#thanks to foxy for getting me on this site
freddyfazbear1 · 1 year
Greetings, I’m Freddy Fazbear. In this post, I will be introducing myself and how I will treat this blog. I’m quite a simple bear, though I do expect to be treated with respect. Not only am I the name of such a popular corporation, I’m also one of the only sensible people on earth despite being a mechanical machine.
Who are you?
If you don’t know who I am, then you must be out of your mind. Are you really that underground you don’t recognize such an iconic design? I’m Freddy Fazbear and I don’t take kindly to idiocy.
What do you stand for?
Isn’t it obvious? I’m a man, or bear, of pride and strength. I stand for many different things, but I like to believe what shines out the most is my heart. I am passionate and I love passionately, not in a necessarily romantic sense. My heart defines me just as other parts of me do.
My interests, desires, dislikes, hobbies, traits, and values will always be what makes me me. Why should I have to stand for one thing? Do you think all I do is live everyday singing to children I’ll never seen again? That’s quite dull.
What’s your dream?
That one day, I can finally escape this prison that was unwillingly set for me. I think everyone deserves freedom, even if you may have been bad in the past. While there are some exceptions, being locked up and caged to a wall never released an animal of their ferocity. So, why do it to a human? Or even a robot? Or ghost, if you will.
If all humanity ever did was take and take and take, expecting that to improve the wrongs, then humanity in it’s entirety was never going to be better than that one person they’re depriving. If someone took something of value to you, whether it was your freedom or an object of some kind, would you return to them with kindness in your heart? Would you relieve yourself from your box of spite in this time apart from what made you you?
What inspires you?
A rather silly question. Nothing. When all you’ve known in life is stand, stare, perform, you never get a chance to live a life worth living. I can’t find an ounce of control in my own establishment because I am permanently stuck in this husk of a body.
That is part of the reason I’ve made this blog. To help me see more, learn more in the short time I have left.
Anything else?
I don’t appreciate being rushed. But, I stand by any and all of my beliefs and thoughts. I am not going to succumb to anyone because they may be wary of one thing or two that makes me who I am. If you can’t learn to respect, no one will ever respect you. Who says you’d even deserve it, though?
Quick Blog Rules
If you’re going to comment or reblog anything with extra comments, be sensible and logical. Idiocy is a curse that weighs many down from their potential, I don’t want to deal with mental 10 year olds.
Respect me and I will respect you. I suggest you fear me, I am not your typical person and will do anything in my power to enhance that weakness in your mind you may refer to as “strength” despite knowing you’d never even reach the first step of the ladder. If you can’t order a meal in a restaurant on your own, don’t even try arguing with me.
Don’t be anti-animatronic. Do I really need to explain?
Don’t fucking interact with my blog if you’re Phantom fucking Freddy. Goddamn son of a bitch, I’m gonna fucking find a way to suck your damn ass into a vacuum like those bitches from GhostBusters.
You don’t like my interests. Not sure how often I’ll use this blog or what it’ll be for, but if I have something to share, be. Fucking. Civil.
If you’re gonna ask me anything or PM me, don’t be a douche. I may not take idiocy well but disrespect and hatred? A much different deal, but really? Is it any different at all? Why would you waste time trying to bring someone down when you could be productive instead? Are you that pathetic or is it truly just your low intelligence making all the decisions?
Don’t try to state you’re me. It’s pretty obvious you aren’t.
Celebrate any and everything that has to do with me. You may call it narcissism, I call it self-respect. If you aren’t the one constantly cheering for yourself, who will? Learn to take pride in everything you do. Did you just finish making a cheese sandwich? Celebrate your low skills. Did you just watch a kid get beaten down by their bully and do nothing to help? Celebrate your independence.
Don’t expect anything from me. I may be open to almost everything you lot have to throw at me, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be anything predictable. If you want something from me, be patient and maybe before you die, you’ll have the chance to bask in that victory. If not, learn that not everything will go your way.
Don’t talk to me about my personal issues or “bad behaviors.” How I am and what I do is my business, it will never concern you or anyone that isn’t me. When you read the newspapers that dramatically explain how I’ve killed a night guard, will you take that knowledge as truth without confirmation? How can you believe something you weren’t there to witness? How can you truly live life if all you do is assume and believe? I may have killed a few night guards in my lifetime, but that is nothing but a hobby I partake in. So ask yourself, does having an interest make me a bad person?
I have many thoughts and will share them. If you can’t deal with that, perhaps this isn’t the blog for you. Perhaps even… the world isn’t the place for you. I couldn’t imagine going my life and avoiding others’ opinions because of one little thing. Disliking things is over.
Don’t fuck with me.
If I ever begin to act like a lunatic or simply just stupid, get onto me. Either it’s not me (Foxy fucking taking my computer) or I have finally reached a breaking point I cannot escape without proper support.
Don’t come into my blog if you’re a weirdo. I don’t use the term weirdo lightly or any of the words that fall into how I’m using it. Though I’d prefer any form of discourse off my blog, this is not what that is. These are real world issues and I would like for any of you fucking insane maniacs off my one source of comfort. That being said, pedophiles, zoophiles, racists, lgbtphobes, anti-religion, irl shippers, anti-self diagnosis, and more that fall into this category, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE.
That’s all for now. Don’t be afraid to interact, do be afraid of how I respond.
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taterstories · 8 months
The Online Date
Written By Tater
My name is Jeff and I go by Bigunit69 on the dating site. I started talking to a girl with a screen name Roxygirl100. But I came to find out her real name is Roxanne we chatted online for about two weeks before I asked her out and kind of had a good idea who she is. She was an amazing girl sweet innocent and caring and found the good in every situation. We decided on a place to meet for our date it was this place that had all kinds of things like go carts and bowling, laser tag and food. We had a great time, and she was all I ever hoped for and even more beautiful that her pictures online. At the end of the night even though I didn't get to walk her to her door I walked her to her car, and we did give me a goodbye kiss and oh wow I was in love. We went our separate ways. Then we text each other this time on the phone every day for a half a week and this time she asked me out for the next Saturday I was like ok, and I was in my head she must want a piece of me ha-ha. She told me to pick her up her house and we could go out to where she wanted to go. So, I did, I went to her house which was a big house with a long driveway way off the road and there was a gate. After a man through the intercom at the gate let me in, I drove all the way up the driveway to the house and she was standing outside waiting when I drove up. I got out to greet her and she gave me a hug and we got in my car, and she told me we were going to a party. She was in tight leather pants and high heels with a low-cut top she looked really sexy. She told me to wear a suit, so I did, I looked good well I thought I did any way. I drove to the address that she gave me which was not far probably 5 miles after that long driveway. But we pull up to a gate and it is the same at Roxanne's house, there was a long driveway with a big house. There were lots of cars in the courtyard and area Infront of the house I found a spot and parked. We walked to the door to be greeted by a butler in a suit. All I thought wow fancy.
We walk into the house, and I could hear the music from the party. We walked down the long hallway and into the great room and there were more women than men at this party. There were several other men in suits like me that looked like dates women had brought. All the other men were waiters, and they were dressed in very little to put it nicely, they had on a bow tie and a what looked like a pair of under wear. As soon as we get 10 feet in that room Roxanne starts talking to other women and not paying any attention to me holding my hand like a child. But every once and a while she would look back at me and smile but keep going on to another conversation with another woman. Then after about a half hour of her talking and not paying me attention she started talking to one older yet super foxy lady and introduced her to me she said, "Deedra this is the one I've been telling you about jeff or online Bigunit69." She laughed then said, "Jeff this is Mistress Deedra she is the host of this party and owner of this beautiful estate." I looked at her and said, "Nice to meet you, Deedra." sticking out my hand to shake her hand and she just staired at me. She replied, "It is, isn't it." Then looked at Roxanne and said, "You have a lot of work to do with this one Rox". As she walked away to talk to more of her guests. Roxanne continues to mingle around until the music stopped and Deedra comes over the sound system and thanks everyone for coming and then introduced why we were there and five girls in short pink tight crop top dresses with high heels walk out of a side hallway to the middle of the room. All the women in the room started applauding these girls. I was unsure of what they did or why they were there. Then five more girls walk out or the hallway with leather body suits on and they all had a big ten-inch dildo strapped to their hips. All I could think was "what the fuck" I was kind of intrigued about what was going to happen next. The five women in leather walked over to the women in pink and stood behind them. Then Deedra said in the mic, "Ok Mistresses when I say go you take your sissy projects virginity, have no mercy fuck them till they have to be carried out." Then all the Mistresses lubed up their dildos and go ready and put the girls into what I guess was there favorite position. Then Deedra said, "alright ready set FUCK." At the same time, they all started fucking these girls it was kind of hot but a little weird and crazy. This whole thing went on for 15 minutes. All the Girls screaming and some crying and moaning. I actually saw one or two actually squirt wow. It all ended as they lay there helpless and shaking and quivering. After them laying there for 5 minutes they made them get up and they put a leash on a collar that was around their necks and started to walk around the room and mingle just like everyone else. Roxanne even talked to a few of the mistresses and congratulated them. None of the girls on the leashes made eye contact or said anything except one kind of got close to me and whispered under their breath what I thought she said was leave get out while you can and me and the girl got pulled away from each other kind of quickly. Then the rest of the night was fun, and Roxanne actually talked to me, and we had some food and drinks and just really enjoyed ourselves. At the end of the party, we walked out to the car I only had a few drinks, but they were strong I felt really drunk. Then Roxanne said, "are you OK sweetie would you like me to drive I feel fine, or I can get someone to drive us back to my place." I handed her my keys and said, "I never do this, but I guess I don't want to wreck my nice new truck." So, she drove us back to her house.
When we got there Roxanne told me to come on in and relax till, I was able to drive so I got out of the truck and took two steps and fell flat of the ground. Then I felt these big strong arms pick me up and took me inside. That was the last think I could remember about that night. Then next morning I wake up and I'm in a big bed and I couldn't move at all, and Roxanne was sleeping next to me. I notice through the little light shining through the drapes. I was not in my clothes any more she must have changed my clothes. But what was I wearing? I was wearing a pink night gown with lace and frills and was wearing under wear, but they didn't feel like mine, and I even had shoes on white tights on with pink shoes. "WHAT THE FUCK" I said out loud and Roxanne slowly woke up. Then looked at me and smiled and said, "Oh your alive, you were so drunk last night and messed up your clothes, so I loaned you some, but I didn't want the whole outfit not to match." I looked at her and said, "But why can I still not move?" Then she replied, "Oh no that weird it must be alcohol paralysis let's give it a few hours and you should improve."
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foxymoxynoona · 4 months
hi, foxy! i am reading a sad story today and i suddenly thought of asking myself what was the story that made me cry the most? it's your work--the lowlander. i read it while it was ongoing and i just remembered how i lost my mind and set my alarm every day in the middle of the night just to see if you have updated hahah i reread the chapters so many times while waiting for the next chapter. the particular chapter that made me cry the most was when jungkook was so afraid that M would go in a place where JK can't reach him. gosh, i'm so in love with that fic i kept telling my IRL about it. at some point my bff got sick of me because that's quite literally what I talked about 😆
thank you for that amazing story, it made that time of my life bearable, like i didn't want to die yet because i'm looking forward to something. i was a student back then and had a really tough time coping, but i've graduated now and is about to start my first ever corporate job next week. sometimes i get scared you'll delete that story on ao3 or ao3 will just...shut down and i won't have access to lowlander anymore (tho i rarely reread it now ((it's too painful)) but it's so reassuring that it's out there, and that i've LEARNED so many things from that book. you are such an amazing writer, foxy. i always wish you and your family happiness and good health.
all the best!
This is such a lovely wonderful comment to read, I'm so honored my story could be there for you during a rough time and I'm especially glad to hear from you happily on the other side of that tough time. It's so important to find whatever comfort or help or stepping stones you need to get through hard times and I'm glad you're here 💟
As for the story, I really didn't expect it to resonate with people so strongly even though I really did pour my heart into it. You know, as long as you have an ao3 account, I believe you can download a pdf or epub version of the story so you'll have it even in the event it or the site disappears some day! And I'll be here too so in the event of catapstrophe you can always reach out to me here 😊
Best of luck at your new job!!
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planesgobrrrrrrrrr · 2 years
Pairing: phoenix x fem!pilot! Reader
Summary: I’m a self indulgent slut😙
Fox-readers callsign
Phoenix would never admit to having a more than platonic site set on you. 
The smirks and smiles that pulled your pink lips in the most mouth watering of ways, the swing of your hips paired with the confidence you carried flawlessly with every step. 
Every detail had caught Nat, hook, line and sinker. 
if you asked her teammates phoenix it was because of the grace, stealth and speed she portrayed in the air, but if you ask any butthurt sailor that you had left in your wake while blazing your trail in the navy, it was the wit, sass and flirtatious statements that could make the most stone cold sailors lose attention. 
