#yandere madness hybrid au
yanderenightmare · 4 months
i love your hybrid au sm! the way you characterise each animal to suit not only it’s species, but the characters itself is so creative and nothing short of genius! so it got me thinking, how would you imagine the bnha characters as mythical creatures and monsters ??? ( eg. vampires, wendigos, harpies, werewolves ) etc.
Katsuki, Tomura, Hawks, Deku, Shoto, Dabi
TW: implied noncon, yandere, the supernatural?
gn reader
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Shigaraki Tomura Ghost
You’ve moved into his old room, and though you furnish it a bit differently than he did when he was still alive, you’ve placed the bed in the exact same spot. It’s been all dust and dead moths up until now, it almost feels like he’s alive again as he sleeps next to your warm body.
It’s only small things in the beginning. Underwear that goes missing, unexplainable handprints on the foggy shower doors, your duvet on the floor even though you’ve never been one to kick it off in your sleep.
You’ve never been one to believe in the paranormal either, but something convinces you to search up the history of the house. You find out a boy had murdered his entire family here—parents, grandparents, his sister—and that the boy himself was never found.
Obviously, you shut your laptop with a bang and try and will it away from your mind. It happened years and years ago—whoever that boy was, he was long since dead. But the more it starts sinking in that you’re not alone, the more your belief feeds him—makes him feel real again, as though you’re slowly bringing him back to life.
Sometimes, you spot him in the mirror of your vanity, but when you twist around, there’s no one there. But you feel him—the gust of cold breath giving you goosebumps, the weight of hands and a chest pressing against yours at night, and the brush of coarse fingertips touching you in places—places that have you moaning his dead name.
Bakugou Katsuki Demonic spirit
He enjoys large houses—preferably something with a bit of history. But every now and again, some moronic humans decide it’s time to wreck the old and build something new—which means he’s often on the move.
He doesn’t mind living alone in his new house until you move in. He’s a little mad at you at first—he thinks you’re one of those wreckers, what with your renovations and whatnot—but then he understands that you’re preserving, not destroying. Apparently, the Gothic manor is your ancestral home built by one of your great-grandparents seven generations back in the 18th century—seems you were the only descendant who felt it was worthwhile to keep. 
He wouldn’t normally stay when someone else moved in—he’d often use his demonic means and scare them on their way. But with you, he settles for dwelling in the shadows, in the many dark rooms you haven’t found a use for yet. But when night comes, and you turn off the lights and go to bed, he can't help but end up in your room—watching you sleep, oh-so-peacefully and blissfully unaware of his presence. But he won’t do anything to you even though he could, even though you make it so easy—he’s grateful to you, his little housemate.
Your bedroom becomes awfully hot at night—you can’t explain it. Nor can you explain why the wind howling through the house sounds more like the groaning breaths of a beast. All you know is that your bed feels heavier than it should if you were the only one in it—and that you don’t dare twist around to see what it is sleeping next to you because whatever it might be, you don’t think it’s human.
You know it isn’t human. It’s too big to be, and its hands are too warm and too rough—and its claws too sharp where they rake into your skin and tuck you close to a chest that feels as though engulfs you. You don’t think it has a heart, only a stomach—and it sounds hungry.
You read up on sleep paralysis demons, and it brings you peace of mind, but only until night comes and you go to bed in wait. It’s the first time he talks to you. His laugh is like rusted clockwork, and his voice is like raked coals—hot and scratchy against your ear as he tells you how your human ways of rationalizing the things you don’t understand are cute and amusing.
Keigo Takami - Hawks Guardian Angel
Being a guardian angel has always been a fun hobby of his ever since the creation—he’s found it to be a nice break from all the other angelic duties he has bearing down his wings. Of course, it’s always sad when your human dies, but luckily, there’s always another one not far behind to steal your halo all over again.
You’re his most recent. He watches over you any minute he can spare, chuckling over all your silly human antics. And though he’s had plenty of humans before you in the long history of man and God, he can’t help but confess you’re his favorite so far. You’re just so cute with your big, adorable eyes and pretty smile.
He begins taking greater pride in his responsibility of being your guardian. He used to see it as but a menial little task he could take to when feeling up for a laugh, but something about you makes him want to watch over you every single second of every day.
And so he does—he has the feathers to spare, especially for something so important. But soon, simply watching over you doesn’t feel like enough anymore.
He knows it’s wrong—so very wrong—so much so he’s afraid he’ll be cast out if anyone were to find out. It’s not right for angels to feel amorous for humans—most would call it deviant and demonic. But he can’t help himself—watching you in your vulnerable state while you undress, bathe, and sleep.
Still, it doesn’t feel like enough.
Maybe he’ll come to visit you one of these days.
Midoriya Izuku - Deku Hybrid between fae and troll
He protects the forest and nurses all sick and wounded animals back to health, writing down the condition of trees and brushes in his notebook as he wanders for hours until he falls asleep in a moss bed beneath the stars. And though he knows his responsibility is purely to the forest, he can’t help but feel inclined to keep an eye on the little human who lives just beyond it. You’re just so cute with the way you walk the forest and sing songs you think no one hears—wearing your human clothing and living in your human abode behind walls and a door. He just finds it absolutely fascinating. 
Sometimes, you feel like there’s something following you when you walk about the forest next to your house. You’ll turn around to see a cluster of rocks and greenery you could have sworn weren’t there when you walked by—you look away before allowing yourself to think the pile looks an awfully lot similar to a larger human’s huddled form. But sometimes you hear it—the sound of stone scraping methodically, as though walking. You don’t humor the thought until you start finding his footprints outside your house, on the path to the forest—feet thrice the size of your own and sunken as though made by something very heavy.
Your legs go out from beneath you once you first see him—not like those times you’d turned around only for him to pretend to be part of the earth—this time, he’s pretending to be more like you, and it only makes it all that much worse. He’s bigger than a bear, grey-skinned with flecks that remind you of freckles and hair like fresh moss sprouts. His eyes are as green as the fox-fire fungi when night falls—glowing with nocturnal light. When you try to run, he follows suit, making the ground shake so bad it knocks you over. 
He carries you into the mountain where he lives and keeps you there from then on. After all, the part of him that’s fae has considered you his pet from the moment you took a bite of your first forest fruit. It was his gift to you whether you knew it or not, and now you’ll belong to him forever.
Todoroki Shoto Vampire
It’s an awfully boring world. Not much to do when you feel you’ve done it all twice over. The taste of blood has become stale no matter how many different types he drowns himself in at night. Sometimes, he humors the thought of setting his manor ablaze if only to watch the fire roar until the sun rears the top of the roof and finally puts him to eternal rest. But he’s been thinking about it for two or more centuries already, and he’s beginning to doubt his nerve.
Dead things can’t make vows, so he must go on as he decided to when he was still alive—that’s the curse—only another person can break it.
You seem doable enough when you stride into his manor with your little sharpened sticks and silver daggers. It’s been a while since a hunter has graced his presence. The scent of holy water makes him lick his fangs, and the nearly irresistible urge to drink you dry almost has him pouncing on you—but he knows it would be but a fleeting high unworth it in the end when he’d have to live another millennium without the warmth of the sun or another soul.
He drops down before you with grace. You have the tip of your silver dagger pointed up under his chin in the same second but get stunted by his pale porcelain face, showing no signs of aggression and rather riddled with a bleak sort of melancholy you’re not used to seeing on the godless creatures.
He simply stands there, straight-spined and high-headed, with his hands folded behind his back as though showing you respect—and then, unprompted and to your great surprise, asks if you would please make it quick and put him out of his misery.
Todoroki Touya - Dabi Hyrbid between incubi and vampire
He preys in nightclubs on those who have that mischievous glint in their eyes in dire hope their lust can match his. Every day, it’s a dozen new—he can never seem to find the right one—always starving and never sated no matter how much he gorges himself, always thirsting, always dying for more. 
Until you.
You’re but a dainty wallflower who doesn’t want to be there, but you have this scent about you—garden-fresh, like something he’s never smelled before, and his tongue yearns for a taste. He knows what it is once he gets closer to you—the opposite of sin of all things, it’s innocence, and oh, how he craves to devour it whole.
His silver tongue has had so much practice that using it on your gullible ears makes him all but drool, asking you if you’d like some fresh air. You nod your head, big eyes looking at him as though he were some sort of saint for offering. He laps it up—it’s all he can do to pace himself. But when he has you alone, it’s all over for you.
He’s going to corrupt every last piece of you until that once peachy keen taste of innocence has become an ever sweeter taste of syrupy sin. He’s going to make you exactly like him—and your tall fall from grace will leave you blasphemous and beautiful.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
And then last one Gojo with your prompts 17, 2, and 36!?
Sure! Couldn't figure out a plot for normal Gojo, so you're getting a Hybrid Darling AU. I genuinely hope this works better. Darling is a house cat hybrid while Gojo is a rich Hybrid owner. Got idea from @ursinaw. Thank you so much!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 17, 2, 36
(Hybrid AU - Darling)
"You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Hybrid AU, Hybrid adoption, Condescending/Degrading behavior, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Threats, Collars/Leashes, Alludes to toxic/taboo relationship, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Satoru was often told he needed a new companion. After losing his dear friend Suguru, he needed someone to connect with. Eventually Satoru was pushed in the direction of hybrids... or demihumans.
At first, Satoru didn't like the idea. It was strange and foreign when he went to the shelter to see animal-like humans everywhere. He originally was going to turn back and not go through with it.
Then he saw you... a timid house cat hybrid that stared up at him with wide eyes.
Safe to say... Satoru fell in love immediately....
Like most cats you tend to like your alone time. When Satoru carried you home he was careful to buy all sorts of toys and supplies. You were technically a pet...
But to him you felt a bit too human.
Satoru couldn't help but find you cute when you roamed around his large house. He had enough money to spoil you however he wished. You even spoke the same language as him.
Spoiling you always made Satoru smile. You looked adorable when he bought you a new toy or game to play. Even something as simple as a treat made you purr as he patted your head.
Although... the idea of spoiling you in other ways eventually came across his mind.
You were his little kitty, after all.
Satoru saw you as his own little guilty pleasure. He always kept you pampered and taken care of. Although... his favorite thing to do...?
Dress you up.
His voice is a coo towards you as he dresses you in new clothes. He gets everything from normal clothes to new collars and leashes. He couldn't help but smile at the way the bell on your collar jingles as you pull at it.
All this spoiling... comes with a catch.
Satoru is adamant on you staying in the house. He never seemed fond of sharing his pretty little kitty. In fact, the Sorcerer finds himself irritated at the idea.
But cats tend to get themselves into mischief... don't they...?
"You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
Satoru smiles softly, holding you still as he dresses you up. After all, his kitty deserves the best treatment. Although... you have quite the temper today.
Satoru shrugs when he sees your ears down and tail flicking. You were most likely mad that he caught one of your escape attempts again. Poor you... all pouty in front of him.
"Come on, sweetheart." Satoru hums, blue eyes twinkling playfully as he pets your head. You growl lowly, causing Satoru to click his tongue. He gives you the world... Yet you throw a fit? "Mad I won't put you outside?"
"I don't like the house..." You huff, Satoru merely laughing at your tantrum.
"The house is so spacious... you're telling me you'd rather go out there with all the danger?" Satoru frowns, a bit nervous as he thinks of Suguru once more. "You know I couldn't let my pretty kitty get hurt by Curses or bad humans...."
You reluctantly purr when he cups your cheek, stroking the skin. Your tail thrashes more in a warning as Satoru hums. You were too damn cute.
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!" Satoru chirps, arrogance seeping into his tone. "You have one of the best owners out there... you know I'll keep you safe, don't you...?"
You make a small hiss at your owner, batting his hand away before slipping off his bed. Satoru gives a blank glare before sighing at your disobedience. Yet another fit....
"Kitty-" Satoru goes to call you but you turn away, growling.
"Go away, is it such an issue to go outside...?" You murmur, Satoru looking unamused at your defiance.
"Yes, actually. You have no clue how dangerous it is for a hybrid like you..." Satoru frowns, standing and stepping closer. "In the house it's safe, you get everything you want, you're a house cat... not some predator."
Satoru goes to pet you, to pull you back into his arms. He can see you staring out the window longingly. However, when he goes to hold you...
You scratch and bite him, ears pinned back and eyes in slits.
However... your tone changes when you see the ice cold glare from your owner.
He's normally playful... but it appears you've struck a nerve.
"Is this the thanks I get...?" Satoru murmurs, "I take you in... buy you a cute outfit... and you attack me...?"
You quickly unlock your jaw, scurrying back. Satoru usually only looked so cold at guests visiting him, usually when they linger too close to you. Now... He's glaring at you, forcing you into a submissive stance.
"You've been so bratty the past few days..." Satoru continues, his tone becoming slightly playful. "Does someone think they're independent~?"
Satoru leans over your, his height towering over your smaller feline-like form. He chuckles in your ear, hands trailing down to your hips. He acts playful... but his intentions appear to not be as innocent.
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to." Satoru whispers, his lips twisting into a grin. You can tell his tone is a subtle threat along with the tight grip on your hips. "So are you going to be a good kitty for me, baby...?"
You reluctantly nod, trying your best to purr for him as you nuzzle into his shoulder. Satoru hums, holding you closer. Your obedience pleases him.
"Good kitty..." He purrs towards you, "Unfortunately..."
Satoru tilts your head up by the chin, his smile turning into a sadistic grin. Your heart accelerates as Satoru leans closer to your face.
"My pretty kitty still needs a punishment for being so... bratty."
You regret even wanting to go outside....
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eetherealgoddess · 5 months
Hellooo! I keep on rereading all your male reader × bonten fics. It's so good. Can you please make another where the male reader is a straight alpha hybrid that is owned by bonten, but against his will? Like, he doesn't like them or the way they touch him because he doesn't like guys. So one day, Mikey was going to the reader's room to cuddle him or baby him, but he was met by moaning and whimpering which made mikey feel giddy but when he went to the room and found out that the reader was masturbating over a pornstar girl he gets mad, like MAD. He'll grab the phone and angrily ask, "what's this?" To which the reader replies, "you know I'm not gay, master." and he calls all the bonten members to punish him. 🥰
i wrote this a little different than you requested but i hope you enjoy it anyway! <3
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Oneshot - Yandere Hybrid Au
❦You're a wolf hybrid who's forced to be Bonten's pet❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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Not fully proofread!
Japanese language is red
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture him as a black male but you can see him however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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“Say please, Master.”
How did you, a hybrid wolf, who used to be an alpha to a pack get in a situation like this?
“Please, Master.” Your face warmed as you kneeled in front of the man, the palm of your hands placed on the floor as you looked up at one of your ‘owners.’ It was demeaning. Downright humiliating to be in such a situation as this. Especially when you’ve only been a leader all of your life.
The man standing above you bent over with his hands placed on his knees as he became eye level with you. His eyelids were heavy - lidded as he gazed into your irises. His bangs hung over his eyes as the purple mane fell over his shoulders. The logo on his neck prominent in your peripheral as you made eye contact.
“Something wrong, puppy?” The criminal frowned as he gave you a bored look, indicating his annoyance at your behavior. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as a rush of anxiety caused you to immediately act.
With your ears perked up and tail wagging, you straighten your posture as a wide grin forcefully grows on your face.
“Please, Master!” Your tongue hangs out as you lightly pant, aiming to be as enthusiastic as possible. Despite your actions, you are deeply ashamed of yourself. You feel like such a coward, obeying and bowing down to a group of men who have power over you. You were forced to submit, your pack having been slaughtered caused you to become a lone wolf.
It was by chance you were caught up in the middle of a deal gone wrong, bullets flying everywhere while you hid in the alleyway. The whole area was surrounded with men in suits. When you tried to escape, you were caught by the scariest short man you have ever seen. You tried to fight, only to be knocked out immediately by a sudden kick you hadn’t expected.
You miss your pack. Nothing is the same. You miss your pack Luna as well, the woman you were married to. You helped each other through your rutts and heat. The first rutt you experienced in captivity was horrible. A few of the Bonten members were ‘experimenting’ with your body, touching and poking at spots you had never even noticed. The stimulation forced you into a rutt, resulting in the need to breed.
