#yandere clotted cream cookie x reader
Yo too, saw your requests open, and I really want to request this since no one have written for clotted cream cookie!
Might I ask for La signora!reader x (preferably yandere) clotted cream?
Here a little idea if you still confuse!
-reader cookie works for DE, and been handed the task of ruining the cream republic. Being the fairest lady, she was able to charm everyone on an opera which clotted cream was at watching their act, and falling in-love.-
The Lady Of The Opera
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There were many things running through Clotted Cream Cookie's mind when he entered the opera. He was glad to have some peace and alone time to himself, for one. Running the Republic was a tiring job, even if he didn't show it. He was glad to find some entertainment as well, with Cookies who wouldn't speak of the fact that the Consul was present.
But the most prevalent thought was upon seeing the Cookie upon the stage, singing her song, was that she was beautiful. She captivated his mind and soul the instant he saw her walk out on stage, and her beautiful yet powerful voice didn't help how he felt at all.
As he watched her walk around the stage, methodically and serenely, her song was clearly one of sorrow yet hope. She sung of how times had been dark so long ago, but a new age was upon all Cookies. One where they'd be free of strife and anguish, free to fly like the birds in the sky.
Clotted Cream Cookie, as he listened to you sing, was captivated more and more. It was as if he was in a trance, and he wanted nothing more than to be down on that stage with you, taking you into his arms and dancing with you.
He didn't care if he looked like a fool. He wanted to make your future come true. By his side, ruling over the Republic with him.
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You didn't think it'd be.. this easy, in all honesty. You thought you'd have to work to earn the trust of the Cookies of the Republic, but so easily they came flocking to you. Your first performance, and it was filled. Listening to your enchanting voice, as you sang of the better future Dark Enchantress Cookie could provide.
They all seemed captivated, but it was no doubt thanks to your little crystal butterflies, enchanting them to stay.
As you walked back behind the stage, letting the next Cookie take their place for their performance, a knock sounded on your door.
You turned your head, surprised. "Hm? Come in."
You weren't too worried. You could take on nearly anyone.
In walked a Cookie who would very important, especially by the guard by his side, eyeing you warily.
He smiled as you approached and dipped into a bow. "Greetings, I am Clotted Cream Cookie, the Consul of the Crème Republic."
Your eyes widen before you smile, hiding your smirk. "Oh, Consul, it's so nice to meet you. I'm sure you already know my name.."
"And a beautiful name it is." Clotted Cream Cookie smiled. "I hope you have some time to talk. Your performance was just so.. enchanting."
You gleefully nod. How easy this would be.
You had him trapped cagged like a bird! Completely unaware, however, of how soon that could be flipped on you..
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escape artist darling hcs ; yandere clotted cream cookie
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requested by ; 🇧🇷 anon (02/07/22)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; clotted cream cookie
outline ; “Hey!!! How are you?
Warning: I'll use female pronouns (she/her) for Reader/Darling (does this REALLY need a warning?)
Can I request yandere Clotted Cream Cookie with a Darling who is a master at escaping? Like... She's pretty smart and can all the time use those techniques to get rid of handcuffs/ropes/chains and open doors without needing a key
Sorry for any spelling mistakes or wrong use of expressions, I'm using Google Translate because my first language is Portuguese and I don't trust my English writing skills
And taking advantage of this ask... Can I be 🇧🇷 anon?”
warning(s) ; yandere!clotted cream, kidnapping, obsessive behaviours
clotted cream cookie had gone to extreme lengths in order to facilitate your observation, capture and containment as his partner — so to have you outsmart and evade his every technique was, to say the very least, something of a slap in the face
rope, chains, hand cuffs, doors locked in seven different ways, guarded rooms around the clock, bars on the windows — no matter what he does it’s all for nought as you always manage to escape him somehow
you outsmarted his coded locks, snuck tools past him to help you break through his equipment, outran the guards he assigned to your room, and managed to hide in plain sight for weeks at a time before he caught up to you again — it seemed the only thing you were unable to do was leave the republic, but even that was because he forced the council’s hand on tightening exports
he loves the chase, loves knowing that you’re able to match and undermine his efforts with your sharp wit and quick thinking, but it was starting to get old — really old, if he was being completely honest with himself
why couldn’t you understand that he just wanted what was best for you? he loves you, wants to protect you, and you running away from him and throwing all of his efforts back in his face wasn’t doing either of you any good
silly girl
his girl — even if you refused to acknowledge as much with all of your rebelliousness
because no matter how many times you escape, no matter how much you try to flee, you’ll always end up back at his home in the end — you’ll give up eventually, it’s just a matter of time
for now he bites his tongue and softens his blows as he punished you for each transgression, sating himself himself that it will all be worth it one day
it will be worth it when you’re his beautiful smiling wife waiting eagerly for him to return home
when you’re there to willingly smother him with affection whilst a small army of little one run about your ankles
when you call him ‘my love’ instead of ‘monster’
when he no longer has to cuff and smack and scold, when he gets to see you smile at him with all of the love he holds for you without any threat or intimidation
when you’re his — and you could have it all if you just stopped running away
don’t you want to be happy?
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
I don't know if your taking request , but if your not then please delete this :D
do you think I can request yandere pure vanilla and clotted cream rivalry ?
If you don't feel doing yandere then that fine ! Can be normal rivalry if you want 3
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The Serenity or The Charismatic (Pure Vanilla vs. Clotted Cream Cookie)
Clotted Cream Cookie wanted to take you to the Creme Republic.
Pure Vanilla Cookie wanted you to stay here at the Vanilla Kingdom with him.
The two are a stand still over you, with neither side wanting to back down from this obstacle they call their opponent.
Clotted will try kinds of persuasion and manipulation to convince the cookies around him that taking you with him to the Republic is a good idea, you’ll be amazed by the sights and be perfectly safe.
Pure Vanilla will raise objections, this kingdom was where you called home and it would be wrong of Clotted to just yank you away from it. PV will use emotional words to tug at the heartstrings and convince others to his side!
With his wealth and status, no doubt Clotted will try to woo you over with pretty tasty delicacies, those scones are looking pretty tasty.
Pure Vanilla presents you with familiar foods from the Crow Inn, why try something new when you can have all the food you want that you’re familiar with!
Both will face you declining their advanced with brief sorrow, but with more determination to win you over from the other!
Clotted could try to discourage PV from pursuing you by using his past against him, how will he protect you when he had fallen to Dark Enchantress Cookie?
Again, PV will not be easily discouraged from getting what he wants, you.
Walks around the castle and gardens are how PV is able to keep you away from the Consul. He’ll also just straight up lead you away even in the middle of conversation with Clotted if he feels the House Custard cookie has been getting too close.
Both do a good job of suppressing their anger for each other, but it’s only a matter of time before one of them goes ballistic from the other’s meddling, which would likely be the Consul. PV is able to hide his rage, but when he goes mad, he goes mad.
Clotted will try to bring up the notion that with the Soul Jam, PV will outlive you and you will only become just another memory for the ancient, but with him, you both can make the most of your limited time in these lands.
Yeah right, Pure Vanilla will gladly put down the Soul Jam if it meant he got to spend the rest of his days with you. Death will not be doing you and him part.
PV might even need to ask Dark Cacao Cookie to get Clotted to back down from this competition of theirs, can’t he see that you and PV were meant to be?
