#yandere tg imagine
animeyanderelover · 2 months
Can I ask this for Kaneki, Ayato, from TG and Sukuna (+some other characters of JJK)?
I’ve read your reply about wanting PM and ADA Dazai also added in here and it doesn’t count as a second request.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, manipulation, paranoia, stalking, sadism, abduction, death
Tags: @flaming-vulpix @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78 @lovley-valentine7
S/o has a tattoo of the name of their ex
Kaneki Ken
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🔲​You would have never told Kaneki about the tattoo that decorates your back even if you would have known him before he abducted you. There is no need for you to even attempt to hide it from him as the ghoul finds out anyways. He is a rather devoted stalker, all the time on edge out of worry that something may happen to you if he isn't watching you. It is to be expected that he at one point catches a glimpse of the tattoo on your back, though he didn't mean to peek when you were undressing yet he doesn't avert his gaze quick enough to avoid catching a glimpse of the name you have written on your back. All effort to be polite by looking away is instantly wiped from his mind as his eyes are glued to the tattoo on your back. What-what is that? Whose name is that? His throat tightens as the air he breathes in suddenly seems to have a new weight to it, his chest heaving as he is unable to tear his gaze away from the black ink etched on your back.
🔲​That tattoo becomes one of the biggest sources of insecurity for Kaneki and he is unable to get it out of his mind, constantly envisioning that name. He can already imagine whose name it might be but he is terrified to ask you and confirm his suspicions as soon as he has abducted you. The question often lingers on the tip of his tongue yet it becomes lead the moment he attempts to vocalise the words. It doesn't fly over your head how he constantly stares at your back with that queasy gleam in his eyes, knowing exactly what is beneath your shirt. It is when he sees the sight of it again by accident that he snaps and breaks down. Tears stream down his face, his lips wobble and fingers dig into your flesh painfully as he asks you with a trembling voice to whom that name belongs. He has always feared your answer yet not even his worst imagination could have prepared him for the feeling of his heart being crushed when you fearfully confess that it is the name of your ex. He isn't able to look at your back properly anymore from that day on without breaking down again. You'd probably never be able to love him the same way, right? Of course not... He's absolutely despicable.
Kirishima Ayato
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🌌​It's quite difficult for Ayato to come to term with the fact that he has fallen in love with the very thing he has despised his entire life. He's always loathed humans for fearing and hunting down his own kind and he has gladly slaughtered your kind without feeling any lingering remorse yet now he's got you. You exhibit the same fear as soon as he has abducted you and it only fuels his anger. Your kind really just can't stop judging and hating his kind, can't you? He's very rough with you and no matter what you do it only seems to get on his nerves. During one particularly frightening argument where you try to run away he accidentally rips your shirt apart when he yanks you back, revealing the tattoo written on your shoulder blade to him. You cower on the ground as you expect screaming yet nothing ever happens. You dare to turn your head around to look at him with teary eyes only to feel your heart stopping when you see his activated Kakugan as he stares at the tattoo. What...the fuck is this?
🌌​You're subjected to a bitter anger from that day on as Ayato actively degrades you for the tattoo. You really are pathetic, you know? Who is dumb enough to let a name of their lover to be engraved on their skin? Especially since that person isn't even with you anymore. He always barks at you to cover up that tattoo to spare him the disgusting sight as seeing the black ink always triggers him to be thrown into a whirlwind of emotions. There's a deep hatred for the person who made you stupid enough to make this decision and he considers if he should perhaps question you where they live so he can just murder them to vent out some of the seething anger inside of him. Maybe he'll just do it but before that the abomination on your skin has to be gone. His angered sadism might get the better of him as the threat for him to bite the spot and rip a portion of your skin and flesh out of you is a chance though he wouldn't swallow the gross skin of yours where their name is written on.
Pm! Dazai Osamu
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🤎​A sickly sweet facade to lure you closer to him only for him to eventually reveal his venomous fangs to you and unleash his inner beast on you. That is Dazai from the Port Mafia for you. As soon as he has you where he wants you to be he will expose his everything to you and his darkness threatens to swallow you whole. Hot and harsh kisses are what you remember on that night as his fingers dig painfully into your skin, brown eyes gleaming with the devil's look as he takes in the sight of your tears as you feel your clothes slowly being removed. And then all of it stops. Fearful confusion twists your intestines as you gather the shaky courage to open your eyes only to see his face void of any emotions, his eyes focused on the inside of your thighs. It takes you a few seconds to piece everything together as your mind is slowed down due to the overwhelimg fear. Only then do you realise with a hitch of your breath that he must have discovered your tattoo, hidden down there. It is the audible stutter of your breath that has those terrifying orbs snap up to your face, a dark look on his face as he asks you slowly what that tattoo symbolises.
🤎​The following days after he has discovered your little secret he leaves you dangling over the abyss. You're thoroughly shaken up as you estimate this to be his intended calm before the storm where he leaves your mind and heart quivering with fear. All for this one moment so indescribably horrifying that no words could explain it as he escorts you to a basement only for you to be met with the sight of your half-dead ex. A gun is pushed into your palm as he guides your arm so that the weapon is pointed at your ex, his voice whispering into your ear to shoot. You're frozen in fear as Dazai uses you like a puppet, his fingers guiding yours to push the trigger one time, two times, three times... Even after your ex has died he forces you to keep shooting until you are out of bullets. You sink to your knees as soon as he removes himself from you, your mind still in shambles as it tries to catch up with what just happened before you hear the rattling of chains, your gaze slowly moving up only to see Dazai giving you a lopsided grin with chains, tattoo needles and a knife in his hands. Be sweet for him whilst he's going to correct your tattoo. After all you love being branded by the person who currently owns you, don't you?
ADA! Dazai Osamu
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🤎​Dazai is already well acquainted with the unsavory fact that you had someone you used to call his lover before him but as petty as he is, he has stayed away from them because he also knows that you have broken off contact with them and they have done the same. Aah~ What wonderful opportunity to swoop in and mend the broken heart of a damsel in distress. Now that they are gone from your life he can claim your heart and your love for himself. If there is one thing he can do wonderfully it is knowing how to attach himself to your hips as he swoons over you and dotes on you. All of those sweet feelings are temporarily shattered the moment he catches a glimpse of your tattoo, the name spelled out on your shoulder. A sudden lump forms in his throat as he stares oddly at the tattoo until your voice brings him back to reality and he musters a wry grin as he apologises for spacing out there. You have noticed what he has spotted though and admit to him nonchalantly that this is the name of your ex.
