#yes i love dark and goth things
alltimefail-sims · 1 year
Okay completely random but I've been in lala-land all day, just daydreaming no real work done on anything but here me out!!!
This song:
... but make it between two lesbian spellcaster sages (in my case, I'm specifically thinking of my versions of L. Faba and Lolita Goth). But ahhhh the pain of star-crossed lovers!!! The fear of losing the other but choosing to love anyway!!! The two of them, just teenage girls when they met but now with the weight of noble responsibility on their shoulders... a weight they never asked for!!! But they just want to love each other!! They just want to run away together, they want to comfort the darkness out of each other!!! I'm crying, I'm aching, bye!
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Excuse me? I really love your work and I was just wondering if we can get another chapter of Passion for Fashion?? I really love that but no rush whether or not u wanna. (Also, I'd love to see the Batfam or croc or anyone be educated WHAT KC actually is lololol I just think it would be fun.)
Danny stares at the man across from him with barely concealed bemusement. Red Robin hides behind his menu, muttering about all the pizza toppings.
It seemed pineapple was a must, and he fought not to wrinkle his nose as various people shot their table side glances. He's noticed the staring since they changed, but Danny is tired of the lingering gawking.
He gets that his date looks suspicious in his get-up, but it's not the worst.
They had to stop at a second-hand store, where he went in to buy a trench coat, a pair of large sunglasses, and a fedora, per Red Robin's request. While inside the store, Red Robin somehow produced a blond wig and some makeup, changing his features just slightly so that he appeared to be a different person.
They both stop at a local gas station to change outfits and finish their prep work in the bathrooms.
Danny had gone in sweats, a stained shirt, and mismatched shoes—he had not been expecting a date—but when he left, he came out wearing an experimental style Dan had found.
It was called Corp Goth, and he secretly adored it. Maybe Sam was onto something when she said a pure black offit made anyone attractive.
It was a form-fitting black jeans, a top with a darker shade of black long-sleeve shirt, and a flowing black trench coat. Dan had included various jewelry pieces, with strict instructions on where to put them so that the style was "balanced," it gave him the slightest hints of old-style rock aesthetics.
Danny felt good about his clothes until Red Robin saw him. He didn't think he was that bad-looking, but if it caused the other to run into a streetlight, Danny would hate to think what other less kind people would say.
"Would Hawiian be alright?" Red Robin finally asks, his voice just a tad bit high. Is he that nervous to be seen by people?
Danny raises a brow. "If that's what you like. I'll do whatever you want me to."
The other teenager—is he? He looks older now with his make-up—a few years—and makes a strange choking sound. "Okay."
"Alright. So now that we know what to tell the waitress when she comes here, can we return to the fact you broke through my window?" Danny asks, leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs to get comfortable.
A girl nearby chocks on her water, making Danny's head snap in her direction. Her friends quickly pat her back and urgently speak to the blushing girl. When he confirms she is all right, Danny returns his gaze to Red Robin.
He is taken aback by the sharp attention now being aimed at him. Yes, he can't exactly see the other eyes behind those dark sunglasses, but he feels the heavy stare all the same. "I want to discuss your connection to Killer Croc and the Infinite Realms."
Danny considers it. On the one hand, he can't talk about his secret mission, but on the other, he needs to find some information about this place. He's gotten bored wandering around, tinkering with things while the fashion contest dragged on.
They have been here for months and have made no headway in helping Batman. Heck, Danny has yet to even see him. If anything maybe this guy will know some information.
But he thinks he shouldn't lay all his cards just yet. So, he needs to bend the truth a little.
"There isn't much to tell about Killer. He was involved in our kidnapping a few days ago. I guess they hired him without explaining what the job was since he came to apologize for almost trafficking us." Danny shrugs, thinking over his answer as he takes a small sip of his soda, missing his mouth slightly. He quickly catches some of the spilled drink with his tongue, mentally debating himself for being so clumsy. There is a gasp from the same girl three tables away.
Danny fights the urge to sink into his seat as he ignores her. "He said he sells drugs, not people. How he tracked us down is anyone's guess, but since he came all the way in person, I figured I should invite him in and offer him a drink."
Red Robin tilts his head. "Why?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you invite him in and offer him a drink?"
"Ugh, 'cause it's good manners?" Honestly, did big-city folks really have no sense of being civil? Amity Park has a small population, but there are enough people to be called a city, and none of them have ever been confused by the idea of being invited in for a drink.
Red Robin considers this answer before he leans forward. "How about your connection to the Infinite Realms?"
Here, Danny carefully selects his replies, ensuring that all his answers are accurate, just not in the way the others will get. "You can say it was my parents, but mostly my mom. She was the one who made the final step and connected the family to the Realms."
"Your mom? Where is she?"
"Dead," Danny whispers, thinking of his own mom, whom he hasn't seen in weeks. He wonders if she or his dad has noticed him missing yet. If they have reported it.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
Red Robin looks down at his hands in silence in a show of respect. Danny can appreciate it. However, that doesn't last long before he lifts his head again, this time with a stubborn little tilt to his mouth.
"That wasn't a full explanation of how the Infinite Releams involve you or your brother."
Danny shrugs. "It's how we got our meta powers. The portal to the other side opened on Dan and me, triggering our ice and glowing eyes. We've been inside it a few times, but the portal sealed shut the last time. We haven't been able to go back."
"That's why you here," Red Robin says in great realization. "Gotham has enough death in it that it helps your powers."
Not really, but they can work with that. Danny smiles, putting one finger up against his lips, and Red Robin is true to his name by turning a lovely red hue. Danny hasn't seen anyone blush that hard since Jonny 13 when the other asked him out on a date.
It's cute.
"That and it's also the cheapest living city. Dan really has his heart set on being a fashion designer so we need to save money on fabrics and stuff."
"You're his model. Have you always wanted to go into modeling?"
"Not really. I like mechanical engineering more. Maybe when I finish helping Dan, I'll look for a school to apply to." Danny shrugs, leaning forward to give the other a smirk.
Star once told him that Danny's slow up and down was his best flirting technique after he had done her math homework for her. In return, she agreed to help him get better at dating.
He's not sure how well her lessons had gone, seeing as he still struggled to get a date back home (with the living anyone), but he thinks some of it was right since Red Robin goes even redder, if that's possible.
"Enough about me. How did you get involved in smashing widows and looking tasty in spandex?"
"I-um- well funny enough I-" Whatever he was going to say is lost as a figure jumps down from the darkness, landing on their table. Danny yelps, pushing himself away, but in doing so, he falls backward since his chair is not meant to be leaned like that.
He crashes to the ground with a swear, closing his eyes at the impact. The back of his head stings a little, as Danny slowly cracks open his eyes and stares upwards- at...a man in a bat suit?
"Moby Dick! Are you Batman!" He gasps, finally feeling like they are about to make a step forward in their mission.
The man glares down at him before grunting. "Red Robin. Retreat to cave."
Then he throws a smoke bomb on the ground. Danny leaps up, but both men are gone by the time the smoke clears. "Wait! Mr. Batman, sir, I need to talk to you!"
There is no reply, just the girls filming with their phones and the sound of speeding cars. Danny kicks the ground. "Oh come on!"
When he wanders home, he finds Dan lying face down on the ground with various ice cream tubs surrounding him. On some pieces of paper are various-sized hearts, the initials "DF + KC" inside them.
Dan is singing heartbreak sounds into the carpet, muffled by his tears.
"Dan, man, have some dignity. You knew the EverBurning for like ten minutes."
The muffled crying gets louder, and Danny rolls his eyes. He slumps onto the couch with a sigh. "Listen, I think I got a lead on Batman. It's a man dressed like a bat. How hard can it be to find him?"
His clone-turn-twin raises one hand, pointing to a smashed button Danny missed when entering the living room. Upon closer inspection, he is startled to find out that it's a miniature microphone and tracker. There is a very tiny symbol on the side.
"Did Red Robin bug our house after breaking our window!?" he asks in outrage as Dan nods. "To think I flirted with him!"
Dan sobs louder. "I tried flirting with the best tail I have ever seen in my life and you got a date with a stalker! We're going to die alone!"
Danny really hopes they finish this stupid mission soon. He's getting tempted to let Clockwork's bomb take him.
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Party Favors, Bribes, and Sharks
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!(goth!)fem!reader
Summary: When Tim finally invites you to meet his friends, it takes more than party favors and promises to convince you to go.
Warnings: fluff, brief depiction of anxiety/nervousness, teasing
Word Count: 2.0k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info
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“What are you wearing?” Tim asks, frozen in the open doorway.
“A shark,” you answer softly. “It’s a hammerhead.”
Tim presses his tongue against his cheek and nods. He’s seen you in nearly every outfit imaginable over the last year, except for bright colors… or, as it seems, sharks.
“I didn’t know your fascination had extended to clothing,” he mumbles as he finally closes the door.
“It’s a hooded blanket,” you explain. “And it was on sale.”
Tim nods again, unable to take you seriously with the plush hammerhead pulled over your hair or the patterned sleeves your arms are in. He drops his bag and sighs as he sits beside you. It’s been nearly a week since you saw him. As you offer him one side of your shark blanket, he smiles.
“We solved the case,” he says, laying your blanket over one of his legs.
“I knew you would,” you murmur, looking at his neck rather than his face.
“And we decided to have a little get-together to celebrate.”
You hum, straightening the edge of the blanket along Tim’s thigh.
“You should come,” he adds, placing his hand atop yours.
Frozen, you pinch your brows and consider what he said. You’ve been dating for about a year but haven’t met any of his friends or coworkers yet. For good reason, you think.
“Funny,” you whisper, looking away from Tim.
“I’m serious,” Tim assures. “I’m inviting you to the… Lucy’s calling it a party. You can meet everyone.”
You look at the television screen, the rainy night ambiance video threatening to weaken your resolve. “Tim,” you begin. “I’d rather eat my own eyes."
Tim tips his head back and laughs, not at you or your shyness, but at your graphic response. You’re all things darkness, but Tim knows the softness and shyness lying underneath.
“C’mon, you have to come with me.”
“No, I don’t.”
Tim sighs before he turns toward you and places his hands on your sides. “If you come with me, I’ll get you fresh strawberries from that farmer’s market in Santa Monica you love so much.”
Your eyes widen at the idea. Those strawberries are the best things you’ve ever had. Unconsciously, your hand raises to your neck, and you toy with the strawberry charm tucked beneath your other jewelry.
“We can go this weekend and buy as many as you want,” Tim continues. “Maybe even eat some on the beach.”
“I… Tim, I can’t just go,” you argue softly.
“Yes, you can. Listen, I promise that everything will be completely fine. This isn’t a huge thing, it’s casual, you can be yourself.”
You scoff and look down at Tim’s arms.
“I’m serious,” he says firmly. “They’re going to love you. So, if you’re just nervous about them not liking you, that’s not enough of a reason to say no.”
You purse your lips to think. It’s not fair that Tim knows you so well or is willing to use your love of strawberries against you.
