#also tumblr i hate you you ruin my quality
diaiisms · 1 year
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acquired taste †
log back into dl tumblr & i’m met with MESS & MORE MESS 🤨
anyways i just wanted to doodle ghoul mys so @kindan-no-kanojo & @mino-diabolik i hope neither of you mind <3
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iindigoeyed · 1 year
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i imagine felix explained to kagami that he was transmasc and she was like "you can do that? really?!" and then felix lent them his old binder and well, you get it.
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drunkkenobi · 5 months
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Hi bb, ty for the prompt to write my thoughts!
So I can't get on tumblr at work anymore unless I go outside to get good signal on my phone so I have only been privy to what's going on here today from friends on discord. So maybe I'm missing some nuance or the what my mutuals think and I apologize in advance for that but I'm going to speak plainly.
This is the only way Watcher is going to survive.
The view counts have been steady through Mystery Files season 2 but they aren't, like, astronomical. A video with a million views nets a channel between $10,000 - $30,000. Guys. That's nothing for Watcher. They have to pay each of their 25+ employees a salary with insurance and benefits and for everything else their channel requires. Steven said in the video today that a season of Ghost Files costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't think everyone is hearing that part and understanding how much money that is, especially compared to many other YouTubers they watch. I'm not an expert on other YouTubers but I look at the Sims people I watch. They are successful with views in the hundred k range because they are a company of one. Themselves and maybe paying a freelancer to help edit their videos. For one person, the stakes are lower and the potential for profit is higher! Especially for gamers that are filming in their homes. YouTubers like this, making niche content on the cheap, are who is going to make it in YouTube now.
Watcher is none of those things. They have, from day one, wanted to make high quality unscripted content. All of their shows are shows. They aren't just "Ryan and Shane do [thing]" or "Steven eats [whatever]". They are shows, like ones you see on cable TV or any streamer. And shows are not cheap. Unscripted is cheaper, sure, than scripted. But that doesn't mean cheap. Especially not with the sheer production value we've seen on all their shows, in particular Ghost Files (hundreds of thousands of dollars). That is how much something like Ghost Adventures costs, which is on Travel Channel, an actual TV network that puts up all those costs.
So. That's why Watcher has to pivot to survive.
I think it's a great idea, personally. And yes, I am in a position where I can financially afford it no problem, which I know is a privilege! I am very lucky in that regard. And I understand that many people are upset they won't see the boys as easily on YouTube anymore. That is valid! But they have openly said they are totally fine with password sharing and I think that's a great way to cut down on costs for some folks. Also right now there's a great deal on the yearly sub for early subscribers. $40 for a year is cheaper than any streaming service and it doesn't go to anyone other than Watcher.
I understand that people feel hurt and blindsided, but I think Watcher is also feeling this too. They have been so excited about this and being able to make whatever they want without having to worry about sponsors and now they're mostly seeing anger directed their way. Especially at Steven. Steven is not rich. You know who's rich? David Zaslav, a man who is single-handedly ruining Warner Brothers and making himself a billionaire while he's at it. THAT is the kind of person we should be directing our anger at streaming prices and quality of the media landscape at. Not one small business that is just trying to survive so they can continue paying their employees.
And one more thing. I've seen folks saying they'd rather watch more ads than pay and while I get that, that's not going to help Watcher make what they want. YouTube famously demonetizes videos with swears which is why I can't watch a video with DRAG QUEENS without every other line being bleeped and Watcher has been so good about not bleeping their content because they know we would hate it. And YouTube does this because of advertisers. Advertisers only want to appeal to the most broad of audiences so that means not supporting anything slightly left of center. Having to deal with ads sucks from the creator perspective and does not help them in the long run.
Anyway, this is all a bit rambling, but these are my thoughts on WatcherTV. I'm extremely excited to subscribe and make them make more Weird Wonderful World. I hope to see you all there.
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gffa · 9 months
Do you know if there is a good way to follow dick/babs ship tags (besides blocking #anti dickbabs) without getting the really nasty dick/babs (and just babs in general) hate? Recently tumblr has been suggesting some really unpleasant posts, which, fine, I can just scroll past, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions. I really don't want to block dick/kory because even though it's not my ship, some of their stuff is really cute and if it's quality art/stories/posts I like to see it too.
Anyways, I love your posts!