When it came to you, Clotted was uncharacteristically unfazed and will not stand away from you, his love for you giving him the boldness to remain at your side!
He didn’t care what PV had to say, he’s taking you with him on that airship!
Pure Vanilla will pull you away, you’re to remain here with him and that’s final as he glared at Clotted. Perhaps he should get Black Raisin’s crows to peck apart the airship…
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I saw the yandere hcs for lord Oyster and I saw the ending of them comforting and thought it was kinda cute so I'll bite for hcs! I got an idea for a type of reader I don't see often but I find the trope interesting. May I ask for hcs of a yandere clotted cream x poor reader?
Bonus little addition to reader if you want: maybe, to make it by, reader works really hard...day and night...and often neglects themselves, like they skips meals, barely sleeps due to a mixture of work and stress, work themselves to the bone just to make sure they have a roof over their head and food on the table?
Just always curious how yanderes react to a love like that lol! Sorry if this sounds weird! Just stumbled upon the idea of poor reader and thought it was interesting!
[disclaimer: I’ve never had such a situation so I’m just going off of other people’s experiences]
Tw: spying through documents..?, Hierarchy misuse(?), Clotted gaslights ppl
• Let’s say MC is like a cook or something for idk any form of public gatherings. They work their arms off trying to quickly get lots of food cooked- that tastes good enough.
• Even if more they have lots of co-workers, they still have to do so much to have enough for so many people. Hell, they’re still cooking to keep making enough while the gatherings go on.
• Clotted Cream found a little defect in his food, maybe a dessert that was a bit undercooked. So he quickly sneaks into the kitchen to tell one of the chefs, just so they could fix the food before anyone makes a commotion. After all, he is a very kind-hearted, empathetic consul isn’t he…?
• He ends up talking to MC, showing the small defect. To his surprise, MC is panicking like crazy, afraid of losing their job. They quickly go out to the foods and take the tray of the desserts with a defection and shove it in the oven. They’re thanking him greatly, bowing a few times.
• Clotted Cream notices their hands look a little wrecked, with a few bandages over their fingers. “…Say, are your hands alright? They look to be in a quite- rough state.”
• MC is surprised at the question, answering that they have to work a lot to get the food out in time.
• Clotted Cream ends up talking to them longer than needed, and he’s- interested to say the least. He wonders what they’re life is like, given he was adopted into a noble household.
• Clotted Cream ends up scouring through official files to scour more information about them…He ends up seeing all the bills MC is paying, it could be literally anything: debt, medical, whatever. He feels an odd sense of pity? Or is it…something more humane?
• He ends up throwing himself into a hole of complete curiosity- and soon obsession. He wants to know more about their life, how they survive their endless hours of work. He works endless as well- but not in the way they do.
• At every public gathering, [where they’re serving food] he’s talking to them more than he is to the guests, always asking questions about their life and how they’re doing.
• At some point, he can’t take it anymore, seeing them suffer to keep their surviving. So one day, MC finds that all the bills they had to pay are just gone. Paid for. It confused them.
• The next day, MC goes over to the bill issuer, questioning things. Which the bill issuer responds, “Oh, a cookie came in and said he was your fiancé so he paid them all for you.”
• MC, absolutely flabbergasted, tries to question the bill issuer, wondering who the cookie was. But the bill issuer didn’t know. Only noticing he had green eyes. He’s in a disguise.
• MC goes back home, confused af. For one thing, they don’t even have a fiancé, and two, they don’t even know who this dude is.
• Meanwhile, Clotted Cream is laying in his bed, giggling like some girl that has a stupid school crush. He couldn’t believe he managed to get away with it! Not that it would matter, he could easily trick people into thinking the two of you were engaged.
• A few days later, when MC comes home from a long day at work, they notice literally ALL of their stuff is packed up. And guess who comes out from the closet with clothes in his hands? That’s right, sir fucking Clotted Cream.
• Before MC can even question him, he pressing a kiss to their cheek and smiling. “I’m just getting everything ready for you to move in with me! Don’t worry darling, this is the last of everything.”
• MC can try everything to question and defy him, but he’s just pulling the “I’m sir Consul, I can ruin your life. Now love me.”
• Poor MC, going from poor to confused and weirded out.
• If MC is compliant, he’s a needy mf, who’s super affectionate behind closed doors. Constantly giving them hugs and compliments.
[Ok- ngl this was self-indulgent. I would say this is my longest post on here lmao]
- Celina
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a-little-birdie · 2 years
Yandere cookie head cannons because I am nothing if not self indulgent.
Yandere head cannons! Because I love yandere content and this is what I want to write so ima write it.
Tws. Kidnapping, torture, violence, all the things that come with yandere content.
Characters: Madeleine, Wildberry, Clotted Cream. Let me know if you want me to do anyone else!!
I love yandere Madeleine because he has so many possibilities.
He could be delusional, lucid, the beautiful sweet spot in between.
He can be sweet and caring, wanting to protect his darling from the world, willing to do anything to keep them safe! He’s the only one who can keep them safe, it’s his duty.
He can be dark and unpredictable, wanting to simply have his darling, willing to do anything to keep his darling from running away. He’s the only one who’s good enough to have them, it’s his right.
He can be so much all at once and I love him for it.
Regardless of what he can be, he is always very physically affectionate. It’s his main love language, aside from buying gifts and words of affirmation.
If he can trust his darling won’t run, he loves to parade them around. He’s incredibly proud of his love, allow him to show them off!!
If it’s dark yandeleine he’s not above torture to punish his darling.
If it’s soft yandeleine he’ll just put them in time out, so either locking them in their room or even a closet or something. He can’t stay away from them for very long, but he’ll hold out for as long as he must!
If his darling were to fight against him he’d get sad. Do they really hate him that much??
He’s the type to gently hold his darling and rock them side to side while giving comforting words and shushing them to try and soothe them.
The kind to apologize but doesn’t mean it, the apology always feels empty, he more says it on reflex, as if it’ll make the situation better.
Just wants to hold his darling whenever he can. He knows he’ll probably be sent on a mission again soon so he wants to spend as much time as absolutely possible with them.
Loves eating with his darling, it just makes him happy to watch them enjoy a good meal.
Sees literally nothing wrong with killing someone because they talked to his darling like, it takes a little bit for him to get there but if he feels like his love is being threatened, another tally mark is added to the kill count.
He’s not the most affectionate, his love is shown through him getting things he knows his darling likes, doing small things for them but most of all is spending time together.
He doesn’t care what they do together as long as it’s together. Hell they could just be sitting in silence and stare at each other and he’d be pretty satisfied with that.
His yandere behaviour is actually reinforced a lot by Hollyberry. She’s all like: “oh you killed someone for your love? Good job! Tell me the story as I help you hide the body!” So uhm, it runs in the family. Congratulations! If he gets his darling home, they’re fucking screwed.
Hollyberry wants grandchildren. She doesn’t give a fuck how you get kids, she wants more grandchildren. Give her grandchildren!!!!
Wildberry would not understand if his darling was scared of him, like at all. He sees nothing wrong with what he’s done or what he’s willing to do. He really is just like ???? Yeah, I killed that person why are you freaking out? I wouldn’t do that to you so stop screaming??? Please?????
Poor boy is so lost, he just wanted to have his love, he never knew his actions would have consequences.
