#yeah i know i didn't get Finn's voice right
redroses07 · 2 months
The Rock Show // Finn Wolfhard
Finn Wolfhard x Fem!Reader
WC: 2k
Based on/lyrics from 'The Rock Show' By Blink-182
Warnings: Swearing, Kissing
Summary: Finn falls in love with a girl at one of his shows, but does she feel the same?
A/N: I know I said I'd post this last night but I didn't have time to make my last few edits. Anyways, It's out now! This is also based on one of my favorite songs (I'll link it below) so it was super fun to write! This is the first time I've written for Finn in a while so I hope y'all like it! -Claire ♡
You stand outside the concert venue with your friend. Her boyfriend was the drummer for some band that was playing tonight, and she was intent on you coming along.
“Maybe you’ll meet a cute guy.” She teased, an obnoxious smirk on her face.
“Yeah, right.” you rolled your eyes, elbowing her playfully.
It was a small indoor venue, yet the line was still wrapped around the building. Luckily your friend’s boyfriend could get you special access through the back door.
When you saw the flight of stairs leading up to the stage door, you immediately regretted the heels you were wearing.
You followed closely behind your friend, unsure of where to go.
“Y/N hurry up!” Your friend called to you from the top of the stairs. You thought about how much you envied her comfy tennis shoes.
She held up the pass her boyfriend had given her, opening the door with ease.
The inside was stuffy, and even though the show hadn’t started, you could still hear the sound of the crowd cheering.
ultraviolet lights littered the ceiling, giving the area a purple glow. You could see the curtains pulled over the stage, blocking the crowd's view.
You were careful to watch for the cords strewn across the floor, connecting electric guitars and other equipment.
As soon as your friend saw her boyfriend sitting at his drum set she ran up to him excitedly, leaving you standing awkwardly backstage. You didn’t mind her going to see him of course, but you didn’t technically know anyone else back there and were worried about being thrown out.
“Hey, are you playing tonight? I’ve never seen you here before.” A voice pulled you away from your thoughts.
You turned your head to see a tall boy with messy dark hair. He had a guitar slung over his shoulder, and a mic attached to his shirt, so he clearly was playing tonight.
He was cute.
“Oh, um, no-“ You stumbled over your words, forgetting how to speak for a moment.
“I’m here with her.” You managed to say, pointing at your friend.
The boy smiled kindly, once he saw who you were pointing to.
“Third wheeling I see?”
You scuffed your heels against the floor nervously.
“Yeah, she made me come. I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to be doing now though. And clearly I look out of place too.” You said half jokingly.
The boy wore a look of surprise, which changed into embarrassment.
“Oh no, no that’s not why I started talking to you, I actually just thought you were pretty.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
You felt your face get hot, and you found yourself unable to look him in the eye.
“Thank you.” You said, fidgeting with your fingers.
“Shit, sorry if that was too forward, what’s your name?”
You giggled, finding the courage to make eye contact again.
“Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Finn. Nice to meet you Y/N.”
You blushed, standing in awkward silence.
"What time do you go on?" You asked.
You wanted to make sure you didn't miss him playing.
"Around 11."
Maybe you would have to stay longer than you anticipated. Although, now you had something to look forward to, so maybe it wouldn't be half bad.
"I'll be there," you smiled.
Finn ran his hand through his hair, curls flopping over his face. He was quick to brush them away, keeping his eyes glued to you the whole time.
The background noise heightened, and you heard someone yell for all the players, no matter what time their sets started, to hurry up.
"Shit, I've gotta go...but you have good seats tonight right?" Finn asked.
"Yeah, right up front." Having a connection to one of the players did have its perks.
"Okay! Hold on a second!" Finn ran out of the room leaving you standing around awkwardly for a second time.
You peered through the door he ran through, eagerly waiting for him to come back. That is, if he was coming back at all. You were thoroughly confused and decided to lean back against the wall while you waited. Maybe you'd blend in better that way.
Finn came flying back around the corner, the guitar that was strapped around him swaying slightly.
"I couldn't find any paper, so is it okay if I write on your arm?" He held up a black sharpie, one of the big ones you'd use to write on posters with.
"Uh sure?" At this point you wondered if turning away was a better option, but nonetheless, you let him take your arm.
You watched as Finn frantically scribbled a few letters and numbers down on your arm. When he lets your arm go, you squinted at the messy black writing.
"That's the venue I'm playing at tomorrow. If you like what you see tonight, come tomorrow and I'll take you out afterwards."
You looked at your arm and smiled at the gesture.
"You know you could've just written it in my phone right?" You laughed.
"This is way cooler." Finn replied with a toothy grin.
"I really have to go now." He began to walk backwards towards the stage.
"Hopefully I'll be seeing you soon." Finn shot two finger guns at you before turning around and rushing off.
You were left alone once more, but you no longer felt awkward. You were too preoccupied with the butterflies in your stomach.
"Come on let's go- what's that?" Your friend asked, a suspicious smirk appeared on her face.
"I'll explain later."
You rolled your eyes playfully and grabbed her hand, dragging her towards the hoard of people.
You surfed through the crowd, finally reaching the front of the pit below the stage. You were close enough to where you could reach up and touch the stage if you wanted.
You stayed in the same spot for most of the show, and time passed rather quickly. The music was enjoyable, but you had to admit that you were waiting for Finn to show up.
Finally, when the lights filled the room, signaling that another set was beginning, you saw him. He was standing center stage, guitar in one hand, microphone in the other.
You don't know how, but he managed to spot you among-st all the people. He winked in your direction, and you could feel your face light up.
Finn's singing voice definitely kept you interested, more than you had been all night. And if you weren't already convinced to go out with him, his guitar skills sealed the deal.
At the end of the night your friend called a cab, your feet hurt far too much to walk back to your apartment. During the ride you rambled to her about the cute boy you had met backstage, and how glad you were that you let her drag you along.
She argued that this gave her best friend bragging rights for at least a week. You scoffed, but agreed.
The minute you got home, you changed your clothes and crashed in your bed; already excited for the date you would surely be going on the next day.
From the moment you woke up, you were riddled with excitement. The show wasn't until late but you started getting ready around mid-day.
When the time finally came, you could feel the nerves coursing through your veins. But they were good nerves, as good as nerves could be of course.
You arrived at the venue alone, not the safest option but you were careful. You made your way up front about fifteen minutes before the show started so you didn't have to push through as many people.
The place was more like a club considering most of the attendees were standing and there were hardly any seats, save for the few in the back.
In what seemed like no time at all, the show began.
Finn was center stage yet again, and you could see him scanning the room. You hoped he was looking for you.
He had yet to spot you before starting the first song, which was an upbeat ballad. You bobbed your head along to the beat of the music, relaxing into the environment.
Finn's voice was like honey, each word flowing off of his lips beautifully.
Once the song was over, he approached the microphone.
"Thank you all for coming out here tonight." He scanned the room once more, but this time he did see you. His face lit up, just as it had the night before.
"This next song is a cover, and it reminds me a lot of someone I just recently met." His deep brown eyes never left yours.
He began to sing, a wide smile on his face as he did.
"I fell in love with a girl at the rock show, she said "what?" and I told her that I didn't know."
You smiled at the lyrics, surprised by how much you felt for this boy you had known no more than a day.
You let yourself float closer to the stage, still keeping your eyes on Finn. He was clearly focused on his guitar, playing through the riff before starting to sing again.
Finn noticed you standing below the stage and began to navigate towards you.
"And if I ever got another chance, I'd still ask her to dance. Because she kept me waiting."
He leaned down, knees hitting the floor. He continued to sing, doing everything he could to inch closer to you while he did.
You reached up, grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him down further. Half of his body was hanging off of the stage, yet he still continued to sing.
"With the girl at the rock show..." His singing voice became breathy and strained.
The song ended and Finn pulled you up on stage with him. You could feel your heart beating with anticipation. Just like that, he pulled you into a messy kiss. The crowd erupted into applause, cheers, and even a few whistles could be heard. It was too brief for you to really enjoy the kiss, but it was perfect nonetheless.
When you broke apart, Finn leaned into you and whispered in your ear.
"Go wait backstage, I'll see you in a bit."
You smiled at him, and made the bold decision to kiss him on the cheek. The crowd cheered once more, and you took that as your queue to exit.
You sure would never forget tonight.
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fandomfucker · 11 months
Hi can you do a judgment day x reader where they all go to a club to celebrate a win or something and the reader goes to get more drinks and a guy comes up to her flirting with her and she politely tries get away but he keeps on but then the judgement day comes looking for reader and protect her and just fluff when she thanks them and them saying they will always protect her or something like that? Pls💕
Word Count: 1,127
Reader's POV
The bright lights shone above, reflecting off of my metal jewelry in flashing colors of light. The atmosphere was humid with the smells of sweat and alcohol. Music blared from the speakers placed strategically around the room, causing the walls and floors to vibrate with the bass.
Bodies pressed up against me from every side but I didn't mind too much since they were the bodies of my four partners. Yes, four. How on Earth I got lucky enough to score all four of them simultaneously I'll never know but I'll cherish them forever.
The colorful flashing lights illuminated each of my partners' faces as I danced between them all.
Rhea held my hips from behind, grinding on my ass as Dominik held my waist, swaying his hips and singing along to whatever song was playing in front of me.
Damien and Finn were off in their own little world as they grinded against each other next to us, occasionally bumping hips with us as we all swayed to the music.
My face and neck were both flushed with sweat as I danced the night away with my partners. We were celebrating Dominik winning his NXT North American Championship Title back.
Covered in sweat and panting slightly, I gently pried myself away from the sandwich my two partners had put me in.
"I'm gonna go get drinks!" I shouted to the two of them as I pointed towards the bar. It wasn't too far away but with the amount of people in between it felt astronomical.
"Be careful!" Rhea shouted back before closing the space between her and Dom, the two of them now grinding on each other instead of me.
I giggled happily to myself as I made my way towards the bar. I had to dance my way around crowds of people along with individual couples so I wasn't met with a hand to the face.
Reaching the bar, I laid my hands atop the counter as I waited for the bartender to finish what he was doing. His movements with the bottles captured my attention, captivating me as I watched in awe.
"Hey, beautiful. Whatcha drinkin'?" An older man with scraggly, peppered, facial hair saddled up to my right
"Just water," I replied, turning my attention briefly to him before turning back to watch the bartender. Just trying to nicely tell him to get lost but he didn't seem to be getting the hint.
"Lemme buy you a drink, baby." His slurred voice rose to be heard above the music, only spreading the smell of his beer breath further into my face. He raised his hand and started whistling at the bartender, who, on the other side of the bar, couldn't hear or see him.
After a second or two of not being acknowledged he gave up and focused his undivided attention onto me. His beady eyes stared straight into my soul.
"No thank you. I'm actually here with someone." I smiled politely, taking a subtle step back away from the man. I did a quick sweep of the dance floor, trying to find my partners, only to see the four of them all in the exact same positions I had left them in.
"Hey, now. I don't see anyone." He did an overexaggerated look around us at the crowd as he leaned forward even closer to my face. I tried to step back again but found myself up against a stool and no longer able to move away.
The man only pushed further towards me, effectively caging me in. My heart started to race as I started to panic.
I wouldn't be able to beat a literal child in a fight, much less this drunk grown-ass man.
"Yeah, well, they're right over there." I pointed in their general direction, refusing to take my eyes off of the man in front of me though lest he try something when I'm not fully paying attention.
"Come on, sweetheart. I don't bite." He gave me a toothy grin as he laid his hand on my arm. Before I could even yank my arm out of his reach, his arm was ripped off of me by someone else.
"Yeah? Well, I do." Rhea stood behind the man, his arm gripped tightly in her fist as she glowered at the man.
Damian stood next to her, also death-staring the man as Dominik and Finn gently pulled me away from the situation and behind Rhea and Damian.
The two of them were without a doubt the most menacing of the group. Damian with his combined height and build and Rhea with her build and her overall aura. They were especially terrifying when even slightly peeved, never mind totally pissed.
I would hate to be in that man's position right about now.
And by the looks of it, so would he. He stared up at the two of them in horror as a wet spot grew along the front of his pants, trickling down and onto the floor, making my partners all take a couple of steps back.
Dominik waved over a bouncer to escort the perv out of the bar as Rhea continued to scowl disgustedly at the man as he was dragged out.
"I see you again, I'll do a lot more than just make you piss yourself." Rhea threatened making the man's face lose all color before she turned around to face me.
Her expression immediately softened as she gripped my face in her hands, turning my face every which way examining me for any harm the man might have caused.
"You alright, chica?" Damian checked up on me, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"I'm okay," I reassured my partners. "Just a bit shaken up is all."
Finn shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders, rubbing them as he steered me towards the exit. "Let's get you home, Lass."
Dominik held my hand the whole way home, rubbing small circles with his thumb, and then carried me out of the car once I fell asleep.
Laying in bed later that night surrounded by my four partners I realized just how so incredibly lucky I am. "Thank you guys for being there," I mumbled in my sleep-dazed head-space.
"Anything for you, mami," Dominik replied, giving my forehead a kiss as Rhea squeezed my middle from behind. Finn and Damian each gave one of my hips a kiss as well.
"We'll always be here to protect you Y/n," Damian added, receiving confirmation noises from my other two partners.
My partners are my protectors and nothing and nobody will ever change that. I fell asleep feeling loved and safe, encompassed by their warm bodies saving me from all kinds of harm.
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madhatterbri · 3 months
Confrontation | F.B.
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Summary: Can i request a Finn Balor x reader fic please?, Reader caught Finn talking to Liv, so she confronts him, accuses him of cheating and also gives him attitude (Because why not 😉). You can decide on the ending.
Finn Balor Masterlist
Requested by: @nzkuki95
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps
Y/N knew she had to confront him eventually. All the shady things he was doing with Liv Morgan. It had to all come to an end at some point. The some point just happened to be after RAW that night.
Finn and JD were able to secure the tag titles from the Awesome Truth. The Irish man thought he was going to celebrate with his Y/N. He certainly had another thing coming to him.
"Wow, spending the night with me? Is Liv busy?" Y/N asked rudely. Her anger got the better of her. Every time she closed her eyes, all she saw was the sneaky things he was doing with her. The hotel card, being alone in a room with her, everything.
"What do you mean? I would never touch her. We are just...."
"Just what? Working together? Looks a little more complicated than that," she snapped. Y/N placed her luggage on the floor. She started to go through her clothes. After being in a hot stadium all night, she wanted to shower and change.
"I know it looks bad, but please, believe me. I'm trying to get Judgment Day under control. You heard what Damian said tonight. He thinks we need him," Finn argued. He ran his hands over his face.
Y/N paused. She knew that hurt him. Damian was supposed to be his friend. Her mind told her to cool off on the accusations, but her heart wasn't so forgiving. She wanted to fight and a fight she was going to get.
"No, this was happening before he said that. I know your feelings are hurt, but so are mine. Imagine if I was alone in a room with someone. I was suddenly given a title match. Imagine if I had a hotel key for another wrestler. What would you think?" She demanded.
"I would believe you if you told me nothing happened. I would believe you because,"
"Yeah, right, Finn. You glare at anyone who even looks at me. Then you run to Adam and get a match and beat them up!" She accused. This was the truth. A couple of wrestlers picked up on not messing with Y/N. Her friends shied away from her.
"They were bothering you, and I took care of it as a man should," he defended his previous actions. "Why are you looking for an argument? I love you and only you,"
"Then why did Liv tell me that you two kissed?" She yelled. Tears filling her eyes. A few even strayed down.
Finn's eyes flickered to the floor before looking back at Y/N. Guilt riddled on his face. Her mouth dropped open in shock. She felt like she was punched in the gut. Y/N placed a hand over her mouth and sat on the bed.
"Y/N, it isn't like that,"
"You kissed her. Oh my God," her voice cracked.
"I confronted her in the hotel room. I told her to leave Dom and Judgment Day alone. Rhea is going to come back and kill her. She was crying about not having any friends," he explained. Well, tried to explain.
