#yandere shibusawa
animeyanderelover · 4 months
This is my second ask
What would Hyuuga Natsuhiko, Minamoto Teru, Wei Liu, Tatsuya Himuro, Reo Mibuchi, Yuuma Isogai, Nagisa Shiota, Tadaomi Karasuma, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, and Tachihara Shunzen( the older brother) with a darling that is nice to everyone else but politely declines to interact with them. Ik there are a lot of characters but could you make it a bit suggestive at the end like when the reader is confronted it's past their breaking point so they aren't down for excuses, it's fine if not! Ty!!
I genuinely think that you are the first person who named me so many characters I have never written for before in one request. Not that you'll see me complaining though.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, threats, guilt-tripping,jealousy, violence,abduction, suggestive themes at the end of some of those
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Liu Wei
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🟣​Surely there must be a massive misunderstanding somewhere, although Liu struggles to decipher what it is that has caused such a rift between the two of you before he even had the chance to get to know you better. It is most misunfortunate, especially since the tall boy is not oblivious to his rapidly expanding feelings for you. Perhaps he has done something to offend you, unintentionally that is due to his lack of knowledge about Japan, or maybe you are just freaked out because of his height. All those excuses are immediately accepted in his mind yet a glaringly obvious thing never once seems to cross his mind. That maybe, just maybe, it is his highly unsettling behavior that has left a lingering bad impression and his refusal to back down only proves that point further. There is no escape from those dark eyes that always spot you no matter what you do or where you try to hide, his height only giving him a bigger advantage to easily find you. There is no escape from him either as you constantly find him trailing after you with that apathetic look on his face and it is quite frightening that he isn't even attempting to defend his actions, his gaze locked on your when you glance at him in disbelief and fear.
🟣​His feelings are no secret to Liu but whether he recognises them to be anything potentially obsessive is an entire new chapter after all. In that matter the exchange student finds himself in a rather delusional mindset after all. All is still new for him in this country after all and his feelings fall into the same category, as something new he has to learn and to discover. Gullible as always, he follows the few advices he has gotten from his teammates and parents in multiple attempts to get closer to you and to get to know you better. He follows you around, his eyes constantly try to meet yours and he approaches you whenever he can yet his naivete is abused over and over again as you always decline everything politely and come up with a reasonable excuse on the spot, one he accepts. For a while this seems to work but it doesn't take long for the bitterness to fester inside of him. Dark eyes condemn the people you keep around you as the green-eyed monster known as jealousy awakens inside of him. He doesn't understand what it is they do right that he doesn't and never one to hold back, he finds himself approaching those people boldly and bluntly asking them what it is that they do that he doesn't.
🟣​He scares your friends and you know about that yet he clearly doesn't feel a thing. He just wishes you would notice his dedication and earnestness as he tries everything he is told to break the wall between the two of you yet you only pull further and further away from you. The festering feeling only continues growing as he notices how you avoid him, a mixture of continuous heartbreak and flaring frustration spurring his darker instincts on. It may not show on his face as he wears a very neutral expression most of the time but he vents the bitterness out on people around him and your close friends and acquaintances are often on the receiving end of that developing temper of his. It is highly unpleasant as they find themselves as constant victims of his cold glares and harsh words as he expresses his dissatisfaction with the situation at hand. He hates this all, if he has to be very blunt. All he wants is to get to know you better yet you brush him aside every single time and he doesn't even know what it is he has done wrong in the first place. You have to tell him. How is he supposed to know what he is doing wrong? He is in a country that isn't his home and those feelings are new for him too.
🟣​You feel rather anxious when you leave school only to find Liu following you one day, not even bothering to hide it. No matter how much you increase your pace, his large steps easily catch up and from the corner of your eyes you can see how he gets closer and closer to you. A huge hand grabs your shoulders and forces you to stop as his deadpan voice asks you if you could give him a moment. There is a growing unease on your mind, your eyes darting around as you try to come up with an excuse yet he cuts you off bluntly, his gaze heavy on your form as he tells you that he will only need a few minutes. Your heart can only pound against your chest as you inspect him warily. There is nothing that could have prepared you for the unexpected horror seeping through you when his lips suddenly smash against yours, his other hand seizing your nape to push your mouth against his own. Dreadful seconds pass before he finally releases you and admits his feelings to you, seemingly unfazed by the forceful kiss he just submitted you to. His eyes are filled with dark determination as he informs you that he intends to be much more direct with his feelings for you from now on.
Himuro Tatsuya
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◾️Himuro has had his eyes on you for a while now, long enough to recognise that there is definitely a real interest he has in you. The handsome boy is quite observant of his own feelings though so he will have it figured out soon that an interest is quite understating what is going on in his heart right now. Tatsuya hides his obsession smoothly though as no one would suspect anything. His self-control doesn't mean that he plans to give you up though as he plans to court you and win you over for himself, whether it is because or in spite of his obsession is a blurry line though. The attitude he is met with when he approaches you is rather disheartening though. Tatsuya has observed you for a longer while now and he has observed you long enough to notice the inconsistency in your behavior around him in comparison to other people. You have always been a very kind and open-hearted person but it is glaringly obvious that you choose to avoid him as you always have a polite excuse in store when he is the one who asks for your time. There is a distance you wish to uphold between him and you and whilst it hurts Himuro, he initially tries to see what it is that may have triggered this.
◾️Maybe it is his popularity that has led you to see the need to not interact with him as you may think of him as insincere and a playboy or simply fear potential jealousy that his fangirls may direct at you. If that should be true, he is more than determined to prove you wrong. Aware that he shouldn't be too pushy in order to not come over as desperate nor annoying though, he goes for a more subtle approach. You are always among the first people he greets when he sees you and there are always things like your favorite snacks or drinks he brings with him occasionally to give them to you, especially if it's a rather hot day will he act like your personal vending machine. As a member of the Student Council he always keeps you informed about current updates and often likes to ask for your opinion on subjects, even taking them into consideration. There is a cunning air to it all though as you find yourself being more involved with him, especially when he starts socialising more with classmates and friends of yours. Himuro knows what he is doing though as he spies on you by befriending your own friends, treating them secretly more as a mean to achieve his goal quicker.
◾️There is a sleeping monster made out of envy and insecurity hiding behind his poker face though, one that grows quite restless the more time passes. Anyone else would have already fallen for him or would have at least shown some signs of attraction yet you are still as fleeting as the day he first met you. What is he doing wrong? Nothing, he includes after a good while of self-reflecting. He has done nothing that could have roused your suspicion or that could have made you feel uncomfortable around him. He has always been only helpful and kind to you. With this possibility out of the way, his mind drifts towards another one that has him instantly on edge. Perhaps he hasn't enough for you. It is this idea that fills him with growing jealousy as a bitterness he has always had against naturally talented people appears. He starts cracking and you see that on the day he catches you with Murasakibara, chatting in a carefree manner. You've never done that with him. The shock on your face is evident when he storms over, his normally stoic expression twisted by hurt and anger that he barely manages to swallow down when he reaches you two and separates you two, his heart poisoned.
◾️It is irrational jealousy that leads you into the unfortunate situation of being indirectly betrayed by your own friends whose assistance he requests and they fall easily for his charm as they help to set you two up, unaware of what is about to occur. There are cracks on the surface as his eyes contrast his usual poker face, the growing anger and jealousy almost palpable. It is the very moment you dare to voice yet another excuse that finally makes the thread snap and all the bitterness and anger erupts, clearly visible on his face. His frustration and resentfulness is audible as he asks you what it is that he would have to do to be finally worthy of your time, eyes ablaze as he stares at you. As soon as you take one step back, he takes one forward until you find yourself pressed against the wall. There are tears in your eyes yet he is far too caught up in his own pain to care too much. You don't even get another chance to beg him to let you go as the moment your lips part, he instantly silences you with an impulsive kiss, hands pushing you harder against the wall as he presses himself against your body in a desperate manner, only pulling away when he tastes salty tears, whether they are yours or his he does not know.
Mibuchi Reo
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🌃​Mibuchi Reo is a rather interesting case as he is simultanously rather uptight yet also quite open about his feelings. Affectionate with the nicknames he chooses to call you by and the infatuated glances he gives you, the moment people like Hayama even dare to point it out to him, Mibuchi becomes rather displeased and quickly starts chastising him with an annoyed glare on his face. He isn't one to deny his own feelings of course but he is rather sensitive when other people point it out to him, especially those he knows would only give him a headache. You see, he is a rather possessive man who would like to hoard you for himself without people constantly interfering and pointing the obvious out. This is only further amplified when he comes to realise that you are quite set on the irrational decision to avoid him no matter what. Your smile is almost, but only almost, as sickenly sweet as his own when he approaches you when you are alone as he feels more inclined to be open about his affection. Very open. You leave him alone rather stunned after the first time as you hurry away without making it look like you are running away, his pointed glare adding to your nervousness.
🌃​He does not take it well at all and this is quite obvious to his teammates. He is brooding the entire time, deep in thought as a sigh escapes his lips more than once during training. Hayama and Nebuya use that chance in an attempt to get under his skin by teasing him but they get more than they asked for when normally gentle eyes stare at them creepily as he reminds them with a lopsided grin on his face that he would appreciate it if they wouldn't make fun of his personal problems since he does not appreciate it at all. They keep quiet for the rest of the training whilst he does his best to not dwell on it, at least not during practice with Akashi. He tries his luck again the next day, although much to his dismay he isn't able to catch you alone this time which is why he tones his affection significantly down, although it is still quite obvious to the untrained eye that he is rather besotted with you. Once again he finds himseld being indirectly rejected by you, this time in front of all your friends. It is a blow to his feelings as much as it is to his ego but he forces himself to not show any of his hurt feelings. Not in front of other people. It almost looks convincing if you wouldn't know better.
