#yoimiya x male y/n
can you write a fluff story where yoimiya and reunites with her male s/o when the vision hunt decree ended after he ran to watatsumi island to escape it
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Guiding Fireworks lead My Heart To You | Yoimiya x Male Reader
Characters: Yoimiya
Summary: Finially you can see your love again
Warnings: Mention of War, Mention of Death
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This was it, it was finally the end of the vision hunt decree in Inazuma. Vision bearers can finally live freely and in peace without having to hide what they possessed. There was no more living in the tyranny of the Raiden Shogun, and the borders on Inazuma were finally open to others. Yoimiya was especially excited for this. 
Her lover from across the sea could finally see her again. He had run away, not wanting to live under this tyranny and war ridden place. Yoimiya was waiting at the port in Ritou. She ignored everyone around her trying to ask her questions, she was only here for one thing. Yoimiya sat there until the sun sat at the middle point, signifying it was noon. 
Yoimiya yawned, raising her hand above her head. She still waited there at the port, hoping that her lover wasn’t late. All these thoughts consumed her in an endless worry cycle. But it was quickly stopped when she saw a boat coming in from the horizon. She bolted up and ran to the edge of the dock. 
The h/c hair and e/c eyes that she say from the distance was who she knew it to be. She waved as the boy on the boat waved back at her with a teary smile, glistening in the bright sun overhead. The boat that was approaching had docked, where Yoimiya was waiting. She had helped her lover out of the boat and quickly took his things out of the boat, carrying them to her house. 
Y/n had followed her, running, yelling out things as “wait up” and “slow down” to the girl. She didn’t listen, however, her excitement taking over her entire being. Once the two got to the Naganohara residence, Yoimiya’s father came out to greet the two. Ryuunosuke talked to the two, however it was really hard because of his hearing. It was quite fun, though, the three of them laughed and reminisced about the time before things in Inazuma escalated. 
That night, both Yoimiya and Ryuunosuke had planned a welcome back party for Y/n with their best fireworks to commemorate the love that burned in Y/n and Yoimiya. It was quite the extravaganza. Everyone around the city came to join in the festivities, as Y/n had a big impact on everyone around him. He had helped everyone, played with the kids when no one else would, and did odd jobs for those who needed extra working hands. 
That was one of the many reasons Yoimiya had loved Y/n so much. The day he had sailed away with the help of some escapees of Inazuma, Yoimiya felt lost. She felt like her whole world crumpled and collapsed. The reason she kept going on with helping those around her was to keep her boyfriend’s spirit alive. 
She didn’t want this world to forget him, on the chance that he couldn’t come back home to her. But here he was, in front of her and talking to the citizens that he had helped. Tears brimmed her eyes as she threw herself at him. Y/n gasped slightly, surprised at the sudden contact, but reciprocated the hug. 
Later that night, near the ending of the party, the most beautiful fireworks covered the sky in vibrant colors. Y/n and Yoimya had held each other's hand, hoping the other wouldn’t leave. The two were holding back tears, this moment feeling so surreal. Neither had expected to see each other again. 
Once the last firework and exploded in the sky, Y/n faced Yoimiya. He held her cheek softly, stroking his thumb on it. Yoimiya sunk into Y/n’s touch, a light blush making its way onto her face. Y/n lowered his head to meet Yoimiya’s lips as he kissed her.
It was a tender kiss, full of love and passion. One that Yoimiya would never forget for the life of her. She wasn’t going to let this moment die. After that moment, the two shared a deep hug, so tight, no one could even escape if they tried. 
“I love you so much, my firecracker.”
“I love you too.”
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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Dark Days - Yoimiya x Male!Reader
A/N: Angst is back on the menu! Seriously though, this might be one of the angstiest things to ever appear on the blog. CW: Modern AU, reader death, swearing, war-time violence. I'll leave it at that, but do know that it's heavy stuff, even if non-graphic in nature.
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You place your feet one after the other. The gypsum and sand crunches under your feet as you make your way to the gray, damaged concrete wall of some unrecognizable building. If it was a shop, the storefront must have broken, just as every bit of glass inside, currently in the form of crystal shards littering the street. 
Slowly making your way to the edge of the wall, you take a deep breath. You stick your head out slowly from behind the corner. The view in front of you would be very frightening just a few months ago, but now it has been woven into your daily life. The street was filled with rubble - smaller or larger chunks of stone and concrete, ripped out of various buildings but the explosions of rockets were scattered everywhere. A small tree, once standing proudly in a walkway flower pot, has been uprooted and thrown several meters away. The burnt car to your left, stripped of wheels and even the interior seats, completed the image of misery. 
Your eyes dart across the windows and roofs surrounding the small, plaza-like area. Much to your relief, they don't spot as much as a patch of green uniform anywhere in sight. You turn around and speak out in a restrained voice. 
“I don't see anything. I think we can go.”
Yoimiya nods and gets out from behind the ruin wall. She steps hastily over the rebar and concrete of the structure, the wind having already painted her delicate face with ash and plaster. Her hair is messy, tied in a makeshift ponytail that barely contained her dirty mane. The bags under her eyes speak of the many sleepless nights she had endured, of the hours spent in the basement and of the stress. The same stress that has soured her resting smile into nothing but a blank line of cracked lips. 
She takes her spot behind you. You pat her shoulder, making sure she stays where she is supposed to. Another deep breath. You move out from behind your cover and begin nervously jogging to the destroyed interior of the shop. You can hear her footsteps behind you. 
Your eyes glance nervously at the paneless windows of the buildings staring down at you. It's alright, you tell yourself. Nobody would be watching this random street. There hasn't been a single firefight here since two days ago, nor did you see a single team of soldiers - friendly or otherwise - moving across. And if there would be someone, they would certainly hold their fire. You're not armed, you're not wearing camo, you're clearly civilians. 
Somehow this doesn't give you any comfort. You glance back at Yoimiya, who is hopping across the street, carefully glancing around. She's keeping her distance, just as you instructed her to, and this eases your mind. She's with you. She's going nowhere where you aren't. She is safely behind you, and if someone starts shooting, you'll be the one to take the hits. 
It's your obligation to protect her. 
You quickly step over the shop's missing display, pushing apart the cheaply made, wooden stands that once housed clothes and handbags. They have been either secured by the owner or just looted by the soldiers, maybe even the people passing by. You smirk to yourself. If the electronics's shop wasn't burnt by napalm, you might have snatched yourself a nice console. Well, you'll be lucky to even survive this ordeal. 
The interior is just as you pictured it - empty, with broken furniture scattered around. The store is empty, obviously, but you notice a set of tiled stairs leading to the second floor. After a quick look to make sure Yoimiya is following you, you start ascending the steps. 
A dull stream of light is cast on concrete through a small window overlooking the entryway. You glance at it. The glass is gone, as customary for the city of today. You turn your eyes back towards your destination and freeze. 
Silence falls in the room as you remain motionless. Before you is a body, clad in anachronistic, green camo. Both the colors of the clothes and the stain of dark, dried blood underneath contrast with the ever present dust and monotony of the ruins. His rifle is still in his hand, but there aren't any shells around. He lies face down, but his neck is visible just enough for the paleness of his skin to indicate he hasn't died recently. 
“What's going on?” Yoimiya whispers, alarmed. “What do you see?”
You shake your head sideways. “Nothing. There's a body… It's one of ours.” A brief look at his arm confirms this - the Inazuman flag patch is attached to the velcro area of his uniform. 
His backpack is gone, but his combat straps are still there, holding up pockets likely filled with first aid supplies or snacks. Maybe his canteen is still intact, you hope. 
“I’ll check the body. Stay on the lookout, Yoi.” You turn around and place a hand on her shoulder. Your eyes do their best to cover your nervousness. “Can you do that for me?”
She nods. “Okay. Just… Just please be careful. Please.” 
You wink at her pleading eyes, making a small smirk find its way to her face. “I promise.” 
You turn back to the second floor. Just a few steps and you'll be in front of the window the man was shot from. Judging by how old the body looks, it doesn't seem like the enemy is around anymore. You muster up the courage and continue your ascent, moving almost prone to keep yourself low. Your heart is beating loudly in your ears with each traveled meter, still going as you get down on one knee and lean over the body. The body doesn't reek of decay, at least not yet. 
The nature of what you're about to do sickens you. 
You pull your sleeves over your hands. There was no time to think of morality now, especially that your supplies were running low. There wasn't a chance to evacuate either now that fighting has gone into full swing in the city. 
Wasting no time, you get to investigating his equipment. You quickly locate a particularly stuffed pocket, opening it and, to your delight, finding a bright red pack with a white cross inside. Moments later his canteen is uncovered, filled to the brim with fresh water. What's even better - amongst his documents in the inner pockets of his vest you find a small, stainless steel flask. 
