#yes this IS my go-to pose for Alan
moron-rights · 2 years
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(and they were roommates)
the concept of late victorian men obsessing over ‘old’ penny dreadfuls, vampires, and pride and prejudice has me messed up
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raedroid · 8 months
The Star Covers Meets The Phantom Of The Park
The crowd was wild and the screaming was intense. Katherine looked over at her fellow band mates as they wrapped up their concert. Tanya threw her bright blue drumsticks out for fans to catch, each pair sporting a dark blue star and signed signature. Cassie waved her fans with one ear covered. Her ears were more sensitive than the rest of them so it was common for her to be covering them. Veena waved to the fans and even gave blow kisses out to the audience members. Some of the boys were screaming how much they loved her and the girls almost fainted when Veena gave them a wink. Classic behaviour of Veena. Katherine smiled gently as she threw her purple guitar picks out for more fans to get.
The concert rounded up and they walked over to the side steps leading to their trailer. Their tour manager Greg Nolans was cheering them on happily while Alan Robinson, their manager, simply smiled and said nothing. Their manager was known for being judgmental and hard to talk to and the girls did their best to ignore it. Eventually, they got down to the last steps and were blinded by the lights of cameras from journalists and photographers of all kinds. Katherine simply smiled and waved at them while Tanya gave a thumbs up to everyone, Cassie hyped up the crowd and Veena posed for each shot. They were only turning 11 and they were already on top of the world.
However, as they get their photos taken, Katherine noticed something odd in the crowd of reporters. Someone taking photos with a blank look on his face with dirty blond hair and a bright blue shirt. Another odd note in the crowd was a young woman rushing in, security guards holding her back
“Ma’am please you can’t be back here!” One of them ordered. The woman seemed young, at least early 20s, and was frantic. Katherine looked over at the scene and elbowed Veena standing next to her and she alerted Tanya and Cassie standing in front of them. They looked over concerned about the situation in front of them
“No please! I must get through please! I have to find him! He’s in there somewhere!” She pleaded. Katherine looked at the woman and recognized her. She was looking for someone earlier. They bumped into each other at a merchandise stand in the afternoon. Katherine recognized her and knew what she had to do
“Wait let her go! Please!” She asked the guards. When they didn’t hear her, she got more angry. “Hey! Let her go!” She shouted. In a panic, she bumped into Veena and she accidentally released her magenta laser beam out of her eye that hits the group and traps them in a magenta trance. They looked at her in shock as Veena rubbed her eye annoyed. The fans and reporters surrounding the area looked on in surprised, amazed by Veena’s laser attack, but the woman was more mesmerized than anything else and slowly walked towards the group.
“She’s been trying to get backstage girls! You need to kick her out!” Alan growled at them.
“Not now Alan.” Veena replied. Katherine looked over at the woman and smiled as best as she could.
“No wonder you were freaking out earlier. You must the girl I saw at the merchandise stand this afternoon right?” She asked.
“You were Katherine Peterson this whole time?” The woman asked surprised.
“Yeah. You’re looking for someone. But it’s not us isn’t it?” Veena asked warmly. The woman nodded, nervous for her life as she stared at the young stars.
“Yes. My fiancé Sam went missing. I told you about that when we bumped into each other. I’m pretty sure he was taking pictures of you” She replied. A security guard came over and gripped the woman by the shoulder
“Listen there are plenty of photographers out here. How can any one of these be-“ he was cut off by Veena, who raised her hand to stop him. He rolled his eyes in response.
“You said he was taking photos of us?” Veena asked and the woman nodded. “Well he’s definitely still around. I mean there’s no way he flew up into space or something.” She laughed a bit. “Can you describe him for us?” She asked
“Yeah dirty blonde hair, blue shirt, about this tall.” She described
“Yeah he was here.” Katherine said
“This is ridiculous.” The security guard responded before Cassie and Tanya shot him a death glare at him, making him gulp in nervousness.
“Hey. Don’t worry. I’m sure he didn’t went too far from here. I know you’ll be able to find him. There’s not really that much we can do at the moment but if you ever need us, we can give free backstage passes to our next concerts and we can talk then. Everything’s gonna be ok.” Katherine assured. The girls walked past and gave her a sincere smile with their managers trailing behind them. Everyone else stared on dumbfounded by Katherine’s suggestion
“Are you kidding me!” Alan shouted, smacking Katherine at her head. “You can’t just give free passes to people like that! Are you insane! What kind of a girl are you? That woman is crazy in her head.” Alan blabbered on but Katherine didn’t back down from her decision
“She has been wandering around the park aimlessly for probably hours. I think she needs help.” Katherine reaffirmed herself
“Yeah. But if you really wanted to help her, send her to a mental hospital instead of giving her a free pass. Or do you need to go there too?” Alan joked
“Hey how about you don’t make fun of Katherine like that?” Tanya asked and Alan laughed off
“Well I think it’s pretty clear that’s what you should do. Now get some sleep because you got a long autograph signing session tomorrow and a giant press conference.” Alan informed. They nodded in silence before walking over to their trailer, Katherine looking back, worried about that woman.
“Come on Cassie! You got it!” Tanya shouted excitedly. Once they went to their trailer, they immediately started playing Super Smash Bros Brawl as they were trying to defeat the final boss of the story mode. It was Cassies turn and she was trying the best she could with her character
“Look out for that stupid sound wave thing!” Veena screamed before Cassie’s character was killed in the game.
“Come on.” Cassie groaned defeated
“Hey no worries. I don’t think anyone is able to dodge that one.” Tanya reassured her as she gently patted her back. “Now then, my turn.” She announced, taking the controller from her hand and started selecting her character. Katherine smiled at her friends before she got lost in her thoughts, thinking of the woman. She didn’t get her name but she was certain she wanted to help her. She was reminded of the afternoon meeting with this woman
It was a clear and bright afternoon. Katherine dressing up in more blending clothes than her usual outfits and closet. As much as she adored being a rockstar, she found comfort and even amusement of blending into crowds and nobody knowing who she was. She scoped out the merchandise and admired the cute shirts and the dolls designed by a fan turned merchandise designer from Japan. As she admired the products, a hand grabbed her shoulder and whirled her around
“Sam!” A voice cried happily. She turned and saw a young woman in her early twenties with brown hair and soft blue eyes in beautiful pink top and blue jeans. She blushed embarrassed as she saw who was standing there. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.” She apologized before walking off gloomily
“Hey is everything alright?” She asked politely.
“Oh it’s nothing. I was looking for my fiancé. We were supposed to go to the concert tonight but I haven’t seen him in a long time.” She explained
“Oh I’m sorry about that. But I’m sure he’s not too far away. Does he work here or something?” Katherine asked
“Yeah he works with this guy named Abner Devereaux. Abner’s kinda old you see and Sam’s trying to help him out a lot”
“Abner Devereaux? Like from Kiss Meets The Phantom Abner?”
“You know that movie?”
“Of course! I love cheesy mess movies! But seriously is it the same Abner?”
“Not sure. But he’s been on the news a lot lately. Theres been a lot of problems going on at the park and that’s why Sam’s going over to help him out.” Katherine was surprised to hear that but she brushed it off.
“Look I promise everything will be fine. I’m sure you’ll find him somewhere.” Katherine assured and the woman smiled.
“Thank you. I better get going. Maybe I should talk to Abner. Thank you again.” She watched the woman run off and Katherine looked on, worried about the woman’s safety
“Katherine? Katherine wake up!” Katherine was brought back to reality by Veena calling her name. She looked around and saw the others looking at her worried and confused. She looked around the room and almost completely forgot that she was back in their trailer. The room was large with a set of bunk beds on both sides of the trailer, with one being closest to a stove and mini fridge and the other being close to the tv and gaming consoles. The room had a small but cute carpet in the centre and there was a large bookcase consisting of movies to watch and books for Cassie and Tanya to indulge in.
A record player sits on top of the bookcase with shelves on the walls holding their records, mostly consisting of Kiss, Duran Duran, The Beatles, The Monkees, and more. There are photos on the wall of the girls on their travelling endeavours across their tour and posters of their favourite bands. Once Katherine got a look at the room, she started feeling better
“Are you ok? You kinda zoned out there?” Tanya asked, sitting next to her and patting her back.
“Yeah I’m alright. I just can’t stop thinking about that woman from the concert. She seemed really-“
“Melissa.” Veena spoke and the others looks at her confused. “Her name is Melissa.” She repeated.
“How do you know that?” Cassie asked
“I don’t know. When I hit her with the laser eye, that information just kinda entered my mind instantly. It’s weird.” She answered.
“What are you a mind reader?” Cassie questioned surprised
“No! I don’t know! It just happened! I was not in control of that situation!” She shouted, throwing her arms up
“Never mind guys. Melissa is still looking for her boyfriend and she was looking for him for hours. There’s definitely something going on here.” Katherine considered
“Do you think it has something to do with those things we found randomly? Those Talentments?” Tanya questioned.
“Possibly.” The Talentments were four magical objects in the shapes of a music note, a mist swirl, a heart and a lightning bolt. They were resting in a small red case, hidden in one of their drawers of the trailer.
“And what else did you learn from meeting her?”
“This might sound crazy but Sam works with Abner Devereaux.” Katherine said confused.
“Ok Deja Vu?” Tanya asked. “Melissa running around the park, her fiancé is missing, a rock and roll band in an amusement park? Not to mention us finding some strange magic space rocks.”
“If this is Kiss meet the phantom all over again, can I make extremely cringy and terrible cat puns?” Cassie asked
“Well at least you won’t have a terrible reverb effect on your voice.” Katherine remarked
“At least you won’t be overdubbed by Michael Bell!” Cassie retorted
“At least you won’t have the worst actor in the whole goddamn film.” Veena joked
“At least you guys actually get lines. Also I thought you love Paul Vee?” Tanya retorted
“I do but I can admit his flaws. Just like how I do it to Alan every five minutes.” They all laughed hard and soon their door opens.
“Ok girls. Settle down already. You’re gonna give me a bigger headache than I have already.” Alan shouted
“Speaking of which, learn to knock next time buddy. What if we were changing in here?” Veena groaned
“Doesn’t sound like you were changing. It sounded like you were lazing around when you should be focusing on making songs!”
“We’re kids. Can we at least play video games?” Cassie questioned
“We went over this countless times. You can’t let your family down. You won’t be able to be better musicians and performer if you keep on lacking around doing nothing. They would be very ashamed of themselves if I were them. You don’t want to affect our record company and disappoint your family right?” He threatened. The girls sat there looking down ashamed while he smirked at their faces.
“We.. didn’t mean to make you upset.” Katherine murmured before he goes over and strokes her cheek.
“Now don’t worry. The more you work, the better. I don’t mean to sound cruel but that’s just how the world works. If you don’t, then you’ll never get anywhere. Everyone is looking up to you so don’t let these little things keep you distracted from what’s important ok? You girls are legends and you have to work hard so you need to sacrifice some things for this job.” He said and Katherine looked at his hand in nervousness before nodding.
“We’ll do better.” She muttered softly
“Good.” He replied and patted her on the shoulder. “Do not let this happen again. Goodnight girls. We’ll be over at our residence in 30 minutes. Sleep well you legends.” He leaves the room and Katherine looks down at the ground in worry
“I’d figure our manager would be a lot better than this right?” She said nervously.
“Hey look. We need to talk to someone about this. I’m sure someone will understand.” Veena reassured.
“But we should get some sleep because Cassie, you look like you’re about to pass out.” Tanya pointed out. They look over to Cassie, leaning against the wall almost falling into a pillow
“Hey I look great. Don’t judge me.” She groaned, grabbing the pillow and throwing it at her and they let out a laugh before Tanya grabs her and pulls her up. “Hey! Let me go! You’re not my mom!” She countered.
“You’re right Katherine is!” She responded.
“Hey don’t drag me into this!” Katherine said and they laughed more as Cassie was plopped onto her bed and Tanya tucked her in and climbed up onto her top bunk bed
“Come on. You need sleep too.” Veena suggested and gently pushed Katherine onto her bed
“Yes your highness.” She joked rolling her eyes.
“I mean it. We’re gonna have a long day tomorrow and if you want to help Melissa, we’re gonna have to get up pretty early before Alan comes in and kills us.” Veena noticed Katherine stiffen as she mentioned Alan. Alan always put more pressure on her because she was the front woman of the group. She immediately regretted mentioning him to her.
