#you better be nice to this guy or i will eat your liver!
arttrampbelle · 1 year
Ok ok ok. This is for the men who love kung jin! They guys who self ship with kung jin. The masc peoples who self ship with kung jin. The mlm. (Even if you aren't mlm. You can reblog it but dont erase that this is mlm. Thank you)
He is baby boy who must be protected! And we love and protect kung jin in this household!
Kung jin would absolutely love to just go on a nice picnic with you. Maybe even some horseback riding. Maybe teach his boyfriend how to do archery!
After all you have to know how to handle things if he cant.
He will protect you and love you with all his heart. Nothing will tear you from him. Not even death itself. He will find a way to honor his beloved man.
Kung jin,to me sometimes has insecurities. He feels he might not be enough for his boyfriend. But reassurance goes a long way. Tell him that you love him and wouldn't leave him for another,tell him he is handsome and that he shouldn't doubt himself so much. He is a capable warrior just as anyone. And he too in time will carve his own legacy. He too will be a legend in his own right.
With you at his side. He can do anything. And maybe some day,you too can have your own peace.
Regardless he loves you. And he just wants to be held and loved too.
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(Look i dont have any kung jin gifs so this will have to do)
Also this isn't just male reader. This can be for masc reader or nb masc reader. Either way its mlm, because kung jin is mlm.
Anyways. I hope this is ok for you kung jin enjoyers. 👉🏻👈🏻
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mjolnirswriststrap · 6 months
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Neighbor!Bucky Barnes X F!Reader
Word Count: 2,519 ⭐️Masterlist⭐️
Summary: I loosely based this off of a real life event of mine, so if things don’t make sense, ask God 🤣🤣
Warnings: Agegap, neighbor!bucky, adultery, 18+ not quite smut but I don’t want childen reading anything I write 🤷🏻‍♀️ suggestive or not.
Spending the summer with your aunt wasnt something you planned for when school ended. It meant church every Sunday, and Wednesday night. It meant no wifi and being stranded in a strange town on the border of Georgia and Alabama.
You’d never been to Georgia and the possibility of driving to Florida to go to the beach was enough to convince you 5 weeks wasn’t that long. The 10 hour drive there lasted longer than the summer escape.
The first few weeks were exactly what you expected. Church, shopping, eating your aunts famous fried chicken livers, talking on the porch late into the night. On the third Sunday, after church, she informs you that you’re taking a trip to Alabama. Her grandson is coming to spend the week. You both needed to go pick him up from her daughter.
It took 4 hours to get there, napping made it feel like 30 minutes. Your aunt pulled up to a trailer park, and you scan your surroundings. You were even further in the middle of nowhere, then what you were at your aunts house. You always wanted to know the way out. But here, a 2 mile dirt road separates you from the highway you turned off of. You take notice of the neighbors, one had a pool out front, some older ladies floating on pool noodles waved at your aunt, they must know her. The neighbors on the other side of your cousins house weren’t so inviting.
You saw a toddler sitting in the dirt crying. Watching up at his parents flinging spit in each others faces. You avert your gaze when the man flicks his eyes over to you. You know men like that, they’re terrifying and unpredictable. He could walk over to you and start on you just for glancing in his direction. Your aunt ushers you into her daughters house, not wanting you to see the altercation.
You hadn’t seen your cousin since you were a little girl. Now she has a little boy. It was weird. Your family was so large, it was impossible to keep up with everyone. You had many cousins you hadn’t seen since Christmas of ‘06. After a ham sandwich and barbecue chips you were ready to leave, it was more boring here, and your cousin even had cable. You aunt must’ve noticed your boredom, offering a swim in her friends pool out front.
“But I didn’t bring a bathing suit?” You say grinning, knowing you’d go naked if it meant you could swim. “Just wear your bra and I’ll go ask the neighbor if she has some shorts that will fit you.” Your aunt says, swinging open the screen door. You nod your head, quickly braiding your hair to keep it out of your face. You almost lose your spot, twisting knots into your hair when the blonde woman from next door walks in, smiling. “Hey, your aunt said you needed some shorts?”.
You hop up from the couch. “Yes, thank you, I don’t know if we’re even close to the same size but what can it hurt to try?” You give her a soft smile. She looked like a wounded animal. She was way too nice to be getting yelled at like that. You wonder what set him off. But you know better than to ask. “Tanya, your kids crying.” You both look behind her to the open door. The dark haired man was standing there, looking thoroughly disgusted. When his eyes find you again, you have nowhere to hide. “Your aunt says you guys are staying the night.” He informs you, walking away. You furrow your eyebrows, why wouldn’t your aunt tell you that herself?
“She did, James needs a ride into town tomorrow and your aunt couldn’t say no.” She gives you a tight lipped smile. She knows a young girl would rather be spending her summer somewhere else. Once you squeezed into the shorts, you bolted to the pool, with a quick introduction to Sherry and Barb, sisters who owned the park. They were nice, asked you questions and treated you like family. Your aunt must really know them, you had no clue how.
Tanya and your aunt walked across the grass and climbed into the pool. Tanya tightly held onto a bottle of Budweiser, letting you know the night was already starting. You dunk your head, wanting to wash away the sweat from your forehead. When you resurface you see James stomping towards the pool, his shirt missing and motor oil smeared on his chest. “Drinking beer but not watching your kid I wish I could be surprised.” That’s when you notice a little boy in his hands, floaties tightly wrapped around his arms and body. He snatched the brown bottle from her hands, tossing the boy into the pool. “I got shit to do.” He walked away, finishing the beer and throwing the empty bottle to the ground.
After two more hours in the pool, your cousin came out looking for your aunt, leaving you alone with the Tanya and the baby. “Are you happy?” You finally ask, only because you’re truly alone with her. Her eyes well with tears, she shakes her head no. You move across the pool grabbing the boy you’d become acquainted with. You pulled yourself out of the water, not bothering to dry off, but you wrapped the boy in a towel. The sun was setting and it wasn’t warm enough for him to be out here wet. “I’ll be right back.” You give her a firm nod, carrying him in the direction of her house. She just watched helplessly as you turn the corner out of site.
Your heart started beating faster as you walked up to the trailer, knocking on the door. You try to think of what to say as you wait for him to open the door. You hear cursing from the other side before it’s swung open. He stands there for a minute, holding the door open before you realize he’s inviting you in. You step up, still holding onto the toddler. You don’t move from the doormat, afraid of tracking water through the house. “You can lay him down on the couch.” He says, pointing toward the corner of the room. You nod, padding your feet across the cold linoleum. You didn’t even notice the boy fell asleep in your arms, swimming always tuckers out kids. You straighten your back when you feel water droplets sliding down the inside of your thigh, pooling water at your feet.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t even dry off before bringing him.” You look at the ground, wondering how you could fix the wet footprints that painted his floor. “I’m not.” He says but you barely catch it. “Huh?” You ask.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s just water honey.” You look up at him, not believing his sincerity. His blue eyes are piercing into yours. “Okay, well I better get back to the pool.” He watches you as you walk out of the door, he doesn’t make room for you to slip past him, causing you to turn your body towards him, he smelled good, you don’t know how. He was covered in black dirt from under the car, and sweat. He still wasn’t wearing a shirt and his tanned skin was so smooth, save for the happy trail growing up his stomach.
He was a lot older than you, more than 15 years, you’d guess. But you couldn’t tell standing this close to him. Your brain forces you out of the door. If you stood there in the tension for a second longer you don’t know what stupid thing would come out of your mouth. When you got back to the pool everyone had rejoined Tanya, even your aunt and cousin were drinking. You escape to your cousins house, changing back into your leggings and putting on your t-shirt. You check on your baby cousin, he’s sleeping in his room, not a worry in the world. You take the chance to spend a minute alone and turn on the tv.
You don’t even care to change the channel, SpongeBob played, lulling you to sleep. You’re awoken by your aunt, handing you the neighbor boy. “Will you watch him for a minute?” You just nod, and she’s out of the house. You peak through the curtain to see blue lights out front. Why are the cops here? You rock the boy to sleep, laying him down beside your cousin in his bed. When you walk outside everyone’s gone. The cops, your aunt, the neighbors. “What the hell.” You say out loud. You go knock on Sherrys door, hoping your aunt was there. But no one answered. Walking across the grass field someone caught your attention. It’s James, yelling at his trailer. “You don’t love me anyways, bitch.” He throws another beer bottle, this one smashes against the siding of the house. “I should’ve never fucked you and let you have my kid.” You stop in your tracks when he turns around, obviously drunk. “Hey.” He says, slowly walking towards you. “Are you okay?” You ask naïve as ever.
“I’m a good person, right?” He asks. You don’t know what to say, not wanting to tip him off that you were shitting your pants right now.
“Yes, you seem like a really good dad.” You’re trying to deescalate. “I am.” His voice is a little louder than it should be. “I don’t doubt it.” You’re still standing in the same spot, too afraid to move. “You’re nice.” He says, smiling widely. You give him one back, he hadn’t done anything to you yet, you weren’t going to give him a reason to.
It was no secret that you were nervous. Your breathing was fast and your eyes kept darting past him. “You don’t have to be scared. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” He throws his hands in the air. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He says, stepping closer to you again. “Everyone hurts me. Treats me like I’m not worth anything.” He lets his head hang, and you start to feel guilt building inside of you, this man just needed someone to lean on. “I’m not worthless, right?” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes. You know he’s drunk, but this pain was real.
“You’re worth more than you know.” It was cliche, but a true blanket statement, no one knows their true worth. “Thank you.” He says, wiping his eyes. “I just need someone to hold me for once.” You felt that, you knew exactly what he meant. “Wanna hug?” You offer, knowing that sometimes that’s all people need, church the last three weeks had taught you that. Sometimes a smile and a handshake is all the human contact people get all week.
He just looks at you, expecting you to close the gap between you. So you do, you walk towards him, fear in the form of sweat, still dripping from you. You give him a warm smile as you lay your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around his middle. His hands quickly found your hips, pulling you even closer to him. He squeezed you tightly, and you swear you hear him smell your hair. You try to pull away after an awkward silence falls over the two of you, but he won’t let you go.
“I’m sorry you’re going through stuff man, I am.” You say, patting his shoulder to tell him to let go. You feel his body go rigid against yours so you think he’s crying again. Drunk tears are never ending. “It’s okay.” You wrap your arms around him again, rubbing up and down his bare back. You try to pull away again, this time saying something “Don’t want Tanya to come out here and catch you hugging a stranger, probably best we let go now.”
His silence was a thousand words. Then he spoke, “You can’t do that.” He says lowly. You pull away and try to look at his face. “What are you talking about?” You ask, fear filling you again. He looks into your eyes, letting one of his hands slide down to the curve of your ass. You instantly put your hands on his chest and try to push him away. “You can’t be sweet to me and expect me not to like it.” His voice was different now, desperate. He presses his face into your neck, sloppily kissing up to your jaw.
Your heart is beating out of your chest now, and you stop fighting, not wanting to anger him. “You don’t want to cheat on your wife, you’re just drunk.” You try to break through to him. “You don’t know me.” He says, pulling you towards the back yard. “No I don’t, but you seem like a good man, don’t let a drunken mistake ruin what you’ve built for yourself.” You keep trying to persuade him.
“I wasn’t drunk earlier, when I watched you bend over in my living room, dripping wet. I wanted you then, just didn’t say anything.” He says, pressing you against your cousins house. He breathes in your face, and you smell more than beer on his breath, whiskey was pungently invading your nose. “So what? You like me or something?” You ask, confused on where this was going.
“Something like that.” He says, pressing his lips to yours. You’re shocked, you thought you were gonna be able to talk your way out of it. “This isn’t right.” You stop the kiss, nodding towards his trailer. You look between his eyes and try to find some common sense. “Then why does it feel right?” He grabs your hand, forcing you to cup the hard mass in his pants.
You gasp, you’d never felt one before, your virginity not up for debate, you’d never even had a boyfriend. “See, you like it too.” It’s like he’s trying to convince you. You look between him and the houses, searching for a witness. When you couldn’t find a soul, you stop fighting all together. He feels your body relax and takes it as permission to pull your leggings down. “Hey!” You say, but you guess it was too loud for his liking because he covers your mouth with his hand, looking you dead in the eye while his fingers push past your panties and dip inside of you. “You like being scared little girl?” He pulls his hand away from you, licking his fingers and tasting you.
Him reading you like a book was also a turn on. You stay silent, telling him everything he needs to know. He twist your body, pressing your face into the plastic. “Maybe you like it rough too, huh?” He slaps your bare ass, rubbing the raised red welt to soothe it.
You whimper, you’re going to let him have his way with you. If this was the only eventful thing that happens this summer, then what the hell. Tanya wasn’t happy and neither was he, who were you to interfere with destiny?
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lovedrruunk · 3 months
What TikToks I think overwatch characters would post pt 2! (>ᴗ•) !
Part 1 !
Rein, don’t know if u guys know that liver king guy but he’s literally just rein if he took steroids. Posts tons of like gym core/culture videos yk BUT HES ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!!! Ppl in the community love him bc of how positive he is even though he’d give rlly bad advice “EATING THIS RAW TESTICLE INCREASED MY TESTOSTERONE LEVELS BY 9%!!!!”
D.va, this can go 2 ways. #1 in all her Korean celebrity realness posts vids doing trendy dances while using crazy whitening filters and doing aegyo. #2 goes by a fake name and trolls the fuck out of people. D.va being a hater is such a strong head canon of mine like I love her being a toxic bitch like yes slay or whatever so relatable! Replies to streamers she secretly hates like “Wow your mom’s basement looks so clean!” “My left toe can get better plays.” “Bet even your keyboard hates being touched by you.” basically meowbah or wtv her name was but less weird more cunty
Ana, she replies to reins TikTok’s telling his followers NOT to do anything he says, but other than that I can see her posting cooking vids (as every Arab mom does) but she’ll be talking sweetly in English and then suddenly start cussing something out in Arabic and it’ll be so off topic and it’s rlly funny “and then you add 1 cup of flour! ‘I told my lazyass lgbtqia daughter to pick up some earlier but of fucking course she chose to disappoint me again. Ever since the day I birthed her she has been disappointing me over and over again.’ A pinch of salt!”
Hanzo, DEPRESSION CORE SLIDESHOWS LMAOOO some “when the nice guy loses his patience… the devil shivers.” ass shit, bio is probs something stupid like “family betray, women cheat, Hennessy cures.”
Ashe, CONTROVERSIAL QUEEN !!! People forget she’s southern like please you cannot tell me she doesn’t have some crazyass takes. Will post borderline ragebait in like her car or something. “My gun identifies as a PLUNGER. Beat that Biden.” “BIDEN CANT TAKE MY GUNS, I KEEP THEM UPSTAIRS!!!” “Bidens oldass will probably find a way to outlive my OMNIC butler.” She’ll say all this stupid shit with a straight face and I just think that’s so funny. On rare occasions she’ll actually have a rlly good progressive take and ppl will be like okay hold up let her cook…
Tracer, kinda like junkrat where she's only famous cuz ppl lowk make fun of her and she hasn't caught on yet... I LOVEEEE Tracer she's my fav character but CMONNNN "Cheers love!" SHES NOT SURVIVING TIKTOK!!! ppl in the comments will be mocking her accent and she'll just think they're british too... ppl make fun of her NOT cuz they hate her but because she's just ummm eccentric that's the world plus she's british so that's rlly the only reason why ppl make fun of her like not in a mean way but just for funsies yk...
