#Yandere! Graves
Sweet Like Candy (Yandere! Graves x Female Reader fic.) Chapter One)
Summary- You were just a normal young woman, living your life, going to school and work, spending time with your friends, and completely unaware of the man that had been watching you for months. A man that will do everything and anything to make you his...
Authors Notes- Been a hot minute since I wrote anything Yandere on this site. And now I'm dipping my toes in the COD MW 2 pool with a Yandere! Graves' fic. Now the first chapter in kinda vanilla nothing over the top so yeah. But I hope you enjoy. Now on to the story.
Chapter One.
It was a warm summers day, and you lay curled up on your nice comfy bed, absolutely refusing to leave it. However, your alarm clock had other plans as the moment you think of drifting back to sleep it begins to blare, making you jump and grumble. Time for work, and god you are so tempted to just call in sick to work. But you know you can't one you promised your friend Sara you'd take her shift for today, and two you need the money. And honestly though you might bitch and moan you really did love your job at the cafe down town.
Sighing you rolled out of bed, and on to the floor with a groan before getting to you feet and heading to where your bathroom was, intent on getting ready for the day. Stepping into the shower you turned on the water as hot as can be, your fingers running through your hair. as you let your thoughts go. Telling yourself that after work you would need to focus on your homework knowing it was due in a few days. But that seemed to be easier said that done these days and not because of work leaving you burned out. You could never put your finger on it but lately you've constantly felt like you were being watched.
Of course at first you had brushed it off as exhaustion and the fact that you had just moved into your new one bedroom apartment. A small, some what cramped apartment that was...okay. Considering it was your first apartment and rather small, but the rent was cheap and it was also close to your work as well. And commuting to school would be easy as well. But that didn't stop you from feeling like someone was constantly watching you, perhaps it was paranoia considering you lived alone?
'Or perhaps it's just your mind playing tricks on you.' You thought, as water cascaded down your naked body. 'This is your first time moving out on your own. So of course you're a little nervous.' Nodding to yourself you turned off the water, wrapping a towel around yourself as you stepped into your bedroom, moving to your closet you picked out your outfit for the day, and tried in vain to shrug this feeling off. 'Of course it would probably help if you had curtains in your apartment.' You told yourself, as you looked to your bedroom window that looked out at the street, watching as people went about their lives unaware that you existed.
Giving your head a shake you turned away from the window and walked off, heading to the living room you grabbed your purse, making sure you had your phone and keys on you as you headed for the door. And as you descended down the stairs and out the door of your apartment unaware of the person lurking in the shadows, watching you.
From the shadows Phillip Graves watched as you walked down the street. A wide smile on his face. There you were right on time, as always. Graves pushed himself off the wall of the building he had been leaning against as he waited for you to leave the safety of your apartment and head to the cafe you worked at. The place Graves had first saw you, and where Graves found himself fixating from the moment you looked at him, a bright smile on your lips as you greeted him.
And for Graves it was at that moment time seemed to stop for the man. Remembering standing in the doorway of the cute little cafe Graves had thought to try out after constantly driving past it on his way to and from work. After all a man in his position wouldn't be able to get half the stuff with out caffeine and your cafe happened to be the only one close enough after the cafe he used to frequent closed down for some reason.
But the cafe you worked at soon opened up, and for Graves it must've been fate as the moment he stepped through the doors of the little cafe was the moment he had met you. Graves smiled remembering how you looked went the bell chimed above the door, and you greeted him. And for Graves it seemed like time stopped as he stood in the doorway. His heart skipping a beat as he moved closer to the counter you were sitting behind.
Graves remembered how his heart skipped a beat when you smiled brightly at him as he somehow managed to get his order out. Black coffee with sugar. And if he was at any other place he would have paid for his drink and gone about his day. But for some reason Graves had decided to stick around, finding a seat with his drink, eyes glued on you. And every once in a while you would glance in his direction as you went about your day. And since then Graves decided to make the cafe you work at his new favorite place, and not because of the coffee or baked goods it sold.
In fact just seeing you had become the highlight of Grave's day as time went on and he managed to strike up a conversation with you. And during those times he found out that you were a bit younger than him and in school, studying to become a vet, your hobbies included video games and hanging out with friends. Now while YOU didn't think that anything you told Graves was overly interesting. But Graves hung on to every word, a small smile on his lips.
And then from then on Graves found himself frequenting the little cafe every single chance he got. Eyes fixed on you as you worked, he knew he shouldn't be so focused on you, told himself that you were too young for him. But despite that Graves found himself fixating on you. Hence why he constantly found himself lurking outside the shithole apartment, constantly waiting for you as you headed for work.
Pushing himself off the wall of the building he headed for his truck. Intent on heading him. Thoughts of you filling his mind, a faint on his lips. He didn't know what it was about you, but Graves hoped as time went on that you would finally see him.
Getting into his truck he drove home.
Authors Note- Yeah, sorry this isn't the greatest first chapter I've ever written. And like I said it's been a while since I wrote anything Yandere. But I assure you things will pick up in the next chapter or two.
Also you can find this fic on my AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/YandereQueen1987
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flowering-thought · 11 days
The hell that is brainrot legit this shit won't let me go it's latched onto my brain and it's STUCK
Someone put me in a straight jacket and sign me into the psych ward with the boys..
Anyways part 4 here we are, no real estimates on how long this lil series of mine will be I'm just going along with all my lil ideas-
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, hints at stalking
Cod Psych Ward Unit × Reader
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It has been a very long week for you. It seemed every day the boys were being extra handsy and needy. But they kept declining the snacks you offered and instead spent most of their time doing stretches and exercises.
It was another Thursday in the common area, each of the boys doing things to occupy their body. You hadn't slept well the night before, actually feeling quite ill, so you struggled to keep your eyes open that day, sitting in your chair and resisting the urge to pull your knees to your chest and curl up to sleep.
The boys noticed and would do small things to try and keep you awake, finding it adorable when they'd catch you dozing off. They didn't know that before your shift you took a mix of ibuprofen and acetaminophen, generic pain meds to try and cool down the fever that formed last night.
You were the type that hated being sick, so you tried to push on and ignore it. You'd be fine even if you do end up dozing off in the chair you claimed as yours for the day. You couldn't help it when your eyes closed, "Just closing my eyes I'll stay awake just fine." You thought to yourself, ignoring the urge to yawn.
Graves smirked as he approached you, watching as you blinked your eyes awake to look up at him, "Yes?" You asked. "You see darlin' these exercises and stretches aren't very stimulatin'. I'm wonderin' if you wouldn't mind sitting on my back while I do push-ups, can't stand how easy it is without a lil extra weight." He said, looking at you with a wide grin.
That sure woke you up, quickly shaking your head before you could even get the words out of your mouth, "No. Hell no." You stated, your tone sharp as you crossed your arms over your chest.
"That's right bastard they should sit on my back instead." Ghost claimed, you could see his smirk under his mask and shook your head. "No way. That's not happening. First off, I could seriously hurt you, and second, there's just no way.".
They all frowned, Soap booing and Nikolai groaned out a "Damn.." before Konig stood, his back straight as he approached Ghost and whispered something in his ear.
Whatever Konig said made Ghost chuckle under his breath, nodding before the rest went back to what they were doing.
Ghost watched and waited for you to get drowsy again, watching your eyes droop a bit before your head nodded off. He noticed you trying to fight it a bit, but you ended up dozing lightly in the end.
He took the opportunity, Konig getting himself into a plank position before Ghost grabbed you by the armpits, much like you would with a cat, and watched as you panicked before you were set down on Konigs back.
It went so fast for your sleepy mind that you barely comprehended that you had changed places so fast. Before you could even squeak out something to scold both of them, Konig started doing push-ups, his arms flexing as he came up and down, not even breaking a sweat.
You were too afraid to try and get off Konig despite your legs hanging off his hips and your feet easily touching the ground, with him moving so fast and suddenly you didn't have time to think how to get up.
"Konig stop this! I'm serious you're gonna get hurt!!" You exclaimed. You just heard a rumble of laughter come from him as he continued, "You're lighter than a maus, don't worry." He dismissed.
After what you counted as 20 push-ups he let you get off, feeling your hands on his back push off, your cheeks darkening as heat rose to them.
After that you gave them a big scolding, your head feeling a bit light and your limbs heavy. Price felt something was off when he realized how pale you looked.
Soap was about to comment until you felt a little too sick and booked it to the trashbin across the room, throwing your hair back as you clutched your stomach.
They immediately panicked, curses being spoken as Price and Nikolai tried to approach you. Unfortunately, a couple nurses quickly appeared, one checking your forehead carefully and the other holding your hair as you steadied yourself.
They could tell there were tears in your eyes and watched as you carefully took a step back. The head nurse soon came into view, coming close to you with a cup of water, "Here. I think you should take the day off you don't look well (L/n).".
You took the water in hand, feeling a bit awkward with how nicely she was treating you. You just nodded before you bid everyone goodbye and went to the breakroom to get your things.
You emptied the water in the breakroom sink before you grabbed your things to leave. The boys looked at you with conflicted emotions.
Tomorrow they were supposed to leave. And looking at your state there's no way they would get you to come with them as you for sure weren't showing up for work tomorrow.
The common area quieted down, and they noticed a nurse got a text from you that you made it back home okay. It was a relief but as they sat there contemplating things Horangi looked up at them and raised a question to the group, "Do we know their name?".
That single question made them freeze, a silent understanding went through the group as they realized besides shows and hobbies you like, they don't know anything deeply personal about you.
They know what shows you like, your hobbies, what kind of clothing you like to buy, and what you enjoy eating. They know that you want to have a house one day and that if you could, you'd want a sunroom or greenhouse that you could put another bed in to sleep under the sun. They knew everything you enjoyed but didn't know the important things.
They didn't know why you became a nurse. They didn't know your name or the significance of people in your life. They didn't know about your relationship with your family and they don't know about your friends or any stories from your past.
Not to mention how were they going to find you? If they escape tomorrow they can't waste time looking in town for your apartment, they can only make a couple stops to get a car and hopefully make it to the meeting point that Laswell planned.
Nikolai cussed in Russian before getting everyone's attention. "There's a way to find out where to go." He said, his eyes checking around the room to make sure no nurses were near. "Across the break room is the head nurse office. The files would be in there but I don't know where or if they are under lock and key." He stated.
They were all silent before they planned it out, knowing that so long as everything went as planned they would have time to stop by the head nurses' office.
The day passed by so slowly without you. They never realized just how silent it got when you weren't there.
Ghost sat still most of the day, his mind plagued with the thought of you shivering up in your bed with a fever.
The next day you called out. You didn't have a choice as you could barely comprehend you were awake.
You woke up somewhere around five in the morning with a dry throat and blocked-up nose, you felt sweaty but so cold that you couldn't take off the blankets even though they were soaked in your own sweat. You tried to down some spare cold syrup you kept in the pantry but the moment it hit your throat you had to empty it all out into the trash bin.
You felt like garbage and you imagined you looked like garbage too.
You could barely keep your eyes open as you shuffled back into bed, a spare blanket from the linen closet brought around your form only to get underneath the other blankets strewn around your bed.
Unbeknownst to you, the hospital you worked for is having a complete blackout, the electricity completely off and multiple men breaking out of their rooms.
They were used to the dark and quickly made their way to the head nurses office, Ghost and Konig forced the door open and everyone quickly went through the files needed.
Horangi noticed a lighter while Ghost noticed a keyhole on the filing cabinet and cussed. Before Soap could help him come up with another solution Ghost grabbed the metal pen off the desk and gripped it tight, slamming the pen straight through the lock.
It left a massive dent, and there was no way it's gonna be usable, but they got it open so he didn't care. Ghost grabbed a stack of files, looking through the last names before he found yours, yanking it up and opening it quick.
"(Y/n), (L/n)"
He smirked before he handed Price the file, putting the rest back in the metal file cabinet.
Horangi scooted in, taking the lighter and flicking it till it produced a flame. He took out a file, put it on top of the flame, and lit it ablaze, waiting till there was enough fire and placing it with the rest of the files. Once he knew everything was catching fire the rest immediately booked it.
Finding the way down the building wasn't hard nor was getting out, but in the Alaskan wilderness they'd freeze if they weren't careful and the entire hospital was surrounded by trees.
They couldn't follow the road or else they'd get caught easily if they were on foot. They looked through the parking lot and broke into one of the cars, the blast of the car alarm annoying. Konig kept watch as the rest filled up the car and Gaz hotwired it, letting out a sigh of relief when he managed to get it started.
Stuffing eight big men into a car made for five at most was pushing it but they didn't have a choice, they couldn't afford to travel in two cars until they got to the city and dropped this one.
They decided quickly Ghost would drive and Konig would sit in the front as they were the two biggest men. Price, Nikolai, and Soap barely squeezed into the seats and before they could figure out how to fit two people in their laps Horangi told them to pop the trunk.
Making their way to the city in a hot car filled with big men and Gaz laying across three laps was the most insane situation they had been through in a while. If they weren't in a rush to get out of there, they would probably be laughing their ass off.
Price managed to steer them a couple streets away from where your residence was and when they ditched the car they took back alleys to avoid any public streets. It was around dinner so the sun was starting to set.
When they showed up at the small apartment building they decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator to the third floor. After finding the right door they contemplated on whether knocking would be better or just breaking in.
While Gaz argued with Graves, Konig took the opportunity to knock, "Let's not waste time." he warned.
They were worried for a second, hearing a couple of things banging behind the door. You were struggling to make your way through the hall, nearly knocking over the small shoe closet you had in the entry hall. When you made it to the door you could hardly think.
You weren't expecting anyone but with how delirious you were from your fever and the dizziness mixing together? You weren't very coherent when you opened the door, your form swaying a bit as you looked up to the crowd of men at your door.
"Shit is this a fever dream?" You asked. You couldn't tell if that was actually really Price standing in front of your door followed by all the men you grew close to for the past three months.
From their perspective, you didn't look too good. You were clearly still feverish and they noticed how clammy your skin looked. Your eyes could barely stay open and even with the blanket you likely dragged with you from your bed they could see you lightly shiver at the fresh air coming through the front door.
Before you could ask another question Soap wrapped his arms around you, quickly bundling the blanket around your shoulders tighter. "Come on Bonnie, you need to take better care of yourself." He scolded, taking the opportunity to keep you close and walk you back through the hall.
Price ushered the boys to follow, Graves keeping close to the front door and locking it quickly. They probably had a couple hours before the news got wind that mental patients escaped a hospital near here.