Hangman was a prime example, the Texan was capable of finding and poking every button, but never yours and it seems that this was what led you to where you were now.
“You really know how to pick em bagman” you drawled reentering the secluded corner and pool table dagger squad had commandeered, one of hangman's lady friend had been manning the bar. 
“Jealous foxy?” he smirked, back propped against the wall 
Phoenix watched from her seat as you licked your lips, a similar smile to his playing across your face.
“She didn't really seem satisfied after whatever service you provided, sooooo no.”
You eyed the bear bottles you held, “I can't remember which one she spit in” 
With the click of your tongue you seem to feign realization “it was this one!”    you plant the glass in his hand with a smile 
“enjoy, cause I think that's the closest you'll get to a round two with her”          you click the bottles necks together and saunter over to the beat up leather loveseat phoenix had resided in. 
You plop down and bump your hip into hers, phoenix flushes just slightly as you sink into the seat, throwing an arm over the back, pressing across the span of her shoulders. 
The night went as any other, tipsy slowly spilled over to drunk but one thing remained as steady as the flow of drinks among them.                                          The constant snide remarks and sarcasm between you and the cocky blonde on the other side of the pool table, stalking one another like predator and prey. 
Predator and predator felt more accurate, every jab went straight for the throat-
But no one was ready for what bagman was about to pull out of his very drunk ass.
“So we've all heard of your track record-”
“Are you seriously talking to me about track records, you manwhor-!”
“Who would you rather fuck?”
Everyone reacted to this suddenly, having been tuning out the pair since the sun had been above the horizon.
“Hangman, keep your thoughts in your pants!”
“What kinda kink is this man?”
“I don't want to know the answer to this”
“I definitely do!”
You take a long pull of your beer and set it on the table, taking a glance over your shoulder at phoenix who remained beside you on the seat, shooting her a wink.
She definitely takes a moment to duck her head; thanking whatever god is out there for making fox turn back towards hangman before she can see the vigorous blush that rose on her cheeks
“Who are you offering?” she asks smoothly, confidence clear in your tone. 
Natasha could die right then and there as the sound seems to run straight between her thighs
“Rooster, fanboy, payback, anddddd yale.”
“Aw, not gonna put yourself in the runnin’ pretty boy?”
He staggers a bit at the drawled pet name and you smile.
“Well do you want me in it darlin?”
“Go on and choose then.” he bites. 
You sit smirking, scanning the room, rooster has a shit eating grin, enjoying the game of cat and mouse you were dragging seresin through.
Hangman stalks closer “cat got your tongue foxy? Where’s all that sass gone?”
You smile, and drop back into your seat “Its a pretty easy choice bagman.”
“Oh is it?”
You take your hand off your beer bottle and drop it beside you, onto nats thigh, squeezing the supply skin before settling into tracing small circles on the inside.
“Nix.” you stated, like it was the most obvious thing ever. 
Fanboy sputtered on his beer 
“Damn, didn't see that coming”
“Right on” 
Hangman clearly didn't have anything else he felt the need to say and you smiled as the tense pull of her muscles beneath your hand eased out and phoenix slipped into your side, the weight of your hand seemed like the only thing she could have a coherent thought about in that moment.
And for the rest of the night as it wandered to rest in other places- but that was just for the two of you.
well- i did that 🧍‍♀️
give input on if i should- do it again?? 
(idfk yall im here for a good time not a longtime)
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Here Comes the Sun, Little Darling
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*This will be several chapters long and I will be posting it elsewhere and sharing the link when I have time.
**This work was inspired by a prompt from @angelsandarsenic​ as well as various headcannons, tiktoks, the source material (Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach), my own headcannons and concepts. The artwork above came from picrew. If you would like a link to the site, please send an ask or comment on this post. This work was written with an attempt to make a relatable comfort fic for those of us that enjoy the fandom and experience voluntary/involuntary age regression and would like to experience the universe in that light.
Chapter 1: Freddy and Friends Careplex
Fazbear Entertainment was one of the most progressive companies that the food, retail, and entertainment industries had seen in years. As Mental Health America and advocacy for Mental Health Awareness and mental health in general grew, Fazbear Entertainment found a way to be part of the movement and capitalize off of a previously stigmatized and unspoken portion of the population. Thanks to the success of Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex, especially the Superstar Daycare, the company discovered the profit and (welcomed) publicity of becoming a haven for Age Regressors and their Caregivers at Pizzaplex. Unbeknownst to the public, the CEO was already collaborating with the top suppliers of regression related products- everything from onesies to bottles to diapers and pull-ups to toys and stuffed animals, you name it and there was company for it that the CEO was building bridges with- to create a special chain that would be their first debut into locations that focused on entertainment and shopping. These locations would feature Daycares with attached boutiques and kidcore eateries. They were already looking into the possibility of making more copies of the animatronics from the Pizzaplex, primarily Sundrop, Moondrop, and Freddy, to cut back on the number of human employees while also bringing in familiar faces across the country to make their locations more accessible to the Regression and Care community. 
The first test location was to open up under the name of Freddy and Friends Careplex in the suburbs of Asheville, North Carolina. A seeming melting pot for all types of people, it appeared to be the best place to test out the new branch of Fazbear Entertainment. It’s grand opening took place on the first official day of spring and featured a very special brand ambassador from the community named Addison Miras who was held in Moondrop’s arms with her caregiver Ember Hollis standing next to them with all the other animatronics crowding in as well, including the newly designed Bonnie and Foxy done up in the Pizzaplex’s Glamrock theme though in a bit softer, pastel palette. If one looked close enough, Addison was actually red-faced after recovering from an overstimulation meltdown. This is the story of Addison’s trial run at the very first Careplex. 
“Addie, it’s time to get going,” Ember called as he knelt down by his closet where his decidedly not-little girl was scrunched into the far corner. “This is a really awesome opportunity, Honey-bunches. Fazbear Entertainment wanted you to be the first Baby Girl to spend time at the Careplex! You loved watching Sunrise and Moondrop’s Daycare Days and now you get to be a part of it!”
“I’m not even Little! Why do I have to go?!” Addison argued, running a hand through her bleached and silver dyed hair. Her undercut could probably use a trim, even the floof was getting a bit long since she preferred it at jaw length. 
“Addison, you haven’t slipped in months and it’s making you perpetually grumpy to say the least,” Ember pointed, scrubbing a hand through his long, wavy brunette locks. “Part of why we accepted this offer to do the test run and be the brand ambassadors was to help you recover from the incident. This isn’t about the money or the publicity, though they will be helpful. Bumble Bee, it’s about your health. You tried to kill yourself last month while I was at a company dinner… You clearly need something that I’m not giving you. That’s why we’re taking this amazing opportunity to introduce you to your comfort characters so they can help you work through things that I can’t- whether it’s because you won’t let me or that there’s nothing I can do.”
“Yeah right… You’re just finally sick of me… This is how you finally get a break so you can re-evaluate us and both types of relationship we have. You get to ditch me at some overgrown baby center and finally have some time where you’re not miserable,” Addison grumbled, hugging her knees to her chest and glaring at them. “You’ve got no more patience or tricks or solutions because I’m still just as broken as ever. I still don’t regress when I should or need to, all the other symptoms are out of control, and the triggers are even more sensitive than when we met… I get it… You’re tired of me and my bullshit… I am too.”
“If I thought spanking you every time you belittle or invalidate yourself would help, I would have put you over my knee years ago,” Ember exasperatedly replied. Addison was getting worse with her attitude every day. Coming back into contact with her old partner and caretaker had done a lot of damage. “I know that she hurt you really bad and for the umpteenth time. It’s okay to hurt. What’s not okay is how you’re choosing to handle it and that’s the only reason you didn’t get a say about the Littlest Superstar offer. Be honest, are you afraid since you’re the only one there overnight for a week or do you fully hate this?”
“I don’t want a bunch of people knowing about me and my life… I also don’t wanna be locked in a complex with a bunch of robots programmed to give me the newborn treatment for a week… by myself…” Addison snapped, losing steam as she continued her rant. She wasn’t a fan of becoming the Borderline Personality Disorder and Age Regressor poster child, which meant spilling her life story to eight billion and counting people across the globe. She also was afraid to be away from her Caregiver and Husband for that long, but she’d scared him half to death barely a month ago. Their friends and fellow caregivers were burnt out between trying to monitor her and still live their own lives. Addison felt awful about it all, but what was done was done… 
“Addie, They’re programmed to take care of each Little based on the extensive paperwork that has to be filled out beforehand,” Ember broke down for her, knowing she didn’t have any knowledge of the details since she refused to actively participate in anything regarding the Littlest Superstar. “Daddy took care of all the paperwork so they already know how old you are big and little and a million other things. Sunrise even asked what baby’s favorite drinks and cups were and Moondrop asked if baby had a favorite lullaby.” 
“What did you tell them?!” Addison panicked, feeling the heat rising up her neck to her cheeks, nose, and ears. She didn’t realize the animatronics were so… advanced and intuitive…
“Of course, Daddy had to say Baby Addie loves lavender and honey milk in her bottles and her favorite nigh nigh songs are the two songs that her comfort characters sing every episode- like when Sunrise sings “Everything Stays” by Rebecca Sugar and Moondrop sings “Rises the moon” by Liana Flores.” From what the Manager told Daddy, knowing those things made Sunrise and Moondrop very very happy and excited to meet Baby Addie.”
“Not a baby…” Addison blushed, feeling her mind desperately wanting to let the hazy feeling in to stay. It was humiliating to think that some stranger was having meetings with animatronics and getting them hyped to take care of someone who pretended to be a baby as a coping mechanism. At the same time, it was comforting and maybe a little exciting that her comfort characters wanted to take care of her and know all the seemingly silly and tiny details about making her happy.
“Oh, that’s the only protest, huh?” Ember playfully smirked as he watched her face light up with a blush. “Well, Sunrise and Moondrop will be very sad to find out that their precious Baby Addie was just an elaborate story cooked up by some guy that apparently was hallucinating that he had a precious baby girl that adored their very existence.”
“I… I don’t want… want them to be sad,” Addison frowned, shooting her Daddy a worried look. Little or not, Addison couldn’t stand the thought of disappointing them. They were the reason she could have regressions that made her happy and that she could try to have a better life. 
“Then we at least need to show up,” Ember explained, reaching out in a request to pick her up. He wasn’t much bigger than her, but what he lacked in height or width was more than made up for in his strength. “Do you want Daddy to do changies or are you gonna let Sunrise and Moondrop welcome Baby Addie back?”
“I’ll go, but that doesn’t mean I’m going into headspace,” Addison petulantly qualified, trying to dissipate the haze. “I’m not a baby.”
“Whatever you say, Honey-bunches,” Ember submitted as he stood up before bending over and hefting his concerningly light baby girl onto his hip. “Daddy already packed your suitcase. We just need to change you into an uppy and more appropriate attire and then into Addie’s carseat and off to the Careplex we go.”
Addison didn’t even try to argue as Ember carried her to the somewhat dusty nursery and laid her on the changing mat. It was still uncomfortable and shaming for Ember to change her after the hospitalization that was barely a month ago. She still had scars forming and stitches on her chest between her average sized breasts from where she tried to pry her ribcage open from the sternum area. There were smaller scars that were quite deep but thin and long littered on her thighs, calves, chest, upper arms, and a couple on her neck. She felt awful because there was always a sad gleam in Ember’s eyes whenever he would confront them as he changed her. Her bandages on her chest were already freshly cleaned and secured so it wasn’t as bad as it would’ve been if they were exposed. Addison realized there was no arguing with Ember about what was or wasn’t happening since she had already seen that it was a requirement for any regressors in her headspace range to at least be wearing a pull up and clothes that made easy access for changes at all times. On the brightside, as the Littlest Superstar, Addison was sent an array of regression supplies that were themed around her favorite characters from the franchise. There were pull-ups, diapers, pacifiers, bottles, toys, onesies, sleepers, skirts, skirtalls, shortalls, leggings, bibs, books and so much more that were plastered with Sunrise, Moondrop, or both- all in her size. Ember clearly had everything planned out to try to help her slip before they arrived at the Careplex. He picked out a onesie that was bicolored- pastel yellow on the left and a baby friendly night sky blue on the right with the images of Sunrise and Moondrop posing in the center. The pull-up was covered in suns, sunflowers and yellow hearts with an image of Sunrise’s face around the high rising waist (Addison was sure it was meant to fit like a pull- on diaper considering how bulky it was and how it sit) but would change colors to show Moondrop’s aesthetic when wet. There was an alternate design that did the same thing but started with Moondrop and changed to Sunrise when wet. There was a pastel ombre yellow and blue skirt covered in symbols for both Sunrise and Moondrop that was short enough to show the snaps and  anywhere that her future diaper would puff out of the leg holes. There were mismatched knee socks- one Sunrise and one Moondrop and mary janes that also appeared to be mismatched. Addison sighed as the change was completed, only to be stopped as Ember slipped her favorite pacifier that had both characters in cute chibis on the shield into her mouth and slipped on the cardigan that matched the theme of her outfit. 
