#yes young padawan you did a good
o-wise-corvid · 2 months
You know what the tragedy of Sol is to me? It’s impatience. And then tragedy of the Jedi themselves? Being set in their ways.
Hear me out.
When he is with the team on Brendok, there’s a moment when he and Indara are discussing things and she makes the statement: “that’s why I have a Padawan and you do not.”
It’s meant to be a joke but one of the things that Indara embodies in the story is wisdom. She is the voice of reason constantly, grounded in balance and serenity as much as she can be despite the turmoil raging around her. What she’s reminding Sol of is he isn’t ready. And it’s alright! All in good time. Patience and maturity is still something that he still needs to grow into. Plug for “there are no time limits on your life”.
But Sol doesn’t listen. He wants what he wants and he literally coaches Osha to want that too. I personally think she did truly want to be a Jedi, but Sol wanted her to be too. He didn’t want what she wanted. He wanted what he wanted. They may have been the same goal ultimately but he wasn’t thinking about what she wanted, not what she understood, nearly as much.
The mistake is made.
Osha becomes Sol’s Padawan, again at the behest of Indara because she does know that Sol is Osha’s only rock now. Regardless of how that came to be.
But because of the seeds of hatred sewn in Osha’s heart, for her own innocent sister and by Sol no less, Osha can’t become what she once wanted to be. She can’t let go. She can’t forgive. And Sol loses her, the little girl he loved and obviously shared a parental bond with.
Osha leaves and you could argue she finds something of a decently happy life as a meknik. She feels safe there anyway. If she’d have been left alone, I think she’d have been okay in the end. Lived a quiet life.
Sol bears the guilt of how all this turned out. And that burden weighs on him. Ages him. Matures him. He still tries to justify what he did but deep down, Sol knows the gravity of what he did. And with this maturity, comes the ability to wait that Sol lacked all those years ago. And he’s given the Padawan he wanted so badly. But Osha is a wound that he licks privately, looking at holos of her that he kept. Jecki even calls him out on it. And she’s right to. Jecki isn’t “oh you shouldn’t care about your padawans”. She’s recognizing that Sol still has a broken attachment to someone that he refuses to release. Maybe he can’t. But he doesn’t ask for help. Because then his secrets would be revealed and the point for even having those secrets is long gone.
He’s got to just… keep going and hope that the past fades. But it doesn’t. Even when he is trying to teach the class of younglings, they sense his past. It’s wafting off him like smoke. Sol’s simply good enough to keep the depth of the tragedy of Brendok covered; most assume it’s just trauma from a mission. Other Jedi have had similar, unfortunate experiences.
And then we come to his newest Padawan. The one he was ready to recieve. It’s obvious he’s trained Jecki well, but shes not only been trained by him; she’s not another Osha. He doesn’t love her as a daughter. Hes not been her only foundation. He’s proud of her and her accomplishments, of course, but she is nevertheless just his student. He’s learned how to put those barriers in place so that he doesn’t get too wrapped up in people whose lives are their own. He’s learned to find balance.
But Osha returns and the carefully constructed life Sol has managed to build over the years crumbles little by little. He’s better, yes. More the Jedi he should’ve been. But even in the end, he still tries to justify what he did.
And Osha kills him. I think Sol let her, because just a few moments before, the man was swiping lightsabers away with the Force. He could’ve defended himself. But to see the hatred and the pain in Osha’s face, I think Sol realized at the very end that he put it there. Jecki preceded him because of this impatience. So did Yord. Bright, promising, innocent young people. So many innocents paying the price for Sol refusing to listen and to wait for the right time. I just don’t think Sol could live with himself, after all that.
When Vernestra arrives, she sees the totality of the tragedy through the Force. She sees it all. Beginning to end. And what does she do? She covers it. She heaps all the blame on a dead man, exactly what Sol did with Mae, and covers the existence of the Sith. We all know where that leads. Vernestra, in all her years and training and supposed wisdom is also impatient. But it’s not for the same thing. It’s to get the Senate off her back. She even snarls at the Senator she meets with in private. She’s seen the entire tragedy of Brendok, of Sol, Osha, and Mae. She knows the truth. And she learns nothing. Because she’s a Jedi and Jedi are simply too good at what they do and too good to be hawked by the Senate in her mind. She sees the Order as infallible as a whole, notwithstanding the mistakes of individuals. And we don’t even know the full context of what happened with her and Qimir.
But regardless, it’s another tragedy. Another cover up. Another grave mistake that should’ve been rectified but wasn’t. It’s not the fault of the Jedi as a whole. No. Indara is how we know that. Indara is the core of the Order, the bedrock that upholds the less stable pieces. But Jedi like Indara will be the first to pay the price when the Order’s doom arrives.
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cam-ryt · 1 month
Omg if you’re taking prompts… what about Anakin and Obi-Wan starting a relationship and Anakin is so shy about the fact that he’s turned on by the Master/Padawan dynamic. He’s nervous about calling Obi-Wan “Master” when they’re intimate… it’s so taboo, after all. He thinks Obi-Wan won’t like the reminder of their power dynamic. But maybe… Obi-Wan is secretly into it…
Here we go for today's second prompt ! This one made me think a lot about their relationship dynamic, I hope I interpreted it in a way you will like 💕
TW : implied sexual content, light smut
Enjoy ☄️
The first time it happens, it slips from Anakin’s mouth before he can stop it.
Anakin is nineteen and he just came back from his first solo mission, which was a complete success, and Obi-Wan agreed to take him to a bar - after a few hours of negotiations and begging from Anakin’s part - to celebrate.
They’re both a bit tipsy, Anakin is laughing at something Obi-Wan didn't catch. His head is thrown backwards, exposing the golden expanse of his throat, his cheeks are pink due to the alcohol and his eyes are sparkling with joy and mischief. He looks incredibly free right now. From his insecurities, from the underlying pain and anger gnawing at his heart. He looks as carefree as he should be for a young man his age. He looks beautiful.
Obi-Wan is not the only one to notice it. He can see people staring in his padawan’s direction, both men and women with interest in their eyes. It makes his inside twist with something he doesn't really want to address tonight. He takes another shot to drown whatever unwanted thoughts are trying to make their way to his mind.
They’re here to have a good time, Anakin deserves it. His apprentice never stops surprising him with his clever mind and unorthodox methods. He’s bound to become an incredible Jedi Master, powerful and wise. If only he listened a bit more to his teaching and stopped being so reckless. But he’s confident it will pass with time. After all, Obi-Wan kind of had a rebel phase when he was his age too, being a living nightmare to Qui-Gon.
He's smiling lightly, lost in memories, when Anakin leans in his direction with a smirk on his face. His gaze is a bit blurry, his movements unsteady and he has to stabilize himself with a hand on Obi-Wan's knee not to fall forward.
“Master.” He whispers in a conspiratorial tone. “That lady over there has been staring at you for a while. I think she likes you. The one with the tentacles.”
Obi-Wan makes a face. He doesn't even bother turning around to check.
“I’m not interested.” He simply replies, staring at the hand Anakin keeps on his leg.
“Oh.” His padawan says, and opens his mouth again, certainly to push the subject further. Obi-Wan interrupts him before he can form a precise thought.
“What do you want to do now, Anakin ?” He asks. “Are you having fun here ?”
“Yes.” His padawan’s eyes are sparkling, he’s already forgotten about questioning his master. “I want to go dancing.”
“Dancing ?” Obi-Wan’s eyebrows shot up. “Well… You can certainly g-”
“I want to dance with you.” Anakin blurts out, cheeks red but it has nothing to do with the alcohol this time.
“With me ?” Obi-Wan blinks, he gives a worried look to the center of the room where all sorts of bodies are tightly pressed together, moving along with the music. “I don’t really do dancing.”
“Please Master.” Anakin pouts, leaning closer. “You said we could do whatever I wanted tonight.”
Obi-Wan suppresses a sigh. He did say that, though he didn't imagine that his apprentice was into dancing. And he’s always been weak for Anakin’s puppy eyes.
“Alright.” He says reluctantly. “Have you ever danced…?”
“No.” Anakin grins and gets up on his feet, holding out a hand for Obi-Wan to take. “But it seems fun.”
Obi-Wan stares at his padawan’s hand for a while before hesitantly taking it. He’s so sure he will regret this. But he doesn’t have the time to think further about it that Anakin is already pulling them through the crowd.
There’s way too many people for Obi-Wan’s liking but he really wants Anakin to have a good time so he lets himself be carried around until they’re in the center of the room, surrounded by sweaty bodies swaying like they were all alone.
Obi-Wan doesn't really know what to do, it’s been a while since he’s had a chance to dance with someone. At least ten years. And surely not to this kind of music. But once again Anakin doesn't let him time to think as he wraps his arms around his shoulders and pulls him closer. Obi-Wan has no choice but to wrap his own arms around his waist as his apprentice starts awkwardly wiggling left and right.
“What are you doing ?” He laughs as Anakin nearly steps on his toes trying to sway them around.
“Dancing.” Anakin giggles against his hair, and Obi-Wan can feel his laugh resonating against his chest. He presses him closer.
“It’s a murder attempt on my feet, that’s what it is.” He complains but he can’t hide the amused smile on his lips.
“Shut up, old man.” Anakin whispers playfully against his ear, sending a shiver run down Obi-Wan’s spine.
And it’s probably just a coincidence that his apprentice’s lips linger a bit too long against the shell of his ear, making his heart skip a beat or two.
“Young insolent.” He huffs back but his voice sounds unsteady to his own ears.
He blames it on the alcohol. It’s probably the shots that make his body feel warmer from one or two degrees, or paint his cheeks red. Certainly not Anakin’s proximity, his fingers brushing against the back of his neck or his breath tickling the side of his face.
“You secretly like it.” Anakin smirks, turning his head just enough to lock eyes with him.
In the semi-darkness of the bar, his eyes had taken a stormy color. Obi-Wan had to get used to the intensity of his gaze that he had found rather disturbing in the beginning. Like everything about Anakin at first. About his passion, his beliefs. About his black and white way of thinking. About his way of being whole and blunt and unapologetically himself. Like right now.
He’s too close. Obi-Wan feels like his throat is suddenly as dry as the Tatooine’s deserts, and he runs his tongue on his lips, trying to think about something to reply. Anakin’s gaze falls to his mouth, following the gesture.
He knows what’s going to happen before it happens.
But when Anakin closes the distance between them and hesitantly presses his lips on his, it’s like everything and nothing he had ever imagined. It's soft and awkward, tentative and determined at the same time.
He doesn’t push him back like he always thought he’d do. He can blame it on the alcohol, he can find a thousand excuses but the truth is that he knew the moment Anakin was going to take that step he couldn't resist him. He didn’t want to. Instead he tightens his embrace, closes his eyes and kisses him back.
He can feel Anakin’s body buzzing with contained energy, the way he has stopped breathing, how strong his feelings are flowing in their share bond. He feels dizzy at how tenderly Anakin’s fingers are tangling in his hair, at how reverently he kisses him. It’s such a contrast with his usual fiery, fervent demeanor.
He lets him take control of their very first kiss, and when Anakin draws back to breathe, pressing their forehead together, close enough to share the same air, he then dares to open his eyes to look at him.
Anakin’s mouth lies half-open, his pretty lips pink and tasting like sweet alcohol. Obi-Wan wants to taste them again, trace their shape with his tongue and bite in their fullness.
He does nothing, waiting with his heart beating.
What if Anakin regrets his gesture ? What if Obi-Wan stole his first kiss for nothing ? He doesn't even want to think about what the Code has to say about this. The thought petrifies him.
Then Anakin moves again and every worries of Obi-Wan fly over the window when their mouth find each other again.
It’s still tender but it’s a bit more decisive, a bit more desperate. No words are being spoken, their body expressing everything that has to be said. To be felt and discovered.
It’s exhilarating, once they both have the certitude that the other is not going to push them away. Anakin’s fingers are running against the side of his neck, thumbs brushing his jaw and gently angling his face so he can deepen the kiss. It’s still clumsy and a bit messy. It’s obvious that the young man doesn’t know what he’s doing, only relying on instincts and desire to guide him. Obi-Wan lets him. His brain is still processing the thought that Anakin wants him too. He gladly lets him take everything he needs.
His padawan breaks the kiss again, gently panting against his mouth. He can feel him glowing brightly in the Force, and the sight of him makes Obi-Wan’s belly clench with want. His padawan looks debauched, lips wet and slightly swollen, hair sticking to his neck and temples as they’re now both as sweaty as the other dancers. He still keeps his eyes closed, so Obi-Wan presses a hand on his cheek and gently brushes his thumb over one of his eyelids.
“Look at me.”
He can feel him hesitate, but as always he obeys and opens his eyes, looking at him through thick eyelashes.
The way he says it, low and adoringly, makes Obi-Wan blush from his chest to the roots of his hair. It sounds so intimate, like Anakin’s putting his trust and his whole heart into his hands. It sounds like something a lover would say, not a padawan.
“I’m sorry.” Anakin whispers when Obi-Wan doesn’t answer. He pulls away a bit. “I shouldn't.”
Obi-Wan keeps him close.
“It’s okay.” He replies softly before placing a gentle kiss on Anakin’s jaw.
It takes a while for his padawan to relax again, but they end up dancing some more and kissing some more until the sun rises on Coruscant. Anakin doesn’t call him ‘master’ for the rest of the night.
It takes a couple of months until it happens again.
It’s Anakin’s twentieth birthday. Obi-Wan flew them to Naboo to celebrate with Padme and a few other friends. A welcomed break in his intense training.
Anakin is one of the most promising padawans, so he's more often gone on missions than home on Coruscant. Obi-Wan has mixed feelings about this.
They’re navigating trough their budding relationship as well as they can, but being away from each other doesn’t make things easy. So when they have the chance to spend more than a few day together, they try to make the best of it.
The sun is setting when Obi-Wan finds Anakin on the balcony of the senator’s palace. He had disappeared from the party at one point, probably overwhelmed by the people and the noise. Obi-Wan knows it's often too much for him, so he decided to give him some time alone before coming looking for him.
Anakin is looking at the lake, shoulders tensed and hands clasped behind his back. Obi-Wan throws a look around to make sure they’re alone and approaches, gently brushing his consciousness against Anakin’s to let him know he’s here, even if his lover probably already sensed him a while ago. Anakin’s power are beyond his comprehension, even beyond the council and Yoda’s comprehension. It makes Obi-Wan immensely proud every time he thinks about it.
“Hello.” He whispers while embracing Anakin’s tall frame from behind, and he can’t resist placing a soft kiss on the golden skin behind his ear.
He smiles when he feels the young man’s body relax a bit in his hold.
“Hi.” Anakin replies, eyes still on the lake. “I’m sorry, I needed to get some fresh air.”
“I know.” Obi-Wan says, resting his chin on his shoulder and looking at the view with him. “Are you feeling alright ?”
“Better now that you're here.” Anakin replies and turns around to face him, a coy smile on his lips.
Obi-Wan resists the urge to roll his eyes fondly.
“You’re such a sweet-talker.”
“You secretly like it.” Anakin retorts with a grin.
“I do.” Obi-Wan admits and leans in for a kiss his apprentice immediately melts in.
That’s something he loves in Anakin, the way he’s always so eager to please him, always so enthusiastic to discover and learn. He didn’t realise how touch-starved his young lover was before they got into a relationship. Anakin is constantly seeking his presence and affection, always stealing a kiss whenever he can, holding his hand, playing with his hair or calling through their comlink when they're away from each other.
They started becoming intimate a few weeks before and Anakin turned out to be both insatiable and extremely sensitive. Obi-Wan had to learn how to be patient again.
Anakin had a hard time focusing long enough to find release, and had an even harder time letting go and allowing someone else to take care of him. He was easily getting frustrated. Obi-Wan had to forget everything he knew to learn to comprehend how his lover’s body worked. It took time and a lot of trials to figure out what was working and what wasn’t. They're still discovering.
Obi-Wan smiles into the kiss when he feels Anakin’s metallic fingers hooking on his utility belt, gently tugging at it. He can always tell by the way he stands, the look in his eyes or the way he feels in the Force if he needs sex, a lot of kissing or just to be held gently.
Tonight his padawan seems to look for a way to blow off some steam. But Obi-Wan will do nothing until he clearly voices it. Anakin has a hard time asking for what he needs, so they’re working on it.
“Yes ?” Obi-Wan smiles as Anakin starts unbuckling the leather band with a concentrated frown. “Are you trying to achieve something, dear one ?”
Anakin groans as an answer, he looks up at him.
“Need you.” He mumbles.
“What do you need ?”
Obi-Wan already knows, because the young jedi is fumbling with the loop of the belt, not really undressing him. But he wants to hear it.
“Needyoutotouchme.” Anakin mutters almost inaudibly, his eyes stubbornly fixed where his hands are fidgeting.
“I didn’t get that.” Obi-Wan replies and gently grabs his chin to lift his face. “I’m listening.”
Anakin rolls his eyes but his brazen attitude is counterbalanced by the dark red colour of his cheeks and the way he’s looking everywhere but at Obi-Wan. It’s still hard for him to assume his desires but he also knows that his lover is not going to do anything about it until he says it out loud. So he takes a breath and tries to reassure himself that Obi-Wan is not going to judge him.
“I want you to touch me.” He says before clearing his throat. “Please.”
Obi-Wan smiles and rewards him with a kiss on the lips.
“Here ?” He asks. “Someone could see us.”
He watches Anakin take a look around.
“I can't feel anyone here.” He says, taking a step back to lean against the railing and pulling the older man with him. “We’ll be discreet.”
“Yeah ?” Obi-Wan rises a teasing eyebrow. “Everyone knows how discreet you are.”
“Stop it !” Anakin hisses, cheeks even redder. “It was one time ! And it’s your fault, you should have locked the door.”
“Locked the door of the council room.” Obi-Wan hums, sliding a hand under his padawan’s tunic to run his fingers on his warm chest. “That’s not suspicious at all.”
“You’re never gonna shut up about that, are you ?” Anakin groans but pulls him closer to tangle his fingers in the hair at the base of his neck.
“Maybe you should put a little more efforts in shutting me up.” Obi-Wan smirks, gently pinching a nipple on his way, which earns him a not very convincing glare.
“Come here.” Anakin growls, tugging at his hair until their mouth find each other.
Obi-Wan is shamelessly addicted to the way the younger man kisses him. Every kiss feels like the first one, triggering a fire in his belly like nobody ever did before. Anakin is still as eager and passionate as the first time in that bar, minus the awkwardness.
They've found their way around each other and now Anakin knows every single one of his weaknesses, like he knows how to make his knees go feeble in a minute. He knows most of his padawan’s fantasies, even if he’s too inexperienced to even consider all the possibilities. He knows what he likes and what he’ll never admit he does, what turns him off and what makes him forget his name.
He thinks he has a pretty good general idea of his own likings and boundaries, but there’s one thing they never adressed together…
As Obi-Wan spreads the layers of Anakin’s tunic and tabard to expose his chest and shoulders, peppering wet kisses all over the smooth skin of his throat, he can hear him pant softly, already desperately grabbing at his waist for more contact.
He knows that when Anakin wants to be touched, he wants to be touched all over, worshipped on every inches of his body, and Obi-Wan intends on doing just that.
Taking his time, biting at a collarbone, licking at a strong muscle, kissing a fresh scar. Using his mouth to mark every place uncovering just for him. Using his fingers to brush and grab and squeeze and caress. Using his imagination to draw as many pretty sounds from Anakin’s mouth as possible.
“A-ah… M-Master…”
It escaped from his apprentice’s lips before he can hold it back. Obi-Wan can feel it, and the immediate wave of shame coming with it, so strong in the Force that it overwhelms their bond.
Obi-Wan pulls away from where he was sucking on Anakin’s pretty nipple and braces himself to face the tsunami of raw emotions his lover is going to display sooner or later.
He honestly doesn’t know how to feel about Anakin calling him like that when they’re intimate, but he cannot blame him as it’s so intrinsically bound to their relationship. That’s what they are, a Master and his Padawan. But they’re also lovers and if their dynamic is balanced in their personal life, Obi-Wan is under no illusion that it’s not the case in their Jedi life.
As much as he's trying to treat Anakin as his equal, the council doesn’t. Obi-Wan is still responsible for him, still has authority over him and that reality earned him a couple of sleepless nights.
Now Anakin is looking at him, mortified. If he could disappear in the Force he would probably do it right now.
Obi-Wan can have a glimpse of his thoughts as he’s projecting chaotically into it. He can feel a lot of shame, anxiety about his reaction, self-blaming but also arousal, curiosity. It piques his own interest.
“Anakin…” He starts, deciding to go straight to the point. “Does it turn you on to call me like that during sex ?”
Anakin looks like he's going to throw up, or faint. Maybe both. Obi-Wan admits it’s a blunt way to ask but he needs to know for them to talk about it.
“I know we never discussed it.” He continues as his lover doesn't answer, looking like he rather be anywhere else but here, having this conversation. “But I think it's time to. I don't want it to become an uncomfortable taboo between us.”
“I didn't mean to say it.” Anakin blurts out desperately. “It's just… That’s what you are, I’m used to it… But I understand if you don’t want to… I'll be more careful.”
Obi-Wan reaches out for his flesh and bones hand, gently pressing his thumb on the pulsing point on the inside of his wrist. It tends to ground his padawan when he’s starting to panic.
“I don't blame you.” He says softly. “I just want to be sure that you know what’s involved.”
“What’s involved…?” Anakin frowns, calming down a bit as Obi-Wan traces soothing patterns on his wrist. “I don’t understand.”
The older jedi sighs and pulls Anakin’s tunic back on his shoulders as he’s starting to have goosebumps all over. The sun has been replaced by the moon a while ago.
“I don’t have to teach you that words have a meaning.” He begins. “Calling me like that since you’re a child, the weight it carries… It’s representative of a certain dynamic. An unbalanced one where I have more power than you do.”
“But you’ll never use it to hurt me.” Anakin frowns deeper, confused.
“No, of course not. But you grew up with that idea and I’m afraid that your subconscious has integrated that power imbalance and is playing a role in your decisions. Or mine. I don’t want to risk the health of our relationship because of it.”
Anakin shakes his head.
“What are you talking about ? I don’t feel… manipulated or whatever you're trying to say. I’m feeling safe with you. And I think it’s kinda hot.”
Obi-Wan blushes a little a the last words.
“You think it’s… hot to call me ‘Master’ during sex ?” He asks to be sure he understood right.
“All the time.” Anakin nods despite feeling his face grow warmer by the second. “I like that you’re being my Master in every aspect of my life.” 
Obi-Wan feels at loss for words for a moment. He doesn't know if Anakin truly understands what he’s implying. Maybe they should have a whole serious talk about it. 
But now, now he just wants to kiss Anakin because what he just said is really, really hot and he can't deny that it's doing something to him. He'll rationalize about it later.
He cups Anakin's face and presses his body tightly against his, closing the distance between them until he can brush his lips with his own. 
“Alright, Padawan.” He whispers against his mouth. “Where were we ?”
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r4vn · 2 months
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farleıgh x reader 【2/3】
w.c: 4,251
part ¹: here.
disclaimers: sensual tension, dilf!farleigh, secretary!reader, mentions of drugs, farleigh has a kid, fluff??, filler episode, company AU!, hot and bothered, no smut (patience young padawan), cutesy,
—synopsis: youre babysitting your boss's kid for the day in his mansion of a home. as interesting as mr.start was, couldnt help but wonder more about him and his son. maybe something blooms between the two of you by the end of the evening.
a/n: i enjoyed writing this one sm! you guys know i enjoy my intricate details of describing things. i rlly like to paint the picture. i will eagle-eye proofread again later..lol all love! enjoy! as always, sorry for typos!
– part ³: coming soon.
「divider by @/ cafekitsune 」
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you walked up to the grand entrance of farleigh's estate. you were nervous, but also severely curious. before you could even knock, the big mahogany door opened to reveal a farleigh start in a half-done suit. his shirt was half buttoned and his tie was undone. he looked even more attractive in tousled clothing and you had to stop your mind from wandering anywhere else but the present. farleigh smiled welcomingly towards you and stepped to the side for you to step in.
"good afternoon, [y/n]." he greeted tenderly. you walked in with a smile, chuckling. you could feel your face gain color at the sight of him.
"good afternoon, sir." you replied. farleigh scoffed playfully, waving a hand in the air.
"farleigh is just fine [y/n], we aren't at work." you didn't know how to respond, only nodding bashfully. you made a mental note to try your best to remember to call him by his first name outside of work. your eyes finally ripped away from your boss who was leading you through the main open room, the sight of the home's interior nearly taking your breath away. the marbled, checkered tiles complimented the rest of the renaissance aged home, decorated with velvet tufted chairs and couches. throughout the hallways you walked with your boss, some had beautifully trimmed pieces of wall tables edged with baroque, golden-plated trims, along with nearly all the furniture in the rooms.