“Look everything’s gonna be ok. We’ll help out with Melissa tomorrow morning. She’s a lot like you I feel like. She doesn’t seem like the type to give up easily just like you and I’m sure she will come back tomorrow to see where he went.” She comforted and they both looked and smiled at each other and soon Veena grabbed her blankets and tucked her into bed. “Goodnight girl! Let me know if you need anything alright darling.”
“Darling? I thought you only say that at concerts?” Katherine remarked
“I don’t know, it’s my new saying I guess. Goodnight.” She called out.
“Thanks sweetie.” She replied. Katherine saw her jump up onto her top bunch bed. Katherine felt the trailer move off as a driver pulled them off to their current residence for the time being. As she goes to sleep, all of the thoughts in her head went wild but she just squeezed the edge of her blanket and slowly her breathing evened out and she felt more safe than before as she remembered her 3 band mates who have become a part of her family, finally peacefully falling asleep.
Inside the laboratory, the lights were dimmed and gave off a cold blue colouring. The only visible light was the light of the moon shining through the ceiling window above, one of the most exquisite part of the building. In the main room, Abner sat alone, looking over photographs that were taken of the girls, onstage and off. As he examined them, another figure entered the room. Abner turned to see him and smiled
“Ah Sam. Had fun tonight? Your pictures were perfect. I suggest finding a good place to rest up. I will call you when I need your assistance.” He ordered calmly and watched Sam leave the room. “Now then, to continue my experiments. And this time-“
As he spoke, one of his computer screens lit up and he turned to look at it, seeing the tall and dangerous figure on the screen. He dusted himself off and bowed before her
“Crimson Witch, my liege. How may I serve you?” He questioned. He heard a sigh from the screen and he looked worried. “Is there something wrong my liege?” He asked
“Abner? Where the hell are you? I thought I told you to head back to the palace at once. Why are you back on the filthy planet? It’s revolting.” She responded rudely.
“My apologies I will return soon. I just got some major news that I hope to get for you.” He answered
“It better be good. I don’t have the patience for you to be wasting my time.” She groaned
“My liege, the Starterian Talentments, there are nearby the park. I identified them the other night when I returned back to my lab. I wanted to inform you on the matter. Additionally, I have captured some people to help me steal back the Talentments” Once he mentioned the talentments, her eyes lit up in interest
“Interesting. Now you’ve caught my attention. For once in your pathetic life. But frankly, I don’t trust you to get these talentments. You’ve gotten a lot more older and crazier since the last stunt you pulled here back in 1978. And after that, I’m struggling to find your potential.” She revealed.
“Please this time I have a plan and this time, it’ll work. I’m begging you my liege, give me another chance please. Besides the holder of the Talentments are a bunch of 10 year old girls. It’ll be so easy to take them away from those brats.” He pointed out.
“Really? Well, I suppose you’re right. Alright, I believe this should be easy for you. I’ll leave you to it my good sir.” She answered and he let out a sigh of relief. “However, make no mistake. If I find out that you have lost to those children and failed miserably to a bunch of nobodies again, I will recondition you. Understand?” She threatened. Abner sweat in nervousness. After the amount of failures that the generals of the Dark Clipse, she has been much more harsher and crueler than usual.
“Yes my liege. Without you, I am nothing.” He murmured. She smirked at the obedience of this man before turning off the camera. Abner shot up and looked at his robots, more technically advanced than his projects of the past. He could feel their eyes staring at him and he started hyperventilating and crumbled to the floor. He had dedicated his time and energy into the Dark Clipse and had devoted himself completely to The Crimson Witch and she accepts no mistakes. He can’t disappoint her again otherwise he’ll end up in a pile of bodies out the palace of the Crimson Witch. He slowly got up after a few seconds and wiped his tears away
“I’m fine. You have to be fine. For your leader.” He muttered to himself. He returned to his table and began studying the girls photographs intensely, checking every detail of their appearance, pulling out a FlamePhone and beginning schematics of each of the girls.
“Those girls will never ruin my reputation like those four kissterian imposters.”
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music-for-them-asses · 9 months
I'm going to recount my night last night! Under a read more because it's a tad long :)
I've been to the venue several times, and it's a nice space. I shelled out $15 for a cocktail (which was good, but Jesus, this is why I don't drink often!!) The first band was two guys-- one on drums and one playing guitar and singing. They were good, just played a few songs. The next band was a Cyndi Lauper tribute band. The lead singer was fantastic!! She had a great voice and could hit all of those high notes! She also looked just like Cyndi, it was fun! They're called We Bop, and you should look them up if you like Cyndi Lauper :)
The next band was a Texan INXS tribute band called INTXS. I recognized a lot of songs from my time in retail hell lolol. The band itself was really good! Only knew a few songs, but the whole set was great. I also learned INXS is from Australia lmfao.
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Next was what I was there for--STRANGELOVE!! They were incredible!! Not only were they just really talented, but they had so much fun on stage! Dave was INSANE, I wish I had caught a video of him spinning because OMG!
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They played: A Question of Time, World In My Eyes, New Life, Master and Servant, People Are People, Get the Balance Right, Just Can't Get Enough, Stripped, A Question of Lust, Strangelove, It's No Good, Behind The Wheel, NLMDA, Enjoy the Silence, Personal Jesus, and their encore was BUT NOT TONIGHT!!! I love that they played their old stuff. The synth is so fun to dance to live!!
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Yes, Dave was a slut. I approve lmfao
I wish they were closer together. It was hard to get a photo of Alan! But he's on the very right:
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My feet hurt by the end, but my back surprisingly didn't! Thank you, Doctors Scholl and Marten! I only talked sparingly to other folks. But I still had a great time! Got a t-shirt and took a photo with the bands afterward!
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I really did kiss Dave, hehehe. I posed like this and he leaned over and I smooched him. Totally out of character for me, but I was ENTRANCED. Maybe I need to meet a Dave impersonator irl LOL.
Anyway!! Tribute bands are a lot of fun. I highly recommend supporting local acts in your area! You're supporting local and traveling musicians while enjoying good music. It's a win win!
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shriekinghavoc · 11 months
lets do 5, 8, 9, 19 and 21
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
It's Halloween now so I definitely have a lot of Halloween pieces I want to do this year, but I haven't started yet thanks to my devotion to a big commission project at the moment.
8. What do you like most about your own work?
This might sound weirdly specific but I like small things in my character designs that I use when redrawing characters like my OC Dutch's hair line, Dawn's eye lashes, Don's big Dove eyes, ect.
9. What are you currently trying to improve?
I'm currently trying to change my art style a tad. Some of the changes I'm making are for the sake of consistency (My heads are sometimes too big, for example.) Other things I'm trying to do are bigger backgrounds on a more regular basis and variation in my lineart.
19. Favourite character(s) to draw?
Of my OCs? Definitely Chi
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She has good shapes and a fun demeanor.
Of canon characters, Daredevil has so many fun poses and the way I've designed the points and edges on the Hawk's costumes is always satisfying to pull together (Like how I draw their elbows as the ends of their gloves.)
21. Weirdest thing you’ve ever drawn?
I was going to cheap out on you all and just put some weird rarepair or even that time I shipped Hank with one of my ocs for a bit, but I don't have an explanation for this one other than @ely-draws You are ALSO to blame
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(Yes this is Jay Garrick and Alan Scott)
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lasclarts · 2 years
Miguel Casey Nicole Pollyfan
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This case presents a world of smoke and mirrors.”Ī world of smoke and mirrors that nevertheless resolves into a pretty damning scene: Police busted Prine, carrying a pizza box, as he approached the supposed 32-year-old mother’s apartment on Nov. “It is not just officers who pose,” he told the court. Prine’s lawyer is taking the “Internet as fantasyland” defense, claiming his client was simply role-playing. hristmas”ĭetective James Morton, who posted the ad, was using the capital letters as a simple code: In pedophile circles, PTHC stands for “pre-teen hardcore.” The ad was an invitation, and Prine took Morton up on his offer. “P.hamily fun serious replies only bama won yes T.erday and kansas state lost don’t forget to H. The flurry of emails began with this message posted to the “Casual Encounters” section of Craigslist: Jurors heard opening statements yesterday in the case of Alan Preston Prine, 60, arrested last November after exchanging more than 200 emails with an undercover officer posing as a 32-year-old housewife offering up her two pre-teen kids for sex. Each passage is prefaced by detailed introductory comments on the life and thought of each theologian and the significance of his/her work.A recent undercover sting in Mobile, Ala., provides a window into the secret world of coded language pedophiles use online.
The volume includes substantial excerpts from notable women theologians and from black and liberation perspectives, plus a new section from deceased theologians such as Thomas Merton, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Karl Rahner. KerrLanguange: enPublisher by: Abingdon PressFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 30Total Download: 875File Size: 43,8 MbDescription: Illuminates the history and development of Christian thought by offering selections from the writings of 55 great Christian theologians. Expanded rules for social interactions, Infamy, and dark rituals help players of all alignments, and in the included adventure, the Heretics must best a Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix! Author by: Hugh T. I will keep this a little short since people thinking about buying this book have already heard about its size and prevalence of fey.Īuthor by: Kendall ButnerLanguange: enPublisher by:Format Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 62Total Download: 560File Size: 42,6 MbDescription: The Tome of Excess is a sinfully indulgent supplement for Black Crusade! Devoted to the Dark God Slaanesh and his followers, this comprehensive hardcover book introduces four new Heretic Archetypes, along with cruel weapons, rules for empowering minions, new Daemon Engines, and more.
However, I would have wanted maybe one entry for a dangerous water maiden, and an ample side bar or page dedicated to the various cultural variations that comprise the numerous myths surrounding women and water (and boo for not having “la llorona”, if you are going to go full on water maiden, be all inclusive!). In all fairness, it is an artefact of Pathfinder Pathfinder probably has more of the dangerous water maidens throughout its various bestiaries. Now I know a lot of people have mentioned this, but I have to echo that the “dangerous water maidens” are pretty prevalent. There is one other book that has Lovecraft monster and I hope to do a comparison on my blog, but so far I am loving the Kobold Press take on them.Now on to the things I didn’t like. This is a good addition to the Tome of Beasts, but actually makes me wish that Kobold press would put out a book of NPCs on its own!An honorable mention goes to the various Cthulhu creatures. Not only do we get pictures (unlike in the aforementioned monster manual) for every NPC, and the statistics can easily be used for a plethora of occasions.
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jrpneblog · 7 months
Home must be where the heart is
Just 11 games to go in this rather topsy turvey season for North End as we go into the final quarter of the campaign with a home game against Stoke City. This follows on from a rather strange and somewhat unusual week for North End that started with a slightly disappointing home draw against Hull City last Saturday followed by the late postponement of the game at Southampton on Wednesday evening. One glance at the league table tells you that there was not too much damage done but North End are still playing catch up. With Southampton and West Brom still to play away it is vital that there are no more slip ups at home. Yes we have to face Leicester in the last home game but Stoke, Rotherham, Huddersfield and Norwich are all winnable and North End must take 12 points from their last five home games to keep us in with a shout. The other four trips on the road should yield points with visits to Plymouth, Birmingham, Watford and QPR on the run in schedule. I think we need a further 10 points from the six away games which would leave us with 75 and we just need to hope that the others have a little wobble.
Against the Tigers last Saturday North End failed to find the net for the first time in a while but fair play to Hull as they defended stoutly when they had to and always posed a threat on the break. To be honest I thought they were two evenly matched teams and along with Coventry , Norwich and West Brom they will be contenders for those fifth and sixth spots in the final analysis. The big talking point of the game was a penalty shout early in the second half when Will Keane was pulled back just as he was about to poke home a rebound from a Riis effort. It was a stonewall spot kick in my opinion and how the referee and his assistant haven`t seen it just beggars belief. The North End fans were not slow in letting the referee know what they thought of this blatant offence.
On Wednesday evening almost 700 North End fans set off from various starting points to make their way to St Marys Stadium. Unfortunately a dangerous blaze almost adjacent to St Marys saw the game called off round about 4pm just as our car was approaching Newbury. Obviously no one is to blame and it was a decent gesture by North End to refund half the coach money back to those who travelled or offset it against the cost when the game finally goes ahead. Around 50+ North End fans made their way to AFC Totton for a local non-league cup tie and were made very welcome by the hosts who let the North Enders in for free. A great gesture by the home club and maybe a pre-season friendly might be on the cards in the Summer as the manager of Totton is Jimmy Ball who is the grandson of the late great Alan Ball Senior and so the clubs definitely have links.
