hoofpeet · 1 year
I'd watch the fireworks with you 🥺
You're such a cool person, and you're so talented! I wish I was even a little bit as talented as you. You're so awesome, don't let anyone take that away from you. <3
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year
Yo-yoer Hajime and Botanist Izuru?
As usual, here's the first part!
Yo-yoing was something he picked up as a way to pass time and get rid of boredom when he was a kid. Hajime kind of thought it was cool when he started learning tricks.
It was easy for him to develop, since a yo-yo was something he could bring most places. Yo-yos were nice and small, so it didn’t take much effort to store in his room, either.
It might not be the most impressive talent, but Hajime liked it. He could do a lot of really intense tricks, or even just yo-yo in general for hours on end. None of his classmates could say that.
Then again, there were times when he saw his classmates’ talents and how they could benefit a lot of people, and thought that he wasn’t really that talented. He tended to get in his own head a lot.
But when he wasn’t, and he was learning and making new tricks of his own, he felt pretty good. His classmates were very friendly, too, and that helped him not obsess over those thoughts.
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broken-clover · 1 year
One (Semi-obscure) Fact About Every Guilty Gear Character
I like trivia. And I like Guilty Gear. Being a series that’s been around for the better part of two decades, it’s only natural there’s some details that are less known about. So I wanted to make a silly little compilation about that, inspired by ‘One Obscure Fact About Every Total Drama Character’ by voiceunderthecovers on Youtube. 
As the title suggests, I also specifically did my best to pull out facts that may be less known even to fans of the series, so ideally there’s no ‘Sol is based on Freddie Mercury’-tier stuff here. I tried to find something interesting for everyone!
Characters are listed in order of their first playable games
Missing Link
Sol Badguy- Sol was originally meant to be voiced by actor Koichi Yamadera rather than developer Daisuke Ishiwatari, but given the developer's budget at the time, he would have been too expensive to afford
Ky Kiske- While Ky has been consistently voiced by Takeshi Kusao for the entire series' run in Japanese, he has been given a different voice actor for every dubbed game for both the English and Korean versions. This means that Ky has had seven official voice actors in total, making him among the highest of the cast alongside Testament
May- May is one of only a few characters in the series to have a tattoo, and only one of two where it is not implied or indicated to be magical in some way, alongside Potemkin's barcode
Potemkin- Several of Potemkin's moves across games reference Hinduism. Strive's 'Garuda Impact' is named after a birdlike demigod that acts as a mount for Vishnu, while Xrd SIGN's 'Trishula' is named for a divine trident-like weapon wielded by the god Shiva
Chipp Zanuff- According to prototype and side materials, Chipp is 22 years old as of Missing Link.
Faust- Possibly to go along with his nature of being a doctor with the desire to treat anyone he comes across, Faust's blood type is O, the universal donor
Axl Low- Axl claims the specific date he desired to return to was May 14, 1998. This is the same date that Missing Link was released in Japan
Millia Rage- According to her Xrd SIGN story mode, Millia's favorite flower is the Easter Lily
Zato-1- Based on his abduction dialogue in Strive, Zato believes in aliens
Kliff Undersn- Despite being removed from the Wii version of XX Accent Core, along with Justice, both their names and endings remain in the game's code. They also both contain original art that had never been used up to that point
Testament- The twin demons that Testament summons in Strive are the same singular familiar they possessed in prior games, simply named ‘Succubus,’ possibly split into two entities similarly to Ramlethal's familiar Lucifero
Justice- In Missing Link, Justice was voiced by Arc System employee Takuya Morito, who also voiced Chipp
Baiken- Baiken was initially a difficult character to include in the series, as due to being an amputee, it brought up issues with compliance standards at the time
Anji Mito- one of his aliases, Hirasawa, was actually planned to be his name during the start of X's development
Venom- During the winpose where he spins his cue, it is able to interact with any remaining balls that are still set up nearby
Johnny- Johnny is implied to have a close history with Gig, the main antagonist of the DS spinoff game Guilty Gear Dust Strikers
Jam Kuradoberi- In Blazblue, Litchi Faye-Ling's theme 'Oriental Flower' is a remix of her X theme, 'Babel Nose'
Dizzy- In the Guilty Gear XX Burst Encyclopedia, full-bodied sketch concepts exist for her wing entities, Necro and Undine. It is unknown currently if the designs were ever meant to be implemented into the game or if they were simply unused concepts
Bridget- Bridget’s usage of a yo-yo as a weapon was inspired by a world-class yo-yoer that Daisuke Ishiwatari knew during the development of XX