Y/N started to laugh. "So your lips decided to be her friend? You and I have done things together since the hotel key card incident. You mean to tell me I was kissing her? Get out,"
"Y/N, I went to comfort her. I went to hug her, and she kissed me. I pulled away immediately. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you,"
"I said get out, Finn. The room is in my name. Go to JD, Dom, and Liv for all I care about. Just. Get. Out," she demanded. The last two words punctuated clearly. Y/N pointed at the door behind him. Finn felt his heartbreak.
"Y/N, I'm sorry,"
"GET OUT!" She screamed. Finn sent her a pleading look. When it didn't work, he quickly gathered his belongings and walked out the door. He closed the door behind him. Y/N's sobs could be heard through the door.
Finn took a shaky breath. In one night, he lost his best friend and girlfriend.
What was he gonna do now?
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http-finnick · 2 years
𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬
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"but I love the sea"
shy!finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: a short drabble on a shy finnick confessing his feelings to you after the war
request: Please 🙏 a finnick x reader where the war is over and he can finally tell her he likes her like shy finnick talking to his crush would be so cuteee
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you sit on the porch of your new home. right by the sea as the cloudy waves brush over each other
"So, what are you going to do now?" Finnicks voice ripples past you and you close your eyes for a minute to think about everything, what are you going to do?
"I guess anything now. But I know I'm staying in four." "Well, where you go I go" he sighs and you spin on your heels to face him with a slight furrow in your brows
"Finnick, you can't follow me around like we're kids anymore. if you want to move districts you can" it wasn't harsh, you said it with a soft tone but it was the truth, he needs to live his life as well
"remember the meadows. you talked about them in 13, how you wished and wondered what living out in the woods would be like" you grinned as you noticed his red cheeks from your almost mocking
"No! I don't wanna live out there...I- I love the sea!" he stumbled on his words, losing his focus as he chose to stare at the wooden planks beneath you instead of your eyes
"Finn, my ears bled from you talking about the woods. go there for a month or two and then come back and tell me how much you don't wanna live out there" you crossed your arms as you wouldn't let up, he needed to put himself out there and not stick around here if he didn't want to. you think back to 13 when he told you all his big plans for the future, about how he wanted to get married and have children running around the house. it sounded nice. he mentioned you as the auntie and that's when you swallowed sharply and liked it less.
"...would you come with me?" he whispered and you threw your arms up
"I know! I know! but-" "that defeats the purpose!"
"yeah- no, well-"
"you won't find a wife if you're by me all the time!" "I don't want to find a wife!" "oh, so, that 13 conversations of auntie me was just a joke?" "you weren't supposed to be the auntie!"
you freeze as this back-and-forth suddenly took a turn. you both stare at each other in silence as the ocean waves become as ear-bleeding as his meadow talk
"...was I the dog?" you state matter-of-factly, pushing the question of 'if I wasn't the aunt, then who was I?'
"no- I- I-" he stutters as his face swarms with red. staring back at the floor as he shifts uncomfortably
"I don't want to live in the meadows by myself and- I don't want to have you as the auntie or the dog"
"then what do you want finnick?" you ask softly, he looks up at you for a second before retreating down
"I want you"
you freeze once more as he curls into himself. obviously feeling the heat run up to his face as he tries to keep it out of your viewing
"y/n, I l-love you. alot. you're beautiful and kind- strong"
you turn his face back to you as you press your lips deeply into his, feeling the way his body fell stiff in shock before melting made you grin before pulling back
"Finnick, I love you too." you watch as his eyes widen and pupils grow, and he struggles out words but opts to kiss you instead
"you know, this could've happened a lot sooner if you didn't call future me auntie" you giggled as you rested your forehead against his
"dont say that!"
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an: omg I hope this is okay, I kinda twisted it with drama ( even tho their back and forth and 'fighting' was supposed to be playful! i hope you guys didn't think they were actually fighting lmao! ) --instead of keeping it at a simple confession and I'm super sorry for that! I love shy finnick and him adoring reader so this was really nice to write <33 ilysm thank you for requesting!!
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
How about a Percy fic with dancing like beauty and the beast ballroom with something a little saucy at the end
In The Glade
When a plan relies on you being able to dance, Percy steps up to teach you, finally tipping the tension over the edge
Percy de Rolo x Reader
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina/Critical Role
Format: Oneshot
Content: This is just a snippet of romantic tension. It did not end up saucy.
Gender Neutral Reader
I'm in love with him, that is my husband right there. Sorry that this didn't end up saucy! Mutual pining has been rotting my brain lately <3 -Finn
You were going to kill Scanlan one of these days. He had managed to find a new lead for your latest adventure, but of course, it required infiltrating a formal event and finding out secrets. Scanlan had even created the perfect plan. You could subtly interrogate a person of interest on the dance floor and no one would be any wiser! Never mind the fact that you had never learned a ballroom dance in your life. 
There was no way you could do this, you would be found out immediately, the first moment that you misstepped. Why had you agreed to this?
"You're holding yourself too stiffly, you have to let me lead or this doesn't work." 
Percy’s steady voice drew you out of your thoughts as he tapped the hard set of your shoulders, a gentle reprimand to pull your focus back to him. He had offered to teach you how to dance, a skill he still remembered from his childhood in Whitestone. He should've been the one going, but he would have been at risk of being recognized.
"It's formal, but you do need to relax a bit, love. Get out of your head," Percy continued, waiting for you to drop some of the tension. "I can practically hear the gears grinding in there."
"If I die at that party, I need you to avenge me and kill Scanlan for this plan." 
"Deal, I can do that but you aren't going to die. Just focus alright? Here, step closer, you look like a scared deer. Nerves are like blood in the water at events like that."
You obeyed, stepping closer as his hand settled on your waist. Here, in the empty glade that he had found for the two of you, there was nothing to distract you from him. From the gentle heat radiating off him or the scent of gunpowder that always clung to him and his coat. He had a unique skill of being able to settle your racing thoughts just by being near you. 
"Follow my steps without guessing what I'm going to do next. Just trust that I have you," he said, guiding you once again into the dance. He was so sure of his movements, the same way he was in combat. It was incredible to watch, even as you stumbled along with him. He stayed steady, keeping you on track. "You're doing well."
"I've stepped on your feet multiple times already."
"So long as you don't start doing it intentionally, it's fine." He was smiling at you, the teasing lilt to his tone making your thoughts go fuzzy at the edges. 
"I should, you seem too smug about being able to teach me this."
"I'm hardly smug, I just...enjoy this. It's rare to get the chance to properly dance with someone and even moreso, I enjoy your company. So this is nice." 
You could feel heat rushing to your face. It always caught you off guard when he responded honestly rather than with his usual sarcasm. Banter was easy, but this set you off balance. Percy had been doing that more and more lately. You didn't know what to make of it, but you knew your heart was flipping in your chest each time he did. 
"It's, yeah, I think it's nice too. I really like getting to spend time with you" 
Gods, that smile. A little nervous, but so terribly genuine with a splash of red across his cheeks. You could hardly think, not when he was smiling at you like that and he was holding you so close, spinning you around the glade. The trees hid you both from the rest of the world, in this sweet moment of time, as if you had just stepped into a dream. 
You had both been heading towards an inevitable conclusion, drawing closer every time you joked around the campfire at night or had the other's back in a fight. From the first time that he had grinned at you, from the first time he had heard you laugh. There was no world where you wouldn't have fallen in love with him. And here, in each other's arms, you couldn't deny it. 
"Whatever you're thinking about now, it makes you better at following the dance, you aren't overthinking it anymore."
"I've got a good teacher. Are you going to teach me how to shoot next? Or maybe show me how to make those fancy arrows." 
He laughed and it felt like your chest was full to bursting. 
"Ask me nicely when you come back from that party and I will teach you anything you want." 
"Anything? That's a dangerous promise, de Rolo."
"I trust you. Besides, I think you're too curious about my guns to ask for anything else."
"What if I did want something else? Not a lesson," you asked, gently worrying the fabric of his sleeve between your fingers. 
"Then all you need do is ask."
"What if I asked to kiss you?" 
His breath caught, and you watched how his eyes dropped to your lips for a moment, before carefully dragging back up to meet your gaze. There was an open, honest want in his eyes, mirroring your own. 
"As I said, all you need do is ask." 
"May I kiss you, Percy?"
His voice was breathless as he responded without hesitation. "Please do." 
You couldn't tell who leaned in first, who kissed who, all you knew was the feeling of his lips on yours, a calloused hand cradling your face, and how good it felt to give into it all.
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awfulwriter123 · 11 months
Silent Jealousy (Rhea Ripley x Mute! Reader One-shot)
Hey everyone!!! Okay so my first attempt at a mute and a jealous reader oneshot, a lil nervous not gonna lie, but hey first time for everything. As always, criticism, tips are appreciated you guys know the deal by now. Happ reading everyone!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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You knew you were being slightly childish, but you couldn't help it. None of what rhea and dom on tv did bothered you, not one bit. Dom had a wife, hell you guys even went on a double date once or twice.
What did bug you was the backstage interviewer Cathy Kelly, now you never met her, but you'd see the little comment's they'd make on social media, the tiktok's and you had to admit you were jealous.
That along with feeling self conscious, you've been a mute since you were born and working around it was hard. Rhea though since you two met, took time to learn what every sign met so that way she won't have to sit and let you write something out.
She's always very patient with you never rushing you. But you couldn't help but feel self conscious every time, and it's hard to sign to rhea how you feel because you feel almost embarrassed and childish to admit it.
When rhea asked if you wanted to come with her to Raw and hang out backstage, you thought 'why not?' You figured since it's been awhile since you've seen the boys of the judgement day, you'd go spend time with rhea and them and of course some other people on the roster you knew.
Right now you were sitting with priest, dom, and finn and you were currently trying to teach priest how to sign 'the judgement day' for what reason? You didn't know but figured why not help him out.
You started waving your hand's as priest messed up the sign for the 5th time, while dom and finn were chuckling watching priest try (and fail) at sign language.
"Oh shut up you two, I almost got it!" He turned his head to say to the other two boy's of the judgement day and then turned back to see you nodding your head telling him he did almost have it.
"Almost have what?" Came the voice of a certain aussie you were all to familiar with, as you felt two arms wrap around you from behind and a kiss to your left temple. You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face.
You looked to your left and quickly signed "Hey baby" Before giving rhea a quick kiss on the cheek, to which she smiled saying "Hey gorgeous, what you guys doing?" She asked as she looked to the boy's.
"Priest is having y/n here teach him how to sign 'the judgement day' in sign language, and he's failing miserably" Dom said whilst trying to stifle his laughter, which quickly ceased as priest gave him a death glare.
"He was close" You signed to rhea which made giggle, "She said you got close priest, why do you wanna learn how to sign that?" She asked.
"Well cause I wan-" "Hey rhea! Cool your here!" You all turned your head's to the door to see Cathy Kelly standing there, to which she quickly acknowledged all of you in the room. "Hey boys, and I don't believe i've met you." She said to you.
"Oh Cathy this is my girlfriend y/n, y/n meet Cathy." Rhea introduced you two, as to not be rude you held your hand out as Cathy shook it very enthusiastically.
"Nice to meet you" She let go of your hand to and nodded at her as if to say 'likewise' and she gave you a confused look. "Oh right shit my bad, y/n's a mute." Rhea quickly said as though to not make Cathy feel like you were being rude.
"Oh! No worries." She quickly smiled at you two to which you returned. "What do you need Cathy?" Finn asked the question that was on all your minds.
"Oh right, rhea I wanted to know if you'll help me film something for tiktok? I got a great idea in mind!" She said and your face dropped slightly, but you quickly composed yourself and hoped no one noticed.
"Yeah sure, can't take too long though, gotta get ready for the show soon." She said as she turned to put a quick kiss on your lips. "I'll be back in a minute." She said to you and the boy's as her and Cathy left.
You couldn't help the scowl that crossed your face after they left. "Hey y/n." You heard as you turned your head slightly to see dom give you a concerned look. "You alright?"
You quickly turned your head to hide your scowl and you guessed sad eyes you must have had considering the look dom gave you and nodded.
"Hey come on y/n you can talk to us." You heard dom say as he sat next to you and started rubbing your back. You looked up to see finn and priest looking at you as well with concerned eyes.
With a silent sigh you took out your note pad and pen that you carried around with you as you knew, not everybody knew sign language, so you carried them with you just to be sure.
You hesitated slightly with the pen hovering over the piece of paper, you just didn't know how to put it. "Take your time y/n." You heard finn say to you, to which you took a deep breath and started writing down what you felt.
Once you were done you handed it to dom, who quickly read it over and then handed it to priest so he can read whilst finn, who was sitting next to him was reading it while leaning on his shoulder.
You turned your head to dom as you heard him speak up first. "That's not something to feel embarrassed about y/n, Cathy has kinda been all over rhea." A quick glare from priest yet again shut dom up as he saw your face turn sad.
"Listen y/n." Priest said leaning over a bit to put a comforting hand on your knee. "Rhea loves you, anyone can see that. Hell she never shuts up about you, she would never do anything to hurt you, you have zero to be jealous about." He smiled at you as you gave a small one back.
"As for being self conscious." Started finn. "She doesn't care that you can't talk lass, cause she couldn't give two shit's about this." He point towards his throat. "She care's more about this." He point's to his heart which made you smile even more.
"Could you guys give us a minute?" You all looked up to see rhea standing at the door with a sad look on her face. All the boys quickly got up to leave, but not without giving you quick smile's on their way through as rhea gently shut the door and sat down across from you.
She looked over and saw the piece of paper which wrote out for the boys to read, to which she reached over and read it. She would stop every once in a while to look up at you whilst you were looking down feeling embarrassed. She quickly put down the piece of paper and asked.
"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" She asked you, as you deiced to be a smartass and try to lighten the mood by signing. "Well to be fair, I can't say anything." To which rhea quickly rolled her eyes and gave you a look. "I'm serious y/n."
Your smile quickly fell as you let out a silent sigh, before signing. "I thought you'd think I was being childish, and be mad at me cause of it." You quickly signed as tears pricked your eyes, to which rhea was quick to lean over and wipe away any before they could escape.
"No no no. Baby, i'm happy you told me, i admit Cathy is a bit much as time's, but don't think i'm going to just up and leave you for her cause you can't talk." She said as she held your cheeks lightly making you look at her.
"Finn's right babe, I don't care about this." She point's towards your throat. "This." She points towards your heart, and taps your chest lightly with her finger. "This is what I care about." She smiled at you as you smiled back as tears pricked your eyes again, not of sadness, but at the love you felt for this woman.
Rhea wiped away your tears again. "I'll be sure to tell her to tone it down a bit and to not do to much alright?" You nodded at her as she smiled at you and planted a gentle kiss on your lips.
"I love you alright? Never forget that babe." She said as she put her forehead against yours. You signed quickly 'I love you too' and planted another kiss on her lips before she pulled you into a warm embrace.
~Author's Note~
Okay i honestly dont know how to feel about this one, i feel like i did good but then my nervs set in and then i feel like this is shit but oh well, i wanted to try this kind of one shot and see how it went.
I still have a few idea's in mind, but im considering opening up request's, idk id of course have to make a list of what i dont write and what i do write, i also kinda wanna try my hand at a judgement day oneshot or hc. But idk we'll have to wait and see.
Anyways have a goodnight, morning or after whatever time zone ur in, later!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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clickoly · 2 months
O'Knutzy Week - Day 2
Part II of Starboys, a Cubs Formula One AU
Characters by @lumosinlove, for @oknutzy-week-2024
Prompts: Changes, Racing
Links to: Part I, Ao3
Here comes Nutter Butter 🌻
Endless weekend on a wave 
FormulaNews24 @formulanews24 (1d)
Eyes on the track as we witness history in the making! Silver Racing unveils a new bold addition to Tremblay's strategy team. Meet 22 year old Leo Knut, the youngest race engineer in F1 history. 
#ItalianGP #SilverRacing #LT10
"Loops!" Finn shouted. His curious eyes darted over the picture of a smiling blond man on the X For You page.
Qualifying was about to start and Finn was killing time, trying to calm his nerves before jumping into the car. 
The fireproof undershirt felt suffocating, and his cherry red racing suit lay unfastened and loose around his hips, in a hopeless attempt to beat the sweltering heat. 
