#yes their organs are semi functioning but they are not living
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Bean: "Yes, we found them- They found us. Either way, I would like to get up, so we can go home now."
Fiend: "!!!"
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Bean: "Yes, there is a bat here, and they've been very friendly, and they were showing us a way out, so if we could-"
Bean: "Wait- What? 'Vessel'? 'Possessed'? Fiend, what are you on about?"
Bean: "...Uh-huh... (I don't think I have the spoons for this, right now...)
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nothorses · 2 years
If you have the energy I’d like to hear you talk abt what you value in atheism as a belief system! (This is meant positively I’m just bad at Words, if the question puts you on the spot then no pressure to answer!)
Hello!! Yes!
I think "belief system" is maybe the wrong word- imo, a big part of what makes atheism what it is is that there isn't any kind of organization, there's no system, and the only "requirements" are... well, ultimately just that you call yourself an atheist.
I've seen a ton of different ways to define the word, and a ton of different people call themselves that- or something else- for different reasons; my point just being that it's a really diverse, really complex label, and ultimately I think it works about the same way queer identity labels do: you decide if it applies to you, and if you decide it does, then it does! There's nobody to tell you whether you're right or wrong about that; that's sort of the whole point.
I grew up atheist, and aside from a couple of edge cases I learned about in my 20's, my known extended family is entirely non-religious. I say "three generations of atheists" because I recall one great-grandma who had some angel-related paraphernalia and I don't really remember her deal about it, and because "atheist" is a close enough shorthand; some of my family would probably rather describe themselves as "agnostic", but their reasoning, when I've asked, is largely that they think "atheist" means "anti-theist".
I also say that because my experience in learning about religion has been... kind of unique. I live in an area that is 60% non-religious; I think a good amount of that is that people who grew up with some Christian influence in their life decided not to pursue it themselves. Still, it's not super common to talk about religion here, and religious influences- while they still very much exist- aren't really named for what they are.
What that means is, essentially, that I absorbed a lot of values and ideas as a kind that came completely detached from any reasoning. And I'm a painfully introspective (read: anxious) person; I spent a lot of time reflecting on those values from a very young age, and I was encouraged to do so, in many ways, by the adults around me.
I distinctly remember being about 10 years old, in a car with my mom and stepdad, and wondering about why people Did Good Things. Was it selfish- because it made them feel good? What motivation was there to be charitable and generous, if not for some kind of reward? I knew I wanted to do good, and I knew that part of that was internal satisfaction, but that didn't feel right as an answer. I decided later that this was a function of human nature, to help each other- and even if it was an evolutionary community-building thing, doing good was also a way of building a happy, sustainable life with full and healthy relationships.
I have never understood the "what is the purpose of life?" question- it's been pretty obvious to me from a young age that there isn't one, and there doesn't need to be. We weren't "put on the planet" in the first place. We're here because of a beautiful string of semi-random events, and we get to decide what to do with the opportunities and hardships that comes with.
When I was 12, I decided, on a walk home from school, that my "goal" in life was going to be to be the best person I possibly could. I have spent a lot of time since then working out what that really means; along the way, I realized that in order to do this, I also needed to be a happy person. I needed to heal and grow and live a sustainable life, and I needed to value myself and my inherent worth.
This is a lot of rambling to say, essentially: I think atheism means different things to different people, but I think the idea that it's some kind of void of experience and value is plainly ignorant and genuinely damaging.
This is just a snapshot of the ways in which I currently recognize atheism to have influenced my life, and there's a lot more I could touch on as well! But the idea that we choose what's important is core to a lot of atheism, I think; and there is a genuinely beautiful value system that follows from this.
I choose what's important to me, and others choose the same for themselves. I choose my goals and "purpose", and others do the same for themselves. In a lot of ways, that heterogeneity is part of what makes communities work: understanding and appreciating differences in value systems and worldviews means including more and more of what each individual has to offer.
None of this is exclusive or universal to atheism (and again, the label itself is pretty broad depending on who you talk to) but it's an example of the ideas that can follow from certain questions pretty inherent to the idea that there isn't a higher power.
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art-of-mathematics · 8 months
i need to rant again (sorry in advance).
I feel very sad right now.
As I concretized what aspects I suffer under the most: it is primarily isolation and having nothing to do all day.
so i searched for volunteering opportunities.
(i want to volunteer) but seeing the offers for volunteering work almost being entirely a social volunteering activity made me very sad and frustrated.
and although i find that things like soup kitchen for homeless people are important and i value them - i do not know how i could integrate myself in there to do any activity where i would not just be entirely overchallenged by all social interactions stuffs. while also being bored of the tasks one could do here.
I searched further for any regular or any activities for autistic people or people with huge social inabilities- and it makes me so sad and angry... finding just the few scarce options i have also heard of already- occupational therapy, "work" therapy (which is very similar to occupational therapy), and then thats it for regular options.
for less regular options there is also very few options...
for volunteering work one also needs to be merely self-organized. and damn...
i just wish i had a job that i at least enjoy half of the tasks to do - and anything to do.
i hate being in this shitass huge city and having the same options as someone living in a damn tiny village... or forest.
//sarcastic: in a forest there might even be more options for me to engage with my environment than in this shitasshuge city of additional sensory torture...
it makes me so sad.
it feels futile.
like literally. the isolation and having nothing non-pointless to do make overcoming the shitty trauma far more difficult.
What can I do?
Talking with myself is an option I find even more depressing than just talking to no one for days.
its not even that i slightly like the isolation.
i hate it. i dread it! i prefer to live with some people in a shared flat. but this isolation chamber. i cannot take it.
but i mean: i am extremely privileged for living on my own, renting an apartment solely for myself. But I do not want to live for myself. It is isolating, debilitaing so. In a shared apartment there at least happens social interaction randomly, and I could even do the tasks I do already and would help someone with what i do. But this way its depressingly futile and lifeless.
I feel useless and like a damn burden.
This apartment I am living in is like the final storage facility of radiocative substances: its far away from any engagement places, on a mountain on the outermost edge of the city, with the only function to store and isolate the trash for many years and decades so it will finally fall apart one day, and does not annoy anyone with its existence.
damn. i feel so sad. i have very huge trouble sleeping since a week. i am tired. i am exhausted. breathing shallowly. cant focus. just mind fog. just shittt
am tired but cant sleep
can only complain.
i hate this futile attempt to "pull myself up by my own bootstraps". it is not only seriously energy-consuming, but also futile. But what else can i do?
fuck it. i am tired. yet cant sleep.
and dat thought circle now repeats itself 1000 times until i either get so angry or stressed that whatever might happen - or i might be able to navigate my fucked up mind into a different semi-disturbing thought topic.
i am tired.
yes, you are tired? tell me more about it. does it feel as if u got bread as brain?
yeah. totally. the bread is crumbling.
and what do we want to do with the crumbs now?
perhaps collect da crumbs, put it in a bowl (but not a holebowl) and then insert a liquid and stomp it very hard multiple times until it becomes dough again.
yay. we bake a tiny new brain bread now, dont we?
yeas, we do.
at least in our imagination it is that easy to get into a slightly better mental space - for few minutes - but that is a topic for another chapter.
no seriously. i have to come up with this kind of nonsense all the time because if i confuse myself with this kind of silly nonsense the shitty thoughts, feeling and memories get swirled around - and then they are less painful.
swirling the awful brain crumbs makes them feel as if they are disappeared - but only for the moment when i swirl the shit around. if the brain crumbsmsettle again it all starts to be unbearable again.
seriously this is exhausting. and why? damn why do i have to do this?
arent there more helpful/functional ways to deal with it?
if someone of you humans reading this knows a realitistic other functional compensation method, please feel free to tell me.
I am "am Ende meines Lateins" as that German saying goes. I have approached the end of having clues/ideas. Perhaps I have to accept I approached the invitable: the last station to Burnout and Boreout all at once!
the ring of running in a hamster wheel closes itself as the hamster approached light speed and time began to stand still.
as time stood still, all that was existent was the dead hamsters haunting memories,
still haunting him after he already succesfully died in one of his recursive nightmares.
but uhh. recursive nightmares are of a special kind... i assure you... but dont be sure about anything, thats for sure...
.. and that, my dear human beans, that is true irony.
at least i can laugh about it - somehow. anyhow. whatever.
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thatonelightyear · 9 months
Mkay but no seriously, some genuinely curious questions:
-When built, are the vehicles small/-er versions of themselves that grow into adults, or are they grown adults from the getgo?
-Are built vehicles' ages based off of the date they were manufactured? (I ask this in tandem with the above because I'm curious about how they would treat such things as childhood, ageing, and coming *of* age)
-Are there any parts of the built machines that are organic/semi-organic as to do stuff (ie eating/drinking)?
-What causes a vehicle to end up being built? Is it relative to two parents deciding "hey let's get a kid" and then their respective company creating one, or is it a more company, or god forbid government controlled "we make X amount of vehicles and they just go to homes and go out in the world".
-If they are already adults from the date of manufacture, do they just...instantly move into a garage somewhere? What constitutes as family to them, if they have any? Model similarities, company relations? Found family exclusively?
This list could probably be WAY bigger but I don't want to totally overload you any more lol. This is just a really interesting concept and perspective I've almost never dabbled in and I'm genuinely curious how these things might work through the built theory's lens.
I appreciate you reading this text wall btw :')
OMG ive never had such a long ask before aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tysm :DDDD ahem now down to business
When built, are the vehicles small/-er versions of themselves that grow into adults, or are they grown adults from the getgo?
Ans: I personally headcanon that both versions would exist - that there are smaller versions that grow into adult frames, and that there are adult cars that roll straight off the production line (i hc that lightning is one of these cars, just manufactured then put on the track) but by and large cars manufactured at adult age tend to be a lot fewer than having children?? baby?? cars that grow up
Are built vehicles' ages based off of the date they were manufactured?
Yes I suppose so - but it really depends because from what I've seen in the Carsverse age seems to be a more fluid matter that doesn't nearly have as much impact on their lives? Case in point Lizzie who is literally a hundred years old and still kicking. Coming of age, ageing and childhood really depends from a car to car basis, maybe the families they were raised in, their personal preferences etc - tho obviously those cars who are small would *have* a childhood I'm more inclined to believe that adult cars - from the earlier point - don't nearly get this privillege
Are there any parts of the built machines that are organic/semi-organic as to do stuff
Nope. I believe in this world everything is just like the cars and vehicles in our world, and therefore the stuff they consume would probably depend on what kind of vehicle they are and therefore what fuel they will need. The 'food' is all fuel that has a changed appearance. Race cars don't normally ingest these foods because, well, their prime function is to race and the foods, however much they may be fuel-based, will never be the premium stuff needed to run a high performance engine smoothly
What causes a vehicle to end up being built? Is it relative to two parents deciding "hey let's get a kid" and then their respective company creating one, or is it a more company, or god forbid government controlled "we make X amount of vehicles and they just go to homes and go out in the world".
In Cars 1 Mack has a line that says 'thank the manufacturer you're alive' when he finds Lightning in RS, and so based off this- the Cars world has manufacturers and factories that manufacture the sentient cars, the nitty gritty details aren't known to the general population which is why they never really question it, it's just that they have manufacturers, and the sentient cars roll off the production line and thats that. Of course couples can opt to adopt one of these cars from any manufacturer (this would probably explain the differences in make and model in Carsverse families better imo)
If they are already adults from the date of manufacture, do they just...instantly move into a garage somewhere? What constitutes as family to them, if they have any? Model similarities, company relations? Found family exclusively?
