#yes i will be adding them to my bacc
melsie-sims · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: You can answer one or both parts of this question! 1️⃣ Part one: If you make Story posts, what do you do for scenes? Do you build them yourself, do you download lots from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? 2️⃣ Part two: If you make Gameplay/Legacy posts, what do you do for a house? Do you build it yourself, download a home from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? Additionally, do you build onto that home or demolish it and rebuild the house when needed? (E.G When another child enters the picture or someone moves in) ❎ If you do none of those for either half, what do you do? Do you use someone else's save file? (WIndbrook by Folking, Willow Creek + Magnolia Promenade by Theneighborhoodsave, Silent Pines by Silentpinessave... etc)
( freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
Thank you so much for the ask! I think SQOTD is such an amazing idea and I really appreciate you going out of your way to get some conversations going within the community.
1️⃣ I think I'm a mix of storyteller and gameplay blog so I'll answer both. I used to use poses a lot more when playing and telling stories, but now I more or less only use gameplay to influence the story and I find I really enjoy that. It's a lot more freeing than having to find very niche poses to convey the specific idea you have. As for builds, I do everything myself. I'm not a fantastic builder, but I really like it anyway and really like seeing a save file full of my own builds.
2️⃣ Same as above: I build my own houses and yes, additions happen. The way I play, most of my households start out really broke (often with 0 simoleons). The houses start off as a patchwork of rooms, added on as my sims make simoleons. Then after a while, if I have enough simoleons saved, I'll redo the whole house but keep the bones and maybe a bit of the aesthetic. It really depends on how ugly it was to begin with. 😂 The house I built for Bruno and Belle on the old Gateway Peak property where my founders lived when I started my BACC was a complete bulldoze. It looks NOTHING like the original.
Thanks for the ask! Can't wait to get more in the future! My inbox is always open! Happy Simming! 💚
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esotheria-sims · 1 year
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Random rambly updates accompanied by a random in-game screenshot!
First off: After much deliberation, I finally switched over to windowed full screen mode yesterday (yes, it took me THIS long to make up my mind about it). The giant screen is a total sight for my poor myopic eyes but my screenshots come out really long and I’m so not used to it. 😆 I’m looking forward to playing the game with the new settings, but really not looking forward to needing to crop every in-game pic from this point on.
So my question o the other windowed-full-screen simmers out there: How do you handle your in-game screenshots? Do you leave them as-is? Crop them? How do you handle cropping a bigger number of screenshots?
Secondly: I’m still confined to playing my game on the weekends only (being employed full-time sucks that way) which means I have limited time and can only do one or eventually two game-related things before Monday sneaks up on me again. This week, the ‘game-related thing’ was restructuring all my mermaid mods with a view to hopefully adding them to my regular gameplay sometime in the future. Midge’s Mermaid Mods Guide made the process so much smoother (all hail @midgethetree! 💚), but I still have to decide which of the countless, all equally gorgeous mermaid tail sets I’m going to get, and ofc settle on a somewhat consistent mermaid design. I think I’d like my mermaids to look a little more outlandish, kinda like on the pic above! The fella is a test mersim from a throwaway hood which I ended up playing for 5 hours even though I told myself I’d only go in-game to test the new mods, welp!
Last but not least: I’m working on a new BaCC update! There’s still a way to go, but I’ve made solid headway so far (21 out of 33 photosets finished, some 2/3rds still need captions). Dunno when it’s going to be share-ready, but I can tell you for sure that there won’t be a darn five-month gap between BaCC updates like last time. Progress! 😂
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episims · 3 years
anon from before, and yes the link works!! oh and ur so very welcome, i really do love the story/world u have crafted. I love anything spacey, supernatural themed so ur bacc is right up my alley. and im actually thinking about adding plant sims to my own medieval save because of you
Yay!! I def know what you mean by spacey supernatural, Foxfire is such a weird mashup of many things I love haha.
If you ask me, plantsims are worth adding! I know some people find them boring to play but I'm just endlessly fascinated by the concept of their physiology. For born plantsims it must be so weird how others constantly eat and sleep when they don't have those basic needs! And societies built around eating and sleeping must fail to meet their basic needs too.
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tanjavda · 4 years
So many ideas
Yes, I know, yet another text post, but I’m not really playing at the moment, so not a lot of sim-pictures to show.
I’m still working on defaulting the maxis cas-items to my liking, and it takes time. But I am loving it.
In the the mean time, the wonderfull @celebkiriedhel is figuring out my downloadsfolder, and I’m forever gratefull for all she does!
Both these things are making that my game is slowly getting together, and I love it!
I have been gettting inspired by the things I see passing on my dashboard, and by other things. This has lead me to 4 hoods I want to play, and maybe post.
1. Alcoa (bacc) - I still want to do this. The times I started this (before the crashing started) I really loved it, and I am really looking forward to start this again.
2. Woodlan Springs (legacy) - The first thing I ever played in the sims 2 was a legacy, it didn’t get any farther than starting the 2nd generation, but I really want to get further with it.
3. Strangetown+ - This is Strangetown, Bluewater Village, Riverblossom Hills, La Fiesta Tech and Downtown. I thought about adding Desiderata Valley, but since the current combination is already over 30 families, I decided not to for now. I might add it later on. Strangetown+ is a combination of hoods I never played, and that I don’t really know.
4. Rodona - This is just a combination-name for Rodeburg and Sedona by the lovely @aondaneedles. I’ve been wanting to play a custom hood for a while, and seeing these 2 I decided to combine them and see were I go.
I have to say, these are just ideas for the moment, but all of them I really want to do. However I’m not really sure I’m going to post about all of them, even though I really want to do, but I’m not even sure I will be able to play them all. I’m pretty sure the main focus will be on Alcoa.
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evilblot · 5 years
Henlo yes I'me bacc from the not-living
Hey everyone, welcome back to the shit show, today I’m gonna give y’all a brief account of what I did during my disappearance but feel free to ignore it if you don’t wanna dwell into my life since I’m gonna make a quick summary before the cut.
TL;DR: I’m gonna quote good ole Schopenhauer here and just say that life really just is a pendulum swinging backward and forward between burnouts and boredom mental illness. BUt now I’m here so let’s just pretend everything is fine and nothing has never happened, so we can all resume our good ole routine :)
Also if you ever tagged me during these trying times, rest assured I’m gonna check it out and eventually reply to each and every single one of yous, and same goes for DMs. If I still don’t reply just tell me, change are tumblr ate it or I’m just preparing something special eheheh. And again, sorry for everything I didn’t mean to make y’all worry but sometimes it just be like dat…
⚠ I had to do the internship again exactly as I had expected.
So, without digging up the quarrel between me and my company tutor because it still boils my blood to think about it, basically my complaint for the treatment received caused me the entire internship, ergo I had to once again work my ass off to find another place to spend another two months of my life on.
Luckily, I eventually found a place where not only did I do what I like but where I found fantastic people who made my new experience wonderful, but what I had to undergo in the previous days was sincerely traumatic and I don’t wish no one ever to be in such a situation.
⚠ For reasons that go beyond the mere academic profile but which I don’t intend to deepen because I don’t feel like it, my mental health is hanging on a thread that is 👌 this much close from breaking.
In a nutshell, between the aggravation of my depression, the degeneration of my anhedonia, the immovable mental block and the appearance of panic attacks as never in life, I legit got the worst burnout I could ever brew in this wretched body of mine.
And to add salt to the wound, I’ve also fallen waaay behind my exam schedule so my plan to graduate in June went to shit. For now at least, since lately I still managed to work and submit a couple projects so the damage is still bad but not irreversible.
⚠ Also I haven’t been drawing since October and I’m dying inside because I can’t even find the strength to do the things I like :)
And it’s not like I have no ideas, for heaven’s sake. In fact I have too many, the problem is that I can’t put them into practice even if my life depended on it.
And it’s the same for everything else.
I know I have to or want to do something, but I just can’t. And it’s frustrating and it hurts and I spend the nights in bed gnawing at my liver knowing that I’m throwing away time but I can’t help it. I’m stuck in limbo and I don’t see the exit.
⚠ Reason why I forced myself to go to therapy.
I started the sessions the second week of January and am continuing them regularly every Thursday.
My therapist is an exquisite person who is genuinely concerned about my situation and is trying to help me as much as possible despite the fact that at each meeting I manage to further disturb her by adding more and more problematic pieces of my person lol
I ain’t saying that we’re making progress, since it’s too early to see any of it, but it’s certainly a beginning and if everything goes in the right direction, eventually I’ll be able to start again and perhaps, someday, even heal… But for now this is enough for me.
Also because if I continued on my own I doubt I could go on like this for much longer :)
⚠ I have a dog and it’s the only good new in this shit list
His name’s Kratos, he’s a 3 y/o Amstaff I adopted from the dog shelter and I’ve only had him for three months now but if anything happened to him I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.
⚠ Also I got new glasses and they’re fabulous.
I felt the need for change in my life and therefore the smartest thing that came to my mind was to change my iconic glasses. Old black rectangular is out and gold octagonal is in. Now I’m the same as the reference of my self-insert for Pippo Reporter and the hilarious thing is that I didn’t realize it until it caught my eye while I was searching for another file in my Drive lol
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Aaaand that’s it, now I’m better and I’m slowly getting back to being a functional adult, so just forgive my ramblings but y’all’d be used to it by now lmao
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silvershorebacc · 5 years
On Community Funds
A while ago I asked on my main simblr whether people would be interested in learning how I intend to manage money in this new BACC of mine. Nerdy post with my current concept coming up. As per usual I’m open to suggestions. I’d definitely be interested in knowing how you handle this, if you have sort of a community fund.
This first developed in my main save, but since I didn’t implement it there from the beginning it’s a mess over there (as is almost everything these days, tbh). So when I started the new BACC I decided to implement a community fund from the beginning and properly work with it.
1. Technical Implementation
I have found that the easiest way to have a community fund is using a spreadsheet. I might be biased because I love spreadsheets. I’ll gladly spend a whole day at work doing statistics in Excel. Yes, I’m weird. Aaaaaaanyhow. I set up a very simple table to start things off. Every round I tally the money added to and taken out of the community fund. At the top I have a tally to show me the current balance.
Here is a screenshot to illustrate. I’ll explain what happened here in the following paragraphs:
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2. Increasing the Community Fund
Taxes: Every week when my sims pay their bills I note the amount they are charged and put half of it into a (imagined) community fund.
Donations: If a family makes a lot of money during their week they might donate more to the fund. For example Caden was very busy with crafting bathtubs one week, so they had around 20.000 simoleons to spare at the end of the week. I decided they’d donate half of the money earned that week into the community fund.
New Sims: In my mind the community fund isn’t just money. Especially in the early days of a BACC I think of it more in regards of being the effort the community can put into building a new lot. Thus I add a flat 5.000 simoleons for every new sim who moves into town.
3. Paying for Community Lots
Now, you might be wondering what I’m using the community fund for? It basically pays for community lots. So far the only lots in my BACC are a beach and a museum (at the time of this post still a bit of a WIP). The way I used this was to first build the lot and make sure all the required items were on it, then having a look at the lot value and deducting that from the community fund. I do usually round the amount to a nice number. I also don’t make them pay for the lot itself, so it’s really just the cost of the building and all furniture on it.
