#yes i am the real freddy
freddyfazbear1 · 1 year
Greetings, I’m Freddy Fazbear. In this post, I will be introducing myself and how I will treat this blog. I’m quite a simple bear, though I do expect to be treated with respect. Not only am I the name of such a popular corporation, I’m also one of the only sensible people on earth despite being a mechanical machine.
Who are you?
If you don’t know who I am, then you must be out of your mind. Are you really that underground you don’t recognize such an iconic design? I’m Freddy Fazbear and I don’t take kindly to idiocy.
What do you stand for?
Isn’t it obvious? I’m a man, or bear, of pride and strength. I stand for many different things, but I like to believe what shines out the most is my heart. I am passionate and I love passionately, not in a necessarily romantic sense. My heart defines me just as other parts of me do.
My interests, desires, dislikes, hobbies, traits, and values will always be what makes me me. Why should I have to stand for one thing? Do you think all I do is live everyday singing to children I’ll never seen again? That’s quite dull.
What’s your dream?
That one day, I can finally escape this prison that was unwillingly set for me. I think everyone deserves freedom, even if you may have been bad in the past. While there are some exceptions, being locked up and caged to a wall never released an animal of their ferocity. So, why do it to a human? Or even a robot? Or ghost, if you will.
If all humanity ever did was take and take and take, expecting that to improve the wrongs, then humanity in it’s entirety was never going to be better than that one person they’re depriving. If someone took something of value to you, whether it was your freedom or an object of some kind, would you return to them with kindness in your heart? Would you relieve yourself from your box of spite in this time apart from what made you you?
What inspires you?
A rather silly question. Nothing. When all you’ve known in life is stand, stare, perform, you never get a chance to live a life worth living. I can’t find an ounce of control in my own establishment because I am permanently stuck in this husk of a body.
That is part of the reason I’ve made this blog. To help me see more, learn more in the short time I have left.
Anything else?
I don’t appreciate being rushed. But, I stand by any and all of my beliefs and thoughts. I am not going to succumb to anyone because they may be wary of one thing or two that makes me who I am. If you can’t learn to respect, no one will ever respect you. Who says you’d even deserve it, though?
Quick Blog Rules
If you’re going to comment or reblog anything with extra comments, be sensible and logical. Idiocy is a curse that weighs many down from their potential, I don’t want to deal with mental 10 year olds.
Respect me and I will respect you. I suggest you fear me, I am not your typical person and will do anything in my power to enhance that weakness in your mind you may refer to as “strength” despite knowing you’d never even reach the first step of the ladder. If you can’t order a meal in a restaurant on your own, don’t even try arguing with me.
Don’t be anti-animatronic. Do I really need to explain?
Don’t fucking interact with my blog if you’re Phantom fucking Freddy. Goddamn son of a bitch, I’m gonna fucking find a way to suck your damn ass into a vacuum like those bitches from GhostBusters.
You don’t like my interests. Not sure how often I’ll use this blog or what it’ll be for, but if I have something to share, be. Fucking. Civil.
If you’re gonna ask me anything or PM me, don’t be a douche. I may not take idiocy well but disrespect and hatred? A much different deal, but really? Is it any different at all? Why would you waste time trying to bring someone down when you could be productive instead? Are you that pathetic or is it truly just your low intelligence making all the decisions?
Don’t try to state you’re me. It’s pretty obvious you aren’t.
Celebrate any and everything that has to do with me. You may call it narcissism, I call it self-respect. If you aren’t the one constantly cheering for yourself, who will? Learn to take pride in everything you do. Did you just finish making a cheese sandwich? Celebrate your low skills. Did you just watch a kid get beaten down by their bully and do nothing to help? Celebrate your independence.
Don’t expect anything from me. I may be open to almost everything you lot have to throw at me, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be anything predictable. If you want something from me, be patient and maybe before you die, you’ll have the chance to bask in that victory. If not, learn that not everything will go your way.
Don’t talk to me about my personal issues or “bad behaviors.” How I am and what I do is my business, it will never concern you or anyone that isn’t me. When you read the newspapers that dramatically explain how I’ve killed a night guard, will you take that knowledge as truth without confirmation? How can you believe something you weren’t there to witness? How can you truly live life if all you do is assume and believe? I may have killed a few night guards in my lifetime, but that is nothing but a hobby I partake in. So ask yourself, does having an interest make me a bad person?
I have many thoughts and will share them. If you can’t deal with that, perhaps this isn’t the blog for you. Perhaps even… the world isn’t the place for you. I couldn’t imagine going my life and avoiding others’ opinions because of one little thing. Disliking things is over.
Don’t fuck with me.
If I ever begin to act like a lunatic or simply just stupid, get onto me. Either it’s not me (Foxy fucking taking my computer) or I have finally reached a breaking point I cannot escape without proper support.
Don’t come into my blog if you’re a weirdo. I don’t use the term weirdo lightly or any of the words that fall into how I’m using it. Though I’d prefer any form of discourse off my blog, this is not what that is. These are real world issues and I would like for any of you fucking insane maniacs off my one source of comfort. That being said, pedophiles, zoophiles, racists, lgbtphobes, anti-religion, irl shippers, anti-self diagnosis, and more that fall into this category, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE.
That’s all for now. Don’t be afraid to interact, do be afraid of how I respond.
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padfootagain · 10 months
Can someone tell me why I love stories with a character who thinks they don't deserve the other so much?!?!?!
I don't care if it's OOC, all of my characters are fucking insecure...
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broke-on-books · 1 year
The live action Scooby-Doo movies?
I did not see this ask until RIGHT now (first time on desktop since crab day, second time since Nov 5 2020 [which was DOUBLY experience since I got my phone taken the same day]) so I'm going to assume this ask got eaten on mobile because tumblr, HOWEVER you poked a bear with this ask anon (as I'm sure you knew when asking) SO without further ado: my Scooby Doo live action opinions
So when you say 'live action Scooby-Doo movies' I'm assuming you're talking about the James Gunn films, starting with Scooby-Doo (2002) followed by Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, just due to like, generally popularity and also the fact that I have actually seen those films. However shoot another ask if you wanted me to include Curse of the Lake Monster in this (because I will if anyone cares and turn this into a live-action scooby dissertation, i'd just need to like. watch the movie first) But anyways where I'm going with this is that this post is about the Gunn movies aka the ones with SMG, Freddie Prinze Jr., Linda Cardellini, and ofc our #1 man, Matthew Lilliard.
Okay so my take on these movies is... complicated. I wouldn't say it's as complicated as my feelings towards SDMI, because I watched the live actions way less as a kid and generally care less about them, but still no matter how much shit I throw at these two movies there are parts that I generally like (even love) that stops me from totally condemning them wholesale. Like the fact that these movies are FUNNY! There's so many moments from this duology that are just beyond iconic "like, that's one of my favorite names!" the whole thing with Scooby in the dress at the airport, ET. CETERA (like I can go on!)
The Gunn movies are genuinely SO fun and I can 100% see and understand how they've stood so well in the public view as a representation of Scooby. HOWEVER, this is where you start to see my problems with them. For the general American, (because that is the audience I'm familiar with) ESPECIALLY millennials and younger, who happen to make up the majority of both people on this site AND people I talk about Scooby with in real life, these movies, and the elements they introduced as "quintessential scooby tropes" are the base of their understanding of the Scooby franchise, along with likely some miscellaneous WAY episodes and maybe SDMI.
Which is where I get pissed off. In the pushing of the narrative of "breaking away" from the Scooby norm, Gunn basically invents (aka totally makes up) an idea of what classic era Scooby was like, cementing an idea of classic Scooby into the public mind that is totally disingenuous and just straight up false. For example, in attempting to portray Daphne as having taken strides to be seen more seriously in solving mysteries and defending herself, it pushes the narrative that in the classic era she WASN'T taken seriously, and only existed as a damsel-in-distress prop of a character, which is just not true??? Like yes, Daphne is clumsy, that's a part of her character, and her friends (because, fun fact, the gang ARE friends) joke about it sometimes because that's what friends DO. Framing that in some kind of sexist "that's all she does" lens is just total bull, especially as gang members fall into secret passageways/get lost etc. in WAY ALL THE DAMN TIME because that's how the plot functions! Like are we calling Velma ditzy for losing her glasses every other episode? Of course not, and Fred falls into passageways all the time, not to MENTION Shaggy and Scooby and all they get up to. Also one last thing on the topic of Daphne, like this idea of her mystery solving skills not being respected by the gang is just so supremely bullshit it amazes me sometimes, especially when she was the LEADER (or leader adjacent) through pretty much all of her appearances in the 1980s [Not that James Gunn could look at '80s era Scooby without spitting on it, but I digress]
AND THIS IS JUST DAPHNE! Like the perceptions pushed towards Fred (and Velma, but mostly Fred) through these movies are just as bad! Like okay, with Fred---In these movies Fred is just an asshole. I hate Gunn Movies!Fred. I mean yeah he can be funny but it's almost always so mean! Almost nothing makes me madder than a mean Fred by the way. If he's putting other gang members down (even halfway, like with his whole "dorky chicks like you turn me on too" line, which... ew) then to me something has gone very, very, VERY, wrong in your basic understanding of Frederick Herman Jones as a character. Like he's the cheerleader! He puts himself in between his friends and danger! He loves nets, and traps, and Elvis impressions, and wrestling, and the trapeze, and cars, and most of all he LOVES sharing the things he loves with his friends! (Sometimes to a bit of an extreme. No one wants to hear about your net facts, Fred) And the live action movies just don't understand that at all. And I know there's maybe something to say I suppose in that some of those aspects of his characterization hadn't been "established yet" by the time "Scooby-Doo" came out in 2002. But it's there if you look. For Fred Jones, being the leader means being the caretaker, (he's the Mom friend what can I say) and any version where he's cruel and arrogant and just DOESN'T CARE about his friends in the way he's shown to in the Gunn movies is just so far from Fred to me it's not even funny. And what makes it even worse for me is that this (or at least something similar) is the idea of Fred that has really spread to the popular culture. Just the "leader", the jock that makes the rules, the one that [insert X adaptation here] finally gave a personality and made interesting (something that has been said more times than I can count for pretty much every gang member, save Shaggy and Scooby).