Yep. I'd think that the companies settle them with a place somewhere and then good luck to you way out there!! They'll have no family, sad to say, and the first few years will get preetty lonely. Found family only ftw (might explain Lightning's whole... personality from this headcanon above lol)
Wow thats done :D was fun answering YIPEE feel free to send more anytime!!! (hopefully all my ramblings made sense. uh.) also would like to credit @whipplefilter and @the-kings-tail-fin since its from their stories that I literally got the basis of all this and like yeah :)
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thatdogmagic · 2 years
Do the werewolves in your universe have some sort of method to turn humans into werewolves? And if so is it some kind of special method where they need to do it like on a certain time or have some sort of special process (so that way they won’t be making hundreds of werewolves a month and preventing them from accidentally ruining lives) for it to work?
Technically, yes. Technically.
The real answer, though, is no. The reason being that the 'humans' that are able to be 'turned' are in fact werewolves. As I noted in a separate post (It's been a while so don't sweat missing it), all the hardware's there, but the software's yet to be installed.
How one goes about allowing all that hardware to be put to use can be approached in a couple ways, but none of them are a surefire bet.
For example, there is a compound - a drug - that allows werewolves to skip over that 7-day shifting cooldown without causing too many ill effects, save a mild MDMA-like buzz and a hangover on the day after. When pushed intravenously into the system of a latent werewolf, it can trigger a first change.
How well that change goes, however, is entirely up for debate.
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As it stands, this is the most common result, an 'in-betweener' state that could be anything from semi-functional to non-, depending on the individual. Some are still able to shift - be it at will or by force - but it's usually to some other in-betweener form.
A pretty gruesome death comes in at a close second, owing (but not limited to) the body changing in a way that cuts off airways, or crushes organs, or - in more horrifying edge-cases - triggers the explosive growth of dormant cancer cells, leading to some truly breathtaking mutations.
Then there's just the whole process of staying sane/semifunctional when you've never had the training to take in all the new sensory input, the new set of instincts, etc. The brain has developed no filters for the new sense of smell, for better tracking via motion, etc. The toll it takes on one's overall sense of self and sanity can be ruinous.
Needless to say, with her one and only side effect being a juvenile's pelt (or lack thereof), Sandra got extremely lucky.
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In the Terrestrial Predacon world humans would have a very interesting relationship with the humans vs conventional dragons. Conventional dragons are very much apex predators that consider us humans "crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
The fact that humans and predacons are on two separate food chains makes thing very interesting. They are apex predators that can't eat each other. It's an intriguing concept. I honestly think that they'd ignore each other until the the human ancestors developed language. I think that the Predacons and the humans might develop a form of social mutual-ism and possible self domestication on the human end. Sort of the way that cats are semi-domesticated because they chose to hang around us because it benefits them.
I think the human society would very much follow the lead of the Predacons each group of humans attached themselves to. Something like a mix between cats and remoras. Human language would be very close to primal vernacular which would be fun.
I do think that Predacon would also maybe hold themselves aloof from humans until us H. Sapiens out competed or wiped out the other hominid lineages. Humans to prove themselves worthy.
I also don't think it would take too terribly long for the Predacons to speak or figure out mech form. Opposable thumbs are useful after all.
Plus the idea you had with the predacons being shorter lived than baseline cybertronians might come from nutritional issues. Earth has less of the baseline minerals that are needed for cybertronian biology. eventually their bodies can convert it but it takes time and is metabolically taxing. the lack of nutrients would both act as functional birth control slowing down heat protocols and shortening lifespan.
It is such an intriguing situation, like I'm sure some Predacons would have a time chasing organic prey but they can't/shouldn't eat them, so they'll learn.
Ooooo?? Cool?? Makes sense they'd mostly ignore each other, but the idea of the creation of language being our interaction point is cool as fuck.
They would they would they would, that would be so cool yes yes. Predacons and humans working together? Yesssss.
The concept of humans domesticating themselves reminds me of stories where humans offer stuff to a dragon and the dragon protects the humans.
The detail of remoras made me think about humans latching onto Predacons and ykw yes. That's adorable.
Yepp yepp that's also definitely a possibility
Opposable thumbs are indeed quite useful, though I'm sure there were many funny moments when the Predacons first figured out how to transform to root mode
Ooo yes, earth would 100% lack many of the very much needed minerals Predacons need (either lacking then entirely, not having them in large enough amounts, or straight up minerals that are on earth but are hard to access)
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crying-cinderella · 1 year
A long-awaited update for "London Calling" Chapter13 has been long in the making, but it's finally here! The TL;DR version of life is on A03- the somewhat lengthier version is here: Long-Covid is no joke. And here we thought we'd all be over it by now. While both arms and wrists and fingers and all of that have made a full functional recovery, I had another spill that set me back a bit in late April. (Nothing broken this time, because toes don't count) but enough to keep me out of commission for a while. It's difficult to get steady lasting work when you've got crappy chronic fatigue amongst other issues. And yes, I've got a really good- albeit way over-worked- disability attorney working with me to try and file...the first filing was rejected because this state doesn't recognize 'fallout from long-covid' (lay-terms) as a valid form of disability. Nevermind the cardiac incidences and the TIA. We're working on it. I've moved houses/residences again. The upside is it's back to the original place I started. My ex-non-spice-spouse-ex-current-semi-partner... that's an even longer story- has graciously given the house we used to share back to me. And he drops in once or twice a week to check on me. It's a very, very complicated situation. That I just don't have the energy to get into. Still working on finishing that non-FF-novella. Still tweaking the formatting for e-pub/self-e-pub. The novella itself is finished, has been edited, proofed, etc. But because it doesn't have chapters- and reads like a fictional memoir told in two timelines- the present happening and the protagonist's flashbacks of what's happened- it's difficult to find a formatting guide that suits what I have. If anyone has any recommendations for how to format a non-chapterized work of fiction for e-pub...please let me know. (Still basically flipping a coin on Smashwords vs Amazon too.) This chapter of London Calling is sort of the wind-up. I think. Chapter 14 is fleshed out, but I still have limited technology. (When you're not getting steady work...replacing your laptop among other things becomes a low-low-priority.) I do, however, know now how this story ends. And if it comes together the way I suspect it will...then I think we're looking at 19 chapters. This Chapter that went live today is just over 13,000 words. So I apologize for the length. I hope you're all enjoying life! Thank you all for your continued support! https://ko-fi.com/cryingcinderella
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terrence-silver · 1 year
So, you had me howling at the idea of PretendVirgin!Terry in his thrift store couture, making himself out to be the world's most sexually attractive monk. Here's what I want to know: how would he play it out in the end, when he inevitably 'loses it' to Beloved? Would he take the act all the way, playing the part of the nervous, blushing innocent, pretending to fumble around and have no idea what he was doing, even going so far as to have Beloved take the lead and show him what to do? Or, alternatively, would he drop the act at the last second and ravish Beloved, chalking it up to him some legitimate-sounding nonsense about flow state and him being just that in-tune with his body from living in such an abstinent way? Just wanted to hear your expanded thoughts. 🤣 Simply too amusing.
Ravish beloved? How would he justify it? It's the chakras getting unplugged!
Dirty jokes aside, I think Terry would play this out for as long as the situation allows him to because a) It is fun b) a great social experiment c) he gets to see exactly who beloved is when the power levels are artificially flipped d) it is hot.
It is hot to mess with people. It is hot to pretend. It is hot to get away with bloody murder. And yes, it is hot to act the innocent goodie-two-shoes and the role of the noble, abstinent warrior-monk in the making when that is pretty much the last thing Terry Silver is and he knows it --- maybe that's why it is so damn amusing to him too. Anything that is mischievous, nasty, lurid and schemey is right up his alley and I think he'd actually enjoy and get a major kick out of pretending he's fumbling around, ashamed of his partner's nudity, his own nudity (in spite of being with ease with bodies in the context of martial arts), intimacy in general, the function of human organs or even what to do with them. He's just a shy, humble, hard done by Sensei downtown who lives in a semi-renovated, neglected dojo that has seen better days and who has dedicated years of his life to training...and not much else. Might even act the absolute saint by saying he never wanted to tie anyone to himself in any sense because he hasn't had his ''life financially together enough'' to deserve that yet if this a Terry Silver pretending to be poor and you might be there wondering --- wow, what a self-sacrificial martyr this dude is? He wont even have casual, no strings attached sex because his business is still taking off and he doesn't want to impose on potential on conquests? It is just too unfair, Terry says. People deserve better. He can't offer anyone anything. He isn't putting himself down. He is just honest. So he claims. A man must know himself.
What the heck, you might think!?
Handsome, abnormally kind, ridiculously considerate, a talented fighter, a returning veteran and he's sexually obstinate by choice? If he didn't exist, one would have to quite literally invent him. And that's because he is absolutely invented and a figment of Terry's own imagination who utilizes every bit of willpower not to chortle out loud every time he makes himself deliberately blush because he spotted a patch of your skin. Maybe a bare shoulder. Does he want drop the act and go in for the plunge and actually take beloved prematurely? Oh, sure. His whole entirely being craves it and it takes a magnitude of control for him not to. But the endgame of every ploy is only as rewarding as the process that led up to it.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
i honestly don’t give a flying fuck if a fetus is alive or not, if it’s a human or not, if abortion is “technically murder” or not. i don’t owe anyone else acces to or authority over MY WOMB. even to save a life. it’s the same reason you can’t force someone to donate a kidney to a person in desperate need of a transplant, because it’s your body, so it’s your choice. what will it take to get that through y’all’s thick fuckin skulls
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farginen · 2 years
psychology + mental health deep dive
general mental health related trigger warnings apply.  feel free to include more or exclude those facts / test results that take too much time or don’t apply, you can check out this list for more personality-related quizzes to include!
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quick facts
diagnoses: ptsd, unspecified anxiety disorder/s (needs further evaluation) triggers: undefined, usually resistant to triggering situations to a degree. positive coping skills: maintaining a routine, eating and sleeping regularly, maintaining her own hygiene as well as the hygiene of her surroundings and her dog negative coping skills: social isolation + withdraw, (sometimes)  under-eating or sleep deprivation, self-sabotaging and suicidal plans attachment style: disorganized / fearful-avoidant love language:  physical touch (receiving), quality time (mutual),  acts of service (giving) myers briggs / mbti:  ISTJ
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history exploration
are their diagnoses formal ( via a doctor, therapist, etc. ) or informal ( self diagnosis, a hunch, unrealized, etc. )
semi formal. a proper psychological evaluation was done when riza formalised her military career after the war.
have they ever been treated / medicated?
no, she was deemed "functional" and has not had any follow up treatment.
have they ever been hospitalized or treated on an inpatient basis?
no, only hospitalised for physical injuries after the promised day events.
how old were they when they first started experiencing / realizing symptoms?
some steem from childhood, some from war.
do they have a family history of mental illness?
yes, her father berthold hawkeye was severely mentally ill though undiagnosed.
how was mental health handled / discussed in the family?
it wasn't.
what are their thoughts on mental health / their diagnosis?
she sees it the same as other physical injuries. the brain is just another organ.
in what ways has their diagnosis shaped their life or experiences?
it hasn't. much like other physical illness and injuries, if it's something she can live and deal with and go without medical assistance she'll take that route. unfortunately, mental health does fall under this.
