#yeah this is tara and sam fr
doctorwhoarchive · 1 year
why’s this kinda just Tara and Sam
151 notes · View notes
the-oblivious-writer · 11 months
Let the Light In |6|
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Chapter Six: Knight In Shining Armor
Summary: Tension rises between you and Tara when you, once again, find yourself protecting her—old habits showing themselves
Warning(s): Swearing, angst, Fr*nkie, grief (if you squint), intoxication, mentions of social anxiety & underage drinking
Notes: Took a while but it's finally here! Also throwing it out there that my face claim for Charlotte is Sofia Wylie
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Tara was walking down the streets of Manhattan, finally done with her classes for the day. It had been a long week and Tara was just thankful it was finally the weekend. She walked with one earbud in while her other hand subconsciously clenched her keys in her right pocket. It was a habit she had picked up not too long after what happened back in Woodsboro; that plus the pepper spray, taser, whistle, and expandable baton Sam always made her take before leaving the house, meant she was more than ready to defend herself if needed.
As she continued to walk, she felt something fury brush up against her. She looked down to find a gray cat, brushing itself against her. Tara smiled to herself before crouching down to get a better look at the cat. “Hey, there…do you have a name?” She looked for a collar but didn’t find one. 
Just then, the sky let out a loud grumble. She looked up at the gray skies then back at the cat, thinking. “I can’t just leave you out here to get drenched. Come on, let me take you home,” she gently picked up the cat, who didn’t protest.
By the time she got home, she was soaked. Her mascara was running and her hair was damp. She was freezing cold; she had wrapped her jacket around the cat so he wouldn’t get wet.
Sam began to walk out from the kitchen as she spoke, “Hey Tar– you’re soaked.”
“Yeah no shit, Sam.”
“Is… Is that a cat?”
“...Yes…” Tara said with a sheepish smile; she had completely forgotten about the ‘needing to convince Sam to keep him’ part.
“Tara, no.”
“Sam, yes.” 
Sam sighed as she made a quick trip to the bathroom, coming back with a towel and wrapping it around Tara. “You can barely take care of yourself–”
“Not true!”
“–How do you expect to take care of a whole ass cat?” 
Tara rolled her eyes, still holding the cat protectively in her arms. “Come on, I’m not a kid. I can take care of a cat. I’ll buy his food, change his litter box—all that stuff!” 
“I don’t know…”
“Please, Sammy,” Tara begged, pouting out her bottom lip. She gave Sam the same look she’d give her whenever she wanted more cookies when they were younger.
“Alright—alright, fine, you win,” Sam huffed and an excited smile broke out on Tara’s face.
“Yes!” Tara looked down at the cat victoriously.
“But Tara, I swear, I better not step in cat shit.”
“No cat shit. Got it.”
That’s what Tara named her new found cat—named after the Babadook. It had been only a few days since she found him and he’s earned the title of, “my little menace,” from Tara. In the few days Dook has been here he has scratched Chad five times, ripped up Mindy’s sweater in five different spots, and constantly hisses at Sam during the most random times. Why? Sam has no idea, but Tara made the theory it was, “just to mess with her.”
So far, the only person Dook has been even remotely soft to was Tara. She didn’t mind that at all; she enjoyed coming home to Dook’s company—her room feeling less empty than it usually feels.
It was the following Tuesday; she sat not too far from the door as she re-watched Fear Street 1994 while waiting for you. Just as she was about to check her phone for the time, she heard a couple knocks on the door. Before Sam could call out for Tara to answer it, Tara jumped up and made her way to the door. Sam only raised an eyebrow before going back to what she was doing.
Tara counted five seconds in her head before opening the door.
“Took you long enough,” she said with a slight eye roll. 
“Afternoon to you too, Carpenter. So, you're gonna let me in or…”
“Well you’re as patient as ever,” Tara remarked sarcastically as she opened the door wider, letting you inside. You placed your bag down, sitting on the couch and taking out your notes as Tara sat a couple cushions over.
“So, I was thinking we could start with Friday’s notes and work our way to today since I couldn’t make Friday—” You suddenly heard Tara let out a dry chuckle, causing you to raise your eyebrows as you looked at her.
“Is there something you’d like to share with the class, Ms. Carpenter?” You quipped, looking up from your papers and at her. 
“Oh nothing…just that you’ve been missing a lot of study sessions lately and–”
“I wouldn’t call two a lot–”
“–and I don’t know why I have to suffer through extra work all because you wanna swap spit.”
You let out a dry laugh, looking at the younger Carpenter before realizing she was dead serious. 
“Oh—Oh you’re serious? Well, how about those two whole weeks you missed over some petty reason—I don't know what the reasoning was, but I know for a fact it was a hundred percent petty.”
“You know what, screw these notes,” Tara said before grabbing your binder from you.
“Hey—Hey! Wait just a minute there—what are you–?”
“We’re watching a movie,” she informed—not asking—after shutting your binder, putting it somewhere you couldn’t reach unless you stood up and walked to it. 
“We're a week and a half behind on study sessions.”
“Not my problem.”
“It’s literally your problem—our problem, actually.”
“Gosh, could you just not stress out for, like, two seconds? You’ll be fine. Now, a little birdy told me you like The Nightmare Before Christmas?” Tara told you, reaching for the remote.
“Yeah… I do.”
“Great. We’ll watch that.”
You didn’t need to know how boring she found the movie; she wasn’t looking at the screen much anyways.
Sam sat in her room, reading her book as she enjoyed the silence—wait. It’s silent. Why is it so quiet? It’s never so quiet when you’re over. The most she’s heard in the last thirty minutes were hushed voices, but nothing loud enough she could make out. She suddenly started to think about what could possibly be going on in the other—unsupervised—room. She could no longer concentrate on her book as her protective side took over.
You slightly leaned forward as you watched the screen with all your attention. Tara couldn’t help but wear a small smile when she noticed your intense focus. She pulled out of her gaze when she noticed you make a double take at your foot; just then, she saw a certain furry haired animal brushing up against your leg. 
To her surprise, Dook didn’t claw at you. As a matter of fact, he seemed…fond of you? 
“Hello, there…” You greeted Dook before gently picking him up. If anybody else had picked him up, they would’ve been clawed at in seconds. Tara furrowed her eyebrows as she watched you interact with her cat; the same cat who’s been an absolute ass to anybody who wasn’t her—well, before now.
You scratched him behind his left ear, causing him to let out a satisfied purr. It was then when you finally said something to Tara. “Since when did you have a cat?”
“Got him pretty recently, actually. He was just roaming the streets of Manhattan and had no collar so that’s how he ended up here.”
“Well, does this adorable face have a name?” You asked, looking at the cat as you complimented him.
Tara failed to fight another smile, showing off her dimples as she answered, “His name’s Dook.”
“Like, Babadook?”
“Yeah…” She watched as you continued to be sweet with Dook; he sat comfortably in your lap, looking a lot less grumpy than he usually is.
Suddenly, Sam abruptly enters the living room, causing Dook to hiss at her before moving back into his original position on your lap. 
“Sam, hey. Something wrong?” Tara asked her older sister.
“Uh, I just wanted to check up on you guys; it’s been pretty quiet.”
“Oh, yeah, we decided to watch a movie instead.”
Sam looked at the scene, recognizing the movie—her curiosity increased.
“Nightmare Before Christmas? But I thought you–”
“Have no harsh judgment regarding the movie? Yeah. I know.”
“No, I mean, don’t you find it really bor–”
“Entertaining? Yes, Sam. We know this.” Tara let out a dry cough, hoping Sam would just drop the topic all together.
“Okay…well I’m going to order some pizza. Are you staying over for dinner, Y/N?” Sam inquired, moving on, much to Tara’s relief. 
You looked at the time, thinking as you did, before looking at Sam from where you sat. “If it’s no trouble.”
“Of course not. I’ll order it right now,” she said before walking away, pulling out her phone as she did so.
“What was that about?” You asked Tara with a raised eyebrow, referring to what her and Sam were going back and forth about. 
Tara opened her mouth, not even sure what she was about to say, when she heard someone knocking. “Oh, I should probably get that,” Tara quickly got up to make her way to the door, relieved at being excused from answering.
“What are you guys doing here?” She immediately asked after opening the door to find Chad, Mindy, Anika and Ethan on the other side of the door.
“Good to see you too, T,” Mindy quipped.
Tara rolled her eyes, “I just mean, I wasn’t expecting you guys today.”
“We made plans last week for movie night.”
“And since it’s my turn to choose, we’re watching 10 Things I Hate About You,” Anika added in a cheery tone. 
“Um,” Tara looked over her shoulder to you, before looking back at her friends, “One second.” 
“Wait, who were you loo–” Before Chad could finish his question, Tara shut the door, making her way towards you.
