#yes i have thought about ice beam attack a stupid amount. what about it
spearxwind · 2 years
Does the intensity ever get affected by the weather/climate that he's in? If he's super hot/it's super hot does it go weaker? Does he ever run out of ice beam/are there times he can't use it? Or times when it's the strongest? Can he use it in mer form? Thank u
Not at all! Talas' inner temperature is insanely controlled, he's got Thicke insulation so he's not generally affected by the temperature outside (which is why he has so much cold tolerance)
YEAH he can run out of ice beam if he's away from the water too long!! He also cant fire it endlessly he runs out of Juice. It's like in httyd how dragons had a specific number of shots they could fire within a short period of time. Since its a hypersaline compound though it just "recharges" passively while hes in the water
He can 100% use it in mer form and he does it every so often, generally if you see him unlock his mask its a bad sign because chances are you're about to get fucking blasted. In mer form he uses it especially to pin people down by shooting their limbs trapping them
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mothergayselle · 3 years
I Said... Hold Still // Obey Me // MC x Lucifer
rating: t words: 3.5k summary: takes place during the furry event, MC does the boys’ makeup for the video but takes *special care* with lucifer’s
“Stop squirming, Levi. You’re going to smear everything and then I’m going to get mad.”
Leviathan blushed, visibly racked with the desire to fidget in the chair. “I can’t help it,” he said, crossing and uncrossing his ankles, which clunked into hers. “You’re so close to my face.”
A scoff audibly sounded off in the background, and the unmistakable tenor of Mammon’s voice filled the dining room. 
“Yeah. A little too close, eh? Back off, Levi!”
Freya sighed. As long as Levi’s face was scrunched with annoyance, it’d be impossible to apply any more makeup to it. She paused, her hand a patient dove hovering in the air, coasting, while Levi replied.
“I’m not doing anything! You back off, stupid scumbag!”
“Hey! Ya gotta stop callin’ me that! Or else!”
“Or else, what? What are you going to do to me?”
The demon-princes were scattered throughout the entirety of the ornate, elaborate dining room, yet the collective sigh uttered by every mouth was a palpable hurricane churning in the air above them. A violent, fiery blush creeped into Levi’s neck, and Freya stilled her hand once more as he ducked his head in embarrassment.
She had to force herself not to sigh herself. “Relax, Levi. I’m not going to attack you.”
“Yes, hun, but that he wishes you would is the point,” said a voice from the opposite corner. A slash of daylight pierced through the window in front of him, illuminating the slender curve of his body. Even in that ridiculous costume. Asmodeus.
“If you know what I mean,” he finished. Freya didn’t have to look to know he was probably winking at them. The sunlight did nothing to illuminate the dripping sin of his voice.
Freya ignored the fresh wave of blood washing over Levi’s face, deepening the red even further. All that was needed was a quick blending of the brow-powder, and he’d be done, though if these idiots kept on rambling she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to get him to hold still.
Even now, he seemed to vibrate in place, although he managed to keep himself in place enough to refrain from fidgeting. Freya worked as fast as possible, working as casually as she could without smudging the lines. If they could keep their mouths shut for once in their goddamn life--
“If what you mean is kissing, then yes. We do get what you mean. Levi, at least attempt to not think about it.”
read on AO3
SATAN, you motherFU--
“No one is kissin’ ANYONE, do ya hear me!?”
“Oo-oh, how scandalous!! I want to see someone kiss!”
“Okay, tell me I didn’t wake up from a nap just to hear about Freya kissing someone!”
“Relax, Belphie. No one is kissing.”
“Ya damn straight, no one is kissing. Not ever! If Freya is kissin’ anyone it’s gonna be m--”
“Me! It’d be me! After all, who wouldn’t want to kiss me?”
As Lucifer silenced the room, Freya shot Satan a glare, who returned the gesture with a grin so warm you’d never know how on purpose that truly was. What an arsonist. Truly. It was practically art.
The dining room was momentarily cast in shadow -- Freya looked beyond a mortified Levi to see a thick wall of cloud oozing across the sky. A frown tugged the corners of her lips down.
“All right, you lot,” said Lucifer. His voice crawled into the spaces around them like congealed molasses. “Clear out. Diavolo wants to start shooting as soon as possible.”
The most awkward of silences left the dining room charged and heavy, and all but Levi and Lucifer started towards the main hall.
Meanwhile, Freya wanted to be conscientious of his personal boundaries -- as he so often said he didn’t like to be touched -- but Freya wasn’t just about to let Levi leave after that. 
“Hey, look up for me one more time before you go.”
She and Lucifer made zero comments about how dark his skin had become in embarrassment -- magenta would be too fitting for comfort. Freya, in her peripherals, saw how Lucifer pretended to preen himself in a corner away from them, adjusting and then readjusting his feline costume so it couldn’t possibly fall any straighter or more crisp on the lines of his body.
Levi complied, absolutely rock-frozen as he titled his eyes to the ceiling. Even the inner workings of his jaw were inert with strain. 
“Did you know,” Freya began, dabbing ice-silver highlighter to his waterline, “That giraffes throw up on a regular basis?”
She was momentarily met with silence as Levi made himself unclench his teeth. “Giraffes?”
“Mhm. An animal in the human realm. Really long neck. Think of a horse with a snake-neck.”
“Whoa. That sounds like a final boss or something. If their neck is so long, how do they not suffocate then?” 
It was working -- his skin was clearing of blush, returning to a lovely cream-shade which she always thought brought out the gold in his eyes so well. Freya, in an effort to dispel some of his shame, didn’t meet his eyes when they gazed at her out of curiosity. She prodded the outside corner of his eye with the same highlighter, tapping the glimmer into place.
“Well… that’s what I wanted to know, so I researched it for awhile. They have a bunch of spaces in their stomach so as they digest food, they puke it up into their mouth and then eat it all over again. Bizarre, right?”
Levi’s subsequent grin made itself onto her face as well, though she was careful to still avoid his direct gaze. And, was that Lucifer’s cheeks lifted in the over corner over there, or was that her own imagination?
“That sounds like Beel,” he said, beaming at her.
“They were my favorite animal for awhile after that, just because I would always laugh when I thought of it. In an environmental class back home we studied this, and as soon as it was brought up, I just couldn’t stop laughing. I got kicked out of class.”
“OMG,” Levi said. “That is hilarious! LOLOL, like, I totally would’ve lost it too.”
“It’s ridiculous. But it does make me smile, even to this day. Maybe it’ll help you too now.”
Levi’s answer was something soft in his eyes, like a window being opened.
Freya snapped the ridiculously expensive highlighter palette closed, absentmindedly making a note to somehow manipulate Asmo into getting her one just like it. 
She tried to refrain from kissing anyone in the academy but that palette… perhaps kissing was not beneath her after all...
“‘Kay. You’re good to go!”
The clogged energy tangibly evaporated as they both righted themselves in the chairs, widening the amount of space between them. Levi didn’t look fully recovered -- his movements were a little too fast, a bit too premature. 
However, as he stood up to join the others, the dread from earlier wasn’t etched onto the crevices of his face, and he smiled before heading out the door.
“Thanks, Freya! Seriously.” He dashed through the entryway, the joyful spring under his feet practically palpable.
The next breath was drawn in through the nose. Freya turned to the impromptu makeup station Asmodeus had set up for her earlier in the morning once more.
“Okay, lurker,” she called out. “Sit your butt down before I decide I don’t want to do this anymore and set fire to the building so Diavolo will send me away.”
The waxed, polished, impeccable hardwood floors clapped his shoes in greeting with every intentional footfall. Even from the side while she retrieved more eyeshadow, she could see the grimace on his mouth. He was staring straight through her.
“Not funny.”
Freya couldn’t help but grin as she swiveled the chair to face him.
“It was funny, but we both know you wouldn’t admit it even if you agreed so let’s get to business, shall we?” Freya held up a pen of liquid eyeliner for him to see.
Lucifer made no further comment, but she could’ve sworn his jaw looked like it wanted to come undone in a smile, just for a second. He nodded, burgundy eyes locked onto her face.
“Scoot closer. This always sucks the most.”
When he complied, their legs were utterly entangled, each thigh resting lightly against the other’s. Freya didn’t stop or make a comment -- she knew the rules of the game with him and wasn’t going to lose because of that.
If anything, the contact excited her. She’d be close enough to catch any reaction he made, scrutinize every inch of his visage for a sign of victory. When one edge of his mouth lazily pulled to the side in the faintest smirk she’d ever seen, an impish gesture, she knew he was on the same wavelength.
Freya leaned in, closing the distance between their faces until the warm billows of his breath collided gently over her cheeks.
“Don’t mind me,” she said, bringing a hand to cup the cheek opposite the eye she was going to start on. “I have to steady myself because I had a lot of coffee this morning and I can feel myself about to have a seizure.”
Lucifer did smile at that, and she mirrored him as her fingers slipped through the hair at the back of his head. Silk. Fresh rain. A bubble of clouds. There didn’t seem to be a description accurate enough to articulate the softness of each strand. Her palm came to rest on his jaw.
The dick part of her wanted to ask what kind of conditioner he used, to purposely destroy the playful tension, if only to mitigate the effect the intimacy had on her. It was certainly a go-to, and she had half a mind to blurt it out when his expression suddenly changed.
“That was kind of you,” Lucifer murmured, and she could practically feel the heat of his red gaze wash through her, “What you did for Levi. Comforting him so as to not embarrass him further.”
An unwanted softness expanded in the pit of her belly and her hand momentarily haltered all movement. She drew back to look at him, and felt her waggish expression melt into something more like his own.
Freya’s gaze tugged down at their legs, spidered out in a flamboyant web of limbs. “I’m all for a good roast, but they should be more mindful with how often they pick on him. He already has super bad self-esteem.”
Lucifer grimaced as pain, sympathetic, cracked across her face. “That he does.”
“Makes me want to punch him,” she mumbled, almost inaudibly. Exhaling, Freya lifted the eyeliner pen to Lucifer once more, tracing a thin cat-eye along the edge of his lashes. 
“If he says that he’s too gross to love one more time, I will use our pact to make him do daily affirmations until he stops. I’m not above that.”
It was a while before Lucifer reacted to that, and a few moments of silence soothed the spaces around them. When he seemed to smile, Freya kept wordless and leaned in further, cleaning up the sharp edge of the wing at his eye. If she leaned in any further, her lips would brush across his cheek. Adrenaline flooded her belly.