One thing I’m still unsure about is how to deal with future extensions to community lots. I’m slightly worried that if I make them pay for everything I’ll get bored by always having pretty basic community lots. It might also get a bit too confusing to keep track of everything. So my vague plan for now is to have them pay for the first building. It does have to complete all the lot requirements for the venue in question and it can’t just be “cheated” by throwing the required objects on the lot without thought, but it also doesn’t have super detailed.
Take the museum, for example. It didn’t have landscaping in the beginning, but it did have all the requirements like toilets, an easel, a proper building, lights, and display cases for the statues. I have since gone back to it and landscaped it. We also have various collections in there now, as well as masterpieces painted by Mahelt. The lot value is definitely higher than 20.000 simoleons now, but I won’t take any more money for it out of the community fund for now, because tracking how much I actually spent on additional furniture and landscaping (as opposed to things that the residents found/crafted and donated to the museum) would be a bit of a pain. I might eventually decide to deduce estimated amounts for bigger additions, but I’m still very much thinking about how to handle this.
As an alternative I’m contemplating having a flat fee for each lot type. Like having 5.000 for a simpler lot like a park and 20.000 or even more for something more elaborate.
4. No Free Money
Usually when sims move out of their parents’ house they get a healthy 20.000 simoleons. Which is nice and all, but I eventually noticed in my old save that I got bored by that. My sims would usually start in very similar houses. The solution? No free momey! When they move out I’ll use the money cheat to adjust their funds as well as their parents’ funds. The money they get has to come from their parents’ account. This also helps with the issue of families just getting too rich rather quickly.
When a new sim moves into town I randomly determine their starting funds (between ~10.000 and ~50.000 simoleons). Again, helps against the boredom. When sims can’t afford a proper home with their starting funds they’ll either have to rough it for a while, or they might get additional money from the community fund. I’ll probably eventually have a sort of boarding house lot for new sims who struggle with money until they find a reliable source of income (although tracking their individual accounts might get tricky). I recently opened a sort of retirement home for elders in my main save; this boarding house for sims just starting out will probably take a similar form.
Well, this ended up being longer than I had anticipated. Feel free to leave your thoughts on the system. Are you using something similiar? Suggestions on how to improve it are always welcome, of course. As you might have noticed this is very much still a WIP.
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
I really like your new hood. What kind of visual editing are you doing? Also, what exactly are the rules of this hood? I tried looking it up with the tags, but alas, it wasn't explained fully. Is this a Zombie Apoc challenge? I'm doing a variation of the one on MTS2, but it takes place in post-War California, circa 1939, if Germans invaded the US. Please let us know your rules for this hood! Thanks! child_of_air
Oh dear, this is going to be really long, sorry. :)
1) The pic-editing. I made a Photoshop action to do that. At first, I was going to edit pics of that neighborhood in a warm, low-contrast sepia-tone. Because I like sepia-tone. So, I fiddled with an existing sepia-tone action I had (one meant for regular photographs) to make it work with Sim-pics. It does everything non-destructively, with adjustment layers, so the original image remains intact "underneath." But then I decided that I wanted SOME color but still low-contrast and matte and kind of grainy. So, on top of the sepia-toning layer group, I plopped down another copy of the original image and set a "Soft Light" layer blend with the layers below to merge it with the sepia-toning. THEN I edited a "film" Photoshop action that I had on hand to make it work better with Sim-pics, then ran THAT on the copy of the original image. Again, it works via adjustment layers, non-destructively. Then I reduced the opacity of the "film" layer group and the second copy of the original image so that the sepia-toning below merged better with the added-back color, resulting in the kind of images I've been posting.
THEN I recorded ALL of the above into a one-click Photoshop action that'll work on most Sims-pics. It'll sometimes need to be further adjusted, especially if the original image is really dark, like an outdoor nighttime pic with little or no light source, but for many pics, it's just one click.
I could share the action, if anyone would be interested in having it or fiddling with it for their own use, but it is still dependent on the other two actions that I edited. I'm not sure how to share all three together since one of the dependent actions is bundled with about a dozen others. I don't know how to extract just the one. I suppose I could just share the whole bundle, though. It's a very nice bundle that offers lots of nice effects, actually! :) I'm pretty sure it's one of the hundreds of free ones my hubby has, since he has the ones he paid for in a different folder on the networked external archive drive... Well, if anyone wants it, let me know, and I'll look into it. :)
Now as for the rules....
There really isn't a hard-and-fast set, I'm afraid. I'm kind of making things up as I go along. Initially, this was SUPPOSED to be just a neighborhood to test out some of Sun & Moon's stuff and some playing ideas prior to using those things in another neighborhood I'm developing but where I don't want to experiment. Then it kind of took on a life of its own. *laugh* It has BACC elements merged with the "backstory" of an Apocalypse that can also easily be a "pioneer" or “homesteading” kind of thing with no apocalyptic undertones. :) There are also some elements of an "integrated" playing style. In its pure form that would mean that everything has to be "built" in-hood, with nothing just appearing out of the air. I don't want to go full-on with that -- too tedious and therefore un-fun, IMO -- but I do have some supply chains. More on that further down.
Basically, it goes like this: The end of civilization was coming (Plague, nuclear war, zombies, who knows? And who cares? :) ), and only one person seemed to realize it. That one person was in college at the time. So, rather than focus on his studies so much -- After all, civilization was ending so there goes that MBA and lucrative corporate career, right? -- he focused on making as many friends as possible and convincing them that, "Hey, world's gonna end, we need to get outta Dodge and make a new world." Slowly, he gathered a group of friends -- people who lived in the dorm, a few professors, hell, even a cheerleader -- who believed him and started to make preparations. Everyone else made fun of them, of course, but who cared about that? They were all gonna die or whatever. After graduation, they left, trekking out into the wilderness with (in my imagination) enough stuff like preserved food and potable water and seeds to plant and candles to burn and shovels and saws and stuff like that, to get them by for a while.
And sure enough, they were right! Civilization collapsed. Infrastructure was destroyed or became nonfunctional. Telecommunications systems were gone even if there'd been electricity to run such devices. This group of 16 is out in the wilderness, and other survivors/escapees/whatever are wandering around, too. But the core group has a collectively-agreed-up mission to work cooperatively to make a new and better and simple-living world: Peaceful, completely egalitarian, communal, a world where money and power neither exist nor are desirable, where everyone works together, willingly, for the good of the collective, a world living in harmony with nature. (Basically, my ideal world. *laugh* I really am a communist at heart, only without the oligarchical totalitarianism that modern attempts at communism have been corrupted by.)
At first, they all lived together in one place, sleeping in quickly-built, rough cabins, doing potty business in bushes, collecting rain water for makeshift showers, and eating food that they brought, that they grew/gathered, or that they caught. All the while, they were busy putting together the "raw materials" they needed to build individual houses to live in, each dedicated to a specific function that benefits the community as a whole, the fruits of which would be shared equally with the entire community. Each time a production goal was reached, one person/couple could move off the communal "raw materials" lot and into the lot that could be "built" from the gathered raw materials. And the community grows from there.
Meanwhile, there are those other folks, wandering around alone and frightened and helpless in the wilderness, having escaped whatever the disaster was that occurred. Sometimes, members of the community meet up with them while they're out scoping out the territory. Those poor souls can be brought into the fold as well, added to the communal lot and becoming contributing members of the community.
And that's as far as the "story" goes for now. :) Bear in mind that my neighborhood is age-modded with this mod, so my Sims have PLENTY of time to live out their lives. Not sure playing this way will really work with the standard-length lifestages. You'd have to figure out ways to speed things up rather a lot, I would think or else your founders will be dead before they can even earn a house, much less reproduce and stuff. :) But anyway, the "rules," such as they are, so far:
1) No careers. No vacations. No Uni after the initial "gather your founders" part, if you do that. No subhoods at all. And no money, so if you want to you can give your households a million simoleons because it simply doesn't matter.
2) No electricity. No indoor plumbing. (I intend to add those things as they are "earned," down the line, but only at the earliest when the first born-in-game generation are adults. Haven't figure out exactly HOW it'll be earned, though.) No phones. No nannies, repair people, maids, gardeners, etc., unless you want to set up some sort of in-neighborhood system for that. (Which is certainly doable; I plan to do it later, once my supply chains are in place and I'm looking for "employment" for new people.) No vehicles except "vehicle horses." (Only once you have a horse farm!) Use candles for light sources. Use only charcoal grills for cooking. (Unless you want to download an historical-type oven, but I'm trying to run this with less CC, not more, and I want there to be some big rewards for earning electricity.) Don't use an electric fridge. (I'm using this one.) Use an outhouse, not indoor flush toilets. Use mods so that water has to be gathered to use to fill bathtubs and sinks. Stuff like that. 
3) I recommend using the Visitor Controller to ban all but playable Sims from every lot. Also ban mail and newspaper delivery. You COULD make the neighborhood from empty templates and no stealth hoods, yes, but then you're going to lose the "meet people by hiking" thing, which is how "new blood" gets added to this neighborhood. That function draws from the NPC household that includes things like the BV tourists/locals and the hobby leaders and stuff like that. If you use empty templates and whatnot, you won't have that.
4) Get yer founders. I did this via sending Komei Tellerman to Uni and having him focus on making friends amongst the dormies, professors, and Uni NPCs so that all the founders would at least have a strong relationship with him, if no one else, but you could just make a bunch in CAS if you’d rather skip that part. Or if you don’t have Uni installed, of course. :)
5) Build an initial lot to dump everyone on. (I teleported them with the Sim Blender, aged them to regular adults, gave them the extra want slots they should have as college graduates, etc., since they weren’t yet playables in Uni.) Include everything they need for basic motive-filling but not much else. (You could put a working stack of books somewhere if you want them to skill, but really? With no careers, skilling isn't really all that necessary.) There will also need to be ways to make/gather raw materials. Here's the layout of the one I made, with some useful links to stuff I used on it. This lot houses the founders, any new members added to the community, and ALL born-in-game Sims once they reach teenhood, until they earn individual lots.
Note: For me, I did not want kids on this lot. They have to wait until they earn an individual lot for that. So the only place to autonomously woohoo is the park benches I used as seating for eating. But, I have ACR set so that woohoo on sofas/park benches requires privacy...which is hard to get on a lot with no real walls and a bunch of other people living on it. :) If you DO want them to have kids, then they could woohoo in the cabin-tents, but ACR doesn't enable autonomous tent-woohoo, so...yeah.
Note 2: I let the communal lot run pretty much entirely on free will, only commanding certain Sims to do certain things at certain times. That way, the residents form their own relationships and either succeed or fail at taking care of themselves. They also develop different sleep schedules, which is nice for the player, less of them to keep an eye on at any given time. :) It's also easier to NOT micromanage 16 or more Sims at once, naturally. But this, of course, would be up to the player and how you like to play.
