#yeah this isn't uh yeah I'm actually being a bit more daring for me
Hello, I hope your having a great day! If you can I was wondering if you can write about Lucien turning into a child for a day, and angel is gushing over him and trying to figure out what happened at the same time?
thank you! :3
Oh my big baby!
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You must be wondering, Lucien....how the hell did you get turned into a kid? Well as most humans put it I 'Fucked around and found out.' Or that's what Angel said as they gushed over my child form....
"So, you got summoned by a witch and told her you wouldn't kill someone for her....Causing you to get cursed with only having a kid form?" Asking if they got it right, Angel looked Lucien over. He was currently on their lap, being pampered like a king and the, now small, demon nodded.
"That would be correct dove. I don't know why she was mad. Just summon someone else, I did promise you I wouldn't kill anyone." Huffing out, Lucien's child cheeks puffed and Angel cooed at him. Kissing the chubby cheeks and rocking him back and forth, causing the demon to grumble a bit.
Since turned into this form he got more love, but he also wasn't fully taken seriously. The red skinned demon wants this curse gone, because he's not even allowed to kiss Angel's lips anymore!
"I still can't think of why I can't kiss you...just one?" Pleading, Lucien gave big puppy eyes. Angel gave a blank face and kissed his forehead, right between his now frowned brows.
"Because, your a kid now. That's just wrong, I'd actually throw up." Explaining Angel then placed their...boyfriend? They don't know what to call him right now. On the couch to go get food for him since his stomach growled.
"Awwweee! Angeell this isn't faaaiirr! I demand a kiss!!" Shouting slightly, Lucien raised his arms and was about to hip off the couch. But two hands held him and placed him back down, like he weighed nothing.
Well, right now he weighed less than what he usually did. It still caught him off guard since he's use to not being pushed easily or held for a long time. Angel smiled at him as they reset him on the couch and patted his head.
"Don't be grumpy I'm going to get you food. Maybe the curse wears off? No way a witch curses a demon forever..." Mumbling the last part Angel walked in to the kitchen. On the couch Lucien tried scouring through his mind for what spell that witch used.
Being around for eons Lucien should have found which it was. But every spell has a different tweak to make it whoever casted it their's. So even if he did find what spell it was, he needed to know the variety it was. Grumbling again, Lucien crossed his arms and looked at he TV.
"Stupid witch....I should ask my siblings- WAIT! DUH?" Realizing he could just call up one of his siblings. The demon got off the couch and went to the bedroom, running fast.
Angel in the kitchen peaked down the hallway and quirked a brow. Wonder what he figured out? Drying their hands and grabbing the sandwich and chips they went to the bedroom. Opening the door they gasped seeing Lucien summoning something.
"Lucien! Is that black paint on my fucking floor?!?! THAT DOESN'T COME OUT?!?!" Frustrated Angel yelled at their boyfriend. Who looked at them and gave a guilty smile, but before trying to explain the summoning circle lot up.
"WHO DARES CALL- Oh by fucking dad...Lulu?" A siluete of a woman was shown. A tall maroon demon stepped forward with a confused look. Then turning blinking at the mortal that was giving her younger brother an angry look.
"Hey, Pandora...So, uh, remember in 1692 I helped you hide one of the moral women you liked? From those trials? Yeah I need to cash in that favor." Explaining quickly the small demon turned to his lover. Giving them a 'I'm sorry' look and was about to speak again but Angel beat him to it.
"That paint better come out. But, hi....um I'm (Y/N) you can call me Angel though." Greeting the woman who towered over them. The maroon colored woman was 6'3" a bit shorter than Lucien at his normal height. Her sharp eyes looked over Angel's person and even soul.
"Oh...That's where you've been? Good to know." Giggling out, Pandora then looked over Lucien. Snorting again then touched his head messing with his hair. "The spell wears off in a few hours. So I'll take it you dont want to cash in that favor. I'll leave now."
Lucien then smacked his head, of course Pandora could see when the spell ended. That lover she had taught the she demon how to figure it out. Waving at his older sister, Pandora smiled and then looked at Angel.
"I approve of you." Stating, Pandora then cackle as the fire covered her again. Teleporting her back to hell, where she was going to gossip about her brothers mortal lover. Took him a while to get with one, but they all end up like that.
Turning to Lucien, Angel glared at him. The red skinned demon then started summoning cleaning products.
"That floor better look better then when I first got here." Scowling at the small demon. Getting a nod, Angel sighed rubbing their head as they think of Lucien's sister. She approved of them so quickly? Wonder why....
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I would like to know how Sanji feels regarding Yasopp from a Sanuso perspective. Because there are two situations that I would love to write in a fic format but I'm not sure which one would fit best.
1. Sanji resents Yasopp more than Usopp does. Usopp explains to Sanji that his father left him and his mother to become a pirate and that's fine with him because he left to follow his dream, a dream that now Usopp is achieving too by his own hand and that will get him to see his father again. And even if there's resentment there, he's always like: "Well, he left us and I found out he spent time with another kid that is coincidentally our captain and my best friend but, y'know, it's fine because I know he loves me and at the end of the day we will find each other again. And my mom was the one to support him on his adventure, I can't really complain about that, can I?". And Sanji doesn't take that well because he knows how little Usopp thinks of himself and he knows that, behind all of that, there's more pain than what he says out loud. The mere fact that Yasopp dared to leave him behind makes Sanji's blood boil and he can't accept that Usopp isn't angrier. He should be angry! Furious! His father, the one who left him on his own with his sick mom, does not deserve Usopp's forgiveness. He makes Usopp know this: "What?! Usopp, mon trésor, you cannot possibly be saying this right now." / "What? I- It's not like he left me because he didn't love me, he left me to follow his dream. I think you of all people should understand that." / "And I do, dear, but- His dream should not have been more important than you in the first place and what he did is disgusting and outrageous and he doesn't deserve-!" / "Sanji, don't-" / "Somebody that leaves his child behind is not a good perso-" / "Could you shut up?! The fact that your father doesn't love you doesn't mean that mine is the same! My dad had a dream to follow, yours just didn't want you!" Oh. And that's when Usopp knows he's fucked up real good. But Sanji doesn't get mad and doesn't accept Usopp's apology because he's aware that he's been acting like a jerk too, talking without knowing anything about Yasopp, actually. They end up talking things out, of course, they make up. Usopp keeps telling Sanji that he's dying to see his father only to tell him that he's okay and, whenever he isn't, he has his boyfriend with him who will protect him even from his own father if he hurts him. Which is not the ideal situation, but at least Sanji is ready to do anything to anybody that hurts the love of his life.
And then there's the second possibility, which is still angsty and follows the same dynamic except that it's reversed:
2. Usopp is being insecure about what Yasopp feels for him. He's always known his father loves him and only left to follow his dream. He knows his mother is the one who supported him, too, and it's not Yasopp's fault that she got sick and he wasn't there. But sometimes the thoughts of not being wanted by his own father (especially after knowing that he enjoyed his time with Luffy, of all people) haunt him. And, you know, sometimes Sanji just can't take it. Seeing his boyfriend drown in self-deprecating thoughts and the assumption that his father doesn't love him is his nightmare. Because it's exactly what has always happened to him, and Usopp doesn't- He just doesn't know. "Usopp, I know- I know that what we did is fucked up and you're allowed to be mad-" / "I am not mad, Sanji! I am- How- How am I supposed to react when I see him? Uh, yeah, it's totally fine that you left me and mom alone. By the way, she's dead and you weren't there! But guess who was there? Me! A kid! On his own! Thank you very much, how's the pirate life treating you? Remember Luffy? Well, I'm sure you fucking do-" / "Darling-" / "I know he loves me, Sanji! Or whatever! He said he did. Was it that hard to show it a little bit, though? Because whenever I think about-" / "At least your father wants to see you again, doesn't he?! Okay, he might've fucked up big time and I get it, Usopp. I fucking get it. But he's out there and he's probably waiting for you and he tells people about you! He told Luffy about you, goddamnit. He loves you. If Zeff hadn't found me if- If for God knows what reason Zeff hadn't found me, I wouldn't even have had the chance to call somebody that truly loves me 'dad'. So stop complaining that he wasn't there and start thinking about how he's probably waiting for you. He had to make the hard decision to leave you with your mom, my father didn't fucking think twice before locking me up away from the rest of the world." Sanji knows he has talked too much when he sees Usopp's startled face. And following the last idea, the ending is pretty much the same. Apologizing for things they probably don't even truly think and accepting that they both have different experiences and that they're allowed to feel the way they do.
I honestly prefer the first one for a lot of reasons, especially Sanji's protectiveness and sense of justice and also the fact that I think Usopp's behavior is closer to canon. However, the second idea explores more the envy Sanji could probably have when it comes to biological fathers (which can still be there even if he doesn't consider Judge his father at all and has Zeff. He's still haunted by his past trauma, yay).
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
In the Deltafell AU, Are Host and Mike a couple while having Tenna and everything?
omg the Fell AU... Literally, my friends and I were literally talking about it just days ago LOL And then I briefly spoke about it in another Deltarune AU server... Is the call coming from inside the house or is this Ask a coincidence?
But I haven't worked on my take of it ever since I made Tenna, so it still only includes Mike and Host and no one else hahaha
Though I have been quietly rotating the idea of a Fell Klieg lately, but this isn't about him
For a recap of where I last left in my Fell take... Watch out I'm about to jumpscare people with the old art so I'll hide it under the Read More.
Content Warning, it's old art where Mike looks skinny, though in the context of this AU, that would actually make sense... hm
Also warning for the edginess that's expected of Fell AUs tbh :'D I like horror stuff... And weird robot gore
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old art old art ew scroll up ew aNYWAY
Uhh geez yeah Host never even got a finished Fell design, I wanted them to look a lot more femme than vanilla Host but I never truly found a proper direction for it
Mike is Mike, he's still tiny, and I couldn't get him not to wear pink so he settled on a fashionable hot pink instead, but that's beside the point
Recap of these two is that their meeting and backstory might have started the same as their vanilla counterparts. But the difference is that rather than Mike staying a broken mic with a broken body that didn't work, they uh... Found an alternative solution.
All the Microphone Darkners are detachable from their bodies, so Host being the silent terrifying behemoth they are, took matters into their own hands. Mics are such a common darkner type, who would notice if a few of them were to start going missing?
When his body was to start giving out, Mike would gladly use himself to lure his fellow mics to Host, posing as a helpless Microphone being chased, only to watch as his loving spouse would… What's a nice family-friendly way to describe the act of forcefully ripping those mics off of their bodies and killing them? Hands that hold Mike with such care, just as easily crushing those like him… All so he can get a new functioning body to hold them with…
Truly, is this not what love is? I feel like no matter the AU, M&H will always be a couple, no matter what… I feel they'd find each other in every universe...
Characterization-wise, they're both a lot more villainous, naturally, neither hold any remorse for the lives taken so that Mike can continue to pilot bodies that simply do not belong to him…
Somehow the knowledge that Host can very easily kill him is not lost on him, if anything, I think he finds that to me the most compelling part of it all… Host on the other hand, too loves their wonderful husband… And much like their vanilla counterpart… They will not hesitate if someone dares lay a hand on him… They simply have little care for morals in the Fell AU
The overall lore of their vanilla counterparts has evolved a lot since I last worked on the Fell AU, not to mention all the adjustments that had to take place when Tenna was added to the timeline and a lot of things had to be shifted around… They went from "Just some guys" to "Dark World leaders" so that's ever so slightly different
I did not consider how Tenna would function in this AU, or if he's even viable at all LOL I don't really have a Cable AU Fell Spamton to work off of, since his presence does end up defining how Tenna feels about Mike and his own presence in the world.
But at the same time, imagining M&H as that trope of the evil villains that are just the nicest parents ever is very fun to imagine hehehe
Vanilla Tenna is a bit wimpy no matter how tough they try to seem, and I image Fell Tenna being a bit more assertive or even hostile hehe
I feel like they'd either be super chill about their parents' habit of just killing mics (And using their power as Dark World Leaders for other purposes) and not care, or they're actively against it… I'm inclined to believe the latter since Tenna's thing is also being an awkward opposite of his parents, but him being against their villain acts also makes me wonder about how M&H would feel in this AU. I can't imagine them resenting their own kid, even as edgy villainous versions of themselves…
I'm also unsure of how/if the Flower Shop Tenna storyline is even a thing in this version of the AU or not. Tenna's disappearance affected the vanilla universe so much, and I feel like Fell M&H with a missing kid would very much go on a killing spree to find him LOL
I don't know! These are just random brainstormings and what ifs… Maybe if I ever feel inclined to do anything with this AU again, I'll try to concept a Fell Tenna hehehe
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starlitangels · 1 year
Hello star! For the micro fics, may I suggest Lasko (shocking, I know) and his new listener (with the nickname dear would be lovely, but any is fine) and the keywords flowers, ice cream, turtleneck, handholding, and tower? No pressure at all, but I'd love to see what you do for them <3
*gasp* Morgan? Asking for Lasko? I never would have guessed! /j (affectionate)
Okay, okay. Let me see what I can do. This one kinda got away from me
"You know, Dahlia in spring isn't as warm as I expected," I remarked. "I mean, it's a helluva lot warmer than Kennedy's spring, but I thought it would be a lot warmer."
Lasko chuckled. "Ye-yeah. I-I-I tend to wear turtlenecks all the way through April. B-but May tends to finally reach d-decent temperatures," he agreed. He took a deep breath, looking around the park. I followed his line of sight.
