seldomly, seldomly, seldomly, seldomly a chance where he feels bold and excited and overconfident when he tells you to come even closer.
It's a stark contrast to the usual Thorfinn, for the Thorfinn that isn't lovesick. He'd never ask or be vocal about wanting to be close, about wanting you to be in his arms as you sleep. Its...shocking but not the first time he requested this.
Well, winter is here. The cold, biting wind creaking its way into the open stable and it only makes sense.
Being close in each others' warmth prevents you from freezing to death, it only makes sense.
It isn't the first time.
However, cuddling with him isn't as easy as he makes it out to be. Actually laying down and shooting closer with your arms around each other flusters Thorfinn immensely. He only gingerly places his hands on your back and seems to grunt quietly, eyes darting. Once you finally settled in and wrapped your own arms around him, does he go awfully silent.
He clears his throat, grunts and blinks, glancing around between you and anything else. Thorfinn is excited yet flustered, happy yet nervous. It was a mix of emotions whirling inside him and now that...he got what he wanted, he doesn't know what to do.
If his odd behavior concerns you, you could let out a soft 'is this okay?'
The blonde's breath hitches - then he hesitates. A moment later, he nods in a way that you almost reckon to be timid but surely not Thorfinn?
While cuddling, Thorfinn will surely stare at you. Stare at your face with an unblinking gaze. He'd do so while you sleep and while you are awake.
You can tell him how uncomfortable it makes you which he'll reply to with the quietest 'right' and 'sorry'. Nevertheless, he'd continue to do so anyhow as long as you dont notice.
You're just...nice. So nice to look at. He rarely gets to see you so close in a place and time where everything is so peaceful.
Alone in the hay, inside a barn. At night where there are no marches or sails, where he musn't kill anyone to get a duel with Askeladd, where there are no bandmates with their vile behavior. Only you and him and the quiet.
It's where he can be...anything. A sense of belonging and freedom that is so exciting.
He can just look at you.
If you are female, Thorfinn would definitely be more flustered.
Women aren't often seen in the band and the young viking definitely never had been so close to one before. Having your body so close is...nerve-wrecking. But he likes it.
Thorfinn would generally try - keyword try - to somehow snuggle into you. The mere thought makes his heart pound even of he doesn't understand why. He slightly pulls you closer by the hands on your back and awkwardly tilt his head to be rested on your shoulder. Or head. Or chest.
It is daunting but he wants it.
Since there is definitely trust between the two of you, you'd at least snuggle once. Laying the head on the shoulder, head to head, to the chest...
If you initiate it, Thorfinn would freeze up but be glad for you can't see the exciting grin spreading on his face. It would encourage him to press you as close to him as possible.
If Thorfinn initiates it, it is very sublte, bashful until he fully and willingly tries to mold into your body. Inhaling your scent (even if you stink) and eerily grinning at the intimacy. It's new and peaceful and calm. So good, so good and not violent. Not grueling, not resulting into any bruises and broken bones. It's a world where only you and him reside. Only you and him.
He wishes nights like these are forever.
It's become less about keeping each other warm - it is the very instances where Thorfinn can indulge in his desires and feelings, his inclinations.
And each time you grow so close in each other's arms, does his willingness to indulge grow.
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
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☾ Yandere Thorfinn ☾
"Hmm. There is nowhere you can hide among all of these lands where I won't find you. For even the gods would fear my wrath if they took you from my arms."
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4seasonsofart · 11 months
Thinking about a poly Thorfinn/Canute/Reader and they both happen to be yanderes. They meet you while Thorfinn and you were guarding the young prince. Thorfinn has known you for several years and has grown close to you over that time, so naturally he is possessive and overprotective of you. You are in a band of ruthless mercenaries, not to mention Askeladd; why wouldn't he act the least bit protective over you?
