#yandere happy valentines
godnectar · 7 months
yanderes tying you up and overstimulating their darling beyond their limits >>>>
☆ note : kinda shady and dark depending on how u read it,,, but I still wouldn't mind actually writing something like this if anyone requested it yk 👀... ( inbox here! )
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your yandere lover who truly cannot help it. he cannot help it because it just feels so good —you feel so good— that he could never stop trying to make you shiver in pleasure, especially since you can't do anything against it. having tied you up at the beginning of the session, he didn't even notice the way your legs started to shake, or the way your eyes flooded with blissed out tears, too lost in his own world as he continued to kiss, bite, grope and thrust into you.
yandere dilf, pup, househusband, jock, florist, crush, himbo + upcoming nerd, ex-boyfriend, bodyguard, werewolf, and best friend!
your yandere lover who's completely aware of what he's doing. you thought he would untie you and let you go just like that after giving you the most mind-blowing fuck ever? of course not, sweetheart— he's not even done yet at all. why should he stop, when you look so so so pretty while writhing and mewling under him, though? you're certainly in for a night full of worship and pleasure, no matter if you might be a bit too dizzy and exhausted at the end.
yandere professor, bully, sugar daddy, husband, neighbor, assistant, vampire + upcoming tutor, doctor, pharaoh, merman, and boss!
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© godnectar 2024. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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qep0ermint · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day! ♥️
I have a postcard for you, and you can also send it to your loved ones! ^^
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Now you can become his Valentine with peace of mind ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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codemiracle · 7 months
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✦⋆ //; Happy (late) Valentine's Day! ✦ "Since today is such a special day, I thought it was the perfect time to finally take you home with me, please don't struggle too much, I don't want to make this an even bloodier Valentine's Day." - Yotsuya.
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after-witch · 7 months
Sweet Valentine [wri0thesley OC Lucas x reader]
Title: Sweet Valentine [@wri0thesley OC Lucas x Reader]
Synopsis: It's Valentine's Day and Lucas has some sweet surprises planned, but things don't go as well as you'd hoped.
Word count: 3164
notes: Yandere, kidnapped reader, mentions of cannibalism, abusive relationship, mentions of violence, non-graphic descriptions of noncon and dubcon sex, reader is implied to be afab
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“You… want somethin’ special for Valentine’s Day, sweetheart?”
Lucas’ voice is low and tender, and when you look up at him, you see a faint blush dusting his cheeks. It’s a familiar sight. He always gets like this, when it comes to romance. Or what he thinks is romance, anyway.
You think it’s all that vulnerability that comes along with romance; the possibility of rejection, as if you were stupid enough to outright reject anything he wanted to give you. Not unless you wanted to meet the sharp end of a glare
(Or an axe.)
But it’s there anyway, that vulnerability. In the way he sometimes glances away or the way his cheeks gain a deeper tint or the lilt in his voice. He gets awkward and when you’re feeling dark and low, you sometimes wonder what he’d do if you didn’t thank him for his gifts, if you didn’t lean into his arms when he opened them, if you wiped away his kisses, if you were as ungrateful and awful as you were currently too afraid to be. 
The answer always comes swiftly: He’d kill you, moron. 
Maybe not right away. But you’d chip at his goodwill, such as it was, bit by bit until nothing was left but raw steel. And where would that raw steel go? Right into your skull, stupid.
You’re a lot of things. Scared. A liar. Helpless. But you’re not stupid. 
So you return his blush with a practiced meek gaze. The kind where you glance up at him and then look quickly down, and cross one arm (but never both, that’s too petulant) over your chest. 
Shy, that’s what you are; or rather, what you’ve become in order to survive here. 
If he thinks you’re shy and quiet and meek, it seems easier for him to brush aside the way you tremble; the way you flinch; the way you sometimes find yourself begging him to wait, just wait oh please, you’re not quite ready to go all the way yet. 
And if you have to debase yourself by taking his length into your trembling hands, by letting him touch you until you trembled and came on his fingers, it’s what you’ll do to put off the inevitable for another day. 
“Nothing special,” you say, voice crackling with the dryness of the morning air. He doesn’t respond. He’s disappointed, you think. Nothing special isn’t good enough for Valentine’s Day. So you add, quietly but quickly: “But maybe… If it’s not too much trouble… some chocolate?” 
You glance up at him and he’s got an almost goofy smile on his face now. It makes you relieved--it makes you sick.
“Or--or we could watch a romantic comedy?” You suggest. You bite your lip then, a holdover gesture from your old life. “Oh, but you don’t really have any, so I guess we could just--”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that.” He pulls you close without giving you a choice and you lean your head against his shoulder, just like you ought to do. “I’ll find you somethin’ in town this weekend. Gotta go get some supplies anyway.” 
You smile and press your face towards his chest, so that he feels the curve of your lips against his shirt. “Thank you, Lucas. Really… really any movie you like is fine, but if you can find one, that would be okay.”
He sighs and presses one large hand against the back of your head, trailing it down past your neck--he could snap it so easily--until he’s rubbing your back.
“You’re the sweetest, you know that, angel?” 
You don’t answer, because you don’t need to, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
You were good. You behaved well.  You did what he wanted. Did it matter that you didn’t want chocolates or to watch a movie with him for Valentine’s Day or any day at all? Did it matter that at home, your real home, you were loud and brash and your mother would have pissed herself laughing if anyone called you shy? 
No. Of course not.
If only the truth wouldn’t get you killed. 
You don’t want chocolates or a VHS copy of some outdated romantic comedy.
The only thing you really want for Valentine’s Day is to go home. 
The chocolate isn’t great, but it’s not awful, either. There was even a cherry cordial--your favorite--and Lucas’ eyes had lit up when you told him so. 
It was a nice surprise. 
After all, the cynical part of you imagined Lucas showing up with a dusty box of chocolates that tasted like stale sweetness; the kind you find overpriced at drugstores, boxes that forgetful husbands pick up on the way home from work on the day-of. 
But when he came home from town, he’d sheepishly handed over a bouquet of colorfully dyed flowers. A mixture of carnations that were an impossibly vivid pink and daisies with bright blue petals. It was just the kind of bouquet you used to pick out for your mom when you were a kid, because you were drawn to the pops of unnaturally colorful simple flowers more than you were ordinary red roses. 
“Know you like, uh…” He’d held out the bouquet and waited for you to take it from him before continuing. “Know you like this kind of pink, so…” 
You held the bouquet to your chest and felt something that might have been pleasure. It was nice to have something familiar. Something you might pick up at a supermarket on the way home from work. Real flowers were beautiful, of course, and you’d grown to love the sight of them surrounding the cabin. 
But these couldn’t be found in the wilderness in which you were now settled. They were a sign that people still existed out there, people that weren’t you and Lucas and the ghosts of people who came before you.
And that made them more special.
It’s the darlin’ that yanks you out of your disassociation. How long had it been going on? You glance down at your fingers and realize you’re holding a half-eaten chocolate bon-bon. Your elbow feels stiff, you must have been holding it up for a while.
You shakily set it back down on the box and force yourself to look over at Lucas, who is cuddled up next to you, holding you in a firm but warm grip, with his arm slung around your shoulder keeping you close. 
He looks irritated. Like you said something wrong again. Only you weren’t saying anything, but that might be the problem; ignoring him was just as bad (sometimes worse) as doing the wrong thing.
“You don’t like the movie?” His voice is gruffer than it should be today, of all days. 
The movie? 
Oh shit.
You blink and blink and slowly details around you come back into focus. The dim lighting in the cabin, to set the mood. The flickering light of the TV and the soft whir of the VCR that could only be heard faintly under the movie itself.
And the movie…
The movie was almost over. The VHS he’d found was of a vaguely familiar movie you remember seeing on TV a few times. It wasn’t a classic but it wasn’t a stink-bomb, either. 
He turns toward you and after a moment, takes your chin into his hands.  You quickly glance down--meek, shy, feeble thing that you are--so he doesn’t see the fear that must be blinking through the back of your eyeballs by now. 
“You don’t like the movie, do you? Did I pick the wrong one?” There’s none of the usual sweet compromise in his voice, though, that makes you think saying “yes” might be an option. Instead, you get the sense that he’s laying traps for you to step on. Traps meant for someone ungrateful who completely zones out during what was supposed to be a romantic evening snuggling on the couch. 
Dumbass, you think. I’m such a dumbass.
“Do you…” You speak suddenly and swallow hard. Talking is awkward with his fingers holding your chin, but he doesn’t let go. “Do you want a chocolate?” You offer up the box that’s half-empty by now. The cherry cordials were gone, and maybe you should have offered him one since they were your favorite. But there’s nothing to be done about it, so you hold up the last caramel-filled piece towards him. 
Maybe he’ll appreciate the gesture. 
He finally lets go of your chin and huffs out a snort through his nose. That’s good, usually. A sign he’s calming down. But he doesn’t smile at you, and you can feel the heaviness in the air, a sort of sick pressure that you need to relieve before it gets worse. 
“I’m not much for sweets.” He says this like you ought to know. And you do, actually, it’s just… you don’t know what else to do. 
Your lips quirk downward. You lift the piece until it’s close to his mouth. 
“I know, I just--wanted to share. Please? One bite?” It’s almost a reversal, really; the way he sometimes has to nudge you to eat, when your stomach is all twisted in knots from anxiety or when you can’t shove away the thought that what you’re eating is almost certainly not an animal. Sometimes he feeds you just because he’s in a particular mood, a mood where you need to be more fragile and helpless than you are, which isn’t saying much.
Lucas’ eyes widen then and he finally smiles softly at you. His voice is low and gruff but you think, not quite as irritated as before. 
“All right, angel. A bite.”
He opens his mouth and you slide the chocolate forward until it’s under his teeth. He takes a bite and you pull away, caramel dripping from the half-eaten chocolate that you set back in the box. 
Lucas chews with his mouth closed (he has impeccable manners when he’s not murdering people, thank God for that) but then there’s the thought of the chocolate and caramel being chewed by the same teeth that just ate a “steak” for dinner--what if there’s a stray piece of meat left in his molars and they mix? 
It’s enough to make the sticky sweet flavor of the cherry cordials rise in your throat, acidic and sour from the chocolate digesting in your stomach. 
“Sorry,” you murmur, nuzzling closer to him like an apologetic pet as he finishes chewing. “I didn’t mean to get distracted earlier.” 
Lucas hums and pulls you tighter against him, harder than normal. He presses a kiss against the side of your head. A hint of caramel wafts in the air.  
“Mind you don’t drift often again, honey.” 
Lucas is still upset with you. Although you can’t quite call this “still” upset, because this is different from earlier. He’s not still annoyed that you were distracted during the movie or, at least, that’s not the real source of his irritation.
But what--what did you do? You thanked him for the flowers and chocolates. You kissed him (on the lips!) after he gave them to you.  You snuggled on the couch and yes you fucked up during the movie, but you made up for it, you thought. 
You set the table for dinner without being asked, you ate without hesitation and complimented his cooking… you were quiet, you helped him clean up the eggs, you made a joke about Dolly the chicken needing a Valentine’s Day card from him and he chuckled at it. 
You didn’t argue when he insisted he scrub you up during the bath, even when his hand dipped between your legs and lingered on your chest. You quietly let him brush your hair and pick out your pajamas (a pink nightie, tonight) and did everything you thought he wanted.
So what in the hell did you do wrong today that has him practically glowering at you as you both sit on the bed? You’ve re-read the same page in your book a hundred times while you tried to figure it out. You can’t go to bed like this, wondering if he’s angry, wondering if you’ll wake up in the morning to find him hovering over you with a glare and a weapon. Or maybe you won’t even wake up at all. 
“Angel?” There’s a gruff edge to the word tonight that tightens your chest.
“Yes?” Your voice is squeakier than you intended. You tuck a bookmark into your pages and set the book down on your nightstand, and look up at Lucas with practiced meekness that is made all the more real through the gnawing fear in your belly.
Lucas hesitates before he speaks. Emotions shift on his face. Irritation, disappointment, even something you think is sadness. They only make the feeling in your chest worse. What did you do? Why is he acting this way?