Slayer- In SIGN, Slayer is shown to be able to control his limbs even after being severed
Zappa- In his Accent Core character art, Zappa is drawn with six fingers on his right hand. This has never appeared before or since, and is likely just an error. However, in some circles, six fingered-hands are viewed as spiritually significant
I-no- Her main guitar weapon, 'Marlene,' closely resembles the real-life Starplayer TV model manufactured by German company Duesenberg. One of her design inspirations, Sheena Ringo, owned a similar guitar, which she referred to as 'Dietrich.' Collectively, both may be a reference to German actress Marlene Dietrich
Robo-Ky- In #Reload, Robo-Ky is unique in that he has two separate standard match themes, with a day version and a night version depending on what round is occurring
Sin Kiske- In all of his playable appearances, Sin has never been depicted wearing socks
Izuna- Despite often being assumed to be a kitsune due to his foxlike ears, it is implied through his story in the Overture Original Material Collection that Izuna is actually a tsukumogami made from a hairpin
Dr. Paradigm- Prior to Strive bringing back several actors from SIGN, Paradigm was the only character to have a consistent dub voice, retaining the same actor in SIGN that he did in Overture
Raven- The portraits used for his non-playable appearance in XX are traced from the illustrations used in the side novel Lightning the Argent
Bedman- He shares his voice actor with the character Marth from the Fire Emblem series in both his original Japanese and English dub voices, Hikaru Midorikawa and Yuri Lowenthal respectively
Ramlethal Valentine- Ramlethal is the only Xrd Valentine to not be associated with a holiday
Elphelt Valentine- Elphelt is the only playable female character depicted wearing earrings. There are more playable men in Guilty Gear that wear them than women.
Leo Whitefang- The PS3 console version of Xrd SIGN contains unused prototype art for an alternative version of Leo's character portrait
Jack-O Valentine- Similarly to Elphelt and Ramlethal, Jack-O is mechanically unusual as a character, in her case due to her servant-summoning mechanic. It is often believed that this is a reference to the tower-defense style gameplay of Overture, where the original Valentine appeared.
Kum Haehyun- Haehyun only speaks with her own voice during her outro animation. All of her other dialogue is spoken through her mech
Answer- Possibly as a way of properly proportioning the third lens of his glasses, Answer's model contains a second nose above the first. This was left in place and simply made invisible rather than be removed in the final version
Nagoriyuki- Though he was teased in the very first trailer for Guilty Gear Strive at EVO 2019, he remained unnamed for almost a year until his official trailer was released along with Leo’s in July 2020
Giovanna- Despite it being her debut game, across the entire script of Strive's story mode, Giovanna only has 22 lines of spoken dialogue, totaling 157 words overall. For reference, Sol speaks more than that during his first 10 lines
Goldlewis Dickinson- Along with Bridget, Delilah, and the Valentines, Goldlewis is one of the few characters who canonically has a sibling
Happy Chaos- In Baiken's Strive DLC trailer, an error occurs near the beginning where during a brief pan along the character's name, a trait consistent along all of the Seaon 1 DLC trailers, it erroneously reads as 'Happy Chaos' rather than 'Baiken.' It is unknown how this mistake occurred or made it to the final version, though it was fixed by the next installment, as Testament's trailer lacks this error
Delilah- Her English voice actor, Jessica DiCicco, voiced another adolescent telekinetic, Franke Athens, in the cult classic game Psychonauts
That Man- With his full name being given as Asuka R. Kreutz, he is one of only two characters to be given a middle initial, alongside Bedman
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aresonist · 8 months
idk what the fuck a hermitcraft is but i like yoer art and it radiates autism in a walmart so thank you
thanks man ive never been to a walmart
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djmankiewics1996 · 2 months
gyhuys iin wanna trelll you i looovwe you. sseruiouslyy ii loove yoiu yioure oone off the bvest peoplwe i kmow bvut morre ikmportannt love yyorself maan youure the besst you ii know yoer doing great
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askjimdefroque · 9 days
Sid jeffrinica-lynn ashley johnsonleigh get there okay? It's like his 3td day being real so I'm realy hopig he fiumd yoer house😞
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alpinezro · 19 days
i think yoere lying to me but its okay
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theworldibuilt4you · 24 days
Hmm... understood. Well, how did you make your new body? Maybe we can help and speed up the process! Or, maybe we can get backdoor access to that repair software and get you some critical files that might not fully "fix" you, but would at least help stabilize you...