🤎​It is from that moment on that Dazai starts focusing more on that ex of yours as it is a hard knowledge for him to digest that at one point you were so madly in love with them that you tainted your pretty skin with their ugly name. Pettiness and jealousy can truly do wonders as Dazai resents them, envies them for the fact that you once held so much affection for them that you tattooed their name on your shoulder. He starts subtly questioning you about them as he wants to ensure that you truly do not have any affection left for them and he might even be motivated enough to pay that ex of yours a visit to have a polite talk with them to ensure that they never think of contacting you again either. He truly loathes that tattoo but he hides it behind silly reactions as good as he can though he is wondering when exactly you plan to get rid of that name. After all they aren't even your lover anymore. You do not hold any lingering affection for them still, do you? That would be a bit troublesome after all.
Ryomen Sukuna
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🗾​In Sukuna's eyes you are utterly his. He is the King who takes what he desires and no one dares to subject, not even you after you have learnt your place. After all you should know that you will never be an equal to him and should instead be grateful that he allows you to be so close to him in the first place. You'll never regret the day you made the decision to engrave the name of your now ex-lover onto your skin as much as the moment where Sukuna spots the black ink on the back of your neck. One of his arms effortlessly keeps you in place by wrapping itself around your waist whilst another hand of his grabs the back of your head and pushes it down, forcing you to tilt your head as he observes the tattoo on your skin. Nothing but silence follows for a few moments where he keeps your head in that uncomfortable position and you feel blood rushing to your brain as the atmosphere grows heavier, causing your stomach to churn anxiously as the curse lets you bathe in your own anxiety before he asks you with only a mild hint of displeasure in his tone who that person is. Surely they must be quite important for you to have a tattoo of their name on your skin.
🗾​You shouldn't keep secrets from him, little mortal. He's your owner now so if his belonging has been spoiled before he must know of it. A sadistic grin soon finds its way on his face as he lets go of you and asks you if you'd like for him to serve you their head to truly help you realise how pathetic their human life was and, by extension, how pathetic you were for ever thinking it'd be a good idea to get inked with their name. If you love being branded by your current owner so much you should have just told him so from the beginning. He relishes in the sight of seeing you cower beneath his form as you are barely able to look up at him. Now, now, there is no need to be so skittish. He'll even be kind enough to let you choose. Would you prefer for him to slaughter that paltry former companion of yours first or would you prefer for him to erase their mark on you and give you a new brand which will claim you as his first? Flames appear on the tips of his fingers, only adding to the wriggling terror deep within your soul as he looks down at you. Hurry and make your decision or else he'll decide for you.
Nanami Kento
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💛​Nanami takes his time to properly court you and get to know you. Even though he knows of his own obsession he prefers to do things the proper way instead of doing it half-heartedly. You inform him quite early on that you used to be in a relationship but had to break things off since it just didn't work anymore and he respects that. What you did not tell him though is that their name is still decorating your ankle, something that Nanami has the displeasure to discover all by himself. There is only a short flicker of disappointment in his eyes before he puts on a poker face to hide all of his displeased feelings for the moment, his eyes finding yours as the unspoken question lingers in the room. The frustration on your face is quite visible as well as the slice of embarrassment. So you deliberately chose to not tell him about this. He must say that this does disappoint him a bit even if he understands that this is probably a bit of a difficult topic to talk about, especially considering that you aren't even together with the very person whose name is tattooed on your ankle.
💛​It is safe to say that he would prefer for you to get that tattoo removed. It would be quite awkward for him to be your new partner all whilst you have the name of your ex inked on your skin. He'll even take over all the costs that would come with the tattoo removal. Surely you'd agree to his offer, won't you? If you were to give him signs of hesitation he would have to assume that maybe there are still lingering feelings for your ex, something he cannot tolerate. Perhaps he should get acquainted with your ex after all even if he is confident that it won't be a pleasant experience to figure out how their feelings are in regards to you. In the meantime he will slowly change your mind so that you agree with his suggestion. His arguments are logical as he is dismissing any lingering feelings of yours, especially since you and your ex broke things off quite some time ago. Any chance for you to get in contact with them again will be taken care off by him secretly as that ex of yours is luckily civilised enough to understand the message as soon as Nanami meets them privately as he clarifies to them what kind of relationship he has with you.
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
Ok so i think my request for Kaneki/Haise x yandere female s/o was eaten xD my idea was.. ANGST! If possible .. :x And about an s/o who has unrequited feeling for him since their childhood and after seeing that he's got a family now, she's left deeply brokenhearted by it that she couldnt take it and she tries to end her life but failed and TRIES to kill Kaneki and Touka instead. But ill leave it to you. Whatever you think is better for the scenario. Tysm! xxxxx
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✂ Pairing: Kaneki Ken x Yandere! Ghoul! Reader
✂ Word Count: 985
✂ Trigger Warnings: Possessiveness, suicide attempt, violence, blood
Oh, man. I hope this is angsty enough. I listened to many sad songs just to immerse myself in it and I might’ve gotten carried away.
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“Don’t you know I’ve always loved you, even before there was time. Though you turn away, I’ll tell you still. Don’t you know I’ve always loved you, and I always will.” - I’ve Always Loved You [Third Day]
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Your hand shook as you pointed the tip of quinque to your other wrist. You didn’t know what possessed you to grab it after a heated battle with some investigators in the past, but you understood its function now.
After all, what was the point of living when you couldn’t be with the person you loved?
Gritting your teeth, you clenched the shard and tried to pierce the skin. You needed to do it quickly, swiftly, because otherwise it’d regenerate and you had to gather another painful wave of courage.
But you couldn’t do it, no matter how hard you tried. It wasn’t that easy to kill yourself as you did to other people. It wasn’t that easy to slice your own skin the same way you sliced people’s flesh. It wasn’t that easy to watch the blood flow from your body the same way you saw people bled to death.
It wasn’t that easy, and that was why it sucked, knowing that you had to live another day of pure loneliness and envy. It sucked knowing that your childhood crush had moved on from you and created his own family, although you never once confessed to him.
Still, would it be too much to ask for him to notice you? Just for once?
