#yandere fiancé headcanons
suiana · 1 year
short drabble for a yandere fiancé because I said so!1!
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✎ yandere! fiancé who fell for you at first sight, not knowing or understanding how such a beautiful person could exist.
✎ yandere! fiancé who is an expert manipulator, using your weaknesses and fears against you. he'll get you to stay with him no matter what.
✎ yandere! fiancé who wants you all to himself. work? he'll do all of it! money? don't even worry about it :) just be a good darling and stay with him, away from others.
✎ yandere! fiancé who can't believe himself when he finally gets you to marry him. what a dream come true! you're all his now :) forever and ever.
after forcing you to marry him, it was as clear as day that your fiancé was not going to leave you. a charming young man he was, full of potential and intelligence. it was truly such a shame that he wasted all his time pining after you, his senior at the high school you both attended.
you were older than him by two years, just trying to get by high school when you met him. he was an annoying little thing, really. how he would cling to you, follow you around and ask you the most random of questions....
you didn't really tolerate them. actually, you were quite pissed at him. calling him names and pushing him away in hopes that it would chase him off. it didn't work. in fact, it made him even more persistent. you didn't get it, not at all. it's not like you were outstanding or anything. in all honesty you were quite average. laying low, just trying to pass high school like most people were.
so when such an outstanding guy took interest in you, you were naturally quite wary. he was handsome, charming, smart. all of which you were not.
it was quite terrifying how obsessed he was with you. even going to the extent of scaring away others who may be interested in you. he was already acting like a possessive boyfriend even before you were dating!
you tried ways and means to get him off your back but all that doesn't matter anymore, does it? you were forced into a relationship with him after he expertly manipulated you. you two were even going to get married! there was no escape for you now.
all you could do was hope that his obsession doesn't worsen.
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Could you do a Headcanon with Female Reader like Emily from "Corpse Bride" with the Dorm Leaders (+Ruggie, Jamil and Rook), about what they think about her and feel about her, into three parts, which are:
Part 1
Pre-Overblot (first impressions)
Part 2
Post Overblot (after learning about her and her background)
Part 3
Wedding (Without that part of the poison, but keeping the part of the dead reuniting with their loved ones, and their reaction to finding and discovering that Y/n's ex-fiancé was the one who killed her)
That's alot so I won't be doing all of that 🖤🖤🖤
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Corpse Bride Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’re life has a living corpse is truly a unique one, if it isn’t already with your unexpected arrival to Night Raven. Nonetheless you can only hope for your true love most eager suitors and while it might not be your biggest priority with overblots left and right. Those obsessed with you will make it so or at least steam-roll over any rivals you have: 
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Vil Schoenheit
“What an unfortunate case.”
He’s talking about your dead-rotting state and wedding dress you always wear
Firstly he thinks you’re tragic and that your dress is outdated+
By the end of his overblot Vil has something of a revelation
He simply can’t keep looking down on you
Not with this feeling in his heart
The feeling that all too quickly inspires him to use everything in his power
To bring you two together
Including but not limited to giving people food poisoning, sending fans after them, and outright bullying
Fastforward to your wedding when he’s finally gotten you in his trap
By now he’s perfectly crafted your circle of friends 
Now all he has to worry is about you passing on he’s got a plan for that
He already knew about your ex-fiance, you’ve told him about it before
And if he could do anything about it he most certainly would’ve gotten revenge for you
“I’m ecstatic to live with you for all eternity, dead or alive.”
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Jamil Viper 
“..you have bugs in your head..”
He considers you his greatest enemy
Should you find out his fear for bugs you’ll be the biggest threat to his plans
Post overblot he definitely was right to label you a threat
Not only for bug’s attraction to you 
But because he’s entirely helpless to you as the owner of his heart
But he’d sooner strangle your friends than admit it
Either way he tries to brave his fears enough to get in your good graces
Once the wedding comes around Jamil too has a plan 
More than prepared to give you something of his own creation that will bind you to him 
Dead or alive
He already knows about your ex and if he hasn’t found and destroyed the portal back home 
He’ll daydream about killing and torturing him endlessly
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diejager · 10 months
wait did that person not know what cnc meant? not to be rude, but what did they think they were reading when it said cnc😭
i love your yandere price stuff so so so much omg grrrr 😵‍💫🩵 can you talk about any yandere price headcannons you have? kidnapping the reader and taking them home, locking the reader away and him using them like toy for his own needs 😖 you can make this non-con if you want, i don't mind since i know you have amazing ideas! :)
but please ignore this if it makes you uncomfy!!! 💐
On the contrary, this made me smile a bit too much to be seen as normal tbh… I’m actually not even sure what they expected from Non-con, sunshines and rainbows? Maybe the just didn’t expect that. And thank you!!🥰 I just ADORE you’re toxic dadbod!Price. It’s bloody genius 🤤
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Pairing: Yan!Captain John Price x fem!reader
CW: DARK, yandere, possessive behaviour, kidnapping, NON-CON, power kink, authority kink, breeding, pregnancy, basement wife, spanking, I def missed a few- WC: 1.1k
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Yan!Price isn’t afraid of showing others who you belong to. It might be in many purple and red marks on your neck, kisses and bites from the day before and accumulating with every passing day. Or it might be various dark bruises on your arms and thighs, placed in specific areas that would make it impossible to hide when you wear shorts, t-shirts and a tank top.
For someone known for his professionalism, he doesn’t hide his affection for you at all. Yan!Price hovers over you like a hawk, always keeping a hand on you. Whether it’s his hand on your shoulder, his arm around your hip, or his warm palm sliding down the hollow of your back, dancing on the edge of indecent and suggestive. 
Yan!Price may not be a firm believer of fate or destiny, but for you, he believes it was the iron hand of fate. He was destined to meet you when you were still fresh, a bright-eyed and happy soldier that passed the assessment tests and followed superiors like a lost puppy. You were a blessing to him, you didn’t challenge his authority, you did boast about your grades and you didn’t spew nonsensical dreams and goals of becoming a general, the best sniper or the strongest. 
Yan!Price is a respectable man with respectable habits, even with the subtle glances he throws your way and the hungry way his eyes rove over your body. With respectability, comes other less appropriate things he does when he’s on his own. His rank and power ooze from his form, the broad shoulders and gruff, yet kind, face inspire respect from others, but from you, he demands more. His carnality drowns his sense of duty with you.
Yan!Price has a deep need to sate his power kink, keeping his rank even in moments of intimacy. His words are law, his hands are the hammer and you, the thing he manhandles and bends to his will. 
Yan!Price likes to call you his pet when he punishes you for something that might or might not have been of your own doing. He bends you over his knee and makes you count the number of spanks he gives. If you miss one, he makes you redo them from the start, no matter the number of strikes. Or he uses you to his leisure, in a rough and demeaning way that makes you cry and whimper, apologise for something - anything so that he would stop.
