#ych type shit
diaiisms · 1 year
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acquired taste †
log back into dl tumblr & i’m met with MESS & MORE MESS 🤨
anyways i just wanted to doodle ghoul mys so @kindan-no-kanojo & @mino-diabolik i hope neither of you mind <3
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alligaytorswamp · 2 years
hello! i put this is tags but i thought i'd try to ask directly - I'm really curious about how you think up poses! I was particularly impressed with your "god tier couples of genshin" poses! do you use models? refs? Any particular site? i love it. Good luck and keep drawing!
hiii!! thank you for the kind words ^^
re: how i think up poses ohhh.. idk, it's either just demons in my head giving me ideas or perhaps i found image/images online with the vibe i want and i'm trying to make something like that
re: do i use models/refs hmmm not really? occasionally yes, i use them when it's for a commission, i just ask for more specific examples of what people want, but fanarts and oc content - i just kind of wing it haha
the got tier couples one was definitely just me and my brainworms trying to make something somewhat decent looking akjdhsjka
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I have the most random and oddball question... What would be some expletive type language in Welsh?
I'm playing a dragon in my D&D group who is from this fantasy world's equivalent of Wales and I want to add some flavor when he is fighting that he starts using bits of his mother-tongue instead of Common.
It's easy enough to find a random list of words, but without cultural context I have no clue what would be a proper equivalent of, for example "fuck off you asshole"... I probably am putting "too much" thought into it, but I'm a cultural anthropologist, so it bugs me to not think too much about it.
A funny quirk of Welsh is that we actually tend to swear in English when we need to - because one of the social arenas it survived in was through the chapels, the closest you'd get are things that in English you'd probably associate with your granny saying, or those sad little Christian youth camps in America. One of my favourites is Nêfi blŵ, which is literally just the Welsh transliteration of the words 'navy blue' said in a Welsh accent. Why is this a swear? Unknown. I presume someone somewhere hated the colour.
However, there are a couple:
Sguthan/ysguthan: this is probably equivalent to 'bitch', it's certainly gendered the same way and has similar weight. Except much as 'bitch' literally just means a dog, sguthan means 'woodpigeon'. Why is this a swear? Unknown
Cach i fant: fuck off. 'Shit off', literally. Tbh though I don't actually know anyone who would actually use this. Mileage can and will vary wildly (keep an eye on the notes for other Welsh speakers chiming in), but this one always felt a bit like a sheep's eyeball to me, to use a Pratchett-ism. Like something Golwg would use to Appeal To The Youth. But, it is real, and does work.
Dos i ffwcio dy hunan: go fuck yourself. Now THIS one I use
Twll tin bob ____: Every ____ is an asshole. Naturally, the phrase in Wales is 'Twll tin bob Sais', but substitute Sais for the group of your choice.
Cêr y diawl: go to hell. Literally, 'go to the devil', with devil there being a reasonable stand-in for any devil you wish, not just, like, Satan.
And of course, Wenglish can provide:
Be'r ffyc 'dy hwnna: what the fuck is that
Pwy'r ffyc 'dy hwnna: who the fuck is that
Bois bach a mawr: okay listen this is going to sound like I'm joshing you but I swear this is real. It's used by an older generation, admittedly, but even younger generations will say 'Bois bach' sometimes. It, uh. It literally means "Big and little boys". Or just "little boys". Just a sort of general mild exclamation. Or what you say when you sit down and your knees complain. Um.
Ych a fi: gross. Can also be Wenglished to 'Ych a ffycin fi' which is, you know, fucking gross.
Be' ti 'di 'neud?: what have you done?
Be' sy'n bod 'da ti?: What is wrong with you?
Cô ni off, bois!: Off we go, lads (gender neutral)!
There's probably a million I'm forgetting and will think of as I try to sleep tonight, but hopefully these will tide you over. Keep an eye on the notes, I expect others will chime in with further suggestions!