Walking into your home felt more calming than it should have. It was a studio with a kitchen. You didn't really entertain much and you liked when your home felt cozy. It meant they could see everything except the kitchen when they made it through the hall. They noticed the nest of blankets and pillows strewn about your bed and a trash bin kept close by. In the kitchen, you left cold syrup on the counter long forgotten.
You had quite a few stuffed animals around but most were knocked off your bed and left on the floor. The coffee table you kept by your bed had your phone and laptop and multiple empty electrolyte bottles.
Soap sat you on the bed, moving the couple strands of hair behind your ear as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Despite how you slept the day away you were feeling worse.
The boys have started discussing what to do, turning your TV on to the news channel to look out for anything. They had thrown the old phone away after contacting Laswell so Price kneeled down in front of you with your phone, caressing your cheek lightly to wake you up.
"Hey there sweetheart, mind if you open up your phone for me? I gotta call a friend to pick us up." He asked, watching as you nodded, a small noise that he assumed meant yes followed and he watched as you placed your thumb to a small button on the phone, immediately unlocking it.
He smiled softly before kissing your forehead, "Thanks sweetheart. Don't worry your pretty little head we'll take care of you hm?." He assured, watching you nod again.
Konig sat on your bed and pulled you close as Price went to the hall where Ghost, Graves, and Horangi stood, examining the closet in the hall that held your clothes. They were looking for a suitcase or duffle bag to put your clothes in when Price called a secure number.
Reaching Laswell was quick, informing her of the situation as quick as he could, keeping his eye on you through the doorframe. While he talked with Laswell, Konig had you in his lap, his hands making sure that the blanket kept you warm and bundled up. Gaz looked around and found a hair tie, coming back over and gently tying your hair out of your face in a loose style. He didn't want to pull too tight and hurt you when you were already struggling with the situation.
You were mostly silent. You tried to form a sentence here and there but even you weren't sure what you were going to say. Everything was happening too fast for you to keep up with and figuring out what's real and not real in your state was hard.
When you felt Nikolais' hand on you, you couldn't help but lean into his hand, finding it warm and comforting. If you weren't so sick Nikolai would have found it cute.
When Price came back he called everyone close, "Here's the plan." He started looking around at the men in front of him.
"Nik you're gonna go with Ghost and get a car, get the biggest car you can so we all fit. We can't afford to travel in two cars so try your best. Once you get it we're headed close to the Canadian border. We'll meet up with Laswell there." He stated, then looking to Graves and Soap, "You two are gonna pack whatever (Y/n) might need. Clothing, necessities, stuff like that.".
He looked to Gaz next and pointed in the direction of the kitchen "You look for anything in the kitchen to bring with us, pain medication and food are at the top of the list. We can't afford to make many stops." He explained.
He then looked at Konig and Horangi, watching your now sleeping form in Konigs' lap. "You two keep an eye on her and watch the news to see if they release anything about us. I'm going to look around the apartment complex for escape routes.".
Once the plan was made everyone went off on their respective duties. Gaz took a couple of your tote bags to fill with stuff from your pantry.
Nik and Ghost were quick when making their way through the parking lot outside the complex to look for cars. They found a minivan with two rows of seats behind the front and enough room in the back to store things. Once they got the car ready Gaz quickly came down with supplies.
Eventually, Soap and Graves followed with a duffle bag filled with clothes and other things.
Once they got everything ready the only concern they had was you. It was decided that Price would drive and Nikolai would sit in the front and watch out.
In the row behind them were Horangi, Gaz, and Ghost.
Soap, Konig, and Graves were in the back with you, having your legs across their laps while Konig kept you close and hugged you to him. He wrapped you up in an extra blanket before they had to leave.
Graves sat next to Konig in the middle. Soap was on the end much to his displeasure. Graves alternated between thinking how cute and helpless you looked to concern when your face twitched as though you were in pain.
Once Price figured out the route he estimated it would take them about six hours or more to reach the cabin Laswell had told them to reach. They'd have to take off roads and when he looked in the mirror to see you in Konigs arms his heart clenched tight.
They all just hoped you wouldn't be getting any worse on the ride.
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devourable · 1 year
✘ delinquents
sfw | tws : yandere behavior; stalking, obsessive thoughts, mildly implied violence
delinquent male yanderes x reader! only pronoun used for reader is ‘you’ 😌 i took a bit longer than expected so i hope yall enjoy these knuckleheads
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mattias was the first to take notice of you.
he caught sight of you during one of his typical late night walks with his friends, semi-drunkenly cracked jokes amongst themselves as they passed around liquor that they had stolen earlier in the day. and when his gaze fell onto you from some distance away, he stopped walking.
you were doing nothing but sitting at a bus stop, but... what was it about you? the way the street lamp bathed you in its light, illuminating you with an amber glow like you were the only thing on the street? it made the boy's heart stutter in a way he'd never felt before!
when his friends returned to his side upon noticing he had stopped walking, mattie quickly pointed you out to his friends ("guys, check out that cutie!"), and an additional three pairs of eyes landed on you as your bus rumbled down the road. and they all had the same reaction as him — you were adorable! what were you doing out on your own so late? didn’t you know there were criminals around here? poor little thing you were, you must’ve not had any other choice…
clearly, you needed someone to protect you!
they were too far away to approach then and there, but it was probably for the best. getting talked up by four drunk, imposing male strangers so late at night would probably not make the best first impression, one of them pointed out as they watches you board your bus. so completely unbeknownst to you, your four new admirers had already began to devise a plan to meet you formally.
it was strange how naturally their collective desire for you fell together. any other time, if even just two of them liked the same person, it was enough to cause infighting and strife among the friend group. but you? the way you united them simply by existing, you had to be something special! it must’ve been destiny that they noticed you that night.
the four would slowly trickle their way into your life, one by one. despite mattias begging to be the one to do it, dominic would be the first of the four you’d actually meet. in his eyes, he was the least intimidating, the most suave, the most manipulative. his charmingly crooked smile had always helped him charm his way into and out of most situations, and you were no different.
he’d casually start riding the same bus as you at the same times you did, using it as an excuse to talk to you. coincidentally, you and him had the same stops, too! and he even got the driver to give you free lifts, even when he wasn't around. it was an old favor he was owed, he'd say, so you didn't have to pay any mind to the tense demeanor of the bus driver whenever you boarded.
naturally he’d offer to walk you home, too, but if you weren’t comfortable with that, it was no biggie (he’d figure out where you lived regardless). he was content with waving you off and walking in a different direction for the meantime.
mattias and judas came next. when dom had managed to convince you to stop by the nearby corner store with him one day, his friends just so happened to be there! as if they weren’t waiting there every day after you and dom had established a friendship.
it was all mattias could do to not scoop you up the moment you met. you were even cuter up close! he was so happy when his patience was rewarded by being graced with your voice, your laughs at his witty sense of humor, and your little smile when you looked at him. did you like him back? did you think he was half as attractive as he found you to be? he desperately wanted to know what you thought of him, but he choked back his questions to keep from scaring you off. in spite of his usually energetic persona, he played it cool to gain your favor.
judas, meanwhile, observed you in relative silence — he wasn’t much of a talker, dom explained — but it didn’t mean his thoughts weren’t any less intense than mattias’s. he couldn’t deny it — he liked you, quite a lot. more than he thought he would. despite finding you attractive too, he didn’t think much of you when he had first grown aware of your existence. he’d simply chalked you up to be the temporary fixation of his friends. but the second you did meet, judas’s mind went to places he had never expected it to go.
for once, he found himself… wanting someone. wanting you. and for once, he was happy his friends had dragged them into this whole scheme.
the four of you all got along so well! and when aaron was finally introduced to you as well, he was no exception. aaron was the only of the four to have a car, so when he ‘learned’ that you were taking the bus so late to get around, he was quick to offer up his own services to help you out ("dom is too much of a nuisance to drive around," he'd claim). an excuse to be able to spend more time with you, with and without his friends around, and you don’t have to deal with public transportation anymore! a win-win, right? and when you accepted, he was over the moon.
it didn't take long for them to sweep you right off your feet after you had met all four of them. they were relentless in capturing your heart and all four of them worked together to ensure you were theirs.
on top of that, none of them were afraid of breaking a few rules or laws to do that, either.
you found yourself always with at least one of the four — usually mattias, as he had the most free time and arguably liked you the most — and the few times you weren't, you could bet they were doing everything in their power to get back to you. other people in your life suddenly began to pull away from you, never having time or simply not wanting to be around you, or so they claimed. it left you with little else to turn to outside of the boys. they had started to puppeteer your life without you ever even knowing it.
they didn't quite understand the pull you had on them — hell, you didn't even realize what you were doing to them! and they even started to question if what they were doing was okay. was what they were doing to your life just to keep you in theirs worth it?
but dominic, mattias, judas, and aaron all came to the same decision the day you agreed to be in a relationship with all four of them...
it was definitely worth it. and they'd keep doing whatever it took to keep things going exactly as they were.
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
Hiiii! Thanks for writing for tcoal! If you have time can I get a yandere Andrew x reader? Thanks :)
Sure thing~ Once again, it seems highly unlikely that Ashley would let this obsession slide, so for the sake of the story, she's been bliped. Happy (late) Halloween! <3
Yandere! Andrew GravesxReader
TW: Yandere themes, possession, obsession, murder, implied kidnapping, intimidation, stalking, Andrew has a foul mouth (Y/N too), not proofread
♡1,438 WORDS♡
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Andrew Graves has a mask.
It's a very well crafted mask that's used to blend in with his peers, his friends, his girlfriends, his parents, and even himself.
It covers the dark parts of Andrew that even himself is too terrified to look at.
For if you look into the abyss, it looks back at you.
But when he met you, swinging back and forth at the playground swing, he could've sworn he heard something crack.
You were beautiful.
As he watched you, with the breeze blowing at your cute overalls and baggy shirt, god, so pretty.
Your smile could open the gates of the heavens. Your laugh could make rainbows last, your tears would be prettier than diamonds, and you in his cage would bring him closer to your hell.
He couldn't help but imagine you as some sort of art. Something valuable that wasn't ever to be touched by another person. Only seen by him, just him.
His mask cracked the more he looked at you.
That day started a life-long obsession.
He would venture to that park a few more times after that, until eventually introducing himself to you. Naive you, who believed him to be a kind and stoic person.
You weren't wrong, but it was your fault for thinking that's all it was.
Even if Andrew never admitted it to himself, the thought of you being his and ONLY his made his heart flutter.
How when you breathed, when you walked, when you spoke, when you laughed, it would all belong to him.
Those thoughts kept him awake at night, even if a light blush would always dust his cheeks.
As time went on, he learned that his dakmfk thoughts that he pushed to the back of his mind would only resurface when a man talked to you. Even a father-figure was enough to put him in a foul mood.
Andrew didn't say anything, but hearing his name come out of your mouth made his blood boil.
"Andy? Are you okay? You've been glaring at the ground even since we walked past Mr. Mancho."
"Why do you even like him? He's so...weird," Mr. Mancho was an innocent looking math teacher, one that always smiled at the students. And yet, Andrew hated the fact he smiled at Y/N...he didn't like that very much.
"Weird? He's been pretty nice to me...," You scratched your chin in deep thought, "do you not like Mr. Mancho?"
Andrew looked up at your doe eyes and heard something crack again,
"...he keeps looking at my things."
Andrew justified his growing hatred.
Even as you shrugged away his weird moods whenever you talked to cousins, friends, and teachers, Andrew never lacked as your friend.
Through every obstacle, he'd be there to help you jump over them. Although he'd complain about jumping in the first place, he'd never leave you.
He'd care about your issues, he'd care for your wounds, and he'd listen to your problems.
Especially when you were bullied.
The keyword here is 'were'.
While in school, a boy had groped you. When confronting him about what happened, his friend group laughed at you, claiming that you were just making shit up for attention.
This had made you cry when you got home.
Something that Andrew instantly knew about...somehow.
"Jesus Y/N, what happened?"
"S- Some boy touched me, and- h-he then said I was just making it up for attention! My friends all believed him a-and I," you broke down in sobs as your day was retold to your best friend.
As you continued to share your day with Andrew, he remained completely silent.
Several times throughout the call, you'd check if he was even still on. Still, when you called out for him, he'd answer with praise for trying to stand up for yourself, no matter what they had said to you.
You didn't know it then, but Andrew was squeezing his pack of cigarettes so hard that by the time he had gotten off the phone with you, they were all broken.
The next week, when you came to school, authorities were there questioning all the students. When they came to you, it was explained that the boy who groped you was killed and stuffed into his parent's basement freezer. Along with his friends, who all mysterious died in the forest, with some sort of satanic pentagon painted beneath their bodies.
You told the police you knew nothing, and all your friends who had doubted you came to you in an instant with apologies.
When you had told Andrew everything that happened he had only said,
"How strange."
As the years went on and you grew older, your friendship with Andrew always stayed strong.
Andrew would never say it, but when he kissed your cheek or patted your head, he was screaming,'I love you.'
But his dark thoughts, the ones he kept far back in his mind, would only double.
"Andy! Guess what happened today?"
"Hah?" Andrew turned his head from his spot on the couch.
"This cute boy at my job said he would love to take me out to dinner sometime!" You smiled brightly at the sly possibility that your bad streak with love would finally be over.
Every guy that ever walked into your life promptly bolted for the door the moment you opened it.
Andrew always told you that those guys just didn't appreciate you enough and that someone who bolted just like that was a quitter. Ashley?
But even then, you never gave up. Despite the long list of guys who ghosted you randomly.
"Oh...you said no, right? "
"What?" You walked over to Andrew from the door of the apartment. "Why would I say no...?"
Andrew looked at you with a dark shadow over his face, "Y/N, there are millions of creeps and perverts that are going to ask you out. They're only leering at you for your body."
You frowned at this notion,
"When you go to your next shift, tell him you don't want to anymore." Andrew thought for a moment and then shook his head.
"What's wrong?"
Andrew looked at your confused eyes.
"Just realized I have to get up early tomorrow to take out the trash."
When you went back to work the next day, he had quit just as suddenly.
Sad and upset over the millionth guy that ghosted and dumped you, you'd sulk to Andrew. Who would always make you warm cup of tea.
"Dumbass, you just keep picking quitters. It's not because of you."
"But Andy, I haven't had a boyfriend in years! At this point I'll die alone, probably with you right there to bury me with my hundreds of cats."
