#yeah nah it's the washing and the sheets
axelsagewrites · 5 months
Felix Catton*Period Pains
Pairing: Felix Catton x afab! reader
Word count: 1322
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Warnings: periods, period pain, mentions of drinking, pure fluff
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There were few things worse than waking up at 7am for a lecture, rolling out of bed and seeing the blood stain on the sheets. The brief relief of getting your period was quickly swept away when the first cramp hit. You managed to get through your classes with a few pills and the promise of your hot water bottle in your dorm.
During your lecture you felt your phone buzz and sneaked a glance only to see Felix had messaged the group chat with plans to go out for the night. You weren’t exactly sure how you managed to join his and Farleigh’s drinking gang, but you were always down to have a pint with them at the end of a long day.
But today even just reading the text made you tired. Instead of replying you slipped your phone back into your pocket and tried your best not to fall out your seat and writhe in pain.
You’d seen in the chats they’d planned on meeting at seven. When the time ticked around and your friends were all out downing their first drinks you were laying in bed instead with 2 hot water bottles, a jumbo bar of chocolate. At 7. 15 your phone buzzed again with a text from Felix.
Felix – You running late?
You – sorry I can’t make it. I don’t feel great
You really thought that was that and unpaused mean girls so you could see who had been personally victimised by Regina George. However just as Regina got hit by the bus there was a knock on your door.
You shut your laptop and paused for a second to see if they’d walk away but another knock came, and you were forced to drag yourself out of bed with a loud groan. “What-oh” you paused as you opened the door to a concerned looking Felix, “Hi? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I was just worried about you. You never miss a night out, so I thought I’d come check on you. I’m sorry I can go if this is weird,” he said, his voice trailing off with a flush growing on his cheeks.
You’d never seen Felix nervous before, but it was an oddly cute sight. “No don’t be sorry. Its sweet really,”
“You don’t look sick,” he said, and it was at that moment you actually remembered how you looked.
Yes, the well-dressed incredibly cute aristocrat was now seeing you in your baggy pyjamas, bare faced, messy haired, with cow slippers on. It didn’t help that he was dressed up in a shirt and everything. “I’m not sick,”
“Then what’s wrong?” You paused, an awkward look accidentally washing over your face. Felix quirked an eyebrow before looking behind you and seeing your snack pile and hot water bottles on the bed, plus the one you still held in your hand. “Oh,” he said, realisation dawning on his face, “Do you need me to go pick you anything up?”
“Um no I’m alright,” you laughed though still feeling slightly awkward about it all, but Felix seemed completely unfazed by it all.
“Okay,” he said, before suddenly walking straight past you and into the room. “What were you doing before I came?”
“Just watching movies,” you said, voice trailing off as you followed him across your own room to where he sat on your bed.
“Oh, movie night!” he grinned, his charm turned back on. He moved to half lay on your bed and put the laptop on his lap, “What are we watching?”
Your eyes scrunched together in confusion as you looked at him, “I thought you were going out with the guys?”
Felix snorted, “Nah mate. They’re boring without you there,” he smiled in his adorable accent that made it even harder for you to wrap your head around this. “You, okay?”
“Yeah just- “you shook your head with a slight smile, “Never mind its nothing,” Felix nodded, seemingly accepting your answer as you moved to sit beside him on the bed.
“I like the outfit by the way. The slippers are a nice touch,” he grinned making you shove him away.
“Shut up,”
Felix laughed as he moved to put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you back to lay beside him as he looked at the movies you had on your list, “10 things I hate about you?” he asked, turning his head to look at you.
You could feel his breath fanning your face making it near impossible not to blush. “Its actually really good. It was inspired by The Taming of the Shrew but its okay if you don’t wanna watch it. Its just some dumb chick flick,” you said, pulling your hot water bottle onto your stomach.
“I trust your judgement don’t worry,” he grinned before starting the movie. “Oh popcorn! May I?” he asked, nodding towards the bag you had at the bottom of the bed. You nodded and quickly grabbed it to pass to him. when you moved to sit back his arm ended up around your waist, “Thanks love,” he smiled as he took the bag and settled in to watch the movie.
It was 1am when pretty woman wrapped up. All your snacks were now long gone and at some point, you had both ended up spooning on the single bed with your laptop on a chair beside the bed. Felix had stolen one of your hot water bottles for his back, stating it was the best invention ever.
At first the feeling of Felix’s arms around you and his breath tickling your ear made your skin red hot however now it was like a laying in a hot bath. “I can’t believe you’d never watched it before,” Felix said as the screen went black.
“I can’t believe you have,” you laughed making him roll his eyes with a dopey grin. “But I’ll admit it’s a good film,”
“What can I say? I have great taste,” he said, gently pulling your hip so you moved to lay on your back with him looking down at you, “I know a pretty woman when I see one,”
“Stop, that’s so cheesy,” you giggled making Felix do the same.
The laughter stopped but there was still a dopey grin on his face, “Its true though. This was fun though. We should do it again sometime,”
“You don’t regret ditching your pals?” you asked.
He shook his head, moving his arm to rest his head on his fist, “I can honestly say this is one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time,”
“Me too,”
A thick silence hung over the room as Felix glanced down at your lips, “Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?” he whispered, his eyes gazing into yours and putting you in a trance.
“I think it would be worse if you didn’t,” was all you could whisper back.
You felt your heart racing in your chest as his head dipped down, his soft lips pressing gently against yours. the kiss was brief, but all the air was knocked out your lungs as he pulled away, “I’ve been wanting to do that for ages,”
“Then maybe you should do it again,” you said, your hand moving to rest gently on the back of his soft waves.
Felix smiled down at you as his head dipped down for another kiss, “Maybe I will,” he teased.
Nothing happened that night, but you did wake up with Felix still in your bed the next morning, your head resting on his chest. “Morning pet” he murmured as you woke up.
“You’re cute when you sleep you know,” he said, your skin instantly heating up. His arm tightened across your waist though with a devious grin on his face, “Even cuter when you’re all shy though,” one thing was for sure, Felix and his cuteness would be the death of you.
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wakasaz · 7 months
Thinking about how Wakasa would react to being walked in on.
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♡~Cw: MDNI, 18+, all characters are 21+, unprotected sex, oral, public sex. I think that's all.
♡~ Not proofread
♡~ Happy Birthday Waka
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“What would you do if someone walked in on us?”
“I wouldn't stop fucking you, that's for sure”
Shinichiro didn't know what he expect to find when walking into Wakasas apartments but it definitely wasn't seeing you with your ass up while wakasa fucked you from behind. The room was filled with moans and the sound of skin slapping skin. Shin didn't mean to let out a gasp and he definitely didn't mean for Wakasa to hear him. “The fuck Shin” wakasa says while looking at him not stopping his movements once. Wakasa looks down at Shinichiro before letting out a chuckle. “Might as well take care of your problem now. I'm not stopping anytime soon” Your face is buried in the mattress as you let out a whine embarrassed that Wakasa would say that.
Benkei knew you came to visit Wakasa at work. You do it almost every day. Usually bringing him lunch or even dinner if he is staying late at the gym. Benkei decided to give you guys some privacy, so he was working on paperwork outfront instead of in the back office the two share. Reading over the papers, a few of them required Wakasas input as well, so Benkei thought you wouldn't mind him interrupting your guys dinner to get this done. Walking to the office door, he could hear sounds but couldn't make out what they were. Not thinking anything of it, he opens the door to find you laying across Wakasas desk, hands pulling his hair as his face is buried in your cunt and his pants are down. Wakasa pulls away looking at Benkei as he replaces his tongue with his fingers. Benkei tries to look anywhere but at you. “This better be important. I'm busy” Benkei holds up the stack of papers pointing to them before saying he can just come back while looking at the floor. Wakasa sits down pulling you up with him before sitting you down on his cock. “Nah, She can just cockwarm me till we're done”
Takeomi always hated when he was tasked with the job of finding where you and Wakasa sneak off to, but Shinichiro always says he finds you guys the fastest. Currently, you are all hanging out at Takeomis house when you and Wakasa decide to sneak away from everyone. Takeomi just rolled his eyes when he saw you two leaving, knowing he was going to be forced to find you guys once Shin noticed you left. Walking around the house, he finds his bedroom door shut. Opening it, he walks in to find you in a mating press, legs pushed as close to your chest as possible with Wakasa on top of you. “My bed? Seriously?” Takeomi yells. Wakasa turns his head, looking at Takeomi before shrugging his shoulders before turning his attention right back to you, not slowing down his pace. “I'll wash the sheets, calm down” He says before Takeomi slams the door and goes back to Shin and Benkei. “Did you find them?” Shin asks as he lights a cigarette. “Yeah, and I'm going to have to burn my bed” Shin and Benkei laugh, knowing exactly what he walked into.
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mischelmayleys · 14 days
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As Ingird let me through their apartment I noticed how spot on it was. Everything had its place and was dusted off. A cat came to sniff my legs as we entered, making me bend down and pat its fur letting out a soft smile at the bal of fur.
“Okay so your room is right next to ours so if you need anything you can just come to us.” Ingrid explained as she opened the door to the room.
It was mostly a bare room with a nice king size bed in the middle and TV right on the opposite wall. As we walked it I spotted the big window where in front of it was a dest with some plants and a laptop.
“We didn’t know if you needed a laptop for school or not, but we figured you can just use it for whatever you want. It has netflix in it as well as the TV.” Ingird explained, probably seeing me eyeing it.
I didn’t know what to say: “I…thank you.”
She smiled softly at me and went to put a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch: “Hey don’t worry I just wanted to dust off your top.” She pointed her finger on my shoulder which had a bit of blood on it from the fight yesterday.
“Oh, that’s just um…” I started to say but Maria came literally running into the room with my bags on her shoulders.
“I don’t know if Ingrid already told you but we can do whatever you want with the room, we can paint the wall or buy new sheets, some decorations?” She was rambling and it made me look at Ingrid for help.
“Maria calm down, she just got here.” Maria stopped talking and apologized.
“It is okay. Can I use the bathroom please?” I asked not knowing where it was.
Ingrid nodded and pointed to a door in the back of my room: “There, it’s just yours.” I stared at her in shock. Did I just get my own room WITH a bathroom?
“We will let you settle down a bit, if you need anything we are in the kitchen.” Maria said and they left me alone.
I breathed out as they closed the door and I looked at my hands. They were bruised and they hurt less than yesterday but it started to get worse again due to me picking up the skin on my fingers. With a shaky breath I went to the bathroom, and carefully washed my hands under the water. It stinged and I hissed.
I replied to the fight in my head, it wasn’t my fault…I was just protecting myself. I might not have friends in school but outside it was better. Rodrigo was one of my closest friends to many people. He seemed like a bad person, but he was a sweet guy deep down. We met when I was at my first foster home when I was seven and he was ten. I saw him in a park where he had just fallen from his skateboard and I went to help him and since then we were attached to him until he started to hang out with the wrong people.
He is twenty now to my sixteen, and still he is my rock. I came to his flat more than I was to my different foster parents. And the fight happened because of him.
I was sitting next to Rodrigo on a couch as he smoked some weed and I just casually smoked cigarettes. His other friends were split all over his place and just doing nothing at all.
“So…you ran away again.” Rodrigo said to me as he turned my way.
I nod: “Yeah, what was I supposed to do? Get myself killed.” he gave me a soft smile and put his hand on my thigh: “Don’t worry, you can stay here if you want.”
I chuckled a bit: “Nah, I don’t think your friends would appreciate me sleeping in here.”
“You are right, we don’t want this chick sleeping here.” Someone from the other side of the room yelled as Rodrigo went to stand up and defend me but I pulled him back down: “don’t.” He huffed and sat down but couldn’t keep his mouth shut: “Shut up Diego, you bring here sluts and I can’t have here my friend?!”
It was the wrong move and from that time on, one of the only things I remember is that Diego hit first. They were punching each other hard and somehow I stood up and went to split them up.
And that was when Diego grabbed me so to my self defense I hit.
The only other thing I remember is police breaking into the apartment and separating us from each other.
I shook my head as a shiver went down my spine. I stopped the water and walked back into my room and took it all in again.
The fresh sheets.
The Tv and laptop looked completely brand new.
There was a thing I didn’t acknowledge the first time.
It was a framed Barcelona jersey. It had Alexia along with the number 11 written on the back. Alexia…Alexia… I tried to think about where I heard it before. I took out my phone and went to google it until I realized I didn’t have any wifi or data. I sigh and go to the laptop placed on the table and carefully open it. It was connected to a which I assumed was Ingrids and Maria's wifi.
