#your mom should’ve aborted you
dcluvver · 1 month
Batfamily quotes except it’s me and my siblings chats + others
Barbara: Guess who fucked your mom..
Roy: Oliver?
Barbara: It was me you absolute waste of oxygen, should’ve been aborted, accident of a person.
Kate: Yup, he’s going on the list.
Luke: List?
Kate: List of men I could probably get pregnant if it tried hard enough.
Luke: …
Stephanie: Chappel Roan did not die for this.
Dick: She’s dead!??!?!!
Stephanie: Men used to build crazy shit and go to war and now all they do ask you if you can buy them the new battlepass and take it up the ass.
Tim: Can you?
Damian: You are a curse to this family.
Duke: Always target the black person. Anything else you want to say.
Duke: A slur starting with an N perchance?
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cross-word · 29 days
Ethan Landry x Male Reader
Guardian Angel
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“Ethan, can you bring the girls to sleep?” my wife told me as i picked up my two daughters fresh out of the bath and ready for bed one of them touched my face “daddy can you tell us a story.” As I set both of them down into their beds I take the tiny frog chair and set it up between them sitting down. I ask them a question “what story would you like to hear?” Both of my daughters look at the ceiling trying to figure out a story they want to hear.
They stared at me “tell us about your first love.” Janis asked “my first love?” i asked “yeah, was it with mommy?” Rachel asked “no, it wasn’t mommy but someone who was close to me” I said.
It was the first day of 9th grade ethan walks up the stairs to only be bumped by some kid “woah, i'm so sorry ethan” Y/N said, ethan stared at him trying to suppress a smile “no it’s ok i wasn't looking y/n” ethan said holding his forearm that started to hurt due to the impact “come on we're going to late” y/n said grabbing ethan’s hand, unbeknownst to y/n ethan was blushing.
“Wait, him? As in a boy? Your first love was a boy daddy?” Janis asked if I stared at her “yeah, he was and he was the best.” Rachel looked at me “even better than mommy?” she asked “some days maybe” i told them jokingly “i'm telling mommy” rachel spoke.
“When did you know you liked him daddy?” Rachel asked.
It was the summer after their junior year Ethan's family had gotten into a rough patch when the eldest son Richie was killed in a drunk driving accident. It took a toll on his dad the most. He was the closest to richie and now that richie died he was a mess “WHY CAN’T YOU BE LIKE YOUR BROTHER ETHAN” his father yelled at him he had been drinking and ethan made a joke about going to his dream school instead of blackmore university like his brother.
Ethan knew his father liked Richie more than him; it was apparent he never had to say it, “BE LIKE RICHIE? RICHIE WAS A GOOD FOR NOTHING LOSER, WHO SPENT ALL HIS TIME GOING TO PARTIES INSTEAD OF STUDYING HE FAILED EVERY TEST HE TOOK DAD, I GET GOOD GRADES I NEVER PARTY AND I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT MY FUTURE WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS” ethan yelled back his father was quiet. Too quiet, Ethan looked at his dad before he could react. His father threw a bottle of beer at his face hitting him on the side of his face.
Ethan’s mom ran from the kitchen “WAYNE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU” she said cradling ethan’s bleeding head “oh my god my baby” ethan’s mom said caressing ethan’s face “that little bitch needs to learn respect” his dad said before grabbing ethan’s mom and throwing her to the floor away from ethan, ethan felt nothing but punches and kicks from his father. After he was done Ethan laid there watching his dad walk away “that’ll teach you, stupid little brat, should’ve gotten your mom to abort you when we had the chance” ethan stared at his mom still struggling to stand up from the force his dad used on her.
Ethan got up, his mom staring at his bruised face and body tears running down his face he ran out the front door, got on his bike and left. He peddled far until he was at his best friend's house. Ethan got off the bike rushing towards the door he rang the doorbell until someone opened it “ethan…” y/n said looking at his face “get in here” y/n said leading ethan to his room.
