#you are not obligated to complete the work but neither are you free to abandon it
cumaeansibyl · 8 months
I had a little down time on Saturday and spent it in an armchair in a warm coffee shop with rain outside, which is of course an amazing way to spend a day, drinking the strongest chai latte I've ever had and reading James Baldwin's Notes of a Native Son.
By God.
Did you ever want to put a book down and go kick something because you just read a sentence that was so good it made you angry? I was so cozy in my armchair and yet I kept wanting to get up and start a fight about Baldwin's prose, good Lord. All written in his twenties.
It began to seem that one would have to hold in the mind forever two ideas which seemed to be in opposition. The first idea was acceptance, the acceptance, totally without rancor, of life as it is, and men as they are: in the light of this idea, it goes without saying that injustice is a commonplace. But this did not mean that one could be complacent, for the second idea was of equal power: that one must never, in one's own life, accept these injustices as commonplace but must fight them with all one's strength. This fight begins, however, in the heart and it now had been laid to my charge to keep my own heart free of hatred and despair. This intimation made my heart heavy and, now that my father was irrecoverable, I wished that he had been beside me so that I could have searched his face for the answers which only the future would give me now.
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fresh-bag-of-ham · 10 months
"the system cannot be meaningfully reformed from the inside" ok good luck reforming the system from alpha centauri!
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septembersghost · 8 months
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with love
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rantithesis · 2 years
There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and individuals do not hold the blame for systemic pollution yes but you also can and should critically evaluate your consumption and waste practices and make changes where possible for you as an individual. Of course you aren’t personally responsible for climate change but you also aren’t exempt from all responsibility
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tsuuie · 10 months
me when i am cruel on purpose and now on accident
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alwayscorvus · 25 days
"Morning hun" - Mortefi short
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"Morning hun" - Mortefi short
malereader x Mortefi, fluff; warning! 18+/21+ topics hinted;
Just a quick short about daily life with Mortefi. He can be completely out of character. Because premiere is on Wednesday. And I'm just so excited that I want to write something about wuwa. But at the same time I don't want any spoilers sooo…. this is a results of reading 3 sentences from official website and looking at his appearance.
There he was. Sitting on a bed leaning against the headboard. He was wearing a loose white shirt. Unbuttoned, with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Your shirt.
The one you had worn during yesterday's official event, from which you and Mortefi had left earlier than you should.
Man must have been troubled by a morning chill.
Mortefi's red hairs, were slightly messy. On top of his nose, you could see a reading glasses. With thin frames, typical for any scientist. He furrowed his eyebrows gently. With focused gaze he stared urgently at the screen of a laptop on top of his lap. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of a thing that was occupying man's attention at such an early hour. You managed to spot a document of some sort and a few open windows with research that you couldn't really understand. However, bright screen hurt your still sleepy eyes enough for you to quickly return to looking at you partner.
If you could even call him that.
You shifted slightly on his bed. Careful not to let go of your lying position.
You approached Mortefi and kissed him gently on his exposed forearm. His skin was pleasantly warm.
-Morning hun -you greeted in a husky voice to which he only nodded.
That was exactly your problem. Or rather, yours only. Officially, your relationship was titled as "friends with benefits". Or at least that's how it all started.
Mortefi, born in an upper class, couldn't initiante "inappropriate" contacts with anyone other than his future spouse. And even after abandoning family obligations, as a great genius and scientific research, he had neither a time nor desire for such things.
Years later, however, he began to lose concentration and felt frustrated. His scores dropped. And that silly friend of his, gave him an idea of finding another type of "friend". And in fact, Mortefi just agreed to this.
Two of you were never particularly close. But Mortefi felt a sense of trust in you. You gave off a strange kind of aura that implied that you were a proper one for this “task.” And it's not that Mortefi even liked guys. He just wasn't looking for an emotional experience, but rather a quick and stress-relieving one. And the first person that came to his mind was you. You were sort of larger than the rest, bulkier, taller. It gave an illusion of responsibility and protectiveness. After all, Mortefi couldn't give himself into an arms of just anyone. And at the same time he didn't want to play a role where he had to do all the work. He had enough duties on his mind.