Andrew laughed at that and reached his arm around your shoulder.
"Just wait a little longer Y/N, I'm sure there's some jackass out there waiting for you."
"Yeah, right." You smiled at Andrew, "You're the only jackass I know, though. "
You leaned your head on Andrew's shoulder and began to fall to sleep rather quickly.
"The only...jackass...in my life... Andy, I'm sleepy."
Andrew took a sip of his tea and placed the cup far away from your drink.
"Rest Y/N. When you wake up, you'll have me right there besides you."
"I love you, you're my best friend."
Andrew patted your hair as you drifted off to a drug-induced slumber.
"Yes, I'm your best friend," Andrew stared off to the distance as he thought about it.
"Soon, your only friend," He nodded at that statement, "Yes, the only friend you'll ever need."
His mask, although long forgotten, had finally cracked open.
You were his. Like a forbidden piece of art, it belonged to him. He was your painter, and as the painter, he declared you to be covered up. Only his retinas were allowed to peer at you.
It's your fault he went through all this effort to keep you safe. He's obligated as the painter to keep his art safe from dirty influences.
He's mildly disappointed in you whenever you speak to another man, but it's okay. It's his job after all to stalk the said man and hack his tongue off for even going to speak to you.
No matter how many guys he has to threaten, no matter how many people he's had to hack at, no matter how many people he's had to kidnap, it wasn't his fault.
It's yours.
All the blame is on his sweet, naive, poor, Y/N.
Still as innocent the day he found you at the playground.
"Still mine..." He mumbled as he stared at your sleeping face.
"Only mine."
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Thanks for the ask!<3
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myfavoritesstuff · 6 months
Hey, can we have a Yan!Andrew Graves with Reader?
“Your Andy”
Pairing: Yan!Andrew Graves x Reader
Prompt: They weren’t supposed to find you. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you. So how could this all happen?
Note: You met the sibling when you were younger and now you lived in the same apartment building as them. I decided to change some of the setting up a bit too. I honestly didn’t know which direction I wanted this story to go in, so I apologize if this is bad. NOT PROOFREAD
TW: There is death and kidnapping in this!
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“She’s yours, you know. Your precious secret.” His sister’s words echoed through his mind like a tsunami. His eyebrows furrowed while his heart skipped a beat. The idea of having you to himself made him happy. His sister seemed to notice, her eyes gleaming.
“But you know, she’ll never love you unless you take drastic measures. Love is a battlefield, Andrew. And you’re a soldier.” Ashley continued, “You’ve become friends with her, but now will you become more? You’ve won the battle, but can you win the war?”
Her words struck, a violent war now waging within him. He obviously didn’t want to lose you, but he also didn’t want to just stay friends. He wanted more.
Honestly it surprised him when his sister approved of his feelings for you. In the past, Ashley always wanted things to just be between the two of them. Yet, something about you was different from the others. You were accepting towards his sister and definitely more kind about the strange relationship they had as brother and sister. Maybe that’s why she let you live.
Either way, she would have to. For you were his everything. Even the thought of you has his insides burning.
Deep inside, his sister’s voice echoed: “She’s yours.”
A part of him definitely knew something was wrong. But the other side of him overlooked this and simply ignored this feeling. He wouldn't let you slip away from him.
One rainy night, you were in the kitchen of your apartment, the same apartment as Andrew and Ashley. Suddenly, you heard a loud bang next to you. It was coming from your door. You turned just as the door came flying open. Standing there was Andrew with Ashley behind him. He stretched his arm out, reaching for you.
“Come on, let’s get out of this hellhole together. We are leaving this place, and I would love it if you came with us.” You seemed to stare at him for what seemed to be too long for Ashley to intervene.
“Come on! We don’t have all night. We need to leave this place right now before we get caught!” Ashley, seeming to make the decision for you, moved her brother aside and grabbed your hand, pulling you up and dragging you out of your room. Andrew turned around and quickly followed behind.
Once making out of the apartment Ashley volunteered to go out first, seeming to give her brother a look. It was then when Andrew pulled you aside. He had his head down, and when you were about to ask what’s wrong, he lifted it. His eyes now seemed to have a darker gleam to them. As you were about to speak, he put his finger to your lips, silencing you.
“Y/n, don’t you worry, I’m alright. Leyley is going to find us a place where we can all live and be happy together.”
Just as he finished, Ashley came back. “Guys, I know the perfect place where we can go.”
Turning, Andrew met his sister’s eyes. “And that is?”
“Our parent’s house! They are old and they don’t need to be living in such a nice place. I think we could live there instead.” Nodding along to his sister, Andrew gently grabs you by the hand and pulls you along.
Once they arrive at what they claimed to be their parents house, you all head in, Andrew still holding onto your hand. They are met with their mother who seemed to be very surprised to see them. The mother seemed to notice your hand intertwined with her son’s, and gave you a disapproving look. Nevertheless, she introduces herself as Mrs. Graves and that her husband, Mr. Graves should be up shortly. However her eyes never seem to stray from your intertwined hands.
A frown appears on her face as she asks her son if she can speak with him alone downstairs explaining how Mr. Graves is already down there., in the basement. While not wanting to leave your side, he agrees and tells you to stay here. Ashley, not seeming to like this, decides to follow them.
After waiting for a bit, you get bored and decide to find them. Heading down the stairs you are immediately met with the smell of blood. You cover your mouth and nose with your hand, as you keep venturing further into the basement.
“Andy! What’s taking you so long? Just hurry up and clean up this mess before Y/n comes down here herself. We are taking forever!”
Andrew just groans and retorts back, “Well I’m trying my best. You know it could go faster if you just helped me–” His words stop as he seems to make eye contact with you. “Y/n!” You shouldn’t be down here. Go back upstairs and–”
“Andy just let it go. She already saw and heard everything.” Ashely comments. Rolling his eyes at her, his face softens as he makes his way over to you.
“Look, I’m sorry that you had to see this. But this is what needed to be done,” A crazed, dark look now plastered on his face. “You see, my mom wasn’t too thrilled about seeing us together and told me that I shouldn’t be with someone like you. She even had the guts to say that if I didn’t break it off with you, then she would herself. And I couldn’t let that happen.”
“But Andy…” your voice barely above a whisper, “we were never together in the first place.”
Andrew became silent. You looked over at his sister and she had a disapproving look on her face. Just as you turned to look back at Andrew, you felt something hit against your head.
Groaning, you woke up, touching the side of your head. When your vision clears you notice that you were on a bed, not anyone you ever seen before. Looking around you, got up and noticed a picture on a desk that was directly in front of you. It was a picture of a younger Andrew and Ashley along with their parents. They seemed happy. Turning your head you saw a note and what seemed to be a remote with one button on it.
It read: “Y/n, I’m sorry for what happened yesterday. I feel bad, I truly do. But don’t worry, I won’t hurt you ever again. I just couldn't stand you saying something like that. Not when I’ve devoted myself to you, memorizing everything I could about you. You belong to me, and I’ll do anything to keep you close. If anyone dares to come between us, they’ll regret it.
The bedroom door is locked from the outside, there are no windows, and you are on the second floor of this house. If you're willing to give me a chance just press the button on the remote and I’ll let you out.
Love is a beautiful madness, and I am its most devoted disciple. So my dear Y/n, choose to stay with me and I promise to make you happy.” - Your Andy.
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silassinclair · 6 months
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Reader
CW// Possession, Obsession, Yandere Behavior, Jealousy, Suggestive Content, Gaslighting, Maddox has a housewife fetish (16+)
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When Maddox first saw you hiding in your wardrobe after having killed your Father he was shocked to see such a pretty woman inside. He knew your Father had a daughter but he didn't know she'd be a fierce and beautiful young woman.
Maddox knew he had to have you. No way was he going to leave you in this bumfuck town in the middle of no where. You're too valuable.
He ties you up and takes you away from your hometown. You're his now so he's taking you with him wherever he goes. Having a pretty little accessory like you will give him bragging rights after all.
He takes you to saloons while he plays cards with his buddies. Has you sit still and look pretty on his lap while he drinks and plays. His friends say dirty things about you. Commenting on how submissive you are for Maddox. Maddox eats their comments up like a full course meal.
"You boys wish you had this fine piece of ass. But she's mine."
When you're at his temporary house he has you play housewife. You cook his food, clean his laundry, and most importantly you take him like a good girl and let him use you to pleasure himself.
"You like that yeah? You don't? Then shut your pretty little mouth n' take it anyway. Don't make me mad now."
But over the course of a few months and after spending more time with you he sees you less as an object to brag about and more as a companion. He sees you everyday so of course he develops feelings. Feelings he denies of course.
"You think cus' I'm being nice lately you can just skip doin' laundry? Well you've been a good girl this week so I'll let it slide... But you're doin' it tomorrow! No excuses!"
Maddox takes you to the saloon with him again as usual. This time the sexual comments his friends say make him see red. He draws his gun and shoots them all dead where they sit.
"I should have never let em' say that vulgar shit bout' you. Shoulda never let you in that shithole in the first fuckin' place. C'mon, we're goin' home."
Fucks you gently this time and prioritizes your pleasure over his. You're so cute mewling beneath him. Praises you instead of degrades you.
"You can take it princess, c'mon! Don't tell me to slowdown when I can feel how good you feel on me. Yeah that’s it, good girl. Doin’ so good for me… Ya’ feel divine~"
He slowly starts bringing you into town less often. When you ask why you can't come with him he simply says that you're safer at home.
A month goes by and you're tired of being holed up in his house. So you take the risk and leave while he's taking his afternoon nap.
Bad Choice….
"You thought you could leave me?! Baby I love ya', I really do but sometimes you're real fuckin' stupid."
Locks the doors, windows, and always has his eye on you. When he has to go out he keeps you tied to the bed by the ankle.
Every night he holds you close to him. He's a light sleeper, he'll feel if you move and try to escape him. If that happens he'll embrace you in a nearly bone crushing hug.
He’ll wrestle with you if you try and fight him, but he’ll never strike you. He’d never do that after seeing the abuse his Mother endured from her customers at the brothel.
Comes home one day with two golden rings. He wears one and forces the other onto your ring finger. It's a perfect fit.
"You're my wife now and I'm your husband. You'll address me as such, got it?"
No wedding, no priest, no judge, no documentation. He says you're his wife now and that's that.
"There's names engraved inside the rings.? That's just the name of the jeweler I got it from... Don't worry your pretty little head about it."
You two never get to settle down. You hop from one abandoned home to the other. After all he needs to always be on the run from the law. It's a stressful but exhilarating lifestyle. Danger lurks at every corner.
Loves calling you by his last name. Though your last name is still legally L/n; Maddox says that since you’re his wife you have his last name. After all you two are wearing the rings to prove it!
"Thank you for the meal Mrs. Graves, God you're perfect. Where have you been all my life?"
He adores your body. Doesn't matter what body type you have. Chub? He's kneading it with his hands while he praises you like the goddess you are. Insecure about how the outline of your ribcage is visible? He traces his fingers down to your tummy and then goes even lower... He can't keep his hands off.
Favorite thing to do is hug you from behind and just press your backside against him while you do chores. It feels so domestic and it makes him feel like he isn’t a wanted criminal for a moment.
Kisses? He loves to kiss you! His favorite spots are your ankles, tummy, and forehead. And your lips ofc!
Whenever you have to slip your stockings on he swats your hands away and does it. He’ll pull them up sensually and slowly, trailing kisses from your ankle up to your thigh as he does so.
“Your skin’s so soft princess, just wanna take a bite. You’ll let me right?”
He loves animals. His horse Jasper is his best friend. Jasper won't let anyone ride him except for you and Maddox. Anyone else gets thrown off and stomped on.
Since this is the 1800’s people don’t really bathe as often. But Maddox is different. He can’t stand having grime on him for too long after you called him stinky once. So now he bathes more often than most. And you bathe with him too. You have no choice in the matter.
“Mmm love it when you wash my hair sweetheart… Ya’ fingers feel like heaven..”
Maddox is a tough guy. He's taken bullets, stabs, you name it. He even survived a hanging once. If anything happens to you he'll fight God himself just to keep you safe. Even if it costs him his life.
Tells you he loves you everyday. And if you don't say it back? Well he'll just bug you until you say it. After your "marriage" he doesn't really punish you anymore. You’re his partner for life, you deserve the world.
Respects women. His Mother worked in a brothel so he witnessed how men mistreated women. He could never do that to you... Even though he did early in your relationship. But he'll never admit that! Bring it up and he'll call you crazy.
"Sweetheart I never harmed a hair on your head, quit talkin' nonsense."
Teaches you how to fire a gun just in case. Hopefully you'll never have to use the skill though.
Spoils you whenever he can. Maddox has a decent amount of money but it's still pretty tight. Buying you things isn't an option because being on the run means you need to have minimal baggage. So he treats you to dinners and cute little dates.
Overtime you get used to this life. You forget he ever even killed your old man.
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Anyone is free to request anything! Don't be shy! I'm hyperfixiating on this oc so I'll happily write anything for him. As long as it isn't blatant NSFW :-)
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Some TCOAAL indulgence
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Art by @MinayaKm1015 on twitter
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i see u pleading for an andrew request so IM GONNA DELIVER 😼 what if. academic to lovers college au where y/n and andrew get assigned to a group project or smth (ion get how college works YET) and it’s actually really fluffy?? like maybe slightly yandere andrew where’s he’s a lil possessive but nothing too toxic that would scare a girl away irl.,.. okay that’s my idea good luck 🤧
Yandere! Andrew Graves x Reader (College AU)
Wordcount: 1,500+ words
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Andrew and you had the same history class and your professor paired the two of you up to research about WWI and create a presentation for class. You couldn’t use the internet for research, so you had to resort to digging around the city's library.
Andrew was a bit annoyed at first for this project. He preferred working alone, it made it so others wouldn’t get in his way while working and so he could have all his work credited for. 
Andrew quickly grew to respect you when you actually took the project serious instead of placing the work on him because he was smart, or just goofing off and not contributing. He respected that you could work efficiently at a decent-pace, but also you could have fun too. You could crack harmless jokes, and you could make something as boring as studying entertaining and fun while still taking your deadline and work seriously. 
Andrew quickly breaks out of his shell with you. You just have some sort of aura that draws him to you, he can't help but laugh at your jokes or guide you through the books with him. 
By the end of the first study session, Andrew leaves feeling happy to spend his time researching with you, and a bit sad that he has to wait until tomorrow to see you again.
