#yes i get he was pretty much useless when it came to fighting til the last few episodes
chaoticdazefire-new · 2 years
He got too much unnecessary hate during Journeys
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Sanctuary with the Enthralling Moon: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, FINAL CHAPTER
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All of the characters in Twilight DO NOT belong to me. All rights to go Stephenie Meyer.
Authors note:Sorry it took me so long to post a chapter today, I’ve been busy.
“When I think of you  I remember springtime That was when we fell in love Just me and you.”
Just Me and You, by The Dreamliners
“What? What is the Volturi?”
“It’s our version of a government love, they make sure we still concealed to the humans.” Jasper explained
“Where is it at?”
“I need to go... Alice, take me there now!”
“Bella wait! Fleur what won’t you stop her?” Jacob pleaded.
“I’m sorry Jacob but, not matter how much I hate Edward’s guts right now...He can’t kill himself over guilt... especially since she isn’t even dead.”
“You’re completely useless.” He snarled at me.
“Hey if you didn’t answer the fucking phone we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
“How you know it was me?”
“I heard Bella screaming her head off all the way upstairs...”why didn’t you let me speak to him.” Is what she said if I remember that correctly.”
Jacob rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Bella. She was aggressive packing a bag and filling through a drawer. She pulled out a passport, she pushed past me and ran outside. We all followed her and Alice zoomed to the car starting it immediately.
“Bella he left you, he didn’t want you.”
“Yeah well, I’m not going to let him kill himself out of guilt.” Bella swung the bag in the back seat and then got in the car.
“Bella, please...stay here for Charlie, for me.” Jacob pleaded.
I couldn’t make out what she had said to him next, but whatever it was... it didn’t seem good. Jacob turned away from the car, he looked livid. Carlisle’s car revved out of the driveway, dust from the dirt was the only thing left behind. Jacob glared at me and Jasper before taking off to the woods, morphing into a wolf.
“Jazz...what in the hell am I going to say to dad?”
“You can say she found out where Edward was... and Alice offered to take her to the airport since she had come by for a visit.”
“Yeah... that works.”
My phone vibrated in my pocket, jump scaring me.
“Fleur... it’s me, Rosalie.”
“Rose... hey, it’s been a while.”
“Do you know where Edward went... I told him what happened with Bella.”
“Rose... he’s going to the Volturi to kill himself... He thinks Bella’s dead.”
“Oh god...” Her voice sounded like she was in shock.
“Why did you say something to him?”
“I don’t know...honestly I don’t...”
“Bella and Alice went to Italy to try and stop him.”
“I hope they get to him...”
“I do too.”
I saw my dad pull up in the driveway, I could see confusion and heartbreak on his face.
“Listen Rose, I gotta go. Dad just got here.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later Fleur.”
“See you, bye.”
“Jasper? What’re you doing back here?”
“My family and I are moving back in a few days, but I couldn’t help but want to see Fleur again so I came back a bit earlier than everyone else.”
“Oh, that’s good to here. Does Bella know you guys came back?”
“Dad... you should come inside, we have to tell you something.”
“Oh no... what did she do now?”
“Come on dad.”
He had a reluctant look on his face when we went inside.
“So? What’s going on.”
“Alice and Jasper had come by, they told Bella and I that the rest of the family was moving back. Carlisle’s job ended up not working out so they decided to move back here. Alice had told Bella where Edward was and Alice offered to take Bella to him.”
“Where is she?”
“She wouldn’t tell... she doesn’t trust me very much still. She had a passport with her so I can only assume she went out of the country.”
“When she gets home... that boy is banned from this house. He’s put us through Hell for months!”
“I’m really sorry for my brothers actions, Chief Swan.” Jasper said his smooth voice rung through the quiet house.
“It ain’t your fault...there is only so much you can do.... god, I lose one of my closest friend and then my daughter runs off on me again.” Dad said he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“I’m really sorry dad.” I pulled him in for a hug. I had walked away to get my dad something to eat and a bottle of water. I could hear Jasper talking to my dad but, I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
The rest of the night was quite tense. Dad was pacing around the living room for the entire night. He was waiting for a call from Bella, wanting to hear her confirm that she is safe and sound. But, it never happened. Jasper had left saying he needed to check into a hotel for the night. But in actuality he spent the night in my room.
“Jazz...you said this Volturi was like your government...what if they make Bella change? What if they find out about me? I’m not ready to change Jasper...I can’t leave dad all alone.”
“We will find a way to prevent you from changing as long as possible darlin. Besides, Bella is the only one there, she shouldn’t have to mention you.”
“I wouldn’t put it past her Jazz...she’s, changed in a way she seems self absorbed at this point. I remember when James was chasing us, she seemed to relish in all of the attention it got her.”
“I thought a felt bits of that in her emotions, yours over powered her though.”
I sighed
“Gosh, I need to talk about something else... I feel so nervous I think I might get sick.” I burrowed my face in Jasper neck in hopes to calm my nerves.
“Okay...marry me.” He said, his voice was calmer than I had ever heard it before. I on the other hand, was in shock. My eyes had shot wide open and I lifted my head up from his neck.
“Are you serious?” I asked, my voice was a pitch higher than normal.
“Why wouldn’t I be serious?” He said, humor was laced in his voice.
“So that’s what you were talking to dad about in the living room.”
“Yeah, that was it...so...” He got up from my bed and knelt down in front of me on one knee. 
“Will you marry me?” he pulled the velvet box he in his pocket open.
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“Yes... I will.” I huge smiled made it’s way onto my face. Jasper pulled me into his arms and hugged me. My feet made it’s way off the floor for a few seconds, but I was then set back down. I looked down at the ring, it fit me pretty well.
“Is that Sapphires?” I asked.
“Yeah they are... thought they would be nice, since that is your birthstone.”
“It’s yours too you know... I remember your birthday... it’s September 14th.
Timeskip: 2 days later.
When Bella had finally gotten home from finding Edward, dad let her have it. He stuck to his guns at first, saying that Edward was banned from the house and that she was not allowed to see him. But, Bella being Bella threatened moving away. Dad faltered in his threat and said that Edward could come over but, dad would have to be there and he could only stay til 9:30. Bella also couldn’t leave the house without dad being there either. And even when she was going to leave with him there, she would have to tell him and call him every hour. She even had a curfew she had to uphold to, which was at 9:30 pm as well.
I was with the Cullens this evening, Rosalie, Emse, and Alice’s eye lit up in excitement when they saw my ring. Emmett had bear hugged me when he saw me again and Dean was finally able to hug me too, without wanting to kill me. Alice was just talking to me about floral arrangements when Edward and Bella walked into the room.
“Look... you all know what I want. I think it would only be fair... if you all vote.” Bella said. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Edward snided.
“Shut...up.” Bella replied
“What’s the rush Bella?” I asked she of course, ignored me.
“Yes of course, I already consider you apart of my family.”
“I vote yes, it would be nice to not want to kill you all the time.” Dean said.
“Sure...I really don’t want to get separated from Fleur again because Edward can’t get over his hero complex.” Jasper snapped, he tensed in his place.
“Look... I’m really sorry to both of you for how i’ve acted but... this isn’t a life I would’ve chosen for myself. So I vote no.” Rosalie stated
“I say hell yeah! We can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way.” Emmett stated.
“Yes Bella, You’re already a member of this family.” Esme said
“Why are you all doing this to me?” Edward questioned.
“You’ve chosen to live without her...I won’t live without my son.”
Bella smirked, but then I noticed she got nervous.
“I have something else to tell you.”
“What?” I asked.
“You see... when we wend to the Volturi I may have...”
“Don’t even finish that sentence...you didn’t Bella, you fucking told them about me didn’t you!?”
“Doesn’t feel so good having someone else make decisions for you does it?”
“You are more delusional than I thought!”
“Wait a second, you put her at risk too Bella?” Rosalie said... anger was rising in her voice.
“How long do you two have?” Jasper asked... he too was getting more angry.
“Til my graduation.”
“I can’t even look at you anymore Bella... you make me sick.” I snapped, I made my way outside and slammed the glass door. Jasper and Rosalie ran outside to join me.
“What am I going to do?” I said, my eyes filling with tears.
“We’ll figure something out Fleur.” Jasper said, pulling my into his arms.
“I won’t let her take that choice away from you.” Rosalie added.
I looked up at the sky, the stars and moon were out tonight.
“I’m so sorry love.” Jasper said.
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the-starless-sky · 4 years
cozmez x Akan Yatsura / “FAMILY” voice drama track 2
Part 1 | Listen through Spotify.
Reo: And? You woke up this morning and he's gone? Aren't you overreacting~?
Hokusai: It's still only afternoon...
Satsuki: Ain't he just gone to the convenience store or something? And went to the game center when he's at itー
Kanata: Haah!?
Satsuki: Don't get riled up at that!
Kanata: Nayuta won't ever do something like that! He's never went out without saying anything to me... and I can't get a hold of him too...
Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai: ...
Iori: D'ya have... an idea as to why he disappeared?
Zen: Waka...!
Kanata: Last night, we had a fight...
Satsuki: What the heck, so it was a fight.
Reo: Aah, so maybe 'cause of that he felt it hard to see you face to face? I know that feel, you guys are siblings after all!
Hokusai: Really...?
Zen: What did you guys fought about? If it's alright with you, would you please tell us?
Kanata: He told me... to go out. He told me to go out more, and meet more people. He said that'd make me stronger.
Zen: I see.
Kanata: But I don't need that...! I only need Nayuta. Even so, he...
Iori: But it doesn't seem like s'all it was.
Kanata: ...!
Iori: To ask for my help 'til ya bow yer head, something ya've never done, means there's 'nother reason, right?
Kanata: Sometime ago, right at the time we got the Paradox Live invitation, I was attacked in town. There were three of them, punks targeting my phantometal.
AKYR: Oh...
Kanata: 'Cause they were trying to lay their hands on Nayuta, I beat them to a pulp.
Satsuki: Seriously!? You're kinda strong even though you're lanky, huh!
Reo: Monkey, you're noisy.
Hokusai: Kanata, what happened next?
Kanata: That time, they probably remembered my face. If they found Nayuta when he's alone...!
Reo: You guys have the same face, so if they misunderstood, it wont be pretty...
Hokusai: Dangerous...!
Zen: I see. So that's why you came to our place.
Kanata: This kind of thing... I know that I'm not in the place to rely on you, but...!
Iori: Aight! We should help each other in times of need. Got it, y'all?
Satsuki: Yeah!
Reo: Can't be helped~! I'll help you.
Hokusai: I'll find Nayuta. I'm good at finding lost cats.
Zen: Then, let's immediately divide the work. Waka and I will stand by here. We'll gather information. Everyone else go out to town, and search.
Iori: Ooh~! Ya look the part, don'tcha, Zen~! Ya look like those police detectives on TV dramas!
Zen: Please don't poke fun at me.
Iori: OK. Sorry.
Zen: Cough. Just in case, the search team is to move in groups of two. Decide the assignment of area and get in contact as appropriate.
Reo: OK~! Then, I'm grouping with Hokusai~
Hokusai: Understood.
Satsuki: Then, Kanata's with me.
Kanata: Y-yeah...
Satsuki: Be at ease! With this Gaia-sama, fearful enough to silence a crying child, we'll find one, even two little brothers in no time!
Kanata: Y-yeah...
Zen: If something happens, immediately get in touch and wait for reinforcement. Don't force yourselves.
Reo: Roger!
Iori: Aight, let's go all out!
Everyone: Yeah!!
(Sounds of train passing.)
Reo: Aah, I'm tired~~! Jeez~ We've been walking around all day, my legs feel like lead!
Satsuki: You've got no stamina at all.
Reo: I mean, to top it off, Hokusai tried to ask cats...
Hokusai: If only I can speak cat language...
Reo: Kanata, how's it on your end?
Kanata: We've got nothing. We couldn't trace his steps after he got out of the apartment...
(Hokusai picks up a call.)
Hokusai: Yeah... yeah... understood.
(Hokusai hangs up.)
Hokusai: From Zen... he said they didn't get any leads too.
Reo: Eeeeeh, seriousyl!? Zen-nii's an ex-police detective but he's no good at all!
Satsuki: Don't diss Zen-nii!
Hokusai: This area isn't Big Bro's territory, so...
Satsuki: But like, it's impossible to look around this much and get nothing at all.
Reo: Siiiiigh. Then, what do we do from now on?
Satsuki: We've got choice but to continue, don't we?
Hokusai: Yeah...
(Sounds of train passing.)
(Kanata stops walking.)
Kanata: Enough already.
Satsuki: Eh?
Kanata: Enough already. I'll search by myself from now.
Reo: Haa? What the heck are you saying?
Kanata: I said, I'll go search for him by myself. You guys don't have to do anything else. Sorry for getting you all mixed into this.
Satsuki: You...!!
(Satsuki grabs Kanata by the shirt.)
Satsuki: Don't look down on our chivalry!! [1] Nayuta is your family, ain't he!? Big Bro acknowledged that and agreed to help you. Just because we searched a little and couldn't find him, there's no way we'd just say 'yes, okay' and run with tails between our legs!
Reo: He's your one and only important little brother, isn't he!
Hokusai: We'll definitely... find him.
Kanata: Eh... but...
Satsuki: No fuckin' 'buts'!! You were searching desperately, lookin' like you're gonna die, didn't you? You got us in this far, don't pretend to be tough now!!
Reo: That's right, that's right! At times like this, you should just meekly depend on us! Right, Hokusai?
Hokusai: Yeah, that's right. It's okay to depend on us.
Kanata: ...
Reo: Hey... when you came to our place, you said you investigated the Suiseki group, right?
Kanata: Yeah...
Reo: Then, you knew about the raid, didn't you?
Kanata: Yeah, just the gist of it. I heard that in just one night, the group got utterly annihilated by something.
Reo: ...would've died.
Kanata: Eh?
Reo: Me... Satsuki, and Hokusai, too. That time, if our timing shifted even a second, all of us would've died.
Kanata: ...!
Reo: A deep red sea of blood... everyone died. I couldn't save anyone. Not the boss, not my comrades...
(Sound of crows cawing.)
Reo: That's why, at that time, I swore. That I wont lose my comrades, my family, ever again.
Satsuki: ...We're family.
Kanata: Family...
Satsuki: Yeah. For ordinary people, we might just be thugs, but for us, we're family. I was always like this since I was little. I get into fights quickly, and I can't study at all. Both my parents and my teachers all gave up on me - I didn't even go to elementary school properly.
Reo: Haha. Satsuki-chan's completely an elementary school graduate, after all.
Satsuki: Shut up. Everyday, everyday, I'm always pissed. If I hit others, they'd get scared. I feel refreshed, and thought I'd rise up with these fists. At that time, Big Bro took me in. Big Bro and my comrades taught me, who was abandoned by my parents because they thought I was uncontrollable - How to use chopsticks, how to eat fish, greetings, manners, and the right way to fight... patiently, they taught me, again and again, without ever giving up. Thats why I decided that they are my family. I don't care what others say. No matter how useless they are, I won't abandon them. That's what family is.
Reo: ...Me, too. I chose my own family. My blood related family has... how to say it? Broken up, and I haven't seen them for years. I don't want to see them, either. But it's not like I hate them or anything. Papa taught me hip hop, and Mama... see, she gave me this cute face, after all.
Satsuki: You gonna say that yourself?
Reo: But you see, my family... all thought that they're the most important. They make debts that Papa couldn't pay back, lots of things happened, and my family broke up. Aha, pathetic, right?
Hokusai: Reo...
Reo: Yeah.
Hokusai: There, there.
(Hokusai pats Reo's head.)
Reo: Haha, Hokusai's so nice... Unlike a certain shitty monkey.
Satsuki: Who the fuck would pat your head, disgusting!
Hokusai: Me, too. My father is in prison. We probably won't ever meet each other outside anymore, for life.
Kanata: Eh?
Hokusai: I'm the son of a criminal. When everyone knew of it, they all left me. Only animals don't look at me with rose-colored glasses. They always stay by my side. But, Big Bro and the others were different. They treat me as Masaki Hokusai, as a different person than my father. They told me to raise my head when we walk together. To them, I'm not a shameful person, because we're family.
Kanata: Family...
Satsuki: Yeah. We're not related by blood, though.
Reo: We didn't have any other choice but to choose our own family. But, Kanata, you have Nayuta, right?
Hokusai: You have to protect... your important family.
Satsuki: Yeah! Don't look down on elementary school graduate!
Reo: Waah~ how embarrasing!
Hokusai: Fufu...
Satsuki: Wh--, Hokusai, you too?
Nayuta: Kanata?
Kanata: ...! Nayuta!!
Nayuta: What are you doing in a place like that?
Kanata: What, you ask--
Satsuki: More importantly, where'd you appear from suddenly!?
Nayuta: Kanata... these guys are Akan Yatsura's...? What are you doing together?
Kanata: You idiot! We were looking for you!!
Nayuta: Eh? "Looking"?
Kanata: Where were you all this time!?
Nayuta: Where, you ask... um, I couldn't think of a good lyric, so I went out for a walk, and then I got lost, and I was tired so I took a nap somewhere, then... What did I do next?
Satsuki: Are you a stray cat!?
Hokusai: As I thought, I have to learn cat language...
Nayuta: Haha, what? What is it? Kanata, too, making such a scary face.
Kanata: Stop messing around! How worried did you think I was!!?
Nayuta: Eh?
Kanata: Saying "go by yourself", and disappearing...
Nayuta: Eh? What?
Reo: Kanata was worried that you got kidnapped by some punks.
Satsuki: He even bowed his head to us.
Hokusai: And searched for you desperately, you know?
Nayuta: Ooh... Seriously?
Kanata: Yeah...
Nayuta: No way... but...
Kanata: Quietly disappearing like that... I won't forgive you.
Nayuta: Kanata...
Kanata: I don't have anyone else but Nayuta. Nayuta's my only family. That's why, that's why... don't ever quietly disappear... don't ever...
Nayuta: Kanata... It's okay. I'm by your side. Always, whenever, I'm always by Kanata's side.
(Sounds of them walking.)
Kanata: ...Sorry. I got you all to walk around a full day and you guys even treated us to food.
Reo: It's okay, it's okay. We put the tab on Big Bro, after all!
Satsuki: Raimen-tei's soo yummy, right!? Honestly, I thought that cozmez's detestable bastards with cocky music and attitude, but we actually get along, don't we?
Hokusai: Haha. Then, we'll part here.
Reo: Starting from now on, we're rivals, okay?
Satsuki: Don't get into a fight, 'kay!?
Kanata: U-uhm!
Reo: Yeah?
Kanata: If, if you guys were lied to by Suise-- no, your family, what will you do?
Reo: Lie?
Kanata: Yeah. If kept an important thing secret.
Satsuki: Ha? That's no big deal, ain't it? Even though we're family, we'd still have one or two secrets we can't say.
Reo: Like the place where Satsuki-chan hides his favorite erotic magazines~
Satsuki: HAA!?
Reo: On the floor below the closet, it's obvious!
Satsuki: You bastard-
Kanata: Not something like that! For example, if it has something to do with your lives...
Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai: ...
Hokusai: Even so... no, if so, I'd believe them.
Kanata: Believe?
Hokusai: If so, it's kept a secret to protect us. A lie to protect your family. I won't doubt it.
Kanata: ...!