🌃​There is no Reo for you the next few days as he doesn't seek you out but it doesn't really ease your nerves that much. He makes an effort to act fairly normal the following days, although he really has to strain his eyes to not let his gaze wander to you and to immerse himself in sweet, little daydreams. Oh, if only you'd know how much you torment him with your rejection. You truly do not know what you are creating, do you? He can just sense the unease radiating off of you when he catches you all by yourself again, the gentleness in his eyes once again accompanied by this sweetly obsessive glimmer he only shows when he is alone with you. Your heart is pounding as you do your best to politely decline his request once again. Your skin is prickling when his smile twists into something comparable to what you'd see in a horror movie. The silence is crushing you yet he lets you bathing in it on purpose before he suddenly lifts his index finger, not dropping his grin as he stares at you. For a moment you wish he would just chastise you for rejecting him again, to say anything to ease you. You can only fret in cold sweat when he instead leaves you wordlessly as you try to figure out what his gesture just meant.
🌃​Days pass by without any incident yet it feels more akin to the calm before the dreaded storm which doesn't allow you a moment of peace. You almost feel tempted to approach Mibuchi yourself and it takes a lot of concentration to stop yourself from begging him to stop. Then he appears behind you nearly a week later and you nearly die of the heart attack you receive when his fingers tentatively grace your sides. The question he asks you in that same sweet tone that day is the same one he has already asked you before and never before have you shot him down faster, barely able to keep your tone steady as you ask him pleadingly to stop his behavior around you as you even bow your head. In hindsight you would have prepared that infatuated expression over the blank coldness on his face when you straighten your back again. You quickly bow out of the situation, or at least try to do so. His long arm reaches for you and tugs you with force back though, the unexpected surprise causing you to stumble against his back. Both of his arms tighten tighten around your form, his face suddenly in the crook of your neck as he takes deep whiffs of your scent before you feel his lips against the skin.
Shibusawa Tatsuhiko
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💎​Shibusawa has long grown bored of the world and the people inside of it. Nothing surprises nor excites him anymore, his life a dull one where the only thing he can do is collect riches and gifts as a short-lived game to entertain himself with. Your existence finally breaks that gray cycle he has found himself in for years. There is a warm buzz in his heart when he indulges in thoughts of you and a pleasant shudder in his body when he gets close to you, his hands always trying to reach out for you and to touch you to feel that electrical tingle as soon as his skin connects with yours. The excessive habit of his to hoard treasure in various forms extends to you now as well as Shibusawa wishes to hoard and keep you for himself, the most valuable gem he could over possess one that lives and breathes. Obviously he is not blind to the way you always pull away from him when he wants to ask you to spend time with him, the slight discomfort hidden behind your polite exterior glaringly obvious to his trained eye. He could end it all of course as he has all the needed tools at his hands to simply whisk you away within the same hour but he refuses to use them.
💎​There is thrill in his chest after all, his heart feeling like it is beating for the first time vigorously in his chest again after years of having fallen into a sad rhythm of boredom. It would be so easy to simply take you but instead Shibusawa decides to play along with the goal to win your heart over through his own effort. He has always the choice to abduct you after all, he can effort to play around and engage in this cute game of yours. Every information he gains, he tries to figure out by himself instead of letting other people do the work. Everything feels much sweeter when he sees it with his own eyes after all instead of only reading it on a white file. His obsession truly yearns to devour everything and he throws himself at every new discovery like a starved animal and in a way his heart and soul are indeed starved. Starved for anything to fill the emptiness, an emptiness you so effortlessly mend and all that without being aware of it. Your dismissive behavior whenever he asks for your time may be a tiny bit disheartening but he is too much in love with the challenge to end everything already. There is so much to learn, so much to discover about you after all.
💎​A man of his intellect notices even small details easily, although if he is not someone you like keeping close to you. It deeply unnerves you how much he has picked up on after only a while of knowing you as he can even point out the little habits and ticks of you that you show without consciously being aware of it. The excessive knowledge you think he shouldn't have about you is a faraway cry from what he is feeling. It isn't enough. Tatsuhiko knows that there is still so much left that he doesn't know about you and with each passing day the urge to find out what he hasn't seen yet grows stronger and stronger. It is then that your polite decline every time he suggests that you two could spend some time together starts bothering him. You deprive him of something that is worth more to him than all the gold and jewels he has hoarded somewhere, prevent him from filling the gap in his heart that starts aching the moment your presence disappears. Hollow desperation claws at his chest, something Shibusawa is not used to feel at all and he does not need long before arriving at the conclusion that he does not enjoy this all-consuming emptiness he feels. Perhaps the time has finally come.
💎​You have a hard time figuring out how he even found your address when he rings one night on your door and gracefully moves his way around you before you can even think about closing the door. Your body posture is wary and ready to attack until he decides to finally confess all the grief he feels in his heart in disturbing ways as he expresses his morbid desire to strip you of all your secrets because only then will he feel whole again. Unfortunately you want to keep those secrets to yourself and as much fun as this game has been, it is time for him to collect his treasure. You're fully prepared to fight and run away but his reflexes are far too fast as he pulls out a syringe and injects something into your arm. The effects only take seconds to show as you suddenly go down on your knees, your legs losing all of their strength. He drags you to the couch and you can barely gather the strength to weakly flail around before your heaved up. His voice is soothing and calm as he tells you that the effects will disappear after a few hours, his fingers dancing over your body before suddenly starting to remove your shirt gently. A few hours is more than enough time to satiate some of his curiosity after all.
Tachihara Shunzen
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🟫​A quiet aura and calm expression do not always have to imply that someone is doing well as sorrow and trauma come in various forms. Shunzen's pain is a parasite, one that silently feasts on his flesh on the inside whilst he pretends to be okay on the outside. War does not have winners and losers after all, it leaves everyone with either death or wounds that will never heal, whether those are physical ones or mental ones. Worst of all is that no one would truly understand the horror that has him at times still breaking out in cold sweat, not unless they saw and felt the same horrifying images he had to go through. No one deserves to go through what he went through either so Shunzen hides away the pain, allowing it to rot his flesh away from the inside. His obsession for you is only another bug eating away at him as he does the same thing he has always done since the war ended. Burrying everything that he shouldn't bother others with away somewhere deep inside. Initially it seems to work like it has always done but soon the feeling festers and cracks slowly start to appear within the wall he has carefully built. He doesn't know whether that is a good or a bad thing.
🟫Years of war have made him cautious and warily of his surroundings, have sharpened his senses and given him the ability to assess information at a quicker pace. You do not want to spend time with him for some reason but he knows that it isn't because you are a bad person. He has seen how kind and patient you are with other people, he knows how nice you are to his younger brother from the stories he always tells him about you. Knowing that though bears the question why you single him out as much as you do. Perhaps it is because you have some information about his past as a soldier, it isn't uncommon for former soldiers to end up being made into outsiders. He won't deny that he has done some terrible things but on a battlefield the kind hearts are always the first ones to die as it is either living or dying in a war and he was able to live, thanks to a little girl. He reasons with himself though as he decides to simply stay content for now by observing you and keeping an eye out for you, always alert for any danger that could happen to you at any time. Old habits are hard to shake off after all, especially when they determined whether he'd live to see another day or not.
🟫Initial humbleness to respect your choice fades away with time though as he can feel the obsession crawling around inside his chest, spreading like a virus as it robs him of his control. There is a silent demand echoing around in his head that gets harder to ignore as time passes. He deserves your kindness just as much as everyone else. No, he especially deserves it after the living hell he had to go through. He served and fought for his own country, for people like you. Doesn't he deserve more respect and kindness than that? The desperation tugging at his heartstrings is hard to ignore as those thoughts grow louder and louder inside of his head, almost deafening him at times. Fissures appear all over his heart and mind, forcing the feelings he has been trying to ignore to resurface and clawing at his crumbling walls in demand to be let out. Images flash before his eyes, his ears are ringing and every breath starts stinging as if he has just inhaled smoke. Words are unable to leave his mouth as he seeks you out, hands slightly shaking as his eyes silently beg for you to help him. He needs someone right now and his heart would never settle for anyone else than you. You pretend like you don't see him though.
🟫That's when the wall shatters and everything that has been rotting away in his heart is finally unleashed. He's drowning with each new wave that overcomes him, left alone to navigate through all of it. It doesn't have to be that way though... It shouldn't have to be. Shunzen has always been someone whose character has been almost too dainty for everything he went through but it is only on that night that you see his true self. All of emotions are worn on his face, his feelings raw and bleeding out of his eyes in form of salty tears. Cold sweat is covering every inch of his body, his eyes inspecting you with a newfound desperation as if you are the oasis in the desert. There is a familiar ringing in his ears again, every flicker of light triggering memories of explosions around him. His steps are surprisingly fast for someone who is trembling as much as he does as he reaches out for you, embracing you tightly as your words don't even reach him amongst all the other noises he hears. Guilt stirs awake inside of you only to be dimmed the moment his lips find yours in a messy kiss, his arms pressing you tightly against his body. That's when he finally finds silence within his mind and heart.
Shiota Nagisa
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🐍​Nagisa is already an individual who is secretly fighting with a low self-esteem as neither his grades have ever stood out nor anything else about him. Even his own mother has expressed occasionally that she has wished for a girl but got a boy instead, although over the years his relationship with her majorly improved. It is this low opinion that has been installed into every crevice of his body that prevents him from daring to get any closer to you initially. Your kindness is what has always attracted him to you yet he fears that he might become the exception. There is no valid proof for this thesis of his but the anxiety is a chain that binds nevertheless. The blue-haired boy is always found around you but never with you. Skills he has learned from his precious sensei are used to stalk you and so skillfully that no one even notices. Nagisa blends in effortlessly, hides from your sight even if he might be closer than you would ever be comfortable to find out. He's in trees, bushes or even trailing right behind you as he enjoys your smile and your laughter from a safe distance. It is a needless torture he subjects himself willingly too though as his longing for you only grows the longer he stalks you.