On Saturday we welcome Steve Schumacher to Deepdale for the second time this season. Schumacher was in charge of Plymouth when we beat them 2-1 in the Autumn and he brings his Stoke City side to Deepdale in a spot of bother. At the point of writing Stoke sit third bottom of the Championship and in danger of the trap door. Of their eighteen games away this season they have won four, drawn four and lost ten, scoring nineteen goals and conceding twenty eight. No games are given in this division as we all know but this is an opportunity for North End to carry on their good run and if other results help us a little then the Championship table could look very interesting by the end of the weekend as North End hope to continue their late run to the play offs.
And finally this week:- Saturday is the dedicated @HerGameToo game! There are girls teams taking part in the half time penalties and a guard of honour for the players! Please support in any way you can as Women have just as much right to be inside Deepdale as the men do. Football is for all.
North End`s ambassador is Kim Ramshead ( @kimramshead ) who you will find on Social Media to answer any of your questions.
STOKE CITY (H) League - Home win
A £5 Stake returns £11.88 on bet365
Returns £96.00 Stake £150.00
Percentage profit+/-loss - 36.00%
Predictions 31 won 9 lost 22
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lakedo · 8 months
Hey people, guess what?
I just realised that most of you are not mind-readers, so here are some HCs of my Ocs that I never posted, that were always in my mind.
(Also I’m bored, I have to wait 40 minutes without doing anything.) - Long test
Tfu is the only one I have a 'human version', or at least some little Headcanons on how would she look like: - Black short messy curly hair - Pale skin (it looks grey in drawings) - A scare on her left eye (she got that scare while practicing with her knife) don’t worry, she can see - Dark green emerald eyes ( don’t know how to describe it. Here a code #327a4e <- kinda that kind of green) - All her t-shirts are yellow, and has two favourite hoodies, both black. Other clothes have dull colours - No uncomfortable clothes - A necklace, as a lucky charm (she is superstitious) - No jewels, piercings, or something special, she likes staying 'natural'
El is physically handsome (why? Why not?), but no one is going to tell him. Unnamed considers him a kid Mindyll is way too shy to tell him, also she knows only 5 people, she can’t tell how an handsome person is like Rakidi thinks El already knows
El and Mindyll are 18, Rakidi 19, but since they are created and not born, their mentality is the same of a thirteen year old. Also they won’t age (for now). Unnamed is 22, she also won’t age (also for now)
They all live in the same house, but Mindyll and El like to go outside, Rakidi goes around the internet for almost all the day and Unnamed stays all day at home, unless someone is in trouble
Rakidi likes staying in weird poses, because he feels cool. He doesn’t know his back will hurt one day…
Rakidi is a Måneskin fan like me, we like singing their songs, but he sings way better than me
El is scared of birds, but he can imitate them very well
Mindyll has always cold hands, while El is always warm (somehow)
Unnamed hurt many people in the past, but now has stopped, because she just wants to stay with his brother
I think someone misunderstood this thing: Tfu doesn’t call herself like that. If you ask for her name she’ll simply reply that she doesn’t have one. Also she doesn’t know we call her Tfu/Unnamed
No one now remembers of her name, except of herself (I wanted to give her an ex-name, for a while I thought to call her like one of my friends on Tumblr (nickname that I won’t mention because they want to become famous without being known by people, you know who you are and I know you don’t hate me because of this, you little naughty cinnamon roll :P) but then I said “nah, let’s just say that no one remembers.”:) .)
I think I’ve already mentioned it, but here, have this information before Unnamed finds me: Unnamed has a secret crush on Victim. Yes, that one Victim from Alan Becker. It’s more a celebrity-crush. And Tumblr is FULL of fanfics, comics, AUs with Vic, so yeah, she’s kinda in paradise rn. Please don’t tell her I told you about this.
El is incapable of lying. He just doesn’t understand the point of it, also he’s kinda just a little innocent kid.
Rakidi sometimes acts like a spoiled kid.
El sometimes is jealous, because he thinks Mindyll prefers Rakidi. Rakidi just doesn’t care, he is NOT trying to have Mindyll as a girlfriend, and he never experienced the feeling of ‘having a crush' (totally not planning something to break the heart of my poor Rakidi)
Tfu has trust issues (I mean, kinda obvious, but maybe someone doesn’t know)
They are stickfigures, they don’t have gender, so I can call them with pronouns, but there aren’t 'males' or 'females', just sticks. Rakidi is the only one who understood a little about the concept of 'gender', because he goes around internet A LOT.
Rakidi is a hollowhead, right? Hollowheads get angry and feel strange (or something) when you pass your hand through their head, right? Well, not Rakidi! He likes putting his own hand, arm or other objects through his head. Yes, he feels a little strange sometimes, but he likes to do it in front of El (because he’s a hollowhead too)and Unnamed (because she feels strange thinking about something that passes through your empty head)
Wow, it’s quite long, but idc. Maybe a part 2? Maybe another day… but I’m not sure.
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v-lynx-2 · 2 years
< incognito / >
Part four
After that warm hug, Jake went to wash his face, meanwhile mc went to double check the lock, the windows and their bags, she was still nervous after all.
" So what's the plan? " Mc asked as the adrenaline started to leave her system.
" I would like you to catch me up on everything you went through but for the plan.. If only I have my computer with me-"
" You mean this? "
Mc said pulling the laptop out of the bag, Jake looked at it then at mc in disbelief.
" What? How? " Jake took the laptop and it opened.. it really is his.
" Well, remember when you mentioned something about the motel you stayed at had a Chinese restaurant across of it and it also is around ' the area ', I just used the internet to know how many were around, as I believed that's how you picked it as well "
He smiled at mc, he seems really proud, wait .. is she going too hear it again? After all this time.
" Great job, mc. You have managed to impress me even more "
Yes! Those words, his praise, she could do this whole thing again just to hear them.
" Aww thank you! "
" Hmm it seems you unlocked it too "
" Ehe.. well that's how I was able to find you "
" You had a long conversation with this information broker "
" That's what he is ? No wonder he knew a lot "
" You were negotiating a price and.. "
" I didn't have time to negotiate to be honest"
" Which explains the amount "
" It's not an important detail "
" To him, it is, I have to eliminate that account, it can be used to track us, he is simply waiting for the highest bidder "
And that's what he did, thankfully Jake was able to both transfer and to a new account and get rid of the old one.
He went through his system as well looking for anything out of ordinary, nothing for now, but staying offline is still safer than anything else.
" I'm glad you got everything, I was hoping to shower before our grand escape " he said finding the clothes he brought with him.
" This week was so tense I could use a warm bath, I wish this place had a jacuzzi, I would love to take a drink and a nap there "
Mc said laying on the bed imagining how relaxing it would be.
" Will be the first thing we do once we are in the clear then " he said and disappeared in the bathroom.
She will hold him to it.
Next thing mc thought of was something to eat.. well she didn't really think of that.
She decided to go outside for a moment, just quick enough to grab few things to eat. She didn't have anything to eat other than breakfast for the whole day.
Mc really didn't take long, there was a little store near by, she got back to the room as soon as possible.
To find a really distressed Jake, he seemed to finally breath after she came through the door.
" Why did you leave? "
" Snacks "
" Mc, don't just do things like that without telling me, our situation is critical, I thought they got you"
" Oh Jake, they can't handle me "
Mc said putting the bags on the bed.
" You must try this cupcake "
They shared the snacks on the bed, mc then grabbed her bag, she wanted that bath anyway.
" Soo, what are we doing for now? "
" Blend with people, we will have to play tourists if possible"
" Oh I'm not a bad actress, I played the role of Phil's lawyer-"
" Phil's what ? You went to Phil and the duskwood police department? On your own ? " Jake asked , concerned and confused.
" It was the only way for me to get rid of the evidence Alan had against you, you know, when you ran away he managed to get a picture of you, he used it to try and push the others to talk as well "
" So it was you"
Mc pulled the photographs out of her bag.
" Yup, damn, you can pose from any angel, you should consider modeling "
" Haha, I could only say the same to you, thank you, mc. For always having my back. "
She didn't expect a head pat, not at all.
Did he just pat my head like a dog???
" Patting my head? Really? Should I wag my tail as well ? why not call me a good girl too "
" You want to play , mc ? " He raised an eyebrow a small smirk was starting to appear.
Mc blushed after realizing what she said
" Oh I remembered, I'm taking that bath"
She said picking her clothes.
" Is that an invitation? "
" No, it's a warning! " She fled to the bathroom.
Jake just laughed he never thought he would be brave enough to actually say that, as much as mc surprised him, he surprised himself more, usually, if they were texting, he would have thought she was upset and apologized, but he was better at reading faces and voice pattern than simple texts.
She can be too cute, I would have to contain myself better.
He went back to his laptop, they needed a perfect escape plan, so he is planning their route.
Mc's face was hot, not sure if it was what happened earlier or the hot water.
Wondering if would have actually joined her if she said yes.. the bathroom got even hotter for a second.
Mc let the warm water relax her muscles
I didn't practice for a while, but that bastard deserved the punch.
We should really practice self defense more, I need to learn that hook, it was a good swing, he probably did this before.
I feel bad for taking my mind off the situation even for few seconds..
Well he is the one used to this, he probably has a plan.
That's how far I can go I guess... But maybe I can do more?
The water is so relaxing..
She just took a nap.
Meanwhile, he was waiting to discuss the plan with her. But she took really long.. he got a little concerned.
He knocked once and twice, no answer.
" Mc ? "
Again, no answer.
He is so worried now.
Bring the lock picking tool kit always came in handy for break ins.
The lock didn't really take much under his hands and it was open in a matter of seconds.
He was greeted with vapor and a sleeping mc, he took a step back by the door.
As if she felt the heat shift in the air, she woke up.
" Mc, were you asleep? "
She didn't understand why he was blurry and what she was doing- oh
" .. yes, sorry .. could you um.. " she blushed trying to cover herself
" Of course, I apologize, I was worried. "
" Don't, it's fine.. "
" I would like to discuss some details with you, if you wouldn't mind, it would be much preferable if it was as soon as possible. "
" Sure "
He closed the door and went back.. it's a good thing she didn't focus on his face, he could feel how hot it was..
For someone who managed to come up with a good escape plan, he didn't plan this part.. the sleeping part.
He didn't really need much, but if he wanted a better performance he would have to rest as well.
Thing is, there is only a one bed
( Yes, the one bed thing, the oldest trick in the book, sue me)
Mc got out dressed, she got herself a juice box as she listened to him explaining the plan.
They were both setting on the bed, which mc found comfortable.
" So basically we would dress up like tourists, but we need to make few stops first, like change the car and all, it's Jessy's by the way. "
" Yes, but I just noticed that I have overlooked the part that we have equipment to bring along "
" Oh I've an idea, leave it to me ! "
" Very well, about our papers, I have arranged for that few minutes ago, it would be one of the stops we would make "
" So first thing we do in the morning tomorrow, is go shopping for clothes? "
" Yes, a casual look would do just fine "
" Casual huh, we will see"
Mc is planning to look more convincing by getting herself a cute dress, she can't travel looking boring. Casual? Since when.
Jake noticed how mc seemed to find the bed to be comfortable.
Maybe the floor isn't too bad after all.
" Is that all for now ? "
" Yes, if everything goes smoothly we will be out of duskwood before the day ends."
" Let's hope the FBI focus on something else.. "
" That's in order too "
" What ? But you didn't mention that "
" It's my part of the plan "
" Come on! I know some stuff too! I sent Alan a note making it seem like you took the evidence yourself "
" How did you do it ? "
" Simple trick of anyone who works at tech support "
" Anything that could lead to you? "
" Not really, nope "
" You seem into it more than I thought, I might consider teaching you more " Jake said seriously considering it.
" Yes ! "
" But I'm still taking over that part for now"
" What part do I get to play then ? "
" Enjoy the trip, I know you couldn't see much of duskwood, I wished if I can make it up to you somehow "
" Aw Jake, you shouldn't really think much about it "
" It could be the last time we ever go to duskwood "
" Oh.. well I'm not from there so .. can we stop to see Jessy and the others? "
" only if you can fit the meeting in away that goes along with the rout we are taking "
" Sure, I will think about it "
" Very well then, you need to rest, mc"
" And so do you "
" I will be fine, I'm checking something "
" But didn't you say you were done? "
" Yes, it won't hurt to recheck "
" I think it would be fine, they don't know I'm here, they also don't know the car we escaped in due to my amazing driving skills "
Mc praised herself as she was trying to make Jake feel better, she could feel how anxious he was about tomorrow.
