#yandere switzerland
shini--chan · 5 months
That may be a bit general question but which Hetalia duos do you think could actually share a darling?
In total, it is a bit of a tricky question, mainly because a handful of the Yandere Hetalia characters, at least how I portray them, would see you as a possession that they would want to have all to themselves. Others would want to bask in your attention and be the sole focus of it, while others would be inclined to see a good portion of their peers as threats to you. This is excluding that they don’t want to spend more time than needed with their enemies, or involve you in the tangle of geopolitics. That being said, there are a few nations that are close enough to each other, or are so uninvolved with one another on country matters that sharing could work. 
Russia & Belarus is one such pairing that could work. There isn’t really any bad blood between the two of them, or hefty emotional baggage that they would have to sift through in order to work together. Both of them trust one another, know the others blindspots and strengths and likes. As such, they could compliment each other well, easing shared suspicions and talking about how to handle you. Due to having a partner that could cover for them while they are out and about, both of them would become less erratic. On the flip side, you would be used as a buffer between the two of them, so that they can shield themselves a bit more from the other’s … negative tendencies and proclivities. 
Another that could work, although it would be very tricky, would be China & Rome. Two empires on opposite sides of the world, and thus with no inclination to wage war against each other. But exactly that distance would also make matters difficult, since neither would tolerate being separated from you all that well. However, a comprime could be reached and both would feel more at ease knowing you would be in the good hands of one of them while the other is off on a military campaign or something of the sort. That being said, differences in morals and the desire to micromanage the other when it comes to you could make things go sour.  
Surprising as it is, Finland & Hungary would make for a good duo. They are related, in a way, and share many of the same problems. Even though they have differing histories, and at times wildly differing personalities, they would manage to form their co-operation on the basis of being outsiders in Europe, based on language, customs and the such not really belonging to the European family. They can trust one another, and compensate for the other's failings. With their differing personalities, they can provide variety for you. With their shared traits, they can find common ground. 
Another surprising combo would be Switzerland & Japan and here the distance would be one of those things that could make matters tricky. Most of the time, it would feel like you're being passed around by a couple in the middle of a divorce. Neither of them would really like the arrangement, but it would be the most convenient and the other can always be trusted to be honest and forthright. Also, no fights or shows of affection would occur in front of "the child", i.e you, so that you don't have anything to use against them.
Of course there are more duos that could work, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. 
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
anything for aph/hws switzerland.. pretty please🙏 i aint ever see him anywhere and it's highly dissapointing
I’m not going to lie, I know very little about Switzerland, so I made headcanons! Also, I’m putting this in the Axis category in my masterlist because that’s what the wiki said.
Reminder: I do headcanons and profiles faster than oneshots if you want to send those in!
Warnings: Yandere themes
When Switzerland first meets you, you’re sitting out in the rain.
He asks you why and you reply that you’ve become homeless.
Switzerland brings you to his house, warming you up with a towel and hot chocolate.
You call him your hero, and he blushes at that.
He plays it off, saying anyone would do the same.
But you’re so grateful that you help out around the house to make up for him saving you.
He thinks you’re so cute, as though you were his pretty little housewife.
But he knows one day you’re going to leave.
He gets a new security system but doesn’t tell you what it’s for.
Only he knows the passwords to get out.
So, when you’re trying to leave, you’ll come to a terrifying conclusion.
Switzerland is never letting you leave.
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Yandere Alphabet w/ Switzerland
note: im so giddy to be writing this rn. i just know that S sucks though, so sorry. (btw i didnt read for mistakes)
(update: i hate this so much.. might or might not just update the entire thing to make it more accurate, since idk wtf i was on when writing this)
warning: murder, kidnapping, abuse, other things along those lines, average florida man activities
!! yandere content. if you can't handle any possesive, manipulative, obsessive, stalkery, violent, or other toxic behavior please go. !!
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Basch's not all too affectionate, but if you pay attention you notice how much care he puts into caring for you. If he notices you like a meal then he makes it more often, or he might (very secretively) hold your hand when walking sometimes. ONLY when he knows nobody's watching though, not that it's likely anyone is there anyways. Besides maybe his sister, he doesn't mind her being around you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Obviously, yes. He isn't too brutal with it usually, a simple shot in the head. If he thinks they deserve it then he might shoot them somewhere that isn't an immediate death and leave them to bleed out. In the case of it being a country whom he's after then that'll ever make him more or less enclined to attack.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Scrict but not cruel. If you follow his rules, then he'll be sweet to you. If not.. I can't say anything good will come from that.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Probably him murdering everyone they love (and hate). Almost anyone who gets in his way will end up reported as missing. He isn't all too keen on making you sad or uncomfortable for the most part, unless for the sake of punishing you I suppose.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
While you're one his biggest soft spot, he'd never show you it. If you knew then you'd probably find a way to escape because of that soft spot. He cares so much for you but he would never show you, no matter how long its been. You never know what might happen.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Basch is not a happy camper. He wants you to be obedient for him so he can protect and provide for you. He had a feeling this would happen, but he's still dissapointed in you anyways. You'll be told by him that fighting isn't worth it since you're getting nowhere. All you're earning is more time in the basement tied up.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
His feelings for you are very serious and he'd never find your attempts you abandon him entertaining. It upsets him greatly to even think about you leaving, so trying to is like a nightmare for him. He'd punish you severely if he caught you planning or executing an escape attempt.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
If they try to escape, he might shoot them in the leg. He'll carry them back to somewhere where he can take care of the wound obviously, but it'd still be horrifying to experience.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Marriage, he wants it to be at his home with practically nobody invited to come. After the wedding just a peaceful life with some domesticity. Just you and him (plus Lili of course) since he isn't too wild at the idea of kids.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He's not really jealous, but he does still hate when others are around you. If Vash does get jealous then he'll probably get frustrated and leave with you. (he'll give you a long lecture while leaving too)
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Not much to say explain how he acts other than sweet but cautious. (this feels so off topic but) You're forbidden from being near anything he sees as dangerous and he would have a stroke if he found you near one of his guns. One of the pros to this is that you rarely cook since you're allowed no knives.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Vash isn't all that romantic so you'll just take him as you receive him. Doesn't mean he isn't trying to be as nice as possible though! It's just hard for him to show you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes and no. While he isn't a completely new man when around you, Basch will still be seen as friendlier than usually.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Ran away? Broken leg. Attacked him? Tied up. Talked back? He will say a mean thing back. Or he just hits you. Not too rough though, but enough to put you in your place. The punishment just depends on how mad he is with you and why.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Well, you have like.. 15 important rules. These are all just things you'd expect though. If it has anything to do with being around other people, being outside, or you potentially getting harmed, then it's not allowed.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
You get two days to get your act together once he takes you to his house. He'll be patient until that time is out. Outside of the mercy period he gave you, he isn't so patient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No matter how he lost you once he abandoned hope it always ends the same. He'll shut off himself and think about what he could've done to keep you by his side. He'll still work, but he'll be getting frustrated very easily.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He thinks about it sometimes during nighttime. He feels he did what was right and doesn't feel bad for it in his opinion. Vash knows it upsets you, but he'll never let you leave.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Vash has many reasons, but it all adds up to him wanting you to have a peaceful life.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It hurts him a lot, he doesn't want to make you scared or uncomfortable. He'll ask you why your upset but it might come out kinda rough. He might just ask Lily to do it for him if he thinks it's hard enough.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He would be the most overprotective of them all, but he wouldn't coddle you like some overprotective yanderes. You can still cook if he's watching and you are allowed to own a weapon. (unless he's proven that you shouldn't)
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Probably indirect guilt tripping, even if he doesn’t feel too bad about kidnapping you, he would start to feel this nagging ache in his heart at you looking so miserable. But he’d probably harden up if he starts to catch onto it being a trick.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
For punishment, yes. Otherwise it'd be a no. If he did then it's not likely he'll maim you, maybe a broken limb if you try and escape his grasp (99% chance it'll be your leg).
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He's not the worshipper type, or anything near that, that doesn't mean he doesn't care for you though. It's just not the way Basch is.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Depends when he turns yandere for you, but on average it'd be about seven months to four years. It also depends on if anything happens that might trigger him to intensify faster, like you getting badly hurt or getting a partner.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Low chance, if he does it's an accident. This is mostly because he doesn't beat you for no reason or anything, but if you keep escaping and give him a reason to then it's possible.
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mxlovinovargas · 2 years
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Synopsis: Switzerland watches you, then he daydreams.
That Look You Give That Guy
CW: Obsessive thoughts, Possessive thoughts, General Uncomfortable Vibes, Use of Country Names, Reader-Insert.
Word Count: 1k
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I see you with your man, your eyes just shine—
Foggy steam billows from a lone coffee cup and laps gale in strong winds before they evanesce. The cup sits alone, at a table for two, abandoned by its drinker. There, forlorn at a table for two, sits Switzerland with pointed eyes glaring down into his glazy reflection staring right back at him. It shimmers in a slight breeze, then settles with a rumble. 
His face twitches slightly. Rich seafoam green eyes cross as they glance off to the side. His gaze drifts up, panning up so slowly like a film, and he sees you. That warm and tender face, painted by a darling smile that smears such youthful vigor and lightheartedness. And those eyes, glowing very dimly set on a luminescence, coruscate with this winsome beauty that leaves Switzerland swallowing a hard lump down his throat with a powerful gulp that resounds deep in his ears. You’re so bright and gleaming that everything around you pales so fast that Switzerland can’t even focus on it. 
But you’re not looking at him. 
That look you give that guy. 
Switzerland scoffs now before he turns his nose up and redirects his attention back to his lukewarm coffee rippling in the summer sun. The scent is sharp and it fills the air with every sparse gust of wind that tickles Switzerland's nose. It’s like a slap to the face and Switzerland damn near contemplates getting up and storming away from the scene. 
He doesn’t need to stick around. Not whenever you’re not here for him (you never are). And it’s not like he particularly cares about that, either (if I could be that guy instead of me, I would never let you down). 
Switzerland’s face blanks for a solid, strong second and he wonders where that thought came from. Something intrusive, something stupid, something dramatic. He’s not here to make a fuss, dammit. Switzerland’s just here for a refreshing cup of java. He doesn’t care about any sort of useless relationship drama, the bickering and the fighting and the arguing and the ability to be able to hold your hand and peer into those lovely jewels crescenting on your face whenever you look up at him. 