And the answer was yes. Yes, it was too much to ask because he, just like you, was shy and would rather hide his feelings from discerning eyes. If confronted, he’d probably beat around the bush instead. That served to prove just how kind he was in dealing with feelings. Kind, not honest.
Then again, he’d never loved you, hadn’t he?
Bowing, you tossed the shard away and hid your tear-stained face under your hands. It was useless, you couldn’t do it. You could never do it. What was the point in trying something when you knew you’d fail anyway? The survival instinct was too great for you to curb, and there was still a small part of you that hoped maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe you could still fix some things to make him see your true, unadulterated feelings. Maybe you could even turn his attention towards you and forget that woman.
The time seemed to slow as a malevolent smile slowly cracked and shattered your defeated mien. Yes, you could do that. You were a ghoul, after all. You were no longer the same fragile human who relied on other people to handle your problems and protect you. You were different now; stronger and tougher. You were certain you could take his wife down. If your memory served you right, ukaku was weak against koukaku.
Fortunately, your target was the only one in the house.
Kicking the door down, you scanned the room for her existence. You didn’t have to wait long, however, because Touka soon appeared with her kakugan activated.
“Who are you?!” she snarled, body tensed in a flight or fight mode.
You didn’t answer and opted to smirk instead. “So, this is the King’s wife, huh? Quite pretty, might I say.” Your smirk widened in response to her colder glare. “I’m afraid you won’t be able to live any longer, though.”
“What the hell do you mean–?”
Touka promptly dodged your thrust, but not quick enough to avoid a small scratch on her cheek. Hissing, she manifested her ukaku and started shooting spike-like projectiles in your direction. You smiled and leaped backward, essentially bringing the fight outside. There weren’t any people in the neighborhood, strangely enough, but it was good. Nobody would become collateral damage, and you hated dragging the innocents to your battles.
Large cracks and crystallized kagune deformed the once smooth ground and busted the neighboring houses. It was obvious the longer you both fought, the more exhausted you seemed. And yet, you persisted and kept attempting to stab her to no avail. Her agile movements and light kagune ensured she evaded your strikes easily. Have you been underestimating her or have you been weakening? 
It couldn’t be it… right? You’d worked your way to become an S rank ghoul, and you’d devoured ghouls before. Your hands had been repeatedly stained by the death of investigators and ghouls alike. You’d spent days and nights training relentlessly so you wouldn’t have to depend on anyone else again.
No, it wasn’t because you were weak or anything embarrassing like that. It was because–
– She was his wife.
Kaneki rushed to her aid while you landed a few meters away from them, watching the way he examined her body for any sign of injury. And her daughter, sweet little Ichika that you only saw from the pictures your association had given you, fussed over her well-being. She finally noticed your reticent being, and that was when you realized just how… similar she looked to him. Same hair color, same innocent face, same large eyes.
She resembled Kaneki so much it physically hurt you to see her any longer.
“[N-Name]-chan? Is that… is that you?” Your melancholic eyes glided to his dilated ones, a hand clutching your constricting chest. Kaneki gaped at your disheveled state, and you wondered if there was anything positive behind that expression. If he was happy to meet you again as you’d always imagined.
He probably didn’t, the pessimistic voice within you said. Who would be happy to see their old friend harming their lover? Shoulders slumped, you lowered your gaze sadly once the consequences of your rash actions sunk in. Did he hate you now? Was he going to avenge her now?
Was he going to hurt you like he always did with his obliviousness?
There was no answer to that. You didn’t allow yourself the closure you so desperately needed because you immediately spun and fled. Tears flowed from your eyes as you jumped from one building to another, unaware of the hand that yearned to touch you again.
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sionnachoir · 4 years
Big Bad Wolf (Ayato Kirishima x Male!Reader)
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(Waitor!Reader x Mafia Boss Ayato yandere themes)
You tried to keep a nonchalant face while serving the customers their drinks and food, although knowing one of the most feared men in all of japan was sitting not too far had you on edge.
You had always known your boss was a seedy guy but never would you have expected him to have mafia connections, yet here you were serving some of the biggest boys in the game.
The waste coat you wore over your white shirt suddenly felt way too small and constricting, but you didn’t want to show fear. You were pretty sure most of them got off on it.
Your attention was caught as the Black Rabbit raised his hand, you mentally screamed. He was one of your tables. You bit your lip and mustered everything in you to remain calm and steady.
You had no idea what anyone looked like as they all wore masks, you guessed that was the point, the Black Rabbit wore a mask that was almost like a muzzle. It only covered his mouth and nose and left his hardened blue eyes exposed. His hair was unruly and a wonderful dark blue, he wore a black worn down jumper along with some ripped up jeans and big black steel toed boots.
You walked over to him with a smile on your face. “How may I help you sir?” You didn’t get paid enough for this, you just wanted something to help you get through college. His smirk had shivers running down your spine.
“Beer for me and my colleagues and your strongest shots.” The last thing you wanted was drunk power hungry men on your hands, you swallowed the bitter taste it left and smiled again. “Of course sir, right away.”
You turned and made your way to the bar, quickly working on pouring the pints and shots. Occasionally your gaze would shoot over to the Rabbits only to catch him staring right at you. You had an awful feeling about this.
You stacked the drinks onto a tray and carried them over to the table, you gave everyone their drinks before turning around, intending to run and hide in the kitchen for a bit.
“Your name?” The Rabbit suddenly called, your attention quickly shot back to him. He was clearly staring at you, your reply came weaker than you had expected, and he grinned.
He seemed to mouth your name, as he said nothing else you chose to break the intense eye contact and quickly make your escape. Once you were back in the kitchen you finally let out the breath you had been holding in.
“You okay?” The chef asked, you just nodded. “I’d be careful not to piss off anyone out there.” He warned, you weren’t dumb enough to do anything other than your job. “I know.” Came your shaky voice. He threw you a look but didn’t bother pressing.
“(Name) Take these to twenty-four.” You quickly nodded and grabbed the plates, rushing back out the doors and delivering them to the table.
The rest of the night seemed to pass without much hassle, thankfully. You had just finished cleaning up, waiting for your manager to finish counting the cash so you could finally go home. You were exhausted and could finally feel the hours catch up to you.
Your back was going to hurt tomorrow, not like it didn't hurt now. You wanted to kick off the stupid fancy shoes they made you wear and curl up under a blanket and forget about today.
"You can go, I got this." Your eyebrow raised, she rolled her eyes. "Alex is still here." You shrugged, if anyone could protect her it would be the seven foot body builder that guarded the door.