" They know I'm here and the group that got me has seen my face "
" ...lucky them, I bet they won't forget it"
" They also know that, a cute little mc helped me escape, so maybe try being less cute to fool them ? "
" I will try, but fat chance " mc said as Jake pulled her closer.
He smiled as he looked into her eyes, he sees nothing but love in them, beautiful and sparkling .... With mischief, she managed to steal a quick kiss.
" If you are going to kiss me, do it properly" he said claiming her lips, it was deep and passionate, he longed for this kiss.
And so she did.
She's under him in no time, but he knows better than taking it farther, they needed to sleep, it was already late, mc was sleepy a second ago, but it seems she is wide awake now.
He couldn't help but give her a one last kiss before he told her how late it is.
" ... it was just like the dream" mc said trying to catch her breath.
" So you had naughty little dreams about me.. hmm what should I do about this? "
Mc blushed deeper
" I would love to punish you, but I'm afraid, you won't be able to sit for as long as the trip goes "
".. you were going to spank me ?!! "
" Were? No, rest assured that I will but not for the main time, I would rather prefer if you enjoyed the trip more"
She could feel her face heating up as she was blushing to the tip of her ears, he was handsome yes, but he got dangerously more hot with his still damp hair and that voice, it's like he enjoyed the little reactions mc made.
" .. there isn't a way for me out of this? "
"Not even the FBI can get you out of this "
Feeling so hot down there, the bastard was doing this on purpose... She really longed for his touch.
" Sleep well, we have a long day ahead of us "
He is just going to tell me to sleep now!
He kissed her forehead, it was so cute, then pulled the covers over them.
Jake is the one afraid this could all be a dream, he had his fair share of dreams, he is afraid of falling asleep now....
" Hey.."
" Didn't I tell you to sleep ? "
" You aren't my boss "
" In fact I am, if you are going to work with me "
" That makes us partners "
" You have a lot to learn about my world, mc "
" ... I guess.."
" What did you want to say? "
"I was wondering if you wanted to see your sisters before we leave"
" If possible, I think a simple goodbye would do"
" They probably wish to spend more time with you "
" .. I shouldn't have been in their lives in the first place "
Mc rolled closer to Jake.
" I think otherwise, without you, we wouldn't have found out the truth"
" It was Richy you know.. "
" I suspected as much, but his sudden death made me reconsider "
" So he was the one you had suspected all along ?"
" Yes, even I thought it was unlikely back then "
" I did suspect him as well but.. I didn't want to believe it, things pointed at him all the time but.. I just couldn't "
" It's understandable "
" Dan, told me there is no news about him "
" I'm sorry, mc.. if he didn't leave the mine then, I believe.. "
" I know.. "
" I'm sorry.. he was your friend, finding out he was the culprit must have been painful as well"
" Yeah.. the second he took off the mask I .. I just "
He let mc take time and after she calmed down he asked
" Was this why you were crying at supermarket today? "
" .. so it was really you.. did you recognize me ? " mc said.
" No, not at that moment. "
" Well.. no I was sad about something else.."
" do you feel comfortable to tell me about it? " Jake said concerned of what happened that made her breakdown.
" Oh a certain hacker decided to abandon me "
" Mc.. I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you "
" When I found out about their new focus, I panicked. I didn't want you to be in danger because of me, as you know I don't trust the government, i would never forgive myself if anything happened to you "
" Jake, remember what I said before? We are going to go through anything together, nothing would discourage me from following you, even to the deepest parts of hell"
" Thank you, Mc. You don't know how good this makes me feel, not the hell part though, hopefully we won't go that far "
" Right... "
" Mc "
" I'm joking don't worry "
" Well, only if you are ready to go that far"
" I literally took four guys down! "
" With a taser "
" Details, details "
" Self defense lessons can be arranged later"
" That's cool, oh and Phil-"
" Goodnight, Mc"
" Aww but I wanted to tell you about Phil's case "
" Good night"
" Haha "
She knows that he is joking.. probably, for the first time, mc could actually let her mind rest.
Few hours later they he woke her up to so they could follow with their plan.
" Five more minutes"
" Trust me, i want that too, but we already snoozed the alarm three times before"
" Five more seconds"
He sighed and started packing.
Suddenly the someone was knocking on the door
Mc woke up and looked at Jake..
" .. I'm gonna get that " she stood up and opened the door a little
" Oh, hi lilly "
" Good morning! Here I brought you this, anything else, Jake? "
" No, thank you, Lilly "
" Okay, you should be out from the backdoor, I left it open "
" Perfect, thank you"
" Be careful you two " said lilly and left.
" What ? You asked her for something? "
" Yes, I didn't want you to skip breakfast"
" Wah- oh .. thanks"
" You are welcome "
Mc finished her breakfast and packed her stuff, they left by the back door just like lilly said, It was open, Jake took both the bags this time.
" Can I take my bag? "
Which he didn't answer.
They put things back in a different car as Jessy's car was nowhere to be found
" What the- where is it!? "
" I contacted Jessy and told her to retrieve her car "
" And this one? "
" A quick purchase "
" When was that ? "
" Your second snooze, you had at least five, I gave up waking you so I stopped counting, I called lilly then, I thought a breakfast would wake you up and I was right " Jake said as he open the car for mc.
" .. for your information, I woke up because of the door."
He laughed and so did mc, the car smelled like how new cars smell like.
" Nothing smells better than a freshly bought car " said mc checking the car.
" Haha, agreed "
" All that's left are the papers, do have a driving licence? "
" It should be one of our stops"
They followed the rout Jake planned, starting with look they are going to use.
" You know, I never thought we would go out shopping the first time we meet"
" I will take you on a real date later"
" I actually have no complains, if anything, it's one of my hobbies"
" Glad to hear it "
Few minutes later different people left the store, they both had different ideas of a ' tourist '
Mc's was insta model, cute short dress
" It has pockets ! "
" I find other things more interesting "
" I like your shirt, cargo pants, you seem to be planning to go hike "
" You seem to be planning to spend the day by the pool "
" Oh let's add that to the list "
" Of course, very well, let's get back on the road"
Next thing was the papers for the car, it seems Jake already had them ready as they stopped by the place.
Few minutes later and the car has license plates.
" That's fast"
" I have used a favor I was saving for later"
" Still "
" Well I also had to have a way to escape duskwood, but I was too busy running away and I couldn't get my hand on my equipment "
" Phil said they are more alert than before, we might see a police car around later"
"yes, let's hope we don't "
The road was so nice and mc opened the window and the wind went through her hair, she looked so gorgeous.
Duskwood is so beautiful, a lot of green forests and clear blue sky, sleepy as Alan once said.
And strange as well.
They couldn't stop to see the others for the last time, they did see lilly and Jake mentioned Jessy, he has probably seen her.
She wanted to text Jessy but Jake said it's better if they stay offline
Jake kept stealing glances from time to time, he needs to focus, mc comes with both advantages and a disadvantage, he could go the wrong way if he kept stealing glances which is the disadvantage, but having her with him, they can actually pass as tourists, a couple going on a vacation.
It's more convincing, unlike going alone, he would get pulled by the cops without hesitation.
Which he is hoping won't happen this time as they are approaching a check point.
" Okay, Jake, stay cool, we had a fun vacation and we were going home "
" I know my lines "
" Let's see who's better at acting, wanna bet ? " said mc
" 5 credits, up for it? "
" I will raise the stakes to 7 "
The officer approached them, and asked where they were going which Jake answered, he kept looking at Jake for a while and asked to check the trunk
Jake tried his best not to get nervous, mc said she would take care of it but he doesn't know what she really did.
The officer opened and asked to see the bag, which Jake had to get out to open, he didn't want to object so soon, the officer seemed calm.
The officer now seemed embarrassed, Jake opened the bag not knowing what's inside, mc packed lingerie on top so the first thing you see when you open the bag is Victoria's secret.
" Ah, well have a good day"
" Thank you"
Mc smiled at the officer who was red the face and went to look back at Jake who seemed to have a similar look.
" That was smart, I have to admit"
" Told you not to worry about it"
" I'm really impressed, it never crossed my mind, great job, mc."
" Thank you! "
Mc smiled, she is really glad it worked,
" So.. what's next?"
" Lunch"
" My favorite"
" Haha, if I'm not wrong, there a place here with at least four stars"
Which turns out to be right, they took a table outside, as mc seemed to rather enjoy the view.
They ordered and enjoyed their meal and had some ' small talk ' as Jake put it.
" You got better at picking topics "
" Well, how's the weather like ? "
" Now I'm taking your bonus points "
" Okay, how about.. you tell me what are you planning to do what we have in the trunk? "
" I'm keeping Victoria's secret "
" Is this a reference? "
" It's the name of the brand "
" So we're keeping them, very interesting"
" Of course, it would be a waste of money otherwise" mc said taking a bite
" I hope the same trick works twice at least, I don't want to change the car plates or drive without them, it would draw more attention " he said staring at the fork in his hand.
" Don't worry about it, I have another plan "
He looked at mc trying to figure out what it is.
" Don't worry, I won't tell Victoria's secret"
After the break they took, they got back to the car again. jake drove faster as the highway was empty only a nice view, wind and ... Cops.
" Good day, sir, ma'am."
" Good day " mc replied
" Care to tell me where are going? "
" We are just going home now "
Mc was holding a small box of donuts, yes, donus.
" Would you like some, sir "
" Oh thank you"
Then it went just like the first time,they checked the car and papers and then they let them go.
" So that's why we had to get them and here I thought we were going to have them for dessert"
" We would have if we didn't face more check points"
" Fortunately, we won't, this should be the last one"
" So we are in the clear? "
" You can say that "
Mc sighed and stretched back in her seat.
She turned on some music, which Jake didn't mind.
The rest of the drive was relaxing, mc almost slept watching the clouds, she looked at Jake who just happened to steal a glance at her and he smiled which she returned.
" You know you got a really cute smile" said mc, looking at him.
" This means a lot coming from you, mc. The cutest I know "
" Aww Jake, just take the compliment! "
" Haha, so tell me, when did you get to duskwood? "
" I was already planning to go when Richy told me to come "
" I see "
" Then stayed at Jessy's place, we had Dan over as well "
" Dan ? What was he doing? " Said Jake, she could recognize that jealous tone anytime
" Just hang out, oh and he gave me the knuckle bracelet and the pocket knife"
" I see "
" Yep "
" You haven't seen Hannah or the others?"
" Nope, I was trying to lay low, Alan was planning to question her about what kind of connection she has to you, he is wondering why you decided to be involved "
" I'm sure Lilly didn't tell her, the others as well "
" Yeah, also there aren't anything Alan can do other than ask Hannah some questions "
" Once we reach the hotel I will be able to set my equipment and erase all of our digital footprints "
" So our conversations and chats will be gone ? "
" Yes, I'm sorry "
Mc didn't really want them to be deleted, they shared memories, they laughed and cried together.. she can't just throw all that behind..
He took notice of mc's silence, she seems to dislike the idea, but he wouldn't have even suggested it if it wasn't for their safety, mc has a lot to get used to, living anonymous isn't really glamorous.
" It's fine.. I just.. I will have to get used to it"
" I appreciate that "
Few more hours later of driving, listening to music and arguing who is the best actor and detective, compliments here and there, they managed to make it to the city.
Mc loved the city lights at night, they have their own aesthetic, oh she spotted some street cats, which she took pictures of.
She has taken a lot of pictures, she knows better than to post any, at least for now.
She took pictures of the beauty of nature that's Jake, and some less important landscapes they passed by, and cats.
But now it's different, dark city in a moonless night, only stars are visible, more and more cars and buildings started to become visible.
The city has its own different air, a whole different look, it's not like sleepy duskwood, more busy and energetic.
" So you are a city boy ? "
" It has its advantages and yes, I pretty much grow up in the city"
" I love the city too, are we going to stay here for now? "
" Yes, we can't just hit the airport now, they are more secured than anything, it would need more planning"
" So you had that in mind too? "
" Yes, I thought maybe you don't want to be too far away from home. "
" Let me tell you something really inspiring, I heard from the TV  ' home, is where we can be together ' , so basically I'm not far from home "
He kissed her hand and took it in his as he switched his gears, keeping their hands together as he was driving.