The platinum haired male who had kicked you originally covered your erection with lube before he lowered himself to engulf your throbbing cock. You had never been attracted to males in your life, hybrid or not. Although it was enough for you to release your seed over and over, you weren’t in your right mind. Post nut clarity hit like a bitch and it forced you into a depression that still affects you.
The following rutts grew worse, some of the men bending you over like a bitch in heat. Your masculinity and ego were torn to shreds. You had to escape, you needed to leave. So you did, until you were found.
“Good boy!” Rin pats your head before placing the treat on your tongue. “Your Japanese has improved.” He smirked before grabbing the leash that hangs from your collar, forcing you to crawl along as you enter the office where some of the other executives sit.
You swallow the residue crumbs of the treat as you look down, the bruise on your knees growing the longer they are connected to the floor. You ignore the pain as you sit criss crossed, next to the feet that are crossed once Rin sits in his seat.
“Come ere’, puppy.” The older Haitani who sits next to his brother commands while patting his lap. He smiles down at you while you hold back the urge to slice his throat with your claws. You hate that they call you demeaning pet names. You’re no damn puppy. Despite your feelings, you comply, not wanting to experience the baton again.
You keep your gaze down as you refrain from eye contact with any of the men who snicker as you crawl onto Ran’s lap, your bottom connecting as his arms circled around your waist from behind. His chin rests on your shoulder as he listens to the short man.
Mikey proceeds to talk about the mission everyone is needed for, ordering them on what they should do as well as giving some information about their assignments. You could only make out some of the words that you’ve been taught, zoning out as you lose focus on the situation at hand.
“Y/n.” Your ears perk up to your name as you eye the boss.
“I expect you to be on your best behavior while we’re gone.” You knew that was a threat more than anything, though the excitement for a break without all of them being around you was more distracting than the warning.
“Yes, Master.”
It’s been a couple hours since your owners left and you’ve been searching for anything to help aid your escape. Unfortunately, security surrounds the outside area so you couldn’t leave but if only you could find something, anything.
You sigh in frustration as you slam the papers down, having snuck in Kokonoi’s room where he keeps some of the paperwork in his desk area, having already checked the office. You didn’t really know what to look for but you weren’t finding anything anyway. Thoughts of your wife and pack appear as you become saddened, tears prick your eyes before you groan, your head lying in your hands as the elbows are plastered to the desk.
You eye the laptop in front of you, staring at your reflection as memories of your wife fill your mind. You were so desperate for intimacy, ideas began to flood as you looked down in thought. You missed holding her, cooking with her, making pack rules and implementing them with her, watching her take care of the pack’s youth. You miss her nurturing nature. You slam your fist on the desk as you growl.
You need her. You need her touch. You need her care. You need her to be there with you. For the first time in your life, you felt as though someone needed to save you. You miss hearing her voice, her moans and cries of pleasure. Feeling a twitch below you bite your lip. The last time you had sex with a woman was when you originally escaped.
You were so depressed that instead of finding shelter, food, or income you went to a nightclub and boozed up. You remember the lounge area like it was yesterday.
“Fuck!” You hiss as you thrust into the human woman. The couch trembles under your weight as you rock your hips into her missionary style. She moans as her arms wrap around your neck, pulling your head to her shoulder as her nails dig into your skin.
Considering the lack of a sober mind, it was easy to imagine her as your wife which made you more passionate with your endeavor. You pull back before grabbing her face and smashing your lips to hers, slightly gripping her ears as your cock rubs along her inner walls. Her pussy sucked you in tightly as she bucked her hips against you, meeting the hard thrusts as your pace accelerated.
She kissed back eagerly though the slip of tongue reminded you that she is not who you needed though the person will have to do it. You couldn’t bother to feel guilty as the alcohol takes over your train of thought, this being your only way to gain control of your masculinity once more. As toxic as it was, you were just so desperate. You pull back as you hold the back of her legs up, thrusting before both of you moaned loudly, orgasming as your cum shoots deep inside of her.
Just as you finished, a loud shot rang out right before blood splatters on your front, covering your face. You froze, hands wide open as her legs dropped, eyeing the chunks of human flesh and blood that covered the seat above her neck. Any sign of there being a normal head or face gone as your body trembles seeing the pieces of brain scattered. Blood begins to puddle on the floor as you move back, pulling up your pants and falling off of the seat.
“So you escaped to fuck a random bitch?” Sanzu tsked before walking towards you, gun still in hand. His pink hair sways as he crouches down until he is eye level with you. The scars near his mouth stretch as a toothy smile grows on his face. You tense, ears flat as he brings the end of the gun to your head, tapping gently with each word.
“All ya had to do was let us know you were horny.” He chuckled before pulling the gun back and grin dropping. “Instead, you behaved like a traitor.”
Another presence came behind him as the taller male leaned forward, golden orbs meeting your eyes with disappointment.
“You even lost your collar, Y/n. What a bad boy.” Kazutora shakes his head before snatching the collar of your shirt, forcing you to stand up.
You shiver at the memory of what happened the night you were caught with a woman. They were not happy. The punishment was tortuous and you didn’t think you would survive. Rethinking your idea, you tsked before searching the web, typing on the keyboard of the laptop.
“It’s just porn.” You whisper to yourself. They’d be gone for a while anyway.
Clicking the chosen video, the screen displayed the logo and theme music of the site before playing the actual video. You had chosen a short video so it didn’t take long for you to remove the erection out of your pants and spit in your hand. Slick leaked from your head as you wrapped your fingers around the girth. You begin to slide up and down slowly as the woman on the screen bent over on all fours, the camera showing the angle from the side as the man entered into her. They both moan as you accelerate the motion of your hand.
Desperate you shut your eyes as you listened to her moans, imagining your wife as your grip tightened around your cock, sliding up and down at a steadied speed as your hips slightly buck into your hand. You stop for a moment to rub your thumb along the tip as you place your other hand on the base before the hand holding your cock drops to the base.
You moan as your head falls back, eyes squint as you watch the screen, the couple becoming faster and slightly sloppier with their movements as they desperately move against one another. You buck a little harder against your hand as you slide faster, building the pit in your stomach. Before you release, the grip on the back of the chair causes you to jolt, cum shooting on your own torso as you pant, a grunt escaping.
“What’s this?” You eye the man next to you, his dark orbs boring into the screen before turning his attention to you. You were shaken up, not having expected anyone to be in the building besides the guards.
“P-porn, Master.” His eyes narrow down at you before he straightens his posture, moving to the exit. He paused before taking his leave.
“Strip, Y/n.” Your hands trembled as you hesitate, turning back to look at the dark glare coming your way. Not wanting to test his patience, you comply, tossing your clothes to the floor.
“Crawl.” You lower your body to the ground, tail between your legs with your ears flat against your head. You wanted to cower. You knew this wouldn’t end well.
“Come.” You follow him out of Kokonoi’s room to the bedroom in which you stay when nobody needs your service in their bedroom. Your limp cock hangs under you as you bite your lip in embarrassment. You will never get used to this treatment.
Mikey points to the bed once you reach the center of the room. Some of the executives enter just as you climb on the bed. You sit with your legs hanging off the bed, hands on your lap as you eye them.
“Sanzu.” He states. Said man already understood the assignment, walking towards you before reaching in his pocket and snatching a small bag with a pill in it.
“Open.” He demands, your eyebrows furrowing as you eye the pink pill. Your fingers fidget against your lap as you contemplate what they could be giving you. You jolted before whimpering in pain once he used his free hand to twist your nipple.
“Don’t make me say it again, Y/n.” Your lips fell apart before he placed the substance on your tongue. It dissolves as soon as your saliva touches it.
“This will be a part of your training since you haven’t learned your lesson.” Mikey states, watching as the medicine takes effect.
You begin to feel a heat rising just as a sharp pain shoots through your abdomen. Moisture forms out of your ass and cock as it grows, an ungodly amount of slick beginning to ooze out all at once. Your fingers meet the blanket as your claws pierce through in agony and an overwhelming sense of need.
You couldn’t believe what you were feeling. You’ve never felt anything like this before. All you know is that there’s this yearning to be stretched, full and bred. Similar to how your wife would get during her heat. It was as if you were turning into an omega in heat. Your back drops to the bed as your arms circle around your stomach, repositioning yourself into a fetal position.
“You will learn who you belong to.” Mikey crouched to where his face is in front of yours, watching as the tears stream down your face while a painful tightness forms in your cock.
“You will learn your place.” Rin moved your lower body to place the cock ring around your girth as well as your testicles, drawing a pained groan to escape your mouth.
“Look at you… you were never meant to be an alpha.” You whimper as you feel a pressure behind you against your backside. You attempt to sway your arm to fight back, only to be pinned with your stomach against the bed. The firm wet surface replaced itself back against your anus.
“You’re my bitch.” Mikey hissed just as the toy was shoved into your ass, leaving you no room to adjust as it was pushed all the way to the base. You cry out as it stretches your ass, cock leaking against the bed as you whimper from the pain.
“O-oh… shit!” The toy began to buzz as it stuck deep inside your ass. Tears streamed heavily down your face as the feeling in your stomach grew. Your anal walls tightened around the thick rubber as you looked slightly back to see what was buzzing inside of you.
Kazutora holds your tail up as his hand blocks the toy from slipping out, a smile on his face as you make eye contact through your tears.
“Doesn’t that feel good? Dirty boy.” He teased, pushing against the toy that’s already pressed hard against your prostate.
“Ah…” You breathe out, eyebrows furrowed as your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
“This is who you are.” Mikey says softly, gazing at your heated face and sweat that formed. He uses a hand to caress your head in between your ears.
Your hips move against the bed, aiding in a pressure against your cock as you seek a release. The cock rings are so tight around you. You could barely think properly.
“How filthy. You’re such a desperate little omega aren’t you?” Ran whispers in your ear on the other side of you. You shake your head.
“N-no… I-I’m an alp…!” A harsh smack on your ass caused you to yelp.
“Bad omega. Accept your alphas.” Rin rubbed along the bruise forming from his sharp slap.
The pill that induced a heat from you is making everything more confusing than it needs to be. Their words aren’t helping and it was frustrating. You desperately needed air but the twitching from your cock and stimulation from your ass says otherwise.
“Do you even deserve to cum, puppy?” Sanzu questioned you as he caressed your back.
You gasp in surprise as you’re forced on your back, the buzzing rubber still inside you.
“Awe, look at how swollen you are.” Ran says before gently wrapping his hand around your cock, thumb barely grazing over the tip as your hips buck.
“P-please…” Everything feels so overwhelming, you just wanted to release so you could run away.
“Please what?” You didn’t want to say it. You didn’t want to comply and give in, but did you really have a choice?
“Please, Master.”
“Still don’t know whatcha want.” Ran smirked just as Kazutora pulled the vibrator to the edge of your entrance, drawing a cry out of you. A hand forced you to look to the side.
“Tell me what you want.” Mikey demands, expression stoic though with an intense gaze.
“I-I want to cum, please Master.”
You officially hate yourself.
The tall man lowered his head before lightly gliding his tongue across the head of your throbbing cock. You grunt as Ran’s lips circle around the tip before lowering down your shaft. You thrust once you hit the back of his throat.
“A-ah!” Lips crash against yours as Mikey pulls you in for a deep kiss. Sanzu unhooks your collar before wrapping a hand around your throat, leaning in to nibble your ear.
Kazutora shoves the cock back inside of you, pressing it against your prostate once more as Rin leaves a hickey on your thigh. Just as you near your orgasm, they all pull back at once, leaving your ass empty and cock unattended as well as the rest of your skin.
“He doesn’t deserve to cum.”
“Bad omegas shouldn’t get to release during their heat.”
“Dirty boys should work for their orgasm.”
You cry out as a thick cock shoves itself all the way inside your ass, immediately slamming against your prostate.
Blonde and black hair drapes over you as Kazutora grinds his hips against you, holding your legs up as he pulls back before bucking into you again. You moan out like an omega who’s been stretched by an alpha for the first time.
“Look at how he’s taking it.”
“Such a slutty omega.”
“All those tears for what? You love this shit.”
“Dirty boy.”
Their words were just as overwhelming as the cock hitting your prostate, sliding in and out of your anal walls as it stretched you full. Your cock twitched as Kazutora grabbed your girth, squeezing slightly before rubbing with the thrusts.
“You better not cum.” Mikey said to you from the side.
“Only good omegas deserve to nut.” Sanzu hissed in your other ear.
“Ah, shit.” Kazutora whispers as his head falls back, releasing your cock before putting your legs over his shoulders and leaning over, gaining better access as he grinds against you.
“F-fuck yeah, baby.” His mouth hangs open as he thoroughly thrusts into you for his own pleasure, not bothering to hold back as he nears his release.
“He’s taking it like a whore.” Rin smirked as he watched your face morph in pleasure, the substance completely clouding your mind as you took Kazutora’s thrusts.
“Of course he is. He was made for this.” Ran states as Kazutora reaches his release with a loud groan, grinding out his orgasm as you desperately buck against him for your own, though nothing comes out which causes another intense pain in your abdomen.
Pulling out, slick fell once more. You release a pained cry as they all step back.
“Please…” You cry.
“Take this as a lesson, Y/n.” Mikey says as the executives begin to walk out of the room, chuckling about your suffering as Mikey turns to look at you once more before taking his leave.
“You’re always going to be my bitch.”
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Hungry for your love
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Bunny Hybrid, Hoseok/assistant.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior, yandere yoongi, possessive behavior.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
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I wanted to make sure any of my theories about what he heard before confronting him, knowing Hoseok his reaction could really surprise you. He would either be angry and mad maybe worry if you’re lucky or simply not care at all. At the same time I knew Hoseok, I didn’t. He was never one thing exactly but, had so many different sides it could take a hundred years to know him completely. And still you might not know all about him.
I didn’t have time to even begin to worry about what Hoseok might have heard while I was with Yoongi, on our way back to Yoongis room the security alert for red code started.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get more complicated.
I looked at Hoseok as he seemed to read my mind. We needed to get this done quickly.
By the time we rushed back to the second floor the entire clinic was in a commotion.
People running one way to the other, trying not to bump into each other as they walked in the corridor rushing their patients back to their rooms. Me and Hoseok made our ways to the source of the commotion after being called, my mind was trying to make out what it might have happened to start all of this. It didn’t took me any longer to find out.
I froze at the sight.
It wasn’t unusual to see such case happening in our clinic but, usually we always manage to put the patient to sleep before bringing them. I never liked to see them in such distress, I just couldn’t help but notice the things no one else seemed to, the tears under his eyes as he looked everywhere around him clearly scared from being in a different environment , blood on his lips and body shaking non stop. Marks under his ribs and arms forming a pattern you cold only see in a tiger but, different from the animal his looked almost like a scar, a fading brown color.
A tiger hybrid has just been admitted to our care. Although that shouldn’t be enough to start such fuss except, he must’ve been rescued or was in a dangerous environment before being taken here as he was trying to attack the staff in a defensive reaction.
From the looks of his behavior I could tell he felt threatened and was scared.
They had put the hybrid on a bed to bring him inside, his wrists and feet tied to ensure his own safety and our staff safety while they try to move him into a room to treat him.
Usually it wasn’t like this. Only rare cases happened in our clinic where the hybrid would be in so much distress that could make him agitated like this.
It’s not his fault, I know that. It just angers me to see it, how the ones at fault for making them react like that are usually humans, the things other people do to them hurts them to a point where they can’t see anything but darkness. To the point where they lose themselves and behave like complete animals, how they must feel guilty and lonely when finally coming back to their senses when they realized what they have done.
I watched as they brought him to a room, he kept moving trying to unleash himself from the ties groaning and roaring non stop, messy hair and naked torso full of injuries. He must’ve been in a fight before they brought him here, I wonder if maybe someone just did that to him.
A long sight left my lips as they closed the door behind me, fortunate for me they said the hybrid was in my care now.
They must have overestimated me.
I felt like I was in a dream the whole time. I don’t know when I got here, everything happened so fast. I simply followed everyone else as everything around felt like a long distant memory. As if I was underwater.
We where taking Yoongi back to his room when the alert started, we had to rush Yoongi back to his room to ensure his safety and go back to our floor as we where requested to assist with the situation.