4) Earning a lot: The communal lot has choppable trees, the mining rocks from Sun & Moon's mining set, and Nixnivis's blacksmith station on it. I have fiddled with the trees and the mining rocks to make them autonomous, and the rule is that Sims can never be commanded to chop trees or mine ore. They must decide to do that themselves, so production is limited by how industrious your Sims are. Further, the mined ore has to be "refined" (into things like nails and other things that go into a house). For this, I use the blacksmith station, just having a person make that object's basic single horseshoe object as as "stand-in." (This isn't autonomous; it's one of the things that Sims can be commanded to do.)
NOTE: I could share the edited autonomized choppable trees if someone wants to use this idea; I don't think Beck would care. But sharing the edited autonomized mining rocks would break Sun & Moon's policy, so if you want that, you'd have to do the editing yourself. It's not hard, if you can run SimPE.
In order to earn each new individual lot, the communal lot must produce 75 bundles of chopped logs and 40 horseshoes. And each horseshoe “requires” 2 buckets of ore, so you need to keep track of how many buckets of ore you have in inventories and subtract out the appropriate number of ore buckets when a batch of horseshoes is made. (Just sell them "to the air;" money doesn't matter. Much of the crafting in this hood will work the same way, too, with "prerequisite" objects that need to be produced somewhere first, so get used to the technique. *laugh*) So to get those 40 horseshoes, 80 buckets of ore have to be (autonomously!) mined first. Once you have the required materials, remove them from inventories and sell them to the air. Then, you can build an individual lot and move whoever you want to own the lot out of the communal one.
(You might want to adjust the requirements needed for how you play. For instance, if you don’t want to go pure free-will, you should probably have much higher requirements. If you don’t age-mod, then you’ll want to adjust simply because you just won’t have time to earn lots with enough time left over for your Sims to have kids to keep the neighborhood going. So, yeah. That’s certainly not set in stone; it’s just what works for my set-up.)
5) Supply chains and stuff: Before you build your first individual lot(s), you're going to want to choose what that lot will be dedicated to, because that will dictate how you build it. My list of possibilities -- so far, that is; it's ever-growing as I get new ideas and figure out how to implement them -- is as follows:
RobotsFlower ArrangingToy-MakingPotterySewingSpinning/KnittingWeavingCattleChickensHorsesPigsSheepGoatsWineryPaintingDog/Cat BreederBeesBakingMarijuanaCandle-makingFishingHayCornMaxis OrchardBasketryHerbs/WildflowersHunting/TanningTrappingApothecary (Plus reagents, if witches)Blacksmithing
Some of those are Maxis things. Some of them are CC. Some of them don't actually exist and I'm using stand-ins instead. (Like, for instance, candle-making. Sun & Moon's beekeeping set produces beeswax as one of its end products, along with honey. They didn't yet make a candle-making station, though, so in the meantime, I'm just gonna use the robot station or something and pretend. They can make toy robots that can be one-for-one "exchanged" for functional candles, which can then be distributed. It's easy to do because money doesn't matter.) Most of them have "prerequisites." I'm not going to go into how all of these will work because I'd be here for days, but I'll give you one example of a supply chain and its prerequisites and stuff.
Let's talk about the sewing supply chain, clothing and blankets and stuff being the ultimate end-products of that supply chain. In order to have new clothing and towels and quilts/blankets and other nice decorative things like that, first, at the very bottom of the "pyramid," you gotta have someone who'll grow hay. Because you can't have sheep (and other livestock) without something to feed them. And you can't have wool without sheep. (Or growing cotton or flax for linen or making silk or something, and if I can figure out how to make THAT happen, I will. I have an idea brewing for marijuana -- think hemp -- but for now...sheep.) And you can't knit a sweater or produce fabric without cleaning and spinning that wool into yarn/usable fiber/thread. And you can't have fabric without someone with a loom to weave it. And you can't have leather (for shoes and stuff) without someone killing some kind of animal (domesticated or hunting wild ones) and tanning the hides. ONLY THEN can you have someone making new clothing. And at each step, there's a kind of conversion. Like "1 spun basket of wool = enough yarn to make 1 sweater." So, you sell the basket of wool (obtained from the sheep farmer) to the air, then "spin" (via a CC spinning wheel plus an invisible sewing machine to make a few potholders or something as a "stand-in" for the process), then you sell those potholders to the air and use Beck's knitting ball to make one piece of clothing which can then be distributed and used to "buy" one sweater or whatever.
That's how everything basically works in a supply chain, some of which have more steps than others. Producing new clothing would be the longest one I've come up with so far. So, when building your lots, if you want to use supply chains at all, you must start out with the "anchors" of the supply chains you want to have. If you don't want to be that complicated, you could just pick randomly or pick whatever appeals to you.
6) Individual lots: Plop down a lot. On that lot, build a house but leave room outside for the lot's function plus the outhouse, the outdoor fridge, a well/water pump and a garden. (Eventually gardens can go away, once you have enough food-producers that can consistently produce enough to distribute amongst the population. But until then, folks will need to grow stuff.) The size of your lots is gonna depend on you and how you play. Me, I like smaller lots and I don't mind cramming large families into small houses...which suits a "pioneer" sort of lifestyle, anyway. So, my individual lots are no bigger than 3x3, and the house itself (they're all the same, just different colors, different furnishings, and oriented differently on the lot), for a child-producing household, is a 9x9 square with a 3-tile deep front porch across the front. Floor plan here.
7) Unlike a BACC where CAS Sims are “earned” by certain events, any new, non-born-in-game Sims have to be met via hiking. (It’s one of the possible outcomes of hiking.) It’s a substitute for being out “exploring” or “looking for wandering domesticate livestock to capture” or whatever. If a non-pet “someone” is met, that person gets added to the communal lot, joining the “queue” for an individual lot. (I just use the Sim Blender to teleport them into the communal lot and add them to the household.) I prefer to age up any children to teen and age down any elders to adults, but that’s up to you, of course.
Annnnnnd that's about it, really. I have yet to figure out exactly how the "economy" is going to run. At the moment, the individual lots are still producing stuff with not enough to distribute yet and I don't have any full supply chains yet...but I need to figure it all out soon. I'm leaning toward just equally distributing end-products in truly communist style, but I'm not sure yet. I could list some more miscellaneous rules...but I think that's enough for now. *laugh*
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
It’s been months but I finally managed to play the Sims 2 again!
...because I stopped trying to fix my medieval CC and make that game work, and went and got excited about a totally different, easier hood that does not require a mountain of CC to function. Don’t worry, I’ll go back to the Megakingdom eventually, I just could not handle more struggling to fix it without being able to play. Plus, Encanto got me real fired up about the Disney Themed BaCC I almost finished setting up last year!
Welcome to Lake Buena Vista.
Very basically, it is a BaCC whose inhabitants are all from the Disney Animated canon, and maybe one day a little Pixar. I am going in chronological release order, and must add every character I choose from each movie at once. And yes, it follows that I must then earn all the CAS points for all the characters from the next movie before I can add anybody. I’m also using a light social class and hierarchy because I love those and it’s super fun with dozens of royal families, with some added flavor of D&D-style alignments and True Love making any marriage legal. And careers unlock with guild halls. I can elaborate on anything if asked, but I just want to explain quickly and get to the pictures.
My founding families are from five movies, and there are 41 sims in total so far. On the one hand, yikes that’s a lot, on the other hand, I’ll need 7 CAS points for the next movie and I’ve never played enough of a BaCC to unlock anything yet, so maybe it balances. Besides, it’s my game I do what I want. Anyway, my founding movies are Snow White, Pinocchio, Melody Time, The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, and Cinderella.
(...there are so many movies that I deliberately chose to set aside most of the animal-focused ones to potentially use for a round two if I get all the way through this monster. Including many members of the Duck family, because The Three Caballeros.)
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Argh, new EA games folder and I forgot to bump up the photo settings. Oh, well, it’s still pretty adorable: Snow White shyly flirting with her Prince! (Prince Florian, by the way, not Charming. Charming is Cinderella’s prince; Florian is this dude’s canon name.)
You will note I am using modern clothing; I figured when I started this that it would drive me bonkers to try to download and maintain clothing for ALL the various time periods and settings of ALL the various movies. So they’re getting approximations using the CC I already had in my modern game. I’m trying not to make it too OUAT.
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Their luxury cottage! Snow White is the Ruler of the neighborhood, since she’s the royal with the most seniority. There will be opportunities for the assorted royal families to rise and fall. Oh, and that’s just a garden club guy next to them, he’s nobody.
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They kinda ran out of money partway through. Snow White can build an official castle, as the ruler, but that’s gonna be out of tax money, not starting funds. In fact, the whole neighborhood’s version of BaCC Roughing It so far is partially built mansions--I started from the top down.
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Cinderella! I... will get better pictures later. I put in all the great default skins I used in the Megakingdom, and everybody is Super Pretty now!
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Prince Charming...
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...and their half-built manor.
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The Evil Queen from Snow White, here known as Grimhilde Tuefel. I have been using a combination of canon names no matter how obscure, and culturally appropriate made up names. I swear I wasn’t going for OUAT Regina here, she just turned out that way! I am VERY EXCITED about her most promising potential love interest, by the way, and it’s not anybody you’d think it is.
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Her Huntsman, Humbert Forester. And I believe that’s a Humanized Mouse From Cinderella in the background--yeah, that’s going to be a thing. Anyway, the Huntsman lives with the Evil Queen for now, but they’re not actually into each other.
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Grimhilde’s dark estate, also half-finished. That’s the Blue Fairy and Stromboli from Pinocchio out front saying hi. ETA: actually that is NOT Stromboli, it is Grumpy! We apologize for any confusion and extend deepest apologizes to Mr. Grumpy Goodmountain.
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Here’s the Blue Fairy on her own turf. I named her Blue Celeste, and decided to count her and the Fairy Godmother as nobility. We are going down the heirarchy in this overview, and within a class Good always starts out ranking above Evil. That’s why Prince Charming and Cinderella outrank Grimhilde.
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Blue’s house, perched on a hill.
I actually think I’ll stop there for the moment; there isn’t that much to see with such blurry pictures, and I didn’t take detailed interior shots because they aren’t fully decorated or anything. But this is what I did all day--built way-too-big houses for my founding royals and nobles. After Blue comes Lucinde Verene, the Fairy Godmother, then Grand Duke Raymond Lamaire, and finally Lady Eleanor Tremaine with her daughters Anastasia and Drizella. Then two merchant families of Gepetto and Pinocchio Tiraboschi, and Katrina Van Tassel; and many peasants: the Goodmountain family of Dwarves, Jiminy Cricket, Pecos Bill and Slue Foot Sue, Johnny Appleseed, a household of humanized Mice From Cinderella who share the last name Souris but are not all related, Ichabod Crane, Brom Bones, young Lampwick, Honest John Foulfellow and his associate Gideon Gatti, and Stromboli as has been spotted (ETA: actually not so much).
...it may take me a million years to get up to the Madrigal family, but I do plan to clone the neighborhood and find a safe way to duplicate each sim as I create them, so that I can have one properly played out Disney BaCC going through time, and one Anything Goes Just Dump Them All In The Hood Together At Once And Have Fun hood. Because of course the most fun part is seeing who the game chemistry pairs off; you don’t even know, I have barely started and it is already delightful.