You open it and wipe the dust and speckles of blood with your sleeve, hopes growing. You put the metal to your lips and take a small swing. Alcohol burns your tongue oh so pleasantly. It has been a fair few days since you had even this simple pleasure. Anything to break the monotony of water and old juice was very welcome. 
You smile. Such a little thing, and just how much happiness it can bring! 
Overcome with excitement, you straighten out. 
Before you can turn around and tell Yoimiya about your discovery, let alone blink, your world goes dark. 
A gunshot rings out and before Yoimiya’s very eyes you fall to the ground. 
She dashes forward but her shoe catches on some rubble. Yoimiya faceplants into the floor just in time to avoid another bullet, this one directed her way. She recovers and starts crawling towards you. Her hands latch onto your ankle and with all the strength pulls your body towards her. The crimson that drags behind you is sickening. 
As soon as you're out of the sniper's line of sight, she throws herself at you with desperation in her every movement. She cups your cheeks, already stained red with the blood pouring from your mouth. 
“No no no no, baby, please, please you'll be alright okay?” She rips your blood soaked shirt open, revealing a large wound near the middle of your chest. “Please, please just talk to me!”
She throws down her backpack and pulls out the small medkit. With shaking, red fingers she breaks it open and rummages for the gauze. She grabs a fistful of it and turns back to you. Yoimiya forces the bindings into the wound, hoping to stop the blood from pouring out. More and more of it is pushed deep into your wound, but it does nothing to help. Tears gather in her eyes, but her will powers through. She can still save you. She still can. You'll be okay. 
“Talk to me, please!” 
She looks into your eyes and finds them wide open. Unblinking. Frozen. 
Her movements grow weak as the realization falls upon her. 
“No… No…” 
She wraps her arms around your lukewarm body and sobs softly. 
Suddenly, the closer door on the left of the corridor bursts open, two enemy soldiers coming through with their rifles raised. They aim at her. 
“Hands up!” They shout, but she doesn’t obey. She just looks up at them, tears streaming down her face. 
The soldiers glance at your body in her arms. The men lower their weapons. 
She stiffens as they approach her. One of them crouches down to meet her eye-to-eye. His face is obscured by a balaclava, leaving only a small window above his nose to see through. The smell hits her right away, the stench of alcohol and a long-unwashed body. 
“Fufu~ Would you look at that? Our sentry told us he saw the enemy, but we didn't expect to go up against such a pretty thing.” 
Yoimiya swallows a sob and pulls your body closer to hers. Her eyes narrow through the tears. The other soldier audibly hangs up his rifle and walks behind her. She doesn't bother to look. 
“We've been a little cold here you know? A girl to warm us up at night would be quite nice, especially such a young hottie as yourself.” He chuckles to himself. “That won't be a problem now that you're free, right-”
She lashes out with her hand, activating her vision and scorching his face with Pyro. He screams and falls back. Right away, Yoimiya feels a powerful blow on the back of her head. Her eyes fill with black spots as she's grabbed by her hair and violently yanked up. She screams and tries to fight back, but soon feels the business-end of a pistol pressed against her back. 
The wounded soldier rises up, covering his burnt face with his other hands. He growls. “You fucking bitch.” 
Yoimiya’s chin is grabbed by the man, hard. She whines in pain as her whole head is forced to face the man. The fire revealed his face. He is no older than herself. 
“I wanted to be nice to you, we could have had a nice night, but you fucking spoiled it. We'll fuck you dead, like a street whore.” 
Yoimiya spits in his face. Her head throws back as she receives a powerful strike across her cheek. She can feel a tooth has broken loose. She is hoisted up and despite her best efforts, her resistance is fruitless. They drag her towards the room they came out of. Her hands grasp the door frame, but a punch easily breaks her grip. 
Yoimiya sobs. 
Before the door closes, the last thing she can see is your lifeless eyes.
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Thank you for reading.
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cherishmii · 2 months
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𐙚 "Birds of a feather" Group chat members!
✩ ⋆ ynstar: Y/N is a quiet streamer who quickly rose to fame after her first stream, where she cleared all the FNAF games without losing once. Despite being a comfort streamer, many find her weird and freakish. She has never done a collab, even after months of streaming, leading to numerous theories and lore about her. However, she’s really just a shy, introverted girl—or is she?
✩ ⋆ yoifire: Yoimiya's love of fireworks, inherited from her father's business, led her to study Pyrotechnics Design and Safety and Entertainment Technology. She found Y/N cute for wearing glasses and learned she was studying Fine Arts. After graduation, Yoimiya and Hu Tao encouraged Y/N to start streaming. Yoimiya, who streams and vlogs events, is one of Y/N's best friends and one of the few who know her hidden truth.
✩ ⋆ luminetwin1: Lumine, a vlogger who loves traveling with her twin, was on a solo trip when her camera died. Deciding to wait for it to charge, she explored a haunted forest and met three girls. They soon became friends, and after experiencing many 'paranormal' activities, Lumine wasn't surprised to learn Y/N's truth, which drew her even closer to Y/N.
✩ ⋆ Hutao: Hu Tao has known Y/N since birth, and they studied Fine Arts together. Y/N still doesn't understand why Hu Tao ended up running a funeral parlor. Hu Tao is her closest friend and the first to know her secret. She is famous for her comedic talent and always winning arguments. Hu tao secretly has a Y/N fan acc where she defends her.
✩ ⋆ ittothegoat: Itto was the first male in the group chat, originally intended only for girls, after pretending to be a girl to join. They warmed up to him since his gender didn’t change anything. Itto is a comedian known for doing outrageous content, like visiting banned Airbnbs. The group even had to bail him out of jail once. Despite his antics, he acts as their bodyguard because he looks and is genuinely strong.
✩ ⋆ Thoma_: Thoma, the "mom" of the group despite being a man, was first hired to clean the house the group rented for a week. He scolded them for trashing a house they didn't own, which Y/N found funny, so she added him to the group chat. Thoma then started streaming and vlogging, and his business boomed after Y/N mentioned how he looked like her mom.
✩ ⋆ bestdetective: Heizou, a good detective and friend of Itto, helped Y/N when she lost her cat after Itto accidentally let it escape while babysitting. Y/N was devastated, and the group chat was worried. Itto remembered his old friend Heizou, who quickly found the cat. Grateful, Y/N added Heizou to the group chat. Since then, Heizou often streams with Itto and Thoma.
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In the field of online streaming, an introverted indie streamer, known for her quiet nature, has never collaborated before. So why now? Fans wonder why she avoids collaborations — is she simply an odd one out? When she finally accepts an invite to a show, unknowingly the guest host is a popular but grumpy streamer who often collaborates due to his company, unexpected sparks fly as she discovers the guest host might just be her future boyfriend. Nevertheless, things changed as they found out what she truly is.
★ TAGLIST (,,>ヮ<,,)! : rq still open!
@vxcmx @quacking-simp @sketcheeee
Scaramouche x Y/N
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fairykazu · 2 years
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𐙚celeste — “love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.”
pairing : kazuha × gn! reader, scaramouche × gn! reader
summary: a new and upcoming soloist was coming into the world of tevyat. but wait... isn't that one of the triple stars?! y/n was apart of the trio band called "triple stars" with aether and lumine. but due to mysterious reasons, they left the group with no explanation. however, they have come back with a new name: celeste
genre(s): close friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, idol au, slowburn
warnings: kms/kys jokes, angst, cursing, angst, mommy issues, stalking, false rumors, name uses they/she pronouns, any person used as y/n is not canonically what they look like! soon will be added as series progresses
status: hiatus ; irregular updates
playlists: scarlet & scara
vidia’s quip: quick note! y/n is implied to be feminine or at least, transfem! sorry to my transmasc or male audiences! also purple - scaramouche pov, red - kazuha pov, white or default color - name credits: (star divider credit @bunnysrph)
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profiles: the silliest stars | childe hatepage + yoimiya
⋆。°✩ 1ST ALBUM: the stars in the sky represents us part i. track 1. omg celeste comeback?! ⋆ interlude. scarlet and celeste track 2. the twin stars' surprise ⋆ interlude ft scaramouche. getting slandered on main track 3. slandering on main means to apologize after / what is he on?! ⋆ scaramouche's reprise. W rizz, kuni! ⋆ track 4. besties meetup! ⋆ track 5. knock knock! whos there? interlude ft kazuha. the tweets ⋆ track 6. a date or not a date? that is the question track 7. to the recording room!
part ii. track 8. leaks & celeste's mystery man??? ⋆ track 9. upcoming rumors track 10. unknown number?? ⋆ track 11. worried ⋆ track 12. deluxe album out! ⋆ track 13. scaramouche x y/n trending??? ⋆ track 14. are you afraid of me?
