#yknow the ones who read stop signs as go signs
lacrimosathedark · 16 days
I need to know what the fuck is wrong with Radioapple Haters.
I don't mean the people who just don't like the ship, I presume most of them are fine. I mean Haters.
I mean the people who hate it vehemently enough that they attack the creator for advertising duo art.
Apparently (correction: a member of the social media team on Viv's account) posted the new signed Alastor and Lucifer poster on Youtube, and people threw a goddamn fit, enough that that post is now down. I've seen screenshots, but the page itself is gone. It has since been replaced clearly without the ship name.
Like, seriously? All that because you hate a ship? Because they called out the Radioapple fans for art of the pair just in a poster together? The image isn't even ship art, Lucifer is glaring daggers at Alastor, as per usual.
Viv grew in fandom spaces. Alastor is literally an edgy Deviantart OC. She just released a Helluva Boss minisode with the cringiest weeb fan swooning over Blitz when he kills her FOR SHIPPING SOMETHING.
Radioapple is popular, EVERYONE knows this, it's only expected they would capitalize on it, even if just as a joke. (they do so regularly on tiktok)
The whole duo image (correct me if I'm wrong) was AMIR TALAI'S IDEA. Alastor's voice actor is REGULARLY joking around with Radioapple shippers. It's practically his hobby at this point.
Like, this was literally him the other day.
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Like??? Calm yourselves.
And as for Viv herself, she has Liked a lot of ship art, including Radioapple.
The creator doesn't mind it, one of the actors finds it hilarious, and the other actor to my knowledge hasn't spoken on the ship but DID sign those posters, WHICH IS ALL THAT POST WAS ABOUT ANYWAY. A poster of two well-loved characters signed by their well-loved voice actors.
Look, 98% chance that Radioapple isn't going to happen, if only to make Alastor's sexuality and the ace rep ABUNDANTLY clear. But if Viv did decide to go that route? Okay? It's her show, not yours? Fuck off???
If you want to consider this duo art Radioapple, then there were ALSO Radiodust and Charlastor posters in the same vein and I didn't see people flipping shit about that despite, yknow, Chaggie and Huskerdust.
The canon of a series you otherwise enjoy can and will disappoint you. As a former of the Supernatural fandom, I am deeply aware of this. When Castiel went season after season with queerbaiting, when they killed off the beloved badass lesbian character Charlie, when Sam had a cool deaf hunter gf who disappeared and never came back, you know what the fandom did?
They made fanfiction about it. And let me tell you, some of it is much better than the series.
You could do that. Or, fuck, maybe someone else already has and you can go read that instead.
You don't like the way the series is going? That's fine. It's no longer for you. Stop watching. Make your own versions of them. But don't go off attacking people for enjoying the idea of Lucifer and Alastor being in close proximity.
The creative team, creator, actors, and artists/animators, is Radioapple friendly. If you can't handle that without throwing a tantrum, find the goddamn door.
I'm not telling you you have to like any ship. I sure as shit don't. But don't be an asshole about it.
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nappingnai · 5 months
megumi drabble
angst with no comfort at all, hinted at itafushi, wc; 670, im sorry i love u guys, not proof read so if theres mistakes im sorrryyyy
itadori is gone, and gojo has been given a task from before his execution. to give megumi a handwritten letter. gojo wants to snoop and see what it says, but he knows its not smart.
the soft sound of knocking interrupts megumis thoughts, muttering a small "come in" as he makes himself look somewhat presentable. gojo strolls into his room, sighing as he lookd around.
"yuji wanted me to give you this." is all he says before turning around and leaving, unable to let megumi mutter a word or let a single noise escape his vocal cords. megumi looks at the paper— a small, off-white, folded up— signed by itadori. his messy, but pretty handwriting with small doodles around it. mainly just silly ones of megumi, or itadori himself.
it takes megumi a couple of moments before unfolding the paper, letting his eyes quickly scan over it to see what the main jist of it was before taking a deep breath and deciding to genuinely read through it.
"hey fushiguro! if you're getting this note, its quite obvious ive passed on. i dont wanna say i'll see you soon because i want you to live longer than i did, okay? ill see you someday, though. thats for sure. anyways, i dont really know how to go about this. all those books i borrowed, you can have them back, if you want. they should be in the drawer next to my bed, unless gojo-sensei cleared my room out already. i think he'll leave that to you, though? i did ask him too, but you cant get everything you want, yknow!
anyways, other than all that stupid stuff, i'll miss you. i would say to tell kugisaki i'll miss her too, but, i can tell her that myself now. im sorry for leaving so soon, but you still have gojo-sensei and some of the others. i know you're not a huge fan of communication or anything, but don't continue to be that person that sits in the corner at parties!! live life a bit. i get you're a sorcerer and you assume everything will always be shit, but you can still live. it wont kill you to not be a misanthropist for once in your life fushiguro.
dont drown yourself in guilt over this because there was nothing you could've done to stop it. i was going to meet my end whether you wanted it to be stopped or not. i always had a question, fushiguro. i lived a somewhat nice childhood for someone like me, but the question always ran through my head atleast once a year. was i raised without love, or was i unloveable? and i figured out the answer. i was raised with love, just not enough for me to feel like it. and im not unloveable because i know you loved me with every ounce of love your soul could provide to me.
i think this is long and sad enough already, so, moral of the note, thank you. tell gojo-sensei im sorry for having to leave so soon, but it was bound to happen. i lived an interesting life because of you. id rather die than never meet you. thank you for this, and i love you, megumi."
megumi had already balled up the piece of paper in his hand once finished with reading it, the tears lining his waterline threatening to fall. he let out a shitty attempt at a chuckle, which seemed to be the breaking point of it. instead of a chuckle, it was a choked back sob, making him cough a bit. he threw the paper, even if it didnt go very far. he sat on his bed and stared down, sobbing. he kept wiping his eyes to try and make the tears disappear, but they kept appearing as if nothing could stop them.
megumi went to bed that night with nothing but tears and a hole in his heart that he feels will never be filled until he sees itadori again.
(misanthropist - a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.)
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papakhan · 10 months
what are ur thoughts on bitter-root
sitting here with my hands clasped together. i have so much thoughts on bitter-root
If you've been following me for a while you'll already know that I'm CONVINCED that Bitter-roots writer only read the brief on the Great Khans and didn't pay any attention to their timeline within the games. Let me break it down for you.
The Bitter Springs Massacre was 3 years before the events of Fallout New Vegas and almost immediately following the 1st Battle of Hoover Dam. That means in 3 years Bitter-Root has gone from "child even the Khans don't consider grown enough to be a raider" to "Sergeant in a top ranking highly specialised and decorated sniper unit" that shit doesn't add up IT DOESNT ADD UP!! He explicitly says he wasn't considered old enough for his Khan initiation--which is the Khans threshold between child and adult--but he Was old enough to join the NCRarmy??? These RAIDERS thought he was too baby to be a raider but the fucking NCR said "yep sign here" HELLO?
okay let's say for argument's sake that he took a year out because he was adopted by Major Dhatri and also First Recon Snipers tend to get picked out from basic training sure sure whatever. That's still 2 years to rise to rank of Sergeant he is LITERALLY THE SECOND HIGHEST RANKED MEMBER?? IN 2 OR 3 YEARS?? okay whatever his adopted dad is pulling strings for him or something I don't know ITS STILL DUMB I'm still having to over-explain to patch up these little holes in his story
I've said it before but everything around the Bitter Springs Massacre is awfulllyyyy written. its all so so bad. Like even with laying out all the facts we do have there's still stuff that doesn't make sense. We don't know why Chance is triggered by fires as a result of Bitter Springs, etc. The thing with Bitter-Root is when he says basically that he killed his parents during the confusion UH WHEN DID HE GET TIME TO DO THAT? While he was running through the Red Pass to evacuate? no he would have been shot. In Bitter Springs itself? With that many witnesses? Even in the confusion, it would have been hard to kill two people without anyone noticing ESPICALLY if he was like firing a gun at them or something PEOPLE WOULD HAVE LOOKED idk it just doesn't make sense to me but that's a whole other thing.
to me as he is in game Bitter Root just kinda feels like the writers feable attempt at writing a "good" khan raider whose fighting for the "good guys"
My version of Bitter-Root would still be like. a child. a teenager someone as a parallel to Jerry the Punk over in the Khans. You can still have him running around Camp McCarren but yknow sticking around his dad and first recon and maybe you can have Dhatri be conflicted about Bitter-Root's dreams to join First Recon because he knows personally how awful Bitter Springs was because he was the one who had to put a stop to it and doesn't want Bitter-Root in the military at All because he doesn't want to see him grow into a heartless killing machine on Either side??? Show Bitter-Root getting blinded by revenge just as badly as Papa and all the other characters in New Vegas who are struggling to Let Go. Hell maybe he could be in the role he's in in game but he ran away from the Khans and his parents way before Bitter Springs and is more like Manny or Boone's age, and idk maybe we could have something about how he Did freeze when asked to fire on his own people or something idk anything
And this isn't me hating on Bitter-Root because I like the Khans and don't want to see anything negative about them. I do like and implement a lot of what Bitter-Root brings to the table, his parents seeming to be very staunchly of the old Khan way while the group itself has moved away makes for some Very interesting politicking within the Khans. Why else would his dad take him off to take potshots at NCR civilians if not because the Khans current government had outlawed it? Papa says outright that killing civilians is cowardly he cant be so blind that he wouldn't apply it to both sides. We also know that their chief law enforcer Regis looks out for women and cares about their independence and I cant see him being in the position of power that he's in if his opinion on women wasn't the majority yknow? So the way Bitter-Roots dad and his friends treated Bitter-roots mom goes against that. All this implies a weird subset of Khans who stick to the old New Khan ways were they teach kids to kill civilians and treat women poorly. Like a said, very interesting politicking and I love fictional politics
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necroromantics · 7 months
🧺 — Laundry And Taxes
chapter 15. // (masterlist)
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“I’ll see you tomorrow!” Nina exclaimed, pulling her pink knitted scarf over her mouth as she waved goodbye to her coworker, pushing past the front glass door and out onto the windy streets painted by early springtime frost. The girl made her way down the bustling downtown roads, the soft chill reddening her puffy cheeks as she quickened her pace. As she passed by the townhouses and little local shops, Nina glanced up towards a particular apartment and noticed a large red sign swinging with the strong breeze, the words reading in a blocky white: “FOR RENT”. She stopped her in tracks, heart beating a little faster, her honey doe eyes sparkling in the sun that barely peeked from behind the cloudy skies overhead. A large smile etched its way onto her face, an eager sort of excitement creeping up from her chest. She ran all the way home that late afternoon.
Nina scrambled into the living room of that tiny, quiet farmhouse, nearly tripping over her own feet as she slid and hopped over to the two boys sitting on the torn up couch, watching whatever channel was blaring on the old TV. Chris turned his head over towards his erratic sister, and Toby raised an eyebrow at the girl as well.
“I found a place to move into,” she shouted out, beaming as bright as rave lights.
The loud thud of the box echoed throughout her new, and empty, apartment as Toby dropped it down onto the hardwood floor. Bold black letters announced itself atop the cardboard flaps holding everything in place, reading in bubbly cursive: “Ninas Stuff”. Chris wandered through the tiny apartment, his quick footsteps pattering as he ran through the halls and into the rooms, playing with no one but himself.
