#🦖jurassic world au
honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
hi again I hope you can do a Jurassic world au yandere raptor hybrid parents wolverine and storm [ animated series ] x baby raptor hybrid reader and how they react when their baby gets kidnapped and they go with Owen and Claire to get Maisie and their baby back.
Okay! So, in the Jurassic World AU, it isn't a crossover, so Owen and Claire and Maisie aren't in it. It's just the X-Men characters and Reader in this setting. I should have specified, so I'll do it now. But I CAN do raptor hybrid parents! Let's try this-
• Something wasn't right.
• The air was still, no birds or insects singing a low hum. The trees seemed too tall, too dark. The shade was too cold, biting and nipping at their skin and scales. Yet the problem seemed to be something else...
• Neither one could remember much of their before this place, with its humans and tasers and fences, but they didn't need to. They had a life here, with each other, and their own hatchling to take care of. Or it had been that way, before someone had taken them. The older male knew their enemies had caught their little while they were away, he could smell their blood and the stench of mammals clinging to their nest. His mate, a female with bright eyes and white scales, had ruthlessly torn through their territory, calling out for their child. Yet neither one could find the humans, only a trail to follow...
• Hunting down the ones who did this atrocity felt easy. It didn't take much to track them into their homes, to follow them on their hikes, to hunt then and chase them til they dropped and cried and pleaded for mercy. Yet none was given. The last thing they'd ever see was of claws racing towards them, or of sharp teeth closing around their head. It all lead to this moment, to a lone facility in freezing snow, holding their hatchling and the last of the monsters who took them...
• Waiting in the cell made you feel icky. All cold and tired and bruised, like every drop of warmth was sucked out of you. The humans prattled on and on, talking about numbers and people who wanted them, who wanted a pet or monster or stuffed tropy... It made you cry, hearing all of this. You shied away from any who came near, tucking your tail in your hands and hiding in the shadows. It all changed when a loud wail echoed in the room, red lights flashing sharply through the darkness.
• It was then the humans began panicking. Running and racing around, screaming and crying, talking about specimen breaches and other raptors- That made you perk up. Could it be Mom and Dad? Did they come back for you? They didn't abandon you?
• It appeared not. You could hear their angry screeches, their claws clicking on metal floors, their feet pounding down the halls as they came closer to finding you. Only a few humans remained, a frazzled doctor and a couple of guards, and then-
• Your parents were there, mad and angry and screaming. You looked away as you heard the humans wail and beg, you covered your ears and shut your eyes. The scent of copper was thick, the acrid scent of death soon following. But then, the bars were torn apart, and in a flash, you were in the arms of your parents, each chirping up a frenzy as they looked over you.
• You chirped up happily, only getting anxious when you asked about the humans, but you were shushed, told not to look, and soon you all were leaving. Your mom kept humming, tickling your cheeks and belly, while your dad kissed your head and stroked your back. You couldn't help but nuzzle into their warm embrace, so safe from the carnage surrounding you...
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
TD World Tour Alenoah AU... Where Noah is immune to Alejandro's fake charm... Instead, Noah gets charmed by the true Alejandro's quirks and dorky interests like dinosaurs and puppets... How would Alejandro feel about Noah only liking Alejandro, when Alejandro is being himself?... Especially since Alejandro's family shuns him for being himself? 🦕🦖🦕
Now you're speaking my language.
One of the most common running themes in all/near enough all Alenoah central AUs is having Noah be the first person to see past Alejandro's persona and actually appreciate the person he is, or at the very least prefer the real Alejandro to his mask of perfection. It's one of the draws of the ship itself; the idea that Noah, being the blunt person that he is, can and will wage a war of attrition against the walls Alejandro has built up around himself- not just to keep others out, but also to repress the more authentic aspects of himself to himself- in order to reveal the person beneath.
I touched on this a little bit in a previous post concerning this AU, but Alejandro and Noah both see glimpses of the other that they try so valiantly to hide- in Noah's case, Alejandro sees hints of the scheming mindset he's pretty much supressed under layers of apathy and sloth (as Noah's laziness is one of his biggest character foils, alongside his snarky attitude), and in Alejandro's case he reveals tid bits of information about the Real Alejandro, not the persona he's usually portraying himself as, which is enough to humanise him in Noah's eyes.