I opened google and wrote about Alexia Fc Barcelona. So much information came up, that’s when I realized it’s THE Alexia, which people in my old school were always talking about. Alexia was the best footballer in the world. It’s not like I didn’t know that Barcelona had a female team, I just never had the opportunity to see them play, I never had a Tv before or money to go to see them play. There was one picture that caught my eye. It was a full squad photo, that’s when I saw them…Ingrid and Maria both being in the picture dressed in their very own kit.
I am living with famous football players…
I didn’t know if that was good or not. They are probably going to travel all the time and not have time for me…great so no need to get close to them. Since they are public figures, they wouldn't hurt a kid…at least I hoped so.
I closed the google and leaned back into the chair. What am I supposed to do now? Unpack?
The question in my head was quickly answered when my phone ding with a message.
Rodrigo: Come over?
I pursued my lips and looked at the closed door and then out of the window. It had the railing and stairs there…great way for escape.
Eliza was quiet in her room, we thought she would come out by now to eat dinner, but we didn’t want her to feel pressured so we stayed at the table waiting for her.
Mapi was texting away on her phone when she suddenly put it down: “I am going to look at her.” I nod as I waited.
She came quickly running back to me.
I frowned: “Why are you running what happened?”
Mapi had a worried look on her face: “She is not in her room.”
I quickly stood up: “What do you mean? Maybe she is just in the bathroom.”
“No, she is not anywhere and the window is open so I think she sneaked out.” Mapi said as she sat down on the chair and put her head into her hands. I ran my hand through her hair.
“Well…we know what the social worker told us. We are going to wait for her return.” I said quietly not really believing we won’t go looking for her
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its-time-to-write · 7 months
for anyone else who needs comfort in the form of a sick fic. but written specially for @coloursofyen🩵
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there for you
Jamie’s alarm goes off at precisely 3:26am, which is what he says is the optimal time to wake up for training with Roy. He rolls over and feels for your warm body on the other side of the bed, frowning when he feels nothing but the cold covers next to him. You’ve been out of bed for a while, then.
He sits up, and as he wipes the sleep from his eyes he notices a light coming from the en suite. Jamie hops out of bed and taps on the door.
“Babe? You alright?” he asks.
He’s met by a retching sound so he pushes open the door to find you kneeling in front of the toilet. Sweat makes strands of hair stick to your face, and your face is unnaturally pale. You blink blearily at him as he sits against the doorframe.
“I think I have a stomach bug,” you croak.
Jamie’s unable to stop a grin. “What makes you think that?”
You’re too tired and nauseous to flip him off. You’ve been awake for more than an hour, thinking first it might be something you ate. 
Then you remembered one of your coworkers called out sick earlier in the week, followed by your supervisor two days later. Seems like it’s your turn now.
You manage to get out, “It’s going around the office,” before turning your face back to the bowl.
Jamie makes a sympathetic face and moves to rub your back.
“I’m gonna get you some water, babe. You want anything else? Crackers? Toast? I think we have shit for soup later today, if you think you can keep it down,” he says.
“Roy,” you say, sticking to easy words.
Jamie gently pats your back. “Nah, don’t worry about him. He’ll be glad to have the morning off.”
“You have a match on Sunday,” you remind him. “You can’t catch this.”
Jamie disregards this and presses a kiss to the side of your head. “The lads’ll be fine without me. Give some second-teamer a chance to be on the pitch. Besides, it’s against Bournemouth.”
You make a face. Bournemouth is at the bottom of the league, and at the moment a match against them is essentially free points.
“It feels awful,” you rasp.
Jamie readjusts his position on the floor. “Babe, I’m a fucking… specimen. I’m like, so fucking healthy that viruses bounce right off me. I’m not gonna catch it.”
You shake your head and retch again. That’s what you had thought.
“Let me text Coach,” Jamie says. “I’ll sit here as longs as you need, or I can grab a bowl so you can go back to bed. Actually, let’s go to the guest room while I change the sheets in here, yeah? All hygienic, like. I can make mum’s special soup, think we’ve got everything for it. Can order it if not. Just don’t worry about it, alright? Your body’s a temple, or whatever fucking Lasso says.”
You crack a half-smile at that. For as much as Jamie loves football, he loves you more. Only slightly more, but you’ll take it. 
He says, “Come on, up you get,” and half-lifts you to a standing position. Once you’re settled in the guest bed with the tv on and a lime soda, he heads downstairs to figure out what you might be able to eat. He ends up bringing you toast, a banana, and a sleeve of crackers, then getting into bed next to you.
“Sheets are in the wash,” he says. 
“Don’t get too close to me,” you warn. “You’re going to catch this fucking bug.”
“Won’t,” he responds smugly.
“Will,” you argue.
“Won’t,” he repeats with such confidence that you wish Roy were still coming over to smack him down a little bit.
Will, you silently mouth.
That fucker doesn’t even get so much as a sneeze.
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izurou · 2 years
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synopsis: eren has an annoying habit of going back on his word. this time however, you’re more than glad that he does.
contains: female reader. modern au. established relationship. penetrative sex. period sex. fingering. praise + pet names. one mention of blood and one mention of pregnancy. 2k words.
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you know better than to believe a single word that comes out of eren’s mouth.
not that he’s a liar per se—there’s no malintent behind his actions, especially when it comes to you. it’s just that, he can often be found saying, and doing the opposite of what he really wants.
like yesterday, for instance. he made himself nice and comfortable on your side of the bed—tossing pillows and destroying neatly tucked sheets as he swore up and down that he was simply keeping it warm while you did your skincare. fifteen minutes of pampering later, and there’s a small dark spot forming right beneath the mouth of your now fast asleep and immovable boyfriend.
add that to his already lengthy resume—filled to the brim with reassuring promises of nah i’m not hungry, i’m not sleeping, i don’t care where we eat, and your personal favourite, i don’t even get cold—and there you have it, a bad habit. you know better, though. he is hungry, he’s about to fall asleep, he’s not in the mood for burgers, and he can’t even feel his ears and fingers anymore.
you’re well acquainted with this habit. you know better than anyone how annoying it is. even so, eren can make it seem like a blessing in disguise.
“i said no,” you huff, firmly pressing a wet hand against his chest as you peer out from behind the dark grey shower curtain.
you watch as a few water droplets run down his chest—mocking you as they inch lazily along the ridges of his abs, ultimately disappearing as they absorb into the waistband of his sweats. in that brief moment, you second guess your answer.
“come on, there’re benefits y’know,” he hums, wrapping a hand around your wrist and pulling—a smug attempt at coaxing you out from behind the pesky fabric. he semi succeeds, forcing your free arm to cup your breasts as you stumble forwards a bit.
benefits, huh? you make a mental note not to be alarmed if you see can i still have sex with my girl when she’s on her period in his browser history at some point.
“eren,” you wince, feeling that infamous throb in your lower abdomen. his gaze softens ever so subtly upon noticing, and he’s quick to loosen his grip—non verbally telling you to shuffle back into the hot water. “we are not having sex while i’m on my period,” you mumble, “dream on.”
you’re not against the idea—hell, you’re famous for pouncing on any and all opportunities that involve him fucking you. however, your worry stems from the inevitable mess you’d make on him. the last thing you want is to gross him out.
“fine, just lemme in,” he pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning his head against the wall right outside the shower. “i’ll behave.”
“yeah, right,” you smile to yourself and roll your eyes as you reach for your body wash—vanilla coconut, eren’s favourite. surely he won’t mind. “behaving isn’t really one of your strengths.”
“but making you feel good is,” he hums. you don’t need to look to know he’s sporting that infamous grin, but something possesses you to turn around anyways—and there it is, ear to ear as he leans his head past the curtain and eyes you up and down.
you don’t feel your best, and you’re certain you’re not looking it either with all those lingering pms symptoms—it’s day one after all. eren however, is staring at you like you’re the most gorgeous being to grace this planet. you’re not sure whether to attribute it to his hormones or yours—but that insatiable glint in his eyes is indisputable, and hot.
a long, drawn out sigh falls from your lips as you turn your back on him again, continuing to lather yourself up. he watches silently, waiting for what he knows is coming. you’re going to kick him out of the bathroom in five. four. three. two.
“are you coming or not?”
one point eren. he rids himself of his clothes in a matter of seconds—not that he was wearing all that much to begin with, but it probably broke a record for something, somewhere. he’s standing behind you now, tugging at your hips until your back is flush with his chest. his chin digs into your shoulder as he wraps his hands around you, rubbing them dangerously low on your tummy. you smell so good, and your skin is so soft and warm—every ounce of self control he has is working overtime.
“eren,” you warn, feeling his lips start to leave open mouthed kisses along your neck. you have to lie to yourself—filling your brain with the worst possible outcomes. if you don’t, you’ll be the one to lose control, and then you’d really be fucked—in more ways than one.
“just relax,” he hums, dropping his hands lower and pressing a palm against the plush skin right between your hip bones—simultaneously grazing his fingers against your folds. “i’ve got you.”
whether or not that was intentional is up for debate—but it was you squirming nonetheless. you tug your bottom lip between your teeth as a precautionary measure, letting yourself lean back against him. that dull ache from earlier—you’re sure it’s still there, you just can’t feel it anymore because you’re too focused on him.
“tell me if you want me to stop, ‘kay?” he whispers, warm breath fanning over the shell of your ear as he gives your hips a light squeeze. he settles a hand back between your legs, pressing the pad of his middle finger against your clit and circling it slowly.
“e-eren,” you choke out, craning your neck to the side in hopes of seeing his face.
“mm, yeah baby? feel good?” he shifts his gaze to you, charming smile glued to his lips as he runs a finger along your slit a few times—focusing back on your clit with a faster pace. he’s pretty, baby hairs clinging to his forehead and cheeks tinted a light pink—either the heat of the room is finally getting to him, or you are. his movements are rather simple, but they have you nearing orgasm already. you chalk it up to his sweet talking, or maybe it’s those damn hormones—oh, yeah.
curious, you tilt your head downwards. will eren have blood on his fingers? will he stop if he does? and what if he—
“hey,” before your eyes can even make it between your legs, he’s placing a hand on your throat—forcing you to lean back against his shoulder and look at him as he peers down. “don’t worry about it,” he mumbles, rubbing his thumb on your skin, “gonna fuck you either way, y’know that, right?”
“please,” you whimper, squirming until you’re free from his grasp, “i need you.” you turn to face him for the first time, snaking your arms around his neck and kissing him. you can feel him smirking against your lips, and if you had to guess—you’d say he’s amused by how eager you’ve suddenly become.
“i must be dreaming,” he throws your comment from earlier back at you, words muffling into your mouth. you’re not immune to his smugness, even in your desperate state—you wrap a hand around his cock, running your thumb across the tip.
his breath hitches, and the movement of his lips against yours falters briefly as he groans into your mouth. your power trip ends almost as quickly as it starts though, because now you’re being pressed against the cool ceramic as eren slips his tongue into your mouth.
“fuck,” he hisses, wiping at the little string of spit that hangs from your bottom lip as he pulls away. he hooks an arm underneath one of your legs and lines himself up at your entrance, peering up at you with hungry eyes. “hold on to me.”
you gasp in unison as he pushes the head of his cock into you, absentmindedly digging your nails into each other’s skin. he rests his forearm just above your head, more or less letting his hips do the work—though his pace is slow, presumably from him not wanting to go too hard.
you on the other hand, have to bite your tongue to prevent yourself from begging him to go harder. instead, you do it yourself—or at least you try. the position he has you in makes it rather impossible for you to gain any type of control, but you buck and twist your hips nonetheless, searching greedily for more.
again, eren is amused by this, flashing a devilish grin at your meager attempt to get yourself off on his cock—how adorable. he’s not an idiot, though. if this is what you want, it’s what you’ll get.
he thrusts into you, harder, faster—brows pulling together in concentration as he stares down at the spot where you connect. shit. on instinct, you tilt your head forward.
“don’t,” he growls, wrapping a hand around your throat again, a little rougher this time. “eyes on me, baby. only me.”
he holds your gaze, savouring the way your face contorts with each drag of his cock, the way your strangled moans echo off the walls—he’s on fire, and not from the blazing atmosphere of the room.
“fuckk,” he drawls, throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. he’s close, but he needs to make you cum first—because his research also informed him that while low, there was still a risk of getting you pregnant. so, he’s going to pull out.