"Still," I agreed, "the flowers do bloom here a lot earlier than they do in Kennedy since it's warmer. Wanna go look at them?"
I held a hand out for him. A bright smile appeared on his face as he took it. We walked side-by-side across the open grass to the patch of wildflowers.
"This is nice," Lasko said.
"The weather? Or the date?"
"The, uh... the handholding. Your hands feel really nice."
I grinned. "Perk of being a Water Elemental, I guess. I'm always perfectly moisturized."
He laughed. He had such a nice laugh when he was unwound. When he allowed himself to relax. "I guess that does make sense," he agreed. "Not something I ever thought about, but now that you mention it, it makes a lot of sense."
I chuckled. I wondered if he realized he wasn't stuttering. I wasn't going to bring it up so he didn't get self-conscious and start up again, but it was always sweet when he calmed down from his anxiety to stop stammering.
We reached the patch of wildflowers and both crouched to look at and sniff them. They were small and white, not unlike baby's breath flowers, but not quite. I licked and bit my lower lip before plucking one and turning. I tucked it into Lasko's white-blond curls just above his ear.
Both of his ears, and then his cheeks, turned bright red. He reached up with his free hand and delicately brushed the petals. "O-o-oh," he said. "That-that... that's really cute."
I plucked another wildflower and tucked it above my own ear. "There we go. We match," I said.
"A-actually, not quite," he replied. Biting his lower lip, he reached out and carefully, gently switched which ear was holding the flower stem. "Th-there. Now they're on the same side so we match."
I grinned and brought his hand that I was still holding up to my lips and pressed a kiss to it. Serving only to deepen the shade of red under his skin. "Thank you," I said with a smile. He stammered something I don't think either of us could quite make out, looking away from me.
I bent my finger and gently pressed it under his chin, tugging his face to look back at me. His blue-grey eyes flicked frantically.
"Ice cream?" I asked.
"Y-ye-yeah! L-let's do that. Ice—ice cream sounds great."
Still feeling daring, I pecked a kiss to the tip of his nose before standing up. "Let's go, then," I said.
He popped to his feet. "O-okay."
I let go of his hand to put my arm around him. "Is this okay?"
"M-more than okay," he replied.
I smiled and led him back across the open green space. We avoided the playground—shaped like a medieval castle with about six children all screaming up on the highest tower—so we wouldn't stumble over any small children underfoot and made it back to my car.
"Th... thank you, dear," Lasko said quietly as I got his door for him. "Is... is it okay if I call you that?"
I grinned. "Of course."
"Th... thank you. For... for this date. I'm having a really good time."
"Me too, Lasko. Me too." I kissed his cheek before circling the car to get in the driver's seat.
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blaacknoir · 1 year
Hey. Sorry to bother, but I'm genuinely curious. Can you explain why you don't like fans calling Homelander 'John'?
I think I kinda get why but I'm also a little confused and if it's because of what I think, I disagree. The first person we see call him that is Vogelbaum, and he has a bit of a bad reaction. But this is Vogelbaum and he doesn't like Vogelbaum so I think the disdain is more from there than anything.
Homelander says he 'gave up' on his secret identity a long time ago to Starlight, but I don't think he hates his name or even dislikes it. (Actually, that scene I would argue more so implies Vought encouraging him to give it up so he can make them profit full time than anything else.)
I say this because there's one person who does call him John and it affects him differently than when Vogelbaum does it. And that's Maeve. And don't get me wrong, it's not particularly great reaction there either though she does also say it a bit mockingly, but it's what he says after that I find more telling.
He says something along the lines of: "Don't you dare fucking 'John' me, you're not going to get the easy way out of this." And I think it implies two things.
If Maeve knows his name, he had to have told her at one point, so his name is probably something he considers very private and personal, only giving to those he really trusts. (Obviously, he never got the choice with Vogelbaum.)
The other thing implied is a sensitivity to hearing his name, but not necessarily in a negative sense. What he says struck me as him being mad enough that hearing his name, even from Maeve, isn't going to soften up anything. But it could also mean she has used his name in the past to soften his anger.
And if she did, and if just hearing his name could do that, it doesn't imply he hates his name, it implies for lack of a better term, that he feels 'humanized' when he hears it. Understandably, I think that would give him mixed feelings about it from different people and that it really depends who's saying it, when and why. But not that he hates it.
Sorry for the TED talk, I clearly have spent too much time rewatching The Boys and micro analyzing every single little micro expression made by Antony Starr and context within each scene and it makes me a weirdo, I know.
It could also just be a personal preference of yours and others and I'm a double weirdo. But I don't know, I kind of like the complexity of emotion that can be explored just with Homelander's civilian name and how he feels about it.
You are never a bother! Sorry this took a bit of time to get to. But here goes. *cracks knuckles*
The first person we see call him that is Vogelbaum, and he has a bit of a bad reaction. But this is Vogelbaum and he doesn't like Vogelbaum so I think the disdain is more from there than anything.
Vogelbaum: How long's it been, John? Homelander: *chuckles* Long enough that nobody calls me John anymore.
This is definitely a case of disdain disguised as nostalgia, so I agree with you there. To me this is a kid going back to his hometown and hearing his kindergarten teacher calling him a pet name. The chuckle implies warmth (and in any other situation, I'd interpret it at face value), but Homelander has nothing but contempt for Vogelbaum.
Homelander says he 'gave up' on his secret identity a long time ago to Starlight, but I don't think he hates his name or even dislikes it. (Actually, that scene I would argue more so implies Vought encouraging him to give it up so he can make them profit full time than anything else.)
Homelander: Hey, is that your, uh, secret identity? Starlight: Mm-hmm. Homelander: Charming. Starlight: Thanks. Homelander: Yeah, I-I gave up on mine, oh... a long time ago now.
I can definitely understand how you'd interpret this scene that way, and of course, there's no wrong interpretation. But to me, the tone is one of.. almost dismissal. "I'm fulfilling a social obligation but I'd really prefer it if you were somewhere else." Because remember, this is the scene where he's actually watching Madelyn pumping through the wall. He's only half paying attention to her here, because he's also trying to ogle literal mommy milkers. (I am so sorry I made you all read that 😭)
[All the stuff you said about Maeve.]
I think there is some complexity here, but it doesn't necessarily mean that he still has positive associations with it. I'm just gonna lay out my headcanons and go from there.
So I think that by the time Homey and Maeve start dating, he has given up on "John." We don't hear anyone else call him that. I'm actually willing to bet that the number of people who know his birth name can be counted on one hand. I just don't think he's ever really had any attachment to it; he's been groomed from birth to be the Homelander, so why would he? But I think at one point, Maeve (who is and will always be Maggie first) asked him about it. And she was close to him in a way nobody else was--as an equal. More than that, she's the only person who's ever bothered to ask. So he tells her.
It doesn't build on an attachment to the name, I think it becomes a sort of... a special thing, a secret thing, shared between the two of them. It's a part of himself that he's not attached to, but that nobody else has ever asked to see, and he gently places it in the palm of her hand. And when Homelander fucked everything up (because, surprise! A lifetime of being both manipulated and ass-kissed and isolated and surrounded by yes-men leaves you with no knowledge of how to have and maintain a relationship), Maeve takes that secret thing and gently places it on the table before she leaves.
And Homelander takes it and puts it back inside his heart and never talks about it again. Because despite the fact that it was his fuckup, all he knows is that Maeve hurt him. Emotional pain is all he knows, it's all he has context for, and he (and is it really him? or is it him, the one who talks from the mirror?) will do anything to avoid feeling it. Which means hiding those four letters and their association with him deep inside himself.
I don't think Maeve ever used it to de-escalate things with him. When she calls him "John", it's an appeal to those memories. She takes a fucking stadium light and shines it on that secret thing he gave her, that secret thing that she gave back, and how fucking dare she just grab it again like it was hers the whole time.
And it could have been anything, really. It could have been the fact that he never really had parents. It could have been the fact that he killed his "mother." It could have been the fact that to teach him to fly, the scientists just shoved him off a high surface. But it's his childhood name, and that makes it easy to be used as a tool to manipulate him.
I just don't think it's his name. I think it's a word that used to describe him that doesn't anymore. (And there are a lot of words like that. John, child, scared, alone, helpless—) When he thinks about himself, I think the name he thinks is "the Homelander."
And I sure as hell don't think his last name is fucking Gilman.
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Hello, I love to encourage violence, please any of the following Choose Violence ask game questions you feel up to answering: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, and 25!
'Isn't that basically all of them?' Yes! yes, it is. If there are any I didn't list that you wanted to answer, feel free to answer those too. I love drama, give me the chisme, peel it and feed it to me like squapes.
LIKE SQUAPES. fun fact: i have a squapes keychain on my lanyard. (alongside shoebill, Crow destiny 2 and (redacted) from Pandaemonium)
I will do xiv because. because.
answers them all because i have the day off, why not
the character everyone gets wrong
thats tough bc every character has those ppl that get them utterly wrong; I have particular beef though with the "emet was right and hydaelyn was evil" crowd because it just. it glosses over everything Emet did and acts like what Hydaelyn had to do was the worstest ever amen how dare she, when its like. Both of these characters did what they thought was necessary, but there is a gulf of difference between "I would let billions die to bring my world back" and "I sundered the star to avert a far worse disaster"
because i think people fail to realize. they were just going to keep sacrificing to Zodiark lol. (ALSO THERES ENDWALKER SPOILER STUFF as to why I will die on the hill defending my crystal mom)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
see last ask! that was a dm a person sent me lmao. at least??? they warned me???
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
this is going to be hilarious coming from me but i'm not much a fan of most zenoswol or emetwol shippers (in spite of enjoying the former) because the discourse surrounding it all is fucking. INSANE. and there are just ways they mischaracterize both characters that drive me fucking BONKERS. So I stay in my brainworm corner with select people and I keep emet selch as a bitter ex because its honestly a lot funnier
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Amon/Fandaniel. Specifically the clown wearing Asahi's skinsuit and the guy from crystal tower. there is just. a vibe. about it. that i do not fucking like how the fans engage with it. i can't explain it concretely it just fucking bothers me.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
sorrows of werlyt is not gaius' redemption it is him suffering consequences of his actions. if its anything close to redemption atonement is probably a better word for it and also the wol still fuckin hates his guts you can see the faces in the cutscenes. he calls u a fried when at best ur coworkers for that.
also i'm a stormblood enjoyer till i fuckin die. this is not a discussion i had fun thats it that the message
9. worst part of canon
the fact that ARR didn't lean more into the fact that you were the WoL from 1.0, ARR's writing in general.
also in general there is more bits in the msq where i wish we could uh. bite back a little harder instead of just being a silent protagonist.
10. worst part of fanon
oh god. theres a lot. probably the uwu soft imperialism that people get up to with certain ships (esp bc certain characters canonically and categorically do NOT give a fuck about politics at all)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Aside from the obvious female characters I will defend until i fucking die (Lyse, Minfilia, ETC.).... Maxima! I just think he's neat. like was actually being genuine as a Populares, and saw that shit was fucked and noped out. also here, have this screen shot where my crimes gave him thot boots:
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13. worst blorboficiation
answered in last ask! theres 1 ur about to meet and 1 thats pandemonium relevant but yeah. bluuuuuhhhhh your milage may very
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Huh. I'm actually not super sure here besides things I've already bitched about. WAIT.
I fucking HATE when ppl have their wol who did not let go of heavensward trauma. like in that their wol didn't develop past it. especially if they're dark knights because. WHAT WAS THE POINT?
everyone handles grief differently ofc and its not a linear thing ever, but its so ?????????? to me that its like "my wol hasn't changed or let go or processed this at all".
what is the point if your character is never going to change or be affected? especially getting to shadowbringers??? thats all about grief and having a primo example of what NOT PROCESSING YOUR GRIEF does to you and can push you to?
like i'm not saying they shouldn't be affected at all, considering how much Haurchefant haunts you in the MSQ but like come on now. you've gotta move in some kind of direction.
(also smaller and pettier pet peeve: super 2edgy4me Azems. it feels so against what Azem was man, idk.)
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
my taste is flawless and impeccable and perfect. zenoswol may be the closest thing to an answer but like nah, its fucking funny.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
most of early ARR before waking sands
there is a bit after the first endwalker trial that i've sort of speedran on my subsequent runs, its not BAD, but it is a little jarring tonally the first time. i mildly appreciate it in hindsight because AFTER that endwalker cuts the brakes and is a semi rolling the down the hill at top speed emotionally, but it still like. please let me move on.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
alexander raids. mid as fuck honestly.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
oagh unfortunately i am a girlie who enjoys all the popular things in canon. The best answer is probably the Four Lords trial series. Its one of my favorites but people don't seem to talk about it much
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I actually don't have a ship that fits this. I only like like 2 of the canon/canon ships and i've always been a fan of most of the wolships that float around
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Emet Selch. I love grandpa war crimes, he's one of my favorite characters and favorite villains ever, i have literal merch of him, but holy shit he is the reason for so much twitter discourse. which is kind of funny and on brand but also jesus christ can people please just relax and learn to mute/block people and tags aaaa
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i don't know if this common or i just saw it a lot given my twitter algorithm but people have so. much. beef. with people who Persephone Azems. for some reason.
the reason is apparently they're most insufferable kind of straight girl shipper/emet selch fan but like aside from an occasional encounter on a wolqotd post, the two people i know/know of who actually have an Azem named Persephone are.
an mlm whose noriety comes from... being one of the biggest G'rahawol content creators/shippers
one of my lesbian friends who chose it for not shipping related reasons
and most of the time their highest crime is. an Azem named Persephone. that ships Azemet. like any genuine complaints there might be are like. not unique to this VERY NICHE SUBSET OF FANS but apparently they're sooooo common and soooo annoying.
like maybe just block and move on bc some of the complaining i see borders on being genuinely misogynistic like. its fandom pixels. RELAX.