“I… wasn’t expectin’ nothing fancy, you know. But I thought you’d at least make somethin’ for me today.”
Make something for him? 
In all your worries about behaving perfectly, you didn’t even think about getting Lucas something for Valentine’s Day. Making him a card or throwing together a quick embroidery hoop or--something. That’s what a good spouse would do, right? It’s what he would expect from you, on today of all days. Sure, he wasn’t big on presents, and he’d told you a few months ago not to worry about Christmas (you’d embroidered a scene outside the window of his bedroom, the trees and snow and a little silver rabbit) but this was different. 
It was a couple’s day, and you were part of that couple. 
And you’d fucked up.
He’s not done, either.
“I went outta my way to get you everything you wanted. Drove all the way into town… An’ you didn’t even pay attention during the movie.” If you weren’t increasingly terrified,  you might be able to snort at how petulant he sounded, complaining that you didn’t watch the movie well enough. But there’s nothing funny about the way his voice is starting to raise or the way you can practically feel his muscles getting tenser by the moment.
“Did you even appreciate any of it?” It’s more to himself than to you, and that scares you more than anything else has in recent memory. 
Your mouth comes up with a plan the exact moment that your brain does.  You’re not sure if your brain would have let you go through with it, if it had more than a split second to think. 
“I did get you something!” 
Lucas shifts on the bed and looks at you questioningly. He doesn’t look convinced. Not yet. There’s a swift moment in which you have to convince him and you jump into it, feet first.
“I… I just didn’t know how to wrap it, that’s all.” Your throat bobs when you swallow and you look up at him with a soft expression that’s part nerves, part hope. 
“I don’t know what y’mean, darlin’.”
 His eyebrows furrow and you take a deep breath before you reach over and take his hand. You give it a squeeze and shift on the bed yourself, this time leaning backwards on the pillows.
“My gift is…” Oh,  you don’t want to; but you have nothing else you can give him now. You swallow again and fiddle with the end of your nightgown. It’s a flimsy thing, isn’t it? 
“I’m ready to… that is--I’m ready to…” 
You can’t finish the words but you don’t need to, because both of Lucas’ eyebrows raise before his lips curl into a delighted smile as he realizes what you mean.
He looks giddy. He looks drunk, despite not having a drink tonight. He looks like he’s going to devour you, and you can only be mildly grateful that it’s not in the way you normally fear. 
“Oh, angel.” 
In moments, he’s shifted above you, his body looming over your own, filling up all of your space with his size and warmth. 
“This is the best gift you could give me.” He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, then again; a kiss to your cheeks, to your eyes that close so he can kiss the lids. “I’m sorry I doubted you. Oh, honey, you must have been thinkin’ about this all day. No wonder you were so distracted.” 
There’s nowhere to go, if you wanted to go. Nowhere to run, if you were capable of running. He’s here and you’re here and this is going to happen now.
No more putting it off, no more gentle pleas, no more convincing him that you can do that and not this, not yet.
All because you forgot to make a damn Valentine’s Card. 
His hands hold the edge of your nightie and begin to lift it up, exposing the soft cotton underwear underneath. 
“I love you so much. You know that, sweetheart?”
He doesn’t take the nightgown off; instead he bunches it up against your neck, exposing your chest. 
“I love you too,” you murmur, because you’ve had enough of your own stupidity today not to answer his declarations. 
Your eyes flick up to the ceiling as he begins pulling down your underwear. 
It’s going to happen now. He’ll fuck you. And once that happens, well. It’ll keep happening. Every night? Every other night? You don’t know, but he’ll expect it. Things are changing and you can’t stop them. All you can do is try to scramble for what little pleasantries this isolated, captive life can give you. 
Like not-bad chocolates and bunnies outside the window.
Lucas’ hands grip the meat of your thighs and pull them apart with little resistance on your end. You don’t want to make it worse, do you? And it was your idea, you can’t even pretend to be anything but meekly nervous, can you?
He murmurs something in appreciation at the sight of your naked sex and your fingers clutch the sheets underneath you in anticipation. 
You don’t want to look down. It’s like being at the doctor’s--looking away when they give you the shot. You hear the sound of his trousers being pushed down. But he doesn’t push into you just yet.
Instead, he leans down, pressing a hot, wet kiss to your mouth that opens without argument. 
There’s  a faint taste of peppermint toothpaste and a hint of lingering caramel--he didn’t brush his molars well enough, maybe--in his mouth. 
“Love you,” he whispers against your lips. Maybe he sees the nervousness in your gaze and for once, is fine with it. It’s normal to be anxious about your first time, after all. “It's gonna feel good, I promise… I know what I’m doin’.”
Damn, you think vacantly, stomach lurching against your thoughts when you feel the unmistakable press of something hot and hard and wet against your naked thigh. I wish I saved the second cherry cordial for tomorrow.
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ang3lofdivinity · 6 months
༘⋆𓍢ִ໋🌷 𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢
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。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Relationship(s): Charlie Morningstar + Vaggie (romantic), kinda Yan!Alastor + Fallen Angel!Marionette!(implied)fem!Reader (platonic or romantic, whatever you want), slight Husk + Angel dust
Genre: Fluff :))
Warnings/notes: Spoilers(?) For Hazbin hotel, reader is able to make plants and stuff, reader is decently human and fought in war, they fell from heaven too, Emily sees the reader as a “mother” figure, death mentions, Alastor being alastor, Angel being himself as always, Alastor has been made.. somewhat yandere, Drugs and other hell stuff mentioned, ooc? Suggestive content (mostly from Angel), Cannibalism, toxic dependency, SWEARINGGGG
Format: Long/Short stories + Headcanons
A/N: GOD. SCHOOL SUCKKSKSKSKSKKSKS. Sorry i’ve been gone for a bit again- sickness is very much not fun. Anyways, here’s an late Valentines present for you all featuring our favorite deer demon! :)) - Also, you can just see Niffty and Charlie calling you a female (if you aren’t) an accident on their perception— HUGGEEEE inspo taken for an idea/convo in this from @/princekeerys :))
Reminder: YOU are responsible for your content consumption!
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There’s a reason why you’re here now.
Everyone is.
Perhaps heaven made a mistake when they first allowed you to enter heaven after your death, allowed you to live amongst angels and other pure beings whom had never done a single horrible act in their lives- or well, since their creation.
The morals that they purveyed were so.. impeccable, granular too.
Everything here was having a pernicious effect on you, these individuals were so much better than you. They didn’t take the life away from others without a second thought. They didn’t grow up to become a weapon. They didn’t feel wrong for the things they did in their lives or just in the past-
They weren’t like you. A monster.
It’s basically an antithesis. Between you, and the ‘winners’.
But you tried your best to fit in. And it worked.. for the most part..
You decided to pick up working as a gardener and freelance artist, which was.. quite fun. You felt genuinely happy after so long where you have been deprived of it, not allowed it, and not given it before. You actually managed to make it to a high ranking position, The Head Archangel.
“(____)?” A feminine voice speaks up from behind you, it’s gentle- dulcet. It’s like they’re afraid to speak up in the slightest. You pause, removing yourself from your memories. That’s right— you’re painting. You place down your brush into the cup filled with paint water as you shift around on your stool, looking at the woman.
Catherine Stockholms, that’s her name. She’s a young 18-year-old girl who died in the 1940’s due to a train going on the wrong track and crashing into the one she was riding that day. Her light blonde hair, cut short and curly in the back, frames her face with the side parts gracefully reaching just at her shoulders, slightly longer than the back. Her hair is adorned with a dark purple headband featuring a bow. She has pale yellow eyes which are nervously looking around while she starts hugging herself.
She wears a white collared shirt with sleeves that extend slightly above her chest, ending in a square-like shape near the shoulders and neck. Layered over the shirt is a charming dark purple dress that falls to her knees, boasting puffy sleeves and a skirt that puffs out, followed with a nonchalantly worn black coat from her era with some intricate details of flowers vines on it. Her attire is completed with white socks adorned with lace and simple black mary janes.
“Good evening, Catherine.” You say with all of the warmth you can, smiling as you tilt your head to the side.
“Is there something I can do for you?” Tone quizzical as you ask your question, causing Catherine to tense.
She stayed silent for a good few seconds before she answered your question.
“..(____)” She started again as her eyes nervously darted around the room.
“You’re being taken to.. the Angelic Court.”
Eyes widened, your mouth went agape as your breath hitched. No. There’s actually no way. What have you done?.. What’s going on??
“May.. I ask why?..” you mutter your words, almost slurring them as you try to hold back the other words and tears threatening to spill out. You don’t think you’ve done anything wrong… unless… perhaps they figured out their judgment was incorrect—
“They haven’t told me but- they want you to arrive in an hour from now. Today.” Catherine fiddled with a piece of her hair, face painted with worry.
“..I see. Alright. Thank you for letting me know.”
Catherine simply nodded before heading off, leaving you all alone with your thoughts as they raced. Causing you to slowly stand up and start pacing around, hugging yourself. No. Nonononono, please don’t do this now. Not now.
Why does this have to happen now? But hey, at least they could correct their judgment. You would no longer be in a place where you did not deserve to be in from the start ever since you died so many years ago.
Your eyes drifted off to your violin, custom made just for you. Flowers all over, intricate details engraved into the instrument as you stride on over to it within the corner of the room, picking it up. A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you tried your best to keep a cool-head, fingers coiled around the fretted neck of the instrument while the other went to circular body’s strings.
Not playing anything as you simply just tried to remember the good moments as you played it, the times where you made flora flourish and beauteous. Dying plants now brought back to life due to your abilities, that made you feel like something- it gave you a purpose. Something you needed to live.
..God, you hope this is all a fever dream.
You’ve heard how Hell is dirty, filled with disgusting freaks who didn’t deserve the true salvation of Heaven.
But perhaps you should be down there, after all, you killed so many..
Yes… you deserve to be burning with all of those same sinners.
. . .
“(____).” Sera loudly speaks, her voice firm as she looks down upon you. You’re in the supreme courtroom of Heaven and the operating place of the Heavenly Court. The courthouse is quiet, however there are the occasional whispers between the angels as they look down at you in shame, anger, or sympathy.
You try to control your tears as you dip your head down low, gripping your upper-arm as you dig your nails into the flesh of your skin.
“Yes, Madame?” You pathetically utter out as you tried to relax yourself with the thought of you being able to stay here. But either way, it would still be a harsh situation..
Doubt gnaws at your soul, questioning whether you truly belong among the pure and righteous. The fear of being exposed as a true sinner, unworthy of such divine tranquility, consumes your thoughts.
Yet, as you contemplate the alternative, the prospect of hell sends shivers down your spine. The thought of being surrounded by vile beings, perverse and wicked, fills you with revulsion. The idea of enduring torment alongside the depraved and despicable is a horrifying prospect.
“We have found that you are…” The Seraphim pauses for a moment before she continues.
And you almost fall to your knees.
“Guilty, of the sin of Pride.”
"I understand, Madame," you spoke softly as your heart weighed heavy as you watched the angelic court dismiss and the whispers among the decision grew. Guards surrounded you, all with perfect posture as they motioned for you to follow them as hands were put in cuffs.
You simply nodded and you were escorted towards the pearly gates. Your gaze was avoiding everyones as you bit your bottom lip, trying to suppress everything you felt in the moment like you had for years. You’ll remember the feeling of the soft clouds beneath your feet as you walked through these gates the first time, truly a beautiful feeling.
Emily, the second seraphim, slowly walked over to you with her head lowered. She stood there for a moment as she stared at you while the guards stopped in their tracks, waiting for Emily to say or do something. She was the first person you looked at directly, and just looking at your despair-ridden face.. She just collapsed into your arms, she couldn’t even utter anything besides sobs and hiccups.
"There is no need to cry, dear. It'll be alright," you comforted the best you could, a smile plastering itself on your lips as you awkwardly managed to slightly hug her back. Emily took a deep breath before pulling back, still hiccuping as she handed over your violin.
"I love you.." Emily mumbled through tears. With nods of farewell from the angels, you were whisked away once more, now standing tall at the heavenly gates.
"Goodbye, dearest friend," Sera's voice trembled as tears welled up in her eyes.
