#yes i am being pretentious!! no i do not have regrets :)
ohhgingersnaps · 4 months
taking full advantage of my theoretical chemistry phd and molecular visualization software to make a scientifically accurate serotonin molecule patch for the fall out boy concert
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betweenbreaths · 2 months
95. Quiet, baby, the others will hear.
Fandom: Love and Deepspace
Characters: Rafayel x Reader
Rating: E / 18+
A/N: Working off this list of r18 prompts for practice; am open to requests for this fandom as well. ;)
Sometimes, you think, Rafayel is an incorrigible, shameless and irredeemable asshole of the highest order.
And then there are days when you realise that he's so, so much worse than that.
You're at his latest art exhibition, and guests are bustling about. Their murmurs are loud enough that you can hear various buzzwords that the more pretentious visitors tend to use when they want to sound smart and knowledgeable about Rafayel's art. There are also quiet gasps by people enthralled by the ethereal paintings in display.
And, in your case, there are muffled moans spilling through the crevices of your fingers from where you're hidden behind a curtain in a corner of the musuem. Beneath you is a certain fame artist renowned and admired by everyone in the hall, although in your case, he's just a brat who's intent on making life absolute hell for you.
"Quiet, baby, the others will hear."
He briefly pauses to say that infuriating statement, as if he isn't the very reason you're in this state.
You're starting to regret even coming here now; you had arrived early with a bouquet of tulips to congratulate Rafayel, only to be greeted by a distraught Thomas who couldn't find the artist anywhere. He wasn't responding to texts or calls, including yours. Worried something might have happened to him, you immediately set off in search for him. You had then gone past an empty, unused exhibit in the corner of the museum, on your way towards the exit, before you found yourself being unceremoniously yanked back by an unknown force and crashing straight into the familiar arms of a young man.
And now, here you are, struggling to stay quiet while he ravages you, tongue lapping at your drenched pussy like a parched cat.
"Thomas is looking everywhere for you," you hiss, before throwing your head back against the wall when he sucks particularly hard on your clit.
"Don't care," he says, pausing to flash a mischievous grin your way. Still, it's no respite; he continues to pump his two fingers in and out of your slick center, while his thumb periodically flicks over your sensitive nub.
"He's the reason I didn't get to see you for two weeks. And you said you'd give me any reward I asked for if I finished my paintings in time."
"Yes, but not like this! We— ohh yes... w-we can do this later!"
"You say that, but you're clenching hard around my fingers." His lips quirk up at the corners once more, and he leans in closer to your pussy, hot breath fanning over the exposed, sensitive skin. "I didn't do much and you're already so wet for me. Looks like I'm not the only one who missed this, hmm?"
"Rafayel... Ha-ah!" He dives back in, lips hungrily devouring all that you have to offer, sending spark after spark of pleasure running like electricity through your skin. You're close; so close. He knows exactly what he's doing to your body; scissoring his fingers and thrusting them deep into the spot that you love, all while he traces circles around your clit with the tip of his tongue. You start to lose yourself to the intense pleasure that he's giving you, sinking down and hips thrusting to meet the rhythmic dance of his tongue and lips.
At that moment, the sudden sound of distant applause snaps you back to reality and your eyes burst open, hand flying to cover your mouth.
"Rafayel, p-please..."
Your near inaudible protests fall on deaf ears. If anything, Rafayel starts sucking harder, fingers thrusting harder and faster into you now. You can feel the familiar buzz of an orgasm prickling on your skin, and your body begins to tremble as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge with each passing second. Your muffled moans begin to crescendo in time with your building pleasure, fingers finding purchase in his soft, wavy hair. Perhaps it's for support, or maybe it's to pull him closer, to fuck yourself on his face and to satisfy both his and your thirst after two long weeks of pining for and missing each other.
"Come for me," he murmurs against your clit, moaning and rolling the bright pink nub between his teeth and tongue like it's the sweetest candy that he's ever tasted.
It doesn't take much more for you to find your release. You come apart, back arching of the wall with your head thrown back while your lips part in a silent scream of his name.
Even then, Rafayel, being the ruthless man he is, doesn't let you go. He continues to suck and lap at you, seeking every last drop of your release from your body. He drinks it all up greedily and when you're finally settled down from your orgasmic high, he releases you, a string of your cum connecting his lips to your kiss-swollen cunt.
"Rafayel..." you breathe out, and when your eyes meet, you just know that he's not anywhere near finished with you yet.
He stands, lanky figure towering over you, and in the next moment, you find yourself being spun around to face the wall. Your hands plant themselves on the cool, hard surface in front of you to reflexively stop yourself from falling face-first into it, and they are promptly covered by his larger ones.
And then you hear his voice, low and silky by your ear. The fiery heat in his breath against your skin makes you shiver in anticipation once more.
"I know it's going to be difficult, but let's try to stay quiet for a while more, okay?"
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Hello how are you? I follow several shippers' blogs and I noticed that every now and then some bloggers publish hateful messages they received. My question is about mental health: how do you deal with it? I understand that your presence here is relatively recent, but have you ever regretted something?
Dear Mental Health Anon,
This is the kind of submissions I welcome with all my heart, because they are benevolent and witty. Forgive me already for what I suspect will be a long answer. It is not the pleasure of hearing me talk that prompts them, but the sincere intention to answer deserving asks as clearly, fully and honestly as I can.
The short answer is : I am fine, Fall is slowly coming and nights are starting to be really chilly. There's some light rain tapping on the roof of my flat and I will spend my week-end wandering around some of my favorite places on Earth. And now, onwards to the consistent and interesting ask of yours...
The worst trolling message I have ever seen in this fandom is the one I am immediately going to post below, because I think it should serve us all as warning and reminder. It was posted on a blog I have been reading from the beginning of my long lurking days on Tumblr: @cb4tb is one of the most balanced and articulate people in this corner of the Internet. I remember being shocked by its cold and very coherent violence. The feat of a casebook sociopath, who thinks her asks in Spanish (I am 200% certain about it) and who has an appalling command of English grammar. Written on Christmas' Eve and on purpose:
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Compared to the alarming slander @cb4tb got (whatever for is a mystery, she is non conflictual and posts very witty business insights) on a day that should be completely taboo for every civilized human being (you don't need to believe in God to respect one of Christianity's most important celebrations), whatever hate I could get in here is definitely subpar. Most of it did not make it on my page and went straight to the bin. But it's not always easy: I am as human as you, Anon, and sometimes I feel personally insulted and revolted by the smugness and pettiness of it all. However, I must immediately add their hate never made me give up an inch of my convictions. They are the result of a long interval of watching and pondering, coupled with my own observations I gladly share with like-minded women all around the world. That often hits a nerve or bruises overinflated egos on the Other Side. So be it: I am not here to be meek and obedient, if I never was meek and obedient in real life. I am here to bring clarity and build trust, which incidentally resonates very closely to what I do for a living. That probably rates me as a moderate on the shipper spectrum, in the sense that by complete design I put aside some divisive topics I firmly chose not to discuss. I am not interested to bring attention on me, in here, and the least thing I'd like is to be a vector of discord. So that would also rate me as a peacemaker of sorts - and yes, that sounds perhaps pretentious, but I believe it is needed, especially now.
I only felt a clear intention to threaten me twice, both in DM. The first time it curiously came from one extreme fringe of the shipper community and I brushed it off, because it was an empty, almost ridiculous threat. I politely denied and that was it - two persons blocked me and there were no other consequences to it. The second time, an anti came to confront me on an irrelevant point, with a very aggressive undertone. I blocked and almost forgot about it. If you have it clear enough in your mind that such things cannot be avoided and, at the same time, you know that your own moral compass is not compromised, these details will not affect you. At all. I confidently promise you that. Last but not least: if you are not great with compartmentalizing, don't step in the arena. It can seriously ruffle your self-esteem and it's not worth it.
So this is how I deal with it: I focus on what I have to say (does it bring something new? interesting? positive? thought-provoking?), on the way of saying it (above all, be kind and gracious to every other shipper) and on the right moment to say it (only when I am honestly sure I can do it with no unwanted consequences). But I will stand in solidarity with any shipper (any single one of them) who is humiliated, belittled or disparaged, with not a single shred of fear in the world. And I would also fend for myself if necessary, if I am getting over-the-top slander: all the other yapping, I ignore. Sometimes (often, even) it's more interesting to watch.
And if anything else fails, I go for a long drive and have a coffee at the seaside or simply open a book or listen to some Bach or call Someone. Or take this little big guy out for a lazy walk in the park:
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You ask me if I regret anything. Absolutely not. I have received more than I could ever give, in here. I have met spectacular women and men, I have grown very fond of and feel very close to. I have had the immense satisfaction of sharing their secrets, their worries, their plans and this means trust, in my book, for which I will never tire saying how grateful I am. I also strived to respond in kind and I mean to honor this unwritten contract. Last but not least, I have watched this community slowly dusting off months of sadness and perhaps starting to open up again.
And all of this makes me damn proud of who we are, Anon. Thank you for dropping by! You are always welcome on my page.
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googoobabajogwick · 1 year
A John Thanksgiving.
Words: 3176
John Wick x sibling! reader
Summary: Helen really wants John to invite some family over for Thanksgiving dinner with her family. Hard part is John doesn’t have any family, but he does have you and that’s the closest thing he’s got.
Warnings: weed smoking lol
John and Helen had been married for two years now. He had never been happier. Everything felt so perfect, so normal, so domestic. His wife knew little about his life before her but she still knew he was an ex assassin. It had taken a while for him to tell her but how could he not when they were planning their wedding.
Helen took it much better than expected, though she was mad he waited six months before the wedding. Her family, they were very judgemental. No matter how hard he tried John didn’t feel like he could be good enough in their eyes. He didn’t really care but family was important for her so he tried.
Thanksgiving was coming up and this year the two of them decided to host again. Last year, her family had made remarks on the lack of family on John’s side but he shut them down by saying they were busy. That was a lie. He didn’t have any family, not any he’d like them to meet at least. Yet Helen had asked once more,
“Are you sure? No friends or family you’d want to invite over?” She was careful with her words, John was a solitary man but he thought for her.
“I suppose there may be two people I could invite..” he scratched at his beard.
The way her eyes lit up made his heart soar. There was no way he could get out of this one.
That led him to where he was now. Old ass notebook with numbers important to him in it laid on his worktable. He hadn’t needed it since he retired but some people were in it he thought he’d ask. Those two people were you and Marcus. His two ‘best friends’ as Helen had put it after he explained your relationship.
Marcus was John’s first choice as he had met Helen at their wedding. He’d said yes the minute the words left the ex assassins mouth. A thanksgiving dinner at the wicks house? Now that was just too hard to pass up. The sniper asked his friend if he planned to invite anyone else and when he tossed the idea of inviting you, Marcus busted out with laughter.
“That’s a great idea!”
So here he was, dialing your number on his old rotary phone. It rang and rang to the point he thought you weren’t going to answer. He did feel a bit disappointed, it would be nice to see you and Helen would love to meet you again. Right as he was going to hang up when he heard you answer.
“Oh my God am I dreaming? Fuck you asshole! It’s been so long you haven’t called in months!” You shouted over the phone though he knew you were playing.
“Yeah, sorry I’ve been busy.” He grimaced over the phone, “I, uh, Helen wanted me to ask if you’d like to come to our thanksgiving dinner this year.”
John could hear you as you shuffled around on the phone and then the sound of papers being flipped. He rolled his eyes. You weren’t doing anything, he knew it. His foot tapped as you made him more and more impatient. He knew if you could see him you’d have a shit eating grin on your face.
“Hmmmmmmm.” You exaggerated,” I guess I could come. A little upset that it’s Helen who wants me to come and not even my own big brother though.”
The two of you weren’t brother and sister. He was starting to regret asking you. You were ten years younger than him, a baby found outside in the alleyway. People always made jokes that you two were like siblings and it was true. You teased him like crazy and he kept you out of trouble. When you were ten and he was twenty you’d bug him like an annoying little sister.
John’s punishments when he’d mess up or do something that pissed off The Director, were to help the younger kids learn to fight and shoot guns. You of course were a part of that group and although you annoyed the shit out of him, he was always softer with you. Even when you were fifteen and bit his leg.
“Please be normal. Her family doesn’t know, they are a bit-“ Pretentious, egotistical, snobby, stupid fucking assholes, “Judgy?” He was trying to be nice.
“HA! Me? Not normal, yeah right. See you on turkey day Johnny!”
You hung up and John stood there for a moment. This was a big mistake. Any other day he wouldn’t care. If it was a normal dinner that would be fine but he was really starting to think of the consequences of inviting you to a holiday dinner with Helen’s family. He took a deep breath.
Helen, of course, was ecstatic to hear you were coming. You’d met her once and it was at their wedding. She thought you were hilarious and fun but her favorite part was when you’d share stupid stories about her husband. It was nice to hear about his youth as he was very private, only sharing what he thought was necessary.
