#yes I definitely took this off from the disaster girl
chaoartwork · 1 year
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“I hate peace!”
Happy birthday to this slug alien demon. Just a cute bundle of chaotic evil he was.
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igotanidea · 7 months
Newcomer : Simon Riley x reader pt 1
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Ever since she was a kid she was learnt how to be obedient.
A good girl.
Always listening to her parents, doing whatever they told, listening, being the best student in the school, always with the best grades, sticking with the rules.
Some things changed when she entered the teenagerhood. The "rebel age". Questioning a lot of things, defying her parents, trying to find her own way. It didn;t exactly work well with her parents, who would much rather she was still a kid, that they could control in any way they saw fit. But since she stopped listening to words and taking them for granted, the methods of their behaviour upgraded as well.
Every time she did something her parents believed to be wrong (meaning: done in the way that was diffent from theirs) she was called names, yelled at and condemned to cold treatment until she apologises.
Whenever she tried fighting her way or proving her point or straight-forward call her parents on their bullshit she ended up on the floor, being choked or hit, screaming at the top of her lungs, scratching and wriggling in pain. Sporting the bruises and marks long after cause her father was not a man who took objection well and definitely not the one to pull his punches.
So she moved out.
But pretty much it didn;t change a lot in her mentality.
Yes, she became successfull and made a career.
Yes, she aced in the professional area.
But her personal life was a mess.
And while her "friends" were getting married and having kids she was alone, save for that one guy she was hanging around thinking he cared for her.
But it clearly was not enough.
Every family meeting was met with more and more intrusive questions and moralising that a woman her age should have a husband and a family and a proper life and not spending time solely on her work.
Constant comparision to the kids of her parents' friends was not good for her mental health, since obviously she was a failure in that juxtaposition.
No one ever ask how you doing anymore cause they know nothing good is happening in your life.
Truly there's nothing to say when my colleagues keep talking about their kids with nice family life.
You fucked up your own life. You must have kids at some points.
I am just so tired of admiring other's kids without being able to show off my own grandkids!
You are mental for saying that you don;t want kids!
As fucked up as all those comments from her parents were they were making her feel like a walking disaster. No one. A trash. It was like all her mother and father saw in her was an empty womb that seemed to be a disgrace for the family. Apparently, nothing else in her life was worth mentioning in this competition.
And it fucking hurt every time. Like a shot in the heart cause being alone was not something she choose.
But after months and months of hearing all those harsh words, she made a few mistakes....
Long story short, one night with her so-called-boyfiend ended up with her being pregnant.
And said boyfirend laughing in her face, while calling her a whore, profoundly explaining why the bastard was not his problem at all and leaving her alone, disappearing from her life.
Yes, she could have terminated, but it was not something she could live with in the long term.
So she was keeping the baby.
"You whore!" her mother yelled at her
"you both wanted grandkids!" Y/N laughed maniaclly in response "there! your dreams just came true, you should be fucking happy!"
"You're an infamy. You have an illegitimate child, no husband, not even boyfirend, no one." her father added cruelly "do not expect any help from us."
"But--" she stuttered. This was not something she saw coming. But the facts stood clear - her own parents were pretty much disowning her, leaving her completely alone to tend to herself and the unborn baby.
"Get out of this house Y/N. I don;t have a daughter from today."
"But mom-"
"You heard what your mother said. Get out. Now."
It was terrible on so many levels. Not only because they kicked her out, but also because they still wanted the girl who would follow their every order, not realising she was a grown up woman.
So obviously she left. Trying to wrap her head around what happened and figure how to deal with everything alone.
And that was when Simon came into her life.
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dogsayswoof · 1 year
Hounds From Hell Chapter 4
Summary: Tension at the Rave'n dance. And some backstory to the hounds.
Word Count: 2.5k Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Hounds from Hell Masterlist)
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Despite the small concussion, your grades in chemistry were improving, you had a whole bunch of new friends, and your team won the semi-finals game.
You could say life was going significantly better than it was at the beginning of the year.
Wednesday and your study da- hangouts had extended to going for coffee and walks in the woods, no longer exclusively studying and lunch as a group. Your feelings were undeniable and you were falling head over heels for the abrasive girl in front of you.
Wednesday could also not deny her growing feelings but was still refusing to take you any farther than friends. Sure, you had your moments here and there. Lingering touches and confusing analogies that were definitely not actually about the subject at hand.
Then came the week of the Rave'n. Enid was gushing over her and Ajax's matching outfits and was begging you daily-hourly, to ask Wednesday.
"Enid I'm not asking her" you huffed as the blonde werewolf disturbed your date with a menacing burrito you were dying to dig into.
"Y/N please. Think about how CUTE you guys would look. She's wearing this gorgeous black dress her mother sent her last week and we'd get you in a black suit, with a black shirt and tie, you two would be to DIE for."
"If I ask her will you stop bugging me about it?" you said and she nodded aggressively.
"I promise" she said her signature smile plastered on her face.
"Okay then, I'm holding you to it" you said finally settling it to destroy the burrito that had been waiting patiently for you.
Your heart was racing. It had taken you three days to figure out how to even approach asking Wednesday and the dance was tomorrow.
You stood in front of her door, a single black dahlia in hand.
You knocked.
No answer.
You knocked again.
No answer.
You knocked again this time twice.
"What are you doing" said the familiar monotone voice from next to you causing you to jump.
Clearly she had not been in her room.
"Fuck, you scared me" you said and she looked you up and down taking a mental inventory of everything.
"Is that for me?" she asked curiously.
"Uh yeah, I.. uh.. I wanted to know if you'd go to the Rave'n with me?" you said scratching the back of your neck nervously.
Your arm extended to offer her the flower.
She took it and her chest filled with regret.
"I can't."
Your features almost immediately drooped, like a dog with a tail between their legs.
"Oh.." you wanted to escape. Be anywhere but in front of her.
"I just.. I already have a date" she said softer than normal, guilt gnawing at her stomach.
"oh.." you said even quieter.
"I'm sorry." she said and you shrugged,
"Nah, it's cool. I understand, this place is crawling with people who want you so.."
You left her standing there, blocking out anything else going on around you wanting to escape, and Wednesday wanted to follow you. She wanted to say yes. She would probably greater enjoy your companionship than the boy she agreed to go with, but she couldn't just blow him off. She needed to get close to him for her recent investigation.
She looked down to see Thing tapping the ground with her in annoyance.
"What are you looking at?" she said and he signed to her
"What do you know about love? You're just a hand"
He flipped her off before scurrying into the room.
If asking Wednesday to the dance wasn't a disaster, all the events leading up to the event were. In the chaos that was this week, you had forgotten that the Rave'n fell on a hunt night.
You, the Hemingways, and the Bassets filed into the car that your father had sent to pick you all up. It was a thirty minute drive to the estate you always found yourself at every full moon. You were all wearing the suits you had intended to wear tonight, bar Elizabeth who was in a stunning obsidian dress.
George had a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. Benton and Atwell chose a navy suit and a black suit respectfully. And you wore the all black Enid had suggested besides a dark red tie instead. Couldn't let her get a complete win.
Your fathers greeted you at the door. Your families weren't ones to show love, but they were proud of you all. You were Hades's favourite servants after all.
T-3 hours until the Rave'n starts.
All three of your families stood in the center of the living room, mingling as you waited for your masters arrival. You had done a sufficient job of avoiding your father, your mother nowhere to be found.... again.
But when you felt his hand on your shoulder and his gruff laugh, your attempts were in vain.
"Y/n" he bellowed out and you flinched at the friendly roughness.
"Father" you said and he came around handing you a blood red cocktail.
You downed it quickly.
"School is going well? hmm? and I heard your football escapades are quite successful" he said grinning down at you.
You nodded begging for the alcohol to hit you in order to pleasantly engage with him.
T-2 hours until the Rave'n starts.
The typical bell sounded as all of you stood up straighter. The fireplace began to shift and contort into a door. Waves of fire encompassed the whole thing and from beyond the dark hole, came Hades himself.
"My favorite, allegiant, exceptional, hounds" he yelled. His tall figure holding a drink dressed in dark black robes. "Are you ready to feast?"
You all were sitting at the long, decorated, feast table. Your older brothers to your right in their own suits. Your father sat at the head of the table, next to Hades himself. Across from you were the Hemingways and at the other end were the Bassets.
The fathers were all talking with Hades on one end and you just played with your food.
"I heard you all have a dance tonight" boomed Hades and you grimaced looking up from your plate.
"Yes" answered George and Hades laughed.
"Any of you fine dogs have girls waiting on you?" he questioned and you grimaced again, "While it sounds childish and trivial I remember being young"
Benton blushed and most of your pack nodded a similar pink shade gracing their faces.
"I would hate for you all to miss it over little old me and I'm feeling generous tonight. If you all leave for the hunt now and we'll work something out, I'll be sure to get you there"
You stood up quickly and gestured to the door. The rest of your pack got up as well. Hades beamed with pride as you lead them out into the night, leaving the parents and the older kids at the table.
You looked back through the open door and he had a wicked smile before speaking to you.
"Go young pup, and kill for me"
Your lack of attendance was duly noticed by Wednesday. She was escorted around the room by her date and tried to interact with your friends but your absence was palpable.
So when you walked in with the rest of your pack an hour late looking tired yet vibrant at the same time. Wednesday needed to talk to you.
Unfortunately for her, you caught a glimpse of who she was with.
Tyler Fucking Galpin
Your history with him was short but violent. You had had nothing but passive aggressive encounters any time you went to the Weathervane and the loving stares he gave Wednesday when the two of you would be in there was more than enough to get under your skin.
Yet how could you be jealous? She wasn't your girl. You didn't own her and you sure as hell couldn't control who she decided to be with.
Any other night you would engage with him, give him a run for his money, but you couldn't. Not tonight, no matter how much you wanted to egg him on.
You decided to head in the opposite direction, your pack splitting off, being met with the vampire from the party who had stolen you from Wednesday in the first place.
She sparkled up at you as you made small talk with her.
Wednesday watching the encounter from over Tyler's shoulder felt her fist tighten when the girl grabbed your tie playing with it in a very flirty manner. You just smiled and encouraged her behaviour.
"Tyler could you get us some punch?" she asked to the cheery boy.
"Yeah of course. I'll be right back" he glimmered at her, totally enamored by her.
Wednesday took this opportunity to walk directly towards you. 
She tapped you and you turned from the girl whose name you still hadn't learned.
"I need to talk to you" she said and you nodded.
"I'll be right back" you flashed the girl a smile and Wednesday noticed your canines were a little longer than they were earlier.
"What's up" you asked roughly and she felt like she could finally see you.
Your eyes were a dark shade of red. Your face was littered in small scratches, a smudge of dirt remained on your jaw. She wanted to reach out and wipe it away, just to touch you. Damn the Addams curse.'
"What happened?" she asked bluntly and you looked away from her.
"I thought we agreed not to lie to each other?" she huffed,
"Nothing important enough for right now" you corrected yourself.
Wednesday bit her inner cheek when it hit her like a truck where you had disappeared to. 
"Why are you here with him?" you asked bitterly, staring daggers at the normie boy from across the room without the boys knowledge.
"He asked me to the dance. He also helps me with things around Jericho sometimes." Wednesday said never taking her eyes off your face watching you clench and unclench your jaw, watching your eyes trace different things in the room.
"He doesn't even go here." you said roughly, "And what could he help you with."
You had a different aura around you tonight. She could feel the death that surrounded you. If she could only touch you, she was certain she could feel it coursing through your veins.
She knew you had hunted tonight, and she was drawn to this side of you. You were assertive, strong, and definitely jealous, and she was oh so attracted to it.
"I fucking hate that kid" you growled just enough for the two of you to hear.
She looked to the young boy and knew he was nothing compared to you standing in front of her. She felt a pull in her heart towards you, tugging at each individual string, playing a melody only you could cause.
Her train of thought was interrupted as you both noticed Tyler headed straight towards you guys, a certain look in his eye. He wanted a fight.
"Fuck off" you growled again and as you turned to leave, Wednesday instinctively grabbed your sleeve.
She had the look in her eye that begged you not to leave and you obeyed.
Whipped mutt you thought to yourself.
"Wednesday, you friends with her?" Tyler asked feigned niceness, settling in to her side.
You wanted to rip him to shreds and you could have, but you controlled yourself for the sake of the girl beside him.
"Yeah actually, we're real good friends" you smirked at him.
He was itching to push your buttons.
"Oh yeah, I'd say Wednesday and I are too. Coffee dates, walks around Jericho" he smirked wrapping his arm around her.
Wednesday could see your muscles flexing straining to hold back from giving Hades one last soul tonight.
"You know Galpin, people like you wind up getting hurt around here." you growled at him
"I think I'll be okay." he smiled and looked to Wednesday.
One part of Wednesday wanted you to unleash yourself on him. Let yourself go and show her your full potential but she knew how that would end and she wanted to keep you around.
"C'mon Wednesday, let's go dance." he said pulling her away from you and she obliged.
You could have gone back to the vampire and get your fix but you were searching for a different fix tonight.
"Hey Bianca, you guys bring anything?" you asked tracing the boy and her through the crowd.
The siren smiled wide and handed you a small flask.
"I thought you'd never ask."
You drank to suppress the urge to kill more people and you drank to suppress the thoughts of Wednesday and Tyler. Coffee dates? Were you fucking serious.
Your brain ran wild imaging them sitting in the same booth as you and her. Sharing her quad over ice. Causing you to grab the flask and chugging the burning liquid.