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oblivious-aro · 7 months
Where the Sky Meets the Sea Ch. 1/3
And now, presenting a fanfic where the main couple of the show don't get together. Happy Valentine's Day!
Summary: Rewrite of the parts of season 6 of Ninjago (Skybound) that make my blood boil. The main change is that Nya's struggles are respected, and she's allowed to yell at people. Also, Jay isn't a complete tool the whole time abs actually goes through some character development. Follows roughly the same plot line as Skybound. The parts that are unchanged are just skimmed through.
Word Count: 4800
Being framed for a number of petty crimes and thrown into prison had been a bit of a setback, but the ninja did manage to obtain a solid lead on how to defeat Nadakhan from one of the inmates before they escaped.
All they needed was a map hidden in a lantern on his ship, Misfortune's Keep.
The only problem was that they had no idea where Nadakhan's ship was located.
Scouting for information on Nadakhan would be difficult with the police on the lookout for them, but Jay and Nya managed to sneak into police headquarters under disguise.
Nya had only been trying to keep their cover from getting blown when she'd requested a lunch break, but once they were outside the smell of burgers cooking made her realize she was actually quite hungry.
"Two double cheeseburgers, one with double cheese, double ketchup; the other double pickles, double mustard, ready to go!" the hamburger vendor finally announced.
Nya reached into her pockets, but Jay stopped her.
"Lunch is on me." he insisted.
"That's okay Jay." Nya said.
"Nonsense, what kind of gentleman lets a lady pay for her own food?"
Nya rolled her eyes, but she didn't want to cause a scene while they were undercover, so she let Jay have his way.
But when he dug through his pockets, all Jay could find was lint. He didn't have the money to pay for his lunch, let alone Nya's.
"Uh...um...wrong pants?" Jay smiled nervously at the unamused vendor.
Nya sighed and gave the vendor money for both their burgers.
"I-I can pay you back later." Jay said.
"Nonsense." Nya grinned coily "What kind of lady lets a gentleman pay for his own food?"
Jay sighed.
Not one of his smoothest moves.
Jay and Nya walked for about a block until they found some benches that were semi-hidden by a giant tree.
Nya sighed in relief as she pulled off her itchy moustache and police cap.
"If I had a nickel for every time I was broke..." Jay laughed.
But Nya wasn't in the mood for jokes.
"Jay," she said, "We need to talk."
"Oh?" Jay's throat went dry "About what?"
"About the way you've been acting. You've been making moves on me all week, and frankly, I don’t appreciate it."
"Whaaaat?" Jay tried to smile innocently "I don't know wha-"
"Don't you dare play dumb with me Jay Walker!" Nya snapped "We both know very well what you're doing!"
That shut Jay up.
Nya sighed.
"Jay, I like you. I really do. But as a friend." her tone was soft but firm "Somewhere out there there's a really great person for you, but that person isn't me. I broke up with you because we weren't right as a couple. It...it just didn't feel good for me. I wasn’t happy. And yeah, I know I probably should have been more upfront with you back then, but I'm being upfront now and telling you to cut it out. Do you get what I'm saying?"
Nya's words hit like a dagger through Jay's heart.
He'd seen the future, they were together, and they had looked so happy. Nya had looked so happy. The sight of relaxed upturn of her lips and the crinkled corners of her eyes had been burned into Jay's memory.
In the present though, Nya's lips were tight and the soft wrinkles of her brow had been replaced with stressed creases.
Jay had just been following the vision. Why was it having the opposite effect of what he saw?
Despite his confusion, Jay knew there was no way he could continue to try and make the vision come true. Not after what Nya had just said.
"Yeah, I got it." Jay managed to stick a smile on his face "Cut the flirting. We're friends. Good...good friends. And friends...don't try to push friends into situations they're uncomfortable with."
"Yes," Nya smiled, her shoulder visibly relaxing. "That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m so glad we’re on the same page. Hug?" Nya stretched out her arms.
Jay usually had no problem hugging his friends, including Nya, but right now he didn't think he could handle such an intimate interaction.
"Uh, how about a fist bump?" he counter-offered, holding his fist out.
Nya, still smiling, enthusiastically smashed her fist to Jay's.
Too enthusiastically.
Having neglected to set her hamburger down before fist bumping, Nya's sandwich got squished and spilled all over Jay's shirt.
"Oh um, oops." she said.
"Heh, guess lunch really is on me," Jay forced out a laugh "I'm gonna go clean this up."
"Alright, I'll keep your spot saved." Nya called as Jay started across the street to look for a restroom.
Nya looked up at the beautiful clouds in the sky. That had gone way better than expected. Her life was kind of a disaster right now, but at least she and Jay were back to normal.
"Why Nya?" Jay wiped away the tears that had started to form in his eyes.
They'd been such a good couple! Having a girlfriend who shared his interests and sense of humour had been the greatest thing that's ever happened to him. He'd felt so confident and complete knowing someone so cool loved him as much as he'd loved her.
It was the happiest Jay had ever been in his life.
And then...that stupid matchmaking machine! That was where the trouble started.
Jay supposed it made sense. Nya had lost interest in him the second she realized she could go for someone other than Jay.
Someone better than Jay.
Sure, she hadn't actually ended up dating Cole, but that only proved Jay's suspicions further. Nya had liked Jay enough to start dating him, but it didn't take her long to realize he wasn't worth it.
It hadn’t been that she was interested in someone else, she just didn't want to be with him.
"Maybe if I was better..." Jay glanced over his shoulder "Maybe we'd still be together if I wasn't just some loser who was born in a junkyard without a penny to his name..."
"I may be able to help you with that."
Jay jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar voice.
When he turned back around someone with four arms and a cloudy tail instead of legs was floating in front of him, grinning sinisterly.
Jay had never met him before, but there was only one person this could be:
"N-N-Nadakhan! I forgot we weren't supposed to be alone!" Jay's head snapped back to Nya, obliviously munching on her sandwich "I can scream, you know. Really loud!"
"Fine, fine, suit yourself." Nadakhan turned as if to leave "Even if you are wasting a golden opportunity to get the girl to fall for you...aw well, it's your decision."
"Ha! Nice try!" Jay gloated "But I already know you can't wish for love!"
"That is true, but..." Nadakhan slowly turned back around "There aren't any rules against wishing for something...a little less direct."
"What do you mean?" Jay asked, his indomitable curiosity getting the better of him.
"You said so yourself," Nadakhan gestured to Jay with his upper right hand, "The girl showed interest in you before, right? Perhaps if you had a little more to offer her than 'boy from a junkyard', her interest would return."
Jay glanced back at Nya one last time.
"Well...maybe just one wish wouldn't hurt. You wouldn't tell anybody, right?"
"Of course not! It'll just be our little secret. Now, what was it you wanted to wish for?"
"I wish...I wish I wasn't born in a junkyard, and I wasn't poor so I can give Nya everything she ever wanted."
"Your wish is yours to keep."
Jay could hear his voice, but when he looked around, Nadakhan was nowhere to be seen.
"Um...Nadakhan?" An ominous feeling began to bubble in Jay's stomach.
What had he just done?
"Hey there, ninja!"
Jay whipped around and saw a familiar mail carrier approaching on his bike.
"Don't worry," he said "I'm not here to turn you in. Just delivering the mail." He reached into his bag and handed Jay an envelope.
"Uh, thanks?"
Who could've possibly been sending Jay mail at this time? He tore open the envelope and started reading.
"Mr Jay Walker, this letter has been sent to inform you of your father's passing, and the vast inheritance he has left you in his will... Wait, my father's...passing?!"
Jay couldn't look away from those two words. His head felt like it was under water, while the rest of his body seemed to turn to stone.
He couldn't...his dad couldn't be…
"Aw, that's sad to hear. Congrats on the inheritance, though." The carrier waved as he rode away.
Jay barely heard him. He just stood there for several seconds, unable to move or even think properly.
"Mom..." Jay suddenly realized.
He summoned his elemental dragon, and they flew off towards the scrapyard at top speed.
"Mom!" Jay practically screamed as he slammed the RV door open "Mom! Where are you?"
"Jay!" Edna smiled from the rocking chair she was knitting in "I'm so glad to see you, dear! We've been pretty worried after those reporters came by and asked us-"
"Mom, where's Dad?"
"Oh I'm sorry dear, but your father's no longer here."
"No..." This was all Jay's fault. Why'd he have to make that stupid wish? "No, no, n-"
"Well Edna," Jay heard a familiar voice say behind him "I got those diddilybops for the buggy, but I still can’t seem to- Oh, hey there Jay! What brings you-"
"Dad!" Jay was on his father in an instant, nearly strangling him in a bear hug. "You're okay!"
"Of course I'm okay, son." Ed said once Jay finally let him have enough air to breath. "Whew! Quite the arm strength you got there! That ninja training's really paying off."
"Whoops, sorry Dad."
"Quite alright, son. Now, not that I don't appreciate a visit and a hug from my little Jaybird, but what seems to have gotten you so worked up?"
"Sorry dad, I just got the weirdest letter." Jay pulled the document out of his pocket to show his parents. "It said that my dad had died and left me lots and lots of money. It addressed me by name and everything, so I thought something had happened to Dad. But I guess there was some mix up and we can all laugh about it now, huh?" Jay shrugged lightly.
Ed finished reading the letter and looked at Edna somberly. She gave him the same look back.
"Um...am I missing something?"
"Dear, I think it's about time we told him." Edna said.
"Told me what?" Jay asked.
"Well Son," Ed said "We did want to tell you sooner, but it just never seemed like the right time, and we could never really figure out how to say it exactly. I guess we can't really put it off any longer though." Ed laughed emptily.
Jay's heart rate began to pick up.
All his life, Jay's parents had spoken with a bubbly warmth in their voice that persisted through the worst of times. Even when Jay had broken his leg trying to invent a flying machine as a kid, even when the serpentine attacked the scrapyard, even when the two of them had almost turned into snakes-zombies, that bubbliness always lingered.
But now their voices were dead serious.
That scared Jay more than any dragon he’d ever faced.
"You see son, it's just that you're uh...you're...adopted."
Jay hadn’t been expecting that.
"I...huh?" Jay's brain struggled to form words. The walls of the RV seemed to shift and swirl around him.
"It's true." Edna stood up and joined Jay and Ed by the door "We found you right there on our doorstep one morning with a key. Your father and I hadn't really planned on having kids, but you were just the cutest little thing, so we took you in and raised you as best we could."
"A...key?" was all Jay could manage to get out.
"Yes," Edna pulled a key out of her pocket and handed it to Jay. "It didn't come with a note or instruction of any sort, but I have a feeling those directions on the back of that letter might have something to do with it."
"Oh?" Jay hadn't even noticed anything on the back of the letter until Ed passed it back to him "Oh um, yeah. I-I should probably go check that out."
Jay turned and ran out the door, his mind too full to form a proper goodbye to his parents. Once he was far enough from the RV, Jay summoned his dragon and took off to the location specified on the back of the letter.
"Well, there he goes." Ed sighed.
"You say that like he isn't coming back, Ed."
"Edna, that kid's been itchin' to leave the scrapyard behind ever since he figured out it was all we could give him."
Edna didn't say anything. She just grabbed Ed's hand as the two of them watched Jay's dragon disappear into the distance.
The directions on the letter led Jay to a secluded woods a small distance away from Ninjago City.
His dragon landed on a stone path and let Jay dismount before vanishing.
At the end of the path was a sleek villa surrounded by various types of lush flora. The building was coloured in tasteful gradients of grey, and very expensive looking.
A part of Jay wasn't sure this was the right place, but when he tried the key his mother had given him in the lock on the front door, it fit perfectly.
More confused than ever, Jay opened the door and went inside.
"Hello?" he called.
The house was completely silent.
"So...this was my birth dad's house?" Jay said to himself.
The inside of the house made him think of a magazine cover. Giant windows let in enough natural sunlight that there wasn't any need to turn on a light (which was good because Jay had no idea where the lightswitch was). The furniture was sparse, but very modern and pristine. A giant flat-screen TV hung on the wall above the electric fireplace.
Whoever furnished this place clearly had money to burn.
Jay walked over to a blue-grey chair. He was slightly afraid to sit in such an expensive looking seat, but he really needed a quiet minute to just relax and-
"Fear isn't a word where I come from!"
Jay jumped and whipped around. Standing behind him was a two metre tall statue of his favourite comic book character, Fritz Donnegan.
"Fear isn't a word where I come from!" the statue repeated.
"Guess my dad was a big Fritz Donnegan fan. That's…kind of cool."
Jay walked over to the trophy case by the statue.
"Gee, he sure won a lot of awards." Jay reached for a random trophy "I wonder what-"
There was a click. Jay pulled his hand back as the shelf slid to the side, revealing a hidden room.
"Woah!" Jay stepped inside. The secret room was full of various costumes and Fritz Donnegan paraphernalia.
Jay's eyes widened when he spotted a limited edition Starfarer Rayblaster lying on a Hollywood-style vanity.