I know exactly what you're talking about, anon. :/ Pretty much the only thing I've found is to just start blocking people who put that crap in the tags and it helps a lot! You'll still see the cute Dick/Kory stuff from the cool fans (I'm lucky that I have a handful of very sweet fans I follow on my dash), but you won't see so much of those posts that tear down Dick/Babs just to prop Dick/Kory up. I know it can sometimes feel kind of defeatist to start blocking people or tags, just because a few bad actors ruin the fun for you, but sometimes you gotta ask yourself if it's really worth the aggravation of seeing the nasty comments just to see the occasional cute thing? It doesn't have to be forever, you can block a person or a tag just when you're feeling particularly unwilling to deal with people who can't stay in their lane or who have to tear down something else to build up their thing. Take care of yourself first, find what makes you happy first, even if you're a big person who can pull up their big person undies and just scroll past it, sometimes you want a gentler experience and that's okay. Just block "anti dickbabs" and block anyone who doesn't tag their posts with that and it's okay if you don't see everything for awhile as you settle down. Those cute stories/art/posts will still be there when you're feeling up to navigating the rougher waters! (I will say I've been struggling with this as well, because I'm a big girl who knows where her scroll button is, people have to be allowed their space to like/dislike things and express that as they please, etc., but sometimes it's hard to not feel resentful that it's so constantly being put into the tags that should be a pleasant experience for our ship, it's so hard not to let that behavior bleed over into being frustrated at other ships, when I know it's just a few bad actors, but also like. It's just so completely antithetical to what I'm looking for--I just am not going to be swayed by someone telling me, as I've seen, that I'm wrong for shipping Dick/Babs, but I would be potentially swayed by someone telling me what they liked about their ship. You know, if my nerves weren't currently feeling scraped raw.) (I hope it's clear that this is not aimed at all other shippers of Dick/Kory or any other ship, not even just those that express frustration about DickBabs, but a very specific sub-set of those who feel determined to barge into other lanes about it for other fans.) And, if you're like me, every time tumblr recommends something nasty to you, take that energy and make a cute Dick/Babs post and put it in the tag for me and others to see! You'll feel so much better for it!
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maggie0li · 1 year
Antithesis Six - Prologue.
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This is actually a pretty old comic I started doing, but I decided to revamp it. Here is Chapter 0 of the new one! Now, Tumblr tends to ruin comics' quality so I've split it up into panels, but if you want to read it in page format you can view it on deviantart. This is also the big reason why I haven't been posting art recently :'D
This comic was based off of initial concepts of Season 9's premiere, hence the idea of the "Elements of Disharmony", which were originally going to be a major part in Season 9... this was scrapped.(Along with many other ideas, such as the "Alicorn Homeland" of fanon becoming official canon, and Celestia & Luna retiring there, and other stuff too. It's actually an interesting read, and you can read about it yourself by looking through the Season 9 leaks)
Antithesis Six was about taking elements from these initial ideas and working it into an entirely new story. It was also because I hated how they ruined King Sombra (that was my main motivation. let me tell you, nothing ruined the King Sombra fandom like Season 9). Personally, I have never liked the idea of the 'Elements of Disharmony', but Antithesis Six is more than what I personally wanted, it was about giving the series a proper ending befitting its message in a way that would be more satisfactory for fans. And salvaging King Sombra. Mostly that.
Thank you for reading! Chapter 1 is about ~60% finished, and I'll be releasing it in two parts. Let me know how you guys feel about this so far, i'd love to get your feedback + questions.
The prologue scene actually wasn't in my first edition of antithesis six but i felt that zecora and luna are both pretty overlooked in canon so decided they would a) be the best characters in terms of context in this scene and b) get a good opportunity to shine here. I dont think we ever got to see these two interact at all in canon but i felt like they would probably have some connection. so boom! Zecora Luna best friends!! if i have time later maybe i can explore this relationship more. or in a future comic???
(btw please compliment me on that tree illustration in the panel where luna sighs. i Literally Copied it from a screenshot in the show but it took me ages please Enjoy It)
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
hi! my b if this has been asked before, but can/do any of your ocs have tattoos? would they want them? ik breg probably wouldn’t bc of the needles/pain, but i’m curious abt the others like santi, morell, vesper, livius…? (also i jus wanna say that i LOVE your writing 😭 i stumbled across your account on ao3 and then i made a tumblr because i could not get enough! you’re seriously so talented and everything you write jus has me craving for more.)
Now that you mention it... Yeah, I don't think there's a single character of mine with tattoos, which is a bit strange to me, but curious.
You're entirely correct, Breg is too much of a wuss about needles to ever humor one. Although, if it was a simple tattoo of your name, he would probably agree. The breeder would just have to hold your hand very tightly, and you need to keep his eyes on you the entire time or he will flip and possibly hurt the poor artist trying to work on him. Remember, the space you tattoo becomes dysfunctional when it comes to Breg's skin flickering, so maybe do it with color?
Most of the demons are totally willing to get tattoos with you. Demons are used to marks in general, many have carved and branded things into their own bodies, displaying scars and tattoos alike as sources of immense pride. Some definitely find tattoos attractive in their mates. Concubi like Santi and Vesper are particularly into the idea of you suggesting a design of yours to tattoo onto them. It functions as your own "mark". Obie is also big into tats on others, he's very indecisive about his own body however.
Livius would only humor a tatoo if it's done to match you in some way. He wants it EXACTLY like yours, if it's off even by a little bit, there will be a tantrum. Going to be real here, you could probably suggest Vesper get a tramp stamp saying "King Cumdump" and he'd get it.
