#yes it was a jab at COVID and the US
nothingbutnowhere · 7 days
Hockey player au! Simon "Ghost" Riley headcanons. Based on the NHL
Note: suggestive of ghoap and ghoap x reader (she/her used)
Goalie. Starter. Tall, large, and most importantly: weird. Goalies are always weird, idk they just are, it's what happens when you spend half the game hanging out alone I guess
The best part of goalie Ghost is his flexibility. Have you seen how flexible goalies are? These huge, muscular men can do the splits. It's very important to me that you consider flexible Ghost, thank you.
His mask is black and white, matches his tattoos. He's the unshakable goalie, not flashy, never frustrated. Just a brick fuckin wall. If he sees it, he's going to stop it. You cannot snipe on him and score. Also his rebound control is unreal, no second chances.
He never retaliates against opposing players fucking with him because no one fucks with him due to:
His death glare, it's enough to make any and every enforcer or net nuisance shake in his skates
The Incident in the minors where he sent a guy to the hospital with a jab from his blocker and almost got kicked out of the league and banned from the NHL
On the off chance that something untoward does happen on accident, someone else will do that for him. The bond between a goalie and his defensemen cannot be understated. Ok fine. Soap. He's the defenseman, there's the spoiler.
Very superstitious, has his routines and does not deviate. Doesn't ever take his mask off on the ice, except when it breaks. Doesn't even pull it up to squirt water on his face or drink.
The loyalty that his skaters have towards him and vice versa is off the charts. Even if the media and fans don't see it, it's there. Usually guys don't speak poorly of their goalies, but this is on another level. Ferda.
Speaking of, social media people can never catch him. Like seriously where does this guy even walk in the building?? Where does he go during intermission?? Surely he practices at some point right?? He won the Veznia trophy (voted best goalie) and straight up did not show up to the ceremony.
He will go to the children's hospital to do visits with the team and the kids are either terrified or love him. Picturing him giving out the little teddy bears 😭
Caught covid despite his vigilant PPE usage (hockey locker rooms are cesspools like ew), got really sick, and developed myocarditis; ie almost died multiple times, recovered insanely fast and then just showed back up to practice one day at 100% like "put me in coach". No one outside of the trainers and locker room even knew why he was gone to begin with. Wild stuff.
Hockey players tend to tack on an '-y' or sometimes '-er' to a name for funsies but no one gets to call him 'Ghosty'. (Maybe Soap can call him that in private, as a treat 🥺)
Hockey hair status: he shaves his head boooo (not that you'd even be able to tell really with his mask and use of hats and hoods). Won't even grow out facial hair during the playoffs. Maybe if he did then he'd have a cup. Smh.
Roster pic: the meanest mug you've ever seen on a guy
Mic'd up status: everyone thinks he's unmic-able, however he's secretly telling jokes to himself when the puck is in the other zone. But no one needs to know that.
WAG status: if he had one we would never know... Right? He's always in the background of photos that Soap's girlfriend takes and posts of her and Soap? Much speculation.
Note: WAG stands for wife and girlfriend or the plural, used to refer to sports guys significant others. Yes it is heteronormative.
A/N: I'll never actually write fics for this, but I have headcanons. I know a moderate amount about hockey and next to nothing about cod so apologies. Completely unserious. Just some silly little thoughts :) plus letterkenny reference!
Edit for typo
More hockey au: Soap | Gaz | Price
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fierceawakening · 15 days
That said I did actually have a productive ish conversation with an antivaxxer recently.
I didn’t change her mind, but we parted ways amicably and she thanked me for a thoughtful conversation, and I’m still kind of stunned I got that far.
If anyone cares, here’s how I did it.
Her: blah blah blah VACCINES BAD hurgh blurgh vote Republican parental medical choice foo bloo
Me: ???
Her: My son got really sick after his TDAP shot. I was scared he might die. I’m never vaccinating a child of mine again. Also have you heard some people got pericarditis from the Covid jab?
Me: Actually yes I have! I’m part of a coalition of disability activists that formed in response to the pandemic and that happened to one (of a large number) of us. We don’t know for sure the vax was what did it, but she had issues after a booster too. So I don’t think there’s no risk at all! I just strongly believe the risk is too low to mess with public health in general over it.
Her: …Weird. Suddenly, I don’t hate you.
Me: Thanks! And im sorry about your son, that must have been terrifying. I don’t know what happened, but I’m sure people not listening to you afterward most likely only made you feel worse.
Her: !!! Yes, it was so scary! …Real life beckons and I don’t know if I can keep talking with you, but thank you for having an actual conversation with me.
Me: Sure. Take care.
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slimthicksonnett · 2 years
Silent Night (Rose Lavelle)
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"Suprise" and Happy Holidays. Inbox is open as always.
Word Count: 2,360
Warnings: None
For the first time in years, December felt normal. There was no December camp, no COVID, no friends halfway across the world, everyone was home.
“Y/N! Are you ready?” Standing in the doorway, paper wrapped boxes in hand and a beanie that was far too big for her head, was your best friend and roommate Rose Lavelle.
Smiling gently at the older girl, you nodded back as you finished buckling your heels. The OL Reign girls were hosting their annual Christmas gala and it was possibly the only thing Rose had talked about for weeks. Not wanting to delay the excited girl, you joined her at the door where she swung her free arm carelessly over your shoulder and pulled you into her.
Even attached, the two of you moved in perfect sync around the apartment to gather the last of the things you needed before you left. Cookies? Check. Gifts? Check. Keys? Check. Extra jacket for when Rose inevitably gets cold after claiming it wasn’t cold enough for her to need a jacket? Also check. You both made your way to the car in silence, not detaching until you stepped away to open the passenger door of the car for Rose. When you opened the door to get in your own seat, you were completely unsurprised to see Rose had already reached across the center console to start the car for you and was now fiddling with the knobs on the radio.
That’s just kind of how it went with the two of you most of the time. Comfortable silence and nonverbal communication was part of a practiced routine ever since you’d started living with each other at the beginning of the season. Nowadays, it was almost as if the two of you were simply extensions of one another. After getting on the road, you let your right hand fall from the steering wheel and onto the center console the midfielder had previously leaned over. Responding almost instinctively, the pale girl placed her own hand beside yours and linked your pinkies together. 
Arriving at the venue in downtown Seattle a short time later, Rose let out an impressed whistle at the sight of the building. Laughing softly, you hurried to park the car before jogging around to open her door.
Again, it was just instinct.
And it was definitely just instinct that the two of you walked into the fancy event space holding hands.
Entering the room, Rose again let out a low whistle as she took everything in. This time it wasn’t met with your laugh but by the cheers of your teammates who noticed your arrival. 
“Looks like the party is finally here!” Bethany Balcer hollered, crossing the room to greet Rose with a hug that forced your hand away from hers.
“Well we were required to be here.” Rose joked dryly as she pulled away from the blonde who just rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, and you know Rose would never miss an opportunity to dress up.” You teased, stepping forward to meet the young player with a hug of your own. To your side you could hear Rose scoff at the little jab.
“Right, and you just happened to have a brand new dress hidden away for the occasion because you don’t enjoy dressing up?” Bethany countered, bringing a heat to your cheeks.
You could feel the eyes of people around the room taking in your new outfit at the comment, most sparing a quick glance and flashing you a smile in approval. But on your right, you could feel a particular pair of bright eyes lingering on you that suddenly made you feel very exposed despite the floor length coverage of the dark evening gown. 
“I never said I wasn’t guilty either! Now, do you guys want these gifts or not?” Turning to look at Rose, her eyes snapped up to meet yours for a moment before she rolled them in amusement at your threat.
“Not with that attitude!” Someone shouted but they were quickly interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Yes we do! Big girls just got paid bank from the boys' win so I will take my US Soccer funded present, please and thank you!” Nikki Stanton chimed in, causing the entire room to bust out in a mixture of laughs and cheers of agreement.