“How’s it feel to finally have your own place?” Toby asked, looking at the girl who was deep in thought.
“It feels so good, really freeing. I was thinking of getting a loveseat to put over here, and then I can put the TV there. I want like, a flatscreen or something, yknow?”
Toby watched as she slowly made her way around the living room area, gesturing her hands out to show where she was picturing everything would go. As Nina continued to talk, Toby slowly made his way over to the window, and peered out over the street.
“You gotta be careful too. Don’t forget that anyone can break in,” he interrupted.
“Duh, I’m not stupid,” she grumbled back, “can you not talk to me like I'm useless?”
Nina crossed her arms and stared at the boy, who continued to look out of the window. The muffled sound of cars speeding past, engines roaring outside, and people loudly chatting amongst themselves as they walked by, filled the open air.
“I’m just being realistic,” Toby said, turning to face back at the girl who was glaring daggers at him.
“You’re not being realistic, you’re just being an asshole.”
Toby shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the door, the old flooring creaking under his steps, the ambience of the streets outside pouring into the silent apartment.
“Make sure to lock the door,” he said as he tried his best to ignore Nina’s irritated pouting from behind him.
As he walked through the downtown area, the boy tried not to think too much about the junkies riding past on stolen bikes, or the men with tattoos of gang symbols. He tried not to look at the same type of people he’d meet back in the old world. Not proxies, not ghosts or ghouls, but something worse. It was a different type of society living in the cracks between buildings, in alleyways and unassuming houses. It was something normal people wouldn’t bat an eye at; but he knew. He knew the types of things that go on in areas like these, it was something he’s experienced many times before, in the old world. Toby continued down the street, past the old, rotting buildings, the ones with chipped paint and smashed in windows. He scowled a warning at anyone who looked at him as he walked past the old brick buildings tagged with graffiti and boards on the windows. It was early into the chilly evening, but late enough where certain types of people would be around more often than not. Toby made sure he never left the house without a pocket knife, just in case.
When he approached the run-down bar, the neon light sign overhead giving out, poorly flickering the name “Bulldog Tavern”, the boy thought he should’ve felt a sort of ease of his nerves that he didn’t. When he pushed past the door, and into the dim pub, wooden floors, wooden tables, warm light shining off of the bottles on the shelf, people gathering in after their shifts at work, music blaring, his nerves only got worse. There was a red neon sign illuminating itself on the beam over the bar counter, giving off a soft glow down onto the bartender, who Toby knew better than anyone.
Natalie wore her hair back, sleeves rolled up, apron on. She had a sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face; the fake kind she’d use when she wanted something. To Toby, it was almost terrifying, like the horrible smile a predator would give before devouring its prey. And he knew better than anyone that when that girl smiles at you like that, you’re better off running away.
Toby casually made his way into the bar, watching as Natalie chatted casually with some customers who seemed to have already had too much to drink. They were a group of five, maybe six, and they were a rowdy bunch. The older men sported thick graying beards, some bald, wearing vests and jackets with familiar patches. The boy sat at the front bar, a few seats away from the loud drunken men, and watched quietly as Natalie served them another round of beers. He furrowed his brow at the sight, arms crossed as he leaned into the counter, trying to make sure the girl didn’t fall out of his view. Every roar of laughter, insult, tone change, cuss word, made Toby squeeze his fist shut. He didn’t know why it made him so tense; he didn’t know why he could do nothing but glare and sit alone with irritation choking him.
Toby continued to stare without a word as Natalie wiped down cups from across the bar, the tiredness on her face being quickly replaced with a fake-warm friendliness whenever one of the men dragged her back into the conversation. Showing off, flirting, making a big scene, tossing her around in their bad jokes like she was a ragdoll. She laughed her fake laugh, a loud cackle laugh, as if the jokes they had made were funny. As if the stories of crime and violence they told meant anything. And when she finally glanced over towards the boy, and noticed his familiar scowl, she just as quickly dropped the act.
“What’re you doing here?” Natalie asked, making her way over to Toby as he continued to look at her with disdain tracing his face.
“I was just in the area helping Nina move in. How's work?”
“Work’s great. You look stressed, need a beer?”
Natalie grabbed a bottle from a little fridge under the counter and popped the cap off, handing it over to the boy, who immediately took a heavy swig of the drink as soon as it reached his hand.
“I’m off in an hour if you want to go home,” she said.
“I’ll wait.”
The girl looked down at Toby for a moment, before sighing in surrender at his stubbornness, and walking back over to the lively section of the bar. She continued to make drinks for new customers, reapplying her charm and take-no-shit attitude the locals seemed to love. Toby took another sip of his beer as he kept a close eye on her. Smiling, laughing, raising her eyebrow. Taking no shit.
The boy tapped his finger impatiently on the empty beer bottle, his dark eyes still fixed into his usual glare. He waited and listened to the men talk about the same things he had witnessed in the old world. Bar fights, petty theft, guns, money, drinking too much on a Thursday night. Toby watched as Natalie’s coworker came in, tapping her on the shoulder and taking her apron from her. He waited impatiently as she made her way into the back room, letting her hair down, and grabbing her coat.
She met Toby outside of the bar, the night skies dark, only illuminated by the warm glow of street lamps shining down on them as they walked down the street, and past business lights pouring out from the boarded up windows. The boy matched her pace as she slowed to light a cigarette, perching it in between her overworked fingers.
“You seemed to be making some interesting friends,” Toby said.
“I’m just doing my job,” she muttered as she took another long drag of smoke, inhaling the mountains into her dying lungs.
“Yeah, cozying up to guys like that. Definitely in the job description.”
“What is your problem?”
“I’m just saying that those types act all tough, but I bet you they’re all too pussy to do half the shit I’ve done.”
“You haven’t done anything in this world, Toby,” Natalie said in annoyance, brushing the boy off as she continued to walk down the darkened streets of downtown.
As he followed behind her, he had come to the terrible realization that the girl was right. The dreadful truth that everything he had become, everything that he had seen, committed — none of it was done in the world they walked in now. Toby had never intended to become what he was. A killer, a weapon, a false prophet. He knew nothing of peace, or time, only that he had lived through a war that no longer existed. And he wasn't even left with the scars to prove it.
As they entered into the moonlit serenity of their home, the pale light settled on the old floorboards, Natalie quickly made her way into the bathroom to run herself a bath, while Toby sat down in the livingroom to watch cable TV. He pressed his thumb down on the remote, the screen flashing on to a news channel which had been in the middle of discussing local politics. The boy leaned back into the couch, half-watching the nonsense plastered on the television. His eyes fell heavy as he barely processed the words the woman discussed with another man on screen. As his body grew tired, melting into the couch cushions that cradled him, Toby continued to listen as the news channel switched from local politics, to local crimes. There was a sour taste in the boy's mouth that grew more and more as he began to listen intently to the woman explaining that the horrific failed break and enter last month that left one child dead, and a family devastated, was still under investigation. And that anyone with information should call the number that proceeded to flash on screen.
The world around him fell as short as his breath, as if the room had taken a step back. Toby watched the news like he, himself, was trapped behind a TV screen. There was a soft tightness gripping the heart beating in his chest as the number was announced once again through muffled noise that didn’t process properly in the boy's brain.
Call the number if you have any information on the crime.
The horrific crime.
The one that left a child dead, and a family devastated.
Toby felt the room spin around him as he wondered how many people called numbers about his crimes. He wondered how many children he left dead, how many families were devastated. He felt the couch cushion swallow him whole as the world slipped past him, the news switching to commercial break.
Call your insurance company today.
Call your doctor about the newest heart medication.
Call your mother.
Call the number if you have any information on the crime.
The sudden, loud blare of the house phone ringing out shattered through the glass box Toby found himself in, yanking him back into reality. It stopped for a moment, the boy thought he must’ve imagined it, before another loud drill of the phone rolled across the heavy air of the living room. Like it was taunting him, like it knew what he had done, or not done. Not here. Not yet.
Toby brought himself to his feet and slowly made his way over to the ringing phone, he barely felt the floor under him as he stepped down. He barely felt the button under his finger as he pressed the answer key.
Silence. The quiet infomercials danced around in the space behind him.
Call about the newest product.
Call for more information.
“Hello?” He asked again, unsure if he had actually said it the first time.
Silence again. Toby waited, not saying another word as he counted the seconds that passed in his head, the soft static buzzing from the other end of the call. The long air of silence lingered, draping itself over the time that had been passing the boy by as he stood, awaiting a voice on the other line. He thought about what he would’ve said if he heard his mother on the other end, screaming a sob as loud as he remembered the other woman did through the broken window pane that dreadful night; wailing about how her baby died, her poor child. Toby thought about how much his mother must’ve cried alone after Lyra died. And how much more after he left her behind. And still, the silence screeched through the call, suffocating him. The room twisted mercilessly around him, Toby felt himself losing his footing, he tightened his grip around the phone, hoping it would offer some sort of support if he fell. He felt his chest strain so tight, he couldn’t seem to breathe.
“Toby?” A familiar voice rang out.
“What are you doing?” Natalie said, standing in the doorway of the living room, hair wet, freshly changed into pajamas. Toby quickly hung up the phone and placed it back onto the holder, shaking his head.
“Nothing, I thought we had a call but it was just silence.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” the boy said as he walked past her, avoiding her raised eyebrow and crossed arms. Avoiding her demanding voice, the silence that fell around it, and the infomercials quietly playing on the TV behind him.
Call the number if you have any information on the crime.
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 14: Curiousity Killed the Cat
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read CKTC | Read The Magnificent Series | Read Glitched Mind
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
They appear in a private hospital room filled with 6 empty beds. Bro hurries to go lay Alt down on one and Alt slumps against it, breathing raggedly.
“I’ll go get Schneep- o-our Schneep-“ Jackieboy says as he rushes out the door.
Schneep walks over to Alt's side, feeling out the area with his cane on the way. "That breathing does not sound good," he mutters.
Alt’s eyelids flutter and he blearily looks up at Schneep as he comes over. He smiles dazedly. “…’m okay… m…” His smile fades as he shudders, his other self’s glitchy laughter loud in his ears. 
"He looks really tired," Jackie reports. "I'm guessing he used a lot of energy."
JJ nods. Though, I... my magic may have... made things worse.
Schneep nods slowly. "Well... at least you got that Anti out of him." He shivers. "I cannot imagine having someone like that in your mind."
"Yeah..." Jackie mutters. "I've, um... had some mental magick stuff happen to me, but possession is another thing, yknow?"
Indeed, JJ agrees.
“Honesty… I’m surprised he’s still conscious right now. I passed out for a couple hours after it happened to me, I think.” Marvin mumbles, “You all weren’t kidding about him being strong.”
Bro looks to Schneep in worry and tries to lead him to a bed or a chair. “Hen… you hurt your ankle- you gotta keep off your feet…”
“I hurt my—ah!” Schneep suddenly winces and lifts his injured foot up.
Jackie bursts into laughter—though he quickly stops as it sends pain through his abdomen wound. “Did you just—forget that you were injured?”
“I suppose my concern outweighed the pain,” Schneep says, sitting down on the nearest bed. “And the need to explore a new place.”
“Jesus you two…” Bro sighs in concern. 
We can describe it to you, Hen, JJ says.
