#you a2
love-byers · 24 days
if mlvn is supposed to be the main romance of the show, the no. 1 couple, why would the writers save their big i love you moment for a scene where there is so much distraction
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there is so much going on here. el choking, mike shifting around and hesitating, will in the background, light flickering, multiple cuts to jonathan and argyle
and then of course the fact that el is in vecnas mind space which is visually displeasing. it's red, bloody looking, thunder is crashing, the vines are squelching, el is crying, max is dying, and also the depressing music conveniently titled "You're The Heart."
there is SO MUCH HAPPENING!! this moment is supposed to be about el and mike, but it couldn't be farther from that.
and for people saying "well that's just what was happening in the moment!", this isnt real life. the story can be literally whatever the duffers want it to be. they could've written the scene differently so there was more tenderness, intimacy, gentleness, emotion. they could've found time for mike and el to have a sweet moment to themselves where he apologizes, and then when el is choking she simply remembers that moment and all of her memories with mike over the years. but nope, it just had to be the other way.
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this scene is an example of exactly how to create intimacy between 2 characters in a scene with multiple other people. they made sure to do it a specific way to build will and mike's relationship.
when joyce is talking to will, jonathan is standing in the background for most of it. they also cut to mike and hopper watching. we are reminded there are others in the shed. they cut to will multiple times as joyce talks.
this next thing may sound insignificant, but it's not. they cut to jonathan BEFORE he starts speaking. he watches will for a second, then starts talking about the day lonnie left. then it immediately cuts to joyce, before cutting back to jonathan kneeling down in front of will. as jonathan talks there are shots of just jonathan, jonathan and joyce, and will listening.
they saved mikes for last. every writer knows whatever comes last will have the most impact.
when mike starts speaking, will is still looking at jonathan. wills head shoots towards mike. only after that do we see mike, and he's already crying.
they don't cut away from mike until he says "you were just swinging by yourself" it cuts to will then. then we're back to mike, and it doesn't cut until he's done talking.
there's no music, no flickering, no one else making noise or talking. there's no noise besides mike speaking, will breathing, and crickets outside. it sounds oxymoronic to say this, but the crickets only emphasize how silent it is in the shed besides mike. it's so silent and calm in there that you can hear the crickets. you can barely see anything behind mike, it's just his face illuminated by the light. mike isn't yelling, he's talking softly. this is gentle. intimate.
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then it cuts back to will, and he looks more emotional than he has this whole time they've been trying to break through to him. his eyes are red and glossy, his breaths are shuddering as he looks at mike, like he's about to break and cry.
when it cuts to joyce, it's jarring. it tears wills eyes from mike. because at this point we've completely forgotten that there are other people in the room. it's like mike and will are in their own little bubble, like they're the only two people in the world. go and rewatch the full scene, its striking how different mikes monologue to will is shot compared to the others. it suddenly feels so much more intimate and emotionally intense.
and it doesn't, not for a SECOND, lead you to believe mike is hesitant or struggling to tell the truth. it's like the words are spilling straight out of mikes heart into will's. he does not have to be pushed into this or encouraged. the moment jonathan was done talking mike knew exactly what he wanted to say, and he was already so emotional he was crying.
it's coming from him. from his heart.
looking at joyce
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looking at jonathan
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looking at mike.
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and to any deniers here saying all of this is just because of wills feelings for mike..
that's cruel.
that's actually cruel.
it would be DIABOLICAL for the writers to give byler such a sweet emotional moment like this just for it to end in a character who's already on the struggle bus being completely heartbroken. that is straight up cruel to will.
and it would also be queerbaiting lolz
and before you go, quick question. can you imagine THIS mike avoiding wills hug?
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i highly doubt it.