“Fine,” you whisper. “But if it doesn’t go well, I stand by my eye-eating comment.”
“I have no doubt of that.”
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The day of Mid-Wilshire’s celebratory party, you’re a mess. From the moment you wake up, you’re stressing about every little thing and growing more nervous. You peruse your closet, then turn to Pinterest for outfit ideas, but you keep questioning what Tim meant when he said casual. His casual and your casual are very different, and you don’t want to wear the wrong thing and make the night even more nerve-wracking or awkward than you’re sure it will already be.
“Breathe,” you remind yourself.
You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and exit your room. After a break in which you have a snack, watch a short shark documentary, and wave to your neighbor’s cat out the window, you return to your closet. This time, the outfit seems to jump out at you.
As you lay a pair of baggy jeans on your bed, the rest of the look falls together effortlessly. You choose a black sweater with a skeleton made of stars, black Converse with colorful jewels on the laces, and your daily rings and necklaces. The strawberry charm Tim got you on one of your first dates gets lost among the dark, gothic jewelry, but you know it’s there.
With an outfit picked, your heart rate slows, and your nervousness eases slightly. There’s plenty you could be concerned about, but your question will be answered soon enough.
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“Worst case scenario,” you murmur as you straighten your outfit in the mirror. “They hate me, and Tim leaves me.”
“That’s not going to happen,” Tim says, suddenly behind you. You turn quickly, and he pulls you into a hug. “You’re perfect, and everything is going to be fine.”
“You can’t know that,” you complain against his arm.
“I brought you something to help convince you.” Tim steps back and pulls his backpack off the floor. “I’ve been holding onto this for a special occasion, and this seems like a good time.”
You watch as Tim pulls a stuffed animal out of his bag. You want to make a joke, but then you see what it is. The shark plushy is colored like a strawberry; it combines your two favorite things in the world. Things that Tim knows make you melt. Your shyness and worry are forgotten as you hug the strawberry shark to your chest.
“This is like Halloween!” you cheer.
“You mean Christmas?” Tim counters.
“I mean my favorite day of the year.”
Tim nods, kisses your forehead, then steps around you to get ready. As you wait with your shark, you allow yourself to be distracted. When Tim returns a few minutes later, you reluctantly set the stuffed animal on your bed and pat its back.
“Thank you,” you tell Tim. “I love him.”
“Is that why he’s in my spot?” Tim inquires with a knowing smile.
You smile and look down, clasping your hands together behind your back. Until you get to the party, you won’t know what to expect. You’ve heard Tim talk about everyone in attendance, but that’s different than meeting them, seeing them face-to-face, and allowing them to judge you. These people mean something to Tim; they’re his family, and if they don’t like you, there might be a risk of losing him.
“Are you ready to go?” Tim asks, offering his hand.
“Is it down to that or eating my eyes?” you question.
“Yes, and I happen to like your eyes.”
You grumble under your breath and take Tim’s hand. He leads you to his truck and whispers that everything will be fine. You try to believe him.
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Halfway through the drive, your leg bounces so hard that the entire seat shakes. Tim turns, then places his hand on your knee, brushing his thumb over your leg. He has seen you nervous, but never like this.
“You’re fine,” he promises.
“What if they-“
“They’re going to love you.”
“But I don’t want to-“
“We’re here.”
You look up from Tim’s hand and sink in your seat. He squeezes your knee gently, opens his door, and rounds the truck to help you get out.
“Tim,” you whisper.
“I got you,” he promises, smiling despite your obvious concern. “Trust me, and then we’ll go get strawberries.”
“I like my rocks better than you,” you complain quietly, sliding out of the truck.
“Remind me who found your favourite rock.”
You huff, unwilling to acknowledge that the rock that looks like it’s covered in raindrops is your favourite or that Tim found it in your backyard. He takes your hand and leads you to the door. When you step behind him, Tim allows you to pull his hand with you, reaching behind his back to comfort you. Although, he knows you won’t need a buffer.
“Tim! You made it!” a woman cheers as the door opens. She gasps and drops her voice to add, “And you finally brought her!”
Tim lifts the hand not trapped in yours toward her, and you assume he motions for her to take it easy on you. Your eyes are on his back muscles, visible through his shirt, rather than anything or anyone around you.
“I was beginning to question if I’d see a night off,” another voice says.
“Tell me about it! Especially when Oscar called.”
Everyone groans, and you look up, still hidden behind Tim but able to see some people in the room. They’re dressed casually, you notice, and one of them is wearing an outfit similar to yours, minus the skeleton design.
“What?” Tim asks.
“Nothing, nothing,” the woman who opened the door answers.
You step to the left and raise your chin, accidentally locking eyes with her. She smiles but doesn’t move toward you or speak. You appreciate it and return her smile.
“Thanks for letting me come,” you say before introducing yourself.
After you say thanks, she moves to your side and pulls you away from Tim. Away from him and the others, she directs you to sit with her.
“I’m Angela, and I’ve been waiting so long to meet you. When Tim slipped and told me he had a girlfriend, I, well, I didn’t believe him at first, but I’ve never seen him like this,” she explains. “He’s been so happy with you! He refused to show me pictures, but you’re even prettier than I expected.”
“Thank you,” you reply softly. “Sorry, I’m not great at, uh, anything interpersonal.”
“Then you’re perfect for Tim.”
You laugh at her friendly teasing and are surprised when you fall into a short but easy conversation with her about how you met Tim.
“Give her some room, Lopez,” Tim calls from the doorway.
“It’s okay,” you tell him.
“Yeah, Timothy,” Angela replies. “It’s okay. It won’t be once she meets Nolan and Lucy, but I’m her new best friend, so you need to watch your back, Bradford.”
Tim rolls his eyes as he nods. He waves for you and Angela to join the others when you’re ready, then retreats around the corner again.
“I’m still nervous,” you admit to Angela.
“Well, now you have me. Just remember these two things: one, Nolan never shuts up, but he doesn’t actually say much.” She pauses as you chuckle, then raises another finger to add, “And we all tease each other, but there’s nothing except respect and care between us. You’re going to fit right in, I promise.”
“As my best friend?”
Angela loops her arm through yours after you stand and replies, “You understand already.”
You sit between Tim and Angela at the table, and less than ten seconds after she joins you, Tim's friends begin asking questions.
“Guys,” Angela interrupts. “Okay, this is Lucy, Nolan, Wade, Nyla, her husband James, and my fantastic husband, Wesley.”
“Why did he get a fantastic husband?” James challenges.
“You heard me.”
“Okay, how did you meet Tim?” Lucy inquires.
“We just ran into each other,” you answer nervously.
“Did he ask you out?” Nolan adds.
You nod, and they continue taking turns to better understand your relationship with Tim. A few minutes into the conversation, your answers are louder and contain more words.
“What’s your favorite animal?” Wade asks in the first lapse of silence.
“Sharks,” you and Tim answer together.
“Tim!” Lucy exclaims, clapping her hands together.
You laugh and realize at that moment that Tim was right. His friends are chill, open, and seem to like you.
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“I don’t get why you’re with Tim,” Nyla tells you on the way out, “but I’m glad you came tonight.”
“Me too,” you answer. “I’ll see you around.”
“Count on it!” James calls.
Tim helps you into the truck and then reaches into the backseat. He passes you the new strawberry shark, and you clutch it tightly.
“Your friends are great,” you tell him.
“I tried to tell you,” he responds lightly. “And they’re your friends now, too.”
“I like that.”
Tim nods and murmurs, “You didn’t like it before I agreed to get you strawberries and watch Halloween movies.”
“We’re watching Halloween movies, too?!”
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redstarwriting · 1 year
the clash | ix. last caress
hobie brown x goth!reader
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word count: 2.4k
genre: enemies to lovers
warnings: language, insults, cavity-inducing fluff, crying hobie, mentions of giving blood, mentions of procedures, needy cat, mention of weed, allusions(ish) to s*icide
a/n: omg writing fluff takes me so much longer than anything else cause i’m squirmin around and squealin BUT here it is! second to last chapter! (also, i’m not black so i hope i touched on the haircare for black hairstyles right! if i missed the mark please let me know and i will re-educate myself!) what a wild ride, i’ll get the last chapter either up late tonight, or tomorrow! thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy! 
previous chapter: viii. love you to death
now reading: ix. last caress
next chapter: x. brand new
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is the smell. Weed and incense. You groggily open your eyes, realizing you’re clutching a bat plushie. You grin. It’s cute, especially since it belonged to Hobie’s world, and you didn’t own a bat plushie. You sink further into the satin pillow, shocked at how comfortable you are in his bed. You hear the soft sound of a guitar playing, and you reluctantly and slowly sit up. Your intention is to go harass Hobie, but damn. Venom must have done a number on you. You’re sore as hell, and your energy is still almost completely gone. You successfully sit, but you’re immediately leaning against the wall as you do. The guitar playing stops, and you hear Hobie’s thick accent from the next room over. “You awake in there, love?”
“Yes,” you say, your voice is scratchy. How long have you been asleep? He walks into his room and leans against his door frame. He’s wearing casual clothes, his suit nowhere to be found, and yet somehow, he still looks cooler and more attractive than anyone you’ve ever met. “You know, you really should be layin’ down,” he says, and you shrug. He walks over to you and sits on the bed, next to your legs. You notice he has dark circles under his eyes, and he looks exhausted. “How are you feelin’?” he asks, placing his hand on yours. You shrug. “Honestly, been better.” He nods and looks down. You frown. “What’s on your mind there, Hobie?” He plays with your fingers, and you turn your hand over, grasping his. He visibly relaxes a bit. You softly squeeze his hand, and he squeezes back. “I… need to tell you somethin’,” he starts, “Somethin’… bad.”
“What…?” you look nervous. He looks at you and frowns. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“Seeing the fireworks with you,” you respond, and he nods. “Good,” he mumbles, “I guess I should start with tellin’ you you been sleepin’ for three days now.”
“Three days?” you ask, surprised. He nods, “Yeah.”
“Have I been here the whole time?”
“Mhm,” he says, dreading the next thing he’s about to tell you. “I appreciate it, Hobie, but why not just take me home? Do I look like I need a caretaker?” you joke, and he smiles a bit. “Yeah, actually, you do,” he responds and you grin. “But uh… you are home now…” he says, and you look at him confused.