"Wow, I don't even have this one!" Jay excitedly ran over and grabbed the ray gun "My dad must've really liked Fritz Donnegan! I wonder why he had a secret collection room with a giant mirror, though?"
Jay looked into the mirror. Surrounding his reflection were some taped-up notes and a bunch of old photographs of one guy with various people.
"That guy looks kind of familiar...oh! It's Cliff Gordan! The actor who played Fritz in the movies. I can respect a fellow fan, but maybe you're going a little far with the decorations here, Dad. I wonder what all these notes say...Good luck Cliff, love Nancy...You're hot stuff Gordon, Vanessa...Go get 'em Cliffy, Libber ;)...Geez, did my dad steal a bunch of personal notes to Cliff Gordon? That's- wait a minute..."
It suddenly clicked for Jay.
"My dad...was Cliff Gordon?!" Jay tok a dizzy step back from the mirror "N-no way! How's that even possible? I can't be...Jay Gordon...can I?"
"Ah, but you can."
The hair on the back of Jay's neck stood up.
Jay turned and fired his ray gun at the djinn.
A rubber dart bounced harmlessly off him.
"Now now, there's no need for such hostility," Nadakhan smiled, "All I’m here to do is grant your second wish."
"Look Nadakhan, I don't know if you rewrote the past or what, but whatever you did, I don't want a second wish!"
"Rewrite the past? I did no such thing. All I did was merely reveal something you didn't know to already be true. I didn't change a thing, as fun as rewriting the past would have been..." Nadakhan tapped his chin thoughtfully.
"Y-you're evil! I don't want to make any more wishes!"
"Oh come now, everyone always wants something." Nadakhan insisted, lazily floating in a circle around Jay "Power, prestige," he leaned a little closer to Jay "Perhaps a ray gun that actually works?"
"No! I don't want anything else! I just wish I wasn't alone with you! No, wait!" Jay buried his face in his hands "I didn’t mean to…"
Nadakhan grimaced. That hadn't been how he'd planned to make Jay use his second wish!
The wish magic surged through and out of Nadakhan before he could come up with a way to turn Jay's request to his advantage.
Ding dong! Ding dong!
"Hello?" a distant voice called "Jay? Are you in there?"
"Nya!" Jay lifted his face from his hands "Is that you?"
"Until next time." Nadakhan grumbled, vanishing in a puff of smoke.
Jay didn't waste any time racing out of the secret room and across the foyer. He nearly tore the front door from the wall as he threw it open.
"Nya!" he exclaimed "How'd you find me here?"
"You were kinda gone for a while, so I went looking for you. When I couldn't find you, I got worried and called your parents. They said you'd be here. Why'd you run off without…"
Nya trailed off as she got a look at the inside of the building.
"Wow," she breathed, stepping inside "I didn't know you had a place this ritzy. How long you been hiding this?"
"Oh, uhh..."
Jay couldn't tell her the truth. If anyone knew he had made a wish with a dangerous djinn, he'd never live it down. Especially since the wish involved trying to impress Nya after she'd literally just told him to back off.
Jay desperately wracked his brain.
"I mean...if you can have a secret hideout...why can't I?" Jay hoped he didn't sound as nervous as he felt.
"A secret hideout eh? Well, I suppose I of all people can respect that. But why'd you leave in the middle of-"
"Nya, Jay, come in!" Lloyd's staticky voice interrupted Nya.
"We're here." Nya spoke into her bracelet "What's going on? Did something happen?"
Jay quietly sighed with relief, thankful for the distraction.
"Haven't you heard?" Lloyd replied "Sky pirates are attacking the city! We need everyone here stat!"
"Sky pirates? We're on our way now!" Nya looked up at Jay "Come on! No time to lose!"
Jay nodded and followed Nya out of the house. Once they got out of the trees, both of them summoned their dragons and took off towards Ninjago City.
"Hey, about earlier," Nya called to Jay from her dragon, "I'm sorry if I've been kind of in a bad mood lately."
"Oh, uh...you don't really need to apologize for anything, Nya." Jay called back.
"I don't know, I feel like maybe I do." Nya rubbed the back of her neck "I've just kind of been under a lot of pressure. I mean, being the newest ninja on the team, trying to catch up in training, how the general public has been reacting to there being a girl ninja..." Nya briefly frowned but quickly shook off whatever was on her mind. "Anyway, it's just been a stressful couple of months. I'm just really glad I've got at least one person in my corner."
"Oh, y-yeah. No problem..." Jay said,
"Seriously Jay, thank you for just listening to me being a friend. You have no idea how much I need that right now." Nya turned to Jay and smiled.
Jay smiled back briefly before turning away. He genuinely wondered if he should take some kind of medication for the awful feeling in his stomach.
During their battle with the Nadakhan’s crew, Cole managed to snag the lantern that contained the map to the hidden Tiger Widow Island, but their victory came at a cost.
Kai was nowhere to be found after the sky pirates retreated.
It didn't take long for the remaining ninja to figure out that Nadakhan had trapped him in his Djinn Blade along with Wu and Misako.
The loss hit the group hard. It wasn't that Wu or Misako's absence was unfelt, but Kai had been by their side minutes ago, and now he was suddenly just...gone.
Something flashed across Nya's face that made Jay's heart ache, but before he could even consider consoling her, a determined rage replaced any vulnerability in her eyes.
Nya was the first one to speak, breaking the group out of their stupor by reminding them it was time for the next step in their plan.
Feeling a bit guilty about Kai, Jay offered up his new house for the group to hide out in and plan their next move.
Cole took Jay aside and confronted him about his sudden acquisition of such an expensive property. Jay knew he wouldn't be able to get away with lying to Cole, so he confessed everything. Cole was not happy to hear any of what Jay told him, but he promised to not say anything to the rest of the group.
So long as no one else got hurt.
The island was too far away for their dragons to fly to, so the team headed down to the docks to charter a ship.
Unfortunately, the sailor manning the docks sensed a mighty storm brewing, and refused to lend them a sea vessel.
Luckily, Jay's late father happened to have a robust (not to mention incredibly shiny) boat at that dock the ninja were free to use.
The storm was as bad as the sailor had predicted. Jay had to be tied to the top of the mast to act as a lightning rod, while Zane went below deck so he wouldn't attract any lightning away from Jay.
It was one of the worst storms any of the ninja had ever seen. Everyone was so caught up in the chaos of making sure the ship didn't crash, that no one noticed the island approaching before it was too late.
"Brace yourselves!" was all Lloyd had time to shout before there was a deafening crunch, and the world went black.
The gentle sound of waves breaking on the sand greeted Jay’s ears as he started to regain consciousness.
When he opened his eyes, he saw the sun beginning to rise, and Lloyd helping Cole stand up. Nya stood nearby, her hand shading her eyes as she scanned the sea.
Behind them was a thick jungle, presumably with the tiger widow lurking somewhere in its depths.
At least they’d made it to the island in one piece, even if the former Cliff Gordon’s boat hadn’t.
Jay blearily stood up and brushed as much sand as he could out of his gi.
"Cole!" he suddenly realized "How on earth did you manage to not get wet in a shipwreck?"
Cole just rubbed his head, not awake enough to form a response.
"Jay! You're up!" relief washed over Lloyd's face "Thank goodness we're all okay."
"Not all of us," Nya frowned, "I can't find Zane anywhere!"
“Zane?" Cole blinked and looked around the beach.
"Oh no!" Nya's hands shot to her mouth in horror "He was below deck during the storm alone! How could we have forgotten? Nadakhan must have-"
"Okay, that's it!" Cole snapped, now very awake and very angry "This has gone too far!"
"Cole," Lloyd said "We're all upset about losing Zane and Kai, but you have to stay calm."
"I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about him!"
Jay’s heart stopped as Cole pointed at him.
"Jay?" Nya asked "What'd Jay do?"
"Ha ha, y-yeah Cole? What'd I do?"
"Don't play dumb." Cole shot Jay a glare before turning back to Nya and Lloyd "Jay already made two wishes with Nadakhan before he visited any of us. He could have warned us, and Kai and Zane might still be here!"
"Wait what?" Nya's eyebrows shot up.
"Wh…” Lloyd scrunched his face in confusion ”Why didn't you tell us earlier Jay?" Lloyd asked.
"Oh, I don't know, it just didn't really seem important, I guess..." Jay didn't make eye contact with anyone.
"He didn't tell anyone because he used his wish to get that fancy house to try and impress Nya!"
Jay’s stomach dropped and the world seemed to stand still.
Nya's eyebrows somehow shot up even higher.
"You..." her voice was unsteady, like someone had knocked the wind out of her "You mean when you disappeared at lunch...after I had made it very clear I wasn't interested in dating you..." the disbelief in Nya's voice steadily morphed into rage "You told me you understood, and then you ran off with an evil djinn and tried to wish for my love!?"
"N-no! Nya, it's not like that! I wasn't trying to...h-he tricked me into-"
"Save it Jay." Nya turned away from him and crossed her arms "I don't want to hear whatever lies you're trying to feed me!"
She marched into the jungle without looking back.
"No, wait! Nya! I'm not-" Jay looked at Lloyd and Cole "C'mon, help me out here guys!"
"Here's some advice," Cole said "Next time, don't keep vital information from the team just to save your own sorry hide."
Cole's shoulder bumped roughly into Jay as he walked past him to follow Nya.
Jay desperately turned to Lloyd, but the hard glare Lloyd was giving him destroyed any hope he had for sympathy.
Lloyd didn't even say anything as he walked past Jay into the trees.
"I just found out my parents aren't my birth parents!" Jay shouted into the trees "If anyone cares!"
There was no response.
Jay groaned and ran after the others.
When they got to the tiger widow's cave, Jay was unanimously voted to go in and retrieve the venom alone. He desperately tried to protest this decision, but no one was budging.
Despite the threat to his life and limb, a part of him was glad to get away from Nya's burning glare.
After much struggle (and screaming), Jay finally managed to procure a canteen of the deadly spider's venom. When he escaped the cave, he found his friends scattered and locked in fierce battle with various members of Nadakhan's crew.
The ninja managed to regroup, but the angry tiger widow had followed Jay, and chased the group across an unstable bridge. The bridge couldn't hold their weight and snapped in two.
The ninja managed to grab onto one half of the bridge and began to climb to safety, but Nadakhan suddenly appeared and took advantage of their compromised position.
He kidnapped Jay, emptied his canteen, and sent the tiger widow tumbling to the treacherous valley below.
"Jay!" Cole yelled as the cackling Nadakhan and his crew retreated into the sky "Oh no, we've lost Jay and the only thing that can stop Nadakhan!"
"Not quite." Nya pulled out a canteen full of-
"The tiger widow venom?" Lloyd's eyes widened "But, how?"
"I switched canteens with Jay before the bridge collapsed." Nya grinned proudly.
"So that means..." Lloys smiled.
"We have the only thing that can stop Nadakhan!" Cole finished enthusiastically.
"And better yet, they don't know we have it." Nya added.
Cole squinted at the sky.
"But there's no way our dragons can fly that far, and our ship was scuttled on entry, so how are we supposed to get off this island?"
"If we managed to escape an asteroid in the desolate void of space, we can get off this island." Lloyd said confidently.
"Lloyd's right. We'll find a way. We always do." Nya tightened her grip on the canteen. "Nadakhan had better watch out, because we're coming for him."
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courtblacksmith · 11 months
oh you know me so well ci
Wes AND Ridder at the same time??
oh and number 15 large and a small fry uh. Here you go
For Wes:
Favorite thing about them?: everything. everything
Least favorite thing?: jokes on you, I don't dislike anything about him. Does he have flaws? Not really, at least for now. His numbness isn't a flaw, I believe. It's a coping mechanism due to trauma, and it never was painted negatively
Favorite line: it has to be.. uh . Oh my. Sorry for this but I adore the composition of this
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But there's a tie between that and most of the lines from the interaction with Ona
brOTP: Wes and Ona. They're best friends. They're everything to me. They have the closure and sweetness but I love how they don't have to be romantic (because Wes is gay) to be so GREAT. And also him and Muschio even if we don't see them interacting that much. They have the parallels
Second close is Wes and Barbakus. I adore their small dynamic I wish to see more of them
OTP: Everyone knows it's Wes/Pendle. It's in my bio, it's what I think about every day. I AM the WesPendle guy
I adore Wes and Pendle. They have so much potential, and are the only thing with Pendle I see actually working (PendleOna is there too don't worry but with the circumstances it's a second priority)
We just have to bargain with the suggestors to make them canon. There's hope, because some of them already expressed an interest with it
I don't see Wes paired with anyone else so with NOTP I'll just set up with him and any gal from the cast. Especially Embraddeus, because they feel like those typical siblings
Headcanons? Oh, I have plenty. You already know about the transmasc and autistic headcanons I have for him, obviously. I need to remember other ones though bear with me
Unpopular opinion: criminally underrated. He's getting more relevant though! I love him for that
Song I associate with them: hmm. well
I don't. Have any. Maybe Dinner is Not Over by Jack Stauber a bit? I'm Gonna Win is shared by him and Muschio
Favorite picture: obvious one it's this one from the grand reveal of him being a gay guy
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Oh and the one where he's beating the shit out of Pendle because the dramatic effect is amazing on that one
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Okay. Moving to Ridder
Favorite thing about them?: also everything. He deserves better
Least favorite thing?: I still don't like how he broke character that one time it still pisses me off Ridder that is NOT you
Favorite line: everything he says during the part where Muschio reveals himself as the actual threat. Good God that was gay
brOTP: him and ashedel would work as a brOTP, when you think about it
OTP: well uhhh
Muschio and Ridder. They're mainly queerplatonic to me but they are so so gay. So so homosexual. the Kiss plagues me every time and it'd be so funny if it was not just a sticks thing
NOTP: speaking of Sticks ... Yeah. I don't like pairing them at all. Ridder deserves so much better and Sticks needs to learn how to act around men
Random headcanon: he's gay to me and he always will be gay to me even if he has a whole arc of denial in canon
Song I associate with them: love like you. That is muschioridder
Favorite picture: it's not the kiss. It's actually. All of the things from his interactions with Muschio I can't pick one how dare you make me pick one
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
I spent a whole day yelling to my mom about Wakey Wakey and what makes it so special in its own way and now you have to suffer: the post
Yes we have a bunch of very important scenes of Wakey Wakey still not leaked and it's kinda silly to make an analysis when we don't even have the full material but I'm a silly guy okay and i do agree and can see what the creators meant when they said that they wanted to keep the show "small" because, yes please!! That really adds to the essence and makes wonders to the tv show, because it makes everything feel… static? I dunno, i think it adds to the whole prison loop house with shit that comes alive and teaches you something badly feel everything has, something Wakey Wakey does lack on. The town doesn't feel small enough and nor does the happy house, added to Red actually leaving the town, making it feel much less "trapped"
But don't you DARE think I'm here to say "pilot bad" and call it a day because i love Wakey Wakey. But in a special way.
