#yandere panty
trancylovecraft ยท 1 year
Can I get headcanons for panty anarchy x reader?
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Oooh nice one!
Panty Anarchy as a yandere I see as one of the less dangerous yandere's in this verse though to be fair none of them are THAT dangerous.
Not to say she isn't bad though. Far fucking from it!
I see her as an Obsessive, Clingy and Jealous kind of yandere. Perhaps Semi-Manipulative with a tinge of sadism too.
Obsessive in the way she just adores you. She thinks you're just the cutest thing and absolutely loves to tease you. Panty likes learning about you, Collecting some of your items
Clingy in the way she always has a hand touching you somewhere (I am now realising how bad that sounds once I type it out). An arm slugged over your shoulder, Hand holding as she takes you along. Panty is always following you around, Talking your ear off usually.
Jealous in the way that she just does NOT like anyone talking to you. Anyone that does interact with you she instantly grows a strong distaste for, Why would you be talking to anyone when she is right here? Panty's an angel, The hottest AND the most charming person you've met so why are you talking to them?
Leads us onto our next point. Semi-Manipulative in the way she instantly bad talks them to you, A lot of cuss words and disgusting metaphors. I don't think Panty's even aware she's manipulating you and changing your worldview, She tells you she gets a "Bad vibe" from them and to stay away.
And finally, Semi-Sadistic in the way she likes to tease you. Panty enjoys bantering with you and taking shots at one another, Loving the expressions of hurt or any reaction you may give. Don't worry though, If it gets too much she will apologise as she lazily tosses you a snack as payment.
She doesn't really remember how her obsession started, Panty just saw you one day said "God damn! They're HOT!" and your fate was sealed.
Panty, Unlike other yandere's wastes no time on approaching you. Instantly strutting up to you and starting to flirt with you to no end. At first, Panty treats this like any other man or woman she's trying to get with.
But when you start turning down her advances, She's standing there stunned. Even more so when you start hitting her back with her own lines, Matching her own flirtatious attitude perfectly.
Panty stands there flustered for the first time in her life. She can't say anything as you flirt back to her, Every little word you say makes her blush profusely. All before a shot of blood erupts from her nose and she falls unconscious on the floor.
Afterwards, She's hooked.
It's not just sexual anymore. Panty feels romantically attracted to you too, At first she finds this icky since romance just isn't her deal. Whenever Stocking mocks her for how she's feeling Panty is suddenly more defensive.
But once she finally settles with it her eyes are set on you entirely. Her hook-ups become less frequent since she's so busy on befriending and hopefully getting you in her bed.
Panty starts following you around. She begins to tease you, It's her way of talking. She keeps making innuendo's and hints at her feelings, You however shrug it off as you both start to gain somewhat of a friendship and see it banter. For you at least, Panty sees it waaaay differently.
Panty, As your relationship continues grows more and more enthralled in you. To the point she even starts slacking off when killing ghosts, Stocking is annoyed by this but Panty could not give a fuck.
Panty constantly mocks you. Sometimes pushing you around in a flirtatious way but nothing more than that.
She really starts to lean into the romantic stuff, Though she is not experienced in it whatsoever. It's also the reason why it comes off as banter when she shoves a bouquet in your hand, Her inexperience makes it look playful and platonic.
This starts to irritate Panty though she doesn't say anything about it. She believes if she throws enough bouquets into your hands and tosses you enough chocolate (It's Stockings) she'll date you soon enough.
That mentality only stops however once you start to go out with other friends.
Panty is absolutely baffled why. She's been working her ass off to try and get into your pants yet you want to hang out with other people? Panty is the hottest bitch here, Why the hell would you want to talk to anyone else?
Her jealous tendencies instantly kick in and she starts ranting off to you about the people you've been hanging around. She's throwing out every cuss word she can think of (its in the four figure digits) and starts telling you how horrible they are.
You instantly start telling her to back off. These are your friends you've known all your life and you've only known her for maybe a few months, She's acting real controlling and you don't like it.
After her blow-up at you, You decide you should start distancing yourself from her. Much to her chagrin of course, Especially once she see's that the time you spent with her is spent with them now.
Even more so when you seem to be getting.. Intimately close.
That's when she just can't handle it. Panty couldn't give two fucks if you cry or scream, She shoots your partner square in the head with a gun. Barely giving a shit once you yell out and run away.
Panty doesn't understand it either as she chases after you. Quickly catching up due to her angelic strength as she tackles you to the ground, Getting on top of you and threatening you at gunpoint.
You're crying as she acts just as normal as she usually does. Still throwing what she considers banter at you, You try to get away but she's too strong for you to do anything about it.
Before you know it you're thrown into the back of her car and driven off towards the church.
Now you enter the domestic stage.
You live in Panty's room from now on. Ignoring all the suggestive stuff you're basically locked in there forever, She doesn't let you out except to go to the bathroom.
Panty really could care less. She doesn't take anything seriously. While she is completely in love with you that doesn't mean she's delusional, Don't try to manipulate her into letting you out because she will figure it out.
She won't force anything on you other than maybe sleeping together and physical affection. Even though she is rather horny 24/7 she understands the importance of consent and won't do anything you're not comfortable with sexually.
Not romantically though. Panty still expects a kiss or two and keeps up with her touchy attitude. This time it's more intimate since she's decided courting is over.
Hugging, Cuddling, Lying in bed with her or general indoor PDA is all the rage with her. She's still new to this romantic stuff (Or in her words: "She feels like a fuckin' virgin again") and still get's flustered.
Panty loves you a lot but she doesn't say it. Her love language is touch and quality time, If you try to get her to admit it she'll get huffy and mock you more
If you try and escape it's most definetly possible. Though trust me it would be TOUGH. Gaining her trust or pretending to love her more than you actually do would be a good way.
Afterwards once she lowers her guard and leaves the door unlocked you could make a run for it.
If you do manage to get out she would be PISSED. Like you've been playing her this entire time and she's bloody angry, Hell and heaven are shaking rn kinda angry.