“Your spell for sign language has really lasted a long time,” Schneep says, impressed.
I told you, it wouldn’t take much power, JJ says. Though—seems this world’s version of me is also silent. That could be difficult.
“We’ll come to that when we come to that,” Jackie says, sitting down. “For now, Schneep, we’re in a hospital room. Six beds, one door, a couple windows.”
Marvin has gone to sit criss crossed on another bed but he leans forward in interest at seeing Schneep’s and his conversation. “Wait- you have a spell for Schneep to hear your signs in his mind? T-That’s so useful!” His eyes shine eagerly, “Do you think that’s something you could teach me?”
JJ laughs. Sure! But it's not as useful as you think. It only targets one person at a time. But to that person, as I sign, they hear a voice in their heads as if I was speaking nearby.
"It is very impressive, actually," Schneep says. "It even gets quieter with distance."
“Oh that makes sense- it’d be helpful if our Jamie ever needs to speak to us from far away!” Marvin grins.
I'd love to teach you! JJ says, smiling. I hope it will work with your magic—different universes and all.
Henrik bursts in through the door, rushing in and gathering up his supplies. “You all are hurt? Verr damnit- that Anti…! Who needs the most immediate aid?”
Jackieboy, Chase and Jameson all peek their heads in the door.
Jackie laughs. "S-sorry, I just—you're really reminding me of someone right now." He quickly becomes serious again. "Um—Alt was possessed but Marvin healed up his neck but he's still all... tired and stuff, I guess. Uh, I've been stabbed. Marvin and the other me got slashed a couple times, but maybe the other me heals fast like Bro does? And our Schneep's ankle is broken."
"No, it is only twisted," Schneep corrects. "That is very different. Much less severe."
“I’m okay-“ Jackieboy grins. “Superhero privileges~”
“Hey same!” Bro grins and shows the cuts on his arms are pretty much closed. “…should probably wrap these up though… but attend to Jackie and Schneep first.”
“Oh I see-“ Henrik nods. “Other Jackie- can I see where you got stabbed?” 
"Yeah, course." Jackie pulls up his hoodie and shirt, revealing his stomach. There's a new wound on top of all the old scars, a narrow stab wound. "I don't think it hit anything important?"
"I remember not aiming for anywhere important," Schneep mutters. "In that mind controlled state, I... wanted the fight to last." He reaches out and grabs his scissors. "This is what I used, if that helps."
"Yeah, your fucking... Genocide Jack scissors," Jackie mutters.
“Ayyy Danganronpa reference!” Bro grins.
“Man- I want Jack to play Dangan one day-“ Marvin grins. “I think he’d like it!”
“I dunno bro- that dialogue can get pretty repetitive,” Chase chuckles.
“But it’s such an interesting story!”
Henrik looks at the scissors then the wound and nods. “I will stitch just to be safe… though it does not look too deep.” He grabs his supplies and starts working on the wound.
"Ayyy." Jackie grins right back at the three of them. "I only discovered it recently. My boyfriend Frederick insisted that I try it. We were gonna play the sequel soon." He's talking to distract himself from the wound treatment. Stitches, huh? Wouldn't be the first time.
What are you all talking about? JJ says, looking confused.
"Sounds like it is a game of some sort," Schneep says.
"It's a visual novel thing about kids getting trapped in a high school and being forced to play a death game," Jackie explains.
"Ahhh." Schneep nods.
I should suggest that to my friend Anti, he likes those types of stories, JJ says.
“Ah yeah, your Anti would love that game!” Bro grins. “Alt likes it a lot too. It has a great way of being funny and fucked up. Plus the pink blood is hella aesthetic.”
Speaking of Alt, he has finally closed his eyes, letting his head loll to the side- his friends are safe, he feels like he can rest now.
Henrik makes quick work of stitching up Jackie and then wraps up his wound before straightening back up. “There. Just be careful to not do too much of the stretching and it will be right as the rain.”
"Thanks, doc." Jackie smiles. "Your stitches are much neater than the ones my Schneep makes." 
“Oh thank you! That is high praise.” Henrik laughs.
Jackie then sighs. "I hope he's okay..."
“Now, uh… the other me- may I see your ankle?” Henrik asks.
Schneep pushes down his sock and holds out his ankle. "It was a short fall that caused it. I must have landed wrong—which I suppose makes sense, as I could not see the ground beneath me."
“Oh yes I… noticed the cane.” Henrik says quietly and pulls out compression bandages to start wrapping up his ankle. 
"That is what the cane is for," Schneep comments, chuckling a bit. 
Bro looks over at Jackie with concern, “Oh yeah… a-any progress on finding out where your Schneep went?” 
Jackie sighs. "He was MIA for a bit, but then Jameson and Marvin found him again and brought him back to the hotel. I don't know what happened to him in that time frame he was gone, but it wasn't good. I'm not sure if it was worse than being back with them, though."
They're that bad...? JJ asks, a concerned expression on his face.
"Yeah. But, uh, clearly they're an exception." Jackie smiles at him. "I've met a lot of good Jamesons on this journey."
Bro shudders and nods, going to hold his arms. "They're... god. Jackie's Marvin and Jameson are..." He glances at this world's Marvin and Jameson, who are both sitting on the same bed, Jameson helping wrap up Marvin's cuts. "They're... a lot. Bad people but... definitely an anomaly in universes for sure." He smiles at JJ too. 
JJ also glances at the other Marvin and Jameson. He nods slowly. Yes... everyone else has seemed very kind.
Henrik finishes with the bandages. “This will help- we will also rest it up and get some ice.”
"Thank you very much,” Schneep says. “I will make sure to rest."
Henrik smiles at Schneep- then realizes he can't see him and flushes, "Oh yes- that's uh good. Here-" He helps to lift Schneep's foot to rest then hurries over and grabs an icepack. "Please take all the time you all need to rest." He says to Schneep, then turns to the room and calls out. "Alright- anyone else needs bandages?"
"Thank you,” Schneep says again, resting the ice pack on his ankle. "Ah, I believe I sliced Marvin a little. Other than that, Bro and the other Jackie heal fast. JJ, you were not hurt, were you?"
JJ shakes his head. Very luckily. Though... there is that magic... He trails off. I'm really sorry. I don't know why... He can't finish that. He just doesn't know why.
"I believe Alt needs food, yes?" Schneep says.
"Yeah, to help him recover his energy," Jackie agrees.
“Or something he can drain some electricity from,” Bro points out.
“Uhhh let’s not drain anything from the hospital…” Henrik points out nervously.
“There’s a vending machine outside! And I know a trick~” Chase grins.
Bro hurries over and gives him some cash. “Thanks other me! That’ll be awesome.” Chase grins and goes to grab some snacks.
"Right, yeah, we're in an... actual hospital," Jackie mutters.
Schneep raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'an actual hospital'?"
"I'm used to less, uh... reputable places," Jackie says carefully.
JJ looks at him in concern. Is your universe OKAY?
"Probably as a whole, yeah." Jackie shrugs. "I'm just... not in the position to... go to public hospitals. Luckily, though, I know some magicians who can help with that sort of stuff."
“Oh yeah! ..wait why can’t you go to public hospitals?” Bro asks, blinking at Jackie.
Jackie freezes for a moment. "Uhhhhhhhh... cause I'm... a bit... wanted?"
"Like, criminally?" Schneep asks.
"Yyyyeah... people kinda... found out who I was..." Jackie squirms a little. "So, uh... if I go to a hospital... I'll get arrested."
“…oh.” Bro says in a small voice. “Well… it’s different now! …luckily you got Fredrick- he can heal last I remember.”
"Yeah." Jackie smiles softly. "He's really an angel."
I'm glad you have him, then, JJ says.
"What about you three?" Jackie asks, looking at Bro, JJ and Schneep. "I think I remember someone mentioning Alt having a boyfriend, too, but either of you have partners?"
I've always been too busy for dating, but I'm open for it if it happens, JJ says.
"I dated a woman named Greta for a time, but that was years ago now, I am not sure what happened to her since," Schneep says.
“Oh! I have a girlfriend,” Bro smiles, “Her name is Stacy. It’s still… kinda early? I dunno we’re both really busy… But I like her a lot and she makes me laugh. She’s real pretty too. Alt’s dating a guy named Oliver- used to help out Alt as a nurse! But he stopped once they both started getting feelings cuz you know- that’d be… bad- I think they said…”
"Aww." Jackie grins. "A real meet-cute for him, then. And Stacy? Huh. That's the name of Chase's ex-wife in my world."
"In mine too." Schneep nods. "Though they are still friendly."
I have a close friend named Stacy, JJ says. I don't think she was ever married, though, much less to someone named Chase.
“Yeah… I noticed that Stacy’s and Chases seem to be connected a lot… which is… weird? Cuz I’ve never seen an Ollie and Anti together! Though… only met one so far- but still! Why is my relationship the one that’s a constant?? Isn’t that weird??” Bro says. He then sighs and waves his hand. “Makes me wonder… if we’re just… destined to not last… which really sucks cuz… I think she’s amazing, you know?”
Jackie shakes his head. "If I've learned one thing in this early bit of a relationship, it's that it's always what you make it. You need to put in effort and communication, y'know? And honesty. I'm sure that as long as you guys have that, you can make it last. There's no destiny in love."
So I'm guessing you don't believe in soulmates, then? JJ asks, slightly amused.
"I believe that you make your soulmate, you know?"
Bro chuckles lightly, “I mean… kinda hard to communicate a lot with her though… I’m a superhero, you know? …there’s lots I can’t tell her… it kinda eats me up inside…”
Jackie sighs. "Well. Can't really help you out, there. But like... in comic books, the heroes always have to tell their love interests eventually. So... I dunno, keep that in mind, I guess? Do a lot of thinking."
With any big secret in a relationship, it will either eventually come out, or the relationship will end, JJ says. Not even just in romantic ones.
Bro sighs heavily and nods. “…yeah… I want to tell her it just… feels too soon. I dunno… it’s so complicated.”
"I'm sure you can figure it out when the time is right," Schneep says, smiling.
Chase hurries back into the room and dumps a handful of snacks and a couple of drinks on the edge of Alt’s bed. “There! That should do it, right?”
Jackie laughs. "Yeah, that should be enough! D'you think we should wake him up so he can eat, or should he rest some more?"
“I’ll wake him-“ Bro says and leans over to shake him awake. Alt sleepily grumbles and blinks open his eyes. Bro smiles gently and nudges him up. “hey bud- hungry? Other me got you some food.”
“Not much! Just- some jerky and crisps and some soda- stuff like that.” Chase says timidly.
Alt blinks at the food and then goes to grab the jerky almost desperately and starts to tear into it.
Jackie laughs again. "I guess that answers that question! Hey, someone pass me a soda, too."
Bro laughs and tosses Jackie one.
JJ turns to Alt. How do you feel?
"Probably not too good, hmm?" Schneep says. 
Alt looks up at Schneep and JJ and shrugs, “…I feel like my brain got ran over by a forklift… that was also filled with electricity.”
"Alt, have you met the others from this world?" Schneep gestures over to them. "They seem very kind."
Chase has gone over to his friends and has handed them soda and coffees which they take gratefully.
Alt blinks over at the others and then quickly turns his head away, curling up. “I-I don’t think they’d… wanna meet someone who l-looks like me…”
JJ raises an eyebrow. Well, this Jackie and Marvin already saw you glitch into Schneep to get Anti's power out. They didn't react much.
