#yhh (newsies)
starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Finch Cortez
Finch Cortez was born in the thriving capitol city of Hyrule. He always loved the hustle and bustle of the city, but hated the politics that came along with it. So, he found his way to the most exciting profession he could think of: sky sailing. Soon, he moved on from that to join the crew of a spaceliner, and found his way into first the Outer Rim, then the Mid Rim, where he eventually got a job for a certain Hapan businessman. When Spot put together his crew for the Banner, Finch was one of the first people he chose for it: not only did Finch have experience on sailing-style ships that Spot knew he needed, he had proven himself an extremely capable sailor, deckhand, and crew member on the various ships he’d worked on over the years. Plus, the fledgling wings Finch inherited from the Rito side of his family are particularly useful for navigating the rigging of a sailing ship.
Half Hylian, Half Rito
Mid twenties
Friendly, cheerful, and outgoing, Finch has a fairly happy-go-lucky attitude and doesn’t let much get to him.
Dream job:
Current job: deckhand
Home planet: Hyrule
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @violentbirds @idontdoglitter @i-need-more-sleepzzz @chemicalmoose (ask to be added/removed!)
All images from google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you’d like them credited or removed. Made in procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Specs was born on Hyrule, and grew up in Rito Village. He made his way to the main spaceport on the continent when he was a teenager, and immediately fell in love with the ships there. Even though he was a little scared of the idea of going into space, he decided that was what he wanted to do with his life and got a job as a deckhand on a freighter that happened to be in the fleet of Katherine and Charlie’s father. When Spot was putting together the crew for the Banner, he met Specs, who had been floating between ships for a while without a specific or permanent assignment, and decided to take him onto his crew.
Early thirties
Specs is cautious and wary, but equally friendly and outgoing among people he’s familiar with—namely the crew of the Banner. He’s quieter than most of the others, but has been known to get in trouble for his mouth from time to time.
Dream job: pretty much anything aboard a ship.
Current job: lookout/deckhand.
Home planet: Hyrule
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @idontdoglitter @i-need-more-sleepzzz @violentbirds @chemicalmoose (ask to be added/removed!)
All images found on google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you’d like them removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Racetrack Higgins
A recent arrival on Proserpina, Race doesn’t like to talk much about his past. He came to the planet alone and fully expected to stay alone. However, it didn’t take him long to start making friends—he can’t help it, he’s just too friendly and outgoing! The first friends he made were Jack Kelly and Elmer Kasprzak, fellow workers on the low-level cargo docks of Proserpina. They were soon followed, somewhat unexpectedly, by Albert Dasilva, who wound up becoming Race’s roommate. While he loves his life on Proserpina, mostly thanks to his friends, Race longs for something more. He’d like to live on a planet that wasn’t all city and shipyards and docks; greenery and fresh air sure sound nice. When offered a job by a mysterious stranger, it seems like his chance to finally start making a proper life for himself.
Early twenties
Race not only physically looks remarkably like a golden retriever puppy, he has the personality of one. Energetic, outgoing, and largely happy-go-lucky, it takes a lot to dampen his spirits.
Dream job: anything that doesn’t involve smelling jet fuel and cargo ship exhaust all the time.
Current job: cargo dock worker
Home planet: Corellia
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @aggressive-bucky-barnes-stan @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz (ask to be added/removed!)
All images from google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you’d like them removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Spot Conlon
Spot joined the New Republic’s Gambit Initiative when he was fourteen years old and became just another of the elite pilots and intelligence agents churned out by the program. A naturally gifted pilot, he fit right in to the primary unit—the best of the best that Gambit had to offer. He served under Commander Aleesha Shray for several years through the rise of the First Order, and, along with many others, followed her exit from the Resistance against the First Order after raising moral issues with the senators running the Resistance, who showed a clear bias to their own systems and other planets that offered monetary support to the senate and Resistance, leaving poor and out-of-the-way systems at the mercy of the First Order. After leaving the Resistance, Spot lost contact with most of his friends—with the exception of fellow Gambit pilot Hotshot—and found himself floating from job to job. Eventually, he was hired as a pilot by Charlie and Katherine’s father, and quickly rose through the ranks of his fleet to become the official pilot for Charlie and Katherine themselves as captain of the Banner.