⋆。°✩ 2ND ALBUM: the aligned fate orchestrated by the constellations part i. 21. tba ⋆ 22. tba
⋆。°✩ TWO MINI ALBUMS scarlet's route: scarlet leaves in the celestial night ⋆ includes: 10 tracks, one boyfriend, a thank you card, one freebie and highschool dreams achieved wanderer's route: purple midnights with the moon ⋆ includes: 20 track, a thank you card, one freebie, one boyfriend, hurt/comfort, and well, scaramouche is his own warning
⋆。 EXTRAS 00. starlight anew - celeste visuals + album 01. melodramatic - scaramouche visuals
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fairykazu © 2024 do not repost to other sites without permission, share, translate or rewrite without my permission. all rights are reserved !
taglist: @pyrrhicgaze @d4y-dr3am3r @murderisokayforme @aeongiies @florakis @luvnoya @mellowknightcolorfarm @elikyeet @4leyn3 @imkaaayy @xiaosonlybeloved @kavxikitty @jayxncya @sakiimeo @theblueblub @whipped-for-fictionals @ynverse @eunchaeluvr @rifran @meowmeowmau @sweetstrawberrybabe @keiiqq
send an ask to be added to the taglist!
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dreamsofminnie · 2 years
“Ethereal Paintings”
02~ Transfer students and a task☂️
Scaramouche x Reader Smau
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You waved a farewell to Ayaka, Yoimiya and Albedo as they eyed you walking towards the professor as the lecture ended.
Professor Rukkadevata waves you over with a gentle smile. The most gracious and kind professor from all the other teachers you knew. Not that every other prof is terrible to you, you loved every art teacher. She asked to see you after class, emailed to you right before class had started. You are one of her favorite—if not most favorite—student.
“Good afternoon Professor Rukka! How may I help you!” Your vision failed you since you didn’t notice the two people who came and stood to the side of you.
She nods a greeting then raises her arm towards the two others, her voice gentle with care. “Y/n, the new transfer students have missed two weeks worth of lectures. And I trust you to help them catch up. A simple task I merely ask.”
You turn your head at the two boys and looked them over. When you were with your friends trying to get a glimpse of the transfers there were way too many bodies sitting in that section so it was hard to really see. Now that they were directly placed in front of you, you could gauge their appearance.
One had an aesthetic of what you would call a soft boy. Definitely fit for autumn theme. His cream white hair stuck out a tuff of red which you pinned him as a male leaf. He smiled as a greeting which you returned.
Adverting your eyes to the other guy, your breath hitched. You really never believed in love at first sight but, you might have to rethink because; he was jaw-dropping gorgeous. His skin was so glossy and porcelain-like, eyes were strikingly sharp and hypnotizing. He majorly wore dark colors with either blue accents or dark purple. Emo-rock aesthetic. The look he gave you however contrasted his beautiful appeal, they glared at you and with a shiver you swivel back to the older woman.
“Of course! I’m happy to help my art peers.” Grinning at the chance to befriend the breathtaking male, your energy levels elevated even without coffee on this dreary monday.
“Thank you Y/n. Have a splendid rest of the afternoon you three.” She slightly bowed her head as you lead the boys from the lecture hall.
“My name is Y/n as you both know from the Prof. Can I have your names?” You tilt your head back at them as you hike the stairs towards the campus library.
“I’m Kazuha. Nice to meet you Y/n.” Kazuha put one hand on his chest with a little bow of his head despite climbing the stairs.
“…Scaramouche.” Pretty boy finally said as you all reached the peak of the staircase. Unique name for a pretty boy—was your first thought.
“Mmkay! I have all may notes on me so let’s get started on the first lecture notes. There are 4 days of lecture notes in total, but the notes are very long since it’s a 2 hour lecture.” Kazuha nods while Scaramouche groans.
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The way the three of you sat at the table facing the window was you, Scara then Kazuha in that order.
You were texting on your phone when a pen tapped your arm, it was gentle so you assumed it to be Kazuha. “Can you explain this part to us Y/n.”
You nodded and he tilted the notebook a bit higher towards you, Scara looked on as well. And at this moment, you didn’t realize your handwriting could be so small. You leaned a bit further toward the book. Completely unaware of the invasion of space you have penetrated at that moment.
Scaramouche held his breath when your head was a few inches from his view. He could see your side profile in every detail, his eyes couldn’t help but stare. You didn’t seem to be focused on him only on your own penmanship so it wouldn’t hurt to look as long as he was allowed. How your nose was shaped so cutely, the way your eyelashes stretch out in length, your blinking and the scrunches of your nose and crinkle of your eyes. When you suddenly brighten in relevation and let out a “Aha!” did Scaramouche snap out of that trance and shrunk back into his seat further away from your body.
You explained and Kazuha’s nods and “Ohs” felt distant to him as he thinks back on his unconcious actions. This is stupid—Scarmouche silently huffs and takes his note book to doodle write in which his knees drawn up to hold up his book. Your back-and-forth explaining went on over Scara’s head with him still silently listening.
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Previous | Masterlist | Next
Synopsis-> When you were required to help the new transfer student the history of art from the two weeks he missed. He didn’t know you were the one artist he was inspired by. You grow fond of each other but stay at a flirting stage. But finding out that he’s a dreaded a.i user; your mortal art enemy; everything in your relationship is obliterated. Will he be able to reconcile and steal your he-art♡ once again?
When is it my turn to fall in love at first glance☹️
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@akagism2 @pokidot @kyouzki @rmiyuki @infe-risk0 @sakurapeach @bluebelony @kichiyoshi @mikctp @kur44pika @cupids-chamber @aeongiies @crucnhice @neigesprincess @scaramoo @gojoandelsalovechilde @childeslegstrap @sakiimeo
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cyverrieee · 2 years
A/n: this is my first time here and uhh i dont really know stuff but here i am ! Also before we get started i do make:
Grammar mistakes
OOC (out of character)
Yeah thats all- ig-
From Akihito!
Genderbent Genshin Au x y/n
y/n mostly likely will be a male but i cant stick into making gn but that will be for another time!
Character - [ Venti ]
Older times
[ Venti ] - Female
You ment Venti in 8th grade, and the first time you met her; you were a nerdy loner! But since Venti is Venti, She decided to befriend you. Since she technically knows everyone around the school, she was one of the school's pranksters! And since you being a boy inside a circle; you never actually made any pranks in your previous years.
"uhh.. are you sure this is alright venti?"
You said as you looked at the prank venti was holding, honestly you didnt wanna join but you gotta look out for her; if she gets in trouble of course.
"This is going to HARMLESS, so you dont gotta worry about it!"
She confidently while you meekly nodded as a response, she goes closer to you and put her arm around your shoulder
"you dont need to worry [ Name ] im good at these type of things!"
She said smiling to you, you softly smiled as the female felt her heart beating like thunder. She takes her arm away from your shoulder and went to set up the prank.
after a while of waiting someone finally went over it, and it was your sister; Yoimiya! You rushed to help her as Venti tried to stop you but failed.
"are you okay sis!?"
You said, Yoimiya looked up to you and nodded, she stands up wiping the dirt off of her skirt
"im okay big bro you dont need to worry! That was cool but i would rather not be the victim.."
Your younger sister said, you nodded as she left; Venti comes from behind "Uhh.. sorry about that [ Name ].."
She guilt-fully said, you turned around and put your hand and your chest.
"its okay Venti!"
Your smile lead a mark on the young lady's heart and brain, and she felt heat rising through her cheeks.
"thank you.."
She softly said as the bell rang, you perked up and grabbed Ventis wrist and began to run to your classrooms..
That was the only memory Venti has until you switched schools, she was lonely and sad when you werent around but.. she has to deal with it, shes in collage now and she got back to that misery highschool memories again.. she was minding her business until the door knob twisted and turn.
She looked as the door opened by itself, revealing a person.. no a man wearing a oversized hoodie and a black mask with some luggage on him, Venti stood up and went to that man.
"hello sir, are you looking for the dor-"
She said, she was interrupted by the man,
"Are you Venti De Carmen?"
(Its a made up name i made involing ventis constellation in game)
"A-Ah yes thats me! Why do you ask?"
The lady said, tilting her head looking at the mysterious man, until they spoke up
"ah.. i missed you so much.."
The man revealed himself, taking off his hood and mask. Revealing what Venti missed the most.. [ Name ]..
"i-is that really you?!"
The woman jolted and immediately hugged the person standing infront of her.
"Yup its me, i missed you alot.."
The person nodded at he pats the short female's head. As her sobs were heard from him, as the taller male shush her cries..
