#yeehaw yall i hope you all enjoy
fivestar-outlaw · 6 months
New Horizons (Park Seonghwa) (Epilogue)
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Words: 7.0k+
Warning(s): Mentions of reader being anxious/having anxiety, some swears, drinking, i think thats it.
SMUT (18+) WARNINGS: Multiple orgasms, oral (F receiving)/ face sitting, slight cockwarming, birthcontrol used, No condom use, PiV penetration, cowgirl yeehaw
A/N: Fucking- Finally finished the epilog. Grad school is slowly but surely killing me rn. I only had time to write this during the undergrad class im taking for credits iubgouoren. I hope yall enjoy.
Reader is implied to be living in the US bc uh TIMEZONES ARE FUCKY and i didnt realize how reliant i was on mine (PST) when looking up KST
English dialogue is italicized, Korean dialogue is not
Summary: Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.
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You sat at your desk, phone set up for a video call with Seonghwa. You felt nervous. Tomorrow is your graduation, where you'll finally be done with this aspect of your life and will be moving onto the next step. Despite the distance, you and Seonghwa were as close as ever. You both missed each other dearly but talked as frequently as possible. 
You were a little sad that he and the rest of Ateez couldn't make it to your graduation, but you understood why. You didn't have much hope when you told Hongjoong the date and he told you he'd ask if they could. You tried to tell him not to ask since you knew they would be busy with an upcoming comeback, but he insisted he'd try. He talked to you the next night saying they had a packed schedule for that week and couldn't. You figured as much but it still made you a little sad.
You hear the tone for the video call and you quickly answer it with a smile. You see Hwa sitting there, but not in his room. You couldn't quite figure out where he was. He seemed to be wearing a loose sweater and a pair of glasses frames.
"Hello, jagiya." Seonghwa smiled sweetly, he seemed tired.
"Hello, love." You respond. "How are you? You seem a little tired."
"The week has been busy."
"Aw, I'm sorry. Are you currently at a schedule?" You tilt your head. You see him look off to the side. You can see that he seems to be hiding something, but you figure it was because he couldn't talk about anything specific related to any of the filmed comeback videos.
"Yeah, we are staying at a hotel. We are going to start filming soon." He sighs. "It was a last minute decision since filming took longer than expected yesterday. I wish I could tell you everything that went wrong but I can't."
"I'm sure it'll go better today, love."
 "Thank you, jagiya. But enough about me, jagiya, how are you? Are you excited for tomorrow?"
"A mix of excited and nervous. Excited to have my degree... nervous for whatever comes next. Nervous about walking across that stage to get that empty diploma case and not having a solid next thing waiting for me." You press your lips together and glance over to your cap and gown hanging in your open closet. The whole ordeal almost seems daunting now. "I've applied for jobs in my field but I haven't heard anything back... I doubt any will get back to me when I am fresh out of university."
"I wish I was there with you, (Y/N)." He looked into the camera with a concerned expression. "You'll exceed at whatever you do. I know you will. You are smart and very determined."
"It's probably just all the nerves." You chuckle weakly.
"Just know myself and the others are cheering for you, even if we can't be there. Which, we are still sorry for by the way."
"Don't worry about it. I'll have my family film my walk across the stage and we will take lots of pictures to send to you all."
"We look forward to it." He smiles. You hear a door opening and what you believe to be Hongjoong's voice. You couldn't make out what he said but you saw Seonghwa nod before hearing the door close. "Sorry, (Y/N), I have to go. We need to get ready for filming today."
"Don't apologize, love. You got this. I'm sure you will do great." You smile and you can just tell some of the stress he was feeling dissipate. 
"I love you, jagiya." He says softly.
"I love you too." There is some hesitancy to hang up but you bit the bullet and pressed the little red button on the call. You sigh, but feel lighter. It was like talking to Hwa helped calm your worries.
You stood with your family for a moment before you needed to join the rest of the graduating students. You stood with them in your cap and gown and a nice outfit underneath. You couldn't help but wring your hands together. You weren't necessarily nervous, but you did feel a little anxious from the excitement now. You felt you childhood best friend place their hand on your shoulder and they give you a calm smile.
"It's going to be fine, (Y/N)." They gently squeezed your shoulder. "I doubt you'll trip, so don't worry."
"Well I wasn't worried about tripping until now." You groan. "I'm not nervous. I just... can't stay still."
"Oh (Y/N), it's okay to be nervous." Your mother coos, rubbing small circles into your upper back. "Just think about the surprise we have planned for you."
"Hun, you weren't suppose to mention that." Your father chuckles. 
"I thought I told you all I needed was just a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant." You say softly. "I hope you didn't spend too much-"
"Don't worry about it. We wanted to get you something for such a big day." Your father grinned. You were going to argue back but heard the call for graduating students to start getting in place for the ceremony.
"Make sure to film my walk please!" You said and they nodded. Your family and your best friend gives you one last hug before you go to where you were supposed to, while they went off to grab seats.
You take a deep breath as you find your spot in line with the rest of your majors getting the same degree level as you and your roommate, who also was graduating alongside you. You smiled at some of your classmates you were friendly with and chatted with them. You were given a slip of paper with your name on it by one of your professors and you were left to wait for the ceremony to start. 
You felt your phone buzz under your gown. You were glad you picked something to wear underneath with pockets. You manage to get your phone out and you smile. All of Ateez were wishing you well and saying their congrats. San even sent a selfie of them all together, which they said was taken after they finished filming. You were glad they messaged you and made sure to tell them to get some rest since it was around 6am for them.
The line you were in started moving so you quickly put your phone away and started walking with your line. You can hear lots of chatter from other graduating students and could hear the chatter from people in the stands. You and the others stood still until you heard one of the deans call you guys to enter. You hear the crowd cheer as the graduating class enters the area. You tried to pinpoint your family and your best friend but had no luck finding them in the sea of people. You take your seat and wait for the rest of the graduate students to also take their seats as the stereotypical graduation march song plays.
The song ended when everyone was finished sitting down. Next were speeches by the college president, a provosts, and a dean whom you never personally interacted with, and then two professors spoke; one is the chair of your major which made you smile. Next were student speeches, neither person you recognized.
You gulp, watching as the rows ahead of you go up one by one as they were instructed by a professor to do so. There was the constant noise of clapping with each name, followed by a few people loudly cheering for whoever just got called. You clapped along as well, watching each person receive their diploma case from the college president and walk to the side to get their picture taken professionally.
Next thing you knew the people in your row started to stand. You quickly got to your feet and follow along to the stage. You wait, taking small steps as person by person hands over their name slip and walk the stage. You were getting closer and closer to the speakers stand.
Then, it's your turn.
You made conscious steps to the speaker, not wanting to trip. You hand them your name card and wait as the person ahead finished crossing the stage. The speaker smiled and read your name into the microphone. You start walking across stage to the president as the crowd clapped.
You hear loud cheers coming from the stand on the other side of the stage, more than what you were expecting from the three people there seeing you graduate. You finally see your parents and your best friend up on their feet, your dad and friend shouting loudly. But in the row in front of them, you see eight figures also on their feet shouting as loud as they can. Immediately you can tell it is Ateez. Even with face masks, different hats, and inconspicuous clothes, you could tell they were your boys. Plus, you can easily tell Wooyoung and Mingi's voices as they were the loudest and most distinct.
A large smile broke out on your face as you kept your tears at bay. You walked the stage with your head held high. You shook hands with the college president and took hold of the diploma case. You walked to the end of the stage and carefully took the steps down. You got your picture taken and you started walking back to your seat.
You look up at the stand when you heard your name shouted repeatedly by Wooyoung, San, and Seonghwa. Each member of Ateez waved as you walked by and you made sure to wave back. You felt pure happiness in the moment.
When the ceremony ended and all the graduates exited the way they walked in, you immediately started making your way outside. Your parents texted saying they were waiting for you by the large oak tree. You weave your way through the sea of students and their families as fast as you could. You could see the top of the tree but you knew the trunk was still some distance away from where the ceremony was held. 
You finally breach the crowd and see your parents, your best friend, and Ateez, along with their manager. They spotted you and called your name. You immediately quickened your pace.
Wooyoung held out his arms for a hug but you passed him and immediately clung to Seonghwa. The tears you held back immediately fell as you hugged him.
"Y-You're here! I can't believe you're here! Hongjoong said you guys were busy. You said you-" You rapidly spoke.
"Slow down, jagiya." Seonghwa chuckles. He held you tightly and rubbed your back. 
"Sorry, my love." You sniffle and look to his face. Despite the black mask covering his nose down to his jaw, you can tell he has a big grin on his face. He moves a step back from you, resting his hands on your jaw. The pads of his thumbs swipe away your tears gently. "I'm so happy to see you in person again."
"I'm happy too." He carefully guided you to turn around so he could move back in front of you, his back to the crowd. He pulls down his mask and leans in, his soft lips meet yours in a loving kiss. You couldn't help but smile against his lips as it felt like world around each of you melted away. You both slowly pulled away but kept your faces close. "Congratulations. I am so proud of you, (Y/N)." He whispers and kisses each cheek, making you giggled. 
"Congratulations, (Y/N)!" Wooyoung broke the moment of peace between you both as he pulled you into a big hug. You tilt your head back and laugh, all while there rest of Ateez swarmed you for their own hugs. Your face ached from how much you were smiling.
"Seonghwa contacted us a week after you had us do that video call with him." Your mother started to explain. You remember that day well, feeling nervous for your parents to meet your long distance, idol boyfriend. But they immediately loved him and exchanged contact information; mostly just in case you got in an emergency so they could inform him. Subsequently, of course, your parents met the rest of Ateez. "They wanted to surprise you and here they are."
"Sorry I lied to you, (Y/N)." Hongjoong laughed, his smile telling you he was anything but apologetic. "Yuhno suggested the idea of it being a surprise when I ran into him before I talked it over with our company. So really, blame him."
"Hey, you could of said no, Joong-hyung." Yuhno playfully glared then set his sights on Seonghwa. "Didn't you initiate the call with her parents?"
"Yes, but Sannie and Woo also sat in on the call too." Seonghwa shot back. The group delved into a big, non-serious argument of who is to blame for the lies. You shook your head with a chuckle and went to your parents.
"Thank you for arranging this." You hug them both tightly.
"Of course, (Y/N). We could see how happy you were when we met him and how yourself you were with the rest of the group, so we knew we had to put this together for you somehow." Your father had a big smile on his face, you could see tears in his eyes. "Oh, my child is all grown up..."
"I've been grown up, dad. Don't cry, you're going to make me cry again." You chuckle, feeling that sting of tears again in your eyes. You feel arms wrap around you from behind and you knew immediately it is Seonghwa. "Did you guys settle who's fault it is, love?"
"No, but it seems everyone puts the blame back on Hongjoong." He laughs. He smiles at your parents and gives them a polite bow of his head. The rest of Ateez joined back up with your parents and your best friend. They started discussing dinner plans, you jumping in when needed for translation help.
Your smile doesn't leave your face as you lean back into Seonghwa. You could have just cheap take out with everyone and you'd be happy.
You said goodbye to your parents and best friend when everyone arrived back at your apartment after dinner. They wanted to let you have some time alone with Ateez. Your parents managed to reserve a private space at a great restaurant ran by a friend of your mother's. The manager went to buy snacks and drinks for the rest of you guys for tonight at a near by convenience store.
"Wow you have a nice place, (Y/N)." Yeosang compliments as he looks at the various decorations and how you and your roommate placed the minimal furniture.
"Thanks, it was a collaborative effort with my roomie. Which, be as loud as you guys want. She won't be in for a few nights since she'll be staying with her family." You smile and turn go to put leftovers from dinner in the fridge, missing the way everyone looked towards Seonghwa. "How long are you here for?"
"Just the rest of tonight. We fly back early in the morning tomorrow. We may have pulled this off but we still have busy schedules coming up." Jongho answers.
"Sorry we can't stay longer." San sighs with an apologetic smile.
"No worries, I'm happy you guys made it for today." You grin and move to sit next to Hwa on the couch, immediately leaning against him. "So I take it you guys flew in last night? Is that why you were actually in a hotel, love?"
He chuckles and nods, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. His fingers gently traced patterns on your arm. "I'm glad we got to witness this."
"Of course, I'd do the same for you guys."
"Well, if you would..." Mingi smiles as he walks in front of you, holding out several small pieces of paper for you. You gingerly take them, and look at everyone with confusion and curiosity as they surrounded the couch. Wooyoung took his spot next to you and rested his chin on your shoulder, aka, on Seonghwa's hand.
"Oh my God." You gasp as you look at each paper. They chuckled at your shock. There were several plane tickets; one to South Korea, a round trip ticket to Japan and then back to Korea, and then one back home. The next paper was a pass for the waterbomb festival coming up.
"We will email you the actual virtual tickets soon." Wooyoung said with a big grin.
"A graduation present from us and our manager." Seonghwa kissed your temple.
"This had to be so expensive..."
"Don't worry about it at all. We didn't have to pay for the waterbomb ticket and we all chipped in for the flights." Yuhno said softly from behind the couch. You felt his hand pat the top of your head a few times. There was a knock at the door and the tallest went to open the door for their manager,  who came in with two, black plastic bags and one backpack. You quickly got up to your feet and approached him with a smile.
"Thank you for all you have done."
"I should thank you for helping me keep them in line." He chuckles and hands you the plastic bags. He walks over to the couch and sets the backpack at Seonghwa's feet. "Remember, we have a flight back to Korea tomorrow. Don't drink too much. (Y/N), drink all you want."
Some time passed and everyone was lounging around in the living room of your apartment. Mingi, San, and Wooyoung took over the couch. Jongho, Yuhno, Yeosang, and their manager sat in chairs from the small kitchen table. You, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong were sitting on the floor, all while everyone watched a trashy, American reality show. You were sitting between Hwa's legs with your back against his chest while he rested against San's legs.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You fish it out and unlock it, seeing it was an email notification. You tapped the notification, though you didn't read what it was for, figuring it was a promotional thing or something. You looked up at the tv screen for a moment before taking a moment to read over the contents of the email.
Your eyes slowly widened with each line you read. You felt your heart flutter as you sit up straight. You felt Seonghwa's hands on your hips and he had a curious look on his face.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asks softly, trying not to draw everyones attention. He leans forward and you can feel his chest on your back again, his chin on your shoulder. You raise your phone screen up so he can have an easier time reading the email. You turn your head just enough to see his expression turn to one of shock. You felt him wrap his arms around your waist and hold you tight as a big smile broke out on his face. "Does... Does this mean...?"
"What's happening?" Sannie asked from the couch. He leaned forward as well and you pass him your phone. You can practically feel the excitement oozing from Seonghwa. San suddenly stood up, knocking into the eldest's back. He had a huge grin, his dimple prominent on his face. 
Wooyoung snatched your phone from San and you watched as his eyes scan over the screen. He then looks up at you with a big smile. "No way!"
"Care to share with the rest of us?" Mingi asked while Yeosang muted the channel. 
