#yandere hijikata
animeyanderelover · 1 year
Request: firstly, id like to request more yanderes of your choice, maybe the newer fandoms, with that prompt i suggested long ago, about darling distancing themselves to plan on how to confess to yanderes.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, stalking, threats, manipulation
Darling distances themselves to plan on how to confess
Heiwajima Shizuo
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🚬 Somehow Shizuo can't bring himself to be surprised by this. He's scared a good couple of people away due to his temper and sheer physical strength, he's probably more surprised that you stayed as long with him as you did. Does that mean that he's any less hurt by your actions? Absolutely not, his poor heart is crushed. He's put so much effort into trying to better himself around you yet it appears to have been in vain. It's just unfair. Poor Tanaka has to deal with the aftermath of Shizuo's broken heart as the man's temper essentially becomes a brooding volcano waiting to explode at any moment and wreck havoc. Shizuo refuses to let anyone know about his feelings but his emotions are out of his own control as everyone can tell that something is wrong. He's vulnerable right now and doesn't know how to cope with it, prays to all gods that Izaya will let him be.
🚬 He nearly crushes his phone when he receives a message from you, asking him to meet you. The whole way to the place where you two are supposed to meet, he already feels like cracking multiple times but his delicate composure shatters finally when he sees you and you give him a shy smile as if nothing has happened. You know, he used to adore that smile but now it almost fills him with pain because how can you smile like that after the stunt you've just pulled? Everything he's stuffed down breaks out of him as he starts shouting at you, confused, hurt and angry all at the same time. You flinch a bit when he starts yelling but you manage to get him to listen to you and finally tell him why you've done what you've done. One might as well have deactivated Shizuo as his mind wents blank and he just looks down at you, frozen. Eventually his face twists into one of still slight anger yet also overwhelming giddiness, his cheeks turn pink as he's flustered and embarrassed at the same time. Ultimately he mutters that he has to go somewhere as this is too much for him at the moment so he sort of runs away. Give him a bit to calm down and then he'll be the happiest man ever.
Takumi Aldini
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🍝 He truly doesn't understand what has happened between the two of you as in his eyes, everything was going quite smoothly. He had finally gotten over his pride and bashfulness and had approached you and you two have grown quite close since then. So why are you avoiding him all of a sudden? Takumi tries to talk with you, wants to ask you what's wrong all of a sudden but you brush him off and always excuse yourself, barely able to look him into his eyes. This just serves to fuel a growing paranoia as he starts looking back on all interactions he's had with you, wondering if he's done something that unintentionally hurt you. He can't figure anything out though and the lack of knowledge drives him up the wall. Soon questions turn to desperate pleads and he relapses into old habits of stalking you. Takumi tries to keep it together but Isami catches him crying when he thinks that he's alone a couple of times.
🍝 Takumi's confidence is shaken and that even shows in his cooking skills so his twin brother and all of his friends try to help him. Eventually you inform Isami that you want him to retrieve Takumi for you since you have a surprise for him. Seldom has he run faster in his life, out of breath when he arrives. He's instantly drowning you with apologies for whatever he's done and pleads to just stop distancing yourself from him before you hush him and point to a plate in front of you and encourage him to lift the lid. He does so and a mouth-watering scent fills the air as an Italian dish is revealed and written on it, in tomate sauce, is a love confession. His brains stops for a moment, his eyes nearly pop out of his head and he looks absolutely flabbergasted. As his brain slowly processes what's going on, a blush starts spreading across his face. It starts from his ears until it covers his entire face. You finally reveal to him that you've practiced to cook Italian Cuisine to surprise him and hearing that you've put so much thought and care into this for him finally makes his heart burst. He probably starts crying a bit, hides his face behind his hands out of sheer embarrassment and happiness. Very much happiness.
Sohma Hatsuharu
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🐮 Hatsuharu is normally always nonchalant, although also quite shameless around you. Yet your sudden ignorance regarding him brings out his worst sides which is Black Haru as he grows aggressive and rude. Deep down Haru is just very hurt because he loves you and thought that you cherished him too yet your sudden absence in his life makes him feel lost and lonely, a feeling he despises and wants to go away. As White Haru he has tried to ask you what has happened but you've never given him an answer, triggering his other side. Worst for him though is that you only ignore him and still interact with others which is only another blow to his fragile heart at the moment. He expresses his hurt with sheer rudeness though. It's quite scary as he suddenly follows you around persistently, threatens your friends and even grabs people by the collar if they annoy him. He's even attempted to drag you somewhere where the two of you are all alone so he can just have you to himself and force an answer out of you.
🐮 He catches you one day clutching a letter to your chest, the hearts drawn on it immediately setting him off and before you can stop him, he yanks you closer to him and rips the letter out of your hands before running away. His heart is pounding against his chest with anger and fear. Is there someone else you like? He's tempted to just rip the letter apart but wants to know which bastard he has to beat up since you're only his so he rips the envelope open and starts reading it's contents. You find him a few moments later and realize with horror that he's reading your letter, deeply immersed. His eyes shoot up when you storm to him and a smirk forms on his lips. Before you can react, he grabs you by your hips and pulls you closer, his own lips smashing against yours. Your thoughts stop as for a short moment you're just in pure shock before your whole face heats up with embarrassment and you try to pull away, a fruitless effort as Haru doesn't allow you to break the kiss. When he finally pulls away, you're out of breath and feel like your head's about to explode, unfortunately the mischievous boy doesn't give you a break as he goes in for the next kiss. You owe him that for what you've put him through.
Leah Clearwater
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Leah is pure spit and bitterness, which in itself isn't anything new. It's so much worse now than it has ever been though because it's her imprint who has started avoiding her all of a sudden. It's just so unfair because Leah felt finally happy again after years of being heartbroken and sad over Sam. She physically can't stay away from you and your sudden avoidance of her drives her crazy and makes her immensely short-tempered and aggressive. It gets to the point where no one from the pack wants to deal with her antics anymore besides Seth who is at that point the only one able to approach her without her snapping at him. Honestly, Leah is pretty bad as she's relentless and unwilling to allow you to leave her. She scares your friends as she's insanely jealous that you still spend time with them but not with her and guilt-trips you.
It's a miracle that you stil pull through with your plan but love is blind after all. So you eventually invite her over to your house for dinner and she jumps greedily at the chance to just be alone with you after you've been avoiding her for so long. That doesn't mean that she's not angry at you though, she's still holding a grudge and so her words are sharp and snarky. A part of her is even a bit sceptical to why you've invited her over all of a sudden but her possessive feelings wouldn't allow her anything else than meeting you. Dinner with her is awkward for a while as you feel her hard gaze on you, at least until you decide to confess to her. Surprise flies over her face before she narrows her eyes and observes you, unwilling to fully believe you just yet even if she really wants to. When she sees nothing but sincerity in your eyes, she feels a fuzzy feeling buzzing inside her chest and head and lets out a small scoff, doing her best to play it coo, although there is a small smile on her facel. She's still a bit mad at you for avoiding her but she'll probably forgive you if you promise to make up for the time where you avoided her and spend from now on much time with her.
Hijikata Toshiro
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🚬 Toshiro officially goes crazy and Okita's comments that he's more surprised that you managed to handle the Vice-Captain as long as you did and that it was bound to happen. Normally Hijikata can ignore Okita's words but this is the first time his words get stuck in his brain as he can't help but consider if he's right. Have you had enough of him? Why? Surely not because of his excessive controlling streak and his overprotective antics. He just wants you to be safe after all, he has only the best intentions. This officer is stubborn and unwilling to slip up during his job and show any weakness but he fails miserably. He's brodding all the time, the slightest things can set him off and he shows higher aggression against anyone who breaks the law as his emotions are a mess. Any attempts to talk to you normally have failed and by now he's that close to breaking your door down, dragging you out and forcing you through an interrogation.