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hcnnibal · 5 months
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best man
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darknoverse · 2 months
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wanted to do this for a good while now teehee I LOVE OBSCURE CHARACTERS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!
selfinserts from top left to bottom right:
costar, Sunny ,Boomblaster, Prism ,Cynthia, Rosethorn, Trek, Tazzy and Fox
also here's more ships cuz i miss themmmmmmmm i miss commander Peepers my beloved
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and also about the "forbidden romnace" ship, the wolf is from manga sekai mukashi banash. he's not even important at all but he is to me. selfinsert is simply called Fox. she's like, a not-stereotypically sly fox . just sweet thang
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@candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket @sportakisser
@tireddovahkiin @radaverse @lficanthaveloveiwantpower @artcomestolife @bloodhoundini
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 10 months
I’m sorry you’re already being overwhelmed by so many disturbing news right after waking up. :(
This might sound weird but how about you try to not think about this stuff for now? You’ve already been through a lot these past few hours and whatever’s going on with Jax and us being tied to your wellbeing we’ll take care of it and make sure everything and everyone’s ok! <3
- à̶͙̹̭̃̎̑²̴̢͇̤̃̇̀̕
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"But, yeah, I'm checking it right now!"
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frickingnerd · 3 months
A2 & 2B in a poly relationship with a human
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pairing: 2B x gn!reader x A2
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, physical affection (cuddling), human!reader, spoilerfree
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A2 and 2B both are happy to date a human, yet their opinions on humans and androids do differ
A2 views you as more pure, as you aren't an android created to kill and destroy, nor as a machine that fulfills the same functions
meanwhile, 2B sees you as weak and fragile due to being a human, as you only have one life, which needs to be protected!
both women are reserved and rarely show their feelings, yet 2B has an easier time showing a softer side to you
A2's walls are much higher and take a lot longer to slowly tear down, until she'll show her soft side to you
despite how distant A2 and 2B can be, the two of them do long for a meaningful connection and to be near you and able to touch and hold you as often as they can
A2 is like a cat when it comes to physical affection: if she wants it, she'll come to you, but forcing it won't work on her!
she'll quietly come over and not say a single word, as she wraps her arms around you and enjoys your warmth for a few minutes, before disappearing as quickly as she showed up
2B on the other hand will always ask to be held and can cuddle with you for hours, often even falling asleep while doing so (which she believes to be a missfunction of her android body)
neither A2 nor 2B are jealous of each other, as neither of them needs your attention at all times and both do appreciate their alone time as well, while you're with the other one
A2 isn't always around you, as she tends to wander off and do her own thing. yet she always returns to you, no matter where she's at
2B is a bit more clingy, wanting to be near you at all times to protect you and she enjoys being around you more than she does enjoy being alone
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gazumirei · 3 months
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so he gets temporary married to seiga :)
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This tournament was really fun and funny for me to do so thank you to everyone who Participated
Also context for the random marriage
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crestomancer-art · 1 year
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(bonus: playing as 9S)
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I'm extremely charmed every time 2B sits or lays down and 9S attentively watches over her 🥺💗💗💗
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priinceofdoom · 9 days
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archmage twwo a kiingdom a nothiin
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The Energy Suckerrrrrrrrrr
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hannahssimblr · 9 days
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I open the envelope on the stairs. The same stairs I spent six years rushing up and down, going from class to class, that was always bustling with students, bumping shoulders, swinging school bags, yet here I am, on an empty staircase in the building I thought I’d never be inside again. All the people I thought I’d never have to see again are here too, milling in and out of the foyer, collecting envelopes, telling each other about their summer. Somehow I’d forgotten I would have to do this. 
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I keep to myself, wishing to minimise any conversation. Get in, get out, that’s the plan. I slip my thumbnail under the lip of the envelope and pull my results out. 
Mathematics A1 English A1 Art A1 Biology B3 Geography B1 German A2
Oh, Jesus Christ. There’s a roaring in my ears. I shove my grades back into the envelope before anyone can see them, then add up the score in my head.
Five-fifty. Is that possible? I peek inside to check again. 