Despite this, you acted almost like a couple. Your meetings didn't end only after finalizing one activity, you spent more time with each other. You addressed each other with cliche nicknames. You took care of each other. You made favors for each other. And you attended almost all important meetings together. Even though you majored in two different fields.
Mortefi, however, was probably not ready to give you both a second label. Or he didn't even think about it at all. Anyway, why would he? You were his. He was yours. He took it for granted.
You planned to change that in the future, but you still had plenty of time to do so.
You reached out your free hand (the one not crushed under your head) and placed it gently on man's chest. Slowly making your way down to red crystalline peeking out from under a white, sloppily wrapped bandages. Petite, pretty, like little feathers. Or almost petals like. They always fascinated you and puzzled. But you never had a courage to ask. You weren't afraid of his reaction. You just didn't want to pry into his private matters.
You carefully touched a gorgeous crystalline. After a longer contact, they seemed sharp and began to burn. However, it wasn't unpleasant. You remembered that from previous occasions.
You liked it. Like everything about Mortefi.
However, you moved your hand away, because although man didn't say anything. His face began to dangerously match a color of his hair.
Man hummed at your call, giving a sign that he is listening.
-Are you up for breakfast?
Mortefi nodded vigorously and began tapping with his fingers faster on a keyboard. As if he had found some new solution to his problem.
-Something specific?
-Coffee - he replied casually, to which you snorted.
-Coffee is not a breakfast
Right corner of his mouth gently lifted up.
-I'll eat whatever you eat
You pushed yourself off the mattress with both hands, moving to a sitting position. Out of a corner of his eye, Mortefi glanced at your flexing muscles. Exactly the same like when you do push-ups.
But he didn't let it show and kept on working.
-I better do something good
With a smile, you kissed him briefly on the lips and headed to the bathroom.
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
This is probably a really dumb question. But is it okay for us non-Jewish people to reblog the very lovely quote about how it's okay not to complete the work, but we're not allowed to abandon it? Because I'm not Jewish, I follow you, and b/c of your posts I've been seeing how really shitty we non-Jews are w/assimilation and stuff, & I don't want to do wrong by anybody. Thanks, Marbles
As with all things Jewish, there’s a short answer and there’s a good answer. There also is no “right” answer, because “two Jews, three opinions” is an underestimation of how many opinions you can fit into one Jew, but this is MY answer, and I think a decent chunk of Jews will probably find it at least mostly acceptable.
For those just tuning into this program, the quote @marblesarelost is referring to is my favorite in all of Judaism, and was written by Rabbi Tarfon in a section of Talmud called the Pirkei Avot:
“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Walk humbly NOW! Do justly NOW! No one is obligated to complete the work, but neither may any one desist from it.”
The “work” being spoken of is to repair the world, or in Hebrew, “tikkun olam.” It’s the central tenet of my movement in Judaism, the Reform movement.
So: you are absolutely correct that there’s a huge problem with gentiles appropriating things from Judaism. However, let’s go back to the original, actual definition of cultural appropriation, as created by Black women: it’s not just that you do a thing we do. It’s that you mock or berate us for a thing, then turn around and take that thing, strip it of all its original meaning, and use it, and suddenly in your hands it’s “cool.” When the concept of cultural appropriation first fell onto my radar circa 2016, one of the major examples was dreadlocks, and how clean, well-kept locs on a Black woman are “unprofessional” and “dirty” but the kind-of-vaguely-looks-like-locs-if-you-get-drunk-and-squint deliberately-created MATS some white people wear and call “locs” are seen as a sign you’re “boho” or “a free spirit.” This was closely followed by discussion of bindis, and how they’re treated with disdain when worn by Indian women but Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande puts one on and suddenly they’re sooooooo chic.
(Yes, in an ironic twist you couldn’t put in a book because people would call it unrealistic, the very concept of cultural appropriation has been appropriated.)
So with the actual, this-is-what-the-Black-community-meant definition in front of you for reference, take a look at these questions. These are rhetorical—anybody with the degree of self-awareness to say “I don’t know if this thing from a closed religion is for me” is probably not doing any of this. It’s just here for reference.