🚬 He snaps when he manages to catch one of your close acquaintances and asks threatens them about what has been going on with you. They stutter out that they suspect that you're in love with someone and plan to confess, words he shortly mulls over in his head before he storms to your house, suddenly having troubles to breathe. That shouldn't be possible, he's sure that he's familiar with every person in your life thanks to his "diligence". He nearly breaks your door down but you open it just in time to see a frenzied Toshiro in front of you, out of breath and slightly twitching as he instantly pushes you inside and asks you with a harsh and slightly betrayed voice if you're in love with someone. Your eyes widen an suddenly he's interrogating you who it is, his mind racing with ideas how to successfully threaten them. Unable to take this anymore, you yell at him with tears in your eyes that he's the person you wanted to confess to. Within seconds his face changes colors from red, to green to a sick-looking grey. Shit, he's messed up. He stumbles out of your house, muttering an apology for the inconvenience before leaving. He comes back the next day with the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, ready to beg for forgiveness for making the wrong assumption.
Seras Victoria
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🩸 Seras has always been a bit odd, brave yet timid, smart yet childish. She's a vampire who has her fair share of battle experience and fights yet this woman is more than often a flustered mess when she's with you. Alucard obviously knows about her massive, and partially unhealthy, crush she has but he isn't discouraging her. However, when you spontanously decide to cut off contact between the two of you, Seras is shocked and shaken as she can't even begin to imagine what has happened. Sure, she is a Draculina but you knew that and it never bothered you before. The poor woman falls into a hole and is often just sitting somewhere all by herself, wallowing in self-pity. She can't even begin to describe how hurt she is and whilst she is scared of approaching you and asking you what has happened, she still ends up stalking you as she stays true to her protective instincts. She doesn't want to lose any more people important to her.
🩸 Eventually you send a letter addressed to her, one she rips more eagerly than anticipated out of Integra's hands when she hands her the envelope. A strange mix of hope and nervousness wells up when it says that you want to meet her in the evening but she appears nevertheless, doing her best to hide her nagging fear. She's constantly looking at her as you begin to chat with her casually, gauging your reaction. She feels like she's on fire, unsure what your big purpose is for inviting her over and eventually you notice that and decide to end her silent torment. Out of your bag you pull out carefully a single red rose adorned with a bow and give it to her, admitting to her your feelings and your reasons for having avoided her for a while now. Seras stares at you, stares at the red rose, blinks a couple of times and then starts going slightly pink, all bashful all of a sudden. She's so relieved and most of all, happy though that you avoided her because you wanted to work on your confession to her. Giddiness starts flodding her body until she can't stop herself anymore and nearly crushs you in a tight and clingy hug. Congratulations, you've earned yourself a clingy and strong vampire girlfriend.
Gokudera Hayato
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🧨Hayato is just such a loyal simp, it's rather cute. If one ignores his aggressive and jealous attitude because oh boy, he can definitely be very obnoxious. He tries to prove a point here though, one can never start showing to his crush that he'd be the best choice. So a long story in short, he does not take well to the fact that his darling suddenly doesn't spend any time with him anymore and straightup avoids him. Initially he thinks it's the fault of someone around you but after a good amount of stalking you and threatening your acquaintances without finding anything suspicious he suddenly starts considering that the problem may be with him. Has he done something that angered or upset you? Have you figured out his obsession? Have you grown tired of him, like Hibari told him once due to his annoying behavior? Gokudera immediately starts overthinking, quickly starts doubting himself and questions everything he's ever done.
🧨Now he's all on you, trying to ask you frantically if he's done something wrong but your shallow reassurances only fuel his paranoia as he's by now convinced that it's his fault. He becomes unbearable to be around to the point where even Tsuna and Yamamoto have troubles calming his flaring temper down. All gets resolved when one day he receives a message from you where you apologize for having treated him so coldly and that Tsuna has informed you out of concern for Hayato. At the bottom of your message is a sentence that Hayato can't help but read over and over again as if the words don't want to enter his head initially. Then his expression transforms from confused to dumbfounded to thrilled until his cheeks are glowing in a pretty pink. His legs begin moving on their own as he starts dashing outside, to your house. He's tripping over his own thoughts, far too flustered and excited to think straight. He runs past a flower shop, jogs back, buys a bouquet and finally reaches your home, ringing one too many times. You've been hoping for him to visit you after you confessed per message and open the door to be greeted by a out of breath but clearly thrilled Hayato.
Usui Takumi
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💚 Now, this here is a man who has made it a hobby to monopolize his darling's time as he's very possessive and easily jealous when seeing them being close to someone else. Honestly, he's acting almost normal when you initially start to avoid him, even if it is unusual considering that you two have been close up until now. He's going to stalk you anyways and for a while Takumi makes it sort of a game to see how long you can ignore him and avoid him until you give up. When he realizes that you're serious though about sort of taking a break from him, this becomes a problem though because you surely can't expect him to just accept that peacefully. He suspects that you're keeping something from him and that is something he can not accept. He doesn't like it when you keep secrets from him. Takumi becomes an utter nuisance as he tries to coax your friends into telling him your secret and follows you around, insisting on you to admit to him what's going on.
💚 It's quite difficult to plan your confession with him quite literally breathing down your neck at times, miraculously you still manage to do so. By now Takumi has become a bit impatient which is a bit of a dangerous game as he starts pulling you aside to drag you to places where no one can see you, traps you between walls and his bodies and towers over you as he questions you why you're avoiding him and what it is that you try to keep a secret from him. Only that this time when he slams you against the wall, you can actually give him an answer. His green-eyed gaze on you is intense as you nervously fumble out the poem you made for him out of your bag and hand it to him, flustered and shy. His eyes go back and forth between reading your letter and making sure that you don't try to run, until he realizes what the poem is about and his eyes hastily fly over every word. Just like that the slightly intimidating demeanor about him is gone and his green eyes shine brighter as he pinches your cheeks slightly, scolding you for making him worry over you like this before leaning down to give you a kiss, a smug grin still present on his face. You poor thing, he's going to tease and embarrass the living daylight out of you.
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yyxandere · 11 months
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So I've been watching Isshin for a week now, IM ALMOST DONE BUT I JUST SCENARIOS IN MIND (Sorry if this is gonna be lacking, I still haven't finished Isshin (┬┬﹏┬┬)
So imagine yandere Yakuza isshin harem with a darling who is a betrothed? LIKE LIKE HEAR ME OUT
Maybe you are in a respectable clan or you think your parents think that you're ready to be married whichever the reason but when the news spread out that your parents were letting you get betrothed, THEY WERE GOING INSANE
The moment Ryoma heard the news he was suprised, he was very much worried about your opinion about getting married off, and he would confront you about the subject, he would ask if you agreed to this or were forced into this, for this scenario let's say you said yes, then at first he would be very much suprised but when you reassured him that you really talk through it with your parent then he would be more relaxed. I'm not saying that he would immediately start courting but it did interest him one bit, he wouldn't really show it but he DESPERATELY wants to court you, but since he is still a wanted criminal he wouldn't make any big moves. He would protect you or walk with you so you feel safe and if there was anyone who tried to court you but made you feel very uncomfortable, he would first give them a stern talk but if the guy just ignored his warning he would unsheath his katana. In short, he would protect you from any suitors that really try to sweep you off your feet, but once all things are cleared and he is no longer a wanted man, then he would ask your parents to marry you.
Now for Soji, if he is ecstatic when he hears about the news, he will boisterously visit your parents' house and may or may not threaten them to let them marry you, Soji is an impatient man, and whenever he sees you with Ryoma walking around and bonding, he would feel very pissy, he would then disrupt your little bonding time with Ryoma then he would put an arm around you, he would steal you away from Ryoma. Soji then would take you out on dates maybe hiking so both of you can be far away from most of your suitors, he would pass this off as him trying not to do his paperwork or such, but he would say such bs excuse even though unironically the scenery he chooses was jawdropping and he even bought some food with him. But Soji would cut to the chase and tell you that he is courting you and he is not willing to go down.
