#yeah wedding for getting married. yay!
yesyourstalker · 6 months
Mahi: so how were the interviews?
Neta: they were good. How's college?
Mahi: It's going well
Neta: are you making friends mahi hmmmm? Making computer friends?
Mahi: shut up. When are we going to meet the new recruits
Neta: next week they're coming in for training and you are going to train them.
Mahi: ok.... Like what day next week?
Neta: Tuesday. The training starts Tuesday I will start scheduling them for individual shifts so they will be working here for a while.... it'll be great I think you'll like them.
Mahi: okay great. I don't have class then. where are you going to be Tuesday? I assume you're not going to be here
Neta: yep I have wedding planning I have to do. You think you can handle it by yourself
Mahi: yeah of course I can neta I'm a store manager remember. You don't have faith in your management. The longest person who's been here.... I can handle it.
Neta: I trust you. You're going to be with Candi and Warabie they're going to help you. If some things people's wrong please call me
Mahi: alright
Neta: ok this is something I need to tell you and it's really really important.
Neta: I have this friend, his name is Stefan. He's a betta. You probably know who he is, he's on the cover of 'kriller coffee'
Mahi: is he the guy that had his coffee shop closed down because he was accused of money laundering?
Neta: yeah him. If he comes into the store, send Vinny to the back.
Mahi: who's Vinny?
Neta: you'll know him when you see him all right. If Stefan comes to the store, send Vinny to the back. They cannot make eye contact. They cannot look at each other. They cannot feel each other's presence look at me. Look at me right now...........they are not allowed to interact.....at all. Okay, simple request.
Mahi: All right, I'll try..... See I hate it when you do that now I'm less confident in my abilities
Neta: you got this champ. I believe in you
Neta: *yawn*
Ikkan: tired?
Neta: yeah... I've just been really busy..... The store's going to be open in........one year...wow so close. You graduating this year right?
Ikkan: yep....three months..... we're also getting married next year.
Neta: oh yeah.
Ikkan: less than a year. It's actually 9 months
Neta: It's getting close
Ikkan: getting cold feet?
Neta: absolutely not. I waited so long to get the chance to call you my hubby [kiss.....kisskisskisskiss]
Ikkan: hehehe neta haha stop! Hehehe [kiss] we have to visit the venue next week....... and still need to talk to a Baker.
Neta: you still want a spice cake?
Ikkan: with little to no frosting... and apple
Neta: with a brown sugar drizzle?
Ikkan: yes....
Neta: It's better than carrot cake
Ikkan: carrot cake is good. You're just stubborn
Neta: vegetables should not be in cake. I'm sorry that is just the hill I'm going to die on.......*yawn*..... I'm glad the kelp dome is available....and we don't need to spend money on flowers.....we still need to put out wedding invitations. I have some old Splatoon buddies I want to come.... what about you? You still want your family from krillarney to come
Ikkan: yeah maybe some aunts and uncles can come and a couple of cousins
Neta: mmmm that's great. I'd love to meet them.....*yawn*.....mmmm...hmmm [kiss]....what about the honeymoon? Hehehe where do you want to go? [Kiss]
Ikkan: mmmm I don't know.......you said you wanted to go back to haddaido.... maybe stay at a resort
Neta: mmmm...I was thinking conch shell cove..
Ikkan: that's nice...get a air BNB....[kiss] with a nice view...[kiss]......
Neta: [kiss]..... I mean I got a nice view right now hehe . come here....[kiss]
Ikkan: I thought you were tired?
Neta: I'm not that tired [kissing]
Service worker: so The wedding will be set in the center, chairs will be set here. For the reception, I guess we can get rid of all the chairs. You have a small stage for entertainment and-
Koi-koi: sorry I'm late traffic and everything.
Neta: koi
Ikkan: hey mom.
Koi-koi: Hi guppy! [kiss]......................cover your neck I can see your hicky!
Ikkan: mom stop!
Koi-koi: cover. it!!.......
Ikkan: I'm going to the bathroom........ You're the only one who noticed.
Koi-koi...hmm.. awwww Neta! it's good to see you honey [peck]
Neta: Mrs. Admiral
Koi-koi: oh please just call me koi we're not in a work setting......... So this is the place? It's very nice. Natural light, very spacious, beautiful greenery. You choose a very nice location.
Neta: yeah.... We wanted something close to nature but...heh.... without bugs or .....birds..ikkan doesn't like birds hehehehe
Koi-koi: He's always been scared of birds. I have no idea where that stems from.
Service worker: well, the only bugs that we do have is in our butterfly garden. That's another option that most people go to for weddings...hehehe hhhhh
Koi-koi: uh huh.....how much is this going to be?
Service: well he picked A package which only provides the venue which is just the greenhouse. No other added things like music or flowers or food that equals out to be around 7.000
Neta: I have about 20.000 in my savings I was just getting-
Koi-koi: what are the other packages?
Service: well we have a total of four packages. A package is just the greenhouse. The B package provides music and flowers C package provides flowers and-
Koi-koi: which one is just food and flowers?.... I'm assuming you kids have your own music artist friends you'll invite to the venue so the music is not needed.
Service worker: so that is the C package....ummm...... That will cost 10.000
Neta: that's... that's like half of my-
Koi-koi: who's the caterer that will provide the food and what food will they be providing?
Service worker: well we usually outsource our foods from various restaurants. La homard and The Oceanside Cafe. they have a lovely selection of macarons that people just ad-
Koi-koi : do we get to choose from the menu? Or do they have their own pre-selected menu?
Service worker:........ they do provide a pre-selected menu but you are able to pick and choose what you want from any restaurant but there is a fee
Koi-koi: how much?
Service worker: uhhhh 800
Neta: That's... A little bit over my budget
Koi-koi: perfect. May we have the menus please......thank you. Here you go neta
Neta:.koi.....this is a little too much for me
Koi-koi: what flowers do you provide? The color is going to be green and purple. I was thinking of something like Purple stock and Dark purple carnations moonvista maybe some sages decoration. How much would that be
Service workers: that would be 900 those flowers are not provided in the C package so it would be a little bit extra.
Koi-koi: so how much should that be?
Service worker: 11.700
Neta: ehhhh thats-
Koi-koi: Great! Am I able to pay it monthly or all at once?
Neta: koi
Koi-koi: shh I'm doing business... Is there an interest fee?
Service worker: no we don't have an interest fee and you can pay for it every 2 months
Koi-koi: Great!.... Let me just get my card out.....ehhhh....I'll put it on my black cyan card.
Service worker: oh Black cyan!.... Right away.
Neta: koi I really appreciate you doing this but It's okay really I don't want you to spend this much money on-
Koi-koi: I have been saving for this for a long time... You really make ikkan happy..... The happiest he's been in years..... I really don't mind paying for it. You can use the money you saved for your suit or shoes maybe something for your groomsmen......
Neta:.............thanks koi
Ikkan: All right, I'm back. Here's your makeup..... Is this good enough for you?
Koi-koi: watch the attitude.... Well we have everything sorted out....
Service worker: here's your card back ma'am. You're receipt for your first month's payment
Koi-koi: thank you dear you've been a real help.
Ikkan: mom we talked about this neta and I have no problem paying for the expenses. If neta doesn't have enough I can pay
Koi koi- sweetie I insist. I've been dreaming about your special day for years. Since you were born. [Kiss]
Ikkan:...... Is this how you pictured it......
Koi-koi: ............. well...no. I pictured you in a wedding dress with your tentacles up in a tight bun..... but I do look forward to seeing my guppie in a nice tailored suit.
Ikkan: mmmmmmm I can still wear a dress.
Koi-koi:* heh* stop being silly
Ikkan: hehehehe I can wear your dress
Koi-koi: hahaha .... no. you'd stretch it.
Ikkan: I can fit in it you just need to cut the sleeves off.......... and dye it black
Koi-koi: *gasp* never!........ maybe you can wear your father's suit.
Ikkan: no I already have a suite in mind
Koi-koi: speaking of your father where is he?? He wandered off an hour ago.
Ikkan: I saw him near the fruit and vegetables when I came out of the bathroom
Koi-koi: oh ugh.... He's probably lecturing one of the gardeners. Probably something about mulch. You know how he is....hmmm.
Service worker: I almost forgot. We also need to know how many chairs we'll need to provide for guests.
Koi-koi: how many guests are you inviting
Ikkan: we actually haven't talked that much about that yet and haven't put on any invitations either. You haven't even made them yet.
Koi-koi:................................................................... Is it okay if we get back to you honey?
Service worker: Yes of course, but we do need to know how many guests a month in advance.
Koi-koi: of course we'll call you when we figure it out......... ....*sigh* you need to Make a list and figure out who is coming. I know you probably have a lot of friends who you want to go. You can maybe choose a couple family members and the same goes with Neta. You need to get on that. The weddings in a couple months........ Practically a year actually. You have plenty of time.
Koi-koi: All right, let's go home ..... Maybe dinner...... Boys do you want something to eat
Neta: yeah I could take something home
Ikkan: sure
Koi-koi: Merv we're going.... I'm going to try to find someplace to eat
Merv: so what kind of fertilizer do you use?
Gardener: Salmonoid excrement
Merv: oh really
Gardener: oh yeah It's very rich and nutrients we usually use it for produce. We have a partnership with grizzco we put advertisements around some of the green rooms and they give us salmon poop. Pretty solid deal
Merv: I used to own a farm
Gardener: ohh
Merv: and we raised manatees so every other month when we need to clean up their stalls and we used their-
Koi-koi: dear we're leaving......stop harassing the gardeners
Merv: All right .... Is there a way I can buy some of that salmon fertilizer?
Gardener: we sell small bags of it in the gift shop.. It's on the left
Merv: huh well I'll go over there
Koi-koi: Merv!!
Merv: okay!....... You said on the left right? Okay, thank you
Neta: Crab cakes we got food!.. does my crab cakes want crab cakes?
Cirrina: hi Daddy hi dad!
Ikkan: aw hi cici
Neta:.....oh hello?...... Cirrina ...... who's this?
Paul: you Don't recognize me Mr. V?
Neta: Paul?
Paul: yeah! He used to babysit me while everyone else's partying
Neta: well look at you. You got fingers now and actual flesh. You've really grown up huh. I mean the last time I saw you was.....was uh
Paul: 4 years ago I was 10.
Neta: yeah......... So it brings you here
Paul: oh my parents finally let me go to public school and I'm in her class.
Cirrina: we have a school project we're doing together.... Is that okay?
Neta: ohhhh what's the project history class?
Cirrina: It's economics
Neta: That's even better. You need any help?
Cirrina: nope, we're fine
Neta: are you sure?
Cirrina: Yes
Neta: I have a degree in business-
Cirrina: DAD
Neta: ok! Shit..... I'll leave you kids alone..... Dinner will be ready at 6...... Paul you want to stay we have crab carbonara.
Paul: uhhhh....
Cirrina: (shakes head )
Paul: No. I had to be home by 5:00 but can I-can I take some home?
Neta: yeah no problem kiddo
Ikkan: ....(Eating)
Neta:.....(Eating).......so...... Paul.......do you like him?
Cirrina: *huh* dad!!
Neta: what! Just wondering! Just wanted to know!
Cirrina: *ugh* I'm eating in my room.
Neta: was I not supposed to ask that?... What did I do?
Ikkan: she's just growing up babe, give her time...(Eating)........ We need to start working on the guest invites... Who do you think we should invite?
Neta: uh........ hold up. I'm getting a call.......... hello. Hey mahi
Neta: ok technically I did not hire two. I hired one but the other one is a business part-oh................... please stop yelling. Ok ........ok ........ I'll head over there right now!!...... who started the fight?...... Stefan, of course he did... I'm on my way. I'll be right back
Ikkan: can I have the rest of your pasta?
Neta: fine
Mahi really should have let neta stay I mean them and warabi were both fighting for their lives @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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nomairuins · 3 months
also me and my sims have bonded deeply theyve got a whole backstory that i cant rly represent well in the sims but its rly cute TO ME
#its my friend andrea and my friend iza. and also my friend zoryal but thats a cat* so we arent talking abt it. (idr if its a boy or girl.#sorry zoryal....) anywaysss andrea just graduated collegeee and shes finally gonna move forward in her career#shes an astronaut you see. SHES LSO PREGNANT!! im playing with super insanely long impractical way too long lifespans LOL. so she will be#pregnant for a while (21 days in fact.)#but im so excited 4 the babyyy. yay :] um yeah and then my friend IZA known as isabella to humanity but her actual name is izaribe. shes my#special princess the backstory is that she was basically a vanlife tiny living girl but for aliens#so she had like a refurbished escape pod and she was just essentially sightseeing the solar system#but then she crashed into a satellite and crashed on EARTH/simworld specifically in andreas yard#now this is huge bc one thing abt miss andrea is shes obsessed with aliens and space and all of it hence astronaut. so yeah#and basically they became roommates and andrea taught her simlish and like how to blend in better and also iza has her little alien cat* an#then they become in lesbians with eachother.... and now theyre having a BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huge day for beautiful girl (me)#* it isnt actually a cat . something far more sinister . by which i just mean alien. its smooth like frog texture it has 4 ears 3 eyes#2 tails and Possibly 6 legs but i havent decided yet. little thang#i cant do the 6 legs in sims but everything else he is. hes also green#i literlly have his breed in cas listed as Little alien thang.#oh and iza is a travel critic/blogger if you were curious. she rly loves learning new things abt earth/simworld and she loves travelling#shes also rly into languages you see...#they arent married yet im thinking theyll get married when the babies a bit older so the baby can attend the wedding :]
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
good boy
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words: 1.5k
warnings: established relationship, marriage, protective!rafe, (guard??) dog, fluffy
“rafe, it's literally two weeks. ill be fine!” you say, folding his clothes, having dumped out his suitcase onto the bed to reorganize it when you saw how he packed it, just chucking things in.
“two weeks where im a hours away from you by plane.” rafe sighs, watching you carefully repack his suitcase as he pouts on the bed, not wanting to leave you.
“you know, cameron, i lived a whole 20 years before meeting you.” you point out, knowing while rafes concern comes from his love for you, it will completely overwhelm what is supposed to be an enjoyable family vacation and leave him miserable the whole time.
“i don't see why you can't just come with me.” rafe groans, flopping back against the bed. you smile and round the bed to where his head is resting against the pillows. you press a smooch to his forehead, rubbing your hand over his head, petting at his soft hair.
“baby, it's just for your family. you know that.” it's not like you don't want to accompany rafe to a tropical paradise, but you would feel way too awkward intruding.