Panty would 24/7 be looking for you. She doesn't care who she has to diddle to get you back, She will, At any cost.
Once she does she'll drag you back screaming and crying by the hair or your legs, Yelling and cursing you out as you're unable to get out.
Once you're back she will NOT trust you again, Not for a long while. Not for a good few years. Your room will be double padlocked and you'll be locked in a closet when she's away for a few weeks.
Good luck :)
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dreamer-after-dark ยท 1 year
I could see Wally Darling being the kind to sneak into your room/house when you're away and steal your panties/underwear. You figure that maybe the washing machine is eating them at first until a pair you were wearing yesterday disappeared from the top of the pile.
Side note, I have had my panties stolen before! Anyway, here you go ูญ(โ€ข๏นโ€ข)ูญ
Part Two
Word count: 1,945
Wally is shameless.
It happened again.
Panty thief struck again?
Twice in one week???
It's not a thief! I refuse to believe it!
How many pairs does that make now? 12?
Close! 15!
I fail to understand why this can't be the doing of a petty thief?
Y/N are you there?
Where did they go? :/
Alas, my darling Juliet! Tis I alone that remains here
Hi, Wally.
Seventeen pairs of your best fitting panties have been lost, lost forever. Never to be found with the same elasticity or fit. You stared out into the empty street where the sun parted between leaves. You were too broke to afford replacing them and so you wandered this world commando when the pants offered enough coverage and comfort. Or even if it didn't you still had no choice should you plan around an inviting evening out.
With a huff you adjusted your basket against your hip, your unfolded clothes flopping a bit. The sunshower surprised you as it pelted against the non opening glass doors of the building's laundromat. After double checking the seats and dryer you headed for the opened door just off to the side. You entered a gray stairwell. Beneath the staircases was a collection of cleaning supplies, a yellow mop bucket, and a locked cabinet.
Your slippers echoed through the stairwell as you jogged up. The door to your floor was propped open with a rock. You used your free hand to open the door fully and slide the rock inside. You pushed it to the side with your foot not wanting anyone to trip over on it like you had. Your phone smacked your face leaving a nasty bruise under your eye. It still hurts to remember.
The door shut behind you with a rusty squeak. Your slippers slid lightly against the tiled floors until you made it to your apartment door. The handle gave way and you were thrilled to find it still open. Music boomed from somewhere within one of the rooms. The smell of weed wafted around mixing with the chilled air feeding in from the windows.
You inhaled deeply, shaking loose your worries. As you walked down your hallway you passed the open bathroom where giggling and hushed whispers could be heard. Julie and Sally were doing their makeup together, facetiming you assumed. Further was the kitchen where you heard the clinking of silverware against wood. The voices from the bathroom quieted.
Wally was stirring a cup of coffee when he spotted your annoyed expression, "Hello, Y/N. Are you alright?"
"Another pair off and vanished," you roll your eyes with a glance at your basket, "It's getting annoying."
"I can see how annoying that could get. Do you think they've all been stolen?"
"No! No. I'm sure it'll sort itself out. Have you got anymore coffee, Wally?"
Wally hands you the mug he was holding, "This one's yours, honeycrisp."
You thanked him as he turned away to prepare his own. His hair cascaded like waves down his back. The vibrant blue shining below the lights. Wally was amazing at coloring his hair. You turn away and head down the hallway where two doors faced each other. You entered the left one silently praying thanks to the great nothingness beyond for leaving it unlocked for you.
You placed your laundry on your bed. You would fold the clothes, but your keys needed to be found. You looked around your slightly cluttered room. The tapestry on your window was tied up letting in the sun. The smell of wet earth rose up as the rain thundered down. By the window was a desk. It was stained with paint and ink. On top was a journal, several colors of paint, and a large bottle of water. A mug with several drying paint brushes propped up within say atop the bookshelf.
Small plushies were scattered among the shelves and on the floor. Your bed was next to the wall by the door. The blanket was a pile on the floor next to the end of the bed. Larger plushies were squished from your tossing and turning. Pillows were crammed between the bed frame and wall. Eyes landing on your newly added laundry basket made you realize cleaning your entire room would help you find your missing keys.
Hi, Sally.
Hi, Julie.
Wally, you wouldn't happen to know about the Boudoir Bandit?
Maybe it's one of the other tenants!
Nefarious tenant!
It has to be the machine
Can't be anything else
Perish the thought! The Panty Snatcher must be caught and brought to justice!
Perish the thought!
Perish the thought!
Who could it be?
I see you've come around.
It could be anyone!
Any of us!!
How scary!!!
It could be anyone?
List of suspects:
Why me??
It's a crazy world, Y/N!
We cannot rule out anyone!
Not even you
Julie is exactly right, darling Y/N! We simply cannot rule you out!
I would hate to see you go without, neighbor.
Ok :/
You smirked at the messages filling up your screen. Julie's energetic texts became shorter and you could imagine her hot pink nails tapping against the screen of her phone. Sally's text became increasingly verbose in response. Wally was lurking as he always did, chiming in here and there.
The phone slipped into your pocket as music filled the already tidied room. Your keys had been found while sweeping underneath your desk. Along with a few scrunchies and a button, your heavily outfitted keys were dragged out. With such a clunky set up you wondered how you ever lose it to begin with. Work keys, house keys, anime characters, pepper spray, and a stuffed animal. All of it designed to be eye-catching and hard to lose.
You flopped onto your bed opting for rest. Your ultimate goal had been completed and you were horribly drained. Your mind drifted back to the mounting loss of your panty collection. Solid color boxers, high waisted panties, boy shorts, thongs, sick day panties. All of it is gone! Sally was right to call it nefarious, but believing that you were being specifically targeted was a level of fear you wanted to avoid. You turned off your notifications for the next hour and returned to cleaning up.
Soon your room was clean, your clothes put away, and the bathroom was finally open. The glow of the full moon was bright and brilliant tonight. Leaving your desk you grabbed a change of clothes, sans panties, and a towel. You stripped down leaving all of your clothes inside the now empty basket. Stepping out you noticed the room across from you was quiet. There was a note taped to the door reading:
Out for the next three days! Rent is on the table!