Ember sighed and smiled sadly as he helped her stand up, not missing the telltale crinkle of her pull-up, “You look so cute, Sundrop. Sunrise and Moondrop are going to spend every waking moment doting on their littlest fan and you’re going to have a great time. Instead of pretending with videos, you’ll actually get to have Sunrise play with you… and style your hair… and Moondrop will do your whole nigh night routine… and be there to make Baby Addie feel all better…”
“Why do you sound sad, Daddy?” Addison prompted as best she could around her paci, looking concerned and confused. She wasn’t a baby, really she wasn’t, but an oral fixation was an oral fixation (or so she justified as she internally grumbled that the haze was clinging to her tired brain).
“Because this is the first time I’ve even come close to seeing my Bumble Bee in months and she’s going bye bye to spend time with her comfort characters,” Ember admitted as he pulled her into a hug and ran a hand through her hair. “Daddy’s gonna be very lonely without you in the house, but he’s also so so so excited that his baby gets to be the Littlest Superstar.”
They stayed embraced for a few more minutes. Neither of them said anything, Ember just swayed them a bit in a familiar motion of comfort. Addison didn’t really have a response. It hadn’t processed or made sense to her that Ember actually liked and encouraged her regressions. She didn’t think it was any loss to him if she didn’t regress… However, this was raising the question of whether she had been hurting him more than she thought with her lashing out and avoiding her regressions… She realized she hurt him when she tried to take her life and she felt awful when she finally came to her senses in the hospital, but was she hurting him with every day that she refused to regress? Was she depriving him of his coping mechanism by denying her own? Addison didn’t get much more time to dwell as he walked her towards the garage and guided her into her carseat on the passenger side in the backseat. If there was any chance she was little, Ember would never let her sit up front. He cited that she didn’t need another traumatic incident to add to her list that could cause problems with her regressions. Addison had to admit, as she watched out her window as they took off for the Careplex, that she adored Ember and appreciated that he was fighting so hard for her even when she wouldn’t do it for herself. Maybe he was right and she was pushing him too much and what she needed was to spend time with the two comforting characters that could do no wrong in her mind. 
Meanwhile, at the Careplex, the animatronics were getting restless for the arrival of their first Regressor. Leading up to the big day, each of the animatronics had been receiving software and hardware upgrades and having maintenance done to ensure a successful pilot week. However, there was one animatronic that was having a little trouble lately and his name was Moondrop. After the question of safety concerns arose from caregivers across the country, the company sent out upgraded microchips and animatronic parts for any of the ones that were compatible. As it turned out, the only ones not compatible were Rockstar Bonnie, Freddy Fazbear, and Sunrise due to their code and endoskeletons creating errors for the parts and microchips. 
“It’s almost time, it’s almost time!” Sunrise cheered, dancing around the atrium. 
“Is everyone in their places for the Littlest Superstar’s arrival?” The manager, Marina questioned, grabbing the Fazpad and going through the checklist one more time. “Freddy Fazbear?”
“I am here,” Freddy confirmed, his ears wiggling.
“Glamrock Chica?” Marina called out.
“Over here!” Chica responded, waving a hand in the air to attract the manager’s eye. She stood to Freddy’s left.
“Glamrock Bonnie?”
“Right here!” Bonnie called from Freddy’s right side. 
“Beside Bonnie,” Foxy confirmed.
“Roxanne Wolf?”
“I’m right next to Chica,” Roxy informed.
“Alleyoop! Over here!” Sunrise chuckled from the turnstiles behind everyone.
“Sunrise, please get down and stand by Roxy,” Marina sighed with a half smile. She could see why kids and age regressors loved him. “Alright, last one. Where’s Moondrop?”
There was only silence as everyone waited for the yawn and retort about disturbing nap time. They were waiting for quite awhile before they realized that the one that should have been responding was missing. 
“Guys, where is Moondrop?” Marina pressed as all the animatronics looked around in confusion. “Sunrise, where’s your counterpart?”
“Moondrop may very well be in repairs again,” Freddy helpfully supplied. “Sunrise had told the technicians about the difficulties that Moondrop has been having since the Security upgrades. They have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out where the problem lies.”
“So you’re telling me that we’re about to have a sweet young lady that regresses just under two years old spend a week including overnights while Moondrop is essentially under the weather,” Marina clarified in disbelief as she frantically logged into the Maintenance main frame and searched for the log regarding Moondrop. Sure enough, the Maintenance Tech just signed off on releasing Moondrop for repairs regarding program barriers. “It’s too late to call it off… According to the alerts, Little Addie and her Caregiver, Ember, are already on the way…”
“Why would we cancel Baby Addie’s stay?” Moondrop spoke up, having just arrived through the maintenance tunnels in time to catch the manager’s last sentence. 
He seemed a bit off, as if he were just booted up for the first time. Sunrise scrambled to his other half’s side. Things had been rough since the company split them into two separate beings instead of one that transformed. Moondrop was at the biggest disadvantage between the two of them given the creators never bothered to modify him to exist anywhere but Moondrop Cove where it was always much darker and quieter. His personality chip needed to be fixed or replaced since the damage to his code made him far more sensitive and irritable.
“Because you are one of her favorites, Moon,” Freddy explained. “If you are unwell and she will not see you, it will be far more upsetting than delaying her visit.”
“Oh. I apologize for the setbacks,” Moondrop responded, shrinking back. 
“It’s alright, Moondrop,” Marina dismissed. “We’re just glad to have you back before Little Addie arrives. Alright, let’s review do’s and don’ts for Addison’s stay with us. If she isn’t already regressed, we need to help her slip in an amiable time and fashion. I will call your name and then tell you which one I want you to tell me.”
“Yes, Boss,” They all responded in semi-unison.
“Sunrise, what is a big no-no for Addie?” Marina prompted.
“Overstimulation is a big no-no! Baby Addie has BPD, PTSD, and ADHD,” Sunrise recited, glancing through the copy of the profile stored in his memory bank as his excitement jitters had him dancing in place. “She is sensitive to loud noises, overcrowding, and often has troubles with decisions, big or small!”
“Very good, Sunrise,” Marina praised, turning to his counterpart next. “Moondrop, what is a fuzzy wuzzy do for Little Addie?”
Moondrop tilted his head and froze, causing Sunrise to take his partner’s hands feeling a positive pulse through his circuits as Moondrop spoke up a couple minutes after, “Baby Addie has all of the songs we sang on our television series memorized. She likes our introduction song the most. The introduction song is a combination of Rebecca Sugar’s Everything Stays and Rises the Moon by Liana Flores. The company has paid a large sum towards royalties to be allowed to use the copyrighted materials and is hinging a lot on this branch of the company.”
“That’s correct so we want to be certain to make use of those songs both to make Addie happy and to make it worth the company’s investment,” Marina smoothed over as she noticed the other animatronics looking towards Moondrop as if he was still glitched. “Freddy, here’s a pop quiz for you. List the names of the animatronics at the Careplex in order of Addie’s most favorites to her least favorite.”
“Little Addison’s favorites in order are Sunrise and Moondrop, Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Roxy,” Freddy recited, realizing none of his friends were aware that there was a ranking list as they all look towards him as if he was the bearer of bad news. “Out of an abundance of caution, Ember submitted a list of her favorites in order of most loved. He had hoped to prevent any further trauma given the unique experience she will be going through with us.”
“Why am I last on the list?” Roxy demanded, torn between anger and hurt.
“According to Ember, she is afraid of canines in general due to being attacked by larger dogs in the past. Therefore she is most afraid of you and Foxy,” Freddy supplied, gesturing to Marina to allow him to explain.
“What about the rest of us, Freddy?!” Chica fretted, upset that she didn’t rank as high as either of her counterparts from the original cast. 
“Addison is overwhelmed by Chica and her high energy. Bonnie ranks below me because he is less familiar to her since the Pizzaplex was the first time she saw any of us. Therefore, I am more familiar and predictable,” Freddy continued on, relieved that his friends understood so far. “She spent over half their stay hiding in the Superstar Daycare areas that she was permitted to enter. Being identified as an adult by our previous programming, Addison was not allowed in the actual play area. Despite that, she discovered that her Little self found much comfort and safety even just watching them. Ember has stated that Addison has expressed a wish to be in the Daycare while being watched over by Sunrise and Moondrop on many occasions. Between the two, she is swayed more towards Moondrop.”
“Me?” Moondrop spoke up, surprised by the regressor’s preference. “Sunrise is the favorite of the majority of children and regressors…”
“Addison suffers from insomnia and terrible nightmares in addition to being easily overwhelmed,” Bonnie softly added. “You’re the quieter and more calming one in her mind. She’s only seen you two from afar so she doesn’t know that Sunrise can be just as relaxed while still being playful.” 
“Alright everyone, you have her profile available at all times. We unfortunately don’t have any more time to go over Addie’s profile as they are parking now,” Marina announced as she glanced through the parking lot security cam footage as their car set off the motion sensors. “Please be on your best behavior and do what’s best for Addie. If this week goes down in flames, then you’ll be lucky to go back to manufacturing. If it’s serious enough, you could be decommissioned and that entails completely tearing you apart and melting you down to nothing but a metallic liquid. Please don’t make the company do that. After all the time we’ve been together, I don’t want it to end so suddenly or so soon. Truthfully, I would rather it not end at all.”
“May I add one more helpful tip for our week with Addison?” Freddy spoke up, glancing around and feeling encouraged by the lack of opposition. “Addison has poor eyesight. Due to her genetics and eye color, she often struggles to see farther distances and sometimes may experience temporary loss of vision. We all know many contingencies depending on the type of first aid required, but we must be mindful of the emotional distress she will be under. Only her top favorites should approach when something as serious as blindness sets in.”
“So you and the walking talking clocks?” Roxy sassed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I will not approach unless Sunrise or Moondrop have requested my aid,” Freddy qualified. “If the issue persists, we will be contacting Ember, Ms. Marina, and any necessary emergency services. While her comfort is a priority, her health and safety is an even higher priority.”
“Does she have glasses or contacts? I don’t see any notes in the file,” Bonnie remarked as he ran through her guest profile. It was thorough but not quite that thorough.
“She refuses to wear her glasses for the time being and she has not been able to find contacts that feel comfortable enough to keep in,” Freddy answered. “Before you ask, yes she does have trauma related to wearing glasses.”
“Alright, everyone to your places! Remember your individual cues for the welcome song,” Marina reminded, absconding to the manager’s office to finish the paperwork and reports so she could head home and leave it to the animatronics and the overnight safety staff and bots.
“Come on, Bumble Bee,” Ember encouraged, gently squeezing and tugging Addison’s hand to pull her into the building. “Look! They’re all waiting to do the welcome song for you!”
Addison didn’t say anything in response. Her eyes went wide and she tightened her grip on the pacifier she refused to keep in her mouth or attached to her onesie as she shook her head side to side as if to say, ‘oh no, no, no, no!’ It took the no-nonsense look from Ember for her to begrudgingly, anxiously enter the Careplex and come face to face with the gigantic animatronics awaiting her. She may have fantasized about being small enough to be held like a child by Sunrise and Moondrop, but seeing that it could happen despite standing at five feet and two inches was almost scary. Addison found herself clinging to Ember as he situated her suitcase beside them. She heard the music start up, the melody from “Let Us Adore You” from one of the Steven Universe movies she’d recently binged. 
“Come stay with us in the Careplex,” The animatronics harmonized almost perfectly. “There’s a room waiting for you.”
Freddy, Bonnie and Chica sang in a round, “Come on, Come on, Come on…”
“Just let us adore you,” They all sang together. “Come stay with us in the Careplex. There’s a room waiting for you.”
This time Foxy, Roxy, Sunrise, and Moondrop sang a round of “Come on, Come on, Come on…”
“Just let us adore you,” The animatronics came together once again.
“Let Freddy adore you,” Freddy sang, stepping to the side as if to open a pathway towards the rest of the Careplex.
“Let Bonnie adore you,” Bonnie sang, standing across from Freddy with a sizeable distance between them. 
“Let Chica adore you!” Chica gushed in harmony as she took a spot next to Bonnie. Freddy and Bonnie reached up and used their arms and hands to form an archway.
“Come stay with us in the Careplex,” The three sang together. “There’s a room waiting for you.”
“Just let us adore you,” The others not lined up sang together. 
“Let Foxy adore you,” Foxy sang in a gruff accented bass as he stood across from Chica and helped form the arch.