The next day, you both go back to the library to research some more material for your project. You gather up what books you want to dissect today, sitting down at a table with Andrew to study, but he seems a bit distracted now.
Andrew's eyes drift from the pages to you repeatedly, he couldn't read a full page without looking at you twice, which made your work less efficient.
        "Are you okay?" you finally questioned.          Andrew seemed surprised that you caught him, his green eyes flickering in surprise, before he cleared his throat.         "Um... yeah. I'm just thirsty." He lied. "Hey, do you want a drink? There's a coffee shop not too far from the here. We can continue studying there?" he suggested.          "Sure." You smiled, seeing no harm in it.
        Andrew looked relieved that you accepted his proposal. You both gathered your materials and books, walking together to the library. Andrew stayed walking on the side of the road, a silent act of chivalry that you probably wouldn't have noticed if you weren't observing him to see if he was alright.
        When you got to the coffee shop and ordered your drinks, Andrew sat next to you in the same booth, your shoulders as he claimed it would be easier to point out what one another is talking about and to hear each other better in this crowded place. 
        Even though you both had gotten your drinks, Andrew's mind was still somewhere else. He was too busy staring at you, thinking of how pretty you looked with how your hair was done, or how your eyes looked in this coffee shop's lighting, or how you bit your lip slightly when you started to daydream while reading about the boring events going on for your project.
By the end of your second day together, you both had to leave the coffee shop because of how late it got. Andrew was disappointed he had to leave you, but he knew he'd see you tomorrow. 
On day three, Andrew woke up early and stopped at the library to check out some books for today's study session. He dropped them off at his apartment, cleaning up his apartment some before walking to class. He sees you and sits next to you during the lecture, making small talk with you before class started. 
Andrew and you goofed off a bit during class, but were still pretty productive helping each other out and not being too distracting to your other peers, so your professor allowed you two to stay seated together.
When class was over, Andrew mentioned how he picked up books earlier this morning during a grocery run since the library was just around the corner from him (liar). He said the books were at his apartment and that you both can study at his place.
You agreed. It'd be easier to study someplace where you wouldn't get kicked out for staying too long or for being too loud, and it's also helpful for if you get thirsty or hungry. You and Andrew walked to his apartment together as he walked on the side traffic was. 
Andrew almost wrapped his arm around your waist, but felt that it would be too intimate for now (he didn't want to scare you after all!) He instead placed his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to his side. 
When you questioned what he was doing, Andrew leaned down into your ear and spoke: "it's loud out here with the traffic and all, this just makes it easier to hear you."
You ignored it, following him back to his apartment. He unlocked the door and allowed you to step inside, before closing it behind you and locking it. Andrew took you to his bedroom, saying the books were in there. 
The books were on his bed as Andrew sat down on it, looking up at you, as if telling you to join him in bed. You did, sitting down next to him and picking up a book to start analyzing. Andrew had a bit of a hard time focusing with you in his room, on his bed, alone with his company. He was able to manage, reading and going over the topics with you. 
Andrew played soft jazz music in the background, claiming that the music was around the same time period as the project, so perhaps it'd get them in the mood to keep studying or maybe the lyrics could have something mentioning the project. Either way, the music and all this reading was starting to make you sleepy.
Andrew noticed how your eyes drooped, and how your head started to bounce up and down as you tried to keep yourself away. He hid his smile by hiding his face with his book. Before you could try leaving, you fell asleep on his bed next to him. Andrew noticed, and after a few minutes of making sure you were completely asleep, he placed both of your books down on his dresser, writing today's research papers for the two of you since you were asleep.
Andrew curled up next to you, wrapping his arms around you as he admired your sleeping figure. He kept the jazz music playing in the background, just in case you woke up from him turning it off and so it looked like he fell asleep too when you would eventually wake up.
When you woke up, you were fairly confused and flustered that you had fallen asleep in Andrew's room, and even more flustered once you realized you not only fell asleep in his bed, but his arms too. Andrew stirred awake when you tried to move out of his grasp, realizing you woke up. He apologized (fake, of course) and said that when he sleeps he usually hugs a pillow, so he must've thought you were his pillow when he fell asleep.
It was a reasonable answer, so you accepted the apology and moved on, getting ready for class. In the next few days, you and Andrew were able to finish your project and presentation together, getting a perfect score with each other's help. 
Andrew was disappointed that you two couldn't work together on the project together, so he proposed that you two become study buddies and help each other study. You accepted, making Andrew happy that he still got to see you and hang out with you after school alone. 
When Andrew left to go back to his parent's apartment, he made sure to call you about the situation at home, the contaminated water and the quarantine and all. He called you everyday, for hours at a time as you both fell asleep on the phone lines. 
When Andrew's calls faded all of a sudden, you were pretty concerned for him. He still wasn't in class, and he hadn't called you in almost a week despite your phone calls every day. 
It wasn't until you got a knock on your apartment that you saw him. When you opened the door, Andrew rushed in and immediately picked you up, spinning you around in the air as he smiled. 
"(Y/N)!" he smiled brightly, his hands on your hips as he spun you in the air happily. "Andrew!" you gasped, a smile making way on your face as you couldn't help but laugh as his actions. "Where have you been? Why haven't you been calling me?" you questioned, your face turning in confusion when you caught the whiff of something metallic on his clothing.  "That doesn't matter." He smiled, setting you down on the ground as he looked at you adoringly.  You noticed something on his cheek and used your thumb to wipe it off. It was a small blotch of red. Strange... "That doesn't matter anymore. She tried to keep us apart, but I wouldn't let that happen." He spoke, his eyes half-lidded as he stared into your pretty ones. "Nothing matters anymore. I'm here with you now." 
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        Thank you for the request! I'm a huge simp for Andrew (especially yandere) so I had such fun writing this!
        Want more Andrew Graves content? Check out the Andrew Graves masterlist!
Inbox is open for requests!
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kryannoy · 8 months
Hey, can we have a Yan!Andrew Graves with Reader?
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genre: sfw, headcanons + fic
characters: yandere!andrew graves x reader
warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, obsession, possessive andrew
a/n: i don't normally write yandere characters so this was a bit of a challenge. hope this suits your request and enjoyed reading!
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He's so obsessed with you but he's subtle with it—more like whatever stupid thing he does, he'll make sure you don't see it.
When he loves you, he'll make sure to keep you happy just so you will always come to him whenever something happens. He'll open a bottle cap for you without being told, he'll wipe your mouth with his fingers if it's messy—totally not putting them in his mouth afterwards. He'll open the door for you, let you cry on his shoulder, gives you hugs when you need it. Every subtle thing to manipulate you into coming back to him when you need support.
If someone talks to you, he'll be right behind you with arms wrapped around your waist while glaring daggers at the other person.
"No, no. Continue. Don't mind me, pretend that I don't exist."
To you, his tone sounds normal but to the poor guy, it's like a cleaver skinning them alive.
If someone even looks at you without you knowing, it's gonna be hell for them. He somehow won't be afraid to kidnap that person, tie them up and threaten them with Andrew's favorite cleaver until the person is diagnosed with PTSD.
He will shamelessly go back to you with a smile on his handsome face as if nothing happened.
Andrew would kill anyone for you but if you tell him not to, he won't.
Although, he knows you would be scared if you saw him murdering people, he won't do it anyways. The last thing he wants is you running away from him.
You have no idea why people start to turn their backs on you and you would think that you've done something wrong. So, you ask Andrew for advice or if he knows anything, exactly what he planned for.
And he would smile innocently from his success and spread out his arms. You would dive into his comfy sweater without knowing the hands that are holding you are the hands that have done so many questionable and criminal acts.
"C'mere you. Aw, you poor thing! I'm sure no one hates you. Who would? They're probably out of social energy from a rough day or something. Don't you worry!"
He'll kiss your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, your lips. You would smile and he would smile into the kiss while thinking how naive you are.
He admits sometimes that he feels guilty for deceiving you but what can he do? How could he come up to you and admit to all the crimes he's done? You wouldn't look at him the same anymore, would you? Would you still love him despite knowing what he did or what he ate? He wouldn't take any risks. If he has the person he loves the most in his arms, why would he easily throw you away?
If the truth hasn't been told, he'll keep you for himself. He'll keep you forever.
You knew he acted differently than normal people. He's a little different because of his upbringing, and that's normal for kids with neglected parents growing up with a weird habit of theirs and that was just his charm, right?
Because you think it was just a charm of his, you didn't run when you had the chance to. Besides, if he was so sweet to you, so kind to you, so good to you, he wouldn't hurt you, would he?
There's a reunion dinner later tonight with your old high school mates and of course you're coming. You haven't seen your friends in a long time. You've already informed Andrew of this and for the past week he was okay with it, but why is his tone now sounded . . . different?
"You're going?" He asked from the couch. One of his legs propped up on the other and an arm over the couch. His green eyes look up and down at your fit that he knows you chose the best from your closet. You're going to meet some nobodies with that outfit? You didn't even wear something so pretty when he's around! Not that you aren't pretty. It's just you put a tiny bit less effort when going out or being with Andrew.
"I've already told you, haven't I?" You're putting on your shoes at the front door and you hear some shuffling. Your hand is at the doorknob now. "I'll be back before ten. I prom—"
The door slams shut again before you could even open a crack. You can feel him behind you. His hands on the door, caging you between him and the solid wood.
"You are not going." His voice is low, almost threatening.
You turn around to face. You do not want to have this conversation right now. You're going to be late, that is if you find a way to stir this around to go your way.
"Andrew, this is unfair. Last week, you told me I can go so why are you backing out now? Tonight of all days!"
It wasn't his intention to upset you nor ruin your night but why are they taking you away from him?
"Why are you still excited about going? Don't you remember what they've done to you? They isolated you . . . remember?"
They isolated you. Yeah, right. He was the reason behind it anyways, but poor you who loves him too never suspected your own boyfriend was the culprit.
"They . . . didn't. You said they didn't have the energy to talk," your voice was almost a whisper. You weren't even confident of your own answer. You're starting to reminisce about the old days at school. Sure, they didn't talk to you anymore, but the reunion dinner is going to be different, right?
His hand moves down to lock the door but his actions made you take a step back, hitting the door. You forgot you're kind of trapped right now with no way out unless reasoning with him first.
"You don't really have to go . . ." The same hand moves up to your hair, tucking some strands behind your ear ever so gently it's almost . . . unnervingly creepy. "Do you?"
His eyebrow raised in question.
Your heart is starting to pick up its pace. Your fingertips are running cold. You don't understand yourself why you're so nervous in front of him. I mean, you had been nervous around him but this is a different kind of nervous. It's fear. Fear of him. However, he never hurt you yet. He never raised his voice to you. He's always been nice and sweet to you. But you really can't help this weird feeling.
So you slowly tell him how you feel.
"You're scaring me."
And there it is. It hit something in him. It's the last thing he wants, but the first thing to make you listen to him.
You can see his facial expression changes from demanding to guilt.
"Love, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just me!" His caging arms now freeing you while backing away a bit, most likely a tactic to show you he's innocent. "I'm just saying, wouldn't you be left out at dinner? I don't want my pretty girl coming home sad and disappointed when the past week you've been so excited about this dinner."
Andrew takes your silence to continue. "Stay here. With me."
You really want to insist on going yet you don't want to risk starting a fight. But it's unfair! You always let him win you over, now he needs to listen and let you go. Maybe a small chance could probably lead to a huge success.
"But please!" You drag the word longer, hoping he'll give in. "I haven't seen my friends for I don't how many years. It's just this once."
You seem energetic again. He takes this chance to step closer, a hand on the side of your face. His thumb brushes along your glossed lips you put on earlier, smudging it. His gaze move up from your lips to your eyes.
"I'm sorry, darling, but no means no." He said it so softly before he kissed you longingly. You somehow melt into him despite your disagreement. He's really not losing—like always.
He broke off the kiss to continue persuading you to stay. "I'm doing this for your own good. Sometimes you're too naive to be staying around them. You're too nice. I've seen it. And it hurts to watch you being used and throw you away."
You exhale a deep breath from the stress. Maybe Andrew's right. Maybe you are too naive to realize. They asked you for homework and notes, but then one day, they stopped talking to you. Maybe they really did see no use in you they've fulfilled their satisfaction.
But Andrew . . . Andrew never stopped talking to you. Andrew never threw you away. Andrew was always there through it all. Andrew never left you by yourself.
Like right now.
"Okay," you spoke softly, like a whisper, before nodding your head. "I'll stay in with you."
Good thing you were looking at the ground because now, Andrew can't hide the big smile on his face. He successfully manages to keep you by his side. His heart beats rapidly from the excitement, his skin was buzzing. He can be with you tonight. He can stay with you. Just the two of you!
He pulls you in his arms and strokes your hair. "That's my good girl. Always so obedient." He kisses the crown of your head before leading you to your bedroom so you can change to a more comfortable clothes.
He dreams of having you by his side forever but he doesn't want to go to extreme measures such as locking you in or tying you up. Maybe not just yet. Since you're so good to him and love him too, you deserve to roam around freely until you start to disobey.
He wouldn't want to do it but tonight, he was close to doing so just from how persistent you were.
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ang3lofdivinity · 10 months
❝𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧❞
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Relationship(s): Yan!Andy (Andrew) Graves x Fem!reader
Format: Headcanons + stories.
Genre: IMPLIED Smut + fluff + some angst(?)
Warnings: Consent mf, intimidation, SA from one of the wardens to the reader, masturbation (reader and Andy), Leyley isn't super overprotective, Reader is very naïve and too kind (they consider all friends), kidnapping, stalking, Andy is kinda turned on by the readers constant praise and nicknames for him, smoking, swearing, smut has been removed because.. the more I realize it I want this account to be decently fluff.
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Andy is a very reserved person.
He's an introvert as per what his sister calls him.
And she's right.
He doesn't like being around others, he's pretty logical, he's also very calm.
But, what he doesn't know is how charming he is to others.
Hell, bunches of girls try and get with him, while Leyley obnoxiously tries to get rid of them all.
So, he's never really had a long term relationship with anyone aside his sister.
And over the years, he's managed to craft, a meticulously created one, a façade.
A mask he's worked on for years.
One that he knows will never crack.
But perhaps he got too confident.
Because when you came along, he was restraining himself practically from getting excited after the first time he saw you.
He saw you, being the new kid in class back when he was still in school at a young age before being trapped in that hellscape he called his home.