You let yourself go, dancing wildly with Enid and Ajax, Bianca, Yoko, Kent, even Xavier.
Then the slow song began. Everyone coupled up and swayed to the music.
You found a spot along the wall, watching as Tyler bumbled in trying to dance with Wednesday.
She looked like she wanted to choke him out causing a small smile to grace your lips.
Bianca and Xavier were dancing to all of your surprise. Atwell and Elizabeth might of finally realized their feelings as they swayed to the music awkwardly, expected from them though. Ajax and Enid looked ever happily in love. Benton was charming some girl as he twirled her around the floor.
The vampire approached you and you mentally groaned.
"Would you dance with me?" she asked sheepishly.
To your distain, you agreed. You took her out to the floor and danced with her, making sure to keep a distance though. You kept your eyes away from Wednesday and Tyler at all costs.
When the slow dance wrapped up, the teachers came on the microphone announcing the end of the dance.
All of your friends met up outside, agreeing to walk back to the dorms together. As Wednesday exited you noticed the Galpin kid was gone. She found your side as you all walked chirping about the tonight's dance with the happiness of a child on Christmas.
You and her were quiet though. Listening to your friends with a empathetic smile.
"Did you enjoy your night?" Wednesday broke through,
"Sure" you said giving her a quick glance, "Did you?"
"Tyler was a horrendous dancer and was fawning over me like a cat in heat" she said and you flexed your jaw again,
"Yes he is quite smitten with you" you gruffed and she nudged you
You let out a small laugh, but the pain in your heart was everlasting. She wanted to apologize and tell you that she wished she had gone with you but her words wouldn't come out.
"Do you like him?" you asked bracing for the answer,
"No. He is simply a convenience when I need things in town. The free coffee is nice too."
"But you guys go on dates?" you said staring at the floor again,
"They are not dates." she said sternly
"So you don't have feelings for him?" you clarified and she surprised you by nudging you,
"I absolutely do not have feelings for him. He is merely a convenience."
"Am I?" you began cautiously, "... Am I merely just a convenience...?"
She stopped walking and turned towards you.
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imkillerbae · 1 year
In the Inbetween (Valorant Yoru x Reader)
Chapter 1: A New Recruit Arrives
Summary: You arrive at the Valorant protocol and meet most of the agents.
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“You nervous?” You hear Neon, the blue haired girl, ask you. You lift your head up from your phone and notice that she was already looking at you, a wide grin plastered on her face. The Vulture sped through the sky, the wind blowing her blue hair wildly.
“Uh, a little,” you reply honestly, staring back at her with a small smile, but your hands were trembling. Gekko sees this and puts an arm around your shoulders, comfortingly patting you. “Nah, we’re chill! You don’t have to be nervous. My crew and I got you,” he smiles at you. You could smell his strong cologne despite the strong gust of wind against your face.
It was crazy. A few days ago, you were just a fresh graduate from college. You were getting ready to get into the corporate world when disaster in the city struck.
You were radiant, and despite there being laws against radiant powers being used without police supervision, you went into action, doing your best to save people from an explosion. You healed and lured people to safety. You barely managed to escape being caught and detained by the police, but unbeknownst to you, you had caught the attention of someone named Brimstone.
Somehow he was able to track you down, and you immediately begged for him not to take you in. To your surprise, he wanted to see you for an entirely different reason. Together with a dark haired woman, they offered you a job where your radiance could be utilized. Any normal person would definitely decline the offer; the job description was danger in every sense of the word. But you were tired of hiding your radiance, tired of being cast aside for being different. You did nothing wrong by saving people, why couldn’t the world understand that?
Giving it some more thought, you reluctantly agreed to join the Valorant Protocol; an underground organization of agents handling affairs concerning radianite. You soon learned that the explosion was a result of their failure to stop the attackers from planting, and soon understood that this was a job that wasn’t for everyone. You had the means to enter this job, so you felt obligated to join. After a few days, you packed lightly, said goodbye to your puzzled parents, and got picked up by a large helicopter like vehicle. The dark haired woman driving the vehicle, with Gekko and Neon helping you with your luggage. It was strange for them to ask you to go to a remote place to be picked up, but then again, they were a covert operation.
“We’re here,” the dark haired woman said, her eyes glinting. You felt intimidated by her, she had a threatening aura around her. “Yes Ma’am!” Gekko laughs, smiling, and Neon raises an eyebrow at him. “Chirpy much?” She chides, hopping off the helicopter before it fully landed. You took that as a que to stand up and grab your bags. “Yeah I am! We got a new agent, and she’s on our age bracket!” He fist bumps one of his pets, the blue one, and the dark haired woman groans. “If Brimstone recruits another toddler in this protocol, we’ll turn into a nursery. I am not one for babysitting, so make sure you’re useful,” she glares at you, and you gulp. This woman was beautiful but terrifying. Gekko scratches the back of his head sheepishly then takes the bags that you held from you. “Don’t mind her, she’s just moody today. Go ahead, I’ll handle the luggage.” Gekko offers, and you smile and nod. “I heard that, Gekko.” The woman remarks as she hops off the helicopter.
You could see Gekko still smiling so you assumed that this was a normal conversation between them. You will be with these people for a while so you made sure to take note of the small things about them.
You hopped off, holding the strap of your shoulder bag. The wind blew hard, so you held your arm above your face. The sunlight blinded you but as you adjusted your view, you were met with blue skies, mountains, lush greenery, exotic birds in the distance, and an expanse of concrete below you. Ahead were a few people standing to watch you.
“Hey rookie. How’d the flight go?” A woman with an orange hat greets cheerily, another girl with a green hat next to her following suit. You feel relief wash over you seeing how welcoming they were. “Hi, Brimstone is in his office right now but I’d like to be the one to welcome you to the Valorant Protocol! My callsign is Killjoy, but call me KJ. This one over here is called Raze. You already know we don’t use real names here right?” She smiles, adjusting her glasses.
You nod and look around. “I’m Solace, and yeah. He gave me a brief.” You see others in the sidelines, and wonder how many people are in the protocol. Robots carry your belongings down the building while you follow KJ and Raze. You see a white haired woman who looked young together with man who had fiery frosted hair. They talked amongst themselves, later joined by Neon and Gekko.
“This is the HQ. We’re situated in a remote island off the coast of Hawaii. A parameter is set up around the whole island so civvies won’t be able to find us here. Nice, no?” KJ muses, gesturing to the gray walls of the building. “I personally think the whole place could use some paint. Sometimes I feel like I’m trapped in a prison so I go outside as much as I can. You play football?” Raze asks, and you giggle, shaking your head. “I’m not too athletic. But I can go for a few games of volleyball by the beach.” You replied.
The two toured you around the whole place. It was spacious, filled with utility rooms, armories, training rooms and more. There was a gym, an indoor and outdoor pool, a mess hall, fully equipped kitchens with robot chefs, and some other rooms that they didn’t bother showing you. As you walked with them, you listened to the two banter. They were very wholesome.
You stop walking. You feel something, someone, walk past. You snap your head towards the direction of the movement. You flinch as the light suddenly flickers. The two women in front of you don’t even notice you pausing. You turn to a corner and your eye catches something move, but all it left was a wisp of dark royal blue. You stood there, eyes narrowed.
What the hell was that?
“Hey, rookie. You okay?” Raze tilts her head curiously. An aura enveloped you: it was your radiant powers. “Oh, uh, yeah. Thought I just saw something in the corner.” You said anxiously, and the two women looked at each other, puzzled. “Maybe you’re jet lagged. I think it’s time we showed you your temporary room.” You give KJ a confused look.
“Temporary?” You inquired, and she nods. “We have a tradition here. Every agent that joined us cleaned out their own room. Your actual room is situated 2 floors down, and it’s full of junk. We’re putting you in a temporary room so you can rest. Feel free to explore the whole place before you snooze. And if you’re confused with the machinery here, we’re your gals.”
The two left you in front of your temporary room. It was barely furnished but enough to be called your temporary bedroom. Your bags were already dropped of here. “This all feels so… sudden.” You tell yourself, looking at your feet. You missed your folks back at home already.
“What is?”
You jump in your place, and the person who spoke is stunned, clutching his head. “Shit! Oh my god, I am so so sorry,” you immediately rush to them and help them get their head up. “That’s what you get for startling someone and not reading the brief, Phoenix.” The girl you saw earlier leans on the door frame, smiling coolly as her friend writhed. “What the hell was that?” He says, standing up properly. “I-it’s my radiant powers. It’s controlled by my emotions. Whenever I get startled, I accidentally stun people. I am so so sorry.” You apologized, but the white-haired girl chortles.
“Oh, don’t apologize to him. It was his fault for not reading the brief. It literally stated your powers there. How’s it feel pretty boy?” She teases, pulling him upright by the jacket. Phoenix, you assumed his name was, shook his head and winced. “Painful but I’m fine. Your powers are pretty wicked!” He scratches the back of his head sheepishly before smiling smugly.
“I’m Jett, and this… is embarrassing.” Jett rolls her eyes as Phoenix fixed his jacket. “The name’s Phoenix, but you can call me the King,” he winks, but Jett smushes his face against the wall. “Don’t… call him that.” She warns, but then smiles again. You chuckle nervously, looking at the two. “I’m Solace. Nice to meet you guys,” you introduce yourself.
From chatting with them, you soon learned that they were following you while you followed KJ and Raze. They invited you to meet the rest of the agents, and you eagerly join them after changing clothes.
“There’s more of us?” You ask, looking around. “Oh, you don’t actually think this is all of us. Some of them are on deploy right now but we can bother the rest. You’ve met Neon and Gekko already yeah?” Jett asks, and you nod. “That woman over there, the blondie, that’s Deadlock. Next to her is Sage, there’s Neon and Fade.” You nod along, trying your best to remember their names. Deadlock and Fade both glance at you and give you a nod, and Sage smiles at your direction. “Welcome young one. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she greets, and you blush.
You then keep moving. “That over there, is Cypher, and that huge chunk of metal there is KAY/O. Omen looks pretty scary but he’s a chill guy. If you need good book recommendations, he’s your guy,” Phoenix introduced, taking a drink from the cooler. “It’s pretty rare for a lot of us to be here at the same time so you just got luck. Astra, Skye and Harbor are deployed, Chamber is in Hongkong right now right?” He adds, and Jett nods. “On a recon mission with Breach and Sova.”
“There’s so many of us, it’s kinda hard to keep track of names. No offense,” you shrug, and Cypher tilts his head. “Not to worry. You will soon come to realize that we’re all very memorable,” you could tell he was smiling under that mask he had. Some of the agents barely acknowledged you but you were glad that most of them were nice.
“Wait, where’s Yoru?” Jett asks Phoenix, and he just shrugs. “I don’t know. Probably brooding somewhere.” He then looks at you for a moment. “What did you say your powers were? Since we’re all here anyway.”
You ended up giving them a demonstration. You were told that you were an initiator. You didn’t know what that exactly meant but you could tell that you were supposed to make it hard for the enemies to hold sites by keeping them occupied while the duelists pick them off one by one. Your controlled your powers well, but your heightened emotions could affect them. You could give heals, you had a stun, a lure, and an ultimate that could detect the positions of enemies and make them vulnerable to damage. When demonstrating, you got shy. They all listened so intently that you were so nervous about messing up your words. You could tell they were taking mental notes.
It was tiring but worth it. You also learned a lot about their abilities, and how you could utilize each other’s powers in battle. You also learned that the dark haired lady’s name was Viper, and that she was Brimstone’s right hand. “Finally, a new person to duo with. I’m sick of having to duo with Sova. He keeps nagging me.” Phoenix sighs, and KAY/O snorts, or at least he made a sound similar to it. “You deserve it for pushing without waiting for him.”
You all talked for a while, but as you started to yawn, you figured you’d hit the hay. Quietly, you excused yourself from the conversation. It was getting late anyways. The walk back was quiet, in a strange way. You kept glancing corners, anxious about what happened earlier. Maybe there was a ghost? You didn’t really believe in those but the fear was still there.
Before you went to bed, you unpacked some of your stuff. You took out the bare necessities since you’d be better off unpacking in your actual room. “One, two… where’s the last one?” Your eyebrows knit, looking around. Your bag filled with your delicates were nowhere to be found. Did Gekko forget to bring that down? You look back to your door, then decide against asking. You instead opted to check the rooftop yourself. They were all having fun so you didn’t want to pull Gekko away from that.
Retracing your steps back to the rooftop, you lit the way with your phone. Quietly, you reached the rooftop, the wind from the sea was strong. You were almost blown away by the hoodie you wore. Looking around, you try to look for your bag. “Where the hell did they put that bag,” you sighed.
Unbeknownst to you, someone noticed you come up. You were unaware of the other entity in the corner. They stood there, silently watching as you tried to make out the whole place with the limited light from the sky and your phone.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
You jump at the low voice, but he was too far away to be stunned. You squinted. Most of him was hidden by the shadow apart from his eyes. You stare back at him, your guards up. You see the familiar wisp of royal blue, and you try to stand firm. “E-excuse me?” You try to sound confident, but your voice betrays you.
“I think you heard me well enough. I don’t like repeating myself.” He steps out of the darkness, and you feel your radiant powers jolt. He was wearing a gray long sleeve shirt, hugging his slender figure. Dark pants and shoes, but his face was all you were focused on. He had a scowl, spiky hair dyed blue in the middle and eyes that could pierce through you. He looks you up and down, and you turn red. Who the hell does he think he is?