 “What?” He sighs, scooting further onto his bed and turning to face you with his whole body. His other hand reaches out, and he cradles the hand he’s holding with both of his hands. “Right, lemme just… start from the beginnin’, then. Venom takin’ control of you… that wasn’t meant to happen,” he says, staring at your joined hands. “What shoulda happened was Venom was supposed to take over m–… the Prowler. And then, uh… then he woulda become the spider of your world after Venom bondin’ with you for a short while and gainin’ your spider abilities before returnin’ to the Prowler…”
“So, there would have been two of us? One good and one bad?” you ask, and Hobie looks up at you with a sad expression. “…No. No, there woulda been one bad cause… well…”
“I was supposed to die…?” you whisper, and he nods, his grip on your hand tightening. “I woulda saved you either way, but… I accidentally-on-purpose interfered and–”
“You killed the Prowler,” you finish his sentence, and he looks at you surprised. “Venom mentioned something about you killing someone, so…” you mumble, and he nods. “Yeah… yeah, I kinda lost my cool for a bit after seein’ what he did to you and uh… took matters into my own hands,” he says, and you nod slowly. “What did Venom mean by you killed yourself?” Hobie freezes and looks down again. How the hell is he supposed to explain this one? Guess he’ll just say it and accept whatever reaction you have. “The Prowler on your world… was me,” he whispers the last part, feeling himself tear up. He prepares himself for you to pull your hand away and use what little energy you had to travel to Gwen’s world and never talk to him again. He would completely understand, learning that someone identical to him ruined your life in so many ways must be jarring.
So, he prepares for the worst.
What he doesn’t prepare for is to feel your hand on his cheek, gently wiping away a single tear that escaped down his cheek with your thumb. “That wasn’t you, Hobie. He may have had your face and your name, but… he wasn’t you,” you assure, and he swallows the lump in his throat. The anxiety wracking his body eases slightly, and he lets out a shaky breath. One of his hands comes up to grasp yours on his cheek, holding it there as he leans his face into it, closing his eyes. He feels another tear fall, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t agree with society’s take on masculinity. He opens his eyes again, looking at your face. “Don’t cry, love,” he hears you say, and he gives you a small smile. “Nah, that’s my nickname for you.”
“And?” you say, grinning at him softly, “I’m not one to necessarily give a fuck what you say.”
“Cheeky. You’re lucky I loved it,” he says, and you softly laugh. “But uh… right, so I killed myself, sorta.”
“In a way.”
“A different me. Did you know he worked with the cops?”
“Oh yeah. They hate me. Another clear indication that he is not you in any way except physical,” you say, and he grins. “Well, in the fight we had–”
“Did he hurt you?” you ask, and he shrugs. “He tried. I won, though. Obviously. But the fight was in Oscorp Labs, and durin’ it… I broke some glass, releasin’ Venom to the outside world like the bloody dickhead I am,” he explains, and you nod, but give him a look. “You’re not a dickhead, Hobie. If you weren’t there, evil you would have bonded with it because he wouldn’t have died, so… maybe it was a good thing?” you suggest, trying to lighten Hobie’s dark mood. “Maybe. But then Venom followed me back to your flat after I killed who it was originally supposed to bond with,” he says, and you frown. “It probably wanted to bond with you,” you say, and he raises an eyebrow. “It told me it feeds off of the life force of humans, and the easiest way to make it more powerful is for the host to have strong negative emotions. That’s why it taunts and belittles whoever it has control of. To piss them off. It probably saw the anger that drove you to kill and figured you’d be the best host.”
“But then I went home before it could attach itself to me, so it attached to you instead,” he mumbles, and you nod. He sighs. This really was all his fault. “Well… yeah so it attached to you, and then you remember what happened next.”
“Yeah,” you nod, and he rubs the back of your hand against his cheek with his thumb. “So, we did end up successfully killin’ the wanker,” he says, and you nod, “but in doin’ ‘at… we killed your world with Venom.” You freeze. “W-What?” You draw your hand away from his face due to the shock of the statement. He subconsciously grips your other hand tighter. “Venom was supposed to be the spider-person of your world… there were too many canon changes,” Hobie explains, and you feel your chest tighten. Now you’re the one crying. But seeing you cry and look so defeated makes him cry more. “I’m sorry, love. I’m so sorry,” he chokes out. He loosens his grip on your hand, fully expecting you to pull away, but you don’t.
“Everything… everything’s gone?” your voice is weak, and he opens his mouth to say something, but before he can, he’s interrupted by a meow. You turn your head, and see a black cat, looking up at you before hopping onto the bed and nuzzling against your side in an effort to cheer you up. “Shadow…?” you mumble, and he meows. But he doesn’t look like the Shadow you’re used to seeing. He looks more like a cat from Hobie’s world. “We saved what we could,” he whispers, and you look at him again. He smiles sadly at you. “I told Gwen, Miles, and Pav to grab everythin’ they could… they got everythin’ but the furniture, it’s all out in the sittin’ room… figured you probably wouldn’t want to move in with me after hearin’ bout what I did, so… we could move you to one of the other flats in the buildin’.  Y’know it’s an abandoned buildin’, so there’s loads of rooms, and you wouldn’t have to worry ‘bout payin’, and–”
“You made sure my things were safe…?” you cut him off, and he looks at you. His focus was drawn away from you during his rambling, so he didn’t notice the realization of just how much he cared about you spread across your face. “Of course… it was the least I could do,” he answers, “I also asked a friend for that lil bat for you to have while goin’ through the genetic procedure. it was all my fault this happened, so helpin’ you adjust–” 
“Adjust to what…?”
He takes a deep breath. “Miguel has a way to alter the genetic code of someone to have ‘em switch worlds… when we found out your world was gonna… disappear, we prepared. After the fight, I took you to Miguel and we successfully changed your genetic code. We did the same for Shadow, and all your things,” he explains, and you look at your hand. Sure enough, you look like you belong in Hobie’s world now. You didn’t notice the change before. Not until this very moment. “I had to give a lot of blood to continue to stabilize your genetic code changin’, so if I look like shit, that’s why” he admits to you, “But I would do it all over again without a second thought.”
“You don’t look like shit. That’s virtually impossible,” you mumble, and he smiles softly. You look down at Shadow, scratching between his ears with your free hand. Hobiie looks down, feeling another wave of emotion crash over him. He takes a shaky breath. “I’m so sorry, (Y/n). This all happened because of me… it’s my fault,” he whispers, and you gently put your hand under his chin, lifting his head to look into your eyes. “Stop doing that.”
“Doin’ what?”
“Blaming yourself,” you say, wiping away some of his tears. “Can’t help it,” he mumbles, his voice shaking. “You can. Just takes time,” you respond, smiling softly at him through your own tears. He wipes away some of yours in return as the two of you stare at each other, no words being spoken. His eyes flick down to your lips before returning to your gaze, nonverbally asking you for permission. You nod slightly, and the two of you slowly lean toward each other. When your lips meet, the both of you immediately relax into each other. The two of you stop holding the other’s hand, but you quickly wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist, pulling you closer. You two only break apart from each other to take a breath, but you keep your foreheads together as the two of you stare into each other’s eyes.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t want to move in with you?” you whisper, and he grins. He gently rubs up and down your sides, humming in response. “Cause I’m an absolute turnip,” he mumbles, and you giggle. “Nah. You’re more like my hero,” you say, and he chuckles. “Always, my love. Always,” he whispers, kissing you again. You smile into the kiss, causing him to do the same. Shadow’s annoyed meow makes the two of you look down at him, and Hobie laughs. “Little mate can’t stand that he’s not gettin’ all the attention,” he says, taking one of his hands away from you to pet him. You yawn, and Hobie looks at you. “I think it’s time for you to get some more rest, my love. Your body’s goin’ through a lot right now,” he says, and you nod.
He moves to get up, but you tug on his arm. “You need rest, too, Hobart,” you say, and he grins. “Are you sayin’ you want me to stay?” he teases, and you roll your eyes. “On second thought…” you start and his smile falters. “No, wait,” he says a bit too quickly, causing you to laugh. “Get your ass in here before I change my mind,” you say, and he slips underneath the covers. He maneuvers you so that he’s underneath your body, and he holds you tightly to his chest. You bury your face in his neck, and he smiles. “You’re lucky I got my durag on,” he mumbles, and you hum in response, already starting to feel the effects of sleep overtake you. “Y’know, I thought you’d be a little more upset with me,” he admits, and you sleepily shake your head. “Death is inevitable, Hobie. Instead of giving into the inevitability of the end, I like to see the beauty in it. Although my life as I knew it has died, a new life is beginning, and I think that’s beautiful,” you mutter. He grins. “You are such a fuckin’ goth,” he mumbles, and you playfully smack his chest. “Maybe I was wrong before...”
“What’s that?”
“Maybe not all people are selfish assholes. I know one who isn’t,” you trail off, falling asleep. He softly kisses the top of your head, “Maybe I was wrong about some shit, too, my love.”
Shadow curls up beside Hobie, and he places one hand on the cat while the other keeps you pressed against him. He’s so tired, that he doesn’t move at all during the sleep that he gets, which is unusual for him. But at this moment, he’s never felt more content. Just him, you, and Shadow in yours and his home.
He could get used to this.
『 tag list 』
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*if you are italicized - i am unable to tag you for whatever reason, feel free to reach out and see if we can fix the issue
if you asked to be on the taglist and i forgot, i’m sorry :( in the least conceited way, a lot of people have been asking and some of the requests get lost because my brain short circuits when i see how many people are following along. feel free to leave a comment on this or message me separately and i’ll get you right onto it!
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faulty-writes · 5 months
So hi,how are you? Are requests open? If so could you write a headcanon for Tokoyami with a reader who was a goth style and looks super badass but is a sweetheart inside? Thanks
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Yes hello, at the time you submitted this, my requests were open. Currently, they are closed, however. As a goth myself, I support this request! Let's get to it! I love support for minor characters.
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Fumikage admired your style. The way you integrated black, red, and purple into your outfits was astounding. The lace, velvet, and elegant embroidery that composed your clothing had him speechless. Not to mention that perfect touch of make up that made his feathers stand on end.
You matched perfectly with his own dark aesthetic and shared interests. He found himself falling for the mysterious aura that surrounded you, and perhaps it was shameful to admit, but it was the very thing that made him eager to learn more about you.
"What!? Are you nuts man? Y/n is more intimidating than Bakugou!" His friends quickly dismissed the idea of him befriending you, but even if what they said was true, he sensed kindness deep within you. "I would prefer to find out myself, thank you," he wasn't going to be persuaded otherwise.
The two of you favored venturing to the library and on occasion, Fumikage would find himself engaging in conversation over horror stories and spell books. The two of you shared recommendations of reads, and he found himself at ease, even when he introduced you to Dark Shadow who tried his best to behave.
Like with his appearance, he noticed the stares and the unjust comments others would make about you. "I would like to ask you to stop speaking in such a way about Y/n," was his way of putting a gentle stop to it. Even if he was laughed at in response, Dark Shadow usually managed to scare them off.
You continued to surprise him with your unexpected kindness like bringing him his favorite snacks or little Wiccan gifts when he was feeling down. Dark Shadow would sometimes get jealous of the attention you gave Fumikage, so you'd usually make it up to him by spending time cuddling.
"I...hope this is acceptable to you," he panicked the first time he insisted the two of you take a late-night stroll. Even with the dim streetlights, he thought you looked like a beautiful God or Goddess who shared his love of darkness and seclusion.
