#yeah tbh I was doing proofreading and editing part-by-part
bragganhyl · 10 months
'how badly do you want me?' for gaura and aloth please :3
Thanks, Anon, sorry, it took me a bit but here it is :D
this is your explicit content warning, do not click on the readmore if you do not want to be exposed to 4.3k words of smutty writing, please and thank you
Konstanten’s room was slowly filling up with steam while Gaura was taking off one piece of her armor after the other. She hummed a melody to herself – out of respect rather than discomfort – trying to tune out the lewd cries that managed to pass through the walls of the Wild Mare. In moments like these, the Watcher questioned if taking the tub in the brothel was actually preferable to the Luminous Bathhouse, but those questions would be set aside as soon as she remembered that at least, she got to be alone in the brothel. There was a time public bathing would have left Gaura unfazed, but that was before she was renowned as the Watcher of Caed Nua or the captain of The Defiant. That was before she was a piece in the game of powers that saw her as variable to be controlled. And there was a place where she might have felt comfortable surrounded by others, bare and – in some ways – out of her element, but in such a place she wouldn’t have been surrounded by people looking to her with either reverence or suspicion. She could do without the attention that she would have received in Periki’s Overlook.
But the rest of the crew headed that way. Aloth was especially reluctant to part ways with her that day. A soft tremor ran through her fingers as the Watcher recalled the way he held her hand, saying his goodbyes. She thought of his gentleness that she felt through the heavy gauntlet, she thought of the warmth in his gaze that made the sun streaming on them pale in comparison. She thought of the color of his lips after she gave him nothing more than a quick peck. She bit her own as she reminisced. The color promised a soft surface, a searing impact and an irresistible taste. Gaura didn’t notice that she stopped humming. Her movements slowed as she undid her belt, while her imagination painted the image of clothes being removed that belonged to someone else. An image of another getting shoved against a wall while she showered him in kisses.
The sound of the water boiling snapped her out of her musings. Gaura hurriedly took the cauldron and emptied its contents into the tub, half-full of lukewarm water already. She removed the last few pieces of her armor and the clothes underneath, excitement almost getting the better of her. As she stepped into the tub, the water began dancing around her legs lead by the ever burning flames bursting through her skin. She sat down, submerging herself to her neck, enjoying the rough bubbles assaulting her tense muscles. Soon, she was lifted by the movements of the water, her only support was the back of her head against the edge of the tub and her arms coming over its sides, anchoring her while she floated relaxed.
The trek up the mountain took time, Gaura mused as a sigh left her lips, Aloth could not have made it to the bathhouse yet. By the time he would, he’d be flushed by exertion and kissed by sunlight. The Watcher sighed. The water felt softer as she thought of the wizard. Or maybe she did. It was so easy to pretend that she was being touched, that she was melting as a response. It was easy to read more into the gentle impacts against the small of her back than the reality of them. It was easy to imagine slender fingers caressing her thighs and even easier to give in to the sensation. Gaura brought a hand to her breast as she parted her legs, while she thought of Aloth descending into the gently glowing pool. She envisioned a single droplet trickling down his lean body as she traced its path down her own chest.
Her daydreaming fragmented when her fingers found her folds and the small nub between them. Images overlapped with her movements, shifting with each flick of her wrist. She drew one circle and Aloth was leaning over the edge of the pool. His face was pressed against the tiles and Gaura was behind him, loving up his neck, kissing his shoulders, nibbling on his ear, as she reached forward and rubbed him steadily. The Watcher’s breathing grew staggered as she picked up the pace set by her imaginary self. Her mind was filled with the vision of Aloth on his back, sprawled out on the floor of the bathhouse, biting down on his lip, trying to keep himself quiet as Gaura grinded on top of him, filled by him, at a tempo that was far too selfish but she couldn’t help it. She allowed herself a quiet moan, just enough to fuel her fantasies without overpowering the sounds of the water enveloping her, the sounds she imagined echoing in the halls of the Luminous Bathhouse, the sounds that-
- that were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.
The Watcher froze in her movements. For a moment there was no sound, and no movement aside from the water around her rushing against her body. When she heard the knock again, her awareness returned to her fully – as well as to her more than compromising, arched posture. Even behind closed doors, Gaura’s hair fluttered shyly as she sat in the tub, her legs crossed, trying to repress the rage growing from her frustration by washing her face.
‘The room’s taken!’ She called out, snapping at the person behind the door despite her best efforts.
‘I know.’
The voice almost convinced the Watcher that she was still deep in her fantasies. When she didn’t respond, an impatient request followed.
‘Gaura, can you please, let me in?’
She got out of the tub in a hurry, nearly tripping over the edge of it. She was just about to grab the handle of the door, when she remembered to cover herself. The Watcher took a moment to ensure the towel she picked up was hugging her body securely and neatly, before she opened the door, and casually leaned against its frame. An easy smile brightened her face that hid all but the smallest hints at her craving for the wizard. Aloth blinked at her, his mouth slightly agape at the sight of her wearing nothing but a tiny piece of fabric and a small cloud of vapor rising from her skin.
‘I…’ he cleared his throat, ‘I hope I didn’t come at an inopportune time.’
Gaura chuckled, lust and mischief faintly ringing in her voice. ‘Quite the contrary,’ she stepped aside, ‘I was just thinking about you.’
‘As was I about you,’ Aloth stepped inside the room, strangely stiff. It was only then that Gaura noticed how out of breath the wizard was, how flushed his cheeks were and yet he closed the door behind him with a restraint that she would have mistaken for hesitance had she not seen it time and time again, usually right before they both gave in to their desires. ‘That… is why I’m here,’ he let out a short laugh, as he stepped closer to the Watcher, ‘I was wondering, if… maybe you could share the tub with me.’ He hid his hands behind his back.
‘Hm,’ Gaura closed the distance between them. Aloth did not move, he did not look away, merely his cheeks took on a slightly deeper shade as a heavy, but staggered breath escaped his lips. She glimpsed a spark in his lidded eyes that put an impish smile on her face. ‘I’m sure we can squeeze in,’ she said as she reached for a buckle on the wizard’s vest. ‘But I still can’t help but be surprised that you’d skip the bathhouse for a measly tub.’
‘The company more than makes up for it,’ he glanced down at the Watcher’s hands slowly undoing one buckle after the other. ‘As does the privacy.’
‘My, you must have craved both,’ Gaura teased as she undid Aloth’s belt and pushed his vest off him, ‘if you were willing to climb back down the mountain just to meet me here. Alone.’
‘Indeed,’ he chuckled as he took off his undershirt, ‘as foolish as it sounds, I… I couldn’t stop thinking about our parting earlier.’
He gingerly reached for the Watcher’s hands, and lifted them to his lips. He left a single lingering kiss on her wrist, while he placed shorter, sweeter ones on the knuckles of her other hand. Gaura laughed softly, turning Aloth’s gaze to her face again. He let go of her long enough to cast protective spells on himself, before he reached behind her head and brought it closer to himself. He rested his forehead against hers, fighting the urge to claim her lips.
‘I want you,’ he admitted quietly, breathlessly, but no less eagerly.
‘Care to demonstrate?’ The Watcher lightly nipped at his lower lip. ‘How badly do you want me?’
Aloth’s kiss was slow at first, but insistent as if he needed to drink Gaura in to shrug off the weariness of the road. Then a moment passed and the wizard only grew hungrier for her. The Watcher snickered into his mouth as he reached for the towel covering her and peeled it off with a gentle tug. He pulled her closer, and embraced her tightly seemingly ready to feed himself to the fire adorning her body. But he knew those flames: he knew that they did not scorch, they did not harm, they only lapped against Aloth’s chest with the tenderness of the lightest of kisses. Goosebumps formed where he was kissed by fire and a small tremor ran through him as Gaura reached for his hair and gently pulled it. The wizard sharply inhaled, warm, humid, smokey air filling his mouth until the Watcher latched onto his neck and allowed herself to be guided by her tongue along his shoulder. Only then did he remember to exhale.
‘Shall we take this to the tub?’ Gaura’s voice was deep with desire.
Aloth needed a moment to process the question, which was made all the harder by the Watcher’s warm breath caressing his ear. Eventually he gave her a few quick nods. ‘Please.’
‘Guide me, then,’ she hooked a finger in the wizard’s trousers as she took a step towards the tub, but her gaze remained fixed on him. ‘You see, while you were away my imagination was all I had for company,’ she walked with her back towards her destination, her hands firmly holding her lover by his waist, and her lips repeatedly finding their way back to Aloth’s.
‘It seems I have something to live up to then.’
Gaura laughed. ‘You better, you interrupted quite a nice fanta-’
Her teasing was interrupted when the Watcher’s foot hit a piece of her discarded armor and she was sent stumbling down on her back, pulling Aloth with her.
‘Gods, are you alright?’ The wizard pushed himself up, anxiously looking her over. Gaura was still laughing, however.
‘I’m fine, I’m fine,’ she stopped herself, sniffing into the air. Something was getting singed. ‘The rug, however…’ she pulled Aloth down, wrapped her thighs around his hips and rolled over him in a few swift moves. She was still snickering as she claimed his lips again. Her smile faded to something faint, smug and satisfied as her hand trailed down the wizard’s chest, and he proved to be unable to resist her caress. He arched himself ever so slightly into her touch. His hand came to the back of her head, and kept her in place as he kissed back more and more desperately with each moment. And then Gaura reached his bulge. A quiet groan resonated against the Watcher’s lips and she pulled away to rid him of his remaining clothes. She grinned down at him as she was undoing his trousers, her anticipation warming her belly. Then a hand came to her wrist.
‘Please, I…’ Aloth swallowed, ‘I’d like to taste you.’
Gaura cocked her head, feigning to ponder his request. ‘I’d rather not risk lying down again, though.’
The wizard responded with a knowing smile. His free hand came to her thigh, his fingers idly traced a crack running along on its inner side.
‘I would prefer if you stayed on top, too.’
The Watcher shrugged and leaned over Aloth again. ‘How could I say no to you?’ She left a quick peck on his lips. Then another. And another. With each little contact the vision of his lips on her cunt became more and more crystallized. She savored the fantasy as she pulled away and shuffled over the wizard’s face. ‘Don’t forget to breathe,’ she reminded him, as she lowered herself.
The very first flick of Aloth’s tongue sent shivers along every fiber of Gaura’s being. He gripped her thighs tight as he latched onto her clit and lapped at it feverishly. The Watcher bit down on her finger, trying to suppress the sounds he drew from her each time he changed pace, rhythm, patterns. There was a sweet dissonance between the softness of his lips and the insistence of their movements, between the light brushes of his hair against her thighs and his fingers digging into them. He was unpredictable and meticulous and Gaura found it harder with each moment to restrain herself. It didn’t help that each time he sent her flames fluttering, they drew a shudder out of him, and his own sense of control demanded that he continued with more focus and with greater determination. He let out a few quiet notes, a barely audible but no less desperate whimper, as the fire dancing along the Watcher’s thighs lapped against his cheek and ears, and he nearly drove her mad by doing so. It seemed as if her muscles took control over her as Aloth overwhelmed her nerves and senses. She reached for his hair and dug her fingers into those dark strands while her hips began to move along their own rhythm. The wizard softly moaned against her folds when he felt her grind against him, but Gaura could no longer hear anything beyond her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. Not his sounds, not her own cries, not the sweet nothings that left her lips which only spurred Aloth on. The Watcher lost her sense of time as her pleasure was building within her. Her sense of rhythm and pacing betrayed her on the verge of ecstasy. She lost awareness of herself, of selfishness or discipline. There was only Aloth, precious and generous Aloth, who was so perfect to lose herself in, in all the ways she could still name. She threw her head back and allowed the warmth of her arousal to spread within her like a wildfire and consume her entirely. Aloth slowed down to help her guide her senses back to herself, then left a few parting kisses on her thighs just as she was ready to get off him.