Yan!Price calls you private - your rank - when he feels the need to use it, enforcing his authority kink. Fucking you dumb over his desk until you drool and lose all sense, babbling and crying. He likes hearing you beg, hearing you plead. Screaming “please” over and over again sends his body shuddering (He could care less if they were pleads for more or for him to stop, he doesn’t bother with that theoretics).
Or Yan!Price sings you poems and adoringly obsessive nothings, calling you love as he takes care of you, pulling you over the edge again and again, over and over, until you pass out from pleasure. He’s soft in those moments, caring and loving to his cute fiancé. He focuses on your pleasure over his, leaving his leaking and aching until you’re satisfied or out cold.
If he can’t have you transferred to his team - for whatever reason - he’d result in kidnapping you. Kidnapping is a harsh word, he’s not kidnapping you, he’s taking you away from a life of pain and hardship. Yan!Price is taking care of you at home, where you’re far from having a gun pointed at you or being threatened by a knife.
You start up in the basement if you act out too much. Yan!Price has the room built just right to fit your every need. The door’s locked with a dozen locks, he’s not paranoid, he’s simply planning in advance as a Captain should. He’s caring for you. 
When you start listening, he lets you roam the house, sleep in the same bed, eat at the kitchen table and shower in the upstairs bathroom. Yan!Price’s softer in this setting, he acts like your lover and husband-to-be - he is. He cooks for you, he helps you shower, he orders you around and he does everything to ensure that you live comfortably - or as comfortably as you can in this situation.
Try as he might, you don’t fall madly in love with him as he does with you. Loving embraces, mind-blowing orgasms, a comfortable life and a caring man seem meaningless to you. So Yan!Price decides to fuck a kid into you, what other option would make you marry him? You weren’t so heartless as to want to separate your child from their father. You’re too soft, too caring for the life of a soldier. How dreadful would it be to have a child out of wedlock? You’d marry him then, wouldn’t you?
Pregnant or not; subservient or not; happy or not; none of it matters, you’re his, his to love, his to care, his to fuck. You are his to do so. After everything he went through to take you, to care for and feed you, to give you a child, you owe him all the world. His pet, his private, his love, his wife, you owe Yan!Price so much that he could do anything he wants with you. You would let him let him use you as he wants, wouldn’t you?
He has a desk in his office where he can bend you over, he has a queen size bed where he can mount you, he has so many walls in the hose where he can push you against and he has a garage where he stores his car for other uses. 
You’re on your period? Doesn’t matter to him, he doesn’t shy from a bit of blood, he’s in the army. You’re in pain? Don’t worry, he’ll take the pain away with his cock. You’re sleepy? He doesn’t mind fucking an unconscious body, you’ll still react in your sleepy haze. You’re pregnant? He’ll be careful, he promises, he’ll only use his tongue and finger, he can fuck his hand or your warm mouth.
Although he’s rough and mean, Yan!Price loves you, he truly does. He cares for you. You’re his world. He even takes time off from his military campaigns to spend time with you. If you want something, he’d buy it for you. If you want him, he’d give himself to you. If you want more kids running around, he’d get you as fat and round as many times you want. But if you want freedom? The possibility of returning to your training? That wouldn’t be possible, he doesn’t approve.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months
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Kung Lao yandere headcanons
Warnings: Yandere (obsessive and toxic themes) just cute little mentions of gore and murder blah blah blahhhhhhh…kung Lao being a little bitch. (Kinda inserted my fiancé as Kung Lao so if the personality is off…no it isn’t they are literally the same exact person🤞)
Requests: only for Yandere Kung Lao, Shang tsung, raiden and Johnny Cage mk11/mk1/X
General Yandere Headcanons
Kung lao has been fond of you from the beginning. You were always very open and welcoming towards him. Never once did you ever make fun of his hat or ever compare himself with Liu Kang like many many others.
Whenever he messed up or didn’t quite match up with his counterpart, you would encourage him and remind him of all he has to offer and that one small fail shouldn’t break him. You were the best friend Kung Lao could ever ask for.
As much as he’d hate to admit, he was desperate for this kind of special attention. He needed to be loved and praised, he needed to be better than all the other competitors. He especially needs to be better than Liu Kang…
After seeing him train harder than ever this past year for the next tournament, you turned to him and said..
“You know what? I honestly think you’re a far better fighter than Liu Kang at this point, and I wish more people could see that. It kind of irks me how Raiden doesn’t believe in you like he does Liu.”
Anyone else would say you were being a little too generous with that statement, but you meant exactly what you said.
Little did you know that this seemingly harmless comment made something in his brain snap….
No one has ever said anything remotely close to this to him. Sure, he’s gotten good remarks on his skills before but he’s always lived in his friend’s shadow. Finally, someone sees him for just how great he truly is.
His inhibitions were now gone and in that moment he decided you were his. You say it’s kidnapping, he says it’s redirecting you in the direction of his house. potato,patato!
He feels absolutely no guilt for kidnapping you and forcing your relationship. He believes he’s in the right most times. Everything he does is justified, including this……in some very sick way.
Kung Lao is a very needy and klingy Yandere. He orders you to be around him at all times or at least updating him constantly when you can’t be. Which is very rare, usually only happens if he has to be with the shaolin or if Raiden needs to speak with him privately.
He has a huge ego that constantly needs to be inflated by you. The man can’t help it, he craves your worship.
This means when he forces you to attend his sparring matches, tournaments, and workout sessions, you need to pay extra close attention. He will ask you specifically what you enjoyed about today's session and you better be raving about it, or it’ll be a hissy fit for the rest of the day. (So sassy)
Will shower you in compliments all damn day. He thinks you're absolutely beautiful in every single way and one thing that Kung Lao hates more than anything is someone with low self esteem. Lack of confidence is annoying to him so he’ll make sure you know you’ve got it going on.
(Ironic since deep down he’s crippling from his insecurities)
Very very physically affectionate and expects you to reciprocate it. Smothers you in kisses and cuddles.You have to hold his hand in public so people know that you're his. The way his grip is on you thooo. ;-;
Will just plop on top of you like he’s not 180 pounds of pure muscle. He’s so huge omg like you get crushed any time he has one of his love attacks.
Has a very mildly short temper. Most of his anger is never really taken out on you though. He’s just kind of asshole-ish to everyone outside of you
Will 100% threaten you and let you know that he’s not to be tested tho. He loves games but not when they come to you.
He cannot bear you giving anyone other than him attention, especially other men. Why do you even need to speak to other men??? You have the great Kung Lao right next to you.
Someone hits on you, he’ll get rid of them….
He’s willing to kill anyone for you. It’s all honorable, because it’s to protect the sanctity of his precious relationship.
