#yes I’m kissing Murdoc
obliviand · 1 year
People who idolize Murdoc Niccals get sent to MEGA HELL🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 no he’s not going to be there please stop being happy about the mega hell it’s where a bunch of people surround you and point at you and laugh.
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dungeonbf · 9 months
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the tootsit.. in your inbox.. wha… hi ancom ^_^ i need to spread the rillaz f/o agenda its so fun. LIKE HOW YOU SPREAD THE CENTRICIDE/JREG AGENDA. i need to finish it all still..
want to let you know i kept looking in 2d’s eyes and i had to look away… too intimate…. he’s SOO silly and i want to give him the attention he deserves :( everyone is so mean to him. genuinely, though, pipdoc and murbat have inspired me sooo much, like i’m not even kidding. looking at your murdoc posts made me wanna start relistening to gorillaz, ‘cause i used to be a relatively big fan, yk? it’s so fun getting back into it, if only to kiss 2d. AND OMG YES I LOVE CENTRICIDE SO MUCH, please tell me all your thoughts. manifesting that you f/o someone from it. that would be my dream.
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pugpugpusheen · 2 years
Title: Anything to get Clean
Rated: M
Relationship: Murdoc/2d
Summary: Murdoc takes a shower at the promise of something in the end from 2d
The setting was perfect for Murdoc. He was sitting on the bed, legs spread open with no pants or underwear on as 2d kneeled between his legs. He was about to receive the best blowjob anybody could imagine. 2d’s eyes were closed as he leaned forward, inches away from Murdoc’s cock, but just as Murdoc was expecting a pair of pretty lips to surround him 2d quickly backed away and gagged.
Murdoc huffed and crossed his arms. He didn’t see what the big deal was. So what if he couldn’t remember the last time he took a shower. That doesn’t mean he should be excluded from man’s best feeling (yes he COULD use his hand to get the job done, but it was better when somebody else did the job for you). Murdoc stood up and started walking towards the door.
“Muds! When was the last time you showered?!”
“Oh is that really important right now?”
“Yes! It IS important because you smell like a gym locker after rugby. You’re crazy if you think I’m sticking THAT into my mouth.”
“Fine, but there better be something in it for me when I get out.”
2d stood up, walked up to be behind Murdoc, and leaned down to wrap his arms around Murdoc’s waist. He peppered light kisses along the side of the bassist’s neck before whispering into his ear.”
“Oh there will be something for you. You’ll feel very refreshed when we’re done.”
2d pulled away, took Murdoc’s hand, opened the door, and then started walking towards the restroom. Murdoc didn’t fight being led as he thought of all the activities they would be doing after this silly shower was taken care of. As they entered the restroom Murdoc closed the door. As Murdoc stepped into the shower 2d undressed. Murdoc looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. 2d smirked as he walked over and quickly kissed him.
“It’s better to have a little fun early, right?”
Murdoc smirked back, fingernails reaching to lightly drag down 2d’s chest before turning away to turn on the water. He fiddled with the knobs until the water was just the right temperature. As he stepped in he looked towards 2d and motioned with a finger for the singer to join him with a sly smile. 2d stepped inside the shower, making sure to stand behind Murdoc. Murdoc turned around, water trickling down his hair and body, and wrapped his arms around 2d with his nails digging into the other’s back. 2d winced as he ruffled his hands through Murdoc’s hair. Then the 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner bottle was grabbed as Murdoc peppered 2d’s chest with kisses, nails dragging down 2d’s back. 2d squirted the shampoo and conditioner into one palm, placed the bottle back, and then started working it into a lather into Murdoc’s hair. Fingertips scrunched all along the scalp and then to the base. Murdoc let out a satisfied growl.
As 2d finished he placed his hands on Murdoc’s shoulders and gently pushed him back under the water. Murdoc closed his eyes as he leaned his head back, suds washing out of his hair. 2d leaned down and kissed him, using his tongue to open the other’s mouth a bit. 2d could taste the rum taste that still laid on Murdoc’s tongue as they kissed. When 2d could feel he needed to breath he pulled away. Murdoc tried to follow 2d’s lips, but when all that was there was air he opened his eyes and huffed. 2d wagged a finger at him.
“Oh that feels good, Dents.”
“Thanks, but I’m sure it doesn’t feel as good as what’s to come.”
“Not yet. Still gotta scrub your body.”
“Still gotta do the rest of your body.”
2d reached for the body wash and loofah, squirted some onto it, then scrubbed it underneath the water to get a lather. When it was ready Murdoc turnef around si 2d could scrub his back 2d swirled thr loofah all along the bassist's back and then pressed his body against Murdoc, reaching around to gently scrub the man’s stomach and chest. Murdoc could feel the other man’s cock pressing up against him just at the moment 2d leaned down and nibbled on Murdoc’s earlobe. Murdoc couldn’t suppress the moan that escaped, a hand reaching to touch himself. As 2d moved onto lathering up Murdoc’s left arm the bassist’s right hand was wrapped around his cock, hand pumping up and down. 2d moved onto scrubbing the man’s left side, mouth moving to suck the side of Murdoc’s neck. As Murdoc started panting and moving his hand faster 2d bit down on the spot he was sucking on, causing Murdoc to gasp as he orgasmed. The bassist leaned back against 2d, but 2d pulled away.
Murdoc nodded, a lazy smile on his face. 2d scrubbed the rest of Murdoc’s body with no problem. Murdoc stood under the water, eyes closed and face still plastered with a smile as he cleansed himself of the suds. When all the soap was washed away Murdoc turned the water off. Both men exited the shower with 2d grabbing two towels. He handed one to Murdoc and toweled himself dry. Murdoc quickly patted himself down.
“Alright, D. You promised there would be something for me at the end.”
As Murdoc looked towards 2d he saw the man was nearly dressed. Murdoc waved his arms.
“Oi! What’re you doin’ getting dressed? We’re about to have a shag!”
2d let out a laugh and then smirked as finished getting dressed.
2d tilted his head to the side as he stared at him, feigning innocence.
“Oh Murdoc. That was only to get you to get clean. We had fun, right?”
“That is NOT the type of fun I was expecting at the end of this!”
“Oh really? But you had fun and now you’re all clean so my job here is done.”
2d opened the door and walked out, whistling as he walked down the hall. Murdoc stared at the empty spot in front of him, mouth open. As a few seconds passed and he realized 2d was indeed not coming back he brought a hand up to his face.
“That bloke really played me.”
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pissjesus · 2 years
Since we’ve been talking about 2D sleeping with someone else’s girlfriend… Would Siggy sleep with 2D? 🤔 Just hypothetically. I’ve been thinking about this because she seems to be into weirdos and 2D is a weirdo but he’s another flavor of weirdo than Murdoc… She also seems to be more into rowdy people? Like 2D would be a bit too sweet for her. What do you think? I’m dying to know 🥲
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Ok so I was playing dollhouse with the plastic beach scenario since you put it in my head— and I was gonna keep it to myself for my own entertainment but since you asked and now it’s relevant:
Siggy’s mad that Murdoc lured her to his stupid island and is in no mood to pity him. Upon finding out that 2D is there essentially being held hostage, she’s like “fuck you Murdoc I’m gonna hang out with 2D. Maybe we’ll even unionize. I can’t believe you’re treating him like this. Come on, 2D, we don’t need Murdoc.”
And then she’s like “…come on, 2D, we don’t need Murdoc ;)”
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Outside of that scenario, she’d probably still be down to invite him into a fucked up and evil polycule. He’s cute and a little funny-looking, and she thinks he’s funny when he doesn’t mean to be. Though if she tried to float the idea to Murdoc it probably wouldn’t go over well 😬
In either scenario, 2D wouldn’t reciprocate cuz he finds her kind of annoying. (In the PB situation, he also wouldn’t appreciate feeling like she’s using him for revenge, or even more irritatingly, doing it out of pity)
She’s always in their house, she’s loud, and even though she teases people when she likes them, she can come across as mean. The last thing Murdoc needed was someone who will yes/and him.
And you know in high school when you’re trying to get to your locker, but there’s two people sucking each other’s faces in the way, and you have to get around them but they’re oblivious to you? That’s what he has to deal with now
Ugh I can’t believe I made her to supplement a fic and now I’m playing “what if they kissed” with her
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gatefleet · 2 years
Future Talk
MacGyver (Reboot): Angus 'Mac' MacGyver Word Count: 681 (T)W: Injuries, torture, overprotective partner Request: Yes, "Can I request a Mac imagine? If so what about reader is recovering from injuries received during the Phoenix attack. Mac is taking care of her and it leads both to discuss their future such as marriage, kids etc" A/N: Sutoritaimu archive
Sitting on the couch (sofa) in Mac and Bozer’s place would have been way more comfortable if Mac wasn’t fussing over you so much and you didn’t have all these bandages restricting your movements.  Honestly, you’d think you’d had major surgery rather than getting your side stitched up.  The attack that Murdoc and his psycho buddy had planned left you with minor cuts and abrasions on your face, a pretty deep cut on your arm – which ultimately needed stitches – and a deep graze on your side as well as a shallower graze on your upper thigh thanks to a stray bullet when trying to help Riley regain control of the computers within the Phoenix Foundation.  As much as you love Mac, if he didn’t stop fussing over you, you might just have to kill him yourself.
“Mac, I’m fine, you don’t have to fuss.”   “Y/N, you could have been killed, I thought I lost you!”  Mac was so dramatic sometimes.  “Mac, sweetie, look at me,” you finally got Mac to stop fussing and sit next to you on the couch, you held his hand in yours as you searched his eyes, his face, everything.  “Mac, I’m here, I’m safe, we’re alive.” You smiled softly at him.  “I know Y/N, but I can’t stop thinking ‘what if’, if that bullet was two inches to the left…” Mac couldn’t look at you or finish the sentence. “Mac,” you pulled him into a hug and slowly sat on his lap, careful not to burst any of your stitches, “Mac, no, don’t… don’t do that to yourself.  We’re good, we’re safe, we’re alive.  Murdoc and his cronies, they can’t get to us, they can’t hurt us.”  Mac smiled at you, leaning back against the couch, slowly pulling you down with him, holding you close and placing a kiss on your temple.