Finn locked the phone's screen and pulled up from the desk he was leaning on, scanning the noisy garage. Remus was sitting on a stool, one leg shaking nervously on the footrest, lips pinched between long, bitten fingers. His full attention was caught between too many monitors at once.  
"Loops." Finn moved closer. 
Remus didn't bother to acknowledge him, he just pointed to a sheet of data on screen. "Here," he said. "You're braking too early over there, before the chicane."
"By how many–"
"Two hundredths," Remus was always one step ahead. "I've been up all night studying the numbers, Harz," he turned to him, looking resolute. "This is your only chance to get the pole." 
Finn blew out a long, deep sigh. "I know it is." 
"And I know you can do it." 
Can I ? Finn couldn't help but wonder. 
"Aw, Loops," he cooed instead. "You're gonna make me cry." 
Remus just shook his head affectionately. 
Starting from the front row on Sunday wouldn’t be enough. Finn wanted the pole position. But weighing down the load of an emotionally tough week were the expectations of too many people he couldn't disappoint. It was the Scuderia's home race, after all, and all eyes were on him and his teammate Kasey. 
Right now, however, Finn couldn't bring himself to think about numbers, times, and strategies. Together with his team, he had discussed all the details a hundred times that morning, right after the third and final free practice session. Because Logan had set the fastest lap. 
Finn knew exactly what to do and how to do it. He just wished he could escape that oppressive weight on his shoulders, the intrusive fear of failing—a bitter consequence of the events of the past week.
So he dared a topic switch, if only to avoid giving himself and his concerns away. 
"Hey, where's Black?" He asked casually. 
Remus eyed him suspiciously. "How should I know?" 
"I understand that you want to be professional," Finn arched one of his dark red eyebrows. "You know, being friends with the enemy," he pretended to whisper. "But honestly, you two are as thick as thieves." 
The veil of pink that brushed Remus' pale cheeks betrayed him. "You're the one to talk," he grumbled back, then pretended to check the time. "Green light in five, Harz. Go get ready." 
"You're no fun, you know that, right?" 
"Yeah? Want to trade me for your bff' s new race engineer?" Remus' grin was teasing. 
"No need to get defensive," Finn scoffed indignantly. "And that's why I asked about Sirius, by the way." 
"I'm curious," Finn shrugged. "I thought he might have told you something about their new acquisition." 
Remus went back to the screens. "He didn't say much. Just that Knut's young and talented. But rumor has it he's a real hothead."
"Well," a familiar voice chimed into the conversation. "He sure is hot." 
A sharp elbow hit Finn's waist and he found himself shoulder to shoulder with a smirking Natalie Darcy.
"What's up Loops?" 
"Hey Nat," Remus laughed. 
"What?" Finn asked, confused by her amused face. 
"Were you blushing, O'Hara?" 
"No. I... I'm," Finn stuttered. "What? I wasn't blushing." 
"If you say so," she smiled smugly. "Sorry to interrupt, guys, but I need Freckle here," she gestured toward Finn with the camera in her hands. "Gotta get some shots for the qualy posts." 
"Better do that in the car," Remus suggested. "Harz, radio check in two minutes." 
"Copy," Finn nodded, then spun on his heels to go grab the rest of his equipment. 
"We should do another close-up with the helmet on," Natalie offered as Finn stepped into the car. "Fans go crazy for those big eyes, you know?" 
"Yeah?" Finn tried to act casual as Natalie nimbly captured his movements from different angles. 
"Yep," she twisted the lens again with a smooth flick of her wrist. "But I prefer Kasey's." 
"Of course you do," he chuckled, then finally pulled down the visor. "Wish me luck," he said louder as the engine roared to life. 
Natalie patted his helmet. "You won't need it."
There had always been a moment before a race when Logan would simply close his eyes and breathe deeply. A peaceful silence would permeate his mind, leaving out the deafening noise of twenty rumbling engines ready to run, and the roaring crowd, ecstatic and impatient for some action. It was a much-needed release to make room for concentration and nothing else, right before the emotional rush that washed over him every time the countdown began.
That Sunday, Logan was starting from P2. To his left, perfectly positioned on the first grid slot, was Finn's car. The crimson livery shone brightly in the few rays of a timid sun. The pattern of red and yellow lines on Finn's glossy black helmet, partially hidden behind the halo, reflected the afternoon light perfectly, drawing a slightly curving 17 on top of his head. 
Logan had tried to be mad about it. He'd wanted the pole, he'd put in a fantastic lap, and yet Finn had overqualified him by three hundredths of a second. He'd really meant to be upset, if only for the sake of appearances. But as soon as they'd climbed out of their cars, sweaty and out of breath, the glow that had brightened Finn's face at the crowd's loud cheers had instantly tamed Logan's furor.
On the other hand, the hint of disappointment in Leo’s voice had also been a hard pill to swallow. I’m sorry , he’d said over the radio at the end of the Q3 session, as if it had been his fault. But Leo had done a perfect job. He’d been confident and meticulous, showing his professionalism to everyone in the pit wall, and to Logan as well. He didn’t want Leo to feel guilty about that. Sharing the front row with Finn was a good starting point for a thrilling battle for the win. 
Still, Logan understood his concerns and the impulsive urge to prove that he was worthy of the responsibility he’d been given, despite his young age and all the rumors that had made their way to the paddock. 
Now, feet ready on the pedals and hands tight on the steering wheel, where gloved fingers brushed over the shift paddles, Logan looked out at the clear track in front of him and felt the first wave of adrenaline run down his spine. 
"Mode A on," Leo’s voice came through the earbuds. "Lights out in thirty seconds." 
"Let’s bring this home, Nut," Logan grinned to himself. "And tonight we're going to celebrate together." 
The next second, his eyes were locked on the starting gantry, intent and alert. Somewhere near the end of the pit lane, the hand of a clock marked two o'clock, and the five lights ahead of him began to turn on in sequence.
Two. Breathe.
Three. Focus.
It’s lights out and away we go here in Monza! Amazing reaction time for both men in Red, with Logan Tremblay still in between, contending the lead with O’Hara and Winter down to turn one. Here comes O’Hara first, then Tremblay, and James Potter goes to the inside, but Winter has the power to hang on to third position, as they all make their way through the first chicane. 
It wasn't until Turn 3 that Leo realized he was holding his breath, caught in his dry throat. He scanned the monitor, looking for anomalies, the back of his pen clicking insistently on the full page of notes in his journal. Everything seemed fine. 
The live feed showed Logan darting away from Kasey and rushing behind Finn, waiting for the best chance to overtake him.
"You all right, Knutty?"
Leo lowered one of the earpieces of his headset and faced Sirius, nodding briefly and giving him a polite smile.
"Good, you're doing great," Sirius smiled back, and once again Leo couldn't believe his luck. 
How many times he'd imagined this exact moment, he couldn't say. Late, sleepless nights spent over books. Endless days of training, split between work at the factory and research for his thesis. Leaving New Orleans, his family and friends, and moving to England to fulfill his dream. It all finally made sense, because this was where he was meant to be. 
He could be grateful for all the risks he'd taken, all the sacrifices he'd made. And on top of that, he'd been assigned to Logan, Silver Racing's star driver, to assist him in one of the greatest battles for the world championship ever witnessed.
Leo reached for the radio console with one hand and held the boom microphone to his mouth with the other as he spoke. "DRS is enabled," he told Logan. "Right now you're 0.4 behind."
Logan's voice came back scratchy, slightly static. "I'm trying," he panted. "He's too fast."  
As a fan of the sport, Leo had followed both of them throughout their careers. Finn was an incredibly gifted driver, and Leo remembered the struggle of the past few years, trying to get the best out of a very problematic car that had allowed him only a few wins. Logan was just as skilled, born to speed through tight corners and sharp hairpins. Lucky to drive an exceptionally fast car that had rarely been beaten in recent seasons.
Watching them race against each other had always been astonishing, an emotional experience like admiring a masterpiece of art. So it shouldn't have surprised Leo to see them battling for the lead, showing off technical offensive and defensive moves that were driving the crowd crazy.
Until something unexpected happened just before the start of lap thirty-five.
"Shit, look at that," Sirius nudged him, pointing to his laptop.
Leo watched as the track map on screen slowly filled with patches of different shades of blue.
"Heavy rain expected in ten minutes," he heard Sirius tell James over the radio, before looking back at him expectantly. It was then that Leo noticed the dark clouds approaching rapidly with the increasing force of the wind. 
A strategy. They needed a new, effective strategy. Quickly.
"Finn has fresh medium tires," Leo began, twiddling the pen between his long fingers as he spoke. "They're going to pit Kasey first, 'cause he won't have any grip for a full lap with washed hards."
Sirius kept humming as he followed his train of thought.
"And they might be expecting a red flag, or maybe a safety car if someone slides off the track. But if we call Logan in for inters as soon as it starts raining harder..."
"What if they don't want to wait?" Sirius said. 
"We'll pit him anyway, just follow plan A. Same strategy as the leader," Leo explained. "But if we manage to get Logan in before Finn, he could easily end up leading the race."
Sirius rubbed a hand over his dark stubble, his icy grey eyes telling Leo he was thinking a mile a minute. "Okay," he breathed. "But James is coming in with him."
Leo nodded. "It's going to be chaotic, but it'll work out."
Please, I need this to work out.
At the other end of the pit lane, the mechanics rushed to grab two sets of new intermediate tires. Then they took their positions in the pit stall, helmets on, ready to spring into action.
Leo felt the smell of rain first, the strong scent that the contact with the hot asphalt released. He spun around in his chair to hold a flat palm over the canopy, where a gentle drizzle wet his hand, the intensity increasing by the second.
He locked eyes with Sirius again as they silently agreed to proceed with their plan. A single, confident nod was all he needed.
"Box, box," Leo chanted over the radio.
"What? Already?" Logan protested.
"Yes," he insisted. "Please Logan, confirm the pit stop."
Now, this is unusual. Silver is calling both of their drivers to box on this lap. That's Tremblay coming into the pits, followed by Kasey Winter and, wow, it's getting crowded out there. It's going to be a real mess with the intensity of this rain. 
O’Hara stays out, and with a quick look at the data I can tell you he’s slowing down considerably to keep the car on track. 
With a 2.2 second pit stop Logan Tremblay leads the way out of the pit lane, Winter and Potter on his tail. And isn't that brilliant? They're coming back right behind the nine cars being called to pit right now! 
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new race leader. 
The whole grid held out for eighteen laps in wet conditions, and despite the downpour, Logan managed to gain a considerable advantage over the others. Finn made his comeback to second place, overtaking car after car in almost zero visibility—a true racing masterclass that had sent a thrill up Leo's spine.
But Finn couldn't reach Logan, too far away, now engaged in navigating the infamous high-speed parabola just a few meters from the checkered flag. 
"Leo," Logan shouted into his ears. He could picture some kind of delirious grin on Logan's lips just from his voice.
And wasn't Leo delirious himself.
He stared, heart in his throat, as the GPS signal of Logan's car crossed the finish line. Only then did he realize what had just happened.
Leo didn't know what face he was making when Sirius clapped a strong hand on his back. His smile was euphoric, so wide it began to hurt a little in the corners. But he held himself still, enough to look composed if a camera caught him.
"Well done, Logan." He smiled into the mic. The radio message would certainly have been broadcast on tv. "A well-deserved win. You did a fantastic job today."
"I want you on the podium," was Logan's reply, a little breathless. Leo swore he could faint right then and there. "This one is yours as well." 
If this was a dream, Leo didn't want to wake up, ever .
Sirius had dragged him to the cool down room to wait for the top three drivers before the podium ceremony. He'd also insisted that Leo should be the team representative to accept the trophy for their victory. And as if that wasn't enough, Leo's mind was blown the second he spotted Logan and Finn walking together to their assigned posts, soaked from head to toe—their hair a complete mess from the helmets.
"Looks like I have a new nemesis," Finn greeted him with a teasing wink.
"Oh, you better be careful out there," Leo bit back, unable to stop himself from giggling when Logan rolled his eyes—a shade of green that stood out perfectly against his black racing suit.
"Not tonight," Logan said. "Tonight we're having fun."
"Yeah?" Finn sounded surprised. “What are you up to, Tremblay?”
Logan looked mischievously between them. "You're going to find out. Hey, Bliz," he turned to Kasey, who was busy chugging a bottle of water in one go. "You with us?"
"Sorry, guys," he panted a little, then smiled. "I promised a date to a fancy Italian restaurant."
"And you? What do you say?" Logan playfully shoved Leo. As if he could ever say no to something like that.
"Sounds fun." He crossed his arms over his chest, a mocking grin on his lips. "But wherever we're going, I am driving."
"No way," Finn and Logan chorused back, and a carefree laugh broke out of Leo's chest. He felt blissful.
And maybe it wasn't, but this all felt like a crazy dream.
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geekwritersworld · 1 year
Little Artist - Pt 3
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Part 1 Part 2
warnings: mentions of violence, the frikin walking stick.
A/n: so this was quite short, however, the next ones gonna be where shit gets real. I spent some days trying to figure out what to make this part to be, but really this short one needs to be posted to move the other parts forward. Thanks for reading, feedback is appreciated :)
He had a walking stick.
Two days later and your voice continued to replay inside Tommy's head, even as he walked into Camden Town.
Usually Tommy always had a plan in mind. He knew how to strategically plan every single detail whilst anticipating all possible outcomes. Most times, it would take him perhaps half an hour to come up with a plan.
However this time was different. He had seen Campbells body, he had seen him dead. Yet, somehow his sister had seen on the contrary.
Tommy did realize it was possible that it was someone with a similar description, but Tommy knew to follow his gut, which told him it wasn't what he had subconsciously hoped.
That night, Tommy heard back from Finn, letting them know Grace was in America, married to a wealthy man.
It did put him at a little ease knowing the filthy barmaid wasn't in the same city as his family, that she was an ocean across.
It made you uneasy to have seen your normally stoic and expressionless brother loose composure and instead look caught off guard for a split passing second when you told him about the man you'd seen. Tommy, who normally wasn't shaken or phased by anything, did look fearful for a second that passed by quicker than you could blink.
If it was enough to make Tommy Shelby look a little fearful, you knew you were well and truly fucked.
Instead of responding to what you had told him, he simply looked at you and said "get some sleep- or more of it I suppose" he stood up.
When you woke the next morning, you felt off. Incredibly off. Something was very off, you weren't sure what it was, your head felt a bit fuzzy, but overall you just felt- wrong.
You wondered if you should still go to university or take an off day, but you truly didn't want to skip. You wanted to power through so that's what you did.
Putting on a fresh pair of clothes, downstairs Pol had made you a cup of tea, sipping on that eased your head and feeling better you headed out.
You quickly bid Polly goodbye and left for london. Again you were aware of Isaiah trailing you a few streets later, smiling to yourself you continued walking, not acknowledging him.
The more you pretended you had no idea your brother was having Isaiah trailing you, the more peaceful it would remain. Everything would turn chaotic if you spoke to him about it.
So you didn't.
Arthur grabbed the bottle off the counter and walked out of the Garrison, turning the corner of the building, he observed the people and the children running around.
Taking a swig of the drink and he looking ahead he spotted someone standing at the far end of the street, Arthur's eyes didn't work as well as they once did, but he was sure of who he had seen.
After the multiple times he'd been badgered and clobbered by his family for acting too impulsively, he decided it would be best if he spoke to his brothers and aunt first.
Barging into their home, Arthur looked into the kitchen where Ada, Pol and Tommy sat. Ada had just rolled her eyes at Tommy, who Arthur was surprised to see had returned from Camden Town so quickly, when she spotted Arthur.
"OH look, another fuckin one of us"
Arthur looked behind him wondering if his sister was slowly loosing her mind, not thinking of a single reason why she'd be pissy with him.
"Right.." he paused, shaking his head " uhm 4 out 7 of us aint so bad-" he muttered to himself.
Tommy raised a brow.
"Yeah guess who I've just spotted yeh" he rushed.
Sitting down, he slammed his hand on the table, making Pol and Ada snap their heads at him and look irritated while Tommy remained indifferent.
" I've just fookin seen Campbell, FOOKIN CAMPBELL!"