‘You are so, so good to me,’ Gaura leaned over him, eager to taste herself on his tongue. She laughed into their kiss when she felt the juices of her arousal coat his nose and chin as well. Aloth answered by reaching for her ear and by making a futile attempt at tucking a lock of her flame-hair behind it. She pulled away then. ‘I love you.’
‘And I love you.’
‘You made that evidently clear,’ the Watcher laughed. She pulled away and took off Aloth’s trousers. She waited until the wizard reinforced some of his spells protecting him from her hair, the moved to straddle him again. ‘Will you let me be selfish with you?’ She asked with an impish smile while she descended on his cock. She was merely grinding against his length, letting her arousal coat him, but Aloth already tensed up in anticipation. ‘I’ll take good care of you in the tub after I’m done, I promise.’
Aloth let out a quiet laugh. ‘How could I say no to you?’ He sat up, echoing her words, and reached for Gaura’s shoulder. He pulled her down with him as he laid back down. ‘Just… please, stay close to me.’
The Watcher placed a kiss on his cheek while she guided his cock to her heat. She slowly rocked back against him, stealing the wizard’s breath away.
‘Close enough?’
‘Yes, and no.’ Aloth laughed, his joy mingled into his moan as the Watcher began moving again on top of him, until the last notes he exhaled were voiceless and his face became a canvas of pure need. ‘I… can’t get enough of you.’ Gaura kissed the corner of his lips. For a single roll of her hips, she slowed down, as her lips locked with his proper and drank in the long, hungry groan she drew from the wizard. She pulled away slightly with a chuckle and picked up the pace again.
‘Neither can I.’
The Watcher thought of the daydream she had in the tub. The fantasy of Aloth sprawled out on the tiles of the bathhouse and of herself seizing her own pleasure. And a part of her was tempted to turn it into reality. But the Aloth in front of her, under her, had fantasies hiding behind his eyes as well. He touched her cheek just as the first quiet moan passed her lips. He watched her, pleased, for a mere moment before his eyes fluttered shut and he craned his neck back towards the floor. A smile brightened his face until his expression was contorted by his own pleasure.
‘Gods, I adore you,’ Gaura whispered. She couldn’t resist the sight of his lips, his eyes, his arching neck. Her mouth wandered and soothed, her teeth encouraged and claimed, while her body moved to a steady rhythm. She allowed herself to grew drunk the visage of Aloth as ecstasy was building within him and the sounds she was drawing from him. She was intoxicated by the light touches on her back, the fingers tracing her cracks, the caresses on the back of her head, the crackling of magic against her scalp. She in turn called him beautiful, she called him precious, through slurred words and through wandering touches, through increasingly hurried movements. And soon, she grew forgetful, she grew unaware, she was mesmerized by the wizard under her, too much to pay attention to her own self. Her hips rolled back harder against him, her kisses turned forceful enough to resonate in her teeth, until she slammed against him hard and hit a spot that got her seeing stars.
Aloth groaned under her and kissed her on her cheek. The Watcher only stopped for a moment, but even that brief pause felt excruciating – and yet, at the same time, inviting.
‘Wait,’ his hands trailed down Gaura’s sides, until he reached her hips. His grip was light, but firm. After some shuffling, Aloth gave her a slow and gentle thrust, hitting the same spot again. The Watcher’s moan lingered in the air between them. ‘How does that feel?’
‘Almost perfect.’
‘Almost…?’ Aloth thrust again, slightly harder this time, and now the Watcher was ready to meet him.
‘Now, it’s perfect,’ she smiled down at him, as she started moving again in earnest, and he followed along. Gaura soon buried her face in the curve of the wizard’s neck, kisses and nibbles became her anchor as she got swept away in her own movements and the precious, lovely friction that stoked the heat pooling in her loins.
Aloth was tensing up under her as well. He didn’t notice his grip tightening on her, or that he hastened his thrusts. There was a light stutter in the way his muscles moved, there was a light shiver lingering at the tips of his fingers that he couldn’t ease through touch alone. His mouth was filled with his moans that got pushed out of him each time the Watcher’s flesh hit his. Gaura’s lips were slick against his throat, her tongue felt hot against his ear, her hands wandered along his chest, enjoying the feeling of his heart pounding fast for her at one moment and the tremors that followed her light brushes against his nipples in the next. But she did warn him that she would be selfish. Eventually her hand traveled down between them, to the clit he’s been neglecting, but just as guilt was about to well up in him, she grew tighter around him and Aloth forgot everything but her warmth, her embrace, the fire bursting though her, kissing his skin. She cried out as she collapsed on top of him, drowning out his own voice, her climax eclipsing his. The wizard held her close and tight as he rode out his ecstasy, but she squirmed her way out of his embrace. She left one kiss on his face after the other, she left no spot untouched and for those few moments, Aloth was convinced he was melting.
‘I must say,’ he said once he found his voice again, ‘I do enjoy you being selfish with me.’
Gaura chuckled. ‘I promise, I won’t make you regret those words,’ she gave him a lingering kiss, while he pulled out. A few moments later, she got up and helped the wizard stand, as well. ‘Just like I promised I would take care of you, now.’ She gingerly hooked her fingers into his as he guided him to the bathtub. She frowned at the water, disappointed in the lack of steam, and just as she assumed, the water was cool to her touch when she reached out for it.
‘Allow me,’ Aloth gave her hand a light squeeze before he let her go. He rubbed his hands together then he drew some runes in the air. He uttered a spell as he touched them. Magic flared up at the tips of his fingers then spread down to his wrists. The wizard then dipped his hands in the water and in a few moments, vapor was rising from the tub once more. A satisfied smile lurked in the corners of his lips as he gestured at the tub, and when Gaura reached for the water, it was as warm as she left it.
‘Show off,’ she teasingly rolled her eyes at him, which was met with Aloth’s widening eyes as he became aware of his own smugness. Gaura laughed sweetly as she kissed him on the cheek. ‘I’m only teasing, love,’ she left another peck on him. ‘Thank you, you’re a lifesaver.’
The Watcher stepped into the tub and reached back for Aloth. The wizard glanced at the water bubbling around Gaura’s legs then grabbed the hand offered to him with an excited grin. They sat behind one another, with Aloth nestling between the Watcher’s thighs. It was a tight fit within the tub, with little to no room to move, but at least as they were, Gaura was comfortable. Meanwhile the wizard sat a little straighter as the water rushed against his waist. He took a deep breath then undid the bindings holding his hair bit by bit. He ran his hands through his dark strands and leaned back against Gaura's chest with a sigh.
‘Gods, this feels magnificent,’ he took the Watcher’s hand and lifted it to his lips. ‘You are magnificent.’
‘You know my plan was to help you get cleaned up,’ she replied as she played with a few strands of his hair.
‘Just… give me a few moments.’
‘Or you could just give me the soap,’ the Watcher pointed to a fragrant yellow bar. Aloth sat up with a groan but he didn’t hide his eagerness to return to her embrace. She laughed as she took the soap and lightly rubbed it against the wizard’s chest. He seemed to grow more relaxed with each movement of her hand. And in turn, she took her time, she remained gentle.
‘Gaura…’ when Aloth spoke again, his voice was hoarse and quiet.
‘I heard that the pool in the Luminous Bathhouse can be rented for private events,’ he caressed her knee as he talked. ‘Do you think that I could… tempt you... for such an event?’
‘Aw, you’re getting greedy,’ she blew a kiss on her hair. In truth, her daydream surged from the depths of her mind, and her heart skipped a beat at the idea of making it real.
Aloth laughed. ‘Nothing of the sort, I assure you,’ he shifted his weight slightly, ‘or… I don’t think of it as greed. There are just some experiences that I… would like to share with you.’
‘Nice save.’
The wizard shrugged. ‘It’s true, though. There are so many places that I want to see by your side... Memories that I want to form with you,’ he bit his lip. ‘Things that I’d like to try with you.’
The Watcher smiled to herself. ‘I feel the same way,’ she laughed. ‘Although I must mention that a lot of the places I’d like to show you are in the Living Lands and we have giant hornets there.’
‘I’m sure the perils would be worth it.’
‘You are making it very hard to say no to your suggestion,’ Gaura shook her head. ‘About the bathhouse, I mean.’
Aloth said nothing, he merely angled his head to look up at the Watcher. Gaura could only meet his gaze for a few fleeting moments.
‘Fine,’ she pretended to give in. ‘I’ll see to the arrangements.’
The wizard smiled. ‘Thank you,’ he turned away and closed his eyes. ‘I have to say, though… I wouldn’t oppose to… using the tub with you again. If you are of the same mind, that is.’
‘You know that I am,’ the Watcher tucked a lock of hair behind Aloth’s ear. In her embrace, relaxed, soaked and glowing in the aftermath of ecstasy, he looked almost like a dream. And certainly more beautiful than the ones Gaura has been having. ‘How could I say no to you?’
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joannasprose · 4 months
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now I bend like a willow, thinkin’ of you.
shy!reader who gifts abby sliced fruit as symbolization for love and affection <3
“For me?” Abby says, watching as you hold out a bowl of sliced watermelons in front of her, eyes darting from the floor to the ceiling—looking everywhere but at her.
“Yeah,” you begin, “you said you liked them. I thought I’d make a bowl for you.” Abby doesn’t recall telling you such a small detail like that—and didn’t expect you to remember it either. She smiles, one that shows the pearls resting inside her gums—a smile that always seemed to make you shyer than you ever had been before.
“Can you look at me?” She asks, hands sunken into her grey sweats, eyes still on you—still so unbearably soft. She watches as your eyes grow wide—from embarrassment on your part, but she renders it such a sweet thing, to see you gushing over such a simplistic question.
“I—“ you start but you falter. She watches the struggle, the way you begin to chew on your cheek and the you try to slyly clutch the container against your chest. But she doesn’t comment. She doesn’t pry. She waits. And she watches as you look up to her eyebrows still knitted together in the way they always had been—something she found so appealing about you. And she finally meets your eyes. The ones she’s been searching for this entire time.
“I’m sorry.” You say, but she quickly rejects all of your apologies with a shake of her head as she takes her hands out of her pockets. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. You haven’t done anything wrong.” She says, her smile dying down, but it’s there. More softer. So she doesn’t risk the chance of scaring you away.
“I just want you to look at me. You don’t have to, of course. I just like it when you do.” Abby watches as you fight the smile that tugs at your lips. She watches the way your eyes flicker from her face to every corner of the room.
And she can’t help but smile.
tbh this is probably one of the worst things I’ve ever written but I wanted to get something out! I promise the next thing I write will be proofread and edited <3
2K notes · View notes
misshugs · 6 months
The elevator game || Colby Brock x Reader
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[req by anon] You knew you were sensitive to the other side, but you didn't expect a silly little game from the internet to give you this much of an impact.
warnings: cursing, paranormal activity, reader getting (slightly) attacked by ghosts, sensitive/medium!reader, degrading, angst? still not sure what the meaning of it is tbh
a/n: this is my first request ever, i hope i didn't let you down dear anon. Concept based on this video
word count: 2.5k (not proofread)
[u n e d i t e d]
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" Colby screamed towards the camera, as always.
"Today we are here at the Driskill Hotel, also known as the most haunted hotel here in Texas." Sam continues.
"We're here to figure out why this place is so haunted and what message the ghosts here wanna tell the people. And for this video guys, we have a very special someone!" Colby says, moving to the side so that you're visible to the camera.
Waving at it and smiling, you were greeted by Colby's hands wrapped around your shoulders. "Thank you, thank you. Hello, dear people. It is I." They laugh.
"How are you feeling about this? Are you excited?" Sam asks, putting the camera on the both of you.
"I am! The place is HUGE and honestly, just looks so good!"
"Right?? When we got in it was just like a burst of shock at how gorgeous this place is." Sam said and Colby nodded.
