thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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i'm running out of funny things to say about these memes
bonus whatever this is:
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varrrrriouscql · 2 years
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Untamed characters that I’m posting for the image urls to use in the hunger games simulator p4
you can use these as icons too if you want I guess :3
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does a-yao is gay
Anon-gongzi this line of inquiry is MOST indecorous!!!! Surely you don't expect your humble sect leader to have ANY interest in spreading such SALACIOUS gossip regarding the personal affairs of the gentry!!!
why, what have you heard?
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dailyayao · 29 days
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daily-suyao · 1 month
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spriteofmushrooms · 1 year
If I don't read a Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng co-parenting fic right now I'm gonna die.
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amokslime · 1 year
Say what you want about sect leader Yao but at least his wife didn't end up dead from unspecified saber curse causes OR dead from killing herself after her only son got killed by a zombie OR dead from going down hand in unlovable hand in the smouldering ruins of her house OR dead from getting stabbed running through an active battlefield in a white dress like Kate Bush in Wuthering Heights. That we know about anyway
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grandapplewit · 9 months
I desperately want an AU where Lan Qiren helps his sister-in-law (yet unnamed) escape Cloud Recesses with her children, but for various reasons finds he can’t join them as he’d originally planned. After a long handful of years, a devastated woman begs him to take her infant daughter somewhere she’d be safe, from both her husband and the baby’s father. Lan Qiren, now the proud father of one lovely Lan Su, makes it his mission to hunt down all of Jin Guangshan’s illegitimate children and give them (and their mothers) the best life he possibly can.
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sunriseverse · 2 years
oh my god nevermind forget any good faith arguments i had been making this person thinks jgy had jrs killed nevermind. we’re just taking the truth from the tabloids now are we i see how it is.
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esoteric-oracle · 1 year
//long rambles ahead!
I think what really lingers with me about MDZS is that it's not a novel with a cathartic ending at all. It's a bittersweet story that leaves you slightly hollow. Yes, it's a beautiful and epic romance. It's a piece of social commentary interwoven with a love story and murder mystery. It's a cautionary tale. But it is also very much a tragedy. It's a story about being too late, second chances, and moving on.
By the time the truth of everything JGY and JGS did comes to light, it's 13 years too late. Everything that mattered has already happened. Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan are long dead. Jin Ling is still an orphan. Wen Ning is dead, and sometime in the future, his death will be permanent. Wen Qing was burned to death at the stake for no fault of her own. Nie Mingjue has already spent ten years in a no-doubt agonizing state of un-death, and Lan Xichen will have to bear the guilt of loving both Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao, and by doing so, forsaking them both. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's once-close bond is irrevocably broken, and the woman who sowed the seeds of resentment when they were still children will never face the consequences of her vitriol.
People sometimes say MXTX was too hard on the side characters, and only gave the Wangxian a happy ending, but what stuck with me after finishing the story is how… sad things are. Yes, Wangxian finally get the happy ending they've deserved for nearly 20 years - but at the same time, it's not a happy ending where the people who've wronged them get the consequences they deserve.
Wei Wuxian will spend the rest of his life haunted by guilt and loss, over what happened to Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan, over the loss of the Wen remnants. The rest of his years won't even be lived in the body his parents gave him.
Lan Wangji will spend the rest of his years wondering if he'd chosen to stand with Wei Wuxian when it mattered - would his son have had to grow up without his birth family?
Nie Huaisang is left wondering if his brother had been a little less trusting and had never taken Meng Yao in as a Nie deputy, would his brother have died a less wretched death? Would he have been forced to stoop to ruthless machinations and manipulations to seek some semblance of justice?
Wen Ning will have to live with the knowledge that if he'd been a little less kind, if he'd let Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng die that fateful day - his family would still be alive. The Wens would've won the war; Wen Qing might've even succeeded Wen Ruohan.
No one really gets the ending they deserve. MDZS isn't a story where good people get happy endings, and bad people get their dues. Sure, Jin Guangyao's crimes are revealed and he faces the consequences of his actions. But what about the people who stood by and made him into a monster? If anything, the side characters and antagonists who survive get better than they deserve. The real villain of MDZS - society - will never face retribution. Those cultivators who always believed in their own bigotry and righteousness over and over again, will never face justice.