An aggravated sound escapes Switzerland and he quickly balls his fist, grooving the smiles of his nails into his calloused palm as a correction. He’s furrowed his brows so heavily that a dull pang thrums to life behind his eyes and he almost feels nauseous. If only you would look at him like that… 
You always seems so jovial, so ready for life, so exhilarating—you’re like a fresh kiss of dew in the morning, the sprinkles that make bare feet wet whenever you run across the open fields of the early sun and the fluttering birds and the humdrum of morning songs; like you’re going somewhere better than where you’ve been before. Sometimes, whenever Switzerland really lets his mind and body relax, he can see himself standing in those fields with you. 
He imagines you running to him, looking right at him the same way you look at that man to your right, and your eyes are so squinted that tears brim at the corners and your smile is so wide that the apples of your face look puffy and ripe. That he could finally let down his walls, sweep his arms out so wide, and scoop your body up into an embrace that never stops coming. 
But that’s not him. Switzerland is nothing like that. His face feels hot just from thinking about such a foolish and childish dream for even a split second. 
I’m nothing like what I’d like to be—not a good fit for you, anyway. He’s a stingy and reserved old soul trapped in a young man. Switzerland knows that he’ll never change his ways, that he’s too set in them. And that will never be anything like what you need. You wouldn’t even look his way; not like you do now either, though. Switzerland feels sticky saliva in his mouth at that, but no amount of swallowing makes the damp cotton go away. 
But you do. You look at him with a slight confusion and concern etched across your features and Switzerland's curses the way his heart pitter-patters in response to your expression. You look so kind, so sweet, so like the coffee that once brewed like white hot lava in front of him before he let it cool. Whenever you give him that look…
Switzerland briefly lets himself imagine that things can work out like they do in his head. 
He loses himself momentarily, dazed and seeing only fantasies, and he imagines that you really are looking at him with that precious painting of a stare that leaves Switzerland speechless and floundering like a fish out of water internally. That you rely on him and he takes care of you despite his hardships—that the day is made better by your grace and touch and your presence and the drift of wildflowers and eucalyptus that seems to linger in your bubble; that you would really tear him like a laceration unhealed. He would melt like caramel in your hands and then he would pour between the vee of your fingers and you would just lap him up so sweetly. 
He pulls on the collar of his jacket and clears his throat. Red burns across Switzerland’s cheeks and he ducks away from your watchful eye. You find him regardless. Switzerland realizes that maybe, just maybe, you always know where to find him. 
If only he were that guy standing so boldly and so cheerfully and so tall, interlacing your knuckles together. 
Switzerland would never let you down. 
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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In this AU, Harry's parents are well alive
You'd most probably meet the Potter family first before meeting the Weasley family and I have a feeling that they'd be friends with each other. You'd meet the Potter family on the day Harry was going to Hogwarts, James did have quite a legacy at Hogwarts for being one of the best Quidditch seekers the Gryffindor Quidditch team ever had. Harry was looking forward to follow in his footsteps and the two of you met at the Kings' Cross Station. Your parents couldn't come with you to drop you off because they had an important business meeting with some client in Switzerland and they left you with your aunt who only dropped you off at the station and took off almost immediately, leaving you all by yourself surrounded with complete strangers. You've never been to Kings' Cross Station before and you had no idea where in the name of Merlin was platform 9 3/4. You've asked the Station master nearby and he thought you were just messing with him and pranking him which was why he just shooed you away
You were at a loss, you didn't know what to do and whom to contact, it wasn't like you were given an official guide as to where the platform was. You started panicking, thinking that the Hogwarts Express would be leaving without you any minute and you'd miss your wonderful chance to go to Hogwarts. You couldn't help but blink back a few tears of frustration as you felt that the situation was spinning out of control. You sighed and sat down on a bench for a moment to think about what to do next. You spotted a family of 3, a young boy of your age wearing glasses with a scar on his head, along with his parents, a man who resembled the boy's appearance, his father perhaps and his mother with hair as Red as the autumn leaves were accompanying their son with his trolley. "Blimey Harry, can't believe you're going to Hogwarts. Time does fly by fast" said James dramatically as he wiped his fake tears away
His wife, Lily glared at him and whispered "Shh... what if someone hears?" "It'll be all right, muggles don't know a damn thing about platform 9 and 3 quarters and Hogwarts and all that" he waved airily as they walked past you. An idea suddenly formed and took shape in your head as you followed them and when you finally caught up to them, you spoke "Umm... hi there, good morning. I was wondering if you could please direct me to where platform 9 and 3 quarters is...I know it exists, I just can't find it..." you finished with a forlorn look on your face as they stared at you in amazement for a moment and they had a silent discussion with each other through their eyes. You were indeed, one of them. "Don't worry dear, we'll help you. Where are your parents though?" enquired Lily as you replied "They're in Switzerland at the moment" "Oh...who came to drop you off then?" asked James as you answered "My aunt. She had some work to do back at her law firm. She's a lawyer so... it's just me by myself" you laughed slightly as they felt sad. Even though they just met you, Harry could already sense you were a bit upset and sad about something, the way your eyes had that wistful and wishful lost look in them, James and Lily didn't think too kindly about your aunt and your parents either at the moment
Attending Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and boarding the Hogwarts Express for the very first time was a magical once in a lifetime experience which would be memorable in one's life. How could your so called family just abandon you like that without even taking the time off from their work to even see you off properly? And did your family not care about your safety at all? What about all the dangerous and unknown strangers lurking around? The society and world these days isn't really that safe you know especially for sweet little things such as yourself. They decided to accompany you and show you the ropes as you tagged along with them and felt grateful that you'd finally catch your train in time
You noticed Harry's scar and when you asked him how he got it, he just had a sheepish smile on his face and replied "I was trying to catch a snitch at the Diagon Alley on my broom and I accidentally crash landed at Borgin and Burkes near Knockturn alley. The owner wasn't really that pleased with me when I smashed some of his stuff but the incident did kind of catch on with the other witches and wizards from the magical world. Some thought it was amusing and they think I'll follow in my dad's footsteps to become a great seeker like him" "What's a seeker?" you asked him with a confused and bewildered expression on your face. He stared at you for a moment and then it dawned upon him that you could have spent your life living with muggles and you probably had no idea what he was talking about. However no matter, he'd show you and teach you everything
You guys reached the platform just in time and you thanked them for their help as Lily hugged you and smiled "Enjoy yourself dear. Stay safe and have fun but don't get into any trouble" your heart warmed at her words, it was the sort of advice a mother would give to her child before sending them off into the real world all by themselves. You nodded as you boarded the train with Harry, saying your farewell and goodbyes to the Potter family. James and Lily couldn't get you off their minds for some reason, they were concerned with your safety and wondered if you were being treated well at home. Perhaps they'd better write to Harry after he reached Hogwarts to check up on you and update them about you. Just to be safe
You were talking with Harry and your conversation was interrupted when a ginger haired boy around your age dressed in black robes, with freckles on his face peeked in and spoke "Excuse me, do you mind? Everyone else's is full..." "Not at all" replied Harry as he motioned for the guy to take a seat in front of him. "I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley" he introduced himself as Harry introduced himself and you introduced yourself as well. The three of you were engaged in discussions when the sliding door opened again and this time, a girl with brown hair asked if any of you had seen a toad, a boy named Neville had lost one. The three of you said you hadn't spotted a toad and when she saw the wand in Ron's hand, she spoke "Oh, you're doing magic? Let's see it then" with an interested look on her face. Ron glanced at the two of you nervously but composed himself as he straightened his posture and uttered a spell which you were pretty sure wasn't even real because instead of turning his pet rat Scabbers yellow, he just made it frightened and it started scampering around everywhere till he finally managed to calm it down
The girl introduced herself as Hermione Granger and she disappeared after she told you three to change into your robes. You finally reached Hogwarts after a few hours and you were speechless by the magnificence and splendor before you. It looked exactly like the sort of castles in your bedtime stories your mother used to read for you when you were little, before she wasn't too preoccupied with her work and had time for you. You went along with the other first years led by a giant of a man named Hagrid who you thought was quite nice and friendly. Then the head of the Gryffindor house, Minerva McGonagall who was also the Transfiguration professor gave you all some background information about the houses
"Slytherin is filled with dark wizards and witches. And crackpots too" whispered Ron to you and you felt nervous, you didn't want to get sorted into Slytherin and lose your new friends. Professor McGonagall then asked you all to wait for a few moments as she needed to get some things ready for the sorting ceremony and as soon as she left, a blonde haired guy spoke "So it's true then, the sayings on the train... Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" as everyone looked at him in surprise and muttered among themselves. "This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy... Draco Malfoy" as he introduced himself and Ron snickered in a not so subtle manner. Of course Draco heard it and wasn't really pleased with his reaction as he sneered at him. " You think my name's funny do you? There's no need to ask yours... red hair, a hand me down robe... you must be a Wealsey..." as he turned back to Harry and spoke "You'll have to know by now that there are some Wizarding families that are better than the others Potter. You're a part of the Sacred 28 after all,you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort..." and glared at Ron again
You barely knew Malfoy for 5 minutes when you intervened "I'm sorry, what exactly makes a family a part of the Sacred 28? And Harry can make his decisions for himself. Of course, if you were a part of a Sacred family, your values and morals would be decent as well. Else you wouldn't be insulting people right off the bat as soon as you meet them". Some of the first years around you 'ooohed' when you said that as Malfoy's face grew hot and red with anger as he snarled "Stay out of this. No one asked you for your opinion" and you just rolled your eyes in response. Harry and Ron stared in amazement at your courage as Hermione was observing the scene from a distance away. It was your first day at Hogwarts and you were already getting ready to fight? She looked on rather disapprovingly but part of her admired your courage and loyalty for your friends by standing up for them. Which was why she also gripped her wand in her pockets just in case she could pull it out if the situation got out of hand. She didn't want anything happening to you for some reason
It was time for the sorting at long last, the moment you've been waiting for and Harry, Ron and Hermione were sorted into the Gryffindor house whereas Malfoy was sorted into the Slytherin house. The sorting hat was placed on top of your head and it muttered "Hmm.... interesting. Very very interesting...." as you nervously looked up at it and asked "What is?" "In all my years of sorting students into houses, you're truly something. You have bravery, courage and loyalty, fit to be a Gryffindor and yet, that cheek, determination and lots and lots of ambition to make you a Slytherin. Plenty of brains, the curiosity and hunger for knowledge is in there as well, you'd do well in Ravenclaw. You're also kind hearted and have the good old nature that Helga Hufflepuff was talking  about...hmm... where to put you?" it asked you