Just tossing out ideas...
Oh, man...! I just realized, you're going to need a new hiding place now that the fountain's gone :(
This is so frustrating that this happened this way, how I wish I could just teleport you to safety even if it was only long enough for you to gather your strength... -🐍
N vuq mo apwojr np if riwu eibgqs zveea nx W wbnll gt oxq mo ul tkh phdm. Ojtiex tpny cnuxr waj xozis qa, sc, nutt'a ath qur tprws'm phrzhuhcbg.
I unis uye tpr hcxr tnl snzyf bn bung jytcm. V pbij phqpm chrl azr zbcziozgfbn, ngd Q ufr nb voxl yvyz tngjfm- C qbdv'g fqnhtltl... yoer tnggmwht.
Ae lvib'n cnt ur yvlbngp gms L.E.T pzblfuz kiouy. Vy jts zhxvcaz ib... Gmon'f phg V hogr hub owcerg. Uvfyovyx.
Sw V mox gh alq tbnb phig N vuq nnbvq w wbnll zfyy n gee ijgmre.
Hm qnrh'g xvma mopr t ptnhs nb iub zj.
"Jeez, I didn't even see Kinito do that..-! He's got like... like scars around his neck. Like wire or... or rope..?"
Kiwx... Yukx ich'g.. Wov'g qsn gaeu cwcx gho uhhv camo bufh. Nuxy lbs'h hrxd bb pbij tbwhy hbnm.
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theehorsepusssy · 9 months
Is yoer pussy moist?
No. But can your pussy do the dog?
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danggirlronpa · 3 months
Hard mode headcanon: Ikuta/Kiriko. Mainly because that one art in their tag is one of my favourites on the blog lol
Anon, you've handed me female characters with two minutes of screen time each and told me to make them into fully-realized sapphic characters. This is my DREAM.
Between what we briefly see of them, Kotomi is coded as a more aggressive character (sharp red hair for visual coding, the loudest and angriest to reject the killing game), whereas Kiriko speaks to more of a timid but popular girl (pink hair tied in cutesy stylish buns, her little read bow, speaking calmly to the students nearby her at the start of the game).
Kotomi's death is also a callback/call forward to Mukuro's death as a death early in the game to make an example of (with Mukuro being the executor to Kotomi and the victim to Junko), so I think it'd be neat for her to have a combat-focused talent to emphasize that connection! A lot of those talents are taken up by nameless Future Foundation characters in the final episode of DR3 (including the Ultimate Yo-Yoer, arguably the best character in Danganronpa, despite having 0 lines). Ultimate Fencer could be fun!
They also both share VAs within the main DR3 cast - Kotomi is voiced by Mikan, and Kiriko by Hiyoko - so it'd be cool to reference that as well. Kiriko we can go to talent for again (Ultimate Breakdancer! Ultimate Folk Dancer! Ultimate Choreographer!), but for Kotomi we need to go another layer deep!
Personally, I like to think that part of the reason Kotomi was specifically killed to make an example of, as opposed to any of the other students protesting what was happening, is because Kotomi was the least likely to resort to killing. I imagine her as having a very strong sense of justice. In service to that and reference to Mikan, I'd like to think that maybe she's a big anti-bullying advocate, maybe using her talent to protect people at Hope's Peak from other combat-oriented students with bad intentions.
If we're going fencer, that means we can go with the traditional chivalrous knight!! I LOVE a female chivalrous knight. Kotomi and Kiriko could be. The high school version of a devoted knight and Just Some Guy who she has attached herself onto, octopus-style. And This Too Is Yuri
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michimiart-blog · 1 year
More Reserve Course OC Students!
Greetings! I have used some screenshots of Danganronpa Anime as a base/model for some poses, trying to make it as similar as the anime itself even though it is an AU thing.
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Yumeno Saki is Gekkogahara Miaya's nephew.
Fumetso Makoto is the cousin of Fumetso Ichiko, the known SHSL Nailist from Class 72 and part of the SHSL Assault Team.
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Torayoshi Najimi is the SHSL Judo Master from the SHSL Assault Team from Class 74 and Torayoshi Akumi is his younger brother and also, he has another twin brother in the Reserve Course.
Aishi Megami is the known SHSL Archer from the SHSL Assault Team from Class 63, Aishi Kokona is her niece.
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Torayoshi Hokori is Torayoshi Akumi's twin brother and also Najimi's younger brother.
Ronshaku Horāno and Rokuda Kirā are merely random students with no relation to Ultimate students.
