#yandere platonic king of hearts
How would platonic yandere king and queen of hearts react to finding out reader saved Alice and is finding a way to go back to their world?
You know what? I'll do you one better! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Yandere Platonic Queen and King of Hearts (2)
“That’s p-perposterous! My darling child is right beside me, happily eating their lunch!”
The King of Hearts protests adamantly as the dorm mouse attempts to inform the King. Having missed the Queen’s charging envoy. You had to give the rodent props. The guts to try and drag your name right in front of your face to what she hoped was both the Queen and King of Hearts. 
To her luck though the Queen was not here so all she received was the King’s peaceful denial of her information. She huffed glaring at you with her beady eyes as though staring would prove her point. Fighting the urge to smirk you instead closed your eyes and continued to eat the meal provided for you. You weren’t really hungry but you doubted your…father would believe you if you were to say it out loud.
That being said you hoped Alice–who hadn’t found a growing cake or drink anywhere—stayed tucked in your pocket. When you were able to sneak to the bathroom to chat they suggested being allowed to run freely which you shot down. How many movies and stories had this exact situation happen where the small companion died or squashed because their giant friend wasn’t there to help. 
Still if you knew Alice best they were likely going to ignore you. Now with the dormmouse watching you couldn’t chance a glance at the pocket near your chest. 
“My child, what’s on your mind? You’ve been acting out of it since you mother’s gone to hunt.”
You cursed yourself internally. You must have spent too long thinking about Alice now you’ve gone an alerted the only one of your ‘new parents’ that tried to understand your emotions. Shaking your head you planned to wave him off. 
“I’m fine…Father I just am nervous.”
“Nervous? About what, my child?”
This was new. Usually at this point in the conversation the Queen of Hearts would have spoken up. Told her husband exactly what she wished you were feeling; as delusional as she was. But she wasn’t here and this was an opportunity. 
“Well as you know me and Alice know each other really well–”
“Yes I believe you did mention that at one point. Go on.”
“So I’m just a little sad that…Mother has decide to hunt them down.”
You watched the man’s bottom lip jut out in an unironic frown, his diamond shaped pupils darting from you to the other side of his face. No doubt, deciding who to please. If his hesitation wasn’t bad enough the dorm mouse decided to squeak up. 
“If I may your majesty the Queen knows best about the perpetrator Alice!”
“Oh yes that’s right!  A great idea young mouse!”
You wished to bring your foot down on the little rat or at the very least deliver a kick to their tiny traitorous little body. If it weren’t for his easy to sway persona he’d be perfect to convince in your quest to save Alice. But since this wasn’t working you’d have to try the other a bit more underhanded but necessary. 
“Well Father there was something else but it’s probably not worth even thinking about.”
You made sure to bat your eyes and look away sorrowfully which only fueled the King’s determination to soothe your ‘aching’ heart. Puffing his chest and holding you close, he was entirely eating this up.
“Tell me, Love! Has someone hurt you?! Something bothering you?!”
“It’s….my body, Father.”
Pretending to be bashful, you held your face in your hands. Hoping to hide your snicker at his flustered expression. Deciding to take him out of his misery you continued. 
“I wish it was .03 centimeters bigger than it is now.”
“Well I think you’re perfect the way you are!”
If he was actually your father and not the husband of a murderous queen, you’d be happy to hear that. But wherever Alice was, she needed this and no amount of comforting comments would be enough. 
Faking a torrent of tears you folded your arms over your face leaning into the arms of the chair. Really trying to give off the image that you were absolutely devastated. 
“Don’t fret my Love! I have the perfect remedy for this!”
He happily skittered to the kitchen with you in tow, politely asking for the chefs to bring out the drink that could make you grow. The dormmouse, for whatever was still following sending a spiteful glare every now and then restraining you from taking a peek in your pocket. Despite your expectation you were not entirely sure if Alice was still there. But you hoped she was close by if only to sneak back around and get to it. In the meantime you had to improvise.
“Before I do this I’d like to see an example of it…”
“Oh well I shouldn’t try it. The Queen loves the size I’m at now!”
You had to have respect the man had a real loyalty to the queen and even better the rights of a King.
“How about you try it little mouse.”
“E-e-excuse me?”
“Give it a try for your new highness?”
“Ugh fine.”
The King let the mouse climb the table pouring a small amount into the cap of the bottle and sure enough the little mouse took on a few more inches. Technically you could stop here, the King would no doubt leave the bottle out but you figured extra insurance wasn’t too bad.
“What about if I don’t like it when I’m bigger?”
“Though you’d look perfect either way, we do always have some shrinking cake on stand by!” 
Turning around he pulled out the cake from a cupboard, where he naturally sliced a sliver of the cake to give the larger mouse. The mouse let out a squeak the equivalent of a sigh and downed a good amount of the slice. They let out a diminutive squeak when they looked in the reflection of the bottle.
“My King I don’t think this is the right–”
“Oh Father! I now realize you were right all along!” You made sure to speak louder than the mouse. “I am just fine the way I am if I do grow it’ll be because that’s the way I’m mean to be.”
The King clapped, hunging you tight. 
“Good! I’m so glad my child’s so proud of themself! Now let’s enjoy that strawberry cake your mother left for us!”
Escorting you out the kitchen you watched some of the card soldiers begin to chase off the small mouse. Hiding your snicker you went back to focusing on the King who was happily ranting about some plans of his. You weren’t really listening as you felt for a bump in your pocket—unfortunately finding nothing. 
The Queen of Hearts’ voice rang out the entire castle, even though you were right beside her you could tell that was the case. You were once again eating a tray of tarts as the Queen raged to you and her husband about the terrible hunt. 
“Oh Darling, mind our child’s ears and why not have another tart?”
Her glare disappeared for a moment accepting the tart her husband held up to her painted mouth—after that it was right back to pacing. Wearing the undersuit of her armor and her makeup running just from being worn all day she still looked as beautiful as a picture. Even with her contorted face making an angry expression, you could see why the King of Hearts still swooned at her attention.
“Even the blood hounds found nothing but outdated scents! I tell you the mealworm has been all over my kingdom!”
“I see dear. Is there anywhere you haven’t checked?”
“NO I’ve checked every inch of the forest, everywhere in the garden, and even that insane Hatter’s party spot.”
“(Y/n) do you know where she may be?”
The question caught you off-guard, making you quickly wipe your mouth of some left over custard on your mouth. Stifling a cough as you down the rest of the tart in your throat you turned to him. 
Trying to hide the horror in your eyes, you asked him,”Why would I know?”
He tilted his head, his ever present smile on his face. His diamond eyes squinted in your direction, he continued. 
“Because she’s your friend isn’t she?”
It was then the weight in your stomach began to turn. Despite his meek behavior and wet-blanket status–next to the Queen–he was still a King. A King happily married to the Queen that was willing to remember the details she didn’t bother to remember. 
Swallowing the hesitation you shrugged it off, “ Well yeah but she doesn’t really tell me where she goes…she’s kind of always been a free spirit.”
You tried to say it nonchalantly aiming for another tart only to find the presence of the Queen far too close to your face. Expecting her to grab onto your chin, you flinched. Instead she let her painted nails graze upon your neck before caressing your cheek.
“(Y/n)-dear she doesn’t sound like a very good friend.”
It was said in a very calm tone, an alarming difference from her screeching before.
It was scary.
“I mean Alice and I have our differences but in the end we’re good friends.”
She continued to keep her hand on your cheek lovingly tracing the sides of your face.
“So you say…the other Wonderlandian’s threatened you for her right?”
…How did she know that?
She seemed to chuckle at the terror on your face, placing a kiss on your temple. She brought both her hands to your cheeks letting your noses touch as she smiled in your face.
“You don’t think I haven’t been watching my child from the second you came through that door?”
She chuckled at your speechlessness holding your head against her chest, she hummed a little rubbing the top of your head. Hugging your side you felt the encapsulating hug on your opposite side from the King of Hearts who nuzzled his wife’s head.
“Of course we were watching (Y/n), we’ve cared about you since the beginning.”
“And we plan to never ever stop.”
This moment would have been sweet if you hadn’t been going through the catalogue of events that led to you being here. How much had they seen? How much did they already know? Surely they wouldn’t know where Alice was if they were asking…but the threatening? Even Alice didn’t know about that. 
The ground suddenly began to quake and sounds of shouting drew both the King and Queen away from you an to their balcony. You followed taking advantage of their surprise to wiggle between them both.
Turning her head in your direction, she waved as if she wasn’t practically the size of the castle. A spear shot from the ground bouncing off her thigh, which she retaliated by stomping on the whole platoon with the thrower. 
“AAALLLICCEEE! Off with her head!” 
The Queen of Heart’s was screeching again, practically calling on all her forces to pour out of the castle in that instant. Alice seemed to stumble from the new onslaught of guards hiking her legs up to avoid them. The quaking of the ground startled everyone forcing the Queen and King to rely on the walls of the castle; they reached for you missing your ducking from. In more worry than anything you ran to the guard rail, prepared to warn her about the cannons they were hauling out. 
“Alice! Watch out!”
She turned to you again face lighting up with an idea of hers. Intentionally stepping on the card guards she made her way closer to the castle–more specifically the balcony. Already catching on, the King shouted for you.
“(Y/n) get away from the railing she’s going to-”
Like you’d done before Alice cradled your form in her hands smiling down at you. Barely noticing the fearful ‘cease fire’ the Queen demanded you were carried up high as Alice cradled you against her chest. From the cover of her hands you watched her stick her pierced tongue out at the Queen before beginning to run off the premise of Queen’s castle grounds.
“Hang on tight (Y/n)! We’re going home!” 
At her booming voice you doubted she could hear your cheers. Still a small amount of doubt bothering your joy. 
If the Queen and King wouldn’t let you leave would anyone else?
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theroyalyandere · 1 year
request: So what I am thinking about is Yandere prince× reader who is tge daughter of a merchant and his childhood bestie. They have a 5 year gap and when she turned 20,she was getting engaged. So he level ups lol. Its ok if you wanna write it in headcanon style or fiction style I just want to read a royal au (I am a sucker for it.) Can I please ask it to be a little longer your emperor one was really good so it being small had really made me thirsty 🤒 and can you make it 18+ I mean yk 👀, obviously if you are comfortable. Thanks for reading all of my ramblings.
thank you for the request! :D
yandere!prince x merchant's daughter!reader (smutty 18+)
your father is a wealthy merchant close to the king and it makes sense that when you were born, you were presented at the court by the royal family's presence.
when yandere!prince first saw you he adored how a lovely baby you were and was eager to hold you. he treated you like a baby sister due to him being an only child.
you spent your childhood being at the palace mostly by the young prince's side with how compatible the both of you are.
even as a child he's very possessive of you, he does not want any children being at your proximity or anyone getting your attention away from him.
being the prince he is, you always follow his orders and in return spoiled by him.
a few years later, his platonic affections turned into romantic ones as he saw you blossom into a fine young woman.
he grew into a great prince while you were known to be the gentle and sweet girl always be his side.
he was 25 and you were 20.
he started to treat you like a lover would and it baffles you.
you tried to turn him down but he became even more affectionate when you ignore him.
you can't deny how handsome and charming he is that is making you grow flustered every minute you spend time with him.
he's known to being a gentleman when it comes to treating ladies with respect mostly showing them to you.
he's similar to how a dragon would hoard his treasure.
you're his happiness and he wouldn't want anyone or anything to take you away from him.
he treated you so well he doesn't even look at the other girls that were offered to him.
he isolates you from everyone else to the point his parents and your parents became concerned with the way he always hover around you.
when he found out your father engaged you to another noble he was angry.
you are his to claim and his to love and because of that he made a plan.
first he took you out like usual and then to the garden where you confided about your betrothal.
he feels his irritation rising with every word coming out of your mouth.
you told him that you heard some of the other girls how they got their virginity taken
which sparked your curiosity and made him grow even more hopeful on making his plan into action.
so he offered to teach you how to kiss and please a man.
you were quite reluctant but you were determined to be experienced so you agreed.
his first lesson was kissing.
at that moment he took your first kiss at the garden, he was extremely handsome and although you thought of him as an older brother with him being the only boy you spend your time with.
your kisses were clumsy but he taught you how to move you lips and tongue in accordance with his.
his kisses slowly became passionate and you have to stop him before your heart flies out of your chest.
you pull away from him breathlessly.
he chuckles at how you already look like a mess but you couldn't deny how it made you want for more.
so you pulled him close and told him to shut up and continue.
he smirks before diving back into kissing your soft lips.
he became even hungry and he also wanted more.
you couldn't forget the moment how he took you to his chambers where he undressed you and caressed your skin.
the way he gropes your body like he owns you.
he sucks deep harsh marks all over your skin and his hands roaming to appreciate your beauty. his sole focus was on you.
you whine at the marks he leaves your skin but he insists that its part of love making.
he looked at you with lust and passion behind his eyes his lips wet from the passionate kiss you both had shared.
he lovingly laid you down on his bed and took down his clothes revealing his glorious body.
he looked down at you as if you're the only treasure and the most beautiful thing on the world.
his intensity made you shy away making you hide your face into the sheets while you weakly slam your hand onto his chest.
he chuckles and he only kisses your cheek sweetly making you even more flustered so you told him to hurry up.