I don't know if it's an universal thing, but the feeling wakey wakey gives to me is like when an animated show gets a movie. It has that vibe, and some of the patterns i tend to see with those cases? Same characters we love, but put them in a foreign situation we don't know yet!! New world!!! Give them a musical number about it!!! New characters?! So exciting will we see them again? NO in FACT nothing that happens here will be brought up in canon probably but it's fun so just. Listen to the songs and slightly smoother animation okay
Just overall, the music and atmosphere and the tone def makes me feel like I'm watching a strangely short DHMIS movie but it's interesting enough to make me not realize
And while i do think it's a neat little middle between the yt series and the tv series in term of tone and characters, given that the main guys talk and do more things than the yt series but not as much as the tv series, and they show little tid-bits of personality traits (that we didn't quite see in the yt series) that get exaggerated in the tv show for funny content's sake (more clear example is red guy's. Uh, annoyance? English hard) , i do think it isn't the PERFECT transition for someone to go through, despite being neat in itself. Don't get me wrong, it might be better than the whiplash of watching the yt series and having no clue what just happened, to watch the tv series and still have no clue what's happening but also they fight to death and straight up kill the teachers now, apparently. But i do feel like the tone is pretty different from the two. It feels much more light than the other two, and it doesn't have the pace that the tv show has. If i HAD TO, I'd say it's closer to the tv show, but to me, honestly, it doesn't need to. It's not as dark as the yt series, and it doesn't feel as trapped as the tv series, but it's! Really good!! Because it's like it's own thing and that's honestly based!! The production is as good and impressive as usual, it's really funny, it has an interesting topic at hand, and the songs are so much fun. The songs are specially what give me the cartoon show movie feel, they're not so spot on to children's songs like the yt series, but they have this… silly musical feel to them that i super vibe with, like, the introduction song is unironically really catchy and cute and super "hey guys its the start of the movie everyone in town let's sing", and Mean Steve's song (was that his name? Metal child) is animated in such an interesting way, and yeah, it doesn't rhyme sometimes and it's kinda strange and pretty to the point with his true intentions but that's also what i love, it does catch the essence of the teacher's songs but put it's own musical twist to it, i swear i thought red guy was gonna start rapping his ass off the moment he had that one line in the song that would've been glorious but, his few lines and the awkwardly sung normal speech at the end was enough to satisfy my strange taste heart.
But i did figure a way to put it while having a sandwich which i chocked on upon this realization; it's like the yt series is a kids show that got terribly corrupted and starts """normal""" then goes insane, while Wakey Wakey is more like a kids show/movie that is actually going on adult swim or something so like, everything's fairly normal but it doesn't shy away from grotesque imagery or jokes when given the chance.
(i guess the tv show could be both at the same time- haven't thought about it)
In conclusion, I love Wakey Wakey, it feels like a DHMIS movie but chiller i get why the creators don't like it but still i find a unique charm into it and please i want a full version I'm so greedy /hj
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Small Stories Hour: Darkspace Portent
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↳ "Uh…so actually..."
"No!" Esther yelped, laughing around her mouthful of ice cream and hitting Warren's shoulder with the back of her hand. "Don't you dare."
Warren gingerly placed the next spoonful onto his tongue and made a face, smacking the creamy frozen treat around his palate before ultimately deciding his first instinct had been correct. "Yeah…sorry, you talked a big game but I'm not feeling this." He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and dug around the contents of the cup for a piece of blueberry and gave it one more try, chewing through the odd combination of the tart fruit and the caramel ginger ice cream. "What…the hell kind of health-nut bullshit is this? This isn't dessert, this is fraud."
Esther laughed again and stomped her foot. "Don't! Oh my god, you're never gonna let me live this down, are you?"
Warren grinned at her, casually sweeping his eyes over the shadows cast on her face from the sunset through the trees on the other side of the street. "You swore up and down on this weirdness, calling me all sorts of names for not believing you, so I think this deserves at least a week's worth of retaliation."
Stirring her own melting honey-topped ice cream around in its cup, Esther groaned. "I guess it could be worse."
"It could be, and it just might be. I just hit an almond." Warren made a show of gagging.
"Stop eating it if you hate it so much, then!" She snatched the cup from him. "Who invited you anyway?"
"You did," he said, tossing the spoon in the trash as they passed. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "The words were 'wanna grab some fraudulent ice cream, you fucking child?'"
Esther laughed again. "Well, you're definitely being a child about this."
They stopped at the pier and watched the fishing boats bobbing along with the current down the shore. Esther combined their ice creams and finished them herself, letting out a loud belch after the last bite that echoed across the bay.
"Mm, real humbling, Esther," Warren quipped.
"Wanna go to my place and make out?"
Warren inhaled sharply, observing a particularly large boat that circled the dock, blocking some of the smaller ones from view. "What's the second option?"
Esther shrugged. "I got a cold mouth."
Warren risked glancing at her just as she winked and stuck her tongue out, a wicked smile crossing her pretty features. He chuckled, ignoring the shiver that bolted through him. "Jesus Christ, woman..."
"If you're not up for that, we could watch a movie or binge that new show, uh…what's it called..."
"Back up a second," Warren said. "Were you being serious?"
Esther looked at him, holding her purse under her arm and tilting her head. "…Was I?"
Warren idly stroked his stubble and took in the way her eyes manifested an amber glow when exposed to direct sunlight. A vague and persistent something tugged at the back of his brain as he noted her minimal use of makeup and the small beauty mark under her right eyebrow, but he couldn't focus enough to place the nagging or give it any mind.
The corners of his mouth turned up. "Were you?"
"I mean, I'm cute, you're cute…I think we should be cute together."
"That's pretty damn bold of you, girl."
"Got somewhere to be?"
Warren cleared his throat and surveyed the area for nosy passers-by. "…You know what? I don't. I'll meet you at your place in twenty."
The sun had long gone by the time they sat in Esther's bed in their underwear after an awkward but fun time getting to know each other that much better, bowls of vanilla ice cream in their possession. The second episode of the latest popular show started on her laptop, perched precariously on Warren's knee. He accidentally dropped a bit of the cold chocolate syrup on his chest.
"You're right," Esther sighed. "Nothing beats the old-fashioned stuff."
"Never doubt me again, Washington. I know what's good."
"Yeah you do."
Warren snorted and shoved her with his elbow. When they finally cleared out the bowls, he wrapped an arm around her and she snuggled against him, settling down to binge the next five episodes of the show before they agreed to talk about what transpired at a later time and fell asleep in each others' arms.
Though, it took Warren a good hour to actually get to sleep at all.
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furrbbyx · 2 years
I’m missing spoopy season
So here’s a throwback to the writing prompt: Dare. A young group of friends ends up daring one member too far.
SFW violence and gore. Mention of being eaten alive. Talk about cannabis use.
About 2k words
Isn't this how every horror movie starts? I think to myself before pushing my heavy deadlocks back from my sweating face.
I'm pretty sure there's an unspoken rule among Black people that we don't do stupid dares that end us up in the cemetery at night!
Yet here I was huffing in the suddenly cool and misty air. I was trying not to let the frantic beat of my heart and the sweat sticking my shirt to my back distract me from the object of my dare.
It was hard though.
Just 30 minutes before I had been out with my unruly group of friends sitting on some fallen over logs around a very illegal fire in the woods behind Timnit Jackson's house. Jacelyn, Avery and 'Quan were there too. After our first year in college we'd come back home fore the summer and met up at our usual haunts. For weeks we'd been stalking through the town lamenting the boredom and how we'd outgrown our little town.
So tonight we'd been reckless. Avery had stolen some alcoholic seltzers from the corner store and I had brought a little cannabis. We rolled, smoked, drank, and complained. And then the dares started.
At first it was little things like guzzling the seltzers. That had been a terrible idea but at least we'd all laughed as a gush of fizzy vomit spilled out of Timnit and tears streamed down their eyes as they coughed.
Then the boys had gotten into a contest of strength and athleticism that had me Jacelyn and Timnit hyping them up way too much. They'd actually gotten into a fight over pushups!
After they'd calmed down and we'd all grabbed another drink Jacelyn looked to me.
"I know you got more tree right Chioma?"
I scoffed. "Nah. I only swiped a little before Mike got home. I don't want no smoke. I said holding my hands up to my chest"
"Yeah but we do" Avery laughed.
"Well then you go get it" I sneered
"Fuck it." 'Quan burped then tossed his empty into the fire pit. "We got drinks at least. And I'm high as hell anyway. That's the only reason I lost the push-up dare." He slurred and sent a belligerent look toward Avery.
We all hollered
"Stop the cap, man"
"Aint no way"
"What?!" he stamped a foot. He ripped up the sleeve of his shirt to show us his thickly muscled arm. "You try me when I'm sober man, you know you ain't got nothin on me" 'Quan slapped his arm for emphasis.
"Whatever Bruh. Sit down with all that!" said Avery.
Timnit rose to their feet taking off their soaked shirt to hang it on a stick jammed into in the ground next to the fire. 'Quan watched them and weaved a bit on his feet.
"Uh here" He untied the flannel around his waist and handed it to Timnit.
Jacelyn and I exchanged looks as Timnit pulled the shirt on over their modest chest binding.
Both of them sat back down and 'Quan watched them roll the sleeves up their slender arms
"Thanks man" Timnit said with a half smile.
"it's cool" "Quan said unable to look away. 'Quan was a really sweet person. The type that always did nice things, and acted like people mattered even if he'd just met them. He was sensitive and empathetic even if he could be bullish and swaggered too much. I blamed his parents who were firm but also worshiped the ground he walked on because he was their only child. He looked like a total dick in a backwards cap college tshirt and jeans with fucking flip flops like a white person, though.
Jacelyn's clear voice rung out in the night
"Well who's gonna dare me? Or are we over this baby game"
With the attention on her the awkward crushy-ness of the night dissipated.
"Girl, this aint no baby game" Timnit said. "You just mad we can't smoke more. So I dare you to go get some more from Mike!"
"Aww no way!" Jacelyn booed. "Mike is an asshole. How that junior even get the tree anyway Chioma? He pushin' now?"
I shrugged "I don't ask him nuthin, that's his business. I just take a little off the top now and then. Sister tax." I giggled.
"Well that's the dare." Timnit said smugly. "Don't be a baby"
"I'm not!" Jacelyn whined "Their house is like two blocks away. What? You want me to walk there and come back"
We all murmured and shrugged. It was kind of a bad dare
"sounds like sumthin a baby would say" Timnit dug in. I admired their boldness and guessed maybe they wanted to smoke a bit more too. Or maybe they were just a bit insulted because the game had been their idea.
We were all drunk and hyped enough to do just about anything that night. Anything to make the mundane suburbs feel like the intense days and nights at our universities. The constant stimulus had us feeling some type of way about the place we'd grown up.
We made a plan to go with Jacelyn as she raided my house for Mike's stash. Honestly I don't know why I was going to watch my friend do this dare, it was my house so I probably should have volunteered.
We kicked dirt over the fire until a few embers remained, each of us grabbed another seltzer out of the box before Avery yeeted it into the woods behind us as we left.
'Quan was carrying Timnit's dirty shirt. Jacelyn and I giggled and sent meaningful looks to 'Quan who dragged a hand across his neck in warning. That boy had it bad and Timnit was in their own world.
I wondered if 'Quan was going to make a move as we walked out of the woods and into the sidewalk. We were way too loud for midnight in the suburbs but thankfully in this mostly Black neighborhood no one was going to call the cops on a bunch or rowdy neighborhood kids.
I looked back at him following Tinmit like a puppy and thought he was probably way too shy despite the drinks and herb.
Jacelyn was on her phone no doubt trying to keep up with her socials. She snapped a few pics and videos then moved on to scrolling instagram stories which blared out harsh noises. She laughed and leaned over to share one with Avery. Jacelyn and Avery were the tallest in the group. Jacelyn always knew the trends and dressed like it. She had a bone straight sew-in with dramatic baby hairs and definitely could fit in with the mean girls, but she was also very addicted to gaming.