It was quite an interesting predicament because never before did anyone see the sorting hat have trouble sorting someone into a house. Everyone looked at you with bated breath as you could feel everyone's eyes on you which made you a bit conscious of yourself but you tried your best to ignore the feeling. The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore was watching you quite closely as professor Snape, the Potions professor seemed interested as well. After a few moments of deliberation, the sorting hat finally sorted you into Gryffindor which you felt relieved about. Harry, Ron and Hermione felt immensely glad that you were in the same house along with them. You felt an exhilarating feeling course through your body when everyone clapped for you as you joined the Gryffindor table. You were introduced to the Wealsey siblings present there, Percy Wealsey, the third oldest who was the Gryffindor prefect, Fred and George the twins who were overly fond of pranking people and you made a mental note to not get on their bad side. The last thing you needed was to wake up with horns on your head or something or a tail for that matter
Harry, Ron, Hermione and you became fast friends pretty quick but you refused to talk with them when they didn't include you in the quest for the Philosopher's stone. It broke their hearts but it was for your own good,you couldn't be put in danger like that. They cared for you too much and it drove them crazy when you ignored them or just glared at them angrily and stormed off. You finally softened a bit towards them when they said that they didn't want to put you in danger and they just wanted you to be safe. You started hanging out with them again as usual and they were elated, the days you refused to even spare them a second glance was utter torture for them. Harry, Ron and Hermione were like your three overprotective shadows, always around you no matter what. They've appointed themselves as your official caretakers and grew possessive and obsessive of you really quick
Harry wrote to his parents about you regularly as Ron did to his parents as well. During Christmas your parents forgot to send you your Christmas presents and you felt heartbroken. Harry, Ron and Hermione were mad as hell so they pitched in and got you some treats from the Great Hall and a few Christmas goodies of your own like a journal from Hermione, a cute quill set from Ron and from Harry, a book he thought you might be interested to read along with an encouraging note from all three of them. Of course they've mentioned to their parents that you haven't received any gifts for Christmas and you've received dozens of parcels from the Potter family and the Wealsey family, even though you hardly knew them. But they knew everything about you, more than you could know about yourself. You've received puddings, Tarts, cakes, pastries, sweaters, a maroon jumper with a W stitched on it and a snowglobe with a cute tiny snowman inside it. You felt grateful for their presents and sad at the same time for your own parents and family forgetting about you just like that
You were even more crushed when your parents said that they needed to go to France for a work conference and your aunt would be preoccupied with a huge case in the muggle world which meant you couldn't go back home. You were pretty devastated when you were invited by Ron to spend time with his family as Harry stated that his parents would join them at the Weasley's house for a couple of days. You agreed and upon reaching the Wealsey house, you could feel the warmth and homely feeling the atmosphere radiated. It certainly did give off homely vibes. You wished your family was also like this. You were introduced to Molly, who hugged you and spoke "So you're the famous Y/N my Ronald keeps talking about all the time... it's so nice to finally meet you dear" as Ron heatedly yelled out "MUM!" as Fred and George snickered in the background, whispering about how Ron was a simp for you as he told them to shut up
You were even introduced to Arthur Weasley, the father of Ron and the other Wealsey siblings who worked at the Ministry of magic, Bill Weasley who worked as a curse breaker at Gringotts the Wizarding bank in Egypt, Charlie Wealsey who worked with dragons in Romania which you found extremely fascinating. There was also young Ginny Weasley, who'd be starting Hogwarts next year. She was shy at first but she really opened up to you and she had fun being around you. The Weasley family loved and enjoyed your presence, it felt like you were part of their family already
Percy could see you becoming a head boy/ girl or prefect and he wanted to become your guide but Fred and George kept stealing you away to their room to show you their latest inventions. They loved it when your eyes sparkle and light up in curiosity, they feel proud when you take in interest in their inventions as do the other Wealseys when you enquired about their hobbies and pastimes. Molly wouldn't even let you step out of the house when it was time for De- gnoming the garden, she didn't want you getting injured and everyone agreed that it would be best for you if you'd stayed in while they'd take care of the business
A few days later James and Lily showed up at the Burrow and greeted you warmly as all of you sat down together and discussed various things over some nice hot steaming bowls of soup and a scrumptious feast laid out by Molly and Lily. When you were asked about your love life by Ginny, you literally choked on your soup as Molly patted you on the back and James handed you a glass of water. "Ginevra, that isn't a question for the dinner table" said Molly with a death stare as everyone present there became very interested in what you had to say. "Believe it or not, some guy from our Potions class, Troy Mullers asked me out for Valentine's day" "What did you say?" asked Hermione as everyone felt that sudden protective urge to make sure you were safe by all means necessary, even if it meant getting that Troy schmuck out of the way. They won't stand for someone to romantically court you, you were too kind and innocent to have your heart and feelings being taken for a ride by some random immature guy you barely even knew
"I... I rejected him. He wasn't happy about it and he called me all sorts of mean names but... it's not something I'm not used to" you shrugged it off as they all felt anger course through their veins. Who dared to make you sad and upset by calling you mean names and hurt your feelings? In fact Charlie was ready to send a Hungarian Horntail after them and Fred and George would send them Howlers after Holwers and packages with explosive Dungbombs from Zonkos, the Wizarding joke shop that go off as soon as you open the parcel. They were seething and they all came to a single conclusion, you had to be taken under their care for your own good. And judging by the way your so called family was treating you, you wouldn't want to be spend more time with them anymore which was a huge favor for them. Besides, what good is a family if they can't take care of you? Don't worry dear, they'll look after you and care for you like their very own. You've become a part of their families now whether you wanted to or not and it's like they say, family ALWAYS comes first...
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five-miles-over · 11 months
Tom Hiddleston Characters Masterlist
updated January 26, 2024
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Multiple Character Headcanons/Listicles
• Tom Hiddleston Characters as Desserts
• How Tom Hiddleston Characters Would Spend the Winter Holidays 
• Tom Hiddleston Characters: How They Act When They Have a Crush (on You)
• Tom Hiddleston Characters on Their Wedding Day (to You)
• Tom Hiddleston Characters: How They Would Propose (to You)
• Tom Hiddleston Characters Celebrating the New Year (With You)
Bill Hazeldine from Suburban Shootout
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• She’s a Lady and I am Just a Boy: On the first day of taking ‘Fundamentals of Shakespeare’ at university, Bill Hazeldine finds himself developing a serious crush on you, his drama professor.
• Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends: A first-year medical student at the University of Surrey, you move into a uni house and meet your new flatmates Bill Hazeldine and Rory Slippery (College AU, crossover with Rory Slippery from Fortysomething)
Caius Marcius Coriolanus from Coriolanus
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I’ve Decided, I Will Not Let Your Shadow Separate From Me: After being elected the consul, Coriolanus receives many things - sleepless nights, pointless riots from the lower-class citizens, and you, his new personal slave. While the sleep deprivation and the noise from the plebeians annoy him to no end, he finds himself obsessed with you. (Yandere)
The One That I Desire: A general must always be in control, according to General Caius Marcius Coriolanus . But there often comes a time when even the most powerful general falls to temptation. And for Coriolanus, that temptation is you.
Henry V/Prince Hal from The Hollow Crown
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• Fairytale:  While riding upon your horse in the woods, you come across a stranger with a silver tongue and golden curls. And he calls himself “Hal”. (Basically a meet-cute with fluff.)
• You Will Be Mine : The prince of England quickly becomes obsessed with you, a servant brought to his chambers to serve him breakfast. And there is nothing that will stop him from claiming you as his. (Yandere)
• First Time In London: Three days into your new life in London, you find yourself in a café after one of the dreariest mornings ever. Standing behind you in line is none other than Henry Plantagenet, a handsome gentleman with a zest for life and a romantic outlook that feels too good to be real. (Modern AU)
Jonathan Pine from The Night Manager
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•So Much More: While holidaying in Switzerland at the Hotel Meister, you find yourself constantly being stood up by each and everyone you meet. And each time, the night manager Jonathan Pine is there to comfort you after delivering the bad news. But it’s really just part of the job…right?
• The Forbidden Room: Part One, Part Two : During a late night alone in the lobby of the Hotel Meister, you - a student at the University of Zurich - meet the charming night manager Mr.Jonathan Pine. And what starts out as simply two strangers getting to know each other turns into something more when Pine shows you a secret part of the hotel.
• My Dearest Diamond : After nearly two years of working for MI-6, Jonathan tried to get in touch with you, the girl who stole his heart when he worked at Hotel Meister. For three weeks, the two of you rekindled your love via handwritten letters, until you booked a five-day trip to London to see him.
As he prepares to make this holiday special for you, Jonathan reflects on his relationship with you…and carries out one last errand before you land.
Robert Laing from High-Rise
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• Being Married to Robert Laing would Include...
Loki of Asgard from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
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• Heaven Help the Fool Who Falls in Love: You, a lady-in-waiting of Asgard’s Queen Frigga, and Prince Loki have been inseparable for years. What started with a mere look becomes something more precious. (Fluff)
• A Better King: While shopping with Thor in Mumbai (to kill time while Tony Stark is busy with a meeting), Loki learns about the “king” of Bollywood…and decides that he himself could be a better king.
• Take All of Me: Loki takes great delight in “ruining” his innocent, shy girlfriend for the first time (corruption kink, smut)
• Dandelions: Having heard stories about the Norse god of mischief, you find yourself falling in love with Loki despite having never met him. Out of devotion, you prepare offerings that you think he would like, and find ways to express the way you feel. Little do you know that your feelings are not unrequited.
• Beauty is Where You Find It: A journalist for a New York magazine in September of 2012, you come across the opportunity to do an interview from an icon in the fashion industry. Your subject? A rising supermodel from Wimbledon with icy blue eyes and jet-black curls named Loki Laufeyson.
• They’ll Call Your Crimes a Work of Art: A journalist for a small magazine in New York, you’ve been assigned to write a piece about the recent attacks led by Loki. So, you have a look at Loki himself to get your own perspective.
• Little Darling: Living with the God of Mischief in London comes with finding many surprises, and one of those surprises happens to be a four-year-old named Tom Hiddleston.
Rumors say that a phantom haunts the darkest hall in the royal palace of Asgard, but is he truly as dangerous as the people of Asgard claim he is?
Part One
Part Two
Imagine waking up in an alternate reality where you and Loki are a newlywed couple living in the suburbs...and everything seems a little too good to be true. (inspired by Wandavision)
Part One
Part Two: Mrs. Laufeyson
Part Three: Happy to Keep His Dinner Warm
Part Four: Kitty Makes Three
For his second year teaching at Oxford’s English department, Professor Hiddleston hires you to be his first-ever teaching assistant. One night while working late, he shows you the newest addition to his poetry class’s syllabus: the Lokasenna, a poem centered on the Norse god of mischief…and accidentally summons the trickster god himself.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Jaguar Villain Hiddleston from the Good to Be Bad Campaign
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• All I Worship and Adore: For a long time, Tom has admired you, an innocent woman, from afar...until one day, he makes his affections known to you. And this time, he won’t take no for an answer (Yandere)
• Your Remedy - He may be one of the most powerful and feared man in London, a terrifying villain to the outside world, but when you’re sick with a cold, your paramour Thomas spends the entire evening by your side taking care of you.