Satsuki: Yeah, that's right! I'm satisfied if I had to put my life on the line for Big Bro.
Reo: Me too, when I decided to follow Big Bro, I've prepared myself, after all.
Satsuki: Right? Don't look down on our chivalry!
Hokusai: Yeah.
Reo: Well, that's that, so...
Satsuki: See ya! The next time we meet, it'd be on the stage.
Hokusai: We won't lose.
Reo: Prepare yourselves, okay~?
(Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai walks away.)
Kanata: Ah.
Nayuta: What's wrong, Kanata?
Kanata: I missed the chance to say thank you to them.
Nayuta: Hahaha...
Kanata: What?
Nayuta: You made friends.
Kanata: Ha!?
Nayuta: It means, you have people other than me that you'd say 'thank you' to.
Kanata: That's...
Nayuta: Kanata. Kanata, you can change. You can get more, way stronger than you are now.
Kanata: That's why I said that's...
Nayuta: I'm with you. "If the two of us are together, we're the strongest", right?
Kanata: ...Yeah. If the two of us are together, we're the strongest.
Iori: That so? Good that y'all managed to find him. Yeah, good job.
(Iori hangs up.)
Zen: Did they find Nayuta-kun?
Iori: Yeah.
Zen: The only thing we can do is to watch over them. It feels kind of vexing, isn't it?
Iori: Yer right, but cozmez's a strong opponent. Can't let our guards down on the next live.
Zen: Of course, I will go all out! I have no intention to lose!
Iori: Yeah! Becoming of Akan Yatsura, let's go merrily an' flashily!
1] As in the spirit of helping the weak and fighting the strong, generosity, heroism - usually a term used by the yakuza.
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noladyme · 4 years
The Frog Princess. Chapter 7
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She had no wish to be bound down to anyone, but Y/N none the less found herself being dragged across the continent; to marry King Foltest of Temeria.  Instead of pomp and spectacle; she was accompanied by the witcher, Geralt of Rivia. Their travels would bring both monsters, lust, love; and heartache. All sound tracked by an endearing buffoon of a bard, named Jaskier.
TW: Violence, language, sexual themes. Rated M.
“You’re going to need some new clothes”, Geralt said, as we were packing up, a little after noon. “O’Dimm will have his men looking for a young woman in a blue dress”. I sighed. “I shouldn’t have told them my name was Zaba. They’ll know to be looking for someone with that name”. “I think it’ll be fine”, he said. “But the clothes have to go”. I put my hands on my hips and smirked at him. “If you wanted me naked, you could just say so”, I laughed.
He dropped the satchel he’d been carrying; and walked up to me – sliding his arms around me, and cupping my bottom. “I’ve already had you once today, but I could go again”, he said; and kissed the tender skin under my ear.
“Hello!”, a voice called from a distance.
“If that’s Jaskier, I’m going to kill him”, Geralt growled. “If I don’t get to him first”, I mumbled. He smiled; and kissed me softly.
“Hello?”, the voice called; closer this time. “Are you the witcher? Geralt of Rivia?”. A short fat man was running in our direction; wearing a white tunic covered in red stains. Geralt drew his sword, and pushed me to stand behind him.
The man – clearly not used to running – stopped for a second, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He waddled up to us; and Geralt put away his sword, clearly not sensing any danger from him. “I’m Harken Danis”, the man coughed. “I come from Birxen. I need your help”. Geralt grunted. “I already have a contract”, he answered. I put a hand on his back, signaling for him to hear the man out. “Please, master witcher, I’m desperate”, Danis said. “It’s my son. He’s in grave danger!”.
I stepped towards the man. “Please, come sit by the fire. Have some water”.
Danis followed me back to the fire, and sat down; accepting the waterskin I offered him. “Thank you, young lady. You are very kind”. Geralt sat down opposite him. “Say your peace”, he demanded. I chided him with my eyes.
Danis sighed. “My son, Ajvin, he’s been hexed by a succubus”. I bit my cheek to avoid laughing – making Geralt lift his brows at me. The man continued. “He’s lost his mind! He won’t listen to us; and my wife is terribly distraught”, Danis said, tears welling up in his eyes. “She’s cast him under some spell!”.
Geralt stood up and began kicking dirt into the fire. “Succubi don’t do spells. She didn’t make him lose his mind; his cock did that all on its own”. Danis scoffed. “I beg your pardon?”. Geralt sighed. “They have sex with their victims. It’s good sex; but the…”, he was looking for the word, “… prey, can leave at any time. They won’t force themselves on someone; only take advantage of the ones that accept their offer of a good time. Your son can walk away any time he wants”.
Danis began bawling; tears running down his fat cheeks. “Please sir! I have coin. I’ll pay you handsomely!”. Geralt let out a long groan. “How far away is Birxen?”, he asked. “It’s not far. An hour on horseback; due south”, Danis sobbed.
Geralt turned towards me. “We’ll be going out of our way”, he muttered. “We still have a long way to Vizima. One hour south isn’t going to make much of a difference”, I smiled. “And I get to see you in action again”. He grunted. “Turn on?”, he asked. “A little”, I admitted with a smirk. He narrowed his eyes at me.
“25 crowns”, Geralt said to Danis over his shoulder. “I-i can pay 20”, Danis answered. Geralt turned around. “You’re a butcher, yes?”, he said, looking at the mans stained clothes. “Y-yes”, he answered. “20, and 4 pounds of good meat”. “Mutton?”, Danis asked. “Anything but”, Geralt answered; looking at me over his shoulder. I smiled at him.
“Go back to your wife. We’ll be there as soon as we can”, he said. Danis dried his eyes. “Thank you, good sir!”, he said; and waddled back in the direction he’d been coming from.
After having packed up, we got on our horses, and began moving south. The fall air was still chilly, but the sun and lack of wind made the trek bearable. I was still smiling to myself at our strange encounter.
“You had sex with a succubus?”, I asked Geralt. “It was a long winter”, he answered. I laughed out loud. “Come on, witcher”, I said. “There has to be more to the story”. “Not really”, he answered. “It’s like I told the butcher. They choose a victim, offer themselves up; and in my case, I said yes”. I considered his words for a moment. “But they… drain their lovers, don’t they?”, I asked. “Yes”, he answered. “Like I said, it was a long winter”. I chuckled. “But… it was good?”, I smirked. He looked out the corner of his eyes at me. “I’ve had better”, he grunted. I smirked in response.
We made it to Birxen not long after. Danis was there to great us outside his shop – which seemed to double as his home, I realized, when his wife invited us inside for a meal.
The dimly lit room had a rank smell of fresh and old blood, coming from a table in the corner – seemingly the butchers’ workstation. On the floor lay a dog, almost as fat as its master. I went to scratch it behind its ear; but felt Geralt tug at my dress. “Not the time to make new friends”, he said. “Let’s just get this over with”.
“It seems all I do on this journey is eat, sleep and watch you fight”, I said below my breath, as the woman was tending to her pots. “That, and have sex”, Geralt muttered with a smirk. “Well that part is new. And much more fun than being attacked by monsters”, I answered. He grunted in response.
“It’s so kind of you to come help us, master. I am very worried about my Ajvin”, the butchers wife said. In contrast to her husband, she was quite skinny – but must have been very good cook, as her husbands’ girth was evidence of. She’d prepared a small feast of fried potatoes, vegetables, and a roast of pork. The butcher dug right in, gobbling down immeasurable amounts of potatoes, and a chunk of meat as large as Geralts upper arm. The sight of it made my stomach churn.
“How did you know where to find me?”, Geralt asked. “Well…”, Danis said, sucking his fingers, “… a man came through town a few days back. Said he was on his way to meet with a witcher, named Geralt of Rivia. He wondered if you’d been through here already. Said you’d be coming from the western shore; Attre. I told him you might have passed Tigg on your way, that he should search there”. “His name?”, Geralt asked impatiently. I kicked his leg under the table. “He called himself Ermion”.
Mousesack!, I thought. Geralt noticed my face lighting up, and squeezed my knee in recognition.
“Did he say anything else?”, I asked. “Only that he’d be travelling with a woman; and that he had information she needed to hear”, the wife answered. “Was that you?”. “No”, Geralt answered brusquely. I clenched my jaw.
“Your boy”, Geralt said. “Tell me about him”. Danis’ wife began crying. “There, there, Mirtha”, Danis said, patting her head with his large hand. “The witcher is here to help us now”. “Yes”, she bawled. “Yes, good sir. Please save my boy”. “I need information”; Geralt grumbled.
I tried to eat some of the food on my plate, but quickly lost my appetite; when I saw Danis move his attention from his crying wife, and back to devouring another serving of meat. “He’s a good boy, my Ajvin”, Mirtha cried. “Always brought me flowers, and sang such lovely songs”. “He should be doing less singing, and more butchering”, Danis grumbled. Mirtha dabbed at a blot of stray meat-juice from his chin. “Now, Harkin; don’t you go speaking ill of our boys singing”, she said. “It’s lovely”. The butcher scoffed. “It’s useless is what it is”, he said.
Geralt was growing impatient. “So he sings. What else?”. I kicked his leg again.
Mirtha poured another serving of ale into her husbands’ mug. “A few months ago, Ajvin went to gather flowers and plants for pressing”, she said. “He makes lovely little frames to hang on the wall”. She gestured to a collection of pretty little frames with pictures made of pressed rose hip flowers and daisies. “He was gone such a long time, and when he came home, his cheeks were flush, and he wouldn’t speak to us”, the woman continued.
“And then?”, I asked; earning a look from Geralt. “Well”, she continued. “This kept happening, you see. He’d go out in the morning, and not come back ‘til late at night; looking tired and spent”. Danis nodded. “Sat him down, I did!”, he said, mouth full of green beans. “Told him that he wasn’t pulling his weight around here. That he was scaring his mother. I insisted he tell us what he was doing, when he left the house”.
Mirtha began bawling again. “Said he’d been meeting a girl”, she sobbed. “But no normal girl would make a good boy leave his mother so distraught!”. Danis slammed his fist into the table, making the plates and mugs jump. “She’s a succubus, I tell you”, he roared. “Draining Ajvin of his seed, to create young’uns. Little devils! I’ve heard the stories…”. Mirtha blew her nose in her apron. “Save my boy, witcher!”, she begged.
Geralt sighed. “Give us a place to sleep tonight, and I’ll follow your boy to the… succubus, tomorrow morning”, he said. Mirtha smiled widely. “You can have the hayloft in the barn”, she said.
“Thank you for doing this, master witcher”, Danis said. “Mirtha’s been so upset, I haven’t had a decent meal in weeks”. “That why you were crying, back at our camp?”, I asked. “Well, I’ve lost at least 5 pounds from it. It’s unbearable!”.
My stomach was growling from not having been able to eat in front of Danis.
“You should never waste an opportunity to eat”, Geralt chided, and pulled out a serving of vegetables he’d smuggled from the table. “The sight of the butcher made me feel sick to the stomach”, I mumbled. “Why?”, Geralt asked. “Because he’s fat?” “Fat has nothing to do with it. You can enjoy food without being a slop about it”, I answered, before chowing down on the meal in front of me. “Look who’s talking”, he chuckled. “Fuck off”, I retorted, mouth full. “So, we’re following the boy tomorrow?”.
“I’m following him”, Geralt said, while unstrapping his sword from his back. “You’re staying here”. “Geralt!”, I whined. “No”, he said. “Even if this isn’t a succubus, it might get dangerous”.
I put down the carrot I had been chewing on, and wiped my hands. Geralt had sat down next to me, leaning against a beam holding up the roof. “I’ve spent the last week traipsing through the country with you; meeting ghosts, wild animals and necrophages. Yesterday, I stabbed a man in the lung. Now you won’t let me see you follow a butcher’s son through the woods?”. “No”, he repeated. I sighed; and looked at him. He chuckled. “It’s not going to work”, he said.
I hitched up my skirts; and went to sit on his lap – straddling him. “Y/N…”, he began. “Geralt…”, I interrupted him. “You expect me to let you track down a succubus on you own? You might never come back. We know what happened last time…”. He grunted. “You could try to remind me what I have to come back to”, he breathed, and leant in to kiss me.
I pulled back. “No”, I said, shaking my head. “No?”, he asked, confused. “You have a contract”, I said. “You’re supposed to protect me, keep me close”. He let out a long groan, frowning at me. “Y/N…”, he said. “Besides; if I’m not with you, how do you know I won’t run away?”, I smirked.
“I could tie you down”, he growled, putting one hand on my back, and the other on my bottom; pulling me hard towards him. Our groins met, and my breath hitched. “Is that a promise?”, I breathed, and raised a brow at him, biting my lip. He groaned, and kissed me. I tried to pull away, but this time he moved his hand from my back, and held it to the back of my head, to keep it there.
I giggled against his lips. “This is fun to you?”, he growled. “Very”, I answered. “I think the only real succubus here is you”, he said. “Well…”, I said, nipping lightly at his lower lip, “… maybe you should take what’s offered”.
He let out a long groan; and pressed my hips closer to his, letting me feel his hardness. He leant in to kiss me again; but I put a finger to his lips. “Oh…”, I said, “… but I’m still coming with you”.
At dawn I woke from the sound of moving in the stable bellow the hayloft. Geralt was fully dressed, and sitting still as a statue; looking out the small glassless window at the gable. He turned his head to look at me, and put a finger to his lips. I nodded. The rustling downstairs ended with the closing of the stable doors. “Get dressed”, Geralt whispered, keeping his eyes on something moving outside.
Moments later we were walking through the woods behind the butcher’s house. Geralt wasn’t making a sound as he moved – I on the other hand was finding it difficult to avoid stepping on twigs and rustling leaves. Geralt looked back at me. “Try to step where I do”, he whispered.
I followed his moves; and soon we left the woods, moving into a meadow. About 100 yards away, I saw a scrawny young man, picking flowers. “Ajvin”, I whispered. Geralt nodded.
We crouched behind a large boulder. Suddenly, a pretty young woman came running into the meadow. Ajvin stood up, opened his arms, and she ran into his embrace, kissing him passionately. They sat down and began talking. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I saw Geralt smirking.
“What’s happening?”, I whispered. He chuckled. “Her name is Lysa”, he said. “He’s singing her a song he wrote about her”. “Aaww”, I smiled. “That’s sweet”. “It’s a terrible song”, he smiled. “Sing it to me”, I said. “I don’t sing”, he grunted. “Well, tell me the words, then”, I demanded. He sighed. “Lysa my dear. Your skin is so fine. Won’t you, oh won’t you, oh won’t you be mine”. I laughed. “You’re right. It’s a terrible song”.
Lysa leant against Ajvin, and he put his arm around her. I put my chin on Geralts shoulder. “They’re sweet”, I said. “They’re young and stupid”, he answered. “Maybe. But they’re happy. They chose each other”. Geralt looked at me, his eyes suddenly sad. “I’m sorry I can’t give you that”, he said. “I can’t give you flowers and songs in a meadow”.
I kissed his shoulder. “I don’t want flowers and meadows”, I said. “I just want a choice”. He let out a long breath; and then kissed my forehead.
Ajvin and Lysa began kissing and then quickly undressing each other. “Oh…”, I said. “Yes”, Geralt agreed. “We should probably…”. “Absolutely”, I said. He stood up, and took my hand to help me on my feet. Standing in front of him; he put his hand on my cheek, and softly kissed me.
We left the meadow as quickly as we had arrived.
Deciding Ajvide wasn’t in any danger, we had time to waste before returning to the butcher. Much to Geralts dismay, I decided to spend that time fully clothed; and working on the herbs and plants I’d gathered. I was standing over a makeshift worktable – an old tree that had fallen over – carefully making thin slices of the mandrake. “Thank you for this sacrifice”, I whispered to the almost humanoid-like root laying in front of me.
“You talking to the plants now?”, Geralt grumbled. He was standing leaning against a tree. “Mandrake. If it doesn’t kill you with its scream when you pull it from the ground; it might drive you to suicide when you ingest it”, I said. “I have to be respectful in the preparations of it. It didn’t choose its final purpose in this world; and it might take revenge on me”.
Geralt went to stand behind me; leaning over my shoulder to look. “Too thick”, he grunted. “I’m slicing it perfectly fine”, I said. He slid his arms around my waist, and pressed his hips towards my bottom; making clear his intention. “Not what I meant, little frog”, he breathed into my ear; and moved his hand towards the apex of my thighs. I gasped slightly. “Not in front of the mandrake”, I chuckled. “I’m sure it wouldn’t mind having it’s dying sight be of your perfect breasts bouncing”, he moaned; and let his other hand grab a hold of aforementioned part of my body.
Desperately trying to keep my head; I shrugged him off. Geralt looked at me with a frown. “I need to finish this”, I smiled. He groaned. “Besides, master witcher”, I smirked. “Don’t you have a contract to finish? The case of the non-existing succubus?”. He smiled wickedly. “I though we established last night, that you were the succubus”. I scoffed. “Oh, so now I’m draining the life out of you”. “Fuck”, he groaned. “Bad choice of words”. I smiled at him forgivingly. “Once I’m done here, we can go back to Danis and collect your pay”, I said. “Then, we can find a nice spot where you can fuck the living daylights out of me as much as you want”.
He looked at me with dark eyes. “Hurry”, he growled.
In the late afternoon we were back at the butcher’s house. He was waiting inside. “Well?”, he demanded. “Is it done? Is the demon dead?”.
Geralt sat down at the table, looking at him with hard eyes. “The demon is a young woman, who’s fallen in love with your son”, he said. “And he loves her”. My heart jumped a little at his words. “Love?”, Danis spattered; throwing what appeared to be a pigs-snout to the oversized dog on the floor. “Love has nothing to do with it. What love would have a boy ignore his parents plans for him?”.
I narrowed my eyes at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, I asked. “He’s supposed to take over the shop here. Find him a good wife that’ll fatten him up and bear him some children. Not run around in the fields with some… harlot!”. I was about to scream some choice words at him; when I felt Geralts hand on my knee under the table.
“Danis”, he said pointedly. “You brought me here to kill a succubus; even though I told you that such creatures carry no real danger. Now, you want me to… what, slit the throat of a girl; for no other reason than the fact that she makes your son happy?”. The butcher looked at Geralt with enraged eyes. “I’m not paying you anything until you get rid of that… that succubus!”, he snarled. “She must be a demon! Why else would Ajvin…”.
He was interrupted by Mirtha opening the door. “Harken, our boy is back!”, she beamed. We all went outside. “Witcher, you did it! Our son has come home!”, Mirtha sobbed through happy tears.
Ajvin was standing in front of us; his hair tussled, and it seemed he’d put on his shirt inside out. “It’s alright ma’. I’m here now”, he said; and hugged his crying mother. “Yes you are, son”, Danis smiled. “And now no more of that rubbish with that wench. You can get back to butchering with me”. Ajvin looked angrily at his father. “Don’t call her that!”, he said. “I love Lysa. We’re getting married!”. Danis gasped. “You, what?”, he snarled. “You’re mad, boy!”.
I felt Geralt tense up next to me. I grasped his hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze, which he returned after having relaxed his shoulders.
“She’s bewitched you, Ajvin”, Mirtha sobbed. “You have lost your mind; you must have!”. Ajvin smiled gently at her. “I haven’t, ma’”, he said. “I love Lysa, and she loves me. She makes me happy. She makes me dream up the most beautiful songs and poems; just from the way she looks at me”. I stifled a smile, remembering the beautiful song Geralt had recited to me in the meadow. They embraced; and Mirtha’s tears once again seemed to become happy ones.