"my my~ so impatient."
he prepares you by spreading your pussy with his mouth and fingers, eating you out like a dessert.
you can't help but arch your body as he coaxes sounds out of you.
your body is only his to control and pleasure and you love every moment of it.
when you came on his tongue and came back up with him licking your wetness from his fingers.
you clench your thighs at the sight and this goes noticed by him.
"ready my dear?"
you nod and he slowly pushes into your wet untainted cavern.
the prince claimed you as his the moment his hard cock penetrated your wet pussy.
the moment he entered you he went feral at the feeling of your pussy enveloping his member.
he takes it slow until the pain subsides and the completely destroys you.
"fuck~ you take me so well my darling~"
he keeps pounding into you that you almost couldn't breathe.
your beloved prince doesn't dare to leave your pussy with the way it's clamping down on his cock.
he keeps fucking you until you orgasm intensely and he spills his hot load into your womb.
you immediately fall asleep after but he pulls out to watch cum leak out of your cunt.
he kisses your forehead whispering you did well and cleaned you up before cuddling you.
after that he was determined to cut off your engagement so he studied hard to the point of neglecting you but he apologized by sending gifts to your way.
with his harsh presence gone you saw how people gravitate to you and you became popular for who you are.
but you also noticed how some of the closest ones to you disappeared
you also met your future fiancé but in the back of your mind was your beloved prince.
time passes, days before your wedding the king suddenly fell dead and the prince was immediately coronated as king.
you watch him look at you within the crowd as he was hailed as the new king of the kingdom.
at the day of your wedding he was invited as an honored guest.
he watched your every movement and you felt his eyes staring holes at you.
he smiled for your sake but on the inside his anger is bubbling up especially the way your fiance now husband kissed you. he clenched his fist and clapped along everyone else, oblivious to the plan he was brewing.
at the reception, everyone was happy until your husband suddenly falls dead infront of you causing chaos.
the feast then became a funeral with the prince consoling you.
the next day, he offered to engage you to him infront of everyone even your parents.
your answer shall determine your fate.
A/n: the ending is kinda meh but I hope you like this!
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floatyflowers · 2 months
Can you do a romantic/platonic yandere Jareth from the labyrinth? or Sarah as like a big sister or a neighbor? I just want the labyrinth please
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Dark Romantic! Jareth x Reader
Jareth didn't understand how you entered into his realm, but the sight of you wandering helplessly flared something inside of him.
He approaches you with a charming aura and a smile making you trust him.
Not because, he smiled at you, no, but because he looks 'human' , and after you saw goblins wandering around, you got scared.
"Hello, my dear, how did you come to be into my realm?"
The question caught you off guard, but you answer him quickly with another question.
"Your realm?"
"Yes, my realm, I'm the goblin king, Jareth, and this is my realm"
Hearing the word goblin made you remember the terrifying creatures you met when you came to the realm.
Despite looking different, you thought Jareth was going to kill you and eat you.
So, you thought of running away before those doubts come true.
But before you could escape, Jareth pulls you into his arms, with a cunning smirk on his face.
"You still haven't answered my question, my dear"
Surprised by Jareth's unexpected embrace, has heart racing.
You try to compose yourself, taking note of his charm and the way he makes you feel slightly at ease despite your initial fears
"I... I don't know, one moment, I was walking through a garden, and the next, I was here." You stutter while glancing around nervously, still unsure about your safety, even with Jareth's seemingly friendly demeanor.
"Please, I need to find my way back home. Can you help me?"
The vulnerability in your tone is evident, and your eyes plead for assistance.
"Don't worry, my dear. I'll help you, but first, let us speak in my castle, there is something I wish to speak to you about."
Taking Jareth's hand and following him into his castle was the biggest mistake you made.
As Jareth saw he could help you... by marrying you and making his realm your home.
Why would you need to return home when you ARE already home, by his side, as his queen and beloved.
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howdoesagrapewrites · 10 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: fem!reader, cisgender female reader (I'm sorry mascs and nbs, I'll make something for you later) incest/targcest implied for later, platonic and romantic yanderes, yandere EVERYONE x reader, here's a list of every character that will be featured (not all of them are romantic):Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Rhea Royce, Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower, Viserys I Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Haelena Targaryen, Daeron Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon, Jacaerys Velaryon, Laena Velaryon, Laenor Velaryon
Notes: I go by a very strange mix of the series and the books, I haven't seen the series in a while so the timeline will most likely be a mess. I'd like this to be a series but I've been incredibly busy. Extra: at first I thought about making reader Mysaria's daughter, but this is a self insert, so it's best that you look however you like, leaving the mother anonymous. The only physical reference I'll make will be reader's silver hair
>After Rhaenyra was declared the heir of the iron throne, Daemon, insulted, flew away with his mistress, the white worm, who he would conceive a child with, even asking for a dragon egg for the prince or princess to come
>However, Viserys demanded him to go back to his home and wife, he sent Mysaria off to lys, where the stress of a storm in the trip back made her lose the baby
>Daemon never fully forgave his brother, and this left him less than eager to have another child anytime soon
>So imagine his surprise, when 7 years later, there's a rumour spreading in flea bottom like wildfire, about a girl carrying Daemon's bastard
>Many women had claimed to carry a royal child before, thinking this could give them any sort of prize, so Daemon didn't think much of it at first, but when he heard her name, he recognized her as one of his previous "favorites" who disappeared without a trace months ago
>She was said to have taken residence in Essos, and Daemon went on dragonback to find her. She was from the free cities, five years older than Daemon, and a heart as cold as a northern winter, or so they said. She was not expecting Daemon, running away to have the child in peace
>"They said I was too far along when I found out, moon tea would've only harmed me. Besides, it was lucrative in its own way" said the woman. Daemon did little to suppress the disgust on his face when thinking about her being defiled by other men while carrying his dragonseed babe
>She wanted no part in the baby's life, and Daemon, in his particular fashion, informed her he'd take the youngling as soon as it's out of her, may even pay her a few coins to make sure she won't do much as think about keeping it
>A few months passed, and he returned to king's landing with a babe in arms. Demanding an egg in honor of the birth of princess Y/N Targaryen
>This egg would later hatch into the dragon Dagahrion, the princess' bound dragon
>The court was a hot mess, according to Otto, he wouldn't be surprised if the young creature lost its left ear because of all the gossip and ill-speaking of her, just like her father. This was a scandal, considering he was still married to Rhea Royce, who he gravely dishonored time and time again, Daemon was always shameless, but this was crossing a limit, even for him, to call his bastard a princess while refusing to lay with his own rightful wife, disgraceful
>Daemon tried to use you as yet another attempt to get his brother to annul his marriage to "the bronze bitch", but even when he failed, he did everything in his power to legitimize his daughter
>Despite everyone on the council telling Viserys how foolish it'd be to do it, making enemies out of the Royce house, further insulting Rhea, and putting a whoreborn on the line of succession (no matter how far from the throne), all it took was a little yawn and the bright twinkle of your eyes to make him melt, he is fully committed to his role of uncle, even as a doting grandfather, considering his father passed long before her birth
>Viserys sent Daemon back to the Vale, saying he should do his best to give lady Rhea an heir, to make up for the slip and avoid causing the Targaryen house any more trouble. Viserys, for totally not selfish reasons wanted to keep the princess in KL, saying Rhea should not be made to raise his bastard
>Daemon said he'd rather be exiled again than to leave his daughter in Hightower hands to go try to fuck his wife. Viserys was greatly offended by the implication that the Hightowers truly ruled and schemed while he reigned
>To his outmost displeasure, he finally had to let his niece go to the Vale with her father
>Rhea loved you as soon as she set eyes on you, completely separating you from your father's actions, and seeing you as a pure angel in this horrible situation
>But it was so difficult with Daemon around, she just wanted to whisk you away and love you, she'd pray to the mother to be able to breastfeed you, crying when she heard you wail in frustration of your hunger, since it took several wet nurses to get you to drink milk
>But Daemon was always around to remind her you were not hers, that he considered her lowly, not worthy of you. He'd correct you when you learning to speak, and dared to refer to her as "mama"
>It was said the ground of the vale would shake upon them yelling when fighting over you
>But this joy to Rhea was short lived, as Daemon sent you to KL when he had to fight in the war of the stepstones, saying the "nest of vipers" was more deserving of you than she was. When you were three, your step mother had an accident while hawking, many said Daemon orderded for her to be poisoned when she was bed bound, others said the distress of your parting made her lose skill
>It was Viserys greatest pleasure when you were left at his care, his adorable baby niece was now an infant, and somehow you were even more charming, being able to speak, sing and walk
>To no one's surprise, Viserys' reaction was not generalized, with many not being keen on having a bastard running around the castle playing with the princes, by that point, Aegon was 8, Haelena was 7, Aemond was 5, and Daeron was 1, and almost all of them could see people treated you differently
>Rhaenyra was welcoming, baby Lucerys had just been born, and she was delighted to have a girl to spoil, it only helped that Jacaerys loved you as well, and would often fight his uncles for the chance to be with you
>Alicent in particular was not pleased with your presence, thinking you were an uncomfortable conversation to have with her children, especially resentful of the fact her youngest son would be attached at the hip with you
>To Otto, you were an annoyance, a living proof of Daemon's pure disregard for the norms, however, he could rest at night knowing you were ninth in the line of succession, and a girl, who would someday marry a son of a minor house and be too busy bearing children to present a claim to the iron throne
>Even though the Hightowers were tougher than the king, they did eventually succumb to your spell, and became just as enamoured with you as everyone else, in their minds, you were almost a product of spontaneous generation, completely ignoring your shameful father and prostitute mother
>Your arrival also caused the birth of Lucerys (who was again, born with a striking resemblance of Harwin Strong, just like his older brother) to be less gossiped about, after all, your case was much more interesting
>Some people in court starting referring to you as "The princess of flea bottom", this title costed quite a few tongues around the castle, ordered by Viserys, happily approved by Otto
>The Hightower hand was careful not to show too much affection to you, as it was improper and he knew how zealous was Viserys when it came to you
>Aegon was "already too old to be playing" in his words, and kept his distance from you, you reminded him to much of his sticky handed little brothers
>But as if you knew, you chased him around and praised him for his knightly demeanor (in your eyes) and how he's just like the heroes in Viserys' stories. It was not a long time before Aegon now appointed himself as your guard, watching like a hawk over his brothers and nephews when he thought they were being too rough on you
>Haelena loves you from the start, sees you as a little doll, she loves showing you her bugs, you're the only one who listens to her attentively
>Jacaerys and Daeron are only a year old, but always search for you, you think they're cute, something that spikes jealousy on Aemond, he wants you to think of him as someone worthy of admiration, like you see his older brother, he'd even accept being cute in your eyes, but he has none of those traits to appeal to you. You love him and love playing with him nonetheless, but he thinks he needs something else to win your favor
>The Velaryons dote on you too, with Laenor married to Rhaenyra and once your father marries Laena that same year, they are maybe too eager to become part of your family, and regard you as theirs
>Especially Laena, who Daemon allows (unlike with Rhea) to pamper and care for you, but still corrects you when it comes to remembering your origins, Laena may love you, but she's not your mother
>Maybe Daemon does this as a way to imagine you're only his, he doesn't care for the woman who abandoned such a precious treasure, she has been wiped away from your life and memory, you're only familiar with your father, you only belong to him
>You have his silver hair, you have his name, no matter who your mother was, you are his true valyrian heir, his dragonseed
>Unfortunately, Daemon is not the only one whose eyes light up when thinking of owning you
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yan!Husband Maegor the Cruel/Yan!Mother-In-Law Visenya Targaryen Headcanons
❝ 🐉 — lady l: Am I obsessed with Visenya Targaryen? Yes I am. Lol, this takes place before he becomes King, except for the ending, so I hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes because it's 3 am where I live ❤️.