“So, uh–”
“Heard the whole thing.”
Tara lightly nodded, holding her wrist in her other hand behind her back as she continued. “Does this mean… you’re going to go?” 
You were about to say yes but the words caught in your throat when you finally looked at the expression Tara wore.
You thought for a moment, putting down the bag you were just packing.
“Do you want me to?”
“Well…want’s a strong word–”
“Yes or no, Tara,” you said, looking at her.
Tara mumbled something incoherent, looking away from your gaze. 
“You’re gonna have to speak up, mumbles,” you teased the younger Carpenter.
She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. “I wan—I want you to stay. Happy?” She huffed, not even sure why she puts up with you.
You smile smugly at her, “Fine. ‘Guess I’m staying.” 
It was awkward—at least, for you, it was. Tara and her friends seemed to get each other, which is great for them, but you felt almost like a chaperone the entire time you were there. You tried to distance yourself as much as possible and when you did find yourself surrounded by the group of friends, you stuck by Anika. 
You always found yourself gravitating toward a familiar presence whenever you got caught in social situations like this. You spent most of your own fourteenth birthday party—that you didn’t even want—attached to Henry’s side, following him around like a puppy. You often stuck by people who you found comfort in. You’ve known Henry since daycare years and Anika has been there since she’s entered your life. 
You look at the time to see only an hour has passed as you sigh to yourself. Why were you here again?
“Hey,” you heard Tara say, opening her bedroom door to find you on her bed.
Oh, that’s why. 
“You’re not enjoying yourself,” she said as a matter of fact, feeling a little defeated for some reason.
“Hm? Oh no—no this is, uh, great. Yeah, I just love hearing about the same football story over and over again while your curly haired friend continues to make passes at me…so fun,” your voice couldn’t be any more sarcastic. It started out as you wanting to lie, telling her it was going alright—truly! But you can’t help but be your usual sarcastic self, especially around Tara. 
“You’re having the worst time ever, aren’t you?”
You looked at her apologetic expression, exhaling as you adjusted your posture a bit. Tara walks over to sit across from you. 
“Look…Tar, it’s nothing personal. I’m just—I’m just not good with this stuff.”
“What do you mean?” Tara inquired genuinely.
You sighed, pressing down on your thumbnail with your index finger as you spoke. “I’m not good with…unfamiliarity I guess, or whatever. And—and socializing and all that shit just doesn’t come naturally to me—at least not like it does for people like Anika, and Chad—or you.”
Tara continued to listen to your words, giving you her full attention as you opened up to her. You blinked back at Tara, feeling like you just overshared far too much.
“This was stupid. Forget it.” You got up to leave but just as you reached for the door handle, you felt slender fingers wrap themselves around your wrist.
“It’s not stupid,” you heard Tara speak. You turned your head to look at her. “If you ever want to talk about it more… I’m here. That won’t change.” 
You swallowed, taking in Tara’s words as you processed what she was saying. You didn’t trust your voice, only settling for a light nod before leaving Tara’s bedroom.
By the time Tara also left—waiting a couple minutes, wanting to give you some time—you had already made your escape. 
When you got home that night, the feeling of dread took over you. It felt like there was barbed wire wrapped around your throat as you tried your hardest not to cry, because you knew if you did there was a chance you’d never stop. Memories of him flashed through your mind as you tried to shake them away, but it was no use. No matter how much you tried to escape it, Dewey's voice continued to ring in your head.
Dewey placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, looking at you with  genuine eyes as he spoke, “I’m here. That won’t change.”
Tara looked around with furrowed eyebrows, looking at the sea of people. She was currently at a Halloween frat party; she chose to go with a pirate costume this year. 
Tara was feeling indecisive about her costume this Halloween but then she got the idea when she remembered something you told her; for your first seven Halloweens, your mom had you dressed up as a pirate. Tara could tell you would not be wearing a pirate costume again any time soon.
Because of your high-sea past, Tara thought dressing up as a pirate would be a fun way to mess with you—well, if you were actually here. You were nowhere in sight. Tara squinted her eyes as she tried looking through the crowd—still no sign of you. 
Mindy noticed her friend looking around the room from her seat, which was odd. By this time Tara would be drinking, dancing, or even playing beer pong with Chad—but not sitting down.
Before Mindy could ask anything, Tara turned to Anika, asking her something that answered Mindy’s unspoken question.
“Hey, where’s Y/N?” Tara asked, her voice was slightly raised due to the blaring music. 
“At home. She couldn't—or rather refused to make it,” Anika answered the younger Carpenter.
“Oh,” Tara let out, turning to look ahead. 
Mindy and Anika glanced at each other, already being on the same page. “Why? Missed her?” Mindy inquired, smirking behind her beer bottle right before taking a sip.
Tara lightly scoffed, “Pfft no.” Tara dramatically rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.
“Y/N?” Tara heard Anika say; she immediately sat up, uncrossing her arms and fixing her demeanor. Her expression instantly dropped when she saw who you were with. 
She did not know much about Charlotte. She seemed nice though. Nice enough. Tara heard from Anika that you’ve been “hanging out” with Charlotte for a few weeks now but haven’t exactly assigned labels yet. That made sense; you were never one for labels. 
She suddenly snapped out of her gaze when she realized you and Charlotte were walking towards them. 
“Hey, guys,” you said in an anything but enthusiastic tone.
“Hey, Y/N. Thought you weren’t coming,” Anika pointed out, not unkindly.
“Me too but this one,” you pointed with your thumb to Charlotte, “is quite the debater.”
“I was captain of the debate team back in high school,” Charlotte smirked. 
“Of course you were,” there was a slight teasing tone in your voice as you and Charlotte shared a look. Tara didn’t like that. She didn’t like that at all. You teased her. You gave her looks nobody else knew the meaning behind except you two.
Tara cleared her throat, causing you and Charlotte to look away from each other and at her. “So, you're gonna actually act like you’re here as a college student or a chaperone?” Tara joked and a small but soft smile grazed your face. 
“The night’s still young, Carpenter,” you replied, the smile she had been missing never faltering.
“Oh! Daisy’s here, I’m going to say hi. Catch you later?” You heard Charlotte speak from beside you. 
You looked over at her and lightly nodded, “Okay.” She placed a quick kiss on your cheek, catching you off guard, before going to her friend. 
You sat down in the seat between Tara and Anika—who was sitting in Mindy’s lap—and exhaled, already exhausted from being here.
“You’ve got,” Anika said, pointing to your cheek where there was a lipstick stain. You raised your left hand to your right cheek as your roommate shook her head.
“No the other—” You, once again, completely dodged the spot she was pointing at and Tara groaned.
“Dude, you’re helpless,” she said with an eye roll before reaching over and wiping the spot for you. She softly rubbed your left cheek as you looked at her. It didn’t take long for you to notice how close her face was to yours.
“There…” Tara trailed off, suddenly growing shy when she too realized how close her face was to yours.
Mindy and Anika look at each other before getting up. “We’re gonna dance. You kids behave,” Mindy said before walking away with her arm wrapped around Anika. 
“Let me guess… you’re a homicidal maniac?” She looked at your casual attire.
You smiled at her, tilting your head back and turning it to look at her, “You know me too well.”
You both shared a short laugh before it went silent again. Suddenly, you two realized this is the first you’ve both spoken to each other since that night at Tara’s place.
“Hey, so, uh, you didn’t say goodbye…” Tara said sheepishly, refusing to meet your gaze as she played with the hem of her costume. She didn’t have to specify what she was talking about, you just knew.
“Oh yeah, I was just tired so I decided to call it a night.”
Tara nodded understandingly as you looked down at her hands that toyed with the fabric of her costume. 
“So…was this,” you gestured to her costume, “planned or…? You both laughed again before she answered you.
“Course’ not. I just…happened to have decided on being a pirate a couple days after you told me your ‘first seven years of dread’ story.” Another laugh was shared between you two.
“Well, you look good,” you complimented. Tara couldn’t fight the heat that rushed to her cheeks as the compliment hit her ears. She was about to respond when suddenly you felt your phone vibrate.
You pulled out your phone, reading the text to yourself before putting it back in your pocket.
“It’s Charlotte, she wants me to meet her by the pool.”
“Oh. Yeah, totally.”
“Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone, princess.” You smiled at her as you sat up from your seat, Tara’s head tracked your movement. 
“Me? I would never.”
One thing. 
You asked her for one, very simple, thing. And now? Now, Mindy and Anika were calling you back inside because apparently Tara had the luck of being near Frankie of all people tonight. 
By the time you made your way inside—as quickly as you possibly could—you could see Chad also trying to stop the situation. You made your way over to the staircase, appearing from behind Chad.