“eren, i’m gonna—hah,” you whimper, like music to his ears. the knot in your stomach tightens, but —you hold back, denying yourself the pleasure of cumming. all you can think of, is the crime scene that would appear below you.
“let it out, baby,” he chimes in, fully aware of how close you are. you’re clamping down on his cock, making it incredibly difficult for him to keep up that heavenly pace—but you know that ultimately his determination beats yours by a landslide. he rests his forehead against yours, tunnelling your vision even more. “cum for me,” he pants, “you deserve it, s-such a good girl.”
you can’t help it. you tilt your head back as your walls flutter around his cock, and he sees that as an opportunity to kiss and nip at your throat. he’s babbling strings of praise into your skin—feeling nothing but pride as you cum on him.
he barely pulls out in time, instantly shooting his load onto your torso as he fists his cock. his smile is lazy as he gathers a bit of his cum on his middle and index fingers, bringing them to your lips and almost cumming a second time as you stick your tongue out.
“fuck i love you,” he grunts, feeling the vibrations of your moans as you suck his fingers clean. he pulls you under the steady stream of water and kisses you—meticulously twisting and angling your bodies so that any remnants of mess, both his and yours, will never be seen by you.
“feel any better?” he asks, biting his black hair tie between his teeth as he tugs his wet hair into a much neater, but still somehow dishevelled bun.
“yeah,” you mumble, clinging to him for balance. you’re not sure when all the feeling disappeared from your legs, but it did—in the same way that your cramps have ceased to exist, for the time being at least. “so much for behaving.”
“c’mon,” he pauses as he reaches for the handle, making sure to keep an arm wrapped around you. “you just said you feel better.”
you stare at him blankly, hoping that if you do this long enough, he’ll be able to read your mind.
“what?” he tilts his head, searching your face for clues. only when you guide one of his hands onto your tits does he realize. “you need more, baby?” he grins, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “want me to make you feel the best you ever have?”
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senorablack · 11 months
Big Boy Purchases
Words: 1028 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Humor, adulting like pros Summary: Our boys buy some things for their house. That's it, that's the fic.
Leather looks nice and it’s comfortable as hell, but it’ll be a pain in the ass come summer. “But it’d be metal as fuck.” Eddie argues. “It’s, I don’t know, impractical. Come on, man, three seats? Nah, at least if we get the brown sectional we have more space annndd we could pull off the cover to wash it.”  “Expect a lot of fluids to sully our couch, aye, Stephen?” Eddie squints. “It’s Steve.” He replies, then walks Eddie to the sofa in question. “And yeah, you’re the clumsiest person I know. And we’ve both met Robin.” “God said, you can only have good hand-eye coordination or those deviant, sinful genes that makes a guy wanna blow another in the parking lot of a Piggly Wiggly. Not both.” “Is guy suppose to be you?” Steve asks with a raise brow. The back of Eddie’s knees are at the edge of the sofa. “Duh, man, I’m the most clumsiest person I know. And we’ve both met Robin.” “Cute.” Steve says, and all but throws Eddie into the cushions.  Eddie whimpers. Melts. Groans so inappropriately that Steve has to kick him in the shin to get him to simmer down. “Dude, this is a family place so would you keep it g-rated?” “Out of body right now. Leave a message.” Eddie closes his eyes, takes a deep breath. “After. The. Beeeeeeep.” “So?”  “I concede. I surrender. I god damn yield.” Eddie says. “Is this—am I dead?” “See? Imagine kicking off your shoes after a long day of running around the restaurant.” “God? Is that you?” “No, but I get that a lot.” This opens Eddie’s eyes. He frowns. Shakes his head. “Nah, man, you can do better than that.” “What I keep telling myself, but for some reason I still keep you around.” Steve says, offering Eddie a hand up. Eddie takes it and immediately pulls him into a side hug. “Atta-boy.”
Quilt and wood? That’s summer camp. That’s visits down at the his parent’s lakehouse for the Fourth of July. That’s grandma sneaking you her kitchen sink cookies when your parents aren’t looking. It’s stealing whatever you can find from the linen closet and making forts in front of Saturday morning cartoons. It’s a—
“Hell no.” Eddie scoffs.
“Dude, can’t beat a classic.”
“Its antiquity is not being questioned here, Harrington.” Eddie says, face scrounged up in disgust.
“Why are you shitting on all my suggestions?”
“Because we’re two young twenty-somethings who binge drink on Thursdays, and not Ethyl and fuckin’ Bethyl settling down from a wild night of bingo at Cedarwood Senior Home.”
Steve crosses his arms and mutters, “I was just joking about the floral print pillowcases.”
“Okay, yeah, you’re done. My turn.“ 
Eddie doesn’t give Steve the chance to protest. After a quick peruse around the selection of comforters, Eddie finds a dark grey one with light grey stripes. It’s thick and heavy, and looks soft as hell.
Steve, still sore about being knock down, doesn’t say that though.
“If this was up to you, our bed would be on the ground with two sheets and a pillow we have to fight over.” Steve says. 
Eddie turns on him and cocks his head to the side. Narrows his eyes. Steve glares.
“You forget to eat or something?” Eddie asks.
“Fuck off.” Steve pushes at his shoulder. 
“Will a Swedish meatball calm you down?” 
“The blanket, Eddie.”
Eddie grabs Steve by the wrist and places his hand on the display comforter.
“What’dya think?” Eddie asks.
He rubs a bit of its cloth against his cheek. Steve pulls off, giving the hovering department attendant an apologetic smile. 
“I dunno…” Steve says, but he can’t keep up the lie.
“It’s simple. It’s practical. It’s like, so nondescript that it’s almost a statement.” Eddie says in a rush.
“That sentence meant nothing but we’ll circle back to that,” Steve says and is at a loss, because it’s nice. It is. And he really doesn’t want to agree.
“Fine, it’s not bad.” He says.
“Not bad is as good as a maybe. And sweetheart, your maybes always lean yes with the right push.”
“Calling me a push-over, Munson?”
“Course not, man.” Eddie says, throwing in their new bedding into their basket. “I’d never.”
He isn’t sure that’ll fit, but he wants it real bad. It’s silly, but he even thinks that he’s never wanted anything this badly. Which means he’s officially an adult. With adult appetites. It’s gross how much he’s excited.
“How bad,” Steve asks between pants, “do you want it?” 
They are both soaked and out of breath. And no matter what, it’s just not going in.
“Well, if you’d grab a better hold of that leg…” Eddie tries, but he’s also struggling. They both pause their work.
“Look, I know I talk big game, but I feel like my body is on fire back here, man, can’t we just—“
“Thought you said you could go aaaaall afternoon, big boy?”
“That was before I knew it was going to be ninety-eight degrees out.” 
“What if it like, warps, or I dunno, fades in the sun while we’re gone?”
Steve groans and tugs off his shirt. Eddie watches because who the hell is going to stop him?Steve’s not wrong, it’s fucking searing out, but he really is worried about their new purchase. Sure Steve was the one to find it, but Eddie was the one that had to have it—it being this ridiculously long, 6-person, solid walnut table that could extend out to 8. It’s everything he wanted in a dining table and a son of bitch puzzle to get into the damn house. Once they figure it out, he’s drafting up a new campaign. 
“Okay, okay. We just have to adopt a new strategy. We take off the table legs. Then it’s extender pieces. And boom.” Steve says, and then points at Eddie before he can argue, “But boom after beer break.”
Eddie ties up his hair. Most of it falls back down again. He gestures for Steve to walk before him with a hand out and a deep bow. 
“Boom after beer break.” He sighs.
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jshookthighs · 2 years
Dating Corey Cunningham HC's
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Pre Michael:
Calls you by your name for the first couple of months because he’s too shy to call you a pet name - he doesn’t wanna be disrespectful. Like boy bffr, you can call me whatever you want 
Likes to link pinkies when walking - literally touch starved so please hold this boy (But not too fast cause he may have a heart attack)
God forbid you get hurt, man will burst into tears for you but after that, he’s your personal nurse bandaging you up and giving your injury a kiss to make it feel better
Loves loves LOVES forehead and cheek kisses, total sucker for sweet gentle affection
Can and will cook you breakfast and make your lunches. Complete male wife - fusses so much over whether or not you ate that he forgets to take care of himself. “Y/N did you eat today?” “Did you?” “....We’re talking about you right now.”
After a bad day, he comes in and just face-plants into your chest - baby just needs some TLC
Follows you like a puppy dog everywhere, just completely enamored with every little thing you do
CAN NOT hold his alcohol, he is so cute drunk - if you thought he was clingy before, it’s 100x worse better once there’s some drink in him
Speaking of alcohol, it really is liquid courage cause mans starts getting bold - from wallflower to grinding up behind you grabbin up on your hips, but in the morning he’s on the brink of tears apologizing if he made you uncomfortable 
Secretly jealous of anyone, but way too shy to say anything, hands clenched so tight his knuckles turn white - What if you were gonna leave him? He’s about to have a panic attack for real
Thrives off domesticity - just doing chores together makes him pop a chub - really wants to marry tf out of you
Post Michael:
Not only is this man now brave enough to hold your hand in public, but he’s also  wrapping an arm around your shoulder, around your waist, and if sitting, that hand is clasped tight around your thigh - you are his and everyone in that godforsaken town was gonna know it 
PDA PDA PD- ok yeah he’s kissing you in public - now you’re the one who’s shy when he’s grabbin you by the back of the head to pull you into a smooch in the grocery store (and all because some worker in the bakery section looked at you)
Did someone say new nicknames? Cause new nicknames. “Hello, love.” “Baby, can you come here for a sec?” “They bothering you, sweetheart? Want me to take care of them?” “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll keep you safe.” “Mine.” Lord help me 
Ever since he met Michael in the sewers, Corey’s ready at any moment to take out any inconvenience from your life *cough* *cough* especially people - he will kill anyone for you, just say the word, please say the word
He may be different but he’s still that sweet boy underneath the murderous rage. Constantly asks if you still like him and if you’ll stay with him no matter what
Clingy? Nah he’s glued to your hip now, there is no such thing as personal space - set boundaries or this man or he will try to follow you to the bathroom (That’s an exaggeration - he’d just stand outside the door lol)
Takes you on joy rides on his motorcycle and will go faster just so you will hold onto him tighter  
Still crys if you’re hurt but immediately wants to kill the thing that caused your injury - and if it was a person that hurt you, he will find them and it will be a very dragged-out torture. NO ONE hurts his baby
Jealous? Jealous. Shoots daggers at anyone who takes more than 5 minutes of your time, but the second you turn back to him, he softens right back up to your puppy dog - but will now actually complain. “I didn’t like how he was looking at you.” “Corey, he was literally just asking me if I wanted cash or credit.” “So?”
Dishes out sass now “Corey, honey, I don’t want blood in my sheets, go wash up.” “Why don’t you make me?” 
*Maniacal laughter* I'm gonna make a NSFW HC and none of you can stop me!!!
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ambyandony · 1 month
Fusion (JJBA) - “Lisha Adkuna”
Limbo Adkins + Trish Una
presenting the fusion of my oc limbo with Trish for absolutely no reason I just was thinking about her so fuckinn much . specifically a monster au variant for reasons i dont really know.
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"Lisha" Adkuna (either Lih-sha or Lee-sha add-kew-nah), fusion of Limbo Adkins and Trish Una, User of fusion Stand 「IT GIRL」.
A 「My Space」*-classic median fusion, meaning that most of her basic traits fall between what they are for Trish and Limbo; thus, she's 16 years old, about 5'3.5" or 161.29 cm tall, and - as is common for fusions where components share the same pronouns, she/her in this case - is identifiable by she/her rather than they/them.
She has a soft, light, somewhat high-pitched voice, fairly reminiscent of Rosemary Fairweather (which incidentally was another possibility for the Stand name), a la 'Washing Machine', which is incidentally also her musical style, considering Limbo is a musician and post-PHF Trish is a pop star. makes the best collab ever with myself
Fusions with Limbo tend to automatically take her cloud tattoo and present it differently in a way that relates to the fusion in some way. Lisha's tat is... particularly drastic in difference and... interesting, to say the least.
Side note. That's a bracelet. Her hand is fine.
(* see bottom of post)
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The fusion between Trish's 「Spice Girl」 and Limbo's 「Cloud Nine」 is
「IT GIRL」’s ability, ‘signal fog’, also known as a ‘dead zone’, effectively makes signals ‘soft’.