“Not the worst way to exploit your authority, I suppose.”
“Hell yeah. Call me the demon-whisperer, improving internal dialogue one Avatar at a time.”
She withdrew her hand just in time -- Lucifer’s cheeks avalanched in the expansion of a smile, twisting his mouth until the ivory-white of his teeth was exposed. Another grin, another victory.
“Sounds like quite the endeavor.”
“Quite right, Watson. Okay, done with that,” Freya said, ignoring his momentary confusion and scooting herself back to the pile of makeup. She exchanged the eyeliner for a pastel palette before picking up a small, fluffy brush.
“All Diavolo wanted was a mutuality between species, and here you are trying to rehabilitate the princes of Hell into developing a more healthy sense of self,” he mused. 
Lucifer’s warm eyes lowered and tracked Freya’s movements as she closed in and began dabbing at his eyelids with a pale lavender color, which accentuated the darkness of his burgundy irises so nicely it was obscene.
Did she look as beautiful to him as he did to her?
“Oh, dear,” he chuckled. “Where did you go?”
It was just then that Freya realized she hadn’t been applying the makeup on him so much as she was staring at it.
“What’s wrong? Did the artistry of your own handiwork distract you?” His full lips twisted into a more mocking version of his earlier grin.
“Or is it simply my natural beauty you find so interesting?”
A low, humming laugh churned in the bottom of his throat as Freya’s nose wrinkled itself at him.
“Actually, I was just thinking that if this film wins first place, the entire Devildom will be witness to you and all of your furry glory.”
All of the mirth fled from Lucifer’s face as she spoke. Dark strands of aura collected around the crown of his head before winking out of existence. 
“It’s an exciting thought, right?”
When his eyelids lowered, Freya leaned back in, blending in a blue pastel with the first. The air around him sizzled with tension that dripped off of his body. “As the film stands, there is almost a statistical impossibility that it will win the competition,” he drawled. So confident. 
“So, basically, it’s a non-issue.”
“You really believe Diavolo -- or Barbatos for that matter -- who are obsessed with this project, couldn’t or wouldn’t pull strings in our favor?” The hand on his jaw exploded with invisible flame as she shifted it for no other reason than she wanted to--
Lucifer froze. Freya pretended to be absorbed in her work and readjusted her fingers -- a mere twitch of the extremity -- slipping several of them in the hollow under his ear while anchoring her thumb so that the pad of the fingertip framed the corner of his mouth.
A triumphant fanfare burst in her head. She got him, caught him off-guard. Enchanted him. The world was correct once more.
“Diavolo is a noble man,” she started, sweeping away the fallout with her knuckles. She caressed the soft skin under his eyes gently, with care. “But men like him -- the ones who proclaim to uphold truth and transparency…”
Lucifer did not move, even as she playfully tapped the tip of his nose with the makeup brush.
“Those are the ones you can’t trust.”
A few short moments passed before Lucifer spoke again.
“I don’t know what demons you’ve been hanging around,” he began, leaning forward an inch. “But some of us are perfect gentlemen.” 
He was playing with her. 
Do not look at his lips, do not look at his lips.
The brush in her hand lowered as Freya also leaned in, matching Lucifer’s bluff, and the crimson glow of his eyes was soon all she could see, rather than the eyes themselves.
“I’ve only met one perfect gentleman in my entire life. He was a golden retriever.”
She saw the curve of his eyes when he smirked.
“You clearly need better friends.”
“How fortunate I was kidnapped and brought here, then.”
“How fortunate, indeed.”
“Hey, are you guys going to kiss?”
The shock of the intrusion jolted both Lucifer and Freya, nearly pressing them together, so… maybe?
Lucifer recovered first, smoothly straightening in his chair like a candle wick burning true.
“What do you want, Asmo?”
Of course it was Asmo.
When Freya settled, returning the makeup brush to the tray, she saw Asmodeus hovering in the dining room’s entrance, the gold of his hair casting ethereal arcs of color across the archway.
His eyes were wide with curiosity. “Well, first, I want to see you kiss, but I also came to tell you Diavolo wants to start filming now.” Asmo’s gaze flickered back and forth between them.
“Tell Diavolo we’re on our way,” Lucifer said, saying nothing of the lewd request. After a tense moment and a hard glare, Asmo drifted off, the whites of his eyes revealed in an impressive arc.
“He realizes he can just kiss people, right?”
She couldn’t help but grin at the blank expression coating over Lucifer’s visage.
“He realizes,” Lucifer said. “It seems as if voyeurism is a big interest of his, however.”
Freya accidentally snorted. “I don’t know what isn’t.”
“Manners, perhaps.”
Someone sighed. Freya wasn’t sure if it was her or Lucifer. Eventually, the two shared a glance and his eyebrows rose in question.
“Is my makeup adequate enough for filming?” The brows remained high on his forehead, now teasing more than anything else.
Freya instinctively raked his features, looking for any asymmetrical flaws or lopsided shadow. There was nothing but a fleeting suspicion that it was only Lucifer’s immaculate complexion which completed the makeup, rather than the other way around. He wore the makeup, rather than the makeup highlighting the beauty already there. How ridiculous.
“One more thing, actually.”
The lazy affect warped into confusion, narrowing his features, and then awe, expanding them back again. Freya had darted in the space between their bodies, one finger somehow already dipped into a cherry-colored lip stain, and she began tapping the pigment onto Lucifer’s bottom lip, ignoring the way his mouth parted with shock.
“To match your eyes.”
He remained silent while he composed himself, drawing back his eyebrows and lips to a close. Freya forced her face to remain stoic -- the relish of eliciting these kinds of reactions was a special sort of drug, but to keep him playing along, she had to forfeit a few her victories to soften the blow to his ego. Demon of Pride and all. She was more than happy to keep up with him. Her giant ego demanded it.
As if he could hear her thoughts, Lucifer probed her gaze with his own, scrutinizing the miniscule movements her every facial feature made, but she gave away nothing. He was content to hold still until she was finished with him, smiling politely, the warmth not touching his eyes.
“And none for yourself?” he chirped.
Freya’s gaze darted to the makeup tray at her side, but a warm hand had gripped her chin and forced her head back to Lucifer. A swarm of butterflies awoke in her diaphragm.
“You dote on all of us so much,” he pronounced slowly, casually, bringing his thumb to his mouth. “But it seems as if you are often left wanting, isn’t that right?”
Heat so hot it was ice overturned her nervous system, bringing it to a halt. “It isn’t that bad. Beel buys me food. Asmo gives me clothes. Luke and Barbatos bake me whatever I want.”
Freya frantically attempted to memorize the feeling of his thumb brushing over her lips. Did he feel this tense when she’d done this, like a worn outlet ready to spark? She waited until he was satisfied to speak.
“I’d say I have it pretty good.”
Lucifer smirked, clearly unconvinced. He reached over her, grabbing a wipe from the table and cleaning his hand. Their faces were momentarily close once again, and the cologne from his neck wafted over her skin. So rich, like sandalwood, but faint at the same time. Noncommittal. It was a perfect scent for him.
When his gaze lowered to her mouth and back up again, she thought her form would explode.
“Hm. I’m not sure all of that’s an equal exchange, though.” He stared at her in bewilderment.
“... What?” Suddenly, she was too conscious of herself. Why did he look at her like that? Was he unsatisfied with the color or something?
She heard the roll of his stool before registering he’d placed his palms on her shoulders. They felt like boulders and feathers and as if they should be there all the time, keeping her from floating away in her wild fantasies of abandoning the human world so she could stay there forever. It was just like giraffes. Ridiculous… right?
“Your hair.”
Lucifer’s eyes were sure and steady as they raked over her again and again.
“It should be down for the fight scene. When you faint, it should cover your face, create some symbolism there.”
… Interesting. She didn’t know he thought about details like that. Wasn’t this more of Asmo’s territory? Still, Lucifer had a point. She’d only braided that morning because it was convenient, getting too long and too curly for comfort.
“How dramatic,” she replied, chuckling at his sincerity. “You’re right, though. Obscuring the face makes a much bigger statement to the audience. Creates lots of tension.”
Lucifer’s knees knocked against hers, two entities floating alone in the ocean, and he moved his hands to the hair-ties at the end of her french braids. 
They were dexterous, slipping off the rubber and untangling the curls without tugging on a single one. Goosebumps seeped through her skin, giving her a full-body euphoria. 
If she was being honest, even this simple gesture had her feeling pampered, taken care of. It resembled nothing of the food or retail items she was frequently gifted with, although those were of course, appreciated.
No, this was like... communion. A merging of two. Freya found that she couldn’t muster a smirk or a smart-ass retort as Lucifer slipped his fingers through her hair, arranging it in perfect pieces that cascaded over her jaw. She felt she wanted to sleep instead. Take a nap. Fall asleep to the sensation of him there, soothing her into unconsciousness. 
Ah. Any feeling of victory disappeared in an instant. This was too close to real intimacy to be a game.
Lucifer adjusted the curls one final time before gently extracting himself from her space. There wasn’t any trace of mischief on his face either, or deception, or avarice. 
She caught herself absently grooming herself of invisible lint or stray hair in the moments after. It seems as if their communion was finished, and they were to get on with their mission for the day.
“Well,” Freya said, steadily rising to her feet. She extended a hand in his direction. “Ready to go to war over me?”
Lucifer’s subsequent smile radiated mirth. “Of course.” He curled his fingers around her palm and rose to face her.
“I always defend what is mine. To the death.”
An unexpected giggle erupted from him at the shock rapidly freezing her expression.
“I’m joking, Freya. I’m ready. Let’s do it.”
Lucifer jesting? How novel.
With her hand in his, they began making their way out of the dining room. The sun was out -- its light had finally defeated the storm clouds before it.
“Call me Helen, I guess.”
Their voices ricocheted off the elaborate carvings etched into the doorway.
“... You know the story of Troy, ri--”
“--Yes, Freya, I get the referen--”
“--Okay, cool. That would’ve been weird. I hate explaining jokes.”
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emkay512 · 3 years
Once Upon A Time
Chapter 1
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Summary: This starts at the beginning of TRR book 2 with the Fydelia ball but with a different series of events. This AU is based off the show Once Upon a Time with Riley and Liam mirroring Snow and Charming. Characters belong to Pixelberry.
A/N: This is my FIRST EVER post and it’s literal trash 😅 I’ve never written before I found you all, and I’ve never had so much fun reading all the stories I found. If you read this please know I’m a complete rookie and I have no idea what I’m doing haha. I welcome and encourage any thoughts and feedback!