—do you see a problem with “Christian Seders” or do you think Jews should be flattered other people are interested, geez, it’s not like we’re being murdered?
—do you make fun of people wearing skullcaps/kippot/yarmulkes, or do you recognize it’s cultural garb?
—do you get all weird and pissy over the major Jewish holiday season being in fall rather than in winter?
—do you conflate Jews with Israel or do you recognize that these are two separate groups with some overlap?
—do you make fun of Orthodox clothing and hairstyles?
If you can honestly say “no, I realize this is a culture of its own and things I don’t understand aren’t necessarily ‘wrong’ or ‘weird,’ just different,” you’re in a good position to share Jewish voices.
This quote is from Talmud.
And unlike things like, say….talking about a Seder you were invited to, or saying “may you be sealed” to a Jewish friend on Yom Kippur, the Talmud is not semi-closed, it’s *closed.* People study Talmud all their lives in the hope of gaining even a small glimmer of understanding. It has to be studied in the context of being well-versed in Torah and Jewish interpretation, because removing it from that context renders it entirely incomprehensible.
I think this is one of the few places in Talmud where there is, at a bare minimum, a surface understanding that’s applicable to everyone. Certainly Rabbi Tarfon’s words carry additional weight with the force of Jewish learning and tradition behind them, but I’m pretty sure if you could sit down with him and say “Rabbi, your words inspired me to keep fighting for my community. When I was ready to give up your words reminded me I wasn’t alone, that anything I do in the interest of pushing forward justice and equality is a net positive, and I was able to keep going. I’m a gentile. Is it okay that I take this from your words?” he’d almost certainly be like “yes??? As you say, it’s a net positive, so why wouldn’t I be okay with you gleaning this?” It’s slightly different from a lot of Talmudic commentary in that it applies to the mitzvot of things like tikkun olam and pikuach nefesh, but these things can also be done outside the Jewish community without any reference to Torah at all. You can pay for a homeless person’s dinner and that’s tikkun olam. You can take a CPR class and that’s pikuach nefesh (or at least, preparing yourself to commit an act thereof, should it be necessary). You aren’t doing those things as mitzvot, because you’re a gentile—you’re doing them because you think they’re the right thing to do—but that doesn’t mean “don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do it all, but don’t just give up either” isn’t good advice. We don’t call him one of our greatest sages because he was an idiot. Is there plenty more below the surface? Oh, for sure. Does that make the surface reading wrong? Not necessarily.
So: 99.999999% of the time, I would say you should not reblog Talmudic quotes. They’re not going to be relevant to you or your life experience and you’ll lack the background knowledge to interpret them.
But this one, specifically? Yeah. I’d say this one is okay. Make sure it’s sourced to Rabbi Tarfon and the Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Father, or to the Talmud.
And then go forth, and do justly now, and remember: you can’t finish the work alone. But you also don’t have the right to walk away.
Okay, fellow Jews, time for a pie fight in the comments. Have fun.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
— Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Wisdom of the Sages
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archaeopteryx4216 · 6 months
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I made this as a christmas gift this year! It's the first piece I've made incorporating knotwork.
It reads:
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief.
Do justly now.
Love mercy now.
Walk humbly now.
You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
- Rabbi Tarfon
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You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Pirkei Avot
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Do you have any advice on how to cope with antisemitism online? I’m really overwhelmed by the sheer amount of it, it’s just so much worse than I ever imagined. I also feel weird talking to jews by birth about it bc they had to deal with this for their whole lives while I’m first experiencing it as an adult. Still, it’s got to the point where it’s really affecting my mental health
Hi anon,
I'm going strongly encourage you to do a few things:
Take a step back. No one benefits from you stressing yourself out to the point of it affecting your mental health in a significant way. Find someone you trust to keep you up-to-date on anything that actually has a bearing on your immediate safety, and otherwise block it out. Set a specific amount of time within which you are going to avoid looking up news or reading articles or posts about antisemitism. This isn't even my suggestion: I learned this from a rebbetzin who had her husband keep her informed of any immediate safety issues but otherwise intentionally stepped back from secular news and social media entirely for a full year during 2020. She said it was one of the best choices she made, because she was stronger and ready to deal with it when she started tuning in again. You don't necessarily need to take it to that extreme, but taking a step back can really help.