Not long after I was told the new hybrid was in my care. Now I watched as two male doctors were trying their best to hold the tiger hybrid down to sedate him, but this kind was one of the strongest and hardest to work with when in a defensive mode. It took four people to put him on the bed and tie his arms and legs.
I could see how his yellow eyes were red from rage, I don’t know where he came from but one thing I was sure, he wasn’t safe there. I quickly shake my head trying my best not think about this. I needed to work fast.
Hoseok was beside me the entire time, one hand over my shoulder supporting me. He knew I hated when we had to be this way with the hybrids but, it was difficult to treat them if they are in this state. It could be dangerous for them and us.
The tiger kept yelling and moving trying to release himself, I quickly made my way towards him to figure out how we could do this without aggravating the situation.
- we can’t put the catheter on his veins if his like this - Hoseok said.
We truly can’t. From the looks of it he won’t be calming down soon and if we tried it could hurt him.
- you two hold him properly - I tell to the staff and Hoseok - I’ll do it manually.
Hoseok gave me a nod as he and the other staff tried their best to keep the hybrid from moving, I rushed to prepare the sedative. Taking a few breathes before I fill one syringe with the sedative, once I was done I made my way to the hybrid.
Hoseok was holding the hybrids arm for me to give him the sedative while one staff held the hybrids leg and the other his right shoulder, I quickly insert the sedative with the syringe on his shoulder. Once done I could feel both males leave a sight of relief as the hybrid slowly began to fall asleep.
We watched as the tiger hybrid calmed down, both the staff and Hoseok releasing him carefully and slowly.
A sight leaving my lips as well when I made eye contact with Hoseok, he gave me a small smile which I replied with one as well. But it was a mistake.
I should’ve know that.
I shouldn’t have left my guard down.
In a second the hybrid released his arm from the tie, i pushed Hoseok out his way as he aimed at him, getting in the way unfortunately for his claws to cut through my coat scratching my skin.
A groaned in pain holding my arm, my hand shaking from it as blood dropped on the white floor. The burning pain was almost unbearable, I had to bite my lip to hold a cry.
- Y/n! - Hoseok quickly rushed to me - are you okay?! You’re bleeding too much!
I look at the hybrid who now moved a bit slower as the sedative was still working, I used a small dose. To complete put him to sleep we would need someone else to do it manually.
- shit! Call Namjoon - I tell him, - quickly! The hybrid needs double dose of sedative!
- okay!
As Hoseok called Namjoon and the two staff went back to hold the hybrid down I made my way out of the room, the sedative I gave him would be enough to slow him down till Namjoon gets here and help with the situation. With my injured arm unfortunately I have to leave quickly. The smell of blood could only make things more difficult.
The hybrid being a predator smell of blood would bring his instincts to the surface, and all of us would be in deep trouble.
Once I was out the room one I rested my back on the wall, holding my arm with pressure to stop the bleeding, I couldn’t look at it I knew it would make me dizzy. I could give a patient some stitches but when it came to myself I was a mess at taking care of me, just looking at it made my vision blurry.
One of my female coworkers that was passing by rushed to me as soon as she realized the blood on my arm, a worried expression on her features.
- oh my, y/n! - she exclaimed.
- is okay - I assure her, although my arm was hurting like hell and the smell of blood was clear in the air - is just a scratch.
- just a scratch?! - she exclaimed indignantly - come with me I’ll give some stitches.
I fallowed her keeping the pressure over my arm, trying to stop the blood from coming. Feeling the warm red liquid run through my fingers, the smell of iron filling my nose was making me sick.
Just another day of work. I sight.
Namjoon won’t let this slide. I just know it.
Why did I told Hoseok to call him out of all people?
I know I can always count on him but, he never shuts up when I make mistakes or when I don’t take care of my self properly. Even though I’m an adult Namjoon still treats me like his little sister.
I just know he’ll lecture me later.
It wasn’t a deep cut, thanks to my coat so I didn’t had to get my arm stitched up but, I did had to get it treated and now half of my arm was covered in a white bandage. My coworker who helped me, kept telling me how lucky I was that it could’ve been worst. I only nodded and thanked her later after she was done, as much as I was the one getting treated the images of the hybrid in so much distress didn’t leave my mind, I still had to check up on the tiger hybrid and make sure he was well.
As I made my way out into the corridor that was my only thought, thankfully I was able to get treated at the same floor where the tiger hybrid was.
While I was being treated she told me I should go home and rest, working would only slower the recovery of my injury. But I just couldn’t find the will to do so and besides, right now it wasn’t that bad. At least I kept telling myself that.
Stoping in front of the tiger hybrids room i preyed Namjoon wouldn’t be there, I could take another scratch but not his nagging. I took one breath before opening the door only to find Hoseok and Namjoon stading in front of the hybrids bed, the tiger was asleep now thankfully.
Hoseok was the first to notice my presence, he look at me Incredulous. I just ignored his stare as I made my way inside.
- you should’ve gone home - he said, worry on his tired features as his eyes searched for my injury.
- yeah I heard that already - I smiled at him.
At the sound of my voice Namjoon turned to my direction, if Hoseok was incredulous he was more than that. But like Hoseok I also ignored his stare, noticing the papers he had in hands. I took a peek at them seeing the word tiger hybrid I quickly stole them from Namjoon.
I was right about them being the hybrids data information.
- seriously… - Namjoon said, a puff of air leaving his lips annoyed almost - you could’ve hurt yourself pretty badly, you can’t do manual work before it heals completely.
- aham… - I murmured, I knew this was coming but my patients health came first.
I kept that in mind as my eyes fallowed through every line on the paper I stole from him, trying my best to ignore Namjoons eyes over my figure. He was judging me. I know it. But for now I’ll let my patients data keep me busy.
Specie: Tiger hybrid. Male. Name: Taehyung.
Date of birth: unknown Code: RED Predator species
Rescued from an underground fighting club. No history of previous owners, hybrid was rescued after an anonymous call to the police. Stray hybrid. No data was found on the system, blood analysis will be taken to ensure any information about his previous location.
No more information about the hybrid on our data code.
So he was rescued. That confirms my assumption but, a fighting club? Was he in a fight before being brought here?
I could only wonder. My mind was racing with thoughts and possible scenarios, stomach doing flips at the thought of each.
He must have been so mistreated. No wonder he was behaving like that, he was afraid and probably in pain too.
- y/n?
- hum? - I look up, Namjoons voice bringing me back to reality.
- are you okay? - he asked, worry never looked good on his features. Apart from that he looked more tired then ever if someone needed rest it was him.
Right now, I didn’t have the correct answer to his question although I knew he only meant my injured arm. My mind was a misture of pain and confusion, I was worried about the hybrid and at the same time I was scared of him.
I didn’t want to bring more worry for Namjoon.
- yes… you worry too much about me.. - I brushed off, trying to distract myself from his eyes with the papers in my hand.
- of course I do - Namjoon said, a long sight leaving his lips as he gently held my arm - you mean a lot to me.
- sorry for giving you gray hair - I tell him, trying to change the atmosphere with a joke smiling at him.
He sighted but smiled back.
I looked back to the hybrid in front of me, he has a few injuries on his body, probably from being in a fight before being rescued.
- I’ll start treating him then - I said, giving one last smile to Namjoon.
Making my way to the balcony with the meds and bandages, I began to prepare everything I’ll need putting on the white gloves.
- will you be okay? - Namjoon asked behind me.
- yes, Hoseok will be here - I tell him, looking at him over my shoulder.
He nods giving me one last smile before leaving since he had his own schedule to fallow, Hoseok made his way towards me also putting on a pair of gloves helping me prepare the medicine and ointments to treat the hybrid. I try my best to ignore the burning sensation on my arm as I continue.
I procede to treat the hybrids injuries, starting from his face as Hoseok did his torso. One cut on his lip, on his check a few purple and yellowish marks on his ribs probably from getting punched. My heart weighed at the sight. The fact that so many hybrids would go through all of this just didn’t sit right with me.
Once I was done cleaning the cuts on his face, i began to help Hoseok with the injuries on his torso since he had so many there, after we are done Hoseok cleans up the dirty badges and cottons with blood. I throw my cloves away and take the hybrids form papers to schedule some exams and treatments for him.
Once we’re both done me and Hoseok walked out of the room making our way through the corridor as a few coworkers passed by.
- are you sure this is okay? - he said, pointing at my arm.
- oh my god - I laugh - you’re spending too much time with Namjoon, you’re starting to act like him.
- maybe if my friend didn’t make so many reckless decisions I wouldn’t have to - he said.
- I know but, someone has to do it - I tell him, he murmured.
We just walked through the corridor for a while in a comfortable silence, i didn’t where I was going now. Feeling Hoseoks presence after everything has calmed down I began to remember how he acted strange after i treated Yoongi. Did he perhaps truly heard us?
I was so distracted by my thoughts I didn’t even notice when he suddenly stopped, I turned back to him.
Did he?
- by the way are you going back to the snake hybrid? We didn’t get to finish his treatment after we left since… you know.
At the mention of Yoongi I sighted holding my forehead, of course I had to go back.
I was supposed to apply the medicine on his skin after we take him back to his room but, the tiger hybrid came and everyone was in alert, I was called over to get him since he was under my care and I had to rushed Yoongi back to his room.
If he wasn’t in that state I would have been able to take care of Yoongis injuries by now but, since he was very defensive and irritated I didn’t had the time.
- I have some time now so I think I’ll go treat him - I tell Hoseok.
- I’ll be busy now, will you be okay there without me? - he said, although he didn’t meant to I could see the way he looked at me. How his eyes shined.
- yes I’ll be fine.
I watched as he left after giving me one last smile, knowing how sneaky Hoseok was I’m sure he was hiding something. Maybe he did heard us. Maybe he did not. I could never guess what it could be without exposing me, I’ll forget about it for now.
We left so suddenly in the morning Yoongi must be so confused.
I looked at my arm one last time before pushing my coat down to cover the bandage, making my way towards the elevators.
When did things take such turn?
How did we end up like this?
My mind was a pool of confusion and feelings I have never felt before, it felt wrong of me to be so intimate with Yoongi. He wasn’t fully human, part of him maybe didn’t even know what he was doing. Maybe is just his heat.
Never once did it ever crossed my mind to have such feelings for a hybrid, it felt wrong to desire him like that. But at the same time, I wanted him.
I don’t know what to call this, his presence sends a burning desire through me like I’ve never felt before.
Maybe I’m just selfish?
I wish I could be with him but, we are completely different from one another. Or needs and views were completely opposites.
I took a deep breathe after stepping out of the elevators making my way through the corridor stoping at his door. I sighted before I opened the door to Yoongis room, my body being meet with the familiar warm temperature of his room. The light slowly turning back on like usual as I make my way towards him who was still laying over his bed, not moving even as I stoped in front of him.
I watched as his figure lay there calmly, hands under his head eyes close and lips slightly parted. His shirt was a mess open half way down, exposing his bellybutton and V line the scales on his hips shined a bit under the light now.
His exotic beauty was something I could never get used too, every day I find a little detail I haven’t before on him.
I catched his lips moving ever so slightly. Almost unnoticeable.
- I know your not sleeping - I tell him, I see the small smile on his lips as he opened his eyes.
Dark glossy eyes staring into mine. I wonder why the change in his eyes, could it be an allergy perhaps?
- you know me well - he said, voice low and raspy he must’ve just woke up from a nap - why don’t you joy me here?
His voice is laced with second intentions, an afrodisiac misture with poison. Instantly bringing a blush to my checks.
- sorry for leaving so suddenly early - I quickly changed the topic - there was a problem…. I was requeste to assist with the situation.
- I understand - he said.
I watched as he lazily smiled, eyes opening and closing slowly he licked his bottom lip before stretching his body, coming to a sitting position.
- oh… - he looked up at me, as if he just realized something.
In a second surprising me at how fast he took my hand in his to inspect it, the arm scratched by the tiger hybrid.
Yoongis demenor changed just as quick, he looked at it for a while before looking back at me.
- who did this to you? - eyebrows furred in a angry expression as he looked up to me.
I swallowed nervously. Why the fuss when it was just a scratch?
- it’s nothing…
- who? - he asked again, almost in a growl.
- one of my patients were a bit… in distress today - I tell him honestly, looking down at my feet - his fine now, I’m sorry…
I heard a heavy sight leave his lips before he stand up, still holding my hand.
- why are you apologizing when you’re the one who got hurt? - he said, more calm now.
- you seem angry at me… - I murmured, feeling my face warm up.
- not you… - he whispered lifting my hand up to his face as he left a small kiss over my fingers.
Eyes locked with mine as he caressed my hand with his thumb, he sighted looking at my arm again.
- I don’t care about your patients… you shouldn’t see who ever did this to you again.
- I can’t do that… - I tell him, feeling my heart beat through my entire body with warmth.
- already making me worry about you… - he murmured, a small pout forming on his lower lip.
- hey… I worry about you too - I chuckled.
- you do? - he looked up at me, dark eyes shining so bright under the lights as if his eyes held the entire universe in them. I nodded.
- that’s why I’m here, and by the way I still need to treat your skin.
I take my hand from his giving him a smile before turning around to make my way towards the small table close to his bed were the medicine was prepared earlier. A small silver container with the white ointment. I put on my cloves before taking the medicine and walking back to Yoongi.
- can you take off your shirt please - I ask him.
He nodded standing in front of me before taking his shirt, I watched him as he did so. The only visible injuries he had were on his back and shoulders.
- do you have any injury on your legs also? - I ask him.
- no… - he chuckled a bit taking off his shirt completely throwing over his bed - they stop at my hips.
I looked at him with hot checks. He meant his scales, he only had them till his hips. He seemed to know what I was thinking, a small smirk forming over his pink lips.
- okay… - I clear my throat - I’ll start with your back.
He just nodded as I made my way around him, stading behind him i began to carefully apply the medicine over his back, slowly starting from his left shoulder to his right. He had more scratches over them, carefully I applied the ointment over the mark on his spine fallowing down his ribs that looked pretty hurt.
The closer I got to his hips I notice he would moved slightly.
- does it hurt? - I asked him.
- no is… quiet nice - he murmured, looking at me from over his shoulder.
- oh… that’s okay then - I said, as I continued to apply the ointment.
No one said anything for a while, silence was beginning to grow thick enough to cut with a knife.
The scales on his hips seemed to be a sensitive spot, he kept moving every time I touched there. I wondered why. That was just another thing we didn’t know about him.
Once I was done I checked his back for a while making sure I didn’t miss any spot, making sure every cut and scratch was covered in ointment.
- you wanna feel them? - he suddenly said.
- what? - I was so caught up at his words I almost didn’t get its meaning.
My mind was running the engines, he had that effect over me. Taking me completely out of my mind.
- my scales… I bet you must be curious - he then said.
- I’m a bit but, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable - I tel him, ignoring the hot feeling rising up my face - I’m done with your back.
Turning around him I searched for any injury over his torso, he had one over his left shoulder. Coming closer I carefully apply the ointment over the small cut. Close enough to feel his body heat over mine, enough to see every little detail of his beautiful body.
- you don’t make me uncomfortable… - he said, his breath hitting my face.
I turned back to look at his eyes, face hot I swallowed nervously I’ve been feeling like this a lot lately. Nervous every time I was close to him, every time he looked at me like that.
My own eyes betraying me darting down to his lips, the memories from moments ago still clear in my mind. His touch left a mark at every part of my skin.
His taste still dancing over my lips.
I blinked taking my gloves off making my way to the small table, I put them over it clearing my throat. I took a deep breath trying my best to calm my nerves, not again. This is wrong, I know it happened once but I can’t keep doing this with him. I’m his doctor.
I sight turning around only to be meet with Yoongi centimeters way from me.
I gasped as he corned me against the table, both hands on my sides as he tilted his head slightly to the side scanning my face. I swallowed hard.
- are disgusted by me? - his question catched me completely out of guard.
- what?
- you heard me - he said. Still not moving an inch, caging me against the table.
- I don’t… - I nervously supported my body over the table with both hands behind me - I’m not disgusted by you Yoongi.
- then feel me… - he whispered, taking my right hand placing over his face.