Then you add Canute to the mix, and suddenly Thorfinn is threatening to knife anyone who comes close enough to either of you two. For what it's worth, his feelings stem from his fear of losing the only healthy person who has been consistent in his life. His father was killed, Askeladd is toxic, and the rest of the band just has bloodlust. Okay, maybe Bjorn is a small exception because he does act like a mother towards Thorfinn sometimes but still ultimately sides with Askeladd. Still, you are the only one who is allowed to patch up his wounds and sleep next to him at night.
So then we have Canute, who is barely able to talk with you because Thorfinn is staring daggers (both figuratively and literally) at him. So as their travels progress and Canite gets bolder, he slowly grows closer to you, and Thorfinn hates that. He would kill the pretty little blonde if it weren't for Askeladd promising him a duel if he kept the prince safe.
One night, it all comes to a climax when you are sleeping next to Thorfinn. They both end up in an argument over their behavior, and Thorfinn accidentally outs himself.
"Why do you have to be such a stupid, pretty little blonde?"
"You think I'm pretty Thorfinn?"
"That's not what I meant, Princess."
Thorfinn gets all pouty and embarrassed.
Canute feels like he has the upper hand just this once, so he proposes sharing you between the two young men. Thorfinn is almost entirely opposed to this idea, but for some odd reason, he nods and agrees with Canute. Only if Thorfinn is allowed to stay near you at all times.
Thorfinn and Canute are two completely different yanderes whose tendencies stem from the same thing: fear. Thorfinn has a fear of losing you and wants your love and attention (even if he won't admit it). Canute has a fear of not being loved, as he isn't loved by his father, and he wants to be loved by the person who has shown him some love. Thorfinn is aggressive and very outward about how protective he is of you, while Canute opts for a more quiet and cunning approach. Oh, they were bothering you? Either Thorfinn is straight up murdering them, or Canute will order someone to take care of them for him. Thorfinn needs your attention and praise constantly (in his distant and grumpy way), while Canute is content just being looked at by you. Thorfinn is possessive, while Canute is obsessive. Canute will practically worship the land you walk on, while Thorfinn will see you as his only equal.
They are opposites, yet they mesh well together.
They don't realize that they also have feelings for each other until after the King and Askeladd's deaths. Thorfinn was so very torn as he saw you standing near Canute with a shocked and pained expression on your face. He felt his heart and trust break into so many pieces as he saw Canute open and vulnerable for a killing strike. Yet he only slashed the edge of Canute's cheek as he realized that he couldn't kill the pretty little blonde. He couldn't hurt or be mad at you either. He just felt confused.
Canute knows that he has to act like a leader, so he orders everyone out except for you and Thorfinn.
Canute confesses that he has developed romantic feelings for both you and Thorfinn during your travels together. He thought you both looked so attractive while protecting him from people trying to kill him. He states that he is unable to live a life if Thorfinn hates him, and he offers Thorfinn the sword that killed Askeladd to slit his throat if he would like. Thorfinn takes the sword and shakes as tears escape his eyes. He can't. He can't kill the stupid blonde. He loves him. He loves you. He loves how you constantly care for him and stay near him even when he pushes you away. He loves Canute because he just loves him. He doesn't know when he started, and he is scared that he won't be able to stop.
He allows the sword to clatter onto the ground as he pulls both of you into a tight and warm hug.
Cue Canutes religious guilt and his breakdown of what his beliefs are all while romantically loving two people, one of whom is a man.
You stare at them with a perplexed expression as they both clumsily confess their love for you as well (leaving out that they will and have already murdered for you).
The only question that remains is: What will happen next? Will all three of you live with Canute? Will Thorfinn start a journey of self-discovery and end up traveling to Vinland? Will you ever figure out that their love isn't so innocent and that you won't ever escape from them?
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lexalotli · 20 days
Slightly Yandere!Canute x Thorfinn
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I saw this post about how there isn’t more like dark Canute and how it would make sense, how he’d see Thorfinn as the one who got away (though that’s technically his own fault but whatever lol).