A/N 2: my biggest thank you’s to @queenrileyrose and @bbrandy2002 for pre-reading and giving me endless boosts of confidence!!! This first ever, cherry popping post, is in honor of you ❤️
Warnings: This will contain NSFW adult language and content. By reading, you acknowledge you are 18 and over.
I’m tagging those I’ve connected with and thought would be interested. Please let me know if you do or don’t want to be tagged!
@burnsoslow @ao719 @kat-tia801 @callmeellabella @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis
The welcome ball had been exhausting. Riley finally saw them, all of them, the good and the bad. Mostly bad with Liam being the exception.. except the fact that with him came his stupid fiancée. She was forced to deal with the Penelope’s and Kiara’s of the court, and got none of the Olivia’s and Drake’s of the world, with Olivia blackmailed and Drake most likely avoiding the court. Majority of the conversations she had to deal with throughout the night consisted of her rebutting all the allegations against her, most people believing that she had jilted their king. At least she had Maxwell and Bertrand, her home away from home. With the maybe two seconds she had Liam to herself and the amount of work and effort she had to put into her first public appearance, she was completely drained and changed from a gown and into more comfortable leggings and tank after she got back to her room of the Fydelia estate. Just as she was decompressing from the stress of her night, there was a knock on the door. She opened the door to see a particular grin on the face of one Maxwell Beaumont carrying a vase of two dozen roses.
“Greetings, little blossom! One of the staff members stopped me on the way of delivering these, asking what room you were in and I insisted on catching you myself.” Maxwell invited himself into her room after handing her the arrangement. Riley pressed the roses to her nose, inhaling the beautiful scent, and she noticed a note wrapped around one of the stems. She unwrapped the note and turned to Maxwell, who had already cozied himself up on her bed, clearly excited to hear what was on the note. “I noticed the paper in the arrangement too, it’s clearly from Liam isn’t it? You did so great tonight and he had the biggest puppy dog eyes on you, I knew his Prince Charming ass would pull off something like this.. well, go on! Read it!”
Riley quickly unwrapped and read Liam’s note, she had no idea the girlish grin she had plastered on and Maxwell was beaming. He had hated these past few weeks so much, he had been watching one of his closest friends, his makeshift sister, live in desperate torment, questioning her worth after hearing nothing from those she cared most about. She put the roses down and placed the note down next to them and looked up at Maxwell, “He wants me to meet him on his balcony in 20 minutes..”
“That is charmingly romantic, but did he slip in his royal socks and tumble down Madeleine’s overly buffed stairs?? He’s clear across the estate, it’s way too dangerous for you to get out of here alone.”
Riley sighed and collapsed onto the bed with Maxwell, “I don’t know Max, his note is sweet and remorseful, but.. maybe this isn’t about getting back together.. maybe I should just focus on helping house Beaumont and getting home..”
Maxwell stretched across to Riley and smacked her across her head, “Come on, Riles! You have been unable to go a single day without asking about him.. at least twice a day! You NEED to go meet him, otherwise I think both of your little fairy tale hearts will die.”
Riley smirked and rolled her eyes, “You’re so dramatic! And please tell me what fairy tale involved a half nude photo scandal and public humiliation leading to a bullshit engagement between a king and the only ice queen that would rival both Olivia and Elsa while singing let it go? Plus, didn’t you just mention that it’d be too dangerous for me to get to him?”
“Hellooooooo?? Ok first of all, literally all fairy tales are structured that way, couple meets and falls in love, and a public enemy curses them with a dramatic, heartbreaking lie, and then they defile all enemies and live happily ever after.. you’re just living the 21st century version of that! Nudes are basically the most vanilla scandal these days anyway. And secondly, have you JUST met mr covert ops extraordinaire, Maxwell Beaumont!? I said it’d be too dangerous for you to go out alone. Let’s just simply walk out together, and if we get any questions, we can just say we’re meeting my brother for.. you know.. this and that diplomacy reason.. whatever, I’ll wing it. Plus, look at you, you’re already dressed for stealth. I just need to get you outside, and then you can scamper over to Liam’s side of the building. Whaddya say, blossom?”
Riley was exhilarated. Maxwell always knew how to say the right things. She locked eyes with him, pointed straight to his chest and said, “You son of a bitch, I’m in.” They shared a mischievous smile and giggled their way out of her room, totally giddy without even shutting the door all the way. They were completely unaware of the royal guard that had been manning her room and slipped inside.
Thanks to Maxwell, Riley had successfully snuck out of the estate and crept to below the balcony of Liam’s room. She had to think fast as to how the hell she’d get up there, and then she spotted the flower vine growing on a trellis against the building, and she let out a small victorious, “Yes!”
But as soon as she took a step in that direction, a hand grabbed her shoulder and jerked her around so she was facing one of the royal guards. “I don’t think so, lady Riley,” he put a heavy sarcastic emphasis on the term lady, as he was clearly disgusted by her newfound tarnished reputation. “You’re coming with us.”
“Us?” And then from behind her, another guard bagged her head and she felt the grip of two men on each of her arms as they forced her to their destination, practically dragging her as they went. Riley’s heart was thundering in her chest. Where were they taking her? Back to the airport? A jail cell? A dungeon? A firing squad? She wasn’t at all expecting what she got. She was sat on a decently comfortable chair. The guards removed the bag and revealed to see she was in a study. A large one. And there before her on the opposite end of a mighty desk, was the king father, Constantine.
Constantine nodded a dismal to both the guards, and they took their leave. “Well, well. If it isn’t the disgraced American.” Riley was utterly confused and could feel the former kings command in the mood of the room. He did not like her, and she could feel his dislike radiating off of him. “You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you, you foolish girl?”
“Wh-what are you talking about?”
“You had your exit, your out. You were scandled. Ostracized! I even had you as far as at the airport gates. But no, you came back. You came back and left me back at square one on how to get rid of you!”
Realization dawned to her, “It was YOU!” Riley leapt to her feet. She felt no fear, only anger coursing through her. “YOU staged those photos, YOU unleashed Tariq on me.. and you timed the release of those photos, at the most prime time allowing maximum humiliation and zero time in between Liam’s announcement. You’re despicable, I bet you’re even disappointed that Tariq’s attack on me didn’t end.. didn’t end up the way he planned.” She had deliberately slowed her speech as each new revelation came to play in her head, she had lowered her voice with disdain and disgust.
Constantine let out a scoff-laugh at what he considered to be a poor attempt of exerting dominance. “You’re right, and quite honestly I don’t care what that pompous buffoon would have done to you, but I must say, those pictures certainly did deliver.” Constantine was teasing and patronizing her, “And now you’re here, still trying to get to my son.”
Riley crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at him, “I don’t know what you’re tal-“
“Enough. I know everything.” He waved in front of her the very note that Liam had written inviting her to his balcony that he got from one of the guards. “You poisoned his heart, and now his marriage. And with that, the entire kingdom is poisoned, all because your feelings.” He spit the last word out as if he found it vile.
“I wish feelings could be helped, but they can’t.”
“Of course they can. Love is a disease, and like all diseases, it can be vanquished in one of two ways. A cure, or death.” Constantine stood and leaned both of his palms flat on the surface of the desk. “Do you know where your beloved is right now? He’s right down that hallway, he should be packing for his new life, prepared to take on his engagement tour to unify two Cordonian houses and assume the responsibilities and sacrifices it takes to be king. But no.. He’s pining for you. Awaiting your arrival.”
“And I suppose you intend to keep him that way? Waiting for me, only to be rejected, never knowing I came for him?” Riley’s voice was desperate, but still cunning in reality. She needed him to know her questionnaire was not doubtful, but challenging. That she hated his deliberate intentions.
“No. In fact, you’re gonna walk down that hallway. You’re gonna sneak in and tell him you got his note,” Constantine slid the note across the table, no longer wanting it in his possession, and Riley picked it up. “You’re gonna tell him why you answered his call.. Because you don’t love him. It’ll break his heart.. And that will cure him.”
Wide eyed, Riley could only assume the consequence if she didn’t do as he said, “Or you’ll kill me.” She stated with no question in her mind.
“Oh no. I’ll kill him. Killing you would only make him love you more. And the marriage and kingdom would ultimately crumble.”
“And what about your precious Madeleine? I know how this works this is all about mergers and business transactions. How else would you get Godfrey and his house to join with yours?”
“Please, if Liam were to die at an assassin’s hand, he would die a martyr. Godfrey would forgive, even laud, the death. And the merger would be complete.”
“You would do that to your own son?”
“I’m doing it FOR my son.” Love was once Constantine's weakness and it led to Eleanor’s death. It scarred him and he became brainwashed. Convinced love was the enemy. And now, the product of his foolish love, was Liam, who he groomed to be the perfect king. Constantine applauded himself all these years. It was clear as day that even Leo knew the job belonged to Liam, so Constantine did everything to assuage any of Liam’s hesitation into taking on his duty. He always planned on Liam being the logical one, ready to take on the duty and a loveless union. Then that damn New York trip happened. And that damn Riley came in the picture. Immediately Constantine couldn’t tell if he actually hated Riley, or if he hated the idea that Riley was basically the new version of Eleanor that he’d never have.
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Magnet fishing (Bucky x reader)
Summary: you have a hobby and that is magnet fishing, always expecting a few metal scraps and weird, random thingies but one thing you didn't expect at all is a man with a metal arm.
Word count: 1787
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Note: I don't doubt a person with a single neodymium magnet disk could lift someone like Bucky out of a lake... possible but tough.(just an opinion)
*check out my masterlist for more shits :)*
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You finally have a place you could call yours, a bit far out from the nearest village but it's fine, you like the serene atmosphere this small secluded place gives.
The said place you are talking about is just a small cabin, old but still livable. Plus, it's warm and still sturdy after years of abandonment. You got the cabin for less than what you've expected which is quite a steal.
When you decided to buy the place, the seller's eyes almost roll out from their sockets at how wide his eyes went. It got you confused and asked why, and the answer is kinda weird and also downright ridiculous.
An organization called "Hydra" once scouted the area for years a few decades ago, looking for something rather important. Up until now, rumors spreads around that what this Hydra organization were looking for is still out there.
No one dared to go anywhere near the location, not even the bravest of souls. it's a ghost story the adults tells the children whenever they got curious about the said place, that a monster is resting beneath the waters of the frozen lake-- exactly where the cabin is just a few meters away--, ready to attack the person who is stupid enough to trespass it's sanctuary.
