#you can even customize all the keybinds
smileymoth · 5 months
downloaded tetris onto my laptop like a real gamer. no more online tetris. only whatever this is
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hordraomin · 1 year
Krita tutorial the way I know it.
Basics: What is where.
Specific advice on specific tools.
Basics: What is where.
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Upon opening the program this is what you're met with. First of all, must comment: The layout is HEAVILY editable so you can just drag menus anywhere you want, even leave them floating amidst the sheet you're drawing on.
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You can create custom art templates, I have two o'mine here as both have my signature background color.
As well, you can edit the custom document settings, as in what size you want it, what resolution, even the initial content of the image. As well you can create from clipboard: Just copy some image from your browser and Krita will recognize it (useful for making meme edits lol).
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Now, once you have your file, I will show you what is where.
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Brushes are easy to edit and there are tons of free bundles to download online. I myself only got one bundle, Jackpack (bit hard to find now due to original source being lost, it is still available but bit tricky to come by).
There. Are. Tons.
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Some of these are my custom brushes for calligraphy in neography, you might even guess which ones. You can edit existing brushes, make new ones from the ones you've edited without changing the original, and all sorts of stuff (more below in the third chapter).
There are numerous packages of brushes once you enter Krita, but only one/two are available when you first open it. To unlock them all, click here:
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And make sure all bundles are dark gray in color (example of both dark and light below).
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Now Tools Options: those will pop up depending on what tool you're using.
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Symmetry: Fun stuff. You can drag the lines depending on how you need them and then center them back to the center of the screen if needed.
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Gradients and Textures also have their tools options, you can play with those to get the feeling what they can do (more in third chapter).
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The Filters tab is useful too. Blurring, motion blurring, color mapping, artistic filters and all that: Quite fun.
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Krita allows you to customize your workspace freely. Floating menus, tabs, anything you want. It has quite many drivers at that-
To access the workspace templates, go to Window and choose Workspace.
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Krita allows for copy-pasting any image onto the sheet. Though, for me it sometimes crashes if I accidentally copy-paste text into it without choosing the Text tool first.
The software allows for both raster and vector work. It is basically Photoshop sharpened to be used by artists primarily.
There are some interesting mechanics regarding the Eraser (default bind E).
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You can use it with any brush, allowing for textured erasure/quick work. Good for sketching.
You can use it on gradients (given there's a transparent point on the gradient preset).
There's a Multibrush tool:
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People say Krita is good for animation but my brain can't wrap around it yet honestly @~@.
The keybinds:
B - Brush tool.
E - Erase tool option.
M - Mirror (useful for checking accuracy from a new angle).
Ctrl - Color pick (when used with brush or other color-using tools).
Shift+L.Mouse+drag - Changes the size of the brush by dragging left and right.
Ctrl+E - Merge layer with the one below.
Ctrl+G - Group selected layers.
Ctrl+A - Select whole sheet.
Ctrl+Shift+A - Deselect everything.
F - Bucket tool.
G - Gradient tool.
Ctrl+S - Save document.
Ctrl+Shift+S - Save As document.
Ctrl+N - New document.
Ctrl+O - Open document (will be seen in a new tab on top of the sheet).
Ctrl+C - Copy selected layer or selection.
Ctrl+X - Cut selected layer or selection.
Ctrl+V - Paste copied/cut layer or selection.
Q - Multibrush tool.
R.Mouse - Interesting thing: Opens up a quick selector for brushes and colors you've already used in the piece.
1 - Zoom 100%.
2 - Zoom to fit the piece vertically.
3 - Zoom to fit the piece horizontally.
4, 5, 6 - Turn 15 degrees (4 and 6) or undo the turning whatsoever (5).
Ctrl+I - Negative filter applied to layer.
Ctrl+U - Color editing on the layer.
Ctrl+Y - Soft proofing mode (for color mistakes and stuff like that, mostly annoying for me tbh).
Ctrl+T - Transform selection/layer.
Ctrl+R - Square select tool.
Ctrl+J - Lasso select tool.
Honestly you can just hover your mouse over tools and see their shortcut binds, as well. Or edit them in Settings.
Specific advice on specific tools.
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Brush editor is a great tool for making custom brushes, and it even has a sratchpad to test them out. Lots of settings, but no need to be afraid; Most of them you might never use on purpose.
Use Brush Smoothing for great and pretty lines in lining pieces or making calligraphy.
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The four icons to the right top are:
Mirror gradient.
Arrange by lightness value.
Arrange by color value.
Space the stops evenly.
Click the gradient to add a new stop. The three things to the left are:
Make the stop use Primary Color.
Make the stop use Secondary Color.
Make the stop use a fixed color.
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densewentz · 8 months
im literally going to cry so. If anyone has any knowledge of Steam, EA, Controller Layouts, and Dragon Age 2 please help me out if you can. I've been playing DA2 for forever on my pc using Steam to have a custom controller layout (where I just did a nightmare of keybinding to let me use my xbox controller since the game itself doesn't have controller support). It's been working fine no problem for literally years. I just plug my xbox controller in, start up the game, and boom, works. It was in fact working last night. And then today out of nowhere, the game just. Refuses to use my Controller Layout for DA2. Steam SAYS it is, when I click in to see what layout is active. But instead of following my keybindings in-game, it just acts like its using the default desktop configuration. It has made the game literally unplayable to me (I cannot play kb+m guys please don't suggest that to me okay) and I am totally devastated. I've tried just about anything I can think of but still it doesn't work. (I also don't know how relevant this is, but I also can't shift+tab and see the Steam Overlay despite all the settings saying I should be able to). I'm at my wits end so if anyone knows how to fix it and is capable of explaining it to someone who is totally out of their depth I'd appreciate it. Might even offer art to anyone who can help me out lol.