I honestly hope you like my first work <33
Drink some water, eat well and if someone is being mean to you, dont care for them! They are just nothing but a waste of your time!
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genshinarchives · 3 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : After getting into a hit-and-run, you wake up as the NPC Onigasaki (y/n) in the world of Genshin Impact. With your knowledge of the game, you try to survive in Inazuma until Aether arrives. Unfortunately, there are some obstacles you have to overcome first as the most evil villainess of the Islands of Thunder and Eternity.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Ayaka, Ayato, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kazuha, Thoma, Tomo, Yoimiya
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, humour, isekai, transmigration, reverse harem
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Canon divergent, deaths of minor characters, graphic depictions of violence, major character injury, torture
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato
Shikanoin Heizou
Arataki Itto
Kaedehara Kazuha
Naganohara Yoimiya
Onigasaki Yuito (OC; platonic)
Pretty Villainess (Kamisato Ayato)
Special Chapter: Who’s the better Kamisato? (Ayato vs Ayaka)
Birthday Special: Grus Nivis (Kamisato Ayaka)
(Y/n) simps for Itto
(Y/n) x Reader
Tomoaki’s pickup lines
Birthday Special: Acer Palmatum (Kaedehara Kazuha)
The Location of the Onigasaki Estate
Who would be the male lead if there was an anime adaptation?
Arataki “Itoko”
(Y/n) ignores them because she’s busy (Ayaka/Gorou/Itto/Thoma/Yoimiya)
Baby names
Tsukuyomi angst
Birthday Special: Cypressus Custos (Kamisato Ayato)
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @ya-yeeteth​ / @mcreokun​ / @melkxsh​ / @ennikoala​ / @sweetstrawberrybabe​ / @crunchy-princeles​ / @kkokopi-main​ / @pasta-warlord​ / @muzanscumslut​ / @coco-goat-milk​ / @mama-m1na​​ / @fairlady-ying​ / @blackcatpandora​ / @yrbladie​​ / @forgotten-blues​ / @creatorofstars​ / @setsubon​ / @idealwriting​ / @goatchulu​ / @meepmi​ / @sarah22447​​ / @the-annie-clark​​ / @mabvo​​ / @royalmilkk​ / @rubiees-are-red​ / @formerstands​ / @aryuunachigiri​​ / @starojo​​ / @moss-murin​ / @kawasbaby​ / @kazuchaos​ / @atsukimitsuri​​ / @draespalace​​ / @b0nkers-papaya​ / @tricethecharm​ / @nejibot​ / @aliado-gao​ / @emperatris-rinaka​ / @spynerr​ / @lavdia​ / @apyrose​ / @tiffthescales​ / @kaelenlen​ / @kazukazusbaby​ / @scarletrosesposts​ / @kiraisastay​ / @fxaavt​ / @valeriele3​ / @dulcetamore​ / @we-wo-we-wo​​ /
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opiumkitten · 3 years
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A Little Too Close: Chapter 2
How did a simple day turn into...this? Itto learns about your past...and your ex. But could he keep by your side once he figures out who it is?
Pairing: Itto X Fem Y/N and Mystery X Fem Y/N
PART 1: Here
PART 2: You're Reading it <3
PART 3: Here
Word Count: 5792
I almost released part 2 as 10,000 words.... but of course, I split it.
Minors DNI!
Warning: Smut, oral(Fem{you my dear <3} receiving), slight angst
"Mmah~ No, Itto-!"
You tried your best not to moan so loud, covering your mouth as the large Oni used the cover of the table at to play his new favorite game; Make Y/N cum. The large pops as he sucked on your clit met you're ears, and you were sure that if anyone walked past they'd hear it too.
Even the heavy slurps made you shiver as he groaned from your sweet nectar.
"You cum, I'll stop."
"How can I cum here?"
You whimpered, trying not to arch your back as you grabbed his horn.
You were sitting in front of you job, advertising a new body oil. While no one was watching, the large male snuck under the caravan, ripped open your body suit and dove face first between your folds, promising to buy you a new one.
Only he had you cursing lowly as you felt the pressure becoming too much, your moans starting to slip as hungry groans left the bandit between your legs.
You clicked your teeth, fending off the male as you smiled, the blush of your cheeks making you glow as Yoimiya came to the table.
"So, this is where you were today. They got you in charge of the campaign huh?"
You nodded, nervously feigning innocence as you tried to find your voice.
"Of course, they'd put the pretty girl as the face. Have you even tried the product?"
Clearing you throat, you nodded, praying that the sexed-up tone would leave long enough for you to utter a sentence.
"Been using it for about a month now. It works."
As your breathless words left you, you wanted to kick the Red Oni. You'd failed and now Yoimiya was staring at you odd.
"Hm? Y/N? Are you ok? You sound a bit...out of breath?"
You chuckled harder-
Itto’s tongue fluttered across your clit, making you jump as you dug into his scalp.
Unfortunately, this had the opposite effect on him. Pressing his nose and mouth further as he rubbed your thighs.
"It's just hot out today, I don't have any water...so.."
"Let me go get you some, I'll be back."
As she hurried off, you couldn't hold back the squeak as Itto’s tongue dove deep into your pussy, your walls gripping around the wet muscle as if it needed it.
"Itto please, we can finish in like an hour when I'm off."
"No can do Princess. When you get off is when you'll be turned over and I stretch that pretty little ass of yours. So let me get you nice and bothered now so you can be my horny bitch later. Ok?"
He patted your thigh as he slurped loudly-
A kid with his mom looked at you as you covered up the sound, clearly your throat as you covered your mouth.
Or rather, your blush.
Which didn’t really matter when Itto did the thing you loved most.
The wet suckling on your clit as he latched and let go in succession made a loud whine escape you. You were frozen, unable to push him away.
Your body always disobeyed you when he sucked at you so, damned, perfectly.
You trembled as you felt your orgasm coming, your hand gripping his horn as you held on for the dive of the roller coaster.
“That’s it baby girl.”
Your hearing phased out with the crash of the waves before the deafening lull brought on immense pleasure. Your head kicking back, squeezing Itto between your thighs, his panting becoming more audible as he overstimulated you. You weren’t sure if you’d held in the moan well, and if anyone had heard…
When you finally came down, you leaned back up, your curled tresses a bit wild as you bit your finger.
When your vision came back, the Dango milk vendor across the way was blushing wildly, your sexed up face registering before you smirked amorously, making him redder as he bowed before fulling concentrating on the grill in front of him.
Itto made sure he cleaned you up, licking up the dew you’d made for him before situating your clothes properly and peaking from under the table. Conveniently crawling from under the table to behind the tree, you had half a mind to kick him in the ass before he walked back out.
His sly grin played to piss you off as he rubbed his thumb along his lips, licking up his reward as he kept your gaze.
“You know, I’m starting to like your treat way more than the ones I gamble for. Working for this seems way more rewarding, don’t you think?”
You were ready to pinch him before Yoimiya came back with the water, ushering it quickly towards you.
“Here, here! Drink! How could they sit you out here with no water?”
“Nah they did, I just drank it all.”
The cold water was amazing, and your moan as the ice clanked made Itto gulp. You were making him thirsty all over again.
For you, but the water looked good too.
“Itto? When did you get here?”
The Oni chuckled, snapping out of his trance on you. “Oh, I’ve been milling about, waiting on the Little Princess here to get off so I can walk her home.”
You wanted to glare but Yoimiya cooed. You guys had been an item for a few months now, Itto had kept his word, sticking to you like glue. He walked you home on the late nights (to fuck you in the alleyways), brought you dinner (to eat you after), helped out around your work for the extra pay (and to stretch you wide in the open-air bath.) Truly, Arataki Itto was a Proper Nymphomaniac Gentlemen.
“Aw you’re so sweet. But I swear if you break her heart, I’ll tell everyone in Inazuma that not only are you a delinquent but you’re also a no-good player. If the men find out you toyed with Princess Y/N they’ll hunt you down for real this time.”
You laughed as Yoimiya hugged you close, almost pulling you away from the Giant as he nabbed the water for himself.
“I wouldn't hurt Kitten. EVER. I swear by it!” He teased back, popping a cube between his lips.
In the time Itto had gotten to know you, it almost seemed like the rumors came bombarding him on queue.
When you’d walked past him in the street, not noticing him, his boys nudged Itto as they pointed.
“That’s Hanamizaki’s little Princess. I hear she’s an absolute tease. She’s real close with Gorou and Kazuha too. Thoma seems to chase her around, but she just turns her nose up at him every time.”
Like a screen play, Thoma came to offer you your favorite Dango Milk in hopes to ask you out to lunch. However, your expression was just as promiscuous as they said before you actually turned up your nose and walked away, waving at the Handyman as he watched your hips sway.