My breath got stuck in my throat, carefully I caressed his check softly, fingers tracing the lines of his features his hand over mine guiding mine slowly down his jaw, to his neck touching the scales slightly. They were soft and warm like velvet, something completely out of this world.
He held my hand against his skin to slide it down over his chest, fingers brushing over his nipple as he moved my hand on his skin lips parting and eyes closing, he looked so dreamy. Moving my hand to his sides feeling the scales over his ribs and stoping at his hip.
Eyes closed he rested his forehead against mine.
- this is me… - he whispered over my lips, almost like he was in pain.
Was he self conscious about his appearance? Him out of everyone, but why?
- you’re beautiful - I breathless said, my selfish confession.
- you like this? - he whispered against my lips, eyes staring into mine. He meant him. Him as a hybrid.
I knew my next words would be the ones to define this. But at this point, what else was there to say? I couldn’t lie to him, with only a few days Yoongi manage to steal my mind away. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, worrying about him and craving him.
- I.. I do - I breathless told him. Body burning with want.
It was wrong.
- then don’t push me away y/n…
I’m his doctor. I’m here to save him.
- i want you too… just you - he whispered before holding me by the hips pushing me up to sit over the table as he stood between my legs.
Hands sliding up and down my thighs stoping at my hips, sliding under my shirt as he caressed my belly, finger tips dancing over my skin.
- you’re perfect… I need you - he said, voice laced with desire and poison, lips brushing lightly over mine I felt lightheaded at his touch.
I could stay like this forever, just with him slightly touching me. Teasing me till I lose myself completely. But the sound of the door clicking opening woke me up completely, I pushed yoongi away as I slide down the table turning back towards the door.
I clear my throat as I watched Namjoon making his way inside the room, he had a smile on his lips.
- hey, y/n - he said - are you done with his treatmeant?
- ah… yes - I said, making my way towards Namjoon stoping in front of him.
- that’s great then…. Monday we’ll introduce him to his partner - Namjoon said.
His words had a bitter feeling over me, a reminder that time was passing. Too fast.
It was supposed to be a month at least but, we are bearly over this month and the female snake hybrid was here already. In a week they would mate and she would be barring a new black mamba hybrid, just for them to take Yoongi down.
I must work faster.
- partner? - Yoongis voice brought me back, turning to him he had a confused expression eyes locked over my figure.
- You’ll soon be put into mating process - Namjoon answer, unaware of the hybrids confusion.
Yoongi stared at me in disbelief, I just kept quiet as Namjoon proceeded to tell Yoongi of the next procedures that will be taking action this week.
Too ashamed to even look at him. I bite into my lower lip.
- since you’ve been recovering well and showing sings of heat… - Namjoon proceeded - and lucky for you we found a good match, you’ll be able to meet her once your fully recovered.
- lucky me. - Yoongi spat, turning to put back his shirt.
Namjoon stared at me then Yoongi, confusion on his features. I just made a no sing to him, he mouthed a “is he not in a good mood” to which I answered “yeah”. He shook his head a knowing sing.
I looked back to Yoongi as he bottoms up his shirt, I could feel from here that he wasn’t happy at all with this. I just didn’t understand.
Most hybrids always felt so happy to finally be able to mate, I thought he would too.
- well I just came for this - Namjoon said - y/n Jin is asking for us.
- oh, of course I’ll come with you then - I tell him, making my way to leave with him.
I didn’t bother to turn around, I just couldn’t.
I couldn’t face Yoongi right now. One look into his deep dark eyes and it would be the end of me, this is for the best. He now has a chance to meet someone like him that will complete him, a chance to live after all of this.
There is no place for me in this.
Before I could walk through the door I feel a tug at the back of my coat, a sight leaves my lips and I look up to Namjoon.
- I’ll explain the mating process to Yoongi before I leave - I tell him, he looks behind me and then nods.
- I’ll wait for you at Jin’s office then - Namjoon replays leaving.
I close the door turning slowly to Yoongi who stands in front of me, I looked everywhere except him.
- mating process? - he spat - I thought I was clear…
- is a protocol… - I interrupted him, honestly I didn’t even know what I was saying at this point.
- protocol? - he chuckled bitterly - is that why you were so nice? Is this what I’m to you? A protocol?
He shout closing the distance completely between us, locking me against the wall with both his hands over the side of my head.
My breathing instantly becoming faster, heartbeat at the tip of my throat as I stared at his eyes dark orbs filled with rage.
- no, I just…. I … - I couldn’t find any words - I don’t have a choice… i…
I really don’t.
If he doesn’t do what they said, they’re going to put him down.
I didn’t even notice the tears forming under my eyes, at this point I didn’t know what else to say. Nothing can explain what we are doing to him, although my intentions were good after all that he went through and must have endured all this years, nothing I say can change his mind. I couldn’t feel anything. My whole body was shaking.
Fear. But not from him, from what is going to happen to him.
I became so attached to him in such a small period of time. I couldn’t take it if they put him down. That thought only brought a bitter taste to my mouth.
His face centimeters away from mine staring at me with so much hatred, softening slowly.
- I’m sorry… - I spoke. Bitting into my lower lip to stop the tears from coming..
He rested his forehead against mine, a sight leaving his lips.
- please… - he whispered - please, tell me you’re not one of them.
At his words I cried even more.
- I’m not… Yoongi - I said, hands closing into fists by my sides.
Mas stayed like that for a while, just in each other’s presence. He seemed to be in deep thought while I was simply trying not to cry my eyes out, being the center of his anger was a knife to my chest.
All I wanted was to keep him safe.
- I’ll try… for you - he said, hands falling from the wall to my face softly caressing it with his thumbs. - but I can’t promise anything.
With that he turned and walked back to his bed, sitting down as he stared at the floor.
I quickly cleaned the tears on my face before making my way out of his room with a heavy heart on my chest.
I took a deep breath before entering Jin’s office.
Namjoon sat over the chair in front of Jin’s table, they seemed to be in a fun conversation, as I entered they both share a laugh before noticing my presence.
Jin gives me smile and signal for me to take a sit at the second chair beside Namjoon. I try to give him my best smile, hiding my true feelings under it as I sit.
- well, I called you both here to discuss the next appointments for the week - Jin began explaining.
- yes, you mentioned the meting process to me as we where looking the exams of the female snake hybrid - Namjoon said.
- I thought it would be better if I start to observe the next procedures, today I have scheduled a lunch meal for Yoongi - Jin said - he will now have meals everyday just like a normal hybrid should.
- that’s good to hear - I tell him.
- thanks to you y/n - Jin said, eyes over mine - you’ll be in charge of it and I’ll participate, I want to be closer from now on.
- Namjoon mentioned they’ll meet soon - I said.
- yes, I scheduled it for Monday - Jin said - since Yoongi is showing great signs of recovery I think it would be nice to slowly introduce them.
- oh…
The mating process worked in two ways, on stage one the hybrids are introduced to a previous selected partner. Potential partners are selected according to their mating stages and recovery process, once is settled a meeting is scheduled for them.
If they accept each other as mates, they will be move to stage two. Where they will be able to proceed with their mating process, here at the clinic everything is prepared before hand so anything they might need for the process of mating, is done before any procedures begins.
- I would like to be with you y/n for the next procedures scheduled for Yoongi - Jin said - I want to make sure everything is going well with him.
- of course.
- I also scheduled a bath for him tomorrow morning, I saw in the exams his skin condition is not good - Jin said - we’ll take care of that before they mate.
- of course, Jin - I said - about the meals, do have an idea of how will start?
- yes, today we’ll introduce it to him - Jin answered - I selected a valence meal of fruits to begin, I don’t want anything happening to him.
- okay then.
Jin mentioned before how the clinic stopped bringing Yoongi meals, for months we would simply not eat it or throw it on the floor. It’s been months like that and he’s been getting vitamin shots to make up for it. But the sings are clear he was not in a good shape.
It only made me more worried about him, for now I’m happy he’s making the effort to eat. We’ll start slow. Small steps first. I’m sure he’ll be so much better from now on.
- well this was all, y/n and I will take his meal to him now - Jin said looking at Namjoon.
- I’ll continue with my schedule then Jin - he said.
We all got up from our seats, making our ways out to leave the office. Jin walked beside me as Namjoon fallowed us to the corridor, waiting for the elevator.
At one point as my eyes stared at the numbers coming up over the elevators, I thought it would be better to distance myself from Yoongi. Keeping our relationship professional while, especially now that Jin would be watching us is the perfect opportunity to do so.
Still the thought of not being able to be how I used to with him weighted my heart, I didn’t even know if wanted that as well.
It just didn’t feel good to me.
Jin’s presence as we walked to the kitchen to get Yoongis lunch was a good distraction. As my mind was still a mess from my discussion with Yoongi, the revelation of the mating process not making him so happy as I thought it would, to him losing his trust over me. I just tried my best not to show how much that affected me, even though I didn’t wanted, even though I shouldn’t care.
The way to the kitchen was filled with Jin’s silly dad jokes some were actually funny, some not so much and what really made it funny was his excruciating laugh through the corridors. I wished things would go back to how they used to, but at the same time I didn’t. I began to questions my reasons and thoughts, was I trying this hard for him? Or myself?
While we rushed back to deliver the lunch, I inspected the bowl I carry on the tray filled with all sorts of freshly cut fruits.
His meal would only consist in freash fruits from the beginning, since he is not used to eating full meals like a normal hybrid would, it should start by slowly introducing food again to him. Rushing this process could easily make him sick.
We made our way through the corridor to the sixth floor, not taking long after as we soon stop in front of the door to Yoongis room. Jin opened the door for me to walk in first, he closed behind him making his way in to stand beside me, the lights of the room slowly turning back on like usual.
My heart beating faster at the sight of Yoongi, not so long he looked at me like I was one of them. Those who hurted him.
I tried not to let it affect me as much, I couldn’t now that Jin was here. Still the effect Yoongi had on me was hard to hide.
He got up lazily into a sitting position, tired eyes looking into my figure confused before he lock them at seokjin.
His once tired features quickly changing into a hard expression.
- what is he doing here? - he said, emphasizing the he.
- don’t mind me here - Jin said - I’m just here to watch y/n.
Yoongi hissed staring at the floor, hands grabbing the sheets harder.
I looked at him surprised, I never once saw him hiss before. Him being a snake hybrid it was only natural he would do that but, It was almost cute if it wasn’t for his hard expression, like he was ready to take Jin down.
Memories from earlier this mornings ghosting my mind, I didn’t wanted a repeat from that. Now that Yoongi and I wasn’t on good terms like before, i don’t know if I would be able to calm him down, still I would have to try and at least stop him from focusing on Jin so much. I don’t know about their past but, Yoongi already doesn’t seem to like him that much.
I made my way to him calmly, sitting beside him still not so close to disturb him or cross any boundaries. His eyes looking up to mine instantly. I tried my best to give him a small smile putting the tray with food over my lap, despite our argument before i have to treat him like nothing happened.
I didn’t expect for him to sit closer to me though how confusion and unexpected he behaves was still a pinch into my heart, how he slowly and carefully moved closer suddenly, just like a snake would to it’s prey. He rested one arm behind me almost protective.
I genuinely thought he wouldn’t want to be closer to me anymore, not after he found out about the mating process. I felt guilt for hiding it from him for all this time, even more knowing what they intended to do after. He didn’t mean it. I’m sure he didn’t.
For now I just brushed off that thought, looking up from the food to him only to see how his eyes were glued at Jin. If looks could kill.
I don’t know their history but since his life was on the line, one step behind in his behavior in front of Jin could change the chances he had to not be put down.
- from now on you’ll be having lunch - I said cleaning my throat to get his attention - I’ll bring you some delicious food everyday.
At the sound of my voice he turned his gaze to me quickly head tilting slightly to the side, eyes going down at the food I held then up to me curiosity clear on his features.
- you remember the tangerines right? - I asked him, a small smile showing on his lips. - here are some as well as mangos and strawberries.
- have you tried them? - he said, I nodded.
- they are delicious - I tell him, taking a mango with the garf I hold it up for him to take it.
I honestly expecting him to eat it by himself, I didn’t made the inicial to feed him. Still he brought my hand towards his face taking a bite from the piece of mango on it, the juicy fruit spilling a bit from his lip down his chin.
He purposely groaned, closing his eyes as he swallows the mango. Like he just eat the best thing in the world. Dark glossy eyes locked in mine as slowly slide his hand off of mine, licking the juice from his lips he tilted his head to the side opening his mouth.
My checks burned hot. There’s no way he wasn’t doing this without the intention of it, Jin was watching this and I just wanted to put my head inside a whole out of embarrassment. Yoongi you little… a sight left my lips.
- is this revenge for ealier? - I whispered to him, noticing seokjin was walking around the room to inspect it . - embarrassing me in front of my boss?
- no… just… making sure he knows - he whispered back taking the one strawberry from the bowl he inspects it before biting into it.
- knows what? - i asked, getting only a smirk from him as he eat the strawberry.
- are you trying to build a nest? - Jin’s voice echoed from the other side as he looked over the room eyes stoping over the bed we sat on.
- why? - Yoongi spat, features changing at the sound of Jin’s voice to a bored one.
- is just… unusual to do so before meeting a potential partner since in your specie is done to impress your partner - Jin said stopping a few feet in front of us.
Now that Jin mentioned, Yoongi has been making this weird mess on his bed, I didn’t know it was a nest. How interesting, he stared making a nest over his bed ever since we started treating him. So that means his heat stared since then.
The male would make a nest to impress their potential partner to mate, how didn’t I saw this earlier?
“Why you don’t joy me here?”
I swallowed nervously at the thought. Was he trying to impress… me?
I looked from Jin to Yoongi, noticing the slight blush over his checks.
Now that is unusual.
- are you eager to meet your potential partner? - Seokjin asked. A smile over his lips.
I don’t know why this bitter feeling creep in my chest at the mention of his partner. I should be happy for him, yet I can’t. For now, I choose to ignore it. Close this bitter feeling down somewhere in my heart so it doesn’t bother me.
- soon you’ll be able to meet her - Jin continues - I’m so glad y/n is taking such good care of you, I’m sure you’ll give us great results.
Yoongi hissed again at Jin’s words, I looked at him surprised. Still not used to seeing him hiss like that. Trying to process this new behavior of his.
- what? - yoongi said, looking at me as he took another mango from the bowl.
- you hissed, again? - I said, still amazed.
- I’m a snake? - he said, as if it wasn’t anything special.
- you’ve never done that before though? - he blinked at me, not saying anything. - I’m sorry, I’m being noisy.
- you never deserved a hiss from me - he murmured, eating another fruit from the bowl.
- oh…
He chuckled taking a bite of the fruit on his hand, I watched as the juice wet his lips. Quickly brushing the not so pure thoughts from my mind.
It was nice to see him smile like that. My mind just seemed to move to dark places.
- y/n about his skin treatments, is he recovering well? - Jin asked.
- yes, he had his first bath today…. - I had to control my thoughts as I remember this morning events.
- I’ll prepare another bath for him tomorrow before his lunch then - Jin said making his way to the door - he needs to be ready for the meeting on Monday.
- yes, I’ll prepare him for it.
Two days before he meets the female snake hybrid. I know he said he would try but, I know he won’t have to. Once they meet both will mate instantly.
Jin made a sing for me to follow him, turned back to yoongi realizing he ate all the fruits. I smile at him taking the tray with the now empty bowl.
I know I have no right to feel this way about him, I’m just his doctor. I’m here to help him. And him having a mate to share his intimacy will be the best decision.
- good boy - I whispered to him, seeing how his checks turned red. I smiled before turning away to leave.
I can’t control my heart. I’m just as selfish.
Seokjin opened the door for me to leave first.
- are you doing anything tonight? - he asked, as I walked out the room.
- no why? - I turned to him as he exit, closing the door behind himself.
- wanna eat dinner with me? - he asked.
- sure, why not - I said - at your brothers restaurant?
- of course! is the best place to eat in the entire world.
- haha it sure is.
Jin’s brother owns a restaurant that serves the best bbq in the area. How could I refuse?
We walked quietly through the corridors till the elevators, Jin preses the bottom to go down and we wait till the elevator get over here.
- Yoongi seems very attached to you - Jin coments.
- yeah he’s been like that ever since we meet - I tell him, heat flow over my cheeks.