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bellybiologist · 9 months
Tallying up the Year
I hope you guys' december (which is almost over already, wtf) is going/has gone well! 2024 is upon us.
This christmas weekend, I mostly found myself thinking about how this year went, and honestly? despite all the things I haven't gotten to do, I still managed to accomplish quite a lot.
Me typing this rambly post out is less anything anyone needs to read, but more to remind myself of Things That Got Done™ than anything else because sometimes... I forget I do be getting shit done! And it's important we remind ourselves of the work we do.
The Things That got Done™
I advocated for my own Health. I scheduled (and went to!) so many doctor and dental appointments this year, holy shit. But, if the last few years have taught me anything, I simply have to put in the effort. I got my colon mostly sorted out, started a new regimen for my skin and hair (after chopping it off) so I'm feeling better, schedule an appointment with the optometrist in January, and even got lots of issues with my teeth fixed. Granted, our broken medical system made it incredibly stressful, and i spent thousands of dollars on the latter that I will be paying off til next july BUT!!!! This section is about the good things.
Started Streaming Again! I've been missing streaming since I stopped way back in I believe 2020. It was a fun way to interact with followers and supporters, so I'm glad I'm back to it on a regular schedule, with many of the old regulars still joining me while I work. Speaking of which:
I finished 43 total stream doodles. While I'm only filling a handful a month, it's definitely adding up! 40+ boys in the span of 5 months is nothing to scoff at, and that's not even considering that I'm doing this alongside normal patreon work.
I finished 39 total commissions this year. I'm definitely still going quite slowly, and I thank everyone who has been extraordinarily patient thus far, but I'm happy to say that my pace has been decent... at least relative to previous years. I got more done in the last 5 months than i did in the roughly year and a half period before 2023!
Replaced SEVERAL appliances that broke down. My computer moniter, my microwave, my refrigerator... all failed on my this year, and it took some work, but I finally managed to get them all replaced! So far, everything is working fine, but next on my agenda is to save up for a new desktop. This one I use for work has been at it since 2017, and it's about time to look into upgrading.
My Google Drive is Looking Nice. It's still not perfect, but I'm still immensely proud of how it's shaping up. There's still some curating of older pieces to do, but I've found a stride where I'm regularly updating it for people to peruse.
Now despite these W's, I still got a long way to go. The things below could be considered resolutions for 2024, but that feels cursed to call them that. They are simply:
Things I Want to GET Done
Adding more YCH Figures. I was definitely expecting to have more to choose from by this point. And I really need to update some of the older ones too, because I think they've aged poorly. I got some neat suggestions and hopefully will find some time this week to showcase them in my discord to collect some feedback before releasing them.
Do more involved pieces/projects. I want to do more things like Comics, or simply pieces that I work on over the course of several sittings, ones where I can experiment and fiddle and practice!!! I rarely ever get to do that these days (I've only finished a few Big Personal Pieces this year), and I need to find time and energy to do them more because those are the things that truly make me feel like I grow as an artist. (and maybe I can find a shading style I actually fucking tolerate.). I also want to get more OC development and stuff done too, cuz I really didn't draw my children a whole lot this year!
Make more fucking Money!!!!! Let's not kid ourselves. I want to get to a point where I'm not just barely meeting the monthly quota. How to get there? I don't know, honestly. Things are so very stacked against artists right now, so it really does feel like the only thing that can be done is Not Give Up. Which I won't do. If/when I go down, I'm making it everyone else's problem. Trust. 😏
Save up to Visit the Boyfriend. I haven't seen him since January 2022! Big goal is to be comfortable enough to where I can fly my ass up there and smooch him. 👏🏽
I won't lie, i'm going into 2024 quite anxious and still scraping by by the skin of my teeth (that I'm still paying for). It's going to be a BIG year cuz oh boy, it's election year, there's plenty of family developments i gotta keep an eye on and work to be a part of... not to mention all the horrible stuff going on still (free palestine!).
