#yen records
tapiocalad · 10 months
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Art for Wild & Moody (1984) by Yukihiro Takahashi. Originally put out on Yen Records, an imprint of Alfa Records that ran from 1982 to 1985 led by Takahashi and Yellow Magic Orchestra bandmate Haruomi Hosono.
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seanmorroww · 1 year
Miharu Koshi - “Scandal Night”
Tutu [Yen, 1983]
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musicollage · 2 years
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Clem Leek – America. 2017 : YEN.
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animepopheart · 1 year
Are you able to say where/how you read your manga?? :o
Sure! I have a subscription to Shonen Jump, which is fantastic! It's only $3 a month for access to a lot of great series. But mostly, I receive copies for review on our site, where I help out with our weekly Reader's Corner column and sometimes do long-form reviews (we have one upcoming for the next volume of PMMM Magia Record: Another Story!).
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I've had relationships with different production companies in the past, but right now, we get most of our review copies from Yen Press and VIZ Media.
But even if you haven't worked your way into being a partner that receives copies from those companies in a more direct way, you can download digital copies online. They both offer many volumes through Edelweiss and NetGalley, where Kodansha and a few other companies also make digital copies available.
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And I do also order some that I'm keeping up with on my own dime, which primarily right now are A Galaxy Next Door, Wandance, Silver Spoon, Spice and Wolf, and Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
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beneaththetangles · 2 years
Review: Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story, Vol. 1
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Gather round, Madoka Magica fans! We have good news: a new spin-off manga series has hit the shelves, and @animepopheart​ and I are here to give you the 4-1-1. So pour yourself a cup of orange pekoe, pull out that slice of cake you’ve been saving, and get ready to curl up in your freakishly well-furnished, spacious apartment during a perpetual golden hour, because it’s time to check in on your favorite magical girls, and one sunny blonde one in particular.
That’s right, I’m talking about Mami Tomoe! Volume 1 of Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story takes Mami as its central protagonist (with very welcome, if all too brief, cameos from Kyoko and Madoka), and follows her as she goes on the hunt for witches, who seem to be disappearing rather mysteriously from the three cities our magical girls claim as their home turf. Mami’s search brings her to Kamihama City where some strange witchery is afoot. There, she encounters (and rescues, in true Mami style) several magical girls, Rena, Kaede and a girl in a hood with the feel of a witch about her. Which may ring a few bells for fans of the PMMM side story, Magia Record… And so it should! As far as volume 1 at least, Another Story seems to be a retelling of the Magia Record pocket universe timeline, only this time from Mami’s perspective. I say “seems to be”, because in terms of the overarching sweep, that’s what it is. But there are a few unusual details that have Twwk and I wondering if it may actually be another story altogether! (See what I did there?) And as ever with PMMM, we know to expect the unexpected—especially around episode volume 3, right?
Is this enough to make the volume worth reading? That’s what we’re here to decide, in full spoilerific glory, below the jump. But for those who want our final TL;DR without spoilers, well then, here it is: If you’re an established fan of the franchise, then this is a new addition that has the potential to become intriguing as the story unfolds. If you’re a fan of the OG series, but were lost by the overwhelming quantity of new lore introduced in Magia Record [raises hand], then this is a more comprehensible route into the world of that spin-off universe. But ultimately, the deciding factor is this: do you want more Mami in your life? If the answer is yes, then this is the series for you.
In honor of Mami and Kyoko’s brief but heartwarming team-up in this volume, we’re going to tackle this tag-team style! So with that introduction, let’s dive in! (Cue Yuki Kajiura transformation music.)  
Let’s kick off with the most pressing question: which timeline is Another Story set in?
Claire: On the surface, this seems to have a pretty straightforward answer. The universe of Magia Record is unique: it is the only timeline in which Iroha Tamaki becomes a magical girl, thanks to a certain little pebble that she kicks on the way to school. So if Iroha is a magical girl in this story, which she is, then we must be in the one and only Magia Record timeline, which falls before Madoka has become a witch in that same timeline, and before she becomes Madokami in the timeline of the original series, thus rewriting the witch-curse cycle. Confirming this, is Madoka’s brief phone conversation with Mami, where it’s clear that she is a magical girl and is as yet untroubled by preparations for Walpurgisnacht.
And yet, we have a certain Kyoko. A friendly, well-adjusted, generous Kyoko who checks in on her friends, shares a grief seed without a second’s hesitation, and has nothing of the tsundere about her. In other words, we have a Kyoko Sakura we’ve never seen before— except in the spin-off manga from 2012, A Different Story, which follows the fiercely independent, traumatized, red-haired loner before she experiences the tragedy that turns her into the Kyoko we know from the original series; a story that follows her when she has first become a magical girl and is still driven by idealism and a desire to help others; and a story wherein she is able to easily and happily work together with another magical girl, namely, Mami. In other words, Kyoko’s easygoing friendly banter with Mami here in Another Story implies that she may not (yet) have lost her family. But Madoka is already a magical girl, which shouldn’t have happened until after Kyoko’s trauma and subsequent split from Mami. So there’s potentially something odd going on here.
Twwk: I agree. Kyoko is not only acting a little too chipper, but she’s even happy in comparison to the Kyoko in the Magia Record anime. There she appears at a later point in the story, so proceedings in between may have led her to “revert” to her gruffer, original series self, but there are other clues that suggest we aren’t quite on the same timeline as Magia Record—and they involve Mami.
In the anime, Kyubey makes the request to Mami that she investigate the increasing number of witches in Kamihama City, while Another Story’s Mami takes the initiative on her own, with Kyubey expressing ignorance of what’s occurring. This is a slightly different Mami and a slightly different Kyubey, both in action and personality.
More of the same is seen when Mami encounters Yachiyo, Tsuruno, and Iroha in her doppel form. Tsuruno is more aggressive here than in the anime. Yachiyo, more timid. And Iroha… well, Iroha isn’t even awake in the anime.
This all leads me to think that Another Story is typical of other properties that use the “another story” subtitle—an alternate route within the Magia Record timeline. Does that count as the same timeline? Is it its own? And am I relying way too much on the anime and not on the original game (I’ll blame Aniplex for no longer making the game available and my own short attention span for not watching playthroughs)? Am I just way off? Madoka Fandom: what say you?
Next most obvious question: Wait, is this really a Madoka Magica manga?
Claire: Right?! Creatively, I find this volume disappointing. First off, the art. Don’t get me wrong, I think U35 (Umiko) is a very fine artist, and I loved their character designs for Aquatope. They also are a superfan of PMMM, which is a necessary qualification to helm the manga spin-off, in my estimation. But the art style has been run through the typical seinen filter that usually runs the other way, with unique manga art styles being boiled down to a standardized seinen style for the anime adaptation (this happens particularly for nearly every shoujo manga adapted ever these days). In this case, the stripping of unique stylistics goes the other direction, and not just because we barely step foot in a witch’s labyrinth, meaning that that whole side of the art is essentially missing. No, I’m talking about the character design too, with the striking squarish-faced, wide-apart eyes of the original anime morphing into basic manga style and losing that distinctiveness that marks Madoka art out for fans at a glance. It’s not bad art, it’s just… normal. This is a real shame.
We also need to talk about the writing, which has all the snap and sparkle of boiled spaghetti. The dialogue is repetitive, with a lot of telling rather than showing, almost as if it’s been written for grade schoolers. For a series that, in anime form at least, is renowned for following the Pixar rule of only giving the audience 2 + 2 and never 4, leaving it to viewers to connect the dots, there are an awful lot of 4s being thrown around here. Again, not the end of the world, but nowhere near what I was expecting from the Magica Quartet team.