Mc blushed as she let him take her hand, he can get so romantic sometimes, She could notice the faint blush on his face and she couldn't help but smile.
" I have no words to describe how happy I was when you came for me, I'm forever grateful to you, mc."
" Jake, you know I will always be there for you right ?"
" I know, but this is beyond-"
" Shhhh, I did say I would follow you anywhere, didn't I? "
" You did.. which is dangerous"
" Come on! "
" I want you to worry about your safety more "
" I don't regret what I did or you or anything else, if anything, this is the best thing that happened to me "
"Haha, then i'm really sorry "
" Oh shut up "
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theteaisaddictive · 3 years
Top 5 Sarah Jane found family moments?
aaaah yes thank you!! in no particular order because i can't possibly choose
1. that bit in the lost boy when the slitheen posing as his 'real' mother says he was great on a skateboard and maria and clyde immediately realise she's talking bullshit because earlier in the episode we saw luke eat dirt multiple times while taking turns on clyde's skateboard
2. the reunion at the end of the mad woman in the attic when rani's wish gets undone and everyone's together again :D
3. the recurring motif of everybody getting covered in slitheen guts after spraying them with vinegar, the most memorable probably being at the end of the gift when clyde says something like 'well who needs to know about biology anyway' and the other three just Look at him
4. that one episode where luke suddenly showed up at rani's front door after he went to oxford and going 'what the hell is wrong with my mum' because sometimes found family fight and that's juicy fucking drama
5. that one skype call after maria left when her, alan, rani, clyde, luke and sarah jane are all on screen together and it's the only time it happened in the entire series
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siremasterlawrence · 3 years
Comic Book Gala # 2 - Titans Tower
Voice Over Coms -
Welcome to Titans Tower San Francisco and Gotham home of the hero’s of wonder
and excitement.
Connor El/Superboy
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I smirk with excitement entering the Titan pop up to see Joshua Orpin Aka Superboy
Completely ignoring me he starts to work out insanely performing different sets one after the other.
I watch in awe pulling off a dead life his body rippling at his nipples, chest and his ass.
“That’s a nice ass, can I have it forever buddy?”
“What the fuck? Who are you? Get away from me.”
“Why should I? You want this.”
“Want tttthhhhiiissss”
“Don’t you ?”
In his his minds eye we are fully, deeply mad utterly connecting with each other on a deeper level and we made love.
Hawk -
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Alan Ritchson my dream perfect body
of a man stood posing for the cameras flashing.
He stood their frozen in time thinks to yue clock I set once it goes the flash empties their mind.
Laughing out loud I approach the super mindless stud feeling him up, patting his ass.
“Right ass, swollen body and grape size nipples hot.”
“You love me babe, I am everything to you my love and surrender to me.”
“Yyyyyyyyeeeeesssssss Mmmmyyyyyy Mmmaaasssttteerrr.”
“Strip off these close for me they are use less.”
“My king, I will obey you forever”
“Order me, instruct me and serve me for a lifetime.”
“Kneel for me, grab my waist and kiss all of my body.”
Dick Grayson, Nightwing
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“Brenton so nice to see you again”
“Do I know you? You watch titans?”
“Huge fan of the show actually”
“Good boi”
“What? I am not a boi”
“Wait what?”
“Sleep “
“Focus on my eyes forget all else and let go”
“Surrender babe, be mine and love me”
“As you desire, my king”
Ryan Potter & Curren Walters
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“Thank you, thank you “
“Hot for you?”
“Did I just say that?”
“Sorry, I “
“You meant “
“Why is that?”
“You love me”
“What no?”
“Wait yes”
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“Nice suit”
“Can I fuck you in it?”
“Can I use you ?”
“Let me in those pants “
“Let me in your pants “
“I love you “
“Use me Master “
“Make me”
“I will fuck your raw”
The end
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oneyeartowrite · 3 years
First Fic: Bugged
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Gordon strolled into the middle of the room, smug grin splitting his face, and just stood there, waiting for one of them to ask.
Scott opened his mouth, but Virgil’s finger wag snapped his jaw shut.
“Don’t ask…”
Gordon threw his arms out. “What do you mean don’t ask?”
Virgil turned his finger towards Gordon, jabbing it at him. Despite being stood across the room Gordon still clutched his chest at the suggestion of his brothers stabbing finger.
“I recognise that look.”
“What look?” Gordon threw his arms up again, still grinning smugly. His amber eyes crinkled, and he chuckled, a full-on pantomime-villain-kind of chuckle.
Scott lifted his eyebrow. “You’re aware we heard that, right?”
Gordon didn’t answer, he continued to grin, and look shifty as hell. Super-villain vibes rolled over the room. His face reddened and he curled his fingers towards his mouth, still laughing. Like a giggling child.
Scott spoke out of the corner of his mouth, directing his question to Virgil. “This freaking you out too?”
Virgil huffed. “I’m used to it.”
Gordon didn’t appear to be breathing. Too lost in his dastardly deeds. Scott and Virgil shared a concerned glance, then decided, if he needed to breathe, he’d breathe.
Alan strolled in, and instead of stepping down into the seating area, he jumped over the back off the sofa and landed on his knees.
“So…what’s happening?”
“We’re having a well-earned rest.” Scott told him. Then added with a glare. “And don’t climb over the back of the sofa like that.”
Alan didn’t apologise, he threw a look in Gordon’s direction, and smiled. “He told you yet?”
“No.” Virgil said. “And we’re not asking.”
Scott performed a zip motion across his lips.
“He’s gonna burst if you don’t ask him.” Alan said, looking to Gordon. His grin climbed higher. “Actually, keep it up. I want to see Gordon’s head go pop.”
“Alan.” Scott snapped.
He rolled his eyes in response. “Two strikes to me, I’m shutting up.”          
Gordon breathed finally, a long gulp of an inhale that made him bow. Scott and Alan didn’t react, but Virgil shuffled forward on his seat, mildly concerned his sibling might dropped to his knees.
He did, but not in a medical emergency kind of way, more the over dramatic—Gordon—kind of way.
“Is nobody going to ask me?”
“No.” Virgil said. “Get up.”
“I’ll hold my breath until I pass out if you don’t.”
Scott slammed his palm onto his forehead. “Fine—
Virgil’s eyebrows flew into his hairline. “Scott, no!”
“What have you done?”
Gordon sprung to his feet. “What have I done?”
“Yes. That is what I asked.”
Virgil dropped his head into his hands and growled. “Damn it Gordo, just get on with it.”
“Okay, okay.” He shook out his hands. “I’m a little excited that’s all.”
Alan glanced at him. “This isn’t going to go the way you think it will.”
“Don’t ruin it.” He took a deep breath. “So you know how John’s always listening, dropping into conversations, and generally, sticking his nose in where it’s not wanted.”
“Gordon,” Scott sighed. “Let it go. It wasn’t John’s fault he called you while you were practising your seductive poses in the mirror.”
Gordon narrowed his eyes. “He said I looked constipated.”
Alan grabbed a cushion to muffle his laugh.
“Anyway, I thought I’d get my own back on big brother in the sky.”
“Did you send him mouldy bagels?” Virgil asked.
“No, but I may one day. When I was up there helping him with maintenance, I might have hid a microphone.” He giggled into his fingertips again. “So we can hear Johnny.”
“That was your evil plan?” Virgil raised his eyebrow. “You put a microphone up there so you can hear him?”
“We can all hear him. All we’ve got to do is press the button.”
Alan shrugged. “Not even press it, we wave our hand in the air over it.”
“Yes, yes.” Gordon said. “But he knows we’re listening. He doesn’t know about this, and it means we can listen in any time.”
Scott’s eyebrows met in the middle, and he spoke slowly, trying to keep the reins on his anger. “So let me get this straight. You decided it would be a good idea to invade John’s privacy by bugging thunderbird five.”
“You think that’s a good idea?” Scott’s cheeks began to redden.
“Yes, that’s what I said.”
Virgil sighed. “Gordo doesn’t understand subtly, Scott.”
“It’s a spectacularly bad idea!” Scott had released the reins. The blue of his eyes popped. “You know how sensitive he is about his privacy.”
“What about mine?” Gordon said.
“He called you for a rescue. It wasn’t your fault you were pouting and posing to Prince’s kiss and didn’t hear him.”
Gordon rolled his eyes, and looked away. “No privacy, and we live on an island!”
“Told you they wouldn’t like it.” Alan said. “I’m surprised Scott hasn’t ordered me up there to help John find it.”
Scott opened his mouth to do just that, but a finger wag from Virgil stopped him. Virgil, who was the second most sensitive Tracy brother behind John. Virgil who valued his privacy, and understood John’s need for his own. He was the one that stopped Scott.
“You would be able to hear him right now?”
Scott and Alan’s jaws dropped, and Alan, surprisingly, recovered his ability to speak first. “You can’t be serious?”
“It was a difficult last mission.”
He’d been on the comms to Virgil throughout, and when the mission ended, John had seemed quieter than normal. Something had been off, and when Virgil questioned him, he got the expected but no-less-frustrating, ‘fine’.  
Scott stood up. “Then let’s call him. The proper way.”
“He’ll just say he’s fine, but he’s not fine. I know he’s not, the whole time his voice, it sounded softer than normal.”
“You think he’s just gonna be walking around thunderbird five talking to himself? He’s alone up there.” Scott blinked. He’s alone up there. That outburst hurt. He dropped back down to the sofa.
“He’s not alone,” Alan said. “He’s got Eos.”
Gordon stood before them, not giddy and giggling anymore. He looked uncertain, like his grand plan had been a bad idea. He’d only wanted to lighten the mood, but maybe—just maybe eavesdropping on his John was a bad idea.
“Just once.” Virgil wasn’t speaking to Gordon, but Scott. His hands twitched on his knees, gripping them slightly. “Please Scott, just once, and then we can send Gordon back up there to debug five.”
“Just. Once.” Scott’s cold tone made them all shudder. He didn’t want to listen in, he didn’t want to spy, but this was John, and John was never forthcoming when something was troubling him. Virgil’s concern had sparked his own, and he wouldn’t be able to sleep, eat or think before it was resolved.
“Do it.” Virgil said.
Gordon spun around, tapped on his wrist strap and connected to thunderbird five.
“He can’t hear us though, right?” Scott asked.
“No. It’s just us that can hear him.”
There was only silence. They passed around a worried look then John spoke, sending Gordon a foot into the air. He screamed, then hid when John spoke again.
“I know what you’re doing.”
Alan hid under a cushion pretending to be a corpse, Gordon hid behind a plant making the leaves shake with his shivers, but Virgil and Scott froze helplessly, hearts racing and apologies tangling their tongues.  
“I’m not doing anything.” Came Eos childlike reply.
John sighed. “You’ve been nonstop talking at me for the last hour, usually I don’t mind, but why Eos, why are you asking me about celebrities, and pop culture, and make-up?”
Gordon’s head popped up from behind the plant. He blinked and looked around like meerkat. “Make up? John likes makeup.”
“Quiet.” Virgil snapped. “We’re supposed to be listening.”
John made a weird noise, it was only Alan who seemed to recognise it. “He yawned. He was doing that a lot on my mission earlier, but when I asked him how much sleep he’d gotten, he just said he was fine.”
“Fine.” Virgil muttered. “The evillest four-letter word.”
Gordon’s gaze trailed across the ceiling. “Wouldn’t the evillest four-letter word be evil?”
Virgil launched a cushion at him.
“You know why.” Eos whispered. “I’m trying to send you to sleep, and I might add, it appears to be working.”
John slurred something not one of them understood.
“But I think you’ll be more comfortable in your bed.”
“I can’t just go to bed.” John complained.
Something warm and gooey ran through Scott’s chest. John sounded like he did when he was younger, when he fought sleep like it was a demon just so he could read more.
“Things to do, rescues to coordinate, people to save,” John’s voice trailed off, “bagels to eat.”
“You need to sleep, John. Your brothers are starting to notice how tired you are.”
They all froze, and three pairs of guilty eyes fell on Virgil, the only one who’d thought John wasn’t quite himself. The one who rubbed his chin as he listened. Thick eyebrows pressing together as he frowned into space.
“They haven’t noticed.”
Scott’s heart twisted suddenly. How had he not noticed. John didn’t sound upset though, he sounded relived. Then he added just for good measure, and to irritate everyone listening in. “I’m fine Eos.”