If you start talking to someone for a little too long, flirting or he suspects you’re interested in another, he’s going to kill them too.. slowly and brutally…all for you to watch. He’ll slice the unsuspecting fellow in half, look up at you with a big ol’ grin!
“See, this is what I have to do when you start talking to people you shouldn’t. Now my hat is all filthy because of you.”
You need to know that Kung Lao is serious about you, and there are consequences to your stupidity. This will surely keep you in line.
Will also set punishments up too. He can’t find it in his heart to ever put his hands on you, but sometimes when he’s in one of many temper tantrums, he’ll leave bruises on your arm from grabbing or pulling you too hard. Though with that said, even if you try attacking him he will just try to pin you down or restrain your hands until you finally give up.
It’s kind of cute to him when you struggle. He’s so much stronger and bigger than you but you still think you have a chance…aww that’s so adorable and kind of amusing to him.
Usually his punishments consist of him locking you up for a day or two in his room, making you clean off his bloody clothes after he’s dealt with someone because of you, or doing some kind of chores he doesn’t want to.
If you try running away he will be deeply hurt and humiliated by this. He scolds you after he catches you and immediately ties you up. He takes away any basic necessities to further punish you. You’ve embarrassed him and now he’ll have to endure the whispers about it.
Why would you run away from the only person who can keep you safe? Is he not enough for you anymore???
You think this is some sort of fun joke?
Do you think someone fights better than him?????? If so he will challenge them to kombat to show you that he’s just as great as he was before.
Once he finally calms down kung lao would be very mopey for the next couple of hours. His ego is shattered in this moment and he just wants you to love him back. He’ll cling on anything you give him, he’ll even lose the hat for you if it meant that you’d never leave him again.
This is one of the only times where he’s openly vulnerable to you, outside of this he puts on his usual persona. Always self assured and well together. If you see Lao’s weak side too often you’ll think less of him.
Once you’ve finally gave in to his painful hours of pandering and promised to never leave him again, he snaps back to his old self.
It doesn’t matter how much you only thought of him as a close friend, Kung Lao is determined to break you down and become his perfect match. You’re the only one who understands him, and sees his true worth so he’d be a fool to just let you slip away. He’ll prove to you that he truly is the greatest once becomes the next champion. You'll soon see.
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iaure · 1 year
𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁; 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚the dearest collection - part one/beloved 𓆩♡𓆪 part two/prized 𓆩♡𓆪 part three/devoted 𓆩♡𓆪 part four/desperate 𓆩♡𓆪 part five/blind 𓆩♡𓆪 part six/watcher 𓆩♡𓆪 part seven/ardor 𓆩♡𓆪 part eight/fervor this is very heavily inspired by @//clusterfuck-yandere's yandere leon headcanons; please check out their works. this is something of a love letter to their puppy obsession series.
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yandere leon s. kennedy headcanons; reader is a survivor of raccoon city.
tw: general yandere behaviour, NSFW (leon has an erotic daydream/slight somnophilia + it is marked by a large page marker like the one below), stalking, ptsd, mentions of mourning
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ i am very excited for part four! this one was much longer than the rest; this makes me happy. i may potentially take a slight break from this as i want to see where i want to take this small series; i want to deliver the best product i can to all of you ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ i also want to take time to create my own persona for this blog; i am thinking a sheep. what do you think? ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒
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he'd been getting worse.
♡ the truth of the matter was that this was an addiction.
♡ Leon could manage to quit smoking. but this was entirely different. how do you quit someone?
♡ and it's not like it was hard to love you.
♡ gaining entry into your home wasn't difficult. you kept a spare key above the doorframe, and Leon was always careful to replace it.
♡ your apartment always smelled of you, felt like you, and whenever he went in, he couldn't help but imagine a life where he lived with you-as your boyfriend. Your fiancé? Your husband, if he dared.
♡ and he made sure to take care of you, even if you didn't know!
♡ he knew how hard it was for you to take care of yourself, especially with your work.
♡ when he saw that you had made yourself a list of things to do, he was so proud!
♡ he knew you were taking steps to live better. what was wrong with helping, just a little bit?
♡ a dish here, a wipedown there, a dusting every now and then. small things.
♡ he'd made a handful of habits, such as watching you sleep or snagging the occasional piece of clothing for his own purposes.
♡ your closet had just enough space for him to stow away if you ever showed signs of waking up.
♡ you were just too sweet. obsession was staring down Leon's love, and you didn't even know it.
how was he supposed to stay away?
♡ as for your work, Loen had made his peace with it.
♡ as alarming as it was that you were in possible danger every day, it also meant that you were happier, getting more sunshine, and the opportunity to get yourself nice things.
♡ your happiness always came first, after all.
♡ secondly was the blessing that Leon got that was seeing you whenever he could, just by strutting down from his gym and watching you brew some sort of ridiculous concoction.
♡ overall, your work was more positives than anything. besides, Leon could simply watch you walk to and fro from work to make sure you were safe.
♡ his perception of you had completely expanded as well.
♡ back then, on the AOL forum, he only knew a few vaguely scattered personal details that you'd hint at in posts and comments, mentioned offhand, like your brother.
♡ but now, he knew so much more.
♡ he knew your favourite colours, foods, hobbies, who you liked, who you didn't, what you thought about your work, your opinions on just about anything-you'd share them if he simply asked.
♡ you were so sweet, so clueless, and he loved it.
♡ you would spend hours with Leon simply talking about little to nothing, and it meant everything to him.
♡ you were so kind, so soft, and every word that fell from your lips was divine.
♡ for the last two weeks, he'd been as sneaky as he possibly could.
but you were bound to take notice.
♡ he was hanging out with you as you closed the bakery, counting out the tills and setting aside the deposits. Leon was simply happy to be in your presence.
♡ you began speaking about how you felt unsafe, about how you felt someone staring at you in the night.
♡ instantly, Leon felt guilty.
♡ he didn't mean to scare you. he was trying to protect you, for goodness' sake!
♡ he wasn't frustrated with you, though. of course. he never would be. you were perfect and did no wrong.
♡ he wished there was some way that he could convey he didn't want to hurt you on those nights where he made sure you were safe, but nothing seemed like a good idea.
♡ the guilt chewed away at his insides until you asked him that...holy, divine question.
"would you walk me home?"
♡ he might've gotten on his knees and wept.
♡ what opportunity was this? walking next to your warm body, in the rain, under an umbrella...almost like a couple.
♡ the idea sent Leon's heart into overdrive, pounding in his ears as all sorts of ideas filled his head.
♡ upon his enthusiastic agreement, your face filled with comfort, and Leon couldn't help but feel a bit delighted.
♡ he didn't care if he was going to get soaked. as you locked the door to the bakery, he took care to cover you entirely with the umbrella. you asked him if he was cold at all, but no. the heat of your body was enough to light him on fire.
♡ Leon was in heaven.