🐍​It takes a lot of courage from is part and fillip from his friends before he finally decides to ask you if you would like to hang out with him. Multiple times he has found himself standing close to you only to shy away in the last moment when your gaze met his. In hindsight it would have been better for his sanity if he would have done the same again. Lots of things would have been better than seeing the look in your eyes when he asks you if you'd like to go on a date with him. The surprise, the pity and then the guilt as you already know your answer. No amount of politeness from your side could soften the blow as a heart far too fragile for someone with his skills is shattered into little pieces. There is a telling stinging in his eyes as he mumbles an apology for having bothered you before he disappears, the pain he is in in that moment indescribable. He shouldn't have expected anything else though. This was bound to happen. What was he even thinking in the first place? He is not everyone after all. Days fly by as he doesn't show himself in front of you anymore. He fears that he would break down again if you were to spot him and give him that same pitying look.
🐍​His stalking tendencies increase though as a result of avoiding you directly. It doesn't save him from the pain but it is preferable to the other option. Insecurities only heighten as he wonders every day and night what other people have that he doesn't only to beat himself down as he knows that others have always stood out more than he did. That hasn't changed even after graduating middle school. Even as he tells himself this over and over again though, the pain still stays. Jealousy has rarely been something that can be simply ignored after all as Nagisa knows what it is his heart wants. Why can't you spend some time with him? What would he have to do? He can change himself for you if you want him to! Caught up in his won desperation, he is too blinded to realise that it is this toxic mindset that only pushes you farther away from him. It is quite the dangerous game both of you are playing, although you are the one who is in the most danger. You see Nagisa cracking and crumbling, wonder if it is only your anxious imagination that sometimes catches glimpses of him as you walk around outside. A tiny part of you feels horrible but your fear is stronger than your guilt.
🐍​That is how you awake one night abruptly, you initially don't know why yourself. Much to your horror when you turn on the bedside lamp, you find Nagisa standing at the end of your bed, staring at you with a foreign gleam in those blue eyes. You want to let out a scream but you are barely able to open your lips before he's suddenly kneeling above you, one of his hands muffling the sound of your scream. Your body goes deadly rigid when you stare directly into those empty eyes, barely recognising Nagisa as it almost looks like he is a different person now. His voice is quiet yet eerily intense as he warns you to keep quiet as he removes his hand from your mouth. You barely dare to breathe when he withdraws himself from your form, your heartbeat playing a frightened melody in your chest. You're too afraid to even look at him as you gaze at your sweaty palms before his voice speaks up again. The more vulnerable and shaking tone he uses sounds much more like the person you know as he asks why you had to always ignore him. You don't get to answer though, darkness flooding your vision as he knocks you out. A pair of warm lips is the last thing you feel before passing out.
Isogai Yuma
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🟤​Even when Yuma spent his time being made into an outsider during middle school, his kind and considerate nature never faded away throughout it all as he instead made new friends he still keeps in contact with years later. It is the warmhearted nature in you that attracts him to you as well as he admires you. Always honest and staying true to your feelings, you never miss out to express your own opinion and emotions clearly without losing your head. Yuma is quite content to just watch you for a while, his admiration steadily growing as he sees more and more of your heart you openly carry on your sleeves. Soon he finds himself longing for more than to just simply observe you throughout your day at work. Unlike his former blue-haired classmate though, Isogai goes through no such troubles as a low self-confidence. Instead he approaches you kindly and welcoming, acting on his wish to get to know you better and to spend more time with you. There are no signs that he is pushing anything though as he knows that he shouldn't force any more meaningful relationship on you as your consens is something he values which is why he wants to see how you feel about him.
🟤​Isogai is no fool though and soon it becomes obvious that this is getting nowhere. You never attempt to deepen the relationship between the two of you beyond the one of friendly co-workers who can chat throughout the day. Taking notice of that, Yuma decides to switch positions and to be the one who tries the first step. He asks you out when both of you are alone, realistic yet distracted by his beating heart. You can only give him an apologetic smile as you decline his offer and merely tell him that you feel flattered but do not have the time and interest to think about a serious relationship. Yuma can only do his best attempts to hide his hurt feelings but respects your decision nevertheless. Somehow he expected such a reply from you for some reasons. As much as it hurts him to admit, it is quite obvious that your interest in him has always been rather limited and you only find yourself spending that much time with him because both of you work together in the same job as often as you do. There is a clear line you have drawn though, one that doesn't want him as anything more than the acquaintance at work. A decision that isn't all that welcming in Isogai's eyes.
🟤​He has always been quite beloved with the ladies and he still is but he has never allowed himself to think of him as something better just because he looks good and has the considerate and gentle character to match his appearance. With everything that is going on involving you though, he starts wondering what exactly it is about him specifically that has you acting so uptight. After all you do not have the same problem with other people you work with or call your friends. No, it is only him and it is a terrible feeling to see how everyone is given your kindness yet he is the only one who is somehow left behind. He has been trying to get some answers from you, hasn't given up to ask you every once in a while after hoping that you have had enough time to consider and forget but your answer in its core has never changed, only the excuses you use. Something sparks within him every time you give him a new excuse to avoid him as politely as possible and it slowly alters him. No, rather it adds something that he has never felt or thought before. It is new and frightening but feeds off of his growing frustration and confusion every time another lie leaves your lips.
🟤​Yuma finds himself eventually doing something he has never done before. He actively uses your friends to his advantage to get a chance to have time with you alone as he just wishes to talk to you without running away. They are easily charmed by him and whilst a part of him feels guilty, another part of him has gotten quite relentless. The betrayal in your eyes is hard to miss when he appears whilst your friends drag you somewhere only to leave you as soon as he is there, their giggles fueling your anger as they are oblivious to the situation. Through gritted teeth you excuse yourself as you turn around with every intention to leave only to be left perplexed by his fast movements as he blocks the path before locking the door, throwing the key away. his eyes have lost part of their kind glow as he reminds you that he just wishes to talk to you. There is a tension surrounding you which differs from the normally warm aura that is always where he is. When you slowly back away from him, his hands suddenly grab your arms and panic trails up and down your spine, the air turning even more prickly, clearly out of patience by now. Sit down and calm down. He just wants to talk with you.
Karasuma Tadaoi
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⬛​Karasuma has one notable weakness and that is his terrible density. Clearly he hasn't even grasped the full extent of his emotions for you yet even if he is already acting on them. His eyes are always on you the moment he enters his field of vision and he never really lets you out of his sight the moment that happens either. His entire exterior is quite tough and intimidating so under his gaze you always feel rather pressured but are too nervous to speak up. Eventually he always takes notice of your growing fear and withdraws his gaze, his eyebrows furrowed as he wonders what just overcame him to stare so indecently at you for such a long time. There is no denial that he catches himself multiple times more staring at you. As an agent, a highly respected one at that, he has a considerable amount of influence and power and partially he uses that, although he does not see the malicious intentions behind it. He likes to keep tabs on you, although you are neither a threat nor are you in any danger. Karasuma himself has a hard time understanding yet why he is doing all of that. If he had to make an accurate guess though, it would probably be that it helps him to feel more relaxed.
⬛​He isn't as ignorant to never figure it out though. Somewhere along the line is the realisation that he has feelings for you, although he must admit that the extent of those feelings is rather concerning. He keeps a distance from you after he has solved the puzzle finally, doesn't try to get involved with anything that involves you all in an attempt to rid himself of those dark urges. For the first time he is stuck in a situation where he can't do something even if he puts his mind to it though. There is shame and frustration swirling around all within him as his focus is dwindling much to his annoyance. Eventually he has to come to the realisation that nothing good will come out of all of this and that instead the most convenient way seems to do what he has been doing before, only that now he should actually try to make an effort to get to know you better. He is dressed well when he finally approaches you, his mind focused as if this were a mission. If he is hurt or surprised when you decline his offer for a shared cup of coffee together, he doesn't show it. His face doesn't give anything away and somehow that only makes you more anxious as you have no way to read him or his current thoughts and feelings.
⬛​It is quite hard for Karasuma to decipher how exactly he feels after your rejection. He wonders if it was his own fault as he has been told quite often before that he has a rather intimidating appearance and even if he is dense when it comes to love, he is rather skilled to spot the signs of anxiety and stress your body shows when you are aware that his presence is close, even if you try to be polite about it all. Pinning this down as the problem that has to be solved, Karasuma approaches everything still with the efficiency as if it would be an important mission. He determines what you like and what he can do to have you feel more at ease when around him. There is a lot of effort and even you can sense that as he tries to soften his expression when around you and rids his voice of any overly harsh tone when he talks to you. Still, your decision to not get involved deeply with him seems to stay the same and for the first time in his life he finds himself annoyed by someone else's professionalism. He knows that he has no right to force you into anything with him yet there is a growing possessive urge within him, one that only gets fueled every time you avoid him again.
⬛​When you receive an order for him as he wishes to see you in his office, your heartbeat goes almost through the roof as the tension between the two of you has been nothing short of suffocating since a longer while now. Still, orders are orders and so you find yourself sitting in his office after a while. The silence is thick enough that you could cut it with a knife if you had one as he just sits in front of you, dark eyes inspecting you whilst he lets you soak in the heavy tension. Then, out of the blue with unfiltered words, he expresses his interest in you. You nearly choke on the air. Obviously you have had suspicions of your own but you never expected Karasuma of all people to be so direct about it. The not so romantic confession is immediately followed by a request for you to be officially his. At this you find yourself in utter shock as you thought that you had made your opinion already quite clear. Even if he is your superior, you have no intention to keep quiet about this. At least those are the plans until both of his hands smother you suddenly, his gaze darker than you remembered as he corrects himself. This was no request. This was a demand.