It works in an AOE. When it is active, within the ‘fog’s reach, signals will become distorted automatically. Technology will become static or fuzzy, it becomes exceptionally hard to see, and even vocal speech is hard to decipher.
However, anyone who is outside of the fog’s range is unaffected by it. In fact, they can’t actually see the fog and can see anything within it fine. As soon as they enter the fog, it’s tangible; visibility is severely lowered, similar to a very thick natural fog, though it has the look of digital or visual snow.
Stands are disrupted (though not disabled) by default; as Limbo would explain it, the connection between a Stand and its User is, itself, a signal.
I made a sketch sheet too but it's ambiguously-anachronistic aka i can't tell you at what point in the timeline this would be occurring since
1. fugo is clearly post phf,
2. narancia and limbo have not gotten together with mista yet,
3. narancia.
so basically just dont worry about it
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text is kinda small though so here's close-ups
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Fugo: Ciao, Tr.. Trish? Limbo?
Lisha: Both. Lisha.
Fugo: ... What do you mean, 'both'
Lisha: Long story. Elephants and conjoined twins. You wouldn't get it
Fugo: ... And can it, uh... be fixed?
Lisha: Working on it.
Fugo: Okay, well, the next full moon-
Lisha: Is soon, yeah.
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(Lisha, labelled in a side note as "half-girlfriend (Limbo is his girlfriend)
Lisha, Limbo voice, with delight: Ciao, Narancia!
Narancia, labelled "faceblind": ..... who the fuck are you
(Lisha is further labelled, "looks sounds and smells too much like both Trish and Limbo for him to tell it's either of them")
Internal Trish voice: Limbo why are you about to burst into tears
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Lisha, Trish voice: No, because I was trying to tell him about me -
Lisha-Trish, continued: I mean I was trying to -
Lisha-Trish, continued, angrily: FUCKDAMMIT! It was Trish!
Lisha-Trish, continued, exasperated: It's weird to talk about myselves in the third person!
( a side note to her right points to her purple keyhole sweater and reads "Her only other "default" outfit option. Neither one of her know why she gets a sweater that looks like this, though... )
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Limbo: I know!!!
Limbo: I KNOW!!!
Trish: He is literally gross girl what is wrong with you
Limbo: He's nice to me!
Trish: ...
Lisha, Trish voice: (points threateningly at Mista) Don't talk to me.
Internal Limbo voice: DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT!!!
Mista: (Didn't say anything) (Was watching her zone out for like two minutes just glaring at him (thinks one of them is mad at him))
Trish: It's for your own good.
Limbo: What if he's mad at me!!
Trish: Wh-mad at you!?? How the fuck do you live like this?!?
Limbo: I'm so fucking far away from nirvana you genuinely would not fucking believe
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Lisha: Well, see, the Full Moon is coming up soon and... I don't know if that's gonna be an issue for me... I'm on a bit of a time crunch trying to... uh... un-me myselves.
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* 「My Space」 is a Stand belonging to a pair of conjoined twins (Eve and Belynda, or "Evelynn"). It takes a form resembling a conjoined pair of elephants, and its ability is simply to fuse two individuals into a single entity, both fusing their physical form and their Stands. Due to the way it does this, fusions function as a collective or co-consciousness, akin to a sort of very complicated Dissociative Identity Disorder; both components are generally actively conscious at all times, though they are able to speak either collectively or individually.
Considering this shared consciousness, fusions created by 「My Space」 are practically unable to refer to their fusion as a collective, as both sides view the body as themself. Thus, fusions usually say ‘i’ or ‘me’ instead of ‘we’ or ‘us’. This is also confusing when the sides try to refer to each other, as they will usually still refer to the other as ‘me’, since both are always actively conscious, even if only one is actively speaking. However, ‘myselves’ is a very common malaprop for fusions.
Evelynn refuse to undo the fusions unless their victim tracks them down and is able to convince them, usually by amusing or impressing them with some kind of talent or skill. They consider their Stand's ability a performance and insist it's only fair that they're entertained in return (really most of the separating process is just trying to track the twins down).
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petitelepus · 8 months
A Loner's Unexpected Journey, Part 8
Kimetsu Academy!Genya Shinazugawa X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Genya calls his brother and you call it a night. Morning is pretty pleasing also, but then you go to Shinazugawa household and while Genya is packing, you have a talk with his big brother, your math teacher Sanemi.
Warnings: None
A/N: Modern!AU, Kimetsu Academy, Female Reader, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sir Sanemi, Genya's big brother and your math teacher had been weirdly… Understanding when his little brother had called him with your phone and told him that he would stay at your place.
You did hear the teacher shout through the phone, "How dare you be a burden to young lady, you shithead!?" before Genya closed the phone. He turned to look at you and returned your phone back to you.
"Well… Did that go well?" You asked and he actually nodded with a small smile, "Yeah, surprisingly well."
"Alright," You nodded as you got up from the couch and headed towards the bathroom, "I'm gonna put your clothes in the washing machine and then I'll make you a bed on the couch."
"C- Can I help anyway?" Your partner asked and you shook your head with a small smile, "Nah, you've gone through pretty much today already. Just make yourself comfortable."
Genya looked like he wanted to argue, but ultimately his shyness beat him and instead, he decided to pet Lady, who loved all the attention she was getting from your partner.
It didn't take long to put the clothes in the washing machine and you actually had some extra pillows and blanket in your closet. You did ask Genya if he could help you get the blanket into a duvet cover, so while he held the blanket up, you made sure to get it inside the pretty duvet cover.
Opening your couch was no problem either and after putting on some sheets you had a pretty decent bed for him. You smiled at Genya, "I don't mean to brag, but I think I have the best sofa bed in the whole city."
Your partner nodded as he tested the bed with his hand and he nodded with a small smile, "Thank you one more time… You're too kind for me."
"You deserve some kindness," You said with a smile, "It's Saturday tomorrow so get some rest, and we can go get some of your stuff tomorrow?"
"Sounds like a plan," Genya nodded and as he made himself comfortable on the couch, you were about to go and change in your room, but he quickly called after you, "Good night!"
"Good night Genya." You smiled as you closed the door, "Sleep tight."
The next day came and you overslept a little, but you were pretty sure that Genya was still sleeping. As you dressed up, you wondered what you should make for breakfast when you smelled something… Coffee in the air!
You stepped out of your room and you were ready to greet Genya, but you noticed that he was not on the sofa bed anymore. No, the whole thing had been returned to its original couch state and Lady was sleeping there, resting on the spot where the light shined through the window.
"Genya?" You called and you got a quick reply, "In the kitchen!"
You followed his voice and there he was, putting cups and the kettle full of coffee on the small dining table.
"I- I hope you don't mind me using your kitchen?" He asked shyly and you shook your head, but you had to cover your mouth because the smile that broke out felt like it could split your face in half. Genya looked so freaking adorable while wearing your rose-covered frilly apron.
"I- I don't mind…!" You said, but he didn't seem to believe you, "Are you sure? You are acting a little weird…?"
"I'm sorry," You apologized as you lowered your hands and smiled, "You just look so cute in my apron."
"No, I'm sorry, I wanted to make you something to eat and I saw this hanging and I figured that maybe you use one when cooking and such…?"
"You're so sweet." You smiled as you took a seat by the table. As soon as you sat down, Genya brought everything you might have needed to enjoy your coffee like milk and sugar.
"Thank you, Genya." You thanked him as you prepared the coffee just the way you would enjoy it most. The young man smiled shyly as he walked to the stove and brought you a plate filled with scrambled eggs and some toast.
"I made you something…"
You could get used to having someone make you breakfast. The last time anyone made you breakfast was… Too long ago to be properly remembered anymore…
"Thank you, Genya," You smiled happily, "This is so sweet. You're so sweet."
"This is the least I can do for you after you took me in…" He replied bashfully as he took his own plate of food, and sat opposite of you before he poured himself some coffee.
"Genya, you don't need to feel like you owe me your life or something huge like that." You said as you sipped your coffee, "I… I love you so I want you to be happy."
"Me too." He nodded before shaking his head, "No, I mean-! I love you too and want you to be happy also!"
"Trust me, I am." You smiled as you glanced at Lady over your shoulder, who was still enjoying the sun rays, "Has Lady eaten yet?"
"I fed her as soon as I woke up," Genya replied as he sipped his own coffee and you smiled as the two of you started to enjoy the eggs and toast. Once you were done with your breakfast, Genya moved to clean, but you stopped him.
"Nope, I'm cleaning since you made breakfast!" You snapped as you left no room for argument. Your partner nodded as you grabbed your plates and mugs and put them in the dishwasher.
"My brother is probably expecting me already." Genya said and you nodded, "Okay, I'll come help you with your stuff. Do we need a taxi?"
"No, I don't own that much stuff so I should be able to carry them myself." He replied and you glanced at him over your shoulder, "You do know that I'm going to carry something also, right?"
"You really don't need to-!" He tried to object but you shook your head," Nope, I want to help!"
Genya looked like he wanted to object but by now he knew that you could be really stubborn. Finally, he sighed, "Alright."
"Good." You nodded, pleased with yourself, "Your clothes should be dry by now so you can change if you want. I doubt you want to be seen in a Walking Dead shirt?"
"Why not?" He asked and you blinked in slight confusion, "Because… Uh… I actually don't know?"
"It's okay, I'll go change." Genya got up and went to your bathroom to change. While he was there you finished cleaning the kitchen and once you were done with that, you went to pet Lady, who looked at you tiredly before she meowed.
"I'm nervous, Lady. Living with Genya?" You whispered, "I'm a little afraid, but also really excited."
She meowed and you smiled as you scratched her from behind her ear, "But I do really like him a lot."
Lady purred as you petted her and soon you heard the bathroom's door click open, and Genya stepped out in the same clothes he wore last night when he left home, "M- my clothes, they-!"
"What, what's wrong?"
"N- Nothing!" Genya stuttered as he blushed, "They are just really soft and smell like you now…"
"Ah, I'm sorry-!" You were going to apologize for using fabric softener but he quickly shook his head furiously, "No, I mean, I love it!" He confessed, "They smell really nice… Make me happy…"
"Oh?" You blushed a little as you averted your gaze. Genya thought you smelled nice…!
"Oh yeah, we need to get you shoes!" You quickly got up and went to search through your closet if there were any shoes he could wear even if just temporarily. That's when you found your age-old cheap Crocs.
"Ah ha!" You cheered as you offered the shoes to him, "Try these!"
Genya nodded and while the shoes were big for you, they were barely large enough for him. You frowned, "We can take a taxi if you can't walk-!"
"No, I can walk!" He exclaimed stubbornly, "So, let's go?"
"Okay." You nodded as you went to pick up your phone and keys and the two of you left. The walk wasn't awful but you kept worrying about how teacher Sanemi would react when hearing that his younger brother would move in with you.
Finally, you made it to the row house area where Genya and Sanemi lived. You were going to knock, but just before your knuckles could make contact with the door, it slid open and Sir Sanemi himself stood there, glaring at you and Genya.
"S- Sir Shinazugawa?" You yelped and the man nodded before he looked his younger brother over your shoulder, "Shithead."
"M- morning, big brother." Genya swallowed nervously, "I just… Came to get my stuff."
"Then go and then get the fuck out," Sir Sanemi snapped and Genya flinched as he quickly entered the house and left you alone with his pretty scary older brother.
"So… Genya is going to live with me…?"
"Looks like it."
"Okay…" You swallowed nervously, "I'm sorry, sir, I know you must be angry at me and I don't blame you-!"
"I'm not angry at you." The scarred teacher said and you blinked in shock, "Y- you aren't?"
"No, I'm not." He scowled, "I think you are a good influence on my little brother. He is happier than I've ever seen him be."
"Wow… Thank you, sir."
"Here." The man reached for his pocket and pulled out a wad of money that he tried to push to you, "I know this isn't much, but it should cover at least a month's worth of my brother's expenses."
"Sir!" You gasped as you pushed the money back at him, "I refuse to take any of that!"
"Why not!?" He snapped at you, "It's honest good money!"
"But I don't need it!" You frowned, "Genya is going to help me around the house and that is enough for me!"
"That boy eats like a horse!" Shinazugawa shouted and you shook your head stubbornly as you refused the money, "And I'll feed him, but not with your money!"
"Tch, stubborn and on top of it too kind for your own good…" The man grumbled as he put the money away, "No wonder my brother likes you so much…"
"I love him also." You said and you were actually a little horrified that you had said that to his protective older brother…!