At times, you'd get tired of the way people looked at you or ran away when you happened to walk by or be in the area. Their taunting whispers and fear of you just because of your outward appearance got old sometimes. But Fumikage was always there, acting as a pillar of unwavering support on the days you struggled, and was ready to face any form of darkness with you.
"I...I..." he was in shock the day you brought up adopting a pet and a little offended that you'd want a pet raven. Dark Shadow managed to talk you out of it. "What are ya nuts!? Fumikage tell them you're all the bird they'll ever need!" Although those words made him blush, he did agree. He wanted to be the only feathered creature you had feelings for.
Gothic-themed gifts were a priority for Fumikage, and he'd often shower you with vintage jewelry or darkly romantic gifts like black flowers. He hoped they served as a reminder of the darkness the two of you adored and the affection he felt for you.
"It would be an honor if you joined us," one of your favorite things to do with Fumikage was spooky movie nights. The thrill of watching horror movies while cuddling your feathered sweetheart was joyful. Although most of your classmates declined the offer to join the two of you.
Despite your intimidating appearance and the occasional feeling of not belonging, you realized what you and Fumikage had was special. Two souls finding each other amid darkness was beautiful, and the unique bond you had was certainly reminiscent of true love.
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Jason Todd x F!Reader x Dick Grayson
Title: Your Worth
Warning(s): SEMI SMUT, MDNI. Cheating. Age difference between reader and Jason.
Character(s): Female x Reader, Jason Todd, and Dick Grayson. Dawn Granger mentioned.
Prompts are in bold print towards the end (in the smut section.) Credit goes to @ loveisanimaignarydagger3000
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Jason didn’t know when these feelings for you had started. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact time or place he started to fall in love with you. One drunken night, along with you being drunk, the two of you had slept together.
The bits and pieces he did remember, of that night were euphoric. But he also hated the way it happened. He hated the reasonings as to why the two of you were drunk and having drunk sex. And the one thing he hated most, was that you were Dick’s. Not his.
The two of you had a huge fight in the tower that night. Which resulted in him “going out”, and you sitting at the counter taking shots, and drinking beer.
Jason had heard the fight; it was over him bringing back the Titans. “You know this wasn’t a good idea Dick! It didn’t work the first time, and-and now we’re doing this…” you say while motioning around the tower “all over again.”
“I don’t expect you to understand, Y/N.” He said as he leaned against the counter in front of you.
“Why wouldn’t I understand Dick?” You asked, and he looked down at his feet. “You were the first to quit. You walked out and away first. It was too much for you to handle. It’s one of your weaknesses.”
You laughed at his reasoning. “Me? Weak? Because I walked away?” He nodded his head at his own statement. “No. Do you want to know why I left, Dick? I left because my weakness was you."
His dark brown eyes stared into your teary eyed ones. "My weakness was you. I had to leave because I couldn't stand the sight of you and Dawn together." Angrily, you wiped a tear from your cheek. "Do you know how much it hurts— to be told you are loved and led onto believe there could be something more? And then watching the person you are hopelessly and irrevocably in love with, move on to her best friend?”
“I love you. Yes, I left before, and I’m here because you and I are together now. But this is not a good idea, and you know why.” You say.
Tears streaked your face, and a small, yet visible tear fell from Dick’s eye. “I’m going out.” He said before walking away from you, leaving you alone in the kitchen. Your heart was just ripped out of your chest, and left alone, just like he had done a countless number of times before.
Jason gave it thirty minutes before going down and seeing if you were okay. But you were sitting at the makeshift bar, a bottle of Jack to your right and two empty beer bottles to your left. You were mindlessly passing the bottle from one hand to the other, making it squeal against the counter top.
“Are you done nursing that bottle?” He asked, and you looked up at him with a smile gracing your lips. “Why? Do you want it?” You asked handing him the beer bottle.
Jason pulled up a bar stool next to yours. “You’re not going to ask me if I’m 21?” He asked and you just smiled.
“I know you are, silly.” You said before taking a drink from the whiskey bottle. “I assume you heard all of that, huh?” You hiccuped and Jason nodded.
“Are you okay?” He asked and you slapped your hand against the counter. “No. I’m not. All of this-” you swung your arm in the air almost losing your balance. Jason grabbed your chair and steadied it back on the ground. You hadn’t even noticed you almost fell. “This tower brings back memories. It brings back when we lost Garth. And how many times Dick and I have confessed our love for one another, but each time he would follow it with a ‘We can’t be together. One day though.’”
Jason took a sip of his beer, and you wiped another tear from your cheek. “And then he moves on to Dawn. Just like that. Finally, I had enough. After Garth died, and those two were still fawning over one another, I packed up and left. I went back to Gotham, worked with Bruce and Dick hated that so much. That’s why I did it.” You chuckled and you looked back over at Jason.
“I just… I can’t be his second choice anymore, ya know? I’m tired of him wanting to screw me, and tell me he loves me, to the next day wanting to pretend nothing happened the night before.” You say as you took a sip of the Jack. “Now we’re together, and he’s brought back the Titans to relive and fix the past, and it’s not a good idea. It’s going to interfere with our relationship.” You whisper.
You didn’t know how long you were talking, but Jason had already drank five bottles from your case of beer, and now was drinking from the bottle of Jack. You snatched the bottle from his hands, “Dick will kill me if he knows I let you sit here and get drunk.” You said before getting up from the stool and tossing the near empty bottle into the trashcan. “I’m going to my own bedroom. If you see Dick, tell him not to bother me. I’m really not in the mood to fight.”
But before you could walk away, Jason worked up the drunken courage to grab your wrist. “For what it’s worth…He’s a dumbass. If he can’t see how great you were then, what makes you think he sees something now?” You stood there, shocked by his words. Was he right? Were you just a last resort because Dick knew you would stay with him no matter what?
Jason stood up from his chair and now he towered over you. “You deserve someone who wants you now and not when it’s convenient.” He looked into your eyes, and you stared at his lips. Jason’s hands made their way to your hips, “You deserve someone who will always choose you. Someone… someone who won’t take you for granted.” He whispered.
Both of you were inches away from each other’s face. His lips brushed your forehead, and he could feel your eyelashes bat against his cheek. Slowly, Jason brought his lips down to yours, and he gently pressed a kiss to your lips.
He was testing the waters, but when you kissed back, Jason melted into the kiss. His hands wrapped into your hair, and your hands raced up his chest. You moaned against his lips, and Jason lost all benevolence. He picked you up and sat you on the counter, and your legs wrapped around his waist.
Jason ripped open your blouse, revealing your bustier top, and he groaned. “God, you’re so beautiful.” He whispered against your lips.
Teeth were clashing, sloppy kisses were being pressed everywhere, and neither of you could stop. “We can’t do this here.” You managed to whisper between kisses.
Jason lifted you back up and carried you up the stairs, until he stumbled into yours and Dick’s shared room. He laid you down before climbing on top of you, reconnecting your puffy lips. Both yours and Jason’s hands were desperately clutching each other and removing articles of clothing, gasping into each other’s mouths as if you both were starved of one another. Both of your minds with fogged lust, arousal, and desperation.
“This is wrong…” you whispered, and he replied “So wrong…” while he made his way between your legs. His fingers hooked underneath your black laced panties, and began to slowly pull them down, but he stopped. “Is this okay?” He asked as his brown eyes looked up from between your legs.
“Yes…” you answered, and he looked back up to you. “Open you legs… wider.” He demanded and you followed his instruction. When his tongue delved into you, it was over.
• • •
Moans filled the room, Jason’s hands held your hips firmly, surely leaving a few bruises in the place of his fingertips. With every thrust, you felt guilty, but then again, it felt nice to be wanted. But was this just one of Jason’s many conquests and you had finally become one of them?
What Jason was doing was intimate… the way he held your body, and the way he kissed you. It was more than just some drunken escapade. When your arched your back into him, he groaned.
He was hitting your sweet spot with every thrust, and you whispered his name quietly, “Jason…”
 “Don’t be shy baby, I love the way you moan my name.” He said as he hooked his legs around his waist. “Jason!” You moaned, and then you couldn’t control every moan after that.
You were certain Dick would walk in at any moment. You wished he would. But he never did. After Jason had finished inside you, he laid down next to you out of breath. “How long did we go for?” He asked and you looked over at the alarm clock.
“An hour and a half….” You replied before both of you chuckled. Guilt weighed on your chest heavily, but Jason laid next to you and stared up at the ceiling. Little did you know, but guilt started to weigh heavily on him. At the same time, Jason was smiling inside. He loved you, deep down he did, but now was not the time to say it out loud. But he had hoped you noticed it through that entire hour and a half.
He held you in his arms, and you laid your head on his chest. Jason too had scars like Dick, and you caught yourself tracing them. Quickly, you removed your hand from his chest. This wasn’t right. But your mind was fogged with the continued lust.
Jason was definitely more energetic during sex. Whereas Dick was sensual; they both were passionate, but Jason definitely knew how to make you scream.
Your mind was fighting back and forth with itself, but you were too drunk to listen to reason. When Jason had left yours and Dick’s bed, you laid there in the dark. You were no better than Dick. What you did was worse than being led on. You found comfort in another man’s arms— and it happened to be your boyfriend’s adopted brother.
Around 3AM, the bedroom door opened, and Dick walked into the room. He kicked off his shoes, and took off his shirt and pants before climbing into bed next to you.
When the bed dipped, you laid still so he wouldn’t know you were awake. He pressed a kiss to the back of your head. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. If you’re awake, just listen. What I did to you back then— with Dawn, I’m sorry.” He said as he rubbed up and down your bare shoulder.
“I do love you. I really do. I’m just scared to mess up things with you. You are so good for me– too good. And I’m afraid to fuck up and you lose you forever.” He whispered before pressing another kiss to your ear.
He slowly wrapped his arm around your bare stomach, and you moved in closer to his arms.
• • •
It was 4:30 in the morning when Dick had finally fallen asleep. You quickly, but quietly got out of bed and went down to Jason’s bedroom. You didn’t bother to knock; you just opened the door and quickly stepped in.
Jason was standing at his window looking out. “You ready for round two?” He asked and he sauntered over to you, and his hands went to your face, bringing you in for another kiss.
You pulled away, “Jason, stop.”
He took a step back from you, and had a confused look on his face. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Look— what happened last night or tonight— can’t happen again.” You said as you crossed your arms over your chest.
Jason’s hand went in the air, “Woah, woah. Am I hearing you right? You don’t want me? Because a few hours ago you were screaming my name and practically me to finish in you.” He said and you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Jay, I’m with Dick. We were drunk and everything was and still is a blur. If Dick found out, he would murder you.” You say and Jason laughed.
“I’m willing to fight for you. I want you. I wouldn’t take you for granted, Y/N.” He said, and you shook your head.
“You’re younger than me. You’re 21, I’m 26. It should have never happened.” You say and Jason smirked.
“So? Dick is four years older than you. What does age have to do with any of this? Oh, right, it doesn’t.” He said and you leaned against the door.