“what if something happens to you? and im not here to protect you? id be the worst fiancee ever.” rafe grabs your head from rubbing his head, holding up the ring on your finger for him to admire.
“nothing will happen. nothing ever happens here.” you laugh. you're not sure what crime is like on the other side of the island, but your neighborhood is incredibly safe.
“im still worried.” rafe sighs. “you in that big house all alone.”
“im gonna spend 99% of the time wedding planning.” you hum, thinking about the tabs pulled open on your laptop of different venues, dresses, and color palettes.
that finally gets rafe to crack a smile. “can't wait to marry you.” rafe says earnestly. he only proposed a month ago, some people would say that you were too young to get married, but rafe knew when you came into his life and turned everything around for him that he had to put a ring on your finger.
“i can't wait either.” you bend down to press a kiss to rafes lips. “but seriously we need to talk about your packing before we tie the knot, why do you only have one pair of shorts packed for an island?”
-- two years later --
“remember those two weeks you left before we were engaged? it's not really much longer. you should go, baby. it's a good opportunity.” you are sat on rafes lap, back pressed against his chest as he scrolls through his email.
“it's just work, and it's a whole lot longer than two weeks. i don't want to leave you here alone for over a month.” rafe closes out of the email, making you sigh.
“i was fine for those two weeks, ill be fine now. promise. i think you should go! it's a big conference.” you turn sideways on his lap so you can look rafe in the eye. “besides, it's still six months away. plenty of time to prepare.”
“prepare?” rafe raises his eyebrows. “so you'd be good with security cams around the whole house and personal security?”
“cameras on the outside and hell no. you don't want some random guys watching after me do you?”
you can see the gears turning in rafes head as he frowns. “yeah, you're right. no men.”
“so you'll go?” you smile. rafe closes his eyes for a brief moment before nodding.
“yay!” you squeal. you're not excited to be left alone, and you love being around your husband more than anything, but the work trip is a big deal, and you know he'll be kicking himself if he misses out on such a good opportunity.
“rafey?” you call, eyes sweeping across the living room as you enter your shared home, a head full of fresh highlights.
“hubby?” you call out, continuing deeper into the house until you see movement through the glass door leading towards the backyard, but it's not the typical roll of the ocean against the shore.
“rafe?” you question as you open the door. you expected to find him in his office, where he was before you left for the beauty salon.
rafe smiles, waiting for your eyes to look down, and when you finally see what is sitting at rafes feet, you let out a gasp.
“oh my gosh!” you squeal. 
“wifey, meet max. our new australian shepherd.” rafe gives a command with his hand, that has max running towards you.
you sink to your knees as the young dog excitedly greets you, licking at your hands as you pet him.
“hi maxey.” you coo at the dog, you're guessing around two years old, with max being full size but still having some young features.
“rafe, you didn't tell me you were getting us a dog!” you stand up, max following close behind as you rush to give your husband a hug.
“i have a confession.” rafe says, his hands looped around your waist. you frown, worried that max was just a foster and you'd have to give him back, or that something went wrong with the adoption. you often talked about getting pets before getting married, but wanted to wait a little bit, and then time just slipped away and before you knew it, you were over a year into your marriage. 
“what?” you whine out.
“ive been working with a trainer behind your back. i wanted to make sure max was ready before we chose him for sure. he knows commands, me, your scent, our house. everything. he knows his primary responsibility is to protect you and our property.”
“oh my gosh!” you slap rafe in the chest, surprised that he was able to keep such a secret from you. “how could you do all that without telling me?” you laugh, not angry, but surprised that he was able to orchestrate everything.
you don't wait for rafe to explain how he was able to find so much time, stepping out of his hold to kneel down and continue petting max.
“we have some more training sessions so he can learn with you as well.” rafe further explains, also leaning down to pet max behind the ears as he pants excitedly at his new owners.
“what is it maxy?” you ask as he lifts his head up, looking around the living room. “you miss your daddy?”
you sigh as max lets out a sad sounding huff, petting your hand over his head, scratching at his neck which you know is his favorite. rafe has been gone on his business trip for a month now, with only a week and a half left until he returns home.
max suddenly jumps off the couch, eyes on the backyard. he lets out a bark, claws clicking on the hardwood floor as he moves to the glass door. he lets out another bark, making you stand.
“what is it boy?” you ask, looking out the window.
max lets out another bark, this one the familiar territorial bark that he’s practiced in his training with you and rafe. you know the only reason that rafe feels safe enough leaving you home is that max is a great guard dog.
you get closer to the window, squinting your eyes to try and see in the darkness when you sudden jump back with a scream as a squirrel runs across your patio, causing max to bark and run along the glass door until it scatters into the yard.
“holy shit, maxy, you scared the shit out of me.” you press your hand to your chest before kneeling down, scratching behind his ears. “it was just a squirrel.” you reassure him with a pat.
your heart rate is just starting to calm down from the fright when you hear the front door open. max instantly takes off with you following after him, letting out a sigh of relief when you see rafe standing in the foyer.
“baby.” he sighs happily, setting his suitcase down as you run into his arms, pressing your lips together. “i missed you so much.”
“i missed you too, what are you doing home though?” you ask, giving him another kiss before he can answer.
“they didn’t need me for the rest of the week, decided to get home to my lady.” max barks, making rafe lean down to pet him, still holding you up. “and my good boy too, of course.”
“so happy to have you home.” you nuzzle your nose into rafes neck, inhaling the familiar scent that you missed so much. 
“happy to be back with you, wifey.” rafe says, carrying you further into the house.
“oh, and you will be very happy to know maxy did a great job protecting me while you were gone.” you tell rafe. it mostly involved max barking in warning at any delivery guy or car turning around in your driveway, but his presence did help making you feel safer and less loney.
“hopefully not too good.” rafe huffs as he looks at your pet. “can’t have him replacing me now.”
you giggle, surprised rafe can manage to be jealous of your dog. “never.” you swear, pressing another kiss to his lips.
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk
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stayinlimbo · 5 months
We Become We
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pairing: husband!lee minho x reader genre/warnings: friends to lovers, marriage of convenience, fluff, poor attempts at me trying to be funny, mc's gender is not specified word count: 1.02k note:  i am not dead yay. i tried my best since i haven't had time to write for almost a month so please take this as a peace offering ♡
Marriage. It’s an interesting concept, isn’t it? 
You’ve always thought so, at least. Two people agreeing to sign a legal document and tethering their lives to each other for whatever reason, be it love, societal expectations, familial pressure, financial security, etc. 
Yours happens to be a man named Lee Minho. The same man you’ve been friends with for as long as you can remember. The same man who asked you to marry him for a reason you didn’t get to learn until he was already down on one knee. 
(“I’m sorry, you want me to WHAT?” “Marry me. Please, I need health insurance.”
“Okay, yes, sure, whatever; now please get off the floor. People are staring.”)
Lee Minho, who, after dragging you to the courthouse and legally becoming your husband, finally elaborated on how his job would pay him more and cover both of your health insurances if he was married. So really, in his words, he was “doing you a huge favor” by marrying you. 
And, in all honesty, he really was. No, you didn’t have a ring to show off your new husband’s weird skill at finding loopholes in company policy, and you’re like thirty-five percent sure the two of you are committing some kind of marriage fraud, but does it really matter when you can finally start using the hot water in your dingy apartment without worrying if you’ll have enough money to fund your crippling caffeine addiction? The government will have to drag you kicking and screaming before you resort back to mankind’s cruelest form of torture: cold showers. 
Not to mention that marriage didn’t even change your relationship with Minho. And why would it? You’re still you, and he’s still him. He gets on your nerves just the same, maybe even a little bit more after he decided to frame your marriage certificate in his living room and send a photo to all your mutual friends. You’ll never forgive Minho for laughing at your helplessly panicked state when the group chat wouldn’t stop exploding with messages and incessant calls. 
You’re still his best friend that resides in his apartment four out of seven days of the week while he inhabits yours for the other three. Maybe that’s why, two weeks after your “wedding,” when it was time to renew your lease, Minho suggested with a simple shrug of his shoulders that you move in with him since “you’re here all the time anyway.” 
You’ve really got to learn how to say no to him because now you wake up next to your best friend/roommate/husband in his one bedroom, one bathroom apartment at the crack of dawn with a light pressure on your chest and fur in your face when his cats decide you need to wake up right now to feed them. 
Not to say you don’t like the new arrangement! No, that would be the furthest from the truth. 
Sure, you didn’t appreciate your skin care routine being interrupted by the unexpectedly high-pitched scream Minho let out when he saw you in a face mask for the first time, and what kind of person still has their phone’s brightness turned up all the way before bed? But who else would willingly tolerate your deliriousness before your morning coffee or indulge in your pleas to cook your favorite food three days in a row? 
Living with Minho has only made the purely platonic feelings you harbor for him grow stronger.
That’s what the fluttering in your chest means every time you see him, right? The reason for the smile that grows on your face when you hear the distinct jingling of keys at the front door?
Yeah, that must be why heat spread across your cheeks when he handed you his phone to text one of his friends back, because since when did the heart emoji make an appearance next to your pinned contact name?
You just care about each other, that’s all. It’s normal to want to make sure he arrived at work safely and ask how his day is going during your lunch breaks. It’s normal to start receiving back hugs before bed—a comforting weight as Minho’s chin rests on your shoulder while you apply the rest of the products to your face. 
It’s natural to have doubts about the nature of your relationship during an evening walk, acutely aware of his fingers lightly brushing against yours as you silently study his features illuminated by the soft glow of the scattered streetlights. What if he meets someone else and falls in love with them and wants a divorce and– oh. 
Has he always looked at you like that? With his gaze softening as it locks with yours? With the corners of lips lifting into the gentlest smile you’ve ever seen? With all the stars shining above you finding a second home in his eyes? A look so loving that it takes your breath away and you can’t tell if you’re about to laugh or cry in relief. 
And when you return home to get ready for bed, the familiar feeling of hands wrapping around your waist and a careful pressure resting by the crook of your neck quells the remnants of your worries.
It’s you and Minho. Minho and you, just as it always has been. Just as it’s always meant to be.
The distance between your bodies on the bed becomes nonexistent when you curl yourself into his side, laying your head on his shoulder and intertwining your legs with his as he immediately, unhesitantly, adjusts his arm, his fingertips finding purchase on exposed skin and roaming across the span of your back. A kiss to the top of your head is the last thing you feel before the gentle lull of breathing and the rise and fall of his chest begin to soothe you to sleep. 
Ah, marriage—what an interesting concept. Two people agreeing to sign a legal document and tethering their lives to each other for whatever reason, be it love, societal expectations, familial pressure, financial security, etc. 
You love your husband, and you’re beginning to think he loves you too. 
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liked this work? want to let me know how i did? please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are greatly appreciated my asks are always open ♡
taglist: @linospuddin @linocz @spicyhyunn
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writingwithciara · 6 months
Best Friend For Life ~Auston Matthews~
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summary: y/n's best friend stephanie is getting married to the best guy in the world. aka mitch marner. she is the maid of honor but the best man tends to get on her nerves whenever they're together.
word count: 3.7k
pairing: auston matthews x reader, mitch marner x stephanie lachance
notes: so i was listening to a song the other day and for some reason, i immediately thought of mitch and his wife [friends to lovers sorta]
"promise not to get mad at me?" was the first thing stephanie said as she walked through the door of the apartment she shared with her best friend. y/n looked up from her computer with a raised eyebrow.
"what did you do?"
"how do you feel about hockey games?"
"can't stand them. why? what did you do?" she repeated, getting up from her chair and walking over to her best friend.
"we're going to the toronto game tonight."
"and i repeat. what did you do?"
"i was at the coffee shop and i ran into this really cute guy. we talked for hours and he's so sweet. asked me to go on a date with him after his game tonight."
"oh that's great. congratulations."
"but there's a catch."
"oh god. what do i have to do?"
"his best friend is single and so are you so i figured you could tag along since his friend is going to be there too."
"give me one good reason i should, steph." y/n walked into the kitchen to make her lunch. stephanie followed her quickly and clasped her hands together.
"please come with me. i think this guy might be the one. like, for real this time."
"you're lucky i love you and believe you deserve the best."
"does that mean you'll come to the game and the date?"
"let's just see how the game goes first."
"yay. we need to dress really good." steph smirked and dragged y/n into her closet, the lunch completely forgotten.
that night, y/n met mitch and was amazed at how good he treated stephanie, even though they had only met each other a few hours earlier. his best friend, however, was not as great. he did try, but it was easy to tell that he didn't want to be there.
and it only got worse from there.
over time, they both developed a mutual disinterest in each other.
and here they were, a few years later, helping their two best friends plan a wedding.
it was very obvious from the beginning that mitch and stephanie were meant to be together so it was no surprise to anyone when mitch approached y/n to ask for her help with the proposal. he had already gotten her parents approval but he knew that her best friends approval meant a whole lot to her too. he respected their relationship and treated them both well.
the only thing that mitch did that y;/n didn't like was asking stephanie to move in with him. it left y/n alone in their apartment and it felt weird. mitch had suggested that auston move in, in place f stephanie, but y/n quickly shot that idea down. she would rather live alone than live with auston.
as the two girls sat in the kitchen of mitch's house, zeus was resting his head on y/n's lap. she stroked his ear and listened to the plans stephanie wanted for the wedding.
"i'm really honored you chose me to be your maid of honor. but do i have to dance with the best man?"
"i know you and auston despise each other but it's a tradition in my family that the best man and maid of honor share the dance after the married couples first dance."
"i know." y/n sighed. "i'll do it but i won't be happy about it."
"oh thank god. mitch and i were worried we'd have to break tradition."
"i would never allow that." y/n smiled and stood up. zeus tilted his head slightly and gave her a look. "maybe i should dance with zeus instead. he's so much cuter and he actually likes me."
"that would be cute, but it's-"
"tradition. yeah i know." y/n smiled. "how did auston react when mitch told him?"
"i think he's telling him after practice today," stephanie checked her phone. "which should be over right about now."
"i hope he has the same reaction."
over at the arena, mitch and auston were the last two out of the locker room. mitch sent stephanie a text and looked over at auston.
"hey, there's something i need to tell you about the wedding."
"what is it?"
"after steph and i have our first dance, there's a tradition in her family that follows that. the best man and the maid of honor have to dance together too."
"meaning i have to dance with y/n? seriously?""
"sorry man but it's tradition. you can put aside your hatred for one night, can't you?"