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tokinanpa · 8 months
what do you like about emacs?
a lot of things, really! I will refer you to the documentation for Doom Emacs for a short answer to this question that I agree with, or you can keep reading for my much, much longer answer. :)
as a software that predates modern text editors and IDEs, emacs breaks the mold when it comes to the established design patterns of these tools. in some cases this can be a problem: emacs is notoriously slow (though somehow still faster than modern IDEs on my machine lol), and its default keybindings are horrendous. but it is also emacs's greatest strength: the sheer versatility and extensability of its design is unmatched by any other tool in existence.
the first thing you need to know about emacs is that.. it's not really a text editor. I mean, that may be the mission statement on the website, and that's certainly what it was when it started out, but as it's developed it's become more than that. emacs is a software platform for text-based applications.
the entirety of emacs is designed to function as one big interpreter for the language Emacs Lisp (elisp for short). when you press a key on your keyboard in emacs, say the Enter key, that keypress is sent to emacs's standard library code written in elisp. the code looks up that key in a keymap, which associates it to a particular elisp subroutine to run (specifically "newline-and-indent"), which accesses the file you're currently editing and makes the corresponding change.
every aspect of that process is configurable directly through the elisp language. you can rebind the key to a different action, of course, but you can also edit the "newline-and-indent" subroutine to do something else, or edit any other elisp function. you can switch between multiple keymaps (a keymap is just a lisp object) on some condition, such as opening a particular file. you can even tell emacs to display text that isn't linked to any file and alter the keymap when the user is interacting with that text to contain your own custom bindings. in effect, you can create any text-based interface you want.
here is a non-exhaustive list of all of the things that I have used emacs as:
Prose editor
File manager
Productivity tool
Email client
Web browser
all of these tools use, to varying degrees, the techniques I mentioned above to directly modify how emacs functions through elisp. with a little knowledge of the language, you can modify these tools to your liking just as easily as you can modify emacs itself. emacs becomes a unified interface for a hundred different applications, all of which are fully configurable and self-documenting. (yeah I didn't even mention that emacs is self-documenting within its code until now).
.. so it's not even really that I "prefer" emacs, because that framing implies that there are alternatives that are equal in scope or utility. I use emacs because it is the only thing that does what emacs does.
Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter; it simply makes everything else vanish.
- Neil Stepheson, In the Beginning was the Command Line (1998)
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blackjackkent · 10 months
Looking at the patch notes for patch 5! This is the first set of patch notes I've actively paid attention to and man, it's fucking huge!
Honestly, reading through this, I am just mind-boggled all over again about the scale and ambition of this game. Obviously there were (and probably still are) quite a few bugs, unexpected interactions, etc., but Larian have worked their fucking tails off to make a fully functional automated D&D combat system and a story that has a monumental amount of potential variables, and speaking as a programmer it makes my head hurt just thinking about all of the moving parts that must be involved in making this work.
And they seem to be blasting through fixes at an incredible rate too. This is a good development team who seem to have a brilliant combination of technical know-how, good humor, community-mindedness, and passion for their source material, and I'm incredibly impressed even in the short amount of time that I've been playing the game so far.
Obviously I already knew about the addition of the epilogues, which it sounds like makes the ending much more satisfying overall, but some other things that stuck out to me:
"While at camp, you can now access and manage the inventories of companions who aren't in your active party." Yesssss; this has been one of the more annoying aspects of the game up to this point.
"You can now sell and barter items inside containers when trading." This will simplify things for me given I have a System involving Karlach and Shadowheart each carrying a Bag Of Crap to sell.
"Improved grouping and sorting of items in containers while trading." Please tell me this means all the dyes will finally be grouped together when I try to buy them for hoarding.
"A romanced Minthara can now refer to her bond with you using a drow word for deep, unbreakable love." Minthara is probably coming a good deal later in priority on my playthroughs but this is cute.
"Withers will sneakily resurrect any dead companions that fell before the final battle so they can join the ending cinematics. What a helpful skeleton." Good job, Withers.
"The loading screen art now unlocks gradually as you progress through the game." That's a neat touch.
"Fixed occasional T-poses and frozen animations related to the Incapacitated condition." No more T-posing drunk goblins!
"Fixed the combat UI not automatically skipping to the next available party member after a controlled character dies." I think this was why Hector's whole party almost died to the Selune lasers. XD
"Two new play modes: Honour Mode and Custom Mode." No idea what that implies at all but I'm intrigued. More content!
"Improved Astarion's Ascendant route at-will gnome kiss for masculine body types." This is not relevant to any playthrough I'm currently doing but just reinforces what I was talking about above, regarding the incredible number of variables this game juggles (for the most part super successfully).
Also quite a lot of updates that just made me laugh:
"Boo will no longer take damage when thrown."
"When players start a combat inside the Elfsong Tavern, all the patrons will now cower instead of continuing to drink."
"You can no longer use the awesome force of bombs to flip the switch behind the final door in the Gauntlet of Shar to force the door to open."
"You can no longer loot the entire inventory of unconscious traders - instead you have access to a limited selection, as with dead traders. Nice try, pacifists."
"Added the intensely satisfying 'Ahhh' sound for players who Short Rest using a keybind rather than a UI button."
"Shar is now aware of Shadowheart's actions even if she is using Disguise Self."
"Using the lift in the House of Healing when in Turn-Based Mode no longer causes it to loop between floors indefinitely upon exiting Turn-Based Mode."
"Fixed a rare bug where Halsin would decide to turn into a bear whenever you went to talk to him at camp in the Shadow-Cursed Lands."
"If Wyll somehow managed to avoid Mizora's punishment for keeping Karlach alive, he'll be punished retroactively."
"Fixed Astarion accidentally telling the Dark Urge's future."
"Astarion no longer asks the Dark Urge about killing Isobel even if they didn't."