Pharah, being arab and being a lesbian I am 100% qualified to say this but she's such a fucking lesbo ykwim like 'hey mamas' type, she's also really whitewashed like thinks shes a white stud or something. Ellie Williams wannabe makes thirst traps in stained white wife beaters and expects every lesbian in a 100 mile radius to want her (they dont). Thinks playing basketball makes her the shit and she's just rlly desperate and lame. horny on main. Ana found one of her thirst traps once and it led to a really awkward convo
Kiriko, she's only there to post cute videos of her adventures with her gang and fox like shes just there to have a good time ykwim. And she's like popular bc all her fans r girls and her vlogs and stuff r just so nice to watch plus she's funny and rlly cool!
Baptiste, the anti-andrew tate. Hes so attractive and like confident that people can't help but like him ykwim like he makes little straight boys piss their pants with his bazillion level aura. He'll just post a random vid in his car maybe eating chipotle or something and he'll have men and women alike confessing their love for him in the comments. Lesbians love him.
Any character I haven't mentioned i just can't see posting or having tiktok!
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thepaperpanda · 6 months
I Want To Be A YouTuber || Venom & Eddie Brock drabble
Summary: In response to Venom's demands, Eddie creates a YouTube channel
Warnings: none, just Venom being insistent 😁
Word count: 1067
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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Although Venom was persistent, he was the only one who persuaded Eddie Brock to do dumb things. Eddie always listened to Venom primarily to make him shut his mouth and hush him; it never lasted more than a few minutes. Eddie was this time persuaded by Venom to start a YouTube channel.
Venom exhorted Eddie, "We're unusual! Take us to the world. We'll be famous like Kim Kardashian!"
Eddie finally agreed to Venom's idea after almost two weeks. "I can't believe we are doing this..." Eddie muttered as he set up the camera and the background. The youtubers he saw all had nice backgrounds. "I am really unsure about this, V... What are we even gonna record?"
"You must introduce yourself, punk," Venom instructed firmly and loudly. "You must explain who you are and why you are opening the channel," symbiote responded. You wanna get some pussies? Don't get in front of the camera with that stupid grin of yours. You have to present like a cool, bad guy. Girls like bad boys. Say something like ‘Yo, I'm Eddie Brock and I've gotta show you what I got after that fucking meteor hit our planet’, yeah?" Venom joked. "Like cool banditos, yeah?" Symbiote advised. “We’ll be recording us. We’re cool, yeah?”
"There's no way I know how, but I'm gonna say you watch too much YouTube," Eddie pointed out.
As Eddie sat in front of the camera, he turned it on and began recording. "Hello! I'm Eddie, and welcome to my channel! Many of you may wonder why I have a channel, but I'm special in some way since I have this little buddy," Eddie said as he tapped his shoulder.
Out of nowhere, Venom appeared, grinning to the camera and licking his fangs. "Hello there, punks, I'm Venom and I'd love to meet you all, especially your lungs, brains and livers. But that's a story for another time. In today's episode, we're going to demonstrate our awesome abilities by eating bad guys."
Eddie glared at the symbiote. "Venom... Really? You can't be that aggressive. We need to be nice and likable so people will watch us."
"Don't worry, we know our role," Venom reminded and his tone softened. "So once again, we are soft Symbiotes, we came from outer space and we're happy we found him," Venom said, pointing his head to Eddie. "He's a dumbass, but we love him."
As Eddie hugged Venom, he said, "He is an asshole, but I love him so much. He can be rude, but he is a great friend."
Venom's head was petted; Eddie earned a low grunt of happiness from the symbiote.
"I hope you'll enjoy our channel and whatever we do here," Eddie added, smiling to the camera.
As Venom licked Eddie's cheek, he added, "We'll prank people in public."
"I don't think this will be possible, V. I have a job, I can't run around and prank people then upload them on the internet," Eddie said, turning off the camera. "Now I just have to edit it and it will be ready to be posted on our YouTube channel."
In response, Venom nuzzled Eddie and added, "Edit it as soon as possible."
Eddie nodded, "I'll deal with this now. I have nothing better to do," he grabbed his camera and walked to his computer.
Venom asked, "Can you give us that delicious cheese you have in the fridge first, punk?"
"I'd appreciate it if you left me something to eat, too," Eddie gave Venom a careful glance.
In order to get his cheese, Venom disconnected from Eddie and crawled to the fridge
The camera was connected to Eddie's computer when he commented, "You look funny, V." As he waited for Venom to return, he began editing the video.
After gliding back to Eddie, Venom climbed onto his back.
Eddie petting Venom's head asked, "Are you happy now? I am almost done."
Venom held a piece of cheese in his paws and chewed it. “Eddie, you edit it? We'd like to see it. And yes, it's fine now. Cheese was tasty."
"Yes. I am done," Brock presented the video to Venom.
Venom's white eyes widened as he exclaimed, "We can upload it! Look, Eddie, we look like a top model. I meant us, not you, but you do look great too. Upload, upload!"
Eddie laughed, "Yes, we do look like Top Model." He quickly uploaded the video. "Let's go eat something now. We will check the reactions tomorrow morning."
The next morning Venom awoke as first, although this time he was disconnected from Eddie. He was still nuzzling the man's shoulder. "Eddie, get up, get up. It's morning! We have to check reactions!" Symbiote licked Eddie's cheek as soon as he opened his eyes.
As Eddie sat up and rubbed his eyes, he murmured, "Wait... Wait... Just let me wake up." In a few minutes, Brock got up from bed and opened his laptop, sluggishly turning it on.
"C'mon, punk, we can't wait!"
Eddie yawned and opened the page with their video, then scrolled through the comments at the bottom.
Venom stared at the man, asking, "What, and what, do they think we're ready to start yet?!"
Eddie muttered, "Well... The comments aren't really nice... Read them yourself, V."
As Venom read, he became more enraged. “What a nasty, fucking shits. Can we eat them?!"
"No, Venom, just forget about this idea, and let's stick to the newspaper," Eddie sighed.
"No, no, no. We've got to eat them. We've got to eat those fuckers," Venom claimed, showing his fangs.
"No, Venom. We only eat bad guys, not people who dislike us."
"When they don't like us, that means they're mean. That's what makes them haters. Haters are bad people so we can eat them," Venom concluded after a few longer moments.
Eddie sighed and petted Venom's head as he said, "It's not always like that. Maybe they're right. It's not our thing."
With an angry voice, Venom said, "But we love you and you did a great job, Eddie."
"Let's eat something tasty, shall we?" Brock suggested, trying to get Venom's attention away from YouTube.
"Yes," Venom replied, wrapping his arms around Eddie. "We love you."
Getting up from the chair, Eddie said, "I know, Venom. Let's go to your favorite place and order whatever you want."
Venom grinned widely. "Yes, that's a very clever idea."
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sweetiesicheng · 1 year
dino - diner
word count : 868
you and your group of friends had just left the place where prom was held. all of you were crowded in a booth at a diner, and you noticed other people from your school sitting at nearby tables.
"did you hear about the cheer captain?" one of your friends asked.
"about her and that junior varsity basketball kid? it sounds so cliché," you replied to her.
"but it happened! can't deny what's real," another one of your friends spoke up.
"can't believe a jv kid scored her. she's way out of his league," one of the guys said while undoing his tie.
a server came by with your meals. all of you started eating together and took random pictures to commemorate the night.
"this milkshake is too good," you mentioned before taking another sip.
"can i try?" chan asked. he was sitting next to you and only had a water to drink.
"here," you said and slid the glass over. he took a sip before smiling.
"oh, it's really good," he replied.
"hey, chan!" one of your friends called out from across the table. all of you looked over to see a guy looking back at your table, “what's with you and not having a date? i thought you were going with the girl in our class?" he asked.
chan shrugged, "just didn't want to go with her. she ended up asking someone else anyways."
"chan likes someone!" one of the guys from your table exclaimed.
"what the hell are you talking about? eat your food and be quiet!" chan said to him, clearly a bit flustered.
"oh, just admit it already chan," one of the girls said to chan. "i bet it's someone here," she said and started looking around the restaurant.
"stop it already, f/n," chan said and ate some of his food.
"who would look good with chan?" another girl asked.
"hey, stop it already. he's blushing like crazy," another girl said to your friends before picking up her phone. "oh, the seniors are throwing a party right now. should we go?" she asked all of you.
"i can't. i have to go to work tomorrow," you immediately replied. "and i'd prefer to not to be hungover."
"boohoo, you've gone to work hungover before y/n. come on, live a little," one of the guys said to you.
you rolled your eyes, "tell that to my liver."
"are the rest of us going then?" chan asked after he put his glass of water down.
"yea, i'm down to go.”
"me too!"
"hey, who's gonna drop y/n off?" one of the guys asked.
"oh, i can," chan offered.
you looked at him. "you sure? i can just call my brother," you replied to him.
"don't worry about it. i gotcha," he said to you.
"come on, come on. i wanna see if i can get a senior's number," one of the girls said.
"bye y/n! get home safe!"
"see you guys!" you waved as you walked with chan to his car. "thanks for driving me," you said to him.
"no problem," he replied.
both of you got into his car and he started driving.
"so why didn't you have a date for prom this year?" chan asked as he drove.
"me? no one asked me, not that i care," you replied. "i would rather go with friends anyways," you mentioned. "you know, i almost didn't go this year. i didn't really care that much."
"then why did you go?" he asked.
you shrugged, "i guess just to be with everyone. better than being home doing nothing."
"well, i'm glad you went tonight," he admitted to you. "dinner was probably the best part," he added.
"dinner was nice. we should've just went to the diner instead of going to prom," you laughed. "so...who do you like?"
you started laughing at chan, who became flustered again.
"d-don't ask that! i'm driving!" he scolded you while stopping at a light.
"that was so funny," you said to him, still laughing at him, "but seriously, who do you like? i mean, you have to like someone since you didn't have a date."
"i...i like someone. don't know if she's interested in dating though," he admitted. "she's really nice, really sweet. we'll see. her birthday is soon, so maybe i'll get her like a cupcake or something."
"oh that'd be cute!" you said to him as chan drove onto your street. "you should go to the bakery by your dance studio. it's so good," you recommended to him.
"i've been there a few times. i like it," he mentioned and turned into your driveway. "alrighty, here we are," he said as he drove up the driveway. "have fun at work tomorrow," he said after putting his car in park.
you groaned, "don't remind me." chan chuckled. "thanks for driving," you said as you took your seatbelt off.
"no problem. see ya at school," he said. you got out of the car but just as you were about to close the door, chan asked you something. "hey, what's your favorite flavor of cupcake?"
your response left chan chuckling.
"for your birthday, idiot."
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jilymicrofics · 1 year
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Today’s submission is a bit different - another non AO3 submission!
Author #13 | Title: alcohol | Not Rated
Prompt/s: alcohol
Read below ⬇️
The world shifts dangerously under his feet; James tumbles back inside the Common Room, all thoughts of joining his friends for breakfast leaving his mind. He can't stomach any food at the moment; in fact, the very thought of food makes his inside churn and all he wants is his bed again...
He turns around, which is not the best idea in his current state; his inside makes another turn now when his gaze finds Lily Evans' face, though it is a spin far more pleasant than anything the alcohol has caused him so far. 
"Hey." There, one word, he managed it.
She shifts her weight from one foot to another. "How are you?"
She doesn't seem to believe him. "Black had enough firewhiskey last night to light a Guy Fawkes bonfire."
Her words made no sense to him, so James just watches her face, as careful as he can to not cross any of the lines that he’s been observing so diligently lately. Evans doesn't look mad; in fact, James almost thinks she seems amused, so he finds himself just admitting, "I feel like a thestral just walked over me."
"How is that for a rite of passage?" She asks, almost laughing now; some lost part of him remembers Sirius calling getting drunk on the 17th birthday the most important rite of passage there was for adulthood. James hadn't known she was paying attention. "Here, I've got something for you."
And she hands him a potion.
"It’s for your hangover—consider it a birthday gift, James." He freezes. Evans places a strand of her hair behind her ear, not quite looking at him now. "You were nice last night.”
“Was I?” He tries to force his mind to remember, but there are only glimpses of his birthday party, and none of them involve Evans, something that is unforgivable. “Should I repeat it?”
She laughs softly. “No, I don’t think you should get drunk so soon again, give your liver a break.” A quick glance at him. “You just said you were sorry for acting like a toerag before.”
“Oh.” His head hurts. “I am, really.”
“I know.” She looks sad for a moment. “That makes all the difference.” Then Evans forces a brave smile on her face. “Aren’t you heading down to breakfast? This potion works better if you eat something.”
“Ah, sure, yeah.” He bites his lip for a moment. “Thanks for the—ah, for this birthday gift, Evans.”
“Don’t mind—and I thought we had agreed last night to treat each other by first names. Unless that was just the alcohol talking?”
“No,” he says, rushed, heart pumping in his chest. It takes all effort to keep his face from a grin. “No alcohol, Lily.” It’s almost a test, but she doesn’t seem upset by the way he calls her name. “So—thank you, Lily.”
Her smile seems more natural now. “You are welcome, James.”
The sound of his name on her lips is far more enticing than anything he has drunk the night before.
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jojobee2256 · 2 years
Sleeping Beauty
Warnings: talk of death, angst, age gap (but not really), kid law, adult law
You pull your sleeve down to cover your patient ID bracelet and check your casual clothes in a nearby window before moving to the pediatrics' desk. The pediatric ward has become your safe haven in the hospital and you found yourself visiting everyday. Your doctors were actually pretty pleased with you doing this despite your poor health and physical conditions because it seemed like your body was taking better to the medications and treatment ever since you started your visits. One even said that your passion to play with the kids there was more than likely what revived your hope to beat your disease.
"Ah, (Y/N) are you coming to visit again? You know you don't have to dress up every time you want to come over and play." You smile at the receptionist as you fill out the sign in sheet.
"I know, but I don't want the kids to worry about me when they should focus on recovering themselves." She nods in understanding as you set the clipboard down and make your way down the hallway with a wave goodbye to her.
You remembered your first visit down these halls. Your disease was only getting worse, you couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, it was hell. A nurse was wheeling you around the gardens in a wheelchair in hopes of getting your spirits back but your own hope had died a while ago. That's when you ran into Rosinante. He had fallen out of an apple tree trying to grab one of the apples for his adoptive son. The spectacle was so funny that you had laughed for the first time in months. Soon after the nurse finished putting out the fire he somehow managed to catch on she introduced us. After an hour of talking he asked if I wanted to meet his son and so we went to visit.
"(Y/N)!" the swarm of children gathered around you and almost knocked you down.
"Hey guys! I heard Luffy finally got released, I hope your not to lonely with just me around." They all smiled and assured you that they wouldn't be lonely when you visit them everyday.
"The idiot cut himself so I don't see why you were so worried about him." You turn to see Law with a book in hand as he stood just out of the ring of kids around you.
"Law, that's not very nice. Of course I worried about him. I worry about all of you." You spoke as you made your way over to the boy. You would never say it out loud but he was your favorite, he was such a clever boy.
"You should worry about yourself before others, you look paler than before. Your not getting sick again are you?" You pick him up and carry him to his bed where you sat down, ignoring the protests of the other children about how unfair it was that Law got to be picked up. He was observant for his age. Most of the children when I first went to visit completely bought my lie about being really sick due to a liver problem, but Law didn't buy it until Rosinante assured him it was true. You had told him before that you didn't want to make the kids worry about you and that's why you avoided the pediatric ward and he came up with the idea about a liver problem.
"You're one to talk, I see you have another white patch. You're the one that needs to be worried about not me." you see a tint of pink appear on his deathly pale face and smile at the boy.
"But the ones on my back got smaller, I'll be out of here in no time." He huffs at you.
"What to do, I want you to be healthy but I'll miss you when you leave." You pull out one of the books Law always kept near his bed and shift him on your lap so you could hold the book better.