They both become People Of Interest in each other's eyes, because they're both puzzles to be solved. Alejandro's curious and competitive to a fault so he'd dedicate himself to unravelling the layers behind Noah's stony exterior, as he'd see Noah's continued distance as a challenge. That's a given. But the topic at hand here is Noah's interest in Alejandro.
Because Noah's not exactly competitive, so why would he be so interested in unveiling the real Alejandro? That's simple; Noah values authenticity. Look at his friendship group, it consists of people who are unapologetically themselves. Noah is also unapologetically himself, in all of his sarcastic glory. So of course he's see flickers of the real, authentic Alejandro and his natural inquisitiveness would be piqued- a novelty for him, as Noah's staunch apathy generally tends to override any semblance of curiosity.
So Noah goes out of his way to make notes of the small interests Alejandro offhandedly mentions at one point or another, like palaeontology or puppetry or even his fifteen-step skincare routine- things that Alejandro shows genuine excitement or passion over that shines through the cracks of his perfect persona. He sees the dorky giddiness Alejandro experiences when Noah lets him ramble on about how Jurassic Park was incredibly inaccurate from a scientific standpoint but monumental for people's interest in palaeontology (or something along those lines, I don't know I'm not a dinosaur nerd) and suddenly the annoyingly flirtatious faker he's spent the better half of his time on the jet is A Whole Ass Person with interests and passions and a sense of depth he's been so bereft of until now. Suddenly Alejandro's more than just the antagonist of the show Noah's working on, he's an interesting person that the bookworm finds himself wanting to know more about. And, perhaps, he finds himself growing genuinely fond of the person behind the mask.
And he uses those notes to prompt Alejandro into sharing more of himself, the real authentic Alejandro, in the privacy of their interactions.
At first, Alejandro's fairly oblivious to what Noah's doing, since he's so caught up in his own enjoyment of Noah's company plans to essentially do the same to Noah that he barely notices his own tricks being used against him.
Of course, he's also just elated at being able to infodump to someone who isn't outright penalising him for doing so; not that I think Alejandro is even aware that what he's doing is infodumping, nor the fact that he's so obviously autistic, because his family is a particular brand of awful that would never let him get a proper diagnoses and in all likelihood forced him to mask/supress his symptoms.
It isn't until Alejandro realises that he's shared a lot of information about himself that he (as a Burromuerto) is expected to keep close to his chest, and he sees the glimmers of satisfaction in Noah's intelligent eyes, that the archvillain catches on to the fact that he's been played. But the thing that really catches him off-guard isn't the trickery, it's the fact that Noah's done nothing with the uncharacteristic displays of vulnerability.
Alejandro can't understand why Noah hasn't taken advantage of his "weakness" yet. Inevitably leading to him confronting the assistant, as Alejandro isn't the type to "let sleeping dogs lie" so to speak, and he's still very much so in the one-track mindset of winning the competition- thus he assumes that any show of vulnerability can and will lead to his untimely elimination. But when he practically demands that Noah reveal what he's been planning, why he's been sneakily collecting information on him, all Noah can do is shrug his shoulders and say;
"I guess I just like seeing the real you. That's all."
And Alejandro doesn't know how to respond to that. No one's ever wanted the real him, he's always had to play the role of the perfect son, the perfect brother. He doesn't understand.
And like most people when they're faced with a foreign concept they have no basis of behaviour for, he lashes out.
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smilecult · 4 months
Fanfic idea for the nerds (and Steph, max it u wanna add him.)
The nerds go to watcher world! Hyjinks follow.
The nerds during the events of Black Friday or tgwdlm
What if (One of the nerds/ Steph) fell instead of max?
Edit: Jurassic park au bc my gay ass loves fuckin dinosaurs. 🦕🦖🦕🦖🦕🦖🦕🦖
Pokémon au version two where they r pokemon(so kinda mystery dungeon au)
Nerds going places and doing stupid shit, hyjinks inssue(places shall be specified later)
I’ll probably add more later, reply with a link if you end up writing any of these!