And I haven't even touched on Velma, and how they gave her a bit of a early 2000s smart superiority girl complex against Daphne, plus the whole makeover thing and etc. etc. The Gunn Movies are pretty much what would happen if you took someone who hadn't seen Scooby since they were 7 years old (and honestly had a pretty negative outlook against it then) and tried to "fix" it, only his memory was so bad he just made up problems (and threw in a good helping of early 2000s style sexism with it) convincing pretty much the entirety of the popular culture that said problems exist and that Gunn was absolutely brilliant for fixing them (and then bringing up said "problems" whenever anyone wants to talk about Scooby) and this entire rant has been without even fucking MENTIONING what is probably the reason you, anonymous tumblr user sent this ask in the first place, to I, Swishy "Scrappy Doo Redemption Arc" Broke-on-books (dot tumblr dot com), which is his HIGHLY SUCESSFUL and utterly sadistic character assassination of my number one man, Scrappy Doo.
And I am going to try my damnedest here not to get totally into my highly passionate opinions over what James Gunn did to Scrappy in the first of his Scooby movies and how thoroughly it has pissed me the fuck off because I have been writing this post for over an hour now and if we start to really get into my feelings on this topic it will certainly be a couple of hours more but like. That Fucking Bitch. I give James Gunn personally a solid eighty-five percent of the blame for making my life as a Scrappy Doo fan UTTERLY unbearable with this stupid fucking movie alone, and just his Scrappy crimes would honestly be enough for me to say that I hate this movie, not even considering the numerous Scooby crimes I've been talking about here for the past million paragraphs, but the part about this movie that makes me the MOST mad the most pissed off is that it's actually a good fucking movie. James Gunn wrote two hilarious and entertaining movies that have become beloved in the popular culture for their successes in that arena, while at the same time pissing all over the core themes and messages of the franchise of which it was based, that of friendship.
TLDR; The Live Action Scooby Doo movies (written by James Gunn) are highly entertaining and fun pieces of media to watch, and are widely loved by the general public and looked at with fondness and nostalgia because of that. However, as a hardcore Scooby Doo fan (writing that phrase sounds so ridiculous but oh well) the existence of these movies and their impact on the popular culture can be extremely frustrating (despite any personal nostalgia said fan may have) due to their spreading of a misinformed picture of what "typical Scooby Doo" looks like. This picture is especially frustrating due to the fabrication or exaggeration of problems present in classic Scooby (such as sexism in regards to the girls), as well as giving more ammunition to other problems in Scooby fandom (such as oversexualization, and sexualization in general, which no one wants to see in regards to their children's cartoons, like HONESTLY.) Discussions of sexism and sexualization in Scooby (both of which ARE present and are issues, although not at their worst in WAY) can often lead to an overlooking of the issues that are very present and clear in WAY and have continued since then with far too little resistance (I'm 100% talking about the racism here) HOWEVER that topic deserves at least a dozen posts of its own that I am no way informed or qualified enough to even begin to think about writing. The Gunn Movies are frustrating to many longtime Scooby fans because of these reasons, but for me, and fellow Scrappy Doo fans there is also the added aspect of the demonization of Scrappy Doo in the live action movies and the affects that has had on the popular culture as well, making it uniquely inhospitable to like or enjoy the character of Scrappy. End post.
#that last sentence is such a weird tone jump btw but its because the topic flowed one way and i had to jump it back to a summary to actually#finish this monster of a post#SO anon i hope you're happy with this and this makes my opinion make some more sense. and you or anyone else is more than welcome to ask me#questions about anything i said here or my opinion on any and everything scooby related (and not) so if theres a specific aspect of this yo#would like expanded on i can definitely 100% do that for you or anyone who cares#also there are many complexities towards my feelings on these movies that i didnt get to hit on despite the monstrous size of this rant (il#check word count later but im not gonna fuck with it now because im terrified of deleting this post by accident) one of which is my lasting#fondness towards all of the actors in this movie. YES including freddie prinze jr. i may have major issues with his fred but hes also playe#characters i really really like. for example hes the va in this tv show i LOVE and havent watched in like 10 months despite the fact im on#the last season because freddie's character dies in like 7 episodes and i am NOT AT ALL emotionally prepared for that on any level because#that is my fictional father goddamnit!!!!!#also every buffy the vampire slayer gifset that crosses my dash gets me closer and closer to watching it because oh my god daphne!!!!! that#sarah michelle gellar thats daphne oh my god!!!! also i went and saw guardians of the galaxy 3 with my friend (despite not having seen a#marvel movie in 2+ years AND holding a grudge over james gunn's scooby doo crimes)[the things you do for {platonic} love amirite?]#and the title sequence SAID linda cardellini was in it and i got SO excited i was looking everywhere for her it was like wheres waldo in th#discount movie theatre FOR REAL and i just could NOT for the life of me find her (turns out she was VAing the ferret) so in a way linda mad#me cry with that role. whatever. istg i get so off topic i forget what i was even talking about but ANYWAYS <<<1 of my fave english words b#dubs (my favorite spanish word is el amanacer btw. it means sunrise. also burbujas because its bubbles and saying it sounds like bubbles#popping) BUT. AS I WAS SAYING. SEND ME ASKS IF YOU WANT SCOOBY DOO OPINIONS. DEAR GOD I GET SCATTERBRAINED SOMETIMES.#scooby doo#answered#anonymous#blah
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milflewis · 1 year
people can say whatever they want about rami malek and what they think about how he played freddie mercury but you can’t argue with how well and authentically he filled out his jeans and imo That’s the kind of details that freddie would’ve cared about the most
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frostbite-the-bat · 4 months
I really wrote a mini essay in tags on how high roller would survive fnaf 3 only to realize the post said fnaf 4 and I'm dyslexic AND dyscalculic and described the wrong game
Either way high roller would survive in fnaf 3, thrive, even
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ham1lton · 3 months
just a normal girl.
pairings: charles leclerc x comedienne!reader.
summary: just a normal girl is a stand-up netflix comedy special performed by actress and comedienne y/n l/n in which she discusses her childhood, her horrible first meeting with her boyfriend and being a twenty something in london.
author’s note: based on that one anon’s dream but i changed it up slightly! also eid mubarak to all my muslim followers celebrating today! this is for you <3 i also have a new taglist so please help me out by filling it if you’d like to be tagged in future works!
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Y/N L/N: so, charles decides to take me shopping. fancy, right? we walk into this chic little boutique and, surprise, the shopkeeper only speaks french. now, i don’t speak french. at all. my entire french vocabulary consists of 'oui' and 'croissant.' meanwhile, charles is chatting away like he’s in a romance film, all suave and shit.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: and there i am, standing there, smiling and nodding like i understand every word. for all i knew, charles could be telling the guy, 'this is my new project. she thinks monaco is in morocco. and i’ve been dared to make her over like that one freddie prinze jr film.' and i’m just like, 'yes, absolutely. très bien.’
[audience laughs harder]
Y/N L/N: so charles is chatting to the guy in french as they go through the boutique and he inevitably finds this gorgeous dress. he hands it to me, all excited, like ‘try it on! you’ll look stunning’ and i look at the price tag. why was this dress more than my rent? for that price the dress needs to fill my fridge, put shelter over my head and fly like a magic carpet.
Y/N L/N: i exit the changing room, because when a cute guy asks me to do something… i can’t say no. i can’t help it! i can’t say no to pretty faces!
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: charles is looking at me in this dress like i’m an angel from above and i’m calculating the amount of ramen noodles i’ll have to buy to smooth over my overdraft. maybe if i wear it every day for the next sixty five years, it’ll work itself out? then charles chats to the shopkeeper and points at me and then at charles and i’m thinking… what the hell are they saying about me. he’s probably telling charles ‘this girl is not for you. she’s very clueless and can’t handle the high life you are accustomed to’.
[audience boos the shopkeeper]
Y/N L/N: oh no, don’t boo him. he was right. i was clueless and unable to handle the high life. charles looks at me smiling like ‘should we get the dress?’. on the inside i’m like, NOOOOOOOOOOOO but on the outside i’m like, oh sure, yeah, why not. but he rings it up and says ‘that’ll be 32,489 euros please’ and i want to die. but then charles just hands over his card and i remember… i’m dating a guy who probably earns my life savings in a day. life goals, am i right ladies?
[the ladies in the audience cheer]
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liked by netflix, charles_leclerc and 483,938 others.
yourusername: tfw your netflix special is number one for two weeks so ur man buys u two flower bouquets. guys get please me to three so i can get another <3
also i have had a recent influx of followers? so hi. i’m y/n, i act and i think i’m funny sometimes. if you’ve watched my netflix special? mwah <- that’s me kissing your forehead.
view all 2,737 comments
charles_leclerc: not you cheating on me in your caption ☹️🙁
-> yourusername: sorry you had to find out this way <3
user1: omg is she muslim?? and a hijabi??