I’ve been thinking about this for two days, so I wrote a stream-of-consciousness thing. (Yes, I know season 2 has been out for a year lol) It’s probably slightly disjointed because I wanted to get all my thoughts down but I hope people enjoy. :)
Thorfinn was terrible, frightening, rude. His tongue was as sharp as his daggers, cutting deep, seeking to destroy. He was disrespectful, bitter, and when he wasn’t focused on challenging Askeladd to a duel, he was unkempt, somehow finding newer ways to disgust Canute.
Thorfinn was base and crass, though not in the same way the rest of the crew of Vikings were. He was efficient in killing, but never took pleasure from it. He always insulted Canute’s effeminate nature, yet always seemed to be by his side when he needed to be. He was there in that strange way he tended to be after Ragnar was killed, and even though he bore a constant scowl, his face took on a boyish softness in his sleep.
He was short in stature, feral like a wild puppy. Thorfinn was beautiful. Thorfinn was terrible. Thorfinn was like the storm, like lightning striking the ground. He was a victim and a perpetrator of their cruel world. Yet, he was somehow set apart from it, holy in his own way. He was a like a wooden idol that one locked away in the innermost sanctum of his home. If he locked Thorfinn away, would he finally be at peace? Would his nightmares end? Would he accept Canute’s love?
Such thoughts used to be troubling, back when Canute was a more religious man. Such thoughts were already bordering on blasphemy, a worship of the creature instead of the Creator. However, they became evidence of Canute’s own tendency to discriminate, to favor one vassal over all others, a tendency that only led to more heartbreak, more bloodshed in the end.
So, when he sent Thorfinn away, he wanted to feel relief that he wasn’t a hypocrite, that he could live up to his own ordeals, that he was capable of bringing forth his utopia. The broken look in Thorfinn’s eyes was more than enough evidence that he was only a man. However, Canute wished he would have locked him away instead, kept him hidden away, so that he wouldn’t have felt so empty.
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soulsnatcher0xx · 2 years
Yandere king X Reader
Tittle: I change my mind. 
when you just turn 20 years old your life forever changes when you heard from your parents that you would be wed off to the infamous king from the north. You never wanted to marry someone as the king because you have heard rumor of him beheading his late wife's head. but the less you didn't want to think badly about anyone so you agreed to marry Thorfinn from vinland. Two weeks later you were ship to vinland where Thorfinn live and not long after you were wed to him, you find out soon after that he has 3 children and he love them dearly but you on the other hand was childless and you like to keep it that way because you never want to have children with him. The reason is because you been hiding a dark secret even form your more powerful family because you didn't want to cost bloodshed for your own selfish desires so for now on you have to lay low and think of a plans.  
You were spending time with his children this afternoon, being the best mother, you could be to them because after 2 years of being marry to Thorfinn you come to love his children and care for them as your own. You were playing card game with when they were called, it was time for them to go and get ready for bedtime. You went to take a bath and sent your servant away since you like to be alone and think to yourself, something you always enjoy as you grow older. As you walk out of the bathroom in your night gown, your husband walk in because if they are servant, they would always knock beforehand, or you are informed about them. As always you smell his drunk state and female scent on him but you say nothing to him as you don't care. you have been knowing that on the day of your wedding night, he went to another women bedroom and never consummated the marriage with you and honestly you were fine with that because as the day passes you begin to see his true color. He never cares about you and as he said he hate you and everything about you, but you being the good person you are, you never mention the awful things he has done behind your back or the poor treatment he shown you. As Thorfinn lay down next to you, he started to wonder why you never questioned where he has been or what he has done, it almost started to bother him to the bone. He turns to face your sleeping form as you curl up to yourself almost as a baby bird kick to the curb. He reaches out to touch your face when suddenly you open your big e/c and stare right into his ocean one and for the first time in his lifetime, he felt his heart skip a beat. He all of a sudden grab your hair and pull you in for a rough kiss, it caught you off guard and you didn't understand what change, but you know you don't want to be with him, nor you want the title of a queen. You rather live poor with the love of your life then with someone who have no respect whatsoever for you. So you put your hands on his chest and push him away. 