Toshizo would also be ecstatic when he heard that you were being betrothed. Toshizo's position as the deputy chief of the Shinsengumi already gives him a good spot as a suitor, and Toshizo would also use his power to remove other low-life "suitors" who will only marry you for respect, money, or fame. He will have a talk with your parents he will make sure to leave many good impressions, his calm and stoic persona tricks many people, but people who know him know that he is determined to have you by his side. But of course, you have to be impressed too, he will take you away from Ryoma or Soji from your outing and will take you out on a date. Toshizo wouldn't outwardly say it but the whole village knows that the deputy chief of the Shinsengumi was planning to make you his bride. Toshizo knows that you also caught the eyes of his men, so he wouldn't hesitate to give them more work than needed.
Shinpachi would be nervous about approaching the subject to you, I mean he knows that his fellow samurai are also taking an interest in the proposal. Like Ryoma he knows that it is very much overbearing to be with many people in one day, so he would most of the time use his position to protect you and drive away any unwanted suitors, he would talk to your parents and he really tries his best to be on their good side and since Shinpachi is very strong he has to prove to your parents that he would never do anything to harm you.
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Hey! Idk if you do more angsty/bittersweet prompts, but I was wondering if you have headcanons for Gintoki, Okita and Hijikata, and how they would respectively deal with unrequited love? Maybe the person they like is pining for someone else or just isn't interested in romance. If not, then feel free to ignore this ^^ thank you!
Gintoki Sakata:
-He’s gonna scratch his balls and go on with his day as usual.
-Gintoki’s heart has gone through so much emotional damage that it became frozen cold.
-Doesn’t mean that Gintoki didn’t feel a stab in his chest when he saw you with someone else.
-He will distance himself for a while, but he always gonna be there if you need his help.
Toshirou Hijikata:
-Toshirou loves emotional pain like nobody else.
-He’ll laugh, one of those fake and rough ones, thinking that only he could fall in love with someone that will never see him that away.
-Toshirou will avoid you as much as he can; he can’t stand the feeling of his bleeding heart every time he meets your eyes.
Okita Sougo:
-What does it mean you aren’t interested in him romantically?
-It’s a thought that didn’t even cross his mind.
-And his insecurity surfaces stronger than before.
-He keeps both an eye on you and on the person you like at the moment, ready to strike at the first sign of weakness.
-When Okita has set his eyes on a target he doesn’t let go.
-And at the end, you will be the one on your knees asking to be together, not him
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stars-and-clouds · 2 years
Iba Hachiro- Character Behaviour Analysis
Yandere: A character, who has an obsessive and possessive side in regards to their crush, ready to use violent and murderous means to maintain an exclusive bond.
I think there is a lot of misunderstanding in regards to many characters which makes sense because of the numerous adaptations with canon changing each time but Iba Hachiro’s case is interesting because he has only one canon- the two main games Edo Blossoms and Kyoto Winds.
I'll try to explain why Iba is not a yandere/psychopathic/gaslighting/manipulating/lying man (I have read all of these adjectives being used to describe him and it’s really upsetting...).
Following are the reasons I came up with when having a discussion with a fellow server member and I thought I’d share them here to let others like me know that you’re not crazy or gaslighted by him for liking him...
1. He is completely missable if you don't pick his first two romance options. Yanderes do not give up, whereas Iba stops coming around if you don't remember him. He moves on. Something he would not have done if he was obsessed and was chasing Chizuru around.
2. You meet him again in other story paths and he does not talk beyond formality to you.
3. He stopped coming around and they grew distant as children as is wont to happen naturally. If he was deeply in love, that wouldn't have happened. They lived in the same city. His training would not have consumed his every day, every hour as he was still a child. He would have plenty of opportunities to come around.
4. Iba is not possessive at all. Kazama is actually the only possessive romance option afaik. Iba encourages you to look at other shinsengumi men because they're his friends too.
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and politely asks you to wait a little bit so he at least has a chance. That seems very fair to me and he does not hint even once that if she does choose someone else, he will act crazy to obtain Chizuru instead of them.
When she does choose someone else, Souma in this case, he is supportive first and then naturally acts protective over a dear friend.
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5. He pays attention to Chizuru's inner turmoil, very similar to Harada and Saito. When you pick the option to reluctantly leave the shinsengumi in chapter 5, he interrupts Hijikata (which is interesting since his dedication to Hijikata is on Yamazaki and Saito’s level) to say that knowing Chizuru’s wishes is important even when Hijikata scolds him for confusing Chizuru, and asks Chizuru if she really wants to leave. When she says no, he puts a rock on his own heart and let's her stay even though it is making him extremely worried knowing she'd be in the centre of a battlefield.
6. Actually cares for her mental well being by taking her out of the headquarters and by giving her new experiences like trying new sweets, taking walks to new areas, etc.
7. He wanted to kill himself for letting his demon arm control him. The man was seriously depressed of what he was doing to Chizuru when all he wanted was to make her happy.
7.1 He was literally asking her to leave him because he is unable to keep her safe. In an abusive relationship, such as with a yandere, possession is the ultimate goal. You don't ask for what you covet to leave you.
8. He is not gaslighting or manipulating Chizuru: He only brings up the past in about three instances and none of them are put in a way that is to gaslight her. They are always either in regards to her power or to explain why he feels protective of her. He never uses it to force her to feel a certain way about him.
9. He has not been obsessed with her for over a decade and did not train and become a warrior only for her: If that was the case he would not treat her with as much formality as he does on your non-romance paths. Their relationship would have always been on the front for him. He takes his Okuzume duties very seriously as his bushido is just as important to him as it is to the shinsengumi men. He is basically a shinsengumi warrior who couldn't be in the shinsengumi.
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10. The nostalgia he holds for Chizuru makes sense since he is only 19 when you meet him. Chizuru is about 16-17. They had only 2-3 years between them. Since he was older, he would remember it better than Chizuru does and obviously think deeply upon the person who pushed him to go train. I have no doubt he would have picked up the katana at some point in his life, being the heir to one of the biggest dojo, but when he did it wasn’t out of a sense of filial duty, it was to protect a close friend. We all remember the reason or the person we were pushed onto our path in life. For him, it was Chizuru.
10.1 He is not lying or gaslighting Chizuru about her past: He cannot be lying about her bullying and healing powers because up until the game begins, Chizuru's powers are her best kept secret. How could he have known about them, if he wasn’t there when it happened? Not to mention, her recalling the past happens from her perspective. I feel like people take away Chizuru’s agency and treat her like an idiot when it comes to her own mind (I’ve seen this happen when people discuss Harada’s romance too). She isn’t a genius but she’s not a donkey either.
11. Chizuru's suppressed memories: in Kazama's route we learn what happened at Chizuru's village when she was a kid: the fire, killing, kidnapping etc. was a traumatising event. Being attacked with stones by bullies who call you monster is another traumatising event that happened only a few years later. Chizuru has had a traumatising past and it makes sense for her to forget a big chunk of her childhood, which would include forgetting the people she met, like Hachiro and replace it with a more familiar person like her father.
12. In regards to him being a "white knight": Firstly, why is being a white knight a bad thing? Secondly, that's literally his job. He is a samurai. They are sworn to their lords and a samurai's behaviour reflects upon the lord they serve. He is an okuzume which means he is directly connected to his lord i.e the shogun. If he is not behaving knightly, he is failing at his job. Not to mention, he is extremely sensitive and empathetic. He holds his values very close to his heart and believes in treating everyone with respect, despite his privilaged, noble upbringing. Being a bystander to injustices goes extremely against his nature and lifestyle.
13. Wearing his heart on his sleeve does not make him weak: I think a reason people dislike Hachiro is because he is very open about his feelings from the start. Somehow, his honesty is his problem...? I have seen the more cryptic love options like Kazama, Saito, Hijikata and Okita being more popular than the more open and honest ones like Harada, Iba and Sakamoto. Perhaps it is a preference but being openly vulnerable shows a different type of strength and it should be respected, imo.
14. He respects her wishes: He could sense Chizuru was not ready for sex yet and he respects it, even in his drunken state. Even when you choose to deny him, he is not passive aggressive. Again, yanderes/abusers/gaslighters don't do that. They would get offended and make you feel bad or scared of them.