- that’s good to hear - he said - Yoongi… wasn’t always like this, I don’t know what happened to him but, I just hope he gets better.
- maybe he’s just tired… from being here for so long - I tell him - we all get lonely sometimes, he must feel trapped.
- I’m truly glad you’re the one helping him - he said - I know you’ll save him.
- is all I want. - tell him honestly, giving him a small smile.
All I want.
The sound of the elevator doors opening is what brings our attention back to our way, we entered quietly and leave it just as quietly.
All i want is him.
Weekends were the days we all worked half period, people who were in charge of hybrids with special needs would worked on weekends. Since Youngi’s bath was scheduled for this morning, I would work in the morning today and on Sunday in the afternoon. I honestly didn’t mind the extra work, hybrids with special needs cannot be left alone for longer then half a day.
Some needed special care and treatments as well as exams and such. No everybody worked on weekends. Depending on our schedules we would be separated into two teams, prey and predator hybrids. All the hybrids had their own unique and particular needs.
Last night was a very much needed hang out to loosen up all the tension and stress from this week events, we ate delicious food cooked by Jin’s brother and had a few drinks to end the night. I could finally relax after so much complicated situations at the clinic, it almost during seem real to me, how so many eventful days I was having at work.
From having to treat Yoongi the famous snake hybrid at the clinic for being an bitter with anyone who approached him, to treating a Bunny hybrid in heat which ended up by getting bitten by a snake hybrid. Not so short after I got scratched by a tiger hybrid, who’s now my patient. The fight with Yoongi for the mating process that the more I thought about it the more it didn’t make sense to me. Why wasn’t he happy about it? Why he kept coming to me?
Those were the only thoughts in my head as I got at the clinic earlier then usual this time, not because I had to but, I simply couldn’t go back to sleep as my mind was filled with thoughts about Yoongi. In this short period of time I also grew attached to him, I wanted to see him. I wanted to be with him one last time before I have to let him go. Before he leaves to mate with someone like him and realize I’m not the one for him.
I check myself in mirror on the staff bathroom before making my leave to check up on my schedule for this morning. I didn’t have much to do, mostly it was a few check ups on my patients and Yoongis bath and lunch today.
- y/n! You’re here - at the sound of my name being called I turned to see who it was, one of my coworkers rushed to me taking a few deep breath’s to calm down as he came running to see me.
- what is it? - I ask him worried, what could be the reason for such rush in the morning?
- yoongi… - he started, taken more breaths - he destroyed his room and he’s..
I didn’t let him finish rushing to the elevators.
Destroying his room? Just what happened last night while I was away?
I anxiously watched the number on the elevators coming up slowly, my heart beating faster I walked from side to side inside the elevator. Mind racing with thoughts, it could be anything from a small misunderstanding to him being hurt. What if he found out the truth?
One the elevator door opened at the sixth floor I rushed out of the elevators, running through the corridor to Yoongi’s room, from far away i could already hear the screams. But it wasn’t Yoongi who was screaming.
His door was completely opened and once I entered I was meet with Hoseok and two other male staff, nothing prepared me for what I was seeing certainly I didn’t expected to see Yoongi grabbing one of the male staff by the neck as Hoseok was trying to convince him to let man go.
- what happened here? - I said, loud and clear.
Hoseok finally sees me and rushed to me, worry filling his features and fear.
- I don’t know… y/n we were just following our routine this morning when we heard a loud noise - Hoseok explained - when I realized it was from Yoongis room I quickly came to check on him…. He trashed the whole room and when we tried to stop him he got one of the staff.
- oh god…. - I looked at yoongi.
His hair was a mess as well as his shirt, the entire room looked like a hurricane made a tour here. Covers ripped all over the place the bed was flipped over and the table broken on the other side of the room. He did all that but, why? Was it because our fight, did he somehow find out the truth about all of this?
I could see from here how his chest moved up and down as he breathed fast, anger clearly visible on his features and for the first time his eyes were not the pool of dark sky I was used to seeing but, a misture of grey and yellow his pupil was a thin line. Just like a snake.
He was hissing and I could see how he was ready to bite the man, fangs out to bite and insert his poison on him.
I had to do something. If he hurt this man things could turn really bad for Yoongi. I can’t let that happen not when Jin is willing to save him.
- yoongi…. Let him go - I slowly made my way towards him, stopping a few feet closer - Yoongi, listen to me.
At that he turned his attention to me, snake eyes glued on my figure now like he was hunting for a prey.
- I’m right here okay… let him go and come to me - I tell him, seeing how he seemed to slowly began to let the staff go, eyes going back to normal ever so slightly.
- y/n are you crazy? - Hoseok said beside me, holding my arm to pull me back - he’s not in his right mind he could-
- no I’ll - I interrupted him. But it was all too late.
I couldn’t finish my sentence as a scream filled the whole room, Yoongi sank his teeth on the staff shoulder. I gasped as I watched in horror, my heart sank at the sight. Seeing Yoongi like this was something I never wanted to happen. The man let an agonizing scream out, Yoongis grey eyes staring right into mine.
Everything became a blur, as if I was watching from a distance a story unfold. Hoseok shouting and running towards them as Yoongi let go of the man’s body a chance for Hoseok to quickly grab the man away from him.
I couldn’t hear anything.
Just stare at him. My body was frozen on the spot, how could I fix this?
What happened to him?
Yoongi only stood there, eyes looked over mine. Blood dripping down his lips.
A sight left my lips. Would I even be able to fix it this time?
- y/n! Quickly let’s leave! - Hoseok said, now closer to me he again grabbed my arm turning me away from Yoongi.
I honestly considered leaving like this.
But the hiss I heard behind me was a warning.
I can’t leave.
- you can go - I tell him, taking my arm from his hand. He looked at me incredibly.
- y/n….
- someone has to do it - I tell him - quickly your friend need s help fast.
He looked at me for a while, probably considering putting me over his shoulder and take me. Knowing Hoseok he was always over protective about me, part of me wanted to leave but I was the only one who could do something right now.
He looked at Yoongi behind me before a sight leave his lips and I watched as Hoseok left, closing the door completely this time. It took me a few moments before I turned back completely to Yoongi.
He stood there and as I took the first step to him he fell into his knees, I rushed to him lowering myself at his height. He didn’t look at me, eyes slowly turning back to is normal dark color. He brought his hand up to his mouth touching his lips, blood stain on his fingers he look at it before looking back at me.
Just like that I knew he was back. Something didn’t felt right about all of this.
- what happened? - he said, eyes shining as tears formed under his eyes.
- you don’t remember?
- I don’t… - he looked around as if completely lost - no…. Why….
- is okay… I’m here - I tell him, taking a cloth from my pocket I usually had it, to clean the blood out of his lips. - don’t worry okay, I’ll fix this.
He nodded and I continue to quietly clean the blood. If he didn’t remember what he did, the only things that came to my mind was that maybe he wasn’t even in control of his actions.
- I hurt someone again….
I sighted, I couldn’t change what happened today but if my assumption is right I can fix this.
- can you tell what you remember from last night?
- I had just taking my meds from Namjoon like usual…. Then I went back to sleep - he searched for my eyes, hand closing over mine holding the cloth.
Looking into his eyes now I was completely lost in this pool of night sky, relieved for him to finally be back to his senses. Just like the tiger hybrid yesterday Yoongi lost himself somewhere between the night, the only thing I could think of what it might possibly started all of this was the meds he was taking everyday. But i would have to make sure about them first.
- I need to make sure first…. - I said, trying to get up from the floor - I’ll have to talk with Jin first.
- please…- he said holding my hand, stoping me from moving- I’m sorry… don’t hate me y/n.
- I don’t hate you…. - I caressed his check, he rested his face on my hand eyes closing.
Deep down he was just someone who wanted to be loved and cared for, all this years he’s been locked up in here made him depressed and lonely. I know he wouldn’t do that out of nowhere, no hybrid hurts someone for no reason. I got up taking his hands in mine to help him get up as well.
- come with me, you need a bath - I tell him, small smile over my lips.
I’ll have to put his bath for earlier then it was scheduled, my mind was a mess mix it with tiredness and anger. I didn’t even bother to put the collar on Yoongi as I take him with me through the corridors, he fallowed me right behind close enough to let me know he was there holding the back of my coat. Like a child does with their parents.
No one was around at this hour so luckily no one bothered us.
Once we got there, I begin to prepare the water for him putting the medicine on the water to help treat his skin as well as some bubbles soap. It seems I won’t be able to fallow my schedule for today.
As I prepared everything, Yoongi stood there just watched. From time to time I would glance at him he seemed nervous almost, biting his lower lip and standing there. The sound of water filling the round tub was all we heard, no one daring to say anything. Once I notice the bath was ready i quickly separated a change of clothes for him a towel and a robe in case, putting everything neatly over the table beside the tub I checked if everything was fine before I turned to him.
- can I ask you a favor? - he nodded - I need you to stay here taking your bath while I talk with Jin outside, can you do that?
- yes….
- okay, I’ll be right back - I tell him, making my way out of the bathroom.
I closed the door of the bathroom resting my body on the wall, I took my phone out dialing Jin’s number. At this hour he should be coming to the clinic already, maybe it would take a while for him to pick up but luckily for me he pick up right away.
- hey y/n, what do you need? - he said cheerfully. I could hear the sound of door closing and the motor of the car staring in the back.
- I need to know what meds are you giving Yoongi? - I asked stray to the point, no more walking around the bush.
- what?
- just answer me.
Deep down I wanted to blame the meds, I just didn’t wanted to believe he would do something like that. Selfishly I hoped for it to be the reason, or else it could end badly for Yoongi.
- just the usual vitamins and some heat stimulants - he said.
Heat stimulants? We stopped giving the hybrids that for years now since it had major side effects on them, it completely ruined their natural heat and it could aggregate their instincts as well. If not managed well it could only damage the hormones structure of the hybrid.
- how much the dose? - I asked.
- we decided to start with one quarter why? - I almost wanted to punch him in the face for saying it.
That explains everything. Yoongi didn’t do it on purpose, the stimulants messed with his instincts and he probably didn’t even know.
- he’s been getting side effects from it, Jin you…. - I couldn’t even say it, i was so pissed at him. - he bite someone today!
- what but I thought…
- don’t you dare say that, I did my best and he did too you and I both know the side effects to apply such dose of stimulants on a hybrid could affect him negative.
- I’m sorry y/n… I was just fallowing orders… - he sighted - is the person okay?
- I think so, Hoseok was there at the time so he help the staff - I say, a sight leaving my lips.
- what about yoongi?
- he’s back, I’m taking care of him now - I tell him - I prepared a bath for him, we’ll clean him from the stimulants and stop with it from now on.
- yes you’re right, I’m almost there okay?
- okay, we’ll talk about it later then.
With that I turned off the call.
I was so angry at him now, how could he approved that? Knowing what it might cause, unless that’s what they intended to. Making Yoongi the bad guy just so they have a major reason to put him down, I was sick to my stomach. I won’t let that happen.
Sighting I entered the bathroom again.
Yoongi was already in the bathtub, arm resting over the edge cheek on palm of his hand as he looked ahead of him.
- hey… - I made my way back to him, getting his attention.
- this is nice - he said, playing with the bubbles on the water.
- yes it is - I tell him, taking a deep breath - I’m sorry, I didn’t know they were giving you stimulants.
- so that’s what it was? - he scoffs - as if I would need it.
He looked at me up and down as I walked towards him. I sat over the edge of the tub beside him, turning slightly to him so I could see him face to face.
- they thought you did - I say, tired smile on my lips - since is been years since you shown any signs of heat, they thought your weren’t going to get your heat.
- because they want me to mate - he chuckled bitterly - for a place that cares for hybrids you people sure know nothing about us.
- about you - I correct him, we don’t know a lot about him.
- how was your dinner? - I notice the mocking tone he said when he asked, not looking my way but the floor in front him.
- dinner? You heard that? - the conversation I had with Jin after leaving, he heard that? A blush rising up to my cheeks.
- hybrids ear - he said as if it was obvious, still not looking at me.
- why do you ask?
- that director guy… seems to like you - he murmured almost didn’t hear it.
Just what was this about?
- is that why you behaved like that when I brought your lunch with him? - I asked him.
- he… should know - he paused, playing with the bubbles over the bathtub.
- I don’t get it? You said it before but, what do you mean?
- that your mine - he said, this time turning towards me he lifted half his body over the bathtub to look at me in the eyes.
My breath got stuck in my throat. The drops of water sliding down his bare body looking like small diamonds, he smelled so good now body only a few centimeters away from mine.
- I’m… yeah I’m your doctor but-
- you’re driving me insane y/n - he sight, lifting himself up to get out of the bathtub.
I quickly turned to the side as he walked naked towards the table, taking the white robe to put on. My cheeks burned hot, I could hear the sound of cloth being shuffled and his fast breathing. I got up from the tub, standing there as I watched him back turned to me.
- sorry I just… - I didn’t even know what to say, was there anything to say at all?
- no, - he said, he waited a bit then turned making his way back to me he stopped only a few centimeters away from me.
His breath hitting my face, the wet drops of water sliding down his neck making his scales shine even brighter.
He held my white coat by the collar pushing me against him, sliding down my coat off my body, throwing on the floor.
- now you’re not my doctor… - he said, closing the distance between us completely - you’re mine…
- I can’t…. - I stop him by putting my hand over his chest - I feel like I’m taking advantage of you..
- then take it…. - he whispered, hand over mine on his chest. - take advantage of me….
I couldn’t stop myself from it, as he leaned down to kiss me so softly. One hand around my waist holding me against his hot body, the other sliding down over my side stoping at my hip scratching over my clothes sliding inside my shirt, i moaned against his lips to which he took advantage to slide his tongue against mine.
Fingers closing around his hair, giving in his touch I completely let go of any resistance I might have left. My head is pleasantly fuzzy, drunk on his lips and body begging for more. I gasp at the feeling of his hands slinging up my back under my shirt then down my ribs, he slightly scratched my skin with his short nails stoping at my hips holding me between his left leg guiding me dry hump his tight. He slide his lips agains my jaw till my ear leaving small bites and licks over my neck.
I moaned out his name grabbing the back of his hair tighter between my fingers, bringing his lips back to mine hungrily kissing him. Pushing him back as my hands carefully touched his neck sliding them against his chest, until we reach the table beside us. This time I was the one cornering him, the white robe did nothing to hide his body from my eyes, his pink nipples hard under the wet fabric. Feeling so high on the pleasurable feeling of hands on me, his wet tongue against mine.
I stoped needing to breathe, dark glossy eyes locked with mine. He looked so dreamy, all wet from the water body glued to the white robe that did nothing to hide his beautiful body and I was glad for it.
- you’re driving me crazy…. You always come see me with those innocent eyes - he whispered lowly against my lips, hands holding me tighter - smelling so good….
He slowly draws his nose against my jaw down my neck sucking harshly against it, a groan leaving my lips as he leaves a long lick over after.
- I’ve been holding myself every since I saw you for the first time… - he said breathlessly - your heat is driving me crazy y/n.
His words almost went through me, but I realized it quickly.
- my heat…?
He looked at me, eyes confused tilting his head to the side.
- you humans don’t know when you’re in heat? - he asked, genuinely confused.
- I mean…
I stoped myself as soon as I realized. He couldn’t be talking about what I thought he was, I didn’t know he could sense it too. I thought hybrids only knew when other hybrids were in heat.
Shit. He could sense when I was… ovulating?
- you can… sense it? - at that he chuckled.
- I might not have been active - he said, amusement dancing ove this dark orbs - but I can smell it from you, it’s like dripping sweat on your skin… your scent is so delicious.
- sorry I… - didn’t know what else to say. My cheeks burned hot.
- don’t apologize… I like it… - he murmured, hiding his face on my neck - I knew you were ready but I had to make sure, you’re so ready for me.
So this….
- so this is why…? - I murmured to myself.
- i don’t have heat y/n… - he held my checks with both hands - I take care of my mates heat. I can smell the arousal between your legs y/n let taste you….
With that he kissed me.
Evrything felt so overwhelming, I just couldn’t think straight anymore lost on the feeling of his lips over mine.
Our kiss was the seal to the mess we create.