“Let’s stay down here,” you said—not asking. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” Frankie said, causing you to let out a humorless chuckle.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, you did,” you remarked, feeling your hands start to ball up into tight fists. Before you could say anything else, Tara walks down a couple steps and is now standing in front of you as Chad keeps a careful eye on Frankie. “No, Y/N it’s fine. I want to,” you heard her say in a drunken voice. Far too drunk to consent. 
Frankie walks down, getting close to your face as he wears a disgusting grin. “Yeah, see Y/N? It’s fine. She wants to.” He turned around, roughly grabbing Tara’s arm. His grip causes Tara to let out a sound of pain, tripping on the stairs.
Without a second thought you pull him by the collar of his shirt, pushing him roughly against the wall; picture frames come crashing down but don’t give them a second look as hear glass shatter. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” You pushed your right arm harder against his throat, pinning him against the wall as your free hand tightly gripped his shirt. “Serousily, where the fuck do you get off!” 
Chad checked on Tara as you had Frankie pinned to the wall. You wanted to hurt him. You wanted to hurt him so bad. What was stopping you? You could do it. You look down at the shards of glass, itching to grab a piece. Suddenly, you saw that sinister smile. His sinister smile. That’s why you couldn’t.
But when you looked back at Frankie, you quickly forgot about everything that was stopping you. All you had to do was press into his throat a little harder and–
“I got it from here, Y/N.” You turned around to see Sam holding a taser. You immediately got the hint, getting off of Frankie.
“Hi! Sorry to interrupt, I'm just going to tase you really quick,” Sam said before tasing Frankie right in the crotch.
“Fuck!” He dropped to his knees, holding onto his stomach as he groaned in pain.
“You bitch!” He yelled, earning a swift kick between his legs—making the pain worse—from you.
“Watch your mouth,” you said before making your way towards Tara. “You okay?”
“It’s that psycho girl from reddit!” Someone shouted from the crowd that surrounded you. 
“Hey, don’t you have something better to do rather than stand around here all day?” Anika shouted at the crowd as Mindy shooed them away.
Tara walks ahead of the group as she feels her frustration take over. Sam tries to catch up to her as she calls for her, “Tara, will you stop!” Tara rolls her eyes, refusing to stop as she responds. “I cannot believe you did that, you embarrassed me!” 
“I was trying to help you!” 
Tara suddenly turns around, “And look what happened!” Her voice raises as it runs hot with anger. “You're out of my life for five years then you can't even leave me alone for five seconds,” Tara shouts with a throw of her arms. 
“Because you're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you ever gone to see the counselor at least once?”
You looked at Tara, studying every expression she wore on her face. You wanted her to be okay. You knew it wasn’t that simple, but you still couldn’t help but want it. You hated seeing her like this. You never liked seeing her like this.
You checked up on her when she was at the hospital, relieved she was asleep when you got there. You didn’t want her to think it meant anything. You were just making sure she still had a pulse. Who else would you get into fights with?  That’s what you told yourself, 'cause it’s true! You weren't overly concerned or anything. But it was the bare minimum amount of concern to have when you found out somebody you knew was recently used as somebody else's pin cushion. 
She’s Tara Carpenter, she’ll bounce back in no time, you told yourself. You can still remember the shock on all her friends' faces when they saw you sitting by her hospital bedside. They entered the room and when you saw them, you immediately stood up.
“Sorry, I just found out about what happened and wanted to check on her.” You put your hands in your pocket, feeling uncomfortable with the eyes on you. You couldn’t tell what was going through their heads. “But she’s breathing, so I’ll get going now.” When you’re about to walk out the door, Chad puts his hand on your shoulder which causes you to stop. Was he about to punch you? “You’re welcome to stay, dude.” Oh. 
You were welcome to stay. Did you want to? 
You shook your head,“No, it’s okay. You guys should spend your time with her—unbothered.” You said before walking out of the hospital, not waiting for a response.
Maybe you cared little more than you’d ever admit.
You snap out of your thoughts as you hear Tara’s voice again.
“Because I know what mine is—I’m going to get my degree, become a lawyer, and live my life, my life,” Tara’s voice was firm. Certain. 
Two soft knocks could be heard from the other side of the door. Tara was about to tell whoever it was to go away, but then she realized who those knocks belonged to.
“Come in.”
“Hey,” you greeted, carrying a bottle of ibuprofen and a cup of water.  
“Hey,” she replied, head tracking your movement as you put the items down and got closer to where she sat at the edge of her bed. 
“Mind if I…” You gestured to the open spot next to her and she patted it. You sat down, knees touching hers as you looked down at your hands that rested in your lap. Tara’s gaze from you only broke when she felt the feeling of embarrassment all over again.
You noticed a change in her demeanor, causing you to finally glance at her. “I don’t think she meant for to…make you feel embarrassed or anything,” you tried to comfort. You were never good at this kind of stuff. 
“I know… I just—I just completely embarrassed myself out there. You guys probably think a lot less of me now…”
You lightly nudge her shoulder, getting her to look at you again. “Hey, no, okay? We just wanna make sure you're safe,” your facial expression matched your honest tone as you spoke. 
Tara turned her head away, a smirk slowly growing on her face. She turned back to look at you, ignoring how close your faces were. “We?” 
You rolled your eyes as Tara kept hers on you, smirk never falling. “Don’t let it get to that big ass ego of yours.”
“Aww, you caree about me,” Tara teased. You felt your cheeks warm up as you grew flustered.
“I care about you the—bare minimum amount,” you said unconvincingly. 
Tara shoved you a bit, “Liar.”
You shoved her back, “Most honest person you’ll ever meet.” 
Tara shoved you back again. “Liar.”
“Oh, you really wanna play this game?” You inquired, turning your head to her. 
Tara still smirked as she responded, “I could do this all night.”
Your faces were, once again, inches apart. Tara’s eye line meets your lips as tension builds in the room. Then suddenly the door opens, causing you and Tara to pull apart.
“Oops, sorry I didn’t mean to cock block you,” Quinn said as you and Tara silently cringed.
“Please...don't say cock," Tara said while slightly grimacing.
Quinn shrugged then looked at you. “Don’t believe we’ve officially met. I’m Quinn,” she held out her hand. You glanced at Tara before accepting the red head’s hand. 
“Y/N? Yeah, I’ve heard lots about you.” You couldn’t tell what that could’ve meant, not noticing the shared look between Quinn and Tara.
“Don’t you have, like, a guy to see or something?” Tara asked, trying to get Quinn out of here as soon as possible.
“Well, Tara’s right, I should get going,” Quinn said, immediately getting the hint. “See you around, Y/N,” she winked at you.
“That was…” You trailed off, not able to meet Tara’s gaze.
“Embarrassing? Oh, extremely.” 
“Is Tara okay?” Charlotte asked over the phone. You held your phone to your ear as you grabbed a box of leftover pizza from the fridge with one arm.
“She will be…” You thought about the younger Carpenter as you spoke.
“I’m glad.” There was a beat of silence before she spoke again. “I uh… didn’t know you could fight like that.”
“What do you mean?” You placed the box on the table, sitting down.
“You had Frankie pinned. A man with his frame and build was completely defenseless under your hands. It was impressive,” her last words came with a flirty tone. 
“Oh, yeah?” You decided to match her tone.
“Yeah… Do you want to come over tomorrow? My roommate's visiting his boyfriend so I’ll be pretty lonely—some company would be nice."
You bit your bottom lip, thinking as you looked at your calendar. “Yeah—yeah, that works. What time should I stop by?”
“Six good?”
You looked at your calendar again.
“Can’t do six…” You said, looking at Tara’s name on your calendar. “How about eight?”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then, super soldier.” 
You let out a light laugh, “Yeah, yeah. See you then.”
Tara was on the phone with Mindy, intensely debating over American Psycho, when she heard a couple knocks on the door. 
She got up from the couch as she said goodbye to Mindy, hanging up. She opened the door to see you standing there with your bag on your shoulder. 
Tara realized it had been a full ten seconds since she opened the door. She moved to let you inside, and you sat in your usual spot. 
“So, what’s on the agenda today?” Tara inquired as she sat, hugging her knees.
“He didn’t really give us much to work with on Friday so, uh, just whatever we missed last time,” you said, not even looking at her as you looked around your stuff.
“Looking for something?”
“Yeah my pen. It was here five seconds ago–”
“This pen?” Tara said, pulling something from behind your ear. You looked at her and realized she was holding your pen. She hands it to you as you let out a timid chuckle, embarrassed at your lack of attention.
“Are you…alright?” She asked, looking at your features as you spoke.
“It’s just exams and stuff. I’ve kind of been all over the place trying to prepare—but that’s why I’m here. To study. So let’s begin,” you pull out your binder, flipping to the right folder.
Tara hesitantly followed along, keeping an eye on you. 