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ted-calling-orson · 5 months
ok fine here’s an introduction
The name is Teddy (Ted or Theodore or Theo) and go by he/they/it‼️ im black and Dutch and a MINER!!!!!!!! (minor)
-if its not clear from my name, im hyperfixated on Theodore Roosevelt
-other hyperfixations include: Robin Williams, Jurassic Park & World/dinosaurs, Night at the Museum, Theodore’s family (mostly his siblings, Alice, and Kermit Roosevelt), and Epic Rap Battles of History
-I like music, but there’s too many artists to list off
-creator of the NATM dinosaur au‼️ and my lil Roosevelt au I never mention
-my fav movie is Bill & Ted’s excellent adventure and Night at the Museum so go watch those right now
-I draw and occasionally write fanfiction
Other interests:
-American sports (+ players, mainly Babe Ruth an Wayne Gretzky🎀)
-warrior cats
-Percy Jackson
-Mork & Mindy
-punch out
-the muppets (+ the electric mayhem)
-greek and Egyptian mythology
-food/sports mascots
-classic rock
(EDIT CUZ I FORGOT)- Steve Irwin
-prolly more so I’ll post about them or feel free to ask!
If there are any questions (or wanna say smt to me), go ahead! Feel free to ask anything (and especially on the dinosaur au)
I’m Foolonthesubmarine on all socials besides Letterboxed (Dino-isn’t-bogus)
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 4 months
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In a Korra/Jurassic World crossover AU, Kuvira would be Chris Pratt's character raising and taming Velociraptors!
Kuvira would probably feel connected to them due to their fierce and feisty behavior, not to mention well-coordinated and tactical.
She'd make herself their alpha😎🦖
Sorry it took so long to reply, my notifications have been weird lately and this one didn’t show up for some reason. Honestly my feelings for Jurassic World are pretty meh. I’m just not a huge fan of Chris Pratt as an actor. The concept of it was pretty interesting though.
However, I agree that Kuvira would be very interested in attempting to train Velociraptors. She’s a big fan of animals in general, but has a soft spot for ones that usually considered to be dangerous. Plus she’d never turn down an opportunity to work with living dinosaurs.
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killerqueenwidow · 1 year
Verse Specific starter call. Send me one (and specify your muse if a multi account) and I’ll make a starter for you! If we have threads go on and you want to be considered the main relationship, please let me know too.
♾️: Infinity Personified (A villain arc...)
👊: Civil War
🤖: Age of Ultron
❄️: Winter Soldier
⏳: Avengers
🖤: Pirates of the Caribbean (Consider her a female Mr. Mercer... With poisons)
🩰: Belle of the Ball (Ballet teacher/ballerina/ballroom dance teacher)
👑: Princess Romanova (can be used for OUaT muses where she is Vasilisa the firebird)
🕸️: Black Widow (AU where Nat is in Bucky’s place furing CA:TWS)
🎒: School time (aka Teen verse or college)
🧜🏼: Mermaid
🏴‍☠️: Bloody Pirates (Pirate Captain)
🦖: Jurassic World
💚: The Force be With You (Jedi Natasha)
🩸: The Dark Side (Sith Natasha)
🗽: A Whole New World (Brand new to America)
🌙: Maiden Mother Crone (Witchy Natasha can be medieval or modern)
⛸️: Ice Queen (Figure skater)
🍼: Single Mother
👸: Modern Tsarina (The Russian empire has returned under the Romanov line again and she's making connections)
There are verses on my page that are not above due to them being specific to the blog that is their main relationship. But you can request to write in them
💍: The Captain and Mrs. Jones (thepiratehero)
🔨: Thor AU (the-mjolnir-owner)
I also have @thenavajovalleyhandler and @magicties for other muses (OCs with canon-divergent ones) if anyone would like them.