"--Who is stupid enough to trespass it's sanctuary," the old man finished, eyes narrowing at you as he emphasized the word 'stupid'. You just nodded your head and thanked the man, grabbed the keys to the cabin and walked away.
It's not just the solitude from civilization that got you interested in this so called 'sanctuary of the unknown', it's becasue of the frozen lake - You're a magnet fisherman--woman--, a hobby of yours. It's illegal on some places so you don't do it quite often despite having a permit, also, you have your own business back in your hometown - winery.
Magnet fishing is a dirty work and most of the time leaves you with just metal scraps, nails, and a few rocks. But the satisfaction you felt is oh so great when you got something more valuable; some lost things and some antiques that values a hefty amount of cash.
So when you heard about the lake, the cabin; both a mile and a half away from the nearest village, you immediately packed all your things and bid your family and friends goodbye back in your hometown.
"Let's check this baby out!" You grinned, pulling out your newly bought neodymium magnet disk from your bag and a long nylon rope. Thankfully, some part of the lake is already melted so you don't have to break the ice yourself.
(Fun fact: neodymium magnet is the most widely used type of rare-earth magnets, also used as jewelry clasps. But they do not significantly attract gold, aluminium, and silver. Which I didn't know until I made this fic. *shrugs*)
It's been a good ten minutes and your magnet still haven't caught anything. Huffing in slight frustration, you hauled your magnet back from the water and changed your position to the other side of the lake.
Once again, throwing the magnet as far as you can and mentally pat yourself in back when it submerged quite far off from where you are standing.
It didn't took you long before you felt something stick to your magnet, a slight pull of the rope indicates it. As you tried to haul the magnet back up, you were shocked at the weight. It's almost unrelenting that you feared it'll slip off from the magnet and with a lake like this, there's a little chance your magnet will find it again.
"Easy, easy," you whispered to yourself, calming your nerves before giving a firm yet strong tug. It works as you felt the mystery metal goes unstuck to wherever it was. Carefully pulling the disk back to the surface with much more effort than you would've though, you finally caught a glimpse of metal - a bit rusty but still shiny looking.
Slowly, you took a step forward all while still gathering the rope and almost stumble down on the thick snow when you noticed what the metal is; a hand. It didn't stop you as you kept on pulling, to the point where the hand finally hits the snow and realized that it's not just a hand.
It's okay, you thought to yourself. It's just an arm shaped metal, must be from a statue.
But you are wrong. As you cautiously walked towards it, you catch sight of something that makes your heart jumps out from your chest and it's definitely not in a good way.
The metal arm that you thought was just from a statue is actually connected to a person; a man - a dead, frozen man
"Holy shit!"
You gulped, staring down at the frozen corpse in front of you. From his chest down still submerged in the cold, icy water. The cold air seeping through your thick clothes yet your palms are sweating as you stand there not knowing what to do, hands tightly wrapped on the nylon rope, just staring at a dead man with a metal for an arm.
This is terrifying, you need to call the police. You mentally groaned remembering that there's no signal around here, but you have your snowmobile so you could use that instead.
Contemplating if you should make a run for it and call the cops from the village or just kick the corpse back in the lake and walk away like nothing happened; maybe even book the next flight back home.
Sadly, you can't do the latter... corpse float.
The magnet is still attached to the metal arm so you gave a strong tug hoping it would separate from the corpse, but sadly, it wouldn't budge.
A small curse and another pull.
A loud curse and another stronger pull.
Frustrated, you were about to scream-- maybe even cry-- when you suddenly saw movements coming from the metal arm, precisely, the fingers. It twitched and so does his body, you grew terrified when his head slightly turned to the side, his back slowly rising and falling, breathing weakly.
"Holy... shit."
"Hi officer, yes, he's alive. I saw- I mean, caught the man from the lake with a magnet disk..." You groaned and shake your head, downing the rest of you wine.
You can't just mention a magnet disk, you don't know if magnet fishing is legal in this part of country - or should you say area.
Fuck me. Forgot to ask permission.
It's been four days since you hauled the man from frozen lake, changed him from his wet, heavy looking of what seems to be his tactical gear to something comfortable; an oversize shirt(on you, it is) and a baggy pair of sweatpants. Not an easy task but you managed to do it.
The man, he isn't some normal fellow you'd see anywhere. There's something more, maybe he's the "something" Hydra is looking for? Is he the ghost? Impossible, it's been decades since that happened. The organization stopped looking for him decades ago.
Who is he? Why does he have a metal arm?
Questions began running around inside your head, different kinds of possibilities that mostly lead you if not in jail; six feet under. Just the thought of it makes you want to vomit and choke on it until you pass out - maybe you could receive some kind of pity and let you off the hook.
You felt yourself slightly gag at the thought of choking on your own vomit.
"The only things I'll ever be choking on is pizza and my future husband's dick," you grumbled to yourself, glaring down at the empty glass in your hand before sighing and turning around.
You suddenly come face to face the man you called 'corspe' multiple times in your head four days ago for twenty minutes, standing strong and tall, an aura that practically screams "touch me and I'll break your neck."
He watch you watch him in fear and curiosity, body rigid and alert for what's about to happen.
What's about to happen?
Ten years later...
"And that's how I met your father," you finished the story, grinning down at the little girl in front of you.
She 'oh'ed, staring up at you with her big sea blue eyes, full of curiosity and amazement. "So he's the ghost?" She asked with her squeaky voice, grabbing the last cookie from the paper plate between the two of you and began munching on it.
You chuckled. "I would say 'a really clumsy man who fell from a flying helicopter while running away from the bad guys' but yeah, sure."
"Awesome," she whispered-yelled making you laugh at her cuteness, scooting closer towards your daughter to wipe off the crumbs from her cheek.
"So this is where my girls are hiding." A familiar voice sounded from the small entrance of the tree house. Looking over, you saw your husband climbing up the ladder.
"We're not hiding, daddy!"
"Of course you're not, princess." He sat himself beside your daughter and raised a brow at you, a smile on his face. "But your mother here is."
"I'm not hiding, daddy," you repeated your daughter's words, fluttering your eyelashes at him with a grin on your face, biting your lips to prevent yourself from laughing.
His eyes darkens but he kept the smile on his face, pretending he didn't caught the look on your face he know all too well. "Yes you are, honey. Anyways, what are you two talking about?"
"The day you first met!" Your daughter beamed.
"Really?" Buck's eyes flickered at you for a moment as he spoke.
The little girl nodded her head enthusiastically. "Yup! It's so romantic," she sighed dreamily but she frowned when she pat the paper plate and found it clear from those delicious cookies Wanda baked for her.
"Oh, the cookies are gone, can I get some more, mommy?"
"Okay, sweetie. Be careful on your way down."
The two of you watched your daughter climbs down the ladder with ease, already familiar of the steps and the safe places to put her feet on.
After a moment of silence, Bucky speaks up. "You didn't told her about me frozen under the lake for three decades, did you?"
"Nah. Told her I saved you from drowning while I'm fishing at a random lake; miraculously woken you up with a kiss."
"That sounds ridiculous."
"Also, don't worry, I didn't tell her I jumped your bones on the fifth day of knowing you."
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@jasondean1972 I saw you reblogging and liking my posts while I'm editing this, and I love it 💛 don't worry, I think I'll be making my android!Bucky one-shot a series.
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rosebrightside · 4 years
Some short Ajay Bhandari x MC drabbles 
Inspiration taken from these dialogue prompts by @akp-1327 (they’re seriously amazing, go check them out!)
Ajay Bhandari x m!MC (Lyall Turner) 
Fun & Lighthearted #7 - “Sprinkles are for winners.” 
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“Why don’t we make this interesting?” Lyall proposed. 
“A bet?” Ajay raised his eyebrows. “You’re on. Any ideas?”
Lyall thought for a moment before grinning mischievously. “Winner gets to put those rainbow sprinkles on their cupcakes. Loser gets none.”
Ajay’s eyes widened in horror. “How can you say that?! You know I love those sprinkles!”
“That’s what makes it interesting,” Lyall laughed. “But we don’t have to bet the sprinkles if you’re scared you won’t be able to beat me. I totally understand.” 
Ajay knew he was being baited. Lyall was wearing that dumb half smirk he tried to pass off as an easy smile that meant he was challenging Ajay. And Ajay wasn’t about to back down now. He scoffed. “Please. I could beat you in my sleep. Let’s do this. For the sprinkles.” 
“For the sprinkles!” Lyall cheered, jumping onto the couch for dramatic effect as Ajay went to fetch the controllers. “I will become the Sprinkle Lord!” He brandished the remote control like a sword. “I will lead my sprinkle soldiers into battle!”
Ajay laughed at his boyfriend’s antics. “Not if I become the Sprinkle Supreme first.”
Lyall took a controller from Ajay. “Sprinkle Supreme? What are you, a Star War’s character?”
“That would make me the Supreme Sprinkle.” Ajay paused. “I actually like that better.”
“Well then, Supreme Sprinkle, prepare to have your ass kicked.” 
“Don’t count your sprinkles before they sprinkle, janu.”
“I don’t know how to tell you this but that was probably the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said.”
“I can’t believe I lost,” Ajay groaned. “It’s impossible! Improbable! Inconceivable!”
“Ok, Princess Bride, dial it back with the adjectives,” Lyall said. He bumped Ajay’s hip teasingly as Ajay passed, holding a pan of cupcakes fresh from the oven. “No one likes a sore loser.” 
Ajay huffed. “I’m not a sore loser! I just regret picking Rainbow Road.” 
“Interesting,” Lyall mused. “You lost on Rainbow Road and the sprinkles you could have had if you won are rainbow coloured.” He gestured with the icing filled piping bag, putting on a philosophical air. “Irony, thy name is Ajay.”
“Why you – !” Ajay lunged and grabbed Lyall around the waist, swinging him off his feet and around the kitchen. “Turn Shakespeare against me, will you? ‘If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge!’” He began poking Lyall’s sides and stomach, making him squirm and shriek with laughter. 
“‘Pray you now, forget and forgive!’” Lyall cried between gasps. 
“Never!” Ajay moved his hands more rapidly, taking advantage of Lyall being unable to tickle back while holding the piping bag. Lyall retaliated by squeezing some of the icing onto his hand and wiping it on Ajay’s face. 
“Now the war truly begins!” he shouted. 