Here's hoping shit goes our way this coming year! And let's get ,more strikes going so everyone is getting their fucking money!!! :V
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kirstenly · 1 year
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I don't normally do a YCH type artwork, but two friends with close birthdays have been into a very specific vibe for emotes. I got them some other things, but I wanted to also throw them something hand made.
So have maudVT and Lunaness, both being done with everyone's shit. Happy birthday, my dear friends!
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joshtriesathing · 10 months
I love commisioning other artists and YCHs and all that but man. I alwags get too nervous to get any of my main OC bcuz i feel like ill come off as some internet creep fishing for fetish content just for asking if its okay to commision him in a ych that onky shows a skinny option DX man i wish i knew how to stop feeling weird about that shit like its litteraly my body type and i know my own intentions
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
It has come to my attention that Russell Brand has been targetted as of recent for…behavior he used to do? Aaaaw come on. This is getting ridiculous. So many stupid accusations, you know…if these women claim he actually did those things why did they very much say it to the media instead of you know…the authorities? When Nathan had that document that was made about him in which he accused of being transphobic, a lot of what was said in the document was taking his comments on Avianine's artwork out of context, he wasn't harrassing Avianine…heck, he used to like her up until the Changed shit happened, look, just because he doesn't like Puro or Changed in general doesn't mean he thinks goo transformation in general is bad. And yeah the only reason he got accused of transphobia is because of a rant I did, which is stupid because I very much clarified my very reason for doing the rant.
The reason I did that anime tf rant is because I didn't like the ones I had seen, mainly just because they did nothing for me, oh they were well-written, just come on…can't I get at least one character tf where someone doesn't lose their memories? At the time I did not like the idea of turning into an anime character because of the stories in which those happened and those stories where about some random YCH (Your character here) being forcibly transformed, and that had nothing to do with the author or the artist or anything to do with them. To put things into context, I support any and all gender identies, even non-binary or even if you identify as a floating orb with lots of eyes, when one of Nathan's former friends came out as trans, Mel supported that person. So the accusations of Nathan being transphobic just because of my rant which I admit was terrible and I should have chosen my words more carefully, was bullshit.
And was the grooming thing…okay, so how does a series of RPs with a FICTIONAL character/OC count as grooming? Nothing sexual even happened in those RPs, and besides in context - i'm going to put it like this: Nathan was cursed to turn into a character who in the original source material is a villain and is thus turned evil, in the RPs he very much portrayed the character when cursed as being like that, and yes…he is ashamed to have done that because of the mind change, and he was brainwashed into making said character evil and into a monster like him, it was just an RP and that's not what grooming is. And before you are all 'oh, Nathan's just being a coward and using you as a mouthpiece' and bla ba bla heard those insults before you don't need to use them on me.
And those Pokemon tfs Mel did…those people who documented Nathan for the purpose of humilating him took them out of context. A lot of those people who were turned into Pokemon before, were people from either Encyclopedia Dramatica, Kiwifarms or from the Deviantart forum who made fun of Nathan for numerous stupid reasons including his choice in fursonas, you aren't mean to act like 'oh that's just being a childish douche', especially when all of those people were harrassing HIM and not the other way around. And nobody ever sympathizes with sites like those. You don't see people acting like EZ-PZ is 100% right when he does his bullshit Youtube essays about animation that exist only to ride on the coat-tails of Turkey Tom, do you? And for the record the people on the Deviantart art forum that mocked him, those posts were from SEVERAL FUCKING YEARS AGO, when he was being mocked for trying for his characters. And yes, there were some users characters on here that Mel really hated like Dylan aka the Clown Fetish Guy as I call him and Joe aka The World Domination Guy as I call him, but only because Dylan is a pervert who thinks that clowns and stereotypes are a type of tf or a species and Joe as a character is a jerkass and a whiny brat as a person.