Yes. Five-fifty. 
I blow out a lungful of air. How can this be? I’m famously a fucking idiot. This is a disruption to my worldview. I hardly even studied towards the end of the year, so how in the-
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“Jude?” Someone steps into my space, and I have to suppress a groan as Sam from the yearbook committee stands over me, looking completely misplaced without his uniform on. It’s like the freakish experience of seeing your teacher in the supermarket. Sam, without his starched uniform shirt and perfectly knotted tie, is hardly Sam at all. Perhaps he thinks the same of me without my tie, which was always hanging crooked with a blue ink stain on it that wouldn’t come off after a hundred washes.  
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The smug look, however, is Sam all over. “Looking a bit glum. Are you disappointed in your results, or something?”
I pause. “No?”
“Oh, grand. Suppose you don’t need the marks anyway, do you? You’re off to art college in Berlin, so I heard.”
“You heard correctly.”
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“Surprised to see you here at all, I have to say. I thought you might have been gone already, off to the continent and all that, instead of coming into school.”
“No, my flight’s Wednesday.”
“Ah. So soon.”
“Yes, I suppose it is.” He stands expectantly, hovering, and so, with a sigh, I ask him what he is frothing to be asked. “What points did you get, Sam?”
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“Five forty,” he gloats. “I’ll be off to Trinity now, all going well with the offers and all that. ‘Twas an expected result, but I’m still thrilled with myself. Just goes to show that hard work and proper study really pay off.”
“Yeah. Well done. Lucky that points don’t count for me, then, hm?”
“Well, it’s only art school. It’s not like you need to be smart.”
“Yep, that’s true.”
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Sam’s head swivels like a submarine periscope. “Oh, look who’s just come in.” His mouth stretches into an unsettling grin. “Sure, it’s the lovely Michelle Tengu. You should say hi to her.”
“Right, yeah.” I say, though my fight or flight has activated and my palms prickle with sweat.
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Michelle crosses the linoleum floor in the chunky black boots she’s had since fifteen. She accepts her envelope from the principal and stands to the side where she tears it open and her eyes scan the page. It’s impossible to tell how she feels.
She looks the same, of course she does. Maybe her hair is longer, maybe her makeup is different, her skin a little browner, and I have this feeling as I see her, that I am looking at a picture of a person I used to know, someone whose name I remembered, but whose face I had long forgotten. This girl I loved, or thought I did. I don’t really know that person anymore, at least not how I used to. 
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She sees me and gives a hesitant wave. 
I wave back. 
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“You’re still here,” she approaches me with the caution one would with a spooked cat, emotions flashing over her face, like she can’t decide how to feel. Neither can I. She’s still blocked in my phone, from that fateful night in June, but now, on the cusp of September, those heavy feelings I had seem so melodramatic. I am just Jude, she is just Michelle, and somewhere along the way, without me even paying heed to it, a storm has passed. 
“Yeah, I’m still here.”
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“I expected you to sneak off to Berlin under the cloak of night.”
“That’s the plan, honestly. I just needed my results first.”
“I see. Are you happy with them?”
“Yeah. Are you?”
“I got enough for NCAD.”
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“Oh, Michelle, that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.” An odd moment follows, where I am not sure whether I should hug her. I twitch toward her, then second guess myself, and then I just freeze there, halfway lifted from the step. I slump back down onto it. 
“It, um… Well. It sounds like you had a pleasant summer, and all that.” She says. “Jen was telling me all about it.”
“Was she? Yeah, it was fine. Did she really say it was pleasant?”
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“She mentioned that you two had a bit of a falling out, to be honest.”
“Ah, yeah, we did.”
She gives me this awkward smile, and it’s instantly obvious that she knows. Jen, being Jen, has told her the entire story. She’s revealed every aspect of my summer - the festival, the conflicts, and its conclusion. She knows about Evie too. It’s in her eyes. It’s that hint of betrayal she knows she’s not supposed to feel anymore. In them lies the sting of an ex moving on and leaving her behind.   