♡ during the whole walk, he made sure to keep an eye out on the off chance that there were bad actors around. he even made a show of whipping his head back and forth, which he knew you noticed.
♡ and several times, you laughed. oh, what a sweet angelic sound.
♡ how he wished this walk could last forever; your hand brushing against his, the gentle lull of your voice as you made conversation.
♡ he wasn't sure which god or entity or spirit or soul he pleased, but he was thanking all of them.
♡ when the two of you reached your apartment, he could feel himself deflate a bit. he was so endlessly grateful for the time you gave him, but he dared to want more.
♡ he knew he wouldn't be satiated, no matter what you did. but he could hope. he could pray.
♡ whatever prayer he said worked; you turned with an almost guilty look-as though you could ever be guilty-and asked him if he wanted to see the inside of your apartment.
♡ he practically cheered.
♡ when you turned to finish opening the door, he couldn't help a low whine from leaving his throat. his chest was tight, his heart was pounding, and it was like all his dreams were coming true.
♡ he had seen your apartment dozens of times. at that point, every photo and speck of dust had their locations memorised.
♡ spending time alone, with you, in your apartment, with your scent and your signs of life surrounding him might've even been too much to bear.
♡ but he accepted, because what insanity would it be for him to say no? what lunacy would have to possess him?
♡ upon stepping in, he did everything a polite guest should do; took off his shoes, set his bag and umbrella down, and proceeded to try and shake off the excess water.
♡ your laugh at his shake made his heart swell.
♡ you were trying to dig for food, and you had bent over at the waist; it made Leon delirious.
♡ he couldn't not stare.
♡ you either didn't notice or didn't mind, because you gave up, ordering a pizza instead.
♡ he tried to pay-this was dreamy enough, you didn't need to do anything else-but you insisted, saying it was your way of thanking him.
♡ thanking him? for what could you possibly be thanking him for? that walk was no burden, it was a blessing. why would you need to thank him?
but you refused his money.
♡ he felt guilty, but you turned on your TV and began watching some romantic sitcom that he'd never heard of before.
♡ was it a sign? Leon couldn't tell.
♡ the peace was domestic, crumbling away at Leon's self-restraint. why couldn't every day be like this?
♡ if he just told you, then you'd understand. you would forgive him. you would hold him close.
♡ his mind began to wander. did you think of him like that? did you even consider him as a romantic interest?
♡ would you? if he asked?
♡ the question, confession, was on the tip of his tongue.
♡ you were good. you were kind. you wouldn't be creeped out.
♡ he opened his mouth, and-
the power went out.
♡ his heart dropped to his toes, and all the courage he managed to muster disappeared as you got up to light some candles.
♡ he went back to his bag, rummaging for his military-grade flashlight that he kept on hand.
♡ he'd rather you have it, than something go wrong and you stumble in the dark.
♡ he'd rather walk home in the pouring rain than you risk anything for a second.
♡ you lit a handful of candles, setting them aside as he passed the flashlight off to you.
♡ he figured it was time to go, licking his wounds and dragging his pride and courage behind him.
♡ but you didn't say goodbye.
♡ instead, you asked where he lived. his heart seized.
♡ he could do two things from here. one, admit that he lived maybe a fifteen minute walk away.
♡ or he could lie.
♡ he knew how your heart worked, for the most part. you felt like you were in debt. you wouldn't make him walk back in the rain.
♡ so he could pretend that he lived far away, even by car. he could just...manipulate you.
♡ after a beat too long, he made his choice.
♡ he 'confessed' that he lived thirty minutes from his gym, which was ten from the bakery, which was five from your apartment.
♡ and he could see you think in real time.
♡ your eyes flickered from the door, to his still-damp hair, to the half-eaten pizza on the counter, to the flashlight.
♡ and god, the guilt was going to eat him alive.
♡ he knew you were kind. he knew you were soft. and he abused that. he abused your sweetness and goodness. for what? his sick kicks?
♡ but your pretty lips pursed, and they formed around those words that he wanted-no, needed-so desperately.
would you want to stay the night?
♡ the guilt disappeared, his heart wept for joy!
♡ yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, a thousand times, yes! always! yes!
♡ you seemed relieved, disappearing into your room and coming out with men's pyjamas.
♡ they were a little snug on Leon, hanging a bit low, but he certainly didn't mind. this was effectively the greatest task of his life.
♡ he had to be a viable partner for you. he had to show his worth.
♡ you were quick to go to bed. with the power still out, you clearly just wanted to wait it out.
♡ Leon pulled a blanket out of his bag, but you insisted on giving him several more, as well as a pillow.
♡ and oh god, how was he supposed to control himself? they all smelled like you.
♡ maybe he'd take one in the morning. for safekeeping.
♡ as he lay on your couch, the thought crossed his mind to wander while you were asleep, to see everything with the daring of you being inside your own home.
♡ but he knew better. or, at least, he thought he did.
♡ ten minutes turned into thirty. thirty turned into an hour, turned into two, into four, before he finally cracked.
♡ he literally had you at his fingertips, in a situation where he'd most likely be excused. he had to use it. he had to make the most of it.
♡ and, despite everything he could do...he wandered into your room. and he watched you.
♡ you snored, just a little bit. it was a cute snore that Leon liked. you also slept a bit erratically, sometimes throwing your body in weird positions.
♡ part of your blanket was on the floor, your head was between two pillows, and you were out like a light.
♡ or apparently not, because after about ten minutes of Leon standing there, you woke up abruptly. you gave a small gasp, bleary eyes still trying to grasp what you were seeing. you asked what he was doing.
♡ and what was he doing, honestly? he was watching you sleep. but he couldn't admit to that, not in a thousand years.
♡ so, he said the first thing that he could come up with, in a voice that lost every shred of pride he had left.
"i thought you were gone."
♡ and he can see the pity on your face, and he can't help but almost feel childish at how he hoped you'd comfort him.
♡ your eyes wandered over him, as though putting pieces together. you finally lay your head back down, and pat your bed.
♡ Leon goes into overdrive. again. for how many times this night were you going to do that? how many times were you going to make his heart leap into his throat?
♡ he, for a second, isn't sure what you want. there's no way you'd...
"do you want me to...sleep with you?"
♡ his voice was weak, and he asked, again, until you nodded. maybe you were just moving in your sleep. he asked another time. you nodded again. he asked once more. you said yes.
♡ he started shaking. his grip on your blanket was white-knuckled, his knees were ready to buckle, and the world was spinning.
♡ you did. you wanted to share your bed with him. you wanted to sleep with him. you want him. you wanted him!
♡ he gets into bed with you, gently setting the blanket over your body and trying to not freak out.
♡ you were so warm and so close to him. everything was invading his senses, and when you realised he was staring, you shot him a smile that turned his insides to goo.
♡ he had to take this chance. and he moved a little closer.
♡ you didn't move.