"Then you can visit me and Cora-san outside the hospital too." You feel your smile falter a little. Leaving the hospital was very dangerous for you. If you suddenly had and attack or blacked out, you would die unless treated immediately and the hospital was the only place that had the materials to do so.
"Sure." You tell him before you begin reading to everyone. The book was about a princess who was cursed into a deep sleep by an evil fairy and a brave prince who ventured to save her many years later.
"...And so the prince, seeing the princess lay in her deathly sleep, went over and gave the princess a single kiss. A kiss of true love and with that the spell was broken. Soon after they wed and lived happily ever after, the end." You close the book and notice your audience was bigger than when you had started. Some off duty nurses and Rosinante stood by the door.
"Can you read another one?" one of the children asked.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have an appointment to get to." You set the book back where it belonged and moved Law from your lap but he quickly latched onto your arm.
"What appointment?" You saw his concern in his eyes and realized your mistake.
"Relax Law, I'm going to a dentist appointment. I'm actually a bit scared, I think I might have a cavity." You made a dramatic face and succeeded in getting Law to smile. "I'll see you tomorrow ok?"
"OK." You moved towards the door and smile at Rosinante. Once in the hall you turned to the man. He would always visit Law everyday as well, but his visits were irregular so you didn't always see the clumsy man.
"Your son is adorable."
"He is isn't he? I hope when he grows up he stays that cute."
"No way, he'll be handsome. You'll have to beat the girls off with a stick." You chuckle.
"I hope he meets a girl like you when he gets older. You're so sweet, when he gets out I'll tell him the truth and we'll visit you everyday instead." I chuckle again only a bit more bitterly.
"You don't need to do that. Even if he's healthy I don't want him to worry over me." He was about to say something when a nurse rushes over to you.
"(Y/N), I knew I'd find you here. Your going to be late if you don't hurry!" and with that you said your goodbyes and left with the nurse.
"I understand, I will do it."
"Wonderful, I'll give you a few days to get your affairs in order and then we will do the procedure." You nod and shake the doctors hand before leaving his office. The latest treatment wasn't showing any signs of working and you were out of options. Your doctor suggested cryogenic sleep, saying that you passed the tests to qualify for it thanks to your high IQ and talents. After some talking you agreed and now were left to figure out how to explain it to the kids in the pediatric ward. Your parents would understand and probably even push for it since you would be frozen until the cure was made, guaranteeing that you lived. You didn't have any friends anymore so that only left the crazy little children that didn't even know how bad your condition was. As you make your way to your room thinking about how to tell them you couldn't visit anymore, it happened. Your heart clenched and your lungs refused to intake air. Collapsing on the floor, you cough up blood onto the floor. The nearby doctors and nurses running to your aid you black out to the usual feeling of engulfing darkness.
(Y/N) was late. She was never late, everyday she would come at one pm on the dot. Law had even gotten a new book from Cora-san yesterday for her to read. He looked at the clock, it was three. He glared at the floor before hopping off the bed and going to the glass doors. She was probably just stuck talking to someone so he would go look for her. As he sneaks through the hallways towards the elevator he overhears the receptionist talking to a doctor.
"I wonder who will tell the children? I don't think I could stand to tell them about (Y/N)." The receptionist said in a sad tone.
"It'll definitely be lonely without her everyday. I heard she was being moved to the cryogenics room on the second floor though, so I guess she will at least be able to have a full life one day." The doctor spoke with a sigh. Law was beyond confused now and decided to try and see if he could hear more.
"I still remember her first visit, she was losing her battle hard and I honestly thought she could drop at any moment! Apparently the disease she has is not only incurable but really rare and she has set the record for the longest living person known to have it!" Law's heart dropped. She was sick all this time?
"Her doctors say it's thanks to her visits. That her spirit came back after one of the parents of a long term patient in the ward brought her over." He was going to say more but his pager went off and he left, this signaled for Law to move on. They said she was moved to the second floor so he pressed the button and followed the signs saying 'cryogenics' till coming face to leg with a doctor. He 'tch'ed as the woman leaned down to his level.
"And what are you doing here little man?" He didn't see a reason to lie since saying he was lost was only going to get him sent right back to his own ward and the the worst that could happen in telling the truth was exactly that.
"I'm visiting (Y/N), can you take me to her?" He tried to look as sure of himself as possible and the doctor only smiled sadly at him.
"Sure, she is about to be put under so lets hurry." And with that she led him down to a room with her name next to the door before knocking. "May I come in, I have a guest." An 'enter' was heard before the woman turned back to Law. "You can go in, I'm sorry you have to say goodbye." Law's blood froze over at her words. Goodbye? He didn't want that.
When the door opened and he walked in the first thing he noticed was the large bed like machine with a door that sealed it in and a single window so you could look inside. Next to it was a series of buttons, knobs, graphs, and numbers on a screen. Then he saw (Y/N), sweat caressed her skin and her pale skin almost matched his. She wore a white patient gown and had a similar bracelet to his own on her frail wrist.
"Law, how did you get here?" You asked, the shock on your face only replaced with worry soon after. "Are you ok? You need to be back in your bed, it's not good for you to be wondering around!" He couldn't hold it in anymore and the tears soon began to fall.
"How can you say that when you look so sick?!" He yelled. "The doctor outside said I had to say goodbye, what's going on!?" You weakly walked over to him, pushing an IV with one hand along with you. When you reached him you didn't hesitate to swoop him up in your free hand and take him back to sit on your lap from where you was sitting before on the cryogenic bed.
"Can you give us a moment and find his dad? His name is Rosinante, Law will need him after this." You asked your doctor and he nodded before leaving the room. "Law," You spoke to him sweetly and he looked up at you still sniffing as his tries ran down his face. "I won't be able to visit you guys anymore. I have to go to sleep."
"What kind of sleep makes it so that you can't see me anymore?" he cried.
"It's a special sleep, a cryogenic sleep. Do you remember the story I read yesterday?" He nodded. "It will be kind of like the princess's sleep only it won't be an evil spell. I am really sick and the doctors can't help me so they are going to put me in a good sleep so that in the future they can cure me and I won't have to say goodbye forever." Law understood, he just didn't like it.
Rosinante knocked on the door before quietly entering. He shared a sad smile with (Y/N) before going to Law.
"Maybe I'll be able to wake up in time to see you marry your own princess." You say to him cheerfully, but he shakes his head and stands up on the bed next to her so they were at eye level.
"Just you wait! I'll make a cure for you and wake you up!" He kissed your forehead before jumping off the bed and running into the hallway, leaving a stunned you.
"Maybe I will get a daughter-in-law like you after all." Rosinante said with a soft smile.
"Don't say that, he's just a child. It's true that he has adorable traits but I can't see him like that. Besides, I may be a sleep even after his grandchildren pass away. That was my attempt at giving him hope that we may meet again one day." Your doctor walks in and tells you it's time. Your family came in shortly after saying their final goodbyes before the needle was pushed into your arm and you fell into your sleep. During this sleep they were going to attempt to get you back to a stable condition which would no longer be possible awake which is why you had to be put under today. Your last thoughts were of an adult Law smiling at you, if he was your age then maybe you would've fallen for him. To bad he would more than likely forget about you during your sleep.
Two decades had passed and you were still in your young adult years, frozen in time. That is until now. Your new doctor stared down at your sleeping face through the window in your pod. Today was the day he would finally wake his princess.
You couldn't stop the tears as the nurse guided you to a private room. Twenty years. Your parents had been informed and were on their way, but you doubt that Rosinante or Law would be coming to greet you. When you finally calmed down the nurse informed you that you were chosen for the trail of the new drug to cure your disease. Your new doctor, the creator of the drug, insisted upon it and was shouldering the costs for everything. You felt there must have been a mistake but she assured you that you were in fact the one he was talking about. 
You were left alone to gather yourself before you met this new doctor of yours and you couldn't help but feel depressed. Maybe you could find them, it would be great if you really could be there when he got married, but you didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
"Hello (Y/N), I'm Dr. Trafalgar and I'll be caring for you until your fully healed." Your head shot up at the name as the man walked into the room. His tanned skin no longer covered in white spots but a white coat. His pitch black hair still a mess, but now paired with a soul patch on his chin. His eyes still as piercing as when he was a child. He smiled at you warmly as you let it all sink in and soon enough the tears rolled down your cheeks again.
"No fair! You were supposed to forget about me, not spend your life worrying enough to cure me!" you sob. He only chuckles at your comment and moves over to your sitting figure. He takes your face in his hand and has you face him, brushing away stray tears with his thumb.
"I told you I would make a cure and wake you up." He softly tells you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. You stop your tears and stare up at him. You could hardly even see the sickly child from before. To you it was yesterday, but for him it was practically a life time.
"I'm an old lady you know, I may not look it but I might as will be forty." He shake his head at you.
"Cryogenic sleep stops your body from growing, this way nothing can progress. Not your body or your disease. And even if what you said was true, I loved you back when I was a six year old brat. Do you really think I would care." You sniffed and shook your head. "Good." And with that he gave you a kiss on your forehead before moving to place a chaste, but loving kiss on your lips. "I prefer your lips then your forehead anyway." you both laugh a little before the door is thrown open and a man tumbles in, stopping right before the bed. 
"(Y/N)! I knew I'd get a sweet daughter-in-law!" Rosinante chimed as he picked himself up. 
"And we get a handsome son- in-law!" Your mother happily replied as her and your dad walked into the room. 
You later found out that Law had openly voiced his intentions and desires to your parents and Rosinante for years while you slept. Apparently Rosinante and your parents started planning your own wedding after Law became a world renowned doctor at twenty. Law had graduated early, gotten degrees from neuroscience and immunology to organic and biochemistry, and created numerous other miracle cures just to save you. When everyone told you this Law was hiding his face in embarrassment at how they all described his determination for you.
"Look at this (Y/N)!" Rosinante snatches Laws wallet and pulls out a worn photo while Law attempts to grab it before you could see. It was a photo of you taking a nap on his hospital bed, cuddling his stuffed polar bear. "He had me take this when you were sleeping and later on after you were put under he carried it everywhere!"
"Cora-san!" You watch as Law glares at his father, scolding him. Today you were being released from the hospital and Law was excited to take you home. You had decided to stay with him at his home not only for health and monitoring purposes, but because after dating for so long you were both eager to take another step forward. You could still see those adorable traits from all those years ago from time to time, but now he had matured and grown to be less sweet and more cool. His indifferent yet calculated demeanor that only you could see past honestly made your love for him grow by the day, maybe it was time to tell him that.
"Law!" You yell from the door  with a confident smile as he looks at you. "I love you." He forgot all about his father and quickly chased you out the hospital doors while you ran off, swooping you up in his arms. 
"I hope you know that know that you've said that I'm never going to let you go." He whispers in your ear as he holds you close from behind. 
"Well shoot, did I actually fall in love with the villain?" you laugh as he kisses your hair. You could get used to this.
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diaryofamadfatwoman · 2 years
Moving On
Welcome to Week 3 of my journey to better health.
I had lunch with my sisters on Friday, so getting on the scale on Monday was a real nail biter. Drumroll please... unfortunately, I only lost one pound for the week. Although I M.ade A.djustments D.aily following our delicious Mexican Food meal, my effort did not pay off as well. But I am not defeated. I am pressing on.
On my Health Management System I engage my cooking skills, and you can too, or enlist a willing cook.
My daughter introduced me to Red Lentil Spagetti and I bought a tray of vegetable kebobs which I cut into smaller bites, seasoned and sauteed'. After boiling the spaghetti, I simply topped it with the vegetables and sauteed' shrimp. It was delicious but next time I will boil the spaghetti in a broth and toss it in olive oil for added flavor. Here is a picture:
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This is an Eating Well dish. Any meat protein would work here, but it can be eaten alone as the spaghetti is high in protein and gluten-free. It also contains protein-rich mushrooms.
According to an online nutritionist I follow, real food contains enzymes that promote healthy metabolism. All our organs participate in burning energy so it is important that our liver, kidney, gallbladder and digestive system is healthy. Additionally, deep sleep, exercise and fasting also improve metabolism. And what more is metabolism than energy...the fuel that keeps our bodies running.
I imagine that if we think of our bodies more as machines, it will be easier to comprehend that it needs just enough fuel to get us from point A-Z per day simplistically speaking, rather that hoarding excess calories that weigh us down, right? Afterall, we cannot overfill a gas tank can we?
There is something to be said about a good man who happens to be your husband. I should be in good shape thanks to my wonderful husband. Many years ago he bought me a treadmill, a stationary bike and even resistence bands. Unfortunately they have become like 'against the wall' art. He even bought me a nice massage chair for days when my muscles are sore. He is really just that kind of guy. However, it is down to me to show my appreciation by taking advantage of all these resources.
When it is warm we walk 2-3 miles daily. Now, in the winter months, we tend to nest and I have not been using my exercise equipment; however, one night while watching TV, I felt like walking inside the house and so I do it one hour every night. It has been great. Because I am concerned about my balance and strength, I practice standing on one foot and have added countertop arm presses. The stronger we are in our older years the fewer falls, and therefore, the more stable we are. If you are young, start moving and keep moving right now.
I was reminded this week of a good resource to help me move and gain strength. She is a firecracker of a lady on YouTube named PaulaB. She does timed exercises for older adults. I plan to incorportate some exercises from PaulaB and start using my resistence bands this coming week. I will let you know how it goes.
Although it is difficult to choose to keep moving, it is a choice to take my thoughts captive and move on.
Did you know our brain has a drain system? A good night's sleep removes toxins from the brain into the venous sinuses. Imagine the focus we can have, memories we can retain! Gives a whole new meaning to brain drain. Reminder: Keep drinking...water or tea, that is.
Well that is it for this week. Thanks for joining me. If you missed them, you can catch up on the two previous blogs and remember to like, share and follow.
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reidsaurora · 3 years
"Influence" ~ D. Winchester
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Summary: Dean and Y/N decide to spy on Sam's date, unaware that by doing so, they accidentally went on a date of their own.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,914
Content Warning: mild swearing, very mild sexual references, food, alcohol consumption
Genre: comedic Fluff
Extra Notes: I know that crab cakes are usually eaten as an entree, but in this we're pretending that they're an appetizer lol
Based On the One-Liner: "Uh, this is not a double date. We are simply third and fourth wheeling."
Takes Place: During S1 E19 "Provenance"
Originally Written: 10/17/2021
Supernatural masterlist can be found here!
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"Give 'em here, it's my turn!" I whisper shouted at Dean, attempting to steal his binoculars.
The three of us were on a hunt for a haunted painting in upstate New York. As an attempt to get some extra information, Sam had offered to take Sarah, the girl who had possession of the painting, on a date. Dean and I both could tell that Sam really liked her, and as a result, our curiosity got the better of us and we were now spying on their date.
"No, these are my binoculars and I'll say when it's your turn," he spoke quietly.
"Jerk," I complained. "Well, can you at least tell me what they're saying?"
"Nothing interesting. I think she just asked him about law school."
"Can't it be my turn?" I tried to grab the binoculars from him.
"No! I paid for these fair and square."
I gave him a look that said, "Did you really?"
"OK, maybe I swiped them, but in my defense, dude just left them laying around."
I looked around the restaurant for a moment, spotting a few empty tables, two of which were near Sarah and Sam's table.
"Why don't we just go in and ask for a table?"
"Like that'll work. I'm dressed in the wrinkliest pair of jeans I own and you're wearing a hoodie and jeans. They'd probably kick us out for being too underdressed," he joked, still looking through the binoculars.
"Come on, let's at least try."
And so, after a moment of complaining, I finally got Dean to go into the restaurant with me.
"Do you have a reservation?" the hostess asked us.
"Reservations? Don't you do walk-ins?" Dean asked.
"Walk-ins? What is this, Dean, a hair salon?" I joked.