"If it weren't haunted I'd probably come here more often, but I can already feel all of these... energies walking around, I wouldn't last too long."
"Oh, right. For anybody that doesn't know, Y/n is actually a bit of medium?" Colby asks while looking at you, making you nod. "Yeah, so she's sensitive to like the energy of shadow figures and things like that, so maybe we'll get to experience something interesting tonight!"
"I'd say hopefully not but that wouldn't make it fun I guess." You laugh and so do they while you explain it is a pain in the ass to feel those things constantly. "It is almost as if you're constantly paranoid about someone looking at you, y'know what I mean?"
"Oh yeah, for sure." Colby noded.
"Yeah so that, but those stares are more physical than anything, there are times where I can feel people walking behind me and when I look back, there's no one."
"I can just imagine how creepy that must feel." Sam said and you chuckled.
"Oh yeah. You have no idea." You smiled.
"Well then, shall we begin the investigation?" Colby asked you, smiling. You quickly smiled back.
"Of course." You kissed him softly before Sam could even turn off the camera.
"Oh, gross man. I'll have to edit that out." He said jokingly and you laughed, rolling your eyes.
"But seriously though, let's keep it moving." You said and they agreed.
Walking around, there were a few pieces of lore they had to explain to you beforehand. About the one and only Driskill who created the hotel, about the little girl that broke her neck, so on and so forth.
There were times when you had this eerie feeling of constantly being followed, so you kept your arms interlocked with Colby's.
"You're doing okay so far?" He asked, cautiously caressing your hand. You nodded.
"Yeah, just feel like we're being followed." You replied, looking back where there was no one there.
"Really??" Sam asked, looking back as well but seeing nothing. "Do you think we caught a ghost's interest?"
"I mean, probably. There is a difference in between someone that's coming just for the hotel part and us, that are investigating and directly needing their intervention. We're making them curious."
"Well, for whatever spirit that might be following us, you're welcome to answer our questions later on tonight." Colby said loud enough for anything around to listen to it.
Honestly, even those small gestures made you so madly in love with him. The way he touches you softly just for you to make sure you're not alone and he's here for you is such a warming feeling.
Wilst looking around the current room, Colby walked up to a random closed door and tried to walk through.
"She said no closed doors!" Sam exclaimed, probably talking about the tour guide's rules of the place.
"Unless it's... unlocked." Colby responded, making Sam roll his eyes.
"Oop, it's Jim Hogg's room." You said, looking up.
"Who's that?" Sam asked.
"I dunno, it says its name on the top." You point up and they just laughed at the comment. I mean, what were they expecting? You had no idea about whatever story roams around these halls asides from the two main ones they've explained.
"Also I don't think you should be trying even more, like if it's hard to go in it's probably because you're not supposed to."
"We have a bad reputation of breaking into places." Sam admitted and you smiled.
"Yeah, I know. I remember that." You chuckle and hold Colby's hand to pull away from the door.
As they kept on chatting and making interesting comments here and there, you found the elevator and pointed it out. "Oh, is this the one?" Colby asked Sam and he just gave him a stare.
"This is the one what?" You ask and they look at eachother.
Sam sighed. "We were going to keep it until the time came, but we may have a little challenge for tonight that has to do with the elevator."
"Ooooh sounds fun. I wanna do it." You smile.
"You sure?? You have to be by yourself." Colby asked, worried but amused.
"Do you think I can't do this, Mr. Brock? That's offensive." You spat, crossing your hands around your chest.
"No! I meant-" He tried to explain, but you quickly interrupted.
"Cancelled, I tell you. Cancelled!" You look away with your eyes closed, trying not to laugh at the stupid situation unfolding.
"Great." You heard him sigh in defeat as Sam started laughing at the both of you. Looking back with a smile on your face, you hugged him.
"Alright, let's get going already." You giggled, gaining a kiss on the top of your head from your boyfriend.
Walking inside the elevator, it almost felt as if it quickly went down in an unnatural way.
"Did you guys feel like... the elevator dropping three inches?"
"Yeah, kinda of." Sam said.
"Three inches is a lot." Colby replied.
"Three inches is huge." Sam continued.
"I can vouch." You said.
"Mass..." Colby began talking but couldn't hold in the laugh after you said that.
Going back to the main lobby, you all reached out to a girl that was apparently the tourguide. She quickly explained the story of the place, how it ended up being the renouned hotel it came to be.
When she explained that the smell of cigar was one of the main ways Driskill manifested, your eyes went wide. "You're kidding."
"No, did you smell it before?" She asked.
"I did! But it was like, close to the entrance so I thought that maybe someone was smoking. I did find it rare because it was just a glimpse of it for like a solid second and then gone." You explained, making the girl smile.
"Well, that was him."
"No way." Colby said, smiling at you.
"Yup." She nodded, continuing to explain as you all started walking back to the elevator. Going inside, the door closed only to be opened again. "Oh?"
"Did we just pressed five and went to one? It's haunted!" Sam exclaimed.
"That was weird." Colby said, looking at the door.
"It was, that was so weird." The guide said, trying to close the door once again, only for it to open again.
"Does it do that often?" You asked and she shook her head.
"No! It doesn't." She walked back out and talked to someone from out side. "Are you fucking with us?"
"That's so strange- oh, I hit it." You whispered. The guide came back in.
"But you see it, right? I'm pressing five and it like start to go up but then it stops." The door closes once again, only for them to open.
"Oh my god." Sam said, whispering.
"And we're doing a challenge here?" You asked confused, making them laugh.
"Not here exactly." Colby smiled.
"Lemme- I'll go out." You said, walking out of the elevator, watching as the doors began to close, only for them to open once again. "Oh no, that's- that's a malfunction alright."
"And you said it, these malfuction all the time." Colby said to the guide as they walked out of the elevator.
When Sam did it by himself, it started working all over again.
"What the fuck??" Colby yelled.
"Are we like fat? Is it fat shaming us?" You whined, making everyone laugh.
And so, even though your night barely started, you were already having some activity to say the least.
And it kept being that way all night. Constant responses from spirits, intelligent ones at that. The little girl, the woman from the vortex room... all the way down to the challenge you've been anticipating the whole night round.
The elevator challenge.
"I think it might be just me but every single time we pass through this side of the hotel I feel like actually throwing up."
"Wait, really?" Colby asked, worried.
"Like an eerie feeling more than anything, almost like I'm kinda feeling a bit dizzy whenever we pass through here."
"Are you sure you want to do this? You can still back out, or I could go in with you." Colby tried to make you change your mind, but you were settled in it.
"No, I have to do it alone. What if it doesn't work because we're together? You're not gonna let me do this right?"
"I do! I'm just worried." Colby admitted, making you smile.
"You cutie. I love you so much." You said, smiling at him and cupping his face before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"Y'all are gonna make me puke, another part I'm gonna have to cut out." Sam joked, making you giggle.
"Alright, alright. So, how does this work?" You ask, hugging yourself as you wait for instructions.
It was a simple game. Supposedly, you had to hit the buttons of the elevator in a specific order. In the last one, you had to invite in a lady. If the ritual worked, you were supposed to start going up into another world. If it didn't, well, nothing happened and it failed.
"So... I'm about to get isekai'd? We're going to an anime, brothers." You laughed at your own joke while they handed you your camera.
"I send you the order, just in case." Sam continued, and you nodded.
"Thank you, 'cause I already forgot." You turned on your phone as well as the camera and walked in.
"Any last words?" Colby asked cheekishly, making you smile.
"See you in the other side." You answered, before the door closed. You sighed, putting the camera up to your face. "Alright, so... I'm supposed to hit this one first." Switching the camera back to the buttons, you hit the number four.
It began moving. "Oh, good. It would've been a mess if it already fucked up. Alright..." You sighed. "I didn't told them this, but I do find the thought of getting stuck in an elevator horrifying. I just agreed because maybe it might help me out, but it doesn't work the fact that I can feel so many spirits around this area specifically every time we walk past it." You explain before getting on the next floor, touching the next button.
Back down on the lobby, Sam and Colby were talking.
"I didn't want her to do it, honestly. I was gonna do it myself." Sam said.
"Right? She's our guest too, what if something happens to her? That would be the death of me."
"Don't jinx it, brother. She'll be alright."
Boy they were wrong.
Halfway through, your vision started to get blurry, your legs were shaky and you couldn't brush off the feeling of pressure on your chest. It was starting to make you nervous, even more so the fact you were alone.
You started thinking to yourself. What if something really did happen? What if you summon something your body couldn't handle? What if it really did send you to another world?
It happened so quickly, that you have already reached the last floor before you knew it. Gulping down your dry throat, you began to speak. "Alright, if there's something... out... oh fuck." Your vision got blurry and you could feel an inmense ammout of power flushing through the elevator doors even before it opened up.
You couldn't hold it together, it was too much for you to handle as you were suspecting before. Although you tried to stay up, your legs couldn't hold your weight up anymore and you passed out, falling down to the floor, hitting your head strongly onto the hard floor of the elevator.
Luckily, the ritual didn't work. It began going down and the guys, mainly Colby, were anxiously waiting for the doors to open. When they did, their faces fell.
Colby screamed out your name, quickly rushing in and holding your head. "Love?? Sweetheart, what happened? Wake up, please. Oh God." He began shaking, carrying you outside of the elevator so that it was slightly more comfortable.
"What happened? Oh my fucking God." Sam whispered, grabbing your camera from the elevator's floor and walking out.
"She's not responding, Sam." Colby nervously said, making sure you were at least still alive.
You were.
"Should I call an ambulance or something?" Sam asked. "Oh, no. I have the keys with me."
"Let's take her to the hospital, quickly." He lifted you up from the floor and hurriedly got out of the building and to the hospital.
You were alright, luckily. It seemes you have just fainted, but you falling down to the floor and hitting your head so hard made it a bit more complicated than what it had to be.
Colby felt bad, horrible even to think that this could've happened to you.
He should've been more careful, he should've known you were too sensitive to all of these energies so that you would go alone and out to make something so nerve racking. He should've been more insisting, rather than going with the flow merely because of a video.
He let his love have that type of experience because of a mere video.
It devastared him. Made him feel absolutely awful about it. While waiting for you to wake up, he kept on downgrading himself thinking about how he's the worst possible boyfriend.
It all stops when you finally wake up. Looking around the white room, confused.
"What happened?"
"It looks like you fainted... I'm so sorry for letting you do that all by yourself, I should've stopped you, I should've at least gone with you, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that because-"
"Love. Love!" You held his cheeks softly, making him quietly stop ranting, you smiled. "You know I wanted to do it, I was the stupid one for forgetting that big energy rafts can affect me a lot, I'm so sorry baby." You kissed his nose, reassuring him everything was alright.
And honestly, he needed to hear it. From you, specifically. Sam was trying to make him calm down but it didn't really work. It had to be you, your voice, your smile.
The one thing that made him whole all over again.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
I MAY HAVE DONE TOO MUCH FILLER FOR NO GODDAMN REASON- also hoping that dear anon liked it-
thank you for reading, loves~! likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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izzyspussy · 2 years
tagged by @writingpotato07
Do you write in order?
Almost always, yeah. If I have any particular lines or short scenes come to me that are from later down the draft, I'll put them into my outline.
Do you start with something in particular?
Not really! When I was young I used to start everything with dialogue as the very first line, but I don't do that anymore. I don't know that I've noticed any trends in what I start with nowadays.
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try? How many drafts do you go through?
Pretty fully formed tbh. I usually only have a single draft for fanfiction, for example. For short stories I'll usually do one rewrite and then just proofreading. I don't know how many edits I'll go through for full length novels, but I think probably only one or two more edits than for short stories.
Tell us about your process.