Tommy's eyes, Pol noticed, went still. They looked almost dead, his eyes looked empty but Pol, she could see that though his eyes were emotionless his shoulders were tense and his hands loosened around his cup.
Pol breathed heavy, she couldn't understand, she had just gotten Michael back, granted Michael was still away, but he came every now and then, for once things seemed stable and out of the nowhere, there was another rubbish hand they'd been dealt.
However, she remained composed.
"Where?" Tommy asked.
"Near the street- that goes towards the trains"
Tommy lurched up from his seat so quick his chair scraped and fell over, irritating Ada.
Arthur followed behind, not knowing where exactly his brother was headed, but he followed closely.
Squinting you tried to focus on the shabby red tube of paint in your hand but put down your brush and rubbed your head when the pain got worse and you were struggling to keep your eyes open.
You decided to drink some water, not having drank water in a while you assumed that perhaps the lack of water probably caused a headache.
So you kept rubbing your temple, but after twenty minutes when it didn't improve, deciding it was best to head home you excused yourself, grabbed your bags and notified you professor who let you go.
The hallway was rather empty except the occasional professor that walked past, but this time there wasn't anyone. Heading for the large door from where a little sunlight crept in, your head swayed, it felt almost far too heavy for you to hold up before you plunged into darkness.
Tommy needed a plan. A quick one. He noticed someone running towards him from the corner of his eye, turning he saw it was Isaiah's father.
"Tommy" he breathed "have you seen Isaiah?"
Tommy raised a brow " I suppose he's in london, with y/n"
"I'm not sure that's possible, i haven't seen 'im in two days, and my boy, he checks in every day, never misses a day" his eyes wide and hands shaking.
Tommy froze. Throwing the cigarette out of his mouth, he looked at the young boys father "we'll find 'im" he promised.
"Arthur" Tommy turned to his brother "need you send a letter"
The 2 hours to London had been excruciating- Tommy's hand had almost gone numb from gripping the steering wheel so hard.
If Isaiah hadn't been trailing you this whole time, then there was only one person that was. Tommy hadn't assigned anyone else to trail and look after you.
In the hustle and stress of all the work, Tommy completely overlooked checking in with Isaiah regarding you. Finn had been with Michael for the last few days which explained why no one other than Isaiah's father had noticed him missing.
With all his experiences Tommy knew there were unimaginably horrendous things that could happen in a less than a day.
The world was cruel, Tommy knew it better than anyone else, so he could imagine you never getting to show up to university again. He knew the possibility of his little artist's life being cut short was incredibly high in that moment.
He could only hope he as well as his brother were quick enough. If they lost a single second, they'd lose you.
Your arms felt heavy, and your head felt like it was tied down. But though your vision was black you could still hear some subtle noises. They sounded far off, just barely there. You struggled to open your eyes.
Your eyes still felt so heavy, almost like something was physically holding you back from opening your eyes.
After a few more tries, you decided to try in a bit again. Having fallen asleep, not aware of how much time had gone by, when you woke again- this time you felt lighter. Your head and arms remained heavy but after a few minutes you were able to peel your eyes open and look directly at the bright light that hung atop your head. Hissing slightly, you closed your eyes immediately.
"You might want to take it slow Ms. Shelby"
You could make out of course it was a man that had spoken, his irish accent thick.
Panicking, you jolted up, the sudden movement causing your head to hurt to the point where you scrunched your eyes in pain.
Looking up, you felt a little relieved knowing you were in a hospital. What unnerved you was the man who had been watching your house, now stood in front of you.
Your throat felt dry "who are you?"
"Inspector Campbell"
Tommy rushed onto your university grounds, ignoring the bewildered looks he got from professors. Immediately recognizing his peaky attire- the guard let him in without a word.
Asking a stunned young girl for where he could find students in Art, he slammed open the door to the room, making everyone jump. Some dropped their brushes on the floor as Tommy scanned the room for you, when he spotted the only empty chair he asked " where is y/n Shelby?"
His voice cold and calculating.
"Ah Mr. Shelby, were you not informed" the professor stood up and tried to usher Tommy outside, away from the students.
"Of what!" his patience wore thin.
"Y/N was taken to the hospital Mr. Shelby. She had lost consciousness in the hallway and when they were taking her away there was a man amongst them who said he was family" the professor paused " he had erm- the same hat as well your family, well actually he held the hat but he showed it to us regardless a-"
"What did this man look like?"
"Er- he was a rather a burly chap with a limp and uh, oh yes, he used a walking stick for that limp"
if you read this far, i gotta tell ya' we're bringing someone back in the next part ;)
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally Darling with a Restoration Project Reader (part 2)
You found a picture of the boi!
TW: Scopophobia/Eye Imagery
🗞️ Daniel gasps in excitement, shocking everyone in the little circle you made on Finn's living room floor. He shows everyone a picture that was restored by Amy, saying "Look! We finally have a picture of just Wally Darling! Nothing is obscuring him, either! We have a good idea of what exactly he looked like!"
🗞️ He passes it around, with you being the last to hold and look at it closely. A large blue pompadour, yellow skin, a colorful outfit made primarily of primary colors. He has a smile on his face, which isn't surprising, to be fair. He also doesn't have a nose, which you think makes him stand out a little bit more than he already does compared to the rest. Something seems off about his eyes, though... Not as though they were restored properly, just... Something.
🗞️ Amy speaks up, chuckling "He has big hair, like Julie! Maybe they are kinda like a duo? The big hair crew! There was a picture that mentions that he and Barnaby are best friends, though, right? So that little guess might be wrong." Finn nods "Yep. Wally and Barnaby are best friends. (Y/N), can I ask something? (Y/N)? Earth to (Y/N)!"
🗞️ You shake your head in shock, looking over to him. You didn't even notice he was speaking to you for a moment. "Yeah, Finn?" Finn shakes his head slightly, muttering with a playful chuckle "Always spacing out..." He then speaks up, looking at you with a serious expression "Well, I have noticed how your mom hasn't been acting too kindly about all this, especially after you mentioned it was to restore Welcome Home. Do you... Think she knows something? Maybe you can take that picture to her after we photograph it and put it on the website?"
🗞️"Oh! That... I am unsure. I'll show it to her. I just think she doesn't really like my hobby. She's someone who is very... I don't know... Traditional when it comes to jobs? Would that be the right term? You know, doesn't see art as a job, or writing, like I do. You get what I mean?" Amy cringes. "Oooh... Yeah, I get it. I get it. That sucks."
🗞️ Daniel perks up "You write, (Y/N)? I never knew that! Can you help out with the blog? You can write some of the stuff on it about the show. I would myself, but my written English isn't so good..." You tense up, only to nod "Okay... I don't really like my writing, though. Finn is making the blog, right? He can go over what I write." The group seemingly all agrees to it, before you leave to show your mom the picture.
🗞️ As you walk out to your car, you look at the picture, again. Those eyes... something is off. You just know it. You stare at it as you get into your car. You almost can't stop looking. You put your bag on top of the picture, feeling as though you'd just keep staring if you don't cover it.
🗞️ It's a very short drive. Your house is only a fifteen minute drive from Finn's. You go inside, hearing your mother call out from the kitchen "I see that you finally came back! Dinner is almost ready. Come, sit at the dinner table." You take off your coat and boots, walking over to the table and placing the picture on the table.
🗞️ Your mother walks in, placing a tray of food on the table. As she does so, she sees the picture. Her eyes widen as she asks "Sweetie, what is that?" You grin widely, explaining "Oh, it's Wally Darling, from Welcome Home! He's the main guy, I think. Why do you ask? Do you recognize him?"
🗞️ Her face suddenly morphs into a grimace. Her eyes are locked onto the picture as she speaks, her voice sharp "Why are you trying to find out about this Welcome Home nonsense? You'll never know exactly what came before it was forgotten! It's pointless! Even if you find out a lot, you'll never know it all! Why risk your life in search of a puzzle, which will inevitably still have missing pieces?"
🗞️ Your eyes widen "Risk my life? Mom, what are you talking about-?" She cuts you off "If I tell you too much, you'll simply be more intrigued! I know how you are, sweetie! I love you, I really do. I know how harsh I seem sometimes... but I am that way because I know that you will just wander into danger if I don't correct you! So just... stop with this nonsense!"
🗞️ She storms off, crying out "Just eat your food! I already ate, anyways! Don't bother me with this foolishness!" With that, you hear her slam the door to her room shut. The table is now left empty, besides you, the picture, and the dinner she made. You become lost in thought. Risk your life? Over a children's show? What an odd assumption to make over a little mystery. Why does she think that you would be put in danger if you continued searching?
🗞️ She said that if she told you too much, you'd be more intrigued. Well, she already failed. As much as you are now terrified of what could happen, you are still so much more intrigued about this mystery. Looking down at the picture of Wally, you make a silent promise to figure out more about this show, no matter what it takes.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
The Art Nerd-Modern!HS Klaus M. Pt 2
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Warning:Smut Ahead-Daddy Kink, Loss of Virginity
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She trashed the bloody paper towels and he quickly grabbed his bag from his locker before leading her out to the parking lot where his car was. His mother had gotten it for him for his 16th birthday as she had for all of his siblings and while it wasn't much it got him out of the house. 'What time will your parents kick me out?' He considered that, never having needed to know before but Elijah and Finn had plenty of girls stay over.
'They shouldn't. Elijah and Finn have had girls stay over tons of times,mom doesn't really care as long as we...never mind.' His face caught fire once again and she just grinned at him.
'As long as her sons use protection?' He nodded, pulling out of the school parking lot. 'No need to worry about that, I'm on the pill.' Klaus instantly tried to think of anything he possibly could to stop his cock which was instantly hardening. 'You know I'm teasing you, right?'
'Yep-Yes-Yeah...what do you want to eat?' His voice cracked as he asked her this and she smiled.
'Well, how about I stay the night? It's Friday, we can grab some snacks and soda, and have a movie night. It's been a while since I have been able to just hang out with someone without the pressure of James. Feel free to say 'no' of course, I don't just want to invite myself and-'
'No!' She looked startled by this and he instantly realized his mistake. 'I mean 'Yes'! Yes I would love for you to stay...it honestly sounds like fun.' They stopped at a grocery store and grabbed soda and a ton of snacks before going back to Klaus', deciding to just order some dinner.
'Wow. This place is really cool.' Y/n commented as she got inside and he immediately ushered her down the stairs to avoid his family. 'Woah!' She instantly began looking at all of the canvases and framed sketches that were hung everywhere. 'Klaus! You're even better than I thought, holy shit!' She was looking at a painting of the pond they have out back, he had done it while the flowers on the lily pads were blooming and it looked perfect. He wanted her to keep looking and complimenting his work but she was getting dangerously close to one he definitely didn't want her to see.
'Thank you, let's pick some movies to watch, hmm? We can decide what we want for dinner.' He was ushering her to the other side of the room where the couch was but she just smiled, continuing to look, seeing a canvas on the easel and moving around it to look. 'No! Please don't-'
'Woah.' He sighed, sitting on his bed and knowing his chance to even be her friend was over, she was going to find him painting her to be so creepy she would probably call the cops.
'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-'
'Is this how you see me?' He was immediately confused. 'You make me look so beautiful.' She was shocked and he couldn't figure out why.
'You are beautiful...how else would I paint you?' Her cheeks were red as she walked back over to him, kissing his cheek before continuing over to the couch.
'How about some burgers? Cheese burgers sound great!' He grinned, practically vibrating with joy as he jumped up and moved to sit beside her on the couch, turning on the TV. Her lips were so soft, he could only imagine what they feel like wrapped around his-NO! Stop! If he didn't stop his thoughts he would end up jerking off in the bathroom all night.
'Burgers sound good to me. Movies?' They both spent a little while getting a good selection, deciding each other needs to watch certain movies they've neglected, Y/n forcing Klaus to watch The Breakfast Club and Klaus deciding Y/n needed to watch Sleepy Hollow. They watched hers first and when they got to Klaus' pick she ordered dinner, Klaus running up to get the door and paying for dinner, which he insisted he would pay for completely despite her arguing, only to run into Rebekah.
'You didn't offer to get me anything? Jerk! Why do you have so much food?' She wondered and he rolled his eyes.
'Y/n is here, we're gonna watch movies and hang out for the night. I'll get you something next time, I promise.' With that he shut the door behind him and walked back down the stairs, grabbing 2 sodas that he had put into his mini fridge before she started the movie.
Klaus found that he genuinely enjoyed her company and even if he never had a shot with her, he wanted to continue to be her friend and he thought she felt the same. That may be ruined however, if his mother coming down the steps has anything to say about it.
'Niklaus. Why did Rebekah have to tell me you had a girl over?' He went wide eyed and so did Y/n's.
'I'm sorry, I didn't even think to tell you...mom, this is Y/n. We were going to have a movie night.' He begged with his eyes as much as he could for her to leave and not embarrass him but the Gods were not on his side.
'Hello Mrs. Mikaelson, I'm Y/n. I'm sorry, I thought you knew I was here. It's a pleasure to meet you.' She jumped up and shook his mothers hand politely and he knew his mother loved her instantly, both Elijah's girlfriend Katherine and Finn's girlfriend Sage having absolutely no manners.
'Hello dear. It's nice to meet you too, Niklaus doesn't have friends over so he's never had to ask. I'll let it slide this once. Of course you're welcome here though. If you need anything you just let me know. Niklaus?' She gestured him over and stood at the bottom of the stairs. 'You'll tell me from now on-'
'I promise, just please go? She's just a friend mom, I swear.' She didn't look like she believed him. 'She's so far out of my league it's not funny.'
'But you like her?'
'I-mom, please just go?' She nodded, handing him something quickly.
'Just in case. You two have fun now, it was lovely to meet you Y/n!'
'It was a pleasure to meet you too, ma'am.' As his mother left he looked down and saw she had handed him a box of condoms and he jumped to hide them in his dresser. 'I like your mom. It's nice that she's aware and accepting enough to give you a box of condoms.' Klaus slammed the drawer shut, looking at her quickly. 'That's what it was, right?' She was looking at him expectantly and he didn't want to lie about it.
'Yes, she raised Elijah and Finn, and she's currently raising Kol, it's necessary unfortunately.' She just nodded as if she completely understood and he was grateful as he sat back down, getting under the blanket that was covering them.
'Do you really think I'm that special?' She asked suddenly and he didn't know how to respond. 'I mean, to tell your mother you think you're out of my league sounds insane to me. You're like, the smartest guy I've ever met, and you're incredibly talented on top of that! What league do you think you're out of because compared to you, I'm very boring.'
'You're kidding.' She shook her head. 'You're gorgeous!' She shrugged at that.
'At best I'm an 8, though I believe I'm average.'
'You're kind to everyone around you no matter who it is-'
'That's basic human decency and I'm sorry you haven't been shown it before.' He didn't like that she was talking down all her good qualities.
'You smell like what I think heaven must smell like-'
'I'll tell you the soap I use along with my perfume.'
'Would you stop that?! You-you make my heart stop every single time you look at me Y/n, I-'
'Nik. That's a very serious medical condition, I'm going to need you to see a cardiologist as soon as possible.' She was pissing him off and she knew it and before he knew it he was grabbing her and pulling her close, pressing his lips to hers hard. Her lips were just as soft as he imagined they would be as he molded his lips to hers, holding her face in his hands before he realized what he was doing, pulling back quickly.
'Oh god! I'm sorry! Y/n, I'm so-' he was cut off by her moving to kiss him again and he just relaxed into it now until she pushed forward and climbed into his lap, now straddling him and allowing him to feel the heat of her crotch right against his cock. 'Y/n! Stop!' She pulled away, shocked that he had yelled at her. 'You're upset about James, I'm sorry but I don't want to hurt you by-'
'James is infuriating! He's stupid and boorish and a bully! I was going to dump him next month after Valentine's Day...say what you want, a girl doesn't want to be alone for that but screw him!' He was confused and not quite sure what to do.