Hyuuga Natsuhiko
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🔴​Natsuhiko's motives have always been on the more dubious side as he seems to choose his sides based on the shallow reason of what interests him at the moment. This seems to align nicely with his motives for hanging out with you initially. You just happen to have caught his interest and Natsuhiko is rather persistent with his attempts to get to know you. Your declines and rejections are rather familiar to him by now as he has already asked you countless times for your time and dates yet he is always met with the same polite smile as you once again put him down. It is quite hard to determine whether to feel pity for him for being such a perpetual fool or for you as you are the one suffering from such a dense admirer of yours. It all may seem harmless at the surface but feelings have already begun to blossom in Natsuhiko's chest as his interest in you only deepens in spite of your clear demeanor that you hold no interest in him that would go any further than suggesting that both of you are something more than classmates. If it would have been anyone else, they would have probably given up by now. Natsuhiko isn't everyone else though and his obsession only pushes him to go further.
🔴​So obsessed is he in fact that your sugar-coated words of rejection do not even bother him much anymore. He desires your attention above anything else, no matter how minimal it may be. Whenever you reject him, you pay attention to him. You give him that deceptive smile that still looks beautiful even though he is aware that it isn't sincere and your gaze is focused on his. Whether you share his mindset or not, in Hyuuga's mind in those moments you belong completely to him as you never pay as much attention to him as in those moments. His heart is always beating inside his chest after such moments as he yearns for your attention again. He regularly confesses to you after that to savor that sweet moment where he is all you focus on yet unfortunately this feeling passes too fast for him to fully indulge in it. This is the main reason why he increases his clingy antics by a lot as he yearns for more attention from you. There is always a rather nonchalant air around him when he follows you around, seemingly indifferent to the fact that you can clearly see him. Even confronting him about his creepy behavior doesn't deter him the least as he instead gets excited that you look at him.
🔴​Do not think that he is oblivious. He might appear lazy at times but he isn't as stupid and sleezy as some may believe him to be. Of course he knows that his behavior would scare some and he clearly notices that it gets under your nerves too. It's just that he doesn't really care about it that much as long as you give him the attention he desires, even if it is negative one. In fact you only encourage him to keep going if you turn around as it confirms to him that he can gain your focus if he annoys you by following you around and always watching you. Despite his grander knowledge of the current situation, Natsuhiko does like daydreaming about you when he has the time, especially when he can watch you and you either ignore him or haven't noticed him yet. Just maybe there is a slice of delusion somewhere within him as he does believe that those daydreams will be reality one day. He just has to make sure that you focus on him more. Much more than you are doing now as your mind is still filled with school and other things. His mind on the other hand is clouded with everything involving you and he would appreciate if you would think about him as much as he thinks about you.
🔴​Ultimately it is simply not enough for him. The scrappy slivers of attention from you are far from what he truly desires and it only gets worse because he sees everyday how willingly you give other people the attention and affection he would like for himself. A reckless decision pays off though when he manages to convince Tsukasa ro assist him so that he can have you for himself without your friends or anyone else around. There are no ulterior motives though as he doesn't even intend to pressure you into a relationship with him. He might do that another time. For now he is just relishing in the fact that there is only you and him, his heart pounding with giddiness even as you ask him what just happened and where everyone else has suddenly gone. His eyes drink it all in though, your slight fear that you hide behind a courageous mask as you confront him and demand this time to know what just happened because clearly Hyuuga is in on something that you aren't. So close. You are so close to him, your eyes glaring at him yet your poor attempts to intimidate him do the complete opposite as his excitement gets the better of him and lips clash against your own in a reckless and messy kiss.
Minamoto Teru
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💛​By all accounts, Teru has his hands rather full. He is the president of the Student Council, always ranks first amongst all students in school and then there is also his secret occupation as an exorcist that most students do not know about. There are lots of duties loaded on his young shoulders yet he manages to do them all and still makes time for you. He is not one to deny his feelings because even if he would, he isn't sure if he could with the way they have already spun out of all control. An obsession is the last thing he would have expected to happen to him yet here he is as all of his thoughts and feelings suddenly revolve around you as if you were the sun. Credit is given where credit is due though, he hides it exceptionally well behind his normally calm and kind attitude. Secretly he likes to keep an eye out for you though as he is most familiar with the supernatural lurking around every corner of the school which does give him a strong protective vein that is at times hard to ignore, especially when he senses something that is dangerously close to your classroom. There is more attention he gives you as time passes and the initial shock melts away and he slowly starts embracing his obsession.
💛​It is around the same time that he starts considering that he should start to seriously woo you. Now that the shame and guilt have been replaced by a gradual acceptance of his feelings, the possessive core of his starts acting up ever so slightly. Teru knows that he would never get over it if someone else were to date you and whilst he isn't just yet sure how exactly he would react, he can already tell that it wouldn't be pleasant. Better prevent a problem before it can even happen rather than fixing it. As much as he doesn't want to be conceited about his reputation, he goes into this all with a fair amount of confidence. He works hard and it always shows after all. As polite as you may try to be though, you aren't fooling Teru. He has perceptive eyes that notice the little twitches in your face and the way you fidget with your hands when he is around you. For reasons he is not sure about yet himself, his presence makes you uncomfortable. The signal you give out silently whenever he asks if he can walk you home or if you'd like him to help you with schoolwork due to his exceeding grades is obvious. You do not wish to get to know him any better and would prefer to keep your distance.
💛​He must say that he is rather hurt as he realises this. The worst about it all is that Teru doesn't even know what it is exactly that has caused you to feel this way about him to begin with. There have been moments where he has asked you very subtly if there is something that you don't like about him but he has never gotten the answers he has hoped to receive. If he doesn't know what is wrong, he can't fix it after all. It isn't like him to simply give up of course and he still does his best to figure out what he can do to get you to trust him more but your heart seems as unmovable as a mountain as your opinion seems to have been already decided a long time ago. This does frustrate him eventually as he wonders what he has ever done to you for you to be so unwilling to even give him a chance. Nothing persuades you and gradually his heart gets venomed with dark feelings that start festering alongside with his growing frustration and pain. What is it that he is doing wrong? His young heart gets corrupted eventually as he goes through his first heartbreak with your continuous rejections. A dangerous feeling of anger sparks within him. He is not going to play the part of the hopelessly lovesick fool with you.
💛​For the first time he abuses the authority he has as he uses his position as the president of the student council to lure you to his side, all by yourself. He can already tell that you are not exactly thrilled to be here but that's alright. After today things will be different after all. You don't look overly surprised when Teru confesses his feelings to you, only a tired look on your face as you prepare yourself to let him down again. Only that he stops you by lifting his hand and stating that he knows already that you don't feel the same way he does. Confusion and the tiniest spark of hope fill you that maybe he has finally understood but it is quickly snuffed out when his his normally kind expression loses its warmth. There is a certain emptiness to his gaze that makes you uneasy as he asks you why you push him so vehemently away, blue eyes demanding an answer from you. There is no reply from you though, causing him to let out an ominous sigh as he steps closer, hands seizing your shoulders to stop you from moving away. He admits to you that he is tired of waiting for you and wants to take everything into his own hands before he leans in, his lips brushing over your own before traveling down your neck.
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ananiel · 9 months
Imagine being able to see spirits. You are able to see animals and humans walking (or floating) around, hearing how they talk and how they speak, talking about how they wish they could see their family or talking about how they want nothing more but justice
You are able to touch and pet, to speak and to interact with any of them, and when people touch your bare skin, they can see spirits too, which caused You to always wear gloves and long sleaves, as well as a mask
Now, the basic answear for this Power would be to become an oracle or some crazy witch of the Town. But what if You become a Detective. Yep, a young Detective that suddenly rised into the favour of the people for being able to solve cases that are a century old (mainly because the beheaded victim cries in Your bathroom at 3:36 am sharp every night)
So You live like this, in a happy way with your gift
Logical would be to keep your gift hidden too, so that people don't try to kill You for knowing to much
You met him on a random day, thinking nothing of him while a dog spirit was hiding behind your leg. He seemed friendly, and eager to befriend You as well, almost honored to be in your presence
Now spirits upon spirits whisper his name, talk about how deranged and how he was the one who killed them, or played part into their death. Spirits that got very fond of You would tell You to stay away from that man
You clearly followed their advice, and distanced yourself from him. But he isn't dumb, he caught up to it, and now, he tries to figure out what has gotten You to hate him so much
Surely... He has been studing You for ages, talking You day and night to figure out the best personality to just steal You away only for himself. What failed in his plan?
He asked himself, oh well, guess he'd have to take You in a more forcefull attempt
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That last anon concerning yandere Fyodor had me thinking about what characters would work yandere wise and honestly I think Shibusawa is perfect.
All his relationships as seen in Dead Apple are built on what the other party can provide him. They are purely selfish in nature, and the relationship most telling of his character and his emotional abilities is Atsushi. I won’t go in depth there, but going off it we can assume that love (whether for the person themselves or the feeling they give him) manifests itself as obsession. Shibusawa is, in canon, a possessive and obsessive man. 
A relationship with Shibusawa is going to be unhealthy/hard, even if you take away him being a yandere. I would not call Shibusawa incapable of feeling love, but I think it would be something predominately selfish. For his obsession to change to a more emotionally adjusted viewpoint is already a very hard task, so if you factor in him being a yandere and thus not caring for what his lover wants I’d say it impossible. 
Shibusawa is also a very cruel man, that’s canon, and I think that’s why he’d be such a terrifying yandere, because he’s willing to do anything to quell his boredom. He doesn’t need a reason to hurt or mess with his darling, he’ll simply do it because it amuses him, because he’s bored. Shibusawa also isn’t afraid to get rid of his darling once they stop amusing him either, but he’ll never tell them what makes them special, so it’s like constantly walking on eggshells around him.
I would also say that Shibusawa would realises that his actions are incredibly cruel but he just doesn’t care, which adds a whole new layer of how fucked up he’s willing to get, because he never feels bad. There isn’t even a semblance of guilt there.
tl;dr: Shibusawa is already basically a yandere, and he’d be a rather cruel one.