After an hour and a half, you looked at the time and silently cursed as you got up and gathered your things.
“Leaving already?”
“Yeah, I’m meeting Charlotte around eight. So, I gotta get going,” you packed everything, racking your brain for anything else you could be forgetting. 
You turned to look at Tara, “What is it?”
She cleared her throat, slightly shaking her head. “Nothing, have fun—oh, and don’t forget your pen,” she dismissed as she held up said pen to you. 
You wear an embarrassed tight lipped smile, slowly taking the pen from her. “Thanks,” you put the pen in your bag before zippering it up.
“Uh, hey,” you heard Tara call out.
You stopped your movement, turning back to Tara. “See you later?” 
You lightly nodded, a small smile on your face. “Of course.”
Tara found herself blasting Lana Del Rey as she wore a pout. Why was she wearing a pout? She had no idea. It was just there, and for some reason she was in a sour mood. She also knew she despised you. Possibly more than she did before; she was just starting to adjust then you had to go and make things even more confusing for her. 
Tara looked at her ceiling as she laid in her bed, petting Dook who rested beside her. She suddenly remembered the beer in the fridge. 
Sam was in therapy, Quinn was seeing another one of her hookups—what’s the harm?
Five beer cans later and she was more than buzzed. The urge to call you was getting harder and harder to resist with each can. She knew she shouldn’t, but she just couldn’t stop herself from opening your contact. 
“Tara?” You asked, confused as to why she’s calling you so randomly.
“Y/NN,” she slurred into the phone. “Have I ever told you you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts?”
“I—uh, where are you right now?”
“Hommee. Where else?” She said, followed by a hiccup.
“I’m coming over.”
You knocked two times; you could hear Tara struggling with the door knob from the other side before finally opening it.
“What are you doing here?” Tara inquired with a raised eyebrow. It seemed she forgot about your call from just ten minutes ago.
“Goodness, you’re drunk.”
“I am not drunk.”
“Oh, yeah? Then tell the time,” you crossed your arms as you looked at her. She turned to the nearby clock, “I am not drunk!” She literally told it.
“Jesus,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Come on, let’s get you to bed,” you walked over to her but then unexpectedly felt a shove to your chest.
“I don’t—I don’t need your help.” 
You exhaled, knowing all too well about the venomous look she wore. “You don’t mean that, come on.”
“I do! I don’t even want you here,” she slurred as she shoved your chest again.
“Too bad then. Cause’ I’m not leaving you like this.”
Tara had used up all the energy she had left to shove you, so she couldn’t even fight you off as you tried to walk her to her bedroom.
“Fuck you,” she gritted. 
“I know.” 
“No. You don’t know!” Tara yelled. “I don’t need a knight in shining armor,” she continued as you looked down at her. “I’m not a princess who has to be saved all the time.”
“Come on, I know you’re no–”
“This is what you do,” she pulled her arm away from you, “you just swoop in when everything’s fine and completely ruin shit. You think you’re pleasant to be around? Just when I think I have my life figured out, you have to come in and ruin it,” Tara spoke with pure conviction, no slurring in her voice.
“I—I don’t know what to say.”
She let out a dry laugh before saying, “When do you ever.” 
“You’re drunk, Tara… Please just let me get you to bed so you don't say anything else you’ll regret in the morning.”
“I don’t regret anything—and I’ll bring my own ass to bed.”
“Okay,” you softly said. You watched as she walked down the hall and to her bedroom. You waited a few minutes, getting the ibuprofen and water ready, before entering her bedroom carefully. Just as suspected, she was already asleep. You silently place the medicine and water on her nightstand before looking at her resting demeanor. 
Oh Tara, what am I gonna do with you?
A/N: I 100% know you guys aren't expecting the family member reveal I'm gonna do for R at some point (clues are scattered...)
Taglist: @t-wylia @lesbianpepsi @jennasfav @alyciaddict @justafoolinlove @steffido1993 @niqmandu @severelyuniquereview @darklron @ravenousinferno @smut-religiously777 @beautifulmongerbanditsalad @vanatalye @alexkolax @andsoigotabutterfly
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casparscunttt16 · 1 year
“I hate you”, “yeah well I hate you more”.
Colby Brock| Imagine| Enemies to lovers.
Summary: You and Colby have hated each other, deeply ever since a slight misunderstanding from the past. You and Tara go to a party and you and Colby end up hooking up and talk out the misunderstanding.
PART 2: 
Everyone 21+
Warnings: NSFW, Arguing, Cursing, Drinking Alcohol, Sex.
I sat at my vanity in me and Tara’s shared apartment, applying my lipliner and finishing off my makeup with setting spray. “Y/n/n are you ready?” Tara yell’s from her bedroom. “I am now!” I yell back. I walk out into the living room, then going into Tara’s room. “Hey Tar can you zip up my dress?”. I turn around and she zips it up and we’re ready to go. 
I grab my keys and me and Tara walk to my car, we get settled in and I give her aux. Within 20 minutes we arrive to the party and find our group. “Hey babe” Tara smiles, giving Jake a peck on the cheek. “Hi” He smiles back kissing her forehead, he then looks in my direction “Hey Y/n/n” He drags out pulling me into a hug “How are you tonight?”. “Good and you?” I ask back returning the politeness “Great I’m super surprised you and Tara are on time” He jokes, earning an eye roll from Tara. 
We all chat for a bit. “I’m gonna get a drink” I yell over the music, they nod and I leave. I walk into the kitchen and get a cup and fill it with fruit punch and vodka. I take a sip of my drink, I spot a tall cute blond haired boy with big green eyes walking toward me. I smile at him softly and he makes his way over to me. “You look gorgeous tonight” He smirks, looking down at me. “Thank you, do you wanna dance?” I ask with a smile plastered to my face. “Who would decline dancing with you” He laughs, as I leading him to the dance floor. 
“Oh my god, this is my song!” I yell practically dragging him. We get there and I start dancing him and he's feeling on my waist and kissing my neck. I smile and we’re dancing in unison, our bodies fusing together and really feeling the music.“If I knew she’d be here I would’ve stayed home” Colby complains to sam. Colby sat on the couch watching another man dance with Y/n touching and feeling on her body. He suddenly felt a wave of rage wash over him unsure why it made him so angry. “Dude why’re you such a dick to her?” Sam scoffs. “Me? No its her with an attitude” he snaps back. 
The guy Y/n is with suddenly slightly pulls her dress up, further feeling on her. Not knowing what came over him, Colby gets up and immediately walks over to Y/n and pulls her away from the guy. ,“Colby what the fuck!” I yell. “What the fuck is your problem? If this is another one of your attempts to fuck up my love life I swear to god I'll kill you Colb-” I’m suddenly cut off by him sharply turning around, looking down to face me.
 “Why the hell are you dancing with him? Actually no, why’re you dancing ON him” He asks making intense eye contact with me, I feel his breathe on my face. My brows furrow together “Why the fuck does that matter to you?” I yelled out of pure frustration, who the hell does he think he is? “It matters because I fucking care about you, and I can’t stand him” He hollers back. I roll my eyes “Fuck you”. “I can’t fucking stand you, you know that?”
“You know that I don't care right?” He pushes me against the wall, our lips just inches away from each others. “I hate you” He breathes out lightly “Yeah? Well I hate you more”  I say back looking into his beautiful blue eyes. He places his hand on my cheek gently, I drag my hand to the back of his neck, he pulls me into a pure kiss which soon becomes filled with the desire for each other. My fingers get tangled into his messy brown hair, meanwhile he’s feeling on my body gripping and squeezing as he pleases.  He breaks the kiss to pull me in the closet bedroom he could find. 
This time I pull him into a kiss. In a swift moment he unzips my dress and it falls to the floor. I take off his shirt, and unbutton his pants and he does the rest. His mouth detached from mine for a split second “What happened to you hating me Y/n/n?” He smirks, I rolled my eyes. “Shut the fuck up” he laughs kissing me again. He unclasps my bra and takes off my panties. He goes from my mouth to my neck, leaving hickies down my body as he kisses all the way down my stomach to my inner thighs. Taking a second to look up and admire me. 
He comes back to my lips. His hands wonder down to my vagina as he rubs my clit with his thumb earning soft moans from me, as he slides in his middle and ring finger slowly. “Is this okay?” I nod. He pumps them in and out of me at a steady pace making me moan out, the pleasure taking over. I quiver at his touch, he's unaware of the effect he has on me. He removes his fingers, sucking them before then lining himself up with my entrance. He pushes himself in me softly. I moan in his ear lightly, the sound of skin on skin and moaning from the both of us throughout the room.