• SFW Alphabet - Jaguar Villain!Tom Hiddleston
You, a budding journalist, have the opportunity of a lifetime to interview the feared and revered Mr. Hiddleston, the CEO of Imperial Pharmaceuticals, Britain’s leading drug manufacturing company. What happens when a few mistakes lead you into the jaws of the wolf, working for the man himself?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Miscellaneous Hiddleston AUs
• AU: Tom Hiddleston as the Prince of Scotland
• Lessons from the Viscount (Viscount!Hiddleston x Reader, Reader x William Buxton, Reader x John Plumptre): As a debutante in the Regency era, you attend your first etiquette class, along with the other boys and girls of London’s upper crust. Heading the class is the charismatic Viscount Hiddleston, rumored to be a former Shakespearean actor who returned to London to look after his familal estate. And it isn’t long before he takes a liking to you.
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monst · 9 days
LOVEE your tim fics🩷🩷 i keep coming back to read them again 🥹 if its okay can i ask if youre planning anything else for him?
Aww Thank you! That really means a lot!  And it’s more than okay to ask! Eeeekkk I’m like obsessed with Tim so there’s so much I have planned for him. I try to hold myself back cause I don’t wanna be stingy and hog the tags >.<
Ahhh okay okay I’m just really excited! Right, so imma separate this into two categories Sfw & nsfw(Under cut)
WC- 800 
Tim drake General hc’s: We’re sitting at 2.3k words for this so I’m tryna cut this down. 
A couple of cute date fics: Sort of like “Go for a drive” and “Watching the sunset” Ex: Watching movies in the car (Drive up movie theater), Skateboarding, and slushies (Some graffiti)  Gala shit, Maybe some sports stuff cause he’s low-key sporty (Multifacited this one, probably why I like him so much lol) Magic shenanigans while play their version of D&D (Kinda like that one Gravity falls episode, gotta bring in my witch boy Klarion) Mostly fluff
Another edition of ‘High Ramblings about Tim Drake’: I mean I typed it out and I figured I might as well post it- just general ideas on what DC can do with his character. Hypothetical story arcs, his position in Gotham, his age and alias, etc. 
Father, there's something wrong with Timothy: Aftermath of Joker Junior, Mostly from Damian’s pov. This one is more of an Elseworlds au since I didn’t want it to be the Batman Beyond version. Anon requested the batfam’s reaction to his relapse so it’s canon adjacent? (Not an x reader) Thriller/Horror. 
Executive Tim: Anon req. Yandere Tim Drake. He’s already got a killer migraine and Tam’s replacement already screwed up. Screwed up may be a bit harsh but with the week he’s had he wasn’t feeling quite charitable. The mix-up with one of their outside distributors has Tim calling different vendors. Multiple calls later and he swears if he gets transferred to a different department one more goddamn time he’s going to- “Hello you’ve reached (Your name) how can I help you?” - Employee poaching lol, Unhealthy power dynamics, Gratuitous abuse of power.
Around the world: Series in no particular order. I hc that he’s learned to make the most of his time with his partner. (Past relationships failing due to not spending any time together) So even if you're not a vigilante he takes you with him on missions if you're also free and down. Needs to do a stakeout? Going undercover? Trailing a suspect? Or just general boots to the ground investigating? He’s asking if you’d like to tag along. However, anything that involves him in the mask or anything that involves physical combat is off the table. You walk into his apartment and see Tim's bitchy face and he just asks you “You wanna go to Switzerland?”
Old friend: Some call it being at the wrong place at the wrong time others prefer to call it fate. Honestly, he never pondered fatalism. But the joker was dead and there were no leads. Whoever had done it didn't leave anything behind nor did they announce it. It had to be fate. After all, this was the kind of death the psychotic clown would have despised. It’s been two weeks and the blame game had already been played. Solid alibis. He was told not to investigate. So he was in some dingy laundromat with Ives; catching up with old friends to curb his need to investigate. But he recognized the employee refilling the quarters “(Name?)” - Mystery, suggestive themes, smoking, gang affiliations, Hypocrite Tim Drake
Not your typical office romance: Multi-chapter, your company sends you as part of a team to initiate building reforms in Gotham. As a result, your introduced to your new colleague for this project Tim Drake from Wayne’s R&D department. You're eager to get to work, but your flakey coworker is halting progress. Your polite facade comes crumbling down due to massive misunderstandings. Lots of antagonism, Bitchy Reader
Escalation 2: This one is mostly done just need to edit. You found a way to play off not seeing the snap but my boy is shameless. And you may have started something you'll lose at.
Deal with the devil: Dark! Tim drake (Borderline Yandere) Hmm. This one is fucked; He should have left you to your fate. You knew better than to go investigate that cave alone but that’s just who you were, reckless, fickle, unburdened, hardheaded. He didn’t know whether he hated you or if he was just deeply envious. But even so, he couldn’t just leave you alone, not when you actually used the emergency beacon he gave you. Not when you actually kept it. He should have expected that it was Ra’s Al Ghul’s doing, he should have ignored his words, he should have but a snake seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden, and wasn’t Ra’s a devil? 
Five minutes: Oral fixation reader, Tim’s playing Apex (Octane or Horizon main) with some old friends but you really need him in your mouth. Subspace. Why Apex? Because everything I know about it has been involuntary. 
Vacation: Sort of a spin-off of Across the World. This series involves trips around the states and the world. He’s a vigilante but he’s also a very public figure that still needs to attend certain social events. Ex: Ski trips(This one* mhm), Weekend Conferences, or just a vacation. (Cases might align with an event)
Indecent: You come up to his office while he’s busy. But you came up looking too distracting how on earth is he supposed to concentrate? Spoiler he doesn’t. 
Boudoir pics: Cute flirty pictures of each other that's what this was supposed to be.
Impatient: The fact that your boyfriend could so easily hold you down was very hot. But you're so over it, if he didn't stop teasing you were going to die! Tim x M. Reader
Lastly: he has like two days in the upcoming kinktober event.  Maybe an add to possibility ft Poison Ivy
  A/N: My undiagnosed ADHD won’t let me write things in order so that’s the reason why most of my stuff takes a while and/or sits in my drafts for ages (Ex: I have Bruce Hc’s that have been done for weeks…) Also, thanks for the ask! I had all of these all over the place this def helped me organize it all. 
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crimson-kisses · 9 months
Heyy, how about an platonic germany and prussia with a younger sibling? Like a micronation or a country!
Thanks for taking your time. we love your content, dont forget to rest!! 🌷🌷
Aw thank you so much for the lovely kind words :’) lifts my spirits up fr - I believe this concept has been done already, but nonetheless I will try and keep this rather short and simple. 🌻
Warnings: yandere themes, toxic relationships and the like.
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Perhaps you are a small protectorate state situated between Switzerland and Germany or between Austria and Germany. The region you represent is nestled amidst the aftermath of a war-ravaged battlefield, a testament to the turmoil that has unfolded. It is within this backdrop that Gilbert and Ludwig, two German brothers, stumble upon you, a young child in need of protection.
Recognizing the fragility of your situation, both Gilbert and Ludwig take it upon themselves to safeguard you. Gilbert, with a sense of duty and compassion, becomes your primary caretaker, ensuring your well-being and providing the nurturing support that you require. His presence brings a sense of warmth and stability, assuring you that you are not alone in this world.
Ludwig, on the other hand, takes a more reserved approach initially, keeping a watchful eye from the sidelines. His role extends beyond your immediate care, as he assumes the responsibility of handling any diplomatic tensions that may arise due to your presence. Aware of the delicate nature of political relationships in the region, Ludwig acts as a mediator, striving to maintain a delicate balance and protect the interests of your small state.
Both brothers understand the importance of their roles and the need to balance each other out. Gilbert's nurturing nature and hands-on approach provide you with a sense of security and guidance, while Ludwig's diplomatic prowess and watchful eye ensure the stability and political viability of your protectorate.
As time passes, Gilbert and Ludwig grow more attuned to the challenges and responsibilities that come with protecting you. They strive to provide you with the best possible future amidst the backdrop of the war-torn region.
Gilbert takes on the role of a tough mentor, providing discipline and rigorous tutoring. He has an obnoxious side to him, but he believes in pushing you to reach your full potential. He sets high standards and expects you to meet them, sometimes pushing you outside of your comfort zone. While his methods might be strict, they are aimed at helping you grow and succeed.
On the other hand, Ludwig, despite also being strict, has a gentler approach compared to his elder brother. He recognizes the importance of balance and ensures that you have time to relax and unwind. Ludwig understands the need for affection and emotional support, even if he finds it awkward to express it himself. He creates a safe space for you, where you can find solace and feel cared for.
As you grow older, Gilbert begins to loosen up his strict demeanor. He sees your progress and development, and he becomes more supportive and encouraging. He realizes that while discipline is important, it's equally important to have an environment that allows you to thrive and feel supported.
Both Gilbert and Ludwig work together to shield you from the feeling of isolation. They go above and beyond to ensure that you never truly feel alone. They create a sense of belonging and make you feel part of a loving and nurturing family, despite the challenges and isolation that may surround your small territory.
While you may not fully grasp the extent of your isolation, it is because Gilbert and Ludwig actively work to shield you from it. They make sure that you have a support system and a sense of belonging, so that you can grow and flourish in your unique circumstances. Their combined efforts create an environment where you can thrive, even in the face of isolation.
Gilbert also takes on the role of keeping you occupied with various activities, often in a random and chaotic manner. He teaches you different things and shares altered visions of what he considers necessary for you to know.
Ludwig, on the other hand, assumes the responsibility of handling more manipulative tasks. He deals with any external threats or individuals who might be prying too much into your affairs. Ludwig ensures that the surveillance technology in place is functioning properly, protecting your privacy and security.
Gilbert's focus is primarily on your education and keeping you engaged. He creates an environment of constant stimulation and learning, even if it may seem chaotic at times. Meanwhile, Ludwig works behind the scenes, safeguarding your interests and ensuring that your privacy is protected.
While their approaches may differ, Gilbert and Ludwig collaborate to provide a balance of education and protection. Gilbert's random and chaotic activities keep you on your toes, fostering a sense of curiosity and adaptability. Ludwig's surveillance and protective measures ensure that you are shielded from external threats and unwanted intrusions.
Gilbert and Ludwig provide you with a unique upbringing, where you are constantly learning, protected, and shielded from excessive interference. Their combined efforts create an environment where you can grow and develop, while also maintaining control.