Morell generally detests tattoos. We've talked about it before on the blog. He thinks it ruins meat quality, and even if he doesn't plan to eat you, his irrational distaste is still there. He hates it. Putting tattoos on himself is even less appealing, since his body is all spotted. It would looks jarring and weird, and possibly ruin his faint glow.
Another one who doesn't really like tattoos is Krulu. If you must wear a design on your body, let it be his alone. Similarly, Miara would rather you do something suiting her tastes. Or, at the very least, in a variety of colors.
Shags FUCKING LOVES tattoos. It's part of how he makes a living! Selling his ink so it can be treated properly and used for body art, which he himself has dabbled in plenty of times. You want to get a new tattoo? Fuck yes, let him help you with the design, yes? Unfortunately, since he's constantly dripping ink and his body is almost always some degree of mutilated, Shags doesn't really want to tattoo himself.
[Oh my God, you made a Tumblr just for me?!? Ahfhsbfbsf that's so sweet, holy shit. <3 Thenk you lots, I'm very very glad you enjoy my content that much!!!]
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cyren-myadd · 2 months
But recently I realized that your stories are no longer visible to anyone in AO3 and it makes me sad because I can't read them... so I wanted to ask you if ¿you could make them visible again to everyone in AO3?… ¿And not only for those who have accounts there are? Please
I locked my fics a little while ago because I saw a post on tumblr warning AO3 authors that bots were copypasting public works to feed into AI algorithms for churning out artificial fanfic. The idea of my work getting fed into a soulless AI really pissed me off so I locked my fics. I hated to make my fics inaccessible to readers who don't have AO3 accounts, but I felt like I had to.
However, I've been thinking about it more lately and I've realized that there's so many millions of public works out there for bots to access that my work is only just another drop in the bucket. Whether or not they get fed into the AI algorithms won't make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. The AI will still learn how to write a story with or without my writing.
But you know what the AI will never have? Human creativity. The programmers can teach the AI to be perfect at story structure and grammar and word choice and all that jazz, but you can't teach an AI originality because all it can do is regurgitate stuff it's been fed. Sure, an AI might have a better writing quality than me, but an AI wouldn't be able to come up with all the unique ideas I've enjoyed writing about and my readers have enjoyed reading.
So long story short, I've decided to unlock my fics so everyone can read them. I don't care if a bot steals them to feed to an AI. They can steal my writing style, but not my humanity.
Also, I didn't know people still read my fics! I don't care how old a fic is, if you're rereading it and enjoying it, don't be shy, leave a comment to let me know 💙💙💙
and on another note, I really hope that one day legislators will make laws concerning copyright and AI. At the end of the day, if somebody uses AI to create a shitty X-reader fic or whatever for themselves, I don't care. But if somebody actually published an AI generated work and was making money off of something they didn't actually write? That would bother me. Same thing for art and animation. I don't want people to get paid for work they told a machine to make for them, especially since it will ruin the job market for writers, artists, and animators. Hopefully one day we'll have laws saying AI-generated material cannot be copyrighted, so creative jobs will be protected from getting replaced by machines that regurgitate stolen work.
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A messy review because I'm too excited right now of My Adventures With Superman EP. 5 You Will Believe a Man Can Lie [spoilers ahead]
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Okay fucker who makes an entire reaction channel just to go "Nah" at everything. Bitch. Leave my boy jimmy alone.
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Oh look more criminals breaking into shit with stolen tech but wait a minute. That isn't fucking red and blue like superman. Naw. Thats fucking orange and black babeyyy
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Hmmm I wonder who's following you hehehe
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OH HELLO THERE. Holy shit. I was scared I was going to hate his suit but I'm actually digging it. The orange is back in full force.
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HELLO SAILOR. (Totally didn't get excited seeing him back I missed his stupid ass.)
Oh shit. Hello Sam hello waller 🤮. Slade what the fuck why are you the govs lap dog man come on. guess the moneys good.
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Ouch. Turns out your not so invincible are ya supes
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SWORD GUN SWORD GUN SWORD GUN (I want a sword gun ): )
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Okay now what in the batman vs superman is this. We know the tech is Kryptonian (probably explains why Slade's swords hurt Clark.) But like. Why does sam hate him so bad WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED.
Anyways blah blah blah Slade slices a bridge (bad Slade) and Sam's like stand down we don't hurt innocent civilians blah blah blah and waller says something about zero day (again what the hell is zero day WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ZERO DAY)
Anyways back to the daily planet where Lois confronts Clark about superman. And how does she prove it. She does what any good self respecting woman would. She throws herself off a fucking building
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Anyways after that a big fight happens and they break up??? Lois is mad Clark kept secrets and Clark was scared Lois would say something. Yikes. Well hopefully that gets fixed soon.