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Side note: I don't think Hachiro was ‘in love’ with Chizuru as a child. One can’t truly understand love at the age of 7-8. He uses the older brother honorific for himself in the first few interactions we have with him and only afterwards (chapter 2 iirc) that he stops using it, showing the transition from the childhood friend/older brother to a grown man who wants to court a woman.
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eleiyaumei · 2 years
My thoughts when I played Hakuōki for the first time
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It’s been 2 years since I first played Hakuōki Kyoto Winds/Edo Blossoms so I thought I could share the notes I took back then. It’s mostly rankings with explanations.
Short Backstory: I only play otome I find on Steam and one day I found Hakuouki on there. I saw the time period, was reminded of the movie “Last Samurai” with Tom Cruise and immediately was like: “Oh, no, I don’t wanna play this misery fest.” But I was still interested (since there’s so few otome on Steam) and thus watched the first movie on Amazon. I don’t remember exactly what I thought of it but I must have been frustrated by how they handled Chizuru... One day, it’s the pandemic, I was stuck in my apartment and I bought KW & EB. And the rest is history…
Note: This is no debate, just my opinion, so don’t expect well-written, logical arguments for anything I wrote here. My opinions aren’t meant to offend anyone but if you don’t like Hakuōki or your favorite character(s) being critically/negatively discussed, please don’t read this or proceed with caution.
Feel free to share your first impressions of KW/EB or Hakuōki in general!
My thoughts after playing Kyoto Winds:
Love Interest Ranking:
1.      Saito – perfect Kuudere! Always rational and logically-thinking.
2.      Okita – child and adult at once, stubborn, teasing; I find myself in him. (I wasn’t in love with him back then and had to warm myself up toward him.)
3.      Iba – perfect, but maybe TOO perfect… (I thought he would turn out to be a Yandere.)
4.      Toudou – such a cute little baby!
5.      Kazama – human-hater for good reasons, sadist with a soft side to him.
6.      Nagakura – my broooo; his energy is contagious!
7.      Hijikata – strict and soft at once.
8.      Ryouma – hot, but TOO hot, too pushy, seems fake sometimes.
9.      Yamazaki – powerless and seeking-to-be-useful like MC.
10.  Harada – friendly sexist. (Did you know there’s a thing called “benevolent sexism”? That’s what he embodies. Yes, that’s still my opinion about him.)
11.  Sannan – craycray for understandable reasons.
12.  Souma – fanboy with ideals instead of a real personality.
1.      Saito
2.      Okita
3.      Toudou
4.      Iba - I didn’t like the ending. I also didn’t like that he let Takeda drift away in the river and MC didn’t question his behavior. No matter if he was an enemy, that still was dishonorable of Iba.
5.      Hijikata
6.      Ryouma
7.      Kazama – too few moments
8.      Nagakura
9.      Harada
10.  Sannan – too few/weak moments
11.  Yamazaki – too few/weak moments
12.  Souma – more a love story between him and the Shinsengumi
 MC (‘s personality)
1.      Kazama
2.      Heisuke
3.      Okita
4.      Saitou
5.      Hijikata – she apologizes too often
6.      Nagakura
7.      Harada
8.      Ryouma
9.      Iba
10.  Sannan
11.  Yamazaki
12.  Souma
 Love Stories
1.      Heisuke – puppy love: Heisuke is such a lovable cinnamon role.
2.      Okita – slow-burn
3.      Kazama – MC learns that he isn’t a complete jerk.
4.      Saito
5.      Iba – cute with problems
6.      Nagakura – more like a bromance
7.      Hijikata – slow approach but nothing romantic yet
8.      Harada – he admires her strength but doesn’t want her to fight: imbalanced.
9.      Ryouma – more sexual than romantic
10.  Yamazaki – in the end too much too fast
11.  Sannan – barely any chemistry, few moments
12.  Souma – no chemistry between MC and him
 My thoughts after playing Edo Blossoms:
Love Interests:
1.      Okita – joker with so much passion and so much warmth… (Can you tell I had fallen in love?)
2.      Sakamoto – full of life and passion, his heart in the right place, jokester, intelligent
3.      Heisuke – puppy that grows up
4.      Nagakura – energy, empathy/compassion for enemies, sense of responsibility for his comrades, love for freedom/independence
5.      Hijikata – strict, honorable, soft, can also tease/joke
6.      Iba – such a good guy
7.      Souma – a boy that grows into a man, cute like a kitten, courageous and proud like a lion
8.      Saito – rational and shy, strong will
9.      Harada – kind and hot but believing in traditional gender roles
10.  Kazama – JERK with kind side, CAN be respectful
11.  Sannan – I can’t warm up to this Kuudere; he tends towards madness because he doesn’t want to be (seen as) useless.
12.  Yamazaki – irrational, crazy, power-hungry many times due to his low self-esteem, walking red flag. Why should I believe that he sees MC as more than a token and blood bag? He shyly asks for his first kiss but then he immediately doesn’t care if MC wants to kiss him or if the kiss is hurting her. Furthermore, he doesn’t show much interest in MC.
1.      Okita – all these feelings… This isn’t just Sōji’s route but Yukimura’s as well.
2.      Sakamoto – kinda had everything (humor, drama, emotion) and nothing that bothered me too much.
3.      Hijikata – Drama, baby! Many ups and downs, moments to laugh and to cry. The moment Kazama recognizes Toshi as a demon has gravitas and his death is honorable. The Sannan-subplot makes sense, Kodo’s death is cheap and easy. I love that Okita gets another scene BUT after that he is never mentioned again!
4.      Heisuke – heartbreaking how a ray of sunshine turns into a depressive pessimist… Sannan as a crazy villain is an absolute no-go! This makes him weaker in Toshi’s and his own route because his downfall doesn’t really fit his character.
5.      Nagakura – because of the depressive phases and MC’s will to fight. I find it immensely astonishing that Nagakura didn’t need nor used his Fury powers.
6.      Iba – because MC took over control several times and Iba respected her decisions.
7.      Saito – it’s only about him… (His route frustrated me the most since I was so hyped up at the end of his route in KW...)
8.      Sannan – tragic how many distrusted him and he still kept on fighting. …Wait! How come that Kaoru was useless if Kodo only wanted pureblood blood?? …More scientific stuff would have benefitted the route.
9.      Harada – MC is an anxious nerve wreck. (This influenced my whole perception of the route.)
10.  Souma – still too much focus on the Shinsengumi but Souma has a good character development – from boy into a man.
11.  Kazama – boring, nothing happens, threats are taken care of too soon; basically Yukimura’s route just with Kazama.
12.  Yamazaki – Kazama takes the final blow from MC! Plot hole/Error: Furies don’t attack MC until Yamazaki defeats Kodo.
 MC (‘s personality)
Baseline: She always feels guilty for everything and is just glad to serve as a blood bag…
1.      Okita – She does not feel guilty for once and isn’t the only one that cares and makes sacrifices. Plus, she fights physically two times (against Kazama and imperial soldiers, she kills one) and verbally with Kaoru and Kodo in the end.
2.      Iba – She has helpful ideas several times and Iba trusts and listens to her. But she thinks Iba is too good for her… BIG NO GO: MC would have let Iba r*pe her because she was sure that this was the demon arm’s doing. This situation traumatizes her for a little while.
3.      Sakamoto – intelligent, passionate and strong-willed. She is not let down by insecurity, guilt etc., isn’t  wailing the whole time and she is seething with anger towards her father due to his experiments (instead of wailing and not wanting to accept the truth).
4.      Nagakura – she exercises fighting and enjoys Shinpachi’s blood-sucking. However, she accepts his proposal when they kiss for the first time and she never fights…
5.      Toudou – she has a rather strong will and motivates Heisuke with her optimism but she doesn’t fight or does something else…
6.      Hijikata – she cries easily but can talk big, has a strong will. But she is nothing more than a housewife…
7.      Saito – she is nothing more than a caring, loyal housewife and a slow-witted blood bag (doesn’t understand what he feels for her until it is spoken out loud). But hey: At least she initiates her first time – on top of him.