"Well, we don't usually, but since the restaurant is a little dead tonight, I can let you guys have that table," she pointed to a table behind Sam and Sarah.
And so, she showed us to our table, pouring some water into our cups before walking away.
[ Sam's POV ]
"So, why haven't you been on a date in a while?" Sarah asked as we continued to eat our dinner.
As I was about to answer, I glanced behind her, locking eyes with Y/N.
Why the hell were Y/N and Dean sitting at the table behind us?
"Everything OK?" Sarah said, startling me back from my thoughts.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Can you excuse me for a moment?" I asked before getting up and walking over to their table.
The two of them stared at me wide-eyed. They seemed like they didn't quite know how to respond.
[ Y/N's POV ]
"Hey, Sam," I greeted him awkwardly.
"What are you two doing here?"
"It's a public place. We have the right to be here," Dean answered.
"Dean," Sam said in an aggravated tone.
"What? Can't a guy take a nice, young woman out for a glass of champagne and some Foie Gras?"
"I'm not eating Foie Gras," I clarified. My stomach turned at the thought of eating duck liver.
"Dean, if this is another stupid attempt at trying to get me to go on a double date with you-"
"Oh, no sir! This, this is not a double date," I said, "We are simply two individuals enjoying a meal at a table near our friends."
"We're third and fourth wheeling," Dean explained.
"Not helping," I whispered, kicking his shin underneath the table.
"Just… just let us enjoy our date in peace, please," Sam requested, walking back to his table.
Dean let out a pained noise, "Dammit, why did you do that?"
I just smirked in response.
"You do that again, I won't pay for your dinner."
"What kind of jerk doesn't pay for the girl's dinner?"
"This jerk if you kick me again."
I stuck my tongue out at him in rebellion, to which he rolled his eyes.
I wondered to myself, “Was he actually considering this a date? Was I supposed to consider this a date?”
After a few minutes, a waiter walked over and handed us our menus. I had to admit, I was intimidated by such fancy food and expensive prices.
Dean looked over the wine menu with a determined look across his face. "We'll have a bottle of merlot," he answered, handing the waiter the wine menu.
Why do I find it so impressive that he knows how to order wine?
Although, to be fair, there weren't many things Dean did that I didn't find attractive. He in as many words said the same thing about me, yet somehow we still weren't together.
Hence why I didn't know whether or not this was a date.
"I'll give you two a few moments to look over the menu," the waiter said before walking away.
I looked up and down the menu. Why did everything have to be so expensive?
Soon enough, Sam and Sarah had finished their meal and left, and Dean and I continued to talk and eat. At some point, we ended up ordering a plate of crab cakes to split. I was sure that the waiter thought it was weird that we had been there for over an hour and only ordered wine and an appetizer.
"Can I tell you something?" Dean asked.
Hesitantly, I answered, "Yes," though I was a little afraid because he rarely started sentences off like that.
"I know we're supposed to be hunting a haunted painting and all, but I really would not have a problem if this was all we did."
"I'm having just as much fun eating fancy food as I would burning bones,” he said, finishing his statement with a mouthful of crab cake.
Of course this was about food. For someone who went around as much as he did, he was about the least romantic person ever.
“Can’t argue with you there. These crab cakes are heavenly,” I commented.
We both took a drink of our merlot at the same time. “Oh, my gosh. This tastes like -”
“Crap,” he finished my sentence, chuckling. “We shoulda just stuck with water,” he laughed.
Just then, the waiter came over and asked, “Would you like me to get you anything else?” This was the third time he had been over to ask us that. I was pretty sure it was because he was trying to get us to buy actual food.
“Yeah, can we get a couple beers?” Dean asked.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to buy some real food and stop bumming off our appetizers,” the waiter said, his accent sounding even more posh than before.
“What the hell is your problem?” Dean acted defensively.
“Sir, it is the restaurant’s policy that you must buy food or leave.”
“Uh, we did order food. We ordered this plate of crab cakes,” I added.
“I cannot help that. It is the policy, ma’am.”
“Yeah well, why I don’t take that policy and shove it right up your-”
“Dean,” I interrupted, “Let’s just go. He’s right. We have just been sitting around and eating appetizers.”
Dean threw a couple $20 bills on the table, before looking at the waiter and saying, “Keep the change, asshole.”
As Dean and I got ready to walk off, I turned to the waiter and said, “You can stick your extra change somewhere special.”
Dean’s eyes widened as he threw an arm around my shoulders. “Damn, I didn’t know you had that in you,” he laughed.
“It’s just your influence rubbing off on me,” I chuckled, placing one of my hands on his stomach.
“You two have fun?” Sam asked as Dean and I walked into our motel room. He had the same look a mom would have if she caught her daughter sneaking out at night. He was sitting at the table with his laptop open.
The two of us just laughed at each other, thinking about how less than ten minutes ago, we almost got into a fist fight with a waiter.
“Well, while you two were out goofing off, I got these,” he held up some papers.
“The provenances?” I asked.
Sam nodded in response, going back to looking between the papers and his computer.
“Yeah? So how was it, Sammy?” Dean smirked.
“Fine. We finished our dinner, she took me to her place, gave me a copy of the papers,” Sam explained.
“And?” Dean asked, raising his eyebrows up and down.
“And nothing. That’s it, I left. She gave me the papers and I left.”
“Oh, I bet that’s not all you gave her.”
I slapped Dean’s chest in response so as to scold him.
“Can you get your mind out of the gutter for two seconds, please?” Sam said, rolling his eyes.
“Maybe you should put your mind in the gutter,” Dean retaliated.
“Dean Henry Winchester,” I scolded him.
“You should put your mind in the gutter too,” he back-talked.
“No one is putting their mind in the gutter,” I said, almost as a shout.
Just then, Sam stood and walked over to the door.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“I need to check something. I’ll be right back.”
Check something…
“I had a lot of fun tonight on our date,” Dean spoke once Sam had left.
So he had been considering it a date…
“I don’t really think it was a date. I mean, we just sat around eating crab cakes and spying on your brother.” Why did I say that?
“Yes… but we did so in a romantic setting.”
“Yeah, ‘cause nothing says ‘romance’ like disgusting wine and eavesdropping,” I laughed.
He walked over and placed my hands in his. I was sure my heart rate was 200 beats a minute.
“Are you saying you wouldn’t wanna do it again?”
“I never said that. It just wasn’t my ideal form of a first date,” I clarified.
“Oh? And what exactly would you consider your ideal form of a first date?” he asked with his eyebrows raised.
I thought about it for a moment. “We’d share a nice, candlelit dinner with a bottle of wine and talk for hours. And eventually, you’d drive me home and give me a goodnight kiss," I told him.
"We did have dinner and wine tonight," he rebutted.
"We had an appetizer and a crappy bottle of wine. It didn't count."
"Can I still give you a goodnight kiss?" he asked.
"What has gotten into you?"
"I don't know. Maybe that's your influence."
He leaned down as I leaned up. He kissed me, slow and sweet. Not exactly how I imagined Dean's kisses, but I was over the moon nonetheless. His lips were plump, and his hands were soft as they rested on my hips.
Just then, the door opened abruptly. We quickly pulled apart. I didn't know about Dean, but I was too embarrassed to kiss him in front of Sam. Not that I was embarrassed or ashamed of Dean, it was just that everything moved so quickly for me, that I wasn't quite sure how to act or respond.
"Hmm," was all Sam said.
"You got any leads or not?" Dean asked.
"I think I may have figured something out. I think we need to burn it," Sam explained.
"That's great," Dean replied before kissing me once again. Suddenly, I didn't feel all that embarrassed. I was just happy to feel his lips against my lips.
Maybe that was just the influence he had on me...
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Future Emmy here! Apologizing on October Emmy's behalf bc i realize now that this imagine is kinda horrid, but as I've said pretty much every other day this week, I have not had a chance to write anything new so I had to post something I wrote a while ago. Hope you guys understand!
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writing-funsies · 2 years
OP characters with artist s/o P.3
p.1 | p.2 | p.3 | p.4 | p.5 | p.6
pairings: Kid x reader, Killer x reader, Law x reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol, cursing, brief mention of death
he has a space just for you in his workshop
more times than not
the crew knows to look for both of you in said workshop
you two bounce ideas off of each other
the creative storm 
that's what everyone calls it
because you and Kid get so riled up
that you end up just screaming incoherently at each other
well, you both know what the other is saying
but I digress
you often experience art block when he's on a roll with his inventions
and his brain stops working about the same time you find your inspiration
it's a vicious cycle
but it keeps a much needed balance on the Victoria Punk
when you both find yourselves creating nonstop
everyone gets worried
Killer especially
you and the tulip often go days with little food or water or sleep
you can't just stop
what if your ideas disappear the moment you look away? 
what are you supposed to do then?
but then the blocks hit
and all hell breaks loose
with no ideas for your creative outlet
you get grumpy
which makes Kid even crankier
if there's anything on the ship that's not bolted down
it's fair game for the ensuing tantrums
just one spare glance is enough for either of you to jump on someone
fighting is better than just sitting around bored
though you find yourself quite calm after a few beers
and a bottle of wine
and like eight pints of ale
the point is
getting drunk also helps
(don't do that for real though cause your poor liver)
(also alcoholism isn't a fun hobby my guys)
Kid is just as destructive as before
but it's funnier now
because everyone is having a good time
anyway Kid loves spending time with you as you both work on your projects
it's a nice way to bond without all the mushy couple crap other people do
he likes that you're so artsy
you always find the most off-the-wall things to try
and he enjoys trying new things with you
mainly because the worst-case scenario results in maybe an hour of cleaning
and not with a pile of corpses
if you like whittling or any type of paper mache
and you make this man a mask
he'd be so happy that he's on the verge of tears
even if the mask isn't durable enough to wear in public
or while fighting
he'd still wear it in the safety of his room
where you can see him wearing it
he wants you to know how touched he is that you made it for him
he doesn't really know how to express how happy it makes him when you make stuff for him
so he'll just wear the things you make 
or he'll hang them up for everyone to see
if there's a particular sketch or painting that he really likes
he might hang it up in his private quarters 
so he can look at it before he goes to bed 
if you decided to try your hand at making jewelry
he would wear it
if that jewelry broke
he would be
he would be so upset that he messed up your hard work
you make him a new one that's even sturdier than before
you probably work on some of your projects while he's making dinner
it's one of the only times that you two can get some semi-peace and quiet before everyone goes to bed
he enjoys the downtime with you
him boiling some pasta
and you scribbling away in your sketchbook
planning your next big project 
if there is anyone that's a hypocrite
it's this man
and that's hypocrite with a capital H
you often become hyperfocused on your art
which leads to a lack of sleep
and self-awareness
Law doesn't like that
you need your rest
and to eat
and to stay hydrated
as much as he loves the art that you make
he can't allow his darling to neglect their own personal health
which is so funny coming from him
he doesn't mind when you sit in his office while he works
as long as you don't distract him too much
you'll make goofy sketches of him until you can't contain your laughter
which will promptly get you kicked out
but it was worth it
when he finds you drawing the other crew members
them posing while you furiously try to get all of the detail down
he can't help but smile
it warms his heart to see you all so happy
he'd never admit it
but he loves when you draw him or anything for him or stuff that reminds you of him
the amount of detail you put into your art is incredible
you manage to capture his tattoos and dark circles perfectly
maybe you'd mess around with drawing some tattoo designs for him
just general sketches
nothing fancy
and he'd be flipping through your sketchbook one day
when he sees them
he falls in love all over again
you know exactly what he likes in terms of style and content
so he'd get one of your tattoos
and surprise you with it
if you approve of him using your designs
(which of course you do, that was the whole point of drawing them)
he'd definitely get you to draw him some more
he might even encourage you to become a tattoo artist 
only if you're interested in doing so though
tattoos are something so personal to him
that he would be touched if you designed matching ones for you and him
and if you got some of your own that were dedicated to him
this man would spend hours just looking at them
tracing over them with his fingers
there aren't enough words in the world for him to even begin explaining how much he appreciates and loves you
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kaijurakunsobs · 3 years
The lords with a very cottage core s/o who just,,,is a ray of sunshine. Maybe a witch too idk?? That would make it better because she can suddenly be all “who hurt your feelings I’ll give them one of my cursed objects or this stone I’ve been screaming at for weeks”
this is what I'm talking about!
why are you guys so cute and precious with your asks? I just wanna call y'all cute little names cuz you make me smile
enough of that, let's get some cottagecore witch babe!
Alcina Dimitrescu
the woman knows the rumors of the witch that lives deep in the forest, she remembers the days when that same forest was inhabited by your kind, now only you remain
but the rumors are far from the truth, you don't have a face covered in warts, or needle-like teeth. You are beautiful and warm like the sun she remembers from the youth
she had allowed you into the Castle during a rather harsh storm, sure she would have a new maiden for her wine, but she was somehow dissuaded when you gave her a smile
A kitchen witch is what you said you were
"Magic can be infused into meals too, all I need is to have an intent and will"
she watched in quiet amazement as you offered to cook dinner, unmoved by touching human flesh, laughing and saying "Great-grandma used to do worst, my Lay!"
the Lady takes a quick interest in you, deciding to court you and pursue something more meaningful
it becomes clear to the maids that try SHOULD NOT touch the altar you have placed in the kitchen
you might be kind but you won't tolerate people touching your stuff, something the lady finds rather attractive
Donna Beneviento
being shy and preferring to stay on the sidelines, your relationship with Donna starts when she catches you foraging the area around her house for herbs and roots
it starts simple, sharing small stories and allowing Angie to sit in your lap when coming to visit her
Donna cries in joy when you give her the gift of a glamour, the scar that tormented her for so long, gone with the wave of your hand
it's important for her, so it's important for you
Angie becomes your small little helper, throwing suggestions when ask who you should hex next
Salvatore Moreau
you and Sal have been friends for the longest time, he enjoys the stories you tell him about the outside world and you love to sit and listen to him ramble about his siblings
he marvels when you show him small illusions or explain what kind of potions you can do, hes eager to learn and even help you
mother Miranda is almost impressed someone like you would even spare time in something like that
you have never been one to be vengeful, but hearing Heisenberg call sweet Sal a "moronic freak" as you seeing red
Alcina and Angie both laugh when the metal man starts spitting toads, pieces of rats, and other vermin
"That will keep happening if you don't apologize to Sal and if it's a half-assed apology? IT.WILL.GET.WORST"
that week Sal comes to you, rather excited that his big brother has been acting nice to him
Karl Heisenberg
the first time he sees you, is...uncomfortable for you
you are covered in sheep's blood, the animal's liver in your hand, and about to be used for divination
the village people hate you, so it was easy to confuse the man for a hunter, finally sent out to end your life. Instead he asks if you are eating the whole sheep
Heisenberg is rather...odd
he doesn't bat an eye when you appear at his door covered in mud and what, he suspects, must be blood
he does find joy in the way you can curse Alcina and he gets to see the results, coming back to your hut to tell you how miserable she looks
with time, the man grows protective of you, scaring off the villagers that might try to harm you. he says it's payback for all the tricks you play on Alcina
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tothemeadow · 3 years
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Art trade with @azurenocturne​
Art originally done by @ Lsjenjen on twitter
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
- Kyojuro decides to take your relationship to the next level while teaching you how utterly amazing you are, no matter what anyone else says. -
warnings: NSFW, oral sex, mentions of emotional abuse, Douma is kind of a dickhead
words: 2k
“You’re doing it again.”
Snapping away from your reverie, you nearly drop your phone as you fumble around, embarrassment heating up your insides. You hadn’t even realized you were spacing out again. Still, Douma cracks a smile. You tense as he reaches over the table, the rings adorning his fingers catching the afternoon light streaming in through the windows. He merely pats the crown of your head with a gentle touch; you know that this is all for show since the two of you are in public. While Douma has never struck you during the course of your relationship, he isn’t gentle either.