She herself wished her family wasn’t so rude but she had hope that they would soften up someday. The long haired woman was hard at work in the kitchen with John as her helper. He was a very sweet husband who demanded she let him help. If she asked he would do it all himself. He kissed her cheek as he moved to get the turkey out of the oven.
Marcus was the first one to show up and was leaning against the kitchen island with a glass of wine in his hand. People were starting to arrive. John was thankful his mentor was good with people, already charming multiple of Helen’s female relatives. Everyone was intrigued by him, their in-laws' mysterious friend..
Then he heard it. John and Marcus locked eyes with each other. His friend smirked as your booming bass approached his home. Helen looked up wondering what that noise was but based on her husband’s face she knew exactly who it was. He should have invited Jimmy.
Before he knew it you were letting yourself in. Dressed in a sports jersey, sweatpants and a huge oversized zip up hoodie you called out for him.
“Hello! Jonathan, I'm here the party can officially start!” You belted out while shutting the door behind you.
When you turned to greet him you saw everyone staring at you. They were dressed in suits and dresses. Your mouth was agape. You were always super expressive and sometimes it got you in trouble. About to ask if you were in the wrong house John and Helen ran to greet you.
She was shocked as you grabbed her shoulders and left two big kisses on both cheeks. Then you hugged John hello while also scolding him for not telling you there was a specific attire, not that you cared. They introduced you to everyone before you found Marcus. He looked dashing as ever and you told him so.
Things were going very well so far. Helen’s family questioned you about your profession, finding it very odd when you told them you were a doctor. They believed a doctor would hold themselves to higher standards but you just laughed it off because you were the best of the best.
You didn’t get to see much of John as he was busy following his wife around, hosting the holiday. Your elbow hit Marcus’s arm. He looked at you and chuckled knowing exactly what you were hinting at. Your old friend looked so uncomfortable, not that anyone but you and the man next to you could tell. He leaned down so you could hear him.
“Like a lost puppy, look at him..” He shook his head and smirked.
“I want to say it’s sickening but, I actually find it pretty endearing. She’s a very nice woman.” You watched them.
“That she is, sweet too.” He agreed.
The two of you continued to catch up until the socializing became too much. You excused yourself and went out back to smoke. There would be no way you’d get through this without it. Although you hadn’t ever been to their house you made yourself at home. The cool breeze was welcoming compared to the stuffiness inside. You pulled the pre rolled joint out of your pocket and right as you were about to light it you heard someone clear their throat.
It was Helen. You felt a bit bad because you did pull out drugs on her property but she surprised you by sitting down across from you. She seemed a bit stressed but still smiled at you. You almost had the wind knocked out of you when she asked if you would share. In a way you felt guilty like you were a bad influence on the good kid but she was older than you and you were always told to respect your elders.
You lit the joint, taking the first hit and then handed it to her. She took a small hit and started coughing. You handed her your water and she took a sip before laughing. Your hand brought the joint up to your lip to take another inhale. This was top of the line shit, you hoped she would know that. The warm fuzzy feeling started to settle in your mind and you couldn’t help but laugh with her.
“God, I haven’t smoked in years!” She sounded excited.
The two of you spent the next few minutes in silence just passing the rolled joint back and forth. Half way through it though you started talking. Like weed tended to do, you talked about life and all that jazz until the topic of John came up. She told you she was so happy you came and that she knows he’s happy as well.
You were surprised he hadn’t followed her out here. Helen explained to you that as much as she loved her family she hated that they were so rude about her husband to him himself and her. Next year they wouldn’t host, she had enough of all the tension and how everyone getting along was all fake. You agreed with her and finished the joint.
“Tell me something about him that no one else knows.” She giggled behind her hand.
Helen felt like a teenage girl gossiping about her crush but she had to ask. You brought your finger up to rub at your chin as you thought. What’s something you could say that would shock her or embarrass John. You thought long and hard before the lightbulb went off in your head.
“John can dance. Specifically ballet.”
“No way.”
“Yeah way, he had to wear a tutu!”
“No I didn’t.” You jumped at the sound of his voice.
Damn how quiet he could be.
“I invite you to my house and you get my wife high?” John questions.
“You want some? I have another.” You went to pull it out but he put his hand out to let you know he was okay.
“Don’t be such a fuddy-duddy John.” She chastised him and you almost spit your drink out.
“Yeah John.”
“I came out here to tell you the food is almost ready, not to be ganged up on.”
The two of you laughed before Helen got up to go back inside saying she should probably go inside. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and disappeared into the house. You giggled while lighting up the second joint and he continued to stare at her.
“Did she just call you a fuddy-duddy?”
“Yes. Why what would you have said? Actually-“
“Lame, loser, boring…”
“-I don’t want to hear it.” You snickered and kept hitting the joint.
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments before he let out a sigh. John needed the fresh air, though it might not be so fresh with you here smoking but it was better than in the house. He thanked you for coming and you reminded him that you were always only a phone call away, to which he responded that he knew.
It was nice seeing you, John thought to himself. For how annoying and crazy you could be, he’s glad he did it, and that Helen had pushed him too. He forgot how well you two got along even if he’d only seen you interact once. Meanwhile you were smacked. Maybe you shouldn’t have had that second one. You seemed to overdo it a lot.
Something about the way John was looking at you made you start giggling. When he gave you a confused look you just laughed harder. You were almost laying on the chair as you cackled. It was definitely the weed but you couldn’t breathe from how hard you were laughing. You flicked the roach at him but he dodged it.
“What are you laughing at?” His deadpanned voice made you laugh even harder, which seemed impossible.
“You. Man you’re making me laugh, go back inside! Your lover awaits you!”
John realized he wasn’t going to get anything of substance out of the conversation and got up to leave but not without a small chuckle. You were always so weird but you were still right. He knew Helen was waiting for him and that food was ready by now. You were still laughing as your friend told you to come in for food.
“Give me a minute!” You shooed him away.
The air in the house felt almost hot as it greeted you when you came inside. Everyone was sitting at the table staring at you as you made your way to your seat next to Marcus. You looked at them with a raised eyebrow. Jeez, Helen wasn’t joking. Her family did seem judgemental.
“And where were you?” One of the family members asked.
“I went for a walk.” Is all you said even if you wanted to jump over the table and strangle them.
“Smells like it…” Marcus snorted into his glass.
You gave him a light smack and started to fill your plate. The talk of people filled the table but all you could focus on was how good the food was. God damn, Helen was an amazing cook, you don’t think you’ve ever eaten something so good. You thought about how to everyone else you looked more like a hungry dog
devouring your food but you didn’t care.
When you looked up you were correct. Everyone was staring at you. Some in disgust, some in awe and some in confusion. If you looked closer you’d probably see John’s temple twitch at your actions. With slow movements you kept your eye on everyone while still shoving food into your mouth. Helen hid her smile behind her hand.
“What?” You asked with a mouth full of food.
“You say you’re a doctor?” One of the men asked.
You took a big sip of your wine, your mouth was starting to feel dry.
“Yup. One of the best, actually.” Pride, that’s what you felt.
“That’s hard to believe…”
You don’t know who said it but John noticed the way you gripped your knife in your hand. This needed to end now or you’d end it in ways he didn’t want to think about at a nice Thanksgiving dinner with his wife. You stared at the man, almost snarling at him.
“Well, believe what you want but I’ll let you know that I’ve been watching you all night. The way you move your arm I can tell your shoulder hurts you. Is it a torn rotator cuff? I’m willing to bet money on it. Also that your doctor sucks.” Your grip on the knife tightened at the idea of a good time.
“Why you little-“
“Okay! Okay! Let’s just eat. The food is great, let's just focus on the food.” John’s worried voice filled your ears.
The statement was directed more at you, not Helen’s family member. With a slight grumble you let go of the chokehold on your knife and began eating again. Just like that, the whole conversation never happened as you went back into your dream of amazing, sweet and savory food.
The night had ended and almost everyone had left. Marcus left right after dinner saying he had something to attend to. It was just you, John and Helen, and also her parents. You were laying on their couch before you realized that you should get going as well. Your bed was calling your name.
As you were getting ready her mother and father walked up to you. You were putting your coat on. Your face did not hide your confusion as to why they were approaching you. Was it because you threatened their nephew at dinner? Not your fault the man had to challenge your skills.
“So, you and John? You’re siblings?” The mom asked.
“Yes, he’s my big brother. He was in charge of me when we were younger.” You smiled.
“In charge?” The father trailed off.
John could feel your schemes in his bones and found you just in time to hear the conversation.
“No blood relation. She’s adopted.” Leave it to John to ruin everything.
“Um you were too! We had a very big family! That was poor.” John just whacked you upside the head when they looked away.
You rubbed the sore spot while grumbling. Asshole.
The parents looked at John and smiled at him and he had to take a second to believe he wasn’t seeing things. Helen’s parents always kept a distance and never, ever smiled at him. Not even at their wedding. It almost scared him.
“We had no idea you were a self made millionaire Jonathan. All while taking care of a sibling. Good job.” Her father put his hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
John just stood there with his mouth agape. Helen’s parents liked to pretend that he didn’t even exist and now they were smiling and praising him. After a few seconds he shut his mouth and nodded his head. Her parents went to talk to say their goodbyes and left you and him alone.
“Ah Jonathan you have to learn how to work those people. Rich folks, they love any story that fits their narrative. Poor orphan self made millionaire? How inspiring.” You mocked.
John let out a deep chuckle. You were always good at getting people to like you, even if you were annoying and crass. It made sense, you were very smart. You yawned and gave him a hug before he pulled away to open the door for you. You’d already said goodbye to Helen but you called out one more farewell and stepped outside.
“I better be coming back next year.” You laughed when John shut the door in your face.
Helen came up to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“She’s definitely coming back next year.”
He smiled.
“Yeah. She is.”
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insanesanitysparks · 8 months
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Love Comes Tsundere - Chapter 1 The Proposal
Summary: A complicated villain takedown puts Bakugou Katsuki in a cumbersome position with the Hero Safety Commission. To appease the commission, Bakugou reluctantly agrees to enter an arranged marriage with you, the quirkless daughter of a prominent member on the commission. Now you and Katsuki have to figure out how to live and maybe even learn to love someone you don't truly know.
Tags: Minors DNI, Bakugou Katsuki/Female Reader, Bakugou Katsuki, Female Reader, Arranged Marriage, Marriage, Fluff, Steamy Fluff, Spicy Fluff, Friendship, Romance, Gradual Romance, Slow Romance, Eventual Romance, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad At Feelings, Protective Bakugou Katsuki,  Tsundere Bakugou Katsuki, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is A Good Significant Other, Slow Burn, Not Beta Read, I Do Not Do Chapter Warnings, So Read At Your Own Risk, Add Tags As I Go
Notes: I update faster on my Ao3 account. I like comments, even if they're just constructive criticism. I'm always looking to improve my writing. I am lonely and desperate for attention :p
Chapter 1 - The Proposal
The warm scent of freshly printed paper and the still silence of an empty office made for a boring wait, especially for a pro hero strongly accustomed to action. The drone of professional gray walls, the chill of metal filing cabinets, and the reeking stench of power from a fancy polished desk told the young hero that person who occupied this office was powerful. Powerful, but most likely impotent, using his wealth to make up for where he fell short. On top of that, the office jackass was making the hero wait damn near forever to talk about damn damage control. Inconsiderate bastard.
Finally, the door opened and the overcompensating ass himself walked in, haughty, like he hadn't just made the hero wait for him. "About damn time!" The young hero growled, his piercing red eyes shooting the older man a death glare. "I've been waiting for a whole fucking hour! You and I both know you've got better shit to do than to clean up my mess, so why the hell did it take you so fucking long?"
"My apologies, young Bakugou," The drawl of the man's false regret sent a cold, irritating shiver down Bakugou's spine. His eye twitched as the man casually moved past him to sit at his desk, "it is quite a mess out there though, the clean up is going to be a pain."
"Tell me something I don't already fucking know!" Bakugou huffed, running a hand through his spikey, blonde locks. "Didn't really have a whole lot of options out there though. If it had been anyone else responding to that situation then it would have been a lot worse! I don't even know why the hell you commission office bastards are getting so worked up over it anyway!"
"Yes, well, us 'office bastards' aren't just looking at lives saved and casualties. There's a lot more that happens in these walls than I think you give us credit for." The man sighed and pulled a folder from the work bag he'd brought with him and laid it on the desk. "Still, it is quite an unfortunate situation. No one is blaming you of course, you were off-duty and you were quite ill-prepared for dealing with the chaos; however, the commission still deems it reasonable to revoke your hero license for the time being. Just while they launch their investigation into the events. Then, provided they don't find anything suspicious, your license will be renewed and you'll be back to doing hero work!"