"You no longer comment on Mol if you haven't met her before."
"Locke no longer blames Zevlor for his death if Zevlor died in Act I."
"Fixed several instances of sleeping goblins waking up wanting a chat when they should have been hostile."
"Halsin will no longer forget about saving Thaniel if you travel back to Act I while he's waiting at the lakeside. Focus, Halsin."
"Players who arrive to the Ketheric showdown shape-shifted will have to face him person-to-person, not apostle-to-badger."
"If Isobel is thrown off her balcony, she'll make more of an effort to get back upstairs again."
"Fixed some beggars in the Brampton District facing the wrong way when asking for coin."
"Dame Aylin no longer waits ten days to bring up the time she killed Ketheric Thorm."
"We have convinced Shadowheart not to join the final nautiloid combat if she is already dead."
"Umberlee's worshippers are now considerably more security-conscious about the donations in the Water Queen's House. "
"Fixed a state where the Chamber of Insight trial could be both succeeded and failed."
"Apprentice Laridda will no longer assume you to be the bearer of bad (break-up) news if you didn't bring her the break-up message."
"Ravengard should now use the correct pronouns when addressing you during the ceremony in Wyrm's Rock."
"Karlach no longer thinks she's left the Hells when you explore the rocky outcrop near Hope's prison."
"Added a profanity filter for custom map markers. You'll have to find more creative ways to label the kennel master."
"Splitting a green dye stack in the Traveller's Chest at camp will no longer change the dye's rarity from Uncommon to Very Rare."
"The hanging cages in Cazador's dungeon will no longer tell you they're safe to step on, only to drop you to your death in the chasm below."
"Fixed Mirkon sometimes cowering in fairly deep water when you talk to him while he's running away from the harpies."
"Improved Cazador's home security by locking a chest and a door."
"Locked one of the Caza-doors."
"Fixed padded armour sometimes appearing as underwear on bigger body types. "
"A dead fisherman on the beach will no longer hint that you can find Shadowheart just ahead if you are, in fact, Shadowheart."
"Minthara's haughty stare will now correctly look at players she's talking to towards the end of the game. "
V excited to continue my playthrough, even more than I was already. Feels like we're in good hands. :)
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remembercomic · 1 year
Making Magic Feel “Magic”
In many video games, players are gifted with a set of abilities to use as and when they choose. In many cases these are representative of their character’s distinct and often-superhuman capabilities, and in the case of fantasy settings in particular they are frequently magic spells.
However, there’s something to be said for the lack of immersion involved in knowing your character has studied and researched for years, gathered vital reagents in the wilderness, and has uncovered the ancient sigils necessary to produce an arcane fire bolt... and pushing keybind 1 to actually use it.
Immersion is the property of a game that makes the player “feel” like they’re in the game environment doing the things that their character is purported to be doing, rather than simply interacting with game objects and menu screens. It can be a hindrance to necessitate that players go to such lengths, but it is an important facet of player enjoyment, particularly when dealing with things outside of normal life like magic.
Over the course of the last decade, Minecraft in particular has seen an entire genre of mods themed after magical effects.
One of the earliest was Thaumcraft, which notably featured a research system that required players to examine blocks, items, and creatures in their environment to glean points to invest intelligently into a research UI at a research table in order to unlock new tools and devices. Whilst the presentation could be described as immersive and certainly it and the rewards were themed as magical, the ultimate payoff is decidedly less so. Sure you have an item that releases a gout of flame, but that’s really just a texture pack away from being a regular flamethrower, and what’s more it’s identical to what someone you’ve had no interaction at all with has made thirty servers over. This ultimately makes Thaumcraft fall short in the sensation that you’re a mage in seclusion studying the arcane and putting it to use, it’s really more of a coat of paint over a tech tree.
After Thaumcraft came the Witchery mod, though it was sadly short-lived despite numerous innovative gameplay features. Witchery focused on simple devices that could be interconnected, with no research required but with some incentive to play around and experiment to get a better understanding of how different parts worked. Included was the Mystic Branch, a wand-like item that allowed players in the field to draw out directional patterns to produce various magical effects. Ultimately however, the wand was difficult to use and the spells were predefined, so few players invested time into it and those that did mainly resorted to a handful of the available effects in particular.
Then came mods like Psi, Ars Nouveau, and Hexcasting. These mods made a severe shift to the existing framework by focusing on one specific concept: Custom spells. Instead of the hard-coded spell effects of earlier mods, these mods allowed players to create their own through different systems. Ars Nouveau used a single-line linear system of distinct glyphs to create effects, Psi had a visual programming-esque interface to perform logic and calculations for effects, and Hexcasting required the user to draw pre-coded glyphs on the screen to perform mathematical operations on derived variables.
Whilst the addition of personal spell-crafting was a major step forward, the actual execution in these mods was... lacking somewhat. Ars Nouveau was so simple that it was very easy to understand even for novice users, but this meant that many spells ended up looking much alike and more-over this deprived the spells of a lot of their “mystique” as magic. Psi and Hexcasting conversely were very unfriendly to players without some background in programming, with Hexcasting even necessitating that its glyphs (arbitrarily made and hard-coded) be memorised, as its creation screen deprived the user of all outside knowledge in-game. This ultimately made them both too tedious for players to invest in and similarly lacking in mystique.
In summary, whilst strides have been made in better enabling players to “feel” like powerful mages studying and creating new spells on their own, there remain some obstacles to the “sensation” of doing so. I think the addition of manual spell crafting is an important effort, and doing so in a programmatic manner so as to allow spells to be more diverse helps to sell the narrative that you are studying and creating them in your own personal way, but it needs to be conveyed to the player in a less overt fashion whilst paradoxically being as comprehensible for players without programming experience.