"Well-" San started to speak but then clasps his own hand over his mouth for a moment. He hands you back your phone and sits back down. He eagerly gestures for you to speak. You feel Hwa's hands gently squeeze your hips.
"A job I applied for contacted me and told me they were looking for fresh faces and say they see potential with my resume, my CV, and from my letters of recommendation." You beamed and everyone looked excited for you. A sea of congratulations soon followed. You kept your beaming expression and you see Hongjoong look at you.
"There is more, isn't there?" He asked, a smile growing on his face.
"The job is located in Seoul. And they are allowing me to start towards the end of the year to give me time to get my legal documents situated and to move." 
There was a moment of silence.
Then, your apartment became chaos with pure excitement. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and San already pledged themselves to help you find a place in your upcoming visit. Mingi and Yuhno express excitement for the prospect of staying over at your new place. Yeosang, Jongho, and Hongjoong already start to make plans for when you start living there. Everyone decides to have one more drink to celebrate, their manager unable to say no to such an occasion.
You give each member a hug as they are about to leave for the night, saying your goodbyes. You move to hug Seonghwa but he sidesteps you and moves to stand behind you. You give him a confused look while the others chuckle.
"I'm staying with you tonight, jagiya." He pecked your cheek. The others say goodnight, their manager telling him to be read by 7am, and they all quickly leave. Now, it's just you and Seonghwa. 
"That's why he brought a backpack for you." You laugh and turn to face him. You place your hands on the back of his neck and raise a brow. "You've been nothing but surprises today. I really do appreciate it." 
"Of course. I'd do just about anything for you." He smiles sweetly and leans in to kiss you. Unlike the other kisses you two shared today, this one was longer and more passionate. You can feel his lips move against yours as he swipes his tongue along your bottom lip. You smile against the kiss. Before you could part your lips, he pulls away with a flirtatious look. 
"I love you, love." He smiles at your words. He lifts his hand up and gently traces his fingers down the side of your face, sending shivers down your spine. His arms wrap around your body and he keeps you pressed against him.
"I love you too, jagiya." He brings you into another intense kiss, his tongue invading your mouth this time. You feel his fingers curl in against your back, all while your hands find themselves in his hair. He breaks the kiss once more but rests his forehead against yours. "Would you like to celebrate a little more? We don't have to go further than this-"
"I would love to." You grin. You move from Seonghwa's grasp and take his hand, pulling him to your bedroom.
The second you closed the door, Hwa is already guiding you to your bed. He lays you down on your back while he crawls over you, his lips pressed against yours. His hands grip your hips before he starts to slide them under your shirt. He shifts his leg, placing it between your thighs. His knee is just barely brushes against your core. His hands start to gently kneed your breasts over your bra.
Seonghwa starts to trail tender kisses down from your mouth to your neck. You smile at the affection and you place a kiss of your own on the top of his head. He smirked against your neck as he gently bites your skin. You feel him shift his leg that was between your legs, applying a small amount of pressure against your cunt. You let out a soft noise from the sensation and you can feel yourself growing wetter and wetter.
You move one your hands down to the growing bulge in his pants. Seonghwa chuckled and sat up, taking your hand off him.
"Tonight is all about you, jagiya." He smiled softly. He took hold of both your wrists in his hand and held them above your head. "Let me worship you."
You felt a pleasant shiver down your spine again and you nod. Hwa let go of your hands and began kissing your neck again. This time his kisses and bites to your neck were more intense. You knew for sure you would have a couple of marks there. He released his hold on your wrists but you kept your arms about head. Your body is completely at his mercy and that had you excited.
You felt him press his leg against your aching core again and this time you rolled your hips to seek pleasure, causing yourself to moan.
"Good, jagiya." Seonghwa chuckles as he moves his face by your ear. You feel his lips brush against your ear before he gently nips it. He sat up and helped you up as well.
He hums softly, tracing his nose along your face before he kisses you again. He gently nibbles your bottom lip and stares deeply into your eyes. Hwa licks his lips as he leans down and scans your body with his eyes. You feel his hand take hold of your shirt and slowly lift it up and off your body. His fingers nimbly unclasps your bra and he tosses it off your body. 
Seonghwa's hands caress and gently squeeze your breasts, the pads of his thumbs were on your nipples as he rubbed small circles with them.  He hummed with a smile. "I missed these."
You chuckle softly. "You missed my boobs?"
"Yes." He moves himself so his face his close to them. "I missed all off you, (Y/N). I missed your face, your touch, your taste... I missed seeing your smile in person, I missed hearing your laugh right beside me. I miss you."
"I miss you too Hwa." You give his cheek a tender peck. You bite your bottom lip as his hands still kneaded your breasts and his thumbs applied some pressure. "Luckily I got that job. I'll be a lot closer to you by next year."
"Still feels so far away." He whispers and starts kissing your chest. He bites the skin and sucks, doing this until he reached your nipples. His mouth encompasses the pebbled skin. You bring one of your hands up to his head and combed your fingers through his hair. He sucks and gently nibbles, his tongue rolling over your perked bud. He does this to both nipples for a few moments before pulling away, a line of saliva briefly hangs between his lips and your skin. "I want to try something, jagiya." 
"What do you want to try, love?"
"Would you want to sit on my face and let me pleasure you?" His question makes your face flush with heat. 
"You'd want to do that? Are-Are you sure you want me to sit on your face?" You can feel yourself getting more wet by the second.
"Of course." He smiles sweetly. He sits up straight so he can meet your eyes easily, his hands slide down and gently hold onto your hips. "Like I said, jagiya, I missed your taste and I think you will look breathtaking doing so... Do you want to try this out with me?"
"Then... I would like to." You bite your bottom lip and smile. His face broke out in a grin and he helped you off your lap. He moves to lay down as you slip off your pants and underwear. You move yourself up the bed near his head and carefully placed your leg on the other side of his head. His hands slid up from behind your thighs and your ass to hold your hips. You hovered over his face, looking down at him between your legs. You were a bit hesitant to lower yourself down though. "Are you sure-"
You didn't even get to finish your question when you felt Seonghwa pull you down to his mouth. Immediately his tongue went to work against you clit. You moan, one hand bracing yourself against the wall while you bury the fingers of the other in his dark hair. A vibrator certainly worked wonders, but there is something else about his tongue. He moved his up and down against your clit before moving it in circles clockwise.
"Hwa..." You say, almost sounding breathless. He simply hums and continues his ministrations with his tongue. He nuzzles his faces against your cunt and adjust his mouth so he could lap you up. Seonghwa's tongue briefly pushes against your clit and then you feel his lips wrap around your sensitive bud, gently sucking on it. Instinctively you bite your lip to hold back your moan, making him lightly slap your ass, not enough to hurt but to get a point across. He lifts you just enough to free his mouth so he could speak.
"You said your roommate is gone for the night?" He asks and you give him a quick 'yes.' You felt his lips curl into a smile. "Then don't hold back, jagiya. It's just us."
You feel his tongue move against you again in all the right ways, making you moan again. You didn't hold it back this time and you could tell Hwa is pleased with that. He shifted underneath you and he buries his face into your cunt, he continued to gently suck and swirl his tongue around your clit. His ministrations had you squirming, slowly rocking your hips against him, and you were making all sorts of noises. 
"Seonghwa..." You whimper. You speaking his name in such a manner had him groan in pleasure. You feel him shift yet again, his grip on your hips firm. His tongue is off your clit and you feel his tongue swirl around your entrance. He penetrates you and thrusts with his tongue while his nose brushed against your swollen bud. His mouth is working wonders on your and you can feel yourself getting closer to an orgasm. Hwa doesn't relent, keeping the pleasure going and keeping you relatively still with his hands holding onto your hips. "Fuck... Hwa I'm-!"
Your walls fluttered around his tongue. You feel your thigh muscles tighten and they press against his head. A loud noise of pleasure leaves your lips as you throw your head back. Hwa squeezes and lightly massages your hips as you climax, his tongue slowly slides out from your hole and gently licks your cunt. He waits a few moments before gently guiding you off his face. You lift a leg and sit next to his head, your back against your headboard. 
Seonghwa quickly got up, licking his lips clean of your juices though his chin and nose still shined with your climax. He sits next to you and his hands caress your legs. He smiles at you, a look of satisfaction on his face, while you came down from your orgasm. 
"You have a little something on your face." You giggle and gesture around your own chin and nose. He chuckles and you watch as he swipes his fingers over his skin and then lick them clean.
"Better?" He whispers with a slight smirk. You can tell he was trying to be sexy but he still had some of your cum on him. You giggle softly making him blush and chuckle.
"Here, hold on for a moment." You get up from the bed and head out of your room to your bathroom. You grabbed a clean wash cloth, dampened it with some water, and returned to your bedroom. You hand Seonghwa the cloth and he gives you an appreciative smile, his cheeks and ears dusted with a subtle pink. You sit back down as he cleans off his face. He sets the cloth on your nightstand and looks back at you.
You watch as Seonghwa gets off the bed. His eyes scan your body with a smirk. Slowly, he took off his shirt and slid off his pants and boxers. Both of you were completely nude and you can see just how turned on he is. Hwa gets back onto your bed and gets right up to you, his face mere inches from yours.
"I love you so much, (Y/N)." He whispers. His hand comes up and gently caresses your jaw and neck.
"I love you too, Seonghwa." You smile at him, your tone soft and full of love. He smiles back and presses his lips against yours. His kiss is tender this time around. His hand cradles the back of your head to keep you in place, but you know you don't want to pull away in this moment. Your fingers graze the skin of his bare chest. You slowly brought them up to his collarbones and then his neck.
"Hmm, I want to take this all the way, jagiya." He pauses for a moment as his eyes look down at your body and then back at your face. He smirks. "I want to hear all those lovely noises you make."
"If I get to ride you, my love." You say in a sensual tone. His smirk crumbles to a flustered look at your suggestion, but he still smiles regardless.
"Is that what you want?"
"Yes." You nod and he bites his bottom lip. Seonghwa moves and sits down, his back against the headboard now. You grin, moving to stand on your legs before you throw your leg over his lap, effectively straddling him. His hands are once again on your hips as he pulls your body against his. He has a lustful and excited smile on his face.
"Condoms? I brought some-"
"No, it's fine. I trust you and I'm still taking birth control." You smile.
You reach behind and grab the shaft of Seonghwa's cock. You carefully drag his tip through your wet folds to tease him a little. You line him up to your entrance and look at his face. He gives a small nod for you to continue and you do so. You slowly lower yourself down, languidly taking him inside you. You both let out a soft moans. You sat in his lap, your hands grip his shoulders, while his cock fully inside you and you take a moment to savor the feeling.
"Ah, you feel so good, jagiya." Seonghwa mumbles, his lips barely brush against yours. You can feel his hot breath but you didn't care. His eyes were half-closed as he stared deeply into yours. You can feel his hands caressing your hips, thighs, and ass. His length twitches inside and you can tell he is full of anticipation for you to start moving. Hwa gives you a sweet smile, which contrasts with the current, steamy situation. "Take your time. You have control right now until you want me to take over."
"Thank you, love." You whisper softy and peck his lips. You wait a full two minutes before you started moving. You take a slow and steady pace, your thigh muscles flexing as you raise yourself up and down on his cock. Seonghwa's hands firmly held your hips yet he made no effort to control your movements, he simply assisted you so you wouldn't be doing all the work. 
"This feels nice." Hwa murmurs and leans his head down, his lips pressing against your neck. You feel his teeth graze your skin and he gently nips at your neck.
"Feels s'good." You moan softly. You rock your hips at a pleasurable pace. It is a very sensual moment between you both. It was just you and him, nothing else mattered. He raised his head from your neck and pressed his forehead against yours. He looked at you with pure adoration and love. His hands slide to your lower back and then moved up to your shoulder blades. You feel his arms against your sides as he hugged you close to his chest. You still moved your hips at a slow pace. 
This is a moment of passion and pleasure, but also a moment of love and bliss.
You sunk all the way down on him and gently grind your hips against him, feeling pleasure come from your clit grazing his pubic mound. Seonghwa smiles at you, enjoying how you look getting yourself off on him. He kiss your cheek and his lips linger to you skin for a few moments. You feel his fingertips press into your back and rub small circles on your skin.
You returned to moving yourself up and down on his cock. You increased your speed, sometimes focusing on his tip and then rotating to taking him all the way. Regardless  of what you did, he was moaning and groaning at all your movements. His hands were back on your hips as you leaned away from him with your hands gripping his shoulders. You both wanted to see your faces.
You feel a coil-like sensation in your lower stomach as pleasure builds up again. Your breathing is harsh and deep, and you can feel your legs getting tired... but you wanted to keep going. Seonghwa could see and feel how you your stamina is waning. He smiles sweetly and leans forward to capture your lips in a passionate yet short kiss.
"Relax, jagiya." His voice is smooth and low. He holds your hips and stops your movements. Seonghwa then starts to thrust his hips up at a quick pace. A loud moan escapes your lips as you cling on to him. He leaned forward and nibbles on your neck while you feel one of his hands move from your hip to your pubic mound. Hwa pressed his thumb over your swollen clit and started rubbing circles.
"O-Oh, Hwa..." You whimper out. You feel that heat building up more and more inside you.
"Hng- You're amazing, (Y/N)."He moaned as well, moving his head away from your neck to stare at your face. You can see he was getting close to his own release by the erotic expression on his face. 
"I-I think... I'm going to cum again." You whisper, feeling that all too familiar feeling crawl up your legs. You looked at him with all the love you could muster. The intimacy and intense feelings all added to your impending orgasm. The way the head of his cock hit that sweet spot inside you just right and his thumb swirling and applying the correct amount pressure sent you over the edge. You lean forward with your forehead against his as a loud whine leaves your mouth, your walls fluttering around his cock.
"(Y/N)-!" He groaned, still thrusting into your cunt. He stared intensely into your eyes, chasing his own climax. His breathing grows ragged and his thrusts became off rhythm. A moan tumbles from his lips as he sloppily kisses you, thrusting one last time. You feel his cock twitch inside you as his cum coats your walls. He keeps himself fully sheathed inside you as you both catch your breaths.
"Seonghwa..." You murmur, your body slumping against his, resting your head on his shoulder. His arms wrap around you and his hands gently grip the skin of your back. You feel his warm breath fan over the back of your neck as he leveled out his breathing. Seonghwa made a noise that sounded like a mix of a sigh and a moan as he rests his head against yours.
Neither of you said anything further. Seonghwa keeps his arms tight around you while you equally clinged to him. Nothing really needed to be said in this moment, the high emotions you both shared spoke enough.
Minutes passed when you finally speak up.
"We should probably clean up and get you to bed." You whisper to him, pulling your head back to look over this face.
"I want to stay like this, jagiya." He murmurs, placing his lips on your neck. "I feel so close to you like this... "
"I know, love, but we have to be up early." Hwa groaned at this, which makes you laugh.
"Stop being right."
"Come on... let's take a shower, Hwa." He reluctantly helps you off his lap, his softening length now out of you. You both get off from your bed and you lead him out your room to your bathroom. His hands remained on your waist as you both walked and then waited for the shower water to warm up. He didn't want to let go of you just yet.