Sally and Julie were heading out to New York for a concert. All the more to enjoy a long, luxurious shower. Wally was in the room down the opposite hall. His room was the only one on that side. He had the biggest room in the apartment for all of his art equipment. Aside from his bed you couldn't tell it was his bedroom. The last you had been inside it was filled with disturbing personal works. Each one felt delicate and haunting. Completely unlike his pleasant and sweet demeanor.
The music was still going though not as loud. It was mellow and dragging. You could hear the bubbling of his bong. The sound made your heart race. You quickly stepped into the bathroom. The thick glass ceiling above always excites you. It was such a crummy apartment, but it had its ups with this being one of them.
Julie's stickers covered the thick sides of her movable mirror. Her makeup bag was left open covered in eye shadow dust and glitter. A pack of eyelashes were left open on the top of the bag.
A little smudged message was left on the mirror written in red lipstick, reading:
You're beautiful, starshine!
Julie was a sweetheart. The rain had stopped, leaving a silence in the tall bathroom. With a turn of the faucet cold water rushed out from the shower head. The patter of water against ceramic filled the room. You stepped under the stream shivering as the droplets thudded against your skin.
Stepping out from the shower you dried yourself off and slipped into your change of clothes. You felt rejuvenated! As you stepped out of the bathroom, a voice called for you.
"Hi, Y/N. Would you like a snack?" Wally was standing in the kitchen with reddened eyes.
"What are you having?" You couldn't help but smile at the sight.
"A cut up apple. I couldn't think of anything better," he giggled, "I have a few extra?"
You accept the offered apples, "Thanks. I'm sure I forgot to eat with all the other things I also forgot."
"I'm sorry that's happening, it must be tough. Julie did say you were left without much to wear."
You groaned imagining Julie explaining things in detail as she usually would, "I'd rather not make it into a thing. It's just so weird to even consider what they're saying."
"I have a pack of unopened boxers. They may not fit perfectly, but they should help?" He smiled completely at ease.
"That's.. Ok. I couldn't accept that." As weird as it was to have your underwear stolen, Wally offering you some was even weirder.
"Oh, Ok. I'll hold it until you're ready." Wally walked off into his room leaving you in the kitchen.
You heaved a sigh as you leaned against the counter. The apple slices crunched as you bit into it. Each one refreshing and cold. You rinsed the plate in the sink and switched off the lights. You returned to your room, but stopped just short of the door.
It was cracked open. You were sure the door shut behind you when you stepped out. With a gentle push you opened the door further. When seeing nothing out of place you stepped in and shut the door behind you listening for that click of metal against wood. When you heard it you let go of the doorknob and hung up your towel to dry.
You looked around your room again looking over every little detail. The still tidy room was just as you left it. Plushies put away, paints organized, bed made, and the floor clean. Your eyes glanced over the basket on the floor and your heart skipped. Your head swiveled back as your eyes scanned it once more. Leaning down you picked at the shirt and pants shaking them out. A pair of socks fell from the pant leg, but nothing else. With dread it dawned on you. The panties you had worn not even an hour ago were missing.
Where are they?
Where is what?
My panties
Stolen, I presume?
By you
Where are they?
You're welcome to check my room, Y/N
Do you want to come in?
You heard the music dip low in the furthest room. You heard the door click as the knob turned. Your heart pounded in your chest as you heard him chuckle from deep within his room.
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cazionfhey ยท 7 months
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would you risk it all for a yandere femboy? ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’‰
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pervysenpaix ยท 2 years
But yeah I was thinking something a little more specific if thatโ€™s cool with you. Could you do something where reader doesnโ€™t have many friends and gets a little sad when her boyfriend tells her heโ€™s going to go out with his friends and asks her to come but she says no cause she doesnโ€™t want to intrude but then he stays home and they cuddle and watch a movie, then they fuck. Please and thank you loveโค๏ธ but Iโ€™m probably finna go reread tech support kiri for like the 10th time cause itโ€™s immaculate
nonnie this made me soft cause ๐Ÿฅบ why is she i? why is her me? feeling chatty but also lazy so weโ€™re gonna just skip to the good bit, k? you like that, huh ? also iโ€™m gonna twist this a bit because iโ€™m in a mood โ˜น๏ธ
TW!ProHero Kiri, Shy!Reader (not with him), Gawk Gawk Super Soaker 3000 (oral!male receiving) idolization, coercion if you squint, yandere!reader if you donโ€™t blink, pussy drunk Kiri , intimate riding, body worship
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Eijiro Kirishima is the most caring and considerate boyfriend. He places you on this pedestal and dotes on your every whim.
He knows how you can get and he always tries to overcompensate just to make sure that youโ€™re feeling okay.
Thatโ€™s why when he heard the soft little โ€œohโ€ you sighed when you saw him getting dressed he stopped dead in his tracks.
So what if the gang had planned a โ€œboys nightโ€, how could he have fun with the possibility that youโ€™d be sad ? It wouldnโ€™t work. So he invites you. You decline. So he simply undresses and joins you on the couch. Just like you knew he would.
Do you occasionally take advantage of your boyfriendโ€™s kind and caring disposition with slumped shoulders and meek responses ? Yes.
But, who could blame you for wanting to keep a man like Kirishima to yourself? Heโ€™s literally perfect in every way. Youโ€™d have to be a fool to not appreciate it.
Still, you do feel a little guilt. Heโ€™s been working so hard and heโ€™s been talking about this boys night all week. He claims to be content with watching reruns of Bobโ€™s Burgers for the umpteenth time but how can you be sure?
So what do you do ?
Suck his dick of course.
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Bringing that sweet persona full force you fall to your knees between his spread legs and bite your lip. Meekly gazing up at him with doe eyes and a pout. He always looks so good from this angleโ€”towering over you like a god. Big muscles and powerful hands that could end you in an instant but the puppy like trance that befalls him as you present letโ€™s you know that he would never.
