#yeah but I love ted 🧡🧡🧡
coachbeards · 6 months
imagine telling your boyfriend that you don’t trust his boy best friend and you don’t like how close they are and then you find out he still hangs out with him and also wears a little apron to cook him and his son breakfast 💀
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its-all-papaya · 7 days
how did dad!lando and oscar meet? u said via max f? that just triggered smth in me n i just speed cleaned the flat and i had this lil headcanon that max f was supposed to watch emma while lando goes to some. thing. (doctor's appointment??) and max f remembers last minute he has a thing as well (with mclaren????) so lando's panicking because where is he supposed to leave emma now? and max f is like listen. i know this guy and i know he's available and a real treasure. i'll call him and see if he has time. so they drop emma off there and rush off and lando texts max f while in the waiting room asking him bc he's curious about the cute guy and max is like yeah he drives f1 cars w me. and lando nearly dies of a heart attack because THIS is your OSCAR??? YOU SAID HE WORKS WITH CARS I THOUGHT HE WAS A MECHANIC OR SMTH NOT ANOTHER LUNATIC DRIVING CARS 360 KM/H EVERY OTHER WEEKEND LIKE A MANIAC OH MY POOR POOR CHILD WHAT WILL HAPPEN WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN. and when they get back emma is uninjured and alive and very in love with oscar already and asking about him the days / weeks after so lando starts looking into f1 even more bc of emma. anyway that was me yapping about my landoscar kid brainworms thank you for coming to my ted talk! i'm eating up all the little snippets / headcanons and i am so looking forward to the fic it's unbelievable since i've not been on team kid fic enjoyer that much in the past. have a lovely day!! xx 🧡
hi ! ty for asking, i actually just spent four hours typing 3k of dad!lando's first meeting with oscar. this is a chaptered fic now, for better or worse, so majority of the first chapter will be that meeting and ~adjacent events. not gonna spoil the details (hopefully you'll all find out soon), but the short answer is: max's birthday party. lando is aware of oscar's existence before then, though, because he's max's teammate, so max obviously mentions him to lando. also lando watches f1 bc of max, so he like Knows Of oscar, but yeah. proper first meeting is written out and just needs to be edited and expanded upon.
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Hi Steph, lots of love from Germany! 🩵💙🧡 In your reply to the switch theory you wrote that you think switching will come up later in s3 (instead of having happened at the end of s2. and I totally agree with that, the seasons theme was love, pining and miscommunication, that had to culminate in something 😂)
But yeah, my theory is that Aziraphale and Crowley will join/celestial-marry/ "merge/fuse"(??) in some way and become very powerful that way. (Although if they fuse probably not permanently) Because
a) they're crazy strong together
b)when discorporated in s1e5 Aziraphale says sth like "I wish I could inhabit your body, but we'd probably burst into flames" and I don't think that was a set-up for the switch in s1e6, because I think they didnt actually swap bodies just made theyre own body look like the other (I think?) Azzi's physical body couldn't withstand hellfire, right? So that's not happened yet.
c) didn't you write they started out as one character in the book writing process? And in an interview for s2 David Tennant said that usually Michael Sheen and him would compete for the same part and now they're playing the same character split into two.
...Thanks for coming to my ted talk. 😂 What do you think? Wishing you a very lovely evening! I really love reading your blog! It's so... cosy on here. AZ Fell's Bookshop vibes 💛🩵💙🧡
(Referencing this post)
Hey Lovely!
Firstly I'm SO happy you enjoy my blog! :) That's high praise to be compared to Azzie's Bookshop, oh GOSHLES!! Thank you so much!! I'm having a blast being in this fandom, feels like the heyday of BBC Sherlock, hahahh. I'm hoping this blog turns into another "light" success and people just come here to feel "at home" you know? LOL.