"They may freak out for a moment, but you saved me, surely they will learn, as me and my friends in my world did," Schneep says.
"Besides, I haven't had any problem with the Marvins, have I?" Jackie mutters, taking a drink of his soda.
Alt doesn’t say anything, just curls up tighter.
Bro watches this for a second before rolling his eyes and taking Alt by the arm. Alt glitches a bit in protest, “Chase! Hey!”
The others are all gathered around the bed Marvin claimed. Jameson is now helping Jackie wrap up his wounds while Chase and Schneep drink their respective drinks. Marvin blinks up as Bro comes over. Bro smiles. “Hey guys- thought I should let my brother properly introduce himself- this is Alt.”
Alt yanks his arm away from Bro, his ears turning red. “Um.. hi… t-thanks for… h-helping me and my friends…”
The egos all look at Alt. He squirms under their gazes- wishing he had his mask still. 
Jackieboy hums, narrowing his eyes- then he laughs. “You might look like Anti - but you sure don’t act like him!”
Marvin hits him slightly, “Jackie! Don’t be rude!”
“What?? That’s a compliment!”
Jackie laughs. "No, you're right—Alt couldn't be more different from your Anti! He's great." He smiles over at Alt. "Aren't you a superhero back in your world? Or, was it just that you were trying to be a superhero?"
"Really?" Schneep says. "I didn't remember that. But if today is any indication, Alt could be a great hero."
JJ chuckles. Indeed.
Alt’s face gets even more red- “I… I was… t-thinking about it but I… I dunno-“
Bro grins and throws his arm around Alt’s shoulder. “He’s a great fighter! And magician like you, Marvin!”
Oh! A magician! How delightful! Jameson signs with a smile.
Marvin smiles too, “Hey! Don’t get to meet too many… nice or heroic magicians so good to meet ya. Seems like you and other Chase are a lot like me and Jackie here!”
“Yeah! Like a crime fighting duo!” Jackieboy grins.
"Ha! More parallels!" Jackie laughs.
This world does seem to be fairly close to Bro and Alt's, JJ says. If we push aside that bit about them all being created by someone and having their life force tied to them. Everyone's just swapped around a little.
"Wait, what?" Schneep blinks. "They are what in this world?!"
"Oh, uh, yeah." Jackie winces. "Apparently here, some people have the ability to... make... people? Through... magic and imagination? And in this world, Jack made the whole group."
"...oh." Schneep leans back. "I suppose that would explain something Anti said. And it would explain that strange thing about all of their souls. That must be the connection to their Jack." He pauses, then nods. "Yes, I think that is what it is. But other than that one thing, they are all the same as other souls."
Alt’s eyes widen as JJ and Jackie explain how this world works. “What? You guys… just… creations? From someone else?”
Marvin huffs and crosses his arms, “Yes and no. That’s how we were born but we’re our own people! The only thing different from us is… well…”
“We technically can’t… die?” Chase says timidly.
“We fade.” Jackieboy says with a nod. “But as long as people still love our characters and give us attention… then we’ll come back.”
“T-that’s… that’s insane-“ Alt says with wide eyes. “To.. maintain that… that must take a-a lot of magic… or power-“
“Eh- Jack has millions of fans… it is not so hard to believe them to be capable. Human beings have a lot more power than they think. Even us.” Henrik shrugs.
"So it's the power of the collective, hmm?" Jackie nods like he understands this.
JJ nods in actual understanding. Of course. Spells are more powerful the more people who participate.
“It’s not as insane as what other Schneep said-“ Jackieboy says looking at him, “What’s that about our souls?? Can you… see them??”
Schneep smiles a bit. "Not exactly see them, I still cannot see anything. But I can sense them. It does come in handy, as I always know where people are. Some souls feel a bit different, a bit... I once described them as 'spicy.'"
Jackie laughs.
"That is what magic feels like," Schneep continues. "You all have a tiny bit of spice to you, though it is a different flavor than magic. That must be your connection. Of course, some of you do have that magic spice as well." He points at Marvin, Jameson, and Jackie.
“Oh! Huh- that’s neat!” Jackieboy grins. “Guess that comes in handy a lot!”
Marvin leans forward and bounces a bit excitedly on their bed. “Now that we have time to rest and stuff… can you all tell us about your universes? You said Alt’s and other Chase’s was similar but swapped? I wanna know more!”
Jameson nods too. Yes I’d also like to learn! How often do we get to meet ourselves who have their own different stories!
"Hah..." Jackie gives a weak smile. "Alright. Who wants to go first, then?"
I will, JJ says, smiling. Well, my home is also very switched around compared to you. My Jackie is a doctor, and my Henrik is a sort of hero—a vigilante, really. I have magic, as you can see, and I use it for preformances. My best friend is Marvin. He's a man from the 1920s who traveled here accidentally. Great man. We also have a friend called Anti—he plays games for YouTube. The five of us are all very close, though there are others, like Anti's cousin Jack, the previously-mentioned Stacy, Jackie's spouse named Rama and his daughter Michelle, Anti's son Will— He shakes his head. But I can't just list all my friends. His smile fades. There's also a... being... called Distorter. He's able to mess with people's minds, and he's been targeting our group for a while. But I'm sure that we'll be able to get rid of him soon.
“Oh wow JJ! Your world really is all switched around!” Marvin says.
Jackieboy laughs, “I-Imagine Anti being a gamer like Jack! God he’d hate that!”
I haven’t met anyone else out of time like me! I’d love to meet your friend some time, other me! Jameson grins, twitching his mustache. I wonder if his past is similar to mine!
“Pah! Imagine Jackie as a doctor… I’m never heard something so ridiculous- Jackie can hardly walk on his own sometimes.” Henrik snickers.
Chase frowns, “huh… there’s no Chase in your world… that’s weird… wonder why that is…”
JJ shrugs. Perhaps there is a Chase, but we do not know him. 
"That is a lot of talking," Schneep mutters.
You talk, then.
"Very well. In my home I am a doctor—or, was, I cannot do surgeries if I cannot see. I have since been studying physics in hope it will help me with a new job. My group of friends consists of Jack and Chase, who are both YouTubers, Jameson, a man who knows much about magick but is not exactly a magician, and Jackie and Marvin--Marvin is a magician, and Jackie used to be a vigilante as well." He pauses. "There was... an accident some years ago. Marvin and Jackie... we thought they died, but really they... it is a complicated matter, but you must know that somehow the two of them... were fused together with dark magic into a being called Anti. That Anti hurt me and my friends a lot, but we were able to defeat him and get our Jackie and Marvin back. Things are returning to normal for us."
Jackieboy and Marvin look a bit freaked out at the mention of Stitches and look at each other with wide eyes. “Woah other Schneep… that’s… honestly kinda scary. S-so close to how it is here…” Marvin says, thoughtfully rubbing some purple scars on his wrist.
“Luckily- we learned our lesson already when it comes to dealing with black magic,” Jackieboy tries to say cheerfully.
“Yeah…” Marvin replies, “I’m glad you guys got that fixed… that must have been awful… I-I can’t even imagine…”
Schneep sighs. "It was... a terrible time. But Jackie and Marvin have recovered, as have the rest of us." He smiles. 
Jackie sighs. "Guess it's my turn, then? Well... things aren't... so great where I'm from." He pauses. "I, uh... used to do a lot of bad things. A-and I got along with other people who did bad things. Those people were... Chase, and Schneep, and Marvin and Jameson. Jack was also a friend, sort of, but he was actually a good guy. We... ended up hurting him a little. And this friend of his, Anti—in my world he's a good guy, if a bit of an asshole—he got real mad with us. Been trying to get Jack back for a while." He shakes his head. "I-I don't... Things have changed a lot. My Marvin and Jameson are real bad news, they... turned on the rest of us. I-I since got away, and these guys helped me get Chase away, too. The two of us are working with Anti and some magicians to hopefully get Schneep and Jack away from those two."
The egos all blink at Jackie in surprise.
“Woah… t-there’s a world where… A-Anti is good and we’re all… not?” Jackieboy whispers. Marvin lightly hits him again, “E-Except for you other me- cuz you’re trying to be better! Obviously!” Jackieboy corrects himself, grinning nervously.
“Switched mortalities…” Henrik muses, stroking his chin. “That is… fascinating…”
Jameson deflates, Gee… I-I can’t imagine acting in a way that would hurt my brothers… that’s very scary to think about.
Marvin nods. “…I know I’ve… I-I haven’t acted the best here but I… I-it wasn’t my fault. I was… I would never hurt these guys on purpose…”
"I know you wouldn't," Jackie says, giving Marvin a small smile. It feels strange to do. But he tried.
Chase seems a bit uncomfortable and gestures at Bro and Alt, “Uh- what about you two?”
Bro blinks then grins, “Well! In our world- me and Alt are like- actually brothers, you know? People in other universes always seem surprised by that.” He laughs. “but I’m a superhero named Bro Fantastic! My best mate is named Jackie Mann and he’s a YouTuber too but he does cool parkour tricks! And he’s a dad! He’s awesome. We also got someone out of time too! Our Henrik! But we call him Henny. He’s deaf but an amazing actor! And our doctor- well he’s learning more first aid hospital stuff but Dr. J is a hypnotherapist! He’s also got a daughter.”
Alt stuffs his hands in his pockets, “I’m… a magician… learning more magic and stuff but I can.. glitch too. I do… illusion shows. Light stuff but a bit of magic too - they’re a hit at raves.” He laughs softly.
Marvin’s eyes sparkle, “Really? That's so cool! What about other me??”
Bro and Alt both pale at this. “Uh… well… our… our bad guy is… a guy named Magnificent.”
Marvin’s face falls and then turns very pale.
“D-Don’t worry about him though- he’s… our problem.” Bro tries to say gently. “He’s… bad for us but like- you have no idea how many great Marvins we meet…”
JJ nods. There are plenty of kind Marvins out there! Mine would love to come here and meet you all. He nods at Jameson in particular. 
“Woah… I’m a dad there too???” Jackieboy gasps.
“That might be even worse than him being a doctor-“ Henrik snickers. Jackieboy playfully punches him. “You’d be an awful actor then! You can’t even act nice to your older brother, bitch!”
Jackie laughs a little. "It seems like a lot of places we go can't imagine themselves as anything different. Which, yeah, I-I get it. It's hard to do until you see it."
"I never would have dreamt of a world where created people come to life," Schneep says. "I know that my Marvin and Jamie would be fascinated to hear about it. I will tell them all about it when I get home."
An interesting detail is that the three of us seem to come from similar worlds. JJ indicates himself, Schneep, and Jackie. We all live in the same city, for example.
"Out of curiosity, do any of you guys have an ABIM here?" Jackie asks. "The, uh... Association of British and Irish Magicians?"
"Oh! Yes, I am familiar with them." Schneep nods.
I have a friend who works for them, JJ says. Her name is Aoife.
"Hah. Yeah, Frederick works for them, too," Jackie says
Marvin blinks a bit at this then shakes his head. “No we don’t have anything like that… just the Magic Circle. They kinda govern the magic here.”
“Oh- we have one of those too. Bunch of pricks in my eyes though.” Alt smirks.
Marvin laughs, “I used to work for them so I can agree!”