“I made a new arrangement for someone else to be your queen and i will be sent to become a nun because in here i have no reason to stay with you and I'm no use to you.” 
y/n said as she turns away from Thorfinn and that night after your conversation with him he seems to become a new person. He treats you more kind and you soon learn that his kingdom has become more powerful than your family. All the more reason for you to get out of this marriage and you insist on that. Since he cannot change your mind of being a nun, he will give you a reason to stay with him. he thought of a plan as he watches you play with his children blow low in the garden. 
Y/n was informed that her estranged husband was going eat dinner with her that night and she had a bad feeling about it but she put her guts feeling to the side and push though. As she ate the food, it was saltier then usually so she quickly drink her glass of water. After a while y/n began to feel lightheaded and soon after she went out like a candle. 
“I will give you a reason to stay.”  Thorfinn said as he unbuttons y/n corset. The smile on his face growing wider. 
let me know if you want a part two.  
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halaxia · 1 year
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。 request rules !
please refer to these before requesting anything as if the request doesn’t abide by these rules then i won’t be writing it, thank you!!!
please specify the gender pronouns you would like for me to use and if you would like nsfw to be afab reader or not—otherwise, i will write requests for a gender-neutral reader :)
not what you were looking for?
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— what i won’t write :
- rape, noncon, etc.
- smut (i’m bad at it)
- incest
- male!reader
- any kinks including intense physical/mental harm
- eating disorders
- pregnancy/miscarriage
- yandere
— what i will write :
- pretty much anything else lol
- suggestive content
- fem!reader, gn!reader, afab!reader
- suicidal themes (not overly graphic)
- fluff, angst, dark content (as long as it abides by the rules above)
- alternate universes
thank you for reading :)
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— who i write for :
this list is changing often—if you don’t see a character here you would like to request, shoot me and ask and i’ll let you know if i’ll write them or not :) (bolded characters are who i enjoy writing the most)
attack on titan
╰┈➤ eren yeager, levi ackerman, jean kirschtein, connie springer, armin arlert, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, porco galliard.
╰┈➤ kurosaki ichigo, abarai renji, kuchki byakuya, hisagi shuhei, urahara keisuke, uryu ishida, shihoin yoruichi, aizen sosuke, ayasegawa yumichika, ichimaru gin, ukitake jushiro, hirako shinji, kira izuru, ulquiorra cifer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez.
bungo stray dogs
╰┈➤ dazai osamu, akutagawa ryunosuke, fukuzawa yukichi, nakajima atsushi, edogawa ranpo, nakahara chuuya.
chainsaw man
╰┈➤ hayakawa aki, denji, power, hirofumi yoshida.
demon slayer
╰┈➤ kamado tanjiro, uzui tengen, rengoku kyojuro, tomioka giyuu, iguru obanai.
final fantasy vii
╰┈➤ cloud strife, sephiroth
jojo’s bizarre adventure
╰┈➤ joseph joestar, caesar zepelli, kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriyaki, higashikata josuke, kishibe rohan, jolyne kujo.
jujutsu kaisen
╰┈➤ geto suguru, gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, itadori yuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, nanami kento, mahito, kamo choso, higuruma hiromi, shiu kong.
my hero academia
╰┈➤ dabi, shigaraki tomura, hawks, shoto aizawa, todoroki shoto.
obey me!
╰┈➤ lucifer, mammon, asmodeus, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, satan, barbatos, simeon, soloman.
one piece live action
╰┈➤ roronoa zoro, sanji, shanks, luffy
spy x family
╰┈➤ loid forger.
the disastrous life of saiki k
╰┈➤ saiki kusuo, kaido shun, kuboyasu aren.
tokyo ghoul
╰┈➤ kaneki ken, nagachika hideyoshi, nishio nishiki.
vinland saga
╰┈➤ thorfinn, canute.