You’d think the Oni would be annoyed by the obvious sizing up, but he had to hide the tint in his pants. Knowing you had turned down the most popular guy in Inazuma only to turn your tails up and beg for him made his chest puff out.
Of course, this wasn’t the only time.
As Itto helped the older gentlemen with the repairs, you’d come with refreshments on a hot day, simply because you saw them struggling. With a wink his way as you sauntered off, and the silver foxes immediately started blabbering.
“That little vixen deserves to be split open and worshipped every second of the day.”
“I’d probably go out of business from spending so much time with her.”
Itto chuckled, watching you go to the Adventurer’s Guild to do another commission.
“I heard she turns down Thoma as much as she works. A girl like her deserves a hard-working guy so she can be pampered.”
“I agree.”
“Yeah, so do I.”
The older men turned to Itto, who’d had a slight blush on his face before he moved faster.
The only one that doesn’t sit well with him is the rumor with one of his closest friends and rival, Ayato.
“I heard they dated, but when she refused to marry him, they broke up.”
Itto coughed, beating his chest and the saké caught.
“I’m sorry- WHAT?!”
“Yeah, they were always with each other. Then suddenly they weren’t. It was also around the time that Ayato stopped coming around as often.”
One of the guys shrugged as you took another order in the Bathhouse’s bar. Like the good girl you were, you’d taken someone else’s shift when they were shorthanded, and your boss rejoiced, paying you overtime that day. Luckily, the bar had its own uniform, and the short skirt made Itto stay the whole night, watching you hop around the bar in the teasing fit.
But, the problem with this rumor is that he hasn’t been able to ask Yoimiya, you and least of all Ayato because he can't get a hold of him. Which he was supposed to go to the estate today, however he just made plans with you...
“Y/N? You can pack up now, we’ll let you go early for reaching the quota, ok?”
“Ok, thank you!”
Itto stored the products away swiftly, making sure to take care of the packaging before stacking it and taking them to the storeroom. Yoimiya volunteered, folding up the cover as Itto easily hauled the table inside. And after sending Yoimiya off, Itto walked you home.
However, it seemed like Itto wouldn’t have to visit the estate as you stopped, your eyes going wide before looking away.
Itto recognized his best friend easily… But you…? Your reaction threw him off-
Ayato’s eyes glowered, but he kept his stoic visage as they laid upon you.
“Yo Ayato!”
As the male neared, you quietly escaped into the crowd, ducking through the backway to go home. Ayato looked around for you, half smiling at his best friend.
“Good Afternoon Itto. What brings you here?”
“Ah I was walking home Y/N-…? Y/N?”
The pain in Ayato’s eyes was palpable, but he quickly covered up the sting with a chuckle.
“So, I did see her. She seems to be doing well...as beautiful as ever.”
His remark trailed off, making Itto’s eyebrow raise. This was unlike him, the quick flawless smile never missed a beat. And why was his exterior breaking so easily? That comment was real funky too…
“Do you two hang out often?”
“Yeah...a lot as of late...Actually, I wanted to ask you something about her. Mind if I kidnap you for a bit?”
Ayato sighed, looking at the files in his hand.
“I actually have to meet with the Shogun...But it can wait. Please send word that I’ll meet with her tomorrow. I have...urgent business to attend to.”
His followers stammered as he walked off with the Oni, smiling as he waved.
Ayato followed him to Komore teahouse before getting comfortable, ordering a round of drinks as they sat.
“I don’t want to take up too much time but I think I should ask you this directly. Were you and Y/N ever a thing? Like did you date at all?”
“Yes. For 4 years in fact.”
Itto’s jaw dropped, Ayato swirling the warm beverage as he sipped.
“I proposed, but she turned me down. After that, we broke up. She never answered why though.”
Ayato smiled painfully at his best friend.
“Do you... have any idea why?”
“I think so. I cheated on her.”
Itto spat out his drink this time, Ayato’s elegant exterior never breaking.
“You WHAT?!”
“I slept with Kujou Sara at the beginning of the relationship and never told her. I tried making up for my mistake quietly, but it seemed the Tengu had different plans when she visited the Bathhouse with the Shogun. Y/N was their attendant. I heard Kujou couldn’t live with the guilt and apologized when they were alone. Y/N being an angel, pretended she already knew. And this all happened 2 weeks before I asked.”
Ayato sighed, looking into the cup-
“No no- wait. Chicken Lady? You messed up that for Chicken Lady?!”
“Kujou Sara is a respectable woman. Even you know that.”
“Eh, maybe... But this is making me look at you in a different light, man. Why didn’t I know that Y/N was your girl for those 4 years?”
“I hid her identity for her safety precautions. I never wanted her roped into any antics. Someone could’ve targeted her to get the Commission to bend.”
The Red Oni looked him up and down...it was a fair point but...
“What I don’t get is why you cheated. What for?”
“I don’t have an answer. I just did. And I think...It might be one of the biggest regrets of my life...”
Ayato couldn’t hide his sadness behind his smile this time, looking up at his best friend.
“It certainly is one of my greatest pains. And I can blame no one but myself for it. But-”
Ayato pointedly stared at Itto, a nervous blush running across his nose.
“Why’re you so interested in that rumor? You interested in the Nekomata?”
Itto studied his best friend, he could see the anxiousness in his eyes. Itto was the only one he let his guard down around. And Itto never lied in turn, always telling the truth even if it hurt.
So, he wasn’t going to start now.
“Actually...for a few months now...”
The silence that filled the air created tension thicker than water. Both males held each other's stare. Every possibility laid out in front of them, neither one giving leeway for them to happen. Itto didn’t purposefully date you to hurt Ayato. He didn’t even know you two were a thing.
Which is why he’s asking now.
But as his anger flared, he still wanted to lash out at him. Why Itto? He wasn’t sad by the timing. He was sad because you chose someone so close to him. Ayato couldn’t avoid you without putting his relationship with Itto in jeopardy.
Both males sighed heavily, their heads dropping in defeat.
If Itto had known he wouldn’t have made a move on you so easily. Even as his curiosity flared, he would’ve kept his distance...
A tinge of guilt met him as he scratched his head. He wasn’t so sure he could. You made something in him grow. He was almost wrapped around your finger...no, he was.
If you asked him to jump, he’d do it and then ask how high the next time.
He really did-
“Do you like her?” Ayato cut off his train of thought.
“Huh?” Itto stammered.
“I said, do you like her?”
Itto turn a hue of pink. He didn’t care to hide it. Not like he could at this point…
“Yeah...A lot actually.”
Ayato was quiet-
Thoma walked in with a tray of snacks, hesitant to speak as he read the room.
“My lord? Should I come back...?”
“No...in fact I think I need your support here Thoma. Please, sit. Close the door.”
Thoma did as ordered, fidgeting as he sat adjacent to both males. Silence rang out between them, Itto swirling the cup as he stared into the void.
“Thoma? What would you do in this situation?”
“What situation?”
“Well, you were deeply in love with a woman. But just as you proposed, she left you after a 4 years bond. Fast forward 2 years, you see her walking down the road with your best friend, only to hear that they’re dating now...and he likes her... A lot, actually.”
Itto snorted and Ayato mocked him.
“Well, my Lord...did my best friend know about me and her?”
“Hm... Why did the two of you break up?”
“You have no definite answer, but you think it was because she heard you cheated.”
“...You cheated my Lord?”
“...I-…Why are the both of you surprised? I was like 23. Yes, I cheated- point is; she found out and left when I proposed. Now she’s dating him.” Ayato pointed at Itto, snubbing his best friend as he looked at the Handyman.
“Well. I’d wanna fight him. But I'd also accept it was my fault. I would feel...for lack of better words...really shitty. It’s a powerless situation really. On one hand, that was an important love, right? It lasted 4 years?”
“I spent every moment making it up to her for what I’d done, though she didn’t know till the end.”
“Right. At this point she’s moved on. On the other hand, you want your best friend happy. And you know the woman he’s dating...you know he will be. And it hurts.”
Itto looked at Ayato, a somber sigh leaving him.
“But, My Lord. I’d let her go. I’d apologize first, and let her go. I’d wish my best friend happiness and not ask about her, cause I'd probably want to cry when she’s mentioned-”
“B-but all in all...Apologize and let her go.”
Itto looked back at Ayato, a heavier sigh leaving him.
“Of course, I’d have to. Not like I could as her to come back to me, especially in this situation. I’m sure Y/N is smitten with you by now, Itto.”
Thoma coughed, beating his chest as he pointed at the Oni.
“Wait-wait-! You *cough* nabbed Y/N?!”
Itto chuckled as Thoma even glared at him.