“I’m just looking for my bag Sir,” you reason, returning his hostile stare. So he was what you saw earlier. You didn’t know if you were thankful that it was him rather than a ghost. “Look for it in the morning. I don’t like visitors.” He scoffs, uncaring and unrelenting. Your eye twitches in annoyance. “Unfortunately I can’t, that bag is important and it can’t wait till tomorrow. I’ll mind my own business, you mind yours. The sooner I find it, the quicker I’ll be out of your hair.”
Was this another agent perhaps? It looked like he was. You could tell he was radiant, the aura he had was very strong. And his stare was intense, as if he was expecting you to suddenly move and attack.
He takes a few steps forward, and you could see him better now. You purse your lips. If he really was an agent here, you already gave a bad impression. You sighed before speaking. “I’m Solace, the new recruit. Just so you know.” You hear him laugh coldly, and you raise your brow. “Something funny about that?” You threatened, but he just tilts his head.
“Yeah. The fact that you think I care enough to know.” Before you could lash out, he suddenly disappears. You jump in place. “Behind you,” you hear him say, and you turn around. He held up the bag that you were looking for and haphazardly tossed it in your general direction. He was smirking, amused with himself probably. Your eyebrows knit in annoyance. You took your bag, and hugged it, protecting yourself from his eyes. “Don’t come up here in these hours. I don’t like to be bothered.” He then turns around and walks back to where he originally was. You watch his walk with confident strides, but all you felt was embarrassment and annoyance. Who was this person? And why does he act like he owns the place? You clenched your fists, but decided not to talk back anymore. You were too tired to fight with him. Sighing, you mumble a thanks before descending downstairs, back to your room. Your blood was simmering in your head.
After you left, his smirk fell into an emotionless frown. He heaves a heavy sigh, staring into the sky. It was cold up where he was but he wasn’t too bothered. He’d rather feel the cold than feel empty. He was annoyed that someone barged in on him when he was enjoying his quiet time. But it couldn’t be helped.
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*cracks knuckles* ay folks you get a tumbler exclusive for awhile because I'm to lazy to actually go onto ao3
Reminder time!! This is my a.u and is not a direct depiction of spo/wii aran Ryan's personality
Tw's: slightly detailed injuries, reference to Macbeth, and self harm by hot water
Thanks to: @atypical-artisan for helping with errors and formatting
“Aran! C’mon we're going to be late!”
Absolutely no response came from the guy. Having Andrew sigh as if it was a daily occurrence now.
“Give the kid a break this is the longest he’s been separated from Ardin since..” Roree took her brush and tapped it seven times before snapping. “Since that time the school separated them by accident!”
“Roree, that's not something to be excited about.” Andrew pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don't got time for this! I have a match in an hour!”
“Andy it's not until 3.”
“If you're not early you're-”
“late blah blah blah you know i think Deedee knows a german fella you would love.”
“If I wasn't pissed already I would smack you.”
“Oh I would love to see you try!”
Andrew growled and Started to head upstairs, muttering about the upcoming fight. And complaining about Lucky being a whole sea away for another disaster, as he turned and opened the door.
“Aran!- I said- down Cu- I said come on!” Andrew pushed the dog down before giving it a small pat. He looked directly at the bed that had Aran in it. “I know you ain't sick lad, otherwise we would have been to the doctors already… again…”
“i rather be there then see another one of ye go against the bi-”
“Watch your tone.”
Andrew attempted to step over the random clothing and items on the floor, the kid loved to do big projects but god forbid he cleans his room, as he then took Aran’s blanket and pulled them off.
“You’re goin’. I'm not leaving you: a teenager who witnessed his twin get sent to the hospital because of a damn cheater, alone in a house with more than enough to make us wo-OW!”
Aran slid a pair of horseshoes onto Andrew's foot, and despite seeing it coming it still hurt. Andrew shook his foot before glaring at Aran and picking up the horseshoes.
“You're going, rather you're being willing or not. And I can hold up me own with you so I suggest-”
“Yeah I'm feckin’ going lieutenant bollox.”
That got a smack from Andrew as Aran got up. Who just rolled his eyes and grabbed a sleeveless hoodie from the ground. Andrew rolled his eyes before sighing.
“Ye know we care about ya right?”
“..look Aran I promise that im goin’ to remind her not to fuck around with us.”
“And how will you do that?”
Aran took a glance at the horseshoes before stuffing them in his own hoodie’s pocket.
“Going with a different style.”
There were multiple reasons why Andrew never cheated. First, it reminded him of how unfair the world could truly be, the second stemmed from Ardin who once saw Aran break his hand from the horseshoe in glove tactic and now gets on top of people who do that. The 3rd reason was self explanatory, it was just wrong. He got here fair and square and he always wanted to stay like that.
Plus hitting a girl with horseshoes that were your own brother’s seemed wrong. But after a week of hearing the girl shit talk his own family the final straw was definitely close to breaking now.
Yet at the same time, it was still cheating. Even Narcis got onto him about it. Yes he wanted revenge for putting his sister in the hospital but she was 19 and able to stand her own ground normally.
“This is a mistake,” He muttered, adjusting his gloves.
There was a faint line that showed where the horseshoes were. He had time to call for a glove check. That would make a fair fight. He turned around to his coach but before he could say anything his opponent started yapping.
“Ey! Rran! You ready to prove to your own country that your family is full of weak and pathetic people? Thought your sister would relay the message!”
Rran- I mean Andrew snapped his head back, giving his opponent a death glare as his coach tapped him on the shoulder.
“Ay, you need something lad?”
Andrew thought for a moment before the bell signaling the start sounded.
“Just have medics on stand by.”
He got up from his corner, hearing the announcer shout the name Aran Ryan, god he's going to need to change that soon, with a lot more accuracy then the bitch Infornt of him ever actually did.
God will it be a blessing for her to shut up and have a ruined face.
The referee stepped onto the mat in-between the two, not uncommon when you put two enemies together in a match, and pulled out a piece of paper.
“Ight let's get this over with. This is a time trial so you only have 3 minutes. Once those three minutes are up you both go back to your corners and I'll decide the winner. You both should know the tko and ko rules by now right?”
“Yeah yeah can we get punching now?”
“Andrew, I will personally give you 20 euros if you break her mouth.”
Punch blade looked quite offended at that as Andrew just rolled his eyes.
“Oh relax about him.”
He glared at punch blade.
“I'm going to do much much worse.”
As the bell rung again Andrew’s coach went over to the doors, specifically where Roree and Aran were.
“Shouldn't yo-”
“I'm getting the medics like he asked. Wanna come?”
“No thanks. I got the short straw with this one.”
Aran slightly nudged Roree for that statement, solely because it wasn't a wise discussion even for him to smack someone who has a metal weight on her wrist. That alone was probably 5 pounds. Let alone the fact she was kinda an official arms wrestler. He proceeded to watch the fight, only slightly noticing something was off.
“Hey Roree?”
“I think he broke her back.”
“Oh very fu- wait what.”
As if on cue as Roree turned around she saw Andrew push the screaming girl off of him, and landed a kick right in the stomach. Not a signature move in the ring. But definitely a signature move outside of it. And it always landed someone in the hospital and him in the station.
“Oh shit- uh Aran im going to run somewhere you just um stay.”
Aran just gave a thumbs up as Roree ran into the hall.
Meanwhile the referee started the count as soon as punch blade hit the floor, but stopped when he saw Andrew pull another punch directly in her face.
“Hey. Andrew, that's enough! Back to your corner!”
But Andrew didn't care, he continued the punches, landing them in spots that would definitely leave more than a bruise.
The only time he stopped was when a blade sliced over his glove, cutting it open, Resulting in the horseshoe falling out and a gasp from the crowd, even Aran looked shocked at the scene.
The shock eventually wore off as punch blade took her knife out of her glove and attempted to stab Andrew with it, only for him to grab her arm and smash the horseshoe right onto it.
The look in his eyes was almost chilling as he lifted the thing up, like he was contemplating something, before he smashed the horseshoe right into her mouth. Breaking past the mouth guard and cracking a few teeth, the second time did a few in.
He then grabbed her hair and smashed the side of her head, right where her ear was. He was about to go for her neck next when something grabbed the horseshoe and yanked it out of his hand.
“Jesus fuck Andrew enough! She's down! You won!”
Roree tossed the horseshoe aside and grabbed Andrew's arm and pulled him away while a medic looked at punch blade. The ring was now stained with blood.
“Dude the hell did you do to her?”
The referee got onto the ring while looking at punch blade, causing Andrew to look too.
Frankly what was listed wasn't the only thing he apparently did, there was a gash on her head and she was spitting pieces of teeth and mouth guard out, but she was clenching the side of her torso, specifically where the ribs were. And it was clear her arm was broken, or at least fractured. Her leg was sprained. Frankly Andrew didn't actually recall what he did or didn't do, but the horrified look on the peoples faces he could see spelled it all.
He almost killed her.
No response, what was there to say anyways? ‘oh i'm sorry for nearly killing you’?
Like he could have gotten the words out, his entire body was shaking, almost near hyperventilating.
Without another word he pulled his arm away from Roree, got up and rushed off the ring. Not even stopping as his sister yelled for him, then he was just gone.
It was only an hour after statements were given and the fun of it. In full frank nobody in any of the WVBA's would say anything bad about Andrew, hell shark bite from Australia even said he should have killed Lucy, yet it was completely useless as the officials found a letter of resignation and Andrew’s locker cleaned out shortly after they went to find him. Causing quite the worry in some of the Ireland officials and his own siblings.
“I'm sure he's fine. This was just. Something out of the ordinary he’ll come back!”
“No. No Aran he isn't.”
Roree sighed as she stopped herself from putting her head on the steering wheel of the car. Aran was holding his horseshoes Andrew stole, a case wasn't opened so it wasn't used as evidence, Aran wished it was though. It was probably more blood then horseshoe now, he had it wrapped in a couple of paper towels but they didn't do a good job of absorbing the blood. And frankly he was still scared of the whole thing, funny considering the fact he wasn't scared of anything else.
“Aran. If he's home I don't want you talking to him. Not yet anyways.”
Aran was about to protest as Roree held up her hand.
“You. You don't know this side of him. Frankly I rather you don't even come inside ‘til I tell you. Just, leave us alone to talk. Alright?”
There was more worry in her voice now. As if she was contemplating what she would find when she got home.
“Actually. If he is home -call Narcis, he had a fight with an Irish rookie today he should still be here, unless he actually likes making 2 to 6 hour trips.”
They stopped at their house, seeing Andrew’s bike just tossed onto the ground.
“Well at least he made it home in one piec- wait when did bring his bike?!”
“I think he just kept it there just in case.”
“Aran do me a favor and don't do that when you and Ardin move to new york. They're worse than here.”
Roree got out of the car and tossed her phone over to Aran.
“Narcis’s name is under ‘golden bastard’- don't tell Andrew- I'm going to go talk to him.”
Aran gave a thumbs up again as Roree went inside, her first notice was the mirror being foggy, the second was hot water being run.
“Andrew, you better not have been trying to wash your hands clean of blood like Lady Macbeth with hot water again!”
The water was shut off as the sound of a towel being quickly wrapped around hands was heard. How? Because he kept hitting the sink with his hand as Roree noticed him cleaning the sink from water drops.
“The hell are you doing?”
“What dishes? I did them this morning before we left!”
Andrew stayed silent as Roree walked over, steam was still leaving the stink as she grabbed the towel and pulled it off, seeing his typically slightly tan but still pale skin being sunburnt red. She just sighed as if this wasn't the first time.
“I'm not going to bug you on that. Why did you quit?”
“Why? Ain’t it obvious?”
Roree just shook her head at that.
“Andy, nobody in that association is going to turn you in. Hell they'll even drop the to-”
“I don't care. I still broke my own morals and almost killed someone in the ring!”
“That's.. well that's a bit of an over statement aint it?”
“Oh when the hell is it?!”
Andrew slammed his hand on the sink, before pulling it back.
“It doesn't matter, Roree. I'm not going back to a place that allows filthy cheaters to compete.”
“Aran’s a filthy cheater. I’m a filthy cheater. Are you saying-”
“You two are different. And again it doesn't and will not matter! Frankly I was already planning on quitting. This was just a send off.”
Roree was taken aback a bit from that.
“But you love boxing! It was your dream! What changed?”
“There's a difference between a dream and a reality, Roree. My dream was boxing. The reality is that no matter what somebody is going to cheat someone out of something.”
Andrew put a hand on his head. “I'm getting a headache. I'm going to bed.”
Before Roree could say anything he tossed the towel onto her head and walked off to his room. The door slammed shut as he entered it. Roree just looked onwards. Pondering if he was being serious or not. Then the front door slammed open.
well on the high note. At Least they could now replace that ugly door handle Narcis just ripped off. Roree didn't say anything, just pointed to Andrew’s room as Narcis Sprinted to his room. She proceeded to glare at Aran.
“I told you to just call him.”
“I did!”
“You said something, what was it?”
“Just a recap of everything.”
“I'm never trusting you with calling someone ever again.”
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eyesandtentacles · 1 year
People only like Toji because he's attractive
I saw a comment on Tik Tok saying something along those lines and honestly it didn't sit right with me.
Of course, people are free to have their own opinion and you don't have to like Toji, but I believe that there is much more to his character.
So this is a post where I talk about the things that I personally appreciate about Toji Fushiguro. We'll start simple and get deeper as we go on. So strap yourselves in because this is going to be a long one.
Spoilers for the upcoming season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
First let me start by saying that yes,
Toji is indeed very attractive
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Look at this fine specimen of a man. No wonder the fandom goes crazy for him.