"I will miss you too, Madame," You replied with a nod, before you stood near the edge of the giant fluffy cloud that held you up, along with the entire of Heaven. Near the edge, handcuffs forcing your hands to remain behind you just in case before you fell backwards.
You plummet down, it is that of beauty intertwined with tragedy. It looks like a falling star. The descent feels inevitable, as if you're being drawn inexorably into a hellish abyss. Doubt creeps in: do you truly deserve this fate? But nevertheless, you are destined to crash into the unknown location below, a city.
Yes, Pentagram City.
The sky is overcome with a red sky- dark to light, a sun far too bright, no wait. That’s where the angels come down here for the extermination. The city is separated into different sections, as far as you can tell, 7 of them. 7 deadly sins.
You wonder if Lucifer is still here. Alive.
Well… he has to be!
Nevertheless, as you crash with a loud smash of nearby items and such, you can’t find the energy to get up. Your once purely white wings, fluffy and all now covered in dirt along with whatever feculent things from beneath you and with a slight ash gray hue. It feels like you’ve broken something in your body, or maybe multiple things as your once glowing halo that hovers above your head lowers- slightly cracking.
Who knew it could do that.
Taking a guess, you’re probably in the pride ring. What did you even do that was so prideful?…
Although struggling a bit, you manage to lift your head up and survey around.
These.. demons have their businesses in these places, where it seems like they’re allowed to sell everything from cigarettes to drugs. How unholy…
There is a Clock Tower located in the city that seems to be glimmering with a gold shine, which serves as a counter for the 365 days that pass until the Exorcists return for the next Extermination. Yes, you know about the extermination, you once heard Lieutenant Lute speaking of it before to Adam.
Are you to be killed like the rest of these filthy creatures? Criminals, drug dealers?
You don’t wanna get up. Scratch that, you can’t. Your body won’t allow you to do anything besides breathe. This hurts, it hurts so bad, why does this have to happen to you—
Writhing around for a moment, you manage to utter out some words to yourself;
“Am I.. really allowed to live?”
“Just keep living.”
“But am I allowed? Why.. why must this happen to me, they should’ve just sent me here in the first place.”
“(____), stop. Please. Live, even after all of these horrible acts.”
“No. No, I will not have any refutes here, (____). Live, for all of us.”
“..Yes, sir.”
You stumble upwards on your feet, managing with a motion of your hand to put your violin in the safe inter-dimensional pocket dimension, just for you to place all of your items into it, safely. The feeling of your wings heavy behind you as you come to find you’re in a hidden alleyway, filled with cigarettes, condoms— filthy sinners.
Fighting the urge to cry, you intake a sharp breath. An angel would not cry over this. But it doesn’t really work.
But you’re alone, you have no idea about anything in this place of what it’s like, how the people are, you can only imagine all the terrible things they’ve done to be punished and sent down here of all places. Hell is just the definition of unholy, it’s the exact opposite of heaven. The only thing going through your head is to cry, scream, try to get heaven to take you back and get out of this horrible place.
But then again, don’t you deserve this?
You don’t know anymore.
It’s all hurting your head.
It hurts to think about, and the tears which have now started slowly pouring down your cheeks sting.
It didn’t work.
This is pathetic.
Your body reacts before you can do anything else, running in some random direction. You can just feel the millions of eyes staring you down like predators carefully marking down their prey, burning through you. It doesn’t feel safe here, it’s hell after all.
The trial had to have been all a lie, fabricated with evidence that was made up. You haven’t done anything prideful, nor lustful, not even envious or any of those other sins that ended mortal souls or other angels whom were truly guilty of the crime. But you— no, you weren’t them. You aren’t guilty.
Someone must’ve made something up!
That trial was unfair, arbitrary, unjustifiable.
Tears spill as you’re too busy with your thoughts and your legs almost fail on you a few times due to it, well, it does happen when you just can’t do it anymore. Hugging yourself pathetically as you fail to notice how luminescent, thin yet strong strings are tightly wrapped around your ankles, neck, hips, and arms. Yes, hell uses some of the worst things you feared or hated in life, and it’s using the idea of a marionette for you. These strings really won’t do much, but they’re not entirely safe. They just make things.. difficult.
That’s unfortunate..
Just another soon to be hindrance.
Someone’s speaking, but the ringing drumming through your ears is so loud, it’s hard to hear them—
“Hello?..” A feminine voice tries to capture your attention, even going as far as to snap her fingers in front of your face. Your head immediately raises to stare up at her, as she looks panicked.
“Sorry- so sorry! You just..” She stuttered out an apology, but you weakly waved your hand.
“..No worries. It’s okay.” The woman in front of you looks relieved as a sigh escapes past her lips.
The woman is very tall, and slender. She has pale white skin, her cheeks a rosy red that compliment her red eyes. She has long, blonde hair, mixed with a lighter blonde and even pink highlights, which is tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl.
She has an untucked white, long-sleeved dress-shirt with a simple black bowtie. Over this she adorns a fitted red tuxedo jacket with pointed sleeves, dark-red lapels and a pair of red fitted dress pants. She wears black and white saddle shoes, which remind you of an older time in human history.
“I apologize- again,” she awkwardly laughs with a somewhat goofy smile on her face before leaning forward and holding out one of her hands to you, which shocks you. Aren’t demons in Hell supposed to be.. well, hellish?
“I’m Charlie! Charlie Morningstar!” As she introduces herself, you take her hand albeit hesitantly, lithe fingers wrap around your hand and she pulls you up. Her touch is gentle, although it feels like her nails are going to scrap you- they don’t. She seems.. too nice as of currently for her to hurt someone she just met.
“..Previous head Archangel, (____). It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Morningstar.” You know that last name. At least it feels like you do. As she lets go of you, you curtsy as Charlie’s cheeks heat up a bit while waving her hand dismissively at your actions.
“Same here! Um… would you mind telling me why you’re down here?..” Her tone is fearful almost as she inquires about your predicament.
“..Some fabricated trial where they found me guilty. But— I….” You halt, taking a deep breath and shaking your head.
“It’s nothing to be worried about.”
She understands before continuing to speak.
“Would you like to try and.. get back into heaven?” The blonde’s question intrigues you as you raise an eyebrow.
“I… that would be nice.” You reply almost monotonously as you lower your head, but the woman places her hands on your shoulders, causing you to tense a bit. But she doesn’t seem.. threatening, not in the way you imagined at least. So you loosen up a bit.
“Well, I think I have the solution for you, Head Archangel!”
“That would be?”
“Coming to my Hazbin Hotel to get redeemed!”
. . .
The idea was ludicrous- or well, close to that. But when you first arrived here, you weren’t expecting any of this to happen. You don’t regret coming here— too much, that is.
The hotel is tall, elaborate amalgamation of arched windows and turrets, one of which seems to be broken. It appears to be at least seven stories tall, with at least five of which being guest floors. An ocean liner, a sailing ship and a carousel litter both sides and appear to have been incorporated into the structure of the building itself; there is also a train with some tracks looping the first and second floor exterior. Located on the top right of the building is a small radio broadcasting room, used as the work area for… someone Charlie referred to as ‘Al’.
Many signs are displayed outside the hotel: One atop the entrance reminiscent of the Hazbin Hotel logo, a large pink one atop the building with the hotel's name in lights, a neon 'HOTEL' sign at the bottom right and atop the building where Al’s broadcast room is located, a small 'On-Air' sign is visible. Also located on the outer facade are various arrows pointing to the entrance and the broadcast room.
The entrance has a tented cover with a booth in the center reminiscent of a circus or theater ticket booth. In a sense, at least!
The interior however— theres wooden boards covering shattered windows, signs warning of asbestos, bloodied tools left lying around, and paintings are shown hanging off the walls. Much of the furniture in the lobby are strewn around haphazardly or remain boxed up in several large wooden crates.
The bar, why is there a bar in a place meant to discourage sin? You have no clue, uses skeletons, snakes, and bones as general themes, along with card suits and candles, and advertises itself as a casino. The area the bar in has glowing green wooden walls instead of the usual red wallpaper, given that it’s been sorta… merged with the lobby of the hotel.
Despite the shabby and poor condition of the hotel, the overall theme of the building remains ornate and regal, with stained glass windows, (semi?) lavish furniture, and generous usage of gold. Like the rest of Hell that you’ve seen so far, the hotel has a largely red color scheme.
Along with like.. almost every person here and around the place.
“Charlie?” A more deep, feminine voice calls out. You snap your head in the direction of- …Vagatha?
The silver haired woman appears to notice and remember you as well, due to her expression changing immediately.
“Honey- please don’t attack her!!“ Charlie stammers, moving in front of you. But you gently push her aside and walk towards her.
“..Agatha?” She bites her bottom lip, giving you a look saying: l‘please.’ You know what she means by that.
“I haven’t seen you since.. well, life.” You almost trip over your words, given that you haven’t lied in about a few years or so. Despite that, she looks relieved. She gives you a small nod before looking at Charlie’s surprised expression.
“How.. OHHHH! Wait- you guys know each other from Earth!?” The Blonde exclaimed in absolute delight, cupping her cheeks. Vaggie quickly nodded in response, giving you a look of appreciation before walking over to Charlie who held her captive in a bear hug, babbling on about how she was so happy for the two of you.
You stared at them for a moment before bursting out into a fit of giggles. Vaggie pouted, but she really did love it. Even if it didn’t show.
You’re glad she found someone who made her happy. Even if it’s the daughter of Lucifer.
Wiping away the tears of delight from your eyes, you sigh contentedly before you started to survey around the hotel more while the two lovebird’s were being all adorable. Two figures- a black and white cat wiping down the bar, and a tall spider-like character were talking (mainly the spider one) as the cat seemed entirely done with everyone and everything.
Blinking repeatedly for a second, your head turns to the door of the hotel. You don’t know why, but you almost head towards it, you’re unsure why- but it almost feels like something is beckoning you to leave, to run out and leave this place.
But you can’t.
Simple: you don’t have anywhere else to go.
“ANOTHER WOMAN?” A voice shrieked out, causing you to recoil away and snap your head to the voice.
A smaller demon was looking up at you, a cyclops-like demon with pointed limbs, white skin and one large eye. Her eyes light yellow iris, hot-pink sclera with a yellow gradient were basically the size of atoms as she continued to stare. This is certainly awkward…
Her red-pink hair is kept into a slightly messy bob cut with swirls on each side, and a single light yellow streak located at the top. Her mouth has sharp light yellow teeth inside and black lips, and small hot-pink dots on each of the corners.
The bug-like woman wears a neckerchief around her neck, red-pink maid dress under a white apron with three hot-pink dripping splotches. She also wears long black gloves which covers most of her hands and arms, along with matching-colored tights.
“…Hello, Miss?” Choking out the words, you smile the best you can despite how tense you were.
“Nifty!!! It’s nice to meet you!” She squeals out, a large toothy grin on her face.
“Right well- Hello, Miss Nifty.” You bobbed a curtsy to the small woman who seems far too excited to be here.
“Y’know, I was kinda wishin’ you’d be a bad boy, but whatever! Anyways- this place is filthyyy so, I gotta kill more bugs to make sure they know not to come here anymore!” Niffty bounces up and down elatedly,
“Okay, BYEEE!!” And with that, she was running off in the opposite direction.
Your breath hitches, and your body tensed. Is.. everything super fast here? Everything feels too fast for your liking.
You take a moment to breathe, trying to relax your tense body. It’ll all be okay… you just, need a moment to let everything sink in.
Striding over to a chair, you sat down and leaned your head back, making you stare at the ceiling. A sigh slips past your lips as you rest your hands in your lap. Surprisingly, the couch is.. much more softer and comfortable than you had imagined before.
“Why, another patron?” How many people are going to approach you today?
You tense, turning to the voice speaking- it sounds like that of an old radio…
A slender, darker brownish beige-skinned demon with a dapper appearance stands before you, a slightly messy, red-pink bob-styled hair with black tips and a pair of rather large, black-ended fur-tufts on top of his head which evokes the ears of a deer. On the back of his head is a brown undercut, while small black antlers protrude from the crown of his head.
Kinda cute… you admit.