Who really has the power here ?
His shorts lay discarded in the corner. Thick cords of muscle flex and ripple under the slow drag of your nails on his flesh. His breath hitches as you pepper sweet kisses up his toned thighs. Leisurely, you suck at the skin. Painting the canvas with darkened marks of passion. Eiji moans lustfully, placing a hand and cupping your cheek to which you meet with a kiss on his palm. You love his hands. Their so strong and beautiful. Those hands have helped bring peace and justice to world and normally youโ€™d spend time servicing them deep in your throat but thereโ€™s something heavier thatโ€™ll settle against your tongue tonight. The object of your desire lies between his thighs too heavy to stand. Thick veins circle the girthy appendage with a purpling mushroom tip leaking pre. On instinct your tongue darts out and you canโ€™t help the lascivious moan that tumbled in your chest. Eijiroโ€™s brows furrow and his perfect lips part slightly revealing sparkling white, and deadly sharp, teeth. God he looks so beautifulโ€”if you could stare at him all day you would but right now you have a job to do. One long strip from the base of his cock to his engorged tip has him rutting forward and whimpering your name. He hisses in pain laced pleasure when your nails break the skin of his thighs at the same time your wet cavern engulfs him. Eijiro melts into the sofa , literal putty in your hands as you Bob your head on the top half of his member. Your tongue swirls around his dick, spelling your name as if an enchantment. A low grow bubbles from his chest and you dare a glance at his face. Stray strands have fallen in his face, stuck to the beads of sweat forming. His lip is bruised with trickles of blood spilling in the corner from how hard heโ€™d been biting them. Godโ€”heโ€™s captivating. Deeper. Deeper. You urge yourself. Swallowing more and more of his massive length while your fondle his balls and dare let you fingers graze past his perineum. He jolts at the feeling but thatโ€™s for another time. You suck hard. Swirling your tongue around the tip before pulling off with a pop to spit the mixture of saliva and precum before shoving the entirety of it down your throat. Saliva drips down his heavy balls and you feel them throbbing in your hand a tell tale sign that heโ€™s close to cumming. He does his best to warn. A strained โ€œb-babyโ€, and a garbled cry of your name is all he manages before spilling his seed in your mouth. Allowing him no time to recover you pull up and sink down his fat cock. The painful stretch of it bullying into your unprepped pussy almost made you scream but you wouldnโ€™t dare spill the liquid delight resting on your tongue. Big hands grip your cheeks slamming your pelvises together. You tangle your fingers into red strands as you pull him into a cum filled kiss. He moans at the taste , swallowing his own seed like a debauched whore. Youโ€™re so close now. The delicious curve of his cock is nestled in your womb and every twitch sends shockwaves to your gspot. Eijiro is babbling affirmations of love and praise beneath you but your too far gone to hear him. Instead you focus on the feeling of his silky strands between your feelings and his dick rubbing against your velveteen walls as you cum. He joins your climaxโ€” shooting ropes of cum until youโ€™re both left spent and panting.
Who doesnโ€™t like a good night in ?
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carnivorousyandeere ยท 6 months
Last post sounds just like Ace๐Ÿ’•
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Pffft, loving the mental image of Ace cajoling Cyrus into going with him, while Cyrus tries to act uninterested and like heโ€™s disgusted that Ace would suggest invading your privacy like that. Meanwhile Cyrus would totally be tempted to do something like that on his own.
Cyrus is the type to sniff your underwear while getting off and then put the underwear back, feeling too guilty to do much more (even though part of him wants to try sucking your dried sweat and slick from the fabric).
Ace likes sniffing it well enough, but heโ€™s more likely to do things that mix his scent with yours, like wearing your underwear, or wrapping the fabric around his cock and jerking off into it before leaving it somewhere he knows youโ€™ll find it. Heโ€™s not ashamed of what heโ€™s doing here, if heโ€™s hiding anything itโ€™s because he wants it to be a game, he wants to taunt you and make you mad.
I think if the both of them went together, Ace would be cocky, cracking jokes and generally being reckless (hoping to get caught), while Cyrus is trying so hard to be as quiet and quick as possible and pleading with Ace to hurry up and stop making so much noise, nervously standing guard to make a run for it if he hears you coming back. Ace would sniff the fabric of your underwear and let out an exaggerated moan to goad Cyrus into joining inโ€” Cyrus gets flustered and Ace smells that blood in the water, going all-in on making Cyrus even more flustered. Imagine catching them like that, Aceโ€™s hands up the back of Cyrusโ€™ shirt, your dirty laundry scattered around, underwear still clutched in Cyrusโ€™ handโ€ฆ
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wri0thesley ยท 7 months
Just thought about Pantalone winning the so called โ€œhandmaiden competitionโ€ but yelan snatches them away. Oh how mad heโ€™d be when he finally gets his bride only for Yelan to also snatch them. Rip to ever has to tell him the news lol
yelan steals a gift for the tsaritsa from pantalone, yelan steals a gift from the tsaritsa for pantalone. all is fair and right with the world. that is balance
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that-sasha-bloggs ยท 1 year
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Paswg Yandere Brief, possibility for an ask blog? Idk.
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Sweet Like Candy (Yandere! Graves x Female Reader fic.) (Chapter Two)
Authors Notes- Here I m back again with yet another chapter to Sweet Like Candy. Sorry it's been a hot minute. Work as left me drained. But here I am back again. And as you should know I like to mention any trigger warnings in my authors notes. So this chapter will feature stalking, more obsessive behavior. If none of this is your cuppa tea then this is where we part way but I'll remember our time fondly. Now that we got that out of the way here is Chapter two. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter Two.
"Hey, Y/N. You got plans tonight?" Your friend, Gloria spoke. Jerking you from your thoughts as you worked on getting your customer the non-fat latte she asked for.
"Well..." You chewed on the inside of your cheek, racking your brain for anything you needed to do when you got off work. Aside from homework there was nothing you could really think of. "Aside from homework not really, why?"