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witherednonsense · 2 years
I have gotten into vinland saga recently and I gotta say that I am shocked that there are zero fics with a more yandere Canute! Especially during season 2! Canute viewing Thorfinn as the one that got away, only to reunite with him in the battle of Ketal. The way his breath gets knocked out of his lungs at seeing the bright smile Thorfinn has now. The dark feeling that rushes up to his throat when Einar places his hand on Thorfinn's shoulder and instead of jerking the hand off of him - as Thorfinn had done with almost all touch all those years ago - Thorfinn leans into it.
Give me more of a darker Canute!
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everygarm · 7 months
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Hes gay guys he literally has it for thorfinn‼️‼️ canute better keep an eye on him frfr
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rukia-writes · 1 year
Hello do u still take request in yandere thorfinn? If can can u do another NSFW yandere Thorfinn around 16 years obsessed over someone
I don’t take yandere requests in general anymore, sorry!
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ashpostsagain · 2 years
mm wan yandere cole (ninjago) or thorfinn (Vinland saga) can anyones make one?!
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Another announcement! I have recently started the Vinland saga on Netflix and let me tell y’all something,
THERE IS NOT ENOUGH VINLAND WRITERS ON THIS APP, therefore I have taken it upon myself to start writing for said series. I offer everything from fluff, smut, to my absolute favorite that I can’t ever seem to get enough of…YANDERE!!!!!!!
So if there is anyone interested just send in a request❤️
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shinjisdone · 9 months
Yandere types of my obsess- intruiging characters
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also yes i have a new obsession and his name is reaper of the bailey
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yandereunsolved · 3 months
༉‧₊˚. ⌕ 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚜 ⌕ ༉‧₊˚.
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"Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year." — Dwight Schrute, The Office
"You’re god damn right! Everything worked out according to the plan… From the very beginning! 'I just got lucky, but thinking I outsmarted him will drive Kars nuts".” — Joseph Joestar, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
“Don’t you worry. Daddy’s home.” — Billy Butcher, The Boys
— 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜 —
Benjamin 'Soldier Boy' (The Boys)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto (The Bear)
Cooper Howard 'The Ghoul' (Fallout)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Geto Suguru (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Homelander (The Boys)
Jonathan Joestar (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure)
Joseph Joestar (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure)
Lucy MacLean (Fallout)
Maximus (Fallout)
Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact)
Ryomen Sukuna (Jujustu Kaisen)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
— 𝙰𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚠/ 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎 —
Yandere Canute (Vinland Saga)
Yandere Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto (The Bear)
Yandere Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Yandere Luke Cooper (The Office)
Yandere Thorfinn (Vinland Saga)
— 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 —
Yandere Daryl Dixon taking care of traumatized reader - ,, unpolished ⋆
⋆ unpolished: not a full set of headcanons (still spellchecked)
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4seasonsofart · 11 months
Trigger warning: Yandere themes, religious trauma (Yandere Thorfinn x Canute)
Metallic splatters of the deep, bloody substance paint the ground like canvas. Mangled body parts lie strewn on the floor with a purpose, a message, a warning. A knife is dislodged from the last victim's neck, and a cloth as pure as an angel is tainted by the corpse's decaying fluid. The moonlight streams in through the old church's stained glass windows as one man's features are illuminated: Thorfinn. He moves silently and purposefully as his fingerprints are cleaned off of the bodies and his knife is stored away inside of his combat boots until its next use.
He looks towards the entrance as a man on a wooden cross hangs over the doorway. Even with his head hanging, it felt like the man was silently judging him, mocking him. He wants to burn this entire place to cinders. He wants that man on the cross to pay for his sins. No, not just being crucified; if he were still alive, Thorfinn would have something much worse in mind.
He tsks and shakes his head as he flips off the hanging man before making a decision: this place does deserve to be burned. This place deserves to go to the hell that they so preach. He wants to make them pay—every single one.