“Stupid girl,” he mutters. “There isn’t anything that important in your life to distract you this much.”
Ah, there it is.
You’re used to the biting words, the snarky comments, the endless insults. On some days, it’s like his sole mission in life is to yell at you constantly, but what can you do about it? It is your fault, after all. Maybe if you had your head on straight or weren’t so sensitive, things could be better for you in life.
You swallow dryly. The plate of half-eaten food sitting in front of you doesn’t even look appetizing anymore. “I’ve got exams coming up, you know that,” you tell him, voice low. You know better than to talk back to him, especially when you’re in public like this.
With a scoff, Douma leans back in his seat. It’s unfair that he’s still unbelievably attractive even when irritated; strong jaw set, eyes heavy lidded, and birch hair pulled up high, he looks like he’s ready to set foot out on the runway rather than be sitting here on a lunch date with you. The houndstooth material of his jacket ruffles as he crosses his arms. He’s just so pretty, incredibly so, and you’d be damned if you said you couldn’t bear to stare at him all day.
“Well, you’re with me,” he spits. “Exams be damned.”
“Douma, you know I can’t fail these courses if I want to graduate-“
“I don’t care,” Douma interrupts. “Christ, all I did was ask you out to lunch, and all you do is think about it your classes? What am I, chopped liver?”
“No,” you say frantically, “of course not. I’m sorry. Please… Please don’t be mad.”
Douma sighs. His expression softens, then; getting up from his chair, he opts to take the spot next to you instead. “I know you’re sorry, my little cherub. You know all I want to do is to be stuck in that pretty little head of yours, right?” With a gentle hum, he slings an arm around your shoulder and nuzzles the top of your head. “You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?”
It’s those simple words that makes your tummy flutter and the ice around your heart to melt. This is why you love Douma, after all. Sure, he can be mean sometimes, but he means well.
A smile blossoms across your face as you lean into his warmth. “I promise.”
When it comes to playing life, you always act the fool.
Words are cheap, enough said. It just so happens that Douma’s are practically dirt.
Although he knows you’re sorry about focusing on your studies lately, it’s almost if he never drops the subject. He has a point though – he is your boyfriend, after all. It’s just your fault that you have the improper abilities of juggling your love life and schooling at the same time. It’s when he’s attending his own classes that you’re finally able to breathe, even though you feel guilty about thinking that way in the first place.
You still can’t shake off the guilt as you venture through the school’s library, browsing for books your professor recommended for you to better understand the material. It’s a slow process, your eyes scanning over each of the exposed spines. “No… no… no… “ you say to yourself, the quiet mantra continuing on while your search comes up with nothing. “Dammit, why can’t I – ah!”
Before you know it, your body is colliding into someone else’s; as you’re about to take an inevitable tumble and land on your ass, a strong hand grasps onto your forearm while another lands on the small of your back.
“Whoa there! Sorry about that!” a deep, attention-getting voice whisper-yells.
As you open your eyes (you didn’t even realize you closed them to begin with), your met with a boy around your age, eyes bright and blond hair held back with a backwards ballcap. As he flashes you a cheeky smile, you’re struck by how white his teeth are compared to his golden skin, the sharp line of his jaw. Your heart thuds in your chest, and for good reason, too – this man is hot.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” this stranger continues. He pulls you upright, making sure you’re properly balanced before giving you a onceover to check for any bruises.
“I’m alright, thank you,” you say awkwardly. It’s incredible how quickly your body heats up under his gaze despite literally just bumping into the guy. “I wasn’t paying attention anyway, it’s all my fault-“
“Hey,” he interrupts, his eyes crinkling even further, “I wasn’t paying attention either. Don’t take all the blame for yourself, eh?” He sticks out a hand, then, the prominent veins in his forearm and hand instantly catching your attention. “Rengoku Kyojuro, at your service. You can just call me Kyojuro, though.”
The name rolls around your brain like a loose bolt. You wonder how it tastes on your tongue, how your lips feel when you say it. “Kyojuro,” you say, testing it out. You immediately decide you like it. Grasping onto his hand, you introduce yourself, an easy smile making its way onto your features before you even realize it. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Right back at ya,” he chirps.
His hand is large and warm. In fact, heat seems to radiate off his body, tempting you to lean in and hold him close.
“Say,” Kyojuro says, a hopeful glint shining in his eyes, “do you want to grab a coffee or something?”
Your heart nearly gets stuck in your throat. For a moment, you think of Douma and what he would he say if he found out about you grabbing coffee with some other guy. However, Kyojuro just seems so nice and, well, perfect.
“Yeah,” you tell him, “I’d love to.”
After that fateful meeting, things started to change.
During the free moments you had, you would meet up with Kyojuro, either to go out to eat or simply have a study session together. You quickly found yourself thoroughly enjoying his company, and all for the right reasons. Despite his excitable, bold behavior, he was kind, more so than most people you know. You craved to be in his presence, to have his pearly smile directed at you. Hell, even the thought of him made your heart throb.
Of course, it didn’t take long for Douma to start noticing your “odd” behavior. You acted distant whenever the two of you were together, so much more… closed. What really got him, though, was when he confronted you about it. I found someone else, you had told him, face and voice equally solemn. This is the end of us. Even you were shocked by the mere fact that you had dumped him; after all this time, you were finally free of his cruel words and the endless pain.
“You’re doing it again, sweetie.”
Just like that, you’re snapping back to reality and away from your thoughts. “Sorry,” you mutter, “I was just thinking of… things.”
Even after a few months of ditching Douma for Kyojuro, you still find yourself spacing out. Kneeling on the bed like this, your hand hangs in the air, absentmindedly holding a brush while the other is still holding onto Kyojuro’s blond locks. Turning around fully, Kyojuro’s thick brows furry together as a glint of worry sparks in his eyes. “Hey, hey, look at me,” he urges, taking your face into his hands. “I am not Douma. I’ll never be like him, you got it?” Gently stroking your cheek, he flashes you a soft smile. “I couldn’t bear to put you in pain like that, my sweets. You’re too special for anything like that.”
Oh god, he’s so gentle, so freaking sweet that you’ll get a toothache. As cheesy as it sounds, your heart yearns for him, for his promises, and for his loving touches. You don’t think you’ve ever met someone like this in your life.
“So please,” Kyojuro continues, gaze dropping to your mouth, “trust me.”
And you do. For the love of everything high and mighty, you trust this guy with your entire being. The kiss you two share starts off slow, yet it’s so full of unspoken feeling that it makes your heart soar. You can’t deny the fact that his hands feel good as they trail lower, brushing over your neck and shoulders before settling on your waist. Hell, you love it when he presses you onto your back, his weight hovering over you protectively. Like this, Douma can’t hurt you. Douma can’t even get near you, not when Kyojuro is around, not when he’s treating you this softly.
It didn’t take very long for you to confide in Kyojuro about how your relationship with Douma went. Appalled by Douma’s so-called methods, Kyojuro promised to treat you like the queen you are because you deserve it.
Even as you quake, Kyojuro holds you steady. And he’s always so warm, so wonderfully warm as he rids you of your shirt before following suit. Your fingers drift over the swell of his pectorals, the divots of his abs. Now, things have escalated between you two before, but nothing to this extent. The last person you slept with was Douma, and even then he would degrade you and make you feel like utter trash. But no, not with Kyojuro. Never with Kyojuro.
“You’re gorgeous,” he mutters, mouth slanting over your neck and down your chest. Your heart quickens as mouths your breasts, hands slipping around and unhooking your bra. “And you’re so soft and sweet…” Trailing off, he lifts himself back up, his eyes meeting yours. “You’re perfect, (y/n). I’ll be damned if anybody tells you differently.”
Heart leaping to your throat, you sling your arms around his broad shoulders and pull him back into a kiss. You refuse to let yourself shed any tears, but you can’t deny the dampness gathering in your eyes.
“Pretty girl,” Kyojuro says, mouth beginning its descent once more. This time, he carries on past your chest, lips brushing against your tummy as he carefully removes your pants. Your fingers comb through his hair as little gasps slip through your lips; nuzzling you through your panties, he openly gropes your thighs and ass, deep, rumbling moans vibrating in his chest.
“Kyojuro,” you breathe, back arching as he yanks down your panties and presses his mouth against your quivering pussy. His movements remain slow, but the deep stroke of his tongue inside your pussy or the strong suckling on your clit has you seeing stars. His bright eyes never leave your face, a lustful yet loving expression carved into his handsome features. A slight yank on his hair has him redoubling his efforts; easily bending your thighs to your chest, he works at your pussy vigorously, the lewd noises and his husky groans filling your ears.
“So fucking perfect,” he mutters, thick fingers slipping past your folds. You keen at the touch, your velvety walls fluttering around his digits. “You’re wonderful, my sweets,” he coos, pressing his mouth to the inside of your knee in a quick kiss. “I love you.”
“Kyojuro, please,” you pant. The tears building up in your eyes finally break free as you reach out towards him. “Make love to me… won’t you?”
Drawing away from your dripping pussy, Kyojuro hovers over you, a dazzling grin painted on his face. “Are you sure about that?”
You nod frantically. “Yes. I… I trust you, my love.”
Hearing the pet name tumble from your mouth has Kyojuro’s eyes crinkling. “Anything for you, sweetie,” he purrs, reaching down and undoing his pants. “Everything for you.”
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The Cult Girl (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 13
Hello friends we have come to the end of Cult Girl. Thank you all for hyping me up throughout this story and giving me the confidence to actually post my work. Y/n and Hannibal throw a dinner party.
The sunlight streamed in through the window, illuminating the entire kitchen in that homey mid-morning glow. You were enjoying your coffee and scrolling through an article on your phone.
"Senator Hatch reportedly coughed up his late wife's toe on the floor of the precinct." You read out loud. "Huh. Wonder how that could have happened."
You side-eyed Hannibal, who was contentedly sharpening his knives. Placing a rather large meat cleaver to the side, he met your gaze. "I have my ways."
You finished off your coffee and brought the mug to the sink. "There was no way Theresa was going to survive that night, was there?"
"Clever girl." Hannibal praised.
"You were going to kill her if I didn't, were you?" You felt a smile coming on. "Did everything turn out as expected?"
"Darling, this all went much better than I could have ever hoped for." He smirked. "See, I had the whole evening mapped out. I was hoping you'd be the one to deliver justice and kill her, but I had to prepare for the possibility that you wouldn't."
You folded your arms and leaned against the island. "Is that why I was so sick that day?"
You could have sworn you saw some hesitation in Hannibal's face. Maybe even a touch of regret. "Yes. You needed an alibi. It was as easy as removing a single birth control pill from your packet. You'd see it was missing and think you'd already taken your medicine-"
"So I'd neglect to take my focus meds." You cut in. "Yeah, I knew something was off."
"By the end of the day, you'd be experiencing full withdrawal symptoms." Hannibal nodded. "I don't take any pleasure in upsetting the delicate balance of your brain chemistry, and for that I am sorry. I did what I had to."
"Yeah, don't ever do that again." You ordered, no disarming smile in sight. "I need those meds to function."
"I promise you, darling," Hannibal said, sincerely. "I would never keep you from being anything but your very best. I was just looking after you."
"I suppose now that all this is out in the open, you won't need to pull any shit like that again." You muttered. "But I'm still going to keep my pills at my apartment."
"That reminds me." He said. "Would you like to invite your roommates for dinner tonight? I've prepared a wonderful Spanish-inspired menu that's perfect for entertaining."
"I'd love for you to meet my friends, but, they all keep such weird hours I doubt they'll all be free tonight." You shrugged. "I'll give them a call though."
"Wonderful." He smiled. "You make arrangements while I prepare the kitchen."
You stepped into the office and called up Pilar. She answered within the minute.
"[F/N]!" She near shouted. "Holy fuck, how are you doing?"
"I'm actually doing..." you looked back into the kitchen, watching your beloved Hannibal in his element. "Really well."
"I heard about your cousin." Pilar cut in. "One down, two to go."
You snorted. "No fucking shit."
"Sorry, was that okay for me to say?" She apologized. "I know you said Theresa was a bitch, but it's your trauma and I-"
"No, you're fine." You laughed. "She was a bitch. Hey, do you have any plans tonight?"
"Uh, no. I don't think so." She answered. "Why?"
"Hannibal wants to invite you all for dinner tonight." You said with an audible smile. "Y'know, to celebrate the bitch's death."
"Yo! Steph!" Pilar shouted across the room. "Wake Randy up! We're having dinner at [F/N]'s rich boyfriend's house!"
You could make out Stephanie's voice in the background. "It's about damn time. We've been waiting for her to redistribute the wealth."
"She means thank you for the invitation." Pilar corrected.
"It's not like I had to twist his arm or anything. It was his idea." You chuckled. "He loves having guests. And excuses to dress up."
"Oh so we're getting fancy, huh?" Pilar's voice turned up in excitement.
"Hey [F/N]!" Randy snatched the phone from Pilar. "Text me the menu for tonight. My girlfriend'll steal a nice bottle of wine to pair. She's a pro, she works over at Cavatappi's wine and spirits."
"Much obliged, Randy." You said. "I'll see you guys at seven."
You returned to the kitchen with a smile. "They're coming."
"Well, we don’t have a moment to lose, then." Hannibal placed something wrapped in butcher paper on the counter. "Come now. Let me show you how to properly prepare a heart.
You and Hannibal spent the rest of the morning and the whole afternoon preparing a bountiful meal. You reveled in the irony of finally finding a space for Theresa in your life. That space just so happened to be on the stove.
Seven came far too quickly, but your friends were always a welcome sight. You greeted them at the door with hugs, Hannibal watching with stoic adoration.
"Guys, this is Hannibal Lecter, my partner." You introduced. "Hannibal, this is Pilar, Stephanie and Miranda."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, ladies." Hannibal greeted. “Please, make yourselves comfortable.”
"Here you go, Dr. Lecter." Randy handed him a bottle of wine. "Thank you for inviting us."
Hannibal examined the bottle. "Yes, this will pair quite nicely with our meal. Thank you very much. [F/N], could you show our guests to the dining room?"
You nodded and accepted the bottle, given the extra responsibility of pouring. You led your friends to the dining room and wasted no time distributing the alcohol.
"A toast." Stephanie rose her glass. "Too many of history's worst have had the privilege of dying on their own terms. Today, we celebrate the death of one who didn't: Theresa [L/N]."
"She will join her sisters Nancy Reagan and Madame Nhu in hell tonight." You concurred, tapping your glasses together with a series of satisfying clinks.
"Okay, you need to spill." Randy scooted her chair up and leaned towards you. "How the hell did you get away with it?"
"Well, it helped a lot that her husband was already a felon." You teased. "If I didn't kill her, he was going to eventually."
Pilar made a face. "I can't believe it took actual murder to get that latter-day lump thrown in prison."
"Well, the LDS church is a very influential organization with a stronghold on all of Utah." You explained. "There's a long history of legitimizing sex abuse there."
"We know, cult girl." Stephanie laughed. "You remind us every time your pedophile cousin-in-law comes up. Relax and take your victories where you can get them.” 
“Ladies,” Hannibal entered. You rushed to his side to help him with the dinner plates. “Have we ever tried organ meat before?” 
Everyone’s eyes found Pilar. 
“Braised liver is delicious and you guys are just cowards.” Pilar protested. “I will die on this hill.” 
Hannibal smiled and presented your friends with their plates. “You are a woman of good tastes, Pilar. Our first course is Riñones al Jerez.” 
“Kidneys.” Randy translated. “Who’s kidneys are we eating today, Dr. Lecter?” 