-> user2: finding yn… inshallah they find her.
maxverstappen1: made a netflix account to watch you and it was good! 👍🏻
-> yourusername: thank you user maxverstappen1. always appreciate the support from grassroots fans such as yourself.
arthur_leclerc: wait was the kidnapping story real?
-> yourusername: obviously! i have never lied in a comedy special. exaggerated, perhaps, but never lied! what sort of woman do you take me for?
user6: why can’t we see your face in any of these pics?
-> yourusername: because you can see my face on netflix in hd in my new comedy special - just a normal girl :)
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[spotlight on y/n l/n standing center stage, audience is attentive]
Y/N L/N: the first time charles invited me to a formula 1 race. i know, right? fancy! i mean, i usually spend my weekends binge-watching netflix in my pajamas, and suddenly, i’m in the vip section at a grand prix. talk about a plot twist.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: so, we get there, and i'm already feeling out of place. everyone is dressed to the nines in designer outfits, and i’m wearing the only fancy dress i own, which is basically just a black dress i got on sale at h&m. but i’m trying to fit in, pretending i know what’s going on. spoiler alert: i have no idea what’s going on.
[audience laughs louder]
Y/N L/N: charles is introducing me to all these important people, and they’re all speaking this mix of french, italian, and who-knows-what. and i'm just standing there, smiling and nodding, because that’s my default mode in these situations.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: then, charles introduces me to his team, and they start explaining all these technical details about the car. and i’m thinking, 'wow, this is fascinating,' but honestly, it sounds like they’re speaking another language. they could be telling me the car runs on unicorn tears, and i’d just nod along, 'ah yes, absolutely. unicorn tears. very efficient. not very sustainable though….’
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: alright, so while we’re on the topic of my boyfriend, let me tell you about the time my family found out i was dating a rich formula one driver. you’d think they’d be excited for me, proud even. but no, my family? they just saw dollar signs.
Y/N L/N: so, i’m visiting my family for the holidays, and everything is going well. we’re having dinner, catching up, and then my aunt, bless her heart, leans over and whispers, 'is it true? are you really dating a formula one driver?' and i’m like, 'well yes, aunt sarah, it’s true.'
Y/N L/N: now, my family is not subtle. at all. within minutes, it’s like they’ve formed a council of war. my uncle pulls out his phone and starts googling charles. my mom is like, 'how much money does he make?' and my dad is suddenly very interested in the price of sports cars.
Y/N L/N: i’m sitting there, trying to eat my mashed potatoes, and they’re plotting how to get charles to invest in my cousin’s failed business. my cousin, who once tried to sell homemade kombucha and ended up giving half the neighbourhood food poisoning. that cousin.
[audience laughs heartily]
Y/N L/N: my brother, always the opportunist, chimes in with, 'hey, maybe he can get us a discount on a new ferrari!' like it’s a shein code that you can input on the website and i’m just sinking lower in my chair, wishing i could disappear.
Y/N L/N: so, i finally snap. i stand up and say, 'look, i know i’m broke, but i’m fine. i don’t need to use charles as an atm. he’s not a walking bank account, he’s a person.' and they’re all just staring at me, like i’ve grown two heads.
Y/N L/N: then my grandma, who hasn’t said a word all night, just quietly stands up and says, 'well, if he’s that rich, maybe he could at least buy us a new dishwasher. the old one is on its last legs.' and i’m like, 'seriously, grandma?'
[audience laughs louder]
Y/N L/N: but you know, through all this, charles has been amazing. he’s patient, understanding, and he never makes me feel bad about my financial situation. i’m broke, but i’m fine. and honestly, i think that’s what makes us work. i keep him grounded, and he... well, he reminds me that sometimes, it’s okay to splurge on the extras.
[audience cheers and applauds]
Y/N L/N: but here’s the thing about dating someone like charles. the highs are incredible, but there are lows too. there are moments when you feel like you’re in a fairy tale, and then there are times when reality hits you hard. like, after that amazing day at the race, we got home and charles was still buzzing from the win. and i… i was just exhausted.
[audience quiets down, listening intently]
Y/N L/N: i remember lying in bed that night, charles fast asleep beside me, and i couldn’t help but think about how different our worlds are. he’s out there living his dream, racing cars and traveling the world, and i’m just trying to keep up, trying to fit into a life that sometimes feels so foreign to me.
Y/N L/N: it’s hard, you know? being with someone who’s so extraordinary when you feel so ordinary. there’s this constant fear that one day he’ll wake up and realize he deserves someone who belongs in his world, someone who isn’t just pretending.
[audience is silent, reflective]
Y/N L/N: but then i look at him, and i see how much he loves me, how he looks at me like i’m the only person in the room, and for a moment, all those doubts fade away. because maybe, just maybe, being a normal girl is exactly what he needs in his extraordinary life.
[audience applauds softly]
Y/N L/N: thank you for listening, everyone. you've been amazing! enjoy the rest of your night. i know i will!
[spotlight dims, y/n exits to a heartfelt applause]
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liked by ynwifey, f1wags and 587,828 others.
yourusername: birds of a feather, we should stick together 🎶
tagged: @charles_leclerc
view all 34,937 comments
user9: mashallah sis! you look gorgeous :)
*liked by yourusername.*
user10: a billie fan!!!! omg!!
user89: charlesyn is so cute. funny gf x pretty bf.
-> user12: the way she is also pretty gf but he isn’t funny bf 😔
landonorris: no one wants to see happy couples on the timeline thanks x
-> yourusername: unfollow me x
-> landonorris: but who will make me laugh then 😔
-> yourusername: knock knock 😋
-> landonorris: who’s there 😁
-> yourusername: single 🙀
-> landonorris: single who? 🤨
-> yourusername: single you! still waiting for a punchline and a date 😊
-> landonorris: 😔
-> randomstalkerfan1: i’ll date you lando! :D
-> landonorris: would rather stay single thanks x
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i mean i cant be sure but i think these are the angel and ngl i would have preferred if they looked like the 'conventional' angel. im so bored of the clinical modern look. BORING BRING BACK MAXIMALISM DIE MINIMALISM
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i will be so annoying about him i will not shut the fuck up THE FICS I CAN SMELL THE FICS PLEASEEEEEEE
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nvm i think this was the dress lol HAHAH
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🥺🥺🥺 i love that for us (house of the dragon could never LOL HAHAHH)
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i havent even seen it all but i think i agree (i hope yall bring back charles dance as roderick burgess pls pls pls pls pls my wet dreams will be completed)
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im ready to see hell ngl i want it so bad
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literally sTOMP on me pls pls pls splsplspl
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your honor im not ready what IF I CRY
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Hey i really love your fics. I was wondering if you could write(if you'd have time,of course) Sihtric x reader where she gets transported back in time from 2023 into 9th century, I was thinking season 3. Anyway, so Sihtric could meet reader in the middle of a forest, and he will be live really surprised by her appearance, like mini skirt and a blouse,or short dress, and he gets instantly smitten with her. And she thinks that he is some sort of cosplayer,but she soon realizes that she travelled back in time. So,they get together on his horse and meet with Uhtred and the rest of the boys and go back to Coocham. She gets a place to stay and helps Gisela. I don't know how it goes from there,you could make it whatever you want. Thanks im advance,could you do it like longer and include some smut. Thanks a lot. Have a good day. (Also,have I mentioned that you're my favourite writer here?) Bye.
Warnings: a little suggestive, not much.
Pairing: Sihtric x modern!you (f)
Summary: see request!
Word count: 3k
Note: first of all; OH MY GOD thank you, yes! I am thrilled to write this. I did make some slight changes to your request as I know fics with this theme have been written already, and I don't want to accidentally write something that's nearly the same. So, you requested a longer fic, and this is part 1. Part 2 will be up soon, and that's not the end of it as I am having a lot of fun with this one. And I am your favourite writer? Stop it! Thank you, dear anon. I hope you enjoy this part.
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat  @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us @valeskafics
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 'You know of Kjartan?'
You don't remember how you ended up here, or why, all you know is that you woke up with a killer headache in the woods. It seemed like you had spent the night there, as you found yourself waking up, covered, under a pile of crispy leaves. In your Halloween outfit. That's right. You apparently got so drunk at the party that you fell asleep in the woods somewhere on your way home, dressed like a slutty Freddy Krueger, wearing a short, ripped, red and green sweater dress with black fishnet tights underneath and black biker boots. It seemed like you also had been robbed when you were sleeping, as your phone was gone, as were your hat and the bladed glove, which were both part of your outfit. 
You felt rather relieved when you walked into a man, who was also dressed up, while you had tried to find your way out of the woods. Which seemed impossible, because you simply didn't recognise anything, as if you had never been there before.
The man was a little startled when you suddenly ran up to him, asking for help, and it confused you even more that he had looked confused.
'Can you help me?' you had asked, 'I've lost my phone and I seem to be lost too. I have no idea where I am. I was at the party last night, I assume you were too, judging by the outfit,' you gestured at him, 'I just need to use your phone. Maps, you know? So I can figure out where I am.' The man was quiet as he took a bite of his apple. And as you simply waited for him to take out his phone, you took in his appearance. He was handsome. You don't remember seeing him at the party, as you were sure you would remember a pretty boy such as himself. 
