#yandere sth
yanderes-galore · 3 months
Hey, man. I have a question. Can you do a Yandere Concept for Sonic the Hedgehog?
I can try, sure! Sorry for the long wait, hope it was worth it!
Yandere! Sonic The Hedgehog Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Clingy behavior, Denial, Paranoia, Isolation, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Mentioned violence, Dubious/Forced companionship/relationship.
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Sonic is a hero at heart.
He's cocky, easy-going, compassionate, honest, loyal, cool, and always wants his friends to smile.
It would be rather strange if he took a dark turn, wouldn't it?
Which is probably why he can hide his obsession so well.
While usually quite honest, his obsessive behavior would start subtle and hidden.
I feel Sonic would become obsessive over a new friend he's made.
He probably doesn't even see his obsession as anything bad... or even notices it at first.
He'd probably just think his overprotective and clingy behavior is just him wanting to keep you safe.
Like any other hero... right?
Sonic's obsession definitely comes off as him being caring and protective.
But as more danger occurs... and you're always put in danger due to Eggman... his feelings towards you only get worse and worse.
Obsession no doubt corrupts this hedgehog when it comes to you.
At first Sonic just seems to want to be around you all the time.
You two are good friends and you trust him!
He isn't bad to be around, always managing to keep you in a good mood with his personality.
It's all very subtle... he just claims he checks on you because he felt a bit worried is all!
However... the longer he knows you, the more he begins to notice his darker feelings.
Soon he realizes he feels tense and uneasy when you're around others.
Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Shadow, Amy, etc...
For some reason when he sees you with the others he just gets... upset.
Which only seems to make the hedgehog stick around you more.
He can only come up with so many excuses....
Sonic is in denial when you ask him if something's wrong.
He's never been better! He just... wanted to spend more time with you!
He's been visiting you everyday.
Sonic has never been this clingy.
However... he has been through a lot.
His obsession grows as he begins to identify his feelings as jealousy.
He's jealous of you being around others.
It's unhealthy... he's self-aware enough to notice this.
But at time same time he's unsure of how to fix things.
He knows it's wrong... but the thought of keeping you to himself is tempting.
The others no doubt notice Sonic's getting twitchy about you.
Soon things just aren't subtle anymore.
But Sonic waits until Eggman attacks again before making any moves.
He's smart, he waits until Eggman captures you before saving you.
Now Sonic has an excuse to isolate you.
He'd never let Eggman or any other foe harm you, no worries.
If they did then he may lose his morals just for a moment to hurt them.
When you wake up, you're locked in a home.
Most likely your home.
In front of you sits Sonic, smiling softly when you wake up.
His normally cheerful green gaze looks darker than normal.
Sonic would then explain that Eggman captured you, but Sonic saved you once again.
He then warns you not to leave your bed... you've been injured by Eggman, best to rest!
It's unknown if Sonic truly caused your injury or not.
Sonic really hates being deceptive, he even hates confining you to one place...
But if he wants you safe, happy, and all to himself...
He has to make sacrifices.
Sonic may then try to tell you it's dangerous to go outside.
The others try to ask Sonic what he's done, yet he admits nothing.
He's keeping you out of harm's way...
You just need to listen to him...
He's the only one who can keep you safe... even if it means keeping you locked in a room with only Sonic to greet you.
Overall Yandere Type: Overprotective, Obsessive, Clingy, Manipulative, Paranoid (at times), Jealous, Possessive (at times), Caring, Sometimes is either delusional or self-aware.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 4 months
i remember the yandere sonic the hedgehog sonic, shadow, silver about the reader dying because of like tails and such what if one day they see the reader standing near where they died the reader managed to make themselves a physical body except they still have wounds and blood all over them the reader can touch them and objects
It's alright if you don't wanna do this request
Have a great day :3
This genuinely has so much angst potential & I could talk about how each of the hedgehog's could at first believe that they're merely hallucinating at the moment because there's no way you're still alive— You can't be alive— & yet here you are, standing right in front of them, just as pretty & as charming as they remember, though you are covered head to toe in blood but they won't focus on that right now. How a silent laugh or a sudden cackle rises from their throats as their finger or hand or arm twitch to go & touch you, to feel you— Maybe, just maybe, you are here...
How Sonic immediately dashes to you at such speed that you barely process his foot initially lifting to him pressed against you, hands clutching you so hard you're incapable of moving if you tried. How his mouth— Just like his feet— move without pause nor end, each phrase & word blending & bluring into each other at such rapid speed you'd assume he'd just created a new language. How he claims he's sorry for not being there for you, not being there to protect you— But that's okay! He's here now, you're here now & he promises to never allow it to happen again, he swears!
