#yes.... yu yevon.
guardiansgalore · 3 months
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here's a.... group
I was not ready for any of these characters even if i picked them myself
so much hair... so much difficult hair...
you can very clearly tell that i haven't drawn two of the three beings on this image ((and i've barely drawn the other)
Today we have: ms. kill your faves, god, will marry your teenage daughter
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Round 2 - Eliminations
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This week we say goodbye to Golbez, Sorceress Adel, Yunalesca, Yu Yevon, Vata, Orphan, Sephiroth, and Judge Drace. There were some close fights, we lost some heavy hitters, but that's the way it goes!
Congratulations to Angeal Hewley, Jack Garland, Reno of the Turks, Barbariccia, Seifer Almasy, Estinien Varlineau, Emet-Selch, and Shuyin! We look forward to seeing you in Round 3!
Keep reading below for some of the reasons these guys were nominated in the first place:
Golbez >A caster in full plate with daddy issues? What /isn't/ fuckable about that? >Have you seen him under the armor >big guy >he's a very sweet and caring man at heart with big muscles and fantastic magic. plus that ARMOR man…. the way it accentuates his body shape? WOOF >I don't care if this man has all that armor in the way (armor hot anyways) there is melancholy and sadness behind that man that makes me think he deserves to be pegged. Also long hair bonus when unarmored
Sorceress Adel >Giant lady >I love a woman who can kick my ass >androgynous woman swag >Massive buff muscle lady who also does body horror 👌😳 >big woman…….. she makes me horny AND feel gender things
Lady Yunalesca >(and Jecht) Tiddies for both I am an equal opportunity tiddy enjoyer >should she wear more clothes, yes. however: her hair becomes a golden tentacle skull skirt, and then she turns into a giant skull medusa head. she slaps you to dispel effects. i rest my case. >She bites >Tentacles…
Vata >You wanna talk about sexual tension with the protagonist
Sephiroth >It's Sephiroth. >Everything >sephiroth >I’m so sorry for submitting sephiroth. But have you seen his safer sephiroth form. Also the fact that he’s like actually genuinely insane. Hot of him tbh. Listen one man’s mommy issues are another man’s kink, and baby? I’m ready to capitalise on that. Also I like long hair 👉👈 >I dont need to explain this one >I am also sorry for submitting Sephiroth. But please understand. He was my gay awakening as a kid, and then later my straight awakening as a trans. >I don't think I have to explain this tbh >His devotion to JENOVA, his strength and aura. His long beautiful silver/white hair, his hypnotizing cat eyes, his non intentional sexual quotes. EVERYTHING!!! >Well. he's sephiroth. i strongly doubt you need any more clarification >Tall, canonically dominating, strong af, can fly, canonically can throw anyone across the room (onto a bed), will absolutely pursue you across the universe until you give him what he wants AND THAT SWISHY SILKY SILVER HAIR! Absolutely versatile for everyone in various forms (even, gags monster fuckers).
Judge Drace >idk if I'd qualify her as a villain but. strong woman…………. h…..
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liroyalty · 5 months
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"Sue, beat Yunalesca some more. She mentioned Yu Yevon & I'm not letting her go until she says more."
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"Yes, ma'am." She's heating up the end of her staff with fire-
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Revisiting Religion in Final Fantasy X
I've been replaying Final Fantasy X recently, and it's been interesting to both play a game I loved growing up and in some ways grew up with as I replayed it several times over my life till now. I've since started studying religion and theology in grad school, and I started thinking about how much religion plays a role in FF games. FFX shows it most prominently, and it's certainly accepted by a pretty large part of the fanbase that the game is critical of religion.
That being said, I noticed something when Tidus arrives in Besaid, and encounters the Yevonite religion for the first time (and apparently religion in general). Tidus never really criticizes the temple or the teachings of Yevon, even though he's irreverent to the extent of breaking into the Cloister of Trials and admitting that he's never prayed before. He also remarks that he senses a "gentleness" coming from the aeon Valefor when Yuna summons her for the first time. Tidus isn't really hostile to religion, and even in latter parts of the game, he never criticizes Yuna or anyone else for believing in Yevon. He even gives Auron a little grief for not being more respectful in Guadosalam; and when the party falls to the lake bottom in Macalania, he says "Praise be to Yevon; that's what I would have said, if I was a follower of Yevon". This, despite having just witnessed easily the most blatant display of priestly corruption in Seymour's murder of his father. It's not to say that Tidus is sympathetic to Yevon, but more that his retrospective in Zanarkand isn't in the least marked by an animosity toward religious figures.
The reason I'm pointing all this out is that while it's true that FFX presents a narrative that is critical of religious figures in-universe, I've come to the conclusion that it would be mistake to assert that the game's basic posture is criticality towards religion. It's certainly not the extent to which such a position appears in Persona or Shin Megami Tensei games (which is a whole other conversation). In fact, I would go so far as to say that FFX actually is very pro-religion to an extent, but is more solidly critical of corruption and moral complacency. I see this most in Tidus and Yuna's relationship, as their growth as characters explains much about what core values and messages lie at the heart of the game.
Tidus, as the self-insert main character with a personality, is kind of like our lens on Spira. He is always very empathetic toward and considerate of Yuna's feelings about Yevon and the path of being a summoner. Yes, he doesn't know the truth about the Final Summoning till quite late, but he never denies what the pilgrimage does for the summoner. Even while not always jibing with its rules about machina, self-sacrifice and authority/tradition, Tidus doesn't deny the more basic religious beliefs of Yevonites. His retrospective narration doesn't really focus on religion at all, either.
To be fair, I might be stretching it a bit here, since the personal values of Yevonites are never truly explained beyond the necessity of the pilgrimage and a reverence for summoners. But what we do see: caring for the wounded, praying for others, the processing of death through the sending, and the way feelings are foregrounded in the reality of beings (ex. the dream of the fayth), tell us a lot about the religiosity of Spirans in general (and not even just Yevonites).
And really, what confirms my perspective more than anything else, is that because this is a fantasy RPG, all the magic and summoning is 100% real. There's no room to debate that summoning, mysticism and prayer are not essential parts of this society, in a way that directs all blame for suffering to human fallibility (such as in Mika, Seymour and Yu Yevon). Even post-Bevelle, Yuna's spirit is never broken, and even more so when the party fights Yunalesca. Yuna never ceases to be motivated by her determination to save Spira from Sin, to help people and to believe in her guardians to walk beside her. She continues to entreat the fayth at temples in spite of her wavering trust in the institution that sanctioned her pilgrimage in the first place. The fact that the fayth themselves are unconcerned with Yevon as an institution and continue to empower summoners should say a great deal, as they seem to enter into a kind of spiritual relationship with the summoner through prayer. In Auron's own words: "The fayth are the ones that give power to the summoners. Not the temples or the teachings."
That might seem like instrumentalization on Auron's part, but I think his resentment at some level has little to do with Yevon's teachings, and more to do with its duplicity in the face of immense tragedy and willingness to deceive the people with false hope. His faith Braska and Jecht, his past as a warrior monk and his troubled friendship with Kinoc all seem to point to Auron being disillusioned with Yevon for its complacency and moral bankruptcy than for the practices of faith and the effort of fighting against Sin/sin. Rikku too, despite being Al Bhed and routinely despised by Yevon, never actually feels a revulsion to Yevon's teachings but rather the way that people blithely accept others' sacrifice as a means to their own (temporary) happiness. I stress values and practices not because they're closely followed by everyone, but because Yevon's clergy doesn't fully assent to them themselves and feels free to delude the people. To me, that is the core conflict in FFX: dreams/hope VS nihilism/resignation.