Do you think those cultivators and the public will ever feel any regret for the innocent people they condemned to death in their own prejudice and blind self-righteousness? Do you think the people who gathered at Nightless City to call for Wei Wuxian's death considered for one second that he was the biggest reason they won the war? When the cultivators who sacked the Wen settlement at the Burial Mounds threw the bodies of the Wens into the blood pool, do you think that was a sign of shame?
Do you think Jiang Cheng will ever regret leading a siege on a small settlement of innocent farmers? Do you think he's haunted by condemning to death the same people whom he owes his life to?
Do you think those people like Yao-zongzhu will ever feel an ounce of remorse for so easily believing rumours and hearsay, and spreading speculation and vitriol about innocent people?
Do you think that unnamed cultivator out there will ever lose a single minute of sleep over smashing in Wen Popo's head?
In the years that follow, Wen Ning will have apologized a hundred times for lives he did not take, crimes he did not commit, because of the name he bears. People, both in-universe, and even readers, will condemn him for actions he could not help, for doing the right thing. But did Jiang Cheng ever apologize for killing his family? Did the Jins ever apologize for their horrific treatment of people in the labour camps?
People will continue to demand that Wei Wuxian apologize for causing the deaths of their friends and family. But how is Wei Wuxian meant to do that? No one ever apologized to him for taking his family away. No one ever apologized for condemning the Wen Remnants to death for crimes they took no part in. The Wens were his family too.
There's so much potential for bitterness and corruption in MDZS. Instead of saving everyone, Wei Wuxian could've stood aside and let the people who tried to kill him die. MDZS could've been a story of succumbing to hatred and grief, but it wasn't. MXTX could've gone on and on about how society wronged the protagonist, but she didn't. The narrative is one of forgiveness and moving beyond past grievances. The story chose to close the story on a positive note. I truly love that aspect of MDZS, where MXTX leaves just enough room for hope and love at the end.
A-Yuan will finally get his closure about the family he lost as a toddler. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian get their happy ending together after being separated by nearly two decades by war, miscommunication, cruelty, and death.
Wei Wuxian will never regret protecting survivors of an attempted genocide, because it was the right thing to do.
And Wen Ning will still stand in the way and take a fatal blow meant for Jin Ling, despite everything the Jins and Jiang Cheng did to the people he loved.
Because they chose love. Characters like Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning and Lan Wangji have the chance to move on and live a happier life because when they could've succumbed to hurt and fury and resentment, they chose to be kind and do the right thing. Wangxian get their happy ending because they learn to recognize the toxicity of the cultivation society's self-cannibalizing prejudice, and chose to pursue righteousness above personal benefit.
MDZS isn't a story about good people getting good things. Just look at what happened to Xiao Xingchen. There's really nothing satisfying or cathartic about everyone's fates at all. There's no promise about society facing the consequences of their mob mentality or Wangxian actually changing the world together. Even in TGCF, for all its makings of a love story, we get the promise of societal change once Jun Wu is deposed.
It has all the makings to be a tragedy or tale of vengeance of epic proportions - but instead, it's a love story. It's a story about making the best of what you've got, and staying true to yourself and your morals, even if that's sometimes a bitter pill to swallow. It's a story where everything that could go wrong went wrong, but the characters still managed to fight their way to a better ending by choosing kindness. At its core, MDZS is a testament to choosing compassion over cruelty no matter how tragic and hopeless life gets, no matter how long the journey gets. Even though the happy ending is more personal and only applies to the specific characters, even though we don't actually get the promise of their society becoming a better place - we still have the hope that Wei Wuxian's second chance brings. The hope that sometimes, no matter how cruel the world is, some people who deserve it still get their happy endings. That's what makes MDZS such a memorable work of art. That's why it stays with you.
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danmei-confessions · 3 months
I don't care. I also would like to fuck jin guangyao. It's not makes me amoral or something something. I want him whimpering sweating at my bed. Feed him, hide him at my closet. I can listen hours of him talking boring poetry or calligraphy. The hell even politics, ill listen him. Why we don't talk about yao-zongzhu's bullshit lianfang-zun. I volunteer drink teas I never drink before. Im good listener I swear. Why can't he be real and shows at my door :(. I swear I'll treat him kindly I'll give him praises he never got from his daddy. Why not me
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thatswhatsushesaid · 3 months
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stop being such a thirsty slut jin zixun
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fistfuloflightning · 10 months
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Your sister told me the most interesting story about Sect Leader Yao just now… Is it truth? You know very well A-Sang has a way of twisting words for her own entertainment. It will be shortly~
Nie-zongzhu and Nie-furen, seconds before all hell breaks loose, courtesy of Nie Huaisang.