"i take it you're a bit starstruck, [y/n]." the brunette chuckled softly as you could only stare in awe at everything. you nodded, following closely as he continued to give you the tour. as he showed you rooms such as the common area, guest rooms, the kitchen, the library and even his room. you made sure to take a mental snapshot of his room. you didn't know why, but it was a gorgeous room with elegant pieces of furniture.
"not to be stereotypical sir, but how does one like you, inherit such a company?" you inquired, almost immediately regret asking after hearing your words aloud.
"as in how does an american like me take over a british estate?" farleigh corrected you. it made you mentally cringe. you felt like a slight bigot for such a question. farleigh smiled at you again, buttoning his shirt as he walked.
"don't worry, i'm not offended, heh." you didn't know how he knew the topic made you tense, maybe your poker face wasn't as good as you think. "i am related to the family. my mother is the sister of sir james catton, and so i am nephew to lady elspeth and cousin to sir felix. after mr. and mrs. catton passed, venetia did not want it and felix left to pursue his own dreams in life, i was the closest to the family. therefore, it was passed down to me.”
you 'ohh'ed' and nodded understandably. you didn't know he was so close with the catton's. of course you could have done research, but it is always more interesting to hear from the source itself.
"if your mum is related to sir james, does that mean your dad is from the states?" you asked, half knowing the answer. farleigh turns and nods to you, tieing his black tie swiftly as he walked.
"yes, my father is american and my mother is british. the life of a mutt." farleigh grinned playfully. you playfully rolled your eyes at the cheeky brunette, loving that he always has a refreshing sense of humor.
"we are headed to the tv room, where my son is. are you nervous to meet him?" mr.start asked, glancing at you.
a shot of anxiety filled your chest like a small heart attack. you were very curious to meet the son of your boss, but what if he didnt like you? anything could happen, and you didn't want to jeopardize your job in any way.
"i must say i am a bit nervous, sir." you laughed sheepishly, farleigh stopped treading only a couple steps from a cracked open door. you could hear faint sounds from the room, sounding like a tv. farleigh placed his hands on your shoulders, the action not helping your fast heart rate in any way.
"i promise, you will do great. he's a good kid so don't worry." farleigh flashed another reassuring smile before heading into the room. "benji? i'd like you to meet someone bud." you followed farleigh into the room, seeing a nearly much smaller miniature version of your boss. the kid was a near spitting image of his father and had turned to you from the tv, giving you a big toothy smile.
"hello miss! i’m benjamin." he greeted. you nearly gushed at the sight of him. he had his father's skin tone and tight curls, along with prominent features such as his nose and eye shape. though his eyes were a shade of a lighter, honey brown.
"well hello benjamin. i am [y/n]. i'm going to be your babysitter today." you greeted, smiling sweetly. farleigh smiled at your interaction with his son. he checked the time, wincing audibly before kneeling in front of benjamin.
"now benji, i do have to leave. but i will be back tonight to put you to bed. please be good for the maids and for miss [y/n], alright bud?" the miniature brunette nodded vigorously, giggling as farleigh kissed his forehead. farleigh stood and turned to you, clasping his hands together.
"thank you so much for doing this [y/n], you have no idea how much this means to me. i will see you two tonight, alright?" you nodded at him, waving him off as he exited the room.
within the first two hours, you and benjamin sat in the tv room simply chatting about whatever a 6 year old boy likes to chat about. from dinosaurs, to race cars, to kid shows and even academics, benjamin was quite the intelligent kid. you weren't as nervous as before, and enjoyed the little runt's company. he was very well reserved for a child his age and was not as overstimulating as you thought he would be. one quirk you noticed was that he knew a lot about dinosaurs, and it was the most adorable thing in the world.
"did you know the name triceratops is greek for three-horned face miss [y/n]?" benji asked, playing with his dinosaur figurines on the low wooden table.
"no i did not. isn't that kind of crazy? imagine having three huge horns on your face." you grinned and poked both of benji's cheeks before poking his nose last. the boy giggled at the pokes, retracting from your hands from most likely being ticklish.
"they also weight like, 13 tons! thats like how much a building weights or something!" the small brunette exclaimed while holding his arms out wide to demonstrate the 'size of a building.' you couldn't help but giggle at his actions, finding it too cute. he had more of a british accent than farleigh did, most likely from school.
getting a bit bored from the tv, benjamin asked the maid in the room for his coloring books. he had asked you if you wanted to color with him, of course not denying the request. he had 3 different books; a dinosaur one, a racecar one, and an overall educational one. benji colored in the dinosaur book while you colored a page in the racecar one.
"miss [y/n], are you my new mommy?" the boy quieres. you nearly choked on the crisps you were snacking on, having to clear your throat for a handful of seconds before answering.
"uhm– no sweetheart," your face had gathered warmth quickly, glancing at the maid who clearly held back a smile. "i actually work with your father. i am a secretary, someone who helps him with things like lunch and scheduling meetings."
"ohhhhh ..like a maid?" benji continues. you pause for a moment and think about his words. he wasn't technically wrong. it sometimes felt like that but you never minded it. it was quite literally your job.
"i guess you could say that, only i don’t clean and cook. i hope you behave for the butlers and maids here, benji." benji nods with another big grin while giggling.
"yes i do! i promise! but i was just wondering. i haven't seen my mom in ...i dunno, whats 3 years? a thousand days?" your heart dropped at the sudden turn in topic, forcing a small smile as you watched him continue to color.
"something like that," you responded more gently. "do you remember her?" benjamin hummed. he was thinking of an answer but clearly was more focused on the t-rex on the piece of paper he was coloring. he shrugs and picks up a green colored crayon. "brown hair, brown eyeballs, uhh thats all i sort of know hehe.." you nod, feeling a sudden wave of melancholy gently wash over you as your mind wanders to your own family.
"i get that, i can't remember my dad much." you shrugged. you picked up a green crayon and began making it the accent color of your red racecar, making sure to stay in the lines.
"i love my dad!" benji suddenly exclaimed, causing you to smile again. you gently rubbed his head full of curls. they reminded you of his fathers. you always wanted to touch farleigh's curls.
"mommy left after a big loud argument with daddy. they were using words i can't say until i graduate college, that's what daddy said at least," you paused your coloring, looking at the boy who still seemed bothered at speaking about such a topic while drawing on some dinosaurs.
"they were yelling about things like daddy's job and how mommy was always sad all the time and uh...doing lines on tables?" your breath hitched, trying not to look shocked in front of the housekeeper. you did sneak a glance to her, who averted her gaze.
"i also draw lines on tables but only with my fingers hehe. then one day mommy kissed my head and left with a suitcase. she told me to grow up big and strong aaaand look at me! big and strong!!" benji smiled, holding up his arms. your smile was slowly turned into a sad one. you couldn't help it. hearing such an innocent kid talk about a topic only you can fully comprehend sets an achy feeling in your chest. you decided it was time to change the atmosphere.
"hey, i'm feeling some homemade pizza. what about i go start in the kitchen while you finish up here with your drawing okay?" benjamin's eyes lit up like a starry night in the sky as the mention of pizza.
"okay!! i want to cut out this after im done and miss margaret will walk me into the kitchen!" you give a thumbs up to the boy and a silent agreeing smile to margaret before exiting the room. you admit you did slightly wander the halls for a minute or two and took the longer way to the kitchen just to adore the home itself. you loved the old yet elegant feeling of the entire place. you felt like sort of royalty, wondering how it would be like to even live in a place like this.
eventually you made it to the kitchen and noticed how it looked untouched. you turn to the butler who was dusting off a painting on the wall, hoping to not seem like a bother.
"sir? are there ingredients to make a homemade pizza in this kitchen?" you asked in a more polite tone than usual. the man stops what he is doing to turn to you. he wore an almost neutral expression but even then, you felt your presence was merely enough to annoy him.
"there are two kitchens, madam. this is the front kitchen, where they keep beverages, sweets and snacks in the cabinets and refrigerator. the back kitchen is where the chef and cooks keep most of the ingredients when they cook for sir farleigh and sir benjamin." you nodded, thanking him for the information given before leaving him alone quickly. you wandered to the back of the kitchen where many cooks were prepping food, probably for the following days. you spoke to the chef and told him how you wanted to simply make homemade pizza using the front kitchen stove, and he happily helped you. he brought out the ingredients and placed them on the granite island in the front kitchen. the finest kneaded dough, marinara sauce, 3 varieties of cheeses and several fresh pizza toppings.
while finishing up, you heard a noise from the hallway. it was a brief noise, but what it had sounded like alarmed you. you briskly shuffled into the hallway to see margaret coming to you with benjamin, who has tears running down his face. you immediately ran to his aid, kneeling down toward the boy's height.
"margaret what happened?" you gasped out. there was blood on his small hands along with margaret’s who was holding a wet gray cloth to his hand to stop the bleeding.
"i-im sorry madam. i had looked away for just a moment while he was cutting his drawing out and he nicked himself. there is first aid in the library." the women spoke frantically. you immediately picked up benji and rushed to the library. when the three of you arrived, margaret immediately grabbed the first aid from the shelf. you sat benji down in one of the chairs, speaking to him reassuringly to calm the scared boy down.
"i-it hurts [y/n]." he cried. you continued to press the wet rag to his wound and cupped his small face.
"i know sweetheart. it's okay, you're going to be alright. c'mere." you hushed and cooed the boy reassuringly, holding him in your lap as you rocked him. you silently told margaret to hold off for a moment, just to get him to calm down. you knew hand cuts tend to bleed for a bit before the wound would clot itself and so to distract benjamin, you hummed a small lullaby to soothe him. as you held the rag securely to his hand, your other hand held his head to your chest as you hummed quietly into his ears. within a matter of minutes his cries slowed to small sniffles and hiccups.
the tension in the room lifted and you finally let margaret treat his wound while he sat in your lap. when you finally removed the rag, the cut was as expected a small nick on his thumb. benji sat calmly as margaret gingerly cleaned his cut with a q-tip, placed a then layer or ointment over it and wrapped a blue bandaid around his finger.
"you did so good benji. i think you deserve a treat." you praised. benji looked up at you with his glassy hazel eyes, finally showing a cheeky grin.
"like pizza?" he questioned. you laughed at the unexpected guess but simply nodded. your eyes glanced over at margaret who mouthed a small 'thank you.' your chest warmed and you accepted it, finally taking benjamin to the kitchen to make pizza.
"[y/n]? benji? im home!" farleigh yelled through out the home whilst walking through the door.
"daddy!!" benji yelled, running towards his father across the main common room. farleigh immediately smile and picked up his son, kissing his head.
"hey buddy, were you good for miss [y/n]?" benjamin nodded excitedly, giggling as his father tickled him. you arrived seconds later after benjamin and beamed at the sight of your boss.
"hello sir. i hope the event was nice." you started. farleigh sighed deeply, painting on a smile. past the smile you could see he needed a lending ear.
"it was surely eventful. let's get this little kiddo to bed first." you agreed and followed farleigh to benjamin's room. the tall brunette helped his miniature copy into his pajamas and laid him down in bed. you sat farther to the end of the bed to let them have their moment.
"daddy i had a really good day. i watched tv, drew dinosaurs, talked about dinosaurs, and i made pizza!" benji exclaimed.
"oh you made pizza?" farleigh questioned, a hint of genuine surprise lacing his tone as he briefly turned to you. benji confirmed again and suddenly showed his blue bandaid, making your heart drop.
"yes. i also hurt myself while trying to cut out my drawing. but miss [y/n] helped me calm down as miss margaret placed the bandaid on it hehe." farleigh held up his sons hand, gently kissing the wounded finger with a smaller smile as he glanced over at you.
"i was wondering what happened when i walked in. but i am glad youre okay, bub. get some sleep, okay?" just as farleigh was about to tuck him in, benjamin protested and sat up quickly. suddenly he crawled over to the end of his bed where you were and gave you a big hug. as you were slightly taken aback, you wrapped your arms around the child, blushing as he kissed your cheek before he climbed right back into bed. farleigh kissed him goodnight before the two of you left his room quietly.
the air seemed to thicken as you walked just seconds short behind farleigh. he walked back into the kitchen, where he had seen the wrapped leftover pizza on the island. you had made sure to clean up as you cooked, so there was minimal mess in the end. but didn't have time to put leftovers up since farleigh was pulling up to the estate at the time. farleigh opened the aluminum foil and took a slice of pizza, humming in approval at the taste.
"so," he started. "what happened?" you swallowed thickly. you couldn't read him. anyone knows if a parent came home to their child wounded they would be livid.
"i went to set up the ingredients for making the pizzas while margaret watched him for a handful of minutes and– and i heard the noise of a cry of some sort and i had seen margaret with a cloth to his hand.." you pause your words, watching as farleigh's fingers undid his tie silently. he rolled up his sleeves before opening the fridge to grab a chilled bottle of red wine. the bottle read 'la ruine. pinot noir.'
"we took him to the library where first aid was and as i calmed him, margaret treated his cut. im really sorry sir it was an honest mistake and i shouldnt of left him alone when he was usin–" you cut yourself short when farleigh suddenly walked up to you and placed his hands on both your shoulders.
"[y/n], sweetheart, its okay. he is a big boy, things happen. i'm not mad at you and its clear it was just an accident. benjamim was clearly fine also, yeah?" you stare up at your boss, nodding slowly at his words.
did he just call me sweetheart?
"y-yes ...sir." you stuttered out. your body temperature increased at his voice calling you a pet name and his touch. you didn't know how to react. farleigh felt your tense arms relax under his touch and he smiled. he opened a higher cabinet, grabbing two crystal glasses and placed them on the island.
"have a glass of wine with me. i think it will ease both of our nerves." the brunette suggested, pouring you both half a glass. you thanked him and sipped the red, the taste immediately making you smile. you looked at farleigh, who had already down his glass with a slight groan at the end. work must of stressed him out today, because he filled his glass halfway again and downed it quickly once more. this time in 2 gulps instead of one.
"heavy day, sir?" you hummed, chuckling sheepishly. farleigh sighed in response, nodding as he poured his third glass. instead of downing it, he kept it on the granite island and placed the bottle to the side.
"i apologize for downing those glasses in front of you like that, wasn't very gentlemen-like of me. but yes today was simply, very overstimulating." farleigh groaned, rubbing his temples at the mere thought of the business event. he went into the pantry and grabbed a half opened bar of chocolate, breaking off a piece to eat. he sipped his glass after with a hum of content.
"may i ask just a summary of your day?" you continued. you took a larger sip of your glass to catch up with farleigh, who was already 2 drinks in.
"it was a beautiful venue and all. some men had their secretaries doing their bidding which made me wish i had you there. not to do everything for me, like you normally do, but to have company. thank you again for babysitting benjamin for me." farleigh tipped his glass to you before drinking from it again.
"it was merely just a lot of conversing about business, laughing at– excuse me but –shitty jokes and poorly made horderves. the live music was beautiful though." you chuckled at hearing farleigh swear. you had never heard him use such language besides the less stronger phrases like 'damn' or 'pain in the ass.' it was nice to see him loosen up.
"i would have loved to have joined you. but i must say, benjamin and i did have fun making pizza and coloring together. i think i can say i definitely had more fun than you, sir." you stated with a cheeky tone. you giggled as farleigh attempted to protest but clearly couldn't, agreeing with you.
"i would choose my son over rich old white men any day. here, try this. dark chocolate is good with red wine." farleigh handed you a small piece of dark chocolate broken off the bar, coaxing you to eat it. you rose a brow but did not question the man, popping the candy in your mouth. the chocolate almost immediately melted against your tongue and you followed the candy with a swing of red, not holding back your pleased expression from the taste. the fruity and spiced flavoring of the wine complimented the savory and slightly sweet piece of chocolate. you made a mental note to try it at home.
"good yeah?" mr.start teased, chuckling as he knew you were doing to enjoy it. you nodded at his words, pointing to the bottle for a refill.
"may i?" you queried. farleigh waved a hand, signaling for you to grab the bottle and you poured yourself another glass. farleigh felt his body becoming warmer, his first 2 glasses finally catching up to him. he casually leaned against the island while you were up against the counter directly across from him. there was maybe a space of about a yard between the two of you as you sipped your glasses, speaking of miscellaneous topics now. but there was no denying the tension in the room. you weren't going to acknowledge it and farleigh seemingly didn't mind it.
"yes i think tony's cafe has better coffee than the cafe on 63rd. it's also less busy and their mocha is much more, well, chocolate-y." farleigh hummed, scratching his scruffy jaw as he finished off his 3rd and final glass.
"tony's black coffee also isn't as bitter. it has that hint of floral notes, like hawaiian coffee. and– oh, hold on.." farleigh paused his words and leaned off the counter to enter your space. your breath hitched as he loomed over you, his hand raising towards your face. the pad of his thumb gently swiped over your cheek a couple of times and farleighs eyes never left your face.
"you had a little bit of flour on your face.." he murmured, making you laugh under your breath.
"probably from the pizza dough." you replied, the volume of your voice automatically decreasing at the close proximity. farleigh, who seemed to be in a daze, was finishing wiping the flour off but didnt move. his fingers simply stayed gently on your face. you didn't know how tipsy you were till you had subconsciously leaned into farleigh's hand, allowing him to cup the side of your face. though when you opened your eyes to see farleigh gazing at you with such eyes, you had realized the alcohol had gotten to you both, and it was time to leave. you swiftly cleared your throat which brought farleigh out of his daze, the man taking a step back for you to breathe.
"ah– ahem ..its getting late farleigh. i should get going–" you started.
"i can take you home." he suggested quickly. you laughed awkwardly, shaking your head at his request.
"sir, you are 3 drinks in. i don't think that's best." you mentioned. farleigh mentally slapped himself for the suggestion. he would never put your life in danger like that. he didn't push any further and simply nodded.
"i will tell margaret to let the chauffeur know. you have a nice evening, [y/n]. i'll see you tomorrow, and thank you again." farleigh flashed one last smile at you, grabbing the bottle and the chocolate to put them up.
"have a goodnight, sir." and with that, you turned your heel and made your way to the front door, not daring to sneak one last look. because you already felt his eyes watching you leave.
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
pls stay tuned. the next one will be spicy ;)
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Safe and Sound
“Sweetheart, if you keep running like that, you’re gonna fall,” you advised your overly confident 4 year old as she raced through the squad room. Sure enough, just as she was about to turn the corner, her feet got tripped up and she took a small tumble. Nothing you were worried about but Tony had just happen to see and your daughter knew that if she started crying, he would come running. So that’s what she did.
“Oh no, did that evil carpet trip you?” Tony picked her up off the floor and sat her on his hip, wiping her crocodile tears away. You made your way over, smiling and setting a box of take out on your husband’s desk.
“She’s got you wrapped around her little finger Tony. All she wants are those Italian crackers you keep in your desk.”
“Crackahs,” your daughter mimicked, proving your point.
“Ah yes. The cracker tax will be paid, fear not young padawan,” Tony told her while setting her down in his desk chair and opening up his drawer to pull out the little stash. You shook your head and smiled as your toddler happily munched on her favorite snack, dropping crumbs all over Tony’s desk.
“Where’s Jethro?” you asked, also noticing the other missing agents.
“He’s with Bishop questioning some lady who might know where our suspect is hiding. Been gone a while, shouldn’t be too long of a wait.”
Jethro had told you their day was a bit slow since they hadn’t had any new leads so you decided to surprise him for a late lunch. You knew he wouldn’t want to leave the office so you brought food from his favorite Chinese restaurant. Figured you 3 could eat in the conference room or something.
“Oh, would you look at that. Bishops calling me now.” He picked up the phone while sitting at the edge of his desk. “Your ears must be burning Bishop-
He stopped his joking as his face got serious, catching your attention.
“What happened?….Did he get away?…..What hospital?”
You hoped to God they weren’t talking about Jethro as your worst nightmare started playing in your head.
“Alright. I’ll grab Ducky and Palmer and meet you there.”
He hung up the phone and you waited for his next words.
“The suspect was hiding out at the house. He shot Gibbs in the shoulder but he’s fine. They brought him to Sibley Memorial.”
Without another word, you were out of your seat and scooping your daughter up before heading for the elevator.
“Where we going mommy?” your little girl asked from the backseat as you drove.
“We’re gonna go see Daddy sweetheart. But we gotta be really gentle when we see him because he just got a big ouchies on his shoulder, ok?”
“Ok. How come Daddy got an ouchies?”
“Sometimes he gets ouchies when he’s working. Remember the ouchie he had on his knee?”
“From the bad guys!” she resolved proudly.
“That’s right. But don’t worry. Daddy got the bad guy.”
She didn’t ask anymore questions after that thankfully. Sometimes it was difficult explaining Jethro’s job but she actually understood a lot of it, making it easier. She got all the smarts from Jethro you’re sure of it.
Once you arrived, you headed straight for the nurses station.
“Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He’s my husband, I believe he was brought in a little bit ago.”
The nurse typed a bit on the computer before nodding. “Looks like he just came out of surgery. Room 323. Third floor.”
You showed her your ID and received your visitors sticker, your daughter taking it immediately to stick it on herself. Then the two of you made your way through the hospital till you found his room. You were surprised when you saw him out of bed, buttoning up his dress shirt.
“Leaving against medical advice again Jethro?”
He looked up surprised and gave that half grin when he saw you two.
Your daughter dropped your hand and raced over to him as he crouched down to her level.
“Remember be gentle honey,” you reminded before she reached out for a hug.
Jethro picked her up easily with his good arm and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“How’s my princess? You learn anything new at school?”
“We did numbers. And colors!”
“Wow. You are so smart, you know that? You’ll be taking Uncle McGee’s job before you know it.”
You just watched the two of them have their conversation with a smile. She loved talking with her dad. Whether it was about her favorite show or asking him what every one of his woodworking tools did. She was definitely more of a daddy’s girl than mommy’s. But you loved it. You loved the way Jethro’s face lit up everytime he saw her. He could be having the worst day at work and she would be the one to make him crack a smile.
“And mommy got you food,” she continued.
“She did? Well I’m hungry as a bear. And if I don’t eat something soon, I just might eat you!”
She squealed in laughter as he gave her kisses and walked over to you.
“You gave me quite a fright today Mr. Gibbs,” you chastened as he set your daughter down.
“I’m sorry about that Mrs. Gibbs. I’ll try harder not to.”
You two kissed deeply, happy that his injury wasn’t too severe and he was safe.
“Did I hear my daughter correctly when she said you bought me food?” he mumbled against your lips.
“Mm-hm. It’s at the office. Room temperature, just how you like it.”
He chuckled and gave you another kiss before taking your daughter’s hand in his and leading the way out of the hospital.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 27 days
Guarded Desires: Part 1
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Padawan!Qimir x Princess!Reader
Summary: After an assassination attempt on your mother, she’s asked a favor from the Jedi Council to watch over you and your family until the assailant has been caught. As a result, your mother’s old friend, Master Vernestra, has her padawan, Qimir, be your bodyguard. Based off my imagine here.
Series Masterlist
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You were shaken up. Any normal person would be after someone tried to kill your mother. She has been advocating to the council to open the planet to refugees. A civil war has been brewing across the planet. More and more citizens have been losing their homes to this war. Your mother wants to provide aid, but the council has been vetoing her decision. Due to your father dealing with matters off-planet, he hasn't been able to veto their veto. It annoys you how even the Queen of Nerathos Prime still doesn't have as much power as the king.
"Y/N, are you alright?" your mother asks, reaching out to grip your shaking hand.
You can't help but laugh in disbelief, "Am I alright? Mama, someone tried to kill you. I'm fine! Just worried!"
She nods in understanding, "Yes, well, I've reached out to a friend in the Jedi Order, she will be sending a few Jedi to protect us while the investigation occurs."
You perk up at her words, "Jedi will be coming here?!"
You've always been fascinated with the Jedi. Your mother used to tell you stories of how her childhood friend became a Jedi Master. You assume that is who will be coming to your planet to provide protection for you and your family.
Your mother smirks at you, "Yes. Vernestra will be bringing her padawan and other Jedi to protect us during the investigation. Her padawan is assigned to you. He's a few years older than you, I believe."
"Oh. Well, I look forward to meeting him," you do your best to not look as excited as you feel.
The doors slide open to reveal your father rushing in, "Are you alright?" he asks breathlessly as he brings your mother into his arms. He hugs her tightly before pulling back and cupping her face in his hands.
Your mother places reassuring hands on his arms, "Fine. Startled, but alright."
Your father looks at you, "And you, starlight?"
"Worried about mama, but fine. The twins are with Selara. I made sure there were two guards at the door. The Kings Guard has secured the perimeter."
Your father nods, "Yes, I saw that when I was coming in. And the council-"
"I already summoned them. They're waiting for you," you state with a look of duty and determination on your face.