In this regard, Mika is the most obvious perversion of religious authority in his cynicism toward the living and the very reality of death itself. How can you take him seriously about being reconciled to Spira's being full of death, when he himself doesn't fully die? Yunalesca, more than even Mika, is the living/undead symbol of a kind of nihilistic morality that Spira has succumbed to in the face of tremendous despair (i.e. Sin). Seymour represents the darkest consequence of that nihilism: someone who would actually annihilate Spira in the belief that it would liberate its people. Yu Yevon is the origin of Spira's woes, and is literally a shadow of his hatred for Bevelle and the desire to protect Zanarkand. It's a pretty stark commentary on the way that an inability to be moral and care about others can twist the collective moral compass, and how true faith and hope (as in Yuna/Tidus) offers a way forward.
Even though the Final Summoning is "false hope" and one that covered up Spira's suffering, the fayth themselves continue to be present. When you revisit the fayth in each temple, it kind of affirms that Yuna (and Tidus, in a way, through his connection to Bahamut) does in fact have some kind spiritual purpose in fighting Sin. Heck, even the way that Belgemine sticks around in spite of having failed to defeat Sin, seems to drive home that faith and belief is important in the world of Spira. It makes it difficult (at least for me) to believe that the substantive spirituality of Yevon and Spira doesn't matter. And while there's more I could say about what FFX ultimately teaches about religion in a more theological way (esp. through the talk of dreams and the fayth), I think I'll leave it there for now.
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ofmoonlily · 10 months
Spira's Archives
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Maechen: Shall I tell you about the Spira of days long past, eh?
Maechen: There is a legend, you know. Just before the horrible Sin appeared…a terrible war raged between Bevelle and Zanarkand. When the armies of Bevelle attacked Mount Gagazet, they heard a song echoing across the snowy slopes. “‘Tis a song from an otherworld,” they said. The soldiers panicked and ran. And then, as if to pursue the retreating armies, Sin appeared! Some time later, scouts from Bevelle braved the mountain. On the other side, they witnessed the ruins that had been Zanarkand. The city destroyed. Not a single soul left standing. Gone! In its place, a multitude of the fayth had gathered on Gagazet. They were singing a song. It’s the song we now call the “Hymn of the Fayth.” And that, as they say, is that. Well…maybe not all of it.
¬Maechen: Would you like to hear the rest?
Maechen: Rumors flew in Bevelle about Sin’s sudden appearance. They said that the people of Zanarkand became the fayth, that they had called Sin. And that the man responsible…was none other than the summoner Yevon, ruler of Zanarkand! Yes, the lord father of Lady Yunalesca. On the eve of Zanarkand’s destruction, Lady Yunalesca… had fled to safety with her husband, Zaon. Later, the two used the Final Summoning to defeat Sin. Yet the people of Bevelle still feared Yu Yevon. It was to quell his wrath that they revered him, and first spread his teachings. And so were born the temples of Yevon. I suppose it’s possible Yunalesca had planned it that way from the start! A fair trade, she defeats Sin in exchange for her lord father’s honor. Of course, there’s no proof. No, the facts are lost in the mists of time. And who’d admit Yevon was an enemy of Bevelle? You can bet the temples had a hand in covering that one up! And that, as they say, is that.
¬Maechen: Like to hear more, would you?
Maechen: Let me tell you about the Hymn of the Fayth. It was once a Zanarkand song, sung in defiance of Bevelle! Of course, the Yevon clergy of Bevelle forbade it. Then, as these things often go, those who disliked Yevon began to sing it. The Al Bhed, for instance. The Hymn of the Fayth became the symbol of defiance against Yevon. Yevon could do nothing but capitulate. They lifted the ban on the song, and spread a new story. They said the hymn was a song sung to soothe the souls of the dead. And so saying, they took the song and made it scripture. That’s why today, the hymn is sung all over Spira. You could say that, though Zanarkand is gone from this world, it lives on in the song. Aaaah, but look at the time. I’ve rambled on again. I do love stories, you see. Well, I owe you my gratitude for hearing this old scholar out.
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Here for the asks!!! (A truckload of them because yes! 😁)
1. Last game you finished
2. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed
6. A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to
9. A game you played completely blind with no prior knowledge of and enjoyed/loved
10. A console and/or handheld you’ve never played but would like to try
12. A character you particularly like in the game you’re currently playing
13.Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
14. A song that’s sure to hit your nostalgia buttons
20. A boss you think is really cool
21. A boss that was disappointing
24. A game with a cool art style
Dear GIULIETTA, DARLING SIS! <3 WELCOME, WELCOME INTO MY INBOX (omg you sent me Lilo &Stitch gif, I swear that so us! you adorable as Lilo, and I the little chaotic gremlin lol)
1.Last game you finished Answered here!
2. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed Mmmm, lemme see: I have to say that I really really REALLY liked Vampire The Masquerade: Coterie of New York (so much so, that I cannot wait to buy VtM:Swansong as well) and Genshin Impact.
6.A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to Final Fantasy, without any doubt. Final Fantasy was the first “grown up” game I took a step into when I “graduated” from Spyro and Crash Bandicoot (other two series that are still very dear to my heart), and I find myself always waiting impatiently for any new game that Squeenix decides to give us. 9.A game you played completely blind with no prior knowledge of and enjoyed/loved STARDEW VALLEY. I knew absolutely nothing about this game, and only saw some gifs reblogged by mutuals here on tumblr, but the whole “pixelated old-style game” vibe that it had just really tickled my interest. So I bought it, and it was ABSOLUTE love. ABSOLUTE LOVE. It’s relaxing, fun and the characters are just pure awesomeness. I adore it so much. (here, take a look at my bebe Seb here <3)
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10.A console and/or handheld you’ve never played but would like to tryMmm, I have to be honest, I have been with the PS team ever since the PS1, and I personally never felt the need to try anything else, but if I were to choose, I would say maybe the old Wii was something that intrigued me but never had the chance to try. 12.A character you particularly like in the game you’re currently playing LOOK AT THESE BEBES. THIS HIMBO RIGHT HERE, SUN IN MY HEART!. He always brings me such big smiles each time I hear him talk. He is an absolute idiot, and I adore him.
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13.Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind THIS ONE (technically is from Advent Children, but this is freaking Sephiroth’s theme, so it counts as such).
14.A song that’s sure to hit your nostalgia buttons Omg THIS ONE. ABSOLUTELY THIS ONE.
Kingdom Hearts II is such a special game for me, some of the best memories I have are connected to this, and because of this, it just evokes such strong nostalgia. Such good memories indeed. <3
20. A boss you think is really cool These two bastards here have the crown. They are the absolute coolest that I can think of. Magnificent Bastards, both of them. I hate to love them as much as I do fml.
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21. A boss that was disappointing
Honestly, Yu Yevon from FFX. It was honestly SO EASY TO DEFEAT, I am not exaggerating when I say that I was so incredibly disappointed. Like, I had a MUCH harder time defeating Yunalesca than Yu Yevon, and that's saying A LOT.