“Let Roxy adore you,” Roxy joined in, standing next to Chica and forming her part of the arch though she knew there wasn’t anyone to partner with her this time. In rehearsal, they were told it would rotate to emphasize a different animatronic at opening. For Addison, Sunrise and Moondrop were both emphasized.
“Come stay with us in the Careplex,” All the animatronics forming the archway that framed the Daycare Attendants sang in unison. “There’s a room waiting for you.”
“Just let us adore you,” Sunrise and Moondrop sang together.
“Let Sunrise adore you,” Sunrise softly sang, opening his arms in a welcoming gesture as he stood up straight for once.
“Let Moondrop adore you,” Moondrop melodically sang just loud enough to hear and soft enough to be soothing as he mirrored Sunrise’s pose.
“You think you can handle us?” Roxy teased with a wink as she spoke, peering through the archway towards Addison. “We’re not exactly easy to get along with!”
“Come on, Honey-bunches! Sing with Daddy,” Ember encouraged, shaking their clasped hands and grinning as he sang the words from the original version. He smiled sadly as she stayed quiet while he sang, “Today, right here, right now, I’ll love again. I’ve already found someone.”
“Come stay with us at the Careplex,” All the animatronics harmonized once again. “There’s a room waiting for you…”
“Come on, one more time! You can do it, Baby Girl,” Ember cooed, seeing her expression soften as she watched him play along. He was ecstatic as she finally joined in, “Today, right here, right now, I’ll love again. I’ve already found someone.”
“Just let us adore you!” All the animatronics sang, their eyes seeming to light up even brighter. “Today, right here, right now, we’ll love again!”
Ember and Addison joined the animatronics as they sang, “We’ve already found someone.”
Ember kissed Addison’s forehead as she clung even tighter to him, though he saw the hint of a smile. He made sure to give her a big hug. She loved Steven Universe and she had no idea that this welcome sequence was part of the experience. He was just relieved that she didn’t instantly drop and go into meltdown mode upon realizing how huge the animatronics and the Careplex were. He wouldn’t have been able to leave her if she had that reaction. As it was, he wouldn’t be able to stay with her much longer.
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neverwear · 4 years
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Hello darlings,
So completely grateful to have you all visit our site over these many years. You have done so much good with your support, we are donating to several charities this year, including RAINN, Newark Working Kitchens, UNHCR, KittenRescueLA, World Wildlife Fund and our favorite tiger sanctuary Valley of the Kings. We have also given support to many of our less fortunate friends who are struggling to make ends meet. www.neverwear.net
Thank you, thank you.
we haven't done a Writer's Kit in awhile- here is foxy number 10!
we only have 50 of these!
priced at $38.95 a kit, here are the contents:
1 x "Dream Dangerously" tote bag made from recycled bottles! (one lucky winner will get bag that was signed-by-Neil-in-silver-sharpie!!)
3 x postcards (Good Omens, New Year's Wish & Believe painted by David Mack)
2 x over-sized Sandman & Matthew postcards (drawn by Marc Hempel)
1 x black ink brushed metal engraved ball point pen with Neil's advice on writing.. "Finish Things"
3 x stickers (David Mack's Odin & Valkyrie & Chris Salmon's Coraline cat!)
1 x mask silkscreened w/ "we save our lives in such unlikely ways" quote from Neil's short story collection Fragile Things
***there are 50 chances to win possible bonus prizes which will be placed randomly in the kits**
6 x tiny glimmery hairpins on an M is for Magic card
1 x handpainted matchbox with a Todd Klein Sandman word bubble
1 x Desire "#glasscandybar" (art by Jill Thompson)
1 x Dream "#glasscandybar" (lettering by Todd Klein)
(if you don't know the story of my glass-candybars, I had a flood of my comics many years back and saved what panels I could to make into glass art. Now people send me their damaged comics, me am so happy)
ALSO: here's a $5 off code, good over the weekend, please enter it when you check out:
ALSO: please note that because of the post office slowdowns and C-19 delays, we are going to be using Dec 2nd as the cut-off for Christmas arrivals- please know that we will do our best!
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hobin-gnoblin · 3 years
"So the main animatronics are Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie and Chica." Levi explained to Mammon whist sitting together in the back of the van. "Lucy dear come on how much longer to we have till we get there? I'm stuck next to this wierdo telling me about robots." Mammon sneered as he gestured his thumbs pointing at Levi. Levi glared, "I haven't even gotten to the Bite of '87." Mammon replied, which 87? We've been alive for shit, who knows how long?" Mammon groaned.
"Will you two shut up? I'm trying to read more about the camping site we're off to." Satan said, face red from annoyance. "Yes boys, could you please quiet down, I've been trying to focus painting my nails, today I decided to go with a forest green to help accentuate my surroundings." Asmo added. "Literally no gives a shit." Satan responded. "Wow rude, at least I don't have a huge zit on my face!" Asmo responded. Satan's eyes widened, "Where?" He asked. Asmo snickered, "Here." And proceeded to smack Satan square in the face. Asmo, Levi, and Mammon all laughed in the back of the van. Satan's rage bloomed into pure fury.
Asmo screamed as Satan shoved his head outside the van window. "How big is it? Can you see it now you sly motherfucker?" Satan yelled as Asmo was screaming trying to get back into the van. "I'm sorry oh my god I'm sorry someone please help me ah I'm too cute for this kind of punishment!" Asmo screamed with tears ruining his mascara.
A voice from the front of the van echoed, "Satan, get Asmo back in the van, and settle down. The both of you!" Lucifer yelled. Satan reluctantly pulled Asmo back in and sat down in their seats. Asmo was currently shaking and sobbing while Satan smirked in delight. Finally after all what was recently occurring, Belphie woke up from a nap and saw the rest of his brothers looking like absolute shitheads who sat in the back of the bus during school field trips. (It was me, I was the shithead.)
"Can you guys please shut up, I'm trying to get some sleep and it doesn't help that Beel packed the crunchiest shit ever." Belphie groaned. Beel stopped his munching and looked at Belphie with sad eyes. "I'm sorry little bro." Beel said with his head hanging low. "Ah fuck, listen Beel I'm sorry, I shouldn't blame you for that." Belphie apologized. Both of the brothers hugged and made up for the little scramble. (That is wholesome you're welcome.)
About a half hour later the van reached to a halt. The doors opened and the boys stepped out with Mammon screaming in joy and falling to his knees in the parking lot. "Thank God we're here!" Mammon screamed as he kissed the pavement. Suddenly the skies opened and a bright light shown on Mammon. "Thank me? For what ya greedy shit bag, ya'll just stopped at the gas station lmfao. Anyway, see ya losers later I'm gonna go to my Heavenly Slushie Bar and get my slush on." God said as he snapped his fingers and closed the gates of clouds in the sky.
Mammons eyes widened as he turned around and saw the 6/12 gas station. He cried until a figure creeper behind him. "And then Foxy bit the unsuspecting child.." Leviathan whispered in Mammons ear. Mammom screamed, "FUCKING MC FUCK FUCK AUGH!"
The rest of the brothers waited as Lucifer filled up the gas tank. Satan joined his side while still reading. "Having fun Satan?" Lucifer smirked. "HaVing FuN sAtan?" Satan mocked. "You have a huge zit on you ." Lucifer pointed. "Where?" Satan replied. "Here." Lucifer said as he decked Satan in the crotch.
(Thank you for all the love and support on my previous works! If you want to see more stuff, check out my profile to see more wacky adventures and headcannons of the brothers!)
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pascalpanic · 3 years
At Last (Frankie Morales x gn!Reader)
Summary: you, Frankie, and your fur baby go camping! Little does Frankie know what you have planned.
W/C: 2.1k
Warnings: flirting, innuendo, alcohol, food, language, otherwise, this is toothaching fluff!
A/N: SAMMY MY BELOVED @sanchosammy GAVE ME THIS IDEA! I hope it’s as cute as I think it is :) also, Charlie (Frankie’s pup) isn’t involved in this fic but she is still part of the fam :)
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Pine trees surround you on either side, tall and majestic. You can see the blue-gray sky patching through the canopy; the clouds are leaving, but some linger a little longer to clog up the sky. The air is warm and slightly humid, but a wonderful breeze rustles through the trees and rushes across your bare arms. Your trail shoes squelch underfoot in the damp ground. You sigh, totally content with this moment. 
Frankie’s flannel is tied around his waist, leaving him in his khaki cargo pants and t-shirt. A couple of curls peek out from under his ball cap, turning into little ringlets at the nape of his neck. He walks in front of you on the trail, his boots pressing prints into the soft ground. His back profile is beautiful, even with the large camping pack, and you can’t help but grin. 
Foxtrot embodies her name- Frankie is holding her leash, and the auburn and white dog trots up ahead of him, sniffing along the mulched and muddied path. The air smells of humidity that’s just passed over and that wonderful accompanying petrichor. Fox’s white paws are surely getting dirtied, but that’s only to be expected. You don’t care, too excited to watch your boyfriend and dog walk ahead of you. 
Frowning at the bend of Frankie’s back, you catch up and take his free hand. “Let me carry something, baby.”
“No,” he shakes his head, lacing his fingers through yours. “You have important cargo,” he teases and pats your back lightly. 
Strapped to your back, in a backpack-style blue case, is your ukulele. One hand carries the cooler, slung over your shoulder, filled with food and drinks for tonight. Frankie carries the heavy-duty stuff- the tent, stakes, more essential supplies. “At least let me take Fox.”
Her red ears perk up at her name and she stops, turning and growing excited, as if she forgot you were there. “Yeah, hi Foxy!” You coo as she runs towards you, jumping with her front paws in the air in excitement. “Yeah, you love it out here, don’t you?” You ask her in a baby voice, scratching behind her ears as she circles around your legs and prevents you from moving. Frankie drops her leash in order to prevent your legs from being tourniqueted by it, and it drags behind her in the mud. 
When you pick up the leash, it’s sludgy and damp, but you don’t mind too much. You continue the hike forward and Frankie and Fox follow at your sides, both beaming ear to ear and enjoying the serenity of the woods. 
Frankie picked the campsite, so he’s technically leading the way, but the trail is fairly straightforward, meaning you don’t need to be led. Frankie points out wildlife here and there: chipmunks, rabbits, cardinals and chickadees flitting through the pine-needled canopy. He’s in his element, and you’re in yours: with him. 
The mud gives way to drier ground ahead, and luckily enough Frankie pulls off to the side. It’s the perfect spot, with a beautiful little field of wildflowers. “Welcome to your five-star hotel for the night, babe,” he assures you and kisses you softly, making you giggle and kiss him back with excitement and a pinch of nerves in your stomach.
There’s a routine the two of you have silently adopted. Frankie sets up the small tent, just big enough for the two of you and Fox. You gather kindling, set up a fire, arrange the chairs and all-around make the outdoor area of your campsite ideal.
Frankie is a man of patience, truly, but sometimes the little portable tent proves to be a challenge. You allow Fox off of her leash, knowing she’s well-trained enough to stick around the site, and find your way to the mess of fabric and stakes covering the man. “Baby. For the love of God, we do this all the time,” you tease.
“Well, something must’ve fucking changed,” he grumbles as he fiddles with the parts. You get on your knees on the soft bed of dried pine needles and help him out. With your help, the tent takes no time at all to put up, and you stand and brush off your hands. Frankie gives you a sheepish smile and you give him a kiss. 
The two of you don’t need to converse while you set things up. You enjoy the woods, the rustling of the wind and chirping of birds. Fox curls up on the blanket you set out for her, and when everything is done, you unzip the cooler and hand Frankie a beer. “Well, now we’re all set.”
“Let the fun begin,” he chuckles and twists the top open, clinking his glass bottle to yours. 
“So, Francisco,” you smile over at him. “What do you have planned for this trip? I know you have some sort of plan laid out up there,” you tease and rap on his head softly, through the trucker cap resting there.
He blushes a little and looks away. “I don’t always have a plan.”
“Hey.” You turn his face back to yours by the chin. “You do and I absolutely love it. Now tell me about it, please, baby.”
Frankie removes his hat and runs a hand through his curls. “Well, I figured we could start the fire soon, cook dinner over it. It’ll get dark pretty quick. Then hang around the campfire, maybe play some of the games I packed.”
“Is a quiet tumble in the tent on the cards?” You ask him with a teasing grin, nudging his side. 
He shrugs, jokingly, as if he’s considering it. “I don’t see why we couldn’t squeeze that in. We only have, oh… three hours of time in between these plans.”
“Then we’ll use all three of those hours,” you shrug and steal a kiss, smiling into his lips. “I love you. And I love it out here.” You were never a nature person before Frankie, usually preferring indoors adventures to hiking or camping. Frankie looks like he belongs out here, and he probably thinks he does. Even if you didn’t enjoy the fun of outdoors adventuring, you’d have at least one thing to enjoy: Frankie’s excitement and enthusiasm over it. “Thank you.”