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“I’m, um…” I smooth the front of my hair. “I think things will be alright with Jen, probably. I just need time, you know?”
“Yeah. I get it.” She adds delicately, “though, like, you are leaving in about five days.”
“That’s true.”
“And you were really planning to just vanish?”
“Well, yes. I just don’t know how else to do it.”
“Usually people have a party or something.”
“No, come on,” I scoff. “I’m not doing all of that. It’s so much work.”
“Hm. I just think you’ll regret not saying goodbye.”
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I can’t decide whether she’s right, and can’t think of what to argue in my defence, so I say nothing. A sympathetic smile crosses her face. It’s strange. She never looked at me like that while we were together.
“I can help,” she says. “It can be low-key, just a few people. I’ll send out a text and see who wants to come, yeah? Whoever wants to say goodbye?”
“Including Jen?”
“I’ll need to invite Jen.” she shrugs, “it might be a good chance to talk. To get it all ironed out.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I do. I think it’s best not to leave things unfinished.”
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“Hm. That’s very philosophical of you.”
“Are you shocked?”
“Kind of.”
She huffs out a laugh. “Well I’ve been seeing someone.”
“A boy?”
“A therapist. I realised after we broke up that I had some things to work through. I had some… big feelings.”
“That’s great, Shell.”
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I could swear that her eyes get a little misty as she inhales, as though to say something before deciding against it. She straightens her shoulders and smiles. “I’m happy you’re happy.” She says brightly. “With the Leaving Cert results, obviously.”
“I’m happy you’re happy, too.”
She glances toward the door. “Look, I better go, but I’ll text you about the going away party, right?”
“Yeah, I better unblock you.” It slips out of me before I can stop it, but to my immense relief, she laughs. “Good idea. See you Jude.”
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“Bye, Shell. Thanks.”
“For what?”
“I dunno. For this.”
She just smiles. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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scootarooni · 4 months
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i think this is my favorite color palette ive put together for miki so far (o^ ‿ ^o)☆
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hcnnibal · 8 months
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some a2s for a couple of the main story arcs
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toast1862 · 3 months
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here are my many mikis. i have given up on her v4 design. i do not like it. i do not want to spend time on it.
maybe i will add another miki when she finally gets her synthv release....................
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halseygray · 2 months
I thought the girl in the lucky mv would be young halsey but I think she represents the fans and Halsey is the pop star who got the life they always dreamed of but slowly realize it’s not what they really want. I think we’re really going to see the guilt h feels about not wanting to leave us behind and move on with her life but also being scared we won’t be able to cope or live without her.
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frickingnerd · 10 months
A2 dating the last human alive
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pairing: A2 x gn!reader
tags: kind of spoilers for the game, a bit of angst, mostly fluff
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A2 knows that you're the last human alive when the two of you first meet
she knows all about yorha's secrets and how there was one human who had been put into a cryogenic sleeping pod
so when A2 meets you, she knows that you're that human and that one way or another, you have woken up
due to her dislike towards yorha after their betrayal, A2 decides to help you cut all ties with them and let you live your own life
though as the two of you spend more time together, running away together from yorha, she ends up falling for you
luckily, you had fallen in love with her as well, feeling so free and comfortable around her
your relationship is rather slow, as A2 isn't used to dating and you still have a lot to adjust yourself
but the two of you are so happy when you're together and nobody could take that from you! 
still, there are times where this life with A2 is getting hard for you
even if you might not want to admit it at first, you're the last human alive and your girlfriend is likely going to outlive you
you don't want her to be alone once you're gone, but A2 assures you that however long she has with you, it'll be enough! 
the two of you are going to make the most out of your time together! 
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
me going back to my notes and rereading the part where brady tells annie that he wants her, back in thorpe abbotts, all by themselves, in his A2 jacket only
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