Notes: here it is finally! I had some problems thanks to this app on writing this chapter so many times, I thought I was going crazy but is finally here! Sorry for any grammatical error! 😅😊💖💖
TAGLIST: @yoongiwantsme @effielumiere @glosstwn @danielle143 @confessionsofascientist @dragons-flare @shadowyjellyfishfest @savannahhsworld @crystallizedtime @fairywriter-oracle @rosquilleta @celticcountrygal @m4gg13-g @kpopmultistantrashsstuff @anaspectoflife @pandafuriosa60 @kimsonlyluv @slut-4-yourmom @itsskyvoltage @welcometomyworld13 @momnomnom @catlove83
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prompt-heaven · 1 day
the ultimate list of AUs, kinks and tropes to inspire you for kinktober 
some of these are darker in nature since that is fitting for the spooky season. 
academic / teacher / professor / tutor 
addams family
babysitter / nanny
bonnie and clyde
bounty hunter
camp counselor
circus / carnival
demon / angel
fairytale retelling
guardian angel 
mafia / mob 
maid / butler 
monster / mythology / supernatural
paranormal investigator 
pirate / mermaid
serial killer
sex worker / porn / camgirl/boy / stripper 
spy / secret agent
steampunk / cyber punk
sugar daddy
tattoo artist 
time travel
treasure hunter 
wild west
against a wall 
age gap
amnesia / memory loss
anonymous sex
balcony sex
boss x employee 
brothers best friend / dad’s best friend (dbf)
car sex
clothed sex
comforting sex
coworkers to lovers
cursed / fuck or die / sex pollen
dark / soft!dark
enemies to lovers
exes to lovers
fake relationship
forbidden romance
friends to lovers
friends with benefits
game gone wrong
hate sex / make-up sex
huddle for warmth
just the tip
library sex
loss of virginity
mirror sex
neighbours to lovers 
only one bed
opposites attract
period sex
pool / hot tub sex
predator / prey
professor x student
public / semi-public sex
revenge sex
reverse harem
romantic sex
roommates to lovers
rough sex
sex in an alley
sex in exchange for a favour
sex while camping
shower / bath sex
table sex
unrequited love
being recorded / taking pictures
body worship
dom / sub / bondage / bdsm / shibari
breath play / choking
corruption kink 
costumes / uniforms
creampie / breeding / forced breeding
cum in panties
cunnilingus / face sitting / rimming / blowjob / deep throating / gagging
dirty talk / voice kink
double penetration / double penetration in one hole 
dry humping / thigh riding 
dubcon / noncon / cnc / drugging
exhibitionism / voyeurism
food play 
forced orgasm
formal wear 
free use
glory hole
glove kink 
hand kink
hole inspection
humiliation / degradation
hunter / prey
impact play / spanking / whipping / hair pulling / pain kink
jealousy / sharing / possessive
knife kink / gun kink
lingerie / stockings / socks
masturbation / caught masturbating / mutual masturbation
medical kink
monsterfucking / tentacles
multiple orgasms
orgasm denial / overstimulation / edging
threesome / orgy / gangbang
partner swap 
pillow humping
praise kink 
premature ejaculation / cuming untouched
role reversal
ruined orgasm / cuming without permission
sensory deprivation 
sexting / phone sex 
facial / swallowing / bukakke
size kink / size difference / belly bulge
skirt stays on
somnophilia / getting fucked to sleep
spit kink
stripping / lap dance
temperature play
thigh fucking
throat training
titty fucking
toys / object insertion 
a ritual gone wrong 
a string of unexplained deaths
a summer fling gone horrible wrong, or right
alian abduction 
art come to life
basement wife 
being paralysed 
caught trespassing on private property
college party gone wrong
crazy ex
curiosity killed the cat
fate worse than death
final girl
getting stranded in a little town that’s not as wholesome as it seems
halloween party
haunted house / abandoned house 
haunted object 
hitch-hiking gone wrong
hot neighbour that has an obsession with you
i was sent here to assassinate you but now i think i might be in love with you
Items moving and/or going missing
i’ll find you in every universe / century
lost in a maze
mad scientist 
magical healing 
marriage / wedding / arranged marriage/ forced marriage 
mind control / telepathy
mirrors playing tricks on the mind
oh, you had a long day? use me as your personal sex toy in order to unwind
oops, i summoned a demon 
oops, i’m dating a serial killer
playing games (like seven minutes in heaven, spin the bottle, hide and seek, etc.) but they have a slutty/dark twist to them
possession (ghost or demon)
power outage
ritual / sacrifice / blood magic
road trip
secret room
serial killers fucking in front of hostages
stalker landlord
stalker wearing the same costume as your partner 
stockholm syndrome
the return of a villain thought dead
toxic frat boy
waking up from strange dreams and seeing bruises and marks on your skin that correspond exactly with the dream you just woke from
we’re the last people on the planet and you will be mine
you wake up strapped to a table just as a fuck machine is turned on
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
hi again I hope you can do a Jurassic world au yandere raptor hybrid parents wolverine and storm [ animated series ] x baby raptor hybrid reader and how they react when their baby gets kidnapped and they go with Owen and Claire to get Maisie and their baby back.
Okay! So, in the Jurassic World AU, it isn't a crossover, so Owen and Claire and Maisie aren't in it. It's just the X-Men characters and Reader in this setting. I should have specified, so I'll do it now. But I CAN do raptor hybrid parents! Let's try this-
• Something wasn't right.
• The air was still, no birds or insects singing a low hum. The trees seemed too tall, too dark. The shade was too cold, biting and nipping at their skin and scales. Yet the problem seemed to be something else...
• Neither one could remember much of their before this place, with its humans and tasers and fences, but they didn't need to. They had a life here, with each other, and their own hatchling to take care of. Or it had been that way, before someone had taken them. The older male knew their enemies had caught their little while they were away, he could smell their blood and the stench of mammals clinging to their nest. His mate, a female with bright eyes and white scales, had ruthlessly torn through their territory, calling out for their child. Yet neither one could find the humans, only a trail to follow...
• Hunting down the ones who did this atrocity felt easy. It didn't take much to track them into their homes, to follow them on their hikes, to hunt then and chase them til they dropped and cried and pleaded for mercy. Yet none was given. The last thing they'd ever see was of claws racing towards them, or of sharp teeth closing around their head. It all lead to this moment, to a lone facility in freezing snow, holding their hatchling and the last of the monsters who took them...
• Waiting in the cell made you feel icky. All cold and tired and bruised, like every drop of warmth was sucked out of you. The humans prattled on and on, talking about numbers and people who wanted them, who wanted a pet or monster or stuffed tropy... It made you cry, hearing all of this. You shied away from any who came near, tucking your tail in your hands and hiding in the shadows. It all changed when a loud wail echoed in the room, red lights flashing sharply through the darkness.
• It was then the humans began panicking. Running and racing around, screaming and crying, talking about specimen breaches and other raptors- That made you perk up. Could it be Mom and Dad? Did they come back for you? They didn't abandon you?
• It appeared not. You could hear their angry screeches, their claws clicking on metal floors, their feet pounding down the halls as they came closer to finding you. Only a few humans remained, a frazzled doctor and a couple of guards, and then-
• Your parents were there, mad and angry and screaming. You looked away as you heard the humans wail and beg, you covered your ears and shut your eyes. The scent of copper was thick, the acrid scent of death soon following. But then, the bars were torn apart, and in a flash, you were in the arms of your parents, each chirping up a frenzy as they looked over you.
• You chirped up happily, only getting anxious when you asked about the humans, but you were shushed, told not to look, and soon you all were leaving. Your mom kept humming, tickling your cheeks and belly, while your dad kissed your head and stroked your back. You couldn't help but nuzzle into their warm embrace, so safe from the carnage surrounding you...
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trashlama · 1 year
Hi would it be alright if I ask what wips are you working on ?
just wanna make sure I don’t in a request that someone else already sent in XD
hope your doing ok :)
Thank you for your concern! My carpal tunnel has been approving somewhat these last few weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to find some free time this weekend while I'm off to knock down some of this list.
Also if you do happen to send in an idea similar to someone else's; don't worry too much about it because I don't mind, I like the challenge~ Duplicates give me the opportunity to try out different ideas that I may have for a single plot/theme.
Btw sorry about not really posting anything these last few weeks... I kinda forgot to pay my wifi bill so I didn't really have internet for awhile until I got paid again... Anyways—
Here we are!
P.S. I might add more later on.
Future Yandere Turtle Series: Leo, Donnie Raph, Mikey
Another future Yan Donatello x Reader short fic I got planned
ROTTMNT Yandere Adults Series: Draxum, Big Mama, Lou Jitsu/Splinter
Yan Raph x Reader Zombie AU
Yan ROTTMNT Spiderverse AU! x Reader headcanons/drabble
Yan ROTTMNT x Spiderverse Reader headcanons/drabbles
Yan Donatello x Reader Jack the Ripper AU!
Fluffy Yan Platonic Future Leon/Preteen reader
Witch Reader x Yan Post movie Mikey
Time Mistress Reader x Yan Post movie Leo
Yan Leo x mutated rabbit S/o
Platonic Yan Hamato Clan x Reader
Yan Leo x Chubby s/o
Yan Donatello x Trans Woman s/o
Yan Future Mikey x stubborn Reader
Yan TMNT 2k12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader
Platonic Yan Jealous Older Brother Donatello with Little sibling Reader
Yan Raph vs Donnie x Salamander!Mutant!Reader
Self-Aware Yan Mad Dogs x Real World Reader
TMNT 2k3
Yan Turtle's reactions to s/o being mutated in front of them
TMNT 2k12
Song req (Random Turtle) x Reader
Yan Mikey x Human Bff Headcanons
Yan TMNT 2K12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader Headcanons
Raph Vs Leo x Purple Dragon Thief Reader
Yan Casey Vs Yan Donnie Vs Yan Mikey x April's friend Reader
Yan Not the Mayor x Tang apprentice Reader
Yan MK x Ex-possed LBD Reader
Fluffy Red Son x Reader sketches
Yan Red Son x Macaque's assistant Reader x Yan Mei
Yan Macaque x Reader chase scene
Yan Platonic Azure Lion vs Sun Wukong x Reader
Yan Spider Queen/Spider Gang x Moth Demon reader
Yan Snotlout x Gobber's apprentice Reader x Yan Eret
Yan Snotlout vs Yan Eret x Reader
Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Fluffy Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x isekaied Reader
Yan Hiccup x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader who is scared of dragons
Yan Hiccup x fellow Night fury rider Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Viking Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Hybrid Night Fury Reader
Dead by Daylight
Leon Vs Steve x Survivor Reader
Yan Dr Flug x Reader headcanons
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Yan Winston vs Yan Edred x Reader
Yan Winston x Reader
Yan Edred x Reader
Record of Ragnarok
Shy/Meek Reader x Yan Buddha
Spiderverse ATSV and ITSV
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Dimension Jumper reader
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader headcanons
Addiction: Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader fic
Yan Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Fluffy Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Yan Peter B Parker x Single Mom reader headcanons
Fluffy Yan Platonic Miguel O'Hara and Platonic Yan Jessica Drew wirh Homeless Teen Reader
Yan Miles Morales x Venom!Reader
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xxmaxwellxx · 6 months
Can someone help me find a submas fanfic? It was a Yandere butler/sevant au and the boys were hybrids and they’ve been serving reader since they were kids. One day readers mom sets them up with a suitor and the twins get mad so they poison readers mom and I think scare away the suitor, reader knows what they did to their mom but they aren’t mad about it. The twins and reader bang at one point and reader ends up pregnant at the end but nobody dares say anything. Does anyone know this fic?
Edit: I got some details wrong, mainly the Yandere and killing parts, very sorry. But it’s bugtler by leggerefiore
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matenrou-fan · 2 years
MTC masterlist
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red for NSFW, pink for yandere
Whole division:
-First time to stay overnight in their house
-The fateful night(fic)
-Mad Trigger Crew with a fem! s/o who knows textile crafts
-Poly mtc x NB! s/o +Animal Hybrids!vers.
-MTC finding out that their gn! s/o has a hypnosis mic and is actually very strong
-Get down to their fem s/o
-When they have a little fight with you + how they would apologize
-Interrupted make out session
-Comforts you when you crying
-Samatoki x reader x Sasara General HC (SFW + NSFW)
-Taking care of NB! s/o after they injured themselves
-Being jealous to his fem! s/o
-React to his wife's pregnancy
-Vampire!Samatoki with fem!reader
-Falling in love with a girl that works in thrift store
-Samatoki x GN!reader x Ichiro + Pirate! au (fic)
-As a father HC (with a daughter) + interacting with her
-Falling in love with a fem! s/o after saving her (fic)
-Found out his little sister is getting bullied
-With policewoman! s/o
-Finding out his usually cheery airheaded fem! s/o is depressed
-With fem!s/o (+morning sex)
-Hitting his GN!s/o by accident
-How he relax in your hug
-Get down to their fem s/o pt.3
-With overworked fem s/o
-His love language (+ what love languages he would like to receive)
-Falling in love with fem! assassin! enemy (fic)
-With a NB! s/o that can see the future
-With a fem! s/o who's a farmer
-Giving their jacket to his small fem! s/o who gets cold easily
-With GN! s/o that works at a flower shop
-With fem!s/o that works as a bunny girl at a bar on their birthday
-Getting bunny and heart-shaped donuts from their GN! s/o
-Help you fall asleep
-With NB s/o who have low blood pressure
-Yandere!Rio with fem!darling
-When you try to run away
-With s/o who doesn't know how to cook
-Get down to their fem s/o pt.4
-With caring and soft fem! s/o
-Comforts you after long day(fic)
-First time saying "I love you"(fic)
-Comforting NB! s/o who's crying
-With a fem! s/o who's a farmer
-Rio reacting to his fem!s/o being pregnant with triplets
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Hi~♡ please allow me to me to rank and analyze the entire list of writing propositions you put out while I avoid the last chapter of yamqn because I am keeping it to a moment when I can create the perfect atmosphere to read it properly.
1° werewolf!txt au full fic - that one is a little special to me cause the basis for that one was the first of your writings I ever came across
2° necromancer!oc and TaeGyu - the plot just sounds really really interesting and I love the little touch of classic horror and morbid themes i am getting from this one. that hint of a 70's horror sexploitation vibe
3° teaching your best friend Gyu how to fuck full fic - how not to love this one? it's guaranteed quality enjoyment. THE safe bet
4° bear!hybrid Gyu - the little excerpt you posted a while ago got me mad you ended it there. I want more. and bears are very much to my liking in hybrid fic for the contrast of being stupidly fluffy and cute but at the same time deadly dangerous
5° puppy!gyu getting teased by kitten you full fic - love how the synopsis basically implies that we are the pet's pet 💀. aside from that it's a perv!gyu fic with a bonus of fluffy ears and tails.
6° fox hybrid!Jun and owner!Bin - the synopsis got me interested in the dynamics with yeonjun. the idea of him being a arrogant fox for being highly desired and at the same time a cheap overused sex toy for rent... sublime.
7° puppy hybrid!Gyu and best friend kitty!Oc
8° YAMQN priest sequel - let's go sexy priest! the religious macabre is a special kind of subtle horror aesthetic, I love it... the juxtaposition of divine and corrupt, salvation and oppression, inconditional love and eternal existential doom (yes, I was raised catholic lol)
9° YAMQN barista sequel - it has potential, but I feel like something is missing. maybe it's the word barista that is tricking me into seeing this as more basic than it really is.
10° yandere soulmates TaeGyu - for some reason the synopsis reminded me of another fic that had a very similar theme, I really did not enjoy reading that one. I mean, if anyone can do it right it's probably you but I don't know
11° arranged marriage prince!Gyu - I don't think I will be able to read a prince!gyu fic and NOT think of yamqn for a while
12° perv!Soobin - too close to the cannon version of him I have in my brain 💀 (sorry, soobin biased people... don't take that as offense please)
13° senior Oc and yandere!tyun - when I was reading the title the first thing that came to mind was "senior oc" as in senior citizen Oc! straight up retired rich old lady Oc with her young hunk trophy husband that only married her for her money and is secretly trying to murder her... now I want the version I imagined more than the one you propositioned lol
14° stepbro!Tyun full story - not my type of porn category. as someone with giant frankstein of a family tree that has more divorces and remarriages than people... it's a bit uncomfortable.