Gloria turned away from the sink grabbing a piece of paper towel to dry her hands off with. "Well, you've been on edge for the last week or so since you moved into your apartment so I figured since me and the others are going for drinks tonight I'd invite you. You look like you can use a couple."
Gloria had a point. It had been weeks since you first started feeling like you were being watched at your home, and thankfully that feeling seemed to go away once you bought some curtains for your windows. Which helped you a lot. And you thought that would be the end of it. But lately it seemed like now there were times you were being watched outside of your apartment. You constantly told yourself that you were being paranoid, but that only did so much. Could someone be watching you? And why?
"Y/N?" Gloria called out, jerking your from your thoughts, an eyebrow arched as she waited for your answer. Perhaps a night out with friends would help you relax.
"Sure," you said, with a shrug of your shoulder, as you handed your customer her drink. "I could use a break."
Gloria smiled before turning to address the next customer. While you looked around the store, seeing that things were rather slow, looking to Gloria once more before telling her that you were taking your break. Gloria nodded before you took off your apron and headed for the backroom. Heading to your locker you pulled out your text book and water bottle before plopping down into one of the chairs.
Heaving a sigh you opened you textbook and tried your best to focus on the stuff before you. You had a test coming up in a few days and you really needed to focus...Easier said than done as your phone chimed catching your attention. Looking to where your phone sat you picked it up. Seeing that it was a text from Gloria.
It Read: "Hey girl, that hot older guy is back."
As you read that you feel your cheeks flush. Knowing that the hot older guy she was referring to was the older man who seemed to constantly come here, and while you told yourself countless times that he was only here for the coffee, and to have a quiet place to read through his files in peace. But there was a little sliver of hope forming in your chest whenever he stepped through the doors that he came to see you. You knew it was silly you knew there was no way a guy like him would ever being interested in you.
Getting up from your seat you peeked out the door. Your heart fluttering as you saw the man walk up the counter. Your cheeks heating up as he did so, you watched as he looked around the small cafe, blue eyes obscured by sunglasses only a few a moment before he took them off and tucked them into his shirt pocket, as he ordered his usual a black coffee with two sugars. Typical as you watched him take his usual seat you wondered if he ever ordered any thing else? How could he stomach that stuff? You grimaced Gloria often brewed the coffee in the mornings or whenever she could, and her coffee tended to be rather strong.
Strong enough to keep you and anyone else wired for days, perhaps that was why the man, whose name you never got, not because you didn't care it was just that whenever he came into the cafe you turned into a shy giggling school girl who would blush and giggle every time he spoke. Or when he smiled at you and called you such names such as Sugar, Honey, and Darlin' Sure, if it was anyone else you would have rolled your eyes and offered the faintest of smiles as you worked on their orders but he seemed... Oh, you couldn't put your finger on it but he was just so...hot!
Your phone pinged again. Ducking back into the breakroom you looked down at your phone. Another text from Gloria, how she could test and work without anyone knowing what she was doing was beyond you.
"Would you quit lurking in the shadows?" It read. "It's creepy. Also your break is over and the next wave of hipsters is coming in."
You sighed. Breaks never lasted long. And you hadn't gotten any studying done. Giving your head a shake you placed your belongings back in your locker before heading back out. And was greeted by the stranger. His eyes immediately fixing on you, a bright smile on his handsome face. You heart fluttering again before you turned you attention to the never-ending line of hipsters and busy business men alike. All the while the mans eyes never left yours as he sipped his coffee.
There you were! Graves felt his heart skip a beat as you stepped out of what he could only guess was the breakroom a bright smile on your beautiful face. Good. He had hoped he would have a chance to see you as he sipped coffee and tried to looked scanning through various files. And sure, he really should be working but like every other time he had come here he found his eyes glued on you. Watching as you dealt with customers with a bright smile and a warm greeting before telling them to have a wonderful as you handed them their drinks.
Or that was how it was before some shmuck barged in front of everyone else, ignoring the protests of other patrons as he slammed his drink down, anger etched on his face as he glared at you. Files forgotten as he watched as his asshole berate you on how you had messed u[p his drink. How, apparently you had added milk to his drink, how he was lactose intolerant, and how you were clear to stupid to do your job properly. And there you were trying you very best to placate him, to offer him a free drink for your mistake.
Though that didn't seem to help as the man continued to shout and swear at you. Graves rolled his eyes, placing his coffee and his files down as he got to his feet. Was a messed up drink really worth all of this bullshit?! He just couldn't understand people as he moved to confront the man. Only to stop and watch as you slammed both hands down on the counter, gone was the warm smile and instead you glared at the man with narrowed eyes.
Graves watched in awe as you ripped this guy a new one, a smile forming on his lips as he watched him limp away with his tail between his legs as you heaved a sigh. Shoulders slump, a wave of pity washing through Graves as you moved away from the counter, pity soon turned to anger. You shouldn't have to deal with that, with people who think that they had a right to treat to like that? And if it wasn't assholes who treated you like dogshit it was the creeps. Assholes who thought that just because your job required you to be nice most of the time that it gave them the right to be creeps.
You deserved better. Better than this. Sure, he liked this cute little cafe you worked. But he knew you no doubt made peanuts, barely enough to make rent and keep yourself fed as well. He would know. When he followed you to the little grocery store where you shopped frequently, saw you pass on some of the things you wanted and needed. No doubt trying to budget, you shouldn't have to to that, you shouldn't have to worry about making your rent, or school payments, or being able to feed yourself, or clothe yourself. How Graves wanted to take all those worries from you and he spent all his time watching you, following you, obsessing over you. Watching as you went about your day.
Did you even know he was there? Do you ever catch him watching you? What would you think if he did? Would you think him creepy? Would you still smile at him the way you did if you knew how often he watched you? God, Graves shook his head as he sat back down, files and coffee long forgotten as he gathered up his belongings. He didn't know when things between you two had changed but Graves found himself growing more and more obsessed with you. And if he was being honest? He couldn't bring himself to care. Graves knew it wouldn't, couldn't stop even if he tried. And if he was being honest? He was certain the only way he was going to stop was when you were his.