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♡ and you were just so unguarded, so gentle. Leon's mind was wandering.
♡ what would you look like in a far more intimate scenario?
♡ what would your kisses look like? feel like?
♡ Leon squirmed a bit.
♡ what would your skin feel like? the skin that he couldn't touch? your neck, your stomach, your thighs...?
♡ his eyes wandered down the silhouette of your body under the covers.
♡ how would you feel underneath him? if he was touching your chest, suckling on your neck, leaving hickeys for everyone to see?
♡ how would you feel if he had his hands everywhere, pinned under his body and rutting into you?
♡ how would you act if he had his cock in you? how would you moan? would you try to close your eyes? or would you keep them open and watch how he loved you?
♡ would you be quick to orgasm? or would you take time, and Leon would be blessed to have your body for so long?
♡ he thought you would maybe try to cover yourself with your hands. you did seem the shy type. oh, but he'd be greedy, and he'd ask if you could move them-he wants to see all of you.
♡ he thinks that you'd be quiet at first, trying to stop yourself from being loud in case it woke your neighbours. but Leon would be in so deep into that tight, divine warmth, and you'd call out his name.
♡ and he'd swallow it. he'd take your lips in his and devour every gasp and moan that left your mouth.
♡ he'd never make you beg, either. he'd do everything to make you be so perfectly spent, fucked out of your mind and left limp on your bed. and even then, Leon wouldn't be satiated.
♡ he'd need more. he'd take you in his mouth, even if you had passed out, just to keep working you until your taste was all over his tongue. and when you woke up, he'd still be hard at work, trying to get more, begging for more.
♡ and maybe you'd decide to take him, instead, as thanks for taking care of you.
♡ you'd be on top of him, sucking sweetly at his cock, and he'd cry out your name with no inhibition. he didn't care about the people in your apartment complex. he just cared about you, and that you would know just how much he loved you.
♡ he'd fuck you for hours, days even, to finally have the curve of your body and the taste of your cum memorised.
♡ but let's be honest.
♡ he'd never have enough.
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lyomeii · 1 year
yandere anastasius headcanons
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->warnings: yandere themes, manipulation, obsession, death mentions, anastasius being himself, plot change a little (canon diverge, it’s being a while since I finished the manhwa )and much more.
-> request by anon! If you have time can you do yandere hcs of claude's older brother? (I forgot how to spell his name 😭😭)
-> a/n: honestly, this took much time than I expected, but i am proud of how this turn out.
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-> you were originally supposed to marry him. so happily to marry the next emperor, only to be cheated on and seeing the person you care die for his selfish acts. that destroyed you so hard, thankfully claude helped you get better and even offered a place at the palace as you soon become someone closer and a confidant of his.
-> living inside the palace is unique. athanasia is your niece and spending time with her are beloved moments that you won’t never exchange for nor those rare times where claude smiles watching over his daughter. those times like this are your favorites.
-> that’s however changed quite quickly when claude lose his memories, anathasia become distant of you and turn out that not only jenette is daughter of your late husband, but also that your late husbands isn’t dead at all.
-> anastasius is alive and standing in front you with such smile on his face that almost fool you. he is either stupidly or really brave to show up at the palace as speaking words of how much he missed hearing your voice, your touch on his skin and your presence around him.
-> how much you want to slap him, but with everything going on, you need to take care of anathasia and find a way to recover claude’s memories before it’s too late. So now, you solely focus on finding a way to do it so while ignoring your former fiancé talk behind you nonstop.
-> living now with him is quite hard, specially with the council trying to understand all the situation while jennete sees you as a new parent figure with anastasius too. They bother you whatever they have time together, making you slowly become irritated by their acts, yet you never dared to scream at them.
->as days goes by, you slowly enter a routine with them. jennete is acting like your daughter, like she always being there. anastasius treats you as the perfect spouse… but you hate them, so why are you acting like this?
-> little whispers and touches, anastasius knows how to make you with him. maybe his words are too gentle for your own good or might be the tea that you have recently drinking, too sweet for you own good and perfectly way to make you more comfortable around him.
-> one day, you will become officially his and jennete will be the daughter you once dreamed. but for now, he will let you think you have control of the entire situation.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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theyanderespecialist · 11 months
A Forced Blushing Bride 1 (Scenario) Yandere Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one with Yandere Lady Dimitrescu x female reader forced marriage! So I wish you good luck!]
(Disclaimer: Lady Dimitrescu is not yandere in canon, and this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine. Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have! But I would still give my soul to Lady D!]
(Enjoy this!)
(Forced Marriage) (Lady Dimitrescu)
(Name's POV)
I stare at Mother Miranda in horror. She had just told me I had been called to marry one of the four lords.
"I am sorry, Mother," I say. "But I cannot do that..."
"You do not have a choice, my child. You are to be a gift. You will do as told and marry Lady Dimitrescu." She orders me.
I want to run, and I need to run. I move quickly, only to run face-first into Lady Dimitrescu! Actually, I was almost face-first in her crotch!
"Ah, There is my blushing bride." Lady Dimitrescu says. "You are not trying to be a runaway bride, we're you, my dear?"
I look up at her, craning my neck to see her. "I can't marry you."
She takes her chin in my hand. "I am sorry, my dear, but you do not have a choice in the matter. You will be my wife and mine alone. Am I clear?"
Lady dimitrescu is not playing around. I do not want to do this, but I do not have a choice. I nod my head, and she smirks.
"Good girl, now let's get you home. We have much to plan for the ceremony. Then you will be mine, and I will keep you by my side forever." Lady Dimitrescu says and takes my hand.
She leads me into the castle, her daughters nowhere in sight. The maids come up frightened.
"See to my fiancé, do not dare try and sway her from me. Or it will be to the dungeon with you." Lady Dimitrescu orders them, and I am led to take a bath.
The finest of oils and soaps. A strange purple mixture in the tub.
"What is this?" I ask.
"It is a special mixture to make you pure from any man who ever has laid a hand on you." One of the women tells me.
I do not think it just does that, as my skin tingles. They wash me and take me to dry. Putting a nightgown on my body. They then leave me in my room, and I go to escape, but of course, the door is locked. I let out a scream yanking at my hair! This cannot be happening! I will not marry Lady Dimitrescu!
(Lady Dimitrescu's POV)
I smirk as I tell my girls about the soon-to-be mother. They are happy for me, telling me she will be good for me! Soon she will be my wife and the baths she will have. They will make her immortal. Then she will never be able to leave me! She will be mine for all eternity!
My Blushing Bride.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and yes, this is only part one! There will be at least one more part! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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dearest-painter · 11 months
Platonic yandere Miguel with Himiko Toga!Reader headcanon?
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive behavior, abusive relationship, NO ROMANCE, Miguel is a delusional bitch, after adopting Himiko toga!reader, tell me if I need to add more!