“Rubbish!”, Danis cried out. “Get your head out of the clouds, Ajvin. You are meant to be a butcher – like me and your granda’ – not a singer”.
“But da’. I don’t want to be a butcher”, Ajvin said. “I want to be a poet. I don’t like killing animals”. “Rubbish”, Danis repeated. Ajvin shook his head. “It’s not rubbish. I’m going to Oxenfurt to train. Just like the great Jaskier. And Lysa’s coming with me”. Geralt raised an eyebrow.
Mirtha looked at her son with pleading eyes. “Is this what you want, son? Will this make you truly happy?”, she asked. He nodded. “It is, ma’”.
The butcher stormed towards Geralt; with a speed I didn’t know he had in him. “You!”, he yelled; pointing an angry finger at the witcher. “I’m not paying you as much as a rotten parsnip!”. Geralt looked ready to throttle the man, but before he could, Mirtha walked up behind him; and smacked him across the back of his head. “Shut up, Harkin!”, she growled. “You brought him here; you’ll pay him!”. “But…”, Danis tried. “No buts!”, Mirtha said. “Our boy has made up his mind. And you’ll support him”.
Danis muttered a curse; and then handed Geralt a small purse. “You’re not getting the meat!”, he snarled; and waddled back into his house.
Nodding at both Mirtha and Ajvin, we went to get the horses. The young man caught up to us at the stable doors.
“Are you Geralt of Rivia? The White Wolf?”, he asked. Geralt grunted. “That is…”, Ajvin looked flabbergasted. “You sir… you are so lucky to have been graced with the friendship of the great bard, Jaskier. Please tell me; what’s he like?”. Geralt seemed as if he was just about to say something rather unpleasant. “Very focused on his craft”, I said quickly. “His craft being women, drinking and laziness”, Geralt muttered below his breath. I bumped his arm with my shoulder, and smiled widely at Ajvin. “Good luck in Oxenfurt”, I said. “And good health on your marriage”. Ajvin beamed at me. “Thanks, my lady”.
He went to walk back to the house. “Oh!”, he said. “I nearly forgot”. He handed over some folded fabric and leather. “Ma’ said she’d noticed a patch on your dress; and seeing as you’re travelling what seems to be quite a way; it would be better for you to have something appropriate to wear”. I looked at the clothes I was holding. A mix of greys and browns; and what looked like a bright purple shirt. Ajvin half smiled at me. “I dyed it myself”, he said. I thanked him. “Safe journeys to you both”, he said, and left us.
I chuckled, and shook my head. “Are your contracts always like this?”, I asked Geralt. He grunted. “Not exactly”, he said. “But it’s not the first time someone mistook a pretty girl for a demon”. We got on our horses, and left Birxen behind.
At nightfall we came upon the ruins of an old cottage. “I wonder who lived here”, I said. “Tonight, we do”, Geralt grumbled; and began to tie the horses to a tree outside the ramshackle building. My stallion began making neighing sounds. “Don’t even think about it. I’ll make you a gelding”, Geralt growled at it; and led Roach to another tree, a few yards away. “Bayrd”, I said. “His name is Bayrd. The one who sings”. Geralt chuckled. “You’re mad, little frog”. I grinned at him.
That night; Geralt fucked the living daylights out of me; as I looked at the stars through the holes in the roof of the old cottage. Once he was finished – having made sure we both met a more than satisfying end – I fell asleep with my ear to his chest; lulled by the sound of his slow heartbeat.
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rintarous · 4 years
worries ➵ e. kirishima
GENRE: angst and fluff
SUMMARY: kirishima is one of the strongest people you know but sometimes, you just can’t help but be worried about his well being. 
PAIRING: kirishima eijirou x reader
A/N: this went longer than expected.. this whole thing is inspired by the song sunflower by post malone & swae lee,, also fuck this shit got too long for my liking so sorry if it gets wonky and weird along the way, i didn’t know what to write and yeah ughakjda enjoy !! 
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Ever since Aizawa talked about the work studies, everyone couldn’t keep their mouths shut. It didn’t help that the big three of U.A, Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki came to the classroom and gave a brief explanation on what’s it really about. Through a mutual decision among the staffs, they’ve decided that only first years would be taking work studies this year and it would be among the pro’s who had kept a good reputation on accepting students.
On your way back to the dorms, your boyfriend, Kirishima, couldn’t help but feel excited over the whole work studies thing. “Man, I sure do hope I get recommended or get chosen” Kirishima exclaims, jogging ahead. You trailed right behind him, giggling at his cute antics. “any agencies you have in mind, babe?” he asked, holding his hand out for you to hold. Kirishima is a clingy man after all. 
“Well, I could always go back to Mt. Lady’s agency but I doubt the school will allow me to go since they are still pretty new..” you say after thinking about your experience at the said agency. 
The moment you two got to the dorms, you two quickly took a shower and changed into pajamas to go join your classmates at the common room where everyone was lounging around in. You sat beside Uraraka and Tsuyu while Kirishima went to bother his friends. 
“Anyone found a place to do their work studies yet?” Mina asked no one in particular. Midoriya raised his hand awkwardly. “Wow! Congrats Midoriya!” Iida congratulates his friend. Kirishima suddenly plops down right next to you and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Fourth Kind doesn’t even take work studies” he sighs.
“The school said Gunhead hasn’t had enough interns so I can't go there” Ochaco shares sadly. The rest of the class started voicing their own concerns about the work studies till Aizawa came through the door. 
“That’s because it becomes a problem of who’s responsible on the pro side. Pro heroes who accept students even after knowing the risk are the real thing.” Aizawa explains. “Tokoyami, you’ve got an invitation from one of the pros. Uraraka and Asui, Hado wants to see the two of you and Kirishima, Amajiki wants to see you as well” he adds. 
Kirishima stood up from the couch, “Amajiki-senpai wants to see me?” he pointed to himself. Aizawa nods. “Go see them tomorrow or something and hear them out. That is all” and with that, he leaves. “Well, I'm going to go to see Amajiki-senpai at his dorm!” Kirishima rushes out the door, leaving you alone with the rest of your classmates who weren’t called by anyone. 
A little later, Kirishima comes back and announces that Amajiki is willing to recommend him to Fat Gum and will start tomorrow immediately. You jumped from your seat and gave him a hug. “i’m so happy for you, Kiri!” 
Yes, it’s true that you were happy for him but you just can’t help but worry about his well being. Since work studies are seriously different from the internships, this time the pro heroes actually treat you like their sidekicks. 
“Hey, what’s with the long face?” Kirishima pulls away from your hug. You shake your head, “Nothing, I’m just worried for you” Kirishima cups your cheeks. “I won’t be doing anything reckless babe, you know that” he giggles. Your little intimate moment was ruined by Bakugou who threw a cup at Kirishima’s head. “Get a fucking room!” he waves his hand in the air making his buddy laugh out loud. 
Tonight was Kirishima’s first night on the job with Tamaki under Fat Gum’s guidance. Currently, you were in his room watching him change into his hero costume. “What time will you be back?” you ask Kirishima as he was putting on his gear. Kirishima turns around and gives you a soft smile. “I don’t know, babe. Don’t wait up for me if it’s getting too late” 
You watched Kirishima jog his way to Tamaki who’s been waiting outside your dorm for a while now. “Bye Y/n! I love you” Kirishima blows you a flying kiss. You giggled and waved at him before disappearing back into the dorm.
“Is that your girlfriend?” Tamaki asked Kirishima quietly. Kirishima nods his head yes, “The one and only” he boasts. Tamaki gives him a small smile and they made their way to Fat Gum’s agency.
After closing the door, you immediately plopped down on the couch next to Mina, Sero and Kaminari “Lonely already?” Sero snickers, giving you a side glance. “Haha, very funny” you mocked his tone of voice. “I just.. feel uneasy” you confessed to your friends. Sero and Kaminari share a knowing look.
“I feel uneasy about him too..” Kaminari starts. You snap your head in his direction. “Just a few nights ago, he basically told us that he felt useless compared to us and I don’t know what I feel about that. I never knew Kirishima would be so insecure over his quirk” Kaminari shares. You look at Sero for confirmation and he nods his head slowly. 
“Well fuck” you cursed, “now I’m even more worried about him” you bit your nails, a habit you have whenever you’re nervous or queasy. Mina suddenly grabs your shoulder, “Don’t think about it too much, okay? Kirishima’s gonna be back soon” she smiles. You smile back at her and gave her a hug, “Thanks Mina” you sigh. “Hey how come we don’t get hugs?” you hear Kaminari complain to which Sero responds by smacking his head. 
A few hours has passed and everyone else already went back to their rooms while you still haven’t left your spot on the couch. It was approaching two in the morning and Kirishima still hasn’t come home yet. Realizing he won’t be back any time soon, you stood up from the couch and stretched your limbs before heading upstairs to your room til the front door opened. 
You spot a familiar red head walking straight to the kitchen and grabbed himself a glass of water. Kirishima still hasn’t noticed you from the couch until you coughed to catch his attention. Kirishima nearly drops the glass he was holding as he jumps from shock. “Jesus fucking Christ” Kirishima curses, putting a hand on his chest. “What the fuck happened?!” you cried out as your eyes trailed all over his body that was covered in cuts and potential bruises. “Why are you still awake?” he counters. “You didn’t answer my question first” you retort, running over to the bathroom to get a first aid kit.
You dabbed some disinfectant on his cuts with a wet cloth. Kirishima winces when you pressed it on his chest and arms. “Ouch!” he yelps as you hit a specific spot. “Will you answer me or not?” you ask as you continue to tend on his cuts. “Fine! I was dealing with someone who could release blades out of his skin, that’s how I got the cuts. Now tell me, why are you still awake?” he exasperated. 
“My gut was telling me something was wrong and I couldn’t sleep after..” you say slowly. Kirishima raises a brow, “..Kaminari told me something” you confessed. “Whatever it is, don’t just believe whatever that piece of shit says” Kirishima brushed you off making you pissed. “So I’m just gonna pretend I never heard them say you basically felt useless compared to us. Okay, that’s cool” you say through gritted teeth. 
Kirishima visibly tenses at your sudden outburst. His little train of thought gets cut off short by you closing the first aid kit a little too loudly, tossing it to his side. “Goodnight, Kirishima” you say coldly as you walk away from the kitchen and went straight to your room. All Kirishima could do was watch you disappear into the dark, empty hallways of the dorm.  
The next day, you ignored all of Kirishima’s attempt to talk to you. Even going as far as not eating breakfast just because you knew he was going to be there. You were ready to leave as your hand was already at the door knob til you heard Yaoyorozu calling your name.
“Hey Y/N, you’re not going to eat breakfast?” Yaoyorozu asked from the dining area. All heads suddenly turned to you, including Kirishima. “I’ll just grab something from lunch rush” you faked a smile, rushing out of the dorm. 
“Damn dude, you two fighting or something?” Kaminari asked Kirishima who’s staring blankly at his plate. Kirishima suddenly stands up and runs after you leaving Kaminari, Sero and Bakugou to look at him weirdly. 
“Y/N wait!” you hear Kirishima call from the distance. Cursing under your breath, you walked faster towards the U.A building but it was too late. Kirishima was able to catch up to you. “Y/N” he pants, grabbing your arm. “What?” you say coldly. “I’m sorry” he apologizes. you rolled your eyes and wiggled out of his grasp. 
“Is this because of last night? if it is, then I’m sorry for not telling you about what I’ve felt over the past few days… It’s just hard you know? to see yourself having a gap between you and your peers..” Kirishima admits. There was a hint of sadness in his voice making you frown. You turned around to face him to see him looking back at you with a sad expression. 
“.. I’m sorry for not being too understanding” you cried out as you ran into his arms and buried your head into his chest. Kirishima chuckles lowly, “I shouldn’t have brushed you off last night too.. I guess we’re even” 
“KIRISHIMA AND Y/L/N!” Iida calls out, “You two are breaking the school rule of no public display of affection!” he nags, repeatedly pointing at the two of you making Midoriya, Uraraka, and Tsuyu giggle. “Please refrain from doing such action ever again” Iida reminds, walking away to head to the classroom. You and Kirishima share a look before erupting into laughter. 
The rest of the week went by more smoothly than expected. Kirishima still goes to his work studies every night and the same goes to Midoriya, Uraraka and Tsuyu but lately, out of the four of them, Midoriya seems out of it. 
Now that you think about it, you’ve never really asked Kirishima what’s going on with his work studies after that argument you had with him a week ago. Currently you were at the common room, per usual talking to Kirishima about anything as you rest your legs on his lap. 
“Oh yeah so how’s your work studies going?” you asked your boyfriend. Kirishima shrugs, “same old, same old” he replies nonchalantly. You hummed, not thinking much of it. ‘Maybe it’s confidential’ you thought to yourself.
Suddenly Midoriya bursts into the room with a determined look on his face. “Hey Kirishima, Are you ready for the operation?” Midoriya asked Kirishima. You sat up from the couch and looked at Kirishima with an unreadable expression on your face. Kirishima stares at Midoriya with a look of panic in his eyes, diverting his eyes towards your direction. 
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry for saying that out loud!” Midoriya apologizes to you specifically. You kept your lips on a tight line. “It’s fine. It’s probably confidential and all” you point out. “Now if you would excuse me, I’m going to my room” you stood up from the couch, not sparing a glance towards Kirishima’s direction.
“i’m sorry again, Kirishima” Midoriya bows slightly at his friend. “No dude, it’s fine. I didn’t tell her so she won’t… do that heh whatever we’ll talk this out” Kirishima smiles sheepishly, rubbing his neck. 
Unfortunately, Kirishima was able to catch up to you, again. Damn elevator was slow as fuck. “Y/N, let me explain” Kirishima starts. “No, I get it. It’s top secret right?” you brushed him off. Kirishima frowns, “I purposely didn’t tell you because I knew you’d react this way!” he argues. You faced him, “so it’s my fault?” you point at yourself, raising your voice. 
Your classmates who were around turned their attention at the bickering couple in front of them. Kirishima takes a deep breath and grabs your hand. “We’re talking in my room. Now” he ushered— basically pushed you inside the elevator and quickly pressed the button to his floor. The whole elevator ride, Kirishima held your hand tight, despite your attempts of breaking away, he still held onto your hand tighter.
“I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d try and stop me from going,” Kirishima says as he closes the door. “If anything, you just made it worse for me” you retort, sitting on his bed. “Tell me, how did I make it fucking worse!” he exclaims, making you flinch from his sudden outburst. “You’d rather have me sit here and lose my fucking mind worrying about your well fucking being when God knows what the fuck happened to you?!” you fumed, getting all over his face. 
At this point, you didn’t care if his neighboring classmates could hear your argument.
“You’d risk your fucking life for the people in need and that’s what I worry about the most. You wouldn’t think twice to jump into action even if your life is on the line if it meant protecting the people you love and care about the most..” you paused. “and here I am, going crazy just thinking about any possible thing that could happen to you and what do you do? you keep things like this away from me” you sniffled
Kirishima’s face softened and walked closer to you. “I just..” you wiped the tears falling down from your face. “I just can’t stand seeing you get hurt, Eiji” you burst into tears. Kirishima suddenly pulls you close to him. He rubs your back gently as you continue to sob onto his chest. “Do you want to lie down?” Kirishima asked after you seemed to have calmed down a bit. You nod your head, feeling drained after crying a bit too much. 
“Can I stay here for the night?” you croaked, looking up at Kirishima with swollen eyes. He smiles softly and nods. Kirishima watched you crawl onto his bed and made yourself comfortable under his blankets. He later joins you and puts his arm under your head as you two begin to cuddle. 
“Kiri?” you call, feeling sleepy. “Hmm?” he hums, fixing your position. “Do you really have to go?” you murmured, scooting closer to him as you possibly can. “You know I have to,” he sighs. You stayed silent after that. After a while, Kirishima feels your breathing go steady meaning you have fallen asleep. 
He stares at the ceiling for God knows how long. He couldn’t sleep after the things you’ve told him. He never realized how much you worry about him. As he was waiting for the confirmation and important details for the operation that was coming, he couldn’t help but feel like something bad is going to happen to him. Here he was again just like a week ago, feeling useless all of a sudden.
The sound of his phone vibrating from his bedside table cut his train of thought. The text message he, along with Midoriya, Uraraka and Tsuyu have been anticipating for is finally here. There was no backing out from the operation anymore. 
Kirishima slowly removed his arm from your head and tip-toed out of his room to go downstairs to meet up with Midoriya, Uraraka and Tsuyu. Before he left, he took a good look at your sleeping figure in his bed. Smiling slightly to himself, he closed the door gently and met up with his friends downstairs.
Before they left for their mission, Kirishima didn’t forget to give you a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be back soon”  
You wake up alone in his bed later that day. You ran downstairs to see if they were still there but nope, there was no Kirishima or Midoriya or Tsuyu or Uraraka around. Mina notices the frantic look on your face. “They went already, didn’t they?” you asked. Mina, Kaminari and Sero nod. 
“They’re gonna be alright Y/N” Sero comforts. “Yeah! like we witnessed how they’ve improved right? he, they would be back before we know it” Kaminari agrees with Sero. “Now c’mon let’s head to class” Mina grabs your hand and drags you to your own room so you could change into your uniform.
The whole morning, you felt so uneasy. You were a jittering mess to put it that way. Every time someone tapped on your shoulder, you’d jump. Scaring not only the person who’s tapping your shoulder but literally everyone around you.
Finally it was lunchtime and you sat with your friends, the Bakusquad™. “Oi Y/L/N, you’re not gonna eat?” Bakugou asks, noticing that you were playing with your food. “Huh?” you asked, dazed. Mina pouts, “Aish Y/N, don’t be like that! We already told you earlier right? they’ll be fine” she pouts. Suddenly, you had this feeling in your stomach that something was definitely wrong. 
“Mina, I don’t feel so good” you grimace, feeling nauseous all of a sudden. The boys immediately went around the table in case you were about to pass out at any moment. “We can take you to recovery girl if you’d like” Kaminari offers. Bakugou and Sero nod their heads. “Yeah Y/N, you look like you’re about to throw up” Sero points out. 
You wave them off, “No, I don’t need to see recovery girl. Let’s just go to class so it’ll be over with” Mina looked at you weirdly but complied anyway. She linked your arms together as you all walk back to class. “If this is all because of shitty hair, I'm beating him up for making you almost throw up” Bakugou comments from the back making you, and the rest of your friend laugh.
At least they’ve made an attempt to make you feel better even if it’s only for a while
You were now all back at the dorms. You’ve been texting Kirishima all day in case they were already done with their business but it seemed like he wasn’t gonna reply soon. You threw your phone at the couch and opened the TV instead.
Wrong move.
The news channel is on and it broadcasted the Shie Hassaikai Raid. You spot Uraraka and Tsuyu behind the reporter and instantly, you knew this was the operation they were talking about. “YOU GUYS! LOOK AT THE NEWS!” you called your classmates and they all immediately rushed to the common room.