You were an extrovert it seemed, turning out to be the opposite. But, you still cared a lot about everything and everyone, you introduced yourself sweetly with something along the lines of..
"Good morning, I'm (____) (_____). If you need anything, I'll always be right here."
You were so calm, so pretty.. how could someone be so pretty?
You joined a bunch of after school activities, student council and such.
Although, you seemed a bit worried over something always every time he saw you.
He felt something within his stomach churn whenever he saw you though, not managing to gather enough courage to talk to you.
So, you had to initiate the contact.
You saw him, being all lonely..
That made you feel incredibly horrible, you were in that position yourself once too.
So, you approached him.
And his heart fluttered.
"Good evening.. you're Andrew Graves, right?" You inquired as you sat beside him at his lunch table as your friends immediately started whispering to each other.
"Oh- I- I'm Andrew Graves, yes.." he cringed at his own stuttering, but you didn't seem to mind.
"Why don't you come and sit at my table with my friends?" You invited him with a warm smile.
He felt butterflies in his stomach, a feeling he never had in a while..
"Are- you sure? They won't make fun of me?.." he asked, obviously worried.
"Of course not! If they do, we can have lunch together alone if you want!"
That was the day he became so clingy to you.
Usually, he's very cynical. But, for some reason with you.. he could feel that your actions were very genuine.
And that's what got him attached.
Along with your humor.
"I swear to fucking goddess if Miss Alta keeps telling me to not draw, I will—"
"Good morning, Miss Alta!" You exclaimed happily the moment your communications teacher stepped foot into the room.
He almost wheezed, letting out a giggle at his failed attempt to restrain himself. His expression turned into one filled with guilt and embarrassment, but before Miss Alta or any of the students spoke, you blurted out.
"Ah, Miss Alta, there's something wrong with the air conditioning. It keeps moving a bit and making that scraping noise." You semi-lied as you turned to Andrew and gave a more sincere smile before paying attention once more.
..you would just, lie for him like that..
Your smile could make him go crazy, it couldn't be compared to anything!! The way you cried, your tears streaming down your cheeks as you ran to him when you got hurt on the playground earlier- blue diamonds couldn't even compare to the richness of them, and the way you were very touchy..
You always held onto his hand, holding onto his shirt as you walked behind him anxiously, anytime when you got older and watched any horror movie and clang onto him.
That's when it all went to shit.
You had to leave the state.
After you had just got settled after the last time where you moved here as a child!
He almost broke down, wanting to pour out all of his feelings as if it would change anything.
But it was official, and Leyley had him all to herself. It was like that for years.
He was all alone.
He felt empty.
He felt empty without you.
Like a part of his soul was torn from him.
And that stuck with him forever.
Some sort of dark, black tar over his heart made it feel disgusting and filthy.
But for the lonely part..
It wasn't like that for long.
When they grew older, he started dating someone after so long.
His (ex) girlfriend, Julia.
But eventually, that all ended when he got put into that quarantined building with Leyley.
She broke it off with him on one of those nights.
He sobbed about it, and Leyley didn't help.
But, that's when he got a strange phone call when Leyley was asleep and he was still up.
He was hesitant, but his gut told him to pick it up.
And that he did.
And that was one of the best decisions of his life.
"..Hello?" He spoke, his voice raspy. He was unsure of what telemarketer would be calling at this hour, and it couldn't possibly be someone he knew.
"Andrew?.. is this really you?!.."
That voice.. that voice instead changed his mind of this being some sort of telemarketer.. how? Because that’s your voice. After so many years, you had called him!
"..(____)?!" He yelped out, almost loud enough to wake LeyLey.
"Oh dear— I'm so glad I can hear your sweet voice again!!" You exclaimed, sounding like you were on the brink of tears.
All of those previous feelings he had for you back when you were still around, they all came back in a flurry, overwhelming him.
"(____), I'm.. how did you get this number?.." he wanted to ask you so much more, but that's all that came out at the moment.
"I heard about the quarantine you got into with your sister.. I'm so sorry. One of the wardens was kind enough to give me your number! I didn't have much time previously due to my work.. but, now I have and I'm so thankful!"
"..Good god it's so nice hearing your voice again, (____)" he mumbled, smiling as tears prickled at his eyes. There were so many words that wanted to spill out of his mouth, but nothing came out due to his own self restraint.
"I'm going to get you out of there! I promise! You and your sister!" You yelped out, happiness laced into your voice. You were zeal about this, you were going to get him and his sister out of here. Or at least try.
"Wait- aren't you worried about the wardens??? They've been keeping us here!" He responded back, biting on his thumb.
"Eh?? Nah! I'm sure! The warden seemed to like me, I'm sure I can persuade him somehow." For some reason, this didn't sit right with him..
"..." He went radio silent, this feeling akin to foreboding surging through him with the sense of anger as well. But, he swallowed down his frustration and took some deep breaths.
"Andy- Andrew?.. you there?" You tried to fix your mistake. You heard his sister call him by that nickname once- so you know it's at least somewhat gotta be sentimental for him.
"..you can call me Andy" he slowly spoke up.
"Are you sure?.."
"I'm.. sure. Call me Andy." It almost sounded like a demand..
"..Alright, Andy."
He doesn't even let his own sister call him that anymore, but he lets you do it with free reign.. strange.
"Now, would you like to talk for a bit?.. or should I get straight to work with the pla-"
"Talk!.. please. I just.. I missed you. I missed listening to your voice, I missed just being with you.." he blurted out, cutting you off. He put a hand over his mouth in response, his eyes wide and filled with shame.
"I'm sorry- that probably sounded weird.." he spoke up after a long moment of silence.
"Nono! Don't apologize, I missed hearing your voice too, hun." You spoke sweetly to him, a smile he couldn't see plastered on your face.
"..Hun?" Saying the word made him feel this warm, bubbling sensation within his chest. It made him want to indulge in it more..
"I'm not gonna use Andy all the time, darling!" You giggled happily, and that just made something within his stomach churn and twist.. something that has been dormant for years finally stir.
It made his knees go weak, his mouth go slightly agape as he failed to make any words come out of his mouth for a while until you spoke.
"..Andy? Honey?"
"Oh- sorry just.. deep in thought.”
"Ah, I get that.. well anyways, what would you like to talk about?"
You two talked until the sun finally rose and you got sleepy.
"Night Andy, Hun!" He could hear you yawn.
"Night, (____).."
He then placed the phone back down, hanging up shortly after you did as he found himself already yearning and missing your voice.
But, he knows.. better.
He just can’t help it though.
..No matter, he’ll hopefully be able to see you soon as you said.
That would be wrong though.
Because guess what? That warden that was so kind to you was only there for your looks. He wanted you to have some.. “personal time” with you if you get my gist.
“No fucking way you creep!!” You yelped out, this man was about twice your age and asking you to have some personal time with you.
“C’mon, sweetheart!.. I promise I’ll make it worth your while” The warden spoke, a sickening smile on his face.
“No means no, pervert!! Now, let me see my friends, let me get them out of here!” The warden groaned at your response.
“Alright, look here sweet-cheeks. You aren’t gonna be able to save your friends and I shouldn’t even be helping you. So, you either let me have you and you can take your friends, or I kill you right here and now” the man gave you an ultimatum, causing your eyes to widen.
“I..” You almost bursted out into tears when the man moved his hands to your shoulders, lowering your shirt.
“Lemme take care of ya.” he hummed, pushing you against the table within the break room, tears pooling down your cheeks.
You then tried focusing on something else, noticing the fact he had a ring of keys on his belt..
The warden had a hand glide up your thigh, massaging the bundle of nerves there. You tensed, straining back any noises that would come out of your mouth.
“No need to hold back, sweetheart..” he pressed himself closer to you, this was your time to strike!
You punched the man in the face, causing him to stumble back. You fixed your clothes, jumping off the table, you stared at the man who was waddling around like an idiot. A huff escaped past your lips as grabbed the nearest blunt object and flung it at the man. It was a simple lamp, but it hit him real good in the head. Honestly, you felt powerful in that moment, finding the courage to continuously punching the man, letting out every last string of anger that you felt. It was basically free therapy! And, when you were done, he was no longer moving. You grabbed the keys before you marched off, now off to find Andy and his sister, Ashley!
It took you a bit, but after knocking on a few doors, you heard nothing but some shuffling.
“Andy!! Its me! (____)!!” You yelped out, taking out the ring of keys as you fumbled with them in your hands.
“..(____)!? You actually came!?!” He spoke up after hearing your voice, immediately rushed over to the door as he heard you unlock it, opening it for you, taking you by surprise.
“Of course, hun! I never break a promise.” You spoke more dulcetly, a smile upon your face as you looked up at him.
He’s.. grown taller than you.
He spent no time dawdling as he hugged you, pressing you close to him as he twirled you around.
“I’m proud of you for waiting this long. So proud.” You praised, causing Andrew to become flustered as he desperately tried hiding it.
You paused for a moment before you started giggling a bit.
“What.. whats so funny??” He asked
“Nothing. Just reminiscing of the old times.”
“..you’re talking like a grandma.”
You bursted out laughing, patting his back.
“Oh— really now? ‘Just be a good boy and be quiet!’ Is that better??” You were giggling, since you knew your words made any sense for some Grandma to say, but he wasn’t taking this as a joke. The way you called him a good boy..
It.. turned something on for him, craving for more practically.
“Okay I think thats enough mushy reunion stuff, mm?” You smiled sweetly at the boy as he pulled away from the hug, his face still slightly flushed.
“Yeah..” he internally cursed himself for almost stuttering.
“Where’s Ashley?..” you quietly asked.
From that moment, everything happened like some sort of descending spiral of madness. The thing with the demon and Ashley… killing the second warden, all of that fancy stuff. (being horribly mortified in the end.)
You had the both of them stay in the motel for a while until you could bring them into your home as you got them necessities; paying for them to continue staying, getting them new clothes, food, entertainment and others (not even knowing about their little hobby together.)
You’d visit once a week, much to Andrews begging for you to come more often, constant thanks as well from him.
“..I don’t think we can repay you ever for this.”
You always said it was fine, and his sister did too. She seemed more laid backed about the entire situation.
And, when you rushed in the middle of the night to their motel in your car to tell them the news that you finished up your work for their rooms and such, only throwing on a long overcoat, keeping on your nightclothes and throwing one some slippers.
..but they weren’t in there.
“PSSSTTT” the sound almost made you scream, but you turned to the cause of the noise.
“Ashley!” You smiled, not speaking above a whisper.
“Get over here!!!” You immediately rushed over to her without another question, taking her into an embrace.
“Woah- calm down, goody-two-shoes!” She grumbled, trying to get you to let go or at least loosen your arms that were tightly wrapped around her.
“You and Andrew can finally come over!!” You practically cried out, a bright smile on your face.
“..Where is Andrew..?” You questioned after surveying around, letting go of the embrace you tightly held Ashley in.
“Went to go and check on something.. don’t worry about it.”
“..Alright. I’ll wait here if you don’t mind.” You quietly spoke, standing beside Ashley as your hand subconsciously grabbed hers, intertwining them.
And Ashley didn’t say anything about it. Just to see how her brother would react, of course.
That didn’t go well, let me tell you.
He came back, noticing you, he was so excited like a puppy seeing their owner once more, but noticing that you were holding Ashleys hand..
..For some reason it made him pissed off.
“..(____), why don’t you hold my hand instead?”
You were already starting in his direction to tackle him into a hug, but Ashley pulled you back.
“Nah.. I think she’ll stay right here, holding my hand.”
“Yes, dear Andyyyy?”
“Let her go. Right now.”
“Mm, nah.” She chuckled seeing him get so riled up.
He flat up walked on over to you two, grabbed you by the waist, swiftly pulling you away from Ashley.
“Oh you jackass!!!”
But he didn’t care.
And then, you all heard another car..
Thats when everything else unfolded.
They killed that man..
And you witnessed it.
Then again though, he was a murderer as well..
..but why??
You were shaking like a leaf, catching Andy’s attention.
“Shh shh.. its okay. Theres no need to cry or worry, alright? It was in self-defense. I promise this won’t happen again.” He consoled you, hugging you closely as you nodded.
Ashley looked baffled though, one of her eyes slightly twitching.
..guess they’ll just have to not kill in front of you from now on.
Well, moving on from this..
You had made some fake ID’s for them (made by another friend of yours, of course) along with some birth certificates, you just wanted to help them get on their feet again.
That would.. slightly backfire.
No matter what, he became so obsessed with you, he started stalking you, watching you do anything around the house. When you’d turn to see if anyone was watching, no-one was there..
You brushed it off multiple times, but even when you were in the shower, or changing, you felt the same feeling. It was all.. unnerving. You hated it. You wanted it to stop.
But, it continued and continued, and it got to the point where you started asking Andrew if you could sleep with him for the night, to which he immediately accepted; surprising you.
You got into his bed, him pulling the covers over you despite the fact you already had a blanket with you.. but that was fine. You rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your lower back, pressing you closer to him.
And strangely, it seemed like all of the eyes that were previously watching you were gone. You could finally drift off to sleep, where Ashley would make fun of you both each time, but stopped suddenly after a bit..
But you shrugged it off as she was just bored of the joke now that you have cuddled with Andrew so many times now just for you to feel safer within your own home!
Little did you know that the person you were cuddling with was the one watching you all along..
His fingers threaded through your hair, humming ever so softly. He kissed the crown of your head, your forehead, your cheeks, and then eventually, your lips. You tasted sweet to him, sweet like nothing he’d ever tasted before in contrast to his usual taste of mint and cigarettes within his mouth.
He wanted more of it..
He then continued kissing your lips, now making out with your unconscious body, taking breaks in between to undress you from your nightclothes, underwear, and so forth.
In your sleep, you felt something.. swishing within your mouth. It was warm, tasting everything within your mouth almost, like it was trying to claim it!
You slowly awoke very sadly since you couldn’t get your beauty rest, trying to find the cause, just to see it was Andy. The person you were so close with. You instinctively pushed him away, or tried.
As much as you wanted to- you couldn’t hurt him. What would be everything you went for then? What would Ashley do?? You’d have to live with the guilt of possibly hurting one of your friends.
..is he even your friend anymore?
He took notice of that, opening his eyes instantaneously as he felt your touch. He pulled away for a moment, examining your expression.
The room was silent, the atmosphere was palpable as he turned to an emotionless face. He moved you closer to him.
“Andy!?” You yelped out as your body became tense.