"i can promise to try but i can't promise a success."
"that's good enough for me." mitch chuckled and got to his car. "you coming over for dinner? the girls are making meatloaf."
"yeah sure. why not?" auston got in his car and followed mitch to his house. he completely ignored the fact that y/n was going to be there.
the next few days were spent learning how to dance properly. auston and y/n barely made it through without killing each other, but at least they were ready for the big day.
when it arrived, y/n and stephanie were in the room with the rest of the bridal party. the hairdresser finished the last touches on stephanie's hair and she turned around.
"so, how do i look?"
"you look like a princess. mitch is going to cry." y/n smiled and wiped a tear from her own eye. "gosh, you're so lucky. mitch is probably the last good guy on earth."
"he's the best." stephanie looked in the mirror and smiled. "i love him so much. i knew from the moment i met him that this day would happen."
"i knew too. he was the sweetest." y/n smiled. "if you guys ever have kids, that child is going to be blessed with the best genes ever."
"you and auston are good looking too. and if you guys ever get over yourselves and get together to have a child, it's going to be just as beautiful as you guys."
"we're never getting together."
"i want us to have babies around the same time so they can be best friends too."
"i can try to give you that wish. but it's not going to be with auston."
"okay. as long as i get a niece or nephew to love like crazy."
"i love you, steph." y/n pulled her best friend in for a hug before there was knock on the door. auston poked his head in and covered his eyes.
"you ladies ready?"
"auston, you can uncover your eyes." stephanie giggled and shook her head, shooting a look at y/n. "let's go."
one by one, the bridesmaids made their way to stand next to the groomsmen they were paired with. when y/n walked out with stephanie, auston couldn't keep his eyes from roaming y/n's body. the dress fit her so well and her hair was styled perfectly.
'is she not wearing any makeup? holy crap. i don't think i've ever seen her wear any. has she been this perfect the whole time?' he found himself thinking. he shook the thought from his head and took his spot next to her.
"damn, matthews. you really clean up well, don't you?" y/n nudged him with her elbow and he was suddenly at a loss for words. "what's the matter? cat got your tongue? no funny remark?"
"no. sorry." he let out a breath. "thank you for the compliment. you, um, look really good too."
"i know i do." y/n smirked. "but thank you. that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
"it can't be." auston looked at her and ran through their history in his mind. "okay. maybe that's true. and i'm sorry for that."
"you are forgiven, matthews." y/n watched as the pairs in front of them made their way out to where they needed to be. she linked her arm up with auston's, wished stephanie good luck and followed the man outside. they stopped at the end of the aisle and went to their designated locations. "you look great, mitchy." she whispered to mitch before taking her spot.
the music started and everyone stood up. when stephanie and her dad walked out, y/n glanced over at mitch. she had only seen him cry twice before in the few years she had known him. this was the third time she had seen tears in his eyes. he tried to hide it but when he looked over at y/n, he smiled.
as the minister went through the normal ceremony, auston kept looking over at y/n. she was watching the interactions between stephanie and mitch so intently, wiping away a tear or two every few seconds. auston was in complete awe of her.
at the reception, stephanie and mitch had the traditional first dance and when that was over, auston was more than eager to make his way to the dance floor. he and y/n took their places and began to dance
as they moved to the music, y/n looked up at auston.
"have you been practicing on your free time?"
"no, i swear. maybe you just make me a better dancer." he shrugged and moved her around the dance floor effortlessly.
"what's gotten into you tonight, matthews?"
"i think it's all the love in the air." he smiled.
"never would've pegged you for a romantic guy. no offence."
"none taken. i didn't expect it from myself either honestly." he spun her around a few times and when the song ended, so did their moment.
everyone else came to the dance floor to do their thing and y/n walked to the table to sit for a minute. stephanie was sitting beside her with a smile.
"auston is so into you."
"no he's not."
"oh please. i heard what he said before the wedding started. he was genuinely complimenting you. there was no hint of lying in his voice."
"he claims it's the love being in the air. i don't know what else to tell you."
even as y/n spoke those words, she couldn't bring herself to believe them. maybe stephanie was right and auston really was into her. she scanned the room and found him with mitch in the middle of the dance floor. they were having the time of their lives and y/n couldn't help but smile.
auston could feel someone watching him so when he looked up and locked eyes with y/n, he winked at her. she turned away shyly and sipped her drink. he thought it was cute.
y/n could feel her cheeks heating up and she hated it. she didn't like the way auston was suddenly making her feel. looking down at her now empty glass, she decided to blame it on the alcohol in her system, and as auston put it, the love in the air.
halfway through the reception, y/n was beginning to really feel the alcohol. the thing about that was it made her act differently and her voice of reason flew out the window whenever she drank.
as she downed her drink yet again, she found herself making her way to where auston was leaning against the wall. he noticed her approach him and he finished his drink.
"hey. what are you doing all alone over here? you should be having some fun. trying to pick up a girl or two." y/n giggled. why did it feel like her stomach was in knots?
"honestly, nobody here is really catching my eye." his eyes roamed the room before landing back on y/n. "might just call it a night."
"no don't." y/n sounded too eager to get him to stay so she backtracked her outburst. "i mean, it's your best friends wedding and you're the best man. you can't leave." y/n shyly looked down at her shoes.
"okay, i'll stay. but first, you gotta tell me why you hate me so much."
"what are you talking about? i hate you because on the night we met, you decided right away that you didn't like me."
"what gave you that impression?" he chuckled dryly.
"you were grumpy and it was very obvious you didn't want to be there. you put no effort into getting to know me. but i don't understand why you were grumpy. you scored the game winning goal in overtime, not to mention you had the only hat trick the entire game. that should've made you a little happier. you were so good that night. i remember telling steph 'wow. that matthews kid is really good.' like i was very impressed. and then we met and i thought you were really cute. but you had to ruin it by opening your mouth."
"you thought i was cute?"
"why do you hate me?"
"i don't. never did. i jsut really didn't want to be put on a blind double date. i hate blind dates."
"i hate them too. and i was only there as a favor to steph."
"i was only there for mitch. he was telling me during practice that he thought he met the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and he wanted me to meet her & make sure she wasn't a serial killer or crazy in anyway."
"and look at them now. kinda crazy how they both knew right away, huh?"
"yeah. but i think it's sweet." auston looked down at her and smiled. forgetting for a second that he hated her. "i'm really happy for them though. they're good for each other."
"i agree." y/n grabbed a glass off a passing waiters tray and drank half of it in one gulp.
"do you think you'll find the person you want to spend your life with?"
"i'd like to think i will & i'm hoping it's soon. but with my luck in love, it'll probably never happen." y/n sighed. "how about you? think you'll meet her soon?"
"honestly, i think i may have already met her."
oh. well that's good." y/n looked down at her feet. "wanna dance? reception's almost over and i feel like we should get at least one more dance in, just to make the newlyweds happy." she gestured to their right where mitch and steph were dancing. they waved and danced away.
"sure. what harm can it do?"
the two of them walked out onto the dance floor and just as they were getting into the beat of the song, it ended and a new slow song started. y/n froze and looked at auston. he grabbed her hands and placed them where they needed to be before he guided her across the dance floor.
they locked eyes and it suddenly felt like they were the only people around. to everyone but them, it was obvious there was an attraction between them.
when the song ended, y/n stayed with her arms around auston's neck as they swayed back and forth.
"so there's really nobody here that catches your eye?" y/n asked, bringing up part of their earlier conversation. she played with her thumbs behind his neck and one of them wrapped itself in a curl that was loose.
"actually, now that i've thought more about it, there may be one."
"wanna point her out? maybe i can talk you up to her."
"red dress, dark hair that's half up half down with curls, no makeup because she's literally perfect and doesn't need it. she's so perfect but she's dancing with the hottest guy here. i can't compete with that."
"one of those things describe steph. she's not wearing a red dress though, nor does she have dark hair. however, i am dancing with the hottest guy here."
"i know." auston smirked and twirled her around. when he pulled her back, he was holding her tighter. "you look so beautiful right now. and not just tonight. every night since the night i met you."
"auston, are you drunk?"
"maybe a little. but i'm coherent enough to know what i'm saying and i'm sober enough to tell you that i mean it."
"auston, please don't lie to me."
"why would i need to lie to you?" he looked down at her and y/n searched his eyes for a sign of him lying. there wasn't one. "i've always thought you were beautiful. gorgeous even. out of my league for sure. and i'm genuinely sorry that i never really said anything about it."
"please don't apologize. i wasn't exactly the nicest person to be around so that must've made it difficult for you."
"difficult, yes. but worth it? totally. 100% worth it."
"do you think that if mitch and steph hadn't dragged us both on that date that night, then maybe we would have a different history than the one we do?"
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, if they had invited us to a group thing instead and that's how we met, do you think that we could've been friends these last few years?"
"for sure." auston smiled. "and maybe, if we had been friends and i asked you on a proper date, you could've said yes."
"i think i would've." it was y/n's turn to smile. "but hey. we're both still young and have plenty of life left to live. why don't we go out tomorrow night?"
"that sounds like it could be fun." auston chuckled. "and just to be clear, it'll be just us, right? no one else."
"yes. just us."
"great. i'll pick you up at 8 then."
"it's a date." y/n smiled as auston spun her around.
the following night, y/n was getting ready for the date when stephanie facetimed her.
"oh, who you getting ready for?"
"believe it or not, i'm going on a date with auston."
"oh my god. finally!" mitch cheered from the other end of the phone. his face appeared on the screen and he was sporting a large smile. "i'm so tired of hearing him pine over you."
"you're exaggerating, mitchy." y/n shook her head. "how's the honeymoon you guys?"
"it's perfect. thanks for the suggestion." steph was back on the screen. "and thanks for agreeing to take care of zeus while we're gone."
"of course. i love zeus." y/n smiled and looked at the dog, whose head was resting on y/n's lap. "who's the bestest boy? you are. yes you are."
"have fun on your date, sweetie. make sure to tell me everything afterwards."
"always. see you guys later." y/n hung up the phone and finished doing her hair. "which dress should i wear zeus?" she held up a yellow dress and zeus tilted his head. she then held up a blue dress and he barked. "thank you, zeus." y/n changed quickly and looked at herself in the mirror. "what do you think?"
zeus barked and tilted his head.
"you're so cute." y/n grabbed her purse and walked to the door when she heard a knock. "okay, zeus. i'll be back in a few hours. there's plenty of food in your bowl and your treat ball is filled so you should be fine."
y/n opened the door and auston handed her a small bouquet of orange chrysanthemums, her favorite.
"how did you know?"
"i remember you telling mitch one day that you loved chrysanthemums and how your heart would be complete if someone ever gave you the orange ones specifically. i didn't know what the different colors meant but i did some research shortly after that night and i've wanted to give you a bouquet of orange ones ever since. delicate love, right?"
"yeah. exactly." she ventured into the kitchen to grab a vase and filled it with water. "i can't believe you even remembered that. i told him like 4 years ago."
"i know. um, you may not believe me but i had a list of all your favorite things. i don't have it now because i memorized it but i figured i'd let you know."
"auston, this is so uncharacteristic of you. but i appreciate the attentiveness. no guy has ever done anything like this for me before."
"i know. it's unfortunate but you deserve it. you deserve someone who is willing to treat you like a queen. someone who can't get you out of his head, even if he tried. because you are so perfect, it's crazy."
"stop talking." y/n smiled and pecked his lips. "you are so sweet, matthews."
"hold on just a second." he kissed her again but this time it lasted longer than a simple peck. she wrapped her arms around his neck and his found a place resting gently on her waist. auston was the first to let go of the kiss but they were both smiling from ear to ear.
"no guy has ever kissed me like that before. wow." y/n smirked.
"well all the other guys have been really stupid. and i'm not ashamed to admit that i'm part of that list."
"you're also a lot smarter than all the other guys i've been interested in." y/n's hand reached up to rest against his cheek.
"has anyone ever told you how perfect you are?"
"you did last night while we were dancing." y/n smiled and looked into his eyes. "and for the record, you're pretty perfect too."
"does that mean we're....perfect together?"
"corny joke aside, i think we might be."
"good." he smirked and kissed her again. their date was pretty much forgotten at this point as y/n pulled him through her apartment and into the living room.
auston sat on the couch and held y/n's hips as she straddled him. she looked into his eyes and felt herself getting lost in them.
"just so you know, i never bring a guy home on the first date."
"i know. and technically, if you count the blind date when we met, this is technically our second date." he smirked in response.
"it was a disaster and i feel now that our relationship has crossed the friendship line, we should just forget about the night we met."
"deal." auston smiled and they sealed their deal with a kiss. several kisses to be exact.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691 @carolinalikesthings
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heavenlyhischier · 10 months
forever and always | joe burrow
one two three
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liked by elblue6 and others
ynburrow finally mine forever and always.
Comments on this post have been limited.
mamazegras my beautiful baby! you look so beautiful and happy. this is everything i could ever wish for you🩷
ynburrow i love you so much mom. thank you for everything
_quinnhughes congrats, twin!
ynburrow thank you, twinnie <3
_alexturcotte THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE
ynburrow my wedding was the best day of your life?
→ ynburrow oh, i won’t either. you guys were terrible
avazegras I love you! Congratulations on the big day and I hope it and your honeymoon is everything you dreamed of🥰
ynburrow i love you. you’re the best little sister i could ask for
→ avazegras i’m your only little sister
→ griffinzegras she has trevor too
→ ynburrow exactly
→ trevorzegras wtf
jackhughes Sorry for starting the pool party (no i’m not)
ynburrow No you’re not and it’s okay. Thank you for creating one of my most cherished memories!
→ jackhughes Glad I could help! On a real note, congrats. I’m real happy for you. You’re like the sister I never had and I’m glad you found someone to put up with you forever.
lhughes_06 Finally a sfw post
ynburrow for now…
ynburrow thanks 🫥
→ griffinzegras don’t worry he’s happy for you. he cried when you walked down the aisle
→ jamiedrysdale correction, he SOBBED
joeyb_9 I was always yours forever.
yourbff why am i crying over a username change right now
trevorzegras Me too
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liked by colecaufield and others
thezegrassister before and after
View all 82 comments
yourbff i’m not shocked anymore
yourbff now that there’s a ring…
lhughes_06 i’m unfollowing you
_alexturcotte colecaufield she’s taking our man
colecaufield I hope she can fight
→ jackhughes I hope YOU can fight
trevorzegras i’m about to block you
avazegras who took the first picture???
jackhughes She’s being suspiciously quiet
_quinnhughes She’s on her honeymoon Im sure she’s busy
→ jackhughes Doing what?? Trevor said she told him they just got there
→ _quinnhughes Jack…
→ yourbff Jack, sweetie, she’s getting LAID
→ jackhughes Oh nice
trevorzegras You’re not allowed to change this username
liked by avazegras and griffinzegras
trevorzegras Just by the way
thezegrassister i wouldn’t dream of it, z❤️
358 notes · View notes
arc-misadventures · 11 months
The White Dress
Winter: Oh my god…
Jaune: What is it?