“When did-...the day you helped at the storeroom. You told me it went fine. Not that you-”
Thoma cleared his throat, stopping mid-sentence as he felt Ayato’s eyes burning through him-
“Wait a minute- you cheated on HER My Lord? With WHO?!”
“...Kujou Sara.”
“BIRD BITCH?! THEY WANTED MY VISION-...excuse me My Lord. But HER?”
Thoma shook his head as Itto chuckled, a bashful red appearing on Ayato’s face.
“I get it, it was stupid. Knock it off already.”
“Forgive me, My Lord. I just-...Sara?!”
Ayato took the buttered crab, pouring the tea in the shell before adding a radish skewer…the bubbles began to froth weirdly…
“How did it even happen? What could’ve possibly been-”
“Thoma? Eat this.”
Thoma groaned as the concoction was placed in front of him, unable to say no to Ayato.
Later on
You stirred from reading your book, setting the marker as a heavy yet familiar knock resounded on your door.
When you saw Itto peak through the window, he waved with an impatient look on his face. You kicked yourself as you slowly made your way. You didn’t want to talk to him, knowing you’d basically ditched him after Ayato appeared.
You opened the door anyway, messing with the lapels of the summer dress you wore. His eyes were annoyed, but he took his time over the chiffon number. Your nipples were perked cutely, and he already knew you weren't wearing panties, because you never wore them when you were home.
“Mind if I come in?”
You stepped aside, and he closed the door behind him as you crossed your arms, following him. He sat on the couch, looking at you as he patted next to him.
“You in a good place to have a talk?”
You looked at the giant male. His serious gaze was one you weren’t used to. You only saw it a few times. When he talked about the Blue Oni, Grandma Oni...when he confessed his feelings...and when he asked you out.
This was the 5th time... for some reason it made you self-conscious.
“Uhm...what about?”
“It’s...hard to explain...either you’re ready or you aren’t. If you aren’t I can put it off for however long you want. But it’s a talk we have to have.”
You stayed standing, eyeing the male as you fidgeted with your hair.
Itto was kind of happy you stayed over there. Your nervous look made him want to ease you. But that might lead to some other things he couldn’t handle at the moment.
“I... Yes...I’m ready.”
“Then, can you go open the door?”
You looked at him, confused before going and opening the door-
Your heart sank, familiar pain blooming through you as you looked up at the elegant male.
“Hey Y/N.”
You only stared at him before looking back at Itto, who gestured for you to let him in.
“You said you were ready...but if at any moment you want to stop...”
…Moving aside, you let the Commissioner in. Ayato looked around with a solemn smile as you just stared before closing the door.
“Hasn’t changed much since I was last here. May I have a seat?”
He pointed to the sofa across from Itto, you only nodded as you went into the kitchen.
“I’ll...make some tea really quickly.”
“Here let me-”
“No Ayato- you stay right there.”
You pointed at him before turning your nose up, walking away from the two males as he cringed. You took deep breaths as you took in the fact that the males were conversating with one another. And you had half a mind to go question why.
Why the hell was your ex and your current boyfriend in your Living room having a best buddy bonfire?
You patted your cheeks, tightened your ponytail and fixed your eyeliner before taking the tray to them. You took your time setting the cups before pouring Itto’s tea first...then you hesitated to pour Ayato’s.
He smiled tightly before gesturing to the tray. “It’s alright. I’ll pour it.”
You quickly set down the pot, and he silently filled his cup. As the trickle died down, all that was heard was silence, the accompaniment of the watermill acting as white noise.
You looked to him, his eyes studying you as you bit your lip nervously. Ayato did the same, noting the familiar behavior as your ears twitched as well, your tails curling from side to side.
“I am sorry about this so suddenly but I want it out of my way as quickly as possible. So, try not to shut down on me, ok? I won’t get angry, but I just want to understand...Why didn’t you tell me about being with Ayato for 4 years?”
You chewed your lip before glaring at Ayato, then back to Itto.
“I wasn’t supposed to. Because if I did say it and the wrong person heard it, I could be targeted.”
Itto looked to Ayato who nodded.
“See? I told you she didn’t do it on purpose. She's a good girl. Always has been.”
Ayato’s pain was evident on his face as Itto and you looked over.
“If I was so good why’d you lie to me for 4 years?”
“I... I honestly...”
“Honestly Ayato. I don’t understand why you’re here.”
“Because I asked him.”
Itto rested on his knees, his hands locked as he studied you.
“Because…out of all of us, you knew I was his best friend. And you didn’t turn me away.”
You only stared at the Oni, unable to deny his point. A heavy sigh left you, and your mood changed.
Itto had never seen you look at him with such annoyance.
“Am I supposed to? We dated 2 years ago. 2. He cheated. Why should I deny myself of you? I didn’t do it purposefully. But I don’t owe him any honor. Not when he didn’t honor me.”
Your eyes, nearly brimming with malice, looked Ayato up and down.
“Least of all himself. And knowing him? He probably didn’t have a reason.  Just did it because he let the ‘Young Commissioner’ title go to his head."
It was almost as if a bull’s-eye were stuck to Ayato’s forehead-
“You think I didn’t know about you two back then? You were both players. But I thought maybe he’d be different when it came to me…He was so...nice. But that was the problem, wasn’t it? I’d just moved here from Tatarasuna, working as a bar Maiden at the Old Man’s place.”
The Old Man rejoiced, and as you turned around, you already knew who it was. You shook your head as Ayato returned a deep bow, helping the older gentlemen to a seat before slipping him a purse full of mora, pointing at you quickly.
You didn’t take your time as you finished drying the glass, readying the snacks before he walked back to the booth, his entourage following suit. You waited till they got comfortable, checking your makeup before tying your apron a bit tighter and going to wait on them.
The men all seemed to don the same blush, but Ayato’s was a bit brighter as he smiled at you.
“Good evening, Little Ms. Y/N.”
“Good evening, my Lord. What will you be having?”
“Depends…are you on the menu?”
You shook your head with a smile. He asked this every time.
“No, Lord Ayato. However, if you’re looking for something sweet tonight, I’m sure I can find something to sate your palette.”
His playful sigh made you giggle, the others giving their boss a sly look as the exchange went on.
“We’ll take what you suggest then.”
You bowed, writing his name on the slip before turning-
“Oh, one more thing?”
“Take your time...and I mean walk slowly. I wouldn’t want you to trip. I’d be terribly upset if you’d hurt yourself while serving me.”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you bowed once again before going to place the order.
Ayato bit his lip as you did in fact, walk slower, your hips swaying as you disappeared.
You always served him perfectly. Always knew exactly what he wanted before he asked, wrapping up just as he was satisfied.
When you brought out the bill, you knew to hand it to his second in command. And you were always surprised as the tray was passed around the table after he paid the full amount.
Ayato was the one to pay the biggest tip, the purse heavier than the one he handed the barkeep.
“Gentlemen, this is more than enough…”
They all clamored, shaking their heads and stiffing the tray as you tried handing it back.
“Absolutely not. You deal with us every time we come. It’s the least we can do.”
Ayato smiled as you bowed, accepting their kindness as you went to get the receipt.
He enjoyed how you always tied the purse he’d gave on the shoulder of your apron, the hefty bag sometimes resting in your cleavage.
It was hard to miss that it was his, the deep blue almost like a warning. It was the only way he’d shown his mark on you.
As you leaned down to explain the charges, he didn’t bother averting his gaze.
Yes, it was the only way he’d do it…for now.
“Ah, Y/N? Something is missing…”
The men got up, leaving their boss to speak to you alone. He pointed at the bottom of the paper.
“The time you get off tonight. I’d like to walk you home.”
“You shouldn’t be out so late, Commissioner…Inazuma isn’t as nice after dark.”
“Exactly, which is why I insist on walking you back.”
“You sure you trust such a pretty face so easily, My Lord?”
“I could easily subdue your if you were a threat.”
“And how would you do that?”
“Let me walk you home and you’ll find out.”
Unlike every other night, Ayato was more handsome than usual. His kimono was open wider, his skin glowing from the warm air. His dark gaze searched yours as you bit your lip.
His stunned eyes made you smile, walking away from him as you went to retrieve the cleaning bucket before stopping.
“…That’s in 15 minutes, My Lord. You should get rid of your caravan before then.”
He didn’t move for a minute as he watched you saunter off.
You really gave in this time. You were gonna let him walk you home. For real?
Coming out of the bar, you stretched as you looked up at the moon. You half expected Ayato not to be there, unable to lose his guard-
“Good Job at work today, Ms. Y/N.”
You were startled as he came from the bulletin across the way. His hands were folded elegantly under the kendo robe, and his cool smile made your heart pick up as you bowed.
“Thank you, My Lord-“
“Ayato. Only Ayato when we’re alone.”
You were actually able to take in how much taller he was as he stood next to you.