“Oh my god..” Jirou covers her mouth in shock after watching the broadcast and how messy it looked. “Must be some top notch villain” Mineta comments. You grabbed your phone and again, you started spamming Kirishima’s phone along the lines of “Are you okay??” “Call me when you receive my texts ASAP” 
“Everyone, dinner is ready.” Iida announces, noticing the atmosphere was a bit gloomy. “and instead of us moping around, let us keep our spirits high and send out our prayers to our beloved classmates who are part of the raid so they can come back home to us safely, okay?” he reminds the class, trying to lift the mood.
Dinner went by quickly and you immediately went up to Mina’s room instead of staying in the common room where everyone was watching the news. “Are you sure you don’t want to be with our classmates downstairs? I’ll be fine here for a moment” you tell Mina as she closed the door.
“No, it’s alright. I don’t want you to be all alone and all during a time like this” she smiles, flopping down on her bed while you sat on the floor. You opened your gallery and scrolled through a bunch of photos of you and Kirishima together. Though it’s only been a day, you already missed him a lot.
“You know, Kirishima’s never like this before” Mina starts. You looked at her weirdly, “what do you mean?” you raised a brow. “Kirishima and I went to the same middle school” she shared. A look of amusement was evident on your face. ‘How come he never told me?’ you thought to yourself.
“Judging by your reaction, he never told you, didn’t he?” she giggled. You nod your head yes and motioned her to continue on what she was saying. “He was in class 1 while I was in class 4 but i’ve seen him around” she continues.
“And one day, I didn’t know if they were a villain or a hero but this huge guy just asked my classmates where this agency was and he was so scary face to face. Kirishima was there when it happened and he wanted to protect those girls but he just froze.. he couldn’t do anything to help and I guess that took a toll on him” she recalls, trying to remember what happened on that day. 
“He even apologized to the girls for not doing anything and I guess that’s where he started to be harsh on himself and worked hard to be where he is today” Mina concludes. You suddenly remembered the time Kirishima told you about the story of his scar and how it all seemed to connect as he once mentioned that he did hate his quirk once. 
With everything going on, you felt so overwhelmed that you started crying again. “Oh man, I didn't mean for you to cry” Mina yelps as she jumps down from her bed to comfort you. “Mina.. I’m scared” you sobbed onto your hands. Mina pouts, “Y/N, I know you are.. We all are..” she rubs your back soothingly.
“He still hasn’t responded to my texts and it’s already evening.. Who knows what happened to him– to them” you bawled your eyes out, throwing yourself onto Mina. “Y/N.. please stop crying.. It’s gonna be okay.. They’re gonna be okay..” she continues to rub your back, something Kirishima does when you’re stressed out over something. 
Boxes of tissues later, you and Mina are now passed out on her bed after a night filled with tears and snot. 
“Aye mornin’ girls- oh” Bakugou, Kaminari and Sero burst into Mina's room only to see the two of you passed out. “OI RACCOON EYES AND SHITTY FACE” Bakugou yells making you jolt out of bed. “Fucking hell Y/N, did you cry a fucking river here last night?” Bakugou comments, staring at the tissues scattered everywhere. You scoffed and checked your phone, still no reply from Kirishima. 
“I’m so tireeeed” Mina groans, burying her face into her pillows. “Y/N couldn’t stop crying last night I was surprised she didn’t get dehydrated” Mina giggles. “Shut up, Min” you covered your face in embarrassment making the boys chuckle. 
“Anyway our two beautiful ladies, breakfast is downstairs” Sero reminds. “I don’t want to eat” you say. “Nope, that’s not what you’re going to do” Kaminari nags. “Shitty face is gonna get his ass beaten for making you act like this” Bakugou growls and grabs your arm, dragging you to the dining area to eat alongside Mina of course.
All day today, the boys and Mina all made an effort to get your mind off of things. They even took it as far as confiscating your phone if it meant that you wouldn’t look at your phone every second of the day just to cry a second later.
“Can I please have my phone?” you pull your puppy eyes at Kaminari who was the keeper of your phone. Kaminari laughs obnoxiously, “No” you scowled, “Wait til I tell Eijirou” Kaminari shrugs and watches TV
After what felt like an eternity, the front door opened. Everyone’s heads perked up and lo and behold, it was Midoriya, Tsuyu, Uraraka and Kirishima.
“They’re back!” Mineta cried out as he ran over to them. “They’re back, you guys!” Everyone started to surround them. “We were so worried about you!” “I’m so glad you guys are back safe and sound” People are talking over one another and overall it was a mess. 
You stayed behind the crowd but kept your eye on Kirishima the whole time. He’s back! He’s back in one whole, Kirishima— your Kirishima was back. 
You found yourself walking towards him, you couldn’t wait to have him in your arms again safe and sound. “You guys just kept getting involved in crazy shit!” Kaminari exclaims. Midoriya and Kirishima share a look, “hehe sorry for not telling you guys sooner, they wouldn’t let us” Midoriya smiles sheepishly. 
It seemed like Kirishima found your eyes since a huge smile was suddenly plastered across his face. You felt the tears welling up again for what seems like the nth time today alone. Your lips quivered as you pushed passed Kaminari and now you were right in front of him. “H-Hi” you whispered. Kirishima couldn’t hold it anymore, he dropped his bag and engulfed you in his arms. 
“I was so fucking worried” you wailed. “It’s okay, I’m here now aren’t I?” Kirishima sniffles, hugging you tighter. 
“GUYS!” Iida interferes, “I know you’re worried, heck even I am but please calm yourselves! You saw the news didn’t you? A lot happened to them so let us give them some space!” he nags. Iida then turns to you, “this applies the same for you too, Y/L/N-san” 
“Uhh Iida?” Kirishima motions himself and you, “I’ll handle this” he mouths over to the class representative. Iida gives him a curt nod, “Very well.” 
You pulled away from his hug and cupped his cheeks. “You wouldn’t answer my texts and the fact you didn’t respond overnight, I was so fucking worried for you, I didn’t know what to do” you rambled making Kirishima chuckle. “Well you don’t have to worry about anything else, I’m here now. Back in your hold and you’ll never lose me like that ever again” he grins, showing his pointy whites. 
“OI Shitty hair” Bakugou calls, Kirishima whipped his head in his direction. “Ah Bakugou!” Kirishima smiles widely. “Just because you’re back doesn’t mean we’ll let you off that easily” Bakugou smiles devilishly at his friend. Kirishima looked down at you and gave you a confused look. 
“You made us suffer by making us take care of your crybaby” Bakugou points a finger at you. “Do you know how many boxes of tissues I had to ask Yaomomo?!” Mina adds, making everyone double over laughing. 
“You guys!” you complained, cheeks reddening. “Hey Kirishima” Mina calls, “You okay?” she asked. Kirishima’s grip on you tightened, “I’m not there yet..” he confessed to his childhood friend. Mina nods, “Don’t forget to tell me when you’ve completely gotten over it okay?” she smiles sweetly before running to Ochaco and Tsuyu. 
“She told you, didn’t she?” Kirishima asks as you two enter his room. “Yep and your scar story seemed to connect with it so I connected the dots and boom. Now I understand everything about you” you smiled. Kirishima changes into pajamas and quickly hops onto bed with you.
“Everything about me hmm?” he murmurs against your skin as he snakes his arm on your waist. “Yep” you say, popping the letter ‘P’ at the end making him chuckle. “I love you” you stroke his cheek with the pads of your thumb before closing the distance between the two of you.
“I love you too.” 
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dusk until dawn
Pairing: Carter!Reader x James “Bucky” Barnes
To be honest I forgot I had this in my drafts, have fun reading my very old imagine about bucky. 
Inspired by Madilyn Bailey’s cover of Dusk Till Dawn. If you want to listen to it while reading it, click here.
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“Can you feel why you're in this? Can you feel it through? All of the windows Inside this room...”
Y/N Carter didn’t remember much. If she was being honest, she had spent the last years of her life trying to erase memory fo the world outside. Erasing the memories of her family, of her sister, of her work back at SHIELD. Her life had been a bleak, blank sheet of paper ever since she had been kidnapped from her work place by HYDRA and tossed into a windowless cell whose walls she’d spent the last two years staring at. There was nothing new to her routine unless they decided to take her out to torture her in order to get information that she simply didn’t have. As Howard Stark said all the time, Y/N Carter was a “lab dweller”, she lived in the labs, she worked as Biomedical Scientist, barely even working within research unless some quick analyses were required. However, she was Peggy Carter’s sister and somehow that was all that mattered to HYDRA.
Today was different, though. A man dressed in a suit had arrived at her cell way earlier than the guards normally did and ordered her to get a lab coat on and follow him through the lowest lighted hall into a big metal door. She stood behind him, her hands shackled as he pressed a code into the door and scanned his eye which caused the door to open giving view to a room full of scientists, guards and doctors running around. The man clearly seemed important to Y/N, he was much better dressed than everyone and every single type of person inside that room seemed to stop as he walked into the middle of the room, his eyes settling on someone sat on a chair surrounded by various machines. Y/N couldn’t really see who it was until the man placed her by his side. He was handsome, maybe way more handsome than the men she normally used to meet back home. However, he was in pretty bad shape. He seemed to be in catatonic state, not even replying to sound stimuli.
      - Miss Carter, I’d imagine you’ve seen some of your operatives in catatonic state back in SHIELD. - he finally spoke to her, a thick American accent. Almost posh, as posh as the men had when her parents threw her a debutant ball. He was not German, he was not Russian, he was American. - I imagine you as a SHIELD operative must know how to deal with situations like this.
     - I’m a level 2 sparrow, sir. I barely even get to see operatives unless we’re under emergency situations. I’ve told this before to your people, I’m of no use for ....
     - Now, save your cries Miss Carter. - he turned to face her, taking a key out of his pocket and unlocking her shackles. - You’re an asset to HYDRA now and if you wanna survive you’ll do as I say. 
Her eyes locked with the man who was sat down at the chair. He looked familiar to her, way too familiar but she just couldn’t pinpoint who he was. Anyway, his demeanour was still the same. His way was messy, a far cry from the boys back home and his face had a bit of stubble. She didn’t know how long he had been there but it looked like it had been for way longer than a man in catatonic state should.
     - Here’s the deal, Miss. Your job is to fix our operative, fast. - he said, placing his hands on his pockets. - If your talents don’t serve you than maybe try and use your female charms.
     - Excuse me. - she turned abruptly, disgusted by what had just came out of his mouth. The man chuckled, as he along with his staff started to walk towards the metal door, locking it and leaving them two alone there. The young woman sighted, trying her best not to start crying at her predicament. She just wanted to go home, she just wanted to go back to what she knew. Y/N returned to the man, looking at the machines around him trying to figure out what they meant as most of them had Russian writing on it yet to no avail. She had no idea how to bring someone out of catatonic state. - Can you raise your arm if you can hear me, please?
The man raised his right arm, keeping the left one on the leg of the chair, bounded, which was only when she noticed that it was made of metal. She would’ve been lying if she said that her curiosity didn’t spark. Nonetheless, his face still seemed frozen in stone.
     - I’m not gonna harm you. - she placed herself in front of him. - But I can’t help you if you don’t help me realise what’s wrong. 
He still didn’t tell her anything or moved his eyes away from the wall. She did know he could hear her and if he could hear her she could find a way to help this man who maybe she shouldn’t help. She looked around trying to figure out how to force him to react. It crossed her mind to unbound his metal arm but she wondered why it was bound. Was he violent? Could he move it? Maybe she should’ve gone through it more deeply but she found herself unbounding it.
This seemed to jerk a reaction in him as he raised it quite quickly, his eyes setting on it almost like this was a foreign object to him, which, somehow, it was. She stood a bit further from him not knowing exactly what to do. That was until she pushed her by the arm, bringing her almost face to face with him. Her heart was rushing, was she about the be killed? She closed her eyes, trying to set her mind somewhere else, home. When the pain didn’t come she peaked through only to see the man raising this metal hand and placing her hand in front of it. Her hand was small compared to his, but it was a hand, he could feel her hand.
    - Can you feel my hand? - she asked almost dumbfounded. She knew of people getting prosthetics in research but they couldn’t feel a thing. They lacked a nervous system and metal didn’t have one so how could he? - You can feel my hand, can’t you?
   - Yes. - he spoke hoarsely. 
   - My name is Y/N Carter, I’m a trained biomedical scientist, I can’t harm you. I wouldn’t know how to. - she tried to gain his trust. It was true, she couldn’t harm him. Her sister and brother were skilled fighters but she wasn’t. She couldn’t fight, specially couldn’t fight him.
   - That’s quite enough, Miss Carter. 
The days started changing for Y/N, she would be brought in every day whenever the man was anxious, violent or even return to his catatonic state. She still didn’t know who he was, whenever she tried to understand who he was, he would either grow violent or start ignoring her. However today, he just seemed to not be in it, he didn’t want to talk, he didn’t want to do anything. 
  - Winter. - she had grown to call him Winter after reading in a file that that’s the handle they’d given him. - You’re awfully quiet. 
  - They’re gonna put me there again. - he spoke quietly. If she had been distracted she wouldn’t even have listened. - They’re gonna put me to sleep again.
  - I don’t know what you’re talking about. - she raised her hand to rest on his cheek which he wasn’t expecting. - I’m not gonna let them hurt you, I promise you.
  - They already did.
“'Cause I wanna touch you, baby and I wanna feel you, too. I wanna see the sunrise and your sins just me and you ...”
Winter had been right, they did put him to sleep but not before they put her. Between all the mess, whenever he closed his eyes and got put inside the Cryostasis Chamber he could hear her screaming as they shoved her inside one of the pods.
Nonetheless, she was the first to be taken out of it. She had been woken up in the mid 90′s to learn from whatever’s new in the world and would never see the Winter Soldier. That was until now with Pierce. 
   - You know, Miss Carter, had this been any different, I would’ve made you my wife. - he said as he walked into a underground lift. - My grandfather always spoke of how beautiful you were. Seems like he was right.
   - You harm innocent people. - she snickered right back. She had realised long ago they wouldn’t get rid of her. If she was useless they would’ve let her die, they wouldn’t had gone through the trouble of injecting her with the super soldier serum and have her around. - I wouldn’t marry you even if you were the last man alive.
  - Miss Carter, you out of all people should known that to make a better world you have to destroy the old one. - he entered a room along with her. - Asset, you’ve done a great job with Fury. You know I’m a man of my word, I promised to bring him back and here she is. 
  - Winter. - she rushed towards him. He looked up to see her, exactly the same as he remembered her, same face, same eyes, same hair. - What have they done to you?
 - Remember Miss Carter, I reward my followers.
“And you’ll never be alone, I’ll be waiting from dusk til dawn, I’ll be waiting from dusk til dawn ... baby I’ll be right here”
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toomuch-caffeine · 3 years
Titles don't matter
AO3 link
Word count: 8726
Summary: First, Happy was dating some mysterious woman. Then his new nephew turned out to be superhero. And now Tony somehow gained a kid.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: kidnapping, gunshot wounds, unnamed bad guy's death
A/N: Reposted from AO3, third fic in a series
A big reveal of Spider-Man’s identity and by consequence Happy’s mysterious girlfriend, who was a vigilante’s Aunt, brought a lot of yelling and long conversations in med bay. Said vigilante was a teenager and hid the fact that he fights criminals in his pajamas for more than a year, which made his Aunt mix of angry, guilty and terrified. When the situation calmed down, a couple of days after Peter Parker woke up from the surgery and had a chance to defend his actions, Tony made a proposition to May and Happy. Peter could train in the Tower with the Avengers and also would make a super suit with Tony. A suit that would contain a lot of safety protocols and a way to control young hero’s actions by adults.
That’s how Tony ended up giving a tour of his workshop. He observed the awestruck teenager in front of him. Peter looked around, lips slightly parted and eyes wide open. Tower’s lab was definitely an update from dumpsters and school workshops. It occupied two whole floors, one of them belonged to Tony, one to Bruce. Sleek holotables and expensive materials were enough to make every nerdy teenager’s knees weak. There was still some clutter in the corner, but Tony had cleaned up a bit, to impress Peter more.
“Come on, kid, that’s your workstation.” Tony showed a big, empty oval table, to a lingering in a threshold kid. Peter’s eyes widened even more, something that Tony didn’t think was possible.
“Wow, seriously?”
“Yeah. And those are Dum-E and U.” Tony didn’t even have to motion at the two robots, as both of them were currently surrounding Peter, trying to get to know the newcomer. Kid petted both of them, laughing and they seemed satisfied. He was seriously endearing. Couple of minutes spent with him and Tony could already tell why he wormed his way to Happy’s heart in no time. He was still shy with Tony and other Avengers, but around May and Happy he acted like a rambling ball of sunshine. He was too polite for his own sake and looking at his school records, Tony could tell, he was brilliant and right now he wanted to test that.
“So, introductions are done, time for fun!” Tony clapped his hands. “You can use everything in here-”
“Oh my god, this is like the best day of my life, Ned, you know, my friend, won’t believe me!”
“-but there are gonna be rules,” Tony continued. Mention of the rules brought all of Peter’s attention to him.
“First of all, FRIDAY won’t let you in the lab without me or Bruce present. You can experiment with whatever you want, but you have to run your ideas by me or Bruce or FRIDAY first. If you set something on fire, Dum-E has a fire extinguisher. Don’t eat or drink anything bots give you, they mix food with motor oil.
“Okay, so for the first project, we’ll do your spider suit together and you will learn along the way what FRIDAY can do, where are the tools and so on.” Tony sat down next to Peter, motioned for holograms to appear. “So, let’s get started.”
Tony never liked having company in the workshop. Other people were loud and nagging him to do stuff like eating or sleeping. But then came Bruce, who was quiet, could keep up with him and stand his moods. And then Peter appeared. The kid that understood arc reactor technology and Bruce’s papers. Even when something posed a problem to him, explaining was a pleasure, not a hindrance. He actually wanted to teach him all that he could and he already made several notes of what to do with the kid after they finished the suit. Peter’s ramblings replaced his workshop playlist and soon Tony knew all about his friends and teachers, his stories from patrols, as well as his favorite dishes and ice cream flavors. So he enjoyed working with Peter. His teammates might have also noticed that.
“Keep this up young spider and you will beat me in sparring,” Natasha praised him after the training. Peter, red faced from exertion, smiled and thanked. Then, he quickly grabbed a bottle that Steve threw at him from behind. He opened it and took a sip.
“Wow, I’m so hungry right now,” he stated.
“We have a lunch in an hour, think you will survive ‘til then?”
“Uhh, I don’t know, who’s cooking?”
“Well, it doesn’t matter, because there’s your favorite pizza waiting for you in the lab.” Another voice butted in. The owner of this voice appeared a moment after. “Spiderling! Come on, we’re burning sunlight!”
“But Mr. Stark, it’s not even noon and we don’t need sunlight in the lab!”
“Yeah, but Happy picks you up at 5, come on, come on, we have a lot to do.”
“Stark, stop making excuses to hog the kid just for yourself,” Natasha joked.
“Yeah, it’s been a month and he spent that mostly with you in the lab,” Bucky backed her up.
“Well, maybe because he knows who is best. Kiddo, who’s your favorite Avenger?” Tony shot them all a smile and clapped Peter on the shoulder.
“Well, I don’t know, but Bruce Banner is pretty cool? You know the most renowned scientist of his generation, his work on gamma rad-“
“You ungrateful child. I build a multimillion dollar super suit with you and that’s how you repay me?” Tony mocked outrage and started dragging Peter out of the gym. “We’re going. But maybe take a shower first.”