The way he kidnaps his darling is literally through brute force. There is nothing silent about it, he will just grab his darling and drag them off. His darling gets to choose if it’s done the easy way or the hard way.
Easy way: his darling goes with him and they can do this quietly and efficiently.
Hard way: he takes his darling, kicking and screaming and he can either knock them out or tie them down on the way home.
Either way, he’s getting what he wants.
Clotted Cream
Clotted Cream is a very powerful person, he has reach over the entire city. There isn’t a single place his darling could hide.
He’s very manipulative, it’s incredibly hard to not get swept up by his words.
He’d never physically harm his darling, he hates shouting, and he’d never berate his darling for not loving him. He wants to be nothing like his father.
Instead he’d be patient, calm, kind. He wouldn’t give his darling much reason to fight him. If he absolutely must, he’d restrain his darling, but don’t worry! He hates it just as much as they do. Other times he’ll put them in time out, and he always makes sure they have everything they may need.
He makes sure that his darling knows nothing about the outside world. He wants to keep them as out of the loop as absolutely possible, it would just upset them to hear about the news. Especially regarding themselves.
Speaking of Financier. His darling wouldn’t get any help from her. If they managed escaping their room and they run into Financier they’re screwed. They ask her for help and she simply responds with. “We need to get you back to your room.” And starts herding them back where they came. They could beg, cry, fight, scream, they could do anything. It wouldn’t stop Financier from filling out her orders.
She is loyal to Clotted Cream first and she trusts him completely, just like how he trusts her. She’s actually glad he has so much faith in her, to look after his love while his hands are full balancing his fathers demands, the council, and the Republic.
His father wouldn’t care much about Clotted Creams darling, as long as it doesn’t get out to the public. In all honesty he might see it as an opportunity to further control his son.
So his darling won’t be getting any help at all in that house.
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oshitgirlie · 11 months
im looking through the cookie run sfw tags, for old times sake and like ... wow i really DID dominate the tag huh
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queensharotto · 25 days
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 8: Summer 2024)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie, and 😈 is for Ancient Beast AU (Inspired by Cuppajj’s Beast Ancient AU)
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs while ✨ will indicate someone’s interpretation of Y/N Cookie.
Additionally, many people proved art to showcase to Brittle, which will be indicated by this: 🖌️. I will also mention who provided the art.
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June 2024 ☀️
• “Lethality” ⭐️
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and Brittle’s OCs
• “Get Along”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Back to Your Tree NOW”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and the Five Beasts
• “Mothers of the Republic”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie, Clotted Cream Cookie, Light Cream Cookie and Grand Madeleine Cookie
• “Pearly Contemplation”
Featuring: Peppermint Cookie and Oyster Cookie's Envoy
• “A Warm Welcome”
Featuring: Strawberry Stick Cookie and Mint Wafer Cookie
• “Yin and Yang”
Featuring: Peach Blossom and Affogato Cookie
• “Can’t We ALL Just Get Along”
Featuring: The Ancients and the Beasts
• “Walls of the Baker”
Featuring: The Ancients and the Beasts
• “I Don’t Remember You”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Fishing Season”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Cuddles”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Corruption”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Stepparent”
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie and Light Cream Cookie
• “Auntie Time”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie’s Aunts
• “Embracing the Purple Warrior”
Featuring: Purple Yam Cookie
• “Peach Kisses”
Featuring: Peach Blossom Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie
• “Marriage Ensembles”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Reunited”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “The Ivory Prophet Joins the Kingdom”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “The Ancient Beast Order” 😈
Featuring: The Ancient Beasts (AU Tag)
• “Bad Endings” 😈
Featuring: The Ancient Beasts
• “The Prophet of Salvation” 😈
Featuring: Beast Pure Vanilla Cookie and Black Raisin Cookie
• “The Manufacturer of Darkness”
Featuring: Dark Enchantess Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie
July 2024 🎆
• “Fork This! I Quit!”
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “The Lover of Passion” 😈
Featuring: Beast Hollyberry Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Pitaya Dragon Cookie and Wildberry Cookie
• “Illusion of Dreams”
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Ancient Heroes Roast”
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Mermaid to Cookie”
Featuring: Crimson Coral Cookie
• “Volition’s End”
Featuring: Mystic Flour Cookie and Cloud Haetae Cookie
• “Amigurumi”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Ticklish” 😈
Featuring: Beast Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “Return to Sender”
Featuring: Strawberry Stick Cookie and Mint Wafer Cookie
• “It’s Gonna Be A LONG Ride”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Hissy Fits”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Gwimbly Cookie”
Featuring: Strawberry Cookie
• “Aerokinesis”
Featuring: Gingerbrave, Snakefruit Cookie and the Five Dragons
• “Heartfelt Unison”
Note: Y/N Cookie’s Skill
• “Thank You Y/N Cookie! Your Princess ISN’T in Another Castle” ⭐️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie
• “Cookie Flipside”
Featuring: Light Cream Cookie
• “Soda Adventure 2: Draw Your Blade”
Featuring: Cream Soda Cookie and Cherry Cola Cookie
• “Superstar! The Cookie Olympics Event!”
Featuring: Ice Candy Cookie, White Choco Cookie, Choco Bar Cookie, Skating Queen Cookie and Muscle Cookie
• “I’ll Wait For Your Return”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Stardust Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Raspberry Rose”
Featuring: Raspberry Mousse Cookie and Rose Cookie
• “La Resistance”
Featuring: Black Raisin Cookie
August 2023 🌅
• “Love You or Not” ⭐️
Featuring: Royal Icing Cookie
• “Lines”
Featuring: Royal Margarine Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Parfait Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Licorice Cookie
• “Spice and Zest”
Featuring: Crushed Pepper Cookie and Lemon Zest Cookie
• “Keeping Friends Close and Best Friends Closer”
Featuring: Cream Soda Cookie and Cherry Cola Cookie
• “Compliments”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Tale of the Mansion” 🍪
Featuring: The Juice Bar Regulars
• “A Little Help”
Featuring: Star Coral Cookie
• “Feathered Envy”
Featuring: Blue Slushy Cookie, Red Panna Cotta Cookie, Sugar Swan Cookie, Pilot Cookie, The Cookiemals and Whipped Cream Cookie
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hugemilkshake · 3 months
This is for all my X reader stuff so you can find any fics I have made!