He speeds up his pace. His strokes hitting my g-spot, I start getting louder, letting out pornographic moans. “Am I hurting you?” He asks looking down at me. “No, Colby don't stop” I manage to get out. A knot begins forming in my stomach. “You feel so good baby” He moans. “Fuck” I whimper out. He places his hand on my waist. “Colby I’m gonna cum” I breathe out. “Then do it” without hesitation, I cum all over his dick. He pulls out and finishes on my stomach. 
We lay there for about 10 minutes in pure silence intaking what just happened. He breaks the silence. “Hey Y/n?” He asks looking over at me, “Yes Colby?” I look back making eye contact. “What did I do for you to hate me so much? From what I remember we were super close”. “You seriously don't know? It started after your girlfriend at the time threatened me and you took her side” I scoff, turning away from him. “Y/n what are you talking about? She told me you were talking bad about me and I went to ask you about it and you ignored me” He says pulling me into his arms. 
“What? Colby I’d never speak badly about you, is that really what you think of me?” I ask a bit irritated, “No thats why I went to ask, I guess the way I reacted was because I was hurt” He truthfully admitted to me. “Mhm and why's that?” I ask staring into his eyes. “Because truth be told, I was in love with you junior and senior year. I started dating her because I was too scared to tell you” He smiles. “I felt the same way too.” I smile back with the same amount of joy. 
“Y/n let me take you on a date next Friday” He kisses my forehead. “Be ready by 7 and I’ll come pick you up” He speaks sternly. He gets up and grabs a rag to clean me off. I put my clothes back on and we go back out to the party. “Y/n I’m gonna find Sam and I’ll come right back to you okay?” He yells over the music. “Alright bye! I’ll go find Jake and Tara” we both part way.
“Oh my god Y/n” Tara runs over to me and pulls me into a hug “There you are I thought something happened to you. “No, no I’m okay, I’m sorry” I speak out then hugging her back. “I texted you like a million times” I pull out my phone to check and know and behold 270+ texts from Tara. “I’m so sorryyyy” I apologize. “Starbucks on me tomorrow” I say holding out my pinkie finger, earning a smile from my gorgeous best friend. “Wait wait why's your hair so messy? Not oh I've been partying messy but like freshly fucked, Y/n, WHO?” she smirks. “Well I sure can take a guess” Jake says pointing to Colby with his hair just as messed up as mine. Tara’s jaw dropped “No fucking way, Y/n, you didn’t” I stood there with a dorky grin. 
Colby spots the three of us and walks over to us with Sam and Kat. “You two have explaining to do” Tara says pointing at Colby and I. 
A/n: Pt2?
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zetmns · 2 years
ethan landry x fem reader where he likes the reader but us too shy so chad makes him admit it in a game of truth or dare
he’s so adorable
Truth or dare | Ethan Landry
Summary: in request
pairing : Ethan Landry x fem! Reader
Warnings: lowk pushing the Tara x chad Agenda in this 😭 I’m sorry if u don’t ship them but I be sensing tention Fr
A/N: BRO UR A GENIUSSSSSS this is like so cute and smart omg omg and yes he’s so adorable
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you have to tell her man” chad stated sitting on his bed scrolling on his phone making Ethan look up from his own phone on your contact
Ethan sighed turning off his phone with his hands now in his hair laying on his own bed in their dorm “ I really do want her to know but.. what if she says no? What if she doesn’t like me back and points out all my flaws and..” he was cut off by his friend sighing really loud in a dissatisfied sense
“ do you really think y/n would do something like that? She’s always so sweet to you and everyone she’s like… a ..mama bear or something always caring about people around her but you, yeah especially you evryone sees the way she smiles at you” chad said with a shrug and a slightly hidden smirk
Ethan looked up at his friend with an unsure look turning into a closed mouth smile “ really?” He said sitting up fully with his hands against his bed
“ yes! Yknow what? everyone’s gonna hang out and play a game and what not and your going because y/ns gonna be their” chad said getting up and pulling up his friend from his bed with a slight push making his friend laugh
“now I’ll call Tara and get everyone to hang out at her apartment go and get ready for y/n” chad said gesturing his friend to get ready
“ ye ok I’m sure you’ll enjoy your call with Tara bye now” making chad roll his eyes and stick up his middle finger at his friend befor Ethan went to the bathroom laughing
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Hey!” Tara said hugging chad and Ethan before walking into her apartment which now held her, chad, Mindy, Sam, Anika and you and Ethan.
Chad nugged Ethans shoulder gesturing at you sitting on the couch talking to Anika about some random concept
god were you stunning..
Ethan thought with a sigh before being brought back to reality by chad and Tara’s voice “ who wants to play truth or dare” They said in sync causing everyone to agree and sit down
Ethan smiled and nodded sitting on the floor with his back against the couch with you next to him. “ Hi Ethan” you said to him with your oh so beautiful smile. Ethan smiled back at you “ hi y/n” he said a little nervous before his eyes flickered up to where chad was now standing in front of him “ let the games begin” chad said playfully pointing at Ethan
“Chad” Ethan said nervously with a chuckle and fake smile” truth or dare?” “dare” Ethan said unsure getting wierd looks from everyone especially mindy who was unsure of him from the start
chad smirked and bent down to whisper something to Ethan whatever he said caused Ethans eyes to widen and his throat dry.
“ oh..um….ok” ethan said nervously nodding with a lump in his throat looking over at you unsure of himself “ y/n can I talk to you?” Ethan said to you quite just for you to hear “ oh ok are you alright Ethan?” You said worried
” Ye!..ye I just really need to tell you something now.” Ethan said in a rush gesturing for you to stand up and follow him to the kitchen which you did
“Ethan what’s wrong are you okay” you said worried grabbing his hand and squeezing it reassuringly Ethan looked down at his hand with a smile
“ look y/n I.. I like you and not like a friend more than that. Your the most amazing gorgeous person ever and your so nice and cool and your always caring about other people and me and I just.. I can’t think about you as just a friend anymore I’m sorry if you don’t like me back that’s fine we can just act like this never happened-“
he was cut off by your soft lips on his his eyes wide when he felt you cup his cheek with one hand and the other on his shoulder he relaxed into the feeling and put his hands on your waist unsure as to not make you uncomfortable closing his eyes and leaning into the kiss.
you slowly pulled away opening your eyes and him opening his “ I like you to Ethan. So so much “ you smiled at his looking him in the eyes “ I’m so happy you said that” he sighed making you giggle and kiss him again
you heard cheering coming from the main living room mainly from Anika chad and Tara making you and Ethan laugh knowing it was for you two
“ so you two are finally together!” Tara said excitedly
Ethan looked at you mouth agape a bit and his brown eyes looking at you as if asking what you two were now
you smiled at him nodding and looked back at the group “ ye I guess we are..” you smiled to yourself thinking about the fact that Ethan Landry was now your boyfriend and nothing would get in the way of that.
the group eventually buzzed off the fact there was a new couple in the group
Ethan looked at you talking to Tara and Anika smiling to himself
“ congrats man” chad said walking up to him with a smile causing Ethan to smile slighty “ thanks” Ethan said looking back to you and chad
“y/ns your girlfriend now” chad said matter-of-Factly making Ethan’s smile Even bigger and he looked down at the floor hiding his littly tinted cheeks”
“Yeah y/ns my girlfriend…” he smiled
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blackwolfstabs · 10 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 25
The Core Four + more go to see the FNAF movie.
Chad added Mindy to the group.
Chad added Tara to the group.
Chad added Sam to the group.
Chad added Danny to the group.
Chad added Kirby to the group.
Chad added Gale to the group.
Chad named the group chat “🐻🐰 FNAF 🦊🐤”.
Chad: Made this bc we can’t talk during the movie. I’m gonna start by saying that kid showed all signs of being kidnapped tf? Mike shouldn’t have been fired for that 😑
Tara: actually u made it bc Mindy told us to “shut the fuck up” lol
Tara: but fr fr
Mindy: ARE YOU SERIOUS?? You made a chat…
Chad: Yup
Gale: This defeats the whole purpose of watching the movie.
Sam: And phones aren’t allowed in the theater.
Tara: oh really?? Kirby r u gonna arrest us for texting in the movie theater???
Chad: I’m not gonna be able to stay quiet. I have thoughts and I must speak them.
Chad: Somebody quote that
Danny: Quoted.
Kirby: No, I’m not but I might mute the chat fr
Chad: Thank you Danny 🫡
Gale: Seriously. How are you all going to text and watch at the same time?
Sam: Bet it’s just going to turn into Chad and Tara texting “wait what just happened” after ever moment the music gets loud and they were too busy looking at their phones
Chad: Joke’s on YOU Sam cuz you’ll be missing the movie trying to tell us what happened lmfao
Tara: yeah and that’s literally ur boyfriend all the time. Danny’s clueless 24/7. #sendhelp4danny
Kirby: Just watch the damn movie!