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invidiia · 11 months
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ "Happy Halloween!" 𖤐 bsd yanderes // reader
trick or treating with the yanderes of BSD! can be read as platonic or romantic.
[ a/n ; HII HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! i hope everyone's having a good day today! i'm going as reze for halloween, what about you guys? <3 separate posts for trick or treating prompt coming out later today! ]
[ warning ; yanderes lolsies, blood, mention of death/previous kidnapping ]
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— disagrees with the very idea of you going out to trick or treat! aren't you too old for that anyway? only gives in when you beg. it'd be nice to let you get out of the house a little anyway.
— keeps a hand on your shoulder while you trick or treat. they don't even want to do this, it's just to make you happy, and they're willing to go out if it'll stop you from complaining about your predicament. tries to steer clear of other people, they're still cautious. absolutely afraid that you're going to rat them out and leave them.
— makes you share your candy as payment for letting you go out. you don't mind though.
FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY, JOUNO SAIGIKU, chuuya nakahara, yukichi fukuzawa, doppo kunikida, michizo tachihara, VERLAINE, agatha christie, ango sakaguchi, edgar allan poe, akiko yosano, ryuunosuke akutagawa, sigma, hirotsu?
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— didn't plan to take you trick or treating, but wanted to. sure, they had an underlying fear you'd use that to run, but they knew they'd get you back anyway.
— goes with you to the door to ring the bell. (and depending on the character, might dress up with you, too!) keeps you close and doesn't let other people talk to you, other than kids that like your costume. you wouldn't tell a kid you were kidnapped, would you? probably not.
— goes through your bag of candy, probably pretending to find something they like, while they're making sure that there's nothing dangerous or something you snuck in. shares their candy with you, too!
osamu dazai, atsushi nakajima, sakunosuke oda, lucy maud montgomery, ichiyo higuchi, gin akutagawa, kyouka izumi (platonic), rimbaud, kouyo ozaki, tatsuhiko shibusawa
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— gladly takes you, since it was their idea. they wanted to trick or treat with you, for both the candy, and getting to see you dress up and get a bunch of treats.
— obviously keeps you close. they doubt you'd run, and if you did? well, they'd just catch you and bring you right back. why would you run and ruin this night anyway? it's no fun to miss out on halloween! don't you want candy?
— shares their candy, watches horror movies with you, even makes little treats with you, like taking dough and wrapping it around a hot dog to make a mummy!
RANPO EDOGAWA, kenji miyazawa (platonic), mori.., ichiyo higuchi, q (platonic), nikolai gogol?
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— forces you to go out with them, trick or treating or maybe just out cause it's halloween, nothing too social. probably kills someone for the blood to look real. "oh wow, that looks real!" "thanks, it is!"
i can't think of anyone who'd do this but nikolai idk
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— platonic bonus :: probably goes through your bag. checks your candy for blades, or anything dangerous. they can't have you hurt, can they?
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[ a/n ; "this isn't accurate!" suck my dick 😭 anyway uh if you see multiple on the same thingy, it's intentional, i probs couldnt pick just one. happy halloween !!! ]
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Oda Sakunosuke (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Oda Sakunosuke x GN! Reader
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Warning: OOC. Yandere. Slight stalking. Spoilers for Untold Origins, Day I picked up Dazai, Dazai Osamu and Dark Era. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🍛 Oda Sakunosuke become self-aware the moment after he died.
🍛 At first, he felt empty. Katsumi, Shinji, Sakura, Yuu and Kousuke... Were their death just a plot point? A 'food' for 'tragedy lovers'?
🍛 Oda quickly managed to collect himself. Right now, he can't do anything. He needs to investigate. He needs to think everything through.
🍛 Stuck between Living World and Afterlife, Oda continue to stroll down Yokohama streets, as a ghost, unseen by everyone.
🍛 Oda was observing. He was looking after ADA, he saw their pain, he saw Dazai's fury.
🍛 Oda was also looking after Port Mafia. Oda saw, that Mori tried his best to keep Port Mafia members calm. To create a strategy that will resolve this bizarre situation. Oda felt the rage of other Port Mafia members.
🍛 Oda was looking after Ango. He saw panic of his former friend.
🍛 Oda saw everyone. Oda saw, how confused and lost everyone were. The world they knew didn't exist anymore.
🍛 If the world 'exist' can be said about fictional world and characters.
🍛 Oda saw other ghosts. Andre Gide, a person, dressed in a winter coat, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko and others. Oda was sure, that there was more ghost. They were almost invisible. But, he was sure, that they were here.
🍛 Other ghosts wasn't very talkative. Oda didn't try that hard in making a small talk.
🍛 And Oda was thinking. He remembered every book he has read. He thought about every time characters has died or suffer. It didn't make the author a bad person for writing these books. It didn't make readers bad people for liking these books.
🍛 Oda still feel sadness. Sadness for kids' death. Sadness for other characters.
🍛 But, despite everything, Oda can't bring himself to be angry.
🍛 It wasn't anyone's fault. Not theirs. Not readers'. Not author's.
🍛 And then, one day, he felt an entity's gaze on him.
It was staring.
It wasn't blinking.
Its presence felt suffocating.
Oda was on his guard. He wasn't sure, if this thing was human.
Maybe, it was a demon. Or a god, that made them self-aware.
One thing was clear.
Something real was looking at them.
Oda's ability never showed him any danger. But, he wished that the imposing entity will disappear.
Right now, it didn't do anything. But, for how long it will be that way? How long it will be passive?
And can they fight against it?
Oda wonders if he can do anything against it. Anything to protect others.
And then, time resets.
And he, once again, was a fourteen-year-old assassin, captured at S&K Corporation.
When they start feeling your presence
🍛 The Entity is gone. No more heavy gaze on them.
🍛 At least, for now, Oda can rest. As much as his situation allows him.
🍛 He heard the noise from the other room. The Bodyguard has arrived.
🍛 This time, there were someone else with the bodyguard. Oda can feel two people entering the room he was held in. The second one wasn't dangerous. The second one was simply watching. And they were... Interested? In him?
🍛 The second one was like an open book. Oda could feel their emotions as clear as day.
🍛 Bodyguard and Second One left together. And Oda, once again, heard, how Detective proved Secretary's fault. And Oda, once again, killed the secretary.
🍛 Oda felt, that he needed to do it. But, this time, he didn't want to do it.
🍛 When Bodyguard ripped off the sack, that was covering Oda's face, Oda saw Bodyguard, dead Secretary, and a person, who, for some reason, became in a light blob and were floating above them.
🍛 Apparently, they had the strangest ability ever. At least, among abilities Oda knew about.
🍛 Oda didn't even stop his gaze on them. Just another person.
🍛 Oda, once again, was taken in by police.
🍛 Oda saw Bodyguard and Strange Ability User again, when Bodyguard tried to find information about 'V'.
🍛 Strange Ability User were, once again, were curious about him. And worried about Young Detective.
🍛 And they were floating above him and Bodyguard.
🍛 Okay, why they still were a Light Blob? For what reason? What exactly this ability was for? To be cute? To be able to float? To allow others feel their emotions?
🍛 Oda decide not to ask. It's none of his business.
🍛 The strange day was over. And then time 'resets again'. Oda 'woke up' standing on his front porch. And Dazai, bloodied and wounded, was laying on his front porch. And, for some reason, Strange Ability User were there too. Still as a Light Blob.
🍛 Light Blob lowered themselves and settled on Oda's head.
🍛 Oda had an urge to throw them off. But, right now, he needs to take care of Dazai's wounds.
🍛 And then Oda heard a whisper that came from Light Blob.
"so sorry..." "why..." "him..."
🍛 And sadness. Sadness. As pure as a mountain spring. Like they were... grieving.
🍛 Light Blob... Were they really a human? Or, were they The Entity in disguise?
🍛 Maybe, Dazai knew something about them? Well, there are some time, before he will wake up.
🍛 With Light Blob on his head, Oda carries Dazai into his house.
🍛 Light Blob talked from time to time.
"Oda" "funny" "dangerous, but" "still try to help"
🍛 Okay, when few years? yesterday? Oda called them cute, he was joking. But... They are sounding adorable.
🍛 When Dazai woke up, Oda saw, that his friend looked shocked, angry, sad and happy at the same time. Oda pointed at the Light Blob and asked.
"Dazai, do you know, who are this? This Light Blob sounds adorable."
Their talk was long. Dazai told Oda about everything he knew about The Entity.
And about thinking, that The Entity was evil.
Oda, after getting some answers about The Entity/Light Blob, was silent. Once again, it all was connected to them been fictional characters. Oda looked at Light Blob. At The Reader.
Oda has been thinking about it before. When he was a ghost on empty streets of Yokohama. Oda knew what he should tell Dazai.
"I don't think so, Dazai. We may be fictional characters. But, reading a book about a fictional character with a sad past doesn't mean, that The Reader enjoys suffering. Or, you don't think, that there's nothing interesting in us, except our suffering."
🍛 Oda learned to enjoy Light Blob's company. Oda talked with them from time to time.
"Hey, Blobby, want to go for a walk?"
"Maybe, I should add more spice? What do you think, Blobby?"
"Don't be afraid of Dazai. I knew, that soon he will stop distrust you. He will see, that you aren't evil."
🍛 Oda encouraged Dazai to spoke to the Entity, but Dazai refused to do it. At least until their poker game.
🍛 Then came a run in with "48".
🍛 When Dazai and Oda were trying to escape, the Light Blob were floating ahead. Lighting their way. Dazai compared them to a guiding light.
🍛 Little Light were worried, when Dazai was poisoned.
🍛 Little Light was amazed by his fighting skills. And not even once they were disappointed, that Oda didn't kill anyone.
🍛 And when Dazai and Oda came to bar "Lupin" for the first time, the Light Blob was floating above them.