Winter: Jaune, look at that dress!
Jaune: What dre… (Whistles~!) Well ain’t that pretty.
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Winter: It’s gorgeous! Oh, it’s absolutely perfect~!
Jaune: Yeah… It’ll be the perfect wedding dress for you. We should get it before someone else snags it.
Winter: It would be a lovely wedding...?! W-W-Wait?! Did you just… indirectly ask me to marry you?!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Is that a no?
Winter: ...
Jaune: …
Jaune: Yay!
277 notes · View notes
Hey dolly absolutely luv luv luv your writing and I was wondering if you could do a tangerine x nurse reader when tan lem and ladybug ends up at the readers and tans place and the reader is patching tan up… but the next day it’s the readers sister wedding reception and tan is like to ladybug right get ready because he doesn’t feel comfortable with leaving him alone in his house. But anyways so at the reception the reader finds out their sister is marrying someone that used to stalk them ( they were marrying the readers sister just to be closer to the reader ) and he says something to tan while drunk ( the reader and tan are already married ) and tan starts and lem is trying to calm tan down but then ladybug is on tans side, if this makes any sense so sorry
hii honey!! thank you! love it, thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
gif creds to @/peachyspaceslvt for the never ending supply of crazy hot tan gifs. ur our saviour🫡
tangerine x fem!reader — misc
lemon and ladybug have an appearance too YAY
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word count. 1002
summary. readers sister is marrying someone from her past. someone who knew her better than she knew him. tangerine finds out and wants to do something about it
Weddings are supposed to be seen as these beautiful celebrations of love, an event made to showcase that same devotion between those individuals. 
That is what you were hoping for your sister at her wedding today. The man she had been dating had been a mystery to you all, a complete unknown stranger to your family. Your sister shared small stories and encounters of her enigma of a man, and he sounded great - though you had no real evidence to back that up.
And despite your theories about the rushed engagement timeframe, you decided to keep a clear, open head - staying hopeful for your sister. He seemed to make her happy, and that's what matters most.
But when you finally catch a glimpse of her soon-to-be husband standing at the alter, holding your sister's hands - you knew you were right to have your suspicions.
You turn to look at Tangerine on your left and lean into his shoulder, reaching for his ear. "I know him," you whisper, talking discreetly.
"Yeah, he's your sister's fiancé," your husband replies, speaking in a hushed tone.
You softly tap his arm. "No, like I recognise him from somewhere. Wait til he turns around— now look, see? I swear I've seen him before."
"What are we talking about?" Lemon butts in from Tan's left, head craning round to look at you both.
"Now I feel left out," Ladybug interrupts, copying Lemon from the seat to your right - peering past you, the four of you forming a slight semi-circle. Ladybug dated your sister years ago, and they weirdly remained good friends - hence why he was here at this ceremony.  
You sigh and look between the three guys. "I think I know the groom," you whisper, trying not to bring attention. 
"Stalker," Lemon says simply, almost casually. 
"What do you mean stalker?" Tangerine questions, words emphasised by narrowed eyes - clear distaste slapped across his face. "Never seen him before."
"You haven't? He followed her around," he nods to you. "Had a big thing for her, sent her things— he wouldn't leave her alone."
"Oh my god," you mumble as you bring your hands to cover your mouth, finally realising why he looks so familiar. "Oh my god."
"Why didn't you say anything before?" Tan snarks at his brother, punching him in the thigh. "Why would you not— oh, you prick."
"Don't fuckin' hit me," Lemon punches his brother back. "I thought you knew," he says, poking his head out to you.
"Guys, guys, guys," Ladybug chimes in, trying to stop the twins. 
All discussions are paused when your sister and her now-husband walk back down the aisle, their arms interlinked as they smile and nod at their guests. 
At the reception, all four of you are antsy. You were sipping on a drink to ease your nerves, Ladybug sat beside you doing the same - his leg bobbing, presumably from the nerves. The twins stood on high alert, arms folded and chins high as they scoped out the room - waiting for the right moment to speak to the groom. 
"Please just sit down," you reach for your husband's forearm, trying to get him back into his seat. "It's my sister's wedding— please don't make a big fuss."
"We're just gonna talk to him, darlin'," Tangerine speaks to you over his shoulder. "Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, talk to him," Lemon repeats, emphasising the 'talk' like they would be doing the opposite. 
The twins spot the right opportunity, your now-brother-in-law by himself at the bar. And before you have a second to say anything, they're already gone, making their way over - Ladybug joining them too. You watch them entrap him to the bar, Tangerine and Lemon on either side, Ladybug standing behind. All of them blocking him. 
"Congratulations, mate," Tangerine speaks, extending a hand to the man - stance wide as if to intimidate him. 
"Thanks," he shakes his hand. "You are?"
"Oh, glad you asked," Tangerine chuckles dryly. "See that darlin' sitting right there. The pretty one," he starts, gesturing to you at the booth table. "You see, I'm her husband."
The man freezes, his eyes darting between you and your menace of a spouse. 
"That's his wife," Lemon reiterates, tapping the man on his shoulder - startling him when he notices it's not just Tangerine confronting him.
Tangerine pokes the groom's shoulder, hard pointed finger prodding. "And I know what you did," he sniffs, another intimidation tactic. "You stalked her, didn't ya?"
The man looks around the room, noticing all the guests surrounding them - his demeanour now growing confident, almost arrogant. "And what? You're going to hit me? Look around, tough guy," he utters, pushing on Tan's shoulder. "Going to punch a groom on his wedding day? What would your wife say about that? About hitting her sister's husband." 
Tangerine looks over to you, your head softly shaking, silently telling him to leave it be. 
"Come on, bruv," Lemon murmurs, gesturing for them to leave.
"You're lucky, mate," Tangerine snarks, restraining himself.
"Yeah?" the man chuckles weakly. 
"Next time I see you, I swear to god," he grits.
"See you at the next family barbeque."
Ladybug and Lemon move swiftly to step in front of Tan, both of them already anticipating his reaction. 
"Okay, okay," Ladybug interjects, distancing the groom away. "That was completely uncalled for, man." 
Lemon places a firm hand on his brother's back, trying to push him away from the situation - almost wrestling him back to the seats. 
"Thank you," you smile at your husband, placing a hand over his knee - trying to calm him down. "You contained yourself. I appreciate it."
He exhales, brushing a hand through his hair. "He was asking for it. When I see him next— I swear to fuck."
Ladybug makes his way back, face just as infuriated as the twins. "I was this close," he gestures with his thumb and index, showing a few centimetres gap. "This close."
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this one tested my patience😭 was SO so close to giving up with it, and sorry if bit shit
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claireelle18 · 9 months
Lucky Charm
Prompt: When no one knows that they’re secretly married, but after scoring in the Stanley Cup playoffs he sees her in the stands wearing his jersey and holding the kid no one knows he has…and he’s almost knocked on his ass because he can’t take his eyes off her, and the moment is featured on national TV.
The day had been a long one of keeping up with the rambunctious toddler. Of course she wouldn’t exchange it for the world. Between the two parents, she agreed to be the stay at home mom while he provided for them.
It was a last minute decision to be down there at the arena, let alone up against the glass. She wasn’t sure how her girlfriend managed to get the tickets, pretty sure she had them, but the other guests bailed on her. 
“Linds, I can’t come! I’ve got no one to watch Salem tonight.” 
“Sage, just bring her! I have enough tickets for all of us. She can sit between us. Besides I bet she would love to see her Daddy play!” Salem had just recently turned two-and-a-half, and had only seen her Daddy play on tv and during the open practices.
“Sails you wanna go watch Daddy play?” She giggled and clapped. 
“Daddy?” The toddler questioned her mama.
“Yeah, baby. Daddy is at work. Want to go see him?” She nodded, and clapped more. “Okay, fine Linds we will see you there! Text me the tickets!” 
“Yay! I promise you’ll have fun!” 
With the heavy amount of traffic, both automobiles and pedestrians, it took a little longer to get past security than originally planned. Which meant warm ups were just wrapping up when the pair met up with the friend. “Hi ya Salem!” Salem laughed and waved hi back to her Aunt Linds. “You just missed him, but he will be back out soon.” 
The two women chatted as Salem watched the lights and people all around her. He wasn’t a starting player for the game, so she observed him on the bench. He was so sucked into the game, not knowing she was there, so close. 
First intermission came in a flash. He had a few shifts during that first period, and she could see how as the game progressed he became more comfortable. Before anyone knew it, second period was under way. Now they would be scoring on the goal the three sat behind. Sage cradled Salem on her hip as she wasn’t tall enough to see over the boards the action of the game. 
Her wedding ring glittering off the arena’s obnoxiously bright lights, casting tiny rainbows across the floor, as she held onto her daughter. Her daughter’s wide cerulean blue eyes captivated by the speed of the men whizzing around the large frozen sheet.  “Daddy! Daddy!” The young girl cheered as she caught her first glimpse of him, her long dark curls bouncing as she squirmed around.
He was back across the ice, then back in front of her again. His next shift he lead the puck, finding the back of the net past the Avalanche’s Georgiev. As he comes around the back of the net in a celly, he sees both, and cannot take his eyes off of them. 
His teammates flock around him, and he almost gets his ass slammed down to the ice because he gets run into. His only savior being Yanni Gourde and Adam Larson catching him. Even then he cannot seem to break the little trace he’s in. “If you’re watching this round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, you may have just witnessed Vince Dunn almost get taken out by teammates because something outside the rink, in the crowd is distracting him,” an announcer calls. 
No doubt that would be the hockey meme of the night, and for the weeks to follow. The Kraken social team was quick to use the gif made from it to post about taking the lead. 
@seattlekraken: “us when we realize we have the lead currently” 
Salem squeals again in excitement as she sees him smiling at her. She can hear the clicks of cameras sounding off around her as he smiles at them. Sage’s jersey proudly representing her last name of Dunn, and Salem’s with Daddy across the back and Vince’s number. He blows Salem a kiss and a sticking tongue out face, causing the previous reaction to repeat, before skating off. 
After winning the game, which gave the Kraken the lead in the series, the biggest question was asked during the interview, “what was that almost landing on your ass about?”
“Well, I-uh…I honestly didn’t expect to see my wife and our daughter standing there right behind the glass,” he smiled. “It definitely caught me off guard, in a good - I mean great way.” 
“So that was your daughter?” A report repeated. 
“Yes, my wife and daughter were here tonight. Now if you don’t mind, I would love to go see them, so please one final question.” He bounded off, in search of his favorite people. Adam had her outside the locker room, chatting and occasionally bouncing Sails up and down. 
“Daaadddyyy!” She screamed when she spotted him, taking off from everyone else. 
“Hey my little pumpkin!” He grabbed her kissing her cheek. “I see you came to Daddy’s work!” She nodded vigorously. 
“Come on you three, take a family picture!” Linds cheered, pushing Sage into her family. A few photos snapped of the little family.  “Glad you were able to not cause too much chaos tonight,” Sage teased Vince. “Even if you’re still leading in PIMs this season.” He jokingly goes to nip the tip of her nose in retaliation and Salem pushes his face. “Bad daddy. No bites!”
*New Instagram Post - posted photo series of Sage and Vince with Salem’s face not shown, back of her jersey is though* 
@vincedunn: “you could say I had my lucky charms in the building tonight”
Comment reply: @sagedunn: “yeah we know you mean @adamlarson 🙄” 
Reply: @vincedunn : “if I meant him then why are you sporting my last name on that jersey then? 😜😘” 
Reply: @sagedunn: “that’s because he’s forced to work with you” 
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offbrandkyoya · 6 months
95 Epilogue
previous | masterlist
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Falling in love isn’t as easy as they make it to be. Movies, books, shows, they all have a happy ending for the couple. Sometimes the happy ending isn’t cliche and unrealistic. And yet, you believed that was all true because you fell in love quite easily.
You didn’t think you’d fall hard for Scaramouche but you did. And somehow your dumb self was attractive to him. Silly but you’re happy. You both are. Ei became the manager of 5WIRL for a while and they gain more popularity. Scaramouche didn’t like the idea of his mom being the manager but it was like a bonding moment for them.
After a while, 5WIRL disbanded. DCKZ continues to thrive though. You remember hearing the news about that from your boyfriend and you couldn’t understand why. Scaramouche told you that they were all tired and the fun is over. That it was time for the boys to move on. You respected their decision but still cried over it.
Though you’re happy because Scaramouche isn’t as busy. You’re also happy because the disbandment didn’t cause Scaramouche to lose his love for music. Now, he sings for fun and denies every record label that approaches him. You laugh at him a lot for that.
Spring is here. The perfect season to paint. You sat in your chair and let your brush guide you. Years have passed and you guys live in a house instead of an apartment. About time since you guys have been together for so long. You hum while painting by the window in your bedroom. The door opens but you don’t look up, concentrated on your picture. A pair of arms wrap around your stomach. “Yn, i bought food.” “Yay!” You kiss Scaramouche on the nose before looking back.
“So that got your attention?” “Of course. Sorry but i love food more than you.” You joke and he pouts. “Maybe you should marry the food instead?” “Maybe i should!” You put your brush down on the water cup and grab his hand. You observe his finger that wore the golden ring. “Sorry Scara, this doesn’t belong to you.” You say and slide the ring off him. Scaramouche rolls his eyes. “You’re so annoying.” “You love me!” You slide the ring back on.
“If you did lose the ring then I will marry someone else.” “Damn.” Scaramouche rubs your shoulder and sits down on the bed. “Now i want the wedding to happen right now.” “Patience my dear Scara.” You say in a low voice which makes him laugh. “Anyways, I’m singing at this coffee place. Wanna come?” You hop off your stool. “Duh! I’m excited now!”
Scaramouche stands up. “Okay then let’s go.” You freeze. “Right now?” “Yeah.” You hold your face in panic. “I-I’m a mess! I’m not ready! I need to take a shower and change outfits and-“ “You look perfect.” He says and kisses your forehead. “Come one.” He grabs your hand and the both of you exit the house.