24.A game with a cool art style The Arcana. It’s seriously such an amazing game overall, but the artstyle is truly chef’s kiss. (also, in this house, we love and adore Julian, that kinky son of a good woman fml.)
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thanks for all the questions, darling sis! <3
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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I’ve not just got the Primer, I’ve also beat Omega and I am very proud of it. But now it was time to finally give Wakka the chance to apologize and I think it was really amazing of him that he actually really did apologize.
And even now I am not strong enough to beat those damned Dark Aeons. Why? How is anyone EVER supposed to beat them if even I, who beat the Omega and is so damn fucking much overleveled, can not seem to beat them?
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Zanmatsu be thanked. I finally beat that think. But not really myself, so its still a bit frustrating.
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Lets gather the Jekkt Spheres. I feel like I’ve never seen then all, thanks to certain dark Aeons...
In any case, everyone always assumed that Guardians could/would survive this. But does this really make sense? Would Yevon let someone run around who could spill the beans about Yunalesca and what she does?
If you somehow manage to beat dark Shiva, there is an seemingly endless amount of Guado that come out of the temple and attack you without giving you so much as a break. What bullshit is that even?
I don’t know why they think that those Guado can kill us, after we beat dark Shiva?
Okay, apparently you have to run away and then the Guado are suddenly gone... but now I have to do the whole temple-trial again. Urg. Next time just remind me to get the secret thing open right away please.
Also... i didn’t get the secret one in Zanarkand either V.V
I maybe just beat Sin and be done with it ^^’ Yes, I guess that is what I will do XD
(Tho I am missing still one AlBhed Primer and that fucking sucks.)
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That should really be the freaking last one now.
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Or... maybe that one is the last? I really lost track. But that should at least be the letter “W”.
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Okay. Lets do this!
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Grrrr. I am still missing out on a freaking letter. Damn it.
Likely missed the one in the desert. But I am not going back now. Its time to beat Sin.
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You do not see much of the aftermath of that attack in FFX-2 so it is probably not as bad as it looks like ^^’
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I think Lulu loved the change and excitement that Tidus brought into her life.
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The Fall Sin had must have hurt ^^’
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She is much quicker on the uptake then Tidus was, that much is for sure.
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Yu Yevon who summoned Sin for the sake of the fallen Zanarkand as dekoration for Bevelle is kind of ironic and amusing at the same time, don’t you think? ^^’
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deliverant-archive · 3 years
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one day i’m going to talk about yuna’s anger she finally releases at all the lives sacrificed for a thousand years because of yu yevon. she’s furious when she stands against yunalesca but just. 
very personalized anger? i mean her father died and he didn’t have to. yes it bought them ten years. she says ‘that is worth anything’. but the people ‘that should be here aren’t here’ as she says in x-2 and honestly? i think at best she isn’t religious anymore. she knows gods exist bc dissidia. but she places her faith as she says believe in yuna - speech - in x-2, in others, in the world, in herself. 
i’d say at best she’s borderline half theist because some, cosmos, materia, chaos, truly do exist. but she’d venture into half  agnostitheism . even being spiritual, she will never rely on them in the way she did ever again.
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[Muse Active] Auron
This muse is now active for roleplay on this blog!
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Name: Auron
Species, World, Nationality: Human, Spira, Bevelle
Date of Birth: (Unknown)
Roleplaying Age: 35 (default), any other age if specified.
Headcanons: Click here.
Fandom: Final Fantasy X (Squaresoft / Square Enix)
Fandom Genre: JRPG
Open for AU / “What If”s: Yes.
Wiki Link: Here.
Covered Sources: Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2
Available for ships: Not at present.
With Canon Characters (CC);
With Original Characters (OC);
With Cross-over Characters;
With Same-Muse Characters.
Canon Verses:
My Story: (Age: 10-25)  As a young man of 25 years, Auron was a devoted warrior monk of Bevelle, well-regarded by Yevon's upper echelons groomed for a high-ranking position within the clergy. His personal convictions halted any career ambitions he might have had when he refused to marry the daughter of a high-ranking priest. Auron fell out of favor with the Yevon elite, and the promotion went to his friend Wen Kinoc, who would eventually become a Maester of Yevon.
Our Story: (Age: 25)  Auron was enlisted by Summoner Braska to serve as a guardian on his upcoming pilgrimage to fight Sin, the monster that has terrorized Spira for a millennium. Auron was drawn to Braska due to his noble character and honest intentions to defeat Sin for the sake of Spira, developing a fierce devotion to him and his cause, addressing him with honor, and defending him to detractors. Throughout the pilgrimage, Auron grew to trust Jecht despite his flaws, and the three became close friends.
His Story: (Age: 25-35)  Dream Zanarkand is a summoned city modeled after the Zanarkand of a thousand years ago conjured into existence by the ancient summoner Yu Yevon who exists inside Sin. There, he mentored and watched over Jecht's only son, Tidus, keeping the promise he made to his friend.
Your Story: (Age: 35) Auron reunites with Tidus in Luca during a fiend outbreak secretly organized by Maester Seymour Guado, joining Braska's daughter Yuna on her pilgrimage.
Writing Sample:
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Pyreflies were still swarming around his body, pale spheres of whispering soul shards. His soul, slowly returning to his form, giving him life anew. If an unsent could be said to live... by any means.
He had long since stopped being astonished by his condition, his preternatural limbo between life and death. Moving a careful step forward, the warrior monk lifted his gaze, taking in the shocking surroundings of this new world.
At least, here he was. Zanarkand. Not the ruins where his closest friends had forever given up their lives to save Spira. But a lively, crowded city wrapped in a night cloak that was costellated with hundreds of thousands of lights. Homes and buildings filled with people, going about their cosmopolitan, carefree routines. Technology he had never fathomed could exist created traffic on large suspended roads made of concrete.
Everything around him was overwhelmingly busy and chaotic. In this bustling city so full of people, could he really hope to easily find a single child?
It may be a difficult search, but this was his mission now. He had a promise to keep.
And so, he marched on.
Find my rules on my blog HERE.
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fulgensun · 4 years
Some of the things I wished the Ultimania could explain properly but never did: why did the best swimmers were sent to the underwater canal of Via Purifico to be killed (I’d say they got the you-are-not-worthy-to-be-sent-to-the-actual-Via execution actually, but Evrae was waiting for them in there, so idk) -- and, is Tidus the dream of Bahamut’s Fayth?
It is commonly believed so, and I like to think so too -- except it is not the actual truth. Which is way boring than anything else haha. The book reveals Bahamut, being the most powerful and probably ancient Fayth, “is there to act as a representative of all existing Fayth, who share the same thoughts and consciousness”. Fayth were weapons Summoners from Zanarkand used to fight -- as they did not uniquely rely on machines. While the Temple makes Spirans believe they were people who willingly gave up their lives to help people find a way to defeat Sin, in reality, they’re older than Sin itself and were victims of what Ultimania calls ‘forbidden rituals and magic’ invented by Yu Yevon himself -- basically the same ritual he taught his daughter, and that Yunalesca used to turn a guardian into the ‘Final Aeon’. Caging the soul into stone and manipulate the pyreflies to call Aeons as means to fight the War.