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bold all that are present, italicize those that are resolved or in the history.
depression.    anxiety.    panic attacks.    dissociation.    derealization.    depersonalization.    suicidal ideation.    self harm.    homicidal ideation.    psychosis.    auditory hallucinations.    visual hallucinations.    delusions.    mania.    hypomania.    racing thoughts.    hyperactivity.    attention difficulty.    flashbacks.    nightmares.    hyperarousal.    hypoarousal.    hypersexuality.    hyposexuality.    psychopathy.   risky behavior.    catatonia.    somatic / bodily concerns.    mutism.    phobia.    agoraphobia.    hoarding.    obsessions.    compulsions.    body dysmorphia.    hair picking.    skin picking.     amnesia.    illness anxiety / hypochondria.    sensory loss.    speech difficulty.    comprehension difficulty.    communication difficulty.    tics.    defiant behavior.    irritable mood.    vindictiveness.     aggression.    pyromania.    kleptomania.    paranoia.    attention seeking.    narcissism.    avoidance.    dependency.    pica.    rumination.    food restriction.    food binging.    purging.    soiling the bed.    insomnia.    fatigue.    sexual dysfunction.    delirium.    developmental delays.
note that all of the below are, on their own, normative and typical aspects of human functioning. they become “symptoms” when they last longer than “normal” or when they pose a significant impact on someone’s life / functioning.
explanations / elaborations on any of the above symptoms
riza is generally very self aware and has a strong grip on herself, most "symptoms" are either circumstantial (i.e high stress, life or death situations, fighting homunculi and all that jazz) and laying dormant until a specific event triggers a reaction, or are underlying subconsciously in her thoughts hardly ever being expressed outwardly instead appearing always calm, collected and even cold or emotionless.
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tagged by: i stole this from @seesgood ! tagging: @kingsleyer, @hongdiwang, @fullmtal, @stovthearted, @bidotheuncanny, @blanchette + anyone else who wants to do it
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moonctzeny · 4 years
Work for it
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Part II: Promotion
pairing: coworker! johnny x reader
other members as background characters: haechan as johnny’s assistant
genre: smut
warnings: explicit smut, semi-public sex, spit in mouth, pussy slapping, throatpie (omg I got so embarrassed writing this down)
word count: 5,792
summary: “One of your co-workers, the supervisor of the Sales Department John Suh, is arguably the hottest man you’ve seen in your life. You try to act on your crush but he is just plain oblivious to your efforts, but you won’t stop until your fantasies come true”
Work for you was living hell and no, it wasn’t for the normal reasons. You had a nice job as an intern in the Financial Department of a company, and with your hard work getting recognized, you were looking forward to being offered a permanent position soon.
Today was no different. You had made sure all your files were organized, calls made and deadlines in check. All you had left to do was look over a report in the office of none other but the man who was causing your suffering. Mr. Suh.
Mr. Suh, or Johnny as he insisted on being called, was the supervisor of the Sales Department but he didn’t let it get to his head. He was extremely friendly, willing to help his subordinates and brought a smile to everyone’s face. Working with him would be amazing if there wasn’t one little problem. He was the sexiest man you had ever seen.
Now, now, you weren’t some middle schooler. You came into this company committed to get the position you deserve, not beg for some man’s dick. But when he first welcomed you in the main elevator, tall height, hair pushed back and with a face of godly facial structure, you almost pressed the stop button so he could take you right then and there.
You brought some files along and ascended the stairs that lead you to his office on the top floor. It would be more convenient if Mr. Suh sent the report downstairs with his assistant and your best work buddy, Donghyuck, but you insisted on paying him a visit, saying something about how a little work out never hurt anyone.
When you saw Donghyuck at his desk, he didn’t even look up from his laptop, pointing at the door instead.
“Put your panties back on. He’s on the printing room”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, used to his teasing about your crush on mr. Suh and headed out for said room at the end of the hall. Johnny was hunched over a machine, shaking it from side to side.
You knocked lightly on the already open door to announce your presence, and he turned around, flashing you his killer smile.
“y/n, hello! I was just trying to get you a copy of the report, but the damn printer seems to be broken again.”
You tried to tell him that it’s okay, that you can use the printer from your floor downstairs, but then he bent over trying to locate the cause of the malfunction, giving you a perfect view of his ass in his fitted tracksuit. Rutting the machine around, he thrusted his hips forward, letting out the occasional grunt, and you took a mental picture for later. He must have shaken something a bit too hard, because ink started to spill out of the cartilage.
“Aww, it’s dripping everywhere”
He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, and you couldn’t help but stare at how veiny and strong his arms looked as he pushed down. Your mind wandered off, imagining how nice it must feel to have him on top of you, applying this kind of pressure with his pretty hands around your neck as he-
“y/n? Are you ok?”
“Uh-um yes! Sorry Mr. Suh, it’s been a hard day”
It’s been your cute ass that made it hard for me to function around you was what you actually meant. He winked your way, and you were almost sure he did a double take on a skirt you wore that he had complimented before.
See, it’s not like you never thought of making a move on Johnny. You knew he was single, and he even told Donghyuck that he thought you were cute. Romantic relations between coworkers was not a rare thing, but the way everyone around here respected him made you nervous to approach him. No matter how many people fell for his charming personality and his visuals, he was never part of the company’s gossips and you knew the reason. The guy was denser than a brick wall.
You tried testing the waters with him, taking the light flirting a bit further, but he never seemed to catch the point. Maybe he was so used to getting this kind of attention that he dismissed your attempts as just friendly banter.
But you weren’t ready to give up.
“Sometimes I like coming here to relax. This place is usually so nice and quiet. It gives you privacy to do so many things”
What you said must have piqued his interest, since he gave up on the printer and turned his attention to you instead.
“Things, that the company wouldn’t approve of doing in here?”, he said in a lower voice than before and your throat felt dry when you answered him.
“Yeah. It’s just, we wouldn’t get caught in here, you know?”
“Oh, I know exactly what you mean”
He took two steps towards you before lowering down to whisper closer to you.
“I actually know a place that has even more privacy than this room. I usually go there alone, but it will be so much more fun with you”
Droplets of sweat had collected on his temples as a result of his physical activity earlier, making his words sound so much more enticing. He looked around, checking if anyone was standing in the hallway, before whispering again.
“This will be our little secret, ok?”
You swallowed hard and nodded, ready to get your world rocked by John Suh. He reached for something in his back pocket, but instead of a condom, he whipped out something you’d never expect.
A pack of cigarettes.
“I told everyone I’d quit but the stress gets too much sometimes, you know? I didn’t remember you smoke, though”
Oh my god. Oh my god, you were so stupid. All this time you thought you coaxed him into a steamy, clothes-on, ass on the printer quickie and he meant sneaking you out for a guilt-drenched cigarette break??!!
“Right! You didn’t remember that I smoke because.. because I don’t! ...Anymore. I mean, I quit, just like you. And you know what Mr. Suh, we shouldn’t succumb to the needs of the flesh! Fight back to our bad habits and get healthier! Together!”
He was frozen in place, dumbfounded by your sudden anti-smoking monologue.
“Wow y/n I didn’t know you were so serious about this. Very impressed by your spirit though.” He patted you on the back before picking up the report from the printer and getting to the door. “I’ll tell Donghyuck to print this for you and deliver it to your desk. Won’t take too long, alright?”
And just like that, he managed to leave you in the printing room alone, horny, and one report down.
 The next morning at the office was as typical as any other, with the difference that it was raining cats and dogs. The low that was centered over the area caused continuous storms, the rain and moody atmosphere making it impossible for you to keep your eyes open.
You headed over to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, already the second one of the day, when you saw a very familiar someone occupying the coffee machine.
“Mind if you make me a cup too Mr. Suh? I hear you make the best coffee in the office”
He chuckled at you, instantly recognizing your voice.
“It’s my pride. I do love coffee” After turning on the machine he looked at you finally, a serious look on his face. “Listen, y/n, about yesterday, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tried to drag you down with me like that. You were right about the cigarette thing. I’ll quit for good”
You blinked at him, trying to grasp the ridiculousness of the situation and feeling a bit sorry for guilting him like that.
“It’s ok Mr. Suh don’t worry about it. No big deal”
“Oh and, please, call me Johnny. You make me feel a thousand years old. I’m not that much older than you.”
“Yes Mr.- Johnny”
Just at that moment, a lightning struck, making you jump in place. You glanced at the window, or rather the stormy mess outside, and sighed.
“Chose the wrong day to forget my umbrella huh?”
“You want me to drop you off?”, he offered, immediately making you panic.
“No no! It’s okay. The metro station is really close. It’s fine if I get a little wet anyways, I won’t melt, I’m not made of sugar”
You cringed a bit at your nerve-induced blurting, but it would all be gone in a second.
“You’re sweet like sugar though”
He poured the now brewed coffee on both your cups and you just stared at his movements in shock. Did he just? Initiate the flirting? And called you sweet?
Ok, this is it, you thought.
“Do you like sugar?”, you asked him seductively, making your arms touch. You had to take advantage of this opportunity. The ride home suddenly didn’t sound like such a bad idea.  
“Oh no thanks I drink my coffee black”
Looking at the clock on the wall he picked up his cup and took a sip, striding out of the kitchen and leaving you speechless, much like yesterday.
“I’m late for a meeting. See you later, y/n”
You groaned as you watched him walk away, pouring an excessive amount of sugar in your drink.
“That’s not what I meant...”
 Meetings usually meant making sure you had enough battery on your phone to silently play your favorite game, while you heard some old guy in a suit blabber on and on about the most boring topic on earth. Usually you’d be complaining about why they just had to take away valuable time of your day to talk about an issue that could very easily be briefed in a mass email, but not today. Because today, the man of honor who got to do all the talking, was Johnny.
To anyone else, you looked like the most eager intern in the company, taking in every single word that came out his mouth. In reality, you were just immensely turned on by his fluent English, his new suit, and his ability to capture everyone’s attention. You had no idea what he was talking about, but you could listen to him talk all day about how “Results are important” and “Taking a more aggressive strategy is vital”.
A sudden noise made everyone turn to the exit door, only to see that it was just the cleaning lady that had dropped her bucket as she was going down the stairs. You felt Donghyuck, who was sitting next to you as always, nudge you with his knee.
“Oh look, she brought a mop for your drool, how nice of her”
“I’m not drooling”, you whispered back with a glare, shoving him with your elbow.
“Right”, he chuckled, “you’re ready to get on your knees for him right now”
It was really hard to get the picture that Donghyuck had painted out for you off your head for the rest of the meeting. You pathetically rubbed your thighs together to get the slightest feeling of relief, and tried to mute out Johnny’s sexy voice with no avail. When the meeting was finally over, you walked out of the meeting room along with everyone else, when you saw Johnny catch up with you.
“Hey y/n”
“Hi Johnny! Nice presentation up there”
He beamed up at your compliment and you wanted to coo at him for looking so cute. His aura changed a color when he replied to you, turning solemn.