…But instead of getting mad… He smiled?
"Just… Take good care of him. And make sure he studies hard! His math sucks!"
"I promise, I will." You promised with your whole heart. The teacher nodded, pleased with your answers and Genya came back just in time with his suitcase packed to the brim and he had his own shoes back on again.
"Okay… I'm leaving big brother…" He mumbled as he stepped past his brother and stood behind you, "I guess we will see each other at school?"
"Damn right, we will!" Sanemi snapped and looked at you, "I trust him to you now."
"I'll do my best, sir!" You nodded, a gesture that the teacher returned before he looked at Genya over your head and shouted, "Oi, shithead! You better not cause any trouble to your girlfriend!"
"I- I won't!" Genya shouted back and the older Shinazugawa glared at his younger brother, "And you better ask her permission before you kiss or do anything else! You might be in love, but that is no excuse to get kids this early in life!"
"BROTHER!?" You and Genya shouted out loud together and the damn teacher of yours had the guts to look smug. "Tch, brats like you are so easy to tease!"
"O- okay, see you at school, sir!" You waved as you grabbed Genya's hand and started to walk towards your little apartment- No. Your and Genya's home.
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fandomwritingbit · 2 years
The bed: william afton x (gn)reader
I really debated with whether or not to call this Bed-Kobs and Broom-dicks, but I respect the craft too much to even think of- well nah actually I did think of it... ah moving on!
Notes: short, just a little something-something. bit of dirtiness at the end if you squint (through a microscope with a magnifying glass and your contact lenses in)
Making the beds was your favourite part of cleaning someone’s house. Just the right mix of sweat inducing work and tiny intricate touches that make it your own. People’s beds are so personal too and stripping them down piece by piece kind of felt like you were delving into their safe space. That’s why you always left the beds ‘til last, a nice little indulgence to finish off a hard day of scrubbing, folding and washing. 
This one in particular was nice. The bed not too elaborate, the owner not one of those who likes to have a thousand pillows of various shapes and sizes and throw upon throw: just a standard king, four pillows, grey sheets. The most typical place for any middle-aged couple to sleep.
You begin tucking in the fitted sheet, bending down to pull it over the mattress, making sure its secure. Then the duvet; smoothing it down flat and tucking that in to-boot. It's when you’re bent faffing with one of the corners that you catch sight of the shadow and turn to be greeted by the leaning frame of the bed’s owner: Mr Afton. Not knowing how long he’d been there you feel a sense of awkwardness. 
“Don’t stop.” He says, rather simply and you catch the distinctive sound of a drink being placed on a table. The way that was said made your stomach clench, it wasn’t the innocent remark of someone intruding, it was something else entirely. 
“I’m pretty much finished, I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.” You reply, taking your eyes off of his slender frame to finish the last corner. You’d never known awkwardness like it. In fact, it wasn’t just awkward it was... creepy, him just standing there watching you finish up, no discernible expression on his face at all. 
“That’s a shame.” He sighs, “I like watching you work.” 
All you can do in reaction is laugh shortly and try to tuck away the fabric as quickly as possible, who says something like that? You’re trying to figure out how to move past him lounging in the doorway when the shadow of him cuts slowly across the room, along the bed as he walks past that and then engulfing your own completely. Your heart falls to the bottom of your chest like a thrown horseshoe at the presence of him behind you.  
You turn quickly, stumbling at the sheer size of him, near sitting on the bed for panic not to accidently bump into him. Embarrassment begins to settle in the pit of your stomach, this was wildly inappropriate, the sort of thing that would get you fired on the spot. Glancing to his face for some insight into what the Hell he thinks he’s doing; you immediately wished you hadn’t. The dark cooling glare of him strummed a cord in you that shouldn’t be involved in the slightest.
“You know, you do that very well. So well that it hard to use the bloody thing.” What might have been a joke, somewhere, makes your throat tighten and you scramble for a response to diffuse the amounting situation.  
“Yeah, I know. It can be hard when they’re so... tight.” You trail off, really wishing you’d chosen better words, but your train of thought had been well and truly derailed.  
“You’re not wrong.” He said, shaking his head slightly, before leaning closer to you. You try to step back but the bedframe catches your foot. “But a firm hand is usually enough.” 
If you’d have known that 20 minutes ago, when you began sorting the bed, that your hard work would be completely undone moments later, perhaps you wouldn’t have bothered.  Though you haven’t much room to complain because your head is full trying to make sense of the staggering pace of the man ravaging you on the titular bed.
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braindead94 · 10 months
Class Dismiss
The second part of Power Bottom fic I made, and yes, there is a part two to this chapter. TW for this fic: kidnapping, fear, mention of blood, gun (but no one shooting) Monis DNI!!!
After that awkward, embarrassing day, you did your best to move on. It was bad enough to land on top of one of Doc Ock, who is one of the evilest geniuses in the world, in the most scandalous way possible, but for that same villain to demand a kiss? And the fact that you DID kiss him?
There is just so much wrong with that. 
Not even going to acknowledge the fact that he was a good kisser.
You apply the old saying “Keep calm and carry on” into your week and move on with… modernly success. Continue to patrol your oh-so ever grateful city of yours, stopping shoplifters and purse snatchers, walking old people across the road, punching Nazis-sorry, Hydra in the face, yeah, it seems safe to say that everything was still back to normal. If you don’t count the weird dreams of him in a very red lighting that may or may not have resulted in you waking up in ruin sheets. Damn the landlord for charging the washing machine each use.
Your social life was still on the drawing board. You used to look up Jessie's IG page, but after Docs kiss, you felt dirty to even glance at your crush. What was special meant for him was tarnished by that mad man.
Hopefully Octavius would just have a laugh at this and never talk about it ever again. Well, at least you prayed he would. Maybe Dr.Doom created a memory-wiping ray and shot him as a test subject. Or Thanos would have a sudden change of heart and make all villains disappear. Fuck that sounded way to drastic….
Daily Bulgal needed some photos of a special guest at Cornell University along with some interviews. Robert was friends with the speaker, Professor Miles Warren. Back when they fought in the Vietnam war with Dr.Conners.
He still feels mournful of how the one-armed scientist ended up becoming The Lizard, all because he wanted to help the world. You couldn’t help but sink your feelings in guilt when he talks about him as you fiddle with your lanyard with your guest pass and DB badge on it, thinking back how you could have done more if you were a scientist like him, or at least stopped him from drinking that vial. Or something.
Somehow, you felt both helpful and useless at the same time when it comes to aiding the bad guys.
“Hey Y/n, earth to Y/n. Do you read me?” You snapped out of your daze and stopped walking before your face hit a pole. “Oh shit, thanks Mr.Robertson.” He patted you on the shoulder before pushing you closer to him and away from the crowding students and teachers walking to the lecture hall.
“Are you doing okay? You seemed to be out of it lately. Was it related to that cut on your cheek?” Immediately, you touched the bandaged cheek on the side of your face as soon as he mentioned it. “Oh nah, just letting my mind wander. Ya know, just… thinking.”
Thinking about how you could have trapped the Vulture better and faster without being cut up by his wings the night prior to today. Again. Also having to sew up your suit. 
The black reporter smiled coyly and elbowed you gently. “Ah, its it a boy you got your eye on? Or maybe a girl if that’s what you're into-” “No! Oh no, I don’t have time for dating.” You assure him, ignoring how your cheeks warmed at the thought of your crush. ‘God, I wish I had time to date Jessie. Or anyone for that matter.’ 
“No, it’s just… I feel like I’m…” you tried off, trying to kickstart your brain to think up something for him until he rubbed your back. “No need to say anything if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I’m sorry for making you feel pressured. Tell you what, after this speech, and hopefully before Jamason summons us back to the office, let’s hit up some burgers and shakes. My treat.”
You beamed at him with your teeth showing (and hurting your cut cheek) just as your belly grumbled in a hurry. He laughed as you muttered that you didn’t eat breakfast. “Was it because you were trying to dress up like a schoolgirl?” He asked as he opened the door up for you and to other students.
Blinking your eyes, you looked over at your outfit again (for the 5th time that day) and reevaluated your look. “Is this too much?” You asked.
In honesty, you saw how fancy and strict the university was, so you put on a long, plaid skirt that flows past your knees. A cream-colored button up shirt was pressed and primed under a baggy, red sweater vest. It probably didn’t help that you’ve kept your old glasses that you swap the lenses with fake ones to keep up with appearances that only made you look more like a nerd.
“I just thought that since we are visiting a very prestigious college, I should look the part. Ya know, to blend in… it’s too much, isn't it.” He just shook his head no and gave you a soft smile. “No, you look very nice-” “Aya cutie! Wanna hook up with the smartest man on campus?” Called out a tall guy from behind you. 
Robby immediately turned around and snapped back “If you could find him, please let him know she's not interested.” There was a series of ‘OHHHHHH's' followed by a ‘got ‘em’. You blushed and tried to raise your shoulders up to your neck like a turtle. “The nerves of some kids I swear…” Muttered the reporter as you finally made your way to the auditorium.
The moment you step into the HUGE room, a certain smell of junk food fills up your senses and your mind teleports back to the time at Oscorp.
                                                                                                                           6 years ago
High school was if anything, ‘fun’. Too many things that got dumped on teens, who are still going through puberty and a lot of mental gymnastics, were expected to do. Like “What do you see yourself in 5 years?” or “You need to pay attention because college will grade you on this”. There were also social shit that would either split everyone apart with status quo and political, and how screwed up the environment was-
You, at 17 years old, just wanted to be done with it already.
Shrugging the heavy duffle bag with many expensive camera equipment inside, you trotted after Jessie and the rest of the news club. To be honest, you joined because your crush was in it, but you found yourself actually enjoying it, so much so that you started a hobby of photography and stayed in the club for all three years of high school.
The ringleader of the club somehow got an interview with Norman Osborn in his building, Oscorp. How? Probable through Harry. Jessie was the interviewer, all styled up and ready to get his picture taken at any point. It was at this point that his growth really aided him a lot, thus making him populer.
And you kinda admit, he makes a potato bag look good on him.
Mesha directed everyone to not touch ANYTHING (while glaring at the troublemakers who stagger along in the club for an easy pass) and to not bother any scientists when they enter a few labs. 
You nodded along, glancing at the tall redhead through your smudge up glasses. He caught you staring at him, and you looked away fast while trying not to blush hard. ‘Please don't’ notice me, please don’t notice me-’ “Hey Y/n.” His voice came next to you.
‘Crap’ You think as you try to look him in the eyes. “Hi! How's it going?” “I’m good. I see you brought your… ummm…. Equipment?” He asked, sounding like he was lost for words. You were about to reply when Mesha swooped in and snagged him away for preparations for the interview.
You sighed, both relieved and peeved as you got ready but you failed to notice how he looked back at you.
Norman Osborn actually graced your club with his presents, smiling and chatting up a storm with almost everyone. He shook everyone's hand, including yours (and saved your camera when it nearly fell out of your hands) and had everyone follow him. You stayed near Jessie as he asked questions that the school wrote down for him. You snapped a few shots at them and the labs you were allowed to see. 
The scientists in the labs were nice enough to explain a few experiments, both technology and chemistry and write them down so that you could relay the info for the editors later. Norman would ask you if he was in the right spot for a pic, and would give you a smile on his face, even off camera as he chatted with you. Even when he is older than you, he looks very charming with his wide smile.
But your eyes still were drawn to Jessie.
Around lunch time, you were all brought to a conference room where a table full of pizzas, burgers and sushi. And not just cheap kinds, but real pricy junk food. Everyone dug in with gusto and soon the room was filled with the sounds of talks, glasses filled with sugar bevergise, and some music popular around that time. All the young people were all smiles, giddy and free. Just forgetting about their upcoming life struggles and letting themselves go with carefree glee. You smiled and joked with your old friends until you saw how low your camera batteries were. 
Looking around, you saw no spaces on any of the tables, nor any chairs available. So you excuse yourself out of the room for more space (and quiet) and look through the pictures if any of them need to be rebooted. The hallway had many doors and each of them had many different rooms, also which were occupied. Except for one empty lab.
You stepped in and took a quick look around. It looked like an inventor room with many dismembered parts of robotic stuff along with four panels that jetted up from the floor. You glazed at it, putting it off as something that should not concern you and set up a charging space on the desk farthest away from all these important and *expensive* stuff and close to the door as well.