To attempt to describe a potential approach that meets these requirements, a common almost-quintessential feature of many magic systems in fiction is that of the magic circle.
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The magic circle is, as its name suggests, a circular arrangement of glyphs and imagery connected by drawn lines or additional circles, resulting in a magical effect. The actual logic of such arrangements is usually quite minimal, as it is rarely necessary for the audience to properly comprehend the fine detail of magic in the setting beyond simply that one magic circle arrangement does one thing and another does another different thing.
However, if a system could be described that leads the player to develop their own magic circle arrangements with sufficient programmatic logic to enable them to readily design them to specific ends, I think this would produce the missing immersive property of the previously-described approaches. The benefit of magic circles is that they provide meaningful structure in an unorthodox fashion, preserving some volume of magic mystique, without necessitating memorisation of arbitrary shapes (as any UI to create such arrangements would necessarily need to provide them for placement) or high levels of real-world programming ability.
Moreover, such an arrangement with programming logic embedded could easily be stored as an external object to be shared between players, like wizards sharing research notes, and letting the players actually feel personally involved with the development of magical knowledge in their gameplay.
Of course, this approach is by no means simplistic in implementation. The allure of hard-coded effects in the earliest mods was that you always knew what it would do and it was very easy to implement new effects during development. A programming approach necessitates some form of compiler to convert the user input into an executable program. This was simple enough for Hexcasting and Ars Nouveau with their sequential operation strategy (each provided operation happens one after the other until end), but quickly grows more complicated for Psi or this hypothetical magic circle approach.
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This post was created and written in Emacs as Markdown (with Frontmatter YAML), and then I used my mostly-finished Python code to post it as NPF using the Tumblr API.
The Python packages I'm using are
`pytumblr2` for interacting with the API using Tumblr's "Neue Post Format",
`python-frontmatter` for reading the frontmatter (but not writing; I hate how it disruptively rearranges and reformats existing YAML),
`mistune` for the Markdown parsing, for now with just the strikethrough extension (`marko` seems like it would be a fine alternative if you prefer strict CommonMark compatibility or have other extension wants).
The workflow I now have looks something like this:
Create a new note in Emacs. I use the Denote package, for many reasons which I'll save for another post.
Denote automatically manages some fields in the frontmatter for the information it owns/manages.
Denote has pretty good code for managing tags (Denote calls them "keywords"). The tags go both in the file name and in the frontmatter. There's some smarts to auto-suggest tags based on tags you already use, etc.
The usual composable benefits apply. Denote uses completing-read to get tags from you when used interactively, so you can get nicer narrowing search UX with Vertico, Orderless, and so on.
So when I create a new "note" (post draft in this case) I get prompted for file name, then tags.
I have my own custom code to make tag adding/removing much nicer than the stock Denote experience (saves manual steps, etc).
Edit the post as any other text file in Emacs. I get all the quality-of-life improvements to text editing particular to my tastes.
If I stop and come back later, I can use any search on the file names or contents, or even search the contents of the note folder dired buffer, to find the post draft in a few seconds.
Every time I save this file, Syncthing spreads it to all my devices. If I want, I can trivially use Emac's feature of auto-saving and keeping a configurable number of old copies for these files.
I have a proper undo tree, if basic undo/redo isn't enough, and in the undo tree UI I can even toggle displaying the diff for each change.
My tools such as viewing unsaved changes with `git diff`, or my partial write and partial revert like `git add -p`, are now options I have within easy reach (and this composes with all enhancements to my Git config, such as using Git Delta or Difftastic).
After a successful new post creation, my Python code adds a "tumblr" field with post ID and blog name to the frontmatter YAML. If I tell it to publish a post that already has that information, it edits the existing post. I can also tell it to delete the post mentioned in that field, and if that succeeds it removes the field from the file too.
The giant leap of me being able to draft/edit/manage my posts outside of Tumblr is... more than halfway complete. The last step to an MVP is exposing the Python functions in a CLI and wrapping it with some Emacs keybinds/UX. Longer-term TODOs:
Links! MVP is to just add links to my Markdown-to-NPF code. Ideal is to use Denote links and have my code translate that to Tumblr links.
Would be nice to use the local "title" of the file as the Tumblr URL slug.
Pictures/videos! I basically never make posts with media, but sometimes I want to, and it would be nice to have this available.
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targetslovelyworld · 6 months
My Minecraft setup habits except I am a mobile bedrock player who fears change
• I only use crosshairs. I do NOT use the tap and hold to break blocks. This also makes it very easy for me to not look Endermen in the eyes
• Pocket UI only. I refuse to switch to PC UI. My health and hunger are in the top corner. If my brother puts something in my chests, I move it so it aligns with my layout (he uses PC UI)
• D-pad is peak. The new D-pad UI sucks though. I have to turn on the buggy experimental customize controls thing to get it remotely similar to how it used to be.
• Paper doll in the corner and auto save icon on. I love seeing my paper doll and I love knowing that my game is being saved.
If I were to use PC I’d probably have the most insanest keybinds ever. I can’t fathom doing wasd on certain keyboards because I’m not a PC gamer at all. wasd doesn’t even feel comfortable on most keyboards tbh unpopular opinion.
Maybe I’d use a game controller idk. but I’d have to make it bound like animal crossing because that’s the game I’m most familiar with
As you can see, I am not a very good gamer lol
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haorev · 1 year
I may have bought Minecraft for my computer. I also am reminded harshly every time I open it that I do in fact have a texture pack going on my Switch (it’s the free updated texture beta pack in the marketplace, I don’t know how to get in on Java, tho I could just actually go find texture packs or shaders now so…)
It’s really just the look of ores that is jarring but like it’s fine
I like having an off hand that is functional for more than just holding maps and shields. Love being able to place torches with it.
Don’t like that flying in creative mode is so floaty. That’s not fun.