For pete's sake, the person who played Joe very much acted like Nathan was in the wrong for having a different opinion than him over fucking Skyrim and Fire Emblem and ratted him out to BrandonKong, as if Brandon cares about what this person's personal drama at all, Joe, Brandon is your friend, not your personal army or your mother. You can't go telling him to go after every single person who you had a problem with. You claim you respect opinions yet you act like it's wrong for Nathan to hate Skyrim even though he finds it tedious and boring for valid reasons? You act like Mel sucks the fun out of everything? Joe, your character is a dickhead who always attempts to assimilate everyone, if this is supposed to be you as yourself, then I have the feeling nobody is going to believe you are anything but a horrible person. Look, a jerk character can work well, but you aren't Bojack Horseman or Rick Sanchez.
Nathan and Brandon are NOT enemies, he only made fun of Brandon's tastes on occassions and even that was taken out of context because he didn't understand why Brandon used to do all those questionable RPs with people like Joe and Dylan, at the time he thought the RPs were real, and he didn't know Brandon was playing a fictional version of himself…have I ever questioned Brandon's choices in tfs? Yes, a few times. But I didn't say he couldn't like monkeys or apes or that he couldn't hang out with those people. I just hated the RPs, not the person behind them, just the characters he chooses to RP with. I like his OCs, I like Brainy Kong…he is a cool character. It's just the ones we've reviewed on this show, we've treated as actual episodes in-universe and oh boy were those episodes awful…there was the Zootopia one with the sheep orgy, the one that bastardized Nathan's gorilla character and then derailed into one of those grossest sex orgies I had ever seen (not to mention…huh? The real Doctor Gorgo showed up and Brandon's character was a rubber clone of him, and in the previous episode Dylan's character very much Buffalo Billed Brandon by wearing him as a rubber gorilla suit, then there was the one where he tried to make Brandon into a dumb gorilla, for pete's sake the whole middle half of the second sample was just them arguing over and over about Kong names. I mean..Brandon had a point, Kongs have a personality trait and that personality trait goes with their name, being bad-smelling ISN'T a personality trait, it's like if you had a drug-addicted Kong OC and named him Stoney Kong because get it..he's a stoner),
Does it really matter how old Nathan was during the time of the RPs or how old the other person was? No, it isn't..it isn't anyone's buisness to question how old someone else is when they do something like online roleplaying because it's just fictional, it's not real. How many times must I explain this to you? I have nothing against character transformations if you want to turn into a character you like, but do you have to be hypersexual and creepy about it? Do you have to make it so you do mind changes? That's what ruins character tfs, not the person who makes them.
Anyway back to the Russell Brand allegations, me and Russell used to be enemies but now we've gotten along as friends. And honestly, why now? He gave up his rebellious rocker wannabe persona ages ago.
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mintyvoid · 1 year
I wonder if i should try doing adoptables or ych type stuff. But i already have a hard time creative wise drawing established characters... trying to create my own would probs turn out with shit design and then no one would want them anyways. And like ych removes the need to create a design, but you still gotta pick a pose and draw the base decently to not fuck you over later.
God and id need to figure out prices hhhh
i need a manager to just tell me what to do :/ and to market for me and to deal with emails..if i ever get comished lol
I dunno what to focus on as i cant focus or have motiv enough to actually finish anything to see if its viable.