The tickle fight rapidly dissolved into a competition of who could smear more icing on who. By the time Lyall stopped the fight so they could still have enough for the cupcakes, both boys’ faces and clothes were splattered with various coloured icing and Ajay was declared the winner. They iced the cupcakes in comfortable silence, broken only by the occasional giggle when they flicked spare icing or crumbs at each other and comments about the piping design. When they were finished, Ajay reached for the rainbow coloured sprinkles, eager to decorate his cupcakes, only to have Lyall swat his hand away. 
“Nope. Sorry, babe,” Lyall grinned. “Sprinkles are for winners.”
“I bet I can convince you to let me have some,” Ajay coaxed. He stepped closer to Lyall, one hand ghosting over his waist.
Lyall crossed his arms with a self-assured smirk. “You can’t. I have a will of iron.” 
“Well, what if I do this?” Ajay kissed his forehead. 
“What about this?” Ajay kissed a smear of pink icing off the tip of his nose. 
A tiny smile twitched at Lyall’s lips. “No.”
“And this?” Ajay placed kisses on both of Lyall’s cheeks.
Lyall was fighting a losing battle trying to suppress his smile now. “Nuh uh.” 
“This? Or this?” Ajay peppered Lyall’s face with kisses, trying to kiss every inch of it.
“Nooooo! Ajay!” Lyall laughed, squeezing his eyes shut and scrunching up his nose as he tried to twist away.
Ajay ended his attack with a gentle but firm kiss to Lyall’s lips. Lyall melted into it with a pleased sigh, arms looping around Ajay’s shoulders. 
When they pulled apart, Ajay cocked an eyebrow expectantly. “How about that?” he grinned. “Does that get me sprinkles?”
Lyall laughed, burying his face in the crook of Ajay’s neck. “Yes, that gets you sprinkles, you persistent weirdo.” 
Ajay smiled and pressed a kiss into Lyall’s hair. “Your persistent weirdo.”
Sweet & Sappy #25 - “C’mere, you can sit on my lap.” 
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“C’mere, you can sit on my lap.” 
Ajay raised his eyebrows at his boyfriend’s words. His eyes flicked sceptically over Lyall sitting expectantly on the couch. “Um, janu, you do realise that I’m around ten inches taller and definitely heavier than you, right? I’d squash you.”  
“No, you wouldn’t,” Lyall protested. “I’m stronger than I look, I swear! Remember how I dipped you at homecoming? I can handle it.”
Ajay still hesitated. “I’m not sure that amounts to the same thing.” 
“Come on, Ajay! Just try!” 
“Please try,” Lucy grinned. “I love seeing my twin proved wrong.” 
“Prepare for a Lyall shaped pancake on the couch,” Rory joked. 
Lyall huffed, annoyed. “You people have no faith in me. Come on, Ajay.” He patted his knee invitingly. 
Ajay could never say no to those big brown puppy eyes. Lyall could get whatever he wanted when he used those eyes. “Alright,” he relented. 
Carefully, Ajay lowered himself onto Lyall’s lap, settling his full weight onto him. He felt a bit stupid and uncomfortable. Lyall was quite a bit smaller than him and he could tell that he was crushing him. 
“This is fine,” Lyall squeaked, tucking one arm around Ajay’s waist.
“How’s it going, Lyall?” Skye smirked. “Still breathing?” 
Lyall shot her a glare. “Yes! Ajay’s not heavy.” 
Ajay leaned down to murmur in Lyall’s ear. “You’re sweet, but let’s switch. Your lap is too small for me anyway.” 
Lyall’s face flooded with relief. “Yeah, ok. That sounds good.” 
Ajay stood back up and they quickly switched so that Ajay was sitting on the couch with Lyall on his lap. Lyall snuggled into Ajay, wrapping his arms around his neck. 
“The glorious fall of Lyall’s ego,” Lucy snickered. “The world mourns the loss.” 
“And yet I’m being cuddled by my amazing boyfriend while your girlfriend isn’t even holding your hand,” Lyall shot back good-naturedly. 
Erin perked up. “Is that a challenge? You guys are going down!” She immediately wrapped both her arms and legs around Lucy in a full limbed embrace. 
“This week on ‘Let’s Make Rory Feel Single’,” Rory deadpanned. “Local couples invent a new sport – extreme cuddling!”
Sweet & Sappy #19 - “I’ve always imagined my future with you.” 
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“I actually wanted to give you something,” Lyall said. His hands were fidgeting and he was shifting from side to side, clearly nervous. 
“Ok,” Ajay said, sitting up properly from where he was reclining on the bed. “What is it?” 
Lyall’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “Ok this is fine, I can do this.” He reached over and took Ajay’s hand. “Ajay, I love you so, so much. I can’t even describe how much. And this may seem strange for me to know because I’m still just a teenager, but I already know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He smiled shyly. “You’re the one for me. I don’t ever want anyone else.” 
Ajay smiled back, heart filling with pure joy and love. He didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much. “I feel the same way, janu. I’ve always imagined my future with you. You’re the only one I want.” 
Lyall let out a shaky breath, seeming to become more confident. “I’m glad. That makes this a lot easier.” He reached around his bed and produced a small black drawstring pouch. He opened it and tipped the contents into his palm; two silver rings. 
Lyall glanced up at Ajay with a blush. “I – I know we’re too young to get married, obviously, and that’s not what I’m asking. So for now I got us promise rings.” His blush deepened. “It’s kinda cheesy and dumb but I thought it would be cute and this way every time I look at my hand I can think of you, but it’s totally ok if you don’t want – mm!” 
Ajay cut off his rambling with a kiss. “I love them,” he whispered. “Almost as much as I love you.” 
Lyall smiled, resting his forehead against Ajay’s. “That’s a lot then?” 
Ajay laughed. “Definitely a lot.” He cradled Lyall’s hand that held the rings in his own. “Janu, this is such a beautiful idea. I love the idea of being so committed to you.” 
Lyall beamed. “So you want to wear them?” 
“Absolutely. Here, let’s put them on.” 
“Wait, I have to ask you properly!” Lyall scrambled to his knees on the bedspread and held up one of the rings. “Ajay Bhandari, will you promise to marry me someday?” 
Ajay’s cheeks were starting to hurt from how much he was smiling. “I will.” He took the other ring from Lyall. “And will you, Lyall Turner, promise to marry me someday?” 
“I will!” 
They exchanged rings, carefully slipping them onto the fourth finger of their right hands. Ajay raised Lyall’s hands to his lips and kissed first the ring and then the bare ring finger on his left hand. 
“One day, a ring will be on this finger too,” he murmured, flashing a smile at Lyall. “And you’ll be my husband.” 
Lyall’s breath caught. “My husband,” he repeated softly as if in awe. “That sounds amazing.” 
Ajay kissed him softly, smiling like the lovesick fool he knew he was. “It does. And I can’t wait until it’s real.” 
Angst #39 - “Maybe you should try to tell him/her that.” 
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“I feel so terrible for how I treated him. The way I just... let myself get swept along with everyone else in blaming him for the accident was appalling. Especially with how close we’d gotten before. I should have known that Lyall would never sabotage anyone like that on purpose.” 
“Maybe you should try to tell him that.” 
Erin’s wise words rang in Ajay’s ears. Today was the day. He couldn’t put it off any longer. The apology had gone unsaid for long enough and Ajay would be damned if he let Lyall go one more day without making sure he knew how sorry he was. He only prayed they could move past it and at least be friends again. And hopefully one day something more, his brain added helpfully. Ajay told it to shut up. 
Taking a deep breath he grabbed his bag, double checking the contents one more time before climbing out of his car. Immediately as though his eyes were drawn by magnets, Ajay spotted Lyall disembarking the bus, chatting with Skye. He really was gone for this boy if he could spot him from that far away among a decent sized crowd. Ajay shut his car door and jogged to catch up. 
“Lyall! Skye!” he called. 
The two freshmen stopped, turning to face him. He skidded to a stop and nodded to them both. “Um, good morning. Skye, would you mind if I talked to Lyall alone for a moment?”
Skye shrugged. “Whatever. I’ll see you in homeroom, Lyall.” 
Lyall turned back to Ajay, brown eyes full of questioning. “What’s up?” he asked. “Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s fine. It’s just…” Ajay gently pulled Lyall off to the side of the path onto the grass. “I haven’t apologised for how I treated you.”
Lyall shrugged. “Oh, don’t worry about it. Erin told me that you probably felt like you couldn’t take sides because you’re the director. I get it.”
Ajay shook his head firmly. “While that may be partially true, I should have done more to hear your side of the story. I wasn’t as impartial as I could have been. I shouldn’t have believed that you would hurt Jordan on purpose.”
“Ajay, it’s ok,” Lyall said. “Everyone thought I had done it.”
“Just because everyone believes something, doesn’t make it right. You’re my friend and I should have trusted you when you said you didn’t do it,” Ajay said. He looked Lyall in the eyes, trying to show the emotions that he couldn’t speak through his gaze. “I’m so sorry, Lyall. And even though, I know that this isn’t nearly enough, I hope that this can help you to find it in your heart to forgive me someday.” He slung his backpack off his shoulder and pulled out a bulk pack of fruit snacks, holding them out to the younger boy. 
Lyall stared at the package for a moment, then burst out laughing. Ajay blinked in surprise. That wasn’t been the reaction he had been expecting. 
“What?” he asked in confusion. “You said you liked these fruit snacks, right? I remember you said they were your favourite brand when we were stuck in the theatre.”
“Yes,” Lyall laughed. “They’re my favourite. I love them. Thank you.” He took the package and hugged it to his chest. “You’re too much sometimes,” he said, still grinning. “But I mean that in the best possible way.”
Ajay swore to all the theatre gods, those dimples were going to be the death of him. He looked at Lyall uncertainly. “So you forgive me?”
“Of course! I’m not about to let Danielle of all people come between us.”
Ajay nodded slowly. “But I still feel awful…”
“Then get over here and hug it out,” Lyall ordered, setting the fruit snacks down on the grass and holding out his arms. 
Ajay smiled for the first time in the conversation and embraced Lyall gladly. “Thanks for forgiving me,” he said, voice muffled slightly by Lyall’s shoulder. 
“Always,” Lyall mumbled in his ear. “Just don’t go doing that again,” he teased. 
Ajay chuckled, pulling away. “Promise.”
“But some good did come out of all this,” Lyall said. 
Ajay raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
Lyall grinned, picking up the fruit snacks and gesturing with them. “I have real, tangible proof that you do actually listen to me when I talk.”