So the Aeons used to long for life and for their hometown, Zanarkand; that’s why many of them used to wander around the Dream city, out of nostalgia. Bahamut is the only example we are given, seeing how he supposedly hanged around Tidus from the very beginning-- even before Jecht came to Spira. All hints that he is deeply linked to Tidus -- he’s there when Tidus used to try and emulate his father, there when Tidus is told his father may never come back again... heck, Bahamut even stops time for a moment, to try to calm Tidus down during Sin’s attack. The Fayth realize they ‘must move forward’ (something they had forgotten in 1000 years) and try to stop the dream the moment Jecht becomes Sin -- a corruption of a dream.
“ The fact that Jecht, a man from Dream Zanarkand, had become Sin had a considerable impact on the behaviour of all Fayth, for someone created to be eternally at peace and in dream-like life had been caught in the terrible spiral of tragedy of Spira. This was a problem for the Fayth, who had always appeared indifferent to Spira’s status quo, and made them realize their dream had to find its end, even if that’d made them disappear. ”
It’s interesting. It implies that, had Auron chosen to be the Final Aeon instead, Tidus would have never come to Spira, the dream would have never ever ended and Yuna’s story would have been just a continuation of the spiral too. So why would Bahamut’s Fayth insist to watch over Tidus even before the dream got corrupted and his father touched Sin, then ?  As a sucker for symbolism myself, I’d say it was predestination -- no coincidence; the Fayth might have sensed it, or known it that those two would have become more than mere dreams -- it’s never revealed. For example, I always believed Bahamut had chosen to appear as a child for that reason too: not only it’s very ironic the most powerful Fayth appears as a little kid, the one most difficult to obtain too (and that Braska got first-- symbolism !); but Tidus hardly trusted adults, and still kinda doesn’t (he even says it, thus not yet considering an adult himself), while he was revered by and adored children. As a child, he could keep an eye on him easily, and the statue clearly shows the ‘sacrifice’ for Bahamut was not a child -- the soul took that form on purpose. The fact Tidus knew Bahamuth from childhood but never questioned the fact he didn’t grow, can make us even think he believed him to be an imaginary friend haha !  Still...
“He has nothing to do with the Summoning of Tidus or of the Dream City” -- indeed, for that’s mainly the job of the Fayth on Gagazet: they were the remaining alive inhabitants of Old Zanarkand, gathered on top of the mountain by Yu Yevon who transformed them into a Fayth for himself and the Dream City -- (consider that Old Zanarkand was a monarchy, Yu Yevon its king/dictator and in the novel, people of Bevelle call Yunalesca the ‘Summoner Princess of Zanarkand’ -- their reign was not a pacific one, as they did brainwash people, even kids, to send them to murder Summoners in Bevelle; now it kinda makes sense that Shuyin, an inhabitant of that very Zanarkand, didn’t want his lover Lenne to go to war too).
Yet Bahamut is the one speaking to Tidus, visiting him in dreams, revealing his true nature to the boy and, at one point, even appearing to him as he almost risked to die at sea in Djose, to bring him back to safety !  Yes, technically, Tidus is the product of the dream of the Yu Yevon which is supported by the Wall of Fayth, but willingly or not, his bond with Bahamut was there, forming even before the story had even started. It is collectively believed, and rightly so ! -- that their bond is similar to the one between Yuna and Valefor, because it kinda is, despite him not being Bahamut’s direct dream.
But wait... so I was bummed. I need to finish translating the little trivia of the FFX novelization in the Ultimania Omega but I don’t know how much other info about Bahamut’s link with Tidus will be there, honestly. But in X2 Ultimania, in Yuna’s POV story/thoughts, there’s something interesting: in the Good Ending, Yuna says she somehow ‘felt’ Tidus had returned:
“ You’re now emerging, somewhere in Spira. I can feel that. The fragments you left here, of the person who has been watching over me anywhere I went, finally came together as one to be born. Not as a dream, but as a reality. It feels as if I’m pressing my ear on your chest to hear your heartbeat. We’re connected. Valefor and Bahamut -- it’s something akin to the bond that connects the Aeons’ souls. I can hear your whistle ! ”
Yes, Bahamut might have appeared to her in the Farplane as, again, ‘representative of all Fayth’, to gather up the fragments of Tidus’ thoughts and pyreflies and grant him life at Yuna’s wish. But there is, as always, something more. The same something they did write Yuna to feel, in there -- ink on a page, Valefor and Bahamut. And I’m so grateful for that: it makes sense and gets the two of them a beautiful, strong meaning to their bond and lives too...
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
The Calm Ends
Self-indulgence city!
“Ah, Vimes,” said Vetinari quietly, and Vimes lingered in the door of the other man’s office, crossing his arms slowly over his chest. He didn’t really bother to cross the threshold, lingering with his shoulder leaning against the doorframe, as he usually did, when he came to see the other man. “I thought perhaps you might approach young de Worde, what with the success of his paper, in recent years.”
“De Worde writes down the information he picks up and puts it in the paper,” Vimes said evenly. “I want the stuff he doesn’t write down.”
Vetinari’s head nodded slightly, and Vimes was aware of the tension between them as he glanced around the room, as Vetinari’s sparsely furnished, humble office, where he spent the vast majority of his time. He mostly did one errand or other, around Luca: he was known for his ability to fix problems and, more impressively, fix things that were not yet problems, but which he divined might become problems soon. Vimes was… discomfited, in fact, by precisely how much power Vetinari had over the average group of people, even when times were hard and rough and full of pain, let alone during the Calm—
But the Calm was over, now.
Sin had been sighted out on the coast of Besaid, and soon, soon, things would be harder. Things were always harder, when the Calm came to an end, and the Luca Watch got busier, the watchmen busy in their places, keeping people from dissolving as tensions rose, as refugees made their way through the city, as it all went to shit.
Vetinari always knew where the tensions were.
It made him nervous, yes, and he wasn’t sure whose side Vetinari was on, at times, but he knew things, and that made him invaluable. It was easy to distrust the man, when his father had been Al Bhed, so the stories on the street went. There were a lot of stories about Vetinari, most of them, Vimes was certain, untrue. Vetinari had likely started most of them himself.
“There’s nothing untoward, just yet,” Vetinari murmured, and Vimes watched as he reached up, his fingers rubbing against the side of his temple. “Six months. A long Calm, Vimes. People don’t yet wish to return to the harder ways.”
“Any good summoners on the roster?” Vimes asked, and a shadow passed over Vetinari’s face, his eyes darkening.
“One or two,” he said.
“Sybil said your aunt was a summoner,” Vimes said, after a moment’s pause.
“She was injured on her pilgrimage. Alas, she was never able to complete it.” Vetinari delicately shrugged his shoulders, glancing down to the graceful lines of his own palm.
Another silence, tense and heavy, passed between them, and Vimes lingered in his place, watching Vetinari for a few moments. They had come to know one another well, in the past ten years, since Vimes had taken up the position as the Captain of the Luca Watch. As well as he felt he could know Vetinari, anyway – he and Sybil had moved in similar circles, when they’d been younger, and they were still on friendly terms, but Vetinari and Vimes, it was… different. Not friendly, exactly, but not with enmity, either. And yet, with that said, this was unusual. Vetinari was usually esoteric and weird, but with a sort of smug superiority, a sense of knowledge he wasn’t handing over.
Now, he seemed distracted.
“You alright?” Vimes asked, finally.