“Look, please, Jason, this cannot happen again. All I ask is for you to not tell Dick. I’ll tell him when the time is right…. Just not right now.” You whisper with tears in your eyes.
Jason stared at you in silence for the longest time. “Whatever. Just—just leave, please. If anyone sees you, it’ll make things worse, so just go.” He said.
You tried to give his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, but he pushed your hand away. “I’m sorry, Jason.” You say before walking out of his bedroom.
Jason stood at his bedroom door; angry and upset. He didn’t understand why you would want to stay with someone who didn’t know if they wanted you to be a permanent fixture in their life. He knew he wanted you; he knew your value and your worth. Why wouldn’t you choose him?
• • •
When you climbed back into bed, Dick was snoring. Tears stained your pillowcase. How did you end up hurting two people at once, when you were the only one hurting.
Regret and guilt filled your dreams. Being a human was hard, but being a hurt human, who ended up hurting two people you loved, made life even harder and more complicated. You didn’t know who to worry about.
Yourself—who was at the mercy of a double edged blade. Dick— who would never forgive you for sleeping with his “replacement”, and possibly murdering Jason. And finally Jason— who had a short fuse and would more than likely try to make things worse.
What the hell were you going to do?
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you thought. I was picturing Matthew Daddario as Jason, and Brenton Thwaites as Dick, and Minka Kelly as Dawn.
THIS WAS NOT PROOFREAD. I just skimmed through it.
Let me know what you thought in the comments!
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teriri-sayes · 4 months
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 300 + Author's Note
Brief summary: Game tries to eliminate Cale. Tutorial boss saves Cale. System AI makes a deal with Cale.
Cale entering the game world was confusing to his ancient powers who were unfamiliar with it. Cale and DA then discuss the possibility that the saint and GoC were related to the game world. But Cale made a mistake here. He should have kept his conversation with DA to himself and not spoken it aloud. 😂
Cale: I think there's a high possibility that they (GoC) are at the center of it. Game: Would you like to use the nickname "I think there's a high possibility that they are at the center of it"? Cale: Damn it. Game: Would you like to use the nickname "Damn it"? #%f@%fd Cale: Huh? Game: $#&*#%System^%error^%^#occurs$%$^ Cale: ???
The game then classified Cale as an unauthorized user and proceeded to eliminate him. Cale thought he was just going to be kicked out, but his meeting with an NPC made him realize that something dangerous might happen if he did not escape here.
The NPC was a demon dressed in aristocratic attire and described as a masculine, "decadent", and handsome man. In Korea, having a "decadent appearance" could mean several things:
Black theme - black hair, black clothes, dark atmosphere
Mature look - sensual or captivating eyes
Gloomy air or drowsy look - dark circles on eyes, uses goth or emo makeup
Some are described to be yandere or have mental health problems
This new NPC fit the black theme definition because he was the Count of Darkness, Lupe II. Cale thought Lupe II had come to attack him, so he tried to defend himself. But Cale and the APs were shocked when he couldn't use any of his powers!
Why? Because Cale was inside a game and was in the process of creating a new account. He still did not have a level or any skills. So he couldn't use any of his "outside" powers inside the game.
Fortunately, Count Lupe II was not an enemy. In fact, he was urgently trying to save Cale from the game which wanted to eliminate Cale. But something seemed to be hindering him from approaching Cale, so Cale had to run just to grab Lupe's hand. 🤣🤣🤣
Game: *tries to eliminate Cale* Cale: Ah, seriously! *runs to reach the demon's hand* Cale: (If I want to survive and not get destroyed, I have to catch that demon's hand!) DA: *scared* Hey, hey! Catch it! Cale, catch it! Shield AP: You should have exercised. Narrator: Cale somehow ran. Yes, his Kim Rok Soo self that contained all of his long years of life experience did. And he believed in the physical talent of Cale Henituse contained within him, in the power hidden within his muscles. Cale: *finally grabs the demon's hand*
Glutton priestess, what? 🤣🤣🤣 Why did you have to bring up Cale's lack of physical exercise? 😂😂😂 And the narration wasn't helping. 🤣🤣🤣 DA though. I noticed this in the past chapters... but wasn't he actually a coward who liked to bluff? DA was always portrayed as someone who loved to dominate people, but in the recent chapters (their encounter with the gods, and now this game), DA kept getting scared easily. 😂 A coward who liked to bluff? Wasn't that CJG? So was DA really CJG? 🤔
Back to the topic, the game's elimination mode was turning everything around them red and having alarms sounding off all the time. The red sky split, and a red hand with vein-like red tubes filled with black liquid descended, trying to grab Cale.
But Lupe II managed to escape with Cale from the red hand, teleporting to his dungeon, Hell of Darkness. It turned out that Lupe II was the tutorial NPC final boss. Befitting his Count of Darkness title, his room was full of dark/black furniture fit for a noble. And despite his dark theme, he was an emotional man who easily cried.
More surprises appeared. Lupe II was an NPC who was aware that he was an NPC and in a game. He knew about the hunters and the world outside the game. It all started when the game's System AI, the one in charge of managing NPCs and giving quests, began acting strange. This led to Lupe II becoming self-aware and gaining outside knowledge. And Lupe II was frustrated because no one knew about the System AI acting strange, even the game developers.
Lupe II was hostile to the hunters, so he almost cried in relief when Cale said he "hunted" hunters. And as if the System AI was watching them, a system window appeared in front of Cale, giving him 2 quests.
[Quest 1. Find the hero with Count Lupe and stop the terrifying @#%&^* god who is trying to destroy this world!] [Quest 2. Please find my 'oppa' with Count Lupe]
In the end, Cale figured out that there were two AI involved here. One was the AI that Ahn Roh Man (ARM) considered as his "hyung", the AI his parents secretly hid in the game and mentioned in previous chapters. The other was the System AI mentioned today, who called ARM's hyung as her oppa because she was an AI created after the first one.
Ooooh... Since Alberu was the "hero", then the System AI was making Cale the "hero's companion" together with Count Lupe. Would Cale meet Alberu soon in the game world? But what happened to her oppa? Did something happen to ARM's hyung?
Cale told the System AI that he would tell her information about her oppa. In exchange, he wanted her to create a user account for him without the knowledge of the hunters. Of course, this wouldn't be TCF if there wasn't comedy... 😂
System AI said she couldn't do that, but because there was a huge update patch coming soon to the game, she sneaked in Cale by making him a half-demon and giving him the account of a... Tutorial Hidden Final Boss NPC. 🤣🤣🤣
Meanwhile, Cale's second group arrived at Exion's place. It had been 6 hours since Cale fainted, according to Raon's timer. Ron was gently smiling while cleaning Cale's bloodstained clothes, and Eruhaben was staring at Cale as if he was a cute grandchild.
Ending Remarks
Why does this chapter feel like an info dump? But I never expected Cale to become an NPC, a hidden final boss at that. 😂 I'm excited to see Alberu's reaction when he meets NPC boss Cale. 🤣🤣🤣
Oh yeah, the author posted an Author's Note, celebrating the 300th chapter of Part 2:
Author's Note Greetings, this is Yoo Ryeo Han who doesn't know when Part 2 will end. To celebrate the 300th chapter of Part 2, I bring you this author's note. It seems like only yesterday that I left a note for chapter 200, but it's already chapter 300... Every time I leave a note like this, it feels new and I am grateful. Maybe I'll give my greetings at chapter 400 soon, right? Hahaha! Thank you always for being with us. I will continue to work hard to write this series so that it can be a small joy in everyday life. Thank you. -Yoo Ryeo Han
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mars-and-the-theoi · 1 year
Low energy Devotional Acts for when you don’t have a lot of energy (or time, or money, etc.) pt. 8
- listen to a devotional playlist for Him
- learn how to budget if able
- if you have a dog- spend some time with them
- if able volunteer at an animal shelter or volunteer to walk dogs
- if able learn about your ancestors
- learn about death magic and spirit work
- learn about death doulas
- learn about the Underworld or afterlives in general
- listen to ‘dark ambient’ soundscapes
- if able visit a cemetery
- learn about cemetery and graveyard etiquette
- learn about funerary practices throughout time and around the world
- wear black (can be as simple as a hair tie or socks to your whole outfit and even makeup!)
- listen to goth music
- carry some coins on you if able
- do Halloween or gothic themed coloring pages
- learn about the roles of hospice workers, funeral directors, morticians, etc.
- honor deceased loved ones (can be pets, friends, family members, etc. doesn’t matter)
- be kind to spirits and respect* them and the dead (*I know there are some folks who don’t deserve respect in death so obviously you don’t have to respect them this is just a more…in general kind of thing)
- if able go on a walk (can be as simple as down the driveway and back up if that’s all you can manage)
- if unable to do that try to sit outside or open a window/door to let some fresh air in and open the blinds/curtains to let some sunlight in
- listen to nature soundscapes
- pick some flowers or get a bouquet for yourself or others
- learn about herbalism
- enjoy some pomegranates, pomegranate juice, or something with pomegranate in it
- listen to a devotional playlist for Her
- if able visit a cemetery
- learn, read, watch stuff about ghosts (yes even those weird ghost hunting shows that come on at like 2 am and make you feel like you’re experiencing a fever dream)
- learn about reincarnation
- be kind to Demeter
- if able donate to or volunteer at a battered women’s shelter and learn about their history and importance
- if able do some baking (especially bread)
- learn about the underworld or afterlives in general
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littlegothsuccubus · 2 months
𝕱𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑?
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“🇸‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇭‌🇦‌🇩‌ 🇦‌🇳‌ 🇪‌🇻‌🇮‌🇱‌ 🇫‌🇦‌🇨‌🇪‌, 🇸‌🇲‌🇴‌🇴‌🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌🇩‌ 🇧‌🇾‌ 🇭‌🇾‌🇵‌🇴‌🇨‌🇷‌🇮‌🇸‌🇾‌; 🇧‌🇺‌🇹‌ 🇭‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇲‌🇦‌🇳‌🇳‌🇪‌🇷‌🇸‌
🇼‌🇪‌🇷‌🇪‌ 🇪‌🇽‌🇨‌🇪‌🇱‌🇱‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌.”
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This blog is 🔞18+ Only, no minors. You are not welcome in this space; please leave. Put your age in your bio, or get blocked. This blog is trans-friendly, kink-friendly, sex and body-positive, queer-friendly, and anti-racism. Be kind, and remember this is a safe space for consensual and risk-aware BDSM and kink.
This blog is for all things BDSM and Kink. Do not interact or stay here if you are under 18. If you are underage, you should not be here, and you are not welcome in this space or on this page. If your age is not in your bio, you will be blocked.
This blog is for all my dark, masochistic thoughts.
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I am 31, pansexual, and polyamorous. While I am a switch, this blog is specifically geared toward my submissive side.
DMs and asks are open; hit me with your best shot. Moots can add me on Snapchat (shoot me a dm).
Follow my backup, just in case. I am a goth girl, yes, black lipstick and all that spooky stuff.