Eos ignored his fine, and continued. “Virgil has noticed. Virgil’s worried about you, and I know you hate it when any of them worry about you.”
“Telling them I’m tired will make them worry.”
“Not telling them will make them worry, and angry too.” Eos countered. “I won’t keep hiding this from them any longer.”
“Eos,” Desperation filled John’s voice. He sounded wide awake again, and slightly panicked, “Don’t you dare call them.”
“I’m not going call them John, I wouldn’t do that, but I’m not gonna help you cover this up anymore.”
The brothers stared at each other in the silence. Cover for him? What did that mean? John’s silence spurred Eos to say more, to slap John around the face with what she was now unwilling to do.
“I won’t adjust the pitch of your voice, so you sound normal. I won’t touch up the hologram to hide how tired you look. I won’t change the readings on your suit—
“Okay, I get it.” John said.
“You need to rest. Not here, sprawled on the floor, but in a proper bed.”
Virgil was on his feet at sprawled on the floor. He glanced at Scott, and grew alarmed at the vein jumping at his temple. Angry Scott wasn’t pretty. He brought his arm up slowly, about to call John on the proper channel
“Wait.” Gordon said. “Just wait.”
Air wheezed in and out of Scott’s nose. He cared, they all knew he did, but his care tended to be explosive first, followed by the coddle-care.
“Eos?” John said.
“Yes, John.”
“You’re right.”
“Of course, I am. You don’t need to state the obvious.”
John sighed.
Then the alarm blared in the room, and they all pretended to look busy, except Virgil who stood waiting for John’s hologram to appear. It did. They all stared. Ruffled hair, and dark circles under John’s eyes, and cheekbones that could cut glass. He looked haunted, and didn’t make eye contact with any of them.
Scott was controlling his anger, Alan, his fear of ghosts, and Virgil, he rocked forward on his toes as if considering tackling John’s hologram into the room.
Gordon brushed his hands down his shirt. He had this. Gordo’s time to shine. Breaking the atmosphere was his speciality.
“A+++ for the communication, bro.”
John smiled and lifted eyes up to meet him. “I’m tired.” His eyes drifted shut, and Virgil took a step forward, closer to John. “I’m really fucking tired. I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry for being tired?” Scott said, exasperated.  
“No.” John lowered his head and looked slightly through the top set of his lashes at the brother mostly likely to strangle him for being an idiot. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.”
“Come down.”  Virgil said, flexing his fingers at his sides. He needed to get his hands on John, needed to play Doctor Virgil and fix the man masquerading as his brother on the hologram.
“Thunderbird five is already in position.” Eos chirped. “The space elevator is ready for John.”
“See you soon.” John said, cutting comms.
Scott glanced at Virgil. They nodded.
“That microphones staying where it is.” Scott said.
“What about John’s privacy?” Alan asked.
“We’ll only invade it when we feel like we have too.” Scott stiffened. “When we feel like we have to.”
Someone released a long blistering sigh. They looked for the culprit before realising they were still connected to thunderbird five.
“See,” Eos said. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“Scott looks like he’s gonna kill me….”
Scott blinked, and made a conscious effort to relax his shoulders. Yes, he wanted to kill John. He wanted to smother him to death with his concern.
“Alan looks afraid…”
Alan jumped, dropping the cushion he’d been clawing at. He was afraid, but only because his brother looked so exhausted. He’d only stop being afraid when he was home, in bed, on the mend.
“Virgil looks like he’s fiddling with invisible needles to stick in my arms…”
Virgil stopped twitching his fingers. Yes, John was getting an IV as soon as his arm was within reach, but he knew John hated it, he’d be gentle, and sit with him while it brought colour back into his face.
“And Gordon?” Eos asked.
Gordon swallowed and looked up at nothing. John wasn’t actually there, but he still looked up as if he was.
John laughed softly, a sound that made everyone in the room relax a fraction. Gordon smiled too, because he was the joker in the family, and lightening the mood was his god-given right.
“Gordon?” They could hear the smile in John’s voice. “Well, he still looks constipated.”
I’m thinking about continuing this, more times the brothers eavesdrop on John. Let me know if anyone wants more!
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ancientstone · 3 years
Have you watched the black butler musicials? If so, are they worth watching?
I have! If you can watch them then I recommend! Though personally I found the first two a bit forgettable, I constantly jump back and forth over whether Lycoris or Tango are my favourites!
As a brief rundown:
Musical 1: Kuroshitsuji - That Butler, Friendship
Original story focusing on a pair of original characters who come to England from Japan. Ciel and Sebastian don't really *do* much in this musical, apart from react and run around. I've not felt the need to go back and re-watch it. I don't remember much of the music tbh. Yuya Matsushita plays Sebastian - He's not my favourite actor for the role, but he does well.
Musical 2: Kuroshitsuji - The Most Beutiful DEATH in the World
Original story with original grim reaper characters (Alan and Eric, who are fan favourites who then went on to have cameos in the manga), with elements of the Jack the Ripper arc superimposed on top of it (Viscount Druitt, that *dress* scene). Better than the first. Not perfect, not the best writing in places either if memory serves me correct, but the music is decent ("black and white" and "checkmate" come from this musical). Yuya Matsushita plays Sebastian again in this. He also released the song "hallucination" (from the musical) as part of an album of his own music.
Musical 3: Kuroshitsuji: Lycoris that Blazes the Earth
The Jack the Ripper arc and the first to properly follow the manga. I feel like once the musicals picked up on the actual source material they really began to knuckle down on quality. The songs are killer (*dum dum tis*) and Akane Liv as Madam Red?? 100000/10, cry every time she sings. There are two versions of this musical, the 2014 version which has Yuya Matsushita as Sebastian (his last time in this role), and the 2015 version with Yuta Furukawa as Sebby. Furukawa is, in my opinion, the best version of Sebastian and he really nails it. Fun fact: the actor who plays Ciel stays the same in these two versions!
Musical 4: Kuroshitsuji: Noah's Ark Circus
Follows the....Well, Noah's Ark Circus arc!
Do I cry every time we get to the end and Joker's song? Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. Again, because it can sink it's teeth into the source material, the musical really thrives. The music is great (I personally prefer the songs in the second act of the show), the acting is great (omg, the actor to Doll KILLS ME every time), I love all the circus-elements incorporated into it. Baron Kelvin is creepy as heck. Yuta Furukawa kills it as usual. This is also Reo Uchikawa's first stint as Ciel as well, and he does a good job.
It is worth mentioning, because we can be critical of things we like, that Prince Soma and Agni appear in this musical, played by two Japanese actors. It's hard to tell by the stage lighting, but they have darkened their skin for the role.
Musical 5: Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania
Follows the Campania/Luxury Liner arc.
The musical rushes a bit at the beginning, but considering all they have to get through, it's kinda understandable. The songs are great, in fact, they're some of my favourite in the entire kuro musical collection, and I love the way the opening song keeps coming back around. By the end it really feels like you've just *been* through something, y'know?
The flashback scene with Ciel (Reo Uchikawa again for the last time) and Sebastian (Yuta Furukawa's last go in the Sebastian role) are to die for! You know you've done a good job playing a part when Yana Toboso starts using your poses and mannerisms in the actual manga! I also love the way the bizarre dolls are used and choreographed around the stage, and how they do the last scene with Sebby and Ciel on the boat fighting off the hoard.
ALSO LIZZIE! The actress nails it, and her song is 10/10!
Musical 6: Kuroshitsuji: The Public School's Secret
Came out this year following the boarding school arc. Haven't seen it. Toshiki Tateishi plays Sebastian, and Eito Konishi plays Ciel.
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siren-virus · 3 years
You know what? Just because you’d be able to talk my ears off with LuckyBoy!AU, I’m gonna keep asking you about it with long asks so I can get long answers (I love reading long answers since they give out so much info and speculation, while leaving room for discussion as well). So let's have a chat through asks so neither of us have anxiety(?) while talking to each other in messages.
Who would be some of the regulars when Ben is working at the cooffe shop? (I also love this au XD) Would Cooper, Rook, Gwen, Max and/or anyone else go at the same time as a group and have a casual conversation with the barista? Would Ben accidently gain confidential information about the Plumbers this way? I wonder if he would be famous between the aliens and humans near Undertown as one of the few humans that's actually chill with every alien regardless of appearances thanks to knowing Gwen with the Omnitrix from before?
I feel like Ben purposefully avoiding Cooper as his vigilante persona would start as a measure to avoid his identity being exposed (I belive it was Cooper who exposed him in UAF, right?), but later would develop into a troll play, waiting for him to finally find him and play a prank there.
Would Ben play pranks on Will Harangue for giving him bad publicity to the humans? I mean, it's not like he can just appear in front of a camera and tell his side of the story, he would be captured instantly, or interrupted at the very least; and he having his own social media wouldn't work too well since he isn't a tech genius and the Plumbers could track him down.
Also, what has Gwen done that they think they need Ben to protect them from her? Like yeah, in OV there's a lot of property damage, but they don't believe they need protection from him (at least I don't think so), so she must've done something big in order for that to happen.
And now an ask that isn't directly related to Ben XD Who would be some of the people leading an investigation against the vigilante, trying to discover his identity as well as species? Like I imagine Rook would be more of an addon to said investigation, being on the lookout but not actively investigating everything that Ben has been involved with, and Gwen has a lot on her plate, so let's not let her join said investigation.
Oh oh oh, I just thought about it, if Ben could be considered an Anodite in this AU, what happened when Verdona appeared in that one episode of AF? Did she manage to find Ben in the first place and almost but not quite take him away? Does the rest of the family know he's an Anodite and what are their thoughts about it? If they don't then how would Ben explain some of the magic things that he does and someone witness?
Ohohoh, buttering me up are ya? Well you're in for a brain dump.
Ok, first I gotta say: The alien cafe is separate to the plumbers (the plumbers have their on cafeteria, but like to indulge in other food sometimes, and non-instant coffee.)
So I was thinking, one of Ben's regular coworkers is Alan Albright. Reason for this is because Alan is not allowed to go on missions often. He's too young. I mean I know they definitely have child soldiers in OS- buuuut Max's influence has put a stop to that. He's seen how it affected Gwen. So, Alan is put on easy patrols in low crime area, in the city.
Alan, however wants in on the action, so Max had suggested the cafe. Ben and Alan have a very brotherly bond, and Ben (outside of his vigilante life) has been swaying Alan's opinion on both, the plumbers and his alter ego.
Manny, Alan, Helen and Cooper- When not busying himself with the tech lounge- (sorry, Pierce is still dead in this), will often come by the cafe, they sit in a booth and discuss things. Most occasions Ben is invited to sit with them.
When Gwen pops by their interactions are brief, Ben would try to tease her about anything and everything under the sun. "See Kevin lately?" "Oh, got beat by the walking glow stick again, huh?" "Geez, another jail break? 3rd time this week!"
Normally he gets a fiery reaction and a nasty retort.
Of course Ben would take every opportunity he can to get info. At first it wasn't intentional, he'd just eaves drop on a few conversations that interested him. As time goes by though, he's found that a lot of people, plumber, criminal and just outer space travelers, are more than happy to unload some gossip. Ben is very much delighted by that.
He's not exactly famous, he's well known for being a friendly person, yes. But not all throughout Undertown.
ain't cooper the blond dude with some kinda telekenetic power that ended up turning into an almost Kevin duplicate? (i'll fix that) NGL I forgot he grew up in UAF.
Pretty sure the one that exposed Ben was the nerd who was voiced by the VA of Robin (TeenTitans/Go). Now that you bring it up though, that guy... Jimmy, is someone to be avoided, cause he's a snoopy guy. Who also hangs out at the cafe a lot to get details. Always ends up harassing Ben cause he knows Ben has all the juicy gossip.
And yeah Ben would totally take advantage of it to mess with the poor kid.
Definitely. Ben would mess with Will Harangue as much as possible. Especially when he goes live. Ben won't confront him personally, or do anything that could possibly reveal his indentity. He's got a lot of unique mannerisms that his family could quickly pick up on, there's also his voice, although muffled by the mask, if it's recorded enough- it's another identifier.
So that leaves Ben with his sticker trail. They're very bright, almost blinding, so Ben's stickers are an annoying inconvenience. He could also use a weak spell that causes it's victims to yawn/sneeze. Maybe he'll hang in the background briefly and wave. Just some of things he does to get under Harangue's skin basically.