“Presents go under the big tree, any treats go to the lady in white!” Megan Rapinoe responded, the veteran moving around the space like a whirlwind. Which honestly should have been expected, seeing as helping plan this gala was kind of her favorite thing. 
Laughing along with your team, you moved towards the kitchen area where you were greeted with the sight of Sue Bird wearing what seemed to be an all white suit. Realizing then that it was her fiancee that Pinoe has been referring to as the lady in white, you couldn’t help but burst out laughing. 
The musical sound garnered the attention of the remaining girls who hadn’t spotted your arrival, leading to another round of cheers as they came to grab you away from Rose who now seemed to be responsible for putting the presents under the tree. 
Falling into a familiar rhythm, you found yourself working with ease while making comfortable conversation with your teammates and friends. Lu was in the middle of telling you about how cute King and Fishlock looked setting up the Christmas tree this year when the familiar sound of bickering caught your attention. Flashing you a knowing smile, Lu promised to finish the conversation later and let you go with grace to figure out the source of the fighting.
The culprits were of course your little gaggle of junior goalkeepers.
“Now why can I hear you two arguing all the way from the kitchen?” You sassed, placing your hands on your hips as you raised an accusatory eyebrow.
Laurel was naturally the first to protest.
“We’re not arguing! We’re just having a disagreement because little Miss Tarheel over here doesn’t know how to work electronics!” The secondary keeper pointed at Claudia accusingly, earning an offended gasp from the other girl.
“Me?! You’re the one that broke it! How are you mad that I can’t fix what you broke?” Claudia protested as you rolled your eyes at their skirmish.
“Alright dumb and dumber, let me see.” Sighing, you waved the two out of the way so you could inspect the damage on what you could only assume was the controls for the venue's sound system.
The damage it seemed was not possibly something that could have been Laurel’s fault. The panel appeared to have been completely fried. A blast during a power outage maybe? Regardless, the thing was toast.
“Ivory you didn’t break it, Dickey you’re right that there’s no fixing it. We’ll figure something else out.” Satisfied with your work, you walked away from the perplexed duo and back out to the open space where much of the team was mingling.
You weren’t out there for more than two minutes before a familiar presence was behind you, leaning up to try and rest her chin on your shoulder.
“So, I heard the speakers are no good?” She asks, carelessly wrapping her arms around your waist in a way that had you relaxing more than you’d like to admit.
Humming in casual response, you swayed the two of you from side to side to your own imaginary song.
“Absolutely fried, it’ll be fine. Everything else is perfect!” You answered, leaning your head into hers and actively ignoring the sideways glances some of the people passing by spared you both. It was most teammates plus ones, as the team themselves had grown annoyingly accustomed to the two of you being so close.
“I was really looking forward to karaoke though.” And you could hear the pout in Rose’s voice before you even looked over your shoulder. 
If there was one thing you were a sucker for? It was Rose’s pout and her puppy dog eyes. Honestly you think she could have Wilma Jean beat for those big sad eyes sometimes.
“What did you want to sing?” Formulating a potential plan in your mind to remove the pout, you mentally ran through every Christmas appropriate song you knew.
“Mmmm, just like Christmas carols? Maybe Silent Night or something?” 
And well, you hadn’t planned on exposing yourself like this. But hey, it’s Rose.
“Well come on then.” With a sigh, you unlaced yourself from her and held out your hand. The midfielder looked at you in confusion.
“Trust me?” You prompted, and a flash of what was almost hurt immediately crossed Rose’s face.
“Always!” The older girl responded defensively.
“Then come on.” Rose gave you her hand willingly, following you blindly as you pulled her across the space, weaving between teammates who watched with partial interest in the shenanigans. 
When you finally came to a stop, you were standing in front of what had first caught your eye when you’d entered the space. Sat slightly to the side, facing into the large room, was an old mahogany grand piano. You’d initially guessed that the Steinway was an antique and left it alone, but after having heard Balcer try her hand at it while you were in the kitchen you realized that it was seemingly fully functional. That is, if the right person were to play it. 
With familiar ease, you moved to open the piano's top and pulled the lid prop up to keep it open. Looking down, you couldn’t help but take a moment to marvel at the preservation of the soundboard within. Feeling yourself slip into that familiar headspace, you crossed over and took your seat at the bench. Delicately, you pulled back your dress and placed a stiletto clad foot carefully on one of the pedals. Marveling at the difference in pressure required, you moved across each pedal before carefully settling on the damper.
Looking away from the beautiful piano, you were met with the equally as beautiful sight of Rose Lavelle intently watching you. There was a mix of both wonder and curiosity on her face as she watched you take on the peacefully tense form she only ever saw from you on the field. Outside of this little staring contest, teammates had started to drift closer after hearing your cautionary tapping of the keys and seeing you prop open the top. 
Breaking the silence, you tapped a singular key gently. The note resonated throughout the space and gained the attention of anyone who wasn’t previously listening.
“C Major?” You asked softly, still looking at Rose.
The pale girl could only bring herself to nod as you tapped her starting note again. 
Confirmation received, you took a deep breath and let your body begin to move in the familiar waltz of the Christmas classic. 
Taking your typical artistic liberty, and also giving Rose time to actually prepare, you improvised for about six measures. Holding a solid base with your left, your right hand danced across the keys. Apart from the ringing notes, the room was silent as they Thwatched in awe.
Comfortable now, you let yourself look up at Rose who you had to admit looked the picture of her namesake in her scarlet velvet dress. Still playing you carefully nodded your head, switching to a gentle lead in which, in no surprise to you, Rose followed perfectly.
Silent night, Holy night. All is calm, all is bright.
As with everything else you did, the two of you worked together seamlessly. Each note aligned and Rose knew exactly when to sustain a note to let you add some flourish. 
The room was captivated. If you looked, you would’ve seen the phones recording the moment. The look of motherly love on Megan and Sue’s faces. The tears falling down Sofia’s cheeks as Alana hugged her. The way Quinn pulled their partner in just a little closer. How Tziarra and Jess were already planning how to get you both to perform at their wedding.
But at that moment, it was just the music. Well, the music and Rose. Which was interesting. As many concerts as you��d played and performers you’d accompanied, you’d never felt this sort of partnership with a singer. While of course you always did your job to follow, it felt like Rose was actually letting you lead. Maybe she really did always trust you.
When the song concluded, you were torn from your trances by the applause.
“Holy SHIT, Y/N! I didn’t know you could do that!” It was Huitema of all people who shouted that out, quickly echoed by others.
“What can I say, I’m good with my hands.” You joked, getting a combination of eyerolls and laughter in return. 
“No but seriously, why did you never play for us before?” Lu pushed, looking at you with a gentleness that only a veteran like her could hold.
“I didn’t ever intend to, it’s just not something I do much publicly anymore.” Shrugging, you began to study the ivory under your fingertips instead of your friends' faces. 
“So why now?” Alana joined in, earning a grin from you.
Thank God, an easy question.
“Because Rose wanted to sing Christmas carols and the speakers were broken,” You pause to look at the guilty looking goalkeepers in the corner “but Rose gets whatever Rose wants.” 
You said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Because to you? It was. 
Laurel made her opinion on this known but fake gagging at the sweetness and the look you shot her that time was much more of a glare than a glance.
“Rose gets whatever Rose wants?” It was Rose this time, who had turned to look at you. Her eyes reflecting depths of tenderness melded with what might have been surprise.
“Whatever Rose wants.” You confirmed, smiling a little guiltily at the admission that the words held if anyone really looked for them.
“Anything?” Rose pushed further, and you just laughed.
“Anything, Rose.” And the pale girls flushed as scarlet as her dress.