Your father looks at your mother and she gives him a nod. Your father turns back to you with a chuckle, "You did well. Your future king will be happy to have a strong and competent queen at his side."
Not quite the compliment you wanted from your father, but it's something. You give him a small smile, "Thank you, father." Your father excuses himself to head to the council room to talk next steps.
Your mother puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "Y/N-"
"It's fine, mother. I'm going to check on the twins," you excuse yourself and head to your younger siblings' room to make sure they're okay.
Your family stands at the tarmac as a ship lands. You hold the twins' hands while you're sandwiched between your parents.
The ramp lowers and a group of Jedi descend. You immediately zero in on Vernestra, your mother's old friend. She leads the group of Jedi towards you and your family.
Master Vernestra bows to you all and the Jedi follow suit, "It's good to see you all again," she gives each of you a polite smile.
Your mother smiles warmly back at her, "Thank for you for coming, Vern. My family and I appreciate it."
"Of course. Shall we head inside to discuss security measures?" Your father leads you all but before you follow, your eyes land on the young man beside Vernestra. This must be her padawan, the one that will be protecting you while the search for your mother's attempted assassin continues.
Feeling your eyes on him, he glances your way and shoots you a shy smile before turning back to follow his Master. You're not sure why but his smile made something stir within you.
"Let's goooo!" your twin sisters tug at your hands, prompting you to follow everyone else.
In the council room, your mother recalls the assassination attempt to Vernestra. The Jedi Master listens intently, asking questions of clarification when needed. You do your best to pay attention, but it keeps wavering over to Vernestra's padawan. He has tanned skin, cropped black hair with a long braided strand hanging over his shoulder. He has a sharp jawline and dark brown eyes.
You're too busy taking in his features that you don't hear your mother calling out to you. The padawan looks at you with furrowed brows and that causes you to look towards everyone else.
"Sorry, I was lost in thought."
Your father looks at you disapprovingly, but your mother's gaze softens. She clears her throat, "As I mentioned before, Vernestra's padawan, Qimir, will be your protector during the investigation."
Qimir nods towards you and speaks, "I will do my best to ensure your safety, Your Highness."
You feel your cheeks heat up as you nod back, "Thank you, Qimir. I trust you with my life."
The conversation continues as Vernestra assigns different Jedi members to your parents, sisters, and members of the council that work closely with your mother.
After the meeting, everyone breaks off to do their respective duties. Qimir follows behind you as you head to training grounds.
You look over your shoulder and awkwardly smile at Qimir, "You don't have to walk behind me. You can walk beside me," you gesture to the empty space beside you.
"I need to keep an eye on you."
You giggle, "You can still keep an eye on me as you walk beside me."
Qimir quickens his step to be at your side, "Alright," he gives you a boyish grin and you feel that fluttering in your chest.
You look away and clear your throat, "So, Qimir, do you like being a Jedi?"
"I do. I've learned a lot from my Master and at the temple."
"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Twenty-three. I was brought in when I was very young."
"Hm. You're just three years older than me." You're not sure why you point out that fact. Maybe perhaps you wanted to let Qimir know that you're not so young and naive.
"I know," Qimir says, "Master Vernestra told me a little about you."
That piques your curiosity, "Oh? So what do you know?"
"You're wise and strategic for your age. That you're strong willed and a little bit stubborn." You stop in your tracks to look at Qimir in shock.
"She did not tell you that!"
Qimir laughs, "Okay, she didn't. But I can sense that you are. Am I wrong?"
"Yes. Incredibly so," you spin on your heel to continue heading to the training grounds.
"So, where are we going?"
"To my training. Every day I train with Kings Guard to improve my defense skills. You could probably help me as well."
Qimir looks at you confused, "Me?"
You nod to his lightsaber, "You know how to wield that thing. We have our own swords, so you could probably teach me new methods of defense."
Qimir looks at you apprehensively, "I'm only supposed to watch and protect you."
"You'll be doing both. You'll be watching me as you teach me how to protect myself." you smile widely at him.
He chuckles and shakes his head, "Something tells me that you're used to getting your way, princess."
"I don't always get my way...I just get my way a majority of the time," you shoot him a wink and he grins. He feels a stirring inside him, a pull, but he's not sure if it's a good kind or a bad kind.
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reverie-verse · 1 year
Hey! How about an Anakin x female reader where they're in a relationship and Padawan!Ahsoka absolutely adores Y/N? Like a chaotic parenting team caring for their reckless young daughter and teasing each other as if they were a little family?
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Family Secrets- Anakin Skywalker x Reader
I’m sorry if this is dry and also you should be warned there’s a lot of dialogue. I didn’t proof read soooo I apologize for the inconvenience of that 😭😭Listen hear me out, I know in every Anakin fic I write, our girl is always married to him. There’s a reason for that, it’s because I want to be married to this man so badly okaaaayy. Imagine being married to him like for real for real 😩🫶🏽. Also I know that’s Ahsoka hugging Bearess buuuutttt we pretend it’s Y/N😂😂😂.
Ummmmm let me know if you guys want more!😊🫶🏽
You had woken up the moment you felt Anakin’s presence nearby followed by a light opening of the front door. You removed the blankets from your body, you stood up from the couch making your way to the door. Anakin’s eyes scanned the room, he could feel Ahsoka’s sleeping presence in your bedroom. His eyes landing on the couch where you slept, the blankets crumpled. His eyes finally landed on you, your hair tousled, you had worn his tunic to bed. He stepped inside your secretly shared home.
“ How is she?” He whispered he takes another step forward pulling off his armor, trying to free himself of the war that weighed down on him. He leaned down pecking your forehead.
“She's pretty upset, she wasn’t comfortable going back to her room so I let her stay in mine.” You yawned as you turned to walk back to your makeshift bed. Anakin follows behind you.
“ Who told her?” He scrunched his eyebrows as he sat down pulling off his boots. You immediately laid back down in your spot.
“ Padme”
“ Why?”
“ Uh well for starters Senators are amazing talkers. They are very good at getting answers and giving answers. Ahsoka knows that, the only person she trusts and the only person we trust has those answers.” You reached up, running a hand through Anakin’s hair as he finished pulling off his boots, moving to pull off his glove.
“I never wanted her to find out this way” his eyes shifted from yours back to his glove then back to yours.
“ Neither did she, in fact she wanted you to be the one to tell her.”
“ But she adores you, why would she want me to tell her?” Anakin by now had pulled off his glove and shirt leaving him in his trousers. You placed your hand back down, turning onto your side. Anakin crawling in behind you, tucking himself under the blankets and wrapping his arms around you.
“Because you're her Master, and she spends most of her time with you. I think she just wanted to hear it from you before anyone else. Including me” You replied, Anakin placed his cheek down onto your head, his mouth by your ear. His arms tucked under your arms. “- I think you should talk to her in the morning.”
“ Hmm, maybe you could help me?”
“Sure if it makes you feel better” You tell him, shutting your eyes, snuggling further into the couch, your head resting into the pillow, the warmth and heat from the blanket and Anakin making you sleepy.
“ Y/N.” Anakin sighed softly, almost in a come-on type of way. He props himself up on his elbow, leaning down over you so that he could look at your face.
“ Alright, alright, I’ll help you.” You peeked through one eye up at him, trying hard not to laugh at his behavior.
“Together?” He asks.
“ Yes, together. Now can we please go to sleep, you’re all nice and warm and I’m tired”
“ What if I’m not?”
You opened your eyes, turning your head towards him. His nose is bumping yours. “ We have company, this isn’t exactly the time or place”
“ Why not?”
“ Because I got a kid in my room or did that leave your mind”
“ No, I just missed you”
“ I missed you too, but- Anakin! No, I am sleeping on the other couch, you can sleep by yourself!” You smacked Anakin’s grabby hands pushing yourself off of the couch, moving to the opposite. Anakin grabbed your arm, yanking you back down refusing to let you move.
“ I’ll keep my hands to myself. I swear” He gives you a sweet smile, you squint your eyes at him.
“ Fine” You crawled back into his arms. His bare chest resting against your back. His arms wrapping around you, you held his arm and hand to your chest. You shut your eyes again, Anakin basking in your presence he too shut his eyes, sleep driving you both into a deep slumber. As the night grew into early morning, Ahsoka found herself exiting your bedroom. She had a lot on her mind, yet she found solace and peace here in your home, the home you shared with Anakin. It was comforting to know that if she needed an escape that she could come here. She felt safe and protected, relaxed. She felt freedom, to feel, to express her emotions. Ahsoka stretched her arms and legs out, a content sigh leaving her. This was one of best sleeps she’s had in a long time. It brought tears to her eyes, her bare feet touching the soft padding, a rug. She wiped the tears from her eyes, she moved from the bed to your bedroom door, opening it.
Ahsoka walked through the hall and into the living area, the wide windows open, letting the barely risen morning sun shine through. She could sense deep sleep, Anakin and you were in. Ahsoka tip-toed towards the couch, peering over, you were laid down on the couch, your arm thrown across Anakin’s back, your head turned towards the couch cushion. Anakin laid on top of you with his head on your chest, his arm dangling off the couch, his head facing in the direction of the window. The two of you looked stress free, in the state of serenity. Ahsoka needed some time to figure out what she felt. Even as she felt happy she was still hurting from the fact the two of you never told her. She needed to burn off some of that excess energy to channel it elsewhere. Ahsoka made her way quietly out of your shared home, heading for the Jedi Temple, training, she needed training.
Ahsoka entered the sparring hall, thankfully no one had been in there except Obi Wan. Obi Wan wasn’t exactly training more like stretching, his eyes were closed but he knew she was there, he could sense her unease, her pain, her happiness, her many emotions.
“ You’re up early”
“Hello Master Obi Wan, do you mind if I join you?” Ahsoka moved toward the sparring mat, Obi Wan continued his stretches.
“ Sure, I could use the company” He reaches over, moving to his other leg.
“ Great, uh can I ask you a question” Ahsoka plops down next to him, starting her set of stretches.
“ Of course” He stops turning to look at Ahsoka.
“ Um, Has Anakin ever mentioned… feelings… to you before?” Ahsoka reaches for her toes.
“ Feelings?”
“ Yes feelings”
“ On rare occasions he has. Most of the time I have to remind him to have patience or reassure his overactive mind-Is something wrong?”
“ Uh no not exactly” She stops turning to look at Obi Wan.
“ Then what seems to be troubling you”Obi Wan watched Ahsoka closely. A deep sigh leaving her chest as she looks down at the floor. “I’m sure whatever it is, it will be alright”
“ Master, if a Jedi falls in love-“
“ Ah I see, you found out about Y/N and Anakin” Obi Wan waves his hand in acknowledgment.
“ You knew? Of course you knew you were Anakin’s Master-How come you never said anything?”
“I try not to meddle in others' personal affairs. But to ease your mind I was in love once myself, Duchess Satine. Back when I was a padawan not much older than Anakin. I spent a year in Mandalore. I loved her and if she had asked I would’ve left the order. But I didn’t-I haven’t, and I follow a path of Jedi. However this doesn’t mean I don’t support Anakin and Y/N's relationship. They kept it a secret and they still follow their own path as a Jedi. I have no reason to report them nor a desire to. They are my closest friends and my only family.”
“ So love is forbidden but it seems that almost every Jedi I know has experienced it.”
“ Becoming a jedi comes with complications. We sacrifice everything we know and feel to a cause that is meant to keep and protect the peace. It can get lonely, and oftentimes, people find themselves drawn to others who are in similar situations. Ahsoka, they are natural feelings and as a Jedi, we feel them regardless of the code, it is our responsibility to maintain them. Do with that what you will”
“ Thanks Obi Wan”
“ You’re welcome Ahsoka”
“ So Duchess Satine, what's the story behind that?”
“ Another time”
“ Aw come on”
“Let’s train”
“ Seriously”
“ Keep pushing and we’ll visit the library”
“ Where is she?!” You hissed as you and Anakin both walked briskly down the Jedi halls. You had checked the cafeteria first, you knew that when she couldn’t sleep she often would eat a snack or food. Something but she was nowhere near the cafeteria.
“ Let’s check the sparring hall” Anakin and you both turned heading out of the room. Your nerves were skyrocketing. You tried to calm them, ease them, you took deep breaths attempting to regulate them. You needed to be calm in order for you to find her. You couldn’t do that when you were stressed. Anakin was no help, his own anxiety and worry slipping through the cracks, it went unnoticed by most, it was his typical behavior besides his overconfidence and cocky personality. His massive height gives him an advantage with his strides, for anyone else it would be hard to catch up. For you even though you were short, you marched his pace quick and easy. Even after the two of you had searched the sparring room there was no sign of her. The two of you searched every corner of every area you thought she might be in and each time you came up empty handed.
The two of you reached your shared home. You ran a hand across your forehead. You were failing at staying calm. Your head was beginning to pound and just the mere thought of your relationship ruining her life ate at you. You remained quiet, you said nothing how could you. Anakin the mere opposite of you spoke everything, he was furious, and scared, he was more scared of what could happen to Ahsoka than the council finding out. He could care less. He just wanted her to be safe. He shook his head throwing his robe on the couch, you paced by the window. You hadn’t even thought of taking your robe off your shoes or anything.
“Where would she go?” Anakin looks around.
“ I don’t know” you whispered.
“ She can’t just leave” Anakin shakes his head
“ But she did. She left, she’s gone”
“ She’s not gone” Anakin turns to look at you.
“ Look what we did Anakin-what if she ran away because of us?!”
“ That’s not Ahsoka, she would never do that”
“ But what if she did”
“ She won’t” Anakin eyes locked onto yours. He was certain. He had to be no he needed to be.
“ How do you know that? We single handily fucked up everything she knew about the order. Not to mention that she has no one to talk to about what she saw and heard- She’s a kid, she’s just a kid”
“I don’t care what the Jedi say, she is my padawan, my responsibility, she can keep the peace and be a soldier by feeling and trusting her instincts. She won’t leave, I know her!”
“ She isn’t just your padawan, she’s our friend! You may not care about the order but she might! She might trust and believe what she hears, you can’t decide that for her!“
“ She isn’t leaving Y/N, she’ll be here!”
“ Anakin-“ The door opened to your home, both of you turned to look towards it, Ahsoka walked through looking tired but carrying a lunch.
“ Ugh I'm sorry I'm late, Master Obi Wan thought it would be a good idea to visit the library. He said I ask too many questions..”. You and Anakin both raised your eyebrows in surprise. Relief filled your chest and your heart, the anxiety washing away. Anakin held a smile of his own, pride, gratitude and happiness echoing in his chest and heart. He knew this wouldn’t have driven Ahsoka away, with the many ideals they do share, emotions are one of them. You clasped your hands together, you fought the urge to rush to her and wrap her in your arms. Ahsoka smiled; she seemed to have known you too well. Ahsoka ran over to you, throwing her arms around you. She was happy to be home, and you were more than willing to provide her that safety, love, home and a family.
“ So you’re not mad about us getting together?” You asked as your arms wrapped tighter around Ahsoka hugging her one last time before letting go.
“ No” She says simply, a content sigh escaping you. You were worried that she would have rejected the two of you but now that she didn’t, and now that you knew she won’t. You could sleep easy, you would know that she would be loved and protected. That she would be taken care of and not just by you but by the man whom you married. Her own Master.
“ Ahsoka, now is the time to express your concerns.” Anakin reminds her as he crosses his arms.
“ Master, it's fine! I was worried at first but then Master Obi Wan reassured me that everything was okay! As long as we continue to meet the needs of the people then what is there to worry about. Both of you do it everyday, I know it’s not easy, but I support you both.”
“ Really?Keeping the peace and all of that, you mean to tell me you aren’t the least bit frustrated?” You questioned her raising an eyebrow.
“-I-I admit I was a little hurt by the fact that neither one of you told me about your marriage. Specifically you Master, you share everything with me and you kept the most important secret to yourself. I would’ve preferred if you told me rather than hearing it from someone else. I can assure you both that your secret is safe with me” Ahsoka gives you both a reassuring smile.
“ Thank you Ahsoka. I can promise you that there will be no more secrets, only the truth.” Anakin whispers. His own tears welling but he fights them off. His own version of relief lifts off his chest, the weight he carried slipping away. His heart is a little lighter, his love for his padawan growing. The two of you felt a shift in the air, a new dynamic exposing itself, a new reality that the two of you silently wished you could have. It was almost impossible to miss, the fact that Ahsoka will always be more than just a padawan to them both. Anakin walked over to her, taking her in his arms. You watched as tears welled in your own eyes, your own heart bursting with happiness. Ahsoka wrapped her arms around her Master.
Ahsoka couldn’t put into words the feelings she had. It was merely indescribable. All she could feel was love and light. An understanding between the three of them, her own mind, heart, and soul out at ease. She felt your arms wrap around Anakin and her. In that moment she felt content, at peace, she felt loved and cared for. She felt comfortable, stress free, and just for a minute or two she felt like a kid with her parents. She felt the world lift off her shoulders, no mask to hide her anger, her pain, her sadness, her frustrations, her pride, her joy, all of it. She wanted to cry and so she did, a few tears slipping down her cheeks. She let herself feel all of it in the safety of both your arms. She never knew how much she needed this, how much you all needed it. She sighed the tighter the two of you held her, Ahsoka had shut her eyes for a few seconds longer taking it in even longer. She wasn’t ready to let go yet.
“ As much as I love this reunion, I’m getting hungry, we should eat” You spoke as earned a laugh from both Anakin and Ahsoka. The three of you let go of each other grinning with little chuckles left over from your laughs.
“ I think we should eat something that’s not porridge” Ahsoka says earning an eye roll from Anakin
“ I second that” You looked at your husband.
“ We could eat rations” Anakin shrugs as if he was serious.
“ Awe come on-“ You rested your hands on your hips.
“ Master, I'm tired of rations” Ahsoka shakes her head crossing her arms
“No rations then”
“ Let’s go to that restaurant Obi Wan normally goes too” You walked over grabbing both Anakin’s and Ahsoka’s cloaks and handing it to them. The three of you were heading for the door.
“ Ahsoka?” Anakin questions.
“ Yes Master?”
“ Obi Wan told you that you asked too many questions, what did you ask him?”
“ Oh right, I asked him about Duchess Satine. He gave me very little detail but I could make some inferences on my own about them. It got me thinking about the two of you. I thought it would be a good idea to ask Master Obi Wan how you both met.”
“ Oh” Your eyes locked on to Anakin’s whose eyebrows rose in surprise. He shouldn’t have been so caught off guard he knew better than to assume that she would in fact ask questions after all she is his padawan.
“ Oh? Is there something I’m missing?”
“ Ummm no I just think that this is something we probably shouldn’t discuss-“
“ Why not Master Y/N? I’m sure it’s a lovely story” Ahsoka contorts her face bringing on the irresistible adorableness as she tries to bait you into spilling the details. She is as creative as her Master, pulling the biggest trick of all on you. You stop in your tracks placing your hands on your hips. Anakin and Ahsoka stop in their tracks side by side crossing their arms.
“ Lovely story my ass, your Master put me through and gave me hell”
“ I did not”
“ Yes you did”
“ That’s not how I remember it”
“ Of course you don’t remember it like that”
“ What’s that supposed to mean”
“ Guys?! Can someone tell me the story?!”
“Ask him” You pointed towards Anakin who was only shaking his head. Ahsoka made a face looking between the two of you.
“ Why can’t you tell her?”
“ You really think she should hear the story?-“
“Never mind, let’s just keep going, forget I asked” Ahsoka waves it off.
“ Good idea” You remove your hands from your hips, taking Ahsoka back into your arms as the two of you walk. Anakin follows behind still yet a cheeky grin remains on his face. His mind drifted back to the past that you both shared, an intense heated past. Maybe the topic is best left unsaid though he’d definitely make you pay for it later. Anakin switched gears in his mind again drifting back to the view in front of him. You and Ahsoka had moved on to another conversation. The two of you wrapped in each other's arms. Giggles and laughs echoed through the air. It was melodic, comforting, reassuring. The three of you entered the restaurant sitting down in a booth. Ahsoka sat next to you and Anakin sat across from you both. A sad truth Anakin had accepted the moment the two of you crossed paths.
“I can’t believe you met a boy! And he’s a senator, Ahsoka! You know your Master was into a Senator once too”
“ Y/N” Anakin groans, shoving his face into his mechanical hand as he leaned his elbow on the table.
“ Whaaaaatt” Ahsoka gasped, eyes widened with excitement.
“ Oh yeah, back in his padawan years, Senator Amidala”
“ Wait, you mean Padme?” Ahsoka's mind had officially been blown.
“ What happened to we aren’t talking about our love story”
“ I changed my mind” You chuckled, as you watched Ahsoka’s eyes lit up and Anakin, who removed his face from his hand, offered you his charming smile. You started from the very beginning as far as you could go, you spared Ahsoka some of the gritty details, but you spoke of friendship, love, loyalty, everything. You spoke of the hardships you went through. Anakin joined in telling his version of the story which led to more arguing on who was right. Ahsoka rested her chin in her hand. She asked questions, and made comments. She was more than delighted to know the truth. It was something she hoped to experience one day too. She loved the way the two of you bickered like an old married couple, ironically that’s who you both were. This was a memory Ahsoka carries with her forever.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 1 year
𝐀 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬’𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞 ||  𝐃𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐆𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭, 𝐃𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝. NO PROOFREAD 
𝐀/𝐍_ 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟑 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐖𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬. 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐢𝐧.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝.
✰ 𝙄𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙓 (𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚)
♪ ♫ 𝙋𝙀𝘿𝙍𝙊 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏 (𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩)
Dirt everywhere; you hate it. Rolling your eyes, you stand up and start cleaning your clothes. There’s a tiny burn on your forearm caused by the Marksman-H. 
“That was very good. But you got distracted at the end….” Luke explains. You nod, giving him a little smile. 
“Did I make it?” Leia appears panting and gasping through the humid jungle. You giggle after seeing her so disheveled.
“Leia, the Marksman-H returned half an hour ago” You couldn’t help but laugh. 
Your padawan mate completely got lost in the jungle.
“Oh, stars,” she surrenders, sitting to drink water.
“You’re not done, y/n. Turn on your lightsaber.” tired, you stand up to get in position. The green laser appeared with the characteristic sound, and the flying ball started to shoot you. 
After months of training, you finally could use your own lightsaber and control part of the force.
“You can focus on the control of the lightsaber, but if you focus on the force, the win will be greater,” Luke softly added as you managed to dodge the sharp shooting of the Marksman. 
The force, the force, the force. You close your eyes, and pushing one hand toward the ball, you feel it crush.
“Good job, you opted to use the force instead of physical skills to complete your task. That’s why you have a green lightsaber, y/n. However, I can feel disturbed,” the young man announced. Making you and Leia exchange confused looks. Luke sighs, pushing away the crashed Marksman. 
“I can’t tell if it’s a premonition or not. But it was evident that you’ll end up in danger….” Not again. The war finished a year ago. You were just eighteen. 
“Don’t be afraid. As long as the force is with you, everything will be okay” You nod. “Perhaps this is a bad omen, but we don’t know when it will happen. Until then, we’ll keep your training.”
“Luke…” you call him, and he returns. “If I ever end up being in danger, I cause it. Hide my memories.” he looks hesitant but nods. 
Because he knows it’s the best.
Panic. It’s all Din Djarin is feeling.
“I’ll take care of Moff Gideon. But I need to find Princess y/n” Bo-Katan agrees and lets Din know the next movement. 
“R-5. Before you give me the location of the command center, I need to go to the laboratory. " The droid makes some sounds, and finally, Din can hear an answer.
“Let’s go, Grogu. We need to save your mother,” the baby squeals inside the droid, totally mastering it, answering Din with a robotic yes.
Through the alleys and corridors of the base, Din wonders how you had the force if you never showed any sign of it. 
Perhaps you lied to protect yourself, although that would hurt him because he thought you trusted him. 
Then you yelled and cried about the fight, telling him everything he wanted, but not in that way. 
About your feelings for him, he wanted the same.
With more reason, he had to save you from making things right. 
Grogu coos at Din, and when he turns, he sighs with relief to see doors that protect the laboratory.
Only two soldiers get in the way, but Din quickly gets rid of them in minutes. 
The room is white, full of chemicals, annoying sounds, and surgical tools. The thought of surgery makes a shiver run down Din’s spine.
“Keep your eyes open, Grogu. The princess must be here,” the green baby nods, moving around the room until he spots a crystal door. Grogu can see you in the middle, unconscious in a bed. 
“What?” Din asks with his gun in hand until he sees Grogu pointing, and the Mandalorian can finally see you.
He jogs to the door and noticing is coded. With a single shot to the pad next to it, it’s open. 
When he is next to you, he notices there’s no fresh blood. Your face looks clean, and your hair is wet. A white blanket covers you from shoulders to toes, and the image is dreadful to Din, almost like he was seeing your corpse. 