He had short, dark hair, shaved on both sides with two small braids which had some beads in it. A tattoo graced one side of his head, starting above his ear and ending onto his neck. You wondered if the tattoo was real, because you thought it looked pretty damn hot, but it could be a jobstopper. He was wearing a thick, black fur cloak, which you were quite jealous of, because you absolutely regretted dressing up the way you did. You were freezing. 
You couldn't really tell what was underneath the cloak, but you couldn't lie, you'd love to find out what he was hiding under there, but all you could see made you assume he just really liked Game of Thrones or something. You could see his shoes and they seemed rather rough. The man was surely dedicated to his outfit.
'You're dressed up as that winter is coming guy, right?' you asked, breaking the awkward silence as the man didn't seem to reach for his phone, or anything else.
'Lady?' the man simply said, confused. You felt slightly spooked as he suddenly spoke.
'The tv show?' you frowned, 'what's his name, ehh, crap. You know, winter is coming or whatever he says? John something… Stark? No, Stark is Iron Man, ehh, you know, right?' you tried and failed. The man looked you up and down, still confused, but you could see he was more or less checking out your bare legs.
'I do not understand, lady,' the man spoke more words now, carefully, and you felt your knees weakening upon hearing his soft, low voice and that sexy accent he carried.
'It's, ah,' you sighed, 'nevermind. I never saw the show either. I just, can I please borrow your phone?'
The man looked at you curiously. Still very confused, but also curious now, and it seemed as if he was thinking really hard about his next words to you.
'No?' he said slowly, not sounding really sure about his own words. But the man simply had no idea what he was saying no to.
'Oh,' you grimaced, 'eh, okay. Can you then at least tell me where we are?'
'Near Coccham, lady,' the man suddenly spoke confidently and a smile appeared on his lips. 
God, he was absolutely adorable, calling you 'lady'? Oh, he could call you 'lady' whenever he wanted. Where did this guy come from? You sure hoped you had a mutual friend, because you were to get this boy's number somehow. And as you were already imagining what he looked liked under that cloak, you barely registered what he had said to you.
'Wait,' you suddenly snapped back to reality, 'where?'
'Coccham, lady,' he took a step closer, 'Wessex.'
'Wessex?' you frowned. Last time you checked the party was in London.
'Are you from Mercia?' the man asked, getting a better look at you as his eyes grew wider with each step he took towards you.
'Mercia?' you shook your head, 'n-no. I'm from London.'
'Lundene?' the pretty boy gasped, and his eyes couldn't possibly get any bigger, 'but Lundene is a dangerous place for a lady like you.'
'Eh,' you chuckled nervously, 'it's… not really? I mean, I grew up there, so, you know?'
'You live there, lady?'
'Do you work there?'
'Well, duh, yeah.'
'Are- are you a whore?'
'Excuse me?' you scoffed.
'Lord Uhtred says I- I shouldn't fall in love with a whore again. They only want my silver,' the cute boy suddenly rambled, 'and I mean, I-I have silver! I do. Enough, lady. I can… I could buy you pretty things, if you like, and… but, n-not if you are a whore. I shouldn't do that. Not again. Lord Uhtred says you all want the same,' he stopped talking and suddenly looked shy, as he saw your confused and offended look.
Of course, the hot guy was an absolute nerd and probably a fulltime larper, not that there's anything wrong with that, it just wasn't really your cup of tea. You almost rolled your eyes when you suddenly wondered if larpers like to get a little spicy and hot when they wear their outfits. Was he just role playing now? Was this a larper way of hooking up? You became a little interested in playing along, seeing where this was going, and if he would ever break character. Or… if he was lucky and ended up in your bed, you wondered if he would still call you 'lady'?
'And… what is it we want?' you feigned curiosity.
'My silver, lady,' he chuckled lightly.
'Your silver,' you nodded and tried to look serious, 'and this lord…'
'Lord Uhtred,' the man smiled proudly.
'Uhtred. Where is this lord?'
'In Coccham, lady, I can take you there.'
'To meet the lord?'
'If you wish to, yes, lady.'
His offer was a little tempting, you wondered where on earth he would take you if you accepted. To see a lord? Lord who? And where? Was there a little larp camp somewhere in the woods where you'd be put on trial for dressing like… a whore apparently? Or would he take you to some kind of medieval sex dungeon where you could meet his "lord"? You snorted lightly at that last thought.
'Sure, why the hell not,' you blurted out, 'I am cold. I just want to get out of here. Take me to your lord,' you sighed.
'You are cold, lady?' the man looked a little concerned, which you thought was sweet, even if it was just an act, he did it well, and he was really cute.
'Yeah,' you scoffed lightly, 'I slept here apparently. I'm freezing my ass off.'
The man frowned with a smile as he listened to you. Then he unclasped his cloak and took another step closer to offer you the warm fur.
'Take this, my lady, it will warm you.'
'Eh, are you… sure?'
'I insist,' the man smiled. So damn adorable.
'O-okay, thank you,' you smiled as you took his cloak and wrapped it around your shoulders. 
It was heavier than you expected, but it was nice as it was still radiating from the man's body heat, which warmed you instantly.
'Thank you,' you said again, 'what's your name?'
'I am Sihtric, lady, and you?'
Sihtric took your hand as you told him your name, and he pressed a gentle kiss upon the back of your hand, which unexpectedly made you blush.
'So, is Sihtric your real name?'
'Yes, lady,' Sihtric said with a smile, which faded slightly for a moment as it seemed he started to doubt his own name, but his grin quickly reappeared again, 'it's Sihtric, lady,' he nodded confidently.
'So, it's not the character you are dressed as?'
'W- what do you mean?' he asked hesitantly.
'Your name,' you smiled friendly, 'like, on your passport it really says Sihtric?'
'My… pass for… a -a port?,' Sihtric said slowly and shook his head, 'I- I am afraid I do not understand, my lady.'
What a peculiar guy he was. You figured he was probably the typical quiet, shy and polite guy, who would later on completely ravage you with his lord in that sex dungeon you still expected to see.
You smiled at him and told him to forget about it, and just take you somewhere warm. To which his face lit up and he told you that you could ride with him. You gladly accepted and couldn't wait to get into his car. You hoped it was a fancy car, one with heating in the seats, because your legs felt like popsicles now. You followed him and studied his outfit as you glanced over to him a few times. His armour looked good, expensive. You wondered where he got it from. Etsy, maybe? Definitely custom made. The guy must have money. You liked his Mjölnir necklace, the one thing you did recognise, and you told him. Which caused him to blush lightly as he clutched it in his fist, telling you that you must have been sent by the gods.
You felt yourself blush at his words and you had to admit, the medieval way of flirting definitely did something to you. 
You studied his face now that he was closer, and you noticed he had several scars. Your eyes then trailed down to his hands, and you became a little uncomfortable as you saw that not just his face, but also his hands had scars, which looked a little too realistic. You wondered if larpers really went for that many details these days. And then you noticed his rings and the tattoos on his fingers.
'Are those real?' you pointed at the lines on his fingers, to which he nodded with a shy smile.
'Does it mean something?' you asked, genuinely curious.
'Each line is one man I killed during battle.'
'Oh,' you said, not expecting that for an answer, 'and… h-how many have you… killed?' you played along.
Sihtric looked at you and held up both his hands, showing you he had quite an amount of lines tattooed. You gave him a polite smile and looked down at your feet, slightly concerned, while you continued the walk to his ride.
'There she is,' Sihtric smiled after a short while.
'A… a horse?' you frowned. 
What in the fuckery is this? He had a horse? The man literally had a horse, here, in the woods, while he was dressed as a medieval themed stripper with all his gold and silver.
'Sihtric,' you said calmly, 'is this,' you paused, not trying to snap at him, 'is this your… ride?'
'My horse, yes,' Sihtric smiled, once again proud, 'expensive she was, but a great beast.'
You watched Sihtric pet his horse and you were just at a loss. You grew a little tired of the joke, as you just really wanted some food, some water and warm clothes. Preferably at your own house. But as you still had no idea where you were, or how you ended up here, you really had no other choice than to go with Sihtric. But you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, you just didn't know what.
'Lady,' he smiled, 'will you hand me the cloak?'
'Eh, sure?' you said, taking it off and handing it to him. 
You shivered as you watched Sihtric throw the majestic cloak around his shoulders, and then he beckoned you over. Cautiously, and confused, you walked over to him and his ride, and with ease he mounted you upon his horse. You chuckled lightly at the incredibly weird moment, but the warmth of the animal was pleasant against your cold legs. Before you realised it, Sihtric got up on his horse and sat behind you. Without speaking, he pulled you firmly against his chest, wrapping you inside his warm cloak along with him as he took the reins and ordered the horse to walk.
You had to admit there was something romantic about this, and if this Sihtric guy was trying to hit on you, he was definitely doing it the right way. You couldn't help but feel warm and comfortable against the stranger's chest and inside his cloak. You dare say you even felt safe.
'Are you spoken for, lady?' his voice sounded pleasantly close to your ear when he spoke after a while.
'Eh, no,' you chuckled lightly, 'I am not.' 
You heard Sihtric hum softly and you couldn't stop the sudden smile that formed on your face. So he was hitting on you.
'Why?' you decided to ask, 'are you spoken for?'
'No,' he said softly. You glanced over your shoulder and looked up at Sihtric, whose face lit up again and he said, 'not yet.' 