The man wears a high-collared, fitted red pinstripe coat with darker-colored sleeves, strawberry-red cuffs, white-trimming on darker-red lapels, and the bottom hem being ragged. Under his coat is that of a strawberry-red dress-shirt with a black cross on the chest, and an accessorized black knotted bow tie with a strawberry-red center on the top front.
He has black gloves- are those his hands???… probably not. You hope.
Nevertheless, they have strawberry-red fingertips, black dress pants with cuffs the same color as he coat, and black heeled ankle boots with strawberry-red pointed toes, with his hands behind his back he’s holding a thin cane with a vintage styled microphone attached to it.
“..Good evening, Sir.” You say, voice drained even when you try to keep the politeness you still have left. A drowsy smile plastered its way on your face, attempting to straighten your posture. The man seems amused by your words and current situation as his smile gets ever so wider.
“Manners? My, what a rare thing to come across in Hell, mm?” He quips as he motions for you to stand up. You tilt your head in confusion as you leisurely rise up from your spot to stand up from the couch, and he approaches a bit closer before dipping down, grabbing your wrist while dipping down and kissing the back of your palm.
You don’t think you’ve ever blushed that much before.
A man has never done this to you before, when did this ever happen in time???? Does he just- do this whenever he meets someone new??? Why in heavens name is this attractive and why are you finding it so?????? What is going on..
It takes you a good long minute to process what just happened as the man straightens up his posture once more, letting your hand fall to your side. You can hear him laughing a bit at your flustered expression, making the blush become more apparent and darker in color.
“Now who are you, my dear?” The way he emphasized ‘my’ in his sentence was.. odd, but nevertheless: you didn’t comment on it.
“(____). It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You curtesy at the man in respect despite your flustered state.
His smile grew wider in amusement and satisfaction- in a way— this is certainly something.
“And, you are, sir?”
“Alastor! Quite a pleasure to be meeting you, my dear, quite a pleasure!”
. . .
Well.. this place has started growing on you.
And the people too.
Charlie by far has been the friendliest to you, trying to get you comfortable over the few months you’ve arrived here. She hasn’t forced you to do anything, only given suggestions and her ideas, asking for your opinions, etc.
But you’ve taken the role of a musician for the hotel!
She could not be more overjoyed.
Vaggie and you don’t speak too much.. but have a friendly relationship. Any chance you got, you would also ask for her opinions on the music you’ve been working on, if it sounded good enough because.. Charlie would just be a bit vague in her rating, but Vaggie could be much more blunt and straightforward.
You’re thankful for that, musically that is.
Even if it might hurt your feelings sometimes, it’s better to know your mistakes.
Husk hasn’t interacted with you much, but has decided to give you a record for you to possibly use as a reference for a song, or even play it! That.. honestly gives you a bit of a confidence boost, given that he really doesn’t reveal much of his past to anyone.
But he trusts you enough to at least give you one of his favorite records!
You’ll make him proud, no matter the cost.
Angel Dust has attempted to make an advance or two upon you, flirting with you like he does everyone, but you’re a bit too awkward for that and instead decide to invite him into your room to listen to you play.
Genuinely? He’s impressed. That façade of being the porn-star that he is fizzes away a bit as he simply stares at you while you play on one of your instruments.
He might just get more fond of you.
Niffty is.. okay!! You find her to be quite adorable like.. 90% of the time, despite her habits with bugs. You try to help her clean sometimes, but most times it doesn’t work. Though the times when it does, she thanks you a lot! And you even let her test out some of your instruments.
As long as she doesn’t break them, or ruin them in any way. To which she promises you she won’t, and you hold it to her.
She enjoys your company quite a lot, though!
Sir Pentious is an interesting figure. A villain genuinely turned good- however, you don’t really see him often anymore. His little egg boys however, you truly want to adopt all of them! How could you not want to, they were simply so endearing!
He’s heard your music a bit, by passing near your room in the hotel, and he will admit that it is damn near relaxing to listen to you play and compose your pieces.
You’ll certainly try to interact with him more.
Alastor now… he’s quite the character! He was the second person who persuaded you into letting him hear you play your music (with the first being Charlie despite how scared you were.) He even gave you some songs that were some of his favorites to play!!
All of them were jazz, but you didn’t mind. They weren’t too bad, after-all!
However his behavior now has… ringed bells in your head.
Made you frightened.
You decided to ask Vaggie what she knew of him, and eventually told you his story. How he had gained all of his power from those overlords and deals..
It made you unnerved. How could someone of a mortal soul kill so many people???
And despite being an angel, why is he so interested in you?
You, for one, don’t consider yourself to be very interesting. All besides for your species and musical abilities, you don’t see why..
But, you didn’t question it for so long and kept quiet.
He appeared to enjoy your presence more than others, even being as willing as to ask you if you want him to send some of his shadows to follow you around town when you went to do errands for Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, or just one of the members of the hotel.
Of course, you denied but thanked him for the offer. It’s not like it stopped him. It was only for your safety.
What if one of the Vees approached you?? Or Vox used his manipulation powers on you??? What if you got attacked??? He can’t let his new source of entertainment get harmed, or be taken away!
You weren’t some delicate flower.. but he definitely saw you like it.
He even offered you deals.
Ones for your soul.
Denying every-time, of course. You liked your freedom. The mere idea of a deal for your soul felt like every bit of freedom would be drained from you, everything taken away from you. They could do anything to you.. even kill you.
God forbid.
It scared you.
But that didn’t stop him from trying to own you.
Whenever he was listening to you play and you did a wonderful job (especially if it was one of his favorite songs or jazz in general), he would pat you on the head while merrily singing praises to you of how well you played!
It got to the point where Angel Dust even has made some.. inappropriate remarks about Alastor’s words to you. It makes you blush out of embarrassment every time, and you yelp back a response.
“Damn, toots, didn’t know you were baggin’ smiles over there. You two had-“
It’s infuriating at times. And you had to do it by yourself, as Alastor usually wasn’t around during those times when Angel Dust made his remarks.
..It’s.. whatever.
But it doesn’t help your case when Alastor offers you his hand for you to hold, or with his arm for you to link with, to walk around with you, walk you back to Hotel…
Most times you accepted! Back when he wasn’t so…
It wasn’t bad, at first. You thought he was just being kind to you. He had manners- proper decorum. How could you dislike a person with manners, after-all!
You didn’t notice it.
But that possessiveness grew.
Almost like a corruptive infection.
Now, it’s just straight up.. bone-chilling at times.
It’s like he was infatuated with you, trying to get you to do everything with him—
Most times you deny it now.
Still he was a persistent one.
And even got you to say yes.. a lot.
You don’t even know what even led to this behavior from him, why everything you seem to do he has an interest in already.
He’s even tried persuading you into getting a radio for yourself in order for you to listen to his radio shows! And honestly? The idea didn’t seem too bad, in your opinion. And.. this was before any of the bells started ringing in your head about his behavior, so there was really nothing bad about it! At least, to you. So, you headed out and found yourself a radio (although, you have to say it was certainly quite the adventure).
Alastor was especially pleased by this.
Yet, ever since you got it, you didn’t even feel safe in your own room anymore. Main cause of it being like a thousand eyes watching you when you were just simply trying to work on your music, sleep, draw— anything. The only time it went away is when you were going to dress yourself. Thank whatever saving you for that. But, even around the hotel- you could still feel the hairs rise up on your neck due to the sensation.
A part of you wanted to tell Charlie, or even Vaggie of your troubles. Hell, even Husk or Angel Dust about it. But, Charlie would.. more than likely blame herself a lot more, and you didn’t want her to worry her to the point of exhaustion since she was already doing so much. You don’t believe you’re close enough to Vaggie to even… tell her much, especially about a problem as banal and close to unbelievable as this. Husk could try and help, but probably would be too indifferent about the situation and your wellbeing as the two of you aren’t that close either. And, for Angel Dust… he probably wouldn’t help you as much as you wanted. Niffty? She was kinda out of the question because you really couldn’t see her taking you seriously, nor finding her around much.
So there was only one option, probably one of the worse ones: Alastor.
Honestly, you believed he would probably just laugh at you. But maybe he’d take you seriously. Maybe he wouldn’t.
God forbid, this is horrible.
Like the foolish idiot you were, you told Alastor about your worries one day.
“Mister??..” Your voice is a mere whisper as you gently knock on the door to his room. Knuckles softly hitting the wood, you recoiled your hand back and fidgeted with your fingers as you awaited for a response you were, more than likely, weren’t going to receive. Well..
Those were your thoughts. Before the door quickly opened, causing you to jerk backwards, stumbling over yourself. That’s certainly the fastest anyone has answered the door for you. He took a moment to stare down at you, surveying your expression, you suppose.
“Good evening, my dear!” His normal orotund voice speaks up with the radio-like effect still filtered over it. You nod in greeting, waiting to see if he continues on.
“Is there anything you need? You know, I could’ve been doing something terribly important!” He emphasizes ‘terribly important’, and the way he does it has you worrying now. Did you interrupt him?
“Oh— i’m sorry. I can leave and come back later. Or just,, not come back if you’re not available.” There’s silence that follows your response as you wait. Until there’s..
Hysterical laughter.
“No no! It’s a joke, my dear! I’m available. Come in.” He stepped off to the side, motioning for you to enter. And, you gave a nod of appreciation before approaching any further. So.. now you know that half of Alastor’s room is a bayou.
One that appears to always make it seem like its night. Fireflies flit around, their lights illuminating ever so slightly. The bayou is mainly cool colors, blues, and greens (for the trees mainly, which look reminiscent of weeping willow trees), and even a tint of purple to it, not including the light from the fireflies. The only thing making you uneasy is the fact that there’s a.. dead deer. Resting on a table. In the middle of the bayou area. And a fork is poking out from its chest, with a knife properly placed down on the side of it on the table. There’s even a few puddles around the grassy floor, and a larger lake in the back you can slightly see
For the rest of the room which is decently normal: an intricately designed fireplaces, being its sharp teeth designs, and golden colored swirls. A neon green light is shining from inside, slightly dimmed due to the darkness. Upon it there are skulls, and oddly shaped candelabras with lighted candles. On the walls are pictures within picture frames to which you really can’t depict, some tilted and others straight. Then, there’s the large buck antlers and what you can suspect to be its teeth hung proudly above the fireplace in a wooden frame. A long, red and golden trimmed carpet is spread out from near the door to a small desk off to the side, covering some of the wooden flooring.
The stag sits down in one of the red cushioned chairs next to the fireplace after having the door closed for privacy, and motions for you to sit by the one in front of the other. When you do find yourself comfortably sat in the chair, your eyes drift off to look at the rest of the room.
On a wooden bookshelf, he has… a lot of books, all of different sizes but with a similar, burgundy color. There’s also one of his signature radio’s on the top shelf, along with another on a lower one. An animal skeleton, and a golden statue that’s matched with intricate designs of swirls with a bottom compartment with what looks to be voodoo symbols for the handles. Not even mentioning the gator skeleton on the wall with little fairy lights you can suppose, there’s a small container for papers on his desk, a black and dark orange lamp, and a bottle of ink all neatly placed on it.
“So.. what is it you need from me, darling? Perhaps a deal?” Again with the deals..
“No. I just— .. you have to promise me you won’t laugh, even if you find it stupid.” Please, please, please, agree. You cannot deal with these thoughts and feelings anymore, god forbid.
“Mm… Is it that serious?”
“To me- yes. To others I might just seem.. delusional or paranoid.” Replying to his inquiry, he hums a noise of satisfaction.
“Alright. Go ahead then.”
With those words, everything you’ve been holding in ever since these sensations have started spilling out almost naturally. You tell him almost everything, how you’ve been feeling someone watching you, how you’re scared for yourself and the rest of the hotel staff if its soon going to happen to them, if anything bad is going happen to the hotel itself- or any of the residents. Being the bleeding heart you are, now?
The overlord quietly listened, grin never leaving his face as he felt so many things at once. It’s almost annoying to him why you’re like… this. The fuming hatred is something that cannot be fathomed by merely anyone, something so deep, it’s incomprehensible for him even. Someone who has murdered so many innocent people, someone who can never show his true emotions beyond that cursed smile that’s plastered on his face. He loathes you so much for simply everything you do. Isn’t that the reason he liked you for the things you did??..