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princewardo · 1 year
Hi! I’ve come here to gush about how much I love your TSN fics like.. if I could inject your fics into my veins I totally would do it lol. I was also wondering if you’ll ever publish a sequel for Pangea or the Markwardo Harry Potter AUs?
hello anon reader!!! thank you, that is great to hear! i take being your plug very seriously.
it is funny that you'd ask this because i literally had pangaea 2 open in gdocs the other day. it's uh......a bit unhinged right now and there's not much of it, but the answer is ultimately yes i'd love to return to pangaea with more plot and yes...more weird predator themed sex. 🦖 i also watched jurassic world 3 the other day and it was so dismal....that it inspired me lol.
wildly i DO often think about jumping back into when i see stars (the hp tsn au).... i wrote it in a rush for a big bang and frankly it could be better. i'd love to come back and dive into what it means for wardo to be a hedgewitch - and a hedgewitch married to a dark wizard who has a REALLY bad rep in the magical world at this point. yikes!!! will mark be expelled? where will they go? will the fight against the assholes of wizarding society continue? will christy get her preferred choice of arranged marriage spouse? will mark's siblings ever forgive him? will wardo ever manage to cast lumos when it's not on a hand of glory? all great questions.
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thepiratehero-a · 3 years
thepiratehero’s Killian Jones, Verse Specific Starter Call
Send me a symbol for a starter in one of my various verses. Send me a 🖤 for a random starter in any verse.
🐚 Merman Verse (from feet to fins)
🐾 Werewolf Verse (the wolf captain)
🍼 Single Dad AU (single dad)
🥃 Split Personality AU (split personality)
🌊 Marvel Verse (the inhuman pirate)
👑 Prince Verse (lost prince killian)
🏰 Cursed Prince Verse (the cursed prince)
💎 Runaway Prince Verse (runaway prince)
⚓️ Cursed AU Dock Manager (dock hand)
💊 Doctor AU (the night shift)
⚰️ Vampire Verse (the reluctant vampire)
🔪 Assassin AU (hook for hire)
🕯Priest AU (holy trilogy)
🌎 Walking Dead AU (walking dead)
❤️ Heartless Killian AU (the heartless pirate)
💻General Teen AU (teen)
⛓Teen Trauma AU (teen trauma)
🛏 Psych AU (room 133)
📖 Professor Killian (professor jones)
⚔️ Lieutenant Killian (lieutenant)
🌑 Dark One Killian (dark one)
🥛 Deckhand Killian (deckhand)
💥 Hogwarts AU (the magic within)
🥀 Descendants verse (descendants)
🗺 The Flash/DC verse (multiverse)
🗡 AU Dark Knight verse (the dark knight)
🗒 Amnesia AU verse (amnesia/memory loss)
🦖 Jurassic World AU (jurassic world)
🌳 Percy Jackson AU (son of nymphs)
🧟‍♂️ Resident Evil AU (resident evil)
🏚 AHS AU (the pirate ghost)
🏴‍☠️ POTC verse (son of calypso)
🕋 Dark Ones Son AU (son of the dark one)
🧞‍♂️Genie Killian (3 wishes)
🧚🏼‍♂️ Wingly Killian (wingly)
💦 Waterbender Killian (secret bender)
This is a specific Starter Call for my Killian. Please DO NOT REBLOG!!!
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jayleeman · 2 years
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#aboutlastnight - Leih mir dein Ohr...oder auch zwei. Statt der Mäuseohren von Mickey Maus bekam ich gestern die Koala Ohren aus Sing. Wobei es erst in Kombination mit der Jurassic World Mütze richtig stylish wurde. Das ist mein Pitch für ein Franchise Crossover. Aber ich kann mich auch irren. Oder was meint ihr? 😉🐨🦖🎬 __________________________ #picture #picoftheday #photooftheday #instanice #instagood #instapicture #instadaily #selfie #selfietime #crossover #sing #jurassicworld #blackandwhite #photography #photoshop #party #outfit #itsachoice #feltcutemightdeletelater #bustermoon #universal #germany #hessen #darmstadt #prinzemilgarten #justforfun (hier: Prinz-Emil-Schlösschen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf9FtFetswY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sahinlerfrance · 2 years
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Au cinéma aujourd'hui Jurassic World : Le Monde d'après. 🦖 Pour l'occasion retrouve notre collection chez Vert Baudet. #JurassicWorldLeMondeDaprès — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3FlrtLh
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
hi again I have an idea for a Jurassic world au yandere raptor hybrid parents gambit and rogue [ animated series ] x baby hybrid reader now the doctors and scientists want to find out how 2 hybrids birth a hybrid and want to take the baby so they can run some tests but gambit and rogue are not having it,so they make their escape with their baby and find somewhere safe for a 3 them to live.