Once arriving, Scaramouche immediately sets up while you sit down at the front. You decide you might as well order something so you buy a coffee and a muffin to go along with it. You munch on your snack and the door opens. You look at who it is and immediately smile wide. “Aether! Xiao!” You get up and walk towards them. “Hi Yn.” Aether says but when you finally get close to them, you squeal. “And hi to you Xia!” Aether holds a toddler with teal hair and golden eyes, looking at you curiously with a thumb in her mouth.
“Aw she’s so cute!” You say while bringing your finger to her. “She is.” Xiao comments. “The fact you guys have a kid without being married outstands me.” Heizou enters the room with Kazuha right behind him. “You guys actually came.” Xiao says and Heizou puffs up his chest. “Why of course! I’ll never abandon my friend!” “Shut up.” Xia looks up at Aether and the blonde shakes his head. “Papa doesn’t know either.”
“Sit with me!” You say and the boys follow you to your table. “Picked out your wedding outfit yet?” Heizou asks once he sits down. You frown, “Not yet but I’ll find one! Trust!” Xia claps her hands and you point at her. “See, she trusts me!” “She’s a baby.” Heizou states. “A very cute baby.” Xiao kisses his daughter’s cheek which makes her laugh.
You frown, “I want a baby now. Xia’s so cute.” “Didn’t you almost lose her last time?” Kazuha brings up and you blush. “Look! I didn’t lose her! We were just…playing hide and seek…and she was very good at it..” Heizou crosses his arms. “You’d make a horrible parent.” “I hate you.” Xiao pokes his baby’s cheek. “When YN throws the flowers, make sure to catch them, Aether.” The blonde blushes. “W-What? That’s so soon!” Heizou looks at the couple in confusion. “You guys LITERALLY have a baby?”
The door opens once more and Venti enters with Zhongli and Childe holding hands behind him. You notice Ei is with them as well. You turn around to your fiancé and he noticed his mother but went back to do what he was doing. You frown but turn back around. “Looks like we made it in time.” Zhongli says as the four stand right in front of the table. “Yeah, Scaras pretty slow.” You comment and you can feel glare piercing behind your head.
“I’m kind of excited.” Childe says as he swings his and Zhonglis arms. “But we’ve seen him do this before?” Zhongli tilts his head and Childe giggles. “Yeah but it’s still an exciting thing to witness.” He kisses his cheek and Heizou gags. “I can’t believe this! I’m surrounded by couples!” Kazuha laughs. “Maybe you’re the problem.” Heizou pouts then laughs also. “You want me so bad.” “Mm, in your dreams.” The two stare into each others eyes with pink cheeks then laugh again.
Ei walks over to her son who was checking to see if everything is in perfect condition. She clears her throat, “Scaramouche.” His shoulders jolt but he shakes off the scare and looks at her. “What?” She smiles “Good luck.” Scaramouche’s eyes widen a little. He sensed a bit of warmth coming off her that made his heart swell. Even so, he kept his moody expression. “Okay, thank you.” She walks to sit at another table with the three boys following after.
Scaramouche glances at you and you give him a thumbs up with a cute smile. He smiles too and grabs his guitar to start. He sits on the stool and taps the mic. Your stomach bubbles as you feel the excitement jitters take over you. Xia starts to get excited too and begins to clap her hands and make incoherent noises. Aether shushes her, bouncing his leg up and down.
“You’re all probably tired of me but I’m here to sing another song.” “That’s my best friend!” Childe shouts and everyone laughs. Scaramouche rolls his eyes then looks directly at you. “I’m about to get married soon.” He says, “My fiancé has always given me to courage to continue to sing. I want to sing for you my entire life. I love you, Yn.” You blush and fidget in your seat. “I love you too, Scaramouche.” The crowd gushes with Heizou calling you guys “cringe.” Scaramouche begins to play with everyone enjoying the show.
You watch him full of love. His voice is so soothing and the way he plays the instrument makes your stomach churn. Some people entered to shop just to listen to Scaramouche sing. It makes you happy that he has so many fans. You hear the door open and you look to see it’s Kaeya with his brother and Albedo and Thoma. Diluc looks at Kaeya and put a finger on his lips which Kaeya responded by rolling his eyes.
They go and find a table to sit but you wave at Thoma and Albedo before they go ahead. They wave back and follow the brothers. You look back at Scaramouche and listen to his singing. He’s such a dream. You’re so happy to have fallen in love with him.
After a while, he finished and everyone claps with you being the loudest. He walks to you and kisses you. You smile and once you pull apart, he whispers in your ear, “I love you.” He looks at you with a smirk. You laugh and stand up to hug him. “I love you too.”
“Sorry we came in late.” Kaeya says once he, Diluc, Albedo, and Thoma made their way to your guys table. “It’s fine”. Scaramouche tells them. “We weren’t super late though.” Thoma corrects but Diluc huffs, “Well maybe if SOMEONE had the time right we’d be here right on the dot.” Kaeya groans, “I said I’m sorry! I really thought it wasn’t till like 10 in the afternoon!”
Scaramouche chuckles, “You’re crazy if you think im going to play that late. Sleep in my best friend.” Albedo chuckles, “Well we’re here now and that’s what matters.” You place a hand on your hip. “Question, if I throw the bouquet, would you catch it?” Albedo blushes. “M-Me?” “Yeah.” “Well, I don’t know, I mean I’d try but I really wouldn’t want it…” He panics a little. “N-Not that I don’t want to marry Kaeya! I just feel like…um..”
You laugh, “It’s okay! I’m just asking. What about you Thoma?” The blonde thinks for a moment. “I think I have a chance. I’m pretty athletic.” Dilucs face turns as red as his hair. “W-What? You’re serious?” Thoma looks at him with confusion at first then blushes also. “W-Well, it’s hypothetical, of course! Besides, we just started going out, it’d be too soon.” “Not to soon to have a baby though!” Heizou butts in and Xiao kicks his leg from under the table.
All of you decided to stay at the coffee shop till the night despite Scaramouche wanting to go home. You managed to convince him though. One by one they left. First were Xiao and Aether since it was Xias bedtime. You attempted to take her home with you but Aether slapped the back of your head. Venti left because he wanted to sleep and Scaramouche never felt so jealous in his entire life. Heizou and Kazuha left early too to your surprise. Turns out they were going to watch a movie and that it was a date night.
You wished them luck and you felt happy knowing those two are getting even closer. Scaramouche noticed his mother grow tired as her head would bop up and down. He told her she can go home but Ei didn’t want to since she wanted to be with him. After more pushing, Ei was going to leave. Though Scaramouche stopped her to say, “Thanks for coming.” You’ve never seen Ei smile so much before. She left and you kissed Scaramouche’s cheek as a reward.
“I have to go home. Klees waiting for me.” Albedo says, looking at his phone. “She’s grown. She’ll be fine!” Kaeya rests his chin on top of his boyfriend’s head. “You’re going to turn out to be a horrible dad in the future.” Diluc states and Kaeya glares at him. “I have to get going too.” Thoma speaks up. “I have to work tomorrow.” He pouts and you frown with him. “That sucks. I wish you luck, Thoma.” “Thanks Yn.” You both hug. “It was nice seeing you!” You let go. “It’s going to be busy thanks to the wedding.”
“Congratulations again.” Diluc smiles and you smile too. “Thank you!” Diluc flicks Kaeya’s forehead. “Let’s go.” “What?! Me too?!” “Yes, now come on.” Kaeya groans. “Ugh, fine!” You bid them all farewell. “Tell Klee I said hi!” You tell Albedo after you guys hug. He laughs, “I will.” The four of them leave and alls that’s left is you, Scaramouche, Zhongli, and Childe.
Childe rushes to Scaramouche and pulls him in a grip tight hug. “I’m so proud of you! Look at you singing in front of crowds and now you’re getting married soon! Next thing you know it, you’re having ten kids!” Scaramouche’s face turns red as he tries pushing Childe off him. “We’re not having ten kids!” “Yet.” Childe responds and lets go of the smaller.
“Can I be the godfather?” “No.” Zhongli laughs. “We should leave you both alone now. Come dear.” Childe blushes and holds his hand. “Okay okay. I really am happy for you though, Scaramouche.” Your fiancé smiles and laughs. “I should be thanking you.” “Why?” “For being my best friend.” The ginger blinks and his eyes water. “Oh my god you DO care about me!” “Go home.” You and Zhongli laugh then Zhongli and Childe finally left.
You wrap an arm around Scaramouche’s. “Let’s go for a walk.” “What about my stuff?” You shrug, “We’ll come back.” He raises a brow. “Alright.” You exit and you both walk down the sidewalk, admiring the night sky. You rest your head on his shoulder. “I’m happy.” “Me too.” He kisses your head. He looks up at the sky. “The moon’s beautiful tonight.” “It is.”
You look at each other. “I love you.” You both say at the same time, causing you guys to laugh. “All that singing made me hungry.” He says. “Same here. What do you want to eat?” “Maybe a sandwich.” You tilt your head. “Just a sandwich.” Scaramouche nods. “Yeah. What else do I need?” You giggle. “Okay. Where do you-“ “No.” Scaramouche stops walking and so do you. He looks directly in your eyes. “I want you to make it.” You blink then giggle again. “Alright. I’ll make you a sandwich.” Scaramouche smiles and you continue walking together under the night sky.
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- IM FREE!!!!
- guys it’s over!! Woo!!!
- I am working on the next smau and maybe Friday? I’ll post what it is 🫡
- it’s been in the works for a while so I HOPE you guys like it!!!!!!!!
- I’ll give a heads up that it is NOT genshin impact. I’ll talk about that more later when the time comes so yeah!
- thank you guys so so SO much! I love you all :3
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhicereads @monaypo1 @feiherp @myaaones @warcelia @hangecanweholdhands @yuminako @valiryyz @screechingxiaolover @tiddieshakeshownu @ilovechuuyaa @d4y-dr3am3r-blog @dazaisfavgf @swivy123 @ganyusbrideee @sagegreenthinks @the-left-glove @wonderland-fan @kylexzz @kaoyamamegami @whycantscarabereal @rvoulte @eunchaeluvr @lxkeeeee @silvermah @baby-bread-in @yelleloww @magica-ren @itzblazekun @im-inlovewithy0u @featuredtofu @anastaxiah @ask-aph-tanzania @drmyday @what-just-happened-huh @xtobefreex @v4lerixxq @duckyyyx @hannoahs-third-eyelash @brain-r0tt @iota1111 @accio-fandom @kaitfae @tikitsune @salmonieea
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rinadragomir · 6 months
My thoughts on the couples included in Better in Black for those who care
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I expect you to write down yours so work work
You know, as a dedicated Jessa stan I wanna say that it's okay~ Because these two were together for 50 years or sth, there's still some things to add. We might watch them in their 30s, 50s, 60s. I guess at this point both camps have around the same amount of content. Plus I'll have Jessa in twp so I'm in peace 🌱
All my first thoughts are over here. I'm a Clace defender, I'm their oldest stan, I'm a veteran👩‍🦳 So I feel like I have a right to say that...it was kinda unnecessary. We've witnessed every step in their relationship so far, beginning of it in TMI, gentle transition to adulthood in TDA and Tales of Shadowhunter Academy, adulthood in SOBH and proposal. So if the story isn't about their wedding then WHAT THE HELL IS IT ABOUT REALLY? And we know that they won't get married until twp.
📍Anna & Ari (Arianna!)
Hey🥺that is nice, we've seen so little of them in chain of thorns and I've loved them since their debut in 2018 in that short story. I'm very biased when it comes to TLH, cause I'm their mother. So YAY🌱they have a long way to go, Anna still needs to change a tiny little bit for them to be healthy, so I'd love to witness it
We all have known about it, because Cassie kinda promised us their story a while ago. Wedding runes scene, honeymoon, kids, mortgage etc. Go kids, slay, serve, eat and so on, I'm excited for u!
📍Sebastian & Seelie Queen
Yeah... That famous Sebastian &Fanbase. Like... I'm conflicted, because it's useless and doesn't make any sense even tho it might slay. Listen up, I'll show you.
Lots of people defend it by saying that it might be important for Ash's background in TWP. But... No it's not. Because this is exclusive book made for few people who were lucky and financially stable enough to get it. It won't be posted online. So most people won't read it unless someone leaks it. So there's no point for that story to be important for the plot, therefore it has nothing to do with it.
And it's definitely not "one of the most beloved" couples. BUT LIKE... WHAT IF IT SLAYS? Toxic, unhinged romance, what if I'll love it? 🤡
So you see the problem? Because it's the same as Clace. What else might she add, because there's nothing. SoBH ended like yesterday. We know exactly where they live rn, their daily routine, their plans. So there's nothing to add between SOBH and twp. What will it be about? Hard to say, but I hope Cassie will come up with sth interesting for them.
📍Thomastair (why did Cassie say Alistair instead of Alastair, I'm lost help me)
Yay🥺slay, serve, eat and leave no crumbs, go, kill it idk you're doing great boys, there's so much to add and explore because they've just started dating. I'm so excited ^-^
That is fine. No matter what I think about their relationship, because in my point of view Cristina and Kieran fell in love because Cassie said so apparently, I still don't mind them being there. Because there's also lots of things to discuss and explore. I hope the story will be soft and warm☀they've just started their advantage so it definitely makes sense
Even though we've had lots of them in TMI and Shadowhunters Academy I still think they deserve to be here. They are famous (I guess? 👁👁) and I'd like to know more about their plans for future. Simon was still a teenager in the stories collection and now I'd love to see him as a grown man being in relationship with the woman he loves.
📍Luke & Jocelyn
Well... That was... Unexpected. I guess... I've just never met their fandom but I hope it's huge af, because I don't know why else would they be here. Sophideon, Gabrily and Charlotte with Henry were supposed to be here, let's be honest. But since they're here, I do think Cassie is able to make a decent story. I expect it to be bittersweet, angsty and somehow heartwarming. I think there's nothing to say except let's wait and find out.
OVERALL I think it's pretty fine. Maximum 7/10 from me. I was ready to face the worst, but it turned out to be... Fine. So it's fine☺🌱
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kritischetheologie · 6 months
yay the ultimatum is coming back🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
I don't actually remember what number this was, but somebody asked for it last night, and then I totally deleted my draft, so here we go again.
(Previously, in Episodd 8, the final trial marriages proceeded toward their inevitable conclusion...)