Her only response was a shy smile and a soft whisper.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
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karin-gespenst · 5 months
Season 13 episode 3 attempt at coherent thoughts
twenty minutes ago I finished watching the episode and I'm still not done wiping my eyes.
I'll try to talk about those parts first that weren't too sad. Maybe that'll help me calm down.
When they said they wanted to try and turn the Baxter-Baby around I was surprised. So far they only tried to turn babies if they were neither head-down nor arse-first. I know that turning breech-babies is a thing and people will try all kinds of methods early on to avoid breech-births if possible. It has just not been presented as a big issue on the show before. I was born breech in 1985, nobody ever mentioned anything about trying to turn me, because most of the time they had spent trying to keep me from being born prematurely. So the breech part was the least of anyones worries.
Does anyone else think it's funny that the most competent person they have for the baby-turning-task is called Turner? Shelagh was already the most competent person when she went by another name, but in these cases the surname really fits. Phyllis does a lot of lifting people up when they need it, so her being called Crane is appropriate as well. :-)
Seeing baby Stephanie being carried in a baby wrap made me smile. Apart from being convenient, it's so cuddly and cosy. When my kid was a baby we carried her a lot and she loved it. There's a rainbow babywrap waiting in my closet for the day when my kid decides she wants to use it.
Big yes for Reggie getting a wage! Took them long enough to come up with the idea. He's wonderful in this episode, really stepping into the role of the grown up son.
I wanted to smack that agent woman when she came to visit the Baxters. so rude!
It's a theme for Phyllis to recognize a baby with problems just by looking at them. She saw that baby Robert showed signs of Down's Syndrome, and now she saw the leg problem and calmly got Dr T to make sure it got treated right away. Her experience is a treasure and I'm glad she is still on the show. On the other hand I would love to see her and Millicent in their retirement, making merry and having a laugh.
Matthew being the backup for Violet was a good idea. They share the ability to see the bigger picture and the need to have people in charge who can tone down their ego. That room full of suits had the right idea in the end, and it took only two speeches from Violet that weren't even that long. I'm looking forward to see what she can do with the position of mayor.
Did everyone go check their vaccination records? my tetanus jab was three years ago, but I could not have told without looking it up. That was a quadruple shot with Diptheria and polio and pertussis. The latter one was really nasty when I had it as a child. Yesterday I talked to my GP about getting the COVID booster, and I hope I can get that one soon.
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dosesofcommonsense · 6 months
Common Sense Still Lacking in Medicine
Does anyone remember that the Covid Test, the ones used at doctor's offices, were recalled by the FDA? What were they recalled for? For being egregiously inaccurate. Yes, the FDA, the group who gladly uses us as test subjects for all the over the counter "health" products at your local gnc-type stores actually had to pull the Covid tests for their inaccuracy!
At that point, all the Covid testing became free. Why? Cause the tests don't work. Better said, they cannot distinguish between Covid, the Flu, a False Positive, a False Negative, and anything else. The maker of the test then came out and said, "I told people the test was a bad indicator of ID'ing the virus, because the test was largely inaccurate."
So, what are we still using to ID Covid? A doctor's office test and an at-home Covid test. Why? Anyone? Anyone? MONEY.
Why money? So you can take the anti-viral for Covid. Heads up. An anti-viral works before you might have the virus, not while you have the virus. Tami-Flu is a preventative. It doesn't rush you through having the flu when you already have it. The covid-specific medicine works the same way, but - since most people don't know that - they pay for the "meds helping Covid go away faster". We still don't know what all was in those injections, though we're learning more about what might happen after you took 1-5 doses. Would you want to try the medicine "helping you get over Covid faster" from the same people who made the vaccines? Us neither.
Now, when my wife's sick, running fever, sinus issues, she does what every responsible person does: set up a Tele-Med appointment. What does that doctor say? Pick up a Covid test and make sure you don't have it, but - and I quote "the Test doesn't really test for Covid". Yes, she really said that.
Wait, you want me to buy a test that has been removed from the market for its inaccuracy, an inaccuracy so large even the FDA pulled it from the market, and go by that test to check if I have the virus?
"What happens if it's negative?" asks my wife.
"Then we treat for everything, since Covid, the Flu, a Sinus Infection, Strep and some others all overlap." Hold up. Go back to where we were. Does this gal even hear what she's telling my wife?!
Can we employ some basic, essential, desperately needed, seemingly-uncommon sense?!
First, she's already had the original strain of Covid. She was inoculated. She's in the safest population group from getting covid, other than those people who haven't been injected with the poison jabs.
Besides fever, chills, feeling lethargic, feeling ill, and a runny nose, what are the distinguishing factors of each possibility?
Covid - loss of taste and or smell, though usually both. That's not loss of smell from a stuffy nose, but an actual loss of you can't smell or taste anything. Can you smell crap? Yes. You don't have Covid.
Flu - Body aches. Does you body feel like it boxed Mike Tyson in his prime or did a 2 hour full body workout for the first time in years? No? It's not the flu.
Sinus Infection - post nasal drip, chest congestion, sinus pressure, headache, disturbing amounts of greenish sludge; lots of Kleenex
Strep - sore, raw like it's been beaten with a meat tenderizer throat, difficulty swallowing, hurts like crazy when you cough
Random virus - fever, runny nose, cough and you feel like crap but don't test or meet those other symptoms; ie: you have a cold.
Allergies - an overlap of every possible symptom minus the fever
What are her symptoms? post nasal drip, chest congestion, sinus pressure
Do you need a doctorate to figure this out?
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littlehen · 1 year
Medical complaining
My boss just sent me home from work because I’m poorly. I’ve been poorly since 30 November and I had two weeks off in December (in bed over Christmas) but I came back to work and predictably I’ve got worse again. At least I’m not uncontrollably coughing any more, that was actual hell, but now my tonsils and neck glands are swollen up and every time I swallow, it hurts. I just want someone to jab a steroid in my throat to make it calm down, but you can’t see a doctor in person these days.
At my GP surgery, you can sometimes get a phone appointment on the day if you call them up at 8am. There’s no phone queue, no call-back service. You either get through or don’t. At 8am you start phoning and just re-dial, re-dial, re-dial until at 8.50 you finally speak to a receptionist and get told they have no appointments left and ‘you should have called at 8am. You could always try the Walk-In Centre at the hospital’ (where there’s a seven hour wait, plenty of time to sit around and catch covid). For my appointment before Christmas, I had to call 78 times before I managed to get a phone appointment and then the doctor put me on the shortest possible run of antibiotics and that was it, good luck. Impossible to get a follow-up appointment.
This morning I tried and got through about 8.15. All the appointments were gone for today. ‘We had a big queue of people at the surgery this morning and they took all the appointments.’ I said, but your outgoing message says ‘do not come to the surgery unless you have a scheduled appointment.’ I was phoning because I thought I wasn’t supposed to just turn up. She says, ‘yes, but people do, there’s nothing we can do about it.’ I was like, yes there is, you can not give them appointments. That’s rewarding people for doing the wrong thing. (And presumably people who are well enough to stand and queue are less desperate than me phoning from my bed?) She just told me to try the hospital Walk-In Centre. (My GP surgery has the best reviews in my local area, I shudder to think what service is like at the other ones.)
So, feeling devastated, I went in to work, because if I’m at home I’m just sitting around focusing on my throat pain, and at least at work I get distracted. But I was really tired. I told my boss my problem and she sympathised, then said ‘oh! We have employee insurance, so you can use that to access a private GP!’ She looked up the phone number and gave it to me and told me to go home. Like: great, but also she knows I’ve been struggling since November and she’s just telling me this now?