“Stay here” y/n told him and walked out the room. Ethan watched as y/n came back with a first aid kit for the next 30 minutes y/n spent fixing ethan’s face disinfecting every cut and putting a bandaid on it. “y/n why is ethan’s bike on the front lawn” his mom asked, coming in to see ethans face “oh my god” y/n looking at his mom basically pleading “can he stay over tonight” y/n mom looked at them and left the room.
“I don't wanna bother you guys” ethan said getting up when he was stopped. “no, don't ever say that you’ll never be a bother to me” y/n said sitting down next to ethan “what about your mom?” he asked “she loves you, just lay down and go to sleep we’ll deal with this later” y/n smiled at him covering ethan with a blanket.
Ethan woke up to screaming scared he’s over staying, ethan got up ready to leave coming down stair to see y/n yelling with ethans father “HE ISN’T GOING HOME WITH YOUR DRUNK ASS” y/n yelled stopping ethan’s dad from getting in “YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING YOU’RE JUST A DUMB KID” ethans dad yelled back “SO WHAT, I KNOW YOU’RE A SHITTY ASS FATHER GET OUT OF MY HOUSE” y/n screamed ethan saw his father fist raise when y/n mom finally said something. “If you lay a single finger on my son I will take you to court. You’re lucky I'm not going to CPS the way Ethan looked when he came to us, being a known abuser as the town sheriff will definitely get you fired, don't even think about it.” Ethan's dad stood still and backed away mumbling stuff before getting in his car and driving away.
y/n and his mom turned to see ethan there “your awake, how was your sleep” y/n said changing personalities from the one he used on his father “im fine, are you ok?” Ethan asked, hugging you. “I'm fine, don’t worry about me Ethan” you said hugging him tighter “I’m sorry he came here” Ethan apologized to your mom “don’t worry about it sweetheart just happy you’re safe” she said as she went to go lock the door.
“If he was your first love daddy? What happened to him, where is he at now?” One of his daughters asked.
“His gone sweetie he did the one thing he was always good at, protecting me” Ethan stared at them remembering the night Y/N died.
It was spring break Ethan, Quinn and Y/N were back from college Y/N woke up when he got a call from Quinn “Y/N GET HERE QUICKLY PLEASE THEIR FIGHTING AGAIN” Y/N didn’t waste a second sprinting towards his car and driving towards their house.
Quinn was waiting outside pacing back and forward and Y/N got out walking towards her “their in there it’s bad y/n” not wasting a second he walked in to see Ethan’s dad with a gun and beer bottles everywhere on the floor. “I fucking hate you” Ethan’s dad yelled at him.
Ethan was curled in a ball with a black eye forming in the kitchen y/n ran up to get the gun away “AND YOU, YOU AND ETHAN AND YOUR GODDAMN FAGGOT LOVE STORY” y/n pushed trying to get the gun out of his grip while y/n and Ethan’s dad were fighting for dominance a gun shot could be heard.
Ethan opened his eyes to see blood on the floor he looked up to see y/n back starting to turn red “NOOO” he screamed he pushed his dad away from Y/N grabbing his crying into his neck.
“Daddy? You’re zoning out” Rachel said Ethan was snapped out of the his mind “y/n was my best friend, and I would never change anything about it” Ethan looked at his daughters “I hope one day you guys would have a y/n in your life some to protect you like a guardian angel” after he was done talking he kissed their heads walking towards his bed off to sleep.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 3 months
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sorry it took longer for me to post my thoughts. i had to take a moment to calm myself. i was shaking and crying. and then i wrote most of the post when tumblr decided to simply not save it 😒 this is my second attempt. enjoy
let’s start at the beginning shall we?
so happy to have milly back on another episode! the scene was weird as fuck though. daemon seriously needs to get out of harrenhal.