“Hey!” Ajay protested and Lyall bumped his shoulder playfully as they walked up to the school.
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maarmendes · 4 years
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Chapter 2: Unknown Territory [II]
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, mental illness... (the main characters are pretty rough around the edges)
Genre: OC insertion; angst; fluff; others.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x OC [Anahita Shuzenji]
Word Count: 2751
Tags: @bnhabookclub​
[Wattpad Link]
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Lunch with Bakugo was nicer than expected. We had a lot more in common than I thought. Besides both of us getting in trouble a lot and both getting caught by villains, we both liked old rock bands, MMA, and old action movies. No matter how nicely we hit it off, I couldn't bring myself to be honest with what happened to me. Not that Bakugo would ask me anyway. I was grateful for how understanding he was. We also shared notes on other heroes, he gave me work-out advice and I helped with some strategy studying. It felt like any gaps one of us had, the other would fill in perfectly. He was more of a strength and power type of person, as I was a speed and strategy type of person. Not to say he wasn't good at strategy, he was one of the smartest persons I've met even if he didn't show it. Bakugo admitted he had a tendency to let his emotions get the best of him. I admitted I did as well and it took some training to deal with it. But we also disagree in a lot, such as how good that sandwich place actually was. It wasn't that good. He was delusional.
"I can't believe you're eating ice-cream... It's still cold out!" Bakugo frowned.
"I've told you already like ten times! There's no such thing as the perfect time to eat sweet stuff,-"
"Except all the time... Yeah, yeah, I get it!" He finished for me with an eye-roll.
"If you're that worried, you can always warm me up..." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.
"I'll fucking blast you into fucking space."
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Blast Boy!"
Teasing Bakugo was turning into my most amusing hobby. It's not like he'd get flustered, that wouldn't suit his 'cool' demeanor. Instead he'd get annoyed, and that's way more entertaining. Back at the U.A, we were met with Aizawa already in class.
"I told you to keep her out of trouble, not kidnap her during lunch." Aizawa glared at us.
"Calm down, old man. It was just a sandwich!"
I prayed for Bakugo's soul. May he rest in peace and find solace in his next life. Blessed be, Blasty.
Luckily, Aizawa simply sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I don't have time for this... Gear up, you're training with All Might today." I jumped in excitement. Training with the number one hero? That would be the best research opportunity I could ask for. "Except you, Ana. You're with me." All excitement washed away and Bakugo muffled a laugh as he walked away.
"What? Why?!" I walked over to the teacher in hopes of begging for mercy. "Aizawa, please... I promise I will never leave without telling you first ever again!" Adding a pout for good measure was useless against this man.
"You didn't do any of your tests and I have to submit them before the end of the day." I kept pouting, hoping I could at least get something out of it, and I did. With a grunt he caved in. "You can join the rest of the class after the tests."
I threw a punch in the air in victory and wasted no time running over to get my gear, shouting a quick thanks over my shoulder. I was excited about getting my suit on and jumping back into action! It'd been a few weeks since I'd been allowed to go all out and the tests would serve as a nice warm-up. And All Might? The cherry on top of this messed up situation I call life. I was glad the girls shared my enthusiasm for our first real training session. Once changed and walking back to class, we were all having fun commenting on our suits.
"Uraraka! We're twins!" She took a good look at me and laughed.
"Oh, my God! We're like the Pink and Blue Bodysuit Crew!" I gasped dramatically. That got all the girls laughing. I had to admit, she got us a pretty cool team name.
"Then Tsu and Mina can be the Green Dream Team! And Momo, Jiro, and Toru..." I paused for a moment. "The Sexy Squad?" This time I burst out laughing with them.
I'm glad I could fit in even if I got into the class later than the others. They were all very welcoming despite the fact they knew nothing about me or why I transferred. Walking into class, a ping of sadness hit me when I realized I had to leave them.
"Sit down. All Might will be here soon to take you to Ground Beta, where you'll get special training. I'll leave the explaining to him." He turned to me. "Let's get this over with, kiddo."
I sighed and waved the girls goodbye while I followed him out. Taking one last glance over my shoulder at Bakugo, he paid no attention to anyone around him while adjusting the biggest grenades I'd ever seen around his wrists. It amused me how much they suited him.
Once outside, Aizawa didn't waste any time pushing me to the limit. From jumping as high as possible to running as fast as possible to bench pressing the heaviest weights. By the end of the tests, All Might was a long-gone dream of mine.
"Come on, get up. I've seen you do more for less." Aizawa dragged me to my feet.
"For the last time... It wasn't for nothing! I got free pizza."
"And now you get to meet All Might. Sounds more worth it than pizza." I retorted with a look. That was as much as I was willing to move. "Come on, I'll take you there."
For some reason, it still surprised me that we had to drive to some facilities in this school. The amount of resources they have will always astonish me. Once there, Aizawa guided me to some kind of control room where the class was watching some team practice All Might plan out.
"All Might. This is Anahita Shuzenji, Recovery Girl's granddaughter." Aizawa introduced me and I couldn't help but beam at the giant in front of me.
"Ah! Young Shuzenji! Welcome to class 1-A!" Some explosions on-screen caught my attention and I shot the hero a questioning look. "Ah, yes! Today's exercise! The students were divided into teams, some will take the role of heroes and others the villains. The goal is to secure the payload the villains are keeping somewhere in the building with minimal casualties."
A bigger explosion echoed in the room along with a few gasps. Looking at the screen I recognized the sandy-hair student. Bakugo was ceaselessly attacking Midoriya, leaving no room for the boy to breathe. It was the most intense battle I'd ever seen. The look of pure rage in Bakugo's face told me this fight had gone out of hand a long while ago.
"All Might..." Aizawa's tone was low and cold. "Did you just put Katsuki Bakugo in a fight against Izuku Midoriya after I told you to not do exactly that?"
I never thought I'd see the number one hero cower under anyone's gaze, but I guess Aizawa had to be the one to do it.
"I- I might have forgotten about that..."
The giant cleared his throat, avoiding Aizawa's glare. Turning on the microphone, All Might issued Bakugo a warning in hopes to calm the fight down without calling it off. To no one's surprise, that only pushed Bakugo further off the edge. With what to us was a silent scream, the boy blasted off back into the fight. Everyone was commenting on his fighting style and how talented he was, but I couldn't focus on that. This wasn't fair. This isn't what heroes are supposed to do. Heroes are supposed to protect, not hurt. During lunch, Bakugo expressed how much he wanted to fight to the top and become the best hero ever, but also admitted he wanted to protect people, followed by some threats about if I ever told anyone about it. He made it sound like we shared the same desire to make the world a better place... But this wasn't it.
"Call it off..." I mumbled as I watched the boys run towards each other with one last cry of war. "Call it off! He's gonna hurt him!" I turned to Aizawa in a frenzy but it was too late. Midoriya screams and one last explosion echoes. Uraraka deals the last blow and All Might gives the sign.
The fight was over.
"The heroes win!" The hero yelled at the microphone as I bolted out of the room. Midoriya needed immediate medical support. There are only so many blasts one can take. Aizawa tried to stop me but there was no way I'd let this go on anymore.
Running into the building as fast as I could, I get in just in time to see Bakugo standing over Midoriya, trembling with rage.
"Bakugo! Stop!" I yelled out and he froze. I spared no attention to the idiot as I run past him to assist Midoriya. The boy had fainted from exhaustion after sustaining many burns and breaking his arm. He held out for as long as it took to win the challenge and could not fight a minute longer,  yet Bakugo showed no mercy. I placed his head on my lap and brush his hair off his bruised face. Rage built up in my chest as I stared at the poor boy on my lap.
"How much of a dickhead can you be?!" Bakugo wasn't expecting the bitterness in my tone. He glared back at me but I stopped him before he could say anything stupid. "You lied to me! You told me you'd make the world a better place! You liar!" I burst out, unable to contain the emotion in my voice. "You're supposed to be good. You're supposed to be a hero! You're worse than a bully, you're a villain!"
I took the crack in my voice as a sign to stop talking and start helping Midoriya. Bakugo didn't say anything back to me. He just stared at the ground, quiet as I healed his opponent. Aizawa and All Might arrived soon with a stretcher and I followed Aizawa as we took the boy back so my grandma could look after him.
I couldn't look at Bakugo. When we hanged out, we shared the same ideas on what it means to be a true hero, to protect everyone from villains. But now, he seemed more like a villain than a hero... Maybe that's why they put us together. Two kids at risk of becoming this worlds' worst nightmare. I couldn't blame them though. I just thought maybe Bakugo would call out to me and prove me wrong.
But he didn't.
Leaving the class behind, I insisted on taking Midoriya back with Aizawa. I was worried he might wake up in pain on the drive back. I wasn't as much of a healer as grandma was, but I could at least reduce his pain and lull him back to sleep. I played with Midoriya's hair in the hope it makes him feel better. I wished I could do more for him, but I wasn't strong enough yet.
"Feeling better?" Aizawa glanced over the mirror.
"I don't know, he's still unconscious."
"I was talking about you." My attention shifted towards the teacher, not understanding what he was getting at. "I heard what you told Bakugo... It was a bit too much, Ana."
"He lied. I thought he was different, but he's just another jackass." I looked back at the bruised boy on my lap.
"Watch your mouth, Ana." I scoffed at him, earning a glare. "You shouldn't judge people when you have no idea what's going on in their lives. Especially Bakugo. That short temper of his already got him into enough problems as it is."
"That doesn't justify his actions!" My voice came out louder than intended.
"Anahita." He called out softly. "Sometimes we need to be understanding in order to help others. He messed up, that doesn't mean he's hopeless. He just needs a little patience."
I knew he was right, Aizawa was always right. He always knew what to say when I mess up. And I knew I messed up. I said something I would hate to hear and I didn't even understand the situation. There's no excuse for his aggressive behavior but there's no reason for me to be an ass too. There's no way I'd forgive Bakugo for his behavior, even if I had to apologize for what I said. I stayed silent for a while, reflecting on my actions, much as I usually do after getting told off by Aizawa.
"I'm sorry..." I sighed. "I know you're right. I'm sorry I did it... And I'm sorry I raised my voice at you."
"Don't sweat it, kiddo. I got you." He smirked at me over the mirror, making me smile and remember why I look up to him so much.