Twwk: The art is most definitely disappointing, or rather, incomplete. I have to agree with you, Claire, that the characters are less distinctive than what we’re used to, though still beautiful—and in fact, the designs don’t bother me so much as the lack of background work. Madoka Magica does a lot of things right, among them filling spaces with creative and inventive artwork. The primary characters aren’t the only ones to receive proper treatment—so, too, do witches, bridges, hallways, and other scenery. But Another Story looks like exactly what it is: a spin-off. And while this isn’t particular to spin-offs, these manga do typically focus on retaining the character designs and leaving the background art unadorned. It’s especially striking to me, though, because Yen Press’ most recent completed PMMM release is Wraith Arc, in which Hanokage does fill the panels with the type of bold and effusive art I’ve come to expect of this franchise.
Last question: What does Another Story contribute to the world of Madoka Magica?
Twwk: Despite the drawbacks, I’m still grateful for this series. Mami’s death in the original anime still stings after all these years. Even with different timelines, even with consequences reversed, even with spin-off series, I can’t shed the idea that Mami is gone. And thus, seeing her in another series, and her being the primary focus of that series, is something that simply warms my heart. And seeing her in another route where she has both protégés and colleagues by her side? How soothing!
There’s so much to like about Mami—her motherly nature, her courage and strength, and her intelligence. We get to see that latter characteristic shine through in this detective-style story. Mami is so deserving of receiving a series focused on her. The personal aspects of her character along with her character design—for my money, still the most iconic and memorable of all the characters in the Madokaverse (wait, is that a thing? If not, let’s make it one!)—merit more media about her, particularly when combined with her story, which features one of anime’s most memorable deaths.
Claire: You are so exactly right, Twwk! I was overcome by a feeling of nostalgia as I read this volume. In the first chapter in particular, we get the story we’ve never had with this franchise, but which we so long for. It’s the happy times story. I love every moment of Mami being the mother figure to an ever-increasing posse of magical girls. Saving lives and playing it cool, drinking tea and indulging in that slice of cake. (Is she really only 15? Cause I feel like we could totally hit the tea room and snack on finger sandwiches and scones, elder millennial style.) And what’s more, we get not one, not two, but three tiro finales! Whoop.
But the best trip down nostalgia lane for me is Kyoko. More Sakura-san is always a welcome thing, and the writers know it too. That’s why, in an issue with Mami on the cover and Mami playing detective and bridging the worlds of Mitakihara and Kamihama, it is nevertheless Kyoko and a choice apple that grace the first page. But the best thing here is not just the snacks and classic Kyoko poses keeping her true to form, but the happy ending twist to her characterization: Kyoko is well-adjusted, friendly, and generous, and she goes out of her way (while pretending not to) to stay in touch with Mami. This is the happy ending we otherwise never get with Kyoko, and I am here for it—though this is still PMMM, so of course it’s destined to be short-lived. Still, I’m going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts.
Final Verdicts:
Twwk: For Mami’s sake, I’ll be continuing with this series, despite it being a little fluffy, not to mention difficult to place on PMMM‘s already-complex timeline, and perhaps ultimately inconsequential. Having watched [editor: and blogged!] most of Magia Record (three more episodes to go!), I’ve been able to understand the goings-on better than I expected—and as long as I generally know what’s happening, I’ll follow Mami on any journey she takes, but particularly one in which her best characteristics are on full display. What about you, Claire?
Claire: Ditto! Though for me, it’s because of Mami and Kyoko. I always wanted to know more of both their stories and even though these aren’t quite the Mami and Kyoko of the OG series, and even though I have a pretty strong feeling that subsequent volumes won’t keep them in a central role, I’ll still follow along in hopes. Until the bizarre lore of Kamihama City loses me again, that is. Though as you said, Twwk, so far it’s much easier to follow! So I have hope.
Overall, this is pleasant filler while we wait for the final film in the OG series (out sometime this year or next?) and a proper ending for Homura. And maybe Sayaka, Kyoko and Mami too. It’s never too late in the world of Madoka after all, right?
Another Story is being released by Yen Press, whom we thank for review copies!
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posebean · 1 year
happy aiyuu newyear... read the event. haha.
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leatherbookmark · 9 months
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hi so i checked this polish kpop stuff store and i'm thinking they may be off their fucking gourds
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varricscrossbowbianca · 11 months
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okay created these two in da2. i think i'll play with the right one but i'm not sure yettt.
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m3t4ln3rd · 2 years
Slipknot debut video for "Yen"
Band: SlipknotSong: “Yen”Director: M. Shawn CrahanAlbum: The End, So FarRelease Date: September 30th, 2022Label: Roadrunner RecordsPre-order: All options
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Iggy Pop - Lust for Life 1977
"Lust for Life" is a 1977 song performed by American singer Iggy Pop and co-written by David Bowie, featured on the album of the same name. The song is known for its opening drumbeat, played by Hunt Sales. The rhythm was based on the Armed Forces Network call signal, which Pop and Bowie picked up on while waiting for a broadcast of Starsky & Hutch. The drumbeat has since been imitated in numerous songs, including "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet and "Selfish Jean" by Travis; however, Sales's use of the rhythm was not original, as it was itself derived from "You Can't Hurry Love", released in July 1966 by The Supremes, and "I'm Ready for Love", released in October 1966 by Martha and the Vandellas.
The song's lyrics contain a number of references to William S. Burroughs' experimental novel The Ticket That Exploded, most notably mentions of "Johnny Yen" (described by Burroughs as "The Boy-Girl Other Half strip tease God of sexual frustration") and "hypnotizing chickens".
In a 1995 interview, Doors keyboardist Ray Manzarek and manager Danny Sugerman stated that the opening lyrics were about their deceased heroin dealer, nicknamed "Gypsy Johnny", arriving at Wonderland Avenue, with his heroin and his "motorized dildos".
"Lust for Life" gained renewed popularity in the late 1990s after being featured in the 1996 British film Trainspotting. The song was heavily featured in the film's marketing campaign and subsequent soundtrack album, resulting in a new UK chart peak of number 26 after being reissued as a single. It also reached number 39 on the US Radio & Records Alternative chart, number 44 in Canada, and number 2 in Iceland. A remix by the Prodigy was included in Trainspotting's 2017 sequel, T2 Trainspotting.
"Lust for Life" received a total of 72,7% yes votes!
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honeybubblegumpink · 8 months
"Come on let's go home " | Gojo satoru
Drunk Gojo x reader
Eating out with your fellow coworkers in a restaurant. Which ment eating and drinking knowing gojo can't hold his Alcohol. In which you had to dragg his ass to your apartment. But also got something inter turn
Fluffy fluff. Short. Not proof read
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"Sorry I'm late " you said sliding the door open to see your fellow coworkers and friends
"Y/n! " Gojo and utahime called out to you, their faces brighted seeing you.
" I had a meeting with the higher ups . It took longer then expected " you said sitting next to shoko who had a few drinks already, judging by the dust of pink on her cheeks.
" we've already order your favorite it should be here any time " shoko handed you a drink which you thanked her
" by the way where's mei mei? " You asked drinking the beer
" she said she had better things to do,which was making more money " nanami answered your question
"Thats typical mei mei " you sigh. The doors opened and the waiter brings your favorite dish.
" woah that looks good " gojo said looking at at the dish wishing he also order one for himself , you grab the chopsticks bring the food to your mouth.
" it really is! " you eat some more, puffing out some steam as it was to hot .
" gojo don't steal y/n's food! "Utahime yells at gojo who is slowly picking up some of your food to his mouth.
" you could have order some if you wanted it " shoko said looking at the blindfold man
Gojo just pouted " I didn't know it would look so tasty, if I knew I would have order it in a heartbeat "
" I don't mind sharing " you push your plate of food towards him so you two can share
" your the best! " utahime just groaned at the white head man
" you know what would make this a fun night? more Sake ! " gojo clapped his hands above his head
" you can't even drink " nanami said flatly
" your the worst drinker out of all of us " shoko continue making utahime snicker
" don't worry ! Ichiji would drive us home right? " Gojo looked at the man with glasses .