He tilted his head. “Theresa’s, of course.” 
“I don’t care whose organs you harvested.” Stephanie said, her eyes rolling back into her head. “This is delicious.” 
You and Hannibal shared a glance and a smile. 
You and your roommates devoured the Riñones al Jerez, then dug into the next serving of heart stewed with chickpeas and olives. You finished off the evening with natillas de leche and a bottle of Sauternes Hannibal just happened to have lying around. 
“This is the first time since like, Keith Raniere got sentenced that I’ve seen [F/N] happy-drunk.” Stephanie observed.
“Or even just... happy." Pilar said, looking at Hannibal. "I'll have some of whatever she's having, please."
"My pleasure." Hannibal poured her another glass of wine.
Your phone began to buzz on the table, capturing the attention of your guests. You didn't even need to look at the caller ID to know who it was. Nobody else in the world had such horrid timing.
"Shit, you've got to answer it here!" Stephanie pleaded. "So we can all give her a piece of our mind!"
You looked over to Hannibal, who you knew was just as curious.
You dragged the answer icon across the screen and put it on speaker. You gestured for your friends to be quiet. "Yeah?"
"Well look who finally decided to pick up." Grandma said. "Thank you for gracing me with your attention. I know you have so much going on right now, you're just too busy to pick up the phone and talk to your grieving grandmother."
"For your information..." you stumbled over your words. "I was interrogated by the police yesterday. I think that counts as having something going on."
"Are you drunk?" Her voice was laced with a disproportionate level of disgust.
"I'm grieving too, Beatrice." You counter. "What, suddenly you're the only one who can drink the pain away? That's not very democratic of you."
"In your state, you shouldn't even be thinking of alcohol!" Grandma scolded. "You of all people should know the effects alcohol has on an unborn baby."
You smacked yourself on the head. Of course Theresa would plant a seed to fuck you over one last time. "Did Theresa actually tell you I was pregnant?"
"It was her last message to me, actually. Anyway, you're coming home." Grandma said, without so much as waiting for a response. "I won't have my great grandchild living in that dangerous city that your cousin was killed in."
You exchanged looks with your friends, who were going through the same combination of emotions as you were. Grandma's words just seemed to fade out as you shared an entire nonverbal conversation with the people around you.
"And you're leaving that terrible, terrible man."
Hannibal raised an eyebrow and looked at you, waiting to see how you'd respond. You knew what you had to do. It was finally time. You did something you should have done a long time ago.
"No." You said, your nerves loosened by the wine.
"No. And I mean it." A big smile crossed your lips. "Theresa lied to you. I'm not pregnant. And you have to live with the fact that your granddaughter's last words to you were a blatant lie."
Hannibal looked at you with pride and your friends began to silently gas you up with encouraging gestures. "
"...And that you're the only one to blame for her deception." You continued. "You raised her in your own image."
"This is why I refuse to let you raise my great grandchild with that man!" She wailed. "He's twisted your mind against me! He's made you cruel!"
"Hannibal made me see clearly that you made me cruel." You said with absolute certainty. "You'll never see me again."
"Don't be like your mother, [F/N]." Grandma snarled. "Don't cut people out for trying to help."
"You'll never see me again." You repeated and decided to leave it at that. You ended the call and blocked the number, joined by an eruption of excitement from your friends.
It was finally over. Your life could truly begin.
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Picture Perfect
AYO! its me back with more content for the second time this week while i ignore my other wips again. this is a lil gift for @queen-o-leen who i promised wholesome content for! I hope you like it!
Timinette/Timari Oneshot 1.9K words (not related to my other timari oneshots)
“Tim spends a nice day in a park in Paris and takes a picture of a pretty girl.
He somehow gets an almost date out of it.”
no warnings this time. completely family-friendly. I know i surprise myself with this one too.
without further ado
He would be the last to admit that Jason was right and that time away was what he needed at this point in life but it can’t be ignored that, for the first time in possibly three years, Tim was having a wonderful day. He was having a wonderful week actually. After one too many unsuccessful cold cases and the simmering anxiety of off-world missions, his family, primarily Jason, for some reason, demanded that he take some time off and away from his unusual brand of normal. How that meant being sent across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris of all places, he wasn’t entirely sure. Alfred probably had a hand in that decision given that, as part of his forced vacation, Tim was not allowed to actually plan any of it. Him. Timothy Jackson Drake. The guy who stalked and manoeuvred his way into Batman’s house and team. The guy who tracked and found said man when the universe thought he was dead but was actually drifting through time. Yeah, Tim was not pleased about being led blind on his vacation. 
At least Paris was a nice city. And he brought his camera. He figured he could use this time to get back into old hobbies and what better hobby to start up again in the city of love than photography? He’s taken pictures of every tourist attraction worth visiting by his second day and began to take candid shots of people and animals. Would Damian like the animal pictures? Maybe, if they came from someone who wasn’t Tim. Is he going to try and give them to him anyways? Absolutely not. He liked his liver where it is, thank you very much. They would serve as great bribing material however. But that’s a thought for another day. 
Right now he was working on capturing what could possibly be described as the stereotypical outing with friends. He’s sitting along some bushes near the entrance of a park and staring at a group of teens his own age hanging around. He spots a brunette with thick curls of hair animatedly speaking with a guy in a vibrant cap. She’s waving a camera herself, and he appreciates her taste in equipment. Her eyes spark with fox-like mischief while the cap guy has a peaceful aura about him; like an old turtle. Next he sees a blonde, her hair is in a ridiculously high ponytail and she’s in a deep conversation with a red head off to the side of the whole group; her words are rushing out of her and she’s a buzzing bee with excitement. Another blond is in the area, but he sits in a broad patch of sun possibly napping with an open book on his chest. Very cat-like Tim supposes. He barely pays them more than a second of thought however. No. 
His focus is on the quaint beauty directly in his line of sight. She’s poised up against the giant tree trunk with a sketchbook in her lap and pencils surrounding her. Her hair hangs by her shoulders in twintails and it’s a colour so dark it seems to absorb the shade of the tree. She’s scribbling furiously on the page before her and her tongue is slightly peaking out to the side. Her forehead is creased with stress lines and her shoulders hunch slightly over her frame. She’s the vision of deep concentration and dedication and Tim would be a fool not to capture her. He’s gotten wide shots of her companions but now he wants to focus on her. 
Looking through the lens of his camera he zooms in on her profile. When his camera focuses, he spots a constellation of freckles across her cheeks, barely there, almost blending in with her complexion but Tim is nothing if not hypervigilant. He goes to take another photo when a bug flies into view. It’s a ladybug. It lands precariously on the tip of her nose and it’s just the thing that breaks her out of her work-induced trance. Tim is watching her now, long forgetting to click the shutter. Her eyes cross as she stares intently at the black-spotted creature and its presence seems to amuse her. She’s giggling to herself, as if sharing an inside joke with the bug and reaches a slim finger to swipe the insect gently from her nose. She inspects it and smiles a smile so soft that not even a feather could compare. He feels like an intruder. More so than one who takes pictures of cute strangers in public. 
Coming back to his senses, he takes another picture, the final picture, and lowers the camera from his face. He looks back at his temporary muse and finds that she is already looking at him. Her head tilts in confusion. Apprehension. Possibly a bit of fear. Which is valid given that Tim was pointing a camera at her from across the public park. What should he do though to quell her fears? 
He felt his face lift into a grin; he didn’t need to look at himself to know it was awkward and forced. A shrug of his shoulders and a flimsy wave of the camera in his hand was the only thing he did. Before he could begin to stumble over himself in apology, however, she surprised him. With a cautious hunch, her shoulders brought up to her ears, and an embarrassed smile to match his own, she slowly flips her sketchbook around and he comes face to face with, well, his face. It was a portrait of him. She had drawn a portrait of him. And she was showing him. Feeling embolden, he flips his camera to show her the screen but she’s too far away. He gets up on unsteady legs, cramped from his uncomfortable position, and begins a slow stride towards her. She meets him in the middle.
“Hi.” He barely speaks those words. They’re more like an exhale or a sigh of relief that he hadn’t scared her off. 
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind the drawing.” Her voice is high and light. Like a spring breeze. She’s daintily waving at him and he sees that her fingers are rough, and calloused. Unexpected but he finds it rather charming. Before he could get another word in, she’s off like an engine. “I just saw you there, and you had your camera so I figured you were taking pictures of us and thought that if you were then you wouldn’t mind me sketching you in kind but I should have asked and I’m sorry for breaching your privacy—” 
“Wait, slow down.” He fears that if he hadn’t interrupted her when he did she would run out of oxygen. Did she even breathe during her spiel? A voice in his head, that sounds like Cass, utters a soft ‘pot, kettle’ and okay, he sees a lot of himself in her mile-a-minute style of speaking. 
“No need to apologize. I’m flattered, truly. You were right, I was taking pictures of you. And your friends!” he hastily adds that last part. He turns his camera so the display screen faces her and he feels himself hold his breath in anticipation. 
A blush rises to her cheeks, red like the ladybug that interrupted her. He quite likes that colour on her. His eyes drift to the sketch and he’s further impressed by her skill. She has an eye for detail. He notices a bird in the background. It’s a robin. That piques his interest and lights a flicker of fear within him. 
“May I ask,” he begins slowly, unsure of what that little addition could mean. Did she know? How could she? Was his identity compromised?
“Why did you draw a robin in the background? It’s lovely but I’m curious,” he finishes. He’s going to play dumb until he has more information. She seems taken off guard by the question and raises her shoulders to her ears again in an embarrassed hunch.
“Well,” she starts, but she seems unsure and the words die on her tongue. She tries again.
“I just saw it fly by and then it landed behind you. So I thought ‘why not?’ and drew it. It seemed fitting.” She wasn’t looking him in the eye and now he felt kind of felt like a jerk for baselessly accusing some random girl. Of course it was just a coincidence. This bat-paranoia was going to be the end of him one day. It’s by sheer miracles and luck why it hasn’t already. 
“Oh, no worries. It just surprised me because it’s my favourite bird.” Right. Lie to the pretty French girl. But what else could he do? Tell her the truth?
“Then it’s a cool coincidence, huh?” She seems encouraged by that tidbit of information.
“Yeah, pure luck on your part.”
“What?” She seems more startled at that than Tim thinks she should be but before he can think deeper into it she speaks again and he would be a fool to not give her his undivided attention.
“Why did you take a picture of me with the ladybug? If you don’t mind me asking.” That stumps him because, to be honest, he does not know why himself. It just felt right. So he tells her as such.
“Well that would be another coincidence because ladybugs are my favourite insects.” She gives him a full smile alongside that statement and the brilliance of it almost blinds him. He wants to capture that smile for eternity. 
The thought strikes him. He doesn’t want this moment to end. He knows by the Friday of next week he’ll be flying back to Gotham where it’s business as usual and Red Robin won’t have time for commitments and puppy love. But right now? Right now Tim Drake is on vacation with a week and half left and all the time in the world to entertain the idea of a spring romance. Making the decision, he goes for it and takes the chance.
“I was getting a bit hungry. Do you know anywhere that’s good to eat at?” It’s an offer, open to interpretation. If she just lists some place, he knows where her interests lay. If she offers to escort him somewhere, then she’s taken the bait for exactly what it is, an invitation for more; whatever more is. He hopes she takes the bait. 
“Yes I do actually! My parents own a bakery just outside the park.” Her enthusiasm is uplifting and the offer of a place so personal is a good sign in Tim’s book. “Let me show the way, and I could join you if you would like.”
“Perfect. That’s wonderful. It will be my treat since you’re going out of your way on my account.”
“Nonsense. Like I said, it’s my parents’ bakery. They’ll be more than happy to give some complimentary snacks.” She loops her arm around his and begins to drag him to the park gate. She’s strong and her grip is firm and Tim feels lightheaded at the ease with which she pulls him. He can’t help but be swept up in the tides that is this girl. 
“I’m Tim, by the way. Tim Drake.” He offers his name, something he should have done at the beginning.
She looks back at him over her shoulder and he’s caught up in the oceans of her eyes. They’re alight with joy. 
“Nice to meet you, Tim. I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
“Nice to meet you too.”
They’re almost by the bakery now, he can smell the fresh baked goods from here, and he can’t wait to sit down and get to know this girl better. Maybe get her number by the end of their lunch.
Yeah. Tim was having a wonderful day.
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dirtykpopsnaps · 3 years
Oh, Shit...He’s A Swimmer — Dannyphantom.exe smut
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Warnings: This fic contains 18+ material. Anyone under 18 seen interacting with this fic will be blocked!!
Contains: Swimmer!Danny. Lifeguard!Y/N. (Kind of) public sex. unprotected sex (he pulls out, but wrap it up). I think that’s it?? This isn’t really kinky...
Also, a short appearance from William_papa_
Requested: no
Words: 3, 541 (oh, holy shit)
A/N: Okay...the character Nicole in this fic is *heavily* based on my best friend. Some of Nicole’s lines are things that she actually says.
All around me, students hurry from class to class. The sun is shining brightly overhead and I hum happily in the warmth. A soft wind tussles my hair as I make my way towards the main building. I hike my bookbag further up on my shoulder and pull open the door, looking around for my best friend. My eyes flit over several groups of students before I see her and smile brightly. “Nicole!” I exclaim, hurrying over to her. Nicole’s eyes meet mine and she smiles happily, pushing away from the wall she was leaning on. “Ready for lunch?” I ask.
“Ugh, yes. I’m a hungry hippo,” she complains, rubbing her stomach. I laugh lightly, rolling my eyes at her.
“Has Will shown up yet? I didn’t see him,” I say, looking around again.
“Okay, if he was here, you would see him. Your brother is a giant,” she reminds me.
“Tell me about it. Dunno how he got all the height in the family and I ended up a measly 5’4,” I sigh.
Chatting back and forth, Nicole and I walk into the dining hall. We grab a table and I set down my bookbag before heading towards the cafeteria line. I grab two plates and hand one to Nicole, looking at the food that’s being offered today. Calmly, I grab some fries and a chicken patty on a bun before getting a water bottle. Nicole grabs her food and follows me back to the table.
At the table, we both sit down. I notice some a new bookbag and ID have appeared and immediately know that Will is here. Nicole must notice, too, because she comments on it before sitting down and starting to eat. Our lunch conversation is fairly normal. We talk about classes and assignments that we have to do. When my brother joins us, I start talking about something funny that happened in one of my classes today.
All around us, other students are talking happily with their friends. When our conversation lulls, I start looking around at the other students. This is something that I like doing sometimes, people watching. It’s interesting to see what other people are doing and wonder what’s going on in their life. My eyes scan over the room, resting on no one in particular. Suddenly, my eyes are drawn across the room and I see...him. He’s sitting by himself at a table, just staring off into space. His white-blonde hair looks cute and fluffy and I have the urge to run my fingers through it. His strong arms are on full display, leaned against the table with his chin his palm. Truthfully, he’s very attractive, but I’m more just curious about who he is.
I must have been quiet for a while because I’m pulled back to the conversation with a shout of my name. I blink a few times, focusing back on Nicole and Will. They’re both staring at me and I flash an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry...what were you saying?” I ask. Nicole rolls her eyes at me jokingly.
“What am I, chopped liver?” She asks. I laugh lightly, shaking my head.
“No, no, sorry. Just people watching,” I say.
“Any interesting people?” Will asks, looking around the cafeteria. I look back over in the direction of the white-haired boy.
“Well...there’s this guy that I don’t recognize. He might’ve transferred this semester or something,” I say, shrugging lightly.
“Where?” Will asks, looking around again.
“Over there. He’s alone at a table, white hair.”
Quietly, Will follows my eyesight and he seems to see the boy, too. “Oh, that’s Danny,” he says calmly, going back to his food. I stare at him in surprise.