“Y’know, now that we don’t have to worry about any missions popping up, and we have all this free time until Phoenix is up and running again.” You eyed Mac as he said that, “it looks like no could be the perfect time to talk about us, our future.” You sat up a little bit to look at Mac, “What about ‘us’?”  Mac just smiled at you shyly.  “Angus, what’s going on?”  Mac laughed, “honestly, it’s nothing, I was just thinking that, this would be the best time for us to talk about us and what we want from this.”  Mac’s smile, at this particular moment, reminded you of a Cheshire cat.  “A future?  You mean like marriage and kids and stuff?”  Mac shrugged, “Well, yeah.”  You looked down at the ground for a moment.  “What about it?” You looked up at Mac, “do you actually think about that kind of stuff Mac?”  He just smiled. “Obvcourse I do Y/N/N, but we didn’t really get a lot of chances and we definitely had loads of interruptions to even consider talking about it before.  So why not talk about it now?”  and that’s how the two of you spent the night, you wrapped in Mac’s arms, head on settled in the crook between his head and his shoulder, talking about the future; kids, marriage, finding your own place.  “Y’know Mac, when my injuries heal enough that I can walk without pain, we should go looking for your dad, or you should at least.”  Mac just looked at you. “Come on Mac, face it, you need the closure.”  You smiled sadly and softly at Mac and kissed him gently.  Afterwards Mac helped you get to get ready and get into bed.
When you were fit enough to walk without pain or fear of bursting your stitches, you and Mac set out to do what you promised.  Search for his father.  Unfortunately, what you had hoped could be some form of vacation for you guys didn’t turn out that way.  Jack had found out about your plans and gate-crashed by waiting for you both in a soft-top car outside Mac and Bozer’s place.  And so, with that, the three of you headed to look for Mac’s dad.
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(GIF Credit: @stealedandthieved)
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neeksnorton · 2 years
ficmas day 6: reborn ~ murdoc x f!reader
requested by - anon
a/n: hi there! this is my first ever murdoc fic, and... oh boy, this one is spicy. i felt LOTSA things writing this. i think this is one of my favorite things ever written. please enjoy!
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~ While working for the Phoenix Foundation, the reader gets captured by Murdoc. He wants to know where MacGyver is, what he's working for, all the details. And he will draw them out of her by any means necessary. ~
NSFW WARNINGS: fingering, breat sucking, piv, tied up, a little bit of slapping, nicknames, babying, slight maledom undertones, KIDNAPPING, very slight cnc (reader wants to leave, but gives in bc... murdoc is hot)
Her eyes fluttered open. Was she in a warehouse? Basement? She couldn’t tell, but wherever she was was dark, a single small overhead light placed almost directly above her. It provided minimal sight, not enough to figure out her surroundings and anything that might be there. She knew she’d been found out by Murdoc. Fuck.
The Phoenix Foundation had just begun, and she was a great recruit. She was easily able to read people’s expressions and emotions, purely by body language and tone of voice. She was EXCEPTIONAL, better at what she did than anyone MacGyver had ever seen.
Murdoc had a meticulous obsession with finding Mac and knowing his every whereabouts. And he was determined to do ANYTHING to find out where he was.
“Murdoc, I know you’re in here.” she yelled. She lurched forward, suddenly aware of the fact she was fully naked and bound; hands above her head and ankles strapped to the upright metal table.
Naked? Oh, that made her skin crawl. She didn’t think Murdoc was THAT slimy.
“Jesus, you’re a sick pervert, yknow?”
She nearly jumped out of her skin as his whispering breath caressed her ear. “Oh, relax now.” he walked around to face her. “I could’ve killed you already, so try and be a LITTLE grateful.” He giggled to himself.
She was NOT a fan of him seeing her fully exposed body. Yes, the kidnapping was already bad, but this was humiliation. Humiliation for her, and sweet temptation for him. He paced in front of her.
“Can you get your shit over with so I can leave, please?” She snapped. This was inconvenient. Funnily enough, she knew she was not going to die at the hands of him. He enjoyed the cat and mouse game with his captees.
He looked at her, eyes wide with fake shock. “Excuse me? I don’t think you call the shots here, miss. Have you taken a look at yourself? You’re in no position to tell me what to do.” He motioned to her body. She rolled her eyes and stayed silent. He sure loved the performance aspect of all this. He made sure to stay eloquently spoken, and as sarcastic as ever.
“Now, to the task at hand.” He stopped his pacing, and ended up directly in front of her exposed body. He took a few steps closer to her, bodies now excruciatingly close. She’d kept her cool, but her lip couldn’t help but tremble. He was so tall. And his hair and eyes were so dark. He looked so polished in that black coat, sweater, and slacks. Hands behind his back, looking down at her with inquisitiveness.
No. No, no, no. This was her CAPTOR, her kidnapper. He was… her enemy. She searched her brain for any shred of dignity and loyalty to the Phoenix Foundation. She failed to find it.
“Where… is… Mac?”
She clenched her jaw and inhaled sharply, looking away from him. “I… I won’t tell you shit.”
His thumb and knuckle of his forefinger gingerly met her chin, turning her head back to look at her. She tried so hard to resist, but couldn’t find it in her. To her surprise, he leaned down and began to kiss her neck. It was a struggle for her to hold back her moan. Nononono, he was her enemy… but he felt so good…
“M-Murdoc, please…” He quickly jumped off of you, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh, you like it? I’m so happy!!” He was nearly giddy, drunk off his little game. “I’ll only continue though, if you spill the beans, miss.”
Okay. She had two options. Don’t talk and have Murdoc beat the shit out of her, or compromise Mac’s location and continue to have Murdoc continue his gentle assault on your skin. If she let a COUPLE details slip, if she was vague enough, maybe he’d buy it…
“Well…” Her eyes darted around the room. “Well, I-” She swallowed. Shit.
“Tongue tied? C’mon, baby.”
God, him and his little nicknames.
“The building is in California.”
His lips met her neck once more, licking the lovebites he left on her. Could you really call them lovebites?
“Mmm, yes, keep going…” He groaned into her. “Where?”
Her brain was telling her no. But her body was saying yes. Yes, Murdoc, yes! Don’t say it, don’t-
“Southern, outside of LA. A huge building, it used to be an old office building but we converted it into something for us.” No no no. Mac was absolutely going to dispose of her after this.
“God, yes.” he bent down and placed her breast in his mouth, massaging the other one with his opposite hand. His tongue expertly circled her nipple, sucking and licking as if she were the sweet hard candies he loved so much. So, so sweet.
“Perhaps a little more and I’ll give you a rewaaard…” he sang. Oo, a reward? Yes! Yes, Murdoc, please!
“Well, we used to be the D-” She paused for a moment, throwing her head back in pleasure, eyes rolling back. hating herself for every decision she had made tonight for the sake of sheer pleasure. She writhed in her bounds.“- fuck, we used to be the DXS.”
“Yes, yes! Oh, I’m so proud.” He let go of her breast with a POP and met his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply.
More than anything, she wanted to run her hands through his tresses, tangling her fingers in ecstasy. She pulled against the bounds, her fighting useless against the knots her captor tied. His hands found her hips, and she jumped at the sheer size. They were MASSIVE against her small frame. His touch was intoxicating. This was clearly not the first time he had done this with his female captees. His fingers slightly dug into her flesh, gripping with just enough force to make her squirm in his arms.
One of his hands trailed down farther, meeting the side of her ass and then sliding across to right above her heat.
She inhaled deeply at his touch, the anticipation nearly killing her as he held his hand there for just a moment. “You gonna give me my reward, Murdoc?”
He laughed. “I was just thinking it over, whether or not you deserve it.” Without warning, his fingers slipped into her, curling in a “come here” motion.
Her eyes opened wide with surprise and then squeezed shut. She was overcome by the most intense pleasure she’d ever felt, his fingers were so big. She couldn’t help but grind onto his fingers, which he wasn’t opposed to at all.
“You dirty, dirty girl. Betraying your little gang, fraternizing with the enemy!” His eyes widened and he smiled at her reaction to his words. She was so squirmy, her motions in tandem with his fingers. He couldn’t take his eyes off her face, twisted with pleasure. He loved it so much that he felt his own arousal forming in his pants.
“What would Mac think of you? He’s probably gonna kill you, yknow? So scary to think about, I bet.” Every forward motion of his fingers and her hips drove a moan out of her. Every single time. He chuckled and looked down at his working hand, fingers deep in her. “Can you even hear me over yourself, little miss? You sound like a squealing cat!”
“Ahh- c-close… I’m close…” were all the words she could muster at the moment. She didn’t want to be at the mercy of him. She didn’t want to show her vulnerability, her orgasming in front of him. But she had to. She couldn’t hold on any longer.
“Oh baby, please cum for me! It’d make me so proud.”
“Oh, Murdoc! Don’t stop, don’t stop! Ahh… mmnh, keep going, please…Ahh!”
Intense release washed over her, wave after wave after wave. Her walls clenched around him, legs shaking and adrenaline coursing through her veins.
He fingered her through it, hitting the perfect spot every time. Her body grew rigid with her own orgasm.
He was so good… how was it possible that one person could make her feel better than anyone else ever had?? All she could do was whimper as he touched her so expertly.
As she came down from her peak, he pulled his fingers out of her devilishly slow, making her squeal at the loss of him.
“Good, good.” His fingers opened her mouth and he forced her to suck on them. These were just in me, she thought. Her tangy-sweet juices flowed over her own tongue, she marveled in the fact that she tasted so nice.
His hand left her hips and her fingers left her mouth. No, no come back! she thought.
“So good for me, little miss. Now more.” He paced in slow circles around her.
She tried to remember where they were in the conversation. “Um… where did we leave o-”
“The DXS. You used to be the DXS.”
“Oh. Right. Umm… We aren’t the DXS anymore, we have a new name.”
The table underneath her tilted back quickly into a horizontal position, throwing her body back. Her head slammed onto the metal, brain going foggy with dizziness. Now that she was laying down, she was almost relieved. Having an orgasm while standing wasn’t exactly the most comfortable.
His eyes burned into her, taking in every drop. She was beautiful. He felt no emotional attachment to her, just pure carnal lust that he could not ignore. Yes, he frequently did this for interrogations, and they always got him aroused. Some are prettier than others, he must admit. But she was radiantly gorgeous. He had definitely gotten lucky today, hardness nearly at full mast.
The light now illuminated her entire body. She was displayed like a statue in front of him, a new piece of art he could indulge in.
“Right. And what are you now?”
“M- Murdoc, I- oh, you bitch.” The guilt overtook her brain once more. What was she DOING?
He slapped her across her stomach, pointing his finger at her like an angry school teacher.
“Don’t talk back to me! You agreed to this, now tell me.”
“It’s the name of a… of a mythical creature.”