If you're interested in my pet play content, go here 🐈
If you're interested in my domme content, go here 🌹
Want to hear what a good girl sounds like?
Use the hashtag #kittensaudio to find them 🖤
Listen here to hear what happens when a bratty kitty misbehaves
My Musings
I made a whole special place to find my writing. So go here. ☕
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Ready to get kinky, darlings?
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My favorite kinks and ways to play as a Submissive:
Pain Play
Oral and Face Fucking
Biting, Marking, and Scratching
Knife Play
Pet Play
Anal Play
Choking, Breath Play, and Erotic Asphyxiation
Impact Play and Face Slapping
Praise and Degradation
Discipline and Training
Manhandling and Overpowering
Group Sex
Orgasm Control
Sensation Play
Sensory Deprivation
Oral Fixation
Temperature Play
Primal Play
Hand Kink
Voice Kink
Scat and Piss Play
Racism, Body, Queer, or Gender Shaming
Feeding Kinks
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𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗠𝗲❟ 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗧𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗙𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝗠𝗲
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♥︎ My favorite color is vermilion.
♥︎ I love horror movies, gore, and all things spooky.
♥︎ When I'm not dominating my good little pets, I enjoy a variety of interests and hobbies.
𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔞 𝔣𝔢𝔴 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔶 𝔣𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰
♥︎ My favorite literature includes
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
Jaws by Peter Benchley
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
The Book of the Dead
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
♥︎My favorite movies include (well, some of them, at least)
A Quiet Place
The Uninvited
Interview with a Vampire
Queen of the Damned
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Black Swan
Pulp Fiction
Guardians of the Galaxy
Van Helsing
The Phantom of the Opera
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Howl's Moving Castle
The Bride of Frankenstein
Little Shop of Horrors
Sweeney Todd
47 Meters Down
♥︎My favorite shows include (well, some of them, at least)
What We Do in the Shadows
The Addams Family
Chainsaw Man
Fullmetal Alchemist
Hazbin Hotel
Love, Death, and Robots
Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
Tokyo Ghoul
♥︎My favorite musicians to listen to (well, some of them, at least)
Clan of Xymox
Rob Zombie
The 69 Eyes
Alice in Chains
The Killers
Blue Stahli
Arch Enemy
Blind Guardian
Cradle of Filth
The Misfits
Fit for an Autopsy
Funeral for a Friend
The Smiths
Dance with the Dead
Razed in Black
Nine Inch Nails
The Birthday Massacre
Marilyn Manson
Children of Bodom
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Depeche Mode
Blink 182
The Cure
Emilie Autumn
Type O Negative
Sisters of Mercy
She Wants Revenge
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𝚃𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐:
No, I will not send you nudes. If I don't know you, and we've never even talked, don't ask. Save yourself the embarrassment.
Yes, my boobs are real. No work done, all natural.
Yes, that is me in my audio and my PFP.
I am not interested in having a dom or relationship; don't ask.
Yes, I am a switch and do have subs as a domme.
If you're going to take the time to entice me in my inbox, at least take time to scroll through my blog and see what I like. It's not exactly a secret dears, though I won't entertain your efforts if I find you off-putting.
I will not respond to profiles without content. I know what you're doing here, but it won't work.
Jack off, Jack off your partner, do whatever you want with the content here. I don't need to hear every excruciating detail. Have fun.
I am a busy woman, and I don't live on Tumblr. Sometimes, it takes me awhile to get to all my requests and messages. I easily get about 50+, if not more, a day, and I like to respond thoughtfully to each one. Be patient. I'll get to you.
I know how to spot a fake Dom when I see one; if I don't even know you, I'm not interested in being your submissive.
Kink should always be safe, risk-aware, and consensual. While I post many hard kinks, they are always practiced safely. Know that a lot of kink is highly fantasized and exaggerated online for flavor. Do your research, be safe, and be respectful.
If you dm my girls harassing them or are disrespectful to them in any way you will be blocked and they will tell me. I don't take too kindly to people fucking with them, and you'll be lucky you only sit in front of a screen.
No, I won't post nudes or photos of me to this page, I'm not looking to get terminated. Those are saved for a select few who have earned their right to see them.
I think this is everything. So please be respectful and remember kink is supposed to be fun!
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Enjoy your time here, loves; I know I will ‪‪❤︎‬
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year
Yandere! Stereotypical! Emo x Stereotypical! Popular bitch! Reader
Okay, so this is a songfic... NSFW at it's most, a lime at it's least.
Not the songfic that has lyrics on them, but fics that are heavily inspired by songs. And this time, it's Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica.
I'm not that knowledgable with Emos to be fair... I'm only doing it in a way where the fic reads like a stereotypical late 90's and early 20's teen flick! I think. I hope.
Also, the bitch here means someone who sleeps around quite a lot, and not the mean type. Just wanna put that out there.
So, I do apologize if I offended someone ಥ‿ಥ
Like any song fic, I recommend listening to Emo Boy while reading.
Yandere! Emo name: Ashton
TW: stereotypical Emo, stereotypical popular bitch
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Ashton always had a fascination with the Emo lifestyle. He loved the music associated with it, especially the people indulging in the lifestyle. He loved how emotional and in tune they are with their emotions and is not afraid to show who they are.
When the got the opportunity to study senior high school in a small yet lively town, he knew he had to grab it.
And when he finally got out of the grasps of his conservative family, he felt free.
No more people calling him demon worshipper, finally (although, now that he thinks about it, aren't the goths the one being called demon worshippers?)
So with black skinny jeans, long, dark black hair that covered his eyes, rings, piercings, chains, sneakers, and a graphic tee shirt, he knew he was ready.
But what he didn't expect was being ostracized by being Emo.
But then, don't people like him always get bullied?
With a grumble while sitting on his chair, all alone, he gripped his pen while in the middle of writing a poem.
"Nobody understands me." Ashton muttered, his dark eyes a stormy grey.
This school he's in is filled with stereotypes, he just realized. Mean Jocks and Cheerleaders, two faced popular bitches, pushover nerds, slobbery otakus, social outcasts... He wonders if his life is a real life teen flick.
So rather than dive into the complicated social hierarchy, he just sits in his seat, reading and listening to MCR and P!ATD just like a true stereotype.
His life filled with such deep melancholy as he trudged in this hormone filled prison that he calls a school.
Hmm. He should write that in his journal.
But then he woke up in his bedroom, his hair having a cowlick he can't put down.
Okay... That's weird.
Then, when he tried to tease and straighten his hair, it won't budge, forcing him to let it stay wavy/curly and covet his eyes just like that.
Then, his favorite graphic tee was eaten by rats...
And his sneakers were accidentally bleached...
Then, as if the day was mocking him, it was really sunny and hot, smiling and cooking him in his dark ensemble.
"What the fuck..."
He suddenly felt a foreboding dread inside of him.
When he got in the school and sat down at his seat at the back, he heard whispers of a new person transferring to this school.
The talk of the town, y/n, was now being speculated which clique they will belong in.
And when they rolled in a pink rover, the school crowd knew they're going to be in the popular rich kids.
Immediately, you integrated into the clique like it was a natural thing to do.
With your quite the revealing clothes, your bimbo/himbo like personality, and your knack for bedding people if you wanted, you got into the social hierarchy just like that. Labeled as the slut, you paraded around the school with that title with your newfound friends.
Trendy, social, quite the airhead, yet charming in your own right, and such a seductive figure too. Nobody can resist your charms.
Not even Ashton.
He tried to fight back the attraction he had with you, and your fashionable pink fit, and fluttery eyelashes.
But he can't.
The hierarchy said no, and his brain also says no.
Yet his heart sings yes.
And he always follows his feelings and his heart.
It was small efforts at first. Poems, love letters filled with such romantic words.
All slipped in your locker, in a cute pink envelop and a sweet sampaguita smell on it.
You knew who it was from, and you loved it.
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"Are you really interested in that Emo boy in the HUMSS department?" One of your friends asked, sipping on a disguised flask of alcohol.
You and your friends are in the rooftop, hanging out and skipping classes. Gossip flies out of your mouths and recent "relationships."
"Yeah I am. He's cute and funny... And him being soooo in touch with his emotions is soooo hot." You said, a typical valley accent on your tone.
You twirled your hair and bit your lip, a hot feeling in your body.
You really don't know why you're so attracted to him.
"I just really want to see and feel how good in bed he is." You nonchalantly added, fanning yourself a bit.
Your other friends grimaced a bit.
"... Really? But he's so..."
"And so complicated with his words."
"He's also always alone and listens to those sad emo bands."
You huffed and cocked your hips to the side.
"Hey! He's emotional and deep!" You rolled your eyes. "Besides, I just want to fuck him. I mean, I haven't been with an emo boy."
You thought back to how Ashton walks away from you in those tightest skinny jeans, his ass round and his legs toned.
You wondered really as to why you're so... Desperate to fuck him. Because most of the time, other people are the ones who want to fuck you.
Frustration welled up inside you as you groaned.
"Yeah I truly wonder why myself." You grumbled.
You grabbed the letter from your back pocket, reading Ashton's poem for you.
I burn for you. Your lips so tantalizing, So pillowy and so sacred. It's something I, so lowly am I, Cannot dream of locking with mine. I do not need to know if you're the devil, Tantalizing as you are, Or the deity you claim to be in my dreams, Bringing retribution to my dark and dreary life. Your body so tempting, I want to embrace and bury myself within you. I want to claim and mark you as my own, My bleeding heart corrupting your alluring self. But I know I can't. So I only look at you with starry eyes, As you shine the most beautiful in a pedestal that I molded in your visage.
You understood the poem a bit, and it irritated you.
"What do you mean you'll not pursue me?!" You yelled, gripping the letter. "I can't believe he'll confess like this and not... Go for me?!"
Your friends chuckled and read the poem and was surprised to see how whimsical this confession of lusty attraction is.
"Wow... Okay, I give you my blessing to bed him." One of your friends said and you rolled your eyes and snatching the poem away from him.
"I know. And I'm trying." You spat out. "I need a stress reliever. Let's go shopping."
What you didn't know is that Ashton is listening to your confession, and is fighting the urge to take you then and there.
He smirked and tried to calm his fast beating heart as he slowly unbuckled his pants, lust filling him as he continued to replay your confession of wanting to fuck him.
Maybe next poem will be an invitation to his house.
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The sound of bed creaking filled the dark room, along with the pants and moans of two people indulging in the desire of flesh.
"Hmm fuck... Ashton..."
"Y/n you're so tight..."
You moaned as Ashton continued to thrust inside of you, his throat audibly clearing as sweat trickled down his throat.
Your eyes trailed down his body, loving the feeling of being under this man.
The hot and damp air encased the two of you, giving a secure and secret paradise, away from the prying eyes.
"Harder Ashton!" Your raspy voice demanded, gripping his arm as he pushed your thighs to the sides of your torso, bending your back as he went deeper, faster, and harder.