Danny: replied to “yeah and that’s literally ur boyfriend all the time. Danny’s clueless 24/7. #sendhelp4danny”: What was just said on screen?
Tara: . . . . .
Sam: That’s what I thought. #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless in the chat
Danny: emphasized “That’s what I thought. #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless in the chat”
Danny: #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless
Kirby: #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless
Gale: #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless
Chad: #sendhelp4sam&dannybctheyareannoying&interruptingthemovie
Sam: 🖕
Tara: PFFT
Gale: No fucking way…
Sam: I’m uncomfortable
Chad: God Mindy you’re such a nerd
Tara: she’s not wrong tho fuck. . . 🫢
Danny: Who?
Tara: see??? i told u. buddy’s cLuElEsS xD
Sam: Tara, will you stop?
Danny: Oh okay.
Tara: no
Gale: Wait, isn't there that conspiracy that he didn’t die and is still alive?
Chad: So what, he became an actor and is in FNAF?? 😂
Tara: could be a doppelganger?? i’m convinced we all have one running around the world somewhere lol
Gale: It’s not Stu Macher, Mindy.
Mindy: But what if it is?
Tara: sPoOkY 👻
Kirby: Does anyone want any popcorn? I can pass it down
Tara: yes pls
Tara: ok 🛑‼️KAREN ALERT‼️🛑 this aunt jane lady is a full-blooded KAREN fr
Danny: 👆
Chad: Karen facts
Sam: True that
Mindy: Yeah it’s her first scene and she’s already annoying the shit out of me
Tara: gEt hEr oUtTa hErE
Tara: why can i see that being Gale tho?? PFFT
Kirby: LMFAO I see it 🙋🏼‍♀️
Sam: Soooo ur saying Gale’s a Karen????
Tara: yes
Kirby: I can’t unsee it
Chad: Bahahaha!
Mindy: Don’t even get me started on the parallels 😆
Gale: Oh please, I’m not THAT much of a bitch.
Tara: yeah ok suuurree
Kirby: You literally radiate Bitch-Karen energy idgaf I’ll be the bigger person to say it 
Gale: replied to “You literally radiate bitch-karen energy idgaf I’ll be the bigger person to say it”: I hate you. 🖕
Danny: If Gale is Aunt Jane, then Kirby is Vanessa because she’s a cop. 
Gale: Tara is Abby. HA! There.
Danny: Because she’s an annoying little sister?
Sam: o.O
Gale: Precisely.
Tara: no. no fucking way. that’s NOT me AT ALL
Kirby: I’m processing this information
Mindy: Lmfao YES and Sam’s Mike 😂😂😂
Tara: replied to “Because she’s an annoying little sister?”: shut up Danny, nobody asked you. just do what you’re good at and look like ur paying attention 😤🖕
Mindy: Stubborn, immature, feisty… it definitely sounds like you Tara. 
Chad: and Mike is quiet, traumatized, and has family issues. That’s Sam. 
Chad: Ok fine it’s canon, sorry babe 🫡
Danny: emphasized “Stubborn, immature, feisty… it sure sounds like you Tara.”
Danny: emphasized “and Mike is quiet, traumatized, and has family issues. That’s Sam.”
Gale: At first I was just throwing a thought out there, but now that you mention it, they’re pretty good analogies for the Carpenters.
Kirby: Ditto
Kirby: Guess we’re FNAF characters in another universe 😂
Sam: Their relationship isn’t anything like ours tho
Chad: Sure, it is! 
Danny: Mike and Abby love each other a lot, but they fight every other day, if not every day. You and Tara do that. They have absent parents. You two do too. Mike is constantly holding down a job to support him and Abby. Sam, you do that. Abby does what she wants, regardless of what Mike says. Tara does the same thing. Sounds pretty accurate to me
Mindy: I respect the resemblance 🫡
Kirby: Whoa— 🤯
Gale: See? I know what I’m talking about, Tara. 😉
Tara: no. . . that’s 1000000% INACCURATE 
Sam: Ok maybe it’s a little similar, but still…
Chad: Round of applause for Danny! Guess he’s not so clueless after all 👏👏
Gale: 👏👏👏
Mindy: Kudos Danny kudos 👏👏👏👏
Kirby: 👏
Sam: Kudos
Tara: NO. fuck ur applauding. you guys don’t know me at all smh
Mindy: Hey T, wanna draw a picture for your friends at Freddy Fazbear’s??
Mindy: Sam, you’ll let her, right? They’re just innocent animatronics that wanna play with your sister 😁
Sam: I’m not sure how to respond to that 🙃
Gale: Everyone in favor of Tara = Abby, say “aye”
Mindy: Aye 🙋🏽‍♀️
Chad: Aye-aye, dare I say (love you Tara 😘) 
Kirby: Aye
Danny: Aye 🫡
Mindy: replied to “I’m not sure how to respond to that 🙃”: Just say aye
Tara: Sam don’t you dare
Sam: I’m not. I still don’t think they’re us…
Kirby: You two are no fun
Gale: It’s all fun and games until the games turn against them.
Sam: The fun was supposed to be watching the movie! 
Danny: Alright, I’m out
Chad: Same
Tara: yeah everybody shut up so we can watch k thx bye
Mindy: Lol victory is sweet
Sam: emphasized “Alright, I’m out”
Kirby: 👌
Gale: replied to “Lol victory is sweet”: It sure is.
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this one's for you @dreamersbcll - i hope you're doing a little better but if not, i hope reading this stupid little text chat will make u smile 🩶
All my best ♡ - parker
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krikeymate · 1 year
i was listening to comfort crows last night and realised it was actually such a tara song so imma just dump my thoughts here cause no one else i know irl watched scream 😭
exhibit a:
This hurt that I'm holding's getting heavy But I'ma keep a smile on my shoulders 'til I'm sweaty Begging on my knees Screamin', "Someone come and help me" But by the time they're there I've already hid the body
literally encapsulates tara's coping mechanisms (in scream vi specifically) perfectly imo and also the allusions to death/dead body hits soooo well *chefs kiss*
exhibit b:
My breath's gettin' short and I'm unsteady Wellin' up in tears as I lay upon your belly Telling you I'm fine I don't really need nobody But you say through a sigh That I said that lie already
I just needed company now Yeah, I just needed someone around Yeah, I don't care what song that we play Or mess that we make Just company now Comfort crowd Comfort crowd
could see tara & sam that exact conversation (Telling you I'm fine... That I said that lie already), like when i heard those lyrics, i literally pictured them saying it in my mind. hits the perfect balance of tara being low-key obsessed with sam (and sam being obsessed right back) but also trying to push her away & being scared of sam leaving again. the abandonment/attachment issues really jumped out fr
exhibit c:
We rot, thinkin' lots about nothing Yeah, I could spend a lifetime Sitting here talkin' And even if I cry all over your body You don't really mind Say you like your shirt soggy
aaa can see sam saying that last line too. the vibes are immaculate i hope we get small sam&tara moments of them just hanging out (and maybe crying together) in scream 7 bc i eat that shit up
anywaysss sorry 4 rambling lmao just watched scream vi recently n could talk abt it foreverrrr plus im also a slut for conan gray sooooo. also love ur fic if i ever lost you i would lose myself pushed me straight into hyperfixation mode for sam&tara (fuck u & thank u 4 that lmaooooo)
I don't know what I expected Conan Gray to sound like, and yet it was not that. Anyway, added to the playlist.
Welcome to the brainrot :)
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talesofesther · 1 year
hi bestie!! so i forgot to tell u but i finsihed scream a few days ago, the most recent one. it was good!! so good
(spoiler alert) i knew ethan was gf alr because i saw it around, but i genuinely didn’t expect quinn or the police guy. when kirby put the trap in and was like nobody can get out or in i was like ya ur for sure the killer. idk how they snuck in but that was crazyyy. i forgot kirby from the other scream movie, but her being older is so badass and she’s so 😍😘
near the ending, where tara and sam both are acting cruel and killing?? so fine. them covered in blood? banging my head and drooling. honestly sam is so attractive and idk how i didn’t see it before (u opened my eyes fr) but tara in blood just makes me go insane
bro, where anika gets killed? i’m like goddamn because it was so brutal, like the ladder just shaking and shaking and gf being violent asf. i honestly giggled a bit but i was shocked because wowza 😯 different ghostface fr, they had the spite and hatred in them. their motive is actually good—thank god, i got tired of the remakes and fame motives—considering it was logical, but.. why didn’t they js have a normal son?? like u do realize richie was a killer, right? they’re not to blame
the scene with gale made me scream at my phone, no joke. i was like no gale no!! girlboss thru it u got this!! i’m so glad they didn’t confirm or deny her death because in my mind she will always be a w 💆‍♀️ the original trio top frfr, i was sad when dewey died. i love them all sm and they’re so bae 😍
chad and tara’s romance? should’ve been me. lowkey replacing chad w myself the entire time. HELP WHEN THEY KISSED AND TARA GOT STABBED LMAOAO it was so so funny 2 me.. like i would’ve protected u babygirl. but damn chad beat him up so badly i was cheering him on . bro gf was so fast?!! i wonder which one it was, cus during both gale and every chase mf be zooming
anyways i loved the movie!! the franchise is so good and has alyways been my favorite. sorry 4 ranting but this was a great experience and i js thoucht to share it w u
Hii omg I'm so glad you liked it because it really is a great movie !!