Episode 9: Decision Day
On the final morning, Alex wakes up alone, in the hotel room he's been occupying since the night he and George called it quits. Production set him up with it for the remainder of the time of the show, like a holding pen for assholes.
He probably slept the easiest of any of them, spared the anxiety over what will happen. He got what he wanted, and he knows it's for the best. Now George can find someone who fits into his plans, someone who isn't terrified of the idea of someone else counting on him.
For the first time in maybe his entire life, Alex has no idea what he's going to do next. He has nobody to answer to, or take care of, now that the last of his siblings is a full-grown adult with a degree and a (ok, part-time) job. He can do whatever he wants. He doesn't really know how to do that.
He can go to brunch, maybe, and only order one thing, instead of getting a sweet and a savory to share, so George can have a little bit of both. He can figure out which brunch dish is worth eating a whole plate of.
He's going to be ok. He has to be.
Lando wakes up alone, because production has them in hotel rooms for the last night, like they're heading to a wedding, or something, and it's bad luck to see your groom before the wedding.
A production van drops him off in some garden, somewhere, where Daniel is waiting under a gazebo, which only intensifies the wedding vibes. He's all dressed up, in a suit and everything, and looks so nervous Lando feels like he'll throw up just looking at him.
"Hey," he says quietly. There's a ring box tenting in the front of Daniel's trousers. If Lando had different intentions he'd make a joke, ask if Daniel is happy to see him. Fuck, this is going to he harder than he thought.
"OK, I have to say something," he says, before Daniel can do something stupid like get down on one knee. "I'm sorry about this whole thing," he says, gesturing to the cameras, the gazebos, all of it. "I shouldn't have dragged you into this, I shouldn't have pressured you into getting engaged, and I definitely shouldn't have done all that and then decided I don't actually want to marry you after all. So yeah. Sorry. Please don't propose."
"Oh, thank fucking god," Daniel says, relief crashing over his face. "OK, amazing, cool. We should be friends, yeah? Bros? Thanks a million Lando, you're a real one."
Lando tilts his head to look at Daniel, really look at him. "You know," he says, "somehow this is more offensive than the time I asked you to marry me and you said 'no'."
There's something satisfying to waking up alone, Lewis thinks, like sore muscles after a tough workout. Well-deserved pain. He's broken Seb's heart too many times to count, now, and somehow, Seb refuses to give up on him, on the beautiful dream of the life they could have together. No matter how hard Lewis tries to convince him that it's not real, that it couldn't be. That he's the type of person who's better off with an asshole like Nico instead.
There's a ring on the bedside table that Lewis picked out, from the selection they offered him. The illusion of choice. He leaves it behind to get into a van, to be driven to where Seb is waiting for him.
They sit quietly together, both of Seb's hands held in Lewis's, so small they disappear below his fingers. "I need you to know," Lewis begins, "that if it was ever going to be anyone, it would have been you."
Seb's blue eyes stare straight into him. "Then why can't it be?" he asks. "What is it about the idea of marriage that scares you so fucking much that you'd rather lose me then do it?"
"Do you really wanna have this fight again, man?" Lewis asks. "Fuck, you know my reasons. It's a bourgeois institution based on private property and the ownership of women. It's a promise no one can make, because you might change, or I might, and maybe if you really love someone you shouldn't ask them not to, you know? It's a guarantee that we end up resenting each other, eventually, because all it is is a promise not to leave you if I want to. Why would you ask that of me?"
"Because I love you!" Seb says. "I love you, and I want to know that you won't just wake up one morning and not love me anymore, or that if you do, we'll work on it. I want to have something bigger than us, and bring the people who love us into it, and I don't want to have to beg you, or fight you, or fuck somebody else to convince you that you should want that too."
"Of course I'll fucking work on it," Lewis says. "You think I'm just going to quit on you, just because we didn't say some words, get some jewelry? Do you really think so fucking little of my love for you that you need some piece of paper to prove it?"
"It should be enough that I want it!" Seb says. "It should be enough that it matters to me!"
"And it should be enough that I love you," Lewis retorts. "But I guess it isn't."
"I guess it isn't." Seb says.
"So is that it, then?" Lewis asks. "You're really going to walk away from me, from us, from everything we've fucking built?"
"No, Lewis," Seb says, with a quiet cruelty that reminds Lewis, for an insane moment, of Nico. "You are."
Nico picks out the biggest, most "fuck you" diamond the show has to offer, which is still smaller than the one Jenson got him. He hopes it's still sitting in a drawer somewhere. They'll look good in their rings, he thinks. Gorgeous and flashy, the type of couple who deserve to be traveling in first class together. This is what they both deserve.
Jenson is there waiting for him, like he'd always imagined. He'd fucked up the first time, gotten stupid, imagined there was a better option out there, but Jenson is gorgeous, and lets Nico do whatever he wants, and they're going to live happily ever after. They're going to be the only happy couple to make it out of the show, he's sure.
Nico doesn't bother with a speech-- speeches are for The Bachelor, and this is the fucking Ultimatum. Jenson backed him into a corner, he caved, the least he can do is keep some of his dignity. He makes sure the cameras are at an angle where his blue eyes will look angelic, looking up at Jenson, as he kneels.
"Jenson, will you marry me?" he asks.
There's a very, very long pause. When Jenson popped the question, Nico had shrieked, "WHAT?" at the top of his lungs, because he hadn't been expecting it-- he hadn't even gotten a manicure, for Christ's sake.
The pause is worse.
"God, if you'd asked me a month ago, baby," Jenson says.
Nico stays on the ground, because there's dirt on the knee of his white linen trousers, and it'll look fucking stupid if he has to do the rest of this conversation with it showing. "Ok," he says. "But I'm asking you now. Will you marry me?"
"Yeah, so, like I said," Jenson says. He's pathetic when he's trying not to upset people. Nico would have liked him more if he'd been more willing to upset him. "If you'd asked me a month ago, I would have said yes."
"Ok," Nico says. "So say yes now, and we can get out of this ridiculous place."
"That's the thing," Jenson says. "Oh, will you get up, babe? This is stupid with you kneeling."
"This is stupid no matter where I am," Nico says. He refuses to brush off his knees as he stands. "This whole thing is stupid." It was never going to be worth the Instagram followers. How did he even let Jenson talk him into it in the first place?
"And that's exactly why I can't marry you," Jenson says. "You think everything is beneath you, even me."
"I don't think that about everything," Nico protests. "It's not my fault that most things are."
Jenson sighs. "I hope you find someone, someday, who actually makes you happy," he says.
Max wakes up missing Daniel and feeling horrible about it. He has every morning, since their trial marriage ended, but maybe that's just life? He hadn't dated anyone before Charles asked him out in college. Maybe this is just what having an ex is like, and Daniel will just always be That Ex like the one his sister has, the one she can't ever be in the same room as, Or Else.
Max had never believed in happily ever after, or in getting swept away, or in promises. Charles taught him to believe in promises. Daniel showed him that getting swept away was real, too. But if you can only have the one with one person, and the other with someone else, then how can happily ever after be real?
It doesn't matter. Charles is real, and solid, his anchor. Daniel makes him feel unmoored, like gravity no longer operates, like his organs are being pulled into the sky and all he can do is hope that he follows them. You can't live like that. You can't build a home in the sky. Max can build a home with Charles. That's what he'd wanted all along.
The ring Charles picked out is simple, classic. A strong, reliable band, like their bond, the only reliable thing in Max's life. Charles has tears in his eyes as he proposes, and so does Max. Neither of them asks why.
"You two are so beautiful," the producer tells them, as they're kissing. "I almost hate to interrupt. But Max, there's someone here to talk to you."
Max turns and sees Daniel, his curls still unkempt despite the carefully buttoned white shirt, the black suit, every beloved tattoo covered except the ones on his hands. Max can't breathe, seeing him, until he smiles, his face going wide, Max's spreading helplessly to mirror it. "Hiya, Maxy," Daniel says. "Can we talk?"
Max nods, feeling Charle's hand slip out of his as he turns away to follow Daniel down the gravel path leading down from the gazebo.
[Episode 9, part 2, to follow]
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cuttergauthier · 2 years
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Female reader x Jack Hughes
Warning: against, wedding, Alcohol, fluff Jack
word count: 5.2k
let me know what you guys think🤍
Jack Hughes and Y/n do not get along, their families are close friends. They were neighbours growing up. What happens when Quinn, Jack’s brother gets married to his fiancé Allison and both of their families keep asking them if they are bringing a date?
I’ve been home for about a week for summer vacation and my mom won’t stop bothering me about bringing a date to Quinn’s wedding. I’ve been away at Columbia University all year, I’m also single and honestly, I wanted nothing to do with any of the boys in this town.
I have no idea what I’m going to do. I was getting so annoyed.
“Honey are you bringing a date to the wedding?” she asked for the 10th time since I’ve been home.
“Yes, I’m bringing my boyfriend!” I blurted out before even thinking. My eyes widened
“YAY!” my mom said excitedly
“who is it?” she asked
“You’ll have to wait and see” I said
“Okay, well I’m glad you’re bringing someone”
“Me to” I said before leaving the room
What the hell did I just do? I have no idea what I’m going to do, my mom won’t be to happy if she finds out I lied.
It was only 12:15 p.m. so I might as well go out for the day. I grabbed my purse and car keys and decided to go into town.
I parked my car downtown and decided to walk. I might do some shopping. I just knew I couldn’t stay home I need to figure out what I’m going to do.
I was about to enter Starbucks when I bumped into someone. When I look up I see Jack, making me roll my eyes.
“Really Y/n do you never watch where you’re going” he said annoyed
“My god seriously, you ran into me” I replied angrily.
“Whatever” he scoffed. He went to walk away but I stopped him.
“How’s Quinn? Is he excited about the wedding? I haven’t talked to him in a while.” I asked him
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him more excited” he replied
I nodded and went to walk in the Starbucks, but he surprised me when he continued to talk.
“Are you and your family going to the rehearsal too? Or just the wedding?”
“Both, I think… my mom’s been annoying me about it” I said annoyed
“thought you’d be more excited? Doesn’t every girl love weddings?” he said smirking. I could tell he was just trying to annoy me even more.
“Yes, except I told my mom I was bringing my boyfriend” I blurted out. What is wrong with me, I need to stop saying that.
He looked shocked, he was about to say something else but I stopped him.
“Look I have to go, I’ll see you at the wedding” I said leaving him outside.
I ordeJack my drink and went to pay, when someone reached over paying for me.
“you don’t have to do that…” I started to say when I saw it was Jack.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said smiling at the worker.
Why would he do that?
The worker gave me my drink and I went to leave but Jack stopped me.
“not even a thank you?” he said smirking
“why’d you pay? You want me to be nice to you?” I said annoyed
“Can we sit and talk for a bit?” he asked nervously. I looked at him confused, what was he up to.
I nodded slowly and followed him to a table.
“What do you want Jack?” I asked annoyed
“We both live in New Jersey, I know you don’t have a boyfriend, so why’d you lie” he asked
“I do have a boyfriend” I said confidently, but I knew he could tell I was lying.
“So if I ask one of my brothers or Allison they’ll say it’s true?”
“… Fine I don’t. why do you care if I lied?”
“Because I may have told my mom I was bringing my girlfriend to the wedding, except I don’t have one.” He said making me laugh. He rolled his eyes at me
“Yeah laugh it up, you did the same thing”
“I’m guessing both of our parent’s wouldn’t stop bugging us about bringing a date” I said making him nod.
“Now that I know you did the same thing, maybe we could just pretend were dating, go to the wedding together and after we fake breakup” he said.
I looked at him for second before throwing my head back and laughing.
“Okay what’s so funny about that?” he asked annoyed
I finally calmed down before answering him.
“No one’s going to believe us, we don’t get along”
“both of our families haven’t seen us all year except for Quinn when the canucks playing against us in jersey and Allison who came to visit a few time, we just need to get our stories straight”
“You can’t be serious”
“I am, we both told our parent’s we were bringing date I never told my mom my supposed girlfriends name did you tell your mom a name?”
“No I didn’t”
“then we can do this, we’ll just have to pretend to be a couple at the rehearsal and wedding”
“…fine, this better work” I Said making him smile.
“it will, are you busy later around 7?” he asked
“No why?”
“Well we need to get our stories straight so, we’ll go somewhere to talk, that good with you?”
“Sure whatever, text me later where, so I can leave without my mom asking to many questions” I said and he nodded before leaving.
This is not going to end well.
I made it back home around 5 p.m. after my coffee I thought I might as well do some shopping to pass time, since I was afraid if I went home early my mom would question me about my ‘Fake boyfriend’ so the less time home was better.
My mom made dinner so I sat with her and my dad, thankfully they didn’t ask me anything about who I was bringing to the wedding.
After dinner It was about 6 p.m, made my way to my room so I could change into comfier clothes.
I changed into a pair of black lululemon’s and my overside Columbia hoodie.
I decided to watch Netflix while I waited for Jack to text me.
I was only 10 minutes into the show when he sent me a text
Meet me at the old spot by the water.
I replied telling him I would. We would always go there when we were all in high school, it was pretty private, no one ever goes there anymore. But I remember Jack, Quinn, and some of the ntdp boys would always go there just to hang out.
It’s only about a 15-minute drive from our house so I looked outside my window to see if Jack’s car was in his driveway. When I saw it wasn’t I thought I might as well leave. I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way downstairs. My parent’s were in the living room watching tv so I couldn’t exactly leave without them seeing me.
“I’m going out for a little bit, don’t wait up, love you” I said before leaving.
They trust me so I knew they wouldn’t worry or ask where I’m going.
When I arrived at the stop it was only 6:55 but Jack was already there. I parked next to him, he rolled down his window and told me to go in his car. I nodded turning my car off before joining him.
“so, what are we going to tell them when they ask us how long we’ve been together?” I asked him. The music was playing softly in the background.
“we can say we’ve been together for about 4 months maybe” he said looking at me. I nodded.
“yeah, we can say that being away in the same City and me not really knowing to many people, we can say you ended up inviting me to hang out with some of your teammates and their girlfriends and we just realized we never really hated each other or something and decided to date” I said
“Yeah that works, I just don’t know if Quinn and Allison will believe us.” He said
“Well Quinn did pretty much force us to hang out more this year after we argued one to many times last summer, we did try and be civil with each other” I said, he nodded.
“True… we’ll have to sit by each other you know that right?”