“Thank you. Glad to see you’ve finally dropped the formalities with me”. I can drop my panties too if you want, you thought to yourself, but you only smiled at him when he managed to leave you speechless once again. “Is it wet?”
Wet? Fuck, was Donghyuck right? Were you really so caught up on eating Johnny up with your eyes that he noticed? That he realized you were so turned on by him? He saw your confused expression and tried to futilely explain.
“Is it wet? Down there?”
You were losing it. Was he really asking you that in front of all your coworkers? Your face couldn’t possibly get any hotter, feeling as if you were burning up with a high fever. You realized you hadn’t said a word back.
“E-excuse me?”
“Wasn’t the cleaning lady going downstairs earlier to mop? I figured you’d know if the floor was still wet. Since your office is on the bottom floor”
Get your mind out of the gutter, y/n. Quick, say something already! Stop staring at him like a lost puppy!
“Uhh no I don’t know actually. I’m sorry, I have to go”
You turned swiftly on your heel to walk away from him, and save yourself from any further embarrassment.
If Donghyuck was here to witness this, you’d never get to hear the end of his teasing.
 You didn’t expect an email like that from the Sales Department. You were at your desk, minding your business when you got the notification, almost choking on the gum you were chewing on.
I have something very confidential to show you in my office. I think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised. Bring your sexy ass over here at 16:00 sharp.
Johnny Suh
 You must have re-read those 30 words about a thousand times to ensure you weren’t making things up. You freshened up your makeup, thanking the gods of sex that you decided to wear cute underwear this morning. All the things you were daydreaming about since your first meetup at the main elevator, were finally about to happen. Fidgeting around in your seat, you felt yourself getting wetter thinking of all the nasty things Mr. Suh was planning on doing to you in his office.
It was 16:25 when you walked up the stairs, not brave enough to make a man like Johnny wait. All his assistants were gone, probably send off somewhere to avoid having them hear your little unprofessional tête-à-tête.
You walked into his office, the door slightly open. He was sat on his chair, the back turned to you and you started to feel nervous. You didn’t notice he had changed his hair. And wasn’t he wearing a different suit this morning?
“Um Johnny? You asked to see me?”
He tsked at you, turning around.
“16:28? I thought you had more of a backbone than that, y/n. Also thought you’d come in here naked. Disappointing.”
The smug smile, the teasing voice. Donghyuck.
“The email was fake wasn’t it?”
“Luckily for you, yes, I was the one who sent it. I mean, seriously. This ugly brown suit for a dick appointment with Mr. Suh?”
When you graduated university with honors, you didn’t think you’d one day be charged with the murder of a company’s assistant. But right at his moment, as you grabbed the stapler from the desk and walked over to him ominously, you thought it was all worth it.
“Lee Donghyuck, after I’m done with you the only dick appointment you’ll make is with the ER doctor, to get these staples off your balls”
He got up, panicking, and started to back away from you.
“Somebody save me, please, mom!”
You were ready to grab him by his tie and fulfill your threat, when you heard someone clear his throat at the door. And this time it was the real Mr. Suh.
He had his arms crossed, a smile appearing on his face as you shoved your friend away and immediately dropped the stapler from your hold.
“You know, you two are always wasting time over here, messing around. Maybe I should punish you”
Oh god yes, please do.
It was Donghyuck’s deadpan expression that made you realize that you had actually said that out loud. Johnny raised his eyebrows incredulously.
“Oh, so you want the overtime?”
“S-sure why not? Not like I have anything better to do on a Friday night”
Your friend rubbed his palm over his face, cringing at the situation you got yourself in.
“Please, stop talking, I beg of you”, he murmured, when Johnny spoke up again.
“Well in that case, will you leave me and y/n alone to discuss some details?”
Donghyuck nodded, closing the door behind him and it seemed like he took all the oxygen along with him.
Johnny sat on his desk, whipping out some files for you. It might sound stupid, but the email, though fake, had put you in a certain mood, and having him sit so close to you wasn’t helping your situation.
“I will only give you the run down but please ask the supervisor in your department to explain further”
You tried listening to him talk about your overtime, you really did. But the way he was sitting on his armchair with his legs spread out, was practically begging you to do what Donghyuck had suggested yesterday and get on your knees already. You’d tell him to continue his work, challenge him to try and keep typing on his laptop as you’d palm him through his slacks. You’d wait for him to get a bit impatient, licking him over his clothed cock until it felt like it would rip from the fabric. He was definitely big, and you wondered whether you could take him. You’d put him in your hand and start sucking on the tip, then lick your way down to his base. Maybe he would have to take a call, and you would make it a goal to distract him by fitting him all inside your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. His little office slut.
“y/n. Get under the desk. Right now.”
His voice brought you out of your daydream but his words triggered another one. It felt like the world around you was shaking. Did he just ask you to get on your knees under the table? Could he read your thoughts? “y/n can’t you feel the earthquake? Get under the desk”
When you realized what was happening, you wished that the earth would just swallow you whole already, taking away the embarrassment with you.
Donghyuck met you outside. He had evacuated the building along with everyone else, happy that the small earthquake got them an extra five minutes of break.
“Did Mr. Suh pick you up in his strong arms like your knight in shining armor and save you?”
“Don’t talk to me I’m still mad at you”
He turned you around to face him, his lips pouting at you cutely and it was really hard to resist his doe eyes.
“I’m sowwyy I was just trying to help you out!”
“Help me out with what?”, you sighed, tuckered out, “he clearly doesn’t want anything more with me”
“Oh yeah? Is that why he hasn’t stopped checking out your ass ever since you left the building with him?”
You turn your head to Johnny’s direction, just in time to see his eyes shift from you and Hyuck to the floor. Maybe your friend was right. Did Johnny actually like you after all but was really just that oblivious to your crush?
“All I’m saying is”, he continues, “that you need to be clearer with him. He is the supervisor of another department than yours, he obviously won’t act out anything unless you give him the green light”
You nodded at him, a feeling of determination coursing through you. His words reverberated in your head until break time, planning out your seduction. You knew that there was no way you would be able to concentrate at work unless you gave it a shot with Johnny, even if it goes terribly wrong. Tomorrow, you promised yourself.
 And tomorrow did come, finding you right outside his office door. Taking long, confident strides, you walk past Donghyuck who for once, was speechless, eyes widening at your appearance.
Johnny’s favorite skirt hug your hips, garters barely peeking under it. Your shirt was a bit tighter than usual, an extra button undone, revealing your cleavage. The room was filled with the clicking sound of your high heels, that were as uncomfortable as they were sexy. It was barely considered work appropriate but you didn’t care. You hoped you’d manage to at least grab his attention, then let your talking do the rest.
Taking a deep breath, you knock at the door, slowly opening it. Johnny was typing away something, looking delicious as always. Your voice was way more sensual than you’d usually let it be in the workplace.
“Johnnyy~, good morning. I’m here for that file I need?”
He had his eyes still glued on the laptop in front of him, his tone as bright as ever.
“y/n! I would send Donghyuck over you didn’t have to- “
He finally looks at you, his eyes quickly moving from your chest to your skirt, only to stay for a bit longer on your legs. He seemed a bit taken aback, his breath hitching in his throat but he shakes his head lightly, regaining his stature.
“-you didn’t have to come all the way up here”
“I know”, you mewl, picking up a pen from his desk and clicking it closed, letting the tip rest on your bottom lip, “I just missed you”
You saw him stare at your mouth before he cleared his throat, coolly sitting back on his chair.
“I think you’ll take this back when you stay for your overtime tonight”, he laughed, too friendly for your liking.
“No, no. I would never get tired of you, Johnny. Besides, I have a great stamina”
“That’s good! Being mentally strong is very important in this business”
Ugh, take a hint already!
“Well, yeah, but physical strength is important too. You know, I’ve followed your footsteps and started working out. I can go on for hours”
His eyebrows lifted up at your statement, “Yeah? And you followed my footsteps?”
“Well, everyone in the office has noticed you’ve been hitting the gym lately, especially me. Maybe, you could show me some of your workout exercises later?”
He stayed silent for a moment, like he was contemplating his answer and you swore you saw the faintest blush on his cheeks. His answer, however, would disappoint you.
“I was thinking of organizing an online group aerobics class, actually. I think Yuta from my department might be interested in hosting it”
The feeling of defeat was written all over your face. You were done. Smiling politely, you told him it sounded like a nice idea and asked for the file. You felt so angry at yourself for listening to Hyuck’s advice, every painful jab your heels gave your feet seeming deserving.
Donghyuck saw you leaving the room and would follow you to comfort you but he fully understood your frustration. Since you left the door open, he had witnessed everything, and boy was he furious.
He barged into Johnny’s office unannounced, scowling at him. Boss or not, he had to give him a piece of his mind.
“Are you seriously that blind?”
Johnny blinked at him, surprised at his unexpected appearance.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you seriously telling me you didn’t get that y/n was flirting with you?”
“R-right now?”
Donghyuck licked his cheek with his tongue, getting gradually more and more frustrated. “Yes! Right now! The hottest woman in the office was basically throwing herself all over you and you didn’t even ask her out?”
Johnny was shocked, fumbling for an answer, “I thought- I thought she was just being nice”
“Nice??”, the younger man screeched then took a deep breath to calm down, placing both his hands on his boss’s desk.
“With all due respect dude, but either you fuck her, or I will”
 Nothing could make the horrible feeling you felt from your embarrassing incident earlier worse right? Wrong. Because it was Friday and you still had to go through with that overtime you had stupidly agreed with.
All your coworkers from your floor were gone, no one crazy enough to willingly work on a Friday night. You saw them all leave one by one, internally cursing them for their luck. The office was especially hot tonight and you were suddenly glad for choosing that skimpy outfit to wear today, even if it didn’t fulfill its original purpose.
In your deep concentration over the files scattered on your desk, you almost didn’t notice the shadow next to your office’s door. You could recognize these broad shoulders from miles away.
“Johnny, you didn’t go home yet?”
“I’ll leave soon, just wanted to give you some tips your supervisor noted for the work you’ll do tonight”
He smiled warmly at you, but his eyes held something you hadn’t seen before. Slyness, mischief maybe? You didn’t have much time to think about it anyways, because in a moment he was standing over you, next to your desk.
“You see, the loss of this week’s sales…”, he started, lifting the sleeves of his shirt up and revealing his veiny arms that you so adored, “...it’s much bigger than you think”
You gulped, your throat suddenly dry. His voice was deep, seductive, eyes staring right into yours.
“Yes. Doing all this paperwork, it’s very… hard. And it’s so hot in here, right?”
He kept his gaze on you, loosening the tie he wore around his neck. Was this your mind playing games with you again? You weren’t sure but he looked so good you couldn’t help your body from responding to him.
You got up from your seat, resting the side of your ass on the desk to be closer to his height. “If I got it right, you suggest that maybe you need to stay around for a bit? Help me out?”
He nodded, coming closer to you. You couldn’t stop gawking at the way his chest filled up his shirt so nicely, not caring if you were being obvious anymore. He was standing almost between your legs, and you could feel his breath fanning your face.
“It’s going to be tiring, but if you follow my orders you’ll get to finish. Think you can take it?”