But then there’s the other feeling.
It’s confusing.
Say, if you were to start… disliking him, ignoring him, avoiding him at all costs. He feels like he’d go insane. Like he needs your attention on him, or else he cannot function. And yes, he likes the attention from everyone on him, but if he lost yours- dear satan, he could actually be insane. Why do you think he’s offering you so much?? A twisted part wants him to own every little piece of you, everything about you, and he cannot deny that he likes that idea more than you could ever possibly imagine. Ripping away every little bit of innocence you have would just be delightful to him, it’s all making him have this awful feeling swirl within his chest. One that twists and tugs at his dead, tar colored heart.
He wants to rip it out.
He needs to. Perhaps then these vile feelings that you’re causing him will eventually.. wither away.
This is making him weak. Making him go soft.
And what will that do to his reputation?
“Well, my darling..” Alastor cleared his throat.
“If you would like, I suppose I can offer you a deal.”
“Not for your soul, this time. Just a simple deal between friends!”
To say this intrigued you would be an understatement.
Well now, you’ve made a deal with the devil!
Or, a devil.
He offered you his protection in the way of being by your side for most of the time, or having one of his shadow spies with you, in exchange for a favor from you later on, of his picking. And you were desperate, you didn’t even think first about negotiating the terms of your now first deal in Hell! With.. the Radio Demon!
And thankfully, not for your soul.
Oh freedom how you love it.
He’s thankful you still haven’t figured out who has been watching you all this time, who you were worried about.
Nevertheless- ever since you made that deal, you and Alastor were practically connected at the hip. But the rare times where you weren’t together, one of his shadow spies was with you! You have to admit it- they were adorable. You had to at least pet them a few times on the head while gawking at them. Of course, they squealed in delight due to the sudden display of affection shown by someone. Even when they at first, didn’t trust you, they definitely started to warm up to you now.
Charlie, Vaggie, nor any of the other residents have said anything about this so far- besides Angel Dust and his usual remarks.
..But then Husk spoke up one time.
Being at the bar, resting on a stool as you tried to unwind a little bit, and given it was quite lonely at the time- you decided to just.. simply relax for a moment in the company of probably one of the quietest people within the Hotel. It was the right opportunity for him.
“Kid.. a word of advice: don’t get too close to that asshole. He may seem all nice and charming, but he’s in Hell for a goddamn reason.”
Those words stick with you.
And with passing months, you think more deeply and deeply about your deal. And those little spies don’t seem so cute in a way anymore. And Alastor..
Maybe you’re overreacting.
“Okay, okay! So.. I have a great idea!!” Charlie merrily exclaimed as she clapped her hands together, bouncing up and down in delight. Her smile was wider than ever, and her girlfriend beside her was softly smiling with hands planted on her hips. Vaggie was so in love with that princess..
It was adorable!
Charlie had called a staff meeting to the living room, where everyone (Including Husk even) were resting on the couch or floor.
“I thought, if we wanted to get more in touch with the idea of rehabilitation, we might want to become more.. human! By getting in touch with certain, good aspects of human life!” The princess continued, surveying everyone’s expressions.
“So, me and Vaggie picked some holiday’s we could possibly celebrate here at the Hotel!” She motions to a writing board where the handwriting is rushed but, legible. Some ideas on the board are scribbled out, and 3 main ones are circled, followed bullet points displaying what each are about, what they would do, and how the Hotel would celebrate.
‘Halloween’ , ‘Valentines Day’ , ‘Christmas’
“..Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Husk huffs out, grimacing.
“Language. And, seriously?? Let’s just try it.” You try and persuade the cat.
“I’m with Husk on this one, toots.” Angel adds. Your head snaps to the Spider, furrowing your brow as he simply shrugs in response.
“Don’t care for these anymore like I used to. I bet most of us even celebrated ever since getting here, including you! Whens the last time you celebrated goddamn Christmas?!” He continues on, raising an eyebrow at you.
“..When it last happened in Heaven?” The confusion in your voice had Angel looking at you in an awkward manner as he just… turned his head away from you.
“That’s even more of a reason!” Charlie exclaimed, quickly turning to her girlfriend and motioning for her to speak which led to her giving a small sigh, and a gentle smile before turning to the rest of the group with a now blank expression.
“So- we want you all to take a poll. You’ll all get a small slip of paper, and a pen. Then write down your answer. After you’re all done with that, then just slip in into the bowl.” Vaggie explained, gesturing to the bowl resting on the surface of a wooden table with a dark pink cloth draped over it.
And just as said, Vaggie and Charlie gave everyone (including themselves at the end) a small slip of paper and a pen to write with. Husk grumbled about how stupid this was, but still scribbled something down, Angel doing the same but with a huff of annoyance beforehand. Niffty had to be more excited than either of them, being the first to put her answer into the bowl. Then Charlie put hers in, then Vaggie did, then Angel and Husk (begrudgingly- that is), where Sir Pentious followed suit. So there was just you, and the Radio Demon.
You didn’t know what to put down.. honestly. Biting your bottom lip, you slowly wrote something down onto the slip. Arising from your spot, you treaded over to the table and dropped the paper into the bowl.
“Pardon me, darling!” Alastor excused himself, causing you to come to the realization that he was standing right behind you. Turning on your heel, you held out your hand.
“Sorry— here, I’ll put it in for you. As… an apology? Of sorts?” You awkwardly chuckled.
“Well, aren’t you a lamb!” He laughed, placing the folded piece of paper into your palm and you turned back around and dropped it in, before heading back (being that Alastor has already went back to his seat) to your spot and sitting down. (You.. aren’t a lamb. What the hell did he mean by that??)
Charlie almost jumped out of her seat, rushing on over to the table while gripping onto Vaggie’s wrist. She was practically bouncing up and down as her girlfriend first picked up the bowl, shaking it gently, before she pulled out the first slip and cleared her throat.
“First holiday of choice...”
“Christmas.” The angel stated as the princess happily clapped her hands in delight, before she was given the bowl where she shoved her hand inside of.
“Next isssss…”
“Valentine’s day!” She beamed, grinning widely. The couple went back and forth passing the bowl.
“Valentines, again.”
“..Whatever Angel said!!..I guess..?? Huh.. Okay um, so whatever Angel answered…”
For the last one, Vaggie allowed Charlie to say it (to which she was ecstatic to do.)
“And last but not least.. Valentines!!”
. . .
“Soooooo..” Charlie started as she looked at Vaggie, holding her hand tightly as they smiled at each other before once again turning to the group.
“The holiday is that we’re going to be celebrating is going to be..”
“Valentine’s day!!”
This was going to be fun.
Charlie had Husk save all of the red wine possible, Vaggie was discussing possible decorations for the hotel, and you were left to find some romantic music to play on your violin and possibly on the piano.
Niffty was making sure that the Hotel looked more perfect than ever as to not have to worry about it after the soirée, and for the after party for just the employees and patrons of the hotel. (although, got more distracted by roaches more than ever.)
Angel Dust was feeling especially romantic, trying to advance upon Husk at the even more than usual, to which Husk had to endure and ignore.
For Alastor? God knows up to what he was doing.
Like— you could barely find him around anywhere..
But nevertheless, you tried to play some romantic pop tunes, romantic jazzy tunes, anything that would work for this holiday. Took you quite a bit, but when you got it- you felt very accomplished!
And this.. got Charlie to actually get a venue where you could play at..
Oh lordddddd….
Of course, you asked for Charlie and Vaggie’s opinions on it, and they were elated to hear it. (Mainly Charlie!)
You’d tried figuring out what outfit you were going to wear for the holiday, searching and scanning everything you possibly had in your wardrobe for something.
And you found that very something.
The outfit that you’d chosen was lovely, in your opinion. A white collared dress up shirt underneath a red, button up tailcoat. The back was a large, ruffled fishtail hem, and with puffy sleeves that turned into long, fitted sleeves to the wrists. 4 golden buttons embroidered onto the chest area where the coat ruffed out into a darker red. The buttons had small, thin chains that connected them to the one across from each other. White fingerless gloves where a bit of it wrapped around your middle finger were chosen! Nicer than you thought. This was then followed by some black trousers, which were a bit baggy and flared out near the ankles (but not too baggy it looked like they were hanging off of you). And to top it all off, you put on some black heeled boots.
If you were to say you weren’t excited to show everyone your outfit and see their’s, you’d be lying to yourself.
..this holiday thing actually might be a bad thing!
(Not that you thought so in the first place.)
You’d even play in that outfit as practice, just to see if it was comfortable and playable! (Which it very much was).
With every passing day approaching the Holiday, everything mainly felt like bliss. Charlie was more elated than ever, starting to teach more lessons about how Valentine’s day could help the Hotel more, Vaggie was.. very high strung (yet tried her best to relax for her girlfriend when asked by her). You yourself even started helping with decorations around the Hotel just to get the couple to relax for at least an hour or more. You ended up working for almost the whole day, yet it was worth all of that time and work. They deserved all of that resting. And the best thing at that? You did it mostly by yourself!
Very rewarding, if you might say so yourself.
Before you got self-conscious about everything you helped on.
Especially when the special day had arrived.
What if they don’t like it?? What if they don’t like your music? Don’t like your outfit???? If you make a fool out of yourself, then what next?? You’ve become so tense, your shoulders almost reaching to your ears— this is not going as ‘stress-free’ as you’d planned.
Fidgeting with the cuff of your overcoat, you bit your bottom lip and anxiously awaited for the inevitable knocking that would arrive at your door soon. As an angel, you’ve gotten quite stressed due to a multitude of reasons, but this might be one of the more stressful and worrying situations you’ve been in since.. a bit.
The hand twiddling with the cuff then turned to your other hand, playing with your fingers. A part of you really didn’t want the string of knocks to arrive, but.. there was really no control over the current circumstance. Only to freak out about something you’ve worked so hard in, something you thought you’d looked decent enough in, decorations they’ve probably already seen and possibly laughed at- your breathing hitched at the thought. God, you feel so stupid. They’re going to hate it, you’re going to embarrass the Hotel, aren’t you?
Knock, knock!
And there it is. That dreaded sound. Your nails started digging into the flesh of your hands through your gloves, and you felt your stomach drop. This is going to be ruined- you’re going to ruin it.
Hesitant to open the door, another knock sounded out as you further approached the door. And with a final deep breath, your hand rested gently on the cold metal of the doorknob before twisting it and swinging it open.
To someone you.. weren’t exactly suspecting to see!
“…Good evening, Alastor!” You almost stuttered over your own words, forcing a smile to plaster itself onto your lips.
Even more surprising, the man was dressed much more differently!
A black, long collared dress up shirt where it’s sleeves slightly poke out with a red cross on the chest under a Bordeaux red pinstripe coat with same colored lapels. A ribbon red waistcoat with rosy pink colored, vertical strips decorating it along with 2 wine red buttons. A pair black dress pants and his usual shoes, along with his gloves.
It takes you a moment to realize the stag has put up his hair into a small ponytail. Good grief… how can a man be so attractive.
“Good evening to you, my dear! I do believe it’s time for your little performance soon at this soirée!” His head tilts to the side a bit, trademark smile always on his face as per usual as he stares down at you. Your smile immediately turns into a small frown with a sigh from you, causing you to bury your face into your hands.
He halts for a moment, before continuing on.
“Now, what’s got you all a mess? I thought you would love this!”
“I do!! It’s…” The words lodge in your throat as you falter to continue on, turning away from the man with your arms wrapped yourself in a hug.
“..What if I fail- what if I look tacky?? In my performance, and by just.. looking at me and my appearance!!” Facing the man once more, you motion to your ensemble with a fearful look as your gaze downturns to the ground.
“If I fail.. I ruin the image of the hotel. I ruin my image, I ruin everything!! If i’m not perfect in this.. I don’t even know anymore…” Internally, you’re questioning on why you’re telling your deepest fears to an overlord known for being mostly apathetic to most. Who knows.