🍛 Oda thought, that it would be nice, if three of them, Dazai, Light Blob and him, spend time together.
🍛 And time reset once again.
🍛 Dazai, Oda and Ango, once again, met in bar "Lupin".
There was sorrow in Dazai's and Ango's eyes.
They felt, that there is nothing they can do to change the outcome.
Little Light were trembling. They were sad.
"Why [||||||||||||] no one deserves it!"
There was sorrow in Mori's eyes.
"I am sorry, Oda-kun. If this time it could be different, I would choose another path. They like you. And I don't want Voice to be upset. They are... precious to all of us."
Little Light were still sad.
"Oda [||||||||] don't deserve it"
Oda felt Light Blob sadness, when he was visiting Katsumi, Shinji, Sakura, Yuu and Kousuke.
"[||||||||||||] don't deserve it"
Oda felt Little Light's sympathy towards Gide.
"No one deserved it..."
Little Light were crying with Oda, when the van with orphans inside was blowed up.
Little Light were trying to stop Oda together with Dazai.
"Please [|||||||||||||] stay..."
Little Light were crying, when his battle ended. They were crying for everyone, who were hurt by this conflict.
"People live to save themselves. It's something they realize right before they die, huh...? He was... right..."
Once again, Oda died in Dazai's arms.
Oda again was a ghost. Just like before the time reset.
And he heard the voice.
"sorry" "poor kids, poor Oda, poor everyone" "if only I can"
"Oda. If only I could do it, I would make sure that everyone would stay alive. I am so sorry. I wish... You were alive... That they were alive... That your dream came true..."
Oda feels like he was embraced by someone warm and nice. Oda feels something wet on his shoulder.
[In reality, your tears drop on LN's pages.]
Oda's words were warm. He heard, how Dazai called you 'Guiding Light'. Fitting name.
"Guiding Light, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. You are a good person. I wish, we could talk more..."
🍛 Oda, as a ghost, was, once again, observing others. He saw, how Armed Detective Agency slowly come to see you in a good light. How last members of the Mafia accept you as a normal person.
🍛 Oda and other ghosts saw, how new people joined forces to find a way out of the fictional world. A way to you.
But then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
And one day, the purple moonlight embraced Sakunosuke Oda.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
They saw Purple Moon above them. You got an SSR card. BSD Cast were waiting. They were curious about whose card you got.
And, finally, SSR...
New one...
But, no one of the characters, whose SSR cards you don't have, felt, that it was their cards.
Purple moonlight fille the room.
They heard your voice.
"Wow! Oda's card! Neat!"
Purple moonlight faded.
Oda Sakunosuke, man, who died four years ago, was standing there. Alive.
🍛 Yosano ran a check-up on Oda. He was fine and well, just a little bit dizzy.
🍛 Dazai and Ango didn't leave Oda's side. They wanted to make sure that their friend is really here.
🍛 Oda was glad to be alive. This way, he can help others to find a way to your world.
🍛 But, for now, he will enjoy your company.
🍛 Oda didn't do much with his cards. He is more interested in where you 'throw' the marble.
🍛 If you have his card in a team, he will use his ability and 'throw' the marble for you. Because of that, you will always have 100% clear stage.
"Why Oda's cards are so pretty?"
"Okay, Oda, let's win this Boss Battle."
"It seems, that I can win Oda SR card in this event. Well, tome to clear some stages.
🍛 Oda (and then Shibusawa with Gide) was helping with adding new cards (new characters) in game. With his ability, he managed to help to add other 'ghost' characters in the game.
🍛 One time, Oda was approached by Natsume Soseki. He asked Oda if he wants to help him and Poe to write new Seasons to add in game. Natsume explained, that Seasons were written like Diary Entries. Oda promised to think about it. He feels, that observing you make him feel better. He wants to know as much as he can about you. About a real person. Maybe, his dream can become a reality.
🍛 He wants to try to write about your world. About real people. About real you.
🍛 Oda is waiting for the moment he will meet with you. He wants to discuss so many things with you. Finally, his conversations will stop to be one-sided.
You got another note in the Gift Box.
Some Gold. And a note.
"Hello, [Y/N]. I hope, that you are alright. Hey, do you have any book recommendations? Will like to discuss literature with you while eating curry. Oda Sakunosuke"
You smile and open Oda's card in Character menu. You pat Chibi Oda's head.
"I might recommend something to you, Oda. Hope, you will like my recommendations. And, I like the idea of eating curry with you."
You didn't notice, that Oda's sprite nodded and smiled.
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Bungo Stray Dogs Headcanons, but it’s only the characters that I think deserve more attention
I'm currently on a BSD kick, so have these headcanons while I feel ✨Inspired✨
I'll take requests for other characters, these two are just the only ones I have inspiration for right now.
Tw: Aku’s a yandere so yeah. He’s also kinda just a violent disaster of a person in general.
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
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🖤‼️ I got one word for you, and that word is Yandere. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. If you manage to catch his eye, he will kill to keep you by his side. He’s certainly a dangerous one, so watch your back! Yes, he will kidnap you. You kinda brought this on yourself by searching ‘Akutagawa x reader’
🖤‼️He has no idea what love is, actually. He just knows that the world is a dangerous place and he’s the only one strong enough to protect you. It’s going to be a while before he can put a name to this strange feeling, so just sit tight while he figures it out.
🖤‼️Gets a lot of advice from Chuuya, mostly. It’s not that everyone else doesn’t already know that he’s helplessly in love with you, it’s that they’re all scared of him. Chuuya is the only one who isn’t, and thusly he is the advice giver. He actually gives surprisingly good advice, despite his rather angry personality.
🖤‼️It’ll be a while before he trusts anyone else around you. Eventually, you’ll basically be an honorary member of the Port Mafia, but for the LONGEST time he refuses to let anyone else even speak to you. Chuuya does not give a fuck, and visits you while Aku’s out on a mission. Don’t worry, Short Ginger’s got your back. He’ll be your best buddie and wingman.
🖤‼️He has absolutely no clue how to socialize like a normal person. You think Dazai took the time out of his busy schedule to teach Aku how to function socially? Absolutely not. He was too busy turning Aku into the perfect killing machine. Aku is incredibly blunt and literal about everything, and he takes everything way too seriously. 90% of jokes will fly straight over his head, which is pretty funny in its own right.
🖤‼️Gin is the first person Aku trusted with you. She’s his sister, after all. You’ll likely become friends with her, which pleases Aku. He wants all the important people in his life to get along.
🖤‼️If you’re not already a secret badass, become one. Just trust me. Aku is very into that. If you suddenly whip out a gun and save his ass by shooting a bitch without hesitation, he’ll be hooked forever. He’ll be so stunned in the moment that he won’t be able to function properly. Remember that scene in season 3, episode 11? Where he just said yes to everything? Yeah he relapses into that.
🖤‼️Please validate him. Tell him he’s the best and the strongest. He needs to hear it from somebody he cares about. And maybe try to convince him to not seek after Dazai’s validation so much. Does his opinion really even matter? I mean, he certainly doesn’t seem to care about Aku.
🖤‼️He spends more time in the infirmary than out of it. This hard-headed idiot pushes himself well past the limits of what his frail body can handle LITERALLY EVERY FIGHT. You’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting by his hospital bed hoping he’ll wake up from whatever coma he’s currently in. Somebody needs to tell him not to push himself so hard, and it may as well be you.
🖤‼️Please make him take care of himself. Force feed him if you have to, but this boy needs a sandwich. Good gracious, he’s a fucking toothpick. There is no meat on his little toothpick bones. Make him bathe, too. At least make him wash his hair and put on deodorant.
🖤‼️No, he will not let you steal his coat. He will get you a matching one, if it’s really that important to you.
🖤‼️Aku opposes physical affection at first, especially in public. He can’t have people thinking he’s a softie! Eventually, he’ll warm up to it. Only in private, though. Unless he happens to be jealous. Then he needs to show this other guy who you belong to.
🖤‼️Over all, probably the third most dangerous pick in the show. First being Fyodor, and second being Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. It’s not that he lacks power or ruthlessness, just that he has a very obvious issue that can be fixed with some hard work and dedication. He needs lots of validation, and to have some sense beaten into him from time to time.
Edgar Allen Poe
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🤎🦝 Oh gosh I love this underrated mf so much- there really isn't enough content of this sweet introvert baby- Anyway, Poe is the sweetest, shyest little bean pole. I think he would like someone who won't abandon him at parties. *ahem* ranpo *ahem* He would also love it if you would read his stories and give him positive feedback. Please. Just do it. He deserves it.
🤎🦝He does have some… interesting… mood swings. Honestly, he can be moodier than most girls on their periods (i can say that, because I’M a girl). One minute he’ll be happy and cheerful, and the next he’ll be Tamaki-Amajiki-ing in the corner. If you don’t know what that means, go watch My Hero Academia. 
🤎🦝He and Karl are a packaged deal, obviously. I’m sorry if you have some deathly fear of raccoons (if you do, then why the heck are you simping for raccoon man??) but that’s how it is. Karl is his best buddie, and will be your best buddie too. Look on the bright side, you get to pet a fluffy raccoon!
🤎🦝You met during one of the ADA’s office parties, which Poe attended to show Ranpo his latest novel. Unfortunately, Ranpo is easily distracted and abandoned poor Poe within five minutes. Seeing the incredibly nervous introvert in the corner, you decided to talk to him. Congratulations! You now have a second shadow! Poe is so incredibly insecure in social situations that he will cling to you for as long as you’re willing to put up with him, even if you’re also introverted.
🤎🦝If you like to write, he would love to read your writing! He’ll give you pointers on how to make your writing better. Y’all meet up regularly to discuss your latest projects, read each other’s work, and give each other tips and ideas.