Romantic 💕
Platonic 🌸
Angst 🫧
Yandere 🥀
Platonic or romantic 🍁
Silly 🍡
Unsure ❓
Beaten Longan Dragon🌸
Yandere Shadow Milk🥀🍁
Yandere Shadow Milk part 2🥀🍁
Corrupted white lily with twin reader🌸
Naga Shadow Milk🌸❓❓❓
Forbidden lovers with Marble Danish💕
Dragon Admirers💕
Yandere Shadow Milk part 3🥀🍁
Naga Shadow Milk 2🌸❓❓❓❓
Friends to lovers with Raspberry Mouse💕
The mermaids Siren🥀💕
Meeting the dragons💕
Just Relax- Self Aware Au🌸
Your local hero!🍁
Clumsy Fool💕
Protector of royalty💕
Take the apple❓❓
Stone Cold🫧🍁
Big brother Gingerbrave!🌸
The two sides of knowledge🥀🍁
Dumb dragons!🍁
Yandere Elder Faerie🥀🍁
How do you walk?- self aware Au🌸
Mail mistake💕🍡
Arrow of death💕🫧
The lonely bonding club🌸
Little dove🥀💕
Lovely food🥀💕
Worried caretaker💕
Chit chatting- self aware Au🌸
Science miscalculations💕
Head Cannons
Yandere Elder Faerie🥀🍁
Yandere Butter Roll🥀🍁
Yandere Butter Pretzel🥀🍁
Butter Roll with a ticklish reader🍁
Yandere Scovillia Headmaster🥀🍁
Yandere Pure Vanilla🥀💕
Yandere Hollyberry🥀🍁
Linzer Cuddling💕
Father Butter Roll🌸
Vampire Shadow Milk🌸❓
Dark Choco healing from obsession🍁
Curious CoD Reader🌸
Post banishment Affogato🫧🍁
Vampire Shadow Milk part 2🥀🌸❓
Yandere Mercurial Knight🥀🍁
Yandere Shadow Milk🥀🍁
Curious CoD Reader part 2🌸
Some nice Mercurial Knight🍁
Shadow Milk with Mind Control❓
Dragons with a dead reader🫧🍁
Night terrors with Clotted Cream💕
Shadow Milk with mind control 2❓❓
Jealous of Snapdragon🍁
Elder Faerie with a talkative reader🍁
Cinnamon with a prodigy reader💕
Licorice cuddles🍁
Triple cone cup principles with a strong reader🌸
Kissing cinnamon cookie💕
Doodle Scenarios
Elder faerie in the rain🍁
Chilling with Smores Cookie 🌸
Carameleon question 🌸
Elder Faerie VS Shadow Milk🍁
Pure Vanilla sheep🍁
Red Velvet’s hand💕
Clotted Creams offer🍁
Black Pearl saves reader🍁
Matchas plan🍁
Meeting Kumiho🍁
Comforting Matcha🫧🍁
Annoying Butter Roll🍡
Shadow Milk Rambles🍁
Butter Roll and cat Reader🍁
Yandere Butter Roll🥀🍁
Chilling with Caramel Arrow🍁
Yandere Dark Enchantresses🥀🌸
Butter Roll Tickling🍁
Father Abalone🌸
Clotted Cream cuddles🍁
Pure Vanilla Hugs🍁
Shadow Witch with Cookie reader🌸
Dark Enchantress cuddles🌸
Two Butter Rolls🍡
Kouign-Amann hugs💕
Pomegranates rivalry🍁
Baking with the Shadow Witch💕
Cloak buddies with Dark Choco🍁
Shadow Milk something idk-❓
Butter Roll with Eldritch horror reader🍡
Butter Roll comforting reader🍁
Royal Margarine hugs🍁
Yandere Mercurial Knight🥀🍁
Reader dropped their ice cream🌸
Crimson lily thing ❓
The hidden kingdom🌸
Noisy marketplace 🌸
Sleepy spider💕
Patron affection 🍁
The watchful witch🌸
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So here the writing requests rules and something you need to know:))
Hello!name hopeless dreams
Welcome on board!
ONLY ACCEPT X READER REQUEST (so yea, don't request cookie x cookie)
No nsfw and angst (for now cuz idk how to write)
Yandere and sfw are okieee
No child x adult (unless family or friends,no yandere for children too)
Pls at least gimme me some plots hint if you want a better quality (I am a sucker of imagining)
Cookie run overbreak will be faster than cookie run kingdom 's request
Also,pls, don't mix other fandoms in your requested that I didn't in :(
gn reader only!!
Request is:Ded.
Fandom (s)
Only cookie run for now!
Cookie run overbreak
Yandere timekeeper x reader(hc)
Past lover, now stranger....?(yandere string gummy cookie x reader)
Waiting list
Protective,or overprotective?(yan pure vanilla+child reader)
Not only pals on business (sandwich cookie x reader)
five ancients and their child(yan ancients + child ancient reader)
Siblings interactions!(clotted cream+sis reader)
Normal?nah,not really(yan tk x two sides reader)
Anon list
That's all for now!thx for your patience!
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azlrse · 2 years
Yes! Feed the simps! We are hungry for yandere clotted cream general hcs! Please we are starving for your amazing writing about this new cookie! I'm begging you! I'll give you a hug if you like hugs if you give it to us!!!
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What's Mine is Also Yours (Yandere Clotted Cream Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader)
CW: Yandere themes, implied kidnapping, manipulation, possessiveness, angst mixed with fluff.
A/N: I blame @bunie-grrss for awakening my hyperfixation towards Clotted Cream Cookie /hj. Anyways, I hope you guys liked my interpretation of Yan!Clotted Cream Cookie! (Thanks for the hugs btw!! <33)
*contains headcanons and a drabble
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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
I imagine that Clotted Cream Cookie is a very manipulating but very charismatic towards the others, especially towards you.
Since he was deemed as the youngest consul in the republic, I think that he'll use his status to win over your potential suitors and for you to become his.
Clotted Cream Cookie isn't the type of cookie who would snatch you away no no, instead he will use his riches to persuade you that he's worthy of your affection and love.
Oysters, sweet tarts and delicacies from the Creme Republic and he'll give you a very precious trinket that reminds him of you; a very beautiful pearl necklace.
His presence and "affection" became so suffocating that your peers would pressure you on accepting his way of courting you.
If you reject all of his gifts and his confession, he'll just smile towards you reply but deep inside, he's really disappointed towards you but don't fret! He'll just work harder for you to accept his love.
Clotted Cream Cookie would show you all of his achievements, even the simplest ones. He would talk about his day, how he'e doing and accompanies you whenever you take a stroll outside.
He confesses to you like 10?? 20 times??? Until you became so angry towards him. Telling him that he became a nuisance and an annoyance in your life.
This made him very upset towards you and when he knew that you'll be staying away from him? Nope, that ain't happening cause he'll just take you right where you stood.
You mean alot to him and there's no way he'll loose you in his life.
He fell deeply in love towards you and wether you like it or not, you will become his.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
"I know that our house is quite big but please come out, darling! I didn't mean to scare you like this!" The pitter patter of his shoes resonate from the halls near the pantry closet you chose to hide from him. The area was flimsy and tight, filled with countless items and inhaling it's contents wasn't easy for you. You refuse to sneeze out the speck of flour you inhaled, out of fear that he might find you.
You heard the voices of his servants calling out for you name in an attempt for you to come out from your hiding spot. How long did you fell asleep as soon as you take a bite from that sweet custard he gave you? Hours? Days? Your head was still spinning from the effects from the sleeping powder he used to mix with the tart.
You are indeed scared of him.
"Oh, are we playing hide and seek? Is this why you're hiding from me? You know I used to love this game since I was still a young cookie. Alright, then sweetheart. Ready or not, here I come." Clotted Cream Cookie searched and opened every single door he could find in his huge mansion. Everytime a door produces a loud bang from the impact of the walls make you jump a little as you pressed your back a little more towards the wall of the pantry.
His voice, laced with sugarcoated words, makes your dough crawl as he repeated the same words over and over again.
"Come out, darling. I won't get mad when you come out from your hiding spot. I just want to spend some time with you, my dear!" He spoke in a voice that many of your peers would fell for. You didn't take any of those fake words he spoke towards you, for you only knew that this cookie will literally drag you out from the closet and will keep you locked once again from that luxurious cage he called your bedroom.