“Parker, you’re cheating!” Sam shouted when Peter threw at him another blue shell and won the race.
“I’m not cheating!”
“That’s not fair!”
“Rules allow that!”
“Then the rules are wrong!” Sam threw his hands up in the air. “God, I can’t believe that I lost to a teenager.”
Clint, who came the last, said, laying face first on the carpet, “You never win with kids in those things. Seriously, I have three of them, I know it.”
“Kid? Where are you? You said you are going to eat. Did the fridge eat you?” Tony came shouting.
“I’m sorry Mr. Stark, but Mr. Barton and Mr. Wilson invited me to play Mario Kart with them,” Peter answered beaming.
“And how did you do?”
“I won!” Peter gestured at the screen with the results and two defeated men.
“That’s great. Hey, when you come to the lab, I’ll let you mess with Iron Man repulsors.”
“Oh my god, yes!” Peter’s eyes lit up and he hurried after Tony.
“Wow, Tony stole Happy’s kid,” Sam said incredulously, when they both left.
“Do you think he will hide and lock him in his lab forever?” Clint lifted himself from the carpet.
“Dunno. Wanna go another round?”
So when the summer break ended, Spider-Man’s suit tested and ready to use, the atmosphere in the workshop changed. Kid started spending mornings at school and afternoons alternating between patrols and spending time in the lab. But the amount of time spent together was significantly smaller and emptiness started annoying Tony. It did wonders to his responsibilities to SI and Avengers Initiative as he was less inclined to lock himself up in the workshop.
“Tony, did something blow up here?” Bruce entered his workshop and stopped in his tracks, shell-shocked and looking around. He hadn’t been in Tony’s workshop for a long time as he worked mostly in his or small med bay’s lab and it was Tony, who would pay friendly visits to other labs (or come to bother Bruce). Currently, on Peter’s workstation were piling papers and textbooks. Every other surface was covered in post-it notes with Spanish vocabulary.
“I’m helping Peter with Spanish.”
“Tony, do you even know Spanish?” Bruce asked with raised eyebrows.
“I do now.”
“So… You are learning Spanish. For Peter,” Bruce stated.
“I’m learning for myself. It’s just a side effect that I can help him.”
“And it has nothing to do with Nat and Bucky teaching him Russian?”
“Sure. Now, do you have a UV lamp? Mine had broken down.”
“Oh, yeah, it’s there.”
“Soo, Mr. Stark, I have a question, you don’t have to say yes, of course…” Kid said, playing with a zipper.
“Just spit it out.”
“Cannedcometotheworkshopplease?” Peter let out a question in one breath with unbelievable speed.
“Say that again, but slower?”
“Can Ned come to the workshop, please? We have a robotics project for school, an-“
“Jesus, of course you can invite your friend over, you don’t need to stress so much.”
“Thank you Mr. Stark!”
And that’s how Tony ended up giving a lab tour to another teenager, this time a chubby, Asian kid, that gave the gaping fish impression at the first sight of the workshop.
“So, kiddos, what do you need to do for your little project?”
The project ended up with a very angry May Parker yelling at him.
“Stark! Why the fuck school called me to tell me that Peter’s last project was to dangerous to show in class?” Her lips were pressed into a thin line and she crossed her arms.
“Wha- It wasn’t anything that would blow up?” Tony said hesitantly as he didn’t exactly remember what he came up with.
“There were lasers, Tony.”
“Not very dangerous, if you ask me, just for a show.” He was sure that he didn’t let kids put anything that would destroy school in their project.
“Lasers that apparently cut a school desk and a whiteboard in half.” Or maybe he did. “He was given a 3 day suspension for bringing dangerous objects to school!”
“Oh, wow, I mean, that’s bad…” Tony was literally unable to act guilty, because that meant Peter would be out of school, and that meant…
“He’s not going to spend that time with you.” May Parker’s sharp voice cut off his train of thoughts.
He spent those three days redecorating and personalizing the guest room, where Peter had stayed a couple of times. His actions brought some half-hidden smiles from his teammates and Pepper, but he shrugged it off.
“Pepper, why did you take my intern?”
“I didn’t take anyone, Tony.” Pepper leveled him with a stare. “Peter came to me, asking for help with English essay for school.”
“Why didn’t he ask me?”
“Because you said that English classes are useless and he should ditch them.”
“What? No! I didn’t! Why would I?” Tony sputtered.
“FRIDAY, pull up the footage, please,” Pepper said with an exhale.
“Okay, FRIDAY, don’t, I did, but I shouldn’t. Kid, don’t ditch school, your education is important.”
“Well, I can always become a full time Avenger.”
“Wha- no! No, you can’t, I forbid, you are going to finish high school, then go to MIT and then work in SI, and you are not going to be a full time Avenger. Over my dead body!” Tony’s speech made both Pepper and Peter laugh.
“I was just joking.” Peter scrunched his eyebrows as some thought just came to him. “Have you already planned my life for me?”
“Oookay,” he replied, dragging the o. “Anyway, I just thought, that Pepper has more experience in humanities that you,” said Peter
“So when you are done with English, head down to the lab, because I have some upgrade ideas to discuss with you.”
Tony shot a glare at Pepper and she glared back. Tony decided to do a tactical retreat and leave the room.
“Tony, wait!” Happy called after him. “Look, I just wanted to talk about Peter.” That grabbed Tony’s attention.
“Is he okay? I didn’t get any-“
“No, no, he’s fine, I just wanted to talk about him. And you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I talked with May and she noticed that as well and he spends a lot of time with you.”
“If you want me to stop h-“
“I don’t want you to stop, there’s just a building full of people who also want to spend time with him.” Happy’s words were rushed and he seemed out of breath.
“So what do you want me to do, throw him out of the workshop?”
“Tony, just don’t go around complaining that he’s currently doing something with someone else.” Happy made a placating gesture and continued, “Look, I know you love him, I do too , but you can’t monopolize all his time.”
Tony opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He thought about his interactions with Peter for the past couple of months. Yeah, he liked the kid, liked teaching and helping him, a lot of his Spider-Man’s adventures had raised his heart rate and had given him a few gray hairs, but love? Nope, he didn’t need it and the kid didn’t need it.
He finally found his voice, “I don’t l-“
“God, you are an emotionally stunted idiot.” Happy shook his head. “Everyone sees that. Talk with Pepper.”
“Oh-okay,” Tony replied in confusion.
Pepper and Tony were laying in bed, the former reading a book, the latter looking at some blueprints.
“Happy said that I love Peter,” Tony dropped suddenly. The woman closed a book and turned on her side to look at him.
“And you don’t agree with that,” she stated.
“Well, it’s not like I don’t agree with it, but…”
“Tony, you literally started learning a new language to help him. And you also do your paperwork, while he does his homework, because you want to set a good example. You also started sleeping and eating regularly, for the same reason.”
“I just want to be a good example.”
“I also know something else.”
“Your will.”
“Oh.” Tony had, in fact, updated his will a month before and made Peter his sole heir. Peter wasn’t aware of this fact as Tony waited for him to be eighteen. May, as a legal guardian, and Happy, by extension, were the only ones informed about it. “But you know, he’s clever.”
“Would you do that to every clever kid?”
“…no.” Pepper smiled and picked up her book. Tony stared at the ceiling, thinking. After a minute he said, “He also said that I spend too much time with him.”
“Happy said that?”
“Tony… He just means that you are fairly annoying, when Peter spends time with the team and you come dragging him to the workshop.”
“I don’t drag him anywhere.”
“You know what I mean,” Pepper responded disapprovingly.
“Okay, okay, I know.”
After the beat of silence Tony spoke again, “You know, we could make our own kids.”
“You already have one.”
“He’s Happy’s and May’s, I just borrowed him.”
“And after we make our own, you are going to give him back?”
“Ehh, no, he grew on me.” Tony blinked, realizing something. “Wait you said after? Does that mean-“
“Good night, Tony.” Pepper turned off the lights.
“But you don’t dismiss the idea…”
“Good night.”
He did make it weird. They were five minutes into their usual lab time and Tony couldn’t stop staring at the kid and recalling conversations with Happy and Pepper. Peter , currently unaware of the turmoil inside Tony , was sitting at his workstation, chewing on a pencil and focusing on calculus homework. Tony sitting with his own pile of papers moved his eyes to the sheet of paper before him. ‘ Article 5c…' What the fuck am I reading? He looked on the desk, where read pieces of paper were laying. Apparently it was a contract. He didn’t recall its content at all. He looked at Peter again. Still chewing on a pencil.
“Hey, don’t chew on that!”
“You’ll destroy your teeth by chewing on pencils.”
Peter scrunched his eyebrows.
“Seriously?” He looked at the pencil and at Tony. “Why are you so weird today?”
“I’m not weird.”
“You are looking at me.”
“Maybe I like watching you.” As soon as those words left his mouth, Tony winced internally at them. Great, now he is a creepy, rich guy, who likes watching teenagers. “Or maybe not.” Peter’s eyebrows raised in question. “But I still like you.”
“You are being really weird,” Peter said, unsure of what he should do.
“Do you like being here?”
“Sure, why wouldn’t I?”
“You are not feeling obligated to do so? You wouldn’t prefer to spend time with Steve right now?”
“I don’t understand…”
“It’s a simple question, Pete.”
“Yeah, but I don’t understand why you are asking me that.”
“Just answer it, kid.”
“No , I don’t feel obligated to spend time here. I wouldn’t prefer to spend time with Steve right now” Peter replied, confusion and nervousness clearly visible, with how he started playing with the pencil.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s good, good talk, go back to your homework.” Peter looked at him quizzically for a moment, then he shrugged and went back to calculus. Tony started going through the contract. Except after five lines he lost his focus again and started thinking about Peter again. Emotions were always confusing for him and it didn’t help that everything about a situation was complicated. He couldn’t exactly Google ‘my bodyguard is dating a woman with a kid and I think I kind of love that kid, but I’m not sure what to do.’ Happy and Pepper both said that it’s okay and their only complaint was he tries to keep Peter to himself too much. And he was willing to admit that they were in fact right. But that was followed by the doubts if Peter actually wants to spend time in the workshop or if he just a pressured poor kid, who didn’t feel like he could refuse. Even if he wanted to spend time with him, where would he draw the line ? He had May and Happy as, well, parental figures. So what did it make Tony?
“Why are you staring at me again, Tony ? ” Peter’s voice startled him. He didn’t even notice when he moved his gaze from paperwork before him to kid again.
“I’m not.”
“Yeah, you are.”
Tony moved his eyes to the ceiling and sighted.
“Okay, I am. But I want to talk to you about something and I don’t know how.” Talking about feelings. Apparently a mature thing to do.
“Oh. Did I do something wrong? Because-“
“No, no, no, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Tony quickly denied. “Wait. Why did you think that you did something wrong? Did you?” He stared intensely at Peter.
“No, I just, you know…”
“Okay, never mind, we’ll talk about this later.” Tony took a big breath and started, “I talked with Happy. And Pepper. They both thi-“ A ping from his phone interrupted him, he looked at it and swore. “Okay, looks like we need to postpone our conversation.”
“What’s going on? Is that a mission? Should I-“
“Not a mission, stay there and do your homework, I’m going to be back soon or I’ll send Pepper.” Tony quickly left the workshop and once he was out of hearing range, he said, “FRIDAY, what’s going on?”
“There was a shooting at Central Park. Happy Hogan and May Parker were involved.”
“Are they okay?”
“911 reports say that Mr. Hogan was injured.”
“Send location to the suit, I’m going there. Divert the ambulance with Happy to the Tower, inform Cho and Pepper of the situation.”
“What should I tell Mr. Parker?”
“Don’t tell him anything yet.”
May and Happy had a date tonight, they should’ve been safe. But something happened and Tony had to do damage control quickly.
There was already the police and an ambulance departing the scene. Tony couldn’t see neither Happy nor May anywhere. He hoped that they were both in the ambulance that he saw leaving. He landed and immediately saw the crowd turn to him. He didn’t have time for fans and questions, ignoring them, he confidently strode towards NYPD officers, the crowd parting like the Red Sea.
“What’s going on, where’s May Parker and Happy Hogan?”
“Excuse me Mr. Stark, but you have to stand behind that tape.” one of the officers pointed with a finger.
“Mr. Hogan is my employee and has close ties to the Avengers and as such, that case falls under our jurisdiction,” he quickly replied, leveling the cop with a stare. It was a young looking man in uniform. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth in shock.
“Okay, I know that you are here to just keep the crowd away. Just bring me to someone, who is in charge here,” Tony quickly added more calmly. This worked, because he quickly found himself in the company of Detective Morrison and Detective Slater. Both of them were tall, unimpressed looking men.
“I understand Mr. Stark that you are nervous, but we are currently questioning the witnesses.” Morrison crossed his arms over the chest. Tony looked at his phone. Steve was trying to get that case handed over to them, but there’s only so much that can be done in five minutes and without any proof that it was an Avengers-level threat. Happy was admitted in the Tower’s med bay, unconscious and with a bullet hole. May Parker wasn’t with him and Tony was currently trying to locate her.
“You don’t understand. I just need to talk to a woman. May Parker. This high, brown hair, wears glasses. She was with Happy Hogan and probably will know what happened here.”
“I’m sorry, but there was no woman matching your description among people on scene when we arrived.” Finally Tony got confirmation of what he suspected all along and could act on that. He unblocked his phone and chose the number.
“Rogers, shooting in Central Park, May Parker wasn’t on scene when authorities had arrived, she’s possibly missing.” Then he turned to the Detectives, “We’ll need the witness statements that you’ve gathered.” He handed them a business card.
Back at the Tower Tony immediately rushed to the workshop. Peter was still there, having finished homework, he was preparing a web fluid.
“Hey, kid,” Tony started. Peter jumped in surprise and spilled the chemicals. He moved to clean it, but Tony stopped him
“Leave this. We need to talk.”
“Uhh, yeah, you'd said that before you left.”
“About something else, actually.” He placed his hands on the kid's shoulders and pushed him gently in the direction of a lab stool. “Sit down.” Peter complied and turned his attention to him.
“I left, because FRIDAY informed me of… shooting in Central Park. Happy and May were involved in it. Happy is currently in surgery and we don’t know where May is.” Tony decided to be short. As he watched Peter’s expression morph from neutral to disbelief and then pure shock and fear, he thought that maybe being more gentle and less direct was a better idea.
“What? No! That’s not… Please…” Peter’s breath quickened and started coming in short pants. He swayed on the unstable lab stool. Tony caught him by his shoulders.
“You need to breathe, kid or you’re gonna pass out.”
Fortunately Peter was able to get his breathing under control on his own and didn’t work himself into a full-blown panic attack. After a short silence filled only with the sound of his inhales and exhales, he feebly said, “I want to help.”
“Absolutely not,” Tony answered sternly and moved back.
“It’s May!”
“That is exactly why you won’t be doing anything!”
“You don’t understand!”
“Yes, I do! You won’t be able to keep your cool and you will be a liability not help! We can’t afford that!”
“Well, you can’t stop me!”
“Oh, yes I can. FRIDAY, Peter is not allowed to leave the Tower or access any files on the case.” Tony gave his orders to AI and looked at Peter. The teenager was fuming.
“You have no right!”
“If you think I’m the bad guy here, you can talk to Steve, he’s going to tell you the same thing.”
“I hate you!” Peter pushed him and stormed out of the workshop.
“FRIDAY, tell him that he should go to med bay to keep Happy company,” Tony barked out and then sighted, sat down by the desk and put his head in his arms. Somehow he managed to destroy everything in two minutes. Well, at least he knew where he stood. He rubbed his face and got up. Team was waiting for him in one of the conference rooms.
Avengers got permission to handle the case with the NYPD. So along with the team, there were two disgruntled detectives that Tony had met before. Steve led the meeting. After an hour of talking that had led them exactly to nothing he summed up, “For now, we have first responders and witnesses reports, none of them actually saw what happened, most of them heard the gunshot and saw only the result. Nobody recalls seeing May. FRI (DAY?) is running facial recognition, but to no avail. She’s also reviewing all of the footage from the nearest cameras to the scene and flagging anything unusual.”
At that moment Bruce entered the room.
“I have an update on Happy,” he started. ”GSW to the stomach, although nothing vital was hit. Cho’s using her regeneration cradle, so he should be able to tell us what happened when the anesthesia wears off.”
The team nodded at that.
“How’s Peter, Tony?” Natasha turned to him.
“He said that he hates me, because I didn’t let him help us,” Tony said dryly.
“He doesn’t really hate you, Tony,” Clint reassured him. “He’s just frightened that he’s going to lose the closest thing he has to a mother.”
“You need to talk to him,” Natasha stated.
“Yeah, I need to check on him anyway. FRI, where is he?”
“I am unable to determine Mr. Parker’s location.” Blood in Tony’s veins froze in an instant. The whole room went quiet, you could hear the pin drop.
“What… What do you mean?”
“Mr. Parker left the Tower approximately 30 minutes ago.”
“What?! I told you not to let him out! Track him!”
“The protocol has been overridden. Current protocol prohibits me from tracking him.”
“I believe that the current protocol was created by Ned Leeds.”
“Fuck.” Wow, letting the kid’s friend in the lab bit him in the ass for the second time.
“Tony, what’s going on? Who’s-“
“Peter and his friend hacked FRIDAY to sneak out and they added coding that makes it impossible to track him. I’m going to fix that.”
It was a long night. Tony spent hours fixing FRIDAY’s programming. At the end he was seriously considering whether it’s better to kill or hire Ned. Unfortunately after removal of the offending code it was too late to find Peter. He disappeared into thin air. His spider suit and phone were left at the Tower. He had changed his clothes in a back alley nearby and he wasn’t caught by any cameras, so they didn’t have anything to go on. At 4 AM it started sounding a bit surreal. Man gets shot and a woman goes missing in a public place in broad daylight. Teenager runs away and doesn't leave any trace. Everything in the span of two hours. Now they were just waiting for something. Clint and Sam played cards quietly. Steve and Natasha were going through everything they’ve managed to gather for an umpteenth time. Bruce went back to med bay to help Cho. Bucky just fell asleep on the table. The two detectives had left. Tony just stared at the screen no longer understanding what he was seeing, his mind exploring horrifying scenario number 78, where they find two mutilated bodies in a river and Happy dies because Cho missed something.
“Mr. Parker was registered by a street camera near the Tower, five minutes ago.” FRIDAY’S voice cut the silence. “He seems to be heading here.”
“What? Where’s he now?” Tony jumped to his feet.
“Mr. Parker just entered the Tower,” FRIDAY announced. “He’s going to the penthouse level.”
Tony for the past few hours imagined the lecture that he was going to give Peter when he saw him again. Something that would make the kid regret the day he was born. But when he saw him standing by the elevator, all of the anger had left him and immense relief washed over him. Peter was pale and shaking like leaf, but according to FRIDAY was unharmed
“Thank god!” That was all Tony said before pulling him into a hug. Peter, stiff at first, melted into him and started crying. His legs gave out and they both crumbled to the floor.
“I don’t hate you, I don’t hate you, I don’t-“
“Sh, sh, I know, it’s okay, I know, kiddo, I know,” Tony instinctively shushed him and started rocking them back and forth. He looked up and saw Pepper in pajamas, who was woken up and drawn there by the noise and he shook his head a little. She quickly understood and left for their bedroom.