And one of my colleagues is off sick because she has covid, I can’t catch covid on top of all this, I really can’t, I won’t survive it
I called the private healthcare provider. The private GP does 24/7 appointments so I can speak to a doctor tonight at midnight. At the NHS doctor I would have to describe my symptoms over the phone, but the private GP has asked me to send photos. There’s posh. I mean in an ideal magical fantasyland, I could get a real live human doctor to examine me, in person, but the only way to get that is the bloody Walk-In Centre and I’m too exhausted to go traipsing down to the hospital. Everything you see on the news about hospitals right now is apocalyptic.
Suppose I’d better go now and point my phone at my tonsils and take some of the ugliest photos my camera has ever seen. Fingers crossed I get some medicine as a result. I’m so done with all this.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Hump Day!
Tuesday was a cracking day! No lessons, no marking, just lots of free Lindsay time to do all the things I needed to do. Sadly, after an intense few months (and an inconvenient illness), all Lindsay’s body wanted to do is chill. Oh, well. I have learnt to obey my body so, like a Mars bar, Tuesday was work, rest and play. One of the cures for cellulitis, as you would expect, is to keep the leg at 90 degrees, so I don’t feel guilty for putting my foot up and watching a movie. In fact, I’ve been recording a whole set of recuperation movies. Yesterday, it was ‘Miss Congeniality’; what a great movie! Michael Caine steals the show, of course!
I am clearly not respectful enough towards the royal family. I am shedding 'friends' by the day. Personally, I find it very helpful. It's like the rubbish taking itself out! It’s astonishing how many ‘friends’ and even family members have distanced themselves from us over the last few years over a variety of subjects: Brexit, Covid, jabs, boosters, the hostile environment, police brutality, BLM, boat people, American politics, Meghan Markle, the queen’s funeral etc. There has been so much to talk about, so much to argue about, so much to fall out over! I don’t agree with my friends 100% of the time but that’s cool. That’s why they’re friends because we can disagree about stuff and the love is still there. That’s a mark of real friendship. Nothing affects real friendship. As I mentioned before, on Thursday, we’re having dinner with a girl I’ve known since the late seventies! Real friendships last.
Did anyone see chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng at the Queen's funeral? Erm … what was he laughing about? I have a strong suspicion he was under the influence of something! Erm … very inappropriate behaviour, mate!
Okay, I’ve been hinting at it for a long time but I think I can finally reveal, that other project I’ve been working on is a TV station. Of course, TV has radically changed since I started at MTV in 1999. Now, I can talk to my remote and get Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, BT Sport and, truly, some of the weirdest TV programmes I have ever seen! (Of course, nothing is as weird as ‘Naked Attraction’ but that is a very special show!) These days, I end-up watching a lot of television on You Tube. Of course, it’s not really TV. It looks like TV but it’s not really TV. Because I’m a nerd, I get lost in nerdy little You Tube shows. If you want to talk to me for 20 minutes about the greatest rock riffs of all time – yep! – I will quite happily watch that shit. And that’s not to mention the shortest TV programmes in the world; TikTok! Christ, I can get lost in there! I’m even making my own TikTok videos! Anyway, the TV project I’m working on is quite classy (what do you expect, I’m a classy guy!) and as soon as I can give you more details I will.
Finally, today, I’d like to talk about discretion. There are some people on this planet that know secrets about you, or maybe stuff you wouldn’t really want the world to know about? And you are grateful to those people for keeping your secrets, grateful for their discretion. Now, me, I’ve been in the music business for more than 40 years, so I know a lot of stories about a lot of people. People you know! But I am discreet and those secrets stay with me. They will die with me. Do you ever get the feeling that discretion is slowly dying? Because some people have got nothing to talk about, they just gossip; make stuff up, speculate, exaggerate. Not me! Your secrets are safe with me.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom of my status. Many people don’t like reading. It’s too much hard work. So, I thank you for giving me five minutes of your day.
Have a wonderful and well-endowed Wednesday. I love you all. Yes, a crazy, bald man loves and cares about you.
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timomaraus · 2 months
April 16, 2024
Washington Post Hikers kept climbing Hawaii's 'Stairway to Heaven.' Now it'll be removed. (Editor's Note: Given the state of things in the world, the 'Stairway to Heaven' is quite possibly being replaced by a 'Highway to Hell.')
CNN US expects 'limited scope' Israeli response against Iran, sources say (Editor's Note: Yes, I'm sure the administration feels reassured, given the 'limited scope' response Israel has shown in Gaza.)
CNN Colorado funeral home owners accused of mishandling 190 bodies charged with Covid-19 relief loan fraud, officials say (Editor's Note: This is a very curious headline. Were the funeral home owners accused of Covid-19 fraud? What did they do, prop the bodies up in the office and say they were employees? Or was it the 190 deceased people that were charged with relief loan fraud, and if so, isn't that trial going to be a real snoozer?)
Washington Post Could you be an impartial juror on Donald Trump's trial (Editor's Note: Not on the guilt/innocence phase. But if I tried extremely hard, I think I could be impartial on the capital punishment phase.)
Washington Post What colors fit you best? These apps help you decide your season (Editor's Note: We need apps to tell us what season it is now? What are we teaching kids in school these days anyway?)
NY Times After Decades of Delay, U.S. Will Limit Deadly Mine Dust (Editor's Note: Ordinary mine dust will still be allowed.)
NY Times Biden heads to Pennsylvania to Talk Taxes and Hit Trump (Editor's Note: Someone please tell the president that Trump is in New York right now. Although he has a very effective left jab, Biden's reach isn't long enough to cross state lines.)
NY Times The N.B.A. Postseason Is Beginning. Here's What to Know. (Editor's Note: The most important thing to know is that it will be over sometime in mid-June, so no reason to stress about it for a while.)
NY Times Caitlin Clark and the Best-Dressed Stars at the W.N.B.A. Draft (Editor's Note: Really, NY Times? What's the implication here, that Caitlin Clark wasn't best-dressed, or that the other "star" draftees don't deserve to be mentioned by name?)
NY Times A 3-Ingredient Roasted Cauliflower Soup That Is Practical Magic (Editor's Note: Personally, I think practicality kind of ruins the entire concept of magic.)
NY Times Compostable Bags for Food Scraps May Do More Harm Than Good (Editor's Note: As they say, no good deed goes unpunished. Thanks for that cheery story, NYT.)
CNN Mussolini's wartime bunker opens to the public in Rome (Editor's Note: If this doesn't work out, they can always convert it to an AirBnB for those seeking to avoid Rome's tourist rat race.)
CNN Courtney Love thinks Taylor Swift is 'not important' and has some thoughts about Beyoncé Lana Del Rey and Madonna, too (Editor's Note: A perfectly acceptable alternative headline would have been "Courtney Love is really, really desperate for attention.")
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geekns · 5 months
you sound like the qanon conspiracy freaks who were convinced there were litter boxes in classrooms for kids to piss and shit in lol. was gonna try engaging in a meaningful dialogue with you but since you’ve got your head so far up your ass you’re interpreting genuine kindhearted asks trying to help you as vicious hate and bullying, im not even gonna bother. i just wanted you to know you sound like you ingested horse antiparasitic to treat covid. also ps who the fuck is anne? are you just making up a person to blame everything on bc you can’t admit that you showed your entire ass and multiple people have come to clown? okay anyway you’re too bitter to waste the rest of my high on so byeeeeeeee!!!!
I have not ever been involved with the QAnon movement. Have no fucks to give, never thought any of it was real. In fact, I think it was controlled opposition. I don't fit inside your tiny box, Anne.
I haven't received any genuine, kindhearted asks in a very long time.
If you thought you were being kind, you are absolutely delusional. I am not here to conform to your hot takes. Who do you think you are, what gives you the right to tell me how to live, what to think, what to feel? I'm not here to be your echo chamber.
Oh yes, the Rona.
You want to know what. I feel sorry for you. That "horse antiparasitic" has been prescribed to humans for decades. The only reason the Rona Vax was able to be pushed into production is because the doctors and the MSM and the government lied to you. If they were to admit that a drug, one that's worked for decades, could work in this instance as well, then they wouldn't have been legally allowed to use people like lab rats.