i feel very disconnected to daemon when he’s in harrenhal. i know most of the scenes are dreams but like he barely reacts to them? i don’t know how to explain it other than it’s sort of out of character?
then we get the bit at the dock. makes me wonder if rhaenys knows that alyn is one of corlys bastards? i think she does especially the way she says that their mom must’ve been really beautiful.
alicent asking for moon tea is hilarious. she’s trying to be so slick and failing. but also i thought moon tea was a plan b situation i didn’t realize it was fully an abortive tea!
love how larys catches on to it within a second. and he says what we all think NO ONE FUCKING CARES. my god alicent! you’re fucking criston cole. we all know. no one cares. you served your duty as wife to the king now he’s dead and your ‘free’ literally no one is judging you for fucking around.
now baela and jace are serving 💅🏽 with the outfits. i adore them they look so good! they are the IT couple rn and they deserve that title.
why must criston cole feel the need to call rhaenyra a whore? honey you are projecting. you are in fact the whore.
that lord deserves an award for defending rhaenyra. i was so damn happy when he told criston cole he doesn’t deserve the white cloak. YOU TELL HIM LORD. he should’ve called him alicents little bitch while he was at it.
the greens council…it was hard to watch. first of all, all aemond does is smolder and fangirl over daemon. whenever he’s not plotting some agenda he’s writing fanfics about his uncle i swear!
that being said i felt second hand embarrassment when aegon was not able to speak high valyrian. then again i thought he wasn’t going to even understand in the first place so its better than nothing.
now i’m gonna go on a big tangent regarding aegon.
i didn’t like him at all in the first season. he did some horrible things and i have not forgotten about them but i truly feel for him.
the fact that he’s inadequate at being a king is constantly rubbed in his face and it doesn’t fail to hurt him. he never wanted to be king. he knew viserys did not want him as king. so he never prepared.
he was forced on the throne as alicent and otto wanted more power for some reason. so now he’s trying his best to be a king and act like one but he’s always being undermined by everyone around him.
otto straight up told him viserys didn’t want him there. and alicent literally told him to sit pretty and let them do all the talking. it’s humiliating and frustrating.
i get alicent’s point about listening to others around you who have more experience but in reality they don’t want to offer advice. they want to act in his name. they don’t want him to do anything. they don’t think he’s capable and maybe he’s not capable but he’s trying to be. he could honestly be an actual king if anyone actually gave him a chance.
they all treat him like this object not like a person which is why he keeps making all these shitty decisions.
then she has the audacity to talk about all the sacrifices her and otto made to get him the crown?? HE DIDNT WANT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. YOU HIGHTOWERS ARE A GREEDY BUNCH.
aemond is the person he thought could help him but that fucking psycho has plans of his own.
it’s isolating. it fucks with his mind. but i guess that’s enough for now. i could write a whole fucking essay on aegon.
so then we are back with daemon at harrenhal and honestly it’s getting a little boring. except for the moment where daemon is displaying as aemond. top tier comedy.
but we get a glimpse of laena!! i love having these actresses back if only for a scene. i hope we get a vision with viserys. i miss paddy ☹️
oh they mentioned benjicot!!! now we all look stupid cause that ‘davos’ guy was really not benji. (i still love the fanfics though. he’s a handsome man)
so rhaenyra disappears once more and the council doesn’t take jace, baela or rhaenys serious enough. it’s frustrating but omg the way jace spoke to rhaenyra when she retuned ???!!
my mother wouldn’t have taken that lightly
but it’s rhaenyra so she’s a sweetheart as always. i gotta say though that she’s taking things so calmly? like she took forever to return to dragonstone while the greens kept plotting. where were you girliepop?
i understand wanting to make sure the only way to get through this is through war but some urgency would be nice.
did jace learn how to speak like that from daemon? cause it was giving daemon including how he rested his hand on the sword handle.
now onto the battle at rooks rest:
where do i fucking start?
rhaenys is a queen. she is a true soldier. she knows how to battle. SHE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE
if she said dracarys once…it was a lot.