You blushed lightly as you understood what he meant, and you quickly turned away from him. If he married you during the larping, would it be official? You had so many questions. Even more questions raised, as your feeling of dread raised too, when you realised you still didn't recognize anything around you as your journey continued. And the feeling of disorientation consumed you when you suddenly saw a fortress in the distance. And you finally gave in to your gut feeling, accepting that something was very, very wrong. 
You were sat upon a horse, in the arms of a very hot, medieval looking man, who had asked if you were a whore, and you both had no phone. You had no recollection of getting here, you did not recognize these lands, and you knew for a fact that the fortress you closed in on, was not something created by larpers. Not on this scale.
You tried to put everything together, realising this was some Back to the Future shit. Except, this wasn't the future. This was back to the past. Way back to the past. You suddenly felt lucky that you had paid attention in school during the history lessons, as you were pretty good at that, and you remembered that Wessex became the Kingdom of England in 927. But, clearly, Wessex and Mercia were still separate now, so the year was not 927.
'Where are you from, Sihtric?'
'Dunholm, my lady.'
Dunholm. You remembered Dunholm. You knew there had been a battle and you tried to remember what year it took place. You couldn't get it right. But Dunholm… it bugged you. There was something you knew about Dunholm and clearly wanted to remember. You fidgeted with Sihtric's cloak, pulling some threads as you tried to remember what you learned about it.
'Kjartan,' you suddenly said out loud, 'the cruel.'
Sihtric abruptly stopped his horse.
'You know of Kjartan, lady?' he suddenly asked, his voice a little less soft than before.
'I-I have heard of him, yes.'
'Then you know he is dead.'
Kjartan was dead. Okay, good. Information. When did Kjartan die again? Ehh, it had to be… around 879? 880 maybe?
'Oh, yes,' you chuckled, trying to sound confident, 'of course, he is dead. Ehh.. a shame right?'
'Sure. A shame I didn't kill him,' Sihtric huffed as he spurred the horse to continue.
'Oh,' you grimaced, looking down at the lines on his fingers, understanding that Kjartan was not one of those lines.
'W-when exactly did he… die?'
'It's been thirteen summers, lady.'
Thirteen. Okay, that means you're probably in… Oh, dear god…
'893,' you whispered as you walked through the gates of a burh, which Sihtric had told you was Coccham.
'We are here, my lady,' Sihtric said, quickly dismounting his horse. He held his hands out, helping you off his horse by placing his hands on your hips while you found support by resting your hands on his shoulders. And so he gently brought your feet back on the ground. All while his big eyes looked at you with admiration, as if you were otherworldly. Sihtric was simply besotted by you and your appearance, and he already knew that he would do whatever it would take to make you his wife.
His hands lingered on your waist as he looked down into your eyes, and that's when you noticed he had two different coloured eyes; one hazel and one blue mixed with grey. And if you weren't so anxious, you would've thought it was the most mesmerising sight.
Sihtric noticed your face had grown grave with concern, which he didn't understand. You came from Lundene, of all places, you shouldn't have reason to feel anxious about a place like Coccham. And as Sihtric felt somehow naturally drawn to you, he didn't like the way you had become tense. Yet he also didn't know how to comfort you or if you would even allow him. But all he wanted to do at that moment was to wrap you in his arms. Instead, he took off his cloak again and threw it over your shoulders, covering you up.
Sihtric said he didn't want you to be cold, which was partly true, as it was winter and the lack of clothes you had on was concerning, but he also didn't want any other man to see what he already felt belonged to him.
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
Happy Grace/Pan Vibes For The Soul
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"How can I, with you in the way?"/"(Laughs) The floor is yours!"
First of all I'm honestly just so charmed by how genuinely delighted Pan seems to be at watching Grace finding her voice and learning to enjoy using her power, I think that's where I started to take a shine to him. (also seems quite central to his character/romance in general because it's a thing that recurs through their relationship -- he tells her "I'm enjoying it if you're enjoying it" straight out at one point and that's definitely always there in the subtext). He buys a music studio for her just in case she ever wants to return to making music again even when she's not the muse anymore just because he loves her singing and has seen it make her happy before, how is that not the sweetest goddamn thing in the world??? Pan and Oracle in shared first place as stans for Grace musically
For real though, 'I Can Teach You' is sooo... even when you don't join forces with him Pan teaches Grace so many things in that song, it's a thematic tutorial as well as a gameplay one in many ways. For me I think the most impactful subtexts are 'This is a tricky situation, change is here and it's difficult, but you have more control and agency here than you think' ("You're in control!" "It's your song!"), and this sense that, y'know... there can be joy and playfulness and discovery in setting out into the unknown, not just fear and uncertainty.
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dude... I wanna be in cahoots with & sing playful duets with you for the rest of my life bro (amorous intent)
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Pros: Hell yeah look at her go! 🥰
Cons: Uh-oh look at her go! 😬
I love that Grace can bring Pan's motif into 'Challenging A Queen' and be called the fuck out by Persephone btw. why u keepin' your guard up girl uwu
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'you gave up the only thing worth having -- for your little mortal friend' he says, giving up everything for his little once-again-mortal friend literally the next day fhsdkjfhsad who are you fooling buddy? not even yourself at this point surely??? (dialogue for if you save Freddie by giving up the eidolon)
my observations on the grace/pan dynamic across the different personality traits (yes I've done a run of each romancing him I am normal about it):
Clever!Grace: Pan seems to set out to be a trickster mentor of sorts, and Clever!Grace flips the uno reverse card on him and goes ‘Not if I trickster mentor you first bitch be honest about your feelings or perish challenge engage’. Probably the most birds of a feather combination (and indeed it’s the Blue version of the soundtrack that shows off his romance — also his tie and glasses are on the cover for that one :) ). 
Charming!Grace: Performative puppy dog eyes-off whenever either of them wants to get their way. 🥺4🥺. Pan is provably a soft touch from the Charming option to find Persephone before Challenging A Queen so I feel he probably tends to buckle faster but it’s a close thing. Local trickster god completely disarmed by someone being nice to him.
Kickass!Grace: “Be real with me or Imma kick your ass”/”Promise? ;)”/"...>:)"
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I am always thinking about the way he steps up in The Trial when romanced (and the way it's the only one where Athena is genuinely shocked and appalled fhskadj). there is something about him that's like... he keeps protesting against 'innocent' and he's probably right haha, but there is certainly an almost fundamental lack of any active malice there that he doesn't fully admit to himself or to grace until this moment. he is doing this for grace, but it is also a confession about something really deep in himself that seems to be very vulnerable for him in its sincerity -- that he really doesn't mean to or more importantly want to cause harm (I don't wanna dance/with blood on my hands). admitting to his own basically good heart finally seems to be the bigger, scarier thing for him, more than facing the prospect of dying. he's experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known and I for one am so proud of him
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"I'm just here for the dance"
the way he sings that just to her and completely changes the meaning of it from what he said with it before, from using it to keep her out to inviting her in...
also can you imagine how badly the kill bill sirens must be going off in Grace's head in all variations of this scene no matter who steps up, considering what happened to Freddie just days before....... oof!
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*incensed whisper* are you fucking kidding me with this what am I supposed to do with myself here
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love these too
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I really like the visual repeats of crossing the pond to the tree and back as a metaphor for them getting closer (or rather, him letting her closer, it is very much His Space). he retreats back there towards the end of 'Share This Dance', and that's the point where Grace puts her foot down and essentially says 'no. you come meet me honestly in the middle this time or this isn't happening'. and in 'The Trial' he does and then some!
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I meant what I sang. I'm not a good man. If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off But I can try to be better. You make me want to try.
fun fact: if you break up with him after The Trial (YEAH you can still break off the romances at that point! it's wild honestly fsjadk), Grace tells him he should try to be better ‘for himself’ not for her... and he calls that (i.e. himself) ‘not much of an incentive’. My guy don’t make me break out the ‘Have you tried therapy’ prompt again. He takes it very calmly and gracefully under the circumstances but he's also like. quietly resigned and subdued. I tried it once for Science and never will again but there you go I bring my knowledge to this altar of sadness lol
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you see the thing is I would forgive him for just about anything too I understand why so many of the characters in-game can't stay mad at him for any length of time
he starts the game by asking her to take his hand and he ends it on asking her to take his hand (and she does)...