Ludwig makes sure to keep reminding you of your young age, often making you feel anxious and worried about potential dangers in the world. He subtly plays with your mind, gently coaxing you to think negatively and suspiciously about your surroundings, it also brings about unease within you.
Despite this, Ludwig also provides you with an outlet for conversation, allowing you to discuss any topic you desire. Similar to Gilbert, he possesses a wealth of knowledge and diverse interests, which proves beneficial when you express your own interests. Ludwig's vast knowledge allows for engaging discussions and opportunities for you.
Ludwig's approach is tinged with a level of mental manipulation, the constant reminder of your vulnerability and the negative perspective he encourages fills you anxiety and a sense of distrust.
Both Gilbert and Ludwig still play significant roles in your upbringing. Gilbert keeps you occupied with various activities and teaches you, while Ludwig's conversations and knowledge expand your horizons.
Both of them provide you with access to various forms of entertainment and resources, such as books, movies, PlayStation, and games. They ensure that you have a means to satisfy your wants and desires within reasonable limits. While you won't be completely cut off from the outside world, they encourage a level of dependence on them for your wants and needs.
By carefully managing your access to resources and creating an environment where they fulfill most, if not all, of your wants and needs, Gilbert and Ludwig foster a sense of reliance on them. They want you to view them as the primary providers and caretakers, ensuring that you turn to them for support and assistance.
All of you will have a house in the countryside, providing a sense of isolation from the outside world. They allocate a significant portion of the house to you, allowing you the freedom to shape it according to your preferences. They encourage you to make the space your own, to design and decorate it to your liking.
Within the boundaries that they establish for your safety and well-being, Gilbert and Ludwig happily support your decisions and desires for the house. Whether it's choosing the colors, arranging the furniture, or adding personal touches, they want you to feel a sense of ownership and comfort in your living space.
Since this scenario is set in modern times, it is likely that the relationship between you, Gilbert, and Ludwig would indeed have a lighthearted tone due to your young age, given your upbringing and the support provided by Gilbert and Ludwig.
Gilbert, as the caring and affectionate figure, would likely engage in various activities with you, such as games, adventures, or creative projects. He would create a cheerful and nurturing environment, where adventures are common occurrences. His goal would be to ensure that you have an enjoyable experience.
Ludwig, while potentially more reserved, would still find ways to interact with you in a lighthearted manner. He might encourage intellectual pursuits, engage in stimulating conversations, or introduce you to new experiences. Despite his serious nature, he would recognize the importance of fostering easement within you.
Though as you grow older, you might begin to question certain aspects of your upbringing and notice differences between your life and that of others. You may wonder why some of your friends are suddenly missing and why you don't attend school with other kids. You might also notice that you don't have the same possessions or experiences as your peers, leading to feelings of curiosity, confusion, frustration or a sense of missing out.
Your dear brothers are fully aware of the confusion you are experiencing and have already prepared to have a conversation with you when you turn to them crying about it. Always running to them for support and affection.
You truly were so naive, just as they preferred you to be.
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yanxidarlings · 3 months
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newer works for hetalia
latin america, mongolia
older works for hetalia
america, australia, prussia, romano, turkey, finland, ukraine, england, nordics
shy with america
superhero-esque with america
platonic yandere with america
daydreams with america
uncivilised with england
victorian poc with england
childhood friend with hong kong
heartbroken with the axis
disappointed with the axis
anxious with the axis
unhappily married with the allies
aroace with the allies
lesbian with the allies
refusing to eat with the allies
insecure with the nordics
sickly with the italy brothers
pugnacious with the german brothers
psychopath with eng-ita-ame
androphobia with eng-spa-can
otome with ger-eng-ame
bosses relative with ger-eng-ame
sociable with ger-eng-rus
sharing with ger-eng-pru
lovestruck with ger-swe-spa
reciprocated yandere with rus-ame
rejected proposal with rus-ger
austria vs switzerland
ukraine vs belarus
hungary vs romania
england vs romania
russia vs germany
america vs russia
america vs germany (p2, p3)
norway vs iceland
hong kong vs south korea
greece vs turkey vs egypt
D,M,Z with america
F,H,I with america
C,D,H with prussia
D,A,Y with australia
J,Q,U with the baltics
D,W,Z with ame-can-fra
X,S with eng-ger-rus
F,L,M with eng-pru
B,J,T with rus-ame
E,K,R with ice-jap
A,P,Y with hk-tai-mac
unrequited yandere
fake broken
the draft has been started
romano and prussia sharing a darling
male belarus, ukraine and russia sharing a darling
latin america sharing a darling
general yandere asia
list of old inbox requests i might get to oneday
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sharing, individual headcanons, bully! slytherins, obscurial! reader
mattheo & theodore, mattheo & blaise, cormac & zacharias, ravenclaw boys
zacharias smith, anthony goldstein, cormac mclaggen
the draft has been started
boggart reactions of slytherin, ravenclaw and hufflepuff boys
list of inbox requests ill get to oneday
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chris manawa
daryl and merle, bromigos
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surrealteal-mo · 2 months
My main OC!
Name: Layla Avalin
Nicknames: Lay’s, Lay-Lay, Provoloka
Birthday/DOB: 6th January 1991
Age: Early 20s
Nationality: British-Serbian
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: Any pronouns
Sexuality: Bisexual
When the story is mainly set: 2012-2014
Height: 6"1 / 185cm
Weight: 164lbs
Hair: Shaggy brunette hair, natural blonde streaks (mostly on fringe), very thick, length is at the mid to bottom of their neck.
Eyes: Sort of teal colour? (It changes a lot but it’s basically that)
Personality: On the surface, Layla can come across as egotistical, overly extroverted, competitive, and just plain annoying. These traits act as a barrier, signalling to others that they might not want to be friends with them. However, once you get to know her better, Layla reveals his true self: passionate, observant, friendly, and especially loving. In relationships, they struggle with the fear of abandonment, leading to clinginess and insecurity. She deeply fears being neglected by her partners or friends.
Father: Detective Jeremy Avalin
Mother: Dr. Milica Avalin (M.N: Ristovski)
Siblings: N/A
Grandfather (Dad’s side): Michael Avalin
Grandmother (Dad’s side): Bella Rossi
Great-Grandfather (Grandfather’s side): Charles Avalin
Great-Grandmother (Grandfather’s side): Anastasia "Anna" Avalin
Great-Grandfather (Grandmother’s side): Vincent Rossi
Grandfather (Mum’s side): Sergej Ristovski
Grandmother (Mum’s side): Ljiljana Ristovski
Cousin (Mum’s side): Demetri Ristovski
Ex Spouse (M. 2012 - D. 2013): Xavier Livingston (Bad terms)
Current Spouse (M. 2016): Issac Johnson
Layla has always had an interest in mathematical things, especially physics. Excelled in that topic and they have always had an interest in it. She also has a passion for engineering, and they have a shelf of little robots they made. He also enjoys crosswords and sudoku, and listens to music while doing it.
It should be very important to note that Layla belongs to the Avalin family. The Avalin family are directly linked to Avalinthea, the Saxanian God of Stones. Layla and her family are unaware of this, but have always had connections to the stones. (Basically the power system in the universe :))
Layla grew up in an environment where they were almost always "second place" to people, especially their own parents. Their parents have a condition called "Amorisis Syndrome" which makes them obsessively in love with each other, to the point where they would manipulate, harm and even kill others for each other (basically they’re Yandere for eachother). Their condition doesn’t apply to Layla, so they cannot feel as strongly for Layla than they do eachother. Along with this, Layla was quite unpopular at school, inserting themselves into friendship groups that didn’t even really want her there, causing more thoughts of “I will never be first place to anyone.”
Layla did have a childhood best friend, Oliver, however they rarely saw each other, due to Oliver’s family being significantly more wealthy and higher class than Layla’s. The two moved to New York when they turned 20.
- Layla got all D’s on his GCSEs except for physics, chemistry and maths, to which she got A*s
- Owns a Wii, and plays on it when they have free time, ends up becoming TOO good on it.
- If they had the money, they would go to Geneva, Switzerland.
- He enjoys collecting stickers, but often forgets to actually stick them on stuff.
- Often goes to Serbia for Christmas with her parents to see her grandparents, playing in the snow with Demetri is often their highlight of the year.
- Their scarf was given to them by Demetri before he went missing.
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fearlesstigerquotev · 4 months
Welcome to my Tumblr! My name is Tiger and I’m a hobbyist author and Quotev Refugee. Currently, I’m using Tumblr as a backup for all my oneshot works on Quotev, as well as the occasional meme. In the future, I’d like to post more oneshots on here as well <3 Currently moving all my full stories to AO3, I have linked the account in my bio, and will link all stories as well on here.
I mainly write yandere x reader stories, dabbling in horror, thriller, and romance. Some of my stories contain smut and dubious themes. As is the case with such types of stories, please refer to the tags and trigger warnings beforehand! Read at your own discretion. Minors do not interact with me concerning R18 stories.
Asks about my thoughts on topics, stories, headcanons etc. are allowed but I do not take oneshot/story requests.
With those disclaimers out of the way, I wish you happy reading!
Please note that this is still a WIP, only stories marked with (X) are available to read currently on Tumblr and/or AO3! For works without links, please check out my Quotev page.
New Works Post-Quotev Apocalypse
Coming soon!
Oneshots imported from Quotev
Yandere M!Pied Piper Halloween Oneshot (X)
To see townsfolk suffer so From vermin, was a pity. — From The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child's Story by Robert Browning
Winterkälte Halloween Oneshot (X)
Winterkälte: A strung-together German word that roughly translates to "winter coldness." It is a childhood folk story from Switzerland, but as far as I'm aware, there is no official name for this tale. Depending from canton to canton, many variations exist. But all of them share the following structure: A boy, his father, and their dog hike up a mountain. A blizzard causes them to take refuge in an alpine hut, where they are confronted with the personification of Death. This story is told to children in order to warn them against staying out too late, especially in the cold winter months.
Itto the Irresistible Beetle Battler (X)
Itto X F!Reader | You and your Oni boyfriend have a beetle-fight competition. Short, sweet, fluffy.
A Friendship Tested
Heizou X F!Reader | A oneshot where you are a thief and Heizou chases you through Inazuma.
My Queen
Itto X F!Reader [Royalty AU] | A short oneshot where Scaramouche is a prince, and you are his bodyguard. Even though he doesn't need one.
Study Buddies
Kaveh X F!Reader X Alhaitham [R15] | A oneshot + crackfic where you are an underclassman at the Sumeru Akademiya, and ask Alhaitham and Kaveh to tutor you before an exam. But you're a simp, and both of them have different styles of teaching.