I did have to redo the keybinds for the mouse. On Switch, break blocks/attack is ZR and place blocks/use is ZL so it makes more sense for my brain for them to be right click and left click respectively. The mouse wheel scroll through the hot bar is gonna take some getting used to, as well as the number keys. I love the middle mouse button pick-block thing in creative. I’ve seen it used by a few YouTubers and I was like how do I do that? I don’t think you can do it on the Switch.
I’m horribly bad at WASD controls, but that’s honestly just a universal for me. Part of why Binding of Isaac is so rough for me (besides just being bad at it) is because of WASD (and the arrow keys) (and I’m bad at it). I just really prefer the two analog sticks on my switch for move/camera. I’m getting better tho. As long as my cursor doesn’t glitch and stay on screen we’re fine.
I found out that if I don’t put it in full screen my computer doesn’t overheat as fast (or at all really). Learned this after my entire computer froze while I was playing and also screen recording (lost the screen record btw which was fine I didn’t like how it was going anyway). Don’t know what this means other than I play on a five year old MacBook Air, not known for being particularly beefy machines.
I like that the pause screen actually pauses. It doesn’t always on my switch. I got in the habit of just turning the switch off when I have to go away for a sec.
I love that I can make an actual custom skin and not really have to worry about the game resetting it randomly (a problem I have on my Switch). The skin I made is so cute. It’s got teal hair and horns and overalls and cute little black and purple markings on one arm. It’s got purple eyes! Really said: “what would make teenage me happy? And went with it.
(I wanna be clear that I love playing Minecraft on my Switch. It was the first place I ever played it, I love the controls, I love Bedrock edition even if it is a little funky sometimes. There’s just some things I’m seeing with Java that I really like also.)
Oh and my favorite: single biome worlds. I forgot that was a thing in Java Edition, and I am so pumped. I don’t like doing super hard challenges (I will probably never play a Hardcore game; I rarely play on Normal difficult as it is), but the challenge of “you have one biome and you have to make it work” is very very tasty.
So a very lovely Rosh Hashanah gift to me, and a good way of making myself feel a little better after one of our cats died this week.
(Oh and is Keep Inventory not considered a cheat in Java? I made a peaceful world with it and was able to do that while also keeping “allow cheats” set to off. If so, this is very good news bc it is a cheat on Bedrock and I have no sense of direction and if I die without keeping my inventory I will have to start from scratch minus whatever I have at my home.)
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crimson-armageddon · 2 years
Just had a neat idea for the capacitor actually, dropping it here instead of my pinned post because its more of a UI design thing than a mechanic thing.
Implementing a new UI for the charge mechanic would be quite difficult with my currently limited c# knowledge, but the only values that matter all that much to be aware of are the quarterly marks of the charge, so instead... maybe I'll make part of the scugs color change based on those! Like the tail tip and eyes would be white for above 75%, yellow for between 75-50, etc. That way, its a more vague feeling of charge left, so it would give it a more volatile feeling and experience(makes me think of how odd the breath meter felt before the visual meter was added with downpour) but you'd still be able to tell at a glance your rough charge level, most importantly in regards to how many charged actions you can still do! (And it would be MUCH easier to code, to boot.)
On that note, i should have a basic outline of the toggling functionality at some point today, so at the very least ill be able to have the output mode increased agility and the meter draining and refilling working :) from there, i think I'll either start looking into the charged actions themselves (starting with giving the toggle its own keybind instead of just using grab as a testing placeholder) or possibly the automatic discharge feature. To be honest... this is coming along much faster than I expected it to, especially with how new to C# I am (although i did have a decent amount of C++ experience, so I had a decent foothold) the rain world modding community in the official discord has been a BIG help, no way I would even be as far in as I am without em.
I do need to start looking into custom sprites as well, I have a general idea of where to start, but that feels less important than the ability functionality.
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dritakk · 2 years
Wowmatrix 2018
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Icons also have special coloring based on item quality, helping you more easily discern rare items from trash. It replaces the entire inventory window with one large bag that stores all your items, but its other features are what makes it a must-have.įor one, you can view the items (even if they're in the bank) of all your alternate characters on your account. It's cumbersome to deal with, but Bagnon makes this nightmare go away. Instead of having one large inventory, you have separate bags that store all the stuff you find while exploring. World of Warcraft's inventory system is kind of a mess in the default version. This is a great option if you're not a fan of DBM's often loud and immersion-breaking warnings. Bigwigs does pretty much everything that Deadly Boss Mods does but is less intrusive by default. This optional autoresponse will let whoever whispered you know you're kinda busy and tell them how much health the boss has left so they know if things are going poorly.Īlternative: Bigwigs (opens in new tab). What I really love, however, is a tiny feature that auto replies to in-game messages while you're in a boss fight. Raid and dungeon timers are synchronized between other members of your group, which keeps everyone on the same page even if one player accidentally disconnects. Alerts and camera effects will warn you of dangerous attacks or give you simple instructions. With this addon (and its other versions for older expansions) installed, you won't have to painstakingly memorize every boss fight. The other major addon that you shouldn't be without, Deadly Boss Mods makes World of Warcraft's complex boss fights a little more approachable by providing real-time alerts to keep you one step ahead. More advanced users will appreciate the ability to program custom macros that can change the state of your action bars too. Bartender lets you set keybindings and position them perfectly for an optimal setup. Before long, your hotbars are going to fill up and become an annoying mess. If you're starting out in World of Warcraft as a brand new player, this should be one of the first mods you consider.
Enter Bartender, an addon that gives you full control of ten action bars including their position, size, and even transparency. By default, they're quite small, can lack crucial information, and you don't have a whole lot of customization options. World of Warcraft's hotbars are easily the most outdated part of its user interface. (Image credit: Blizzard) Best WoW addons for 2022 All of these addons (except ElvUI in some cases) can be found via most addon managers, but we've also linked to sites where you can manually download them. Now that you're all set up, let's take a look at some great addons to try. That can be tiresome, so if you plan on running more than a couple of addons, it's probably worth your while looking around for an addon manager to save you valuable time that could otherwise be spent in Azeroth.
