#yansim mod
hayridetoo · 1 year
making a corporate clash related yansim mod why is dave brubot immortal
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yankinhelp · 2 years
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musume mixed media board! by and for mod kokoro v_v
x x / x x
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reyntheworld · 2 months
Sugar Rush Mod Progress
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ayanosmells · 1 year
tick tock . . . | yansim pose mode
Every Wednesday, the club leaders get together after school in the meeting room to hold a conference. Today, they all wait in agony for their student council vice president to arrive and begin the meeting. Without her, nothing can get started — not to mention they’re missing some leaders today!
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Ueikya chats with Shoku, a friendly chat about their day.
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Shin contemplates his life choices, while Geiju and Kaga forget why they’re here and space out.
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Budo waits patiently for the meeting to start, staying sharp and focused!
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Miyuji… passed out ten minutes ago. Nobody’s dared to wake her yet.
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Itachi seems to be texting! But who is he chatting so intensely with, I wonder?
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It’s Tsuruzo, who’s deemed himself too good for a chair like the others! He sits atop a table, and gossips over the phone with Itachi.
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So the question remains… where is Kuroko?
She’s been interrupted in the library, and she seems to not notice the time slipping away from her with her new distraction.
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How cute!
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Something that’s always annoyed me is that we literally never saw Emily actually do her job before she got fired. In episode one, they said her job was to create drama between the contestants and use the confessionals to do that, which she then.. never does??? I feel like it’s such a missed opportunity that they never really used her for this, especially when all the characters just jump to conclusions and create drama on their own which just makes them unlikeable most of the time. For example, she could’ve told Jake things about Tom and Aiden (even if that plotline sucked), made the Jake and Ally plot worse, Connor and Riya, Ellie with the villains alliance, etc.
Plus, I could be misremembering, but I’m pretty sure we never find out WHY she even helps Yul out in the earlier episodes. It sort of makes sense for his manager to contact her out of all the staff since she’s the newest, but why exactly does she decide to help?? How does it benefit her at all to do something that could (and did) get her fired for the sake of his reputation? Just because the manager would pay her?? It makes no sense to me.
I don’t think ONC had any idea what they were doing with her character for this entire season. Like, what the hell was the POINT of spending 5 episodes straight building up a friendship between her and Trevor that was clearly good for both of them, just to fuck it up for the sake of Trevek. And again, we have no idea what her plan to “ruin the show” even is. I’d assume that she intended for the scorpions to seriously injure or even kill one of the contestants so the staff would be in a lot of trouble, but. How did they NOT consider this as a possibility. They (or atleast Trevor and Derek) knew about the scorpions since season one, they’re in the same caves, and it was probably them who locked them in that cage in the first place. Plus, Trevor seemed to know exactly what Emily was gonna do and just didn’t.. try to warn anyone or say anything at all? Ok. Emily I’m so sorry for what they did to u queen, you deserve to be in a better show than this
every single character deserves to be in a better show, because i can truly get behind why characters like riya or even fucking YUL can be nuanced. TRULY, they do have potential, just not under ONC.
but EMILY??? they did her DIRTY. i don't get anyone saying it's in-character or out-of-character because guess what, her character is barely fucking established. it is SURREAL just how BAD her writing is. if you did a proper character analysis for her you couldn't say shit because there's so many contradicting things to say!! and this sucks!! because she could've been great!! but in ONC's eyes if a character is queer they're interesting enough who cares about actual development that makes sense!!!!! they're so progressive you guys!!! don't you want to watch disventure camp because they show up in those '_ rep in shows' slideshows from tiktok?!!?!?! don't you !?!?!??!?!?!?!!!
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budokun-blog · 2 years
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Hide and seek , It’s seem there’s 2 hindin left But....
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stop-yanderedev · 9 months
Hee ho ho, Alex is still a fucking pedo no matter how many times he apologizes. I seriously don't give a shit how "sorry" he is. He is putting Jelly/Jane thru hell, and I find that so incredibly unforgivable. He's not the victim. She's the victim.
...I have no sympathy for pedos who knowingly act on their despicable urges. Especially since this trauma is going to hit Jelly/Jane in full throttle later down the fucking line, aka when she's older. She's not at fault, HE'S at fault. I'm sorry for the rant here, pedophiles make my skin crawl and my blood boil.