Take comfort in your immediate community, and be intentional about seeking out the company and companionship of other Jews. We have so much strength together, and it helps get you out of your own head. It also really helps to remind yourself of all the people, communities, traditions and culture that you love and are why you're here. Be intentional in finding joy in the Jewish life you are building.
Take solace in the fact that Am Yisrael Chai: the People Israel Live. The Jewish people has survived persecution and unrelenting horrors since practically the beginning, and we're still here. You are part of or joining something eternal and indomitable - a people that many have tried to break or destroy in a multitude of ways, and it has never worked. Never. The persecution is unlikely to end, and yet we will outlast them. We always do.
Think about the best possible outcome: that we will receive peace and justice speedily and in our days, and you will be there to share the simcha. Now consider the worst possible outcome: our persecution will increase to the point where we have to flee for our lives, and many of us don't make it; perhaps you survive alone, or perhaps you don't. Now consider the most likely outcome: things continue much the way they have, with fluctuations that come from the ebb and flow of politics. You stick with our people in our joy and sorrow, in terror and in peace. We survive and our Judaism is passed l'dor v'dor. Now. Even in that worst case scenario, history says that some of us will still make it. Judaism and the Jewish people will continue and rebuild. Your name is forever tied to ours, your fate a collective one that is greater than your individual life or mine. And that is something that will survive.
Remember that you don't have to personally end antisemitism. I know that sounds obvious? But part of the overwhelm that comes from the burden of oppression is feeling like you are individually responsible for solving it. You are not. In the words of Rabbi Tarfon, "Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”
Anon, I hope this helps. You are not alone. B'ezrat Hashem you find some comfort here and with your community, and may we all merit to see the day when the hard work of generations comes to fruition in peace and justice.
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survivingcapitalism · 8 months
The global response to what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank has me feeling some kind of despair in a humanity that said "never again."
Never again means never for Palestinians as well.
At times like these I am can only find some comfort in the words of the Rabbi Tarfon in Pirkei Avot, in a commentary on Micah 6:8
“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”
... You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
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septembersghost · 2 years
my friends are so incredibly wise, one of them said to me earlier, "it's a special kind of horrible to be blatantly judgemental and rude to someone's face about the way they didn't like other people being blatantly judgemental and rude to their face," and another later said, "who looks at someone struggling with something and feeling real pain and mocks them for it. no matter what that thing is," and we were discussing entirely separate topics, but the thoughts are still interconnected. if someone has been hurt, the move is not to question whether that hurt is valid or undermine how real it is or belittle them for feeling that way. that's just more hurt and cruelty. it doesn't matter whether you understand it or not, if someone is in pain, of any sort, the answer is to respond with kindness (if you feel a response is warranted at all). this edgy cynical fear of cringiness and vulnerability is whittling away at empathetic reactions. it's not a weakness to care.
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quote-tournament · 1 year
Second round, twenty ninth fight
Quote number 126 :
Good is not a thing you are. It’s a thing you do.
-Ms Marvel, as written by G Willow Wilson
Quote number 128 :
“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”
-Rabbi Tarfon
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syruckusnow · 7 months
“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” —The Talmud
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
supernatural-turned-fnaf but now inactive blog.
Catch you on the flip side.
♤ Before you go any further, it's important that you know I talk about pretty angsty, graphic topics. So, to avoid seeing any triggering content, make sure to blacklist "#tw [trigger]" (ex, #tw death ). If you ever need me to come up with a tag for a specific piece of content or trope you find triggering, please reach out so I can work with you on how to make sure we both have happy and safe experiences, as much as is possible on this hellsite.
♤ You're free to make fic, art, comics, or anything else you can think of inspired by my posts and aus.