Using the manual method means you'll have to keep track of addons yourself and follow the steps above every time an update is available.
Simply download the addon, extract it from the ZIP file and drop it into the Addons folder located in your World of Warcraft installation, which you should find at World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/Addons.
A lot of people don't care for Overwolf, but it has recently released a standalone version of the CurseForge app (opens in new tab)-you'll need to select it in the dropdown menu.Īlternatively, if you'd prefer to install your addons manually without the need for extra software, it's a fairly quick and painless process.
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onlinelava · 2 years
Warcraft 3 mods
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Here's a website with a massive list of pre-built Weak Auras 2 scripts you can use. The great thing about Weak Auras 2 is that, if you don't have the energy to program your own custom ones, you can easily import templates from other players. It can be a lot to take in, but meralonne's video guide will get you started. There's an insane level of customization available here, from using custom sounds ( like Owen Wilson saying "Wow!") to class-appropriate visual cues. Skada doesn't offer quite as much detailed information as Details provides but if you simply want to keep an eye on your damage or healing output without any of the extra fluff, Skada does the job.Įasily the most complex addon on this list, WeakAuras 2 is a framework that lets you display special graphical elements on screen to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant status effects instead of just bombarding your eyes with more numbers and meters. Not only will it help you up your game, its optional tools are a godsend, like being able to see the talent choices and item level of your party members.Īlternative: Skada. If you're playing a damage-dealing specialization, I cannot stress how important it is to have Details. This addon automatically separates the contents of your bag into categories and you can download additional filter options if you need them.ĭetails! Damage Meter is a very accurate graphical DPS meter that shows how much damage you and everyone in your party is doing by sifting through the combat log. Adibags is a compromise between Blizzard's default bags and the 'one big bag' look that Bagnon offers. A search engine in the inventory window makes finding specific items even easier and there's the always helpful sort items option, which cleans up your bags and groups relevant item types together.Īlternative: Adibags.
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Icons also have special coloring based on item quality, helping you more easily discern rare items from trash. It replaces the entire inventory window with one large bag that stores all your items, but its other features are what makes it a must-have.įor one, you can view the items (even if they're in the bank) of all your alternate characters on your account. It's cumbersome to deal with, but Bagnon makes this nightmare go away. Instead of having one large inventory, you have separate bags that store all the stuff you find while exploring. World of Warcraft's inventory system is kind of a mess in the default version. This is a great option if you're not a fan of DBM's often loud and immersion-breaking warnings. Bigwigs does pretty much everything that Deadly Boss Mods does but is less intrusive by default. This optional autoresponse will let whoever whispered you know you're kinda busy and tell them how much health the boss has left so they know if things are going poorly.Īlternative: Bigwigs. What I really love, however, is a tiny feature that auto replies to in-game messages while you're in a boss fight. Raid and dungeon timers are synchronized between other members of your group, which keeps everyone on the same page even if one player accidentally disconnects. Alerts and camera effects will warn you of dangerous attacks or give you simple instructions. With this addon (and its other versions for older expansions) installed, you won't have to painstakingly memorize every boss fight. The other major addon that you shouldn't be without, Deadly Boss Mods makes World of Warcraft's complex boss fights a little more approachable by providing real-time alerts to keep you one step ahead. More advanced users will appreciate the ability to program custom macros that can change the state of your action bars too.
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Bartender lets you set keybindings and position them perfectly for an optimal setup. Before long, your hotbars are going to fill up and become an annoying mess. If you're starting out in World of Warcraft as a brand new player, this should be one of the first mods you consider. Enter Bartender, an addon that gives you full control of ten action bars including their position, size, and even transparency. By default, they're quite small, can lack crucial information, and you don't have a whole lot of customization options. World of Warcraft's hotbars are easily the most outdated part of its user interface. (Image credit: Blizzard) Best WoW addons for 2021
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freejohn · 2 years
Rank up fast in rocket league multiplayer
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Fixed issues with disappearing player nameplatesĪnd most importantly, the Mutator Mashup is live! you can change basically every aspect of a match now.
(PC) Improved Steam Avatar handling in game.
(PC) Improved controller detection when plugging in after boot.
Leaving a 2v2 or 3v3 match will now only apply the maximum RP penalty to the first player who quits the match.
Leaving a 1v1 match will no longer apply the maximum RP penalty, only the normal amount for a loss.
Ranked match winners will correctly get full RP for wins even if an opponent leaves the game.
Disable crossplay option will now function properly.
Fixed an issue with boost pads not always being collectible immediately after kickoff reset.
Fixed an issue in which vehicle remnants would remain on the field after destructions.
(PS4) Fixed a rare issue which would not allow users to unlock Sweet Tooth.
(PC) Users can now see other steam users they recently played with by selecting View -> Players in Steam.
Spectators must now select “Skip Replay” in private matches in order to skip replays.
Control menu now uses digits: 1, 2, 3, 4 instead of the words: one, two, three, four for keybindings.
Users can now toggle Weather Effects on/off from the “Video” tab in the Options menu.
User can now select from all available titles or disable them completely in the “Titles” tab to Garage menu.
“Mutator Settings” menu now appears in Exhibition and Private Match.
“Mutator Mashup” now appears in the Unranked Playlists.
The turn radius on Venom, Paladin, Merc, Scarab, and Backfire has been improved.
Respawn Time – 3 Seconds, 2 Seconds, 1 Second.
Demolish – Default, Disabled, Friendly Fire, On Contact, On Contact (FF).