Aaaawwwww! Those two being protective parents! Yes!
• The enclosure was silent. It was night, meaning it should have been abuzz with the chirrups of frogs and insects. But there was only deep, uneasy quiet.
• The two raptors, a mated pair, were unsettled. While it was normal for most creatures to avoid them or to stay silent in their presence, this was unusual. Unusual enough that they decided to investigate. Sniffing through the grass and shadowed trees, looking for what disturbed the creatures' music. Yet so far, nothing yielded answers.
• On the way back, they saw fresh meat, and could hear the humans start to chatter overhead. While the food looked tantalizing, it smelled... off. There was something under the scent of blood and protein, something drowsy and sharp... With a hiss, they realized it must have a drug in it. But why give them something like that...?
• Their answer was a scared chirp, followed by the yells of humans. With startled shrieks, they raced off, tracing their path back to their nesting site, to find armed humans holding their baby, a small thing, in their gloved hands. Rogue, a raptor raptor bright greens and reds, growled, pacing closer, while her mate, a pink and brown raptor, Gambit, circled around. The humans were trapped between them, and it was clear the two raptors were beyond mad.
• In a flash, Rogue pounced, claws tearing through one of the men as Gambit headbutted another, snarling. The remaining humans took off, taking their hatchling, Reader, with them. The chase was on, and the two parents were on the hunt...
• They could hear the gates opening and the shouts of the humans as they slowly took them down, shrieking to each other and to their child, fear and anger marring their voices. One human tried to fire a gun, only to have their hand bitten off. Another shot a taser, hoping to slow them down, yet it hit empty air. Their death came, just as fast the others', dragging them into bloody dirt. Yet the two raptors kept running, racing for their hatchling...
• Up ahead, the gates were open, and about to pass through was the human holding Reader, yelling in panic and terror... Yet the two closed in, shoving them aside and grabbing their baby, hissing sharply- And they were outside the enclosure, for the first time since... since so long. They didn't waste time waiting, scrambling past the fleeing humans and into the wilds of the park. The place reeked of humans, yet it promised freedom, safety, from the ones who tried to take their baby.
• Hiding took no time at all, sticking to the dark streets and racing past the buildings and fountains and other enclosures. They could hear the happy shrieks of the other ones, the ones like them, and it encouraged them to keep going. The woods waited just a few more paces away, just a but longer and they'd be free! Reader chirped, happily hugging their parents, letting them know how happy they were to see them, and their parents purred.
• And then, they were at the beginning of the woods. Tall, dark trees... quiet buzzing of insects and rustling of animals... the sweet smell of rotting leaves... It was perfect to start anew. Taking the first careful steps in, the two parents soon became boisterous, laughing as they enjoyed their new hunting grounds. Their baby's laugh joined in, and all was right in the world for then...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Jurassic World AU Reader who keeps hiding all over the island, when they once escaped the labs. They just kept hiding in the worst possible places, such as swamps or cliffs or ruins, and the platonic yans freaked out when their little hatchling or herdmate or packmate left them. The scientists go panicked, each one warning the island to not kill Reader, but don't let them near any humans...
If any humans harmed Reader, the raptors/Indominus/Indoraptor/T. Rex/Carnataurus/etc. platonic yans are hunting them on sight. NO ONE messes with Reader, least of all greedy humans who can't respect nature or hatchlings. The herbivore platonic yans stomp any on sight.
Reader is their little guy, okay? So everyone needs to leave them alone and let them be themself, otherwise there's gonna be a problem...
(The scientists take to keeping one of the adults around Reader, especially since it keeps the adults from eating them...)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Imagine that a Reader from Jurassic World AU would be like Blue from the Movie Jurassic World (any of the three parts).