Fox is curled at Frankie’s feet, and he bends over to scratch her ears, running his fingers through her scruffy fur. “Thank you, baby. For coming out here with me and putting up with all of this. I couldn’t ask for a better adventure partner.”
You do, indeed, cook dinner over the fire. You’d prepped all kinds of chopped vegetables to be grilled over an open flame, and had additionally packed pre-cooked hot dogs as well as s’mores ingredients. Frankie is a firm believer that it’s not camping if it doesn’t include graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows.
Luckily, your Frankie is a skilled griller. He always is, always has been. He takes care of the cooking part, since you prepared everything else, though he lets you hold the hot dogs over the fire to roast. “I feel like I’m at camp again,” you laugh as you slowly rotate the food over the fire.
Frankie is taking charge of the vegetables, expertly. They’re getting a beautiful char, you notice. “It’s much better, because you don’t have to sneak around to make out with your boyfriend at night, huh?” He teases and tosses you a grin. 
“But I get my boyfriend all to myself,” you nod and confirm. “And I have my baby girl with me,” you coo as you rub Foxtrot’s head, where she’s resting at your side.
The meal is delicious, of course, when the two of you work together and each used your strong skills. Frankie slips bites to Fox when he thinks you’re not looking, of course, but it’s endearing, the way the dog’s big brown eyes mirror those looking down at her.
There’s not much conversation while you eat, mouths occupied with food rather than speaking. That’s alright. There’s plenty of time for that tonight and tomorrow.
The sun starts sinking lower when Frankie brings the marshmallows from the tent. “Guess what time it is!” He exclaims as he rips open the bag, skewering two marshmallows and holding them over the fire.
Like he’s a skilled griller, he’s also a wonderful marshmallow-toaster. Frankie toasts yours to perfection, just the way you like it, and you do your part as the s’more-sandwicher, shoving the marshmallow between the graham crackers and chocolate.
There’s no signal out here, and you agreed neither of you would use your phones unless an emergency happened. Frankie frowns as he sees your phone. “Hey. Put that away. Don’t use that.”
“There’s an emergency, Frankie,” you whine, opening the camera app with one hand and eating the sugary dessert with the other.
“And what’s that?” He asks, taking a bite of his s’more. 
Strings of gooey marshmallow connect the sandwich to his lips, making him laugh, and you snap a picture at the perfect moment: Frankie’s closed-lipped smile as his s’more falls apart on him. “You’re too damn cute, that’s the emergency,” you laugh and set the photo as your lock screen, tossing it away.
Frankie’s schedule actually worked itself naturally. After the s’mores and a wet-wipe hand-washing to remove the endless marshmallow from Frankie’s hands, you find yourself sitting around the fire, no light left in the sky. When you look up, all you can see is inky blue and pine trees, the stars yet to make their nightly rise. 
“I have a song request,” Frankie asks and raises his hand like a child in a classroom.
“Yes, Francisco?” You tease as you walk to the tent, grabbing your ukulele and returning with it, sitting back in your lawn chair with it. “Hit me.”
“Only The Good Die Young by Billy Joel. No, wait- Country Roads.”
Laughing, you noodle around with the strings for a moment. You knew this moment would come, and here’s the opportunity. “I can play all of those and more, Frankie. We’ll do the Billy Joel first,” you nod decisively.
Frankie sounds like the forest wolves at night when he sings along. He absolutely howls, taken away by the song, taken to a place where his voice isn’t just a little on the rougher end of good. He belts the words and dances along in his seat, like you do.
Then Country Roads. You thought the last one was bad before you hear Frankie’s booming voice echoing the ballad of West Virginia through seemingly the entire preserve. But you don’t care in the slightest. You sing along proudly, strumming your ukulele harder and harder until you’re sure you can’t add any more volume before snapping a string. 
After the song, you pause and rest your ukulele flat on your lap. “Frankie, baby. Can I ask you something?”
He nods, smiling over at you. “Any time. What’s up, buttercup?” He asks, taking one of your hands and kissing the knuckles.
“Will you marry me?” You ask. The question is straight and to the point, blunt and honest. Your face conveys your hope, and the grandiose speech follows. “I love you beyond belief, Frankie. I love you almost as much as you love these woods. I know you love me too. I just… think it’s time. We’ll be perfect for it. What do you say?”
You can feel Frankie’s slightly-chapped lips curve into a smile against your hand. He’s grinning and then he’s crying, soft water droplets forming in the corners of his eyes. “Of course I’ll marry you,” he grins, grabbing your ukulele and setting it aside.
Once the ukulele is on the ground, Frankie stands in front of your chair and lifts you to your feet, kissing you with such fervor you can’t help but gasp. When he breaks away, you smile, eyes watering too. “I know it wasn’t the most elegant of proposals, but-”
“It was the most us,” Frankie cuts you off with a teary grin. “I would be honored to be your husband, my love. You really want me enough to do that?”
“Frankie,” you coo, cupping his face in your hand. “You are the best husband I could ever want, could ever dream for,” you assure him and kiss his nose gently.
The man laughs, wiping his tears away. “Then let’s get married,” he whoops excitedly, then lets out an excited shout to the woods. “We’re getting married!”
You laugh at his loud and booming declaration, but nothing can detract you for the love and joy in your heart.
When you and Frankie settle down in your chairs again, you pick up the ukulele and finish off with one last beautiful song that you and Frankie have always adored, with a title that truly fits: At Last.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain @tacticalsparkles
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makerofmadness · 3 years
yet again i have decided to make incorrect quotes
The Puppet: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Toy Chica: Mine just says "Toy Chica no." The Puppet: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Lolbit: Hey, if you type in your password, it'll show in stars. Lolbit: ********* see! JJ: hunter2 JJ: Doesn't look like stars to me. Lolbit: JJ: ******* Lolbit: That's what I see. JJ: Oh, really? Lolbit: Absolutely. JJ: You can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2. JJ: Haha, does that look funny to you? Lolbit: Lol, yes. See when YOU type hunter2, it shows it to us as ******* JJ: That's cool. I didn't know this site did that. Lolbit: Yup. No matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as ******* JJ: Awesome. JJ: Wait, how do you know my password? Lolbit: Er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause it's your password. JJ: Oh, ok.
Toy Freddy: I have a problem. Toy Chica: Kill it. Toy Freddy: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Toy Freddy: I’m the smartest person in my friend group. The Puppet: You hang out with Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, Mangle, and Balloon Boy. The Puppet: It’s not as high a compliment as you think.
Happy Frog (with a gun): Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
Moon: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Phone Guy to Jeremy Fitzgerald: First rule of battle, little one... don’t ever let them know where you are. Fritz Smith, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo! Phone Guy: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Murderer: Any last words? Funtime Chica: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
Jeremy Fitzgerald: Who's in charge here? Toy Freddy, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest.
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Roxy* Roxy: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Chica: We need to open this locked door. Bonnie, give me your credit card. Bonnie: Here. Chica, pocketing it: Thanks. Foxy, break down the door.
Therapist/s: Hey, are you okay? Vanessa: Yeah. Therapist/s: You don't look okay... Vanessa: Then stop looking.
Michael Afton: I trusted you! Circus Baby: Why?
William Afton: You have your weirdly sincere humility. Henry Emily: I prefer the term "self-loathing", actually.
Fazbear Entertainment: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without? Customer: Dave, probably.
Henry Emily: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Gregory, Michael Afton, & William Afton: Okay. Henry Emily: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Gregory: Bold of you to assume I have money. Michael Afton: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. William Afton: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Toy Bonnie: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Toy Chica, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. William Afton, who broke into the pizzeria an hour ago: Two sugars please. Toy Chica: Coming right up.
Michael Afton: *watching his house burn down* Michael Afton: Michael Afton: *starts filming* Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
(slightly inspired by @wtfgaylittlezooid‘s youtuber michael afton au)
Toy Bonnie: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Balloon Boy: Can I have some? Toy Chica, mouth full of cheesecake: It's really spicy, you wouldn't like it.
Gregory, holding in his laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? Glamrock Freddy: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. Gregory: Gregory: Water you doing?
The Puppet: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Cassidy? Golden Freddy: No. Freddy: I do! The Puppet: I know, Freddy. Freddy: I’m sad. The Puppet: I know, Freddy.
William Afton: Tommorrow's garbage day. Henry Emily: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
Daycare Attendant: I am a responsible adult! Vanessa: *raises brow* Daycare Attendant: I am an adult.
Michael Afton: Kill me nowwwww. Elizabeth Afton: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.
Henry Emily: I love murder mysteries! William Afton, trying to impress him: I've been a suspect in four murder cases.
The Puppet: Cassidy, can I speak to you for a minute? In private. Golden Freddy: Ooh, someone's in trouble. It's me. I don't know why I did that.
(after Glitchtrap happens. tbh i kinda headcanon that Cassidy keeping William from going to hell had to do with him being brought back, like he would’ve just stayed in hell if it hadn’t been for a certain vengeful spirit not letting his soul go) 
Daycare Attendant: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Freddy periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ Daycare Attendant: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Toy Freddy: We’re kind of missing something guys. Toy Chica: Cohesion? Toy Bonnie: Teamwork? Mangle: A general sense of what we’re doing? The Puppet: And Balloon Boy is not here. Toy Chica: Oh, and that, yeah.
Roxy: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway. Gregory: Roxy: Vroom vroom, come out already.
Toy Bonnie: Firstly, how dare you use mathematics to make me look stupid! Toy Bonnie: I’m actually very good at mathematics. Toy Bonnie: Thirdly, I think you might be right.
Lefty: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to? Rockstar Bonnie: Schrödinger's boys. Rockstar Chica: FUCK! Rockstar Foxy: What about cracking open a cold milkshake? Rockstar Freddy: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.   Rockstar Freddy: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison. Lefty: ... Rockstar Bonnie: ... Rockstar Chica: ... Rockstar Foxy: ... Rockstar Freddy: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
Crying Child: *lying down and crying* William Afton: There, there. Why don’t you take some time off to not be around me while you’re like this?
Freddy: Where's Foxy? Mangle: Don't worry, I'll find him. Mangle, shouting: BB sucks! Foxy, distantly: BB is the best person ever! Fuck you! Mangle: Found him.
Crying Child: Do we have any orange juice left? Michael Afton: *pours the remaining juice into his cup* Michael Afton: Sorry, we’re all out.
Funtime Foxy: Who hurt you? Michael Afton: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Funtime Foxy: ...Yes, actually.
William Afton: Did you miss me while I was gone? Michael Afton: You were gone?
Luis: Are you coming to bed? Vanessa: I can't. This is important. Luis: What? Vanessa: Someone is wrong on the internet.
Vanessa, talking about a Lil’ Music Man: Hey guys, I found a spider. Cool little lad. Thanks for eating the mosquitos. Vanessa: Oh no, where did it go? Dave (probably): VANESSA WHAT THE FUCK?!
Sun: You are banned from the Mickey Mouse Club for inappropriate behavior!
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Trigger warning: so if you don't feel like answering this or don't have the energy. That's alright of you don't.
I've been holding this in for months now and I don't want to tell anyone or burden anyone, (here I am doing it though). but I relapsed back into my suicidal thoughts, and I'm so angry because I was getting better, and now I'm back to staying for other people and not myself. And I'm so tired of living with it, I think 2020 and 2021 brought it back on, and I'm just tired of living with these thoughts every day. My depression and OCD have gotten bad again too, and I'm just tired of feeling this way.
I can't confide in my friends because they have issues of their own and I don't want to burden them. and my family will flip and want to send me back to a kind of suicide prevention place for a week like last time when I attempted. I'm not there, just have the thoughts, but they'll flip. And I don't want to go back there, I don't.
So I've been holding it in for so many months, and lately all I can think is "I hope I don't wake up." or "I hope something happens to me."
And it sucks because I was getting better, and then more shit in my life happened, and I just want a break, and I usually go to fandom for that but all that does is upset me now as well, and I feel isolated, and like I don't really belong even though I seem to fit in so perfectly (even in fandom). Sometimes it feels like no one really thinks there's a possibility that i'm not okay, because i seem so fine and sure of myself. And people tell me I'm so strong but I'm tired of always being so strong, I want to not have to be strong anymore. But then I see people call suicide shameful and a disgrace, and I feel pathetic for the thoughtas. And the time I attempted it, and survived, people called me crazy, and I don't want to be called crazy again, I'm already a big enough fuck up in my family lmao.
I'm sorry for bothering you, and I hope I didn't trigger you or anything. I got a sudden burst of will to finally reach out and say something to someone lol. And I just needed to vent and get it out.
Hello love,
Thank you for reaching out. I'm so proud of you for talking about this. It couldn't have been easy.
I'm sorry that people have responded to your struggles with no empathy or kindness in the past. I hope you know it says more about them than it does about you. While you might believe you need to become stronger, sometimes strength means nothing if the world around you doesn't become kinder. So, try not to think of yourself as the problem - because you're not.