❝tw: not compatible with canon, mention of death, forced marriage, death, manipulation and usurpation.
❝🐉pairing: yan!maegor the cruel x female!reader and platonic yandere!visenya targaryen.
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Your marriage to Maegor was rushed and you didn't have the chance to refuse or say no. Not when the Dowager Queen was the one who chose you to become her son's wife. You were doomed from the beginning.
Everything happened very quickly, you only remember your parents receiving a letter from the Queen ordering you to come to Pentos immediately. Neither your parents nor you have thought much about it. One mistake and soon you were placed in a ship and shipped off to Pentos without knowing the reason.
It was only after your arrival at the Red Keep that you knew what would happen. Your reason for being there. You would become Maegor Targaryen's wife.
You didn't want to marry him, you knew his reputation well but you no longer had a choice. Not when he had taken an interest in you and the Dowager Queen too.
Everything was done quickly. You were bathed, dressed like a doll and during the night, under several looks of pity and fear, you married Maegor, becoming his first and only wife.
It wasn't that bad, you quickly decided. Maegor was a kind husband to you and tried to make you happy. He let you have your freedoms and do what you wanted, as long as you never left the house in Pentos. Visenya was nothing but sweet to you, your mother-in-law was very affectionate and spent a lot of time by her side. You were grateful for that.
He was a decent and even good husband. You had to deal with his jealous outbursts frequently and his often painful touches, but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't bad when you slept with him or when he killed a guard by ripping out his heart because he looked at you for too long. It wasn't that bad, you told yourself every day.
When everything seemed too much to handle, you turned to Visenya and she always comforted you. Everything was fine, she said. This is his way of loving you, that everything would be fine in the end. Visenya knew how to manipulate you with sweet and poisoned words.
There were times when you loved your husband, times when Maegor was your caring and loving husband. This happened when you were on your period or more sensitive and he was a completely different person. His touches weren't harsh, his kisses were soft and his body was soft. You loved these moments.
He had always been possessive and you knew that the best thing to do was not provoke him. You knew very well what your husband was capable of doing, you still had nightmares of when he forced you to watch the terrible murder of your guard after he accidentally touched you.
When this happened, you would curl up on the bed when he left the room and call for Visenya. The only one capable of understanding, you thought. She smiled as she sat next to you and stroked your hair, always repeating that everything would be okay. Your heart hurt, but you blindly trusted your mother-in-law.
With tenderness, Maegor presented you with splendid jewelry, but your greatest treasure was the time you spent together, away from the judgmental eyes of the everyone. He protected you, not just with his warrior skills, but with kind words and gestures of affection.
You came to love Maegor in your own way. And he loved you dearly in return. Although you were still afraid of him, you learned to like him. You would always fear him, but you could ignore that. Because you knew Visenya would never let him hurt you, especially when you found out about his pregnancy.
It was Visenya who discovered it. She always had an eye on you and when one of your maids came up to her and whispered in her ears that you hadn't bled in two months, she smiled huge and knew it was time. It was finally time for Maegor to ascend the Iron Throne.
Maegor was delighted when he found out about your pregnancy. Now everything was falling into place. You will always fondly remember his reaction. How he knelt in front of you and placed his head against your belly, smiling widely and you could swear there would be tears in his purple eyes.
Now everything could fall into place. Maegor would have a secure succession and together with Visenya Targaryen, he usurped the Iron Throne and became King of the Seven Kingdoms. You were present, watching as Visenya crowned her son with his father's crown and everyone watched in awe as the new King ascended.
You clutched your belly as if you were protecting your baby. Maegor stood up and walked over to you, taking a crown that he had ordered forged for you and placed it under your head, crowning you Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Visenya watched with pride and satisfaction. Everything was coming together.
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
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Deep Sea Sympathies
Yandere Sun Wukong
(Syntax alphabet is up next, then an LSO + Primal . Feeling super down, so I wrote something a little sadder. The villain tiers post I spent two days writing and rewriting again and again got anonymously sent to another user, who skimmed the majority of it, left out my opening and ending points, and called at least one of my criticisms “ridiculous” and even has a reblogger claiming that I “hate Macaque”, that I want “everyone to hate Macaque” and that I’m “salty”. Maybe it’s childish, but that kind of hurts when I’ve spent literal months making content for the show (often involving Macaque) that I genuinely love. I only wrote that list because I wanted to give my honest opinions as a break from my usual content as I prepared to watch and write for Season Five. Maybe I’m in the wrong and my rant was just stupid? Do you guys want me to delete the “Season Five Prep” posts?)
“I still can’t believe MK got me back into this,” the simian before you chuckles. “But I’m kinda glad he did. I really missed drawing. I forgot how good it felt.”
“…I see,” you “answer”, maintaining a stiff and poised position, staring down at the collection of utensils that the hero is using. “Are you… having fun, then?”
“Aww, bud. Come and take a seat, okay? Look, I’ll even put out a little mat for you. Come and take a seat,” he invites, plucking one of his transforming ginger hairs to make a proper cushion for you.
His tail winds lazily around your leg, tugging you closer and closer to the squishy orange padding.
“C’mon, bud,” he says, cutting through your hesitation. His voice has a powerful edge under all the sweetness- reminding you that the Monkey King is someone you can’t say no to. “I want you to draw with me, kiddo.”
Wukong is fond of this- pulling you into little “bonding sessions” that take up the whole day and leave you without time to spend with anyone else.
It’s funny, though, really- you are the last person that need be manipulated away from others.
“The Great Witch of Gloom,” was the title that you had been assigned. Before you had a name, before you had taken a step, before you had so much as uttered a cry… your fate had been decided.
You were to be a wicked soul with dark motives and a darker heart.
As old memories flood into your ever weary mind, Wukong arranges a few sheets of paper in front your mat. The grip of his tail slowly tightens, and you cease all stalling.
Lowering yourself to the ground, the mat provides a cozy cradle to shield against the cold wooden floor.
“…it’s almost Winter,” you mildly comment, tracing a finger against a smooth plank. “It’s getting colder.”
“Oh,” the simian casually asks, scooting his mat closer to yours, “you like the snow?” Here’s chance he always adores- any rare tidbit of info you offer is a chance for him to spoil you, stocking up on presents and snacks in an attempt to drown you in platonic love.
It didn’t help that you always felt so indebted after he was done stacking gifts into your arms and bag.
“So, bud- what’re you gonna draw?”
The curiosity in his voice is almost innocent, almost sweet. He pushes the multi-tiered box of crayons towards you, smiling.
“C’mon, pick a few out!”
Awkwardly; and with a shaking hand to boot, you reach for the box.
It’s… not a comfortable sensation. Waxy paper around thick wax sticks makes for an awkward feeling in your hand, and you slightly recoil from the hueless cylinder.
“Aww, kiddo. No one draws with white- heck, you’d be better off eating it! Not that I’ve, uh, ever done that.”
“…I don’t know what to do,” is your blank confession that leaves Wukong quirking an eyebrow.
“What, you don’t know how to draw? You’vd never had… oh. Oh, kiddo.”
Realization colors his golden eyes, leaving the simian king with a sympathetic frown. Your parents wouldn’t have ever let you have something as fun and bright as crayons, would they? How could he have forgotten that?
It had been a nightmare for the Monkie Kids to pry information out of you, and a further mess to try pushing you towards a healing state.
And, honestly- Wukong’s doting ministrations really didn’t help. All the love and gifts in the world could not undo your traumas- but certainly left you feeling as though you were mired in debt.
Not that you had the words to voice those feelings, leaving Wukong to continue piling on with his affections- all in the futile hope that he could love away the demons of your past.
“Okay, bud. Maybe we stepped out of your comfort zone, huh? Alright, my bad. Tell me what you wanna draw, and I’ll pick out the crayons for you, okay?”
“…I don’t know what to draw, though.”
His frown deepens. It’s hard to think that someone as young as you could be so… he wouldn’t say broken. That was far, far too cruel a word for someone he loved so dearly. You were… “cracked”, maybe. A little “tarnished”.
Like you had given up on seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and decided to instead drift slowly along in a dark ocean.
“Bud, don’t you like the beach? C’mon, why don’t you draw something from there, yeah?”
“…could I?”
Your little words break his heart. You shouldn’t have to feel like you need permission for something as simple as drawing a damn picture. But you *do*, so he answers with false cheer-
“Of course, kiddo! Draw anything you want!”
“…how do… how would I draw… a jellyfish?”
Finally, a real smile graces his lips.
“I didn’t know you liked jellyfish,” he says, in a too familiar voice that lets you know you’ll be receiving a loaded armful of themed plushes and stress toys in the very near future.
Another load of guilt, another load of debt.
“I’ll take you to an aquarium one day,” he tacks on, unaware of your growing insecurities. “And we can look at them together.”
To him, this is healing. Love and affection and unending comfort.
And certainly, Wukong is far better a guardian than your parents were. Instead of blaming you for powers you couldn’t control, he was always ready with praise and applause. Instead of resigning yourself to rotted garments rummaged from the trash, you had brand-new clothes and warm shoes. You were never hungry. You were never bored. You were never alone.
And, above all else- you were loved.
But you were not happy.
And you doubted that would ever change.
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darkestspring · 3 months
A fic with platonic yandere big brother King Aegon who gets revenge on Aemond for his beloved little sister reader. Aemond and reader are married but he is unfaithful to the reader. May it be with the brothel madam, Alys, or whoever it doesn’t matter. When Aegon finds out he does whatever in his power to give them hell and publicly humiliates them because no one dishonors his sweet little sister especially their seeming righteous brother.
you were the only one he really loved, the only one of his siblings that he cared for genuinely. You were his beloved sister, he always taunted aemond and ignored helaena, daeron was barely even a thought to him but you? precious, lovely, kind you.
You were his beloved sister, he would rather cut out his own heart than to let you face humiliation, that's why he caused such fuss when it was announced that you were to wed to aemond.
Aegon's anger was unprecedented, Alicent almost wanted to accuse him of being in love with you but she saw him with you. You smiling brightly up at him as you showed him the stitching of sunfyre that you had done for him and she saw his look of pride as he ruffled your hair. It wasn't romantic love, no. He loved you as a sister but it terrified her.
He had to be restrained by three guards and Ser Criston when he found out that that Aemond was going to wed his precious, lovely sister.
"I'll kill you. If you hurt my sister, I'll kill you." Aegon hissed at the stunned Aemond, dagger still in hand.
It was the first time they'd seen him like that and he only released the dagger when you came running, rushing towards him.
Aegon's murderous look melted into one of concern as he took notice of you.
No one had forgotten how eaily his anger seemed to melt away at the sight of you, that's why you were the first one summoned when Aegon had an angry outburst.
"How long have you known?" Aegon sat beside you as you took a sip of the tea your maid had brought you.
You automatically knew what he was talking about, just as much as you knew that he heard heard from the spies he had watching you at all times.
"The entire time." You responded quietly, still not looking up at him. There was no love lost between you and Aemond. You knew he didn't love you and though you tried, you couldn't love him. How could love be born in such a hostile environment? It was impossible.
You didn't care enough to react to the news that he repeatedly saw the same brothel worker that he had been forced to see years ago, Aegon's attempt to keep Aemond from falling in love with you, unknown to you.
It had worked, the only thing Aegon regretted was the pain it caused you, the shame it brought upon you.
Aegon had said years ago that he'd kill Aemond if he hurt you, it was a promise that he would keep.
"Are you hurt, sister?" His voice was soft as he reached across and grabbed your hand softly in his.
Tears slid down your cheeks at his comforting tone and filled up your teacup as sobs slipped from your throat. You couldn't hold in your own sorrow at hearing your eldest brother's concern.