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:') let's share this dance
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gxlds-doodles · 1 month
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was thinking abt how much i miss the 2014-2015 era fnaf fandom and it's interpretations of the characters (oh vincent purple guy how i miss you.) so new au alert!! lil chibis of my vincent n phone guy <3 designs are very much inspired by the popular designs for them around that time (originally popularized/created by rebornica i believe - though these are completely separate from their au i am not associated with them in any way shape or form) 🎉✧ SUPER COOL EPIC LORE INFO UNDER THE CUT!!!!!!! ✧🎉
general lore ☆ basically a whole rewrite - not because i have issues with the story (i stopped paying full attention after sister location tbh) just for fun!! again very much based on me missing 2010s fnaf fandom that was PEAK to me ☆ i still tie in some pieces of the lore but for the most part. forget what u know abt fnaf this is a whole rewrite (ex. animatronics are sentient but not possessed by children - not possessed at all in fact!! except for perhaps a few exceptions but i'm working on it) ☆ these two have quite a lot of canon lore tie-ins but beyond these two it's different LOL ☆ set in or around 2014, timeline is a wip vincent dorian (formerly afton) ☆ italian on his dad's side, armenian on his mom's side ☆ william afton's only child, born while freddy's was open but doesn't remember it rlly - his father and henry emily were co-owners/business partners but split ways (aka william got fired bc henry found out what he did. why he didn't bring this to the cops i'm still working out) soon after he was born ☆ raised by william as a single father ☆ was forced to help his father kill since he was like 12 this guy's got TRAUMA. ☆ still deciding on why he's purple (boy why you ourple.) but ik that it's william's fault. idk if i wanna go the walking corpse route like with michael in canon yet ☆ cuts off his dad when he's 18 - moves out on his own, etc. ☆ still kills for reasons i am currently working on however he does NOTTTT kill children ☆ starts working at freddy's at 27 as a way to 'rebel' against his dad, even if he hasn't seen him in yeeears by this point ☆ night guard at first, eventual day shift guard and sometimes a technician when needed ☆ his hair is naturally still black - he dyes it purple bc he thinks it looks cool ☆ his red scrunchie matches the red of phone guy's head <3 scott emily ☆ THE DRAWING IS OF A VERY SPECIFIC POINT IN THE AU I HAVE YET TO FLESH OUT it's not the most reflective of his character overall ☆ puerto rican ☆ henry emily's only child - remembers a tiny bit about william, remembers being scared shitless of him ☆ gets caught in a fire set by william when he's 16. he barely makes it out alive ☆ henry makes him the phone head mask thing. it can *technically* be removed but it never is bc it keeps the scars that never quite fully healed from getting worse ☆ head somehow works like a real phone... don't ask i just thought the idea of him ringing when he feels strong emotions is rlly funny (henry makes sentient animatronics in this au he can do anything. everyone say ty plot device dad!!) ☆ has some sort of contacts made by his dad that allow him to see through the phone ☆ grew up with the restaurant, his dad managed the location he's currently at until passing the business and the manager position onto him when he was 25 and henry was ready to retire ☆ henry told scott the full truth about william shortly before retiring - including that he set the fire that he got caught in. it's made him pretty paranoid that he's coming for him or something's gonna happen to him, even if neither of them have heard from william since then and he's essentially off the grid ☆ always at the restaurant during opening hours but rarely ever seen bc he doesn't want to scare any of the kids with his phone head vincent & scott ☆ yes they're dating. everyone cheer!! early fandom purplephone was my SHITTTT i love them so much ugh they r everything 2 me ☆ ngl they remind me of poolverine (deadpool x wolverine). vincent is deadpool (VERY accurate.) and scott is wolverine (less accurate but their dynamic stands) ☆ scott finds vincent annoying at first but eventually warms up to him and now he loooooves him. he's still annoying but he loooooooooves him ☆ scott doesn't know vince is william's son at first since he changed his surname and looks completely different ☆ they're just rlly cute and deeply in love and got some angsty shit going on later but that'll be a surprise oooo
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sleepy-as-a-song · 3 days
My pov as a sa victim
Tw:sa, the Jack drama, sh, truama talk
I’m sorry in advance if this doesn’t make much sense, I’m sick at the moment but felt this could not wait.
I won’t share too much about my sa as it’s not needed, but I will share this: I spent months - maybe even closer to a year - searching for media that covered male sa. So long. I was so excited when I discovered the odessey because it was one of the only male sa stories I had ever seen - and probably the one with the least victim blaming too.
It made me feel seen.
I don’t know Jack well. I know him in roleplay and that’s it. I don’t know anything about his truama and I don’t know anything about what he’s been through.
Jack says he uses roleplay to cope. That is okay, I do too. However Jack should have never made the au. He shouldn’t have. Ever.
Au’s are alternate versions of the story, yes. It still has the base of the story. This is not an au because it completely changes the story - it’s just messed up.
I don’t know if Jack is a sa victim. If he is, I hope he learns better ways to cope with it. But if he is *not* then this is just cruel. To take the little representation male victims have - that *I* have - and change it because you think it’s okay is…harmful. It’s cruel.
I don’t know if Freddy is a real person, I don’t care. No one should have to fall into those habits because of hate. Do not send hate jacks way.
Self harm and break downs are something I hope no one ever has to deal with and if Jack has to deal with them, I am so sorry he does. It’s an awful thing to deal with, as I struggle with it myself.
If Freddy is not real, I hope Jack learns that what he’s doing is manipulative and wrong. I hope he copes with his truama and comes to understand why what he did was hurtful.
Also, if Freddy is not real - this is incredibly manipulative and wrong to do. No one should use self harm and break downs to guilt others into silence. This situation should be talked about - Jack should not to sent hate, but he should not be sent hate, death threats or anything else.
Bad people do not change, hate won’t do anything at all. I do not think Jack is a horrible person, but I think his actions are bad.
To Lilly, ( @unhinged-waterlilly ) as a fellow victim I’m so sorry you had to deal Witt everything first hand. That seems awful and I can’t imagine bringing in your place. You are allowed to not like Jack - you can hate him if you want. I hope the best for you and that you are treated with kindness and respect, and that you know how much you speaking out helps others feel more comfortable speaking out. I don’t know yoy well but I know I’m so thankful to have the situation brought to my attention.
To calix, ( @if-chaos-was-a-boy ) I hope everyone effected by this situation is able to recover from it if it effects yoy, and I hope any fellow victims are able to cope with everything going on.
Apologies for the tags.
@zariahthewitch @thegroovydaughterofhestia @if-chaos-was-a-boy @the-gods-strange-children @silena-daughterofaphrodite @fabulousdaughterofhecate @weakest-son-of-sun @chaos-pers0nified @neoptolemus-achilles-son @bast-the-best26 @goddess-of-bubblegum @hispanic-child-of-hermes @gaygirldoodles @luck-is-crucial @reyna4ever @vicious-daughter-of-zeus @feral-hermes-child @oopsies-i-did-a-thing @unfortunate-daughter-of-hestia @that-girl-cupid @ariathemortal @love-lightning-forethought @emdabitchass @kaiaalwayswins @champion-of-revenge @i-was-never-sane @clown-energy-skyrocketing @zoe-aura-of-d3ath @itsyourboyezra @lunar-eklipso-r @pink-koi-lovejoy @that-daughter-of-athena @smileyalater @gellyhelio @daughter-ofthe-moontitan @demeters-daughter-is-done @the-smart-and-the-dumb-one @trinket-snatcher @southerndaughterofeos @creature-under-ur-bed @burnt-out-bitxhes @cloak-of-ares @heraaaaaaaa @unproblematic-hestia
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I HAS 25 ASK :}}}}}🍤
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@nihilityart Thank you! And,
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I am now! Some kind of ice and fire guys? They look neat :}}
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For me clothed VS unclothed is the same as Civilized VS uncivilized. Or perhaps Intelligent VS unintelligent..? Captain Barnacles VS a salmon. The very humanoid Captain polar bear is gonna wear clothes and the lil fish guy just gonna swim around and be a fish XD
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I'm thinking that the Cupcake Factory and Mazercise were never built following Chica's decommission.. the only thing that remains of her is the small party stage her and Freddy used to preform on. :(
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Proud :}
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Well, my Jevil gains the power create mirrors and walk through them into other AUs and timelines. So maybe his power matches up?? I'm not familiar with that Kefka character <XD
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Glamrock Foxy still suffers from baby disease XD He may be bigger then Chica and Freddy, but they can still push him around fairly easily.
I also imagine becuase he's so light he can easily be picked up by the other Glamrocks. Poor Foxy can never catch a break XDD
Also Swap Foxy would never pick up OG Foxy. He couldn't do that to him man he knows the pain all too well <XD
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Freddy would be really sad seeing Bonnie like that. He doesn't even have to ask anyone what's up with him. He knows that Bonnie cant handle constant activity, noise and lights. He's just not programmed with that kind of processing power. After every performance back in the day, Freddy was the first one check on Bonnie and get him to his room if he was wiped out.
And he was always the last to speak with him after he emerged from his room. Waiting for Bonnie to talk to him first when he was ready.
Seeing him like this now.. so.. hollow. It just breaks his heart. He can tell just by looking at him that no one has treated Bonnie right or attended to his needs in any way. For years. He wouldn't take any of Bonnies rudeness or sarcasm personally. It would bounce right off him because he knows why Bonnie is saying those things and he means none of it.
If Glamrock Freddy was in the swap AU, he would completely leave Bonnie alone. He wouldn't talk to him or address him in anyway. Buuuut maybe he would hover nearby. To be there to give Bonnie an escape from any given situation or if he happens to need someone or something, Freddy would be there to help.
But still. Never talk to him or look at him. Bonnie doesn't need any more things to process.. :(
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Thanks for ask! Don't be shy to send more, I love getting them! :DD
As for the perfect sandwich? Oooo that's a good question. Uhhmmmm.... hmm.. Well, tbh I'm kind'a craving a cursed PB&J with cheetos in the middle ngl..
Oh! Or maybe a sandwich with toasted bread and some mayo, turkey, Ham and cheese?? Its kind'a basic but man does that sound good right about now XD
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I imagine it works much like the show/real boy scouts. There's not really any major changes I can think of..
I mean, I guess in my AU Professor Natquik was probably the main polar scout leader- or maybe even the founder of the polar scouts?? Or at the very least he could have been a beloved polar scout leader for like.. 20-30 years or something before he dipped and went to the Antarctic. That's all I can think of <XD
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Thank you! I'm having a ton of fun drawing this Deltarune stuff so far! I'm doing a ton of world building on it and I have another set of drawings to post right after this ask post goes up! :}}
As for Jevil's lore, I made this post that talks about his lore thus far. But the post I'm going to make after this kind'a overwrites that so be on the look out XD
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They grew up on the Octopod yes. And I don't think its a thing of child labor XD I imagine that all the Octonauts can cook for themselves. The Vegimals are just very eager to help out and they love to cook! Its become their way of helping out around the ship because they want to help. But they can stop when ever- no one is forcing them to be their cooks or even live there. They can leave when ever they want! But they choose not to because they love the crew and they love to cook!