Bakugou bristled at the man insulting his preparedness. He was always fucking prepared! It wasn't his fault the civilians made the situation worse! He'd done everything he logically could do given the situation! "So you're suspending my license?" The blond hero hissed through gritted teeth. It would be a miracle if he didn't assault this pretentious asshole before he left!
"Well, we don't really have any other options here..." The man hummed and tapped his fingers on the desk, stilling before he spoke again, "Unless...maybe we could help each other?" The satisfaction dripping from the man's tone disgusted Bakugou and the gaze in the man's eyes was that of a predator who knew his prey had nowhere to run. Bakugou's blood ran cold and he just knew that he was going to kill this man! Hell, even the damn nerd's mumbling ass was more tolerable than this bastard!
Bakugou met the man's hungry eyes with a hardened glare of his own before emitting an exasperated sigh and turning his head away from the bastard. "Of course! And I assume there's a catch to this? What the hell do you want me to do? I don't do illegal shit if that's what you're wanting."
"Oh, of course not!" A smug smile plastered the bastard's face making Bakugou's skin crawl. "Now, I've noticed that throughout your entire high school and rookie hero career, you've never attended any events or award ceremonies with a pretty little lady swooning on your shoulder. I always supposed that you could be waiting for the right little lady, though with you I assume it's more likely that you don't consider a little arm candy to be worth the time. Time that could be spent furthering your career. Unless...maybe men run more your type? You always looked good with that Red Riot fellow, wasn't he in your-"
"Is there a point to all this? Or do you just like hearing yourself talk?" Bakugou interrupted when the bastard suggested a sexual relationship with Eijirou. Ever since the first year sports festival, Bakugou had seen the dumbass redhead as a brother. "Let's go charging into battle together!" Eijirou had so boldly exclaimed, refusing to let Bakugou turn him down. Or when the red-haired idiot fearlessly came to rescue him from the League. Charging into battle together... Bakugou couldn't imagine anyone else he'd want to have his back, as an ally and a friend, not a fucking oversexualized, fan-paired fucking couple!
"I'm just curious if you're interested in girls!" The bastard held his hands up in mock surrender, "Or do you simply lack the drive and therefore avoid them?"
Bakugou's blood was already boiling, and his face was undoubtedly red with rage. Now, he was seconds away from going nuclear with his quirk. Lack the drive? Lack the drive! Unlike your impotent ass I don't need a bitch to help me get off! You think just because I'm not running around chasing ass like a horny fucking dog in heat that I'm some sort of impotent freak like you! Cocky, fucking bastard! Implying that I should screw my best friend or chase pussy for arm candy! Little sparks danced across his hands, the threat and promise of violence growing ever closer. "Get. To. The. Fucking. Point." The blond growled. He didn't have time for this bullshit!
"Yes, I suppose I am making this longer than it needs to be." The man nodded as though they were having a normal conversation, not one where he could die or the young hero could lose his license. "I want you to marry my daughter, or more specifically, my friend's daughter. You see, she's quirkless and quite a burden to take care of. So clumsy and needy, helpless really. It's hard for me to get much work done with her around. My colleagues and I aren't thrilled about having to clean up your mess, but if you would be kind enough to take her off my hands for me then my team and I will make sure that everything is resolved before the sun sets this evening. What do you say?"
"The hell?" Bakugou blinked back his surprise. He wanted him to what? "You want me to marry...wait, if she's your friend's daughter why the hell do you want me to marry her?"
"Her father passed away, left her in my care. She doesn't know, of course, he died when she was young and I've looked after her ever since. But she's a growing woman, a lot harder to take care of than a child. Marrying her off to a powerful, young hero like you seems like the ideal scenario. You'll be strong enough to protect her without struggling like me." The bastard opened the file in front of him and slid a photo across his desk to the blond. A picture of the girl in question.
Bakugou stared at the young woman in the photo. She wasn't terrible looking...plain skin, simple hair framing a shy face based on the way she cast her eyes downward... She didn't look like a bitch, anyone who would intentionally cause a lot of trouble. If anything, she kind of looked like a ditsy nerd, like damn Deku! He glanced back at her guardian, the bastard pretending to be her father. If he'd raised her for as long as she could remember, would she be like him? Even if she didn't look like him? He considered his options, not thrilled at the idea of marrying a complete stranger. But did he have any other option? If he lost his license, even for a little bit, it would put him behind... It would definitely put a dent in his popularity, a dent he couldn't afford with Shoto and Deku competing with him for the number one spot. They almost always matched in arrests, popularity, and minimized damage. They'd been rotating the number one spot between the three of them since they graduated from Yuuei! Something that would change if Bakugou lost his license. They'd push him down to the third spot and he'd be forever stuck there with the damn half-n-half bastard and the shitty nerd taking the top two spots! "I lose my hero license if I don't marry her, correct?"
"Well, not to sound like I'm blackmailing you or anything of that nature, but yes. If you refuse to marry her, my team won't be so cooperative and you're license will be revoked while we investigate. Add to that the dip your popularity will take and your hero career will fall to the dust."
Bakugou protested, voice straining in his failing efforts not to continue yelling as he fought against his apparent fate. "I didn't do anything wrong!"
"True, but the public won't see it that way and the investigation, well, we all know that the investigations aren't usually favorable toward the heroes..." The man pointed out smugly, clearly not intimidated by the blond's explosive personality. " If it helps, think of it this way-you don't necessarily have to love her, just marry her for the image. Pro-hero Dynamight marries a poor, defenseless quirkless woman! What an amazing hero he is!"
"It's Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!" Bakugou huffed, though with less gusto than before.
"Right, apologies. Anyway, if she doesn't interest you, you don't have to fall in love with her or fuck her...just make her an overpaid maid with benefits and get yourself a little honey to keep on the side. Ignore her for all I care! Just get the damn bitch off my hands."
A long moment of silence passed before Bakugou spoke again, his head spinning. He hated how nonchalant the bastard was about implying infidelity, about marrying a girl just to gain popularity. It certainly didn't feel right, but if he wanted to hold onto the number one hero spot for more than one year, he couldn't afford to lose his hero license. Even if only for a short while! The blond lowered his head in defeat, hands folded in front of him to keep himself from just exploding the bastard and temporarily solving the problem, "When do we get married?"
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kochi999 · 1 month
Attack the very edge of what can be posted on tumbler.
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Canyon Scrapyard
… What's up? Kind of. Let's go home. I need to talk to you guys. I've got somewhere I need to be alone. I can't go back for a while. I may not be able to go back. So everyone go wherever you want. What? Is there an enemy out there? Can I help? Thank you. But it's my problem. I have to solve it alone. So I'm going to say goodbye for now. You seem determined. I'm sorry for being so selfish. Thank you all for everything. Oh, Arcades. Can I talk to you for a minute? I'd like a night of your time.
Hey, Doc. Excuse me. This may be none of my business, but… What is it? Well… you might want to leave that to the back of your mind. What are you talking about? I don't want you to do something you'll regret because you're stubborn or pretentious. Like you did with me. I… If I could go back in time now, I'd choose to live with her, no matter what. ……. But since I can't go back, I'm just trying to convince myself. You still have a choice, so be mindful of your feelings.
Thanks DOC. Yup… What's up? I need you to stay with me. Okay, I get it. That's it? I want to hold you. Yeah, okay. Sir… can I? You hear me? If you don't want to, I won't. Hmm, okay. I was afraid you'd rape me by force one day. I won't! You don't want to. I won't do anything you don't want me to do. You're sweet. Yes, I am. Because I love you.
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Huh…now…I might have forgiven him, even if it was by force. Yeah? But it hurts. It doesn't matter. Ah..! What was that? Arcades… you were getting used to it? Don't ask… DOC? Were you getting ready for me to hold you? Don't tell me… I'm so happy, DOC, I love you! Shut up. I love you too. Can I get in there, Doc? You don't have to ask. Yeah, I'll let you in. Ugh…
Doc, it's all in. Are you okay? Umm… Arcades, I like it. I love it. Oh, no! I'm being pushed into a very good place. It's like he's moving, but not moving… I don't think he realizes it, but it's like he's being rushed. 20 minutes elapsed courier… What? I've been kissing you too much? Oh, God, move fast…I'm at my limit. Ugh! Sorry, Arcade!I'm happy.Happy and kissing!I was so happy I couldn't stop kissing you. Sorry. I'll make you feel good. I'll do everything I learned in Gomorrah. I'll take care of it! He's going to do everything he learned in Gomorrah…? What? Wow!
Ah…ah…ahhhh..! It was so good…Gomorrah's technique is indeed inherited… 「We raised you!" (and many other prostitutes)」 He did his best to melt.
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sobspace · 9 months
ari and dante,
i put off reading this one since i was in high school. book nerds were a community, this novel, was the talk of town. 
i was kind of pretentious, still am, to refuse to consume anything being hyped up, refused to be swept up by the trends. i know it rings false, but that’s the way i lived til now, with my hypocrisy.
enough of that, this book had been sitting in my TBR for gods know how long. it’s been forever, ari and dante, cooped up in the margins of my memory. yes, ari’s line. fortunately, the novel had found its way to me again.
it felt a little too late to be reading this one. i wish i had read it as soon as i knew of it. i guess that’s one of the things i regret. it may sound dramatic, but i think reading this in high school might have saved me a little. it felt like i was intruding with the younger version of myself, as i was reading about ari and dante. 
a part of me had probably read this with the mind of a highschooler, ari’s anger welling up inside him inconsolable and unknowable. i felt myself deeply resonating with the melancholia it brings ari. how confronting it is just as bad as running away from it, and, you would not know anything of what to do other than live between the itch of those two urges. 
i liked how the novel tackled mostly the complexities of love, especially of those our parents’. they were grounded of their nature to love, which was one of the mysteries that ari and dante tries to solve. for ari, love was a weight, a pressure. for dante, it’s being himself in the world. 
i kept wondering, what was this secret of the universe they have found? i thought of it as something, probably rhetorical. as i try to gauge it, it’s not that too hard to understand. it could be about learning the secrets of your parents that they have been keeping from you all your life, learning about the reason of unfathomable anger and loneliness you feel excavating you from the inside, or it could be, just as be, learning about the affections you have always had for someone and learning there is nothing more profound than learning you are deeply loved by everyone you care about. that is the only universe that matters. and it frees you.
i wanted to write more about ari, his transition from not understanding love, to completely accepting its characteristics, good and bad, the people around him and especially of himself. how he’s just as capable of realizing it. and it’s a weight just as much as it’s something that can make you feel light as a wind. 
i love you, ari and dante.
you will be living in my head for quite a long time. 
and i hope both your love will extend beyond the life you had given within the premises of this novel. it probably already did.
i am hopeful, and you make me.
As Dante and I lay on our backs in the bed of my pickup and gazed out at the summer stars, I was free. Imagine that. Aristotle Mendoza, a free man.
August 17, 2023
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feysandfeels · 1 year
Hey! I'm so glad to see you posting again. I wanted to ask are you still part of the sim fandom, you barely seem active anymore? I don't want to be mean or anything, just a question out of an observation
Hello my boo!
I am. I most definitely am. Life just got really busy. I had a blast reading HOSAB and going through part of ACOTAR las year before life became chaotic lol. I'm still a Rhys girlie. I still love Manon Blackbeak and I am still waiting for her book. I am thankful I got Miss Lidia being badass. Queen.
But to tell you the truth, the theories got a bit much. Like the whole fandom shifted to really long and dull analysis of why Elain will end up with x or y, and when you've read Sarah's books for as long as I have you just know how this story will turn out. It's going to be Elucien. I'm sorry to the rest of you but if Elain and Az do hook up it will be that... a hook up they both kinda regret eventually and rather pretend never happened, Cassian brings it up on solstice dinner and everyone laughs and cringes.
The other theories were like the really really really really long explanations about how this word that appears on this one chapter is echoed in this other book in the other series meaning that the cat is actually Dorian's father, who somehow is now connected to Nyx because Nyx has a cat plushie in his crib. Respect to those who enjoyed it, but it's not for me.
And if it wasn't that then it was how much everyone hated the crossover and how it ruined ACOTAR or CC or whatever for them and I just *tired sigh*. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions and can post about them online, it did become like the trend to hate or not trust or dislike her decision. So I took a step back of my online fandom experience, because it gets tiring to see everyone and their mothers criticize Sarah.. when I adore her so much and I do think her work is good. Sometimes I do wonder if for all the people who dislike her world building, her writing style, her character dynamics, her narrative choices... like is it worth it to keep reading it just because you like 3 characters and then hating what she did with said characters?
Anywho, most of my irl friends who also read sjm are on board with the crossover -like why not it will be an experience™️ - and excited to read the 5 to 10 chapters she will most likely spend in Prythian and then send Bryce on her way -with like cocktails, a espresso martini like the pretentious bitches we are-. So that's where I went. To the "well rather wait until it drops before I start saying it's a mess" camp. It drains me a bit to see how other people are already like "i hate it"... so when we see how it actually develops oh I just know it's going to be worse. Because like yes she clearly retconned some aspects of her plot.. but I think, more often than not that is part of the creative process in most artistic endeavours. You cannot plan a big ass series that will take a big chunk of your life to write and not have those initial plans change. It's like the architecture vs the garden writing thing.