8.      Sannan – strong-willed but even she is doubting Sannan towards the end…
9.      Kazama – she isn’t afraid to speak her mind in front of him, she regulates her objectives. She doesn’t want to re-open the Yukimura clinic even though she likes to take care of others, she is not a fan of marriage, would only marry Kazama.. But in the end, she gives up everything to be with Kazama.
10.  Souma – she doesn’t do anything, does not confess to Souma but at least she asks him to spend the last night together with her. She only follows Souma and waits for him – as she is his senpai, I would have expected more of her. Since the north star represents Souma’s purpose of life for him and he is MC’s north star, MC’s purpose of life is Souma…
11.  Harada – zero self-confidence, zero self-worth, 1000 anxieties… Harada’s love gives her strength, she only wants a peaceful life as wife, housewife and mother. (The first part reminds me too much of my hurting and depressed teenage self, the last part is something I cannot relate to.)
12.  Yamazaki – completely dependent on him, weak, low self-worth, likes to be used.
 Love Stories:
1.      Okita – so mutual, equal and not toxic. At the beginning, MC takes care of Soji, later he takes care of her. For the first time in his life, he wants to live for ‘selfish’ reasons and wants to spend the rest of his life with MC. Both support each other until the very end.
2.      Iba – cute.
3.      Sakamoto – he jokes a lot but develops feelings for MC, takes care of her and respects her wishes.
4.      Heisuke – it’s more about fighting Heisuke’s problems than their relationship..
5.      Saito – slow burn but only MC sacrifices herself for him, not the other way round.
6.      Hijikata – takes a long time but is rather cute. He gets softer and can tease MC.
7.      Souma – kitten love but development isn’t really visible. Others have to bring them together…
8.      Harada – MC depends on his reassurance. It feels bad that Harada is leaving his friends behind for her even though that’s a ~romantic~ gesture.
9.      Kazama – he respects her wishes and learns something new. But in the end, he is as ignorant and arrogant as in the beginning… (I HATE THIS still.)
10.  Sannan – seemingly pure love: all-trusting, all-forgiving… (You should not trust someone when they don’t trust you back. You should not forgive if you never get anything back in return.)
11.  Nagakura – romantic development rather sudden or primarily in the blood-sucking scenes.
12.  Yamazaki – rather one-sided and toxic.
 Couples I can support:
OkiChi, IbaChi, SakaChi.
Couples I can accept:
HijiChi, SaiChi, HeiChi (Somewhere along the line Heisuke got lost in his own feelings and stopped empathizing with MC. Granted, that’s how depression works, but it does not make for a good relationship. At least in his epilogue, we see him apologizing to MC for not helping reach her goal of finding her father. A glimpse of Kyoto Winds’ Heisuke.), NagaChi, SomaChi
Couples I can barely tolerate:
HaraChi (MC depends too much on Harada’s support; Harada projects his own dreams too much on her without really considering her feelings (though it seems like he cares at first sight).)
SanChi (There’s not much common ground between the two. Sannan does not seem to have much of a romantic interest in MC. He seems more like a happy single. Pairing him with MC is like rewarding her loyalty, kindness and patience with a relationship despite a lack of reciprocated feelings.)
KazaChi (JUST because of that darn ending!)
Couple I find repulsive and can only warn others about:
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
I wonder how Shinsegumi view this when Teito in that yandere state especially how Hijikata and Sougo react they're comrade act like that around Gintoki.
Stalking is technically a crime, but Hijikata tends to think the law is optional when it involves the surname Sakata, so likely he's more gleeful that Y!Teito is mainly permhead's probelm. If anything, Hijikata gets all HR-Management-Pissy with Teito yandereing on company time, but off duty and out of Shinsengumi uniform? Yeah, whatever ya sick freak, fuck off, he's got Shithead Sougo to deal with.
And all Sougo cares about is getting a free show.
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del-thetiredwriter · 2 years
Hello. Do you take requests? I wonder if Hakuouki (~Shinsengumi Kitan~, Demon of the Fleeting Blossom: The Tale of the Shinsengumi ) yandere husbands amagiri kyuju , shiranui kyo , Toshizo hijikata, sanosuke harada, shinpachi nagakura , soujiito okita for sansuke hajita would you write ?
Of course I do take requests but I didn’t watched that anime. So I can’t write. Sorry:/
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Random Yandere Headcanons: Hijikata Toshizou
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This can be read when he was younger (20s and up) or his current age. (one warning is that I’m not up to date on the series and it has been a minute since I read it so if something is off that's why.)
Being that he does care deeply for his darling he treats them will without much cruelty.  
That being said, his punishments are swift and just. (Kind of just all considering.)
He does keep them in a place only he knows of being that he can be very selfish in that he wants his darling all to himself.
Oddly enough no matter how old they both get it will always be in a sort of “honeymoon phase” at least in his mind.
That being said he isn't at all delusional and knows exactly what he is doing.
He has split blood for his darling. For example, if someone were to disrespect them or try to court them similar to this.
Has tried to get an arranged marriage with them. (And most likely succeed.)
The only chance his darling has of getting away is when he is locked up.  
This only means that they are free for the time being because he will find them again when he gets (breaks) out.
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yanpotatowriter · 4 years
Yandere Hijikata Raiden
Hijikata is a protective yandere with a big heart to his darling
he gets sad whenever his darling wants to leave the house but he does not want them to get lost in the dangerous world. 
You can bet that his siblings are also yandere and are platonic yanderes for hijikatas darling
If you are nice to Hijikatas sibling and towards Hijikata you can expect more freedom, such as being allowed to watch tv and more.  you are just never allowed to go outside without Hijikata being with you and you being glued to his side
Hijikata likes to hug and cuddle with you with him being the big spoon, it gives him a sense of security that you wont leave him and that you are at his side
Hijikata cares a lot about your health and makes sure that you eat healthy and drink enough, of course you are allowed to have a snack here and now and then but not to often
He also encourages you to work out with him in order to keep you in shape and to keep you active. Usually that means walking with 
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thithesandofferings · 3 years
Yandere Gintama Crew
Do you know how badly they want you?
GN Reader
Characters: Gintoki, Katsura, Takasugi, Okita, Hijikata, Shinpachi
TW: NSFW 18+ Minors DNI- 
Noncon/Dubcon themes, Manipulation, Degradation, Possessive themes, Stalking, Yandere, Stockholm Syndrome, Using Gintoki sword not for fighting purposes,  Daddy kink, Masturbation, overall smut
Gintoki Sakata- "Here let Daddy help you with that." Knows how you secretly blush when he refers to that name. Knows you want to call him that too. Has seen you stop yourself from saying it when asking a question. Let him take care of you. He starts you off with small things. Tells you a little advice here or there. Tells you to only sit next to him cause you're his favorite. Here eat this not that. Happens to be where you are so he can strike up a conversation with you. Knows you go to the same ramen shop and makes sure he goes by and suggests what to eat. Suggests so much that you can’t say no. Gin's such a good guy right? He's always helping out the kids and everyone in town. He wants to help you too right? Not exactly. Gin wants to own you. Wants to control where you go and what you do and how you wear your clothing. Knows that your eyes wont stray to another. Thinks that its only right that he should control how and when you come too. Replace your tiny little fingers with his bigger, thicker ones. Wants to know you what you look like begging for his cock. Maybe you'd like the base of his sword inside you too? He’s seen the way you look at it. Those gasps and pleads muffled “Daddy”s into blankets should be his and only his. Gin knows that with the right time and maybe with a timed accident or two, he'll make you his.
Katsura Kotaro- "Do you not want me?" Is accidentally abrasive. Pulls you this way and that. Manhandles you to go where he wants. Doesnt let you get a word out in protest to really...anything. He's wise. Knows what he wants and has a quiet determination to get it. And that just so happens to be you. He's even more convinced when Elizabeth makes the sign of "I like this one!". So he has to have you. It takes a little bit of struggling, but you give in, he knew you would. Takes even longer to get you to take his cock, but he thinks that youre in love with him now. The way you look so teary eyed up at him when he has your mouth full is a godsend. And you become so needy too, he has to take care of you and all your needs. I mean its his fault that you're here anyways. Making grabby hands at him when he's leaving the house. Gotta fill you up with come before he goes because you're begging for it and he cant very well leave you unsatisfied.