Secondly, yeah, having another think on the Switch Theory, now that it's been a couple months and more of my own theories have formed about S2, I lean more on the "not a fan" side of it. For me it's the erasure of the emotional impact and the IMPORTANCE of their miscommunication that The Final Fifteen gave us, and honestly, there's too many loose threads that just... can't work with that theory. After sitting on it for some time, the big one for me is that Crowley-in-the-car-getting-upset-at-the-music at the end makes NO SENSE if it was A-As-C; No one would be watching him, why continue the act? And Aziraphale's gentle touch-and-cry reaction to the kiss makes NO SENSE if it was C-As-A. I dunno. I can totally see why people support the Theory, but it's not for me. I'm a creature of "I need things to make sense" and too much DOESN'T make sense with it, is all.
And you're right, S2's theme WAS about showing us the development of their relationship, how important they are together, so that the end of E6 would DEVASTATE US, having us wanting more than ever for them to get back together. It was meant to show how truly made for each other they are, just they're two idiots sharing a single braincell and that braincell is emotionally dumb lol.
That all said, I have a similar thought as yours that I've been hemming-and-hawing about for a couple weeks after rereading my own theories to possibly clean them up a bit. While I DON'T think they will "merge" into one being, I DO think that they will combine their powers together in the penultimate episode to "win" (I say penultimate because I have hopes that the final ep will be them moving in together, but I know realistically, a climax can't happen an hour before the end in a story LOL).
BUT I also like your theory as well, because story-wise, the hints have ALREADY been dropped for it since S1, as you mentioned in your points A and B. There was no need for a switch, and I DON'T think it will happen again. BUT the purpose of the switch was to show that Crowley and Azzie's powers are COMPATIBLE. THAT is what's important here, and it sets up their Together Miracle in S2. And if we're going on the idea that in S3 they'll finally be in-sync and that they only get MORE powerful the more comfortable and "on-the-same-page" they get, well, yeah, I think Heaven and Hell will be wise to leave them be.
As for your point C, yes I did mention that, I BELIEVE in my BIG roundup meta for S4, but it might also be in my 'Crowley’s Past: Was Crowley Archangel Camael?' meta, since I recall doing a LOT of research for that, including trawling through Neil's blog for quotes. But yes, I actually recently saw the gifset with that interview, I think it's in my queue LOL. Neil did confirm ages ago, way back in S1 that early drafts of the book did have them as one character, which is why I think it's MORE likely that their powers are going to be combined instead.
Either way, I think the ONLY theory I absolutely am 100% against is the "they're going to become human" one, because I hate that the condition to their love must be "to love like a human they must be human" and that's just... UGH not on for me. I remain hopeful that that's not the route that their gonna go, since Gabe and Beez didn't become human, and it was a CLEAR mirror for the AziraCrow relationship (a foreshadowing of sorts).
And because I'm thinking of it right now and don't want to forget to write it somewhere, another thing that CONSTANTLY brought up is Alpha Centauri; I hope that they honeymoon there at the end of S3, it'll be a nice payoff for its constant referencing, LOL. And they can't do that if they're human LOL. I want them to spend the next 6000 years and beyond together <3
Thank you again so much for your ask!! Sorry I took a bit to reply, just got home from a road trip and I finally had a bit of free time to reply <3
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papayadays · 3 months
thank you @suffering-asthmatic-tifosi for the tag love 🫶
do you make your bed?
yes, lmao, everyday
favorite number?
hmm, probably pi, i, and 4 🤭 math girly here
what’s your job?
full time students 😭
if you could go back to school would you?
in school rn, but no way would i go back 💀
can you parallel park?
lmao no, i can’t drive yet 😔
do you think aliens are real?
i definitely think there are other life forms, but not convinced on the idea of little green men
can you drive stick? (a manual car)?
nope, can’t drive except for go karts
guilty pleasures?
asmr and video games
no, but want some when i’m old enough
favorite color?
orange and blue 🧡🩵
favorite type of music?