“..Shit— shit, no, fuck, i’m so sorry. This is wrong-“ Andrew pushed himself away, getting up and threading his hands through his hair. His eyes were wide as he realized what he’d done.
“..Andrew, why??..”
“I’m sorry- that was disgusting- I’m sorry!..”
Your facial expression was bewildered, but you eventually just frowned and grabbed his arm (which was shaking.)
“Andrew, you should’ve asked me first so I could’ve consented. Especially if you have some sort of som—“
“Wait!.. how are you so calm?!” You really aren’t.
“..I’m not. But I would’ve just want some more information- some sort of talk about this entire situation before we could do anything.” Caressing his hand, you smiled softly, and he simply just stared at you for at least 5 seconds straight.
Consent talk?
Consent talk!!
He gave a long ass apology for his actions, immediately about to just get up and leave.
But you stopped him to talk further talked about the situation. You talked about what you really wanted.
And if you both were ready.
Even though all of this didn’t happen throughout one entire night, you planned everything out. What you two were going to do.
If you wanted a relationship.
Or just a situationship.
You both decided to test the waters first before deciding that.
You need to get out. Leave.
What are you doing?
Please, go.
He’ll kill you too.
You couldn’t fall asleep after everything that happened, so he ran a bath for you and him, washing you both.
After that though, he dressed you in some more comfortable clothes for the afternoon it seemed despite being early morning now.
He had you sit in his lap, smoking (trying to get you to smoke as well), tending to your wounds.
And that’s when Ashley came to you both later within the morning, groaning.
“Why was there so much noise in the night?.. could barely sleep..”
Safe to say, you gave a.. believable excuse
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Wow- theres a lot here! But, I hope you all enjoyed!!
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Sweet Like Candy (Yandere! Graves x Female Reader fic.) (Chapter Two)
Authors Notes- Here I m back again with yet another chapter to Sweet Like Candy. Sorry it's been a hot minute. Work as left me drained. But here I am back again. And as you should know I like to mention any trigger warnings in my authors notes. So this chapter will feature stalking, more obsessive behavior. If none of this is your cuppa tea then this is where we part way but I'll remember our time fondly. Now that we got that out of the way here is Chapter two. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter Two.
"Hey, Y/N. You got plans tonight?" Your friend, Gloria spoke. Jerking you from your thoughts as you worked on getting your customer the non-fat latte she asked for.
"Well..." You chewed on the inside of your cheek, racking your brain for anything you needed to do when you got off work. Aside from homework there was nothing you could really think of. "Aside from homework not really, why?"
Gloria turned away from the sink grabbing a piece of paper towel to dry her hands off with. "Well, you've been on edge for the last week or so since you moved into your apartment so I figured since me and the others are going for drinks tonight I'd invite you. You look like you can use a couple."
Gloria had a point. It had been weeks since you first started feeling like you were being watched at your home, and thankfully that feeling seemed to go away once you bought some curtains for your windows. Which helped you a lot. And you thought that would be the end of it. But lately it seemed like now there were times you were being watched outside of your apartment. You constantly told yourself that you were being paranoid, but that only did so much. Could someone be watching you? And why?
"Y/N?" Gloria called out, jerking your from your thoughts, an eyebrow arched as she waited for your answer. Perhaps a night out with friends would help you relax.
"Sure," you said, with a shrug of your shoulder, as you handed your customer her drink. "I could use a break."
Gloria smiled before turning to address the next customer. While you looked around the store, seeing that things were rather slow, looking to Gloria once more before telling her that you were taking your break. Gloria nodded before you took off your apron and headed for the backroom. Heading to your locker you pulled out your text book and water bottle before plopping down into one of the chairs.
Heaving a sigh you opened you textbook and tried your best to focus on the stuff before you. You had a test coming up in a few days and you really needed to focus...Easier said than done as your phone chimed catching your attention. Looking to where your phone sat you picked it up. Seeing that it was a text from Gloria.
It Read: "Hey girl, that hot older guy is back."
As you read that you feel your cheeks flush. Knowing that the hot older guy she was referring to was the older man who seemed to constantly come here, and while you told yourself countless times that he was only here for the coffee, and to have a quiet place to read through his files in peace. But there was a little sliver of hope forming in your chest whenever he stepped through the doors that he came to see you. You knew it was silly you knew there was no way a guy like him would ever being interested in you.
Getting up from your seat you peeked out the door. Your heart fluttering as you saw the man walk up the counter. Your cheeks heating up as he did so, you watched as he looked around the small cafe, blue eyes obscured by sunglasses only a few a moment before he took them off and tucked them into his shirt pocket, as he ordered his usual a black coffee with two sugars. Typical as you watched him take his usual seat you wondered if he ever ordered any thing else? How could he stomach that stuff? You grimaced Gloria often brewed the coffee in the mornings or whenever she could, and her coffee tended to be rather strong.
Strong enough to keep you and anyone else wired for days, perhaps that was why the man, whose name you never got, not because you didn't care it was just that whenever he came into the cafe you turned into a shy giggling school girl who would blush and giggle every time he spoke. Or when he smiled at you and called you such names such as Sugar, Honey, and Darlin' Sure, if it was anyone else you would have rolled your eyes and offered the faintest of smiles as you worked on their orders but he seemed... Oh, you couldn't put your finger on it but he was just so...hot!
Your phone pinged again. Ducking back into the breakroom you looked down at your phone. Another text from Gloria, how she could test and work without anyone knowing what she was doing was beyond you.
"Would you quit lurking in the shadows?" It read. "It's creepy. Also your break is over and the next wave of hipsters is coming in."
You sighed. Breaks never lasted long. And you hadn't gotten any studying done. Giving your head a shake you placed your belongings back in your locker before heading back out. And was greeted by the stranger. His eyes immediately fixing on you, a bright smile on his handsome face. You heart fluttering again before you turned you attention to the never-ending line of hipsters and busy business men alike. All the while the mans eyes never left yours as he sipped his coffee.
There you were! Graves felt his heart skip a beat as you stepped out of what he could only guess was the breakroom a bright smile on your beautiful face. Good. He had hoped he would have a chance to see you as he sipped coffee and tried to looked scanning through various files. And sure, he really should be working but like every other time he had come here he found his eyes glued on you. Watching as you dealt with customers with a bright smile and a warm greeting before telling them to have a wonderful as you handed them their drinks.
Or that was how it was before some shmuck barged in front of everyone else, ignoring the protests of other patrons as he slammed his drink down, anger etched on his face as he glared at you. Files forgotten as he watched as his asshole berate you on how you had messed u[p his drink. How, apparently you had added milk to his drink, how he was lactose intolerant, and how you were clear to stupid to do your job properly. And there you were trying you very best to placate him, to offer him a free drink for your mistake.
Though that didn't seem to help as the man continued to shout and swear at you. Graves rolled his eyes, placing his coffee and his files down as he got to his feet. Was a messed up drink really worth all of this bullshit?! He just couldn't understand people as he moved to confront the man. Only to stop and watch as you slammed both hands down on the counter, gone was the warm smile and instead you glared at the man with narrowed eyes.
Graves watched in awe as you ripped this guy a new one, a smile forming on his lips as he watched him limp away with his tail between his legs as you heaved a sigh. Shoulders slump, a wave of pity washing through Graves as you moved away from the counter, pity soon turned to anger. You shouldn't have to deal with that, with people who think that they had a right to treat to like that? And if it wasn't assholes who treated you like dogshit it was the creeps. Assholes who thought that just because your job required you to be nice most of the time that it gave them the right to be creeps.
You deserved better. Better than this. Sure, he liked this cute little cafe you worked. But he knew you no doubt made peanuts, barely enough to make rent and keep yourself fed as well. He would know. When he followed you to the little grocery store where you shopped frequently, saw you pass on some of the things you wanted and needed. No doubt trying to budget, you shouldn't have to to that, you shouldn't have to worry about making your rent, or school payments, or being able to feed yourself, or clothe yourself. How Graves wanted to take all those worries from you and he spent all his time watching you, following you, obsessing over you. Watching as you went about your day.
Did you even know he was there? Do you ever catch him watching you? What would you think if he did? Would you think him creepy? Would you still smile at him the way you did if you knew how often he watched you? God, Graves shook his head as he sat back down, files and coffee long forgotten as he gathered up his belongings. He didn't know when things between you two had changed but Graves found himself growing more and more obsessed with you. And if he was being honest? He couldn't bring himself to care. Graves knew it wouldn't, couldn't stop even if he tried. And if he was being honest? He was certain the only way he was going to stop was when you were his.
Today. Was. Insane. You huffed a tired sigh as you plopped down in a chair as your shift came to an end. Exhaustion gripped you as you left your head fall back, eyes falling closed. Today had been never-ending one customer after another until closing time.
"You okay?" Gloria asked.
Yawning you nodded.
"You still up for drinks?" Gloria asked.
"Yeah, after today I really could use a drink." You told her, as you reluctantly got up and moved to your locker, gathering your things. "I just need to stop at home, need to get out of these clothes." You told her.
"Want me to give you a ride?" Gloria asked. "The bar we're going to is past your apartment anyways."
Nodding you gather your stuff and follow Gloria out of the breakroom, and out of the cafe, turning off the lights as you did so before making sure the door was locked as well. Before heading towards Gloria's car, casting a look over your shoulder, eyes scanning the darkened parking lot. What were you looking for? Giving your head a shake you shoved that thought from your head and got into the car, stifling another yawn as Gloria pulled out of the parking lot. A drink or ever several would certainly help.
Now where were you going? Graves thought, as he sat in his truck in his usual spot outside your apartment as you stepped out of a car. Was it the car of your coworker? Graves arched an eyebrow as he watched you disappear into your apartment, and while he had been upset when you had purchased some curtains, obscuring you from view he had found away past that. Hence why he was lurking outside your apartment he had the perfect thing to help him keep and eye on you. Something far better than lurking outside your apartment hoping to catch a glimpse of you in your apartment, oblivious to him as you would pace around your apartment in your fluffy pink towel wrapped around yourself.
Graves chuckled as he peered up at your window, catching a glimpse of your silhouette as you moved around your apartment. Were you and your friend going out? If that was the case then this was perfect timing on his part. Watching as you stepped out of your apartment wearing a black dress that to him seemed just a tad too short for someone like you, along with the heels that seemed a little too thin. Just where were you two going? And were you wearing make up?! Graves' eyes narrowed as he looked you over. And as he did he felt anger stirring in his belly. Where did you think you were going?
Graves growled, his grip tightening on his steering wheel as you climbed into your friends car, watching as the car pulled away. Wasting no time he climbed out of his car and headed towards your apartment. Looking over his shoulder he disappeared into the building, and headed to your room and made quick work on the lock before stepping into your apartment. And the moment he did he instantly fell his anger dissipate as his scanned your apartment.
Noting the plain white walls, and the pale pink curtains hanging in your windows. To the pictures hanging on the walls of you and your friends and family. Some of them featuring you with a small Boston terrier dog hugged tightly to your chest, a wide, loving smile on your face. Graves heart fluttered as he continued to look at them, his smile faltering as he saw more pictures of that same dog, though this one seemed to be a memorial to said dog. Shame. You seemed to really love the little pooch. Continuing to look at the pictures he saw one he liked one of you in nothing but a bikini smiling at whoever was taking the picture. You didn't have a boyfriend, did you? If not well Graves couldn't have that he if that was the case he would do everything to make them disappear for good. Biting down on his bottom lip he slipped the picture from the frame and tucked it into his pocket for his viewing pleasure later.
Turning away from the pictures he continued to look around your apartment. Taking in the worn couch you obviously bought second hand at some place, to the small TV leaning against the wall, to the shelves of various sizes leaning against the wall next to the couch, filled with both textbooks for your classes and...oh my... Graves smirked as he pulled one of the smutty romance novels from the closest shelf. Obviously you liked the steamy stuff. Graves flipped through the dog-eared pages, before placing it back on the shelf. He was wasting time he had come here for a purpose, but he couldn't help but be charmed by your little hovel of an apartment.
It was you. But he could give you more. He could give you the world if you wanted. Sure, you didn't know he existed aside from his constant visits to the cafe you worked at. You would one day, one day you would be his. Nodding to himself he stepped into your bedroom, and smiled as he looked around the small room, seeing the bed with light pink covers and pillows. Obviously pink was your favorite color if he had to guess simply by seeing your curtains, bedding, towel that lay discarded on your floor by your bed. And....oh hello it would seem it wasn't the only thing you own that was pink, as sitting on the nightstand by your bed lay a cute pink vibrator.
Looks like you didn't have anyone to take care of your needs, good it would mean when you were finally his he would be able to take care of you. But he was getting out of hand, he was here for a purpose and while he knew you would probably be out for a while be knew he shouldn't stay longer than need be. Placing the bag he had brought with him he pulled out a small, nearly invisible camera, one of several he had purchased when he had planned this. Biting down on his bottom lip he placed it on the wall where he knew he would be able to see everything you did in your bedroom. Once he was satisfied with where he placed that one he moved back to your living room, placing a camera in there before finally moving to your bathroom, flipping on the light he looked around it, before placing a camera in your shower.
Satisfied with his work Graves moved towards your front door, but stopped...He wasn't ready to leave, at least not yet, not without a little souvenir. Moving to your bedroom once more he looked to where your clothes hamper was, opening it he dug into the pile of dirty laundry until he pulled out a pair of lace panties in a powder blue. Quickly stuffing them into his back pocket he headed for your door, and down to his truck. It was time he headed home...
Authors Notes-Sorry this chapter seems rather long-winded and rambly. But I hope you enjoyed it. And things will get a bit more steamier in the last chapter.
PS. Also sorry for any mistakes you might find in this chapter. Like I said work has me burnt out.
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flowering-thought · 13 days
Part 2? Fuck I've been thinking about them too much again so here I am ;-;
Supossed to be writing something else but this AU has me held by my nonexistent balls-
Brainrot gods please spare me I am nothing but a simple creature who doesn't get enough sleep
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior
COD Psych Ward Unit × Reader
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When you were first transferring shifts from night to day, you only had a weekend to adjust your schedule.
You had told the boys about it previously so they were very eager to actually get to see you in the light of day instead of the cold lights of the hospital at night.
What they weren't expecting was your disheveled form and the annoying laugh of the front desk person who witnessed your poor state early in the morning at breakfast.
Price was pretty sure the scrubs you were wearing were inside out and Ghost could tell from where he was sitting that you definitely had eyebags.