His design is certainly aesthetically pleasing. The worm curling around his body and the tight shirt and baggy pants he's wearing emphasize his muscles and tiny waist making your eyes run all over him. His black hair falls on his handsome face nicely and the scar on his lips draws attention to it and adds a little bit of spice, just enough to tie this whole meal together.
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He is built like a snack and boy am I hungry!
But enough about his looks. Looks isn't the only thing he has to offer.
Toji has a superhuman body
Similarly to Maki, Toji is affected by Heavenly Restriction. His body is incredibly strong and fast and in exchange he possesses no cursed energy. But he doesn't even need cursed energy to see curses, because his senses are just that sharp and enhanced! He truly is an anomaly and if the jujutsu society recognised his potential instead of abusing him for being different, he would definitely be classified as a special grade sorcerer.
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Dude's a beast so he makes any battle that he takes part in fun and exciting to watch. He also had some interesting matchups allowing him to show off how skilled he is as a fighter.
We got to see him battle with Gojo,Geto and a disaster curse, all of them considered special grade and he won all but one of his encounters with them. However, that one loss was from the second battle with Gojo AKA the strongest sorcerer alive, who he almost killed on their first one, so that shows how superior his combat skills can really be.
But Toji doesn't only depend on his body to do the work.
Toji is smart
When tasked with the mission to kill Riko Amanai, instead of charging in right away, he simply sits and waits while others try their hand on the assassination.
But why is Toji waiting?
It's because he knows that Gojo is protecting this girl and he knows what he is capable off, so he chose to take things slow. By putting the money reward for the job on the internet and offering it to anyone who was successful in killing the target, he ensured that the protection squad would be constantly on edge. He even put a time limit on the offer to deceive them into believing that they only needed to be careful for a certain amount of time. As a result, when the time limit had passed and the group let their guard down Toji striked by putting a sword through Gojo's chest, an attack that would be lethal if it weren't faced with such a strong opponent.
He also took advantage of the fact that his lack of cursed energy makes him invisible to the security system of Jujutsu High and to the sorcerers around him. He made sure that his first strike against Gojo was with a normal sword and switched to a cursed tool when the surprise attack didn't work.
But where did that tool come from? And if it has cursed energy wouldn't it be detected?
Well that's where the worm comes in....
So basically, in order to keep the advantage of being invisible due to the lack of cursed energy and to always have weapons available, Toji keeps this cursed spirit on his stomach and whenever he needs something he simply vomits it out and does his thing. Kinda gross but very effective.
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Honestly it's terrifying how this man can use his body and anything else that is available to quickly come up with a strategy to kick your ass. Being his opponent must be a total nightmare since Toji is brutal and cares only about one thing and that is money.
Or maybe there is something more........
Toji cares about his family
Now I know what you're going to say and I agree.
Toji is a terrible father.
Not only did he abandon his son but he also sold him to the Zenins. That ain't exactly father of the year material. Despite this, there are moments that show that he loves his family.
One of those moments is when he recalls Megumi and that he was the one who named him. I refuse to believe that Toji woke up and chose a random name for his son, especially since Megumi means Blessing so he must have put some thought into it.
Additionally, in his dying moments he thought about his son and his wife and it was obvious that it's a memory that's dear to him. At first he chose to not say anything when asked about his last words, but changed his mind when he remembered Megumi, informing Gojo that he will be sold in the Zenin family and to do with that as he pleases. That ensured Gojo taking Megumi under his care and protection.
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Another moment is when Toji is back as a mindless puppet in Shibuya, fighting purely on instinct the strongest person in the room and when that person happened to be Megumi he froze, his eyes literally softening at the sight of his boy and he regained control long enough to ask a question and then kill himself to ensure that he won't bring him any more harm.
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But wait, you may ask, if he cares this much about Megumi why did he abandon and sell him?
Well the answer to that is a simple but sad one.
Toji is a broken man
Toji is a Zenin, a member of one of the most important clans in jujutsu society. But because he was born with no cursed energy he was abused by the family and left it completely unstable.
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Look at this panel. His eyes look so empty and tired. This was before he left from the clan and started to work as an assassin.
However, even while he was away from this toxic environment, the damage had been done. Toji definitely had issues regarding his self-worth. He kept trying to prove that someone like him can be strong and defeat sorcerers. He referred to himself as a ''useless monkey who can't even use jujutsu''. He kept saying while selling his son that unlike him, his son had potential since he had a cursed technique.
And in the end, in the battle that led to his death, instead of fleeing, he chose to stay and fight because he was facing Gojo and being able to crush him, the strongest sorcerer alive, would discredit the society that deemed him worthless.
His trauma caused him to ignore his survival instincts and led to his demise.
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This trauma was also the reason why he abandoned and sold Megumi. When he met his wife, Toji was able to calm down and become a bit more stable. He loved and really cared about this woman. But she died soon after Megumi was born, leaving Toji once again unstable but with a baby in his care.
At this point, his issues about his worth once again kicked in and he probably felt that he wouldn't be able to raise his son properly. So he sold him to the Zenin family, promising them that the kid would develop a good cursed technique and asking them to take care of him. In his mind, the place that he grew up would be better for Megumi since he had potential.
I'm guessing that before dying he realised that that environment would still be bad even for Megumi so he told Gojo about the deal maybe because he was hopeful that Gojo would help the kid. And of course that's exactly what happened.
So when Toji appears once again in Shibuya and comes face to face with Megumi he asks him a simple question.
What's your name?
And when Megumi replied with Fushiguro instead of Zenin I'm sure that that made Toji feel happy and relieved.
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All of this of course doesn't excuse any of his actions but it certainly explains them.
And all of his actions had some effect on the story.
Toji is an important part of the plot
Before he even appears in the anime, Toji has already made his impact. He was considered an anomaly and his mere existence was bound to affect the story in some way.
There were so many moments where we see how he affected it.
By almost killing Gojo, he made him realise his full potential and become the strongest.
By killing Riko Amanai, he caused Geto's spiral and existential crisis leading him to leave Jujutsu High and become a villain, only to later die and have his body used by Kenjaku for his big plan.
By killing Riko Amanai, he also stopped the merging with Master Tengen, something that had massive consequences and would be taken advantage of by Kenjaku in the future.
By telling Gojo about Megumi, he caused Gojo to take him under his protection, training him and raising him with much more care that the Zenin family ever would.
All of these moments are vital.
All of them caused by him.
Toji was an important piece to the whole puzzle of this story and without him Jujutsu Kaisen would not be complete.
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And just like that, we have reached the end.
Once again I'd like to say that you can believe whatever you want about Toji but simply reducing him to just an attractive character is a bit of a disservice to him, no?
Apologies for the chaotic writing I have way too many thoughts and can't articulate them properly.
Thank you to anyone who has read this far <3
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artzychic27 · 10 months
You got to admit that Marc and Nath have always had Adrien’s back in a way others haven’t. Like, them automatically sensing he was genderqueer/genderfluid? (Marinette probably dictate she was supposed to be the princess in their comic but they took one look at Adrien, and said “yeah no they’d wear a dress. There’s something gay going on there.” And take creative liberties because we all know Marc and Nath have good taste.) and to top it off on the Boys Only Party they literally kissed Adrien on his cheeks. That party was extremely gay and like I feel like Nath and Marc both said to Nino “we know he’s your baby chick but it’s obvious he’s not straight or Cis. We can break it to him gently or do it the fun way.” And Nino is saluting them like “I leave it to you. Don’t break the baby chick.”
Basically I’m just imagining Nath and Marc making plans with the Science kids to kidnap and adopt Adrien. He really needs it. I mean, a queer magical catboyTM who was literally born out of magic? He’s the perfect mascot for the Science Squad. From what I’ve seen they’ve all had some weird experiences with magic. Adrien literally is the definition of “weird experience with magic.”
Marc: *Pulls Adrien out of the body bag* Sorry, but we didn't know if you'd go with us willingly.
Adrien: But, I would have!
Nathaniel: See? I told you.
Marc: You suggested using chloroform!
Adrien: Guys! What's going on?
Jean: Why tell you... When I can sing to you?! *A spotlight shines on him, dressed in a sequin suit* Maestro! *Piano music plays* Weeeelll~
*After a lavish musical number written and choreographed by Jean*
Jean: And that's how they do it, from England to Pompei! My dear, sweet sunshine child, you're totally... GAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY! Yeah! *Confetti rains down*
Adrien: *Clapping* Oh, my gosh! That was amazing!
Jean: Thank you! Thank you! Yes, I know! So, did you get the message?
Adrien: ... The what?
Cosette: How can someone so cute be so oblivious?
Zoé: It's one of life's mysteries.
Nathaniel: Alright, I'll just come out and say it. In fact, this is so serious, that I'm gonna drop the shy voice. *Lower voice* You're obviously queer and genderfluid.
Adrien: ... What?
Aurore: Way to lay it on gently, Nath.
Adrien: But, I'm not. It's normal for guys to enjoy being girls for a bit... Right?
Science Kids/Nathaniel: *Raised eyebrows*
Simon: Sure. And, you're probably gay or bi.
Adrien: What? No, I'm not. I like girls.
Denise: Nothing about the way you look at Luka is straight, penqueño sol.
Reshma: And, what is it about Marinette that you truly like?
Adrien: ...
Reshma: What about Kagami?
Adrien: ...
Lacey: Yep, he's gay.
Mireille: Knew it. Now, he's obviously not a disaster gay. And, I don't think he's functional, either.
Cosette: More like a cross between distinguished and disaster, really.
Reshma: We'll settle that later. Adrien, we're going dress shopping. I'll pay so your dad doesn't see the charge.
Adrien: ... Can I get something in floral print?
Ismael: As long as it's tasteful and accentuates your shape. *The others look at him strangely* What? I hang out with Reshma, so I pick up fashion terms!
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brettsey-two-tts · 1 year
Sylvie Brett was no stranger to surprises. The last twelve years of her life were all about surprises: her sudden move to Chicago, meeting her birth mom and Scott, meeting her half-sister, Amelia, falling in love with Matt Casey, watching him move two thousand miles away, and then breaking up with potentially the love of her life.
She would’ve never guessed she would be adopting a blue-eyed blonde baby from Amber, a woman who was in a similar situation to her birth mom.
She also would’ve never guessed that Matt Casey would stop by, drop down on one knee, and ask her to marry him with a ring he bought a year and a half ago.
She froze in place from the suddenness but her heart kicked into overdrive the moment he bent his knee and revealed the most beautiful diamond ring. Matt’s softened blue eyes, glistening with love, adoration, and hope, never faltered and never left hers.
She wondered how she looked because a second ago she was practically crossing things off her list as she fought the dust bunnies in her apartment and then marked all of the spots that needed more baby-proofing. Her hair must’ve been a mess and there might’ve even been a little dust on her cheek.
She mentally grimaced when she remembered that she quickly threw on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of overalls when she got up. She was definitely not dressed for the occasion.
While her self-conscious and overly panicking thoughts clashed in her head, she saw Matt’s hopeful smile start to fade. Oh crap - she didn’t even answer him yet.
The small frown that formed on his face made her panic more.
“No– Matt–”
Oh for the love of – that wasn’t the right thing to say either. He definitely took it the wrong way because he immediately lowered his hands that encased the velvety box.
“No, not that. I mean, this is– Matt, you’re–”
She began to laugh at how nervous she sounded and how every word that came out of her mouth was another disaster after another.
The beaming grin on her face must’ve given him some resemblance of good news because his lips soon half curled into a smile.
He shook his head slightly and replied, “I’m sorry, Sylvie. I know this is really sudden–” He stopped when she began to kneel in front of him.
His heart felt full and so incredibly warm as he saw her lips form a small endearing smile. While she was glancing over the diamond ring in his hands, he was watching her, entranced by her effortless beauty, her overall goodness, and her obvious adoring excitement for the baby girl she was about to adopt. He couldn’t get the image out of his head when she told them that Amber was taking custody: her overly beaming grin and tear-filled eyes.
“You bought this a year and a half ago?” she asked, her gaze meeting his.
He blushed a little when he remembered he confessed as much. “Yes,” he replied shyly. “Ever since you visited me in Portland. I wanted to do it sooner but with Severide and Stella’s wedding, I… I could never find the right time.”
She frowned a little when she remembered their foreboding conversation as they slow-danced. 
“But, right now - right this second.” He dipped forward to emphasize how he was always able to read her thoughts and feelings. “This is the perfect time.” Her lips parted as he continued, “My time in Portland is coming to an end. Griffin is off doing his own thing and Ben is only a couple of months away from that.” He paused to take a moment to think about his next words. He’s recited it in his head before but he never thought he’d say it to her in person. “I never stopped loving you, Sylvie Brett. Even when we broke up and had to put some distance between us, I never stopped thinking about you. You were always on my mind and always will be. I was always positive that we’d get married, have a couple of kids, and buy an old and worn-out house so we could fix it up together. Maybe get a dog or a cat. Or both.” She let out a small laugh at the last part. He could see the tears welling at the corners of her eyes and it made him start to tear up as well. “I want to be there for you and Julia, just like you were there for me, Ben, and Griffin.”
A tear fell down her cheek as her lips curled into the widest and brightest smile. With her hands in her lap and her gaze lovingly holding onto his, she began, “Matt–”
Before she could give him her answer, she was cut off by the unmistakable sound of her phone vibrating in her pocket.
She almost looked embarrassed but then she realized Matt’s phone was vibrating in his pocket as well. Both of them looked concerned as such a coincidence was almost never a good thing. Matt must’ve had the same thought as her because he soon pulled out his phone to check who it was.
“Who is it?” Sylvie asked as she started to pull out her own.