" y-yea ...sure " he sigh
" don't bring ichiji into this gojo. " utahime called out, you just chuckled
" it's not like your paying. I'm the one paying here " since it was gojo idea to have dinner after the baseball game and the only way they would agree going out to eat , was gojo paying for the meal they are having.
" yea I need 6 beers , 2 bottles of wine and 4 bottles of sake. The most expensive one " Shoko ordered
" don't go over board because I'm paying! " gojo wined at shoko . He had it coming
" wait and some soda " you told the waiter which he just nodded
" damn you guys never drink that much last time " gojo said looking at his coworkers. Who just robbed him about a few hundred thousand yens.
" like you said.it's because you're paying " nanami said drinking
Two hours just passed as gojo is drunk. Like really really dunk. Nanami and shoko is still sober after drinking a lot , ichiji still fully sober as he is responsible of driving them home as for utahime she passed out after drinking too much beer and headache from gojo
" y/n~ * hicks * youre so pretty " gojo giggles like a girls while pocking your left cheek
" damn this is a new record." shoko said looking at gojo who's clinging at you
" he just hand a one beer " ichiji deadpaned looking at you while you try to get gojo away from you which just made him cling to you more.
" I think it's time I get home " you said , nanami looked at his watch reading the time " its 11.59 pm. I'm also going to head out soon "
" ichiji can you drive utahime back?" You asked which he just nodded. You looked at nanami and shoko " im guessing you guys can take care of yourself? "
" what about gojo? " ichiji looked at the drunken man kneeling next to you while casually resting his head on your lap mumbling some nonsense
" don't worry, I'll take him home " you smiled at him , playing with his soft fluffy hair.
" NoOoO....I d-don't wan-a Go HoMe ~ " gojo wines
" just bring the bill tomorrow " you said to the group. Gojo was to drunk to pay with his black card probably also forgot his pin.
" come on let's go, I'll take you home, satoru " you gently push him off you, in which he just started acting like a baby. Laying on the floor kicking his leg " I don't wanna go home just yet! "
" easy...there " you open the door to your apartment. One arm around your shoulder as you dragged him in.
You don't know how you manage to get him out of that restaurant and into your apartment. You planned on dropping him off at his apartment but he the kept on complaining how he doesn't wanna be alone. So you didn't really have a choice but let him stay at your place for the night
" you're alw-ays so sw-eeet ~" you get him on his feet which he can surprisingly stand.
" your cute, beautiful , hot and sexy~" he keeps on complimenting you. You push him to your living room
" why can't you take the hint " with a final push from you he plupps on the sofa face down
" what hint?" You tilted your head , looking at gojo
" see ...that what I mean you never noticed me.... Your so mean mean y/n. " you just laughed at his drunken state.
" I always like you y/n... I always have been ... For a long time now... But you just ignore my attempt of 'courting you' as me ' being nice to you' "
In all honesty you knew gojo like you and you also like him back. But he hadn't confessed yet so thats why you stayed silent. Would it be much easier if you confessed first? Yes , hell you guys would be a couple along time ago. But you just waited for him to confess first just because you wanted to
" I know you like me and I like you too " you admit which causes him to freeze and sober up a little but not fully.
" what did you say? " he ask looking at you through his blindfold
"Hm? I didn't say anything. You must be hearing things " you tease and walk to grab some water
" I clearly heard you say something " waving his arm up and down as he points at you , his other hand slowly removing his blindfold
" oh? What did say?"
" you said that you ....l-like m-me ...ba-ck..." He whispered the last part , lowering his hand as his face was turning red
" did I really say that?" You put your finger on your chin as if your thinking, You couldnt help but tease him some more .
He just stood there silently face still red while hugging your pillow from the sofa, deep in thoughts as if he really just made you up saying you like him back , you couldn't help but think how cute he look and made your way towards him.
Your hand on top of his broad shoulders making him to look up at you, ocean blue eye met yours. God you look so beautiful he thinks .
His eyes widened as you peck him on the lips.
" does this confirm your thoughts satoru? " you smile at him
" Y-yess... c-can I have another kiss tho? " He hugs the pillow tighter and blushes harder
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yawarakaizai · 8 months
pm!dazai taking reader on a date after school, but it’s somehow awkward! tried to get you a stuffie from a claw machine but failed miserably, so he shot the glass out of frustration.. something like that hehe ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT PM Dazai Osamu (BSD) CONTENTS You were a horrible pair. You two were unlikely and the path ahead of you could have never predicted such thing to happen. You aren't sure why or how, but you found yourself the centre of Osamu Dazai's attraction. NOTE fluff, reader and dazai are 16/17, brief chuuya, jealousy, young love COMPANY No Scrubs
A/N wrote th is thro ughou t th e sch ool d ay ;3; forgi ve any mist a kes or rush ed writ ing !!! eeeeeeE EEEE i lov requ ests ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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It was embarrassing at this point.
You disliked bringing any sort of unwanted attention to yourself more than anything else. And yet, you owe it to the brunette by your side who attracted stares like a magnet.
" Owwh, fuck! " His drawn out swear accompanied by the stomping of his shoe against the carpeted floor. It's biometric, vibrant patterns splattered across a dark black background sickened you to stare for too long.
" I told you, these are a scam ", you attempted to protest against his insistence that he was sure to win this time, no take-backs. " Why not buy a ticket to the bowling alley instead of wasting it on these? " You remained temperate in opposition to his rowdy and indecent behaviour. You adopted the traits of an older sister, or a mother.
" No way! I spent too much to give up now. " Your head ached. " Look, if I keep inching it closer to the drop, I'll be sure to get it. "
And so, the poor joystick would continue to be abused, 200 yen being inserted into the comparator with every miss, Dazai's agitation growing with each failure.
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It had been a sultry evening after school. Gathering your belongings and preparing to take the daily commute home, the pitter-patter of heavy footsteps ran behind you to reveal none other than Dazai Osamu.
He was somewhat of an enigma to everyone who knew him, even those that never exchanged a word with him knew of his name.
Dazai had a horrible track-record and even worse attendance. With a mysterious bandage over his right eye.
Despite his lack of punctuality and participation in classes, he not once has ever failed an exam. Many rumours circulated that he'd cheat - though no evidence of such was ever received. Others thought he must've slept his way to good grades.
Or, he was just inhumanely intelligent.
" Y/N! Y/N! " His ecstatic voice beckoned you to stop walking as he had finally caught up to you, bending over to catch his breath. " Let's visit the arcade together! "
You didn't know what possessed you to accept.
" Oy! Leave 'er alone, moron. Some people actually have work to get to after school. "
And there was his companion, Chuuya. Underestimating him is like a death wish. He was short. Horribly, unfortunately short. Sometimes, you'd feel bashful for the fact he'd have to look up at you sometimes.
Unlike Dazai, Chuuya's absence from school wasn't intentional.
No, not at all. Chuuya never missed a day of school on his own accord. His record full of missed days were from suspensions.
Often getting into fights with anyone, he has never lost a fight.
The duo had a dynamic you couldn't quite grasp.
And then there was you in the middle of it all.
Dazai had lured you into the friend-group about two years ago, when you were all put in the same base class and Dazai, in his extroverted glory, made attempts to suck up to all in class.
You listened to how the girls would swoon and whisper amongst themselves about the legend that was Dazai Osamu, and once he reached you, you couldn't be less impressed than what he had to offer.
" Oh, c'mon Y/N! It won't take too long, we never hang out anymore! "
His sad attempt at desperate puppy eyes lightened your day a little, so you thought you should humour him, just this once.
You didn't know much about Dazai and Chuuya's private life and you didn't pry into the territory either.