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We end the episode with Jimmy going on his big foot trip all alone. He had planned it with Clark and Lois but well. Steve was right. It's just jimmy. (Still fuck you Steve fuck ur "NAH" channel) Anyways he finds big foot. Or at least some fucking gorilla and gets kidnapped. (CLARK FIX UR SHIT AND GO SAVE MY BOY GOTDAMN)
Welp. That's a shitty wrap of what happened. I throughly enjoyed this episode. We're starting to piece shit together and I love it. I love Slades return and his suit. I can't wait to see how all of this wraps up. (Probably with Slade losing an eye). Also can't wait for Lois to confront her father because oh boy is that gonna be a shit show. Also I need Lois and Clark to get back together this hurts. Alot. Also
Also fuck you Tumblr you ruined the quality of my photos
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acuar-io · 7 months
hii !! i was wondering if you could include like a transcript? under your sims posts that have text in the picture? i’m having a hard time reading them on mobile :(
but other than that, i’m really enjoying snow flower save <3
Omg yes I will! I hate mobile tumblr so bad bc it ruins the quality for everyone’s posts including mine 😭 I’ll add transcripts tomorrow 🩷 Tysm also for liking my gameplay I appreciate it so much!!
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mooniemilkieway · 10 months
you shouldn’t have done that
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i drew my second fav creepypasta character >_< also i hate how tumblr ruins the quality of my art sometimes jwjdjdj
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lycorid · 20 days
Sometimes venturing onto the For You side of Twitter sparks joy.
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Based take. Shoujo and Josei are fucking top notch, both in characters and art style (how can you not think they’re beautiful?)
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“Ruined the JJK and MHA fandoms” is WILD. I avoid fandoms for the most part (except perusing tumblr for the occasional fucking thesis women write about character motivations i love you women <3) because they usually suck. Seriously, I kept up with OPM for a bit because it was entertaining but holy shit the subreddit (very much full of men) is literally just… sexy woman. More sexy woman. Memes about artist constantly drawing sexy woman. Memes. Occasional power scaling arguments. Low quality page colorings of the exact same page. There is NOTHING. How the hell can women ruin the fandom when the fandom IS the women?!
It’s the women creating in depth analyses on characters; it’s the women writing fanfiction, creating doujinshis; it’s the women creating fandom centered accounts; it’s the women buying every new merch piece that comes out AND giving free advertising by posting about it online. And then men will go on and rag on women for doing all these things. It’s infuriating.
Longevity of a series is also something these idiots ignore. Seriously, look at Katekyo Hitman Reborn. The manga ended in 2012 and the creator is working on a different series. Katekyo Hitman Reborn still gets regular merch releases. This is a series that ended over a decade ago and still has an incredibly dedicated fanbase of, I wonder who, that regularly spends enough money to keep it consistent. You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me that series is supported mainly by men. I do not care how hard Amano Akira tried to alienate her female fans with her treatment of the female characters you know exactly whos spending the money based on who is constantly getting merch (minus the titular character, because of course he has to be there.)
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Honestly I don’t give a damn that fandom can often be absolute insanity; you get a group of people together and it’s always going to be a shitshow, that isn’t unique to fandom, people just like to pretend it is because as always, there’s an undercurrent of misogyny because people know women carry that shit but they only want to acknowledge it when they can use it to criticize them.
I love that she came for the JJK fandom as well. I’ve been following the series because honestly it is really fucking funny because it is the epitome of shounen tropes. The author literally baked them into the world. Explaining your abilities to the opponent makes them stronger. So this entire series you get giant pages of just white with text explaining every little fucking thing like theres a narrator standing over your shoulder making sure you can’t possibly miss anything on the first read. Fuck dude, I don’t mind exorbitant amounts of text in my manga, but you cannot be serious in pretending that is good writing. There’s a deus ex machina that every character can pull out of their ass called a binding vow. Black flash also falls into this category.
Hell, the latest arc has literally just been flashback after flashback playing during the battle of the characters forming a bunch of plans in preparation for the fight we currently are following. This is genuinely one of my most hated tropes. The characters just get off screen power ups that then get handwaved as “well we showed you the flashback right?” there is NO anticipation, any excitement you feel for the battle is purely manufactured rather than genuine. It’s not “I can’t wait to see how the growth I followed of these characters affects the battle” it’s “wow, what cool ability will they pull out of their ass next?” I hate it I loathe it and it’s even worse with emotional moments. Why couldn’t you write this into the story in the first place? Why are you giving it to me in a shitty flashback?
Maybe I didn’t explain it well enough because I launched into a rant. The reason I hated it so much is because it forced the reader to be an observer rather than an active participant in the manga. Everything is spoonfed to you. You don’t need to reread the chapters over and over to put together the pieces on how, where, and why each action took place, the author does that for you. You don’t see everything from a new perspective when you read it a second time, catching lots of things you may have missed because you’re not allowed to miss anything the author deems important.
I enjoy this manga. There is good things about it. But it is nowhere near the god manga (“kamige” would be the term if it was a visual novel; I don’t know a manga equivalent) men like to pretend it is. It genuinely seems like they think everything being explained every page is good writing.