I suspected the police guy right away lol and yes Kirby is such a babe <3
Tara and Sam killing and covered in blood is my new sexuality fr
And omg YES, you liking Sam <3333
Bro Anika's death literally broke my heart, girl didn't deserve it 😭
I too was really relieved that Gale didn't die, and even tho I haven't watched the other movies, Dewey's death broke my heart too :(
The Tara and Chad romance had me wanting to scratch my eyeballs out, it was massively underdeveloped and completely out of nowhere, it made no sense at all...
Not u laughing when Tara got stabbed LOL but yeah it was kind of funny
Always feel free to share things with me ily <33
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scre6m · 1 year
help i’m incapable of watching horror movies bc i’m a coward but you’ve posted about these scream 6 characters so much that now i am so interested in them. pls tell me about them if you want!!
oh you have just unlocked a MONSTERRJRDNDD HERE I GOO (spoilers for scream 6 will be included)
also sorry it took me so long to answer this i uh... had a lot to say
im gonna start with my faves THE TWINSS!! god i love them so bad okay so we have mindy whos a horror enthusiast/lesbian/stoner shes autistic AS HELL and was def born before chad cos he fr followers her around like a dog and takes notes when she talks (canon!) and chad is a himbo/jock whos just following the lead from the women in his life whether its his sister or the girl who used to babysit him and let him wear his favorite pokemon onesies and now is someone he would kill and die for or her lil sister whos just a lil loser hes smitten over fdkfjfk the twins are amazing their dynamic is classic lesbian/himbo solidarity (STOBIN TEAS) i just know growing up they would ask each other for girl advice and i KNOW mindy would do the opposite of what chad says cos look at how long it took him to make a move with tara jdfjkjkfjdf theyre an unkillable lesbian/bi duo and their mother is played by a lesbian icon theyre just!!!!!!!
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and then theres the carpenters <3 first theres sam who’s suffered more than jesus himself. shes an older sister who just wants to take care of her sister and the kids she used to babysit cos all this terrible shit that happened to them is cos of her (in her mind!!) and then sometimes she hallucinates her dead serial killer dad who (to me) seems to represent the darkness in her while tara is the one who always seems to bring her out of that. their relationship was very strained after sam split and left tara with just their mom (who sounds like a fucking bitch!) so since coming back into each others lives theyve had to find a way to balance sam's overcompensating for being gone and trying to be glued to tara and tara adamantly trying to pretend nothing ever happened. but by the end of scre6m they seem to be on the same page and want to move forward together <3 tara is a lil sad wet cat who always just needs a fucking break!!! she has no interest in being part of some murder legacy shes just fed up and would like to have a lil fun take a load off!!! but ofc she cant so instead she has to start stabbing people like her big sis
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they all mean sm to me THEY'RE A FAMILY THEY'RE UNSTOPPABLE I WOULD DIE FOR THEM. yeah i think that sums it up
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annab-nana · 4 years
My Personal Koala - Colby Brock
You try a TikTok trend on Colby where you slip into his lap while he plays videogames, but he does not get it and pushes you away. The little act combined with the bad day you already had did not help your mood when all you wanted was some attention from your boyfriend.
Requested by @faithiebrock01 💙
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 1.0k+
You had to admit that you did not have the best of days today. Everything that could have gone wrong did. You woke up late, got to work late, got yelled at for arriving late to work. When you finally got off work, you wanted nothing more than to go to Colby’s, but traffic made that dream more distant.
Eventually, you made it to the trap house and after trudging up the stairs, you walked into Colby’s room. He was busy on his computer doing whatever, so you decided to take a shower. Soon after you had done that (with maybe a little cry session while in there because your day was so horrible), you slipped on some of Colby’s sweats and a hoodie of his, grabbed your phone, and plopped down on the couch.
Your eyes land on him and you wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to him and let out all your frustrations. But you feared he was doing important things for his job, so you played around on your phone instead of bothering him.
There was only one app at the moment that could seem to lift your spirits and it was the one with a glitching music note on the icon and was full of short videos on your for you page that always made you smile. A few videos in, you see one where this girl climbs into her boyfriend’s lap while he is playing videogames with his friends. He notices what’s up and drops the controller, wrapping his arms around his girl.
It only took a few seconds for the wonderful idea to pop into your own head to do the same thing with Colby. You leaned up a little to catch a glimpse at his computer screen to see that he was not doing anything important, just playing Minecraft. Getting up from the couch, you search for a good spot to set up your phone so it will catch his reaction, but the only place that looks good is on the couch, so you wedge your phone between the cushions and place the blanket so that you can’t really see the phone.
Now it’s go time. You set up the ten second timer and waltz on over to Colby. You try to pull his chair back, so you have room to sit in his lap, but he just giggles before scooting back up.
“What are you doing, babe? I’m playing with Sam and Jake,” He told you, and to be honest, the words hurt. He didn’t mean anything by it, but all you wanted was some Colby time, especially after the crap day you had, but he wanted to play games with his friends, so you let him.
You left the room without a word and slowly took each step, taking your time before going to the kitchen. Your head was hung low as you pulled the fridge door open, eyes scanning the items in it until they landed on the snack you wanted. You grabbed the grapes and went back up the stairs, grabbing your phone and going to his bed to lay down for a bit. As you popped a grape into your mouth, you went to the group chat you had with both Kat and Tara and sent them a message.
Y/n: tell your bfs to get off minecraft haha
You added the ‘haha’ to sound like you were joking, but you were slightly hoping that they actually would pull Jake and Sam from the game.
Tara: yeah fr im on facetime with jake rn and he won’t pay attention to me
Y/n: is attention too much to ask for these days
Y/n: like thats all im asking for damn
Kat: you okay y/n
Y/n: yeah i just had a bad day and wanted to come and cuddle with colby but hes playing games
Y/n: and I even tried that crawling into his lap tiktok trend but he kinda just sent me away
Tara: oof im sorry babes
You smiled a bit at the message before you glanced up at Colby. You met his eyes for a second before he turned his head back the computer and typed something to one of the guys.
Y/n: ive been spotted
Kat: maybe he’ll get off now
And he did. You watched as he saved his game and stood up.
Y/n: i think he is i’ll ttyl
You switched from messages to Twitter before mindlessly scrolling. Colby slips in next to you and grabs a grape.
“What’s wrong, angel? You seem off,” he spoke, his voice laced with concern. His hand found yours as he rubbed little circles into the back of it with his thumb. When he asked you that, all that you wanted to let out earlier came back in an instant and tears brimmed your eyes.
“I just haven’t had the best day, Colbs,” you sighed as you moved the grapes to the nightstand and snuggled closer to him, burying your face in his chest as the emotions began to flow.
“Oh sweetheart. I’m sorry I didn’t get to you sooner,” his whispered words were heard beside your ear as his arms wrapped tighter around you.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m glad you here now,” you smiled up at him through teary eyes. He pressed his lips to your forehead.
“Let’s watch a movie, yeah?” He offered before you nodded and felt around the bed for the remote. He picked something you would enjoy and something that would liven your mood then, he pulled you close.
“Do you want to tell me about your day, princess?”
“I don’t want to get all worked up again, so I’ll probably tell you later. Let’s just cuddle and watch movies,” you told him as he nodded before getting comfortable by latching onto your body like a bear on a tree. You ruffled your fingers through his purple tinted hair as a chuckle escaped your lips.
“My own personal koala bear.”
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f1nalboys · 3 years
ignore alll of the spelling mistakes heheh im not even bothering to fix them)
alright so first off let me say i LOVED this movie!!!!! the theater we went to was empty save for me my mom and my sister so it was fun being able to talk to my sister about what was going on lol (i am a MAJOR movie talker im not even sorry)
the actors and actresses were fucking amazing, especially the one for Tara, Amber, Mindy, Chad, and Sam. i loved how well they worked together and how they tied in the old cast.