“Ooo, enticing!” He exclaimed. He let the binds loose on her feet, letting her freely move her legs. Finally, she thought. She let her legs roam free, pulling them up to expose her peach just a tad. He crawled onto the table and propped himself up on his knees. “Keep going, and I may give you mooore.” He began to palm his cock through his pants, looking her up and down.
Fuck. She felt herself get wet with the sound of his promises.
“One that gets… reborn.”
He let out a slow moan as he unzipped the pants. “Mmmmph…” He let his head roll back. “Like you, miss! Reborn.”
What? “How?” She asked. He was clearly excited by her inquisitiveness.
“Well, I’ve brought you to me. And clearly, we know where your loyalty lies now…” He removed his hands from himself and smoothed them up and down her thighs. “Mac’s never made you cum like this, hmm?”
She shoved her wrists against the bounds as she tried to yank herself up. God DAMNIT, those were annoying. “WHAT?” She yelled. Mac had NEVER touched her, he hadn’t even looked at her in that way. With a little more thinking, she realized this might just be some part of Murdoc’s fantasies.
He pressed down on her legs to stop her squirming at his comment. “Alright, alright. Relax.” He spoke to her like a child, making her simultaneously disgusted and horrifically turned on. His voice sounded so cute like that. “Now… I believe I know what word you’re thinking of. Are you gonna make me guess the other part of the name?”
She couldn’t hold it in any longer. She needed him DEEP inside her, farther than anyone had ever been. More than anything. Her so-called “everlasting loyalty” to the Phoenix Foundation was crushed forever. Maybe she should just align herself with Murdoc and make things easier.
She stumbled over her words has he massaged the flesh on her thighs. “The… the… goddamnit.”
“Tongue tied once more? Don’t say and I might choke you out until your heart stops beating!” He grinned excitedly.
“The… Phoenix Foundation.”
He clapped his hands together. “Yes, yes yes!! So good for me, I’m so happy. You were surprisingly willing to submit, I must say.”
He yanked his pants and boxers down just enough to let his cock bob free. Her mouth salivated with need.
“Since you’ve been such a good girl… I’ll give you what you want.” She couldn’t help but let her legs instinctively spread. “Consider yourself lucky, miss. Normally I’d end it here, but you… are exceptionally radiating.”
She chuckled. “I’ll take that as a compliment, although you could just be buttering me up.”
“Oh trust me, I am.” He began to pump himself. “I need to- ahh… I need to get you on my good side so you may want to stick with me.”
He lined himself up with her hole, she drew in a breath of anticipation. He was… massive.
“Y’sure that’ll fit in me, Murdoc?”
“We’ll see.” he whispered. He slid into her slowly, letting her adjust to his size. “Ohhhh…” The feeling was deliciously painful, she’d never felt so full. She felt as if he were to leave, she’d be missing a part of her body.
He began to move in and out of her, her legs wrapping around his waist, heels digging into his lower back.
“Ohhh, fuck.” He moaned. He was so fucking hot. Why? Why did she find him so attractive? HIs mysteriousness and elusiveness? His giddiness? His stupid, stupid charm? Whatever it was, she wasn’t able to pretend that he wasn’t intoxicating.
He found a steady pace, holding her legs in place. She was DYING from not being able to touch him. She pulled strongly on the ropes that held her wrist.
“Haven’t I… Haven’t I been so good? Can you please take these off?”
“Yes… I suppose.” He grumbled. Yes, yes, yes!! He leaned down and put his face next to yours. To have him fuck her in classic missionary made the all-familiar fire spread throug her belly. His hands reached up and untied the ropes. Her hands flung to face, hands on his cheeks. God, she was so happy to just feel him. She couldn’t stop moaning, he was so big. Hot heat spread through her once more as she watched him shut his eyes and furrow his brow, mouth hang agape with pleasure.
Her hands wrapped around his back, adjusting her legs at just the right angle to get him JUST a bit deeper, and…
Oh fuck. Oh, Jesus Christ. Her moans were pornographic, He was absolutely hitting her cervix, creating a beautiful mix of pain and pleasure.
He mumbled into her ear, his voice sending shivers up her spine and shockwaves to her clit. “Doesn’t that feel so good, sweetheart?” He groaned in between his words. “ To just… Mmmf, give in every once in a while? Indulge yourself? Unhh, I bet it does, miss. Lord knows it feels good for me.”
She clawed at his back, desperately wishing that his clothes were off.
“Y-yes, it feels so good!”
He groped her breast, quickening his thrusts. He latched his mouth onto her, sucking and licking with pure expertise. He bit down slightly, making her jump. “Mmm, you sound so cute when you squeal!”
She moaned into his neck. She felt her second peak on the horizon, and he felt his belly constrict. He was close, too. He continued to suck on her breast, holding it firmly with one hand and gripping her waist with the other.
“Murdoc, I can’t- mmm, I can’t-”
“God, please cum for me! Show Mac where your loyalties lie, little baby.” He spoke to her in the babying voice once more.
“Sh-shit!” Her body curled up and twitched with pleasure. The attack on her nipple was so electrifying. Her heat pulsated with fire, clenching around his cock, bringing him to his own release. His pace faltered and he shot his cum into her, deeper than anyone had in her life. The feeling of his spend coating her walls was painfully attractive. He was clearly sweaty and spent, drops of sweat slipping down his forehead.
“Mmm…” He collapsed on top of her, keeping himself inside of her as they both caught their breath.
As she laid under him, the impending guilt of her actions weighed upon her, literally. He was HEAVY on top of her.
She knew she couldn’t go back to the Phoenix Foundation. Mac would probably kill her, they were probably out looking for her now. Once he’d see Murdoc with herself at his side. He’d put a bullet in your skull, no doubt about it. They were compromised, and Murdoc had gotten what he wanted. He had gotten her in his grasp, and was not planning to let her go.
And she wasn’t planning to resist him anytime soon.
@theoretical-whore @mourncoremusings @krillposting @1-v-0-ry @sadclowncat @breathinfive @pixy-styx @clickstheclueless
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
how would our sweet boys react if they were caught under the mistletoe uwu
Abner: “oh- imsorry” embarrassed about it, he stammers aggressively trying to tell you that you don’t have to kiss him if you don’t want to, you have to shake him to get him to calm down, reassuring him that you would like to kiss him, he sheepishly nods and finally, you share a kiss “see it wasnt so ba-“ “i’m in love with you” “oh-?” yeah, you two have a lot to talk about- maybe later, though
Kurt: he’s probably vaguely drunk so he’s not as embarrassed as you thought he’d be, though he’s stumbling over his words and has a rosy tint to his cheeks - either from being flustered or drunk is really the latter - “so, we- we kiss now yeah?” you chuckle, nodding at him, he’s a surprisingly good kisser
Murdoc: is the one who put the mistletoe up, he already has you in his arms before you can register the fact it’s there, he looks up to the mistletoe and winks at you, y’all get a teeny bit carried away with the kissing (no i won’t elaborate)
Lonny: he’s so red in the face you’d think he was about to explode, he’s just standing there silently looking back to you to the mistletoe, he makes a weird squeaking noise at you, before kissing you on the forehead
Thomas: “are you sure you’d wanna do that…” he’s not embarrassed, more like nervous that you’ll hate him if you kissed him (which isn’t true thomas SHUT-) he doesn’t pull away though, part of him really hopes you’d kiss him. You do, breaking the awkward tension. when you pull away he’s looking at you star struck, his mouth slightly agape “wow…” is the only thing he can say
Bob: awkwardly smiles at you but doesn’t maintain eye contact for very long “i think- someone put mistletoe here by mistake uhm” he can’t really bring himself to make a move, he’s just standing there, silently, looking back up at you every so often. you delicately place a finger under his chin and lift his head up, softly placing a kiss on his lips, “see? no mistake here” caught off guard he just remains still, his face going a pretty shade of pink, he definitely thought about this all night 👀
Piter: “mistletoe? the fuck is mistletoe?? sounds like a disease” you explain to him what it is and what it means, he looks at you blankly for a second before going “alright fine, only because it’s so important to you i suppose” it’s only a quick peck on the lips but it’s good enough, he just turns around and walks away, but he is most definitely trying to conceal the fact he’s blushing right now (probably internally screaming)
Johnson: “…you wanna kiss or something?” his bluntness definitely catches you off guard for a moment, he just stares at you waiting for an answer as you flusteredly try and say yes. when you nod at him he just shrugs and goes “alright” it was quick but he’d never felt more comfortable to kiss someone before (if that makes any sense jesus)
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just-a-fangirl13 · 3 years
Thoughts & Theories about MacGyver 5x10 [MacRiley]
This episode was absolutely INSANE. Im writing out my thoughts once and for all because I need to stop thinking about everything that happened (I highly doubt I will be able to but here's to trying)
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Straight off the bat, I was screaming *internally* and yelling at Mac when he showed the diamond to Bozer. I suspected it yesterday when we got the snippet of Murdoc saying the words DIAMOND and RING with extra emphasis..(everyone on twitter said I was jumping to conclusions.. I thought so too honestly) But damn I did NOT expect them to actually do that!
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Now here's why I am not mad about it anymore. [this is my interpretation you are free to disagree]
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Firstly, when Mac told Bozer he was going to propose he didnt say I’m doing it because I love Desi or I want to spend the rest of our lives together or because she’s the one (doesn't mean he doesnt care for her ofcourse)
He said “Ever since I lost my dad & Jack, I have been thinking about the bigger picture and a commitment to make things work is exactly what Desi and I need right now. A grand romantic gesture.” He wanted to propose for stability so he could finally be on the same page with her. They never really defined their relationship before and this was a way for Mac to final bring it together. A grand romantic gesture is usually something people use to win their partners back which is what Mac was trying to do I guess. It almost sounds like he has to do it so he doesn't lose her again 
(ill get to my second reason in the end)
Then ofcourse Bozer tells Riley about it so she can be prepared. Bozer is such a good friend. He is supportive of Mac AND wants to protect Riley. I love him for it! He really is doing everything to be the best friend he can to both of them. (Leannas death was so painful and I just want to hug him but thankfully Riley had that covered.)
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Next we get the BIG REVEAL. The moment all of us had been waiting for. 
The moment that SHOOK Angus MacGyver and CHANGED EVERYTHING!
Rileys Feelings!
“You want me to say it out loud? Fine. Yes I had feelings for Mac. There I said it. and yeah watching him and Desi together was breaking my heart so I moved out of his house. I should have said something to him a long time ago but I didn’t and now its over. ”
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I had the opposite of a HEART ATTACK! (my heart rate was through THE ROOF!)
I have to say they really really outdid themselves on this reveal. 