Gravity – Default, Low, High, Super High.
Boost Amount – Default, Unlimited, Recharge (Slow), Recharge (Fast), No Boost.
Ball Bounciness- Default, Low, High, Super High.
Ball Size- Default, Small, Large, Gigantic.
Ball Weight – Default, Light, Heavy, Super Light.
Ball Max Speed – Default, Slow, Fast, Super Fast.
Game Speed – Default, Slo-Mo, Time Warp.
Max Score – Unlimited, 1 Goal, 3 Goals, 5 Goals.
Match Length – 5, 10, 20 Minutes, and Unlimited.
Demolition – Demolish opponents on contact in a high gravity matchup.
This menu allows users to users to alter their Exhibition/Private Match with the following presets and options:
“Mutator Settings” menu has been added to the Create Match screen in Exhibition and Private Match.
Time Warp – Slow down the action as you get close to the ball.
Pinball – The ball is small, light, fast and bouncy… and a lot to handle.
Moonball – Low gravity action with a whole lot of boost.
Cubic – Cube shaped ball and recharging boost.
Beach Ball – A huge, slow, lightweight ball with a lot of bounce.
This playlist allows users to face off in a 3v3 online playlist that cycles randomly through the following mutator presets:
“Mutator Mashup” has been added to the Online playlist menu.
Mutators have officially arrived featuring a suite of alternative presets and settings that add depth, variety, and crazy rocket-powered fun to custom games.
Added 13 new Video Game Antennas including: Fallout, Oddworld, Driveclub(PS4), and Unreal Tournament.
Weather Effects can now be toggled on/off.
Spectator input is now required when skipping replays in Private Match.
Improved turn radius on Venom, Paladin, Merc, Scarab, and Backfire.
Titles can now be swapped or disabled in the Garage.
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Custom Mutator settings are available in Exhibition and Private Match.
“Mutator Mashup” has been added to Unranked Playlist menu.
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classmmorg · 2 years
Tukui client install
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Plugin allows for the creation of additional data text panels for ElvUI Plugin that provides 4 additional action bars to ElvUI. Plugin that provides additional user-requested tweaks and functionality to ElvUI.
Provides the core functionality that powers all the other additional addons and plugins.Īllows you to skin other addons to match the ElvUI appearance. Most plugins can be found in either the Twitch application or the Tukui Client. ElvUI can only be downloaded from or via the Tukui Client (Windows Only). Standalone ElvUI is not available in the Twitch application.
If you just want quick links to download ElvUI, we've listed them below.
Installation links and instructions on how to use the TukUI client, as well as Setup Tips for the Quick Installation process if you are brand-new to ElvUI.ĭozens of customization options including Action Bars, NamePlates, Tooltips, and Unit Frames. This guide covers numerous topics, too many to describe in a newspost, but here's a taste of what to expect. New Additions: Added options to invert the CastBar, AuraBars, and Power colors on UnitFrames status bars when in transparent mode as well as added custom backdrop options for these status bars.Check out the Comprehensive Guide to ElvUI! Version 11.12 Important Changes: ElvUI_Config has been renamed to ElvUI_OptionsUI. Which is the latest version of elvui config? In order to manually download ElvUI you can either click the “Download ElvUI ” button in the middle of the website, or click on “Addons” in the top navigation bar of the website, then click ElvUI and choose between “Download (Retail)” or “Download (Classic)” where retail means BfA / Shadowlands and classic means WoW: Classic. ElvUI is not a collection of multiple addons, like some people may believe.
What does elvui mean for World of Warcraft?Ībout ElvUI ElvUI is a full user interface replacement for World of Warcraft, which means it completely replaces the Blizzard default UI. This is a rather simple addon that adds a datatext for the Micro Menu (Character, Spellbook, Professions, etc). Relations This addon requires ElvUIin order to work. Is there an elvui addon for the micro menu? If you accidentally unbound it from the menu, then go to to the on foot tab, look for menu, and rebind it to the escape key. Then go to the setting you wish to bind the escape key to. You will be prompted to rebind it to a different key. How do I rebind my Esc key?Ĭlick where it says menu and lists the keybinding as escape. You can alter much more of the basic look and function of ElvUI than TukUI with no requirement whatsoever for. Is TukUI or ElvUI better?ĮlvUI offers more complex customization options than TukUI, with an /ec config menu that’s immediately far more in-depth than that of TukUI. though on the normal game interface which you can access to from pressing escape there is that option which is ticked for me. there isn’t an option for that on the elvui custom interface. elvui, unit frames, player frame, select health, and where it says health or something replace it with percent. How do you show health percentage on ElvUI?
Once on the website, you have two options to download and update your ElvUI.
Click the Game Menu button on your bars (you may need to disable any bar addons you have running if it’s being hidden)Īs you may have noticed, unlike other WoW addons ElvUI is not available on the known Twitch Client (Curseforge).
They are edits other people have made of ElvUI. All other addons, even with ElvUI in their name are from different authors.
Move them to the correct WoW folder: Either retail or classic -> Interface -> AddOns.Īvailability of ELVUI ElvUI is only available on, not on twitch curse anywhere else.
Open the extracted folders and check their capitalization -> ElvUI & ElvUI_OptionsUI.
Which is the latest version of elvui config?.
How do you download elvui addon for Wow?.
What does elvui mean for World of Warcraft?.
Is there an elvui addon for the micro menu?.
How do you show health percentage on ElvUI?.