“Good. Now, care to tell me about your day?”
Gesturing on, you took the lead as Ayato followed, just barely behind you as you started. Going through every nice customer, to the occasional asshat, all the way down to the ones you had to resolve for other waitresses; you hadn’t noticed how short the trip was when you neared your home.
“Oh…we’re here.”
“…So soon?”
You giggled as he seemed to deflate.
“…Would you…like to come in for some water? It’s still pretty warm out. And you do have a long way back to the Estate…”
Ayato looked down at you, you were picking with your sleeve, your gaze averted. The cute jingle as your ear twitched made him return your blush, clearly his throat as he covered it.
“Of…of course. But I’ll be staying at the Capital. The arrangements were made since I have to make an appearance with the Shogun tomorrow.”
You nodded, hesitant before ushering him forward.
Setting down your bag, you stretched once more before going into the kitchen, putting on tea as well as getting the water you’d promised.
“I hope it doesn’t bother you…”
“No. Your space suits you. I like it. May I?”
Ayato gestured to the couch, and you nodded as he got comfortable.
You don’t know how much time passed, but you two talked for hours, laughing and sharing all sorts of things till…
“Can I kiss you?”
Things had somehow escalated. Your legs were over his, leaned back into the cushions as his hands conformed to the curve of your hip.
“You…really want to?”
“If you’d give me the chance to, I’ll do more than that.”
You giggled, and his blush made you hot.
“Let’s just start off with a kiss.”
His smile was different than before, his grip tightening as he leaned in. You couldn’t help the way you'd gasped. His lips soft, plush as he guided you. His tongue snuck between your lips and stole small moans from you, making you break the kiss as you gripped his shoulder.
You were gonna lose it if you kept this pace.
“We can stop if you’d like. But…”
Ayato rested in the crook of your neck, his whispers warm as his washed over you, sending ripples down your spine.
“I only want to kiss you tonight. Nothing more than to please you.”
His words were laced with sweet venom. You knew he wasn’t being truthful…
But he wasn’t lying either.
He did want to kiss you.
But as he traced the bow of your kimono, you knew he didn’t mean your lips.
“Every inch of you.”
His lips tickled the sensitive spot on your neck, making you shudder.
“It’d be a wonderful way to unwind after work, don’t you think? Letting me worship you with my mouth. Besides, you earned it right? Dealing with a pesky Commissioner and his lot at the end of your shift.”
You bit your lip as he chuckled, grazing his lips up to your jaw.
“But I’ve worked all day…”
“All the more reason to praise you.”
“I should shower-“
“No no no…just as you are. Right now. I wanted to taste you like this.”
You shivered as his hunger spread through you, unable to speak.
But he read your nod as he kissed your neck, nearly growling as he bit into your sensitive flesh. Almost as if he’d studied you, he knew every tie of your kimono. His lips were harsher against yours, going from to your chin, then trekking lower as he opened the lapels.
Gazing down at your curves, he hovered over you before taking his lips to your nipple, moaning as he felt the piercings before sucking harder.
“I never would've guessed you were this type.”
“I can say the same for you.”
Ayato stood, pulling you to him as he let the robes fall before unzipping the suit. You took your time taking it off, watching his need flare before he guided you back to the couch, leaning you back.
He took a moment gazing over you, swallowing hard as your hardened nipples peaked for him. Your hips and thighs hid his goal, and as he pulled you closer, he looked at you for permission before guiding your legs apart.
He moaned, taking in how you were already wet for him.
“Excited already?”
“You were right…being praised after a long day at work does sound amazing. Especially when a pesky Commissioner came in.”
Ayato played in the slick, his fingers collecting your dew before spreading you apart.
“Mmm, that Commissioner sounds like a greedy and hungry man. You should make sure you get your pay back.”
Ayato guided your hand to the back of his head, bringing your leg over his shoulder.
“Almost like he doesn’t let you breathe. You should take the chance to make sure he can’t either.”
His mouth was as greedy and hungry as he’d said.
More so.
He’d already slurped up every drop of your honey and was making it his mission to make your clit swell with how hard he’d been sucking at it.
His eyes rolled as you held onto his tresses, trying to steady yourself as he moaned into your folds. He didn’t waste time sucking bruises into your thighs, his pants tickling your flower-
You squealed as his tongue went inside you, quickly at first, before you watched him slowly fuck you with the long muscle.
You couldn’t stop shivering as he licked your g-spot, his sinful eyes watching you bruise your lips as you kicked your head back into the couch.
“Say my name, Princess.”
His tongue fluttered to your ass, darting in before doing the same to your pussy.
His name left your lips in a drunken slur, the slurps of his hunger greeting your ears as he worked you. His lips kissed your clit as his tongue flicked at you, the butterfly effect sweeping you over the edge quicker than you could tumble the words ‘I’m cumming' from between your lips.
And this happened every time, Ayato’s face messy as he finally pulled away 7 orgasms later. He panted as he watched you tremble, gripping the couch for any sort of reprieve as he licked his lips.
“You’re so pretty all fucked out like this…”
Your vision was blurry, but you managed to catch him cleaning up his rewards, not letting a single drop go. He had to stop himself from licking the couch, making you smirk as his pussy drunk eyes contemplated on pulling another orgasm out of you.
You know…to make up for what soaked into the cushions.
“Can I walk you home again?”
“You…better not make a habit of this…”
He totally made a habit out of it. Of course, after nabbing you for himself.
2022 Copywritten and Owned by @opiumkitten
Do not claim or repost anywhere. If you see any works on any other site claimed by anyone else but @opiumkitten please report it to me and report it to the site. Thank you
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tavvattales · 2 years
If request are open can you write a yoimiya X Male Reader (or gender neutral if you don't do Male Reader) who comes home covered in mud or just wet and ask "where's my hug?" And she runs away with reader running after her with arms stretched out
Wahhh! This is SO CUTE. Okay, here you are, sweetie pie~ Enjoy~ 😘🥰
Currently listening to: Despair by leo.
Hugs for Me~
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GENSHIN IMPACT Character x Male!Reader Headcanons
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Characters: Yoimiya
Pairings: Yoimiya x Male!Reader
Warnings: None, pure fluff!
Taglist: @stygianoir
Click below for more~
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She playfully goes along with your shenanigans.
You playfully call out to her, a smirk creeping up on your face as you drip with the finest mud you could find. Yoimiya looks up from her workbench, and she audibly gasps, "Y/N!!! Not again!" She calls out and rushes to get up, "You're cleaning it up this time," Yoimiya scolds, waving her finger. Unbeknownst to her, you had another surprise for your girlfriend and not being able to stifle your laughter, you chuckled.
"You didn't give me my daily dose of serotonin. Where's my hug~?"
"Oh, don't you dare! Eeek~!"
Yoimiya shrieks playfully, trying to dodge away from your outstretched arms, but the gap between you had been too close, and you managed to grab her lovingly by the waist. Pulling her closer to you, you laugh as she admits defeat and wraps her arms around your neck, "Fine, you win this time, dear boyfriend of mine. You're lucky I love you, Y/N!" Yoimiya says sarcastically with a giggle, giving you a quick kiss to your mud-caked cheek.
"I'll get you next time, just you wait!"
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
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More about You | Genshin Impact x Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Celetsia's Divinity About you: About you | (You are here) About the family: About the family Prologue: Born from the stars | TBW Chapter 1: A child, the wolf, the dragon, and the god | TBW
WARNING: War and Death
Credit for picrew: Here
A/n: The picrew is just a reference and not what you exactly look like.
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Name: Y/n
Age: 6000+ years
Homeland: Uknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: H/L H/C hair, E/c Eyes, S/t Skin, L/c lips and Y/h tall
Personality: Sweet, Motherly, Kind, Understanding, Vengeful, Loving, Smart, Wise, Curious
Likes: Flowers, Butterflies, Taking care of kids, Helping others, Gardening, Baking, Learning new things.
Dislikes: Abuse, Bitter foods, Hurting others, Feeling vulnerable, Vane, His parents death.
Powers: Being able to control all elements, See other's dreams and enter them, see and speak to ghosts, seeing the future, flying
Other notes: Y/n was born along with the Seven Sovereigns, becoming an honorary dragon. He is able to form wings on his back to imitate dragon wings. Y/n has the power to see people's future, but it is just a brief vision, and it is always changing. Y/n forgot the powers he once had due to his mother hiding away his memories. His memories were hidden out of fear of his powers being used against him and being too dangerous for Y/n to handle on his own. Y/n see's ghosts and often helps those that want to move on. He also connects with them and brings a sense of happiness to lonely spirits. He is able to use the elements, but once he remembers his past. There is a reminence of the elemental power, but it isn't as strong as they used to be. Y/n knows all the gods, both before and after the Archon war and morns those that died during the war. He is often seen wearing a white two piece with a short crop top and a skirt, to resemble what his father once wore. It is mistaken that he is the ghost of Windrise because of his white apparel and his singing. Y/n wears more loose close that flow in the wind because of his brother and father.