You grabbed your coat and shouted a goodbye as you exited the door, feeling the cold night air slam into your body. You hugged yourself as a violent shiver ran through your body. Luckily you only had a twenty minute walk to your apartment, as much as you loved autumn you hated the icy nights.
You walked along the road rather quickly, hoping to cut down the time spent outside in the cold. You watched a black car with blacked out windows pass, your eyebrows furrowed. That was weird but surely it wasn't anything, you shook the thoughts out of your head.
After another five minutes you jumped when a car came to a screeching halt in front of you, your expression turning fear full as two men bigger then you hopped out of the car. You could barely even think before one stuck a bag over your head, quickly tying it around your neck.
The other caught your flailing hands and tied them behind your back, you kept screaming out hoping someone would hear and help. It just seemed to piss off the men more, the next thing you knew you were getting thrown into the back of a car, head hitting against the passenger door.
A weak whine fell from your lips, your head throbbing. One of the guys yanked you up and shoved you against the door, you assumed they had both gotten in. The car quickly started up and sped off. "Where are we-" A sudden punch had your head flying back into the window, causing the car to be filled with a cracking sound.
A cry fell from your lips before the men told you to shut up. Your body couldn't stop shaking, you wanted nothing more than to cry. The ache in your head growing by the second. You didn't bother trying to fight against your eyes closing, instead leaning your head against the window.
You let out small whines as you started coming around, your head burst and you could feel something wrapped around your mouth, stopping you from speaking. 
Feeling slightly panicked you tried to take it off, unfortunately your hands didn’t make it very far due to the rope that currently held them to the bed frame. You felt sick, what had you done to deserve this?
“Your finally awake, huh?” Came a deep voice, your head quickly shooting towards a dark silhouette. They stepped in further and you could tell it was the Black Rabbit due to the mask and the hair. 
Your mind raced through everything you could’ve done wrong to him, nothing standing out. He came and sat down next to you on the bed, his smirk was twisted and full of malice.
His hand came up to move some hair from your face. “Don’t worry little prince, I’ll take care of you.” It felt as though you had just been frozen, eyes widening and face dropping. 
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minimus-ambus · 5 years
Tailgate or Minimus for the ask meme??
I’ll do Minimus, cause I’m really that predictable
what they smell like: I haven’t really thought of this much… Minimus would probably smell like lavender soap, since he cleans every surface in his office meticulously, but doesn’t want it to stink of disinfectant.
an otp: look me in the eye and tell me you can’t guess this one
a notp: I don’t really like rodimags? i don’t have any objections to it, but I personally see them as more familial than anything.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: oh hey, speaking of Minimus and Rodimus! Like, imagine you get a new son but he’s your superior so when he’s being a little shit you just have to keep your mouth shut and resist the urge to send him to his room. I also think Minimus and Tailgate would be good friends! I remember this moment where Tailgate is cleaning Magnus’s plating while he’s in a coma after Overlord’s attack, and when Ratchet asks him what he’s doing, TG says “He doesn’t like dirt.” Like…. that’s too sweet
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: I don’t know if there’s any specific headcanons about Minimus that I don’t like… I guess I don’t really like yandere headcanons in general. They’re just creepy, and really unfitting for Minimus.
the position they sleep in: well if he’s in the Magnus armor, there isn’t any other option than to sleep on his back (I mean, look at those shoulders and tell me he could sleep on his side). Outside of his armor, Minimus still sleeps on his back, but usually during the night he’ll curl up on his side. He can probably curl into a ball in his irreducible form, due to his turbofox alt.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: Well, I love thinking about the possible reactions from bots in different continuities to Minimus—like, in TFA, Minimus would be so shocked to find out that he’s the Leader of Cybertron (he also secretly finds tfa Megs kinda hot but he’ll die before he ever admits that)
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: uh… the magnus armor?
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hamliet · 7 years
do we all keep talking about this chapter? won't we imagine good things about characters at all? Wanna talk about it? :D just asking... For a moment let's forget what's happening in tg right now, well, here is my question: Considering Mutsuki's jealous behaviors towards Haise, do you think she would get jealous of the girls around Urie if we imagine them as couple? (Not in Yandere way btw)
Hahaha I welcome happy imaginings of my faves! Thank you for this haha.
Maybe. So here’s a fun thing my friend @trashyhumanespresso and I came up with once when we discussed how each character would react to someone hitting on their SO:
Urie: passive aggressively talks about how he’s better
Mutsuki: is jealous and quiet about it, probably at step 6 of their murder
Kaneki: starts worrying he’s going to lose Touka because he’s not as good and she’s way out of his league and…
Touka: rolls her eyes, she knows Kaneki loves her and is oblivious to the fact that he’s being flirted with
Ayato: they’ll never find the body
Hinami: also is secure in knowing she’s loved.
Akira: dumps wine on them
Amon: gets all puppy-faced sad
Seidou: Hello, nice to meet you, I’m the boyfriend
Kurona: shoves them out of the way
Saiko: tries to make a new friend
Hsiao: gets protective and defensive
Nishiki: screams at them
Kimi: shoots laser eyes at them. Her looks could kill
Arima: doesn’t notice he’s being hit on
Eto: she will compliment them but the compliment is actually a killer insult.
Tsukiyama: proud that other people want his SO but they’re his.
Karren: threatens you in German but her face lets them know she means business.
Hairu: just stands right up and abruptly accuses them of hitting on Ui.
Ui: melts away and stares jealously but won’t intervene until Hairu marches over and makes it clear she’s with him by staunchly kissing him.
Yomo: Gives the person a glare but keeps quiet
Uta: contemplating a threesome
Takeomi: he’d probably wrap his arms around Yoriko and intimidate the person away with the power of eyebrows
Yoriko: is secure and knows how loved she is
Aura: confused. Just very confused and very awkward.
Hige: enjoys being flirted with but eventually points out “oh hey, they’re my SO”… after the other person has already spent at least five minutes hitting on them.
Juuzou: nopes right out of there and bounces away
Hanbee: turns red and shakes and keeps sending Juuzou and Nakarai and the rest of the squad Help Me looks.