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typelascl · 2 years
Voicemod pro key
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In this way, we can confidently state that Voicemod Pro Mac is one of the greatest programmes available and that it is the first option of both streamers and users who wish to prank their friends at particular events using the application. As a result, it is quite easy to swap between different voices. The primary capabilities may be accessed by hitting the hotkeys on the keyboard. The voice changer may be turned on or off using the controls on the remote. There are more than 42 different voice shifting or editing effects.Calling with amusing sounds and effects.A new, engaging, and user-friendly interface with all of the main functionality has been developed.as a result, send a humorous audio message.as a result, it adds enjoyment to your conversing in a variety of applications.It is possible to utilise mobile devices.As a result, it just takes 20 minutes to download and set up.Change your voice in real time, or just utilise the talking mode to communicate.as a result, the programme has the appearance of a soundboard.Integration is quite simple: you may integrate it with your preferred communication programme in less than a minute or two.So, impressive voices: There are a plethora of effects and voices in it.It has the ability to alter your voice in real time. in other words, real-time voice changer: No, it is not a playback function.
Meme Sound Machine is a piece of software that generates sound clips from memes.It comes with a variety of voice effects to choose from.It is compatible with a wide range of different applications and games.You can use it in a variety of applications, including chat, messenger, and AR. With all of the features of Voicemod, this app is a good option for many people. The Pro version also allows you to create an avatar that looks like a chipmunk, making you a more unique character. You can make your voice sound like a chipmunk during a conference call. The Pro version of the app comes with a variety of effects and tools.
Visit Cracked PC Software for lifetime activation. Once you have the license, you're ready to start customizing your voice. In addition to this, you can assign keybinds to specific voice controls to control the app. You can even unlock different voices by sharing them on social media. To get started, you simply download the app and execute it. It also integrates with other programs and games like Streamdeck and OBS. The Pro version of the program offers an intuitive interface, which makes it easy to use. The software is also very user-friendly, so you don't have to be an expert to use it. There's a tutorial for new users to make the most of this software. The free version is a demo and comes with 7 voice presets.
The cost of the lifetime license is $20, and there's also a one-time-only option for $10 or $4. The Pro version of Voicemod is available for download. You can even change the pitch of your voice, so you can make it sound like a chipmunk! If you're looking to prank someone, this program is a must-have for you. This software also has a filter menu to make it easier to sort through the different options. There's also a search bar, which makes it easy to find the perfect voice for your video or message. The premium version of Voicemod Pro offers lifetime access to premium features, including unlimited use of voices. If you're looking to record or edit audio and video, the paid version is definitely worth the cost. The free version is the perfect choice for casual users and non-professionals. The free version comes with tons of filters, but if you plan to make videos or livestream, you may want to go for the paid version. The free version of Voicemod Pro is quite basic, but if you're serious about making your own recordings, you'll probably want to consider the paid version. The free version of the app only comes with a limited selection of presets, so if you really want to make an impact in your favorite games, this is a great option. It even lets you share your custom sounds through Discord! There are a few things to keep in mind before purchasing the premium version of the app, though. The premium version of the software allows you to create any sound effect and voice you want to use.
One of the best features of Voicemod Pro License Key is that you can change your voice and add custom sound effects.
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mylordshesacactus · 2 years
How hard is STO to get into? I tried a few months back but the UI and all the menus were a little intimidating
Here's how I usually explain it to people:
STO is, essentially, infinitely customizable. There is a way to change just about anything, if you want to. It can, if you want, be super crunchy and a really complex mechanics-optimization problem if that's what you're into!
However, you can ALSO have a perfectly good time, and get the complete core-game experience, by ignoring almost all those options.
High-level optimization and subsystems and chaining effects and buffs and--literally you do not need them at all to play the actual core game. Unless you want to do PvP, you don't need any of the super high-level gear or weapons or paid-tier ships. Unless you want to get super into the PvE queues (which are basically dungeon runs/raid instances), you don't need to know jackshit OR fuckall about mechanics optimization.
You can just play the game with what you're given, and do just fine. You can just do that. You don't HAVE to use the duty-officer minigame or admiralty mission board or diplomatic stuff to increase your reputation or any of those extras. You don't have to micromanage each of your bridge officers' abilities.
You can just manage your inventory and upgrade your gear with what you get from missions and just...play. Just enjoy the story and have fun.
STO is by far the MMO I most enjoy, and a huge part of that is because it's essentially infinitely customizable, which means you can play it just fine however the hell you want. I hate the MM part of MMOs, honestly! I don't like forced teaming, or thorny crunchy mechanics problems, or needing to wait 45 minutes in a queue for a combat-heavy slog that I don't have the "right" build to contribute to properly!
I can still get EVERYTHING I want out of STO. The raids and dungeons and such are completely optional--you get a bunch of XP from them, and some rare and powerful gear, but again, you don't NEED ultrarare and powerful gear to have a good time! The core game is completely accessible simply by playing the core game.
I play STO as a single-person story-focused RPG because that's how I prefer to play it. And you know what? It plays SOLIDLY as a single-person story-focused RPG. I mean, hence the entire STO blog solely for deep-dive roleplay posts for my beloved space children.
Oh! And when I say infinite customization? That includes keybinds and chat channels but it also includes the UI itself. You can fully 100% customize the game UI if it's overwhelming--you can rearrange windows, straight-up hide or eliminate information that you personally never use (since I don't do teams, I don't care about the target-of-target window, so I just....got rid of it). And you don't need to worry about breaking it forever, either--there's a restore-to-default button on the customization screen.
(If you do end up trying it out, I honestly recommend giving each of the faction options a try--I think most people, if they're going for immersion, will have one backstory/character that just CLICKS for them. For me, it was my Romulan.)
(Oh, and ALWAYS play the faction tutorial for a new faction. They're not just mechanics tutorials, though they serve that purpose as well. Each faction's tutorial provides a rich introduction to where your character is at game start, how the world will view them, and what's going on in their neck of the woods--if you decide you don't want that backstory, you can choose not to keep it, but it's tied tightly to the way your character is set up to interact with the world so even if you decide to disregard it, it's good to know WHAT you're disregarding.)
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