pop, kpop, cpop, basically asian pop, classical, indie
do you like puzzles?
yess, love puzzles. i like riddles, ted ed riddles, puzzles, brain teasers, speedcubing, etc
favorite childhood sport?
tennis girly for life!! 🎾🤞 been playing since i was 6
do you talk to yourself?
yeah, whenever i’m doing bad in a tennis match, i’ll sometimes talk to myself
tea or coffee?
bubble tea!! 🧋
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
zoologist or marine biologist, i was a nature kid
what movies do you adore?
the art of racing in the rain and cars 1 and 2 😍
tagging: @papaya-twinks, @rainiest-november, @schumi-nadal, @maxiemclaren
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moonjxsung · 9 months
Side note
That pic of Seungmin, on my knees mouth open for him
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
- 🧡anon
Yeah….. this is so real………….. 🧎‍♀️🫶🫶🫶🫶 I loved your ted talk pookie it was so inspiring
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jemmo · 10 months
For the ask game: 14?
thank you sm for the ask ☺
14. bl you think is underrated
ooh this is a tricky one, bc i can definitely tell you what i think is overrated (but thats not the question...), plus im always gonna think my favourites are underrated bc everyone should love them but i digress. i wanna highlight 3 shows/things bc the first one is a short series and then a movie and thats his. idk if it's bc its a few years old now but when i watched this show and then the film i just adored it. first of all, the show is the perfect kind of chill watch where not really much happens and yet a lot happens?? thats how me and my sister affectionately describe our favourite kind of shows bc they deal in the normal and everyday and manage to make it seem huge and beautiful and this series does that with one of my favourite tropes that i love to see crop up in j-bls which is an escape to the beach (and later the countryside), plus the show has the most awesome and well done early 2000s aesthetic that just fills me with nostalgia. but the film is a whole other thing. it pulls an old fashioned cupcake/cherry magic and gives us adults but unlike them shows us a story that is very grounded and real and serious, like they really said lets take this bl and actually make it a story about parenting and what a family can be and show just how complicated it all is and sometimes there is no winning and thats life. god its just beautiful, and theres still a deep and meaningful love story at the heart of it. just go watch it now if you haven't, or rewatch it if you haven't for a while.
second im picking eien no kinou and im prefacing this by saying i get why less people talk about this bc its not fun and some people dont wanna watch a story they know will be sad, but its also so important that it exists and i think it touches on some really tough topics and manages to tell them beautifully. and bc i havent seen much of what ppl say about this, idk what any consensus takes are but i felt very emotional watching this through the lens of erasure of queer relationships when it comes to loss, how sometimes when people aren't out or cant share their relationship, they become lost, or invisible, when someone is lost. and i mean... the queer experience is all-encompassing and such grief is something that should also be talked about when queerness can affect that process in a specific way, and while i dont think its easy to watch or revisit, its nevertheless important and beautiful
ive talked about some more heavy shows so i'm ending with if its with you, which is recent but even i pushed it to the side a little bc i liked i cannot reach you so much, but this show is kinda like the opposite to the ones above. i feel like people like a middle ground in their shows between drama and comfort, so while people dont talk as much about serious or sad shows, they also dont talk about the shows that are just nice. and this show is just that, bc its all about teaching someone thats had a bad experience that there is simple kindness in the world and its so heart-warming. i'll never forget the way ryuuji responded in that last ep when amane got nervous around the other kids, how he thought it would be this big think that he'd be mad about bc that's what happens in every show, but ryuuji was just like yeah its ok i understand and im not mad. just the pure kindness this show has to people feeling the way they feel is so refreshing and beautiful and it captures the high school simplicity of it all in a way that makes you step back as someone older and think huh yeah it really is just that easy, its just about happiness.
anyway, between this and the last response, i think by j-bl bias is jumping out a bit too much but thats the end of my rant, thank you for coming to my ted talk
❤️🧡💛bl ask game💚💙💜
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bewilclerment · 1 year
if we are to be positive and/or clowns and keep believing in tedbecca, how do you think it will happen? i’m very curious about the realization part, particularly rebecca’s, i feel like ted could get there or is maybe even partly there in his own, like he knows. but for rebecca i think that there needs to be something drastic happening or a third party calling her out on it.
happy lesbian visibility week!