“She’s alive…” he announced to Grogu, but mostly, it was to soothe himself. 
Once he’s getting you out of the silver bed, he stops, realizing you're only in underwear. 
“Dank farrik…” he cursed, placing you above the fabric that covered you.
And as Din hurried to find some clothes, Grogu walked cautiously towards you. 
His little hand lifts to your unconscious body. He closes his eyes and concentrates on contacting you through the force.
Please, wake up. It’s gonna hurt a little.
Din turns worried once he hears you complain of pain. He looks as you suddenly wake up and sit to hold your temple, showing that your head is hurting a lot.
“Grogu! you’re hurting her!” Din says after seeing the little child using his abilities on you. Still, Din is unaware of what Grogu is actually doing. “Kid, stop”
You feel someone’s hands on your shoulders and cheek, but you can’t see or hear anything. 
Until you hear your own voice saying something. Just like it happened when Grogu communicated with you a day ago. 
Please, wake up. It’s gonna hurt a little.
It’s Grogu. He’s talking to you. 
Flashes assault you from the time when you joined the rebellion. 
Training in Dagobah, the Skywalker twins. Han Solo’s ship, the kind of Wookiee. Your X-Wing, the green saber. 
You open your eyes and let out a long pant, feeling like drowning.
“…y/n!” You hear Din calling you. And finally, you can see your little family looking worried at you. 
Before you can say anything to Din, you smile brightly at Grogu.
“Grogu, you brought back my memories, baby. Thank you…” He lets out the cutest coo. 
“Memories?” Din asks. But you ignore his questions for a few seconds. Because you hug him tightly, brushing away all your anger toward him and Lady Kryze. He holds you tightly, and you feel the pressure of his helmet on top of your head.
“I’m sorry, Din,” you admit.
“We’ll talk about it later. You just need to know that I love you too, so much, cyar’ika” You nod, enjoying the hug as you hold Grogu’s little hand. “But what memories, y/n?”
“Luke Skywalker was my master. The man who trained Grogu… I was a Jedi, Din” It felt like the force was trapped somewhere inside you, and now that Grogu had set it free, you could feel it everywhere. 
“That’s why Gideon trapped you, right? But Skywalker blocked the memories to keep you safe,” he whispered. 
“No, I did it. I removed my own memories,” you say. “But our little one here, he helped me”
Both of you turn to look at Grogu, who looks happy or proud of being able to help you.
“We need to take him down. This war is not gonna be over if he’s not gone” Din has a lot of questions to you, a lot of things to say and confess, but not yet. You nod, and soon you realize you’re in underwear. “My clothes…”
“There’s something here…” the Mandalorian points at the tiny closet in a corner. He takes some clothes out along with a metal box. It’s some black attire, which wasn’t yours, but it looked clean like they left it for you. The box had your holster and boots, at least. 
You quietly get dressed as Din guards the door, and Grogu helps him to look. 
“We’ll go to the command center. Gideon must be there.” You nod at the man as the three of you walk on the bright hallways. “The fleet was able to escape. I don’t know what’s their next move.”
Before you make another turn, Din stops you.
“Listen, this is dangerous. If anything, you stay behind me. I’m not letting them retake you,” he means it. While you had cared for each other over time, Din wouldn’t let you or Grogu alone for a second. 
“I know…” you nod. He leans, and in a second, he’s giving you a keldabe kiss. You are surprised, but you don’t say anything.
“You know what this means?” He was nervous. One side of him hoped you didn't know the meaning behind his action.
“I do. I liked it….” He loves your smile. Even in a dangerous and unsafe moment, he knows your smile is the brightest thing in the imperial base. 
You looked disgusted at the clones of Gideon. You were always afraid of the experiments of the Empire. So when they targeted you as a bounty, rumors appeared. That you would be used to replicate DNA. 
Now looking at the bunch of clones is… disturbing.
“We need to get out, now,” you state seconds before Grogu jumps back, scared. As some alarms sound, Din is able to get you out in time.
But soon, you finally encounter the real enemy.
Moff Gideon explains how angry he is that his clones are gone now. You feel it, your lightsaber. The man has it.
“Now, your princess is our last hope….” you won't be part of his experiments. “Her only purpose was to follow you and babysit your kid. Here, she has a task to do.”
“I will never be part of the Empire. And I am more than you’ll ever be,” you yell, coming out of the hallway to face him.
“Wait, princess!” Din calls you, but you’re pissed. 
“Avoid the fight, princess y/n. Your days of being a Jedi are gone,” he mocks proudly. 
“I don’t think so…” you whisper, raising your hand. Your lightsaber emerges from Gideon’s cape, landing on your hand. 
You step into the position, and the imposing sound of your weapon captures the attention. The green laser illuminates your face and a significant part of the room. 
“Maybe not,” your enemy says, irritated, only to take his imitation of a double lightsaber and throw himself at you to fight.
Din is worried, but at the same time, he’s proud and shocked. He never imagined that he would see you as one of those he once called wizards.
You throw the man back, punch, and beat him. Barely cause him some burns with your lightsaber, but you know you’re weakening him.
Then, your Mandalorian lover joins the fight. It’s obvious how skilled and meticulous he is. And you love that many tricks you know have been taught by him.
“Din!” You yell when Gideon shoots him in the back. And then, praetorian guards appear. 
You push a guard away, but it’s not enough when one of them pushes you so far, landing beside Grogu. You cry when you see the guards torturing Din. Even Grogu lets out his anger. So he starts pressing the no button. You stand up quickly, ready to receive their attacks. You don’t care as long as you can protect Din and Grogu. 
Din yells as he watches the guards going after you and Grogu. He knew you would protect the baby but feared it could cost your life. 
His anger and pain grew as he watched the giant doors closing, and the last thing he saw was a guard disarm you. 
You knew you weren’t dying when you got cornered by the praetorian guards. Even when you got rid of some of them, the room was too small, and Grogu couldn’t fight them really well. Grogu looked worried at you, but miraculously, Din appeared and killed the last guards. 
Then, you knew Moff Gideon would lose. As the base collapsed and fire surrounded you, Din, Grogu, and Bo-Katan, you swiped your lightsaber through Gideon’s leg. He pushed you away in hurt. Bo-Katan edged him to the cliff, and using the force, you made him fall into the fire. The red-haired and Din look at each other, exchanging silent looks.
Din covered you with his arms to avoid the fire hurting you, but as you looked at tiny Grogu pushing the waves of fire away, you helped him create a bigger shield.
You offered a gentle smile to him, letting him know it was okay. 
It was over, and Mandalore was free.
You look as the Mandalorians gather together to watch the enormous forge get lit by the Armorer. You find it so beautiful, and although you are still resentful of all of them for how they treated you, there is no hate in your heart. They cheer as kid Ragnar is swearing the creed.
“Where is princess y/n of Naboo?” The Armorer asks suddenly, and everyone turns their helmets to look at you. “Come…”
Awkwardly, you walk towards her, and she greets you with silence. 
“For centuries, Mandalorians have unwelcomed any outsider of our culture. We have been resentful for the outcomes of The Great Purge. But Princess y/n has demonstrated to have the heart of a Mandalorian. We must thank her because she’s the one who ended Moff Gideon.” You are in shock. The Mandalorians cheer and show their respect to you. “Hand your lightsaber…”
Confused, you take it from your holster. She gently grabs the weapon and turns to the forge. The sound of the metals colliding, it hypnotized you. 
Seconds later, she hands the saber to you. A mythosaur of beskar is placed near the handler of the saber.
“A mythosaur to show our respect and eternal gratitude.” You smile kidly at her. “Thank you” She only nods. “This is the way.”
 “This is the way,” you reply and turn to the people, turning on the lightsaber and pointing it to the air as a way of acceptance.
“For Mandalore, long live princess y/n of Naboo,” Axe yells, and everyone copies him, cheering.
When Din and Grogu enter, you smile widely at them.
They stand beside you, and anyone can’t deny that you fit with Din Djarin and Grogu.
But you open your eyes widely when Din asks the Armorer to make Grogu say the Mandalorian creed.
“Din…” you call him, but he just offers you a characteristic tilt. 
You like how the Armorer tells Din that Grogu is too young to speak and swear the creed. Like she was suggesting, Din did something about it.
“If his parents gave permission, Couldn’t he then become a Mandalorian apprentice?” The Armorer nods but explains that Grogu’s parents are not in the picture, and whether his parents are alive is unclear.
“Then I will adopt him as my own '' you wanted to cry out of happiness when Din said that. 
“And I would like to marry, princess y/n…” some Mandalorians gasp in surprise. And you can’t help but hold your chest, like preventing your heart from popping out. You look at the Mandalorian like he was a ghost.
“If you agree, of course,” Din adds, slightly leaning to directly speak to you. 
“I-yes. I’ll marry you, Din” The argument from before did not matter anymore. You knew he loved you. The force confirmed it to you. He was the one who saved you from the Empire, the man who took care of you. Who welcomed you when he didn't have to. Din Djarin was your soulmate.
“To get married, you need to recite the words in Mando’a,” the Armorer says, so Din turns to you. He gently takes your hands in his gloved ones. 
“Follow my words, cyar’ika,” you nod nervously.
"Mhi solus tome.
Mhi solus dar'tome.
Mhi me'dinui an.
Mhi ba'uri verde.
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.”
(We are one when together.
We are one when parted.
We share all.
We will raise warriors.
I love you.)
“Let it be written in Song, that Din Djarin is accepting this foundling as his son. And taking this woman as his wife. The first foreign princess to take a Mandalorian in a riduurok (marriage)” That’s it, you are married. You have an adopted son, Din Djarin is your husband, and Grogu is your son.
Naboo has an eligible princess to run for queen.
The Mandalorians keep celebrating, and everything feels like a party, but you only have eyes for Din.
“So… What do you want to do now?” The way he asks is so cute. You giggle, looking at Grogu cooing.
“I won't keep my husband from going on adventures. Nor my baby….” you state petting one of Grogu’s ears. “But for now, let’s go and find a home.”
“We can do that…” he agrees.
Din watches curiously at you and Grogu. 
The market in Nevarro is crowded after Din presents the new IG robot as the marshal. Everyone stops to greet you and congratulate you.
Because everyone knows that a woman wearing turquoise flowers in her hair and a veil is from Naboo and is newlywed. 
Just as you accepted to get married in the Mandalorian way, Din wanted you to experience Naboo's traditional way of marriage.
The kids want to talk to you and Grogu, and Din can’t help but think that in a possible future, you will raise warriors. 
Although it was going to be a change, because the feelings had been there since both of you met, until now, intimacy would come. He realized you married him without knowing how he looked under the armor.
He smiles, ready to start this new chapter with you and Grogu.
“Hey…” he calls, getting beside you. You turn happily to see him, so you hand him Grogu. “I didn’t know people knew about the traditions of Naboo.” 
“Naboo is known for their beauty….” you blush once you understand what he means.
“I’ll never get used to your romantic way of being” He tilts his helmet, and you can feel his arrogance. “I think you’ll do.”
“I have to show you some things” You arch your brow, curious. “Well, one is for you and Grogu and the other two are just for you”
You nod, walking wherever he’s taking you and your kid.
Din makes you close your eyes the whole flight in the N1. You felt Grogu brushing your face the entire ride. 
“So stubborn, cyar’ika. Here…” He helps you hop out of the ship. 
“Not yet?” You ask impatiently.
“Yeah, now…” you open your eyes only to find a remote, beautiful hut. 
“This is our home….” Din explains to you and Grogu. 
“It’s perfect…” he smiles after seeing you whispering it. So he wraps your shoulder, reassuring you.
“Let’s go inside….” The three of you walk inside the house. It’s simple, yet, so warm and perfect. 
“Look, Grogu. Your new room,” you tell him after watching the little room with a tiny bed and a closet included. The baby coos and asks to be put in the ground, so Din does it.
“We’ll need more rooms in the future,” you say, and Din blushes so hard that he thanks you for not looking at him. But he agrees.
“Grogu… Why don’t you go outside to play? I have to talk with your mother” Your heart melted when Din addressed you as Grogu’s mother.
The baby coos in agreement and starts waddling toward the exit.
You smile at the little green guy leaving. 
“You know I never wanted to hurt you by helping Bo-Katan….” Slowly, you nod. “I’ve loved you since Xi’an hurt you, and I had to see you suffering. I knew I would never let that happen again.” 
“Why did you never say anything?” Din sighed. 
“Because you are a princess, I knew I had to take you back to Naboo. But then, Gideon attacked us here, I thought I was dying, and you said you wouldn’t leave me” He was standing on the door frame, and you couldn’t help but think how hot he looked.
“I started to think about asking you to marry when Grogu was taken away, and I left you some weeks on Naboo” You missed him so much those weeks, and you feared he wouldn’t come back to you. But then he came back in a new ship with Grogu, and you were relieved. Saying that he took longer because he went to help Boba Fett and Fennec Shand.
“I love you. And I’ll respect, admire, and always praise you as my wife, princess y/n” You smile fondly. “And I know you’ll do the same with me.”
“You’re my other half, Din Djarin. My strong Mandalorian….” He gives you a keldabe kiss, and you accept it, feeling his cold helmet on your forehead.
He returns to grab a piece of cloth, and you look confused.
“Mandalorians don’t have wedding ceremonies, or gowns, or rings. But I wanted to give you this….” He unfolds the cloth, and you see a little silver tiara. It was a single strip with tiny welded details that added a discreet touch. 
“It’s made of beskar. The imperials took yours, so I wanted you to have one made from my people.” tears prick at the corner of your eyes. “Do you like it?”
“I love it, Din, thank you, thank you,” you say, and when you throw yourself to kiss him on the lips, you remember he had a helmet.
And he noticed it.
“Sorry…” you say.
“I think it’s time to start leaving this a little aside,” you gasp. “It’s okay. We’re married, Cyar’ika.”
You wait nervously. Until his hands reach the helmet's edges, he slowly lifts it. 
You are crying when you finally see him. 
Brown hair in slight curls. Some gray hairs on his mustache and beard. Gorgeous eyes, a sophisticated nose, and the most beautiful smile. The most beautiful human.
“Oh Din, you’re beautiful. I love you” nothing Can stop you from kissing your husband now. You smash your lips with him and tangle your fingers through his soft hair.
He’s blessed by the sight of you without his helmet, he can see your hair is slightly darker than he thought. Your eyes are brighter, the color on your cheeks is delightful, and your lips, he was wonderstruck by you.
“Maker, you’re perfect,” he says back. He kisses you back, and it’s more passionate. Like payback for all the time you desired each other. 
After that, he retakes the tiara and slowly places it in your head. You feel his breath, and you swear he can hear the beats of your heart. 
Both of you study each other's eyes. The tension is inevitable, more when he’s not wearing the leather gloves. Your skin is on fire, and he can’t wait to take his armor off.
“Tonight, I will mark you mine” You blush, but you can’t deny the pool of heat forming on your lower half. “You’ll be mine, princess.”
“I am already yours, Din. I’ve always been yours, and you have always been mine” He smiles, and you love the sight. 
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum” he says. And you peck his lips again.
“Let’s go with our baby,” he nods, and both of you walk with your hands tangled.
Because he’s never letting you go.
Grogu is seated, lifting frogs. You giggle, rolling your eyes, so you do him a favor by raising all the frogs in the little pond. He coos loudly, excited, and turns to give you a bright smile. He also looks surprised to see his father without the helmet.
“You have a lot of things to share with me…” he says. You smirk.
“I’ll do it. And I’ll show you many things” He likes the playful way you speak. 
“Easy, princess…” you laugh. He kisses your forehead and invites you to sit on the porch of your new house. 
“I love you,” you say once again. “Me too, Cyar’ika.”
You take a long breath, finally in peace, taking a rest with your family.
Part 3 on Naboo or what?
Taglist: @frogjumps-world @meowl0ve @flowersgirl02 @chunkcook @miss-goldenweek @secretdazeobservation @foxxymunson @borhapparker @vlysseve @prettysbliss @littleshadow17 @lady-loki-barnes-djarin
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phoeebsbuffay · 11 months
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Imagine you and General Skywalker are roommates. 🤭😏
Warnings: smut & fluff, drama; rom-com vibes—i tried anyways.
Warnings 2: no minors.
Recommendations: “Die For You” (the version with Ariana Grande); “The Love We Had Stays On My Mind” (Joss Stone).
• How it started…
You and Anakin first met when both of you were younglings. He wasn’t the kindest in the room, but you were. In this particular case, opposites did attract one another. Thus you soon kindled.
“I can’t believe you are dragging me to this picnic”, the young boy was grumbling as you had this idea of eating outdoors: a suggestion of making it a form to practice the Force was promptly accepted and encouraged by your Master.
“Must you complain all the time?”, you giggle at him.
Anakin’s blue eyes are glued in your y/c hair, tangled in a simple braid; your y/c skin, so smooth and shiny; your y/c eyes…how much fondness he sees in those irises. Why, yes. He knows you care for him, a sentiment he cannot compare yet to what that Lady Angel named Padmé brought to him, but even so.
“Yes, since I cannot refuse you anything”, he blurted out without second thoughts.
Simple as that. But this was how it began: a friendship with different shades, painting a variety of possibilities that would yet be played out.
• Twilight of adolescence.
You are so concentrated in your meditation that you don’t realize Anakin’s eyes are stuck in how serene you look. He is mesmerized at how easily you do it, though partially envious because, unlike him, you are calm.
But his thoughts unbalance you. Thus you open your eyes and smirk at him:
“Do you conveniently forget that I can read your thoughts?”
“Maybe”, he smirks back. “I mean how the hell do you do it effortlessly? Frankly, my dear Y/N, there must be a trick.”
You scoff at his wording.
“Please, Ani. You speak as if you don’t regularly overpower me in our trainings.”
He takes a seat next to your side, glancing at you with amusement behind his eyes. He is wearing that Padawan braid you are so familiar with, having one yourself tied in a lock of your hair.
“You underestimate yourself a little too much”, Anakin slightly shoulders you. “Remember when you knocked me down?”
“That was only because you got yourself thinking a little too much about the pretty Senator”, you tease him, shouldering him back.
Both of you giggle at the memory.
“What happened to her anyways?”, you ask him. “I thought you were having a thing?”
Anakin’s smirk is wiped out of his face, but what concerns you is the gloom that eclipses the brightness of his face.
“She is, let’s just say, unreachable.”
“I’m sorry, Ani”, you whisper, aware how he came to love her. “I truly am.”
Uncomfortable with such a topic, but maybe because, unbeknownst to you, he’s been trapped in a confusing web he wove where there had been no space for anyone but Padmé Amiadala until your smiles, gentlenesses and every virtue you’ve been praised for, got him.
Hence why the moody Anakin storms out and leaves you there, guilty and upset for being the one to send away such a gleeful moment.
But such torment soon ends. Anakin comes for you later the same day in order to apologize for being so rude. He is baffled by how easily you forgive him, and when you promptly hold him—tighter than usual—he realizes friendship is not enough.
How long, however, will it take for him to tell you how feels?
Worst, how much longer will you be able to hold your feelings for yourself?
Only time will tell…
• Early adulthood.
You have just returned from Aldeeran when master H/N assigns you a mission next to your long time friend Anakin, now known as General Skywalker.
As much as you’ve been pleased to follow his path as a rising star, becoming good friends with the sweet Ahsoka, you have caught a glimpse of something deeper and which concerns you. But you wait before you have the opportunity to discuss this properly.
“Hey Y/Nickname”, he greets you warmly, although something about his eyes gives you chills. “What’s up? It’s been a long time!”
You decide to knock whatever tension there’s been between the two of you with an embrace. But when breathing his scent by burying your head against his neck, your heart skips a beat and your mental defenses are melted.
Anakin, caught off guard by your kind gesture—something he’s barely seen these days—, finds himself slightly emotional… until he has the opportunity to find out at long last that you feel for him what he feels for you.
This is a discovery that mixes his feelings. It fuels his impulsivity at the same time that gives a bittersweet flavor to know the years that have been wasted. Adding to that there is the factor that Anakin has been growing distasted to the Jedi Order.
So much to be felt by the intense Jedi. But nothing gives him more joy than knowing you love him as much as he loves you. However… a question is silently posed in the back of his mind: how can he tell you how he feels?
As one reluctantly untangles from the other, you are quick to break the silence.
“I have some good news! Master H/N wants us to work together at Mandalore! Our first mission, General Skywalker”, you tease him, pleased to see you are still able to make him laugh. “I pray not to disappoint you, sir”, you add a not very graceful curtsy to your speech.
He notices today your y/c hair is loose and messy. It gives him naughty ideas, but Anakin struggles to compose himself. Instead, he places one hand over your shoulder and says:
“When have your ever disappointed me, Y/N? What nonsense you speak of”, he side smirks at you.
But every sweet moment dies when two Masters come along. Windu is followed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and the look on their countenances is not indicating any sign of pleasantness. You also notice the tension in Anakin’s shoulders. To worse, has he started to wear darker robes? A thought that displeases you internally.
“General Skywalker and Jedi Y/LN, the Council greets you well”, he speaks formally and both you and Anakin acknowledge the gesture by nodding your heads. “I’ve come to deliver the follow instructions concerning Mandalore. Be aware that even though you may be roommates for the occasion, you must not…”
And here he starts to scowl. But you haven’t been paying attention after that small word stuck inside your head.
Me and Anakin?
You side eye discreetly to your long time friend in search of anything that could give away whether he felt repulse or something you hope to be the opposite of it, but to your disappointment there is nothing to find.
You must calm your nerves, you decide. Being no longer a teenager, you remind yourself that you must not form any romantic attachment… especially where your best friend is concerned.
• Roommates, it is!
“You are too quiet, Y/Nickname”, Anakin says whilst piloting to Mandalore. “This is the moment where you shout at me for almost making you sick.”
You smirk, albeit unwillingly.
“I am often quiet. I usually leave the babbling for you”, so you retort.
He chuckles.
“No, you are nervous because Mace Windu himself told you that we’d be roommates. But I believe you took this a literal meaning, darling. We are piloting together and getting into the room of the thing we are meant to destroy”, Anakin explains with a hint of amusement that brings you to annoyance.
“And you never cared to let this clear?”
“Absolutely not”, Anakin smirks with that characteristically smug look on his face. “It’s so much fun when you are angry with me. But besides I do think we are sharing one room at the Duchess’s palace. Don’t forget you are going disguised.”
You avoid his gaze, face completely red.
“It’s all very confusing.”
By the time you are landing, Anakin smirks again at you before the remark that would get you redder—if possible:
“What’s so confusing? Sharing a bed with me shouldn’t be so bad, should it?”
“I hate you, Anakin Skywalker”, It’s all you manage to respond.
There is a ball going on to welcome some of the Mandalorian’s allies. Whilst Anakin is there to represent the Senate, you are disguised as the lady of Planet Y/C. The moment you show up with your hair y/c hanging loose in your back, dressed in green, Anakin’s eyes go slightly wide.
He is about to make a joke (“Aren’t you showing some cleavage?”), but in truth he drinks from the view. Anakin realizes he’s been delaying so long the moment between you two. He wants to discover every bit of you, wondering what would be like to kiss you, to make you a puddle of a mess…
“Why are you looking at me like that?”, you interrupt him, sounding more nervous than you’d care to admit.
“You look gorgeous, Y/N”, he takes your hand and there presses a soft kiss, taking pleasure in noticing the goosebumps on your skin and the struggle behind your eyes.
He’d definitely kiss you… had you both not been rudely interrupted by no other than C3-P0 informing the feast is ready and you are expected to be met by the duchess soon.
“And here I go”, you say rather awkwardly.
“You’ll be fine. To be honest, you fit more in damsel roles than otherwise”, Anakin says in a teasing tone.
You stick out your tongue.
“If that is your way to compliment me, am I supposed to thank you?”
“You’re welcome”, says he, bringing you out to laughters, which pleases him quite so.
It occurs you, albeit a little too late, to finally unburden your heart by venting your thoughts.
“Ani, I must…”, you are about to tell him when, once again, you are interrupted.
To your dismay, and Anakin’s consternation, the moment where every wall is about to be knocked down is delayed. Again.
He watches as you get the attention of every being there present at the feast. And Anakin grows possessive at each gaze that follows your moves.
Maybe there is a risk of ruining this mission, but the General cares little about it. He must have you, he must tell you how ardently he loves you, how…
“Lady Y/N”, he gets to you discreetly, in a nonchalant posture when he’s burning inside. “May I have a word with you?”
You cast him a suspicious look at him: didn’t you two agree the time to speak would occur later?
But regally you smile and, playing your role, grant him your hand.
“Of course, General. What’s it?”
“I am not feeling very well”, Anakin’s anxiety breaks in.