So, you picked up on what I've hinted at. Good.
Before I go into Gwen, I'll say this: The plumbers are stationed on Earth to protect humanity. That means the aliens who have immigrated are less of a priority. That doesn't mean that they're completely unsafe, the plumbers still patrol Undertown and look after the people- just less so.
Aliens that leave Undertown especially- Normally they're ushered back by a few Plumbers standing guard- those that pose a threat or seem to pose a threat are dealt with by the plumbers. Which isn't too bad, just a slap on the back, a fine, maybe jail time.
Unless you run into Gwen. Who is much more intimidating, much more brutish, she won't exactly hold back. So- she hasn't got the best rep with Undertown. She's still a hero. Known throughout the universe. Just not a kind one.
On several occassions, Ben(vigilante) has had to step in to get her to back down from dealing with criminals.
The plumbers don't have a lot to go on with the investigating. Ben doesn't leave any DNA trails, cause anodites have no DNA. No hair strands, no finger prints, no blood. Even his stickers. They got nothing, nada.
That doesn't mean it's completely hopeless. A clean hit to Ben has on more than one occasion shocked him out of his anodite form, reverting him back to human (which is why he has the glasses and face mask, as a just incase scenario.) Sometimes even spooking/shocking him can make him human again. If his focus is messed with he's human, kinda deal.
So the plumbers are aware of this. They do their best to be as violent and destructive when they see Ben. They're attempts usually fail unless they have someone competent enough with them, Ie; Gwen, Rook.
Villains are also aware of this. So risky buiz am I right?
In regards to Verdona; honestly, I feel like having her know about Ben's existence as an anodite would kinda nerf this whole thing completely. Verdona, I bet, would be a massive gossip. Although her contact with Max is limited, he'd hear about it eventually. Game over. There's also Sunny, who would take advantage of this information and spread it across the universe.
So instead maybe Verdona pays a visit later rather than now.
She'd also be less inclined to take Ben back home, I like how Verdona is indifferent to Ben but loves Gwen, I wanna keep that aspect.
To explain any magic happenings that his family or friends have spotted, he just says he's practicing to be an illusionist. Or he broke a glow stick, or his has glitter in his pocket. (He always has something retaining to magenta hidden up his sleeve.)
Hopefully that got all your questions answered for now!
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misssquidtracy · 4 years
Noble Intentions (Part 1).
My contribution to Gordo’s FabFiveFeb week. Chapter 2 will spill over into the first day of Alan’s week, courtesy of a certain gorgeous aquanaut who insisted on making this 2x as long as originally planned.
Sorry not sorry, Alan ❤️
All credit for FabFiveFeb goes to the amazing @gumnut-logic 💚
Prompt: A memory.
Warnings: Mild strong language.
Genre: Humour.
Characters: Sea Bean & Land Cabbage.
“And that, ladies and gentleman, is a wrap!”
A sigh that somehow managed to bridge the gap between despair and disbelief filtered over the comm channel, “Don’t go Hollywood on me now, Thunderbird Four. Are the targets clear of the danger zone?”
“Yes siree,” came the rather chipper reply, “Hazardous material has been removed and ultrasonic sweeps show no more underwater casualties. Danger zone is officially cleared. Standby for pickup, Thunderbird Two.”
“F.A.B,” came the rich tones of brother Numero Dos, “Can you be Pacific about your location, please?”
“Careful, Virg. I have a license to krill, you know,” Gordon warned playfully, aligning the little yellow sub so that she was within grabbing distance of module four’s cable.
A snort was offered by Virgil in lieu of a verbal reply, “I never knew it was possible to stick one’s head so far up one’s ass. Tell me, what did you have for dinner last night?”
“Same thing as you, bro,” Gordon countered, watching happily as his newly relinquished charges swam off to freedom. An emergency call had come in from a concerned student at the University of Otago claiming that several members of the dolphin pod she was satellite tracking in Kaikoura had run afoul of a discarded fishing net. Ever eager to help an animal in distress and with the right gear at his disposal, Gordon had roused Virgil and politely requested that the engineer taxi him the two and a half thousand miles to New Zealand’s South Island.
A decent number of locals had joined the rescue effort by the time Thunderbird Two arrived on scene, and it was with unbridled joy that they cheered as the last dolphin was cut free by Four’s robotic arms. Aside from managing to dodge an animal welfare bullet, the cetaceans were a tourism magnet and thus, an invaluable source of income for the town.
“Kia ora! Thank you!” a young woman called, scurrying up to shake Gordon and Virgil’s hands, “I’m Mandy Harrell, and on behalf of the IMMA, I just want to say how grateful we are to International Rescue for your help here today.”
Gordon smiled warmly, “I’ve always admired the work of the Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force. The pleasure is all mine.”
“Having two representatives from the world’s most elite rescue organisation here will do wonders for our public image,” Mandy enthused, shaking her head in excited disbelief, “We’re trying to raise enough funds to conduct a clean-up operation along this section of coastline. We suspect the net you just removed is one of several left by a group of unregulated fishermen we apprehended last June. Our goal is to have the first five hundred meters of coast cleared by the time the humpbacks arrive next month, but at the rate things are going, we’ll be several thousand dollars shy of our target.”
A soft series of beeps sounded as Gordon’s comm picked up an incoming call, but he ignored it in favour of giving Mandy his undivided attention. It was probably just John checking in. Or Scott forewarning him that Grandma was cooking and that they were out of laxatives.
“Perhaps we could donate the remainder?” Gordon offered, “I’d be delighted to help you guys in any way that I can.”
Virgil felt apprehension crawl up his spine when Mandy smiled, but didn’t instantly accept the (rather generous) offer that had been had laid down.
“That’s incredibly kind of you, but we like to be as self-sufficient as possible where money is concerned,” the young woman replied, tilting her head to take the sting out of her words, “If you’d be willing to donate your time however, that would be greatly appreciated.”
“Sign me up!” Gordon exclaimed, raising his hand in a similar manner to Scott’s scout oath, “I’m sure Alan can cover for me if I take an extra day off this week. You get that, John? Take me off the roster for tomorrow, please. Forward all emergencies necessitating the use of Thunderbird Four to Alan. I’ll take over his Monday shift next week as compensation.”
“Done and done,” came the smooth reply of the middle brother, “And now we wait for the inevitable tantrum.”
A chuckle bubbled up Virgil’s diaphragm as he adjusted his sash and fixed Mandy with an inquisitive gaze, “So, what will you have him doing? Shovelling seaweed? Litter picking? Seagull whispering?”
Mandy let loose a laugh that sounded a fraction forced, “Not quite. We’re a new partner of Otago University and recently signed a collaboration agreement with their School of Arts for the upcoming semester. We were going to host a series of life drawing sessions out on the open water, but the university probably won’t commit after the publicity this incident will undoubtedly be on the receiving end of. Do either of you have any experience with modelling by any chance?”
Virgil had less than a second to intervene before Gordon started uncontrollably word vomiting.
“Oh yes!” the aquanaut swanked, preening like a peacock, “Vogue, Armani, Cosmo, Grazia, Gucci, Vanity Fair, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, Fendi, Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Balmain, Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and KFC have all had a piece of this perfectly symmetrical face over the years.”
The squeal that tore out of Mandy had Virgil wondering if she was as smart as her paper qualifications claimed. A discreet search of IMMA on his comm gauntlet had revealed a string of abbreviations after her name that rivalled the Cambodian alphabet, yet she seemed perfectly willing to believe that Gordon really had modelled for all of the companies he’d just listed.
In truth, the closest the fourth Tracy had come to modelling was when his swim trunks had ripped during a family trip to the Seychelles. The scathing email that Scott had penned to the CEO of Speedo had been accompanied by multiple pictures of said trunks (both on and off their owner), along with the threat of legal action should Gordon end up deported for ‘indecent exposure’.
“Perfect!” Mandy effused, her green eyes glowing with excitement, “Ticket sales will skyrocket with a member of International Rescue as the subject! I must ring Shona and tell her to re-book the town hall.”
Valuable blood drained from Gordon’s face as the reality of what he’d inadvertently signed up for dawned on him like a sunrise in hell, “Uh, I thought you just wanted me as a poster boy for your open water sessions? Y’know…posing with porpoises, photobombing seals…helping to smooth over the bad publicity, right? Getting people to focus on the good rather than the bad?”
Mandy shook her head, her brown curls bucking in the breeze that was buffeting the shore, “It’ll be all over the news that it was you guys who saved the day, not us. International Rescue’s presence here is the catalyst for a financial surge we can’t afford to miss. I’m begging you. The dolphins are begging you. Please, help us to help them.”
Gordon chewed his lip. While he was probably the brother least phased at the prospect of getting his kit off for charity, he knew that Scott would be on him like shit on velcro if his derriere ended up plastered across the front of every global news channel in all its bare glory.
“Thunderbird Two, a priority call just came in from a couple of wreck divers in Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia,” John’s voice, ever calm and authoritative, served as both a welcome distraction and an excuse to leave, “Alan and Kayo just got called away to a flood in Columbia and Scott is on a conference call with Colonel Casey, which makes you two our closest and only available option.”
“Please say you’ll come?” Mandy wheedled, panic slipping into her voice when Virgil and Gordon began to walk towards Two’s cockpit platform, “It’ll just be for a few of hours, and there’ll be a free lunch.”
That got Gordon’s attention. He’d been prepared to agree for the sake of the dolphins and inbound humpbacks, but the promise of free food sealed the deal.
“Ten o’clock tomorrow!” the aquanaut yelled, waving as the platform began to ascend, “I’ll need a toasted cheese on granary and five of whatever your equivalent of Celery Crunch bars are!”
“Uh, Gordon?” Virgil’s voice was low and gentle, a stark contrast to the shrieks of delight Mandy was emitting, “Do I need to remind you about what happened last time you signed up for something like this?”
Any confidence the aquanaut had vanished quicker than a burp in a dust storm as a memory he’d worked hard to suppress began to surface.
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Would werewolf!Alan have a pack? Would his inner wolf push him even further into obsession? What kind of packmates would he have if any? What would he look like as a werewolf? Do you think he'd get along with Mason?
Feel free to pick/choose whatever sparks an idea, you don't have to do them all!
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@tinymonsterlover Okay so I have many many thots about this that I can’t possibly answer them all here HOWEVER I shall share some of my werewolfy thots cause as a bitch who loves werewolves and has an idea for a series of novels that i’m not sure i’ll ever get around to i have plenty of opinions so let’s GO
Alan would definitely have a pack, but I see him more as a lone wolf to start or more of a smaller tight knit pack. Definitely see this as an AU where Alan would fully embrace some of his poly tendencies because I feel like he would really thrive with having multiple partners/pack members with different levels of intimacy between them but “““canon Alan”““ (i use it loosely cause i do like to experiment with diff ideas with him and I don’t like to say too much is set in stone with him) wouldn’t be down for sharing and he’s a bit of a jealous and overprotective binch who probs isn’t capable of having any sort of healthy relationship let alone a poly one asdfgvfefgvfr But anywho I see Alan as having multiple partners or just diff levels of relationships with each of his pack mates and as I also headcanon Alan as Bi it doesn’t matter if they’re women or not.
Tho this could ALSO lead to Alan’s yandere tendencies coming out even worse ESPECIALLY if he’s on his own, like major stalking and abducting his mate and turning them before they can even figure out what the fuck is happening and at that point they’re reliant on him because uh oh ur a werewolf now and i guess you’ll have to let me help u sdvbgfdfbnbgfgbgf (seriously i don’t think there’s an au where this man isn’t even just the tiniest bit toxic i think he’s just damn near incapable of it) So yes, him being a wolf would probably make his yandere tendencies worse even if he did have a small pack. I think his pack would be one he makes up himself to be honest with you.
As for Mason I don’t see why not! Besides sometimes being a BIT overbearing and protective Alan is still pretty laid back on the outside, and he vibes better with more chill guys. So as long as Mason doesn’t immediately pose a threat Alan won’t feel super defensive on that front. Hell they could be yandere besties if they wanted to sdfgbhgfrdfgbnhgfrefgbhg
SPEAKING OF THAT LAST THOT CAUSE I JUST THOUGHT OF IT but Alan and another yandere type pairing up to kidnap and get their mate????? OOOF okay that’s something I like. Alan would have to be really close to this other yandere, male or female it doesn’t matter, but I think if he loves and trusts them enough to capture their new mate to complete their throuple he would love that shit to the moon and back.