People saying “wow this is such a good apology” have to either be kids who have only seen colleen ballinger’s apology or incredibly sheltered adults. an apology alone isn’t good enough. he’s ruined his chance to apologize already by continuing to double down and lie, now it’s obvious he’s only saying sorry because he was backed into a corner. and even then, he’s denying and glossing over huge chunks of the story where he can.
and in any case, his apology needs to be coupled with him leaving the internet entirely and turning himself in if it’s going to be worth anything at all. but he’s skirted around the outright illegal things that he’s done, anyway.
-mod isabelle
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Man, what a year, huh, I was so busy for the second half of it, looking for a field to study in, working full-time for a while until I got burnt out from retail, and this next year I might be getting into college after finishing my GED!
Out of curiosity I just checked in and saw that this blog was still getting attention from Yandere Simulator fans despite not having posted in a while, so here's to y'all, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May 2023 be an excellent year for us all!
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nottheangelserafin · 1 year
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there probably will be more modifications in the future since i have some ideas but no energy to execute them all at once. plus, i've been sitting all day texturing and have my limits too -. -" i'll definitely texture the bookbag and weapon bag and try to set the correct path for an eyepatch since activating debug every time i open the game is kinda annoying lol. i also wanna texture the loose socks so i have to find it's texture *somehow*
she still doesn't have a name or a backstory or anything but for now i have to rest and then i'll decide. i also have to figure out how posing in posemod works and why the pose save doesn't work soo the next update definitely isn't coming soon lmao
i'll also attach the textures tmrw to this post once i add a watermark over them. goodbyeeee *fades into black*
edit: 8/14/2023
i come with the textures :)'
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stinkek · 1 year
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First time using Pose Mod, and what on earth did I run into... Is this particular hairstyle just not recolorable? I made sure the filename in OpenTexture matches the file in SreamingAssets, and that file is a PNG. I repeat the same line with alterating numbers because I just don't know how else to get this working. Video tutorials made this look easy.
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gyaru-wish · 2 years
Hi guyss
I know, I'm practically dead, but it's because I have no idea what to post, anyway, have 1980's rivals with 202X uniforms
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hayridetoo · 1 year
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yankinhelp · 2 years
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oka ruto and ayano aishi icons for anon! let us know if you want anything changed . . .
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mikanandpotato · 26 days
sorry for my late night Yansim rambling but i just discovered that in the 'canon' Sonoko would be matched with this guy, i believe his name is Hozumi Takeda (iirc). and he is blonde which is a shame that on my au Sonoko is Yui's mother and she is having red-hair and red-eyes.
And yes, because my au is pretty much self-indulgent as you guys already knows that Sonoko is dating Makoto on Detco.
Therefore, Yui's father is also named as Makoto too.
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yansim-newsletter · 4 months
Welcome To YanSim News!
Want just one blog to check when looking for all your favorite game updates? Well, that's what we made this for! Strictly updates, no drama, just ease of access.
This blog will be run by multiple mods in order to get as much coverage of the YanSim community as possible and not miss any updates (within human capability, of course).
However - We will not be revealing the mods who run this, in order to protect their privacy, and keep community news coverage fair. At least, for now - some mods may choose to reveal themselves if they feel comfortable, prefer using sign-off tags, or any other reason. But that is up to them and them alone.
Do you have a game you'd like us to add to our coverage that we haven't featured yet?
Feel free to DM us from your games blog, and we'll keep an eye out on it for future updates! We do not accept fan submissions, however, to respect creators as well as avoid repeat requests.
General rules and expected behavior:
18+, no minors. Ageless/minor blogs will be blocked on sight.
No drama: we will not be covering community drama, "tea", gossip, rumors, or anything else. Do not bring it to our asks, DM's, reblogs, or anywhere else we can see it.
Respect Mods privacy: if they don't want to be known, let them remain anonymous. You are not entitled to anyone's identity or private details.
All games are equal. We update as updates are made, without favoritism or unreasonable bias. IE, we will not listen to asks saying to focus on one game more than another, or to exclude a creator who asked to be covered here and was approved.
We don't support Ableism, Bigotry, Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, and the like. If your actions have fallen under these categories, your platforming request will be rejected. Creators have a duty to their fanbase to acknowledge such actions and reprimand people who do them. If you allow your fans to harass others without condemning such actions we cannot trust your judgment.
Outreach: occasionally, if we see a game get big or if there's an interesting concept, a mod may reach out and ask if you'd like to be included here. You are free to accept or decline as you wish.
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budokun-blog · 1 year
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"Came back with main OTP"
He's about join my training but not like this!!
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