“Oh”, you promptly leave your disguise off. “Let us go back to the quarters then. I may have something.”
Perhaps in private this will come out better, Anakin hopes in silence. He agrees, watching as you forget discretion when taking his hand, locking fingers with you, as you lead the way.
It appears that no one notices your absence—or maybe you and Anakin used the Jedi trick to make it seem so. Regardless, once you and him are back to your quarters, you finally realize he’s about to explode.
“You must allow me to express how I feel”, he rushes to you, cupping your face with both hands. “I love you, Y/N Y/LN. I have loved you for a long time and I cannot waste my days and night away thinking about the possibilities of being more than your friend and Jedi mate. I must know… Please tell me how you feel, for I shall not nurture if…”
You smile in relief and seeing the confusion stamped in his face, you make all clear by locking your lips against his in a soft kiss.
Little by little, however, the kiss deepens, but because there is some uncertainty in what direction should it go, you and Anakin part it—albeit reluctantly.
“Well, roomie, looks like we are finally free of this weight”, he muses it, eyeing you with such devotion that your knees go weak.
You giggle softly, watching with the same sentiment as he rests his cheek against your cheek. Your heart races at this moment.
“It’s too late to go back now”, you smile at him. “Are you sure you don’t want to return to Senator Amidala’s arms?”
Anakin rolls his eyes at your provocation.
“Really now, Y/N?”
“I just had to be sure”, you say it playfully, but Anakin can see through your jest the shadow of old insecurities.
Resting his forehead against yours, he snakes his arms around your waist.
“There is only one woman in my life. I lament it took me years to see it, but the only woman I truly and passionately love is you, Y/N Y/LN. There is no space whatsoever for anybody else.”
To reassure you, the General kisses you passionately this time to prove his point.
• ‘The Love We Have…’
You are restless this evening. Although you had claimed earlier that a fatigue led you to an unbearable migraine, your body is protesting against the absence of your lover.
Anakin has been occupied at Mandalore’s Moon, there dealing with a group of people that are perceived by many as terrorists, all the whilst you’ve been carried to other parts of Mandalore on behalf of Duchess Satine herself.
Now you are back and you are aching for him. A desperation that burns your legs and rises in further protestation within your heart, there causing a riot you cannot shut.
Well, there might be a solution for this problem… and the idea makes you blush. You cannot divert from it, as much as it gives you embarrassment. But it’s been too much to handle. Besides, you could always use the Force…
Unaware Anakin is coming, he too possessed by the same urge, you toss away the blankets and let the moonlight come through the partially open curtain. You’ve always felt like you belonged to the nights anyway…
You close your eyes, ready to meditate. Your mind anxiously begins to trace his features, his blue eyes, his muscles… his physique, his smile. Oh how he smiles at you like that often made you wet in between your legs, as it’s doing now.
You are short breath, never having experience to touch yourself. You always had second thoughts about it, besides Anakin usually did a great job. But he’s not there and the mere reminder fuels your frustration.
However, concentrated you are in such a struggle you barely hear the door opening. You don’t see that Anakin comes from the shadows with the look of a hunter: he’s been sensing you, every thought, every sentiment that runs within, from afar.
A sly smirk pops in the corner of the Jedi’s lips as he steps silently so he doesn’t ruin your moment. Anakin is already rigid in his pants just by hearing your unspoken thoughts. He removes his shirt in a synchronized gesture with you, as you do the same.
Completely bare, he, however, refuses to release the pressure on himself. He wants you, he wants to be the one to lead you there—yes, Anakin knows he’s possessive and egoistic towards you, but he’s also been aware that these traits you not only accept, but enjoy secretively.
“My love”, he whispers as soon as he locates himself behind you, arms around your waist; a smirk twists to a smile when seeing the effect he still has on you. “Have you missed me?”
You freeze upon his words. Your stunned silence is a positive indication of your distrust that this is the real him. Anakin further smiles, his hands running up and down your arms.
“You haven’t forgotten me, have you?”, he mumbles against your ear, bitting your earlobe gently. “Have you, my darling?”
Hungry for his touch, you lean back and pursuit his lips. As he corresponds you passionately, Anakin wraps one hand around your neck all the whilst he uses the other to cup your right breast.
“Hmmm”, he gently groans under his breath when feeling how easily he makes your nipple hardening under his touch. “I’ve missed you, darling.”
“Ani!”, you gasp in full pleasure, your body already giving in to his sweet, skillful hands. “I beg you!”
“Is my princess begging now?”, his husky voice makes you wet and he pompously watches as you rub one leg to the other. “Have I turned such a powerful Jedi in a beggar?”
You enjoy being easily overpowered by him, how he uses that dark side you know so well to your favour. But your mind stops retracing your thoughts for you go absolutely insane as he kisses your neck and now releases the hand around your neck to play with your left breast.
“I-I am, yes! I am, Master!”, you cry out, already unbearably soaked. “Don’t tease further, you know I’ve missed you…”
You arch your back the moment his fingers twirl your nipples, caressing each slowly, yes, but passionately too. His eyes are glued in your reactions: aware of how to tease you, how to make you come undone to him, Anakin is aroused at the idea of your submission. You promptly submit to him and he realizes he loves when you beg.
But more than that, he loves you.
“Let me sooth your needs, darling”, so the General says when slipping his right hand into your feminine core. And finally, he slides one finger into you. “Fuck! So damn wet for me?”
You cast him a lustful gaze, transmitting every indecent thought that he seeded with his departure. Anakin laughs quietly as he captures it, kissing you slowly as he teases you.
“My angel, you and I shall not be merely roomies. No, no”, he vows, watching as you smirk under his pleasantries. “Oh you like that, don’t you?”
Anakin gives small bites against your skin as he now inserts another finger. He takes his time there and when sensing your climax, the Jedi then carefully moves on top of you after lying you down gently—without stopping pleasing you.
“Yes, my love. Come to me”, the Jedi encourages you softly, smiling down at you as you arch your back and enlace him with your legs, all the whilst leaning to kiss his lips fervently.
But this is only the beginning.
As much as you enjoying riding him, you prefer when he’s on top of you, being the bossy man he is. Your lips curl on a sly smirk when there is no need to speak it out as one understands the other perfectly well.
“You play the difficult one outside, but damn here you submit easily, uh?”, Anakin teases you, slowly moving inside you, locking hands with you above your head.
“I hate how you know me so damn well”, you growl under your breath.
“Darling, hate is not the Jedi way”, Anakin smirks, getting yourself a smile before he kisses you passionately.
Leaving lust aside, this is the moment where one soul intimately links the other as the bodies connect. Anakin is careful with you, watchful at every reaction he evokes on you.
And you as well. You want him desperately so, every part of him, you don’t want to let go of him. To feel his manhood right where you want him to is just…
Perfection, indeed.
“Ani”, you moan loudly, already feeling the waves of pleasure you gladly prepare to drown into.
“Yes, Y/Nickname?”, he groans softly at each thrust, him too not far from you.
“I love you”, you gasp.
“I love you too”, he whispers back, before going down to your skin with his tongue, taking his time in every bit of you.
Soon, the whispers turn into screams and every intensity rests ashore.
• New Beginnings.
When the mission in Mandalore is complete, you and Anakin are expected to go back to Coruscant. However, before doing that, Anakin leads you to planet Y/C, where you and him are secretly married.
“We are husband and wife now”, you remark blissfully. “Who’d ever thought we came this far?!”
“I would”, so says Anakin, side smirking at you.
“There was a Senator that could have taken my place, though…”, you tease, earning him an eye roll.
“Come here, silly head.”
He pulls you close, mesmerized by how shiny your eyes are, transmitting every bit of happiness when you look at him.
“I love you”, says your husband, smiling when seeing you blush. “There has only been you, Mrs Skywalker. As it will be.”
“It better be. I love you too, Mr Skywalker.”
Between giggles, you two share a kiss, spotting a very bright future ahead of you…
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blushing-in-space · 7 months
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-> anakin skywalker
Summary: [Based on Clone Wars; S4 Ep15] As a Jedi Knight, it’s part of your duty to follow the orders of the Jedi Council, no matter how taxing or dangerous the task. You are given a highly classified mission that not only may end in your death but requires complete secrecy from everyone- Even your lover Anakin Skywalker.
Warnings: ANGST, Death, murder, blood, slight gore, loss of loved ones, grieving process. Probably inaccurate use of the force and force healing
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-> I looked at the message before me, brows furrowed. No, this couldn’t be right… Would the Jedi Council ask this of me? Something so classified sounds like it should be a mission of a Jedi Master, not a knight like me.
Mace Windu’s face was all the answer I needed. His eyes were slits as he looked down at me, face set seriously. His fellow council members had a similar expression.
“It is of the utmost importance no word spoken here leaves this room. Is that understood, [name]?” Windu repeats to me.
I have no choice but to nod my head. I serve the Galactic Republic, I cannot let my relationships meddle in my duties as a Jedi Knight.
I bowed my head, “Yes, masters. It will be done.”
“What’s the big rush?” Anakin smirks as I carry myself hastily down the dimly lit alleyway we always take when returning to the Jedi Temple from the port.
Ahsoka trails behind us both, thankfully oblivious to Anakin’s wandering hands. I did not agree to her being here and had suggested she take the shuttle home, knowing it would be safer for the young padawan. But like her master, Ahsoka was stubborn and determined to join us for the meeting I had lied about. I feared for her safety- I hope she will not be there when the time comes.
I glance over at Anakin, forcing a playful smile to adorn my lips as I would have in normal circumstances. “I’m not rushing. I’m just trying to get to the council meeting on time.”
I ignore Anakin as he rolls his eyes. “I can see it now- another boring debate I’ll sleep through,” he sighs, though his eyes linger on me and I can’t help but notice it.
We fell for each other when we were just padawans, and have remained loving by one another’s side for almost four years. While I was fairly good at hiding stolen looks and the brush of our hands, Anakin on the other hand doesn’t seem to understand the strategy of hiding our relationship.
He struggles more than I do with our relationship. It frustrates him so easily when he cannot pull me into a kiss after not seeing me for weeks, or to just wrap his arm around me as we walk as I can tell he wants to do now. I’ve known from the start about Anakin’s unusually strong emotional side for a Jedi. That is what makes me especially nervous for tonight.
“Luckily I’ll have you to keep my company,” Anakin mutters to me in a quiet and husky tone, his hand reaching to touch the crease of my waist.
I shoot him a look of warning, glancing over at Ahsoka who was just a few steps behind him. He’s lucky she happened to be looking away and had not looked too deeply into his words.
“If it's so boring for you, would you rather them call you in to train younglings?” I look smugly over my shoulder to Anakin, who grimaces at my comment while Ahsoka huffs a light laugh.
“I think you would enjoy that, master,” Ahsoka quips sarcastically as she steps to Anakin’s side, and he scuffs and looks away from his apprentice.
“As I thought.”
I try to keep up a high-spirited mood while with Anakin before my time comes to act. I see Anakin smiling, his lips parted to make another smart-assed comment. I give him a cheeky smile. After tonight I won’t see him again for yet another long week. And I know that week will be devastating for him.
He doesn’t hide anything from me. He’s told me how he held his mother in his arms and watched the life drain from her eyes. I’m aware he fears the same fate will reach another of his loved ones. Every time I leave for a battle I promise to him I’ll be safe and will return safely to his arms. Now I have been gagged by the Jedi Council from telling him the truth of what I must do. The guilt is almost unbearable having to keep such a secret from my own lover.
Anakin’s blue eyes search mine, I feel him wield the force to poke into my mind. I raise a brow at his perceptiveness. Does he know? I shake him, cutting off his access to my mind through the force. I don’t like it when he does that and he knows it. His brows furrow as he feels the loss of our connection, but he does not pry at my barrier. I nod to him in a silent already broken promise that we will talk later.
Our unspoken words distracted me so much that I almost wouldn’t have sensed the blaster shot coming toward me if Ahsoka had not warned me.
I roll to the side, taking cover behind the nearby crates. I whip my head around to see Anakin and Ahsoka have done the same, both of their backs pinned to the crates opposite of me. My blood pumps furiously through my veins. I should have let the shot take me down. The first and undeniable worst part of my mission would already be over.
“Where’d that shot come from?” Ahsoka yells, voice riddled with panic as she looks from me to the roof of an apartment building in the distance.
I show no concern as I peek my head over the crates, catching a glimpse of the bright blinding light of the sniper who had tried to kill me just then. Who I should have let kill me. My heart would be pounding in my chest if it weren’t for the drug I had taken before leaving that would suppress my heartbeat.
I shake off any fear. I won’t die today- I’m following my orders. My duty as a Jedi comes before anything else. Anakin will understand that when I return. I glance over at him and Ahsoka behind the crates opposite of me, and single them to follow my lead. Neither of them questioned my plan for us to split up over on the rooftop.
I feel Anakin trying to push into my mind as I roll behind the next set of crates, another blaster shot barely missing me. I feel his anxiousness about the situation, either for me being in danger or his padawan, I’m not sure. I just feel guilty for what I’m about to put him through.
I climb to the rooftop, keeping my cover as I deflect a shot back at the assassin to not rouse suspicion. I see Anakin has done as I asked him, for once in his life, and spot him heading to flank the shooter. Ahsoka jumps from rooftop to rooftop, taking the back approach to the shooter. I realize my time is running out to start this mission.
Anakin races on the rooftop across from me, taking cover at the same time as I do. He catches my eyes, blue eyes blazing across the darkness of the Coruscant alleyway. He’s going to dart around to get the shooter. I know he is.
“He’s behind the building!” Ahsoka coms to both me and Anakin, and I know this is where I must end this chase.
Anakin’s head whips around to the building across from us, eyes narrowed and his hand goes to grip his saber. I suck in a breath, closing my eyes as I prepare for the pain. I pray to the Maker the blaster-proof vest will be enough to save me from the real threat of death.
I block Anakin completely from my mind before stepping into the wide-open space as a red light hits my chest.
“[name]!” I hear Anakin scream as the assassin's blaster finally hits me, unexpectedly knocking me so far back I fall from the edge of the building and into sudden darkness.
Ahsoka’s heart sinks seeing Master [name] fall from the edge as she rounds the corner. She looks up to see her Master immediately trying to follow [name], attempting to run from his cover but having to soon duck as a blaster shot flies past his face.
“I got her! Go!” Ahsoka called out to Anakin, hiding the fear in her voice as she looked up at him.
Anakin’s eyes widen as he looks down at her, and his face seems to drain of color for a moment. He’s afraid. Ahsoka so rarely sees real fear on her master's face. No matter the battle or injury. His demeanor never falters. His expression is always lax and words smooth, even as he’s faced with danger, but in this moment Ahsoka does not see that familiar bravery in her master now. That is what scares her the most.
She doesn’t watch long enough to notice how Anakin hesitates for far too long before he chases whoever shot [name], she has no time to do anything but rush to the Jedi Knight's side. [name]’s body is completely limp in a pile of boxes and trash, left arm twisted unnaturally. There’s no blood, but a black mark is burned into the knight’s white-robed chest.
Ahsoka pulls [name]’s body from the rumble, panicking when she does not awake. She lifts the knight's head into her lap but freezes her finger above [name’s] neck to check for a pulse. She fears she knows the answer. Ahsoka has watched people die. Despite her age, she’s a commander- she sees death every day. But never someone so close to her. Someone she regarded as a friend. As a sister.
“Master?” Ahsoka whispers as she finally puts her fingers to the soft spot on [name]’s neck. She gulps as she feels nothing, then tries the curve of her wrist. Then feels nothing again. She sucks in a breath as her eyes become glassy at the sight.
Ahsoka hears Anakin drop from the roof and run down to her. “How is she?” He pants, wild blue eyes looking down at them.
Ahsoka can barely move her head to look up at him, and when she does, she nearly lets tears fall. She doesn’t know if she has the words to say it. She knows Anakin and [name] were padawans together. She knows how close the pair are. She only pretends to be blind to her master’s deep attachment to the other Jedi knight for his sake. That’s why she can hardly hold it together when he crouches down to see [name] completely unresponsive.
“[name]?” Anakin says, voice rattling.
Ahsoka doesn’t fight him as he takes [name] from her arms and holds her in his. He brushes her hair away from her face to reveal her eyes closed with death. Ahsoka watches her master's eyes fill with grief as he clutches her body to him.
“[name]!” He yells louder this time, desperately shaking her shoulders. He puts his hands over the black mark on her chest and continuously presses down on it in a failed attempt to start back [names] still heart. Ahsoka can’t look anymore. She can’t watch her master hopelessly revive a dead woman.
Ahsoka stands and runs away when Anakin calls out her name again, tears now falling from his eyes as he stares at his lover's dead body.
He had to hand her body off to the authorities when they arrived. He had to explain what happened all while pretending he didn’t just lose his wife.
The hardest challenge of his life wasn’t fighting Count Dooku or leading the largest battalion in the Republic Military- it was returning to the Jedi Temple with nothing to show for his lover's existence but her blood on his robes and her lightsaber.
[name] was supposed to come to his quarters tonight after the meeting. They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, each being assigned to different planets, but each immediately returned to the other, as always. His fears of her usually vanish once he is reunited with her after their respective missions. He always assumes she’s safe when she comes home. He’d never thought of the possibility of her dying on his watch.
He wished he could have been with her body longer, but as soon as he saw the flash of red and blue lights he had to wipe his tears and place her body on the stretcher and watch as the medics pulled the sheet over her. Once the door to his quarters hissed shut he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
He sat at the edge of the bed, and unclipped [names] lightsaber from his belt. He ran his flesh hand along the customized hilt and ignited the saber of his lover. He could almost picture her beautiful face behind the [color] glow, a smirk on her lips before she jumped into battle. His eyes filled with tears as he un-ignited it and the color vanished.
It felt like when his mother died all over again. Again, he failed to protect someone. Again, someone he loved died in his arms. The only difference was there was no one he could get revenge on for the needless death. The assassin had retreated like a coward after firing the blaster. Anakin’s not even sure if the assassin killed her instantly. Perhaps it had been the fall that took her life.
Anakin’s heart ached when sleeping alone that night. He had been looking forward to feeling the warmth of [name] beside him since he had first been sent to Krios. Now he’ll never feel [name] again. If he had just got to the assassin in time she’d still be here!
Anakin’s eyes burned with tears of fury. He had no idea who the shooter was but he would hunt the bastard down after [name]’s funeral. To hell with the Jedi Code- revenge was the only way Anakin could bring himself and Eria peace!
Anakin felt himself slipping, but he had no motivation to crawl back toward the light when [name] wasn’t there waiting for him.
Eria thought she had severed her connection to Anakin, but when she finally woke up she felt the overwhelming grief and anger of her husband. It was so strong for a moment she confused it as her own. Those emotions were quickly replaced by the ache in her chest and the pain of her defiantly broken arm.
Her tears were gulped down as the medical droid healed her wounds. The droid asked if she was experiencing emotional pain, and she had to lie and say it was just her arm. All she could think about was when she fell. She heard Anakin’s scream and felt his tears on her as she played dead in his arms. It took every part of her being to not open her eyes and apologize for what she had done.
The door to my medical room hissed open, and I glanced over to see Master Windu and Master Yoda in the white light.
“I hope my funeral went well,” I mutter as the door slides shut behind them.
I see Master Windu’s eyes narrow at me as I quickly cover my emotions and dry my tears. I had been specially chosen for this classified mission out of everyone else in the Jedi Order, and I wanted to act professionally with the Council member who picked me. Especially because Master Windu was known for his intense belief in the Code.
“A great performance, your corpse played,” Master Yoda says.
I well as funeral can go, I want to add, but am silence by the medical droid sticking a numbing substance into my arm. I looked at the deep bruise on my twisted arm and for a moment wondered if this would even work. I was sacrificing so much just to learn information that may not even be true. Will Anakin even forgive me once this is all over?
“Will go well, the plan will,” Yoda says, sensing my doubt.
“I fell from the top of a building- It better go well,” I huff in pain and remove the blasterproof vest that saved my life.
“Survived worse, you have,” Yoda comforts, and though I know the Jedi Elder is right, it doesn’t help much when my back has turned into one massive bruise.
“Young Skywalker knows this,” Windu says in a firm voice, arms crossed and eyes looking down at me. As if testing to see my reaction.
I breathed deeply and held strong. I wanted to beg for them to let him assist me in the mission or ask how he handled the funeral, but most of all, I wanted to beg to just see him. But it was vital to the integrity of the mission that no one knows- Especially Anakin, who would flare up in anger if he knew I would be walking into the role of a bounty hunter and disguising myself among them, armed with nothing but a blaster.
I know that Master Windu is testing me with his words. Though he picked me for this, I was quickly made aware of his doubts in me when he had to clarify Anakin to me in private not even Anakin may know.
“I took the vital suppressors, you instructed of me, Master. When Anakin moved my body… I was dead to him. It’s impossible that he knows I’m alive,” I assure both of them, though it was clear in my tone it weighed heavily on me to do so.
Yoda hummed in agreement, “Yes- but sense he will, that something is not right.”
I wanted to add that Anakin will have no contact with me as I understand how important it is he is left out of this, but a Jedi Healer enters the room and bows his head, interrupting the conversation. The healer comes to my side to mend my broken arm, and I nod to the Jedi Masters.
“Anakin’s reaction sold the sniper of my death. What has been done is done, and I will carry out the mission as has been asked of me,” I say to Windu with no hesitation and my head held high. He seems surprised for a moment but turns to leave.
“What’s done is done,” he repeats as the healer snaps my arm back into place.
The healer seems to also understand this meeting should remain in confidence. He bows, then leaves soon after I am healed. Finally alone, I begrudgingly accepted it was time to put on the masked disguise of the assassin I will be taking the place of.
I reach down to remove my lightsaber from my belt but feel nothing of the familiar grip I built myself. I look down to see its holster empty but find for the first time since my fall, I feel an absence of worry. I let a sad smile curve my lips as I realize who took it.
I know it’s safe with Anakin.
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Notes: Part 2 coming soon! I'm sorry this is a little confusing if you've never watched the episode this is based on 😭
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itsmewillful · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a story? (Anakin Skywalker x gn!Reader?)
Can the Reader be Anakin's Padawan? Like recently, Ahsoka left the order and Anakin's sorta grieving over it Maybe the reader has recently lost their own Master so they're also upset about that. Reader has an big crush on Anakin and vice versa. but he's typical Ani and acts mean and scary. I dunno, i just liked the idea and saw you were taking requests. Sorry for grammatical mistakes. English isn't my first language <3 Thank you and have a good day!
A/N: Hello there Anon! I am so sorry about the wait. I am writing multiple stories atm and only just got around to this. Hope you like it<3 And let me know if you want a Part Two. I feel like I could possibly add some more to this story. -Ace
The World is a Cruel Place (PART ONE?)
(Anakin Skywalker x gn!reader)
Main Masterlist
Character Masterlist
Story Outline: Your previous Master was unexpectedly killed on the battlefield, and you find yourself with a new Master, who he himself has recently lost his own Padawan. Your new Master is cold towards you, and you fear that you may never get him to appreciate you as a Padawan. Until one day, you find out your very much mistaken.
Word Count: 2918 (basically 3000. . .)
Warning(s): Not proof read, so there is probably mistakes, Swearing, Anakin is a bully, ANGST-y?, MAKE OUT SCENE, maybe hair pulling kink?
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It was one of those days at the Jedi Temple where nothing in particular was going on. Except for the fact that you were getting a new Master to complete your Padawan Training. It would have been a big deal to you if it weren’t for the fact your previous Master had recently been killed in front of you only a few days prior. So, you sat anxiously in the council room, awaiting Master Yoda’s decision on who would be your new Master. 
The old Jedi was walking around in a circle in the decently-sized council room, stroking his chin and lost in thought. You watched him as he hobbled about, thinking about who he could possibly pick to be your next mentor. It wasn’t before long he stopped in his tracks and hummed to himself, which could only mean one thing.
“Perfect choice for you, I have thought of.” Yoda said cheerfully. You stood up abruptly from the seat you sat on prior. Yoda slowly walked over to you and grabbed both of your hands. “He too, lost a Padawan. Help each other recover, I know you can.” Your eyes widen at his words. A Jedi Master has lost a Padawan? Isn’t a Master supposed to protect their Padawan’s at all cost? Which Jedi Master could be so reckless? “Sense your conflict, I do. About your new Masters old Padawan, yes?” You nodded and looked away from the older Jedi. Yoda chuckled and let go of your hands before heading to the door. “Master Skywalker didn’t lose a Padawan to the Force, young one. His Padawan left the order, she did.” You silently gasped. Master Skywalker? As in, Anakin Skywalker? The famous Chosen One? Yoda once again chuckled and shook his head.
“Didn’t expect Skywalker to be your new mentor, no?” 