Was it his suggestive words or his plump lips that made you feel so lightheaded? Either way, you wanted to dive in, to finally taste him. But you just had to ask.
“That’s my name”
“We aren’t talking about finance, are we?”
He stepped even closer, situating himself between your thighs that you gladly opened for him.
“Fuck no”
The way your hands grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss, was almost animalistic. Johnny kissed you back with almighty force, open mouthed and breathing heavily. With the dominance that characterized him and a bite on your bottom lip, he pulls you up on your feet by the ID that was hanging from your neck. He tasted like smoke and mint gum.
“I thought you’d quit smoking?”
You felt his right hand grab your throat and he broke the kiss, forcing you to look at him. It wasn’t the pressure to your air flow but his eyes that had you on edge. The usual golden flecks adorning his orbs were hidden behind his dilated pupils. “I’m just a man. There are some things I can’t resist”. He dipped his tongue into your mouth, making you feel like you’re in a fever dream with the way all your fantasies were coming to life. “Open up”, he growled against your lips and you obey like you promised to. He spit in your mouth, in a manner so dirty it had your knees shaking.
You started unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to see more of him. Starting with running your hands over his raging heartbeat, you continue down his abs and end up fumbling with his belt. Johnny helped you, springing out his cock and, damn, he may be half hard but that was the biggest dick you’d ever seen in your life.
He chuckles at your widened eyes but instead of making some cocky remark like you expected he leans down, leaving soothing kisses on your jaw. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you”. He continued his kisses to your neck, all the while unbuttoning your shirt. Leaving it on you, he pulls your boobs over your bra and starts playing with your nipples. The tingling on your breasts was tightly linked it the one on your heat and you decided you needed more.
You took his fingers from your chest and placed them between your folds. Johnny cursed out with how wet you were for him, and started rubbing circles over your clit, occasionally dipping the tips in your entrance. He kept at it, relishing in your moans and he would have ripped his tight little skirt off of you if you were in his bedroom. The build up sexual tension along with the semi-public setting made you close to losing yourself in him. You just needed a push, and Johnny was more than happy to give it to you.
“You’re gonna cum for me. That’s what you wanted wasn’t it? Why you got all dressed up like that?”
“Yes, for you, fuck Johnny”
“Come on, let it all out. Cum so I can fuck the hell out of this tight pussy of yours”
You came all over his fingers, grabbing his arms for support. He gave you a moment, wiping the tears off the corners of your eyes while kissed you slowly. When you started kissing him back with a refuelled passion, signalling that you were ready for what he had to offer, he was back, rougher than ever.
He petted your pussy, collecting your wetness and spreading it all over your folds. You jumped up when you felt him slap over your clit, the lines between pain and pleasure from the overstimulation blurry.
You knew Johnny was strong, but the easiness with which he lifted you from the desk onto your armchair shocked you. Spreading your knees as wide as the cushioned seat allowed you, you stuck your ass out for him. He gave your ass a little slap while you waited for him to slip on a condom. He came prepared, you thought, probably planned on doing this from the moment he stepped into your office.
Johnny filled you up completely, your hypersensitivity making you feel his thickness in all its glory. He started off slow, careful of your tightness, but as he picked up the pace, your vision was all stars and constellations of pleasure. You must have moaned too loudly, because he stopped his thrusts and, in a moment, you felt him shove his tie inside your mouth.
“There’s still some people in the building, remember? Or do you like my cock so much that you don’t even care if they hear?”. You couldn’t muster an answer so you just kept drooling through the fabric your teeth bit into. Your pussy was dripping onto the leather, your wetness allowing Johnny to sink even deeper inside you. The feeling was so overwhelming that you opened your mouth wide in a moan, almost dropping his tie in the process.
You reached out your hand behind you to grab one of his arms in desperation. “I’m so close, so close, don’t stop”. He stared back at you with a crazy look on his face, and pinned your hand back on the headrest in front of you. Lifting one of your legs in the air, he starts fucking you so rough you thought the chair was going to break.
Your second orgasm hit you hard, your trembling body making it clear his size got too much for you. But there was no way you’d let him leave this office without cumming.
You climb down from the chair and got on your knees in front of him. Grasping his cock from the base, you started leaving open mouthed kisses on his balls first. You suck one in your mouth and glance up at him with the most innocent look you could muster, the contrast to your actions driving him insane. Johnny leans his weight on his hands positioned on your desk, letting you work your magic.
Returning on his tip, you ran your tongue in kitten licks on the slit, teasing him. An eyebrow raise from him compelled you to behave, pushing him all the way down at once. It was almost as if you pressed a button at the end of your throat with the way it triggered a guttural moan from him. He weaves one hand through your hair to keep you in place for a second longer and you gag. His dick pulls out, and the string of saliva falls over your white shirt making the fabric look see through. The sight of your lipstick on him, your watery doe eyes and your nipples poking through your now wet shirt was divine. He pushed past your lips again, and this time you made a good use of your tongue. You quicken your pace, his shaky groans and sharp gasps letting you know he was nearing his release.
Grabbing both his flexed thighs, you concentrate your breathing though your nose and deepthroat him again. Johnny growls, hips stuttering and eyes fluttered closed in delight. Warm liquid runs down your throat, almost choking you, but you take it all, relishing in his grunts and the way he moans your name.
After you catch your breath he bends down, planting a gentle kiss on your lips and offers a hand to help you up. You buttoned up in an awkward silence, not exactly sure what should be said after a session like that in a place like this.
“So, I’m guessing Donghyuck told you about my little crush on you?”
“Yup. You should thank him”. He smiles at you sweetly, pinching your cheek lightly and then moving his thumb in circles over the skin. “You also should have told me”
You rolled your eyes, “Not like I haven’t tried to! How much more obvious did I have to be?”
“I’m sorry! It’s just- you’re so pretty and I didn’t wanna be another one of the creepy guys that probably hit on you in the workplace”
Smiling at his thoughtfulness, you chose to forgive him and reached up for another kiss. He engulfs you with his long arms, and you push some hair off his eyes, admiring their softness.
“How about, I let you finish up here and we go for dinner after you’re done?”
“I’m not sure how I’m gonna concentrate after what we did”
“I’ll cover for you, but I can’t promise you that I’ll stop myself from distracting you”
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binniesthighs · 4 years
♡nsfw alphabet w minho♡
I tried my best to make a list of my own, but I borrowed a few terms from this lovely template! 
requested by a cutie anon! 
Aftercare: (what they are like after sex) ok, so I see minho as someone who would be super caring after you’ve both properly come down and would want you to feel as comfortable as you can be--he doesn’t want you do have to do much. I am a big believer in minho drawing you a bath to help you relax and get cozy after: he’d hold you in his arms too while giving you a little massage. 
Bdsm: (are they into it? how “hard” do they like to go?) yes. the answer to this is yes. I feel like minho is one who really really gets off to the feeling of being the one in control, and knowing that you’re under his control. hearing your little whimpers, or seeing the way that you toss around when he’s using toys or has you bonded turns him on like no other. along this line, I feel like he’d also gladly tease you relentlessly until you’ve got tears in your eyes. he’ll only give you what you want if you ask him nicely 
Cum: (anything to do with cum) sooo minho loves cuming on you. he loves it a ton. for him, its the perfect picture when you’re gasping underneath him, just off your own orgasm, hands bound or clawing to the bed when he’ll cum on your chest, or your back, mayyybe even your face if you’re comfortable. oh! if you’ll cum on him...he doesn’t mind that either.
Degredation: (do they like using names on you, or for them?) as we have seen above, I feel like he would be into using degrading names, or having you say them back to him, for example: “you’re such a whore for my dick, tell me that you’re a whore for me.” etc. Of course, he never means what he says, he just knows that it amps things up for the both of you. 
Experience: (how experienced are they?) minho is fairly experienced, and also knows well what he likes and knows how to ask you what you like as well. minho isn’t scared to give you instructions or guide you in how you pleasure him as well--he would ask you to do the same!
Favorite (pet names): well, i think that there is a general consensus that minho likes kitten and kitty--it just makes sense lol. Otherwise, the softer ones would be my love, sweetheart, hun, doll, baby girl/boy etc.
Gagging: (size kink perhaps?) I think yes on this one. minho is alll about the power that he has over you, so seeing you gag would boost his confidence. knowing that you have to work a little harder to take him in reassures him that you’re his and that you only bend to him. at the same time, he would never push you to do something that made you uncomfortable and would ask you if you wanted to use safe words/ symbols. 
Hair: (how well groomed are they?) this is kind of funny because I think that minho would actually really care about this. mostly from a functionality standpoint, but also when he’s trimmed he feels more confident and like he’s got everything together and organized for when he’s with you. 
Intimacy: (the romantic aspect) so minho has 2 modes, and they vary depending on his mood or yours. mode 1 is where he’s doming the hell out of you and he gets to do what ever he likes, making you cum over and over again, teasing you for as long as you can take it and doesn’t show much mercy. on the other hand, when the vibe is different, holy hell he can give you the softest, most intimate sex that you can ever experience. i’m picturing super slow and deep thrusts into you, kissing you just as slowly in between while he tangles up his hands in your hair u g h i love thinking about this 
Jack off: (all about masturbation) I see Minho as one who would jack off really lazily, much later at night when there isn’t too much else to do; it isn’t something he prioritizes often unless there’s something that crosses his mind that really turns him on, he’ll even risk doing it somewhere semi-public if it means he gets to roll the image over and over in his mind, especially of you. Oh, and he loves jacking off in the shower when its steamy and warm, I don’t make the rules!! 
Kink(s): Minho loves having you all dressed up for him, I’m talking lace, velvet, anything strappy, harnesses, collars, chokers, thigh garters, maybe some kitten ears, mostly he just loves watching you and this is like icing on the cake. I see him having a hand kink as well?? When he’s worshiping your body, he watches his hands trace you all over, he loves it when you suck on his fingers, or when he rubs his thumb over tongue. Also, breath play, edge play and voyeurism!  
Location: anywhere. and I mean it. the more risky it is, the more exciting it is for him. bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, kitchen, living room couch, dining table, shower, bathtub, hotel rooms, the place doesn’t matter, it’s you that does. he would never miss an opportunity to be intimate with you whether its more slow and passionate or sweaty, rushed and needy. 
Multiple (partners): i think that this is something that minho would be open to! but not at first. minho is someone who can be very possessive at times, so sharing you with others when the realtionship is new makes him a little nervous--bc he wants you to be all his! after a while though, the idea of sharing you with someone and watching you get wrecked under them...he wouldn’t oppose. 
No: (something they won’t do, turn offs) while he won’t say no, daddy kinks aren’t his favorite, it’s simply something that doesn’t turn him on; he prefers to be the one calling you names hehe. he’s mostly an open minded person, just because he gets off on helping you get off. 
Oral: loves loves giving oral to his partner, it’s one of his favorite ways to begin foreplay, he’s exceptionally skilled as well, and knows perfectly how to use his mouth to tease. gives one hell of a blowjob, and knows how to make you cum over and over just from his tongue on your clit. he won’t ask you to blow him, but rather tease you until you’re begging to do it for him. 
Pace: super slow or super fuckin’ fast. there is no in-between and that’s that on that! if you ask me, as much as he revels in pounding you into the bed, it’s the slower and more sensual moments that linger on his mind longer. 