I’ve read so many fanfics of her finally realizing she is falling in love with him that I don’t know what is realistic and what isn’t anymore. I’m losing my mind! I thought she for sure will realize in Sunflowers, and that lightning will be involved, and yet here we are. I still think Lightning will be involved somehow to fulfill the psychic’s vision but in what way? I don’t know. It also honestly might just be the most natural thing, like this quote from the x-files:
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She might look at Ted one day and realize it, and i trust in Hannah’s abilities to evoke this clearly and beautifully. The only problem is they’re never in the same room at this point so who knows what they have in store for us.
According to next week’s episode summary, Ted is gonna try not to spiral about Michelle and Jacob going on a romantic trip. I wonder if they’ll delve into his feelings for Rebecca then, because I really feel like they were leading up to that with all his messages to her in Sunflowers. Henry is also in the next episode so… hm. I just really want Rebecca to know what he’s going through re the Michelle stuff☹️ i hope they finally get their moment next week. Or the episode might focus on Ted and Nate (from the trailer) In which case I will kms.
Honestly at the beginning of the season I was hoping Trent can supply an outsider’s perspective on Biscuits with the Boss and point out how odd it is that he gets her biscuits everyday and i’m still hoping for that… i need her to Start having Thoughts. Like “hm yeah… i guess that’s just Ted being Ted though, right?” “Is it, though?” And Beard can obviously be a voice of reason for Ted.
I just really need this OKAY?
And happy lesbian visibility week to you too🧡🤍🩷
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Which popular Will Byers trio dynamic do you think is the most fun/interesting?
Willelmax (Will, El, Max)
Willelmike (Will, El, Mike)
Bywheelclair (Will, Mike, Lucas)
Where do you see the party living at after defeating Vecna?
Do you wanna see more Holly Wheeler?
Joyren (Joyce x Karen) or Tedhop (Ted x Hopper) if they had to pair up in s5
Are you team Creelarke?
I stay spamming you 🧡
Ahhh thank youuu!!!💗💗💗
I think I really do like bywheelclair the best because byler is obviously my favorite romance while wheelclair is actually my favorite bromance so bywheelclair is basically the two of them combined. But of course it’s also simply great because they’ve known each other the longest and they know each other the best and yeah, Mike and Will are closer to each other than to Lucas on some level and there is a different kind of love involved with these two but the romance does not outdo the friendship. They love Lucas platonically as much as they love each other romantically so it’s just all pretty equal I’d say. They’re best friends, they love each other and they can fall back on each other. And we don’t want anyone to feel left out so we’re just gonna quickly add my boy Dustin Henderson to the mix ♥️
Ohh I really don’t know though definitely anywhere but Hawkins. I do kinda like Chicago for college and after that maybe San Francisco :)).
You know what? I’ve actually been thinking about how I really love it when Holly is included in fanfictions! Like, that thought just came to me literally a couple of days ago, so yes! More of Holly Wheeler indeed. Also because little siblings somehow know fucking everything 😭. I need snoopy Holly hahahha.
I’m strangely actually going with Hopper and Ted on this one. Like, just imagine Ted talking some random shit about idk, boring stuff and Hopper almost can’t bear it anymore. He’s so fed up because he just doesn’t like this man but then Ted starts drifting to the topic of Mike and he just makes some comment about Mike’s lack of attraction to girls (making fun of his son /derogatory) and that’s the thing that reignites the little spark in Hopper’s head that he knows that Mike is gay. Hopper just needed a little push to get that revelation back to the forefront of his head and actually acknowledge it and who would’ve thought that Ted Wheeler would be the one to give him that? No one, but now we have our nice little lead up to a Mike/Hopper bonding scene.