For fanfiction I pretty much just whip that shit out. Not fast, mind you, but there's no real preparations. For original short stories I'll have a concise, bullet-point outline. And then from there it's also just going for it. I usually end up with a title for these pretty early on, related either to the inspiration or some element of the story. For the novel my outline is much more detailed. I put together a playlist to work to before I started, as well as a book bible in order to take notes in and reference for the purposes of foreshadowing and continuity both for this book and the following series. What I do when following that bigger, badder outline is to have two windows open at half screen. On the left, the outline. On the right, the manuscript. As I make my way through the outline, I use strikethrough to mark the parts I've already written. After the first draft is done, I'll do basically the same thing with the draft on the left and the rewrite on the right, following along and striking through as I go. After I'm done with that I'll remove the strikethrough because I never delete my drafts. I also have a separate document to keep deleted scenes.
I tag @dontjudgemeimawriter @gailynovelry and @peepos-prose.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
I knew I fucking forgot something….um anyways will paste that reply here LMFAO
I think this is my sign to go read that fic and see if I have any ideas but the moment you said killing I was like oh. And there go a majority of the options LMFAOO but lowk….nah I’ll just read it first I mean surely there could be someone besides Kaiser too…maybe if you set it in a slightly alternate universe? I should definitely go read that first though LOL (so true though tabieitaken just too mature ugh)
Ok and then my reply because I forgot to hit send earlier smh
Omg nooo wait stay safe on the plane!! Idk if they still like give peanuts as snacks regularly but
100k words in one month is truly insane omg even in my most productive times I don’t think I’d reach the equivalent of getting that much done HAHAHA
No fr like please I was my hair and I do normal things I wear
And omg I passed by someone else’s brief analysis post and they were like “how bad do their parents have to be that Rin can’t even remember their eyes” WHAT I hadn’t thought of if being like a compelte flashback through Rin’s eyes but that’s certainly a really interesting take!! And definitely seen a lot floating around of how Sae is so mature and also how neglected they had to be for Sae to be like that at like 7 years old….
Also I forgot that’s how it worked irl tbh I don’t actually watch sports all that much LMAO Ooh that would be interesting but if we get stuck in BM with basically only Isagi on screen I think I’d lose it HAHA
-Karasu anon
HAHHAA NO LITERALLY like i’m sorry i cannot imagine nagi or karasu being down for murder 😭 again the killing aspect makes more sense in the context of the story (it’s not fully set in modern times + jujutsu society in general is crazy) but even then it would be SUCH a huge stretch to make for their characters 😔 atm i can only think of kaiser and maybe barou??? but barou is a bit too serious for the role too…ig that’s easier to workaround but still 😓 and omg if you read it don’t be too surprised it’s a bit of a crazy story truly anything was getting written as i figured out what i wanted out of the story!! plus a lot of plot points seem random without future context…it was very much meant to be a story that has a completely diff tone/meaning upon rereading it!! but then i never finished it so no one gets the experience of knowing the ending and reading the beginning (except me)
luckily planes are pretty stringent abt avoiding allergens nowadays! all peanut stuff is pretty wrapped up/contained to lessen the chance of cross contamination 😩🙏🏻 when i was a kid i was allergic to eggs as well…now THAT was a headache LMAOAO but thankfully i grew out of it
i’m a pretty fast writer when i have motivation (my most popular story for aot i finished the main story in a month and that was 173k words soooo) HAHA i respect people who update slowly and consistently but with me it’s literally as soon as i’ve written and proofread the chapter it’s getting posted so i have no set schedule (also why i literally have no clue when i’m going to update because like if i knew i’d just finish the chapter and post atp 😭)
yes that was the vibe i was getting where his parents are just completely irrelevant to him compared to sae…the itoshis are like weirder and more confusing the more we learn abt them ngl 😓 but honestly them being neglectful makes sense considering sae and rin’s egoist bible entries…like wdym sae never saw his report card because he was so busy with soccer?? what parents gives ZERO fucks abt their kid’s grades to that extent?? even if he’s a soccer prodigy like what if he gets injured he’ll have no backup plan if he’s barely literate 😭
honestly i don’t really watch sports much either!! i’ve never been into them literally all of my knowledge is off of tik tok 😰 i’ve been getting irl soccer edits because of my many saved bllk ones…idk how to tell my fyp that the soccer part is largely irrelevant to me HAHAAH but yeah to my knowledge that’s how it works!! agreed though if anything i hope that they mix up which characters get offers from which clubs so we have a bit of a diff cast if that’s the direction they go in 😩
0 notes
Anon who’s rereading kotw here👋🏻
Hi!!How’s it going?
No it is actually stated in the book itself that Pride’s wife’s heart was torn from her chest along with a few of her royal ladies.
As for the Envy part he kept her hostage for some time lmao💀
Seems to me Kerri just changed her mind because there are some inconsistencies regarding all this.I think she wrote Emila and Vittoria as Wrath’s lover and Pride’s wife but changed her mind in kotf.
Also, I swear there are countless mentions of the Goddes of fury and death.How could we not have seen it…
I'm surviving lol, how are you?
Oh, if it's in the book, then yeah, it's definitely a plot hole. In fact, when you think about it, there are a couple of other things that are either inconsistent or left unexplored in the plot of the first book....the Envy-Claudia hostage situaybeing one of them.
I think you might be right about what the initial idea might have been, actually. But if it's a case of the author changing her mind while writing it, which is completely fine, of course they get to do that, then I'd call it lousy editing and proofreading I'd it wasn't cleaned up in the later drafts, tbh.
Anyway, yes. The goddess of fury reveal did catch me off-guard akfjajgjajfbajfb but I don't think I would have predicted that point by them mentions of the goddess lol. I did predict her being Celestia's daughter and Celestia being the crone, but I could not have seen the goddess of fury reveal coming.
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shotorozu · 4 years
hellolololo!¡! so i recently saw this video where their
s/o goes on to omegle and the other person from omegle like goes “hi ur cute” or “u have snap?” and then their boyfriend just enters the frame,, can u do that to todobakudeku separately :3
if u dont understand u can check this out 😭 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJdEqc7V/ tyy ❤️❤️
“ur kinda cute” on omegle
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (bnha)
part two — part three
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, crack — ‘x reader’
note(s) : i love these types of requests 🤩 so i plan on making 3 parts with this (oh and don’t worry, i’ll finish the other tiktok prank series i have going on at the moment)
also, there’s no proofread on this so if there’s any typos or mistakes, sorry! i’ll be editing them in the morning
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todoroki shouto
okay so, the entire tiktok idea was planned— but the part where shouto came in surely wasn’t staged
so, being a curious young person— you wanted to make a tiktok, where you went on omegle just to speak to people for fun
and inside of your head, you’re kinda thinking that “this is dumb, omg im going to get flashed on there.” also while you were setting up your laptop
but you just used the appropriate tags and !! you were set off for an adventure
you set your phone aside, and you filmed most of the experience— cutting out the not so interesting encounters out of your tiktok
and then came on a dude, who had a,, unique reaction. he didn’t seem all that fishy— until he asked you for your snap (your social medias, essentially)
“you’re kinda cute, y’know. how did i not see you before?”
you shake your head, “oh no no! i appreciate your compliment, but i’m very much taken!” your mind immediately flashing back to the image of your icyhot boyfriend
“nahh you’re lying! i don’t see any dude back there”
oh,, and that was because shouto was out getting snacks 🧎 “no really dude, i appreciate it! i’m very much taken and being disloyal is out of the question!”
this dude just kept insisting and insisting, and due to the struggle— you weren’t able to hear the door knob jiggle
it seemed to be that his advances came to an end, and your lover made an entrance— a mop of red and white peaked out from the door frame
and the dude literally got scared and ended the conversation 💀 because you really weren’t lying!
you also figured that it was time to end your omegle shenanigans, and finish the tiktok— because your boyfriend was already there “hi love, who were you talking to?”
you closed your laptop, and offered him a smile “i was on omegle for a tiktok! i’m glad you’re back.” you discard your phone, wrapping your arms around his torso (and also making sure you don’t delete the draft)
shouto doesn’t say a lot, but he immediately accepts your touch, setting the groceries aside.
he doesn’t question the fact that you were on omegle because well,, he had to get used to your shenanigans on tiktok SOMEHOW
a few hours later, you posted the tiktok— and almost immediately, the tiktok gains a lot of attention
“i love how your boyfriend drove the last dude away 💀💀” “man the last dude didn’t take the hint 🗿” “your boyfriend indirectly protected you! we need more guys like him.”
you snicker at the comments, which ultimately gathered shouto’s attention “what’s up, love?”
you show him the tiktok, “the tiktok did well.” he’ll comment calmly, but shouto’s lowkey MAD ?? that a dude had the audacity. but he’s just glad that you’re happy just maybe,, don’t go on omegle anymore 💀
“love— next time, let me in on your tiktoks.” he says, running a thumb along your cheek lightly. because he was actually quite entertained, putting everything aside
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bakugou katsuki
as if bakugou katsuki would let you go on OMEGLE, a place that’s known for having the sketchiest people to ever exist— but make it virtual
but being with you made him realize that well,, if you want to do something, you’ll go through lengths just to do it.
even the great bakugou katsuki can’t really stop you. whatever makes you happy— but oh, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t highly discourage it
which lead you to go on omegle for a tiktok in the other room, while bakugou exercised in the very next room.
when you told him that you wanted to film a tiktok, bakugou only shrugged— “don’t do overly dumb shit.” was what he only told you and he left the door open too
you then set up your phone and laptop, applied the appropriate tags— and went off to make your tiktok
you only filmed the interesting encounters, and the people you met on there were very diverse in personality and just,, in general.
after the 4th encounter, then came a rather interesting dude. he didn’t seem all that ordinary but he wasn’t spectacular. he was just nice
and the conversation was rather normal— until he started asking for your socials “putting everything aside, do you have social media? you’re really cute.”
you reject immediately, “oh no, i appreciate your words but— i already have a boyfriend.”
you just have to hope that he noticed bakugou walking back and forth with equipment, but with his next words— that doesn’t seem to be the case
“i didn’t see anyone back there, a simple no would’ve been sufficient instead.” uh oh
“no really, i—” and before things escalated, katsuki’s head peaked through the door frame, freshly out of the shower “are you almost done, idiot?”
the dude literally looked behind you, and thought “oh shit, their boyfriend is bakugou fucking katsuki.” because bakugou is famous for,, multiple different reasons
the dude’s camera shakes in terror, “oh uhm,, it was nice meeting you!” not long before he dips from of the conversation, never to be seen again.
closing your laptop— you end the tiktok while bursting into laughter, and this action just confused katsuki ever further. he heard you speaking to someone, and when he looked, the person was nowhere to be seen
“what are you laughing at??”
“nothing katsuki, i was laughing at the tiktok i just made.”
then— you figured that it would be best to tell katsuki now that you were on omegle (long story short, he wasn’t pleased)
he scolded you that you shouldn’t be on omegle, but let’s be honest, he couldn’t stay mad at you— so he just cuddles the frustration away
when you upload the tiktok the following hours, it blows up pretty quickly—with comments like “LOL IS THAT BAKUGOU KATSUKI??” “he had guts until he saw bakugou katsuki 💀” “tbh i’d be scared too”
and when you report the news the katsuki, he smirks— “as he should be.”