All you knew was that they were filthy rich and had a connection to the principal, Ogai Mori. Otherwise, they would've been expelled a long time ago.
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" Let it go, Dazai. It's not worth it. " You put your hand on his shoulder as he leaned forward, nose barely touching the glass of the claw machine as he tried to focus on getting just what he wanted.
" But you looked at it! " He whined, digging into his pockets as the machine played a sound of defeat. " And? "
" And that means I need to get it for you! "
He insisted profusely that it'll be worth it, and you continued to doubt him. You've been standing by his side for thirty minutes at this point and not once has he won a prize.
You remarked to him that the game was purposely rigged, pointing out how weak the claw was and estimating the plushies within were weighing a little over the maximum capacity something so weak would be able to grasp for more than two seconds. That, and also how the claw would never close properly, inching in barely and dropping what toy it had luckily managed to hold onto.
And that degrading sound of humiliation. A squeaky, robotic coquettish voice repeating itself 'Better luck next time!' over and over.
Dazai was not losing to a machine.
Your stomach grumbled with hunger, and it was becoming clear that you both were growing with unrest at this machine.
" You kids still going at that? "
An arm propped itself on top of the roof of the claw machine, you looked up to see a worker had made his way over to you both. Dazai, did not look up from the game.
" I tried to get him to stop ", you mumbled, looking away from him. You'd always get shy at people older than you. You weren't exactly timid, but you were raised to be respectful. " He wants to win it for me. " It sounded oddly romantic when you put it that way.
" Yeah? You sure he can do it? " The man laughed at the truth. " So you two are on a date? " He overstayed his welcome and you began to wonder if it was usual for employees to wedge themselves into customers business.
" Yeah. We are. " Dazai answered for you, slotting in more coins for yet another try.
" Here, move li'l man, I got this. " Shoving Dazai away by the hip, the white-haired man. Begrudgingly, Dazai said nothing.
And almost with no effort at all, the man easily got the claw to clasp around the exact seal plush you wanted.
He must have been watching you both for a while to know what you wanted.
Although you kept assuring Dazai you didn't need it, you couldn't help the way your eyes sparkled as the man handed it to you with a smug smile.
" Oh! Thank you, sir! Thank you! " You took it from his hand with joy, looking at the fat cushion with adoration. It was simply adorable! You bowed your head repeatedly in gratitude, though felt it was simply not enough.
You almost forgot about Dazai until your ears deafened with the sound of a loud bang and the crashing of glass.
On impulse, you dropped to your knees with your hands over your ears protectively, unsure as to what just happened. Peeking through your tightly shut eyes, you saw that you were the only one to have dropped down and everyone else was as normal as ever.
Before you were even able to question, you uncovered your ear to hear Dazai converse with the man.
" How sad, I guess when you're making minimum wage you figure out how to make your job interesting. " Dazai cocked his pistol like second nature, and behind the legs of the employee you were crouched behind, you peered between his legs up at Dazai with wide, lost eyes.
Looking down at you, Dazai looked pissed.
" Didn't mean to scare you. Get up, we're leaving. "
The employee and Dazai seemed to know each other. You figured by the way the older man was cool about the whole ordeal, almost like he'd done everything intentionally.
You shakily rose to your feet, at a loss for words, and stared with astonishment as Dazai began to gather multiple stuffed toys from the now-broken claw machine and hold them in his arms after tucking his pistol away.
" But- you- the- "
You tripped over your words and found yourself unable to comprehend what had just happened.
" Not gonna run way with your Clyde, Bonnie? " The employee joked, stepping out of your way.
You felt this to be illegal. Maybe because it was. You did not want to aid in a robbery even if the employee was not actively stopping you. Before you could even act, Dazai grabbed you by the arm and ran ahead of you, dragging you behind him as he laughed, your other arm held tightly around the seal plush, afraid to let it go.
" Holy shit, I was so cool! " He shrilled, your shorter legs barely able to keep up with his strides.
" Dah-zai! " You panted out as he kept on running.
Your adrenaline rang in your ears and the heart in your chest beat rapidly as the two of you ran, jumped, hopped over valleys, onto the stepping stones of the river and through the bushes of the dark forest.
" Y/N! "
Dazai yelled out to you. At this point, many plushies in his arms had fallen, yet your intertwined hands never once budged open.
" Whah! Wh-What! " You tried to match his energy, but you were far too exhausted.
Finally, you both collapsed into the cold grass surrounding by large oak trees.
The night sky looking down on wild star-crossed students.
" I think I.. think I love you, Y/N " He said between deep breaths, both your limbs spread out as you tuned to the sound of crickets, the birds and the rapid breathing of one another.
You didn't know what you were thinking, or if you were even thinking coherently, though..
" I think I love you too, 'samu. "
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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chuunai · 1 month
Hi there! I hope you're having a good day 💗💗. If possible, could you please do how the Bsd men would react to having a popular singer s/o? They could be like Robin from Hsr. If you don't know her, that's fine!
I believe Chuuya would buy your albums as soon as they're released and get VIP seats every single time. He would make sure to attend your concerts, no matter what.
Dazai would be like this:
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chuuya ! buys VIP tickets the moment they come out. he doesn’t care you said he can get a free seat, the money goes to support you and your career. when the flow of your voice overtakes him, he’s awestruck by everything. the energetic dances, the sheen and shine of your costume and just you.
chuuya ! forces the mafia’s cafeteria to forever keep on loop your music during lunch hours. every single member of can recite both the oath to the organization and every song you’ve ever released. for every day of the week, it’s one of your albums or collaborations with other critically acclaimed musicians.
chuuya ! reminds you to take care of yourself. his girl can’t sing with a sleep-riddled voice, nor can she possibly dance with such sore feet, can she? no, you can’t, and so he smothers his care onto you. making healthy and delicious meals that your nutritionist approves of, running a hot bath filled with strawberry scented bubbles and a plate of fruit nearby. and of course, making honey laden tea for your throat to better aid your vocal cords.
chuuya ! has at least four of his most experienced and talented men guarding you when you’re out in public openly. stalkers and other obsessive fans are a common occurrence in your life, and he always has nightmares about someone kidnapping you or god forbid, killing you. an idol has to be protected, and he doesn’t trust anyone but himself to make sure you’re safe.
chuuya ! helps you make album covers and song lyrics. he’s seen so much in his life, and pouring out his story into a seamless chorus of melodies resonated to him. your album covers are always quite elaborate too—whatever you need, he can get it within a day. all he wants to see is your career flourish and for your bright smile to encourage the ones who are stuck in a limbo, just like how he was before you pulled him out from the abyss.
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dazai ! runs your biggest fan account. countless glamorized edits and paragraphs that praise you as the ‘best singer in the world’. sometimes if you allow it, he uploads short videos recording your shared karaoke nights. your devotees can easily tell the different between your and his voices—one perfect and akin to orpheus, and the other screeching about suicide.
dazai ! infamously also doxes your haters on a separate and well hidden account. sadly, he’s one of the main contributors to why your fanbase has a reputation for being vicious and overly aggressive towards people who don’t like you. he thinks they deserve it though. you go through so much darkness, and negative comments don’t need to make you cry even more.
dazai ! keeps a shrine dedicated to you in the corner of the living room. merch, posters, vinyls and more are neatly arranged on shelves and small tables. not even a single speck of dust taints the sacred space. his wallet cries at how thin and malnourished it is, begging for even an ounce of yen, but his heart is full with pure adoration for you.
dazai ! sends akutagawa to your concerts when kunikida doesn’t let him go due to dozens of missing work assignments and orders. if he can’t go in person, he’ll watch from facetime and babble about you into the phone while akutagawa gets the perfect angle and view using rashomon. and when you shout out his name as your muse at the end of the performance, he melts into a pile of mushy lovesick goo.
dazai ! thinks his biggest achievement is being your muse. the thought that he’s the inspiration for some of your biggest songs and lyrics makes him want to be the best boyfriend he can be. he’s no demon prodigy, no suicidal maniac or womanizer. he’s just a heavenly muse destined to help steer you on the right track with his heart in your hands.
@twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts, @starrs20, @little-miss-chaoss, @secretlyagoblin, @broken-spirit101, @briarbabyxo
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Let's go enjoy the sun and 55!
Hopefully I'm doing this correctly eksoqheb-
Let's go enjoy the sun!
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Haru might have convinced you to help out for their fundraiser so let's see who are the three people who come to spend the evening in Jabberwock
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Wc: ~1,8k
“Is everything ready?” Haru asks from the door of Jabberwock while he carries out a very homemade stand under his arm before setting it down. It's the equivalent to a child's lemonade stand but rather it read ‘jabberwock fundraiser’ in big black letters
“Are you honestly doing this?”
“We are really in need of money, ren!” He pouts before saying something to Towa who was humming in agreement.
“Why are you even here? You aren't even part of Jabberwock” Ren looks up from his raid to side eye you.
“Haru looked pretty depressed while he vented so I decided to help”
“Are you stupid or spineless?” a sigh leaves his lips and he doesn't wait for an answer before focusing again on his phone.
“Stop bothering them, Ren! At least I heard what you said so now you only have to wait on visitors and charge them”
“And you forced me to not take shifts to do what I do for my job?” 
Ignoring him Haru pulls a marker and writes down the prices.
500 yen for 30 minute foraging group tour with Towa
800 yen for 30 minute capybus ride with Haru
But when you reach your price for essentially frolicking around the hills and sunbathing your breath scapes your lungs
“So expensive”
“Don't undersell yourself!” Haru chimes and towa hums “I'm sure you will get us more earnings than you think!”
“That is like 2500 diamonds in Shock of clans” Ren comments, and it makes you remember when he spent 30 minutes thinking if buying diamonds was smart. Next he throws a sly smirk  “seems like someone else can take care of the cashier for me”
“Then you can go feed the salamanders! Such good thinking Ren!” Haru chimes.
“Forget it, I just remembered they weren't good at math"
“Hello, senpai” Sho smiles as he hands the money to Ren, who was still bitching about now having to pay proper attention to his job and not the game.
“oh? I didn't expect you to come by, Sho!” quickly you walk around the stand and hug him. Seeing he paid, you link both of your arms and start leading where Haru told you was your ‘station’.  
“and leave you with whatever pervert might come? After you helped around the truck some weirdos came asking when you would be there again” 
“Mhm, so you decided to be the weirdo?” You two walk down a path between some overgrown red cap mushrooms that were as tall as trees, this would be such a good place to record an Alice in wonderland movie.
“Here I come trying to save you from perverts and this is how I get treated?” Sho feigns being hurt, his hand slapping his chest “so what were you supposed to do?”
You throw yourself on the red blanket laying down on the floor before smiling knowing he would crack up “ I'm hosting a flower themed tea party” and your hand signals to the glass teapot with lotus designs and the matching lotus shaped teacups that hotarubi lent “and if you want I can make you a flower crown” without missing a beat he laughs “to be fair, I thought I would lead a tour or play cashier” 
“And they ended up having you serve tea?” You nod “and you didn't complain?” you nod again “well, are you going to pour me or what?” He sits down next to you, soon drinking the jasmine tea.
For the hour that he booked you two mostly chatted about how he was doing, how he was getting closer to Subaru, and how his food truck was going. It was so nice to be able to chat with Sho without Leo interrupting or him dividing his attention between cooking and receiving clients but every few minutes his phone would start buzzing making him frown until he checks who is sending the texts.
“Oi, smile” Sho raises the telephone and takes a photo of you making him a flower crown with some dandelions and wild flowers.
“keeping a photo for the memory? I would have fixed my hair if you were gonna to photograph me” 
“Leo is texting me nonstop, maybe this will stop him a bit” he puts down the phone and grabs one of the cookies that were on the plate, they are the typical chocolate chip cookies from the kiosk but that are a worthy accompaniment.
Not even a few minutes later Leo uploads a post on wickchat and Sho gets a notification, from his scowl you can guess he isn't happy. In his screen there is a story with a snarky comment mocking his friend and soon the comments flooded with people sympathizing with him.
damn, my friend bailed out of a hang out to go out with his crush who doesn't even like him
“That asshole” the comment and the cluck of his tongue slip without thinking, soon getting your attention from the almost finished craft.
“Is it that bad?” Curious, you take your own phone from your cardigan but before even being able to type Leo's user in the search bar Sho throws himself at you, arm quickly swatting away the phone. Effectively ensuring you didn't see the post but making him lose balance and fall over just in time for Ritsu and Ren walking in.
“Hey, YN, can you watch the stand for a sec? He wants to go on a tour and I can't find To-” his eyes widen when he sees the scene “what the…”
“If you  desire to file for sexual harassment I would be honored to be your lawyer in the proceedings”
“Wait a minute this isn't what it looks like!” 
“He just lost balance, there is no need to jump to conclusions”
“No need to feel ashamed, there are two visual witnesses to attest, I'm sure Darkwick will respond”
Soon enough, either because of embarrassment, Ren looking at him with thinly veiled disgust or Ritsu pushing you to file a restraining order, Sho leaves soon after entering jabberwock.
“Tsk, why would you bring me here?” Jin scratches the back of his head, icy blue eyes almost closed due to the sunlight he isn't used to.
“Hermits can be prone to vitamin D deficiency, and I saw this as the perfect opportunity for you to take some sun”
“Go to hell and die, asshole” Jin barks at him between clenched teeth but Thoma doesn't bother with him and goes to the stand.
“Morning, Thoma!” You wave as he gets closer
“inspector? I wasn't expecting to see you here”
“Yeah, Ren left me here while he led a first year to Towa’s tour” your hand points to the wooden slate with the three options and prices.
“Oh? I didn't hear that there were different tours” Thoma grabs his chin, looking over the proposals curiously. Behind him Jin is kicking dirt and cursing under his breath, if he could teleport with his sword why is he here still?
“Yep! Towa just left with the foraging party so he shouldn't return for a good few minutes, but Haru should be back soon”
“Hmm… I do see your name here, do you host a tour of your own?”
“It isn't quite like that” you laugh a bit “we decided that I shouldn't be alone with the anomalies just in case anything goes wrong. I just have a sort of tea party” 
“That does seem more like Jin's thing out of these options” Thoma mumbles lightly
“Oh, right now I'm taking care of the stand so I can't really entertain people” out of nowhere Ren’s hand lands on your shoulder, prompting you to give him his seat, last time you refused to he pulled his floatie around your torso so you couldn't move. He had a smile from ear to ear, sadistic brat.
“did you decide what you want to do?” Ren uses his customer service voice, barely different from his normal voice, just somehow more lifeless. If that was possible.
“we both will go with YN” Thoma pulls his wallet and pays. Ren hums while counting the money.
 Jin scoffs seated on the checkered blanket, a smirk on his lips “so you are going to be waiting on me again, servant”
You roll your eyes at his comment, even if this time you were technically serving him “yeah, yeah, it was indeed on the description” a soft smirk forms between your lips seeing a way to tease him. you turn around to face the teapot you ask “jasmine or black tea?” your hands fiddle with the lid, acting as if you were going to open it and put leaves in.
“Fine then, I want black tea”
“Wrong, it's jasmine” as you turn around to serve it and see his annoyed face and Thoma's amused one “this teapot never runs out of warm tea but it's always Jasmine” silently he complains but still drinks the tea, getting slightly more annoyed from the fact it tastes good, soft flowery flavor that leaves a nice sweetness on the tongue.