And guess what? Now the people who were gullible enough to take the jab are paying the price, and it's horrible. Turbo cancers. Blood Clots. Heart attacks. Strokes. Bell's Palsy. Sterilization. The list keeps growing and growing and y'all still think you weren't sold snake oil? Wake up!
There had never been a vax for the common cold and the one they have provided still doesn't prevent the disease from being contracted or from spreading. That's a bunch of science fiction, germ theory doesn't even hold water and hasn't done so for 100 years. They were trying to prove it during the Spanish Flu and failed.
I feel so sorry for everyone who is living through this dystopic nightmare, even moreso for those people who are still hypnotized and refuse to acknowledge what they allowed to happen to themselves.
Anne is short for anon.
Specifically hateful anons. It's a term that the Reylos coined because so many people were hating on them. It's been in Tumblr usage for years. It's got "Sure Jan" vibes. An Anne is almost always a Karen. Someone who irrationally expects to get their way and be thanked for their tantrum. And what y'all have most definitely been acting like today is Karens.
I haven't shown my ass, WTF is that even supposed to mean. I mean, do you want me to moon you like in Braveheart or something? It's not my thing but I could probably find you a clip.
No, I'm not surprised that the brainwashed clowns showed up, haters gotta hate after all. It's like you guys get off on making yourselves look as idiotic and small as possible. I've always been perplexed: why do you think it's okay to tell people that they're full of "hate" if they don't agree with your delusions. Why would it ever be okay to tell someone that they should kill themself? Be forced to put up with abuse? Be raped? Does it make you feel powerful??? Because you sound pathetic.
So good, go away, rethink your life, since drugs seem to make you act like a fool that can't be taken seriously.
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fuckplatinum · 9 months
Is there a gang problem in your area? Nope.
Do you make your Starbucks order more complicated if it isn’t busy? I don't really get Starbucks, so no.
Do you consider airports to be emotional places? They can be.
When you marry, will you wear white? Probably an off white.
What vaccine that you’ve received hurt the most? 2nd covid jab but only because she hit a nerve.
Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? Monogamous.
Are you afraid to ask people out on dates? Nope.
Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? Yeah, for the right person.
Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than three months of no communication? Once.
Do you or would you ever wear fake eyelashes? I have tried them but I find them annoying.
What was the last television show that you sat and watched multiple episodes of? Below Deck, Holly was watching it.
Is there anything significant happening this month? I started dating Dan!
When was the last time you plucked your eyebrows? About 3 days ago, I mostly wax them.
Do you have any chronic pain? Yes.
When was the last time you had a Poptart? Recently actually, Holly brought some round.
Do you like hot chocolate? I do.
What’s your favorite Michael Jackson song? Leave Me Alone.
Where did you buy your favorite pair of jeans from? Asos + a charity shop.
Do you like TGI Fridays? It's pretty average.
Have you ever read anything by Edgar Allen Poe? I have.
When was the last time it rained where you live? Either earlier today or yesterday, I've lost track of time.
What are your grandfathers’ names? Ric and Fred.
Have you ever seen a snake in real life? Yeah.
When’s the last time you ate bread? I had a wrap for lunch.
What’s the last movie you watched on your own? I don't know.
How many coats do you own? Too many.
Do you like snow? Yes.
Do you like sheer clothing? Sometimes.
Are you hungry right now? No.
Are you regularly tired? Yeah.
How’s the weather been today? Quite warm.
What was the first tattoo you got or what would be the first tattoo you’ll get? My dad's handwriting.
What was the last store you went into and did you buy anything? Sainsbury's and yeah, stuff for dinner.
Have you ever been late for school or work? Yeah, I hate being late.
Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night? At night.
Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for? No.
Do you have a small, medium or large bedroom? Fairly small.
Are you a fan of The Office? Yes.
What is your favourite type of nut? Cashews and pistachios.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? Yeah.
Have you put your phone on silent today? Yeah, at work.
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? Gross, yes.
Do you prefer to wrap gifts or use gift bags? I like both.
From where you're sitting, can you turn the lights off? They're Alexa controlled so yes.
Do you wear a ring on your left hand middle finger? Sometimes.
Tell me the current time? 9:58pm.
Are you currently listening to music through earphones? No.
What color shirt are you wearing? Is it your favorite color? Black, sure.
Does anyone you know own a bird that can talk? Sharon's parrot.
Name one thing you are glad you accomplished today? Made dinner.
Name one thing you wished you accomplished today but didn't? Cleaning the kitchen.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you're afraid you'll annoy them? Yeah.
Is there any drama going on in your circle of friends? Nope.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? Yeah.
Is there anyone you know who wears their hair in pigtails regularly? No.
Personally, do you think you have a nice smile? No.
Do you know anyone who can fluently speak more than two languages? Yes.
How many windows are open on your computer right now? One.
Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? Fast.
Have you ever gone in a sauna? Yeah, hated it.
Out of these colors, which appeals most to you: orange, blue, or green? Green.
Have you celebrated your birthday yet this year? Nope.
Is there anything you're saving up for? Driving.
What is your favorite social networking site? Instagram.
Do you currently have any bugbites? No.
Is where you live on a boulevard, road, street, or avenue? I live on a "drive." <-Same.
Look around, are things organized? No, I'll tidy tomorrow.
Know what you're planning to do after this? Read my book.
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gusty-wind · 10 months
Gene Transfer Technology- You are the Experiment
Scientists have long known that the gene-transfer technologies used in both the Pfizer and J & J COVID-19 vaccines were associated with systemic inflammation and the potential for viral DNA to get inserted into the DNA of body cells as well as reproductive cells. Insertion of the viral DNA coding for the spike protein into reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, would then be transmitted to your offspring.
While we were repeatedly told that there was no chance these vaccines could alter our DNA, a study from the winter of 2022 showed that the Pfizer vaccine caused human liver cells to copy the vaccine mRNA into DNA and insert it into the person’s DNA. This was not a surprise. Molecular biologists knew that this was likely. Further, they knew that insertion of viral DNA into the DNA of a person’s immune cells would increase their risks for leukemia. However, most stayed silent as large segments of our population were injected with this experimental gene-transfer technology.[1]‍
“In 1999 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger died when an experimental gene treatment designed to treat his metabolic liver disease sent his immune system into overdrive. A few years later, in 2003, researchers reported that several people treated for immunodeficiency developed leukemias, an unfortunate result of the virus randomly inserting its cargo into cancer-promoting regions of the genome.”[2]‍
WAIT! WHAT??? Gene transfer technologies, such as those used with the COVID-19 vaccines are known to cause severe inflammatory responses and lead to cancer in some people??
YES. In fact, the Mayo Clinic lists the risks associated with gene therapy as follows:[3]‍
- Unwanted immune system reaction. Your body's immune system may see the newly introduced vaccine particles or the protein they produce as intruders and attack them. This may cause inflammation and, in severe cases, organ failure.
- Targeting the wrong cells. Because this technology can affect more than one type of cell, it's possible that healthy cells may be damaged, causing other illness or diseases, such as cancer.
- Infection caused by the virus. It's possible that once introduced into the body, the adenoviral vectors (such as J & J and Astra-Zeneca) may recover their original ability to cause disease.
- Possibility of causing a tumor. If the new genes get inserted in the wrong spot in your DNA, there is a chance that the insertion might lead to tumor formation.
In a recent meeting with AFLDS National State Leaders, Dr. Dana Granberg-Nill asked Dr. Christina Parks about the effects of the spike proteins in the COVID jabs.
“When I think of the injuries caused by the spike proteins, I think it is inflammation-driven. Whether it’s the heart, whether it’s the nerves, whether it’s the skin, that that spike protein is causing an inflammation and sometimes and autoimmune response. Have you seen anything along the lines of soft tissue injuries or even bone fractures that are out of proportion to injury in kids?”