'You said you wanted to stay over because it would be nice to not have you be expected to do anything-'
'You expect nothing. You're so sweet Nik, I love that about you...I'm actually attracted to smart guys but most smart guys don't want dumb girls so I settled for James. It was nice for a while I guess but I'm relieved it's over...look, if you don't want this we can just watch movies, we don't have to-' he pulled her back to him and kissed her again, groaning into her mouth as she ground down against his crotch. His hands were on her hips which he was squeezing tightly, his thumbs teasing her skin just under her shirt but never pushing farther, not until she grabbed his hands and placed them on her chest, moaning as he squeezed his hands as he's dreamt of 500 times by now. At that moment she pulled back, lifting her shirt over her head and allowing Klaus to see her red bra hiding her breasts from him and he wanted to rip it off desperately. 'Go ahead.'
His head snapped up and he saw her smiling at him, his cock was throbbing at this point and he was desperate to cum but he pushed the feeling away as hard as he could, reaching up and finding the latch on the bra, fumbling for just a moment before pulling it down her arms and revealing her chest to him. 'Holy shit!' She pulled him back in to kiss her again and he rolled her nipples between his fingers, though she seemed to have other plans. She pulled back from the kiss and guided his head down towards her chest where he happily accepted her nipple into his mouth, hand caressing the other one as he sucked on her tit roughly, eventually switching and loving her little moans. She squealed as he pulled at the bud between his teeth gently, all the while she was pulling at his hair. As she pulled particularly hard his hips flew up, thrusting against her and he gasped, arm wrapping around her waist tightly and holding her to him as he did it again.
'Fuck! God Nik!' She reached out, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it aside, his chest now pressing to her breasts as she connected their lips again, his hips grinding against hers.
'Is that good for you, love?' He asked, ensuring he wasn't just doing something that wasn't bringing her any sort of pleasure. He may not be an expert at this but he did want to make her feel good enough that she would want to do it again. As soon as he had said it she moaned like a whore, and since he hadn't just thrust against her he assumed it was the nickname she had said she loves. 'You liked that? What is it that gets you off, hmm? Angel? Princess? Babygirl?' Her fingers tightening in his hair as she choked on a groan. 'There we are. Are you Daddy's little Babygirl?'
'Yes! Yes Daddy!' His cock twitched in his pants and he was half convinced for a moment that he had cum all over himself. She was now grinding down onto him and the heat of her pussy even through all of their clothes, was driving him crazy.
'Such a good girl!' Y/n moaned, head falling into his neck and biting onto his shoulder as she continued grinding on him. 'Can Daddy take these off? Is that okay.' She nodded, whining as he flipped them over so she was laying out on the couch, unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them down her legs, followed by his own. Klaus lifted her legs and spread them enough that he could get between them, pulling the blanket up over them so that she wouldn't feel cold. 'So sweet, making those sounds for me, aren't you? Daddy's sweet little Princess.'
'You feel so good Daddy! Please?'
'Please what Babygirl?' She whimpered, lifting her hips to grind against his but he pulled back, denying her any friction as the sounds he was causing her to make gave him a level of confidence he had never experienced. 'Tell me what you want pretty girl.'
'Daddy! Fuck me Daddy! Please?!' Nik growled, pulling her panties down her legs and throwing them god knows where, before yanking off his own boxer briefs. 'Holy fuck!' He froze, not knowing what he had done wrong but when he looked to her face he just saw her staring down at his cock.
'What? What's wrong?' He asked, instantly insecure but she just stared. 'Y/n!'
'I've never actually seen a cock as thick as yours! Fuck! I am definitely sucking your cock later.' He thought he could cum untouched if she kept talking. The idea that he was in any way better than the guy that had abused him for years, as well as that you wanted more than just this one time fuck could've made him howl with joy but he held it in, instead lining himself up with your entrance and feeling your wet pussy pressed against his cock for the first time, making his eyes roll back as he tried as hard as he could not to cum. Klaus pushed his way into you, seeing discomfort on your face and stopping.
'Are you alright gorgeous, I can-'
'Don't you dare stop!' His eyes widened but he did as she said, continuing to push forward until he was completely filling her where he froze. 'It's okay...move-'
'Give me a second, I...I've never done this, it's-' his face was red as possible in his embarrassment but she took his cheeks in her hands and forced him to look up.
'It's okay Nik, that's all you had to say. Take your time, we'll go slow.' He groaned just as she moved her hand and fixed his glasses that were askew on his face at this point. Something about her doing that turned him on even more, just being accepted by her in every way and not even caring that he had no experience at all.
'God, you're fucking perfect.' He breathed, pulling his hips back before pushing back into her body, his cock feeling like it was in the most delicious vice grip that's ever existed.
'I'm not-' he cut her off, hand around her throat and gently applying pressure.
'Don't. I say you're perfect Babygirl, so you're perfect...got it?' She nodded quickly, whining as he thrust up into her hard this time.
'Yes Daddy.'
'Oh Fuck!' He thrust up again now holding onto your thighs that wrapped around his waist, continuing to do that and not really going fast, just creating a good rhythm that didn't make him want to cum embarrassingly fast. 'So tight, such a good girl squeezing Daddy so good, you know that? My good girl.'
She whimpered. Whimpered for him. 'Stretch me out so good Daddy! Your cock feels so good! Fuck!'
'Yeah? You like Daddy's cock stretching this cute little pussy? So god damn soft and sweet for me...'
'Yes Daddy! You feel perfect! My Daddy loves knowing his cock is the best I've had, don't you?' His hands grip on your thighs tightened and you could feel the bruises forming as he lifted you up and sat back on his knees, supporting both your weight on him now as he thrust up into you. 'Holy Shit! My Daddy's strong too! Fuck! Gonna cum Daddy! Gonna cum!'
'Cum all over my cock, Babygirl. Let Daddy feel you squeezing me so tight.' He continued his pace until he felt her squeeze down hard on his cock the same time her grip got infinitely tighter. 'Oh shit! Oh shit, fuck!' She was squeezing him like a pulse, over and over again, tight but gentle and soft and perfect. It was unlike anything he could have imagined no matter how many times he jerked off, he couldn't have stopped himself if he tried. Thrusting as deeply into her as he could he filled her up as much as possible, holding her body to him so tightly and refusing to let her go, eventually collapsing with her on his chest and pulling the blanket up over the both of them. Once he had finally calmed down enough he felt her nuzzling into his neck and kissing him there.
'You have a cute little freckle here.' He could hear how sleepy she was and he pet her hair, allowing her to begin to drift off before suddenly remembering something important, turning his head to look at the dresser. 'I'm on the pill, remember? It's okay.' He relaxed as she told him that, holding her to him and lifting her against him making her groan.
'Calm down Princess, bed time.' He pulled out of her and laid her body down in his bed, cleaning her off quickly and tracing his fingers over the bruises on her thighs.
'Feels nice Daddy.'
'Good, I'm glad...Daddy always wants you covered in my marks.' He teased, cleaning himself off and sliding a pair of boxers onto them both before crawling into the bed, not passing up the chance to be able to feel her breasts pressed against his skin all night. 'Sleep Y/n, my precious girl. Daddy's here.' He wrapped them up tightly and drifted off with his dream girl exactly where he always wanted her.
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thetopichot · 7 months
•° The Middle Ground °•
☆ Chapter 1 ☆
*Runs on all fours* Hi SHIT I've been still working on this. Writer's block is a bitch. Anyway, *Throws this at you* enjoy. Also sorry if the food is little burnt, I wanted to pushed this out before the end of the month. *Runs away*
Word Count: 2.1k words
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After the calamity that happened in the shop, you both went on that fall evening picnic date that you both planned awhile back. Finn absolutely adored fall since it's when he gets more inspired to cook his little pumpkin breads, more tea recipes, & he starts to get into his little hibernation phase which you always find adorable. You guys deserved it after a bit of a long day but with the questions that you still had in mind, might make it get even longer. You both prepared your little fall picnic under the park's willow tree with your checkered picnic blanket & a basket. You both laid back onto the blanket & began to gaze at the stars.
Finn sighed & fidgeted with his fingers as he stared at the stars in the sky. "Today has been a long day, hasn't it?" Finn broke the silence.
"Yeah it has." You answered awkwardly. You still felt bad about the situation that happened earlier today. "Hey, Finn?" Finn hummed in response.
"I'm sorry for what happened during the shop today. The dude...um damn. What was his name again, babe?" 
"Auron, darling."
"Yeah, Auron! That asshole really pissed me off." Well, apparently he pissed you off so much that you legit forgot about his name. "He is such a snobby prick & the way he treated you is just UGH. He treated you like you were just a damn peasant or like-"
"I was just there for one purpose?" Finn sat up on the blanket & curled his legs up. His face was exhausted, but he still had his soft smile. "Yeah, I know." You frowned at his voice. "You eventually get used to it when you work in service jobs. Your whole thing is just being a punching bag for people."
You sat up & leaned closer to Finn. "You have to deal with insults about almost everything. Like no matter what you do, it's always wrong. Then, eventually, you get used to the disrespect that is given, even though you always give them the respect that everyone deserves."
"That's just how service works. You deal with verbal abuse almost every day, but in the end, if you do anything about it, you're always in the wrong." Finn laid his head on top of his knees. "So I don't really care about what he said to me. It was just business." You rubbed his back.
"Finn. No one has the right to treat you like that. I don't care if they're a customer, friend, or family, no one should treat you like that ever. Period." You gently held his face in your palm & turned him to look at you. "Has Auron always treated you like that?"
Finn chuckled softly. "No. Not at all, actually." You were confused by the answer since that didn't really add up. "He actually treats me with the upmost respect. He enjoys hearing my flower facts. I just don't know why he acted out like that today."
"In a mood or not, he's still an asshole for saying that to you." You sighed. "Finn, you have to give yourself more self-respect. You're more than just a worker. You're a person." Then the long silence between you two began.
However, it wasn't really those long awkward silences. It was a silence of both thought & comfort. It was silence that was needed. As the silence went on, he stared at the black card that had been left by Auron earlier. The white font practically glowed in the moonlight. 
Why would he leave his card here? It was pretty obvious that Finn wouldn't be interested in getting a job since he already had one. Maybe you could call this number?
"Finn." He turned to look at you. You showed him the black card that you kept on you. "Let's call this number." He raised a eyebrow.
"Why?" He squinted to read the card. "Don't you already have a job already?" He paused to think. "Unless you're trying to juggle 3 jobs? Which I don't really recommend you doing. I tried to when I was helping my dad when it was his flower shop."
You shaked your head. "No? Maybe this might be his number?" Finn got even more confused.
"I doubt that, darling. That phone number could just lead to some operator at the end of the line & it's like what? 9 pm & it's a Sunday. Almost everything is closed right now!" Finn asserted.
"Hmmmm." You thought naught about the consequences & decided. "Yeah, I'm going to do it." Finn exhaled as there wasn't much he could do. "& maybe.." You added. "You could cuss him out for the way he treated you."
Finn was taken aback. "What? No! Why would I do that? That's just being plain petty."
"Being petty never really hurts, ya know." You said with a devilish grin, but it was soon shot down by Finn's 'Come on, now' look. "Or maybe just a little bit?"
"Darling, no. That conversation that happened earlier is done. We should just forget what happened & just accept the situation like the bending willows." You frowned.
"Well, alright." You put the phone down. "But I'm just saying it would be a good idea to call this number. I don't think he gave it to you for no reason." Finn considered that thought. 
"Hand me the card, please." You did as he asked you. You handed the black card & Finn took a gander at it. Maybe you were right about calling the number. He grabbed his phone from his pocket & you smiled at him.
"So, you're going to call the card?" 
"Yes, but I'm not going to do anything petty." He said sternly, but that sternness soon turned into dread. "But what do I say though? I don't think I've talked to a customer outside of work."
"A-HEM." You coughed loudly.
"I mean besides you, plus when we went somewhere to have a conversation, we never really talked on the phone about it beforehand." That gave you an idea.
"You should invite him for some tea, then."
"Yeah, invite him for some tea! Like you did with me." Finn laid back down on the blanket awkwardly as he groaned. "Come on, babe. I doubt it's going to be that bad. Well, if you cut out the tea spilling thing then yeah everything is going to be fine." His phone covered his face as he just felt the weirdness of talking to him.
You laid sideways next to Finn. "But if he treats you like shit again, I will kick his ass for real this time."
"That doesn't really help, dearest." 
"Listen, I'm just saying & to be honest, I might kick his ass anyway because he's a dick."
"You JUST met him today."
"Okay &? I'm about to throw hands the next time I see him." Finn groaned even louder as he turned to the side. You rubbed the side of his waist. "But you should still go talk to him. You have the card in your hands." Finn took one quick look at the black card again.
Finn finally gave in. "Fine, but I will not be a happy camper if it either goes to voicemail or it's just a operator on the line." You smiled. Finn dials the number on his phone, '717-XXX-XXXX'. His phone vibrates for about 3 seconds. Then 4. Now 5.
The phone picks up & Finn puts it on speaker.
"Welcome to the Talent Agency. How may I help you today?"
It wasn't his voice, sadly. It was a feminine voice on the line. It wasn't high-pitched, but it was a rich voice with a hint of gentleness.
Finn could've hung up from there since it wasn't the result that anyone was hoping for, but for some reason, something in him possessed him. A voice told him to continue the call.
"May I speak with Auron?" The lady on the line went silent but you could both hear typing, so there was some hope left.
"Who am I speaking with?" The lady sounded suspicious towards Finn as the sounds of typing stopped, but to be fair, you wouldn't send some randos to your boss. It would be a waste of time & annoying.
"Finn. From Talk Floral...?" Finn's response sounded worried. Like if you were dialing some random code in & praying that it would work. Finn cheesed so awkwardly & squinted his eyes like he was prepared to be slapped in the face with disappointment.
"Oh! Finn? Sorry, dear. I didn't recognize you. It is late after all." Your eyes both widened at the lady's response. Finn recognized the voice better, but you were even more confused than before.
"How many people do you know?" You mouthed quietly.
"A lot. It's been awhile." He mouthed back quietly. "Heyyyyy, Trish! It's been awhile, huh?"
"It sure has been, honey. I'm assuming he gave you the company card?" He both looked at the black card & some things were kinda starting to add up but at the same time, more questions than answers here.
"Yes & I was also wondering if I could go to Auron?" Finn asked.
"I would, but he's out of the office. He doesn't stay for long."
"Then why are you still at the office if he's gone?"
"I don't slack, you know. I'm just finishing up some leftover memos & emails that need to be sent tomorrow. However, it is nice to hear from you, Finn. Always been a joy to talk to!" He smiled at that compliment & looked at you.
"The teaaaaaaaa dateeeeee." You whispered.
"O-Oh! Um, is it possible to set up an appointment with him? Sometimeee?"
"Yeah, I can schedule that, but I have to let him know first. Can't be setting up blind dates as funny as that would be." Finn's face flushed.
"NONONONO IT'S NOT A DATE-" Trish chuckled on the other line.
"Jesus, ya sound like him. 'It's not a date, it's a business trip.'" She mocked Auron's voice. "But yeah, don't worry I'm just messing with you." Finn sighed loudly as he just laid down onto the blanket in exhaustion. "Don't worry, dear. I can try, key word: try honey, to see if he's willing to join you. Can't make any promises to you."
"If he does say yes & that's a big if, when & where will it be?"
"There's a little local tea shop that a good family friend of mine owns. It's called Hattie's & it's just right around the square. Maybe he can come by around like 12? That's when the shop closes for the day, since it's a Sunday." The sound of typing resumes from the other side of the call.
"Well, I'll let him know that you want to see him."
"Thank you so very much, Trish."
"Anytime, dear. Bye-bye." The call hung up. Finn puts his phone down on the blanket & just stares at the stars.
"That went well, didn't it?"
"nO." Finn's voice cracked. 
"Come on, Finn. Are you worried that he might want to see you again?"
"Maybe, & hear me out with this one, I come with you." Finn sat back up. Jesus, Finn is doing some goddamn sit-ups in this chapter, goddamn.
"With what happened today, no. I don't want you to cause a scene again & you just said earlier that you wanted to kick his ass."
"Still do."
"See?!" He groaned. "I just want it to go right & just not screw up this time."
"& you won't. I believe it's going to go well but if anything goes wrong, I'm always here for you alright?" Finn just nodded & you put your hand on his shoulder. "How about we enjoy the rest of this night, hmm?" You both layed down on the blanket. Y'all be getting abs after this.