Takasugi Shinsuke- "Youre mine and you know it" So so mean to you. He cant help it. Loves to see you crying so he pinches your cheeks and spanks your ass red. I mean what did you expect? You wanted to date the villian and now that hes acknowledged you, youre going to take what he gives to you. Loves to give you a monologue of how he's gonna destroy Gin while he's fingering you until you’re screaming. Which he ignores. Asks you for your opinion just as he presses against your tender walls and hits the spot that makes you whine over and over. Doesnt ever expect an answers. Doesnt want one. Will only let you come when he's finished brainstorming his plan. Its fine, you're gonna be good and listen and stay where you are. Whether you like it or.
Okita Sougo- “You’re Master’s little play toy arent you”  Mean? Mean?? God he's so so so mean. Never gives you a break. Mocks you, calls you terrible- despicable things. Wants you so badly, but he will kill you before he admits it. Ties you up and leaves you for hours. You're wearing a collar at all times. No you dont get a say remember? You're nothing but a hole. Gets vindictive when you spit and get a little bratty. But he knows how to put you in your place. Knows how much you hate the spider gag, but he needs you to shut that fucking smart mouth of yours. You're never going to make him feel guilty, not when you're creaming on his cock from being fucked so good. "Stop its so big i-i cant" He has a habit of mocking you when he slides inside of you. Cant help but push just a little harder, faster, even if youre not ready for it- when you hiccup a mewl of "Master" into the pillow. You wouldnt be so wet if you didnt like it. And when you finally break and start begging for faster and harder- he wont admit it, but he’d gladly give that hole of yours anything it asked for. You’re being so good now, he cant let you go. God he's going to destroy you for anyone else.
Hijikata Toshiro "I've been waiting so long. I want you now". Watches you for a long time before he makes his move. Years even. Knows everything there is to know about you and will kill anyone who hurts you- regardless of his high ranking position. He dreams about you every night. Your body pressed against his chest. How soft your skin would be against his. You moaning his name. He left guilt a long time ago, so when he sees you at the market and you call out his name in such a bright naïve way- he cant help but think about it later that night. Wrapping his hand around his length with a grunt, he imagines that you're fingers are there. That your eyes widen in wonder at the size and that little gasp of surprise you did earlier sounds the exact same when you lick the head, humming at the taste. He thinks of how blissed out you'd look if you rode him, mouth open with a tiny frown as you try to take him down. He wants it so bad. Will do anything to have it. Hopefully you say yes because he wont ask a second time.
Shinpachi Shimura-”You need me right?” Shin, the traditionalist. So nervous to hold your hands. Doesnt want you afraid of him. Thinks you need to be protected. And you do obviously. He's seen the way men look at you and you’re so unaware he has to protect you. He cant let you go by yourself.. ever. Other women have led him on and ignored him. He’s tired of facing ridicule. So when you come up asking for help- smiling and blushing and twirling your thumbs, he nearly goes feral. Cant stop when he backs you up into an alleyway and he’s kissing you. Holding your chin and waist so you dont move an inch. He has to taste you. Mark you. Let you know who’s in charge. It’s only right because he’s your protector, whether you try to squirm away or not. You’re his.
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Hakuoki Ramblings (Part 1):
it's been more than a year since I played the game, but it still has a special place in my heart. i would play the game with a friend, and we would usually comment on the shit the characters would say or do, much like @blackcatanna's ramblings on Iba's route (which actually reminded me of this and gave me the idea). i found a list of quotes me and my friend said and also some general comments about the characters.
- nagakura is annoying -> he annoyed us to the point that now the name is used as an insult among us. we did his route too, it was torture. if i could have, would have definitely done a shot for every stupid thing he said (would have been dead by the end of the route though)
- hachiro iba is perfect husband material-> my friend does think that he also gives off yandere vibes though
- sanan isn't scary-> he's become a meme if anything, but at first he really creeped my friend out
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*this is what we think when we think of Sannan*
- the playable character (chizuru) is annoying-> she did have her "ughhh" moments but we found just how annoying she is during Kazama's route
- okita and hijikata have some of the best, most relatable quotes->
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*need I say more?*
- ryouma sakamoto one of my fav route in kyoto winds-> we get the mans himself, we get shintaro and I got these quotes:
"Free me from this suffering, Ryouma."
"You're more than welcome to violate us."
"His smile... it's so seductive."
"Not gonna lie, Ryoma Sakamoto does make me wanna sacrifice my life for Pakistan."
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*how can you not love this smooth ass mf?*
- nakaoka shintaro-> him, in his uniform. i need not say more.
- itou -> we hate him, but he's the lesser of two evils. also this.
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*i die every time I see this*
- kyo shiranui is amazing-> people say that they want his route, but I just want more of him. his banter with harada also gives me life.
well, that's all I have for today. If you made it this far, thank you!
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animeyanderelover · 8 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, stalking, jealously, manipulation, controlling behavior, monitoring, paranoia, isolation
Sweet and gentle s/o
Sakata Gintoki
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🍨Gintoki seems to be the one who is constantly being attacked by others here as people wonder what he did to deserve someone as sweet as you. Shinpachi is a bit jealous that Gintoki has someone as gentle and sweet as you as a partner and Otose threatens him to better show his appreciation for you and not just act like the lazy guy he acts most of the time. Now, all the people around him are still happy for Gintoki of course and he knows that but he would lie if he would say that their words don't affect him a bit. Because he sometimes also feels that way. He sometimes feels like he doesn't deserve someone as considerate and kind as you even though he does get childishly jealous if you act sweet to someone that isn't him. He's broke so every gift you buy him or prepare yourself for him always fills him with a tad bit of guilt because most of the time he is too broke to get you something nice in return. But he never shows you that he is under pressure as he keeps his silly antics up to not make you feel guilty. The silver-haired male definitely gets a lot more protective due to your naturally gentle disposition though as it is one of the few ways he can actually return all your love somehow.
Hijikata Toshiro
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🚬​He loves and hates it at the same time. On the one hand Toshiro adores how sweet and soft-spoken you are as it makes him unable to be mad at you for long and he often ends up blushing when you do something nice for him or just act sweet around him in general. On the other hand he is also so much more prone to feeling jealous and even more paranoid if you act that way around others and his attempts to hide his feelings always fail terribly. He likes keeping a tough and scary demeanor in public but he can't deny that he is a sucker for your gentle affection, especially when the both of you are alone so he is definitely getting a bit more possessive as he'd like you to save such sweet words and gestures for only him. At the same time he always has this nagging fear that someone might take advantage of you because of your nice personality which tends to make him more controlling when it comes to the people you spend your time with. Hijikata always tells you that he only has your best in mind but that is a lie as his own petty feelings definitely play a role in this. A part of him just believes that he knows some things better than you due to working in the Shinsengumi.
Okita Sougo
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😈​Now this is a true example of the saying that opposites attract although he might have just blackmailed you into a relationship with him. Obviously no one needs to know that though. Sougo adores your gentle demeanor as well but for completely different reasons as he will always be on the more twisted and sadistc spectrum of love. Because he often bullies you for your nice behavior. A part of him just can't help but see you as a weak and dumb little thing for being the way you are and so he obviously thinks of himself as the one who is better suited to be in control in this relationship as you are too soft and naive. He's often putting you down by calling you an attention seeker whenever you act kind around others to stop you from being so outgoing because whilst he is a pure jerk, he doesn't like seeing you acting sweet with others. You will definitely suffer a lot of blows to your self-esteem because of Okita's sadistic personality and possessive behavior and he doesn't really mind if he ends up being the cause of your insecurities. As long as it refrains you from being sweet to everyone who isn't him he doesn't mind. You should reserve your kindness only for him after all even if he is an asshole.