Yeah. I’m not 100% on board with it but they definitely knew each other in some way and they are kinda cute, ngl.
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writebethany · 4 months
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜A WLW ASK MEME❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 List the top 10 ladies you’ve been obsessed with Ever Of All Time! Then send this on to 5 sapphic mutuals 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Mentally listing these off I have a type and I'm not sorry about this in the slightest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so in no particular order:
Astra In-Ze. (Supergirl) General badass who wants to do the right thing in the completely wrong way? There was never a universe in which I did not love her. It was inevitable. I watched the first season of supergirl for Cat Grant, and ended up loving Astra more. It's the enemies to lovers of it all. It's the Laura Benanti. It's the being a twin on a world where that was an aberration. It's the ability to take the framework and run to create a whole lot of backstories for fun and profit. *chef's kiss* Really had everything I needed to sink into a character and think about them for all time.
Kommissar (Pitch Perfect 2) Condescending European tall hot lady? By god the movie gave us nothing and yet I kept digging. I literally had to pick out a name to write about her, but I was out here giving her the full random side dude character treatment because she had the trifecta of 'qualities I'm obsessed with.' I followed the actress and watched Danish TV for her. I started learning Danish. That is how obsessed I was with this character. The OT3 fic I wrote with Kommissar/Becca/Pieter is still one of my favorite things I've ever written. It's just so soft while Kommissar doesn't manage to lose the sass or edge. Mmm.
Miranda Priestly (The Devil Wears Prada) It's Miranda Priestly. I'm a millennial sapphic. Need I say more. Never mind that she fits with the overall theme so far of 'mean and pretty (and usually older with a backstory with just a *touch* of softness). I watched the movie as a baby gay who didn't know(tm) yet and zeroed the fuck in on Miranda and then watched it in college and YEP. There we were. Several hundred thousand words of fic later.
Regina Mills. (Once Upon a Time) Mean. ✅ Tragic backstory ✅ Secretly Wants to be good ✅ *GOD* the brain rot I had over Regina Mills. Still love her, but I burned so brightly and that fandom was so. Well. We all know what OUAT was like if you were there Gandalf. She's still such a baby girl, but not *the* baby girl, you understand. She led me to Lana's other works and Swingtown most importantly which also lives in my head rent free, but Regina. Regina will always be that original GOAT from my first *big* foray into fandom and only just got passed with fics from another fandom recently, that's how much I wrote about her.
Narcissa Malfoy. Sometimes when you're a baby gay and the teacher you just realized you have a crush on and finally admit you're gay to yourself writes HP fanfic and writes a version of Narcissa Malfoy that haunts you for fifteen straight years to the point where it becomes your pandemic fic pairing of choice and here you are four years past that with *gestures* yeah. Alas.
H.G. Wells. (Warehouse 13) HOOOOO BOY baby's first fandom. This was another case of me watching the first couple seasons before I knew(tm) but also buying them on DVD because you see I needed them. Mmm complicated villain backstories. I can redeem her, etc, etc. But just the sheer fucking chemistry of HG and Myka and the perfection of HG being this didactic woman who didn't let time define her and then going absolutely ape to avenge her daughter? Yes. Just yes. Love her. Also Jaime Murray. Mhm.
Eve Baird. (The Librarians) Oh Eve. The newest addition to the list. She just wants to protect her people, for all of them to live and be happy. Will forever have a part of my mind rotating her, Jenkins, and Cassandra together like a snowglobe. It just makes sense and I am a sucker for poly.