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Yao-zongzhu, did you hear the news about Wen Ruohan's assassination? My family is so excited, we can hardly believe that this terrible war might finally be over!
At last, justice has been served for my slain kin and all others who perished under the SCOURGE of those Wen dogs!!!
I am sure I speak for ALL of our esteemed gentry when I say that the cultivator who dispatched such an AFFRONT to all that is good and just and righteous MUST be an individual of unimpeachable courage and moral character!!! May their great deed echo within the annals of history forever more, never to be forgotten!!!!
From the bottom of my heart, this humble Yao-zongzhu thanks you, whoever you are!!!!
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dailyayao · 9 months
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i know you crossed out First Time, but would you be opposed to writing sangyao's first kiss? No worries if not!!!
It wasn't as though he'd never imagined what it would be like to kiss Nie Huaisang.
After all, his young master wasn't shy about lavishing attention and affection on him, and that sweetness was as addicting as the cakes and pastries that had become a frequent gift.
He imagines that Nie Huaisang's kisses would taste much the same, heavy with honey and warm.
But while on one hand, he enjoyed the waves of earnest compliments and the sour expressions from others that he -lowly, unworthy Meng Yao- was the one to receive him, he had to be careful not to let himself swim out too far.
All it would take was one rumor that he was leveraging Nie Huaisang's affection to further improve his station -or that Nie Huaisang was taking advantage of him, however less likely to get started that rumor would be- and all of his hard work building his reputation would be destroyed.
So when Nie Huaisang, blushing and nervous, finally took the leap and leaned in, Meng Yao gently stopped him with fingertips pressed to his lips.
"I like you," he murmured, while Nie Huaisang was still caught off guard by the rejection, before the hurt could seep in. "I do. But we can't. Not now."
Nie Huaisang pulled back, mouth pressed thin and eyes shiny as if he were holding back tears, then he blinked several times and forced himself to nod. "Maybe... some time in the future?" he asked hopefully.
Meng Yao smiled. "When my father acknowledges me."
When I am no longer a servant, he doesn't say.
When we are closer to being equals, he doesn't say.
But whether Nie Huaisang hears any of that or not, he nods again, more decisively. "Okay," he says. "I'll wait."
His mouth tasted of blood as he slowly made his way out of the gates of the Unclean Realms, the sound of Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue arguing over his fate fading in the background behind him.
In the years that followed -as he hid Lan-zongzhu, as he worked his way into Wen Ruohan's confidence, as he helped end the war- the metallic tang in the back of his throat never truly went away.
In a way, he was glad it hadn't. With that taste coloring everything he ate or drank, he thought less of sweet things, of a sweet boy, of something he'd lost before he'd ever even gotten to try it.
After all, surely his former young master had found someone else to lavish all his attention and affection on in the past three years. Surely Nie Huaisang hadn't waited for him -lowly, unworthy, cast out Meng Yao- when there were other, more acceptable options closer at hand.
His father had finally acknowledged him.
That was all he needed.
That was all he needed.
And yet it sat sour and heavy in his stomach at the victory banquet, weighed down by the insults that had come with it.
When he turned and found a soft, worried gaze that was altogether alien -the face wearing it was older, sharper, losing the childish roundness he had carried later than his cohorts- and painfully familiar -he had last seen it as he stumbled from the meeting hall, wounded and damned to exile- his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Nie Huaisang had waited; it was written on his face in the depths of affection and concern in his gaze, and the realization robbed Jin Guangyao of the pretty words he had once imagined years ago that he would say in this moment.
Instead, he simply reached out, letting his fingertips brush along the other young man's jaw as he drew him in.
Nie Huaisang sank into him, warm and pliant and giving him complete control, and his mouth was as soft and sweet as he'd ever imagined.
And yet still, on the back of his tongue, lingered the tinge of blood.
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