“My aunt always forbade me to associate with summoners,” he said. “It was one of the only rules she ever really set me. She feared that I, public-minded as I am, might take it upon myself to become a guardian.” He said it in a sort of conversational way, as if he and Vimes often exchanged niceties about their respective childhoods, and Vimes felt himself frown, his brow furrowing.
“Yeah?” he asked. “Even with your leg?” Vetinari was dangerous. He knew that – the man wielded short blades like a purely lethal force, moved fast on his feet, could rip anyone or anything to pieces, but he had a cane, most days. He needed the cane. The idea of him travelling, with the cane, from one end of Spira to the other…
Vetinari smiled, in a wan, absent sort of way. “Yes,” he said. “Even then.”
Vimes felt on uneven ground, and he leaned forward to go on, but Vetinari said, “Don’t let me detain you, Vimes. I’m sure you have paperwork to avoid back at the watch house.”
Vimes hesitated only for a few moments, trying to think of something to say, to argue, and then he gave up, and went.
Carrot told him the next day that Vetinari had closed up his office, and given his contacts to de Worde, at the paper.
The young man was out on the beach again. He often was at sunset, Vetinari had found, and he’d taken notice of this behaviour in the past weeks, staying at a lodging house in Luca, reading extensively at the library in the city. He’d grown up in Luca, so Vetinari’s source told him, but when his parents had each died, he’d chosen to be educated at the Djose Temple, when he was thirteen or so, instead of staying with his sister and her husband.
He was old enough, now, to become a summoner proper, or to at least make his first attempt at the Cloister of Trials.
Rufus Drumknott, his name was.
The priests said he was a strange young man, quiet, intent, focused. He unsettled them.
“What exactly was it, Mr Vetinari,” Drumknott said quietly, his gaze fixated on the sea, “that made you decide I was worth following yourself, rather than sending one of your people to do it?”
“I heard you broke a man’s fingers when he went to backhand his little girl, out on the Highroad,” Vetinari said quietly. He watched the back of Drumknott’s head, watched his neatly parted hair that seemed quite red in the summer’s brightness, his high, black collar, tight to his neck. His staff was laid over his thighs, resting on them, and was set there, perfectly central. Drumknott, he was reliably informed, was somewhat obsessed with symmetry.
“Is that all?” Drumknott asked. “I thought perhaps it was some subtle detail of my character. I hear that you set much store by such things.”
“Do you hear much about me, Mr Drumknott?”
“Not much, no. Even less that I would trust as true.”
“But you’ve been asking about me?”
“Wouldn’t you ask after a man who followed you?”
“I would indeed. What surprises me is that I’ve not heard tell of your asking.”
Drumknott, still kneeling on the sands, turned his head, and he looked at Vetinari, his expression utterly neutral, blank. It revealed nothing whatsoever. “I can be quite convincing, Mr Vetinari, when I choose to be.” He was a little man. Red-cheeked, compact, with the face of a secretary and the silent step of a librarian: he was not, at a glance, an intimidating figure. And yet…
“So I’ve heard,” Vetinari said. “Have you a guardian, yet?”
“Then I would offer myself.”
He expected Drumknott to mention his leg, or perhaps his age; he expected the young man to at least glance down at the cane Vetinari leaned on. He did neither, instead turning back to face the sea, and Vetinari watched the delicate shift of his hands as he formed them into the gesture of Yevon, and bowed toward the sea.
Vetinari did not believe in the teachings of Yu Yevon. This did not, in itself, preclude his service as a guardian, but it was frowned upon, certainly, to take up a non-Yevonite as a summoner. And yet… Drumknott was not unpopular, per se. Merely that people were unsettled by him.
Vetinari was fascinated.
“Thank you,” Drumknott said softly to the horizon. “I accept your offer.”
Vetinari watched the oranges, yellows, and reds of the sky bleed into darkness, and in the direction of black, watched Drumknott pray. Then he said, “We ought make for Djose come morning.”
“Yes,” Drumknott said. “Yes.”
“You don’t want to ask,” Vetinari said, “why I wish to be your guardian?”
“Do you want to ask,” Drumknott replied, his tone slightly amused, “why I wish to be a summoner?”
Vetinari felt himself smile.
“No,” he said softly.
“Then no,” Drumknott replied, and rose on delicate feet.
That night, Vetinari lay on the small couch beside Drumknott’s bed in the lodging house, and he watched the young man sleep, his features slack, his breathing even and slow. Like this, he seemed even younger than his years, and Vetinari mused on the hypocrisy of it all, of protecting such a young man, only to let him be sacrificed, when the journey came to its end.
“You ought sleep,” Drumknott mumbled, shifting sleepily in his place. “I can feel you staring.”
“I shall stare more softly,” Vetinari replied.
The anxious uncertainty, the anticipation of oncoming grief and horror and pain that clawed in Vetinari’s chest, was soothed by the soft curve of Drumknott’s drowsy smile.
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atopearth · 5 years
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Part 8 - Someday the Dream will End
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(Thought it’d be a great title since the above is my favourite soundtrack and this is my last post on FFX! XD)
Yay! I got Lulu’s Venus sigil! I was hesitant to start the dodging lightning thing since you have to dodge 200 in a row, but omg, after going on YouTube and knowing that there’s a ditch where you can easily gather the rhythm to do it 200 times, it only surprisingly took me like an hour and a half after getting distracted a few times and failing lmao. Gotta say though, much easier than the stupid Chocobo race for Tidus!🙄 Next thing you know, I try the butterfly catching game for the Saturn sigil and start to contemplate whether I really want to be a perfectionist lmao. I totally forgot that I hate the butterfly game the most, like THE MOST. It’s literally frustrating me more than the Chocobo and lightning combined, I don’t know why everyone on the internet says it’s the easiest of the mini games😣😣 Okay, fine, after another half an hour with trial and error, I finally got the Saturn sigil too, not that bad I guess….
Finally got all the celestial weapons too yeee~ I’ve never gotten everything before so I’m pretty happy right now hahaha! So Yu Yevon is the one that’s been constantly causing this all for a thousand years, hiding within Sin using him as an armour, and then when people defeat Sin with the powers Yunalesca tells them about, he merges with the Final Aeon to continue this cycle of life and death. I guess when everything works out, it’ll be good, but once they defeat Sin, the Fayth will stop dreaming and Tidus will disappear… It’s kinda funny how you used to be all concerned about Yuna dying and now near the end of the game, you instead have to be concerned over Tidus disappearing instead. Why can’t they just be happy together sigh..
Well! I legit spent a day farming sphere levels for Rikku and Tidus to finish off the sphere grid getting all the strength and agility nodes but omggg, can I just say that having triple AP instead of double AP is like the biggest difference ever? LOL. And omg overdrive -> AP is like the best thing ever. So easy to level lol. Funniest thing was when Don Tonberry did 83k damage on my Tidus though hahahaah, did I really kill that many monsters with him🤣 But yeah, it’s cool that I’m progressing with my sphere grid but I’m kinda sad that I’m one hit KOing everything lol. I mean, this is the first time I’ve ever gotten so far in FFX so I feel like I’m killing my experience haha! But I really want to fight nemesis and penance and all the dark aeons so oh well. Btw, it’s because I OHKO Seymour in Sin and didn’t get to see him do anything with his cool music hahaha. At least Yuna finally sent him to the farplane lol. Anyway, back to farming monsters, just need to finish Sin and Omega Ruins and I’m doneeee!