SIDE NOTE: If anyone comes for Riley and tries to call her a slut or a home wrecker? You will have me to deal with. Even after Murdoc played the clip of her confession she still tried to deny it and brush it off so it wouldn't complicate things for Mac and Desi. If Riley had wanted, she could have easily told Mac this to his face while he was dating Desi and then let things happen from there but she DIDNT. She kept that secret buried so deep she herself was in denial.
(also if anyone calls Mac a player or anything like that.. I will end you. He is doing his best to deal with everything that has happened to him and people keep giving him shit for it....)
Anyways, we see Mac’s expression & he is just confused and shocked and clearly not trying to think about it because it changed EVERYTHING for him. 
[Murdoc saying I THINK IM ON TEAM RILEY was a HUGE HIGHLIGHT for me! I love him so damn much!]
Desi took it really well too actually. If they keep going down this road of growth and maturity for her I think I could actually like her again. (Russ too when he apologised to Bozer) 
She didnt throw a hissy fit or say I knew it or look at Riley like she was the villain. She focused on the mission & I respect her for that.
(Riley does say, “the next thing you are going to hear on that recording-” and then gets cut off by Desi.. If this will come into play at some point later on or if it was just her trying to explain herself, remains to be seen.)
Then after the climax, we finally hear Riley say the words to Mac in real time and we get our FIRST MacRiley hug of the season! 
At this point I thought they would agree to be friends and make the friendzone thing clear BUT NOPE. (you have no idea how happy I am about it not going down like that!)
I was also a puddle on the floor. SO
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“Mac look-”
“You don’t have to say anything if you dont want to. Really.”
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“I want to. Last year in Germany. I realised I was starting to have feelings for you. Real feelings. I didnt want to make anything weird between you and Desi. I didnt want to mess up our work or our friendship so I decided to bury it. Until the feelings passed.”
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“Emotions aren’t a science. You can’t control them.”
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Gosh they are so perfect together! The way they look at each other and the HUG! OH MY GOD THE HUG! Its just perfection.
Now we also see this from Desi’s POV. Again no anger or jealousy from her. I think it was an understanding. She realised that she and Mac were never going to work.. maybe a little pain but honestly everything that went down with her and Mac was her fault too. The lack of trust and understanding was always a problem for them. Sure, things were going well but she didnt seem like she was ready for a commitment if im being honest. If Mac had proposed I think Desi would have said no.(again nothing wrong with that) 
She didnt want to label their relationship..they haven't said the words I love you to each other and I dont think they even live together. It really was way too sudden.(these are just things im assuming people define how well a relationship is going by.. I have no experience.)
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Then ofcourse we have what im calling the goodbye scene. Its the break up before the break up in my opinion.
Desi tells Mac that they should pretend the last 24 hours never happened (that might actually include Mac wanting to propose but make of it what you will..) and that they should have a clean slate. But its very clear from Mac’s face and Desi sees it too that he isnt 100% onboard with it. He cant forget about it.
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Which is when Desi says “Look Mac just do whatever you feel is right” and Mac looks confused.
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She then gives him a goodbye kiss. 
Look if you have ever watched any show/movie before where the characters are saying goodbye to each other or breaking each others hearts...THERE IS ALWAYS A KISS ON THE CHEEK. A final farewell of sorts. 
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That is what it seemed like to me. It was Desi telling Mac to do what he has to. Even if it inevitably leads to their break up.
Again real emotional maturity from Desi here!
Then we get the scene, Monica Macer (the show runner) tweeted about back in December.
Mac knocking on someones door. If im being honest? I thought it was Desi’s place and he was going to propose...
BUT it turned out to be Riley’s.
Mac clearly hasn't stopped thinking about what happened. I wouldnt either if my best friend who has put her life on the line for me and trusts me 100%, now has feelings for me? That would turn my world upside down too.
especially if I had feelings for her that I buried so deep that I never acknowledged them.
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Also this is my scenario for how their first kiss goes down just FYI.. (Mac showing up at Rileys doorstep and finally confessing his feelings and kissing her *probably won't happen that way now though, but I still love it*)
Mac hesitates for a second before finally knocking on her door.
“Mac? Everything okay?”
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“I can’t pretend like the last 24 hours didnt just happen. They did. So I gotta ask. Did it work?”
“Did what work?”
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“Hiding your emotions and letting it pass. Did they go away?”
and I proceeded to pass out. My brain just checked out...
Now initially in all my freaking out I thought Mac was asking Riley about his feelings. If HE buried them deep enough would he still be able to move on with Desi but then I rewatched it and I realised he was asking RILEY if her feelings were still there, if there was still a possibility of something ever happening. 
She never told him its all good now! my feelings are gone and it was a long time ago. She told him she buried it but he needed to know if a future with Riley was something tangible. 
So this was my second reason for not being annoyed about the proposal. The writers used it to show what a huge impact it would have on Mac. How much Rileys feelings would actually mean to him. the GAME CHANGER it would be.
A friend of mine said it was kinda funny and a little jarring but I liked it. (I could have done without the proposal) But I understand why they did it. They couldnt have Mac and Desi break up the same day Riley’s feelings came out because then people would hate Mac. They had to make him want to take the next step with Desi but then drop a bomb on him, that would make him question everything.
Again this is what I took away from it.
I do get that some people are not happy with this and some said it was too sudden *not like we’ve been waiting since season 1 or anything* but I think after 5x11 things will slow down again. Mac may break up with Desi only at the end of the season when he finally comes to terms with his feelings. (Some people are still cautious and I get it but after everything that just happened I find it hard to believe that Mac and Riley won't end up together after all.. not to mention the leaked script conversation between Mac and Riley from 5x15)
Now I dont know how the final scene ends.. they definitely dont get called away for their solo mission immediately after because Mac’s cheek injury is relatively healed in this stills, which means Riley does answer Mac’s question. She may try to avoid it or deflect but he is standing right there so...who knows.
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Next weeks episode is a MacRIley solo mission and lets just say things definitely are heating up a bit..*wink wink*
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2-D x Reader The Shower Incident
Yeah.. this is the first Gorillaz fanfic I’ve ever written and it’s a even 1,500 words! Hope you enjoy!
(Edit: I've have made some changes to make it read better, also some grammatical ones. I have also made it gender neutral!)
     I slowly tune in to my loud ass alarm. Turning over, I reach my arm over to find my phone before it wakes up 2-D as well. The man needs his sleep too, I finally reach my phone. Pulling it toward me as I push my body up, I turn off the alarm and check for any messages, emails, etc. none as far as I can see.
     I put my phone in my lap, looking over at 2-D, my goodness, he looks so peaceful when he's not getting beat over the head with a shoe. I lean over to his side of our bed and kiss him on the forehead, he shifts a bit and I see him smile. I feel myself grin at the sight. I lift the blanket from my legs and turn to the side slowly to give my body enough time to adjust. I just then realize; fuck I'm still squinting. I reach over and grab my glasses while I'm standing up.
     I stretch my arms out, yawning, I did not want to get up today, but I got stuff to do. I turn back to 2-D and go over to his side of the bed. I lift the covers off of him slightly, I softly rub his arm trying to gently wake him. "Babe?", He cracks open his eyes, clearly adjusting to the sunlight lighting up the room. 2-D gives a short moan/sigh before responding.
     "Yes, Love?"
     "I have to pick-up some stuff for the house today, but I'm gonna take a shower first, when you really wake up and the water is still running, it's me, so don't worry" I whisper to him.
     "Alright, can I go back to sleep now?" he asks with a slight smile. I give a small chuckle at that.
     "Yes you can" I respond softly, leaning down to give him a kiss on the cheek, I see his smile get bigger as he turns a bit more and nuzzles against the pillow. Going back to the main part of our shared room, I put out my outfit I'm going to wear out, I grab my brush, my towels and head into the bathroom. Turning on the water, taking off my clothes, I get in and start my process.
     Soon enough, since it's wash day, I go to grab my shampoo bottle, I pick it up but I notice something. "Huh, it's almost empty just like my body wash, that's weird, maybe 2-D has been using it... well better add it to the list" I think aloud.
     After I'm done in the shower, turn off the water grab my towel, wrapping around me, while getting the other one and I start crunching my hair. Stepping out of our bathroom I see 2-D still sleeping. I finish drying off and get dressed. I grab my phone, wallet, and my keys, I rub 2-D on his leg for one last sign of affection before I left for my grocery (and other essentials) shopping trip for the entire house.
     Living with 4 other people, especially if they are a band, can be very tiring...and expensive.
 (I hate doing this but) 2-D’s POV (This takes place maybe like an hour later)
     My brain is yelling at me to get up, and I have to listen so I open up my eyes, squinting to help my eyes adjust to the light, I was about to pick my nose but then I remember how Y/N would tell me not to do it because it’s bad for me, so I put my tongue back my mouth. Speaking of Y/N, where are they? I turn to look at their side of our bed, where did they go? I feel myself frown and get up off our bed.
     I see some of Y/N clothes scattered across the floor, then I heard the shower turn on. My eyes widen, my brain slowly connecting the dots. Y/N’S IN THE SHOWER!! My big brain immediately thought of something. I SHOULD SCARE THEM! I quickly grab my clown mask and put it on, tip toeing toward our washroom door. Maaaaaaaaan I’mma get them soooo good! :)
     I slowly open the door, making sure I’m as quiet as possible. Turing my head toward the shower seeing their figure move across our shower. I quietly creep up to the curtain and as fast as lightening I pulled the curtain back! “BOO-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH” my happy face quickly turn into a horrified one as I see a naked Murdoc in our shower! I quickly slide back almost falling, turning to run out of the room screaming! I run and jump into Y/N and I’s bed, hiding under the covers.
               (Again I hate doing this but…) Y/N’s POV
     I turn my key into the lock and open the door. Thank goodness I got everything we need. I enter the kitchen, my hands full of groceries, I was just about to call one of the others to help me put them away, but before that I heard a scream from upstairs. I immediately drop everything make a mad dash upstairs. Somehow knowing that it came from 2-D and I’s room, I make a left down the to see the door open, a lump under our covers, with the bathroom door open as well. I quickly ran into the room to see what was going on, checking the bed first, I pull the covers off to see 2-D curled up into a ball. “Stuart what’s going on” I say a little louder than I mean to. He slowly looks up at me.
     “mur-mur-murdoc” he mumbles out. Though I can barely hear
     “What about Murdoc, Stu?” I now calmly ask.