After the shower and after drying off, you both go back into your room to change into comfortable clothes to sleep in. He laid down first, slipping under the covers. When you joined him, you laugh when his arms pulled you flush against his body. Seonghwa tucks your head under his chin and he holds you firmly in his arms. You chuckle and hold him just as tightly.
"I don't want to let go of you again... this feels like it's going to be harder than when you when you visited." He says with a sigh.
"I know, Hwa, I know." You mumble, already feel an ache in your chest. "Let's savor the rest of tonight together."
There is a pause.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Seonghwa."
Morning came too fast your liking. You and Seonghwa awoke with your limbs practically tangled. His warmth despite the temperatures warming outside is comforting in the moment. You both reluctantly got dressed and made Hwa a light breakfast.
A little before 7am, Ateez and their manager came back over to pick Seonghwa up and of course came to say goodbye. You got an earful of teasing when they see the blemishes and marks Hwa left on your neck. You hugged each member and of course your hug lingered on Hwa, with you both gently caressing each other's backs for comfort.
Goodbyes were harder this time around, but you still had that ray of optimism due to your move to South Korea. It will be rough, but with Seonghwa, the rest of Ateez, and even their manager, you knew it would be a feat you'll overcome.
Your new horizon awaits you and your life with Seonghwa seems to be on the right track.
Taglist: @stopeatread @hee0soo @tridkeys @pocketjoong-reads @seonghwaddict @lelaleleb @acciocriativity @h-nji
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weskin-time · 2 years
RE characters and their S/O go to a Halloween Party!
i love them and they are stuck in my brain!!! gifs not mine
Characters listed!- Leon, Wesker, Jill, Carlos, Chris
CW- nsfw implications, alcohol
i hope yall cant tell ive never been to a halloween costume party lol
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Leon Kennedy!
goes as a cowboy
hes got fake spurs and everything
he pulls it off, hes already got the gruff look so damn
would love it if you dressed up western with him but understands if you dont wanna
at the party he stands close to you with his arm around your waist
cant have anyone think youre here alone, or that hes here alone
he gets a bit tipsy
he steals the almond joys
remember the cowboy rules, theyre so important (for those who dont know if you take the hat off a cowboy and wear it, you have to save a horse and ride a cowboy wink wink)
if you want to leave the loud party early just take off his hat and wear it
he will get so flustered and red instantly
not a heartbeat later hes already dragging you out of the party, making hurried goodbyes and poor excuses of having something to do in the early morning
but people see the hat on your head and know
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Albert Wesker!
hes not dressing up
,,, stop looking at him like that
he 'wont make a fool of himself for the Umbrella Halloween party' he says
he honestly hasnt even gone to it before dating you so people are surpised to see him there
you put cat ears on his head before he can pick out a costume and he sends you a soft death glare
more than likely would wear a pin that says 'this is my costume' and hes just wearing everyday clothes, or would wear his lab coat and say hes going as a doctor. hes lame
if you bat your eyes and pout he will indulge you
goes as a vampire, fake cape, teeth, and all
would want to just show up at the party and make an irish goodbye in less than 5 minuets
stays for you tho
doesnt eat candy but you see him pocketing some mars bars
wesker with fangs is hot and he notices you staring at them when hes talking
smirks and tells you he 'doesnt bite'
its a lie, he does. and will bite your neck.
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Jill Valentine!
gods im in love with her
she goes as a witch!!
cute witch hat and all
would accidentally loose you in a party for a little bit, shes just getting yall drinks so dont worry
she will do your makeup for your costume if you want (like that one meme of the two women)
she gets a little tipsy at the party, just enough to start giggling at any halloween pun you make
normally she just scoffs at them but shes having fun and enjoying herself with her beloved
shoves food in her bag, stealing some of the party food
help her please
the kit kats are hers
the more she drinks the more touchy she is with you, going from being sober and holding your hand to leaning up against you
someone asks if shes a witch wheres her broom she rides on and she just points to you much to your embarassment
tell her youll take her up on that and she will start to leave without saying goodbye to anyone
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Carlos Oliveria!
hes a werewolf
theres no convincing him of anything else
he would go shirtless to show off his hairy chest and arms and would love how flustered you get at the idea
you shut him down really fast and make him wear a shirt because you would explode
wears a tattered, ripped up and slightly blooded tank top with a torn red flannel on top
its somehow more hot than him being shirtless
wears cute little clip on dog ears
my gods hes so hot hhhh
is also stealing party food
hes a snickers kinda guy but if theres fruit gummies they will be gone
i think he could hold his alcohol well so you would be more tipsy than him if you chose to drink
he makes the dumbest jokes, like really corny halloween jokes to anyone who will listen
"whats a skeletons favorite meal? spare ribs" he will be holding back a snicker with a face thats just >:3
hes such a dork
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Chris Redfield!
hes wearing his sailor costume
im not saying this because his ass looks amazing in that outfit but
i feel like he does it as a joke at first but then flaunts it
compliment him and he will jokingly flex his biseps
please help him put on his fake tattoo (plus it gives you a chance to touch his muscles)
literally everyone is looking at him when he enters the party who wouldnt
i feel like he wouldnt drink that much, prob just have one or two shots or something
if you loose him at any point in the party please either check outside or the food table
he takes the twizzlers
100% has an arm around your shoulders or waist all night
will tease you because you keep looking at his legs
im sorry i love him so much he makes me so gay
he would love it if you walked up to him and just started to flirt with him
who cares if youre together, its so fun
"i seemed to misplaced my anchor,,, can i hook up with you tonight?" you ask him to which he almost spits out his drink, starts laughing, then sees in your eyes that youre not fully joking and he will instantly start making his goodbyes
Hiya! this is my first time writing for all of these characters except for Wesker so im sorry if it seems ooc or just not fully correct!! im still new to resident evil and im trying to shove as much information as i can into my brain as fast as i can!!
reblogs help me grow more so if you like this please reblog and like! thank you and happy halloween!!!!
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babbushka · 4 years
Santa Baby
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Pale (Burn This) x Reader; 2k
When Pale comes home, it’s dark in the apartment.
Which makes him frown, not that he wasn’t fuckin’ frownin’ already. But he frowns some more because usually you’re there already, all the lights on, runnin’ up his fuckin’ electric bill. Not that it matters or nothin’, but he’s bangin’ his shin on the couch as he starts rummagin’ for a light switch in the dark.
“Sweetheart?” He calls out, lights up a cigarette and puffs smoke into the air.
Outside the windows there’s snow and frost stickin’ to the glass, a frigid December evening. He came home later than expected, and he feels bad, wonders if you fell asleep.
But then, then somethin’ small and shiny catches his eye. Taped to the bedroom door is a big red bow, the metallic ribbon kind that you always stick on the gifts you give him. He walks over to it in three long strides, sticks the cig between his teeth and notices a sticky note put right underneath the bow.
“Open for a present.” He reads aloud, chuckling to himself.
You’d never really been one for the theatrics, but lately you’d been gettin’ more bold. Pale doesn’t know where the fuck you’re pickin’ it up from, but he takes in a deep excited breath as he turns the door handle and nearly gives himself a nosebleed from the sight before him.
It’s you, laid out real fuckin’ pretty on the bed.
You’re laying on your side, one hand propping your head up, the other lazily draped over your stomach. You’re dressed like a sexy Mrs. Claus, and Pale wants to laugh at the ridiculousness of that mental image, but you’re too fucking sexy so instead he drools, swallows hard.
You’ve got yourself mostly covered up by a red velvet caplet trimmed with white fur, but he can see fishnet stockings on your legs, black heels on your feet. You’re good, too good for him, and he knows this because you don’t have the shoes on the bed, your feet slightly dangling over the edge of the mattress.
“Ho ho holy shit.” He whistles, low and long, stalks towards you fully ready to tear that shit off you and have his way with your body, “What’s all this?”
But you’re quick, and you shift your body around so that you’re sitting up, one leg coming up to press the heel against his chest, to stop him from coming any closer.
The display of dominance has his eyebrows shooting up in surprise, because you both know that’s not how he fuckin’ plays, not one bit. But it’s you, and you’ve got a playful look in your eye, and he thinks maybe – just maybe – it’ll be worth it to wait this one out.
“Sit.” You say, voice soft, nudging him with your foot.
He looks behind him and sees that you’ve dragged one of the plush armchairs from the corner of the bedroom, moved it away from the window and instead have it right in the middle of the floor, perfect view of the bed.
Perfect view of you, on the bed.
He caresses a hand up and down your calf, pulls and snaps your stocking against your skin, mouth watering, cock already growing hard.
“Pale, please?” You ask, dropping the overly coy look for something a little more real, fighting a smile in an attempt to be sexy.
He’s gonna have to tell you that even that smile of yours is sexy – especially that smile. But for now, he’s more curious what you’ve got up your sleeve, or, cape.
So he sits, and only once he’s seated do you fish around for the small black remote that turns on the entertainment system in the living room.
It all becomes clear all of a sudden, when the music begins to play. When you set yourself up properly on the bed, snapping your finger and rising to the beat of the music up onto your knees, slowly undoing the buttons that keep the capelet on.
 Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
 You toss the velvet across the room, and hidden underneath is a sexy fuckin’ number, a red sheer lil’ something that has Pale twitching in his pants, has him twitching all over.
“I’m gonna die. Is this how I die? You here to kill me?” He asks, interrupting the performance, the song, the show.
“Hush.” You wink, crawling towards the edge of the bed.
You swing your legs over the edge and slowly come to a standing position, shimmying up and down as you step out of your shoes, singing along to Eartha Kitt, your voice sultry and sexy and entirely too intoxicating.
He feels high, is he high?
You only grin.
 Santa baby, a '54 convertible too convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you, dear
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
 The urge to shove his hands down his pants is growing stronger and stronger, and he finds himself nearly inhaling the butt of the cigarette when you begin to walk in slow circles around him, standing behind him and leaning over his shoulder, kissing his neck as your hands rub up and down his chest, getting him even more worked up.
You have these real pretty satin gloves on, the kind that go all the way up to your elbows, a deep red to match the whole rest of the getup. You take your time plucking each finger off your hands, pulling the gloves off one after another to the rhythm of the music.
 Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be also good
If you'll check off my Christmas list
 Just before he thinks you’re gonna jerk him off though, you’re moving around around around him once again, and he lets out a long groan of dismay that has you laughing, biting at your lips and shakin’ your head, your pretty skin glowin’ in the low light of the bedroom.
He’d give you anything, abso-fuckin’-lutely anything in that moment, you know it, he knows it, this display of your assets such sweet torture. You tease him, hover your mouth over his, breath grazing against his lips, and he puckers them just for you, chases your kisses with ones of his own.
You don’t give in to him though, not yet.
 Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot
Been an angel all year
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
 The next thing to go in your strip tease is the drapey part of the little babydoll nightgown you’re wearing. It looks like Pale could yank it right off the bra it’s attached to, could tear the fuckin’ fabric right away, and he doesn’t resist now to stroke at his cock as you pop off the sheer thing, let it flutter to the floor.
All you’ve got on left are a bra, panties, and those stockings, and Pale can’t stop chewing his lip. He lets out a slight groan as he works the button and zipper of his jeans open, spits into his hand and fishes out at his cock.
 Santa honey one thing I really do need, the deed
To a platinum mine
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
 You stick one leg up on his thigh where his legs are spread, and he moans softly as he tugs at his cock. Your pussy is right there, fuck it’s so close. He leans forward enough to press his face right up against the red red red lace that’s concealing your cunt, takes in a deep breath. He knows where your clit is, he presses his big fuckin’ nose against it, and you jolt a little.
But your thigh is up there for a reason, and you’re soon unclipping the stockings from the garters that hang down from the sides of your underwear.
He’s transfixed as you roll the fishnet of your left leg down down down, draping it over his shoulder when you’re done.
 Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Sign your 'x' on the line
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight
 Once the left leg was done, you switch legs and start on your right. He feels guilty for not giving it too much attention, bucking into his fist as he seeks out your cunt again with your other leg now propped up on his other thigh.
You run your fingers through his hair and tug his head back, back back back and away from your pussy, raising an eyebrow, chastising him. He blushes bright fuckin’ red, turns his mouth to catch your wrist with his teeth, presses a wet open mouthed kiss there before you release him.
 Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany
I really do believe in you
Let's see if you believe in me
 You turn around so that your back is facing him, and he growls when you unclip your bra, letting it fall to the floor.
He wants to suck and bite at your tits so bad, and he can only speed up up up his hand, can only urge his wrist to go faster as he jerks himself off to the sight of you, of you dancin’ and singin’ all sexy sultry sweet for him. You cross your hands over your tits when you turn back to face him, doing some little shimmy and shake choreography to the music, still snapping your pretty fuckin’ fingers.
He can see your nipple peeking out from where you’re trying to conceal yourself, and he feels like whatever blood that’s left in his brain’s gotta be rushin’ to his dick now, because you’re pulling off your panties, stepping out of them, leaving you completely naked.
 Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don't mean on the phone
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
 He’s on you as fast as he fucking can be, has you laughing and complaining that he’s ruining the mood of everything as he throws his clothes away, pushes you up the bed.
When he kisses you, he sighs, finally finally finally shoving his tongue into you, arranges your legs real nice so that when he gets positioned just right, when he slides his aching cock into you, the one he’s been edging this whole fuckin’ time – how long was this song? It felt like it went on and on for hours and hours, that’s how desperate he is – he curses long and low.
“You’re so fuckin’ good to me, you know that?” He asks, slidin’ right in, right home, like he’d been aching for all day, all night.
You’d chuckle at him, but you’re too busy moaning, your cunt tight and hot around him, and he thinks damn, you must’ve been real worked up too, bein’ this wet.
He fucks you, right and proper, in the warm safe glow of the bedroom. The candles flicker and the flame crackles in wicks made of wood and the snow whirls around outside, but all of that is drowned out by the sound of your gasps, your chants of his name as his hips work themselves doing everything they were meant to: plowing into you.
Somewhere, out in the living room a million miles away, he can hear the last notes of the song echoing through the apartment. He’ll buy you anything, everything on the list, if you really wanted it. You don’t, not really, and he knows that, knows that it’s just a sexy little song and you’re a sexy little minx.
But still, he would.
For now though, it’s enough that he’s got you under him, got your legs spread and your tongue against his, and for all your pleas to Santa, when you shout out, it’s only ever his name.
 Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry, tonight
Tagging some Pale lovin’ pals! ;)  @fullofbees @spinebarrel @dreamboatdriver @thecurlycaptain @bourbonboredom @driverficarchive @rosalynbair @redhairedfeistynerd @adamsnackdriver @glitzescape @adamsnacc-kler @kyloxfem @fallin-for-youreyes @kylo-renne @attorneyl @jedihbic @bens-rose @callmehopeless @formerly-anonhamster @thepilotanon @hippieface @tinyplanet-explorers @satansstrawberry @riseofkylo @whiskey-bumblebee @helloimindelaware @solotriplets @autumnlovesadam​ @magikevalynn​ @scheherazades-horcrux​
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plutos-ambassador · 5 years
will solace: a texan pt 2
so due to semi-popular demand, imma school you on some texan shit will is probably on. part one
everyone in austin just assumes his bright orange chb shirt is for a prepatory camp for ut because why else would you wear that much orange
people ask him if they really say yeehaw and howdy down in texas
“only if you’re from a&m, which you should never be”
he however will say it ironically just to annoy nico
“howdy nico!” / “i’m breaking up with you”
he knows how to ride a horse so pegasus riding was second nature to him
he organizes the summer tubing down the lake because it’s not a summer if you can’t go tubing down some wild rapids
has a habit of calling chiron sir because he would have gotten a lecutre from his mom for not showing respect
“what do you mean there’s no h-e-b here?”
he refuses to wear a pair of cowboy boots but definitely knows how to two step
when he does leave the camp with someone else driving, he wonders why they’re actually driving the speed limit
“you’re on the highway, you should be going 20 above the speed limit or stick to the right lane”
when there are new campers that are given the tour and they meet him at the infirmary, he’ll put on a thick southern accent just to mess with them
and then nico will show up and he’ll switch back to his normal accent and give the new kids whiplash
“and yall just gotta be sure now, the ares cabin ain’t full of all hat no cattle folk, they will try to tan ya hide”
“yes nico, did you hurt yourself again?”
he and percy got in an argument over which soda is better, coke or dr. pepper
gets really heated when people tell him that they don’t like the grass at camp because it’s itchy
he also has to educate the camp on chiggers
“so be real careful around tall grass because chiggers are gonna burrow into ya”
will jokingly talk about band camp as if he were in it because marching band in texas is as big as the football
literally had the entire meeting room stare at him in fear when he said “y’alld’ve”
“well if y’alld’ve paid attention when i was giving that emergency medical course last week”
“...what the FUCK is ‘y’alld’ve’?”
this is getting long again so i hope you enjoyed some more good ol’ texan will solace
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bergarachan · 4 years
shane kissing the back of ryans hand....,., kissing each knuckles softly..,..,.,,.,.,
i think my brain has stopped functioning. annabelle.exe has stopped working. oops! our servers are down. we’re currently working on it.
here’s a hurt-comfort fic bc its my blog and i do what i want
Ryan showed up on Shane’s doorstep one rainy evening, and Shane immediately noticed something was up.
Shane opened the door, and was immediately meant with sad Ryan. Shane could tell when Ryan was sad. Like, not “being sad for a bit” sad, but genuinely sad. His big, brown puppy eyes were sad and teary. His lips were in a pout and his arms were crossed. He was slouching; looking up at Shane with doe eyes. “Hey, Shane.” He said, and wow, he really sounded sad.
Shane frowned at his best friend’s tone. “Hey, Ryan,” He said softly. “Come on in.” He stepped aside to let Ryan in. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” Ryan asked, quite timidly. Ryan wasn’t himself, Shane noticed. 
Shane nodded. “Yeah, man. Of course. Is something wrong? Are you okay?” He asked, voice lilted in concern. Ryan just shrugged, moping over to the couch and sitting down. Shane assumed he’d tell Shane if or when he was ready. “Beer and popcorn?” Shane asked. 
Ryan nodded. “Yeah, big guy.” Shane smiled at the nickname. His heart always warmed whenever Ryan called him that.
Shane popped a big ol’ bag of corn and brought out a couple beers and placed the bowl and bottles on the coffee table in front of the couch, and sat down next to Ryan. He didn’t miss how Ryan scooched closer to him. Shane, ever the smooth flirter, moved an arm around the back of the couch around Ryan. 
He picked up the remote and turned on Netflix. “Anything you wanna watch?” Shane asked.
Again, Ryan shrugged. “Whatever you wanna watch.” Shane nodded, putting on some comedy from the early 2000s and Ryan scooched ever so closer.
The two was enjoying the movie, enjoying their time together at ass o’clock on a rainy night. Shane laughed at a bunch of the funny moments in the movie, and he noticed Ryan smiling a little bit, too. Shane hoped Ryan was feeling at least a little bit better. The two were enjoying each others’ presences, enjoying the almost-touching, almost-cuddling that was going on.
Shane wanted to give Ryan his own time to tell Shane what was going on, but as time went on, Shane grew curious. “Wanna tell me what’s goin’ on, little guy?” He asked.
Ryan looked down at his own lap. “Uh... I’ve just been... thinking about my work. And stuff.”
“Work and stuff?” Shane asked, and gathered the courage to put his arm around Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan scooched closer to Shane so that their sides were pressed together, and Shane’s heart sang.
Ryan shrugged. “I dunno... I just. I feel like it’s not as good. As, you know, weird wonderful, and... homemade and grocery run. My shows are boring, and I just-”
“Hey, hey, no,” Shane cut him off immediately. Who the fuck told Ryan his shows weren’t as good? Shane made a mental note to sucker punch them in the face at a later time. “Your shows are amazing. I love watching them. Spooky small talk? That show is so fuckin’ cute, man.” Cute was not the word Shane meant to say, however he supposed it wasn’t quite a lie.
Ryan made a face. “Cute?”
“Well, I mean, I like seeing your guests go through the maze, and the segments are funny, and the comments you and the guest make when scared is the funniest damn part of that show.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my friend.” Ryan scoffed. “It really isn’t that good. I should have done something else, or maybe just left Watcher up to you and Steven-”
Oh, fuck no. This would not stand. Shane, in a moment of bravery, cupped Ryan’s face with both of his hands. He noticed Ryan’s puppy eyes were starting to tear up, and his heart broke. “Ryan, no.” He said firmly. “Never say anything about the company like that. Watcher wouldn’t ever be what it is without you. Your bright soul, your... your passion for creating is the glue that brings this company together. Your drive and your happiness that you get simply from creating things and doing the things that you love, it, it makes me so happy to see. Spooky small talk is amazing, don’t say anything different, and if you aren’t happy with it then, fuck it, it’s our company. Let’s make another fucking season.” Ryan started to cry, tears running down his cheeks, and Shane immediately wiped them away with his thumbs. “You could.. you could make a series of just a compilation of you breathing heavily and I would have watched it.” Ryan let out a wet laugh.
“Shut up, Shane,” He sniffled, a (beautiful, in Shane’s opinion) smile starting to form on his face. 
“Shhh,” Shane softly shushed him, letting go of his face and pulling him into a hug. “Your content is beautiful. You belong in Watcher. You were born to make content. I hate that you see your amazing self as anything different.” Shane continued to shush him as Ryan continued to cry in his arms.
After a long time, Shane and Ryan pulled away from the hug, and Ryan sniffled again. “Where did you come from, Shane?” Ryan laughed wetly. “Why were you so... sure about it? That I belong?”
Shane smiled at Ryan, not caring that his heart eyes were on clear display. Fuck it.
He lifted Ryan’s hand, and, while maintaining eye contact with Ryan, softly kissed the back of his palm, true gentleman-style. “Shane,” Ryan whispered, like the sound was forced out of him. Shane’s friend was turning bright red.
Teasingly, he tenderly kissed each of Ryan’s knuckles, Ryan turning redder with each heartfelt kiss. 
When he was done, he lowered Ryan’s hand and gave Ryan a happy grin that he couldn’t hide even if he tried. 
Ryan sniffed once again, tearing up. He was going to cry again. “Shane Madej,” He giggled wetly, and Shane could not bear not being closer to Ryan any longer. Within moments, Ryan was in Shane’s lap, half-laughing half-crying. Shane cupped Ryan’s face with his hands once again, and this time, gave a kiss to Ryan’s lips, and thank god Ryan kissed back. The kiss was full of love, full of all the feelings Shane had been hiding for the past four years, hiding since the day Ryan smiled at him and he realized that Ryan was the most beautiful and important person in Shane’s entire world.
The kiss broke when they absolutely needed air, and Shane wouldn’t stop chasing Ryan’s lips as the latter giggled, kissing his cheeks, the sides of his mouth, his nose, right above his eyelids. He couldn’t help himself. Ryan’s face was red and warm, and eventually he buried his face into Shane’s shoulder. Shane rested his chin on top of Ryan’s head. The two were intertwined, and Shane wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I love you, Shane. Thank you,” Ryan whispered.
Shane kissed the top of his head, smiling wider than he had in weeks. “Anytime, little guy. I love you, too.”
okay so maybe i got carried away..................... i hope yall liked that it took me an hour yeehaw
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torujours · 4 years
(1/2)Can I get a match up?! I’m a straight female. I’m 5’2” with shirt dark brown hair with curtain bangs and brown eyes. I’m observant, blunt, and cautious. I think with my head rather than my heart and worry about EVERYTHING. I don’t care what people think of me and always think before I say. I like reading and listening to music. I’m really into astrology and I’m a Capricorn. I enjoy watching sitcoms and romantic high school animes. I’m more on the introverted and serious side
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💌 hey!! it's not all over the place no worries bubs and i hope you like your match up!!
🖤 I match you with kageyama 🖤
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you give me kags vibes lmao like he would appreciate you being blunt like just tell him like it ya know also you two would have the chillest dates just hanging out and listening to music plus kags gives me the vibes of someone who would also have the love language of quality time!! he would also help you with that procrastination of yours yall can keep each other motivated
300+ followers party yeehaw
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oozmart · 4 years
Dance Till You Die
I wrote a oneshot fic for my OC Dahlia.  Hope yall enjoy it :)
Dahlia leaned over the order window of the food truck.  No customers, finally.  The dinner rush hit and now everyone was out enjoying the music, dancing, laughing, having fun.  
“You see that?” Drayton asked.
Dahlia didn’t even blink, she knew what he was about to say, “They’re all out there workin up a sweat and an appetite, they’ll be back for seconds in no time!”  She rolled her eyes.  Drayton was all work, no play.  He didn’t understand, he’d never had real fun before.  He was busy taking care of his brother’s, his family.  Dahlia respected him for being a devoted family man, but she never liked his bossy attitude.  
Dahlia was a rebellious teen, akin to that guy from Footloose.  That was one of her favorite movies.  Any movie that had dancing was her favorite movie.  She wanted to go out and dance with the crowd more than anything.  One night of fun.  All play, no work.  
“I know what you’re thinkin, lil missy…” Drayton accused, wagging a finger at her, “You’re gonna stay right here and help me prep for the after-dinner rush.”
“There’s no such thing as an after-dinner rush.”  Dahlia retorted, not moving from her spot.
Drayton groaned.  She was stubborn, that was one of her worst qualities, but she was the only one who could come help him with the food truck when it got busy at events like this.  These outdoor concerts are some of their most successful sale days.  This was for two reasons: For one, they sold a lot of sandwiches.  For two, a lot of people from out of town would come to see these bands play, which meant more prime meat for the Sawyer’s to catch.  
“Come on now,” Drayton began, “everyone’s workin today.  Bubba and Chop are out there waiting for meat, and you’re here helping me sell it.”  He couldn’t see her face, but he knew her eyes were rolling.  
Dahlia turned quickly, leaning back on the counter, “What if I just went out and danced a couple of songs?”
“AW, COME ON!!!  I never get to go have fun!!!”  She whined.  
Drayton stayed quiet, he wouldn’t hear anymore of this nonsense.
Dahlia creeped up behind him.  “One song?” She asked with a pouty face and a gentle tone.  He didn’t budge.  She had to appeal to his business side to win this battle.  “How about this,” she bargained, “I go out and dance with some people, and I tell them ALL ABOUT Drayton Sawyer’s AWARD WINNIN’ chili?  Hmm?”  
She grabbed his hand and pretended to dance with him.  He stood still and furrowed his brow.  This child was bizarre.  “This music is GRROVY!” She acted out the scenario, “Sure does make me hungry…” She squeezed his hand, “I got an idea!  Why don’t we go get some chili from that there truck?  Ya, that one!”  She sniffs the are, “MM, I can smell that choice meat from here!”  
Drayton was the one rolling his eyes now.  He had to admit, this wasn’t a horrible idea.  “Fine,” he caved, much to Dahlia’s delight, “you dance a couple songs and round up some customers.  If you don’t come back with a line of people you’re gonna be on dishwashin’ duty for a month for slackin off!”
Dahlia beamed, “THANK YOU!!!!”  Still holding his hand, she pulled her older-brother-figure in for a hug.  Drayton was not a touchy person.  He shoved her off and brushed off his suit.  He mumbled something under his breath, probably about the plight of small business owners, but Dahlia was already out the door and down the steps.  
She hopped outta the truck and ran out to the dance floor, a square of dirt surrounded by 4 beams suspending fairy lights and American flags.  She was wearing her old cowboy boots, high-waisted bell bottom jeans, and a crimson red blousy tank top.  She was so excited she thought she’d just explode.  The music was blasting from a small DJ on the North side of the dancing area, from its speakers played Elvis Presley’s classic, “Jailhouse Rock.”  Dahlia didn’t care that she didn’t know anyone out there, once the music hit her ears she lost herself to the sound.
Nearby on a hill, looking down at the festivities, Chop Top and Bubba sat in the back of he truck.  During big events like this, they’d keep an eye out for anyone leaving alone or drunk and if they looked like a good target they’d take’em out.  While exciting in theory it was a lot of waiting around.  They’d already been sitting around for over an hour and no good targets left the festivities.  People probably wouldn’t be leaving till well after midnight.  
“This blows,” Chop Top complained to his mostly silent brother, Bubba, “we should be home listenin to that radio lady and havin ourselves a well-earned break!”  Bubba nodded as his older brother yammered on about how bored he was, until something down below caught his attention.  He quickly shook his brother’s arm and pointed down to the dancing square.
Chop Top squinted, “What?  Someone finally leavin?”  Bubba shook his head and kept pointing to a specific person.  “WAIT A MINUTE?  IS THAT…..?”  Bubba nodded excitedly, as he got his point across.  “DAHLIA GETS TO HAVE FUN AND WE DON’T??!?!?!!”  Chop Top whined.  Bubba shrugged, he thought seeing his girl out there would cheer him up, but it only seemed to rile him up more.
Dahlia danced like her life depended on it.  Between songs, some people applauded her, she didn’t think anything of it.  She was in the zone.  
“Howdy,” a tall, burly man approached her, tipping his cowboy hat, “you’re a mighty fine dancer!”  His compliment made her smile.  She thanked him, and before she knew it, he was offering his hand and they were dancing together.
With his purple rounded glasses atop his head, Chop Top looked through a pair of army binoculars he kept in the truck, stunned at the sight of his own lover taking the hand of someone, a stranger!  “What game you playin…?” He muttered to himself.  He looked the cowboy up and down through the lenses.  He was probably about his height, but much heftier in the arms.  Strong.  Chop Top gave a small huff as he put down the binoculars.  Bubba picked them up and began to watch the dancers with curiosity.