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quinndominion · 7 years
Replies to Replies
holleyberry replied to your post “Replies”
I'm already obsessed with the neighborhood. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I can't wait though, because I've been devouring anything Widespot lately.
Ah, then you should probably know that Valentine is the only Widespot character in this bit, and he doesn’t even know such a place exists yet.
My own obsession with the hood itself can be found in my BaCC in Widespot posts - only except for the last 15 chapters or so they’ve all been Photobucket-fucked. I did fix up the Intro and Pregnancy Prologue posts (in case anyone wanted to see where it all began) but it will be slow-going getting to the rest of them.
IIRC you’ve been playing Widespot for some time now, but I think I probably went in the opposite direction for the longest time in that I didn’t really read anything else Widespot-related. Mainly because I was doing the challenge, which was a totally new play-style for me, and taking on characters I didn’t create. Seeing what everyone else was doing could’ve easily sent me in a million different directions so that I probably would’ve only posted about as often as…I...do...now. And of course now I’ve got such a backlog of sims-stuff to read that I don’t know when or how I’ll ever catch up.
(Or y’know, you could just ignore me and take this ringing endorsement from Peni, lol.)
penig reblogged your post and added: “Replies”
Holleyberry, yes you do! It’s a long time between updates, but always worth the wait. And you of all people can appreciate the amount of work she’s putting into this.And Quinn, what is this “already?” I saw it around 8 and was done reading by 10, after wrapping up a couple of other things so as not to need interrupting. And then I felt bad about how long it took me to comment. As usual the first comments are short and a little random. I always have to do at least two read-throughs, and never remember to make notes.
Already, yes, Peni! Thanks to Dreamwidth having nothing like LJ’s stupid character limits on posts, I was able to keep it all together because I wanted it all together - but I didn’t believe that anyone would actually read it in one sitting. Figured you might get through Cut One and come back a few days later for the rest. But of course this is even better because you got the full effect, particularly the context of the probably fully expected “twist” at the end that even he realises he should’ve seen coming...after it came.
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aondaneedles · 7 years
A whole lot of replies
The crew of GSC#7
jaydesims said: Ah I’ve missed them too! ❤️
They are still one of my most favourite Sims (and my favourite BACC idea- yes, they are actually a BACC, how’s that?) and they- well, their templates are still safely tucked away on my external harddrive... one day.
Good morning, Sandy!
didilysims said: She doesn’t look like she’s ready for this level of responsibility yet!
XD. She’d probably much rather have the raise without the added responsibility (let’s just pretend she was promoted to Senior Masseuse or sth...)
Vacation time!
greenfooddog said: Exciting!
didilysims said: Have a blast! (Though you’re probably back now :P)
Thanks! It was lovely. Been there before, but took my bf along this time. he loved it, too. Got a tad too “comfy” with airport security, but other than that, it was lovely. Probably shouldn’t attempt to enter the United States, ever. XD
eulaliasims said: As she has always planned to do! I, for one, welcome our new avian overlord.
Hail Polly, conqueror of the Sim World.
didilysims said: That face. She’s just asking us to try to stop her.
The parrots in this game are clearly up to something...
Joe f*cking up, again.
holleyberry said: Doh! Sandy?!
Hey, she’s all about free love! If Joe accepted...
German punctuality
didilysims said: Wow, for international flights here it’s recommended to arrive 3 hours early–minimum. I miss Europe! :(
Well, due to ~Europe~ and the fact that GB is still part of Europe (sorry, Brexit fans), it is a lot less rigid here. Even with the heightened security (they really did step up their game since last year), turning up 80 minutes early was more than enough.
Baby Plantsims!
holleyberry said: Oops!
didilysims said: Those darn spores are tricky!
They really are. (No, really. While I did that one on purpose, one misclick and you suddenly have a new household member. Not sure if EA thought that through... Then again, not many Simmers play Plantsims).
Kaylynn, the mean room mate.
didilysims said: Oh this is going to be good.
What could possibly go wrong?
Kaylynn... lurking...
didilysims said: Whatcha doing Kaylynn?
Dunno, stuff? Do you really want to know what she’s doing there?
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
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Roleplay Server Log #232 “Raptor Rescue pt1″ 
[CP] Notices how quiet the house is and comes upstairs to see what's going on-
[TLOT] Goes racing by outside-
[CP] Frowns at TLOT and pokes his head out- Oi!  Fuck off!
[TLOT] No time for arguing Cp!
[CP] Decides to follow out of boredom- You better not destroy any fences, I don't want to have to round up the horses again
[TLOT] Bolts into the hole that leads to the sub-seed -
[Steve] Comes running up as well and passes Cp following him -
[CP] - The fuck is going on?
[Steve] Sputters - possible emergency!
[CP] Follows silently-
[TLOT] Runs into the cage and spins open the portal to his home seed. The desert heat washes into the room and a nervous Testificate thrusts a scroll and a live parrot at him. He makes polite nod and closes it again-
[Steve] Grabs the paper- These are the coordinates?
[TLOT] Yes. - focuses on the bird- talk!
[CP] Is really tempted to shut the door on them-
[Parrot] Looks terrified and then opens it's beak - "No! Please let him go, he hasn't done anything!" [screaming, some crying and mixed raptor calls]
"Xen tat kxojo vackx0 vcojxruwj wok xoho! Kxo0 jxeict dek xulo rood urco ke vadt kxoah nu0! Xihh0, kxhen kxom ad!" It's very growly, but very much understandable as speaking
"Ted'k cok kxuk fuhhek wok unu0! Jemoedo suksx ak! De---" It gets quieter at the end, before cutting off entirely
[Steve] Goes very quiet-
[TLOT] Shit...
[CP] - The fuck was that?
[TLOT] It's... a message. It was found after some explorers vanished in an un-mapped part of my seed...
[TLOT] Mentally- Mix... Can you tp to me please? I really need your help. - Steve...?
[Steve] Is already running back out the door.
[CP] - I swear if your villagers have been praying for me...
[Mix] Do I need to bring anything? -in reply-
[TLOT] Camping gear. Maybe a weapon. Mostly I just need your expertise.
[Mix] Alright, be there in a bit
[Steve] Comes back with four pairs of Testificates all wearing backpacks. - Ready.
[CP] Is even more tempted to shut the door now-
-The offensive pod above lowers itself, curious about why there are so many in the room-
[Steve] Watches the pod nervously and warns the villagers not to stand directly under it.
- /Player MixMiner tp to HerobrineTheLordOfTears / -
[Mix] -The TP does the happen, She's still pulling the second gauntlet on as she appears- Here! What's up?
[TLOT] Gives the parrot a poke so it will repeat the message. - Can you understand the non-Testificate speech?
[Mix] Uhh.... -thoughtful look- ....Yeah. Who taught a lightfoot... or other dino for that matter... to say filthy flesh bag? -slightly amused but worried expression.-
[TLOT] Lightfoot... So there are still some remaining.... Steve? You don't have to go.
[Steve] Knows the Testificates are looking to him to lead them and swallows hard- But I will anyway.
[Mix] What's wrong? What happened?
-Mix looks worried-
[CP] Reaches up for the lever-
[TLOT] Cp? Come on. You're obviously not doing anything today. And there will likely be fighting involved
[CP] - Yeah, but my paperwork has probably built up...
[Testificates] Eyeball Cp. - There are a few loud thoughts that are a bit critical -
[CP] Flips them off and pulls the lever-
[TLOT] Don't fuck with the door! We need to go!
[Mix] ... Guys? If we're dealing with lightfoot I could probably go get some stuff that might help in peaceful negotiations...?
[Penut] I thought he was some kind of general on his home seed?
[CP] - And if I don't wanna?
[TLOT] Then by all means. Get it. You're the expert.
[Jelli] Me too... I wonder what's wrong with him?
[Coffi] Maybe he's getting old?
[TLOT] Be nice...
[Coffi] NOTHING... Sir!
[CP] Is growling on the other side of the door-
[Mix] Alright, a sec
- /Player MixMiner_tp_to_EndermenSky / -
[Coocont] If he doesn't wish to fight without his mate, that is sensible.
[CP] Slams the door back open- SHE DOESN'T NEED TO FIGHT!
-The offensive pod hisses a little-
[Testificates] Clump together-
[TLOT] They're Keeshan pairs Cp. They don't fight without their husbands.
[CP] Growls- Fine, I'll fucking come...  But first...- He tp's away but speaks mentally to TLOT- Just let me know when the portal is open
[TLOT] I have to wait for Mix anyway.
[Mix] Uhh.... Alright that should do it...I'm pretty sure.... TLOT, heading back now
- /Player MixMiner_tp_to_HerobrineTheLordOfTears / -
-Mix's bag is a bit bulging and she's tied her hair back into a bun, a trio of feathers tucked into it.-
[TLOT] Shifts the eye of the portal to get close to the coordinates and opens it again- He leads the Testificates out through it onto a beach on the other side and calls for Cp-
[CP] Quickly tp's to the portal and shoves Stevie through before coming through himself-
[Stevie] Falls on the sand- Oof!
[Steve] Helps Stevie up-
-They're just outside a Jungle. A.. Massive one. It's just an island of jungle. Amazing.-
[Testificates] Seem glad to see Stevie and some greet him warmly
[Stevie] - The Nether was that for!?
[CP] - If I have to suffer through this then so do you
[Stevie] - I was about to start something!
[Mix] -Trots through and looks around carefully, homing in on the jungle and nodding slightly.-
[TLOT] Start what?
[Stevie] - A gift for Alexis
[Testificates] Walk in pairs and stay alert.
[TLOT] That's really sweet Stevie. But we're on a rescue mission, I hope, and she'll understand.
[Stevie] - She doesn't know, and who are we rescuing?
-The jungle is alive with the calls of parrots, and the occasional pained skwak as an ocelot gets one of them-
[TLOT] Grimly - some of my people. I hope.
[Stevie] - I see- He pulls out his diamond sword
-Rustle Rustle close by-
[Mix] -Head snaps in that direction, whole body shifting almost naturally.-
[Mix] Well, if it is some lightfoot, they're more active than the lazy children that sleep with my horses. *snort
[Testificates] Pull out their own weapons. They're thick batons with a short jutting handle.
-Distanter rustle-
[TLOT] Is listening and following the sounds
[Steve] Actually Cp... Your diplomacy may be just as handy as your fighting skill...