“N-no, Master. I didn’t.” you stumbled on your words. Yoda reached the door and opened it, revealing the Jedi himself, and his own previous mentor.
“Master Kenobi and young Skywalker, glad to see you, I am.” Yoda announced. You examined the two jedi and gulped when your eyes met Anakin’s. Not only was he taller than you expected, but way more handsome than any holograms you’ve seen of him in interviews. You could feel your jaw slightly dropping open, but immediately clenched it when you noticed Anakin was examining you too.
“Master Yoda, we came here to announce the-” 
“Master Kenobi, hear about the War later, I will. Right now, we will discuss young Skywalker’s new Padawan.” Yoda interrupted Obi-Wan mid sentence. You notice that both Jedi’s mouths dropped, but not as far as Anakin’s. His jaw practically fell onto the floor; and his eyes widened so much, you were positive they would pop out of his skull.
“New Padawan? But Master Yoda, I didn’t request-” Anakin began to argue but Yoda didn’t have any of it and hit his leg with his cane, to which Anakin winced at.
“Any complaints about this arrangement, not have, I will. You will train young L/N and ensure her success as a Jedi Knight. Then after her training, become a Jedi Master, you will.” 
Anakin seemed to calm down a bit when he heard about his stepping up in ranks to become a Master Jedi. He once again looked at you but with an unreadable gaze. You attempted a small smile to perhaps change his cold demeanour, but he only scowled at you before looking away and re-focusing his attention at Yoda.
You shrugged at his attitude and assumed it had to do with his mission he just got back from. But boy, were you wrong.
“Padawan, why are you late?” 
You stood up straight from your slouching position and locked eyes with your new Master, Anakin Skywalker. You looked over to the wall at the entrance of the massive training room  where a clock was displayed. 
“Master, I am on time. Unless you count those-”
“You’re two minutes late, two minutes of valuable time that I could be training you to be better. Remember my rules, Padawan?” Your master interrupted to continue his rant, to which you rolled your eyes before replying.
“Every one minute late, equals-”
“-ten laps around the training room. So, at the end of our usual training, I expect you to stay afterwards and do your twenty laps. Then you are free to do whatever you want.” 
You huffed. When you found out your new Master would be Anakin Skywalker, you thought your life was going to change. You were correct on that; but it wasn’t how you expected. Anakin was incredibly harsh on you and was always going all out on your training. You usually found yourself too exhausted to do anything in your free time, as you normally went to your chambers to have a nap. 
The missions you went on were even worse!
Since Anakin Skywalker was a general for one of the biggest Clone Squads, you constantly found yourself on missions that were much more dangerous than the ones you and your previous master went on. People were constantly dying all around you and some deaths could've been easily prevented. 
On top of that, the trauma from your previous master haunted you like a lost soul. Your nightmares about them got so bad that you often didn’t sleep at night in fear of having those dreams. An endless cycle of your master getting stabbed by Ventress over and over and over. And as previously mentioned, Anakin did nothing but make you dread things more.
“Padawan, you sure are in Lala Land today, aren’t you?” your thoughts were interrupted when you suddenly tripped and fell over, and met face to face with your Masters chest, to which he stumbled back from and nearly fell over too.
“Oh my! I am so sorry, Master. I didn’t-” you tried to apologise but he waved his hand in dismissal. 
“Save it Padawan, I don’t need to hear your excuses. Just, please, try and focus or you’re wasting both of our time.” You nodded your head and began to practise sparring with your Master once more. But it wasn’t before long you once again were knocked from your feet and you fell flat on your back with two lightsabers pointed at your chest.
“What is it, Padawan? You’re usually not this bad.” Anakin said smugly with an evil smirk gracing his features. Oh how badly you wanted to punch the smirk off of it.
“Wow Master, you could at least ask me if everything is alright. Yet again, you never did care for me enough did you?” You said through gritted teeth. Anakin raised his brow at you before deactivating your sabre and handing it to you.
“I care for you, I just don’t frolic around and make you feel special like your previous Master. This is the real world; it’s not nice. So you need to grow up and get used to it.”
You just about exploded with tears right there and then. How dare he talk about your old Master like that? The one person who made sure you were standing here, alive and well today. You stood up abruptly from the ground and stormed out of the room, ignoring Anakin’s orders to return to him immediately.
Once you were a bit ways from the training room, that’s when you let your thoughts cloud your mind. How could such a beautiful man act like such an arse? You will admit, you had a massive crush on your Master. He was tall, handsome, and not to mention, fearless. He was very intimidating, which you loved. 
When he first became your mentor, you fantasised about him nearly every night, which often led you to blushing madly when you were around him the next day. But you knew he would never like you the way you liked him. From how he presented himself as a Jedi, you knew he would never break the code for someone like you. 
You sighed in frustration to where your thoughts were spiralling your mind into. You clenched your jaw tightly and began to pick up the pace to where your chambers laid. 
Why do you like Anakin anyway? All he does all day is insult your technique, and how you could try better. You do try! You began to mumble angrily at yourself, and before long, you found yourself projecting each of your thoughts with no shame at all.
“How could he? That stupid. . .goodie-two-shoed Jedi–” 
“Who are you cursing about?” a voice interrupted your small tantrum and you turned around quickly on your heels and noticed it was Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin’s previous Master. Oh, what joy.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Master Kenobi. . .I-I was just–”
“Is Anakin being difficult on you, Padawan?” He asked as he stepped closer to you so you could hear each other better.
You sighed heavily before nodding your head quickly.
“Y-yes, Master. But I think he’s sorta right on some things.” You sniffed and crossed your arms to hug yourself.
“Anakin says things he doesn’t mean sometimes. And, you also need to consider he also just lost one of his closest friends, Ahsoka Tano. He feels like he failed as a mentor. I’m not trying to say what he said was right; maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But you need to try and be more–how do I put this. . .” He trailed off, stroking his beard as he thought of the correct word. You watched him for a moment before understanding what he was trying to get at.
“I think I understand what you are trying to say. Master Yoda was right, I think we could help each other get over the pain that was left from our past ‘partners.’ But, Master Kenobi, I am not sure how I can start being better for his standards. He thinks I’m weak and not capable of being a Jedi.” 
Obi-Wan raises a brow at this and also crosses his arms.
“What makes you think that?”
You inhaled deeply before looking down at the floor.
“Well, he’s always. . .” 
“I don’t think you’re incapable of being a Jedi.” A familiar voice interrupts your train of thought, to which you whip your head around and see the man himself that was causing all the problems.
“Hello, Anakin. I think you better make up with your Padawan. And y/n, I think you have some things to tell him too.” Obi-Wan said before nodding his head at the both of you and walking off down the hallways to wherever he was heading originally. 
Anakin watched him for a moment before turning his attention back at you.
“Hello, y/n.” 
You froze in place at his simple greeting. He has never called you by your real name before. It was either ‘padawan’ or no name at all. 
“You called me by my name.” you said quietly, the corners of your mouth threatening to smile.
Anakin raised his brow. “And? Last I checked, it’s normal for someone to have a name. In fact, it would be abnormal to not have one.” 
Your face dropped into a neutral one again. Of course he went back to square one where he acts like a complete arsehole for no reason at all.
“What’s the long face for? I didn’t say anything rude to you.” 
You sighed, he was right. You were just overreacting over small things. Maybe you did need to grow up and start acting more mature.
“Nothing, just–ignore me. I am going to head to my chambers now, good-bye Anakin.” You began to walk past him but a hand reached out and grabbed you before you could go any further.
“I need to tell you something, but in a more private place. C’mon.” And with a harsh tug, he began to pull you towards wherever he wanted to go to ‘talk’.
“Hey, you can’t–” 
You decided it was no use arguing, as his grip only tightened on you arm and you were now being dragged instead of guided. You noticed he was leading you to where all the Jedi Knights rooms laid. You eventually stopped at a door and you caught your breath. 
“Um, where are we?” you asked your Master, to which you gained no reply. The door to the room opened and you got pulled into it.
“Hey, you can’t just drag people like that, I think you dislocated my-”
“Shut up!” 
His voice started you and you flinched at it. You backed up towards the door and pressed yourself against it. Anakin watched you and followed your slow movement. You soon found yourself pressed against the door and Anakin’s broad chest. You inhaled quickly and tried to get past him.
“I have some things I need to tell you, y/n.” He whispered in your ear. Your breath hitched at the close distance between you and your Master. Isn’t this a bit inappropriate? 
“Master Skywalker, please move back a bit. I can’t breathe.” you said, attempting to push him away. But to no avail, he only moved closer to you. You could feel his breath on your neck and you shivered. It was a similar scenario to all your dreams, only you were shoving Anakin against a wall. You felt heat begin to rise to your cheeks.
“Call me Anakin when it’s just you and me.” he said, and your ears perked at this new side of him. Your strict Master was asking you to call him by his first name? That’s a new one.
“Anakin.” he simply replied. You rolled your eyes and exhaled heavily.
“No, I know what you said. But, why? It’s part of being a Padawan–” you were interrupted when he shoved you even further against the door and felt his lips brush against yours. At this point, you knew you were a blushing mess; all the butterflies in your stomach were now roaming freely, much to your dismay.
But nothing could compare to the shock you felt when Anakin’s lips met yours. The kiss was soft and passionate, and his lips moulded against yours perfectly; like you were always meant to be together. Then reality came crashing in: your Master was kissing you. All the warnings of the Jedi Council and the Codes filled your mind, to which you disconnected your lips from Anakin. You attempted to once again push him away, but you failed miserably. This man was like a mountain; unmovable.
“A-Anakin, we can’t. It goes against the Code of the Jedi.” Anakin ignored your pleas and began to kiss your cheek and jawline. You felt his hands move to your waist and goosebumps formed on your skin. What was he doing to you?
“Y/n, I don’t care what the Jedi Code says, or the council. It’s all nonsense.” At this point, his kisses were trailing from your jaw to your neck to which you inhaled sharply at the contact.
“A-Anakin. . .this isn’t right,” you tried to hold back a moan but failed when he began to softly suck and lick at the most sensitive part of your neck.
“Shh, don’t talk so much, y/n.” 
His hands moved up to your back and he nestled his head into the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent. You moaned quietly when he began to bite at your collarbone.
“Anakin, please kiss me,” You finally gave in, to which he obliged. You felt his lips reconnect with yours once again and you sighed into it. Your hands soon found its way to his long hair and you buried it into his curls, tugging on it slightly. You heard him moan into the kiss and you smirked at it.
“Do you like that, Anakin?” You asked with a playful tone. Anakin nodded his head and continued to kiss you with more passion than before. You then decided to take matters into your own hands and turned him around a full 180 degrees. Now you were the one pinning him against the door.
“W-What are you doing, y/n?” Anakin stuttered, clearly flustered at how fast you took control.
“You have some explaining to do, Anakin.” You said with a harsh tone of voice. Anakin swallowed hard and looked down at the tiled floor of his chambers.
“I-I am in love with you, I think.” he said, barely above a whisper. 
“Skywalker, that’s not an apology for how you treated me since I became your Padawan. Do you need me to tell you how to apologise?” You moved your hand into his hair and yanked it, to which Anakin cried out in pain. But you could tell he was enjoying it by the way his breathing had picked up.
“C’mon, Master, I’m waiting for a proper apology.” 
“S-sorry, my dear Padawan for being an arse to you. Will you please forgive me and kiss me some more?” 
You stared at his sapphire eyes and noticed how needy he looked. It was almost pathetic how your Master, the ‘Hero with no Fear’, was being an absolute child. You sighed heavily and an evil smirk crossed your face.
“No, I don’t think I will kiss you. A wise Jedi once told me the world was cruel and things don’t always go your way. But, I will forgive you, Master.” 
Proud at how you used his own words against him, you unlocked the door to his room, and ran out; heading towards where your own chambers awaited.
Y/N is a freaking badass 😎 Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story! And, I am taking requests! So feel free to ask for a story :)
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
What I Wish I Knew
Summary: When Master Yoda makes it a requirement for all Jedi Knights to take a Padawan, it means a lot of very young children end up on the front lines of a war. Plo Koon ends up with an eleven year old padawan, and he turns to Commander Wolffe to explain the realities of their situation to her.
Characters: Commander Wolffe, Plo Koon, Young F!Padawan Reader (all platonic)
Word Count: 761
Warnings: Wolffe has a heavy conversation with the reader
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Is a lot of what Wolffe says pulled directly from this song, yes. Yes it is. But it works.
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“Commander,” General Koon walks over to him, a pensive look on his face, “I’m glad to see you. I was hoping to get your advice on something.”
“My advice, General?” Wolffe is, understandably, confused at the very idea, “I’m happy to help, of course. But I’m not sure what kind of advice I can give you that you don’t already know.”
“It’s always important to get multiple opinions.” General Koon says lightly, “And this is a matter that you might be better equipped at dealing with than myself.”
“Alright,” Wolffe replies slowly, “Go ahead.”
“You might have noticed,” General Koon starts slowly, thoughtfully, “That my Padawan is very…young.”
That might very well be the understatement of the century. She’s hardly the youngest of the new Jedi Commanders, that particular honor lies at Cody’s feet, who has an 8 year old Jedi Commander and it bothers him a lot.
“She’s not terribly young, sir.” Wolffe says awkwardly.
General Koon chuckles, “True. She’s at least old enough to be a Padawan on her own merits, but she is still very young, Commander. Too young for War. Too young to understand the realities, I think.”
“General, what are you asking me to do?”
“Talk to her. Help her understand.”
“Shouldn’t that be your job?” Wolffe asks.
“I think the lesson will stick better coming from you.” General Koon replies quietly, “Can you do this?”
Wolffe sighs and rubs the back of his neck, “Yeah. Yeah, alright. Just…send her to my office when she finishes with her lessons for the day.”
“Of course…and, Commander, thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Wolffe remains standing there as General Koon walks away, and then he sighs.
Great. How do you explain war to a Cadet who actually has to take part in it? His training did not cover this.
With that thought in mind, he turns on his heels and heads towards his quarters. Hopefully the short walk will make the words magically appear. He’s not hopeful, though. Odds are he’s going to be winging it.
Half an hour later, there’s a knock on his door, and then it slides open, and a small face peeks in.
So young.
Too young.
Her hair is tied in twin tails. Twin tails that she needs help putting up still. And her face is still rounded with baby fat.
Wolffe knows, logically, that she’s inching towards puberty. He knows human biology after all, but he can’t help but look at her and see a cadet rather than a jedi.
“Master said that you wanted to see me, Wol-...um, Commander.” She asks as she steps into the room and shuts the door behind her, “Did I do something wrong?”
Wolffe opens his mouth, and the words start coming, “I was younger than you are now, when I was given my first command.” He says, and she turns wide, baffled eyes towards his face, “I led my men into a massacre, I witnessed their deaths first hand.”
Her hands curl around her robes…robes that are too big for her.
“I made every mistake.” Wolffe continues as he stares at her, “And even now, to this day, I lie awake knowing that history has its eyes on me.”
“Why are you telling me this?” She asks, her voice wavering slightly, her eyes even wider.
Good. She understands.
Wolffe circles his desk and kneels in front of her, “Let me tell you what I wish I knew, what I wish someone had told me.” He sets his hands on her shoulders. She’s so small, too small. “You have no control over who lives, who dies, or who tells your story at the end.”
She sniffles and her wide eyes fill with tears. 
Wolffe smiles, and tugs her into a light hug, “I know that we can win.” He says quietly, “I know that greatness lies in you. But you have to remember, from here on out, that history has its eyes on you.”
She hastily wipes her eyes, and she blinks up at him with eyes that are a little more haunted than they were moments earlier. A little less innocent. “...Yes Commander, I think I understand.”
“Good girl.”
She offers him a quick bow, and then she scurries out of the room, and Wolffe leans against his desk. Only time will tell how this chat went, but, hopefully, he got through to her.
Hopefully she’ll understand what he meant.
Hopefully General Koon won’t be too mad about what he just taught her.
His head tilts back, history has its eyes on you indeed.
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floffytofu · 1 year
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The Padawan
The young woman humming while holding her baby, trying to stop their cries in her arms, even her head feels dizzy from blood loss. She is still trying to sing lullaby, ignoring the stare from a Jedi behind her.
"I can still heal you and bring you to coruscant" The Jedi knell beside her looked at her eyes with faint sorrow. "You know it will be too late for that Jedi master, I just need you to promise me one thing" The woman looked at the Jedi with pleading eyes and a single tear rolling down. "Please give my baby home to go back, don't let them be alone"
The jedi master swallowed hard, looking at the baby who is asleep peacefully now. He knew that Jedi couldn't form any attachment. He knew that he couldn't promise her anything. He knew that he had to ask all of the Jedi Council members permission first. But at the moment, he can't bring himself to say no to her. He can't bring himself to deny a desperate mother who just wants to save her child. And he can't deny the Force calling him to accept and promise to her.
"I promise"
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-Time skip 10 years later-
"And what do you think you doing with that bird young one?"
You stop at your track, looking at Master Windu with a sheepish smile, holding a bird in your chest, afraid to drop it. "Oh, I uh- I found it at the outside Master, someone accidentally stepped on its leg. So I brought it to Healher Che"
Windu looked at you with skeptical eyes and sigh. He took the bird gently and looked at the leg who seemed already healed. He looked back at you "It looks fine now"
You nodded at him and released a breath who you didn't even realise you were holding "Can I keep it Master? Just to make sure it didn't get hurt"
Windu closed his eyes for a brief moment and kneeled in front of you. He held your shoulder gently "What do we learn about attachment young one?" you frown and sigh "I know attachment can lead to the dark side Master, but I promise I won't. I just want to take care of it"
Windu shook his head gently and stood up. He looked at you with a more serious gaze now or you called it with 'the council members gaze' "Young one, you need to control your emotions in check. You have already grown up now and soon you will be selected as a Padawan. If you can't control your emotions, it will be hard for you to be chosen as Padawan and we don't want that to happen"
You looked down at your feet and nodded "Yes Master, I understand" Looking at that, Windu's gaze softened, he took one of your hands and put the bird in your palm.
"Now let's set this little bird free together, shall we?"
You look up at the old Master and smile.
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"With young Skywalker, how young Ahsoka did, hmm? Much potential the duo possessed" Master Yoda looked at Obi-Wan with a faint smile. Obi-Wan sat down on his chair and nodded at the old Grand Master "They indeed made a great duo Master, Ahsoka's presence really making a good influence on Anakin to teach him responsibility"
The Grandmaster nodded satisfied, "After young Skywalker, another Padawan, do you desire young Kenobi? perhaps hmm?" Obi-Wan rubs a hand over his beard, seems in deep thought "I don't think taking a Padawan is a really good choice in the middle of this war, but after looking at Ahsoka and Anakin. Perhaps I'll consider it Master"
"Good, it seems. Padawan for himself, Master Windu is already choosing hmm?" The old Master looking at Windu while holding his tomb. There’s a beat of silence before his reply comes "I do Master Yoda, but I still feel unsure considering their age is too young to become a Padawan"
The Grand Master shook his head gently and smiled. "Matter, age does not, to become a Padawan. Strong with the Force, they are, and guide them, it will. hmm" Windu nodded at this and seemed to agree with Master Yoda.
The Council continue the long discussion about taking young Padawan to the war zone. Some disagree. Some agree and the others simply remain silent. The idea of Jedi as a peacekeeper leading war is never to sit right in the first place, and now they had to bring the young Jedi to lead the Republic war? But they didn't have any other choice. It's what they believe so. Before the war there were more than thousands of them, and now because of this war there's a lot of them who had died to sacrifice themselves for the Republic victory. And now for the sake of peace, for the sake of their Jedi code lead them to this discussion.
"Heard enough, I have. Taking a vote, we will be. Consider the matter, we must. Collective decision, it shall be. Wisdom and insight, each member shall bring." Says Master Yoda, Before the council votes, the door swung open. Revealed the young Tholothian girl looks troubled "Ah- Apologize for the sudden interruption Masters" the young girl bow for a moment "Easy young one, what can we do for you?" says Master Plo koon gently, trying to ease the panic in her voice. The girl calmed her breath and answered
"There's a fight in the training ground"
Upon hearing the news, Master Yoda shook his head gently before swiftly making his way to the training ground, the rest of the council trailing closely behind. As they arrived at the training ground, they met with a disheartening sight. A pair of young Jedis, visibly battered and bruised, stood before them. Looking at their arrival, the boy quickly ran to them, leaving you behind with broken saber training in your hand.
"Masters please help me, they keep attacking me. It hurts Masters please"
Fury surged within you as the false accusations reached your ears, igniting a burning anger that consumed your thoughts and clouded your vision. You quickly tried to calm your anger, as you composed your thoughts and began to explain in desperate "No I didn't do it! He attacked me first, Masters please"
Your gaze darted anxiously from one council member to another, your eyes filled with a plea for belief. As your gaze meets with Windu's, you only look at the disappointment in his eyes, breaking your heart more. You drop the broken saber training in your hand and run away.
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-a few hours ago, before the incident-
The training room crackled with energy as your lightsaber met with your sparing partner. Your blades whirled through the air. Trying to find the opening in your opponent's attack, sweat trickled down your forehead remaining focus. The air crackled with the hum of blades, each strike resonating with an intensity that sent vibrations through your very core. In a moment, you seized an opening in your opponent's defense. Purple and blue blade clash together as you swing, breaking his defense and disarming him.
Holding two training lightsabers in your hand, you point at his neck as your gaze meets his hard one. You lower your lightsaber and offering his weapon back, he snatched it from your grasp with a sudden, harsh motion as his gaze remained hard "You just lucky this time"
You scoff at that as you rolled your eyes, "Yeah, say that after I beat you like 3 times today Ian" He gritted his teeth, his jaw clenching tightly as a visible sign of his seething frustration, you sigh. "Seriously? I never understand why you seem to hate me that much. You know hatred can lead to the darkside" Without warning, he launched himself forward, his attack swift and ferocious as you block his blue lightsaber.
"Say that to someone who weild a purple lightsaber like you" He taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. As he kept lunged forward attacking you with furious swings, "You forget that Master Windu had the same saber as mine" you spat back as you raised your lightsaber to block the oncoming attack, the two blades colliding in a shower of sparks.
Your movements aimed at deflecting the blows rather than launching counterattacks. Despite your best efforts to block and avoid the attacks, Ian continued to press on relentlessly until he broke your defense as a strike landed solidly in your arm sending a jolt of pain towards your body "Stop, I don't want to hurt you" you strained, your voice laced with determination. But Ian seemed undeterred, he attacked unabated. As his face contorted with anger, he scoffed dismissively.
"Fight back your coward! No one chooses me as a Padawan because of you!" He lunge his lightsaber towards you as you block his attack again, "Maybe because you are not ready" you reply, making him shake his head, a mix of anger and frustration as he unleashed a powerful Force push, Your feet lost their footing, and your body collided with the ground as your head impacting with a jolt. Making your forehead begin to bleed profusely, leaving you momentarily stunned and breathless "I am always ready, more than anyone! until you come and try to get all the Masters attention!"
Gasping for a breath, you slowly rose to your feet as anger slowly began to consume you. You scoff at him as you wipe blood from your forehead "Then it's not my fault that I am more talented than you" you launched yourself towards your opponent. The clash of lightsabers echoed through the air as you unleashed a flurry of strikes, your movement fueled with a mix of adrenaline and anger. Ian seems taken aback by your sudden burst of energy, making you strike his arm and push him with force as the impact made him slam against the wall. You crash your lightsaber training on the wall beside his head as you try to gather your breath "I told you before, I don't want to hurt you"
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After Master Yoda tells the boy to meet Healher Che at Medbay, he looks back at Obi-Wan gaze who remains still looking in the direction where your little figure ran away a minute ago. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the Grand Master, "Remind you of yourself, do they, young Kenobi? hmm" Master Yoda's voice carried a touch of curiosity and insight, his eyes gazing deeply into the young Jedi Master.
The question making Obi-Wan Kenobi pause, as a brief of flashback memories when he remembers he also got himself in the same position as you now. "Yes, Master Yoda," Obi-Wan responded, his voice steady yet tinged with a touch of introspection. "I didn't sense any lie in their words, they were telling the truth. I believe that the boy provokes them first"
But you can also sense anger from them" answer Windu as he sighing softly. There's a brief moment before he continues "I can't train them Master Yoda" Yoda nodded at this and looked back at Obi-Wan who seemed troubled. "But, Master Windu," Obi-Wan began, his tone measured yet earnest, "Surely you can train them to ease their anger"
Master Windu's expression remained stoic, his features unmoved by Obi-Wan's words. "My saber fighting form is not suitable for them" Master Windu paused, allowing a moment of silence to settle in the air. "You know well that Vapaad was explained as being a state of mind rather than just a fighting style. With their unstable emotions. It would lead them to the dark side, and I don't want to take that risk"
Obi-Wan's fingers instinctively reached up and grazed his beard, a troubled expression crossing his face. In his eyes, he saw reflection of his own past. He can feel how scared and lost you are. He can feel your desperation, the anger you feel when not being heard or understood. The look in your eyes broke his heart and he knew that he shouldn't feel this way as a Jedi, but he was willing to take the risk. He won't let you feel just like he did in his past, he won't let you feel alone.