“You know him?!” I ask in shock. Will shrugs his shoulders.
“I mean, not well. I share some classes with him. He’s nice enough,” Will explains.
“Oh, okay,” I say, starting to eat again, too.
“Yeah, he sits near me so we talk sometimes. I occasionally tell him about my soccer games and he talks about his meets.” Nicole knits her eyebrows together, turning to Will.
“His meets?” She asks. Will nods his head lightly.
“Yeah, he’s on the swim team. Joined early this semester.”
For a few seconds, there’s silence between the three of us. Then, the information he just gave us settles in.
“Wait a second...he’s a swimmer?!” I ask in shock. Will gives me a confused look for a second before answering.
“Uh...yeah? I’m pretty sure, anyway,” he says slowly. “Am...Am I missing something?” His eyes quickly dart between Nicole and I. Immediately, Nicole and I make eye contact. She throws her head back, cackling at the situation I’ve gotten myself into.
“Nope...nothing that you should know,” I say, looking back down at my food.
See the thing is...I kind of have a thing for swimmers. Nicole knows this, as I’ve told her about it several times. Honestly, I don’t know what it is. I just find swimmers very...hot. I’m not really sure why, but I’ve always found them particularly attractive. Up until recently, I was on swim team myself. I only stopped when I started college because my major is very intensive and I didn’t want to have to focus on too many things. Maybe I’ll join again one day, but who knows.
For the rest of lunch, Will keeps trying to bring the topic back up. Thankfully, Nicole helps me change the topic again every time and I’m able to avoid telling him anything. As much as I love my brother, talking about crushes and things I find attractive can be hard. He can get a bit overprotective sometimes and it’s kind of frustrating. So, if I can avoid conversations like that, I do.
Soon enough, we finish lunch and each head out to our different things. Nicole and will still have lectures, so they head towards their lecture halls. My classes finished for the day, so I go back to my dorm to work on homework. Thankfully, I don’t have too much work and I’m done within a couple hours. I take a break for a while and just turn on some random YouTube videos. Around 5 o’clock, I change into my swimsuit and pull clothes over top. I’m having dinner with Will and Nicole like every night and then I’m going to head to my job at the school’s indoor pool. I’m the lifeguard, so I kind of need to be there for people to be able to swim.
Dinner is normal, small conversation between the three of us. Thankfully, Will seems to have forgotten about our lunchtime conversation, so I don’t need to worry about that. When I’m done with dinner, I say goodbye to Nicole and Will before heading towards the college’s sports center. The sports center is a large building over by the football field and holds a lot of the college’s indoor sports. There’s a gym, dance rooms, track and basketball courts, plus an indoor pool. I’m almost always here, even when I’m not working. Like I said, I enjoy swimming, so I usually swim when I’m not working.
Calmly, I walk into the sports center and make my way towards the pool. I unlock the doors and turn on the lights, pulling my clothes off and putting them in the lifeguard locker. For the most part, the lifeguard shifts are pretty quiet. Of course, there’s the regulars that come in, but they usually take Friday and the weekends off. I sigh softly, sitting in the lifeguard chair and just listening to the buzz of the overhead lights.
For a while, everything is pretty quiet. Then, out of nowhere, I hear one of the changing room doors open and close. Not thinking much of it, I look up to see who’s entered the pool. Standing just at the end of one of the pool lanes, slowly getting into the water is...him. The boy from lunch...Danny, I think Will called him. I feel my eyes get wide before I look down at my lap again, my mind going into a frenzy. ‘He’s never come before, why is he here now?! He’s here to swim, you idiot. Oh my god. Holy shit...I have to watch him swim. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.’ I’m internally screaming at the thoughts of having to watch this incredibly hot guy swim.
Taking a deep breath, I try to clear my head. Looking up again, my eyes fall on Danny. He’s in the water now and is slowly starting to swim laps. I watch as the water makes ripples where his arms and legs enter and exit. His drenched white-blonde hair sticks to his forehead when he comes up for bits of air. His arms are on even better display than they were at lunch and I can’t help but watch as his muscles flex while he swims. ‘stop that. but... no, stop that! he’s gonna think you’re some weirdo!’ my mind yells at me. I sigh softly, fiddling with the rings of keys that I have.
Suddenly, I hear someone speak up and my heart stops. There’s only one person that it could be. “You know...it’s rude to stare. Though, I’m not complaining,” he chuckles. His voice is a little higher than I imagined, but it doesn’t bother me. I scramble for words, trying to think of *anything* to say to him.
“Sorry. I don’t mean to, I just...I...you’re...you’re really handsome and I...I can’t help it,” I stumble over my words. Internally, I’m smacking myself over the head. Y/N...you are a goddamn idiot.
“Oh, well, I’m glad you think so. You’re rather pretty, as well,” he smiles. I stare at him with wide eyes.
“I...me?!” I ask, pointing at my chest. He laughs lightly, his beautiful caramel eyes lighting up.
“Is that so hard to believe? I’m surprised you don’t hear it more often.”
Resting his arms against the tiled floor, he looks up at me from the water. “It’s...not so much hard to believe as it is surprising to hear from someone as hot as you,” I explain.
“What can I say? I see a pretty girl and I just have to let her know,” he chuckles.
“I’m not complaining, just a little surprised,” I respond. He flashes a bright smile.
“I’ll just need to make sure to compliment you more often.” With that, he pushes off the wall and starts doing laps again.
While he’s here, I do my best to focus on my actual job. Though, my job is to make sure he’s okay, so...I suppose I was doing my job, anyway. No one else comes into the pool, surprisingly. For a couple hours, it’s just the two of us talking. Danny stops every once in a while and holds up short conversations to me. While he’s swimming, I try not to stare at him too much. Though, there’s not much else to do in here, so my eyes keep getting drawn back to him. Every few laps, he switches swimming styles, sometimes swimming free style and other times backstroke.
The time slowly ticks by and I’m bored out of my mind. Besides having Danny to talk to, nothing else is going on. I sigh softly, leaning back against the lifeguard chair. Against the wall, the clock clicks again and I look up. It reads back 9 o’clock and I stand up, getting Danny’s attention. He stops swimming and looks up at me, treading water. “Pools gotta close,” I tell him. He nods his head once and swims down to the end, climbing out of the water.
Yet again, I have to force my eyes to look elsewhere. The water droplets running down his broad back is so much more sensual than it should be. I jump in surprise when I feel his presence next to me. Trying to keep my breathing steady, I look up into those gorgeous, caramel eyes. “You know...I’ve been thinking of this all night,” he hums softly. I feel his cool hand brush against my face lightly. “Can I kiss you?” He asks. My breath is completely gone and all I can do is nod my head. He flashes a small smile and leans forward, capturing my lips with his.
Leaning forward, I wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel water dripping onto my skin, but I couldn’t care less. His lips taste slightly salty, most likely from the chlorine, but I don’t mind it. His hands are resting against my hips, kneading the skin. When he pulls away, I try to lean up and chase his lips. He just chuckles at me. “Darling...if you want this to go any further, I suggest we move to the locker room,” he says softly. My mind is so fuzzy that it takes me a few seconds to realize what he means. Then, it dawns on me. We’ve been making out in the middle of the indoor swimming area.
Looking over towards the locker room, I bite my lip. Do I want this to to further? There’s only once place it could go. Plus, I barely know him. I look back at Danny and immediately my mind goes blank again. *How* can he be so gorgeous?! All thoughts leave my head and I take Danny’s hand in mine, leading him towards the men’s locker room.
Calmly, I push open the door and head inside. Danny follows after me, letting the door shut behind him. Suddenly, I feel his hand start shaking slightly. Looking over my shoulder, I see Danny shivering slightly. “Are you okay?” I ask in shock. He laughs lightly, nodding his head.
“Yeah, I’m alright. The locker room is just cold,” he tells me. It’s only then that I remember that he hasn’t even dried off yet. I immediately let go of his hand and he walks over to the lockers. He opens one up and pulls out a towel, drying off his hair and then the rest of his body.
For a little while, I just watch him dry off. When he’s on, he sets the towel down on the wooden bench in the middle of the room. He opens his arms up to me and I walk up to him. I wrap my arms around his neck again and he pulls me into another kiss. This kiss is more sweet and soft than the last one. “Do you still wanna do this?” He asks softly. I nod my head and twist my fingers into his hair, but he shakes his head.
“Ah, ah. Use your words.” I sigh softly, looking into his eyes again.
“Yes, Danny, I want to do this,” I reassure him. He smile softly and starts to press kisses across my jaw and neck. I lean my head back, giving him more room to work with.
When I feel his kisses start drifting down more, I take my fingers out of his hair and pull down the straps of my top. Danny pulls down the other strap and helps me pull the fop off. When it hits the ground, he hums lightly, pressing more kisses to the tops of my breasts. I sigh softly, leaning back against the lockers. When he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, I gasp softly. Danny takes his time, moving back and forth between my nipples and leaving small hickies on my breasts. I tug lightly at his hair, getting more and more frustrated. “Danny, please do something,” I whine. He chuckles and nips lightly at my nipple before he starts moving down again.
Smoothly, he kneels down and continues pressing kisses down my body. But, as much as I want him to continue, I’m already overly frustrated. I groan in frustration and pull him to his feet again. “Danny, I swear to God, if you don’t do something, I might die,” I complain.
“Oh, someone’s demanding,” he chuckles darkly. I narrow my eyes at him, taking deep breaths. However, before I can open my mouth again, he snaps the elastic of my swimsuit against my hip. “Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait much longer.” He tugs my swimsuit bottoms down and they fall to the ground, joining my top. Now I’m completely bare in front of him.
Normally, this would make me feel a bit self-conscious. But, right now my mind is too focused on him. I help Danny tug down his shorts and they join my small pile of clothes. My eyes are immediately drawn to his hard cock, but Danny lifts my chin up lightly. We make eye contact again and he smirks at me. I’m pulled onto his chest, but we don’t break eye contact. Danny takes one of his hands and rubs his cock between my folds, collecting the essence there. Then, he lines himself at my hole.
As he pushes into me, I feel a slight stinging. I hiss at the feeling and he immediately stops, but I shake my head. “I’m okay, I’m okay. Don’t stop,” I tell him, my voice faltering a little. He continues pushing into me and I take breaths, raking my nails down his back. Danny groans at the feeling, but doesn’t stop until he bottoms out. When he’s completely inside me, he holds me tightly to his chest and allows me to adjust for a little bit. I take deep breaths, trying to relax my body.
Once I’ve relaxed a little bit, Danny presses me up against the lockers again. I told tightly to his shoulders as he pulls out, then snaps his hips back in. When he snaps his hips, I’m pushed up the locker a little further. He slowly begins to build a rhythm and I hold on tight, slowly starting to feel the pleasure take over. I twist my fingers into his hair, leaning my head back against the locker. “F-Fuck, Danny,” I mutter softly, panting.
“God, you’re so fucking tight. Is this your first?” He groans. I shake my head, my eyes screwed up.
“N-No, just...it’s been a while,” I pant, my nails digging into his shoulders.
Over and over, Danny snaps his hips into me. As he pulls out, he rubs against the spot within me that even I can’t hit. I moan loudly, not even caring that anyone could walk in at any moment. The exhilaration and fast pace pushes me to the edge very quickly. I rake my nails down Danny’s back again, moaning. “D-Danny, I’m gonna come,” I moan.
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he pants. At his words, I fall over the edge and clench around him. The feel of euphoria floods my veins as my orgasm hits me hard.
Just as I’m coming down, I feel Danny pull out. He pumps his cock in front of me for a few seconds, then he spills over his hand and onto my lower stomach. He head is thrown back as he moans loudly, letting the pleasure run through him. His hair is sticking slightly to his sweaty forehead and I smile softly, brushing his hair off his forehead.
For a few seconds, we both catch our breaths. Danny steps away and comes back a second later with a paper towel. He wipes his cum off of my stomach and throws the towel away, then we both start dressing again. There’s silence between us and my thoughts are yelling that this was stupid. He’s probably gonna leave us now and never talk to us again. I pull on my swimsuit before turning and starting to leave. However, before I walk off, Danny grabs my wrist. “Where are you going? I thought the pool closed,” he says. I nod my lightly.
“Uh, yeah, but...I still need to lock up,” I remind him.
“Oh. Is it okay if I wait with you? I wanna walk you back to your dorm.”
As soon as he says that, my heart swells. That is actually really sweet. A huge smile spreads across my face. “Yeah, Danny, of course. I don’t mind,” I giggle lightly. He flashes me a bright smile and we head back into the pool area, locking up. When I’m done locking up, I throw my clothes on overtop of my swimsuit. I make sure that I have everything before walking back over to Danny. He holds the door for me and we both head back towards main campus.
On the walk back, we exchange phone numbers. We talk a little bit about things like our majors and what we like to do. “You should come to one of my meets,” he offers, looking down at me. I nod my head happily.
“Yeah, I’d really like that. Maybe I can get Will or Nicole to come,” I suggest.
“That would be nice. But, yeah...it would be cool to see you at one of my meets,” he smiles.
Too quickly, I’m back at the main door of my dorm. I pull out my ID and open the door before turning back around. “Text me!” Danny calls. I giggle lightly and wave to him before heading inside. As soon as I’m out of sight, I squeal to myself and do a little happy dance. Wow...that is not how I expected work to go tonight.
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kythed · 4 years
an age of miracles
synopsis: why do the most beautiful people always seem to get the short end of the stick? 
tagged: atsumu miya x reader, mentions of illness, mentions of god.  
commitment level: 3,617 words.
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hospitals are liminal spaces. transitional, gateways between birth and death and the whole mess in between. (life.) they’re sites of both tragedy and miraculous recovery, and you’re not yet too old to stop praying for the latter. 
his name is atsumu. you skim the documents pinned to his door — atsumu miya. age 21. cirrhosis. 
cirrhosis is late stage liver scarring. nasty stuff. evidently, atsumu miya is in his third stage — portal hypertension. abdominal swelling. jaundice. 
for a bedridden guy with a serious illness, he’s not as justifiably depressed as one might assume. 
“hey, doc,” he says when you come in. he’s facing the window, letting the sunlight cast a saintly halo across his cheeks. blonde hair, an angular sort of face that’s been hollowed by illness. in another life, he might’ve been handsome. 
you clear your throat, and he glances back, surprised. “ah. you’re not my doctor.” 
“nope. nursing student.” you sit at the foot of his bed. “i’ll be monitoring you the next month or so as part of my studies.”
“monitoring,” he repeats drily. “you make it sound like i’m a lab specimen in a test tube.”
“means you’re special.” 
“sure. ‘specially fucked up.” he’s younger than you are, but there’s an aged weariness in his gaze. 
“aren’t we all, mr. miya?” 
he cracks a grin. “touche. call me atsumu, though. mr. miya’s my dad.”
“as you wish, mr. miya,” you say, biting back a smile. (there are those who say sarcasm has no place in hospitals. you do not fall into this category.)
atsumu likes to play chess. the second day of your clinical, he’s got a travel sized chess board set up on his bedside table. “been dying from boredom the past few hours. think you could take a break from ‘monitoring’ me to play a game?”
you set your clipboard down. “i could. i’d advise against it, though. i’m a pretty good player.”
atsumu grins. “not better than me.” 
he’s right. he beats you three games in a row before you finally snag a checkmate. (and you suspect this is only due to pity.) 
“what’d i tell you, baby?” he crows, and you shake your head, raising your arms in surrender.
“it was an off day. if i’d been on my game i could’ve swept the floor with you.”