A Wholesome Genius Invocation TCG Session
Tighnari X F!Reader [Platonic relationship] | You and your friend/mentor play an exciting round of Genius Invocation TCG. Short, sweet, fluffy.
[Reminder: Add all The Royal Tutor Oneshots]
Full stories [links to AO3]
Dies Irae — Days of Wrath [R18] | Various!M!F!Yandere Reverse Harem x F!Reader (X)
After nearly half a decade of war and turmoil, Princess (Name) hears the sound of war trumpets playing: Her empire has won the war. Being the sole heir to the throne, she is quick to rejoice and immediately rushes to provide an official statement. Fate, however, has other plans for her. When her own soldiers storm the castle and usurp the sovereign, she is faced with a nasty truth: Her childhood best friend has joined the enemy side. The kingdom has won the war, but at what price? As she navigates the treacherous web of politics, societal pressures, and negotiations, Princess (Name) finds herself forming unexpected and complex alliances with a group of captivating individuals, each with their own secrets and desires. She must not make a single misstep, lest she wants her head rolling on the ground.
Playing with Fire | Yandere Diluc x F!Reader [Royalty!AU!] (X)
After countless years of war and turmoil, Natlan has fallen. Too bad you were the War Maiden of Natlan during the conflict. In order to salvage the remnants of your country, you agree to a peace treaty brokered by the rulers of Snezhnaya and Liyue—An arranged marriage. But instead of marrying Mondstadt's sovereign, you find out you're betrothed to Duke Diluc, an esteemed nobleman from the Ragnvindr clan. He claims to be acting in your best interests, but something tells you that he cannot be trusted. And when secrets of both your pasts come to light, you find yourself struggling to maintain Teyvat‘s political stability. One wrong word could lead to your demise, a fate you must avoid at all costs.
Bad Liar | Diluc x F!Reader (Known as Malefactor on AO3) (X)
In which you, a Fatui member who is fiercely loyal to the Tsarista, is tasked with stealing the Anemo Gnosis. But Diluc, the Uncrowned King of Mondstadt, is dead-set on making your mission a living nightmare... In more ways than you could possibly imagine.
Snake Eyes | Yandere M!Naga x F!Reader
Upon the request of your former professor, you travel to India to aid his research team on their quest to find the Ivory Serpent. However, due to unprecedented circumstances, things go awry right from the start, including the disappearance of your close colleague. Paying no heed to the warnings of your team members, you head off into the mangroves in search of her, ignorant of the ancient curse the land is bound to. Before you know it, you find yourself caught in the coils of an ancient deity of the mangroves. It will take more than mere prayers to wriggle yourself free.
Infiltrator | Yandere M!Harem x M!Reader [Cyberpunk Isekai]
After a gruesome murder makes headlines, a rookie journalist finds himself chasing the scoop of a lifetime. But he soon finds out that the Underworld doesn’t give out secrets so easily, vying for control over the story only he can tell. In a world where information is the highest currency, he's the richest prize. And the crime lords he's entangled with hate sharing.
Bibliophilia | M!Yandere x GN!Reader
Getting locked inside Sanfatio Library by accident was the last thing Y/N expected. Their only option is to enter a strange stone door leading to a whimsical alternative version of the otherwise quiet and quaint library. However, they soon realize they aren't alone. Something sinister is lurking between the bookshelves, stalking their every move. The once docile and humble Y/N is forced into a race against time with only a little red book to guide them. And if they don't find the exit in time, they risk being trapped inside this demented reality forever.
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lucem-stellarum · 11 months
So this is what, the 3rd time Porter has been decked by a character because of his attitude? At minimum?
Under the cut for long and rambling character and literary analysis
We have the initial fight 4-5 years ago between Porter and Vincent
We have Lovely getting him during their "Switzerland" talk before the Summit
Now we have Asher at the Summit (part II electric boogaloo)
At this point, I'm starting to wonder if we're even supposed to like him as a character. Sure, he's charismatic. Porter got Treasure wrapped around his finger in less than an hour. But Mr. Redacted is usually pretty clear about delineating between who is intended to be the characters we're supposed to be supporting (with enough moral grayness to make them complex and interesting). So many of his characters are a great example of the difference between the narrative 'protagonist' and the narrative 'hero'. Going back to the more technical literary term, a protagonist* is the character the story is about, but they're not necessarily the same as the hero of the story. Yandere!Ivan was a great protagonist, but he's very obviously the villain of that plotline. If you want a classic example, Michael Corleone (The Godfather) is a villain protagonist.
*I'll point out that depending on what exact definition you're using for "protagonist" that you can argue that the listener character is supposed to be the main character. I don't think that fits because in many of Redacted's cases the listener falls into the "sexy lamp" trope, where by design they have few if any character traits of their own so we as listeners can project on them. To me, they're the point of view character, which though usually is not always the same as the protagonist. IMO, a protagonist should play a more active role in the story. Overall it's a fascinating way of capitalizing on the limitations of Mr. Redacted's chosen medium, and I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this phenomenon.
Most characters fall into either the 'hero' or 'villain' category. Characters like David, Asher, Vincent, Elliott, Guy, Ollie, and Gavin are all clearly hero protagonists**. Their respective stories revolve around their interactions with the listener character, they're the good, upstanding citizens that we want to support. They've got flaws, sure, but for the most part they're meant to be appealing characters that we agree with. Characters like Marcus, Yandere!Ivan, and Regulus are clearly the villain protagonists; they're the "bad guys", we want them to fail in whatever terrible thing they're trying to do. (Which isn't to say you can't enjoy their particular brand of twisted. Dark characters and themes are important and have their place).
**with the caveat that different focal length of a particular story can change who is the technical 'protagonist' and 'antagonist'. Kody, in his Water Elemental videos, is a 'villain protagonist'; when you look at the DAMN series overall he's better classified an antagonist of season 1. The fact that there's so many perspective changes across Mr. Redacted's overall work means that a lot of these terms can get muddied depending on which specific set of videos you're referring to.
Which brings me to the 3rd type of protagonist, the anti-hero. The anti-hero is a protagonist that the reader/listener wants to succeed, but generally lacks the traditional/universal moral traits that usually define the classic hero protagonist. Examples of an anti-hero protagonist include: Deadpool, Walter White (Breaking Bad), Huckleberry Finn. In particular, the mark of a well-written antihero protagonist is the fact that it can be difficult to distinguish them from a villain protagonist. Vega is a good example of this; in the Sadism's Hold/DAMN S1 series he's an antagonist for Freelancer and Yandere!Ivan. He graduates to a villain protagonist in early Carpe Deus, and with his stated goal of preventing another Cacophony he's morphing into an anti-hero in the more recent videos. I'm sure you can get hyper-specific if you start going through all the TVTropes pages to find the perfect flavor for individual characters, but most major protagonists can be classified as one of those three groups (with eternal, ongoing debates on where specifically you draw those particular lines based on your particular morals).
Bringing it back to Porter, I'm not sure that he's meant to be an anti-hero. He's charming, intelligent, capable, and likeable (to those not biased by his history like Vincent and Sam). But I don't think we're supposed to support him as a character overall. We've had too many "hero" characters come to conflict with him; Vincent, Asher, and Lovely explicitly. Even without getting into the fine distinctions between a protagonist/supporting character/POV character that's an awful lot of animosity from some very well established people. We might not know all of his goals/motives yet because they haven't been revealed to us (Porter wants to support William, wants to gain 'power', but why? What history drives him? What is his specific end goal with that power?) but his manipulation of other people, ruthlessness, and his own acknowledged boot-licking to increase his own social power disqualify him from a traditional "hero protagonist" role. An anti-hero is one we still are intended by the author to want to support, a character we want to see succeed. But because Mr. Redacted keeps putting Porter into direct conflict with more traditional protagonists it sets him up to be an opposing force; by definition he is an antagonist to our established hero protagonists.
I've talked a lot about the different types of protagonists and some of the minute distinctions between the different types of protagonists. Antagonists can be even more variable; you have your classic Devil, Sauron, and Darth Vader trying to kill your protagonist heroes. Technically speaking, antagonists don't necessarily have to be characters, either, they can be forces or concepts. An antagonist is just someone or something that opposes the protagonist. I won't divert into the different types of conflict in a story, but I'll point out how much more variety there is for your villains than your heroes based on their particular blend of moral alignment and narrative framing. (It's a lot easier to make things go wrong than it is to make things go well). You can also have sympathetic antagonists, where the villain has acceptable motives even if their methods are objectionable and cement their status as villains. Think the Wicked Witch of the West; Dorothy killed her sister, revenge is an entirely reasonable motive even if we're not supposed to be on her side. Adam and Quinn are the clearest unsympathetic antagonist villain characters in Redacted-verse. Blake is a sympathetic antagonist, vacillating between a villain and an anti-hero depending on whether we're looking at him from Sunshine or Bestie's POV.
As far as my initial claim that we're not supposed to like Porter, we have to consider which lens we're looking at him through. From Vincent's perspective he's an unredeemable asshole. William, however, clearly sees something in him. Other characters we trust that don't have that skewed perspective because of baggage, like Asher, don't like him either. While Porter is the protagonist of his own videos (you are the main character inside your own head) he's not being cast as a classical hero. Morality wise, even in his own story he's an anti-hero at best (he wasn't honestly trying to warn Treasure off, he was luring them in to SkySide). He's got the potential to be sympathetic (at least, according to Sam and William) but he's outnumbered in the narrative of protagonists (at the very least, by Vincent, Lovely, Asher, and there's evidence for Milo and David because of what he put Sweetheart up to) who consider him an antagonist, causing them problems or otherwise being obstructive. Considering the weight of numbers and length of existence in the overall story Mr Redacted is telling, Porter so far is generally being portrayed as an antagonist to our hero protagonists but not necessarily as a villain (like Vincent wants him to be) of Close Knit's caliber. So, this leaves him in a very interesting position on the morality/perspective spectrum. Essentially:
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[Photo ID: a graph running from Villain to Hero along the horizontal axis and Protagonist to Antagonist along the vertical axis. Gavin, Lasko, Guy, Ollie, Caelum, David, Asher, Milo, Vincent (post-Adam) are in the Hero-Protagonist Corner. Regulus, Yandere!Ivan, Kody, Vega (DAMN S1) are in the Villain-Antagonist Corner. Vega (early) is in the Villain Protagonist Corner. Vincent (early) and Vega (later) are in the Protagonist Antihero area. Porter is in the Antagonist Antihero area. /end ID]
Because of these mostly negative relationships to our established characters I don't think he's meant to be "supportable". There's too many reasons someone could write him off as unredeemable, based off of his history, his current actions, and his morals. Mr Redacted obviously intended us to be pitted against certain characters like Adam, Kody, and Yandere!Ivan in the same way the author intends us to like and support wholesome characters like David, Huxley, and Guy. I think Porter was written in such a way that we're supposed to disapprove of him despite his likeability in the same way we're "supposed to" disapprove of most of the Imperium characters or Alexis. There's a glimmer of "redemption" deep down for how good they could be if the universe was a little kinder towards them and they didn't have to resort to morally questionable (at best) actions and perspectives, but harsh circumstances left them protecting themselves with sharp edges designed to make anyone who gets too close bleed. Character complexity is attractive, but that's not the same thing as being sympathetic.