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midoriya izuku
at this point, izuku is very much used to your shenanigans on tiktok. he’s very supportive of whatever you do all in all
but, about omegle,,, yeah,, as much as he trusts you— he does not trust omegle. he’s aware that it’s a shady place, and he doesn’t advise that you do go on that website bc he cares
so when you brought up the tiktok idea, he proposed that he’d be there, right beside you just to monitor if anyone’s being weird :)
and that’s great! because you also wanted to ask if he wanted to be a reoccuring guest in your tiktok— and of course, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he opposed?
he helps you set up your laptop and phone— all of that sort of stuff, and then you guys were off to make an interesting tiktok
oh, but izuku did apply the appropriate tags because he didn’t want you to see odd things he was secretly nervous but,, you were very ethusiastic, so he was too.
the first several people were interesting in their own way— especially with their reactions to your boyfriend appearing on screen
usually, they’d back off with, and comment on how cute your boyfriend is— wishing the both of you well before calmly leaving to meet new people,
that was how it was, until you met this person in particular.
he sounded very,, egotistical— i wouldn’t say that because you’ve just met the dude, but he acted like everyone wanted him or it sounded like that
then he says, “you definitely have a phone number, right? you’re cute, just my type.” wkdksmd this is awkward since izuku’s right beside you, but he’s just outside of the frame
then, izuku pops out of the frame— in all his cute ass glory, he gives a small wave to the not so pleased stranger
“please, that’s your boyfriend?” he scoffs, “with those arms, he looks like he could be your little brother! now let me ask again—”
it’s really weird?? because have you seen izuku’s gainz?? and this dude’s audacity is extraordinary.
but little did this guy know, he’s looking at midoriya izuku— and,, you’ve seen his performance in the sports festival.
the dude takes another glance at your boyfriend, who’s sitting there right beside you— and he realizes who he was talking to
“oh shit, you’re—” and before the both of you could realize it, he nopes out of the conversation.
after that encounter, you burst into a fit of laughter— the look on izuku’s face being priceless. “you should’ve seen your reaction!”
“haha, i guess he knew who i was,” he says bashfully, cheeks warming up. because it registered in his mind that people actually knew who he was. “can you,, upload the tiktok later? i want to hug you— i mean! if that’s fine.”
of course it’s fine! you oblige, and give him all the hugs he could ever need
after cuddling with izuku, you do upload the tiktok— and an hour later, your tiktok notifications blow up
the tiktok all in all gathered 1M views, 780K likes, and over 1,500 comments— most of them saying stuff like
“your boyfriend’s reaction was so cute?? i know he looked like he was going to punch him through the screen but 👀” “last dude was just not it.” “LMAO HE REALLY TRIED IT” “is your boyfriend IZUKU MIDORIYA??”
when you excitingly showed him the tiktok’s results, he was certainly pleased— because most of the comments were positive, and also because the tiktok’s results made you happy
“i’m glad that it did well!” he’ll sigh in relief, pressing a kiss against your temple, let’s just not go on there ever again
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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niksfics · 3 years
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↬ PAIRINGS: kenma x f!reader (side aka rebound mention) miya atsumu x f!reader
↬ WARNINGS: a whole lotta angst, breakup, it’s an online relationship, kenma is cold and hurts ur feelings
↬ SUMMARY: your relationship with kenma really had felt like the last one. He was it, turns out he didn’t have similar feelings.
↬ A/N: alright loves!! This isn’t proofread at all it’s 2 in the morning I’ll edit when I wake up, butttt Thanks to my lovely ex girlfriend you are now being graced with this steaming pile of trash. (Lovely was not meant sarcastically at all she is in fact very lovely.) Ngl almost, if not all of this story is about my relationship with my ex gf. This is how I cope people. → It’s taken me awhile to actually be able to right something that’s why things kinda stopped. Tbh after she broke up with me it’s been very hard for me to write so hopefully this helps! And I hope you enjoy!! I would also just like to say if it feels a lil weird it’s cause these are things I’ve actually written in my notes I tweaked it a little to fit the story but it’s straight from the source 😩
WC | 2.5K
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You sighed as you opened your notes app. Your eyes scanning over all of the little facts and quirks he had told you about himself. All the stuff you’d wanted to remember. The stuff that had seemed so important to you before. Now it was meaningless, almost like facts about a stranger. Almost as if you hadn’t spent four months learning about and growing with eachother.
You scrolled down a little bit right under, how his favorite marvel character is Spider-Man and you chewed on your lip. Your fingers hovering above the keyboard on your phone. You looked over the facts again. The things he dislikes and the stuff he adores, the things he likes to collect to the way he feels passionately about a certain topic. You begin to type.
Friday June 25th 2022 12:22 Am
I cried again tonight, because I still love you. It’s been a month and six days since we broke up. It feels like there’s a hole in my chest. You seem to be doing fine though, so I’m happy for you! This is the second time since we’ve broken up that I’ve felt actual physical emotional pain in my chest. Remember when I told you how bad it hurt after we broke up? Remember how you didn’t even ask if I was ok? Didn’t even bother to answer. Do you remember that? I remember. I’ve thought about it every day since. I remember it being so bad I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack. Wasn’t until I’d called tetsu crying that he’d told me it was just emotional and I should probably try to relax.
I read through our old messages. I’ve never wanted something back so bad. Never wanted to beg anyone to stay till now. I wish you loved me like I love you. I wish I hadn’t grown so attached, wish I hadn’t fallen so deeply into love with you. I wish it wasn’t my fault that we broke up. I wish I wasn’t so fucking scared. I wish I was fearless. Wish I could rise into love bravely. I wish I was brave when it came to you. I keep telling myself it was me. It was me not you. You didn’t love me anymore. You don’t love me anymore and you’re just too nice to say that. So you told me in the only way I could handle. Except you hadn’t used the words you should have. You got bored. We both know it’s true. You were bored of it, and I don’t blame you. I know we’ll never talk again, and part of me is so glad. Another part of me forces myself to read through all our messages though. I wish I could just tell you one last time. I love you.
You sighed saving it before closing out of it. Tears you hadn’t known were falling finally became known to you as they streamed down your cheeks. Your eyes puffy as you wet your lips, the salt of them coating your tongue. You were bitter and so were your tears. I briefly wondered what he was doing right now. Probably playing a video game. You knew his schedule all to well by now. Probably testing out a new game for his stream.
A new set of fresh tears fell as you remembered how you used to call him right before he went on. Being lulled to sleep by his occasionally curses and the clicking oh his controller or his keyboard.
You never expected things to end this way. You really thought he was the last one. Yes it had only been four months, but the way he made you feel. The way that it had felt. It had felt final, and you’d been friends before you even started dating.
You sniffle moving yourself to the kitchen to poor yourself a glass of water as you remembered how nervous you were when you first texted him. You had acumulated quite the crush on him back in high school. As Inarazaki’s manager you were required to go to the games, and even after your team lost you had stuck around. Watched him play and cheered him on. Two weeks later you had begun to text, as friends of course. It wasn’t until four months ago that you’d gotten together.
Your anniversary was only two days prior to your break up. You both had never been one to even care about that stuff. You had agreed early on in the relationship that we wouldn’t do anything due to the distance, and the business of our schedules. You were never one for remembering things like anniversaries anyways.
He really did feel like the one. Sometimes you just know. Sometimes you can just feel it. Like, you know that feeling you get when you know something is off or you know for sure something is about to happen even without being told it’s going to. That’s what it felt like to be with kozume kenma.
You thought you knew, you thought this time, this time its for real. You thought it was finally safe to say, that he was the one. You both had even admitted to looking for each others initials in those stupid soulmate tik tok videos.
You were finally in a mature relationship with someone you could talk about anything to. You had gotten so caught up in it, that you didn’t even see the end creeping up on you.
You’d finally gained the courage to text him again. Unfortunately it was in a drunken daze. Your hands shaking as you fumbled with your phone typing things you’d come to regret in the morning. You’d sent him a series of texts telling him how much you missed him, how you didn’t understand how he was so okay. You had been a wreck that night. One of your friends puking in her toilet as you cried. You were happy of course that he was doing so well, but you’d been a wreck for so long and he hadn’t even changed. You told him you wished you could be okay.
When you’d awoken the next morning hair knotted in a complete mess and wiping drool from your chin your heart had sunk even lower. His response was cold. You knew that kenma could be cold. You knew that it was just who he was, but this particular text had felt so unfeeling and unfamiliar, it was as if he hadn’t even sent it himself. He had only ever talked like this to you once and that was when you first became friends all those years ago.
Kozume ❤️
Hey, it’s okay. And yeah you see what I choose to put up. I could be better. But I choose to stay optimistic and busy. Sorry that things are this way.
You had never seen so many periods in a text before. He only used grammar like that when he was peeved, and maybe you were wrong, maybe he’d done that on purpose, but it had hurt so bad. It had caused an ache so deep in your chest that you weren’t sure if you’d ever even dated him at all.
It was the only thing you could bring yourself to respond back with. How were you supposed to respond to that? You’d stared at it for so long and after you’d sent it you wished you had said more. Wished you would’ve said something more insightful than a simple, heartbroken, “yeah.”
Not too long later there was another ping and you held your breath. His name briefly appearing across your screen.
Yeah. I could be better. But I hope you do well soon. I’m sorry that I can’t really do much to help out
And of course you did the only thing you could do. Deflect. Pretend like you hadn’t said what you’d said not even fourteen hours ago.
No it’s fine. I’m fine. You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry that you could be doing better.
He left you on seen. You knew you sounded like an asshole. At least to you, you felt like an asshole. Why couldn’t you have come up with something else. Why couldn’t you tell him the truth. Tell him how you felt. Tell him that you didn’t think you should be broken up anymore. That the month long cruel joke was over and you were ready to spend your nights falling asleep to him playing video games again. You didn’t though, and you never would. You’re not brave enough, too prideful to even try.
You swallowed down the bile rising in your throat as you realized even if you did beg him. Begged him to take you back. Tell him that you still love him. You were too late, and you just couldn’t be selfish when it comes to him. He is over you and it was so plainly obvious. You know that deep down. Know that he’s moved on, and it kills you inside. So you did the only thing you could do. Try and put it into words.
So as you lay in bed the warm body you let occupy your space sound asleep beside you, his toned blonde hair tousled slightly and you sighed. Finally away from the shenanigans of your friends you took a deep breath before you closed your eyes.
You opened up your notes app again and scrolled past the last entry. You swallowed again as you blinked the tears out of your eyes. Your thumbs beginning to move before you even gave them permission.
Wednesday June 30th 2022 1:39 Am
Here I am again. Stuck. Stuck in the same place I’ve been for so long. You know, I write so beautifully when I’m broken. I’m most of my best work is written when I’m being torn apart. But I just, I can’t seem to find the words. I can’t seem to put it into a document and turn out little story into a different story to cope. Can’t seem to write it out. Can’t seem to move on.
I hovered over the unfollow button on your page today, to keep myself from scrolling through your things again. To keep myself from getting hurt. So I don’t have to be reminded. I want to delete it. Delete where we officially met. On a chat through my screen. I wanna wipe the messages clean. And I’ve tried. Oh how I’ve tried. But I can’t.
I want to delete our conversations. The hours long talks we had, but then, what happens afterwards? What keeps the memories alive. I’d never been so in love with someone before. I’ve never actually…. Been in love before. I thought I’d been in love, but it didn’t feel like that, and losing them never hurt like this. Losing someone has never hurt this bad before.
I’ve never felt the emptiness you left so deep in my very being with anyone I’ve ever met before. I can’t seem to pull myself together. And it’s pathetic I know. It’s pathetic that I’m still here. In the same place I was a month ago. It’s about to be two months we’ve haven’t been together. I’m hurting. Hurting so bad. It’s painful to look at you.
I haven’t deleted the photos even though I probably should. They’re still tucked away in an album in my camera roll labeled “us <3” the one one I made specially just for you. The way I’d been so excited when I was finally ready to tell my friends. I even have this stupid notes folder from when we were dating where I wrote all the little things about you that I never wanted to forget. I find you so endearing. Everything you do. I just couldn’t help but right it down to keep it safe so it never leaves my mind. So that I never forget. But now, forgetting is all I want to do.
I never thought there’d be a time in my life where I was more emotionally stunted that I normally. So stunted I can’t even put this, our split up, into words. Make it something entertaining for somebody else to read. Write a book about it. My publicist keeps asking when the sequel for my book will be done. I don’t know if it’ll ever be finished. I can’t do the one thing I’ve always been good at. I’m crying as I write this.