An old fashioned square dance began, and Dahlia and the stranger partnered up.  He spun her around and picked her up by the hips above his head, she squealed with excitement when her feet left the ground.  When the dance ended, his hands lingered on her waist.  She suddenly remembered the promise she made to Drayton, “Oh!  You know what we should do right about now?”
“Oh, I know what we should do… Come on.” He took her hand and pulled her away into the darkness.  Bubba gasped, and urged his brother to look through them himself.  Chop Top didn’t budge, still upset about the sour night he’d been having.  
Bubba acted quick and hopped out of the bed of the truck and into the driver’s seat.  He didn’t drive often, but he knew how.  To Chop Top’s surprise, the vehicle started moving.  He rolled around in the bed before climbing through the back window to shout at his baby brother, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!!??!”   Bubba let him yell, he didn’t care right now.  He had to go save Dahlia.  She always looked out for him so he had to do the same for her.
They twisted and turned through dirt roads until they stopped to a grinding halt, down behind some trees near the festival.  Bubba frantically turned off the lights and hopped out of the car to get his chainsaw.  Chop Top was on his heels going off still, “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE DOIN DO YOU?!?!?!  THIS AIN’T THE WAY SHIT WORKS!!!!”
Bubba saw by the line of porto-potties, the stranger pulling Dahlia behind him.  Bubba quickly shushed Chop Top and pointed.  When CT turned his head his face flushed at the sight.  The stranger’s hands were on her waist, he was trying to whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
“Whats back here?”  Dahlia asked, cluelessly.  She got an unfortunate sniff of the air and reacted, “BLEH, it smells like shit.”  The man began to lean down to kiss her, but she leaned back and turned her cheek, causing his lips to land in the wrong place.  
He chuckled playfully, “Aw, come on, lil mama… The way you were dancin had to mean something.”  Chop Top’s blood boiled when he heard his nickname for her crawl out of someone else’s mouth.  That was his lil mama.  
Dahlia was offended on his behalf as well.  Someone else calling her by that pet name felt dirty. “It meant I like dancing.” She snapped, “If I wanted something I would have asked.”  She took his hands off her hips, but he held on to her hands.  “Please…” she tried to pull away, but he insistently held on.
“You sure?  Dancin gets tiring, don’t it?”  He was determined to get her to say yes.  In his experience, pressure usually wore women down.
Dahlia attempted to promote the business again, as a means to avoid any physical conflict, “Uhh, i’m hungry! Aren’t you?  We could talk about this over a bite of homemade, award-winning chili?  And Drayton Sawyer makes it the best!”  
The man scoffed at the idea.  “That Sawyer guy?  He’s a hack.  Nothin homemade about that shit.  I hear its all canned and processed.”  
Dahlia wasn’t Drayton’s biggest fan, but she respected him and loved him.  He was family, and they protected each other.  With that she was done with this fool.  She raised her knee to his crotch with a hearty thrust and he went down without a fight.  
Chop Top saw the man go down and took this opportunity to burst from the forest and swing his hammer at the fucker’s head.  “YEEHAW!” he shouted as he went ham.  The music was so loud, and the shadows of the porto-potties kept them hidden from any passerby’s sight.  Bubba didn’t dare rev up his chainsaw in though.  He still kept it on him as he ran to Dahlia’s aid.  
She was stupefied by their sudden arrival, “What are you boys doin down here?  Yall are supposed to be watchin for meat.”  She put her hands on her hips.  
“WE’RE SAVING YOU, BABES” Chop Top announced proudly with another swing of his hammer to the man.  His body spasmed as blood poured from the cracks in his skull.  This was normal for the Sawyer boys and Dahlia to see, it didn’t faze any of them.  Rather she rolled her eyes, “I saved myself just fine, thank you very much.  
“Its the 80’s for god’s sake I dont need a man to save me.”  She crossed her arms and shook her head.  She felt a weight on her head.  Looking up she saw Bubba leaning his head on her as gently as he could.  He was so much taller than her it was an awkward position.  Whenever they’d sit around at home he’d lean on her like this, so he thought it would be a comfort for both of them in this moment.  
Dahlia could never stay mad at baby Bubba.  He was like a little brother to her.  She put a hand on his cheek and patted, “I do appreciate you both comin though.  Now Drayton can’t be mad at me cause I helped catch some food.”
Bubba blushed under his leather face and proceeded to take care of business.  He bent down and picked up the legs of the now dead man, whoever he was, and dragged him back to the truck.  Chop Top stayed back with Dahlia, “Ooh, I bet he’s pissed right now!  Why’d  you ditch him?  Dangerous to play hooky on his watch.”  He slouched over slightly and scrunched up his face, “You idiots are always slackin off leavin me to slave over a hot stove!  I gotta do ALL the work ‘round here!!!” he imitated his older brother perfectly.  
Dahlia laughed, she always loved his silly impersonations.  He was good at them.  “Well I didn’t ditch him,” she explained, “he said I could go dance so long as I brought in some customers.”  She paused and shrugged, thinking about it, “Don’t know if I did that, but I guess did something.”  She suddenly realized she’d have to go back to the truck for that fake after-dinner rush thing Drayton kept going on about.  He was going to be upset for sure.  “I better get back before he makes me wash dishes for the rest of my life.”  
As she began to leave, Chop Top snatched her hand. “Uh, i- if you had to do dishes for a year…”. He felt a nervous itch on his scalp and pulled his wire hanger out of his vest and began scratching under his wig, “I- I- i’d help you every day.”  He pulled the hanger out, but before he could nibble at the skin bits he scraped, Dahlia picked at the end of it and stole them, eating them herself.  Chop Top was turned on, but kept it low-key by just giving her a toothy grin.  She winked at him with a cheeky smile.  She knew how she made him feel.  She squeezed his hand before letting go, and proceeded back to the food truck.
Chop’s hand slowly came down to his side as he watched her walk away.  He wanted her to come back.  He wanted to kiss her.  Sure, he could do it later when they got home, but he wanted to do it now out in the open while his heart was beating with excitement and adrenaline was pumping through his veins.  He wanted to grab her by the arms and kiss her with a fiery passion.  Alas, she was already far out of sight.
His thoughts were interrupted by the grunts of his brother from the truck.  He leaned his head back in frustration before joining him to hoist the heavy body up into the bed of the truck.  “Bubba what have I always told ya?!?!?  Dont lift by yourself you’re gonna throw out your back!!!”
Back at the truck, Dahlia paused in surprise.  A line of people!  She didn’t see that coming.  She quickened her pace and ran up the steps of the truck.  Drayton didn’t look away from his work at the grill, “THERE YOU ARE!  I think you got enough customers for the night, good job.”  
Dahlia blinked.  “Good job.”  It didn’t seem like much, but from Drayton that was a lot.  She felt a tinge of pride in her chest and a smile crept onto her face that she couldn’t hold back.  
“Well?  What are you standing there for?!?!  GET BACK TO WORK!!!”  
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atinytokki · 5 years
Here’s my first impressions.
Warning! a loooong post, squealing, incoherent thoughts smashed together, and crying ahead. A lot of crying.
OH NO. They really started it like this. I’m shivering in bed rn. It’s haunting and beautiful and too short. Is that marching?? That’s marching, are they going to war now omg hold on—
[I didn’t include the audio for Wonderland because I hit the limit and ALSO you should go stream it on the KQ channel instead ;) hehe]
The transition into this was spectacular. The marching just became the beat wooooah! HONGJOONG AHJFKSL YES that’s how you start a song. Seonghwa and Yunho, beautiful. Wooyoung!! sounds amazing!! Seonghwa’s low voice o I was not prepared. San helloooo I love the instrumentation at this part. Jongho, as expected with the high note. Oh OH KAJA!! oooooohhhhh man the chorus goes hard I can’t wait to see the choreo. The production on this is spectacular. FiX oN MiNgiiiiii go off oml 🔥 YEOSANG 👏��� GET 👏🏻 THOSE 👏🏻 LINES 👏🏻 this is a head banging song I’m head banging rn. The way they bring it back right before the chorus *chef’s kiss* This is overwhelming man. Jongho with the bridge yussss he and San sound amazing. Wait they were right it is like Hala Hala they added both parts of the chorus together!! It’s almost over isn’t it. Yeah it’s over. Ok I need to breathe,,,
It’s starting kinda like a sad song this isn’t a sad song is it?? SANIIIIEEE! Aw this is cute I like it. Hongjoooooooong! I love this rap it reminds me of something. Ooh prechorus?? It’s so pretty oh No here’s the chorus— oh EDM?!!? OKAY!! Wait do I bop or cry 🙊omg Yeosang!!!! oh my baby you sound amazing. Harmonies 😭 harmonies omg there are harmonies... Mingi! He didn’t say fix on :(( short but slick rap as always. I’m still trying to figure out what they’re saying in this chorus I don’t wanna blast it too loud everyone else is asleep I think... hhhhhh!! Mingi and Hongjoong SINGING IN THE BRIDGE holy cow im gonna lose it they sound beautiful YES THANK U THIS IS WHAT I WANTED. Wowwwww high note 🙌There’s something really really nostalgic about this song,, I am undone. The harmonies omg I can’t take this it’s like they know how much I love harmonies, unfair.
OMG— throwback???????? This sounds so 80s YEEEESSSS ! San!! New beginning fairy?? He sounds heavenly I can’t. Mingi, he’s singing again I can’t stop smiling this is my new fave thing. This prechorus, idk what to say it’s amazing. WOOYOUNG JUNG WOOYOUNG NO NO NO NO HES SINGING THE CHORUS AFHSJLSLE Jongho ur vocals are sweet honey please have mercy it’s only like the 4th song and I’m crying already. Hongjoong my boy, this style of rap holy cow. Did someone tell him this is my fave style of rap, because— oh, he’s still going?? Ah this is going on repeat the rest of today 🥰 Yeosang I couldn’t be happier you sound gorgeous and Yunho woah their voices match well. WOOYOUNG AGAIN!! This part was made for him it has to be. JONGHO! SO PLEASE!! This bridge I’m just a mess of tears now they are really singing their hearts out. Is it too early to have a favourite?
Ugh all these songs are ending so abruptly I’m never ready for the next one. Oh I’ve heard his.. aHA AHAAAAA I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT this is from the teasers. I had the teasers on repeat this bgm alone is. so. cool. Yes the Mingi rap aaaaaaaaahdhsjkdflsl but we can hear it this time lol. woah it’s not over yet. The beginning of Treasure! Hongjoong singing the beginning of Treasure again but different lyrics?? I need to look them up later oh what if it’s like they found their treasure,, no I can’t take it where are the tissues the ending is so sad whyyyyuyyy
Yay there is already a fun flavour in this song! Hongjoong your voice is so rich in the low register daaaaang I need more of this. Seonghwa is that you? I feel like I haven’t heard his voice since Wonderland I’m sorry seonghwa my bff I’m getting whiplash trying to hear everyone’s parts but you killed it. These lyrics!! This is a hype song fs. THE BEAT DROP AAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAH!! “Ayyy we are gonna win” YES YOU ARE BOYS! Oh shoot I said that out loud I hope no one heard. Okay yes this is my new hype song no one is allowed to be discouraged listening to this. Oop “aha” Hongjoong hakdlaplajql I squealed again. Aw the rap verses were short but still slayed. This song is so fast I can’t keep up but I love it I am feeling this. The low voices and then the beat drop I can’t FUNCTION THIS IS SPECTACULAR !!!!! You are gonna wiiiiiin. This reminds me of Pirate King the altered voice and then adding a harmony the second time, anyone feel me? Mingi singing in the bridge again yes I love this. Ooo EDM break aaaahhah go crazy go stupidddd! I want a choreo for this, I need a choreo for this. Woah the instrumental is very unusual here. And it ended like that with the piano, deconstructing the elements of the song. Oh I need a second listen for musical reasons but we gotta move on.
This album is moving way too quickly we’re halfway done ripppp. I love the instrumental here it’s super slick. I’m already enjoying this very much. Oh high notes San!! Vocal line has popped off, exceeds expectations 100% Aww hi Mingi. Ah thank God the chorus is sweet and full of riffs wowowow this is a sharp contrast from last song. YEOSANG!!! My heart jumps every time I hear him, you don’t know how hard I prayed for him to have more lines. Hongjoong! What are these voices in the background?. Adorable, this is adorable aaaaahaha!! Oh it’s “we are one, we stay one” that they spoiled in ANEWZ I seeeee. This chorus ugh this whole song I love I just have the biggest smile on my face while also sobbing yall don’t understand. The bridge ahh idek what to say I’m so happy with this. You boys make me so proud I hope you know that 😭 !! The voices are back! This is literally so cute hELP
Here comes THANK U I’m not ready ok deep breaths. Whaaaa? I’ve never been more caught off guard in my life that guitar... Yeehaw? Is this a yeehaw song what-? Hongjoong’s singing wait I have to go back I missed it. His voice I— digging my grave. Wait why does this sound lowkey country ohhh dear say sike ah no alright the CHORUS mmm I knew it would be a feel good song. That echoing thing after the chorus is cool. Mingiiii! Did he not say fix on again?? This rap is too cute noooooo oml why Mingi why my jaw is on the floor I can’t believe he’s capable of this.. Ok I like it I’ve decided I like this. I was surprised at first bc I’m not a country fan and it sounded like it was about to be a country song 😂 but this is a bop!! “Gomawo” 😭 no gomawo yourself. Thank you for being on my side 🥺 It’s a hands clapping song. Yes Jongho go off!!! Oh I just gasped the biggest gasp the ending riff was beautiful
Sunrise. Okay deep breaths. I’m gonna just listen and try to not think about the fact Hongjoong cried writing this song. Let’s go. .... oh. OH. Oh it’s soft. I’m soft 🥺 ahhh man they sound so good. This— the background music... it’s doing me in. Aww Mingi. Ahh no this sounds sad whyyy I’m afraid to see the lyrics dangit. (0:41) I just dropped my phone. K that scared me but the lyrics just shot me in the heart. !!!!! I gasped again and now I’m coughing hang on I gotta pause. Just keep it up... boys you outdid yourselves. This GUITAR HOLY CHEESE AND CRACKERS ITS AMAZING. *stomp stomp clap* Hongjoong hiiiii wow this rap right here, I only caught half the lyrics but I know exactly what he is saying ah man. We’ve added instruments in the back. Oh Jongho that was such a clear note the vowel was perfect there. This chorus I can’t. Yeah ok I’m crying again something about the guitar I . Cant type. Oh man. Oh OH OH the bridge the BRIDGE THE BRIDGE everything the vocals the background music. Okay here’s our real stomp stomp clap moment. Ah ok wiping the tears now. They sound great. Hongjoong aaaahh what a way to end the song.