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ocean-anchored · 2 years
Dear future self... March 21, 2023
I’m late I know. I wasn’t feeling it last sunday as I felt like I wasn’t in the best head space and as the week went on I figured I’d just wait till sunday again which ended up being so busy. Where to start. Back to Dillon being the asshole he is. It’s really unfortunate. I can’t remember when it was that we had a call where he raised his voice and told me to go cry a fucking river when I said how disrespectful it was leaving us high and dry March after ALL the things I’ve done for him. Haven’t really talked to him since. He did pay February finally but that whole friendship is over and I may never see or talk to him again so who cares. Sadly not loosing much there.  On the friday two weeks ago I was cleaning up contacts in my phone (was clearly bored at work) and came across Mitch. He’s been on my mind for a long time. I just felt really bad about how I ended everything and how I kind of just cut things off cold so I wrote an apology text just to tell him that I didn’t mean to hurt him. In no way, shape or form did I intend it to be as a “let’s try again” type of thing and that (on top of Dillon’s shit) is why I wasn’t in the best headspace. Hanging out escalated to a point that I felt a lot of shame the next day. I’m still trying to deal with that and back off as I don’t have any intention of dating or a relationship. I truly am happy being single and keeping to myself this year and I worry about hurting him again and him taking things the wrong way. I stepped out of my comfort zone again that week and went to a church group where I didn’t know anyone. Divine from church had joined me into this group and they had a gathering that again I had no idea who or what it was about but I showed up and it ended up really great. Met Eryn which was really nice who goes to Redemption as well and it was nice to just be around Christians. The night was around the Navigators and discipleship. Something I’m still so shy about but it was a good experience and I’m proud I went.  Last week was pretty good. Finally bought Ed Sheeran tickets, just about cried. Going to see him in September with Dustin in Vancouver and I literally cannot wait. I’ve waited far too long for this and really look forward to this most.
Thursday I went to Nose Hill with Amber and her bf with all our dogs for a walk in the afternoon which was so nice. I really love the flexibility I have and still catch myself feeling like I’m taking things for granted and I’m not doing enough but lunch with Ed cleared that - will get to that. I went for dinner later that day with Kamber another girl I met on Bumble BFF and it’s been nice chatting with her as well. We have so much in common. Sometimes I feel like I talk to much with her and sometimes I feel like I’m always looking for another topic to talk about but our conversation is genuine and it’s refreshing. She’s super sweet and down to earth. Friday I “took the day off” from YCH technically since I don’t work Friday’s with Ed. Went for sushi and that was really great. Just more solidifying that we’re a great team and we’re both happy with how things are going and the work progressing. I know he appreciates me and it was nice to just clear some work things up but also be able to chat about so many other channels and things. I’m really so blessed to be working with him. He said at the end that he hopes that I do work for him for the rest of our lives which really is my goal. It was from this lunch with Ed that my weekend ended up being nonstop with barley a minute to myself. Mitch came over to watch movies friday night which was alright. Got up early and went to Lake Louise and Lake MInewanka with mom Saturday for the whole day. It was a really great day, absolutely beautiful out. Such a perfect day (we always seem to get those when we go out together). Came back in the evening and went to chat with Mel. It was a good, needed talk. We challenged each other with the little fit we had the week before and how I’ve felt like she hasn’t been part or contributed to our relationship but she’s explained how sick she’s been and stressed and we had a good cry and we talked it through. Really healthy. I appreciate that she takes the initiative to chat to sort things out and we’re re-learning communication with each other in a healthy way. Nova was so patient in the car that we went to Currie Barracks after to walk the park where they set up lanterns and lights everywhere, it was nice but getting home at 9:30PM was exhausting.  Sunday went to church which was as always, great. Helped mom with her zoom set up and took Nova out when I got home. Steven came over right away and we gamed for a bit and watched the Office. It was good, nice to also spend time with him personally but I do love Amanda. Been building my own relationship with her which has been really great.  Anyways that’s a basic catch up. It’s been super super busy and I’m peopled out. I’m going to try to focus this week on chilling and recouping as its Amber’s Birthday on Thursday and I’m taking a couple of us to the Flames game which I’m really excited for. All is well. I’m still super happy all around. This year seems to just keep getting better and I have so many things to look forward to this year. 
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night-rhea · 2 years
I dont need therapy i need my 2d husbands hot skin
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yo how do you deal with art burnout so badly that you physically cannot stand the act of drawing because it feels painful on a mental level but you have commissions because you HAVE to make money which is why you have burnout in the first place but balancing that with the innate NEED to draw like i’m so fucking sad right now because i WANT to draw but it’s just so unenjoyable i’m wanna cry guys 
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Ok do I’m do like a YCH type thing with clown man imma do like 4 different ones and y’all can choose one, I’m just board and need to draw something.