     “He’s in our washroom…” He shakily replies. I quickly understood what had just occurred. I calmly rub his back and decide to deal with this myself. I turn to leave for the bathroom, but I feel 2-D grab my hand. “Please don’t leave” he pleads, looking up at me with sad eyes. My goodness he is just too adorable.
     “Don’t worry Stu, I’ll be right back, I just have to deal with our…situation” My eyes toward the door then going back to him giving a sympathetic look. 2-D loosens his grip on me.
     “Alright love” he whispers to me. I give him a loving pat before heading toward the bathroom. I reach the door, I take a deep breath in before peeking my head in. To see Murdoc slightly covered with the shower still on and USING MY SHAMPOO?!
     “MURDOC NICCALS, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” I yell at him. He quickly drops the bottle before turning to look at me.
     “uhm, taking a shower?” He responds very calmly acting like there was nothing wrong with the situation at hand. I take another step in the bathroom, I pinch the bridge of my nose, pushing my glasses up at the same time.
     “Uhm! I am seeing many things wrong with what I see right now” I say as I began to list them out. “1! You are in 2-D and I’s bathroom, 2! You're using my products, AND 3! You don’t seem phased by anything that just happened!” I loudly list out. Murdoc gives me a shrug.
     “Should I be reacting in a certain way?” He asks blatantly. I was a little taken aback.
     “Alright, here is what is going to happen. You are going to dry off, take your clothes, leave my bathroom, never come back in here again” I say glaring at him. “And when you are clothed, you will come back to our bedroom and apologize to Stuart, do you understand me?” I ask firmly. He gawks at me; he then mumbles something under his nasty breath. “Come again?” I say putting a hand behind my ear to hear him better.
     “Fine!” he snaps at me. I leave the bathroom satisfied, I look over at my bed to see Stu sitting up staring intently at me, his eyes widened. I walk over to him and climb up on our bed and over to him. I cup his face in my hands.
     “Babe, are you okay?” I question looking deep into his darkened eyes.
     “I’m doing better now love” He says softly at me, with a full semi-toothed smile he brings one of his hand up to cover mine. I raise an eyebrow.
     “Then why were you having a staring contest with the door?” I ask tilting my head slightly. I see his cheeks redden.
     “Well, it’s just- I’ve never seen see you that mad before.” He says very softly, his face getting closer to mine. “It was…very…attractive” he whispers, finally closing the space between us, kissing me. I hear a gagging sound behind me, I take off my shoe and throw it at the noise. I hear it collide and a slight ow, making me giggle after I hear the door close. I pull away to breathe, even though shortly after 2-D pulls me back in for another deeper kiss.
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greywindys · 3 years
You probably get sick of this ask but new GMix analysis?
Haha, it’s okay! I don’t get sick of them at all. I’m probably going to be thinking about both Murdoc’s and (surprise!) 2D’s g-mixes for a little while, but I’ll share a few thoughts now.
First - Murdoc’s. Tbh, I probably would have stuck to my routine of just looking at Murdoc’s if it wasn’t for “Toxic.” Like, wth?? While I don’t have screenshots, I”m 100% sure 2D had “Toxic” on one of his earlier playlists. Murdoc has his “Toxic” as his playlist closer, at the end, right where it’s the most memorable. How can you not read into that?
However, Murdoc’s mix this time around seems to have a sad yet hopeful tone. The standout to me is the inclusion of “Fixture Picture” by Aldous Harding. Here is a description of the track:
‘Fixture Picture’ is likely a kiss-off to Harding’s ex-lover, Marlon Williams...However, the track is far from resentful. It instead expresses a contentness in moving on and reveals Harding is now happier within herself today. She doesn’t regret their relationship, but looks back on it and is at peace.
I mean, this feels like growth to me whether you want to view it from a 2Doc perspective or a general perspective (i.e. his love for the band). The part of me that loves to hope, hopes this means that Murdoc is starting to finally form an identity for himself apart from Gorillaz and 2D (I know this is a longshot). But yes, growth. Some sadness, since all growth comes with a pain and longing for what used to be (see: “All That Ever Mattered”). On a personal note, I LOVE him for including some amazing female artists and bands fronted by women - HAIM, Sleigh Bells, Britney Spears, Wolf Alice. A+ for Murdoc. Then again...I think these G-mixes are following the International Women’s Day theme so maybe nevermind lol. Still, A+ for Murdoc.
This brings me to 2D. I look at 2D’s because like, with my fanon goggles on, I’m thinking, “Murdoc stole one of 2D’s g-mix songs and put it at the end of the tracklist where he knows 2D will see it” So, uh, duh! I’m going to look too. I look and I’m just like, overtaken by the PINING. The most notable is “Out Song” by Uffie which can’t get any more obvious if it tried. It just...fits 2D and Murdoc to a T. And the chorus:
Oh, I would like to let the music tell you // You've been wrong // That's our song // And maybe one day // You will think about all the effort that I've made // To make you stay // To make you stay
Other pining songs include the iconic “Dancing on My Own” and “Both of Us.” Because “Our Song” (not by Taylor Swift) is so obviously about his relationship with Murdoc, I have no choice but to assume the other two songs are also about Murdoc. Murdoc making strides forward and, instead of feeling relieved or happy for him 2D feels left behind? The angst! I’m kinda hf it.
So yeah...I wonder what’s going on with them this time 🤔. At the very least, it feels like there’s a distance and a lot of unsaid feelings. When I take my fanon goggles off, I’m aware of how much I’m reading into things. BUT it’s fun. 
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desparikon · 3 years
Murdoc/Mac fanfic misfire #6
Written for @pridewrite2021 , pw5 Asexual, pw6 Aromantic & pw alt6 Realization
Sleeping with Mac is nice, but it’s not the main form of intimacy Murdoc craves.
(aroace Murdoc is !!!)
“Amazing,” Mac whispered from his spot between Murdoc’s legs, absently squeezing along the one still hooked over his shoulder.
“I know,” Murdoc replied automatically, inwardly wincing at the intensifying prickles of reawakening muscles. “You can put my leg down now, ’m not going anywhere.”
Mac complied, squeezes turning into soothing massaging. Murdoc’s movements were stiff, cautious. His discomfort, obvious.
“You OK?”
Murdoc hissed quietly, his hip twinging. Old, improperly healed injuries, and his violent lifestyle were catching up.
Worth it though, yielding to Angus’ breaking composure, watching him indulge desires he’d fought to hold back. Why deny him(self) that pleasure, when their entire cat-and-mouse game leading to tonight had been his own?
“Yeah, leg just fell asleep, it’s fine.”
“Good.” Giving Murdoc’s thighs a final squeeze, Mac leaned forward and planted his hands on his bed, boxing Murdoc in underneath him, “’Cause I’m not done with you yet.” He dipped his head, laying soft kisses on Murdoc’s stomach.
Stark contrast to the sparring and aggression marking the start of their evening. Tension and frustration had built far too long, and even someone as accommodating, softhearted, as Angus had limits. Only Murdoc knew what lie beneath, and he could handle it. Why not allow Angus to burn off what he deemed too dangerous for everyone else’s eyes?
Indeed, Angus could be a rough, dominating lover—he’d expected no less—but never cruel. There’d been no pain without pleasure, or reassurance. Honest words, kind eyes. Gentle hands that held his own, and ran through his hair, and caressed every inch, including his scars. Compassion toward the souvenirs bred by his penchant for violence and destruction. Everything Angus stood against.
That kind of special, affectionate attention paralyzed him.
Murdoc moaned and gripped Mac’s biceps. Encouragement for whatever came next.
Mac sighed against skin, “You’re so…” Kisses deepened, tongue pressing against bruises previously left on Murdoc’s chest, “So--”
A short tug on his hair warned against putting matching teeth marks around this nipple. “Leave that attached, hmm?”
Ah, the defiance in Angus’ eyes. The temptation. The careful studying. Weighing entertainment against whatever retribution would be doled out.
Murdoc nearly laughed, pushing Mac’s bangs back.
Truly, someone after Murdoc’s heart. Stubborn, and lively, and a troublemaker in his own right. Someone worthy of his defense’s deterioration. If this was defeat, he couldn’t have dreamed a better adversary.
Despite Murdoc’s silent surrender (near encouragement), Mac slowly pulled his tongue back in, and put on a most innocent smile. “I wasn’t gonna do anything.” He settled in against Murdoc, nuzzling into Murdoc’s neck.
“You’re a handful, Angus.” Murdoc wrapped an arm around Mac and held him close, careful to avoid the scratches torn across Mac’s back. His skin tingled under the tired, lazy exploration of Mac’s fingers.
Cuddling hadn’t been a thing with Amber; No pull, and their personalities didn’t mesh in a way that’d allowed it.
Murdoc could now confidently say cuddling (Angus) beat sex. Peak intimacy. Cozy. Peaceful. Safe. Simply being with Angus, and spending time together.
But, he’d cornered himself. After all his teasing and flirting, only to loudly declare:
Just Kidding!!
Well, not much would get him thrown out quicker. Saying no would be an admission. To what, he’d never quite figured out.
Sex was fine. Physically enjoyable, but not even the most fun one could have while naked. Magical, and life-changing, and unparalleled? Supposedly? Looking and appreciating were not the best parts, so he’d been told.
Condescending laughs. Derisive glances. Heavy implications. It was supposed to hurt. It didn’t. People’s misinterpretations were a them problem. One easily solved, if they didn’t treat his skills and reputation as all that mattered.
Sex was a chore, and if it didn’t fill a box on the arbitrary checklist of life and relationships, he’d leave it. Meet someone, get married, have kids. Tried it, boring, not for him.
What hurt, was people treating any deviation as a condemnation to perpetual unhappiness. Cassian brings him unmatched joy, and they acted like he was mistaken.
You got full custody?, *suspicious glances imply he’s abusive*, Never complain about using protection again, right!, Oh, so he’s a problem child? Very noble to stick around!, Boys require a woman to raise them!, Aww, Daddy’s Little Gatekeeper!, It must be sOoOoO misERABLE---
For people to martyr them over some narrowly defined Perfect Life he never wanted, especially in his son’s presence…!!!
An aggressive roast sent them packing, but did little to soothe the sting. Their only savior, proximity.
His happiness just looked different! Cassian taking a liking to Angus was a bonus, but remarrying wasn’t the answer. He wasn’t replacing Amber, or looking to force Angus into another checkbox. What he wanted with Angus was different. Marriage was loaded with connotations, about “love” and feelings, and what the pinnacle of relationships must be.
It made him irrationally angry. His feelings were complex, and ambiguous, and somehow different from others’. Tied, again, to something foreign everyone except him apparently understood.