"Hey, Finn. One more question for you. It's about Auron." Finn hummed a 'Yes.' "How long have you known him for?"
"I've known him for a while, but around 2 years sounds to be specific. I would say we've been, um acquainted."
"For two years of knowing each other, it doesn't seem like it." You quirked a eyebrow. "I don't buy that, Finn."
"But it's true!"
"Is it true? Or are you scared to just establish something between you two?" Finn hid his neck. He didn't have to say a thing to answer that question. His body language alone was enough. The rest was just an awkward silence as he was afraid to answer the truth about himself.
Nothing else needed to be said for it just unveiled itself.
He was alright with admitting mistakes, but when it comes to the truth about himself? He's scared of looking towards his own reflection. You both spent the rest of the date within silence but within that silence, you comforted him with your touch.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - Ngl did not know how to end this chapter so I'm sorry if the ending to this kinda sucks. I'll work on how to end chapters better or even how to write chapters better. The other reason is that I keep ignoring the asks in my little mailbox so if you sent me anything, I'm so sorry for not answering sooner. Gots alot on mind but don't worry I'm still chugging.
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talaok · 2 years
More jamie x reader x joseph content please. I'm literally drooling and growling at your fic about them. God even these stupid fucking emojis can't describe what I'm going through rn >:|
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Pairing: Jamie Campbell bower x Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: This is a sequel to stressed but you can read this without having read that. basically, you are at the fan expo Canada instead of Grace Van Dien, and Jamie and joe want to replicate what happened last time.
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral sex( female receiving), bit of fingering, and...anal
A/n: This is loooong but trust me it's worth it. Also disclaimer, I wrote the first part half-drunk(dignitosamente brilla) so beware. Yes, this is a 3 months old request and no, I do not care God, I wanna go to sleep.
Having fun
"Hi" you whispered awkwardly as you arrived backstage. You'd had a problem with the car and now you were late. Everyone was waiting for you, ready to announce the beginning of the panel. You were mortified and angry at yourself as you stood there in front of Joe, Jamie, and Finn, expecting them to be mad or at least annoyed for making them wait, but to your surprise, you were met with the complete opposite reaction. "Hi y/n" Finn greeted you with a smile, immediately going in for a hug. You felt relieved, suddenly feeling able to breathe normally again. "Hi darling" Jaime said, placing a hand on your back, taking you by surprise. "Hi sweetheart" Joe's low voice made you turn your attention to him as you were politely smiling at Jamie. Joe was leaning back on the wall, looking at you with a slight smirk. All this worrying about being late and you had forgotten about what you really needed to be stressed about. You could feel the ability to breathe normally disappear again. "We were worried" Jamie said in a low voice. "Yeah y/n, we were really missing you"Joe added We. You knew what the sentence meant grammatically, but you couldn't help but see another sense to it. You knew what we, really meant. It had been a while since you had seen Jamie and Joseph, and well... your last encounter hadn't been exactly the most usual. It wasn't every day you got fucked by both your cast mates. You had no idea how they were gonna handle the situation. Maybe they wanted to pretend that nothing happened, maybe they had forgotten about it, or maybe they didn't even think of it as much. You had no clue, and so you decided to just follow the direction they were going in. "I-I'm sorry I'm late" you cleared your throat" I had a problem with the car" you explained shyly. "Oh it's fine" Finn said reassuringly. "all that matters is that you're here now" Joe said, stepping closer to you. "Yes, that's right" Jaime agreed, stroking your back with his thumb. "Mh-mh" Joe smiled as he brought his hand up to caress your cheek. Oh fuck, you thought just as you heard your names getting called on stage.
For the first time in your life, you were relieved to be interviewed. As much as you hated being the center of attention and having people looking at you expectedly every single time they asked a question, and as much as you hated the weight on your chest when you looked at the audience, as they waited for you to say the most extraordinary thing they ever heard in their life. It was all much better than the alternative. All it took was one second of being in the same room with  Jamie and Joe, and you had already forgotten how a normal human being acts.  And as if that wasn't enough, your original plan had failed miserably. You wanted to see how they were gonna act so you could have just followed their lead. But, since that stupid car decided to arrive late, you now had no idea how they wanted to handle the situation. The greeting had been very weird, to say the least. But the problem was that you didn't know if they were flirting with you, making fun of you, or if that was just the way they had always acted, and you were just now noticing it.  You were feeling nauseous and at the same time, you wanted to cry. You had spent the past week angry at yourself for having made such a stupid decision. At the moment it felt like a good thing they were both so hot and you hadn't really thought about the consequences. For all you knew, that was the last time you were gonna see each other. But as it turns out, your plan wasn't so foolproof since you were part of the same TV show,  that was still on air. You wished you could be chill about this, and not be bothered by it, you really really wished you could just chuckle thinking about what had happened, but that wasn't you. What was you, was panicking just at the thought of having both of them sitting beside you, one on each side. God, it was like they were doing it on purpose. "princess" a faint whisper startled you. You widened your eyes and turned your head to the right, finding in front of you Joe with an amused look on his face, his lips twisted up in a thin grin. "She asked you a question" he whispered, holding the mic far from him. "oh" you said mortified "I-I'm sorry" you smiled, trying to salvage the situation "W-what was the question?" you turned towards the interviewer. "oh don't worry" she waved her hand to emphasize her words, "I asked you about the recent press tour you went on in Brazil. How was the country and how was it being left alone with these two?" she asked, nodding towards Jamie and Joe. You have got to be fucking kidding me. You were certain your cheeks were the same color as what the flames of hell probably look like. You swallowed nervously as you kept your eyes on her, desperately trying not to make eye contact with the men beside you. It was like you could feel the smirks on their faces. "I-I" you cleared your throat. just be professional y/n, and pretend for a second that nothing happened. It really isn't that hard. you smiled nervously"Well, Brazil was amazing, really, and so were the people there. And you know, Jamie and Joseph are-are great, so... yeah, everything was good" you finally did it. "Just good?" Joe asked, a wide grin on his face. You were gonna kill him. "Yeah, from what I remember, you seemed to think it was more than just good" Jamie added, with the same expression as the other fucker. Oh please, not him too. You gulped, trying to at least look like you were breathing normally. "I-I, N-no you are right." you gave in, trying to make them stop. "It was actually really good" you said, staring at your shoes. "That's better" Joe whispered to you. Making an involuntary familiar feeling pool in your lower belly. Oh, you were so fucked.
"Guys, I gotta go, it was really fun though. We should hang out more often." Finn said, standing up. Oh no, your life jacket was escaping. You were sat on some couches in a room backstage. After the panel had finished you had decided to stay together a bit more and obviously you had found yourself sandwiched between guess who? You guessed. them. And that hadn't been that much of a problem because Finn was there, but it wasn't looking so good now. "Already? We see each other so little" you asked Finn, trying to persuade him to stay "I know, I'm sorry, but I really gotta go" he said with a sad smile. You smiled anyway, you didn't want to push it and make him feel guilty or anything. "It's nothing Finn, it was really nice seeing you"  "You too" he hugged you before leaving. Now the fun started, and by fun, I mean absolute panic. The room fell silent the moment the door closed. "I-I should probably go" you said. "But sweetheart" Joe placed a hand on your back "we just got here" You swallowed thickly. "I know,b-but I'm tired" "you are not avoiding us, are you y/n?" Jamie asked, amusement clear in his voice. "N-no, I just didn't sleep a lot last night" "Darling" Jamie put a hand on your thigh "You seem tense" "I-I" you stuttered "Just like last time" Joe murmured, making you shiver. "You know... We'd be happy to help you again" Jamie continued. "More than happy"  Joe said leaning closer to you, so close you could feel his hot breath on your cheek. Your brain had melted, just like the rest of your body. You were hearing a distinct buzzing in your brain, and suspected that was all that remained in your cranium. It was all so confusing and strange at the same time. You needed air. "Guys," you said faintly "y/n" answered joe "I need to go" You said decisively, looking at them. They were both still grinning, which made you mad, hadn't they heard you? It wasn't gonna work this time. It was just too much. "y/n" said Jamie, caressing your thigh. "No" you stated "I'm sorry but this is wrong ok? I'm not saying that I didn't like it last time, because I really did, but I just can't do it. I'm not cool or calm or any of that shit. I've been panicking all day because I had no idea how to act, and it was so tiring and I don't wanna do it again. I'm sorry but I can't do it. I can't have casual sex with people I know I'm gonna see every day for 6 months starting in 2 weeks. I'm simply not made for it."You caught your breath"So no, I'm sorry but no. I'm going." You stood up and walked away, proud of yourself for having finally gotten it all out. You didn't know what this meant but you were just happy to have done what you knew was the right thing.
You were laying on your bed in your pajamas, watching Gilmore girls on the computer, when you heard a knock at the hotel room door. You were expecting this, it wasn't a surprise. What actually was surprising was that on the other side of the door was only one of the people you expected to see. "Hi" said Joe with a genuine smile. "Hi" you answered There was an awkward silence as you tried to understand what to do. "can I come in?" he asked, making you raise an eyebrow in suspicion. "I'll behave, I promise" he raised his hands in defense. "All right" you said, opening the door for him. You pretended not to notice how he checked you out as you sat down. His eyes traveling slowly from your bare legs, covered only by some very short shorts up to your bra-free tits, hidden only by a little pink tank top he very much wanted to rip off of you. "So" you sat on the bed"Why are you here?" He set beside you, making the bed squeak "I wanted to talk to you" You smiled "please do, then" He reciprocated your smile as he started "Ok. I'm really sorry we made you feel uncomfortable y/n. And I hope you know that it was not our intention at all. Really. And if we knew that it would have made you feel this way we would have never proposed it in the first place. So I just wanted to apologize, that's all" You hummed, taking it all in "Why isn't Jamie here?" you asked, genuinely curious. He smiled "We didn't want to put too much pressure on you. So we thought that only one of us should have come here first, and the second would join in later." he explained "that's smart" "The other thing that we wanted to say is that" he cleared his throat "It doesn't have to be weird. we could keep doing what we did last time without making it a big deal. Just see it as occasionally having fun, in an adult way, and outside of that, we can just act as we have always done around each other. It would be easy don't you think?" he asked. You frowned "I-I don't know Joe, I mean it's not as easy for you as it is for me. You saw me today during the interview, I looked crazy" "you did not. and" he shrugged "that was partially our fault, we were taunting you " "But it's not just that,y-you have this effect on me. It's weird" He chuckled "And what exactly do you think you do to us?" he licked his lips "You know, it's very hard to concentrate on an interview when you look at me with those eyes and bounce those pretty legs or smile so innocently" he confessed, making your heart flutter. "Ok" you said "So if I wanted to do this, we could just be normal around each other in everyday situations and you guys will stop taunting me, right?" you waited for him to confirm "Absolutely" "And it would just be us having fun?" "Yes, sweetheart" he grinned, putting a hand on your bare thigh. "And could we have fun now?" you whispered "It's solely up to you princess" he said, leaning closer. There wasn't much thinking to do having his face a few centimeters far from your face. After all, It was a good plan and you really, really wanted to kiss him. So you did. You gently placed your lips on his, closing your eyes and starting to slowly melt into the kiss. You put one of your hands on his strong chest and the other one at the base of his neck, toying with his hair. You smiled, breaking the kiss. "You liked that?" he asked, gently moving some of your hair behind your ear. "Mh. Mh" you hummed, making him smile. "Good" he said, leaning in to kiss you again, this time his tongue slipping through your lips, and exploring your mouth. "And you liked this?" he asked "Yes Joe, I really liked that" "good" he said again, leaving a quick kiss on your lips again. "Tell me what you like"  You swallowed nervously "I-I don't know" he kissed your neck, making you whimper "Tell me what you liked last time then" "I-I liked everything Joe,it was amazing"  He smiled as he was sucking your neck "I know it was amazing princess, I just want to know what you liked" You bit your lip nervously and he came back up to look at you. "C'mon y/n, I know you can do it" he said, before kissing you briefly and returning back to work on your neck. "O-Ok," you said, your breathing ragged "I-I liked when you-" you didn't know how to say it. "Well, you know" "No, I don't. I wanna hear you say it baby" "I liked when you-When you licked me there" you explained "I'm gonna need you to be more specific sweetheart" "Joe, please" "y/n please" "When you licked my pussy" you whispered, making him groan. "Good girl" he said, his hand traveling down to your panties, only to toy with the hem of them. "Please Joe" you pleaded "Please what baby?" "please touch me" "I can't" he said, retrieving his hand and making you frown "not until Jamie gets here" "That's mean" "it's only right" he kissed you "but that doesn't mean we can't do other things in the meantime" he stroked your cheek with his thumb. you smile curiously "like what?" he kissed you again "well" he looked at you "you could let me undress you" the idea intrigued you "Would you like that?" "hm-hm" you nodded "I need you to use your words baby" "Yes, Joe, I would really like that" you said, earning a proud smile from him. "very good" he said, kissing you one last time before kneeling in front of you and putting his hand on the hem of your shorts. "raise your hips princess" he ordered, and you eagerly obeyed, finding yourself completely naked from the waist down in a matter of seconds. He hissed at the view, his eyes fixated on your pussy. He couldn't control himself as he bent down and left three spread kisses on it, making you moan faintly. "I thought you weren't supposed to touch me"  "Well, Jamie doesn't need to know about everything, does he?" he looked at you as he came back up to sit on the bed. "No, he doesn't" you agreed, making him bite his lower lip "God, you are perfect sweetheart" he said, before kissing you again, this time his tongue exploring your whole mouth. he leaned away eyeing your shirt. "You don't wanna take that off?" you asked, making him chuckle "Oh trust me, there's nothing I want more on this planet than to do that, sweetheart" he said, placing his hand on each side of your torso, making you shiver, and bringing his hands up to meet the shirt. He gripped it and agonizingly slowly took it off, leaving you completely vulnerable. You had never seen him smile so widely in your entire life. "You are a masterpiece y/n y/l/n" he said, gently touching your boobs "I hope you know that" You smiled giddily at the compliment as you heard a knock at the door. You gasped softly, but before you could say anything Joe spoke "I think you should get that". you smiled shyly as you stood up, feeling Joe's eyes glued to your ass. You took a deep breath and very slowly, opened the door. The look on Jamie's face was the perfect mixture of shocked, pleased, and horny. "Now, This, is the way I like to be greeted" he joked, making you smile, before coming into the room and closing the door behind him. You walked towards the bed as he followed you. "So I understand you like our plan?" he said, placing his hands on your waist. "I do," you said gently "Very good," Jamie stated, looking for one second at Joe before crushing his lips with yours. His hands explored your whole back as he walked you toward the bed. He pushed you on it, making you notice how Joe had gotten up. "What were you watching?" You turned to see Joe with your computer in his hands, looking curiously at you. "Gilmore girls" "Figures" he smiled to himself. You would have gotten mad at him at another moment but you were feeling particularly frustrated right now. "C-can you touch me now, please?" you begged to no one in particular. Jamie raised an eyebrow at Joe "You were really able to stop yourself?" he asked incredulously. "I know" he eyed your body "Trust me, it wasn't easy," he said, winking furtively at you. You whined, trying to make them bring back their attention to you, and like clockwork, both of the men turned towards you. "Of course darling, today is only about you" he said, spreading open your legs. You bit your lip as he bent down and kissed your clit. "So pretty" he murmured, kissing it again "such a pretty pussy for such a pretty girl" he whispered again, before licking a stripe between your folds. You whimpered as you shut your eyes closed. "And soo desperate" he smirked before attacking your clit with his mouth, sucking and liking like it was his life long-duty. "oh god" you moaned, as he continued undaunted. "tastes good doesn't it?" Joe asked, his eyes never leaving yours. "better than anything I ever tasted"Jamie responded, looking straight at you. A wave of pleasure cursed through you at the scene. You moaned loudly as you started grinding on Jamie's face. "And sound soo good too" Joe said, as he took off his clothes. You turned your head towards him as he got out of his shirt and as he slowly unbuckled his belt, clearly wanting to put on a show for you. You moaned again as he slipped his pants off, remaining only in his boxers. A very visible tent, prominent under them. He smirked as he stepped closer to you, kneeling down on the side of the bed. "Such pretty sounds" he whispered against your cheek. "From such a pretty mouth" he continued before meeting his lips with yours. His tongue immediately made its way into your mouth as his right hand found your cheek and his other one your boobs, starting to gently grope them. You moaned into his mouth as he pinched your nipple, making him chuckle. "So sensitive" he whispered against your mouth before starting to work on your neck, leaving hot opened-mouth kisses all over it, just to finally start focusing on a spot under your ear, sucking and kissing it desperately. You were a moaning mess, between his hands on your tits, his mouth on your neck, and Jamie's work of art you were surprised you had not already lost your voice from how hard you were moaning. And just when you thought it couldn't have gotten any better you felt Jamie's fingers at the entrance of your hole. "Jamie" you whispered "Yes, darling?"  "please" "Please what?" he kissed your clit, making you cry out "Please use your fingers" He smiled against your pussy "At your orders" he purred before sloooowly pushing his digits in. "Oh god" you screamed "God has nothing to do with this" Joe murmured to your ear, before going down and taking your nipple into his mouth. You were either gonna die or ascend to another dimension. You felt a bubble form in your lower belly as Jamie started to work his fingers in and out of you, while his mouth resumed its impeccable work. "I-I'm coming" you stuttered, expecting Joe to object like last time, but were surprised when you actually heard him say "Please do princess, let us see you come undone baby", and who were you to deny him of his wish? You let go as the bubble burst in your belly, making you shout incoherently as thousands of little fireworks went off inside of you. "Oh shit" you smiled blissfully, as you caught your breath, making them both grin widely. "so it was good huh?" Jamie asked, making you roll your eyes. "it was amazing" you sighed "That's better" Joe smiled before kissing you passionately. "So" Jamie stated, as Joe leaned away and you propped yourself up on your hands. "Who do you want inside you, sweetheart?" Joe continued for him. You blushed, which was stupid considering the situation, but you couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed being asked it so bluntly. "I-I" you stuttered "It's just a question baby" Jamie said, sweetly. "I-I don't know" you said  "There are no wrong answers princess" Joe murmured, stroking your cheek. "I-I know it's just-" you bit your lip "Just what darling?" "I-I want both of you. I can't decide" You said shily. A thin grin appeared on their lips. "well..." Jamie started, sitting on the bed with a hand on your thigh "You know, there is a way we could do that" "You mean like last time?" you asked innocently. "not exactly" said Joe, looking at Jamie for a brief moment before turning back to you. "Oh" you frowned "then how?" Joe looked at you hungrily, biting his lip. "Well, we could use both of your pretty holes" he murmured sultrily. You gulped. This was new. You had never done that before and definitely not like this. "We'll be gentle" Jamie interrupted your train of thought. "really really gentle y/n" Joe followed. "you wouldn't have to worry about a thing" Jamie added. "We'll take care of you princess" said Joe. You bit your inner cheek as you pondered the proposal. You would be lying if you said it didn't attract you, imagining both of them in you at the same time... heaven. You looked between them, both staring at you hopefully before speaking up "you'll go slow?" "of course" Jamie reassured you. you took a deep breath "ok" you exhaled "I wanna do it" They looked at each other with the same faces children have when they enter a candy shop, it was almost cute. "You won't regret it sweetheart" Joe said, grinning widely, making you smile shily. Jamie took all his clothes on in a matter of seconds as Joe took off his boxers. His cock springing out of them. making you instantly rethink your decision. how was all that gonna fit? "I'll go slow princess, I promise" he said, noticing the shift in your expression. You nodded, as Jamie laid down on the bed beside you. You turned towards him and were met with an adoring look. "Come here" he said sweetly before kissing you hungrily, his hands immediately finding your hips and guiding you on top of him, without ever breaking the kiss. You moaned into his mouth as you felt him positioning his length at your entrance. "you ready darling?" he made sure. You nodded eagerly, and he didn't waste any time, pushing his tip in and slowly raising his hips until he had bottomed out completely. "Feels good?" he asked "Amazing" you sighed, as you bent down to kiss him. Your hips involuntarily starting to move on their own accord. It felt soooo good already, and you wondered how it was gonna feel with Joe too. Just as you did, you felt him getting beside you. You swallowed nervously as his tip touched your other entrance. You heard him spit on what was probably his hand and then another time directly between your cheeks, making you gasp. "Relax princess" he purred as he used his fingers to spread his spit all over your hole. "O-ok" you stuttered, as you stopped moving on Jamie's cock. "It's gonna feel good baby" Jamie assured you. "mh-mh" you nodded, as joe positioned himself. "It's gonna hurt a bit now, but it'll be worth it" Joe said, taking a moment before veeery slowly starting to tear you apart. You hissed at the feeling. he wasn't kidding about the pain, you thought as he continued to push himself into you. "Good" he murmured "You are doing so good princess" he said as he kept going. You felt a single tear stream down your face, and Jamie immediately went to wipe it off "You're doing great darling" he said sweetly. "J-joe" You cried out "I know baby" he cooed, using one of his hands to stroke your back reassuringly "You almost did it" "and..." he finally pushed himself fully into you, making you gasp as his balls hit your ass "there" he said proudly "You did it sweetheart" You bit your lip, as you took in the feeling of having both of them so deep inside of you at the same time. "Can I move?" he asked gently. you turned to look at him, a smile appeared on your face, as you nodded at him, making him groan with enthusiasm. You chuckled at his reaction, but were soon interrupted by an animalistic moan you let out as he thrusted into you. It was like nothing you ever felt before. it still hurted a bit, but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure you were feeling.  "oh f-fuck" you cried out as he did it again. and just as you were starting to get used to it, without any warning, Jamie started moving too. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as they both pounded into you more and more fast. You were completely filled, and unable to say or do anything. it was like you had fallen into some kind of ecstasy-provoked trance. "Shit, you feel so fucking good y/n" Joe groaned  "You really do" Jamie agreed as he gripped your hips to thrust into you even harder. You cried out his name as he smirked smugly. "It's so tight" Joe whispered, putting a hand on your back to gain more traction, making you literally scream. You were completely useless, a doll at their mercy, unable to even move. If heaven was a real thing, this was probably what it felt like. "You're perfect y/n" Jamie purred, as you kept bouncing up and down or left and right. You had no idea at this point, you just knew it felt absolutely incredible. "So fucking beautiful" Joe groaned "taking us so well" Jamie complimented you "So.fucking.hot" Joe continued, as he kept his pace. Their words together with this feeling were really pushing you over the edge. "I-I" you wined, not able to form a coherent sentence "You're coming?" Jamie asked gently, his breath ragged. "Mh-mh" you hummed weakly "fuck" Joe swallowed "fucking cum princess" he painted "cum all over us" "Yes darling,please do" Jamie continued. "I.I" you failed again, as a familiar pressure formed itself in your belly. "cum y/n" Joe commanded "do it baby" Jamie whispered, sending you over the edge. You screamed their names as your orgasm hit you so strongly that everything went black for a moment. "F-fuck" you heard Joe stutter "Imma fill you up sweetheart" he breathed out, as you were still riding out your orgasm. "me too darling" Jamie said, "gonna fill this pretty pussy with my cum" he said, just seconds before, with a loud grunt they both came, one just a few seconds after the other, making you moan loudly at the undescribable feeling. Everybody remained still as you all tried to calm your breathing. Joe chuckled lightly as he pulled out of you, making you involuntarily laugh a bit too, as you pulled yourself off of Jamie, who was also smiling widely. "Well" said joe "Well" Jamie continued, as you all looked at each other amused. "I'm glad we made this work" you finally spoke. "So are we"  "Definitely"
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daenysthedreamer101 · 9 months
TVD - s3 ep14
"Dangerous Liaisons"
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First of all, I knew there was something up with Esther! I knew it! How was Elijah the only one who noticed something was off? Like...when he points it out to Rebekah she's dismissive and basically tells Elijah to stop being paranoid. And ofc my man was right as he always is. If I was a Mikaelson I would trust Elijah's instincts, but hey that's just me.
Why was Finn so willing to die? I mean I get it, he didn't ask to be a vampire (none of them did, obv) but you're really ok with dying and all your siblings dying...damn! 😭And Esther, I'm sorry you're such a hypocrite - them becoming vampires was all your fault! and once you saw what they turned into and all the negative side effects you have the gall and the audacity to be horrified...like babe, you were repeatedly told "Don't do this, it's dark magic, don't do it, it goes against nature" and you still did it.
You and your horrible husband literally murdered your own children, you put some dark magic on them (you didn't even know what it was gonna do to them) and then act all surprised when it turns out doing blood magic on someone is probably gonna have a negative influence on the person.
before season 3 I always asked myself (because I knew certain things about the story before watching the show) "After Henrik died, why didn't they just leave?" then Elena asked Rebekah that exact question in Ep 8 I think and Rebekah said "because of our father's pride" (something like that). So Esther and her crusty husband would rather choose to use blood magic on their children instead of just leaving the village and going somewhere else...like, what? 💀💀
If I was an Original, yeah I would also be pissed at my parents. Like you killed me (just for that - wtf, they are literally your children!?), turned me into a bloodsucking monster without my consent when you had the option of leaving, but no, daddy's pride is more important than our safety...I would continue living just to spite you, like ma'am, you don't get a say in my life anymore, not after literally conspiring to murder me and my siblings with our crazy, abusive father. You can both rot in hell!
Love Kol! Love him! He's so sassy and he is a menace ugh love him and he's really cute! 😊😊
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(side note, but all of the Mikaelson brothers have nice voices, yes even Finn, I didn't think he would have such a nice voice. guess I'm just a sucker for a man with a nice voice lol)
7. ok, don't crucify me but I didn't really like Caroline's ball dress. It looked cheap and I didn't like the jewels thing on her waist. I liked Elena's dress more. I think Rebekah had the best dress, actually.
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Also why exactly was Caroline there? Because Klaus had a thing for her? But why? Why was he so interested in her? Also isn't she still with Tyler at this point? And Klaus knows she's still with Tyler. Would she have gone to the ball if Tyler was in town? At the end of the night, she ends up arguing with Klaus and calls him out on his behavior (as she should) so... I really don't understand how she ends up with him. Throughout the entire third season, she kept on saying "Eww Klaus, he's so bad and creepy, ew!" but I know they're gonna be a thing in s4...so I guess I'll just have to continue watching?
Like, I'm sorry to any Klaroline shipper if they see this, but wasn't Klaus the reason why she was bitten? Klaus told Tyler to bite Caroline and then when she's on her deathbed he's like omg let me help Caroline...girl you are the reason she's dying, smh. And that's how they start their relationship..ok 🙄
I think that's enough, if you read this far, thank you ❤❤❤
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gremlintheslut · 1 year
Forever theirs (redone)
Chapter 6 help me mommy
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Warning- bondage, cnc, nicknames, mommy kink , daddy kink, overstim
Dead dove do not eat
Master list
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The door opens and rhea walks in. "how's she settling in puppy?" she asks not even looking at us as she heads to the corner where a set of draws sit. "we've talked about that nick name" he growls and i can feel the vibrations in his chest. "yeah, yeah puppy" she says finally turning to look at us after putting something away in said draws. "aww, you not settling in well doll face?" she mocks me flashing me her fangs as she smiles widely.
"why don't I get Finn and you two can put her in her place?" she asks Damian. "sounds like a plan" he says holding me tight. I feel weirdly comforted by the idea of someone I know being here. But they're going to put me in my place?
I hear rhea leave. I continue to cry as I am kept still by the hairy man behind me. I hear another person enter the room. I know for a fact it's Finn. I don't want to look at him. "you remember the plan?" he asks clearly not talking to me.
I assume Damian nodded his head because they both got into action. Damian carried me to a bed in the corner of the room. Finn helped tie my legs down and then they both left for a few seconds. I immediately untied myself. I ran to the door and opened it.
Only to find rhea standing right in front of it. She tsked at me shaking her head. "they were gonna go easy on you too," she said stepping forward. I step back letting her into the room. She shut the door with her foot and locked it with her back to it. "too easy in my opinion"
"but, they can't go easy on you now. I'm sure Damian told you what would happen if you were a problem. Sure you have some balls but we can't deal with this constantly. So, I hope they can convince you to straighten up because I really like you and I'd hate to see you go so fast" she says continuing to step forward until my back hits something. Then I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.
Rhea and Finn carry me to the bed. They rip off my clothes and tie me down again. The knots are much tighter. They dig into my skin and I can't move without them burning. Damian comes back with a black duffle bag. He opens it and I can't see inside from where I am. He pulls out a small bullet vibrator and a collar. Rhea takes the collar from him and places it around my neck.
"is it too tight?" she asks as if she really cares. I shake my head feeling embarrassed and self-conscious as I am naked in front of strangers. "I said is it too tight?" she raises her voice tightening it around my throat. "yes mommy" I mumble out. She losens it to how tight she had it before. "and now?" she asks. "that's perfect mommy" I mutter afraid of being hit or choked. "good" she kisses my head and wishes me good luck before leaving me alone with the men.
I whimper as the vibrator is placed on my clit at the medium setting. I see Finn get a bottle of lube out of the corner of my eye. "she's not stretched be careful" Damian reminds Finn and he nods. Damian climbs onto the bed in front of me. He unzips his pant and pulls them down to his mid-thigh along with his underwear. His cock is massive just like the rest of him. I have no idea how I'm going to take it but I guess I have to.
He lines himself up before slowly pushing into me. I try my best to hide my sounds but I fail and moan very loudly as he bottoms out in me. Soon I feel Finn press against my asshole. If he's the same size as Damian he's going to make me bleed. He slowly pushes inside of me. Thank god he's not as girthy but I am still in a lot of pain.
Tears roll down my face. Damian wipes them away with his thumbs almost scratching my face but he seems to be careful not to now. "you're doing so good" he whispers in my ear. The butterflies in my tummy flutter as I didn't expect to be praised.
It's quite comforting. Finn continues to push in until he balls deep in me. They begin to thrust in and out of me at the same pace. I moan as they speed up. I begin to cry more.
The vibration from the bullet and the pleasure I am getting from both of them is too much. I feel my orgasm approaching. My moans become loud and desperate and I almost ask them to turn the vibrator up before I remember where I am. I'd probably be hating myself right now if I wasn't feeling so fucking good.
I am teetering on the edge of my orgasm. "cum for us lass" I hear Finn whisper in my ear. I come undone on their cocks. But they don't stop or slow down. I am so sensitive it hurts. Within a matter of seconds, I'm close again. Just as I am about to cum Finn reaches around and turns the vibe up to the highest setting. I squirm the rope burning me but I don't care. I come undone again. Just like before they don't stop or slow down.
Again I'm on the brink of my third orgasm. Every wave of vibration brings a sharp pain. At this point both Finn and Damian are close. I pray to god neither of them wants another round after this. My moans and whimpers are so loud and desperate that I might as well be screaming.
I can feel the coil building in my stomach again. Damian hits my G-spot and I yelp in pain and pleasure as I cum again.
Both of the men are grunting chasing their own releases. Damian more growling than grunting. My whines only encourage them. Their thrusts get sloppy and finally, they paint my walls with hot sperm.
But they don't stop they keep going and going. I'm at my 6th orgasm and I'm sobbing. "please! I'll-I'll be good. I'll do everything you ask just, please stop." I cry out. I am met with shush's mixed with grunts and growls. I am approaching my 7th orgasm. I hear the door open I look and see rhea watching us. "mommy please make them stop!" I beg wanting nothing more than for this to end. She just laughs at me.
"Please, mommy" I cry on the brink of my orgasm. My sobs once moans of pleasure get louder as I tip over the edge. I am out of energy. My screams have been getting quiet. Rhea watches us for a bit before leaving again.
My orgasm is building up again. I can't take it anymore. I am in so much pain. "please Stop, please" I sob harder and harder as I get closer. "good girl" Finn mumbles on the edge of his release.
I cum undone again and at this point, I would be screaming if i had the energy.