While im drawing it I will try to think of a form of payment but idk, maybe a art trade or some shit
Also his name is yolk if y’all didn’t know.
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years
Lemme explain this better since we can't stop. This is a part two of my previous post since I didn't tell the whole story.
Yea I am an adult but that doesn't change anything, I still feel emotions and those who said I used mental illness as an excuse: what the fuck. I explained that I had borderline personality disorder once, I explained that I was having a mood swing when I wrote the post and didn't explain everything in detail.
To everyone who said I overreacted; I didn't. I am allowed to feel my own emotions, you cannot tell me that I overreacted because my emotions are valid. I did mention in the comments of that post that I have borderline personality disorder. I cannot control my emotions well, I have mood swings. You might think I overreacting but I didn't.
The artist in question will remain anonymous but I really should leak their name because they were a huge asshole and unprofessional. They had reposted a post from an another artist saying they couldn't afford but really wanted it so I offered the price of the YCH post.
We planned the commission out, I asked when I should pay and they said afterwards which is a problem for later on. They finished one of them so I paid, ya know like we agreed on.
They randomly messaged me and went, "yeah I'm not accepting this currency anymore" and I'm like "ok? can you finish my commission since you had sketched it out and because you need the coins for the ych post still?" and they said "no I haven't accepted amino coins in months and you haven't paid so I can cancel" they told me to pay when they were finished; after that they were going off on a rant calling me a fucking moron and all types of shit.
I blocked the user and left; anyways.
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ursuladecayart · 4 years
oh shit is Olly coming to fight our boys' asses?
ahaha he probably won't fight them cause he doesn't want to seem jealous but he will stick his leg out and “accidentally” trip your boys  u w u  answering all the YCH questions below : Anonymous said to ursuladecayart:What kind of information do you need for ocs? I don't wanna overfill to much and take away the appeal of getting to know him. Sorry if its stupid, this is just new! Just the questions at the bottom of the original art post and if you want to put a little of his history in there too that's cool lol I love character development so im reading it all <3 Anonymous said to ursuladecayart:What are your characters ages? I want to do the #date4ruca buuuut I don't want to accidentally pair her up with some 40 year old vagrant type 😂 haha ahhh gotcha yeah Ruca is 23 Anonymous said to ursuladecayart:So do we only draw in the YCH? It’s no problem I just felt like it’d look really really different. Totally fine that your style is different than mine in the end when the new guy is picked Im going to draw them together in my style so it will all match <3  Anonymous said to ursuladecayart:Ok so for the speed dating, is ruca interested in women because I have a couple of characters who I want to submit, but some are ladies Im so surprised that this many girl OCs want to apply to date Ruca lol ruca must give off gay energy! sadly Ruca likes dudes so I'm looking for guy OCs but I think I’ll do a friend match too to ake up for all the cool girl OCs I'm missing out on! anonymous asked:Is the speed date thingy on insta? yes on here and on Instagram ^U ^  #date4ruca I’ll be sharing all of the drawings you guys do for it on my insta stories I have been doing like 2 or 3 a day so everyone gets time to really look at the art <3 Anonymous said to ursuladecayart:Is there any you’ve gotten excited for thus far? yes! a bunch of cuties! I haven’t gotten to all of them yet, I’ve been checking them out and commenting throughout the day when I take breaks from comms Anonymous said to ursuladecayart:I saw the tag on Instagram and wow, there’s so many cool dudes 0: I know right I'm so happy people are drawing for it <3 Anonymous said to ursuladecayart:Attending to date4ruca was pretty fun!!! I did mine it looks horrible compared to the others and surely I won't win but it was an amazing experience anyways thank you ursula 💕 you could do it again but with glam 😛 aww happy you liked it! and pfft don't say that I'm sure I’ll love it haha we will see if munbbi wants to do that  <3 
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indig0tea · 4 years
Final 2020 Update: 2021 Goals!!
Cross posting from my devART
Also links to all my alts and shit will be at the end of the post if you need them!