Rebecca Welton. (Ted Lasso) *screams in we could have had it all* listen. Listen. Listen. I loved the first two season of Ted Lasso. I loved the arc that Rebecca had in them of being a conniving bitch because she was hurt and wanted everyone else to hurt with her. I loved the switch from that to finding family with the team. What the fuck was the third season. What was that ending. Some random fucking dude with a kid? Forever will be angry about it and how it just...took everything that she had with Ted and went 'surely this other random dude will do'. They should have just left her alone if the ultimate goal was for Ted to go. I would have loved that for her, to stand on her two feet. Just. AGH. Anyway seasons 1 and 2 live rent free in my head and we don't talk about bruno after that.
Cat Grant. (Supergirl) While I ended up liking Astra more than Cat Grant. Cat Grant. The parallels between Cat and Miranda are *paralleling* and I still fucking love her to this day. The check boxes are checked. The plucky assistant to fall in love with is right there. Honestly if the show had aired any other time than when I was in grad school, and if Cat had been a main for more than a season I would have been even more obsessed.
Rita Repulsa. (Power Rangers) Listen. Listen. Listen. Six year old me loved Power Rangers. Six year old me also thought Rita Repulsa was the prettiest woman ever to exist. Dear god if you have only seen the Elizabeth Banks Rita, google the original. 0 idea what my six year old self was thinking. Like without the crazy costume yeah, but the crazy costume was there. So. I mean I still think about her on occasion, but usually in the context of HOO BOY I'VE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS about villains. So. She counts. Also the Elizabeth Banks version is certifiably hot so like. Was six year old me wrong?
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catd2014 · 2 years
The Americans who love guns are a bit toxic famdommy tbf… the obsession, the selfishness, the entitlement, even the relationships bordering on parasocial with commentary folk who are pro gun, even the possessiveness… all seen in the most notorious of toxic fan behaviour. Main diff is you can actually own your blorbo is your blorbo is an inanimate object perhaps.
Yeah tbf that is all v toxic fandom that I’d rather avoid and tbf I did engage when I was v drunk which was not the best idea I’ve ever had
NMJ/late night/Ted Lasso fandom is 1000% better 🧡
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glossolali · 3 years
ok now that I've settled down a little after reading Mighty Nein Origins Caleb (I really mean a little bc I teared up 3 diff times today just thinking about it lmao) but yeah now I wanna share some of my favourite panels because I'm dying to yell at someone about them
Photos under the cut bc it's not out yet in most places! 🧡
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*rolls up sleeves* ok I'm about to throw hands fr fr -- also he was so gifted and always reading I'm 🥺🥺🥺
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so uhhhh Eadwulf can get it HELLO?? 👀👀👀
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honestly so can astrid??
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uhhhh yeah this one ruined me, in general OG frumpkin and what happens to him after this destroyed me lol
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Sweet precious babies. 🥺🥺🥺 I would die for them..... kill for them.....
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I fucking CHEERED lemme tell you 💕💕💕 I love him
he wants to murder ickythong so good
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this page is SO fuckin good with all the names and how he got his clothes and books - made me really emo tbh especially him buying books :'(
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this is the first we see of the Caleb we know oof after reading the rest of this book it hurts a lot to see but it makes so much sense....
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aaand NOTT 💕💚💕💚💕💚💕
ok that is all thanks for coming to my ted talk 😭😭😭😭
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jozstankovich · 3 years
HELLO MY DARLING!!! JOZZZZ!!! Just dropping in to say happy new year!!! And also to say that no matter the bad stuff that happened last year, there was so much good stuff too!!! And i know i don't send you a lot of messages but i see you on my dash when you're around and am always like 'oh! A friend!' And yeah! I'm always thinking of you darling i hope you have a wonderful new year! And just good holidays all around!!!! Whichever ones you celebrate!!! Love you!!! Happy Happy New Year!!! 🧡🧡🧡
AAAA MURPHY!! You’re so sweet 😭💖 I’m always so happy to see you on my dash, even if I know nothing about Ted Lasso lolol. And your asks always make me feel warm and fuzzy :3
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and happy new year to you too!! 💚💚💚💚
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