MINDY AND CHAD <333333 literal loves of my life right there especially fucking mindy oh my GOD and them being randys neice and nephew??? and them bringing back Heather Matarazzo!!!
speaking of, the randy shrine <333 how they never forgot him and talked about him throughout the movie, how they dedicated a movie room to him :,) i especially loved the little painting they had of him GAH i wish mindy and chad had been able to meet him :((((
amber as the villian was great! she was so unhinged she really channeled her stu in the last 20 minutes.
deweys death like BRO it was heartbreaking and hurt to watch but it was done so well!!!! and what a fucking way to go too, and the 'it's an honor' line... CHILLS
i liked what they used billy for and how they didn't overload us with his cgi version like i half expected them too
the three girlbosses sidney gale and sam at the end <3333
SPEAKING OF SAM! what a fucking final girl! her killing richie was so cathartic i swear
mentioning mindy again GOD shes the loml im gonna write for her there i said it >:) i loved her relationship with chad they were so funny together and such siblings. i really loved the callback to when dewey was being put into the ambulance in the first one when he does a thumbs up :,)
interesting that this is the first movie in the franchise to do a fire kill too!!!! like yeah, scream 3 had the house blow up but that's not technically a fire kill mhm
there were lots of fun call backs to the original first two (and the third one <3 mark kincaid and sidney are married and im both of their mistress) and some twists on iconic lines like the scene in scream 1 where randy is telling jamie to turn around while ghostface is behind him and mindy is telling uncle randy to turn around :,) gah
i loved how gorey this one was, especially the opening scene omg!!!! a little eh on the cgi blood but i'll let it slide bc there were so many moments where i fucking cringed (the ankle breaking scene in particular)
OMG and the finale being in stus house!!!!!!! fucking iconic
honestly i hate to say it but i found the reasoning behind the killing a little....idk flat? i like the concept of toxic fan culture and everything but idk something about it just made me go hmmm
some of the lines were so cringey OMGGGG like some of the call backs were so well done and other ones were like.... just so on the nose it made me melt into my chair
some of the character decisions man.... especially in the fucking hospital with dewey made me want to scream. his actions made sense because hes a king but when he was getting attacked no one fucking helped him???? god.
both amber and richie being the killers was really predictable tbh but i still liked them being the killers so its alright. and ambers performance in particular really sold it for me (i also found richie so funny omlllll)
still a little iffy on the cgi billy. i know de-aging is hard so this isn't really that bothersome to me but there were some parts of him talking where i was like thats skeet with the tik tok beauty filter on fr
the few mentions of stu :( i wish he had a bit more to do with it
all in all i loved this movie and it was a very faithful and great sequel! i really hope they do another one following sam and the twins though, i think the ending really opened up doors for more killers, y'know? I also think it would've been cool if the twins HAD been the killers! like, imagine that; randys neice and nephew are sick of him not getting recognition for his bravery and his sacrifice so they kill to bring his legacy back in a way (or something like that)
ANYWAYS if i had to give it a rating, i'd do 9/10!!! and it's a high 9, there was only just those few things i didn't like
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, August 7
WILLOW: You can't stop this. XANDER: Yeah, I get that. It's just, where else am I gonna go? You've been my best friend my whole life. World gonna end ... where else would I want to be?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Larbor (crossover with Batman, Buffy, Suitable for people over 13) by Beriaearwen
Plans, Records, and Secrets (crossover with Stargate SG-1, Riley, Sam Finn, Scoobies, FR13 and up) by Indra Leigh
I Know My Watcher Loves Me (crossover with A Different World, Rona, PG/FR-13) by Vashti (tvashti)
Movies and Plans (crossover with Stargate SG-1, Xander, Riley, FR13 and up) by Indra Leigh
Here Be Chaos (crossover with Wandavision, Scoobies, PG) by Glitterangelem
Getting to Know You (crossover with The Witcher, Dawn, Gen) by starshinedown
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A Normal Girl In A Special World (Faith & Dawn, G) by yvochrali
Into The Woods rewrite (Riley, T) by RogueVader1996
Talking with the Dead (Spike & Joyce, G) and nine other ficlets (mostly gen, various characters, rated G) archived by RonneeM
Grave (Willow/Buffy, G) by yelenasbangs
The Hanged Man (Drusilla/Spike, T) by Coldest_Fire
you're too intact (Giles/Ethan, E) by Via Maynard Crowley Whitmore
heaven, make me an offer (Spike/Buffy, Scoobies, E) by SummerFrost
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I Fought the World for Your Hand (Give My New Body a Chance) (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by resignedlybeneaththesky
Thankful (Spike/Buffy, R) by Blackmysteria
It Started with a Catering Job ... (Spike/Buffy, R) by rkm
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Buffy's Evolution, Stage 4 and Stage 5 (crossover with the MCU, Buffy, FR-13) by mmooch
Burning Bright, Chapter 2 (crossover with The Walking Dead, Buffy, Gen / Teen) by 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions)
Faith Sheppard, Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 (crossover with Stargate: Atlantis, Faith, PG/FR13/K+) by hermione2be
Theo and Scavenger Hunt (crossover with Doctor Who and other fandoms, Joyce, FR-18) by acswatwst (acs)
Dromomania – n. Compulsive Traveling (crossover with The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Buffy, Suitable for people over 13) by Beriaearwen
One Foot In Front Of The Other: Buffy vs Wraith, Part 5 (crossover with Stargate Atlantis, Buffy, Gen / Teen) by 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions)
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Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 209 (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure AU, Xander, Teen) by madimpossibledreamer
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Guardian Doyle, Chapter 1 (Cordelia/Doyle, Angel & Doyle, not rated) by GM3
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Blood and Bone Didn’t Make Our Home, Chapter 1 (Tara & Spike, Spike/Buffy, teen & up) by resignedlybeneaththesky
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Crossroads, Chapter 2 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by spikelus
The Sphere, Chapter 17 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Coraline
Young at Heart, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
Beautiful Dangerous Chaos, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Hot in the City, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by MissLuci
Meet Me at Midnight, Chapter 26 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
The Hidden Truth, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, Ethan Rayne, R) by Roboticghost
Field of Hopes and Fears, Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, R) by untouchable
How it started, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, PG) by relurker
Eternal Mark, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, R) by sandy_s
Blood and Black Lace, Chapter 23 (Spike/Buffy, R) by SlayrGrl
Loose Ends, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, R) by EllieRose101
A Little Night Chaos, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by the_big_bad
If I Loved You Less, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by MillenialCryBaby
Mavericks, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by Vogon Poet
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Icons from behind-the-scenes photos of the cast (worksafe) by seriesluticons
Artwork: Buffy (worksafe) by tothetoonandback
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Artwork: My self-drafted cross stitch pattern of the Buffy series (ensemble, worksafe) by Wankeritis
Artwork: The Wish (vampire Willow, worksafe) by tmcarlee
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Fighting over s6 is so dumb [the question is what resonates with you] by emmathompsonegot
if season 5 isn’t ur favourite buffy season ur just wrong it literally has everything [and commentary on all other seasons] by jaangf
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Discussion of AtS 4.02 "Ground State" (cont'd) by Stake fodder, thrasherpix
Discussion of AtS 4.01 "Deep Down" by Stake fodder
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BOOM! Buffy the Vampire Slayer #28 (cont'd) by multiple authors
Season 1 highlights (cont'd) by American Aurora
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Dead Things by indigenous_bean
[Recs / In Search Of]
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Rec request: Strong Buffy + Empty Places requested by artemisprim
[Fandom Discussions]
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Analysis of Buffy and Spike's relationship in seasons 6-7 by Nothing13
[BtVS collectibles] (cont'd) by multiple authors
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Making Dawn better by Mika95
Dawn is Perfect by Consistent_Insect515
Do younger siblings relate to Dawn more? by buffy0808
Can anyone help me to cope with Angel cancellation? by valerio5
Lie to me. [a thread of commenters lying to the post author] by sukidovi
J. August Richards aka Charles Gunn appreciation thread by jdpm1991
Clare Kramer by benditlikebemb
Buffy & Faith [the potential mutual attraction of] by moshmoshhh
When do you think Angel got that tattoo? by VanityInk
Best Buffy figures? by alflx
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[Imagine if Angel had kept the Gem of Amara – Bangel headcanons] by buffywatching
I hated the way Riley and Buffy broke up by Kristos Nikos
Re: What do you think about... the [upcoming] novel that's meant to be a sequel to Buffy? by honeysuckle-venom
Fuck Xander and Anya for their post coital talk about ‘maybe Buffy’s the reason why her boyfriends leave’ by kristos-nikos
I needed more Tara stepping up for Dawn scenes by hello-gaynow
one of willow’s characteristics is her tendency to see herself as the smartest by lqvewillow
The funniest scene in Teacher’s Pet by snakeliciousbaby
[Xander was the right and only one to bring Dark Willow back to the Light, and the episode "Passion" shows you why] by girl4music
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer gets a YA sequel trilogy from Disney Books by Petrana Radulovic, polygon.com
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