The overlord grin remains the same as his eyes narrow looking down at you. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t like the little thing you had going on here! He enjoys the amusement of people failing so much!!.. but, theres something that pangs him right into his unfeeling and dead heart like a knife.
An exhale escapes past his lips as one of his hands rest upon your shoulder.
“Darling.” The biggest part of him is telling himself to say something akin to his normal snarky remarks.
But he can’t now.
Whats stopping him? Has he gone soft?? What in hell is wrong with him??
“I’m more than certain you’ll do wonderful in your little show for the Hotel. Have you disappointed us before?” Your head raises a bit as you open your mouth to speak, before a clawed hand reaches for your jaw and lifts it up to fully face him, making you avert your gaze almost instantaneously.
“You’re going to say ‘oh, I don’t think so. At least I hope so.’ And darling, only half of that is semi-correct. Your performances have not once failed to amaze us, including me, beyond belief and words that could describe it. Your voice is delightful, and your playing is even rivaling one of my favorite jazz songs from back in the day!! I can understand your stress, but you shouldn’t worry much about it, my darling doll.”
The mans words had you actually speechless.
“However, you can never beat me at piano!” He laughs, and you huff in response before he clears his throat.
“Now.. hasn’t this been enough dawdling for now, doll?” Alastor inquired, to which you leisurely nodded due to yourself still processing his words.
He hand already laced his arm with one of your arm, almost making you squeak out from surprise in response. Like a second instinct, you moved slightly closer to him, mainly behind, and bit your bottom lip once again.
“Off we go, now!” The deer explained in a sing-song-like tone, marching out of you, trailing behind while struggling to close your door…
Walking down those stairs is nerve racking as you keep your gaze downcast at the steps and your shoes, almost clinging to Alastor’s arm now with both of your arms wrapped around it.
As much as he despises touch- ..he doesn’t seem to mind this much.
“..Tell me if my touch makes you uncomfortable.” Oh? How thoughtful! His grin strains a bit as he strides on over to the group, you clinging to him as you take a moment before you start raising your head to the couple to which you have stopped in front of within the lobby of the Hotel.
And, they’re certainly matching.
You have to stop yourself from squealing like a fangirl.
Vaggie's ensemble has a black and purple mauve dress featuring asymmetrical layers and a feathered tailcoat of a matching red that Charlie has, eye-like designs embroidered into the fabric. Similar colored fingerless gloves she now wears, with a black ring with a bunch of hearts on her ring finger. Her hair has been tied up with her usual bow but now into a ponytail. A shawl-like garment is adorned with three bold red hearts along the left side in a line. She finishes up with dark lace stockings and white flats.
Charlie wears a black overcoat draped over her shoulders that reaches to her upper calves, and small golden sun shaped pins on both sides of the coat with a thin chain connecting them across her chest. She wears a black choker with a dark red heart pendant hanging off of it, and a golden bracelet around her right wrist. They even have matching, black rings with hearts all over it with each other!! Black petals adorn her hair, which is tied in her usual hairstyle. She wears a sleeveless, red top followed by a black and golden belt where the center is a golden shaped, empty heart. To top it off, she wears black baggy pants with black boot heels.
“..You both look-“
“WONDERFUL!!” Squealing, you start happily bouncing up and down, gawking at the couple with linked arms in front of you.
“Oh, thank you!! YOU LOOK AMAZING TOO!” Charlie beams, stars practically shining in her eyes.
Vaggie gives a nod as agreement with Charlie, and one of appreciation at the same time.
As the couple and Alastor engage within a conversation for who knows whats, you find your eyes wandering off to look at the rest of your friends to see what they’re doing.
Over at the bar, a certain well dressed spider demon and a slightly underdressed cat demon are.. ‘interacting’.
“Ohhh c’mon, babycakes. We could-“
“No. Go fuck yourself..”
“Only if ya’ watch me!” Husk groans at Angel, who has now slightly climbed onto the counter of the bar, to which Husk pushes him off.
You try to suppress the urge to giggle out-loud and decide to look for a certain small bug demon.
But.. you can’t find her—
“WOAHHHH!” Gasping, you almost recoil at the familiar voice, but ground yourself as your head snaps down to look at Niffty- who is all spiffed up!
Niffty’s hair has been put up into one that appears to look more like one from the 1950’s as it’s far more curly than before. It’s accompanied by two white roses which are held together by a thin, red wine piece of rope in the shape of a.. bow slightly sagging.
Her outfit incorporates a short sleeved, white dress up shirt, matched with 5 coral pink buttons aligned in the middle of the shirt. Added on, she has two pearl earrings and a white, and pink pearl necklace which is matched with a silver chain. The skirt of her dress has a sort of.. belt incorporated into it already as it has a slightly white, rectangle belt holder in the center of the blush pink skirt- which reaches to her ankles. White polka dots along with venetian red roses matched with a Russian green stems are embroidered on the skirt scattered all over it. To top it all off, she has simple white Mary Jane-like shoes.
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you smile.
“Awwh! Nif, you look adorable!!” You pat the small demons head. Not in a condescending way.. just.. as a spur of the moment decision.
“YOU LOOK VERY PRETTY!!” She squeals out, bouncing up and down.
And before you could actually start speaking once again, the small demon… bunny hops onto your chest, making you stumble back with a squeak-like sound and unlace your arm with Alastor’s in order to have both hands on Niffty to make sure she doesn’t fall either..
You’ve noticed that the couple and Alastor have stopped their conversation, probably looking at you and Niffty now…
“I could add something to make you look better!”The words don’t sound too sinister, but she’s grinning like a maniac.
“..Like?” You anxiously smile. Her toothy grin grows wider.
“ROSES!! IN YOUR HAIR!!” Yelping out her words, which makes instantaneously nod her request, she giggles happily.
Suddenly the small demon… now has a bouquet of red and white roses. How? You have no clue. While she climbs her way to your shoulder, plucking some petals from both colored flowers. You try your best not to move as your gaze drifts off to look at the trio beside you.
Yep.. they’re staring at you.
“..You guys good?”
“Of course, my darling!” No. Nothings alright. Why is that little miscreant touching you?- why did she make you stop being so close to him now? He’s owned her soul for quite some time now, and knows how she acts, being quite fond of her! But, why is she acting ever so.. friendly with you?..
His smile has become more strained than ever as his head turns to the couple still looking at the display of you and Niffty. Charlie looks more excited than ever, and Vaggie is.. more surprised.
“Now! Where were we?”
As the conversation now resumes, Niffty finishes up with placing the rose petals in your hair, and finishes by placing a red rose near your ear- tucking the stem beneath your hair.
“Okay!! I’m done!!!” Niffty practically shrieks out, clapping her hands as shes placed down on the ground.
“Thank you, Nif. It’s beautiful.” The small demon merrily bows before rushing off… somewhere else.
Nervously, your head turns to the center of the foyer, where the piano to which you’ve avoided up until causes to gulp. But, in response, you take a deep breath.
You just.. need to be calm. You need to relax.
What causes you to come back to your senses is a small tap on your shoulder.
“You ready?” Vaggie quietly asks, moving closer to you. And you pause for a moment before nodding, now putting a smile onto your face. She even gives a smile back.
“Alright, everyone!! Gather the hell up!” Angel and Husk both appear from the darkness of the Bar, approaching the center to where the small stand with the piano atop of it rests. Niffty has rushed into the room, happily bouncing from adrenaline, you suppose..
“We’re headin’ out. And we aren’t going to mess any of this up for the hotel.” She loudly exclaims, resting a hand on her hip as the rest of the group nods. Safe to say you’re panicking so much internally
Please, please do not let this venue end horribly because of you…
. . .
Backstage, you’re pacing.
The venue is lovely from what you’ve seen so far. Velvet curtains shroud the stage as of currently, which has you awaiting for your time to step up and play those lovely songs you’ve been practicing all this time.
As you had first entered: seating area is adorned with cushioned chairs arranged around tables draped in cloths of white, pink, red, or regal purple, each adorned with intricate heart designs. Silverware gleams under the soft glow of candlelight, while glasses of wine shimmer with anticipation. Plates overflow with delectable cuisine from most sinners and overlords who’d arrive here at the Princess of Hell’s invitation (of course, with threats unknowingly added by the Radio Demon!!)
Candelabras cast a warm, flickering light across the room. A polished and lavish golden chandelier hangs from the ceiling, its crystals catching the light as dangling heart pendants gently sway, casting a romantic glow over the scene.
At the bar, being ran by Husk, patrons are usually having ‘lively conversation’, as they await for their entertainment.
But thats also worrying for you, adding more stress. They’re awaiting you.
What if—
The curtains part slowly, and you tense. Goddamnit, no time to think, and no time to have these silly worries replay in your head. You impatiently wait for the curtains to fully open, as rehearsed before. And when they fully do, you can see the eyes of thousands just.. staring inside, from the wings. It takes every last string of restraint for you to try to relax yourself during this.. ‘predicament’.
Taking one last deep breath before the inevitable fate for you on that stage.
You stride with as much perfect posture you can, hands clasped in-front of your lap as you make it to your grand piano, stationed on the mahogany floorboards of the stage. It takes you a second to settle down upon the stood, but when you do, you hover your fingers over the keys of the instrument, recounting every single one in your head as best as you can.
With nothing more to think of besides playing, you start playing the first few chords..
And just like that, you’re immersed within your passion, and everlasting fears as you play key after key.
To say each of the residents and sinners were baffled would probably be an understatement. A great understatement.
You’ve been practicing.. so hard for this very moment, and everything you’ve done has been paying off. Charlie is just absolutely blown away, Vaggie is.. speechless, Husk has his eyebrows raised and arms crossed as his listens to the tune and your singing, Angel Dust is just grinning with an ‘I knew it’ look, Niffty looks like shes going to… explode, and Alastor.. is smiling. Smiling more than ever before- no, this is.. a genuine smile.
Turns out his word really was true.
As the last chord of the piano and last note of your singing lingers within the air, you awaiting for well.. anything.
Booing, laughter, anything.
It only took a few seconds for loud clapping to echo throughout every nook and cranny and your head snaps to the audience. They’re all cheering, all in a slightly similar way of course. Husk is nodding, softly clapping his hands with an amused smirk plastered on his lips. Charlie is vigorously clapping, bouncing up and down merrily as she hugs her girlfriend who was clapping at your performance with a small smile, as well. Angel is cheering the loudest, proclaiming “THATS MY FUCKIN’ BESTIE!” Or… something along the lines of that. Niffty is actually about to jump from her seat, and people start whistling in awe at your play.
Heat crept on your cheeks as you gave a sheepish smile towards the crowd, standing up to slightly shift away from the piano in order to curtesy in respect as they continue on with their cheering. Before you could process, flowers- specifically roses were being thrown onto stage. With widened eyes, you stand up straight again and stare at everyone, trying your best to ignore the heavy light which felt too warm for your liking- but you shouldn’t complain..
Flowers are constantly being tossed onto stage, the applause continues and you take another curtsey before scurrying off stage, making the lights dim.
You don’t really know why you ran off in such a beautiful moment, but you were going to have to leave eventually. The main thing is that you really aren’t.. used to such big crowds applauding for you. It feels much different than just being in a theater, for example.
Finding yourself backstage into the single dressing room it has, you almost collapse onto the sofa with a drawled out groan. You haven’t even bothered to turn on the lights within the room, or the lights on the vanity off- being your only light source as of currently.
..Not gonna lie, you’re probably going to fall asleep if you lay down like this for the rest of the evening.
That would be nice.
Yeah.. you might just do that.
Your eyelids slowly start to get heavier and heavier, making you shift to your side and slightly curling into yourself for warmth. May all be damned because this was surprisingly comfortable despite how you were dressed and.. well, everything else. And with just a few more seconds, you shut your eyes with a content smile gracing your lips.
“Now.. was I wrong, my darling doll?” A voice beams from the side, causing you to immediately rise up out of fear and shock. Well, so much for getting some rest now.
“Oh— Alastor! Hi!..” Trying to pull yourself together, ruffling up your hair a little with a hand, leaning back on the couch as you sit more in a tailor position on the couch.