“Herrmann,” Matt replied. His brows knitted together with concern. “You?”
She felt her stomach drop as she replied, “Violet.”
Matt quickly drove them to the hospital after a short call with both Herrmann and Violet. All of Firehouse 51 was in the waiting room when they arrived and only a few of them were sitting.
Sylvie quickly hugged Violet and then Herrmann. “Is Mouch okay? Have you guys heard anything yet?”
Violet solemnly shook her head. “No, not yet.”
Herrmann looked on anxiously as he grounded out, “I haven’t heard anything since they rushed Mouch into surgery.”
Sylvie frowned as she watched Herrmann cross his arms and start to pace. She felt Matt bump her shoulder.
“I’ll check with a nurse to see if I can a hold of Maggie.”
Sylvie nodded and watched Matt walk off toward the receptionist’s desk.
Waiting was the hardest and most grueling part. It felt like no time was passing.
Maggie eventually came out to greet them but even she said that she would have to check in with the surgeons since Mouch was still in there.
Matt sat down next to Sylvie after Maggie left. Ever since they heard about Mouch at her apartment, he could tell she was trying to keep it together and not think about the worst-case scenario. “How are you holding up?” he asked.
She shook her head and let out a long sigh. “This is the worst part. Not knowing if he’s okay and just waiting for an answer.”
“Hey. Mouch is tough. He’s been through hell and back multiple times. He’ll pull through.” He nudged her shoulder with his. “I know he will.”
His positivity and optimism, and the fact that he always had the ability to cheer her up - it was like no time had passed at all. She truly missed him - every single part of him.
She checked the clock on the wall and worriedly asked, “Aren’t you supposed to be on an airplane in an hour?”
“Yeah, but I can’t just leave while Mouch is in there. It wouldn’t feel right.” He and Sylvie shared a sweet smile but it only reminded him of what happened between them earlier. Did he jump the gun too soon? Should he have waited until he moved back to Chicago? No. No, no, no. His gut told him it was the perfect time. And it was. He was certain of it. “About before… I… I want you to know, Sylvie… You don’t have to give me an answer right away. I just want you to know that whatever happens, I’m here. If you need help taking care of her or feeding her or… anything - anything at all - I’m here. Always.”
Sylvie couldn’t contain her grin, both at Matt’s kind and encouraging words, and at the remembrance of his proposal.
“I know what my answer is, Matt, and I think I’ve known for a long time now.”
His eyebrows raised a little at her admittance but she didn’t say anything further. Her wide, toothy, and joyful grin was all he saw thereafter. His confusion started to dissolve as a pinkish hue dusted across her cheeks. But, as soon as she nodded ever so slightly, Maggie came back out through the double doors.
The entire firehouse turned their heads at the noise and immediately got up out of their seats. Maggie gave them the great news: Mouch was out of surgery and heading to the ICU for observation. There were no complications and he was expected to make a full recovery.
While everyone shared their relief through hugs and smiles, they heard the voice of an older lady behind them trying to get their attention. All heads turned and they saw a sweet old lady holding a light gray velvety box in her hands.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt. I didn’t want someone to leave with it. Did one of you drop this?”
It must’ve fallen out of Matt’s pocket in his jacket when he got up out of his seat to see Maggie. He must’ve been too caught up in the good news because he didn’t hesitate to claim it and then profusely thank her for finding it, nor did he notice the deafening silence as everyone stared at him with wide eyes and shocked expressions.
As soon as he turned around and caught everyone’s gaze, his mouth parted in a panicked realization. He looked to Sylvie for some guidance (and maybe even some help) but when he saw her beam brightly at him, he knew it was inevitable. There was no use keeping secrets from their Firehouse family.
Matt and Sylvie continued to endearingly smile at each other, even as their Firehouse family bombarded them with a hundred and one questions.
They were meant to be.
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joekeeryswife · 1 year
Disaster Date - J.Q
hello angels! yes this is part of my nursery teacher joseph story!! sorry it’s taken me so long to write for him! i wrote this in 5 hours and i hate it but it’s a fill in chapter so i can continue with the story! i hope everyone is doing well ⚠️throw up warning⚠️ enjoy reading my loves 🩷 nursery teacher series
taglist(feel free to add yourselves 🩷) @eddieamoremio @theshireisonfire @aftertheglitterfades @gretavanfleas @luvrsbian @ihatepeanutss @phantomxoxo @livsters @hellfire1986baby @ladyapplejackdnd @alexxavicry @plk-18 @m-rae23 @shiftingmack @missabsey @chxrrysprxut (if there’s a line through your name i can’t tag you xx)
it had been a month since Joseph had asked you out and the dates had been constant. every Saturday the two of you would do different things whether the two of you went to the cinema, or for dinner or even just the two of you being in your apartment cuddling whilst watching tv.
Joseph didn't care what the two of you did, you were getting to know each other in your own way and he loved it. whenever Lizzie was there (which was rare because you didn't want to confuse her) she was ecstatic to see her new favourite person. Lizzie and Joseph were really close and he didn't want to be obvious to the other kids but she was definitely his favourite student.
she had finally come out of her shell and wasn't as shy as she was before he met her. well, she was still pretty shy in public places but in the classroom or in your apartment she was confident and it was so overwhelming to see. your beautiful girl finally having some confidence and the only thing you could do was thank Joseph.
he had helped her and you were so grateful. you and Joseph had spoken about your relationship and about how you should keep it a secret, it was unprofessional and the other parents would definitely judge the two of you. it wasn’t any of their business but it was just a precaution the two of you wanted to take for Lizzie’s sake.
it was another Saturday and Lizzie had been sick all night and all day and you’d never seen her like this. she was fine Friday morning and evening then she woke up vomiting all over her ‘big girl bed’ as she liked to call it. she had never been sick and it hurt your heart to not be able to take the pain away from her.
she was still so little and you felt helpless. she had been sobbing for hours and no amount of pain relief would stop it. so you were sat on the sofa with a sobbing Lizzie. she felt boiling hot but was tell you she was freezing so you had put a thin blanket over the two of you. the sick bowl was next to you just in case she was sick again and with the way she was acting you were just waiting for it and you were right, she would throw up yet another time.
it was around seven when you heard a knock at the door, it had been thirty minutes since Lizzie had last thrown up and her tears were still there but she wasn’t sobbing. you were confused but stood up, holding onto Lizzie tightly making sure the blanket didn’t fall off her body. you opened the door and saw a smiling Joseph dressed in a comfy t-shirt and some jogging bottoms.
“what are you doing here?” you didn’t mean for it to come out as harsh as it did. his smile faltered “it’s Saturday? you asked me to come round yesterday” you slapped your forehead and sighed, you had completely forgotten it was Saturday and you had planned a movie night with him.
“i’m sorry i forgot to call, she has been sick all day and it completely slipped my mind, sorry” you rubbed your forehead in embarrassment, how could you forget you two had been seeing each other every Saturday for the past month. “it’s okay, i can come another day if you want?” you shook your head and moved to the side so he could come in.
“it’s okay, you don’t mind her being here do you?” he walked in and took off his shoes. “not at all” he smiled sympathetically, looking at the poorly girl in your arms. she was practically asleep now the only traces of tears were the tear streaks on her cheeks.
the two of you walked back to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Joseph wrapped his arm around your shoulder which made you cuddle into him. you breathed a sigh of relief and closed your eyes as you felt at ease for the first time that day. you were so tired, looking after a sick baby had worn you out.
“she been really sick?” Joseph asked looking down at you. you nodded, running your hand up and down Lizzie’s back as she finally fell asleep. “you have no idea” you just couldn’t help but feel bad for your poorly girl.
“i’m really sorry i forgot about tonight, it’s just been so stressful-” Joseph hushed you, not in a rude way just to stop you from apologising again. “i promise it’s okay, Lizzie is your main priority and always should be. you’re a really good mum so what you forgot one date” he somehow always knew how to put your mind at ease.
“have you eaten today?” your heart melted, Joseph really cared about you and you’d never had anything like this in your life before and you were just grateful he came into your life when he did. you shook your head, you’d given Lizzie a few pieces of plain toast knowing she would probably throw up anything else you made her but you had forgotten to feed yourself.
you had been so worried about Lizzie eating didn’t even cross your mind. “now that was silly wasn’t it” he joked making you laugh along with him. “i’ll order us food, you choose what to watch, i chose last time. do you want me to take Lizzie after? so you can have a break” he handed you the remote and looked through the different food options.
you shook your head again “it’s okay, thank you though. i think if i move her off me right now she’ll probably cry again” you scrolled through the different channels, picking a random film on Netflix and felt his arm go back around your shoulders with a small, delicate kiss placed on your forehead. you looked up at him and smiled, he was just so caring.
“i’m always here if you need me” he took his eyes off of the tv and looked down at you. you were smiling at him before he leaned down and kissed you. it was quick and wasn’t the first time the two of you had kissed but each time it made your stomach fill with butterflies. it was safe to say you were definitely falling for him and you weren’t complaining about it.
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hannahhook7744 · 22 days
I'd argue Dolores' gift is worse than Bruno's, because whilst yes, Bruno can see bad things happen, he's not exactly missed by the townsfolk when he disappeared. With Dolores however, she can hear *everything* so even if she disappeared into the walls like Bruno did, she can still hear everyone
I do honestly think Dolores gift is worse.
Bruno's, while it sucks in its own right and probably made him see things he wasn't ready for, and why it made him disliked by the townspeople... Well, it could have some benefits as the fandom likes to point out.
I.e him being able to prepare mentally and, in the case of a natural disaster, get the town to prepare for it. He could have also seen some happy things occasionally (like his telenovelas for instance).
Dolores' gift on the other hand?
Well, it's painful.
Yes, I know that all the gifts were confirmed to probably have some drain on the users but with Dolores?
She can't exactly turn the super hearing off.
She hears everything. All the time. Things she definitely shouldn't or wouldn't want to hear.
She probably gets overwhelmed/overstimulated extremely easily and she can still hear Luisa's eye twitching in her ROOM. So it's not completely sound proof in there.
Girl is probably in agony constantly. And don't even get me started on the moment she got her gift.
We saw Antonio's gift ceremony. It's a loud public affair and party.
She probably cried and cried and cried until she couldn't anymore. If her ears weren't temporarily damaged from the event.
It probably took her forever to get used to and no one thinks about how it probably affected her ability to pay attention in conversation. It's hard to focus on what people are saying when you can literally hear everything, especially if you can't control it.
That's not even covering how angry people get if you know something you shouldn't (i.e if you overhear something). She probably got in trouble or scolded for eavesdropping a lot when she was little for just hearing things she couldn't block out.
That's not even mentioning this tweet:
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Dolores' gift could be maddening and honestly, while I would rather have neither, if I had to choose I'd take Bruno's gift.
My hearing is already sensitive, I refuse to take that gift.
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pjunicornart · 4 months
FIRST OF ALL I LOVE UR LITTLE OTP SO MUCH. how they never crossed my mind baffles me bcuz that is gen such a good pair??
ANYWHO any hcs?? im so curious like yes yes tell me more about ur ot4.,.,..
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get to this. It was because my body was basically BEGGING me to take a break... I had a pounding headache and my drawing arm and hand felt heavy and sore. So to any artists out there... don't be like me. Take breaks. In fact, I'm probably not gonna be posting any art for a few days so I can give my body time to rest. Unfortunately, I inherited my father's workaholism...
ANYWAY. Glad you like it! Meet the Robinsons needed more... gay. So, I provided! When I first revisited this movie and saw all four of those characters I knew my gay ass brain was gonna do something with them. And that, it did.
The piece I did was them within the AU. Let's give the characters some brief summaries before going into detail (under the cut)... - Lewis is a nerdy finger gun bi disaster. 'Nuff said. - Goob is a jock type. - Lizzy is the goth girl, with a hint of weirdcore influences. - Franny is the choir girl. - All of them are 16.
Lewis He was the one Goob, Lizzy, and Franny had in common. Essentially, all three of them liked Lewis "in that way." The three of them had kind of silently agreed they all wanted to get with Lewis. Nevermind that Lewis was completely oblivious to all of this and deep within his own bi panic! In this AU, he attends high school like everybody else, but he does go off campus for a couple of periods for college classes. He's a star student! Not popular in the sense that he's the school hot shot, but in the sense that everybody knows him for being very kind and an overachiever. Oh, and Lewis was never given up for adoption! He lives with his birth mom and about-to-be step-dad.
Michael (Goob) He's the ACTUAL school hot shot. Star baseball player who holds the school athletics records. I'll admit, Goob was kind of my way of making Jock Paperjam from the OG NaJ AU not problematic, and like how I imagined him being. To channel the trauma and come out from it, y'know? (Heh, I even gave him his face shape...) He's the tallest of the four, and the strongest, too. Only his girlfriends and boyfriend know how sweet and loving he is. His love language is definitely physical touch and protection. I specifically imagine him holding Lewis close to his chest while laying on the couch. Goob is not a bully, I want to make that clear. He's just a little cocky.
Lizzy Ah yes, the goth girl. I expanded her special interest from ants, to bugs in general. Her favorites are still ants, obviously. I imagine she has a couple of creepy crawlies in resin sitting on top of her dresser. Like a tarantula named Nacho. She's not necessarily full goth, because in the image I drew she has purple as well. So she's more of a pastel goth, maybe nu-goth. Lizzy is definitely a teaser! Her favorite to tease is Goob, because she likes to see him get worked up. She may be small, but she's a fire cracker!