You don't have to take my advice, but I would strongly recommend that you talk to your parents about how you are feeling right now. You might not be in the edge as you say, but you don't always have to wait till the last possible moment. Sometimes, acting early can be really helpful. If you don't want to go back to that camp for any reason, then please do look into other options. Are there any other camps or centers that can support you? Share these options with your parents and ask for their help.
You are never, ever a burden for asking for help. I think if it was the other way around...If one of your friends was struggling and needed your help and reached out to you, I think you would help them. I don't think think you would see them as a burden. So, have the same faith in those who love you too.
Sometimes I feel like I hope I don't wake the next day too. Those days are the worst - and are so scary. At times like that, I remind myself of all the little things I would miss in my future. I would never get to see whether I look foxy when my hair starts to gray. I would never get to the be the cool wine aunt who is also the gay aunt. I never get to know what happens in the end of the shadowhunter chronicles - that last one is particularly terrifying to me. This is an exercise that helps me. I hope it helps you too - at least in the moment.
You shouldn't protect yourself out of fear or shame or judgement. Don't do it for those around you. Do it for yourself. Being strong can be really, really tiring. I feel you. I really do. So, it's okay to take a break - as long you remember to pick yourself up.
I know one thing for sure.
You are not weak. You are not crazy. You are not a fuck up.
I bet the people who said those things don't have half the courage or resilience you have right now.
And another thing.
You are a fighter. You went to the camp and came back stronger. You got better, remember? That was all you. If you did once, you can do it again.
I know you feel like giving up, but the fact that you reached and talk about this shows that you want to keep fight.
There is a part of you that wants to keep fighting - hold on to that.
These last two years took so much from us. We are not going to let it take you away too. You are staying right fucking here.
You belong on this hell site. You belong to this world. You belong to yourself.
I know you are looking for strength. But at this time, you need love and support too - now more an ever.
Reach out. Ask for help. There is nothing shameful about it. You are fighting for yourself and your future - that is an inspiring and beautiful thing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I'm always here (anon or not) if you want to talk about anything at all - even to discuss what the future would look and what we would miss if we didn't give ourselves the chance to see it.
(ps - This includes a free opportunity to discuss all possible theories about what happens to Magnus Bane in the future - if you don't know who that is then holy shit you have so much to learn so don't give up!!!!)
I hope you feel a little better after reaching out. I hope it encourages you to reach out to more - to me or anyone else.
All my love, Dani x.
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fanfics-of-marvel · 4 years
Are you up for writing winter13? 40. “Once you’ve tasted me, you’d never want anybody else”
Hello there anon! Thank you so much for the great prompt! ♥ I’m really sorry this comes so so late but I’m very busy in my daily life and I had to leave tumblr for a while. Anyway, I hope you’d still get to read it even though you’re anon and I hope you’ll enjoy it! ♥
Release date: 25/01/21
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Sharon Carter
Summary: Bucky seemes to have recovered after his rescue from Hydra but Sharon continues to be reluctant anout it and believes he still works for the Nazi organization. One day while she follows him in hopes to catch him on the act she discovers his secret which turnes out to be much more different than she had imagined.
Words count: 3 292
A/N: The side S.H.E.I.L.D. agents are made up for the story and do not resemble any other Marvel characters
Warnings: Mentioning of a bad word
Requests | Masterlist
I’m not a native English speaker, so there might be spelling or grammatical mistakes.
This fic is my own work, it is not to be re-posted on this site or posted anywhere else without my knowledge and consent!
Sharon wasn’t remotely impressed by Bucky. He was nothing more than the next mission, the next target in the endless list of targets. Even though this one was quite different from the others.
With this target came the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. But with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s destruction came Hydra’s demolition as well. Everything and everyone was shortly eliminated, all but one. In Steve’s request Bucky’s life was spared.
He was kept in a dark dungeon – one of the few parcels of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s that had remained. For months he was supervised by the remaining agents, including Steve himself and Sharon. At first he didn’t show any signs of recovery. He still seemed to be in the state under Hydra’s control. There were moments of clarity in his mind when he seemed to have recognized Steve, when he seemed to have questioned everything and everyone he had faced with Hydra. But he still wasn’t his own self. He was still somebody else – the person Hydra had turned him into.
Steve didn’t give up on Bucky. Month after month he was always by his best friend’s side, worked with him, told him stories of their past until little by little his buddy was back. It was most sensational news when Fury gave the order to release Barnes and took off his status “Danger to S.H.I.E.L.D.”. There were many protests including from Sharon. She insisted that Bucky wasn’t to be trusted, that once altered he most probably would never change back, and that he was a ‘ticking bomb’ left by Hydra’s legacy and could explode in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s face any moment. Especially during such a fragile moment while the agency was still recovering itself.
However, Fury was firm in his decision. He knew that maybe Barnes wasn’t to be trusted but he knew that Steve was. And if Steve said Bucky was ready to go back to the world, then he was ready. Steve knew his buddy better than anyone else and spent months to make sure of that.
At the beginning Bucky was under stringent surveillance. He could barely take a shower without S.H.I.E.L.D.’s supervision. But as time went by the control got milder. There were moments in which Bucky was free to do activities on his own and even smaller walks among the society.
Sharon never let down her guard. She was always extra cautious with Bucky and often supervised him on her own. She still believed he might be a part of Hydra and that he was faking everything. She didn’t know Bucky was slowly turning into his older charming self.
One afternoon Sharon followed Bucky as he went out on a short walk. He had been out many times without any troubles occurring but she was still reluctant to believe. She followed Bucky as he walked through the nearby park, watched him as he bought a hot dog from the street stand and slowly ate it while watching some youngers doing the craziest flips and acrobatics with their bikes and skateboards. He seemed to be genuinely fascinated by today’s youth and how much the world has changed. Sharon wasn’t impressed.
After Bucky finished his meal he walked towards the town’s market. He stopped at a florist shop and bought the prettiest bouquet. Sharon was a little surprised. Bucky paid for the flowers and strode down the road. Sharon needed to fasten her pace in order to keep up with Bucky. But he disappeared with the agility of a panther. Or more specifically – a deadly killing machine designed for efficiency and minimum failure.
Sharon’s breath stopped for a moment. Was this it? The moment in which the ‘ticking bomb’ was about to explode? Was the hot dog, the flowers and everything else beforehand just a bait which S.H.I.E.L.D. bought? Was this really the end?
Sharon circled the perimeter but she couldn’t find a trace of Bucky. Her blood cooled, she felt her stomach turning upside down, and cold sweat emerged. She failed. She was hoping to catch something suspicious in Bucky’s behavior which she could report back to base and finally have him chained again. But it seemed like he was so skilled that he had managed to fool her as well in his plans.
“Base, this is Agent 13,” she said on her com with a trembling voice. “We have a Code Winter. I repeat – Code Winter. The subject has showed suspicious and abnormal behavior. I repeat – the subject is suspected in treachery.”
“Agent 13, this is Base,” she heard the even and unbothered voice of Agent Finery. “Can you clarify more upon your report?”
“What is there to clarify, Roy?” Sharon screeched on the com. She was getting out of her skin – her biggest nightmare seemed to be closer to reality.
“Agent 13, I’d ask you to calm down,” Agent Finery seemed to be caviling. Sharon nearly broke the device in her hand with her squeeze. “Bucky Barnes is no longer under permanent surveillance and is a level 2 threat. No one is even supposed to be supervising him now. What in his behavior prompted your report?”
Sharon took a deep breath. Stupid bureaucracy. Everything would have been so much easier without it. “I was following the subject on my own,” she never referred to him as ‘Bucky’ or ‘Barnes’, always as ‘the subject’. “I think he had noticed me somehow and disappeared from my sight in no time. You know how skilled he is. I believe it was his intention to lose me, so I wouldn’t know where he’s going.”
After a short pause Sharon heard, “Or maybe you were a little slower?” Agent Finery asked unpleasantly. “You seem to…,” Roy’s words were interrupted.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked imperiously. “I heard somebody talking about ‘Code Winter’ back there,” the rumor had spread with the speed of light.
“Oh thank god, Steve,” Sharon sighed with relief. “Finally somebody with a brain,” she said returning the carping.
“Are you sure in what you’re saying?” Steve had overtaken the communication from Agent Finery. The latter looked like a little boy compared to the Super Soldier’s physique.
“I noticed abnormal behavior, Steve,” there was an intense pause. “I think he noticed I was following him and he vanished from my eyes skillfully.”
There was a long painful sigh.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” Sharon said. “I wish it was otherwise.”
“Alright, where are you now?” Steve finally said.
“At the town’s market,” Sharon said overexcited. Somebody finally listened to her. “The alley with souvenirs. Approximately where I saw him last.”
“Stay where you are unless you see Bucky. Keep us updated if anything happens,” Steve ordered Sharon and left the base with a battalion of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s finest agents.
Sharon sighed in relief. S.H.I.E.L.D. were on their way led by Steve himself. She looked around for more traces trying to stay as close as possible to where she was. She thought she was alone when she turned around and suddenly noticed a bouquet of flowers in front of her face. Her sharp deadly reflexes were activated in a millisecond. She took her weapon out of the holster while her other arm swung towards the flowers and the hands that were holding them. But before she managed to do any of that the opposing person disarmed her with the finest skills. Her gun was on the ground and her back was pressed at her attacker. How did he manage to turn her so fast? A cold sharp blade was pressed at her neck. She couldn’t breathe and her pulse was accelerated.
“Shall we try this again?” Sharon clearly heard Bucky’s voice.
With the same dexterity Bucky turned Sharon towards him. When she looked at Bucky still slightly dazed the knife was already put away. Damn, the speed! Bucky bent down to pick up her weapon and the bouquet he had thrown during the little scuffle. He sighed. It had gotten a little dusty and some of the stems had broken.
“Your gun,” Bucky said and handed Sharon the weapon. There was a hint of disappointment in his voice.
Sharon took her weapon cautiously with her eyes fixed upon him. She doubted she could be faster than him. It was probably for the best if she sustained a conversation until the back-up came.
“Aren’t you going to put it in the holster?” Bucky asked with a foxy smile. There was something on his mind. “There are people in here. Civilians. We wouldn’t want any accidents, would we?”
‘Well played’, Sharon thought to herself.
After her gun was put away Bucky looked at the damaged flowers, hesitated for a moment, sighed and handed them towards Sharon. “These are for you,” he said sounding somewhat frustrated.
Sharon looked at the bouquet with a rapid breathing. Was there a bomb in there? A weapon? Chloroform spray? For the first time in her carrier she didn’t know what to do.
Bucky sighed. “I know they’re not as pretty. But it was your fault they fell on the ground.”
Sharon was standing frozen. For the first time in her career she was facing a threat far more skilled than herself. Furthermore, they were standing at a lively part of the city which could have led to many casualties. She wished she had called for back-up earlier.
Bucky pulled the bouquet backwards. He sensed how terrified Sharon was even though she was hiding it professionally. He realized he might have startled her with that sudden appearance.
“Are you alright?” Bucky asked cautiously. “Did I scare you earlier?”
Sharon was still standing motionless. She knew she had to start speaking, so he wouldn’t run away. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. were on their way.
“I’m fine,” Sharon finally said with a shuddering voice. “You just startled me a little bit. That’s all,” she even forced a slight smile.
“I definitely didn’t mean that,” Bucky replied with care in his tone. “I just wanted to give you the flowers but,” he looked at them and seemed a little embarrassed. “It’s been like 70 years… I’ve lost form,” he smiled shyly.
Sharon got quite confused. Bucky seemed to refer to his life hitherto Hydra’s capture. But what did he mean?
“I don’t know why I thought surprising you in such a way would be fun,” Bucky continued talking with bitterness. “Girls used to like it. But that was in the ‘40s, of course,” he faintly smiled remembering the good old days. “Now everything is so different,” he looked around him thoughtfully.
“I’m sorry?” Sharon said after a short pause. She was completely tangled.
Bucky looked at her seemingly terrified. “Oh, no. No, no. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything,” he was slightly panicking. “It really has been so long and after all… I was somebody else for a while. I really didn’t know what to do. Somebody suggested buying you flowers and here they are,” he handed the bouquet towards her again.
Sharon looked at the flowers. Then at Bucky’s hopeful expression. Then at the bouquet again. After a pause she looked at him again.
“Are you hitting on me?” Sharon’s voice sounded both shocked and angry.
Bucky got terrified again. Did he mess up? He pulled the flowers at him. The hopeful expression switched to a hopeless one.
“Well, I was trying,” Bucky said wearily facing down. “The bouquet was definitely prettier before and I guess I shouldn’t have startled you,” he puffed. “And I used to be so good at this,” he added quietly, obviously talking to himself.