So yeah I curated my online experience so much I got an irl experience instead. But you know you can always hit me up to talk about her books, mostly in a positive-critical way. Because yes... her world building is not as straight forward or like squared (I don't have a better word but like... the rules are clear and logical and A-> B -> C) as some people normally prefer; but I think there's something engaging in how she approaches it when you tie it to her characters and then extrapolate that to fantasy trends in the past few decades. Like give her some credit is all I'm saying.... which people really don't... even when they like her characters...but then again they like them for their version of the characters and not for how Sarah wrote them.. you know Sarah... the one who created them.
This got way longer than I expected... no I'm off to learning my lines again.
Besoooooos and long live Feyre Archeron High Lady of the Night Court and Her Royal Highness Fire Breathing Bitch Queen of Terrasen Aelin Ashryver Galathanius
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frumfrumfroo · 5 years
With my body I thee worship
Her rapid heartbeat was pounding in her temples and she could hear the sounds of shouting, blaster bolts, and crashing from the remnants of battle all around them, but she’d managed to back him into a corner. She had been circling him, driving him away from the centre and into isolation, for what felt like hours. Now they were alone, pressed into the hollow below an embankment and shielded from view on three sides.
The tip of his red lightsabre hovered just above the ground- crackling and throwing off sparks which smouldered in the dry leaves before winking out- as if he were too tired to lift it. She knew he wasn’t. She could feel the engulfing throb of his power all around her, the living pulse of his will, and she knew he could turn this tide nearly single-handedly if only he’d decide that he wanted to.
“Why did you do this,” she demanded, panting, ignoring the way her own weapon drooped at her side. Her fatigue was very real, pausing even for a moment was allowing stiffness to set in on her weary limbs. “Why put yourself here, put me here when you didn’t want it! Ben! Tell me why!”
He held up a hand, as if to ward her off, the black glove covering it profoundly offensive to her. Somehow it seemed a more intimate barrier than the mask, sealing him off more thoroughly from her influence. His fingers flexed and trembled under her scrutiny, but he said nothing.
Suspicious, she tried stepping nearer, feeling resistance in the air. His passive desire to keep her away had recruited the Force, and the energy tingled against her skin as it held her back. Rey deactivated her lightsabre and threw it down.
“Let me,” she said. Not gently, but not quite a demand.
The mask slowly shifted back and forth in mute refusal.
“Ben,” she repeated. “Please.”
The hilt of his lightsabre slipped from nerveless fingers and its volatile blade fizzled twice before going out. The smoke from the scorched under brush curled up between them like a visible sigh.
She reached for him then, keeping her palms upward in supplication as she crossed the few metres separating them. She made contact first with his own outstretched hand and then his elbow, pulling his arm towards her chest as she stepped close and tipped her head well back to look up at him. Her fingers could not close around his wrist and she glanced down again to dig under his sleeve for the edge of the glove, burrowing beneath the leather for warm flesh.
Her movements were slow and deliberate as she peeled off his glove and twined their fingers together, giving him every chance to rebuke her. Watching him carefully for signs of discontent. He returned a squeeze around her knuckles when she pressed their joined hands over her heart and she took that as a concession.
“Let me help you,” she said.
His neck bent and his back bowed, his whole towering form wilting slightly towards her as if a great weight were bearing down on his broad shoulders. The quilted material of his doublet was surprisingly soft where it brushed her cheek and she had to swallow hard against a fluttering sensation rising in her throat.
“I’m going to…” Her warning trailed off as she felt for the release catch on the mask, her voice failing her. The hollow black eye sockets which had seemed to stare with an accusatory sorrow were out of sight over her shoulder and she couldn’t help being grateful she didn’t need to face them as she gathered her courage.
Some secret inner clasp gave way and the helmet sprang open, now loose enough for her to reach up with both hands and pull it very carefully and tentatively free.
It thudded to the ground somewhere behind her and all she could immediately see was his mop of wavy black hair, mussed and damp with sweat, but gorgeously human and irresistibly inviting to the touch. Hesitant, she held her breath as she watched the progress of her hand sliding along his arm to his shoulder, ghosting across his trapezius to the column of his throat, and finally allowed herself to bury her fingers in the silk-soft strands. Guided by instinct, she let her palm curve around the base of his skull just behind his ear and held his head against her neck for a long moment, feeling the heat of his breath on her skin.
When he finally lifted his head she was unprepared for the look in his wide, dark eyes. She was unprepared for the bruise at the corner of his full lips and the smudges of exhaustion marring his pale face. She had thought she was prepared for the thin, but still angry, red line which cut across the flat of his cheekbone and over his brow. The sinking feeling in her gut told her she was not.
Her free hand rose to brush a lock of hair back from his forehead and she let her index finger trace along the scar with a touch so tenuous she was sure he could have only barely felt it. Still, she could sense his warmth, the slight vibration of his shudder under her scrutiny; she could feel that he was alive and real and suffering.
“I’m so sorry,” she announced with a blunt abruptness that startled them both.
Ben’s eyebrows pressed together, forming a crease of confusion between them. “You’re sorry...?” but then she could see him understand, see him ready to protest.
Impulsively, she gripped his shoulders and rocked onto her tip toes to press two clumsy kisses at the widest point of the scar right around the middle of his cheek. Unable to hold his gaze, her eyes flicked from his to a spot somewhere in the middle of his chest. “Don’t say I shouldn’t be, because I am sorry and you can believe that. You can believe me, Ben. Please. I don’t want you to be hurt, I don't want to be one of the ones who hurt you.”
"Rey." His arms came around her very tight and his nose pressed into her hair and if she felt a hot trickle of tears she would say nothing about it.
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itsdanii · 3 years
Kyahhh your rejecting you and regretting series is just so freaking good . Uhmmm idk if you are taking requests right now but can I please request for Ushijima and Kita?Thank you so much!
Rejecting you and regretting it pt. 4
one | two | three | four
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Hey, bub. I'm so glad to hear that you've been enjoying my works. Here's your request for the part 4 and final (as of now) part of the rejecting and regretting you series. Have a good day and stay hydrated! ♥️
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genre: angst to fluff
warnings: semi-rude behavior (resolved), no cursing in this one because these men drink their respect women juice daily
ft. ushijima wakatoshi, kita shinsuke
title says it all
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Kita Shinsuke
Kita is your childhood friend
The moment the two of you were introduced to each other by your grandmothers, you instantly clicked
Same as through with him, you loved spending your time being productive and following a certain routine so it's no question that as you both grew up, you started gaining romantic feelings towards him
You've been thinking of confessing but never really had the chance because he was always busy with volleyball practice
So when you finally managed to get some alone time, you didn't hesitate to voice out your feelings, not knowing that the answer you're hoping for isn't the answer you're going to get
"You're staring again."
You snapped out of your thoughts when Kita stopped infront of you, his eyebrows furrowing as he studied your face.
"Are you alright?"
"Oh, uh, yes! I'm sorry. I was just thinking," you answered sheepishly while scratching the back of your head.
You mentally cursed yourself for spacing out on him. This is the only chance you're getting and you can't afford to waste it.
"About what?" Shinsuke asked as you both continued your walk on the way home since you only live apart each other. Plus, his grandma had always told him to never let you walk home alone especially at night.
"You said you were thinking. About what?" Shinsuke gently tugged at the sleeve of your jacket, changing your positions so that he was closer to the road than you are.
You felt yourself blushing at the small gesture and looked at his hand that was still holding your jacket.
You swallowed the lump forming inside your throat and stopped walking, the act stopping Kita as well due to him holding you.
Kita looked at you worriedly and placed both hands on your shoulders, his head dipping slightly to get a closer look at your face. "Are you oka-"
"You," you answered without focusing your gaze to him. "I've been thinking about you."
When you felt him taking his hands off your shoulders, you immediately looked up. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
The look he had is something you can't decipher but if you were to analyze it based on what you can see, it's a look you never wanted to see again.
Silence reigned the two of you, eyes staring at each other as if you're both trying to figure out what the other was thinking.
"No," Kita said, breaking the silence. "But it's best if we don't discuss the issue any further."
At that, he faced forward and continued walking as if nothing happened but as you stared at his back, you realized that somehow, he knew what you were trying to imply.
And the sad part is that he chose to ignore it and act unbothered as if he didn't just indirectly broke your heart.
Once you reached your destination, you faced him with an anxious smile and Kita didn't fail to notice this, as well as your habit of shifting from foot to foot whenever you wanted to say something.
"I like you, Shin," you blurted out nervously, your heart beating erratically and your palms becoming sweaty. "I don't know when it started but suddenly, I just woke up and realized that what I'm feeling towards you is no longer within the range of friendship. It's something more and I just wanted to let you know."
"I am well aware of that but I'm sorry, y/n. I can't return your feelings."
You bit your lower lip to hold in your tears and as much as you wanted to shout at him to accept your confession, you can't just force someone to love you back because it doesn’t work that way.
"Geez, can't you even say it gently?" you said with a forced chuckle. "Don't worry, I won't hold any grudges."
You let out a sigh before looking up at him and Kita was surprised to see that there are no traces of anger. He expected you to lash out but it seemed like he was wrong.
"I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't overwork yourself, okay?" With that, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his cheek before turning around to cross the road.
Kita could only stare at you as he watched you enter your household, your figure vanishing from his sight as the door finally closed.
Kita is a practical man.
He knows how to separate what is right from what is wrong.
Because of this, people often see him as someone who's perfect, sometimes even being compared to a robot due to his nature. But Kita is far from perfect, and he knew that.
Because as he laid in his bed that night, he realized that he just made a big, wrong decision, and he had nobody but himself to blame.
Kita didn't know if he should be happy or not. Actually, he should be happy. After all, he just rejected you and still, here you are, walking beside him as you made your way to school.
He kept glancing at you, observing wether you were pretending or not but he knew that it isn't in your nature to be a pretentious person. You've always worn your emotions on your sleeve which made it too easy for people to read you.
"Ah, Shin. You don't have to walk me home later," you said with a sheepish smile. "My friend is actually going to walk me home so.."
"Alright. Be sure to send me a message when you're on the way home." Despite how 'normal' it sounded, Kita was actually feeling something unpleasant inside him. It was a feeling he was well aware of but had never experienced himself.
The day progressed fast. One moment, he was entering his first class and the next, he's already checking wether all the sports equipment were put back in their proper places.
As he walked out of the gym, Kita instinctively brought out his phone to check for any messages, yours to be specific.
"Ya alright, Kita-san?" came Atsumu.
Kita simply nodded and glanced at his phone again before keeping it, disappointment filling him as he realized that you're not planning to message him at all.
Without you to walk home with, Kita decided to join his team mates, yet despite the noise his team naturally carried, Kita's mind was still preoccupied.
He thought of how you must be doing or if you arrived home safely. He thought of how different the things would've turned out if he hadn't rejected you.
He thought of you.
"Isn't that y/n-san?"
Kita's attention immediately went back to Earth, his eyes following the direction Atsumu was pointing at and just like he said, you were indeed at the other side of the road, walking alone while hugging yourself as you shivered ever so slightly.
Without any words, Kita headed towards your direction and his team mates knew better than to interfere. After all, they knew their captain well. It wasn't that hard to notice how off he was today.
"I thought I told you to message me."
You gasped as Kita suddenly appeared beside you, draping his jacket over your shoulder which immediately surrounded you with his familiar scent.
"Sorry, I forgot," you said while tugging at the end of his jacket sleeves.
"Mhm, and you also said that your friend is going to walk you home yet I don't see anyone beside you." Kita said with a serious tone.
"About that..." You scratched the back of your head as you tried to think of any excuses but you knew that lying would be pointless.
"What if someone kidnapped you? Or worse, took advantage of you? You know I don't like you walking alone especially when the sun had already set yet you still did it. Why did you lie?"
You felt like a child being scolded by your mother but instead of taking it the wrong way, you knew that Kita was only looking out for you. It was just ironic that he broke your heart yet still showed his deep concern for your being.
"It's because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," you finally admitted. "I just confessed to you yesterday and I thought thay maybe I might make you uncomfortable if I kept sticking beside you. I didn't want to be an inconvenience."
"What are you talking about?" Kita stopped walking and turned towards you. "You were never an inconvenience and will never be one."
"Sorry, Shin."
"No. I should be the one to apologize. I made a very rash decision yesterday and ended up rejecting you. I thought that having romantic feelings towards someone would just be a waste of time but I came to realize that it isn't a waste of time if its with you," Kita said with a gentle look on his face.
You didn't speak for a few seconds and just let his words sink in, a feeling of hope igniting inside you when you realized what he was trying to say. "Do you mean that?" you asked hopefully.