After all of this I have to say, death of the author is 100% valid as a concept. At least half of a story is determined by the reader themselves, and this in particular is just my interpretation of these particular facts and classifications. Depending on how you want to weight certain factors and perspectives you can come to a completely different conclusion. By trying to define a particular character the act of applying a definition means you have to be reductive; making a decision on which box to put them in flattens out their complexities. You don't have to APPROVE of a character to LIKE them. There's also a difference between a morally GOOD character and a COMPELLING character. Not every character has to be redeemed, it's not a prerequisite for finding them interesting. Just because Mr Redacted wants us to hate certain characters doesn't mean everyone is obligated to; you're entitled to your own opinion.
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if you're still doing requests- nsfw alphabet with switzerland 👉👈
i am my motivation just doesn't agree if that makes sense and most of my requests i'm either far too ambitious with and keep re-writing or are just not something i'm interested in rn. thank u for handing me an excuse to write about the guy. was an easy and fun write. might have minor errors. very sorry this took a bit ! (also- should i redo the yandere alphabet with him? i feel its REALLY ooc now that i re-read it..)
Switzerland NSFW Alphabet
warnings : nsfw ofc, nothing intense otherwise though. made him dominant here, request again if you want him submissive.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Not the most extra individual, but it's definitely not non-existent or anything. he will be ensuring you're not in pain, not thirsty, not uncomfortable.. He'll probably want to clean up and whatnot though once confirmed that you're all good.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his own eyes, they're always useful and a lot of his activities frequently require good eyesight, which he has. Definitely enjoys his hands too though, he's pretty used to work that requires physical labor so they're helpful too.
He's never said it, but it's easy to tell your thighs and hips are a favorite of his regarding activities such as these. His hands frequently drift there, and so does his line of sight when he thinks you're not looking.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He prefers it inside, just more convenient in his opinion. He'll understand if you want it outside though, then it'll usually just end up somewhere else on your body, no particular areas of interest really.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Although he feels really creepy for doing it, if you gave him literally any shirts, pants, or anything along those lines as a gift, he likely smelt it while jerking off. It just really gets him going, and he hates it (loves it, just won't admit it to himself).
Also, side note, has thought about fucking in the forest. He usually doesn't like risks, but he feels really in his element when out in the woods and his mind can't help but drift to such thoughts.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Unexperienced, but not really dumb to what he should do and the alike. Might secretly read a bit to learn what all he should look out for, or do. Keeps looking away every ten seconds though throughout his research because he's sort of a prude.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Usually goes for Missionary. He's a very simple man, and doesn't like to get too weird when it's up to positions, so it just fits him. Would also be willing to do some other ones though, as long as they aren't too squished or require too much flexibility. It's not like he can't handle either of those, it's just very distracting to him and this is definitely something he likes to focus on.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not a silly guy in general, even less lighthearted when having sex. Finds it awkward if you make any jokes, but wouldn't mind if you laughed at any accidents or anything like one of you slipping.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Doesn't see the point to shaving that which very few people will ever see, but he also doesn't like being overly hairy. He keeps it trimmed to a shorter length, just seems like a waste of time to do anything more. It's the same colour as his hair too, not even like the slightest difference.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Not overly romantic, but it's the small things he does that shows his affection. Always keeps an eye out to make sure you're comfortable, has a tendency to adjust you without asking just to be sure you're in a nice spot. Still embarrased to kiss you, by the way.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Only when he finds it neccessary. Switzy is a rather prudent man, and sexual activity doesn't really land on his mind that often. Sometimes though, he does have those straying thoughts. Ones he has to handle himself. Ones he internally punishes himself for, but exist nevertheless.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Sorta likes the idea of outdoor sex. Just scared of getting caught, is all. He's very much a fan of nature, and he's spent lots of time in it. He largely prefers it there over cities any day of the week. So maybe on some of his property, further out, after he's scoped the whole area and put a million "no trespassing" signs up. (And likely brought a gun.. Just incaese.)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom, usually. Bathroom, occasionally. Elsewhere, in your dreams. Too horrified at the idea of his sister coming to visit him just to get scarred for life. Hates to do anything outside his/your own home, ignoring the above section of course (when he gets brave enough to test that out).
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As I might've mentioned earlier, he loves your thighs and hips. Size doesn't matter, scarring doesn't matter.. HE JUST LOVES THEM! If visible, they instantly catch his attention, and sort of distract him. Only a teensy bit though, he's not gawking at you or anything.. Also likes it if you give him lots of big kisses while you rub him up. Anywhere on his body too, really, it's his favorite thing. (Even more- he loves if you squeeze his butt. He might huff a bit if you do, but trust, he secretely adores it.)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that risky. In any way you can think of. Literally all forms of risks are a major no for him. Physically risky, reputation risky.. All of them.
Also, anything gross. Won't go along with watersports, emetophilia.. Anything along those lines are a no-no for him. Would completely wreck his mood.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Sort of nervous on recieving oral? Not really for himself too, he just doesn't want you to feel physical discomfort or choke or anything.. It's not really his thing. Totally up for giving, though. You might not expect it, but he's actually rather big on giving. Would honestly be satisfied if that's all you two do for the night.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He tends to gear towards a happy medium pace most of the time (exceptions can be made..). Sensual isn't really a word to describe it, nor is it rough. Not harsh, but not fluid. He feels if he goes rough he'll hurt you, and that's really not something he wants. But if he goes slow it just makes him feel shy, if that makes sense. It gives you the opportunity to really focus in on him, and he isn't exactly talkative in sex either outside simple questions and the alike, so it makes him feel awkard. A speed that's gentle but not too calm.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He's not a fan, and he'll rarely ever agree to go along with them. If he does though, then those are the times that the exceptions mentioned above happen. Though, admittedly, even though he isn't neccessarily a fan, he doesn't hate them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Okay, unlike above, he's actually a real hater of risks. And there's really no elaborating on it either, as it's pretty much already been covered. Will not agree to risks.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
While usually he tends to try and keep it at one to three rounds, he can do more. He's a physically abled man, and has quite a bit of stamina due to all the training he does and the alike. If he really wanted to he could go for.. Five? Probably could do seven, but he's just not that much of a sex fanatic, so that won't really happen.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Would never buy any. Why get such a thing if he's already equipped with parts for this activity? Might be willing to try some simpler things though, if you get it. Don't expect him to go for any BDSM stuff though, that's just really not his thing.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not at all. He simply doesn't have the patience for it. Teasing him does get you somewhere though, if you're interested. Just don't expect him to humor you for too long.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Tries to be as silent as possible. Naturally, he isn't that noisy anyways, but it still embarrasess him. Panting, grunting. Maybe lower-sounding very muffled whimpering (only if you work to get it out of him).
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Has considered jealousy sex.. On multiple occassions. Only racked up the courage for it once. Just finds it too silly and stupid to do it any other time.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Uncut, six inches. His pubic hair is a slightly darker blond, but similar to his hair. Only keeps it trimmed since he just doesn't get the point to shaving. Too much drama for something that doesn't really cause any difference besides aesthetics.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not high. It's non-existant, supposedly. It's mostly just due to the fact he chooses to ignore it instead of actually indulging himself in sexual pleasure though! Realistically, it's likely just a bit below average.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If he does go to sleep afterwards, it's likely after a couple of hours. He has a few things to do beforehand so he won't get to it immediately. Would definitely stick with you for a bit after you fall asleep though, even if he himself decides to not rest.
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cadmusfly · 7 months
Was tagged by @instantkingjustaddtea!
Last Song: We Can Build A Fire by Autoheart, which is giving me napoleon and soult feelings - mostly napoleon feelings overall but the chorus intersects with my soult enjoyment
who in their right mind did you think you'd find / standing behind you, your guardian angel? don't be ridiculous, man up, this is it / we can build a fire, i am not a liar trapped in a black case, dignity misplaced / how good is your poker face? we're gonna need it no more little boy, to survive, we destroy / we can build a fire, we can build a fire
Currently Watching: well I just finished Austerlitz (1960) which I very much enjoyed for Soult and Lannes reasons, and I am shitposting about that, otherwise I'm watching the youtuber DougDoug's stream VODs because I have been cracking up as he bans literally thousands of his viewers for failing to discover hidden rules
Three ships: look all of these are dead rpf dead frenchmen ships (and if you didn't follow me for dead frenchmen and are sticking around, amazing)
the main three are Bessimu (Bessieres/Murat, childhood friends~), Lannap (Lannes/Napoleon, military loyalty), NapJuno (Napoleon/Junot, a mix of military loyalty and yandere possessiveness)
but here's another three I've been slightly considering: Lannes/Soult (pure crack ship based on them being my favs, two stubborn assholes who uphold their duty to the utmost degree), Lannes/Junot (completely historically unattested jealousy of each other's bond with napoleon), Ney/Napoleon (toxic, crawling back to you~)
I really like military ships. And military ships! But I think the military is a fun kind of awful for relationships to exist within, generally.
Favourite Colour: historically red and green
Currently consuming: last thing i ate was japanese sushi
First ship: the answer to this involves a fandom widely considered problematic these days austria/switzerland
Relationship status: i have not seen my partner in person in six months, hashtag soon
Last Movie: Austerlitz (1960), I can shitpost more about it
Currently working on: well the last thing i touched is the Dragon Soult fic, here's an excerpt
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Tagging: I'm going to tag @ofmiceandwomen @apurpledust @phatburd @cedyat @starsreside @impetuous-impulse @clove-pinks if you want me to tag you more frequently or dont want to be tagged tell me or something
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Hi could u please do the reactions of yandere mob boss Spain, America, Germany, South and North Italy if their wife (who had no idea what their husband did for a living) found out about them being mob bosses and that they were yanderes? The s/o witnessed them killing their friend and took her and his kids and left to another country to hide from him. Thanks!
Oh look 5am posting shenanigans 🤣
‘You’ve been meddling in y/n’s personal life for far too long. It’s time you learn that you don’t meddle in our affairs.” A resounding ring of a bullet being fired rings out into the night time air.