"I'll take them as my Padawan"
A mischievous twinkle danced in Yoda's ancient eyes as a knowing smile spread across his face. It feels like he had foreseen this very moment unfold before him, "Train them, you will, hmm. The willingness of the Force, it seems."
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You keep runaway ignoring the blood still dripping from your forehead and the pain as your head feels dizzy, until you reach the room of a thousand fountains. You hide behind the bush as you leaning against a sturdy rock, you huddled close, your arms wrapped tightly around your knees. Tears welled up in your eyes, shimmering with a mixture of sorrow, sadness, and anger. You don't understand how Ian could be that cruel. He is always bothering you since Ahsoka and Caleb are chosen as Padawans and shortly after that, Cal is also chosen and leave you behind alone.
You know you haven't been chosen because of your age, and now after the fight it will become worse. There's no Jedi Master who wants a Padawan like you, the one who can't control their anger. You hate this, being alone. You missed Ahsoka, she always comes to find you when you feel alone, and now she's not here. You are truly alone now, you think, until you sense someone coming. You look up as you see Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi smiling softly at you. When he sees you didn't say anything, he sat down beside you.
"Master Windu told me this is your favorite place"
You look down and refuse to meet his eyes, "What do you want Master Kenobi?" Your voice slightly trembles, making Obi-Wan's heart clench, he sighs "I don't come here to punish you young one, don't worry. I know how you feel" you scoff at this and the realization washed over you, that you had scoffed Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. You quickly muttered an apology, but to your surprise he just laughed softly "I know it sounds unbelievable to you, but I can tell you a story about myself before I get chosen as a Padawan. How does that sound?"
You blinked up at him and nodded, he smiled at this. Obi-Wan's fingers reached up and grazed his beard as he couldn't help but wear a mischievous smile, a glint of playfulness dancing in his eyes. "But I don't think I have much time for that, since I need to go back to my batallion" He can sense disappointment in you as you nodded in understanding.
"But" he paused, as his smile widened. "I can tell you more story if you come with me as my Padawan" As the words left Obi-Wan's lips, a surge of surprise washed over you, your eyes widen. The surprise painted your face with a mixture of awe and gratitude. You shook your head gently still can't believe what just happened "But why?" you whisper, Obi-Wan's gaze soften. He raised his hand and reached out towards your cheek, he brushed away the tears.
"Because you remind me of myself. You are strong in force and talented young jedi, and I won't let you be alone"
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
I’m on a Star Wars books roll so here we go with my — unhinged thanks for asking! — thoughts on Dooku: Jedi Lost, specifically the audio play. Short version: I fucking loved this one! For maximum emotional devastation, pair with Master and Apprentice and Padawan the way my stupid ass did and then be sad about it forever I guess that's what I’m going to have to do.
 Long (LONG oopsie) version:
- So. First of all, let’s get the most important thing out of the way on this here old man yaoi website. We all agree dooku and sifo dyas explored each other’s bodies right. Or at least definitely would have if not for the laws of this order etc., potentially. That’s not just me. Good. Thank you. We can now move on 
- Secondly. Well. Guess I’m just going to be inconsolable about Sifo-Dyas forever now. I miss the days in which he was just a throwaway line in AotC spawned by a random misspelling to me, rather than an eternal raw aching wound in my heart
- poor poor ventress just reading through all the proof that dooku absolutely does have it in him to be a good dad I mean master and just — idk got tired of that and went the force lightning route with her. I love the move of having her dead master hang out with her all that time as well (having her slip up and refer to ‘us’ did something to me, god this is so sad. Is he actually there in spirit or is it just her grief dreaming him up because dooku is awful and cold as a cliff  wall and she needs some kind of attachment figure even if she’ll have to reinvent him herself, rebuild him word for word, gesture by gesture. Pain. sorry about your terrible track record with father figures asajj) 
- Lene: (About Averross): He hasn’t changed. 
Dooku: (In the warmest fondest voice you ever heard) And I hope he never does
Another strong showing for Rael in general, btw. He’s so warm and charming as a presence even though he’s also a little chaos gremlin. (He’s quite similar to how Sifo-Dyas was when he was young in some ways, I can definitely start to see what Dooku responds warmly to in terms of character traits.) 
- the fact that good ol’ sheev showed an interest in rael, dooku and anakin… interesting huh! He’s just got a soft spot for the disaster lineage I suppose, maybe there’s an element there of luring yoda’s most direct lineage into the dirt with him without yoda even noticing for the longest time. Also cackling at the idea that he looked at qui-gon ‘too fucking stubborn and insufferable to fall to the dark side out of sheer spite’ jinn and went ‘...not that one tho’ fhdskjfa. And obi-wan is more like ‘that one blorbo all my little guys seem wild about but I just don’t get it guys’ 
IF rael’s refusal to join dooku at the end of ‘master and apprentice’ is the last word (which I am not convinced of ;___; be safe cowboy jedi we never see in mainline canon so far), then he’s the only one who has dodged palpatine’s attentions. Wonderful if true love that for him
ALSO rael is one of the few people we know to be on (or at least to consider himself on despite what palps might think lol) first name basis with palpatine. Hilarious. I concur with dooku never change rael 
- Sifo-Dyas: That’s insane. 
Dooku, deadpan: Yes.
Sifo-Dyas: The worst plan I’ve ever heard.
Dooku, somehow even more deadpan: Most probably. 
Sifo-Dyas: I’m in. 
Crying… weeping and dying………… what if someone could have helped sifo with his unfortunate prophecy propensity and they hadn’t drifted apart. Clone Wars averted methinks if dooku still ended up leaving the order he would have been too busy having tender gay sex with the love of his life (and only person who can call him out on his shit and have him actually listen) to be a war criminal (I am being extremely facetious of course this is very much a ‘time traveler killing baby hitler’ situation where the underlying forces causing this point in history are way too powerful to avert the catastrophe in one move. but at least palps would probably have had to pick someone else to wreck the galaxy through and sifo-dyas would be kissed & held instead of going slowly mad. A net plus some (I, me) would say) 
- I just wanted to applaud both the writing and the voice acting for the characterization of Dooku in this, from his young self trying so hard to be haughty and self-possessed but also being like, y’know, twelve and a dweeb and easy for Sifo-Dyas to pull into trouble, to the dry wit and warmth he shows with Rael and Qui-Gon or his sister later. It took me a little while to get into the voice acting specifically (the actor makes no attempt at going the full Christopher Lee, which in hindsight was probably wise), but now I love it. It gets a bit goofy in places but you know what, I am a long time lover of audio plays, that’s part of the charm 
- “Master, have I done something wrong?”
My heart is clenching… do you think… that master yoda’s deal with leaving his student to try fucking everything to have some kind of relationship with him until he just breaks down in tears of despair… is the kind of thing that maybe started a little bit of a generational trauma cartwheel through the ages. The point that bb!dooku is arrogant isn’t without merit and he strikes out incredibly ungracefully about it (in fact I would be a lot more worried than yoda seems to be that he decides to try to kill a tree about it, ‘I felt like destroying something beautiful’-style)  but I just don’t think a… fourteen year old? A teen anyway, Is going to learn what you think he learns from this. I simply don’t believe that silent treatmenting kids will teach them emotional intelligence I guess especially if they already struggle with that naturally lol 
(It is exactly the same mistake (in my opinion) that Qui-Gon makes with Obi-Wan, too, just leaving the kid completely alone and forcing them to come to you every which way for comfort or guidance instead of meeting them or reaching out to them. Especially once you see that really Dooku’s prime emotion/big core wound right from the beginning is loneliness. And that doesn’t only come from a feeling of superiority (which to be sure is also a big factor), because he has no idea where he comes from until he meets his sister. I don’t think the jedi as a whole were unsalvageable by any stretch of the imagination, but Yoda specifically… you are on such very thin ice with me at this point you little green fuck. You’re very funny and moving in yoda dark rendezvous and that’s all that’s keeping you in my somewhat good graces.)
- Okay, coming back a bit later I think I’ve found the right words to say this. more precisely dooku has two big issues which you can later see haunting all the way down his lineage — loneliness and control. (and not incidentally the intersecting elements of the two haha.) We see from his relationship to sifo-dyas that he’s not incapable of having close mutual relationships with an equal, but that kind of crashed and burned for reasons neither of them could really help and after that it seems quite telling that he has the easiest time with deeper connection in a teacher-student sort of form. I think his affection is unconditional and real, but you can’t get away from the fact that he also has the most control in that relationship structure by default, he gets to dictate what form it takes to a big extent. He doesn’t trust other people — the underlying idea ‘Only I can do this’ that eventually leads him down the Separatist path is there the whole way. It speaks both to a sense of superiority and an utter lack of faith that other people can or will help him. And then that echoes down through the master-padawan line: 
Qui-Gon with his self-righteousness and utter refusal to compromise leaving him isolated among the jedi (only he is right. Yeah the Force told him so. Don’t worry I’ve got a permit *insert parks and rec I can do whatever I want meme here*), Obi-Wan with his anxiety and perfectionism and incredible sense of shame and responsibility that he should be able to carry the whole world on his shoulders alone and beating himself up for failing, all feeding into not knowing what to do with Anakin and his complete lack of control of himself and his desperation to gain and maintain connection and love (which earns him the title of ‘Dooku’s least favorite family member’ fhdsa his immediate disdain for him is so funny and so in character. Repress and go slowly mad like a normal person anakin the way you’re carrying on is just undignified and that is much worse than being evil)… 
- Rael gently telling Dooku to take on another padawan soon… so sweet, so sad, local cowboy jedi looking out for his dad. Also highlights something about Dooku I think is true: that he does much better and seems to have an easier time holding to the light when he’s responsible for someone else. Again, I do feel like Dooku’s core problem is loneliness, but it seems like raising kids is the one point where that relaxes somewhat. Maybe if Sifo-Dyas had stayed in a better mental place and they kept in touch it could have been different.
- Lene Kostana is SUCH a character! Charismatic and deeply fucked up, when it’s revealed how her and Sifo-Dyas’ relationship remains long after his padawan stage is done I felt a little bit sick, to my surprise. Because that could just be kindness on her part, of course, it’s good that he has someone he trusts to look after him when he can’t himself, but also there’s something… queasy about the way it keeps him continually young, in a way. (Notably he still calls her ‘master’ even as an adult, when they’re working together. Not uncommon in Star Wars, of course, but together with everything else going on vibes-wise… hm.) The inherent unreliable narration of this story really worked for me in this regard especially — do we know that young Dooku was entirely wrong when he sensed the dark side in her? She certainly is willing to go to lengths that are… worrying! in her fascination with sith shit, she tempted children into a dangerous place they didn’t understand and couldn’t know the consequences of and she continually puts sifo-dyas in situations that are implied to be a risk to worsening his condition. Run of the mill incredibly irresponsible at best, sincerely sinister at worst. Did she choose Sifo over Dooku because he’s more vulnerable and shapeable? There is an undercurrent of something icky and emotionally incest-y going on with how she relates to Dooku and Sifo-Dyas in general (right down to the ‘NO, no one can know about this’ intensity after the… evil moss cave. I can’t believe I’m this emotional about a book with an evil moss cave). I don’t think she’s a proper sith in any way and I also believe there is real affection there on all sides, but idk something about the whole thing makes me deeply uneasy. Yoda where the fuck are you your son is out there with his irresponsible mom again they’re looking for dirty needles in haystacks and they’re not even wearing any gloves
- dooku telling sifo-dyas he can come back to haunt him if he likes as a joke… well well well I’m sure that doesn’t ring with some dramatic irony at some point down the line lmao
- honestly looking back at master and apprentice after reading jedi lost makes qui-gon's apparent lack of reaction to dooku leaving seem — let's call it highly suspect haha. rael asks him if he's spoken to dooku after and qui-gon is like 'no. why would I. it's literally fine. anyway this topic is done now'. (and rael seems to just go ‘*older brotherly knowing* uh-huh’) meanwhile he's thinking about dooku *all the time* trying to figure out his role as master to obi-wan, thinking about being a padawan himself, the parts of his life he shared with both dooku and rael. The jedi doth protest too much methinks  
ALSO how much of qui-gon thinking the council was too lenient with rael after he had to kill his padawan is about that actual situation, and how much is a ‘our family still likes my older brother more than me even though he Fucked Up so bad and breaks just as many rules as I do’ sort of deal mixed with his own neuroses about how he’s failing obi-wan (to which rael’s situation symbolizes the worst possible outcome, i.e. the kid dies and it’s basically your fault). Many thoughts. 
- moment of silence for jenza of house serenno. Girl your only sin was being surrounded by asshole male family members and I’m so sorry I think you did all you could with what you had to work with here.
Not… entirely sure how dooku’s claim to the title supersedes hers — is he a year older than her? (she’s eleven when they first meet, he might be twelve or older at that point I don’t remember haha) Does she just give up her place in the inheritance order? Are primogeniture and male heir preference factors in Serenno inheritance law? Not the most important thing honestly it works anyway thematically but could have been clarified quickly!
- interesting to see that the council’s restrictive policy against engaging with prophecies had a surprisingly big impact on how things went down. Kostana has a lot of responsibility in Sifo’s fate for insisting he keep it secret, but there is genuine fear for what might become of him if the rest of the order finds out he’s got 24/7 futurevision hovering over him threateningly… listen it’s not like the poor guy can help getting the future constantly pumped into his brain at nightmare resolutions, I think maybe if there had been more willingness to at least engage curiously with the concept of prophecy and how it works, even if you don’t put your faith in the particulars of what the prophecies say, this wouldn’t have had to be such a shitty isolated secretive life for him. hearing him slowly fall apart over the years considering how bright and lovely he started out... oof is all I can say 
- when dooku was a good jedi he was such a good jedi!!! The scene where they’re saving the kids from the collapsing hospital, every time he teaches his students anything…the impulse of someone has to do something about this! that made him so good at saving lives turning dark with the tarnish of frustration and rage over the years… nooooooooo problematic grandpa why did it have to be like this :(
- …do you think infant jedi can sense what’s going on around them in the Force. Because it makes a very sad kind of sense if dooku on some level remembers bodily or in the Force that he was not only abandoned but rejected in disgust as one of the first things he discovered in the world. Oh boy. With all the ways attachment relationships can go wonky in the first few years in real life I don’t even want to consider how much more wrong it can go when the baby is fucking psychic lol
- vaguely related: the way dooku seems to find the very idea of being truly reliant on anyone, emotionally or otherwise, personally offensive, terrifying and humiliating lol. Yoda saves him from being crushed by rubble and he is outraged because that means he can’t save himself (and his newfound sister) without anyone’s help like he thought for one glorious moment he could. The fantasy of perfect emotional self-sufficiency, doing away with all the messiness and risk of interpersonal relationships and cutting off the possibility of really being abandoned again. It’ll get ya every time. This is also a thing you see reflected in his lineage — they’re all quite inward-turning that way until you get to anakin, to different extents and with varying presentations but it is there I think. Qui-Gon turns to the Force, Obi-Wan to perfectionism and shame and rumination, Rael to the bottle and depression and hedonistic apathy, but they all struggle hugely with letting anyone in to help them. Dooku’s line are all much more comfortable being the helpers rather than the helpees, as it were.  
- “Thank you for everything, Lene. Tell Rael and Qui-Gon — tell them… tell them the Force will be with them, always”
Emotional terrorism against me specifically and personally. You asshole you just excused yourself from the non-attachment rules there’s literally nothing in the world except you to stop you from reaching out and telling your children you love them yOURSELF why are you like this
- the recurring theme of dooku seeing something beautiful (the tree in the temple, the tirra’taka as a child and an adult) and ending up lashing out to destroy it… but the tree was old and mighty and he was young and new and couldn’t truly harm it, so he was saved from his own impulsivity. And then when he sees the tirra’taka as an adult he loves it immediately. And in the end he still mangles and destroys it. He didn’t mean to, but he did. He woke it up and hurt it just by existing as a child and then he had to kill it as a mercy because he was too powerful at that point for anything to buffer his mistakes. The parallel with the bird he loved that he also couldn’t protect. He starts out with an aching loneliness somewhere at the core of him through no real fault of his own but by the end it is entirely his own fault that it’s worse, because he starts wrecking everything he loves in an almost absent-minded but definitely intentional way, like it’s a nightmare he’s listening to through the door as it happens in the next room over. He really IS the ‘I just felt like destroying something beautiful’ central of the jedi.
at the end qui-gon is dead and through dooku’s own influence, however indirectly. Rael has had to turn away from him. Sifo-Dyas is dead on Dooku’s own orders and so is his sister, he might as well have done it with his own hands. (though I think it’s very interesting that in each case he didn’t do it with his own hands, he consistently uses a middleman.) He lives within the coldness of his sterile empty castle and horrifically mistreats the one person he might have found something like connection with the way he did with his students before (Ventress), deliberately trapping her in a similar state of utter desolate isolation and telling her, essentially, ‘We’re like this as people and nothing can be done to change it. We can’t escape, we’re already doomed, stop trying, it’s too late. You are just like me (and if you aren't already I'll make you like me)’. And that’s the closest thing he gets to love anymore. When he accused Ky of using her ‘as a salve for his own loneliness’ and you’re like well well well mr projection man how’s that working out for you. He is completely, shatteringly alone and he is so entirely as a consequence of his own actions and he's too far gone to understand or care. I’m howling you useless fucking FOOL dooku  
- dooku 🤝 john gaius
“Hm. I have observed that there are in fact many flaws in our society and the government is deeply corrupt. So if I kill a few billion people here and there in order to fix it, is that not basically okay when you really think about it” 
Dooku making salient points about the political and ethical failures of the Republic and then, just when you think he’s onto something, he goes and makes The wildest fucking decisions about what to do about it. Sure. dark magic and genocide are probably the only ways out of this you’re so right bro. If we make enough minuses to add together surely we’ll end up in plus sooner or later
- *head in my hands once more* I can’t believe I am genuinely emotionally invested in someone called Count Dooku with the looks of a knockoff dracula and ultimate moral character to match right now this is terrible. hey. hey dooks. what you have to go and fuck everything up so bad for huh I’m so incredibly sad now
there is something to be said about how getting to see glimpses of what dooku looked like in the light makes it so much more heartwrenching that he never came back. he could have, a thousand times. and every time he chose not to.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 25 days
Guarded Desires: Part 2
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Padawan!Qimir x Princess!Reader
Summary: After an assassination attempt on your mother, she’s asked a favor from the Jedi Council to watch over you and your family until the assailant has been caught. As a result, your mother’s old friend, Master Vernestra, has her padawan, Qimir, be your bodyguard. Based off my imagine here.
Series Masterlist
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Qimir stands back as you train with the Kings Guard. You seem to already know your way with a sword well as you swing it, the metal clashing with your opponent's. There's a mixture of determination and amusement in your face. You're keen on overpowering your opponent but you're also having fun.
Your opponent is a young man around your age. He's tall and well-built! He's strong, but you seem to hold your own well. You push off the young man and he swings the sword at you. You tuck and roll, to then use your leg to swipe at his ankles. The man falls onto his back and you point your sword at him.
The other men watching the scrimmage cheer for you. You look at Qimir with a wide smile, "Wanna have a go next?"
"A hundred credits on the young Jedi!" the captain of the Kings Guard, Orin Zephar, hollers. He's a decade older you. You've always viewed him as like an older brother.
"Nah, the princess can beat him. I feel it," Orin's right hand, Lieutenant Kael Vandar, responds to the bet.
You roll your eyes and shake your head, "Ignore those toads," you say to Qimir.
He pulls off his robe and unclips his lightsaber, placing onto a nearby wooden bench. One of the knights hands him a sword. You give Qimir some time to get used to the weight. You watch him intently as he does a view experimental swings and twirls.
"Ready?" you ask when he gets into position.
The young jedi smirks at you, "I'll go easy on you."
Your smirk matches his as you say, "I won't." The men 'ooouuu' on the sidelines.
You then launch into offense. Qimir dodges your attack, his movements are swift. He's light on his feet, as compared to the knights you usually train with. He's something different you're enjoying this.
You don't get frustrated when every thrust and swipe of your sword misses him or clashes with Qimir's sword.
You and he come to a head. Both of your swords form an 'x'. You stare intently in Qimir's eyes and he stares back. In his eyes, you see determination and concentration. In your eyes, he sees a sparkle of amusement.
You smirk at him again and land a punch to his gut, causing him to stumble back in pain. You throw your hands up in victory again as there's a mix of applause and 'boos'.
You turn back to Qimir, who's clutching his stomach and groaning in pain, "You okay?"
"That was a dirty play," he says as he catches his breath.
You shrug, "Your opponent is never going to play fair. Don't they teach you that at the Jedi temple?"
"Not necessarily in this manner," he murmurs as he straightens up, "Regardless," he sticks his hand out, "you put up a good fight."
As you stretch out your hand, Qimir suddenly drops and pulls the same move you did on the knight before him. You brace yourself for impact but you don't feel it.
You crane your neck up to see Qimir with his hand stretched out. He used the Force to prevent you from falling. As he stands, he continues to use the Force to pull you back up.
You chuckle in disbelief, "I deserved that. I guess we're even then," you give him a wink and toss your sword to Orin as he approaches.
Orin smiles at Qimir, "Nice one, Jedi," he lightly punches Qimir on the shoulder and Qimir winces, "Ah, thanks."
One of your ladies' maids comes rushing onto the field, "Princess, lunch will be ready soon!"
"I'd like to have lunch out here, Jessa."
Jessa shakes her head, "Your mother wants everyone to have lunch together."
"Including the Jedi?"
"Yes, your highness."
You shrug and look to Qimir, "Come on then." The padawan quickly grabs his robes and lightsaber, falling in step beside you. You two follow Jessa through the corridors towards the dining hall.
"So, what can I improve on?" you ask Qimir, "You evaded every attack so flawlessly! It was amazing! It was like you were practically floating!"
Qimir can't help but chuckle, a warmth coming to his cheeks as you praise him, "Uh, well, I suppose I kind of was. I was using the Force to help me be lighter on my feet. But I suppose with you, you just need to be on your toes more. I noticed that you and the knights are very heavy footed."
You nod, taking in the feedback, "Alright. What else?"
He shrugs, "I'm impressed with how you handle the sword. Your movements are more heavy handed, but given the weight of the sword, it's understandable. But your maneuvers are very similar to the Jedi."
You playfully nudge his shoulder with yours, "Think I'd make a good Jedi?"
"There's more to being a Jedi than swinging a lightsaber and using the Force, princess."
The doors to the dining hall opens and you're greeted to your entire family already waiting for you, all of them sitting in their respective seats. The Jedi assigned to them sitting across the table from them.
You rush over to your spot beside your mother, "I apologize for our tardiness. I challenged Qimir to a duel."
Vernestra looks at her padawan with an arched brow. He shies from her gaze, "I was just showing her how Jedi are trained to fight."
"You're not supposed to be dueling the princess, padawan. You're supposed to be protecting her."
You speak up, "I asked him to duel me, Master Vernestra. I've never dueled a Jedi before. I was just curious on Qimir's fighting style. I am always open to going against new opponents to improve my self-defense skills."
"Was Orin there to supervise?" your father asks.
Your shoulders slump forward, "Yes, father. He always is."
"He's relayed to me how impressed he is with your improvement as of late."
You shrug, "I suppose I've improved a great deal."
"But there's always room for improvement, starlight," your father reminds you and you nod, looking down at your plate.
Qimir takes note of how your playfulness and confidence has dimmed. He doesn't see that sparkle in your eye that you had in the training grounds. You don't sit with poise and authority. Rather, you sit with a slump, a frown on your face.
It's not hard to see that despite efforts, the King doesn't see you as strong or capable. Qimir can only assume that your father, despite allowing you to have some freedoms, still shares some traditional ideals in regards to royal women.
Qimir clears his throat, "Princess Y/N was a great opponent. She fought well against me, your Majesty."
Your father looks at Qimir in surprise, "That so? Well, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from this padawan, Y/N. As long as Vernestra is okay with him teaching you a few things."
You and Qimir look to Vernestra, "As long as you're careful."
You and Qimir smile at each other. You mouth 'thank you' to him and he nods before you both go back to your meals.
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toska-writes · 1 year
Hello! I love your writing and how sweet it is in the clones just being so brotherly and platonic it’s great💖! I do have a request if you up for it! Basically the reader is the forced Padawan of a sith but hasn't connected to the dark side (they do have a red lightsaber tho). They run into Kix and start freaking out thinking he's gonna hurt them but Kix clams them down and asks them if they are alright. The idea of Kix also having some beside manners and comfort just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside❤️
also no pressure have a great day!