Dr. Parks agreed with Dr. Granberg-Nill that there is inflammation but points out there are many more mechanisms than inflammation at work. “When anything gets dysregulated, it causes inflammation,” Parks comments, “The adrenal and T-cell effects are somewhat driven by inflammation but they’re somewhat driven by some really core level dysregulations, not just inflammation. There’s evidence that it may bind major tumor suppressors. It allows huge DNA damage and possibly the formation of cancer cells.”
Parks recognized an earlier study on infants this highlights core dysregulation. “Remember we have that data in infants where when the mother had COVID or was vaccinated, when they were vaccinated it was way worse, but they had literally NO STEM CELLS, almost NONE. So, that’s not just inflammation. That’s a core dysregulation.
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1 - Are you interested in any reality TV shows? I really enjoy watching those shows when I am with friends but by myself not really.
2 - When was the last time you made plans with someone? What were you going to do with that person? Mother has booked a trip to Highclere Castle where Downton Abbey is set in August!
3 - How often (if ever) do you use moisturiser? Day and night
4 - Name five things you can touch from where you’re sitting right now: Candle, water bottle, vinyl records, scarf and hairspray  
5 - Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? What was the reason? (eg. infection, impaction, lack of space). I haven't
6 - What was the reason for your last hospital visit? I got a covid booster jab!
7 - Where was the last place you had an itch? legs!
8 - If you’re on a long car journey, would you rather drive or be the passenger? passenger but I will ofc do my fair share of the driving if needed
9 - What’s the earliest time you’ve had to wake up for work? What about the latest time you’ve clocked off for the day? For my current work 7am but I've had jobs where 6am starts meant getting up at 5am
10 - Do you use a laptop, desktop, tablet or phone to take your surveys? laptop since so much easier and my finger cramps up if I use my phone
11 - Are you fussy when it comes to how your surveys are formatted on your blog? Not at all
12 - How old were you when you first got internet access at home? Was it broadband or did you have dial-up first?  Since I can remember
13 - When was the last time you painted your nails? myself? last year probs but it never lasts
14 - What’s your typical order when you go to Starbucks (or wherever your favourite coffee shop is)? chai latte or matcha latte usually from pret
15 - What’s your favourite thing to have on toast? strawberry jam
16 - Do you have any debt? If so, are you on top of paying it all back? student loans and no
17 - What was the last thing you purchased with a credit card? Sainsburys shop
18 - Have you been to college/university? If so, has your degree been useful to you or was it a bit of a waste of money? YES, undergrad in English, converted that to a graduate diploma in law for a year and just finished the legal practice course masters. For what I want to go into, it has not been a waste of money and it was the right path for me.
19 - How often do you travel by public transport? For the past year, never, but when I move back to the city I will use it often.
20 - Do you have an instagram account? If so, how often do you post on there and what kind of things do you post? I do and I really don't post often at all maybe once a year.
21 - Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? I'm fine with it tbh
22 - Do you prefer to give your pets human names or not? I wouldn't be opposed to it but it won't be my first choice
23 - Do you like having ice in your drinks? Yes
24 - When was the last time you went to a BBQ restaurant? Too long ago
25 - When was the last time you re-arranged the furniture? Is this something you like to do often? I used to love rearranging my room and showing my parents but haven't done it for a while.  
26 - Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Would you know how to use one without reading the instructions? I have not and probs not maybe I should youtube it to be prepared.
27 - What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job? Client's that are unhappy although my most recent company haven't had too many occasions of unhappy clients.
28 - What was the last thing you used your mobile phone for? listened to a voice note my friend sent me
29 - Did you used to play The Sims? What version or expansion pack was your favourite one to play? YES specifically Sims Castaway on PSP
30 - What was the last thing you used a lighter for? Lighting a candle
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captainconvey · 1 year
The U.S. government has funded an elaborate network of NGOs and think-tanks whose researchers call themselves independent “disinformation experts.
The biden regime aggressively courts both the domestic news media and platforms like Twitter, often becoming both the sources for news stories and/or the referring authorities for censorship requests.
In the Twitter Files we see correspondence from state agencies and state-sponsored research entities describing everything from support of the Free Palestine movement to opposition to vaccine passports as illicit foreign propaganda. Some of this messaging devolves into outright smear campaigns.
The twitter files reveal the weaponization of social media, FBI, DOJ and other us "Ministry of Truth" agencies including congress.
George Orwell
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.
War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.
True freedom is the right to say something that others don't want to hear.
From the totalitarian point of view, history is something to be created rather than learned.
Click on picture or link below to watch the entire movie 1984.
It is a preview of the matrix of deception we are living in today.
‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ (Book) - Written in (1949)
In the novel, Orwell gave readers a glimpse into what would happen if the government controlled every detail of a person's life, down to their own private thoughts.
The twitter files reveal the weaponization of social media, FBI, DOJ and other us "Ministry of Truth" agencies including congress.
Captain Convey Note
I have asked several people if they are aware of the "twitter files" that expose the weaponization of the federal government against Americans.
Some say yes.
Some say no.
Some say they don't use twitter or read tweets on twitter etc.
The "twitter files" provide links to extensive documentation proving the federal government considers Americans a threat to their existence and power.
To read how the modern day "Ministry of Truth" controls the media and other government agencies you will need to take the time to become informed.
Capsule Summaries of all Twitter Files Threads to Date, With Links and a Glossary
For those who haven't been following, a compilation of one-paragraph summaries of all the Twitter Files threads by every reporter. With links and notes on key revelations.
Read Matt Taibbi summaries of the weaponization of the federal government against you.
Matt Taibbi is a solid and inquisitive research journalist.
Some people will not want to learn the truth about the us government and how it has become the "enemy from within" that works to keep itself in power at the total expense of the American people.
These people will live in denial just like the other people who got the deadly covid jab believing it was safe and effective not knowing it can cause blood clots etc.
In 2023 we are living in the predicted time written in the book 1984 where the truth is turned into a lie.
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
What do you believe?
If you only read and watch what the 2023 biden regime "ministry of Truth" produces you will be deceived.
Almost everything in the news media is a lie produced by agencies in the biden regime.
The news media is controlled like a herd of cattle by the biden regime intel agencies and various corrupt government agencies that produces propaganda to deceive you every day.
Not only is the fake news media controlled like a herd of cattle, so are you if you only believe the biden regime propaganda.
If your not careful you will fall for this deception.
There are a few real news sites that are not under the control of the biden regime censorship.
If you only watch the major network news on tv, radio or social media controlled by the biden regime propaganda machine you will not hear or see the real news nor the real truth.
So whats it going to be?
Are you going to stay in denial?
Will you continue to believe the lies of the biden regime?
(As of 2/13/2023 the biden regime now wants you to believe the balloons and other "unidentified objects" are maybe UFO aliens or something.)
For those of you in Reo Linda, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, a UFO is not an alien from outta space. UFO means its just unidentified bubba.
Furries and now this. A black man identifies himself as a white man.
This is just one example of people living in the matrix of deception and promoting the matrix of deception.
Tumblr media
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chicagolandish · 1 year
So, I suddenly had to relocate from Twitter
Tonight, I became the latest victim of censorship on Elon Musk’s Twitter and really, it was no different from the way censorship was carried out in the days before Elon Musk showed up. Some anonymous admin on Twitter decided to hallucinate a rules violation into existence where none was present, and yes, I can prove that, because I had the good sense to not trust these guys. Before they had a chance to do anything, I unrolled my thread using Thread App Reader, archived the thread in both the Internet Archive and Archive Today, and then archived my Thread App Reader profile for good measure.