15° best of the best - not txt
16° high stakes - found myself frowning while reading the prompt for some reason
17° ceo son!leeknow - not txt. and every fanfic that features a ceo or ceo son as the romantic interest reminds of fifty shades 💀 so no thanks
(I already voted on the poll hihi)
good idea. i honestly haven't even read it again after posting it (which i usually do to give myself perspective on what the hell i just did) because i'm scared lmao. let me comment on your comments
so many people came to my blog from that fic wow it's honestly so surprising as that fic was almost like an afterthought that i didn't really expect to get back to
yup we love horror sexploitation in this house lmao. though i'd definitely need ideas on where to take the fic as other than the original premise and the dynamics between the characters, i don't know here to ultimately take it
definitely a safe bet. fluffy smutty goodness
i love this much a lot too but my only reservation is that it's pretty similar to the yandere puppy gyu cabin fic i recently posted. both involve oc getting tricked into mating with her crazy best friend
it is a perv!gyu fic and it is soooo cute. weirdly enough it's inspired by this video of a real life cat and dog lmao
this one was an ooooold request but yes owner soobin basically degrading jun for being an overpriced dildo and jun being offended that this dumb vixen isn't falling for him like all the other vixens is just yum
exactly lmao
this one can go alright or be super dark and disturbing depending on the version you guys choose (if this option even gets chosen)
oh believe me there is nothing basic about it. that's just a front to lull you into a false sense of security before unleashing the classic gyu moves of manipulation and gaslighting and convincing reader she's insane as the story gradually devolves
oh this is actually inspired by one of my favorite fics that i've read. give it a read i'm sure you'd love it too
fair enough, but this gyu is super sweet and adorable
i fail to see the issue 😌😂
lmao i'm all for older readers (since i'm older than all the boys) but not to the level of senior citizen lmao. but i did think of making a sugar mommy au
makes sense. i never had a step sibling so i don't share the same trauma lmao
really? it's actually more of that campy sexploitation horror than even number two since it's inspired by an episode of buffy the vampire slayer
tbf i was considering changing it to gyu (because ofc I would) and it's nothing like fifty shades of grey at all. it's peak bratty sub idol and oc putting him in his place
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makotoarashi · 2 years
New AU idea
Diabolik Lovers but it takes place in AmaBri Park!
So instead of putting them in already existing amusement park such as AmaBri, a new fantasy-themed one appears. It won’t be for kids but for ages 16 and up. 
Shu would be a bear mascot (or fairy as they call it) called “sleepy bear” and the challenge for the visitors is to get his attention. But he wouldn’t need illusion to change his appearance to look more human because he would have a transformation skill.
Reiji would be a tour guide with iconic calm and collected personality, which would eventually turn into quite demonic personality if he gets mad.
Ayato would be a wolf-human hybrid with a soft spot for cute people and the ones who would show some empathy. Eventually after work he would get invited by a lot of girls (and gay boys) to spend time with them after work.
Kanato would be the one to welcome people in the tunel of love and horror called “Your Ride With Yandere”. He would actually get emotionally attached to some visitors he wouldn’t be allowed to leave the tunel.
Laito would have open air piano concerts with paid play along lessons. Most of the visitors wouldn’t really fall for his charisma thinking he has suspicious intentions.
Subaru would have a confession booth with snacks (mainly sweets) for his customers. Teens need some space to vent, right? And a talk with a handsome boy about their age would definitely boost up their confidence! Especially if he makes a great emotional advisor. Charge for sweets wouldn’t be so high as normally it would be (instead of 80-90 yen for a chocolate bar he would charge 50 yen) in addition the session is for free so all money coming from his booth is based on how many people would buy sweets.
As for the Mukami...
Ruki would organise poem writing and reading (mainly for boys) for those who can’t express their feelings, his judgement would be a bit subjective but only because he has been burnt before.
Kou and Azusa would have a whispering booth, as they wear animal costumes they will have to listen to their customers talk about their secrets, sometimes giving them advice if the secret is actually a problem or a good deed kept in secret.
And now our star of cooking, Yuma! He obviously would have a cooking course with a little bit of fun. Every day a new dish to learn, with a small guidance people will learn to cook in no time(also admiring their tutor)!
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ryukyuin · 4 months
2.) Anti-Proship
Loving reminder that proship means that you don’t harass people over fiction. It’s only a stance on harassment and censorship, and it doesn’t mean you have to like what I do or that I personally approve and enjoy what everyone else does! Quote from fanlore:
"The pro in pro-shipper means for, to contrast with the anti in anti-shipper (anti meaning against). However, possibly due to Fannish Osmosis, in some parts of fandom, the pro in pro-shipper has come to be understood as short for problematic instead.[5][6][7][8] Due to this new definition, many fans (mainly on Twitter) started to insert proshippers in their DNI lists because they do not want any type of contact with problematic ships These fans may also use the term "proship" as a noun to refer to the problematic ship that the proshipper allegedly supports. Others have incorrectly osmosed the word proshipper to be synonymous with pedophile."
So like. Yeah! Dances around. I don't fw most "problematic ships" but I just need pookies to know the actual definition of the term they are using before they start rallying hate mobs.
Fiction DOES affect reality, and you should be aware enough of that to cultivate your own online experience and use the function of blocking/filtering tags, blocking people, and your own common sense to make sure that you stay safe and everyone has fun!!
(Also if ppl block me bc they misunderstood I will scream and wail and sob /lh, DM/toss an ask if you have any questions!!)
3.) If you can't follow the Three Laws of Fandom/think Dark Media/Dead Dove: Do not Eat/Whump/Yandere enjoyers are normalizing what they are writing about, also shoo. Not the place for you.
I feel like this explains itself, esp since I kinda talked about it above. Please cultivate and foster the online experience you want, follow proper online social etiquette, and realize that just because I find Shaiapouf attractive doesn't mean I want him to gut and eat me in real life. (Most likely. Probably. Maybe. If he asks REALLY nicely and bats his little boytwink lashes and gayass wings /sillyj)
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4.) Do NOT compare me with other writers.
They are them and I am me and we both deserve our own little gold sticker stuck to our forehead! I think it's important everyone gets the recognition they deserve and I've been inspired by SOSO many writers on here, so make sure to go send support where deserved!
JJK, KNY, MHA, GI/HSR, HxH!! Mostly Phantom Troupe + Harbingers + Sampo + Satoru and Suguru + Shouta and Hizashi but like. Throw some crumbs through the tray slot, if I'm interested I will respond.
Yandere/Dark Fiction, reader-inserts, minor character death, non-con/dub-con slash hesitant? (doubtful of my writing skills to bring that justice), body horror/gore, dr**ging, etc...... idk I wanna flap my gay little wings and see whatever horrific shit I come up with /lh
Detailed pregnancy. I just can't man I don't want kids get those little HEATHENS OUTTA THERE!! I'll consider asks about it/drabbles but don't expect like an entire oneshot about it unless a hybrid AU takes me into a fucking chokehold. Then I might be doomed!
OCs, detailed requests, character/character requests (I can't say character/character as a whole I can feel Satosugu + the other homosexuals beaming lasers into the back of my head), oooomegaverse? Hybrids are neat-o to me but. I think I have Omegaverse PTSD I'll be real, come back when there's a more stable system/lore and less breeding.
SELF-HARM/SUICIDE IS A NO-GO!! Idk not only is it not fun for the reader/mc to just fucking. Croak. Self-harm is just not the way for me I don't think!! I MIIIGHHHT consider it but really don't get any hopes up.
PLEASE LET ME KNOW TO TAG SOMETHING IF IT IS TRIGGERING!! I WILL NOT BE MAD I AM JUST VERY FORGETFUL!! Idm if you ask tbh it honestly helps me find my own stuff once I go back, so win for everyone.
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bearr02 · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Blog b-day: 08/29/22 *ੈ✩‧₊˚
★ - angst ✦ - yandere ▹ - paused
❀ - fluff ❉ - idol au
ツ - smut இ - non-idol au
✎ - ongoing ✿ - hybrid au
☾ - completed ♪ - mafia au
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Latest work(6/15/2024)
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⤷ Safe and sound ❀ ツ★ ✎ இ ✿
Summary: You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
Genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut, hybrid au, strangers to friends to lovers au
⤷ Querencia ❀ ★ ✎ இ ✿
Summary: When you find a stray, sweet cat hybrid on the street, you absolutely can not say no to taking him in, even if he comes in a pack with two other members. The only issue? You run into more stray hybrids and you just have to take them in.
Genre: fluff, angst, non-idol au, hybrid au strangers to friends to lovers au..
⤷ Stuck in the middle (KNJ - MYG) ★ ❀ ツஇ ✎
Summary: You’ve always had issues with your boyfriend, sometimes you’d considered breaking up, but something always kept you with him. You always knew he was a bit more on the violent side, more verbally than physically, but you never considered it as too much. He was your first boyfriend and led you to believe no one else would want you as much as he would, claiming you have too many ‘imperfections’. You always believed him until two men help you realize just how wrong he was.
Genre: smut, fluff, threesome, angsty?
⤷ Dilf!bts ✎ இ..
⤷ Song inspos ✎ ★ ❀ இ..
⤷ BTS x sick reader ❀ ✎ ❉
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⤷ All Shall Fear Him ★ ❀ ツ✎ ♪ இ ▹
Summary: Everyone has, and should, always feared Min Yoongi. They knew never to one, cross his path and two, make him mad. Oh if ever you made him mad, you better hope to god he’d make it easy on you. One man, however, didn’t understand the reason why this man, ‘the great Min Yoongi’ should be feared. That mistake, costs him his girlfriend, all he can do is hope it didn’t cost her life.
Genre: Angst, Mafia au, smut…
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⤷ Comforting cuddles ❀ இ
Summary: Reader is scared of thunder, and Hoseok is there to comfort her.
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⤷ Delicate ★ ツஇ
Summary: You were never allowed over at your sugar daddy’s place, and whenever you’d ask why, he’d make up an excuse, “my house isn’t the cleanest at the moment.” Or, “I’m renovating right now.” Yet one day, he finally has enough of your begging and caves in, but what will you do when you find out your sugar daddy isn’t single like you’ve been under the impression of, but a married man.
Genre: Sugar daddy au, smut, angst.
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⤷ Limerence ★ ツ✎ ✦ ♪ இ ▹
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⤷ The Mockingbirds Song ★ ❀ இ ✿ ▹
Summary: You had fled from your old home, your old owner, your old life in hopes you’ll find a better one. You ran as far as you could, as much as you could, until you couldn’t. Left for dead, you have no hopes you’ll make it to see the light of the morning.
Genre: angst, fluff…
Important stuff ♡
Get added to my permanent taglist ♡
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Request for you to expand on that cat-hybrid post with Hank, perhaps? 👀 I'm curious to what you'd write for that
Hanks just a cat anyways, ngl. Also, I love cats- They are my favorite animal. So pardon me while I gush about this now- ALSO I am willing to write more for this little AU that exists now, lol.
Yandere! Cat-Hybrid! Hank J. Wimbleton Concept
(Hybrid AU)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Stalking, Murder, Blood, Slight manipulation, Violence, Kidnapping, Forced relationship.
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- Hank already is rather cat-like in Madness, or at least portrayed as such in media.
- But what if this killing machine was a cat-hybrid?
- Sporting a pair of ears, tail, claws and fangs....
- The already well-trained killing machine just got even deadlier.
- How you would've met this hybrid is not much different from how you'd encounter normal Hank.
- He's a stray, wandering the ruined streets of Nevada and slaughtering anyone who oversteps their boundaries.
- He's agile, fast, and deadly.
- He also likes to stalk.
- He's a big kitty as Hank is normally tall, too.
- Once he sets his eyes/goggles on you, Hank feels the urge to follow you.
- Usually he'd just watch you from a distance until he felt comfortable/obsessed enough to stand in front of you.
- Although... feeding him?
- You just made this cat even more obsessed over you.
- Not just feeding him, either.
- Show any sort of care towards him and the cat's all over you.
- You can either be scared or comforted by the fact this cat-hybrid follows you around.
- It's scary because you just see this figure dawned in black clothing, red goggles staring at you while he's perched on some spot.
- Those ears picking up on every sound you make... tail swaying while he just watches.
- It's also a little comforting because you feel Hank's got your back, the efficient cat-hybrid not letting any threat come close to you.
- Cat-hybrid! Hank (Or Cat! Hank for short) is also a bit more affectionate than normal Hank.
- When the cat's obsessed enough, he trots on over to you to sit in front of you.
- You aren't sure what to do until Hank prods at your hand.
- Now you're stuck rubbing his ears and face while the hybrid purrs, loudly.
- He doesn't speak, just makes small noises and purrs.
- Although when he's comfortable he will make an attempt to sprawl over you.
- Doesn't really matter where, as long as he knows it's safe, Hank will curl up on top of you and just start purring.
- Hank is also possessive, not letting any of his fellow strays near you along with any threat.
- That goes for Sanford, Deimos, Doc, and especially not Jebus, Sheriff, or Tricky.
- You are his and he claims you as such, rubbing himself into you to make you smell like him.
- Hank, even as a hybrid, doesn't care about staining himself with blood.
- If you stumble upon him reducing Bandits or anyone else to shreds, he won't care if he stains you in it.
- In fact, he'll just pounce on you and nuzzle into you like always.
- Hank would probably be a hybrid that bites, too.
- If it wasn't for the face mask around his mouth he'd probably nibble on you when comfortable or moody.
- Also, because cat, he 100% reacts to boxes, laser pointers, etc.
- He doesn't mind if you use those to play with him.
- He enjoys taking a break and relaxing with you.
- If he could, he'd find a big box, then scoop you into his arms and sit in it.
- Purring all the while.
- The cat would probably melt if you rubbed his face or ears.
- His purring is loud, but probably not as loud as Sanford's would be.
- He also has sharp claws.
- If he's upset he will dig those into something.
- Even if it's your skin, unfortunately....
- Hank would also make a big deal if anyone came near you.
- One of his fellow hybrid friends? He hisses when they get attention and he doesn't.
- Bandits, Zeds, or anything he hates? Gone. He's feral about it. He wants them dead.
- In a way, it's nice to have the hybrid be on your side.
- But the cat's not against kidnapping or murder.
- Hank would drag you away to some abandoned building to live in at some point.
- Then it can just be you and him.
- You'll be happy to have such an efficient protector, right?
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bangfantanfic · 2 years
Our Own World: 9
Warnings: soft yandere?? None really.
Type: Hybrid Au, yandere, fluff, angst
Authors note: another update!! Tags are still open! Pls lemme know your thoughts on the chapter 🥰
Taglist: @doublebunv @zae007live @sevenpersona @blancflms @suhappysuho @singukieee @potterbrooke @missseoulite @tinykpoponanime @childfmoonn
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The two weeks were nearing an end which meant you could go home.. But you weren’t too excited about leaving anymore. After the run in with Jeongguk you had been avoiding the whole pack, and you knew it wasn’t fair to everyone else– or at least who were still happy to see you– but you just didn’t feel comfortable anymore. You had worked so hard to have some sort of comfort around the men, tried so hard to ignore the fact that they weren’t entirely human and now those efforts felt wasted. You couldn’t help but think that maybe the world's views on hybrids wasn’t too far from the truth. Did they really have the control that activists claimed? Jeongguk didn’t seem to have any at that moment. You tried to reason with yourself, maybe he was starting his cycle? Or the hormones at the hotel had put him on edge! But, if that were the case wouldn’t Jimin and Hoseok acted the same way? 
This was all too confusing. 
You had locked yourself away in your hotel room, having food delivered to your room instead of attending the buffets that were set up daily. You didn’t have the energy to leave your bed, let alone travel 21 floors downward. Tomorrow afternoon should be the day you leave, your checkout time was at 3pm. Anxiety prickled at your skin at the thought of going back to the house and being left alone with the seven men again. You still hadn’t heard back from your brother, but after contacting your parents they had confirmed he was fine and that they would try to talk to him about calling you. That had been almost a week ago, you had called the same day you had your problem with Jeongguk. Was it a problem? He hadn’t hurt you too badly, maybe he just hadn’t been aware of how tightly he held you.. Maybe he was just playing. You didn’t know him as well as the others since he had been so dedicated to ignoring your existence. 