“Oh yeah that reminds me we never asked! What city are we in right now? Still seems like Britain.” Bro hums.
“Oh this is Brighton.” Chase says.
Bro and Alt blink at this then both kinda rush to look at the window. “…bro no way?? This… did we not notice this is kinda like home?”
“I dunno Chase- I was kinda busy being possessed by a crazy glitch-“ Alt mumbles.
“Wait?? You guys are from Brighton too??” Jackieboy asks.
Jameson looks to the others. What city are you all from?
"It's a place called Mirygale," Jackie says. "I don't think that it exists in these guys' world." He jerks his head towards Bro and Alt. "Because we were there for a bit and no one seemed to have heard of it."
“Yeah I’ve tried looking it up and couldn’t find it,” Alt sighs. 
"Which is strange, because Brighton does exist," Schneep says. "In my world, at least."
"Mine too."
Same here. JJ nods. I performed there once. Lovely place.
"Worlds are very, uh... varied, I guess." Jackie smiles and looks back at Bro and Alt. "Didn't you guys go to some sort of fantasy world once? And there were the two worlds we were in before this, and all their scifi shit."
“Oh yeah we’ve been to so many different places! Everyone single one is just slightly different or like- massively different. Always the same people- we’ve been to one where we were all like preteens or teens- one where we all were like- in a facilityyy- one where we were mermen! Well… two of those now- wait… 3? I dunno the last two kinda… blended together.” Bro says scratching his head.
“That is… so many-“ Chase says with wide eyes.
“That’s not even all of them,” Alt chuckles.
“Well… in theory it makes sense,” Henrik says, “There must be… infinite possibilities. I suppose it only makes sense for it to be so in practice.”
“…how are you guys gonna get back to your homes?” Marvin asks with a bit of concern. “You mentioned those rifts but… I haven’t heard about something like that…”
Schneep sighs. "We are not sure, to be honest. These rifts just appear."
"Like black rips or cracks in the very fabric of the world," Jackie says. "Bro and Alt used to have this device called a TRVLR, made by this company called IRIS, that let them control where they went to. But, uh... apparently that got broken."
I think in order to get home, we'd need to end up somewhere with the magic or technology to make controlled jumps like the TRVLR, JJ says. It doesn't seem impossible. Isn't there an IRIS in all three of our worlds?
"Yes, though in mine they simply make technology," Schneep says. "None of this multiverse shit."
"That you know of," Jackie mutters. "Or, I mean... we could eventually get help from someone else in the multiverse. My Anti knows about it. In fact, I think he's been traveling around a lot recently? Though... I don't know how he does that, I don't think he was powerful enough to jump worlds casually. Maybe we'll run into him eventually."
JJ sighs. I do hate that this all seems dependent on chance. My friends are no doubt worried about me.
"Mine too." Schneep nods. "I... would like to get back to them... soon."
"We'll find a way," Jackie says. "There's... there's always a way. As this Schneep says, the possibilities must be infinite."
“Yeah I… I dunno if we have an IRIS…” Jackieboy hums in thought, “sounds like something Jack would come up with though…”
“Man- imagine being able to just jump to other worlds!” Marvin says excitedly. “That would be so awesome! Just think about all the awesome magic that exists outside of here!”
Alt chuckles, “Yeah it was… it was pretty great.”
Jameson notices something out of the corner of his eye. Then he starts to shake Marvin’s shoulder- eagerly pointing.
There’s a black crack forming on the back wall of the room. Once Marvin turns to look it cracks open a little bigger. “Uhhh- you guys said they were like black rips right?!”
Jackie and JJ both immediately look in the same direction Marvin does. Schneep does not, of course, but he says, "Don't tell me. You are seeing one right now?"
"Oh my god, we are," Jackie gasps. He gets up, wincing, and hurries over to Schneep's side, helping him up. "Everyone link up! It's time!"
Alt glitches up and Bro immediately grabs his hand.
JJ looks at the egos and smiles. It was lovely to meet you! If we can figure out some way to control our travel, I'd love to come back and visit you again!
"Yes, a shame that I spent most of my time here being mind controlled," Schneep mutters.
Alt lets out a bitter laugh, “I feel that, Schneep.” He goes to hold his hand.
Jackieboy holds Marvin and Jameson to his side as the rift cracks open more and starts to pull the boys in- dragging out their clothes. Henrik grabs Chase. “I-Is it gonna suck us in too??” Jackieboy asks with worry.
Bro hurries over and grabs on to Jackie. “You guys should be fine! It only affects people who.. are out of their universes I think.”
“Well then- f-feel free to visit if you find a way back here! I’d love to hear more about all of this!” Marvin says with a shaky smile. He gives JJ a meaningful look and nods to him. “Good luck with your magic… hang onto the light, okay?”
JJ blinks, then smiles sincerely. I will. Thank you. Then he grabs onto Schneep, holding his hand.
"Until we meet again!" Jackie says. "If we don't, then I'm glad I met you all for this short time."
"Good luck with your Anti," Schneep says. "I'm sure that if you all work together, you can figure something out."
“Hell yeah dude! Don’t worry about us- we got PMA on our side!” Jackieboy grins. “Anti can’t keep us down for long- we got each other!!”
Henrik chuckles. “It was good to meet you all.”
“Even if it was… kinda weird. But also kinda cool-“ Chase grins.
Good luck! Jameson signs with a big playful smile.
“Thanks for everything-“ Alt smiles.
Then, the pull is too much and the 5 of them are sucked into the deep nothingness of the rift.
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Every day I think about episode 160 and cry. Like. Like. Jesus christ! The. Everything. Like. Every so often I think of TheOestOfOCs’ tag on their Dracula fusion fic, “this is still a fix it fic compared to canon” AND IT IS??? Fucking. Apparently Elias kidnapping Jon and turning him into a vampire and generally being the most awful person ever is a FIX IT FIC compared to what we’ve got.
And I’m like, I’m not complaining, I signed up for this, but like yeah, signed up for this (emotional ruin), but that doesnt make me HAPPIER ABOUT IT?
Okay, so, it’s three years, about. Starts in 2015, 2016. Ends in 2018. Because. Goddamnit. And it’s just. He gets eaten by fucking worms. You know that line, “one hand on the gas release from the start”? That line lives in my head rent free, because it’s… Elias is holding the cards, he has Jon’s fate in the bloody PALM OF HIS HAND and just… yknow how. Like. Fucked up Jon is in MAG 40? How he keeps asking them to Please Not Talk About The Worms, I Know About The Worms, Stop, I Beg Of Thee. And Elias is there, Elias is talking, Elias is seeing all of this and he’s just like “jolly good, job well done, 11 more to go!”
And just… Sasha. Tim. Melanie, Martin. Basira and Daisy. Everyone who got caught in the crossfire. Sasha, who died, unintentionally on Elias’ part, for a mark that was redundant. Tim, who died saving a world Elias knew was never in danger from the Unknowing. Melanie, who had to gouge her bloody eyes out, because Elias decided she was useful to him.
Useful. Fucking bastard.
And then, and then, season 3, right! God, I’m just thinking about Jude Perry’s mark, because that’s a burn, he probably didn’t go to a hospital, since he was on the run for a murder, so considering Lightless Flame nonsense, that’s probably a severe burn that probably caused nerve damage, caused a difficulty moving that hand, presumably the right hand, because I don’t think they were doing a scouts handshake. And while I do try make all my blorbos left-handed, Jon’s most likely right-handed. And even if he’s not, he still probably can’t move his right-hand right because someone decided to end the world through him, like a fucking bastard! That’s what gets me, right. It’s that everything, everything Jon’s bloody been through for Elias’ plans is immortalized on his skin, with his scars. Psychological trauma just isn’t enough for him, there has to be a constant reminder every time Jon looks at himself.
And then! And then! Speaking of season 3, what the fuck was that second kidnapping? Like, first kidnapping was horrifying but it was “for the plan” and the third kidnapping was in America and somehow “not that bad,” yknow, compared to finding out you’re like, physically dependent on reading horror stories, and your fucking awful bastard of a boss decided to drop that bombshell on you while you were actively, yknow, GETTING SICK FROM IT! Oh Joy. But second kidnapping was a) redundant, he’d already gotten the Stranger mark. b) completely fixable.
Completely fucking fixable. Just. Tell them. Tell them where he is, or tell them that’s he’s been kidnapped, if Elias doesn’t know, I think he did, because I think he’s exactly the kind of bastard who would just let it happen despite knowing exactly how to stop it.
And you know why? Why I think? Because that’s easier, right. It’s harder to be self-destructive, it’s harder to throw yourself into Situations, it’s harder to be isolated when you have one extra month to reconnect with your colleagues.
A month. Maybe the month would have done nothing. Maybe the month would have helped Jon and Tim. Or Jon and Melanie. Or Jon and Basira. Jon and Martin were already fine, and Jon and Daisy at that point is… ah… Nope.
And you think a month is bad? 6 months. And I know, everyone was suffering — Martin especially— while Jon was gone, and I know that it’s other people’s trauma that he’s watching and actively perpetuating, but! That’s also traumatizing!! It’s traumatic to have to watch other people’s worst nightmares for six months straight with no end in sight. It’s traumatic to have to. Everything??? Fucking everything in MAG 120??? I can pull quotes but that’ll detract from the rambliness of this. I’ll do that sometime, I will.
And honestly, season 4 is just a fucking mess, it’s. It’s. I’m sad about it. I’m Very sad about it, and. God. Like. It’s just. Melanie hates him, and part of that is because Elias used him as a meat shield in MAG 101, not all, not most, but part. Jon’s a monster now, and he’s hurting people, and there’s got to be a little voice in his head telling him he’s just like Elias when Elias is the one who made him like this. And they’re tearing each other apart and Jon is diving into Situations and Elias is watching from prison all fucking smug and then MAG 158 happens, god. damn. MAG 158 happens.
“I called you.” Like a fucking dog. Like. Like. “Are you scared, Jon” “Yes” “Good”
I have the words for MAG 159. A bet. A fucking bet. A motherfucking bet. I do not think I need to detail how horrifying and dehumanizing and horrible that is???? I don’t think I need to do that.
A bet. A bet.
And it brings us back to MAG 160. Make him monologue every fucking time this happened, every fucking time Elias used him to end the world, marked him, can’t word. But. Horrifying. Jesus.
2, 3 years. “You are a living chronicle of terror” what kind of fear. Over two years, just. Two fucking years.
But it’s not two. Not three.
It’s his whole bloody life, his whole life, leading up to this. End the world. Spread it. This is it, his purpose, he’s spent so long hurting himself for a purpose.
And at the end, after everything he’s done, after everything that’s been done to him, by Jonah Magnus, by the Web or fears or-
He can’t break free. He follows his purpose. He dances the steps he was assigned.
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Ibara and prompt 28. questioning anon here (yknow who i am but I'd like to keep my privacy lol)
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IBARA + 28: feeling the rumble of their chest when they talk while cuddling
warnings: none
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You’re snuggled up on the couch, comfortable with the warmth emanating from your chosen pillow yet still wishing you had the foresight to bring a blanket. You heave a deep, dramatic sigh before burying your head into soft fabric.
“...Would you care to tell me what you’re doing?” Ibara says flatly, looking at you with a dead stare.