“Yeah, I’m not to excited about that” I said
“I’m not that bad Y/n” he said cockily, making me scoff
“Yeah right” I said chuckling
“we’ll have to dance and stuff so they actually believe us” he said, making me realize we might need to kiss. My eyes widened
“Oh god, we might have to kiss won’t we” I ask
“Probably, just promise you won’t fall in love with me if we do” he said smirking
“Like I could ever fall in love with you”
“You never know”
“Yeah whatever, are we going to meet earlier tomorrow before the rehearsal? Or are we just meeting there?” I ask him
“I’m guessing you’ll be getting ready at your place?” he asked making me nod.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to go to the rehearsal with my parents”
“It might be more believable If I go pick you up, that way our parent’s would know before we actually get to the wedding and you could ride with me, we would get there together, we’d look more like a couple if we do that”
“Okay sure, just please make it believable when you come get me” I said
“I will, the rehearsal is at 5 p.m. and it’s a 30 minute drive so I could pick you up at 4 p.m? I think my mom wants me to be there a little bit earlier since I’m one of the groomsmen and you’re one of the brides maids right?”
“yeah I am so that should fine, I’ll be ready.” I said
“Perfect then it’s all figured out” he said smiling.
“yeah, let’s just hope nothing goes wrong.”
“Trust me, everything will be fine”
“I don’t trust you Jack.” I said annoyed
“well for once just trust me” he said smirking
“Fine, I’m going home now” I said before getting out of his car.
“I’ll see you tomorrow girlfriend” he said smirking, making me roll my eyes. I wave him off before getting in my car and going home.
It’s the day of the rehearsal and I’m nervous. I just woke up its 10:30 a.m. so I made my way downstairs to get some breakfast, both my parents were there. My mom was making breakfast while my dad was on his phone and drinking his coffee.
When I got there my dad looked up at me and smiled.
“Good morning honey” he said.
“Good morning dad” I said before kissing his cheek and doing the same to my mom.
“Did you sleep well” my mom asked
“I did, what are we eating for breakfast?” I asked. I’m starving
“Waffles” she said smiling
“Yay” I said excitedly. Making my parents laugh
I went and poured myself some coffee in my cup. I’m going to need all the coffee I can get, to get through today.
Once the waffles were ready my mom placed them in our plates and we all started to eat.
“Is your boyfriend going to be riding in the car with us?” my mom asked
“Actually he’s going to be picking me up.” I said shyly
“Oh okay, you know you need to get there earlier since you’re a bridesmaid right?” she asked
“Yes mom” I said smiling
“So what’s his name?” my dad asked
“You’ll find out when he picks me up” I said putting my plate and coffee cup in the dishwasher.
“Oh come on, why won’t you just tell us?” he said pouting. My dad has always been pretty chill, he always told me as long as long as he makes you happy and treats you how you should be treated then he would like him.
“What’s the fun in that” I said chuckling.
“It’s 11:15 so I’m going to go take a shower before I have to get ready for the day” I told them.
“Okay, are you wearing your pink dress?” my mom asked
“yes” I said before going upstairs to take a shower.
I took a long shower hopping it would help with my stress. By the time I got out it was 12:00 p.m. so I got dressed into some sweatpants and a tank top. I went into my room and decided to watch a few episodes of Outer banks on Netflix before I start getting ready.
A few minutes later I got a text from Jack.
-       I’ll be at your place at 4 since I have a feeling your parent’s will have questions.
-       Good idea
After I answered him I went back to watching my show.
At around 2:00 p.m. I went downstairs to get a snack before getting ready. I didn’t want to starve before the rehearsal dinner since I know we’ll be eating there.
I decided to make myself a green smoothie, that way I wouldn’t be hungry for a few hours.
“Hey sweetheart, If you need me, I’ll be in my room getting ready.” My mom told me.
“Okay, I’m also going to start getting ready” I said, she nodded before going upstairs to her room.
One my smoothie was ready I went back up to my room. I sat down at my makeup desk and turned on my curling wand so I could do my hair first. I still had to finish my smoothie, so I didn’t want to risk doing my makeup first and making a mess.
I decided to do loose beach waves. I had long hair so I knew it would look good with my dress. Once I was done with my doing my hair, along with drinking my smoothie I started my makeup. I went with a natural look. I didn’t want to go all out.
Once I was done it was only 3:15 p.m. and I didn’t know which shoes I wanted to wear yet so I thought I would figure that out before I got dressed.
I had a lot of shoes, luckily, I found a pair of heals that were the same color as my dress. I went in the bathroom and changed. My dress is a silky V-neck knee length blush pink. I found this dress at urban outfitters about a month ago and I knew it would be perfect for this.
Once I was ready it was almost 4, I knew Jack would be here soon so I grabbed my heals and made my way downstairs.
My dad was already ready watching tv so was my mom, they didn’t like being late so they always made sure to get ready a little while before they had to leave.
I went and sat down next to them on the couch.
“Oh honey you are stunning” my mom said smiling
“Thanks mom, I did get my looks from you.” I replied smiling
My dad started laughing.
“it’s a good thing you don’t look like me” he said, my mom hit him on the shoulder making me laugh.
I looked at my phone to see it was 3:55 and Jack just texted me.
I’m leaving right now.
Thankfully he lives next door, so I put my shoes on. Once I got up there was a knock on the door.
“Perfect the boyfriends here” My dad said getting up to answer the door.
Once he opened the door and saw who was standing there his eyes widened.
“Jack?” he said looking at him, then me, before looking at him again.
“did you say Jack?” My mom asked not believing it.
My dad nodded before letting Jack come in.
“Jack honey, it’s so good to see you” my mom said before giving him a hug.
“It’s good to see you too, it’s been to long” He told her smiling, before looking at me.
“How long have you two been dating?” my dad asked
“4 months, we just wanted to keep it a secrets for a little while” Jack answered
“well I am definitely happy you two finally got together” my mom said surprising me.
“Mom, what?” I asked confused, making Jack chuckle.
“What? Ellen and I always knew this was going to happen” She said like it was the most obvious thing ever.
I just shook my head and looked at Jack.
“we should probably get going” I said, he nodded
“we’ll see you guys in a bit” he told my parents before we walked out.
I made my way to the passenger side door and he followed me opening the door for me, making me look at him confused.
“ what? We need to make it believable” he said making me chuckle.
Once he got in the driver seat, we made our way to the rehearsal dinner.
About 10 minutes later I could see him looking at me every few seconds.
“what?” I ask
“Nothing… you look beautiful” he said
“Thank you, you don’t look to bad yourself” I replied smiling.
The rest of the drive was quiet the only sound was the music playing softly in the background. Once he parked the car. He turned and looked at me smiling.
“You ready for this?” he asked
“No, but I don’t have a choice” I said and he laughed.
“no you don’t, come on” he said as we both got out of the car.
He waited for me in from of the car. He held up his hand.
“come on we need to make it believable” he said
I nodded grabbing his hand, and we made our way inside.
Once we got inside Jim, Ellen, Luke, Quinn, Quinn’s best man Brady, Allison, her 2 other bridesmaid and her family were already here.
Quinn saw us and his eyes widened.
“NO WAY” he screamed making everyone turn their attention to us. Allison gasped when she saw us holding hands, Before running to me and hugging me.
Quinn just laughed making me chuckle.
“When did this happen?” Quinn asked us
“4 months ago”
“What?” Allison asked looking at me.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell us?” Quinn asked
“We wanted to keep it a secrets for a little while to make sure we would actually work out since both our families are friends we didn’t want to make it awkward” Jack answered and I nodded.
I didn’t except him so say that so confidently.
“Well I’m so happy for you two” Allison said hugging me again. She had a big smile.
“Thanks Alli, but today and tomorrow is about you and Quinn not us” I said chuckling.
After everyone said they were happy for us, there attention went back to Alli and Quinn.
“Can’t believe that worked” I whispered to Jack after we were alone.
“Same I didn’t expect them to believe us” he said
Thankfully for the rest of the night the attention was on the soon to be bride and groom.
I stayed with Jack the whole night when we would interact with family members.
Thankfully he was nice the whole night making me wonder why I we never got along.
“You ready to go back home?” he asked me when everyone started leaving.
I nodded.
We said our goodbyes, Allison reminding me not to be late tomorrow morning. We were meeting here at the hotel at 9:00 a.m. where the wedding would take place. They rented out a ballroom. But all the bridesmaids where meeting in a suite to get ready before the wedding.
Jack led the way to the car, we got in and made our way home.
Once we he parked in my driveway. He looked at me.
“Thanks for the drive, I’ll see you tomorrow at the wedding” I said, he nodded.
I got out of the car and made my way inside and in my room.
I did my nighttime routine and got in bed.
I just laid there in bed thinking.
I think I might be falling for him. That can’t happen we’re supposed to hate each other.
I woke up at 7:00 a.m. so I could take quick shower.
After my shower I made my way downstairs to get breakfast before I had to leave. I was glad there was someone at the wedding doing our hair and makeup, so I didn’t need to do that before leaving.
I made myself an omelette and a coffee. Once I was done eating, I went and brushed my teeth. I then grabbed my stuff and made my way to the hotel. I got there at 8:55, I went to the room we were all meeting in and knocked on the door.
Allison’s mom answered the door smiling.
“Hey Y/n, come in” she said
“Thank you” I replied making my way inside.
Allison saw me and gave me a hug
“I’m about to be Mrs. Hughes” she said happily
“I’m so happy for you” I said smiling.
“Here drink this, and you can get your hair done first” She said handing me a mimosa, before shoving me in the direction of the hairstylist, I chuckled
The hairdresser talked to me the whole time along with Jenna the other bridesmaid that was sitting next to me. She was getting her hair done by the second hairdresser. There was two hairdressers and two makeup artists.
Ellen, Jack and Quinn’s mom was sitting on the other side of me getting her makeup done.
“I guess it’s a good thing, Allison and Quinn ended putting you and Jack together to walk down the aisle. Turns out you were dating all along” Ellen said smiling
“I know right” I said chuckling
“I am so happy my son finally asked you out, I could tell he always had a crush on you” she said making me blush. There’s no way Jack had or has a crush on me, he hates me, but she couldn’t know that.
“Me too” I answered smiling.
Once I was done with hair, I got my makeup done. Allison also ended up giving me another mimosa, they were strong, if we keep drinking them I don’t think walking down the aisle will go to well.
It was finally time to put on our dresses.
Allison had chosen a long baby blue silky V-neck dress for the bridesmaids. It was a beautiful dress.
Once Allison put on her wedding dress everyone in the room ended up teering up, she was absolutely stunning.
“Alli, wow, you look stunning” I tell her smiling.
“Thanks Y/n, I can’t believe the day’s finally here” she replied smiling
“Believe it girl” Emma her Maid of honor said, making us laugh.
“Let’s get this show on the road” Her mom said
We left the room and made our way downstairs. We made sure Allison was last and you couldn’t see her until Quinn walked down the aisle. Once he did. We all got in line with Allison last.
I stood next to Jack, I smiled at him, we made our way down the aisle.
When it was time for Allison and her dad to walk down the aisle everyone in the audience stood up. When Quinn saw her, he started teering up. when she made it in front of Quinn, I looked at them and smiled. They are perfect for each other.
The ceremony went on and now it was time for their vows.
“Allison, if anyone would have told me 3 years ago that today I would be standing here, in front of all our family and friends about to marry my best friend, I never would have believed them. You have stood by my side for all the highs and lows, I love you so much and I can’t wait to see what the future may hold for us.” Quinn said Tearing up, same with Allison.
“Quinn, the day we met, I didn’t feel like leaving my apartment, but my friends dragged me out. I can’t thank them enough, because that’s the day I met you. I can’t imagine doing life with anyone else. I love you so much, I can’t wait for all the adventures we are going to have.” Allison said. I whipped away a tear that had rolled down my cheek. I ended up making eye contact with Jack, he smirked, probably because I was tearing up.
The wedding officiator finally told them to kiss.
We all cheered.
I was so happy for them, I hope I get that one day.
It was time to leave the room and go outside for pictures.
We took a lot.
“Y/n, Jack get in here” Allison said mentioning to us to get in the picture with her and Quinn.
We did then she told our families to join which included hers, Quinn’s and mine.
I think she did this because Jack and I are ‘dating’ I’m afraid to know what they’ll say when we fake break up tomorrow.
Once we were done with pictures. We made our way to get food. Before it was time for the party.
“You good, I saw you tearing up during the wedding” Jack said teasing me as we sat together.
“Shut up, it was a beautiful ceremony, it’s not my fault you don’t have a heart” I snapped quietly. He rolled his eyes.
I honestly don’t know what made me snap, I’m just glad no one heard me.
I made conversation with the Jenna, she was the bridesmaid sitting next to me at the main table. I was trying to ignore Jack as much as I could since when the party started I knew I’d have to dance with him.
When the wedding party started Allison and Quinn had their first dance as I stood on the side next to Jack. I was tearing up again along with the maid of honor and bridesmaids.
After their first dance, it was the Allison and her dad, then Quinn and Ellen.
Then it was time for the bridesmaids and Groomsmen, which means I have to dance with Jack.
Jack grabbed my hand and graded me on the dance floor. We started dancing I had my head on his chest and we swayed to the music.
Once the song ended we made our way to our table. I grabbed another drink and chatted with some of Jack’s family.
After a few more drinks I was feeling the alcohol, I danced a lot and I need some fresh air, I saw Jack standing outside the balcony that was connected to the ballroom.
I went and stood next to him against the railing with a Champaign glass in my hand.
“What are you doing out here?” Jack asked when he saw I was next to him
“I just needed some fresh air, what are you doing here?”
“I Just needed to think”
“about what?”
“About how we are going to tell everyone were breaking up tomorrow.”
“I was thinking about that earlier” I said nodding.
“It shouldn’t be hard right, I mean it’s all fake, we hate each other. We can finally go back to hating each other” he said
“Right” I said, that hurt, I honestly thought maybe he’d feel differently. I finished my drink before saying “I should probably go back inside” I said avoiding his eyes.
I went back inside, he came back inside a few minutes after me, but I was avoiding him as much as I could.
Until Quinn noticed and made his way to me.
“Hey, I haven’t had the chance to talk to you yet, are you having fun?” he asked me
I gave him a fake smile before answering “Yes, you guys did a good job at planning this wedding.” He smiled
“Thank you, but it was mostly Allison’s planning” making me chuckle
“Now how about you tell me what’s going on” I looked at him confused.
“what? Nothing is going on, I’m having fun” I said giving him another fake smile.