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Based and succinct.
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Anyway, you shouldn’t restrict yourself from experiencing specific genres because they’re for “the lessers” because that’s actually fucking cringe and maybe you should touch a Josei manga, or even a Shoujo manga. Maybe it’ll open your eyes and you’ll realize, hey, women’s media is actually- oh who the fuck am I kidding just pull the trigger.
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Hello there ! I love watching your videos & they always bring a smile to my face ! I moved to Tumblr for this quality content ! You are one of my favourite youtubers!
Here is my question for you :
Are there any Tumblr etiquettes? If so , then what are those ?
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Hmm, not sure if there are many unspoken etiquette rules that are specific to Tumblr. :P I feel like general basic etiquette applies.
When you tag someone else's blog (@ blogname), you're basically calling for that person's attention, or publically putting a spotlight on them, so make sure you have a good reason for it. Maybe you're giving credit to an artist who inspired you, and you made fanart with their characters, or in their style, or maybe you collabed with them. That's cool. :)
What's less cool is tagging that blog and saying mean / rude things about them, lying about them and ruining their reputation, or directing others to go to that blog and send them hate. Whether or not you think the hate is deserved, you shouldn't spread it around like that. :(
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yibo-wang · 2 years
Summary of what happened at the Hidden Blade Guangzhou RoadShow.
I have been away from my phone all day today so I only found out about what happened a few hours ago. I don't like bringing weibo/twitter drama to tumblr but everything that's been happening made me really angry.
It was expected that the antis would definitely try and ruin it as much as could cause they've done that every single time something important happened in yibo's career. But to think they would sink as low and involve big directors and actors for their petty and selfish acts is a new low even for them.
While yesterday was Hidden Blades first release in cinemas, it did exceedingly well for a film that's undoubtedly different from the usual spring festival movie genres. The GP and fans both had positive reviews about the movie and Yibo's acting.
As far as I know the hateful words and reviews against Yibo have been increasing. Antis who weren't even in China were sending reviews that they hated the movie etc when the movie hasn't even been released anywhere else? Give me a break. (Below antis leaving reviews but their location is from out of China)
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They're trying to suppress the positive response from the public on weibo, saying hurtful things towards the movie, director and actors. It's really disgusting.
You see Cheng Er and the rest of the cast and crew and anyone Yibo has worked with before know how sincere and dedicated he is to his work. For Hidden Blade especially they've praised his acting, his professional behaviour and it's not just one person it's the director, it's Tony Leung himself, it's Wang Chuajun, Da Peng and so many others.
It's actually breaking my heart when I saw the videos from today because why do they forget he's also a human being? That's he's only 25 years old?
Idk what image everyone has of Yibo in their mind but to me he's really very innocent at heart. Never in my years of watching him have I seen him have malice or hatred against anyone.
At the Roadshow today, despite everything that was happening he was really very thankful towards everyone who came, especially to the audience who came to watch the movie more than once because they loved watching it the first time and enjoyed the details.
One encounter today that really moved me was between him and a fan who was sharing her experience of watching the movie.
Translation: I would like to add one more thing. I was asked to convey this message from our group. Though we are Yibo's fans, after watching Hidden Blade, we turned from his fans to his movie fans. Thank you for being a good actor. We wish hidden blade success.
Yibo was really holding back tears 🥺
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Cheng Er talked about how he really appreciates the sincerity the audience who watched the movie showed towards the film and how much he appreciates Yibo as an actor.
You see this is probably the first time Cheng Er had to experience such disturbing behaviour towards his film. Yes he's a grown man with years of experience with him but this is not negative reviews because people didn't like the film. This is because of their hatred for Yibo. And Cheng Er knows all of this cause repeatedly he has spoken or either posted against whatever lies the antis have spewed against the film and Yibo.
Cheng er: As all of you are audiences who really watched Hidden Blade, I believe our efforts including yibo’s will live up to your expectations. He has worked really hard —his image & expression in his eyes. I'm very thankful to such an excellent actor. I only dare to say this because all of you have watched the movie. I don’t dare to praise him recently because… [Audience asking that he should praise Yibo more] so I hope people who really watched the movie can sincerely spread the true situation and quality of our movie (link to video)
Once again despite everything, Yibo isn't forcing anyone to like him. All he asks is to be sincere in their remarks about it cause the movie isn't just him. These blackened tags and reviews affect all the people who have worked day and night for Hidden Blade to come to life. He accepts the criticism if it's genuinely because of his acting but not if it's just because their hatred for him.
Yibo: Like what the director and that audience said, a movie can create a lot of thoughts but you still need to continue with your life. For Hidden Blade, I hope we can exchange sincerity with sincerity. We made this movie with our heart, so we sincerely hope that people will like the movie. I also hope that audiences can sincerely appreciate the movie. Of course, you can also not like like the movie after watching it, there’s no problem. [Fans: we like it!] Exchange sincerity with sincerity. Thank you.