Aaaaaawwwww! Little sweet raptor hybrid Reader! They'd probably feel closer to any carnivore platonic yans, such as the other raptors, or Indominus Rex, or T. Rex, or any of the predators...
Reader would just be a sad little bean, curled up and crying, until this giant hybrid comes up to them and starts grooming their hair and feathers if they have them, and keeps letting out reassuring chirps and clicks and caws. Their claws don't pierce Reader, their teeth don't bite, their weight doesn't crush them-
The platonic yan is just acting like a mother with its kid...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
YOUMENTIONEDJURASSICWORLD DUDE You have. NO. Clue. How much I love this franchise, I even have huge 'when dinosaurs ruled the earth' banner that IWISHWASNTINSTORAGERN
Anyways, I'd love to hear the ideas you have! if this is an experiment based au, then the genetic experimentation in jw/fk is the perfect premise for this, especially with the indominus and the ultimasaurus (if you don't know it's this really cool discontinued toy that's basically a hybrid of a triceratops/trex and a bunch of other dinosaurs) - 🐑
Oh wow! A fellow Jurassic World fan! I've watched all of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. Apparently, a scrapped idea for a fourth Jurassic Park was to have half human/half dinosaur hybrids. THAT would have been a f*cked up horror movie.
I'm imagining that some of the platonic yans take on traits, such as tails and claws and scales and the like, while the kids maybe get one or two of those physical traits. Maybe three. The adults would be a bit larger, a bit bigger, than the average human, and the teens are in a younger stage. Reader is the newest one, who was an intern at the park, but mysteriously disappeared, only to end up in their labs, being used to create a new dinosaur hybrid.
I keep imagining Logan and Victor as either raptors, or as Indominus Rex. Laura would be a raptor or Indoraptor.
Storm is a Quetzalcoatlus hybrid. Pietro and Wanda are Pterosaurs, with Magneto being another type of pterosaur.
Xavier could be a Mosasaur? Or maybe a Brachiosaurus?
Evan is a Stegosaurus.
Lance is an Ankylosaurus.
I'm not sure who else is what, but that's what I have so far.
(Do you have any questions or ideas?)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Let's try a Jurassic World-inspired AU... Where the platonic yans and Reader are humans experimented on, who take on dinosaur traits, and are used as weapons and/or attractions. Reader is the newest experiment, and they can't help but shake and cry when anything and anyone gets close to them. The adult platonic uans want to scoo up this hatchling and keep them close, the teen platonic yans want to comfort Reader and become friends, and the scientists keep trying to figure out what dinosaur to try and make Reader a hybrid of...
(I almost forgot I had thought of this au... That was months ago...)
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killerqueenwidow · 1 month
Verse Specific Starter Call
Send me one (and specify your muse if a multi account) and I’ll make a starter for you! If we have threads go on and you want to be considered the main relationship, please let me know too.
♾️: Infinity Personified (A villain arc…)
👊: Civil War
🤖: Age of Ultron
❄️: Winter Soldier
⏳: Avengers
🖤: Pirates of the Caribbean (Consider her a female Mr. Mercer… With poisons)
🩰: Belle of the Ball (Ballet teacher/ballerina/ballroom dance teacher)
👑: Princess Romanova (can be used for OUaT muses where she is Vasilisa the firebird)
🕸️: Black Widow (AU where Nat is in Bucky’s place during CA:TWS)
🎒: School time (aka Teen verse or college)
🧜🏼: Mermaid
🏴‍☠️: Bloody Pirates (Pirate Captain)
🦖: Jurassic World
💚: The Force be With You (Jedi Natasha)
🩸: The Dark Side (Sith Natasha)
🗽: A Whole New World (Brand new to America)
🌙: Maiden Mother Crone (Witchy Natasha can be medieval or modern)
⛸️: Ice Queen (Figure skater)
🍼: Single Mother
👸: Modern Tsarina (The Russian empire has returned under the Romanov line again and she’s making connections)
There are verses on my page that are not above due to them being specific to the blog that is their main relationship. But you can request to write in them if you so desire.
I also have @thenavajovalleyhandler and @magicties for other muses (OCs with canon-divergent ones) if anyone would like them.
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