You just plugged in your camera when you spotted something hanging on the wall. Four long, metallic, tentacles looking things hung on the smooth wall with claws at the end. Your head tilted when you looked at it, pushing your glasses up on your nose again.
“I would say ‘Why don’t you take a picture, it will last longer’, but then we would have to kill you.” 
You yelped as you spun around to the sudden deep voice from behind you. As you saw the tall man in a white lab coat, you tripped on nothing and fell on your ass. “Oh Go-are you alright? I’m so terribly sorry, that was a poor joke. I meant nothing by that.” Said the scientist as he knelt down to help you up. “I’m fine, I’m sorry for being in here, but I needed space to charge my stuff.” You grunted, pointed to your camera. 
“Ah, you are the photographer of that school newsie club, aren't you?” He asked. You nodded as you finally took a good look at him. Two beautiful brown eyes peered down into yours as his handsome face sported a smile. You found yourself losing your words, almost how you would act around your own crush. “Ye-yeah-yes sir! I’m the photo gal-man-er.. I-” You stuttered, your cheeks dusting red the more you looked at him.
You shoved your hand out as you tried to regain your composure. “I’m Y/n! I go to high school!” Your eyes widen at how high your voice pitched when you said school. The tall heavyset man just chuckled as he took your hands into his. Oh wow, his hands are freaking HUGE!’ “Well, I’m Dr.Octavous. I go to work here.” 
God you wanted to lay on the ground and let it swallow you up.
“Ye-yeah, I gather that… I’m sorry if this is your lab. I just need-” Dr.Octavius cut you off with a wave of his hand. “No, no, It’s alright. I understand the importance of your job. Please use the space as long as you need it. Just please don’t take any pictures without my permission.” You nodded eagerly, smiling at him as you shoved your hands into your pockets.
The doctor continued to chat with you, his deep voice lulling your bundle of nerves to unwind until they were loose to let yourself emersed with him. You found yourself at ease with his good nature, enraptured with his whole presents. He asked about you and your future, to which you were embarrassed to share that you didn’t know what you wanted to do. He patted you on the shoulder as his friendly face looked into yours. “It’s okay not to not have an answer at all. Not everything is set in stone. Whatever you set your mind to; you can achieve anything.”
Something that has said before but sounds nicer when he says it. The door clicked open, and you both turned to see Dr.Osborn strolling in. “Ah, I see you’ve met Otto.” He said in his pleasant, gravel voice. 
Dr.Octavius, or Otto, smile faltered a bit when the CEO strolled in with a swagger in his steps. “Hello Norman. How is the club fairing the tour?” He asked. “Oh the kids are having a grand old time! Jessie, the young man back there who's acting as the interviewer, vaguely reminds me of a very young Tyrone Power. But with red hair!” He gushed before remembering you were there.
“Pardon me, you probably don’t know who that is-” “He was Diego is the Mark of Zorro, in 1940.” You stated, feeling a bit of pride swelling inside you when both men looked surprised before Norman recovered and smiled at you. “Fan of black ‘n’ white movies, are you?” “Yup.” You somewhat lied; you only watched them when your grandmother babysat you when you were little. Also helped that you mostly lived with your older folks that are still obsessed with old films.
“Isn’t she something? She let me look at her pictures so far on this tour and they all look simply marvelous.” “Indeed, though I have to ponder, Norman, are you charging her for all the photographs she's taken?” The tall man asked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Your cheeks bloomed in red, missing how the shorter man looked back at him in disappointment. 
“Lets not do this Otto, you know this can’t be helped-” “Even after all the things we’ve done? You still have the need to charge me for rent like some money-grubbing landlord-” “Otto.” Norman whispered as his blue eyes darted to you. You took the hint and tried to break away from what seemed to be something that needed to be said in private. “Its okay, I’m going back to my clu-”
“No no,” Ottos arm tighten around your shoulders a bit, causing you to stumble back into his grasp and make your glasses crooked on your face. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. If you'd like, I would love to give an interview for your school newspaper if they are interested.” You slowly nodded yes. “Sure, just let me text Mesha if she would be interested in the scientific section. If that is okay with you Mr.Osborn.”
“Please, call me Norman, and I’m fine with it if Otto is.” Both men smiled (though you couldn’t tell if it was forced or genuine, you didn’t dwell too much on it) as you texted the club president.
She was more than excited; she was ecstatic as she rounded up the troops after they finished eating and got back to work. The next 15 minutes were all about Dr.Otto Octavius and his robotics discovery with a newly built AI that could help construction workers with limb enhancers as well as nuclear theory that could replace most of the power the city runs on. You took as many photos as you could, still blushing at both Jessie, who still gave out the interview, and Otto whenever they glanced at you.
Norman stood by the sidelines and let the students ask more questions until he pressed on that time was now limited with the tour. You all said your good-byes to the tall, handsome scientist. He shook everyone's hands, including yours. As he grasped your hand, he gave you a wink for good luck for the future and it took all of your willpower NOT to trip over your feet as you tried to catch up with Jessie with Norman.
He guides you all like Willy Wonka in his factory. “Now, I think you all would be fascinated with our latest experiments on spiders. I hope none of you have any Arachnophobia.”
You blinked as your mind reverted back to the present. A feeling of revelation dawned on you as you looked about the huge auditorium and at all the students. ‘Shit… it’s been a while since I’ve thought about that day.’ You followed Robby down to the bottom steps and up to the stage where he led you to front seats. All while you continued your thinking process that you didn’t notice Robby talking to an attendant about seeing Miles first before the presentation.
‘I’ve been doing this for 6 whole years. Fuck, holy fuck this is what I’ve been doing for 5 years after graduation! HA! Here's to your stupid question “What will you be doing in 5 years”, Mr.Phil. That asshole.’ You smiled to yourself as you looked up from the stage while sitting down, just realizing that you won't have a better shot from there. 
You told your coworker as such and he nodded, sharing the same idea of you hopping on stage before Dr.Warren shows up and picks a better location. He talked to the same attendant again and pointed at your Daily Bugle badges on your lanyards along with your guest passes and they nodded with permission for you to shoot Miles with your camera.
‘I wonder what my classmates are doing. Probably raising a family.’ You walked up the steps to the stage. ‘Maybe going or finishing up college. Hell, maybe they have already found their dream jobs.’ You walked around the wooden worn floor that has been played on over the years. You found a perfect stop, smiling a bit again as you gently took off your bag and searched through it for your good camera, only to quickly shuffle aside your Spider-Girl suit in fear someone was behind you.
You thought about how much you've done as Spider-Girl, meeting the Avengers and the Fantastic four was a blast (flirting with Johnny was super funny and left you blushing under your mask. Really made your heart skip a beat thinking if Jessie didn’t go out with you…). You put big names behind bars, you fought against Kingpin and lived to tell the tale. Hell, you’ve even gone to space!
Just for a day, but still! You were fighting space Nasi-again sorry, Hydra!
Even Green Goblin is in jail….
You froze, your skin grew cold just thinking of Norman before you violently shook yourself out of it mentally and resumed your setting up. All these years, you’ve done so much as Spider-Girl. A hero for all.
But what have you, your real you, have done these past few years? Your feelings of pride and accomplishments vanished. You’ve done great things as Spider-Girl, but as Y/n…
You've been working as a photographer for 6 years on the same payroll, sleeping in the same apartment that was still shitty with it’s own shitty landlord who wouldn’t lift a finger to fix something unless it really affected his livelihood (AKA threatening to call the inspector of apartment living). You never dated outside of High school, and that was before you became Spider-Girl. You’ve only had a few friends that somehow put up with your constant delays/no show/call offs.
In fact, you just realized that you were the one calling them first. They never text you for anything unless you did it first. So that means no friends. The only one in your real life who is constant is your Uncle Lenny, AKA, your only living family relative.
Shame colored your face as you finally got everything ready. ‘Damnit… am I that much of a loser outside of my hero work? I’ve been so busy, I never once thought about my own stuff. No wonder Uncle Lenny is always trying to get me to do new things.’
You put the camera's lanyard around your neck and turn it on, just in time when the lights started to dim in the back and the stage lights were turned on. Squatting down, you raised the camera to where Dr.Warren would walk out and got ready to click away.
‘Maybe after this, I’ll take Lenny out for dinner at that old diner. It’s been a while since we’ve been there and he deserves to be spoiled a bit after all he’s done for me.’ You smiled at the thought just as the Dean of the college walked on stage and started to take pictures.
The Dean gave a quick welcome talk and shared some new rules regarding colored shoes that distracted other students from studying and thus banned them in favor of brown/white/or gray shoes (boo) before he welcomed the guest of honor.
The old man with a wide mustache walked in with a limp in his foot and shook hands with the Dean and waved to the audience. There were a few flashes of cameras in the crowd and polite cheers from the younger people. He gave thanks for letting him give a talk and started on his speech.
It was an incredible story about his life after Vietnam. After he was injured, he put himself through college to study medicine and worked alongside many great minds, even got to meet Dr.Reeds before he became Mr.Fantastic (which you and others agree when Miles said he should really be called Dr.Fantastic). After graduating, he worked with other scientists and other bright minds to help the world by solving cancer cells or working on other ailments. He talked about the night where he figured out a possible cloning of blood that could be better tested on instead of animals.
You were snapping away on your good camera, gently biting your bottom lip as you focused on him. He was good, great even and you saw why Robby held him in high regard with his stories and how he presented himself. His voice was kind and warm, reminding you of a grandfatherly figure. The mid-age man was slowly wrapping up his speech by adding something inspiring for the students, smiling in good faith at them. He ended it on a high note and everyone clapped at the end of his talk.
The Dean showed up to calm everyone down and then had an attendant bring up a microphone to the front of the stand for questions. Soon, many students and reporters filed up behind the small metal stick with the microphone in it.
You had a hidden smile swapping your positions for a better position to snap pictures of the questionnaires when suddenly your spider-sense started to tingle.
“So, is that what you are really using the cloning technique or is that just your cover up?” Called out an all too familiar voice from the crowd. 
Like flags changing directions in the wind, heads turned to look at the person who spoke up. A very tall man stood from the back of the auditorium in a heavy trench coat with a fedora over his head. Your stomach squeezed in fear along with your spider-sense started to buzz more. You know that coat, you’ve seen it before. You know the wearer of that damn coat. Your eyes trained on him as you put your camera away without looking.
The tall man slowly walked from the back and up to the back of the line. Miles eyes the man with a confused smile. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” He asked in a strain in his voice. “I’ve read about your ‘humanitarian’ work with cloning cells, Dr.Miles. And I must admit, it’s a very complicated and very difficult task to replicate human DNA, very brilliant and yet you squander it over a few decaying cells when it has better uses.” 
Said the stranger as he strolled down the stairs. The people in line stepped aside from him, wary looks dawned on their faces, some whispers going about and you heard a faint word of a shooter. You glanced down at Robby and saw him furiously texting on his phone in a hidden way. Probably to get JJJ or calling the police.
You slowly inch back, trying to be stealthy as to get off the stage and change into your power suit. Yet, you failed to notice how Dr.Warren's eyes shifted the second the man talked about his work. Something dark and pissed off. “What do you have against my work? What other uses would I do with this scientific knowledge? Stop it and continue to test on innocent animals, or on humans?” The old man demanded. 
The stranger stopped at the microphone and finally revealed his face to him with dark sunglasses staring back into the men on the stage. Doc Ock only gave him a crooked smile, his black sunglasses glinted in the light as he replied “Oh, I have a few ideas in mind.”
Docs metal arms shootout and slam their claws on the ground to lift him up. Everyone screamed and immediately started to run all together. His body raised higher in the air while one arm gently took off his hat. The trench coat opened up more and all four of them came to life, revealing him to wear a black turtleneck sweater (thank God, his chest was super distracting).
You shot up to run back, but your dumb old shoes squeaked over the wooden floor and you tripped over your feet. Then you cursed yourself for almost forgetting your backpack and you crawled over to it. ‘FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! Need to fucking move! Need to hide and change before he-’ 
Miles let out a yell, causing you to turn around. An actuator pushed him to the ground as Doc Ock hovered up to the stage with ease, his face still boring that same smug smile as his fingers pressed themselves in a half-prey position. The Dean, stumbling away from him, had managed to stop. You saw his shoulders square up as he clenched his fist and yelled out “Now see here, you asshole! This is a private university an-”
Like swatting an annoying fly, another actuator swung itself at him and the lanky man flew into the air and straight into you. Without thinking, you dropped your heavy backpack and stood up to catch him.