GG though, Omega Ruins took sooo long (I guess Sin did too) but dang was it annoying lol. So anyway, after much leveling with Don Tonberry again, and getting all the strength, defence, magic, magic defence, agility, luck and fortune spheres, I am legit done with the whole sphere grid! I’m honestly not dedicated enough to do 255 everything, so since 255 luck = 255 accuracy and evasion, I am not going to bother lolll. Agility maxes out at 170 as well so yayyy, don’t need to farm moreeee. I’ve legit been spending my week doing all this lmao, watching TVB and farming, that’s been my life hahaha. It’s kinda crazy seeing myself finish all this though. It was super time consuming but it’s nice to see my characters deal 99,999 damage haha. Coolest thing was defeating all the creations by the Monster Arena guy and then beating up Nemesis! Yesssss! It could have been easier if I set my overdrive mode to Comrade (charges overdrive when allies are hit) since he dealt so much damage lol, but silly me left it on Warrior (charges overdrive every time I attack), so yeaaaah, that took longer than I wanted hahaha. Btw, Nemesis is ugly but yay! I’ve completed another goal of mine! Oh yeah, I also beat Omega Weapon, of which, he was so underwhelming, especially with the random monsters you have to fight along the way, FFVIII was so much more annoying and challenging imo with the Ultima Weapon and other guys. I guess we’ll see how I feel once I defeat all the Dark Aeons and fight Penance hahaha.
The Dark Aeons were relatively easy! Especially if you have ribbon/stoneproof, not being petrified and shattered is like the most important thing imo lol. Dark Bahamut kept killing me and pissing me off because he kept petrifying my guys and killing them lol, I had to put stoneproof on my armour to survive, worked out well since I needed it for the Magus Sisters too haha. And yes, I was lazy to fight them altogether so I separated them and fought the sisters one by one to save myself from the agony lol. And what do you know? Dark Yojimbo was actually the one to bring the most trouble! It’s not even because he was hard, it was because I had to fight him 5 times to defeat him and initially, I didn’t know and just defeated him four times and was like wth, why isn’t Penance appearing?! So then, I googled and realised that I had kept missing the true third battle in the green room, so yeah, that frustrated the hell out of me because I legit defeated him 10+ times because I went to the wrong place, didn’t understand etc, yeaaah I was raging lol. I really wanted to finish the game and defeat Penance in the same day with the Dark Aeons so yeah, I was annoyed that I was not on schedule lolol. Oh well, more time to prepare for Penance I guess.
So…. I tried Penance and I died hahahah. Gotta revise my armour lolol. I think ribbon, auto-potion (with only x-potion), auto-haste and auto-protect might be the best combo. I’ll try that and see. Or not lolll! My biggest problem with Penance was not surviving his immolation attack that does a lot of HP damage and sucks all your MP too. Well, anyway, after much googling etc, I revised my armour again, luckily I had 6 million to spend bribing monsters for stuff lmao. I used auto-potion, auto-haste, auto-protect and defence +20%. This accompanied with Rikku’s Ultra NullAll mix (lasts the whole battle as long as you don’t die!) gave me enough defence to survive the whole battle (yay!). After that, it was really rinse and repeat of destroying the arms and then hitting the main body whenever I could. It probably legit took 20-30 minutes. Crazy for sure. Not sure whether it’s really worth it since I didn’t feel very accomplished LOL, I just felt like a robot constantly using quick hit (throwing a three stars so it doesn’t cost MP), dispelling after every immolation attack and thankfully, I had auto-potion because it would have killed me if I had to heal myself every turn. So yeah, after that, it was really just a waiting game where I just kept doing the same thing for 30 minutes, yeah it was pretty boring. I liked the optional bosses from previous games more.
And now I can finally fight Sin! Honestly, seeing Tidus finally open up to Jecht a bit more and be a bit more honest, I felt happy for Jecht. He’s always loved Tidus. Too bad it wasn’t meant to be for them to ever be able to hang out together like buddies. Since I maxed out my stats, last boss was so easy, I barely did anything. Kinda feel like I should have let him do something so I could see it lol, but I was too fast hahaha. Pretty devastating to see Yuna summoning every single summon for Yu Yevon to take over and then we kill it to stop Yu Yevon from having anything to take over anymore. It was heartbreaking to see all the Fayth go like that. But at least, as they said, they can now stop dreaming… Auron always has to be cool doesn’t he lolll, even when Yuna sends him to the Farplane. It hurt when he told Yuna that it was okay to send him. I really liked Auron. It was also saddening when Tidus was like, this is his last battle with them because he’s going to disappear, I guess at least he told them. Slack to Yuna when she wanted to hug him but he was disappearing. Especially when at the end, she kept whistling, waiting for him to come back.
Never even know the Eternal Calm video or whatever existed. Kinda feels weird though because it’s set two years later where all Yuna has been doing is being something like a counsellor to people until a sphere of someone who looks like Tidus (Shuyin~) is found by Kimahri, given to Rikku and then shown to Yuna and then she decides to go look for other spheres like it and soon becomes a sphere hunter. Considering that FFX-2 is set two years later which I assume is not long after this, her personality sure changed quite a bit after getting some freedom haha. I guess it’s true that Yuna has never truly lived for herself until now so it is nice that she can do that now, but how did she learn to use a gun so fast? Lol.