He takes a moment survey the room, tapping a clawed finger against the side of his microphone before turning to face you. You swear you can see him hiding something behind his back- but you can’t prove anything, can you? You’re too tired for this anyway..
“What are you doing? Don’t you know, the people are quite excited to see you outside?” The inquiry has you blushing even more from embarrassment and hope that the floor magically eats you whole.
A huff escapes you, now turning to bring your knees up to your chest and bury your face into your legs instead of facing the one man who would make fun of you as he found you just trying to rest. It’s.. irritating. And, not really because of Alastor. Just, upsetting.
“Sorry. I’ll.. be out in a moment.”
“Before that, my darling. I have another question for you.” It takes you a second to raise your head up at the stag, staring at him as a motion for him to continue on speaking. He seemed almost hesitant to continue, but slowly managed to get the words to come out.
“Do you have a Valentine so far? Has anyone asked you?” Oh fuck.
He’s so going to mock you. Holy shit.
“..No.” Please please, please do not make any remarks. Don’t. Please.
“Mm.” The mere hum in response freaks you out, but you manage to keep a straight face as you’re internally screaming at the top of your lungs, probably crying as well.
Biting the inside of your cheek, nails digging into the cloth of your pants, close to the flesh of your legs as you await the interchangeable fate from this encounter.
“How would you like to be mine then, darling?”
You’re honestly.. shocked by this. The amount of time it takes for the cogs in your brain to process this new information is.. quite a bit. And, just before you can even utter a single word to the man’s advance- he reveals what he’s been hiding behind his back this whole time: wilted red roses. How romantic.
Blinking repeatedly at the gesture, you find yourself leisurely getting up and walking closer to the buck, gently wrapping your hands around his holding the roses.
“..I would love that.” Simply staring at the roses, you can’t help but smile and then look up at the man.
“And, is this you asking me out?” The query is mainly a joke as you chuckle a bit, his face still the same as ever: smiling, staring back down at you. However, you thought this mainly as a platonic gesture instead of a romantic one, being that you know a lot better. He chuckles for a moment before clearing his throat.
“Perhaps. Would that be so bad?” That definitely had your heart fluttering.
You’re still reeling from the unexpected gesture he’s made. His usually charismatic demeanor has softened, revealing a vulnerability you never thought you'd see in him. He should be withholding this. His eyes, although still half-lidded have a.. gentle warmth that draws you in. The air is charged with tension, a palpable mix of anticipation and uncertainty as you try to comprehend the depth of his actions. And with your thinking in that moment, you realize that this enigmatic figure before you is more than just ‘The radio demon.’ More than just a demon that has been feared for centuries.
He’s another mortal soul. Just like you.
Yet however, curiosity pangs you right in the heart as you recount the things he’s told about himself to you.
“Wait, Alastor,, are you sure?.. Please- I would not want to lose you over this. I know-” The more you overthink this and try to babble on, he slides his hand from under yours and brings it to cup your cheek.
“My darling doll, do you think I don’t love and cherish your company more than any of the others at the Hotel? it’d be a downright shame to not have a beauty as talented and great like you on my arm. Yet, I don’t believe you feel such similar feelings, no?” He laughs obnoxiously at his own words, but inside he’s.. he doesn’t know what he’s going to do if you don’t-
“Oh- no, of course not!”
He swear he can feel his undead heart halt like it had been beating all of this time.
“I wouldn’t want to ruin your image anyways..” With a shrug, you feel guilt wash over you. Why did you lie?
“..It wouldn’t, my darling doll!” The reaffirming words seemed much more disappointed than before and it almost made you freak out even more. Did he know?
As silence passes through between the two of you, trying to figure out what to make of each other’s feeling and words. You start to speak.
“Alastor.. are you actually trying to court me?” The words come out as a whisper, a hand of your own reaching up to place over his on your cheek while the other still held the rose bouquet.
Radio static fills the room.
You’re afraid.
“My darling doll.. would that be such a problem?”
“…No. I don’t think so..”
His grin widens even more than you could possibly think of after being strained for such a long while. His thumb brushes downwards to your jaw and tilts your head upward more, stopping as soon as he has you looking more at his own jaw and the lower part of his mouth.
“Now tell me, why would you lie to me? Quite the bad habit, doll!” That static from earlier has still not left- in fact, it’s gotten louder than you’ve noticed up until this point in this encounter. He’s even lowered his head to go face to face with you this time.
“I didn’t want to make things awkward between us. I truly value our friendship, and I didn't want to risk losing that by admitting.. that I saw you in a far different way than probably you did for me. It's not that I don't appreciate your affection or the effort you've put into courting me before or even now, it's just that I didn't want to lead you on or give you false hope. Not only that- I was certain that you didn’t have any romantic attraction to or for anyone for a matter of fact.” Speaking faster than you intended made it harder to even keep up with your thought process.
“Not in a rude way! Just- I care a lot about making you comfortable and not passing any boundaries of yours. You don’t like romance much, you don’t like when people touch you if you don’t initiate it first.” Your shoulders slumped as you continue to ramble on, or at least try.
“All that? Dear.. I told you exactly how I felt. I wouldn’t mind if it was you.”
“..Are you sure you like.. aren’t pressuring yourself to feel this way?? Or something?”
“Darling, I force myself to do nothing. It all comes naturally!” Oh yes, naturally. That obsession? As much as he despises it- it did happen.. naturally.
“Besides…” The feeling of his claws starting to dig into the flesh of your cheek causes you to whine in pain, flinching even. You almost drop the roses due to the sudden reaction. This.. is not something that’s happened before.
“You aren’t dating anyone, correct?” His odd sing-song-like tone made you so.. uncomfortable. Dear goodness, all the color drains from your face as your eyes widen a bit at this. Immediately pulling your hand off of his, now wrapping both arms around the bouquet.
His claws stop digging into your cheek, almost making you instantly cry if you weren’t restraining yourself, wanting to run away, yet he brushes his thumb against your bottom lip ever so gently. How can the same person who just hurt you be the same person with such a gentle touch, told you such comforting words and possibly be the same person who just hurt you?
Stumbling backwards away from the man with hitched breathing, your eyes anxiously survey the man who hasn’t moved but, his smile has become more tense as his eyes have become narrowed as he stares you down like prey.
Why in Heaven’s great name is this happening??
Feeling a warm liquid trickle down your cheek, you instantaneously raise a hand to feel the damage done- already knowing what it is. It’s fucking blood. The sensation of tears start welling up and you lower your gaze for a long moment as you try to piece everything together.
“You- why!?” You cried out, with the tears now pouring down and mixing with the blood on one side. Unintentionally, you back yourself against one of the walls of the dressing room.
Oh you’re so screwed.
“Oh? Are you against me now? But, you don’t know even the beginning of how deep these vile feelings course through me for you!! You started this, darling.” Screwing your eyes shut as you hear his footsteps start to approach, you can’t help the whimpers that leave you.
With the subtle touch of one of his hands on your shoulder, you no longer think you can see him as the same person you did before, even after the sentimental moment. Even after the few times you’ve revealed your feelings to him, no matter how kong you’ve spent time together.
“Everything I’ve done for you so far was because of these wretched emotions started fluttering around, making me feel so much at the same time. It’s infuriating. They’re filthy, disgusting, but they’re still there. But, perhaps if I finally do something about these, I’ll finally be able to be rid of them. Perhaps it’s time that I take action on these, no?” You desperately want to shake your head no- but being frozen with shock with everything currently happening does you no good.
“You’re my valentine, darling. Always mine, and mine alone!”
Those are the final words spoken as your tears continue to pour, but he couldn’t care less and kisses them away. He enjoys this anyway. After-all, you’re helpless. The entire situation is helpless. And with no other thought in mind, he finds his lips on yours in a chaste kiss.
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You physically have no idea why this took so long- and I’m sorry y’all. ILY POOKIES, ENJOY YOUR FOOD.
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crimsonhydrangeavn · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's day from Crimson Hydrangea to you!
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arachne4 · 7 months
yan Wesker who's so fucking pussy/cock drunk he can't let himself pull away it's just too good. He just needs to consume you, all of you. It's the closest thing he's got to living inside your skin.
You gotta remind him to breathe
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yournextbimbogf · 7 months
Just thinking about cupid! Miguel for valentines day🫶🏾 btw happy valentines day guys!!
Since miguel is a cupid he has full control over who gets to date who. i mean you know the myth. Who ever he shoots falls involve with the first person they see. But oh no you were different, he instead fell inlove with you as a mortal. He knew it was tricky but he had an advantage due to his charming smile with his fangs popping out, his messy curly hair, his muscles scattered with scars. He just knew he had to have you. As you walk into a building fulled with marble and different paintings of different gods you see him in the distance while Miguel was talking to his mother mercury. Miguel has already locked eyes with you. It looks like you were far too gone. Once Miguel likes someone..
Like will become to love and love would become into a deep obsession.
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sweetheartmotives · 7 months
𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓼!
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Desc and possible Cw: None!
Let me know if I missed any
Micah, The yan Bartender: Just like other holidays, Micah was ecstatic for this one! Another holiday to celebrate all the time he's spent with his beloved?! Yessir! Count him in! Anyway, you guys start the day off with breakfast in bed [Micah made it for you] and then a quick cuddle sesh, and another cuddle sesh, and another cuddle seshhhh- until around 3:00 pm! Around that time, Micah runs off to the grocery store while you sleep to prepare a surprise dinner for you! He made something yummy, fancy, and somewhat homely dinner. You guys finish the lovely day off with gifts, kisses, and you guessed it, love making.
Overall, 10/10! Great yan to spend this lovely holiday with! :3
Jaakobah, Evil Yan Cupid: Oh yeah, this is a holiday Jaakobah digs. First of all, he is Cupid, therefore he knows all about romance and how to sugar you up! He, of course, plans a whole day of activities a week prior since he's the 'expert' on this holiday. Anyway, you get your favorite flowers in a neat little bundle with a package of chocolates matched with it, you go to a fair, and finally, you go to dinner.
Overall, 8/10. He's a shithead during all this btw. 'You're so desperate lol, you had to get wit cupid to get a valentine.' BE QUIET.
Harper, The yan Eagle Hybrid: Harper, as expected, didn't know what Valentine's Day was. You tried explaining it to him and all he took from it was he had to give you flowers and a gift to show his love. It didn't make sense to poor Harper, he already gifts you the finest flowers and fruits he can find in the forest, what else could you want?? After expressing his confusions to you, you explain that it's a day of love and gift giving is just one way of showing love! Harper nods along as you explained it, he finally gets it now, you want a baby! That's the ultimate gift! Oh goodie, off to the nest deep inside the cave you two go! [Dw, his cum has special properties to get EVERYONE pregnant. Don't matter what ur gender/sex is 😊]
Overall, 4/10. It was nice at the beginning but now your legs are sore.
Damian, The yan deep diver: Damian, as expected, was the one who suggested and explained Valentine's Day to you. He even brought you your special treats to jndugle in for the special occasion! He brought you pretty shells, rocks, Coral, etc from the deep depths and not deep depths for you to enjoy. He also tried, again, to kiss you. You bit him. Hard.
Overall, 3/10. The gifts were nice but the kiss attempt ruined everything.
Taiyō, the Yandere Cafe Host: Prepare to get spoiled! First, he comes to wherever you live with a big, big expensive bouquet of flowers matched with a pretty heart package of fancy chocolates. After that, he tells you all about your dinner plans for the evening and how he expects you to wear something nice. But now you might say, "But sweetheart, what if I don't have nice clothes?!" Well, don't worry your pretty head about any of that! Taiyō will happily whip out a fat wad of cash for you to buy something nice for your little Valentine's Day dinner 😊 You two lovebirds end the night off eating in a fancy restaurant under the jawdropping, most marvelous Moonlight around.
Overall, another 10/10! The spoiling never ends with him! 😭
Yumako, The yan magical girl: She was pumped! She planned a picnic, an hour of albuming photos together, going around town, and eating yummy Valentine's Day themed foods. You guys did all those things btw ^_^
Overall, 10/10. Was so cute!!