And I wish it would just end here in this little notes app. Wish the love would die in here. I always think I’m over you and then I see you again, and nowadays your everywhere. A very big hit and I’m happy for you and your success, but seeing you makes my heart squeeze in my chest.
I think I’m over you until I play that stupid fucking game that causes me to scream at my phone, or my laptop in frustration, but I just can’t seem to delete it because I know it’s something that you love. That show we used to talk about. I know you know which one, I can’t seem to watch it without thinking of what was. You’ve ruined it forever cause now it only reminds me of you. I know you’ll never see this, but I like to imagine you can. That my time for closure has somehow come.
When you told me you were sorry that things were this way, it was a real slap in the face. It stopped my false hope. My wishing. It all came to a halt. I’m glad. Glad that you’re happier. That you’re better without me. But god, now I’m so fucked up and I can’t even talk to you.
You were the only person I had left. The only one who understood me. And now you’re gone. You took a part of me with you that night. A part that I’ll never get back. I should’ve known that you would leave. I’ve never been able to get someone to stay for longer than three to four months.
I thought I could let my guard down though. I thought we were in the clear. I’d thought finally. Finally someone is gonna stay. I thought you were my person. I still think that to this day. I thought we were gonna make it. And now I’m with this guy I don’t even like. He’s not you, he doesn’t act like you. He doesn’t like video games like you do.
He doesn’t talk to me like you do. Like you did. But you know how it ended I don’t need to put it here. Unfortunately I’ll always love you even if you don’t love me. This is so scattered, I’m sorry I couldn’t make you happy.
With that you closed the app and put down your phone. Plugging in it and as it dinged miya atsumu rolled over in his sleep. He reached for you his hands wrapping around your waist to tug you against his strong body.
His gravely voice whispering through sleep, “mmm finally decided to come to bed?” You hum moving an arm under on of his to wrap around his thin waist. “Mhm, thought you might need the company.” You began to draw little shapes and letters against his back as he chuckled, “oh yea? How thoughtful of you princess.”
Suddenly it was quiet and your closed eyes opened to his wide brown ones, his eyebrows furrowing .
“Did you just spell kozume on my back?”
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cornfarm · 3 years
cease and desist - choosing beggars
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saiki kusuo x reader
word count: 1.6k
synopsis: with rumors of saiki and teruhashi’s “secret relationship” spreading at lightning speed, saiki resorts to asking you for help. being tasked with pretend dating with the end goal of getting teruhashi off saiki’s back, things take a turn for the worse... or perhaps for the better?
cw: n/a
genre: fluff, general drama
reader is gender neutral!
WAHEY babes wake up new cornfarm fic just dropped! because this is a series, i might rearrange stuff on my masterlist... pls tell me if it looks okay!
i’ve been proofreading this again and again to make sure it’s all good and in character! this is my first multi-chapter fic project. queen’s gambit is one of the parts... i mentioned it in the notes of that fic. 
i’m a huge fan of the “fake dating” prompt, especially because saiki tries to take this path multiple times in the anime, i think it’s pretty canon that this is something he’d do! this fic will be msotly from saiki’s pov but the later parts will follow the reader a bit closer me thinks
anyways, i hope that you enjoy this one, there will be 5 parts in total!  can you tell i don’t actually like using “Y/N”? I try to omit a need to say it as much as i can... tbh it kinda breaks the emersion, but i don’t really have a choice!
i hope it’s not too boring with all the little descriptions, i like setting the scene and describing actions, especially when they are as simple as writing a letter. i do try to keep it engaging though^^ pls let me know if it’s too tiring;;
“I need to ask a favor of you.”
“Yeah, sure, what’s up?”
“I need you to pretend to go out with me.”
Okay, even Saiki was stunned that he was asking such an egregious task of you, but he didn’t expect you to look so bewildered. He anticipated a look of amusement, but you just looked stunned, which surprised him. He was able to stun you, someone so talkative into total jaw-dropped silence.
“Pretend that we’re dating. Romantically.”
“No, I heard you, but why?”
Good question. He’s glad he asked you after school. It was your turn to clean so he offered to help in place of your other classmate. After tidying up the desks, you had sat down, sighing about how tired you were, how your back hurt, how much homework you have to do, and you how still have to catch up on some drama you were watching-
Not the point. He pulls up a chair at your desk and sits down.
“It’s about Teruhashi.” He begins. You lean in, intrigued by whatever he’s about to tell you.
“To make a long story shorter, we went on this,” Saiki pauses, “pseudo-date, if you would call it that. I wouldn’t- I don’t like her, but I kinda had to go on it,” you nod, “there are rumors going around school. Usually that wouldn’t be a problem for me, but Teruhashi is involved so everybody is tuned in,” he pauses again, reminding himself that you don’t know about his powers.
“There are photos. Lots of them, and a lot of them are edited to antagonize me. People have been stalking me home, and I usually would be able to handle it myself, but it’s different this time.”
“Because of the pictures?”
You frown. Good to know you understand.
Again, this usually wouldn’t be a problem, he could just wipe everyone's memory, but that would pose even more potential problems. Basically every single person in the school would fabricate their own version of the events, and he couldn’t do anything about the pictures, they had been distributed mobily so they have been, and would be redistributed. If it was a few people, he wouldn’t be asking you, but with people beginning to stalk him home, he decided he needed to act.
“Why me, though?”
“You’re the only one I could ask. Don’t get the wrong impression, I don’t like you, but you are, rationally, the only, and best person I could ask.”
“That’s fine, but what are you asking of me to do?”
Saiki moves his chair a bit closer.
Luckily, you were compliant. You had both clarified to each other that there were no real feelings between you, and that you’d stage a confession, a first date, and then a breakup a bit later after the tides settle. The boundaries were set in place: No kissing, physical touch is fine as long as it’s being done performatively, and most importantly, nobody is allowed in on the secret.
Saiki went home that night feeling a bit better about his situation.
You were a bit troubled, and he had sensed it from you. Peering into your mind, reading a bit of your own internal dialogue, he supposed that he’d be stressed too if a friend was asking so much of him. He reassured you that he wasn’t really looking forward to it per se, more so looking forward to not having people follow him home everyday, and to be finally left alone at school again.
“What if it just complicates things more? People will see us together, think we’re dating, and then wonder what happened with Teruhashi! You’ll look like the villain, you’ll probably get harassed more.”
Saiki had also thought about this. He came up with a solution, however. If he can’t exactly erase Teruhashi out of the picture, he instead will use his hypnosis ability to get people to perceive the photos from his “date” with Teruhashi, as being photos with you instead. That seemed more reliable, and will totally remove Teruhashi from the picture altogether.
Of course he couldn’t explain this to you, so he simply said: “I have a plan to deal with that.”
You were still frowning, flashing a small smile, he finished, “trust me.”
Softening at that, you nodded.
If he had used his hypnosis to get everyone to perceive the pictures with Teruhashi as pictures with you, he’d be doing it without your consent, and that wouldn’t be right of him. That would hurt your friendship. It also wouldn’t get rid of the primary issue being Teruhashi’s persistence. He just wanted to be left alone.
It seemed like a bulletproof plan to him.
The walk home was peaceful. Walking together with your footsteps synced, the sun setting in the sky cast an orange overcast over the concrete streets. Saiki’s mother invited you in, you poked your head in to say hello before continuing home yourself. She begs you to stay for dinner, but you insist on leaving, promising to come back in the following days.
Saiki felt hopeful. It was the first time in his life he felt truly out of control, and he didn’t like it. His mother asked why he looked so happy, and he quickly deadpanned.
It was 9pm. He had just finished watching the latest episode of a popular soap opera. He gets a phone call, it’s from you.
He answers it to be met with you sobbing on the other side of the line. Blubbering out his name, you start recalling the episode.
“And they,” you stutter, “and they confessed to each other, and it was,” more wails and cries, “so cute! They loved each other from the beginning,” he hears you sniffling and coughing, “but they didn’t realize it!” More crying. He usually would be annoyed at how cathartic you were, but it was amusing to listen to. He had just watched the same episode: the main characters had been dancing around each other for nearly a whole season and they finally confessed. He felt a bit brighter after their confession, but he didn’t know something like that could evoke such intensity from someone.
“You saw it, right?” You sniff again.
“Yes, I did, don’t worry.” Even if he hadn’t watched it he would have known what happened.
“You don’t even seem upset though!”
Now this surprised him, “upset? Aren’t love confessions happy events?”
“Well yeah, they are, but watching them pine for each other was so much fun,” you trail off into tears again, “and I’m so happy for them.”
“Then why would I be upset?” he’s a bit confused, but you’re nearly as entertaining as the show.
You laugh, the waterworks finally drying up a bit. Conversing, you talk about the characters, the cinematography, the themes, and the confession scene itself. Saiki enjoyed himself, being able to share the same interests with someone, and have them be just as invested in it was much more pleasant than he thought.
You tell him you have to make dinner because you haven’t eaten yet. He scolds you for not letting his parents feed you. After putting up the call, he starts his homework.
You told him you’d be going to bed early after you eat, he hopes you do.
Saiki, on the other hand, decides to stay up planning.
He takes out a clean sheet of A4 paper and a thin black pen. He pops the cap off and begins.
“Dear Y/N,
There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’d like to meet you after school. Please meet me on the rooftop. I’ll be waiting.
Saiki Kusuo”
Is this okay? He’s never liked anyone before, and the love letters his friends have gotten have been unorthodox at best. He had been considering asking Aiura for help, but even with her, letting her in on the situation might be a bad idea. He curses to himself; If the letter is anything, it’s in character. Maybe its blunt and apathetic tone is a good thing.
He feels a bit embarrassed reading it back.
He carefully sections it off into thirds, folding the paper neatly into a thin rectangle.
Saiki glances around his room for an envelope. Shit, he doesn’t have any, but he’s positive his parents keep a small box of stationary around somewhere. He decides to take a look.
He flickers between cabinets, looking for envelopes. He finally finds a small box of them. He’s glad they went to bed, he wouldn’t want them prying why he was writing a letter. Many were plain and white, but a good handful were decorative, probably ones his mom used for corresponding with friends and family. He takes a plain white one.
Carefully sliding the note into the envelope, he licks it shut. It looks so plain and boring. Fine, he’ll make it a little bit decorative.
Digging through the box, he pulls out a small plastic bag with envelope seals. Thumbing through them, he takes one that’s in the shape of a red heart. God, he’s so grossed out. He sticks it onto where the envelope is closed shut, writes your name on the front, and then shoves it in the bottom of his bag.
If this is what it took to get people off his back, then he didn’t mind putting in the work, he just wishes confessing wasn’t so tacky and emotional. For a few moments tomorrow, he will be the center of attention. If only he could find a use for his powers, this mess would be resolved by now. Is this what it’s like for ordinary people? He dozes off wondering.
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rxntar0 · 4 years
kinks i think the haikyu!! boys would have
( timeskip seijoh edition pt2 )
you can find the first part here with oikawa, mattsun, and iwaizumi.
note: pls kunimi's was so bad i literally couldn't think of anything good for him i'm so sorry,, i'm not very proud of this one tbh, i might rewrite somethings :)) and no this isn't proofread, tf i look like proofreading something 🙄
characters: hanamaki takahiro, akira kunimi, kentarō kyōtani.
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he doesn't really like moving much so you're on top most of the time during sex
but i do feel like he has a cockwarming kink lmao.
it doesn't use up any of his energy, and it feels good so its a win win.
ugh he loves the way you clench desperately around him though, thirsty for some sort of friction.
he's honestly so nonchalant about it too like, you'll just be laying in bed together and he'll big spoon you and be like, "can put it in?" HE ACTS SO CASUAL ABOUT IT PLEASE.
kunimi's hard cock slipped right past your walls, you clenched around his length pathetically while trying to bounce on his lap, desperate for friction.
kunimi grounded your hips and blinked lazily at you. "stay still love, you feel so good like this." he murmured before planting a sloppy kiss on your neck. you whined into his ear, "want you t-to fuck me!"
he sighed at the tone in your voice, fighting back a groan, "if you be a good girl and stay still i will, hm?" he hummed, placing his hands on your ass as he revert his attention back to the tv.