The thread unroll
Archive Today Copy
Internet Archive Copy
Now, let’s look at the tweetstorm that supposedly broke the rules. The key word in that is “supposedly.” As you can see for yourself, no rules were violated, but as usual with the weasels at Safety and Trust, the rules are beside the point.
One Frank Harris had defended Trump's moronic Operation Warp Speed, writing
You misunderstood me. I’m not saying the vaccine works. I didn’t get it and wouldn’t. But the average person was brainwashed into believing Covid was extremely lethal. For those people, they needed a “vaccine” to rejoin society.
and I replied, writing this:
You're ready to trade the lives of those who were killed by an inadequately tested experimental medication, just for the sake of the morale of a pack of id1ots? That's not a sensible trade, Frank, and given the fact that the vax was forced on people, it's not a morally defensible one. You don't have the right to use non-consenting others as sacrificial lambs. If the l00ns can't bring themselves to rejoin society, that's fine. Let them squat in their solitary squalor at home and starve to death. The gene pool and the world will be better off without them in it. I'm so fu1kking tired of this attitude that the entire rest of the species should accept that it's going to be used as cannon fodder, just to protect the most mentally and physically fragile people around. Our lives and our well being count too, Mr. Harris. Your preferred style of governance is morally indefensible, because with its laser sharp focus on the well-being of the un-fit, it effectively denies the humanity of the fit. It is stup1d, in addition to being immoral, because it sacrifices real hope for the sake of illusions. Neur0tic, messed up people are going to go on being neur0tic and messed up, no matter how often they are indulged. No matter how much one locks down, masks and jabs people, people without working immune systems are going to go on living in a world full of pathogens that no amount of medical theater will make go away. The prognoses for these people are bad. This is a fact, and it's not going to cease to be one, just because you're not mature enough to deal with it. The fit people you would dare assign yourself the right to sacrifice for the well being of the un-fit are people who, but for the posturing of moral c0wards like you, would have a real chance of living long, full lives. These are chances we can't give to the un-fit no matter how hard we try, because Reality doesn't work that way. Does that thought offend you? TOO BAD! GROW UP! The Universe is under no obligation to work in a way that you, I, or your mommy would find personally acceptable. It just is what it is and it does what it does, and contrary to the three years worth of bullsh1t we've just heard out of a pack of social scientists and activists passing themselves as real scientists, it doesn't respond to our wishes or emotional needs. Am I now going to get cancelled because I said that sickly people are going to go on getting sick and that they're going to go on dying? Don't know. Don't care. Any society filled with people that determined to vanish off into their own daydreams isn't just a society that I don't want to be part of, it's a society that shouldn't be preserved. If people are going to lose their minds over this, then to He1l with them. Let them go crazy. Or crazier, if that's possible. Then let natural selection do its good work. Without the care and concern of those who can function in the real world, crazy people won't live for long. You wanted a plan, Frank? Here's a plan, and you're hearing it from somebody who, unlike the id1ots CNN kept interviewing, really is a scientist. F1uck it, I'm going fishing. You know those people with real knowledge and real skills, without which the lights wouldn't come on and nothing would work? We're fed up. What can we do about that? Well, if we really wanted to, collectively we could turn every city on Earth into a slagheap, and civilization into a smoking memory, but here's a far better, easier idea. We move out to the countryside, get a few gardens, kick back and relax. Growing food isn't as hard as advertised. I've done it, before. Out in the boonies, we'll be having a good time. But you and everybody you know will be dying, Frank, in the cold and the dark, as everything breaks down. If the idea of your loved ones ki1ling each other as they resort to cannibalism just to stay alive floats your boat, keep on pushing. Otherwise, shut up. Now. Or you'll wish you had. Is that simple enough for you to understand? If not, no worries. There's this little patch of land in South Carolina I have my eye on, and to be honest, I would like to get outside more. Whatever you folks want, it's all good.
The only threat I posted, then, was a threat to go Galt, and a comment that others, equally fed up with this woke nonsense would probably do likewise, because given the institutionalization of the sort of attitudes that used to get people insitututionalized, "modern" society was getting to be far more trouble than it was worth.
While such a scenario would end badly for the Left, given the shortage of real, practical, civilization sustaining skills to be seen in its ranks, the threat I just made is not only a threat that I have a recognized right to issue, but in fact the denial of my freedom to issue it would be a recognized human rights violation, one that goes by an old, recognized name: slavery.
If I am not free to withhold my labor from you, no matter how much you might need it, then I am a slave, because that’s what the word means. So, now that you’ve read the above, what possible excuse do you think they could have offered for locking my account? What rule do you think that some anonymous coward working for Twitter Safety and Trust will pretend that I violated?
They claimed that I was encouraging self-harm in this passage
If the l00ns can't bring themselves to rejoin society, that's fine. Let them squat in their solitary squalor at home and starve to death. The gene pool and the world will be better off without them in it.
in which I refused to go along with the idea that basic drug testing protocols should have been set aside, as Trump quite irresponsibly did by executive order during Operation Warp Speed, just to get the doomers to be willing to go outside. Twitter’s actual position is that by refusing to bow to their threat to engage in self-harm if they didn’t get what they want, that I was encouraging self-harm.
That’s not what their own posted rule means and they know it, but as usual, the corrupt employees (along with some even more corrupt volunteers) in S & T don’t care about reality. If they don’t like what you said, or just don’t like the number of people who have complained, they’ll twist the rules to mean whatever they want them to mean, and invent their own facts as they do so.
While Twitter claims that this is a 12 hour lockout, it’s really a permanent one, because they’re playing a game that they’ve played before, and which I’ve heard about from some real world friends they did this to. The clock doesn’t start ticking on my lockout until I delete the allegedly rule violating tweet, but I can’t comply with that demand until I have access to my account. Which they won’t give me, using the fact that I haven’t deleted that tweet as the excuse for that refusal.
Chicken and egg. Compliance is a physical impossibility, because Twitter chose to make it into one, but Twitter is going to pretend that I only got a 12 hour lockout, and that my failure to comply was purely my choice, because it is run by people who are that dishonest.
Others have suggested that I get a VPN, and use it to create a new account. To be honest, far more honest than anybody working for the bird would ever be, to be sure, I don’t know what a VPN is. I could probably look it up, but I’m really not that curious. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - companies like Twitter need us a lot more than we need them. Am I angry about the way I just got treated by them, by the sleaze of that anonymous coward in San Francisco who fabricated an excuse for locking my account? Of course I am, and I’m going to get even in the best possible way: by withholding my content from Twitter.
Why should I sneak around, get special tools and maybe even spend a little money, just to help boost the business of a sleazily run company that just got done treating me like dirt? If I did that, what would that say about my own self-respect? No, to Hell with them.
For now, I’ll post to Tumblr instead of Twitter. It’s a superior platform, more flexible and, as far as I can tell, less troll-infested and troll-friendly. Will I encounter censorship here, too? I don’t know. I hope I won’t, and there is some basis in fact for that hope. Tumblr does seem to have a better reputation than Twitter. That having been said, I’ll be archiving everything I post, so even if I get unpleasantly surprised, I won’t lose any of my writing.
If I do get thrown off of here, too, on yet another flimsy pretext or even the same flimsy pretext, maybe because somebody at Twitter has a friend working at Tumblr, where I go online after that will be nowhere. In real life, I really am the PhD student I’ve been claiming to be, and I really have been approached, in person, by somebody who invited me to submit work for publication. I can forget an asshole here and a jackass there, but there’s a limit to how much crap I’m going to take just to get my words up on a website, where others can read them for free, and for which I am not going to get paid.
There’s a lot to be said for print media, and absolutely nothing for the experience of having my time taken up by Internet drama, so this experience either gets better in a hurry or it ends, as I shrug, walk off and go on to better things. I’m laying back on my bed, typing away on my laptop as I post this, and as comfortable as that can be in short stretches, it doesn’t come close to being as much fun as getting out into the world and dealing with people, face to face.