Soap noticed that the usually organized tote bag you brought to work was stuffed a bit more than usual and he could tell you were not very happy.
Gaz had assumed the change would be tough on you but not this tough. The sight of you was enough to make his heart clench and the need to hold you in his arms worsened.
They really hadn't expected you to be this tired. The moment you made it past the desk they saw your shoulders droop and your eyes close for a moment, likely getting your bearings before the annoying form of the one and only Philip Graves stepped in front of you, getting in the way of their view.
"Well, what do we have here? Some poor darlin' made their way to the wrong unit?" the Texan teased, a shit-eating grin tugged at his lips.
What he didn't expect was your eyes to open and softly glare at him, a wry smile appearing on your features as you raised your brow at him, "And I wasn't expecting a warm welcome from a cowboy wannabee? Go eat breakfast, cowboy. I gotta get ready for my shift." You fired at him and watched as he put his hands up and backed away, a genuine grin on his features.
You rolled your eyes and moved down the hall, using your badge to access the breakroom and put your stuff away. While you got ready in the breakroom, trying to make yourself look more presentable and put together before your shift officially started, a commotion was happening in the common area with Ghost tugging graved by the neck of his shirt.
"Keep your disgusting paws off Graves. The last thing they need is some bastard like you interrupting their day." He growled, his fist tight as Soap and Gaz stood just in case they needed to support their lieutenant.
Graves just gave them the biggest shit-eating grin, his hands still up as though surrendering, "I'm not sure what you mean boys? Just givin' my greetings to the miss?" he teased.
Ghost stared him down until he decided to let go, Graves shirt wrinkled and scrunched up from how tight his grip was. Unfortunately, having 141 show interest in you made multiple others notice and observe you. And to Graves? He was curious about you from the moment you stepped into the ward on your day shift with those sleepy eyes that made him think about holding you close under the sheets. What can he say? He's a sucker for pretty things like you.
The moment you stepped back into the hall, the first thing you did was check the schedule, seeing if anyone had any meetings with the doctors or group therapy which was usually every day in wards like these. Much to your surprise there was nothing. You even checked the chart and notes from doctors but it was practically just telling you to let them sit in the common area through the day and lock them up at night.
You hummed to yourself, looking from the schedule to the assortment of men scattered around the tables where shitty games were played and they all clearly looked bored.
You had never worked in a ward as lacking as this one. It's like they were just kept here under high security for the fuck of it. You huffed before checking the rules for nurses and the activities they were allowed to do with the patients. And as you expected you were allowed free reign.
You couldn't help but shake your head in disappointment. Well if you were going to get paid well then you're at least gonna make the patients happy even if you have to force them to participate in activities.
So there you were, standing at the windows where all the tables could see you with an Uno deck in your hands, "Hello! Nice to meet you all I'm coming from the night shift so you'll see me more often!" You greeted, multiple heads and chairs turning to face you.
You hated the shift in attention but kept a smile on your lips and tried to ignore the invasive stares. "I'm nurse (L/n). And the schedule here looks a little lackluster, so I thought maybe a friendly game of Uno?" You offered.
The boys all sat at one table and just couldn't help the little flutter in their chest at your sudden proclamation. Graves sat at a table with Konig and Horangi. Konig, with his constant leg shaking and Horangi, just played with a deck of cards in his hands. Nikolai, who was still eating, sat at a table on his own but put the plate down at the sudden mention of an "activity".
You felt very awkward with all the stares but kept up the smile on your face as you brought a couple extra chairs to an empty table, "If anyone wants to participate, just come sit over here.".
Soap was quick in his decision, immediately choosing a chair next to you and Gaz tried to be fast but sadly Graves beat him to it. Gaz tried to grab Graves by the back of his shirt like Ghost had but watched your brow lift at the sight of his agitation.
With a huff, Gaz sat next to Soap, clearly ticked off, and glared at Graves, who had the same grin as always. Horangi, who you had yet to officially talk to sat down at the table.
Nikolai joined after putting his plate away while the rest who didn't want to participate brought over chairs so they could watch.
You smiled happily as you opened the uno cards and started shuffling, you weren't the best but you tried anyway and then gave everyone their cards.
Horangi lifted his hand, his eyes shielded by his sunglasses so you couldn't tell if he was looking at you or the cards in his hands, "How exactly do you play this?" He asked, his fingers holding onto the cards and fiddling with them curiously.
You looked around as the rest also didn't seem to know how to play the very colorful game of Uno. You laughed as you explained, the sight of grown men not knowing how to play uno somehow very amusing.
After explaining the basics and the rules, Gaz was the first one to get a double plus four by Graves, with an argument breaking out between them about how it's unfair.
Graves ended up calling Gaz a sore loser which made you stop him, "Nope, no name calling Mr. Graves. Play nice or I'll make you quit the game now." You warned, watching as his brows lifted in surprise. Gaz gave him a triumphant smirk and settled back into playing despite the massive amount of cards now held in his hands.
It went on like that for a bit, with the first person to get Uno being Nikolai, who proudly and very loudly claimed victory. "I win so I'll be getting a reward yeah?" He asked, his eyes pointing straight to you.
You just smiled and nodded your head, "Mhm, I brought extra snacks for the dayshift so I'll share them with you.".
The next person to win Uno was surprisingly Soap who had been very secretive about the cards he had and tried his best not to get angry when the color changed to something he didn't need.
Unfortunately, Horangi had the most cards in his hands. The ever-growing pile in his hands looked so bad you wanted to offer to take some off his hands but part of you also wanted to win.
It went on like that till lunch, with you getting uno, then Graves, and lastly with Gaz. The only one who didn't was the last player Horangi who had what you figured had to be the record holder of cards at 36.
You had fairly given out the snacks you promised, with Nikolai getting extra for being the first Uno winner. But you did sneak Horangi some candy you kept in your pocket with a small smile and your index finger to your lips.
And the day went fast with you proposing activities and checking over charts and rules. Honestly part of you didn't understand why these men were here.
From what you had seen all had been a part of the military and all had the problems that came with it. Ptsd, Cptsd, paranoia, insomnia, things that weren't exactly too bad and could likely be treated outpatient with how well the men acted.
You've seen many kinds of people in psych wards, and these men were the kind that would maybe need a month at most, not long-term stays.
While you wondered about it at your little desk you saw the head nurse approaching, a grumpy-looking woman who always had her hair held back in a tight bun that you imagined definitely hurt her scalp.
She looked to be in a bad mood as normally she didn't approach any of the nurses during their shifts and especially not in front of patients.
"What are you doing?" Came the shrill voice you had yet to get used to.
You flinch, your eyes darting between your desk, the head nurse, and the men who all sat eating dinner as it was now later in the day.
You looked a little confused, your hands coming down to sit in your lap, your fingers fiddled with each other before you replied, "Checking charts ma'am? Also checking schedules so I can plan activities." You claimed, your tone coming off ever more confused as if to ask why she was questioning you.
Her eyes glared at you as her hand raised to her hip, "Goodness I know you've been here for maybe what? A month or two? But you don't have to try so hard. This is a very lax ward for nurses you don't have to entertain the patients or even talk to them. Just give them medication and send them on their way." She stated, as though it was the most natural thing.
You wanted to protest but before you could she slammed her hand down on your desk and got close to your face, "Just listen hm? They don't need any special attention. They don't need kind treatment and they definitely don't need to be rewarded. Yes, I can't punish you for doing so but I can make things more difficult if I have to." She warned.
Price hated it, the way your body curled in on itself, how your eyes widened at the woman in front of you. All of the boys practically had to fist their knees to stop themselves from getting up.
Graves was silent but inside he was fuming. It was your first day shift and you're getting scolded by the head nurse for being a good nurse? What kind of damn logic is that?
Konig was getting anxious just watching, his leg bouncing aggressively enough to shake the table he sat hunched over. Horangi would have tried to help him out, but his hand ghosted over the candy in his pocket to prevent himself from yelling at this crazy woman who called herself the head nurse. He always hated when foolish women yell at innocent people like you.
Nik had to look away at some point, his hand gripping the table so tight you'd imagine his veins would pop if he gripped it any tighter.
After the woman thought she had thoroughly warned you, she told you to get off your shift and head home. "What? I don't even have to sign out for thirty minutes!" You protested, standing up to face her better.
You were beginning to get upset at her actions. She had never been this tight on you during the night shift, so why was she like this now?
"Just be glad you're getting off early hm? Have a good night (L/n)." She said.
You looked at her before walking off, heading to the breakroom to grab your things from your locker. You silently fumed as you signed out at the front desk, the women who knew you at the front desk gave you a look of sympathy as you walked off and out of the building.
When you got in your car you had the urge to scream but you just turned your key in and blasted music, your grip on the steering wheel tight.
On your way home you stopped by multiple places, the store to get a month's worth of snacks and the crafts store to get stickers and other things. Among them, you saw a couple of fidget toys. Squishy things and others with all sorts of switches and flips.
You contemplated before grabbing a couple, remembering the chart.
While at the crafts store you also bought some games, simple things that would be safe to bring into the unit and enough to piss off the head nurse, "Don't need kind treatment my ass... fucking bitch.." You grumbled, opening up the door to your apartment and plopping down.
"If I'm gonna be the only nurse to do my job then I'm doing a damn good one." You confirmed out loud, talking to no one but yourself as you clutched the blankets closer before falling asleep.
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strawberrynightmere · 3 months
Bad Cats!!! [Yandere Andrew Graves x female reader]
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Warning ⚠️: yandere tendencies, alternate universe, ruining dates, will add more latter, this is short.
A/n: to those who harassed the creator of the intentionally disturbing and grosse horror game, I wish a big ol' FUCK YOU.
If you were honest with yourself, this was your fault. Though you shouldn't beat yourself up about it, you should be surprised by the other hand.
From either of your cats, you expected this from Ashley, but Andrew attacking your date? Makes you really think.
Your date didn't like it one bit and stormed out of your apartment. You obviously did chase after them to check if they were okay, and then got rejected in a hurtful way, too. Calling you a future cat lady who's gonna die old and alone.
To say your attraction for them instantly dropped to a -1000 was an understatement. You'd understand if they left because they were allergic or something, but insulting any cat lady and saying you were gonna die old and alone simply because you have two cats was just a jackass thing to do.
Flopping on your couch face first, you groan into the cushions in frustration. It's been so long since you had a date that went well, and a good fuck too.
You lift your head up to see Andrew sitting in front of you. The cat leans down and licks your face. Sitting up, you lift Andrew to your eye level.
"I should be mad at you. However, you did save me from what possibly could've been." Andrew just rubs his face on yours just for some more affection.
"Hehe! That's enough. Let's get you something to eat." Those words were like some form of a summon because Ashley appeared on your shoulder without any sound.
You went into the kitchen and poured some food into their bowls, and went to grab something for yourself from the fridge.
While sitting at the dining table, you contemplate if you should make a phone call or not.
Oh, what the hell you planned to sleep in anyway.
You immediately call your friend to tell her how it went.
"It didn't go good, did it?"
"Well gee, Nina! What do you think about how it went?!" Irritated with her instant and correct assumption, you use a sarcastic reply.
"Alright! Tell me what happened."
Much better.
"It was going well at first. I was feeling it. They were feeling it, too."
"Get to the point."
"Getting there. But when we got to my place, Andrew wasn't feeling it." You hear her laughing in amusement over the phone.
"I'm serious! He attacked them, and then they said some real out of pocket stuff to me."
She's still laughing.
"I'm sorry, Andrew? Are you sure it wasn't Ashley?"
Alright, just because they were both black cats, it didn't mean you couldn't tell the difference between them. You told her that a million times.
"If you're just gonna laugh, then I'll hang up."
"Sorry! Sorry. I just didn't expect it."
You sigh. "Whatever."
"Listen, let's talk tomorrow, I'm going to bed early."
"Alright." You hang up.
"Should've called Julia instead."
You jolt in surprise when you see Andrew sitting on the table, staring at you. "We talked about this." Actually, you talked, were either of them listening or not was a mystery. You place him on the floor and put your empty dishes in the dishwasher and decide you should call it a night and head to bed.
Once, Andrew was sure you were deep asleep. He changed into his human form and crawled in bed with you.
"You should've seen your face, Andy, I was so sure you were gonna claw their eyes out." Ashley, who was still in her cat form, spoke.
"Why are you still here?" Andrew whispered irritatedly.
"Oh, come on, I'm living the life of luxury. Why should I leave?" Andrew just rolled his eyes at his sister's excuse, but he knew she'd rather eat glass than admit that she got attached to you.
Deciding to ignore her, Andrew continued to cuddle up to you.
"Aww, you stiw angwy youw giwfwiend bwout someone ewse home?" Now that wasn't needed.
"Shut up."
A/n: it wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad.
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lookingformoondrop · 7 months
Yan!Andrew with his Reader who found out she's pregnant? Spoiler: She didn't want to have children.
Yan!Andrew Graves x Preg!Reader
TW: Unexpected pregnancy, hints at abortion, reader in captivity, manipulation, yandere Andrew, unwanted pregnancy
♡ Notes: I wrote this entire thing while on a train so you'll probably find a wild typo or error font somewhere here. I said in my last post that my next work would be a fluffy one, I lied. Sorry. Remember kids, practice safe sex, and dont act like Andy. Thank you so much for supporting me, anon! I appreciate all the requests and asks from you guys. <33
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Andrew hummed as he removed his shoes and took off his coat.
Work was a drag, his boss was a dick, and his family was unbearable. But despite it all, he had you at the end of the day.
When he came home, he'd always hear your padded footsteps coming down the hall to greet him.
You'd wear one of his shirts or wear a cute outfit he'd pick out for you, all to make him happy.
He just loves you so much.
I mean, that's why he took you in the first place.
You had no idea who he was, only that he was a customer that came at odd times of the day in the cafe where you worked.
He could only guess how poor the pay must've been. How miserable you were... Yes, that's it.
As he watched you, he could spot the circles under your eyes, and he knew instantly that fate had brought you here, or maybe it was a cult summoning? Either way, you belonged with him. And he would bend heaven and earth to keep it that way.
Andrew blinked away his train of thought and looked up. He hadn't heard your footsteps.
That was unusual.
Andrew quickly slipped his bag to the ground and walked further into the house.
The kitchen was empty, minus the dishes and pots from last night's dinner that still remained untouched in the sink.
The living room was empty, minus the tissues scattered all over the floor, and the blankets that pooled the floor.
With his heart racing, he sprinted to the last room he hadn't checked. The bedroom.