Nothing moved. The world stood still for a moment as Y/N’s best friend had been taken away from this world forever……
Y/N had witnessed the entire scene play out….from Alfred’s control room. One of many that existed within his worldwide underground contraband empire. All they could do was slump into the large office chair as she watched the crimson continue to pour out onto the concrete floor like a river. Just like the tears that had sprung to your eyes they wouldn’t stop anytime soon.
Guards moved into the room and cleaned up the gory scene to make it look like the execution had never taken place. Your hand crept up to your face in a vain effort to comfort you & prevent it from ruining your make-up. You would have to peer up into those cold blooded killers eyes for dinner that night and have some passionate moments.
“Sir, someone is in your viewing room in your NY villa.” You heard someone say over the sound system. The dirty blonde simply nods his head unbothered. Your entire nervous system set a shockwave through your entire body. From your head to your toes your muscles had already begun the motion to jump and hide. However the chair beneath you had other plans.
Heavy metal clinged to your ankles, waist, and wrists. You let out a terrified screech. The multiple screens that displayed various places of operation all converged into one to create his face glowering down at you with distinct disappointment staring straight into your heart.
You had a torrential storm of emotions ragging in the pit of your stomach making your head and heart agree that you were petrified. Bright blues stared intently at you.
“Y/N what am I going to do with you?”
Eventually…after so much mental anguish that Alfred put you through …you became smart enough to act and feign being under his grip. You prepared enough to escape him. You obtained an offshore bank account in Switzerland. You had burner phones. You had well made passports for you and your children to get through any airport security. You thought of everything.
“Consider your days meddling in my private affairs with Y/N Frau (last name of BFF)” without a second to think about anything else his large gloved hand pulls the trigger. From then a pained wailing noise would not cease. The victim squirmed, thrashed, and struggled against the boa constrictor like restraints against the metal chair that was in his taunting steely blue eyes. He fired a bullet towards the feet of his prey. Ludwig had a point to make…if you disobeyed him, showed the slightest bit of defiance, there would be hell and bloodshed that would douce the ground for miles around.
Everything would be idyllic between the two of you. If you didn’t have friends that were so intent on meddling in your life and making things difficult for the two of you to grow closer as lovers. He stalked closer and closer towards his prey savoring the fear in their eyes like currywurst. The reverberating sound of hellish shrieks continued to hammer against the steel and concrete walls. The German man came to a full stop in front of the shaken deer of a person. His bulky figure towered over you and that's when your voice was stifled instantly when you caught a glimpse of his sadistic smile. Nothing on earth would be able to save you from his wrath in both your daily routine and in bed.
“Mein Liebling…” even though his voice was soft and not loud. It sounded like thunder to you…it didn’t help ease your trembling. “Don’t ever try to escape … it will always end badly for you and anyone involved.” He forces your chin to look at your friend's lifeless body that was soaked in blood. After a few moments he concentrates your attention to his cold gaze.
“Looks like I’ll have to retrain you on how to be the perfect spouse for me.”
Northern Italy
“Oh rigazza/riggazo , they weren’t important, they were trying to harm you.” He has a supportive hand on your back, in an attempt to sooth you after you just received news that your friend was killed in a fatal car accident. They passed immediately on impact.
You’d been inconsolable for 3hrs since learning the news and nothing for a long while would stop an ocean from forming in your apartment.
Feliciano was good at pretending to be sympathetic towards your predicament but your friend's planned death gave him a greater advantage over you. They were the last of the close knit connections you had while you were abroad and away from your family. They were one of the last people that you could confide in about your deeper fears about Feliciano that wouldn’t make it back to his ears. The man has a variety of different connections to you and your inner circle. He knew how to make sure that the truth would not reach your ears.
The current lie that he was trying to comfort you with was how they were jealous of your new life that you got to have while dating him. He’d been working on this lie for a few months now and it wasn’t working in the way he liked. It didn’t drive you away from your best friend but closer, and farther away from Feliciano.
He couldn’t continue to allow that so he had to come up with a plan. He began to give you space as you requested. And like any boyfriend candidate he went to work on how to best plan out the accidental death of your friend while plotting to become your only source of support. He created a hole within you and you’d be vulnerable enough to let him fill it. He will spin you into a fantasy that will make you forget that you ever needed anyone else in the world. He will lead you to believe that he is your prince and that what happened was all a bad nightmare.
Southern Italy
“There there, amore mio, I’m sorry but it had to be done. They were telling you lies about me and poisoning your mind.” His hands were resting on the back of your chair. He had a mirror set-up so that it could see you two framed together. A vision of a perfect couple, minus the blood and bodies that surrounded the two of you almost forming a demented ciricle of sorts.
You didn’t understand how someone who had the visage of an angelic gentleman but underneath all of the shimmering dazzle you allowed your shaded gray wings to be entranced by the phoenix.
Only sobs came out to give Lovino the reply he was waiting for. He places his head on top of yours so he can inhale the shampoo you’d used that morning. Lovino isn’t one to let go once he;s grown attached and fond of someone. You are no exception. As he exhales slowly you can smell the mint and aftershave mix reaching your nostrils. Even though you were used to him being calm, an air filled with sulfur could best describe the mood. One wrong statement you now know could set him off and more people whom you cared about would be off and more people whom you cared about would be in the wake of his fiery wrath.
Lovino quietly tries to hush you. “Shhh~ it’s okay y/n. If you don’t make matters more difficult for me today then we can go somewhere nice for dinner and I won't have you in chains…” He slides his hands towards yours and you do your best not to flinch at the sight of his blood covered hands. By now you nose was already accustomed to the smell of iron that coated the air like a freshly painted bedroom. 5-6 more tears break through your petrified (eye color) orbs. You desperately wanted out … a reset so you could unravel your recent life choices that led you to Lovino. Had you known all the things he was capable of and knew that he was a mafia boss well known in Italy you wouldn’t have been smitten with him.
However, it’s difficult to not be charmed by an Italian, they’re known for having avid sparks that refuse to be extinguished. You felt a light squeeze on your tethered hands. He was expecting a verbal reply soon. The air was becoming thicker with impatience, you could hear the beginning of an irritated growel that began to form in his diaphragm.
You decided that the best way to handle him was to douce the match that was already a light with your enduring sorrow that produced tears potent enough to overpower his budding rage. As the water flowed you barely managed to choke out.
“I love you Lovino.”
“Mi Amore what do you mean? You were having a bad night and had too much of France’s wine! That’s all! You know his wine tends to make you a little crazy. Come let's go somewhere for a walk in the moonlight.”
He wants to smooth over the small incident of you witnessing your male best friend being tortured in a burtal way before ultimately hsi life came to an abrupt end. One of his newer recruits let you slip away. You had followed the guidance of the sinking feeling in your gut to discover that your lover was not the simple carefree Spainard that you’d come to love deeply.
You were never 100% sure of how far out into the ocean's current of which you’d been dragged and with Antonio’s masterful undermining of your perception it is impossible for you to escape him and his influence. He flooded your mind with lies. To him your position in life was ina beautiful sea, to you it felt like you were in a waterlogged grave site. It would continue to fill with the bodies of your loved ones until you stopped fighting him. However, the thought of him still in your life still left you filled with rage. He was a murder… a monster… a mobster.
Yet for some reason you still had your doubts. Not that you really had the headspace to think through much of anything he said to you. Antonio always made sure that you were moderately inebriated with the finest wines to take the edge off your “damaged” personality. You tried not to think about his comments too much after all ….no he was bad! Right? Right?!
“Y/N come with me. Don’t be a stick in the mud. Come let's take a shot of strawberry tequila and head to the beach tonight. I think maybe turtles we can see!” Trying to sound more enticing and it would be nice to not exist in the same building …. Where you think your friends and some close family’s bodies are…. Or….
“Ready?” He brings you a teal and gold 2 ounce shot glass practically filled to the brim. Some of the droplets fall on your soft (s/c) and subconsciously you flinch…. You knew this liquid would be your best escape …. Even if only temporary.
The Aftermath (When you decide to Escape)
Eventually after so much mental anguish, you became smart enough to escape him and feign being under his grip before you enacted your grand master plan. You prepared enough to escape him; you had an offshore bank account in Switzerland. You had burner phones, well-made passports for you and your twin girls. You thought of everything that you’d need …but the first few moments before you would start your journey to a small nation. As your heart raced for the exit your body was set into overdrive.
You’ll manage to get to the destination safely but all the while you feel his cold blues on you like infrared beams. You were grateful that your twins were only 2 months old. It was risky doing what you did …your life will never know peace because those blues will never truly lose track of you.
What you did to escape wasn’t well thought out or well planned. You simply made sure your husband Ludwig was passed out cold from the excessive amount of Nyquil you mixed into his food. You knew you;d need some time to improvise an intelligent plan to save yourself and your two boys (3) and (7) .
“Mutti was passiert?'' ``Warum erwache spät in der Nacht? Your eldest son questions you, also showing off what his father has been teaching him.
“Alles klar aber….. ``Es ist volkstümliche Spiel, verstecke dich und gehe suchen.”
Like America he’s not going to take this act of defiance laying down for long once he wakes up. I hope you’re already in hiding once he wakes up. However you weren’t prepared for your 7 year old to be Ludwigs informant at such a young age.
N. Italy
The fantasy you were living in has been shattered again when Felician o lost his temper during dinner while your daughter (5) months was asleep in her tower that daddy built just for her. A maid you’d become good friends with while you were caged was caught in the line of fire as he let out his frustrations. Your memories of your friend who was trying to warn you of the evil that was camouflaged within the depths of his soul, but always lurking came flooding back to you. You knew that you had to continue to pretend to be living within the fantasy until you could find the rabbithole that led you back to a sane reality.
S. Italy
It was another lukewarm Autumn night overlooking the Mediterranean sea. Y/N had her 4 month old wrapped in a reddish brown blanket while a pacifier bobbed up and down in rhythm with amber eyes identical to their father. She rushed through the idyllic cobblestone streets as she hopped into a small yacht of sorts where she sped off into the night. She hoped the void like waves will shield her from being discovered, from her deranged mafia lover.
After almost losing your life while giving birth to your son… Your brush with death made you realize that you had to get your shit together. It was 13:00 and siesta time. It was the perfect time to enact your plan and put it into motion. “ (Sons name) lets go! Do you have the three of your favorite toys and the other things we talked about right?”
“Si mama!” You little boy chirps back at you. You were going to chill at Disneyland with an au-pair while you worked out the finer details with a lawyer and security guards that have sworn to help you evade Antonio for awhile.
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blorbocedes · 1 year
seb answering kimi twice ☺️ yandere who moved down the street in switzerland so they could be close🫶
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