ATTACK MELEYS. that’s how you fucking do it. that’s how you fight with dragons not just spewing fire at each other.
rhaenys is a queen and i had so many high hopes but i knew…we all knew she wouldn’t make it. i think she knew as well and it was so devastating. it’s one of the reasons why i was shaking at the end and crying too.
hey alexa please play ‘birds of a feather’ by billie eilish.
she survived so much but vhagar is just too fucking big. maybe if she hadn’t been sent alone this wouldn’t have happened.
so far this has been what has hurt me the most because i love rhaenys’ character and its gonna be so sad not having her around.
granted she went down like a true warrior. it was honorable.
sunfyre is the prettiest dragon to date. i’m so happy we finally got to see him. my gosh it brings me so much happiness to see aegon interacting with sunfyre. that man deserves some happiness in his life. it was truly heart warming.
now i don’t know what the fuck has gotten into aemond. i went to liking his character to completely hating him.
it’s truly each man for himself with this fucking family. tell me how aemond looked straight at aegon (who was happy to see his brother coming to aid) and yelled dracarys. WHAT THE FUCK MAN
this is what happens when you have shitty parents.
i’m not going to fucking stand here and say aegon was innocent when he has teased aemond all his life but does it warrant KILLING YOUR BROTHER? all because he teased you on the brothel when he saw you with your substitute mommy? GROW THE FUCK UP. I know he’s thirsting for the throne but my man you’ll get the chance trust me. THIS IS NOT THE WAY
FUCK i never thought i’d be on aegons side but then again no one on the show is on his fucking side. they don’t treat him like a fucking person but yet another thing to manipulate and it pisses me off
stricking him down wasn’t enough aemond had to find him and put his sword through his body too. thank fuck for criston cole. now that’s something i never thought id say
now i don’t know if he’s alive or dead. i personally think he’s alive but geez aemond. what the fuck?
why didn’t you give him the opportunity to flee in season 1? why must you do this?
if aegon is dead…i’ll be devastated. i’ve grown to like his character these last couple of episodes.
Just goes to show how shitty these people are.
Bottom line. Meleys and Rhaenys had an honorable death. Inevitable once Vaghar joined in because that dragon is much too big. I wanted her to flee but I knew she wouldn’t. She has honor. ✊
also is alicent’s brother dead? or is he around somewhere?
i desperately need more helaena next episode. we didn’t even get a glimpse of her this episode. but if she’s gonna get hurt then i’d rather not have her on the episode. don’t know how ill live if that precious bean is hurt.
this post could’ve been better but my progress was ruined when tumblr decided to delete the post i was working on.
as always feel free to comment so we can talk more about this.
kisses! -Nikki 🤍
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careblairxoxo · 2 months
I was told yesterday by a Nesta stan that
She’s sorry “I’m not strong enough to stick around for my abuser to get better”and that “I gave up on her”
I have never been more disgusted in my life, this was after our discussion where she tried to justify the reason she loves Nesta is because they both lash out and that it’s normal and I said it’s not a normal response it’s a reaction and that my mother/ my abuser does the same and I will go no contact as soon as I can because it’s what’s best for my mental health….
If someone has to go no contact with you because that is the best thing for them and u shame them for for not waiting for the day you might heal that is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING, shame on u, I didn’t give up on my mom I want her to be my mom but after the 1000 time of being told- I will die alone, no one wants me, no man could ever want me because I’m disgusting to look at, I’m a burden to everyone, I’m worthless, I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’m useless, that she should’ve gotten an abortion when she had the chance, and there is more but these are the ones I hear the most on a daily basis …
But …you get sick of it.
So NO I’m not weak for leaving my mom when I can and the fact that u think standing up for yourself against abuse is weak really shows the kind of people these Nesta stans are. Choosing yourself isn’t weak or selfish it’s human and if u shame people for choosing THEIR mental health over YOUR abuse u are a fucking awful person.