“Wait,” Sharon really needed to clear the matter up. “What is going on actually?” she sounded demanding.
“Um, well…,” Bucky started stuttering. “You know… the flowers for you and… a surprise, I hoped… which you’d like,” he smiled as if he had actually made sense.
“What!?” Sharon yelled. She really needed to hear it all clear.
“I like you!” Bucky shouted back pressed from her behavior.
Sharon stared at him with her eyes and mouth wide open. He didn’t look like the most deadly human-weapon. He looked like a terrified puppy.
“I really like you, okay?” he continued. He thought it’d be best to just talk straight. “You were there. The whole time. While I was recovering and remembering. There were many people, yes. But I had eyes only for you,” he said those last words so romantically that Sharon’s knees nearly bent. “I noticed you sometimes followed me and when I gained enough confidence I decided to act,” Bucky looked down at the flowers. “I was a little too shy to ask anybody for advice what to do. I mean, I said I like a girl but I didn’t say who the girl is. And the advice was to just buy flowers. I guess that’s why I didn’t do the right thing. Maybe you don’t like flowers,” he smiled bitterly.
Sharon was still trying to figure out whether Bucky was being sincere or acting up in order to fool her. But he seemed so genuine in his reactions and facial expressions. She has had a closer look at the Winter Soldier. His only expression was the frowned eyebrows and his only words were channeled towards conversations for killing. But now Bucky sounded entirely different. So genuine. So human.
“Oh, no, no. It’s not you,” now Sharon felt embarrassed. “It’s me. I got quite nervous,” was it really sane to be saying those words out? “When you disappeared from my sight I thought you were escaping. I thought The Winter Soldier had woken up and you were running away from S.H.I.E.L.D.,” she said the final words cautiously.
“Oh,” Bucky laughed adorably. “Understandable, yeah. I only did it because I wanted to surprise you. You didn’t leave me out of your sight. I had to be creative,” he smiled so charmingly that Sharon subconsciously giggled.
She couldn’t deny Bucky was an attractive man. He had cut the long Winter Soldier hair, his beard was stubble, his appearance – most intriguing. Sharon didn’t admit at herself but she definitely had sympathies for Bucky from the very beginning. Those steel blue eyes in which you could stare at for all of eternity. Those luring naughty lips which she desired to bite playfully. His firm tight body that she had observed many times during his recovery. And that damn metal arm. Why was it so arousing to even think about it?
Suddenly, Sharon felt a little dizzy. There was something in the air. Bucky’s charm was ravishing and on point. She completely forgot about the back-up from S.H.I.E.L.D. which she called earlier.
Sharon didn’t realize it but she was smiling like an idiot. She giggled again and subconsciously played with her hair like a school girl. When was the last time somebody flirted with her?
“I do like flowers,” she finally said with twinkling eyes and a provocative smile.
“Good,” Bucky replied curving his lips.
Sharon looked down at the bouquet and spoke playfully. “But you’ll have to buy me new ones.”
“Is that so?”
The shyness and suspicion had entirely faded from the conversation and were replaced by flirting and provoking.
“Can I compensate some other way?” imperceptibly Bucky had made a step closer to Sharon.
“Like how?” Sharon was totally consumed by Bucky’s enchanting powers. Even an exploding atom bomb wouldn’t move her eyes from his.
“A kiss, maybe?” he said unceremoniously.
Sharon gasped. How dared he?
“Judging by the bouquet your kissing abilities are questionable,” Sharon didn’t realize she was playing a dangerous game.
“Doll,” Bucky said in the sexiest voice ever. “Once you’ve tasted me, you’d never want anybody else”.
In a matter of a second Bucky grabbed Sharon’s waist and pulled her so close that he took her breath away. He pressed his lips at hers so passionately that her knees weakened. If Bucky wasn’t holding her Sharon would’ve fallen on the ground.
Shivers ran through her back, her whole body trembled, her pussy tingled, her body filled with so much oxytocin that she got dizzy again. Sharon felt the kiss on so many levels.
When Bucky finally moved his lips away she was like plasticine in his arms. Just hanging there letting him do anything he wanted with her. A quiet sigh exited her lips. Oh, what a day.
“Nice,” suddenly they heard Steve’s voice.
Sharon jumped out of Bucky’s arms so startled that she nearly fell. She looked at the back-up she had called. There were so many people, maybe even a whole division staring at her and Bucky smiling smugly. At the front was Steve. His smile was even wider than the others’.
“So,” Steve looked at Bucky. “That’s the girl?”
Bucky smiled shyly looking down while Sharon closed her eyes wishing the ground would suddenly open and swallow her.
“Like I said earlier,” Steve continued. “Nice,” he was smiling so much that it was ridiculous.
“Carter,” she heard the voice of Agent Johnson. The protégé of agent Finery and the second most annoying person in S.H.I.E.L.D. “Code Winter is for abnormal behavior. If you haven’t been kissed until now, well, this isn’t abnormal,” he was caviling at her just like his ‘original’.
Everyone started laughing. Now Sharon wished the ground would suddenly open and swallow them.
“Alright, alright,” Steve shouted at the excited crowd. “There’s nothing more to see here,” he barely held his giggle. They weren’t supposed to see anything whatsoever. “Apparently, there’s been a mistake. There’s no Code Winter. I repeat – Code Winter is called off. Everyone back to base,” Steve gave his orders and looked at the embarrassed couple after all of the agents had left still laughing and commenting. “So,” he started with a smile.
“I’m really sorry, Steve,” Sharon said embarrassed. “It’s all my fault. I’ll take full responsibility over my actions. I shouldn’t have called Code Winter before I had seen firmer evident…”
“Sharon, it’s alright,” Steve said warmly still smiling.
“No, Steve, it’s not. I called for back-up and so many agents came and got involved. I deviated everyone’s attention. What if an actual and more dangerous threat had appeared? I could have jeopardized everything.”
“Sharon,” Steve’s voice and smile were so warm that they could’ve melted the nearby ice-cream stand. “You had every reason to assume the worst. Bucky is a mystery and definitely looks like a bad boy,” Steve said facetiously.
“What?” Bucky objectified with a smile.
Steve giggled. Then returned to Sharon. “Agents like you are the ones who keep S.H.I.E.L.D. from falling apart completely. You did the right thing. Don’t blame yourself about anything.”
“Thank you, Steve,” for the first time since everything Sharon smiled genuinely.
“Well, I guess it’s best to leave you two to… whatever you were doing before we interrupted you,” Steve said playfully and winked at Bucky. “Just like the old times. You still got it.”
Bucky and Sharon smiled shyly as Steve walked away. Then they spent the rest of the day together. Bucky bought her a new bouquet, they went for a walk, and tested their shooting skills at the local shooting gallery. Sharon seemed to be the better shooter. Bucky justified himself that The Winter Soldier’s skills seem to be fading away. He never admitted to Sharon that he withheld his skills that day, so that she would win.
For a while everyone at the base joked with them. Some started referring to the happening as ‘Code Love’ or ‘Code Kiss’. Bucky and Sharon did everything possible to not pay attention to their annoying colleagues. And expectedly as time passed by everyone started getting bored with the jokes. Sharon and Bucky turned into the ultimate couple. They were the best agents S.H.I.E.L.D. had and never failed a mission. The jest turned into respect and after a while nobody made any more jokes about Sharon and Bucky.
Thank you for reading! If you liked it please react - reply/like/reblog! Your support is appreciated!
This fic is my own work, it is not to be re-posted on this site or posted anywhere else without my knowledge and consent!
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unifox · 4 years
Just one night?
~Pairing: Changsub x female reader
~Genre: angst/ fluff/ suggestive 
~Warnings: suggestive (I think thats all)
~Words: 1383
~Summary: You had a lot in common with your sunbae Changsub and that lead to some fun at his house. You guessed that maybe all that would happen between you two would be just that night...
a/n: I'm thinking about a part 2. Maybe a fluff ending? Please message me with suggestions :) also... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2021 will be a year with more happiness and hope, and a year that we can become better and happier! ~Foxy🦊
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> gif's not mine <
Being a trainee definitely wasn't easy, we all know it. You were one of the members of a girl group that was to be debuted by Cube, currently taking part of an elimination program (kinda like pentagon maker)
By now, you already met basically most cube artist and thats how you came to be here, talking to your senior, who you really admired, Lee Changsub. At first he offered to drive you home since it was late but instead, decided to take you to his home to show you the collection of cds he had.
"I didn't know you'd also be so interested in this sort of rock ballad songs" he said showing you his big collection, which was by the TV
"I always enjoyed this genre the most! Your album MARK was sooooo good! I absolutely loved it!"
"Thank you! I worked hard on it!"
For about an hour you guys just sat in his couch and talked, mostly Changsub giving you advice on how to get better when performing or even when recording. After a while you decided to watch a movie but after some time you saw from the corner of your eyes that he was looking at you. Not sure if it was a good idea but you decided to look back at him too, and after some time staring at each other, the boring movie long forgotten, he leaned in initiating a kiss that you soon reciprocated
Things got a bit heated and since you were sitting on his lap as you made out, he lifted you up and took you to his room
- - - - -
The next morning Changsub woke up to an empty bed, 'I guessed wrong the type of one night stand she was' he thought to himself. He got up from his bed and put on some shorts, not before checking his nightstands to see if you had left any notes for him. Sadly, he found nothing which made him slightly disappointed. Opening the door of his room a pleasant smell of bacon filled his nose
"Oh? Good morning"
you looked really cute in his t-shirt from the night before. Your smile made his frown go away as soon as he entered the kitchen and heard you voice.
"Sorry to intrude, and also use your kitchen, but I figured you'd be hungry..."
He softly smiled and walked over one of the stools in the kitchen
"It's really alright, I'm not gonna lie, I thought you were gone. But this... this is way more like you"
"How so?"
"Well, from how you acted yesterday and your general personality you didn't seem like the type to just leave in the morning. If I'm being honest, I thought we would wake up together but this is way more pleasant" He says sending you a sweet smile and muttering a quiet thanks when you pass him a plate filled with scrambled eggs and bacon.
"You're not having any?" He questioned "I'm fine, don't worry" You dismissed him, but he insisted in giving you bites of his breakfast
The morning was very nice and just like the night before you both chatted freely and enthusiastically until you had to leave
"Do you want a ride to the company? I'm headed there"
"No, don't worry. I need to to go the dorm to change my clothes. Plus, us showing up together at the company would probably not be very appropriate..."
"You're right, I was being careless... I can give you a ride to your dorm if you want?"
"Uhmm... I guess that would be nice thank you"
After breakfast you changed back into your yesterday clothes and headed to Changsubs car. The ride was silent but not awkward and soon enough you reached your destination.
"Thank you sunbaenim, I'll see you around" You bowed politely, remembering the actual relationship between you guys. Also realizing that, Changsub just nodded muttering a 'See ya' and driving away. 'I guess I could only have one night with him' you thought to yourself, disappointedly walking into your building
- - - - -
Of course that when you got into your dorm, your members bombarded you with questions. After some explaining they calmed down, not really judging you since they knew the type of person you were
You weren't into one night stands and since forever you rarely went on dates or anything related
"Why did you do it tho? It's not really... you" Your leader asked
"I'm not sure myself... I guess he just had this charm that really drew me in..." You stared saying while remembering the previous night. Before any dirty thoughts flooded you and your members mind you quickly added "But he's really sweet! A gentleman! And- and-" Your leader started laughing at your panicked expression
"It's fine, as long as you had fun and he treated you nicely I'm ok with it. Let's just not tell anyone else" She said directing not only at you but the rest of your group.
The maknae of your group dragged you to the side and whispered excitedly "Was it just an impulse or were you into him??" You looked at her unsure "Maybe I had a crush on him? I don't know" "What do you mean you don't know? It's obvious you like him. You don't notice, but every time we met him I could practically see the hearts floating around you" she gestured pretending to point out the hearts floating around you, while you playfully pushed her trying to dismiss her antics
The rest of the day went quite normal. Training, training some more and recording. You were also the producer of your group, so while mixing the track a staff member knocked on your studio door and called for you
"There's someone that wants to see you y/n"
You exchanged looks with your group mate and she just smiled and told you to go and that she would just take a break
You walked after the man that went to fetch you up to the artists studio floor and that's when you got nervous. An artist wants to see me?
When the doors to the elevator opened, there stood Changsub, leaning against the opposite wall and looking very handsome... Stop, I really shouldn't think about that...
"Y/n, there you are. Come" he gestured for you to follow him. Oh, so he was the one who wanted to see you. Even after the whole thing you guys went through, after the car incident you got shy and really nervous
You both got into his studio and after siting on his computer chair and asking you to take a seat on the sofa propped on the wall, he began "Ok, why did you sleep with me? Do you want to guarantee your group's stay in the program?"