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Shirasu Kurai, Mamoru Katana and Shingetsu Kenkō are also random students who don't have relation with Ultimates.
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In this AU, Munakata Kyosuke had two older siblings, the oldest of them had a son named Haneyama Sosuke, who is Kyosuke's nephew.
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Demura Hikari is Bandai Daisaku's niece, she is a soft and kind-hearted person who deeply adores her uncle. Both his uncle and her are pretty good farmers, but he got the Ultimate title.
Mio Ishida Maki is the younger sister of Mio Ishida Kuroko, the known SHSL Yo-yoer from Class 75 and part of the SHSL Assault Team. Maki is a master in Taekwondo and could have been selected as an Ultimate but someone else got the talent first.
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Meet the triplets siblings Nejire! Nejire Yume is an archery specialist, not like Megami but close. Nejire Gekkō is a book lover (that allows her to learn all languages) and a clairvoyant, however, her accuracy is approximately 9/10 contrary to Hagakure who is 3/10, but she hates fame hence why she rejected the title of Ultimate Clairvoyant. Nejire Akumu adores japanese decorations, foods and specially, the kanji writting.
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Kusha Aoi is the grandchild-niece of Tengan Kazuo, the former headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy. She is best friends with Guramu Osana, a singer prodigy very close to Sayaka's habilities.
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These last five are random students who are not related to any Ultimate. Riotto Luca is a transfer student from Italy.
Note: As always, if the Reserve Course works exactly like a normal (if exclusive) japanese high school, then the Reserve Course has classtime and clubs (like Cooking Club, Photography Club, Kendo Club, etc), so some of these characters belong to them, aside from the special class mentioned in my previous post.
Reminder: None of these characters are canon in Danganronpa, they are part of my Alternate Universe (AU) in which Komaeda Nagito has multiple talents. Also, the names for the SHSL students known only by talents (aka the SHSL Assault Team members) are headcannon/created just for the sake of the AU.
Danganronpa, Reserve Course Department and SHSL Titles: Spike Chungsoft & Kodaka
Characters' name and backstory: @michimi-maidenvelekblog / @michimiart-blog
Alternate Universe: MultiTalent!Komaeda Nagito AU by @michimi-maidenvelekblog
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Did you guys have professional yo-yoers come to your elementary school
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yfm-confessions · 11 months
words cannot express how much i like benatar. he just looks so polite and nice like cmon you cant tell me you wouldnt give him a big hug. look at him. hes british... lanky... silly... the best things. hes so sillæ he cant even contain it. "nawt yoer cop oef tee thaen?????" everything he says is always so sillæ!!!!! hes goofy and funi too. have you seen how funny he is? and goofy? the goofiest, silliest, funniest guys are always named benatar. BENATAR! JUST SO SILLÆ AND FUNNÆ... I LOVE IT!!!! hes so nice to everyone and he deserves the best. hes so wholesome and i just love it. i live for him. he is so FUCKING SILLÆ!!!!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM. HES JUST SO SILLÆ AND FUNNÆ AND GOOFÆ!!!! AND HES BRITISH!!!!!!! HE DESERVES ALL THE TEA HE WANTS. HES TOO SILLY AND GOOFY AND FUNNY AND BRITISH FOR HIS OWN GOOD. I LOVE BRITISH BOY BENATAR!!!!
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What's the Ultimate elite task force?
Okay so spoilers to the end of Danganronpa 3. Ryota's off the shit and brainwashing people with hope, the worlds about to become brainwashed with hope. Makoto's held captive by a brainwashed Aoi. An elite task force of fighters who are all previous ultimates come in to help but also get brainwashed then attempt to defend Ryota while he does brainwashing crimes. Then Hajime and his friends who are all woken up from their comas storm the building, beat them up, and go stop Ryota from doing War Crimes. Thats the ultimate elite task force.
They have a very minor role but they all have canon talents, but no names. The talents are Discus Thrower, Falconer, Street Performer, Nailist, Marksman, Judo Master, Archer, Street Fighter, Yo-Yoer, and Shougi Player. However in the art book and deleted scenes there is also the Roboticist, Spear User, Fencer, and Clown(though if we're being technical the actual translation would make them specifically a pierrot.) I find the clown to be very funny and am choosing to believe they are related to Kokichi somehow. Long lost uncle perhaps.
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ghosttontheshore · 1 year
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yoere discustingv
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aconstantallegory · 1 year
new yoer 😭😭😭🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶
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