As was Avery. He played sports on and off their field. He'd actually gotten a scholarship that way and now played soccer almost as seriously as a major league athlete. His tall frame didn't seem powerful until you watched his explosive power during a game. Usually though he was just another brownish face dressed like all the other kids in a plain tee, joggers, vans and a gold necklace.
Tinmit and I were the weird ones in the group. We'd been very close in high  school, writing terrible fanfiction about our favorite KPOP stans or marvel characters, reading too much fanfiction and dressing in each other's thrifted clothes. But of course things changed. Timnit applied to a different school entirely. It had broken our friendship a little bit. I think it was harder for them to imagine going to a regular university after they came out. I hadn't been able to really see past my feelings of betrayal. But I was glad we were still hanging out, and I think they were relieved that I wasn't still furiously angry. I was actually happy because they seemed to have really blossomed in the year at her liberal university. The sported the cutest mustache and dressed like a total art hoe in baggy cargo pants belted with a crocheted length of yarn.
Then there was me in all black. The goth of the group. Every group needs one.
We kept walking and laughing loudly until someone stopped and we all looked around. Across the street was the town cemetery. The huge iron gate usually stood closed at this time of night but they were wide open with pale mist shimmering and floating over the graves and the dark shadowed mausoleum on a hill.
"Eyyy" Jacelyn crooned. "I think I have the perfect dare for Chioma"
I barked a laugh "No way"
"Whaaat" she whined "I haven't even said what it is. I was just gonna say you should go up there in that mausoleum."
"NO way" I said again and started walking.
"Her scary ass ought to go up there." Avery chimed in "That's where your people are." He wiggled his fingers trying to be spooky.
I wasn't amused.
"I mean, they right. You can't be afraid of ghosts right? Since you always dress like you're going to a funeral"
"Fuck you!" I spat at 'Quan and stomped across the street in my huge black platfom boots.
I wasn't really afraid...well I mean I probably didn't need to be afraid right? Whoever was in that big limestone building was probably long dead and all I would find would be darkness and quiet and maybe some old flowers. And the sooner I finished this stupid dare the sooner we'd watch Jacelyn try to steal some herb off of my little brother.
But after I stepped through the open gate the summer air started to cool down and the mist seemed to thicken around my feet. I glanced back at my friends to flip them off before marching up the hill past other graves.
Was it getting a little darker too? I started to sweat but it was just because the hill was so steep and I was drunk, I told myself.
There were no lights in the cemetery and truly it got darker and seemed more claustrophobic the further away from the road I got. I caught the whiff of something burning as I raised my head. to look at the monument to death. A candle? Maybe I actually wouldn't find a dark room, maybe I'd stumble onto some dark ritual I thought with a bit of bravado that was belied by the goose flesh that suddenly rand down my arms and stomach.
As I walked closer I definitely felt that something wasn't right. But I was close. I just had to walk inside and my friends would be satisfied. And if I saw some satanists sacrificing an animal and writing runes in blood I could turn tail and run!
I could smell melted candle wax now as I slowly approached the door. I didn't want to hear the jeers from my friends so I didn't look back down the hill. I crept the to doorway. rubbing my cold arms. It was so dark inside it took a second for my eyes to adjust from the moonlight. The small room looked normal until I was finally able to make out the huge stone coffin pushed to the back.
As if something had pushed it. Because there were gouges in the floor just outside of the moonlight leaking in, and the top of the coffin was angled off  laying partially on the ground I saw remnants of a candle with wax and burn marks and then over the sound of my beating heart I heard a gurgle.
A fleshy riiiip.
A loud popping snap.
To my left in the shadows immediately inside the door lay a body in a shimmering black puddle of blood. It was only a puddle because nearly all of the blood was splashed on the wall beside it.
"What the fuck!?" I hissed
Teal green, glowing eyes snapped up to me out of the darkness. A hunched figure over the bloodied maimed body only a foot away.
I turn to run with a gasp and inescapably strong claws grasped my ankle bringing me to the ground before I could even run two steps. I screamed and clutched the door frame while kicking out at the creature's head. It yanked me viciously into the dark mausoleum braking nails and dislodging and arm from its socket.
I screamed again! Someone was coming right?! My friends wouldn't leave me to die!?
I cried and tried to fight the thing off as it struck at my arms and face with it's claws
"NO!" My flesh was torn by its claws becoming useless as bright bone glistened through on nasty gash. I still struggled until I caught the sight of its face in the dim light.
Sunken ashy skin stretched tightly over a the bones of its head showing the nose holes where the nose had fallen away and gnashing grotesque lip-less mouth. The eyes only cold light in the empty sockets of the face. I tried to breath to scream again in the same moment the creature reached down and ripped open my belly.
I nearly passed out at the pain and the feeling of its hand digging through my organs. I watched gasping mutely as it stuffed a length of my intestine into its maw already stained with ichor from the first body.
My head lolled to the side and my eyes rolled back.
This was a nightmare right?
My body jerked as it eviscerated another organ. I was slipping away quickly but I tried to open my mouth and call out for help. The gurgling sound of voice, like the gurgle I had heard early only alerted the beast  and it scrambled up my body. Took hold of my neck in its teeth and ripped out my throat meat.
As my vision faded I watched the horrible ghoul chewing and swallowing messily before it went after the skin on my cheeks and carved out an eyeball.
I twitched as my brain and body tried to fulfill the last commands of my panic, still tried to runaway from the my fate.
What a stupid dare.
NOTES on this prompt:
I pushed myself to write a lot more than usual and I think it was a good exercise even though I don't usually write horror or gore. So I hope it reads in a very creepy scary way.
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Pirate au part seven segment 3
PLEASE READ before you read
White is not nice that’s not said in a joking way, warning there may be some things you might consider gross that you learn Thaddeus likes to do. So unless you really don’t mind horror or gore even in mention ...I mean it’s probably not that bad but I am gonna panic and at least I have warned you...but uh...if you don’t mind repo the genetic opera you should be fine lol heh heh yeah anyway last part of this segment for now. you have had your warning.
Okay  also so there’s a few suggestive and you sure as hell know what’s happening moments in this one it’s nothing particularly graphic but still hence the reason  it’s mostly under read more and , White hat and Slug finally make an appearance. their names are Thaddeus and Edward.
Now we reach the third part of this seventh segment, if you’re reading this and new to my blog know that I post anything story like at a painfully slow rate, but you are always free to ask questions, old and new followers, just be aware that headcannons and ideas can change at a drop of a hat lol, I’ve mentioned before I’m not the best at continuity and just kinda go with whatever I’m inspired to write at the time. Love to you all <3 
 He knew he shouldn’t, that Acylius would most likely not want him anywhere near him, but Amadeus knew he was the only being alive besides him who suffered at the hands of Thaddeus’s cruelty, who did not revel in it like Edward did. Phasing through the glass he transformed into a mercreature himself, he had two , one was that had a fish tail the other long winding tentacles, dark and shimmering, only glinting with flecks of red in the brilliant light of the sun, here though in this moment he chose his fish tail…he’d hoped throughout his life he’d figure out how to breathe as freely as those who did live beneath the surface, but even Elderichts have something’s they cannot achieve, he could breathe a while but the time was always so limited, at least the surface was close so he didn’t need to panic .
His tail was of a brilliant blood red, marked with black, fins at the front, deep grey, deep grey almost black in the front line center. 
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 Hat explained gently, his voice was soft in this moment, he did not want to aggravate him or put him further on edge, he watched as Acylius’s ear fins twitched, while he was not looking at him, it was clear he was at least being listened to, that was reassuring. 
“There were other siblings but he killed them…Emory left before Thaddeus could and I was born later, I have my reasons as to why I managed to stay alive, to why I fought to…but my story is unimportant in this moment…” 
Black Hat moved in closer, his shoulders relaxing as Acylius made no motion to move but stayed in his sand nest he’d made himself to feel comforted, Mew Mew Loaf stayed in the corner, but something told Hat if he so much as considered hurting her friend she’d bite his face off. 
  “He hates us….because he’s jealous….because in our kind the richer the colours, the more status, the more power he had, children in our world are never really children, we are not born to be loved but to survive, I and one other brother survived White…”
“The lighter of our kind are seen as ugly and unwanted, he wouldn’t believe me now even if I told him that things are beginning to change, but despite that, even if he did, I know he enjoys being a monster far too much, I don’t expect you to forgive me but I truly am sorry.”
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That tone, did he have to say it like that, in such a predatory manner, eyes so fixed on him that if he so much as flinched Acylius would see it and he was coming in closer, he could easily escape but a part of him wanted to surrender just a little, to see where this was going, if it was of ill intent he could easily escape.
 There was a shift between them and Amadeus noticed that Acylius’s demeanour had grown eerily calm as he moved in closer. “I know you are sorry, and Eldericht pleading forgiveness is practically unheard of…but it does not undo the past, it is the future that needs to be tended to, fixed, altered, and rectified…”
Hat started to move back, his presence seemed to sooth him now as if it stroked the aura that he was constructed from, purring like a dark serpent winding around him, the sensation slithering “Your species have always been so peculiar, those in the beginning unable to see the beauty in the light of pearls and splendor while the darkness moves dying in the shadows cold and alone and look where it has gotten them, in every living species there will always be a shallow nature.”  
Pressing the tip of his claw under Amadeus’s chin, it was sharp enough for a small tendril of blood to make its way out, curling and winding as smoke does, Acylius’s lips parted slightly as it slipped passed them his nostrils flared, the colours on his scales rippling as a wave does across the shore, his eyes closed and a bite of his lip. Hat’s heart was racing, so that’s why Thaddeus so desperately wanted him back, he was right this was a Legion demon, one of the very few beings who could match their power if not surpass it if well fed.
 “In this world, this dimension at the very least I am older than you, but I have met others older than myself in past lives, I have hidden behind my fear, made weak because  I dared to be of noble heart, or as one might call a Hero but I have been neither that nor villain…” He traced lone long claw along Amadeus’s jaw and over his bottom lip
 Thaddeus had been trying to break it’s will so it would tremble and bow before him and if he had succeeded in that…White would have been unstoppable.
Amadeus let out a soft whine, he felt so pathetic, but he’d been aching just to have him this close, and they were close, he could feel the warmth radiating from the demon in front of him and noted the slight twitch at the corner of Acylius’s scarred lips, where old needle marks had been made to sew his mouth shut to make it smaller. “If you devoured me…how strong would…”
 Acylius clasped  his face with one hand making Amadeus purr, his chest vibrating, the grasp was tight enough to have his lips pucker, even this small sign of dominance was doing things to him. “The Ocean itself Amadeus would be a mere puddle.” 
 Fuck, fuck, fuck he felt like prey, a part of him wanted to be devoured, to feel his fangs, his lips upon him, hands clawing down him and to be desired as such, so desperate and hungered for, oh he could relate to the satisfaction of eating a meal like that and after years of abuse at the hands of White…he would offer himself if only to stop Thaddeus. 
“I denied my powers and what fed them, ignored the need of devouring the flesh and soul of another, to consume something that could make me…whole.” 
“Not all Legion s walk on land nor grace the skies, I have no intention of eating you though, I have grown to enjoy your company, but it is a sad thought that constantly haunts me that with just a few men, their lives forfeit to me, could have saved us but things need to end and some worlds are only short lived, fate has its design even if we do not agree with it.”
“Demencia and 505 are off limits every-“ 
“No not them or you…you say Thaddeus has chosen tomorrow, it’s the one day I will have legs, that I am forced to, he has planned it out carefully, I will not be as agile and I will be on deck with you, standing by your side in the day that was made and exists once in the span of four years, the others on this vessel will do just fine.” 
His voice was husky, fingers loosening their grip on Black Hats face, claws now trailing down over his chest, down, down over his tail to rest on his hips
Acylius leaned in , their lips only inches away and Amadeus was watching the beauty of those blue eyes as they swirled in colour between thought and emotion.
“You did not think I had lost the power I gained when you fed me that kill you so willingly offered me…why you practically asked to court me with that meal, how cute.”
 Hat glanced at Mew Mew Loaf the little cat gold fish who feigned innocence after all it was her who’d suggested Hat give him that to eat, he let out a sound of surprise when he felt Acylius tap a claw on his chest and felt his body change back to his bipedal one, did he just really force him to change back !? 
The blood in his body rushed south, he wanted to be pinned by him, to be taken and feel it, that age old hunger that existed even within the oldest of beasts. 
 “Acylius are you sure-“ 
“Well if you’re not in the mood, you’re always free to walk out.” The door to the captains quarters locked so suddenly and with such force that the lock nearly exploded. 
“Hmm I’ll take that as a yes Captain.”
 He purred chuckling softly , tenderly placing kissing along his jaw, teasing his fangs long and sharp over his throat as hands explored him, seeking out every line and inch of him, mapping out his body and adventurer eager to search out the beautiful terrain before him, he’d sensed the moment of Amadeus’s arousal and with how eagerly he reciprocated , between passionate kisses and sweet moans he found himself sinking into something wonderful…something dangerous…and beautiful all at once…
“Hmm I do so much prefer you with legs, yours are so pretty.”
He dare not utter the word though, not the word love into the world where it could crumble and turn to ash , the thing he’d felt when he’d been small and he’d saved Amadeus all those years ago…he just wondered if his pirate king and guessed yet who he was or would ever realise it.