Franny Last - but certainly not least - Franny. She's in the school choir, and is overall very musically gifted. Both of her older brothers are away at college, so it's just her and her mom in the house. Within the relationship, she's the one who showers them with kisses and hugs. She's very bubbly and energetic, and she has no bad bones in her body... except when you talk shit about her boys and girl, then you better hope you're not karate chopped in the throat. I also turned up her love for frogs into a hyperfixation, hence the froggy bucket hat. You have no idea how tempted I was to buy that hat when I saw it in Hot Topic...
The ship name is really quite simple: Family.
I saw the templates in your other ask! I'm gonna keep there for a bit, and I'll fill them out when I'm not actively dying hopefully!
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Meta Knight would be a hard knocks mentor, wouldn't he? Especially when Noir is someone a lot more sharp and aware than Kirby, who he already trains by sending waves of hostile knights at betweenchonor duels. He also has that darkness and pain in him that I sense Meta Knight knows all too well. Well enough that he sure doesn't get the (relative) kid gloves Kirby gets.
Oh god, yes! If that's how Meta Knight trains Kirby - and this is mostly to keep Kirby ready in case of disaster and prepare them for their destiny (we assume...?) - then training Noir, an angst-ridden, self-destructive teen who is about five seconds from throwing himself off the nearest bridge on a good day, is definitely going to have Meta Knight use the "break you down and rebuild you from scratch" style of teaching. Which, frankly, Noir could probably use.
[Cont'd + Other Apologies Asks]
His life undeniably took a major turn for the worse after that fateful exhibition trip, but his cup runneth over with deeply suppressed stresses long before then. He's in desperate need of a mentor to help him escape his dangerous mental trappings of "...ensuring Adeleine's happiness and safety is all I have to live for."
It would not be fast. I'm pretty sure he's starting this new life out at negative levels of self-worth, and white-haired Noir still has unsettled issues in regards to Dark Matter, Adeleine's fate, and the New World project, but he's not a hopeless case either. The Rainbow Sword wouldn't have chosen him if he was.
...And for Meta Knight, who almost certainly has his own grimdark past, I can only imagine there's something very personal at stake for him to save this particular life: chosen by a magical sword during his darkest hour, everyone he loved and cared about dead, close associations with the powers of darkness and looks a little like a monster? Yeah, I'd say Meta Knight sees a bit of himself in Noir. And we know how hard Meta Knight is on himself...!
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Yes, yes, yes! All this exactly!
Noir is incredibly awkward around her at first. Not trusting himself. Not ready to open up that wound. But Ribbon, like Adeleine, is a strong girl. She doesn't balk from Noir's stand-offishness.
The first time he cries in front of her (and he cries so much more easily now. He hates it. He'd never cried in front of Adeleine, no matter how hard things got...) it is unexpected. He checks their map and checklist, assuming aloud that Kirby drew it. 
When Kirby says it was actually Ribbon who drew it (1) and she giggles that she thinks drawing is fun, he breaks down so hard even Dedede puts down his meal to give him a soothing pat on the back.
...Once Noir slips down to a reachable height, because, of course, he still dwarfs the lot of them. Kirby is about the size of a throw pillow to him. But that probably makes him all the more huggable. Noir ought to learn to give Kirby more hugs.
(1) Thanks to Driftwood for the Ribbon's drawing idea
Oh, one thing worth mentioning while we're talking about white-haired Noir and friendships with the Dream Landers...
Unlike regular Noir/Dark Matter Swordsman, this Noir has a very strained and awkward relationship with Gooey. Noir has fear and trauma related to Dark Matter, and Gooey being a cutesy, innocent, happy Dark Matter that is still very clearly some kind of eldrirtch creature unsettles him for a variety of reasons.
He just can't bridge the gap between that and what happened to his sister. Sometimes it makes him wish...for something that didn't happen. Other times it makes him afraid for what could have been. He does his best to be kind but... it's hard for him.
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Then I have done my job!!
I love Elfilin. Adore them! And I can admit that Fecto Elfilis has a very lovely design that makes one potentially want to sympathize with and humanize them and do cute things with them. But Fecto Elfilis also attempted to destroy TWO planets solely to kill Kirby. 
And Fecto Forgo is that same Elfilis only devoid of their mercy, their sympathy, their compassion, their joy.
It was humans who drove Forgo crazy, yes. But not every individual human participated in their torture. Yet Forgo has never once shied away from taking their wrath out on everyone they can get their hands on.
Forgo forced Leongar to put his tribe to work kidnapping creatures they could work to death in the labs. Forgo went on to shatter Leongar's soul to try and render him dead for good upon their loss.
Hyness told Zan to kill him if he ever went too far. Even Star Dream, being a computer, can be said to have sought the eradication of all life without malice! Forgo's situation is pitiable. Their actions, especially in the Apologies universe, are not.
(Nice use of green font, btw!)
Random aside:
It is only now, as I head into the end of the Shiver Star arc of the Apologies AU that I remember the classic 80s vampire movie The Lost Boys. And I suddenly realize that Noir's transformation is very old-school vampire-coded. (IE: back when becoming a vampire was treated as frightening and bad, not cool.)
:puts "Cry Little Sister" on loop:
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hello-galad · 2 years
10 Characters From 10 Fandoms
How to play: Name 10 Characters from 10 fandoms and tag people
I was tagged by the amazing @br-disaster​ , thank you!!! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
In no particular order. Most of them I have been obsessed with ever since I was a kid. 
Nie Huaisang (CQL/MDZS) - The only reason it took me so long to do this was because I couldn’t decide between NMJ and NHS. Alas, I relate to NHS the most, he’s also an incredibly intricate character that lives in my head rent free. 
Hatake Kakashi (Naruto) - Contrary to most people, I actually watched this show/read the manga until 2020 and I've been obsessed with this tragic overpowered ninja ever since. I think he is the character I have written/drawn the most about. I relate way too much to him, which is...strange. I am in love with his story and character development through the show. 
Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview With the Vampire) - I must confess I haven't yet read the book, but I watched the AMC show and I FELL IN LOVE. I have Ana to thank for introducing me to this amazing, complicated mess of a man. 
Thranduil (The hobbit) - When I watched all LOTR movies, I was a kid and my aunt was babysitting and obviously I started obsessing over him and the elves when I read every Tolkien book I could get my hands on. I haven't written much about him but I do have a whole AU-Canon divergence for Oropher, Thranduil and Legolas half written on AO3. My version of Thranduil, Oropher’s line and the Greenwood elves is VERY different from the hobbit movies, though.  
Ned the Pie Maker (Pushing daisies) - Tall, sensible, caring, harmless man who loves to bake and is also an accidental necromancer? YES, PLEASE.  
Yue (Sakura Card-captor) - Imagine you are this super powerful supernatural being whose world gets turned upside down when the person you considered your everything dies. Imagine you get sealed inside the back cover of a book for 100 years and then inside the body of a teenager without being asked for consent and without being able to get out to live a normal life. You are also left without much of your power for a long time, and then you are given a ridiculously short amount of time to get used to everything that is going on around you while your twin and your other brothers and sisters get months to understand and process what happened. AND THEN it turns out that the dude that you loved so much didn’t died, instead reincarnated into some annoying bitch (who is now a different person than he was in his past life so meh) because he had some cosmic realization when he turned like 800 years old because being the most powerful magician in the world makes your common sense disappear, apparently...and then this annoying brat creates a cheap copy of you and your sibling, yikes. Imagine you really want to slap everyone but you dont want to set a bad example to the nice, cute girl who you depend on now, BUT DAMMIT IF YOU COULD YOU WOULD. Yeah. He's That Bitch™ and he deserves it. I support you, Yue. 
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - She is definitively the character I relate to the most, like she was 14 and learned very soon what happens if you get on your father’s bad side. She's a prodigy and what she needed in the end was some psychological help and then the throne, bye. 
Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek) -  I want to be a Starfleet captain so bad, ISTG. He’s so much, a drama queen, the voice of reason, a disaster waiting to happen, a feminist, queer, The Captain, a nuisance, the smartest person in the room, mister daddy issues, mister “bones get that hypospray off my face”, mister I am in love with this Vulcan, mister I am in love with this doctor, “Dammit Jim!”. Yeah, him.
Crowley (Good Omens) - I read the book when I was in high school, it was the first book I read in one sitting without getting distracted. I loved those two. I love Crowley and the fact that he is always trying to cause havoc through elaborate schemes that inconvenience the human race. Ahaha, he’s the best. (Yes, I loved the TV show).
Dorian (Almost Human) - HE JUST WANTS TO BE SEEN AS SOMETHING MORE THAN JUST A MACHINE. He’s sometimes more human than all the humans he works with. I love Dorian and Kennex, you bet I have read every single fic centered on him or both of them on AO3. I’m forever sad they cancelled that show. 
I tag @pangzi and @dual-domination (only if you want to do it of course. Feel free to ignore this tag if you dont!) 
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skye-huntress · 1 year
Otherside Picnic Volume 8 Thoughts - Part 1
J-Novel Club released the first part of the English translation for Volume 8, and because I was impatient I thought, might as well subscribe and read as I go. It also helped that there was one other novel I wanted to read but that’s a potential topic for another time. Anyway, this volume will be split into nine parts so I’ll probably be doing this for a while.
For those not familiar with Otherside Picnic by Iori Miyazawa, I’m not sure how to accurately explain it. Two disaster lesbians with guns explore a parallel world of supernatural horrors like it’s their playground, at the risk of insanity, bodily mutation and death? There’s the novels, the manga and the anime, though for best experience, the novels are the way to go.
Spoilers are below the cut.
File 24: Mujina Attacks
With a title like “Accomplices No More” and that synopsis, I shouldn’t be surprised we’re starting off with the big question.
Toriko’s birthday is so close to mine, you’d think I’d have remembered. Also I’m reminded that Sorawa forgot about her own birthday but remembered the exact date she met Toriko almost a year later.
Speaking of their anniversary, it seems Sorawo is not completely dense after all! Yes, Toriko was hoping to get lucky with you, you idiot! But then you killed the mood by talking about murdering her ex.
Gifts for Toriko? What do you get for the girl who got you matching knives for Christmas?
I wasn’t expecting lingering trauma from that encounter last volume. That should be interesting going forward, seeing how physically affectionate Toriko is. On the one hand, I know Sorawo should tell her why she freaked out, but on the other hand, we really don’t want to repeat past mistakes by bringing her up again on their birthday date.
So we’re back to the question, how does Sorawo feel about Toriko? I think Toriko has been very patient and understanding with Sorawo, but this has been dragging on for a while. It’s past time that Sorawo put some serious thought into what Toriko means to her and what she wants their relationship to be like.
A week with no contact, though. Ordinarily, I’d say it is for the best, but these two can get sucked into some Otherside nonsense at any time and any place, even in their own homes. At least Sorawo has Akari check in with her on occassion, but as far as I know Toriko doesn’t have anyone in her everyday life to do that for her. At least not somebody who’d know to contact Kozakura or Sorawo.
It’s funny to think about how the cynical loner Sorawo is actually percieved as the cool kid in her class, contrary to how she thinks she is percieved.
The entire conversation with Benimori is easily the highlight of Part 1.
Let’s start with how she lead with the questioning. Even now, I’m not sure how I’d describe Toriko, especially if put on the spot like that, so I can empathise with Sorawo. Even so, Benimori was patient and took it one step at a time to get the most important and relevant information out of her.
The part about separating love, romance and sex, and the various assumed aspects is definitely something to think about, and very relevant for someone like Sorawo, or even me. For me, I think at some point I knew to view each of these things as separate, but I consider this a reminder that some people do view them as a package deal. It’s easier for me to think every relationship is unique than for me to remember that for some people being in a relationship means doing x, y and z.
My favourite part of the questioning was when she asked Sorawo if she could imagine bringing her partner to a love hotel. She did but nothing happened. “Your partner wasn’t disappointed, were they?” We all were!
There was another part though, when she brought up the eyepatch and wondering if this partner was abusive. I could understand the caution and was prepared to write it off, then I remembered how Toriko resolved the situation by slapping Sorawo in an attempt to “fix” her and then shoved her ghost finger into her eyeball. They’re both kind of messed up though, and they know and accept that about each other, so it’s probably just something they’ll need to work on in the future.
Also appreciate how until the end, Benimori stuck to the gender-neutral terms and avoid making any assumptions. Although, given Sorawo’s limited social circle and the fact that she made it clear her partner was someone she’s spent a fair amount of time with already, it probably wasn’t hard for her to guess who it was. Toriko has visited Sorawo at her uni a few times and she stands out a lot.
That’s it for Part 1. My guess is that Sorawo will ask Akari next, for no other reason than convenience. Maybe she’ll drag her beloved Nattsun into the conversation. Then I suppose it’s just Kozakura left. I can’t imagine Sorawo going to Migiwa, Runa or Kasumi for this.
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i-got-the-power1412 · 8 months
Alright motherfuckers, i have been feeling the urge to rant for quite a few days, so here it is, my weird, fucked up, rant/question ✨shizzazl.✨
Before we begin, I would like to inform ya'll that I'm a teenage (17-19) Indian girl. That is, I'm a brown, POC girl.
(so be ready cause this is gonna have a lot of sensitive, bordering controversial opinions, so DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ PLS)
First things first, what the fuck is wrong with our planet? Like, I'm not a nihilist or whatever, am I bit pessimistic? Well, yes. But other than that I'm not very dark minded, so like if I'm asking wtf is wrong with our world, you know something is definitely wrong. Like I can list like 10 things wrong in the world rn, off the top of my head.