If he wants the second part of his plan to work, then he needs to act quickly. He pulls out his phone and snaps a few pictures of the carnage he created. He checks the time, and his expression contorts into something even the devil would fear: six p.m. on the dot. He's right on track.
He flips off the hanging wooden man, the dismembered flesh, and the entire world filled with hateful bigots. He grits his teeth as tears threaten to stream down his face. He doesn't; no, he won't allow them to. He has a job, and he has a mission: revenge.
He is unable to calm himself as his heart rate accelerates and the world around him begins to turn blurry. He struggles and gasps for air as his body uncontrollably trembles. He shrieks. Something so heart wrenching and primoridal that even the heavens cry. He can't believe they would do something like this. He can't believe they're so cruel.
He stumbles up the stairs towards the old church attic. He hits the wall a multitude of times as he clutches onto the fabric over his heart. His sweat and tears mix together as they fall onto the dusty wooden planks. He needs to burn this place. He needs to avenge Canute.
He grabs the attic door and swings it open carelessly as the entire church shudders around him. His aura is filled with so much spiteful hatred that anyone who gets near him may easily mistake him for a demonic presence. His calloused palms are bleeding. He doesn't know when they started or when they will stop. He only knows that this church tried to take something dear to him. A line that no one should cross unless they are allied with death. 
He shakily grabs the old rope tied to the church bell. He lurches up his breakfast, and it ends up staining the floor below him. Droplets of desperation cling to him as he chimes the bell. Once. Twice. Thrice. Quarce. Quince. Sence. He yanks on the bell so hard that his entire body recoils and his knees give in. He ends up with his knees in the remnants of his breakfast and his eyes darting back and forth wildly as if something were watching him.
His hands grasp at empty air as he shouts, swears, and curses. He throws himself against the ground with a hard thump and rolls around like a madman. He hits anything he's able to. His forehead is bleeding. His clothes have the stench of death and cornflakes. His entire soul is barely together as it stays tied by a single soul string.
He is unsure of how long he has been here. His screams eventually quiet. His wild thrashing eventually stops. His soul eventually contains itself inside his body once again. His thirst. His thirst isn't quenched. He stares at the church bell on the rickety platform and glares at it. As if it were his own worst enemy.
He balls his bloodied gashes of fists as he stalks down the rickety stairs and out towards the old church's shed. He pushes open the door as blood smears the handle, and he roughly grabs the gasoline cans he filled earlier. He walks through the ghastly halls and lines every single room with gasoline. The pews. The nursery. It's all drenched in a dark and murky oily liquid that will cause this place to go up in righteous flames.
He coats every dead body. Every person he slayed Every person who surrounded his boyfriend in a circle tried to pray the demons away. Every person began to mock and spit at him for just living. Every person who laid a hand on his lover and broke a bone in his body.
"Jesus forgives sinners, my ass." He mutters bitterly as he spits on every dead body and he drenches them in the unholy oil.
He loses count of how many bodies there are. Ten, fifteen, a hundred? He has no idea. He doesn't quite care. Their bodies will all burn the same, just like the church.
His face sours as he comes upon the person he holds the most vitriol towards. Canutes father. Sweyn. The bastard. The laziest excuse for a fucking father, if he's ever seen one, He's even worse than his old man, Askeladd.
He's the scum of the earth. He'd gladly string him up next to the hanging man if he had the time. His boot meets the corpse's throat, and he cracks it. It's a satisfying crunch under Thorfinn's heel. He smiles. He laughs. To anyone else, it would seem as if a monster escaped their cell in Hell.
He coats that damn bastard extra well as he makes his way towards the entrance. He looks up at the hanging man and flips him off again. He purses his lips as he brings out his knife and throws it at the man. His hanging head is hit square in the middle. He is no longer mocking or judging him. The hanging man is sorrowful and scared.