He pushed the door open with haste; his eyes wildly searched the room.
The bed was unmade, and the sheets were shoved off the mattress, trailing onto the wooden floor.
As Andrew stepped further into the bedroom and he could hear the sound of the shower, and small sniffles coming from inside.
Andrew let out a sigh of relief, you hadn't left. You were still home with him. But now he had another problem to deal with.
He knocked on the bathroom door and heard a quick shuffle from the other side. The water turned off and Andrew flinched at the sound of objects crashing.
Then out you came, your eyes were red and your hair was messy, as if your fingers ran through them constantly.
You mustered a smile for Andrew, muttering out a weak 'welcome home' before Andrew grabbed your arms for inspection.
"What happened? What were you doing? Why were you crying?" He craned his neck out to try and look inside the bathroom, but you quickly closed the door.
"I was about to take a shower when you came home so uh, I dropped some bath products when I realized I hadn't greeted you." It was a horrible lie, really. You knew lying was one of Andrew's biggest pet peeves, even if he lied consistently himself.
"My little lamb, you're not making a lot of sense right now..." Andrew tried giving you a sweet smile, but the vein twitching in his forehead told you how he really felt.
His grip on your arms became tighter, and he leaned in closer, "I would like to know what you're keeping from me, please."
"I... I was crying," you cringed at how weak your voice sounded.
"Clearly, what else? Don't stall for time you don't have Y/N. Tell me who hurt you, I don't fucking care for the reason."
You peeled Andrew's hands off of you which was surprising giving his intense tone. You slowly walked to the bed and sat down, tracing the thread that was imbedded in your mattress. Your eyes lingered on the white sheets for a second too long.
Andrew followed suit, instead opting to go on his knees in front of you as to hold your hands.
He traced his name on your wrists with his finger and hummed a low tune, unremarkable at best, but it calmed your nerves.
"You are my bleeding heart, Y/N. Everything you feel, I long to taste, everything you love, I devour, and every secret you keep from me I savagely rip apart to find. What could you possibly keep from me, that I wouldn't find out in under a day?"
You kept still, refusing to meet Andrew's gaze.
"You have to promise you won't.. um, get mad." You chewed on your lip as you thought about your next words. The lump in your throat grew harder to swallow the more you thought about it.
How were you supposed to deliever such... news, when that news made you want to rip your hair out from stress.
"yeah, I promise. My little lamb, tell me, what is wrong?"
"I'm scared, Andrew." You looked up.
"Scared?" Answered Andrew, who let go of your wrists to instead settle around your waist.
He continued, "What could you possibly have to fear while with me? Are you afraid of someone?"
You shook your head, "no, well maybe, not yet I-" You took deep breaths, your chest felt like it was going to crack from the pressure.
"Not yet? What does that even mean?" Andrew furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose, trying to make sense of it all.
"Andrew, do you know what day of the month it is?"
Andy groaned; his patience was begging to grow thin. "Y/N, I'm done playing this game with you. Are you trying to provoke me to extreme measures or something?"
"No! Just... answer the question. What day of the month is it?"
Andrew shrugged, "It's the first of the month. It's my mom's birthday. It's trash day. It's Monday. I don't fucking know what this has to do with our conversation, Y/N!?"
"No Andrew, just listen to me! Look, I usually get my period on the first of every month. But last month I didn't get my period."
"So?" Andrew looked at you with annoyance in his features.
"So.... I should have gotten my period last month, but I didn't. I'm not an irregular person and I've been here awhile so..."
Andrew's features stayed scrunched with confusion and annoyance as the words mulled over in his head.
Then it hit him.
Andrew fell back on his butt in shock, staring at you, your belly, and then back to you. The realization so big that his brain stopped the train to language station.
"You're pregnant?" He muttered.
You nodded, the tears that danced on your waterline finally falling. Your chest shook, and you gasped deep breaths, the pressure you had on your chest this morning, becoming ten-fold the weight as Andrew processed this information.
Your head hung low as the sobs shook your ribcage.
Without realizing it, Andrew got back up and sat beside you on the bed.
Wrapping his arms around your head and body, so that your body pushed against his chest.
A gigantic smile placed itself on his face, every bad thing that happened up until that point dispearred in a cloud. The only thing he could think about was the baby you were growing.
His baby.
Finally, Andrew let you go and grabbed your face, lifting it up so that he could place gentle kisses on your forehead. "My Y/N, thank you. This... fuck, I thought you were going to say something horrible, but this? Shit, this is the best news I could have ever heard, well maybe besides news of my sister's death or imprisonment but shit this is even better!"
His kisses became harder and more passionate. But he hadn't noticed the soul that had left your body. Instead, you looked at him terrified.
"But... Andrew, I'm not ready for this. I- I don't even think I'm old enough to be raising children, let alone birth one. This thing could rip me apart." Your breathing became quicker, the pressure on your chest becoming an unbearable pain.
You were so sure that Andrew would hate the idea of children, that he would have the initiative to take this thing out of you, but he was so happy, so much so he couldn't be bothered to notice your despair.
"Doesn't matter. You need to stop worrying about things that haven't even happened yet. You're pregnant, and that's all that matters. You're pregnant with my baby, and you will live through every moment." His smile never faltered as he leaned his head into the crook of your neck, humming a sweeter tune this time and rubbing your tummy.
"I'm not ready," you cried, shaking your head profusely.
Andrew looked up with a smile, trailing his forefinger down the bridge of your nose.
"Doesn't matter."
You held onto Andrew's hands as he leaned forward and embraced you. Sighing deeply into your chest.
"I love our little family. Don't you?"
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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konigsblog · 10 months
Your thoughts on Yandere Farmer Graves ? What if he was working on his farm one day and caught the reader innocently flirting with some guy...;3
tw: large age gap (20s&40s), rape/non-con
yandere!farrmer!graves became obsessive when a farmhand around your age began talking to you. naturally and due to your similar age, you had a lot of interests that you shared! and at first, he brushed it off. but the closer you guys got, and the fact phillip knew he couldn't be watching you 24/7 as you lived down in the village, while his house wasn't far off from the farm, all irritated him, leaving him easily riled up and... sexually frustrated.
phillip tried his best to separate you two, in fear of something more than an innocent friendship forming. despite having different orders and places to be, you always managed to speak somehow. and phillip knew that preying on a dumb, weak 20 year old while he was in his 40s was wrong. yet, he was known for being an aggressive, rough bastard — it wasn't a surprise when he found himself craving the touch and tightness of your pussy around his fat shaft.
he'd take you into his house after you'd done all your work, offering you something to eat, which you gratefully accepted as you were starving from hours on the farm nonstop. yet, phillip took advantage of your vulnerability and nativity: how you'd easily slip into his house without suspecting a thing, and getting all shy on him when he began lifting up your skirt while standing behind you. :3
“c’mon, don’t’cha think i’ can give ya’ different reward?” he attempts to coerce you with his grin, a sly smirk stained onto his face.
you stutter over your words, fumbling nervously and bottom lip quivering before he began acting, already pushing your panties down and taking out this half-hard cock. he didn't prepare you, just spitting and slapping your pussy whenever you got too loud, easier inside without warning. god, his cock ached inside your tightness, wetting him in your slick!
of course, he raped you!! what more did you expect when you were the only one forced to wear a small dress and ordered to do tasks which required bending over? don't be naive... :(
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ur-mousey · 2 months
Cross My Heart and Hope to Die~
-Yan!Andrew Graves x F!Reader x Yan!Ashley Graves-
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Part 2 (coming soon) chapter one The Addition
summary Your parents didn’t give two shits where you were. But they made sure to leave you somewhere with someone. And, you found yourself in the care of Mrs. Graves -she was no better.
Upon arrival Ashley despised you and Andrew kept his distance for your sake.
warning parental neglect/familial abuse.
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Friends never came easy to you. But, older brothers proved harder to navigate. They say that blood runs thicker than water but everything ran clear between you and Jared. He despised you. He'd hightailed it on his skateboard, pocketing the cash meant to feed you, the minute your parents left him in charge. It happened all the time. And within a few steps of your lazying fathers slumped form over the suede brown armchair, Jared snuck cigarettes from his pocket and burnt the buds on your inner arm. When your mom caught glimpses of the marking, she would sit to herself on her bed cursing your father's name in vain.
You never corrected mommy and she never said a word to daddy.
One day, Jared left you with a bowl of animal crackers. You scoured the fridge for a juice box after the door slammed and the lock slid in place. But, groceries ran slim, and spoiled milk sat nestled behind a few cans of Corona. You stood on your tippy toes, peaking over the shelves, and nothing resembled juice.
With your tiny fingers stretched out, you try to obtain the carton of milk. You knocked cans down which rolled over the edge, bursting upon impact. You flinched. Tears burst as you fell on your knees. A puddle kissed your tights and clung to your skirts. You kicked the fridge and smashed the bottle under your fist.
Before Jared could see the damages of a four-year-old, hours after your little accident, and before he could clean up to save face, your daddy returned home.
Daddy's rage broke whatever: Jared's skateboards, Mommy's pearls gifted from her mother, and he tore your beer-reeked clothes off.
You were never left alone again.
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"Say hello to your new friends," Mommy used your hand to wave at the two older kids. "The girl is Ashley. She's in the fourth grade and she's eight. Then there's her older brother Andrew. They wanna play with you. Right?"
The little girl scowled but nodded. Mrs. Graves smacked the back of an uninterested Andrew. "Feel free to drop her off whenever. Andrew is such a responsible boy. He's practically raising Ashley."
Your mom giggled. "I wish my son was more like that. He's a mess. I don't know what to do with him. He takes after his father. This one... she's my little mini-me."
Mommy poked your nose with hers. You heard Mrs. Graves quip, "If that's true, she'll be quite the doll."
"She is! You can even dress her up as one too." Mommy's eyes lit at the mention of fashion. You sulked further into the fur lining of her jacket as she tried to parade you around. She pinched your butt as you scufted your Mary Janes on the dirty carpeting. "Don't be shy now. Go on and introduce yourself."
You put your thumb in your mouth and batted tears from your eyes. "Mommy, can't I go with you?"
"Dear..." She brushed her fingers through your hair. She adjusted the burgundy beret until the plaid bow attached framed your face, "It's a busy night, love. Mommy's sorry."
"Isn't. home."
"Fine! What about Jared? I'll be home with him," You whined.
"And he'll leave you again. I don't want you alone. Mommy thinks Mrs. Graves and her kids will take good care of you. Don't you trust me?"
You nodded. And with mommy's efforts, you introduced yourself. You were almost seven in a lion's den. But, you'd survived hyenas' quarrels before. What's the worse two siblings can do.
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Mrs. Graves excused herself to the bedroom, claiming fatigue. She muttered under her breath, "Your father should be home soon. He's bringing home takeout. Leave me alone till then."
Andrew whistled in response. The door shut and silence infiltrated the space. You sniffled - once, twice, even a third time.
Ashley erupted, "What are we supposed to do with that!? She's being a huge crybaby! I can't take it, Andy!!" She clung onto her brother and hissed at your watering eyes. Your cheeks redden at the attention.
"Leave me alone," You whimpered. "I'm not crying."
The siblings stared at you. Andrew twiddled with his sister's barrette-filled hair. Ashley wore green overalls a tad too large on her that they looked more like Andrew's size. Both siblings had the complexion of vanilla bean ice cream and their hair was as dark as licorice.
"You so are!" Ashley whined. "Why are you dumped on us? This is so unfair Andy."
Andrew tried comforting his younger sister, "Leave her alone, Leyley. It's only for tonight. Let's just watch a movie or something."
"Why are you defending her? I'm your sister, not her. You do this all of the time!"
"Do what exactly? I'm not defending her. I don't want to hear either of you whine." Andrew stood from his seat on the couch. "How about we get snacks? I'll pop some popcorn."
You tilted your head, watching as the girl sprung to his back, the boy reluctant, relented to giving her a piggyback ride. Your brother would never dare. "I'll act dead. I won't exist," You whispered. You hopped in place, hicking your backpack higher on your shoulders. A little louder you spoke, "You and Andy ca-"
"Don't call him that! He's my Andy. And don't you dare call me Leyley. It's not for a common hussy."
Andrew's eyes, a brilliant kiwi color, flashed towards you. You shook like a leaf in autumn. Yet, you dressed solely with winter in mind. It's mid-March where the breeze kicked at one's legs. He wondered if, in summer, you'd be dressed in the finest floral outfits suited for Easter day.
"Finish your thought," Andrew encouraged.
"I don't want to watch a movie. I'll wait for Mommy by the window." You pointed. And he nodded, walking off with Ashely swinging her legs in the air.
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Daddy's gone. So is brother. Mommy's alone. She still has you. You aren't enough. You are a burden. That's what you think perched on the windowsill. Snow White sang at the water well. She must have thought the same as you. You peeked over at the screen where her Prince Charming caught Cupid's arrows with his chest fully bared.
And as destined, he'll kiss her awake.
Your tummy rumbled and you felt too stubborn to leave your vantage point. Mommy could whisk you away from the rude siblings, and you didn't want to miss the moment. You had taken out your violet cotton bunny plush, waving it side to side between your feet. His floppy ears rolled into his round button eyes. And his belly bore pink with bloat.
He must be full all the time.
Mr. Graves had greeted you with a box in hand of gooey cheese pizza and lemon-peppered wings, which he left on the counter. It's been 20 minutes since the family gathered at the table and you didn't move.
Nor did they ask you to come.
Footsteps pattered from carpet to tile. The TV paused as Ashley left to set her plate in the sink. Mrs. and Mr. Graves continued in hushed voices at the dining table while Andrew sat in front. He scratched at his oversized grey sweater and he used his index finger to poke at his food.
"When is her mom picking her up?" Ashley leaned over the table.
"That woman's a dancer. She'll be out all night. Andrew, you'll have to walk her to school and Nina's getting dropped off in the morning."
Andrew huffed, "Since when were you popular? I gotta get three girls to school now?"
Mrs. Graves hummed. "Sorry kid, that's how it'll be for a while. People are in tough times so they flock to the one not hurting the most. Bare with it."
"You could've said no." Andrew pouted.
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Thank you for reading! Request rules are here! Follow my ig = lil.thoughts.xo!
This will have multiple parts and smut. Be ready. Please leave suggestions in the comments! I will be taking ideas for this fic! This will be a slow burn but in the next chapter, I might add a glimpse of the future. A.k.a the events of the game.
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