"Have I ever lied to you?" Seeing you shake your head no, Kita leaned in to press his forehead against yours. "I like you, y/n."
You felt your heart beat picking up with those simple words and without waiting for anything else, you pressed your lips against his.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Being the cousin of Tendou Satori had its perks
And one of those perks is the opportunity to see Ushijima everyday
You are only a year younger than them yet despite that, you get along with the team very well
After all, it had been a part of your daily routine to always visit the school's gym
What you didn't expect, however, was to fall for a certain captain
And you, being one of the most open and honest person, confessed the moment you realized your feelings towards him
And despite being turned down several times already, you still persisted, claiming that you'll do everything to make him fall for you
But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it just isn't enough
"Where's 'Toshi?" you asked Satori when you entered the gym, flashing a small smile to the others before sitting down on an empty bench.
"Talking to the coach." Satori looked at the plastic you were holding and grinned as he noticed what was inside. "Really, y/n-chan? You know that won't work on Ushiwaka, right?"
You just shrugged and placed the item beside you. "It's worth a try, 'Tori. Who knows? Maybe I'll finally be able to get a reaction out of him."
You looked behind you upon hearing Wakatoshi. "Hi, Toshi. Did you miss me?" you said and flashed him a bubbly smile.
"You always come here everyday. I do not see any reason for me to miss you," he simply answered before taking a seat beside you, eyes glancing at the carrot stuffed toy before focusing on the court.
Satori, who witnessed the whole exchange, just laughed at you, his eyes squinting as he clutched his stomach in tears. "Well, there's your reaction," he said while still catching his breath.
"You don't have to be so mean, Toshi." You pouted and handed him the stuffed toy you brought.
"What's this for?" he asked in slight confusion while examining the carrot you gave him.
"That's a gift. Haven't you noticed? Its been 8 months since I started courting you." You grinned at him.
"Oh? Y/n's courting captain?" came Tsutomu who was wiping his sweat with a clean towel, eyes glancing at the carrot before he exclaimed, "I want one too!"
"Have it." Your eyes widened when Ushijima handed the carrot stuffed toy to Tsutomu. "I don't need it, and please stop giving me stuff from now on. They are irrelevant."
"I worked hard for that! You don't know how much token I spent just to get that from the claw machine!" You frowned at Wakatoshi and took the toy from Tsutomu who's now obviously confused with what's happening.
"Then I'll pay the amount you spent. Just stop giving me random stuff from now on. I don't need them and I don't have any feelings for you," Ushijima said with a passive voice.
You bowed your head and Satori immediately panicked, his arm reaching out to you but you only recoiled. "You're the worst, Toshi!" you yelled at Ushijima before dropping the toy on the floor and running out of the gym.
All three of them were in shock at your outburst, completely not expecting you to say such thing. You've always been bubbly around them so hearing those words from you was something they never expected coming.
"I think you made y/n mad, Captain," Tsutomu said while picking the carrot and dusting it off.
"But all I did was say the truth," Ushijima reasoned out, eyes focused on Tsutomu who was now hugging the toy that was supposed to be his.
Satori just sighed and turned around to go back practicing.
"Captain?" Tsutomu muttered with a confused look as Ushijima suddenly took the carrot from him.
"It's mine."
For the sixth time of the day, Ushijima glanced at the closed door of the gym.
It had been almost a week and he haven't caught a single glimpse of you. No visits, no 'coincidentally' bumping on each other despite having different floor levels, nor surprised bentos. Nothing. It basically felt as if you don't exist anymore.
He doesn't even know why he seemed bothered with it. Wasn't it him who pushed you away? He should feel relieved now that you were no longer bothering him, right?
Then why did it felt like he was missing you?
"Y/n's not coming," Tendou said beside Ushijima.
"I know. They haven't been visiting lately." Ushijima stared at Tendou seriously, making the red hair chuckle before raising his hands up in surrender.
"I don't have any idea where y/n-chan is. Even if I do, my lips are sealed," Tendou said before making a zipper motion.
Ushijima sighed and looked down at the ball resting between his feet. "I don't like it when they're avoiding me."
"Hm, I can't blame my cousin for doing that though. They've been pining over you for quite a while now and each time they confess, you end up rejecting them. I guess yesterday was their breaking point," Satori explained with a shrug, "Maybe you got used to the feeling of them coming back everytime you reject them that you don't know how to feel now that they stopped chasing you."
"I..like y/n."
Just as he said those words, the gym doors suddenly opened. You entered with your usual bubbly expression, a wrapped bento in hand as you made your way to them.
"I noticed that you weren't carrying your bento awhile ago so I brought it with me," you said as you handed the bento to Satori, not even bothering to spare a glance at Ushijima who was intensely looking at you.
"Y/n," Ushijima said making you turn to him.
"Yes Ushijima-san?"
Ushijima blinked at the mention of his surname. He knew that it was normal for people to call him Ushijima since it was his name but hearing you say it seemed bothering for some reason. He was used to you calling him either Toshi or Waka-kun.
"I like you, y/n," he said without hesitation.
Satori facepalmed at Ushijima's straightforwardness. Deciding to give you both some space, he stood up and walked away with his bento, leaving the two of you to talk.
You sat down and crossed your arms over chest, body facing Wakatoshi as you waited for him to explain and apologize properly.
"I'm sorry for how I acted a few days ago, I was merely being honest that time, but now I realized that I like you too... and I also did not mean to disregard your efforts just to get Mr. Carrot," Ushijima said while slightly scooting closer to you, his hand obviously trying to reach for yours.
"You named the stuff toy Mr. Carrot?" you asked with a raise of an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't need it.."
"That was a mistake. Mr. Carrot is actually sleeping in my bed as of this moment." The side of Ushijima's lips curled up when you giggled, the sound making his heart race.
"I appreciate you trying to be nice to me, Toshi, but you really hurt me back then, you know? I even had to stay away for a couple of days," you said before looking down at your lap to play with your fingers.
Panic started bubbling up inside Ushijima at your sudden silence. Swallowing the lump inside his throat, he asked you carefully, "Do you still like me? I'm really sorry, y/n. I missed your presence inside the gym. It's not the same without you. It's been too... quiet. Please give me another chance."
You lifted your head upon hearing that, clearly not expecting Ushijima to say those words in almost a pleading manner.
Ushijima took your surprised reaction as a cue to continue. He carefully took your hand in his, his hand completely engulfing yours as he intertwined your fingers. "I won't be aggressive towards you anymore. I know you said you hate me and I'm not the best at this kind of things but for you, I'll try."
You pulled your hand away from him, only to quickly wrap your arms around him, the action obviously catching Ushijima off guard. "I never hated you, 'Toshi," you mumbled with your face buried to his chest.
"Does that mean you still like me?" He said as soon as he composed himself, an unusual soft expression forming on his face when he felt you nodding.
You felt yourself melting even more to his touch when he secured an arm around your waist. "I like you so much, 'Toshi," you said as you looked up him.
"I like you too, y/n." With that, Ushijima leaned down to press a lingering kiss on your forehead.
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likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♥️
a/n: lately, my mind has been filled with wakatoshi ushijima
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unwantedtomost · 3 years
the night before — sebastian stan
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sebastian stan x fem!reader
word count: 2,644 words
summary: you were invited to your ex’s wedding and despite all logical reasoning, you decided to go. now it’s the night before the wedding and you’re in the same night club with your ex. time to make some more mistakes.
warnings: angst, crying, cheating, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex.
a/n: i am going to make a part two because i want to explore this more. also, thank you so much for almost 500 notes on my first one shot! enjoy :)
The love of your life was getting married and it wasn’t to you. When you heard the news, you laughed out loud, a bit too loud for being in a quaint cafe. You thought that the girl Sebastian was dating was going to be nothing more than a rebound from you, even when you heard the news that they were engaged, you thought that it wasn’t serious. But now it’s the day before their wedding and you’re pretty sure she’s not a rebound anymore.
You wish you didn’t know what day the wedding was, but you did because you were invited. Sebastian invited you. What kind of asshole would do something like that? You know he saw it as taking the high road, being a bigger person, but it just came off as a pretentious douche bag move to show that he could be happy too. Without you. And how did this get past his fiance, Lauren? Did she want you to come?
You planned on not attending because why the fuck would you want to go? But then your friend, Emerson, talked you into it. “It’s in Hawaii,” “It’ll show him that you can still be friends,” “Rub it in their faces that you don’t care anymore.” They were all very shitty reasonings but you were drunk when you RSVP’d and even drunker when you booked the plane ticket. You had been drinking a lot in the weeks leading up to the wedding, it was the only thing that made all the nerves go away. You promised yourself that you would stop drinking so much after they were married and you intended on keeping that promise.
You had been trying your best to stay as far away from Sebastian as possible in the three-day period leading up to the wedding. It had been working well so far, until tonight. You and Emerson decided to go to a nightclub away from the resort you were staying at because you heard that that’s where the bachelor party was being held. Much to your surprise, that was false information. Now you’re starring at Sebastian from across the room with eyes wide and a jaw down to the floor.
“I thought you said they were gonna be at the resort!” You yelled at Emerson over the loud music.
“That’s what the bridesmaids told me,” she defended. “But it doesn’t even matter, we came out to have a good night. Fuck him! You can be nice tomorrow.”
You quickly started to regret every single one of your decisions you had made in the past three months. Accepting the invitation, booking the plane ticket, and leaving your hotel room tonight. You knew you shouldn’t be here but you were and you hated it.
“This was a mistake. I’m booking a plane ticket and I’m going back home. Tonight.”
“What?! You can’t do that.”
“The hell I can’t.” You grabbed your phone from your purse only to get it grabbed from your hand and shoved into Emerson’s pocket. “What the hell!”
“You’re not just going to leave.”
“Why not?”
“It’s been two years, y/n. You have been telling me that you’re finally over him for a year, that’s why we’re even here, right? Because you’re over him?”
You took in a shaky breath. No, you weren’t over him. You knew you should be, but you weren’t. You thought seeing him say “I do” would force you into moving on, finally letting him go. Now, you wanted to slap yourself for being so stupid.
“Yes,” you lie despite yourself.
“Good, so let’s go get you a drink and a hot piece of ass! And in the morning we’re going to watch as he gets married and you’re going to finally let go of him, okay?”
“Okay,” you nod.
You had to get over him, it had been two years. This was the way to do it. You would force yourself to let him go and be happy. That would make you happy … right?
You and Emerson walked to the bar, ordering shot after shot until you were dizzy. Then you ordered a long island ice tea which you did not need. After you basically chugged the drink, you made your way to the dance floor.
You changed from grinding on Emerson to random individuals and you couldn’t have cared less. Everything about tomorrow and moving on left your mind completely. Right now you were living in the moment, something you were always working to do. You could tell that the individual dancing behind you hadn’t switched for four songs, so you decided to turn around. You were hoping for it to be someone cute and nice. Someone to take you somewhere and fuck the worries away. Instead, it was Sebastian.
Your smile faded and so did his. You went still, your eyes trained on his. It felt weird to be the only people in the crowd not moving. You had lost all sense of anything, you didn’t know if you stood like that for seconds or for hours.
Something in your jumbled thoughts forced you to speak. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he yelled back. His face was unreadable at that moment, you blamed it on the alcohol but you weren’t sure if you could have deciphered what it meant even if you were sober. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah, a few months, I think.” You were sure, it had been four months prior, right before you heard about the engagement. You ran into each other at a red carpet event and you tried your best to act normal.
“Do you … uh—do you want to go get a drink?”
You stood still again, silent. Your brain needed a minute to process the request. You definitely did not need another drink. “Sure.”
You followed behind Sebastian to the bar, a trip you had made with Emerson no less than an hour ago. He ordered himself a Screwdriver and you a Sex on the Beach, your favorite. You had both sucked down half of your drinks before either of you spoke.
“How are you?” He asked.
“Fine, I guess,” you replied. “How are you?”
“Good, good, really good.”
“That’s good.”
It went quiet again and even though the music all around you was blaring, it sounded only like white noise at this point. A thought came into your mind “tell him how you feel.” In a sober state, you would have shut down the thought immediately, but now it played on a loop. The chant continued to play in your head as you finished the last of your drink. You felt the tension in your body rise from your feet to the pit of your stomach, up past your throat, and to your head, making you dizzy.
“Can I tell you something?” You blurted out.
“It’s loud in here.”
Sebastian chuckled, almost in relief. “Is that what you wanted to tell me?”
“No,” you said, too unaware to get how cringe-worthy you were being. “Can we go somewhere, uh, quieter?”
He nodded and you took his hand and went to go find a secluded location. You weren’t going to be that asshole who jammed the bathroom door shut. Also, you were pretty sure you’d get kicked out if you did that. It took a few minutes but you finally landed your sights on a room. The door was unlocked and you realized it was a coat closet, so you picked it as your location. You closed the door before turning back to Sebastian.