How Shadow just stands there, staring— Almost contemplating about what he's seeing, is his mind playing tricks on him? Is he so lost in his grief & mourning for you that he's imagining you right there? Right here? Right now? How when you call his name— Whether in confusion or in calm delight, it doesn't matter— He's right here infront of you, a few feet away at first, then a few inches & now holding your wrist up to his face. How he slowly rubs his thumb in circles on your skin, your warmth radiating through his glove & into his palm. How he raises your hand closer to his face until you feel his breath hit against & through your fingers. How he presses his lips against your knuckles & just leaves them there for a while & you swear you see tears build in his eyes. How you feel him mumble against your knuckles, though what he says you don't understand, & that's fine, you don't need to comprehend him saying how he'll ensure you never leave him through death again.
How Silver appears stunned in his spot, but just as quick as he froze, his now tackled you to the ground. How his embrace is so hard— So tight— You feel like you can't breathe, you feel like you can't talk because of the lack of oxygen. How after softening his grip & you mutely gasp for fresh air in your lungs do you see the tears in his eyes, rolled down his cheeks & dripping off his chin slightly damping you clothes. How he can't seem to help himself & just peppers your face in kisses, equally as soft & swift as the last. How he's so glad you're here with him! How you'll never leave him again & he can't wait to spend more time with you, how he promises to protect you at all costs, even if it costs him his life, so be it! As long as you're here with him, it doesn't matter.
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theyandereonmyoji · 3 months
I really liked the headcannons of shadow and sonic when you’re petting their quills could I request the same thing for sliver?
First time requestion sorry if it didn’t make sense lol
Hello anon!! I'm so sorry for the long hiatus, but what's promised is due and I was able to finish this request! I hope you enjoy dear,
Romantic Yandere Silver the Hedgehog with a Reader that likes to pet his ears and quills
TW: obsessive behavior
Bold of you to assume he didn’t ask you to pet him first, anon, because honestly he just loves getting any type of affection from you. He would ask you to please do so, and when he sees that you want to pet him, he wouldn’t even bother to try to hide how happy he is. Honestly his over-eagerness for you to pet him might make things awkward at first, but at time goes on, you two will grow more used to it. You’re not the only one getting physical affection, however, even if it’s just holding one of yours hands while the other one is busy, or even hugging you as if you were a teddy bear with the excuse of helping you reach his quills better (even if it would be easier to just turn around), Silver’s more than happy to reciprocate your affection.
He’s internally begging for you to scratch his ears, not necessarily because he might be feeling some itch there, but he just can’t resist the feeling of your soft fingers tracing his ears, to him, it’s the closest thing to heaven on earth. He just wishes it could last forever…but, there's a teeny-tiny problem regarding that, and it’s the fact his ears are too ticklish. He tries his best to contain his laughter but he just can’t help it, it’s too much for him to handle, so he needs to take some breaks to catch some air, much to his dismay. Nonetheless, he will not be deterred from his goal, after all, there isn’t a single second with you to be wasted, he knows more than most how precious time with loved one is.
You might confuse his quills for pillows from how soft they are. Heck, are quills even capable of being that soft? Well, the answer to that would be: Yes, yes they can. There’s just something about him that just *melts* when here’s anywhere near you, and in turn, you might forget you’re caressing his quills rather than feathers. When he’s stressed, and his quills are particularly spiky, he’s a combination of Sonic and Shadow. Shadow because he’s scared to hurt you and therefore keeps his distance until he feels relaxed enough…and Sonic because he won’t last long and immediately go in for a hug to try to calm himself down, and it works like a charm. Next thing both of you know, his quills are soft yet again.
Silver isn’t exactly someone you would call busy due to him having a lot on his plate, rather, there’s just so much he wants to do in your timeline that he just can’t in his future. Either way, you’re getting dragged to it, and it’s impossible to say no to him lest you can tolerate his puppy eyes, and trust me, he gives puppies a run for their money. Next thing you know, you two are going around a city he wanted to visit or attending his little garden (you know, the one from IDW), and for the entirety of  your date, together, he’s holding your hand for the entire day. He’ll only ever let go if there was danger nearby and he needed you to get somewhere safe, and well, whoever decided to ruin his date will pay tenfold
If there are instances where you have to do something…well, he’ll certainly be insistent about going with you, saying that he can help you if you need, if you reject though, he’ll spend the rest of the day dejected. He’ll try to make himself seem busy while he wait for you, but to him it’ll feel like an eternity, as he tries to occupy himself with anything he can hoping that ignoring the passage of time will make it go by faster. By the time you’re done, Silver will tackle you down with a hug, failing miserably to hide how much he’s missed you. After that, the rest of the day will be you, him, and cuddles, lots of them. He wants to enjoy every second he gets to be with you, and getting his ears and quills petted is such a nice bonus for the both of you.