 Mew Mew Loaf was in the corner blushing brightly and buried herself under the sand, she would just let them get on with that, though she might have peeked once or twice giggling, she did find it odd though how the captains hat never came off, oh my there they were going at it again, water splashing over the side of the tank and Hat was far from quiet.
 Yep she was going to her sand nest again, but oh my god finally, Acylius had been pining for weeks, at least he might be a little happier now, he deserved it. 
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@villainousqueenofhel​ gave me permission to use her art work <3
White Hat with his Glamour on to his his real face and Edward Slug (design for him may change later never know)
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Down below the Ocean’s surface Thaddeus glided through the undiscovered waters of the world with Edward gracing his side, sunbeams breaking through glistening over White’s tail of pearl and sky blue scales with gold translucent fins veil like and swaying with each movement. 
“Sir, do you think the others are starting to suspect something?” 
( I don’t have a voice chosen yet for Edward, so if you have any suggestions I’d love to check them out <3) 
“And what exactly do you think they are starting to expect Slug?” 
(If you wanna know how I hear Thaddeus’s voice, look up V for Vendetta Hugo Weaving) 
“Well people have started to go missing since Acylius disappeared.” 
Edward returned plainly. 
“If they ask my dear sweet Eddie, blame it on their fallen king who oh so willingly greeted me into his kingdom like some naive little child.” 
White smirked, voice sweet but cruel, there was no kindness there.
 Thaddeus had decided he’d journeyed for long enough and wished to rest, they’d reached a clearing of rocks surrounded by lush green plants that danced invitingly, sitting himself down motioned with elegant hands for Slug to sit by his side. 
“Tell me Eddie how beautiful you think I am, you’re the only one I believe amongst those social climbers.”
 He purred claws gently stroking over Edwards chest only to bury them into his flesh as he allowed his glamour to fall away, his perfect face with soft lips disappearing as it was replaced with a maw of fangs that were forever exposed, protruding from his skull, unable to smile or express such little things, only his golden eyes giving away any sign of emotion.
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 However Thaddeus cared little for sentiments, he wanted to look soft, to be beautiful and he hated people most of all with all their plump little faces and pouting lips, those fools who would call themselves ugly had no idea that such an ancient beast could envy their flesh, all these beings he was constantly surrounded by with elegant lips he would tear from their faces in the darkest of nights until Edward had come to so lovingly cut them, perfect precision, in the privacy of his room he’d wear them and pretend until they’d rotted away that they were his. 
He pulled Edward forward, oh he could never tear apart his most devout follower, no…he’d thought about it a million times, just killing him like all the others, but Edward’s words were far too genuine and stroked his ego almost as well as those lips of his could suck his cock.
 Hearing his gasp as fingers curled around his throat, squeezing just enough to aggravate the gills on his neck, the ones on Edwards cheeks trying to draw in oxygen, you could see it in Thaddeus’s eyes that he was smiling at the slight sign of struggle, oh he wouldn’t kill him, he was far too fun to dispense of…though if he could get Acylius to be his broken little pet… It wasn’t that he loved Flug, far from it, no what he loved was the idea of having such a powerful being beg and whine, calling him master as it crawled  and allowed itself to be used as he desired. 
“Come now dear Edward, look into these eyes and tell me I am more beauteous than the heavens themselves, these accursed sea water does so dull me without the blood of rich coloured scales to feed on, lie to me.”
 White listened a moment before sighing, rolling his eyes and making a disgruntled sound
 His madness was beginning to show with each word, slamming Slug down onto the rocks under him, his voice slipping into to demonic tones, head tilting, purring contentedly as he felt Edward stroke along his cheek and smile up at him in that tenderly obsessed smile of his.
“You’re more beautiful than the seven Oceans and heavens above my dear, if I were a rich in scales and colour I would offer you my blood, all I can do instead is offer my love.”
 “Yes which is useless but the sentiment is appreciated all the same I suppose.” 
Letting go of him, he rested by his side propping his head up with a hand and looking over him, watching as Eddie touched along his throat, clearly worshiping the touch he’d been given.
 “Why don’t you put that love sick expression somewhere far more useful, use those pretty lips Edward, remind me why I let you keep them hmm.”
 He crooned. 
Tracing a claw along his jaw line, chuckling knowing that Edward would be more than happy to oblige, Slug had been obsessed with him the moment they’d met so why not use him as he saw fit.Tonight they would stay here and then tomorrow he would reclaim that pathetic excuse of a Legion demon.
 End of part seven
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
You dont have to do this, but you have teased a game of truth and dare for a while and i would really like to read it. You can make a lot of things very funny and a bit of laughs would be great before the next mental breakdown! Not that i mind the breakdown and the creeping sense of dread that has been slowly taking over boatem
"Alright," Grian says. "If we're doing this - and unfortunately I think we've finally reached the point we're doing this - we need to set rules. We may be playing Truth or Dare like schoolchildren, but we aren't animals."
There's a long, very loud pause as everyone takes that in.
"Technically," Pearl starts.
"We aren't animals," Grian says very definitively.
"I mean, he is right," Mumbo says. "If we're being technical, I'm pretty sure that whatever we are probably isn't an animal, in the strictest sense of that word. So he is right. Probably."
The five members of Boatem float through the void, or are one with the void. Eh, details. There's Truth or Dare to be played! Scar watches them argue, fascinated. He looks over at Grian and then looks back to Mumbo and Pearl. "You know, I'm beginning to get the sense I know why we have never managed to get to the part where we actually play yet," he says. "And like, guys, it's definitely been weeks, at least. Or months."
"Possibly years," Grian says.
"If it's been more than a year, I think I'm legally allowed to kill all of you the moment that won't make me start crying," Mumbo says.
"Oh god, we're doomed. Killing things makes him laugh, not cry," Pearl says.
"RULES," Grian says, somehow managing to emphasize the word as though it has three syllables instead of one. "How is it that I keep on being the voice of reason? The only reason I was agreeing to play this is because I want to make Scar do something really stupid!"
"Would you pick truth?"
"No, that's the coward option, but -"
"My point stands."
Scar huffs, but doesn't argue.
"Alright then! Rules!" repeats Grian. "They're simple! If you can't do a dare, you can take the truth, or vis versa, but then you have to do whatever you're given. After your turn, you give whoever you want the next truth and/or dare, but you can't just retaliate against whoever made you do something, that's boring. If you lie, Mumbo gets to kill you, and if you chicken out, Mumbo also gets to kill you. Any questions?"
"Yeah. How do we lose?" Impulse asks.
"That's the neat part: the game never ends," Grian says.
"Oh, fun," Impulse says.
"I like this idea," Mumbo says darkly.
"Er, not that I don't want to play infinite truth or dare, that does sound delightful," Pearl says, "but what if, uh, after you've done at least three rounds yourself, you can choose to end the game instead of asking another question?"
Scar feels such relief as he shakily nods. Yes. Good rule. Pearl is his new favorite. Pearl is definitely his new favorite.
"Fine," Grian says, pouting. "But that means we can't target someone! They'll just end the game!"
"It's a good rule we're keeping it alright how do we decide who goes first?" Scar says, very quickly, determined to prevent Grian from talking anyone out of changing that rule before he could presumably make Scar's life hell. Why him, huh? Mumbo's right there! Mumbo's even got a funnier name, and reacts all silly to pranks! He's like, just as fun to mess with as Scar is!
Honestly, Grian, bullying behavior.
"I'll go first!" Impulse says cheerfully.
"Why do you get to go first?" Mumbo asks suspiciously.
"I mean, were you going to dare me?"
"Was anyone else?"
"You honestly just feel like a bad first -"
"There we go!" Impulse says, smiling. "Any objections?"
It seems, for a moment, that Grian may try to object. However, it seems that even Grian finally wants to actually play. Technically, this isn't the first time they've had this rules conversation. It isn't even the second. Heck, it isn't even the third. It's, uh, more like the fifth? The first time they'd tried to play truth or dare was way back before they even realized anything was more wrong than the apocalypse, in fact! Man. Those had been wild times. They'd just normally descended into in-fighting before this point, or descended into pointless arguments about what a "valid dare" would be, given that none of them could easily do anything back then. But now all of them can move! So...
"Alright then. Scar. Truth or dare?"
"Oh come on!" Scar says loudly.
"Well?" Impulse says. "This is one more round Grian can't get you, you know."
"Fine. Dare."
"Lick Grian," Impulse says promptly.
Everyone stares for a moment. Pearl is the first one to speak. "Is that... the best you can...?"
"I mean, yeah," Impulse says. "What did you think I was going to say? We're in the void, I can't do half of my fun ideas! Unless you want me to dare him to lick Pancake instead?"
"That's worse, that's worse, just come lick me," Grian says.
Scar stares at Grian, shrugs, approaches him, and licks his face in a long stripe. It tastes like face. Actually, like weird face. Like the platonic ideal of a face, more than a real face. Not that Scar's licked that many faces, that's not a thing he goes around doing, he licks diamonds! Not faces! Those are different, and man, is he glad he's not talking out loud right now.
Grian rubs furiously at where Scar licked him. "You know, technically you didn't lick me."
"I know! So you don't have to worry about it," Scar says, as Grian continues to furiously wipe his face.
"Ugh," Grian says.
"Anyway! Truth or dare, Grian!"
"Oh, come on, now I can't go for you!"
"It's your rules."
Scar blinks several times. He looks at Grian sideways. "Who are you and what have you done with Grian?"
"You're going to dare me something really stupid so I'm choosing truth to head it off at the pass," Grian explains.
"Still. Anyway. Uhhhh. What kind of bird are you?"
"Don't know. Scar, I've told you I don't know. Also, wait, if we were being technical earlier, am I even a bird anymore?" Grian clearly stops to think about it. His wings flutter uselessly behind him, as though some subconscious thought in Grian requires he move them whenever he's thinking about them. This, of course, had been Scar's real goal. Grian literally always does that when talking about his wings. Scar's just got to get him talking a little more.... "I mean, I still think of myself as a bird. Or, a bird-person, at least."
"A birson," Scar says. 'Yes, we're aware."
"I... a... yeah, okay, sure. But, like, we've established our current general non-person-ness." Grian flutters his wings a little more. Mumbo hasn't noticed yet. Just a little more. "So, you know, my wings here, they're probably just -"
He stretches his wings. They smack Mumbo in the face.
"GRIAN!" Mumbo says.
"...SCAR," Grian says in turn.
"I didn't do anything," Scar says, lying entirely, as Grian, now flustered, tries to get his wings back in control. It really is fascinating, Scar thinks - technically, he knows, if they all squint, Grian doesn't have wings! Or, he has wings? Or, uh, he has the void-y perception of wings? The point is that, technically, Grian isn't Grian-shaped anymore. And yet, even his most annoying instincts are still all right there, ripe for Scar to use against him! It's hilarious!
Grian, meanwhile, is clearly fed up. "Fine then. Mumbo. Truth or Dare, if you're so annoyed!"
"Why, I think I'll take dare!"
"I dare you to shut up about my wings!"
"That's stupid. Why are we only coming up with stupid dares?"
"Well? Are you gonna?"
"I'd rather lick them."
"No one else is licking me!"
The two of them begin to argue about the dare. Scar turns to Impulse. "Hey, Impulse, do you think that counts as Mumbo refusing the dare? You know, if Mumbo cheats, does that mean Mumbo has to kill Mumbo? Since Grian said Mumbo's doing the killing in our rules."
"I really don't know," Impulse says, as Grian very purposefully smacks Mumbo with another wing as Mumbo lunges at him. "I think Mumbo's doing his best to kill Grian, though."
"Maybe we should stop him," says Pearl, sounding entirely disinterested.
"Nah, they'll get over it," Impulse advises. "They haven't actually killed each other yet."
"No, I mean, so we can keep playing. I don't care if Mumbo manages to succeed in, uh. Pulling enough feathers to never complain again? It was unclear. But I want to keep playing, I haven't had a turn yet! We'd barely gotten going!"
"Ohhh. Yeah, you have a point," Scar says. "Empty threats, or even completely full threats, are totally fine. So are fights. But we've barely gotten anywhere in this game yet, have we?"
Grian is now saying something incomprehensible about Mumbo and legs. Scar has no idea what they're talking about, but Mumbo seems deathly offended. Scar is briefly touched by the age of Mumbo and Grian's friendship. They clearly don't only have inside jokes by now, but inside insults. Only the absolute closest of friends can collect things like that.
"It really was a lame dare to end on," Scar says. "And a super lame dare to be fighting about. Those two are horribly irresponsible, really. Uh. Who's going to break them up?"
"Not it," Impulse and Pearl say simultaneously.
"Dangit! I should have said not it," Scar says. He turns to Grian and Mumbo, who have taken advantage of their full range of movement to -
- to -
Scar. Scar isn't sure what they're doing. This isn't just because Grian and Mumbo fights are incomprehensible. It's because they're - so, okay. Scar knows where they are. Scar knows, in general, the outline of their shapes, the way the vague impression of great, terrible, black wings must be Grian, and the way the thing seemingly coiled out of vines, or perhaps wires, must be Mumbo, except they also aren't there? It's like with them arguing like this, whatever perception filter they had on simply had decided to stop working, and had left them...
Scar thinks the horrors from beyond must get in a lot of fights, is all he's saying.