[CP] Spawns in his own weapons, making his brother nervous-
[TLOT] Gestures at the delicate scarf around Cp's sword- That's really pretty. It looks like Lie's hair-
[Mix] .... *turning head this way and that, very carefully
-Rustle, closer-
[CP] Curses under his breath and starts trying to get the scarf off-
-Rustle! Raptors surge out of the brush, almost enough for the whole group! Mix straight up hefts the one going for her over her shoulder with practiced ease, slamming it down onto the ground hard. The others however...-
[Stevie] Immediately goes for a stab at the one which comes after him-
[CP] Gives up on the scarf that's on his sword and just uses his pick-
[Testificates] square up and pair off, they go at the ferocious beasts with their batons, parrying claws and jaws with the thick staves. They're not killing, but they are bruising the hell out of the raptors and knocking out teeth and effectively driving them back. Each pair fights as if they were dancing, in perfect harmony, and with wicked efficency-
[TLOT] Backs up to Steve and lashes out with his scythe as Steve fights off the beasts with his enderpearl sword-
[Mix] -Just rests her foot on the stunned raptor that had tried attacking her, watching everyone-
[CP] Jams his pick through a head-
[Raptors] are more cautious fighting the brines and focusing on the Testificates-
[Testificates] Form a phallanx and push the dinos back-
[Raptors] Are growling and leaping about trying to corral or cut off the tight knit group-
[Mix] -lifts foot a bit, letting the raptor under it scramble to it's feet-
[Mix] -Raptor just eyes her a bit before swinging back and darting off, abandoning the rest-
[CP] Let's off a burst of fire, creating a ring around the group-
[Stevie] - Keep your backs to each other!
[TLOT] Already on it!
[Mix] -Eyeing the remaining raptors carefully-
[Mix] ....You. -Immediately dive rolls a raptor, easily rolling straight under the thing, snatching it's tail and tugging it along into a heap-
-The other raptors screech to a halt, spinning to watch their leader essentially get tugged into submission and promptly screamed in the face of. They scatter. Very, very fast.-
[Mix] -Just sitting there on the raptor, glaring down at it with, surprising ferocity. Yikes.-
[Raptor] Jkef! Jkef! A walo if! -Flailing and trying to scratch at Mix. Bent at the weird angle it is though it can't quite reach her.-
[TLOT] Wow... That was, really effecient. Nice job Mix.
[CP] Doesn't let his fire die-
[Steve] That one looks fancy. Did you get the leader or something?
[Mix] When you grow up with this bullshit you get really, REALLY used to shutting it down. -squinting at the raptor-
[Testificates] Do a little cheer for Mix-
[Raptor] -Still trying to scratch, but very wary- A... jihhodtoh? Te dek bacc mo, A row!
[Mix] A neictd'k bacc 0ei, kxo hot wi0 kxeiwx? Xo mawxk. Av A cok 0ei we, nacc 0ei ro weet? -Scrutinizing raptor, nods at CP once in the statement-
[Raptor] -vigorous nodding-
[TLOT] Trying to use his psychic powers to get a feel for the conversation. - Yeah... Agreed.
[CP] - Can I kill it?
[TLOT] They're negotiating Cp.
[Stevie] - I don't like this...  Negotiations with mobs usually results in them attacking me in my experience...
[Mix] -Slides off raptor, who promptly hops to feet, and is clearly considering bolting-
[Mix] Hugggghhhh..... I hate-- No, you can't CP. But my point is proven.
[Mix] Xo cakohucc0 zijk ujbot av xo seict bacc 0ei. M0 feadk aj fhelod.
[Raptor] -Gulps and turns a bit, eyeing the jungle distance- A.... Nx0 0ei xoho?
[Steve] At Stevie- Just gestures at the Testificates who look slightly offended.
[TLOT] We want our people back, they did not mean to invade your territory.
[Stevie] Gestures at his brother in response-
[Steve] He's not a mob. He's a brine. More like a player.
[Stevie] - And created armies from mobs which would attack and kill me
[TLOT] Geeze Stevie.... having a bad day?
[Mix] 0eih kharo eh foefco xulo foefco ev xaj kharo. Xo nudkj kxom rusb. Sud 0ei rhadw ij ke kxom? -Gestures at TLOT once-
[Raptor] -further hesitation, glancing at TLOT, then at Mix, and finally a BIT warily at CP-
[CP] Glares at the raptor-
[Raptor]Jemo uho tout. Kxuk edo suddek semo. -Points accusingly at CP-
[Mix] -covers face a bit-
[TLOT] Well you did attack us...
[Mix] -taps foot a bit- Ughhh........ -shakes head- They're saying they'll bring us but CP can't come.
[Stevie] Loud thought at TLOT- If necessary I can hold them off, I'm just as strong as my brother
[TLOT] At Stevie - It's fine Stevie. We can all handle ourselves in a fight.
[Mix]Xo'j wek ke semo. Fuhk ev eih... Kheef. Xoul0 xakkoh. -Hand wave at CP-
[Raptor] -angry look at CP- De! Suddek semo!
[Mix] Alright CP, you can beat it up a bit.
[CP] Quickly darts in and swings pick at it's leg, aiming upwards-
[Raptor] !!!!!!! -Frantic yelp and leap back, just narrowly avoiding that Pick.- Vado! Sud semo! Veccen! Boof if! -Turns tail and runs-
[Mix] Follow it! It's changed it's mind on letting CP join! -soft snort before rushing after Raptor-
[Stevie] Jumps over his brother's fire-
[TLOT] Rallys his people and they all rush after the fleeing raptor-
[CP] Groans and flies after them-
[Raptor] -Rushing along, a large wall and gate are visible and are it's goal. Mix easily keeps up with it, used to bullshit like this.-
[Raptor] -Hits a lever, raising the gate and diving under the raising metal-
[TLOT] Uppercuts the gate, crumpling the metal and sticking it halfway up-
[CP] Flies over the wall-
[Stevie] Darts under the gate-
-The inside is still lightly jungle, although cobble is the ground mostly inside. It looks like a large village, but most of the buildings are in the trees. Raptors are up in the trees doing daily things, but freeze at the sudden arrival. The raptors doing daily things on the ground all turn to look at the Raptor that tears past. Most raptors surge back as the group follows the raptor past, not wanting to get involved as they all look pissed.-
-Raptor is heading into older territory, the jungle turning to swamp, theres a large building in the center of the swamp, but the Raptor ignores it in favor of heading for a hole in the ground, mostly made of cobblestone. It stumbles slightly on the stairs.-
[TLOT] Makes a grab for the raptors tail-
[Testificates] Are hot on his heels, as is Steve.
[CP] Turns to make sure nothing is trying to attack from behind-
[Raptor] -Snaps jaws at TLOT's hand, tumbling the rest of the way down the stairs. It bounces off the wall before scuttling down a hall. It's clearly a dungeon.-
-Nothing is interested in attacking, yet. They're mostly following warily, although a few break off to rush for the big building in the swamp.-
[Stevie] Turns and faces away from the open hole- I'll guard up here!
[Testificates] spread out so the pairs are each guarding a section of the way out-
[Steve] Lobs a wood block at the fleeing raptor to try and stun it-
[Mix] -Glancing at the cells as they rush past. Most are empty. Some have stains of, some kind in them.-
[Raptor] -Screech at Them and dive down another hallway, skidding to a halt at the end and frantically waving claws at the cells.- Kxoho! Kxoho! Kxoho uho kxoah foefco!
[TLOT] Is pounding down the hall even more determined -
[Mix] It says they're there, TLOT.
[Steve] Are they okay?!
[TLOT] Runs to the cell doors-
-Three testificates are huddled in the corner of the cell, eyeing the Raptor warily. They've clearly seen better days.
[TLOT] Is this all of them?
[Raptor] Ucc kxuk homuad, 0oj! -nervously shift away from TLOT-
[Mix] All that remain? -worried expression-
[TLOT] Gets a rather dark and angry look- You let them out right now.
[Steve] Oh no....
[Mix] -Doing the shy away now too.- Cok kxom we. Fcoujo, roveho TLOT xuj u vhoub eik eh jemokxadw.
[Raptor] -flicks a lever and ducks to hide behind Mix as the Cell door opens. The testificates look hesitant but hopeful at the sight of TLOT and Steve.-
[TLOT] Touches their minds to get some basics on each of them and says their names softly- Bee, Spork, Candelabra...
[Steve] Who's missing?
-Raptors doin the edge closer to the dungeon entrance, wanting to know what's happening.-
[Candelabra] -sliding infront of the rest to get close to TLOT and Steve warily. Clearly the keep it together figure of the three.- Muug and Handle, Father Steve. Muug and Handle are missing.
[Raptors] !!!!!! -Don't understand, but do understand the generally pissed off tone and back off.-
[Stevie] Is keeping his guard up with his sword, noting his brother's circling to keep an eye on all the entrances from above-
[Penut and Jelli] Are the closest pair to the entrance and pass the raptors behavior along the line verbally-
[Steve] I'm sorry... We came as soon as we got your parrot. The people in the last village you passed through found it and sent it to Kore.
[Milk] Sirs... There are an awful lot of raptors at the entrance....
[TLOT] Turns his bright eyes on the raptor that's still nearby- I advise you not to try anything stupid...
[Mix] This kind of.. is their home, they probably want to know what the fuck's happening. -neat, mix cussed.-
[Raptor] -Uses Mix as a shield even more-
[Mix] How well are you at repeating things? -to milk-
[Steve] Is checking them for wounds and passing out healing potions.
[Milk] Pretty good-
[Mix] Pass this down the line and have it yelled out to the raptors. A'lo rood kect ke ju0 kxaj! Oloh0kxadw aj vado, No xuhm aj semadw ke kxo hufkeh adjato, deh ud0 ekxoh hufkehj kxuk mawxk ro xoho. Fcoujo, walo kxo odkhudso u weet tajkudso! A te dek nudk xuhm ke semo ke 0ei. A te dek idtohjkudt tadejfoub, A um mohoc0 u mojjodwoh, fcoujo te dek ju0 ud0kxadw veh mo ke fujj, A mawxk mojj if.
[Candelabra] I'm just.. We're glad you came, Father Steve.. It's been, rough here.-They seem relatively well, but are injured and clearly haven't had much to eat.-
[TLOT] Geeze, let me help with that. - He pulls out the parrot and transfers the words to it instead. - Just walk it outside and pull it's tail if you have too-
[Milk] Grabs the Parrot and his mate with his other hand and they run back up the line-
[Milk] Holds the parrot high once outside
[Cheez] Gives it a little smack so it repeats the dinospeak-
[Steve] Is pulling out food from his inventory and passing it around.  It's mostly cooked meat, bread and cheese-
[CP] - The fuck does all that say?
[Mix] -rubs hand on face- Ugh..
[Raptors] -Scuttle forward to listen to the Parrot. There's some chatter amongst eachother before they all move back, most sitting and staring toward the dungeon entrance.-
[Cheez] No idea! Mix said it!
[Milk] Seems to have done something at least....
[Stevie] - I still don't like this...
-All the testificates eat happily, grateful to have food.-
[Mix] I wonder if it's just the usual chief system here.... -taps chin a bit-
[TLOT] How is it normally? Just biggest one runs the show?
[Mix] Never actually figured it out. Hm.... Bigger place though so it might be different...
-Panicked raptor fleeing-
[Cheez] Do you ever stop complaining? You're embarassing yourself.
[CP] - Do you realize how easily I could kill you?
[Milk] Please don't...
[Penut] Don't you dare!
[Jelli] He won't do it. Herobrine would make him adopt their kids as punishment.
[CP] - Oh fuck that!
[Stevie] Just groans-
[Mix] I should go find out... Might be easier to fight off wars if we get this cleared up now..... -tap foot-
[TLOT] Gestures for her to lead on.