You covered your mouth as a way to lessen the breathing sounds you emitted from your mouth and being found by your captor. Silence loomed around each and every corner of the consul's manor, with the exception of the voices of his servants searching for you. You just hoped that they'll simply gave up and if you're lucky enough, you can escape through the window that was left unlocked in the kitchen.
You break out from your thoughts as soon as you heard his expensive shoes walking through the huge kitchen.
"Darling, I know you're here..."
Your body began to shake in fear, trying to control the way you breathe. Sweat began to slide off on the side of your head as the footsteps outside from your hiding spot became closer...and closer...and closer....
Until it stopped right directly in front the pantry, his shadow that looms over his body went through the small gaps of the small pantry.
As soon as you heard the door open, you covered your head with you arms, awaiting for his arms to drag you away from your hiding spot but nothing happened to you. Instead, he opened the cupboards and the storage closet where expensive plates and silverware were stored. "Hmm, it looks like you aren't here. I wonder where you are.." Clotted Cream Cookie then left the kitchen in disappointment.
You slowly sighed in relief, thinking you are safe from him but to both to your shock and surprise, the door from the pantry swung wide open. His shadow looms all over your quivering body as the cold wind of the manor gave your skin goosebumps.
You screamed in fear. Your flight and fight instincts came towards your entire body as soon as you saw him by your two eyes. Getting up from your hiding space as quickly as possible, you tried to run away from him, looking for another hiding spot when his hand took a grasp by your waist and carrying you both of his arms (in bridal style).
He gave you a sickening sweet smile towards you as tears began to slide from your face. "Well hello there, darling! And I hope you enjoyed our little game cause this is only just the beginning of our road to forever..."
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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Self Aware Au, Clotted Cream Cookie x Reader x Affogato Cookie.
The Consul Arrives.
Affogato was sitting on a bench near the soda lake you made, it’s waters still sparkling but now with some new little Licorice Oozelings you took a liking to. He compiled his thoughts together in one large coherent mass, today was the new council update but you had yet to check on them, he saw Dark Cacao and some others leave for a while along with gaining new memories of a Crunchy Chip Cookie that he didn’t have before. All he knew is that when they returned Dark Cacao was both very angry, distraught in a way, but resolute about a decision.
Then he heard of HIM, this new Clotted Cream Cookie who similar ancients and legendaries got his own special gacha in the events.
Already Affogato didn’t like him, if his suspicions were correct…that blasted cookie could steal his Fortuna away from him! He can’t allow that to happen, he wants to be the one you look at and enjoy, not whoever Clotted Cream Cookie was!
As you logged in your eyes light up at the new update, the new cookies, you couldn’t wait to get them and try them out! Especially Clotted Cream Cookie, he looked really cool and interesting. His smile reminded you of Affogato in a way….Affogato, if he was seemingly self-aware…were the other cookies as well?
Honestly you were a bit nervous to find out, so…you simply just did the missions for Clotted Cream’s event. You saved up for a few weeks and even got Wildberry from the normal gacha in the process. You had noticed that Affogato was oddly not as talkative or acknowledging as he used to be…almost like he was busy or thinking about something a lot. Or was he angry with you?
It didn’t matter at the moment, with a decent number of emblems saved you decided to do a run of Clotted’s gacha. Coins, Rainbow cubes, House emblems, etc. Then, during your last 5 pull it zoomed in on Clotted Cream. You…couldn’t believe it as his gacha animation played and there you were staring at your new magic cookie.
You quickly checked your kingdom and saw him walking around observing the new sights...
“Well, hello there Clotted Cream...” You tapped his sprite; he turned and did a little bow.
“Hello dear Baker, it’s lovely to finally be welcomed to your kingdom.”
Oh…oh no…
Clotted Cream looked up at your face in the sky, a light chuckle escaped his mouth when he saw your reaction. So, you were the baker, the god of this kingdom. He heard of you from the other cookies talking about you, so much praise and love directed towards the one who looked over everything and now he got to see you for himself. You even greeted him when he arrived, how polite~.
He felt a burning gaze towards his back and when he turned, he saw another cookie, this one was dressed in a white, black, and purple kimono while holding an interesting staff. Ah yes, this must be the snake Dark Cacao compared him to. He gave a little wave which only made the glare on the cookie darker, okay another time then.
He continued on his way while Affogato seethed and glared at the consul. Jealous struck him hard and it struck him even more as time continued.
You managed to promote Clotted Cream twice, leveled him and his skill up to where he was getting close to Affogato’s level in power. The cookie mix didn’t miss this, nor did he miss Clotted Cream’s change in behavior towards you. He saw it in the consul’s eyes, the same admiration he held for you. No no no, he can’t let him take you away! You’re HIS dear Fortuna, you’re the only reason he manages to wake with a smile anymore! Your love for all cookies, of all flavors, he can’t lose that!
Clotted cream certainly noticed the jealousy and took some petty pride in giving Affogato a smug grin whenever you were playing, so he couldn’t just run up and attack him in a rage or anything.
The consul loved gazing up at your face and hated being on Expedition duty as it just kept him away from you. He wanted to be by your side in your world or have you here with him…such seemed to be impossible but there had to be a way….Just something about your appearance, your personality, everything, it was all so appealing to him.
“You there, Consul Clotted Cream Cookie correct~?” Said Affogato’s voice, with barely constrained anger.
“Ah, Affogato Cookie, please no need for Honorifics. What brings you here to speak with me?” He replied with that same smile remaining on his face.
"I need to speak with you about Fortuna, I'm going to have to politely ask you to STOP trying to take my place~. You’re not worth my dearest’s affection so don’t even begin to think you are, trust me, I am capable of A LOT of ‘tricks’ consul and I’m not afraid to glitch this game if it means you’ll disappear.” His eyes took on a hollow and deadly look. “TAKE my warning seriously, you’ll only…get it once~.”
With that Affogato turned and left Clotted Cream alone in the kingdom park. Affogato was determined to keep his dearest close, to have your love only directed towards him. He smiled and shuddered with utter joy, he couldn’t wait for you to wake the next day and continue on expanding your lovely kingdom.
Clotted Cream Cookie on the other hand watched him silently as he left. His face was blank for a moment as he was processing the information, before he chuckle and that grin spread yet again. Affogato thinks it’ll be that easy? Well Clotted Cream has dealt with his type before, he’s not unfamiliar to dirty tricks and plots. One of his coat ribbons pointed at a rather hidden oak tree, was a small blast of magic he burned your name into the bark with a heart around it. A little cheesy yes but why not go for it~? Plus, it’s a nice to bit of spite towards Affogato for threatening him like that.
“Heheheheh, alright Affogato Cookie…let’s see who’ll win this game for the Baker’s affections. I’m quite excited to see your moves my friend~.”
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May I request a clotted cream cookie x an historian reader? Like they tagged along to learn about the ancients and see how their meeting goes and to learn about the cream Republic from clotted cream cookie?
Request: Yes
Type: Headcanons
Warnings: yandere Clotted Cream Cookie, obsessiveness, manipulation
Yandere Type: Obsessive/Manipulative
Note: Sorry if these seems shorter than usual. I haven't had too much motivation to write and coupled with some life things, I've been experiencing writer's block. I hope this is still enjoyable though!
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To tag along with Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie, you must have already gotten Clotted Cream Cookie's attention already.