“I saw you coming back inside, your mood changed, what did my brother do?” he asked
I let out a breath
“Were not really dating, we were only pretending because both our families wanted us to bring dates, and I honestly fell for him while pretending, but turns out he still hates me, so we will be fake breaking up tomorrow” I let it all out and honestly it felt nice to finally tell someone.
Quinn gave me a small smile.
“I know about the whole fake dating thing. Jack told me this morning, he likes you Y/n he just thinks you’d never feel the same way, he’s had a crush on you since we were in high school, he’s just an idiot who can’t admit it. Go talk to him, I promise everything will work out.” Quinn told me before leaving me there thinking.
I looked around for Jack when I saw him getting another drink. I might as well get another drink, I’ll try and ask if we can talk.
I made my way over while he was still there. I grabbed another glass of champaign and looked at him, to see he was already looking at me.
“Can we talk?” I ask, he nodded and we made our way back to the balcony.
“What do you want to talk about?” he asked annoyed
“You told Quinn about us fake dating” I said looking at him, his eyes widened.
“dammit Quinn, he said he wouldn’t tell anyone” Jack said angry about to walk away, but I grabbed his arm.
“why did you? Tell him I mean” I asked
“because I needed to tell someone & I thought he could keep it a secret but apparently not”
“So it wasn’t because you might actually have feeling for me & you just didn’t know how to tell me?” I asked softly
“Dammit Quinn, just ignore him okay, he’s lying” he said
“Oh…umm okay, I’ll just leave you alone then” I said as my eyes started watering. Quinn had given me hope, but I guess I was wrong.
“why do you care?” he asked when I was about to leave.
I looked him in the eyes before saying “Because I was hoping it was true, because that’s how I feel” he looked me in the eyes before putting his hands on my cheeks and kissing me. It took me a second before I kissed him back.
We both pulled away breathing heavily.
“I thought Quinn was lying” I said making us both chuckle.
“He wasn’t, I just didn’t think you’d ever feel the same way.” He said smiling at me.
“well I do” I replied, he pulled me into another kiss.
Once we broke apart, he put his arms around me and looked at me.
“Does this mean we don’t have to break up tomorrow?” he asked smirking
“Not if you don’t want to” I said
“I’ll never want to break up with you, I’ve always loved you Y/n” he said smiling brightly at me
“I’ve always loved you to Jack” I replied smiling. We kissed again but we broke apart when we heard a knock on the balcony door followed by some cheering. We turned around to see Quinn and Allison cheering happily, making us laugh before we went and joined them.
Jackhughes - Yourusername
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Liked by QuinnHughes, TrevorZegras and more
JackHughes - Yourusername 2 years ago we wouldn’t have thought we’d be here. WE ARE GETTING MARRIED💍🤍
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_Quinnhughes ABOUT TIME!!!
AllisonHughes Here’s Comes soon to be Mrs. Hughes🤍
TrevorZegras Congrats guys🥺
Tysmith Been waiting for this🤩
Nicohichier About time he put a ring on it, congrats you two🥺🤍
Elblue06 So excited to be getting another daughter🤍
Colecaufield to think you two used to hate each other🥺
→Alexturcotte they grew up🥺
Bradytkachuk atta boy jack!!!
Lhughes_06 Finally I couldn’t keep the secret anymore!
Brendanbrisson Your relationship is straight out of a movie!
subanator they grow up so fast😢
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sundropstories · 1 year
Not a Secret
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: The team witnesses you and Bucky kiss for the first time and you start to realize they don't all know you guys are married. Or even in a relationship.
a/n: This takes place kinda after civil war. Timeline will make more sense in the little story <3
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Bucky has been away on a mission for a bit now with most of the team. I've stayed behind with Peter, Kate, and some of our newer younger avengers. To just kinda hangout and keep them on track with training.
"Y/n, Mr.Stark just let me know they're on their way back now."
"Thanks Peter!" I say, a smile spreading on my face.
I miss Bucky so much! This is the longest we've been apart...since we've been together.
The elevator door opens and I practically jump off the couch to see my husband.
"Oh my god I missed you guys!" I say rushing to give everyone hugs.
This might seem like I'm crazy but, they've been on this mission for about two months. I guess some guy was making the serum..you know the serum. So they all went to figure that all out. So I've been hanging out with a bunch of teenagers for a couple months of course I miss my adult friends!
I'm speaking to Natasha about the mission when my favorite super soldier finally walks in.
"Yay your back!" I yell jumping into his arms to kiss him. The whole room falls silent and the energy shifts.
"Well she didn't miss the rest of us that much." I barely hear Tony say. Too focused on the handsome man looking back at me.
We pull away arms still holding each other. "You guys want me to give you all welcome back kisses?" I raise my eyebrow questioning them and let out a small laugh.
"You will not be doing that. You're only allowed to kiss your husband." Bucky says from behind me. It was then I started to notice the confused faces turn into surprised faces.
Then Sam speaks up "Excuse me, you guys are married?!"
I look back at Bucky, who still has an arm around my waist. "Are they fucking with us right now" I whisper. He just furrows his eyebrows in response.
I turn back to the team and lift my left hand showing my ring and he does the same. "Yeah..." I say to the team.
"When did you guys get married?" Natasha joins in on  questioning us.
"2017..but, no one was talking so we just had a small reception." Bucky finally answers.
"So why'd you guys keep it a secret?" Sam questions.
"What?" I start laughing "It's not a secret. Steve, Wanda, and Vision we're at the wedding. And we couldn't get a hold of the rest of you."
"Also some of you refused to talk to some of us at the time so we just...forgot to tell you. But, we thought you'd have figured it out after we all moved into the compound together..." Bucky adds.
This is so weird. I mean we're not exactly the most flashy couple but damn. For super hero's and spy's they're not very observant.
" I don't understand how we never noticed. Probably because You guys live in separate rooms." Tony says.
"No." I say. "Bucky and I share Bucky's old room, I've never used that spare room before."
It was weird at the time when he gave me that room but I just thought it was like an extra or something I don't know...
"I just thought you guys were like besties or something. I never thought Bucky to be the relationship type he's just so.. you know." Sam says letting out a small laugh.
After that really weird conversation Bucky and I went up to our room to finally just be together.
I missed this.
"It's so nice to finally have you back this bed feels so empty when you're gone." I say plopping myself onto the bed.
"I missed you so much doll." Bucky says laying next to me.
I shift to be laying in his arms, and look up so our faces are only inches apart.
"I love you Bucky."
"I love you too y/n."
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dragonflylady77 · 19 days
a royal wedding
Rating: G | 613 words | fluff
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C3 - blazing sun for @harringrovesummerbingo
Max takes her daughter and her daughter's best friend to the beach and overhears them talking about a royal wedding between a prince and a king with very familiar names...
The fic on Ao3
The Vanity of Devils is a real book, written by Mikayla Rand and you can find it here on the zon if you feel like looking it up. It's a paranormal romance with demons and other creatures. The author is one of my besties and I love that book so very much.
Max leaned back on her elbows, her eyes never leaving the two little girls playing in the sand a few feet away. She was glad she’d remembered the sun umbrella this time and taken the time to slather everyone with sunscreen. She had gotten sunburned one too many times growing up and didn’t take any chances with anyone’s skin anymore. 
She’d picked up the girls from school with the beach bags already in the trunk, and waved at Steve who had to sit through a few hours of parent-teacher conferences before he joined them for dinner. It was nearly four o’clock yet the sun was still blazing and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The girls hadn’t come to ask for a snack yet, but Max knew it was only a matter of time.
She grabbed her Kindle from the bag and turned onto her belly, determined to at least finish the chapter she was on. Mikayla Rand’s The Vanity of Devils had been on her TBR for a while and it was really good, but working from home with a six-year-old and an older brother who kept showing up to ask for advice on his love life did not leave a lot of time for reading.
“...then Prince William arrives on his black horse…”
The girls’ chatter made Max pause her reading to listen. She glanced at her daughter and her daughter’s best friend who had made a sand castle and decorated it with shells and ribbons of seaweed. They were each holding a stick they had wrapped with seaweed and tiny shells.
“Yes, and Princess Rosalinda is so happy to see him.”
“And he gives her a letter from his favorite niece, saying she will be there for the royal wedding. She’s coming soon with Queen Maxine and King Lucas, and they’re bringing presents.”
“Yay, I love presents!”
“Then Prince William gives her a great big hug then lets her ride on his horse with his helper person so he can go find the king.”
“Oh, the king missed him a lot while he was gone. And Princess Rosalinda is glad she’s not in the room when they start kissing because, ew, kissing is gross.”
“So gross. You know, I saw my mom and dad kissing the other morning when Dad was leaving for his work. Yuk.”
Max bit her lip to stop herself from snickering and checked the time on her phone. “Girls, would you like a snack?”
Roscoe and Rosie dropped their embellished sticks and ran to Max, happily drinking the water she offered them before digging into the food she’d packed for them.
A hand landed on Max’s shoulder, causing her to choke on her sip of iced tea.
“Uncle Billy!!!” Roscoe shrieked, jumping into his arms like she hadn’t seen him a few days ago.
“How are my favorite girls?” Billy asked, putting Roscoe down after a twirling hug and sitting next to Max. He pushed his sunglasses off his nose and listened to the two little girls giving him a run down of their day. 
Max noticed they didn’t mention the castle they’d built or the story they’d made up.
“Uncle Billy, can we go for a swim?” Roscoe asked, trying her luck with him since Max had told her she wasn’t getting in the water.
“Yeah, just give me a minute to catch up with your mom, okay? You girls go back to your sandcastle, I’ll be right there.”
The girls happily went back to their game, and Max turned to her brother, waiting for him to take a sip of his water to ask, “So, you and Steve are getting married, I hear?”
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colonelpancakes · 1 month
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Seven: The Red Wedding. The title of this episode makes me so nervous nothing bad better happen to Amaya and Janai at their wedding.
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Okay, first of all, that is NOT Rayla narrating I don’t know what the subtitles are on about, I’m 99.9% sure that’s Ezran.
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Skjfklsa I love Rayla, she has absolutely no intentions of getting up, she is way too comfy.
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Aww Sneezles.
Also “There’ll be more kisses later” I love how the second they officially get together, Callum and Rayla resume their status as world’s sappiest, most clingy couple.
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UHHH. Wait a second. Is Kosmo just. not telling them about the Pearl before they leave?
...That seems like a really bad idea. They’re going to find out eventually and it's a huge potential risk to, you know, have Aaravos’s magic prison in the castle basement and not know it?? Kosmo, telling Callum before the star-truth ritual was a bad idea but you gotta tell him EVENTUALLY. KOSMO!!
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I love themmmm 🥹.
Also, yeah, Kosmo just did not tell them. Um. That may become a bit of a problem later.
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Hello bitch. Nice to see you again.
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Do some of them not know the plan? They seem very surprised to see Sol Regem. Did no one tell them??
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Wait, shit, who the fuck is Pharos? I do not remember, I really should have rewatched season five before starting season six. Oh well, hopefully I’ll figure it out...?
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Karim, man, that seems like the type of thing you should NOT be staring directly into. That cannot be good for your eyes.
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Oh Dang. That was way more powerful than I thought it was going to be
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ON HER WEDDING DAY???? YOU HAVE TO DO THIS ON YOUR SISTER’S WEDDING DAY? You cant have a single modicum of politeness and at the bare minimum choose a day that your sister’s NOT getting married on? KARIM.
I also love the continuity of Corvus playing the cello from Breathtaking
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Aanya!! I’ve missed her!!
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God, I wanna try Sunfire wedding cake too. I want to know what fire tastes like. Also, I think Aanya’s voice has gotten deeper since her last appearance and I really love it. It’s just really melodic and nice to listen too.
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Amaya!!! Janai!! They look so good!!
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Sjalskfjl I love them.
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“Two very special people helped us bridge our differences and understand one another before we learned to do it on our own.” I love them giving Gren and Kazi parts in the wedding so much and how they’re doing both a traditional human wedding ceremony and a traditional Sunfire wedding ceremony.
Also, I know Kazi was confirmed to be nonbinary by the creators but I think this is the first time their pronouns are actually used in the show! Yay!
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BAIT! NOOOOO! The wedding food!! I really hope that didn’t include the Sunfire wedding cake
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“So, how are affairs in Katolis?” “Oh. Affairs are well, fair.”
This is the royalty equivalent of when someone asks you how it’s going and your life is on fire but you can’t say that so you just reply with “it’s going.” This is an SOS call, someone get Ezran a hug and like. Some cold apple juice. And maybe a therapist. Definitely a therapist.
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Aww, Aanya and Ezran’s friendship is so precious. I’m glad that they each have someone who understands what it’s like being a child ruler. They’re so cute.
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I love seeing the Sunfire wedding custom and I love Kazi so much.
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Zym stomping his little feet so that he can clap!!!
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Aww Grennnn. He’s so sweet I love him.
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COME ON! Really Karim?? In the middle of their WEDDING?? Let my girls have a nice wedding ceremony! Let them get married and not have to worry about the safety of their nation! Please!
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Poor Janai and Amaya but especially poor Janai. Imagine finally deciding to get married after putting off scheduling your wedding because Something is always happening in your kingdom, only to have your fuckass brother decide to take a sixth of your army and invade your fucking kingdom ON YOUR WEDDING DAY right as you’re about to start the vows. I deeply admire the composure of these women, I would have lit something on fire by now.
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Karim, shut the fuck up. You are one of the least righteous people out there. You have done nothing but be wrong for this entire arc.
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Okay, so I guess that guy is Pharos. I remember absolutely nothing about him I forgot he was a recurring character until right now skjfalskj
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OH WAIT, FUCK, What happened there???? I cannot remember for the life of me who this guy is gosh dangit. Curse my stupid gosh dang memory
(It should be noted that, although I haven’t mentioned it thus far, I am watching this season with my family. My brother says that he thinks maybe the guy got bitten by the dark-magic zombies at the great bookery in season five? That sounds like it could be right so I’m gonna go with that for now. I’ll check when I’m done with the episode.)
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Ough… My heart. I love the character growth Amaya has gone through so much.
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Okay, go, but maybe take Aanya and Zym with you. Just for safety. Also, nooo, this means Ezran doesn’t get to see his aunt get married. Give my boy a break! Please, just let him have a good time where nothing goes horribly wrong 😭
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Oh, Corvus and Aanya works too! I love Ezran so much. He’s hopeful and kindhearted but he’s not naive. He goes to negotiate with Karim using words rather than violence, but he takes Corvus and Aanya for backup in case things escalate.
Continued in reblogs!
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