[Steve, Pinapple and Creme] Help the other Testificates to their feet and start to walk them out-
[Mix] -Leads the way back out, the raptor keeping clear ahead.-
[TLOT] Is hovering over his group keeping everyone safe and togeather - Who's in charge around here?!
-Confused chattering-
[CP] - Now can we fucking leave?  Or am I allowed to set this place aflame?
[Mix] -Trudge ahead, just heading for the big building only to pause and turn back- Hey Cp! You wanna be really intimidating and maybe beat up something with me?
[TLOT] Shoots a thought at Cp- The one time I need your diplomacy skills, you're going to pull this shit?
[CP] At TLOT- Not my seed- At Mix- What am I beating up?
[Mix] A leader. Or two, maybe. Don't know how many actually. Can you keep quiet and just loom really menacingly behind me until I tell you to have fun? You can't kill them though and It'll be hand to hand. No weapons. -taps chin a bit-
[CP] - Fiiiiiiiine
[Mix] I maaay need to put some stuff on your face though.
[TLOT] Is acting like a mother hen with a bunch of chicks-
[CP] - No
[Mix] But CP......
[Mix] -pout-
[CP] - Answer is still no
[TLOT] Just do it anyway Mix. If this is some kind of local thing-
[Mix] But CP ya gotta.
[Mix] I can't hold him down to get it on, TLOT. I'm like half his size and weigh a third of him!
[CP] - You can't even reach my face
[TLOT] Uses his weight trick to scrunch Cp to leaning over and still-
[Mix] Thanks TLOT! -delicately starts applying... something... to CP's face-
[Steve] Warpaint?
[Mix] Not a clue, they taught me to do it and I didn't ask.  To be fair I was like.... 5 when I was taught.
[Stevie] Is outright laughing-
[CP] - I will murder you Stevie!
[Mix] Hm.... -tilts head a bit-
[Mix] -switches for a different color and keeps working- I don't have any featheres that fit you but honestly it doesn't matter, you don't really need any.
[Milk] Offers the terrified parrot to Mix-
[Mix] -thoughtfully looks at parrot-
[Cheez] Plucks a tailfeather as the parrot loudly yells part of the message in response-
[Mix] -looks at CP a bit and nods- One more color... I'm thinking yellow..... -Takes tail feather and scrutinizes CP more-
[CP] Is growling and very close to catching on fire-
[TLOT] Better hurry Mix....
[Mix] I'm trying!
[Mix] -Does the last few dots before tucking the feather into Cp's hair- There! *thoughtful look
[Mix] Yeah, that's good. Cmon, CP.
[CP] Has a few flames flickering around his finger-
[TLOT] Licks his hand and pinches the fire out before letting go of Cp-
[Mix] -Heads for the large building in the swamp-
[TLOT] Shoves Cp along-
[CP] Grumpily follows-
[Stevie] Still chuckling a little- I know I'm going to catch Nether for laughing, but I couldn't help it
[Steve] I think it would look pretty ferocious if he popped up like that unexpectedly...
[Mix] -Finds the entrance and enters, glancing back to make sure CP followed-
[CP] Is following, but grumbling a little-
[Doc] So, Daniel, what else is new?
[Daniel] well we have been busy taking care of eddy and Edward and the pokemon while gem built the tunnels and... wait... aw oh my god. -all the guardians seem to be excited about something-
[Lie] - What is it?
[Doc] Some kind of good news?
[noah] steph and gem are a couple now
[Doc] That was quick! Awww..... nothing like love at first sight huh Lie?  -winks-
[Daniel] well I ship them
[Doc] Laughs - Man... I don't think I've ever heard those words aloud. I'm not making fun, I'm glad she's happy.
[Lie] - Same here, that's great news
[noah] I am pretty sure eddy and Edward will be ecstatic
[Lie] - Now they'll have three moms
[Doc] Three times the supervision too.
[eddy] -in English- three mommies? -gets super excited
[Doc] Gestures at Yaunfen. - Yaunfen only gets one and a half mommies.
[Lie] - That they do
[Yaunfen] - Burp!  Mada!
[Edward] -teleports over the fence to get closer to yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Sniffs at Edward-
[Edward] -tries to pat yaunfen's head-
[Yaunfen] Tries to eat Edwards hand-
[Edward] -teleports back over the fence-
[Doc] Be careful Edward, Yaunfen may not have teeth but they have a strong bite all the same.
[Lie] - So, are Aven and BEN inside?
[noah] yea they should be in the tree house you could either go though the main house or fly up to the bridge.
[Doc] Okay, we'll go visit a bit-
[Lie] Heads for the front door-
[Doc] Admires Gem's garden as they pass by and knocks on the door.
[Daniel] no one is in the main house just go though
[Lie] - Ah, alright.- She opens the door and steps inside
[Doc] Calls out, not too loud-  BEN? Aven?
[BEN] Is upstairs, watching Hyrule crawl around-
[Doc] Peeks in. Xe taps on the doorframe to not startle him-
[BEN] - Hm?  Oh, hey
[Doc] Sits down on the floor- How's Hyrule doing?
[aven] -is face deep in a chest as she is organizing it and getting all the dangerous things out of it so hyrule can't get to it when he can finally open it himself-
[BEN] - Moving around
[Doc] Notices Aven - is it almost time to put the breakables out of reach?
[aven] -hears her name and jumps up hitting her head on the lid of the chest-
[BEN] - You okay?
[Doc] Oh.... that sounded painful. Are you okay Aven?
[aven] i'm okay just hit my head I have hurt my slef much wose before
[Doc] What are you doing anyway?
[Lie] Crouches down to look at Hyrule-
[aven] getting all the dangerous things out of this chest so hyrule can't possibly get to them when he can open the chest
[su] -walks over to lie and doc and yips-
[BEN] - Careful, he's motoring around pretty fast
[Doc] Pats the fox- Hey BEN, dosen't your game have locked chests?
[BEN] - Yeah, in the dungeons and temples
[Doc] Might be a good way to keep someone out of your stuff...
[BEN] - Yesh, but I don't wanna go through all the temples to get the keys, plus our chests only hold like one thing
[aven] if it holds only one thing it's not worth the trouble in my books
[BEN] - Same
[Doc] Hmmm. I guess just hook them high on the ceilings then.
[Lie] Picks Hyrule up- I think somebodies getting stinky again
[Doc] Decides to distract BEN quickly - I have something for you if I can borrow you for a minute-
[BEN] - What?
[Doc] Makes a clear gesture for "little ears" and crooks a finger, before getting up-
[BEN] Frowns, but follows-
[Lie] Once the two are out of the room she turns towards Aven- Should we bathe the baby?
[Aven] -plunks down a caldron that was in the chest- yes
[Lie] Fills it and starts working on bathing Hyrule- Soooo, Doc and I found something recently
[aven] what's that?
[Lie] - We...  May have found our NOTCH's...
[hyrule] -is giggling and splashing-
[aven] gem must be freaking out
[Lie] - I bet, mine is a child, but Doc's has been hounding them since getting here...
[Yaunfen] Sniffs at Hyrule-
[su] -hops over yaunfen-
[aven] doc's notch sounds like a ass
[hyrule] -splashes yaunfen-
[Lie] - Well, Firebird killed him a bit ago, didn't you see the chat?
[Yaunfen] Tries licking Hyrule-
[Lie] - Yaunfen no
[aven] must have missed that I've had my hands full with hyrule since he has started to crawl
[Lie] - I bet- She pours a bit of water over Hyrules head
[hyrule] wa-er -giggles and splashes-
[Lie] - Yeah!  Wa-er!
[aven] hyrule is such a cutie
[Lie] - And all clean!
[hyrule] -splashing-
[Lie] - Ready to come out Hyrule?
[aven] I don't think he will ever want to come out
[Lie] - Well you'll have to for now, otherwise your daddy will get mad
[aven] -grabs a towel- got the towel
[Lie] Pulls Hyrule up out of the water and hands him off-
[aven] -dry him off then bring him to the changing table to get him in a new diper-
[Doc] Makes sure BEN is out of hearing range and opens hir inventory in a conspiritorial way. - You haven't asked me in a while but I know it's something you like and I'm sure you're going to be plenty stressed when Hyrule starts running around-
[BEN] Immediately perks up- Pot?
[Doc] Pulls out small stack of fragrant buds the size of saplings, they're glittery with crystals- Just don't smoke around the baby. It's probably super bad for someone developing.
[BEN] Quickly takes the plants- Yeah yeah, probably still won't have much time for this anyways
[Doc] Eh, that just means it'll last longer. No need to overdo it. I'm sure you're just as relieved as I am that Slender finally went home too. I've got enough stress as it is.
[BEN] - Fuck yes, I didn't want him anywhere near Hyrule
[Doc] Same. He's small and vulnerable. It's really a mixed blessing that Aven can't leave the game.
[BEN] - Yeah...
[Doc] What's the matter? She came from out there originally, it's not like she's never been.
[BEN] - I'd like to take her to our game, just the two of us...  But I can't
[Doc] Oh, because she can't be seperated from Gem... that is hard... But you could still load it on a console inside the seed.
[BEN] - It wouldn't be the same.  There's only one original copy of our game...  At least glitched wise
[Doc] I thought it made people crazy? That there was something deadly about it? Or is it just that people playing with it get your attention?
[BEN] - You play our game, you die, simple as that, but it wouldn't harm either one of us
[Doc] That's harsh... So what's so special, wait? Is it the same version we fought in?
[BEN] - No, that was one of the copies I made
[Doc] Gives BEN a gentle poke in the arm, - you almost had me back then-
[BEN] - If I had been at full power I would have killed you
[Doc] Nah. I'm pretty hard to get rid of. I would have recovered eventually.
[BEN] - Whatever- He glances back towards the door they left
[Doc] Pfft. So how's Aqua? Any sign of words? They got big awfully fast.
[BEN] - I don't know, I avoid that thing as much as I can
[Doc] Come on, it's not a thing. And dragons are usually pretty smart.  I hate to think you guys are just leaving him in that pond all alone.
[BEN] - Gem and her guardians take care of it, you know why I don't get near
[Doc] I know, but I still think it's something you should work on. Actually as someone who controls water, you and Aqua could be a hell of a team battle-wise.
[BEN] - Nope, not happening
[Doc] Just think about it. I'm not pressuring you.
[BEN] Sighs- I'm going back in
[Doc] Follows him-
[BEN] Enters the room again and stiffens at the sight of the cauldron-
[Doc] Hmm...
[aven] -is holding a clean hyrule-
[Lie] Takes a step back-
[Doc] Case in point...
[BEN] - Get that water out of here!
[Doc] Pulls a sponge from the creative and stuffs it in the cauldron-
[aven] that works to clean up the water
[BEN] Growls a little before approaching his mate and child-
[aven] -kisses ben on the cheek just because she can-
[BEN] Small hum-
[Yaunfen] - Burp!
[su] -is running circles around yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Lunges at Su, somewhat aggressively playing-
[su] -yips and tries tot roll around with yaunfen but he is bigger-
[Doc] Gives Aven an approving nod. And Lie a slightly mischevious look - So Lie. Hopefully I don't need to remove your ovaries again?