Summary:No matter where a child comes from a father will love them for so much, especially when they have so much traits like them…that must mean that child is his child yes? Yes it has to be!!
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-Definitely makes sure you know he is your dad and loves you even if you aren’t biologically his Yes you are silly! He’s just being king after all those years you didn’t live with him!
-Brings you to Spider society and you have your own watch, NO ONE is allowed to say shit about it as your his child! You are usually in his office while he’s busy or with the other teens
-if anyone insults you he’s immediately making them your next blood bag..he knows killing is bad but when it comes to your child it’s an expectation yes? Of course it is! He’s just protecting you!
-Lyla is also a yandere for you and you two talk often through the watch. If anyone tries to take you somewhere and Miguel didn’t request that she’s immediately telling Miguel while making a force field around you (SHE TRIED TO KILL MIGUEL FIANCÉ IN THE COMICS BY SUFFOCATING HER IN THE SHOWER!! I SHIT YOU NOT THIS IS TRUE)
-Definitely has a tracker on you so he can see where you are at all times, he’s just a bit paranoid and anxious so don’t worry this is all normal!
-Doesn’t want you dating ANYONE! No one is good for you! Your his precious child and he knows best so PLEASE just listen to him and don’t darte anyone!
-Basically you got a two deal because Lyla is a yandere now to! You got a yandere Auntie and dad isn’t that fun!? There no point in escaping now, the AI and your father is much smarter then you and knows how to keep you forever :)
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 11 months
1000 follower special!
So I decided to make this huge headcanon post for Yandere ocs(since my Yandere stories are part of why I got so many followers). I’ll probably do a part 2 later. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my pieces of writing.
Yandere Jock🏈🏉
Brad is horny. He will literally beg you to let him have sex with you.
Luckily he does have every contraceptive and pregnancy prevention medicine possible.
A new oral birth control comes on the market, he gets it for you. You want to get an IUD? He makes an appointment.
As you get further in the relationship, eventually he will get therapy for himself because he got sick of seeing you so embarrassed whenever he tries to fight other guys who look at you back in your college years.
Thankfully said therapy changes him for the better.
Pre-therapy Brad would’ve been happy that you got pregnant and wouldn’t even think of an abortion.
But with therapy, when Brad finds out you’re pregnant, he immediately asks if you’re ok, do you want the baby(Cus if you don’t he’ll pay for the abortion and take care of you afterwards)
If you choose to keep the baby, he’s putting his marriage Pinterest boards to use.
If you thought bridezillas were bad, then you haven’t met Bradzilla.
“I can’t stress my fiancé out with all the wedding stuff! She’s pregnant and I can’t risk her and babies health!”
He makes sure everything is perfect and even buys a new house for you and the baby.
Brad waits on you hand and foot. Literally watches all the Instagram reels for baby hacks.
Yandere Vampire🦇🩸
Nos feels guilty about the wedding.
He literally tries to make up with your grandma and family.
Let’s just say you had to pull your grandma and every male relative off Nos.
Nos’s family treats you wonderfully.
They even help you through your vampire pregnancy.
Meanwhile, your family eventually accepts Nos and tolerated what he did to you.
Nos is rich af and he treats you like he is.
Even though you’re married, you’re going on midnight dates.
You are wined and dined.
He even cooks meals for you
Nos makes strawberry sorbet mixed with blood of your choice.
He is definitely a kiss man. Literally loves kissing your cheeks and neck.
Nos does apologize for scaring every boy away from you. You had to understand it was so he could marry you and your village wouldn’t be destroyed silly-
Guides you through being a vampire and even helps you get powerful enough to be in the sunlight.
Which pleases you greatly because you loved your village’s summers.
Yandere Werewolf 🌕🐺
The switch between Aaron’s personality when he’s a human vs a werewolf is like night and day.
The minute Aaron goes back to normal and sees you, NAKED, in his cave….oh boy…
“Aaaahh! I’m sorry I glanced at your body!”
You almost start to miss the werewolf him. Almost.
Aaron’s semi traditional values kick in and he immediately proposes and starts wedding plans so it will look like the baby was conceived AND born in wedlock.
The good side is that with marrying Aaron you get the amazing villa out in the French countryside surrounded by beautiful flowers.
The bad side is that Aaron has free reign to control his werewolf abilities.
And that’s when his shy personality becomes more dominant.
I mean you find it hot, but the amount of body hair he sheds makes you irritated.
At least he takes good care of his hair and washes it. And he goes through the effort of waxing and shaving his legs just to appease you(take that body standards!)
He gets even hotter when living in the woods because he lets his hair grow out.
Aaron even lets you pull his back length hair during sex.
He’s also a great father. He will chase and play with pups while you rest up.
Your children love their papa and mama. Aaron lets the pups climb on his hair.
Aaron also teaches you how to breastfeed, change diapers, etc.
He actually took a parenting class before he got bit.
Aaron also took care of you during the pregnancy. Literally snuggled, gave you food, took you to appointments, fed you prenatal vitamins. He even acted your body pillow.
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aishiterudere · 1 year
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Yandere Ayato College Au Headcanons:
*Son of the wealthy and powerful Kamisato clan, Ayato is an elegant and studious student. Admired by his peers, Ayato was elected and serves as president of the student council.
*Unlike Diluc, Ayato is much more approachable and friendly to others despite his status
*Meeting you through his sister, Ayaka, he thought you were a interesting person. You brought fun to this mundane days
*So he sought you out more often. Inserting himself into Ayaka's or Thoma's plans with you.
*Always inviting you on bubble tea and dinner dates
*You accepted in the beginning, but it slowly became uncomfortable as it transitioned from casual quick bites to fine dining locations. Although Ayato would reassure you that Ayaka, Thoma, and other students would be joining this dinner, something always comes up for them...
*It's so lonely at the top and so nice to finally find someone who understands me. It doesn't take long for Ayato to become more obsessive.
*He'll whisper his confessions of love and begin to start introducing you as his fiancée. Ayato will laugh it off when you correct this.
*"Ha, ha. My apologies, I just see you fitting that title so well... Haha" Ayato wonders if your parents would agree to an arranged marriage.
*Type to trap you by any means necessary to keep you by his side. It's a bad idea to be alone in a private space with Ayato.
*You are mine, and I am yours
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gojoidyll · 8 months
Honkai Star Rail Masterlist
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Drabble | Jing Yuan x Reader
Oneshot | Just a Little Crush, Gepard x Reader
Headcanons | Dating Headcanons, Gepard x Male ! Doctor ! Reader
Oneshot | We Meet Again and Again, Caelus (male mc) x Reincarnated ! Xiao ! Male ! Reader
The Day To Day Life Of An Angel And The Oblivious Believer He's Fallen For!
Angel ! Sunday x Oblivious ! Reader
Summary | In which I write short drabbles here and there about Sunday struggling to try and get y/n to take a hint.