He probably found out about you while preparing for his trip to meet the Anicents. He found out you were researching them and their history and decided it would be a good idea for you to tag along.
While you jumped at the chance to go along, Clotted Cream couldn't help but find himself endeared by your excitement. He couldn't help but find you adorable as you rushed around to gather things and prepare.
As the day to leave grew closer and closer, you spent more and more time with him, and Clotted Cream Cookie found himself wanting you by his side more and more. Before the want of you being at his side permantly became apparent. And who was he to deny that want? He was the Consul, after all.
So on the way to the the kingdom, on the airship, he advised you to stay close to him or Financier Cookie. He understood that you wanted to explore and record the history but "We don't know what kind of dangers there are in this kingdom. I wouldn't want to lose the Republic's greatest historian."
He feeds into your uncertainties and worries as time goes on. Even as things go smoothly and GingerBrave does his best to soothe your worries, Clotted Cream Cookie's words still ring in your head whenever you want to wander off.
You were in an completely unfamiliar place. One wrong move and you could embarass the entirety of the Republic! You decided it was best to stay by Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie's sides as the meeting continued.
Financier Cookie, while all this is happening, isn't blind to what Clotted Cream is doing. She's somewhat aware that he's manipulating you. Keyword; somewhat.
Deep down she knows it's true and that this shouldn't be happening, that the Consul of the Republic she loves so dearly shouldn't be manipulating a poor Cookie into fearing everything but him and her. But she represses this knowledge and continues with her duty of protecting both of you.
As you record the history of the Anicents around you, you swear you can sometimes feel an arm wrap around your waist or someone standing uncomfortably close. But you're always so versed in your work you brush it off.
(Clotted Cream Cookie is relieved that you never notice how close he gets. He can't help himself, you're too adorable whenever you're concentrated on your work.)
Even as the meetings slowly end, Clotted Cream Cookie gives you an offer he knows you won't refuse; being his personal historian. He needs you closer to him. He needs you, so don't say no.
Don't say no don't say no don't say no don't say no don't say no don't say no don't say no don't say no-
When you agree, the thoughts of him forcing you to take the job immediately leaves his head.
Clotted Cream Cookie hopes you can't hear his sigh of relief over your excited 'thank you's. Now you'll always be close to him.
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yandere s/o hcs ; clotted cream cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (30/07/22)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; clotted cream cookie
outline ; “oh my god someone tht writes yan reader 🙏BLESS🙏
may i request hcs for clotted cream cookie x yan!reader that has a similair position/reputation as him in the creme republic?
by the way, i love youre writing! keep up the good work ^_^”
warning(s) ; yandere reader, obsessive behaviour, stalking, referenced plans to murder, referenced plans to kidnap
you first met clotted cream cookie when you were welcomed into service under the council of elders, with him accepting you into the group with a warm smile and open arms (and plenty of advice, of course, from someone who you’d be working alongside for the rest of your career)
he was so charming, so naturally charismatic and personable, that you couldn’t help but hang off of his every word — completely enraptured by whatever he was saying (however mundane it truly was as he made everything sound so fantastical) and enamoured by his voice to the extent that you spent the better part of the after party clinging to his side and trying to keep the conversation going
hell, you barely even spoke to your new employers beyond the standard ‘thank you’s and ‘it’s an honour’s — far too caught up in your new colleague to care about anything else, and he was too caught up in the ego boost you provided to even consider dismissing you
that was when the obsession began — the need to have all of his attention on you, to be the focus of his day, to have the rest of the world drowned out by his wonderful voice and his charming demeanour (and oh his smile, you could speak of it for hours)
but you knew you couldn’t reasonably spend all day in his office with him or following him around like a lost cake-hound (not without losing your job, and thus him, in the process) — so you instead placated yourself by memorising his schedule off by heart and ensuring that you’d run into him ‘by accident’ at least twice a day at work
and that was enough, for a while at least
then you started wanting more
you started following him outside of work, staying just out of view and blending expertly into the busy streets of the republic so that neither he nor his bodyguard would spot you — a voyeur to his daily routines that he didn’t even know was around
you created a scrapbook dedicated to him — several, in fact — and kept detailed notes, pictures and samples of his favourite things (pictures and names of his favourite foods, the contact details and schedules of his favourite restaurants, spare threads from his clothes and fallen hairs from his head, etc.)
you even kept note of everything you heard him say and memorised the intricacies of his schedule — keeping track of every change and altering your own routines and interests to best match his own
you’d even followed him home a few times, but you never got too close as you feared getting caught by financier cookie (who, whilst undoubtedly and admirably loyal and kind when you’d spoken to her at work, was dedicated to protecting clotted cream cookie and someone who you had no chance of beating in battle)
and over time you started to put that new information to good use — visiting the markets and stores he frequented for months (establishing a presence that nobody would question) before finally showing up when you knew he’d be there just to have an excuse to talk, bringing too much of his favourite fruits into work and offering some as you simply ‘couldn’t eat all of it’ just to have an excuse to visit his office, sneaking references of his favourite books into passing conversations with others when he’s nearby to plant the idea of common interest in his mind for the next time you speak, even altering your appearance ever so slightly to start wearing items of clothing in styles you knew he loved (searching for hours in second hand shops just to avoid suspicion)
you became the perfect person for him and it all paid off once he started to approach you for conversation — seeking you out at the market and at work and being noticeably disappointed when you were absent, turning down advances from men and women who he’d have happily entertained only a few weeks prior, faltering whenever a colleague (who’s name you didn’t care to remember because they weren’t clotted cream cookie) mentioned interest in you
it was all going according to plan — he was going to be yours and yours alone
well, he had been yours for a long time, he just didn’t know it then — so you’d forgive him for being a bit unfaithful in the beginning
after all, he’d accepted you without you even needing to go through with your plan b, which you hadn’t really wanted to do in the first place as it would be a lot of hassle — killing financier would be quite the task in and of itself given her strength, but to have a high ranking official go missing at the same time would have been a nightmare to handle (even if the wealth and resources provided by your position in the republic would have made it at least mostly possible)
but it’s best not to dwell on the ‘what if’s and instead you chose to focus on the bright future ahead of you and your husband to be (oh you’d have to bite your tongue on that once he finally asks you out, don’t want to frighten him away after all the effort you’d put in)
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pianocat939 · 2 years
I loved how you played clotted cream in your last story and gotta see more yandere clotted cream!
May I request a yandere!clotted cream x cleaner reader? Like they are used to cleaning up after the council after meetings and basically cleaning around the main building and the meeting room and places like that? Just a sucker for high class x low class ships sometimes!
I always foam at the mouth every time I read upper class x lower class. It’s just a perfect dynamic for dark/horror genres. 
All my requests are taking forever to answer…makes me kinda angry at myself for some reason
Tw: Financial issues, mentions of loan sharks, mentions of illegal immigration, MC gets taken away from family due to debt issues, strawberry jam (blood), power difference (kinda subtle), this version of Clotted Cream is very different from the last time I wrote him, Clotted Cream looks at personal information
Dirtied hands
In the early morning, the sky still a pale dark blue, a cleaner clutches a rag with a bucket in the other hand. Their hands efficiently erase the dust that clings onto the table, making the table shine in glory: a needed aspect in the meeting room of the Elders and Consul. 