"I... I tried so hard to love Aemond but it all ended like this. What am I doing wrong?" You sobbed in sorrow, melting in Aegon as he hugged you close to his chest, comforting you.
That damned Aemond, killing him wasn't enough.
You had only just fallen asleep, Aegon took you back to your bed and settled to write a letter, having it be delivered to dragonstone in secret.
'There's a plan to usurp you, if you break my sister's marriage to Aemond and marry her to Jace, I'll bend the knee to you, I'll tell you about everything.'
Rhaenyra gazed down at the letter with cool eyes.
"Bring me parchment to write on, I must send a letter to my brother in response to his request."
she was a kind sister after all.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Oooh can I please request platonic yandere brother Luffy hcs please who’s sister came a marine unlike her brother(s) 🙏 love to hear your thoughts 
Sure! Bear with me as I'm not that far into the story yet but I watched some of a video to help me understand more of the world :) So this doesn't focus on an specific plot point. It's a general idea. (I want to write One Piece and I'm impatient-)
Yandere! Platonic! Luffy with Marine Sister! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Jealousy, Violence, Forced companionship.
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You were already quite different from your fellow foster brothers.
First of all, you were the only foster sister of them.
While you were fostered in the same family as Luffy, Ace, and Sabo... you didn't have the same goals.
Unlike them you didn't want to be a pirate.
At least, not after your experience with the Bluejam Pirates.
Before you all went your separate ways, Luffy was probably the closest with you.
He often spoke to you about becoming "King of The Pirates", often wanting you to join him.
You'd simply nod and smile, not having the heart to tell him that you didn't want to be a pirate after your experiences.
Secretly you hoped he would give up the goal as you loathed the idea of harming him in the future.
Pirate or not, you still saw him and Ace primarily as your brothers.
However, even if you hated the thought of being a pirate, you played and cared for Luffy + Ace all the same.
You still felt you should be supportive of your brothers, even comforting Luffy as Sabo's supposed "death" and Ace's departure.
For a while it was just you and Luffy, your younger brother still just as excited to be a pirate.
Luffy respected you when you were younger, often coming to you for adventure.
When you four were together you often loved to cause trouble on the island.
Although, Luffy noticed you weren't as into it when you were older.
The thought upset him.
Luffy would always ask why you don't want to hang out anymore.
You would brush him off, but Luffy is known to be stubborn.
Eventually you know you can't keep him in the dark for much longer.
You want to leave this island, it's about time you did.
Sabo's gone, Ace is off to be a pirate, the only one you have now is Luffy.
Luffy was 16 almost 17 by the time you decided to leave the island, you were 19.
He had grown attached to you, even though you no longer wished to partake in your pirate games.
When Luffy confronted you, you admitted you were planning to leave the island.
Luffy protests, saying how he wanted to start a pirate crew with you.
However, you shut him down, ignoring how your brother clung to you.
"Maybe we'll meet again in the future?" You bring up, making Luffy pause for a moment.
"You want to explore those vast seas and become the Pirate King, don't you?" You push a melancholy smile on your face.
"Yeah!" Luffy chirps in an excited tone. "But... I wanted to do it with you, sis...."
"I have my own journey to take..." You sigh, giving him one last hug. "But I'm sure we'll meet again in those waters."
Luffy was reluctant to let you leave, but with some convincing, he let his sister go.
About half a year later Luffy sets off on his own journey, starting the events of One Piece.
While your brothers had roles against the government... you had managed to find your place in the Marines/Navy.
You had been pardoned for past crimes and were given a recommendation to enlist due to your knowledge in firearms and tactics.
Throughout the years you even managed to rank as an officer, often being considered a useful asset within the Marines.
You never forgot about your brothers.
No, how could you when you often saw wanted posters and heard rumors?
You heard of Ace and internally smiled to know he was doing well.
You heard rumors of Sabo but were skeptical on the legitimacy of the claims.
Then you heard of Luffy... the rumors making your heart clench.
It was definitely your Luffy... you could see that in the posters.
It seemed like he put together a crew of his own, which impressed you.
Although... you hated the idea of being enemies.
As Luffy's journey progresses, you keep more of an eye on him than the usual pirates.
Other Marines, including a fellow officer you're partnered with, would occasionally notice you looking over a wanted poster of Luffy.
They think it's because he's garnering a reputation... which is partially true.
But you have different reasons.
You silently hope you never have to confront your old brothers.
You can deal with other pirates, that's no issue.
Yet you have too much of an attachment to Luffy and Ace.
Unfortunately, fate was just as cruel as the waters you sailed on.
Eventually you encountered Luffy since he managed to catch the eye of the Marines once again.
Reluctantly you're put on the field, sat right in front of Luffy.
Luffy paused his fighting once your presence was announced, your name still familiar in his mind.
Then he saw you.
You looked similar to how you once looked back on the island... yet were dressed completely in Marine gear.
Not the usual stuff, either.
You were high in rank.
Luffy felt... betrayed yet also... excited to see you again.
It's been, what, two years later?
You're both adults now yet with such different paths.
You two most likely fight, even though you're both not into it.
You keep trying to say you'll leave him alone if he turns back, if he just stops this.
Meanwhile Luffy keeps trying to convince you to join his crew even now.
Imagine if by the end of your confrontation Luffy does everything in his power to capture you.
He plays it off as wanting to take you as a hostage.
His crew goes along with it, but they can tell Luffy has a past with you.
You fight him the best you can but eventually are forced to surrender.
Imagine if Luffy kept you tied on the ship, still trying to play off the role of kidnapping a hostage until you're out at sea with his crew.
After that, Luffy becomes overly friendly.
He's excitedly rambling to you about how much he's missed you, not quite believing that you'd willingly join the Marines.
He just thinks maybe his sister was captured and forced into the role!
Yes, you must just be misguided.
After all, you two were meant to be pirates together!
I can see him excitedly rambling about Ace and maybe even Sabo to you, saying he's seen them again on his journey and now he's finally found you...!
He's too delusional to consider you an enemy.
Zoro and Usopp keep saying how you're a prominent Marine officer, obviously confused on how he knows you.
Only for Luffy to chime in that you're brother and sister.
You correct him by saying you were foster siblings, but Luffy brushes that off.
It becomes clear to the others and you that Luffy didn't take you as a hostage.
He took you onto the ship in an attempt to change your mind again.
Luffy's dragging you around the ship in your ropes to meet his crew, never keeping an arm off you.
You clearly look annoyed... but part of you is happy to see him again.
Although you know he'll never understand you....
Luffy holds you on his ship in an attempt to convert you into being a pirate.
Which you're forced to be put through.
Even if you tell Luffy you hate pirates, he doesn't believe you.
You can't hate pirates... all your siblings are pirates...!
Luffy is definitely just ignoring the facts.
Even his crew can see your irritation when Luffy clings to you like some affectionate child scared to lose you again.
The Marines no doubt want his sister back, but Luffy is definitely prepared to use violence to prevent that.
When the Marines try to take you back, Luffy taunts them by saying you don't want to be a Marine anymore.
Which is a lie, you do, but it's not like Luffy will acknowledge that.
Luffy would probably ask Nami to get you new clothes that aren't Marine clothes.
You're reluctantly forced to change into different attire to make you more "pirate-like".
You love your brother, you really do...
You just wish this wasn't the thing he decided to pull.
Would Luffy kill to keep you? I can see it happening.
He's determined to have you part of his crew, both pirates looking for adventure.
His charisma and persistence may wear you down.
Plus, you dread the sight of blood on his clothes...
It usually isn't his, based on the cold look in his gaze.
Perhaps you give in, accepting your fate.
Your acceptance makes him ecstatic, clinging to you as he recounts fantasies he's had since he was young.
Seeing a glimpse of the young boy Luffy used to be with you makes you smile...
Although your eyes water when you realize just what you've gotten yourself into.
Now you're forced to be on the run... yet Luffy doesn't care...
Now you two can finally be pirates together as you were always meant to be...!
"I can't wait for you to meet Ace and Sabo with me again...! It's been so long!"
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
May I request for yan House of the dragon platonic like everyone is platonic yandere for reader? And basically, the reader is Rhaenyras little sister, who was born when Aemma died. Rhaenyra hates readers because she thinks reader killed her mother. So, while Rhaenyra isn't there, Alicent is and comforts/mothers reader. The reader is close to all her siblings ( minus Rhaenyra) and her niece and nephew. Timeskip to the night in Driftmark,. The reader walks in and sees Aemond and asks what happens, somewhere along everyone fighting Rhaenyra snarkily says "don't think I didn't notice you ran to their defense" and reader snaps back and is like "when have you done anything kind to me? Why should I stand by you when your cruel to me" Alicent smirks as Rhaenyra realizes how much of a bad sister she was. The reader ends the big argument by saying "while my nephews do deserve some punishment, taking their eyes is far too extreme" and after, while reader was in their room, Rhaenyra came in a begged for forgiveness
Hello.  Everyone is a platonic yandere for the Princess.  Did I understand the question correctly?  I hope you liked it.
   The birth of Queen Aemma begins and her first Princess is born. There is no problem at the moment.  However, Baelon's birth causes the death of Queen Aemma.  Prince Baelon dies a few hours later.  Rhaenyra blames her father Viserys and her younger siblings for her mother's death.  Rhaenyra never approaches or cares for her sister.  King Viserys is very angry with Rhaenyra for her behavior.  King Viserys spends most of his free time with his newborn daughter.  He tries to be the best father he can for the little princess.  Alicent takes the little princess under her wing.  Because she knows what it's like to be without a mother.  Moreover, Hand of the King Otto and the Velaryons are determined to play a role in the Princess's upbringing.  They will do anything to make sure the princess has a good life.  Over the years, the Princess turns into a very beautiful and intelligent young lady.  The Princess becomes a good big sister to all the children Alicent and Viserys have.  The princess is devastated by the loss of Laena.  She is in grief with the Velaryons.  When the princess arrives in the throne room, she is shocked to see her brother Aemond's face.  She immediately hugs her brother and tries to comfort him.  Rhaenyra's impudent behavior angers the Princess.  The anger of the Princess, who did not even raise her voice until this age, surprises everyone.
   Everyone was quiet and attention was focused on the Princess.
   "What could be more normal than to be with them? Why should I be with you and your children? You have treated me like an enemy until this age. I will be with my family who love and protect me. You cannot be a family by blood. I hate and detest you. You are not worthy to be a princess. You are the disgrace of our house."
   Rhaenyra was shocked by the words she heard.  Her sister, whom she had been an enemy to for years, had put her in her place.  The princess turned to face her father.
   "How can you remain silent while Aemond's questioning is demanded? Do not try to do such a wrong, Father. I want justice for Aemond right now. Lucerys will be swept away. Or he will be stripped of all his privileges and titles. And he will never appear in court again."
   King Viserys could see the fire in his daughter's eyes.  The princess finally stood up after so many years of silence.  King Viserys had chosen the second option.  Everyone but Rhaenyra supports the Princess' decision.  The princess turns to Aemond with a triumphant smile.
   "Justice has been served, brother, don't worry. No one can harm our family anymore."
   Alicent tearfully hugs the Princess.  Aemond admires his older sister, who literally fights for her like a dragon.  Perhaps the innocent admiration in little Aemond's heart will turn into a dark obsession in the future.
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Love your stuff! Glad you’re back! Can I request what would happen if Yandere King met a specifically female reader who was thrilled to start a family with him, and give him loads of children? (I like babies…) BUT!!! Plot twist!!! Reader mostly fell in love with Yandere King first because he looked like her deceased lover (but overtime, she did love Yandere King as his own person and not as a replacement)
I think children from yandere relationships shouldn’t be punished from their parents messed up coupling. It’d be even cuter though if the children had a platonic/familial type of yandere love for mommy reader though ;)
Yandere! King x Female Reader Asks 2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Reader is specifically going to be Female in this post!!!
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Ask 1
You had always believed that love transcended time and space. It was a chilly autumn afternoon when you visited the local park, a place that had once been a sanctuary for you and your beloved partner who had tragically passed away three years ago. The fallen leaves crunched beneath your feet as you strolled along the familiar path, lost in the melancholy memories that this place held. As you approached the old oak tree, a place where you both had often sat, yourheart skipped a beat. There, under the dappling shade, sat a man who bore an uncanny resemblance to your former lover. His tousled glowing hair, the way he held his book, and even the way he smiled, it was as if your lover had been reincarnated.