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May the Road Rise to Meet You
a bittersweet Caleb/Covi oneshot for @it-tastes-like-lizard <3 (okay so long-story-short, Covi is Caleb’s partner before he died, and his last name is Covington, but Caleb calls him Covi for short. Caleb took his last name)
the title is a line from a poem <3
taglist, just ask to be added or removed: @barrel-of-cat-mituna @completekeefitztrash @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @lemontarto @hershis-kotlc @genesiscaveat @everything-else-and-mars @chaotic-basics @an-absolute-travesty @classyfunnyquotesmuffin7 @iamstealingyourgenderaswespeak @itstiger720 @introvertedscarecrow @sunset-telepath @an-idiot-in-a-trenchcoat @cowboypossume @anaccidentwaitingtohappen @sofia-not-sophie​ @fire-sapphics​ @dr-alan-grant-blog-blog​ @real-smooth​ @jolieharkness
ao3 link
Words: 2,403
warnings: bittersweet angst and major character death, mentions of violence, blood, some swearing
Caleb smiled fondly at his “husband”, but waited for him to turn around before smirking.
“You don’t think I’m dashing, Covi? You don’t think I’m the most attractive man alive?! Oh darling, I’m wounded I tell you, wounded!!” Dramatically lifting a hand to his chest while pressing the back of his other hand to his forehead in a fainting pose, he peeked a glance to see if his shenanigans had the desired effect. Covi tried to roll his eyes, but he was laughing too hard, and Caleb, content with his reaction, dropped the pose in favour of wrapping his arm around Covi’s shoulders and pressing a kiss to his temple.
“You wound me, and then you laugh. How despicable. Does no one love me?”
Covi shook his head but wrapped his arm around Caleb’s waist and pulled him closer, “Of course I love you,” he teased loftily, “I just think you’re an ugly ugly man.”
Caleb pulled back in mock-indignation, his eyes wide in a scandalized expression, “Darling, surely you jest-”
Covi held back more laughter and tried to be as solemn as possible.
“Oh but Caleb, I am utterly serious.” And then he was cracking up again and he was pulling Caleb into a half-hug/half strangled thing-to-hold-him-up because he was laughing so hard. Covi loved seeing Caleb’s reactions, but he pressed a kiss right below Caleb’s right eye, an apology, and danced away again before Caleb could react.
“Sweetheart-” Caleb’s voice was growling, but it didn’t match the way his eyes had a resigned sort of love in them, and how his hand was held out for Covi to take in his own. 
And Covi took it. Took it because he knew it was only here, in the safety and solace of their own home, that he could love Caleb so freely. They might never be able to get married legally, they might never share each other’s last names as their own, but for this moment their fingers were linked and the rings they bought together were shining proudly on their fingers.
“I’ll miss you, Covi.” Caleb’s voice was an abrupt moment sobriety compared to their earlier teasing, but Covi understood why he needed to say it. Covi would have said it too.
“I know, my love, I know.” He smoothed Caleb’s brow with the pad of his thumb, taking a long moment to trace the curves and ridges of his lovers face before gently tugging him closer, closer until their chests were pressed close, fingers tangled at their sides, and faces a thin layer of warm air apart.
“I love you, Mr. Covington.” And Caleb was trying, he was trying hard not to let the lump in his throat affect the way he always smiled around Covi’s name, he was trying to be strong and not sad, but dammit he loved Covi and he wished he could say it as many times as he wanted and wherever he wanted to.
But he couldn’t, so he had to make it count while he had the chance.
Covi gave a sad smile, “I love you too, Mr. Covington the second,” and tugged him forward that last stretch, their lips finally meeting in a bittersweet kiss.
“I’m proud of you,” Covi whispered, his forehead buried into Caleb’s neck, “I’m proud of you, my darling magic man, and I know you’ll blow them all away. Stay safe, love, I’ll miss you and I’m so, so proud of you.” He smiled wetly when Caleb’s arms came up to wrap around him, pulling him tight against Caleb’s chest like if Caleb had the chance he would never let Covi go.
The way Caleb held on, even after planting one last kiss on Covi’s head, showed him that Caleb wanted to.
They pulled away after a moment, with a resigned sense of finality, and Covi let out a shuddery breath; He wasn’t ready for Caleb to go yet, not when every month away, traveling the world and performing magic, meant one more month Covi was alone, missing him. He wasn’t ready, but when was he?
And so it was that Covi found himself leaning against the doorway to their home, waving to the love of his life as Caleb tipped his ridiculous top hat and picked up his suitcase. 
“Goodbye!” He called out, proud of his voice for holding steady, “May the road rise up to meet you! May the wind be always at your back, may-” his voice cracked, but he carried on reciting the poem he had written for Caleb (ages ago now, when they had first fallen, desperate and forbidden, in love with each other). “May the water you drink be clear and pure, and may the stars be your guide- may the stars-” He cleared his throat and blinked back tears, smiling still in that way one does when they say their uncertain goodbye to someone they love.
“And may the stars... be your guide through every track.” His eyes were wet.
Caleb stood a moment - his tall form would be imposing to anyone else, but to Covi... To Covi he looked like home - and then he tipped his hat once more and called out a solemn “Goodbye, Mr. Covington, farewell.” and then he was gone, the warmth of their last kiss still imbedded in Covi’s mind.
It was seven months before Caleb was due back from his show tour, and Covi missed him for every bit of it. He had thrown himself into work, like he always did, and had gone out with friends and read far too many books on theology, but now he was ready for Caleb to be home.
Any moment now Caleb would come whistling down the lane to the two-bedroom apartment they shared, hat tipped back and suitcase full-to-bursting with various knick-knacks that Caleb couldn’t resist buying. (He always said they were for Covi, but in reality he just didn’t have any impulse control.)
Any moment Covi would be able to run into his arms and twirl him around, even if Caleb was the taller man, and laugh and tease his husband again while asking about the tour.
Any moment-
Covi’s head popped up from where he leaned over the small skillet he was making eggs in, tilting to the side in an effort to hear -whatever he had heard- better.
The raspy scraping sound came again, paired with a low groaning, and Covi threw down the spatula and rushed to the door. He was being unnecessarily worried, whatever it was was fine, and he could go back to his eggs and waiting impatiently for his husband and it was fine-
The door flew open and Covi tripped down the steps and frantically searched up and down the street, looking for the source of the noise. And it was fine, it was fine, it was fine, but Covi’s steps beat in time with his thundering heart and the the dark figure stooping low on the sidewalk was Caleb, and it was fine, it was fine, it was fine, but when Caleb looked up his face was twisted with pain.
“Covi, darling-” He stumbled, and Covi threw himself forward the last few steps, stuttering to a halt before taking Caleb’s arm to give him support, “I’m home.”
I’m home, like he wasn’t hurt, like Covi wasn’t the only thing holding him up besides spite, probably, like Covi wasn’t scared out of his God damn mind because yes Caleb was home, but he was hurt, bad, and all he could say was I’m home. 
“Caleb, baby, what’s wrong? What happened? Baby talk to me, what hurts? What’s wrong, baby, tell me what’s wrong-” He was babbling now, but he couldn’t stop, couldn’t stop because this was Caleb, this was the love of his life and the warmth spreading across the hand he had pressed against Caleb’s side was wet and sticky and dark, this was Caleb and he was home but he was fucking bleeding and he wouldn’t tell Covi what was wrong, he wouldn’t fucking tell him-
“I’m home, darling, it’s okay, I’m home now.” Caleb slumped harder, and Covi pulled one of Caleb’s arms over his shoulder, gently setting them both onto the sidewalk, Caleb leaned against his chest as he let his hand search out Caleb’s, other hand holding him tight, tighter than he’d ever held him before.
“Caleb, baby, please tell me-” 
Caleb coughed, head rolling to the side to gaze blearily up at Covi, his smile was sad and sickening, and his voice was raspy when he finally managed to spit out the words.
“It was a group, love, ‘m’sorry I didn’t make it home in time for breakfast like I promised. They jumped me, knew we were queers, I guess, said they’d leave you alone if I left you without goodbye, but I’d promised you, y’know? Had to come back for my best top hat anyways,” A groan cut him off, and Covi tried to laugh at his joke, but Covi’s chest was too tight and he couldn’t bring himself to do anything but hold Caleb and pray to God that it wasn’t as bad as it sounded.
“Once they got it through their heads that I was coming back to you no matter what, they jumped me. Think one of the blokes had a knife, it’s a bit blurry. I’m not... Covi love... I’m not going to make it. I just. I had to say goodbye to you, I promised.”
“Don’t say that, Caleb. Don’t, please Caleb. Don’t say that.” He was crying now, but he wouldn’t pull his hand away from Caleb’s to wipe the tears from his face. “Don’t say that baby, we’ll get you through this.”
Caleb laughed a hollow laugh that broke into a fit of coughing that made him wince. It took him a moment to catch his breath again, but when he did he wheezed out, “I don’t think so, love. I’ve got a few broken ribs, some stab wounds, more... I might be a magician, but there’s only so much magic I can do.”
And Covi knew that. He knew from the way the blood was spreading under his palm, from how Caleb was growing listless and dizzy, his heartbeat speeding and breath erratic. Covi knew, he just didn’t want to accept it.
They stayed like that, for a long moment, holding each other.  What could Covi say? What words and worthless platitudes could fix this? There was no amount of pages in the dictionary that could pull a magic fix out of thin air, like a rabbit in a hat. Caleb might have been the wonder on stage (and other places too), but Covi was the one with words and even now he failed.
There was nothing he could say that could fix this.
“We make a funny sight, don’t we love? Two men, crouched all funny on the ground.” Caleb’s voice lilted in and out, but he was trying, for Covi he was trying.
“Yeah,” Covi cleared his throat. He would try. For Caleb. “Except it’s more like one man holding another man in his lap like a baby. A very overgrown baby.”
Caleb smiled and nodded loosely, head weakly making its way to rest on Covi’s shoulder. He was quiet for an awful few minutes and then his head rolled back up again.
“Wouldn’t my mother like to see us now, love. I’m dying and don’t even have someone to ask me to repent, or to say a final blessing over me.”
Covi pulled his hand from Caleb’s briefly, cupping his husband’s jaw and cheek, and asked, “And would you, darling? Would you like to repent?” 
“From you, my love? Never.”
It was perhaps one of the most adoring things they’d ever admitted to each other, but all it did was settle like a cold stone in Covi’s heart, even as he smiled wetly down at Caleb.
“Oh damn, there goes my mother’s dying wish,” Caleb rolled his eyes, a grim smile on his lips, and it startled a small laugh out of Covi.
“I’m fresh out of blessings too,” He admitted regretfully, but Caleb took his hand again and shook his head.
“I’ve made my peace with God, and I don’t want any more of His blessings right now. The only blessing I want is yours, Covi. Remember it?”
Covi was weeping silently, but he nodded.
“Of course I remember.”
“Of course you do,” Caleb soothed, “My handsome Covi, with his magic words. You’re a wonder, you know that, love? Can you... read it for me? Your poem?” His words were beginning to slur, and Covi sniffed and cleared his throat.
“For you? Anything.”
“Oh Covi, don’t say that, or I might ask for it.”
Covi kissed Caleb’s temple and took a breath, putting on his best recitation voice.
“I believe we ended at ‘may the stars be your guide through every track’? Well, onto the next one then.
May you be a stranger to misfortune. May your riches grow more, not less. May your love shine brighter than the moon. May you know nothing- nothing but happiness.
And until we meet again, my love,
May you be safe from all that is wrong. May no effort you make ever be in vain. May your will remain steady and strong. And may you forever be free from pain.”
Caleb hummed against Covi’s chest, listening quietly as Covi recited their poem. He continued on, voice breaking in some parts, but as soft and clear as the day Caleb had met him. 
“May the sun shine warm upon your home. May the rain fall soft and bring no fear. May you be happy wherever you roam. May the hand of a friend always be near. 
And from this day forward- 
May green be the lands you travel through May blue be the skies above May pure be the joys that surround you May you forever be happy, and loved.
May you forever be happy and loved....”
His voice faded away and settled, and he didn’t need to check Caleb’s pulse to know he was gone. And it was fine, except it wasn’t, and he was just one more broken man, clutching the body of his dead husband on the sidewalk, words echoing in his head.
“I’m home.”
The air smelled of burnt eggs.
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