Y/n Cookie, a regular cleaner that lives within the Creme Republic. Someone who always had a normal life, and wishes to continue living that way until their demise. A job that doesn’t bring attention to them, only to the things they clean is perfect for someone like them. 
Yet cleaning can be quite demanding sometimes. 
Everyday they have to clean so many rooms, and not just a quick sweep either. Since it is the building that the leaders of the Creme Republic meet and reside in, they have to make sure it’s satisfactory for the higher class. Which is tiring for the body and mind. 
There are some benefits though; a surprisingly good pay, being distant from those around, and being able to touch the glamourous architecture makes up for most of it. Well, enough to be tolerated would maybe be a more suiting word. 
Y/n Cookie sets down the rag and bucket, proceeding to hold a broom for the next act. They sweep all the dirt and hair into a pile, creating an ugly sight for the eyes. Grabbing the dust pan as they let the broom fall, they sweep up the grotesque mount of grime. 
What beauty the role of being a cleaner has...
Just then, someone opens the door, tall stature sauntering in. “Pardon me cleaner, I think I have forgotten my pocket watch have you seen it anywhere?” He asks, a charismatic smile forming on his attractive face. 
Y/n Cookie blankly blinks for a moment before shuffling through their bag settled on the floor. After a few seconds, they fish out a brass-colored pocket watch, the intials “CCC” inscribed in lovely cursive on the back. They hold it out to him, eyes still blank with any emotion. 
“Why thank you! How kind hearted you are—most steal such quality of watch!” He cheers, recieiving the item with one of his needles. He lightly laughs in a light-hearted manner, but his eyes show no light in them. “Know that I, Clotted Cream Cookie, is indebted to your service.” He turns around, walking off while his cape flutters behind him. 
As he leaves, Y/n Cookie shuts the door, frowning as they do so. “Of course, because I’m a cleaner he thinks I’m going to steal his watch. I am not a beggar thank you very much.” Mumbling venom, they go back to their cleaning. 
The evening stars dance in the navy blanket of the sky, twinkling brightly as the moon rises amongst them. Most cookies are now in their homes, letting the night roll through. Yet upon the streets of the Republic, is a cookie who still hasn’t arrived home since the early morning. Their body aching from the nonstop cleaning. Thankfully, another cookie will be cleaning tomorrow so they won’t have to go for the next few days; barely enough time to rest and relax all the stress away. 
They finally arrive at their house, sluggishly taking out the key and unlocking the door. They turn on the lights, the darkness instantly washing away as the brightness pierces the vicinity of the room. Settling down their items on a plush sofa, they seat themselves on the furniture lazily, releasing the tension that was trapped inside their body all day.
“Berries? Are you awake?” They call out, tilting their head to see if the other inhabitant of the house is nearby. A meek bark replies, a small blueberry cake hound sauntering over to its owner—Y/n Cookie. It hops onto their lap, nuzzling against their lower abodmen. “Sorry I was gone for so long, I hope the neighbor’s pets kept you company.” Y/n Cookie slowly strokes the hound’s head in a loving matter. 
It barks once more, making small circles on their legs before settling down. “At least I have the next few days off; maybe we can go to the nearby park for a while.” They lean their head back, eyes staring up at the ceiling in contemplation. “Just a little more time Berries...Then we can go back to the Hollyberry kingdom.” The hound’s ears perk momentarily before flopping to its sides. 
‘Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Y/n Cookie’
Clotted Cream holds the list of employees in his hands, eyes narrowing at the sight of one cookie’s name. “File number 678…” He mutters to himself, opening the file cabinet adjacent to him. His needles sift through the files, stopping when they reach their target at the number ‘678’.
When he opens the file, he skims through the text, trying to figure who exactly Y/n Cookie is. The profile is mostly the normal things; age, occupation, name, and so on. Yet at the very last line, it states, ‘Citizen of the Hollyberry Kingdom’. How odd. Those of Hollyberrian descent are always registered as citizens of the Republic. So why would this plain little cleaner be a citizen of the Hollyberry Kingdom?
He turns the page to see another paper of data and personal background. ‘Immigration papers approved, has a debt of XXX before able to return. Parents are both Hollyberrian. Taken away due to financial issues.’ His eyes widen the further he reads the text; realizing that Y/n Cookie was taken away and is now living in the Creme Republic in illegal circumstances. 
“My, my...Looks like I’m going to have to confront this plain little cleaner soon enough.”
A few days after the pocket watch incident, Y/n Cookie is once again cleaning. Today, they are assigned to clean Clotted Cream Cookie’s office. It’s quite messy, as if someone had been desperately trying to research something. Files and papers are scattered about the desk, a notepad has writing scratched all along the pages; clearly indicating the distress the person must have been in. 
They sigh, realizing they’ll have to sort the papers and do the regular cleaning. “I should get paid more for cleaning this room.” Quickly getting to work, they start to sort through the papers, putting them into their individuals piles and files. Most of the papers are information about the immigration and regulations of the borders. Seemingly normal things for the Consul to research about. 
At the bottom of all the clutter, lay a file labeled ‘678 Y/n Cookie’. Curious, the cleaner reaches to open the bundle, only for a loud slam of the door interuppting them from doing so. 
“Cleaner~ How are you? Doing well I hope?” Clotted Cream questions, walking towards them with his hands behind his back. Y/n Cookie doesn’t speak, only nodding before returning back to their cleaning. “Apologies for this mess. I was checking some immigrant rules since there have been some illegal crosses from the Hollyberry Kingdom lately.” He walks over to the desk, shuffling through the piles and putting them back into the cabinets.
Meanwhile, Y/n Cookie stares at the ground, unmoving like a statue. He possibly couldn’t have found out, right? And even if he did, he would most likely send them back to the Hollyberry Kingdom. They slowly relax and continue on cleaning, trying to distract themselves from the smile plastered on his face.
His eyes creepily observe their movement, taking note of their obvious discomfort. Finding it adorable that the ever-so-silent cookie is terrified because of a simple mention of illegal crossing. He wants see more—more expressions.
Watch out little cleaner, the Consul has come for you…
“I see…We’ll miss having your presence around!” The manager of employees speaks, giving a small smile to the Hollyberrian.
Finally, Y/n Cookie has managed to save enough money to pay off all the debt and go back to their home in the Hollyberry kingdom. They’ve been gone for a few years now: only being able to communicate with their loved ones through letters. But that doesn’t matter anymore. They can finally leave this Republic and drink all the juice they want when back at the motherland.
“I will be off now, I hope you have a wonderful day.” They quietly leave the room, trying hard to contain a smile.
When they step out into the courtyard, a large grin couldn’t help but appear. After all their hard work and suffering they can finally live a life of liberty! They softly squeal, “Haha! I’m going back! I’m really going back!” Their body wiggles in excitement.
As they cheer in what seems like the empty courtyard, a certain green-eyed male watches them with ecstasy. First uncomfortableness, next happiness; what else could be unlocked within them? Oh how he wants to see them all!
Yet there’s problem that has risen now. The audacity of thinking they’re going to get back safely—ugh how it blackens his heart! He can’t let them go after witnessing their true beauty and emotions! He needs to keep them here in the Republic!
Not to worry, he wasn’t elected Consul for nothing. All he has to do is turn a few keys, pay some money, and jyajan~ they’re right in his arms. (Jyajan is another form of ta-dah btw)
Little cleaner, he’s getting closer…
In the Hollyberry kingdom, far away from the Republic, resides a town just outside the capital city’s walls. In the vicinity of this town, berry bushes line up all around the paths, and barrels upon barrels litter the residents’ homes.