Unlike Race, who looks more like a golden retriever, Spot has more wolf-like features, including oversized pointy ears, alarmingly sharp fangs, and more paw-like hands and feet than many other Canus. He also has a tail! He tends to be cautious and thoughtful when entering unknown situations, but is a force to be reckoned with in a fight.
Dream job: freelance freighter pilot/captain, but pretty much anything that doesn’t involve dealing with people (outside of his crew) very much.
Current job: captain in the private fleet of a Mid Rim businessman, in charge of ferrying his kids around the galaxy.
Home planet: somewhere in the Core worlds.
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @aggressive-bucky-barnes-stan @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz @chemicalmoose (ask to be added/removed!)
All images from google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you’d like them removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Charlie Morris
The adopted son of a high-profile businessman in the Core worlds, Charlie is incessantly curious, always seeking new discoveries. He and his sister, Katherine, are working on the expansion of their father’s business into the furthest reaches of the Mid Rim and even into the Outer Rim. Charlie is a fighter to his core, and will do anything to protect the people he loves, particularly his sister. While he and Katherine may not be related by blood, the two of them prove that you don’t need to share genes to be a family. After losing his leg fighting the pirates that took his sister, Charlie refused to let it slow him down, insisting that they start searching for her as soon as possible. He may still be adapting to his new limb, but he’s not going to stop fighting for what matters to him.
Early 20s
Curious, brilliant, and good at strategy and planning.
Dream job: managing a portion of his father’s company.
Current job: overseeing Mid/Outer Rim extensions of his father’s company.
Home planet: Stewjon
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @aggressive-bucky-barnes-stan @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz (ask to be added/removed!)
All images found on google and unsplash. Let me know if any belong to you and you want them to be removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Elmer Kasprzak
A quiet boy with a tragic past, Elmer came to Proserpina as a child. He was one of only a handful of survivors after his home colony was destroyed in an uprising against the remnants of the Galactic Empire. He met Sarah Jacobs at school, and she introduced him to Jack Kelly. When he was older, Jack found him a job on the same cargo dock that he worked on. Race Higgins joined their crew not long after Elmer, and the three became fast friends. The only one not born on a heavily populated world, Elmer has a hard time handling the over-crowding of Proserpina at times. While he can’t afford to live on the upper levels of the city, he and his partner, Buttons, do live in one of the few low-level apartment blocks that isn’t actually underneath the upper levels, but Elmer wants nothing more than to live on a planet with actual space to breathe. A job offer from a mysterious stranger seems the best way to get there.
Early twenties
Clever, bright, and surprisingly adept, with extremely honed reflexes that border on prescience at times.
Dream job: hydroponics engineer
Current job: cargo dock worker
Home planet: asteroid M7831 in the Alreth system
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @aggressive-bucky-barnes-stan @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz (ask to be added/removed!)
All images found on google and unsplash. Let me know if any belong to you and you want them removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
The youngest member of the crew, Romeo ran away from home when he was sixteen to explore the galaxy. He ran into Spot a few months later, after filching some nutripackets from a merchant and trying to escape with them. Spot caught him, but was impressed by his speed and reflexes, so he paid for the food and offered Romeo a job as cabin boy on his ship. Romeo eagerly accepted, and quickly moved from cabin boy to deckhand when he proved to be a natural at scaling the ship’s rigging.
Half Felis (cat alien; think tabaxi/khajeet), half human
Since he’s the baby of the ship, everyone has kind of adopted him as their younger brother and he just goes along with it. As the youngest in his family, he was used to that anyways, and it’s nice to have that little bit of familiarity. He fully uses it to his advantage, though, and is something of a merciless prankster—often with Finch’s help.
Dream job: explorer, captain—anything that will let him see the galaxy
Current job: deckhand
Home planet: Ossis
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz @chemicalmoose (ask to be added/removed!)