That was an experience I hope I get to breathe during this but I already know I won’t. Um.. it’s piano... for like a solid 20 seconds and it’s slightly jazzy are we getting a ballad?? Our first real ballad!! Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Seonghwa yessss 🥰 Oh you guys I’ve wanted to hear a ballad from him for so long you don’t even know. Wait everyone sounds so perfect I can’t even describe this. Yunho baby yesss your voice. Wooyoung oml SAN ahhh San your transitions are stunning. Jongho our ballad king it’s like he’s barely even trying and it sounds amazing. Lovely lovely lovely. Mingiiiii he’s singing yet again. Hongjoong too!! Yes oh yes this is it. Their voices all being showcased so perfectly. I’m amazed how well they can all fit this style just as well as they can fit a song like Win. I have one criticism only so far and yall already know what it is. Yeosang still could’ve gotten more lines in this one :_( This is the last song before Beginning of the End oh no. Nooooo I don’t want it to be over. Oh? OH? Yeosang! Yeosangggggg!! Omg I have goosebumps he said NO IM TAKING OVER it’s MY SONG NOW! Wow amazing. The structure of this has been so so interesting I’m definitely going back to analyse. No it’s over...
I’m scared. I’m crying again noo it hasn’t even started jeez pull yourself together. Ok but before I start I really don’t want it to be over and not in a way that implies I want more songs just thinking about how... this is Ep Fin right? The end. Obviously not of ATEEZ (God forbid) it’s only been a year and they’re slaying it I mean absolutely knocking it out of the park each Ep bigger and bolder than the last, they aren’t afraid to try things and when they do they hit the nail on the head. But still this is the end of an era, a storyline too if I’m correct. And it’s just a surreal experience to see it come to a close. ATEEZ, I don’t know where you’re taking us next but I trust you guys and I know it’s going to be amazing.
Ok anyway let’s start the song 🤣 crackling noise? Fire? Ok it’s orchestral. VERY orchestral. “Open your eyes” I felt that San. They were open but I just opened them again. This orchestra is really really moving and cinematic I love it. I see what this is, we’re going Intro: Long Journey except Outro version which is fuller, richer, even more epic and emotional. Oh boy I’m really crying now. Idek what to say again I’m speechless. Oh it swells just like Intro!! Is it the end? Woah???????? What is this? .....SAN?? Wait wait wait it’s over? Like that? No hang on. Waaaait what was that? Seriously that was very strange. I’m not imagining things am I? No does this have something to do with upcoming albums? I’m so confused 😭 it sounded rly cool and spooky whatever it was. Well. Okay! Yeah I guess that’s it. That was the last straw. I should really try to go back to sleep I only have a few hours till I have to get up. But now I’m probably going to go write something, that music was really inspiring. Yeah I think I said what I wanted to honestly! Again I just want to reiterate how proud I am, and remind you to go stream!!!!
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uniformbravo · 4 years
a bunch of winter 2020 anime first impressions from Me
Koisuru Asteroid / Asteroid In Love
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ok ive already professed my love for this one so i wont get too much into it but basically it’s Extremely cute & im way invested in the two (HOPEFULLY romantic) leads bc their relationship is so sweet so far aaaaaaa
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like do u SEE this shit im actually tearing up hgnfhrognfghdjfnjg
this show is Pretty and Cute and Space-Themed and Probably Gay what more do u Need. i love it 10/10
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Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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so fucken good, this is the one i was most excited for based purely on the art style/animation and god did it deliver, everything is such a treat to look at i fuckin LOVE a setting w/ just as much personality as the characters
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and My Goodness the Characters, 3 distinct girls w/ strong designs & personalities that aren’t like super moe/catered to cishet dudes heLLO
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we Love a gremlin protag & her chaotic neutral best friend & the “fuck you dad i want to make anime” dreamer they meet........
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also HELL YEAH it’s about making anime and they don’t even use that as a gimmicky set piece, the art is a huge part of the story and the detail with which it’s explored in the first ep gives me high hopes for the rest of the show aaaaa so excited to see where this one goes after that BANGER of a first episode
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
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switching gears to a less great one lol..... so the thing is this show’s visual aesthetic absolutely fucking slaps in a way that’s so rare to see in a sea of samey anime art styles, like the character designs are unique and everything is so damn colorful, the backgrounds alone blow me away w/ how fuckin Pretty they are??? LOOK at this shit
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and just. this show has a lot of stylistic flourishes that make it like 100/100 Certified Good-To-Look-At Anime
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which makes every other aspect of the show that much more disappointing lmaoooo like ok i can deal w/ a mediocre story if the visuals slap, which they Do, but also these characters look 10 & we’re doing the whole sexualizing minors thing which fucking BLOWS it’s so uncomfortable to watch........... i feel like it’s one of those things where they’re trying to justify it by being like “o well hanako’s like a thousand year old spirit or whatever so he’s not REALLY underage” but fuckin. fuck off he looks and sounds like a Young Boy yall know what ur doing ugh
it’s not a thing that happens Constantly throughout the episode, really just a few moments here and there, but it is in the op pretty prominently so i feel like it’s gonna be a Thing that keeps happening so idk if i’ll stick w/ this one in particular which is a Damn Shame bc it really is such a gorgeous looking show im mad
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ok ngl just from the character designs alone i rly didn’t think this one was gonna make as good a first impression as it did??? i guess the huge ensemble cast of pretty boys reminded me of last season’s actors: songs connection, which uh. was Not great,
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so i went into it totally expecting it to be all shitty but it rly surprised me, i found it so intriguing? the characters are actually really endearing so far...... i love how it doesn’t try to shove the entire cast in our faces in the v first ep but instead starts out w/ a small handful and lets us spend a lil time w/ them while only giving assorted Hints and passing impressions of the others, that was nice
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also love how very not “generic sports anime” it is right off the bat by dropping us right into the middle of these characters’ story instead of doing the whole “bright-eyed first year joins the team and fights his way to the top” sorta deal- which you’d think would be a confusing and awkwardly paced approach but in this case is handled surprisingly well, especially because it seems like it’s gonna have a lot more elements of a character drama than a straight up classic sports anime (which i am Super here for)
(there is a lot of rugby in the op though so we’ll see how things go, it’s only been 1 ep after all)
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the air drop into the characters’ established lives makes introductions a lot more organic as well; since the characters are already familiar with each other we don’t have to sit around watching everyone introduce themselves to the protag, we get to infer their relationships and general opinions of each other through their various interactions & it’s a thousand times more engaging imo!!
i mean we do have this other first year joining as a manager and our protag did deliberately say he learned everyone’s names/info after deciding to become a manager so im sure we’ll be getting those character introductions anyway, but well. we’ll cross that bridge if/when we come to it
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also i believe this takes place in college rather than high school?? i couldn’t pay attention to every detail but i definitely got that kind of vibe in which case Hell Yeah another welcome deviation from the norm babeeyyyy (i just checked and it Is college yeehaw)
basically what im saying is im tired of tropes & number24 just no clipped past the first 25 chapters of the sports anime formula and also it’s set in university AND it seems to be character-driven & im living thanks thank u
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ok ill be honest i completely forgot that i watched this one lmaooo (which should give u a hint as to what i thought of it *thinking emoji*)
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the art style’s whatever and the animation’s whatever, nothing special there. the show is like, dark?? more stupid than dark idk it feels a little bit “welcome to my twisted mind” but the twist is homophobia w/ a mild side of ableism, and also an entire episode of suspense wondering if im gonna have to watch this black side character die (he doesn’t, so there’s that at least)
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honestly i cant even remember what drew me to this show enough to put it in my plan to watch, i guess the premise sounded interesting enough (something about controlling minds and erasing memories?), but mature psychological shows usually aren’t really my scene, especially when they’re executed.... Like That. i did kind of enjoy the twist at the end, mildly, though i feel like it was pretty obvious in hindsight and the only reason i didn’t see it coming is bc i can be astoundingly shortsighted when it comes to things like that (aka im DUMB)
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since it took until the very end of the episode to Really introduce our dynamic duo tho, i feel like this ep was more of a prologue than anything and the Real show is gonna begin in ep 2, which is great n all but uh. idk if i care enough to give that a watch tbhhhh. i might just to see what the show has to offer but really truly honestly cant see myself sticking this one thru to the end lmao rip
hate to end on a bummer note like that but hey that’s all i got for this post ! i have more shit to watch so i’ll probably end up making like a part 2 w/ more impressions but this is getting long enough that it’s becoming kind of a pain to keep adding more so thats it for now boiyoeiyeoii
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wordswithateez · 5 years
yeehaw!ateez - Chapter 1
i hope yall enjoy this as much as i do! thank you for all of your nice comments!!! :D let’s get this show on the road!!!
CHAPTER ONE - The Arrival
You’d been waiting forever.
As the stablehand personally assigned to the legendary equestrian team ATEEZ, you were expected to be punctual and efficient, which meant being the first person they see when arriving at your father’s stable complex.
Any minute now, you thought, for the ninth time.
Where you stood, you could see sunlight cast rays down over the rafters of the stable, turning dust particles to glitter. The nickering of awakening horses filled the stable’s ambiance, and a hen clucked idly out in the yard. It was peaceful, and the morning sun on your cheeks was making you regret leaving your bed.
Thankfully, the crackling of gravel under tires shook you from your morning daze. Two large trucks, both hauling impressive steel trailers, came toiling up the stable’s driveway.
Finally, ATEEZ was here.
You waved to signal the drivers where to park, walking over as the engines rumbled to a stop. There was a faint sound of hooves on metal, and a stray whinny or two pierced the air. It must have been a long ride for them. You wanted to see them, but there were more pressing matters. The first driver was already climbing out of his pickup, and you raised your hand to shake his.
“Hello, I’m y/n l/n. I’ll be your main stablehand during your stay here at Royals’ Elite Equestrian Center,” you introduced yourself with a smile. Admittedly, you’d spent more than a couple minutes rehearsing that line.
The man who’d driven smiled back at you, his eyes crinkling under his coffee-brown fringe. You tried not to mentally question the mullet.
“Oh, thank you,” he replied. “My name is Kim Hongjoong, but you can call me Hongjoong. We’re ready to unload if you are.” He gestured to the heavy steel trailers.
Kim Hongjoong? THE Kim Hongjoong? You felt a little bit of your soul leave your body.
“Of course. Nice to meet you, Hongjoong.” You smiled, pointing back at the barn. “The stalls are ready as well. Eight horses, right?”
“Yep,” he affirmed.
“And a box stall for the Clydesdale?”
“Yep. You guys really followed all of our requests, huh?”
“Of course!” you said, a little too enthusiastically. “Royals’ Elite prides itself on its hospitality.”
“We’re glad to be working with you,” Hongjoong said genuinely. He tapped on the window of the pickup, signaling that the rest of the riders could exit. Soon, the trucks were empty of passengers. The trailers’ steel doors were lowered, and the unloading process began.
“Seonghwa, take Dauntless first,” you heard Hongjoong say.
Park Seonghwa, triple gold dressage champion, the fangirl inside you sang. You tried to hide your starstruck-ness as a taller man with styled blond hair entered the first trailer. You heard the shuffling of footsteps and the click of a lead getting clipped to a halter. Not moments later, a large black stallion came stepping into the sunlight, head raised high. His coat shone like jet, and you couldn’t help but let a small ‘wow’ leave your mouth.
“Pretty, isn’t he?” a new voice piped up right next to you. You bit back a cry of surprise and turned to look at the speaker. “Hwanggeum’s prettier, in my opinion.”
If you hadn’t recognized his face by now, you definitely recognized the name of Jung Wooyoung’s prized Lusitano. He smiled brightly at you. “I’m Jung Wooyoung. You’re y/n?”
“That’s me,” you replied quickly, after getting over your inherent shock.
“Nice to meet you,” he said with a grin, before entering the trailer. Moments later, out stepped Hwanggeum, led by Wooyoung. The stallion’s name was no mistake–the buckskin really did gleam like gold, and from the high-stepping strides, he knew how stunning he was. Wooyoung gave you one last smile before walking after Dauntless and Seonghwa into the stable.
Next, a tall boy with black hair went inside, and you heard heavy hoofsteps echo from inside. From the sound, you knew this had to be Jeong Yunho’s retired Clydesdale. She was the largest by far, you noticed, when she walked down the trailer’s ramp at Yunho’s side. Yunho gave you a friendly greeting, but didn’t say much more than a ‘hello.’
“The box stall is at the end of the barn,” you offered helpfully as they passed. He waved at you, grateful.
“Thank you!”
Only after they had passed, did you notice that Yunho wasn’t carrying any sort of lead.
The last horse to exit the first trailer was unmistakable: Song Mingi’s Knabstrupper showjumper, Domino. Domino’s spotted coat only accentuated his strong legs and neck, which was arched in a stretch as he followed Mingi. You watched in awe as Domino kicked up his heels as he felt the gravel under his hooves, to which Mingi chuckled and walked Domino in a few small circles before entering the barn.
It was now time to unload the second trailer. The final four horses remained, and were getting impatient.
“We’d better go get them,” Hongjoong said at your side. “They won’t wait for long. I need to speak to the stable manager, would you please bring Gale to the stable for me?”
“Absolutely,” you said, completely calmly, definitely not losing your mind on the inside.
“He’s the last one,” Hongjoong said. “Thank you!” With that, he turned and walked towards the community building.
Steeling your nerves, you followed the four other ATEEZ riders around to the back of the second trailer. One of them, with red and brown hair–Choi San, your annoying fangirl mind chanted–reached up and lowered the ramp, going inside. San’s beautiful Haflinger gelding stepped out moments later, letting out a joyful whinny at seeing the sunlight. You tried and failed to hide your smile, which San returned with a sweet grin of his own.
“You like her?” he asked, to which you dumbfoundedly replied,
“Uh, yes!”
He laughed. “Me too!”
Suddenly, the shrill nicker of an Arabian rang out through the air as a shorter brown-haired rider walked in, a staple trait of Kang Yeosang’s award-winning mare. Sunny herself came trotting out of the trailer, leading Yeosang more than he was leading her. You laughed a little to yourself as he trotted her in a quick circle, similar to what Mingi had to do. She didn’t calm much, and you barely had time to tell Yeosang where to go by the time Sunny trotted into the stable, tail raised high.
Now it’s just you and Jongho left.
“Watch out,” he said to you as he walked inside the trailer. “Fuego doesn’t travel well.”
You nodded, worried about what the iconic brindle mustang might do.
“Ah, damn it!”
Not seconds later, Jongho’s voice griped from the trailer, before Fuego suddenly came galloping out, a lead rope dangling freely from her halter. She let out a bellowing neigh as she went cantering into the front yards, her head held high and ears pinned back. “Quick! Catch her before she makes even more of a mess!” he demanded, hurriedly jumping out of the trailer’s side door.
Your foggy, starstruck mind cleared instantly at his words, jumping into the situation at hand.
The disgruntled mare was making a beeline for the road from whence they came, prompting you into a full sprint to catch up. She wasn’t travelling all that quickly, but she definitely wasn’t paying attention to where she was going, and would wind up in the main road within minutes.
“Fuego!” you shouted, an attempt at catching the mare’s attention. Her ear flicked back, indicating that she had heard you, but veered to the left, away from you. At least she’s not headed for the road anymore, you thought. You ran to the front gates and quickly shut them as Fuego left you in the dust, hopefully keeping her inside the compound.