One family in particular has juice barrels in the cellar that stack up so high, it reaches the ceiling. This household is known all around the Kingdom for their famous juice. Their wealth grows year by year as more cookies buy their products. After all, rarely could someone resist the temptation of the dark red liquid.
Despite their current status, it was only until recently have they reached such goals. Before, they were an average juice making company; average taste, average price. It was enough to go by, but it certainly could have gotten better. Unfortunately, it seems as though fate had other plans for them.
One year, a horrible disease killed most of the bushes, causing a great decline in exports. With most of their harvest being cut, they had to buy from others. Which ended up with them making a deal with loan sharks.
As punishment for not being able to pay it off in time, a young member of the household got taken away. Leaving the family terrified of what might happen next. So, they decided to improve their business with lots of research.
After a few months of testing and surveying, they made a breakthrough in juice production. Not only did it taste absolutely delicious, but the amount of berries needed to make the juice is a lot lower than the previous product.
Soon enough the money started to pile in, enabling them to successfully pay off all the debt; however, the one that was taken away still resides in the Republic. As much as they wanted to help, the Republic was very picky on their immigration and visitors: stopping them from helping the lost Y/n Cookie. The most they could do was send letters and hope they come back to the motherland.
When they heard news of them coming back they were greatly overjoyed. No more worries! Just staying at the plantation, enjoying each other's company.
Too bad little cleaner attracted their demise.
The Consul is viewed as society's pride and joy; and yet here he is hiring someone to initiate crime. “As soon as they fall asleep I want you to drug them and bring them back to the Republic.”
“Along the edge of the land or…?”
“Leave them along the port, I’ll retrieve them myself.”
“Ok. And you’ve already paid my debts?”
“Of course. No Consul could dirty their record.” His charming smile? More like meet-your-end smile.
Clotted Cream Cookie sits at the side of his bed, monitoring the cookie before him. He hesitantly caresses their hair, tenderly feeling the strands. His arrogant character replaced by a softer presence. The room is silent, only the soft hisses and clicks of movement accompany his troubled mind.
“Dearest, wake up. It’s time for you to awaken~” He pleas, shaking their body a little. The cookie grunts in discomfort, slowly opening their eyes. Clotted Cream smiles, leaning in closer to the point their faces almost touch. “Good morning.”
“Huh…? Oh, yeah…Good morning.” They look around, recording their surroundings. “This isn’t my bed…And why are you here?” Slowly descending into confusion, they start to take a grip on the situation. “Why do I feel so sick?”
The soft morning light burns their eyes, making them squint in discomfort. The bedroom definitely isn’t theirs, and shouldn’t Clotted Cream be back at the Republic?
Why is he here?!
Panicking finally pumping into their veins, they stammer, “Wha- I should be- I should be back at Hollyberry kingdom! Why are you here?! You shouldn’t be here! You belong in the Republic!” As they frantically look at his face, he puts a finger to their lips.
“You’re panicking. It’s going to ruin your health; calm down. You’re fine, I promise you.” He leans back, taking off his finger while doing so. Y/n Cookie watches in shock before snapping back to their usual demeanor. Well, as best as they can after all, they are drugged.
“Consul. Where am I?” Their words slightly slur, indicating the side effects of the drug. Clotted Cream doesn’t answer, now a frown on his face.
They slide out from the bed and stand on the solid ground. “Answer me. Where am-”
“I wouldn’t suggest asking anymore, dearest. You illegally crossed into the nation, now you must pay the price. Your punishment is to be forever bounded and monitored by me.”
He jerks towards them, eyes blown-wide from insanity. “Little cleaner, you may not smile or frown, but I know; deep inside your heart you weep tears of loneliness…Something I want to see exposed for me.” Y/n Cookie looks at his hands, only to realize that there’s jam on it.
Not even a Consul grand as he can stop from wrath of impurity.
THE. ENDING. TOOK. AN. EXTRA. 3. DAYS. Listen, I put lots of effort into this. It’s definitely my longest one I’ve written so far. Yes, it’s messy and I’ll probably edit it sometime this week.
But you have to applause for the time I spent into making this. (Tbh it’s kinda on me because I just really love the social class difference trope)
I’m trying to improve my fics but it’s so hard to organize I swear.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
- Celina
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I am back, back again. Ready to add more to this Yandere Cookie Apocalypse.
Once a cookie has become "ill" do you think they would become vectors for this sickness without the need for MC? Perhaps once the events of Cookie Odyssey are over, Hollyberry and Dark Cacao go back to their kingdoms and Clotted Cream goes back to the Republic (as much as they'd hate it).
But if the disease was contagious without the need for MC to facilitate it they would spread the disease throughout their respective locations, causing the Hollyberry Kingdom, Dark Cacao Kingdom, and the Crème Republic to slowly start descending into madness.
And Considering House Oyster has a fleet of merchant ships presumable going around to the rest of Earthbread... I think MC would have a whole lotta problems within the coming months, and that's even before considering the places MC themselves have been and currently are at.
Tw: Obsession spreading, mention of arranged(?) marriage
Vectors are definitely possible, but I think an obsessed cookie has to spread it by doing something- kinda like how with an actual virus it spreads through multitude of ways based on interactions.
Spreading it could be done in lots of different ways, but the biggest thing is expressing their love for MC to other cookies. Whether it’s talking about them, sharing pictures, anything that spreads the obsessive behaviour onto others.
And with the different kingdoms of the Odyssey, it could easily become a big problem depending on how the leaders and cookies of said kingdoms act once they return.
I can imagine Clotted Cream trying to work the council into his favour. (assuming most of the council is platonically obsessed cuz they’re old)
Like instead of just finding out more about MC or trying to bring them back to the Republic, Clotted Cream will try to slowly induce marriage into their plans.
Marriage to him. He’ll justify it as a way of connection between the Republic and Gingerbrave’s kingdom. When really he just wants to be the husband of MC because he wants to be loved and adored- MC is the only one who’s given him true affection for once
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lovesickletters · 2 years
snow anon has great taste in characters! and that madeleine lovesick letter was so good~ i love it! btw, could i request a lovesick letter for clotted cream? (you can really tell that i have a specific taste in my fav characters, huh) - crow
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So many like-minded folk here today, hmm~ unfortunately I am very unfamiliar with Clotted Cream but I did my best💜 perhaps I will rewrite this one day in the future!
💜𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝒞𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝒞𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝑒 | 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝐿𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇💜
(Item Description: A letter decorated in ribbon and written with fine golden penmanship, slipped into the wrapping of a box of expensive delicacies from the republic.)
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The lovely Y/N Cookie,
Greetings sweetheart, I trust you are good and well?
My apologies for contacting you so abruptly out of the blue after our first brief encounter, I felt a strange urge to see you again the minute we parted ways.
It appears the heart wants what the heart wants, yes?
In light of this realisation I have arranged for a table for two at a lovely restaurant, just the two of us and a candlelit dinner to get to better know each other. I would love to acquaintance ourselves further, and perhaps more.
I promise you will not regret your decision if you accept, however if you reject my invitation I will try to understand, as much as I would be disappointed.
Clotted Cream Cookie, elected Consul of the Crème Republic.
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