The music was quieter in here, it was muffled and far away. It smelled vaguely of cigarettes but you didn’t mind too much, it was dull.
“What did you want to tell me?” Sebastian asked, voice louder than it needed to be due to how unexpectedly quiet it was.
This was it, your one time to speak your mind. You might never get another situation like this ever again. You needed to let it all out.
“I don’t think I’m over you,” you confess. “And I really don’t know if I will ever be. I know it’s been two years and you’re getting married tomorrow, but I’m still not over you. I’ve been telling myself that when I see you at that alter tomorrow, everything is magically going to go away, but I don’t know if it will.”
“Why are you telling me this, y/n?”
“Because this is the one-shot I’m gonna get. You’re getting married tomorrow morning and you need to know this. Well, actually, you probably don’t, but I need to tell you. I need to let it out or otherwise, I think I might actually fucking explode.” You took a deep breath before the words started pouring out again. “When I heard you were engaged I laughed. It was funny that you were getting this poor girl’s hopes up when we all knew that you were just going to call it off. But you never did, and I was the only one laughing. I’m pretty sure that you were my person. And I think the only reason I accepted that we were done was because I didn’t think we were actually done. I thought you were gonna come back to me. I thought one day we would look back on this and laugh because it was so stupid.”
As you talked, your throat began to feel sore, your eyes stung from the tears forcing their way down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry about everything. I should have fought for us when we had the chance and I should give up right now and—”
Sebastian cut you off by cupping your face and wiping the tears away. “Hey, hey, hey,” he cooed softly, pulling you into him. You buried your face in his chest as he softly rubbed the back of your head. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
His sweet tone made you cry harder. You wished he would have been mean. You wish he told you to get over it and move on. But he was sweet and consoling you because that’s the type of guy he was. He was the girl who consoled his ex-girlfriend on the night before his wedding. That’s the kind of guy girls want to marry, that’s the kind of guy you should have married. At least if he was an asshole, it would have easier to move on. No one gets hung up on the asshole, they get hung up over the good guy.
You pulled away from him, wiping the tears away with the back of your hand.
“Do you still love me?”
“Y/n…” he sighed.
“Tell me you don’t. God, please tell me you don’t. Tell me that you moved on and that you love her. Could you tell me that? Tell me that you never think twice about me and that you only invited me to your wedding because you honestly think we can be just friends. I need you to tell me you still don’t care. If you tell me that, I’ll walk out the door right now and you don’t ever have to see me again. I’ll wish you good luck on your marriage and I’ll be gone. Can you just tell me that? I really need you to tell me that.”
You looked up to him with pleading, puppy dog eyes. You wanted him—you needed him to tell you that it was never going to happen. You needed closure to move on.
“I-I can’t,” he confessed. “Not honestly.”
You let out a breath you were holding before pulling him closer. You kissed him deeply and passionately, you needed him. He pulled you closer, melting into your mouth. This was it, this felt right. You didn’t think about the repercussions, you couldn’t. All you could think about was his mouth on yours, his hands on your skin.
He backed you up so your back was flat against the door. The hand that wasn’t pulling you closer by the hip locked the door. He hoisted you up, seemingly with no effort as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You made haste with his button-up as he started to push your dress up your thighs. You stayed like that for a while, tugging, kissing.
After a while, Sebastian put you down. This made you nervous, was he going to leave you here? Was the kiss just one dumb, hot mistake?
Instead of walking away, he knelt down in front of you. He grabbed your panties and pulled them down your legs. You looked down at him and let out a moan at the sight of him; lips read and raw from kissing, eyes blown out with lust. He hiked your right leg over his shoulder before looking up at you, asking you if you wanted him to continue. You nodded aggressively, letting out a few whines of anticipation.
He dived in, sending you into a state of euphoria. You pressed your head against the door as your hands tugged at his jet black hair. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, trying your best to keep in whatever moans he coaxed out of you. You felt you were nearing your high, but he pulled away before you could get there.
You let out a cry at the loss of contact. You tryed your best to pull him back to you, but he instead pushed your hands away, pinning your wrists against the door. He stood back up, form towering over your own.
“You’re so fuckin’ needy,” Sebastian stated, voice low and raspy. He undid his pants before hosting you up against the door again. He pumped his member before putting the tip at your entrance, teasing you. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, pulling him closer by his shoulders. “Please, fuckin’ need you.”
With that, he pushed in, both of you letting out loud wanton moans. You forgot what is was like to be with him. He was on the bigger end of the men you’d been with and he was by far the best. As he thrusted into you, you started to realize how much you missed him every sense of the word. You missed the way he would kiss you in the morning, you missed the way he said he loved you in the middle of a fight, and you missed the way he grunted in your ear when you would have sex.
You both held each other close as he continued to snap his hips against yours. One of his hands reached down to rub your clit, making you let out another moan. You knew you were close again and you wondered how you could finish so fast when you were with him.
“I’m so close,” you warned.
“I know baby,” he cooed. “Wanna watch you.”
You leaned your head back so you could now see each others faces. He admired how you looked all fucked out and needy. He loved how your eye brows knitted together when you were trying not to cum and he loved the way you bit your lip every time he stared into your eyes. And he loved you.
“I love you, y/n,” he accidentally said, thoughts slipping into words.
Your eyes went wide but you couldn’t help but smile. “Fuck, I love you too, Seb.”
The confession brought you closer to your high and before you knew it, you were clutching his shirt in your hands as your legs cleanched around his waist. You both moaned loudly as you came, holding each other as close as possible. You stayed against the door, holding onto him tightly for a while. Then he slipped out of you and set you back down on shaky legs.
“Did you mean it?” You asked after minutes of staring into his eyes.
He hesitated, “yes.”
“Now what are we gonna do?”
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solarstellarstar · 2 years
A Letter Addressed to No One || dialover OC shortfic
Written by Lady Sakamaki Beatrix
Summary: A letter from Beatrix that doesn't have a clear recipient, but a lot of her personal feelings are disclosed. Warnings: none (the fic is SFW but obviously there's a process of how babies are made- it's only implied and nothing is described) Word count: 783 Author's notes: Lore dump time! I find it really fun to reveal tidbits of my OC's backstories by writing them out in little fics (if you can even call this one) of some sort. If you do actually get to read to the end, I'd like to ask you something: did you see this coming? Note that this is heavily edited from canon like all fanfictions are-
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No matter how many times I am going to be told that I'm a "filthy courtesan that not even the best man could silence the greed that boils inside me" by that woman, I simply will not believe it. I am not a courtesan and... I'm certainly sure that everyone is greedy deep down inside somehow.
First things first, let me make this absolutely clear: Karl Heinz is my one and only husband. What I did does not (in no way, shape or form) renounce the love and utmost respect I hold for him.
What I did was simply me being nostalgic. Do I regret doing so? Yes. Do I wish I could abandon the thing that was produced of it? No.
I have made many mistakes during my lifetime and by writing this letter, I hope that it can explain (not justify) why I chose what I did to do.
I originally derive from the Kanemoto clan where my parents housed me and my sister. It was quite obvious who held their favour the most. My sister is a very pretentious woman, but she does have her own fair share of talent. Most, if not all, of the men that sought out our family, were just to request her hand in marriage. For some reason, she had turned every single one of them down.
As someone who had grown by her side all my life, I believe I can understand why she did so. Eventually, constantly being overwhelmed by an abundance of marriage proposals can invite unwanted distress.
So when my parents suddenly arranged for me to marry a man, that just supplied me with many more questions than answers. Why me?Why not... her?
Upon meeting this man officially for the first time, he actually was quite a humorous fellow. Although he was awkward and made me question why I was going to marry such a frivolous person, this man actually made me feel feelings of security and affection even though we never met outside of arranged dates and meetings by our family.
You can only imagine how I felt when we found out that he met the unfortunate fate of being murdered. It was really one of the darkest moments I had ever lived. We were only told that by his family, so not once have I ever got to see him one last time. No ceremony celebrating his life was held and his gravestone was nowhere to be found.
Obviously after experiencing such a dreadful loss, I refused to invest any more time or energy into such relationships. I could never love again.
Or so I thought.
It happened when I was still mourning the lost time I had invested into love. "Fantastic, another man that seeks my sister." I thought to myself.
That man turned out to be Karl Heinz.
I will not get into the details, but what happened was like some sort of miracle. Of course, I still had some doubts when I found out he sought out me- not my sister. Why me? Why not... her?
It was like all my grief and sorrow were swept and washed away by him alone. There were a few impediments- but I must not question his choices as I'm sure he has a valid reason why.
Centuries into the marriage and having 2 dear sons, I suddenly received news that my first fiancé was alive.
I am not sure what came over me, perhaps it was desperation for me to live my youth once again (I didn't even question why or how this has come to be) but I immediately set off to meet my first love.
There he was, alive and well. Nothing could make up for all that effort we had lost and was destroyed.
One thing led to another in our reunion and that's how I came to carry my third child.
There was absolutely no way under any circumstances that I would endanger the child by revealing her to the Sakamaki household, meaning I decided to hand the girl over to my sister.
I may have birthed the child but I cannot raise her or love her as my own. As much as I want to love her as the child I had with my first love, she cannot be my daughter.
Which means she cannot call me 'mother' once.
She cannot hold my hand once.
My last wish for my sister is to not make the same mistake I had already made when raising Shu and Reiji. That's all I ever ask for.
My sister decided to give her the name 'Lily', isn't it beautiful? She even has my eyes.
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hhhecates · 3 years
New Jujutsu Kaisen hc because I like to suffer and I got this idea after my sign language inumaki hc.
Okay, so... we all know that in animes there's usually that one really stoic and aloof character whose friends are complete fucking idiots and they just have to deal with them, so most of the times they are just annoyed as fuck?? (Yes, I am completely using fushiguro, nobara and itadori's friendship dynamics as a reference)
And we also know that at some point, maybe because faced with their past or because they actually risked to lose their friends, there's that one scene when the stoic character looks at their two dumbass friends arguing over something trivial and they are staring at them from the sidelines,,, and suddenly they just burst into this soft precious smile with rosy cheeks because they realize how much they care for these two idiots even if they drive them crazy?? And everyone looks back at the stoic character completely fucking baffled because what??? They had never seen them smile before and it's just so heartwarming??
But now, just consider sarcastic and annoying reader, soft spoken and polite to the point of mockery towards higher ups and loud and stubbornly undaunted when crossed. Reader is basically the pissy intj of the situation who is halfway between self-deprecating and god complex (gojo probably raised them lol, let's be real). And contrary to the stoic character, who's a little tsundere sometimes?? and who doesn't want to admit they care, intj reader just doesn't care. They don't want to. They don't know if it's worth it and are probably afraid that it's not.
Imagine them being a second year, and they're infamous because as much as you'd like to hate them (and prob a lot of people do) their "friends" really can't. Because reader is all about gratuitous sarcasm and soiled stubbornness that makes you roll your eyes, but they are also the first one to believe in Maki with everything they have got when she talks about her family history, they're the one that silence harshly the petty remarks of the Zenin whenever the most important families in Jujutsu meet, and no, it's not because they think maki can't fight her own battles, they'd never dare open their mouth to defend her because they know maki's own actions and achievements speak much louder, but they will never tolerate the Zenin's disrespect towards her.
They are the one that secretly buy books about sign language to learn it for inumaki, and before that they had an evergrowing list of his onigiri vocabulary on the noteapp of their phone. They're the ones that stay to the dorms with Panda when the others go get snacks because Panda can't really go out on their own, and reader always brushes it off by saying that they don't like going out anyways. They're the one that firstly greeted Yuuta with a half smile, tired but not forced nor fake, and called Rika a "pretty girl" because while she might have looked "just so scary", reader knew better than to dismiss the little girl still behind that "scary" appearance.
Reader is the one that exasperatedly yells at fushiguro, bite in their voice but none in their words, when they tell him that his thoughts and concerns are real and valid. They are the one that huff at itadori's sulking about sukuna and flick his forehead, then reassuring him not to have regrets for wanting to save people's lives when he ate that damn finger and that "whatever stupid thing you do, your senpais will have your back". Reader is the one that tries out new bakeries for Nobara in their free time so that she doesn't have to visit every single one in order to find Saori, and then brings her back her favourite pastries. And they're still the one that when gojo whines loudly, halfway between truly joking and self-deprecating, sigh at him and say in a joking tone "You might be standing alone as the strongest, but that doesn't mean that you always need to stand alone, you know that right?".
And it's so frustrating, because if any of the people at Jujutsu High was to be asked to describe reader, probably that would still leave every single one of them with their mouth hanging open in search of words, because they are annoyingly stubborn and loud, probably a little bit pretentious too, they're also soft and caring and attentive.
But they also know nothing more, nothing else about them. So what the fuck are they supposed to say??