“GAH!” You let out, feeling the wind knock out of you as the thin man collated against you. His elbow collided with your cheek, making your healing cut sting under the bandages. Both of you tumbled back onto the ground and moaned in pain. “Owwwwww….. Man, for a skinny dude, you’re kinda heavy.” You whispered. “I am trying to fix that, thank you very much.” He grunted back as he stumbled to get back up.
Brushing down your flipped skirt down (you were giving your foresight a high five for putting on boxer shorts just in case this happened) and got up to follow him until your spider-sense kicked in just when a silvery coil snapped out around your waist.
“Now where do you think you’re going, young lady?” Said the mad scientist with a tease in his baritone voice. With a hard pull, you found yourself pulled away from your escape and away from your fallen backpack and brought up to Doc Ock. Your skin turns pale upon being this close to him again, now not as Spider-Girl, but as Y/n. A civilian with no powers to everyone. A regular nobody in front of a killer doctor with metal arms fused to his back. Meeting him not as Dr.Otto Octavius, but as Doc Ock.
His handsome smile turned from crooked to what used to be a friendly one as he reached out to grasp one of your trembling hands that clutched over the actuator around your waist (What a strange familiar feeling) gently squeezed it in greeting. “I apologize, I didn’t have a chance to share my name. I’m Dr.Octavous, though, you might know me better as Doc Ock. And whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?” ‘Wait, he doesn't remember me? Thank God, but I still have to deal with this, but how?!’  
You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t say anything as your mind was still wrapping it’s head around this situation. One of the actuators reached around you and lifted your lanyard plastic badges and held it up to him. You had to lean your torso closer to him when he took it with his other gloved hand and looked closer. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you could feel him looking over you like an apex predator analyzing its prey.
“Y/n L/n, lovely to meet you.” Fuck, how your blood ran cold when your full name left his plump lips was no joke. Your spider-sense was screaming danger and your body was shaking. The older man still being pinned down started to yell at him. “Leave her alone Otto! Whatever this is, this is between you and me!”
The tall man sighed, his head moving along what you think was rolling his eyes and turned his attention to Warren. “Whatever we had can be waited for a while.” He said as one arm opened its claw and a tiny nozzle spouted out. A squirt of green gas came out of it and hovered over Miles face. You could only stare helplessly and in fear for him, only to feel slightly relieved when you saw it was only a sleeping gas. The urge to pry the stupid metal actuator around your waist and deck Otto across his stupid handsome face was great, but you couldn’t do that as Y/n.
Fuck this isn’t good.
He turned his attention towards you again with his smile returning to his face. “Sorry about that-”
“FREEZE!” Shouted black clothed men at the doors. He sighed and looked at them. You saw it was campus security, slightly chubby and a bit old for normal police work but on high alert with widened eyes and still hands. “Let the girl and the man go, then back away from them and put your hands behind your head. All of them!” One order. The rest were slowly spreading out into the room with all their guns trained on him.
Octavius just raised a thick eyebrow before raising his flesh arm and drew back his sleeve to reveal his watch. One actuator peeked over his shoulder, and he chuckled, nodding to a hidden conversation with it. “Only 3 minutes late. We can still make it work, don’t worry, sweetie.” 
With a shove, you found yourself suddenly in front of the tall scientist only to have his actual arms around you and pulled you back to chest. One of the actuators joined the other to pick up Warren and lifted him up in front of you two as another arm drew near your face. Only to draw it’s dagger at your exposed neck.
‘Oh fuck no…’
“Goddamn it, put your guns down now!” Shouted one of the guards to the others. They all followed as commanded, but never looked away from you. You saw them just how you felt: powerless to do anything. Otto merely laughed before he called out “I’ll be taking my leave with present company. Don’t follow me if you wish to have them remain intact.” He backed away from the front of the stage and close to the back wall where the 4th actuator punched a hole like punching through paper. 
‘This is not happening…’
The arms maneuvered to only hold Miles with one arm as the rest prepared to do something. You felt Ottos arms tighten around your body and his face lowered to your ear. “I hope you’re not afraid of heights, my dear.”
‘This has to be a nightmare…’
But all you could, with fear and helplessness, as yourself was be carried away by Doc Ock and look on as the ground begins to recede away from you.
And away from your backpack with your spider suit still inside.
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dujour13 · 1 year
☆ waking up to your favourite drink order (they remembered<3)
Thanks Spyri 💕 Last one! I cheated a little (food instead). Prompts here
Miz scratched the cropped hair at the back of her head with her thick, black fingernails. “Tough order.”
“The goods you’re blinkin’ in from Nerosyan, some a’ those are from Absalom, am I right?”
“Yeah but two blinks in the space of a day or two, that takes—”
“Logistics. I know.” What not long ago Councilman Jefto might have called “pullin’ strings” he could now proudly trot out his crusade vocabulary for.
“Whatever.” Miz rolled her eyes. “Tough order. What’ve you got?”
He pulled a bundle of assorted wrinkled, beer-stained papers out of his inner pocket. “IOUs. Mostly from cards, a few for goods and services. Them potions a’ virility sell like cherry rolls.”
“How many of those are fakes?”
His eyes went round with indignation. “I ain’t that stupid.”
“How much total?”
“I’d say you could cash ‘em in for around three hundred.”
“On a good day.”
“Two on a bad.”
Miz sighed and flipped through the papers with her claws as if a cursory look would tell her how much they were really worth.
“Come on, I know how deep a’ shit I’d be in if I tried to pull one over on you, Miz. Honest, two hundred minimum.” More like one, but she wasn’t likely to come after him too hard for the difference.
“And you’re willing to spend that much on—”
“Can you do it or not?”
“I’ll see.”
Strong southern sun warmed Siavash's shoulders and cool Inner Sea waves lapped his feet. He was ready to wade out and plunge, but there were people on the beach calling him back to join them for a picnic in a palm-shaded cove. Among them was his father, who turned into Regill and informed him it was not safe to swim. When he looked again the sea had turned black and frothing.
It was the perfume of fresh fruit that woke him.
He disentangled himself from the furs pulled up to his chin and tucked his feet back under the blankets to warm them.
Woljif was sitting up in bed next to him, concentrated on an accounting sheet in his lap. It seemed like a strange thing to be doing at this time of morning.
“Gotcha breakfast,” he said, not looking up from his figures.
Instead of the usual dense, spongy bread, marmalade and bland Mendevian cheese, the tray on the bedstand bore slices of ripe orange and melon and a bunch of fresh grapes, still misted from washing. No wonder he’d been dreaming of that beach south of Cyremium. He hiked himself up eagerly and pulled the tray into his lap.
“Where did this come from?”
“Hm?” Woljif still didn’t look up.
“Nah, he’s on to me.”
Siavash bent open an orange slice and bit into it, droplets flying. “Mm, thish ish a treat. Feel like I’m back in Almash.”
Woljif went back to his accounting, trying not to smile.
“You know what this reminds me of?”
Woljif turned to him in feigned surprise, trying even harder not to smile. “No, what?”
“That orange you gave me at camp back at Vilareth’s Ford. Remember that?”
“Hm? Oh yeah, that.”
“You were flirting with me.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I think. You don’t strike me as the sort to hand out valuable fresh fruit to just anyone.”
“Worked, didn’t it?”
Siavash aimed a grape.
He caught it in his mouth. “Didn’t think you’d remember that,” he said through a mouthful.
“I’ll never forget that.”
Woljif had to bite his cheeks not to grin like a fool.
“So where did you get this?”
“That’s need to know only, Knight-Commander. Let’s just say logistics.”
“Flirting again, huh? The accounting was nothing but a cover-up, I knew it.” This time he held a grape between his teeth and made him fish for it with his lips.
“Yeah, right.”
“Woljif. You’re a romantic!”
“Come on chief. I’m the guy who can getcha stuff. That’s all.”
“Your face is the same color as the grapes.”
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Aah! I can’t believe you’re doing another event! I absolutely adore your writing and congratulate you on 1.5K followers!
Could I request “Keep it. It looks better on you.” For Hancock?
Once again, I love your writing and can’t wait to see what you come up with! ❤️
Thank you so much! Gosh, this was difficult to choose... Hancock has so many iconic pieces of clothing 😅 But I loved this!
The content isn't too NSFW, but it is definitely suggestive, so just a heads up there!
"Whatchu doin', baby?" Hancock's eyes reluctantly blinked open as he felt the mattress shift beneath your moving weight.
"Gotta go, honey. I'm getting dressed."
He heard your footsteps patter around the room. A drawer opened here, the drag of cloth over the wood floor sounded elsewhere. Slowly, he dragged himself into a seated position, his sore muscles protesting with each movement, just as his half-awake consciousness protested the words that left you.
"Now? Nah, it's too early. Whatever it is can wait."
You paused. In the dim of the room he could see the outline of your form as you considered him. Hancock was so close to smiling, victory was in his sights--
But then you were moving again, pulling on a stark white shirt from one of the dresser drawers.
"Come on, baby, come on back to me. Let's stay in bed 'till the sun rises, whataya say?"
Indecision roiled in your gut at the sound of it, at the thought of curling up with him again, the warmth of his touch, the softness of his voice...
"I'd love to," You forced out, "but I can't flake on this. Amari would be furious if I was late again."
You pulled on your pants from the night before, brushing at the fabric with your fingers to smooth it over.
Hancock's eyes narrowed.
"Amari? Hell, I'll talk to Amari for ya. It's no big deal."
You plopped down on the mattress, leaning down a bit to pull on a pair of socks.
Big mistake. Hancock scooted towards you, a smirk forming over his lips.
"It is a big deal. If I keep missing appointments, she's never gonna want to see me again. Besides, I'm already dressed."
Hancock reached you just as you pulled the second sock on, but his arms sprung around your shoulders before you could rise from the mattress. You rolled your eyes as his lips pressed to your cheek. The action was teasing, less of a kiss, and more of a brush over your skin as he trailed back to nip lightly at your ear.
"Well, sunshine, I can change that."
An involuntary shiver ran up your spine as his breath washed over you, as his hands brushed over the silky fabric of your shirt and encouraged it to fall off your shoulders and leave you bare to him again.
He almost got you, but you steeled yourself to his tantalizing touches, and at the last moment, pulled the shirt tighter around yourself, and began doing up the buttons.
"Shit," he said below his breath, "You win. I guess I've gotta... Sweetheart, this mine?"
You felt the way his fingers still played with the fabric as his hands rested on your shoulders.
You bit your lip as his head tilted to look you in the eye.
Hancock chuckled, and it pulled a smile from you, even as you felt your cheeks warm.
"Not that I'm not thrilled you like my style and all, but I coulda sworn you were wearing a shirt at some point last night... brief as it may have been."
"Yeah..." You said again, not wishing to elaborate much further.
You were wearing a shirt last night, that much was true, but amidst all the excitement, it had ended up staying on the bed through yours and Hancock's activities, and now, well... you couldn't wear that to see Amari. You couldn't wear it to see anyone until it was thoroughly washed.
"Yeah?" He repeated, one brow raised over those dark, mesmerizing eyes. You felt the burn in your cheeks rise to the tips of your ears as you pointed to the shirt in question, still tangled within the sheets.
"...I see. Heh, it was nice on you last night, but I think I like it even more now." He said with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle, and you pushed at him playfully as you laughed.
"No, but you know what? Why don't you keep this one." His fingers still brushed at the silky ruffles around the collar, "It looks better on you anyway."
You smiled at that, pressing a light kiss to his lips before pulling away and standing before he could try to convince you to stay again. This time, you weren't sure you'd be able to deny him.
"Hold on a minute, now that's takin' it too far, sunshine."
You laughed as you looked at yourself in the faded mirror, smooshing his tricorn hat to down on your head before nodding at it decisively.
Quickly, you checked the time on your pip boy.
Still got 20 minutes.
"You want it?" You turned back to Hancock where he was seated at the edge of the bed as a wicked grin spread over your lips. "Come and get it."
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the-resurrection-3d · 7 months
Finished the little scene I'd been struggling to write based off @beksboys 's Halloween drawing. LitTwit has been big into erasure poems and poems-of-older-poems, so I think it might be fun to try and go back to my older unpublished fics if I can find them. In the meantime:
So we are taking off our masks, are we, and keeping our mouths shut? as if we'd been pierced by a glance!