Quickies: i think this goes without saying, but minho never passes up the opportunity to take you right then and now. funnily enough, if you’re at work/school and send him a message about how you might be feeling a little horny, this man will drive all the way to you just to help you out. lil anecdote: his favorite thing to do is fuck you bent over a bathroom sink, battling the time before someone notices you’re away. he loves watching your fucked out face in the tinted green bathroom mirror. 
Ropes: (tying you up au) i added this to the list mostly for fun, but also I’ve got this idea of minho loosing his mind over having you tied up or restrained. ropes, ribbons, velvet, bow ties, handcuffs and much more. there’s nothing more that he likes than seeing you all helpless and not able to do anything about it. he thinks you looks so pretty tied up especially if it’s ribbons of pretty colors that look beautiful on your skin. 
Stamina: bucket loads. I’ve definitely seen something somewhere talking about how minho’s got a dancers stamina and I can’t agree more. minho’s got the stamina to draw out his thrusts for hours or give it to you as quickly and as roughly as he possibly can, granted he’ll be a sweating mess by the time that he’s done, but he sees that as sign that he did his job very well. 
Toys: in my oponion, yes and no. lolll I say this for the reason of minho’s ego getting in his own way. he feels fuckin’ amazing knowing that he can make you cum as hard as you do only from his body and would much rather use the tools at his disposal rather than toys...but...seeing what toys can do to you and how he can use them to his advantage is soemthing he won’t pass up. His personal favorites are all kinds of vibrators, cock rings, hmmm and occasionally nipple clamps
Unfair: (tw: dubcon) (how much that they like to tease) oh my, very much so. fuck, it’s probably his favorite thing to do to you! I’ve said before on this account that minho is into teasing even when it isn’t “that time” meaning he’ll brush up against you in public with his hand or grind himself into you when you’re sitting in his lap. his hand will creep up your thighs slightly when the two of you are in the car together to make you squirm a little bit. and of course, he’ll tease you for real when he’s got you all to himself, and would do it for hours if you let him. 
Volume: frick i love thinking about this!!!! i see minho as being someone more on the quiet side: shaky exhales, choked little breaths, the occasional soft “mmm” or “ahh.” if he’s really loosing himself in it however, looking down at you with tears in your eyes, or drool slipping down your neck from blowing him, he’ll let out some of the most unapologetically erotic moans on his pink lips
Wild card: (you pick!) i would like to use this place to talk about how much a bratty sub makes him go frickin’ feral. There is something about the way that you bite back at each of his demands, it only makes him want to dig into you even harder. you’d say to him as he’s relentlessly fucking into you “i-is that all that you can do? you’re bo-boring me...” in seconds, he would have you flipped around into a completely different position, something you didn’t even know existed that makes your muscles burn but your heat ravenous. he’d say, “if i’m so boring how is it that I’ve made you a fucking mess for me three times already?” 
X-ray: (what’s going on under those pleather pants) thicc thighs I’ll tell you that HA, jk that’s just me having the biggest most embarrassing thigh kink alive lmaooo. buuut it’s true! minho’s got those perfectly toned and thick thighs that he loves having you grind on of course. as for what this letter is really about, I see minho has having just the right proportions. not to be cheesy, but it’s like this boy was practically frickin made for you!! buuuut I think we all know that minho’s packing with something  
Yes: (biggest turn ons) on top of the ones mentioned above, I wanna make this one kinda cute and sentimental just bc I can lolll, but a major turn on for minho is a bomb ass personality!! minho really treasures people who are unique, true to themselves and passionate about something! he finds this super super attractive. this man is an absolute SIMP for a personality and that’s the first thing he falls in love with about you! (also shhhh I’m not pushing my pan!minho agenda shhh) 
Zzz: (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) kinda like with aftercare, minho can’t rest himself properly until you are fully taken care of! as soon as he knows that he’s covered all the bases: cleaning you off, getting you clothes, water, food, giving you a massage if you need it. as soon as the two of you are all cuddled up in together, then he’ll be able to relax himself, patiently smoothing down your hair as you fall asleep yourself, then, he’ll be out like a light. 
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ace-trainer-risu · 3 years
what are your fave diana wynne jones books that aren’t howl’s moving castle??
Oh whattt a lovely and fun question which I was definitely not secretly hoping someone would ask!!!! Yay!!
Hm okay so, not specifically in order, probably my top fave Diana Wynne Jones books would be:
Deep Secret! Deep Secret is not just one of my favorite books by DWJ but one of my favorite books full stop! It’s so good. Basically, the premise is that there is an infinite series of interconnected worlds, some of which have magic and some of which don’t, at the center of which is a vast interdimensional magical empire. Magic in the multiverse is overseen by an organization of magicians called Magids and there must always be a specific number of Magids in existence. When Rupert, a young Magid living on Earth, discovers that his mentor has died (ish) he becomes unexpectedly responsible for finding and training the next Magid, which is extremely inconvenient timing for him because the aforementioned magical empire is on the brink of civil war and chaos and its his job to stop it. And also almost all of this takes place at...a science fiction convention. It’s amazing.  I have read this book minimum four (probably more) times and every time it’s absolutely delightful and hilarious. I would like to go to the sci fi convention in this novel more than anything. It’s such a good read and its one of her few novels which is specifically aimed at adults, so I would EXTREMELY recommend it. Plus the romance in it is extremely good...not exactly enemy-to-lovers but more like ‘annoys-the-shit-out-of-each-other’ to lovers.  (**One note about this one...there’s a few very briefly mentioned side characters who are gender noncomforming and even tho they are actually portrayed very positively, it’s not necessarily ideal and 100% respectful (basically the protags comment on them being very beautiful and nice but also keep trying to guess their “real” gender). Additionally there’s a different briefly mentioned side character who is fat who isn’t portrayed very nicely. Both of these are brief incidents, just wanted to provide a warning for them)
Dark Lord of Derkholm - Okay this one is weirdly hard to summarize but it’s about this magical fantasy world which has been taken overy and is being used as a tourist destination by a non-magical world (heavily implied to be Earth) for people who want to role play at being in a classic high fantasy story, including fighting and killing THE DARK LORD...who is really just a random magician pretending to be evil. The inhabitants of the fantasy world do not enjoy this and are trying desperately to stop the tours, but unfortunately according to a magical oracle, their best hope of stopping the tours is this year’s Dark Lord, a hapless farmer magician named Derk, and his, um, eccentric family consisting of his glamorous wife, seven children (of whom five are griffins and one is a bard) and a simply improbable amount of magical animals. And also there is a very good dragon.  I think Derkholm is so great as a novel b/c it’s a very funny, loving but sharp, parody of high fantasy stories...but a lot of the time parodies only function as parodies but not as good stories in their own right, you know? But this novel completely functions as a story too, and in fact the first time I read at maybe age nine or ten, the high fantasy parody went completely over my head...but I still loved it. I also really love that this novel is very accessible to all ages, I think I enjoy reading it as an adult just as much as I did as a kid, which is rare.  For anyone who has read Howl’s Moving Castle but nothing else by DWJ and isn’t sure where to start, I think this is a great place to start. (TW: There’s a brief, non-explicit scene which has implied sexual assault.) 
Fire and Hemlock - This may be the most controversial one since it features a romance with a significant age gap where the two characters meet when one is a child and the other an adult. And I fully agree that that’s :/ and normally that trope is NOT my thing but it doesn’t come off at all creepy in this story imo, and if you think you can deal with that then this is a very weird, atmospheric, cool book about storytelling and fairy tales and growing up. The short summary (this is another hard to summarize one) is that as a child, Polly encounters and strikes up a friendship and correspondence with a young man, Tom, which mainly consists of the two of them jointly making up a silly, ongoing fairy tale type story...but things get weird when parts of their story start to come true in real life.  I’ve only read this one twice but it really stuck with me and in fact just describing it here...really makes me want to read it again!
The Chrestomanci Series - So all of the above are either specifically aimed at adults or a general audience whereas the Chrestomanci series is aimed at children, mainly a middle grade type audience. And tbh I started reading them as a kid (fond memory - I bought an omnibus of the first two with my allowance money...b/c it had a cat on the cover!) so I don’t know what it would be like to first read these as an older teen or an adult. BUT. Honestly they are really good and would be a quick read so I do still recommend them. There’s seven overall, with th seventh being a collection of short stories, and they’re only semi-chronological so the reading order isn’t vital. My recommended order (b/c this the order I read them in, haha) is Charmed Life, The Lives of Christopher Chant, The Magicians of Caprona, Witch Week, The Pinhoe Egg, Conrad’s Fate, and then Mixed Magic you can read whenever you want so long as you read it after Charmed Life and The Magicians of Caprona.  So the very core premise of it is not dissimilar to Deep Secret - there’s an infinite series of worlds/universes and there’s a magician, called the Crestomanci in this case, who is responsible for making sure magic isn’t abused across the multiverse. The Chrestomanci is an extremely powerful enchanter who has nine lives, and the novels are various semi-connected stories about the adventures of Chrestomanci as an adult and child. Chrestomanci is a title so it’s not always the same person, but for the majority of the stories it is the same guy and he’s...the best/worst...He’s this extremely handsome, charismatic, powerful enchanter who is very good at his job, loves his wife a lot, wears very beautiful clothes and makes, um, questionable life choices and is very annoying to everyone. I’ve thought about this very hard and I believe that he’s what happens when you take a fundamentally chaotic good person and make him do a fundamentally lawful good job; yes, he’s going to do it and do it well, but he is going to do it in the most chaotic, ridiculous way possible, and he IS going to die at an ALARMING rate, doing things that would not normally kill a person, such as playing cricket and trying to catch stray cats. He also, as previously mentioned, frequently wears very dramatic silk dressing gowns with elaborate embroidery, which the protag of Charmed Life finds deeply alarming.  It’s very odd to me how these books don’t seem to be well known, because the Chrestomanci books were some of my absolute favorite books as a child. I still have my omnibus editions of the first four novels and they are very worn and very beloved. And it’s so WILD to me that I don’t think I have ever talked to someone who also read those as a kid! Like I’m not saying those people don’t exist, I’m sure I just haven’t met them, but that’s so weiiirddddd to me. If I bring up Tamora Pierce or Garth Nix or other authors of weird, eccentric children’s fantasy novels to other avid childhood consumers of fantasy, people usually know what I mean, but Chrestomanci and its just..crickets. Is it b/c she’s British? Anyway all of the Chrestomanci books are very degrees of good, but if I had to pick a favorite, I think, controversial choice here, it would be Conrad’s Fate. Particularly in terms of recommendations to others, Conrad’s Fate works as a standalone and, unlike the other books in the series, it’s aimed more at a YA audience, so if you wanted to read a Chrestomanci novel without getting into the whole series, that’s a good way to go. It’s about a boy, Conrad, who is told that he has a terrible, possibly fatal Fate awaiting him unless he goes to work as a servant at a wealthy, and weird, estate neighboring his town, at which place he encounters things including color changing livery, an extremely annoying teenage Chrestomanci, and the greatest liminal space house EVER. It’s like a combination of an upstairs/downstairs Downton Abbey type social drama with bizarre fantasy shenanigans. How could that not be good??