Now, imagine that it all comes tumbling down one day, the elders come to Tokyo Jujutsu High to take reader with them (I imagine reader being like part of one of the main families, not the main threes, maybe a really important one just for the politics?? And the kind that just marries off their children to the three main families in exchange of retaining a high position, and like reader wasn't even born into it, they were adopted because they had like a really strong cursed technique or smth, that's why people from Jujutsu High didn't know who they were, cause they kept their old surname and basically escaped from their old life, cause fuck it, if the elders want them just to be someone's spouse, they are gonna be petty like that and become one of the best sorcerers instead).
For the first time they see reader scared out of their fucking mind, cause no, they don't want for their friends and their teacher to see them like this, to get their past thrown back at their face and drag everyone down with them. It makes them feel weak and helpless, and they fucking despise it.
But ofc no one there is gonna have any of the elders shit, gojo in the first place, and the second years too, boi they are so pissed, the first years just throw all caution towards the elders outta the window, cause they don't care.
They just refuse to hand reader over like they're not their own person.
And let's say they manage to send the elders back empty handed (for now at least, cause yes, I have more hc). But everyone if so fucking shocked??? And naturally now they see reader in a completely different light. And they treat them differently too.
And of course reader notices, how could they not, and they feel so disgusted cause they don't want their pity, they don't need it, they had spent already enough time pitying themselves.
But the thing is that they aren't acting like this out of pity, they don't pity reader, quite the opposite, they just see them as stronger. Because now they saw that reader too has weaknesses and insecurities, and all those things that reader calls disgusting and tries to hide, all those things that make reader agonizingly human. All those things that make them even more of a precious and admirable friend in everyone's eyes.
And so like, imagine that reader has closed themselves off in their dorm room, and no one is allowed in. They come out just late at night to take something to eat, but this time, they find everyone there in the kitchen/living room or whatever, and when they see reader coming all of them start stumbling on their words: the first years and their calls of "senpai! Please don't go back!" fushiguro is there too, and even maki looks worried, inumaki is weirdly serious, yūta visibly wants to speak but can't seem to find the right words and gojo sensei is there too, trying to silence everyone because of course, he is the teacher so "I need to be the first talking!".
And reader is just there, standing and watching all the people they care about the most argue and stutter. And it's a whole fucking mess, but it's okay, because reader is a bit of a mess too, and afterall who isn't?
And suddenly they all turn around to look back at reader because they be on the floor laughing their ass off at the scene, and then they stop laughing and look back at them with the biggest and yet softest smile ever.
And they take everyone's breath away, not because they had never seen reader smiling or laughing, they have, they do it plenty of times, but it's never like this. It's never this happy.
And it's in that moment that reader understands. They see it, and it's as clear as a day. They want to care. They care so fucking much. Because them, all of them, they are worth it.
Wheew, this turned out to be longer than expected,,, I’m so sorry shsjsksk. Also, thank you SO much for everyone who read, commented or liked my previous headcanon about inumaki knowing sign language, I really didn’t think anyone would read it, I just wrote it for shit and giggles but and now I don’t know how to respond???Also maybe I’ll be posting more of these, like a series with this reader? Yeah, I really can’t keep my mouth shut so lol.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
All modern genshin boys use 4chan. Except Zhongli ofc
Zhongli uses Facebook and gets caps lock stuck on and can't figure out how to turn it off 😔
They do all use 4chan BUT ALSO you know what I have thoughts on this and I'm subjecting you all to them:
Childe and Venti use Instagram a lot. Venti attention whores on Instagram. All the time. Like posts a selfie with irrelevant comments vaguely implying he had a bad day or something is wrong, but when people ask what he's just like "no no it's nothing" and only finally tells once he has a sufficient amount of attention.
Childe overshares. He's the dude that feels the need to broadcast every moment of his life on insta. Like my dude no one cares. Also abuses Snapchat. So many black screen rants. Updates his story 5 times a day. And it's all whining about having no gf and thus his life is sad.
Xingqiu uses Twitter and he gets into Twitter discourse on a daily basis. Like. Literally the instant there's drama of any kind he's all over it even if it's in a community he has never interacted with before. Enjoys Twitter fights for the sake of it.
Chongyun also uses Twitter but it's the opposite, he's so nice. All he ever does is leave nice comments on people's art and selfies. Also 100% simps for some Twitter egirls. Whites knights for them too. Angel.
Bennett honestly sticks to the mindless entertainment that is TikTok, and has friends on discord. He keeps away from most socials. The last 3 times he joined a social media site someone hacked his accounts.
Diluc uses Reddit no I do not accept criticism. He trauma dumps unintentionally onto random threads. Like "oh yeah my dad liked that game before he died brutally" then continues on as if he didn't just dump that information all over the internet. Shares way too much personal information in general, if anyone he knows irl ever finds his account he's screwed bc you could easily pin it to him by how much information he doesn't hesitate to give out. Is subbed to the standard subs and many many gonewild subs. It cures his loneli™
Albedo also uses Reddit and is literally. The most obnoxious. Bastard. He's one of the pretentious redditors. Have you ever used reddit and left a single short comment with an opinion or idea, or maybe a statement that was not 100% right, and someone responds with a 5 point essay on why you're not only wrong but a complete ignorant buffoon? And it's not even on something important it's like "what brand of this is best" or some bullshit? That's him. Unironically pulls "to be fair you have to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty"
Xiao still uses Tumblr. He uses it a lot less now bc he was originally on it for porn. He makes the posts that are just "." But then vents in the tags but like, he makes those posts on an everyday basis when he's sad at 3 am then deletes them the next morning. He's also on 4chan a lot.
Scara uses 4chan the most. Active /pol/ user. Actively takes joy in being as much of an asshole as possible. Takes joy in the suffering of others bc it makes him feel better about his own life.
Xiao is the one posting the greentext stories with the > format, telling of his daily failings. Scara is the guy that leaves super negative comments and has absolutely nothing constructive to say. They have absolutely interacted on multiple occasions. Xiao laments about how he tried and failed to speak more than 2 words to this cute cashier that works at the place he goes to every day (complete with depressed wojak for thread image) and of course Scara is there to be like "ahaha you fucking pussy" when he's literally just as much of an incel shut-in as he is
There's also some dude on the same incel-y threads as them. Lamenting that he's not like the rest of you losers, no he's pretty and tall, but something about his personality drives the foids away?? Why must he suffer so. He shouldn't even be here he says, he's not the type of loser that uses 4chan, but he overshares and regrets it whenever he goes on anything else, blah blah. Scara and Xiao both kinda bully the poor bastard bc how dare he be tall. Anyway, yes Kaeya is a 4chan user
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startanewdream · 3 years
I would love a number 3 Jily from the kissing prompt list.
Also sorry I ordered this like I'm at a fast food restaurant 😂
Hiiii! Considering how long it took me to answer it, it was not fast at all!
Thanks for this prompt! I thought a lot how to fill the idea of a Jily enemies-to-lovers kiss because I thought by the time they shared kisses they would be a lot more friends... then I messed a bit with canon and found this way. Hope you enjoyed it!
Set during their Fifth Year.
Read on AO3 or below:
Seven minutes in heaven
Sirius holds his chin languidly as he considers Peter’s question.
‘Three,’ is his answer, unashamed and not pretentious in a way that James can’t help but feel jealous.
Three .
Sirius kissed three people already and James has never kissed anyone.
It shouldn’t be a competition, because he doesn’t compete with Sirius — for most of the things they are equal, their grades always so close that for a while the professors thought they had to be cheating in exams.
But Sirius kissed three people and he doesn’t even notice all the stares he gets. It doesn’t seem fair.
I’m better than him at Quidditch , James tries to tell himself, but somehow this thought doesn’t bring him any satisfaction. While he was scoring goals, Sirius was scoring something else and though it’s not a competition he can’t help but think he is losing .
The bottle spins again and again and James eyes it with uneasiness. He will pick dare if the bottle points at him, because he always chooses dare on principle, but this time he knows he just doesn’t want anyone to ask how many people he has kissed before.
But the bottle stops at Lily Evans, who watches carefully the person at the other end before saying: ‘Dare.’
Mary grins mischievously. ‘I dare you to tell me who is the most gorgeous bloke in our year.’
James almost rolls his eyes at that, because everyone always says it’s Sirius so it’s not even an interesting question; but to his surprise, Evans just shakes her head, looking flustered.
‘No, that’s against the rules. You can’t ask a question in a dare.’
‘You are no fun, Lily,’ Mary answers, and James feels like this is some inside joke between them; he wonders what's the discussion about who Evans thinks it's gorgeous. ‘Fine, I dare you to try seven minutes in heaven.’
‘You can’t involve anyone else in a dare —’
‘I am not choosing anyone now . You’ll wait there until the next dare.’
Evans seems to consider this before she nods, grimacing, obviously not happy. The rest just watches Evans and Mary; they were the ones that came with that muggle game for animating that chilly October Friday night, and they are the ones that decide the rules.
‘If you are picked, I’ll be spending those seven minutes turning your life into hell,’ Evans warns Mary, her voice amiably, and James almost smiles. Sometimes Evans is funny. ‘The first broom closet to the right, okay?’
Mary nods.
‘What’s seven minutes in hell?,’ Remus asks, curious, watching Evans leaving the Common Room. James feels a little impressed; there are only fifteen minutes until curfew, and for good-girl Lily Evans to risk a detention, she must really take the game seriously.
‘In heaven,’ Mary corrects, grinning. ‘It’s a dare where two people spend seven minutes together in a room. Or in this case, the first broom closet to the right leaving the Common Room.’
‘And what do people do then?’
‘You’ll see if you pick dare,’ Mary answers genially. She indicates the bottle to Remus. ‘Spin it?’
Remus does, but now he is blushing. James looks around; Sirius doesn’t look particularly excited, but Peter has the flushed expression on his face, a little dreamy, and James knows he is far away. Or rather his thoughts are in the broom closet next to the Common Room.
Seven minutes in heaven with Evans ? James tries to imagine it, but he can’t, not really. It wouldn’t be heaven ; she would fulfill her promise of making it a hell, because he and Evans don’t really get along. She gets annoyed with every little thing he and his friends do, never cracking a smile and, most of all, always sticking with her annoying Slytherin friend. Snivellus . There is no way that seven minutes with Evans could ever be fun…
He blinks, coming back to reality. Sirius is looking at him with an innocent expression that doesn’t fit him.
‘I asked, truth or dare?’
‘Dare,’ answers James without thinking, because he can’t risk saying truth ( no, I have never kissed anyone, I’m a failure, ok? ), before he realizes what this means.
And then everyone is smirking at him, knowing looks on their faces that makes James want to flush, except James Potter doesn’t get embarrassed. Not in public. Not evidently. He has an image to uphold.
‘Go on, then, James,’ says Sirius, indicating the portrait. ‘I dare you to spend seven minutes with Evans. Heaven or hell, it’s up to you.’
The girls giggle, and James raises quietly, pretending it’s everyday that he gets to be in a broom closet with a girl, that this is very normal for him. He grins as smugly as he can, but the smile vanishes as soon as he turns his back to him.
Seven minutes in a broom closet with a girl . Not any girl. Lily Evans, really?
And then as he is leaving, he hears Mary’s whisper: ‘Maybe Lily will finally kiss someone, you think?’
Hmm, James considers. So Evans has never kissed anyone either?
He thinks about it; it’s not like he has paid attention to Evans so far, but he knows she has been on a date before. He may have heard something about her meeting the Hufflepuff prefect in the last Hogsmeade weekend, but that was not a thought that had bothered him.
But if he’d think about Lily Evans in a way that he had never really thought before, what would he think? Well, James is not immune to girls , not at all, but it’s just he never looked at Evans because he should feel attracted to someone who is nice to him, right? Like Emme Vance; she winked at him after the first game of the season, and he’d felt something warm inside him. If only he had not been distracted by a comment from Sirius, then he’d have gone talk to her and then his never-kiss-anyone problem would have already been fixed…
But since this is a problem he apparently shares with Evans, maybe, just maybe, they can solve it together?
It’s not a bad idea, he thinks, and when he opens the door of the broom closet, for a split second, he considers that it’s a great idea. Now he is positively considering Lily Evans as someone kissable, for the first time he really notices the thing he may already have noticed about her before, but disconsidered only because he and Evans don’t get along.
And the things is that Evans is a girl and James likes girls. And she is pretty, with her long auburn hair that falls on her shoulders, that fair skin that seems so soft, her full pink lips, and her green eyes that seem to shine under the light coming from the open door. Then his eyes fall to her chest, to the curves that weren't there in the 11-year-old Evans he remembers annoying since their First Year, and, yes, Evans is a girl and James likes girls and his body has a sudden urge to remind him of this.
He looks hastily at her eyes, hoping she didn’t notice where he was staring and trying to look nice and very kissable too; but the first words that come out of Evans’ mouth are not encouraging.
‘Oh, it’s you .’