1. Wars and disaster
2. Corrupt governments
3. Insufficient health care
4. Collapsing economy
5. Fucked up environment
6. Lack of gun control and mass shootings
7. Racism
8. Women's lack of safety/sexism
9. Homophobia and queer community hatred
10. Lack of food and and water.
This is all just off the top of my head. Like where the hell did we go wrong that this is what we have come down to. Let's dive deeper shall we?
We are currently in the middle of World War 3. Now hear me out, you're probably like-"Uh no,cause if we were we would know right?"
We don't know shit cause at the moment we are not directly affected by said war. Think about it like this, in World war 1 aka the first world war we had, there were 2 sides right? The allied powers and the central powers. And same in 2nd world war with allied and axis powers. Guess what? We have them now too. Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Palestine. If we divide it in the good and bad, like we humans have a habit of doing, it is Russia and Israel on one side, and Ukraine and Palestine on the other. All we need is 2 more countries to join one-one side, preferably England, USA, France or Canada, and we're done, we're in World war 3. Like what is up with that.
In my college history textbook, which I was studying recently cause I'm in the middle of my exams, I noticed in the Cold War chapter, that it was written that America became the foremost Superpower in the world, so much so that it had the power to acknowledge China as a State. And it made me wonder why? What the actual fuck is so special about that messed up country?
Ok imma make u question ur whole life now ok? U ready? Here we go.
We all know about USA, aka the LAND OF FREEDOM, right? The whole American Revolution, Fight for Freedom and all that?
What made it like that?
Like, from my perspective, all I see is white people, who went to an untouched, perfectly fine land, conquered it, killed and enslaved the real independent, original populace of that country, destroyed their absolutely beautiful and much advanced culture, declared that land as their own, and then got pissed off at their own king for excessive TAXES, and decided that they want independence?
Let me get this absolutely straight. These already INDEPENDENT, PRIVILEGED people came to another country, took the ACTUAL INDEPENDENCE of the people living there, and then fought a long war against their own king for this so called "Independence" and resulted in creating the World's Greatest Superpower, which honestly is today's one of the most fucked up countries which is honest to god falling apart at the seams?
Honestly, it makes me feel just strange. Like I don't even have words for this.
It's the same with England. These people came, conquered, enslaved, killed, tortured, and robbed, like blind looted, India and multiple other countries, ruled for over 200 years and then left after having squeezed a total of nearly $50 trillion from us? $50 TRILLION. Our country would be living on cloud 9 if we had even half this amount today. But we don't cause it was taken from us.
And sure the actions of our ancestors should not be blamed on the current generation. BUT the current generation is no better. These countries are still not making up for their crimes. America is currently attacking and warring with multiple Asian countries but of course, no one cares.
How bout the Panama Papers ? Such a huge scandal, the amount of money hidden and evaded, but the results? Comparatively, nothing.
The presidents of these countries are, quite frankly, useless.
In today's world, in almost 90 percentage of all countries' councils, governments, and senates, only old men above the age of 60, i.e. the age of senior citizens, work and function. Why is that?
If we all agree that the youngsters are the future, then why is the future in the hands of men who are ten seconds away from their damn graves?
USA- Biden is 81 years old.
Trump is 77 years old.
Britain- King Charles is 75 years old.
India- Narendra Modi is 73 years old.
Canada- Justin Trudeau is 52 years old.
South Korea- Yoon Suk Yeol is 63 years old.
China- Xi Jinping is 70 years old.
I think this is rather concerning.
More in part 2
0 notes
tatumrileyslover · 10 months
Capital Don’t Cry
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Summary: Sejanus is tasked with mentoring the District Two female tribute, but plot twist :0 they’re childhood besties
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x Fem!District Two!Reader
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: District Two reader, the reader is also very Lucy gray coded, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst, reader is close to Lucy gray, Sejanus is just depressed about the games, mentions of death, corpses and shit. It’s the hunger games you should know. Also Arachne Crane doesn’t die because she’s the perfect bitchy character.
a/n: ok so this took forever to write because I keep procrastinating on my college essays, I will write more the second I finish I promise, also there’s was a part I genuinely wanted to make this a Lucy gray x reader cuz I’m in love, it could definitely do with a part two, so I could do that as well. anyway, enjoy.
edit: I will be doing a part two, if you want to be tagged comment below :P
Part 2 / Part 3
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Sejanus grimaced as the day of the Reaping unfolded in the Capitol—the day he detested the most ever since he arrived at the Capital. The bitter taste of discontent lingered as he witnessed children, once familiar faces, thrust into a deadly game for the Capitol's perverse satisfaction. The familiarity of their faces etched in agony weighed heavily on him, casting a somber shadow over the gaudy spectacle. The games weren't just a grim tradition; they were a painful reminder of the twisted reality the Capitol government revelled in, turning the murder of their own country's children into a spectacle of survival.
As he stood in Heavensbee Hall, jaw clenched as Dean Casca Highbottom, doped up on morphling, announced that, to engage the citizens of the Capital, that the top twenty four students of Academy would mentor this years tributes. Sejanus turned to look at his "fellow" classmates who immediately began talk of what tribute they wanted to have.
As they discussed, Festus Creed chimed in, "I'm hoping for a strong one from the outer districts, someone who can actually fight."
"Absolutely, a boy with charisma. Then they'll be able to capture the audience attention and fight." Persephone Price contributed with a giggle.
Arachne Crane butted in with a disgusted tone, "Ugh, imagine being stuck with a Tribute Twelve runt, especially if it's a girl. That's a disaster waiting to happen."
The disdainful chatter, especially Arachne Crane's complaints, reinforced his stark realization—he was in no way a part of the Capitol. In moments like this is when it solidified to him, that he was in no way shape or form Capital. Seeking solace, he turned to the only person he trusted in the room; Coriolanus Snow, who remained stiff as a board. Despite the abrupt change of plans for the acclaimed plinth prize, Sejanus couldn't discern any emotion on Coryo's stoic face. Perhaps, with the Snows' wealth, the prize held little allure, especially for someone known for his lavish breakfasts, despite his lanky frame.
As he settled into his assigned seat, Sejanus felt a rising frustration; the atmosphere was suffocating, everyone treating the tributes as if they were animals for the slaughter. Disgusted with his forced company, he yearned to be back in District Two with his Ma, missing the familiarity of friends and the understanding community. As the Dean called out the District One tributes and mentors, Sejanus prayed he wouldn't recognize anyone from Two this year. The thought of witnessing someone he knew die for a senseless punishment, that he had to train them for, weighed heavily on his heart.
His heart stopped when Dean Highbottom announced the male tribute for District Two, and Sejanus held his breath. Florus Friend was the mentor. Sejanus lifted his eyes off the floor and glanced at the giant screen in the front of the room, there walking up to the stage in front of the city hall was Marcus. Sejanus's hands clenched into fists, jaw tightened. He didn't even have time to process his grief when he heard his name.
Dean Casca Highbottom chuckled, "Sejanus Plinth, mentoring the District Two tribute. A twist of fate, or perhaps Capitol whimsy? We'll see how you handle it."
The color drained from his face, leaving him white as a sheet. This was most definitely the work of his father, bribing the Dean to trying to desensitise him to the murder of his own people.
There, defiantly being dragged to the stage by peacekeepers, was her. The girl he used to play with at the base of the mountains, who would end up covered in dirt after their climbs. The same girl who helped his Ma bake sweets and cookies whenever time allowed. The girl he confided in when he found out about moving to the capital. The girl who gave him the same metal bracelet now clasped to his wrist since he left Two.
A stern, stoic look overcame her immediate shock. She pushed herself out of the peacekeepers' grasp, "I can walk by myself!" Ignoring her, they continued pushing her toward the stage, resulting in a stumble at the stairs. Marcus rushed over, aiding her to her feet. Sejanus fought to maintain neutrality, concealing his anguish from the observant students. He could feel the eyes boring into the back of his head. Before the screen cut away to District Three, both tributes, who had befriended Sejanus in his youth, stood hand in hand, as the blood from her palms slowly dripped onto the concrete stage.
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Sejanus lay in his bed, a plush feather comforter of depression pulling him deeper into its grasp. His gaze remained fixated on the ostentatious wallpaper. The vivid display of the opulence surrounding him, the ornate patterns seemed to mock him, each swirl and curve whispering tales of the Capitol's excesses. He yearned for his childhood, a life of carelessness and freedom. A life before the war.
As Sejanus lay in his somber state, the familiar scent wafted into the room. The aroma wrapped around him like a comforting embrace, triggering memories of simpler times. Tears welled up in his eyes unconsciously, he just wished he could close his eyes and go back to District Two. Not that it would make much of a difference, both of his friends had their fates set in stone.
A sudden knock on the door jolted Sejanus out of his melancholy. In a reflex, he hastily wiped away his tears, his heart pounding with the fear that it might be his father. Both of them had gotten into an argument the moment he had gotten home.
"Sejanus, this is a monumental opportunity for you. A chance for our family to assert its place. Ensure your tribute emerges victorious."
Every day, Sejanus witnessed his father striving to assimilate into Capitol society. Yet, despite the effort, the only thing perceived was his wealth. Not a single Capital citizen would ever see the Plinths as Capital, regardless of his fathers hopeless attempts.
Slowly he glanced at his father disgusted at his choice of wording, "Tribute?"
His fathers face never altered as he spoke, "Yes, if your help your tribute win, you'll be accept-"
"Use her name, you know it!" Sejanus screamed enraged, "Is that all she is to you now, just a tribute! A girl who has known us her entire life. The girl who lived under our roof when her father was hung for his crimes against the Capital. The girl you used to tease me about becoming your future daughter-in-law."
Sejanus trembled with anger, his words escaping in gasps.
"Is that all she is to you, just another piece of meat to die for the sins of the districts?"
Sejanus threw his satchel to the floor, in a desperate attempt to escape the tense atmosphere in their kitchen. His father seized his arms tightly, but Sejanus ripped his arm free. "Don't touch me!"
As the door creaked open, relief flooded over him when he saw his Ma's face. Slowly he sunk back into his sheets. She quietly approached, taking a seat by his feet. "I made you some cookies, just like we used to make back at home," her eyes swept over his weary face. Puffy and red, his eyes brimmed with tears, streaking down his blotchy cheeks. His beautiful black curls clung to his forehead, and with gentle hands, she swiped them away. Sejanus nuzzled into the warmth of her hand—she was the only connection he had to his home.
Sejanus's voice croaked as he attempted to speak, shattered from his cries of anguish. "That could have been me, Ma." She swiped the tears that continued to fall from the corners of his eyes. She continued to try and comfort him as he voiced his thoughts.
"Ma, I haven't seen her since I left and now that I get to see her again, I'm being forced to watch her get murdered," his finger scratched at his eyes as he continued to cry. "I don't think I can do it,"
She sighed softly, contemplating how to ease his pain. Gently holding his wrists, she sought his attention.
"If I was in her position, Sejanus, I'd be scared," she sighed, searching for words to console her son. "I know, for me at least, seeing a familiar face fighting for me on the outside would give me hope, and I know when she sees you she'll feel more at ease. Give her something to live for Sejanus."
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As he stood outside of the zoo, clutching a bag of sandwiches his Ma had made for every tribute, butterflies erupted in his stomach. His nerves had taken over at the thought of meeting his old friends this way. Would she even remember him?
Sejanus didn't need any help navigating his way around the zoo, crowds had gathered around the cage, although they kept their distance. Lucky Flickerman stood in the center of the crowd, doing some type of weather forecast. Sejanus spotted Coryo standing by the edge of the cage, alongside his tribute, Lucy Gray Baird. She stood talking to the Capital children that stood near them, complimenting them.
Sejanus eyes scanned the area. Tributes sat scattered around the brush and rocks. He searched the entire cage trying to find his tribute.
His girl.
His eyes were drawn to Marcus first, his dark frame was perched attentively on a rock, his eyes were like a vigilant hawk, his gaze protective and distrustful, as he kept his eyes on all the tributes. In his arms, was (Y/n). Her head rested on Marcus's shoulder, basking in what she presumed would be her final days in sunlight. Sejanus's heart dropped seeing them like this.
Her head immediately sprung off Marcus's shoulder as she searched for the source of the sound. A perplexed look spread across their faces.
"Marcus, over here!"
When their eyes met, Sejanus swore he felt his heart stop, after the multiple years apart he still felt the same way he did when he was a child. A bright smile etched its way upon her lips, as she attempted to get up from the rock. Marcus pulled her down to whisper something in her ear, she quickly brushed him off, making her way down the steep rock. Not seeing Marcus reaching out in an attempt to restrain her.
She sprinted to the cage, reaching her hands past the bars, her rough, scabbed hands grasping at his face. "Is that really you, Sejanus?" The harsh skin scratched over his face as she tightly gripped him, desperately examining his features with frantic eyes. His hand raised to cover hers with a nod, the sleeve of his uniform falling slightly, catching a subtle glint of sunlight on metal. Intrigued, her eyes followed the glimmer, discovering the metal bracelet she had crafted for him when they were kids. Her eyes glazed over slightly as her left hand moved to examine the polished steel.
"I can't believe you still have it," she smiled up at him, his tall frame casting her in shadow from the blazing sun. He removed her hand from his face, grasping it tightly. His finger grazed over cold metal on her wrist, and glancing down, he saw it—she continued to wear her own bracelet. Unlike his, the metal was rusted from wear, fitting too tightly over her wrist. Sejanus couldn't help but frown, feeling like it was his fault that she ended up here.
As she observed the distress enveloping him, wearied by the weight of her situation, she felt a growing exhaustion with the constant sympathy that surrounded her.