Jongho, who was adjacent to Fuego, raised his fingers to his mouth and blew a sharp, high-pitched whistle. Fuego stopped in her tracks, skidding through the dirt like she’d learned to do in the arena. Her head swiveled to stare Jongho in the eyes, who was jogging in her direction.
He was barely a few meters away before she suddenly whirled on her heels and took off back the way she came, letting out a shrill whinny.
“Great, now she thinks this is a game!” Jongho groaned, breaking back into a sprint.
You laughed, although quickly shut up when you noticed Fuego barreling in your direction.
Suddenly, you had an idea.
“Fuego! Here, girl!”
You reached into your vest pocket and pulled out an apple you had saved to eat as a snack, waving the fruit through the air like a flag. It shone like a ruby in the morning light, and as if on cue, Fuego immediately became nothing more than a young thief eyeing jewelry on the street. Her big, brown eyes locked on target, and she slowed to a brisk trot, her hooves sending up clouds of dust. Moments later, you were face-to-face with Fuego herself.
She pressed her nose into your chest as you hid the apple behind your back, momentarily distracting her as you took a fierce hold on the mare’s (now dusty) lead rope.
“Good girl,” you soothed, letting her have the treat as soon as you got a grip. She munched happily, as if she’d been rewarded.
“Ugh, she’s going to think running away will get her treats now,” Jongho complained as he jogged over, slowing down to take Fuego’s lead from you. You were surprised to see that he wasn’t out of breath at all, and there was no malice in his voice. He gave you a grateful smile. “Thanks anyway. You’re, uh, y/n, right?”
“That’s me,” you said. “You’re Choi Jongho?”
“Sure am. Gale’s still in the trailer, by the way. I’ll take Fuego to her stall for you,” he said with a smile, giving the mare a pat or two. She snorted softly, closely watching your exchange with Jongho.
“Oh, okay,” you said. “I’ll get Gale.”
“Cool.” His grin was friendly, knowing. “You’ll like him.”
You laughed, unsure of what else to say. He smiled once more and turned to lead Fuego back to the stable, who clearly still had a little energy left. You let out a big sigh, relieved, and walked to retrieve Hongjoong’s horse from the trailer.
heyyyy here’s the first chapter. it seems a little boring now that i read it but i’m not changing that now lol. lemme know what yall think in the comments 💓💖💞💝💞
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cherubsoda · 5 years
sorry this is so late and technically,,,i’m breaking the rules but,, im booboo the fool
i just wanted to thank @robotarmjokes​ for setting this event up and @dokiquents​ and @heartstringsymphonies​ for tagging me!
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What got you into self inserting? Was it something you’ve always done, or something you were inspired to do?
From a pretty young age i would kinda insert myself in the place of the main protagonist (the most prominent instances i can think of would be haruhi from ohshc or tohru from fruits basket ^^; i kinned hard) or i’d envision myself as a pokemon trainer or something but i think everyone did at one point ajhfdegl
i never really knew self shipping was a thing, i was always like “lmao what if...” and would read reader insert fics but i really got into self inserting/shipping in middle school when my friend mentioned it one day over a phone call. She was like “i think you and __ would be good together” or “i kinda see you with __...”; after that, our convos went from 3 minute talks to 2-3 hours :0! 
At that time, I did it for fun but now i definetly use it to cope and such and ngl i have no idea where id be without this sort of self love and indulgence! Self shipping brought me closer to my best friend and like wow thats kinda dorky but I couldn’t be happier ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪) I didn’t know there was a whole community dedicated to this though, and i mean, i haven’t experienced anything horrible yet so yknow.
For some of us, aesthetic is key. Do you have a theme or an aesthetic for your self insert content
Aesthetically, my f/os kinda have the same traits bc i have a type,, i hope this isnt breaking the rules bc i kinda am talking about my f/os but many times my f/os are associated with the color red and i think that’s why i like red so much now? So, the moodboards i make usually include the color red, and i associate myself/self insert with pink or red (blue irl);
i honestly enjoy the short/tall/big/small trope and i typically play the uwu sweet, mary-sue s/o and try to help the sad boi characters bc,, real pisces hours (sunshine gf and goth bf). BUT i love to make my s/i a fucking,,, op motherfucker bc man,, irl me sucks ass!!! give me godlike powers and lemme ride that dick!!!
im a huge angst monster though my friend admitted that i made her cry a few times when i sent her headcanons/short writings or over call like sorry but also heehee
What’s your favourite way of self inserting? Do you like to write, or draw, or make content via other means?
every so often, i’ll make moodboards! i enjoy drawing but i feel like im limited and rarely post my art bc i’m too anxious to show my art, plus they dont get notes so im like ok nevermind sasdfjkag
i actually have a few sideblogs dedicated to headcanons that i write but they're on (probably) permanent hiatus bc i got lazy, busy, and i didn’t feel like my writing was up to par,, you can go check them out though: @org13reactions was my kh blog and @megatwunk was supposed to be a ffvii/xv blog lmao theres only like 1 thing on it though sorry yall 
other than that, my friend and i can talk for hours almost every night about our f/os and story ideas so yeehaw. i guess thats just roleplaying HHAEGAFA
Friends are very important. Have you made any friends within the community?
ngl im pretty antisocial within this community and im really anxious to interact with other people like i try to but,, idk i dont wanna bother anyone!
the person i feel the most comfortable with is my friend that introduced me to self shipping, 
im not very close to anyone in the community but again!!! @dokiquents and @heartstringsymphonies have been really kind to me and ill talk to momo every so often and theyre super sweet and chill! and i joined @cryptidchaos‘ self ship discord when i first entered this community! so thanks so much to yall! 
i’d love to talk to more people but i know we’re all anxious mfs on this site so it’s ok and i love yall bc i can see you in my notifications :’D
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 10]
Welcome back to the tenth part of me trying to beat Fire Red doing a Nuzlocke with no grinding! That’s right, no grinding! The only experience allowed is against other Trainers!
Where are we in this harrowing journey now?
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To heck with it, I’m naming myself Blue this time.
Do you know why?
I’m blue, if I were green I would die (da ba dee da ba die).
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Oh yes, we’re doing this.
My ID # this time is... 50685. Which means...?
Bulbapedia says 4-6 is Fire.
You know what. It’s hard to tell because this is done through text posts that are not posted when they are done, but I just did everything up to Brock with a Charmander an hour ago.
But okay! We’ll do it again! But better this time!
I will name you... Left.
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Left is Rash, so we should get along great.
Fetch quest? Complete.
Pokedex? Get.
Route 1 Rattata? Get.
Her name is Down.
Route 2 Pidgey? Get. Sidey.
Viridian Forest Caterpie? Get. Nalley.
Viridian Forest? Get wrecked.
Route 22 level 2 Mankey? Get. I dub thee Weast.
Green, whose name should be Blue except our name is Blue?
Get. Wrecked.
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Now Brock’s Gym, where we shall be punished for our arrogance.
First and only trainer? Done.
Geodude goes down to a few Metal Claws, one of which raises Left’s Attack. But Geodude wasn’t the issue last time. Accuracy concerns, using Ember, and Onix being Onix were the main problems in that very near past.
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Metal Claw doesn’t really uh. What’s the word... help. So. uh. now we. hm.
Yeah, now we be horrible. Weast, you are sacrifice the first. Down, you next. And if you live long enough, maybe you can use Sand Attack!
Or you can die.
Left, you’ve had your Potion. Get back out there!
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For future reference, Ember is useless, stop trying to make it happen. You are not going to get the burn. Suck it up and cry when Metal Claw misses.
Okay! So Left is down to 13 HP. But Rock Tomb hasn’t missed yet! So!
Hey, it missed.
Now it just needs to like. Do that again.
It did.
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See, the problem here
is that now I have to live with actively killing Weast and Down.
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I’d say I’m sorry, but I don’t have to fight Brock again until something else goes horribly wrong, so we’re calling this a win for our team! Everybody cheer! You supplied your friend that you knew for like maybe ten minutes a serious victory with your deaths!
My brother called me a horrible person for what I did to Tarle in the round of this that made it to the Elite Four.
Gotta say.
I get that.
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But more importantly, I get Running Shoes. Life is okay. Not that Weast or Down will ever know that again.
Then Left tries to die to a level 9 Pidgey that knows Sand-Attack. He doesn’t. But he really does try. Then hits level 16, and just like Heero before him, becomes a Charmeleon. Oh happy day.
I miss Heero.
I don’t think I went over it extensively, because the horror of doing exactly what I am now was setting in worse than grief, but Heero and Allenby and Sprinkle and Zaft and Po... they were a good team. Left has got some gigantic shoes to fill. He’s alive, and that’s a great start, but. Oh. The pain of not being able to say that it’s Heero time anymore?
That will endure.
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Time to see if we’re catching something to throw into the rotation or not. Route 3 option, show me what you’ve got.
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Gee. no. really.
My Pidgey’s actually still alive, even. Caught and not dead. Like a pro.
Okay, found a Spearow.
Now we find out if Left (level 19) can kill a level 6 Spearow with Scratch. Let’s watch.
Yes. Yes, he can.
Route 3 is as dead as that Spearow.
Compensation for killing the route is 49 exp.
I can’t remember if I’ve brought it up before, but for the purposes of this playthrough, accidentally killing things is fine. Losing the Pokedex slot is punishment enough. This is hard enough without going out of my way to be mean to myself.
Intentionally killing things for exp is very much not allowed, though. If I don’t want the thing, and can’t catch it, I run. Snorlax, looking at you, bud. I don’t have high hopes for you not killing my entire team when we reach you. Catching Po was my one miracle, I think.
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I still really enjoy the art done for the different tourist traps across the map. v pretty.
And we lose out on catching Zubat.
...do I need things in my Pokedex to get Flash? I think I do.
Left, you’re way too strong for something that will die if Misty blinks in your direction. It’s a problem.
Add on 54 more exp to the illicit gains pile. I think after this if there’s not a level jump (I think there’s a small one before the next patch of grass), I have to start throwing a ball first thing. I probably should have done that with the Zubat, but. optimism.
Optimism has gotten the grindlocke into heaps of trouble, when you stop and think about it. It will continue, but oh dear yes, we see how this happens.
Hey, Ember finally burned something.
A Clefairy.
Thank goodness. Much danger. Such fear. Wow.
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I still don’t really dispute this. Poor guy.
Grabbed the Helix this time. I don’t think there is a way for it to matter less, but there we go.
Made it out of Mt. Moon! Hark and rejoice!
Now we’re going to start breaking out speedrun strats. In slow motion, so obviously mine will work out better. You might recall, if not from this experiment then from others, that there are two Move Tutors outside Mt. Moon.
Mega Punch and Mega Kick.
Mega Punch does 80 Normal, with 85 accuracy.
Mega Kick does 120. 75 accuracy.
So the reason we’re doing this is that we’re about to come across the areas where I have a chance to get an Oddish. If I end up with an Oddish, all will be well with Misty (hopefully). If I don’t, my options become majorly limited. Left will be the One True Starter and Finisher. He needs to be able to down the Starmie in one hit.
It will come down to luck, so we’re going to maximize the possibilities of that luck.
Mega Kick. Welcome. Later, Scratch.
Okay. Bought some more poke balls in Cerulean, also bought some Repels to see if a thing works. If it doesn’t I will avoid further comment on it.
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A Mankey is not an Oddish. And we already killed one, so next.
Spearow. Well, we killed the last one, so sure.
If it could use Growl a few more times, Metal Claw would become an option... Yeah, it’s an option, let’s go for it.
Yay, Spearow’s not dead!
I forgot I was playing a Nuzlocke. Did not nickname the Spearow.
Damn it, Spearow.
Invalid pokemon go in the box.
So with no Oddish, Left is going to have to tackle our rival and Nugget Bridge all alone. Yeehaw. Then we can hit grass that might possibly have an Oddish. We want to do that first after the bridge, because there are enough trainers to make the Oddish a real asset in the Misty fight if it’s allowed the exp.
Assuming we get an Oddish.
First thing’s first, though.
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Tiny things continue to amuse me.
Left is level 23 now. Pidgeotto’s Sand-Attack is honestly the largest threat. ...Not that Water Gun isn’t making a show of it. Geez, I’m going to have to buy Potions after this. If there is an after this. I missed Mega Kick every time except the last time, and since Squirtle was busy Withdrawring all through that, not only did I miss the chance to do useful damage, when Mega Kick finally hit on the last shot, it did not help.
So now we’ve used Smokescreen a few times in an attempt to even things out.
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I think I’m about to lose.
I have to be the worst again.
Left needs his accuracy back.
Nally... would you uh. mind uh.
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Nally the Caterpie is now dead, continuing this run’s trend of being inexcusably awful.
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She can’t.
She dies.
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Our name is GM this time.
Our rival is NPC.
This time our ID number is............ 59916.
-looks up-
Bulbapedia says 4-6 is Fire.
Maybe I’ll just lose against NPC. That would keep the restart time down.
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For now and forever.
His name is Scyther.
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Scyther gets to stay for a little while longer. He’s Sassy. Great.
Fetch quest done.
I almost universally dislike the beginnings of Pokemon games. Unless nostalgia is kicking in, or the game is completely brand new. Being back at the beginning is very much Not Great.
Though this time I learned that you can choose to leave home without talking to your mother. Wow.
First encounter is Rattata. Rattata’s name is Pidgey.
Route 1 done.
Route 2 gives us a Pidgey. Its name is Rattata.
Route 22 has a level 3 Mankey. Now named Machop.
I think. Sigh.
I think that no matter what starter I end up with, my strategy for this is going to be to have my starter handle the first Gym. If I keep getting Charmanders, that will mean a lot of fails before luck goes with me, because luck was the only way we made it through Left’s run.
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Damn it, Scyther.
No Viridian Forest catch.
May the +30 exp somehow help.
Through Viridian Forest, which means it’s back to Rival-san.
Rival-san is defeated. That’s probably going to be his actual name next time.
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We doing this?
Yeah. Sure.
Hey guess what. That +30 exp means Scyther is level 15 instead of 14! Yay! Does that mean anything?
Why did Onix use Bind.
(Better question, self. Why did you use Ember. Your optimism is killing all your pokemon.)
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Rock Tomb. After lots of Binds.
Why is Onix killing the rest of my team in slow motion. Stop using Bind. stop stop stop. just kill them.
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Thank you.
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o shit.
His name’s Acorn.
Squirtle learns Bubble at level 7. AKA the most useless Water move ever. I suppose I finally understand why Rival-san was using Tackle instead.
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Hi! Oak!
Bulbasaur is going to be a pain. Oak learned Water Gun at 13, but. that doesn’t really help.
Bulbasaur is only using Tackle. That helps greatly, and we’re done.
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Oki doki.
Now I have to think.
Is Acorn a real teammate, or not?
Rival-san having a Bulbasaur means that he’s going to end up with a Gyarados. Electric moves are very, very useful against such horrors. Electric moves are also very useful for, say. Misty.