Love interests:
Hu Tao
Yun Jin
Ei/Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Kujou Sara
The Tsaritsa
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windblxmes · 3 years
Open for business
Hi before we get anywhere else if your gonna request please read my welcome post first please and thank you
Requests Currently: Open ✨
Drafts : 0 Asks: 1
Update 8/5/22: I’m currently trying to get all my asks written as soon as possible if it’s in drafts that’s means it’s written and I’m waiting to post it and if it’s asks that means the ask has been received and will be written when I get to it I most likely will not ever close my asks but it could take awhile to get to it thank youuu <3
✨Welcome Post✨
Ok so right now i'm gonna start with requests for
*Danganronpa (all games)
*Genshin Impact
*Your Turn To Die
I prefer doing yandere requests but please give me some non-yandere too for now so i can be more confident in my yandere writing ill probably change to just yandere at somepoint but i'll let you know when I do i'm more confident in my non-yandere writing atm i prefer x readers but i'll write character x character if i'm really into the ship but i might deny the request also please specify if you want a male, female, or gn i also have the right to refuse a request if i feel like i don't know how to write for the topic
(by the way if a character is in bold I have less confident in writing for so don't be to disappointed if the post is absolute shit and if it has a * next to it I ONLY WRITE PLATONIC if it doesn't have a * ill write both)
Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Chihiro Fujisaki
Aoi Asahina
Celestia Ludenburg
Sayaka Maizono
Goodbye Despair
Chiaki Nanami (both versions if you don't specify i'll pick)
Nagito Komaeda
Mikan Tsumiki
Mahiru Koizumi
Akane Owari
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Izuru Kamukura/Hajime Hinata
Sonia Nevermind
V3 Killing Harmony
Shuichi Saihara
Kokichi Oma/Ouma (idgaf how u say it)
Maki Harukawa
Angie Yonaga
Himiko Yumeno
Kirumi Tojo
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Tenko Chabashira
Tsumugi Shirogane
Miu Iruma
Rantaro Amami
Ultra Despair Girls
Warriors of Hope*
Danganronpa 3 (Anime)
Natsumi Kuzuryu
Chisa Yukizome*
Ruruka Ando
Ryota Mitarai (the original)
Seiko Kimura
Genshin Impact
Traveler and Abyss Twins
Venti (warning i tend to write him ooc)
Childe (I tend to write him different than most ppl)
Hu Tao
Yun Jin
Your Turn to Die
Sou (Shin)
Hinako (i don't know alot about her so it will probably be very ooc)
Rio Ranger
ok i think thats it i'll probably edit this list once in awhile lol oh and im gonna edit the tags soon if you have any questions feel free to send in a ask i'll try and answer asap and to the best of my ability
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Voicelines About You - Inazuma Girls x Male!Reader
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Kuki Shinobu
About Y/N: "He’s easily the most reliable person I know. If he says something, it will be done, no matter if the sky is falling down on us. Actually, he promised to take me to the hot springs tomorrow. Y/N has been saving up for a private bath for some time now… Heh, I can’t wait to see what surprise he has in store for me there.”
Raiden Ei
Ask Ei - About Y/N: “Y/N… Our fates were intertwined from the beginning, I am sure of that. Over the millennia we have become one - our minds perfectly aligned, despite being within different bodies. He is a capable warrior who wishes to protect me and Inazuma at all costs. I trust him fully, and he trusts me. Although we suffer some disagreements sometimes, we are inseparable.”
Ask Ei - Pasttimes: “What do we get up to in free time? Oh, hm, well, we usually have tea or spar. We can always improve in some way, no? We also walk across the capital or Inazuma as a whole. We share each meal with the other, even if sometimes in complete silence. We also do… other things.”
Ask Raiden Shogun - About Y/N: “Y/N is a capable warrior who wishes to protect Inazuma. That makes him an invaluable ally. Though he is not amongst my concerns, I have observed that he seems to be a pleasant individual. We often work towards the betterment of Inazuma together.”
Kamisato Ayaka
About Y/N: "My lo-... O-oh. He's very kind and helpful, and he always comforts me when I'm feeling unwell. Y/N and I were friends since childhood and, um… Y-yes, we're now lovers… Oh? Ah, yes, he's indeed very… Handsome… When he smiles, the sun pales in comparison…" 
Yae Miko
About Y/N: "Tsk tsk, little one. You're quite direct. You would love to know what me and my husband get up to in our free time, wouldn't you? Well, what can I say about him? He's kind, strong, good looking and loyal. A little hot headed too, as Kitsune men tend to be. Such soft fur and strong scent, and his physique… My oh my, he's really quite the treat. What else can a Kitsune like me wish for, hm?"
Nagonahara Yoimiya
About Y/N: “Oh, he’s the sweetest! Here, I’ll show you a picture. We took it during the Summer Festival last year. Hehe, what a wonderful time it was! Lots of tasty food, fun games, and the evening firework show spent in his arms… It was like a dream! I hope we can do the same this year~”
Sangonomiya Kokomi
About Y/N: “Y/N is a very kind person, and never once has he let me down. He jumps at every opportunity to help me, and that's wonderful of him, yes, but… Truth be told, I can't help but worry about him. Perhaps my work is putting a lot of stress on him too?"
About Y/N - Games: "I remember the time when I didn't have anyone to play games with regularly. Y/N always wants to play some board games with me. He's gotten so good at Go recently that I can rarely beat him at it… Perhaps he has a general's talent?"
Kujou Sara
About Y/N: "Truth be told, I always thought that I wouldn't have a place for a lover in my life. I believed that being a general demands complete rejection of personal matters. All of that was before I met Y/N. Just then I got to know how love feels, and that experience opened my eyes. We have been together for a long time now. His support was constant, and I cannot be more thankful for what he has done for me. I'll disclose no more."
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Thanks for reading!
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your-turn-to-write · 3 years
❝ You Light Up My Stormy Night ❞
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Pairing: Yoimiya x Male!Reader Genre: Slight Angst? | Slight Fluff? Word Count: 474 Warning: Terrible Writing
You sat at the bench that was placed in front of a small lake. Another failed blind date, your mother had set up. You sighed as you brushed your hair back. How were you going to explain this to your mother? That your date just ran off without saying anything and you don't know why? So you sat there, alone, thinking about how you would explain to your mother.
❝ Ara Ara! You know it's not fun to watch the festival's fireworks by your side, ya know. ❞ The light strawberry blond spoken as she had you a sparkler. You looked up to face, before giving her a weak smile. ❝ Thank you, Miss...? ❞ Late part rang with confusion. Perhaps the female will give you her name. ❝ Ohhh, right. My name is Yoimiya Naganohara! But everyone calls me, Yoimiya. And you are, Mister? ❞
Heat stormed you face lightly. You scratched your cheek, out of nervousness, before answering. ❝ My name is... (Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N) ❞ Yoimiya smiled and to you in you hand. ❝ It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)! Now that we introduced ourselves, would you like to watch the fireworks with me? ❞ She requested. You gave her a smile back in return before nodding. Yoimiya stood up and took up with your hand. She started to run, which startled you, but you the hang of running at her pace.
❝ Let's hurry before all the good spots are taken, then! ❞ Her giggles followed as you ran with her. The way her personality stands out that most people's personalities in Inazuma. Just everything about the Pryo vision wielder made you feel tingly inside. She slowed down her pace before walking up to meet her friends. You stood there looking at their interaction. Yoimiya came back and took your hand, walking you toward her friend group. ❝ Thoma, Ayaka, Kazuha, and Gorou. This (Y/N). He'll be joining us to watch the fireworks. (Y/N), this is Ayaka, Gorou, Kazuha, and never last, Thoma. ❞ She introduced you, as you waved sheepishly.
After shaking hands and introduces, it was time for the fireworks. You sat with Yoimiya and her friends. As the colors fill the sky, it felt it had to lift up your sad, lonely, and terrible night. Pointing out all the colors that had filled the night sky. ❝ Thank you, Yoimiya... Thank you... ❞ You whispered as her eyes were locked on the fireworks shooting high up in the sky. ❝ For what, my friend? ❞ Yoimiya whispered back as fireworks in the sky blow up. ❝ For Lighting Up, My Stormy Night, Yoimiya. ❞ You smiled gently as your eyes gently softened. ❝ You're welcome, my good friend. You're welcome...❞ Yoimiya returned the smile, as she leaned on your shoulder, as you both watched the fireworks together.
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