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Welcome to the end credits! This is where I will give information on my new or previous yans!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you all get whatever chocolates and other sweets you enjoy from that special someone! I hope you all enjoyed reading as I enjoyed writing! [Sending virtual chocolates to you all! ♡]
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feral-yhs-fan · 7 months
What the yandere trio is doing for valentines day: kitchen edition
Sam: made valentines baskets for Taurtis and Grian. Is now makeing valentines bentos to put on twitter.
(Sam is the best cook truthers rise.)
Grian: posting valentines thirst traps and eating all the valentines he got.
Taurtis: makeing limited edition valentines day Toritos. He just painted it pink with wall paint and added craft hearts. (Is NOT listening to Grian and Sam telling him he's going to get sued again.)
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qep0ermint · 7 months
the creater not Yan wally
(sorry Yan wally)
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Thank you so much!! (And I want to share a little bit my little problem, I use a translator and not always clearly understand the meaning of the sentences, confused and worried about it. So if there are any misunderstandings, I apologize in advance!)
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momo-fujimi · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day!!💝
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deckofaces · 2 years
Love You Xoxo (Forever..)
A Valentine’s Day Prompt
Tw: Yandere whumper, being rendered unconscious, bat as a weapon
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Hero dodged yet another one of Villain’s swings, they were using a bat of all things. “I can’t go back to your lair! You said you wanted to keep me there forever-! You know I can’t do that.”
Villain swung again, the crime stopper narrowly moved out of the way in time. “My lair is much safer than the outside world. I just want to be the one to take care of you. Care for you away from any threat. Do you understand?”
“No!” Hero shouted incredulously. “I have a family and my job! And- and a lover!”
“But I love you..” Villain whispered. “Only I can claim that role..”
Hero froze in place. “What?”
Villain spoke louder this time. “I love you more than your lover ever could. Only I can be the one to love you. I will love you forever and ever and always. You are my everything.”
Before Hero could say a word or protest to such a confession, the wooden baseball bat connected with their skull and the world went pitch black.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Can you write the ❤️ prompt with Dabi? Maybe he met reader at Sekoto peak one day and became friends. After becoming Dabi and finding you, he’s just so smitten and reminded of the crush he used to have on reader
♡ Found You ♡
(A/N: Ahhhh happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!! I hope you all have a great Valentine’s Day 💗 I know that for me I’m considering all of you my valentines lol!! Anyways I hope you like this, I think childhood friends au’s are so cute 🥰🥰🌹)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, childhood friend au, angst, some fluff, stalking, reader loves Dabi back, hugging and kissing, this is a very long fic lol
Summary: You and Dabi grew up together. After Dabi finally reveals his identity, you’re on a mission to find him again (Yan!Dabi x GN!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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To be completely honest, there wasn’t a day that went by that Dabi didn’t at least think of you. It wasn’t as if you ever disappeared from his life although he had disappeared from yours. He could only assume you thought he, Touya, was dead. However he wasn’t he had been following you, he had been watching you. He would follow you as you did mundane things, going to work, going to the store, he just wanted to watch you from afar. He just felt the need to check on you, although he had been simply watching you for years.
Or perhaps it was because he was in love with you. As he had been since you two were children. You two had met when you were kids. You were the only person he felt he could trust, he would go to you for comfort after training or his fathers' abuse. You would hug him, you would tell him everything was going to be alright.
You used to promise him that you and he would run away together, that he’d be able to escape his father and you’d run away with him. Of course, that’s not how things went down, he had run away to become a villain while a teenager. He had apologized to you the night before he left, you didn’t know what he had apologized for at the time. And frankly, it still confused you to this day.
Of course, Dabi felt guilty seeing you grieve over him as if he were dead, although he supposed that Touya was dead. You would sometimes notice the bright blue eyes staring at you, although you assumed it was your imagination. The grief of losing your best friend still affected you to the point you thought you would hallucinate his eyes.
Dabi knew if he were to reveal his identity that everyone would know. He knew you would be aware of what he had become, that he had become a villain. Dabi mainly thought about defeating Endeavor and showing the world what he really was but there was the other part of him that wondered how you would react.
You sat in front of the TV, sitting on the floor directly in front of it. You watched the fight between the league of villains, specifically Dabi, and Endeavor in real time on the news. You didn’t really care much for what happened to Endeavor as you had despised him since childhood. Although you only hoped that Shoto would be alright as you still remember the little boy who you would ask to not tell his father about you sneaking into the house to hang out with Touya.
Your mind doesn’t even register the rest of the fight after Dabi showed his true identity. The moment that he poured that water on his head and the black faded, you recognized him. You stare blankly at the screen, large tears welling up him your eyes. The tears slowly dripped down your face, landing on the floor of your apartment and on your hands.
It all made sense now that you thought about it. The apology he said before he left. Even the eyes you would see or the figure of a person, it was him watching you. You knew that you had to find him again. You knew trying to find a villain would be dangerous but being honest, it didn’t matter to you
♡ ♡ ♡
Dabi groaned at the relentless pounding on the door. He doesn’t think anyone has ever knocked on his door before. His apartment was falling apart and barely anyone lived in the seemingly abandoned. He still had injuries from the fight however the pain was manageable.
He opened the door, putting on an intimidating face so whoever was going to bother him would leave. But instead, he opened up the door to you. You stood in the doorway, your breath coming out in puffs because of the cold weather. You stand with a stern, almost mad look on your face. Although that look on your face quickly fades after you’re finally face to face with him.
Dabi opens his mouth to speak, being cut off by you throwing yourself at him. You wrap your arms around him, holding tightly onto his back as if he would disappear at any moment. The door shuts on its own after he lets go of it. Dabi wraps his arms around you, pressing your face into his chest. This is the first time he’s touched you in years, felt you again. “Y/n..” Dabi mumbles, not exactly sure what to say.
“I missed you so much” you sob into his chest before immediately pulling away, hitting him in the chest. “But also, you asshole!” You yell, tears still rolling down your angry face. “Why couldn’t you have told me!? I thought you died! Every day I had to deal with your death, Touya!” You yell, pounding your fists against his chest although it wasn’t hard. Or at least it wasn’t hard for him.
“I thought you died..” you mumbled, pulling him back into a hug. “I’m sorry, doll” Dabi mumbles, using the same nickname he used to tease you with when you were teenagers. You pull away for a moment, running your fingers over the bandages covering the injuries on his arms. You look up at his face, seeing how intense his scars had gotten over the years.
“Your scars…” you mumble, grabbing his face in your hands gently. Dabi can’t help but almost recoil a little at the unexpected touch. Although the way your skin feels against him is just too good, almost intoxicating.
“What? You don’t like em’?” He asks, almost trying to lighten the mood. Your red, puffy eyes look over the scars before you speak. “They look- painful,” you say, that concerned look in your eyes. You still had the same empathy you had when you two were children.
Dabi avoids your remark, instead switching the subject. He grabs your face as well, making you look at him. “How did you even find me?” He asked, watching you giggle a bit. “It’s a really long story but I paid a lot of money, pretended to be an aspiring villain, and spent a lot of time trying to track you down,” you say.
You’re almost being able to see the way Dabi’s mind races at the fact you had been around such dangerous people to try and find him. You had gotten involved with such a dangerous crowd just to see him again, meanwhile, he had been watching you for years yet had been too cowardly to do anything.
Dabi doesn’t think as he looks into your eyes, watching you seemingly get confused by how he just stares at you. “Uh- Touya?” you smile, chuckling awkwardly before Dabi immediately pulls you in for a kiss. He holds onto you as if you would run away from him or try to get out of the kiss. Of course, you were shocked but you fully accepted it.
You thread your fingers through his hair. You pull away for only a moment to catch your breath except in that small moment of you puking away, Dabi’s able to take advantage of that and pull you into an even deeper kiss. It’s after a few seconds or even a minute of making out, he finally pulls away.
You almost wheeze after he pulls away from how deep he was kissing you. “I’ve been waiting to do that forever,” Dabi says, watching you smile a bit at his words.
“Honestly, me too”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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smilestrawbunny · 7 months
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You could break an angel’s fall, and ignore the Devil’s call 🐺❤️🐰
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princelylove · 7 months
My Valentine’s Day present to myself, indulging in Vanilla Ice’s character.
I love men like Vanilla. That man is so attractive. 
The complete devotion. The obsessive attention to detail. His simple-minded obedience, yet he isn’t doglike. Vanilla’s loyal nature is nothing like a dog’s. A dog will love you no matter what, they do not know the kind of person you are, only that you feed them and pet them and give them somewhere warm to call home. Vanilla is no dog, he has no expectation for his darling to love him or rub his belly or walk him, he merely wants to serve them, like a human would. 
Vanilla is a fairly calm man, when his obsession is not in need of his rage. His righteous fury on their behalf, as he would say.
He says rather silly things while he’s enraged, things he would not normally say. He uses crass language, he makes bold, foolish moves he would never normally even consider, as they would only hinder your radiance’s goals… he’s just not himself. No need to forgive him, he’ll punish himself as needed, so you don’t have to. 
He’s fairly confident and does not rely on his darling for his self esteem. Of course it feels good to be praised, or otherwise told you’re wanted (Or needed, rather, in his case), but he won’t get insecure until it’s clear he is not pleasing you in the slightest. Guide him, tell him how he can properly give you the reverence you deserve. 
Vanilla embodies the word ‘devotee.’ Absolutely nothing is off limits for his darling, he only means to serve and adore. Protect, too, if need be. He wants you to use him freely; Both his mind and body are yours, and although he does not consider himself worthy, he’d go as far as you’d like. He’d be your ashtray if you so pleased. 
Vanilla cares more about serving you than you loving him. He’d prefer you at least tolerate him, as he aims to please you, but he does not require your love. Your love is something so precious, so valuable, that you needn’t waste it on him. Of course, he’s only human, and loves when you give him any sort of attention anyway. Just because he does not require it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t love to be your favored one.  
Especially sexual attention. He goes crazy when you dig your nails into his back, or leave any sort of mark on him. He wears scratches, hickeys, bruises, cuts, anything with pride. 
There is an exception to his philosophy of ‘anything goes.’ Vanilla does not want to be touched by his darling in the slightest- in fact, it’s the only thing he’ll ever outright refuse. He’s happiest with a darling who does not want to give. It’s just his sexual preference, if he may make such a statement. If you are incompatible because of his preference, and he cannot satisfy you, he will not get in your way if you wish to take on a lover. Will he make their life a living hell? Yes. But he prefers that his darling’s needs are all met. 
This does not mean that he won’t humor some touching, as long as it isn’t an attempt to service him. He’ll stay still for your literal torture- brand him, cut into him, pour hot wax on him, spit on him, choke him, he finds little to be unbearable if you oh-so-happily play with him. Of course softer love will have him happy as can be, but he’s thrilled to humor whatever you’d like to get out of your system. God forbid you’re forced to ‘protect yourself’ (He will always make excuses for your actions) and hurt someone else, you never have to raise a finger with him, so you won’t be able to get any urges out of your system any other way. He stays still, but he bears it silently… what a waste of a pretty voice. 
Vanilla is not very talkative. It’s not that he thinks his voice is ruining his ability to hear you breathe, it’s just that he prefers to simply bask in his darling’s presence. He normally leaves his darling to do whatever they please in their abode, and comes when called. If he’s not being called… perhaps you aren’t quite used to having a servant, and he needs to check on you. He knocks on your door every hour on the dot until he’s certain you’re aware he’s eager for your commands.
You’re fond of flowers? Fresh ones weekly. You have strict dietary restrictions? More than handled. You need anything at all, he’ll handle it. Feel free to make some ridiculous demands in there, he’d find a way to do it. Oh, sorry, I only drink rain water from France. Ohh, so sorry, I actually only drink blood from people named after continents. He’ll make it happen. Vanilla is a freak like that. 
Any sort of motif you have going on will be added to his wardrobe with haste. Even if he himself doesn’t like it (Extremely unlikely, he loves all of you.), it’s a part of you, so he’ll copy with pride. Do you wear ribbons often? He’ll tie some on his belt. Do you love roses? He has a real one, at least one, on him at all times. Adore pink and frilly fashion? He’ll be your doll, even if he prefers purple, brown, and black. He loves being visibly yours, in his words.
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