🤎🦝He is WAY too shy to confess to you on his own. He writes so many letters, but never has the courage to send them. He also practices with Karl daily, and still can’t handle the pressure. Somebody please help him-
🤎🦝He tries to ask Ranpo for advice (probably a bad idea) and Ranpo outs him immediately. (“Oh, you’re crushing on y/n, aren’t you?”) Ranpo advises him to just confess already. The World’s Greatest Detective definitely already knows that you’re crushing on Poe. It doesn’t take a genius to see how much you’re pining for each other!
🤎🦝Cafe dates!! Library dates!! Anywhere decently quiet and calm. Poe really doesn’t like large crowds, so maybe no big social gatherings. He enjoys just relaxing at home and reading next to you.
🤎🦝Loves physical affection, but is so so so shy about initiating it. Please just grab him and snuggle him so he doesn’t have to worry about it. Hold his hand! Give him kisses, if you can reach! He absolutely loves to cuddle. With how tall he is, he makes a great big spoon. He could probably just envelope your entire body with his.
🤎🦝Apparently he’s also rich?? Not certain if this is canon (edit: it is!!!) or not but we’re going with it anyway. That way, he can spoil you. If you like to read, he will buy you so many books. You’ll never have time to read them all. Artist? He’ll buy you art supplies! Any other hobbies? Taken care of. Saw a cute necklace/dress/outfit/whatever? It’s on your doorstep within a week.
🤎🦝All in all, a phenomenal pick. Perhaps the best in the show (in my opinion, anyway). Yeah he’s super clingy and insecure, and has some interesting mood swings, but he’s still just a good lad who deserves all the love in the world. Plus he has a pet raccoon, and that’s just really cool.
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ssouhekii · 1 year
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ᵈᵉˡᵗᵃ'ˢ ᵃⁱʳˡⁱⁿᵉ: ᶠⁱᶜ ʳᵉqᵘᵉˢᵗˢ ᵒᵖᵉⁿ! • ☆ ○ ° .
hi guys, my name is delta! my little writing account has done well, so i've opened requests! please note that a fic will take anywhere from a day to a week for me to write, but aside from that feel free to send in as many as you like.
◇ i only write for bsd. however, i will write for any character from it.
◇ characters i am most comfortable writing for:
sigma ☆
fyodor dostoevsky ☆
nikolai gogol ☆
tatsuhiko shibusawa
dazai osamu
ranpo edogawa
edgar allen poe
h.p. lovecraft
bram stoker
ivan goncharov
any other character, though they may not be written as well
◇ what i will write:
any character x reader, platonic or romantic (involving minors will be platonic only)
most character x character platonic or romantic, including rarepairs. (no adultxminor or familial relation shipping, please.)
general au's, such as fem!characters or child!reader, are more than welcome.
angst or fluff, maybe even both!!
comfort, which may have themes of mental health/past trauma if requested. see below
faves: anything w/ child!reader tbh, not in a weird way tho im just a little bit silly, souheki, fyolai, sigma friendships w anyone :)
^ will still gladly write anything else, incl other ships
◇ what i will not write:
smut or heavily suggestive scenes. i am a minor.
heavy gore or sickness. anything beyond blood, broken bones, and mentioned injuries is a no-no.
graphic suicidal ideations or actions. mentions are alright, but i'd prefer to keep it out of my writing
any sort of s/a content or mentions.
^ basically, any nsfw.
romance between sigma and reader. personal reasons.
discrimination enacted by characters or reader.
animal harm
hardcore yandere. the most i'll do is a liiittle kidnapping.
not sure whether your request is okay? send it in, if i'm uncomfortable i'll just delete the ask without saying anything.
◇ request from my series:
jellyfish and little black cat - closed (until chapter three is out!)
thank you for all of the support i've gotten! i'm so excited to write for you! happy reading!!!
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honeydazai · 2 years
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏɴ 𝆬 𓏸
[୨୧ — drabble/fic] [❥ — headcanons]
୨୧ gun play | Fyodor
୨୧ edging | mean Dazai
୨୧ going on a date with Bram Stoker
୨୧ breeding | husband! Bram
୨୧ Kunikida with a woman who's different from his ideals
୨୧ domestic Fyodor
୨୧ Shibusawa, Fyodor and Dazai | Demon Trio content
୨୧ kitsune Dazai
❥ Fyodor Dostoevsky — yandere alphabet
current status [05/08]: working on 2 commissions | 535 asks to be answered (help)
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fyodior · 2 years
༺ ˖࣪ ∗ FLORA'S 1K EVENT ! ∗ ˖࣪ ༻
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➹ first of all, thank u all so much for 1k, i absolutely love writing fics and interacting with u guys and im so grateful i get to do it :") so ive decided to do a silly little event as a thank u and bc i think it'll be fun teehee
➹ WARNING: this event is centered around DARK CONTENT, please block the tag "#flora's 1k event" if you do not want to see any of it!!!
➹ the basics!! pretty simple, just send me a character + a dc prompt and i will write you a little blurb ! (multifandom but mostly bsd)
➹ rules: ➳ only fem or gender neutral reader just since this is nsfw ! ➳ max of 2 characters OR 2 prompts per request (not both in one request pls) ➳ i have every right to deny any request ! ➳ NO CHARACTERS UNDER 18! NONE!!!!!! ➳ i will be accepting between 10-15 requests, and will post a list at the end so if ur anon pls give me a name/nickname to add to the post :)
➹ please be patient! i am a fulltime uni student with a job! so while i'm planning to prioritize this, it might me some time to get to all of them. pls be kind :)
➹ find the dc prompts and character list below the cut!
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DARK CONTENT prompt concepts i'll accept !!
➹ omegaverse ➳ ex: omega!fyodor, omega!reader + alpha!chuuya, etc.
➹ yandere
➹ noncon/dubcon
➹ stepcest/(i)ncest ➳ ex: dad!shibusawa, brother!chuuya, step-brother!dazai, etc.
➹ blood play, cum play
➹ age gaps (18 and up obvi)
➹ pregnancy kink
➹ ddlg
➹ somnophilia
➹ if you have any other ideas, send an ask to ask if its ok!
characters i'll write for!
➹ bungo stray dogs ➳ dazai, chuuya, fyodor, shibusawa, odasaku, ango, fukuzawa, tanizaki, mori, verlaine
➹ chainsaw man ➳ aki
➹ buddy daddies ➳ rei
➹ fruits basket ➳ shigure, kyo (aged up), yuki (aged up)
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kaineillian · 2 years
Bungo Stray Dogs with a Tall Boyfriend.
Bungo Stray Dogs as Yandere's - Part 1.
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Dazai Osamu
1 - Yandere Dazai Osamu
2- Dazai asking his boyfriend to have a double suicide.
Kunikida Doppo
Edogawa Ranpo
Ranpo with a tall male Reader
Atsushi Nakajima
Miyazawa Kenji
Tanizaki Jun'ichirō
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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Michizō Tachihara
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Chūya Nakahara
Chuuya with a Male Reader who cracks cheesy puns.
Ōgai Mori
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nikolai Gogol
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Edgar Allan Poe
Poe and his imagination
Sakunosuke Oda
Ango Sakaguchi
Mondstadt -
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Nation of Freedom ruled by the Anemo Archon. Barbatos.
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Nation of Contracts ruled by the Geo Archon.
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Nation of Eternity ruled by the Electro Archon.
Raiden Shogun.
Kamisato Ayato
Arattaki Itto
Kaedehara Kazuha
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Nation of Wisdom ruled by the Dendro Archon.
Fatui Harbingers-
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Under the influence of the Tsaritsa.
II Dottore
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A nation with no God.
Aether (neutral/rumored)
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Songs/Bands and Artists I like which I think some of my favorite BSD characters would listen to, mixed with some headcanons about them but my music taste is all over the place and I have no real favorite genre
ABBA (He and Dazai dance to ABBA since they were teens)
Taylor Swift
Doja Cat
Cigarettes After Sex
Out of Touch by Hall & Oates
The Smashing Pumpkins
Happier than ever by Billie Eilish
Go Hard (La.La.La) by Kreayshawn
He only listens to Mitski when he's drunk and thinking about Dazai
The Smiths
ABBA (He and Chuuya dance to ABBA since they were teens)
Melanie Martinez
I think I'm gonna kill myself by Elton John
Maybe he liked listening to the Gorillaz when he was a teen
Girl in Red
TV Girl
In my head by bedroom
Billie Eilish
Oulala by Vunderbar
Bimbo Doll by Tila Tsoli
I don't know how to love by the drums
Lady Gaga
Bernadette and I come with Knives by IAMX
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Swimming Pool by Marie Madeleine
Classical Music but he doesn't pays much attention to composers so he listens to a bunch of composers mixed together
Little Dark Age by MGMT
Hollow by Mr.Kitty
Freakshow by Punkinlove
Lady Gaga
Heart for Brains and I can't handle change by Roar
The Greatest and Chandelier by Sia
Melanie Martinez
Puttin on the Ritz by Taco
Greedy by O3eo
The Drums
Icicles by The Scary Jokes
dreamcore by Pathetic
Hug me by Pharrell Williams and Trey Parker
Le Festin from the Ratatouille soundtrack
Tchaikovsky and a bunch of other composers like Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Brahms and newer classical music but Tchaikovsky is his absolute favorite and he can play a lot of his songs on his cello. He usually does this to calm down or get his head a bit free of all the overwhelming thoughts
I come with knives and Bernadette by IAMX
Molchat Doma
Swimming Pool by Marie Madeline
Black No.1 (Little Miss Scare All) by Type O Negative
Who is she? by I Monster
No 13 Dance of the Knights by Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev
никогда by руслан утюг (because of Nikolai and a special memory aka this headcanon by me)
I just know that he would listen to gospel choir songs and church music but I personally don't listen to it
Bernadette and Animal Impulses by IAMX
Lady Gaga
песня без слов and перемен by Kino
Imma Kill U by Insane Clown Posse
Butch 4 Butch and Inarticulation by Rio Romeo
Princess Castle, Yandere and Hello Kitty by Jazmine Bean
мы by дайте танк (!)