Overall, I enjoyed FFX, but honestly, it’s not one of my favourites haha. It’s one of the first I played as an adult probably but yeah, if I had to really choose, I prefer the previous much more. But I do like FFX because of how much more, simple it is? It’s simple, straightforward and emotional. Rikku and Yuna will always be my favourites. Wakka being silly is also a highlight. Cool Auron will always be the dream guy though hahaha. Happy that I can finally say I’ve finished it completely! Now on to getting 100% completion for FFX-2! I got like 98 or 99 on my first playthrough with the help of a guide every now and then but now I’m gonna use a guide for the whole thing and hope I get the 100% this time around hahaha, wish me luck~
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finalfantasyoc · 6 years
✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┌─────────┐ ❨Basics❩ └─────────┘ » Name: Seiko Artemis » Name meaning: {Exquisit moon hunter}~~ Seiko is a Japanese word meaning "exquisite" or "success" ("exquisite" is usually written 精巧 from Chinese jīngqiǎo, while the meaning "success" is usually written 成功 from Chinese chénggōng). Artemis [artemis] as a girls' name (also used less generally as boys' name Artemis) is pronounced AR-te-miss. It is of Greek origin. Mythology: name of the Greek goddess of the moon, of hunting, and of chastity, equivalent to the Romans' Diana. The other two virgin goddesses were Hestia, goddess of the hearth, and Athena, goddess of wisdom. Name of the granddaughter of Lady Diana Cooper, perhaps as a tribute to the grandmother. The variant Artemisia is the name of a shrub common in America. It is also the name of the colorful 17th-century Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi. » Nicknames: sei » Date of birth: March 13 when I first drew her » Zodiac: Pisces – February 19th to March 20th – This is the Light, Revealing the Light of Life Itself. It ends forever the Darkness of Matter. Pisces is a Water Sign ruled by Neptune and Jupiter in the conventional man, and Plutoin the disciple. With Pisces you will find a patient, perceptive, spiritual, peace-loving and imaginative person who is considerate and sensitive to the feelings of others. Pisces like to influence others through their compassionate, charitable and imaginative natures, but they are often influenced and vulnerable, because these sensitive personalities of astrology signs absorb the emotions of others easily. One would say they are easily influenced or impressionable. Pisces need to develop more discrimination with people to curb the impressionable nature of those born under this personality of astrology signs. It’s their indecisiveness, timidity, melancholies and feeling they are misunderstood that stands in their way. It gives others the impression they are pessimistic lost souls. Pisces often lack clarity and practicality. This is an artistic, creative and psychic sign with a keen imagination. Often this sign is a dreamer with an unworldly intuitive side. The soul lesson is to learn and accept, "I live my life through accepting what IS." It’s not about changing or fixing. It’s about accepting with compassion without taking on thenegative issues of others. For most Pisces, acquiring wealth is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Pisceans are devoted parents, and spouses who take very good care of their family and friends. They show compassion, caring and understanding without complaining. The dual fish sign is often a victim of their own choices. Your Piscean child will often have imaginary friends who they converse with regularly. Pisces child may appear clingy or needy because of their strong emotional attachments to family. They need emotional support and love from their family to feel secure. They will excel at whatever they puts their mind to. The Piscean worker is personable, easygoing and charming. » Age: 23 » Gender: adrogenous They/them However female but how funny would it be if no one was sure if Seiko is female or male » Species: al'bhed » Sexuality: bisexual » Virgin?: hasn't dated so yes » Nationality: Asian (in final fantasy 10 Rikku and yuna look more Asian than white SO ..) » Native language: al'bhed » Other languages: Her mom taught her English before she passed away as well as her dad ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*never trust robots*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Appearance❩ └─────────┘ » Height: 5"5 » Weight: 115 (?) (She's taller than me sooooo) » Hair color: silver (she was born at thunderplains) » Hair style: short ➳ ➴ ➵ ➶☾✧⋰ ⋱✧☽➳ ➴ ➵ ➶ Faceclaim lefabulous_killjoy Gray hair with neon blue, neon green, yellow, orange, and red subtle streaks in her short hair » Eye color: lightest blue yet not white » Skin color: pale » Piercings: none » Tattoos: none » Scars: faint cuts and scratches from the wild and bandits from her home » Birthmarks: none » Make up: none » Body scent: earthy in smell or oil since she is a inventor ...coffee in mornings (but at the start she was curious and broke the coffee machine ...not many of our normal necessities exist where she is from where it's a small island and everyone has to invent things) » Face & Body description: voice: smart and boyish adrogenous and lean » Outfit/Attire: She often wears her al'bhed attire. Pinstripe jacket. Red Dusty scarf. Dusty combat boots ..white pants ....gray shirt.. But she has several attired to fit situations ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Personality❩ └─────────┘ » Personality description: melancholy yet has snarky tendencies. Genius. Always in her mind which makes her very thoughtful and sweet hearted » Mental stability: quick witted » Sane or Insane: sane » Passive or Aggressive: both Optimist or Pessimist: pessimist however both at times » Religious or Atheist: atheist in a way being half al'bhed » Habits: breaking things to put back together RIP YOUR PHONE ..HIDE YO THINGS » Pet peeves: bossy individuals People who think they are better (she is competitive) » Soft spots: direct take charge types (she is shy to romance) » Deep dark secrets?: she killed bandits... Who are people » Likes: inventing things ..curious people whom are just like her » Dislikes: being treated as weak » Obsessions: tearing things apart to put back together » Sexual position: [asexual shy] Dominant or Submissive: submissive » Sexual turn-ons: take charge types being surprised » Sexual turn-offs: name calling and abuse ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*this dream is dangerous*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Stats❩ └─────────┘ » Strength: 6/10 » Intelligence: 10/10 » Charisma: 6/10 » Agility: 6/10 » Eyesight: 10/10 » Endurance: 5/10 » Wisdom: 7/10 » Alertness: 10/10 » Willpower: 10/10 ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*times are tough but I am tougher*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Fighting Style❩ └─────────┘ » Passive or Aggressive: both » Weapon(s): crossbow on right dagger left » Weapon description: it's kinda like assassins creed but she made them herself ..crossbow dagger » Close or Ranged combat: both » Magic?: no » Magic type: uh she can make bombs? » Magic description: .........kaboom..? » Shapeshift?: no » Alternate form: no » Magic background: none ..her weakness [C]✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*I don't take orders I barely take suggestions*" [C]✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ [┌─────────┐ ❨Relationships❩ └─────────┘ » Mother: was a Summoner » Father: was al'bhed » Brother(s): none » Sister(s): none » Pet(s): none » Other relatives: didn't know them » Love interest(s): multi ship » Children: none » Enemy(s): (depends if it's a final fantasy rp) » Rival(s): (depends if it's still a final fantasy rp) ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*don't change yourself to make others happy*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Background❩ └─────────┘ ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ A prevalent blessing of the Yevon faith ~Praise be to Yevon! [C]✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ [C] the people of Spirafollow the teachings of Yevon. The faith is named after Yu Yevon [ju 'jɛ.vən] (エボン・ジュ, Ebon Ju?), a summonerwho lived in Zanarkand one thousand years ago. Nearly all the peoples of Spira follow the teachings of Yevon, including the Ronso and the Guado (converted during high summoner Braska's Calm by Jyscal Guado and Kelk Ronso as part of Grand Maester Yo Mika's "sub-races appeasement policy."). The Al Bhed are an exception and are viewed as heretics by the autocracy for their use of machina, a practice forbidden by the church. As for the Hypello, whether or not they follow Yevon's teachings is never explored. Yevon draws inspiration from real-world religions, such as Shintoism (practices and temples), Buddhism (iconography and ritualistic disciplines), Islam (pilgrimages) and Catholicism (hierarchical structure and rigid doctrine). A practitioner of the Yevon faith is referred to as a Yevonite. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (i hadn't thought out her past extremely well honestly) Seiko's mom, a Summoner fell in love with a al'bhed. A race who is not accepted by yevon. Forcing to make the choice of no longer being a Summoner or leave the al'bhed man. As a Ex summoner she had Seiko. Obviously couldnt couldnt bare no longer being with the man she chose him and often ridiculed for such a choice. Living in thunderplains bandits often were all over but her parents felt as though they were fine. Then bandits broke in. Seiko was only 9. Her mom had her crawl out a window to go to a inn and Seiko didn't want to leave her mom and dad, leaving her to fall and hurt her leg. Seiko gets a distance away to see the bandits leave catching her home on fire. She lost her family. She then goes to a inn where the inn keeper looks after her. She saves up her allowance while working in the inn to go follow her dreams. Machine faction. Seiko often would invent odd things to travelers who stayed in the inn as her own business and gained gil. She created her own personal hover and went to djose to become a factionist. Her skills were praised...She's a genius. Which sparked jealousy among other Al'bheds. When the machina went haywire the others saw opportunity to get rid of Seiko whom was blamed and due to all the complaints without proof.. Gippal demoted her to dig in bikanel. Oaka the 23rd found the inventor and they traveled together as merchants selling seikos inventions until the debt collectors came. With nothing and no one she had no choice BUT to go to bikanel to dig. ~~while digging she finds a ancient machina which teleported her somewhere else [insert your home here] ┌─────────┐ ❨Theme Song❩ └─────────┘ nomak- moonflow [Seiko's song|https://youtu.be/hKKmly7fbhQ] ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦
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yevonalesca · 6 years
what was Yunalesca's home life like, who were her family members, and how did that effect her as an adult?