One thing I definitely will not do: Twitter is demanding my cell phone number as part of the price of unlocking my account. I don’t have a cell phone, I don’t want one, and I’m certainly not going to get one just to unlock a “free” account. The mere fact that cell phones are far from free should be enough to put an end to that idea, but there’s a deeper problem.
The doomers, also known as the Branch Covidians, are a cult, they function like one, and I crossed them during the last few years. I’m proud to have done so, as I should be, but in the process of doing so, I picked up some stalkers. Some of them have already attempted to dox me. Were I to give out a cell phone number, I could then be tracked using that number, with the help of some apps that aren’t that difficult to obtain.
No, being able to post to Twitter is not worth the cost of a new cell phone, and that being the case, how very much less is it worth any danger to myself, my family or my friends. The violent fanaticism of the Far Left is no secret at this point, and it is no joke, and Twitter has already shown whose side it is on, and how trustworthy it isn’t, repeatedly. No, no cell phone number will be provided, ever.
If Twitter surprises me by doing the right thing and unlocking my account - OK, astounds me - I’ll be using it for update notification, only, as I said I would a few months ago. As this latest in a series of bad experiences has shown, I should have stuck with that decision. What, really, did I gain by lingering, other than a tiny amount of lost engagement, and the opportunity to butt heads with the empty drums you saw me run into toward the end? That’s not a good thing to go back to, is it?
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bananadetroit · 2 years
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Did they mean to send that message? Just because your mobile is password protected, doesn’t mean it’s inaccessible to others. Do you click on it?Ĭheck that your friend has not been hacked first. You’ve just received a WhatsApp from a friend, with a link. Ads and posts may be a potential malware delivery vehicle. Is it worth the risk? Social media is teeming with click bait. Look, it’s Kim Kardashian doing…what? Do you click on the Facebook video? Also, be careful of copycat websites and fake (phishing) emails that pretend to be from your bank.
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Banks may be careful with their security, but what about the loopholes in your system? Is all your software up to date? Connecting to unprotected Wi-Fi can expose your personal information to cybercriminals. Would you use online banking because your bank has state-of-the-art security? Bogus sales can trick you into paying for something you’ll never receive, or your credit card and bank information may be stolen. Yes? You could infect your device with malware by clicking on malicious links or surfing on an infected website. You do a Google search for a bargain and a great deal appears in the search results. Put your digital habits to the test with our quiz and explore the consequences of a single careless click. Prevention is better than a cure: Don’t be a hacker helper It spreads via emails, websites, downloads, direct ‘vectors’ like USBs and…you! Do you look before your finger leaps to that link, email, or attachment? Read on to explore whether your online behavior makes you a hacker’s best friend. Ransomware encrypts a hard disk and won’t release the data until a ransom is paid. 2020 saw a 40% surge in global ransomware, which is a particularly lucrative e-weapon. It helps these security pros grow their endless database of nasties.ĭid you know that the AV-TEST Institute registers over 450,000 new malicious programs every day? Also consider these stats from the Norton cybersecurity threat review: From 2015 to 2018, there was a 680% increase in fraud transactions originating from mobile apps. Submit suspicious files to the Avira Virus Lab here. Worms are stand-alone applications that wriggle between systems by themselves, and don’t need an unsuspecting human helper to connect their device to an infected one. They then collect data or delete important information. They look like real programs, tricking users into opening them. When a device meets an infected device (e.g.: through open Wi-Fi networks or a USB flash drive), it too becomes infected. Meet the three usual malware suspects: Viruses spread by replicating themselves. They can then use your identity to access online stores and go on a shopping spree! Some malware can even log your keystrokes to give cybercriminals your login details. It aims to disrupt your system or to give cybercriminals access to your data and bank accounts. Malware refers to ‘malicious software’ that secretly installs itself on a computer to harm the user in some way. Is your online security and privacy the real-world equivalent of standing at an open window, at night, with the curtains open? Are you an unwittingly helping hackers, and what steps must we all take every day to shut those virtual curtains? On the Dark Web, cybercriminals peddle illicit programs and stolen data. Yet beneath the glittering façade of e-shopping malls and Instagram filters, lies a shadow world, where malware and online scams lurk. The digital devices on our desk and in our hands offer endless usefulness, fun…and a possible doorway to our data and private lives. Thank heavens for Amazon Prime! And, oh look, is that a video of a dancing goat? We’re always online and always distracted. You scroll through your emails, before remembering that you need a last-minute birthday gift. Are you a typical digital “citizen X”? From gaming to box sets and groceries, our every need and whim is catered for online.
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theretirementstory · 2 years
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Bonjour tout le monde, it is 18c, the sun is shining and the sky is a cloudless blue.
I survived the busiest week I have had in a long time! Fibre was installed, chez moi. Easy to install new codes to phones and eventually to the computer but could I get the computer and printer to talk to one another….. could I heck! So my daughter in law 600+ miles away got me all sorted, she is an absolute star.
Then my friend arrived with her CV (written in English) for me to read through and make any changes…… she is coming again this coming week and we are going to do a mock interview, in English (how do I get myself into these situations). In the blink of an eye it was the “reunion” with the head honchos of the refugee association. We had the “singer from the barbecue” giving us a selection of songs, one of my knitting group ladies sang a couple of songs too. Then it was the turn of a young man who had received his right to remain, he stood up and thanked everyone involved for their help and told us about his “new life”. Finally, it was my turn, I had written the “hard words” phonetically so that I wouldn’t stumble over them. Everyone said I had done well but one thing is for sure, it has given me the kick in the pants I needed to get back on track with speaking French. As I had “top billing” it was soon time for nibbles, cake, soft drinks and champagne 😁.
The car was serviced and everything was good with it. When I went up to the garage to pay, the lady in the office “knew of me” as she had worked in the estate agents when I had rented the apartment in town, we chatted for some time and it turns out she lives near to me. Then it was vaccination day, yes my fourth Covid jab all over and done with, painlessly.
Knitting workshop came around and I had a mother and daughter arrive, the daughter had to leave early but the mother settled in well and was doing some crocheting. One (young) lady brings her son, she calls me “Ma” and I am “grandma” to her son, am I bothered by this? Not at all, she is only 23 years old and if I can be her “Ma” then all well and good!
There are lots of tomatoes in the garden, I gave a bag full to my neighbours! I am waiting for the beef tomatoes to ripen so that I can stuff them 😋. The one raspberry cane is providing a few raspberries at a time but they are going into a box in the freezer marked “home grown”. I have so many strawberry plants now and they are producing quite a few strawberries. Unfortunately, my beautiful stargazer lilies were attacked by lily beetles before they had a chance to flower and the other lilies in the garden also were attacked. I am going to have to dig them out and destroy the plants and the soil, as the pupae stay in the soil until next year when they emerge as adult beetles and start the cycle over again.
I have been in touch with elderly relatives again this week, it’s the week of the big food delivery for the one who is “stuck “ on the 4th floor of an apartment block.
My family in the UK are all well. “The Daddy” and “The Mummy” are preparing for my grandson’s first birthday! Where has that time gone? I cannot wait to see my grandchildren again, hopefully not long now.
I think I mentioned that “The Paralegal” was “whipping” his work colleagues into shape and dragging them kicking and screaming into the 21st century 😂😂. It is great to hear how much he loves his work.
I have the mammoth video call with my friends in Bristol this afternoon, I need to get fish pie made, I want to do a few jobs in the garden and have lunch before 3pm…… sure I will manage all of that, I am a multi-tasked you know!
Instead of a poem this week, I remembered this song, which I think is quite apt:
If I can help somebody, as I travel along
If I can help somebody, with a word or song
If I can help somebody, from doing wrong
No, my living shall not be in vain
Until next time ………
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