Back in the main building, I left Midoriya with Aizawa. He instructed me to change, grab my stuff, and meet him back in his office. Sometimes I wish I'd never done anything stupid enough to call for this sweatshop labor... Or at least that I wouldn't have been caught. But I did. And now I have to help Aizawa with his stupid paperwork until grandma's ready to go home.
I was making my way back to class when I spot Bakugo stomping down the hall, a distraught Kirishima trying to catch up behind him. I knew I had to apologize sooner or later, and I'm too impulsive to wait around for the perfect timing, so I might as well get this over with. Running to catch up to him, I called out.
"Bakugo!" He stopped. "We need to talk."
"I don't wanna hear it!" He faced me, clearly still upset, and got closer glaring down at me as he yelled. "You can fuck right off with your stupid opinions! Sorry if I didn't meet your dumb fucking expectations. Too bad you're disappointed, I don't fucking care! So you can fuck right off." We stayed like that for a minute. Both glaring at each other infuriated in our own ways. I tried not to forget what Aizawa said about patience, but he didn't mention anything about being polite though.
"I came to apologize, dipshit!" That remark made Kirishima wince and Bakugo freeze. "I know I was an asshole and I wanted to apologize because I know I did something stupid. Now, my 'stupid opinions' and my 'dumb fucking expectations' used to be the same as yours, asshole! You said so at lunch. That is why I'm so pissed off!" Poking my finger on his chest I unintentionally get louder. "You know you fucked up! You know you did something stupid! And, even if I was indeed too harsh, you know you deserved to be called the fuck out! I'm sorry I hurt you but no way in fucking hell I'll ever be sorry for calling you out on being a fucking dick." Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed a handful of my grandma's signature candy and threw them in his face. "And here! Have some sweets! Maybe then you'll stop being so god damn salty."
I stomped away, leaving a really scared Kirishima mumbling something about Bakugo finally meeting his match. I didn't care. I did what I had to do. If he wants me to fuck off, then so be it, I'll fuck right off just like he wants. I paced around the changing room, still pissed at the way he spoke. I knew he had some anger issues, it was obvious, but you hit it off nicely during lunch.
I thought I'd made a friend, guess it was all bullshit.
I took one last deep breath proceeding to get changed, following Aizawa's orders. All I wanted was to forget about this and get back to work. Who cares about some stupid bully either way? It doesn't matter. It's not like I need anyone anyway. I'll get to the top on my own. People are just a distraction from my goals anyway. Nothing good comes from trusting someone anyway.
That's what I told myself for the rest of the day. Helping Aizawa, walking home, doing homework, eating dinner, laying in bed...
I don't need anyone.
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rockynfriends · 5 years
“TOMORROWLAND! TOMORROWLAND! TOMORROWLAND!” the high, excited voice echoes across downtown Disney as a Pichu and Pikachu walk alongside each other towards the entrance gates to the Magic Kingdom.
“I didn’t know you were so interested in the future, Riley,” Rocky smiles. “What’s it about tomorrow that excites you?”
Riley hops up and down question. “I like thinking about what it’ll be. I might get bigger, or smarter, or stronger!”
“Well, those come over time, certainly, though not maybe all at once,” laughs Rocky as the two present their tickets. The gate agent looks askance at the two for a moment, but shrugs and wishes them a pleasant visit.
“Well, we’re in! Now then, I—Riley? You okay?”
The Pikachu’s question is justified by the utter shock on Riley’s face.
“It’s…it’s…so pretty…”
Rocky nods. “I know. And we get to see all of it.”
This promise shakes the Pichu from his awe-inspired trance and he nods slowly.
“Did you still want to see Tomorrowland first?”
Another nod serves as the reply, and so the two proceed in that direction. Along the way, it’s all Rocky can manage to keep the smells, sounds, and sights from repeatedly taking his charge off the path, but he can’t help but feel delighted himself.
“These lines are long,” murmurs Riley. “You really think we’ll get to see everything?”
“I’ve been given assurance by our pink pal that we have full run of the park, long as we use…this…and…this,” he says, pulling out a plastic card and a golden paper.
“What’s that?”
“I was told to show the gold one to the folks at the entrances to the rides, and the plastic one to anybody who has something we’d like.”
“Really? Will that work?”
“Let’s just say Walt owed Cass a favor.”
“Walt? Who’s that?”
Rocky blinks. “Um…he was a fellow with an active imagination who used it to change the world!”
“Like you?” Riley grins.
Rocky blushes. “Not quite. He made movies and cartoons…but he was certainly visionary. This park was one of his ideas.”
“Wow. Wish I could have met him.”
“Me too. Cass tells me he could be a real handful, but was a lot of fun.”
Riley looks thoughtful for a moment – then completely forgets what he was talking about when he sees Space Mountain.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a roller coaster. It’s all inside, so you have to go indoors to ride it.”
“Can we go there first?”
“Definitely. I think it might be the best one here.”
“Wait – it says we’re not tall enough…stupid rules…” Riley looks dejected, but Rocky smiles.
“Don’t worry – that’s what this is for. Come on!”
The two approach the entrance and the Pikachu gently withdraws the golden page and shows it to the cast member.
“Oh! That’s a rare item you have. Right this way, young sirs!”
“Told you,” Rocky whispers with pardonable pride as they make their way across stairs and halls.
“You think all these people will get mad we’re going first?” Riley questions.
“It’s alright,” replies the cast member, “That ticket of yours is one of a kind and is to be honored no matter what.”
Riley nods, but still looks a bit concerned. His look becomes excited, however, when he and Rocky are strapped into their seats and the car begins to move.
“It’s getting awful dark…” he whispers as they round the corner.
As the countdown begins and the coaster climbs, Rocky smiles, full of anticipation. He’d been looking forward to this since his return home – getting to know Riley without interference from the job. It’s nice – but before he can dwell on it long his thoughts are interrupted by a fair amount of screaming from Riley, and then his own.
Time seems to fly by as the two are jolted, jostled and generally tossed about, but they manage to remain in their seats as the car comes to a halt. Riley is somewhat wobbly legged as he stumbles off of the ride, but his smile is telling. Rocky’s expression is as jubilant.
“That was the best thing I’ve ever got to do ever,” says the Pichu. “Can we do it again?”
“Sure, but let’s try some other stuff first, alright?”
Riley looks longingly at the coaster for a moment, but then thinks about how big the place is and realizes how much more he still wants to see. Rocky’s train of thought is similar, of course, so he’s agreeable when his younger brother looks at the Star Tours and asks if they can go there next.
The pattern repeats in various fashions. Each time they receive a seat quickly, and each time Riley’s eyes seem wider than before. Rocky is himself very excited, but his care for his sibling takes precedence over what would otherwise be a kid in a candy store’s reaction to being given the deed to the place.
When they finish their jaunt through Tomorrowland, Riley laughs. “I didn’t know the future could be so much fun!”
“Well,” Rocky says, “I’ve learned that tomorrow is full of risk and promise. But perhaps now you’d like to see the past?”
Riley blinks. “The past? They have that too?”
“Yup. Even a steamboat.”
“What’s a steamboat?”
“I honestly haven’t the faintest idea. So let’s go find out together!”
“Okay!” Riley laughs. “Which way to the past?”
Rocky gestures, and the two scamper skillfully through the crowd. Once or twice they have to yield in order to avoid getting stepped on. Riley protests one of these times when a particularly large shoe comes dangerously close to his ear, but at Rocky’s gentle words he calms down and before long they’ve reached Frontierland.
“It’s…kinda…brown,” Riley says, apparently more confused than amazed.
“Yeah. They had to make a lot of stuff out of wood back then and I guess paint was expensive,” replies Rocky with all the scholastic tones of an archaeological professor. “I can see a railroad, though, and…hey…look!”
“Steamboat!” Riley shouts.
The Mark Twain enters their view and without another word they take off in its direction. Rocky’s excitement, however, is immediately replaced with stunned horror when, rather than waiting in the line, Riley dives into the water and swims towards the oncoming vessel. In a split seocnd, he’s in after his charge, using a Quick Attack not only to intercept Riley’s course but to fish the smaller electric type out of the water and scramble onto the bank. As the giant ship goes by it’s hard to tell there was ever any danger, save for the panting Pikachu and his smaller companion’s presence on the shoreline.
“I’m gonna guess I did something bad,” Riley says, sheepish and a little afraid. “I didn’t mean anything.”
“No, no…it’s okay,” Rocky breathes. “But…uh…that thing wasn’t going to stop and you shouldn’t get so close to…stuff like that…without knowing how you’re going to—” he fails to finish the sentence, too breathless to continue.
They sit in silence for a moment as the sun dries their coats, too small, it seems, for anyone else to take much note. Riley looks up at Rocky again.
“I’m really sorry,” he says, leaning against him. The feeling is almost as stunning as the fear he felt moments ago. He can’t put it into words, and knows better than to try, but in the simple action of the younger Pokémon, the brotherly bond is forever solidified in Rocky’s mind.
“It’s okay. I just don’t want you hurt is all.”
“I know. I love you.”
“I love you too, Riley. I promise I’ll do everything I can to prove that for as long as I live.”
Riley looks confused. “You already proved it, though. You don’t need to do it again.”
For a moment, Rocky can’t look down at his brother, for he would cry if he did, but he takes a breath and smiles, before beaming down at the smaller Pokémon with a mix of affection and joy. He sits back up.
“We should get ice cream. And then maybe try the railroad?”
Riley claps his hands together. “Yeah!”
The two clamber back up to the pathway and look for an ice cream cart. It being Disneyland, they don’t have much trouble finding one, and when Rocky presents the card, they soon find themselves with perhaps more of the cold treat than either of them expected. Nonetheless, the excess is not lost on either and they manage to power through their respective portions with a speed that an eating contest champion could envy.
Indeed, such is the pace for most of the day. A ride, an attraction, a meal or a snack, and so on, fill their senses (and their stomachs) until by the time the early evening has begun, they are both nearly exhausted. Together they scamper to a place to see fireworks, but as the show begins, Riley looks at Rocky hard, before asking a question.
“You’ve changed since coming back. Did something happen?”
Rocky pauses. “Yes. Something very big…and I thought, maybe bad.”
“Was it me?”
The Pikachu shakes his head. “No. No, Riley, I never for a moment thought there was anything bad about you. I thought maybe I had done something…something that had hurt you, and I was so scared of what it all might mean that I ran away, even though I did mean to come back.”
“I’m sorry you got scared. When I get scared I sing songs.”