With your breath caught in your throat. You hesitated, your emotions a whirlwind of hope and disbelief. Could it be him? You drew closer, unable to tear her gaze away from this stranger who looked so much like the love of your life. Your mind raced, trying to come to terms with the impossible. As you approached your heart bursted with disappointment the minute you heard him speak.
“What’s a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone?”
It wasn’t him, just an imposter that looked eerily similar to him. With a heavy heart you chose to engage into conversation with this man. As time went on you soon learn that he isn’t from this country but was on here for a business trip. He was a charming man and as time went on the both of you would often meet up to talk together and hang out around each other. Something that you noticed was that everytime the two of you met up his eyes would light up and he’d always stare at you with attentive eyes. You knew it was wrong to use a stranger to cope with the loss of your former lover but you couldn’t help it.
Some notable things about him was that he would get rather possessive of you when you were around other people and would often berate the people you were around but you turned a blind eye to all his red flags. Everytime you looked at him you were always reminded of your deceased partner. Whenever you saw this you would always secretly whisper in your heart that he was him. When his business trip in the country was finished he asked you to marry him and due to your grieving heart to nobody’s surprise you said yes. When it was later revealed that he was the king of a foreign land you held little to no reaction. You continued to delude yourself that he was your past lover. In summary this is probably how that conversation went:
“I know we only met a few months ago but let's get married. Also I'm the king of some faraway country.”
“K bet.”
As you and Yandere! King spent more time together, you found yourself growing fond of his personality and his affection for you. You found solace in being by his side and you were slowly able to let go of the pain caused by your ex lovers death. It wasn’t long until you got pregnant and gave birth to your first son. Currently he was around the age of eight years old and was always attached to you by the hip.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the backyard. In the fading light you could see your son crouched by the edge of the garden, his small fingers carefully tending to a row of delicate, vibrant tulips. You watched him for a moment, your heart swelling with pride. At eight years old, your son had a deep connection with nature that fascinated you. He often spent hours in the garden, talking to the flowers as if they were his closest friends. His bright eyes sparkled with curiosity, and his hair danced in the breeze as he worked.
“Mom,” He called, looking up and flashing a toothy grin, “I think these tulips are just as pretty as you!”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Can you bring out your father? I’m sure he’d like to spend time with us too.”
“Sure.” His smile wavers slightly.
As he made his way inside, the once angelic demeanor he had quickly changed into something more sour. Something that almost everyone notices is that he is only kind when he is with you. His personality changes drastically whenever he is out of your vicinity. He’ll never let you know this though because he wants to maintain his good image in front of you. His face showed slight scowl as he made his way towards the office of his father. He enters the office of his father and initiates conversation.
(with a sneer) “Mother would like you to join us. Please don’t come.”
“I’ll be coming out right now to join you two.”
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darling--angst · 1 year
i’d like to request space song with dazai (specifically pm!dazai) hurt/comfort scenario,, reader comforting dazai during a breakdown or smth :(
Space Song
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Pairing: Pm! Dazai x Fem! Reader(platonic)/Mori x 27! Reader
Type: Oneshot
Genre: Comfort/Fluff
Warnings: Long winded commas, Stormbringer spoilers/mentions, Dark Era mentions, Oda's death, mentions of war, mentions of Yosano's backstory, Mori being a bitch, slight yandere Mori mentions, kinda went off topic..
Synopsis: Dazai finally found someone who saw him for who he was and when his dearest friend died, he finds himself finding comfort in her embrace like a child being comforted by his mother.
A/n: Hey.. Please state if you want it to be romantic/platonic.. since you didn't say which one you want, I'll do the latter. Reader is implied to be 27 while Mori is 33. Reader is like a mother to Dazai. I kinda wrote this without thinking so I am so sorry.
Event // Pm. Masterlist // M.Masterlist
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Dazai Osamu is the feared Demon Prodigy, the youngest underboss in the history of Port Mafia, the boss' right hand man, a genius; but deep down he was a child. A child misguided to do the wrong deeds, a lonely child used as a tool by others, a child who got affiliated with a mafioso at the age of fourteen, after an attempt in suicide. He was suicidal, a child at his age should be thinking of academics instead of how to end a war with another organization with the least casualties for his own gain. He could not see the purpose in living. Nobody saw him for who he was, it was never Osamu Dazai. Everything changed when he was fifteen, he met someone who gave him a reason to live for, someone who didn't judge him.
"sir, the boss has called you to his office" A black car stopped just beside of where he stood in the street.
"A mailman huh. I guess it really is important for Mori-san" he sighed, entering the back door of the car. It has almost been a year after Mori made him his 'witness' and succeeded as the Port Mafia boss.
The drive was silent, nobody said a word. The mailman was focused on driving and Dazai was looking out the window, observing people and their daily activities.
"We're here" The mailman said before the car stopped.
"mhm" He muttered opening and closing the door shut, and he drove away.
He was very familiar with the building. The five building-like-towers in the heart of Yokohama, the middle one being the tallest of all; where the Port Mafia boss, Mori Ogai lies. He reaches the highest floor and was eventually greeted by the guards, as he arrived he saw the boss and an unfamiliar woman sitting on the boss' desk, reading a document.
"Boss" He cleared his voice making his presence clear as the both of them talked.
"ah.. Dazai-kun" Mori shifted his attention from the woman to him.
"Sit down please" He offered while Dazai walked over to the small chair in the middle of the room. Mori made his his way towards another chair and sat down across him. She took documents on top of the desk after grabbing a brown, vintage briefcase. Making her way towards the door, Mori began explaining to Dazai. The only sound that feel the room was her heels clacking to the tiled floor until Mori finally spoke up.
"As you know Dazai-kun, the previous boss has returned.. based on the information you acquired from investigating Subarachi(?) city, it may have a lead on this 'Arahibaki' and by coincidence it seems that the Sheep King is looking for the so called God of Destruction" He explained.
"and?" He replied, clearly uninterested.
"He's suggesting that you work with Nakahara Chūya, if possible make him join the Mafia" She walked passed them, handing Dazai the documents she read earlier.
"Mhm, and you are?" Dazai asked before reading the documents. She continued to walk towards the door before Mori stopped her by ordering the guards from behind the door.
"Stay. (name)-sama" He smiled while she stopped in her tracks after hearing a pair of guards ruffle through the door.
"Haii.. what do you want now?" She let out a long, exasperated sigh. Ignoring her question, he explained to Dazai who she was.
"Dazai-kun, this is (name)-sama. She was strategist from the Great War" Sighing, she flopped down on a spare chair after he continued to explain about her to the young boy.
"So she knows about you killing the previous boss then?" He asked before glancing at her then to him.
"Yes. Now let's discuss this whole thing and why am I part of this?" She sat up, sending a glare at Mori.
"It was just as I explained earlier. The previous boss returned, Dazai-kun saw him personally so now that we have the Sheep King in our capture, we'll use that to our advantage by making him join the mafia." He gave both of them a closed-eye smile, Dazai put down the document and she gave him an annoyed look.
"That won't work" Both of them sighed in unison.
"Chūya is too loyal to the Sheep. It's already given after all if he didn't, he would've left them to die long ago. After realizing his own potential, he would join an organization with a high pay; if he didn't have deep ties with them..—" She explained, sitting back down while Dazai listened to her.
"The only reason for him to join us for the Sheep's safety" He followed after hearing her explain.
"—It's not guaranteed he'll be loyal. If he joins the organization for their safety alone, there's a high chance he will destroy the mafia from the inside and save his little herd"
"Wait are you suggesting-?" Dazai's eyes widened realizing what she means.
"Yes.. We have to make them suspicious of him. If they notice they have been too dependent on him, they'll do any means to overthrow him and that's where we go in." She moved the white bishop on the chess board creating an opening for the rook, and continuing the abandoned game.
"After their betrayal, the Mafia comes in and will pretend to wipe out the Sheep. Chūya, after being betrayed will stay to protect them; so he will do a bargain to save them" Dazai moved the black knight, eating the bishop and now he was in advantage in terms of pieces.
"He'll then join the mafia in terms of the bargain" She then proceeded to move her rook from across the board, blocking the king's only path to escape, almost delivering a checkmate until Dazai's queen ate it to make the game a bit longer, but not to escape the inevitable fate.
"however-" Mori sighed but was cut off by her.
"since the main priority is to make sure the previous boss doesn't return so his supporters won't start a revolution.. you have to fix that first or else you'll get tortured, then executed" She glances at Mori before moving her rook to eat Dazai's queen, delivering a back-rank checkmate. Mori was in awe after watching his protegee and ex-lover play chess in sync, as if they were reading each other's minds.
"But won't you get executed too, (name)-san? I mean you knew of how the boss'really died, yet you didn't say anything.. making you, another accomplice" Dazai leaned into his chair, analyzing how he lost.
"I'm not part of the Mafia—" She nonchalantly responded.
"Yet." Mori's voice was full of demands.
"..tch. As I said, no." She stood up from her chair, giving Dazai a small smile before turning back to the door.
"Why?" This time he was more pushy for some reason.
"It's none of your business" She hissed before opening the door and leaving.
"Well isn't she beautiful.." He muttered under his breath while Dazai sat there with a fed up look on his face.
That was their first encounter. The second one was after both of them planned a strategy to defeat Verlaine. Even if Dazai didn't have any encounters with her that didn't involve work, he grew close to her. During their plannings, he was childish but she didn't mind. He felt comfortable with her, as if he could actually show his true self. She didn't try to exploit his intelligence, as she has one of her own, she tried to understand his view of the world, she sees through his emotions but she never used it to take advantage of him.
When she joined the mafia, her position was a strategist, even if she didn't engage in missions, she was valued by the Mafia because she was the one to pull the strings and by she was liked Mori personally. He had an interest in her that Dazai seemed to distinguish as love, one that he thought Mori was not capable off. All those who tried to assassinate her failed, because of Mori's interference and his predictions. Dazai didn't want her to die, not because of how important she was in the organization but because of his own personal reasons. He then became an executive at eighteen and met quite a few people, Sakunosuke Oda and Sakaguchi Ango, whom he calls his friends. Dazai finds himself looking for her again and again, wanting to see her, because of him, Oda, Ango and her became acquainted..
Oda and (name) was on a small talking about the orphans until Ango interrupted.
"I feel like I'm quite the third wheel here you know?"
"My, my.. I never knew you were sad that you were left out Ango-kun" She teased.
"Tch. I never knew you liked kids (name)-san" He tried to switch the topic.
"I feel neutral about them—I don't dislike them nor do I like them... I once met a child in the war, she was there as a nurse since her ability allowed her to heal soldiers... such a precious child—if I remember correctly, her name was Yosano" She faintly smiled at the memory.
"You took part in the war.?" Oda fiddled with his fingers.
"Mhm.. as a strategist..." She responded. Both of them stopped in their tracks before she turned around to face them.
"If she was in the healing section and you were a strategist, how did you meet her?" Ango asked, she halted and her eyes widened a bit before laying her head low.
"My ex-lover was a doctor, he was in charge of the nurses in the war including her. I ended our relationship because of how he treated that little girl and some other reasons... in the end, she was left traumatized.. I don't know what happened to her after it was over" She quietly muttered, remembering the bitter memories of the war.
"I see.. I'm sorry for asking-" He tried to apologize but was cut off but a faint voice screaming her name.
" hmm.? Dazai-" before she could say anything else, his body crashed with hers as he hugged her.
"I'm quite hurt that you didn't invite me you know!" He pouted before looking at both of them.
"Anyway! Why did you three look so glum-" He tried asking but he was cut off by his phone ringing.
"Oh. It's him. Oii slug what do you want?"
"What do you mean what do I want!? You suicidal waste of bandages! We have a mission remember?!" Chūya screamed through his phone while Dazai listened with a nonchalant expression.
"Yea, yea"
"YOU'RE PROBABLY WITH THAT STUPID STRATEGIST AND YOUR EQUALLY STUPID FRIENDS!" He insulted him while Dazai was quite taken aback. He gasped before he returned the screams.