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ANAL PLAY 😀. pure ass eating.
when your boyfriend walked up to you and asked if he could eat your ass, your brain fucking short circuited.
you had to do a double take like, "yeah sure.... WAIT HUH-"
but when you finally decided to try it out in bed it felt like heaven, his tounge swirling around your sensitive rosebud drove you insane.
and he enjoys it too so it's a win win.
you inhaled sharply and buried your face into the sheets as hanamaki's tounge circled your tight hole, he occasionally pushed his tounge through, which caused you to arch your back and clamp around it.
"makki! feels so good, don't stop!" you whined as he pulled away, to place a firm slap on your ass. "you taste so fuckin' good princess, i'm not done don't worry." he grinned before spreading your ass cheeks to let his saliva drip down onto the soaked hole.
he glided his thumb over your puffy rosebud, sending shivers down your spine as he continued eating your ass. you'd be lying if you said it didn't feel absolutely fucking amazing.
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omfg, bdsm, rough sex, choking, daddy kinks, degradation. this man loves being in control.
he wants to fuck you until you're in actual pain and can't take it anymore.
his sadist side just gets a kick out of it. i also feel like he has dacryphilia- so you crying just riles him up more.
he genuinely thinks you look fucking beautiful, a sloppy mess underneath him while he pounds his cock into you, but he'd rather degrade you than praise you 🤷‍♀️
and he loves the way you grip his wrist while he squeezes either sides of your neck. i will take no criticism.
kyōtani grunted with every thrust inside of you. your insides were on fire and you were begging him to slow down but of course he wasn't going to. you've came about three times now and felt numb. but it isn't over until he cums.
tears dripped down your temples as you gripped kyōtanis biceps, and your toes curled as his cock hit that one spot that made you go crazy, "kenta!" you moaned. his face contorted as he wrapped his hand around your throat. "shut up and take it, you slut." he hissed while violently slamming his hips into yours.
your tounge lolled out of your mouth and your eyes rolled back as you feel the coil in your stomach unravel. you dug your nails into kyōtani's wrist, he let out a low grunt, one last thrust and his warm, thick cum was coating your velvety walls. you clenched around him as your orgasm crashed through your body, causing you to shake in kyōtani's hold. "so pretty.." he groaned, face flushed red.
© all content belongs to rxntar0 2021, do not repost or modify ❤️
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prettytragcdies · 3 years
3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 17, 18, 23 roleplaying technique meme thing
roleplay / writing habits
Are you proficient in any language outside of your native tongue? do you write characters that speak multiple languages?
I took Spanish in eighth grade, two years of French in high school, and just recently learned a few Slovene words, but I'm definitely not fluent enough in any of them tbh. While some of my muses might be able to speak more than one language, I probably won't actively write any of them a lot.
What time of day are you most productive with regard to writing?
This one can vary from time to time, actually. Sometimes it's later at night, and sometimes like right now it's late morning and early afternoon. It honestly just depends on when I'm feeling the most inspiration, really.
Do you proofread / edit as you write or do you just wing it and save editing for last?
About ninety-nine percent of the time, I normally just type out the entire reply and then go back once I'm finished and proofread through it to check for any spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, repetitive words, etc.
Do you reply to threads you have the most inspiration for first or do you work on them in the order in which you received them?
I definitely reply to the threads that I have the most inspiration for first, otherwise a lot of things wouldn't get done. I mean, I'm obviously going to have more muse for a thread I'm actively enjoying and can't wait to read the next reply for, right? So yeah, definitely the more feelsy, the more inspiration.
What is your average length / word count regarding roleplay replies? does the length of your partner’s replies matter or is important to you?
I can't even answer these questions without writing a lengthy response, so that should tell you everything you need to know right there lol. The length of my partner's response matters in the sense that if I put effort into mine, I'd hope they'd do the same with theirs. It doesn't always have to be equal, but I'm not really a fan of one pargaraph responses to my like seven paragraphs. ...if that makes sense. I don't know. I'm just super descriptive and enjoy writing multi paragraph to mini novella replies too much for my own good, I guess.
Have you ever had a roleplay partner who helped you to improve something about your own writing quality?
Of course, all the time. I love seeing how other people's writing is so unique from my own. I enjoy learning little things that help me know a certain piece of writing is definitely the work of so and so. That probably only makes sense in my head, but ah well. I like reading how other authors put you in their scene, especially when it teaches me new words to try in my own writing or new perspectives and ways of looking at certain things.
I'm probably getting off topic and making no sense, but I certainly wouldn't be where I am today creative writing wise without the help and influence of some of my partners over the years. Making each other better is all part of the fun.
Is there another hobbyist or writer whose style or content is one that you enjoy? Is there anything specific that stands out to you about it?
I probably should have saved parts of my last answer for this one, oops. Anyway, yours is one that I've always enjoyed, hence the reason we've been writing together for so long and partially why I start some of these new shows so that we can continue with even more muses. As for what stands out, I'd have to say your descriptions, word choice, backstories / headcanons, and especially plot ideas. Oh, and let's not forget your willingness to bring the feels and lengthy threads.
As for someone who didn't send this ask, labyriinths is one of the first people to come to mind. I just really enjoy seeing her threads on my dash, even when they're not to me. The way she words certain situations are in ways I never would think to attempt myself, so it's always interesting learning how differently someone else can see something from you. Well, assuming that makes sense. But yeah, I like her characterization and how she makes things her own and leaves me excited to reply or wanting to test new muses so I can write against more of hers.
What subjects / genres do you find yourself becoming the most passionate about when you’re writing?
I'm a firm believer in the fact that you can never have too much angst. I mean, I prefer to be realistic about it and prefer emotional over physical, but you get the idea. I'm not really capable of doing a lot of pure, soft fluff, but I do really love my share of flangst. For whatever reason, it's just more feelsy that way, and I'm all about the feels, whether it be romantic or platonic. Family (fl)angst is at the top of my list nine times out of ten, so that's usually when some of those novella threads might find themselves on the dash.
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
content tag game
thank you lovely @yoongsisbae for the tag! this was a lot of fun! please pardon my pitiful attempts at being funny in this.
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)? none
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for? bts
3. how long have you been writing? 3-4 months..novice af. i read a lot tho!
4. on which platforms do you post your stories? just here!
5. what is your favourite genre to write? *coughs* smut.
6. are you a pantser or a planner? both? wait whats a pantser
7. one shot or multi-chapter? both are fun in their own ways. series are fun bc you can fall in love with the characters more (yeah dv!yoongi im look @ you)
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion? <15k
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete? death valley. she's not complete no
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most? death valley of course. hate love her so much.
11. favorite request you’ve written and why? i mean they're all super fun, you guys are CREATIVE. hc's are just so fun especially for touch me wherever!!! for drabbles, i have a tmw somnophilia sleepover one in drafts rn thats just...hotttt. needy!koo things. oops.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories? manipulation, exploitation...neediness. greed. possessiveness i guess??? my fics are not really consistent genre wise. generally toxic behaviors/situations? lol yikes. we empower oc here. like...eventually. yknow. ;)
13. current number of wips? so whenever i get a request ill jot down my thoughts instantly and save it in drafts. let it marinate until it hits me and then ill write it. so i have a lot of wips rn. i also have a series wip but. thats a story for another day ;)
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing? 1. i *clearly* dont edit/proofread LMAO 2. i like playing with like...sentence lengths? to mimic emotions? theres a term for it but idk 3. i use a lot of extended dash lines —
15. a quote you like from a published story.
“You look really hot like that.” His hand rested on the top of your head. “Bet you suck cock real good” —death valley; part 0
HAHAHAHAHA im sorry. actually im not sorry.
16. a quote from an unpublished story.
"Another night of soft whispers, muted thoughts, and dazed loving. Puffs of grey smoke concealing the passing of orange candy, moving person to person through a delicate brush of wrist. Orange candy that ultimately found its way to the tip of your tongue, where the words you looked for couldn’t be found.
Those lost words were for the broad, handsome, stunning man who sat in the corner of the club. One woman on his arm, another on his lap, whose hair he mindlessly tugged on as he conversed with his peers. The words that now twisted your heart sore, and had you stumbling up to the bar and grabbing a glass of whatever was in front of you.
[from future series...uh yeah idk itll prolly change so...ugh i dont like it]
17. a space for you to say something to your readers.
you're hot. i appreciate you. i hope you're loving yourself bc ur all fucking icons. live your best life. i value your support so much. like i respect each & every one of you. i hope this is a safe & empowering space where we can vibe. nothing but love <3
i tag: @namjooningelsewhere @bibbykins and legit anyone else that wants to!!! tbh i havent interacted with many other authors bc i dont know how this works lmao so...if you write tell me! i wanna hype you the fuck up. shower you with love. seriously. any other bts authors like, slide in. no shame. i wanna read ur works!!! i am 10000% better at reading than writing lmao. i dont often participate in tag games a lot so totally chill if you dont wanna i get it, no worries. stay thriving <3
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takonei · 4 years
Ay @ladylolalilly​ it’s becoming a tradition I like that
Edit from my drafts: Ok so it turns out I forgot to post this. My bad. But since I got exams next week and I’m currently drawing something big, next chapter isn’t coming that soon, sorry. I can write in the bus, but proofreading won’t exactly be possible.
More under the cut bc it’s long
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Yes, those were the previews! I had finished them when I posted the previews but I didn’t want to spoil that change.
About the DRoD, let them have hope, please. I know I have my own set of twists in the game but still.
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Yeah, making them more proactive was definitely something I wanted to do because as interesting as antagonists are, in a situation like a freaking killing game, I prefer to think that everyone has enough common sense not to throw the group into complete and utter chaos- especially considering how mature some of them are (mostly due to past experiences).
I mean, I guess an antag creating chaos is a major part of Danganronpa but... That’s not something I wanted to do in this story. It’s a personal choice, though. I’m not saying antags shouldn’t exist, far from it. They do make the story interesting in their own ways, but I admit I consider them annoying at times. Nagito was already insane, I kinda get that but I’m mostly talking about Byakuya and Kokichi.
(I will, however, make a shout-out to Syobai from sdra2. The 3rd trial kept getting into my YT recommendations recently for some reason so I decided to watch it in its entirety in the bus, and from what I’ve seen, I really like this guy. He is a huge bastard, but his goal is to survive like everyone else- and thus is of huge help in the 3rd trial no matter how despicable he is. He is straightforward about things when he needs to and I like that, tbh. I don’t know if he is considered an antagonist or not but if he is, I consider him the one who does his job the best. But I’m getting out of subject here.)
Since their major goal is to get together to end the game, we immediately get to see the main difficulty that is the lack of ressources. And it is one of the main reasons I opened Ryoma’s lab that late in the game. Considering his personality in Beta AU, if I did open his lab sooner, he would have done something right away. In V3, Miu had her lab opened in the first chapter and the fact that she didn’t do anything before Kokichi asked her to in chapter 4 is baffling to me.
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Rantaro, my sweet boy~
Ooooh betting on his death, aren’t ya? We’ll see about that in due time. I mean, it’s not like there are a lot of chapters left. I can only laugh at yall wondering what in Ran-tarnation is going on with him.
As for Kirumi and Ryoma, I’ll keep those theories in mind and grab some popcorn to see if they age well or not.
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Our dear mastermind~ Looking at theories is always hilarious, I swear.
And finally for the intro, who knows?