So some of these may be unrealistic due to my struggles with ADHD/Depression Combo but. I wanted to get these down somewhere so you guys can see them and be aware..
Please note, my executive functioning abilities are absolutely Butchered on the regular by my ADHD alone, and the various stressors of 2020 have absolutely taken anything else I might have had in that department and tossed it out the window.
Something something something, financial stressors outside of my control sends me into shut down mode and I can't do anything productive or even fun until it's handled, but because I'm not doing anything productive, I'm not making any money, and the stressors gets worse and worse and it just ends up in a horrible cycle where I constantly want to die because I'm not able to create anything to relieve the stress! Which is why you've all seen... pretty much a standstill on my productivity save one or two pieces a month if I'm lucky
That said, I'm going to start trying (hopefully with some outside help/accountability to keep me on track while I'm unmedicated) to put a system in place that doesn't make me constantly want to die while like. maybe actually getting stuff done! So I'm making some optimistic goals for 2021 regarding both my art and ability to make money, so here goes!
I'm breaking this down into 3 parts:
Changes to expect regarding my social media, commissions in general, posting, etc;
Overall Goals for 2021;
and Goals for January specifically.
Changes to expect going forward from here:
I'm going to be making some changes regarding my social media accounts, including this one, mostly concerning when, where, and how I'm posting.
I am also going to be making some changes to my commission policies, prices, and payments in the coming year, namely:
Lastly, I will be making some changes to my art discord server!
Moving forward, I am going to be MOST active on my twitter and tumblr accounts. They're just easier for me to maintain in general, and although I hate twitter's formatting, it's just easier and faster, and frankly after deviantART and Instagram fucked with their websites/algorithms, it just makes the most sense for me as an artist.
I'm also going to be making an effort to make scheduled cross-posts on all my accounts. In the past, I've been really irregular about when and where I post things (most things got posted to my old tumblr account but never here, i rarely remember to post to instagram, etc).
This is going to include commission slots, finished piece dumps, etc.
I will also be making an effort to semi-regularly post sketch dumps, both digitial and traditional. I am also considering at this time offering a monthly digital download of my sketch collections, though I am undecided as I'm not really sure how many people would be interested.
Increasing commissions prices to reflect time spent working on specific commission types, as well as my personal cost of living.
Planning and announcing commission slots in advance.
Taking and finishing regular commissions to cover living expenses on a monthly basis
Payments will be exclusively through paypal invoice, and will be broken up in halves: first half will be taken up front after I have started and given proof of start (base sketch), the second half will be paid after completion, with WIPS given between first and second payment. Fully completed art will be given after receipt of second half. This is both for my personal protection as an artist, as well as for the comfort of the commissioner as my completion time can sometimes be long due to my ADHD/executive dysfunction.
Moving forward into 2020, my discord will be SFW, but 18+ only. This is a personal comfort thing. I'm 25 years old now, and just really don't want to spend time hanging out with teenagers.
I'm also going to start trying to schedule art streams again! Since this is the only place I can live stream due to my art computer's limitations, it just makes sense to like. Schedule them so more people are able to attend. I haven't decided exactly how that's going to look, but once I have I'm going to make an announcement and formatting guide somewhere for people to see so they can make an informed decision about joining the server.
I will also be regularly posting in the server again. This may or may not be cross posts from twitter and such, we'll see, but I DO plan on being more active there since it's been kind of dead.
I may also reformat the whole server again. We'll see!
Goals for 2021
Regular Adopt Sets -- 2-3 per month. Size, price, and number in set will be decided on case by case basis.
I'll be doing a monthly prompt for myself as well. This is just to get me back in the habit of creating things I like for myself to just feel... less bad about my art in general, and about making art. Also it'll be good for my artistic development i think?
Keeping a monthly sketchbook for warm-ups and in-between pieces. May be offered as a paid download at the end of the month, we'll see.