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corpsekitsune · 28 days
Requests open? If so could u please do some Yandere Shadow The Hedgehog Hc’s please <3
You didn’t specify if you wanted platonic or romantic so I’m just going to do both.
Cw:SWEARING ((this is is written by a teenager and oh boy do I talk like one)), Yandere content, bad formatting
((This is all over the place and super old))
Depending on when in the timeline it takes place is whether or not he’s violent towards others.
SA2 shadow is stunted
He’s angry that he even allowed himself to care about someone again.
Whether it be platonic or romantic he isn’t happy that you matter to him.
Sonic Heroes shadow is so infatuated, he wonders if he knew you before
He wants to know more about you but he’s too busy struggling to remember who he was
But that doesn’t really matter you asked for general headcanons
In romantic scenarios I imagine him being extremely old fashioned
Going so far as to get you roses and write you letters
Letters that seem a bit concerning but it’s Shadow so it probably doesn’t mean anything right?
Platonic Yan Shadow is adorable, makes sure you’re eating correctly, shares his dark brooding thoughts with you
Tbh I don’t think he’s the stalker type??
He just knows you so well he believes that watching you would prove unnecessary
He’s a very attentive person to those he cares about imo and will remember something you told him MONTHS prior
He’s really good if you’re bad at remembering things but that’s just Shadow
With Shadow, I genuinely believe with how much trauma he’s had he’d naturally even without the tag yandere be insanely protective of you
He’ll cut off people he deems unworthy or not good for you without much of a thought
Platonic or Romantic he’s not letting you get hurt, just the thought of you getting a scrape on the knee sets him off
He fucking hates it loathes it even
Also he’s not very violent just super threatening
I know he seems like the calculated type of yandere but he’s an emotionally stunted dork
He sees himself above others in most cases but with you it’s different
Platonic, he sees you like Maria
A faultless being
Romantic, he wants you so desperately to pull him up and save him
“They can fix me.” Type shit but you don’t he built like this.
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kittydoremi · 9 months
When Toxic Sonamy shippers say Elise "stole" Sonic from Amy and she should've beaten Elise up for stealing her man, or Amy should've kissed Sonic instead
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sharks3ye · 8 months
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More amy content !!!!! I love her sm
Shes such a cutieee patootiee <333
Take caution if such content disturbs you
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Goretober day 4-5 “i see you” & “too much blood”
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valleyfthdolls · 6 months
I'll repin my other pinned post (if I can find it) once I'm sufficiently burnt out again (???) but in the meantime
I am taking drabble requests!
Now bc I'm not good at consistency or keeping things short, these will be anywhere between 200 and 900 words, which means it's probably not a drabble. uhhhh
Fandoms I will write for
FNAF (1-UCN era, Steel Wool era, movie, and the first three Fazbear Frights books. I stopped reading them after that and haven't finished the og trilogy.)
Yandere Simulator (please see the end of this post)
Sonic the Hedgehog (just the games!)
Some of the better known creepypastas (just know I'm not that good w the lore, but I can give my interpretation)
I'll write romantic/ship content, AUs, basically any scenario you can think of aside from pedo/incest/etc ships, nc, graphic abuse or torture porn kinda stuff, or x readers or smut (a bit of suggestiveness I'm generally ok with) bc I don't do that.
Specific fandom notes
FNAF: I don't believe GGY is canon to the game universe. If you want me to write a SB fic involving GGY, I only know what the wiki provides, and you'll need to specify. I'm fine suggesting minor romantic stuff between the kids (or the animatronics) but nothing serious
Creepypasta: I don't know fuck about the fanon or slender mansion or whatever and for that I'm sorry. I'm going off my own interpretations of characters
Yandere Simulator: and I cannot stress this enough,
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coolsmcfools · 1 year
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kamenrideryeets · 1 year
Regarding Stickurge, how does Kit react to Sticks?