All images from google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you’d like them removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
JoJo de la Guerra
JoJo was born on Onotori—considered the most “backwater” planet of the Anatoran system simply because it is a jungle biome planet that hasn’t been completely overrun by technology, even though space flight in the system started there—and always sought out adventure. Most of the people around her were content to stay where they were, living and thriving in the same place that their ancestors had lived and thrived, but JoJo wanted more. She wanted to explore, and to go further than the stratosphere of Onotori. Her first job was as a flight attendant on a commuter spaceline that traveled between the three populated planets in the system—Anatori, Onotori, and Cosmori—as well as Anatori’s colonized moon Calpurnia and the Hub Spacestation in orbit over Anatori. Once she had saved up enough, she settled down on the Hub and worked as a deckhand while training as a navigator. After graduating, she got a job on a spaceliner, jumped ship in the Mid Rim, and eventually found herself in the Hapan Consortium. She found a job as a navigator in the fleet of a businessman who made the Consortium his headquarters, and finally found a permanent position on the crew of one Spot Conlon, captain of the Banner.
Late thirties/early forties (young adult by Onotoran standards)
Clever and witty, JoJo has a surprisingly big heart under the snarky and aloof demeanor she wears around others. She is welcoming to new crew members, and always has a kind word for anyone she sees struggling.
Dream job: navigator.
Current job: navigator.
Home planet: Onotori
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @aggressive-bucky-barnes-stan @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz @chemicalmoose (ask to be added/removed)!
All images from google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you’d like them removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Jack Kelly
Born and raised on the busy planet of Proserpina, Jack Kelly has always dreamed of the stars. His father taught him to pilot a ship when he was still young, but after his father’s death, Jack was left alone on Proserpina in the care of Esther Jacobs—who lost her husband in the same accident that took Jack’s father’s life. When Esther dies, Jack is left in charge of her two children, Sarah and Les. They’re the closest thing he has to family... Unable to find work as a pilot, Jack works on the cargo docks of Proserpina, alongside Race Higgins and Elmer Kasprzak. When they meet a mysterious mage who offers them jobs on his ship, they leap at the chance to escape Proserpina. At first, they’re just excited to be off-world, but, as their adventure unfolds, they begin to worry if they may have bitten off a little more than they can chew...
Everyone’s big brother. Seriously, he tries to take care of everyone around him, particularly Sarah, Les, Race, and Elmer.
Dream job: pilot
Current job: cargo dock worker
Home planet: Proserpina
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @aggressive-bucky-barnes-stan @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz (ask to be added/removed!)
All images from google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you want them removed/credited. Made in Procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
David “Davey” Jacobs
Davey Jacobs was recognized as a child prodigy before he was five years old, and was whisked away to study under the great mages of Ossus. He was apprenticed to a Hylian mage named Jocasta Mar’Soren for half of his training. She disappeared from Ossus on the day of Davey’s graduation ceremony, when he became immortal. Her disappearance has plagued him ever since—for however long that’s been. Even Davey isn’t entirely sure how much time has passed at this point. He was hired as a mage by Katherine and Charlie’s father before either of them was even born. As the business grew and other mages were hired, Davey found himself relegated more and more to protection of the two of them, largely thanks to their father’s trust in him. While he often finds his “babysitting” duties boring, he does like the two kids—not that they’re really kids any more—and doesn’t mind watching over them too terribly much. He does find keeping track of Crutchie very stressful, however, due to the boy’s impulsive nature.
Former human, now immortal
Frozen at 25; probably somewhere in the 200-250 year-old range at this point.
World-weary, edging towards jaded, fiercly protective of his charges.
Dream job: professor at the mage schools of Ossus.
Current job: glorified babysitter for some slightly crazy rich kids.
Home planet: New Alderaan
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @aggressive-bucky-barnes-stan @idontdoglitter @violentbirds @i-need-more-sleepzzz (ask to be added/removed!)