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pamsimmerstories · 7 months
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max thinks jacques completely lost his mind hehehe
Ella: max, we need to talk
Ella: take jasper with you. i can’t do this. we’re not working and i’m not wealthy like you, i can’t raise him.
Max: fuck, ella! and do you think i can? i told you, you should’ve gotten an abortion, for fuck’s sake. i’m not father material
Ella: jasp, mom is going away for a long while, think this as if we’re playing peek a boo, okay?
Ella: jasper, please... don’t cry!
Max: you’re abandoning him. what did you think, ella?
Ella: just... take care of him, okay?
Max: hell i will. i’m giving him up for adoption.
Ella: max! no!
Max: then take him with you. i do’nt want him!
Jacques: he’s a villareal, max.
he’s staying with us.
Max: have you completely lost your mind, old man?
Jacques: well, i have a fame for that.
Jacques: just let the girl go. just give me the baby. he’s going to be raised as my son.
Max: he’s all yours. but i won’t ever be his Father
Jacques: i’m not asking you to be his father.
Jacques: he’s mine now.
Max: good. but don’t ask me to take care of him when you die. and that might be soon.
Jacques: don’t listen to him. i’m gonna live for quite some time yet. even if i have to find some way to live longer, okay?
Max: you’re delusional
Jacques: i’m here with you! i promise i’ll do better with you than i did with max, okay?
Jacques: everything will be alright, jasper
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Solar Opposites in Ultra Opposites Sneak Peek: Nova Finds Out Sherbet’s an Orphan (for @avaveevo)
Korvo starts gooblering as he pace back n forth and then Nova comes in.
Nova: Korvo?
Korvo: WHAT?!
Nova: Is everything okay?
Nova: Umm?
Korvo: Ugh. Sorry. I just learned that Sonya's parents were aborted...
Nova: What? Oh my God. That’s horrible.
Korvo: I know. I feel so bad, I can't stop turning into my Super Shlorpian form when I cry...
Nova: Really? I had no idea that. I’m just glad there wasn’t any orphan problem back in the wall. That would’ve been terrible…
Korvo gasp and grows nervous. Korvo starts crying as he transforms into his Super Shlorpian form. Terry comes in and gasps.
Terry: hugs and comforts Korvo Oh Korvy. He is still upset because of Sonya being an orphan. But guess what?! We’re adopting Sonya!
Nova: Oh my god! That's great news! Are you gonna tell her?
Terry: Oh we want it to be surprise for her and the kids later… I hope Sherbet gets a home too…
Nova’s smile then frowns into a concern one as she grow confused over what Terry just said about Sherbet.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Nova?
Nova: What are you talking about?
Terry: Well, I'm just saying I hope that Sherbet gets a new home soon.
Nova: A new home? Wait, what are you talking about? What do you mean Sherbet has no home?
Terry: Oh… she didn’t tell you didn’t she?
Nova: Terry, Korvo, what the fuck is going on?
Super Shlorpian Korvo sighs and turns back into his regular Shlorpian form. So, Terry and Korvo decided to tell Nova about Sherbet’s Tragic Backstory.
Korvo: Nova… Sherbet’s parents died two years ago in a car crash before she got accidentally shrunk…
Terry: And she had to live with terrible people who treated her like shit...
Nova gasp silently as she grew terrified by the tragic reveal of the fate of Sherbet’s parents and her huge heartbreaking past. Then, she began to cry while Korvo sighs.
Nova: tearfully Wh-what?… Sherbet lost her parents before she was in the Wall? Is there anything else she also lost after her parents’ death?
Terry then sighs sadly and shows Nova an old newspaper article from two years ago, which shows the closing of Sherbet’s family’s sweet parlor with a picture of Sherbet and her parents before the car accident.