[Lie] Blushes- No!  Nope!  Nada!
[Doc] Good. You guys mind if I check Hyrule's code?
[aven] not at all
[BEN] - Why?
[Doc] Just looking for errors or anything unusual.
[BEN] - Fine
[Doc] Does a scan of the baby and a quick normal exam- Good. Perfectly healthy and clean codes to boot.
[Lie] - That's good.  We should probably get going though
[BEN] - Why do you care?
[Doc] Well beyond the obvious reasons involving compassion, it has a bearing on whether Bloody Painter and Judge Angels give up their Insanity to have a little one of their own.
[BEN] - Oh joy
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melsie-sims · 2 years
do you have any bacc rules updates that you decided on by yourself? mostly i mean for the packs that aren't mentioned in the rules; nifty knitting, cottage living(?), dhd, mws, etc.
Hello and thanks for the question anon!
Yes! I added my own rules for almost every pack that came out in the last year and some of them vary from the official rules because I usually updated mine before they updated theirs.
I didn't add anything special for Nifty Knitting, except that the new aspiration counts as a JOKER when completed.
For Cottage Living I didn't add any new rules because we didn't get a new career. If I'd started a new BACC in Henford I would've added Living off the Land along with Off the Grid to start. Sims would've had to complete something to remove that challenge... maybe completed the Country Caretaker aspiration.
For Dream Home Decorator, the career is unlocked when sims have maxed both the painting skill & handiness skill, as well as the freelance maker career.
I have yet to purchase the pack, but for My Wedding Stories I've decided that to unlock wedding venues, you need to complete all six of the new MWS events. I also have a modded event planner career that must be unlocked. Tartosa can only be unlocked as a new world when wedding venues have been unlocked.
I don't really play with occults in my BACC (yet?) but I'm sure I'll make up rules for the new werewolf pack as well when it's released. I'll keep everyone posted when/if I do.
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esotheria-sims · 5 years
Replies, pt.2 :)
In which I drabble with @skyburned about my latest rotation. Made it into its own text post for easier tracking, and also because I would’ve ran out of characters if I tried to add these with the comment option.
skyburned replied to your photoset “Dinner time. The same crowd from this afternoon is gathered at the...”
All that hotness at one table and there's poor Ambrose relegated once again to bussing the table. What a sad face. ACR may prevent any romantic interactions between teens and adults, and your own preferences of course, but Phillip needs to take a second look at Marcus. He's not going to be a teen for long and the Queen seems breathless when he's near. What a backstory! Are you going to try to go there again or just let it happen and maybe lose it?
“Poor Ambrose" has become a bit of a chorus around here. xD As for Teen/Adult romance, the only thing keeping it from escalating right now is my own vigilant micro-managing. I forgot which mod it is that enables ACR interactions for Teen sims (some sort of ACR plug-in, I think?), but it was exactly around the time I took those pics that I added it to my game... and sure enough, immediate results. It’s funny (and even sort of ironic in a way) that it was her who developed a crush on him first, because I kind of imagined it happening the other way around... so yes, Phillip absolutely needs to take a better look at Marcus (and maybe try to be a little more supportive of his friend, even when he thinks that what he’s after is off-limits...or heck, especially then! I’m not saying that Phillip’s harsh words might have come from a place of lowkey jealousy, but I’m not saying it’s impossible, either). 
And since you brought up backstories and old times, I coincidentally happened upon this old post of mine just today. It contains the full Blackbird-Moonfeather family tree the way it was back in 2013, and gosh, does looking at it give me nostalgia! Which brings me to your next question (that also happens to be The Gretchenfrage of my entire BaCC): am I going to try and go down the same route as before or do something different this time? Well... I’m going to be a tease and say - stick around and find out for yourself! ;)
skyburned replied to your photoset “We have a full house, and someone’s gotta feed all those hungry sims....”
Aruena is so pretty, she needs to take a more personal interest in the persons doing the cooking or table clearing. Marcus outshines everybody. Rosalind and Feanor never slow down!
Say it louder for the people in the back! I wouldn't say that Aruena completely ignores the help (or those offering help), but she's definitely not as close with them as she could be, given a chance. Pity, she's missing out. But hey, she might change her mind - you never know! Can't ignore that cloud of tousled silver hair for too long. ;) As for Feanor and Rosalind, they've been at it for Two. Entire. Rotations! So yeah, ‘never slowing down’ is an accurate way to put it.
skyburned replied to your photoset “As a great lover of the Arts, Aruena was delighted to find out that...”
Yeah...Phillip and Rosalind...if he hangs around long enough he's bound to see something embarrassing! Is Aruena's interest in Marcus confined to the easel? He is so gorgeous.
Knowing Rosalind's track record, it probably wouldn't be the first time poor Phillip walks in on something he absolutely didn't need to see. xD It's fortunate the bedroom is all the way up on the 4th floor, it significantly lowers the chances of him accidentally stumbling upon the lovers... unless he goes out of his way to look for trouble, but that's another matter entirely. And if you've been following my latest posts, you probably already know that it isn't just Marcus' love for art that Aruena admires about him... ;) (I tried to take it slowly with the two of them, but apparently ACR was having none of my bull. xD) 
skyburned replied to your photoset “Don’t be fooled by Ambrose’s stern exterior, he’s actually a pretty...”
The way Aruena was watching Ambrose, I wondered if she was admiring more than his maid performance. Feanor and Rosalind look so good together! Love the photo by the stairs with her dress all spread out - just lovely shot.
Are you a psychic? Because sometimes it seems like you’re able to read deeper into my game than what I care to show on the screen! :D It’s true, I caught Aruena heartfarting over Ambrose a couple of times, though I choose to ignore it for the most part. He plays for the other team, they’re not exactly compatible in status... and besides, it’d be really awkward for both siblings to share a lover. Ambrose may be cute, but he’s no Don Lothario! :P As if Feanor bedding his sister’s best friend wasn’t bad enough already, lol! And speaking of the two sweethearts - I love how the pic by the stairs turned out as well! I don’t tend to pay much attention to how my pics are coming out as I shoot them, but that’s not to say that I can’t revisit them at a later time and admire them in retrospect. :) Thank you for your lovely comment(s), seeing you in my notes never fails to lift my spirits!
skyburned replied to your photoset “@thepathofnevermore and @blackswan-sims tagged me for the Flashback...”
Just gorgeous. Your work is luminous. Marcus glows but what you manage to do with him, to keep him the way he IS while still making the changes you want so he fits with the environment, well I'm in awe. Also, thank you for all the support you've given me...
You’re too good to me. ♥ ‘Luminous’ is hardly the word I’d pick to describe my 2010-era sims (looking at them always gives me a pretty bad case of The Cringe xD), but I AM happy with how Marcus ended up looking, all things considered. The 2010 version may have been bad, but you could say it served its purpose. :) And you're very, very welcome! You know it's all from the heart.♥
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spacetechnique · 8 years
Slowly towards completing Step 2 and starting on Step 3
Status Update
I've followed up the Rainbow-01 satellites with new more streamlined Rainbow II, this satellite is smaller and it's far easier to pack multiple of them aboard a single mission. The Rainbow II should give me a great idea of the kind of satellites I'll need to likely bring 4-8 of on the prep missions prior to the final Jool mission.
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Rainbow II satellite
There won't be much to change in this design for quite some time as the OKTO2 is the only thing that's going to lighten it up--though I may consider going to ROUND-8 tanks if there's enough Δv in them.
Other than that, I've launched 3 small probe science missions as part of the DBuster program. Two probes were sent to the Mun and the third to Minmus after the first two probes determined that the LV+delivery system had more than enough Δv to handle the trip with fuel to spare.
And on that note...
RCS engines are not so bad, but they are bad
I'd always known about RCS engines as an ultra-light low thrust alternative to parts like the 48-7S and LV-1 Ant, but had always done the mental math as "well, it's clearly going to be heavier because there are more nozzles." Still, no time like the present to try it out, eh?
The current Dbuster program probe, which has flaws (namely, 2x RV-105 instead of 4x, what was I thinking?), looks like this:
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DBuster I in the VAB
This probe's 4x Place-Anywhere 7 RCS ports and 2x RV-105's provide 10kn of thrust amounting to 792 m/s Δv with 0.315t in fuel from a single Stratus-V (I'll probably have to add more thrusters later)
For the weight, you'll all agree, this is terrible! An Oscar-B tank + LV-N? 2.23 TWR (Thrust-to-weight ratio) with 1400 Δv, Oscar-B + 48-7S? 19.5 TWR + 1200 Δv (the RCS thrusters in the example yield about 10~ TWR thrusting aft)! So what's the edge? Landing safety, and only landing safely, exclusively and entirely only and exactly landing safely.
There is no other upside.
650 Δv is more than enough to hit the ground at the Mun or Minmus, and with the RCS thrusters you gain 100% control over the ship as it comes down. My three test flights, while far more expensive than regular engines, had 0 difficulty landing or adjusting their landing zone once down. A polar landing that would have put me in shadow below a hill with a standard engine (or with a requirement to do some dangerous hops, constantly fighting to zero out angular velocity while stabilising from a hop) with the RCS thrusters I was able to slide sideways on descent and land squarely on a comfy plain nearby.
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1. Initial landing location. 2. After adjustment landing location at 79° 41' 12" N by 3° 27' 57" W
So for 14x the price you can guarantee a safe landing in an optimal location. I enjoyed my fiddling with the RCS engines and can recommend them firmly on ease of use during descent -- however, anyone more price-minded should absolutely steer clear. Reaction Systems Ltd. and STAEDLER Engineering Corps have completely failed to deliver cost-effective engines... which makes sense because these things aren't engines..... so good on them I suppose.
Satellite alignment for optimal constant coverage.
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The inner two axes have the 4 Rainbow II probes. One at 45° degrees and the other at 135°
Set yourself into an orbit that is exactly some #of hours, for example, 2 hours, once into that circularised orbit break off a relay and burn up to an orbital period of 3 hours.
As soon as that's done, set your node to circularise at your periapse again.
This will allow your first relay to travel halfway around it's orbit, then slow yourself on the other side.
With 3 probes it's about the same idea, except you add 40 minutes (putting you 40m behind, or 1/3rd of 120 mins) and then run the orbit.
I can't believe it was this easy. Thanks to Youtube channel Matt Lam for the tutorial that finally put it all together for me (I've set this to approximate start of the important bit)
With a total success around the Mun we've just got to send the Minmas probes next and then step 2 is complete.
A final note: I've gone with this pattern of two axes to try and guarantee signal to all parts of the Mun at once, if 2 craft on 1 axis are at N and S pole, then the 2 craft on the other axis are at W and E poles, giving nearly total coverage. Obviously my setup didn't go perfectly but Minmus is the goal and that's where it needs to be perfect.
Electrolux II and the Rainbow II mission.
Almost immediately after developing the Bissel II I mirrored the success by creating the Electrolux II, a medium lifter capable of carrying 3x the Bissel's load into orbit. I did opt for less Δv to spare by using a pair of BACC Thumpers, but at $21,000 and utilizing 2x Advanced Inline Stabilizers I felt I was already pushing the limits of cost effectiveness as I know I'm able to move that payload to orbit for 15k or 16k from past experience.