Papers are scattered amongst the cushions, and in his hand is a fountain pen, poised above your head. Clearly, he was in the middle of signing some important documents before you showed up and draped yourself atop him like an oversized cat, but you can’t bring yourself to care at the moment. You’re way more important than paperwork, anyways.
“Shhh,” You say, placing your finger on his lips. Ibara looks like he’d like nothing more than to bite you, and it says a lot about his self-restraint that he doesn’t. “Pillows don’t talk, remember?”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m not a pillow, Y/N.”
You groan. “Yeah, you won’t be if you keep talking.” You poke him for emphasis and watch his eyebrows furrow in annoyance. Honestly, though? You don’t mind. His chest vibrates as he speaks, and the reverberations echo against you in a way that’s strangely soothing. You snuggle closer, pressing the side of your face into his midsection.
“Am I allowed to work, or…?”
You wave him off. “Sure, go ahead.” You can already see his eyeroll in your mind’s eye, but he says nothing as he gathers up the papers and settles them in a neat (well, neater) pile. You sink into his stomach, trying your best to absorb his warmth. One of Ibara’s hands settles on your back, tracing mindless patterns. You shiver slightly.
There’s silence for a while, the room filled only with the scratching sounds of pen on paper. Then, out of the blue, Ibara begins to read aloud. It’s just bits and pieces from documents–lots of legislative drivel, nothing you’d find interesting–but the rumble of Ibara’s chest is like a lullaby all on its own, a secret siren song just for you. This, paired with the relaxing tone of his voice, does nothing to help you combat your sleepiness.
You let out a yawn, and Ibara chuckles, tapping your nose with a fingertip. “If you’re tired, then sleep.”
“Mm,” You agree. “But I wanted to spend time with you.”
For a moment, nothing–then, roses bloom in the apples of his cheeks and he ducks his head, so wine-red strands hide his face. “I’ll still be here when you wake up.” He pushes your head down, smushing your face into his jacket. You’re going to wake up with creases, you think. “So sleep.”
“You promise?” You mumble, but your eyelids are drooping and your brain feels like it’s been stuffed with cotton. You can’t think straight, but you look up at Ibara with a sleepy smile and he swears his heart stops.
“Yes, yes,” He says impatiently, but his gentle hands imply otherwise. “I promise.”
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WC: 500 words
reze txt hello questioning anonnie ^^ here is your ibanyan, as requested :3 i hope this fit what you had in mind? i sure had fun writing this (whilst listening to melting rouge soul on repeat lol). enjoy <3
taglist: @prpne @gabirii @kazemiya @engurishu @kkomaism @asbestieos @mikctp @lilikags @lolthia @unwantedsleep @hasumilvr @head-full-of-empty @pr3tty-jennie @narumika
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If you're taking the fluff asks, how about D, T, M, I, and E for shrios?
Devoted - how do they show they're serious?
By choosing life.
Things definitely like. Develop & they're into each other during the mission, it's only post-Omega 4 that either Shepard or Thane starts really like... truly acknowledging the weight of things. In the AU I'm working, it's Thane who takes the first step - the way I plan on playing things, I'm saving LotSB and Arrival for after the 'main' game, and LotSB sees Thane get hurt enough that he finally makes the call to stop for a while and get some help and see if he can't unfuck a decade of pointedly refusing more than symptom management (he'd actually spoken to both Miranda and Mordin privately before this to know if there were even options to consider, too, lol).
Adrian's end is a little trickier to notice tbh - but it's in when she's willing to discuss ideas about even like, a year into the future. Places she'd like to go. The fact she'd even talk about retiring from the Alliance, when before, she'd seen herself staying part of it until it killed her. Probably the strongest sign though, was her working to ensure some of her assets would go to Kolyat, in the event of her death - big move, from someone who never factored kids into their life, yknow?
Enchanted - what first caught their eye?
Honestly, the eyes play a strong part for both of them 😂
Adrian's end tbh was like - it's hard for her to recognize if she's experienced romantic feelings, but she absolutely knows if she's Into Someone or not - and her reaction to Thane was enough to warrant a note on her medical file because Mordin believes in keeping good track of any outlier readings 😂 Thane was gorgeous and the way he moved was almost mesmerizing - and Adrian was well and truly Gone the second she met his eyes lol. She's absolutely 'no arguing with people with eyes so dark they're almost black, whatever you say beautiful'.
Thane, meanwhile, knew Shepard by reputation and scattered reports - but seeing a dead hero in the flesh would make anyone pause, particularly when that first glimpse also has her smack-dab in the glory of Illium's sunrise. But it was her patience that registered most, the way she pulled her squad back and allowed Thane his prayers.
(And when Thane later thinks back on the experience, he realizes he was trying very, very hard not to read too much into things. Because there he was, on a mission he fully expected to end in his death, only to be intercepted by someone who /held/ his target's attention so he could finish the job, by someone whose eyes were lit gold in the sunrise.
The gods can be... /clever/ like that, sometimes.)
Intimate - what kind of dates do they like?
So you have a galaxy renowned assassin, and Commander-Goddamn-Shepard, what's their date night like?
Boring as goddamn fuck 😂 At least in some eyes.
They enjoy going to museums and botanical gardens, Adrian absolutely makes an aquarium one happen.
Buuuut also some folks swear up and down, hand to god, cross their heart(s) and hope to die, the two can occasionally be found dancing at small-scale clubs or venues when the music's right. (Absolutely ridiculous - everyone knows Shepard can't dance!)
(not that that stops her)
Memory - what's their favorite memory together?
Hard to say, but in terms of a shared one...
Possibly what is retroactively recognized as their first date - a trip to the Citadel, where Thane paid a visit to the temple, and would Shepard like to come along?
(Vague? Yes - only because I plan on writing it one day 😂)
Thoughtful - what small things do they do for each other?
They've got each other's favorite preparations of tea (& for Thane, coffee) down pat and often have it ready for the other. Adrian also takes a fair bit of pride in learning how to cook, and often uses her sleepless early mornings to put together something nice. Thane, meanwhile - he's not the photographer Adrian is, but he does start taking some, to better preserve and share things with her. (He also, during the events of ME3, has the fishtank VI sent to the Normandy.)
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sunnysssol · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by three different people AHWJFIDJ @gremlins-hotel , @fumblingmusings and @modernday-jay !!! Thank you guys for the tag! 💖 Sorry it took me a while to get to it 😭 depression on top of hell week is a different kind of beast. Anyway! Onwards!!
What book are you currently reading?
☆ I haven't read much books at all this year, but I really wanna pick up Dune again! I got halfway through Dune Messiah in 2020 and it's been forever 😭 My reading list is ever expanding, I just really need to find time and motivation 🥲
What’s your favorite movie that you saw in theatres this year?
☆ I have not gone to the theaters at all this year! I've been out and about but yeah. All the movies I watched this year were watched from the comfort of my own bedroom. But as for my favorite movie this year, it's either "Pearl" by Ti West or "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once" by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. I liked Pearl better than X just because... Idk, I think I was more disturbed by the emotional drama than the actual story LOL and as for EEAAO, that one is a classic I feel like I've seen at least five mutuals rave about it JDJCJ and it's well deserved! I wanted to watch it with family but I kept chickening out– it hits a little too close to home I think 🥲 then there's Incantation too, that movie had some really unsettling imagery and I got really invested into the story of the main character trying her absolute hardest to save her daughter against the powers of a hostile otherworldly being. It's really neat!
What do you usually wear?
☆ I live in a tropical country, so it's the shirt-shorts-flip flops combo usually LOL although once in a while I'll switch it up and wear pajama pants :p
How tall are you?
☆ I'm 5'3", or 160 cm !!!
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
☆ Cancer! Not sure about any celebrities, but I do share my birthday with the debut of the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit in 1989 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I thought that was cool LOL
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
☆ I go by Sol, which is more of a pseudonym than a nickname. But I also use Marie, which *is* a shorter version of my real name and also, I have used "Peppa" very recently because my profile pictures when I was in the middle of my "join as many discord servers as possible" phase was Peppa Pig and it stuck 😭
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
☆ Not yet, but i'm getting there! Getting that education and whatnot 🤓
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
☆ I am deeply in love with one Alfred F. Jones ☝
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
☆ I'm good at everything but also bad at everything 💖 I hope that helps!
Dogs or cats?
☆ I can't choose 😭 they are both so important to me actually
What’s something you would like to create content for?
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
☆ The Walking Dead!!! But also, perhaps cartoons because I've been watching Adventure Time and Bluey 🗿
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
☆ Not to be a downer but this year as a whole sucked LOL some significant highlights in the lows of course (e.g. meeting my besties, getting back into an old beloved fandom, etc), but I just really thought things would be different by now. Guess not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
☆ All talents are hidden if you're anxious enough 😏 (it's lying. for some reason people always believe me 😭 I only use it for stupid shit too so HEJFJD)
Are you religious?
☆ Religion interests me, if not for the historical and cultural impact then maybe for the art that is created because of it! My religious background is Roman Catholicism, born and raised and all that, but my family stopped going to church a while back and we haven't gone back since unless it was for a wedding or a baptism. Do I believe in the Christian God? Not really... I do believe there is a higher power out there, if that makes sense. I just don't subscribe to the ideas of any religion. I guess this makes me agnostic.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
☆ 600 million dollars in my bank account 💅
Tagging @myrddin-wylt , @daisy-dumpling , @majormeilani , @j0succ and whoever else wants to do it!! 💖 and if I tagged you there's no pressure to do this !! Jdjfjfjf 💖💖💖
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luderailing · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Thankyou to @kyuhu and @council-of-beetroot for tagging me in this! ( and sorry I took ages lol )
What book are you currently reading?
I was reading The Gifts That Bind Us, but Ive set it aside to be finished later haha. Currently reading Girl in Pieces. Both S tier books 100% recommend (also if you do read The Gifts That Bind Us the first one is All Our Hidden Gifts👍)
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
Hmm, not sure I went to the theaters that much but. My favorite movie that came out this year has probably been Enola Holmes 2 if that counts
What do you usually wear?
Every day I wake up and choose between dressing like someone’s grandpa or goth broke teenager (probably an accurate description of me) I don’t even know what to call it. My closet is a whole mess of thrift store finds and one(1) arcade carpet pattern button up of which I love but have nothing to match. Lots of accessories too I have way too many necklaces and chokers
How tall are you?
5"1. Or 155 cm. I’m keeping my hopes up
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? 
Taurus! April 26th. And I looked it up I don’t share a birthday with anyone I recognize but apparently it’s national pretzel day. So that’s a win in my book
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
I usually go by Feliks to my friends and stuff but I’ve had nicknames before. That was? Quite a while ago though.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
My friend, I’ve still got a long long way to go.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Nope and also no! Life would be so much easier if I could marry fictional men though frfr?
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
Good at? Remembering small details as much as I can (but never able to remember anything important, of course) and bad at? Social cues and emotions. Everything about emotions!
Dogs or cats?
I love dogs, I have two dogs, but cats. I can’t handle loud noises for the life of me and dogs barking is one of the worst sounds to me. I love them but I don’t think I could own one. I would rather have a cat personally ^^;
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
Ohhh ohooo. Hold on. Lemme find it. I never posted either of these projects but
“I have questions for you!”
“No you don’t!”
“Holy shit. Concrete.”
What’s something you would like to create content for?