I do want to say that despite the antis efforts for the smear campaign, the passerby comments and almost all of the general public had a good experience while watching the movie and relayed good reviews. (Some of them down below + Link to one of the film critics review)
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The thing is I'm really happy with how the GP is talking about HB. Infact Yibo was very happy during the other times in the roadshow. He kept smiling, talked so animatedly and with enthusiasm it was delightful to see him that way. But what bothered me most about the whole thing is that this situation was big enough for Yibo (who doesn't let useless remarks affect him) and Cheng Er to be bothered by it.
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mikuni14 · 2 years
2022 is over, what a weird and interesting year it has been for the BL world! 🤡
A lot of series, that I didn't expect anything special from turned out to be unexpectedly great for me. However, many series that I expected to be miracles turned out to be just avarage or even meh 🤷‍♀️
I haven't finished a lot of series. And to me that was the most surprising thing. Even those that I watched with some kind of interest, I just eventually... dropped or fastforwarded. Basically - after a week's break, I just didn't watch the next episode. This had rarely happened to me before 🤔 so I guess it’s a sign of something, idk (too many series? too many mediocre series that can’t keep my attention?). Anyway, I tumblr-watched many dramas, as in, I checked the gifs, read the reviews and that was enough...
So here’s my little summary:
✨Favorite, most rewatched BLs, a comfort food for my soul:
Semantic error
Oh! Boarding house
(and those started in 2022, if they maintain the same quality:
My School President, Never Let Me Go, The New Employee)
✨Very good series, but without high rewatching value:
My Secret Love
My Ride
Kabe Koji
About Youth
Eternal Yesterday (which, although subjectively ended badly, objectively kept the high quality until the end)
The above series started well, AND ended well. They just either maintained high quality from start to finish, or even their quality increased with each new episodes.
✨Shows that started well but either flopped, or clearly had no idea how to finish, or ended flat or did something really stupid in the finale that ruined the whole show for me:
Ghost Host, Ghost House - until the first half of the episode 7, it’s a 10/10 show, after that, this series doesn't exist for me, so angry with that one
The Miracle of Teddy Bear - I hate the finale SO MUCH, the rest of the episodes are 10/10, again, so angry with this one
Enchante had a chance to be a great show, what a waste..
Old Fashion Cupcake ended a bit anti-climactic, although otherwise the series is GREAT!
KinnPorsche - sort of? I mean, I LOVE Kinn and Porsche, but since the last few episodes kind of lost their focus on them, it stopped being that interesting..
✨2022 had another amazing thing, which was couples that had spectacular chemistry, or some great scenes together (quite often on shows that were otherwise weak plot-wise or simply boring for me, that I wouldn't normally watch, if not for that one couple). These definitely include:
Kevin and Pluem (GHGH) - who went beyond any scale in terms of naturalness in the relationship (which the show ignored in the end with a stupid, forced breakup)
Kinn and Porsche - forever the most beloved soft husbands, the best relationship on and off screen, Mile and Apo my beloved 💖💖💖💖
Jang Jae Young and Chu Sang Woo from Semantic Error, as well as ->
Moon Seol Won and Kim Ceol Soo from Oh! Boarding House - both couples prove, that Korea can also make a  BL, in which the guys are clearly into each other :)
Phayu and Rain from Oh! My Sunshine Night - in one show a couple I hate (sorry OhmFluke fans) and a couple that literally blew my mind
Nuea and Toh from Secret Crush - again, chemistry off the scale
Khoa and Dung with Mr. Cinderella - I love them for their naturalness and playfulness
Sky and Paitong from La Cuisine - had the same effect on me as Phayu and Rain, an unexpectedly hot couple in a very average series (their kiss in the car? woooooooow)
Dan and Yok from Not Me - my GOD but I was obsessed with them - until about the time they kissed for a first time, then their arc became so terribly stupid
Shogun and Maitoh (Why you..) - a very nice romance, Maitoh is gay from the start, which was a nice thing, also what I loved is that they ended up as a couple, I was so sure that Maitoh would end up with Shogun's rival "as a reward" for his long pinning
✨Untapped Romantic Potential - couples that could be:
Mon and Saint from Our Days
Porsche and Vegas - hehe, sorry guys but for me Vegas had more chemistry in the scenes with Porsche (or even with Kinn) than with Pete 🤷‍♀️
Kei and Yaku - they were a couple in every sense of the word - except being an actual couple
✨I can't resist writing who was the most pleasant for me to look at 😏:
Jang Jae Young (Semantic Error)
Nuea (Secret Crush)
Phayu (Oh! My Sunshine)
Kinn, Porsche and Vegas
Kei (KeixYaku)
Gun (My School President) that smile
Mork (My Ride) that dimple
Nekoyashiki (Kabe Koji) beautiful lips
Palm (Never Let Me Go) beautiful lips
Baek Eun Kyu (Tasty Florida)
✨It was also a year of some really nice kisses :) Can’t even chose which one I liked the best, but let’s say:
Nuea and Toh at the camp
Phayu and Rain on the beach
Kevin adn Pluem their fist kiss, Kevin sitting on Pluem ;)
Sky and Paitong - their one and only kiss
Kinn and Porsche - all their kisses, but especially bathroom scene kiss form ep 7, so emotional
all kisses from Semantic Error and Oh! Boarding House - there were just few of them, but all of them felt so right
Nuer and Syn at the club
✨And finally, my favorite yaoi to read:
I probably forgot half of stuff I watched, but then again, 2022 did spoil us with a lot of BL series. I wish all of us, that 2023 will be even better in this matter and provide us with multiple new obsessions! 👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨💖💖💖 Here, have a cute boy as a good charm!