You sighed, falling onto your back. The white roof stared back at you, you definitely weren’t going to miss the hotel room. You already had all your things packed and ready to go, you had even considered leaving without the pack, throwing in the towel and running away to your parents house.
You probably should have. 
“What did you do?” Taehyung seethed, shoving the younger boy’s chest. He had finally been able to have a room to himself as of last night, but he had been too tired to find his pack and went straight to bed. He had spent the night wide awake much to his disappointment, his brain going a thousand miles a second. He had been so frustrated. Did you know where he had been? Did the others tell you? Were you disgusted by him now? Mad? 
The thought of you hating him made him feel sick. 
The next morning he had showered properly for the first time since arriving, he washed his hair and scrubbed his body raw to make sure there wasn’t a trace of any of his previous nights. He had shaved and brushed his teeth three times before making his way to the dining hall. His excitement to see you died down for a moment, the smell of his packmates taking over as he ran ahead, not bothering with breakfast before throwing himself into Jimin. It hadn’t taken him long to pick on the fact that everyone smelt sour, and that your scent wasn’t on anyone. It also didn’t take a genius to notice the looks everyone had been shooting toward the maknae. 
“Me? You can’t just show up and start making accusations.” He had huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Taehyung glared at him before looking between his packmates. “I was gone two weeks and you guys have managed to fuck everything up?” 
Namjoon rolled his eyes, pointing a finger back to the maknae. “Not us, him. He just won’t admit it!” The leader shot a glare to the younger who shrank back slightly, quickly averting his gaze. “We haven’t seen Y/N in a week.” Namjoon admitted, rubbing a hand over his face. 
“Is she still at the hotel?” Taehyung choked, glancing between his packmates who frowned at his question. 
“Of course she is, the staff would have said something if she had run away.” Namjoon explained, trying to reassure the younger boy…and maybe himself. 
The younger boy nodded, looking back at Jeongguk. “What did you do to make her avoid everyone?” Taehyung was trying to keep himself calm this time, trying to ignore the disappointment that had settled in his gut that he probably wasn’t seeing you today. If he could just figure out what had happened, maybe he could fix it. 
“I told you, I didn’t do anything! We just talked.” He whined, dropping back into his seat. 
Jeongguk knew well that he was the cause of your distancing. He didn’t mind too much though, you would be back soon enough, tomorrow afternoon in fact. He was excited to see how you were going to respond, would you be scared again? Would you try to act confident and call him out in front of everyone? That would be interesting.. 
He was honestly surprised by his pack's reaction to your withdrawal. He knew everyone had gotten close, and they enjoyed your company, and admittedly he didn’t pay much attention to things that came to you, but he has slowly pieced together that maybe the pack liked you a little more than friends. That thought alone excited him even more.
Everyone had been disappointed when you stopped coming by their hotel in the mornings, even if it was only Hoseok and Jimin seeing you, they would come back smelling strongly of you and that was enough for the pack. Taehyung’s reaction had been thrilling, he had seemed so angry like he was going to punch Jeongguk. It had been so long since anyone had caused these kinds of reactions.. Rifts even, between the pack. It had happened once, and while he had been gutted by the outcome, he couldn’t lie that the thought of experiencing it all again was riveting. 
“You’re a terrible liar.” Jimin pointed out with a scoff. 
“He always ruins things!” Taehyung huffed, looking back to Namjoon. “Stop babying him, he’s a grown man, He can’t ruin this. Not again.” The monkey hybrid practically pleaded as he dropped down between Jimin and the pack leader. 
Jeongguk wasn’t sure if what he was feeling was pride or offense. He didn't ruin everything. 
“He has a point, Joonie,” Yoongi hummed, pushing his food tray away with a scowl. He couldn’t wait for a home cooked meal. “You baby him too much. We don’t need a repeat, you remember what Jay said.” 
Namjoon sighed heavily. He didn’t mean to baby Jeongguk, but he was the youngest, and he had met the snake when he was so young, it was just his natural instinct. But he agreed with his pack, he didn’t need another repeat. Plus this time it was different, he was sure of it. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be keeping a closer eye this time.” He promised. 
You had finally forced yourself out of bed, even taking a short shower. You had decided for your last day you were going to sit by the beach for a while and maybe even stay till the sunset. Phone in hand you had managed to avoid the chatty manager as you sped out the door. It was almost a success story, until you collided into someone almost instantly after getting out the hotel door. 
“You aren’t trying to run away, are you?” 
Your eyes shot wide open as you looked up to the man standing over you. His hair seemed to have grown quite a lot over the past two weeks, hanging over his eyes in limp waves. His whisky eyes made you want to shrink and run back into the hotel where he could no longer see you. 
“Of course not.” You chuckled nervously, carefully stepping back. Taehyung seemed to be watching your every move carefully, a smile on his lips. 
“Good, I’d always find you anyway!” He said happily, gently grabbing your hand and pulling you into his side. “Hide and seek is my favourite game.” 
You nodded slowly, trying hard to smile but you were sure it looked more like a grimace. Taehyung didn’t seem to mind, making no comment as he began to move away from the doorway and dragging you along. The rest of the pack didn’t seem to be around, and you weren’t sure if you were relieved or scared. 
“The guys said they haven’t seen you?” Taehyung asked, looking down at you. It felt nice having you by his side, without having to worry one of his brothers might try to steal your attention away from him. Your entire focus was on him and only him, just how he liked it. “Are you okay?”
You looked up at him and his heart melted at the soft smile you gave him. A smile that was just for him. 
“I’m fine, just stress, ya know?” You shrugged, gently tugging him in the direction you wanted. 
Taehyung hummed from beside you, letting you drag him. He was happy to go anywhere with you, especially if it meant holding your hand in his. You weren’t very short, but you weren’t taller than him which he was happy about.. You were just slightly shorter than Jimin, much to his joy. You had long legs that could easily match his strides, you wore a cute skirt today that was showing off so much skin he wasn’t sure where to look. His brain was running in a direction he would have preferred it to steer clear of.. At least for now. 
“I’m here to help.” Taehyung offered, pushing his thoughts aside. The soft squeeze of your hand made his heart constrict in his chest, is this what a heart attack feels like? 
“That’s very sweet of you.” 
Taehyung grinned proudly, looking away from you for a moment before pointing ahead. “We’re going to the beach?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow. You nodded, gently tapping on the bag hanging on your shoulder. 
Had that been there the whole time? 
The beach was near empty, most people at the hotel were still sleeping in and the hybrids weren’t allowed to leave their hotels without escorts… which made you wonder how Taehyung had managed to get himself to your hotel. 
You were thankful toward the lack of people, you were anxious to be alone with one of the hybrids again. Your mother most definitely raised a little bitch, but you were going to act like she hadn’t. Deciding not to walk too far, you settled your bag into the sand, digging around and pulling out one of the two hotel towels you had brought along, laying one over the sand. It was already warm out, and you were excited to go swimming. You hadn’t gotten a chance, and seeing as it was your last day you were going to make the most of it. You had even gone to the buffet and grabbed yourself snacks, probably too many but you hadn’t been too sure on how long you’d hangout by the water so you decided it was better to take more– it was free anyways. 
You quickly set up your spot, placing a water bottle onto the towel, and then hiding your phone and room key into your bag before you decided you were ready. You quickly tugged off your skirt and shirt, kicked off your sandals and then made your way to the water. You wanted to spend as much time as you could swimming and relaxing before the crowd made its way down. 
Taehyung’s eyes on you made you want to re-dress, and wrap yourself up in your towel and go back to the hotel room and hide. You weren’t embarrassed, well maybe a little. You were confident in your body, in your looks. You knew you weren't ugly, maybe not a supermodel.. But you were definitely pretty, and your body was the best it had ever been, and usually you were more than happy to flaunt it. But being around the hybrids threw that confidence off balance. It wasn’t even because they were men, they were off– no matter how nice they were. 
His eyes didn’t feel nice on your skin. They felt like Jeongguk’s.
The thought made you feel guilty. Taehyung hadn’t done anything, none of the boys had except for Jeongguk. You shouldn’t be punishing them for his actions, but your gut told you it was the wisest idea to keep them all at an arm's length.. Which, unlike your legs, weren’t very long. 
Taehyung watched you strip down to your swimsuit, your face was tinted pink. You clearly had picked the swimsuit not expecting to have an audience. He found your shyness cute, having to hold himself back for pinching your cheeks and cooing. You didn’t spare him a glance as you rushed off to the water, giving Taehyung the perfect view. So much skin was on display, and his eyes weren’t sure where to look first. His hands twitched by his sides, desperate to touch and feel every inch. Taehyung quickly tugged his shirt over his head, thankful he chose to wear shorts today, and not sweatpants. He jogged after you, his nose scrunching up at the sand changing from warm to cold on his bare feet. 
“Are you swimming too?” You asked as he approached. 
Taehyung felt his heart speed up. He had missed the feeling. Missed you, your voice, your smell, the way you looked at him. He had picked up on how you tried putting distance, how sweaty your hand was in his earlier, the way you were watching his every move like you were ready to run, it hurt his feelings a little. Why were you suddenly so scared of him again? What did Jeongguk do to you? 
“Of course, I want to be close to you.” He grinned, gently wrapping his hand back around yours. He felt you tense up in his grip, but he didn’t let go. He would make sure you got used to him again, make sure you were comfortable with him like you had been. He wasn’t about to lose all the effort he had made just because Jeongguk was a dick. 
“Y/N, can you swim?” 
You quirked an eyebrow, giving the boy a suspicious look. “Of course I can swim.” 
Taehyung made a noise of excitement before tugging you into his chest. You squeaked, trying to pull away, but his grip only tightened. The hybrid quickly lifted you up, your feet leaving the sand as he began to waddle through the water, laughing as you whined to be put down. 
“Be careful, you’re going to make me drop you!” He pouted, adjusting his hold to lift you up higher. 
“Don’t you dare!” You huffed, giving up and going limp in his hold making him grunt at the shift of weight. He didn’t seem to have the same aggression that Jeongguk had displayed, so you went against your gut and trusted that Taehyung wasn’t trying to drown you.
The water was now just under your chest, the sun had done nothing to warm up the water leaving you shivering as your body attempted to adjust to the sudden temperature change. Taehyung didn’t seem at all bothered by the freezing water, but he definitely noticed your shivering, and it made him happy to feel you cling to him tighter. Your skin was against his for the first time, and the excitement he felt was enough to make him feel lightheaded. His hands were so close to your ass. 
Don’t get a boner. Don’t get a boner. Please for the love of God, DO NOT get a boner. 
Taehyung carefully lowered into the water, stopping when the water reached his shoulders. You had panicked, whining about how cold the water was before you wrapped your legs around his waist, your arms tightening around his neck as you squeezed your eyes shut. Taehyung shuddered, hoping you thought it was the cool water that made him react that way– not the feeling of you against him. He didn’t need you to know how much he was simping over you. 
At least not yet. 
After a few moments of you clinging to Taehyung for warmth, you finally adjust to the temperature. He had whined when you first tried to push away from him, holding you tighter as he nuzzled his nose into your neck and breathed in deeply. But upon hearing the warning tone, he reluctantly let go. You had quickly pushed off him, making him frown, were you really so desperate to get away from him? You looked so relaxed as you swam backwards, head tilted back as you watched the sky, eyes closed as you soaked in the sun. You looked so peaceful, chest rising and falling at a steady pace. Taehyung couldn't think of a single time he had seen you so relaxed. 
“Tae?” You called softly. The hybrid hummed, moving closer to where you floated. You opened your eyes, meeting his pretty ones that looked at you like you held the world in your palms. “Are you okay?” 
You watched him stiffen, his brows furrowing. He didn’t think he had given off any vibes that would make you think something was wrong. And while sure, he did feel a little off. He wanted to get away from the hotel and never think of it again. But he had made sure to keep any of those feelings vaulted, maybe he wasn’t so good at hiding his feelings like he had thought.. 
“I didn’t see you for almost two weeks, the guys said you were doing activities..” You trailed off, sighing as you set your feet back on the sand so you could look at him properly. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 
Taehyung's heart fluttered, you were worried about him. Which meant you cared about him. Did you like him, the way he liked you? 
“You don’t need to worry about me,” He grinned, grabbing your hands. You didn’t look away from him this time, you held his gaze. Your eyes clearly searching for something off. “I have you now.” 
That evening Taehyung walked you back to her hotel, despite the protests. You were worried he would get in trouble wandering around alone, but after he promised he would be fine, you agreed. You had hesitated before going back inside, staring at him with such a soft look, Taehyung had been convinced he was going to melt.
“I’m glad we got to spend time together Tae, I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
You liked him. Taehyung was sure of it. Your heart beat had been almost as erratic as his own, you had held his hand to and from the beach, you had played with him in the beach and on the sand, you had gotten comfortable with him. More gentle touches, more jokes, more glances when you thought he wasn’t looking. But he was always looking. What else could be more important than you? 
Taehyung was over the moon. You liked him. You may not have said the words, but he could tell through your actions, he could read between the lines. You love him.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
hi again I have an idea for a Jurassic world au yandere raptor hybrid parents gambit and rogue [ animated series ] x baby hybrid reader now the doctors and scientists want to find out how 2 hybrids birth a hybrid and want to take the baby so they can run some tests but gambit and rogue are not having it,so they make their escape with their baby and find somewhere safe for a 3 them to live.
Aaaawwwww! Those two being protective parents! Yes!
• The enclosure was silent. It was night, meaning it should have been abuzz with the chirrups of frogs and insects. But there was only deep, uneasy quiet.
• The two raptors, a mated pair, were unsettled. While it was normal for most creatures to avoid them or to stay silent in their presence, this was unusual. Unusual enough that they decided to investigate. Sniffing through the grass and shadowed trees, looking for what disturbed the creatures' music. Yet so far, nothing yielded answers.
• On the way back, they saw fresh meat, and could hear the humans start to chatter overhead. While the food looked tantalizing, it smelled... off. There was something under the scent of blood and protein, something drowsy and sharp... With a hiss, they realized it must have a drug in it. But why give them something like that...?
• Their answer was a scared chirp, followed by the yells of humans. With startled shrieks, they raced off, tracing their path back to their nesting site, to find armed humans holding their baby, a small thing, in their gloved hands. Rogue, a raptor raptor bright greens and reds, growled, pacing closer, while her mate, a pink and brown raptor, Gambit, circled around. The humans were trapped between them, and it was clear the two raptors were beyond mad.
• In a flash, Rogue pounced, claws tearing through one of the men as Gambit headbutted another, snarling. The remaining humans took off, taking their hatchling, Reader, with them. The chase was on, and the two parents were on the hunt...
• They could hear the gates opening and the shouts of the humans as they slowly took them down, shrieking to each other and to their child, fear and anger marring their voices. One human tried to fire a gun, only to have their hand bitten off. Another shot a taser, hoping to slow them down, yet it hit empty air. Their death came, just as fast the others', dragging them into bloody dirt. Yet the two raptors kept running, racing for their hatchling...
• Up ahead, the gates were open, and about to pass through was the human holding Reader, yelling in panic and terror... Yet the two closed in, shoving them aside and grabbing their baby, hissing sharply- And they were outside the enclosure, for the first time since... since so long. They didn't waste time waiting, scrambling past the fleeing humans and into the wilds of the park. The place reeked of humans, yet it promised freedom, safety, from the ones who tried to take their baby.
• Hiding took no time at all, sticking to the dark streets and racing past the buildings and fountains and other enclosures. They could hear the happy shrieks of the other ones, the ones like them, and it encouraged them to keep going. The woods waited just a few more paces away, just a but longer and they'd be free! Reader chirped, happily hugging their parents, letting them know how happy they were to see them, and their parents purred.
• And then, they were at the beginning of the woods. Tall, dark trees... quiet buzzing of insects and rustling of animals... the sweet smell of rotting leaves... It was perfect to start anew. Taking the first careful steps in, the two parents soon became boisterous, laughing as they enjoyed their new hunting grounds. Their baby's laugh joined in, and all was right in the world for then...
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