Tony didn’t know how long they sat there but his legs went numb. Eventually Peter calmed down and said, “I thought you would chew me out for running.”
“I thought too. I’m still going to, after you get some sleep.”
They sat like that in silence for some more time. Finally Tony moved and helped Peter up.
“Come on, you still need to sleep.”
Peter looked better after the shower. Not so pale. Tony pushed him into bed, turned off the light and was about to leave, when the small voice called, “Can you stay?” Tony turned towards the owner of this voice. In the darkness he could only distinguish the lump on the bed and curls peeking out from beneath the covers. He moved closer and sat on bed next to Peter, leaning against the headboard.
“Only until you fall asleep,” he said softly. He didn’t exactly know what he’s doing, comforting someone was completely uncharted territory for him. He remembered something that Jarvis used to do for him, when he was little. He put his hand on Peter's head and started running fingers through the soft curls. Peter sighted and leaned closer.
“I’m sorry for running away,” he mumbled.
“You should be.”
“I just wanted to do something…”
“And what did you do?”
“I just wandered around. I didn’t have any plan and I realized that I won’t help. I was scared that you would be mad, so I didn’t come back immediately.”
“I was mad, I still am, but I was mostly afraid, kid. You can’t do things like that.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
Peter finally closed his eyes and relaxed a little. Tony thought that he was asleep.
“Do you think you’re gonna find May?” Peter asked quietly, startling Tony, who looked down and saw wide eyes staring at him. ‘ He’s just frightened’, he remembered Clint’s words.
“I don’t know. I hope so.” Peter closed his eyes again and pressed his cheek against Tony’s thigh. Tony kept playing with his hair until his breaths evened out and face and shoulders relaxed completely. He stayed like that for a moment before standing up. He stopped in the doorway, looked at sleeping form and whispered, “Sleep tight, kiddo.”
After that Tony went to the kitchen, where Pepper waited for him.
“How is he?”
“Physically? Good. Mentally? As well as he could be in that situation.” He moved towards a coffee machine.
“I handled CPS. He can stay here, for now.”
“That’s good, good.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Coffee. And then go to the team and see if there’s some progress. Find May eventually. You?”
“I’m going to make sure that nothing burns in the process.” she smiled at him softly.
“FRIDAY will let me know when he wakes up, but can you keep an eye on him?” he looked at her.
“I’ve already cleared my schedule.”
“What would I do without you?”
When he entered the conference room everyone was a bit agitated.
“What happened?”
“A witness came forward, she saw a van and some men in ski masks near the scene,” Natasha started explaining. “One of the traffic cameras caught a vehicle matching the description. We have a license plate.”
It turned out that their excitement was short-lived. Sam and Bucky found the van in an alley a couple blocks away. Police forensics examined it. They would have to wait for the full results, but for now it seemed that it was cleaned. The only noteworthy thing they discovered were traces of blood, presumably May’s. All of the nearby cameras recorded many other cars at the interesting period of time and it was impossible to tell which one belonged to kidnappers. The owner was a kind old man, named Stan, who reported the van's theft a week before. The investigation on that also hit a dead end. They were in process of reviewing the material gathered by the police and made FRIDAY find footage from the night of the van’s theft, but it didn’t seem to go anywhere. They also found May’s phone, or rather what was left of it. They were working on two theories, first one that someone noticed that she spends lots of time with Happy and kidnapped her for information, second one that she was kidnapped for a ransom. They had thought that maybe Happy would say something groundbreaking, but his story didn’t tell them anything that they already knew or suspected.
“There were three men in ski masks and non-descript clothes, with guns. They tried to grab us, one of them shot me. I think they got scared and took only May. I don’t remember much more.”
That left them to wait and look into the enemies' of Avengers, SI and Spider-Man recent activity. Honestly with the amount of material they had, they should have made some progress.
24 hours have passed and they managed to hit a dead end. No one saw anything, no camera registered anything. Tony looked at the clock in the conference room accusingly. First 48 hours were the time when most of the missing people were found. After that chances started to diminish. They’d already used half of that time. Tony should probably go find and comfort Peter instead of sitting and not doing anything, but he couldn’t make himself leave the room in case something happened. Besides, finding May would be probably the most comforting thing they could do.
His train of thoughts was interrupted by an email notification. He looked at the new message and felt his heart drop immediately.
“Fuck! Guys?”
Everyone in the conference room sat in silence as the video was playing. This time apart from two detectives, there were ransom specialists joining the team. Video featured the kidnappers beating up May and making demands. It looked really bad, with two men punching and kicking her without even looking where. She already had some bruises and what looked like a broken nose. Hits were leaving red marks that would soon turn into bruises. What raised the biggest concern was that May barely reacted. She probably already had a concussion or was drugged.
“Mr. Hogan, we have your girlfriend. In exchange for her, we want 5 million dollars. We are sure that you can get that amount easily from your boss. We give you 48 hours, or we will have fun with her.”
Tony immediately took his phone to organize the demanded amount of money in cash.
“Tony, what are you doing?” Steve asked him.
“Getting them what they want, what do you think I’m doing?”
“I think we should make a plan first,” Bucky joined calmly.
“What plan? They said, what they want, we give them that, we get May back!”
“Excuse me sir, but you shouldn’t do that,” one of the K&R specialists interrupted. “This video doesn’t count as proof of life, so we don’t know if that woman is still alive. A phone call would be preferable. Also, in ransom negotiations the first offer generally should be declined.”
“Am I the only person in this room that actually watched this video? You didn’t hear what they wanted to do? Didn’t see what they were doing?”
“It is not in the kidnappers interest to kill her quickly if they want ransom. They just want to show the power they have over you.”
“Besides, the more we communicate with them, the more we have to track them,” Natasha added. “Also you shouldn’t negotiate. When they get to talk with the billionaire Tony Stark, they are immediately going to raise their demands.”
“It’s also going to be a press nightmare if the media get a sniff on this.”
“Fine!” Tony threw his arms over the head. “Do whatever you want.” He left the room slamming the door.
Tony went to med bay to inform Happy about the recent development. Peter and Pepper also were there. They sat on plastic chairs, Pepper hugging Peter. Happy laid in bed. He woke up, when Tony entered the room. Tony sat down heavily on the chair in the corner.
“Anything has changed?” Pepper asked. Tony sighted and gave them an extremely watered down description of the video content.
“Those specialists tell me that paying immediately is a mistake and the team says that I shouldn’t get involved.”
“They’re specialists for a reason,” Pepper reasoned.
“I want to see that video,” Happy said.
“Trust me on this, you don’t want to.”
“You focus on getting better, Hap,” Tony cut him off and turned to Peter. “Have you eaten?”
“A sandwich a couple of hours ago,” supplied Pepper.
“You have to eat more with your metabolism, kiddo,” Tony said seriously. “Come on. We’re going to the kitchen and then there’s bedtime for Spider-babies.”
“I’m neither hungry nor tired.”
“Yeah, I’m not explaining to your Aunt, why are you starved and sleep deprived.”
“If you will have someone to explain to,” Peter mumbled under a breath.
“Yeah, you're not talking like that. We’ll get her back and you are going to eat.” Tony put his arms under Peter’s armpits and pulled him up. “If you don’t cooperate, I’ll use a suit to drag you to the kitchen.”
Tony managed to coax Peter into the kitchen, without dragging and made him blueberry pancakes. (“Pancakes? But that’s breakfast food.” “Yeah, and you are going to eat them at 10 PM.”) They repeated the routine from yesterday. It also calmed down Tony and he started accepting that specialists and the team might be right. He came back to the conference room, where everyone was except for Clint and Natasha.
“FRIDAY tracked the kidnappers, they didn’t cover their tracks well.” Steve’s voice greeted him. “Clint and Nat are doing reconnaissance right now.”
Clint’s and Nat’s intel helped them develop a plan. There were four kidnappers, holding May in a suburban house. They were armed, but definitely weren’t professionals. This didn’t work in the team’s favor, because their lack of experience made them unpredictable. With the hostage present they really couldn’t afford a fight, even though they outnumbered the opponents. So they formed a plan, when they would try to take the criminals one by one.
It was just an ordinary house at the outskirts. The whole neighborhood was peaceful and unaware of horrors currently happening in one of the houses. Well maintained, clean area, small streets and wide sidewalks, a playground nearby. With a shining sun and birds singing cheerfully it looked like a suburban dream. It was really weird, that nobody had heard anything, but on the other hand it was the kind of neighborhood where the residents would leave their homes in the morning for work and come back in the evening.
“It just really creeps me out, this place,” Tony started wondering. “It looks perfect and beautiful, but no one has any idea what neighbors are doing.”
“Do you know what our neighbors are doing, Tony?”
“I have FRIDAY monitoring for any suspicious activity in the nearby buildings.”
“You're a stalker.”
Tony chuckled as he watched people getting to their cars and leaving. They had been observing the house since wee hours of morning waiting for the best moments to strike. Right now any action was out of the question. There were too many people on the street and any Avengers action would attract a lot of gawkers.
“One of the kidnappers went out for a smoke, he’s at the back. I think we could take him out without attracting any attention.” Natasha’s voice carried through the comms.
“Do not engage. Neighbors haven’t already left, we can’t risk being seen,” Steve ordered. “Tony, how’s the front of the house looking?”
“The guy with a nose from the house on the left is having a polite conversation with the fat guy from the house in front,” Tony relayed what he could see from his car.
“Guy with a nose?”
“It’s seriously big, trust me.”
“Seriously, you would think that people at 7:30 in the morning would hurry to work and not engage in conversations with neighbors,” Clint complained. Three yelling children came out from one of the houses.
“Oh and now the guy with a nose is packing his children to the car and the fat guy looks like he’s about to go,” Tony updated and relaxed into a seat. He took a sip of a coffee and choked, when someone suddenly knocked on his window.
“Yeah?” He asked, rolling down the window.
“You can’t park your car here!” a middle aged blonde woman started yelling at him. Peter called those ‘Karens’ as he recalled.
“It’s not a no-parking zone,” he replied.
“You cast a shadow on my flowers.” Tony looked at the sad excuses for plants and immediately thought that they need water more than sunlight. Before he could share his idea, comms cracked and he heard Steve saying, “Tony, do not argue with her, we can’t afford her to recognize you. Just drive around the block, maybe she’ll leave.”
Crazy plant lady didn’t leave and Tony was forced to find another observation spot.
Finally, the neighborhood emptied and quietened.
“That guy is smoking in the back again.”
“Okay, the neighbors have left, you can take him out now.”
Tony looked at the stream from the camera Clint had on himself. Natasha and Bucky moved in complete silence. She stepped behind the kidnapper, and with surgical precision pressed a spot on his neck. Bucky immediately caught the man, before he could fall and make a noise. They dragged him into bushes and hid there.
“One out, three to go.”
“Okay, now we wait.”
Couple of minutes later another criminal appeared.
“Clint, go.”
An arrow soundlessly flew through the air and hit him in the shoulder. Bucky appeared and again caught and dragged the guy into bushes, where Natasha was keeping an eye on the first one.
“He’s out. Two more to go.”
“Attention guys, the remaining two kidnappers moved from the basement to the kitchen.”
“Uh-uh, people on the street,” Tony warned. “Someone with a kid, I think. I can’t see clearly.”
Two NYPD officers in civilian clothes appeared and herded the newcomers to where they came from.
“Okay, all clear now.”
“Good. Nat and Bucky, you are guarding the back door and kitchen window, Tony and me from the front. Clint stays watching those two taken out guys, Sam, survey the area from the air. Bruce, move the ambulance here.”
Tony got out of the car and went to the front door, where he met Steve. He activated the nano gauntlet and leaned on the door. Steve looked around while the lasers from the gauntlet were destroying the lock.
“Okay, the door is unlocked, we’re going in.”
“Copy that.” i
Tony pushed the door and let Steve in first. He activated his whole suit and immediately followed the man. They were in a hallway that opened at the end to the living room, connected to the kitchen. On the right there were the stairs. They moved quietly toward s the living room. Tony gestured to Steve that he wants to enter first and stun both remaining criminals with his gauntlets. Steve nodded. Tony smoothly went to the room and fired at the unsuspecting kidnappers. He hit one of them, standing by the counter, but instead of the other he hit the cupboard full of tableware. The cupboard like in slow motion fell on a criminal, emitting an ear-splitting noise of breaking glass. Cracking and clanking reverberated through the room for what I seemed like an eternity. It made both men stop and just watch in shock what was happening. Steve regained his bearings quicker and ran towards the man buried under the glass and porcelain.
“He’s dead.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, his brain is on the floor.”
Tony didn’t wait for more. He retracted the suit and ran towards the basement.
“May, May?! Oh, shit…”
May was slumped in the chair, which she was tied to. Her face was covered in dried blood and bruises.
“Hey, May, wake up,” Tony said while looking for a pulse. He jabbed his fingers to her neck and prayed quietly. Fortunately, he felt slow beats.
“Get a medic here ASAP, she has a pulse, but it looks really bad!” he shouted at the comms. “Hey, wake up, Peter’s waiting for you.”
This seemed to do the trick.
“Pet’r?” she slurred.
“Yeah, he really misses you. And Happy’s okay.”
After that everything went rapidly . Suddenly the place was swarmed by medics and NYPD officers. Tony was pushed back as they put a collar around May’s neck and an oxygen mask on her face. She was placed on a stretcher and pushed into an ambulance that left soon.
“Jesus.” Tony slumped against a car and slid down, so he was sitting on asphalt. After the stress of the past few days left him, he felt exhausted. “I need a coffee.”
“You need a sleep.” Steve materialized from nowhere.
“Everyone needs that. I need to talk to Peter, Happy and Cho.”
“ The NYPD wants us to stay here. But… Maybe nobody will notice your absence.”
“Steve Rogers, goody two shoes, encouraging me not to cooperate with law enforcement? How can I refuse?”
“Drive safe, Tony.”
“I will.”
Tony got into a car and started the engine. He drank the rest of the now cold coffee and started driving in direction of the Tower. There were still a lot of things to do.
Couple of days later Happy was allowed to leave med bay on condition that he will have plenty of rest. May was cleared by Cho the day before that as the biggest issue was concussion. Steve and Bucky were preparing a big dinner since everyone finally could participate and even Rhodey managed to leave DC and was joining them. They were very secretive about the chosen dishes and had forbidden everyone from even getting near the kitchen.  Tony honestly just hoped that they wouldn’t set the building on fire. He holed up in the workshop.
The elevator ding announced somebody’s arrival. Tony turned and saw Peter lingering on a doorstep.
“Hey, what are you doing there? Come here.”
Peter looked at the floor, shuffled towards the workbench and stood there awkwardly. Tony got up and approached him.
“Did you forget that you usually sit here?”
Peter sat down and started playing with the hem of his shirt.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“Before… Before all this, you said that you need to talk to me.”
Honestly Tony hoped that Peter forgot his attempt at the serious conversation.
“You were weird that day and then, you know what happened, and you were nice, but not there, and then again weird.”
Tony cleared his throat and said slowly, “I’m sorry that you felt that way. I spent most of the time with the team, because I thought that finding May was what you needed the most.”
“I mean, it was. I just felt lonely. Happy was on strong pain meds and Pepper is nice, but…”
“Yeah, I get it, I’m really sorry. And for being weird. Happy told me that I spend a lot of time with you and butt in your time with others and I started questioning how you are feeling about this.”
Peter suddenly moved and wrapped his arms around Tony and with a muffled voice said, “I don’t mind, seriously.”
“I know now.” After a moment he added, “You know, I just don’t want to replace anyone.”
“You’re not. You are just Tony, not Happy, or May, or...”
“Just Tony, huh?” Wow, where did the hero worship go?
“Titles don't matter, only that you care.”
I care so much , he wanted to say. I want you to be safe, I want to see you grow and learn. Instead he just said, “I do.” Peter didn’t respond. Tony broke the silence, “You know I’m not good at emotions. Happy called me an emotionally stunted idiot.”
“I know.”
“You little shit. You were supposed to say, ‘You handled this very well, you are great!'” Tony broke a hug and ruffled his hair. Peter beamed at him
“Miss Potts asks if Peter got lost in the workshop and if she has to come and get you to the dinner,” FRIDAY interrupted them.
“Wait, you were supposed to tell me the dinner is ready?”
“Maybe.” Peter smiled sheepishly.
“You really are a little shit. Come on. I’m starving.”
When they got to the kitchen everyone was waiting for them. Pepper, with crossed arms, scolded Tony, “What did you do in that workshop of yours? Everyone was waiting for you and it’s extremely disrespectful to Steve and Bucky!”
“I’m really sorry, Pep, but we needed to have a conversation. And someone-” he looked sternly at Peter- “didn’t tell me that dinner was ready.”
“I’m sorry, really, it just happened,” Peter frantically started explaining himself. Something in Pepper’s face softened.
“I guess it’s fine, you two really needed it, but next time maybe find a better moment, okay?”
“Okay, okay!”
They finally sat down at the table. Steve and Bucky really put a lot of effort into the meal. The main course was salmon with asparagus. They also prepared garlic bread and a salad as side dishes. They even chose the right wine for a fish, but Tony suspected Natasha’s or Pepper’s help here. Conversation flew freely and they made their way to the dessert, in an amiable atmosphere. Pepper started conversing with May, which brought his attention.
“You know, maybe you could move to the Tower.”
“I don’t know really…”
“Peter and Happy spend most of their time here anyway and you too were here a lot, even before.”
“Plus, you know, Happy already has an assigned private floor, so it’s mostly a question of packing and moving stuff from your apartment,” Tony joined them. “And you would have the help of superhumans and Pepper Potts to plan everything.”
“Oh, the last thing makes the best argument. How’s wedding planning going anyway?”
“Well, it would go better if Tony listened to me. We have a cake tasting scheduled next week.”
“You know, we could just take Peter, feed him cakes and ask him which one he likes best. It would be faster. I swear his stomach has no bottom.”
“What?” Peter turned towards them at the sound of his name.
“Only if you are dealing with his sugar high, Tony,” May chuckled
“Hey, guys, I can hear you!”
Before they could continue they heard Steve clearing his throat. He got up and looked like he was about to give a speech.
“Last week was very hard for all of us,” he started. “We are very pleased that everyone important is able to be here. Me and Bucky have some important news to share and we are glad that you are the first to hear that. Without further ado, we decided to get married.”
Cheers and questions erupted immediately. Everyone congratulated and the toasts started.
Tony looked at the large table. Maybe titles didn’t matter. But the only thing that he could think was that after all these years, they became a family somewhere along the way. Big, loud and unconventional, a patchwork family, that wouldn’t make sense to a stranger. There were still a lot of issues that needed to be solved in the long run, but at that moment they were the happiest people on Earth.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Last Habit - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader (Animal Kingdom)
* This is probably in no way a Show!Andrew situation, but I’m not stopping you!
Gif Credit: X
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Author’s Note: Amanda, thank you so much for watching this movie with me again 💜 I think I really needed to do it; I know Shawn!Andrew so well that it’s good to re familiarise myself with Ben!Andrew… Anyways; this one comes directly from the movie itself 😊 Amanda, I will cherish all your notes on Andrew because honestly without you I wouldn’t have thought of half these scenarios 🙏🙏
This was meant to be a tiny part of another fic and kinda grew into its own thing...! So you get one more Andrew fic out of me! Introducing a newbie to the music scene - Matt Stell ~ Last Habit Need To Know Pre-Read Information: This features a cameo from foster brother police officer David - as introduced in Flaws.