Also as Honorable Mentions - A Sudden and Wild Magic and The Time of the Ghost. A Sudden and Wild Magic is fun b/c it’s one of her few works aimed specifically at adults and it’s (gasp) a little bit NAUGHTY which I was very surprised and delighted by when I read it. (This may seem like an unfair statement considering that Deep Secret fully has an orgy in it, but Rupert is so fundamentally unnaughty of a character that he completely unnaughtifies the whole novel, whereas Sudden and Wild Magic embraces being a (little bit) naughty.)   The Time of the Ghost on the other hand is weird and haunting and creepy and atmospheric. I only read it once but it’s one of those novels you just think about periodically and go “wait what the fuck that was a weird novel” (Also known as the “Garth Nix” effect) 
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 149
So, I was super busy on my normal queueing day and wasn’t able to set this up. And by ‘super busy’ I mean ‘doing laundry, weeding flower beds, and taking several naps’, bc I have upwards of 24 niblings and a super-full time job that make me exhausted.
I’m not kidding, I recently told @baelpenrose “I had a birthday party to go to, yes it’s the third Saturday in a row, don’t worry about keeping track because there are SO MANY”. 
What doesn’t make me exhausted? Y’all. The likes, the comments, the reblogs, the ‘hey, this person reads my stuff AND Bael’s stuff’ ( @feral-possums-in-the-bog, @drbibliophile, looking at you in a very loving way). Also the speedrunners... all of you who have ever, at any point, found this fic and decided to read every single chapter as quickly as possible ( and have or haven’t shamed me for needing to update the masterpost or page links), you keep me going like nothing else. I, too, like a good binge read, so I know I’ve done something worth... something... when someone else binges like that.
“So the Ark is semi-organic?” I glanced over and resisted the urge to trail my fingers along the walls of the corridor.
“That would be the closest Terran approximation, yes,” they confirmed. “It is not sentient in any form, but all exposed surfaces, for example, are grown in-place of a material native to our home planet.”
“So cool,” I whispered. “Is there a benefit to that, aside from being more sustainable?”
Noah rubbed two liw alongside their sensory organs, and let out a soft buzz - essentially rubbing their face with a sigh. “It is very rare for any species that achieves sentience to reach a level of technology that allows for faster than light travel without what you refer to as sustainability being included in every aspect of their culture.”
“Oh.” I felt ashamed and focused on my feet for a few steps, paying close attention to the feeling of the deck plating through my soles, any uneven textures that I came across turning into canyons of perception.
“In the case of the material coating the surfaces of the Ark,” Noah continued, clearly picking up on my discomfort, “it serves a largely hygienic function, much as Else currently provides.”
“So, that’s what Xio was referring to when she said that Hujylsogox ships largely decontaminate themselves?”
“Indeed. Where my species absorbs impurities from the air and any surfaces we come in contact with, the lining of the corridors, rooms, and vents can purify the rest within a Galactic week.” That worked out to eleven and two-third days as we currently measured them on the Ark, or fourteen and a half days on Earth. “Biofiltration is a very common way to sanitize spaces that often house multiple species to avoid destructive interactions, although the coating we use is known to be the most efficient organic solution.”
Surrendering, I ran my fingers over the wall.  Even knowing that it was grown, it still felt like sandstone under my touch. “If it is so efficient, why don’t the Ekomari use it on their ships?”
Their fingers on both vomu clacked as they tapped them together. “In absence of another organism to ingest the larger particulates, sypo is what you would consider to be too efficient.”
“Feathers clog it up?”
“Like you would not believe,” they hummed deeply - a groan, clear as day. “It actually ends up starving the sypo.”
Unbidden, my mind’s eye flashed back to the nightmares that Else had shown me early on: large flakes of the walls falling away and littering the corridor floors. “So, that was a very real thing?” There didn’t seem to be any reason to clarify, given how clearly the images had blared in my head.
“Correct. We believe that Else understood the nature of the material and was trying to show you what was happening in a way they thought you would understand.” A heavy liw gently patted my shoulder. “They meant well, even if they did not realize that it would backfire.”
I was about to ask what the Ekomari use in place of sypo as a biofilter, but my databand signaled me. Judging by the fact that it chimed, flashed, and vibrated against the bones in my wrist, this was incredibly urgent. “I’m sorry, Noah, one mom - ah, fuck…” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I mentally braced myself for what I knew would be coming in the next several days.
“Wisdom, you are distressed.”
“Departmental notification from Pranav and Zach that they will be doing system security testing over the next week. Which means Derek will be doing his best to hack into our systems and take them out, while Pranav and Zach take notes of vulnerabilities and then fix them afterward.”
The face-rubbing sigh was back. “They are not including basic ship functions in this testing, correct?”
I shook my head, relieved that I could at least provide that assurance. “Negative. Only the systems that humans will be replicating on our own once we are on Von.”
“This is still terribly inconvenient. These tests increase tension across the Ark to quite difficult levels to be around.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. It’s mostly from what happened Before, at least for the older members of the crew.  I mean, we got a Global Parliament out of it, but… there were a scary few years before we got there. And then the End happened, and the hack felt like some kind of warning looking back.”
Noah buzzed thoughtfully. “You are speaking of the gap in data we found when we were trying to download your planetary database.”
A part of me wanted to laugh at the fact that Miys continued to refer to the internet as a ‘planetary database’, but the topic was so upsetting that any kind of joy felt obscene right then. “It was… another terrorist attack, honestly.  They weren’t unusual, as terrifying as that is - I mean, you admitted yourself that not all of us were worth saving.  There was a petrochemical hack maybe five years before this one, and the attacks had been ramping up slowly even before that.  But this one.”  I shook my head trying to clear the thoughts from my head. “What we were told is that this group knew we would never take action against climate change, something about how the rich corporate would never take it seriously until they had to actually live in the nature they were destroying.”
“You are doubtful of this.” Noah’s statement was far from being a question.
Couldn’t blame him, since I didn’t believe half of what we had been told, or maybe that it was only half the story. “I wasn’t old enough to remember, but it is a recorded fact that there were actual people on Earth who had more wealth than any single country on the planet, and one was particularly known for building his fortune on the backs of employees who were worked to death or nearly to death.  It’s hard to believe that had nothing to do with it, you know.”
“If being reminded of this event causes such distress among your people, why run so many tests?”
“The hack killed people, Noah. It destroyed entire small countries, caused a lot of violence and wars. The ultra-rich may have been the targets, but the casualties were mostly people who never knew what was happening.  We want to make sure it can’t happen again.  That’s why we warn everyone what’s going on, so they know it’s not the same thing, but still do the testing.”
More clattering of vomu signaled Noah thinking again. “Your global economy depended strongly on the concept of wealth and the concept of money.  But with the current economic model you exercise, such a data security breach would not impact it.”
I shrugged. “We still worry. Not to mention the fact that, at some point, someone may try. We can try all we want to avoid the catalyst of the original events, but some of our better qualities can be just as terrible with just a twist.  Curiosity, confidence, and justice and easily turn into pride, vindictiveness, and prying. Which can lead to blackmail. And that’s just one example. Still sure we’re worth it?”
Another thoughtful buzz with some mild clicking. “I have seen your people endeavor to save a species that could have destroyed you.  I have seen you, specifically, mourn someone who deliberately attempted to end not only your life but the lives of the entire Ark.  There is much evidence to give us faith in your compassion.”
All I could do was shake my head. “I’ll try to have faith in your faith,” I murmured with a weak smile.
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mashkaroom · 3 years
Lengthy analysis of Holes, as promised!. This will include spoilers, which will be marked. Just gonna go through the book and the philosophy/themes/connections I caught onto this time around. Stuff discussed, in order: connections to Camus, on the question of children’s books, systems, cycles, and why Stanley is gay and jewish 😏
The first and perhaps most obvious set of texts/theories it makes sense to put Holes in conversation with is the works of Albert Camus. Holes starts out with a description of the sun and the heat, which readers of the Stranger will remember are major themes there. The heat continues to be a prominent part of the story, though thematically, it functions very differently in the two books. In The Stranger it primarily represents the indifference of the universe (or at least so claim a ton of sources and I’m inclined to agree) and the lack of control we exert over our own lives while in Holes it’s basically the opposite of that. The heat and drought is implied to be a semi-divine punishment for a past injustice and, moreover, the elite adults of the camp have air conditioning and access to shade: the sun does not affect everyone equally in Holes as it does in The Stranger (though even that is debatable: I don’t think this was Camus’s intent, but it’s notable that it’s only the white englishman who’s driven to murder by the sun. This could certainly be read as critique of colonizers who cannot/refuse to coexist with the land and environment and how the indigenous population always suffers for it, but I digress). The other Camusian parallel one is immediately inclined to draw is that, of course, of Sysiphus: there’s the repetitive and seemingly meaningless act of digging holes not to mention that carrying stuff up a mountain is both thematically and plot-wise a very important part of Holes. But, once again, it is eventually revealed that both acts do carry an inherent meaning. Holes does not present the image of an uncaring universe: on the contrary, destiny and semi-divine influence plays a major role. The story may start out with a series of seemingly random and inherently meaningless events, but as the story progresses, people, actions, items, and events become increasingly imbued with meaning. In the Holes universe, one must imagine Sisyphus redeemed, not through the act of rolling the stone but by rebelling against it. I have difficulty imagining that Sachar was not thinking of Camus while writing Holes, or, at the very least, that if he encountered Camus afterwards, he must have been struck by the similarities. I don’t know if there was a specific intent in creating a story so embroiled in Camusian absurdism, especially since the target readership is (allegedly) children who almost certainly are not recognizing specific allusions to Camus, so perhaps the similarities are purely aesthetic — after all, everything that is nominally similar does play quite different thematic roles. However, I would never pass up the opportunity to talk about the myth of sisyphus and I think placing Holes in dialogue with Camus can raise some interesting questions about the nature of meaning.
Is Holes a children’s book?
Speaking, though, of the target audience, the audience for this book is in fact children. What about it makes it a children’s book makes it difficult to say: the protagonists are children (and, I would argue, it is not a coming of age story, despite the claims of one piece of lit crit about Holes in which i disagreed with almost every claim made, but i digress once more) and the writing style is fairly simple: you can read it with a second-grader’s vocabulary. Also, of course, being a children’s book doesn’t (and crucially shouldn’t!) mean that it’s lacking in depth and complexity. However, I think most thematically rich children’s books tend to be quite allegorical. The Little Prince is a good example. Holes is just way too specific for its sole market to be children. It’s either intended to be read by multiple generations at once or for child readers to return to it as an adult. It addresses themes of racism (and not just generic racism, anti-black racism in the reconstruction south), homelessness, intergenerational trauma. and the modern carceral system. These are social critiques that will probably go over most kids’ heads (certainly over mine). However, the themes of the text are not inaccessible for children. You don’t have to understand the particular history of the US criminal justice system or even that Sachar is making a comparison to anything specific to get that the system that he’s portraying is unjust. Knowing the real-world context just adds another layer to the text. Holes also has one of the hallmarks of children’s books that I really like, which is a particular type of absurdism that the child characters come up against. This always rang true to me as a kid and well into my teens, when you start understanding that your life is controlled by some set of systems, but you haven’t quite gotten what those systems are or why and how they came about. Like nowadays, I can say “we did this in elementary school because of a state law, that because of a federal law, that because of the history of puritanism, and this because we got a grant for it”, but as a kid nobody tells you these things or really even cares to explain why the rules are as they are, and the systems that govern your world, often with no small degree of violence and almost always with an inherent disregard for your agency, are ineffable and slippery, and good children’s books capture this really well (Series of Unfortunate Events is probably my favorite example of this, where a secret organization that everything is implicated in and more more tragicomic details about it get revealed until the Baudelaire children find themselves to some degree members with mixed feelings is honestly an excellent coming-of-age allegory. oh, not to mention the constant conflict with bureacracy. god that series is so good, everyone read it). Back to Holes, Sachar weaves the more fantastical ineffable elements in with real-world issues so neatly. Stanley’s family is allegedly cursed, which is why Stanley keeps having bad luck, but he also lives in systemic poverty, which is also why he keeps having bad luck. Sachar eschews neither the allegorical elements common in children’s literature nor the more direct systemic critiques more often found in YA and adult lit, and it creates a really unique vibe. I think the story really benefited from having a children’s author, and I would love to see more authors in both children’s and adult lit do this!