Yeah, Hetalia. But I’d also love to pursue my own project. Something I made completely on my own. I think that’d be neat if only I actually even get to it ;-;
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? 
Hetalia, and same with the it’s part of a bigger interest in history and geography. It just kind of fueled it yknow? I love learning about different cultures and places and stuff. But I also love stop motion animation. It’s gorgeous and I’d love to work on something like that some day!
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Hmm, I can’t think of anything huge but Hamilton was going to/did already? I think. a performance in a city near me this month and I wasn’t able to go
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can eat three of those ridiculously large pretzel rods at once without water in between. Checkmate dad
Are you religious?   
Nope. That’s kind of it. My grandparents are extremely Christian but my parents never took me to church or anything like that
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
Probably a plane ticket outta here. Actually two or three. There’s a few specific people I couldn’t leave without haha
Thanks again for tagging me!
Also. @koolkat9 if you haven’t done this already!
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
what about jane/janice.... john, jane... johnny, janice, yknow??
Oooh Janice and Jane do work… I was also considering Guinevere since I remember Shoobaqueen getting around the “two Jennies” hole by having one be “Ginny”. But I can’t remember which one and while I like her doing it, it feels like my method of doing things would get things muddled up.
So the names I was considering are like. Other J-names or G-names or other royal family names.
So Johnny Toast is a member of the Royal family, right? And the royal family frequently names themselves after previous queens and kings? Well, John is actually a really infamous name for the British royal family, with the only recent member I can find going as “Johnnie” for this reason— and he STILL contributed to this taboo. So King John (the first?), the one who signed the Magna Carta, was known for being exceptionally cruel during his reign. See, he signed the Magna Carta because he was So terrible, including ordering the death of his innocent nephew, that his subjects rose up and Forced him to sign it, basically a document saying royals were not above the law. He immediately tried to take it back, launching the country into a civil war that lasted after his death. Prince Johnnie, on the other hand, was Queen Elizabeth the 2nd’s uncle, and he’s known as the “Lost Prince” because when his condition of epilepsy became severe, he was hidden from the public eye. He was also almost entirely separated from his parents and brothers, which sucks, before dying of a seizure in 1919, with the public only being notified of his condition then. So Johnny was basically given a taboo name, which I’m sure only made the rest of his family soooo happy—
However— in the original source I read, “King John I has a negative historiography, perhaps only surpassed by that of ‘Bloody’ Mary…” which now makes me think… Jeez, Toast uh... Johnny Toast and Mary as a couple is just. Two of the most cursed names in the royal family of Britain pairing up, huh? I wonder how happy his family was with his marriage? I wonder if that’s part of the reason why he stopped talking to his family but was easily accepted back? (Also it’s pretty likely Toast was introduced to Judaism through Mary I can’t believe I never considered that 🤔)
You could also argue that Gavin comes from “Gawain” from King Arthur, but there’s also a famous British evolutionary embryologist named Sir Gavin Rylands de Beer. Since I hc their dad as a bio-based chemist, I could see his dad thinking of another scientist when naming him. On that note, there’s also John Dalton, who introduced atomic theory to chemistry… and did heavy enough research into color-blindness for it to be called “Daltonism” in several languages. At this rate I might try to name ex-Jenny Toast after another British molecular-based chemist… So that opens Mary (Mary Somarville) [including this to include this I’m Not making any more Maries], Kathleen (Kathleen Lonsdale FRS), Marjory (Marjory Stephenson), Rose or Rosalind (Rosalind Franklin), aaaand Anne (Anne McLaren FRS) off the top of a quick google search… But I really like Janice so I might be this close to breaking my own idea I just made up.
“Don’t you think you’re overthinking this—“ YES.
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ok so I have NO idea when sksw's part of hw happens. like. I know this is a noncanonical game, it's not trying to be accurate.
(but! this will not stop me from theorizing about when it happens, and most of this is probably rendered useless by whatever bullshit the ending pulls off to not have the universe explode from Too Much Time Shenanigans)
so, we already know this is before the events of sksw, as evidenced by the goddess blade. impa and zelda's crystal are nowhere in sight, so this is shortly after Demise’s imprisonment (however, there doesn't seem to be any sign of war other than the keeps, which i will explain momentarily)
there is a gate of time, presumably the one from the temple of time in lanayru, as the one link summons with the goddess harp is unfinished. why or how it was moved? I don't care, we're not here to discuss trade routes pre-Demise.
the obvious, more war-like design of the temple. I doubt hylia carried demise's limp body to the temple (or carry it very far, at least), nor would he go along willingly, so the obvious answer is that it was either a fortress changed into a temple, or a temple changed into a fortress (im going for fortress to temple). this happens soon after the war, as changes are not complete, and it's not in ruins yet.
the imprisoned has the flying ability only seen in its third fight, so it could be a) strengthened by a deliberate breaking of the seal by ghirahim b) stronger from recent imprisonment/a weaker seal since zelda isn't there yet or c) a game mechanic
in conclusion: this is directly after, or very close to, Demise’s sealing. or just, yknow, inaccurate.
(oh also the groosenator is there. we're just going to ignore that one.)
this has been an unnecessary (and probably wrong, given i havent finished the game) analysis of the sealed temple in hyrule warriors, brought to by someone who cares too much about skyward sword. I wrote this somewhat quickly as well, so if you actually read it and couldn't understand me, apologies
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wander-wren · 2 years
Wren’s Concept Box
i always have a thousand ideas for different fics in my head, so this is where i keep track of them! since these are just ideas i’m throwing around, you’re also welcome to take them for yourself, as long as you tell me so i can go see it and hype you up!!
my current wips generally take priority, but i’m always down to just chat about everything here. i’m also a rlly big pushover and easily convinced to write things, lol, so do with that what you will. obligatory disclaimer that there’s no guarantee i’ll write anything here, and if i stop being interested in a concept i’ll delete it.
Upcoming Fics
these fics are almost certainly going to be written eventually bc they’re connected to current wips/completed fics, i just haven’t gotten to start them yet.
three of swords- power of three rewrite following my other rewrite fics. main changes: three are born in windclan, sol actually has a purpose, and their powers have been…reimagined. also hollyleaf has a power.
sign of the four- omen of the stars rewrite. main changes: dovewing is the fourth cat, not firestar. other changes TBD.
hold my hand (i’ll lead you through)- working title, third installment in the emetophobic!adam verse, but WAY fluffier than the others. more montage/character study style of the gangsey helping adam.
Other Ideas
everything not 90% guaranteed. ordered alphabetically by fandom, and in no particular order after that. a few have titles, most don’t.
there’s beauty in the bleeding (at least you feel something)- touch-starved!todoroki who doesn’t know how to get touch except via sparring. eventually some?? people?? figure it out and there is fluff
snowed in- huddling for warmth/mission gone wrong bkdk with todoroki third wheeling, and potential ot3?
only time we’ve held hands (i threw a punch and you caught it)- the title is the concept i just Like It. definitely bkdk, maybe…soulmark fic? idk.
dabihawks old guard au- i wrote in this universe for whumptober and had a lot of fun, so i’m definitely down to write a full longfic with it at some point. when i have fewer longfics in progress lol.
The Old Guard
joenicky character study- them through the ages. for the express purpose of writing their final death bc i have Thoughts and Opinions on it but i don’t just want to write it by itself, yknow?
The Raven Cycle
gansey and the ship of theseus- the world needs more gansey angst! i imagine my guy has weird feelings about being resurrected twice. sarchengsey roadtrip era
pynch & possession- just adam post That Scene at the end of the raven king hating himself/being terrified bc he hurt ronan
cambridge, take two- a different version of ronan going to harvard in cdth, with no murder crabs but still angst. honestly i don’t remember what i thought with this and my notes have like no details but i’m intrigued.
soulmarks- au where people get to choose soulmates, and they can be unrequited. once you choose someone, a mark appears on the first place they touched you, like a tattoo, that represents them. if they choose you back, same thing. ik that destroys the idea of soulmates but i like the idea of the gangsey choosing to be bound to each other.
pynch mind reading- after cabeswater possesses adam, either he can hear ronan’s thoughts or ronan can hear adam’s, or both. then they fall in love, or something.
genderbent pynch- no thoughts i just rlly like lesbians. girl!ronan owns my entire soul.
Six of Crows
character studies- thats all, just. getting in their heads. a little series. i have a nina one i wrote for a friend as a gift but that was like two years ago and i’m afraid to check if it holds up. but i like doing them.
mosskit lives au- i had this idea ages ago where mosskit survives and somehow manages to reach bloodclan? and becomes it’s leader instead of scourge? idk about the logic there. but they (they’re nonbinary to me) are obsessed with revenge on bluestar and become the Actual big bad of tpb, pulling the strings on everything.
swiftgorse- i was introduced to swiftpaw/gorsepaw and idk what i’d do with it but i’m very interested
Welcome to Night Vale
ripping at the seams- cecil finally cracks under the pressure of being night vale’s voice. the “stuck in my booth, only able to narrate and not to help” quote inspired this.
carlos 113 aftermath- i have a note about carlos learning about the events of 113 and freaking out but i don’t fully remember that episode or my thought process. i’m still intrigued.
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Chapter Seven: Investigation! And Hunger!
“Hey, thanks for the save back there, Officer.” Tony led the policeman through the dining area of the pizzeria, passed the counter and through the hall towards the kitchen, “I thought i was a gonner for sure.” The man remained silent, all the while checking for hidden rooms or any sign of dead bodies. The officer looked towards the walk in freezer and asked, “Mind if we take a look in there?” Tony replied with a smile, “Sure thing!” He walked towards the door and opened it. As they walked in the officer questioned, “So you make pizzas, what are the meat hooks for?” Tony looked at the row of empty meat hooks along the right side of the cold room, “Oh those nasty lookin things? Here when i got the place, i guess it was a different type of joint before i got ahold of it.” The officer nodded and said, “Okay one last place to check, mind if we check your office?” “Not a problem!” Tony laughed. They walked out of the freezer to see Todd standing in the kitchen. “Hey Tony.” Todd said, the officer asked, “Who's this?” Tony answered, “Oh thats my top employee, he's here to help me prepare for tomorrow, its two months since i started this place, heh. Now lets get that room checked out huh?” They looked and found nothing of interest.
At the door the officer turned to Tony, “Thank you for your time, maybe sometime ill stop in and try this place out.” Tony grinned, “Not a problem, sir! We'd love ta see ya around.” “You two have a good night. We'll give you a call about the crazy who attacked you tomorrow. See where to go from there.” “I think it was just a misunderstanding, still shook me up something awful though.” Tony smiled, “Have a good night.” Tony and Todd waved the police car off and went back inside the pizzeria.
Tony walked to his store phone and dialed a number Todd couldnt read, “Hey, can you have the ingredients in by morning? Yeah. Thanks alot.” He hung up and turned to Todd, “Thats what earlier was about, more people on your side is useful.” Todd asked, “So the people you turned took all the evidence out while we were gone?” “Aint it awfully convenient?” Tony laughed, “And that hunters gone for now too! Say, didja catch that guy?” “I did, i dont think ill get used to it though. Sorry for the police by the way, i didnt know what else to do.” Todd admitted. “Ya did good, kid. Plus yknow the pizza only tides us over so long.” Tony praised. Todd looked down, “i think im going to go home, i need proper sleep.” “Go crazy, kid. See ya tomorrow?” Tony smirked. “See ya tomorrow.” Todd nodded.