Disclaimer: Not really my idea / lyrics not mine / characters not mine
Premise: You’re tired of Andrew’s habits. He’s trying to kick them - but there’s just one he can’t...
Words: 5199
Warnings: Hard Drug Use / Needles from the off / Swearing
_______ Any night, I was up and down to take it too far 'Til the highs got low and I had to learn to let 'em all go I said goodbye to some things in my life that don't make sense There's a million reasons about you, girl, I just can't quit Now when the night falls I'm jonesing for your call, and that's all It's needing you with me and saying you miss me, it gets me Yeah, the stars are just made for me wishing That the dark was just made for your kissin' And all I wanna do is keep on holding you You're my last habit, I gotta have it Keep doing what you're doing 'cause it feels so good Automatic, just like magic, wouldn't wanna quit it even if I could 100-proof of hooked on you Can't get enough when it comes to you, yeah Call me an addict Girl I gotta have it, you're my last habit, my last habit You're mine, you're mine, you're mine, My last habit I gotta have it, babe 'Cause you're my last habit
You left your bedroom, shouldering your work satchel with a soft sigh. You knew Andrew had work to do, and you knew that laying low was considered bad and all… But you missed him terribly when he wasn’t here doing just that. You stepped away from the door, what was another day..? Maybe he’d call, or you’d get a little message telling you he was okay. At least he seemed pretty consistent with those. You turned from the door and jumped a foot in the air; “OH MY GOD!” That simultaneously caused him to jump from his seat on your sofa – high alert – and he never did that. Speak of the devil and he shall appear “F**K! ANDREW!!” Your hand was over your heart “WHAT THE HELL-!?!” “How long have you been---!!!” He pointed at you “I knocked! And you didn’t answer, I let myself in-! I-I didn’t even think it was that late--!” “I was asleep! Not not here!” You pointed at him instead, eyes wide and horrified, mostly because of what was lying in front of him. Your heart began racing, for different reasons “ANDREW! ARE YOU USING!?!” “Y/N, I-!” He looked from the needles to your face and he knew that horror was going to quickly turn to the angriest you ever got with him; “IS THAT HEROIN!!! IN MY HOUSE!!??!” “Shh-!” “I WILL NOT F**KING SHUSH!” You stormed across the living room, hardly caring about the fact that this might make you late, but you noticed the way he shielded his body over the needles – that didn’t help you feel any less pissed off; “GET THAT STUFF OUT OF MY F**KING HOUSE!!!” “No.” “DON’T NO ME!” “Where else am I supposed to go!?” “HOME!!” He shook his head “Can’t.” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN-!” You took a deep breath and three paces back, hands to your head. That meant he was in trouble again. Not that at the moment you’d care, you’d kick him out and turn him over to the police yourself. Andrew thought he was safe to shoot up because he thought you weren’t around. What else did he do when you weren’t around? You placed your hands on your hips and glared at him, but those blue eyes only searched yours for a sign that you weren’t about to do just that. “Do you realise how mad I am at you-!?!” “…Yeah… But I…” “But nothing. Andrew!” you indicated to the table “Please, get these out of my house.” “What, now?” You figured that was impossible. “By the time I’m back from work – and that does not mean you can shoot them all.” That was stupid to say, that would result in an overdose. Either way though. “I don’t even want to know where you got it from, or why you have it. Or why you feel the need to do it…” you indicated to the used needle sitting to one side. “…Well this conversation is f**king useless isn’t it.” “Why?” “If you remember half of what I just screamed at you in a few hours, it’ll be miracles.” “Are you leaving?” “I have work, so yes.” He bit his lips together and something crossed his face that resembled fear, if he was capable of that; “You can’t leave.” “I can do what I f**king like…” You sat next to him for a minute, still glaring hard at him. He sat in silence watching you; it was clear that silence was making him uncomfortable. Which you thought was laughable considering the way he was about 85% of the time. “…What are you going to do?” You remained quiet, maybe he recognised that trait in himself, the unpredictability of what was come after the silence. He was much more used to yelling – that’d never get through. But Andrew liked to keep his threats level. You’d seen it before, and it came off much more effective. What happened if you did the same thing? You leant forward, so your body touched his and reached out; you placed your hand over his mouth, making sure to dig your nails into his cheeks - and none too softly. He didn’t have it in him in this state to fight back, and both of you were aware of this, as his lips parted and eyes widened.
“Andrew... this is the last time I’m going to say it.” He knew that voice; you were mimicking his own. “...Drugs like this... babe, they gotta stop. And when I say stop I don’t mean next week, I don’t mean tomorrow. I mean right... now.” You leant in closer and closer with each passing second, but your grip on his face meant that he wasn’t able to back away. “Do you understand?”
“Y-Yeah.” It was soft, barely an answer but enough of one. One you would have to accept in both your current states, save you screaming bloody murder at him again today. But you were still pissed off at him for even thinking about doing this in your apartment. It was a safe space for a reason. And you weren’t about to allow him to take advantage of your good nature. You had to lay down the law, and in a way he would understand. You let him go, noticing you’d left marks, Good. Right now he f**king deserves it., and pushed him away from you in disgust.
You stood up, to be honest right now you didn’t want to look at him, let alone talk to him or be in his vicinity. And Andrew didn’t get you het up like this often - but he’d betrayed your trust with this one, and that was nearly unforgivable.
You’d get over it. But you’d need to cool down and be ready to talk about this. And he was in no condition to do that - and wouldn’t be until he levelled off. And that could be hours. “..Wait… Are you… are you… still coming tomorrow?” You turned back to him, you didn’t really want to hurt him, but if that was what it took. “…Well now I don’t know do I? I want you, and those needles gone when I get back.” “Y/N…” “Later, Andrew.” With that you slammed the door to your apartment and set off down the corridor. You felt your chest tighten in guilt, but held firm. Well, Y/N, he has to learn some time… As the door slammed Andrew rubbed his cheeks and let out a soft moan. Whilst he was trying to get rid of that dull pain your fairly sharp nails had left, there was something about that whole interaction that, playing it back, gave Andrew a shiver of near enough delight. Did he find you more attractive because you were threatening or simply because you were holding your own and not taking any of his shit? Or both...? He shuddered again; glad it was visible and known to only him. And it felt good.
He frowned momentarily - not of course that he should want you getting up in his face like that again. But maybe he could persuade those nails out of you some more...
He glanced back at the needles again with a soft sigh - one thing was for sure, he’d have to find somewhere to offload these... there was a gentle tug at his heart... and make himself scarce... *** When you returned home there was a note on your countertop and no man in sight. You breathed out gently; at least that meant everything was gone. Walking over you picked up the apology note and instantly that guilt came flooding back. He’d been radio silence today, which meant he’d taken your threat pretty seriously. Sometimes he made you wish he was the kind of man to blow up your phone asking for forgiveness – but not Andrew. Eloquent enough was he with his words however, he’d hand written that very apology. You put the card down and gave in – picking up your phone. It rang twice, and in his hesitation, and need to know your temperament first he didn’t speak; “Andrew?” “…Y/N…” “Where are you.” He kept up that hesitation, his response short; “Home.” “…No you’re not. Come back here.” “You sure you want me there.” That was an instant response to this morning, and in that distinct monotone, he was none too happy about it and you should feel as guilty as you did. You picked up his note again “…Yes… I want you here – baby, come home…” “-Even when I-” Your sigh was a little impatient; “You wrote me a note, and you did what I asked… But this place gets pretty lonely without you.” There was another long silence “…Andrew?” “…Let me get my car keys… I’ll be with you soon.” You laughed gently; “You better be, babe.” *** You noticed the tone down though. Usually you’d catch him with something hard. Maybe not as hard as heroin - but by now you knew Craig was on something nearly constantly, and it didn’t surprise you it would extend into the family. But enough for you to lay into him about it – maybe not as sharp as you perhaps should have, which is why the last time had become more of a shock. Not that you thought anything would ever have the factor to ‘shock’ Andrew Cody with what you knew he did. Since then, and you were thinking it was hopefully more than your good fortune (or his!) not to catch him at it, there was little-to-no drug finding or use; at least in your presence. Sometimes he’d turn up and you knew he’d been on something and was currently winding down off his high. Which, for the first few minutes was fine – but then he hit a very grumpy slump, and sometimes that could go either way. But apparently that wasn’t supposed to last very long either – because this morning he was back on your couch – needle in front of him, studying a sheet of paper very carefully. “Are you f**king kidding?” This time you folded your arms and leant against your counter top – face reading all kinds of unimpressed. Still, he continued to roll his sleeve up; uncapping the needle – and looking to the paper once more before taking a deep breath. “ANDREW.” His eyes glanced to yours; but instead of stopping Andrew slid the paper from the table and held it out to you. “What is that?” “It’s a prescription SRRI. Technically I have to shoot up… Only… this is kinda difficult…” He looked between his arms again. “Curse of being left handed I guess…” You took the paper from him and read; anti-depressants… anti psychotics… administered sometimes for antisocial personality disorders. Usually they gave him pills; apparently now they were giving him it intravenously. You couldn’t help your ironic smirk as you sat next to him; “They, uh, think that’s a good idea do they? Giving needles to someone who takes drugs – and has drug charges-!?” “…Reforming.” You shot him a look; “Oh yeah?” “I can kick the habit.” “Sure…” You held your hand out for the needle “Come here.” He handed it over “Careful, you’ll be as much at fault for the overdose!” “…Andrew!” “I measured it, you’re fine.” You checked the paper again and then the syringe; “Don’t trust me, huh?” “…Very good measuring, Mr.Cody.” You held you hand out for his left arm and he presented you with it “You ever shot anything before?” “Does it look like it…” You studied the veins “…Are you really supposed to do this yourself?” “That’s what the prescription says.” “Geez – they trust you way too much.” “Well apparently this might help better than pills, so I would be inclined to try.” It was the way that he was looking at your face that gave you reason to pause “…What?” You blinked, twice, “Yeah. There’s a fair point, how do your pills work with all the drugs you take.” “Recreationally.” Your smile was meant to tell him you’d caught him, but he scowled “Reforming!” then indicated to the needle “Will you please administer my medication, now!?” “Seen as you asked nicely…” You studied the crook of his elbow in the light; intent on finding the right vein in which to administer the drug. Instead your face pulled into a frown. Sporadically littered across his skin were tiny pinprick scars running the length of the most visible vein. You bit your lips together in sadness as you ran your finger delicately over them; “Why?” He placed his head gently against your shoulder; “Why do you assume there’s a reason?” “…I’m sorry…” “Why? These were my decisions Y/N, not yours…” You steadied the needle in your hand for a moment; keeping your fingers in place over the scars, you could feel his pulse… and before he knew it tears dripped onto his skin; “Hey…” He breathed “Hey…” He kissed your shoulder and then the back of your neck; “C’mon… it’s okay…” But it wasn’t, not really. How you’d fallen for this man in the first place may well have been unfathomable but Andrew was a blessing… but it was his family, how could you be anything but upset and angry? Everything about him was so intrinsically linked to his family – and it was futile to even try to change it now; you never would. But it hurt you so much that the man you loved would do this to himself – and try to explain to you that he didn’t have or need a reason to do so… You shook your head and placed your forehead to his – asking him to stop was pointless, you’d had that argument and he was slowing down and you could see that – but how was the needle you were about to pierce him with any different. He pushed a little harder against you, and as if he’d read your thoughts, he answered you; “Maybe that’s why… Maybe if I’m shooting this at least I’m shooting something…” was that supposed to make you feel better? Even if maybe that reasoning seemed acceptable right now. You turned back to his arm and took a deep breath – finding another scarred needle groove in his skin you let the marks guide you and found a position where there weren’t any. You weren’t sure how you felt about this. “Relax. You got this.” He breathed again, lips back on your neck as he ran his right hand through your stray hairs, tucking them away. “…Isn’t that what I’m supposed to ask you to do?” Although his arm had looked relaxed for the past few minutes. “Go… Do it…” The needle broke his skin clean, and he winced (well, at least you knew how to make him do that now) – you were careful with giving the dosage, and then withdrew the needle. You set it down and grabbed what he’d already set out to stem the blood, before sticking a tiny plaster on him. “Done.” “Done.” He agreed, this time kissing your cheek. *** Andrew had been staying around a lot lately. So it was almost unsurprising now when you opened your apartment door and he was somewhere in it.  A few days here a few days there and back again. “Back so soon?” You were amused, placing your things down and glancing to him, lying lengthways on your couch, arms folded. “Yeah, well, it’s like Rehab here ain’t it... you barely even have prescription drugs! Headache tablets - and I wasn’t gonna try those...” “Right so... that doesn’t mean you can go home shoot up come back here and use it as a rehab centre! And you better not be doing that or it kinda defeats the purpose of your prescription!” “Mmm.” Andrew made a sound of neither agree nor disagreement, pulling his knees up. “So why are you back so soon?”
He tipped his head back to watch you in your little kitchen for a while, and you knew exactly what he was doing by the silence that hung in the air; it was comfortable though, Andrew did this staring thing a lot. You waited patiently for your coffee machine, sidling into your bedroom to get changed. He waited for you to come back, to answer; “Well. At home I can play a dangerous game of pretending I’m doing something a little less safe than prescription drugs...” he gave a nonchalant shrug “...I’m not partial to the idea of them catching on... and... I kinda like it when you do it.” You laughed “Do you now?” “It feels different - there’s something about it that’s...” he trailed off again, those eyes back to watching you. “...I just like it.” “You had your dosage today?” “No.” “Where is it?” “With my stuff...” You nodded, “coffee?” “Please...” You set your machine again and retraced your steps to go through his bag; sure enough down the side was a box of prescription needles and the bottle of medication.
You took those and the coffee to where he was sitting and he sat up. “Thanks...” he took a sip of coffee - and waited a minute to judge it before swallowing “...Andrew, I know how you like your coffee by now...” you unscrewed the cap of the medicine, checked the needle and filled the syringe to the correct ml mark. “Yeah, well, best to check!” “You trust me with this but not your coffee?” There was silence for a moment until he took your hand “Yes, I trust you.” He watched the way you smiled at his words as you kept hold of his hand, pulling his arm straight. He relaxed for you, still watching that look on your face as you concentrated on him.
Andrew was being truthful, he actually quite liked you holding him and administering his medication. This was a far cry from any hard drugs he could be doing at his brother’s house, but although it was helping his disorder – there was a certain buzz about how close you had to sit and the way you were always so precise about it. Mostly because you knew a lot could happen if you made a misstep... and this was your boyfriend you were talking about... Andrew also couldn’t help but noticed that sometimes if he moved, or wiggled his arm even a fraction before you were about to sink a needle into his arm, you would dig your nails into his skin to try to keep him still. And he would smirk, he got exactly the same feeling when sometimes you would scratch down his vein gently with a nail to find a point to inject him. And that was just a little bit of a turn on… Just enough of one… So he got a kick twice. And he wasn’t sure drugs could give him that kind of thrill. Well, maybe, but you’d be much more likely to scream at him for doing them - so he’d rather play it safe and have you here. So he did it again today, and your grip was bound to leave marks; “Hold still!” “I am!” “You moved!” “Like a millimetre...” “That’s enough for me to screw up!” “A millimetre? You have little faith, don’t ya?” You shook your head, and took a deep breath in concentration before sinking it into his skin again. “Does it work?” “I think so. They keep giving it to me like this now... but you’re the one who would know what they’re doing for me...” “Well, what about your less legal needles?” “Guess it’s working there...” “Too.” You withdrew it, “I think you’re really trying this time.” “Feels like an easier thing to take than pills. And it must be hit enough because I’m not getting junkie withdrawal symptoms.” “What’s really the hit though?” “Mmm... well that would be telling...” he breathed, though the slight smile on his face might be giving it away. He wasn’t lying when he said he liked you doing this. “Oh. I bet.” His eyes flicked between yours; “I never promised this was going to be easy.” You pressed a finger to his lips “I told you before, you don’t have to promise me anything...” then replaced them with your own. He pulled back, gently; “Can I make a tiny suggestion.” Your sigh was clearly exasperated, “What-!?” After that...!? “I’d quite like to not bleed onto your carpet...” You turned back to his arm with a gasp, having neglected to finish your job; “oh shit!” *** This had been the back and forth for a few months. And Andrew knew, in the back of his head, that slowing down was getting to him. Around you there was a lot more for him to focus on – for you as much as anything. Around his family, temptation was everywhere. A lot of the time he could hold off by simply doing something else… if he could get any excuse out of his head he would; “I dunno… messes with my meds…” “Pfft-! Like when have you cared so much about those-!?” Baz even thought it odd for Andrew to not go one round, but would at least try to figure it out; “For Y/N… come on…” “Aw- come on man! Don’t let a girl ruin all the fun!!!” “She doesn’t.” Tonight however, Baz wasn’t here (Andrew might be misremembering but he thought maybe it was ‘date night’), and Andrew knew you were entertaining – so he couldn’t go to you. Craig wasn’t fazed either way; and across the glass table were an array of narcotics. Pills, powder, needles – and Andrew could name every single one of them. He’d done many more. He took a breath that moved his whole body as he sat back, digging his nails into the armchair; You don’t need it… you don’t need it… you don’t need it… Craig couldn’t care less, obviously, and moved through several lines of cocaine like they were nothing. Andrew closed his eyes with a sigh and leant forward, elbows on his knees he placed his hands to his forehead; Come on… come on… come on… Why was this so much harder now-!? He’d made it all the way to here…! He wasn’t just gonna give up, but GOD did he want a fix right now. He tapped his foot impatiently, and a soft groan escaped his lips. That made Craig look up; “Hey! Pope! C’mon-! You’re always doing this – except when you’re fawning over some f**king girl… take some.” “No.” Andrew rebuked ‘fawning’ being the right word, too. “What-!? C’mon!” “No.” He took his hands away from his face and stood very suddenly, “I’m going.” “WHERE!?” “Out. Anywhere.” “Well are you coming back-!?” “I don’t know yet…” He trailed back through the house to find his keys. “For the road…?” “Nah, thanks… mate…” “F**king come on..!” “I said.” He turned, and Craig almost shrank back at the look on his face, at the shake over his brother’s body. Andrew was desperate to control himself, and if he stayed he wouldn’t; “No.” Andrew drove, he didn’t know where, he wasn’t sure he even cared. He just had to be out of that house. Window down he let the cold night air wash over him. It felt like hours, but he didn’t know whether it was. He ached, he felt awful, he felt exhausted. And he only wanted one thing. And he knew that there was only one way to get that fix. So he knew exactly where he was going to end up… *** You were more than just a little surprised when you opened the door, because you knew he was supposed to be home for now. You opened your mouth but he had his answer ready. “I couldn’t stay. They’ve got all the class A’s going – if I stayed I woulda – and I promised-!” You shut the door quickly behind you and placed your hand over his mouth, shaking your head, hush! Not here! Not now! But your face softened, Andrew needed you right now – that was obvious from the way he looked. “Sweetie, it’s okay… come in…” When you opened the door again he realised why you’d wanted him to stay quiet. The guest room door was shut. “Who…?!” “David.” “Oh.” Yes, that made perfect sense. No good talking about narcotics with a cop in the house. You looked him over, and got a good idea about what he really needed. You’d been to his doctor with him about this – so he had this prescription wherever he went. You had him wait for you whilst you ventured into your bathroom to bring back the box you’d been given. Andrew was already sitting on the sofa when you came back, and there was a small smile on his face. You noticed he was doing something similar to stimming with the way he rubbed his hands together; with the way he was leaning into the TV he’d switched on, and was concentrating very hard – anything that was going to take his mind off a hit. You wondered how much opportunity he got to take these when he wasn’t here. How many times he just forgot. You were conscious of how much he needed this in this moment – you weren’t sure his family really cared unless he got too much for them to handle. You sat next to him and took his left hand in yours; Andrew let you pull him whichever way you wanted – keeping his eyes on whatever show just so happened to flick on. If your brother wasn’t already awake, he would be soon. But Andrew noticed how close you were sitting - your leg brushing his – how much of your body was against him; in his current state he was as hyperaware of your presence all over his skin as you were his need for this drug. And his arm didn’t relax; instead he kept his fingers around yours. “Andrew… I can’t do this if you don’t relax…” You weren’t all that sure he heard you, because he was trying to focus on anything else. So you nudged him; “Babe…” He turned back to you, and very quickly switched that intense attention to you. “Honey, please relax...” Andrew realised just how hard he was holding your hand - and let you go. “Sorry!” “No... sweetie it’s okay... I just don’t wanna hurt you...” The sudden sound of the door opening and closing made you jump, and you were glad you hadn’t been about to administer this; “Andrew! It’s been a while mate! How’s things?!” David grinned, deciding this would be the perfect time to pull up a seat, with a wave. Andrew gave him a measured stare for a moment, all too aware of his current state; “Ah… No complaints…” David tipped his head as he watched you prep; “What is that?” You shot him a look to tell him he shouldn’t ask such things; “Medicine!” He threw his hands up “Alright! As an officer you know I gotta get suspicious of anything done intravenously!” “Well, you can stop being an officer in my house out of your own jurisdiction can’t ya?”  He looked between Andrew and you again, as your boyfriend turned his attention back to you and his arm. And when Andrew wasn’t looking at your face, David raised his eyebrows with significance. The look you’d been shooting him only got harder; It’s none of your f**king business, especially not right now. But you knew he had a good idea, as a trained cop he would know exactly what a recovering “junkie” would look like. And he’d be on you about it first thing in the morning. But you also knew David could be persuaded to be lenient on a man he both liked, and, was clearly making an effort to recover. Although he’d probably have something to say about medicated needle usage.