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a-prawn · 1 year
Prawn, what's your favourite Data episode (or moment)? My personal favourites are Phantasms, just for the shot of data answering his own phone, and Thine Own Self. x
OOKKKKKKK i started answering this last night and it took me so long bc i have brain problems re: data and i had to go to bed before i could finish it so i saved it as a draft and tumblr deleted it so ok here we go again thine own self fucking slaps, it's like top three data eps for me if not top three tng eps. his little tights. getting his face ripped apart. getting murdered in the town square <3 wow i love that for him!!! datalore/brothers/descent 1/2 OBVIOUSLY bc anytime data and lore are on screen together i'm in a frenzy. noonian being there in brothers is an added bonus. the first 10 minutes of brothers when he's taking over the enterprise is, like... erotic... that sounds insane but it's true. i love it when androids malfunction, it's hot. any episode where data is malfunctioning or being opened up or ripped apart or plugged in to something is like... (chef kiss)
measure of a man (FUCK BRUCE MADDOX).
the offspring :^( clues is an underrated data classique. picard threatening him that he'll be stripped down to his wires? ummmm-
best of both worlds when he's plugged in to locutus? "processing.... processing..." LOVE IT. obsessed with that scene.
fistful of datas. actually any time data and worf get screentime together i'm psyched. especially if worf ends up having to carry him around bc he got his shit wrecked. which reminds me that the iconia episode is great in season 2, whatever it was called. i'm too lazy to look it up. contagion?
i also love any time data and riker get screen time together bc riker is obviously in love with that android. data's day is great, i love just seeing him be a weird little guy. calling geordi lunkhead. ruining o'brien's day. "i am not nervous. i AM confused." uhhhh whatever the episode is where he starts dreaming. birthright. if we're talking about data dreaming episodes, i actually prefer this one to phantasms, even though phantasms also rules. i loooove watching him and julian create a category 5 autism event on the enterprise. also data being like i had a crazy vision, please electrocute me again so i can give it another shot. and even though i hate noonian and want to smash his head with a brick, he is beautiful and i love getting to see him.
hero worship is great. as with the offspring, it's another, "wow data would be a great dad" episode.
love quality of life just in general. it's obvious that picard cares about data like all of his crewmen but they do frequently end up at odds with eachother, so this episode along with measure of a man really stand out to me bc i love seeing picard so enthusiastically being on data's side. he can't even make small talk with data on the turbolift but by god is he ready to die so data can prove some little robots are fellow sentient beings.
the most toys </3
SPEAKING OF TURBOLIFT SMALL TALK, i know starship mine is technically a picard episode but data's parts in it are all great. love that statistically data is either the only guy who can solve a problem or is the guy directly responsible for the problem.
the episode with his mom is sweet even though in my mind it's non-canonical bc i don't believe that noonian soong is capable of um... caring about a fellow human being enough that he could convince someone to marry him (i hate noonian soong. have i mentioned that? actually i hate the entire family except the androids, they're just all terrible people).
uhh and then any episodes that feature data getting his mind hijacked and the entity who does it being like, "this body rules i'm going to beat the shit out of/choke the shit out of picard specifically". thank you... good stuff.
deja q gets 1000000 bonus points bc it is a great q episode AND a great data episode and i wish we got more of them being bfffs.
masks sucks so bad but the, "what does it feel like when one is losing his mind?" scene breaks my heart every time.
also this is not episode specific but data's fascination/love of therapy is awesome i love it i love that he wants to go to therapy every day and i'm glad that (even though picard the tv show sucks) data got his wish of daily therapy sessions with troi in season 3. good for him. GOOD FOR HIM!!!