“prove it,” atsumu says, leaning forward. he’s pale from a lack of sunshine, but you notice a faint pink glow in his cheeks now. “come back tomorrow.”
tomorrow’s a saturday, and you don’t have clinical. “of course i will.” 
you’re not one to back down from a challenge, no matter how trivial. plus, atsumu is fun. (and kind of cute.) 
“hi. brought you something.” you set a tupperware of cubed fruit on atsumu’s lap before pulling up a chair next to the bed. 
“did you make this?” he says, eyes wide. 
“i just chopped up a few apples and stuff,” you say, plucking a blueberry from the container and popping it into your mouth. 
atsumu shakes his head before biting into a chunk of pineapple. “you’d think it’d be hard to mess up fruit salad, but somehow this damn hospital can make a strawberry taste like cough medicine. everything they serve here tastes like cough medicine, actually.” 
“disgusting.” atsumu sets up the chess board. “so, like, thanks. for the fruit. can i keep the tupperware?”
you laugh. “why do you wanna keep the tupperware?” 
“it’s a reminder of normality.” atsumu shrugs. “i only ever eat off chipped hospital dishes here.” 
your chest throbs. “oh, atsumu.” 
“don’t you ‘oh, atsumu’ me,” he says, rolling his eyes. 
“sorry. yeah, you can keep it.”
(he wins at chess again.)
you’re only required to come in to the hospital three times a week, but you get into the habit of visiting atsumu every day. the first time you visit after class, you’re wearing a sweater and jeans. atsumu wolf whistles.
“damn. you look good when you’re not in scrubs.” 
“are you saying i don’t rock scrubs?” you press a hand to your chest in mock offense. 
“nobody looks good in scrubs,” atsumu says. “except for me, probably. i look good in anything.” 
you laugh. “i believe it.” 
“you’d better.” atsumu has a nice smile, you notice, wide and shiny. 
you plop yourself down beside him on the bed. “hey, you wanna see a picture i took on the way here? i found a stray cat near the convenience store.” 
“i’m a dog person,” atsumu says, but he nonetheless leans forward to get a look at your phone. “oh, cute.” 
“isn’t he?” you say, zooming in on the little orange cat. “i think i’m gonna name him after you.” 
“what?” atsumu huffs. “why?”
“because he’s good at chess,” you say. 
atsumu furrows his brow. “you played chess with a cat?”
“no, i just have a feeling,” you hum, and atsumu rolls his eyes with a small smile. 
“you’re stupid.” 
you slip your phone back into your pocket. “in a cute way, though.” 
“if you say so,” atsumu says, and you flick his shoulder. “ouch. way to bully a sick man.” 
“you deserved it,” you laugh, and he joins in.
“yeah, i did.” 
the next time you visit, atsumu’s family is there. his parents have kind, tired faces. 
“nice to meet you,” his mom says, grasping your hand warmly. “i’m glad atsumu has a friend here.”
“mom,” complains atsumu. “i have friends.” 
“none as cool as me, though,” you tease, and he smiles.
“you’re right,” he says, and his dad rumples his hair before turning to shake your hand. 
“it’s great to meet you, mr. miya,” you say, returning the shake. 
“the pleasure’s mine,” he says. he looks nearly identical to atsumu, just a little grayer. right next to him, there’s a boy who really does look exactly identical to atsumu, though his hair’s dyed dark and he’s a little more filled out. he has an air of begrudging maturity about him, the telltale sign of a young man who’s been forced to carry burdens that aren’t his. 
“i’m osamu,” he says. he’s sitting on the chair near atsumu’s bed. “this little asshole’s brother.”
“i don’t know why you keep calling me little,” atsumu says, lightly punching osamu’s forearm. “i’m the older twin.” 
“yeah, but you act like a baby.” osamu grins and leans out of reach when atsumu tries to swat at him. you chuckle behind a hand, leaning back against the wall as mr. and mrs. miya question you about your studies and hobbies. 
on your way out of the hospital a half hour later, you run into osamu at the lobby coffee shop. 
“so,” he says, sipping from a steaming cup. “you’re a nursing student?”
“mm,” you say, handing a fiver to the cashier to pay for your sandwich. “i’m in my fourth year at hyogo university. are you in college, too?”
“nah,” says osamu. “i play volleyball. professionally, i mean.”
“oh!” you notice the lettering on his sports jacket for the first time. msby black jackals. “that’s really cool.”
osamu shrugs. “sometimes it is. tsumu’s wanted to be a pro player since we were kids — but he won’t ever be able to do that now, of course. so that’s why i play. better to have one miya in the pro circuit than none at all.” 
your heart sinks. “you’re a great brother, osamu.”
osamu shakes his head. “i’m really not. it should’ve been me in that hospital bed.”
“osamu…” you trail off as osamu just shakes his head, giving you a sad smile. 
“it was nice meeting you,” he says before tossing his cup and heading back towards the elevators. 
“no,” atsumu says staunchly, crossing his arms. “definitely not. i don’t read.” 
“come on,” you wheedle, dangling the book in front of his face. “it’s one of my favorites, and i thought it might stave off some of that stifling boredom you always complain about.”
“i’m bored, but not that bored,” atsumu says, squinting at the book. “what is that about, anyways? the little prince? sounds lame.”
“it’s not lame,” you promise, bouncing slightly on the bed. atsumu sniffs. “okay, what if i read it to you? you don’t have to do anything but listen.”
“i’m not a child.” 
“you’re acting like one.”
atsumu throws his hands up in defeat. “alright, fine. you win. we can read the little prince.”
“excellent.” you beam. “scoot over?”
“what?” atsumu says, but he scoots to the side of his bed as you kick your shoes off and curl up next to him. you feel his breath hitch as he lightly lets his arm curve around your waist. 
you sigh, content, and flip to read the first page. “once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book…”
it takes three visits to finish the entire story. atsumu sniffles when you read the last line, rubbing his eyes furiously.
“did he die?”
you trace a light circle on atsumu’s palm, smiling slightly. “i don’t know. i think it’s up to the reader to decide. he left his body, but is that really death? or is it just… moving on?” 
“i think he just moved on,” insists atsumu. “he moved on and returned to the stars. he was just a kid. he was too young to have died.” 
“look at you,” you tease, and atsumu flushes. “waxing on poetic.”
“it was good,” atsumu says gruffly. “thank you.” 
“you’re welcome,” you breathe, and when atsumu buries his face in your neck, you realize he’s crying. 
he kisses you for the first time a week later. it’s late in the afternoon, and both your faces are tinged with gold. he slips a hand beneath your jaw, and you let him slowly guide your lips to meet his. they’re soft, hesitant, and sweet, pressing against yours with an uncharacteristic shyness. 
you sigh happily when he pulls you forward to straddle his lap, slipping your hands into his thick blonde hair, letting him press light kisses down the length of your neck. 
“hey, beautiful,” he breathes into your collarbone, and you laugh. 
“hey, pretty boy. nice to see you today.” 
atsumu’s discovered a newfound love for reading ever since you read the little prince outloud to him. you’ve been bringing him secondhand books from the thrift store near your house, and now there’s a sizeable stack of novels out on the table. 
“i think i’ve read more in the past couple months than i ever read in high school,” he admits, running a finger down the spine of treasure island. “you’ve turned me into a nerd.”
“you’re welcome,” you say, straightening his collar.
“it’s kind of nice, though,” he says thoughtfully, tossing the book back on the table. “to read about all these different people, all the things they do. all the stories i’m never gonna get to experience.”
“you’re getting to experience them through reading,” you correct. “that’s the beauty of fiction.”
atsumu laughs. “you’re such a sap.” 
“it’s true,” you insist. “god knows life is too short to live through everything we’d like to. that’s why he gave us imagination.”
“do you believe in god?” atsumu asks softly. his stare grows distant.
you think for a moment. “sometimes i do. do you?”
“same. sometimes.” he fiddles with the hem of his shirt. “sometimes i wonder, though… like, if there’s a god, why does he hate me?” 
you chew on your cheek. “why do you feel hated?” 
atsumu laughs a laugh tinged with slight bitterness. “sweetheart… i’m not going to live past twenty-five, if even that.” 
you swallow the knot in your throat, letting it sink deep into your stomach where it sits like a lump of copper. “well… the little prince is less than a hundred pages. sometimes the shortest books are the best reads.” 
atsumu nods silently. he’s not convinced. you’re not sure if you are, either. 
atsumu sleeps a lot these days. you spend as much time with him as you can, but more often than not, he’s in a half conscious daze, curled up beneath the white hospital comforter. during these times, you just set your backpack by the door the slip into bed next to him, wrapping yourself around his back and pressing your palms to his chest just to feel his heartbeat. it’s faint, but it’s steady and rhythmic. ba-dump. ba-dump. ba-dump. 
sometimes, atsumu’s his usual, lively self, cracking bad jokes and poking fun at you. his smiling face has come to be your favorite picture. on these days, you bring him a hot chocolate from the coffee shop and split it with him, kissing off the whipped cream that finds its way onto his lips. he still likes to play chess, and, though he won’t admit it, you’ve been getting better. one day, you beat him, two games to one. 
there are solemn, quiet times, and there are bright, cheerful times, but you savor all of them. every moment spent with atsumu is valuable in your book. occasionally, you’ll go with him out into the hospital garden, into the warmth of the sun. every so often he’ll stop, lean on you to catch his breath, but he never complains. 
“look,” he’ll say instead, pointing at a vine of jasmine, or a single daisy swaying in the breeze. “almost as pretty as you.” 
one day, as you’re leaving atsumu’s room, you run into his doctor in the hall. 
“keep your chin up,” she says, straightening her glasses. “it’s possible he could still recover. strong young men often do.” 
you nod slowly. “is he going to need a transplant?”
“well,” says the doctor, clicking on her pen absentmindedly. “if it gets any worse, yes. but i’m going to be honest with you — it’s unlikely we’ll find a donation with both a matching blood type and in good condition.”
“so just hope for the best.” she slips into his room before you can say another word, leaving you to lean heavily against the wall, staring at nothing in particular. miracles happen every day, you remind yourself. there’s no reason atsumu shouldn’t be the recipient of one. 
“hey,” atsumu says. he whispers your name with an unusual tenderness. “i have to talk to you.”
it’s been five months since you first met atsumu on a clinical, and it’s been three months since he began to call you his girlfriend. you lace your fingers between his, giving his hand a light squeeze. “yeah, ‘tsumu?”
he takes a deep, shuddering breath. “i don’t think i’m going to… be here much longer.” 
“no,” you say, chest tightening. “don’t say that. you’re gonna be fine.” 
“sweetheart,” he says, voice low. he takes your chin and firmly turns your head to look at him. “i’m sorry. you know i am. i just… i’m sick. it’s hard to think straight sometimes, so i just wanted to tell you before i can’t anymore.”
“tell me what?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper. 
“tell you that i love you.” 
“atsumu,” you breathe. a frustrated tear finds its way down your cheek. “i… i love you, too. but please… just hang on. they’ll find a donor. they have to.”
“they might not,” he says, and he smiles, pulling you close. you knot your hands in the front of his t-shirt, pressing your face to his chest. “don’t cry. i’m just going to go live in the stars, right? like the little prince.” 
there’s so many things you want to say, like, you nerd, can’t believe you’re making literary allusions or shut up, asshole, or i’ll miss you if you do, but you say nothing, because if you open your mouth you’re sure you’ll just sob. 
“don’t cry,” he says again, but he’s crying, and you lift your face to see the tears streaming. “i love you.” 
your throat is too thick to say it back, but he sees it in your eyes. i love you, too. 
you spend the rest of the night with him before leaving at a little past 2am, and the next morning, you get a text from osamu. 
he’s gone. 
you don’t cry at the funeral. it’s small, just his family, a group of close friends, and you. you don’t look in the casket, either, because you want to remember his smile, and empty bodies don’t. you sip on a paper cup of water and lean against a wall, where osamu finds you. 
“hey,” he says, and you nod in return. “he left this for you.” 
you take the letter from him, and after he gives your shoulder a squeeze and heads back to his parents, you tear it open. 
hey, you. i’m writing this two months after you first came into my room in that god-awful set of scrubs. right now, you’re napping in the chair near my bed. you look cute. we had our first kiss last week, and i’m still walking on air. fuck, that sounds dorky. oh, well. guess i’m a dork. only for you, though. 
anyways, if you’re reading this, it’s because i’ve died. whoop-dee-doo. i’ve moved on to the great beyond. i’ve fallen past the veil. whatever it is you nerds like to say. there are probably things i’m going to say to you in the next few months that are a little more… intimate, i guess? but i wanted to tell you this while it’s still fresh in my mind: you’ve honest-to-goodness saved my life. i mean, it might not go on for much longer, sure, but you really have, in a way. being sick is weird. it makes you a lot more sensitive to miracles. 
you start. you don’t remember ever talking to atsumu about miracles.
someone from the outside might look at me and call me unlucky, but i feel pretty damn lucky right now. meeting you was without a doubt a miracle, and if i never got sick, it never would’ve happened. take that as you will, i guess. all i know is i’m not angry at god, even though maybe i should be. i mean, i’m still not sure he’s even out there. but there’s gotta be something, or someone, because how the fuck else could i have possibly recieved something so… great? i sure as hell never did something to deserve it. (god, i sound stupid. but it’s just hard to chalk up to coincidence.) 
anyways, i love you. not sure i’ll ever get the guts to say that out loud, so i’m saying it here. i love you, and i hope you love me, too. 
- atsumu
“i do,” you whisper. “i do.” 
on your way home, you stop at the convenience store for a bottled water, and the little orange cat comes out and winds itself around your leg, purring. 
“hey, ‘tsumu,” you say, squatting down to scratch its head. “fancy a game of chess?”
it meows back. 
“yeah?” your eyes grow wet, and you wipe them on the sleeve of your sweater. “wanna come home with me?”
it meows again, and this time, you break out into full scale crying. you’re not sure if you’re imagining it, but you think you can see a tear in the cat’s eye, too. 
he follows you home, and the next day, you purchase a water dish, a big bag of cat food, and a blue collar. (blue was atsumu’s favorite color.)
three years later. 
your husband comes out from the hall, buttoning up his shirt. “you almost ready to go?” 
“almost, ‘samu,” you say, slipping on a bracelet. your hands are shaking, and he notices it, too. today’s the third anniversary of atsumu’s death, and it’s also the date of osamu’s first big press conference. “he’d be so proud of you, you know.” 
osamu smiles. “he would. he’d be proud of you, too.”
you laugh. “what for? for marrying his little brother?”
“no, he’d probably be kind of pissed at me,” osamu jokes, before coming to stand behind you. he wraps his hands around your waist. “he’d be proud of you for finding happiness, i think.” 
“i am happy,” you say, tilting your head as osamu presses a kiss to your temples. there’s a beat of silence. “but i miss him.”
“i do, too.” osamu rests his chin on your head. “he probably misses us.”
“mm,” you say. “i think he might be having too much fun for that, actually.” 
“maybe,” says osamu, and he leans forward to grab the keys from the counter. “i’m gonna go heat up the car, okay?” 
“sounds good,” you say, as the cat dashes into the room with a meow. a nameplate that reads ‘tsumu’ dangles from his collar. “oh, hey kitty. i forgot to feed you. i’ll be out in a minute!” 
after you fill the cat’s dish and pull on a cardigan over your dress, you slip outside, shivering in the night air. the sky is clear and full of stars, and as you walk to the car, you crane your neck up to see. 
“hope you’re doing well, ‘tsumu,” you whisper to the gleaming constellations. 
you still have things you want to say to him, even after all these years. you want to ask him how the weather in the cosmos is, and if the fruit salad is better up there. you want to ask if he’s read any good books lately, or if he’s seen how great osamu’s serve has gotten recently. you want to laugh with him. 
most of all, though, you want to let him know that he was your miracle, too.
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