Andrew connected his body back to yours, hunched over your shoulder to watch you do this... again, and again, and again... and he didn’t move this time. You knew why his focus was like this - it would be any way to have his mind anywhere but craving a fix - but with your brother here if Andrew displayed the slightest signs of anything like withdrawal symptoms he and you knew David would pick up on that instantly. You placed your hand on his knee for a minute, and he placed his over yours - which caused you to look back to him. Those eyes of his were nothing less than emotional right then. Usually he could control that; usually even around you Andrew didn’t make himself easy to figure out. You could know him and still not really know him...
 David kept quiet to witness this silent conversation. He was still right, and your family was still right; Andrew was better for you than anyone else you’d ever taken back home. It was more than obvious right there. You always cared with your whole heart, it was just the way you were - you gave all your love, especially to those that needed it. (And David recognised that Andrew did.) But he had rarely seen it given back to you in such a way. There was something that ran deeper in Andrew - it wasn’t surface level, it wasn’t done to brag or show off, or to placate some kind of facade ‘look I do love her honest!’... Andrew’s love meant you were bonded in a different way. And as far as David was concerned it was better for everyone involved.
You pushed your forehead to his gently, and made your kiss even gentler. Before concentrating back on his arm; “Okay...” Once again you sunk that needle in precisely, and this time Andrew took a deep breath, including the slight hiss as the needle broke his skin. If his senses were heightened right now because of that craving then you would understand... He eyed the liquid slowly draining from the syringe with great interest. Andrew wasn’t sure if he really did - or it was just his brain telling him he should - but he felt better already. And the fingertips of his right hand brushed against yours as he pressed a kiss into your shoulder that automatically made you smile. David couldn’t help his quiet laugh, half at the scene half at his own thought; “Well, thank f**k those aren’t hard drugs!” Andrew looked across to him whilst you continued to concentrate on your job. Feeling back on fine form in just seconds - he was sure that was still the effect of the needle. Eventually his doctor would stop prescribing this for the same reasons continuing to use hard drugs was bad - those tiny scars you kept running your fingertips over in sadness would be made by needles that did him good too. For now though, he liked this a lot more than he did pills. And he could involve you so much more. Andrew smirked at him, but again with that unsettling notion that gave David chills before, “Naw. She’s my last habit.”
 And right now, for Andrew, that statement could not be truer.
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad.
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the-loststone · 5 years
The Long Night Rant
So I just wanted to jot down some reasons why I thought this episode (8x03) was great!
First, I have to acknowledge one fact: yes, the shows lighting could have been better. 
That said, let’s break it down.
The Dothraki: The dothraki are horse lords, they go into battle rushing on their horses to get at their enemy. That’s their style of fighting. Having them within Winterfell’s walls wouldn’t make sense. Having them behind the Unsullied wouldn’t make sense. They ride towards their target. That’s always how they fought. I suppose it would have made more sense to take them from the fight entirely, but here we are. They are part of the battle. The best way to utilize them would be to use their strength. Unfortunately, that strength basically hit a wall and died. But I suppose they took out a few of those giants as they went down since we only see the one giant in the end. 
The Unsullied and the Northern/Vale army: Having them outside made sense at the time. The wanted to hold them off from the castle, but understood the eventuality of it not succeeding. The purpose of having them outside is to see if the Dothraki came back and to back them up as they made their retreat. Didn’t really work again... but what do you expect. When I watched the show, I was not expecting any success. I was however expecting more people to die, especially Brienne or Jaime since they were in the front lines (and Sam) but here we are. Plot armor is a thing. Get over it. It’s how Davos has survived this long. 
The Dragons: The dragons main use at this point was to fight the other dragon. They made a good difference with those couple of lines of fire, but the storm pretty much stuffed it out right away, and Melisandre provided all the other fire that was needed. The Dragons were useful to an extent, but they were also a risk. If the Night King managed to kill another, they were essentially fucked. 
The Ramparts: they really should have had the ramparts manned more, but they got there in the end, so I’m not bothered. 
The courtyard: Well there was a giant, so any defense in the courtyard was essentially useless unless you went at them like a freaking G and hit them in the eye 😉 Looking at you Lyanna ♡
The crypts: those were relatively the safest place in the end. I mean, yeah the dead came back to life, but where else would they go. And I mean, there were probably not that many dead. Some of those bones are dust, so the only dead they had to worry about were the ones for the past few hundred years (and remember, before Lyanna, only Lords and Kings were buried there). So yeah, one or two dragonglass daggers weren’t very helpful. But Tyrion and Sansa hiding and then figuring out how the fuck they were going to fight the wights is logical. If they didn’t hide first they would have probably been mowed down like the others. They hid, attacked, hid, etc. It’s logical. It’s smart. (it was also offscreen so those of you saying that Sansa doesn’t know how to use a dagger can shut it, since you didn’t even have to see it)
So here’s where I’m getting to the end. I saw some theories about what the hell Bran was doing during this entire thing, and I agree with the one that said Bran was looking into the future to see if everything turned out okay. I mean, reading Bran is basically impossible, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t bothered at all. Totally relaxed. Also love the fact that he stayed consistent and just stared at the Night King til he died.
Arya: ARYA IS A FUCKING G AND IS AMAZING AND WE LOVE HER! Of course she killed the Night King. She’s freaking amazing. She’s trained for this. She’s a Stark. We were all expecting Jon because why else would Bran spend so long looking at Jon’s backstory, but here’s the thing. The Starks ended the Long Night 8,000 years ago. They didn’t need Targaryens to help, they did it on their own. The Last Hero was a Stark. Brandon Stark built the wall. This is their story. Yes, Jon had the most time to think and see the Night King, and he is part Stark, but they were using the fact that he’s also a Targaryen as the reason why he could defeat the Night King and that’s just not true. I love the fact that it was Arya. She’s the only Stark at this point who could. Sansa and Bran were both unqualified/ no fighting skill. But besides that, Arya is basically the most dangerous person in the world, of course it should be her. Her entire story line has been about death, and here is the embodiment of death.  
The White Walkers: So here’s the thing. The White Walkers aren’t actually good fighters. I mean, the reason they are so successful is because the tool to destroy them is so freaking rare and they are constantly covered by the hoards of dead people that surround them. But get one alone, and it’s pretty easy to kill it. Jon needed two swings with a Valyrian steel sword to kill his first Walker. Sam stabbed one. (SAM! LITERALLY SAM!) Meera hit one with a spear. (it wasn’t even dodging because it didn’t think it would do anything to him) I mean, they’re smart, but come on, they aren’t that great of fighters when you have them on their own. Even the Night King, I mean that guy threw 3 javelins and only landed one shot. And he did everything to avoid a one on one with Jon. I mean that could be arrogance, like him thinking that Jon wasn’t worth his time, but also, I mean it’s smart. Why fight Jon when they are surrounded by a bunch of dead people he could just resurrect. 
Anyway, these are just some of the reasons why I loved the episode. I thought it was great. I can’t wait for the next episode. Especially when we can get back to human conflict (which I think was honestly right of the show. Humans are more dangerous than the Night King, since humans are ignorant and full of greed, whats more dangerous than that?)
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operationrainfall · 5 years
Title Cthulhu Saves Christmas Developer Zeboyd Digital Entertainment LLC Publisher Zeboyd Digital Entertainment LLC Release Date December 23rd, 2019 Genre RPG Platform PC (Steam and GOG) Age Rating N/A Official Website
One of the very first games I reviewed on Operation Rainfall was Cthulhu Saves the World. I don’t remember how I discovered the game, but I quickly became a fan of the madness of Zeboyd Games. The mixture of classic RPG mechanics, absurd humor and distinct challenge made for a fun brew, and though the first game wasn’t perfect, it did serve as a framework for many other fantastic games, including both On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 and 4 and Cosmic Star Heroine. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think we were gonna get another game set in the Cthulhu universe, and when I discovered Cthulhu Saves Christmas, I got very excited. The question is, was this formula worth a second try? Or should Cthulhu have stayed home with his insane cultists?
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If you’ve played the original game that Cthulhu Saves Christmas was based on, you’ll pretty much know what you’re getting into. If you’re unfamiliar, I’d check out my review of that game by clicking here. It does a great job of showing you generally what to expect, though there are a good number of differences between the two. However, one feature they share is the main premise. In this adventure, Cthulhu is quickly stripped of his eldritch powers by opening a Christmas present. Figuring that Santa is behind it, the angry deity sets out to slay Santa, get his powers back and destroy the world. In that order. He discovers that Santa isn’t actually the culprit, but instead it’s something called the League of Christmas Evil. They have kidnapped old Saint Nick, and by using anti-presents that provide the opposite of what you want, are going to reshape the holiday in their dark image. I won’t spoil most of them, but their ranks include the likes of Jack Frost and a deranged posse called the Yule Lads. Essentially, the League of Christmas Evil is a Xmas adjacent group of miscreants, and I’ll admit several took me by surprise. And as you might have guessed, they serve as the boss fights in the game.
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You might be wondering how Cthulhu Saves Christmas actually plays. Though it’s still styled as a retro RPG, the systems are a mixture of the original game and Cosmic Star Heroine. Each character learns new skills as they level up, and you can equip three active abilities at a time. Most abilities need to be recharged to use again, which is done by selecting your character’s defensive skill. Besides that, each character also has three slots for what are called Insanity abilities. These are totally random, and are mostly drawn from your pool of unequipped skills from your entire team. You’ll also sometimes find really powerful Insanity abilities tied to specific characters, but good luck relying on those to show up. In general, it’s a good idea to put a lot of thought into your main skills, and hope for the best with your random ones. Like any good RPG, skills range from physical to magical attacks, healing, AOE powers, status ailments and more. There’s a flow to each battle, and you won’t want to dilly dally too much since after each attack, every enemy (including bosses) gets slightly more powerful, and some get new skills when they’re the sole survivor.
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But wait, there’s more. Each turn, your characters have a meter that fills up. When it’s full, you’re in Hyper Mode, which means your skills will deal more damage and have improved effects. For example, Cthulhu has a self-healing skill that, when Hyper, grants him the Unstoppable buff, which means he won’t die immediately if his health is reduced to zero. This is a very important mechanic, since you won’t get an actual Revive skill til very, very late in the game. The downside to Unstoppable is that if you end your turn with negative health, you’ll die afterwards, and be useless the rest of that battle. So it’s a good idea to quickly heal any character in negative digits. The upside to being in the negative is that you’ll be in Desperation mode, and your attacks really pack a wallop in that state. Finally, like the first game, here you have Unite attacks shared between characters. You’ll eventually have a team of four, and each character has a Unite attack with every other character. These are quite powerful, such as summoning tentacles with Cthulhu and Crystal or healing everybody with Crystal and Belsnickel. Just remember, even Unite skills are better when Hyper. I forgot early on and suffered through many battles as a result. As you can tell, there’s a lot of complexity in Cthulhu Saves Christmas, and for the most part I very much enjoyed it.
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I only have a few small complaints about the combat system in Cthulhu Saves Christmas. Firstly, I hate relying on random factors, and the Insanity abilities were as likely to help me as hinder me, especially in harrowing battles. This was very much the case in the challenging boss fights, which can be unrelenting, at least on the difficulty I chose (Insane, or this game’s version of Normal). My other complaints only came up when I refreshed my memory about Cthulhu Saves the World. That game had branching skills you could choose to learn, whereas there is nothing like that here. I love having complete control over my RPG experience, and I just wish there was a bit more variety to how I helped my characters grow. And speaking of characters, the first game had several you could swap in and out of your team. Sadly Cthulhu Saves Christmas only has one team of four. Though to be fair, each character serves as a distinct class of sorts, such as berserker, healer, etc. Other than those issues, I really enjoyed the combat in the game. Which is good, considering that’s about half of what the experience offers. The other half is the game’s laugh-out-loud funny writing.
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If you haven’t played a game by Zeboyd before, then let me tell you, the writing is always amazing in their games. Very few RPGs I play make me chuckle, let alone belly laugh, and Cthulhu Saves Christmas often did both. One reason for that is the eclectic mix of characters. Take your team for example. Cthulhu is surly and insecure about his stripped-down abilities. He always wants to be feared, and instead gets mostly ignored. Then there’s Crystal Claus, the sweet and saccharine niece of Santa who wants to do good, but is constantly thwarted by the mischievousness of the elder god. There’s a burly mountain man named Belsnickel, who seems pretty normal at first, other than the twisted joy he derives from whipping little children. And then there’s my new favorite, Baba Yaga-chan. Yes, that Baba Yaga, just young and full of optimism. She’s crazy, cute, sinister and much more besides. How can you not love a character who introduces herself by trying to suffocate an elder god with a pillow?
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Besides the wonderful cast of characters, there’s also tons of fourth wall breaking silliness everywhere in the game. It turns what could be a basic RPG plot into a delight, full of skeletal reindeer, time travel, alternate dimensions, alien cats and much more. Put simply, you’ll want to read every word that flashes across the screen, since it’s all so cleverly conceived. Hell, even the way the game uses the narrator is amazing. Honestly after playing all the games in the Zeboyd roster, I really want them to do localization for other series, because I know they would do an amazing job of it. That said, I did find the ending to Cthulhu Saves Christmas a bit of a letdown, especially since the rest of the adventure was so inventive. But that in no way diminishes the rest of the experience.
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Though I do enjoy all the Zeboyd games, they have one unfortunate trait in common: their linearity. Cthulhu Saves Christmas is completely linear, just going from dungeon to dungeon, with some great writing in-between. There’s no optional dungeons or hidden bosses. The only things that mix up the experience, and which are new to this series, are relationship forging sections. Your home base is Christmas Town, which is set in a perpetual state of Christmas Eve due to Santa’s kidnapping. While you’re there, the game encourages you to explore and spend time with your “friends”. Doing so boosts your R’lyehtionship with each teammate. No, you didn’t read that wrong; the pun is intentional. I was pleasantly surprised this game took a page from series like Persona, letting you deepen your bonds with the team. Doing so rewards you not only with more hilarious dialogue, but with equipment and items. I should say, the items used in battle are all single use, but recharge after combat. As for equipment, you only get it in Christmas Town or in chests found in dungeons. It’ll behoove you to explore each dungeon fully as a result, since you might otherwise miss a chest with the equipment you want. I tended to prefer equipment that let me start battles Unstoppable or which turned single-use skills into reusable ones. Much like the first game, there’s a set amount of encounters in each dungeon, and once you’ve fought them all, you can explore freely. Though if you want to grind more, you can fight random battles from the main menu as well.
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Though the devs suggested Cthulhu Saves Christmas can be beaten in 4-5 hours, I didn’t roll credits til about 16 hours in. Perhaps that means I’m not as good at the RPG genre as I’d like, or maybe it’s because I played on the middle difficulty. Either way, I got plenty of bang for my buck, and found the challenge was pretty satisfying. Sometimes basic enemy encounters could utterly destroy me, forcing me to restart repeatedly to get past them. And some of the bosses in the game are really challenging. Hell, the second boss repeatedly wiped the floor with me until I got smart and used better strategy to claim victory. That said, I’m still a little disappointed there was nothing optional to do in the game other than exploring different sections of Christmas Town in your free time between dungeons. Hell, I managed to get all the Steam achievements just by beating the game, which is a bit disappointing. What’s here is great, but whenever I enjoy a game this much, I always want any excuse to spend more time with it. Sadly, once you beat the game, there’s not really a reason to play through it again, since you’ll have seen pretty much everything.
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Visually, I really enjoyed the style of Cthulhu Saves Christmas. It’s a lot like what’s available in Cthulhu Saves the World, just with more fine tuned retro art. Characters have a lot of personality just from their portraits, and the variety of enemy designs is pretty good (though there are several that get reused). The only thing I missed visually are the comic cutscenes from the original. Musically the game is fine, though most of the songs aren’t that memorable. The main exception is a twisted version of “Carol of the Bells” I really enjoyed listening to. There’s no voice acting here, but I also found it wasn’t necessary.
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Honestly, for only $9.99 you get a great experience with Cthulhu Saves Christmas. It’s a very solid RPG with lots of laughs and good mechanics. Though I do miss some features from the first game, it overall does a good job of streamlining things for the better. More than anything, I just wanted reasons to keep playing in this universe. Any sort of unlockables, optional dungeons or hidden bosses would have been very welcome. Though my time with the game wasn’t exactly short, I kept finding myself wishing this was a 30-40 hour game. And while the ending was a bit of a disappointment, I still find myself hoping we get another entry to make this a trilogy. All in all, I’m happy with the latest from Zeboyd Games, and hope we don’t have to wait very long for Cthulhu’s next adventure.
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REVIEW: Cthulhu Saves Christmas Title Cthulhu Saves Christmas
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