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Actually, google says that Barnacles is from Northern Canada. Something about a decorative banner he has labeled "MV Manitoba", which is a reference to the province of Manitoba..?
Which I guess if he is from Northern Canada, that banner and wheel is the only Canadian thing he brought to the Octopod.? XD
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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And King Resh you say? Ooooo, I like that name :00 And yeah, boy his design sure is spooky <XDD
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@ariisonfire (Post in question)
SKKJDKJSFKJ SORRY! That probably didn't feel great-- <XD But don't worry I had no idea your character existed when I made blue Grillby so I'm not copying! XD
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I've seen that floating around. I don't have much of an opinion on it myself. I just hope the fans are satisfied with it :0
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I have actually! I watched Elvis the Alien review it on YouTube XDD
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1: In the partial swap with Gregory.. I imagine there was a moment like in the classic AU where Monty and Foxy sat down with Chica and told her that Freddy was gone. She probably got some old posters and pointed Freddy out to Gregory. Eventually communicating that she wanted to look for him. In which, they would find him all beat up..
In the true swap, with little Vanessa, I imagine its the same thing. Despite Bonnie taking the place of Freddy, its still Monty and Foxy that sit down and explain Freddy's disappearance. In which again, Chica points out Freddy in the posters to Vanessa and they go find him.
2: I believe in both the Partial and true swap, Freddy and Chica's decommissions happened the same way/for the same reasons as Foxy and Bonnie in the Classic AU.
3: Fazer blast doesn't actually exist in the partial or true swap. In the classic AU Freddy and Chica's attraction was just the main stage and party area. And Bonnie had the Bowling ally and Foxy had Pirates cove.
When the Glamrock era began, Bonnie bowl and Pirates cove were left untouched. Meanwhile Freddy and Chica's roles expanded and they were given Fazer Blast and Mazercise.
In the true and partial swap, that stage and party area are just kind'a.. left there. Maybe sometimes big party's happen and one of the bots come and preform on that old stage.? But mostly the giant stage is used and that old party stage is left to collect dust. Which is a blessing in disguise. I cant imagine the pain the bots would feel preforming on that stage where their friends once stood..
As for Bonnie bowl, yeah it was expanded big time. And is way more decked out than it was before. As for the Pizzaplex its name is still the same. But I imagine the logo looks a bit different :0
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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I mean, personally? I don't really like it but that's just because I don't ship Fronnie. But hey its not my artwork so its not really any of my business-
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Huh? What about him? Looks like he's from tiktok.?
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Thank you! And that would be something that would shock the classic Glamrocks. Swap Freddy is in significantly worse shape than Classic Bonnie.. (which was intentional ;}})
Freddy would be rather disturbed seeing his old model so messed up. Considering how much he misses the past and his old body.. seeing an eye hanging out, his arm broken- his leg twisted in the wrong direction.. ehg, it would really freak him out. He'd have a hard time looking at himself..
Chica seeing her old self would disturb her, but also make her jealous somewhat.?? My Chica doesn't like being a Glamrock and misses her old body and role on stage. So seeing herself back in her pink dress and soft yellow feathers.. despite the removal of her beak and hands she'd be weirdly envious.
Monty and Roxy wouldn't have any unique or interesting reactions. They'd just be like "wow you guys look janked up I'm so sorry" XD
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This post I made a while back talks about that! :00
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(post in question)
XD Yeah. Eventually his fur grew out and he trimmed all the green back. But it sure was funny while it was there!
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charliedawn · 18 days
Hello!! So me and my friend are part of the therian/furry community it got me wondering how the slashers would react to their s.o being a therian/ furry
Slashers I had in mind (pennywise 2017 and 1990 mainly but feel free to add any you see fit!!) :3
(Apologies if I’ve asked this before I can’t remember)
Author: I think I already did a request with Pennywise and Penny about that, but I can’t find it so…Here you go ! Hope you like it. 👍
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Pennywise *looks you up and down* : "Welp. That’s not something you see everyday."
Pennywise laughed, but he appreciated and understood the concept quickly. He was happy to see you happy and got into it quite fast. Besides, he never liked humans all that much. And being a shapeshifter himself, he wasn’t all that bothered by your sudden shift and was just happy chilling with you in the woods.
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Barry helped you design your fursona. He got all his designer genius into making you the perfect fursona that would fit you. He got your favourite colours and the best materials he could find and got to work right away. He spent nights on it and made sure to get everything you wanted in it so that it would be as comfortable and lovely to wear as possible.
Barry *once he sees you in it* : "YES ! Wow. Gorgeous ! Absolutely stunning, darling !"
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Brahms was excited when you told him—but he didn’t really know what it was at first. You had to explain it to him and slowly, he got the idea. He also tried to do animal stuff with you like running on four legs and take regular trips into the wilderness. He broke his arm as a result, but it was worth it. He was happy having fun with you. He is supportive.
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A client *sees you* : "Hum…What’s that ?"
Norman *smiles at you* : "That would be Y/N. Come in, sweetheart. Say hi to the new client."
Norman was surprised at first, but he got used to it. He—himself—would take long strolls in the forest and be with you in spirit while you do your own thing. But running on all fours and howl at the moon and dig mud and rocks ? I don’t think he would do it. But he would be supportive and spend time with you nonetheless.
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Jason would understand and respect your decision. He prefers animals over humans anyway. He would be more than happy to return to Crystal Lake with you so you may both have some fun near the lake or run between the trees. He is a free spirit and he loves nature. You would get along just fine.
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Michael *nods in silent approval*
Our open-minded king. You could come up to him and say you are a wolf or an earthworm and he would be nodding understandingly and give you a thumbs up. If that’s what you are ? Then that’s what you are. No judgment there.
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Penny *excited* : "Hey ! Do you want us to go run in the forest ?"
Penny is a shape-shifting creature. He could turn into a wolf and be right beside you when you both go into the forest and howl at the moon or even hunt together. He would also have NO problem biting you or scratching you or acting like a real animal with you. No questions asked.
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Freddy Krueger: "…That a sex thing ? Cause I am digging it."
Freddy wouldn’t understand, but he wouldn’t really care either. That man is the definition of ‘you do you, bud’. He would be nodding and laughing, maybe do one or two jokes at first, but nothing real mean. He would then let you do your thing and even assist in one or two activities with you (howling at the moon or run after you). He would be pretty chill about it.
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Five *sees you and looks down at his glass of wine* : "I knew that wasn’t a good vintage but still…"
Five wouldn’t understand.
He likes reason and science. But, he would respect you for being yourself and to see you have some fun. He would eventually support you, but you would have to give him time to get used to the idea.
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sleeping-archivist · 12 days
haven’t done one of these in a while, BUT!!
my live reactions to tmagp ep 30 (w/ spoilers, obviously):
oh i am so deeply afraid for them!!! pick up your phone sam!!!
i’m american but this british transportation nonsense seems like a pain
noooooo colin :(
oh dear lord this is already stressing me out
uh oh gwen…
girl that’s not a threat that’s a fuckin promise
nooooo lena come back i miss u already
oh look who FINALLY checked his phone
celia i don’t like that you know things. when is your “complicated immigration status” getting exposed???
a dentist?? oh i would NOT go to that dentist
y’all went at NIGHT??? respectfully you deserve whatever is abt to happen to you, this is horror movie 101
a suspicious door, you say??
CHRIST trevor that scared the shit out of me
oh wait that’s not trevor lmao
does this place have a “store” or a unit or whatever for each of the fears or however they manifest in this universe??
honestly this custodian guy is so real for this
noooo alice are you alone rn?? babygirl 😭
one normal night, one normal night, one normal night, custodian guy wants…
who the fuck IS this guy tho??
omggggg hi archivist 💋
“a wound that never fully heals” well maybe… a wound between worlds????
dude your job sucks lmao
the way i am going bonkers in the middle of
the whimpering… if this is jon i will lose it
you NEVER go have a look!! you little fool!!
oh that’s not— fix ur mannequins pls and thank u
oh EW put your blood vessels back in!!!!
“it is rough and cold and silent inside” oh i do not like this actually
“cold gray pours down my throat and fills my stomach with stone” like that one statement with the cement???? am i reaching????
oh bye tape recorder 👋 that was truly horrid thanks so much!!
wdym ALMOST girl???
this is an entirely valid outburst from sam, go off king <3
which means you should probably go back celia!!
i’m sitting in this hallway like 👁️ 👁️ right now. this is INSANE
no excuse me i wanted the rest of that statement!!!!
oh hello again custodian guy, really fucked up thing for you to say tbh
omg hi again gwen <3 this is so bouchard of you and i love it
hi trevor!!
omg she got her promotion and yet… at what cost
can we get a status update on colin pls????
so anyway i’m going insane now 😎 i didn’t have to wait between seasons when i listened to TMA and i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to do it now, omfg. great season finale but i may just lose my marbles until s2 starts releasing
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satin-polar · 27 days
FNAF Bible theory. In light of recent Dave theory. It's just from my surface knowledge of the bible (but I am from a christian home, I know a lot) and few wikipedia findings.