Shocked with his statement you tried to reply "W-what? I would nev-" "Really y/n, just tell me. It's better that way. Was is for satisfaction? An achievement?" While he was speaking you could see that he was getting angry, but so were you
"Are you kidding me?! I would never do such a thing!" You said trying to keep calm. Before he could chime in again you added "If you think that I- I slept with you because it would be some sort of award you're wrong!" You started to blush feeling embarrassed "Maybe we should just forget it happened. Nobody should know and I should just forget I ever liked you!" In the heat of the moment you said it all and as soon as you realized it was too late
"You... You like me?" He asked, breaking the silence
"I- maybe" You replied truthfully but not really expecting I'm to like you back. He barely knew you
"I'm sorry, I-" He stared saying feeling guilty that he though you were using him when in reality you liked him. "I'm not sure if I like you back"
"It's fine, I wasn't expecting anything in return... Was that all?" You said embarrassed, all you wanted right now was to get out of there as fast as possible
"Y- Yeah... Again sorry" You bowed quickly and walked fast toward the stairs, trying to reach your mini studio quickly and digest everything that just happened
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Soooo today wasn't going to get a fuck you..
Until I realized it's Monday!!
Fuuuuuuuuuck yooooou Monday... Ugh.. its still Monday. LAME.
Well, I'm off to take more selfies and filter em up, for the dating sites..Catfishing is easier when you don't have peanut butter all over your arms.. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😆🙂🙃😘😁🤩😎😉🤗👍💪🙂
Keep doing the LORD'S work my foxy friend 😍🤩👍💗
Ok this right here had me almost pee myself I giggled so hard🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. You are too damn hilarious my sweet handsome friend@dollarstoredaddy I needed this today. Thank you for sharing your sexy silly self with us for FYM today. I'll leave you be now to carry on with your catfishing.😄😍🤗
#Fuck You Monday 🖕
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Reading One Piece pt 184: Deep Breath In The Aftermatch
Chapter 431
- Luffy was on the Shounen Jump’s cover page that week! He looks great but he’s kinda too small for that coat, he has to grow into it
- They made it to Water Seven without incidents! I didn’t EXPECT any but… Straw Hats
- Zoro is looking at his destroyed sword, the one that was a family heirloom of the sword shop guy. What was its name again? Uh, give me a second… Yubashiri. Did they really have to do it to us
- Just know that I’m sad. This is sad. I guess Zoro will get a way better sword now but come on, family heirloom, destroyed by some nobody? I don’t like it :(
- Wow, Aqua Laguna really made a number on Water Seven this year
- Look at Paulie, helping civilians fix their homes and stuff :D while yelling at everybody :D we got a manager right there
- Frankys are rebuilding too (can someone tell me what did Franky spent those stolen 200M on?  They still didn’t say)
- Aww, big sea horses are alright!
- Meanwhile everyone at Dock 1 wants to see pirates :D Straw hats are celebrities once again :D
- I like aftermatch chapters. It’s like taking a deep breath on sunny day and everything is good
- Ah, they like Straw Hats cause they saved Iceberg. That was mostly Chopper’s work, they could thank him actually
- Even the giants from Enies Lobby found job already! They help with heavy stuff!
- Usopp is with them :) Giants say they will help for a bit and then go back to Elbaf
- “You can go with us!” “… …I…” oh right. We still got That Mess to solve
- On the other news, Straw Hats don’t have a ship right now. What do
- “Iceberg House Site” so he has a home after all! Good. Well, what did I expect, he’s a mayor of a big important city, he’s rich as heck, he can afford a summer house or whatever
- Oh, Franky-Iceberg combo. Yeah, blueprints are gone for good
- “I’ll make this island float on the sea” I see Iceberg has big plans for the future :D well, Aqua Laguna will continue to be a problem, they can as well try and do something about it :D
- Finally, Straw Hats’ home. They got it nice here
- Oh, they all just woke up after 2 days. Well, it was a big battle
- Lol
- Is Luffy wearing a Galley-ga Company T-shirt? Wow, that’s a great marketing
- Ah, they’re waiting for a log pose to set. They can’t leave even if they wanted
- Nami is depressed cause they got no money. Is there anyone who CAN’T relate to that (Aqua Laguna took their remaining 100M. And orange trees :( )
- Spoke too soon, we have them back :D
- :D
- Franky got news
- Uh. Tree talk
- ?
- !!!!!
- Franky will make them a ship!
- (I’m not super surprised but it’s great news!)
- “Will you guys sail with the ship that I made!?” well, duh. When will we give Franky his nakamaship tho? I’m waiting for this to happen since Foxy Pirates and that’s a LOT of time in The Recap World
- That’s so sweet :)
- Oh look, marines. Who would have thought they’ll show up :/
- Admiral Garp? He cornered King Roger when he was around? Wait, he has a dog motif. Isn’t he the guy training Coby and Helmeppo, you know, from the fpos/cs
- “Pirates are here!” “No, they aren’t” It’s like Alabasta all over again :D
- Now they made a hole in Straw Hats home! Rude!
- Don’t punch our Captain, man
- (somehow I don’t think that guy will cause problems? How did that vibe even get here)
- ?
- “I’ve heard you’ve been doing reckless things, Luffy!” !
- “Grandpa!?” !!!!!!!!
rOP 183  rOP 185
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datenoriko · 4 years
Uesugi-Takeda Forces’ version
~uhm, so this is my first-ever headcanon (one close to heart, if not for the quarantine...) and if you think some characters aren’t who they are in canon, I’m sorry! Anyhow, here it is!~
Terms to keep in mind just in case:
*LNT - Leave No Trace, simply no leaving of any human traces (writing ‘we were here!’ on trees or trash) on the trail and everywhere else. This is a good practice that can be done even outside hiking/mountaineering!
**evening socials - basically the free time after the setting up in campsite and before bedtime; anything is possible!
- Has a hidden stash of candy, stating he needs it as an ‘energy source’ for the ascend
- Needs to pose majestically in every scenic spots
- Carries none of the bags. NONE OF IT, just the hidden stash
- Will take over the entire campsite if he can
- Initiates drinking during the evening socials**
- Puts up their flag at the summit because he can; “Everything seen from here is mine now”
- Did help in finding the best mountain to hike and some details in the itinerary (reaching the campsite at earliest time possible so no competitions)
- Had the itinerary planned even in the smallest detail (they all have to be at the jump-off at 14:30 to reach the sunset at the campsite around 17:30-18:00)
- Will carry Nobunaga’s bag (if there are no hired guides)
- Is also Nobunaga’s photographer (no one else can capture his elegance except him)
- Hold all the stash of sweets
- In his signature mother hen fashion, he’ll make sure everyone’s supplies are adequate for the whole hike, and scolds anyone who’s off the path
- Best dressed for the occasion (prepped from head to toe)
- The cook, who else? (He might trying foraging to add it to the already plenty supply of food)
- Tries other routes aside from where the guide walks (he’d love walking on the ridges and rappelling!)
- Will pose with Nobunaga on those scenic spots
- “What if I jump from here and rollover for a faster descend?” Looking from the summit PLEASE NO
- Jokingly attempts to hunt wild animals for dinner another PLEASE NO it’s illegal in some places
- Stays up all night to appreciate the undisturbed, pristine view of the night sky; “This is a billion star hotel!”
- Got the shoes right, but prefers cotton shirts and board shorts; anything comfortable, really
- Of course he’s the medic! (First Aid Kit? Medicine? Disinfectant? Lotion for mosquito bites? He’s got all of that!)
- Grumbling every time Mitsunari stumbles after marvelling at the sights during the hike & paying little attention to the rough path
- Doesn’t want any part of the entire hike initially; had no choice but to join since he’s the best ‘party healer’ out there
- Other hikers feel uneasy with him (that Tsun look)
- Checks natural water source, might be infested with bacteria or something
- *sigh* “Let the others sleep, will you?” when complaining about the others drunk and loud at late night
- Is surprisingly good at setting up the tents (has read the manual at heart before hiking proper)
- Probably read information about the mountain too, spouting random facts during the whole hike
- Will stumble while taking the view in (Yatsun help this cinnamon roll please)
- Handler of finances
- Possibly gets along with every other hiker that they come across (the sunny smile will ALWAYS draw people in
- BRING THIS MAN ALONG AND THE WEATHER DEITIES WILL FAVOR HIM (rewarding you with a beautiful sunrise view)
- As always, will try to switch Masa’s cup to an alcoholic one during the evening socials
- Will pick a bug or two and throw it at others (Mamayoshi’s lengthy scolding shall follow)
- Is asked by Nobunaga to get the rest of the sweets stash; will oblige
- Disappears every once in a while on the trail and where he goes is a mystery
- Draws on the faces of ones who slept early, sneaking in their tents (where’s he get the pen?); maybe he’ll even thrown in fake snakes inside for fun *foxy smile appears* OR If no one’s looking, he’ll switch contents of the warlords’ bags to see who reacts first
- Just be prepared to be teased punk’d by this man
- Will stay away from Kitsuhide as much as possible
- Goes around the fastest *living his ninja ways*
- Said he learned it from his master (we all know who he is)
- An all-around helper, helping with the campsite set-up and everything
- Has befriended the store owner near the site and started treating him like a son, getting free snacks or two (shares with MC)
- “This isn’t a leisurely walk to the park—THIS ISN’T THE NATURE PARK THAT I EXPECTED”
- Is otherwise well-prepared (wow, even her emergency sewing kit is there)
- Repairs clothing ripped by sharp rocks
- Will probably sing in front of the bonfire when requested
- Another photographer for the men!
- Actually had fun at the end of the trip and wants another one
Special thanks to the following:
@rikumorimachisgirl in our HC talk yesterday and @ikesensrandomninjagirl24 for that dm! Those gave me a kickstart~
@nad-zeta @masamune-archive / @mllorei for being my inspirations and pushed me to write not so long ago. I know I promised an entirely different HC (it’s still a W.I.P. but is lacking inspiration lately) but I manage to post one, yay!
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queeniecamps · 5 years
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I was gonna draw these last in the lineup, but I was a big dumb and decided fuUuUuUuck that noise!! I wanna draw foxy cultists and counselors!!
Makki fam | Masha fam | Spacetabs fam | The Millers |  The Lovett-Goodplays |  The Nikssips |  The Hharts
(info below!!)
Jennfier (Jen) Gonzales (Age 51):
Jen lives her life in an upscale penthouse in the big city, drowning herself in riches, diamonds, and all the finest luxuries a gal can endure. She’s a business lady, what business you might ask? Well it’s none of yours. Whatever it is, it’s earned her quite the reputation that leaves little competition, if you catch my drift...
On and off again, she’d date Daniel. They’re currently off in the relationship rn, but wait til she gets bored or needs affection, he’ll be right back to her. She’s not quite ready to settle down, but a lady has needs ;*
Daniel Whitemarsh (Age 50):
After the events in Camp Loser Says What, Daniel’s rage against Max is fueled once again, realizing he had fallen into the little brat’s trap. He spent years in hiding afterwards once the cops were hot on his trail, though.
Daniel had laid low for a good 7-8 years before he decided to finally make his return, aiming to find the brat that had been causing him all this trouble, in the hopes he’d had forgotten about him. Finding out where Max was studying at a small community college, Daniel began his little mind game, slowly driving Max over the edge, but Max would always brush it off, thinking it was his head playing tricks on him due to the stress of school.
In order to make his “big debut,” Daniel decided to get his name back out there, landing him on the front page of the paper with a big ol warning, and leading the now-adult Max to devote his life to taking Daniel down once and for all.
David Greenwood (Age 50):
Around his mid-late 30s, once Cameron was finally granted freedom from community service at the end of that summer, David learned the truth of Jasper’s death. He’d hit an emotional rock bottom, leading him to a depressive state over the fall-spring.
It wasn’t til he made it back onto the campgrounds that he was able to confront the explosion site, allowing him to finally mourn and accept the loss of his childhood friend.
In his honor, David retitled the “Best Camper award” to the “Jasper Mclean award”, as well as a memorial plaque placed on Spooky Island for him (which, if you ask David, it should’ve been renamed to “Jasper’s Island”, but that’s a working title)
Gwendoline (Gwen) Santos (Age 51):
Gwen had spent the last few decades working on her career, now, as an author, Gwen writes books constantly over the summer while she works at Camp Campbell (because I can’t fucking say “oh, she left” because I don’t wanna!! deal with it!!)
Over the years, her confidence has built up tremendously, thanks to her spouse and family. (who she’s married to is 100% up to y’all, could be David, could be an oc. who knows!!)
Mwack #5 (Age ??):
A little bit of monica- *is shot on sight*
QM and Cameron (not pictured):
Cam’s probs dead. QM is probably alive but literally the EXACT SAME. I don’t wanna draw him plea s  e don’t make me draw him I gotta get up at like 6AM :(((
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