First Dates and The Friendzone
I Love You, But...
The Cliché Beach Episode
Imagine | Unknown ! Yandere x Reader
Imagine | Aventurine x Casino Dealer ! Reader
Drabble | Dan Feng/Dan Heng x Reader
Drabble | Aventurine x Vidyadhara ! Reader
Drabble | Blade x Reader
Imagine | Wrong Name, Right Name, and I Love You, Sunday x Reader
Imagine | Worry, Sunday x Reader
Imagine | Long Gone, Sparkle x Reader
Fic | There is No Law that Emperors Must be Fair
Emperor ! Jing Yuan x Princess ! Reader
Summary | You are set to marry the Emperor, Jing Yuan. In order to break the engagement, you stage an accident and fake having amnesia. But now, your own cruel, cold, and distant fiancé, who seemed to not want anything to do with you, is now acting all lovey dovey!
Drabble | A Bad Day, Jing Yuan x Reader
Headcanons | Yandere ! Sunday
Drabble | Boothill x Insecure ! Reader
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Drabble | Sunday x Reader
Imagine | Blade x Reader
aventurine icon ♡
Teaching Aventurine how to dance
Drabble | Aventurine x Reader
Topaz x Reader x Aventurine Poly Relationship Headcanons + Part 2
Aventurine's Fem ! Significant Other getting Misgendered
You and Numby Talk, and Topaz Catches You
Drabble | Dan Heng x Reader, Caelus x Reader(?) + Pt. 2
Headcanons | Yandere ! Black Swan x gn ! Reader x Yandere ! Acheron
Oneshot | Topaz x Worried ! Reader
Fortune Teller ! Reader x Aventurine
Longing | Aventurine x Reader
Longing Pt. 2
Longing Pt. 3
Topaz x gn ! Reader Headcanons
Imagine | Slight Yandere ! Aventurine x Reader
Headcanons | Yandere ! Aventurine x Reader
Drabble | Aventurine x Sick ! s/o
Yandere ! Topaz x Princess ! Reader Headcanons
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
More Topaz <3 or When You Ask for Something Way too Expensive
Fic | Yandere ! Aventurine x Female ! Reader
Summary | All it takes is putting all the pieces together. Though, it won't do you any good if someone is deliberately destroying the pieces before you can find them.
Headcanons | Topaz x Reader (who works at a hedgehog café)
Imagine | modern high school au ! aventurine x reader
Drabble | Topaz x Injured!Fem!Reader
Frankenstein Monster Topaz
Aventurine x Reader x Topaz Angst + Fluff
Aventurine x Reader x Topaz
Dr Ratio
Drabble | Yandere ! Robin x Reader
Imagine | Aeon!Sunday x Reader au
Smut | Sunday x Female!Reader
Smut | Boothill x Reader
Story Teaser | Boothill x Reader
Fu Xuan x Male ! Reader
Lady Fu always looks for reasons to talk to you
Imagine | Boothill x Child ! Reader [PLATONIC]
Drabble | Boothill x Ghost ! Reader
Drabble | Various (Astral Express Crew) x Aeon ! Reader
Boothill x Halovian ! Reader
How you met
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Smut | Jing Yuan x Fem!Reader
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Yandere headcanon where u tell then you're family is making you marry someone else because your family dosent like them (baki hanma characters)
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Your parents don’t approve of your Yandere when they meet them? Too bad!
From who will try to get your parents to like them and to who doesn’t care
AFAB reader
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Kaioh Retsu
Your parents like him. They don’t have a problem with him at all
Retsu is super polite and he’s very level headed. They nor you see that he’s absolutely obsessed with you and that he’s super manipulative. Retsu has your parents wrapped around his fingers with how charismatic he is. He rains down the compliments on your parents
“I see (your name) got her good looks from her mother.” And “You never told me your dad was so funny.” Retsu knows exactly what to say and do. He’s super calm and confident in all of his mannerisms. How could your parents not like him?
They allow Retsu to marry you in China and they go there too
Muhammed Ali Jr
He’s all about your parents’ approval. He will do anything for it. He’s a really great guy although he is obsessive
He’s really upset your parents try to arrange you to marry someone else. He’ll definitely get his father involved to try to change your parents’ mind (bribe them)
If they don’t take the bribe, he’s crashing your wedding in tears. He will declare his love loudly for you and then swing you over his shoulder and run
Orochi Katsumi
Will not accept that your parents don’t like him. His parents love you. Absolutely adore you! Why don’t your parents like him too? (They know he and his parents are nuts)
He will try to get them to like him to the point it gets annoying. He’ll try to mow their lawn and fix things for them but they’re not impressed
When they arrange for you to marry someone else, he does not accept it at all. Nope. He’s livid
He’d baby trap you asap. Even if he has to drug your food to be sure it happens or give you aphrodisiacs, he will do it. Katsumi is absolutely crazy about you and he’ll be damned if your parents get in the way
Together forever and he will plan out your entire wedding next. Katsumi planned out your entire future together within a week of knowing you
Jack Hanma
Now he may try to be pleasant with your parents at first but they’re so scared of him. Jack is a giant and he’s covered in scars not to mentions his titanium teeth
They inform him that you should marry someone who isn’t so… terrifying like him
He bends down to your dad’s level and tells your father that he will fight your ‘fiancé’ for your hand in marriage to the death
Your parents immediately drop the subject and let Jack have you. They feel bad about it but Jack is too strong for them to fight
Baki Hanma
He laughs in your parents’ face when they say they don’t like him. Do they even know who he is?
Would probably fight your dad
He beats the crap out of your arranged partner too. It’s not happening
Hanayama Kaoru
Your mother faints when he walks in the door. Her little girl is involved with a yakuza boss? Absolutely not
Your dad would try to arrange you to be married to someone else but two days later your fiancé shows up in a body bag on their doorstep
Hanayama will pull up to your dad’s job in his limo and ask him to take a ride with him. Hanayama would probably hold your dad over a cliff until your dad yields you over to him
Hanayam will then let him go and tell him business has been a pleasure. Your dad will have to walk home
If you dad still tries to fight it? Hanayama will make your parents homeless and make sure they can never get a job again. You are Hanayama’s. The sooner the accept it, the better
Jun Guevara
This man doesn’t care. He’s a pirate
If he wants to be with you then he will
If your parents try to marry you off then he’ll just whisk you away on his ship. Simple as that
He doesn’t care much about impressing mommy and daddy dearest. You’ll never see them again anyways. You just need Jun
Biscuit Oliva
Now isn’t he a little too old for you? And… big?