Nova: No…
Korvo: Poor Sherbet has lost everything since that crash. Her parents, her family’s sweet parlor, her friends, her eyesight and her house. She was forced to live in a homeless for a year before Yumyulack accidentally shrunk her.
Nova cries and runs into Korvo's arms. Korvo comforts her as he soothes her, like a brother comforting a sister.
Korvo: I'm so sorry, Nova...
Nova: tearfully Oh God… I had no idea what her life was like before the Wall. Oh, I should’ve known. She must’ve still been so heartbroken when she first came here.
Terry: It's not your fault.
Nova: YES IT IS!
Nova sighs as she put her hand on her head.
Nova: I had no idea. Poor thing. The first time I saw her at that Wall tiki hut, she looked very scared… I bet things even got worse for her when Sister Sisto took over.
Terry: Maybe it did. Maybe it didn't.
Korvo scowls at Terry.
Terry: Oh. Shit. Sorry, continue speaking Nova.
Nova dries her tears.
Nova: I wish there was something I could do for her…
Korvo: Then adopt her.
Nova then hears what Korvo said and thought about it.
Nova: Hmmm...
Nova look back because all she wanted was to start a family with Halk before he died, then looks down at a bottle cap Sherbet gave her the first time she came here.
Nova: I'll do it.
Terry and Korvo: What?
Nova: I'll adopt Sherbet.
Korvo: You do? I thought you gave up on having a child when your husband Halk died.
Nova: I know I did, but...after what Sherbet's been through. She deserves the perfect mom.
Korvo put his hand on Nova’s shoulder and smiles.
Korvo: I think that's the right thing do to.
Terry: I agree. But she doesn’t a perfect one. You are already wonderful and kind enough to her when she first came to the Wall. That’s what moms really are…
Nova smiles with tears in her eyes and hugs Korvo. Korvo is shock but hugs back.
Nova: Thank you guys.
Korvo: Anytime.
Terry then seduces Korvo by squeezing his ass.
Korvo: Ooh! giggles
Terry: Yeah. Ya like that, Korv?
Korvo: Oh-ho-ho! fiddling his fingers in Terry’s stomach Yes I do, you bad alien!
Nova: You two seem really affectionate in your marriage, huh?
Korvo: Oh hell yeah.
Terry then got onto Korvo and the two aliens starts making out.
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pricklypear1997 · 2 years
No, I won’t smile for you, you stupid ugly ass. Your mom should’ve aborted you, there’s too many of you. I’m not smiling for shit. It isn’t the fucking 1950s and milk doesn’t cost a quarter anymore. Fuck off, asshole. Fuck you, your mom, the service industry and this stupid shittard country more like CUNTry.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
my mom had me when she was nineteen as well. it’s like- i know you had it really hard. raising four kids as a single mom, being a mother since 18, having an absent drug addict father…but it doesn’t excuse it. and she had me and my older brother say we would visit her when we moved out because she didn’t want us hating her like all her sisters hate her mom. well it’s too late.
exactly she really acts like i should hate myself because of something she went through, she did not have to have me. my great grandma was talking about aborting me to her because of the ‘pain’ i was causing, she didn’t fully know she was pregnant until she went into labor. she would complain to me about how she bleed down there for weeks because of me and how i messed up her future. (the bitch gets pregnant and suddenly it’s the baby’s fault, crazy am i right?) I just can’t wait to leave her house and disconnect from her entirely, she’s took away so much of my life because of her own self pity like we get it, you got knocked up by a man who left you as soon as i born, he honestly should’ve taken with him because lord knows you was not ready to be no goddamn mother and it’s so funny to me because my grandma had her first child, my aunt at 18, my aunt had my oldest cousin at 19 and my great grandma had my grandma at 18. those two numbers just love to come up and these are the same women saying that i couldn’t ruin my life all because i want to bring a baby into this world one day, that baby is definitely not gonna be around your toxic asses except maybe my aunt. my family’s just all over the place really.