I think I’m going to give Acorn a shot. Maybe I’ll have to shove him out into a box in the end, but there are enough useful points in his favor to train him up a bit. All the Speed EV pokemon are going to Acorn. When safe.
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My Route... 4? I think 4. Route 4 catch!
His name is Tree.
And he is actually from Route 3.
Here’s where things (already) get a bit sad, I think. I have limited resources. I do not want to devote time to training something I don’t think I can use. Nidoking is a fantastic pokemon, and in a normal Nuzlocke, I would be so happy to have one.
However, his move pool is not going to help me enough, I don’t think. Maybe my mind will change. Maybe I’ll be wrong. But each member of my team needs to have a specific relevance.
...Maybe that relevance will turn out the be the reminder that I can’t count on getting a Snorlax this time.
Fine, I’m digging up the pokedex.
I already know that Lapras is out. The leveling process is too painful. Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan can be options, because I think by the time I have access to them, they’re at a level that I can make use of. Eevee is technically an option, but. Flareon isn’t the best. I have a Water pokemon. I have Acorn.
If I don’t take the Eevee, that leaves room for something else from Celadon. If I catch a Magikarp sometime before Celadon, I can guarantee having a Grimer, which has the kind of move pool I think I want for a run like this.
Brute force is my usual tactic, but brute force only works in a run like this if I’m working with things that excel in force.
Other Celadon pokemon include things from the Game Corner. Pinsir has zero naturally learned Bug moves in this gen, so no. ...Oh. It’s also only an option in LeafGreen. Dratini takes too much exp to train into usefulness. Clefairy and Abra are too underleveled. Porygon is too laughably expensive. Scyther is hypothetically very useful, but doesn’t learn a Bug move until level 46. The main benefit until then would be Typing aid. A damn good one, and if it lived long enough, I could certainly make some magic happen.
The one thing I know for sure I want right now.
is a Diglett.
So assuming everything magically works out the way I’m intending, our future team has a Blastoise, a Raichu, and a Dugtrio. The question is what, out of my limited options, best adds to that.
...Tree. I don’t think this is your run, friend.
We soldier on.
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Our Mt. Moon is a Zubat again. Yay. ...Oh, whoops. Huh. I only have one Poke Ball. Hope it catches our new friend.
It does!
Zubat’s name is Oak.
Oooooh, Oak learned Bite.
The Squirtle Oak.
Now Wartortle Oak.
Bite at 19.
One arduous Mt. Moon later, Acorn is at level 13, and Oak is at level 21. Now before we do anything else, we’re running to the Pokemon Center for healing, and then the Mart for Poke Balls. We’re clean out of those, and I refuse to go through caves without Flash. I refuse, I tell you.
No Mega Kick of Punch this time. Oak and Acorn should be okay to handle Misty. ...I think.
Route 4 gives us an Ekans.
Its name is Oak.
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Acorn tries to deal with the level 17 Pidgeotto because we’re all about risk now. He gets it to orange and paralyzed. Hopefully that’s enough for Oak to clean up.
It is! yay.
He sends out his Bulbasaur next, and with any luck, Bite over and over will handle any and all problems.
Wow. Lots of luck. Poisonpowder misses, and Bulbasaur just keeps flinching. Sorry about your luck, Rival-san. I’m taking it all hostage.
I don’t think Abra has an offensive move, so it’s all Acorn’s.
Only a Rattata left, and...?
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Thank fuck.
So since we finally hit one, let’s end this on that high note.
Next time, Nugget Bridge awaits.
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astriline · 5 years
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YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT TOO LATE sorry this took so long tho i have a very very hard time drawing quinn but anyway here’s our good fairy girl! notes under the cut
fun fact i figured out the pose and hair very easily but i went through like eight different outfit ideas bc i was so indecisive on what to do. i eventually went and stared at pictures of the fairies from the tinker bell franchise and all the fairytopia barbies. in the end i decided to take inspiration from a flower for the outfit. the flower i chose was a water lily, specifically this one
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first of all cause i think its very pretty and also bc it’s yellow and like. magical girl quinn is literally named Yellow so that’s a thing. i considered changing her hair color but in the end i couldn’t do it bc it didnt look enough like her. 
i did have wings as well but again no matter what i couldnt be satisfied with them so i just removed them altogether and replaced it with this sort of green shawl that’s meant to look like a lily pad
and as for the feet. if u know me u’d know that im really into the 2019 dororo anime and osamu tezuka’s work in general and while the anime departed greatly from tezuka’s style they kept the way feet are drawn, as in big toes are present but the rest is just a lump and i thought it was such a charming look i wanted to emulate it 
i feel like quinn kinda looks like a vampire trying to be a fairy here with the teeth and stuff but honestly the pointy tooth just seemed like a cute thing to add so yeehaw
also i cannot physically draw quinn consistently and it HURTS so im SORRY but im trying hard. i mean it doesnt help that she has an entire different hair style and actual makeup but she still looks wrong to me but uh. I Am Doing My Best
anyway thanks 4 this ask bc despite my struggles i had a good time! i hope yall also enjoy this drawing :) 
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bluejay-who · 6 years
Mod Introductions
We have a lot of people working on this project! Here’s a complete list as of now of who’s working on this rewrite!
Mod Draw: Salutations fellow humans! I’m Draw, I go by She/ Her pronouns! I’m the owner and creator of the Bluejay Who? Discord and Tumblr. I’m a writer/editor/artist for this project. my main and only blog (I die like a man) is @draw-from-immortals ! I can’t wait to share this project with all of you, and I hope you enjoy what we put together!
Mod DA: heya! I’m Domin or DA, I use she/her, I’m a writer/artist/editor for this project, and my blogs are @heckkity-heck/@mcd-stan We’re excited to share this project with you!
Mod Aiki: yeehaw,,,, whats up, im Aiki. I use they/she pronouns, am a big lesbian, and I’m a writer, artist, and editor for this project!! my MCD blog is @vylad-stan, but my main account is @aiki-art. lookin forward to sharing this project with yall!
Mod Gray: hey! I’m Gray/Gary or Grayden, I use they/them and he/him pronouns, I’m a writer and artist for this project!! Here is my blog!: @wonderwilddreams
Mod Sammy: Hello there! My name is Sammy! I go by she/her and they/them! I’m an artist/editor for this project! my main blog is @someartistsammy and my art account is @sasammy3! I hope you all enjoy what’ll be produced!! ❤
Mod Ashe: Hi! I’m Ashe and I go by any pronouns honestly. I’m a writer/editor for this and my blog is @ashe-hole. I really hope you guys like the writing and art!
Mod Mist: What's up gamers I’m Mist, She/Her pronouns, and I’m a writer and editor for this project! My MCD blog is @minecraftdiarieswho, and I hope yall enjoy our shenanigans! 
Mod Ava: Hello! I’m Ava (Draw’s girlfriend), They/them pronouns please. I’m a writer/editor, and my blog is @anonbinarydragon . I can’t wait to contribute to this project in a meaningful way!
Mod Faerie: Hello! My name is Madame/Faerie/Fae! I use She/They Pronouns and I am a Writer/Artist for this project! My Aphmau blog is @pixelated-gays (Though there is Danganronpa Sprinkled in!) I Can’t wait to give it my all!
Mod Space: Howdy Howdy it's ya gal Space, I use she/her pronouns and I am an artist/editor for this project! My blog is @blog-in-a-corner I hope all of you guys will love this project as much as I do!
Mod Dan: Hi y’all! I’m Dan, I go by they/them pronouns and I am an artist for the project! My main blog is @ragerwolfy and my most used + art blog is @daemonpathice B)
Mod Abby: Hi there. I'm Abby and I go by she/her and I'm an artist for the project. My blog is @everythingpansexual and I hope you enjoy our project!
Mod Kermit: hewwo,, , is anywone thewe?? YEET I'm a lesbian and a writer + editor for the project! Also the biggest supporter of aroace KC ;D
Mod Lloyd: howdy y'all ! i'm lloyd/ninja and im an artist for this project! i use he/they pronouns and the Biggest travis stan prob hzhsb my main blog is @uquan and my side blog for all of this is @vylance !
Mod Pix:hello! im pix or illumink, and i draw for this project! i use she/her, and my art blog can be found at @illumink !
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crystalsnowmins · 6 years
Jokes aside...that ended well. I'm sure boys must be happy with the performance they gave out, hyping up the audience and hearing ARMYs fanchants that they learned in so less time.
I'm also sure they must be proud of us for working hard in giving them the Top Social Artist Award for two consecutive year. It's a big deal, it shows their impact and like Namjoon had said, given this award means their words and actions affect the audience a lot. So they know the meaning of that award as well.
I'm happy that BTS seemed happy and comfortable with the vibe today, they were enjoying and approached by many artist. KIIINGS! 👑👑👑 It was good to see them smiling and enjoying a lot. Although I don't know what Yoongi was doing with those gang signs...sigh, as long as he was happy. We saw gums y'all. Jimin also seemed happy so that's there. I'm really digging Taehyung with a mullet. YEEHAW! I'll stop. Jungkook was too cute for his own good, my soft heart couldn't handle it and I busted a big UWU. Jin literally crashed by bias list with the outfit. Like I'm imagining it and I'm salivating. Can we get more Hoseok in harness?? For science. And Namjoon...he just gets extra hot when he lands in US.
But outfits were on point once again, definitely grabbed attention.
I just came here to discuss the performance because I was watching with my friends and my hands were literally shaking that I couldn't even hold my phone and scream. I haven't slept in 24hrs but it's all worth their smile.
I hope they rest well after working hard for giving us such an impactful performance. They deserve every praise and rest. I hope they are happy and smiling.
I was smart enough to record the performance so that I can watch until my eyes bleed. *cough* watch abs *cough*
Don't get me started on the performance.
Anyway, thank you to all the fans at the award functions who cheered loudly for our boys. And massive thank you to the ones who risked and broadcasted the whole event. You're an angel, I hope you know that. You have worked hard!
P.S. I'm going back to the grave I digged for myself.
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moldypieceoflasagna · 6 years
36 questions that nobody asked me
(except @lollipoppedchainsaw )
(the 36 questions that lead to love or whatever) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
I hate going out to dinner so much i probably wouldnt be able to enjoy it properly
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
It would be interesting to see what it’s like for a short period of time, but i’d never be able to keep it up; i’d probably have an identity crisis
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
yes i have to mentally prepare myself 100% of the time
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
hanging out with the people i love is enough to keep me happy for a good while tbh. sitting around doing nothing literally nothing with them is endlessly entertaining to me even though sometimes i might make that hard to believe 
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
i sing to myself a lot, not so much to others- although i AM a slut for karaoke
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
body because i feel thats probably what old people complain about most. plus like,, 90 years of life knowledge? sounds great to me
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
probably an accident that’s almost statistically impossible
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
single rn (ladies) but i usually try to find friends with similar music tastes because scream-singing in the car is the most fun one can have
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
im most grateful for my dogs and for my friends! i love them and it means the world to me to have people that i can call family. also i would die without my dog juno, she is my rock (and my therapist)
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Not rly how i was raised, but i wish i had a closer relationship with my older siblings. Three of them had moved out before i was rly old enough to not be an asshole child, so most of them still see me as an asshole child and they never take me seriously. im glad i have an alright relationship with them, but that’s kinda all it is and i know i could do better
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
Lived in Texas my whole life yeehaw. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters; 2 of them dont like me, and my relationship with the other 2 is,, certainly not bad. Had a lot of physical and mental illness in the past, but 20gayteen is definitely my year, yeet
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
either speaking a different language or playing the piano. im very jealous of good piano players, and at some point i need to be able to speak a more useful language than french because so far in texas it’s proved absolutely useless (other than talking to my mom but that doesnt count)
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I’d wanna know wtf im supposed to do with my life because sweaty i still have no idea. passion? dont know her please introduce me
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
i wanna go skydiving bitch, no one wants to go with me! pussies!!! the lot of you
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
that one time i did an entire semester’s worth of work in the last three days of the school year
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
being able to put up with my huge fucking mouth. also honesty is super important, even if it’ll make me feel shitty
17. What is your most treasured memory?
when i went camping with a bunch of friends and they were bitter i got to be in the middle of the tent because they were all cold. either that or the time i was getting really bad sleep paralysis and @lonelywaterfall & @skity stayed over so my paranoia didnt render me completely useless,,, also the paramore concert lol ive never been more vulnerable in my life.
18. What is your most terrible memory?
coming out to my mom haha
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
i’d go on a trip around the world to explore/to see a few people, and i’d put extra effort into my gender expression
20. What does friendship mean to you?
comfortable silence is my kink. also emotional vulnerability and SAD BOY HOURS we cant forget those
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
I’m such a slut for physical affection yall have no idea please hug me as much as possible and play with my hair or my hands
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
i guess ill do the same with previous partners so.. i think being funny is probably the #1 thing i appreciate in someone. when you make me laugh so hard i cry, just know that’s like. peak. also stubbornness is strangely attractive to me, plus like,,, uh having an unexpected soft side? an appreciation of art is super important, too. also SPOON VERSATILITY.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
it was probably happier than a lot of people’s but there wasnt much to it. plus being the youngest in my ENTIRE family really sucked during my childhood because everyone picked on me and i think that’s probably what started a lot of my issues lol
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
better than it could be, but definitely not what i want it to be. we both love each other and i admire her work ethic, but she gave me a lot of anxiety problems (both genetically and not) and she isnt the most understanding person. i have hope though, people change
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling …
I’m hungry and sitting alone in front of my computer feeling like OVERSHARING ON THIS BEAUTIFUL THURSDAY MORNING, BOYS
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share …
many, MANY animals and a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
I’m REALLY insecure about my body xd
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
LOVE feeling safe. 
29. Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
probably every time that i’ve ever worn a dress, because i really,, really dont like wearing dresses and that’s it
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
last cried by myself this morning and last cried in front of another person at my friend’s birthday party
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
no partner but if youre reading this im rly proud of ur attention span. gj buddy
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
i think most things can be joked about after a certain amount of time, but like,, it has to actually be funny and it has to come from someone i know isnt serious about it. if a joke is made just for the purpose of being offensive and edgy, it’s never funny no tea just truth. 
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
i’d regret not spending enough time with people that i love, not traveling as much as i should have, and also i’d regret not formally coming out of the closet to my family (they probably already been done knew but like. yknow). i came out to myself & the people closest to me a LONG ass time ago, but i’ve kinda seen what it did to my immediate family so im not too excited to do that to my extended family. if i’m not too much of a pussy, ill probably do it in the summer when i see them next, bc ive been meaning to for a while.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
is it bad of me to say my computer? i feel like everyone else has a much more meaningful answer lol. it would probably either be that or the papers i keep on my bulletin board, bc most of them hold a lot of sentimental value (also my prescriptions  would be a pain to get copies of)
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
either of my parents because i dont want them dying before i reach the point where i can expect them to be happy for me when i marry a girl
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
personal problems? what’re those lmfao dont have any srry try me again later
 i’m too much of a pussy to tag certain people so if you see this and I've had any sort of conversation with you, do it coward
(also @skity  @drawinintherain )
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