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The Electrolux II-01-LV.
What's the real difference? The Electrolux II is the same base shape as the Bissel, but with double the fuel and an LV-T30 as the central engine. The BACC boosters fall away and the first stage has fuel pipes to equalise the fuel supply, guaranteeing they all run out at the same time and fall away together.
I chose to develop the Electrolux II so quickly because of the MIGHTY need to move 4x Rainbow II satellites into an orbit at the same time. I wanted to make sure I had enough fuel in the second stage to do multiple fairly significant inclination changes once in the desired moon's orbit. I figured an LV designed to lift 7.73t into space lifting a payload of barely 2.5 (the individual Rainbow II sats are 0.48t) would end up with a ton of Δv remaining, and I was right, the Rainbow II mission entered Low-Kerbin Orbit with roughly 2000 Δv remaining, practically the entire second stage's fuel supply.
The Minmusian landing was actually driven to action by this mission (ah how things fall into place) as I'd completed the Rainbow II satellites and the Electrolux II but was uncertain if they'd be aerodynamically sound without a fairing - surprise they were not. I could not manage to keep any of the earlier Rainbow II test flights stable and eventually had to launch launch DBuster 3 to Minmus to gather the science required for the AE-FF1 Airstream Protective Shell.
The results were not pretty, but eminently stable, as the four probes on top of each other stacked higher than the fairing wanted to go so I had to resort to a four-leaf clover shape (as an aside, I love the internal attachment points on fairings! I need to find a way to use those!)
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Okay let’s try a grossly high-quality image here then. On a personal note I love that all the antennae fit together snug but don’t touch.
This somewhat awkward layout is fine as the Rainbow II mission releases 2 probes on the same orbit anyway, then rotates 90° to release the other two, maintaining comfortable stability.
I'd say the downside here is the Electrolux II's second stage is meant to be a second stage, not a craft capable of operating independantly, thus it has no CPU, turning it into space junk once the communication satellites are launched. Nuts.
In it's current arrangement, a single Rainbow II program mission launch costs $10,409 per satellite put into orbit.
The Infinite Possibilities of a real open world - what's next?
I need a bit more cash, so I've accepted satellite missions for Goliath National Products, StrutCo, and Kerbal Motion LLC. None of these three satellite missions are particularly difficult, and will likely lead to me putting another 300k~ in the bank. This will provide me the cash needed to comfortably upgrade my Research and Development facility.
That's the real big thing though, once I hit R&D level 2 the Kerbol system really is my tiny green cartoon oyster. Once the R&D facility is upgraded I think I will attempt 4-6 more DBuster missions to the Mun to acquire Advanced Electrics, Advanced Exploration (and pre-req. Space Exploration), and then Specialised Construction. This new science will allow me to start putting space station parts up (starting with the science station core) that aren't terrible, using Clamp-o-Trons, BZ-52s, and empty fuel tanks (what!? I'll have Cubic Octagonal Struts some day!)
That segues into the real challenge: mid-term science acquisition to unlock all of the scanning and other science equipment. I'll do as much of this as possible before mounting some fairly major science missions within the Kerbin system, lugging every bit of science equipment into orbit, perhaps on a reusable system, before finally merging that craft with the station I've built.
This sets up a great situation for mining, fuel processing, and storage to be added to the station to create that lovely "all-in-one" station.
During this period of rapid growth, I'll need to find time for rescue missions and station missions, rescues are a fantastic source of free Kerbals and station missions are simply bursting with $.
I'll also need to start thinking about reusable craft for science gathering.
Yes, we're almost at the interesting bit.
+ What did we learn?
RCS thrust is pretty alright for a lander, but the cost is extreme compared to traditional LFO systems.
I am on the cusp of "the big part of the game" and I haven't even left Kerbin influence.
Parts drag is as real as it ever was, don't try and stick 40~ parts at the top of a rocket with no fairing.
Oh my gosh comm networks are so much easier than I thought.
+ N.B. and mods
I've removed USI as it is simply too much part clutter. Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) I've finally found a version that works and will be giving money to LinuxGuruGamer as soon as possible in thanks.
Sorry there weren't many pictures, here's some shots of earlier vessels exploded in Kronal Vessel Viewer.
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Bissel II-01-LV
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The defunct Rainbow 01.
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A preview of the section for the Goliath National and StrutCo satellites, nothing exciting here.
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didilysims · 3 years
Hello! 3, 5 and 7 for the ask game please!
Hi! And sorry for the delayed answer. I forgot it was hiding in my drafts for a bit...
3. do you remember the first family you made in the sims? what happened in that save?
My very first Sims family was in the original game when I was first seeing what it was all about. I was charmed by the Lederhosen/Dirndl outfits and made an elderly German couple and played them until I got bored and moved on to another family or neighbourhood. I flitted around a lot in that game.
I actually downloaded it again to see if I could find those outfits for a picture, but I guess they came with an EP. In other news, I have been playing the TS1 base game all day. :D
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My first TS2 family was a single Sim with my colouring and probably face 2 who I had marry another (later added) CAS Sim and they had 6 kids together. I don't remember much about those early days, but I recall at least 5 of those kids got married for her LTW before I got bored and moved on. Also, one of them married this downtownie because I liked her outfit, ha ha!
5. what is your favorite premade neighborhood, and why?
Belladonna Cove has been my favourite basically since I got AL. I like the setup of the 'hood, the city feel it has, the different districts, and all the Sims in it. Sure, it maybe isn't quite as involved a story as in the base 'hoods, but I still find plenty of opportunity for drama...mostly among the rich elite with too much money so they create other problems. :D
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7. do you play with townies or without townies?
Do I have townies in my neighbourhoods? Absolutely, yes. I find a 'hood without townies is empty and boring, unless I'm deliberately going for an isolated feel, like a desert isle or the beginning of a BaCC.
Do I move townies in to make them playable? Again, yes. They're very handy for spouses and roomies and it's fun to see what kind of stuff the downtownies have hoarded in their inventories!
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Thanks for asking! :D
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Cats, and Children: HELP !!! Has early sign of Kennel Cough & is IN PAIN from perineal hernia - NEEDS OUT ASAP ** Meet scruffilicious little Chance 51257.. HELP ME Ad opt Me l'm Awesome Adorable little Chance was surrender to BACC due to his owners' busy schedule & is hoping for a new forever home the sooner, the better. For a New Family to Know: Little Chance is a very friendly, affectionate, playful little guy who loves, loves, loves attention. He enjoys car rides, brisk walks on leash, playing with his doggy friends, a good Spa Day including a nice pedicure, is well-behaved when left alone, & also knows some commands. What's not to love?: This darling 10 yr young, 17 lb little fella waits for you to save his life at the Brooklyn, NY ACC. Inquire about him now before it is too late! **FOSTER or ADOPTER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY ** HELP !!! Has early sign of Kennel Cough & is IN PAIN from perineal hernia - NEEDS OUT ASAP ** Meet scruffilicious little Chance 51257 ... Little Chance was surrendered to BACC due to his owners' busy schedule & is hoping for a new forever home the sooner, the better. For a New Family to Know: Little Chance is a very friendly, affectionate, playful little guy who loves, loves, loves attention. He enjoys car rides, brisk walks on leash, playing with his doggy friends, a good Spa Day including a nice pedicure, is well-behaved when left alone, & also knows some commands. What's not to love? <3 ~ This darling 10 yr young, 17 lb little fella waits for you to save his life at the Brooklyn, NY ACC. Inquire about him now before it is too late! ✔Pledge✔Tag✔Share✔FOSTER✔ADOPT✔Save a life! Chance 51257 Small Mixed Breed Sex male Age 10 yrs (approx.) - 17 lbs My health has been checked. My vaccinations are up to date. My worming is up to date. I have been micro-chipped. I am waiting for you at the Brooklyn, NY ACC. Please, Please, Please, save me! ****************************************** To FOSTER or ADOPT, SPEAK UP NOW & Save a Life: Direct Adopt from the ACC Or Apply with rescues Or Message Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC Dogs for assistance ASAP!!! ****************************************** This animal came from: Relative Date of Intake 24-Dec-2018 Upon intake Chance was sniffing everything and started peeping in the intake. He allowed counselor to pet, collar and take a photo. After the owner left Chance sat under the counselor leg. Basic Information: Chance was surrender to BACC due to the owner busy schedule. Previously lived with: 1 Adult How is this dog around strangers? Chance is very friendly and outgoing around strangers. How is this dog around children? Owner stated Chance has been around a three year old and he is very relaxed and playful around them. How is this dog around other dogs? Owner stated Chance likes to play with dogs every time he sees them as long as their friendly. How is this dog around cats? Has not been around cats so is unknown of the behavior. Resource guarding: Chance does not guard his food or toys. He is not bothered when you try to take it away. Bite history: None Energy level/descriptors: Medium Has this dog ever had any medical issues? Yes Medical Notes: He has an inflamed rectal area. DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 10Y Microchip noted on Intake? no Observed Behavior - seems friendly, but muzzled as precaution for exam, allows most handling but fights restraint for palpation of perineal hernia and rectal Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Grade 2+/4 dental dz (only able to visualize incisors with muzzle on) PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Male intact, both testicles palpable scrotally MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Large fluctuant swelling to the left of the perineum. Outpouching of rectal wall on palpation. Assistant reports tenesmus with production of small amount soft stool. Assessment: Dental dz, Perineal hernia Prognosis: Good, however recurrence on the ipsilateral side and development of a new hernia on the contralateral side is possible SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age ***** Subjective: BARH. No cvd, only produced a very small amount of feces yesterday but has a significant amount of feces in perineal hernia. Is in a lot of pain - rec surgical repair ASAP. Good appetite. Sneezing-early CIRDC signs. ***** ... NOTE: *** WE HAVE NO OTHER INFORMATION THAN WHAT IS LISTED WITH THIS FLYER *** .... RE: ACC site Just because a dog is not on the ACC site does not mean they are safe by any means. There are many reasons for this like a hold or an eval has not been conducted yet or the dog is rescue-only... the list goes on... Please, do share & apply to foster/adopt these pups as well until their thread is updated with their most current status. TY! ============ Shelter address ========= - Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard, Brooklyn, NY 11208 - Phone number: 212-788-4000 (is automated only) Operating hours: Monday through Friday 12.00pm to 8.00pm, Saturday & Sunday: 10.00am to 6.00pm. Closed on all Holidays. ================================= == About Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC Dogs == We are a group of advocates (NOT a shelter NOR a rescue group) dedicated to finding loving homes for NYC dogs in desperate need. ALL the dogs on our site need Rescue, Fosters, or Adopters & that ASAP as they are in NYC high-kill shelters. If you cannot foster or adopt, please share them far & wide. Thank you for caring!! <3 ================================= Jody Harris-Stern Jackie O'Sullivan Caro Hocker Carolin Hocker Beamer Maximillian Suzanne Dixie Lori Carpino Robyn Urman Lorraine Healy Michele St Laurent Michele DeSanti Cindy Ann McManus Deborah DiIorio
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