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zenxenophilia · 7 years
Okay so like, i'm sick rn and my skin is really hot n sensitive so imagine the yandere MTMTE crew realizing this and one of them has you in their room and gently brushing their servos over your skin to here you whimper cos it feels nice since your body is overheating and they just keep you there. and like then always give you a little medicine but enough to keep you there cos they never want you to leave... you're theirs and they need to protect you when you're weak... I'll be TG anon btw ;)
(Hey TG anon!  :D)
The medics have everyone beat in this department!  Ratchet, First Aid, Ambulon, and Velocity will all team up to take care of you and shoo the other well meaning, but less qualified bots away.  (Helpful?  Yes.  Ulterior motives?  Almost certainly.)  
You’re practically not allowed to lift a finger as they constantly fuss over you.  They’ll keep you at a constant temperature and bring you anything you might need from ginger ale, to books, to a fresh pair of pj’s.  They’re constantly at your beck and call.  You want them to run you a cool bath?  No problem!  You’re muscles feeling sore?  They’ll gladly give you a massage.  You just want to lie down and take a nap?  Come curl up on their chest plate!
You have to admit all the attention is pretty nice, but you can’t but notice that they don’t want to seem to let you out of the medbay.  “What’s that?  You feel much better?  Well, that’s all very well, but you really shouldn’t push yourself.  We recommend having you stay another few nights with us.  Just to be on the safe side…”
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Could you do a Tsukiyama (tokyo ghoul) obsessing over a fem human who is a bookworm, please?
Under Control
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Tsukiyama Shuu x Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,7k
✂ Trigger Warnings: Mention of depression, killing, cannibalization, objectification, obsessive and possessive behavior, slight malnutrition, manipulation, yandere theme.
I’ve used every drop of what little knowledge I have and Google translate regarding other languages, so I hope it doesn’t end up weird.Oh, and this is set before :re.
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“The one who loves the least, controls the relationship.” - Robert Anthony
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You should’ve known that something was wrong the moment a flamboyant man with vibrant clothes approached you in that book café. And you should’ve known that something was wrong the moment your closed ones started to die one by one.
But it was too late to regret it now, wasn’t it? What happened had happened. There was no need to think about it, especially if the past only brought pain to your already depressed self. You should move on. You should get out of your head more often. You should start seeking help. You should allow yourself happiness. You should allow him to make you happy.
At least, that was what he said.
The truth is, it wasn’t that easy. It would never be that easy to forget that you were the one who had dragged them into your little drama. Them; your family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances. Heck, even your boss! Sure, it wasn’t your fault, to begin with. You didn’t even know that Tsukiyama was a ghoul in the first place.
Had you were a bit more observant, perhaps you would’ve noticed the hints. The way he occasionally licked his lips whenever you spoke about something, the way he studied your face and all the expressions it displayed, the way he checked you out (it wasn’t really discreet, but you’d learned to ignore it), the way he often complimented you whenever you wore clothes that accentuated your figure perfectly, and the way he tended to sniff your neck as a form of ‘greeting’. You’d assumed he was being attentive and considerate, yet it wasn’t all that far from the truth.
Attentive because you were his prey, and considerate because he wanted to make you feel more at ease around him.
But somewhere along the way, he began to change. He became more gentleman-like and… possessive. For example: how he wrapped an arm around your waist whenever you walked together, how he glared at anyone who talked or looked at you for too long, how he bought you some expensive presents regardless of the day and its importance, how he often invited you to his mansion and vice versa, and how he relished in reading books or do some particular gestures to you. Actions that seemed too sweet to be directed towards mere friends, and things that would spark a sense of intimacy between you.
You were a bit caught off guard, to say the least. The furthest things he’d ever done were light flirting and occasional yet lingering touches. But it was a rather nice surprise, you had to admit. Therefore, you’d decided to not to overthink it too much. Again, you’d assumed he was being a good friend. This was probably how he usually showed affection towards his close ones. And besides, you were quite flattered by the amount of attention he’d put on you. So, there was nothing to be suspicious of, right?
Right. Due to how often you both spent time with each other, he might have felt more comfortable now. Tsukiyama had always been extra when it came to you, anyway.
Just like how extra he was when he introduced you to his father.
The last note echoed in the spacious room as Tsukiyama withdrew his fingers from the ivory keyboards. His room. There were paintings of you hung on the wall, each depicting different expression and different attires. You didn’t know when he’d taken up a lesson for painting, but apparently, he’d worked hard to perfect every single frame.
That was what he’d told you on that fateful day, where you’d stupidly visited him because he was ‘sick’. You weren’t aware that ghouls had impressive healing ability, and sickness was probably impossible for them to get in the first place.
“How was it, Mi Amor?” he asked gently, affectionately, lovingly. He caressed your hair, and you sensed love – sincere love – pouring out from his fingertips.
How could a ghoul, one that had killed and eaten many people with another excuse besides hunger, could love someone so earnestly? It was illogical. It was preposterous. It was shocking. It was downright terrifying.
“I’ve composed this song since our first encounter,” he said, droopy eyes admiring the gloss of your crown. His servants have done a good job at taking care of your appearance; from the top of your head to the tip of your feet. All of them were clean, fragrant, and resplendent.
Just like what he had always desired.
“I know this is nothing but I hope you can feel my love, Ma cherié.”
Guilt couldn’t even describe what you were feeling right now; this stomach-churning feeling that told you that you would never loved him the way he wanted you to. The way he loved you. Because he was your captor – your kidnapper – and to fall in love with him would be a sin. A crime so unforgivable no matter how many times you begged for forgiveness.
You weren’t sick like him. But you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him, either.
Because he was your friend. You might have even considered him as your best friend; your confidant. He was your go-to person whenever you wanted to vent out, sharing crazy theories that had taken up almost all the spaces in your brain, asking nonsensical things, have a philosophical debate, or just someone to accompany you.
Because you were lonely. Nearly everyone that you’d befriended was superficial, or at least didn’t pay much attention to the details. You didn’t have anyone who you could truly connect with. You didn’t have anyone willing to wake up at ungodly hours and listen to your rambling. You didn’t have anyone who could see behind your quiet yet friendly facadé.
Because you yearned for a friend. And he… He had been perfect. He was everything you ever wanted; everything you ever wished for in a friend. Tsukiyama was, although eccentric, the only friend you could connect with. He was sophisticated, he understood your feelings, he entertained your strange ideas, and he always kept his promises. Never once did he let you down, and never once did he interrupt you when you talked about something.