It's not that he doesn't know, intellectually, that they're all like that. It's more that this is the first time in a while that, instead of joking about it, or accidentally looking at it for themselves, Grian and Mumbo seem to have just. Well. Scar presumes they don't know, that they've given up pretending mortality. It's the sort of thing that both of them had been panicking about earlier. And Scar presumes they don't know, because it's terrifying, skirting on that edge where he has to actually think about the fact that they're all -
- that -
- what do you call an absence of space -
- the void had always felt like a thing that dissolved -
- focus. He shudders. Okay. Have Pearl and Impulse noticed? Probably? Impulse was... and Pearl had been the first to mostly... okay. Okay! He can do this. He just -
- he's -
- he's not a thing that's alive. Okay. Cool. Or, is it that the void is a thing that's alive, but he's only a piece of it? Or. No. Doesn't matter. How is he going to break them up? How? Grian and Mumbo, when they play-fight like this (and it is, for all of its current viciousness, still play-fighting), are the worst to try to get between, because neither of them have moderation. Scar knows! He got his beautiful custom tree blown up for his troubles, because Grian and Mumbo don't know moderation! And that had been silly early-game things, back when the season was bright and normal and they weren't all, you know, well.
"Scar," Impulse says, behind the distant roaring in Scar's ears. "Scar, are you - oh. Oh."
Luckily, Scar doesn't know moderation either.
BOYS, BOYS, YOU'RE BOTH BEAUTIFUL HORRIFIC ABOMINATIONS FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL! THERE'S NO NEED TO FIGHT ABOUT IT, he says, and for the first time it registers that he does not hear his voice but he hears his voice but his voice is simply present. He supposes it makes sense. There is no air for their voices to travel in. But now, now it is obvious, because Scar does not move his lips, and does not shout, and yet his voice sticks to the forefront of the world, heard in perfect clarity, not heard, no clarity, just known.
They turn not turn they are looking at him, Scar knows suddenly, and he would feel hunted, but suddenly he knows he is nothing-void-predator as well, and isn't that... interesting. For a moment - just one - Scar stops bothering with pretense and lets himself feel that, and...
He knows the others are afraid, perhaps. In that moment, Scar decides he is not. He is still afraid of many things. Of never going home. Of finding no one there. Of the fact this is all his fault. But of this? This is... something else.
He is being looked at. He is being perceived by emptiness. But Scar's used to being the center of attention, so he simply perceives them right back. He can feel the moment Grian realizes what's happening, and he can feel the dread in Mumbo, and, hm. That's not quite what he was going for. But it did break them up, and that was the goal.
"Scar," says Grian, and, huh. Okay, Scar's the only one who has the voice thing down. Well, now he just feels rude. "Scar, given - is now the time to be worried about -"
ABSOLUTELY, Scar says.
Mumbo laughs, a little high and hysterical, and its halfway to being the thing Scar has done with his voice. Scar shakes it off.
"Besides," Scar says, "I think you're scaring yourselves? And that wasn't even the dare! I mean, this isn't talking about Grian's wings, I guess, but -"
"Okay," says Grian, and he's managed to go back to pretending to be Grian again, or thinking of himself as Grian, or however that works. "Cool. That was weird. I hate that. It's your turn, Mumbo."
"Right," says Mumbo, who has gone back to being Mumbo shaped. Scar sits back, pleased with himself. "In that case. Scar."
"What!" Scar says. "After that!"
"Come on," Pearl says, "Impulse and I haven't gone yet!"
"Told you that I could go first," Impulse says cheerfully. "I give it even odds the game ends before I get to go, because everyone here knows I have no shame."
"I won't allow that," Pearl says.
"...was that a threat?" Impulse asks.
"Absolutely," Pearl says.
"...huh," Impulse says. "Neat."
"I'm still going for Scar," Mumbo says. "Truth or dare."
"I regret being the reason this game continued," Scar complains. "You all are playing to gang up on me!"
"Yeah. Gang up on me instead," Pearl says.
"I wonder about everyone's priorities," Grian says, and Scar agrees, even though he gets the sense they are talking about two very different kinds of priorities.
The game continues.
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minniepetals · 2 years
"not to alarm you but, uh... i'm kind of bleeding..." + superhero/supervillain!au, please <3
"Hey little heroes, do you think you could let us off easily today?"
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Taehyung looks back at you with an expression of disbelief the moment you utter those words.
You give him an apprehensive smile, chuckling awkwardly as you lower your voice. "Not to alarm you but, uh...I'm kind of bleeding. So if we can hurry this up—"
"What?!" Jimin's quick to run to your side, his focus entirely on you as if the four of you aren't in the middle of a battle right now.
"Well, I—" Your knees buckle underneath you, teeth biting onto your lower lip as you hold onto your abdomen. It isn't right to show weakness in front of the heroes, they'll take advantage of that, but you can't seem to hold on any longer.
"Y/N." Jungkook jumps from where he was, concern filling his gaze as the three of them surround you, completely forgetting about the heroes behind them.
"It's fine, I can take it, I just—" You grunt at the pain and Taehyung's quick to reach his arms out before you can collapse to the ground.
"Did I do that?" Someone asks and you all look up to find Seokjin watching with furrowed brows.
"Well yeah, you beast, your blades are freaking sharp as hell," you say, wincing under your breath as you lean your weight against Taehyung. You look up at Jimin. "I might die."
"Don't be a pussy." His words may be harsh but the concern in his gaze tells you otherwise. Then, with a curse leaving his lips, he goes to support you on the other side. "We're leaving."
"What? Hey, don't let me be the one to—Ah, wait! Don't move too fast!"
"Set her down." They look up again to find another hero speaking, this time Namjoon. "If you move her too abruptly, it'll only make things harder on her."
"Is that your way of telling us to leave her behind?" Jungkook asks, his eyes hardening as he steps up before you, a hand held out as a way to shield you from their gazes.
Namjoon only lets out a sigh before looking over at Yoongi who then makes his move after the leader's command.
"Take this," he say, holding out some sort of capsule. Your three boys stare at it, their gazes narrowed with suspicion. "It'll help with the pain."
"How do we know it isn't poison?"
"Unlike you villains, we superheroes are actually known for being upright and honest."
"Doesn't mean you won't take this time to finally take us down."
"Fighting with an opponent who can't even wield a weapon is no fun."
"Hey! I can still fight you, bastard!" You shout at Hoseok who in turn snickers.
"Right. With that state you're in. Seokjin got you good."
"How dare you."
"Y/N, if you keep moving, I'm going to kill you myself."
You shut up from Jimin's threat, a pout resting on your face. You know he doesn't mean it but Jimin's your boss so you can't go against whatever he says either way.
Suddenly Hoseok drops his armor and weapons, catching your attentions. He holds his hands out in the air, showcasing himself of no threat, before slowly making his approach towards you.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook asks, stepping forward to block him.
"She needs treatment," Yoongi states.
"Now," finishes Hoseok.
"We can take care of ourselves."
"I highly doubt that," Seokjin says as he too, steps forward, a commanding aura surrounding him. "Set her down against the tree if you don't want her to bleed out."
A moment of hesitation, but once they hear more painful noises coming from you, Jimin and Taehyung set you down against the tree carefully.
Hoseok takes the capsule from Yoongi before approaching you as your three comrades stand by, watching with sharp and alerting gazes.
The hero kneels before you, and although your vision now falls a bit blurry, you can still see the outline of him reaching out to press a pill to your lips.
You swallow it through the pain, being as your boys aren't doing anything to stop him so it must mean that they have some sort of trust in these superheroes, and when you feel hands against your skin, you wince slightly but allow him to tend to you either way.
"Look at that," you hear Hoseok say as he examines your injury. "Be a good girl and hold still now."
Before long, you have a bandage wrapped around your waist, conscious slipping in and out against the tree. You feel a hand against your face, holding you gently. It's different from Jimin, Taehyung, or Jungkook, so it has to be Hoseok's.
But why is he holding onto you so carefully as if he was afraid holding you any tighter would break you?
His hand is so warm.
You find yourself leaning against the warmth, nuzzling close, when Taehyung's voice is heard from a distance.
"The hell are you doing with her?"
"She needs to rest now." His hand releases from you to your displeasure, so you instinctively seek it out, yearning for more of his warmth, and hear him chuckle in return. You feel that familiar touch rest against your head, giving you a gentle tousle before he pushes you gently towards someone else, a touch you're much too familiar with.
Jungkook is warm too.
"Well then, villains, guess we'll be seeing you another time now. Hope the little one's better by then."
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youjustwaitsunshine · 2 years
RTL Interview with Sebastian Vettel, 24.4.2022
[so sorry for the absolutely atrocious quality of this screencap]
Translation under the cut
Sebastian, with this place, i can't see it right now but it that enough for a smile?
Yeah, uhm [lifts mask to show smile], nobody's standing here [takes mask off, coughs] there it is [laughs], yes, I mean, if I'm being completely honest, it's an eighth place but for us it's like a victory, you'll have to be honest there, there wasn't more in it today, the opposite, there was way less in it actually; I think the first lap was very good, the start, the patience but then also aggression, a restart, surprising Fernando round the outside, i think he didn't count on that; but uh yeah, all in all we did everything right and tried to keep the faster cars behind us for as long as possible same as yesterday and had a bit more, more fun today.
Is such a success enough already to move the team forward in the long run?
Noo; but I believe the important thing for us is that we have a good result now, the first points in the bag but yeah, we have to be realistic, the next races will be really really hard for us, the pace isn't there yet, our car is very hard to drive, I'm definitely going to sleep well tonight; you can't let your concentration slide on the straights at all so it was very exhausting but it's of course fun when you know you have something countable.
Before the race we talked about school grades [note: he gave himself a six (worst grade in Germany) for Australia], so I'd like to know, which grade are you giving yourself for the race now?
A 1 (best grade in Germany). We went to one extreme and now we're going to the other. No but I'm happy, as I said, of course not where I want to be but you have to be realistic and from that point today was very good already.
Thank you.
Well, that's a leap, from 6 to 1, how would you grade the whole thing?
Yeah, so I have to say I'm with him a bit there, you could hear how euphoric he is without him really daring to announce it like that, but the beautiful thing about Sebastian Vettel is still that he terribly likes driving race cars, terribly likes driving in Formula 1 and you can see that passion in him and that leads to, a really hard to drive car, really difficult conditions and now an eighth place, excuse me, an eighth place, normally he would never, it wouldn't be of note but the way he did it today, I have to say, I'm happy, he's getting a 1 from me too.
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Taehyung: Future 2
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× Single Mom!Reader × Idol!Taehyung × Angst × Fluff × Smut × S2L ×
You and him are polite opposites, brought together by pure luck. How could there ever blossom love?
Additional Chapter Warnings: none
Chapter length: short
A/N: Hi hello you remember when I actually posted consistently yeah me neither.
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Hana is very well behaved for a kid her age, he notices.
She excitedly tells him with holding her fingers up to underline her statement, that she's soon to turn four years old- earning a grin from him, as he playfully voices out his surprise over the small fact. He also learns that there's apparently no father figure; the little girl being very blunt about it, which isn't surprising.
As a child her age, she doesn't quite grasp the situation- in her mind, this is all normal.
It makes Taehyung curious about it all. Why would someone let their partner and child just.. go, like that? He knows even in his position or without all the money, he wouldn't dare let someone care for his child alone, even if there was no relationship connecting it. And a kid like Hana, so curious but blissfully unaware, should have a father figure in her life.
He doesn't know why it affects him so much; maybe it's his own foolish wish for a family- something he just can't have right now, nor in the near future. Maybe it's because what he wants so desperately was just thrown away by someone else.
You're walking down some quieter streets, the little girl holding onto your hand as she eats the last bits of her promised food. When she can't anymore however, she whines a little and gives it to you, who finishes for her, much like everytime. You both sit down on a bench after a moment, Hana explaining to the singer why she thought yeontan was a puppy and not an adult dog. He listens with a smile the entire time, chuckling when the little girl starts to yawn. "I think I've kept you two up long enough." He says, and you shake your head.
"No no, I'm grateful for the opportunity." You tell him, as you get up. "Please get home safe. And thank you again." You say, while Hana looks up with big eyes.
"Dont give your momma too much trouble, okay?" Taehyung says, making the child more confused.
"Not home?" She asks you, and you shake your head before you pick her up.
"No Hana, Taehyung-ssi has to go to his own home, where his puppy waits, remember?" You ask her, and she nods, though her face stays rather upset about leaving him.
"Puppy can sleep in my bed." Hana says sleepily, making Taehyung chuckle as you helplessly look at him for help.
"Maybe we'll meet again soon? Who knows." He tells her, tapping her nose as she smiles again. "But for now we'll go home separately. You go home with mummy, and I'll go home to Tannie." He days, making the child nod before he leans her head against your shoulder. "Do you need a ride home? I can call a cab if you'd like." He asks you, but you shake your head-
Which he expected. You seem to like your independence.
"Its not far." You reassure him. "But thank you."
"No problem." He says, smiling, before you both part to go your separate ways home. He stops after a few steps however, turning around. "Hey uh- would it be okay with you if I asked for your number?" He wonders, and your eyes widen. "I mean, except if you have a boyfriend or something, I don't-"
"I don't." You say, before walking up to him again. "I.. don't. Most don't like to have baggage." You say shyly, and he nods, before he gives his phone to you to put in your info.
"Well, I certainly don't mind." He jokes, smiling charmingly at you. "How can I if the baggage is just as cute as you?"
And you, for sure, are thankful he probably can't see the way your face goes red at that.
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