Your parents do try to encourage you to be with someone your age but Oliva calmly informs them that he’s going to be your husband. He has shown up dressed to the nines to your parents’ house
Oliva will rip his suit right in front of all of them just by flexing his muscles. Your dad is knocked out cold on the floor from a button hitting him in the face
Your parents let you be with him once he explains WHO he is. They’re not trying to get involved with the government
Sikorsky & Gaia
Two boyfriends… TWO BOYFRIENDS?! Your parents are foaming at the mouth
They do not approve at all and they’re calling you all kinds of names. Sikorsky guides you out of the house and Gaia decides to have a little talk with them
Needless to say you don’t have parents anymore
Hector Doyle
As soon as your parents see him and say they don’t approve of you being with a wanted criminal, they’re dead. Hector isn’t dealing with the disapproval of you parents. He could care less
You’re the only person he likes in this world and no one is keeping you apart
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macsimagines · 11 months
Hi! Can I ask for some headcanons for Yandere Mikey and Izana where the darling they had an eye on (jokingly) propose to them as a dare from their friend? Please and thank you!
Has been looking for an excuse to make you his, and now he's got the perfect excuse.
"Sure thing, wifey~,"
He's got an arm over your shoulder and now is showing you off and introducing you as his new blushing bride.
You think he's just playing along to the joke now and you decide to get in on it too. Its supposed to be funny.
"Mikey's my darling fiancé, it was love at first sight~," you put a hand on his chest and leaned in real close to sell it.
Normal people can tell it's a joke, but for Mikey? You've just signed over your soul.
The next day he's at your house; "Why wouldn't I come get my wife for school? I'm a good husband."
It doesn't help that you keep playing it off as joke. He's committed to the bit guys. But it becomes clear he's not joking sooner or later.
"Why don't you call me your darling anymore, honey? Did I upset you? Is it cause you don't have a ring yet? It's gotta be perfect love!"
Knows it's a joke. He watched your mutual friends tell you to do it in front of him.
"Oh Izana-kuuuun~, you're the only man for me!," you swoon, your acting terrible with faux dramatics, "You have to make me your bride or I might just die,"
He almost doesn't dignify that with a response. But everyone is laughing and enjoying the jokes so he just ruffles your hair a bit.
"Shuddup, you goofball,"
But that night he dreams of you in a white dress, he see a future so vivid it makes his chest ache. You're the mother of his children and the light of life.
The next day, things are different. He's hovering around you more often, demanding more and more of your attention.
"Geez, dude. Put a ring on it." You say it as a joke but Izana reply makes a chill go down your spine.
"I intend to."
His easy smile never wavers, his eyes peer into your soul and something tells you that you should probably stop making jokes...
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ackerifle · 6 months
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LA. — all works regarding levi ackerman.
+ late night lover. — yan. stalker levi ackerman
+ emotional support doll. — yan. postwar levi ackerman
+ paperwork date. — yan. captain levi ackerman
+ ’til death do us part. — yan. husband levi ackerman
+ paying the price in full. — yan. captain levi ackerman
+ spoils of war. — yan. captain levi ackerman
+ a spoonful of sugar. — yan. asylum patient levi ackerman
+ homecoming. — yan. honorary marleyan levi ackerman
+ season of giving. — yan. fiancé captain levi ackerman
+ lover’s quarrel. — yan. househusband levi ackerman
+ a word with you. — yan. no regrets levi ackerman
+ yours sincerely. — yan. levi ackerman; darling headcanon’s
+ dramatis personae. — yan. levi ackerman; yandere analysis headcanon’s
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
Can you write general Yandere headcanon for Rezef from The Villainess is a Marionnette 👀
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Yandere! Rezef X Reader
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✤ God, this boi is already a half-yandere? in the manhwa for his sister, so being a yandere for his fiancé is not that far-fetched.
✤ I already dreamed a whole relationship for him when I first saw him being sweet to his sister.
✤ So I generally head-canon him either being a super gentle, sweet and horny yandere or a super sadistic and horny yandere, no in between.
✤Also I Headcanons him falling for people, who can kill him easily, so once you do happen to be someone who scare the shit out of him easily.
✤When he first saw you, he didn’t like you as much and passed you of as somebody unimportant because well, you were only a noble and he was the next emperor-in-line.
✤So when he disrespected you, you somehow scared the shit out of you, which made him have an interest in you and he tried to find everything about you.
✤That info finding turned into a full on stalking, where he had to know what you are doing every second of the day.
✤He has definitely learned your whole schedule and knows everything about you, your hobbies, your exact birth time, when you had your very first injury, what si your preferred bath water temperature, how many spices you like in your soup, yada yada and he doesn’t even remember or know where he got all this info from, but he glad he has all the info on you.
✤If you love him and accept his confession, he will treat you in the best way possible, you can also get away with as many things as you want.
✤He would fall for you even more (if that’s possible that is), if he ever sees you get along with Cayena, and you know the little girl who Cayena a burned the arm of by using her pie? Yeah if she tries anything with you and I mean anything, she will die the most painful death, because she hurts Cayena is not death-worthy, but if she ever tries to glare at you, she’s being tortured.
✤You are going to be provided with the best things only, you don’t have a saying in this.
✤He would love to carry you around, bridal style, piggy back, koala style, yada yada and who knows how many ways he can hold you around.
✤High quality gifts for you, Cayena, Olivia, Vera and the late emperor. OH yeah! You are liked by the late emperor because he thinks that you’re the only person who can handle this man and you also get along with Ethal, their younger half-brother.
✤Kisses whenever he can give them to you and he doesn’t care, he will show you affection in front of people and who will object to him, he’s literally a blood-thirsty crown prince, the only thing they will achieve is a death sentence.
✤You always try to make Ethal and Rezef get along with each-other and thanks to you they found out they have a lot in common actually.
✤Ethal is now a platonic yandere for you, along with Olivia, Cayena, Vera and the late emperor himself and he thinks you’re the perfect Empress for empire and the bets wife for Rezef, if same-sex marriages were legal, he would have actually gotten you married to Cayena instead of Rezef because he thinks you both will be extremely functional couple and can help Rezef handle the empire better.
✤So Rezefis a 10000/10 yandere, Cayena is 1000000000/10 yandere, the late emperor is 100/10 yandere, Olivia is 10000/10 yandere, Vera is 10/10 yandere, Ethal is 100000000000000/10 yandere. Very cute. Would definitely recommend.
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misstycloud · 1 year
Yandere scenarios:
When a shopping trip goes wrong
Slut me out!
Yandere unpopular
1 - headcanon
Yandere Matthew/slasher x girlfriend reader
Part 1 - headcanon
Part 2 - headcanon
ACTOR (Ace Lee)
1 - headcanon
In an interview
Yandere!boyfriend x GN!reader
Yandere!Date x reader
Yandere!docter x amnesiac
Yandere!bestfriend x male reader
yandere!islander x reader
Yandere!husband x dead!reader
Him finding out the truth (part 1)
Little backstory info (mc & hunter husband)
Fiancé finding out about reader’s lover
Why did you leave?
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