"God you make me feral..." Ashton groaned out, feeling your walls squeeze around him stubbornly, not wanting to let go as he pushed you into a mating press in an animalistic need to bury himself deep within you.
The bed creaked violently, accompanying the orchestra of your moans and groans as you both desperately reached your high, and when he spilled inside of you, you knew that you wanted more.
So you kissed him on the lips deeply, interlocking your tongue with his as you both worked into getting into it again.
Yet, as Ashton smirked and gripped your thigh once more, ready to go, a stray perfume bottle rolled under the bed from the movement, a label on the bottle printed "love potion" on it.
A sweet smell of sampaguita permeating as a drop fell on the floor, glowing.
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So if you don't get it, Ashton sprays the love potion on the poems he gives you, making you irrationally desperate for him as he is for you xx.
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outro-jo · 1 year
skz and their black cat partner
pairing: skz members x (gn) reader
type: headcanon?
warnings: none really
request: yes?
notes: i got an interesting request and i wasn’t sure how to go about it until i saw this svt reaction and so i went more this route
how i personally define a black cat personality: dark energy/vibe usually accompanied by a dark aesthetic but doesn’t always have to. not super fond of affection or prefers affection on their own terms. sassy with good quips and comebacks. has an interest in “darker” topics such as horror, the occult, “dark” psychology, etc. chronically unbothered. FIERCELY protective once you gain their love/loyalty. occasionally unhinged and feral (gets the zoomies whether physical or mental/verbal). big scorpio energy tbh
not taking requests at this time/clearing out inbox
masterlist | info
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chan- think of how he is with lee know and seungmin sometimes. yeah. like when you’re sitting there like 😐😒, he’s squishing you and sticking his face in yours affectionately. you’re his baby. there are times when he respects your space but for the most part he’s all over you. most of the time he’s the protector but there have been a few times he’s seen your protective side and the pride he feels???? omg
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lee know- omg he loves it sm. he already has the sunshine to his grumpy with some of the other boys. so you’re just like him. his fav thing though is when you get a burst of energy (zoomies) usually at the end of the day and you’re just goofing off with him. he LOVES to tease you. not rly the way chan does where it’s all cutesy but he just kinda pokes at you… physically and metaphorically. he just loves having someone he can chill with and really be himself.
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changbin- so he likes to play that he’s this dark boy but he’s really a softie. he gets kinda nervous sometimes when you’re too quiet that he’s done something wrong but you do this thing where when you’re sitting together you take his hand and put it where you want affection at that moment. like you’ll just hold his hand or put his hand on your head and he just :> “oh so you do like me???”
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hyunjin- he’s finally found someone as sassy as him. the funniest thing (for others really) is when something happens and you both kinda share the same look of confusion and disgust (judgement). everything is just really calm and lowkey with you, which he loves but then when you’re both alone you kinda bounce off the walls together.
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han- beast boy x raven (gn) vibes. like he is an absolute SIMP for you. he thrives with a darker, kinda emo or goth partner. even if that’s not rly your aesthetic, he just likes having a partner that’s more lowkey to balance him out but whenever you do get your bursts of energy he always matches it and it’s kinda magical. you’re the one usually teasing him and it’s funny bc it’ll either fluster the hell out of him or like he didn’t even catch it. you 1000% become like a security blanket in human form for him.
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felix- grumpy x sunshine. now, he’s not the type to poke fun at you or anything or tease you when you’re in your more quiet, grumpy moments. he just kinda sits there like the sunshine he is and loves you through it. damn, is he cute. he has you melting instantly but you obviously can’t show that. he loves to cuddle you even when you’re stiff as a board, unsure what to do with affection. felix also does this super 🫠🫠🫠 thing where he randomly tells you you’re pretty (✨gn✨) AND ITS ALWAYS WITH THE CUTEST FACE SCRUNCH and then gives you a little peck leaving you like 🧍🏻😳
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seungmin- you two actually have similar energy but he’s like the dog version? i wouldn’t necessarily call him a black lab or anything, he’s just kinda the puppy version of you. (idk how to make it make sense. iykyk) you two just kinda vibe together and enjoy each other’s company without having to say a lot which is super nice. you just have this like rhythm and comfortability with each other that is just so ✨✨✨. there’s also this insane sixth sense with each other where you both feel out what’s going on in the room and know what to do without saying a word to each other. the amount of times where y’all have been hanging out with friends only to get up and leave without any notice to anyone else to be like, “yeah, we’re gonna go” bc both of your social batteries have drained and you two just need to go watch some tv. you’re both also incredibly protective of each other when necessary.
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i.n- he just finds everything you do so adorable and endearing. think wednesday and enid but he doesn’t rly have the enid aesthetic, just vibes. you have more of a dark side which he admittedly kinda loves. you could be sitting there sharpening knives and he’s like, “aren’t they the cutest!” (exaggeration but you get the idea) you just exist and he’s your biggest fan though. omg you smiled at him once (kinda sarcastically) and it made his whole year.
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refractionfish · 3 months
rating akira's outfits from the devilman manga because he's a fashion king and i'm tired of the denial
FIT ONE: little shit goes to school. 3/10.
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not off to a great start. every anime boy who likes beating the shit out of people walks around their shirt unbuttoned — UNORIGINAL. points are only granted for the confidence, eyeliner, and being so dedicated to this stupid look to unbutton both the uniform jacket and undershirt.
FIT TWO: matching striped jammies. 6/10.
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tits out even while in pajamas! no wonder miki won't leave the guy alone. plus, one can't not appreciate the kitschy charm of a pajama set. real honk shoo honk shoo mimimimimi vibes. however, points lost because all go nagai protags own this set.
FIT THREE: perfect for sitting gayly in a chair. 9/10.
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if there is one thing that i liked about 2010s fashion it was the ringer shirts. i fucking love a contrasting hem. we're also seeing an effective use of the sandwich method: light top, dark pants, light shoes. bell bottoms always a win. points lost because i dont think converse are the move when your pants are a little too short.
FIT FOUR: even gayer than the last 10/10.
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this could be the fit as above and nagai just forgot details of it, seeing as he forgets the lace up neck on literally the next page. however it looks different enough that im counting it separately. considering the prev, we have an already great fit made even better by the deeper cleavage + sexy neckline. literally no complaints here.
FIT FIVE: goth rugby player. 20/10.
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personal bias for monochromatic fits coming through here but whatever!! the flares + rugby shirt w/ contrasting collar is absolutely incredible. sleek with visual flare from the collar, of which the contrast serves to draw attention directly to the tits. which was the intended goal, i'm sure.
FIT SIX: literally double breasted. 0/10.
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i'm sorry akira but what is this. "double breasted" because he has two jackets on, a look that i think only works if the under-jacket is lighter. a uniform jacket under a blazer just warrants the question of why doesn't one wear a heavier jacket.
FIT SEVEN: goth steve jobs. 100/10.
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THE CLASSIC DEVILMAN FIT. the fit for a reason. all black is always so sleek and so sexy. add that to a turtleneck and little gay booties and you have a fit that defines alluring. the class of it all is somehow more sexy than the deep cleavage favored earlier in the story.
FIT EIGHT: the boyfriend fit. 8/10.
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yes that is ryo's shirt and blazer — akira's got all ripped when he fought the demon army. clearly ryo's got more reserved tastes compared to akira, and the result is classy. i prefer flashier, so most points are awarded for pulling off the wearing my boyfriend's shirt look.
FIT NINE: inappropriate apocalypse attire. 6/10.
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back in his own clothes and thus back to showing off the tits. looks like a white shirt and black pants, which is nothing to write home about despite tailoring looking nice. cleavage is the only thing pulling this above 5.
average score: 18/10!! i hope to have made my point!! put some respect on akira's name for knowing how to dress.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 3 months
Dumping my RayEvils here because these guys are floating in my brain again
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A lot of these are very self-indulgent I mean, very reasonable and totally make sense
Couple of facts / hcs below:
They were all created to oppose Rayman or someone else once in their life
All the RayEvil’s were built / ‘owned’ by a different Rayman villain throughout the franchise. Some overlay, yes, but mostly it’s diverse
Most of the times their creators would leave 'brands' on them to know who belongs to who
RayEvil’s aren’t entirely natural Thingamajigs. They were all artificially made for whatever their creator desired. These normally consist of a Blue Lum and whatever else they have (most commonly Dark Magic)
Now some individual facts about the characters!!
Created by Mr. Dark, stolen by Ales Mansay at a young 'age'
Hates Mansay and wants to go back to being Mr. Dark's creation (Mansay claims that he created Raymesis)
Became an 'older brother' figure to Shadow after Mansay dumped the two in a room together
Super snappy, angry, and extremely petty. Thinks he's Rayman's true rival but Rayman couldn't give a shit
Created the Antis (Him, Glombrox, First King, and Selena) as a way to get back at Rayman
Shadow Ray:
Created by a Blue Lum and copious amounts of Dark Magic. This made them extremely unstable and (if they could feel it) in lots of pain
Ales Mansay's favorite creation. Thinks that they're the most 'sucessful'
Half-blind and only really cackles / giggles. Needs glasses to sorta see
Can't fully move. They need to 'mark' someone and follow their 'trail' to even go anywhere
Fascinated with art and film. Loves a good movie and is easily amused
Shadi (Bad Rayman)
Also created by Mr. Dark but left for dead in the Livid Dead after his defeat
Did not understand free will until she met Goth Teensy. He helped her find her own personality and being
Very disliked in the Livid Dead with the other Nightmares. She looked too much like Rayman for them
Can pick things up super easily by just watching
Still friends with Goth but became distant after he because the Livid Dead Door guard
Created by Razorbeard; he was left in the Glade after the Robo Pirates fled the Glade
Made to tire Rayman out and keep him occupied. Very much destined for sports and high-energy activities
Very competitive and will do anything to win. He will cheat, cry, and fight to get what he wants
Cannot handle loosing. He will throw a fit and get extremely violent
One of the only RayEvil's without a Blue Lum. He is pure machinery and alien technology
Mansay's first RayEvil. He created him, but he was sold to Rigatoni. Gave him a hatred for Mansay
Athletic, can breathe / control fire, and can detect his limbs. Everything Rigitoni wants in a star
He's very snobbish and under the impression he's more popular than Rayman (He also has never left the circus)
Even as a performer, still has his old programming. If he see Rayman or anything similar, he will get needlessly violent
Extremle 'one man show' and hates working with others
So yeah, these are my silly guys!! Feel free to ask me anything about them. I love them all dearly <3
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btdemaru · 1 year
hi could you do the obey me characters reaction to like a male mc with long hair/piercings and is just really into like goth/mallgoth type fashion/makeup/music in general?
Obey me! Brothers X M!Goth reader
Note : idk much about this style/fashion so please i apologize if it's not correct! I tried doing alot of research of what the style looks like tho
Warnings : -
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🖤 Lucifer
Would love your style alot, i like to think that he'd love to match with you from time to time. And will be intrigued to see your piercings, even perhaps asking to see it up close or touch it.