Sorry for being so late! But I answered it and it’s a little bit all over the place, but it’s a bit long so I’ll put it under a read more! I kinda touch on a lot of things, and I had to stop myself from getting too narrate-y, haha. Anyway, I hope this answers your question enough! If you want more clarification, I’d love to provide it ♥
As the daughter of Yu Yevon, the leader of Zanarkand, Yunalesca had lived a rather lavish life.  The easiest comparison I could make for her is that she would almost be like the princess equivalent of Zanarkand, ya feel me? Not spoiled, but that’s essentially what she was. Life came easy to her and she had little to worry about. But she was not materialistic, having taught to grow up as a political/spiritual leader, she genuinely wanted the best for Zanarkand, and she was more concerned about the people’s overall wellbeing as opposed to her own desires.
She very much followed in the footsteps of her father, being born into his apprenticeship. Her bloodline had been gifted with particularly strong sensitivity to pyre flies, making her another ideal candidate to become a summoner. As soon as she was old enough, Yu took her under his wing, training her to become just like him. She did not live a normal childhood, and so she matured quickly. She didn’t get out of their estate too much, and so she grew up with very biased and very limited ways of thinking. Though she desired the best for the people of Zanarkand, she had grown up with prejudice against the Bedohls, something that would be amplified when the Machina War begins, and more so in her life after death.
She had a companion and yes, you guessed it — it was a big ol’ snake! A basilisk, actually. The creatures had always intrigued her, and so she decided she would take one and make it her pet, if you will. Yunalesca also had a fascination with art, particularly statues. The more lifelike they seemed, the more she enjoyed them. But this fascination was pure, and solely based on an appreciation for the artistry. Her service in her unsent life would amplify this to freakier levels, but in life, Yunalesca would never petrify a living being to put into a gallery, at least without reason.
We don’t hear too much of her mother and the reason behind that is because she had died giving birth to Yunalesca. The death of her mother was difficult for her father, but he was never the most affectionate person, and by playing a large part in Zanarkand’s government, he did not allow himself to break down or grieve, as most people expected him to.  He would never marry or find love again, thus leaving Yunalesca as his one and only child and heir.
This put immense pressure on her, as you can imagine, but she found herself to be built for it. She spent most of her young life with her father, who personally trained her to become a summoner. When she got older, she would join him in meetings, acting as a sort of scribe, though it was more for her own education, rather than actual secretary work. She would learn a lot about how the city-state of Zanarkand would work, and though it was overwhelmingly confusing at first, after enough meetings and questions asked to her father, she began to gain a grasp on it. By the time she was 14, she was allowed to speak during meetings, voicing her opinions. Most of the council were older, and so their views would be considerably more conservative as opposed to a young Yunalesca’s more moderate/liberal views. She was blunt, truthful and outspoken, and was not afraid to go against her elders. She knew how they felt about her, believing someone so young shouldn’t be partaking in these meetings, but Yunalesca would not allow them to dismiss her voice just because of her age.
As an adult, she remained a powerful presence in meetings, sometimes dominating, with her father being the only person to successfully calm her down. She firmly believed that change was needed to better than quality of life for the citizens of Zanarkand, but she met opposition by the elder council members. Having been an only child, a lot of her social interaction was around people older than her, until she had met Zaon, who would introduce her to people around her age, though Zaon was still older than her.
When the war started, much of Yunalesca’s concern was to keep the people of Zanarkand safe, at all costs. But with knowledge of how strong Bevelle’s machina was, she began to lose hope. She didn’t want to see her people give their lives aimlessly, and actively sought ways to fight back against Bevelle, but each attempt would return a failure, only bringing more death and destruction to her home. 
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braskide · 7 years
outofcharacter. i probably have been thinking about this long enough & i’ve said it once but i just got reminded of it so here goes. 
i’ve always thought that yuna’s aeons are her children in a way. from the very first scene she gets with valefor you can see the tenderness in the way she just goes over without any fear to caress him. that always gets me --- the fact that everyone is in awe / shock / perhaps fear in the background meanwhile she’s just proud of it, and you can tell right away she promises herself right there & then that she’ll love them until her very last breath. 
and then there’s the final battle that only proves my point. as each aeon gets summoned & gets slain, she is more in pain. she visibily looks like she cannot do it for good, cannot just kill them ( even though the fayth themselves tell her that it is okay, that they want to help her, they want to beat yu-yevon together ) & yes, it is not really them in that moment, but she’s in so much pain.
i also firmly believe those will be the only children she’ll be able to ever have. she even had to face them again after they were believed to be gone for good --- she knows those will forever be her only children. 
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lunuanaki · 7 years
☢ - When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch?ᚡ - Random fact about the mun? ♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music? --- lov para ♥
☢ - When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch?
It was probably February, I went to see Split. I actually really liked it, James McAvoy is a good actor and while it was no one’s ideal portrayal of mental illness, it was a great What If movie. My mom picked it because for some reason she decided what I was going to do for my birthday without consulting me and picked a movie she thought she’d like? Which I thought was pretty Rude, but. She didn’t. So there were no downsides. Next one I’m looking forward to in an apprehensive way is Dark Tower. It’s gonna go one of two ways.
ᚡ - Random fact about the mun?
I can turn my tongue upside down... like so the underneath looks like the top, like I have no tastebuds. If you do that and touch it it feels really freaky bc your brain is like “ah yes, this tongue is being touched on the left side” but it’s actually the right side flipped. It’s weird. I used to do it a lot as a kid. Like. In class. I’m glad I’ve moved a lot since those days and will never see those classmates again.
♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music?
Always. I need background noise or I can’t do anything. I have General Background Noises (currently: Crywolf’s discography, Glitch Mob, Tycho, Oh Hiroshima), but each muse has a certain music type as well. Game soundtracks are really great, I find.
Seifer’s go-to: Firewatch. The game centres around a lone guy with no contact with anyone else besides a radio. Very guitar, muted, kind of subtle. No grand, sweeping soundscapes or anything. Introspective, almost.
Meri’s: Child of Light. Often feels kind of anxious. A lot of high notes and emotional, childish melodies. Not downbeat, though - it’s anxiety and high-strung apprehension with a bit of hope behind it.
Chuami: Bastion. This one is a pretty new discovery and it’ll be another one that will make me buy the game it belongs to. A lot of upbeat guitars and some almost mechanical beeps and sounds mixed in. You know when stuff sounds a colour? This whole album is orange, don’t @ me. I can’t even explain it, it just works for her, especially what I’m doing with her at the minute.“Listen -- all this takes a lot of getting used to. And you do get used to it. After a while.”
Velka actually needs Gwyndolin’s extended theme on loop, or Old Nightwish at a push. The whole OST for her game doesn’t work, it’s got too many dramatic boss tracks.
Yu Yevon, on his rare appearances; orchestral versions of the more melancholy FFX tracks. To Zanarkand obviously being his favourite.
And Hoid, Hoid likes Journey. This is cool because luck-crowned has an interest in that character as well and we both independently applied our tags for him to the last track on this one. 
NOBODY ASKED ME FOR THIS MUCH DETAIL but I gave it anyway in case anyone is lookin for some background music. Ya welcome lads. Give Crywolf’s Cataclasm a go, also. :| 
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