"OI YOU SLUG! YOU'RE PROBABLY JUST JEALOUS THAT I HAVE FRIENDS AND A MOTHER FIGURE!!!" All of you were quite shocked but Dazai didn't even realize what he was saying.
"NO YOU DO NOT! YOU MAY HAVE A MOTHER FIGURE BUT ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE KILLED BY YOUR HOELESS BROTHER!" He screamed, ending the call before Chūya could repriocate what he said and kill him.
"sorry about that, slug was being extra annoying" he smiled but all of them were still processing what he said earlier
"Dazai.. do you see me as a mother figure.?" She asked, coughing. Her words didn't seem to process in his mind for a second or two.
"Of course not! I only said that to piss him off!" He tried explaining, even though his lie was clearly visible; she didn't bother to inquire any further, not wanting to be nosy.
"Now let's go drink I'm thirsty!" Dazai exclaimed, heading to Lupin while they followed.
That was the last time all of them drank. She was sent away because of an organization called the Mimic appeared, Mori kept her busy for a reason she couldn't hold a grasp on. Soon, Ango betrayed the mafia and Oda died. The reason why Mori kept her busy was so she cannot interfere and warn Dazai, now the Port Mafia has a special abilities permit with the cost of everything that mattered to Dazai. She only found out the last minute, and she hates that she can't do anything about it.
After hearing Oda's last words he was about to leave the abandoned mansion until he met her running. She saw Dazai, standing infront of the ballroom door with his head hung low; when she reached him, he collapsed to the floor into her arms. His head was on the crook of her neck, and her arms was around him, hugging him, slowly patting his head as he struggled to breath.
"Shh... It's okay I'm here" Her voice trembled knowing that the kids along with Oda are dead but she could only focus on the poor child in her arms.
"He's dead... Mori-san used the Mimic to get that black envelope and he-" He explained between hiccups.
"I know" She whispered but her voice cracked.
"What did Oda say.?" She patted his back trying to comfort him but his grip tightened on her.
"He wanted me to save people.. to find a value in life" He bit his lip.
"Then go.." She continued to comfort him but he left her embrace upon hearing her words.
"Don't worry about me.. one day you'll find your reason in living, and you would be happy that you listened to him" She smiled at him as he slowly got up.
"Then how about you?" He tried with every bit of strength he could find to convince her to go with him. She got up too, now facing him directly in the eyes she said:
"You're still young, you would be leaving an environment you are never supposed to be in. And I.. My soul is already bounded to the mafia, if I leave with you he'd do what it takes to get me back"
"But still I-"
"Mafiosos will be here soon... Go to Chief Taneda of the Special Division of the Unusual Powers in a small cheep bar, he'll help you. Don't hesitate to turn your back, go" She quickly explained grabbing him by the shoulders with a tenses expression. His lips parted but he didn't know what to say.
"Just go, I'll meet you again" She gave him a reassuring smiled. Upon seeing her eyes, he nodded.
"Thank you.." He quietly muttered before finally leaving.
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A/n: Damn that was hard and cringe.. just so you know I kinda got distracted by music while doing this I apologize... For the person who requested this you can go to the comment section and say if you want me to redo it because I'll gladly do so :)
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Pletonic yandere king and queen of hearts?
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Platonic Yandere Queen and King of Hearts
“Have some more tea.”
“Uh thank you, your majesty.”
You gave a thankful nod to the servant, biting back the urge to repeat the sentiment. Shifting your attention to the cup of tea, you held your cup to your lips with practiced care. With a tentative glance directed at her, the Queen gave you a nod to which you continued to sip.
“You’ve only had a few crumpets, love. Here have some more.”
The King unceremoniously poured the plate of biscuits onto your tiny platter, smiling as he poured the entirety of the honey bail onto it. You gave him a nod before indulging, careful not to smudge your makeup. 
Things had been truly bizarre since you had fallen into the rabbit hole behind your dear friend. Able to traverse the land together it seemed that for as mad as this world seemed there were set rules. Specifically, one that made your dearest friend be called Alice. It was grating to hear others call your friend a name that was not their own; even worse you were hardly acknowledged. Many would straight-up ignore you or tilt their heads at you and ask your name. It was oddly alienating for this world to encourage your friend to commit to this role claiming a prophecy be fulfilled. And then simply sighing when it came to you, being just as clueless as you.
In a way it gave you the freedom to do as you pleased able to travel all around Wonderland, getting to know those who were capable of acknowledging your existence. Some of which had been those in the Heart’s kingdom. 
“Now that is settled with we can begin talks of this Alice-character. I believe it’d be best if we capture her and behead her as soon as we have them! ”
She waved her own tea cup around, haphazardly spilling her tea all about her. Making you wonder why she spent energy lecturing you at all. Her husband sighed, hands on his round rosy cheeks watching you eat the honey-covered crumpet. 
“Mmmm, that’s nice dear.”
You dabbed at your mouth, running your tongue over your teeth in hopes of clearing any remains of the sticky treat. Wouldn’t want to have any distractions while you fought your point.
“Perhaps there can be another way…a more peaceful option?” 
Focusing on your cup of tea, you looked into the reflection of the organ-shaped teapot. Watching as the queen’s face seemed to scrunch before she turned to you. With her crimson-painted nails, she held your face, turning your head to the left then to the right. 
“Of course not dear, violence is the only option. Now, King, they’re looking a bit gaunt, yes?”
��Of course dear.”
Once again you’re plea was ignored by the two of them who were now conversing intensely about how much more you needed to be eating. After all a proper royal heir was plump and well fed, they couldn’t have others of the court thinking you weren’t being fed properly. Huffing through your nose you dismissed yourself hardly waiting for the Queen’s release before making your way out of the hearts maze. Being sure you were far enough for your angry mumbles and stomping was out of their earshot. So caught up in your huffy exit you nearly ran over the rabbit frantically calling your name.
“Oh! W.B. I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“I-it it is just fine, your majesty.”
“Your majesty, W.B. are you…have you been drinking hatter’s tea.”
“What?! No-well th-this might have s-something to do with just that.” 
He shuffled through his pockets, ears twitching along with his nose. The poor creature was really worked up. With a shaky hand(?) (or foot?) he gave you a scroll, an unstamped document that rolled over your feet when you opened it. You read through the first lines of cursive before double-taking running your thumb over the dried ink. 
“I, the Queen and King of Hearts, hereby declare that whosoever be appointed as the royal heir by their decree must adhere to the following rules and regulations—oh my gosh! I think I’m going to be sick.”
You haphazardly dropped the scroll to the ground, running past the rabbit who fumbled with the policy. The ‘rules and regulations’  that were spoken of told of horrible and gruesome punishments for those that so much as thought of slighting you. Being called ‘majesty’ or ‘young highness’ was one of them. Punishment for the accused was the equivalent of a scorched or ‘beheaded’ tongue, it was appalling to imagine. 
Torn by rage and helplessness you ran–out of the maze past the unpainted roses and idle card soldiers. You couldn’t stand to be here any further from your dearest friend, your dearest Alice while your company plotted to kill them. 
You were done.
Done with the absurdity of this world.
It was time to put a stop to it all. 
As you should’ve from the beginning.
Before they were wooed by Wonderland’s love for Alice.
Before they threatened their safety.
Before the others threatened you.
It was time to go.
Running with abandon you tore through the vegetation, uncaring of the way it stuck to your heart and card-patterned garments. Tearing at the seams of posh confinement you discarded different articles as the tearing branches demanded. Forging on you spied the bushel you had left your dearest compatriot to hide inside. Worry bubbled in your tummy as you noted the crumbs of a soft pastry caking your hands as you kneeled to the ground; forcing your eyes to roam through the blades of grass. 
“There you are!” 
You scooped them up, supporting their small form as you sat on your heels.
“Where on Earth did you find another shrinking cake!?”
They shrugged their shoulders and nervously dragged their foot along your palm as they continued to pout. You had to listen carefully but you could hear them. Fully used to their illogical desire for any available food—starved or full it must be eaten–you scolded them lightly. 
“Look, we don’t have time to fight about this…we have to leave the Queen is determined to have your head. I have a sneaking suspicion she’d not going to care whether your head’s the size of a sugar cube.” 
You patted yourself down, searching for the perfect place to tuck your miniature companion away. Finding the only space was the loose fabric around a makeshift pocket near your chest. With a little protest, your tiny friend climbed in, prepared for the jostling journey ahead. 
“Hey it’ll be okay, by this time tomorrow we’ll finally be away from this horrid place.”
“You’re right this is a horrid place, so far from the castle grounds! Guards! I want this patch of weed burned to the ground!”
You slowly rose to your feet hiding your friend with crossed arms. Dressed in battle wear: a spiny red armor the queen over a tightly fitted dress; the crimson wisps of her makeup were harsher and more violent than before, coupled with the dark eyeliner of a smoky eye. She sat on the back of some tortured creature that seemed to sport a glare at you of its own. skin–a pulsing pink, littered with pus-filled wounds, and stray wisps of hair and feather. 
“Your high–”
Her red claws nails touched and you sealed your lips. She sent a glare to the ground below her beast only shifting her seat before sending her narrowed gaze. 
“Only an hour in the jungle and you’ve adapted their savage ways? Where are your manners, (Y/n)?!”
“Uhm your maje-”
You could only helplessly flutter your lips at her screaming. Nearly shaking as you fought tears you held your ground. 
“I-I don’t understand what it is you want.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “So you have forgotten. You are still a child; misguided and ill-remembering.”
“What?! Wait hold on–”
“Now listen well child, you are to call me your mother and your father–your father. Do you understand?”
“But you’re not my–”
“GUARDS! Take the child back to the palace, the war that is to come is one I’d prefer you watch with lunch on the side.”
Four card guards took your limbs and held you high. Ignoring your wriggling and protests, you nearly forgot about your hidden companion. No doubt clinging to the fabric of your clothes in the midst of your sudden struggle. You stilled only bobbing at the marching pace of the soldiers looking at the twisted perspective of the Queen ordering her troupes to move. She turned to you barely looking over her shoulder as her pointed teeth showed from behind her crimson lips.
“I’ll return when I’ve rid you of the parasite Alice! In the meantime brush up on the rules you silly child. No longer will you deny your right as my young heir. Ta-ta!”
With a wave of her hand and the crack of a whip, she moved with the procession. 
Out to behead your dearest Alice and all of those who stood in her way.
Who was safely tucked within the fabric of your dressings.
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diejager · 2 years
I am really relived ;w;
I just really love your headcanon about König and wondered...
Would you maybe do Platonic Yandere! König, Simon Riley and Captain Price with Childhood friend! Y/n? (You can choose any of them)
I CHOOSE- all of 'em.
Pairing : König x reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader, John Price x reader
Cw: dark, platonic yandere, threats, canon violence, murder.
Wc: 1.2k
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Not much was known about König outside of his moniker and the basic knowledge about his specialty and kill count. People who are powerful enough to find his file will only know how he failed to qualify for a recon sniper and joined KorTac after being a part of KSK (the Kommando Spezialkräfte - the Special Forces Command).
His personal life, however, was something he guarded with his life, a secret he would bring to the grave. His civilian life was almost nonexistent, his file didn't even have his name, and the military simply knew him as König; King, in german - a king among kings.
He cherished few things in life, his life, and (Name), the person he grew up knowing and shared his pain with. You were his little secret within the world, something - someone - he would protect fiercely, even at the cost of his blood. You stood up for him when you were younger, you fought back against his bullies even when they towered over you; you'd worry about him and ease his anxiety when he felt panicked.
When he'd heard you joined the KSK, wanting to follow in his footsteps a year after him, his heart almost gave out, he wanted you safe and far from the front lines of war and battles. You were stubborn, pleasing your case with such ardor that he let you with the promise of staying by his side. Unlike him, you made it into the 5th platoon, a marksman of value after months of patience and practice, and when he left the KSK, he took you with him.
A battering ram, he was, fierce and dangerous when provoked, wherever you went, he goes; looming over your form like a shadow, scaring off people and some members of KorTac with the cold gleam in his steel eyes. His hands would linger protectively on you, your shoulder, arm, or back, anywhere that would deter people from approaching you; from wanting to hurt you.
Since you joined KorTac as their sniper, you'd be far from him, being a breacher and bettering ram had him on the line of fire often, the first on sight and the first to storm in. He was far from you, and he *hated* that, and he still does. If he could, König would lock you up where no one would know your secret and your existence, he didn't want harm to befall you.