Because you were hopeless. But it was all just a facadé, wasn’t it? In the end, you’d never truly meant anything to him aside from being a pet. A treasure. A possession he could never let go. A doll that, despite her master’s declaration of love, could only wait until the day he grows bored and throw you away. Which, in your case, throwing you into the chasm of his stomach.
Were you destined to end like this? Did God hate you or something? Because if so, then this was the cruelest punishment you’d ever gotten. It almost felt… unfair.
You hated this, though. You hated how you could do nothing but sit obediently on his lap. You hated how he dressed you up in fancy dresses and accessories as though you were a fucking mannequin. You hated how he always spoon-fed you. You hated that you had to spend the majority of your time waiting for him to come; to take you out of this hell disguised as a beautiful room decorated with your favorite flowers. You hated that the garden was the only place where you could breathe the fresh air. You hated that his servant – Kanae, was it? – seemed to hate you. You hated how his father immediately took a liking on you. You hated how he had suggested Tsukiyama to just marry you already, and you hated how Tsukiyama had the guts to accept it eagerly. He even promised to do so as soon as you were a bit more familiar with your new life.
You hated this; your predicament. Everything. And most of all, you hated your life. You didn’t think it was possible to loathe something abstract before. But now, you knew.
Pushing your glasses, you nodded. This was probably the least expensive thing that you had, and the only thing that you owned from your old life. A reminder that you used to be an ordinary woman with an ordinary house and ordinary life before you became a lovely lady with a lovely mansion and lovely life. “It was superb. Thank you, Tsukiyama-san.”
The warm smile immediately disappeared as a cold frown settled on his face. “What did I tell you about formality, hm?” he asked, warning laced his pernicious words.
You stiffened on his lap, mentally berating yourself over a little slip that could’ve been easily avoided. “A-apologize, Shuu.” you stammered stoically, albeit with a fearful hint. “I wasn’t… in my right mind just now. Forgive me.”
“There!” Tsukiyama beamed, his mood changed so quickly you weren’t sure whether to be relieved or not. “Isn’t it much better? After all, we’re lovers. It’ll be odd to call each other with such stiff nicknames.” He cocked his head and regarded you with those gleaming purple eyes.
You recognized that look. You fully comprehended what it meant. He was searching for another mistake; the slightest error that he could use against you. Internal panic aroused bile to leave your mouth – to empty your stomach from its nutrients because it wasn’t as if he would give you another, right? Tsukiyama didn’t want you to weigh more than necessary. Your current weight was enough. Not too skinny yet not too fat, either.
It was a perfect body.
“Don’t you think so, Tesoro?”
“Right, of course.” You sucked in a deep breath and nodded dutifully. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“It’s alright, Miele. Mistakes happen.” You looked away, trying to ignore the irony of those words. He must have been in a good mood today if he didn’t start punishing you. Thank goodness. “Just promise not to repeat it, okay? I’d hate to ‘lecture’ you again, Chérie.”
Tears stung your pupils as you dipped your head. You didn’t want him to see you were crying. No, not again. It was enough to display weakness in the past. You couldn’t afford to be weak. You had to be strong. You needed to be strong.
For him or yourself? You weren’t sure. You refused to think about it, either. As long as you were still alive, although not necessarily well, you would be fine.
“Yes, I promise.”
At least, this bittersweet affection was better than be a part of himself. Literally.
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Mi amor (Spanish): My love
Ma chérie (French): My darling
Tesoro (Italian): Treasure
Miele (Italian): Honey
Chérie (French): Sweetheart
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
I need more kaneki yandere plisssss😭😭😭🙏🙏
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Sasaki Haise x Reader
✂ Word Count: 802
✂ Trigger Warnings: Possessiveness, blood, injury, manipulation
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“So darling, tell me that you'll be true. Cause there's no doubt in my mind, I know what I want to do. And just as sure as one and one is two, I'll take care of you.” - I’ll Take Care Of You [Calvin Richardson]
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You’d always known there was something… different within Sasaki. Dare you say another personality. They – or he? – manifested sporadically, but it was enough for him to lose all control he had over his body. Akira had even shot him with a tranquilizer one time, and it cemented the idea of another being that ‘possessed’ him.
Nevertheless, you didn’t let it erase the love that you had for the boy. Despite all his flaws, he was still your one and only lover.
Though, you failed to consider that his problems ran far deeper than the occasional bouts of insanity. Because you, just like most people, were entirely fooled by his bashful smiles and tender nature.
And your mistake eventually came to bite you in the face. Hard.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Despite his pointed question, Sasaki spared you no glance. Instead, he kept reading the novel as though he was ignoring your presence.
You blinked owlishly, a bit taken aback by the sudden inquiry, before grinning sheepishly. “I just want to buy some snacks, is all. I’m hungry.”
“Aren’t there some leftovers on the kitchen table?”
“There are, but I’m not in the mood to eat anything heavy.”
“Then, stay.”
You hummed questioningly as you cocked your head. Sensing your confusion, Sasaki finally put down the book he’d been devouring and turned his head towards you. His dark eyes glinted under the artificial light, and you couldn’t deny the shivers that rolled down your back. There was a certain coldness in there, something that you had yet to familiarize with his usually benevolent self.
“Stay here, I’ll buy them myself,” he said, squinting as if challenging you to defy him.
“Oh, come on, Sasaki.” you joked. “The supermarket isn’t even that far from here. I’m not gonna take long, I promise.”
He rose a skeptical brow. “Oh, really?” Sasaki stood up from the couch and slowly approached your tensed figure, his face betrayed no emotions whatsoever. “I hope you haven’t forgotten that the last time you went out, you got attacked by a ghoul.”
“W-well, that was an accident. Nobody knew that it’d happen.” You tried to regulate your breathing with each deliberate step he took, almost cornering you against the door. Sasaki stopped just before you, his warm breath was oddly reminiscent of chilly air on autumn days. Maybe because the warmth was a stark contrast to the ice that he wore as a face.
“Still, it served as a reminder to the dangers of the outside world. A warning about your carelessness.” He put a hand on your shoulder and unceremoniously snatched the jacket that hung on it. “You better off staying inside. Let me tend to your needs.”
You frowned, exasperated by his patronizing attitude. Sure, you’d gotten a grievous injury, but it didn’t give him the right to degenerate you as anything less than a fully capable adult. “Sasaki, I’m not a kid that you can always coddle. There are some things that I want to do alone.”