Today. Was. Insane. You huffed a tired sigh as you plopped down in a chair as your shift came to an end. Exhaustion gripped you as you left your head fall back, eyes falling closed. Today had been never-ending one customer after another until closing time.
"You okay?" Gloria asked.
Yawning you nodded.
"You still up for drinks?" Gloria asked.
"Yeah, after today I really could use a drink." You told her, as you reluctantly got up and moved to your locker, gathering your things. "I just need to stop at home, need to get out of these clothes." You told her.
"Want me to give you a ride?" Gloria asked. "The bar we're going to is past your apartment anyways."
Nodding you gather your stuff and follow Gloria out of the breakroom, and out of the cafe, turning off the lights as you did so before making sure the door was locked as well. Before heading towards Gloria's car, casting a look over your shoulder, eyes scanning the darkened parking lot. What were you looking for? Giving your head a shake you shoved that thought from your head and got into the car, stifling another yawn as Gloria pulled out of the parking lot. A drink or ever several would certainly help.
Now where were you going? Graves thought, as he sat in his truck in his usual spot outside your apartment as you stepped out of a car. Was it the car of your coworker? Graves arched an eyebrow as he watched you disappear into your apartment, and while he had been upset when you had purchased some curtains, obscuring you from view he had found away past that. Hence why he was lurking outside your apartment he had the perfect thing to help him keep and eye on you. Something far better than lurking outside your apartment hoping to catch a glimpse of you in your apartment, oblivious to him as you would pace around your apartment in your fluffy pink towel wrapped around yourself.
Graves chuckled as he peered up at your window, catching a glimpse of your silhouette as you moved around your apartment. Were you and your friend going out? If that was the case then this was perfect timing on his part. Watching as you stepped out of your apartment wearing a black dress that to him seemed just a tad too short for someone like you, along with the heels that seemed a little too thin. Just where were you two going? And were you wearing make up?! Graves' eyes narrowed as he looked you over. And as he did he felt anger stirring in his belly. Where did you think you were going?
Graves growled, his grip tightening on his steering wheel as you climbed into your friends car, watching as the car pulled away. Wasting no time he climbed out of his car and headed towards your apartment. Looking over his shoulder he disappeared into the building, and headed to your room and made quick work on the lock before stepping into your apartment. And the moment he did he instantly fell his anger dissipate as his scanned your apartment.
Noting the plain white walls, and the pale pink curtains hanging in your windows. To the pictures hanging on the walls of you and your friends and family. Some of them featuring you with a small Boston terrier dog hugged tightly to your chest, a wide, loving smile on your face. Graves heart fluttered as he continued to look at them, his smile faltering as he saw more pictures of that same dog, though this one seemed to be a memorial to said dog. Shame. You seemed to really love the little pooch. Continuing to look at the pictures he saw one he liked one of you in nothing but a bikini smiling at whoever was taking the picture. You didn't have a boyfriend, did you? If not well Graves couldn't have that he if that was the case he would do everything to make them disappear for good. Biting down on his bottom lip he slipped the picture from the frame and tucked it into his pocket for his viewing pleasure later.
Turning away from the pictures he continued to look around your apartment. Taking in the worn couch you obviously bought second hand at some place, to the small TV leaning against the wall, to the shelves of various sizes leaning against the wall next to the couch, filled with both textbooks for your classes and...oh my... Graves smirked as he pulled one of the smutty romance novels from the closest shelf. Obviously you liked the steamy stuff. Graves flipped through the dog-eared pages, before placing it back on the shelf. He was wasting time he had come here for a purpose, but he couldn't help but be charmed by your little hovel of an apartment.
It was you. But he could give you more. He could give you the world if you wanted. Sure, you didn't know he existed aside from his constant visits to the cafe you worked at. You would one day, one day you would be his. Nodding to himself he stepped into your bedroom, and smiled as he looked around the small room, seeing the bed with light pink covers and pillows. Obviously pink was your favorite color if he had to guess simply by seeing your curtains, bedding, towel that lay discarded on your floor by your bed. And....oh hello it would seem it wasn't the only thing you own that was pink, as sitting on the nightstand by your bed lay a cute pink vibrator.
Looks like you didn't have anyone to take care of your needs, good it would mean when you were finally his he would be able to take care of you. But he was getting out of hand, he was here for a purpose and while he knew you would probably be out for a while be knew he shouldn't stay longer than need be. Placing the bag he had brought with him he pulled out a small, nearly invisible camera, one of several he had purchased when he had planned this. Biting down on his bottom lip he placed it on the wall where he knew he would be able to see everything you did in your bedroom. Once he was satisfied with where he placed that one he moved back to your living room, placing a camera in there before finally moving to your bathroom, flipping on the light he looked around it, before placing a camera in your shower.
Satisfied with his work Graves moved towards your front door, but stopped...He wasn't ready to leave, at least not yet, not without a little souvenir. Moving to your bedroom once more he looked to where your clothes hamper was, opening it he dug into the pile of dirty laundry until he pulled out a pair of lace panties in a powder blue. Quickly stuffing them into his back pocket he headed for your door, and down to his truck. It was time he headed home...
Authors Notes-Sorry this chapter seems rather long-winded and rambly. But I hope you enjoyed it. And things will get a bit more steamier in the last chapter.
PS. Also sorry for any mistakes you might find in this chapter. Like I said work has me burnt out.
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trancylovecraft ยท 7 months
i saw you did yan! paswg stuff on your blog (unless you donโ€™t anymore idrk)
i saw wondering if you could do a drabble/headcannons on brief?
(make sure to take breaks!! and not to overwork yourself :D)
RECEIPT โœ‚- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: dw i still do paswg! and thank u so much!! hope u enjoy! FANDOM: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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"D-Do you need another drink? I can go get one for you!"
"No, I'm fine, Thanks."
"What about napkins..? I'll go get some!"
[F/N] didn't really know how it happened, Not really remembering a specific beginning point for when Brief came into her life. She knew it was in a bang, Quick and sudden, But that was about it.