Speaking of the systems, this book is surprisingly radical. Like it’s full-on an abolitionist text. The law is pretty much only ever presented as adversarial, both in the story of Stanley’s present time, and in Kate and Sam’s story. It’s implied if not stated repeatedly that Stanley and the other boys are pretty much victims of circumstance and have been imprisoned pretty much for the crime of being poor. The hole-digging is shown to be cruel and bad for the boys. It’s noted that in digging the holes Stanley’s heart hardened along with his muscles. This is of course very evocative of the system of retributive justice we have in America. Additionally, Camp Greenlake’s existence can ultimately be traced back to an act of racist violence, also in close parallel with our prison system. Hole’s stance on justice is very restorative. Punishments are never shown to work: only through righting the wrongs can true justice be achieved. Moreover, Holes even gives the opportunity for redemption to a minor antagonist when [minor spoiler] Derrick Dunne, the kid who was bullying Stanley in the beginning ultimately plays a small role in helping Stanley regain his freedom [spoiler over].
Cycles are a major theme in holes, and Sachar creates a unique temporality to support this theme. There are 3 interwoven stories: that of Stanley’s in the present date, that of Stanley’s ancestors, and that of the land that Stanley is on (though, as I will delve into later, it’s at least a little implied that Stanley is descended from the characters in that story also). The stories from the past reach in and touch the present. You can’t untangle the past from the future. Looking at this again through a social justice lens, it could be seen as fairly progressive commentary on what to do with regards to America’s past wrongs. The past cannot and will not be left in the past: it must be dealt with on an ongoing basis. Even the warden, the greatest villain of Stanley’s story has a sympathetic moment at the end where it’s revealed that she, too, is stuck in a cycle of intergenerational trauma she can’t break free from.
Stanley is gay and jewish
Ok, I will now talk about how Stanley is a queer Jew, but this entire section will be riddled with spoilers, so read the book first and then come back!
A queer Jew?? i hear you ask. You’re just projecting. Yes, 100%. However, I think that interpreting Stanley as both these things adds to the thematic richness of the text. Let’s start with the Jewish bit: it’s not explicitly stated that Stanley is Jewish, but his great-great grandfather is a nerd-boy Latvian immigrant with the last name Yelnats, and his great-grandfather was a stockbrocker, so, like, ya know. Louis Sachar is also himself Jewish, as was the director of the movie, who cast Jews in the roles of Stanley and his family (dyk Shia LaBeouf is Jewish?? i did not), so I know I’m not the only one interpreting it this way. And honestly, does it not resemble the book of exodus quite a bit? They escape what is pretty much a form of slavery and wander in the desert. Sploosh resembles the well of Miriam, and then they ascend up a mountain to the “thumb of god”, perhaps in a parallel to Moses receiving the commandments. Is this a useful way to look at the text? Who knows. But what I think we do get from reading Stanley as Jewish is a more nuanced discussion of privilege and solidarity. If Stanley and his ancestors are Jewish (or at least Jew-ish), then what placed the curse upon his family (and, we see, Madame Zeroni’s family isn’t doing so great either) is the breaking of solidarity between oppressed people. But also, the fact that you are also marginalized does not wash you of the responsibility to other marginalized groups. I don’t think Sachar intended it this way, because I think he probably would have talked about it more if he had, but I would say this book can be read as a call to the American Jewish community to take an active role in forging solidarity with other marginalized groups and actively righting the wrong you, your ancestors, and your community wrought upon them.
Now, why do I think Stanley and Zero are gay? Before I go into how it augments the text thematically, I bring to your attention this passage.
Two nights later, Stanley lay awake staring up at the star-filled sky. He was too happy to fall asleep. 
He knew he had no reason to be happy. He had heard or read somewhere that right before a person freezes to death, he suddenly feels nice and warm. He wondered if perhaps he was experiencing something like that. 
It occurred to him that he couldn't remember the last time he felt happiness. It wasn't just being sent to Camp Green Lake that had made his life miserable. Before that he'd been unhappy at school, where he had no friends, and bullies like Derrick Dunne picked on him. No one liked him, and the truth was, he didn't especially like himself. 
He liked himself now.
 He wondered if he was delirious. He looked over at Zero sleeping near him. Zero's face was lit in the starlight, and there was a flower petal in front of his nose that moved back and forth as he breathed. It reminded Stanley of something out of a cartoon. Zero breathed in, and the petal was drawn up, almost touching his nose. Zero breathed out, and the petal moved toward his chin. It stayed on Zero's face for an amazingly long time before fluttering off to the side. 
Stanley considered placing it back in front of Zero's nose, but it wouldn't be the same.
Girl, I’m sorry, that’s gay as shit! It’s such tremendous tenderness, not to mention the traditionally romantic imagery of moonlight and the flower petal. There’s also the non-romantic aspects. Stanley’s inexplicable happiness and suddenly liking himself evokes, for me, at least, the experience of coming out to yourself, of realizing who you are. Later in this chapter, Stanley contemplates running away with Zero despite the fact that it would make them lifelong outlaws. This book, remember, was written in 1998, and homosexuality was decriminalized in 2003, and the book takes place in Texas. It would have been, if anything, even more evocative of gayness when it was published. Now as to how this increases the thematic richness of the text: obviously, in carrying Hector up to the thumb, giving him water, and singing the lullaby, he redeems the wrong done by his ancestor, after which his family’s luck immediately changed. However, after Hector and Zero return to camp Greenlake, rain falls there for the first time. What was redeemed here? Remember that earlier on we learn that what caused the drought was the fact that Sam the onion man (who was black) was murdered for kissing Kate Barlow (who was white) — so what would a [post-factum wronging of that right look like? Zero, as we remember, is black while Stanley is white, so them being in a romantic relationship would be a successful interracial relationship to redeem the one Kate and Sam weren’t able to have. It’s also, as I said earlier, implied that Stanley is descended from Kate Barlow on his mother’s side: Stanley remembers seeing the other half of the lipstick tube with her initials on it in his mother’s bedroom. I’d also argue that Sam the Onion Man is implied to be descended from Madame Zeroni (chronology-wise, I think he’d be her grandson). First of all, there’s no follow-up with Madame Zeroni’s son who moved to America, and pretty much all other plot threads are followed up with in Holes. Secondly, Sam mentions water running uphill, just like Madame Zeroni does. Even without these speculations being true, Stanley and Hector being gay would redeem the land they’re on, but If they are, the parallel with the other ancestral redemption arc becomes to much to imagine it was unintentional.
So anyway, those are my thoughts on Holes, now everyone go read it!
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xplrvibes · 2 years
Xplr Club review please. I left it and thought it would have improved by now but apparently from what i am reading it has not and its a total waste of money.
Sure thing!
I'm going to basically touch on three main points- Site Look/Functionality, Content, and Bonuses/Perks- and at the end, I'll give it an overall grade.
Also, don't anyone come at my ass for this. Thanks.
1. Site Look/Functionality
I personally have never had an issue with the functionality of the site, although I know there are many people who had issues with the site/app either crashing, kicking them out, or not working properly. The biggest issue I actually see with the site functionality is when they attempt a livestream. I don't know what the issue is- and according to snc themselves, this is a constant pain point on their side, too- but they just cannot get through a livestream without it crashing. The site is just not built to handle that much traffic. It's aggravating, and quite honestly- I'm at the point where I wish they would just stop pretending to do one, and just do podcasts instead. I'm over the whole livestream thing.
As far as the look of the website- ugh. I hate how disorganized everything is. There is no archive or tagging/search system, so there's no way to actually comb through their old posts without actually just hitting "Load More" and literally going back through Every. Single. Post. They do have a place where you can look through all their exclusive content, and another place for their lives- but no way to organize the other things they post, and it drives me nuts! If tumblr can have a semi-functuoning tagging system, why can't they?!
Overall Grade: 4/10
2. Content
Snc are still pretty regular with dropping a 10-20 minute video (or livestream) every Friday, which is definitely a perk. Some of them are throwaways (Extra footage and BTS stuff from their main channel videos), but some of them are actually fun and interesting. They did a few solo old school xplr videos that just made me stupidly nostalgic, and some fun little one-off mini haunted investigations. So, the fact that they are still sticking to that is a plus.
They did promise podcasts, and have not delivered on that in a very long time...however, I'm trying to let that slide, given what happened with their old podcasts (iykyk, if you don't...probably for the best).
The daily posting thing that they always claim to be doing in their promos for xplrclub is a bit of a stretch. They try, and sometimes they are pretty good about the daily posting thing...but there are times when they skip a day or 5 (yes, there were a couple 5 day droughts). Sometimes, they post really exclusive and awesome behind the scenes/sneak peak stuff, which is really cool! Sometimes, we get two different clips of Exploring with Josh ride a mechanical bull, but from two different angles. They aren't always going to be winners. 🤣
The livestreams are entertaining- when they work. They never work. So...you know, there is that.
Overall Grade: 6/10
3. Bonuses/Perks
Yes, they give early access to merch drops, and discount codes. Yes, we find out about a lot of what they are doing before anyone else does (we already know about basically every video they shot for season 2, for example). They also still do monthly member giveaways, and some are actually awesome (winning trips to film with them, facetimes, merch bundles, etc).
One newer thing they've been doing which I think is pretty neat is that they've been giving xplrclub members chances to design things for them. The winner gets prizes and gets to have their creation used by snc (they had a contest to design the season 1 poster, for example). I actually think that's probably the neatest thing they do on there, since it gives talented fans a chance to showcase their talents.
Overall Grade: 8/10
Overall, I think there is still a lot of work that needs to be done on this site. There are way too many bugs, they don't have a functioning archive, the livestreams crash with 100% accuracy, and the boys are honestly too damn busy to give it the attention that the price tag demands- they try, and i grade them on a massive curve because of that, but they need a way to like, queue posts or something to cover their busy periods.
There are a lot of perks and good things about the platform, as well! Like I said, the member bonuses and the exclusive long-form content are great, and if you're nosy and like to know what's going on with whatever they're filming at any given time, xplrclub is definitely for you.
At the end of the day, i will say this- the bones are there, but they really need to do work on the details and presentation.
The Overall Grade for the entire thing right now stands at a 6/10.
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