“You wouldn’t be saying that if someone were to harm you again.” Sasaki suddenly gripped your side, where the laceration located. You hissed and fell to your knees, teeth ground to bear the piercing pain. Sasaki made no effort to help you and merely stared down at your wincing person. “See? Just a slight touch and you instantly break like a fragile glass. What makes you think you can survive on your own?”
“Jerk, that hurts.” you snarled, glaring up at him. You couldn’t even speak a word without grimacing, and this bastard dared to take advantage of your agony. You’d never known he was capable of stooping so low, to begin with. Then again, his startling transformation proved that you hardly knew anything about him. About his inner pain and insecurities. About his fear and desire to protect his loved ones.
Nevertheless, it didn’t justify his obnoxious treatment towards you.
“Isn’t it?” he asked rhetorically. “You’re gonna suffer more if you take a step out of this house.”
“Huh? What are you, my father?” you sneered, silently panicking when you felt the undeniable wetness seeped from the bandage. Dammit, it bled now.
“I don’t mind replacing his position if it means protecting you.” Wrapping an arm under your armpit, Sasaki finally helped you standing up and trudged to your shared room. He lowered you to the bed and went to retrieve the first aid.
Scowling, you begrudgingly allowed him to strip you of your shirt and change the stained bandage. “I don’t need your supervision, Sasaki.”
“Weren’t you the one who thought that I resemble your father?” He ignored your sputters and sorry attempts on justifying the offhand comment and coolly tended to your wound. “Trust me, [Name], you need me to live in this world.”
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Tatara (Tokyo Ghoul) x shy female s/o ☺️ thanks
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Tatara x Chi She Lian clansman! Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,2k+
✂ Trigger Warnings: Isolation, manipulation, mention of death, possessiveness
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I know I'm very late, and it's already the end of the month, but let's just pretend today's Valentine for the sake of the plot.
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“I could tell you lots of things, they're gonna turn out useless. Sometimes you need to challenge your questions. You don't need to know everything.” - You Don’t Need To Know [Excuse Me Moses]
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Tatara was among those people who couldn’t find the importance of Valentine day. He believed it was just a waste of time and money, because why would you present your loved ones chocolates and roses only during Valentine? What happened to surprising them on ‘normal’ days? Wouldn’t the gifts be much more memorable if they were given randomly, when your partners least expected it?
Excluding that pointless and totally unnecessary day, Tatara had never cared much about dating, anyway. As far as he was concerned, having a lover only brought more problems than benefits due to many factors: his nature, the unremitting threats from the CCG and other petty ghouls, the organization he participated in, and the inevitable tragedy. Sure, he wasn’t a workaholic, but he deemed his organization and its objective more important than anything else. Thus, splitting his time – especially for the sake of someone else – would be challenging.
Besides, Tatara was already content with his life. As long as he still had his brother and other members whom he secretly cherished, Tatara wouldn’t complain much.
That was years ago, though. A lot of things had changed since then, including his love life.
Frankly, you weren’t his girlfriend. You were just a member of Chi She Lian; one that he’d never really conversed with, let alone dated. You both had missions to do, and you both had stark differences in statuses. You were far from weak, though, and Tatara had heard some kind words from Yan regarding your proficiency.
However, nobody was perfect. You were shy, so painfully shy you couldn’t keep eye contact with anyone – particularly the higher ones – for more than three seconds. Tatara didn’t mind it, of course. It just proved that you were aware of your place and respect the superiors.
Before long, fate brought the unlikely pair closer than he’d expected.
A CCG investigator managed to locate his organization and eliminated nearly the majority of its members, forcing him to bring you along to Japan for a hideout. You initially refused, insisting on fighting the damned man, until Tatara knocked you out. It was a rather extreme method, but he knew better than to let you contend senselessly to death. An opportunity for revenge would surely come soon and he needed you to be on your best behavior.
But after joining Aogiri Tree and seeing its vast influence to the Japanese ghouls, Tatara realized that he’d gotten a lot stronger than before. He was certain he could easily take down that bastard without your assistance or anyone else in that matter.
No, as the other survivor, it was better for you to remain ignorant.
He didn’t want to admit that he feared your death someday, and how lonely his life would be without you. Eto might be his new leader, but she wasn’t a part of Chi She Lian. She didn’t belong to, nor did she come from his past the same way you did.
That was why he resolved to isolate you in some derelict apartment, although his original purpose was to deflect the enemies' attention.
And it worked more than he’d expected.
You’d gradually learned to crawl out of that poky shell and engaged in a small talk, mainly consisting of his condition and missions. You’d also begun to grow more attentive to his mood and always tried to help him whenever and however you could, even offering a sliver of your flesh when he lied about being hungry. And you did it all with a smile, gleaming eyes void of malice or reluctance.
It was such a heartwarming yet fragile view; one that would surely shatter to thousand pieces if you were to learn about the truth. Tatara almost felt bad for lying to you.
Regardless, he wasn’t completely frigid. He knew how to reward someone, even if it was exclusive to you.
And Eto just had to suggest a present for Valentine day, because it was the most ‘romantic’ event aside from Christmas. Tatara couldn’t understand how an ordinary day could be any more romantic than the others, but as long you got the gift, it didn’t really matter what event today was.
To say that he felt awkward would be a huge understatement. How could he not? This was the first time he ever gifted someone, and to a woman nonetheless. He didn’t display his discomfort, obviously, instead shoving the present on to your hands as if it was a ticking time bomb.
“Open it.” he ordered simply, coolly because he couldn’t afford to lose his composure in front of you.
You reeled back in surprise and stared at him for further clarification. When he remained mute, you looked down and inspected the heart shaped box. Was this… what you thought it was? You’d assumed he wasn’t the type to celebrate such event – being a busybody he was – and you didn’t truly notice it, either. It was simply a special occasion meant for couples, created by those sentimental humans.
Still, it was nice to receive something once in a while.
Gingerly, you tore the dark pink ribbon and its matching wrapper and peeked in. A choked gasp left your agape mouth as you swiftly opened the lid and found several – and literal – hearts placed in such a way until they formed a heart shape. In lieu of ketchup, blood garnished the ‘candy’ equivalence like crimson strings connecting and binding the hearts together. You wondered if they were meant to represent your past in Chi She Lian, with the first two organs being you and Tatara as the survivors.
But that would be a crazy idea, wouldn’t it?