Per word of Ian Flynn, Kit starts out attempting to drown anyone else who gets close to Surge (until she finds out why all her dates have been ghosting her and kindly asks him to Stop Fucking Doing That Or I'll Fry Your Ass.)
He can't kill Sticks.
She can drink water faster than Kit's backpack can condense it.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Is it possible to ask for a romantic concept of Sonic + Amy Rose sharing a darling???
I can try, sure! I hope you enjoy this despite the long wait ^^
Yandere! Sonic + Amy Sharing
Pairing: Romantic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Poly/Sharing yanderes (Technically), Manipulation, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Sabotage/Social isolation, Dubious/Forced relationship implied.
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Honestly, this pair probably doesn't want their darling to be too far away from them.
Both hedgehogs have a tendency to be clingy, Amy especially.
The two seem to be in a happy relationship from what you can see.
It took time but now that the two hedgehogs are older... they've found out they may work together romantically.
Being friends with both of them you end up supporting them and their relationship.
You want them happy! Plus, they're an adorable couple together.
Yet it appears... their relationship towards you is darker than you think.
As expected, Sonic is protective of you and Amy is overly affectionate with you.
It's like if they're near anyone else they're focused on each other... but the moment you enter the area, their attention is on you.
I don't doubt the pair like to watch over you as your "friends".
Truth is the two probably wish you'd join them... but that can wait.
Sonic spends time checking in with you often while Amy is patient enough to stay hidden from your eye.
The two mean you no harm and don't really enjoy the idea of forcing you into something you don't want to do.
Amy's patient and Sonic tries to be.
The two do drop hints that they want to include you.
Yet you usually brush it off or turn them down, claiming you see the two as just friends.
Which upsets them but they try to respect your decision.
Sonic no doubt shows impatience and expresses that to Amy, but Amy tells him to wait.
You're their friend... being forceful would only hurt you.
Despite this... their gaze never seems to leave you.
Even if you don't want to be with them right now... they still protect you like usual!
However... maybe the pair get impatient.
They don't really like the idea of you having another partner... especially when they see you get close to others.
They said they could be patient... but if they don't act then they could lose you, right?
If you tried to be close with someone else, one of them no doubt steps in.
They don't make any intense advances, but they do make it hard to date others.
Eventually you'll see things the way they do... you have to.
Soon you'll realize you can be with them... and they'll greet you with open arms.
They'll isolate you in secret... you may never think your two friends sabotaged your dating life.
But once they have you in their arms, nothing else matters...
Nothing but you and them now that they have you.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 1 year
Hi! How are you?
Here's my ask;
(can be poly I don't really care)
Can you do sonic and or shadow with an s/o who is always tired and really nothing can fix it? They tried everything to make themselves less tired and honestly it just made them more tired.
It's kinda like a curse?
( it can also be platonic or romantic)
Btw I love your writing!
Imagine: Romantic Yandere Sonic the Hedgehog & Shadow the Hedgehog with a tired reader (Team-up)
TW/CW: Implied violence & mentions of bruises
A.N: Hello dear! A little sleep-deprived, but overall alright, how are you?
Both hedgehogs are very aware of the fact very few can match them in agility & much less their stamina. As such, both retain plenty of patience with the others although Sonic did have to aid Shadow in acquiring said patience.
Out of both, Sonic tends to more often than not be the more antsy with your tiredness, at least in the beginning, whereas Shadow is the one to showcase more patience. Don't get it wrong, Sonic also exhibits practically the equal amount of patience with you, it's more so that in the beginning he was more likely to go into panic if he saw you sluggishness.
Shadow seeks to let you know that he doesn't find your lassitude to be a chore to sit through under any circumstance, opting to show & tell you that both he & Sonic are with you through & through. This is seen best when the ultimate life form opts to seemingly make your day/night much easier for you, be it ensuring you're eating well enough to getting the perfect amount of sleep necessary.
Where Shadow does things for you to ease your fatigue, Sonic is more keen on making you comfortable through physical affection. Anything from cuddles to soft kisses on the foreheads to light-hearted jokes, the blue blur strives to see a smile or hear a soft laugh to ensure he's doing something right. Don't be surprised if he uses your tiredness as an excuse to cuddle.
Both take any form of comment about your prostration as patent disrespect, even if you didn't hear it & are quick to scold & defend you. Although Shadow sees no issue in ending the conflict with giving a evident black eye to the other individual, of which he deems as the tamest action he takes.