He loves every goth style that you choose and will not question you and no matter what part of the style you prefer.
Lucifer does listen to the music you play and sometimes would ask if he can join in or share headphones/airpods (ykwim).
If you do your makeup, he'd secretly glances at you from his desk. Probably trying to be subtle too 😭
💛 Mammon
Will swoon. Will be lovestruck. Will be in awe. Mams in LOVE.
of course this mf wouldn't show it (it's obvious though). Would ask alot of question like your color palette or why you like this style and basically just loves to hear you talk about it.
He doesn't mind metal/dark music and is open to listening to the playlist you have or even the one you made for him!
If you try to get him going to the cemetery or basically doing some scary stuff like even going to a so called 'haunted house' or a scary escape room it'll be a huge no no for him, even if he did go mams wouldn't be much help as he'll only be loud.
Will try to do your eyeliner (if you wear) or eye shadow but fails miserably making your face look all bad and messy makeup everywhere.
💙 Leviathan
He wouldn't mind, not big on it but he doesn't judge or hate it. Will let you do your thing, he doesn't know much about it so he'll ask you a few things to cure his curiosity.
Doesn't really listen to the music you do but isn't opposed to trying, turns out he actually does like ot after playing a song or two.
If you have a tongue piercing he'll zone out while staring at it. Totally not thinking about you using it on hi-
💚 Satan
We all know he likes to read, so when you walked in the room he's already analyzing your style all the way back from the first originated in the '80s following the punk subculture of the '70s.
Compliments you from your hair to piercings to makeup and clothes or even your boots.
I dont think Satan really listens to music but he does like to write/read and literature generally so maybe dark poems are things you guys can do.
man probably can't stop looking at you and would buy you jewelry or matching silver rings.
🩷 Asmodeus
Literature isn't really his thing but probably watches and admires you while you're doing it.
Will try matching you clothes with his own color palette and asks your opinion on it.
Asmo thinks you're hot. Definitely. 100%.
He's the type to bring you bouquet of black or red roses (whatever you prefer really), or even do your hair
Feel free to do his hair in return or putting your style of makeup on him, he'll take alot of pictures and posts it with the caption that you did the makeup.
Music? Yes. Listens to any music you play if he's in the mood he'd even asked for a a little makeout
🧡 Beelzebub
He doesn't mind it tbh, since i like to think that his twin also has a similar style.
50/50 on the music, he prefers pop punk but open to any music genres you exposed him to.
Would ask if you could do his eyeliner. (He moves alot) so you practically have to do it again and again for it to match so it's not lopsided.
Beel still loves you no matter what style you wear or what you do/listen to.
🩵 Belphegor
DING DING DING. love at first sight.
Belphie always asked you to dress him up or pick his clothes jusy cause he's too lazy to do it himself 💀.
Blasts music together while he just lays there like a dead person while you do your makeup/hair
Would always crawl to your lap whenever you're doing literature or writing about some gruesome poems he'll be there just deep asleep.
Doesn't really bother to go to those creepy dark places unless you're the one carrying him.
Would fiddle with some of your piercings if it doesn't hurt you.
Again im so sorry if there's a mistake i did about goth styles while writing this.
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nocaptainonthisship · 2 months
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Something Blue
"Hal, seriously, what the fuck?"  Even whispered, the words reverberated oddly in the little anteroom. Too much emphasis on the consonants, sharp and crisp the way she'd been taught. Even spitting mad, Galadriel’s elocution lessons lingered. 
"What?" He always garbled his T's, the letter half gone and half transformed into a D until half the time she couldn't understand what he'd meant to say at all. This one was clear, though, wide-eyed, playful innocence on his face. He knew what he'd done, no matter the confusion he feigned. 
"Keep your voice down. The photographer is right out there.” She bit her lip sharply and tried to follow her own advice. “We talked about this. Months ago." 
"You're gonna have to remind me, baby." 
"A black suit is not traditional. It's not appropriate! This isn't the funeral portion of Four Weddings and A Funeral."
In the tight space, standing so close, he had to tilt his head down to give her a full once over, as if his jaw hadn't hit the floor when she walked into the room five minutes ago. Well, they'd both been speechless, if for entirely different reasons. 
"Is this 'traditional', then?" he scoffed.
"Pardon me?!"
"Gal, you look like the girl from Little House on the Prairie.”
On a different day, she might linger on the way his accent grew thicker towards the end, as if the mere mention of the prairie called him to his childhood home. A different day. Not today. She would not be charmed by him today. 
"You want to insult my dress right now?"
"I was trying to pay you a compliment. You're the one being insulting." 
"I *told you*, Hal. I don't care that you're thirty-two and still clinging to vestiges of your woe-begotten youth." Woe-begotten he mouthed, lips quirked up at the corners. "You know what I mean." 
He did, he always did. The same way he knew when she said woe-begotten, what she really meant was working class and with an affiliation for punk rock and goth and all the dark and dirty aesthetics implied therein.
"You promised me you wouldn't wear all black, just for one day. I love you, exactly as you, but just one day so my mother doesn’t freeze me out." She'd been reduced to whining and wheedling now, and it wouldn't be long before the frustration bled into tears. Nothing had been going according to plan, none of it was the way she thought it would be. Earwen had commandeered and countermanded every decision she could until it barely felt like Galadriel’s day at all. She hadn’t even brought her mother to the dress shop with her, hoping that the clothes, at least, would be them and nothing else. Her eyes started to sting. "I told you about the blue, right? I gave Mel a swatch, she said she’d take it with her to get your suit, she... You promised me."
"Hey, hey, it's ok. Have I ever broken a promise to you before?" Galadriel sniffed before shaking her head. "Right. So before you come for my head, can I show you something?”
He stepped back as far as the limited space in the glorified closet would allow and unbuttoned his suit jacket. The trousers, it turned out, weren't nearly as baggy as they'd seemed at first glance. Yes, they weren't as close-fitted as was trendy, but the wider leg suited him, counterbalancing the lankiness that made his mother call him 'string bean' even to this day. The jacket, that sea of black which had first made her see red, opened and Galadriel had to blink a dozen times a minute so her tears wouldn’t spill and send streaks of mascara down her perfectly made up face. 
The lining of his suit, which the tradition she'd tried and failed to insist on would have favored a darker fabric, was a soft, baby blue. It matched her dress, almost too perfectly. Except for the places where tiny black words walked across the fabric. 
Without conscious thought, her hand reached out to touch it. "What is this?" she asked, unable to do more than whisper. The whole thing had rather stolen her breath away.
"Emails," he said, as if she was just supposed to know what that meant. She did know what that meant. Hundreds of emails across hundreds of days after he'd finished his exchange year at Oxford and she hadn't yet found the courage to transfer to Columbia.
Hundreds of times they'd said "I love you," without ever saying the words. Both too self-assured, too self-reliant, too stupid to take a chance on being happy if it meant budging an inch. Galadriel had been the first to cave, filling out her transfer application in secret. Halbrand, of course, was the one to assign true meaning to it, a pizza box sitting on the floor between them as they laughed and caught up. He'd said "I love you" - out loud and on purpose. 
Galadriel blinked the tears from her eyes. It was such a blatant display of unadulterated affection, sickly sweet and so thoroughly American of him, she vowed then and there never to mention this to her father or uncles, lest it be the subject of drawing room ribbing for the rest of their lives. 
Privately, she’d cherish this forever. She’d frame it, if she could. “Halbrand,” she said, her voice shaky, watery. 
“There’s one more thing.” He had that gleam in his eye, mischievous, secretive, up-to-no-good in a familiar way guaranteed to make her smile. He tugged his shirt from the front of his trousers, but before she had a chance to process the way her mouth went dry at the sight of the dark hair dusting his abs, he tugged up the waistband of his pants. 
Silky soft, baby blue. 
“Now, if you’re done yelling at me and blubbering at me-” he hunched down then so they were at eye level, so she could see him eager, patient, kinder than she deserved after yelling at him in a supply closet, and just the tiniest bit lascivious - “maybe can we go take these photos and finally get married.”
She’d tell him later, that the boxer briefs he wore were a perfect match for the lingerie set his sister Mel had gifted at Galadriel’s hen do. A set she now wore under several layers of tulle. 
Maybe she’d just show him. 
For @justatinycollector and @stitchingatthecircuitboard
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gunthermunch · 10 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
WG: hi Gunther: hi uh- sorry if i woke you up or something. i felt like calling. i don't know. WG: nah i was just… hanging. what's up? Gunther: ah uh- well. we're cutting our honeymoon short. Lilith had one of those really bad nightmares yesterday and she insists on going back with the kids. WG: seriously? it's not even been a whole week yet Gunther: it's that bad. i've never seen her this alarmed before Gunther: so uh- yeah. make sure to get Garrett from Caleb's before tomorrow night? please? she really needs the kids around. WG: yeah yeah. ahah. Bluma's gonna hate that Gunther: speaking of, i'm standing in the shore in my underwear because i want a starfish or something colorful and or shiny for said little lady. the sand feels horrible in my feet, i have to add. Gunther: how is she? WG: oh yeah. it's disgusting. WG: and she's doing excellent. Everything's excellent in fact; Bluma made a friend and Garry's first steps were right in front of me Gunther: …i'd need you to be more specific before i yell WG: i'm half joking. The house you and grandpa got includes a big freaking haunted maze, you geniuses. Gunther: what. WG: okay. I'll make a sum up. Gunther: i'd prefer all the details
WG: so are these forever or…? Caleb: oh no, nonono. well. not unless he learns or wants to control his mind controlling powers. Morgyn: if you ask me it' be fantastic to just glue those sunglasses on him WG: are you kidding? Garry's sick little powers could make us RICH Morgyn: and how exactly you plan on doing that? WG: dunno. infant robbery? i'm sure he'd love that Morgyn: my godness.
Bluma: the world has gone insane! all crazy! why'd they bring Garry back?! Bluma: not fair… and you! Jojo! Jojo why won't you sleep in the bed i made for your little body! Jojo: meow Bluma: i even gave you your own light because you've been on that basement for so long you must be scared of the dark! Jojo: mrow… Bluma: your- did your last owner let you sleep on his bed? is that why you don't like yours? Bluma: …what happened to them anyways? i saw the picture. Bluma: wish your kitty paws knew how to write… but i can't even read well either Gunther: hello my little flower Bluma: papa!!! Bluma: dad i missed you so much! so many things happened i really wanted you to see! Gunther: i know darling your uncle told me everything Bluma: all of it? Gunther: in big detail, yes. Even about your Jojo Gunther: how's he not dead? Bluma: dunno! Gunther: we need to get him checked in every way possible. The basement too, good lord. Garlic down there? Bluma: and ghosts! my kitty radio the Goth lady made spirit-y played a lot of music on it's own! Gunther: oh god Bluma: yes!! Gunther: now what are YOU so excited about Bluma: daaad!!! Gunther: …Bluma darling, there's something we need to talk about.
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