“This…” Had you were a human, you’d instantly throw the box away the second you sniffed a particular stench. For you, the ghoul, it was the best gift you’d ever gotten in your entire life. “This is amazing! T-thank you so much. You shouldn’t have to…”
“Nonsense.” he retorted. “I didn’t give it to you so you could pity yourself.”
You squeaked. “I-I’m so sorry!”
Sighing, Tatara stepped forward and squeezed your shoulder. It was a subtle and harmless action, but you knew he could crush the bone underneath if he so wished.
If the time when you’d no longer be needed came…
"Keep up the good work.”
… that gentle touch would be the last affection you’d felt from anyone.
Or him, because he was the only person you met every day.
Sparkles waned from your eyes as you bowed, clenching the box to keep the tears at bay. It didn’t matter if today was Valentine, you couldn’t feel anything else other than compliance.
And the reward on your hands was just a rock meant to deter you from leaving.
“Yes, Tatara.”
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
In The End
✂ Pairing: Yandere! Kaneki Ken x Reader
✂ Word Count: 422
✂ Trigger Warnings: Implied kidnapping, death, blood, injury, possessive behavior, yandere theme.
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“You belong to me, my snow white queen. There's nowhere to run, so let's just get it over. Soon, I know you'll see, you're just like me. Don't scream anymore, my love, 'cause all I want is you.” - Snow White Queen [Evanescence]
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You thought you were finally free from him; from that ghoul who had isolated you from civilization, from the people you loved. “Because you don’t need anyone else,” he had said that to you on one night when you were too tired to fight back against his ghoulish strength. “You need only me.” You thought you could finally elude him for once when you managed to break through the barricaded window and contacted the police. You thought you could finally feel happy when your brother found you in the police station and hugged you in his warm grasp.
You thought and thought, but never once did you try to expect the unexpected.
Darkness engulfed the house as the silence nearly deafened your ears with its constant ringing. A silhouette stood in the center of the living room, patiently waiting for your arrival whilst holding another person. You would have thought he was a phantom if it wasn’t because of the steady rising of his shoulders, unfazed with the pungent stench of blood that surrounded him.
What kind of a ghoul he would be if he couldn’t even stand it?
“… Run, [Name]…” your brother croaked in his grip, a nasty slash across the eye impaired his already blurry sight. “Go…”
But you couldn’t. No matter how hard you tried to move, no matter how loud you prayed to God for someone – a miracle! – to save you, an icy rope of fear had rooted your legs into the ground. Because he was here; finally appeared for the first time in months since your desperate and hasty escape. Because he was here to ruin the new life you had painstakingly built with the help of your brother. Because he was here to destroy you.
“Go…!” Crimson liquids gushed from his throat like a spurt of water from a hose, smearing the bittersweet memories with another choked gasps and screams. You stared with bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks as the soul left its decapitated host, trembling lips losing its ability to speak. Your legs trembled before collapsing, the splinters of glass spilled a little blood to embellish the tragic night.
A shadow loomed over your slumping person, brooding and melancholic. Pale arms that slithered under you and brought against his chest merely dug another pit of familiar despair and emptiness in your heart. Kaneki carried you through the broken window like a despondent bride into obscurity, the same way you had left his life at that time.
In the end, he always returned.
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
May I request Nishiki (Tokyo Ghoul) headcanons with a weaker ghoul, please?
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I’m not sure whether you want me to do a friendship headcanons or something. But I wrote Nishiki with his s/o, instead. I hope this is what you meant.
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Nishiki with a weaker ghoul s/o
Judging from how he first reacted to Kaneki, I’d say that he’ll be hostile at first. Especially when he thinks that you’re going to steal his feeding ground. It might not be your intention, but Nishiki is territorial just like any other powerful ghoul.
However, after you proved him your innocence, he’ll start treating you a bit differently than before. Not necessarily kind, but at least he no longer growled at you. It doesn’t mean he’ll stop throwing insults at you, though. But you know that they’re based out of playfulness rather than hatred.
He’s a bit disgusted by your inability to fully protect yourself, and this is where he might offer to teach you. It depends on your attitude towards him and your relationship, of course. As much as he likes a little fire in his s/o, he won’t bother to entertain an overly rude person either.
If you’re nice to him, or at least tolerable to be around, he’ll have a teacher-student relationship with you. He’ll get a little protective, while also allowing you a room to grow. But when you get overwhelmed, or the enemy is too strong, expect him to swoop in. Possibly even killing them, if the enemy keeps wanting to fight.
He’ll blush if you thank him, especially when you smile so brightly. It flutters his heart and makes him a bit more appreciative of your existence. But slowly, he grows bitter whenever you show your dazzling smile to other people. In his mind, he’s an important – if not the only – figure in your life. Therefore, you shouldn’t waste your time hanging out with those weaklings. What good would you get from them, anyway?
This… jealousy usually manifest in a form of snide remarks, both to you and your ‘friends’. He’ll get huffy whenever you ask him the reason and tend to avoid it with another insult. It’s not easy for him to express this gnawing feeling and because his pride doesn’t allow him, either. He thinks it’s a weakness to tell you that he’s being jealous.
However, if you choose to ignore the subtle signs and keep meeting your so-called friends, Nishiki won’t hesitate to outright kidnap you and kill any witness. Why are you freaking out? He’s just helping you. And besides, he can protect you better if you’re always with him. He only has the best intentions in mind, even though he gets angry over your lack of cooperation.
This is when he declares your ‘relationship’ by biting your shoulder, the same way Kaneki bit Touka’s shoulder and vice versa. He might not force you to have sex with him right away; he’s not a thirsty bastard. But surely you don’t mind a little ‘marking’, right? It’s important for the others to know that you belong to him, so they won’t get any funny idea.
Nishiki isn’t always a tough guy, though. In private, he’ll cuddle you and often helps you with your chore. Basically, you’ll act like a housewife since he thinks that you’ll get bored being bounded on the bed. However, he doesn’t mind doing the latter, either. He secretly loves talking, too. So, expect a lot of pillow talk and sometimes random ‘I love you’s. This is just one of his ways to confess his feelings for you.
As for punishment, he mostly rely on sexual and isolation for physical. But if he’s feeling rather sadistic, he might let you wander around for a moment until a stronger ghoul attacks you. You’ll be left almost dead before Nishiki saves you. In a way, he’s teaching you that you’re weak without his protection and you should know better than leaving him again. Unless you want a harsher punishment…
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