He doesn't care to retrieve his knife. Who gives a fuck? Let the police find him if they want. He'll slaughter them as well. No one. No one gets in between him and his Canute.
He walks out of the entrance and stands at the front of the church. He takes a pack of matches from his pocket. He lights one and watches it burn for a moment. He watches it burn until it almost fizzles out, and then he throws it into the church. It's glorious. It's magnificent. A demonic halo of fire sprouts up from the once-pristine church.
The air around him smells of ash and fallen angels. He watches the church as it burns down. It's in the middle of a secluded forest. Perhaps the forest will catch fire. That'd be nice. Thorfinn would like that.
He hears the grating sound of police sirens, so he books it out of there. His legs are revitalized with a new sense of energy as the sun slowly begins to rise. He makes his way through the dense forest and narrowly evades their search dogs. He scales up the side of the hospital building as he knocks on Canute's window.
Canute is unaware of where the sound is as his eyes are bandaged in cloth. Were he able to see how disheveled Thorfinn looked, he would have started weeping. He would have started questioning.
He calls out, and once he hears Thorfinn's voice, he relaxes immediately. His entire body is wrapped in cloth, and he is unable to move. He hates it here. He hates everything. He wishes that they would all burn.
He is met with a comforting hand on his head as a strangely sticky substance seems to coat it. Perhaps it's just the drugs overworking Canute's mind. He wants to speak but is vastly unable to do so as his vocal cords were greatly damaged during- He can't. He'll start sobbing again.
"May I?" Thorfinn inquires in an oddly soothing voice that pacifies him. He feels Thorfinn gently ghost his bruised lips with one of his fingers. An unbearable yearning spreads across Canute's body as he nods weakly.
Skin meets skin in a kiss so loving that not even the oldest of couples would be able to replicate it. They are both there until they are no longer able to breathe. The connection between their lips seems to allow Canute's wounds to stop aching for a moment. It allows Thorfinn's thirst for revenge to be quenched for a moment.
Thorfinn pulls away his lips for only a moment as he murmurs, "I love you, Canute."
From across the hospital, the nurses all crowd around the small television in their break room. A breaking news alert springs across their screen, and they are slightly intrigued and greatly worried. They turn to Channel Six news as their hearts sink into their stomachs. Oh, no.
"Sixty-six church members burned to a crisp inside one of Denmark's oldest churches. It's very early, but the police are suspecting foul play. They believe it may have a correlation with another case that happened just a few days ago. A young man came out as bisexual to his church congregation and was brutally beaten. Was this an act of violence or righteous retribution? I'm Arnheid, and you're watching Channel Six news."
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huicitawrites · 4 years
I'm so happy to see a few blogs write vinland saga! Just ugh, I finished the anime last night and my love for the fandom just expanded more. Btw love your writing and definitely looking foward to more of your works! ❤❤❤ Btw could I have some jealous thorfinn x reader drabble? If not then headcanons are okay!
“Jealousy is Red”
Yandere! Thorfinn x Reader
warning: violence, possesiveness,aggresive behaviour, yandere behaviour.
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Thorfinn found himself fuming.
Anger- red, boiling rage growing inside him. It was bo foreign feeling; a fuel he opted to use when fighting, yet this time it was different. It was given from a different stance than resentments.
Rather from your...diverted attention.
He could not stand this itchy feeling which prickled on his skin. It made his insides twist and turn without end as they fell deep into his belly. The worse, though, was his mind.
It ran rampant.
Thoughts, scenarios, unfriendly ideas all swam back and forth in the confines of his head. Suggestions that were appealing yet unwise.
But how could anyone blame him, really?
The sight in display infuriated him- so, so much. Your eyes, your beautiful (e/c) orbs looking into those dull, disgusting ones. A smile, small and warm you bestowed upon who did not deserve it.
He did not deserve you, not at all.
That scoundrel did not care for you like Thorfinn did. That bastard could not protect you, unlike the strong blonde. That pest could not ever love you as much as the Son of Thors bore.