“Murdoc…” Mac murmured, burrowing impossibly closer, “--built for endurance.” His fingers lightly traced a particularly stiff, raised scar.
Oh that kind of endurance.
“You’ve survived a lot.”
“Oh yes, never a shortage of plans going wrong. Or people trying to kill me.” Murdoc brushed Mac’s persistently unruly bangs to one side. “Perks of ~The Job~, I suppose.”
“That’s what bothers me. You could be out there getting seriously hurt, or killed, and Cassian would be all alone, and I’d never know.”
“Sure you would. Either he’ll call you, or the school will.”
“Wait, you made me--” Mac shifted so he could look up at Murdoc, an incredulous smile on his face. “I’m his emergency contact??”
“You’re surprised?”
“What am I? Friend? Cousin? Long-lost brother?”
“My partner.” Murdoc’s heart swelled as Mac cupped his cheek, his thumb gently rubbing circles. “It’s vague, but I wanted something open to interpretation.”
“I like it.”
“Then...you’d like to be partners with me?”
Mac playfully bumped their noses together. “Is it too soon for pet names, because I have a killer one for you...”
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emachinescat · 3 years
Send me your fic requests! :)
Febuwhump showed me just how much I love working off of prompts, so I want to start taking requests, if anyone is interested!  You can request a detailed story idea, a one-word prompt, or just a vague idea of what you might want to see.  The fandoms I’m accepting requests for at the moment are Merlin, MacGyver 2016, and Psych.
More info after the break! The TL;DR of it all is this: Please send me fic requests/prompts for MacGyver, Merlin, and/or Psych! :)
Stories might end up being drabbles, one-shots, or possibly multi-fic, depending on the complexity of the prompt and where my muse takes me from there.
Feel free to use any of the prompts from the different drabble/fic challenges across Tumblr.  Please just give me the prompt itself instead of just the challenge and number so I don’t get confused!
I don’t write non-con - at least nothing more than non-con kisses/vague insinuations, etc.  It’s a sensitive subject for me.
I also don’t do smut.  It’s just not my interest or writing style.  Romance with a bit of spice, yes, but I’m very uncomfortable writing plain ol’ smut. :)
I am willing to write a variety of ships, but as a rule I don’t write characters OOC just to make a ship work.  For example, I have no problem doing one-sided Macdoc, but I’m not going to write Mac in love with Murdoc, because that would never happen on the show.  
Of course, I’m just as interested in writing Gen! 
Besides regular stories, I also love writing episode AUs (especially whumpy ones), as well as introspective episode tags and character studies.
If I’m really uncomfortable with a request for some reason, I’ll let you know in a message.  Otherwise, I’ll plan to write the fic!
Please expect me to take creative liberties and to make the prompt my own - I’ll address the prompt for sure, but I may get lost in the story, and sometimes it may become more than intended. :)
Also, I’m teaching at two colleges at the moment and also working on a big ongoing fic, so I won’t be able to give you concrete timelines for the fics, but I’ll try to write them in a reasonable amount of time! 
I’ll be posting all fics on Tumblr, AO3, and Fanfiction.net, and I’ll credit you for the prompt in all three places!
So yeah, if you want to send me a story prompt, I’d love it! :)  
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Come Home Love
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Title: Come Home Love
Series: Part 1
Pairing: 2D/ Stuart Pot x Gentle!Fem!Reader
Fandom: Gorillaz
Genre: Heavy Angst
Warnings: Heavy Angst Train Ahead! May be Too Much for Readers to handle! Proceed with Caution!
Stuart and Reader get into a small fight that soon escalates. In an attempt to diffuse the situation reader tries to reason , only to leave.
Also for Refrence this is during Phase 2 because that is when they got major traction.!
I ran through the rain away from Kong Studios. A taxi was called when I was dodging everybody. I waved my arms and continued running towards the yellow vehicle.
Stuart's cries could be heard through the rain. My heart had clenched at the sudden shouts.
It was time for a break for both him and I.
How did this happen you may ask?
As much as I would like to say it was Murdoc's fault.
It was because of us.
Let me explain from the beginning.
The day had started out cloudy and foggy. This was considered a happy day because everyone had come home from their tour.
I was excited and prepared everyone's favorite thing.
I had gifts welcoming back all of the band.
Yes even for Murdoc
I jumped up and down with joy practically bouncing off the walls.
The door had clicked and the doors creaked. I gave big smile.
"WELCOME HOME!!" I chirped holding the presents.
The four jumped in suprise at my prescence.
Noodle smiled.
Russel gave a small nod.
Murdoc groaned.
Stuart smiled.
One by one I gave them their gifts.
Noodle was given a new video game console to play with acting for some nostalgia. And earplugs to block out murdoc.
Russel was given new tape for his drum sticks along with some earplugs to block out Murdoc's adventures in his room.
Murdoc was given a new bass and and amplifier with the bass.
Stuart had a stack of new Horror movies that he could watch.
They only chuckled/giggled at the strangeness of my gifts.
It was then after they had gone to their rooms to relax.
I couldn't help myself and want to hug stuart after he had been away for so long.
I smiled going down the elevator and towards his room.
I quietly entered his room and smiled to myself. Walking through the darkness I had reached his bed and crawled next to him.
I smiled and kissed his forehead.
I fell asleep next to my blue haired lover in peace.
I woke up to find him gone.
I sighed and walked towards the bathroom and slipped on one of his shirts.
I smiled at the feeling of the fabric.
I walked out of his room only to find him in the hallway with a cigarette lit.
I smiled at his form.
"Goodmorning Stu-"
"Goodmorning Lo- Y/n"
I frowned but continued to smile. I pecked his cheek and sat next to him.
Only for him to stand and leave.
It was time for sleep again I snuggled next to the lanky blue haired male.
Only for him to turn his back to me.
I pouted but hugged his frame.
"Not tonight Y/n.."
I let go of his frame and instead laid back to back .
Soon drifting off to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night only to find Stuart gone.
I sighed and went back to sleep.
This had continued for days. I would attempt to spend time with Stuart but, he would continuously avoid me.
I bit my lip in frustration.
This was getting frustrating
I sighed and avoided his room for what had seemed to be the 27th night of him avoiding me.
I instead walked myself towards the only female in the studios room.
I gently knocked on the door.
I heard a groan from the other side.
I gulped and knocked again.
"Noodle its me.. Y/n.. can I talk to you?"
The door swung open and there the japanese female stood.
I hadn't realized I was crying. Until she had enveloped me in a hug.
Enough was enough.
It was time to confront my blue haired lover.
I marched towards his door angry about him avoiding me.
I stopped I'm front of his door ready to knock.
My hand stopped before I could open the door remembering our conversation.
"Hey what's wrong?" Noodle worriedly asked. I had stopped crying at the sound of her voice.
"Its Stuart.. I think he doesnt love me anymore Noodle.. he's been avoiding me for awhile.. I cant take it anymore.." I sighed Wiping my tears away.
She only sighed and let me in. Closing the door behind me, I was then handed box of tissues.
We continued the conversation until her advice had shone some light.
" If you cant stand him avoiding you anymore and he truly doesnt love you anymore it's time for a break.. I cant stand to see you like this.. If not for you for me okay?"
I gulped and opened the door to see Stuart facing me for once.
"Stu.. We need to talk please.." my voice had quivered.
He looked at me with his dark eyes narrowing at me.
I gulped.
"Alright what do yew need y/n?" He asked impatiently.
My body froze.
He stopped my nicknames.
He called me only 'Y/n..'
I cleared my throat and looked up at him.
"Stu..I know you've been away for awhile.. and I'm a little worried you've fallen out of love with me" my voice cracked.
He only looked at me and sighed.
"Well I haven't why would yew think that y/n?" He questioned. He gently pushed my hair away from my eyes, cupping my cheeks with one hand.
I backed away from him.
"Well.. you've been avoiding me and you haven't called me luv, dove... sweetheart... I cant take it anymore.." I whispered.
I felt my heart break at what I was about to do.
"I havent been avoiding you Y/n-"
"Then why wont you let me be with you?"
I looked up at him, tears clouding my vision. I could feel his eyes staring into my own.
"Because of what?" I bit my lip looking at him for answers. I stepped away from him
I stepped back.
"Then I guess if I'm so annoying I'll leave.." I hiccuped turning away from the door. Running towards the elevator in tears and a mess.
"Wait No!- I-!" He yelped not wanting me to leave.
The doors opened as I closed them quickly now going up. Once the doors opened I began to run.
I was now on the main floor. I had a few minutes before Stuart comes for me.
I couldn't help it. My tears had begun to fall again. I wiped them away making my way towards the door.
"Noodle I finally got my answer.. goodbye for now " I smiled at her.
Her face turned into one of sadness. I smiled through my tears.
"Woah! Looking uglier than me huh?" Murdoc cackled.
"Never but, you can thank your front man you green pickle.." I sobbed pushing my way towards the door.
I opened the door to smile sadly at russel and flee.
Thus I had began to continue running down the graveyard of Kong Studios.
"Love! Please I didn't mean. It! Come back!" Stuart's cries could be heard.
I ignored his pleas and continued my way down the hill and had called a cab to the bottom of King Studios.
"Please! Your the best thing that's ever happened to meh! Come back!"
I had spotted the yellow vehicle and ran as fast as my legs could go finally reaching the door.
I panted from all the running.
"Love?! Your leaving? Please dont go wait!" He cried running towards the yellow door.
I quickly opened the door and,before I could step inside it, the door had closed..
"Love.. please don't leave me..I didn't mean it. Your amazing.. your not annoying.. your not clingy.. your affectionate.. your gifts are cute.. not horrid.. please...stay"
I bit my lip. I looked up at him and sighed.
"I'm sorry Stu... but, I think we need to spend some time apart from eachother.. not because of you.. but because of me..".
"I'm not even sure if I'll came back Stu.." I whispered cupping his cheeks.
The air was thick with tension. The rain only being heard.
As the water began to pour the male sighed and looked at her.
"Yew Promise that you'll come back right?" Fog emitting from his mouth.
I bit my lip unsure of what to do.
"I'm not sure Stu..besides..you'll eventually give up.." I whispered.
The water hitting both of us soaking us completely under the rain.
Our lips were then connected.
I remembered the fight. Flashing through my head. His words.
He avoided me
He didn't love me anymore
I pushed him away.
He stumbled and fell on his behind.
I could only mouth two words to him before driving off.