“Me too, actually. But I couldn’t remember what the song was for a while and I needed to remember. To do that, I needed a lot of time to think.”
“So you remembered?”
“Yes, yes I did. And I remembered something else – that no matter what happens now, I have a brother.”
“Wait, we’re related?!” Riley’s eyes blink in shock.
Rocky pauses, realizing that the Pichu doesn’t remember everything. “You don’t need to be born to the same parents to be brothers, Riley.”
“Really. I’ve always wanted a brother, and if you want one too, well then, that settles it.”
“I didn’t hear that was how it worked…but I like the idea.”
“I’d say that settles it then,” Rocky nods, smiling. “I gotta warn you, though. I’m a hugger.”
Riley initially grimaces, but then looks around, as if to see if he’s being watched, before whispering, “Me too.”
As the fireworks begin soaring into the sky, the two watch, eyes wide and hearts full. While neither of them had bought a single souvenir, or played any of the arcade games, despite Cass’s arrangement that they could if they wanted, they both knew that they had a much bigger prize, and were finally assured of their keeping it. Indeed, Rocky’s voice quietly rises above the sounds of the spectacle, as if in a poem or psalm.
If all stars in the skies Could brighten up my eyes They’d not mean as much to me As my new brother, Riley.
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elvendara · 7 years
Hellooo can I please request Yooran werewolf au? I want to see them trying to bake a cake to Ki, it can be a birthday cake or an "congratulations on your A+++" idk, I just want them baking and icing and making a huge mess 😸😸😸😸😸
Ok, last ask in my inbox.................guess I’ll work on some Yooran week....or, something. All that work Saeran did....lol, have some fluff =)
“Areyou sure about this?” Yoosung asked Saeran again.
“Howmany times are you going to ask me? Yes, I’m sure, now, are you going to helpme or am I going to have to do it by myself?”
“Ohgod, no, not by yourself, of course I’ll help you, but, it’s just not somethingyou normally do, is all.”
“I know,but, I mean, I thought about doing other things, this just seems like the bestpresent. Is it, is it stupid?” Saeran rubbed his neck, all confidence gone.
“No!It’s not stupid at all! In fact, I think you even attempting this is part ofwhat will make it special! Come on, they’ll be back in a few hours and we’regoing to need them all.” Yoosung pulled Saeran towards the kitchen.
“Dowe have everything we need? Do we need to go to the store?” Saeran asked,suddenly feeling overwhelmed at the very idea of what was about to happen.
“Nope,we have everything in the pantry, including the ingredients to make a goodcream cheese frosting.” Saeran groaned.
“Can’twe just buy the frosting? Won’t that be easier?”
“Easier,yes, but, I think if you’re going to do this, then you should do it right.Right?” Yoosung smiled at Saeran. He pulled him down and gave him a gentle andencouraging kiss. “Not too late to back out now, we can always just buysomething.” Yoosung said.
“No,no, ok, what do we do first?”
“Well,we need the cake pans, they should be in the cabinet next to the stove. I’llget the pantry ingredients while you dig those out, ok?” Saeran nodded. He knewit was going to be difficult, but, he wanted to make something nice for Ki’stransformation celebration. He’d already told MC he wanted to make the cake,and she had agreed wholeheartedly, he hoped he didn’t let them all down. He wasall thumbs in the kitchen, but, like Yoosung had said, he felt that that wasthe reason it would mean more.
Hefound the round cake pans and pulled them out from under several layers ofbaking pans.
Yoosungwas amazing, he didn’t even need a recipe, and he was very patient with Saeran,even after he made a flour cloud with the flour sifter. Why would you need aflour sifter anyway? What exactly, was its purpose? There was still somedusting over their hair, but, they kept going.
He’dcracked the eggs into the batter bowl, but he’d pulverized the eggshell andthey spent several minutes trying to dig out the pieces. Saeran watchedYoosung, expecting him to be upset, or frustrated, but there was still a smileon his lips and when he looked at Saeran, it was still with kindness and love. He’dcupped Saeran’s chin and calmed him when Saeran felt the beginnings of ananxiety attack.
He’dplaced a glob of the batter on Saeran’s nose and giggled. Saeran brought him infor a kiss and smeared the blob all over his cheek.
“Ewe!”Yoosung had pushed him away, but Saeran had held on to him, licking the batteroff his face.
Thetwo cake pans were now in the oven baking and Yoosung was helping Saeran makethe frosting. They’d brought out the cream cheese to soften when they began tobake and now it was at a perfect room temperature to mix with the powderedsugar. Saeran was mixing and Yoosung had his arms around his waist, his head onhis shoulder, rocking them back and forth.
“Thisis nice isn’t it?” Yoosung sighed.
Saerannodded, it was, it was perfect.
“How’sthis?” he asked. Yoosung peeked around and dipped his finger into the icing, hetasted it. “Perfect!” he got up on his tip toes and kissed Saeran’s cheek.
“Whatdo we do now?” Saeran asked.
“We,put it in the fridge until the cake is done and cooled.”
“Willwe have time for that?” Saeran asked as he placed the bowl on the shelf in thefridge.
“Ofcourse! They’ll be gone all day. Saeyoung said they’d be home around 6?”Yoosung jumped up on the counter, dangling his feet.
Saeranleaned against the fridge and watched his mate with a half-smile on his face.
Yoosungtilted his head, “What?” he asked, grinning.
“Youhave cake batter on your cheeks still.” Saeran laughed.
“DoI?” Yoosung blushed and bit his lower lip. They’d been together for years now,but Yoosung still blushed when he had ‘naughty’ thoughts. He pushed off thefridge and spread Yoosung’s legs apart, settling between them. He leaned in andkissed his mate, his husband, his love. Yoosung’s arms snaked around his shoulders,his legs wrapping around his waist. Saeran cupped Yoosung’s face and tenderlykissed the corners of his mouth, along his jawline, and down his neck. Yoosung sighed,digging his fingers into Saeran’s thick curly hair.
Thekitchen timer rang out and Yoosung and Saeran separated, glaring at theoffending sound before bursting into laughter.
“Savedby the bell.” Saeran commented.
“Notexactly!” Yoosung complained.
Theypulled the cake pans out of the oven and set them on a couple of trivets. Aftera few minutes Yoosung instructed Saeran to separate the cake from the pan sideswith a butter knife. He had Saeran turn them over onto Yoosung’s hands andYoosung set them on some wax paper they had placed on the counter. With a largebread knife, Yoosung showed Saeran how to cut off the rounded part of cake,they ate some of it. Having taken out the frosting and returned it to roomtemperature Saeran tried to spread it on the top of one of the cakes. He wasfrustrated because the crumbs dotted the entire thing.
“Don’tworry so much, nobody is going to see that part! Yoosung lay the second pieceon top of the first.
“Maybe,maybe you should do it.” Saeran handed Yoosung the icing spreader but Yoosungheld his hands up.
“Ohno, this is your gift, remember?”
“ButI want it to look nice.” He cajoled.
“Don’tgive me those eyes! This was your idea, now, finish!” he turned Saeran back tothe cake.
Witha sigh Saeran dipped the spreader back into the icing. “Ok, but, it’s going tobe crumb filled!”
“Andtaste just fine!”
Yoosungleaned his hip against the counter, watching Saeran, his tongue stuck out justa bit as he concentrated on spreading the frosting smoothly. It took him solong that Yoosung almost gave in and did it for him. But he was glad he hadn’twhen he saw Saeran’s beaming face after he’d finished. Sure, it wasn’t pretty,and there was a small lump in it, but he’d done it all himself. He turned toYoosung with a large smile and Yoosung smashed pieces of the cut off cake inhis face. Yoosung screamed and tried to run off but Saeran was faster. He grabbedhis mate around the waist and wiped the frosting spreader across his cheeks andin his hair.
“Ahh,Saeran! No!” Yoosung reached for the frosting bowl and it clattered on the floor.Saeran let him go, Yoosung scrambled for it and scooped out a large amount.When Saeran leaned over him, he smeared it in his face and down his shirtfront.
“Youlittle…!” Saeran grabbed the rest of the cake crumbs and tried to shove theminto Yoosung’s mouth. Yoosung tossed around under Saeran, but he was too strongfor him. Damn werewolf! They were rolling around on the kitchen floor when Choifamily came home. Gyeong and Ki were laughing so hard, but MC had her hands onher hips.
“Whatthe hell?” she yelled at them. They scrambled to their feet, eyes wide, feelinglike a couple of little chastised boys.
“Hh…happy…happytransformation Ki.” Saeran picked up the cake and handed it to the boy. Helicked around his lips, tasting frosting and cake bits. He looked to Yoosung,whose hair was sticking straight up with the amount of frosting in it. Hislarge amethyst eyes pierced through the mess on his face.
“Ss…Saeranmade it all himself.” Yoosung added, pointedly not looking at MC.
Saeyoungwas trying hard not to laugh.
“Wow!Thanks uncle Saeran!” Ki put the cake back on the counter and hugged Saeran.
“Oh,Ki, I’m, uh…” he gave up and hugged the boy back. Ki pulled away from him, thefront of his shirt now as similarly caked as Saeran and Yoosung. MC made an exasperatedsound and Saeran winced. Yoosung put his arm around him and leaned into him.
Kigiggled, taking a chunk out of the cake with his hand and shoving it in hismouth.
“Ki!”Mc stared at her son.
He turnedto her, “Wha…??” Saeyoung let out a snicker then slapped his hand to his face.Ki took another chunk and offered it up to MC. “Wan some?” he asked, his mouthstill full of cake.
She narrowedher eyes and crossed her arms. Ki walked up to her quickly and shoved the pieceinto her face. She opened her mouth in a gasp and everyone else held theirbreath, Saeyoung’s mouth a large O.
MCwiped the mess from her eyes and stepped towards her youngest son, he took astep back, but bumped into the counter. His eyes were wide. She had one hand onher hip, the other on the counter as she leaned over Ki. She scooped out apiece of the cake and dumped it over his head, rubbing it into his hair.
Theroom let out a collective sigh and then all hell broke loose. Gyeong took theopportunity to slam the side of his father’s face with a chunk. Saeyoung’s eyesgleamed as he threw himself into the cake fight. Saeran and Yoosung grabbed thebowl of frosting and began pelting the others with globs of sticky sweetness.MC squealed as she slipped on the floor, going down, her sons ganging up on her.
Saeranfell on his ass too and was tackled by Ki. “Thanks uncle Saeran, best presentEVER!”
Werewolf AU
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