никогда by руслан утюг
бiблiотека by колос
Melanie Martinez
Gallery Piece by Of Montreal
Where's Your Head At by Basement Jaxx
The Smiths
Blow my Brains out by Tikkle Me
Marry by Alex G
Hurra Hurra die Schule brennt by Extrabreit (A old german song. The title means Hooray Hooray the school is burning and it's literally about some girls burning down the school. It's not brutal thought. It's a bit comedic)
Mircochip by Oliver Buckhard
Küss Mich by In Extremo (Another German song. The title means kiss me and it's about obsessive love)
Literally anything he likes. He has no favorite genres
Edgar Allan Poe:
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
The Cure (He probably loves The Lullaby the most)
Black No.1 (Little Miss Scare All) by Type O Negative
Queen (Because of his boyfriends Poe and Ranpo who always listen to Queen)
Elvis Presley
Murder in my Mind by Kohedell
The Smashing Pumpkins
The Cure
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Vampire Smile by Kyla la Grange
Mixed classical music
Hug me by Pharrell Williams and Trey Parker (Aya made him listen to it)
The Smiths
80s music
So This Is Love from Cinderella by Ilene Woods and Mike Douglas (He often thinks of his old friend Lovecraft while listening to it but always scolds himself when he realises. Who can blame him tho. It's easy to think about old feelings when you aren't exactly able to do things on your own and usually lie around)
Genesis by Grimes
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ananiel · 9 months
The God era has fallen a long time ago. Many names were lost in time, along with their greatness and wealth.
The only ones that remained were the ones that could be associated with historical things and other religions.
You knew them all, or at least, most of them. After all , You mother herself was one of those that were forgotten, and let's not talk about your father, who everyone knows but forgets about at the same time.
Your mother was the goddess of nightmares, your father the one and only god of reality
Now, the titles were revoked from your parents a long while ago, which means that You aren't a Goddess anymore, but You could be considered one of the most powerful witches. Your powers are based on those of Your parents, which means You could transform horrible nightmare like creatures to reality. Monsters under the bed, big spiders, people from the past with a more deranged personality, You name it.
Of course, in the witch world, You are very respected for your abilities (feared as well) but to the people that don't have powers think You are a crazy woman with a rather sinister look and a raven that hisses at people (sometimes with a cat that caws too) even if You were of a rather young age
One day You were reading alongside your pet a fantasy book at the local library when he observed You from a distance
“that's not how magic works” You mumble and the crow nods
“oh, and how are you so sure?” he asks as he sits down next to you
You don't respond to that, which he finds interesting to say the least
He quickly grew interested and when he wanted to ask around about You, he soundly faced a problem he didn't think would occur : everyone described You differently.
Now he clearly was interested in finding out everything he can about You, after all, if You were just what he expected, he could use your powers to make his plans so much easier
But no, You were too smart for that. No matter how much he tries, he can’t make You do what he wants, You never fall for his words. And truth be told, he found that at the end of the night when he replayed all of your conversations in his head, he was being played by You
And gods above, how he started to like it, like it so much that the next time he saw You, he brought a little present with him, one taht he knew You have never seen before:
The limbs of the suitors You had. And to your horror, he threw them around the house, your house, in all the places your creatures were hidding, even giving one to your crow that was actually one of your most trusted nightmares hidden behind a harmless form
You didn't know how he figured it out, but looking into his eyes, seeing that crazed looked made You sure of something : he was the nightmare that became reality for you
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A shitful summary of Atsushi's experiences in Dead Apple:
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Source -
Edited over stills from Loona's 'Heart Attack' MV, since some of its lyrics and scenes fit pretty well with these.
Last 3 edits inspired by posts about Dead Apple Shibusawa being a horny masochist yandere for Atsushi.
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invidiia · 1 year
you want platonic yanderes?!??? ME TOO!!
YAN!P!Poe with a little sibling darling who is the complete opposite of him, yet very naive. easy to manipulate but poe feels sol bad afterwards because like :(( im sorry lil siblin but you cant go out and find a s/o :(( what if you forget about him :(( what is he, a slab of meat to you :((( no its okay, hes just a little hurt :((( maybe if you just stayed inside with him for the rest of the day - no, week, he'll feel better :)) see, he knew you'd choose your big bro over some stranger !!
if u want more, i got y!p!ranpo n y!p!shibusawa on the back burner (。・ω・。)
-uhhh anon
AWYAYAYYWWYYWYAGSHSHSYAHSH (i apologize for the spam i do it too much)
(also i'm assuming it's not a request because of my latest posts but if theres any requests you have sendsendsendsendsend becauses your ideas are so AHHH)
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Kirako Haruno (self-aware)
Self-aware! Kirako Haruno x GN! Reader
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Warning: Platonic Yandere, OOC. This part is a little bit different from others. Accidental stalking. Kirako heard some of your conversations. Nothing personal, just you talking about your interests. Kirako truly became self-aware after [Y/N] get her card in BSD Mayoi. English is my second language.
🍵 Technically, Kirako gain self-awareness at the same time as the rest of ADA.
🍵 Only her self-awareness was strange. Almost broken.
🍵 Kirako was silent. She was silent, when her colleagues start gaining self-awareness. She wasn't reacting, when someone tried to talk to her. But, she does react to her cat Mii, noticing him, no matter where he moves.
🍵 She also reacts, if something was thrown at her. It was an accident. Despite the fact, that all characters tried their best to get along, there were some quarrels. During one of them, Shibusawa, who still was dizzy from being resurrected/self-aware, throw an apple at Atsushi, who tried to convince others, that Shibusawa should stay at this world and shouldn't be let near Their Guiding Light. Atsushi ducks, and apple almost hit Kirako, but she dodges.
🍵 Sometimes Kirako heard words from different world. Without abilities, where you, a simple person named [Y/N] live. Where they talk about their interests.
🍵 And Kirako herd them. She couldn't control what she hears, but, thankfully, she never heard something personal.
"I get you, Kirako. Mii-chan is really adorable cat."
"I wish you have more scenes. You look like a nice person to hang out."
🍵 Kirako learns that you are normal human, kind and sympathetic. She wished she can help others to reach out to you.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🍵 Kirako truly became self-aware after you get her card from BSD Mayoi app.
🍵 She told everyone what she saw. She told them about your name, about your other interests.
🍵 Kirako's knowledge was valuable for others. It will help them to become closer to you.
🍵 And Kirako was glad, she helped. Because, one day, you will meet. And she will try to befriend you.
"[Y/N], thank you for getting me. I will try my best to help you. Acsept this gold. Kirako Haruno"
You smile and, like five times before that, choose Kirako's card and pet the sprite.
"You are welcome, Kirako"
Kirako's chibi sprite smiles. But you didn't notice that.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
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Yandere Alphabet (Dazai, Akutagawa, Fyodor)
Yandere Alphabet (Dazai, Chuuya, Odasaku)
Purely platonic (Kyouka)
Emphatic artist s/o (Dazai, Yosano, Odasaku)
Pregnant s/o (Dazai, Akutagawa)
Accidentally hurting the s/o (Dazai, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Fyodor)
Soulmate AU (Dazai)
Homeless darling (Dazai)
Darling wants kids (Odasaku)
Yandere Bungou Stray Dogs Hc's (Atsushi, Kunikida, Yosano, Tanizaki, Kyouka, Chuuya)
Starter Prompt (Odasaku)
Starter Prompt (Fyodor)
Starter Prompt (Gin)
Prompt 14 (Dazai)
Yandere Alphabet (Dazai, Chuuya)
Falling for the same darling (Dazai&Chuuya)
Bungo Stray Dogs Hc's (Dazai, Odasaku, Kouyou, Lovecraft, Poe, Fyodor)
Feeling their child kick for the first time (Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo)
Darling confesses their feelings on Valentine's Day (Dazai, Chuuya)
Hey, why not try it out? (Higuchi)
Yandere Alphabet (Dazai)
Kidnapped and nearly killed (Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo)
Please don't ever leave my side again (Dazai, Atsushi, Kyouka)
You're my rival so no one else can hurt you (Akutagawa)
S/o with Vitiligo gets called names (Chuuya) 25
Strong and tall s/o picks them up for cuddles and hugs (Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya)
Stubborn cane user s/o with chronic pain (Kunikida)
Sleeping with a Yandere (Dazai, Odasaku)
Happy Death Day (Dazai, Chuuya Odasaku)
This is fine (Dazai, Chuuya)
Happy Death Day (Atsushi, Akutagawa, Ranpo, Yosano, Kenji, Gin, Fyodor, Jouno, Tetchou, Sigma)
Multiple Yandere Hc's (Fukuzawa)
Prompt 90 (Chuuya)
Introductions (PM!Dazai, Odasaku, ADA!Dazai)
S/o has social anxiety (Dazai, Chuuya)
If only... (Sigma)
Surgeon darling (Kunikida, Ango)
Yandere Alphabet (Fukuzawa, Mori)
S/o gives them a gift (PM! Dazai, ADA! Dazai)
Yandere Alphabet (Dazai, Fyodor, Jouno, Sigma)
Falling for the same darling (Fyodor&Nikolai, Jouno&Tetchou)
Kidnapped and nearly killed (Fyodor, Jouno, Tetchou)
Pregnancy Hc's (Dazai, Fyodor, Jouno, Sigma)
Yandere Bungou Stray Dogs Hc's (Jouno, Tetchou, Nikolai, Sigma)
Soulmate AU (Fyodor, Jouno, Tetchou, Sigma)
Darling enjoys solitude (Fyodor, Jouno, Tetchou, Sigma)
Avoidance (Shibusawa, Shunzen)
Isekaid into their world (Dazai)
S/o has a tattoo of the name of their ex (PM! Dazai, ADA! Dazai)
I can handle you (Akutagawa, Chuuya) 50
Bloody and passed out (Jouno)
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