Tony decided to go on a regular walk that night. He figured he'd tempted fate enough for that day. Tony went downtown, he turned left from the shop door and down the sidewalk. The street lights loomed overhead and he had a thought, “Four months, huh? Been a while since you've felt the sun. These lamps are the only light that touches your skin anymore aside from the pizzeria.” He turned down an alley before the upcoming intersection. “We're almost ready. Just a little more money. I can't help that it bothers me, I used to love its warmth. Now i dont feel much of nothin. When ya do your cold.” A group of friends come out of a bar ahead of him. They walk by, laughing. One of them bumps his shoulder as they struggle to remain side by side on the narrow sidewalk. Tony looks back and contemplates eating them, “Wait a second,” He continues walking, “Eating them? Sure i coulda taken em all down but id jus drink their blood. Did i want to eat them? You couuld devour em whole, yknow? You dont know the full extent of your abilities yet. Eh? Maybe ill give it a shot next time i get some grub.” He moves on passed the bar and eventually stands in front of the local dollar store, its bright yellow lights shine down from the leds displaying the stores name. He looks down, “My stomach feels empty, like, now though.” He sighs and pats his stomach lightly, “i could grab somethin soon. I should stop in here though, get a soda or somethin. Tide me over till i find someone.” Tony walks up the steps to the double doors and pushes one open.
Tony stands in the cold drink area, the glass doors slightly frosted over, blocking his view. He's stood next to another man, who's also trying to figure out what he should get to drink. Tony wondered for moment, “Could i?” Tony glares from the side of his eye at the man. The clerk by the register sits watching the camera feed of the aisles throughout the store, he glances at the feed for the soda, juice and water. He spots a man standing, confused by the glass. The clerk looks down at his phone to answer a text, its from his coworker, fun. “Yeah, sure.” A disgusting crunch noise brings his attention up from it however, and he quickly surveys the different feed options on his monitor. Camera one, the chip section, nothing. He looks up and sees a man in a cape, “Weird, must be a late feed.” Camera two, toilet paper and paper towels, a woman in a suit selecting laundry detergent. Camera three, cold drink cases. Nothing, except two unfamiliar shapes on the ground, he cant make it out through the grain. The clerk gets up and heads passed the chips, candy and cleaning sections. He turns when he meets the frosted doors and looks to the ground hoping to find the things he saw. Ahead of him sat a pair of shoes. Put together as though taken off and placed neatly side by side. He got closer to pick them up and put them in the “lost” bin behind the counter when he saw something in each. Bright and dark pink and red, layered with what looked to be white bone protruding slightly from it. He looked at the entrance of the right shoe and saw what looked to be a hairy piece of an ankle.
The clerk turned, horrified, he headed quickly to the desk and register. He needed to get to the phone and tell somebody about this but more importantly, he wanted to get away. “This just happened a minute ago, i need to get help.” He makes it through and stands in front of the chair to the register. He takes his phone from his pocket and presses the power button. The screen remains dark. He presses it a few more times to no avail. “Damn, ill use the store phone.” He looks to the landline beside the register, under the table. He dials 911 when a customer speaks from the other side of the counter, “Hey there! I got these and could i bug ya for a pack of Marlboros?” The caped man from the chip aisle stood in front of him, he dropped a bag of Cheetos and Ginger Ale onto the counter. The clerk looked up from the phone and said, “Of course! Just one second though sir, i need to make a quick call.” The caped man smiled and said, “Sure thing!” The clerk looked down not trying to take his full attention away from the man as he clicked the call button and held the phone to his ear. He didnt feel the signature resistance of its looped cord on his hand and it through him off. He looked to the cord and one half dangled from beneath the number pad, and the other from his receiver. He looked to the man nervously and remembered why he needed to call, he quickly glanced over the camera feeds again to find that he was alone in the store. “There was a woman here before, right? Which aisle? Which aisle?” He scanned frantically and stopped at the cleaning supplies aisle. He noticed a jug on the floor next to two similarly shaped objects, surrounded by a dark puddle. He didnt have to wonder what those were. The caped man behind the counter laughed, “Can ya grab my cigs? And ya know, scan my stuff?” The clerk stammered, “Oh uh- yeah uh-” He lifted his shaky hand towards the Ginger Ale and wondered where this man had come from. Nobody on camera had been wearing a cape. Suddenly the caped man's arm flew up and he lunged at the clerk, grabbing his arm. The clerk panicked and fought to get away from his strong clutch but it felt impossible, he tugged and tugged. The clerk tried pushing with a leg on the counter to gain more control but once he did the man pulled. He pulled with such ease it seemed mechanical. With no effort he was being dragged by his hand over the counter, the clerk tried to punch the man with his other hand but it was caught by the caped mans free hand. He had a better hold now.  The clerk's heart sank as the mans mouth opened wide, his jaw almost appearing to drop by a half a foot. The man adjusted his grip on the clerks arms, grabbing him by the wrists. He tried flopping, he tried to roll away but the caped man just threw him back onto his back each time. He couldnt sit up. The caped man intensified his grip so much so it felt the clerks wrists would snap. And they eventually, through a little force, did. The caped man began working his way down his arms, breaking the bone beneath his skin with just his fingers, inch by inch. Just before he began sliding the clerks arms, little by little, into his jaw. The jaw sliding open more and more to adjust for the bigger size of the man's body. There the clerk lied, in a puddle of tears and mucus as he let out scream after scream, pleads after pleads for the caped man to stop. And eventually the man did, not before making it to the clerks shoulders on each arm. The caped man slid the clerk back onto his side, bleeding profusely from his stumps, barely conscious. The caped man's mouth hung at least a foot more than it shouldve, it zipped back closed after a moment and he spoke “Do you want to survive?” The clerk nodded weakly, yes. “I can make that happen, wanna hear?” He nodded yes again. The caped man smiled, “Names Tony, you're hired. I can't wait for ya to meet the staff.”
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kasaneteto · 8 months
roommate posting again
so i had the Big Talk with him about how him not doing chores and not paying me back isnt okay blah blah blah, he was receptive to it and owned up to his shortcomings, all around went pretty well. he’s set a reminder thing on his phone to alert him to when its time to do chores and he does them. all should be well……but man. even with him doing the chores its just…. like how do i tell someone that when you sweep you have to move things and sweep underneath them yknow. idk if i can do this. i shouldnt have to teach a grown ass man how to clean. but thats exactly what i have to do.
its like. its the little things you know? i have these two friends who ive been in talks with about replacing him when the lease renewal comes up in august. and in this amount of time (couple months) ive noticed so many small things about them that are like. soooo thoughtful and considerate and RESPONSIBLE compared to my current roommate. take for example when we all three went out to smoke on the patio. nahale brought out the stool for thomas to sit on, and without me having to say anything brought it back in and put it where it goes. erik would sometimes follow finn & i out while we smoke to keep talking to us and bring the stool for himself to sit on… then leave it out there when he followed us back inside. or when erik watches after the cats while im away vs when tom&nahale watch them. when erik watches them i come home and the litterboxes havent been emptied for three days and they are clearly starved for attention. but when i had T&N do it the litterboxes were not only clean but they had been SWEPT around AND THEY TRIMMED PIXIES CLAWS FOR ME 😭😭😭 its the little things like that. just having someone responsible that i could rely on and will do little things like that for me because they care and want to help… thats the kind of environment i want to live in. not one where i constantly feel like im picking up after someone & need to be on guard/conservative of my energy. which brings me to the other thing ive realized isnt going to change
erik is a 100% extrovert and id argue to his detriment. like he requires constant attention and validation in order to be happy. he can’t meet your world with his world, he needs you to be in his world with him. if that makes sense. im kind of on the cusp of introverted/extroverted but lean a little more towards introverted. living with erik makes me a hardcore introvert. being in the same room as erik is seen by him as an invitation to talk, and once you give him an inch he’ll try to take a mile. that isnt to say its a negative thing about him its just his nature to he social in that way. but its also just like… the same thing over and over. like he cant stand to let the conversation die so he’ll just keep repeating himself. this is better explained via example so let me paint a picture:
the cats figured out how to bust into the kitchen cabinet that the trashcan is in, so in order to prevent them from digging through the trash i installed child locks. if youre unaware of them and yank the cabinet too hard it can rip them off so you have to be careful. erik and i both do stuff like that a lot so i put a little sign on the counter that says “DONT 4GET CHILD LOCKS” but since its on a strip of tape all the words look kinda mashed together & erik commented on this saying “i keep reading this 4 like an a and it makes me feel like an italian guy wrote this” and in response i chuckled and said “donta forgeta child locks” and he just. wouldnt stop saying it after that. he laughed much harder than i did and then just kept loudly saying that while doing things in the kitchen (clearly trying to get me to join in but truly it was not that funny to me) and that kind of thing is just so exhausting to be around. its like my dad. just talking at you, not with you.
so anyways its gotten better but fundamentally i think we are just not compatible to be living together. i love erik hes a good friend and a funny guy but he isnt someone i feel comfortable around most of the time unfortunately. he needs to be a “hang out with on occasion” friend not a “see you every single day” friend like he is now. im realizing just how many friends in my life are draining my cup rather than filling it
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gangsteri-aine · 9 months
oh yeah but they got renamed to like 010101010 ! p sure it was like, the accounts 01 to 11. when all the eggs returned ramon was still qnpc03, just renamed to 0s and 1s
then there was the week none of the mexican eggs logged in (i think it was finals week or something) and its been qsmp13 since. you can see it when someone opened the audio configs + when fit put qsmp13 on ramons room allowlist. plus yknow. ramon running away from richas when he spoke spanish, waking up basically everyday and just overall,, acting not really like qnpc03 did xdd
This got a little long, sorry lmao
Ramón's admin names go: QNPC03 -> binary (seen on the first stream back) -> QSMP13
Personally, I'm guessing that his name got changed again because he was one of the only eggs on the map when they got back and people can be annoying if they know who is playing which egg. We only saw that Ramón's name was QSMP13 last week when Phil put him in his allow list (at least to my knowledge)
I still think this is the same admin. They speak like Ramón has always spoken (they are a slower typer and use a lot of abbreviations) and their chaotic ass sign placement when Ramón is even a little bit excited or nervous is the same. They are ready to smack Tubbo whenever he says something smacking worthy and their first instinct upon seeing Dapper is to fight them. They are still a nerd about the create mod and game mechanics which would kind of hard to fake.
Waking up often and being on for hours is not uncommon for QNPC03 either. Ramón used to be on working on his elevator for hours at a time on his own. His schedule never just fully worked with Fit's. He stopped being on on his own as much after his fake code death. I'm guessing the admin just has now more free time because the finals are over and it's christmas so waking up as a minecraft egg is not a problem right now.
And (at least on my opinion) he didn't really run away from Richas when he started speaking Spanish. Ramón has always been quieter when hanging out with other eggs. He loves spending time with them but doesn't write as many signs as most of them. He was still reading Richas' signs but they were meant for Fit so he didn't answer. Other than excitedly jumping around when Richas complemented Fit's Spanish
So I still think the admin is the same, the name just changed. Or I could be completely wrong and someone is just really good at roleplaying as a minecraft egg. In which case, props to them
Also, according to Phil, the admins share accounts now so all of this means nothing
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