There’s tangerine light glinting off the uneven black surface of Luca’s nails and off the gold of his glued-on cufflink; there’s darker orange pooling in the dips and folds where his white sleeve tourniquets his elbow. If Alberto focuses, he can see all the particles in the air, gray dust spilling into it with each puff of the makeup brush into his eye.
“Little longer,” Luca says before he can ask. Alberto wiggles his nose again; the plastic hairs of the brush have tickled some errant nerve. Or maybe it’s the fact that Luca is straddling him without a care in the world and there are two lines of “blood” drawing attention to his lips that has Alberto’s skin melting at every touch, some funny feeling spreading through his chest like cold, cold water.
Sometimes, Alberto intentionally looks everywhere except in Luca’s eyes, because he knows one day Luca will have the words for how Alberto looks at him, is looking at him now, and God only knows what will happen then.
But for right now, he knows Luca is too focused on getting his makeup right. The tiny palette of neon-bright colors sits in his hand like it hurts, though Luca seems not to mind. It’s from one of Giulia's school friends, so some of the colors are already scratched down to the pan, others so dry they needed drops of water to settle the dust. They’re on Luca’s bed in Giulia’s mother’s guest room, the sheets blue and stamped with white seashells, the shelves lined with forks and old bottles and books and a golden brick and a Roman coliseum made from paper and glue. Luca is quite the collector now, too, only he has to wash off everything he finds.
Everyone’s already finished their makeup, so Luca and Alberto get the leftovers.
“We could still always just go as ourselves,” Alberto reminds him, to which Luca scrunches his nose.
“I thought they were the monsters,” his usual response.
“They are,” Alberto says. “But they’re giving out free candy.”
Luca smiles with half his mouth. “But this way I get to draw on you. And—” Luca adds, cutting Alberto off as soon as he starts to part his lips. “This stuff doesn’t wash off.” He considers, eyes to the slide. “Well, I used my lipstick for all the blood and your mouth and stuff, so I’m certain THAT can’t wash away.” He’d used a tube of lipstick to draw an open sound next to Alberto’s lips to mimic his skin rotting away, but Alberto hadn’t thought anything of it.
“Your lipstick?”
“Yeah, I picked it out with Giulia.”
“Land monsters might get the wrong idea if you’re leaving your lipstick all over me.”
It’s stupid as soon as he says it.
Luca blinks. Some emotion flashes across his eyes like a bird darting between tree branches, frightened and quick. “Ooooh,” he says, drawing out the word, then scrunches his nose again. “Nah, we’ll be fine.” He pushes Alberto’s chin to the side. “Now hold still, I’m almost done.”
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royalwilmon · 2 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
thank you so so much for tagging me @skibasyndrome <3333333
do you make your bed?
almost never. like, when i wash my sheets, and then never again. cant be bothered!!!
what's your favourite number?
i dont really have one but ive been saying 36 for yearssss. from the glee days. iykyk
what is your job?
im a software tester!!
if you could go back to school, would you?
you couldn't pay me to
can you parallel park?
i mean. technically. i avoid it at all costs and if there is someone behind me witnessing me parallel park i will Fully Panic. but i can do it. mostly.
a job you had that would surprise people?
i worked at dunkin' donuts for three years. which isn't surprising, i live in new england. what does surprise people is when i talk about how much i genuinely loved that job and miss it Every Day
do you think aliens are real?
i guess i definitely think there are other life forms out there. hard to say what they'd be like, though
can you drive a manual car?
nah, i've never tried. don't have much of a reason to!
what's your guilty pleasure?
lmaooooo gut instinct is to say jimmy buffett. my spotify wrapped this year is going to be WILD
not yet! once i find an artist i trust, I'm going to get the comet chandelier
favorite color?
blue! i describe the shade as the darkest shade of blue the sky gets
favorite type of music?
my taste of music is absolutely all over the place, this is nearly an impossible question for me to answer. i have a lot of specific pockets of interest. i love anything that came out of laurel canyon -- really, a lot of 70s music i picked up from my dad. obviously i fuck with showtunes big time. and then lately i have a handful of artists im obsessed with that float somewhere in the indie/pop/jazz/folk world. like, so vague, i just cant say any sorta word that would sum it up. oh, also, omar?? seriously, i'm all over the place
do you like puzzles?
yeah! my sister loves them more than i do so i mostly only do them when I'm hanging out with her
any phobias?
birds!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate them!!!!!!!! im so afraid!!!!!!!!!!! so so so scared!!!!!
favorite childhood sport?
i played softball and basketball as a kid, but like. ehhhhhhhh.
do you talk to yourself?
oh, always. look, i work from home most of the time, and my roommates have very different schedules from mine so im home alone a LOT. i like to keep myself company. i am alwayssss chattering to myself. 100% of the time, just nonsense babble
what movies do you adore?
ohhhhh tricky question. i'll pretend im doing one of those letterboxd interviews and I'll give you my top four. fried green tomatoes (1991), camelot (1967), dirty dancing (1987), and everything everywhere all at once (2022)
coffee or tea?
coffee! like i said, i worked at dunks for three years. I'm one of those maniacs that drinks black coffee. i wish i liked tea, i really do, i just. dont
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
HAHA i don't know if it was the first but the story my mom always tells is how i wanted to be a cake decorator at Walmart. specifically walmart. she would encourage me to aim higher, like. 'why don't you be a cake decorator at the white house or something', but no. walmart. i was probably, like. five.
Onward tagging: idk!!!!!!!! im always late to these!!!!!! @goldenwilmon if you haven't done it yet??
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2nd2ndalto · 10 months
Fall Down With You
Chapter 2
(previous chapter)
He's back in Tartarus, again. Some distant part of him knows it’s just a dream this time, but that doesn't help the way it tears at his soul.
He’s here, again, standing in front of Achlys. "You are so perfect my child," she sobs, "so much misery."
At the time, Nico had let her words wash over him, barely registering their impact. He'd been so tired, so broken already. But this time, in this dream, he feels hot tears on his cheeks, a sob building in his chest. Fear at the scene before him and bone-deep sorrow for his younger self.
The image of Achlys blurs and fades and suddenly he's aware of sweaty sheets tangled around his legs, a warm hand gently rubbing between his shoulders. Nico takes a moment to catch his breath & wipe his face on his pillow before flopping onto his back. He scrubs his hands over his face. "Fucking nightmares."
"I know." Will's sitting on the edge of his cot, looking a bit like he's just shambled through Tartarus himself, the dark circles under his eyes visible even in the dim light.
"Sorry," Nico croaks. His voice feels scratchy, his face too warm. "Did I wake you?"
Normally Nico prefers to keep his nightmares to himself, but he's stuck here in the infirmary for at least a few days, having sustained a rather nasty wound on his triceps two days earlier.
"Nah," Will sighs, leaning back. "Couldn't sleep."
Nico studies the other boy in the weak light filtering in from the hallway. He looks tired and careworn. More than usual.
"You wanna talk about it?"
Will gives him a half-smile. "Just the same old stuff. Demigod trauma. You know. What I'd really like right now is sleep."
Nico nods. He pushes himself up, wincing as he accidentally puts weight on his bad arm. He clumsily attempts to fix his blankets one-handed. "You try counting sheep?" he asks Will.
"Yeah, but just as I'm dozing off they grow pointy teeth and glowing red eyes."
Nico huffs out a laugh. He gives up on rearranging the bed as Will moves to help. His injured arm is throbbing. It feels worse than it did when he fell asleep.
"Um. I hate to bug you, but could I get some more nectar?" Nico says.
Will rolls his eyes. "That's what I'm here for, idiot. Anyway - I found unicorn draught. Just for you." He produces a bottle from the pocket of his hoodie. "Jason tipped me off."
"Amazing." Nico sinks back down onto the narrow cot as Will measures out the dose.
"You're here all by yourself again?" Nico asks, his gaze lingering on the shadows under the blond boy’s eyes.
Will nods tiredly.
Nico frowns. "You can't keep this up, Solace. You need a break."
"I know, but everyone else is sick or injured. Kayla's still on crutches, Austin's got bronchitis..." Will trails off, yawning.
"Well, then tell Chiron to fucking hire a real doctor. You look like you're about to keel over."
Will looks completely defeated.
"Shit, sorry. I'm sorry, Will." Nico reaches out towards the other boy but then can't quite decide what to do next. He settles on wrapping his fingers around Will's wrist, and they both stare at Nico's hand. "I feel like shit and I can't even catch a break when I'm sleeping. I know you're in the same boat."
Will sighs. "Yeah."
Nico swallows, fighting a brief internal battle. It's not that he's reluctant to help, but it feels too intimate, somehow. He shakes it off.
"I can help," he tells Will, pulling his hand back. The distance feels a little steadying, honestly.
Will blinks. "What do you mean?"
"I can help you sleep. It's one of my abilities - remember I told you -"
"Oh - Nico, no..." Will shakes his head, sitting back, the crease between his eyebrows deepening.
"Why not?"
"It feels... unethical. You're still healing."
Nico rolls his eyes. "Solace, this whole camp is unethical. They let fifteen-year-olds reattach people's arms."
Will looks conflicted, but exhausted, and that’s enough to make Nico forge ahead, for better or worse. "I'm just going back to sleep afterwards anyway - the unicorn draught will help me more than the nectar did. I promise I'm not overextending myself. Come on, Solace. Let me help."
Will swallows, his eyes on his lap, almost looking tearful.
"Yeah, okay," Will whispers, and with that Nico's sure the other boy must be honestly desperate for rest. He feels a rush of sympathy.
"What um... what do you want me to do?" Will asks awkwardly. He pulls a face. "Sorry. I'm not used to being the patient."
"No problem. Um," Nico glances over to the cot next to him. "It's going to be easiest if you sleep in here - if that's okay," he says tentatively. "Just - proximity is easier. If I'm trying not to exert myself too much."
"Yeah, of course." Will makes his way over to the other cot, unhesitatingly toeing off his flip flops and climbing in, settling on his side to face Nico. The expression on his face is unexpectedly open, unguarded, and it makes Nico's breath catch.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to try anything weird," Nico jokes, trying to dispel the unexpected tension.
Will smiles faintly. "I'm not worried. I trust you."
Nico tries to tuck that little bit of information away, so he can examine it later when he's alone. He supposes it shouldn't be surprising, but it sweeps over him in a way that's both warm and jarring. Does he trust Will? He’s a little surprised to realize it’s not even a question. Of course he does.
Will's healed him up, on multiple occasions. They've fought monsters together. They've bickered together, talked for hours together... it still catches Nico off-guard sometimes to realize he has friends now. And not just Will.
Does it sometimes feel as though it could be something more, with Will? Sure. Nico's never once felt his fingers itch to brush through Jason’s hair, for instance. He’s never been hyper-aware of every time Frank’s hand bumps his when they play Mythomagic.
But he's quite willing to put all that aside, because the thing about having something more is that it might just end up being far less than what he and Will have now. Besides, romantic love is overrated. Probably.
For now, Nico directs Will to close his eyes and make himself comfortable, telling the other boy to concentrate on a calming space, somewhere he’ll feel safe and relaxed. Will pauses, then nods, closing his eyes, and Nico sends a strong sleeping charm Will's way.
It's mesmerizing, the way the other boy's body relaxes almost instantly, the furrow between his brows smoothing, his breath deepening.
As Nico tries to make himself comfortable in his own bed, his eyelids suddenly feeling heavy, he realizes that Will never asked him a single question. Not, "will this hurt?" Not, "how long will it last?" Nothing.
Once he's fully ensconced in his own unconsciousness, Nico can't quite help checking on his friend. He's just making sure the nightmares are at bay, he tells himself. He drifts for a moment, brushing past other friends, other campers and then - there. He’s on the bluffs above the beach at Long Island Sound, and he can just make out a prone figure with blonde hair lying on a checked blanket not far from the water.
For a moment, Nico forgets to breathe.
They came here together, just a month earlier. A whole group of them had come here, all of Will’s cabin-mates and most of the Hermes cabin too. As the day wore on, all the other campers had left, wandered off in groups and pairs until just Nico and Will had remained.
They had lain side by side on the blanket Will had brought, talking about nothing and everything, finally dozing off next to each other in the late afternoon sunlight.
This is what Will thought of. This is where he thought to feel safe.
When Nico steps closer he can see his own sword and Will’s satchel holding down the corners of the blanket. Nico hesitates for only a moment before lying down at the far edge of the blanket and drifting further into sleep.
(next chapter)
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