König won't stop at anything to keep you safe, you were weaker than him, shorter than his 6'10, and fragile; to him, you were his childhood friend, his everything. He would do the same as you did to him when you were young, he would protect you.
He was Ghost, named for being a ghost to the world, he used to be Simon Riley, someone who was alive, someone who existed, someone who had people waiting for him at home. Then he lost his whole world, his brother, step-sister, and noise died, killed by the people who tried beat him, tortured him, raped him, and attempted to kill him by burying him with the traitorous Major Vernon.
After leaving his life as Simon Riley, the blonde and brown-eyed man people knew, he became Ghost, a dead man walking - a zombie. He had lost everything he cared for, but when he learned that you survived, deployed elsewhere when the massacre of the Riley family happened.
It made his previous protectiveness spiral into an obsession, wanting to know where you were, what you were doing, where you were deployed, which base you were stationed at; everything and anything about you. When Price came with Task force 141, luck seemed on his side, he met you at the tarmac, waiting for him.
"Ghost, (n/n), but when it's just us, Simon is fine."
He was cold and brooding around others, less when you were beside him, but he still held the facade of a cold-hearted and dead Lieutenant Ghost. However, in your shared barracks, he would drop the mask he wears and Simon would come back, the sad, heartbroken man that survived and cared for nothing but you, the last of his previous life: his everything.
Both being snipers and infiltration specialists, he often found himself working closely with you, standing in front or beside you with a protective awareness. Although you were both soldiers - a Lieutenant and a Sergeant - and faced death many times, he wanted to keep you from harm, hold you, and put you somewhere safe.
He dreads the thought of finding you dead or receiving a call about your untimely death: (Name) K.I.A. He's had nightmares about your death, the risks of letting you continue working with the Task Force and simply knowing him, he wakes to you holding him, shushing and whispering his night terrors away - like you always did.
You helped him through his younger years, a place of comfort to him in his abusive household, now he'd do his best to keep you alive and by his side. Even though he can't shake the thought of you going M.I.A. or K.I.A., not having you by his side was irksome, a thought he pushed away. He wanted you with him, so he'd have to work harder, a few slips of his trigger finger in a freak accident, and the trip of his enemies' foot, and he'll have you safe and sound.
He grew up in a traditional, conservative family, so every neighbor knew their neighbors, your family included. Although you were a few years younger than him - being six when he was ten - you quickly became best friends, glued by the hips wherever you went. He had to protect you, you were his adorable childhood best friend whom he loved so much.
When he joined the army, he remembered soothing your cries and your dazed pleas and promises: "Wait for me, John." He did, waiting impatiently for you to join the British army between letters and calls.
He had made enemies while on duty, especially with the formation of 141, it put a bigger target on his head, and whoever knew him; it was yours, especially, that worried him the most, even after having Laswell find and invite you.
He was a captain, and you, a lieutenant - first lieutenant, one rank over Ghost - by 2019. Having you in his Task Force made the weight of his worry lighter; having you on his team during deployment - always - made things easier for him; just having you in his presence made him more relieved. He dreaded and feared losing you to missions, to stray bullets, to traitors, or to the enemies he'd gained over the years.
The constant fear had him command you by his side, always with him in missions (behind him when you infiltrated a base, or near him in shootouts), in his office (saying that he worked better with you helping or sitting on the couch in his office) or bunking with him (he wanted you to sleep in the same barracks as him, it would be easier to protect you come the time of a surprise attack).
He knew you were able to defend yourself, to survive on your own as he's seen many times - you were second in command too - but he still worries, hoarding you to himself as you did as kids, by the hips.
He's a captain that doesn't fear getting his hands dirty if it meant keeping the world clean, the same would be said about keeping you alive and unharmed. He wasn't shy to hurt people or threaten them, he has connections and power, and he - John Price - knows what he's doing.
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kiame-sama · 3 months
The Hylian Zonai (Yandere!Ganondorf x Fem!Hybrid-Zonai!Reader) pt. 2
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Warnings; Yandere, yandere relationship, yandere temper, platonic yandere vs romantic yandere, reader insert, fem pronouned reader, Zonai-Hylian half-breed reader, slight ToTK spoilers, the word 'king' in reference to ganondorf is not capitalized in Rauru's view because he doesn't respect Ganondorf as a king but it is capitalized in Reader's view because she does respect him as a king, neither king nor queen are capitalized in Ganondorf's view because he respects neither Sonia or Rauru as royals but he does respect reader,
"King Rauru, please. I need a word with you and Queen Sonia. It's about Princess (Y/n)."
Rauru kept replaying those words over and over in his head as he waited for Zelda and Sonia to his study, the balcony giving a great vantage point to the gardens below where (Y/n) and that visiting king Ganondorf sat talking. His dearest daughter was keen to show the visiting king around her father's palace and kingdom, eager to spend time with the king despite having just returned home.
Though it burned him to admit it, it seemed his daughter was more than eager to be near the Gerudo king and focus her time on him instead of her parents. A dark part of his soul hated it with a deep and burning passion.
He wasted no time in approaching the two women as they arrived, guards outside of the room closing the door for privacy. Sonia looked worried and it set Rauru's heart fluttering with concern, never happy to see his beloved Queen upset. His family meant the world to him and likely held a place higher than his Kingdom in his heart despite how he cared for both.
"I'm sorry for calling you both away suddenly, but this cannot wait."
"Go ahead, Zelda. We are keen to hear what you need to tell us."
"Princess (Y/n)... She was there when Link and I went under the castle. She was wrapped in gloom and stuck in a kind of stasis entrapped in crystal. I know I have already told you both about the Demon King from my time, but her being there and arriving with the Gerudo king now can't be a coincidence. I believe she is in very real danger the more time she spends with him."
The revelation set pure and utter fear through the couple as they considered the possibility of their beloved daughter being pulled in by such a monstrous man. It was already obvious to both Rauru and Sonia that their beloved daughter was quite smitten with king Ganondorf. Zelda had not been false with them yet so they had reason to believe her recounting of their daughter's presence in the same chamber of the mummified demon king.
"And you are certain it was (Y/n)?"
"Yes. She looked as she does now. I don't know what sealed her in such a state, but I know it was her."
"This... Is most troubling. I will have to call upon Mineru to keep (Y/n) away from Ganondorf."
You smiled happily at the Gerudo King as you taught him about the various Zonai devices around you. Though it took energy cells to properly run the devices, you were happy to teach the visiting King about them and their intended use. The various Zonai automatons were content to bring you what you asked of them and provide you with however many devices you wanted.
It was during this demonstration of these devices that Ganondorf posed a question to you.
"And how do you secure them to one another?"
"Oh, that's easy for me. I inherited several abilities from my father and from my Zonai ancestors. Father calls it Ultrahand, but it is more like a building tool. I can make them attach to one another or even non-device objects and they will stay secure. Not sure how others get by though."
Before the King could ask another question or expand upon what you told him, someone cleared their throat behind you. The large Zonai ears atop your head angled back towards the sound instinctually despite hearing it clearly. When you turned you felt excitement run through you as you saw your aunt Mineru standing behind you, flanked by two automatons.
You couldn't help the growing joy within you as you turned on one heel, rushing into the open arms of your beloved aunt. Her gentle smile was a great comfort to you and you always appreciated visits from your only other Zonai relative. Her smile was warm and affectionate as she reciprocated the hug in kind.
"Hello, little one."
"Hello aunt Mineru, how goes things in the underground?"
"They continue on as expected. I heard you were showing a visiting king around?"
"Yes," a soft and almost nervous laugh escaped you as you led your aunt back to the handsome man, "King Ganondorf is a visiting King from the deserts of the Gerudo. King Ganondorf, I would like to introduce you to my Aunt, Mineru of the Zonai."
The tall King grinned a rather charming smile as he took her hand respectfully in greeting. You took extra note of the fact that- unlike the way he greeted you- he was almost cold and did not kiss the back of her hand. That simple fact made a certain level of giddiness build up in you as you realized the King had certainly shown some interest in you. Something about his devilish smile and quick wit was thrilling, especially when those beautiful golden eyes were locked on you.
"A pleasure to meet you. It seems I've met all the remaining Zonai now. What a marvel it must have been when there were more of you around. From the few I've seen," his gaze flicked to you for just a moment, a coy grin toying at his lips, "you all are rather magnificent. Godlike."
Mineru hummed, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly at the charming King of the sands. You were too busy looking away with a shy smile on your lips to notice the clear distrust your aunt held for the Gerudo King. His grin ever so slightly turned to a taunting sneer when you looked away, but smoothed back into that charming smile as you glanced back.
"You're far too kind, King Ganondorf."
Mineru's voice was clipped and she seemed far less pleased with the visiting King than you were. She could see how much you had fallen for him in the way you smiled at him and seemed so blind to the danger he posed to you. It was as if you were clueless to the genuine threat that was Ganondorf and far too blinded by your own affection for him to realize that he sought the ruin of Hyrule.
Mineru would have to try very hard to keep you from the Gerudo King.
"Your father does not seem overly pleased with my presence here."
Ganondorf stated with a casual tone, looking across the small garden table at the lovely Zonai-hybrid. Though his intent was originally to woo the trusting little Princess, he found himself more and more interested in keeping the sweet Hylian-Zonai by his side for his own comfort. His Gerudo warriors had also begun picking up on the language, seeming to become protective of the little Princess as well despite her being from another Kingdom.
"Well, Father can get over it. I certainly don't see why he is so unhappy with you, you've been cordial and polite with every interaction. I guess it could be because he's always been a bit protective of me. I understood why when I was younger, but he is still quite overprotective now."
Ganondorf hummed in response to your words, looking down at the small tea-cup that seemed even smaller in his large hands. He had half a mind just to take his little Princess prize and return to the Gerudo without the rest of the Kingdom under his control. However, he was reveling in taunting Rauru and still charming the sweet Princess at the same time. Mocking the king to his face and keeping the soft Princess on his arm all in one fell swoop was quite satisfying to the man's pride.
"Well, of course he is protecting you. I can only imagine the kind of people that follow your every step, hoping for a mere second of your attention. He needs to protect you because of how many others seek to claim you."
You seemed a little surprised by the visiting King's words, tilting your head slightly as your soft Zonai ears slightly angled back in embarrassment. His words made sense to you, but to some degree the idea of your father trying to keep the Gerudo King from you was a displeasing one. Your father wouldn't be able to keep you away from everything and you had a right to seek out companionship if you wanted it. Goodness, you were even expected to seek out someone to wed for the sake of Hyrule.
"But he is being too protective. It is my duty as the Princess of Hyrule to find a suitable spouse and lead Hyrule when my parents step-down. How am I expected to find someone to wed if I am never allowed to even look? It makes no sense that he would be so... So cruel."
"You think he is cruel?"
"In this case, yes. Is it not cruel to forbid a Rito from flying? Or a Zora from swimming?"
"... Do you think I am cruel?"
"No! Goodness, never! You have been kind to me since the moment we met in the sands. You have tolerated my endless questions and curiosity without a single complaint. You are not cruel. Not to me."
The slightest grin tugged at the corner of his lips as you spoke so highly of him, knowing he had quite easily won you over. To some degree he has fooled you as he was no kind and gentle ruler, instead he was considered to be brutal and cruel. Still, it was very sweet to hear how highly you viewed him despite his reputation and Rauru's clear dislike for him.
As you spoke, he reached up to catch one of your hands, bringing it to his lips once more. You fell silent as his large thumb stroked over the skin on your hand, his red beard feeling slightly rough against your fingers. Clearly the simple act was able to stop your racing thoughts as the King smiled warmly at you, those golden eyes burning with passion.
"And... Have you found anyone you consider a suitable spouse yet?"
"I..." You slowly intertwined your fingers with his seeing how large his hands were when compared to your own, "I think I have..."
Rauru glared angrily down at the sheltered little garden table where you and the visiting king sat, his hands gripping tightly to the metal railing and slightly bending the metal when he saw your hands intertwined. Mineru told Rauru how interested you were in the Gerudo king, but he could see for himself that you were absolutely smitten with him. It was a terrible thing to Rauru to know how easily the man had won you over, not wanting to give you up by any means to the violent and cruel king.