this post is deranged sorry. this is not even a complete list i am sure i'm missing something. (i know the sherlock data episodes are like fan favorites but i don't... care for them. i'm glad he's having a good time though. sorry :^()
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Sorry the comic anon again
I know we mostly focus the woke shit but comics also fall apart because
1. Rampant big events that cause more damage than good
2. Rampant character assassination and development erasure that cause serve damage (don’t get me fucking started on Dan Didio 5G plans and how that effect a character I was invested in)
3. PAINFULLY obvious writers who don’t check the characters they are writing past unless it’s a certain run.
4. And keeping the same godawful status quo that keep a endless cycle of the same shit again and again.
There more, but marvel and dc purposely put them into the landmines and refuse to properly adapt their stories and money making ways to modern era. I can’t blame just the wokies, I have to blame th embodiment of a strawman manchild like Dan didio
I know this long, but hear what the head of dc comics from the early 2010’s to 2020 said
Oh, absolutely mainstream comics have been shit for decades. I love that you made a numbered list because I have things to say and this makes it easy to organize, XD
FUCK EVENT COMICS. God, I used to love these things when they were rare. They felt meaningful and they were the only time you got to see some characters interact with each other, and it felt special because it was unique. Secret War, Crisis on Infinite Earths, No Man's Land, and Age of Apocalypse are some of my favorite comic stories ever. Reading the No Man's Land novelization was actually what got me into Batman comics in the first place, and from there into DC itself (eventually). Until then, the only comics I'd read were Marvel staples like X-Men and Spider-Man (which, believe it or not, used to be the only two Marvel characters 90% of mainstream fans liked) and Spawn. But event comics also completely killed my interest in DC and Marvel. Civil War ruined pretty much every character I liked, along with everything I enjoyed about the Marvel universe. And Flashpoint killed DC for me, while the New 52 dug up its grave and did unmentionable things to the corpse. Now, event comics happen all the time. Hell, DC rebooted its main universe I think three times in a 10 year span. And dear God don't get me started on multiverses. They used to be an interesting concept, but now they're just a receptacle for every idea that was too shitty for even modern Marvel/DC editors to green light for the main continuity.
Yeah, way too many comics these days are written by people who hate the character they're writing for. It's vandalism, pure and simple. Taste, quality, respect for the character and its history, satisfying the fans, all gleefully thrown into the fire. It makes it impossible to get into any character, because the moment the writer changes so will everything good about the character. Even new characters aren't immune. The moment Bendis took over writing Jon Kent he artificially aged him up, completely changed his character, and basically did everything he could to ruin the magic of Tomasi's Super Sons run. Pissed me off to no end, because I was actually considering dipping my toes back into DC just to read more Super Sons than the stuff I saw on tumblr until that happened. Still makes me mad thinking about it.
I know this is kind of similar to the last point, but Batman writers constantly do this with Damian Wayne. It seems like every new writer has to throw out all his character development and reset him back to being a barely functioning murder baby. Though, that's also a problem with Batman, too. How many times has he cut himself off from his family and friends because "he works better alone" only to realize that he needs other people? 20, by now? 30? I mean, fuck, they did the "Batman needs to be a loner oh wait actually he needs his family" storyline twice in three years. No Man's Land in 1999 and Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive in 2002. I get that long running serials are going to repeat storylines, but fuck try to keep things consistent for a decade, at least. I don't think that's asking too much. Aside from the vandalism and wokeness, I think the major problem with American comics is that they have no idea how to write a character or a story long term. They just do whatever they think will boost sales or get people talking, find out they wrote themselves into a corner because they didn't think further than, at best, a year out, and then reboot their entire continuity again because they can't figure out any other way to get out of the whole they dug themselves into. Why would anyone get invested in a product like that?
This is where I'm going to disagree partly. I don't think the status quo is necessarily a bad thing. I think about it a lot when people won't shut up about how killing the Joker would prevent countless deaths, and actually Batman is an idiot for prioritizing his own morality over the lives of others by not killing him. In real life, that might be true. "Do the ends justify the means" is a moral problem humanity has been wrestling with since we invented morality. But comics aren't real life, and they're not supposed to be. In comics, there are good guys and bad guys. The good guys stop the bad guys from doing bad things, usually by fighting them, and then arrest them. Good guys follow a moral code, one that usually includes a no killing rule. They do this because if Batman kills off his rogues, or Superman rips Lex Luthor's heart out, you can't tell anymore stories with those characters. Heroes are defined, in many ways, by their villains. Batman without a Joker, or Two-Face, or Riddler, or Scarecrow, is less of a character. Not to say that he can never face any other bad guys, or that they can't be cycled in and out now and then, but you can't just kill them off. You can't have Batman kill them off. Especially when comic book deaths are meaningless anyway. Once you break one of the central pillars of Batman's morality, he is immediately a different character. Less of a character, in my opinion. Especially these days, where morals are more about whether or not a character supports the popular new slacktivist cause and less about the fundamental questions of universal human morality. So, I very much advocate for good status quos to stick around as long as possible. But you also need to recognize when the thing you're doing needs to change. It's a delicate balance, and one that's completely beyond most comic writers today.
Ugh, don't even get me started on that "characters can't be happy" bullshit. I'll be here all day. Suffice to say, it's a garbage line that only exists to excuse bad writing and the most shallow interpretation of drama. Super heroes can be happy and still be entertaining and have personal strife. Reading constant misery and knowing that every bit of happiness a character does find will be temporary is what's boring.
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