“Isn't that quite the useful anomaly?” Thoma muses, watching how slowly the liquid inside swirls from side to side and starts going up, filling itself again.
“I thought the same, Subaru was so nice for lending it to us for a day! He said to take it as Hotarubi’s support” you can remember clearly how he offered it before assuring that he didn't mean that he expected Jabberwock to help his dorm if anything happened! And that it wasn't like he was expecting anything like that and- luckily Haku popped in before his dorm leader had a panic attack.
“Isn't that nice of them? I'm sure we could use a source of warm drinks in Frostheim” 
“Haku told me that the wait list for it can get pretty long, around two months at a time” idly your hand brushes the grass, plucking a white flower growing close to the blanket and you bend the stem to make a small ring. Seeing Jin's pale hand resting on his lap you might as well give it to him but before you lean to the right and grab Jin's hand he moves it.
“Don't even think about it” like a cat with a too cuddly owner, he swipes his hand behind his back.
“Fine, Thoma give me your hand then” you lean forward but before you can grab Thoma's hand Jin snatches it “oh~? I thought you didn't want it”
He stuffs the ring in his pocket “Tsk what you give to your king can't be taken back even if you want to so stop whining”
When the time finished they both walked back to frostheim when Thoma hums softly a song.
“Do you want to die? bastard” when he flips him off the little white flower is in the next finger to the middle finger 
“Did I do something to anger you? It's just some notes” and he keeps humming the wedding march.
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
can i request a quiet gf reader who plays bass in a band with her friends and like this guy has been making fun of her and she gets enough and punches him infront of her bf with kazutora, smiley, and mikey
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get out of my face!!
synopsis: how will they react when you punch the creep who's been bothering you and your band?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ haii thank u anon for requesting ! :3 this was super fun to write, so i hope you all enjoy!! xoxo [just as a note, i didnt rlly see a reason to make this fem reader + there was really just not any relevance so i made it gn! i hope you dont mind ╥﹏╥]
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ kazutora hanemiya, nahoya [smiley] kawata, manjiro [mikey] sano x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 3.4k+
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kazutora hanemiya: 
❥ he loves the fact that you’re in a band!! he thinks it’s so cool, and he is constantly asking all kinds of questions about all of it, like ‘do you get nervous when you see all the people?’ and ‘is it hard to play fast songs?’. he’ll ask you the same questions over and over again whenever the two of you are talking, but he can’t help it! he’s just so interested about all of it!
❥ while it’s a bit unrealistic for him to be able to attend every single show you perform, he tries his best to come to all the ones he possibly can, (really, he’s only missed two which is quite impressive). he’ll always send you encouraging messages before the show if he can’t see you, and he’ll send little messages while you’re performing for you to read later. 
kazu <3: you look so cool! kazu <3: i can hear your bass playing right now! it sounds so good! 
❥ he doesn’t want to cause a scene in the crowd because he doesn’t want to make more trouble for you, but he will death glare anybody who is cheering for you, (minus your friends). why are they cheering for you? he’s the only one who should be cheering for you!! will proceed to shout your name ten times louder. 
❥ when he has the funds for it, kazutora will bring you your favorite snack or drink after a show!! he knows that you get tired afterwards, so he likes to contribute a little bit to your recharging. he’ll usually be the one taking you home too since it’s usually late by the time your band finishes up, (when he’s there, he will not entrust you to anybody else). 
❥ your number one bodyguard!! he’s always with you whenever you’re not on stage, making sure that there aren’t any creeps who are trying to approach you. if there’s anybody who has the nerves to do so, he’s immediately threatening them and making sure they leave. 
❥ kazutora had been suspecting that you’d been keeping something from him, but he wasn’t sure what. lately, you’d seemed a bit more jumpy and uptight at your gigs, your eyes looking around as if you were searching for someone. when he asked what was going on, you had said it was nothing. 
❥ after this particular gig, he found out it wasn’t nothing. 
“hey!! you really think you guys are gonna be one of those bigshot bands??” a twisted laugh echoed through the hallway, making kazutora perk up, his eyes locking onto a boy who was approaching you and the rest of your friends. he heard you sigh, your eyebrows knitting together in frustration and annoyance; did you know this guy? 
“uju! you have some goddamn nerve showing up here!!” one of your friends yelled, their voice tainted with rage. “you’d really pay a 4000 yen entrance ticket just to cause trouble?!” 
“you really think i’d do that? i snuck in.” the boy scoffed, shaking his head. “i just had to come and tape this so i could have a record of how much you guys fuckin’ suck.” 
kazutora could feel his eye twitching, anger flooding through him at the boy’s words. how dare he badmouth your band like that? does he not know talent when he sees it?!
“(y/n), do you want me to-?” he began, but you shook your head, giving him a small smile. 
“no, it’s alright. i got this.” he looked at you confusedly but you’d already started walking away, moving through your friends to face the boy. he started laughing, leaning closer to as you as if he were sizing you up, (it made kazutora’s blood boil, but he restrained himself because you said you could handle it). 
“wowww, the big time bass player!! you reallyyyy have some nerve coming up to me like this; you’re usually so quiet i can’t even see you!” he said, his voiced laced with malice. “just like the bass, you’re always in the background-” 
one moment he was talking, and the next you had driven your fist right into his face, your punch making a solid impact with his jaw. the boy lost his balance, falling to the ground and making a loud thump! sound. 
silence hung over everyone for a few moments, all eyes on you as you continued to stand there, looking down at the boy. after the shock passed, you shook out your hand, wincing a bit as you did so. 
“i didn’t know punching someone would hurt like this.” 
your words triggered reactions from everyone, your friends huddling around you and hyping you up for finally beating some sense into the boy. 
“someone had to do it soon, i just didn’t know it was going to be you, (y/n)! haha!” you smiled a bit at their comments, obviously feeling a bit shy from all the attention that was on you. 
“let’s go get something good to eat in honor of (y/n) kicking his ass!!” 
“let’s go!!” you laughed at your friend’s rowdiness, telling them that you would come out soon. after they all left, you hesitantly looked at kazutora, wondering if he hated you. 
he was staring at you with his eyes open so big they could fall out of his sockets and his jaw was hanging open; it was the most shocked you’d ever seen him. 
“(y/n)...you totally just punched him…” he managed to get out. you shyly smiled, coming closer to him. 
“yeah, i learned it from watching you…i hope that’s alright.”
“alright…? it was amazing!!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around your waist. kazutora easily picked you up, swinging you around with a wild and excited grin on his face. “you were so cool! it was like something out of a comic!!” he was planting kisses all over your face, making you laugh from the ticklish feeling. 
“h-hey! stop!” 
“no! you were so so awesome!” he put you down, but he continued kissing your face, the gleeful look on his face being absolutely adorable. “lemme take you to go with your friends, hm? i can take you home too.” 
“are you sure? it’s already pretty late…” 
“it’s not even question, c’mon.” he answered, pressing a final kiss to your temple. his hand found yours, lacing your fingers together as he started to lead you to the parking lot, passing by the boy who was rubbing his jaw on the floor. when the two of you walked by, he let out a sound of fear, his eyes flicking between you and your boyfriend. 
“if i see you again in here, you’re dead meat, you got that?” kazutora threatened, his voice suddenly stony cold. 
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nahoya [smiley] kawata: 
❥ he’s surprisingly very into the music scene! he’s always hyping you up before and after your shows, ruffling your hair and telling you to give it your all. 
❥ he’s always bragging about the fact that you’re his s/o! he loves to brag to everybody he knows, talking about how his amazing and perfect s/o is so talented, talented enough to be in a band! he keeps videos of your performances on his phone to show people, (they are poor quality and you can hear him screaming your name in the background). 
❥ when at your shows, he does the same thing! my apologies to anybody who is standing near him; he is going to be talking their ear off the whole time about you, saying how ‘their bass playing really brings the whole thing together, don’t you think?’, (they are forced to agree). 