Though Rauru knew it would be better for your heart to dismiss the visiting king, he also knew you wouldn't be keen to say goodbye just yet. If he could only make you see how awful the man was for all living things, maybe then you would be willing to keep your distance. The only way he could get you to see it without it seeming like he was trying to defame the man was to get Ganondorf to reveal his true nature himself.
How Rauru planned to get that to happen, he didn't know, but what kind of father would he be if he let his beloved daughter fall into the clutches of a monster like Ganondorf?
Rauru needed to out the man and his monstrous behavior, or it would be his Kingdom and his daughter who suffer most.
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howdoesagrapewrites · 10 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐈𝐈
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: incest/targcest, yandere/lovesick behavior, unhealthy relationships, platonic and romantic yanderes, not everyone is romantically involved with reader, yandere EVERYONE x reader, Aegon II is creepy
Notes: someone told me they were waiting for part 2  🥹 btw I hate the show's timeline as a book reader because it makes absolutely no sense and I can't write properly, halfway through this I literally have decided to throw it away and run with what my heart tells me, otherwise I'll combust
>When your father came back from the war of the stepstones in 115 a.c, newly wed to Laena Velaryon, you didn't think anything was going to change, right?
>You missed the Vale, you didn't like seeing your father and Rhea fighting, but she was so kind, just like your wet nurse, she wasn't here in the castle either
>But there was a lot of new people here, and you liked them all, since they're all your family, it is only natural you'd love them all, they often say they love you too
>When the news of Rhea's death and Daemon's nuptials came, almost arriving together, it sparked a sense of empathy and compassion throughout the red keep
>All of the Targaryens were already too "heedful" with your care, declaring you'd be cared for only by family, and in the extraordinary case no one was around, there was two very meticulously chosen handmaidens who were to watch over you until a family member was available
>This measure was whispered from Otto Hightower to king Viserys, this passed as a safety measure, saying that because of your origins, you were at risk, setting the infamous "princess of Flea Bottom" title as precedent to say you were not welcomed by everyone, and therefore in danger (even if everyone who was even rumoured to be against your stay in the castle, had already been "taken care of"). Of course no one objected
>This reawoke an old rivalry between Rhaenyra and Alicent, old playmates with unspoken grudges, now desperate to prove they could be a better, more adequate influence in your life
>Willfully ignoring your young age, and the fact you'll likely forget half of whatever they say by the time you're ten, what matter is that even when Daemon takes you away, you'll be able to remember one of them with particular fondness
>It was the truth, a hard and bitter truth, that you'd have to eventually leave, everyone looking for excuses to give to Daemon once he arrived, in order to keep you around longer, maybe indefinitely
>Alicent felt uneasy when thinking of stealing you away from your sire, as much as she disliked Daemon, and believed you'd be much better off being raised as hers, along with her children, you clearly loved him, you drew pictures and saved "treasures" to give to him once he returned
>You also used to ask about Rhea, no one had the heart to tell you, but still fearing the crude words your father would use to tell you of her passing, after all, Rhea was still "his bronze bitch". Finally, it was Viserys who had to break the news to you, he was considerate and comforting, even explaining how his parents and former wife passed away as well, and how he still carries them in his heart
>You lacked the proper cognitive development to fully process it, but it made you sad you were never to see Rhea again, this made you even closer to Viserys
>Alicent wondered if there was a possibility of offering one of his son's hands, if that would make you stay, she certainly wouldn't be displeased to have as a daughter in law, Rhaenyra did the same, after all, wasn't the heir to the iron throne a much better match?
>But the day finally came, where you had to leave
>Your father forsook his crown as King of the narrow sea to Viserys, who humorously put the crown on your little head, and named you princess of the narrow sea
>With the crown falling to your forehead due to its size, you hugged your father as soon as you saw him, with giggles and words of affection, as much as it endeared them, it broke everyone's heart to remember how your time in the red keep was nothing but extraordinary. Viserys thanked the seven no one could hear his thoughts, it would be improper for a king to wish for war, just to keep his baby niece around
>This moment created a long string of creative bards singing about Y/N Targaryen, princess of the narrow sea, queen of hearts
>It was finally time for you to go to leave, Laena was ecstatic to take you with her after meeting you for the first time, but she was a smart girl and noticed she was taking away something very precious
>But celebrations had passed and it was time to go
>You lived in Pentos for the next 10 years of your life, with your father, step-mother and little sisters, Rhaena and Baela
>Daemon was not so happy to take you to King's Landing for different events, however, Laena said it was good for you to be around your cousins and nephews, good for the twins as well
>And she said that since you had your own dragon, it's best to just, it'd be better for you to not feel trapped, otherwise one day you'll just get on dragonback and do as you please
>Daemon did not like the idea of you ever leaving or having enough independence to just hop on a dragon and leave, but he understood his wife was right
>When Laena lightheartedly told the prince of Pentos that he must only ask if he wished to marry one of the girls, Daemon grimaced in his classic unsubtle fashion
>You and your sisters were excitedly ogling the new dragon egg that was meant for your sibling
>One night, Rhaena came to your room looking for comfort, she feared her new little brother or sister would have a great dragon like Vhagar, or swift as Moondancer and then she'd be left alone
>You had Dagahrion, and Baela had Moondancer, both dragons were bonded with you since birth, but Rhaena's died shortly after hatching. She was given another egg, that sadly had not even hatched
>According to the dragonkeepers, Dagahrion still needed a little more time before you could safely ride, and Moondancer had a long way to go.
>Dagahrion and Moondancer were polar opposites, where Moondancer was small, slender and agile, with lightly coloured pale sage green scales and pearl horns, Dagahrion was growing larger by the day, heavy and mighty, with black scales that shone like a green tourmaline in the sun, and dark laurel colored horns. The dragons would often play together, and were called "the greyhound and the mastiff"
>Rhaena feared her bond with you would be outshined by the future races and sky stunts you and Baela would share. And when Aemond took Vhagar, it felt even worse
>After Laena's death, you had lost a mother again. You deeply mourned her, but you felt a different kind of sadness watching Rhaenys coddle the girls in the funeral, and Corlys telling Lucerys he'd be the lord of Driftmark. Rhaenys had you on her embrace as well, but the looks on you had brought a bitter truth to your attention, one that was nonexistent in Pentos, and swept under the rug in King's Landing. You were a bastard. The whimsical melodies about the princess of the narrow sea, had made you forget the princess was born illegitimate
>You were now 13, and the stares and whispers your family shielded you from, were words much easier to put together, faces much easier to see
>The lords and ladies gossiped when everyone ran to hug you before the true orphans, you felt guilty
>"Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the coast" said Vaemon. You smiled through the pain
>Your father started laughing to try and shut him up, it worked
>It also pained you to reunite with your beloved playmates, and see Aegon, your azantys, who you admired, now turned into a creep. He hugged you longer than he did with anyone else, but his hands lingered in a way you couldn't enjoy
>Lucerys and Jacaerys were there with you and your sisters, just like you could see the look thrown at you, you could see them being thrown the way of the Velaryon brothers. You didn't talk much, but you enjoyed their company
>Aemond tried to latch onto you and take you to where his family was, but after some time you had to return to your sisters, he didn't like that
>Helaena was just like you remembered her, she was still ever so gentle and had so many things to tell you about her bugs
>But some of her words were now cryptic to you
>"My dear Y/N, dragon in the flesh, do not believe the dragons in thread" she kept repeating, not even looking at you
>You slept in the room that was meant for your father, he hadn't returned yet. You slept in the second bed in that room rather than with the other children, you wanted to cry, but wanted to appear strong for your sisters, so you preferred to be away for the night
>However, the ruckus woke you up, Aemond stole Vhagar, and Lucerys made him lose an eye
>Jacaerys told you about the "hilarious" time they gave Aemond a pig, you silently reprimanded them, you didn't find it funny, but to go and steal Rhaena's last connection to her mother?
>Vhagar was not a heirloom, not a thing, but Rhaena deserved a chance to try to tame her before others did
>You were upset, however tried to stay at Aemond's side, after all, he was the one who lost an eye
>At least until you heard your nephew. "He called us bastards", you looked at him with a sad, disappointed expression before completely (and literally) turning your back on him to go console your sisters
>Rhaena was the most affected, her connection to her late mother, and to her sisters, was stolen by Aemond. In the moment, she feared Aemond would steal you away too, you seemed to be fond of him, and the queen would often tell stories of how close you were with her children. Losing you to Baela was one thing, she was her twin, and you would be within reach, but Aemond?
>Aemond was true to his words when he said gaining a dragon was worth losing an eye
>But he wasn't so sure it was worth losing you
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
Yandere Henry VIII w/Mistress!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ 👑 — lady l: okay, I literally finished this in 30 minutes because I was so excited. I've been thinking about this since I wrote this reaction and decided to do some hcs! Hope you like it!! ❤️
❝tw: mention of cheating, implied death and murder, manipulation.
❝ 👑pairing: yandere!henry viii x female!reader.
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You came from an English noble family that craved riches and power, like all nobles of that time. Your father was rich and powerful, but he wanted more, he wanted more power and he had a way of getting it.
You were his only daughter, he no longer had legitimate descendants after the death of your mother in childbirth, who was very dear to him. So it was your duty to bring fortune and power to your family.
You grew up knowing that one day you would have to marry some rich man and you were educated from an early age to learn how to be a good wife and give strong sons to your future husband. That has always been your duty and what you were taught to believe.
Until the day you went to the English Court and met the King. You and your father had been invited to celebrate the birth of his son, albeit a bastard. Henry FitzRoy, unfortunately, Catherine of Aragon had not been able to produce a male child for him, which was her main function.
Henry laid eyes on you the first moment he met you during the party. You were so young and shy, standing next to your father and looking around the corners shyly. You caught his attention and he decided he wanted you.
You decided to leave the room where the party was taking place, to get some air and be able to breathe properly. Henry went after you and cornered you against a wall, looking intensely at you.
Your heart skipped a beat when you came face to face with the King of England, but you smiled and lowered your eyes, in a submissive posture. Henry smiled in approval and touched your face affectionately, taking in your gentle, soft features. So perfect and so beautiful. He bent down to your ear and said he would like to see you more often.
Your legs had gone weak but you nodded and he smiled in approval. From that date on, you and Henry began to meet in secret and all of these meetings were platonic, nothing sexual had happened, only a few kisses. Henry found himself enjoying your company more and more and longing for you, forgetting about his other mistresses and focusing entirely on you.
Your father eventually found out about your encounters with Henry and he was ecstatic. Here was the opportunity to gain more power and status if you became Henry's mistress. He was the one who encouraged you to accept the King's advances and become his mistress.
Henry was over the moon when you became his mistress. Now he could have you whenever he wanted. He adored you, your body, your personality, everything about you. You were so sweet and naive, even when he was worshiping you in the privacy of his chambers, being ravaged by the King.
He spoiled you more than anything. Your family had received titles and powers, but the real power and wealth were yours. Henry spoiled you beyond measure, jewelry, dresses, shoes, and even properties were bestowed upon you. Everything you wanted was yours, all you had to do was let yourself be worshiped by the King.
Being his mistress had several perks, and although you had made enemies, none of them really mattered when you were with him. You ended up falling in love and Henry was increasingly consumed by his passion and obsession.
He became more possessive and jealous of you every day, no one could look at you more than once and Henry would end up becoming a tyrant for you. He has no problem eliminating anyone who might affect you. He is yours and you are his. Henry would do anything for you, from abdicating his throne to making you Queen if you asked.
You were satisfied with your status as a mistress, but the idea of ​​becoming Queen of England appealed to you, just as it did to your father. Henry encouraged you to accept this deal, encouraged you to marry him and become his Queen. You hesitated for a while, but after discovering you were pregnant, you agreed to marry Henry.
Henry would do everything to make this happen, that you would become his Queen and the son you carried would be legitimate. He would send letters to the Vatican, and make alliances and enemies, he didn't care, but he would have you as his Queen.
Whatever it takes. If he has to pay a high price for it, so be it. Henry will have you as his Queen and wife.
All the blood spilled, the wars and conflicts were worth it for Henry when he was able to marry you, crown you Queen of England and when he held his son in his arms as you slept peacefully after giving birth.
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