Roughly 30 mins later I'm on my 12th orgasm and Then the door opens again. I know it's rhea. I have lost almost all of my energy and Begin to slip into little space.
my screams have turned into whines and hums over the last 30 mins. I'm in so much pain. "do you want your pacifier baby?" rhea asks softly. I nod my head. "yes mommy" I mumble out breathlessly. Rhea reaches into the duffle bag on the floor and pulls out my pacifier from home. She puts it to my lips and I open my mouth for her. I suck on the pacifier gently.
I rest my head on Damian's shoulder and cry. They continue using me. Rhea watches my face with a loving expression on her face. "adorable" she says kissing my head and wiping my many tears. She looks as if she is debating something in her head. Then she grabs me by the chin and lifts my head up.
She kisses the side of my neck before biting down. I feel her teeth pierce my skin. I let out a whiper at the feeling. She removes her teeth from my neck and begins to suck on the wound. I get more and more lightheaded as she sucks my blood. Once she decides shes done she pulls away and kisses my cheek.
My head spins and i battle unconsciousness. "should we wrap it up?" Finn asks the others sounding distant to my ears. "it'll be easier to keep her like this if you keep going for a bit" Rhea says and they do as they're asked.
"and once your nice and fucked out you can come upstairs for bath, that sound nice?" she says obviously talking to me. I nod my head and babble three quite syllables of nonsense meant to be 'yes mommy,' she smiles before walking away. The rest is a foggy nightmare.
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I'm back bitches!!!! ❤💕💓
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anxious-witch · 8 months
The color between my lines
Summary: The story of the Bojan and Kris is pretty simple. They liked each other, they dated, they broke up. Almost broke up a band over it, too. Really the fact that they are such good friends now is a miracle in itself.
Kris has kept a careful balance ever since. Letting his feelings get the best of him already got him hurt once. He will not do it again. Except, when Jere enters the equation and Bojan seems to be interested in the Finn, can Kris truly let him go? Or will he risk their friendship in an attempt to try again?
Pairings: Bojan Cvjetićanin/Kris Guštin
Warnings: mentions of bullying, an unnamed character getting his arm broken, homophobia, mentions of past bullying Kris experienced
On AO3
Okay, so first and foremost, a big thank you to @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare for beta reading this and helping me iron some details, and to @reserved-fruit for letting me expand on one of the prompts she got, I am really thankful to you both <3
Second of all, I know this chapter is a bit short, I was getting into bokris dynamics for the first time and I wanted to give a bit of the backstory first. I hope I did them justice. This fic will probably have 2-3 chapters if I don't get carried away. So yeah, enjoy
Kris’ life, for the most part, was a carefully constructed set of rules. Like a sketchbook full of drawings. You were meant to color it, but there were specific colors you should use and you needed to color in between the lines.
Or, it was, before Bojan slowly but surely pushed his way in his life. 
Coloring his life over any and all lines, like he couldn't see them at all and breathing to life the colors Kris couldn't have even imagined.
It was a slow but inevitable dance they played, exchanging jabs towards each other. A push and pull, forever circling each other.
“That song doesn't have distortions.” Turned into “I still think you are annoying, but sure, we can hang out after school.” Then, “Please don't faint when you meet my dad.” 
“I don't think I ever would have picked up a guitar if it wasn't for you.”
Was it truly a surprise for them to end up together?
“I don't think I ever felt this way about anyone,” Bojan said to him, his eyes wide and honest. 
They were at the park, in the middle of the night, sitting on a blanket Kris sneakily took from the far end of the closet. He didn't like sneaking out at night, but only this late did they dare to be this close outside.
Besides, it was summer. It was warm and they had no obligations outside of band practices. Kris thought that for once, he could relax a bit and let himself be a bit more laid back.
Bojan passed his hand through Kris’ short hair and Kris pretended it didn't make him shiver. 
“Because you had so many experiences with dating in the first seventeen years of your life?”
Bojan lightly slapped his arm.
“I had a girlfriend before!”
Kris snorted.
“Right. The one you dated for…what? Two weeks?”
“My mistake.”
Bojan pushed him on his back as Kris laughed and kissed him. It was a sure way to quickly end most of their arguments. 
And even those were far and few in those first few months of their relationship.  
Months were passing quickly, though and as summer melted into autumn and then the beginning of winter, things started to change.
It was on a particularly cold night, after a gig they did that they found themselves in Kris’ house. His parents knew about it by this point, and having expressed their approval, allowed Bojan to come over when he liked.
This was how they ended up lying in Kris’ bed, the post gig adrenaline slowly dying down. Bojan was always hit with the low especially hard afterwards, so Kris made sure he didn't leave him alone after.
“Don't you sometimes wish we could just…go away?” Bojan whispered in the dark.
Kris circled his arms around his waist, pulling him closer to his chest.
“Go where?”
“Anywhere. Anywhere but here.”
Kris felt his heart squeeze painfully at the bitterness in Bojan's voice. He gently turned him so he'd face him.
“What are you saying? Why do you want to leave? I never heard you talk like this before.”
Bojan's eyes were piercing, even in the darkness of Kris’ bedroom.
“I just…don't you wish we could just hold hands in public? Kiss? Just, be ourselves?”
Kris carefully considered his words, his hand automatically intertwining with Bojan's.
“I mean, yes. But we have the time. It's not now or never. We are barely eighteen.”
Bojan huffed, turning his head away. Kris gently turned it back to him.
“Where is all this coming from?”
Bojan shrugged, but Kris could feel there was something deeper than that. So he waited.
“There is a guy from the same year as me, but in a different class. Someone broke his arm during recess today.”
Kris felt the chill sink into his bones despite being in a warm bedroom.
“Oh my God. What happened? Did they do it…on purpose?”
There was slight hesitation before Bojan nodded. Then, all at once, it clicked for Kris.”
“They did it because he is gay.”
It wasn’t a question, but Bojan nodded again. Oh Bojan, Kris thought. 
“Are you…” Kris trailed off, unsure what the right word was. Scared? Angry?
Bojan rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m peachy, but I am not the one with a broken arm, am I?”
They fell silent, but the tension stayed, hanging heavily in the air. Too heavy for Kris’ childhood bedroom, too heavy than anything that hung between them before.
Kris thought of middle school where people called him a girl and a fag until he cut him hair. How he could have easily been the one to get his arm broken in slightly different circumstances. Yet, what could he say to all that? They couldn’t exactly just pack up and move away on a whim, could they?
Besides, they wouldn’t be in high school forever. For Bojan it was only a few months left, while for Kris, it was one more year. College would be different, they just had to bid their time until then. 
There were so many things Kris could say, but Bojan looked so small and exhausted, Kris didn't want to push. When he was angry or felt something was unfair, he could be quite stubborn. Pressing the issue could only result in more argument. 
“Alright, maybe we should just go to sleep and talk about this some other time, yeah?”
Bojan looked up at him for a moment, his dark eyes piercing. Kris let him, unsure what he was looking for, exactly. Then, after a moment Bojan simply nodded and wrapped around Kris tighter, as if he was trying to melt into him. Kris chuckled and pressed a kiss into his hair.
“Goodnight Bojči.”
“Goodnight Krisko.”
It didn't get better.
Ever since that night, Bojan kept pushing the issue. Saying how, if they stay, they'll cave under the pressure, get stuffed into a mold and then it'll be too late. 
Kris didn't understand. They were still themselves and while certainly, the situation wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t dire either. They were only eighteen. Where would they go? And how?
Bojan didn't seem to have a definitive answer to that, so they stopped arguing. But Kris could tell it didn't leave his mind. Then, things got worse.
Bojan began pulling away. There was no other way of describing it. Not just pulling away from Kris, but from the band, too. Kris wasn't sure what shifted, but ever since Bojan got a new music teacher, he seemed to have completely shifted his worldview.
He kept missing practice and saying he just didn't have a clear idea on the new song they started working on.
Their dates became fewer too, although it did seem Bojan put more effort into maintaining their relationship than he did in maintaining the band.
Kris did wonder why he looked so tired all the time, though. What was he doing?
He came knocking at his front door one day after class and Bojan's mom greeted him. He saw a surprise flash over her face.
“Good afternoon, Mrs Cvjetićanin.”
“Kris, you know you can call me Snežana. But also Bojan isn't home yet.”
Kris made a split second decision to lie and find out what had been happening with Bojan lately. So he smiled, hoping he came off as sheepish and earnest at the same time.
“I actually wanted to come a bit earlier and surprise him, since he had been so busy lately…”
Snežana's face turned understanding.
“Yeah, of course. Come in. You can wait in his room if you'd like. Do you want anything to drink?”
After a bit of small talk with Snežana, Kris found himself in Bojan's room. It was somehow even more of a mess than usual.
What drew Kris in was a stack of papers neatly put on the table. Or well, as neatly as one could expect from Bojan.
When he picked one up, he found they were song lyrics. Not the song lyrics of the new song Kris had been begging Bojan to work on, though. No.
This was-this wasn't even the kind of song that suited the band. And the notes on it confirmed Kris’ suspicion. 
It was a solo song.
Kris slowly sat on the bed, the paper still in his hands. He stared blankly, his brain trying to catch up to what he was seeing.
There was only white static in his head, his heart drumming in his ears. Then, the doors opened and Bojan was standing in the doorway.
Kris felt as if time slowed down. He looked up at him. Saw as Bojan's expression flickered between surprised, to fond. Then, his eyes slowly focused on the paper Kris was holding. His face paled.
“Kris, I-”
“Are you leaving the band?”
Bojan closed his mouth, then opened it, then closed it again. The pressure in Kris’ head grew, static turning into white-hot rage.
“Are you leaving the fucking band?!”
Bojan flinched back, his foot hitting the door behind him. Kris breathed in through his teeth. 
“I don't know yet. But-probably.”
Kris closed his eyes. Tried to breathe through his anger and something awfully close to heartbreak.
“You know why.”
Kris’ hand trembled as he dragged them through his own hair, nails scratching over the scalp, attempting to ground himself with the pain.
“Humor me.”
“Statistically, solo singers are more likely to make it in the industry.”
He bit his tongue so hard he tasted blood. His breaths came out as labored. He couldn't bring himself to look at Bojan at all.
“So that's what this is about? You want so badly to get away from here, you are willing to leave all of us behind?”
Kris finally opened his eyes to see Bojan walking towards him and kneeling down to take Kris’ hands in his own.
“You-you could come with me. If it all works out as it should.”
He swallowed a lump in his throat. Bojan's voice sounded so small, as if pleading him to understand. Kris did understand. But understanding wasn't enough.
“How would that even work? We both agreed we'd have plan B. How do you think this will work with college? Besides, if we are not doing this as a band, how would I even go with you?”
Bojan didn't say anything, which was an answer in itself.
“Is this what your new music teacher told you? Is he pushing you to-”
“He is not pushing me to do anything! I want to do this!”
The black line, crudely drawn across all the other line and colors, cutting it in half.
“Well then,” Kris said, his voice coming out strangely calm, almost frosty, “I suppose there is nothing more to say.”
He saw the exact moment his words hit Bojan, his eyes widening and his face paling even further.
“Wait. Are you breaking up with me?”
Kris felt as if he was in some sort of trance, all his fiery rage turning to ice. He pulled his hands from Bojan's grasp.
“I guess I am.”
He stood up and Bojan did as well, grabbing on to his arms. Kris tried to shake him off, but Bojan held firm.
“No, wait-please listen to me!”
“What is there to listen to? You want to leave? Fine! There is nothing holding you back now!”
Kris began walking towards the door, but then Bojan grabbed him again and pinned him to the door. Kris exhaled shakily and then he was being kissed.
Bojan had never kissed him like this before. So desperate and full of despair. Kris kissed him back and cupped Bojan's face, finding it wet with tears.
By the time he pulled away, they were both breathless. 
“Stay,” Bojan whispered, his hot breath ghosting over his lips.
“Only if you do.”
Bojan's face twisted up in pain. 
“I can't, Kris I have to try. If I don't try, I'll always wonder what would have happened if I tried. I'm sorry.”
Kris’ ice shield broke and tears slid down his cheeks too.
“I'm sorry, too,” he said and pushed him away.
This time, Bojan didn't try to stop him. Kris walked past the kitchen and living room, hearing Snežana humming to the radio, blissfully unaware.
For the first time, Kris didn't say goodbye to her when he left.
He got out on the street and simply walked. Winter sunset painted the sky in beautiful orange and yellow colors, but Kris felt completely devoid of color. 
Like a coloring book with pages torn out and discarded, all the colors uneven and ugly. For the first time he saw them all, but they held no beauty and no warmth.
He swore he would never, ever let Bojan break his heart again. He would never even talk about him ever again.
He was done.
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solar-collector · 23 days
“ Could we ever go back? ” - Pt 3
Characters included - Finney, Robin, Albert Shaw
Includes - Rinney / Finbin
TW - The Grabber / Albert Shaw
"Hello?" Finney answered, the other side of the line was quiet. Nothing, as quickly as it rang, the line went dead. Finney sighed and hung it up. He looked at Robin and shook his head.
Robin got up and walked over to Finney, he wrapped his arms around the other and rested his grad on the other's shoulder. Finney wrapped his arms right back around him.
Robin had missed being close to Finney, he was so damn clingy. Especially to Finney, who was his best friend, his everything. He hated being away from him so damn long.
"I've missed you so much.." Robin mumbled quietly. "I've missed you too."
Despite Finney being the one to end the friendship between the two, he had missed the other so deeply. He hated that he didn't let the other explain himself before he just left. He had missed Robin so badly.
Robin sniffed lightly, squeezing the other lightly. "You don't understand Finn-" Robin pulled back slightly and looked at him with sorrowful eyes. "I don't know what to do without you, I feel so damn lost- I hate how you make me. I feel so helpless without you. You make me so soft."
Robin went on with his rambling. Finney pulled him back into the hug and just held him. "We have each other again. Okay? Let's not think about all that now." Robin nodded and rested his head back on the other's shoulder.
Robin and Finney sat on the bed, Robin with his head on Finn's lap. Finney messed with the other's hair, running his fingers through it, getting the knots out.
"Jeez, won't let you use a damn brush?" "Nah, hijo de puta don't let me use nothin'. He feeds me and gives me beverages. Occasionally brings down new toilet paper." Robin explained. Finney hummed in acknowledgement, continuing to untangle his hair.
"Everything is so much better now." Robin mumbled. "Yeah? We're in a basement." "But I'm with you." Finney laughed quietly, God. He had missed being around Robin so much, even in the worst situations, Robin was always a light in the darkness.
The phone rang, causing the two to jump. Robin pushed himself off of Finney so that the other could get up and answer it. Finney picked it up, brining it to his ear.
"Hello?" Like he had started before. "Finney.." He heard and immediately hung up, stepping away from the phone to the back corner of the basement. Robin stopped up in a flash of a second and went to the left corner of the room. "Did it say something?" Robin mumbled, Finney just nodded. Too scared to get anything out.
Robin held the sleeping Finney in his arms, gently messing with the curls on his head. Carefully twirling them around his finger so that he wouldn't disturb the other.
The door latch clicked and Robin pulled Finney closer to him, Finney opened his eyes, though he wasn't fully awake yet.
"Calm down kid." The man spoke as he set down the tray. "Make this last, I won't be able to bring you two anything for the next few days." He sighed, placing a hand on his hip. He shook his head.
"Nothing has been right since I got Finney. Nothing." He rambled. "Would someone see you bring food to us?" Finney asked as he sat up. "That's none of your business. So don't you worry about that." "I'll start screaming, whoever is upstairs will hear."
Robin looked at Finney, he opened his mouth before the man started speaking. "No he won't, not with the door closed." "He?" The man let out a low growl. "With the door shut, no one can hear you, I sound proofed it, myself."
Robin sat back and listened, being told the exact same thing. Just minus someone coming to the home. Finney glared and the man shook his head, going back upstairs.
Finney opened his mouth to start screaming, the other got up and covered his mouth. "Not worth it, save your voice." He mumbled, Finney sighed and nodded.
"So.. This is where all the kids died, huh? Griffin, Billy, Vance.. Bruce.." Robin looked down and nodded. "Yeah, this is.. Where we all ended up."
"Oh, so. We probably aren't making it out." *Finney said, his voice filler with defeat. "No, I'm probably not making it out, but I'll make sure you do.
Finally did this damn part....
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