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loverlylight · 4 years
Hi! Got to Skype with Train again, so yay! ^^
Got some more work done on outlining my fic idea! I’m on call for tomorrow, but hopefully I don’t have to come in so I can make some actual progress. I’m glad I’m doing this, but boy am I remembering why I’ve barely written since high school. ^^” Like, writing the outline, working out the STORY parts of the story, that’s the fun part, but then there’s the whole “okay, this takes place in the 1950′s, gotta research what did and didn’t exist back then”, and, like, tone? I think I get Curt’s tone well enough, and most of the other characters are OCs so I can mold them as need be, but Owen? I’m gonna have to rewatch his parts multiple times to make sure I have an okay grasp on his speech patterns and mannerisms and all that, which, I mean, yeah, I’m not gonna complain about rewatching the Owen parts, but this time I’ll be watching for a ~reason~ so I can’t just... get distracted and pay attention to whatever I feel like. ^^” (Which would probably be Curt, tbh...) And while writing itself is okay, especially if you have a particular vision for a scene, then there’s the editing, which my brain does not like dealing with. And then there’s the proofreading at the end, which while I don’t mind doing so, when I get to that point I’ve been staring at the same document for ages so my brain just reads what it wants to and has a hard time actually picking up the mistakes. When I was a kid I’d print them out to proofread, since that was enough of a difference from reading it on the screen, but since that’s not an option now I’ll... hopefully find a different solution. ^^”
Anyway, BOY that was a lot of complaining about something I claim to want to do. I really am looking forwards to it, if I can just... push myself past the painful parts. Which is something I’m not well-known for doing, but eh.
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averyonelovesjack · 7 years
eyes ~ jonah marais
I was wondering if you could do like a soulmate imagine with jonah where when you lock eyes you know or something but have them meet while she is singing on stage (maybe in little mix?) and he’s watching and they meet after?
summary: on stage, y/n’s eyes connect with those of a very interesting boy.
warning(s): nothing, i believe:) maybe cursing (i don’t think so?)??
word count: 1260
author’s note: tbh there was a part of this where i really wanted to put in a quote from derek shepherd and it took everything in me not to. also, i apologize for how terrible this is. it’s my first soulmate imagine so i’m going to definitely work at getting better, it just wasn’t as good as it could’ve been. i also only briefly edited it, but you know i’ll be back to proofread later.
Sweat dripped down my body as my boots made loud stomps to the beat. The crowd was absolutely crazy tonight and made all of our hearts beat ten times faster than normal. Smiles beamed across the stage as our voices sang louder and harder with the crowds pumped up voices.
My lyrics came up next and as i stared down at the crowd, my eyes caught those of a boy in the front. Automatically i was intrigued by the beautiful...everything, on this boy. He was tall and handsome, with dark brown hair. His eyes were soft as he looked at me and the most beautiful smile appeared on his face. I watched as he looked over to a friend, who then made eye contact with me. 
My eyes locked with my beautiful boy again, making my heart beat then again ten times faster, almost matching the beat of the song. Perrie seemed to have taken notice to my sudden contact with this new boy, as she came over to me on stage and began to mock me.
“what’s got you so distracted?” she looked at me, her accent ringing through the microphone and making screams grow louder in LA. More giggles left my mouth and i looked at her.
“i’m just admiring this amazing crowd,” i made up randomly and she looked to me. The girls knew me all too well to recognize this as a realization of our lives recently. This was something different than what i made it out to seem, “it’s absolutely insane to see how far we’ve come, isn’t it?” 
“it truly is,” One of the other girls in our band, Little Mix, calls out, “thank you all for supporting us. For buying our albums, listening to them, telling your friends about them. Thank you for showing up at our shows and sharing our links and buying these tickets. It means so much to every one of us” 
My heart felt warm, oddly as it sounded. Almost as if there were a heating pad located inside of my chest, making my body feel warm, with little butterflies in my stomach as i yet again looked down at the boy in the third row. He hadn’t looked away yet, making my heart grow three sizes. 
Our eyes stayed connected through the distance, my own unable to leave his even while performing. My body moved with the music and my lips moved with the lyrics, and i had yet to stare at any other member of the audience.
Goosebumps traveled my arms and left chills down my spine while i crossed my legs, my body heating up. Everything inside of me felt warm and happiness scavenged my veins, presenting itself to every cell inside of my figure. The way that this guy made me feel, this was different. It wasn’t like any fan I’d ever seen before and it wasn’t like any guy I’d met before. he was different. Like maybe this was supposed to happen.
The concert ended a couple songs later, but still inside of me I felt this tingling sensation. My fingers felt like I’d fallen asleep on them and my heart felt lighter. Suddenly it felt like I could breath again, like my lungs weren’t working for the longest time and now I was getting more than enough oxygen into my lungs.
Jade came up to me after the show, sipping on her bottle of water and speaking, “what was that out there?” 
i looked at her funny, “what?”
“who was the lad?” she questioned and i blushed a little bit, although i was so red from performing you probably couldn’t tell.
“i don’t know, which one?” i lied to my bandmate’s face, “there were lots of lads there tonight, quite a big show” 
Jade sent me a look and i playfully rolled my eyes, turning around to go grab a water when everything around me stopped. My heart rate increased as i looked up at the group of five boys walking beside our manager, and among the five boys was my guy. I blinked, and he was standing in front of me, the same dumbfounded look on his face.
“ladies, these are the boys of why don’t we,” Sam told us, “they’re an american boy band.” 
My eyes connected with the eyes of the boy i’d taken a sudden liking for, “zach, corbyn, daniel, jack, and jonah, these are three girls from little mix. Jade, Leigh-Anne, and y/n.” 
Jonah. Jonah.  His name is Jonah. 
“it’s nice you meet you,” Leigh-Anne quickly told them, “would you like a tour around?” 
They quickly agreed, other than Jonah, who didn’t seem to remove his eyes from me. As the boys followed my band, I stayed back, Jonah next to me. 
“y/n. that’s a very pretty name.” He tells me.
“thank you,” i blush, “you’re very sweet.” 
“i’m sorry, if this sounds-” he starts, “it’s a little bit weird, but did you, i don’t know, feel...?” 
a smile found its way upon my face, “a little different, kinda strange right?” 
He looked at me as if he knew exactly what i was saying, “yes! like you couldn’t take your eyes off of someone, no matter how hard you could try.” 
“not that you wanted to though, because you were so mesmerized by this person.” 
“exactly!” Jonah almost laughed, “have you ever felt this way any other time?” 
i shook my head, “this is a first for me.”
“yeah, me too.” he responds.
“they tell you the stories, but wow,” i tell him, “you’re absolutely adorable.” 
“you’re quite the cutie yourself.” he replied, a blush entering my face.
“how old are you?” i question, unsure of how to approach this.
“nineteen.” he replies and i nod my head, understanding that i was just about his age.
“me too. and you’re from the states?” i question.
“yes. minnesota, actually.” The brunette boy informs me.
“ahh, very cold there isn’t it? close to canada?” 
“yes, just along the border of ontario.” He tells me, “know your geography?” 
“just a bit,” My smile forms, “actually, i don’t quite know where i got that, but yeah.”
“I don’t think I said this earlier, but you’re extremely talented.” Jonah tells me, “you guys all are, really.” 
“that’s so kind, thank you,” i place my hand over my heart, “have you heard our music before tonight?” 
“yeah, a bunch of times. You guys work really well together,” he smiles.
“that’s nice to hear. now, tell me about your band.” i begin the conversation with him, excited to hear what he might have to say.
I listened carefully to every word that left his mouth, taking in every note and key and syllable. Words left his lips so smoothly, making me feel joy within my body at even the simplest things that he did or said. Jonah had this vibe about him that set me at ease, my heart no longer beating as fast as it should of been, as i’d just met someone who i knew would leave an impact. The normal nerves that traveled my body were no longer there and everything just left my mouth easily. 
My eyes gazed deeply into Jonah’s and everything around me began to fade out, only the soft sounds from his lips entering my ears now. I focused intently on him, letting the people and surroundings behind him turn white and centering Jonah in front of my eyes, making my heart swell at the looks of the boy who i knew would be mine.
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cxsmicmyeon · 3 years
omg i literally had to argue and fight with my parents so much to be able to go out with my friends!! teenage years were interesting in the way, to say the least 🙄 hehe i'm glad i bit the bullet and messaged you!
ah that post you reblogged about picking up habits from your biases i think it was? i noticed i started doing that tongue + teeth smile chanyeol does 😅 this 👇
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HAHAHA yes shut up and go away is my favourite line 🤣 but i also still have junmyeon singing been through my head constantly. you shiiiiiine like the star, you liight up my heart ❤
congratulations on 103 followers!! 🎉🎉🎉 hey every influencer started somewhere! i'll make sure they know the mini tag drabbles came from you 😉
mmmm it was more so talking about when testing toddler girls hencewhy females are always diagnosed with being on the spectrum much later in life than boys are. men are simple i guess? 😂 i think it's great that people are bringing more awareness towards the importance of mental health and normalising conditions!!
did i just inspire a series for you!? this is a great achievement 🤣 i am happy to proofread and edit if you like 🤭 i suck at writing but i proofread and edit fine lmao i do it for my niece/nephews/friends assignments 😂😂 tbh i didn't like kbbq before but watching all this korean stuff and the way they eat it is so 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 omfg b o b a lol i love the lychee flavours too!! and green apple yum 😋 but i recently realised i'm somewhat lactose intolerant and dairy affects my acne..and since it's meant to be avoided i started drinking milk tea more LOL i like to hurt myself with dairy and angst fics, what can i say 🤷🏻‍♀️
omg i feel like i grew around 9th grade and just stopped from there lmao and then especially after kids just kept growing wider 👁👄👁 having a shorter torso doesn't help either!! everytime i go to buy alcohol or cigarettes for someone i just know to keep my id out bc they will ask lmao
yeah that's why i'm seriously considering the discreet small ones!! but i kinda also want a bigger like side of body piece..👉👈 one day 🤞 yes i want more piercings too!! but more ear ones 😂 i only have my basic ear ones at the moment. can't wait til we actually move forward with these decisions!
ugh parents just love to treat their teenagers like little kids... yet complain when they don't know how to do anything/be independent🙄i look at how i was raised and if i ever have kids i know exactly how NOT to raise them🤣🤣aaaa i'm so glad u reached out i love our conversations!!!🥰🥰🥰
love are u trying to kill me with that gif??? loey my love you need to sTOP before i ACT OUT😳👉🏻👈🏻jun's "baby girl" in tempo lives in my mind rent free... as well as the part in white noise from 2:05-the end oh my goodness... this thing has been happening where i'm in between getting out of rem sleep and actually opening my eyes and a song plays in my head... like this morning i heard jopping but i've heard yixing's amusement park and other exo songs and honestly i love that :D i should keep a record of all the songs i've heard (if i can remember them loool)🤣🤣
i actually follow a small musician who has both bipolar disorder and BPD and she makes songs about her mental health journey and a lot of stuff in her life and she also raises awareness for mental health too! her name is madi and she's honestly amazing and so underrated!
omg i hope u don't mind beta-ing! once i finish requests i'll start planning the series!! i won't write dae's though simply bc i'm not comfortable with writing about people who are married (i may imply he went on the date w/ his wife loool) aghh i want to get korean bbq so baddddd nowww ihurjgirjgi,, but ayy omg i'm also lactose intolerant!! i don't drink milk or eat cheese but sometimes if i want to suffer i eat ice cream loll!! omg i didn't know there's green apple tea that sounds sooo good!!
agh my tummy sticks out a lot it's not fun )): i lost a lot of weight last year around this time but then i eventually gained it back bc i ate a lot lol we love that,, i feel like my torso is normal size but honestly i don't feel like getting out of bed to look🤣🤣maybe later🤣🤣
the biggest tattoo i plan to get i think is an arrow on my ankle but it's more long than wide lol,, i also only have my basic ear piercings and i'm just gonna wait till i move out and get a decent amount of money saved before i get a tattoo/piercing lolll
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