I'm Sorry
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pissjesus · 2 years
Russel and murdoc for both
Absolutely cursed ugh your huge juicy brain
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I’ve said once and I’ll say it again: they’re divorced
Enemies meme
* Everyone thinks 2D and Murdoc fight the most but 2D doesn’t like to fight so it’s mostly one sided— Russel and Murdoc absolutely fight the most
* Murdoc doesn’t *hate* Russel on a personal level, at least not anymore. He used to “hate everyone, and himself equally” as Russel says in the Apex Tapes, but now he’s a bit more agreeable and is more antagonistic than hateful.
* Russel, however, has very little patience for Murdoc’s bullshit
* Murdoc’s pretty scrappy but Russel can take him out with one blow, so Murdoc now (usually) knows better than to pick fights with Russel he can’t win
* Russel is soft-spoken by nature and rarely raises his voice— except towards Murdoc
* They reconcile for the sake of the music and also for Noodle, and over the years they’ve gotten better at it.
* Murdoc goes to Russel for serious problems because Russel won’t bullshit him, and Russel respects him more for admitting these things
* They both experience psychotic symptoms and help each other through them since they can understand what the other is going through
Ship meme
* Russel and Murdoc is the worst combo when it comes to having to share a bed because they’re both so sweaty and take up so much space. Spooning sounds fun in concept only
* Russel can’t really borrow anything of Murdoc’s but even if he did, he wouldn’t want to. Murdoc steals Russel’s shirts when all his laundry is too dirty for even him to tolerate
* Russel gave Murdoc the nickname Muds (which I love) and primarily calls him that, though sometimes will tweak it to “Mudsy Baby” but only if he’s being passive-aggressive or sarcastic. Murdoc throws “love” and “sweetheart” around, or addresses him as “Russel Love” or “Russel Baby.” He’ll also refer to Russel as “my wife”
* They show they care by doing things for each other without being asked, like Murdoc will order takeout for Russel if he’s been in a depressive slump and Russel will help pull Murdoc away from situations where he’s getting angry and needs to blow off steam somewhere else
* They don’t really “confess” anything so much as have an unspoken arrangement, but if one of them were to initiate anything, it’d probably be Murdoc
* Russel doesn’t *scream* over bugs but he doesn’t like them and would get one of the others to take care of it if he has a choice. Murdoc has no problem with bugs but unfortunately he’s more likely to pick it up and chase Russel with it than kill it
* They’re both the primary drivers in the band, but they hate the way the other drives. Murdoc thinks Russel drives too slow and hesitates too much when he has to merge so they miss exits, and Russel hates everything about the way Murdoc drives. However, Murdoc is somehow the only one that knows how to parallel park
* Russel actually enjoys cooking and likes trying new things. Murdoc can’t cook for shit, but he’s also basically banned from doing so. Whenever he offers to “help” Russel it’s just an excuse to pester him the whole time because he’s bored. However, he has Murdoc try things because he’s not picky like 2D and won’t just tell him it’s good if it isn’t like Noodle.
* Neither of them like PDA and would certainly not be caught *dead* being affectionate with each other, but Murdoc would kiss Russel antagonistically like Bugs Bunny
* Russel knows Murdoc is a whore and wouldn’t expect otherwise— if anything he’s like “please take him off my hands.” Murdoc has no reason to be “protective” of Russel but he tends to have attachment issues in general and feels threatened when he feels like the others could leave him
* Russel hasn’t really had any long-term relationships and doesn’t seek hook-ups like 2D and Murdoc (until Cello enters the picture yes I’m still working on the fic). He actually loved Del and has never really gotten over losing him— the first time when he was killed, and the second time when he was exorcised from him. Though he has a lot of grief from Del being exorcised, he also has a lot of anxiety and shame around intimacy because having Del possess him meant his thoughts and feelings were never truly private.
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princess Odette Craweleoth; After going dark.
Tale 19: Meriam Craweleoth: Mage Queen of The Grand West (chapter 6 - The Future Holds 6/10) part 4. Stories of Old
Near the end of winter, Murdoc Monafyra arrived with his panther familiar Stearra. He wore black wolf kingdom robes, and seemed to be in a state of serenity. He stood before the royal family with words of warning. Meriam was happy to see him, for when they last met, he was but a boy aspiring to be a seer mage. And now he as a young man that looked so much like his father.
“What brings you to our halls Murdoc, son of Helrem?” Meriam asked.
“I come to tell you my father is an idiot. And brother Tiberius Blacstorm has returned to Pepperidge, in your kingdom, and built a gate. It has a large ominous black tower, made of marble from those mountains, and the new magic forest scares the merchants.” Murdoc said in a rough low voice. He was chewing his unlit pipe, and seemed to be combing his mind. “Ah, yes. I am also to tell you my father is dead, gave the instructions for wands to Tiberius, to distribute at the trading post. These commoners of magic houses who learn father’s way of magic call themselves ‘Wizards’, and hate us mages. Murderous intent in the lot of them; as you probably feared my lady. Saw some popping up here, with political opinions and such. Better have your guard up. They think we’re dangerous and wield uncontrollable power of peril; suggesting that because common folk can learn magic, civilization has no need for mages. As if we care about common parliament, and not all aspire to be but hermits befriending fey.” Murdoc went on. Meriam looked markedly unamused. In fact, the whole room read like a disappointed audience to an improv skit. Meriam gestured for Murdoc to go on; if he still standing there, he had more to say.
“As you are aware master Craweleoth, killing mages will not do anything. A certain percent of magic housed people will be mages; or talented wizards now, I guess.” He coughed. A mortifying fear strung through Meriam: Her assumptions were correct. Her nephew Eatheltwein, and her daughter, were confirmed mages. It’s was pure chance; and now people who irresponsibly use magic, intend to kill them.
Meriam, in the middle of the main hall, went dark, causing her daughter and nephew, who were innocently beside her, to go dark as well. The flow of magic can thin the veils, making a dark state contagious to those in magic houses. If everyone else hadn’t leapt back, they would have had the same fate. Murdoc would be gone by dawn, while everyone lay sick with blood loss and fever from magic ripping through their bones between veils.
           Meriam recovered quickly, as she had gone dark many times before. She could control it and knew her limits. But when people first experience the ether rush threw them, their bodies are less resistant to damage; The new sensation overwhelming them, as they do not yet know how to harness so much magic. Random spells can be cast around them, as they glow and cast until they are too weak to stand. Meriam, in all her experience, knew how to remedy the bleeding, fever, and weakness after such an ordeal. She took turns visiting her nephew and daughter, to make sure they recovered.
While Odette recovered, she asked to be laid in a large chair looking out her window. Her Bedroom balcony had a view of the courtyard fountain. She sat alone singing quietly. While Eatheltwein, struggled to regain strength, he lay unmoving in bed. Meriam went to bring him food, when she noticed the king was by his side.
“Good, you’re awake, Eathel-” Meriam said.
“Uncle wants to have me, and Odette, married.” Eathel interrupted. Meriam became furious. Her children were only now recovering and adjusting, were secretly mages with their lives threatened, and there was talk of betrothal. Meriam had been wed for politics against her autonomy, and no child of hers was going to be subjected to the same fate. Her happy union was but a fluke.
“Our children lay sick, and we fear for the world of magic, and you want to have weddings? Eatheltwein and Odette are not pawns, they are children! Furthermore, the only unwed royal I know is Edmond of the Far North, and he has seen twenty more autumns then our twelve-year-old daughter. A man of his status in these times would have at least three bastards.” Meriam snapped. Dropping the dishes.
“We have friends in three nations; we have only to send letters. Yet, I agree we should remove Edmond from the list…” the king said. “Maybe he’s still brooding, and already wed to his job.”
“I’m going to marry a noble lady form a far-off land.” Eathel mused in a quiet tiered voice. He stared into the ceiling longingly. “Bless I may wake in the dawn, to hear that she is from Daneia…” He continued.
“How much blood did he loose?” The king asked in bewilderment.
“Bold of you to assume he lost the blood.” Meriam scoffed. “All this talk about girls around a young man, could make him mad. Eathel may follow his heart, as mages fall easily in love, and love is the most powerful magic. Just the type of magic this world needs most. We will wait a little longer for our daughter; Any man interested in a girl her age should be castrated.”
“Mages? Do you mean to say that Eatheltwein is a mage? Is he in danger from those malicious emerging wizards Merry?”
“Yes.” Meriam said. “Helrem may be an idiot, but he made wands for commoners to love magic. However, mages can’t use wands; our magic is different. Though perhaps, if we give Eathel a wand that a mage can use, and the people will think he’s a saviour. A ‘talented wizard.’ if you will. Maybe one for Odette as well; I see her talk to, and charm, the fey. Only mages can charm.” Meriam said, taking a seat on the other side of Eatheltwein’s bed. The king was nearly in tears. His entire family was on the chopping block.
“Darling, there may be a solution: Tiberius may have one to lend, or at least Helrem’s notes on how to make one. I will go to his gate tomorrow.” Meriam said. Desperately trying to comfort her husband and herself. She didn’t want o leave her ill family so soon, but Murdoc’s words filled her with urgency and fear. Eatheltwein had fallen asleep, with the cold press sliding down his face, and holding his king uncle’s hand. Even in illness, he was still full of that sunshine that Meriam loved so much.
           Meriam fed Odette breakfast, well sharing her plan. She was to leave shortly, and did not want Odette to become spooked by Murdoc’s words. She deserved to know. Odette’s new platinum hair and icy eyes made her look like snow. It was a striking change of colours. Meriam enjoyed that Odette looked like she did in her youth; bronze-gold locks and olive eyes upon a freckled canvas. But now something seemed off about her little princess. Not just her appearance.
“I hope Tiberius can help.” Odette said. She gazed out the window. “I’m not scared of those wizards, mom; I’m scared dad wants to give me away to an unfit duke. I’m having fun, and we all love each other; I don’t want some boy ruining it.” She pouted.
“Well, I’ll be sure to stop that from happening. By the way Odette, why do you always look out the balcony? What in our courtyard makes you leave the windows open?” Meriam asked, kissing her girl’s forehead. She was still a bit warm with fever.
“There is a handsome nobleman who I like better, who listens to my song; he visits some days. Unlike me though, he can fly away from the restraints of a palace, and the control of others. I want to fly, sing, and see beyond this palace too. Like all the birds who talk in this city.” Odette mused. Meriam held her breath. She would pass through the shadow veil to Tiberius gate to get Eatheltwein a wand, and she would pass through the Raven Kingdom. Meriam was curious if the Raven King may have become infatuated with her daughter, and being a bad influence. But then again, if Odette happily found true love, and supported a kingdom of fey by becoming a Beast Queen, she would be safe from the wizards. As commoners, they cannot reach her, as a free bird in the shadow veil. Meriam hugged her daughter, then her nephew, then her husband goodbye before she left on her brief quest; They must all know she loves them. Less she never returns, or they are not there when she returns.