Ever since that unspecified point in time, He had followed her around like an unclaimed puppy. Always trailing behind her, Lurking around either by her side or around corners.
She could tell where he was by the red of his hair, Unmistakable from within a crowd. [F/N] knew that he followed her around, Knew that he swam after her like a duckling to a mother swan.
It irked her at points too, Especially when he kept asking over and over if she needed something. Did she need more food? Did she want to borrow his jacket? She honestly just needed him to go away.
But [F/N] didn't have the heart to tell him that.
[F/N] watched him scamper away from the cafeteria table she sat at, Her friends chatter like crows cawing together on a wire as they all watched him go. Something demeaning, Something they didn't even hide when he was around.
He never seemed to care though, Always keeping a stable face. And she never had the guts to tell them to stop.
Its not like she could anyways, The amount of friends she had seemed to be dwindling by the day and [F/N] just couldn't afford to let anymore go, Not unless she wanted to be alone that is.
One calling off sick, Another switching schools and ghosting [F/N] on her socials. It was strange, But she supposed all good friend groups must come to and end, That's how it usually worked for her anyways..
Brief pranced back over to the table, A generous amount of paper napkins placed down onto the side of her food tray. A lovestruck smile on his face that [F/N] just didn't seem to catch.
The first time he had taken one of her friends out had been a complete act of mania, Something he had done out of uncontrollable anger.
It was unlike him! Truly! Even after he had bludgeoned her skull in and kicked her body about, He had been terrified of himself and what he had done.
But just like bathing in hot water, It got easier overtime.
The second was planned, Well at least Brief knew that he wanted to kill her. And after the mess he had forced to clean up through his own bubbling tears, He knew he had to be a bit more careful.
Some part of him knew it was wrong, Knew that what he was doing was horrible and irrational to do. But he shoved that part of him away, The end goal to enticing to let be.
[F/N]. She was perfect.
Her hair, Her eyes, Her skin, Her clothing. The way she rolled her eyes when she heard he friends say something stupid, The way she walked home from school saying hello to everyone she passed.
She was just so.. Amazing. How could he not follow her around?
She was an angel incarnate, Not like the Anarchy Sisters, But a real, Proper Angel.
So Brief let it go, Let it all be shoved aside in favour of his own desires. He didn't mind the blood and the guts, The bruises and the bodies.
Not if it meant he got her in the end.
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dreamer-after-dark ยท 1 year
Part One
Panty Snatcher Part Two Wally Gaslights You
Word Count: 978
Smoke flowed out in airy waves from the open doorway. You could feel the thick cloud swirling around your exposed calves. Wally's room had changed from the last you saw of it. New paintings were hung up on the walls, each one full of unblinking eyes that shifted in the eerie shading of blacklight.
One in particular drew your attention. The canvas was large and at first looked to be covered in random splotches of paint. The closer you moved the more the random lines pieced together. It was a face left expressionless save for two large eyes glaring down at you. The head was propped up on the intertwined fingers of delicate hands. Under the gentle strobing green light and still blacklight it looked alive and seemed to be staring directly at you.
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
You were startled by the person you were meant to confront, "Where are my- my clothes?"
Despite the little smile on his mauve lips he looked offended by your presence, "Feel free to check around, neighbor."
Wally sat at his desk with his head propped on his palm. His leg was crossed one over the other. Wally was watching you. Most of the smoke had cleared from the room. The lack of oxygen and layered lighting was causing you a headache. His eyes never faltered as you turned away from him. The blinds were pulled to the side and the window was ripped open. The summer breeze rushed in still thick with the scent of wet dirt.
"This kind of weather ruins my work," He complained, but didn't rise to stop you, "At least, if I had an incomplete project out."
Wally's eyes were on your legs as you stuck your top half out the window. His free hand gripped his ankle. Your fingers wrapped around the grate of the fire escape. The leftover rain was cold from the night air. Chipped paint dug against your flesh as you breathed in lungfuls of fresh air. Once your mind had calmed you slipped back inside.
You didn't look at him as you moved towards his bed shoved between his desk and the second window. It was meticulously made with sheets folded just so and pillows arranged against the headboard. It almost pained you to rip the pillows from their place, but it had to be done. For your sanity and for your missing panties. When nothing was found beneath the pillows you pulled away the blanket letting it drop to the floor.
Next you lifted the mattress, finding only a diary underneath, "My most private of private things."
The mattress dropped back atop the steel frame. Save for his closet, vanity, and desk there wasn't much else to look at. You picked the vanity next. As you looked over the rather expensive collection of eyeshadow, foundation, mascara, and any other necessary tools Wally kept neatly packed away, the seeds of uncertainty sprouted. You hesitated.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Asked politely, but the hint of en edge grated against you prickling the hair on the back of your neck.
With a sigh you turned around, arms crossed in front of you, "No."
"I wouldn't steal your things, Y/N," The edge had left his voice, "I am worried about you."
"Another pair went missing while I was in the shower. I just- I thought-,"
As sweet as candy he replied, "You thought I took it?"
You nod unable to conjure the words needed to explain your stress.
"And you trashed my bed for that reason?" He asked.
You nod.
He laughed, waving it off, "At least you didn't destroy my makeup. That is an expensive collection."
"I'm sorry, Wally." You finally say. Anything else died in your throat, choking you up. You bent down to pick up his ruined blanket.
"Y/N you're fine! You might just be paranoid with Sally's list and all." Wally trailed off.
A little quieter, "Were you.. wearing any today?"
"I'm not really sure anymore," It was hard to admit, "I stopped wearing any as of late. It feels easier not to."
"Do you still want those boxers I offered?"
"Uh, yeah," It felt rude to reject his offer after accusing him of something as dirty as panty snatching, "I'll take them."
Wally brightened at this. Standing up from his seat he moved to the closet opening one of the sliding doors. You peeked at all the clothes carefully folded away on the shelves. You took a few steps forward trying to get a better look. The screen of his computer illuminated your face. Your eyes were drawn to the large curved screen.