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xorobyn · 1 year
I won’t be satisfied until you’re dead. You’re the nastiest scum that has ever walked the earth. I wouldn’t put anything past you. You’re putrid. Disgusting. I hope your life is filled with nothing but disappointment. I hope everyone you care about leaves you. I hope you are never loved a day in your life. I hope you are left with no one. I hope your mom abandons you. I hope everyone in your life rejects you. I hope your cancer gets so bad that you can’t live a normal life. I hope you get stuck in the hospital and die there miserable. You deserve cancer. God knew what he was doing there. You deserve to suffer. You deserve to be dead. I hope you get a tumor they can’t remove and they tell you you only have x months to live. And then everyday you count down until you are finally dead. And I will dance on your grave. The world would be such a better place if you weren’t in it. You bring nothing to this world. You are a waste of skin and bones. Even your body hates you. Your body is trying to kill you. God I’m so happy you have cancer. I can’t fucking wait for you to die. Hopefully they have already found another tumor or will soon. Hopefully they start escalating so you will die as soon as possible. And hopefully hell is real so you can burn forever. And be r****. I want the devil to fuck you and torture you while you cry out to god for help. But there wont be anyone to help. You pathetic piece of shit. Your mom should’ve aborted you. I have a feeling she regrets not aborting you. I just know you are the worst son. Selfish piece of shit. I wish I could watch you die. I have a smile of my face just thinking about it. Fuck you.
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cishetamine · 2 years
lily rose depp
they were calling her a nepo baby
ticketmaster investigation
i waited in that queue for 7 fucking hours
i waited 7 hours
and my dad waited 7 hours
the cheapest tickets were like $200
and taylor swift’s apology was so fucking bullshit
i do feel like it wasn’t totally in her control
harry stiles and ed sheeran
he’s the #1 most listened person on spotify!
i was so pissed off on tuesday
i saw how long the queue was when i tried to join
he paid like $500 for VIP
the fees are bad!
yeah they add up!
i’ve been scouting out tickets
it was row 2 of the 3rd tier
it should’ve been 80, it bumped up to 120 in fees
so i decided i was
there’s an app they were promoting on tiktok
you pay like a monthly membership and u get like a shitload of discounts
i hope ticketmaster gets like taken down
this is the community college i’m gonna go to!
i’d be terrified to—
did you sign up for classes next semester?
hopefully i can transfer to UIC
wait what
are you..a sophomore with your credits?
seems like their studies were interrupted
college algebra i should be okay with but biology is just not my thing
i’m gonna take speech next semester, which is required for PR
it’s so fun watching her interact with the snow
baby’s first snow
public speaking
it’s a requirement for my major
my brother took it for
business degree
i hate listening to my voice on camera
you have to talk abt stupid things
he did his on why videogames are like bad for kids
which they don’t talk abt in college as much these days. bc they’re like too talked about
the last 2 months of my philosophy class last year we just did political debates like every single day
ppl are afraid teachers won’t grade them fairly bc there’s lots of opinion and bias
canadian college
abortion and euthanasia were all not allowed
ooh there’s the dugout
is that a bar?
is that the rooftop right there?
it’s actually really cute.
ohh! he’s going on a cruise i think! with like regina’s family over thanksgiving.
he straight up told me that [pronoun indecipherable] doesn’t like having sex
like receiving it?
you’re so selfish
what’s wrong with you!
i saw her private story
all she does is post like carter and monty, that’s it.
when she got accepted she said she hasn’t even toured it yet
she skipped it to go to starbucks with us
i’ve never met anyone lazier in my fucking life
community college
you don’t wanna end up like her that’s for sure
my mom said
if you’re gonna drop out and never go back,
i was telling
holding me here against my will
your family needs a reality tv show
it would get so many views
my parents had to flush her pills down the toilet
bc you’re only supposed to be taking them for like 2 weeks
her like SCREAMING in the background. like SCREAMING
she was hooked on oxy
i’m excited for the new season
they canceled it!