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
As the November/December fervor that was New Music, holiday one-shots, and Twelfth Night is starting to die down (it’s not dying down just yet, I know, because starting Friday I’ll be posting every day until 1/5, but it’s fine shhh), I wanted to present some of my other fic ideas to y'all, and let you guys pick what you'd like to see next!!! Whichever one(s) of these I wind up writing, I'll be working on planning the New Music sequel while I do! I’m also going to put ballpark ratings (based on what I have planned/the image I have rattling around in my head of the fic idk)
So here are my current fic/AU ideas that I have rattling around in various stages of planning, in no particular order of personal preference:
(I made headers and they make me happy so you’re going to see them)
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1) Yo Ho Hero: Space Pirates AU. Think: Newsies characters, (grittier) Treasure Planet aesthetic, Star Wars planet-hopping, and an embarrassing amount of plot from the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything movie. Jack, Race, and Elmer are plucked out of their ordinary lives and thrust into a whole new world as unlikely heroes when Princess Katherine is captured by a wicked pirate. They join the crew of Prince Crutchie and his mage Davey to rescue Katherine and defeat the evil Captain Mechno-beard. (Rated K+-T because... they’re pirates. It’s going to get violent at times, but I don’t intend for it to be like gory or anything.)
Main Characters: Jack Kelly, Elmer Kasprzak, Race Higgins, Crutchie Morris, Davey Jacobs
Supporting Characters: Spot Conlon, JoJo de la Guerra, Specs, Romeo, Skittery
Minor Characters: Sarah and Les Jacobs, Katherine Pulitzer, Buttons Davenport, Albert Dasilva, Snyder, probably others IDK I haven’t finished planning.
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2) The Green Fields of France: beginning in canon-era, a look at the lives of Elaine, Mush, and Finch, along with their descendants. Mush and Finch go off to war and never come back. Years later, Elaine finally learns what happened to them. (This one is entirely self-indulgent, I won't lie) (Rated K+. No adult themes, that I’m planning on, but there will be talk of war and dying. Nothing graphic, but just to be safe)
Main Characters: Elaine O’Dell (OC), Charlie O’Dell (OC)
Supporting Characters: Race Higgins, Albert Dasilva, Crutchie Morris, JoJo de la Guerra, Mush Meyers, Finch Cortez
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3) {unnamed modern!academia!AU}: Albert transfers to a new grad school and meets a collection of... interesting people, not the least of which is the enigmatic Race Higgins. Follows them and their friends on a wide variety of adventures over several years as they work on their degrees. Theoretically, several slow burns all at once because I intend for this to be very long and a little over-dramatic. Also, it’s kind of an Indiana Jones/Jurassic Park/Stargate AU all at once don’t ask it just seemed like fun. (Rated T. Moderate adult themes, including alcohol, minor violence, dinosaur violence, alien/sci-fi violence, potential “hooking up”. IDK. They’re adults. Who knows what they’re going to get up to. Again, nothing graphic/explicit/everything will be pretty much glossed over but it will also be there.)
Main Characters: Race Higgins, Albert Dasilva, Mush Meyers, Finch Cortez, Elaine O’Dell, JoJo de la Guerra, Buttons Davenport
Side Characters: Elmer Kasprzak, Davey Jacobs, Sniper Wah, Crutchie Morris, Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon, Tommy Boy, Henry Butler
Minor Characters: Specs, Smalls, Sarah Jacobs, Katherine Pulitzer, probably a lot more honestly if this turns out as long as I think it will, assorted characters from other franchises
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4) Shakespeare: canon-era. Maire O'Connell comes from an immigrant family with an abusive father. She becomes a newsie to try and get her siblings away from him, but it's hard. Set in a world more like the 92sies movie than the musical. (Rated K+-T for Maire’s father and the Delancey brothers beating people up)
Main Characters: Maire O’Connell (OC), Jack Kelly, Davey Jacobs, Spot Conlon, Race Higgins, Sarah Jacobs
Side/Minor Characters: other newsies we’ll see who comes up
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5) A Midsummer Night's Dream: unsurprisingly based on the title Part 3 of the Modern!Theatre!AU. Jack and Crutchie are still working at the World Theatre and living with Elaine and her brothers. March 12, 2020, their whole world changes. It is a summer of life-altering realizations as they all learn more about themselves and each other and hopefully become better people for it. Yes, this is the COVID quarantine one. Very gay. (Rated K. It’s just soft.)