           In the shadow veil, Meriam walked into the raven kingdom. Black and white, but illuminated by the colours of various avian fey. Golden gryphons who napped on rocks, and opalescent thunderbirds playing in the clouds. Only here, was the singing of birds heard in the silence of the shadow veil. For only magic can stimulate the senses here. Deep in the raven kingdom woods, Meriam heard an off-tune crackling hum come from a twisted tall tree in a clearing. As she approached, it became apparent the tree was laced in magnificently lustrous trash. It was strategically hung to reflect light, like the facets of a lapidary’s finest work. Near the mid of the tree, Meriam saw the Raven King in human form, tying a string of sparkling garbage, to what appeared to be a giant nearly completed nest.
“Raven King? Have you been visiting my daughter?” Meriam asked calmly. She was not calm. “She’s a bit young; You wouldn’t mind waiting a little longer would you? To see if she requites your love, I mean.”
“Love never waits.” He cawed, before gestured to his work. “What do you think Meriam!?” The Raven King chirped before the dazzling tree. Meriam clapped for a brief applause, causing the Raven King to smile. She did think it looked smashing.
“She loves to fly, and speaks fondly of you. I suppose it is better then being married off like me. Commoners mean to kill mages, and it makes me fear for her safety. If you love her, make my baby happy, and safe.” Meriam said. Her voice cracked with sadness as she pushed down her wave of emotions, and thoughts. The Raven King swopped down, and hugged Meriam in the clearing, as if to convey that it would be his honour. And when Meriam began to sob, he let her cry. She wanted to stop time, but knew it would always need to resume. More time with her children, more time to prepare for change.
           Tiberius’s gate was impressive. Tiberius had become a talented warlock and artist. When Meriam arrived in the center of the gate, she was greeted by a toddler who started giving her random objects. Then Tiberius came, picked up the girl, and bowed.
“Hello your majesty! What can I do for you? Need a tour? Tell me to stay away from the commoners perhaps? Maybe a nicer sword then the one Helrem made for your husband? Which I see you wield instead…” Tiberius rambled. “This is my daughter Fyra, by the way. Her mom left, but we’re still here. Happy magic family in my peaceful mystical forest.”
“Helrem had a wand of twisted white and violet glass, that could be used by a mage. I need one like that. The commoners who are becoming wizards, from Helrem’s publications, are becoming murderous like scared trolls. I need one to convince people a specific mage, is actually a wizard; for political and magic peace of course.”
“Oh. Well, I don’t know how to make one.” Tiberius said casually. Meriam grimaced. She was having a bad day. Actually, a lot of her days seemed to be non ideal recently. But she was too much of a coward to go back in time to fix things, because it could always get worse. Meriam looked into Tiberius’s hazel eyes with the glare of tiger about to pounce. Tiberius became pale.
“I have his notes! Yes, instructions!” Tiberius yelled. “I have quite the empty shelf space in the walls of this here tower. My inspiration for this gate was: ‘Wow’, with a touch of ‘why?’. But half way through, I realized the black marble made a much different statement; should’ve just alchemised the structure, instead of singing it into place.” Tiberius began to rant. Then he saw Meriam begin to slowly move forward with the same glare.
“Enough of that then! You can skip on home to the palace now, and I’ll make you a mage pen quick and proper miss; I’ll mail it straight to the palace! No payment, no questions, and no worries!” He winced.
“Thankyou.” Meriam eased back. “And in my opinion, I love our lands black marble; I love black. I don’t think you should care what statement your big black magic tower makes.” Meriam said, patting Tiberius and shoulder. He glowed with pride.
           A week later, in the palace, Eatheltwein’s wand arrived. It was made of brass, and engraved with a gryphon for house Cynedom. Eathel gave it a whirl, and spent the mourning doing magic with it. He almost lit the kitchen on fire, and flooded the laundry room. Meanwhile, Meriam sat in the courtyard, enjoying the crisp new spring. She was wearing her under garments, while fixing some old clothes to suit the times better. She kept a close watch over Odette, who sang at the fountain edge for the golden geese, who honked with applause. Odette didn’t emote much, which made her smiles all the more precious. The King on the other hand, was greeting Edmond in the dining hall. He came with a peace declaration, as an excuse to visit Anglia.  It felt warm to him. After politics was discussed, and cups tipped to peace, Edmond asked to see Eathletwein. The King gladly escorted Edmond to the courtyard to see Eathel casting water for the tulips, with sweetmeat and bread hanging out of his mouth. Edmond gave a hearty cheerful laugh, and went in to tightly embrace Eathel. Edmond seemed happy, and at peace. Meriam had left him a lonely man, and now he was a king who had retired from being a paladin mage. He was a whole new person.
“I look forward to our alliance. As next in line, I had to meet you Eatheltwein Cynedom. What tool is that you hold?”
“It’s a wand; invented by a mage of your kingdom, in the Far North. It’s to allow any who love magic to be one with it.” Eathel smiled. He had never met Edmond, or heard of the sins towards fey and men, this king had committed; he was happy to meet a new friend. His gleaming innocence made Edmond feel even warmer.
Eatheltwein patted a stone bench by the tulips, so they could sit. It felt good to take a good sturdy seat after a long journey; or just a few hours running around a yard. The king sat next to Meriam, his beloved wife, and also intently watched their precious heirs.
“When you become a king, what do you want for Anglia?” Edmond asked, taking in the crisp dewy noon. The joy water Etheltwein casted, made the tree children smell like a lush greenhouse.
“I want a time without war, and warm summers. I want my people to be more involved with what happens in my land. They have put forth a court of men for me, to speak on their behalf; their novel input has led to innovation and wealth for my people.” Edmond Explained.
“I want Anglia to be called the Grand West, and be friends with everyone; including Francia.” Eatheltwein chirped. He caught his familiar, Viola, in his hand, and kissed her. Edmond remembered he had a familiar once, a black grizzly, of who he missed. He was an adaptive, fierce and hearty beast. Edmond wondered what that said about him; If familiar reflect their master’s inner nature. In contrast, Eatheltwein’s golden canary was small and cheerful.
“Are you sad, Lord Edmond?” Eatheltwein asked.
“Sometimes.” Edmond said. “Hmm. Your plans for the future of ‘The Grand West’, sound lovely. I think we could all use a lot more friendship and love. The most powerful type of magic in our realm. Yet, I am curious; Why do you wish to change your kingdom’s name? There is no change to its size, nor government.”
“Because calling lands by their linguistic, and thus ethnic identities, separates them. Each land has different peoples, but every land has the same North, East, South and West. Like the table of fours. I don’t want us to see each other as strangers. I want us to be together.” Eathel said, petting Viola. Edmond admitted, that sounded nice, if not impossible. To have everyone to focus on each other as people instead of independent opposing nations; Including Francia. As spring approached, Francia would resume annexing foreign land at its boarders, to feed its starving people. Edmond could not imagine a world without conflict.
“That’s is a big plan. People are divided over land, and now we become divided over who can wield magic. This world will not have balance so easily.”
“I contest; I have read many of my aunt’s journals. They tell stories about people, even in the farthest lands, that deep down, realize the comfort of a good friend. Between fey, men, or nations; the dust will settle if we are kind.” Eathletwein said. He was watching Odette try to jump and fly after the geese. It gave everyone a laugh. Her light blue dress that was embroidered with wings, and her ethereal paleness made her almost like a swan. Everything in that moment, though providing light, felt a little like a lie. Beyond the courtyard, there was poverty, starvation, unpunished war crimes, and now wizards killing innocent mages and fey.
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supposed2bfunny · 4 years
Drunk 2Doc headcanons?
These two are IDIOTS and when they drink together they get into STUPID TROUBLE.
-First of all, when 2D and Murdoc are drunk, they think they are hilarious. They can’t stop giggling at one another.
-They steal! It’ll start with Murdoc stealing a shot glass from the bar maybe, just slipping it into his jacket pocket like “mine now,” and 2D finds that to be the most hilarious, edgy thing anyone has ever done, so of course Murdoc wants to steal more to keep impressing him.
-Catch him leaning over the bar to steal maraschino cherries and lime wedges for a delighted 2D. If a drunk leaves their wallet at the bar, Murdoc will leave the cash and credit cards and steal some store rewards cards. The utter nob.
-Remember back in the day when phone charms were a thing? He could swipe like 4 of those on a good night. 2D still has the collection somewhere. Also, when girls kick off their heels at clubs to dance? Murdoc has stolen a few pairs of sexy heels that way, most of which don’t fit his feet.
-The PDA is out of control. Once they’ve got a few drinks in them, they no longer need two barstools/chairs. Murdoc will sit in 2D’s lap or vice versa.
-When stumbling home from pubs together, they take up the entire sidewalk and are never thoughtful about “someone is coming down the sidewalk, let’s walk single-file so they can pass.” No, you have to flatten yourself against the wall or walk out into the street to pass these staggering geezers who cling to one another for dear life. 
-3AM DRUNKEN MUNCHIES ARE A THING. They both consume more calories in the wee hours of the morning than any other time of day. 2D can eat a whole tub of ice cream and a full-sized bag of crisps and Murdoc will let him.
-Yes 2D has entered a wet tee-shirt contest or two at rowdy clubs. He never won, but Murdoc still got a boner.
-They once stumbled into a bathroom for a quick, messy hook-up after some dirty dancing. Somehow Murdoc ended up throwing his hand back for leverage and smacked the faucet of the sink, breaking it. Yeah, they flooded the bathroom. They finished what they were there to do, then fled.
-2D always tries to initiate bar-wide sing-alongs, but he always gets the idea when he’s too far gone, and no one but Murdoc can understand what he’s trying to sing.
-Imagine some cute young couple on a date, trying to get to know each other. But they keep getting interrupted by this guy who reeks of vodka going “hey. Hey, sister. I’m Murdoc Niccals with Gorillaz. See that blue-haired angel over there ordering a cosmo? ‘s m’boyfriend. Isn’t he perfect? Don’t tell him I said tha’” and that would be cute but he does it like 30 times in one night.
-Very incoherent fights about which one of them should wear a white dress when they get married.
-Even less coherent make-ups with lots of gross kisses and “I’m sorry I said those things, I love you so much babe. Babe let’s get married right now!”
-But then their next round of drinks come and they stay to finish those, and something else catches their attention instead.
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