Au Masterlist:
(There's a lot)
#Evbot au
Au where Cassie finds Evan in the ruins of the Pizzaplex. Evan is possessing an endoskeleton melded with staffbot parts, but neither of them have any idea who he is or why he's there. Cassie recruits it (he/it pronouns for Ev) to help her find Gregory, but things don't go so smoothly.
#Dire Consequences au (made with @dire-kumori and @catwithacupofcoffee)
Post-Bite of '83. About a year after Michael learns about haunted animatronics, he takes a visit to an abandoned pizzeria in his hometown of Hurricane, Utah. He knows he won't actually find his brother's ghost there, but feels obligated to check, anyway.
And Michael is blind-sided when he finds his little brother's ghost in the pizzeria.
Once he realizes who Michael is, Evan is ecstatic to have his big brother back. He's so happy that he demands they play games together to make up for lost time and the loving brothership they never had. But Evan has been dead for so long that he doesn't understand basic human necessities. He doesn't understand why Mikey keeps insisting he needs to stop playing for things like sleeping, eating, and getting something to drink. And Evan gets violently angry at his big brother every time he "ruins their fun" with his unnecessary requests.
The longer Evan’s games go on, the more certain Mike gets that he might not make it out alive. His little brother's love might just be what kills him.
#Scooped Sitcom au (first made by dire-kumori)
Similar to Dire Consequences, except the Michael who goes to investigate the abandoned Freddy's location has already been scooped at the Sister Location. Michael doesn't have to be so worried about Evan killing him if he's already dead and doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep. Now, the games and happiness can last forever with no risk to Michael (well, almost no risk). They're not the most conventional family, but Evan is just glad to have his big brother back, and Mike is glad that he can make up for his past mistakes and doesn't have to hide in the shadows anymore. For the first time in years, both brothers can just... exist. It's nice to have a friend.
#Lonely Children au (with dire-kumori and honey-bunnysaurus)
Part One: When William finds out Evan is possessing the Fredbear suit, he manipulates the machinery and forces Evan to relive his worst nightmare over and over again (fnaf 4) in the hopes that the fear will snap Evan back into awareness. Unfortunately, William dies before he can complete his experiment. Through sci-fi shenanigans, big brother Michael ends up inside the mechanized Endless Nightmare, too, but no matter how hard he fights to keep his brother from dying over and over again at the Nightmare Animatronics' hands, everything he does only seems to end in Evan dying again and again.
Part Two: The two are stuck there for years, until the machinery they're latched onto gets scanned into fnaf VR. There's hope for a Good Ending yet, but only if Evan and Mike can find it in themselves to forgive each other and promise to do better. It's a big struggle-- especially with Glitchtrap on their heels-- but with a little help from some friends they find inside the game, they might just stand a chance.
#Silent Protector au
*shout out to @catwithacupofcoffeee for the awesome art they've made for this au!
*thanks to @cloudwhisper23, there's a really great fic for their take on the au!
Sometime after he dies, Evan ends up at the fnaf 1 location. There, he finds four children, lost and alone and lashing out in fear at any adult who comes close. Evan knows what it's like to be tormented by monsters-- and worse, he's learned the hard way that no one is ever, ever coming to save you. Especially not any adults; in fact, adults (and older brothers) have only ever BEEN the monsters in Evan's life, or they've just sat by and let him be hurt. So, when he sees these kids, he decides he's going to protect them from the monsters like no one ever protected him. Until a security guard named Mike Schmidt comes and messes everything up.
From here, the story has two endings. The canon ending: Evan uses the Fredbear suit to kill Michael, except he realizes to his horror that Mike is possessing the suit. He didn't liberate the other kids or himself from the WORST monster he's ever known-- he trapped the Monster with them forever.
And then, the second ending (#silent protector desolation). In which Michael burns the Freddy's location and all the ghosts inside it to the ground, except for Evan. Oblivious to the fact that he essentially just killed every friend Evan ever had, Michael is now determined to Make Things Right and make up for killing Evan, despite Evan not wanting anything to do with his murderer and tormentor.