On it a website with a dark color scheme was left open. Scanning the words you figured it had to do with some art techniques you had no hope of understanding. Your eyes moved to the several tabs at the top of the browser. Each one was shortened, but you recognized the beginnings of a username. Your brows furrowed as you stepped closer.
Wally stepped in front of you holding the pack of boxers to your face. The sudden interruption caused you to flinch, your eyes meeting with his. They were far too wide and far too close. The watchful coldness of his eyes never changed as he contorted his face into a practiced smile.
"Have a good night, darling."
In a blur of motion you were back in your room with a pack of boxers in hand. The door held you up as your legs melted into the floor. All the words that bunched in your throat now settled in your bowels. The sound of labored breathing echoed in the darkness.
Wally Darling knew. He knew about you. About the photos you took and posted for extra money on the side. The tab with the incomplete username was your account.
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cazionfhey ยท 1 month
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i wanna be someones cute little camboy เฒขโ€ธเฒข โŸกห™โ‹†
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dark-side-blog3 ยท 9 months
Kylar's the kinda nerd that swallows your underwear if you gag them with it because they "thought" it was those candy lace ones.
So is Sydney, but Sydney at least had a reason to think they were candy-- there was some at the shop that looked exactly like the pair you were wearing.
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that-sasha-bloggs ยท 1 year
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Brief Yandere for Panty
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dreamer-after-dark ยท 1 year
That ask is too funny- what is he doing with them? Making sock puppets of course!
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He's making elaborate plays shipping himself with Y/N
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bunnis-monsters ยท 2 months
warning: yandere behavior, power imbalance, implied baby trapping
Yandere!Ceo thatโ€™s a professional business man at work but once heโ€™s behind closed doors heโ€™s your pathetic, needy lover boy.
Kisses your feet and legs, peppering soft kisses all the way up to your thighs.
โ€œMy beautiful girl, did you enjoy the roses I sent you?โ€
He purrs as you play with his hair, looking up at you with those warm golden eyes.
โ€œThey were lovelyโ€ฆ though the note was a bitโ€ฆ alarming.โ€
Your lover paused, his fingers on the waistband of the expensive lingerie he bought you.
โ€œโ€ฆ how so, my love? It was the best stationary I could f-โ€œ
โ€œI mean the words you wroteโ€ฆ about getting rid of anyone that got in the way of our love.โ€
He pulled your panties off, placing a wet kiss on your fat, wet cunt. โ€œOh, that? Donโ€™t take it so seriously, darling. You know I love you, itโ€™s justโ€ฆ a badly worded joke.โ€
And you quiet down, unable to protest or continue arguing as heโ€™s eating you out. His tongue was on your clit, fingers stretching out your pretty pussy to prep you for his cock.
Heโ€™s quite good at distracting you from his alarming behavior, kissing along your neck while bouncing you on his thick cock. Keeping you on his lap as watching your ass jiggle while he moves you up and down has to be one of his favorite things in the entire world.
โ€œThatโ€™s my girl, my babyโ€ฆ just take it, sweet thingโ€ฆโ€
And slowly, as your previous friends and past lovers start ghosting you or straight up disappearing, he keeps you occupied with gifts, lavish vacations, and eventually a pregnancy.
Even if you wanted to leave, you couldnโ€™t. Everything you owned was paid for by him, he had all of your information and knowledge of your friends and familyโ€ฆ
But who would want to leave when they were treated like royalty? All you had to do was be his sweet housewife and give him all of you attention~
YANDERE TAGLIST: @katerinaval @sunset-214 @avalordream @atransmuter @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @enchantedsylveon @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @midromiell @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat @bubblez-blop @sunshineangel-reads @heroneki-neko @soapybabyboop @sandramalikstyles-blog @anonymouskiwi
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yanderenightmare ยท 3 months
TW: nsfw, noncon, yandere, drugging
fem reader
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Yanderes who keep you higher than a kiteโ€ฆ
You can't even find the door, much less walk over and open it even if you did.ย 
Some yanderes do it simply for the practicality. You become so cute and sweetโ€”harmless little bundle of dopey softness. Happy for munchables and all too pliant when he cuddles you. He could stay with you forever like thatโ€”in your matching hoodies. Youโ€™ll protest a bit, but not for longโ€”you get too tired and then you even start to like it. Nuzzling into him when he pulls you closer, small moans leaving you like the purrs of a sleepy kitten. Thatโ€™s when his hand slips down into your panties. And all you do is croon so, so, so softly. You donโ€™t even know what youโ€™re doing anymore, so high youโ€™ve become pure base instincts. Rubbing your ass back against his bulge as he rubs your clitโ€”the two of you in a cozy spoon.ย 
Other yanderes do it more for their own sadistic enjoyment. Likes seeing you stumble around like a little kid after too many carrousel rides. Likes how easy it becomes to overpower youโ€”all your struggles degraded into but cute play fighting. He can even laugh and feign defeat with you, falling into a complete laughing fit because all your hits are like the cute slaps of a declawed kitten. You tucker yourself out all too quickly for it to matter anyway. You just end up needing to lay yourself down. You're so cute his heart swells and stomach flutters, needing to kiss your little face. Youโ€™ll whine but have no more strength to fend him offโ€”even as he pulls your panties off and starts playing with you down there with a grin on his face.
Some yanderes do it for both reasons.
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โ™ก BNHAย โ€“ย Denki,ย Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks, Shinso, Natsuo, Amajiki โ™ก JJKย โ€“ย Sukuna,ย Mahito,ย Toji,ย Gojo,ย Geto โ™ก HQย โ€“ย Kuro, Kenma, Bokuto, Miya twins, Suna, Tendou โ™ก CSMย โ€“ Denji, Aki, Yoshida โ™ก BLLKย โ€“ย Reo,ย Nagi, Bachira, Ego โ™ก DSย โ€“ Zenitsu, Doma
โ™กย FEM x M INSERT masterlist โ™กย GN x M INSERT masterlist
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