Where the blue hedgehog might take Shadow's approach, it is nearly always as a last resort, favoring to have them see their wrongdoing or by slightly humiliating them until they apologize to you. Whomever leaves to deal with the person, the other walks off with you while distracting you with getting you a small gift or through simply chatting about anything.
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year
General Yandere Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanons
TW: mentions of kidnapping, implied murder
Well, just say goodbye to having any time for yourself whatsoever, because he’ll make sure that he’s the most prominent hedgehog in your life. He’ll be there for you almost 24/7, and If he has other stuff with any other friends that day then he’ll make sure to include you in whatever it is.
He’s 100% a showoff, no I don’t make the rules. If Eggman is causing any trouble, Sonic would basically challenge himself to a speed-run of how fast he he can beat him. Then return to you and wait for you to praise how much of a fast, strong, and reliable hero he is. It doesn’t matter if you actually praise him or not, because either way he’ll just try to beat his last record, even if it means abandoning some of his heroism in favor of being more…brutal and efficient. After all, he has to work hard to earn your affection.
As long as it is with his friends, he would allow to have somewhat of a social life outside of him. However, anyone who he doesn’t know prior is a big no-no. The moment he sees you chatting with someone he considers a stranger, he’s shoehorning himself into the conversation and make up whatever excuse in order to get you away from them. The next day they seem to avoid even looking your way, or in some cases they just disappear. When eventually most of your friends leave you, Sonic will make sure you know that he’ll never, ever leave your side, just make sure to not point out the subtle scent of blood emanating from his body ok?
He’s really touchy, definitely. While with other people he would limit himself to holding your hand (probably a bit too tightly) and just being nearby you all the time. Once you two are alone, you’re his personal pillow that he can hug, sleep, and nuzzle against. He definitely also loves headpats, both giving and receiving. There’s just something so precious about you that he can’t help himself but want to give you as many headpats as he can, and he definitely adores how soft your hand feels when touching his head, even if just for a second.
He may be a hero that fights for the freedom of everyone around him. But he know how dangerous the world can be, whether it’s Eggman or some ancient god that decided to try to destroy the world that day. He would have a breaking point where he would lock you up “somewhere safe”, and while that breaking point is really hard to snap, it’ll always be a matter of when rather than if. 
Maybe you were getting tired of him not letting you have a life outside of him, but the moment you try to tell him that you don’t need him and you can take care of yourself, it’s game over. It would be a bit ominous to see him just stand there and do absolutely nothing to stop you from leaving that awkward scene. But that night will be the last time you get to sleep in your bed, because the next day you’ll wake up somewhere else entirely with a shackle around your ankle attached to the bed you’re laying on.
He would enter the room to greet you as if nothing from the prior day had happened, but the smile plastered in his face doesn’t seem to reach his eyes. As he approaches you, he begins to scold you for your behavior the other day, and that he clearly can’t trust you to be out and about in the world if you think something that foolish.
This hedgehog can run around the entire planet in less than a minute, so unless you can live underwater for all of your life, you can’t escape him. So you should probably make life easier for the two of you and just let him hug you already. PD: Hi guys I finally made some time to write something, yay! I have some other stuff planned, but seeing how Twitter is getting a bit of a fan art push for yandere Sonic, I couldn't help myself but post this one first. we need for yandere content for him! Who's with me?
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urlocalcupcxke · 4 months
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a little late to valentine's day but here!! ☆☆☆☆☆
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sarafinamk · 1 year
Yandere Kit
Thanks to Bumblekast, we now know that Kit will drown anyone who tries to befriend, let alone date Surge. My only question is how do you think Surge would react if she found out about this? What do you guys think?
For those who don't know, here's the video. (Timestamp for the question is 24:19)
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spazzingcookies · 2 years
Is there an x reader discord server with some fandoms, or do I need to make it myself? Like come on I need x reader ideas. Rps too!!
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blastthechaos · 2 years
Knuckles:Rouge! What the fuck! You...you stole the whole angel Island! Why?! How did you even do that?! WITH MY ON IT EVEN?!
Rouge:Simple, I decided that everything that I ever wanted was on this island and could be moved to this island like my gems for example...except for my club, gotta work that out
Knuckles:Oh, so it was not enough for the Master Emerald, but now you want the whole island too
Rouge:Well, I wanted you and figured if you were kept in the island guarding the Master Emerald, you wouldn't have a problem with it
Knuckles:Oh you...wait, when you said everything you ever wanted...you meant me?
Rouge:Yeah, I thought that was obvious
Knuckles, crying:My heart...
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