❥ he’s not afraid to make a scene and he will punch anybody who is booing your band or is overall just being negative. one thing he won’t stand for is a negative and unwelcoming atmosphere, so you best believe he’s going to do his part to make sure that the audience is welcoming for you and your band!
❥ regularly drags his brother and friends to come and watch you perform, making them cheer as loud as him. they are happy to do it though! they all think that you are super talented and they are always super supportive, congratulating you and telling you that you did an amazing job after the show. 
❥ screams your name while you are performing! he gets really into music, and he’s even more into it because you’re the one who's performing! there won’t ever be a time when you don’t hear his voice while you’re playing, and despite the fact that he always loses his voice by the end of the night, he thinks it’s completely worth it if he’s supporting you!
❥ he never misses your sets! he doesn’t usually have a whole lot going on, and even if he does, he absolutely would not miss them for the world! he’s even skipped toman meetings before to go see you, (he got in trouble, but again, he thought it was absolutely worth it). 
❥ his rowdy personality and your more shy and quiet one make for an interesting pair, but all of your friends agree that the two of you are perfect for each other. smiley is there to give you more confidence when you don’t have it, and you’re there to calm him down when he gets a little bit too unruly. 
❥ tries to get you to teach him how to play bass, and he fails horribly at it, (‘it’s so hard to put my damn fingers where i want them to go!!’).
“oi, you got a problem bud?” you suddenly heard. following your boyfriend’s gaze, your mood immediately soured when you saw who he was looking at. 
uju had been bothering you and your friends for a few weeks now for no particular reason, (maybe he was just bored) and you were all beginning to tire of it quickly, his negative presence ruining the vibe of the set. 
“hah, you guys think you’re such big hotshots that you need security? talk about lame!” he sneered, shaking his head. “why don’t you guys just go back to playing in your garage? at least then the rats will listen to you.” 
“hah?! you think you can stay shit like that and get away with it??” nahoya asked, his grin turning violent. “you’re in for a world of pain if you think that-” he paused when he felt a tug on his sleeve, your expression as you looked at him being strangely resolved. 
“nahoya, it’s fine. let me handle this.” 
“hmm…whatever you say, lover~” he hummed, giving you a confident grin. “go show them what you’re made of.” 
you nodded at his words, giving a small smile before approaching the sneering boy, his face twisted in hostility as he saw you approaching. your friends were whispering to each other as they watched you approaching him, talking to nahoya. he just shook his head at them, subtly pointing to you and keeping his confident smile. 
“you need to leave.” 
“you’re telling me to leave? i’m just out here telling the truth! everyone at school is embarrassed to see you guys doing this, so really, you could say that i’m helping you all out!” he laughed, rolling his eyes at your annoyed expression. “you should just deal with the hard truth and move on-” 
“you’re such an asshole.” you stated, your voice sharp enough to cut. “if you say one more word about us, you’ll regret it.” 
“riiight, like the little background character is gonna do anything. at least your little bass isn’t terrible, but the others…whew, they just don’t know how to-” 
your fist flew into his face, knocking straight into his cheek and making him collide against the wall beside the two of you. he fell to the ground, too shocked to even process what had just happened. 
“yeah!! that’s my amazing (y/n) right there!!” you heard nahoya yell, his voice booming through the chatter of the venue. it was mostly empty now, but the remaining people turned to stare at you as you walked back to your friends, wincing a bit when your hand brushed against your side. 
nahoya was the first the greet you, his hand landing on top of your head to ruffle your hair. his grin was huge as he looked at you with pride. 
“you didn’t tell me you were such a badass, (y/n)!! that was a solid punch!” 
“ahh, i’m really not…he was just pissing me off.” you answered, a bit embarrassed that you’d let your anger out in such a violent way. 
“either way, he totally deserved it!” one of your friends piped up. the rest of them agreed, complaining about how he had been bothering your band for a while. 
“yeah, he was such a jackass!! we gotta celebrate this! meet us in the parking lot, yeah?” 
“oh, yeah, okay!” you responded, watching as they all walked off, giving you big smiles and thumbs up as they were leaving. you shook your hand out, a bit of your discomfort showing on your face as you felt pain shoot up your knuckles. 
“first time punchin’ someone?” nahoya asked, gently taking your hand in his. 
“yeah, i didn’t know it was gonna hurt so much.” 
“well, it does hurt when you’re not used to punchin’ people.” he explained, gently tracing your knuckles. when he saw which spots were most painful for you he put your hand down again. “you don’t know how to correctly punch, but you still sent him into the wall like that? you’re cool as hell for that. and when we get back, i’ll wrap your hand for you.” 
“mm…thanks, nahoya.” 
“of course, sweets. now, let’s go celebrate your victory, yeah?” 
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manjiro [mikey] sano:
❥ he thinks you’re literally the coolest person ever!! he doesn’t have a single clue how to play any instruments, so he loves watching you play! he thinks you look the most attractive when you’re tearing it up on the bass, the enjoyment and happiness on your face making you look absolutely amazing, (secretly tries to take pictures during your set, but he keeps getting blocked by other people’s heads). 
❥ asks if you can play the bass for any of his favorite songs!! he’s definitely the type who will be absolutely shocked, amazed, and somehow even more in love if he ever hears you learning how to play them for him! 
❥ he can’t attend all of your shows, but he does make you promise to have somebody record it so that he can watch it later! he insists on watching the videos with you so that he can tell you at which moments you look the coolest, (he loves to see your embarrassed expression as you shyly thank him). 
❥ definitely brings all his friends to watch you! they all jam out to your band’s music and think you’re super cool! 
❥ because of mikey’s height, he will most likely ask if you can get him better seats so he has a good view of you. it’s not something in your power which makes him sad, so he’ll do his best to try and see you from where he’s at, (will yell at the people in front of him if they are too tall). 
❥ adding on to this, he might invite draken for the sole purpose of having him lift him up so he can see you better. 
❥ he creates a whole fanpage for you! mikey will compile all his different photos and videos of you and posts them to myspace, adding the most fanboy comments about you under the posts! 
mmikey_78: (y/n) was so cool at this show!  mmikey_78: my amazing (y/n) with their band performing their top song!!
❥ he likes to watch you and your band practice quickly before you guys perform, always teasing you by sending you cute winks and finger hearts. 
❥ you’re the only person he will share his snacks with!! he usually will split half of one with you before you play and then after, saying that you need it to get your energy up so that you can play really well. he also does it because he likes to give you a few moments of quiet before you go on stage so that you can calm your nerves, and then give you a few moments after your show to gather yourself since he knows you’re a bit shy. 
❥ he’s friendly with all your bandmates too, telling them that they all did a great job after you guys finish performing! 
❥ always makes sure to drive you wherever you need to go; he even got a special super secure holder on his motorbike for your bass so that you don’t have to leave it somewhere else, (he spent a lot of his money on it, but he would do anything to make you happy). 
“hm? (y/n)-cchi, do you know that person? he’s been staring at you guys for a while.” mikey whispered, his lips close to your ear. 
“gah! manjiro! don’t scare me like that…” you murmured, looking around to see who he was talking about. “who? i don’t see anyone.” 
mikey planted his hands on the sides of your head, turning it slowly until your head was facing who he was talking about. 
“ah, him…he’s just this guy from our school who’s been bothering us.” you explained, moving your eyes away from him. “it’s not really a big deal though. he’s just a weirdo- gah!” mikey suddenly turned your head to look back at him, a pout on his lips. 
“it’s a big deal if he’s bothering you guys! why didn’t you say anything about it before?” he whined, his brows furrowed together. “i could easily wipe the floor with him, y’know. do you not have faith in meee-!?” 