Main Characters: Jack Kelly, Crutchie Morris, Elaine O’Dell (OC), Alan O’Dell (OC), Alden O’Dell (OC)
Side Characters: Davey Jacobs
Minor Characters: Anyone else who’s come up in As You Like It or Twelfth Night (which I know I haven’t published and have hardly written at this point it’s fine) is fair game, but won’t be appearing much because... quarantine.
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6) {unnamed fairy tale AU}: This is literally only a vague idea, but I’m thinking something along the lines of Once Upon a Time, incorporating lots of different fairy tales/themes??? I’m thinking sort of the vibe of the Spiderwick Chronicles meets the Hobbit, with elements of Peter Pan/general changeling child legends and Irish mythology. Very mystical. IDK. If this is the one y’all want to see, it’ll probably take longer to start posting, because I’ll have to do more planning (unlike the others, which I have at least a little bit of planning done for, I have very little of even a concept for this one, it just seems like fun). (Rated ??? because who knows)
{Characters TBD} (I’m leaning towards a Davey lead though, based on the loose image forming in my head after making this moodboard)
Feel free to ask questions about any of these that you’d like to hear more about!!! I’m always happy to talk about story ideas xD Make sure to let me know which one(s) you’d like to see in the near future!!! My mesages and ask box are always open!
Tag list: @the-cowbi @i-am-a-wizard @xbanner-carriedx @celestial-rose-sky @ersterwithablog (let me know if you’d like to be added to/removed from the tag list!!! You can also let me know if there’s a specific story you’d like to be on the tag list for if/when I write it!)
All images from google. Headers made in Procreate. Please let me know if any of these images belong to you and you want them credited/removed!!!
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
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Yo Ho, Hero! (A Newsies Space Pirates AU)
Aleesha Shray
Aleesha Shray spent most of her childhood traveling across the galaxy. Her mother was an ambassador for the New Republic, often sent to newly discovered worlds in and beyond the outer rim—such as the worlds of the Anatoran system—or worlds still torn by war with the Empire. While several of her siblings had their magical talents discovered at a young age, Aleesha wasn’t quite so lucky. She joined the New Republic’s Gambit Initiative when she was thirteen, and excelled in the program, far exceeding expectations. When she was fifteen, she was finally tested for magical abilities, and began training them on top of her other classes and training with the Gambit Initiative. By the time she was eighteen, she was a commander in the program, leading a team of other pilots and intelligence operatives, including Spot Conlon. Her charismatic and able nature made her a natural, well-liked leader, and when she raised moral issues with the actions of the senators running the Resistance, after the rise of the First Order, many of her fellow Gambit operatives followed her in a mass exodus from the Resistance. She and many of the others—including her brothers Obi and Ben, along with many of their friends—set up a small community in an abandoned city on a water planet and named it Haven, because that’s what it was intended to be: a haven, for anyone escaping the First Order or any other form of oppression.
Mid twenties
Cheerful and kind, Aleesha tends to hide her big heart under a tough demeanor. During her time in the military, she became somewhat jaded due to the suffering she saw on a daily basis and her inability to help most of it. However, since leaving the Resistance and founding Haven, she’s opened up quite a bit and been able to restore some of her faith and hope for the galaxy.
Dream job: pilot.
Current job: city administrator, mechanic, pilot, and militia captain—all at once.
Home planet: born on Corellia, spent most of her child on Anatori and the Hub Station in orbit around the planet.
Tag list: @fifty-for-the-racer @violentbirds @idontdoglitter @i-need-more-sleepzzz @chemicalmoose (ask to be added/removed!)
All images found on google and unsplash. Let me know if they belong to you and you’d like them removed/credited. Made in procreate.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
Wordgame: Utopia - Utter
Sooo... I kind of wound up using this as a chapter in my space pirates fic... No obligation to read it or anything, but that is what I did with this prompt xD
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