Katsura Kotarou
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🔵​It is obvious to everyone in his Joui faction that Katsura is a helpless simp for his darling and their gentle and soft-spoken disposition. Everything you do just seems to be something worth praising and gushing over in his eyes as this man is low-key a bit of a worshipper for you. He is dutiful and dedicated in his duties as the leader of his Joui faction and he knows that he can't have you involved in such dangerous affairs so he is more careful in keeping the relationship hidden from those who would take advantage of you. He is quite protective despite coming over like an utter fool at times. Despite his sometimes ridiculous and spontanous behavior though. Kotarou works surprisingly well with his darling because even if he can be quite persistent once he is in high spirits, Katsura is quite sensitive and for that talented in harmonizing with his darling most of the time. He can be quite clingy at times, especially if he has been away from you for some time due to his position as a leader, but even then he tries to not be too overbearing. That partially comes also from the fact that he is a wanted fugitive and for that always makes sure that the time he spends with you is always more private.
Takasugi Shinsuke
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​❤️‍🩹​You're going to have a tough time with Shinsuke because your sweet personality is something so strange and foreign to him. Shinsuke seems to analyze your every word and action every time you try to break the ice between the two of you even if you are terrified because he is the one who abducted you. Why did he do that? He doesn't seem to like you and you feel like you're constantly doing something wrong. Matako tries to cheer you up by telling you that Takasugi just needs some time to come around. Truth is that Shinsuke hasn't met someone so genuinely nice and innocent in years and he is aware that he probably isn't the partner you deserve but is too possessive and selfish to care. A part of him is scared that he'll lose you too, especially since he does think that you are too kind for your own good. He doesn't hate you though for being that way. He just doesn't really know how to react whenever you try to make things less tense and to get to know him better besides staring at you with his eye, interested to see what you'll do next. The closest thing he does to show his affection seems to be by isolating and protecting you for quite some time as he needs time to mellow out.
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👊​Kamui has somewhat conflicted feelings due to his strong obsessive feelings for you. He despises weakness and your behavior coupled with the fact that you are only a human makes this much more worse. He considers the very fact that he fell for someone so very weak as an insult but at the same time he is much too possessive to allow you to go. Instead he just ends up verbally bullying and degrading you whilst also showing you how strong he is thanks to his Yato blood. This serves as a reminder to you that you shouldn't disobey him because he is strong whilst you are only weak. At the same time Kamui can be quite demanding at times for you to act sweet and nice around him because as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he enjoys seeing you act all soft-spoken and gentle around him. He likes to see it as a sign of submissive adoration from your side and it is good if he sees that you only act that way around him since it shows him that you have learned where your place is. Honestly, even if his darling acts exactly like he tells them to Kamui still resorts to mean and sadistic behavior at times just to rub his superiority in their face.
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🌙​Tsukuyo likes to think that she has killed the woman inside of her but this statement of hers is always tested when she is with her sweet darling. Her facial expression never changes much but there is quite often a hint of a pink blush on her face whenever you compliment her or do something for her. A part of her is still acting too much like a woman for her taste after all and that is precisely why she tries to avoid talking to you. Tsukuyo is very protective though and is definitely stalking you a lot. Luckily to her skills as a ninja she has never gotten caught either so she has no reason to stop watching over you like she has been doing for quite some time now. She doesn't take well to any insults or unfit behavior directed against you due to her serious personality and normally replies to such acts with more violent actions such as throwing a kunai at the person. Seriously though, do not mess with her darling because whilst you with your sweet and gentle personality won't hold a grudge, Tsukuyo definitely will do that for you in your place. The poor lady is concerned that people might try to take advantage of you because you tend to be more forgiving.
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yullen · 4 years
Okay, so... I made a list starting from 2015. Of characters I wanted to draw in a crowd of white-haired characters, and black haired characters. That I’ll probably never get around to lol.
Allen Walker (D.Gray-man), Shion (No.6), and Isana Yashiro (K) would be in the centre of the white group. And then Robin (ZONE), Sasha (Seikon no Qwaser), Add (Elsword), Senel Coolidge (Tales of Legendia), Hokuto (Shikabane Hime), Shinigami (Shinigami-chan ga Yuku), then Konoha (Kagerou Project), Shinya (Akuma no Riddle), Haseo (.hack//G.U.) Surrounding them are Xi Duanmu (Ling Qi), Ves (White Flame), Ren (I-Ren), Arthur (Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku), Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul), Horne (Horne.red), Honebami Toushirou Toku (Touken Ranbu) The above feature some or many of the following: white hair, eye scars/markings, eye powers, red eyes, silver eyes, silver-blue or blue eyes, yandere tendencies, tragic pasts, seems like they are prone to dying, and/or have a counterpart with a high black ponytail with sidebangs etc.
And then the third and then fourth layers would be more simply characters that have some of the above, and may also have traits such as being sly/calculative/schemey, are smart, age fuckery/immortal/etc, or are otherwise part of a ship that smells like yin/yang bullshit: Akise (Mirai Nikki), Art (Hamatora), Al Saiduq/Alcor (Devil Survivor 2), Fate (Negima), Bell Cranel (DanMachi), Frey (Fisheye Placebo), L-Elf (Valvrave), Nai (Karneval), Gauche/Noir (Tegami Bachi), Kakashi (Naruto), Gojou Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen), Nakigitsune (Touken Ranbu), Tsurumaru Kuninaga (Touken Ranbu), Killua (Hunter X Hunter), Clear (DMMD), Near (Death Note), Zero (Vampire Knight), Kinshirou (Bouei-bu), Gintoki (Gintama), Makishima (Psycho-Pass), Jafar (Magi), Arslan (Arslan Senki), Sion Astal (Denyuuden), Furuichi (Beelzebub), Snake (Kuroshitsuji), Hope Estheim (FFXIII), Mitsuru Tenjou (Barajou no Kiss), Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland), Break (Pandora Hearts), Victor Nikiforov (Yuuri!!! on ICE), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Will probably omit: Mikleo (Tales of Zestria), Totsuka Saika (OreGairu), Aizawa Kouichi (Nabari no Ou), Decim (Death Parade), Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai)
And then where Kaworu Nagisa (NGE) and Akise Aru (Mirai Nikki) are, it bleeds out to the grey/off-white-haired characters with a similar vibe with aforementioned personality features: Joshua Kiryuu (TWEWY), Komaeda (DR2), Hotsuin Yamato (Devil Survivor 2), Yukito (Cardcaptor Sakura), Snake (999), Bakura (and Yami Bakura, and Thief King Bakura) Honorary mention/omitted: Elios (My Deepest Secret), Flynn Scifo (Yuri Lowell's counterpart) (Tales of Vesperia), Suzuya Juuzou (Tokyo Ghoul), Hitsugaya Toushirou (Bleach)
Kanda Yuu (D.Gray-man), Yatogami Kuroh (K), Ling Hao (White Flame), Kiran (I-Ren), Gakupo (Vocaloid), Saotome Alto (Macross), Ouni (Children of the Whales), Kanzaki Souma (Ensemble Stars), Oz (Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku), Yuzuki (Harvest Moon), Narugo Kaoru (Actors), Oogami Banri (Idolish7), Wei WuXian (Mo Dao Zu Shi), and Kurojou Tamamo (Momomoke Restaurant) would be in the centre of the black group. Tokisaka Kuroumaru (UQ Holder), Yogaru (Horne), Yuri Lowell (Vesperia), Katsura Koutarou (Gintama), Li Xing Ke (Code Geass), Nezumi (No.6), Yang Jinghua (Ling Qi/Spiritpact), Ning Yang (Ling Qi/Spiritpact), Namazuo Toushirou Toku (Touken Ranbu), Speed of Sound Sonic (OnePunch-Man), Miran (Denyuuden), Athrun (Beelzebub)
Black counterparts of or related to characters in the white list not included: Amon Koutarou (Tokyo Ghoul), Kuze Hibiki (Devil Survivor 2), Vance Lee (Fisheye Placebo), Gareki (Karneval), Gon (Hunter X Hunter), Kinugawa Atsushi (Bouei-bu), Hijikata Toushirou (Gintama), Kougami Shinya (Psycho-Pass), Sinbad (Magi)(disclaimer: I don't ship Sin/far), Daryoon (Arslan Senki), Ryner Lute (Denyuuden), Yukinoshita Yukino (manga v5 cover) (OreGairu), Oga Tatsumi (Beelzebub), Katsuki Yuuri (Yuuri!!! on ICE), Mutsuki Kurama (Barajou no Kiss), Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ikari Shinji (NGE), Amano Yukiteru (Mirai Nikki), Kinomoto Touya (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Not included, but: Izuminokami Kanesada (Touken Ranbu)
last updated: 2020-12-26
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#Cybird 20 Day Challenge: Day 2 - Who is your favorite suitor and why?