Scott is very well known for being a religious person. That's nothing new. And this theory will conclude with statement that ,,FNAF is just a retelling of the bible,, at least part of it. There will not be Jesus in this one. The closest one will be his cousin John.
Pls. Mind that english is not my first lauguage. Im good at using it, but I keep missing word. And i keep using languagetool. And few time I use term ,,standin for,, I'm not sure im using correct term. But hope you understand. So let's start with what we got now:
David - King of Israel, Battle with Goliath
Michael - Guardian of Israel, Battle with Satan
Elizabeth - Known for being a mother and having a baby (stick with me)
And few important names: Gabriel and Henry
When the name David came out lately, when Hyper Droid was talking about CC real name. It struck me. David in the bible is best known for battling the Goliath, and Slaying him, becoming King after that. And in the World of FNAF, CC also battled the Goliath, but this time Lost. Goliath being stand in for Fredbear, you know Giant Robot. We can argue that even if CC lost the rest still happened, Goliath was slain - Fredbear was never used again, and he kinda became the King - CC is probably the most important spirit in FNAF, and Golden Fredy is the Leader of Animatronics, Golden like a Kings Crown - And stay golden even after all the years, when Golden Bonnie faded, but that's later. Golden Freddy leads the Spirits even if it's not David (CC) it's Cassidy, but Cassidy is probably not a biblical name, but there might be something to it if we dig deeper.
Michael - The Archangel. The One that cast Satan out of Heaven. Yes Satan being stand in for William. ("...he does battle with Satan and casts him out of heaven so that he no longer has access to God as accuser" - Wikipedia quote). And mentioning. When David is the King of Israel. Micheal is the Guardian (prince) of Israel (If we take methafor for Israel in FNAF as the place where every spirit lingers, sooo Freadys. Yeah Freddy's is Israel, The Bible one, not the moder country, it's sounds weird now, but let's deal with it.) Then, idk whats better way to describe Mike. After his brother's death, he goes and protects what his brother has become part of, to redeem himself, to give his brother and every soul Afton killed an afterlife. But this Flipped retelling of Bible. As David failed to Defeat Goliath. Michael failed to Protect Souls. But after tries and punishment, he banishes the evil from immortality. Except there are no happy endings in FNAF.
Elizabeth is more difficult than two brothers, but. I might have something. As the fact that FNAF is Flipped retelling of bible more struck me, where nothing goes as it should, but parallels are visible. It got me there. Naming FNAF characters after biblical figures must have some reason. At least minimal. Let's start with this, and it might sound more weird than the rest, so at least trigger warning here. The Big Elizabeth in story in bible start with her husband going to a Temple and being visited by Angel Gabriel. And is promised Elizabeth will bear a son - John the Baptist. Kinda like Mike going to Circus Baby Pizza. Yes I compared Circus Baby Pizza to the Temple of God. But as we know, everything must go wrong. It might be parallels that Elizabeth, instead of bearing the child, got crushed in the belly of a child (baby) looking robot. (And you know, I think Elizabeth in bible is only known for being a mother of more important figure, and naming fnaf character after bible character might be difficult, and SL is kinda a spin-off, I don't know what Stott was thinking, I just see parallels) But as we now know, even if figures failed to fulfill their job, everything else still needs to happen. Destiny needs to fulfill itself. And have you ever noticed that Scooper rips out your guts, from the belly. And as spoken before, something needs to be born. And as Elizabeth would bere the child, now she crawls into someone's belly, as Baby put her self together. In flipped reflection of destiny. Michael goes to a temple, and is promised a Baby, it happened but in crocked refection, Elizabeth is born from her own Brother. But it's not Elizabeth that is the most important that day, because at the same moment, Michael is born again as the Baptist. To cleanse evil in the Baptism of Fire. And as weird as it gets, Mike being also the stand in for John the Baptist resonates well with me.
And that not the end, but I wanted to leave that on the end, because now we will talk about remnant, and remnants are still controversial in FNAF fandom. And I didn't want to taint my Elizabeth part with it. But You can add this to Elizabeth part, and it will only add more to the theory. Trust me. In the Bible when Elizabeth's husband visited the temple, angel said, and I quote "...and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born." Mention of being Filled with the Holy Spirit is something that just struck me the most. And I feared that it made sense. As we go further in FNAF games, (technically first ever mention of Remnant is in FNAF 6, but it's calling back to the Scooper) First ever usage of Remnant comes from FNAF SL. When Mike is being Filled with Remnant by the Scooper. As Biblical Child of Elizabeth was Filled with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit in bible is reserved for very special things. And if we going with naming FNAF characters after biblical names. Usage of Holy Spirit in the most important story connected to name Elizabeth and the Child she bore. As Scooper standin for filling someone with Remnant - Michael goes to a Temple of The False God that created the Baby and is Filled with The Remnants of Spirits. God!
Did I mention that It's not the end yet. It's not that big, but I want to point out what I see as interesting findings. And maybe we can do something more with this. I never readed bible, I just had religion in school, and I was kinda interested in that when I was younger. But I have really good memory, and this all just started coming to me.
When researching Michael, the name Gabriel keep coming out, It was interesting (like ohhh Scott, you know what you were doing) later when the name Gabriel came up in The Story of Elizabeth. There must be something more. First it was, did Scott name missing children after Archangels - No. But using just one name is enough. And as we all agree, Gabriel, being a child possessing Freddy. Scott used the name Gabriel on the first gravestone. Freddy the face of basic animatronics. Scott could name every kid after (as I found) - 7 archangels, but that would be too obvious, but he named only one, the first, the one we all agree is Freddy. Scott could give him a normal name, but he needed to name at least one after biblical name. And it's Gabriel. I have a weird feeling that, as Scott is a religious person, he just jumped on Wikipedia just like me, and found that Michael and Gabriel are very connected with each other. The fact that the name Gabriel comes out in 2 most important names in FNAF that also are standin for biblical characters. To this moment we got 2/3 names, but Mike and Elizabeth are kinda normal names, so we didn't care, but Now there are 3, we got David. All of William's children are named after biblical characters. With show how egotistical he is. But we got more; as we got Gabriel, it's now 4/3.
My smalled finding is that old version the name Henry is Harold. And it get me to Herod, the Guy that Order to Kill Children when Jesus was about to Born. But It sound more like William, You Know the Guy that KILL CHILDREN.
And Afton. The Guy Himself. Standin for Satan, Devil, Mephisto. The one cast out and banished from heaven. As Golden Freddy faded but stayed golden. Golden Bonny rotten, darken, faded to pitch green. Should be punished in hell, as destiny called for that. But not everything happened as it should. William is still punished, but what Cassidy the Vengeful Spirit done. Will it let go. Old Man Consequences is God Himself. The End (The last is just my own little head canon)
I went. Kinda insane at the end of this. But pls dont toss it out as a wird therory. Ther is a lot to this that make sense. And fell free to add more to this, if you can find more, or know more. My knowlege isnt that full. Retelings of the bible are very common. And no one ever get that angry when you use bibilical stories as the inspiraton. A lot of stories if you dig not even that deep, can be traced down to bibilacal stories. As its collection of very basic moral stories - Of good fighting evil. And thanks to Hyper Droid, his David theory opened the gate for.
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lemonstars8583 · 10 months
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hello fnafheads i am posting yet again THIS TIME um. it’s my own designs/redesigns of the ! people. from uhmmm the books n shit. fazbear frights. these are very rough refs but 👍👍👍👍 yknow.
for Millie i got both uhmmm her when she’s Lame but trying really hard to style herself in a whatever way she can bc she doesn’t have anything cool. then when she gets a glow-up because i think it’d be funnier if she lived honestly. is she wearing bracelets on her sleeves? yes. does she have ANY what she’s doing? no. is she rocking it? yeah. why didn’t she punch freddy’s eyes out btw? that would’ve been my first immediate instinct. like yeah he probably would’ve killed her but also what’s he gonna do he’s busted. if i’m going down i’m taking you with me bitch see you back in the scrapyard bye <3 (he is my most favoritest ever)
umm then there’s kasey and i caaaannoooot stress to you how much i fucking HAATE. HATE her canon design i hate it. she looks so ugly and ALSO it makes no sense bc if she literally didn’t have the means to get any nice clothes in the story and had to try to steal them, then WHY IS SHE DEPICTED WITH NICE CLOTHES?? FULL MAKEUP? JEWELRY? DYED-BLONDE HAIR? i don’t understand. make up your mind.
Sarah!! <3 i think it would be so cool if eleanor pulled a You Won’t Die 😈 on her and forced her to live as some horrific half flesh half metal wire-y mess. i think that’d be more horror. idk i’m tired of people just kind of Dying and That’s It. like kasey didn’t so good for her Ballora fucked right off after she gave the glasses back but still. idk lol Sarah needed more to her. she slipped on a fucking banana peel and all of a sudden her entire body falls apart? the artificial mess of a body she’s been living in for weeks? all it took was one little trip and fall for it to entirely disassemble? what????? 😭😭😭 idk i don’t get it. also i HAVENT MADE THE FUCKED UP VERSION OF HER YET!! SORRY!! i’ll post that later ig whateva
ok um thank you bye.
also i’m like. mapping out an AU to combine all of these stories. or. Have Been for a while. also i hate eleanor so i’m trying to make a reason for her not to exist because i really don’t even know why she does? like idk. who are you. where is circus baby. my beloved circus baby. you freak you poser. idk i mean good for her for fucking everything up for no reason but also why did you do that. why are you real.
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