“no, it’s not that manjiro! i just don’t want to cause any trouble, y’know…?” you trailed off when you saw from the corner of your eye the boy approaching the two of you. “man, speak of the devil…” 
“hey!! where’s the rest of your little ‘band’? did they finally realize that you’re the most expendable?” he cackled. 
“what’d you just say?” mikey asked, his voice flat. “who do you think you are talking to (y/n) like that, huh?” he moved to step in front of you, but you gently grabbed his arm, shaking your head. 
“manjiro, it’s fine. it’s really not worth it.” you murmured, avoiding making eye contact with uju. “he’s just a jerk.” 
“really, it’s fine! let’s just go.” you pleaded. “i really don’t want to get into it with him right now.” mikey seemed hesitant, but after a few moments he relented. 
“fineee. let me take you home then-” 
“you’re ignoring me? hah, that’s rich. everybody knows you don’t have the guts to actually do anything.” uju leered, stepping forward to stand right in front of you. mikey had an intense look in his eyes, but you shook your head at him, making uju scoff. “oho, calling off your scary guard dog? wow, i’m soo scared!” he leaned forward getting right in your face. “i bet all your little friends left because they know that they would be better off without you! how does it feel to have the harsh truth shoved in your face? go on, tell me-!” 
before you knew what you were doing, your hand had formed into a fist and flew straight into his nose, sending him flying back. 
“gah, that hurt!!” you exclaimed, immediately cradling your hurt hand with your other. after a few seconds, you looked up, realizing that mikey was staring at you with a surprised expression and that uju was still laying on the ground. “oh my god, what did i just do?!” 
you suddenly felt a pair of arms around you and you heard laughing in your ear, mikey’s voice ringing throughout the room. 
“(y/n)-cchi, you punched him!! you actually punched him!! that was so funny!” he managed to get out. “you sent him flying!!” 
“i-i didn’t mean to! he was just all up in my face and then i just…! agghhh, i shouldn’t have done that!” all you got in response was mikey’s arms tightening around your waist, pulling you closer to his side. 
“you did so good! oh, but let’s get out of here before anybody notices!” he exclaimed, grabbing your hand and pulling you in the direction of the parking lot. “i’ll drive you home!” 
“am i going to get arrested?!” 
“don’t worry, i won’t ever let them catch you!” 
“ohh my god, i’m gonna go to jail!!”
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blankwashed · 1 month
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Toji and you went out shopping, not for something extraordinary but something basic. Toji, unfortunately, was the reason why the family is broke again. He had squandered all his money on the recent horse race, despite your warnings about his gambling addiction.
Even though you were working, your monthly salary was barely enough to sustain both of you and his son, Megumi, from his previous marriage.
"Daddy! I-I want this! Please buy it for me, pleaaase!" Megumi pleaded, envious of his friends who were getting the newest and latest gadgets. "I get laughed at whenever I take out my Samsung Galaxy S4..." he confessed, tears welling up in his eyes. You hated to see your stepson ridiculed by his friends, but with Toji's reckless gambling habits, you often found yourself in a tough spot.
"BABY! We hit the jackpot today! I won 320,000 yen! I'm aiming to get 500,000 yen on the next race, trust me!" Toji exclaimed excitedly, only to waste all the money on another failed bet.
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"Are you sure this will work?" you raised an eyebrow at Toji. He claimed that OnlyFans or selling videos of the both of you having sex would make you guys rich in an instant.
Toji just finished setting up the webcam on the laptop that both of you have bought with the money you were saving for rainy days.
"I'm hot, you're hot. Why wouldn't it work?" he has no other options other than to sell his body online- and yours as well. You bit your lip, regretting about agreeing with his idea. It all sounded easy to you at first, just have sex with a camera pointed at the both of you but now that you think about it. What if Megumi or any of his friends find it? Wouldn't that ruin his life? Who would take the both of you guys seriously anymore?
Toji said that you guys would not need to pay for certain things as well, saying that brands would be willing to sponsor the both of you for wearing or using their clothing or equipment in the videos. At that time, Megumi was on a school trip which leaves the both of you alone at home.
You were awkward, of course and Toji knew that. He snaked his muscular arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him. It’s been a long time since the both of you had time for yourselves, dealing with Megumi and well, money problems.
As you were unaware, Toji already was recording on the camera but he still acted as if he wasn’t. Without your knowledge, he’s getting your raw reactions to his touches.
“Hmm, mama…” he murmured into your ear sensually with his hand slithering through your shirt’s buttons, plucking each of them off. If you weren’t wet before, you were wet in an instant then. He’s your weakness and knows how to get you crawling onto him.
You were very verbal, moaning and sliding off your skirt and panties making things easier for Toji. His lips were already on your left nipple, sucking and lapping like an animal. The noises that he made while abusing your nipples could already bring you to an overdrive, not to mention the sounds coming out from your own throat.
“Toj-Daddy…have you pressed record yet?” you asked him breathlessly. Honestly at this point you didn’t really care because you married a sex Adonis. Toji shook his head, lying to you because he knows that you would be self-conscious if the camera was on.
“Princess, let’s just have some off-camera fun for now hmm? So that when we shoot everything will just come natural?”
He was so believable.
The way your fingers curled around his biceps, gripping them firmly as if they were the only anchor in a stormy sea. His hands explored your body freely, as if it was your honeymoon night when it was the first time you saw each other’s bodies.
Who am I kidding? Toji wouldn’t wait for marriage.
It was an intense make out session, with moans of “never gonna get bored of this” and “just fuck me already”. Toji and you were breathless with your hearts pounding with desire. Communicating with bodily actions would be ideal for someone like Toji.
His big hands groped big fleshy parts of you, moulding them in his hands making you moan in pleasure. You didn’t like it when it was soft after experiencing how pleasurable it was to be manhandled.
“Lil’ mama, take me in. Show me how much you love my cock,” he slaps his big fat cock against your cheeks, making you lose your balance despite already kneeling. You weren’t able to say anything. Opening your mouth slowly easing him in, he thought of something else he wanted to do to you.
As his hands freely roamed across your body, pinching and slapping them earning moans from you. Toji eagerly slid his fingers down your abdomen and started to trace small circles around your wet dripping hole. He searched for your sensitive weak spot. After finding it, he teased you, circling and flicking with his thick fingers. Your wetness was already making everything easier for him.
Toji was quick. Before long, you realised you were in a 69 position with him. You could feel him smirking on your pussy, teasing and licking with his fat tongue. His spare hands would trail up your leg, opening your core up for him. It wasn’t easy for you to keep quiet at this point while he was circling your bud with his skilful tongue before finally plunging it deep inside.
“AH! DADDY!” you screamed, accidentally letting his cock out of your mouth. He growled, not pleased by not being in your mouth. With a jerk his cock opened your mouth again.
“My cock will be buried here until I say I so. You want to be punished, bitch?” He grabbed a handful of hair from your head, tugging it, making you squirm.
With your tongue swirling around the head in a tantalising manner while massaging his balls Toji let out a long, deep moan.
“Slowly, bitch…that’s it baby,” he murmured hoarsely. “Don’t fuck with me, you bitch. I’ll punish you for that later,” he threatened you, grasping the back if your head tightly.
“Take all of me, you fucking slut. You like being treated like this, don’t you?” he bucked his hips more towards you, hands wrapped around your throat.
Groaning loudly, Toji pushed once again, driving himself deeper into your poor throat as he reached his climax. With each movement of your head, he lost control of himself. It was all raw and primal. His sheer strength overpowering your body into a puddle.
With his hands tied up in your hair, he releases himself. Hot white streaks of excessive cum painted your face. A glare from Toji made you lick up every excessive drop.
“Daddy…how are we going to shoot now? I think I drank up all your cum…” you innocently said while wiping your face clean, not noticing Toji smirking while checking out the footage that he recorded.
The both of you would be swimming in money soon.
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