Hello Princesses, Time-Travelers, Waitresses & Alices
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My favorite suitor from each one of cybird’s games are as follow;
Midcin: Leo Crawford
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When I started playing Midnight Cinderella it was hard for me to get into the suitors that were released first. I ended up putting the game down and coming back a few months later when they had more suitors available. I originally had a lot of interest in Leo since the beginning, plus his sales pitch is "the flirtatious bureaucrat" you know what comes next, don't you? I thought his story would be spicy and rather filled with smut, however those that have read his story know that there isn’t and that he’s more of a gentleman than you thought.
DtL: Soji Okita
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When I started DtL I wasn’t really sure if I was going to like it. I had read both Hijikata and Keiki’s stories and I wasn’t impressed with either of them. I was going to read Sakamoto next but instead decided to read Okita and I’m glad I did! Okita
LLH: Logan Bradley
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I was super excited when Otome Romance Novels came out. I didn’t like the fact that I had to wait even longer for Love, Lies and a Heist to come out. That was the whole purpose of me getting the app was to play another Cybird game. Logan is the Kuudere I wanted out of MidCin and DtL that I just couldn’t find.
Ikesen: Kenshin Uesugi
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I was able to get into this game from the beginning and at that point Nobunaga was boi, but then Cybird did this grab bag called “The Night Seduction”. I got all the side stories for that event, one of which was for Kenshin Uesugi. From that moment on I did everything I could to get my hands on a little bit of Kenshin. He is yandere bae and well the meme says it all.
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Ikereve & Ikevamp:
Undecided, I haven’t read enough of this game to decide yet but I am liking Sirius Oswald or Loki Genette and Saint Germain.
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
I saw the fates au and thaNK GOODNESS. I wasn’t the only one thinking about the au whenever I play fgo. I loved the Jotaro and Kakyoin post! What about summoning Dio, Giorno, Caesar and Joseph? (It could be from the same master too) I adored your writing so much!
bOI yES !!!! ugh ive been having such E-rank luck on NA recently ;; let’s hope this breaks the cuRSE YO !!! Under the cut because there’s a lot of them!
Summoning Dio, Giorno, Joseph, and Caesar to Chaldea
Joins Lancelot in the Bullied Dads club, Moriarty hangs out with them too. 
“Avenger. Hehe- HAHAHAHA! So you’ve summoned me, hm? Try not to bore me, Master~” 
His wish upon the Holy Grail is naturally, to eradicate the Joestars. 
His Interlude basically has him getting into a one on one fight with Jonathan. (who is a Saber, by the way!)  
When you do manage to glimpse at DIO’s memories from within your dreams. It is always within a tiny dark space, with a skull as your only companion, and crushing loneliness. 
Reaching Bond Level 5 with DIO will allow you to see bits of his childhood. 
In his first ascension, he takes his form from Stardust Crusaders. While in his Final Ascension, he regains his look from Phantom Blood! Since to me, I really think that form he had during PB was him at his peak ; ) 
His Noble Phantasm: The World is a single target Buster NP that has him stopping time and delivering a Stand Rush to the enemy where he finishes it off with a terrifyingly precise knife throw to their heart that has a chance of inflicting death on the enemy! 
A Servant who you cannot fully trust, always make sure to have a Command Seal ready against him!! 
I think that DIO never really sees you as his Master, at your closest, he will consider you something like the only other friend he has ever had. 
You are equals. Not Master and Servant. Equals. 
Giorno is a Ruler servant! 
“Ruler, my True Name is Giorno Giovanna. It’s nice to meet you again, _____. As promised, this time, I will help you fulfill your dream.” 
His Noble Phantasm, Golden Experience Requiem allows him to reset the game makes it so any damage inflicted on the team is nullified and reflected back to the enemy (basically somehow a teamwide, Verg Avesta?) 
During the events of a certain Singularity in Italy, Giorno was allowed to be summoned within Chaldea. 
He somehow manages to retain his memories from the Singularity? He remembers how you helped him and thus he grows to be very attached to you. 
When you walk around during Singularities, he likes making random things bloom and he puts it in your hair. 
Joins the insanely protective over Master squad!!!! 
While he is never as overtly Yandere as Kiyohime, Serenity, or Mama Raikou, I can see him pinning a ladybug on you or perhaps some other flower to track you. 
(I feel like with his childhood, he’s very clingy to his Master.) 
He will not abandon you, even when he is on the verge of death. 
So don’t you go abandoning him either. 
“Archer, Caesar Zeppeli. I look forward to working with you, Master.” 
Chaldea Daycare trio (Jack, Nursery, and Jalter Lily) are always pestering him to make them bubbles. 
One of the easier Servants to work with! 
His Interlude has you facing off with a Shadow Servant Wamuu. He laments the fact that he had been unable to stand with Joseph at the very end when it came to facing the Pillar Men. He tells you that he’s happy he has a kind and capable Master like you by his side. 
You are there to reassure him that this time, he will never have to face any terrifying enemy by himself. 
Never fails to put a blush on Master’s face. 
When you learn of Caesar’s memories through your dreams, you resolve to make it so that he’ll be able to meet with Joseph. You want them to receive closure at the very least. 
He is right by your side when rainbow sparks glimmer around the summoning circle and....
“Yo~ So you’re my Master, huh? Try not to make me work too hard, alright!” 
Much like Hijikata Toshizo, he is one of the few Berserkers who is capable of thinking up insane strategies. 
His Madness Enhancement is very low. Manifesting only as an insane stubbornness and an unwillingness to divulge the full details his outlandish strategies. 
Poor Joseph, he’s a good farming servant too after all ;;;; 
His skill ‘The Secret Joestar Technique” grants himself Evasion for 3 turns as well as an 30% NP charge. 
Joseph likes hanging out in your room and taking things easy. 
Helps you hide from Emiya, Leonidas, and the other Servants when you have to train. 
“We are kindred spirits, Master! Hard work is our enemy!!” 
The two of you get scolded by Bedivere promptly after you guys get caught. 
Having accomplished everything he could ever want in life, surrounded by a loving family, Joseph tells you he has no real wish for the Holy Grail. Though, if presented with the Grail, he certainly has one or two wishes of his own. One of his regrets is definitely not being there enough for a certain boy...
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xenodile · 4 years
Anyway I finished GudaGuda 3 and it’s...okay.  I guess.
Like it’s not egregiously bad in anyways, except my gripes about Majin Okita in general, but it’s not really that good either.
Izou, Ryouma, and Oryou are all very fun characters but it honestly feels like we don’t get a lot of time to really get to know them.
Li Shuwen, Nobukatsu, Okita, and Hijikata show up for all of like 2 minutes and like, they do stuff but it doesn’t feel like they get any particularly good moments or new characterization.
Then there’s Akechi.  Wow is Akechi disappointing.  Like, it’s not all together surprising that Fate Akechi Mitsuhide is a yandere incel but it’s still kind of a let down.  There’s nothing interesting about his character, y’know?  He’s a dime a dozen backstabbing scumbag that threw a tantrum because Nobbu wouldn’t let him fuck her after he decided that he deserved it.  And his plot of “I’m gonna do a bunch of grail wars to amass power then Do A Nondescript Big Evil” feels really stale coming off the heels of the Apocrypha event which had that exact same plot hook.
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