So what the hell were you doing with him for Odin’s beard?! Could you not see it? Wasn’t it obvious- not crystal clear enough?
The way you gave yourself away- it irked him. More so when the blonde was there witnessing it, watching how you stood in sheepskin before the deceitful fox.
Voices cooed at Thorfin’s ears.
-“Slice up his throat.”
-“Stab the idiot until red bleaches his corpse.”
-“Cut out his tongue, and gouge out his eyes, chop off his limbs.”
Take what is yours.
They belong with you, and you alone.
After all, a wolf will never let go of his prey- less would he yield it away to some punny fox.
The blonde knew it was best to not make a scene, he would not care at all if it weren’t a given that you’d be frightened of him; and that’s the least he wanted. Thus, the blonde had to sate himself with what was in reach. He grunted, walking forwards with heavy steps and fast legs.
The ground seemed to shake near you. Your ears perked up, head turned to the incoming figure. Barely had you caught the strands of blonde as you had been tugged -suddenly and harshly- behind said figure.
“Fuck off.”, Thorfinn spat with venom.
Furious eyes glared with a dangerous glint at the other man, murderous intent evident. The poor man fell on his back, mouth agape at the threatful aura.
The blonde scoffed and headed for the opposite direction as far as he could get you from the sclundrel. He ignored your interrogations and deafed his hearing from the please that escaped your lips- [skin colour] wrist fading to a painful red under his calloused, firm grasp.
A/N: Back from the dead consuming writer’s block :) It’s been a long, long time and for that I’m sorry! I will continue working on the asks!
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Can I request a scenario in which s/o tries to escape from yandere thorfinn but fails and gets a punishment? Thanks~
Yes! I hope you like it, enjoy 💕. (Anyway, I guess that doesn’t is necessary but, I feel compelled to say it: If you have any person like this close to you, please, please, stay away from them).
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🐺 The hunter and the prey- Scenario 🐺
Your chest burn but you continues walking and almost running between the high pines which make up the forest. In the black sky the moon shine and she signals your way, you know you’re near the coast, you only to do is take a small boat and row with all your strengths. And you will free. You clean your face of the tears that they have not stopped soaking your cheeks since you left the camp. You feel as a hand squeezes your heart, but you need go from this place and this people for your own good.
You hear a crack, you stop and draw your sword, you look surround you, you only see the silhouette of the trees, they are like a prison, and you know use a sword like yours is bad idea in a place so closed like this. You try listen something above your heartbeat, when you see a shape between the elms, you want to escape but your legs doesn’t move. You don’t need see him to know who is, you down the head and look the ground waiting his response.
But Thorfinn doesn’t say anything, he approaches to you until you can feel his warm, his breathe caressing your face. And this is when you are scarier, because, you know he yells and scream a lot of, Thorfinn is patient for some things, but he has the short fuse. And when he doesn’t say anything is when he’s more dangerous.
So, before he say something, you speak, your voice tremble and is almost a murmur that get lost in the cold night.
“I’m sorry”.
Thorfinn continues quiet, he just raises the hand and take softly a lock of your hair which falls over your face, he puts it behind your ear and slide the thumb towards your cheek until he sinks it under your cheekbone, you tighten your teeth for doesn’t say anything, a gest of pain, a groan of pain. Thorfinn forces you to look him at his eyes, you try to not shrink but you can’t.
He descends his hand to your neck, you lose the breathe, the Thorfinn’s fingers circle your neck and he press softly, he doesn’t hurt you, but is enough for you tremble and almost groan of fear. Thorfinn approaches to you until caresses his lips against yours, he bites your and his fingers squeeze more your skin.
“You know what will happen now, right?” he asks touching his lips against your.
You want to speak, but just only “yes” emerge from your lips like a creak. Thorfinn bites your lips until drops of blood stain your chin, he grabs your wrist and start to guide you towards the camp.
Ari 🌿
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