Her contempt is nearly enough to make him regret everything he thought, but his stupid teenage body isn’t always on the same page as his mind.
He closes the door, only the dim light of the lamp above them illuminating the small closet.
‘Let me guess,’ he begins, looking for the way to most annoy her. It’s a favourite pastime of his and much easier than dealing with his sudden… attraction… to her. ‘You wished it was Sirius .’
She raises her eyebrows, not impressed. ‘I was hoping it was Mary,’ she says without any shame. ‘I had planned to transform one of these buckets into a rat, she hates them.’
‘You weren’t kidding with those seven minutes in hell, were you?’
‘It’s her fault for picking the worst dare,’ Evans says, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall. ‘Seven minutes in heaven , as if.’
His annoyance flares up. He still thinks Evans is gorgeous, especially with the way she crosses her arms under her chest, highlighting some curves very beautifully, but they don’t get along and they never will.
‘Your friends seem to think you’d take advantage of those seven minutes,’ he says, smirking, watching her eyes narrow in what it’s her favourite expression for him. He adores pissing her off. ‘Never kissed anyone, Evans?’
She blushes, a pinkness colouring her cheeks in the most charming way and James wants to touch her face, feel his cold hands burning with the warmth of her skin.
No, stop it , he shouldn’t want to touch her. He doesn’t stand her. And vice versa.
‘Don’t talk about you don’t know, Potter,’ she tells him angrily, but it’s just the same anger that James would use if the situation was reversed and he knows he hit a nerve.
‘What, been kissing Snivellus?’
‘Don’t call him that,’ she answers immediately. ‘And we are just friends, stop being creepy.’
‘But would you consider kissing his mouth? ‘Cause that’s creepy, Evans.’
‘I said we are only friends. You might try someday.’
‘I have friends,’ James says smugly, and Evans rolls eyes, but doesn’t reply. ‘If you never kissed anyone, what did you and Smith do last Hogsmeade weekend? Held hands like you were twelve?’
She searches her pocket for her wand, but it’s not there, so Evans throws him a look that would curse him if she had this power.
‘It’s none of your business, Potter. And I haven’t seen you having any dates to talk about my life!’
It’s true, but James can’t let her know that. ‘Oh, noticing if I have dates, Evans? What, you were jealous ?’
He takes a step closer to her, enjoying the way she just looks more nervous. That’s something more familiar for him, annoying Evans, and it’s much more comfortable to deal with, especially because if he is not concentrating, he would notice how she smells very nice.
And James is not thinking about that, of course.
‘I would be sorry for anyone who has to endure a date with you,’ she answers evenly. ‘Trust me, these seven minutes are taking way too long — imagine a full day.’
‘One might think you were imagining a full day with me, Evans.’
‘Only if I was in a nightmare.’
‘So I do appear in your dreams.’
‘Nightmares,’ she repeats, her eyes pure steel as she glares at him; James should notice the warning that look gives (he shouldn’t push her too much ), but for once he can only think on how green her eyes are, like the Forbidden Forest at night.
And he enjoys too much walking in the Forbidden Forest.
‘Maybe if you had a date with someone else you’d stop wondering about my dates,’ she declares, hissing. ‘Do you know what I imagine, Potter? You never had any date.’
‘I have,’ he lies easily, his hand running absently through his hair. ‘Just because I don’t go showing off about it —’
‘You? Not showing off? When was the last time you did something and didn’t brag about it?’
‘A gentleman does not show off,’ he says, which is something his father told him once but James didn’t think about it until now.
‘If you were a gentleman,’ she replies, a knowing smirk on her face that tells her she knows she hit a nerve with him too. Evans knows he never kissed anyone, and he can see her smugness about it, and if she tells anyone — Merlin, if she tells Snivellus he will never survive it…
‘Do you know what I imagine , Evans?’, he says, throwing her words back at her desperately. ‘That Smith kissed you and you were horrible at it.’
Her flushes intensifies, but if it’s shame or anger, James can’t know. She uncrosses her arms, coming closer, finger pointing at him menacingly.
‘He didn’t — you don’t know what you are talking about!’
‘I bet you don’t know how to snog.’
‘I can kiss just fine , Potter!’, she replies angrily (it’s anger after all, James realizes) and then she does the last thing James really imagined she would do.
She presses her lips against his.
And for two seconds, that’s all they do, really; he doesn’t know what’s keeping her immobile, and he almost asks if her brain has just turned to jelly too, because that’s what’s happening to him.
And then, in the fogness of his numb mind, other things emerge quietly. Her perfume, so close now that it’s more powerful than any other smell in the closet; the warmth of her skin, very different from that cold night; the green in her open eyes as she stares at him, as in shock as he feels, before the eyes are closed, stopping him from reading her emotions; and the sweetness of her lips, a hint of caramel that he suddenly wishes he can taste properly.
His eyes close and, in the darkness, all he can feel is Lily Evans.
They take a step closer in a synchrony that James knows they never had before, and then Evans’ hands are holding his arm and James holds her face. He moves his lips very tentatively, wanting to share more of that (whatever that is), and Evans raises on her tiptoes, her lips parting just the slightest. He feels her breath — it’s the butterbeer, a part of his mind realizes as if he should already know — and suddenly he wants to taste the drink too in her mouth.
(Is it possible to get drunk on a non-alcoholic drink? Because he feels intoxicated).
His tongue touches her lips, again tentatively (he has no idea what he’s doing, but so far things seem right), and she parts her lips even more, allowing him in. James has another moment of panic ( what is he supposed to do now? ), but then Evans’ tongue meet his and this feels right too.
Not just right. It sends shivers down his spine, it makes the world spins around him as if he is afloat and the only thing connecting to Earth is Evans’ lips and the way they move and Merlin why hasn’t he ever kissed Evans before ? He feels disconnected, as if he is watching them kissing from above, and James nearly laughs at the idea that he is snogging Lily Evans in a broom closet, that’s so unlikely — didn’t they hate each other?…
Then she breaks apart, jumping violently backwards, a look of terror on her face, and when James opens his eyes he sees that along with that kiss Evans was sharing the same thoughts as him.
She was in a broom closet snogging James Potter .
He breathes hard, urging air to fill his lungs; apparently kissing stops his natural reaction of breathing — though not other reactions. His body seems to be working overtime, judging by the way his heart is beating too fast in his chest.
Evans is out of breath too; he sees her chest rising and falling fast — then Evans notices his stares and she crosses her arms protectively, recovering faster than him.
‘I told you I could kiss,’ she says, voice full of dignity and he envies her for that.
James couldn’t form a sentence if his life depended on it.
‘You will not tell this to anyone,’ she adds, eyes narrowed again in what used to be James' favourite expression. Now he isn't sure. ‘I — I will deny it if anyone asks, so you will just look like a liar.’ She watches him. ‘Potter?’
‘Okay,’ he whispers, though he is not sure what he just agreed to. His brain is still not functioning properly.
‘Let’s go,’ she says, walking past him and opening the door, leaving just a hint of her perfume in the air.
He follows her, more on instinct than anything, surprised with the fact that he can walk .
People cheer when they enter the Common Room and James steals a glance at Evans. She looks normal, undisturbed, not at all like she has just shared a kiss with James that he… that he really wants to repeat.
‘You still have two minutes!,’ Mary notices, shaking her head disapprovingly at Evans, who just shrugs.
‘Two more minutes and one of us might not leave there alive,’ she says casually, sitting next to Mary.
‘James?,’ Sirius calls him, watching him closely, and James forces a smile upon his face.
‘Evans is right. One of us might not survive.’
They laugh, and James thinks he handled it well, half-truth as it is; everyone knows they don’t get along, he and Evans, they never had, and yet…
The bottle spins again, and now Remus is struggling to say who was his first crush, but James is not listening, not really paying attention to the game. His lips are still tingling, that lingering taste of butterbeer on his mouth, and he can’t help but steal glances at Evans — next time, he thinks feverish, he will let his hands (that stayed reprovingly still ) touch her face, hold her closer. Next time he will kiss her neck, will hear her sigh into his lips.
He will know what to do next time, he promises, but Evans never once looks in his direction.
The bottle stops pointing at her and it’s James turns to ask.
‘Truth or dare, Evans?,’ he asks, his voice sounding nicer than he ever talked to her before, while his hand runs through his hair nervously. His smile is confident, because Evans has to share that urge too, right?
But Evans eyes him as if she’d rather look at anything else and her voice is nearly dismayed when she calls ‘Dare’.
James doesn’t hesitate. ‘I dare you to go out with me, Evans.’
People whistle, but Evans doesn’t look amused. ‘It’s against the rules involving others in a dare, Potter,’ she tells him, coldly, raising. ‘And I think I’m done with this stupid game.’
She leaves the Common Room, and Mary throws a confused look at James before following her friend. Sirius looks at James with a baffled expression.
‘You stayed with her for five minutes and decided to ask her out? What happened there?’
‘Nothing,’ James says at ease. ‘I just realized Evans isn’t so bad.’
It’s a simple way of putting it, but despite what Evans may think about him, James will keep his word; that kiss (his first kiss) will remain between them only.
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andersonsbiceps · 2 years
My Works for SpecReqs
me: I wrote three works for SpecReqs last year, which was in fact too many. I will write fewer fanfictions this year because I am more busy and do not want to burn out
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me@me:  you’re going to write four works this year. only half of them will be in the collection. good luck.
proserpine for @theharellan​: So, proserpine is my actual assignment, taken from the prompt (paraphrased) “bittersweet vibes for Shepard/Samara”. Which, of course, is my jam, so I was very excited to get this as my assignment.
proserpine is about the asari outlook on mortality, how they cope with their own deaths and the deaths of shorter lived species, especially the ones they love/are reproducing with. proserpine is about Samara, who hasn’t had a friend in centuries, trying to figure out what to do with herself when she isn’t lonely. proserpine is about Samara figuring out how to live when her life is more than a pile of grief and regret.
and, perhaps most importantly, proserpine is a single, gigantic excuse for me to make a thousand metaphors about spring, flowers, and blood blooming like crimson petals. I love writing Samara’s internal monologue, it gives me a great excuse to try my hand at being pretentious and poetic. 
(And yes, proserpine refers to Proserpina, the roman equivalent of Persephone, because titling this fic Persephone would be a little bit on the nose, even for me.)
erinye: man, it’s gotta be awkward to meet your mother’s new girlfriend when that girlfriend is literal centuries younger than you, helped your mom to kill your sister, and was involved in the one time your other sister and the people you’ve lived with for centuries all got turned into monsters and died. pour one out for Falere, whose problems are only beginning. it’s also an excuse for me to think about ace vibes wrt asari, and how that would work with ardat-yakshi.
this is lowkey a sequel to proserpine, if you would like to believe that that one has a happy ending. 
what do you MEAN nobody wrote f!shali for @keita52​: ok. look. ten people offered to write tali/female shepard for specreqs this year. zero tali/female shepard fics got written. there’s only one possible response to that, and the response is:
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so, I wrote 3.5k of fic in two hours and posted it with zero regrets, as one does. 
by necessity (i.e. the player character is invented by the player and not the game), all the romances in Mass Effect are somewhat one-sided. you care about their problems, they can’t get involved in yours. I wanted to explore the other side of the Tali romance with this one - we all know what Tali gets from Shepard, what does Shepard get from Tali?
so, relatedly, Tali starts off being interested in you because you save her life and you look super cool doing it. I wanted to write something about the (extremely bumpy) transition between Tali being in love with the idealized hero Shepard she met and Tali being in love with the human being Shepard, who is a hero, but also has less emotional intelligence than a sea sponge and more issues than the entire Spider-Man comic series. 
and thus, this fic, in which Tali and Shepard, after an attempt at a relationship in ME2 which ends in tears for everyone, start to slowly figure each other out and get to a place where they might be able to for real have a functional love affair. good times.
and, finally, the one you’ve all been waiting for:
she broke your throne and she cut your hair (1/2) for @ferusaurelius​: the time-travel fix-it sequel to i looked over it and i ached, my Shepard/Saren Shepard-roleswaps-with-Anderson-and-canon-ensues AU that I wrote for SpecReqs last year. if you haven’t read that one, read it first, it’s great. but, you know, mind the tags. canonical character death ahead :)
after a lot of screeching in the comments and a lot of brainstorming with the lovely @ferusaurelius​, I figured I’d write the fix-it fic for my own fic that I had to come up with in my head so I wouldn’t chicken out of killing Saren in the ending.
this one is about two dysfunctional assholes with zero compunctions about murder trying to figure out how a “relationship” works. it’s about getting another chance at his life and trying to fix your mistakes and about the difficulty of figuring out what those mistakes were in the first place. it’s about hope in the face of impossible odds and having faith in the people you fight for. and most importantly, it’s about Saren realizing that possession by giant evil space squid was really only responsible for half of his interpersonal problems.  
and man, i’ve written like, five-to-eight fics with the same Shepard. maybe I should write some meta on her...
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