#Saffron Pawn au
Au where Evan survived the Bite. After the Bite, William realizes he doesn't want to be in the "child murder" game alone, and manipulates Evan into helping and being just like him. Faced not just with William’s abuse but now with Evan's often violent trauma responses to seeing Mike as well as the teen's own guilt, Mike runs away from their abusive household sometime around his 17th birthday. William uses this to his advantage, further cementing in Evan's mind that no one but William could ever love him.
That all changes when he and William get caught, and suddenly William is in jail on death row, and Evan is put in his big brother's custody. Evan never wanted to be a killer in the first place, but he has a hard time adjusting to his new life.
#Hollow Cause au
Age swap au. Evan is the eldest Afton child: a quiet, shy boy who takes the brunt of William's abuse so his siblings won't have to and always tries to smile when his siblings are near because he knows its up to him to provide his siblings safety and happiness. One day at Circus Baby's Pizza World, Evan witnesses Elizabeth's death to Circus Baby. William manipulates Evan into believing that he must have imagined the whole thing, but the incident sparks a deep-seated fear of animatronics for Evan. His chaotic, energetic, fierce little brother Michael gets fed up with Evan's overprotectiveness when it comes to their father's creations, and Mike decides to sneak into William's workshop to prove he can handle being around them.
When Evan follows Mike in, Mike accidentally sets off one of William's death traps. Evan pushes Mike out of the way but gets caught in the death trap himself. Enter William, who finds his youngest son rooted in terror and his eldest son dead. William then forces Mike to help him with his remnant trials, saying it is Michael's responsibility to "put their family back together" by helping him figure out the secret to immortality, and to saving Liz and Evan.
Shattered Cause au.
Similar to Hollow Cause, but Mike is the one who dies. Evan refused to let Mike have his birthday party at Freddy's like William wanted, and William accidentally killed Mike in a fit of rage.
William convinced Evan that he has schizophrenia and EVAN is the one who actually killed Mike, all to keep Evan's mouth shut.
As an adult, Evan gets a job working at Freddy's to figure out what really happened to his younger siblings. There, he meets a police officer named Vanessa. He eventually finds out Vanessa is his half-sister who has been manipulated into helping William, and suddenly it's up to them to end Will once and for all.
Spooky au
Michael Afton committed suicide at the age of twelve. After stumbling upon his big brother's diary, Evan found out it was because Michael felt like a monster.
So, Evan grows up to be a spooky emo goth kid who is obsessed with proving that monsters deserve to be loved, and they most certainly deserve to live.
His mom and sister are confused by Evan's antics, but are entirely supportive.
A Nest Torn Empty au (aka My Brother My Wound au) (ao3)
Au where Gregory and Vanessa live with their adoptive father, aka the human version of Glamrock Freddy, in the 80s. Au focuses on Gregory and Evan's friendship post-Bite of '83, and Evan's relationship with his siblings post-Bite of '83.
#Grab&Go au
Au where adult Mike time travels to before the Bite and kidnaps Evan to keep him safe from their father and Mike's younger self. Evan begs to be reunited with his family, but Mike never yields, and Evan ends up repressing his past entirely
Inspired by the lies that Mike fed him to keep him safe, Evan thinks Mike is a family friend who adopted him when his parents died when he was too young to remember them. As the years pass, Mike and Evan bond, but things take a turn when Evan's repressed memories start bubbling back to the surface.
#Dream Theory au
Possessed killer animatronics don't actually exist, and William Afton isn't a child murderer. That being said, William Afton is a shitty human being and an abusive father/husband, and when a messy separation ends in Mrs. Afton leaving with Liz and William covering it up by saying Liz is "missing," young Evan's imagination runs wild and he has nightmares about killer animatronics and a scary purple guy as he tries to make sense of what happened.
#friendbot au
Au where Gregory is a robot designed by William in the 80s to befriend Evan by mimicking Evan’s behaviour and standing up to bullies, except Gregory develops his own consciousness somewhere along the way.
Springlocked au (work in progress that's still being kept highly classified, made with @honey-bunnysaurus )
After a night shift gone wrong, Michael tries hiding inside a Fredbear suit to save his life. He quickly realizes it's not just 'a' Fredbear, it's THE Fredbear-- and his little brother might just still be inside it.
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