"Are you my mentor, Sejanus?" She questioned him softly, attempting to get him to talk to her. He snapped out of his dazed state confused how she knew, "huh?"
She giggled shaking his hand a little, "I was speaking to Lucy Gray, she said that we all have mentors apparently. I think that man she's speaking to is hers," Sejanus glanced over at Coriolanus who was crouched down next to the bars as he spoke with Lucy Gray.
"Yeah, that's Coryo. He's my friend from the Academy," Sejanus said, glancing back at her. Despite her slightly gaunt appearance, she had grown into her beauty. Her eyes shone despite the challenges she was facing. He hadn't realized how resilient she was. (Y/n)'s eyes lingered on Coriolanus, a small smirk beginning to find its way onto her lips. She turned her head back to Sejanus.
"I'm glad you've made friends," he said, his head tilting to the side slightly, as if she were a puppy. "He's kind of cute, d'you think he'd think I'm pretty." Sejanus's face flushed pure red, out of shock and a bit of jealousy, his mouth agape. "I'm just kidding, Sej. I only have eyes for you."
Sejanus felt his cheeks get hotter; he didn't remember her being this forward when they were children. He stuttered slightly, unsure of how to address the comments before grasping the bag of sandwiches.
"Sit, sit, Ma made sandwiches for everybody, and she made a special one just for you and Marcus." Sejanus sat down, digging through the bag to find the sandwich his Ma made especially for her. (Y/n) sat down directly across from him, patiently awaiting the lovingly made food. While he searched, she asked him questions about his Ma and his father, his life in the Capital, and school. She could tell he missed home from the way he talked about the Capital— "cold and unlovable" and how "he'll never be seen as Capital" as he continued his attempt to find her food.
Eventually finding the sandwich with a little note from his Ma on the top, he handed it through the bars to her. "Tell your Ma, I said thanks. I haven't eaten since I left Two." She read the small note before beginning to devour her sandwich. She paused and glanced behind Sejanus who looked at her confused, until he saw a small shadow beside him. Turning around he saw a little girl in a emerald green dress. She couldn't have been older than six. (Y/n) waved to her, she waved back shyly, as (Y/n) complemented her beautiful dress.
Lucky Flickerman and his camera crew deftly captured the unfolding scene, gradually turning their focus to showcase the beautiful tribute from District Two, highlighting the connection between the two.
"Well, don't you just look like a princess," the little girl smiled softly, grasping onto her own dress, "I wish I had a dress that pretty,"
The girl cautiously walked towards the bars, standing next to Sejanus. (Y/n) turned to face he, giving her all of her attention, as if she was the only one there. That was something Sejanus always loved about her. Sejanus grasped onto (Y/n)s hands, sending her a small smile.
“Your dress is really pretty too,” softly moving her hands past the bars to brush her fingers against the soft tulle.
“You really think so?” (Y/n) couldn’t contain her smile, she’d always loved children. “My ma made this for me, when the final snow of winter melted of the mountain,” She could see Lucky Flickerman urging his cameramen to capture the scene in it’s entirety.
“It might not be as green as yours, but it’s to show that the snow will melt and the grass will grow tall again.”
Another child appeared out from behind Sejanus, clasping her hand over the slightly younger girl, pulling her away from the bars of the cage. She turned to Sejanus uttering a sentence before storming off with the smaller child. Sejanus didn’t even have to see (Y/n) face to see it drop.
"You shouldn't be feeding the animals."
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Sejanus found himself in the back of the family car, immersed in thoughts of strategic tactics for (Y/n)'s survival in the games. He recognised her strong photographic memory, and with the meticulous examination of every inch of the arena, it could only be a advantage. Marcus, undeniably overprotective, was likely to form an alliance with her, the thought put him at ease. As beads of sweat formed on his forehead, the realization hit him — this could be the last time they ever saw each other after the games concluded. The weight of that impending separation lingered heavily in the confined space of the car.
He sighed deeply as the car slowed, stopping in front of a sport stadium, Sejanus briefly remembered Coryo mentioning something about an animal circus that performed there before the war. Even in the arena, the tributes would be seen as animals. He walked up the line, walking up to the front of the line where Marcus and (Y/n) stood, with Florus.
“Here’s some medicine for your hands,” Sejanus rattled around in his satchel, trying to find a pot of ointment he had brought, his finger grasped the corners. Pulling it out he unscrewed the lid, grabbing a generous amount on his fingers. “Make sure you apply it at least three time daily so it doesn’t get infected, and please make sure you use enough.”
She presented her palms as he ranted on, “I will, thanks Sejanus.” Taking the pot she shoved it into a pocket hidden somewhere among the layers and layers of green tulle.
"Any plans for how I'm going to win?" She playfully grasped onto his arm looking up with puppy dog eyes. His face faltered slightly but she picked up on it. Her arms fell by her side, "You do think I'm going to win, don't you?" Her jaw was clenched, her once round eyes flooding with betrayal. Sejanus turned to reassure her quickly, pulling her into his chest, resting his head on top of her own. "Of course I do,"
Before he could elaborate the peacekeepers ushered them towards the enterance. Giant gates and turnstiles guarded the way inside. She could finally feel the nerves catching up. Her fingers quickly found their way into Sejanus's. The warmth he provided gave a temporary comfort, she knew as long as he was responsible for her, she'd live. As the tributes and their mentors began walking through the turnstiles, a loud voice emanated from the walls.
"Enjoy the show!"
The first few people slowed, glancing around for the source of the noise.
"Enjoy the show!"
(Y/n) tried her hardest to hold back her laughter, Sejanus glanced at her, confused at what she found humorous about this scenario
"A bit ironic, isn't it. It's like they built this arena just for us."
"Enjoy the show!"
The arena was big, a small pile of rubble was clumped in the center, where Sejanus presumed would be filed with weapon the next day. Seats lined all the walls of the arena, there were boxes at the top, that were most likely used for the wealthy in its heyday. It seemed scalable, and from all their time in their youth spent, scaling and rock climbing, he didn't doubt she could make her way up there.
He innocuously bumped her shoulder, making small gestures towards the boxes. She gazed at them and smiled.
"We should look around more just in case, not a very smart move after the initial fight."
The more they looked around the more concerned Sejanus got. The arena has almost no place to hide, Sejanus felt there would only be the initial battle before someone's eventual victory. He doubted that the Victory would be (Y/n)s, not with Reaper, Jessup, and Coral and her group.
Sejanus was shaken from his thought when he realised that (Y/n) wasn’t by his side. He turned examining the room trying to find her. A spot of green caught his eye, (Y/n) stood by the center of the arena. She was deep in conversation with Lucy Gray, whispering something in her ear and pushing something into her hand, as Lucy Gray nodded happily. Coriolanus wasn’t far behind the two, sending Sejanus a confused look. Whatever the two girls had planned, they didn’t seem to tell Coriolanus either.
(Y/n) turned around, rushing back to Sejanus’s side. Her dress flowing behind her. “Sorry I took so long, I just had to discuss something with Lucy Gray,”
She smiled softly at him, sliding her hand back into his own, “Since Lucy Gray and I get along so well, we decided to have an alliance. And since we both have big strong boys, who are willing to protect us. We’ve decided it’s best to stick together, at least at the start”
“You’re really smart, you know.” he squeezed her hand tighter.
“Listen (Y/n), I-“ he cut himself off when he felt a rumble beneath his feet, throwing him off balance. He heard a bomb go off and in seconds both of them were thrown to the ground. Everything went white for a sliver of time. Sejanus looked up and saw the roof of the building beginning to collapse in, he grabbed (Y/n)s hand to pull her to safety. He heard a loud grunt behind him, as shadows hastily ran past him towards the exit, he could vaguely hear the sounds of shouting and gunshots over the harsh ringing of his ears.
It was a group of tributes attempting to escape.
Sejanus turned his head to where he last saw Florus and Marcus standing, Florus had been working to try and get some type of alliance together. The two boys hadn't been far behind them, just near the stands. Florus lay on the floor, a large piece of rubble had fallen on top of his chest and across his feet. (Y/n) was on her feet rushing over to help him get it off. Most of the concrete had fallen, but the structure was extremely unstable, Sejanus needed to get her out as fast as he could.
A group of peacekeepers rushed to their side, most of them attempted to lift the rubble from Florus, though it proved to be a challenge. Sejanus grabbed (Y/n)s hand again, the wounds on her palms had reopened while she dug through the rubble to try help Florus. The blood made it hard to keep a solid grip but he pulled her along as fast as he could towards the entrance where the other mentors stood. He quickly manoeuvred her to sit down, examining her to make sure she wasn’t hurt anywhere else.
“I’m ok,” she pulled his hands away from her face, her face being stained with the blood of her hands. “Where’s Marcus, is he still in there?”
Sejanus sighed, he couldn’t imagine what was going to happen to him, he wouldn’t be able to outrun the Capital.
“He escaped.”
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The aftermath of the bombing was catastrophic, The Ring twins and their tributes were both killed on impact. They had been up by the stands when the bomb went off. Both of the District Ones tributes alongside Marcus tried to escape, being shot at by the peacekeepers. Only Marcus managed to escape. Five tributes and two mentors dead, and the games hadn’t even begun. Sejanus hadn’t even begun to think of all the injured. Almost everyone there was hurt in some way, with the tributes being carted back to the zoo to be treated by the in-house veterinarian.
Coriolanus had gotten the brunt of blast that come from the cornucopia. Shielding Lucy Gray from the initial shockwave, which let her drag him from the falling rubble-so he didn’t end up like Florus had. Sejanus attempted to visit the zoo to thank her for saving his friend and to give the both of them some food but peacekeepers had the place closed down to the public. “Strict instructions from Dr. Gaul.”
As the Ring twins had their funeral, the capital decided to parade the dead tributes, two more of which had died through the night, through the streets. His eyes scanned through the tributes, he still hadn’t seen Marcus, he must’ve gotten out of the Capital somehow if he hadn’t been caught. Sejanus began to feel sick imagining what would happen if he got caught, if this is how they were desecrating the corpses of the dead tributes.
Two cages followed them, the tributes were separated by sex. Marcus wasn’t in there either. Glancing into the female cage, he spotted (Y/n) sat in the corner, holding Lucy Gray tightly to her chest, hiding her face in her hair. They were being flaunted to the Capital citizens. His classmates surrounded him, most of them mournful. As the dead tributes were dragged closer to the group, a smiling face caught his attention. Arachne Crane, sat with a callous smile, her true nature unveiled in the heartless moment. Arachne Crane was the exact type of person the games appealed to. The Capital wouldn’t cry for anything if it didn’t involve themselves.
The next few days were a blur to Sejanus, the stress of it all. Worrying for Marcus’s well-being, helping with strategies, and the thought of the games was too much for him to handle. He couldn’t remember much of the interviews, they had implemented a new sponsorship feature where the citizens could give the tributes gifts. (Y/n) having a talent for sewing, talked about dresses she had made, and went into the story behind her own.
“-and I’m very privileged to be able witness the beautiful fashion here in the capital, it’s inspired me quite a bit,” she said to the cameras as Lucky Flickerman, who had a grin painted onto his face, asked her if she had any final words she wanted to say.
There was a pregnant pause, the studio fell into silence for a brief moment. Sejanus looked over at her, reaching his hand over to comfort her own. Her mask had begun to crack, “final words?”
Lucky nodded happily, gesturing to the camera to make sure they were getting the shot.
"I-ugh…I don’t know what to say," she stammered, her voice trembling with the weight of impending finality. Desperation clouded her eyes as she turned to Sejanus, seeking solace in his familiar gaze. He, however, stood frozen in place, his entire being paralyzed by the realization that these might not only be her last words to the heartless Capital but also her farewell to him.
In that haunting moment, their eyes locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes of unspoken fears. Sejanus felt the grip of fear and helplessness tightening around his chest, In response, he managed to summon a small, almost imperceptible nod of reassurance. Amidst the shadow of impending doom, he needed her to find strength within herself, to muster the courage to face the horrors of the arena.
His silent plea echoed in that nod—a desperate, unspoken urging for her to believe in her own resilience, to fight fiercely for her life within those ruthless confines. For Sejanus, it wasn't just a wish; it was a desperate need, a fervent desire for her survival that resonated in the silent exchanges of their haunted gaze. He needed her to live, not just for herself but for the fragile hope that flickered within the recesses of his heart.
As Lucky Flickerman began to move on, finalizing the end of the segment, Sejanus found himself unable to tear his eyes away from hers. In the depth of her gaze, he glimpsed the raw, unfiltered fear that gripped her.
The loud stomping of boots drew her attention away from Sejanus, and immediately, she was engulfed by peacekeepers who forcefully pulled her back toward the transport car they had arrived in. She struggled against their relentless grip, her desperate gaze reaching out for Sejanus, who stood frozen—his entire being paralyzed by the tumultuous emotions coursing through him.
The overwhelming cacophony of boots on hardwood, the grating noise of Lucky Flickerman's voice, and the clattering of heavy filming machinery being rearranged drowned out (Y/n)'s cries for him, leaving Sejanus trapped in a haunting symphony of despair.
Sejanus rushed to follow the peacekeepers toward the exit of the building, where (Y/n) was harshly thrown into the train car. Lucy Gray, helped her to her feet, delicately dusting off the back of her dress.
Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she gazed at him for the last time. She whispered a sentence, and before Sejanus could respond, the peacekeepers ruthlessly slammed the doors shut in his face. Sejanus breathed out,
"I love you too."
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Taglist: @nolanbiigfishboi @0liveleaf @valterras @daisydark
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