I love me a good red lightsaber
Summary: Kix meets a dangerous new friends in the dead of night and wants nothing more to help
Paring: Kix x GN padawan Reader (Yes it’s platonic!)
Warning: very brief mentions of injury and trauma- don’t worry Kix is there to help
Word count: 1354
Notes: I love when I decide not to write on weekend and then write into the night when I have school in the morning but it is what it is ig. Also I will get to proof read it tomorrow woops
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Kix was the one that was supposed to have the steady hand, the quiet mind. He was suppose to be smart and quick because if he wasn't there was normally terrible consequences.
But why didn't he comm in when he saw a dark silhouette that sunk in with the fog that littered the tree line. Why did Kix just stare?
He squinted his eyes as he came from the medical tent that was currently quiet. The universe just couldn't give him a break could it. A figure was doubled over against what would only make sense as a tree.
Heavy footsteps crunched the thick soil from under Kix boots, a hand came up to his helmet and tried to flick on the flashlight. One knock, two and then it was on.
"Hey?" Kix asked rather than demand. Assuming that it was one of his brothers or even his generals quieted his mind a little bit. Unless of course those clankers were becoming way to life like. "Who's there? Do you need help?"
A medkit along with a blaster hung at his hips, hands were hovering over both.
The figure seemed to snap its head up at the sound, it's breathing was heavy and labored. As Kix stepped closer the person seemed to retreat back- a weapon of their own was clutched slightly in their hands.
"Soka?" Kix's voice was laced with worry. What if it was his young torgruta commander. Could she be hurt?
The ring of Kix's light flashed a halo around the figure that stood in front of him, every detail was still caked in dark but the eyes seared right into him. Angry and scared.
And in an instant the figure fled.
Fled faster than Kix was expecting. He glanced over his shoulder once- nobody needed him now as everything was still under the light of the moons. The early moments before a battle always seemed the eeriest.
Kix ran into the darkness.
Footsteps seemed to reverberate off of every surface that was cloaked in darkness, Kix could barely see a few feet's in front of him. The snapping of branches filled his ears but he could never be certain if it was his own or not.
"Wait wait I won't hurt you I promise!" Kix tried calling into the darkness. "I can help. Are you hurt?"
Dead silence answered to his attempted calls. The air seemed to still as well and the movement stopped.
The visor of his helmet seemed to help in the dark but when there wasn't anything to see it didn't really matter.
For a split second Kix thought that maybe he could have imagined it, that the shadows duped his eyes and all he needed was a little rest.
Air hissed from somewhere in front of him, the familiar sound of a lightsaber ignited before Kix could even think of what to do next.
Red light bled over the landscape, illuminating everything in its path. Kix hands flew to his blasters like a reflex and was pointed with deadly accuracy.
The stories of many siths that Kix normally got from Anakin or Ahsoka replayed throughout his mind- he took a shaky step back.
But he didn't shoot, not right away. Maker if the Kaminoans could see him now Kix could only imagine the disapproving states. Kix has never been a good shot anyways.
The eerie glow casted over the figure in front of him, the lightsaber was held close to their body and shook ever so slightly.
This wasn't a sith, barely around Ahoska's size this was practically a child. A child with a dangerous laser sword that threatened to cut him down where he stood.
Kix let his blaster drop back to his side. A hand slowly came to the side of his bucket and with practiced ease Kix slowly took it up.
Setting both items near his feet he brought his hands back up to his face so the figure could see them perfectly. The look in their eyes however did not change.
What could have possibly gone through Kix’s mind to justify that this was a good idea?
“See? It’s alright.” It sounded as if Kix was trying his best to coax a wild loth cat, or something on a much bigger scale. “I promise see,” He shook his empty hands slightly. “Nothing I can do to hurt you.”
Something sounded a second later, as it caught up with his ears he realized it was the sound of someone crying. The light quaked over the grass as your hands shook a little more.
“I can’t do this.” It was the first time you spoke and Kix almost missed it. The sound could have been lost in the wind.
Kix inched ever so slowly over to where you firmly stood, the instinct to help others have never been blazing this high before.
“If you could just drop you saber a little and away from me I could help.” Kix barley stood 5 feet away from you now. The lighsaber could pierce through him if all you did was flick your wrist.
Your eyes cleared for a moment as if you were coming out of a deep thought. Stumbling a few steps back trying to mask yourself in the shadows once more.
“You can’t, you can’t help, you can’t-“ Kix heard the frantic rambles. “This- I wasn’t suppose to do this.” You spoke a little more clearly this time.
Kix looked at your staggered form, clearly something physical was bothering you and he couldn’t get walk away from it.
“Your hurt.” Kix spoke nice and slowly- his blaster along was his helmet were still resting in the spot that he stood before. “I could take a look if you wanted me too.”
The choice flashed across your eyes and Kix knew that maybe he could get somewhere. “How about I just call a few of my friends and they could help-“
You seemed to remeber the blade in your hands and brought it back up strongly in front of you. “No no no no no more.” You tried to plead with the man in front of you.
Kix nodded and lowered his comm quickly- clearly trust was a rocky road that could barley even be crossed.
He stared at you for a moment taking the sight in, a small looking person who he thought could look the age of Ahsoka stood with a weapon of the sith. The enemy.
Kix would always give help to those in need.
Your own glare returned to this strange man in front of you. The thought of your master being furious that you messed up yet another plan played through your mind.
You could have commed him, could have told the separatist army exactly where their camp was, but you didn’t. A feeling through the force made you stop, a feeling that seemed foreign in your mind.
Was it hope? Or was it the fear that had gotten you this far?
Against better judgment the light of your saber returned to its hilt. The blood red slowly drifted away leaving the two of you in the dark.
Fear racked you now more than ever. Hope was a dangerous game that you constantly played with but the solider in front of you radiated it.
Doubt plagued your mind, what if he did something, anything.
Through the thick paint of darkness you saw a smile spread across the clones face. “There you go.” He praised in a calm voice that barely reached a whisper. “I have some stickers back at the med tent if you want when we’re done.”
He normally got Ahsoka, Fives and Hardcase with that line, clearly it wouldn’t be that easy.
“I promise nothing will happen to you.” Kix took the hint and gave you a little more room. “I won’t let anything happen to you.
You stared once again at him until finally you spoke mimicking his whisper. “I don’t know what a sticker is.”
The smile spread on his face once again, one only you could have seen from the darkness. One that the two of you shared for what seemed like a lifetime.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu
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writingwithciara · 8 months
The Munson Factor ~Eddie Munson & Steve Harrington~
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summary: when the girl he’s loved for years goes missing, steve enlists the help of her best friend to find her. But were they really only friends or was there something more that always stood in the way of steve’s happiness?
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pairings: eddie munson x reader, steve harrington x reader
notes: angst, heartbreak (a little), steve giving love but not receiving in the way he wants, 1 or 2 (possibly more) swears. this was a little sad for me to write because I’m so used to writing fics where steve gets the girl. But I genuinely love eddie so he’s gonna be getting some love on this blog now too
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“How many times are you going to rent this movie, y/n?” Steve questioned his friend as he handed over Family Video’s copy of Halloween.
“As long as you guys let me rent it.” She sent back a smile and shoved the tape in her backpack. “So, we still up for movie night?”
“Are we going to be watching Halloween for the billionth time?” he rolled his eyes and went back to shelving the new releases.
“’Course not. You’re in charge of the movies tonight and I am in charge of getting the best snacks, as per Dustin’s request, since you really messed it up last week.”
“Hey, in my defense, that little twerp told me to buy that candy.”
“Yeah but he didn’t tell you to get expired candy, did he?” she joked and looked at the posters around the store. “So, what movies are we going to watch?”
“I’ll decide by the end of my shift.” Steve set up a new cutout and stood back to admire his work. “You sticking around ‘til then?”
“I’m gonna head over to the arcade. Dustin is teaching me his tips for Pac-Man.”
“Alright, sounds great. I’ll meet you back here at 6pm.”
“Aye aye captain.” y/n saluted him and headed next door to the arcade. When she walked in, Dustin cheered.
“Finally, the queen has arrived.”
“Oh, you flatter me, Henderson.” She set her backpack down on the floor and watched as he started the game. His tips and tricks on how to get the high score really helped her when she took her turn. Her score was only slightly higher than Dustin’s, but he didn’t let it bother him. Instead, he patted her on the back and smiled.
“Congratulations, young padawan.” He bowed as if she was a student of his.
“You do know that I’m older than you, right?”
“Yes, but ‘tis I who taught you all that you know. The student has become the master.”
“Whatever you say, kid.” She ruffled his hair and stood up.
“Hey, do you know what movies Steve is bringing to movie night?”
“Not a clue. But he said he would have his mind made up by 6 tonight.”
“It better be good. Steve almost never has good choices.”
“Let’s see what kind of influences I can have on him.” y/n grabbed her bag and headed for the door. “Follow me, Henderson.”
The two of them walked rather quickly over to the video store and when they entered, Steve rolled his eyes.
“I saw that, and might I say, that was rude of you.”
“It is what it is.” Steve shrugged and looked over at y/n. “What brings you back here?”
“Oh, I see how it is. Your favorite person ever walks in here and you’re rude to him, but the second you see a pretty girl, you’re the nicest person ever.” It was Dustin’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Shut up, Henderson.” Steve hit his arm and put his attention back on y/n. “So?”
“I wanted to suggest some ideas for movie night.”
“I am not getting another scary movie, especially after last time. Dustin wouldn’t stop waking me up that night with his nightmares.”
“I wasn’t going to suggest a scary movie. In fact, I was actually going to suggest Raiders of the Lost Ark & The Outsiders.”
“Those are pretty good suggestions.” Steve smiled and grabbed them off the shelves. “And even though I know your main intention was to suggest a horror movie & only said these 2 because they’re right here, I’ll check these out for tonight.”
“Awesome. Can’t wait.” y/n smiled and turned to Dustin while Steve went back to the counter. “See how it’s done?”
“Wow. You’ve gotta teach me how to do that.”
“Sorry, kid. But unless you suddenly become a pretty girl, you’ll never be able to manipulate men like Steve into doing what you want.” y/n winked and began looking at more movies to pass the time.
“Man, you are so whipped for y/n.” Dustin chuckled and looked up at Steve, who was staring across the room at said girl.
“What? No I’m not!” he tried to defend himself but the more he thought about it, the redder his cheeks became. “Shut up, Henderson.”
“Okay, that’s the second time in 10 minutes that you’ve told me to shut up and, frankly, I’m not a fan of it.”
“I’ll stop telling you to shut up when you stop saying ridiculous things.” Steve went back to rewinding the tape in the VCR.
“Why do you keep denying your feelings every time I bring them up? We all know how you feel about her so why don’t you just confirm it for us?”
“What am I supposed to say? That I’m in love with the girl who’s been like a sister to me for 12 years? That every time I close my eyes, I see her face? How about that every time I hear her name, I think back to the first time I heard her voice? Or maybe that whenever she’s around me, I do anything she asks me to because she has this power over me? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Actually, yes it is. Now, here’s what I’m gonna do for you, my friend.” Dustin put a hand on Steve’s shoulder, earning another eye roll from him. “I’m gonna back out of our plans tonight by making up some lame excuse. That way you can spend 4 glorious hours alone with y/n & maybe you’ll tell her everything you just told me. Okay?”
“You’re insane, Henderson.”
Later that night, as y/n arrived at Steve’s house for movie night, she was informed that Dustin would not be coming. That left her alone with Steve, as the other kids also had plans already.
“I have the 2 movies you suggested earlier and um, I also have Sleepaway Camp because I know you really wanted to watch something with a scary vibe to it.”
“You really didn’t have to do that, Steve.” y/n sat down and waited for him to put the first tape in. He joined her on his couch and grabbed the bowl of popcorn. Y/n grabbed a handful and focused on the screen. He had chosen Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first movie of the night. “So, why did Henderson have to cancel?”
“Not quite sure, actually. He just called 2 minutes before you got here and told me he wouldn’t be attending tonight due to a prior commitment.” Steve shrugged and looked at the screen, knowing that he just lied to his friend. He didn’t like the feeling, but he was happy to finally be alone with her.
After the first movie, they both agreed that The Outsiders would be a better film to watch. About halfway through the feature, Steve turned to face y/n. She turned her head and smiled.
“What’s with the face, Harrington?”
“Can we talk?”
“Of course we can. What about?”
“Well, for starters, I do know the real reason Dustin had to cancel.”
“Yeah. Earlier today, at the video store, while you were looking at the movies, he and I had a talk. He offered to ‘cancel’ so I could be alone with you for a few hours, since we never get that opportunity anymore.”
“So, why did you want to get alone time with me?” y/n suddenly felt awkward and began to play with the strings on her hoodie. Well, it wasn’t technically her hoodie, but that didn’t bother her.
“I’ve kinda been keeping this secret from you for quite some time & our groups mantra is that friends don’t lie so I really need to tell you.”
“Steve, you’re scaring me now.” She shifted in her seat, so her full attention was on the boy in front of her. “What’s going on?”
“I love you. And not just because you’re my best friend. But because you’re the best person I know. You’re so sweet and caring and whenever I’m around you, I fall under your spell and will do anything you ask me to. It’s kind of cheesy, but whenever I hear your name, I think back to the first time I ever heard your voice and whenever I close my eyes, I see your face. You’re the most beautiful human being, both inside and out. And I’m honestly so in love with you.” Steve chanced looking at her but when they made eye contact, he wanted to take it all back.
When their eyes met, y/n quickly looked down and stood up. “I’m sorry, Steve. I-I just remembered my mom wanted me to keep an eye on my siblings tonight. I gotta go.”
Before he could offer her a ride home to make sure she was safe, she was already out the door. Steve threw his head back and groaned, making a mental note to blame Dustin for the sudden confidence.
Y/n was on her way to Dustin’s house when the sky got darker. She stopped in her tracks and was ready to defend herself from whatever decided to come out of the shadows and attack her.
The next few days were hard on Steve. He hadn’t seen or spoken to y/n since he poured his heart out to her, only for her to basically reject him. When he mentioned it to Dustin 2 days later, the kid got lost in thought.
“I don’t see why she would reject you like that. I could’ve sworn she felt the same as you did.”
“Yeah, well she doesn’t. And I’m not surprised. I haven’t exactly been the best guy in the world lately. Or even a hero really.”
“Steve, you helped save the world three times. You’ve kept all of us safe multiple times and you always put yourself first when it comes to danger. And it’s all to protect us. That literally screams hero. IF she can’t see that, then it’s her loss.”
Dustin was currently waiting for Eddie to arrive to the D&D game. He was starting to get worried when it came to him being 30 minutes late. Eddie was never late. So when he finally arrived, Dustin made sure to give him a lecture.
“Eddie, what the hell? I was so worried about you. I haven’t heard from my best friend for 4 days and then I didn’t hear from you. I was scared something happened to you and I don’t feel like losing 2 friends in a week.”
“Sorry, man. My girlfriend has been missing for a few days and I went by her house to check on her. Her parents said they haven’t seen her in a few days either.”
“Your girlfriend? Since when do you have a girlfriend?”
“For a few months.” Eddie chuckled. “Her name’s y/n. You’ll love her,” he sighed. “if we ever find her.”
“Wait, y/n? As in y/n l/n?”
“Yeah, why?”
“That’s the best friend I was talking about. I haven’t seen her since movie night on Friday. I had to cancel and left her alone with Steve.” Dustin looked at Eddie with wide eyes. “That’s why she rejected him. Because she’s seeing you, not because she doesn’t like him. That makes total sense.”
“Hold up. Can you back up a bit? So Steve is the last person to see her?”
“As far as I know, yes. But he hasn’t seen her since she left his place that night. Nobody has heard from her since.”
“We have to find her, Henderson. I can’t lose her.” Eddie looked at the kid with hope in his eyes.
“Lucky for you, my friends and I have experienced something similar to this before. I know exactly what to do.”
Steve was sitting on the hood of his car in Dustin’s driveway when he got out of Eddie’s van. He walked up to Steve and Eddie followed behind him.
“You’ve known y/n the longest. What do you know about her?” Dustin asked Steve, who was focused more on Eddie than the kid.
“Not much more than you, I assume.”
“Does she have a favorite spot to go when she’s sad? Somewhere that she loves to be?”
“The arcade or the video store are her two most frequented spots in town. Other than that, I know she tends to go hang out at lover’s lake whenever her parents make her upset.” Steve nodded his head towards Eddie. “What’s he doing here?”
“We’ll have time for that later. Right now, we need to focus on finding y/n.” Dustin ushered his friends into his bedroom and sat on the edge of his bed with Eddie while Steve paced.
“Let’s check the video store first. The arcade is right next door. Plus, Robin is working and I gotta return Sleepaway Camp so we can kill two birds with one stone I guess.” Steve looked at the boys. “Or you two can check lover’s lake and I can check the arcade and video store. I assume you’ll end up going in his van anyway, Dustin.”
“Yeah, sounds like a solid plan. What happens if we find her?” Eddie questioned. Dustin grabbed his walkie talkies and handed each of them one.
“If anyone finds her, this is how we’ll communicate. Got it?”
“Yes, captain.” Eddie responded and Steve just nodded. “Let’s go then. We might not have a lot of time.”
The 3 boys rushed out of the house and got into the vehicles, with Steve driving towards the video store and Eddie taking off towards lover’s lake. When Steve arrived at the video store, Robin looked at him with a puzzled look.
“You don’t work today. Plus you look like shit. What’s up?”
“Friday night, I told y/n how I felt about her and she, uh, got up and left my place. Haven’t heard from her since. Has she been by?”
“No. Haven’t seen her since Friday afternoon.”
“Nobody has.” Steve sighed and leaned against the counter. “Dustin and Eddie are out searching at lover’s lake.”
“Eddie Munson is involved in your search? That’s odd.”
“Right? I thought the same thing when he got out of his van earlier at Dustin’s.”
“Maybe he’s concerned about Dustin. I mean, he does spend a lot of time with him, and he must know about the sibling-like bond that he and y/n share.”
“Yeah maybe. Or he’s the reason she basically rejected me.”
“Steve, let’s just focus on finding y/n first. I’ll keep an eye out here in case anyone has seen her. You go check the arcade.”
Steve ran out and headed to the arcade next door. His eyes scanned the crowded room, but he didn’t see y/n. He spotted the manager and headed over.
“Hey, Steve. What brings you by?”
“I’m on a mission. Have you seen y/n lately?”
“Not since Friday. Why? She okay?”
“No. She left my house Friday night, and nobody’s seen her since. Will you keep an eye out here just in case she comes by? I’ll check back in a few hours if we don’t find her.”
“Of course. Good luck. I hope you find her.”
Steve left another building without any results and slowly climbed into his car. He rested his head against the steering wheel and was about to give up when the walkie started buzzing.
“Steve, we found her.” Dustin’s voice rang through the speaker. “Well, sorta. You gotta come down here. Bring Robin. We may need her.”
“Copy that. On my way.” He clicked the button off and walked back into Family Video. “Robin, they found her. Dustin told me to bring you because we may need you.”
“Alright. Let me just close up. Been kind of a slow day.” She hopped over the counter and made sure everyone was out before locking up and following Steve to his car. “Think she’s okay?”
“Oh god, I hope so.” He sighed and headed towards lover’s lake. When he got there, Dustin ran out to meet them. “Alright, Henderson. What’s going on?”
“We don’t know. It’s like she’s in a sort of trance. I can’t pull her out so I was hoping that you or Robin could do it.”
“Where’s Eddie?” Robin asked as the three of them walked around the boathouse
“He’s with her right now. We’ve tried everything we could think of.” the trio approached Eddie, who was currently pacing back and forth.
“Have you guys tried breaking this ‘spell’ with a kiss?” Steve asked. Both Dustin and Eddie turned their heads quickly then looked at each other.
“It crossed my mind for sure, but what if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not the right way to break it and we never get her back?” Eddie sat on the ground and pulled his knees towards his chest. “I can’t keep losing people, especially not her, okay? We need to come up with a way to break this and get her back.”
“We will, Eddie. I promise.” Dustin tried his best to reassure his friend that everything would be okay.
“But what if we don’t? Man, I may never get to tell her that I love her...and I really, really love her.”
“Take it from me, dude. Telling her exactly how you feel may not be the best thing to do. It’s only going to scare her off.” Steve sighed and looked at y/n’s tranced body. Her eyes were wide open and everything about her was normal. The only problem was that she was unresponsive.
“You got a problem with me, Harrington? If so, just come out and say it.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Why are you trying to tell me what to say to my own girlfriend, man?”
“Girlfriend? What?”
“Y/n has been my girlfriend for 5 months and the last time anyone was with her, was Friday when she was with you. Why didn’t you make sure she was safe? Why didn’t you let her….why didn’t you let her stay the night?”
“I may have said some things that scared her off. But in my defense, she was not exactly shutting me down whenever I flirted with her. She’s my best friend and she didn’t even mention you two were together. Are you sure you were even that serious?”
“Steve, stop. We’re not here to pick fights, okay? What we need to focus on is figuring out how to break her out of this trance-like state that she’s in. We don’t even know how long she’s been stuck like this, alright? So that last thing we need is you two dumbasses fighting over who loves her more or who deserves to be with her.” Robin pushed herself off the tree she was leaning against and walked in front of y/n.
“Maybe you should try the kiss. It could possibly break her but we won’t know unless we try.” Dustin sighed.
“Were you talking to me or him?”
“Me, obviously. I am her boyfriend.”
“But what if you’re not her true love?”
“Steve, just shut up about it. You kiss her first and if she doesn’t wake up, then we know it wasn’t meant to be and then Eddie can do it.”
Steve looked at Eddie silently, waiting for permission. Eddie just sighed and nodded slowly, looking away when Steve kissed y/n. When she didn’t make any moves, Steve sat down and sighed heavily.
“So it’s not me then. God, I wish it was.”
“Hey, we don’t know that exactly. Sometimes it takes a minute or two.” Eddie looked at the guy in front of him and patted his shoulder. After a few minutes of no response, it was Eddie’s turn. He gently cupped his girlfriends face and kissed her softly. When her hands found their way around his neck, Dustin cheered behind them.
“I honestly can’t believe that worked.” Robin rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. She walked over to Steve and gave him a pat on the back. “You tried your best, man. It’s not like she rejected you because she didn’t like you. She’s just really into Eddie.”
“I know. And I’m glad she found someone who makes her happy. She deserves it. But I just wish I could’ve had a chance at least. Maybe one date or something.”
“You’re going to find someone who makes you feel the way y/n does. You just gotta give it some time, and before you know it, you’ll be over her and everyone will live happily ever after.” Robin glanced over at the couple and sighed contently when she noticed the smile adorning y/n’s face.
“I can’t believe you came looking for me.” she grinned up at Eddie who had an equally wide smile on his face.
“Of course I did, sweetheart.” Eddie kissed her head and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. “I love you.”
“I said I love you. And I know that it’s a little late for me to tell you, knowing how you like to live your life in the fast lane, but it’s true. I’ve never loved anyone in my life, so I really wasn’t sure what it was supposed to feel like. But now I know that it’s late night talks and shared laughs over something as ridiculous as a phallically shaped leaf or vegetable. It’s being able to call someone your home and being able to feel warm in their embrace. It feels like no time has passed when you’re with the one you love, when in reality, hours have passed by. Being with you feels like all of that and honestly, I’m glad I know how it feels to love someone this much.”
“Eddie, I love you too.” y/n pulled him in for a kiss and when they pulled apart, she looked at Steve. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He responded softly. Eddie let her walk to him while he joined Robin and Dustin on the sidelines.
“Listen, about what you said on Friday…”
“No, it’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. I get why you reacted the way you did.”
“Listen, Steve. I do love you, truly I do. But it’s just not in the same way you love me. I know this is going to hurt for you to hear, but you’ve always been like a brother to me and I never ever want that to change.”
“I think I might actually be okay with being just friends.”
“Yeah. You seem to be really happy with Eddie and that’s good. He’s a pretty decent guy and I’m really glad you found someone who treats you right.” Steve smiled.
“Thank you, Harrington.” Eddie walked over to him and held out his hand. They shook, making Eddie smile. “Also, thank you for all your help with finding y/n. I owe you one, man.”
“All I ask is that you keep making y/n happy. Keep treating her right and we won’t have a problem.” Steve offered Eddie a smile and y/n beamed when she saw her two favorite guys getting along.
“I promise you that nothing bad will come from this relationship. Scouts honor.”
“Hey, maybe now that you guys are friends, Steve could play D&D with us sometime.” Dustin suggested, causing the four adults to quickly respond…
@taglist: @worldlxvlys
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