Might start a patreon? This is EXTREMELY dependent on what my userbase looks like. Tiers and rewards to be decided at a later date
Regular traditional sketches + scan and upload of said sketches. May also be offered in the monthly sketchbook.
Draw more self portraits & self-expression pieces! I don't know if any of yall realize how repressed I've been in the last year without therapy, and I did't either until I forced myself to pursue a vent piece earlier this month, and then felt immensely better afterward so. Going to start doing that! Maybe I'll feel better weee
Regular posting to social media! (see changes above)
Drawing less fantrolls bc I'm just bleh about them lately, drawing more original content!
Drawing fancontent that ISN'T homestuck? We'll see but I'd like to. I don't usually draw fan art bc like. Idk in my mind I don't feel like my interpretation of things is important or cool and I think thats a confidence thing and I'd like to change that so! I'm gonna start making more fan content.
Draw more full illustrations & backgrounds in general because I actually enjoy doing them it turns out?
Practice painting more !! Both traditionally and digitally....
Goals for January 2021
Finish at LEAST 1/4 of my art queue. I'm shooting for half, really, because fully completing it might actually kill me but! We'll see! Maybe I'll surprise myself. But I'm setting the goal low to keep my mental health problems in mind.
Finish and release the base set i've been working on, on and off. It's an homage to  the old pixel doll days of 2009-2012, and the full sheet will be free to use (with stipulations, as I have some people blocked that I don't want using it). BUT! There will also be a mix and match .psd that will be pay to use (it'll be pay to use a, bc it'll be huge, and b, bc the edits to make it mix and match results in like 6 seperate bases in general so.... yeah. pay to use)
Finish the pay-to-use base pack i started in june (i may scrap and restart though, we'll see)
Possibly release all old p2u bases of mine in one pack on gumroad? price tbd but it will include old iterations as well as unreleased remakes.
Making some dainty-specific bases! One will be f2u, one will be p2u.
I have a whole dainty YCH set for january! I just have to finish the example... (:
Perhaps I'll be announcing a collaborative project later in the month! It depends on where each of us are at, at the time! We'll see! (: You should be excited though! It'll be a ton of fun!
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esa-marie · 4 years
Another update lol
Multiple things!! IK i dont have many followers, so im not saying this to many ppl, but who cares! I still want to post and let you guys in on what's happening behind the curtain:
-Art streaming! My friend has begun streaming, and that inspired me to begin as well. I will be streaming art and doing spur of the moment commissions, depending on how I'm feeling. I have a few ideas of things i can do for spur of the moment commissions, including colored Chibis, and YCH type things. I will be streaming Hopefully Wednesday nights (we will see -_-).
-Adoptables! I'm working on a large batch of adoptables, and I will be hopefully finishing them up and posting them. They will be gacha adopts (where I design characters working off of a base (that I made) so they are all 'equal'. you can pay a small price to 'roll' for your character, or a larger amount to choose which one you want.) The current batch I'm making are minecraft/MCSM OCs, because that's the only thing I can get my noggin to think about lol. after that, i may do some more unique and detailed cuphead OCS.
-NPC(my game). I'm currently suspending work on NPC, which i have realized isn't super beginner friendly. i have never made a fully fledged game before so jumping right into a plot heavy 3 act game was definitely the wrong choice. before I can continue i want to get some shorter one act games complete, so i get the feel for producing game and I know what i know, if that makes sense lol.
-New Game! if you read above, you saw i want to get some smaller games done before working on NPC, and the one im currently working on doesn't have a name, but it does have a general idea worked out, with objectives, and character design mostly done. Basically, the jist of the game is you are playing as a girl named drew who cant seem to get to sleep. She decides to take her mind off of things and bake some cookies. Only, the ingredients are not where she left them, and weird things are happening in the house. Can she collect all of the ingredients and find out what is happening ?
I think i may have a more detailed post on the game on my sideblog meant for games @esa-marie-games .
Thanks for reading my long update post, and sorry again for like, disappearing a day after i said ill post more. its been a shit year, and crap happens.
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