They canceled it?!!??
there was rumors about a bunch of major actors leaving the show
sidney sweeney
trump supporter
i love when the internet comes in with opinions
i feel like you can’t really cancel an actor unless they do something
armie hammer! yeah he works at a hotel now
there was like leaked—
just got put on netflix which is like, shit timing
everyone likes the summer in italy
i’ve always liked
2 more stops
i don’t know…i don’t see the appeal
it doesn’t look that great to me but i want to see it
don’t worry darling
i didn’t neeed to see it
walk out of the theater like after watching interstellar
if you’re not gonna make a sequel don’t you dare leave a movie un..
i know the harry stans are going crazy right now.
i look at him more and more like he’s not all that. he looks like a lot of other people
great personality, but
he’s that one person who’s like too into tiktok trends like he’s right behind them
i’ve never been to a harry styles concert but
it also pissed me off how long it took him to reveal what the gender was
there was like a part 2 like what the fuck, just put it in 1 video!
i wish i’d got starbucks before i came here
we’re going to a cafe!
yeah but
very.. adult drinks
do you need your chocolate—
haha yeah, kinda!
i like the sugar cookie—
the gingerbread latte
my sister
you were there for this
my sister was like:
i can’t wait for christmas so i can get a peppermint mocha!
and i was like how many times do i have to tell you: you can get a peppermint mocha year round!
yeah, but it’s different when it’s christmas!
hits different
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nightsvvimming · 4 months
It’s so cool when your mom is like “having you saved my life, I needed it” and you’re like yeah babe you definitely should’ve had an abortion. Would’ve saved everyone a lot of trouble.
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tntkm · 5 months
I married you today ❤️💍
I tried to kill myself today
I told my mom I should’ve been an abortion
I married you today
I am your Mrs. now and forever Amen
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he told me you were worthless
a druggy
not going anywhere in life
he emphasized how much i needed to get away from you
and you had done the same
you saw the shit he did
and said he wasn’t a good guy
he drank too much
was abusive
yet what did you both do?
when i was left a month after it was too late to get an abortion
you laid next to him in his bed
while i laid in mine
and telling him he was going to do exactly what he was
and he was showing you those texts
while telling me that wasn’t what was happening
you knew
he knew
yet you both did it
you get to live in fantasy land
and i get to live in reality
you get to be so proud of yourself
and nobody bats an eye about your life
your character
the truth
while nobody bats a damn eye at everything I’ve accomplished
they all just believe him
that im the worst
worst mom
worst coparent
just a whore who should’ve never kept his kid
and what about you
living a lie every single day
i will never believe she is not his
i don’t care how much im told otherwise.
my chest will always light on fire when i see your name
i needed him
there were so many times i needed him
but i needed him
and you were laying next to him, one of multiple that month.
but im the one he talks shit about
im the one that’s degraded
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imsodunwiththis · 1 year
Lol my mom just invalidated me.
IM SIXK AND TITED OF SOMEONE ALWAYS HAVING IT WORSE THATS BULLSHIT. HOW ABOUT INSTEAD OF SAYONH “someone has it worse” YOU SAY “your problems are too big for me im going to think about someone else’s problems” FUCKING COWARD
My mom should’ve aborted me… 😕
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gayvampyr · 2 years
i honestly don’t give a flying fuck if a fetus is alive or not, if it’s a human or not, if abortion is “technically murder” or not. i don’t owe anyone else acces to or authority over MY WOMB. even to save a life. it’s the same reason you can’t force someone to donate a kidney to a person in desperate need of a transplant, because it’s your body, so it’s your choice. what will it take to get that through y’all’s thick fuckin skulls
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a-bored-writer · 2 years
You lose the right to play the victim card when you raise a child or anyone weaker than you and treat them like shit
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